#enjoy things you love openly and wholeheartedly
yanderederee · 1 month
I love your work and your whole blog is just so amazing! I would like to request letter A for Baji from Tokyo revengers. Thank you, have a nice day dear! :)
This one’s going to be longer than normal— sue me. Read more cause it’s long
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Baji Keisuke is a very intense person. When he feels strongly about a person, it’s hard not to notice. He goes out of his way to give Pah’s dog extra attention when he’s away, carries Mikey to and from places when he falls asleep randomly— everyone feels at ease when they’re with Baji because he is a safe person that they know they can trust.
So for his significant other; of course he’ll show his affections openly. Though it may look like less like romantic affection than it would a doting mother (does that make sense?)
Baji will wholeheartedly take care of you.
You have a stomach ache in public? He rubs your back and finds a place for you to sit, or takes you home immediately if you want. Even if he’s not entirely sure how to fix your issues, he’s dutiful in the way he cares for you.
Order something you don’t like at a restaurant? You got two options, you two can swap meals (because he doesn’t care what he eats as long as you’re happy), or he’ll order a safer option for you.
Can’t sleep? He’ll be half delirious, but he’ll stay on the phone with you and let you chat while he mumbles back replies to make you feel better. Battery might be shot tomorrow but he only uses it to stay in touch with you anyway.
Leaning into romantic affection: not so much into the casual stuff like hand holding (he’s a little squirrelly and gets frustrated if his arm is locked down for too long), but loves looping his arm over your shoulder and holding you close to him at all times. It’s more than showing people you belong to him, it’s also the comfort having you near brings him.
If he’s sitting and getting stir crazy, he’ll play with your fingers. It eventually becomes a fidget of his so he doesn’t realize he does it, but everyone else does.
Likes cuddles, specially holding you. He loves feeling you wrapped up in his arms and pressed into his neck. He could get lost in thought and lay there for hours thinking of all the things he adores about you.
If you fall asleep, he’ll stare at your face; gently pat your hair or trace your features… he’s star stuck thinking about you.
Also shows his affection in protecting you. Can not stand when other people waste your time. If you’re enjoying the conversation then sure, he’ll endure. But if you show any sign of fatigue or annoyance, he’s quick to swoop in and come up with an excuse to get yall going.
That goes for his own friends too. If anyone so much as gives a backhanded comment about you, (I.e: she’s leeching all of your time Baji/Cant you go anywhere without her?/she’s fine but I don’t like having her around/etc), he goes off. There was nothing fucking wrong with you and if you were content being by his side, then he would happily keep you there.
“Fuck you say? Ain’t no one ask you, so keep your shit shut.” He can get really aggressive with his language and dialect, don’t try fighting him further than that, it will end in fists and blood.
Speaking of, is happy to beat the shit out of anyone for you. There’s not a lot that is beneath him. (More on this @/Blood) He doesn’t hit girls, but he will pull their hair and scream in their face for a long time until they get the picture to not mess with you.
Overall: Baji only becomes an intense yandere if other people get involved. If it’s just the two of you, he’s extremely doting and careful with you, but does his best not to stir you into complex feelings that might cause you to leave him.
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ponett · 10 months
with the fallout of bandai namco's idiotic "it's up to interpretation" bs, do you think that it's possible to enjoy queer media made in a corporate environment in addition to independent works? is it even worthwhile to attempt making queer media in a corporate environment? i find it special how well the g-witch production team managed to tell the story they wanted even with the challenges and pressures they faced, but i have to admit that independent works like slarpg are always going to more completely tell queer stories. as someone who has resonated with both slarpg and g-witch, i was curious to know your perspective.
i'm probably less cynical about this than a lot of my peers are - not that i can blame anyone for feeling cynical about queer rep from corporate-owned media. (we've been through so many First Ever Gay Disney Characters at this point, and lord knows blizzard loves to tease that another overwatch character might be gay every year or so as a PR move.) unfortunately it's just extremely hard to get something like a full season of an animated series funded and produced independently, so the artists looking to enter these fields and pour their hearts and souls into meaningful queer stories as a full-time job don't have many options
going indie gives you theoretically endless creative freedom to tell your stories without corporate censorship, but it's also a massive gamble. only an extreme minority of indie creatives in any medium are actually able to make a living. the fact that i came out the other side of slarpg's development with enough money that i can keep being a full-time indie instead of being in massive debt makes me one of the lucky ones. and even with my modest success, i sure as hell don't have the money to hire a whole team, which limits the scope of what i can make. so i can't turn my nose up at the queer people writing disney channel cartoons where they can't say the word "gay" out loud. they have health insurance, i don't. for most people, what i do is simply not an option
with the corporate-produced Queer Stories i enjoy, i'm often able to squint and see what the creatives were trying to do, wishing that they could have done more while understanding that they probably had to fight tooth and nail for what's there
in the realm of children's animation in particular, i'm thankful that the people working at these studios ARE fighting for more, because it means that kids today have so many more positive queer stories to relate with. i didn't have a single gay character i felt i could relate to until i read scott pilgrim at age 16 and saw wallace wells. before that, i felt so alone in the world. i denied who i was for years because it felt like there would be no place for me. i didn't know anyone openly gay in real life, growing up in the south, and in fiction gay people either existed as the butt of a joke or not at all. the fact that queer kids are now able to see people like themselves in so many shows means something, even if we still have a long way to go and the big studios continue to be a major obstacle
on the subject of g-witch, i'm honestly unfazed by the statement from bandai-namco. i guess i wish they could've let suletta and miorine kiss, but like... the text of the show is extremely blunt about them being a couple by the end. it's not up for debate. and it's not like a gundam series having a meaningful story in spite of the wishes of the toy-producing overlords is anything new, this is just our latest example
all that being said, i do think people should branch out more and explore more weird indie shit if they want more wholeheartedly, openly queer stories. people gotta suck it up and embrace more outsider art instead of only valuing things with studio-level production values. start looking at ren'py visual novels, rpg maker games, obscure webcomics, zines drawn in sharpie, artists on bandcamp who aren't signed to a label, all that jazz. maybe part of the reason why i'm not more fazed by the state of affairs with corporate-funded fiction is that i'm constantly surrounded by furry artists who are telling their own little gay stories
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rougepancake · 1 year
Domestic mitsuri x shinbou x fem reader HCS! (Could be nsfw or sfw whatever works for u!)
What it’s like to date them
Sfw & nsfw hcs (mixed together I am so sorry I wasn’t thinking 😭)
Ft. Shinobu Kocho and Mitsuri Kanroji
Warnings: Some suggestive material under cut but nothing too bad. Modern au. Had a blast writing this tsym anon 😩
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If you’re taller than her then have fun. She’ll look up at you and KICK YOUR ASS for simply being tall
If you’re shorter than her you’ll get pampered because she feels the need to rub it in
She’s definitely into quality time and physical touch all the way. Since she doesn’t tend to vocalize how she’s feeling, these kind of make up for it 😉
Is definitely the type of gal to book mani pedis for you two as a date as well as go and get your hair dyed together
Unlike Mitsuri, she isn’t clingy and trusts you quite a lot. She knows that no one else can eat you out as good as she can, and it kills you every time she mentions it
She’ll openly dirty talk you in public with no shame whatsoever. In fact, she’s brutal
Won’t even stop if you offer to pay her
Has no regrets because she loves seeing you all flustered and cute like that
If she spends the night at your place BE PREPARED
She cuddles in her sleep and DENIES IT TO DEATH
Also enjoys showering/bathing together but not in a sexual way. She believes that it’s a good way to spend time together and just bond as a couple
It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, when you’re doing it, or how long it’ll take you, she will find a way to join and/or help you out
Unless you’re complaining about it
Then she’ll sit and watch you suffer 😔
All in all, she’s the type of woman to definitely wind up in a relationship with the “best friends” dynamic
You have a lot of fun together and she wouldn’t want it any other way
That’s how you spend a lot of your time together (post/during your relationship)
Her love languages are receiving gifts and words of affirmation
If you say you can’t do it think again!! You’ll wholeheartedly believe you can by the time she’s done with you!!!!
Loves to go out and try new things!! She’ll try anything once and definitely lives with the yolo mindset
Her ideal date is going out on a hike or trying a new restaurant. Either is fine for her as long as you’re down for the ride
Since she’ll try anything once, your time alone is fairly interesting. In the sense of you’ll bring something up and she’ll say yes without a second thought
Prefers to keep what happens in the bedroom between you and her. HATES public humiliation going both ways because she feels guilty afterwards
Since one of her love languages is receiving gifts, she loves to show up with random trinkets and such that she’s found
“Oh here you go Y/n! This shiny rock made me think of you!!”
Stuff like that
It’s honestly so sweet
She was once a hopeless romantic, and now that she has you, she’s a bit worried that you might just up and vanish one day, so she has a tendency to be a little clingy
That’s okay though cause you love it
(She also enjoys cooking for you quite a bit but is quite embarrassed to admit it since her cooking skills are questionable)
Also enjoys watching movies with you and ‘accidentally’ falling asleep on your lap
She enjoys romantic cliches (even if they’re stupid)
You guys were definitely close friends before you started dating, so you’ve got that ‘we know each other better than our own parents’ type of vibe
Let’s just say you’re incredibly grateful that you wound up meeting her 😩
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misshoneyimhome · 5 months
Hi It's the anon who sent the blazer photo thank you again for using the photo for inspo! I was wondering if you can write something based on the photos and the OC telling him he doesn't have to be gentle with her and that she doesn't break easily and he definitely has a thing for marking her up. The sweden trip will forever lives in head rent free.
Okay okay, so I assume we're still on intern x Willy, since that's where the whole Blazer/lingerie photo started 😅 [Not sure if you wanted me to incluse other photos bb?]
