#drag race 10 isn't much better?
moony-2001 · 7 months
The real-world impact of Lore Olympus
i.e. do your research Rachel
Trigger warning: racism, fetishization, appropriation, mentions of SA
Long post ahead
A while ago, someone told me that Lore Olympus was just a silly little comic written out of boredom. That it was made to be "funny". They told me that "[I] can't hope [for] an extremely [well-written] story when it was just made with the intention to make something goofy" and that if Rachel actually wanted to make something serious like I had, she would write a book and not a comic.
At the time of this exchange, it was past 1 a.m. and I was exhausted. I did not want to argue with this person and it simply wasn't worth my time or energy in the moment.
But looking back at that (mostly one-sided) interaction, I can't help but think that there is so much wrong with that point of view. Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion about Lore Olympus, whether good or bad. But Lore Olympus isn't just some silly little nothing comic about nothing important. It is a comic that actively appropriates and erases Greek Culture. It is a comic that has no respect for the actual stories that have been passed down over thousands of years whether by word of mouth or written text. It is a comic that perpetuates a false narrative and harmful stereotypes about characters or certain groups of people. So, no, it's not just a silly little comic.
Incorrect information
Here’s an example of what I mean:
When I was doing research for my post about the 10 year time skip, I looked up Leuce to reconfirm the little information I knew about her. Wanna guess the first thing that popped up about her?
A Lore Olympus Wiki article.
Okay. How about Minthe? Hundreds of pictures of her from Lore Olympus and a LO Wiki article as one of the top 3 results. Both character are horribly represented in LO and unfortunately there isn’t really any documented stories or records that can refute how LO paints them. Because of this, other characters in Greek Mythology like Leuce and Minthe, whose stories have little to no documentation, stand to suffer the most harm from deliberate misrepresentation on Rachel’s part.
Of course well-known and better documented figures in Greek mythology face slander as well. What about Thetis or Leto? How about Apollo? All of their portrayals in LO are HORRIBLE. I have seen people online absolutely drag them to filth not because they're upset about how the character is portrayed compared to their mythological counterpart, but because they have no knowledge of how they are actually portrayed outside of LO. They just assume that's how the characters are. Similarly, people who have either very little or no prior knowledge of Greek Mythology and Culture would look at the comic and go "Yep, sounds legit. It must be true." and go about thinking that what is portrayed in LO is accurate to what was transcribed thousands of years ago.
Creative interpretations and racism/fetishization within LO
Don’t get me wrong. Creative interpretations and artistic liberties can be great. When they’re done tastefully. I personally think if done correctly, a Greek myth spun in a modern way has the potential be very good. But that's not what we were given.
Characters like Minthe, Leuce, and Thetis (all nymphs btw) are portrayed as trashy tramps who put out and are used as a foil sabotage Persephone and/or her relationship with Hades. Compare that to Greek Mythology where in the Iliad, Thetis is very well-respected by the gods, particularly Hera. Unfortunately, other similar characters like satrys (and basically any character that isn’t a god) are usually portrayed as a low-class POC that can be easily exploited, manipulated, or used as a temporary villain/lover/pawn to “get back” at Persephone, our white-coded protagonist who can do no wrong.
Additionally, there is a clear race/class bias against characters like nymphs in LO. We see many cases scattered throughout the comic of gods like Hera or Aphrodite referring to nymphs as "trash" or "low class" or the idea that nymphs do not belong with gods being heavily implied if not outright said. I cannot tell you how often I've seen Minthe be called some variant of "cheap" by the readers of LO. Even Persephone (who created the flower nymphs) treats them with such disrespect. She frequently calls them some variant of "stupid" or "simple" like saying how they're not the sharpest crayons in the box even though she's the one WHO MADE THEM. However, it's so odd not really to note that nymphs like Echo, Amphitrite, or Psyche (who was previously disguised as a nymph) are not discriminated against. This is because they are liked or trusted by the gods they are around and ergo are often portrayed as the "good ones", which is a disgusting mindset to have.
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We also see the fetishization of nymphs in the comic that is disturbingly similar to the fetishization of women who are Black, Asian, or Latina. It is a known fact that Hades has a flower nymph fetish. Not only is this implied in the comic, but Rachel stated it outright in an old Patreon post. Nymphs are also generally treated as sex-symbols, disposable, and as a lesser-than. Zeus frequently displays this behavior by abandoning nymphs he knocked up in the mortal realm.
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For example, when Persephone finds out Apollo is dating Daphne, she isn't upset he's dating her friend. She's upset he's dating a flower nymph, beings that are generally considered to be "rare", "dumb", and objects of sexual desire. Ew.
Even on the Lore Olympus website (loreolympians.com) nymphs are regarded as "beautiful", "desirable", and "very exotic". And when they're not described in a sexual manner they're say it with me now regarded as "low class" or "workers" for some kind of god/goddess.
Final thoughts
So not only is the characterization of characters like Minthe or Thetis harmful to Greek culture and the stories that are so ingrained in their society, but it is also perpetuating harmful stereotypes about people of color and women who are confident in their sexuality.
Of course, the characters within Greek Mythology had their own issues. Zeus was a serial rapist, many of the goddesses deemed to be "feminist" by today's standards were actually horribly misogynistic looking at you Athena. But 1. that's just how things were back then (but that does not make it right) and 2. all of the good, the bad, and the ugly is still there in Greek Mythology. They're not denying how fucked up it is, but they're also not changing their history to better fit their own narrative or the narrative of the modern world. It exists, it happened, but now it is studied and called out by historians.
Rachel, on the other hand, is doing exactly that. She is actively changing the Greek's cultural history to better fit her fic's narrative. She is constantly sweeping things under the rug or going "No this is how it ACTUALLY happened". Lore Olympus is marketed as a "feminist retelling" yet somehow, it takes allllll the ugly parts from Greek Mythology (rape, incest, problematic age gaps, dubious consent, etc.), mixes it with a majority of the issues we have in the modern world (white feminism, rape-apologists/rape culture, grooming, fetishization of certain minority groups, etc.) and then amplifies the concoction to 20. Lore Olympus cannot be a "progressive, feminist, retelling" and also have characters that are morally apprehensive/come straight from the ancient myths. It does not work. In fact, IMO it makes all the problems from both eras worse.
News flash: actual cultures that are still thriving today are not your toys. They are not "made up". They matter. Do better.
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
a/n: requested by @mischivana " can you please do 2, 6, 8, 10, 12, or 48 either jason or connor. or 24 or 44 (or both) with jason. can you make them x mortal reader cause there really isn't enough mortal reader stuff around and I've been craving it, thank you!!!! " i've done this for jason since i haven't written much for him, so i hope you enjoy! my past two things for him have been very sad, so this is a bit happier lol
warnings: minor injury detail prompts: "Don't worry; it hurts a little less each time." and "I love you and it terrifies me." gn reader
What Are You So Afraid Of? - Jason Grace
Midnight. There's a crash downstairs.
You jolt up in your bed, heart pounding. It's silent for a moment, and you start to think that you might just be hearing things, but then there's another. Louder, closer. Heavy. With your heart racing, you grab the nearest thing you could use as a weapon - a stuffed teddy, for heaven's sake - and stand on tired legs.
There's a bang on your door, and you jump. You should call the police, but your bones feel locked with terror. You can't bring yourself to reach for your phone. This is perhaps the worst time for your parents to be away.
Another bang, and a rattle of your door handle, and the intruder stumbles in. All at once, they fall into your wardrobe with a series of curses and shouts, and you launch the teddy bear at them. It gets the expected result, simply bouncing off the intruder's header, and it's then that you notice who it is.
"Yours truly," the intruder groans.
"What -?"
He makes a gasping sound as he steps forward, and you can only see his shadowed form as it stumbles. Immediately, you rush over, catching him under the arms and dragging him over to your bed, laying him over top of your dishevelled covers.
"Watch your eyes," you say before flicking your bedside lamp on.
He curses again when the light switches on, covering his eyes with a bruised and bleeding arm. Already, there's blood on your bed sheets.
"What happened?" you demand.
Jason shifts slightly, getting as comfortable as he can as you check him over for other injuries. Besides his arm and a gash on his leg, he's seemingly all right, but the amount of blood is making you nervous.
"On a quest."
"Yeah, I guessed. But what happened? Haven't you taken some ambrosia?"
His arm moves now, and his eyes slowly adjust to the dim light of your room. Though bloodshot, they still gleam a gorgeous glittering blue that has you almost transfixed. You catch yourself before you get distracted, rifling around in your nightstand for the little first aid kit you keep in there for situations like this.
"Ran out," he says quietly. "You've still got some here, right? I think I left some last time."
You pull it out just as he asks, wordlessly passing him a chunk of the godly food. It's sat in your drawer for a few weeks now - somehow it hasn't gone off - and you're glad that you forgot about it. As a demigod, the ambrosia helps Jason heal, but if you, a mortal, were to eat it, you'd likely combust into flames and die. If it always smells as good as it does now, you're eternally grateful for your bad memory. You probably would've been a pile of burnt ashes had you remembered.
"Fighting some monsters at North Beach, but they got some good hits in." He looks over at you then, noting the horrified expression on your face at how easily he speaks about being almost killed. "Don't worry; it hurts a little less each time."
"That's supposed to make me feel better? Jason! You're bleeding everywhere!"
He waves his hand nonchalantly and plasters on a smile, but you notice the way the pain he's in makes the scar on his lip twitch. "I'm all right, (name). Promise. just needed some ambrosia. I'll be healed up in no time."
You watch carefully as the blood slowly stops flowing, and the skin gradually mends itself back together. Begrudgingly, you shove the first aid kit back into your nightstand.
"I can't stay long," Jason says, closing his eyes for a moment. "I can't put -"
"Me in danger, yes I know. Son of Jupiter and everything." Kneeling beside the bed, you resist the urge to take his hand in yours and squeeze it, more for your own comfort than his. "You can't just walk back to your camp from here in the middle of the night. It's too dangerous. You always say monsters are more dangerous at night."
"I'll be fine."
His eyes open again, locking onto yours. Fifteen years old, and already those eyes hold more than they should have. You've seen your fair share of things in that same amount of time, but you can't even begin to think what life as a demigod could entail. What it could do to a person. Already, they hold more memories and horrors than they really should.
"I can't risk your life, (name)," he insists.
"You and your saviour complex! You're staying here tonight. You can head back in the morning when I can call you a taxi."
"You could call me one now."
"Absolutely not."
"(name) -"
"I won't hear any more about it," you say.
