#don’t mind me I just...obsess a bit over the character because he is like perfect
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Rafael Barba doing things
Disclaimer: Gifs NOT mine.Found on Pinterest and Google. I only collect them and source when I know who made them.
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amoreva · 4 months
yes i’m so glad you’re writing for clarisse because im obsessed with your writing.
could you write something with reader being a really confident and vain daughter of aphrodite who channels her mothers war goddess attributes and is one of the best sword fighter in camp? also playful teasing from reader and sparring because 1 i need justice for the massacre of aphrodites character and 2 clarisse x aphrodite!reader is essential to my life force. haters can hate.
maybe also show how other campers interact with her as well, like luke showing percy around idk
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pairing: clarisse la rue x daughter of aphrodite!reader
summary: clarisse has always been a hard hitter and a tough lover, but a certain someone from aphrodite makes her soft. and she doesn’t entirely mind it.
warnings: use of “y/n” once or twice, kinda switches to percy’s pov, fighting, almost death(?), fluff, mentions of beckendorf!!
a/n: i really hope i did this request right! enjoy! i was trying to crank this out as soon as i could.
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Everyone thought you’d be claim by Ares (even though your dad was still very present and not a god) or at least by Athena. You were smart and a hell of a lot strong; both mentally and physically.
So it came to a surprise when Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, claimed you.
Though, Clarisse knew you were her daughter. You were every bit of passionate: about life, hobbies, interests, her. You paid attention to every little detail that flew out of her mouth (she noticed).
It didn’t help that you channeled your mother’s past title and abilities. After all, in Sparta, she was known as Aphrodite Aeria, “Aphrodite the Warlike”.
Clarisse was head over heels for you the minute she saw you fight (you even bested Luke, how was she not supposed to not fall in love with you?)
You and Clarisse started dating at the peak of the Summer Solstice and never looked back. No one knew Clarisse could be so…tolerating to someone outside of her cabin, especially to one of Aphrodite’s daughter.
Percy surely didn’t expect it either.
Clarisse was so callous and you were compassionate. He guessed that thing about opposites attract was true.
“Look, you want attention here, dummy?” Clarisse spoke condescendingly to the newest camper. She just couldn’t believe a scrawny kid took down the Minotaur. “You better be ready for it when it comes.”
Clarisse made Percy flinch and walked past Hermes’ kids. An amused smile plastered on her face. Luke shook his head as Ares’ kids passed which begged the question. “Why don’t they mess with you?” Percy asked.
“They know better.” Luke smirked.
“Luke’s the second strongest swordsman in camp.” Chris added with a proud grin.
“Who’s the first?”
Suddenly, you walked by in perfect timing. Percy’s eyes glued to you. You witnessed the whole situation and went to talk to your girlfriend. “Clarisse…” You muttered.
Percy watched Ares’ daughter soften at the mention of her name from your lips. Nothing in the facial expressions, it was all in the eyes.
“She doesn’t look menacing or intimidating—” Percy acknowledged.
“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Luke reminded as he glanced back at you and Clarisse. “Got my ass handed to me when I sparred with her.”
Percy looked at Luke. “Really? Can I train with her?”
It wasn’t odd to find Clarisse in Aphrodite’s cabin; nor was it odd to find the two of you cuddling on your bunk. Sunlight beaming onto the two of you and the only sounds were the campers outside. All of your siblings when do go enjoy camp activities while you read to Clarisse.
Ancient Greek flows from your mouth like the water from River Styx. Clarisse had one arm haphazardly thrown across your abdomen. Her head perched on your shoulder.
Silently, she admired the way your lips moved. The way you were invested into the story. The way she can see all the tiny details on your gorgeous face from this position.
Clarisse found herself falling for you more and more with each second of the day. She was aggressive and intimidating. She was Ares’ favorite daughter after all, but she found herself becoming more softhearted to you.
“You’re my…everything.” Clarisse whispered fondly. It might’ve been a slip of the tongue, but it made you blush.
She never failed to make you blush. Your rosy cheeks complimented with a sheepish grin. “Clarisse…” You mumbled and put down the book.
“I mean it.” Clarisse stated firmly and sat up on her elbow. Her heart locket fell from her orange Camp t-shirt. It matched yours, except you had a sword charm. Clarisse insisted on giving it to you (after threatening Beckendorf once or twice) for your two month anniversary.
“I know.” You reassured and pecked her lips quickly. Clarisse smiled and dived back in to press her lips into yours
A giggle erupted from you. A rush of dopamine intoxicating your brain. It always felt like the first kiss with her. “I love you, I love you, I love you—” You repeated into her lips.