So, yes, we're continuing down the road with another part of the story - AND to the anon about the mirror (you know what I'm talking about) it will come up in the next chapter! 😉🫢 I just needed a little part before that 🤍
Warnings; (why do I even keep writing this... you know me by now🙈) light spanking; briefly fingering; unprotected sex (p in v);
Word count: 3K+
・✶ 。゚
I feel your love, and I feel it burn I William Nylander 🖋️⚡️ [intern x willy]
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 It was torture.
William Nylander was nothing short of pure torment as he moved around in his godly form, his handsome face framed by that perfectly styled blonde hair that fell as gracefully as Prince Charming's locks in Shrek.
And he was everywhere.
Well, of course, he was. As a Toronto Maple Leafs player, he was a constantly around. And you? You were an intern at MLSE, which meant you were in close proximity to the players almost every day. You spent hours at the Scotiabank Arena or on the road with the team—before, during, and after games and training sessions. It was practically an all-week affair.
But the worst part?
You and William were secretly involved. What began as friendly banter had evolved into casual sex and hook-ups, eventually leading to both of you acknowledging your deep feelings and agreeing that you were probably in a relationship. Especially after William showed jealousy about you going on a casual coffee date.
And you enjoyed it wholeheartedly. You liked William, and you felt ecstatic about being together officially, well, as official as you could be. Your relationship remained a secret as you both knew that the management wouldn't approve. Only Brad was aware of it, having accidentally stumbled upon your first kiss in the locker room.
And luckily, he’d promised to keep it under wraps, understanding the potential career repercussions if anyone found out.
"Just six more months," you thought, counting down the time until things might change.
And you weren't alone in eagerly awaiting the day when you could openly express your relationship.
Every time William crossed paths with you in the hallway, all he craved was to kiss you, to openly show everyone how you belonged to him. But he couldn't.
Instead, he had to content himself with the sound of your delightful laughter from a distance. He found himself admiring your radiant smile while you passionately engaged in your work around the team.
Yet, despite both of you attempting to maintain distance and keep your love concealed, you weren't doing the best job at it.
It was no secret that William had feelings for you. Even before he’d made a move on you, the team had a hunch that he was completely smitten and didn't hold back from teasing him about it. Auston and Mitch, in particular, relentlessly teased him about not seeing anyone else and how his eyes were always fixated on you whenever you were around.
"Come on, we all know you're into her, Willy," they'd playfully jibe.
"Just get it over with and show her a good time!"
"Yeah, let her experience what it truly means to be part of the Maple Leafs."
And as much as William just wanted to shout out about how he was already sleeping with you, showing you the best time every time, he kept silent. Because he knew that's what you would want.
For him, the concerns didn't hold much weight. While the managers might initially disapprove, what was truly so dreadful about it? After all, you were merely an intern, and soon you wouldn't even be associated with them. Moreover, neither of you could leverage the relationship for personal gain or career advancement. Your bond was consensual and rooted in genuine feelings, much like any other normal relationship.
Except for the necessity to maintain professionalism around each other at all times. Perhaps that was what concerned the managers—that neither of you could focus entirely?
Which did seem plausible. There were indeed moments when it became challenging for both of you to maintain complete focus.
And tonight was one of those times.
As you prepared for the match, wearing an oversized blazer, it triggered memories in him that had nothing to do with hockey. It was the same blazer you'd worn with that alluring piece of lingerie during the trip to Sweden—a combination that had provoked him, leading him to fuck you brains out against the window in his condo.
That blazer.
And as William recalled that incredible night, he felt a stirring in his boxers, imagining what you might be wearing underneath this time. Would it be the same lingerie or perhaps something new that could captivate his mind?
Nevertheless, the blazer looked exceptionally good on you.
Particularly when paired with the delicate golden necklace he had gifted you for Christmas, following his heartfelt confession about his feelings.
"Hey, ready for tonight?" Calle addressed William with a gentle tone, noticing the younger Swede's preoccupied state as they laced up their skates while you engaged in conversation with the marketing team.
"Yeah, sure," William replied with a chuckle, attempting to brush off any further discussion.
However, Calle wasn't ready to let the matter drop entirely. Having formed a close bond with William since joining the Leafs, just like with most of the Swedes, he knew William well enough to discern what was occupying his thoughts. And I t wasn't solely about hockey. Despite witnessing William's dedication to this season, Calle also observed how deeply his friend had fallen.
"Don't let her distract you too much," he offered a soft smile, conveying a hint of concern for William's well-being. Though deep down, he wished for nothing but his happiness. Yet, the situation wasn't entirely straightforward.
"What do you mean?" William inquired.
"Come on, Willy... I know the guys tease you about it, but you'd have to be blind not to notice the way you look at her – and not just because you're interested in sleeping with her," Calle spoke gently in Swedish, prompting a soft expression from William, realising he'd been called out.
"We sort of already are..." William timidly admitted, briefly glancing down at his skates before meeting Calle's gaze once more with a faint smirk. "And it's not just about sex."
Taking a brief moment to contemplate William's confession, Calle responded with a light chuckle. "I fucking knew it. But I'm genuinely happy for you. It seems like she's making you happy, Will."
And to that sentiment, William could only nod in agreement.
You weren't just another casual fling for him; he knew you had him wrapped around your finger.
Though, as much as he loved discussing you, finally revealing the truth to his teammate, the warm-ups for tonight's match were about to begin, compelling him to switch his focus to hockey.
But unfortunately, the game didn't go in the Leafs' favour. Despite scoring two goals in the first period, the Senators came back stronger and concluded the match with a 4-2 victory.
And William felt frustrated. Despite securing an assist, he believed he could have performed better, which, to him, held the utmost importance. Despite a defeat, he knew he'd feel better if he'd at least given his absolute best.
However, tonight, he hadn't. He had made mistakes that he shouldn't have had, leaving him feeling like he let everyone down, including himself.
So as the teammates gradually concluded their post-game routines for the media and gathered their belongings, you couldn't help but feel bed for William.
You understood how hard he could be on himself after a night like this. Yet, you also knew that he simply needed to let off some steam and then he'd be back on track.
In the hallway, as the teammates departed one by one and William caught your gaze, he then approached you with a soft smirk.
"Hey," he greeted casually, your eyes meeting as discreetly as possible.
"Hey, Willy... are you alright?"
"No..." he lightly chuckled. "But I'll be fine."
You stared intensely at him, contemplating speaking your mind, although you were still in a public space. And knowing no one could overhear, you leaned in slightly toward him, whispering in a seductive tone.
"How can I help make you feel better?"
William's eyes widened a bit at your spoke the words, responding with a playful smirk, catching onto your flirtatious suggestion.
"Well, I'm sure you could provide me with some company? At my place..." he gently suggested, meeting your intense gaze as you bit your lower lip, prompting him to delicately run his thumb over it. "Don't do that..." he added with a husky voice. "It turns me on, and we can't have that here..."
Both of you realised it was wise to put a halt to any further escalation before things went too far, so you both subtly coughed and took a step back, fully aware of how the evening was about to evolve.
So after swiftly attending to what was necessary, you found yourselves soon back at his place. Away from the context of work where secrecy was key. Here you could kiss, touch and undress each other, and not just with your eyes.
You could fuck, moan, and scream each other’s’ names as loud as you could.
And already entangled on the sofa, William shirtless and positioned above you, your tongues intertwined in a heated dance. Your hands explored every inch of each other's skin, revelling in the shared warmth and the sheen of sweat.
William's lips trailed to your neck while his hand paid attention on your breast. It was intense, almost eager, as both of you hungered for more. Your fingers tugged gently at his hair as his mouth moved to the other side, his other hand mirroring the same attention to your other breast.
Your breaths became laboured, gasping as his touch sent shivers down your spine, the anticipation building in your throbbing core.
"Willy," you softly murmured, acknowledging that he might still be feeling disheartened about the night's match. Your words prompted him to release his mouth from your skin, gazing at you with a dark, lustful expression. "You know you can let it out on me..."
Your words slipped out almost embarrassingly, meeting William's intense stare. But he offered a gentle shake of his head.
"Babe, it's not necessary," he tried to reassure you, but you remained unconvinced. You knew the impact a game like tonight's could have on him, leaving him feeling awful, and you could sense it.
"Willy, just... do whatever you need to – I want you to release that tension," you flashed him a seductive smile, persisting in your suggestion.
William had a tendency to be a bit rough when the need arose, particularly after a match; it just helped him let go of the emotions simmering beneath the surface.
"Y/n/n, what if I end up hurting you?" His words held a genuine level of concern, but you couldn't help but chuckle softly. He was just so caring.
"Willy, you don’t have to be so gentle with me... I really don’t break that easily, " you reassured him, and your words seemed to turn him on even more. Your willingness to surrender to his touch to help alleviate the post-game tension definitely got to him.
"Alright," he gave you a soft smirk before slowly rising from his position. "But in the bedroom," he demanded. And with a smile on your lips, you then swiftly made your way to the other room, yet you had a little plan in mind.
"Just wait here," you spoke seductively, gesturing for him to sit on the edge in the bed as you sauntered into the bathroom.
William's gaze followed you intensely, wondering what you were up to. But His curiosity was soon satisfied as you returned to the bedroom, clad in nothing but the blazer. It was buttoned across your midriff, barely covering your breasts, and its length just enough to tease the view of your cunt, paired with the necklace.
"Shit, baby... that's incredibly sexy," William breathed heavily as you slowly approached him, his hands finding your lower back.
"I'm all yours, Willy... have your way with me," you whispered softly. And In response, William lifted you up firmly, his lips finding yours once again before he gently placed you on the mattress, unbuttoning your outfit to reveal more of your body.