You grab the spare blanket you keep in your wardrobe, wrap it around your shoulders, and pull the duvet on your bed over Jason until it reaches his chin. He could easily move and hinder the process, but he stays still. You've got a feeling that he doesn't mind being taken care of sometimes. Not when he's usually the one taking care of others.
"Get some sleep," you tell him, sitting on top of a pillow beside the bed. "You have to be exhausted."
He shakes his head and rolls onto his side so he can face you. "I want to make sure you're all right."
"I'm not the one that was attacked tonight."
"That could change."
You give him a look. "Jason, I've been fine every other time you've come here. What are you so afraid of? In all the time we've known each other, no monsters have shown up at my door."
He goes quiet then, and you worry that you've pushed too hard. Jason may be in charge of the camp he stays at, but you know how hard it all is for him, what with being the son of the king of the gods. He's lonely, and you're well aware that his coming to see you, whether it be after a quest or just on a whim, allows him to escape that life. But always with the monsters, the warnings. He's never stayed more than an hour, afraid he'll get you killed, but you want more than that. You need more than that. You don't want to spend the rest of your life waiting for him to appear, just for him to leave so soon.
"I'm sorry," you murmur. "I just -"
"I love you," he interrupts, "and it terrifies me."
The rest of your sentence gets stuck in your throat, and for a moment you can't breathe.
He looks away, the lamplight reflecting in the bright blue of his eyes. "I've loved you for months. Ever since we met, really, when you accidentally saved me from a bunch of monsters following me in the Legion of Honor and told me that I needed to brush my teeth if I was going to get so close to you. But I'm - I'm scared of losing you."
Your hands are shaking a little. "You're not going to lose me."
"I don't want to risk that," he says. "I don't remember my family - my mom and sister. I've known nothing but being a demigod all my life. But you help me forget about it all and pretend that I'm a normal kid for a little while. I don't want to lose that or you. But me being here puts you in danger."
"You don't need to feel the same." He still won't look at you. "I just needed you to know."
"Will you look at me?"
He struggles with himself for a moment, but eventually, he turns his head, fixing his gaze on yours. With a shaky hand, you find his beneath your duvet cover and squeeze gently, offering the best smile you can manage.
"I do feel the same," you say. "And, I've been safe all this time. I'll stay that way regardless if you stay a few more hours, okay?"
He doesn't look entirely convinced, but still, he nods and says, "Okay. But just this once."
"Like hell it'll be just this once."
A soft laugh escapes his lips. "I'll keep you safe."
"Of course, you will, Jase."
Even still, it takes barely ten minutes for him to doze off peacefully, smiling so softly that it makes your heart feel warm. You don't let go of his hand, ensuring that even in sleep he knows you're still there. And you press a soft kiss to his forehead as you switch your lamp off, praying that this wasn't all a dream or some figment of your imagination.
I love you. The words still echo in your mind, even as you eventually fall asleep, head fallen on the pillow his own rests on.
I love you.
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mins-fins · 11 months
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SUMMARY . . . gunwook loves his members, but specifically a certain one the most.
PAIRING . . . park gunwook x male!reader
GENRE . . . fluff, somewhat angst
WARNINGS . . . none!
WORD COUNT . . . 1k
NOTES . . . pretty basic but i just really love gunwook so take this :))
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gunwook hates that y/n is under appreciated.
to him, y/n is everything but untalented, in his honest totally non-biased opinion, y/n is one of the most talented members and people he's ever met. he doesn't even know why people go on about y/n being the 'black sheep of zerobaseone'.
none of the members understand either, it's a generally known fact that y/n, despite being one of the youngest, is one of the most hardworking members in the whole entire group.
but the thing with y/n is, he always wants to prove himself.
gunwook knows he's seen the comments, because it's like he has this incentive to stay at practice for almost ten hours to prove a point.
usually, the older members are able to persuade him to not to stay longer than he should, and even with how stubborn he is, y/n would always give in after trying his best to put up an argument.
but today, y/n is insistent that he'll be okay.
he keeps putting up arguments, saying that it's better that he practices for longer so that he doesn't screw up at the debut showcase and embarrass himself.
everyone knows those are just his inner most thoughts messing with him, and all the hate comments he's been getting have messed with his already little confidence.
no matter how much they tried to convince him to not stay late, y/n stood his ground and simply smiled, saying he'd be fine, and it wouldn't be for long.
it has been three hours, and gunwook is done.
he tried to wait, he did. he tried to be patient, but he knows, he can't leave y/n there alone, he can't just let y/n overwork himself.
he's very very worried.
so, he grabs his sweater, and whilst he's getting ready to leave, gyuvin the walks by and pauses.
"going to get y/n?"
"yes" gunwook sighs, tired. gyuvin stares at him for a moment before giving a knowing smile, which confuses him. "what?"
gyuvin giggles, clearly having an idea in his head that he didn't want gunwook to know. "nothing, nothing" he snickers. "just make sure you don't come back late".
"it's already late".
"then later".
gunwook rolls his eyes, but gives gyuvin a smile. when he exits the dorm, he sighs at the fact that y/n is probably gonna put up another fight once again. he's lucky the wakeone building isn't that far away, but he also hates the fact that he has to drag y/n away from the practice room again.
gunwook isn't that surprised when he sees y/n still in the practice room, letting out a frustrated groan as he stomps on the floor.
said boy immediately flinches at the sound of his name being called, letting out a sigh of relief. his shoulders slump as he sees gunwook, and he's clearly very tired, but he tries his best to stand.
"gunwook, why are you here?"
"to take you home y/n" gunwook states obviously. he takes his arm but y/n shakes his head, resisting against his grip.
"no no no" y/n says, and gunwook literally can't believe that he still wants to stay late. "i— i still have to perfect this move then i'll finally be done and prepared—"
"y/n, it's almost midnight! you've been practicing almost all day, you need your rest!" gunwook exclaims, and y/n looks hesitant.
"i just— i have to make sure that i don't do anything wrong because then i'll mess it up for the whole group!"
y/n sighs, his shoulders slumping. "gunwook, it's just a few more minutes, i just— it won't take that long".
"y/n" gunwook's voice softens, he tugs his hand, wanting to convince him that it was okay to take a break. "you've been here for almost 10 hours, you have to get your rest".
y/n pauses, he bites his inner cheek, a frown comes to his lips as his mind races. "i don't wanna mess anything up, like misstep, or step too early, or not dance at the correct time".
gunwook sighs.
y/n isn't usually like this, well wasn't usually like this before he actually acknowledged the things people said about him online. he remembers hearing him cry into junhyeon's shoulder because of how much it was taking a toll on him.
gunwook's face falls as he thinks about it, y/n shouldn't have to feel like this. he's talented, he deserves to be recognized for that, he shouldn't have to be recognized for stuff that isn't even true, all the rumors people would gossip about when the cameras weren't on.
it upsets him how much people dislike him even though he did nothing wrong.
"your not going to" gunwook states, but y/n just sighs, shaking his head. "stop— don't shake your head, i'm serious y/n, your going to do great".
"but what if i—"
"stop, stop it" gunwook cuts in. "y/n, your talented, creative, smart, funny, pretty, and anyone who disagrees with that is stupid, you don't have to practice for ten hours to prove how amazing of an idol you are, i know your gonna do great, i don't wanna hear you deny that".
y/n pauses again at the blatantly honest words, they're so genuine that his face goes a little red as gunwook continues to hold his hand. gunwook gives a small smile, poking his cheek.
y/n finally sighs after a set of silence, he pretty much stumbles forward because his muscles feel sore from all the dancing he's been doing. he simply wants to fall into gunwook's arms and fall asleep, but he can't do that, he can't be a burden.
gunwook smiles, pulling y/n by his hand, as the boy can finally stand up right due to gunwook supporting him. he lets go of his hand to wrap an arm around his waist, keeping him up.
y/n couldn't deny, everything about this felt nice. he'd always felt this warmth, comfort around gunwook, no one else could really bring him the kind of comfort that he did.
gunwook was just the kind of person who could calm him down, the one kind of person that y/n could just relax around.
"let's go home, okay y/n?"
y/n nods tiredly, giving gunwook the fondest of smiles.
home, that's what park gunwook felt like, home.
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crying-fantasies · 9 months
Rodimus wasn't ready to be a creator P3
Part 1 | part 2 | part 3: it's never simple | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10
When the news of a techno-organic in Cybertron was everything that could be heard around it was little to nothing in what the council could do to try and prevent the talks about the "thing", as how they called it because no one was even sure that a new spark touched by an organic could react in such way.
If Rodimus wasn't there to help the organic in time, the flesh in it's body would have burned down.
But now they had a very drained human with the littlest sparkling they've ever seen between it's tiny arms and protected by a whole soft body that was kneeling down in front of them.
"Please, don't take him away"
Humans are creatures that bond deeply even when they lack a spark, a heart is what they have and it is kind of similar, they have this groups called "families" that share the same genetic code to some degree or the same ideas.
The human is there, kneeling in front of the council while the new spark is doing little chirping noises, it doesn't take much before Rodimus takes place next to his conjunx, the sparkling is moving little servos in his direction while cooing, it was already bizarre enough to see this kind of couple, they weren't the first ones to announce their conjunx endura status as a bot and human pair, but they were the very first ones to do such a thing as to give life to a creature like that.
Who could have thought that this was a result of letting a human near a hot spot, a sacred place, only to have it drag a spark out with it's bare hands.
It was supposed to be something totally diplomatic, to show that the previous incidents between the two races were gone and forgotten.
"You were quite the surprise you know?" Energon snacks were always good, especially the digit sized ones, but Rodimus always preferred the energex above it, "your carrier saw your spark that day, floating around and had the urge to go and touch it" he was smiling remembering the day almost as it happened a few solar circles ago.
Rodimus had the right to feel like that, his son finally was next to him, willingly, both consuming energon along and hearing human music, the very same playlist that his conjux made for him many years ago.
"You were like a deal of peace, especially after Optimus and Ratchet finally said a word about that other techno-organic kid, but apparently you are the first one to have some genetic bond with a human and a bot" Rodimus landed his optics at his son, his sparkling, red optics looking at nothing in front of them, the natural darkness of space, even if everyone always said that they both looked exactly the same, more in the fact that, yes, Sunset looked a lot like him when he was a youngling, when he was Hot Rod, he always thought different, his son looked like you, when Sunny was younger his optics had a color similar to yours, pretty much different from his upgraded red optics.