“I get it, lovergirl.” Clarisse chuckled as she pulled away. Her cheek tinged with pink. “I love you too.”
She continued. “Will you keep reading? You sound so beautiful when you read—”
“Clarisse!” You exclaimed. Your blush even more prominent.
“What? I can’t tell my girlfriend she has a voice from the sirens that could bring the Big Three to tears?”
“Keep reading, lovergirl.”
“This is safe, right?” Percy asked Grover.
“Yeah! Perfectly safe.” Grover reassured with a smile.
Luke had recruited you to help train Percy (Clarisse just so happened to tag along). There were swords in all of your hands. You were going to fight Clarisse and Luke and Percy doubted you were that good.
It was all to help Percy learn more about fighting with the sword and a great way to show off. The forest clearing gave enough room to really show your talents in combat.
“Don’t go easy on me!” You yelled at Clarisse and Luke on the other side of the clearing. Percy and Grover were sitting on rather large rocks anticipating the battle.
You took a deep breath and your eyes hardened. It was like switched had been flipped within you. You shifted your foot, sliding it in the dirt. The air felt different. Tense, sharp, lung-crushing.
Clarisse and Luke tightened their grip on their swords and gave each other a confirming nod. Percy and Grover watched as the three older half-bloods charged one another.
With precision and quick-wit, you were able to keep Clarisse and Luke on their toes. Luke shifted his weight in his feet before charging you again. You clashed swords. Celestial Bronze against Celestial Bronze.
Your ears perked up on shoes slapping against the dirt. You ducked causing Clarisse to swing at Luke. There was no trace of a your warm sweet smile Percy saw, only your hardened gaze.
It was kind of scary to see Aphrodite’s daughter switch up so fast.
Clarisse cursed under her and swiped her sword as if flicking off imaginary blood. She met your gaze, her heart skipped a beat. She rushed you again and swiped your legs. You jumped back with the grace of a swan, but Clarisse parried her sword immediately after.
You riposted Clarisse when Luke cane out from behind Clarisse to continue an onslaught of attacks. You scoffed quietly, but you could never complain. It was a good workout.
Yet, a particularly heavy swing from you knocked Luke’s sword from out of his hand. His sword flinging at Percy’s head. Percy shouted and ducked.
“Oh my gods!” You exclaimed and slapped your heads over your mouth in surprise.
Clarisse and Luke stopped their attacks and looked back at Percy and Grover. Luke’s celestial bronze sword was sticking out of a tree. Percy centimeters away from the blade.
You apologized for your reckless behavior. Percy was more scared of how fast you switched from your focused nature to a worried attitude.
“It’s okay…” Percy laughed nervously.
“He said he was fine!” Clarisse called out and walked towards you, pressing a small kiss to your cheek.
“Sorry, Percy.” Luke apologized.
“A lover and a fighter. Got it.” Percy noted in his mind as you complained to Clarisse about feeling bad about impaling Percy.
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this may be hard to answer because we don’t actually know the characters too well yet, but what do you think vox and val actually *love* about eachother? it seems like it’s more than just sex between them, and i’m curious to know what you think their relationship is like outside the toxic or sexual parts
Anon, to me it is not hard to answer at all, I think about it constantly 🩵❤️ of course all I write is based mostly on my headcanons and interpretations.
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So... What Vox loves about Valentino? First and foremost, he makes him feel free. Vox is very self-conscious; he has a lot of internalized shame that he tries to cover with his grandiosity and fake smile. Valentino is unapologetically himself, and no matter how annoying it can be, Vox admires it. He's like the least judgmental person, and except for his temper tantrums, he's quite chill. Vox can't handle something? Val doesn't care; he still thinks his boyfriend is smart and will figure shit out eventually. Vox discovers he's into some weird, socially unacceptable kink? Great, they can try it. Vox rambles for hours about sharks? Good, he has a passion; Valentino likes people with passion, he will listen, he likes his voice anyway. Vox, who has spent his whole life crafting this perfect narrative about himself, cherishes the opportunity to feel comfortable enough with other people (a lot of these things apply also to his friendship with Velvette) to act like an absolute idiot around them.