"God, so damn hot," he murmured huskily, his lips once more exploring your neck, his body pressing against yours.
Loud moans escaped your lips as he worked his magic on you. Your eyes instinctively closed, surrendering completely to his touch. It was intense, passionate, and hungry, fingers entwined in hair as you pulled each other closer.
Then, with a deliberate pause, William withdrew, kneeling as he took in the sight of the messy state, he'd caused you to become, before undressing himself completely, your gaze fixated on his every movement.
And his hard cock was nothing but evident, pulsating from the intense foreplay of kissing and tantalising discussions about what he had in store for you. And His mind was racing with possibilities.
Returning to the bed, he swiftly positioned you onto your knees, propped up on your arms as he lifted your ass in the air.
"You look incredible," he spoke darkly, his hands exploring your cheeks as he contemplated his next move. And Unable to contain himself any longer, his palm forcefully connected with your tender skin, eliciting a mixture of pain and pleasure from you, your reaction a blend of a shriek and a gasp.
The exquisite sound you made, coupled with the faint blush forming on your cheek, only fuelled William's desire for more. So, he spanked you again. And again.
Each strike drew a loud cry from you, a sound that easily blurred the line between pain and pleasure. Which, in essence, it was.
The sensation of pleasure washed over you as William's hand met your skin once more, igniting an unexpected surge of arousal, causing your core to glisten with anticipation.
"Fuck, Willy...yes"
However, William decided to pause, content with the hue he'd created, He turned over again, spreading your legs on either side of him, moistening two fingers in his mouth before trailing them between your folds.
"Baby, you're so ready for me," he murmured softly, sliding his fingers inside your warmth, completely coating them with your juices before withdrawing.
"Yes, Willy, just for you..." you gasped, aching for more than just his touch.
"Such a good girl... You deserve more, don't you?"
And all you could manage was a nod as the tip of his cock teased your entrance. His hands took hold of your wrists, pinning them on either side of your head as he thrust into you.
Moans echoed around the room as William pulled out, then thrust forcefully back in, setting a brisk rhythm while maintaining his grip on your arms.
His actions were intense and forceful, a release of pent-up frustrations that propelled him deeper into your dripping core as He felt the grip of your tight walls around him, and your wetness coating his length.
And it was causing him to get closer to his climax. Having no intentions of holding back, just like you’d encouraged, he just kept on pounding. And you were just as close to an orgasm as his cock stimulated your inside over and over again, hitting you deep and hard. The restrain of your arms causing you to just let your mind go foggy and lungs empty for air as loud sounds continuously sang from your lips.
"I'm close, Willy," you managed to gasp, but then instead of holding your wrist, William shifted his grasp to your throat, not to choke but to just hold down slightly, allowing you gasps of air as he quickened his pace, pushing you towards your climax. Your body tried to arch, curses falling from your lips along with his name, and your eyes shut tightly in sync with the waves of pleasure coursing through you.
And as your body trembled in the throes of an intense orgasm, William followed suit, his climax surging through him, releasing his cum inside you.
"Shit," he exhaled deeply, staying still to ensure every drop remained within you, trying to catch his breath as he released his grip, almost collapsing against you, his head resting on your neck.
The room hung heavy with the scent of sex and sweat as you both gradually returned to reality, easing down from the intense rush of ecstasy. No words were exchanged, both of you breathless, slowly detangling, and William gently pulled out before resting next to you.
You could sense the rhythmic rise and fall of your chest, almost synchronised with William's, as you turned to meet each other's gaze, smiles gently appearing on your lips before breaking the silence.
"So, did it help ease the tension?" you asked softly.
"Yeah, it really did, babe," William responded, mirroring your expression.
Once more, you both settled into a tender moment of intimate silence, nestled against his comforting warmth.
"That's good, I just... I want to be there for you, Willy," you tenderly caressed his cheek.
"I appreciate that," William placed a gentle kiss on your lips. "I'm really glad to have you."
It felt like the outside world had vanished as the two of you lay there together, free from concerns about anyone else's opinions. However, the harsh reality was waiting just hours away, so you cherished the moment for as long as possible.
"You'll stay here tonight, won't you?" William asked softly, his fingers tracing your shoulder's soft skin.
"Of course," you flashed him a sweet smile. And after both of you freshened up in the bathroom, William handed you a spare toothbrush and one of his t-shirts for you to sleep in before you settled in for the night.
It felt like you were genuinely in a serious, committed relationship, and both of you couldn't help but display satisfied smiles as you cuddled, gradually drifting off to sleep.
Yet, the tranquillity only lasted until the following morning when you were both awakened by the sound of your alarm.
William had, of course, forgotten to set his, engrossed in your shared activities in bed last night. But thankfully, as always, you had thought ahead.
However, the calmness shattered at the very moment you stood in front of the mirror.
"Willy!" you exclaimed.
"What?" the Swede asked wearily as he slowly joined you in the bathroom.
"You've really outdone yourself this time, babe..." you shook your head gently as you met his gaze in the mirror's reflection, your hand delicately caressing your neck. Your very colourful neck.
And William couldn't help but find amusement as he observed the artwork he'd unintentionally created on your smooth skin. He'd left quite a mark. During his affectionate kissing and nipping last night, he had been a tad too enthusiastic and ended up leaving visible marks in the form of love bites all over your neck and collarbone.
"Well, what can I say? I seem to have a talent for marking what's mine," he chuckled lightly.
"It's not funny, Will!" you tried to maintain a serious tone, fully aware that this wouldn't go unnoticed by the team tomorrow. "You know people will comment on it!"
William's smirk gradually faded a bit, though not entirely, as he did relish the idea of everyone knowing you weren't exactly available.
"Then let them," he spoke softly, drawing close behind you, gently wrapping his arms around your waist before placing a tender kiss on his vibrant artwork. "They probably know anyway. Might as well make a statement."
You realised there wasn't much you could do about the situation. Perhaps a bit of makeup and a scarf could cover it up, but there was a part of you that also wanted to proudly display it, letting everyone see what William had done to you.
So, you simply released a deep sigh, surrendering to William's touch, attempting to let go of your concerns.
"Let's deal with that tomorrow," you spoke softly, once again meeting his eyes in the mirror. And with that, you decided to release the matter and simply lean into his comforting embrace.
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kourtniwritesagain · 11 months
Too Good to Be
A/N: First full-length RWRB fic! There’s some spice, but not too much spice to rate it anything but T for Teen. Also, this is going to be a three parter because I just couldn’t stop and it was nearing 10k. So here’s part 1! Super nervous, super excited, super gonna shut up now. Enjoy!
It's finally summer, Alex’s favorite time of the year. Summer means the cabin, no graduate courses, and, most importantly, Henry. His Royal Highness was able to get a full two weeks straight of no engagements. Alex very politely told his scheduler to fuck off when approached with anything that resembled an engagement during those two weeks. Alex isn’t going to allow anything (or anyone) to come between himself and Henry. 
Well, except for Cash, Nora, June, and his father apparently. 
Alex isn’t too upset about his family being around, they all adore Henry and vice versa. The Secret Service is always around, and, honestly, Alex is used to it by now. Plus, Cash doesn't suck.
They're all at the cabin by the lake, and everyone is in bathing suits while lounging on the deck after a long afternoon of boating and jet skiing. Henry is watching videos with June and Nora off Nora's phone and laughing, eyes crinkling adorably. Alex can't help but smile. Last year, Alex wasn't sure he would ever even see Henry again, let alone be at the cabin with him. So much has changed since then. Alex is Henry's official suitor. England has embraced the two of them wholeheartedly, including Henry's older brother. The Queen…well, she still sucks. But everything is practically perfect. 
"Alex!" June calls, waving her hand for her brother to come to her. 
He stands and walks over to the others, still smiling softly. Henry lets out an adorable laugh at the video, and Alex sees it’s a cat compilation video. 
“I left my very comfortable chair to watch cats?” Alex asks, amusement in his voice despite his words. 
“I-I’m sohorry, it’s just so f-funny.” Henry gets out through his giggles. Nora and June are cackling beside him. 
Alex watches as cat after cat jumps in fright after seeing their owners with creepy realistic cat masks on. 
“Y’all are too easily entertained.” 
June snorts. “You spent all day yesterday giggling at British memes.” 
“Oi!” Henry feigns offense. 
“In my defense,” Alex says. “I loved every single one of them.” 
Henry rolls his eyes, but there’s no malice. “I suppose I’ll be receiving a few in the future.”
“You’ll have one every day for a month, baby.” Alex winks. 
Henry blushes beautifully. 
“Alexander.” Henry admonishes, rolling his eyes. 
Alex simply grins widely. 
June reaches over and tweaks Alex’s ribs, causing Alex to squawk and jump. 
“Bug!” Alex swats at her hands. 
“Leave Henry alone, brat.” June chastises, a mischievous grin on her face. Henry smiles smugly, clearly pleased that June was on his side.
Alex scowls at all of them, including Nora because she’s not helping. 
“Don’t scowl, baby brother. You’re too pretty.” 
That mollifies Alex somewhat. “I am pretty.” 
Henry rolls his eyes. 
They spend the entire afternoon outside, drinking beer and wine, watching ridiculous videos, and talking of summer plans. Alex is happier than he’s been in a very long time. Supper has been eaten, s’mores have been consumed, and a movie is currently playing in Alex and Henry’s room. Alex isn’t paying any attention to it because Henry is currently kissing his way down his throat. 
“You’re seriously good at this, has anyone told you that?” Alex asks, stretching his head to the left to allow Henry more access. 
“You have.” 
“Well, I’m always right, so.” Alex lets out a groan as Henry adds a bit of teeth. 