He misses it, sometimes, because when Sunny smiles, which is rare this years, Rodimus can swear that your son inherited your smile, when your eyes also showed your emotions and feelings, like when you talked with the other humans in the ship and explained without problems the marks in your hands that showed how you reached out for your son and brought him to you, the scars that showed that you gave life, he is just so sure that your human genes got first in the most important things about your sparkling.
"We are going to raise him well"
"I know, you tell me about that a lot, every year actually" Rodimus still isn't thrilled for Sunset's paint job, yeah, he totally rocked the black and silver colors, don't get him wrong, he just can't forget his red and brown colors once his derma and armors hardened while being all smiles, even better, you and Sunset flashing him with big smiles that made him put both servos over his spark chamber to show, in a very exaggerated manner, how moved he felt then, his son, so little at the time, asking to be lifted as high as he could be, and of course Rodimus would do just as his son wanted.
No, correct that, he just can't forget how this big bot once fitted in only one of his servos, being comfortable enough to use it as his favorite recharge point with that little blanket you got from a stop on earth.
He can't forget that first recharge time together, while you were sleeping in the crook of his neck guard, little sparkling wrapped in blankets between your arms, his servo holding you both, hearing your soft whisper before finally sleeping in the dark room, holding one of his burned digits with your burned hand.
"Time sure flies"
"It's going to be hard, but it's going to be alright"
"Happy birthday Sunny"
Yeah, for those who asked, Sunset/Blacksun wasn't planned.
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shayyprasad · 29 days
i'll always take care of you | clay jensen
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a/n: this post saved me! posting another clay fic fully aware it's going to flop...
summary: clay hates parties, but if you're going, he's going too. someone's gotta watch out for you, right?
warnings: underage drinking, mention of drugs, cursing
pairing: fem!reader x clay jensen
word count: 1.2k+ words
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he swears, he swears, he took his eyes off you for less than five minutes to pee. in his defense, clay didn't think you'd go missing in that short amount of time. (okay, he tells himself, maybe "missing" isn't the right word choice if he wants to stay calm.)
now, he thinks - knows - otherwise. clay regrets not asking one his sober friends to watch you, because who knows what might've happened to you?
and now that he's acknowledged the fact something might've happned to you, he's spiraling. hey, at least he's self aware of the fact he's spiraling, right?
yeah, okay, so that doesn't make things better.
he asks around, but the music is too loud, so most people don't even hear him. and if they do hear him, they're "busy". whether it's dancing, grinding, or drinking, he's reached the conclusion that no one gives shits.
he's frantically going back and forth, room to room. clay tries your phone a number of times, though he isn't suprised when it goes straight to voicemail.
as he shoves past more people, heading to the kitchen where the drinks are at (you might be there), his mind is racing with every possibility.
what if someone took advantage of you? and it was all his fault? be, god, did he not learn all the previous times?
he shoulders a drunk couple, and scans the area. empty bottles, alcohol not not, trash the counters, and a number of cabinets are left open. clay takes a few step fowards, accidently kicking a can. he pick it up, and in the process, sees a girl... just lying there.
he makes a face, before realizing it's not just any girl. it's his girlfriend. it's... you.
"y/n? what the hell? where's your phone at? i've been looking for you everywhere!" he exclaims, trying to pull you up.
"shh. sh. look at those stars. god, i just love the ursa major."
"we're inside. those are the ceiling lights," clay says. he doesn't think he's ever met someone who gets drunk like you.
"oh. well, it's still magical."
"yeah, lord praise the electrican," with a slight struggle, he pulls you up to your feet, and you don't resist.
"how much did you have to drink?" he mutters, and it's mostly rhetorical.
"yes, i am."
"no, that's not- never mind. we're leaving."
"nooo. why? we just got here!"
"oh, yeah," he rolls his eyes, "we just got here 3 hours ago."
you whine again, but he just sighs. you aren't normally a heavy drinker, but when you do decide to get out of that comfort zone, you go all out.
currently, it felt like he was dragging around a hormonal toddler. 0/10 experience, he does not recommend. of course, he'll happily do it anyways.
ask anybody really, clay's completely whipped for you. he hasn't felt this was since hannah, and even then, it doesn't feel the same.
it feels deeper.
part of him is afraid he's gonna mess this up, and that his love for you has peaked. but he looks right at you, and realizes that it never will.
"come on, angel," he says, almost pleadingly. the way your eyes gleam at the nickname he's just dropped has him all giddy.
"okie," you make grabby-hands at them.
"is this- are you asking me to carry you?" clay knows very well it wouldn't work out well. he's so greatful you look past his physical strength.
you shrug. "well," clay presses his lips together, "it looks like you can in fact walk, so... let's get to it."
he takes a step to you, and you stumble straight into his arms. clay darts a hand to your lower back to steady you, "whoa."
"i'm good!" you slur.
"and off we go, drunkie."
"'m... i'm not a," you pause, hiccupping, trying to remember the word he used.
"uh, at this moment, you are." he leads you to the front door, and he's so focused on helping you take steps forward, he completely slams into someone.
clay falters back as you fall out of your grip. but as he realizes what's happened, he sees that justin's caught you, and you're pressed up against him. "oh," you murmur, "well, hello there, handsome."
"yeah, okay, no," clay loops your arm back around him, stealing you back from his brother.
"alas, i'm taken," justin sighs. "and you are too. forbidden love, huh?"
clay rolls his eyes, for what feels like the millionth time tonight. "y/n's, like, shit-faced."
"i can see that. you taking her home?"
"your parents are out of town, right?" he asks, turning back to you.
"my... my parents?" you ask, "i have-?"
clay makes eye contact with justin. "she'll stay the night. i don't want her home alone. i assume you'll..." he grimaces, "stay the night with jess?"
"oh, you know it, bro."
clay makes a face, picturing his brother having sex isn't great. he knows he doesn't have to tell justin to do the right thing.
"cool. then you won't need a ride back."
"nope. you aren't drunk, right?"
"i'm the designated driver," clay replies.
"cool. night, by the way," he says, giving the two of you a quick hug.
"goodnight!" you sing-song, individually sounding out ever syllable.
he opens the car door for you, and you squint off into the distance. "look at the moon. it's so pretty. you're almost as pretty."
clay follows your eye line. "that... that is a street-lamp."
you shrug, "you're almost as pretty."
"gee, thanks."
"don't be jealous?"
"it's hard to not envy a street-lamp."
you giggle drunkenly, and a small smile flits over his face, "you're adorable," he tells you.
"i know," you say, matter-of-factly.
"aww, what an adorable narcissist."
clay chuckles and closes the door, getting in from the other side.
“where are we going?” you ask, squinting at the rear-view mirror in awe. “oh my, that’s me,” you whisper.
"a; my place, b; that's your reflection. wild, right?"
"whoa," is all you respond with. you pull on your seatbelt, adjusting it so you can turn to face him in your seat. "i really, really love you."
"well, you're in luck," he smiles, "the feeling's mutual."
he tries to keep up with your nonsensical blabber, but he doesn't know if he's done a good job. either way, clay's just pulled into the parking lot, turning the ignition off.
"all right," he turns to look at you, exiting from his side, and over to yours. unbuckling your belt for you, clay helps you out.
"to the shed we go!" you cheer, not very quietly. clay clamps a hand over your mouth, "you could quite literally not be any louder."
you bite his hand, and he yelps, pulling it away. "yes, i could!" you argue.
"trust me, i don't wanna test that theory out."
"your loss."
"not really."
the first thing he does is help you change into comfier clothes, an old shirt of his and basketball shorts that don't fit him anymore. clay doesn't have a reason to keep makeup wipes around, but he adds them to his mental shopping list for next time. he grabs a clean rag and wets it with warm water, gently wiping off the makeup.
then it's just you and his in the outhouse, pressed against each other under covers.
"tired?" he asks. you nod simply in reply.
"yeah, me too. now i have a good idea of being a dad is like." he chuckles at his own stupid joke, thinking that if you were sober, you'd say something silly like "okay, daddy".
"thanks for..." you trail off, yawning. clay kisses your forehead.
"i'll always take care of you."
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shadow211e · 1 year
GT: 286
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You were sitting back watching your brother sit on the couch watching tv, "what's up, why aren't you going out and enjoying this place, it's so unreal."
"I can't, it's not right."
"What do you mean?"
"You know why there are so many hot slutty girls around right?"
"No why?"
"I didn't know until we got here, but this is fantasy island, the people here change into their fantasies."
"That's insane, I've been out in the resort I haven't changed."
"Yeah I found out why, I'm the one that got the resort's suite, so it's my fantasy that will trigger things to happen."
"You're not serious, come on what is your fantasy."
"I don't want to say I just want to make it through the week without ruining anything."
You rolled your eyes, "yeah ok whatever, come on let's go get breakfast at least."
"Fine." He got up and followed you to the door, "we have to be back before 10 that's when the fantasies for the day start."
"Yeah ok," you rolled your eyes, dragging him along with you.
As you were walking back to the room you started to feel warm, it was sudden and you looked at your brother, "why don't we relax by the pool."
He blinked, his heart was starting to race as he heard your voice, he couldn't stop himself from going to the lounge chairs and sat down, he found his phone and saw the time, it was past 10. He looked over at you, "oh shit I'm sorry."
"Shut up, put your phone away, you should be paying more attention to me."
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You were feeling so much better as he stared at you, you wanted to control him, you never wanted that before, but it was starting to feel proper, like this was what was supposed to be, HOW it was supposed to be. "I'm going to be ordering some drinks and different things, I'll be putting it on the room's bill ok."
"Yeah, yeah of course," he said nervously, unable to disobey you.
"Good boy." You were starting to stare at him, seeing him as weak and pathetic, not like you used to seeing him in control and sure of himself. He was nothing but a worm.
"Thank you," he said knowing his deep fantasy was to have his sister, not being some sweet girl but a controlling manipulative bitch. Worse as he obeyed he got to see your body changing more, filling out and swelling becoming a goddess walking.
By the end of the week you were barely able to remember the old you, the sweet you, you sat down on the chair by the main lobby waiting for him to bring the luggage around.
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"Do you have another credit card?" You asked him.
"One for emergencies."
"Good I need it, I want to make this permanent."
"Come on sis we can't"
"Why not, don't you like me like this, you are hard as fuck all the time, more when I rub against you teasing you."
"No I know but it's wrong, this isn't you."
"But it could be."
"I can't though."
"Too bad, you can't disobey me can you?"
"No I can't," he blushed knowing his secret fantasy as ruined you and has made him completely submissive to you.