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Also, I think Valentino can be a really amazing boyfriend - he can be funny, charming, and mindful of the other person. That's his whole thing; he deals with desires, and that's why people get addicted to him so quickly. In most cases, it inevitably ends with him taking absolute control over the other person and becoming abusive. But Vox is his partner, so he gets just those nice bits because Valentino knows he wouldn't be able to put him down like he did with Angel. Not that he'd want to; he likes having a partner who's equal to him, whom he can break only if he allows him to do so (yes, my reading of them is very BDSM-ish, don't @ me). Valentino wants to be loved, he loves the idea of love, surrounds himself with hearts but at the same refuses to adjust to societal norms in the way that makes him unlovable; every person he ever loved (in his mind, his obsessive desire equals love) rejected him eventually after he revealed his true nature to them. But not Vox. Vox accepts him as broken as he is, and despite all his toxicity, Vox is reliable, he's the most stable part of Valentino's life. He has the patience to deal with his mood swings, he can always find the solution when Val messes something up, he's willing to accept all the attention Valentino wants to give him, and he supports his passions (ruining lives, making weird porn and abusing people).
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Essentially, their love is largely about finally finding the other person who is as bad as you are, who accepts you no matter what and helps you grow (become an even worse person).
And some additional things:
Valentino really likes how smart Vox is. He himself is impulsive and acts instantly on his urges because violence is always an answer so he's kinda impressed when Vox presents him with some elaborate plots.
Vox loves Valentino's creativity, aesthetic, and attention to detail. He really likes nice things, but he lacks the ability to understand the nuance that is necessary for creating art.
They both enjoy each other's sense of humor.
Vox really likes that Valentino is kinda dumb? He can take care of him, and he likes taking care of people because it allows him to prove himself as The Best Boyfriend. He doesn't necessarily gets the idea of unconditional love, so the fact that he has an opportunity to earn it makes him feel more secure in their relationship. That's also why he loves spoling Valentino with gifts which is perfect because Valentino loves being spoiled.
Valentino likes being a little silly when he's with Vox. At work he can't manage people with his competence, so he does it with fear. But yelling and throwing people around is exhausting; he sometimes wants to bedazzle his gun while watching some trashy reality TV and bitching about his hard day at work. It's okay because Vox is also a little silly.
Valentino generally helps Vox live life more. He helped him come out of the closet (in my headcanon Vox for his whole life struggled with internalized biphobia); shows him that emotions other than anger are acceptable and don't mean weakness; even small things like always insisting on getting nice meals (while Vox could live his whole life on black coffee and rice) or decorating their apartment with fancy yet useless stuff.
They're both power-crazy maniacs, so the idea of being with someone who is widely desired by others and could destroy them if they wished is just so incredibly hot.
Vox | Valentino | What they hate about each other
If you liked these you should definitely check out my fic
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dontbesoweirdkira · 15 days
Yandere Raiden x reader x Yandere Fujin? Or feed my delusional mind with just Yandere mk men x reader- with that harem “no she’s mine! Not yours!”
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“Alright, men please listen up. Y/N can only choose one of us..which means you all will have to die.”
A/N: I love a delusional queen from infinity to infinityyyyyy. MHMM OFC!!! Anything for my delusional friends…I didn’t have Raiden in this one because I’m going to give you some good stuff in a separate post. I have Raiden and Fujin fighting for you in that. Plus a bonus;) this has been my favorite request so far.
Warnings: Johnny cage💀, Yandere/Toxic Themes, mentions of stalking, harassment, violence, a bit suggestive???
Requests: open 24/7
Let’s be real, the mk men are perpetually thirsty. Actually all the characters are to be honest. Did you hear the flirty dialogue?? Even the keeper is trying to get some of that action.
So really it’s no shocker that you, the new fighter, have all the attention from them.
Johnny is undoubtedly the first to strike. He may be an older man now but damn, you make him feel like he’s 20 again. He just cannot control making some kind of flirtatious comment when he sees you walk by.
“Woah, woah, woah, now sweetheart. I think you and I should have a nice long conversation. Get to know each other a little…or a lot…dealers choice.” ;)
Yeahh he doesn’t care that he has a kid and a mortgage. Cassie is grown now and Sonya doesn’t want him anymore…so free game, baby.
His eyes are hungry and he barely can hold himself back from pouncing on you—
Liu Kang and Kung Lao see this and apologize for his behavior towards you. They introduced themselves and of course did their absolute best to make you feel at home.
Don’t let this fool you though, those are some sinful monks. They are no better than Johnny and they want you real baaaad.
“So, Y/N. What is your skill set? Wait. Let me guess, you use beauty essence to trap your opponent in a daze before knocking them out?”
Liu Kang jabs Kung Lao in the stomach with his elbow, before speaking to you.