Alex thinks he’ll never tire of this. Not just the awesome sex (and it was awesome), but just having Henry with him…and not having to hide it. Alex absolutely adores holding Henry’s hand while they go shopping. Alex loves that Henry will kiss his cheek during photo ops. Alex enjoys being able to embrace Henry openly. Alex still sneaks very handsy things at very inopportune times for Henry, relishing in the blush it brings to the prince’s cheeks. 
Henry slides his hands very slowly up Alex’s sides, causing him to squirm. He feels Henry smile against his throat. 
“Don’t think I didn’t see your reaction earlier.” 
Alex tenses. 
“I d-don’t know what you’re t-talking about…” Alex trails off. 
“I think we both know that’s not true,” says Henry. This time, his fingers wiggle on their way down Alex’s ribs.
Henry chuckles against Alex’s throat as he continues to spider his fingers along Alex’s ribs. 
“You f-fuhucker!” Alex squirms and laughs, reaching for Henry’s hands. Henry avoids them for a few seconds more before Alex finally catches them. Alex is panting slightly, but he narrows his eyes, wraps his legs around Henry’s waist, and flips the two of them onto the floor. Henry lands on his back with an ‘oof’. Big blue eyes look in shock at Alex. 
“Mistake.” Alex growls. 
“N-Now, sweetheart…let’s not do anything hasty.” 
“Nicknames will get you nowhere, baby.” Alex replies. 
Henry blushes and opens his mouth to barter, but Alex is having none of it. Alex turns around so his back is to Henry and goes straight for Henry’s thighs, easily his most ticklish spot. 
“Alehex!” Henry immediately starts laughing. Alex found out about Henry’s ticklishness pretty early on during the ‘friends-with-benefits’ stage of their relationship. Alex and Henry had been lying in bed after a thorough makeout session, still clad only in boxers, and Henry giggled when Alex had lightly traced nonsensical patterns across Henry’s stomach. Alex proceeded to find every ticklish spot on Henry’s body, which…hadn’t been difficult. Henry turned out to be ticklish everywhere, but especially on his thighs and hips. 
“How you’re able to fool around with thighs this ticklish, is kind of amazing.” Alex comments as he rakes his fingers up and down Henry’s quivering thighs. 
“Plehehease!” Henry begs, alternating between pounding on Alex’s back and probably grabbing at his hair if Alex knows him well enough. 
“I do not intend to stop anytime soon,” says Alex. “First, you must be punished for trying to tickle me. And second, you love it when I tickle you.” 
“I’m sohohorry!” 
“I’m sure you are.” Alex turns to face Henry now, wiggling lower onto Henry’s legs.
Henry doesn’t say anything else but instead lets out loud booming laughter as Alex moves to clamp down on both thighs right underneath where they meet Henry’s hips, squeezing mercilessly. Henry is devastatingly ticklish here, and Alex absolutely exploits this. The crease where thighs meet hips is just as ticklish. Alex plans on spending time there as well. 
“Oh baby, you are too adorable.” 
“Shut uhuhup!” Henry tries to command, batting at Alex’s hands. 
“Usually your royal commands are a big turn on,” Alex tells him casually, as if he isn’t straight up torturing his boyfriend. “But this one just doesn’t have the usual oomph.” 
Henry babbles something about ‘dick head’ and ‘fucking fuck.’ Alex can’t help but laugh as he listens to Henry’s own beautiful laughter. 
“You are the most ticklish person on the planet, I swear. It’s kinda good that England isn’t actively trying to conquer the world anymore. You’d be kidnapped for ransom and tortured into oblivion the moment the enemy found out how ticklish you are.” 
“A-Alex!” Henry pleads. Alex knows Henry gets more sensitive the more Alex teases him with words. 
“I know that’s how royals were punished back in the medieval period,” Alex continues. “They’d tie up princes and princess, and fucking tickle the shit out of them. Sometimes, guards were told to put honey on the feet of royals and have goats lick them off.” 
“Shut the fuhuhuck uhup!” Henry whines through his laughter. Henry has caught Alex’s hands, but all the prince does is hold onto his boyfriend's wrists. Alex is now lightly stroking at Henry’s hips, scrabbling his fingers along the hip bones every other downward stroke. 
“Maybe we could get the queen to start that shit up again! She’s still super pissed you’re gay; I’m sure she’d loooooove to have someone punish you.” 
Henry turns redder if that’s even possible. Alex knows that Henry’s thinking about it, though. Henry’s thinking about being tied up and helpless while being tickled. 
“Do you like that thought, baby?” Alex asks. 
Henry shakes his head, but doesn’t say anything. Alex reaches behind himself and strokes at Henry’s thighs again. He loves the feeling of the twitching muscles, firm from years of Polo. Henry kicks out his legs as Alex switches back to scrabbling his fingers all over Henry’s pelvis and hips. 
“They’d call me Katniss because I would volunteer as tribute to be your tickle torturer.” 
“Y-You alreheheady ARE!” Henry shouts as Alex digs his thumbs into each of Henry’s hip divots. 
“Yeah, but it’d be an official title!” Alex crows. “First Son of the United States slash His Royal Horniness’ Official Tickle Monster!”
“You’re incorrhorrigible!” 
“I’d never go easy on you either. It’s hips and thighs immediately, right out the gate,” explains Alex. “I’d move on to your ribs next, then your back. That spot near your kidneys? Yeah, you forget that spot a lot, but I don’t.” 
“Alex, please!” 
Alex ignores the please and runs his fingers up Henry’s ribs. Henry lets out a high-pitched squeal, causing Alex to laugh loudly himself . 
“Now that was an adorable sound. Can you do it again?” 
“Why dohoho you n-never stohop tahahalking?!” Henry is starting to really lose it. Alex has been tickling him nonstop for close to ten minutes now. Henry’s face, chest, and legs are red, from blushing and the devastating effects of Alex’s fingers. 
“Everyone loves to hear me talk.” 
“I swehehear, I will get you bahahack!” Henry promises, giggling. Alex has slowed his fingers to nonsensical patterns on Henry’s stomach, allowing the prince to breathe. 
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.” Alex winks at him. 
Henry shoves at Alex’s shoulder. Alex falls dramatically, but not before scrabbling his fingers across Henry’s thighs once more. 
“Stahap!” Henry rolls in on himself. 
Alex laughs as he stands up, offering a hand to Henry. 
“Piss off.” Henry tells him, swatting his hand away and standing on his own. 
“Don’t be mad, baby.” 
Henry blushes again. 
“Every time.” Alex grins. 
“Fuck you.” Henry retorts, a silly grin still on his face. 
“Any time, Your Royal Highness.” 
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thecharmingchimaera · 26 days
I think this goes hand-in-hand with the whole "why fanfic writers aren't receiving as much engagement/as many comments" situation, but I'm sure a lot of it has to do with this culture at the moment of like... immediately dismissing and trivialising and being expected to find faults in the things you love?
I see this a lot on YouTube - "Why This Thing is overrated", "Is Such-and-Such really actually good" etcetera etcetera, because someone for some godforsaken reason somewhere decided that being negative gets more clicks, and it's just like... when do people actually get to relax and enjoy things? Where can people go to wholeheartedly gush about their favourite thing, and not immediately have people criticising and pointing out the flaws in the story/character/book/insert-medium-of-choice here. It terrifies me.
I was only a young'un back in the early-to-mid 2010s, but from my experience of voraciously reading fanfic around that time, it feels like there was a lot more space for people to openly gush and express their love back then? From my vague memory, it feels like there was some unspoken agreement to keep immediate, reactionary "you should feel bad for liking this" to a minimum - sure, there was the dreaded fandom discourse, but I don't remember there being quite this much "this piece of media/character/art is not actually one hundred percent perfect, and therefore you're a horrible person for loving it, even if it makes your little heart sing".
I just feel like it was so much more communally acceptable to just... love stuff? Be unashamedly and unabashedly into things, and having that love and enjoyment and engagement respected? I'm sure that, coupled with the fact that most comment sections on other social media are rife with negativity, explains a lot. Where can people just wholeheartedly adore things without judgement?
Ugh, I dunno man. Anyway, comment on your favourite fanfics.
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January Drama Wrap Up
January was a month of ups and downs (and some very big let downs) but over all I enjoyed what I watched. I tried out a new country's dramas and discovered some classics at the same time and I've built myself a pretty solid Currently Watching List to take me into February.
📊 The Stats
Total Dramas: 12
Currently Watching: 3
Completed: 4
Dropped: 2
On Hold: 3
My To Watch List: 60
🎭 The Dramas
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🤼💰 Like Flowers in the Sand - Currently Watching
Like Flowers in the Sand is going to be another one of those k-dramas I am never going to be able to explain to my non k-drama watching friends without sounding like I've lost the plot a little.
"It's a small town drama about a minor league ssireum team and a wrestler who's been in a years long slump. There's also an investigation into a murder linked to match-fixing but that's kind of a side plot and it's linked to the wrestler's childhood friend who's reappeared incognito after disappearing mysteriously many years ago ... I promise it's good!"
It's probably not the drama for everyone but as someone who has historically loved sports centered k-dramas and who loved When Camilla Blooms this drama ticks so many of my boxes. I'm very excited to watch the complex relationships and politics of small town life be put under a microscope and dissected and I can already tell I'm going to love how morally grey all the characters are.
It also doesn't hurt that the ML is the biggest himbo to ever ever himbo and I love him and his empty brain to bits.
Prediction: I become a ssireum fan.
🕹️💌 Love For Love's Sake - Currently Watching
I've been staying away from K-BL these past few months because I've been struggling with their short run time but Love for Love' Sake lured me back in like a moth to the flame and I have no regrets.
Is Love For Love's Sake Perfect? No, there are definitely some pacing issues that are leaving me feeling very temporally confused about how quickly or slowly events are unfolding and the lower than average k-drama budget does show at certain points but, do you what?