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Lyric Snippets Under the Cut
Second Child, Restless Child // The Oh Hellos
See, I was born a restless child And I could hear the world outside calling me And heaven knows how hard I tried But that devil whispered lies I believed ... You've got to go on, further than you've ever gone You've got to run far from all you've ever known
2. Icarus // Bastille
"Look who's digging their own grave" That is what they all say "You'll drink yourself to death" Look who makes their own bed Lies right down within it And what will you have left?
3. Ghost Towns // Radical Face
I seen more places than I can name And over time they all start to look the same But it ain't that truth we chase No, it's the promise of a better place But all this time, I been chasin' down a lie And I know it for what it is But it beats the alternatives So I'll take the lie
4. Jackrabbit // San Fermin
Everything you see is double Any way you go you lose When you're lost in the woods and Alone in the world too Another day older And another day we go, oh no Alone again with all these people
5. I Earn My Life // Lemon Demon
I earn my life, I earn my life I learned it from my father and I tell it to my wife Jesus Christ, don't tell me not to hurry I wouldn't be so worried if I wasn't always right Cause I earn my life, I earn my life I learned it from my father and my father never lied Jesus Christ, we better learn how to forage Utilities and mortgage are all that will survive
6. Conquest of Spaces // Woodkid
I'm ready to start the conquest of spaces Expanding between you and me Come with the night the science of fighting The forces of gravity
7. I Have Seen the Future // The Bravery
Raise a glass in salutation We drink to our annihilation Was and will just make me ill It is a brave new world And we are faster than pain We are dogs without a name We are marching soldiers off to claim The brave, brave, brave new world
8. Bartholomew // The Silent Comedy
Oh my God, please help me Waist deep in the river, can you hear my plea? He says "Son, you come like a beggar in the streets" "You might make it, boy, but by the skin of your teeth" "Might make it, boy, but by the skin of your teeth"
9. Dimitri Mendelev // Astronautalis
I dreamed up the maps Give me charcoal and the paper now We invent paths they cannot see And they're too scared t' walk Between my hands rests fifty-two plain old playing cards And I trapped God somewhere between The trump and the kind of hearts
10. I Followed Fires // Matthew and the Atlas
Now the low lakes have frozen Away from home I'll go When the first snow has fallen Away I'll go Give me to the ground I followed fires toward the sound Cold upon the mountain To which I'm bound, to which I'm bound
11. Exile Vilify // The National
You've got sucker's luck Have you given up? Does it feel like a trial? Does it trouble your mind the way you trouble mine? Does it feel like a trial? Did you fall for the same empty answers again?
12. Somebody to Die For // Hurts
I could drag you from the ocean I could pull you from the fire When you're standing in the shadows I could open up the sky I could give you my devotion Until the end of time And you will never be forgotten
13. My Silver Lining // First Aid Kit
I don't know if I'm scared of dying But I'm scared of living too fast, too slow Regret, remorse, hold on, oh no I've got to go There’s no starting over No new beginnings time races on And you've just gotta keep on keeping on
14. Seven Nights, Seven Days // The Fratellis
Oh my darlin' I'll go down and commune And tell one hundred souls There's a fire on the moon I'll be over the line, I'll be under the spell I'll be the comeback kid On his way home from hell
15. Dirty // Grandson
Do you have enough love in your heart To go and get your hands dirty? It isn't that much, but it's a good start So go and get your hands dirty Do you love your neighbor? Is it in your nature? Do you love a sunset? Aren't you fed up yet?
16. Last Man Standing // People in Planes
I am the last man stand survivor I'll be the last man home Yeah I'm the last man stand survivor I'll be the last man home
17. Lost, Scared and Tired // Jared & The Mill
But they say, "Boy, you're looking skinny Should you really go this hard? You're doing it for nothin' These risky milles you're truckin' Are crazy as they are far" ... But I'm strung out and foregone, I feel all alone And the winding of the river makes me wanna Find my way back home, my way back home
18. Black Eyes // Radical Face
And I said: "This life ain’t no love song" While I marched on blindly And my knuckles dragged across the walls And the birds up there mock me and the scenery’s turned wicked And your name is trapped beneath my tongue All of the roads are one now, each choice is the same All the roads, they are one now, each choice is the same I won’t show my hands now, I know this ain’t a game All the roads, they are one now, each choice is…
19. The Balancer's Eye // Lord Huron
Heaven never ever heard a word I said I’ve cried enough to raise the dead “Everything comes and goes,” they say Here tomorrow, gone today Heaven won’t let me in, I don’t know why No one ever loved half as much as I Everyone’s a sinner in the balancer’s eye I’ve prayed enough, I rolled the dice Anyone’s luck can turn, I’ve heard Not soon enough, I gave my word
20. That's Okay // The Hush Sound
You want to go back to where you felt safe To hear your brother's laughter, see your mother's face Your childhood home is just powder-white bones And you'll never find your way back And when you're gone, will they say your name? And when you're gone, will they love you the same? If not, that's okay
21. Comes and Goes in Waves // Greg Laswell
This is for the ones who stand For the ones who try again For the ones who need a hand For the ones that think they can
22. In the Heat of the Moment // Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
They tell me you've touched the face of God At the sound of the rope cracking on your neck They tell me you'd never give it up Like the song that was soul singing in your head So, honey, please, don't let go Or you'll fall into the dead of night So, honey, please, don't let go You better learn to fly 'Cause they're gonna point you up at the sky
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fostercare-expat · 9 months
Fearless is really doing my head in with his self sabotage. He is about to turn 10. He just had an amazing weekend. He spent a night at my former husband’s place and was very well behaved. He spent 2 nights with me and was very well behaved. But Monday morning at his school care programme, they sent him home by 10am for misbehaving. His mom’s boyfriend was home, and in his mom’s instructions, he wasn’t allowed his phone or TV. Apparently he screamed at mom’s boyfriend for 3 hours until his mom got home from work. Then he screamed at her. She said he can’t be in the house and act this way and told him to stand outside in the hallway, he wouldn’t leave, she went to drag him out, he punched and kicked her, he even knocked out her contact from her eye. And he said horrible things to her with lots of bad words, and about what a horrible mother she is and how he doesn’t want to live with her anymore. Boyfriend tried to intervene and he tried to punch him too. It sounded really horrible. And they live in a crowded building where everyone has their windows open, so of course every neighbour heard. Eventually he laid down on the bed and went to sleep. He apologised the next day, but of course the is a lot of damage which can’t be undone.
His mom is so upset about the things he said. Personally I’m much more concerned about his kicking and punching. (Interesting cultural difference between his mom and I.)
His mom has contacted his counsellor, who said to give him a some time to cool off. I offered to come talk to him, but his mom said he still needs space, which is fair.
Before when there was violence at home 4 years ago, his behaviour made total sense. And then he had been removed from his mom’s care and his life felt very out of control, and it made sense. He's been back living with his mom for 3.5 years even, with basically zero violence and minimal change, other than his mom’s boyfriend’s moving in about 1.5 years ago (after 2 years of long distance dating), and that seems to have gone fairly smoothly and they have a good relationship.
But things have been very stable for while, it seems he seems like he's not stablizing. I guess trauma is an long lasting monster and this isn't much time in the life of a child, but I really thought things should be better by now. There are so many people pouring love into this kiddo. He has counselling, sports after school and weekend, private tutoring in his subject he struggles in, a positive same-race male figure in his life, extended family he is close with, a continuing relationship with his foster family (me), a bit of extra money in the family now that his mom is out of school and working, etc. Yet I guess it all just needs more time? I guess I just think he needs to step up and take some responsibility for his own behaviour now. Part of me feels like he’s causing a lot of his own problems logically I know he is 9 and I know trauma is long lasting and I know he’s not completely out of control, but I admit that I thought it would be better by now.
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apilgrimpassingby · 1 year
Some Reflections on Being European in Tradblr
Just, yesterday, I started wondering if being European (British, specifically), gave me a different perspective on tradness than most members of our predominantly American community. I think there are two dimensions to this:
I don't and never have looked back to the forties or fifties as "the good old days" because fifties idolisation is not a thing in British culture. Because here's where Britain is in 1952 - large swathes of the country are still being rebuilt after World War Two (with dead bodies still being dragged out of the ruins occasionally), meat is still rationed, the government is in crippling war debt and the empire is starting to crumble. And many other European countries (Germany and the USSR in particular) had it much worse. While the fifties eventually improved, it's still predominantly remembered here is a period of decline - it was when changing cultural attitudes and massive human and financial losses in World War Two led to Britain relinquishing its empire and thus its status as a world power.
Little-House-On-The-Prairie-style homesteading is an ideal that has never existed in Britain specifically or in Europe generally, because we are (and always have been) much more densely populated than the USA. In part because of this and because of my research into pre-industrial agriculture, my rural-life frame of reference is the peasant community; a village of 10-25 farming households working 1-10 hectares (2.5-25 acres) each, participating in constant small-scale barter to sustain themselves.
This isn't meant to say that I'm better for being European or you're worse for being American - this is to say that our different national/cultural backgrounds give us different perspectives on traditionalism, and that allows us to work through various proposals to the best solution. This (I know this sounds very left-wing) is why diversity is good.
(To be clear: I do think that diversity is good, for the reasons I outlined above. The problem is that typical diversity initiatives in the school and workplace have a very narrow notion of diversity. Diversity is about a whole lot more than race, gender and sexuality, and in many cases those may not be the most important points of diversity.)
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chantsdemarins · 2 years
❄️Frost Secrets from the other Son
Chapter 11
The Origin of Wolves
I am so thankful for anyone still reading my story, I don't know if I'll ever be able to explain how much this has meant to me to have you along for the ride. I can't believe this is almost over! Chapter 12 will be two parts because there is just so much happening at the end.
I am sorry this is late, my health and my work have been dragging me down. Please comment and reblog. I love your notes!!!
Chapter Summary: Loki wanders, but redeems himself by doing the right thing, not without a little help from Thor. Lillian goes into labor, but not before some epic intimacy brings these two back together.
Smut rating: 🔥10, Loki and Lillian find their frost giant groove...there could be some kinky stuff happening (based on what you feel is kink worthy...you tell me🥵)
Tags: (thank you if you are still around) 💚
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"One more round, just because," Lukas nestled his nose into Loki's neck, his breath rough against his skin. He placed a small glass of liquor near his arm, and for a few brief moments, touched Loki's shoulder, letting his fingers linger, before being whisked away by others. Loki had tucked himself out of view in an even darker corner of the already dimly lit tavern.