“I’m sorry for these two. You are very beautiful but please know we are just as excited to train with you as we would anyone else. Anytime you’d like to spar, please, don’t hesitate to find me.”
Ahh he’s so damn slick…he just wants a reason to pin you downnnn
“Hey! Liu Kang don’t you mean us? We all would like to train with you darling~. Some people like to fight over in the courtyard but if you’d like I have a very special place called, me casa.”
“I would also like to train with you…in the courtyard of course. I mean unless you prefer—“
“Thanks? Umm..I appreciate all of your….offers. I’m supposed to actually meet with Raiden, I’m just a little lost. Have you guys—-“
Before you could even finish your sentence all three of them bombarded you with offers and began fighting over each other, debating who actually knows how to find Lord Raiden the best.
That pretty much sets the tone for how everyone acts around you.
By a month or so into you being here, everyone knows about you. Especially the men. You’re all they talk about.
At first it was simply chatter about you being a new kombatant for earthrealm and of course mentions of your beauty.
But since learning more about and becoming closer with you, the little infatuations have turned into full blown obsessions.
No one can seem to get enough of you, even the grand masters have trouble focusing when you’re around. Hanzo and Kai Liang may disagree on many things but you are one of the few things they can get behind.
They are both trying to recruit you to their different clans so they can be fully entitled to you.
Scorpion wants extreme control over you, he wants to shape you into the perfect companion. He wants you to be just as poised as his wife once was. You already have her beauty so just let him perfect you.
Sub-Zero wants you to become his equal. What he failed to do with Frost, he will make up with you. How more beautiful you’d become if only your heart was frozen over.
Either one will stop at nothing to have you. A trophy they could boast over. For a second you ended a centuries-long feud, both agreeing on your excellence…only for it to start all over again for who is more worthy to own you.
This isn’t isolated to just them, all the men are fighting for your attention. Arguing about who you actually belong to, bragging about how much attention they got from you, and comparing it to each other. Don’t get me started on that. Mk men are so needy for your attention. Whenever they can’t get it, they resort to other ways.
Johnny is such a filthy pervert. You don’t wanna give him the time of day? Fine, he’ll take matters into his own hands.
He’s your very own paparazzi, you should be grateful that he’s taking this many pictures of you. You’re the first and only.
It doesn’t matter that he’s doing it without your consent or knowledge…it also doesn’t matter that some of them are a little…provocative. He’ll jump into the flesh pits if that meant getting the perfect shot of you…let him have this.
He refuses to share these with the other guys, it’s just for him. Over his dead body will Kano or someone else see you like this.
Shang Tsung has also caught wind of you and you’re a pretty sight indeed. He doesn’t want you to fight in the tournament. A gorgeous soul like you should be locked away in his throne room. He always tries to bribe you with fortune and power. He can offer you so much more than these rodents. If you need an extra push in his direction, a little trickery may help with that….he has no shame using an incantation on you.
Liu Kang and Kung Lao are no better. They manipulate that fact you see them as good friends as a way to be in the limelight.
They stalk you just as much as the rest, sometimes separately but often times together. It always ends up in a fight between the two tho because one person starts shit talking…
“Idk Kang. A woman like that would never be into you. Kitana barely even looks your way…what makes you think Y/N will? Besides, she called me cute.”
“Yeah, I think she’ll think it’s real ‘cute’ how I destroy you in the tournament..”
Perverted as Cage. Kung Lao is extremely touchy while sparring. He loves to “teach” you things. He never shines away from a moment to flex all of his years of training under the shaolin and that he’s a self proclaimed expert.
For some reason when he’s fixing your form, his hand always winds up on your ass…hmm strange.
Liu Kang loves when you watch him workout or spar with others. When it’s finally your turn to be his opponent, he never holds back. All because he wants to be the one on top…always.
You cannot catch a break. Gifts and proposals are constantly sent to your door and no matter how much you try to decline, it just won’t stop coming. Sure being basically waited on, and desired by many is really nice. Every girls dream! But you have to admit just how it is scary having such dangerous men obsessed with you.
There hasn’t been a moment in the last few months where you’ve ever felt completely alone. The feeling that someone is always watching you has never left.
And, occasionally you would awkwardly overhear or walk in on a group of men fighting about you.
“With all due disrespect, I believe a babe like that would prefer a star like me. She’s all mine”
“Nonsense. Y/N belongs to the Shirai Ryu. Both her beauty and skill makes her a viable asset to the clan. You can fight me in hell over it, Cage.”