I don't care.
I wholeheartedly love this drama and it's going to have to mess up its last 2 episodes Last Twilight style to change that.
The relationship between the main couple? Adorable. The openly gay leader of the school delinquents? We stan. The oddball friendship group forming because they're all slightly crushing on the ML? Sign me up! The addition of a glitch in the game that's starting to mess everything up? Horrifying and I love it.
Prediction: A new favourite K-BL is born and it's all thanks to this mf
🩺😭 Doctor Slump - Currently Watching
I'm watching this because it's on my Plan To Watch list and Netflix started playing the trailer after I'd finished watching an episode of The Way of the Househusband.
I won't lie, this is definitely the drama, out of all the dramas I'm currently watching, that I'm least certain I'll finish but, at the same time, I was pleasantly surprised by the first two episodes. Yes, it does do that typical comedy k-drama thing of mixing ridiculous over the top laughs with some incredibly difficult topics (because who doesn't want to be laughing hysterically one minute and then doing some deep self-reflection the next?) but so far the balance and the boundaries between the two moods has been relatively well struck and only time will tell if it manages to stay that way.
I appreciate tackling the topic of burn out and depression in a country that still champions overwork and mental fortitude above all else and I'm interested to see where it goes with that part of its arc. The "being framed for murder" I am a little less certain about, but it has definitely added a layer of intrigue to a story that would otherwise be relatively mundane and by the books.
As I said, time will tell if I continue to enjoy Doctor Slump but I'd say my only quibble with the drama so far is that I'm not sure "accused of (and potentially framed for) murder" and "suffering from depression due to burn out and work place abuse" quite fit what is normally meant by the word slump.
Prediction: Maybe I won't drop this half way through like I thought I would.
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👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🎥 BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita - Completed
My first Japanese BL ever and it was a good one. Yes, it was 3 episodes long, but it used its runtime perfectly. All of the main characters felt properly fleshed out (and the side characters were caricature enough that you only really needed one scene to know who they were and what they stood for), the pacing was great (it couldn't afford to drag but it didn't speed through scenes either), and it found the right balance between BL shenanigans and forrays into deeper messages. This was exactly what I needed at the time and, for someone who doesn't normally like mini-dramas that much, I enjoyed myself immensely.
Verdict: 8/10, I also want a life-size cardboard cutout of Aoyanagi to cuddle and hide behind when I open the door.
✒️💕 Cherry Magic, Japan - Completed
I'm planning to buy the manga.
I plan to watch the film next month (I never watch films).
I may have even checked out the fanfic scene in a bout of withdrawal.
Anyway, what I mean to say is that I get the hype, I really really do. This drama is fantastic.
Cherry Magic is one of those classics that you watch as a newbie and go "oh yeah I get why everyone is obsessed with this". The premise is novel and well executed, the characters are oh so easy to love, the main romance is so incredibly shippable, and the friendships are just as endearing.
I personally love the role Adachi's mind reading plays in shaping his relationship with Kurosawa and how the way it's handled means the audience feels what Adachi is feeling right alongside him. How can you not be charmed by the inner monologue of someone so sweetly and respectfully head over heels for you? But at the same time just because you're charmed, does that mean you like them back or is it just because you can see them at their most vulnerable? And what about once you're in the relationship? Do you give up the thing you know made it possible? Or do you pull back so you can't mess up once the crutch you rely on is gone?
There was so much quiet nuance to Adachi's and Kurosawa's relationship to each other and those around them and, when I one day sit down for a rewatch, I'm looking forward to unpicking them all.
Verdict: 8.5/10, Adachi and Kurosawa are going to be one of those couples that's impossible to leave behind. This is going to stick with me for a while, and once it's unstuck I'll just watch it again.
📸🌦️ Welcome to Samdal-Ri - Completed
I know some people thought the premise of Welcome to Sandal-Ri was unrealistic but, personally, I found it hard not to draw parallels between what happened to Cho Sam Dal in the drama and what happened to Kim Seon Ho in real life. Yes, the situations may differ somewhat (Sam Dal faces false accusations of work-place bullying by an employee while Seon Ho was accused of coercing his girlfriend into getting an abortion) but there were enough similarities (the media frenzy and the sheer intensity of the backlash, the scandals happening just as their careers peaked, the gradual revelation of what actually transpired) that I would be very surprised if there was no link at all.
For that alone, Welcome To Samdal-Ri had my attention from the get go. If this story were from a Western perspective, I would certainly have been much more wary of a story tackling false accusations (looking at you Euphoria) but from a Korean perspective, where celebrity culture is far more intense and volatile and in which false accusations have happened before and cancel culture can indeed end a career for even minor infractions (like dating), I wanted to see how it would be handled.
Ultimately I was satisfied, not wowed, not disappointed, satisfied. The show didn't dig that deep into the subject (personally I would have appreciated Sam Dal's case juxtaposed against another case in which the accusations turned out to be true) but it handled it deftly enough and felt "case-by-case" enough that I didn't feel as though it inadvertently gave off the message of "not believe anyone bringing accusations against celebrities".
Other than my own personal interest in the premise, Welcome to Sandal-Ri did a good job of holding my interest. In terms of overall vibe, it felt like a mix between (perhaps unsurprisingly) Hometown Cha Cha Cha (the idyllic small-town community filled with friends and loveable elders) and Our Beloved Summer (childhood lovers unfairly broken up but still pining for each other after years apart). The pacing was good, the characters loveable (I am now in love with Cho Hae In), and each episode felt like sinking into a warm bath for an hour.
Verdict: 8/10, it tackled an interesting topic while providing its audience with plenty of comfort and heart. It could have done without the love triangle though, just saying.
📃👩‍❤️‍👩 Out of Breath - Completed
I don't have too much to say about Out of Breath given it was 3 episodes long and less than an hour run time in total but I'm glad I watched it. Firstly, because it was nice to watch a (rare) Korean GL and secondly, because it managed to fit a lot into its short run time. Two break ups, a love triangle/unrequited love, cute dates, commentary on living queer in Korea, commentary on being out in Korea.... This show really had it all.
It was short, it was sweet, and it had a lot to say. I can't say I'd watch it again in a hurry, but I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a realistic portrayal of queer (and specifically) lesbian life in Korea.
Verdict: 7.5/10, it unpacked a lot in a short amount of time, the couple was extra cute too.
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🫂💕 Cherry Magic Thailand - On Hold
I realised very early on into watching Cherry Magic Thailand that I'd probably get a lot more out of it if I watched the original first. I'm not normally someone who says watching the OG is necessary to watch the adaptation (in fact I normally rebel against that idea with a whole lot of passion) but in this case it became very clear that without watching Cherry Magic Japan first, I was missing important reference points and comparisons that were pretty key to understanding and appreciating that plot fully.
Anyway, I've now watched and loved Cherry Magic Japan so Cherry Magic Thailand is back on the menu, I just want to give myself enough time away that when I go back to it, it's with completely new eyes (and I'm excited for when that moment comes).
Verdict: On Hold until I can give it a proper fresh start.
🩺🍲 Cooking Crush - On Hold
I watched this at completely the wrong time. I struggle with rom-com dramas at the best of times but by now I should know that I absolutely should not try to watch one when I am going through a period of high stress.
I am not kind to rom-coms when I am stressed, even the ones I might otherwise enjoyed.
As it is, I initially dropped Cooking Crush because I was struggling to stay focussed enough to finish an episode and the characters were grating on me. Looking back, part of me thinks that my lack of focus and general irritability may have had less to do with the drama itself and much more to do with the fact I could barely focus on anything during that time period and that I had barely any spoons left to give people in my actual life, let alone fictional ones.
Anyway, Cooking Crush has continued to come across my dash in gif, meme, and analysis form and I've realised that I actually really like what I'm seeing, enough so that I've moved it out of the "dropped" pile and into my "on hold" list so as to give it a second shot in the not so distant future (something that doesn't normally happen).
I genuinely think I might like this drama, I just need to make sure I'm in the right mindset for it first to give it a fair shot 💪
Verdict: On Hold until my next holiday.
🐍🦅 The Sign - On Hold
On paper The Sign sounds like it's right up my street, after all what's not to love about star-crossed lovers doomed by the threads of fate and history to lose each other?
But that's the thing, "on paper". In real life The Sign is well, messy and a bit too cop-heavy for my liking. Sure there are some great moments, Billy and Babe's chemistry is on fire, and it may have one of the best and most artistic sex scenes ever to grace the BL screens of the world but sexy times does not a good show make and I've found myself torn about whether or not I should keep going or just give up at this point.
To help me decide I've taken the "on paper" part of The Sign very literally and bought the book to read. If I like the book (the translation is a bit choppy but I can overlook that if the story is good) then I'll finish the show, if I don't then into the land of the dropped it goes.
Verdict: On Hold until I've actually experienced it on paper.
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����🖕 Last Twilight - Dropped (episode 10)
I won't lie, this is the second time (the first time being Only Friends) that I've ended up being grateful my busy schedule got in the way of my drama watching because wow this show really took a tumble at the last hurdle. There was so much Last Twilight could have done, so many societal boundaries it could have crossed and reshaped and re-imagined but instead it went with... well a literal "fix it fic" ending that fixed nothing but instead broke all it had built up beyond repair.
I'm not going to go into detail about how Last Twilight let nearly every single one of its principal characters down, about how Mhok was never allowed screen time to process his own emotional trauma, about how the show briefly touched upon and then completely glossed over the very different social and financial circumstances of the both couples and the effects this would have on their experience of the world, of how there was so much ableist messaging around both the treatment of Dad's character which was always lurking under the surface but which only really came to light alongside the ending..... All I'm going to say is that, up until episode 9, Last Twilight had a choice about what messages it wanted it's audiences to come away with at the end, and it picked the wrong fucking ones.