Loki was past the ability to utilize his better judgment, his arms barely propping himself up, head on a trajectory towards the table he was hunched over. He attempted to dismiss Lukas's attempts at seduction one last time, although accepting his offer to go to the tavern in the first place was likely the more significant mistake of the evening.
Ten fermented barley drinks guzzled at lightning speed later, there he was.
Earlier in the evening, around drink five, he was dancing, unlike last time when he was a heavyweight in Lukas's arms. The bawdy nature of tavern culture resulted in only a few essential garments remaining on his person.
His jacket, sweater, and boots were nowhere to be found. Nothing much was left on his body but his shirt and leather trousers. His sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a frill of white moving in a promenade of its own. It had been a scene. No one noticed when Loki's head finally slammed into the bar among the revelry.
Lukas was too involved in the lively festivities, speaking with other old friends. He continued chatting, unaware of his old lover's changed state of consciousness.
Nothing had happened between them, save the innuendo and occasional reminiscing, but it was enough distance away from Lillian that Loki felt like he was still in contact with the trajectory of his old self.
He could trace it when he drank ale with Lukas, even if Lukas was too forward for Loki's current circumstances. Every line almost crossed caused slight shivers down his spine. Like a rabbit almost snared, dashing off at the last moment, heart racing.
So, when the heavy tavern doors swung wide open, letting in the chill of the night smoke from the cooking outside and one big brother- Loki didn't hear. He remained unconscious, head folded in his arms, face down.
"Loki Odinson, where are you?" Thor yelled across the raucous groups of Asgardian folk, not affecting their merry-making very much.
The occasional woman looked up and over at Thor with enticement and trepidation. Both royals didn't usually show up in taverns together. At the same time, it was usually just the dark, brooding one, not the jolly muscular one…
"I know you are here! Show yourself!"
Thor continued to bellow. This time the music stopped. One guest, a somewhat quirky older man with a pipe, pulled on Thor's arm and pointed to the passed-out man hidden away in the recesses of the room.
"Aye, isn't that there him, Prince Thor? He's been celebrating something with that blonde gent," the old man said as he trotted off to his business.
Lukas stood, watching his mouth gaping. His appearance could use some tidying up to make the correct impression for the more formal rule follower of the family, now staring right at him.
He felt a bit haggard. Silencing a belch with his hand, he walked briskly over to Thor and tried to quiet him.
"Thor, Thor, come now, no need to stop the entire party just to rouse your brother from his ale-induced slumber! Let us just go over there and tap him on the shoulder. You would appreciate the same consideration if you were with friends."
Thor quickly flashed his narrow blue eyes at Lukas, speaking calmly but just as loud as before.
"I will not lower my voice or go over there. He shall rise and make the walk of shame towards me. My brother has been hiding here on Asgard beneath our noses while his wife is about to enter labor!"
Lukas was stunned. More like devastated. Crestfallen immediately, his sharp inhale moved his entire chest.
"Yes, wife, you amorist. Or did he conveniently not tell you?" Thor wasn't apt to tell lies, but he didn't want his brother's already tarnished reputation to get even more corroded. So, he continued.
"Or worse did he tell you, and you disregarded his state, refilling his cup at your pleasure!"
"There wasn't any of that kind of cup filling, Thor," Lukas sheepishly admitted.
Thor shook his golden locks, "that isn't what I meant! I meant literally, the cheap ale you both are consuming. I meant you aimed to get him inebriated."
Still, in shock at Loki's lack of explanation of the current pressing matters of his life, he moved his bangs to the side of his face and seemed too stunned to argue with the elder brother's curt summation of his intentions.
"Loki Odinson, I will say it one more time, and this time you better move, or you are going over my shoulder, and I will carry you out. YOUR SON IS BEING BORN AT THIS VERY SECOND."
Loki caught the words "son" and "born"; his eyes opened.
He briefly studied the location of his head to his body, noticing it was not upright, and there was a soft accumulation of drool on his arm and his cheek. Using his flouncy white sleeve to wipe his face, he slowed, roused, and sat up.
With both embarrassment and disdain, he looked at Thor standing in the ancient doorway.
"What…," he uttered, wiping his face further anxiously.
"Yes, brother, Lillian needs you. I only happened to know because Heimdall got a distress call from her. He sent me to find you!"
"You are to be a father imminently."
He was up now. He grabbed his cloak and boots, tripping over his feet as he hastily pulled them on while running towards the door. Before blowing past Thor, he stopped in his tracks, grabbed Thor's cloak collar with both hands, and leaned in close to his brother's bearded face.
"You are not off the hook for this embarrassment you've caused me."
Almost head-butting, his brother Thor leaned in closer to Loki, "you, my brother, have caused the embarrassment yourself by sneaking here and not telling your friend what was going on with you."
Loki made a huffing sound and dropped his brother's collar; straightening it up, he said, "Thor, this will not be the last you hear of this."
"Go to Lillian, you fool, sober up and be there for her."
Loki was now infuriated. He swung his arm in the direction of his brother's face. Thor ducked with his usual agility at his advantage. Loki missed him and hit his hand hard against the tavern wall.
Immediately in pain, Loki yelled out, "you colossal asshole!" His hand would need to be bandaged; a sheen of blood pooled at his knuckles, dripping down onto his leg.  
Lukas came rushing to his side, only to have Loki rebuff and tell him to go away before slipping out the door.
"Heimdall, take me to Midgard, take me to Lillian!" he yelled louder than he probably ever had before in his life.
A few days after Loki left, Lillian received an exciting package on her doorstep. She wished for the days of emails or texts, but it seemed her life was currently a mixture of all forms of popular communication in the last 1,000 years.
The package contained information about giving birth to a Jötunn child, but it seemed to be written by someone who might know her situation more personally.  
She sat down next to the fireplace and opened the package slowly, not wanting to uncover something dangerous. It could have been anything.
A long letter fell out of the wrapping. It described the precautions needed to be taken for a mixed realm birth. Specifically, it mentioned -a sexual/mating bond ritual was necessary for labor to begin officially. Lillian couldn't believe what she was reading.
According to the author, since she was now a frost giant, she must have sex with a frost giant to give birth!
She felt something like a flush cross her face as if her cold body could grow warm. She placed a hand on her cheek, and sure enough, a blush erupted. She hadn't thought of Loki's Jötunn form since the night in the cave, when she had taken him so wildly, affirming the beauty she saw in him.
Since Loki left, she also began to feel the beauty of her frost giant form. Having extra time she wasn't used to having, Lillian braided her lengthy hair and added feathers and other small animal bones around each delicate plait. She had augmented her wardrobe to include what seemed like Jötunn-style details, wrapping furs and silks around her. Her red eyes were piercing but also magnetizing, alluring.
Her tall body was even more potent than her human form. She felt like an athlete. Some days she didn't want to return to her human self. If it never happened, a part of her liked being Jötunn. It just wasn't compatible with Loki's ideology, his vision of himself in the realms, and what it would mean to live and love as his other self, but it was beginning to seem familiar to Lillian, not a monster-like.
She could sense deeper into the beliefs of the Jötunn and was swept away into the simplicity of faith, the way they believed in their realm, trusted it to hold their feelings and emotions safe for them suggested a relationship they would do anything to defend. Both stunning to behold and terrifying to understand.
She pictured Loki. Her desire was burning; whether this strange letter was correct, she couldn't risk it. She would take the advice given. It could also bring her closer to him, bridge the distance that felt unfathomable at this point, and bring him back to her.
The truth was she was very concerned. She knew that she might even be overdue at this point. Without the prenatal care she needed, she was guessing, and when Loki was there with her, he was thinking too much.
Her belly was big and very active. Even in her large form, her son was running out of space. It was time for him to arrive. It was time for them to figure out how to be a family. Discover their son's identity and love him unconditionally no matter what. Even if Loki struggled to love her that way, they were almost to the finish line.
Lillian didn't know what part of the current light cycle Asgard was in. All she knew was it was nighttime on Earth. Where Loki might be at this moment was mysterious. She walked outside to the porch. The cabin was far away from peering eyes, she still hoped. Since the letter was dropped off without her knowing, it was unclear if she had possibly been seen.
Lillian had not wanted to call out for Heimdall unless necessary, and she had reserved it only for a moment like this. The letter was a sign, the advice risky and strange, but using her intuition, it seemed fitting. What else did she have but her gut?
"Heimdall, if you can hear us, send Loki," she quietly spoke into the night air.
A light flashed across the sky like a comet. Maybe she had been heard.
She went back inside, still anxious about being seen, closed the curtains, and made herself more mugwort tea. Lillian looked down at her belly and said to her baby, "hey you, I need a latte soon, don't tell any grandiose healers, but this tea tastes like dirt."
Heimdall had heard her, but instead of answering himself, having to explain where her partner was because he knew exactly where he was, he sent a message to Thor.
"Find Loki, bring him to Midgard."
That was all it took; Thor immediately left the court dining hall where he and Sif were currently laughing and recounting the stories they had told hundreds of times. Sif looked startled at his sudden departure, not understanding what could take him from her company. His dinner plate of roasted chicken and yams was left behind to grow cold.
As Loki exited the tavern, Thor followed behind him, still talking with a raised voice.
"Not so fast, brother. We are going together, you can be mad at me all you want, but you can't do this alone."
"Thor, you cannot come with me, under no circumstances."
"So, you are now a healer? Can you do this on your own? Brother, you accuse me of being daft, but now you act as though you have this under control. Is the child not, um, is the child not, like you?" Thor stammered in his words, clumsy.
He knew he was on the precipice of Loki rejecting his presence so much that they may have a physical altercation.
"What does it matter if my son is Jötunn or Aesir?" Loki's words were like embers.
They had not spoken about this. Loki's "adoption" from Jötunnheim had not been discussed amongst the brothers in depth. He had been talking to their parents.
"Thor, you cannot come with me because Lillian is no longer human."
He had said it. The words a curse thrown into the evening air.
"Brother, what do you mean, not human?"
Loki was careful, but he also was outraged. Perhaps he was saying too much to the wrong person whose loyalty was never in question, tied to their father's crown.
"If you must know, she had to be turned to give birth to our son. She had to be turned into a frost giant."
Everything was all out now. The echoes of his sentiments whipped around the tavern's exterior and through the forested thicket, it was housed.
"Brother, what have you and Lillian done?"
With that statement, a flash of light descended between the siblings, leaving Thor standing in the tavern view, watching his brother's form disappear.
Loki ran to the cabin; his legs couldn't carry him fast enough to Lillian. At that very time, a heavy snowstorm had descended, and waves of snow covered the ground, nearly erasing his footprints instantly as he sprinted up the winding path. His boots, too slick for the ice, almost slide across the wooden porch, almost into the glass windowpane. He recovered his balance and opened the door, taking one of the deepest breaths of his life.