It doesn’t get any better when the tournament starts.
I think the men forgot they were fighting for their realms because it quickly turned into a fight for dominance.
A tournament that was once a noble cause, turned into a bloody showcase. Every man dedicating their wins to you, making sure to send a cheeky flex or wink your way.
Besides, what value did their realms hold if you weren’t there with them.
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mayaflowerxs · 1 year
hi hun, if you dont mind can you make a fic of jaemin being all crazy for y/n but it starts off with them just sexting n dry humping till he goes all crazy for her. btw! i loved the affair series would love to see dream ver. :)
Synopsis: It was stupid really, you were bored and treated the app as a joke. You just never would have thought the man you began sexting would be your best friends boyfriend and at that an obsession beginning to develop.
Warning: Smut / Fluffish? / Angst . Swear word usage, Serious!Jaemin x Shy!Reader. Toxic relationship, pick me best friend, cheating,TW! mention of suicide, conflicted feelings. Reader is a bit of a push over + character development. Takes place in college. Blue: Jaemin, Pink:Reader
A/N: Hi love! Hope you enjoy and thank u sm! I haven’t considered making one for dream but maybe after I’m done I may think about it!
Pairing: Jaemin x fem reader
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You felt like a shit person. You hate fake people, players even and yet here you are doing the very thing you despise. Being bored isn’t a good enough justification for it, your interest was peaked the second you scrolled by the app in the App Store. A cold rainy day that left you alone, cold and in the dark of your dorm. Roommate was out doing god knows what, your best friend could never really be cooped up for long. The cold rain drops fell on your window that laid beside your bed. Tiktok wasn’t interesting, no movies on any movie platform seemed to catch your focus. Wednesday playing in the background for the sake of keeping the room completely dark and silent.
‘HEARTSTRING, the best most popular app for young adults ready for a relationship!’
What harm could it be if you tried out the app right? It’s not like anything bad could really come out of it.
“And so I was like, Beverly you have to stop shitting around and like fucking cut the chord. He’s not interested in you anymore. I mean yeah have we been having a bit of flirty banter here and there, sure but-“
The chitter chatter of his girlfriend talking his ear off began to muffle as Jaemin focuses his attention on his cell phone. He wasn’t exactly in the best mood, it’s fucking cold outside. His thick jacket he brought with now currently wrapped around his girlfriend because of the refusal she had to bring her own. Currently sitting inside a vegan restaurant and a $50 dish that isn’t all that appetizing and fulfilling. With an hour worth of talking of all the boring shit his girlfriend has to ramble about, he feels it’s the least bit understandable he’s decided to do something he wants to do. Be on his phone.
His social battery only down by its last percentage, a small frown on his face as he scrolls through his feed. Boring and bland, only a small story of Jeno’s in which him and the boys were currently playing the newest game. Months and months of hyping it up, waiting for its release and Jaemin is wasting his time on his 30th date. By now, his bank account is about ready to burst. A cry for help he swears he hears each time he picks up his wallet. Stopping midway scroll when an ad appears, ‘HEARTSTRING!’
Taking a quick glance up at his girlfriend and sees she’s still rambling on about girl drama as she continues to take pictures of her salad and posting them online. To say his relationship with Nayoung was perfect would be the furthest from the truth. If anything, he still doesn’t quite understand how he managed to get in the relationship in the first place. What was suppose to be a quick fling, resulted in Nayoung telling the entire school they were together. Her parents were quick in wanting to get to meet him, a very serious talk from her father had chills running up his arms. “Don’t you even dare hurt my little girl. You don’t know what I’m capable of son.” He’s tried to think of ways to get out of that situation but it’s only gotten worse when Nayoung got in touch with his parents. The thrill look on their faces when they were told their oldest son was finally in a committed relationship. Jaemin felt that maybe he would always be stuck.
And if that was the case, he might as well still have fun if he can’t walk away from her.
Setting up your account came to be really easy. You plan to delete the app by the end of the night, you’re not looking for something seriously and so far the app itself doesn’t look that serious either. It seemed everything was anonymous for the most part. With only using real descriptions and names, not personal pictures are to be added and instead icons. An app for anonymous chatting. For a while it seemed it was a scam, nothing good was happening other than the constant liking of each profile that propped up for you. You weren’t looking for anything specific, you just wanted to have a conversation and just as you were about to log out and delete it. A notification popped up.
na.jaemin0813 is typing…
Did you get the app out of boredom as well?
