#earth sign energy
suspiriax · 2 years
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this is giving big Capricorn energy 💀
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Water signs (pisces, cancer, and scorpio) are absolute baby’s when they are in the presence of an earth sign (capricorn, virgo, and taurus) they adore. Time and time again I see this element longingly staring into the soul of the earth signs.
And the earth signs eat it up.
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divinelyviolet · 2 years
Astrology Observation:
Your Moon sign could lead to the type of intuition you have when it comes to other people
Earth Moons: can tell when people are uncomfortable/dont like the person they are with/etc
Random Bonus Observation: Earth moons can always tell when there’s a bug nearby or can spot them very quickly
Water Moons: Can tell when people are lying about their emotions or can tell when people are lying/avoiding an emotional situation within themselves
Air Moons: Can tell when someone lies about things they know or say they know
Fire Moons: can easily tell when people are upset and hiding it, can feel that rage behind that person’s mask
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
☁️🥺🥶Moon Signs💕🌙🧚🏼‍♀️
Here I will describe the bad and good things I have noticed about the moons signs. This is meant only for moons and not for placements in houses.
🤠🤔🍔Taurus moon- stable people, their emotions are always in place and rarely get upset by anything. They are always loyal. When you hang out with them, you will always be their first priority and they will invest a lot in their relationship with you. They will always but really always appreciate your feelings. If any moon knows how to appreciate the feelings of others and the relationship, it is this one. A lot of times they give you a comfortable vibe & are always by your side, you feel safe with them. However, they can be too stubborn and sometimes their stubbornness makes them not react emotionally at all. They take a long time to give up in when they argue with you. Resentments can be long-lasting, even eternal.
💘🥲☁️Cancer moon -this is one of my fav. I like how caring they are and how you can feel safe with them. They always radiate warmth and a sense of home. Cute vibes. They love cartoons and always have a childish energy and I like that about them. They are also always open and understanding emotionally. They always remember everything and never forget about you. They give me a relaxing and loving energy. They always know how to find the right words. You never feel alone next to them. But they can be introverted and don't like going to parties full of strangers or meeting a lot of people. They prefer to stay at home and do things that make them happy. Many times they are committed to one person and want to do everything with them. But experiencing feelings and memories is one of the things that Cancers experience even after they no longer hang out with you for many years. The memory of you will always be with them.
❤️‍🔥🤘🏽Aries moon- can be very independent and focused on themselves. They do their own thing and don't care about others. But they are some of the most positive people I know. If anyone can put you in a good mood, it will be them. They really have that focus on the positive side when things go wrong. Many times they encourage you to make good decisions and are really happy for you when you achieve something. I think they are very selfless when it comes to other people, they always allow everyone to succeed. However, they can often have problems with getting angry too quickly, many times because of unimportant things (such as crowds or people walking slowly). They don't like it when people are slow.
😶‍🌫️🍬🦄Pisces moon- I like their compassion, the emotions they show outwardly and with them you never have to feel weird when you cry. They understand when someone is depressed, sad. It seems to me that they present it in such a way that you feel that these feelings are normal and everyday. I also like that you don't feel like you're daydreaming or imagining too much with them. Together with them you can dream everything you want. They love cartoons and cartoon characters make me feel like I'm in a fairy tale with them. They never forget the past and are always emotionally attached to people who are no longer in their lives. But they can start manipulating you or making a victim out of themselves. Sometimes it seems to me that they are imagining and inventing a lot of things. They know how to always find someone else to blame. And they run away from their emotions too much.
🦋🧐💔Scorpio moon- for a very long time I thought they were evil (I think it depends on what other signs the person has) but usually it turns out that they are just very private about their feelings and careful about who they trust. But they can be very sympathetic and understand many things. They know how to look into the soul of a person and I like how they can show another not so beautiful emotional side. They make you feel like it's okay if you're feeling down or if you've had an absolutely terrible day. They feel a lot but don't show it outwardly.
🥳🤍🪂Sagittarius moon- are always ready for action no matter when or where (it can be at 3 in the morning). Very spontaneous people and many times emotionally independent. If anyone is going to remember crazy things it will be them I swear. Sometimes I have the feeling that they have no sense of time, because they will call and write at really crazy hours. You can literally expect the unexpected from them. But they have that dark side where they just shut off their emotions and just don't care about you. Sometimes you can feel like they have no compassion.
🥶🪐Capricorn moon-many times they come forward too emotionally distant and closed. Or are too cold, responsible and disciplined. Sometimes you feel like they are your parents that always controlling you. With them, I always get the feeling that something I'm doing is wrong or inappropriate haha. They are good for deep, difficult conversations, but again, you have to be very close to them for them to open up to you. And they can also be lyrical when things go wrong. But they know how to be calm in tense situations. I also have the feeling that they cut you out of their lives quickly. And they really don't like to waste their time.
😎📖Gemini moon- very eloquent and intelligent, they know a lot. They talk a lot about their feelings and things You can't be bored with them, because they will always find something to do. You also have many topics to debate with them. If you can debate with any moon sign for hours and hours or even late into the night, it's them. They literally never get tired haha. Especially if there is a topic that is really interesting to them. But what i don’t like about them is that they can be very secretive about their lives and always leave you in doubt or guessing.
🍰🛍️Libra moon- I love how they are always there for you when you need them and focus on the relationship they have with you. They will always find time with people they love, no matter how busy they are. Because relationships are really important to them. They always want to understand others emotionally. The problem arises when they want to be available to everyone because sometimes you just need someone who will be here only for you and not for many others. You don't feel that deep connection.