In all the questioning he had been doing of himself, his purpose, and his relationship with Lillian, his son's life was never something short of a miracle to Loki. Having never pictured himself as a father, the image of his son was a wonder to him. He knew he would meet him soon, saying prayers in his head for his health. Loki imagined all his years, all the men and women he had slept with. The passion, the entanglement. He always saw Thor getting married and having children, not himself. The gods seemed to finally have a different plan for him, one in which he discovered his family through his and his son's truth.
His son had made it here, almost.
All they had gone through was to ensure he would be born safely. All they had sacrificed already, especially their relationship. Or at least Lillian's sacrifice contributed to Loki's confusion, his feelings of disgust for frost giants, for himself.
Loki opened the door, and snow blew in with him. He was practically covered in icicles in the short distance he ran after being dropped off by the force of the Bifrost. It was ironic, and it made Lillian laugh. She got out of the chair she was sitting in and walked quickly over to Loki with one of the towels she had collected in the living room, trying to keep up with mundane tasks like the laundry. She wordlessly dried him off.
His eyes were closed, appreciating every touch of her hands on his face, shoulders, and torso. Even through his cloak, he could feel her fingers tracing his body; it filled him with electricity.
"You should be sitting down, Lillian," he said, grabbing her hands and ending the ecstasy that had been building.
"What are you doing drying me off when I should be attending to you!" Loki spoke loudly, his seemingly small hands around her face, parting her lengthy hair, cradling her jaw with the meaty parts of his palms, as he looked deeply into her eyes.
He then placed his hands lower and found her belly. The ironwood forest rendered his ability to use his siður to communicate with his son, so he was reduced to using his heart.
He could feel it beating in his chest for both his son and Lillian.
It was like they were never apart; she was never turned into a frost giant. As he slipped his hands under her shirt, feeling his son, his hands wandered upward, feeling her breasts so swollen with milk, nourishment for his child, the new prince of Asgard. He was incredibly turned on.
He felt turned on by her, herself, and her frost-giant form.
Lillian noticed his cock was hard in his pants, tightly straining against the leather. Loki removed his cloak and other garments until he was only left in his flouncy white blouse, billowy sleeves, and black painted nails. His ample cock proudly escaped from beneath the hem of the shirt.
He brushed his lips against hers, and she responded by kissing him passionately, even if Loki was on his tippy toes. She held his face in her hands and interlaced her hands through his silky black locks. Loki kissed her neck and took off her shirt. Looking at her breasts fully in front of him, not half hidden under clothes, was shocking. He was lost for words as he placed his lips on one of her sensitive nipples, nipping and coursing his tongue across the aroused skin.
"Loki, how did you know we needed to make love before the baby could be born?" Lillian said breathlessly.
Loki stopped kissing her for a moment and was stupefied.
"I didn't know. I felt such a strong attraction to you when I walked through the door, but Thor told me you were already in labor!
Confused, Loki searched her face for more answers.
'Loki, I received a strange letter on the doorstep, it suggested that I had to follow Jötunn's custom, and we must finally become mates. We must make love as our Jötunn selves. It prepares the child to be a part of his ancestors. I think it will make us married in the eyes of the Jötunn. I know it's crazy. I don't know who could have left the note. But it must be true, Loki seeing you like this, feeling you."
He might have wished to stop if going further meant that he would have to change into his Jötunn self, but he felt his inhibitions pass over him, a wave in the ocean hitting the shore and then pulled back. He didn't feel compelled to stop his ministrations towards Lillian, the woman he loved in this era, in this time of his long and complicated life.
"I feel very attracted to you at this moment Lillian," Loki whispered.
"It is like something is pulling me towards you. Maybe it is as simple as," he paused, continuing to kiss her lips, "being so away from you," his tongue plunging into her mouth.
She replied, "in my human body, I think I would not want much to do with you. I would be ready to have this baby. Sex would not be on my mind," Lillian's words just audible to Loki's senses.
"Your Jötunn body is different," he said, touching her body all over, and removing the last of her clothes.
"You need me to change into my frost giant body. You need my cock in that form. I know. I know I can feel it surging through my body. Something is happening to me too."
With that, Loki concentrated. He remembered the locket Lyra had given him. Rummaging around the thick oak drawers in the living room, he found it. He knew that inside would be something to help him. He opened the locket, and immediately, he felt his body begin to shift. It was not like before, not like in the cave. This was more of a volcanic feeling. He felt as if the planet was changing his form for him, it didn't hurt, but it also didn't feel pleasant.
When he opened his eyes, his body was transformed. He was in his Jötunn form and was even more filled with desire. He looked down at his cock, and it was truly magnificent. He had not noticed before in the cave, mainly because it was entirely in Lillian's mouth most of the time while he was in his frost giant form.
"Are you sure this is okay for the baby Lilly," he said, walking over to her and taking her into his arms with a swift swoop like a cotton ball.
"Yes, I am sure," she closed her eyes while she spoke, feeling ethereal and grounded simultaneously. She longed for him, not just his cock, not just the claiming of her with it. She longed for their shared acknowledgment of their passion for one another and their commitment to whatever mystery brought them together.
They tumbled to the bed in a lavish display. Neither of them acting like proper frost giants, their feelings not incorporated into the ecosystem but coursing through their bodies. Getting Lillian on top of Loki took some finagling, even as Jötunn making love when you are nine months pregnant is no easy task.
Once she was on him, it was a decadent pursuit for her heat to find his cock. The essence of his being once again inside her created an avalanche. She was euphoric as her muscular body moved in time with his upward thrusts. His right hand held her hips steady, and his other had her full breasts, squeezing, intensifying their passion. Loki's cock was being held by her tight heat, much tighter than he remembered. His every movement was like a moon orbiting a planet, a gravitational inevitability. He could not be inside her enough.
When they finally orgasmed, they were at the center of the nine realms. Or traveled back in time before the creation of the universe. A stillness found both, so full and yet so quiet. They could feel their thoughts re-enter their minds.
The euphoria subsided, and they knew that labor would begin soon if all would go as they were told it would.
The snowstorm still bellowed outside, leaving meters and meters of snow surrounding the small cabin. If they wanted help from humans, they would be unlikely to get any. As for Thor assisting in the birth or any healers, even his mother, they both knew intuitively this was frost giant business, and they wanted to try and bring the baby into the world themselves, as scary as it seemed.
They lay in bed, both quiet, waiting for the baby to tell them what to do next. Loki held Lillian fiercely, his frost giant arms wrapped around her, Lillian's head tucked under his. He kissed her forehead and reveled in the last moments. He was still Loki, not yet a dad. He smiled as he nestled into Lillian's hair, his cerulean eyes dreaming. Then he knew. Lillian gently looked at him, turning to face him, but he already understood, he had become reattuned to Lilly and his son without his magic.
This was it.
On to Chapter 12
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sugar-petals · 2 years
Hi Caro! How are you? I hope you're good and in a place where it isn't very hot (my friend living in England had a very rough time). I'm just here wondering why my type is cute subby twinks, and why is close to impossible to find them in Argentina (I still remember the day I took one of those online test about the type of men you like and the answer was twinks and I was like WELL DAMN I FEEL ATTACKED). My name is Victoria, idk if I ever told you, but everyone calls me Vik or Vicky (usually the first one, I guess it's more gender neutral so it fits me better). Sorry that I'm ranting, I really enjoy talking to you.
more than glad to answer, vic! 💙 hm... a philosophy on twinks and why they're appealing. time for a little essay.
first off, i wish there was a bi and straight term as well, they're not 100% the same as e.g. pretty boys or femboys — those categories are even more particular to a certain femdom aesthetic. pretty boys are defined by face, femboys by clothes hair and body, twinks by both.
my suggestion for a word would be "prince". it's positive, people get the gist intuitively, and it's derived from the groundbreaking artist who invented this whole game to the fullest after greek culture laid the foundation, shoutout to apollo. before leo (90s) zac efron (00s) and taemin (10s) paved the way, there was prince in crop tops, heavy makeup, heels, and poses few guys dared.
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so, a prince, they're usually the anti-jock/bear, right. more petite in frame, often fashionable like an it-boy (see lucky blue smith), frequently gnc, and found in a 20-30 age group with some exceptions. but i think that's why they are appealing to us, it's a generation thing. just like t. chalamet, lil nas x, and troye sivan hit it big among gen z by sheer exposure, or the eboy/softboy fad in hetero media, although that one wasn't really femdom in spirit and just another brand of manipulative nice guy syndrome.
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princes don't come across as physically imposing, they're more tongue in cheek and seductive or cute, the link to your zelda. that caters to somebody with a taste for subs/bottoms who'd rather have them sat on their lap than getting choked out by them which is almost treated as a given, same with spanking or rough sex. so, that notion of twinks has opened the door to something less compulsive gladly.
a prince can come with an edge, twinks and brats may have some overlaps depending on the guy, but at the end of the day, they're subs, both hard and soft. jonghyun has set quite the tone for it artistically, major credit due. he's broken the mold to say that it's so boring and restrictive to be a dominant guy and there's more out there than what the societal landscape offers.
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thank god taemin has carried that on and continues to inspire others.
in recent times, the word also becomes more and more open to guys who are tall / fit or conventional-looking. i see this in how european football is received on tumblr where calling your favorite club `#twink fc (affectionate)´ is a thing on here 😆 and it's true. you haven't seen more collective prince energy as in the german national team. the gorgeousness is real and the ladies who date them... lucky af.
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(^kai havertz - plays for chelsea fc)
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(^joshua kimmich / leroy sané - play for bavaria fc. they both have 2+ kids with their gfs lmao you don't have to be a DILF or daddy, twinkness cannot be concealed 🤘)
the whole idea is not to be conflated with power bottoms, see aquaria on drag race who looks like a twink but tops, by the way. which is why taemin generates so much traction, he plays with switching and walks the line but always winds up with a submitting conclusion. ten, or yoongi, they’re mysterious to people in that regard, too. or wonho, who follows a jock aesthetic but offers himself as a fantasy with an 'open mind' and a cute personality in the mix, neither gentle giant, himbo, nor a skinny short king, just doing his own thing.