It could have been a challenge to the ableist and classist mainstream norm so often portrayed in the media, instead it perpetuated harmful and hurtful rhetoric and stereotypes against the very people it claimed to champion.
Maybe one day I'll watch it again, but only because I want to properly break down what went so wrong.
Recommended reads by people who expressed it better than me:
This Discussion under "Last Twilight, episode 12: final reflections" by @waitmyturtles
"Last Twilight: Ep 12" by @wen-kexing-apologist
"Last Twilight Episode 12" by @lurkingshan
This post by @simplemindedmockingjay
Verdict: Dropped for betraying it's audience and those it claimed to champion.
👨‍⚕️⏳ Triage - Dropped (episode 10)
This one hurts me.
This one well and truly hurts me.
Because, the thing is, I loved so much about this show. It does so much right and up until episode 10 I was preparing to rank it among my favourite BLs of all time; the plot was fast moving and carried you from episode to episode in a whirlwind of anticipation, the romance (although minor compared to most other BLs) was highly shippable, the characters had depth and flaws and strengths that made you root for them, and the time loop plot device was doing things that were genuinely new and innovative.
I was hooked.
And then everything I loved just disappeared.
I don't know what possessed the creators of this show to completely change the universe of the drama for the last 2 episodes, maybe they thought the old one was getting stale (it wasn't).
All I can say is I absolutely hated the new turn of events.
Familiar characters with entirely new personalities and character arcs who I was apparently expected to root for (I don't know who they are anymore), time travel rules thrown out of the window because the plot demanded it be so (I'm sorry but the notebook time travels now? And a kiss will bring back memories?), the entire premise of the show just dropped and never even properly answered (why did Tin need to save Tol????? What about his heart murmur????)....
Just no.
I'm out.
Verdict: Dropped for becoming a completely different drama in the last 2 episodes
⭐ The Awards
I fell in love with a lot of people and things this month so let's talk about them
☺️ Smile That Could Launch A Thousand Ships
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Yuuichi Kurosawa (and his actor Keita Machida) is, quite frankly, a ridiculously gorgeous man in the most normal of circumstances but his smile takes it to a whole new level.
Truly a sight that could light up a room (and the whole building the room was in), this smile is filled with such genuine happiness and love that it's hard not to smile right back just as brightly, whether you be a hapless audience member beaming at your computer screen or a flustered Adachi trying desperately to hold on to your heart.
What I also love about this smile is that it only comes out when Kurosawa is properly, over the moon happy. He's got other smiles for other occasions and they're all very pretty but this one? This one sits above them all and makes them pale in comparison.
🩷 Biggest Crush
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I have a type and that type is Cho Mina (and quite possibly Kang Mi Na, I clearly need to work through her filmography for... science). But seriously, this woman is STUNNING and is made all the more so by her dedication to her daughter and her refusal to let society pressure her into being ashamed of being a young single mum. She's strong, she's kind, she's independent, she's beautiful both inside and out. I don't care if she got the least screen time out of all the sisters, she stole the whole show for me and I am smitten.
📃 Line That Hit Me Like A Freight Train
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"I'm used to pretending to be normal"
"pretending to be normal"
I'm going to be forever grateful to Cherry Magic for giving me positive and thoughtful Ace rep in Fujisaki, for showing her happy and confident and unbothered by society's expectations that she should one day couple up and settle down, for giving voice to the Ace experience of "pretending to be normal" in simple line that holds so much meaning and so many layers.
I know it's not canon, but in my head Fujisaki does tell Adachi out loud one day, and she gets her response of "is that so".
🛌 Plot Device That Made Me Sit Up and Go "Yes"
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I may have ended up dropping Triage but credit where credit is due, it did do a lot of things right and one of those things was its ideas around time loops/ time travel. The idea that where you fall asleep at the end of the time loop directly affects how far back you travel back in time for the start of the loop?
Why haven't I seen this done before??? It's such a clever way to provide the loop-character with the agency they need to actually make changes without breaking the established rules of the time loop and it allows for each iteration of the loop to be significantly different depending on how early or how late the changes to the timeline are made.
It literally solves almost all of my usual issues with time loop narratives.
It was genuinely intriguing watching Tin try to work out where he needed to fall asleep in order to go back as far as he needed and it was such a shame that, as the show neared its end, that aspect of the time loop experience just sort of fell away.
I want more time loop ideas like this and I want them now.
🌄 Scene That Took My Breath Away
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Last Twilight may have ended by taking this scene and its significance and flushing it down the toilet but you know what, the author is dead and I killed him. I'm taking this scene back.
Day wanting his last experience with his quickly disappearing sight to be a homage to the book that helped him come to terms with his disability and see the world anew, his description of the sunset he could see in his mind's eye that is far more brilliant and beautiful than reality could ever dream to be, his clear moment of realisation that yes, he could live without his sight and not only could he live without it, he could well and truly thrive, the last thing he sees being Mhok's face as the ultimate declaration of love....
The last twilight in episode 9 could have been a truly special moment and, taken in isolation, it still is. It's just such a shame that such a beautiful depiction of growth and healing and self-love and self-acceptance was ultimately papered over with an ending that didn't fit it at all, one that erased the positive and affirming messages this scene held.
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gffa · 6 months
(About your ‘not being cool’ post)
Your love for things is what I love about following you though! Because I’m here to enjoy things too! So for what it’s worth, I think your blog is pretty cool, and at least if it’s not then we’re uncool together. And now that I think about it, isn’t that the point of fandom? Being ‘uncool’ together? 😂
High five for another uncool person! I admit, I sometimes desperately want to get in with other fans who are writing things that hit me in the metaphorical solar plexus because they're so sharp and have such delicious bite and they're incredibly cool, even when I suspect they would probably find me deeply annoying, but that ultimately I also very much admire people who embrace being silly and goofy and flailing around a lot, because I love those people, too. I pine wistfully sometimes, but then get over it, because I know that if I remade myself into being 'cool', I would only stare even more wistfully over at the people being silly and just having a silly good time. And I want to cozy up to people like you as well, who are so sweet to reach out like this, like I want to talk to people about silly things, I don't want to be intimidating (well, okay, maybe a little, it might be nice for five minutes, but ultimately, no, I want people to feel they can approach me and talk to me genuinely), so I'm just kind of settling in the middle with "acknowledge my genuine desire to be cool, but that it's a temporary want, and the home I really want to make is in the silly goober camp, and then make fun of myself a little in a silly shitpost to get it out of my system". And you are so right! It's not that the cool people don't openly love things as well, they do! But often times they're not as goofy about it (and I find that admirable, none of this is about saying any way of behavior is more right or wrong than any other way!) and they're having fun in fandom in their own way and, who knows, I have met so many genuinely cool people like this that do like me back! I'm just up in my own head sometimes (Star Wars fandom did a number on me), but also I want to agree so wholeheartedly with your ultimate point: It's okay to be uncool in fandom, like we're nerds on the internet, we're watching/reading often very silly stories and there's nothing wrong with embracing that. We can take them seriously, there's a lot of genuinely thoughtful and depthful things to discuss here! But it's also okay to be silly and goofy and sometimes I need the reminder that others are happy to be here with me, too. <3 (Can you tell I'm avoiding cleaning? I have drafted so many character ask game responses to schedule for tomorrow to spread them out a bit, because I really don't want to have to go organize the bathroom. orz)
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homoeroticgrappling · 7 months
Forgive me if this is self indulgent and sappy, but I just wanted to share some serious personal appreciation for RJ City, more under the cut. I got into wrestling by being invited by a close friend to watch AEW with them, and one of the first major reactions I had after thinking I could get heavily invested in it was to see RJ City and yell "GILDAR??" at an alarming volume.
At the All In welcome event in London, I chatted with people in the queue about how I wasn't allowed to watch wrestling when I was younger but I loved Splatalot and how excited I was to find out my favourite defender was the dashing host with the most for AEW. So many people in the wrestling community have fond memories of growing up watching the Hardys, Punk, Sting etc. For me I didn't have that but I did make sure I was sat in front of the TV for every episode of Splatalot and being around 13/14 it was one of the very last things I felt able to enjoy wholeheartedly in the way you love things before you're told you're "too old" to be so openly enthusiastic. At one point at a friend's house we tried to dress up as our favourite defenders, I may not have had the rippling muscles or quick wit but I had long dark hair and access to eyeliner so that was good enough for me to get my Gildar on, we threw tennis balls around her living room until we were forced to stop (sorry to Katie's mum and her Galileo thermometer, a casualty of our enthusiasm). Although it probably wasn't considered very cool to be doing that as a teenager, I remember laughing until we had stitches and talking about the previous day's episode on the hour long walk to school, I was thrilled to see a familiar face when I started my journey into being a wrestling fan. It was like showing up alone to a party where you expected not to know anyone and being terrified about if you'd fit in, then being pleasantly surprised and relieved to see an old acquaintance standing by the punch bowl.
Nostalgia goggles can make for disappointment when you revisit things through the eyes of an adult but watching RJ's work with AEW, he was even funnier and more engaging than I remembered, his hair more lustrous, and he had a magical ability to play off literally anyone you put him with. Watching Hey! EW became my favourite way to learn about the people on the roster as a new fan, and it became routine to tune in to RJ Makes Coffee In His Underwear. As I branched out further I found his work with Olde Wrestling was delightful, and if you haven't seen RJ City: Wrestling Raconteur I highly recommend it. The recently uploaded David Arquette Got Me A Talk Show is also a blast and well worth a watch! He's been a huge part of one of the most engaging storylines in AEW right now with Toni Storm and his increasingly frequent appearances on TV have been delighting me to no end.