🤪🔭Aquarius moon- goofy as fuck! I swear you can do the weirdest and craziest things with them. Everything you do is not strange to them. They will always start acting weird with you. They are very non-judgmental people. And compared to others aquarius placements this one is completely different. More compassionate and attentive and often think about other people too. What I also notice is that they will never leave you alone. They put a lot on their friends.
✨🛁Virgo moon- similar to Capricorn, only they emit a more friendly energy. But they are judgmental on the inside. They will notice your every little thing, even if you don't see it, virgos watch and analyze most of the time. And they really like to be clean. But can also sometimes be overly critical to themselves. Many times they can also be too nervous, things quickly tire them out. Everyday things confuse them and make them nervous. And they like everything to go according to plan. So you can quickly become paranoid around them. And they are very concerned about the health of others and themselves. So they will always give you advice on what is healthy.
🦁🧢Leo moon- they like to put themselves and their needs first, sometimes you can feel as if only they are always in the foreground. They can also be selfish. Many times I feel too exposed with them. Their personality is often bold, playful. They can be dramatic over little things and love drama (but only if it revolves around them). So you never feel like you're being too dramatic next to them. They have a lot of childlike energy in them. They always encourage you to do things and to be as daring as possible. They don't invest in every relationship, but when they invest everything. I think if you like them then u can vibe with them.
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audrinawf · 9 months
my Virgo fiancé just wrote like 3 pages in his journal about how he needs to take a ice cold shower every morning to be a BETTER PERSON and how a cold shower is the key to becoming better and more successful man cause he needs to start his day with pain and discipline and IS THAT NOT THE MOST VIRGO / earth sign coded thing to say????
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chaoticsoft · 19 days
If your starter Pokemon was Bulbasaur, chances are, I'd be attracted to you
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eārth wörship .:. @earthjournalbyawildrose
.:. source
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scoutshorror · 5 months
my capricorn bestie and i are seeing fuckin Deadmau5 tonight and we’re excited but the big tired earth sign energy is potent. our souls are so old.
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sayhoneysiren · 1 year
“think back to ancient god Enki, ruler of earth (body) and water (emotion). Part of Capricorn’s power is that of the dark, mysterious feminine, the yin and internal expressions.”
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What can you say on someone having Taurus in the 11th house? Have a nice day :)
Apologies for being in the next year answering this 😇🫣
Truth about Taurus in the 11th is simple & sweet tho.. as an earth sign in the 11th this is how you cooperate in your group settings ~ in society and organizations ♒️+🌳= the roots
Taurus energy here is Venus energy. You enjoy helping and cooperating with others. Amplifying any beauty that might be lingering under the surface. Showing people the best sides of themselves. You can be a lil slow with the group, but your loyalty & work ethic is key and unmatched ♉️
Hang out with the fire & air signs to really get something off the ground & hang with the other earth or water signs to stabilize it. groups matter! I just made a YouTube video 👇🏾 actually describing how to find perfect friendships and collaborations based on your 5th and 11th house ♉️✨🦋💖
✨ all signs ✨ quick video
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sugaryewscythe · 10 months
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i love the abundance represented in this card 🌱♡ ♑︎
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Having predominantly earth placements makes me feel tough.
Especially earth mercuries will relate to this. Being in a position where everyone around me is freaking out, thats when I feel the most capable of grounding myself and being logical.
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stateofdreaming14 · 20 days
I would never want to be someone BTS wishes happiness on in their songs Like I'd just crawl in a hole and 🎲
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rachellaurengray · 28 days
10 Facts about the Energy of the Moon in Virgo:
Ever wondered how the moon’s position influences our lives? Today, we’ll delve into the captivating energy of the moon in Virgo.
Getting Down to Business: With the moon in Virgo, it's like we're putting on our CEO hats and diving into the nitty-gritty details of our lives.
The Great Emotional Audit: Picture this: the moon in Virgo is like doing a Marie Kondo-style emotional audit, where we sort through our feelings and keep only the ones that spark joy.
Chasing the Elusive Perfection: It's like we're on a quest for the perfect avocado—except instead of avocados, we're seeking perfection in everything we do.
Nature's Therapy Session: Virgo's energy is like a big, comforting hug from Mother Nature, reminding us to take a breather and recharge in her green embrace.
Kindness is Cool: Under Virgo's influence, kindness is our superpower. It's like we've all suddenly become members of the Kindness League, spreading good vibes wherever we go.
Revamping the Daily Grind: Think of the moon in Virgo as a free trial for a new productivity app—we're revamping our daily routines to be more efficient and effective.
Spellcheck for Conversations: Conversations during this time are like carefully crafted emails, with each word meticulously chosen and spellchecked for maximum impact.
DIY Self-Improvement: Virgo's energy is all about that DIY self-improvement life. It's like we're on a home improvement show, but instead of fixing up houses, we're fixing up ourselves.
Rolling with Life's Curveballs: Life can be chaotic, but with Virgo's guidance, it's like we're riding a bike with training wheels, gracefully navigating the bumps and curves.
Becoming Besties with Yourself: Under the moon's gentle glow, it's like we're on a sleepover with our inner selves, staying up late, sharing secrets, and becoming besties for life.
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audrinawf · 1 year
me randomly asking my virgo man to send me $500 without any explanation
he replies : got it ♥️
me : so you’re not gonna ask me what it’s for?
him : nope ♥️ but you can tell me if you want
me : no reason I just wanted to see what would happen if I asked for it 🫢 ur so generous 🥹
him : always.
I know I always rant about virgoes and capricorns cause y’all always put work and ur personal goals before anything else but I love earth sign men 😭
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tshepiso-rebaone · 1 month
met someone I wanna write poetry about
casting our shadows on tree trunks,
learning how to charge the spark from the root up
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