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a twink or prince is easy on the eye for anyone who likes androgyny and is usually in favor of being gnc themselves, or is bored/turned off/disappointed or even frightened by the mainstream. argentina hasn't had that scope of pop culture industry to inspire trends, and prevailing structures of machismo and chivalry prevent androgyny in dress and behavior, especially outside larger cities as is also the case where i live (southern germany where christianity rules — you can imagine, it's not berlin).
where binaries, monosexuality and hypermasculine/homophobic/biphobic conduct is exaggerated, you won't find a twink able to do their thing or getting attention. sure, gnc people are always there and the world is slowly catching up in some places, although it feels like we're going ten steps backwards as a backlash these days which is unacceptable. that's why k-pop is such a refreshing element in the way that male performers present concepts and a female pov is embraced. nobody deems it punishable or strange if you walk up like this, in fact it's celebrated.
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it also bursts the bubble of twink/prince = white and goes even further than just one specific aesthetic. it changes constantly and incorporates actual elements of kink culture rather than leaving men's submission unspoken as an ultimate taboo. it may be commercial, but it is also literal and encourages nonconforming styles and body types as the rise of shinee, skz, or nct exemplifies. the next generation prince/twink trailblazer is sure to be found there, my bet is on taeyong or felix, they're really owning the princeliness.
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savior-of-humanity · 8 months
This technically isn't complete because it's missing the period of time before/during 2016 and Doom Eternal but I whipped up a design thing for how Y'shua changed in his appearance through the events of the series :]
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Lore stuff/explanations under the cut;
Service Days: This would be around the time period when he served in the military and got discharged for assaulting a superior officer. In his defense, it was totally justified; they ordered him to shoot at civilians. Since he was actually a pretty good soldier in terms of his combat performance, they figured it'd be a better idea to just stick him on paid leave and put him on guard duty in some UAC facility on Mars instead of booting his ass out of the military.
Resurrection: Naturally, the UAC experimenting with teleportation turns out to not exactly be a smart idea, as it results in them unwittingly creating a gateway that leads directly to Hell itself. As one might expect, this leads to the entire complex being overrun by demons, and Y'shua having to fight for his life through the hordes until he's dragged into Hell, where he's promptly killed. However, before his soul can be consumed, he basically wills himself back to life - though Hell has left a permanent mark of influence upon him, as an equally permanent reminder.
Fall of Man: Y'shua manages to clear out the demon-infested facility and makes his way back to Earth, where - much to his horror - he finds that Hell's invasion has made its way there from Mars. The first thing he does is rush to his hometown and residence to find his family and bring them to safety - only to find them dead, slaughtered within their own home. Driven into a state of unfathomable despair and rage, Y'shua promptly unleashes his fury on the demonic invasion, diving back into Hell and cutting off the invasion at its source; an enormous, god-like demon known as the Icon of Sin. However, by the time he returns back to Earth, he finds it cleansed of not just demons but the entire human race.
Feral Beast: Stricken by shame and grief for his self-perceived failure to prevent the extinction of Humanity, Y'shua banishes himself to Hell. Here, time passes strangely in comparison to the real world - while Y'shua could've spent anywhere from 10 to 100 years in Hell, in the real world, over three centuries would have passed. This, in combination with the dubious status of his mortality, means that Y'shua barely ages if at all - though it's not like he cares much about that, considering all he'd have on his mind is surviving and killing demons non-stop.
Great Slayer: As Hell is a sort of "in-between" realm that connects multiple different realities/universes/timelines, Y'shua is eventually discovered by a race known as the Argenta. Initially, he's just captured and thrown into what is basically a cage fight, to determine his worth as a slave-warrior to be used as fodder for their wars. However, his maniacal rambling of demons - in combination with his incredible combat prowess - earns him both intrigue and respect from his captors. He would gradually rise in rank, joining the Night Sentinel order and eventually earning the revered title of Great Slayer.
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eggman-is-fat-mkay · 8 months
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
firstly i think i am very sexy. i've been going to the gym a lot lately and it's paying off! my personal trainer says i need to eat more, and he's right, but i'm still making very respectable gains. i've been holding a plank (hands on floor, not elbows) for a little bit longer every night, just before i go to bed, for a few months now, and last night i set a new personal record of 25 minutes! i was cheating a little bit, shifting side to side and lifting one hand up to give my abs a break, and my form was more than a little sloppy, but still! 25 minutes straight!!!! (the secret is music, and wear loose clothing -- you overheat *super* fast) i've definitely got the six pack to show for it too. and as a certified gay dude and muscle enjoyer i gotta say it is a huge confidence boost to be low-key attracted to the guy i see in the mirror
second i'd say i am a pretty smart guy. most programmers are. i *love* being able to think of something, go "hey, i kinda wish that existed", and then just build it. and then... holy crap, that exists now. and i made it happen. and that's just such a cool feeling that i think everybody should get to experience.
if i don't tell anybody about my current project i'm gonna burst so here we go. i've been browsing a certain monosodium glutatmate related site lately that lets you upload images, put tags on them, and then search for them by their tags, and i've been somewhat disappointed with it. like most boorus, its search feature is quite limited -- you can specify the results have all of these tags, none of these tags, and one or more of these tags, but that's it. if you want to search for one of these two but not both, or one or more of these AND one or more of those, you're outta luck. i thought that was kinda disappointing. fortunately, i'm a programmer, and, as it turns out, this particular imageboard provides a full database dump containing the URL, rating, description, full list of tags, upvote/downvote/favorite count, image URL, etc., of every post on the site, all in one gigantic 3GB .csv file. practically begging me to make a better search function with it. it didn't take me long to whip up a script in rust that could parse that .csv file and, given a search string like "fluffy 1{ cat dog } 2-{ a b c }" (meaning "must be tagged fluffy, either cat OR dog but not both, and two or more of a, b, and c"), spit out a list of URLs of posts that matched. running the script on my laptop, it took about 12 seconds to search through the whole database, 30 if running on my phone. i also thought that was kinda disappointing and i could do better. so i started looking into ways to speed it up. i loaded the entire post database into RAM for faster access (my phone's 6GB of RAM was not thrilled about this, but it pulled through), i used the excellent rust library Rayon to search in parallel across all available CPU cores, i downloaded a second database dump from the site matching each tag name with its internal tag number (storing those instead of the names greatly reduced my RAM usage, not to mention integers are several times faster to search through than text strings), and i wrote a modified version of the search algorithm that took advantage of SIMD instructions to compare four integers at once on a single CPU core. all together, those improvements got my time for a single search down from 30 seconds to 1 second on my phone, and from 12 seconds to 50 milliseconds (that's a 20th of a second!) on my laptop. that's over a 200x improvement! isn't programming cool!!!! also the drag-race linear search algorithm i came up with for searching through the tags faster than a binary search was no doubt come up with long ago by someone much smarter than me, but i don't care i'm still proud of myself for having come up with it. i'm currently working on hooking that search algorithm up to a discord bot and in the process learning the intricacies of using postgresql to keep track of who's looking at what and what they want to see next. i'm learning a ton and it's super fun!
i'm no super-genius, don't get me wrong -- especially that SIMD part was mostly me throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what stuck -- but i definitely felt pretty cool after seeing the 10% performance improvement it got me :P
thirdly i can semi reliably get people to laugh. since i'm autistic this does not come naturally to me, but through many years of practice and a lotta misses i've figured out a system, there's three parts.
When someone asks a rhetorical question, answer it incorrectly. example
when someone else makes a joke, your job is to "yes, and". ex.: "eggman always likes sitting in the sun. like he's cold blooded. i bet he's a lizard." "it's true. zuckerberg's actually my cousin"
commit to the bit. pretend what you just said is true. what would that imply? zuckerberg's my cousin; i probably hang out with him a lot. is he normal for a lizard, and the rest of us are that good at pretending to be human, or is he weird even by our standards? what's lizardfolk physiology like? zuckerberg was acting really strangely in the 2018 facebook senate hearings -- he nearly blew our cover. hey, that's a joke right there. just keep these ideas going in your head and string them together with whatever you can think of. ex.: "zuckerberg's actually my cousin. he's a lot less awkward once the meat suit comes off. i don't know why he gets so nervous in front of humans. guess he's just camera shy. during the facebook senate hearings he was such a mess we had to spoon feed him lines through a transmitter in his fourth ear. i don't know how people didn't notice. swear that guy is gonna out us one day. don't know why they haven't given his meat suit to someone else yet. anyway i talked with him about the whole social media panopticon thing but he was kinda stubborn on that point." alternately: "is zuckerberg your cousin?" "no actually common misconception he's just about the only celebrity who isn't. the overlords keep trying to kill that rumor cause he's making us look bad. there was talk of installing a lizard as the head of facebook so we'd have control over social media but the higher-ups wouldn't sign off on it"
(i lied there's 4 parts) learn how to volley. "if zuck's your cousin, why don't you have a facebook account?" "zuck knows enough about me just being my cousin; i don't need him being able to look up all my browsing history and bring it up at family reunions." from here, if reaction is positive, you can run with the bit: "and you know he'd do it in the most well-meaning way too; he'd see me and immediately ask if i found those dildos i was searching for two weeks ago, and if not offer to help. bro has zero social awareness"
for skills i practiced in reddit comment sections, they translated to real life surprisingly well. of course, like anything, this takes practice. coming up with stuff like that on the fly did not come naturally to me at first, and unfortunately i can't really say for certain when or why that changed. i guess my advice would be hang around with people you think are good at making jokes, watch them, and try to figure out why what works, works, and when you think you've got something, try your hand with some friends. or you could take the autistic route of just saying something that wasn't intended to be funny, having people laugh, and laughing along with them while silently puzzling over why that was funny and how you can make a funny on purpose next time. something that's important to remember though is that if you can't think of anything, that's okay. jokes often make conversations more fun, but a lack of jokes does not often make them worse.
smart, handsome, and funny is a pretty good set, i gotta say. i'm not perfect -- no one is -- and i'm definitely not sure how many other people would agree with any of those three assessments of myself (my parents tell me i'm smart, but don't everyone's?), but i'm pretty happy with where i'm at life wise and the rate i'm progressing. you asked for five things i liked about myself; i'm a bit busy at the moment so i'll have to give you a rain check for the other two. but i will definitely be forwarding this ask to everyone i can think of who hasn't blocked me!
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mittensmorgul · 1 year
Do you have a tip for a newbie writer that's not mentioned everywhere all the time, but still very important? It seems to me that most people repeat the same 10 tips everywhere & I've started wondering more about the importance of mindset and life experience & less about phrasing, grammar etc.
Hello there!
I should start by repeating the best writing advice I ever got:
ignore like 90% of all writing advice
which 90% is entirely up to you, though. your 90% is probably different than my 90%. Like, I ignore everything about "stick to a schedule!" and "make time every single day to write or else you'll fail!" and pretty much anything that says "follow this one neat trick or you're bound to fail!"