I've had friends say to me that if RJ City was a real place, I'd own a vacation home there and I'm only half sure they were joking. When All In at Wembley was announced and discussion started about who'd be on the card, the first thing I said to a friend was "RJ better be there" and when I got to the All In welcome event I was more excited to see RJ on stage than anyone else at the event, I have the messages to friends to prove it:
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When he mentioned Splatalot on stage at the welcome event I popped HARD and after getting back from All In, I decided to shoot my shot (not really expecting much because y'know maybe he doesn't want to be associated with a show he did years ago when he's got so many more current and impressive career things going on? He's currently crushing it with Hey! EW and Timeless Toni so maybe he doesn't want people messaging him about his stint as a handsome viking)
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Not only was he willing to help, he really went above and beyond despite a (presumably) very busy schedule and was a total sweetheart about the whole thing and even threw in some stickers! I now have to get a frame to display this in a suitably prominent place on my wall
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So thank you RJ City, for being even cooler than 14 year old Rowan thought you were (also I was right about you being the best defender, Gildar > Thorne my sister can go suck eggs)
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yourdaddyfigure · 1 year
Heeey, so I've been reading your blog for some time now. I'm genuinely confused, or maybe perplexed is a better use of a word... I've never met (loose term) anyone like you. Are you a dom in your real life, or is it more of a fantasy blog for tumblr? Sometimes, when I read your posts, I think to myself, "Why do I want to tell this man my life story and cry on his shoulder??" Why do I feel like he will make years of relationship trauma go away or at least make me forget for a period of time, in a matter of seconds?" It's very odd to me. And it probably has nothing to do with you and everything to do with me, as to why I'm so perplexed, if that makes sense? I enjoy reading your posts. You seem like a very well-rounded individual with a big heart and an imagination that only one could dream to be a part of. Keep that shit up! You're making girls (like myself) out here feel some type of special, and that goes further and deeper than any cock can go. 😏🖤🩷
I-I just feel like my answer would never do this ask justice. Like this ask could single handily be the sweetest thing I have ever read on here and I mean that wholeheartedly. This hit. This really hit for me and thank you for that. Now to answer your question I am very much a Dom in real life and this is not just a fantasy to me. Although I still have many many many things to learn when it comes to being a Dom I do take the lifestyle very serious. Now again I can never do this ask justice and it means the absolute world to me that I had the honor to read this and have such a positive impact on someone else. My goal with this blog since day one has always been to stay positive and spread love to the ones who need it. To the ones who have suffered and are suffering from things they don’t speak about. To be someone that they can openly talk to without being judged or outcasted. Again thank you and I mean that from the bottom of my heart and I wish I knew who this was because you really know how to put a big smile on some random guys face. I will always cherish this ask. So again thank you. Please stay safe and I hope you’re having an amazing day/night! ❤️
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abovecalamity · 11 days
I think I've seen you say you don't openly disclose which drivers you dislike before and I wholeheartedly respect that, do not get me wrong! You seem to be a sweet person on here and (forgive me for assuming) like someone who hates conflict of that kind.
So feel free to not answer this. No bad blood. I won't annoy you. 🧡
I'm just so nosy. You have really toned down the Lance Stroll posting compared to the last months and without trying to be rude, have your feelings towards him changed after the whole 'him hanging with zionists' thing? I couldn't find your opinion on this (again feel free to ignore me) and I'd really like to know, because of my own change of heart towards him.
Thank you and please have a great weekend 🧡
I will try my best to answer this. I am apologising if I ramble beforehand. Just letting out my thoughts on this.
Firstly, yes I have said I'm not here to openly hate the drivers I dislike and do stand by that opinion. I don't gain anything from producing or reblogging brainless shit. However, I have been thinking about *maybe* and this is just a *maybe* even doing a serious tierlist / general opinions post myself, to pin. Not because I feel the need to but because I want to. Not that it's massively important what I think lol.
And even then, I will not be found openly hating for the most part. It's just not what I enjoy doing and yes, Idk if you have somehow analysed me but a big part of that is hating conflicts and thriving for a harmony this whole world will never have.
Now, onto Lance Stroll.
Have I toned down my Lance posting? Yes, I have. Have my thoughts on him changed recently? Yes, they have. Have you missed any thoughts of mine that I shared? No, you have not.
I haven't talked about this, except for one lengthy outburst to my friend. If you see this, hello <3
I have mostly spent my time trying to ignore the elephant in the room. I'm not some saint, yes, we're in the sport of unmorality ... I'm not rolling up that whole conversation but simply put, yes I have become more indifferent and way less positive about him when I had to come to the realisation that, based on his surroundings, it is unbelievably likely he's a zionist.
We have had these conversations in the past but at the beginning of May it became very apparent with all the tags and affiliations and so on. How everyone feels about these things are personal and personally I don't mind seeing some of my dearest friends still posting about him. However, I have come to a point where I can't do that anymore. Even if I'm solely asking the emotional irrational side of myself, I'm moving on from him and at this point in time, regarding everything, I believe this is to be a good thing.
You asked for my feelings, here they are.
I don't know if this is my age speaking but of course this fucking sucks. But this has mostly to do with the lovely fandom space and the amazing fanfics I've had the pleasure to enjoy and less about the man himself that I don't know myself.
What I care about in this little fandom space we got here is; making silly jokes, making friends with this shared interest, admiring fan art, having fun with writing fanfic (although I haven't posted in a while, I still daydream about doing it again), reading fanfic (a BIG part for me) and just having a great time overall.
No fucking clue if I communicated this well, but it is what I had to say to this.
It is most likely that I will simply ignore him for now and only speak of him in context to other people - I do not have hateful feelings towards him (whether that's good or bad, it just IS).
I will follow the wise path of indifference and the only thing I really want, is to not lose any friendships which I'm sure won't happen. Other than that, I think I have said what I wanted.
I hope you're having a great weekend too! I'm currently sitting in a thunderstorm lol how ironic.
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theghostbunnie · 11 months
Since you already talked about your Harrison and Nerris hcs (which I love wholeheartedly <3), I wanted to ask if you have any specific Preston hcs?
Also tysm I'm so happy you enjoyed them 💓
CW: death mentions, mentions of loss.
I was having a conversation with @redheadedratt when I absorbed some of their's and thought of some of these !!
They told me they HC both of Preston's parents are dead, his father before he was old enough to remember him well and his mother years after fell ill but they were deeply in love and she spoke very fondly of him.
I can't explain it but him being raised by his mother and grandma in his formative years makes alot of sense to me he has those vibes.
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I was being withheld information/jjj thought this was funny asked 2 share, anyways
When his mother passes death is still an odd thing he's too young to fully grasp so he became infatuated with depictions of not only loss, but romance, reuniting ect based around his grief and love for hisown parents being gone and their love story. It was his way of coping with it all while being too young to understand. Like he had a big love for theater before this but this had an effect on his art.
He has an infatuation with death in what I perceive as almost a strictly artistic way all throughout the show, obviously with his play "Romeo and Juliet 2: Love resurrected" but also in the commercial he makes in the fundraiser episode his immediate go-to for grabbing viewer's attention is to talk about the potential death of children. Yes I know the whole point to begin with was they were trying to guilt trip an audience but he wrote and directed this project himself surrounding death as his personal go-to.
• Not much of a HC as it is an observation but I love how fluid his exspression is, he's had the most drastic and plentiful outfit changes throughout the series from the football gear, to the leather jacket and backwards cap, to the historical looking full makeup and gown.
Which kinda slips me into this next HC • I think he loves history but has no care for historical accuracy like whatsoever as that "stunts his creative flow" but simultaneously would absolutely pick and choose when to call out historical inaccuracies in other people's work. (proofreads Neil's fanfictions without permission probs lol)
I think Max, Neil, Nerris and Preston all have varying control issues but in very different ways and Preston's is more he'll accidentally overstep a boundary without realizing and try advising people, but mostly keeps his perfectism and temper around things not going as he planned to hisown plans. Like, he only has controlling issues with things agreed he had the biggest say in. It ties into his want to be a director and writer and often stuck with peers who are terrible with following said direction and being a child himself he's not gonna handle it with maturity, he's gonna throw a fit.
Again this is really only strictly tied to things he think he should be in charge of and doesn't just extend to his everyday interactions with people too much.
• Can't tell if this is more observation or HC but he'd pick being a screenwriter or director over being an actor and if he ever got an acting role in someone else's play he'd be trying left and right to make suggestions to it and his character and really overstep without realizing it.
• I don't think he can read a room or have a filter on for the life of him not only would he openly talk about any dark or uncomfortable topics it'd be in the form of out of pocket as hell comments in a really dramatic voice too
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wooahaes · 1 year
paint the town red, as if there’s no tomorrow
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pairing: non-idol!hyunsuk x fem!reader
genre: fluff!
word count: 0.6k~
warnings: reader is an artist. no other warnings, just fluff and a little skinship
daisy’s notes: yo couples paintings are really cute ngl...
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If there was one thing Hyunsuk knew you liked, it was art. Experimenting with different mediums and styles, going to art museums with him, or merely just sitting and working in your sketchbook... He knew where passion was, and he supported it wholeheartedly.
That was why he’d found a painting class for couples. The two of you would work separately, and your completed pieces would be put together to make a complete picture. It was a cute idea, and maybe the two of you could find a place to hang them in the apartment later. Plus this place offered wine and snacks, and he was definitely not going to argue with either of those.
But nothing, in his heart, would beat the look of pure joy in your eyes as you worked. The pretty smile you had, especially when the instructor complimented you on your work. He didn’t hesitate to speak up and gloat about his artist girlfriend, either: he thought you deserved recognition for what you did. While your career was far from the creative endeavor you wished you could have, it was little things like this that made you happiest.