No piece of writing advice works for everyone, and that's fine. Try stuff out, see what works for you. Even when it comes to grammar and phrasing stuff.
Like, obviously grammar and phrasing is important to understand as a baseline, but that doesn't help you have a unique voice. It'll really help you construct a cogent business letter, but if you are listening to everything grammarly tells you to do, you're gonna sound like a robot writing fiction.
There's some pretty solid writing advice, like "only use epithets sparingly, and only when it's for a specific reason like for a character who hasn't been introduced by name yet," and "please just use 'said' and not those ridiculous lists of words that are not actually synonyms for said."
And as for getting help from something like grammarly (or even that little red squiggle of doom that sometimes suggests bizarre alternatives to the actually correct word you typed-- this happens WAY more than I'm comfortable with lol), PLEASE double check that what it's telling you to correct your word/phrase to is ACTUALLY what you are trying to say. Because a lot of the time, it really isn't.
And yes, like anything else you learn to do, experience and practice works. The whole "make many bad pots instead of struggling to make one perfect pot" thing is really true. (It crossed my dash again the other day, and I didn't reblog it, but it was on page 17 of my "writing is hard" tag, where I stick writing advice if you're interested in reading a lot of it, after I suggested ignoring most of it... >.> anyway this post explains the shitty pots concept of creating anything really)
And read what you write, too. Like let it sit for a while (like weeks if necessary) and then go back and reread it. What would you change? Read it out loud. Do the character voices sound authentic? Is the exposition clonky or plodding? Does it race in spots and drag in others?
Would you write it differently if you sat down now and tried to write it again? How? Why? This is not just an exercise in editing, it's an exercise in finding your writing voice and understanding how YOU write. Not from an objective outsider perspective, or a judgmental "is this good or bad" perspective. But from a place of understanding your own writing.
And then write something else, and repeat the whole process, probably until you die lololol.
that is not intended to sound grim, it's intended to sound hilarious... I couldn't stop writing at this point if I tried.
my writing: i'm not stuck in here with you, you're stuck in here with me
Life experience does help sometimes. The older you are, the more you've experienced, the more... let's call it spice you have available to you to season your writing with. But more than that, just the practice of writing poorly, assessing your own work, writing something else a little better next time.
I think I got a good spice metaphor. Someone could've lived such a rich life assembling flavorings and spices and have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER how to mix them all palatably and cook them into a delicious meal. If you never bothered trying to cook until you had a full spice cupboard and don't even know the basics of like... how to fry an egg, can you imagine the atrocities such a person could produce?
meanwhile someone might only have a handful of different spices but out of necessity and laborious toil in making the most of what they have so far has learned to prepare AMAZING dishes and can crank out a dinner that would blow your mind with everything perfectly prepared and seasoned-- even if the seasoning is limited in flavor, they know how to make the most of it because they practiced until they succeeded.
So yeah, basically the only writing advice I ever listened to was practice, write a lot even if it's awful, reread all your old stuff once in a while both for the hilarity factor but also to see how far you've come, and to really think about how you'd write it differently now, and WHY. What changed? How has your understanding of your own writing evolved?
Yeah, I think that's all I got (in addition to the 40-something pages in my writing tag lololol)
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50 Q'S !!
    @down-in-dixie: ❛❛50 Qs: Mun 1, 4, 7, 10, 18❜❜
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                                   ✧・゚  𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃.
★  ⸻   1.) describe yourself through the eyes of a stranger?
       Seems very shy at first but talks non-stop once they feel comfortable; swears a lot; looks kinda eccentric and probably is; obviously obsessed with music (wears still one earplugs while talking); you can read their thoughts like an open book on their face.
★  ⸻   4.) which television series do you use as a form of escapism?
       Oof, that really depends?? I'd say it's Supernatural, but only bc it's my favorite series of all time. But it's not like I put it on very often anymore. It's just the one I am most invested in and otherwise, I just randomly watch stuff? Maybe Drag Race. I honestly don't know. I don't really use a series or anything else as escapism besides actually writing on here xD
★  ⸻   7.) what advice would you give your childhood self?
       ❛❛You don't need anybody to feel like you're enough. You'll do just well on your own, don't sweat it too much. Your worth isn't dependent on how many friends you have.❜❜
★  ⸻   10.) what’s one book you’d suggest every person should read?
       Probably THE SECOND COMING by John Niven. Simply bc it's entertaining satire not only about religion and morals, but it also takes a critical look on the entertainment and music industry. It's hilarious and insanely evil but also very sad and hopeless at the same time. I read it in one sitting and cried bc I was laughing so much, bc I got super angry and also bc it broke my heart by the end.
★  ⸻   18.) describe your personal style?
       Mostly grungy. I wear a lot of old, ripped jeans and oversized sweaters and (band) shirts. All Star Chucks and I have a nice pair of red metallic boots, a leathern battle jacket... that kind of stuff. On special occasions or just when I want to look better I'm more on the glam rock side, though. Tight pants, flashy and eccentric shirts with weird patterns... yeah.
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boethiahsboytoy · 2 years
1 thru 9 for ivrasi (hope i spelled that right) from the ldb questions OR all the background ones for varla (who im very normal about) pls and thank :3
I did both sets, bc I love rambling about my funky little dudes :D Thank u !!!!
For Ivrasi:
1) Were they trying to cross the border? Why?
She was, she was coming home from a trip to Morrowind where she assassinated two high-ranking Thalmor officials. She wasn't caught where the player character is implied to have been yoinked in the game (not sure where she was I'll look at a map later), but she was dragged off to Helgen for execution.
2) Do they follow Hadvar or Ralof? Why
Hadvar!! She's a Dunmer born and raised in Windhelm's Gray Quarter, she trusts a Stormcloak as far as she can throw one.
3) Do they pick a side in the Civil War?
Y'know I don't think she would??? But idk if that's bc of her personally or me thinking that sounds boring as hell in game.
4) How do they feel about Tullius and Ulfric on a personal level?
I'm not sure about Tulius tbh, but she doesn't think the Empire has Skyrim's best interests at heart so she wouldn't trust him very much because of it. Whether or not she Hates Him I'm not sure because he seems like he's good at acting fucking normal at least. As for Ulfric she loathes him.
5) Do they kill Paarthurnax? Why?
She wouldn't, she has no use for killing him. He helped her fight off Alduin when he attacked at the Throat of the World, and he's been kind to her the entire time he's known her. I don't know how affectionate she'll feel towards him just yet, but she's definitely friendly towards him.
6) How do they feel about Delphine and the Greybeards?
She's not a fan of how bossy Delphine is but doesn't hate her. Dislikes how much she wants Ivrasi to kill Paarthurnax and because she Doesn't Do That it sort of sours whatever relationship they had. As for the Greybeards she appreciates them for explaining things to her. But she also doesn't like how they act like being Dragonborn is Her Only Purpose. She's more than her destiny and tells them to treat her like it.
7) On a scale of 1-10, how much do they hate the Thalmor? The Empire?
Uhhh pretty high on both counts tbh. Exact number goes from like 8-10 depending on how unhappy she is whenever u ask her.
8) What do they do at the war meeting? How does it go? Do they maintain neutrality?
Ivrasi is not Good At Politics. But she's good at being threatening. She takes an opportunity to scare Ulfric into being less...like Himself, lmao, telling him that if he doesn't start treating non-Nords better he'll have to see if his Thu'um is as strong as hers. She ends that fun little speech by telling Tulius and Elisif that she isn't their pawn just because she hates Ulfric, and they get the message. The Greybeards r just thankful Vulon agreed 2 sit this one out.
9) How do they feel about their position as Dragonborn? Do they embrace the role? Does it terrify them? Do they take advantage of it?
She has very mixed feelings about it. On the one hand she embraces it, but really it's only because Somebody needs to stop Alduin and not because she Likes it. Ivrasi enjoys the power it gives her but it scares her too, and she's always worried about loosing herself to her Dragon...instincts?? Idk. It's very stressful to her, and more than once she confides in Vulon that she wishes someone else had been stuck with this role, but she's also glad it's her because she knows herself and knows she can do this. Even if it's terrifying and even if it feels lonely.
And for Varla!!!! :D
1) Is this character from their race's home province/territory? If not, what is their relationship with the region? Do they feel a connection to it?
He is! I've yet to pick out where exactly in Skyrim he's from, but he is From There. He loved his home very dearly. It hurts more than he can convey knowing that it gets destroyed, and even in Apocrypha he desperately wishes he had a home to go back to :( He is Very connected to it.
2) Where did they grow up? A city? A village? Isolated, in the wilderness? What was it like to leave?
A large city! Leaving was terrifying and meant abandoning it to the invading Atmorans, but it was either that or death.
3) What was their childhood like? Who raised them? Do they have siblings?
Tbh I haven't thought too much about this. I do know he's an only child, but I don't think he has a really meaningful relationship with his parents. They raised him! They weren't particularly cruel, but they also weren't nurturing. He resents them a bit for it but doesn't outright hate them. He's sad when he realizes they would have been killed, although he doubts they would have been fond of his worship of Hermaeus Mora.
4) If they are an adventurer, why did they choose that life? Did they choose it at all?
He is Not an adventurer, nor would he choose to be XD
5) Do they worship any gods? Who? How do they feel about the gods in general?
I think he'd really only worship Mora! He thinks as long as the Gods don't severely fuck with Nirn too much then they're alright.
6) What are their interpersonal relationships like? Are they close with many people?
Hes never been very good at socializing; he doesn't pick up on cues very well and tends to either ramble nonstop or just be awkwardly silent. As a result he doesn't have many friends to be close to :( There are probably some Seekers he gets along with though!
7) What's their relationship with their family like? Do they have one?
Strained. He knows his parents would disown him if they found out he worships Mora, and that objectively they aren't that great. But he wishes they were so tries to keep a connection with them.
8) What guilds do they join? Are they committed to those guilds, or are they mostly in them for the benefits?
I dont really kmow what guilds he Would join tbh, especially as he's not really a protagonist of any game or anything...there's probably an architects' guild or union or Something like that for his city that he was a part of! Maybe like.....wizard...things??
9) Are they a vampire/lycanthrope? Did they choose to become one? Would they reverse it, given the chance?
He wouldn't be, and I don't think he'd be offered the choice to be. If somehow he Did become a vampire or lycanthrope I'm sure he'd be able to figure out how to fix it on his own!
Thank you for the questions these were really fun!!!
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