“I like being able to enjoy my passion as a hobby,” you had said at one point while painting in dark trees along the backdrop. “Sometimes I get scared that if I had pursued art as a career, I would have stopped loving it so much.”
Hyunsuk could understand the thought there, at least. He was still pursuing music on the side, though, and maybe it’d take off, maybe it wouldn’t. He loved doing it, and that was what mattered the most. “But are you happy working the way you do?”
You had shrugged. “It pays the bills.”
“Maybe so... But we’re young,” he said. “If you wanted to do something else... You have time to.” He paused, suddenly a bit more serious, “The time is going to pass anyway. Why not do it pursuing what you love?”
He noticed the way you paused in your actions, taking in his words before nodding. “I see...” You went back to painting. “Maybe I’ll look into it more sometime.”
Hyunsuk smiled to himself. He liked the thoughtful tone in your voice. It always made him feel heard... but then again, he always felt heard and loved when he was with you. Even if it net him a little bit of teasing from his friends (he’d cleared his schedule just so he could come take this class with you today), he’d always talk openly about things like that. After all, he did it for anyone he loved... and sometimes he’d get nagged by said people (his little sister, for one, who’d occasionally get flustered over how loud and proud he was of every single thing she did) for it.
“I like your art,” he said after a few minutes. “I think yours looks better than mine.”
Brushing back a stray strand of hair, you looked over to his canvas. “I think it looks perfect.”
“My tree is kinda lopsided here--”
He had meant for it to be a joke, but you adamantly shook your head. “No, it’s perfect,” you said. “Because you made it. Art doesn’t need to look perfect to be made with love,” you leaned over, pecking his cheek quickly. “It’s perfect because its yours.”
Blood rushed to his face at how genuine you always were. He always appreciated that about you, because even when you gave him the feedback he wanted, you made him feel validated for creating, too. You had always said that the pursuit of creativity was the most important part of the process. A flawed end product was better than no end product.
“Hyunsuk...” You looked over. “Thank you for this birthday date,” you giggled. “I love it.”
He did, too. And he loved it more when the two of you hung your pieces together in your apartment, the heart shaped by two trees matching up perfectly between them.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao​
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danpuff-ao3 · 10 months
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Dead doves: they're not for everyone! Potentially triggering and disturbing content involved. While it's understandable that they won't be to everyone's taste, there's no shame in them being yours!
This project has a twofold intention: firstly, to provide fic recs for various dead doves that people might enjoy. Secondly, to be open with our enjoyment of "questionable" content. Fiction is fiction, and there's no shame in reading or writing any sort of content. I believe wholeheartedly in creative freedom and the healing power of fictional works (be it catharsis or a distraction or entertainment!) So while it might get me some blocks and some side-eyes, I am here to proudly declare my love and appreciation for dead dove works. And I hope that by speaking more openly about these things, we can begin to understand each other better and accept one another, whether we ourselves like what each other likes or not.
KINKTOMATO (YKINMKATOK): Your Kink is Not My Kink (And That's OK!)
Whether you're an open dove-lover, or if it's your guilty pleasure, I hope you find good reads, and take comfort in the fact that you're not alone. Far from it!
If you're a blog that wants to participate and post lists of your own, please reach out to me and we can coordinate to make that happen! I ask that people please tag "dead dove diaries" on any lists so they're easy to find, and to either tag me or send me the link to any lists so I can work on compiling them all into a master list. A list of lists, if you will.
If you're more shy but want to contribute, you are welcome to DM me fic recs to take into consideration for this project.
See the Fanlore Dead Dove: Do Not Eat article for more information on the history of Dead Dove and what topics could be considered Dead Dove.
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lunar-years · 1 year
Yes, at 16 or 17 Jamie would have wages from the club. They sign the full adult pro contract at 17, but even at 16 they are paid on a schoolboy contract. He would have funded the trip, but I love that he framed it as her taking him because he's still her child. I think she knew what happened and they were trying to write over memories, and I do not think his dad succeeded in getting back with her. The fact that even though they were trying to paint over his dad, they couldn't quite do it, means that this time around, Jamie's tour of the city and his fun facts are him trying to once again make new and better memories. Like, that's what he apologises for, being a "dick" (he wasn't) - pushing Roy into his agenda I think, like "being here is a bit upsetting so I was trying really hard to enjoy it but was clearly annoying you by acting really extra and not listening to your bad mood."
So, I am definitely not convinced Jamie would have told his mum about what happened (at least not the full extent of it); I think it is a very real possibility that the first person he's ever told that to, honestly, was Roy as we saw there in Amsterdam. Obviously it's a headcanon one way or another with no real evidence but. yeah. That's my gut feeling.
But I wholeheartedly agree that this go around was yet another attempt to wash over those memories. I really loved that Jamie both apologized for not acknowledging to Roy's bad mood and coming on too strong while also calling Roy out for taking out his bad mood on Jamie. I forget his exact wording, but I'm referring to when he was like "I know you're actually mad about something else unrelated to me, and just taking it out on me." I'm also proud of Roy because he'd already openly admitted to that same thing earlier. I think when they're first getting the bikes, and he says something about pushing Jamie around "even if you don't deserve it." Like, they both are well aware of the dynamics here and that Roy is leaning on and pushing Jamie in order to (avoid) deal(ing) with his own shit. Because he can't yet fully face what's actually going on. God they drive me insane.
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dastardlydaemon · 1 year
pspspsp say what daemon would be like as king. what would he do with the small council, whose positions would he take and put who in which, what would his plans for the future be, would he eventually step down or does he enjoy the position? what does he do about his marriage?
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So even though daemon loves his brother viserys dearly and we know they have this whole dynamic between them that's conflicting and just getting worse and worse with time. I do believe they weren't that awful to one another in their younger years and were actually close since they depended and relied on one another because of the lack of a father who may/may not have been distant and unavailable both physically and emotionally due to his many duties as well as his mourning of his wife BUT THIS IS A TOPIC FOR ANOTHER DAY SO LET'S SKIP IT!
Back to Daemon, he loves his brother sure. We all know this and have seen it in the show. BUUUUUUUUT he also thinks he's a weak king and should have been king instead. So why does he think this? Because Viserys is weak in all of the ways Daemon values most: he's not a strong fighter. he's not decisive. he can be easily influenced by others. and he is also desperate for the approval of people and can't seem to control his own daughter or otto or even coryls who seemed to openly disrespect him a couple of times. Except, in contrast to daemon's belief in viserys' weakness, daemon is desperate for his big brother's approval which we've also seen. He wants to be the most loved and respected person in viserys' eyes. (Because that's who viserys was to daemon even if he thought he was weak he was the one he loved and respected the most.) It's why Daemon wanted Viserys to be one he leaned on so that he could complement his faults and do the things that he believed he could do which viserys couldn't.
And I'm going to refer to the scene where they yelled at each other and daemon pointed out that all he did was exile him and never once considered to make him his hand: this scene reveals daemon's resentment towards viserys choosing otto over him and after everything he did to help make his brother king. "I would've protected you from yourself." and tbh viserys is a huge ass for doing what he did, he sidelined daemon horribly and after daemon campaigned for him to become king. The irony is however that while daemon felt slighted by viserys he still could get away with everything under the sun and was called the rogue prince due to it. And despite viserys was viewed as being a weak king and daemon was his out-of-control baby brother it was viserys' lack of outright hostility and his care that made daemon become who he is, except daemon doesn't see it that way. It was Viserys' love that enabled Daemon into becoming arguably one of the most terrifying Targaryens in history.
The second reason why daemon believes he should be king is because he truly, wholeheartedly and vehemently embraces his house words "fire and blood" to his very core (might even make his ancestors a little too intimidated but prolly not visenya who's sword he inherited and even named a daughter after).
Regarding the small council, he would choose the right people for the right posts and make sure they were all loyal and capable of doing their jobs since he's so averse to governing and knows it is not something he wishes to bother with. Ruling isn't just about sitting in on meetings and listening to lords squabble that's the unfavourable aspect of it for him. I doubt he'd bother engaging in that much. Not sure if he'd be like Robert who was barely attending his meetings but even if that were the case he'd still have someone reporting the gist of things that happened to him. He knows strategy and he knows how to play the game. He's disciplined as a fighter and knows how to command people and has his own network of spies and people loyal to him who can and will do his bidding. But he's also too restless to be stuck doing things he hates.
What would his plans be? i think he'd focus on making the army strong. reinforce the borders and make sure any disputes with whatever regions existed are snuffed out. I mean his main focus would definitely be the military aspect of things since that's his strength and he'd be relying on that. As for who he'd have on the council i think i'll skip that for now.
Would he step down? Hell no. Would he enjoy ruling? Probably not. Because once you're in a thing you've coveted for so long and realise how tedious it can be and totally isn't the shiny thing you expected it to be you start to lose interest but you're stuck continuing and playing the role because what else can you do? Which is prolly why they say heavy is the head that wears the crown.
As for his marriage, hmmmmmmmmmmm. this is my bias but he'd have to keep the wife lol even if he doesn't want to. he would be in a position to divorce her and he could do it easily but i don't want him to sooooo his small council would advise against it! because hey you already have a wife and now that you're actually king you better start making an heir or else your reign is in jeopardy. because what are kings without heirs? sitting ducks waiting to be overthrown that's what. and no you can't have an heir from your paramour mysaria because she's not cut out to be queen material since you know she's a whore so deal with your wife of noble blood, king and make an heir and then a spare too, because you know more than one is good. (not me wanting this au to be written out now >.>) BUT IF RHEA DECIDES TO BE DIVORCED then i guess he'd have to look for a new wife and we know he'll chose someone valyrian.
Ahhh this got long but thank you for the ask!!! and for choosing to read this crazy ramble.
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