It’s like we’re one mind
Guess we were meant to be ;)
Haha cheeky
You know it babe
So tell me, what’s your favorite conspiracy theory you can discuss for hours
Ooh getting serious are we?
Chatting with Jaemin didn’t seem so bad. In fact, you’ve come to enjoy your conversation with him, you didn’t expect it to go on longer than anticipated.
“Y/n im home!” You hear your best friend say as she closes the door behind her. Turning off your phone before you can receive the next message Jaemin was about to send you, a figure appears by your door way. “I’m fucking exhausted.” She huffs as she drops the many bags of clothes. A pout on her face as she slumps her shoulders. “Can you make me food, i am in a serious need of a bath.” “I still have some of my left over chicken Alfredo in the fridge-“ “You know I don’t eat left overs.” She makes a disgusted look, “Please! I’ll owe you.” She smiles before wandering off to her room. “You already owe me.” You mumble before getting out of bed and into the kitchen. The running water is heard a few minutes later with the sound of music playing soon afterwards. As you let the water boil for the pasta, you get back on your phone.
Where have you gone darling?
Already missing me ?
Given you’re someone who isn’t all that dry, who wouldn’t be?
So am I safe to assume you haven’t had great chats recently?
You’re the only one who hasn’t made the entire conversation about themselves and the many inconveniences in their lives
Ugh, those people are the worst.
The loud obnoxious singing of your best friend is what interrupted your conversation with him. Focusing back on her dinner as she spent the next hour an a half in the bath.
A sigh escapes Jaemin as he waits for the three dots to appear before exiting out of the app and moving on. The loud yelling of the guys are heard as he enters his dormitory. Busying themselves on whatever video game they’ve bought lately, “On your right!” Haechan exasperates. Taking the seat next to him, Jaemin had kicked off his shoes and rested them on top of the coffee table. “Oh you’re back!” He hears Jisung’s voice as soon as he entered the small living room. “Were you in my room?“. Shrugging his shoulders, he lifts up the cup of ramen in his hand. “You stash them in your room, finally found them.” “Yeah it’s exactly why I stashed them.” He shakes his head, hearing a notification from his phone he lifts it up only to frown when he sees it was Nayoung.
“I’m guessing the date didn’t go well?” Jisung asks. “She’s so high maintenance.” He sighs before closing his eyes and rubs his temple. “Why don’t you break up with her?” Haechan asks him, half of his attention on the flat screen tv. “Because if I break up with her, her father will break my face I thought I told you already?” “Oh right- move you fuck!” Getting off the couch, Jaemin walks over to the kitchen table and takes a seat keeping the maknae company.
Lets go out tomorrow!
Shutting his phone off, Jaemin doesn’t bother responding back. Mentally and socially drained to respond. “I’ll be in my room.” He murmurs not bothering to get a response back. The door to his room gets closed behind him, falling on his bed as he feels himself about to drowse off until he hears another notification go off.
So do you study?
Third year in college :)
Really? Where?
Seoul National University.
No way really? I go there too!
We should get together sometime.
Already desperate to get to know me?
Yeah well, I’d like to be able to see the face I’m talking to instead of a screen.
Mm I don’t know…
Oh come on, are you gonna make me work for it?
Meanie :(
As the days went by the two of you have constantly texted the other. To the point people began to notice, “why are you always on your phone?” You best friend half heartedly asked one day, on her own as she busies scrolling through her feed. Eyes rolling when she sees one of her ‘friends’ post a picture. “Told her she looked ugly in that photo, can’t believe she still posted it. Eh, A+ for confidence i guess.”
Peeking over her screen she frowns when she notices you didn’t even bother answering her question. Instead, a smile on your face as you continue to text Jaemin. It’s been an entire week since you downloaded the app, an entire week since you began texting Jaemin and a week since you’ve been this lonely looking person. It made Nayoung wonder, you were never this preoccupied with your phone. If anything you never used it mainly because you didn’t have much going other than movies and tiktok. But this, no this can’t be a romcom or TikTok’s doing. “Oh my god!”
Jumping back startled, you look at her shocked face. “You’re seeing someone!” Scoffing, you shake your head and set your phone down. “Am not.” “So why did you set your phone facing down. Mphm?” “I always do that.” Stopping momentarily, Nayoung can’t tell if you were telling the truth. Unlike you, she isn’t that observant, she can’t even remember your birthday and only hopes she hasn’t missed it yet. “Don’t change the subject! Now tell me, who is it.” “No one-“ Poking you with her chopsticks, she leans closer. “Now, now it’s been AGES since your last relationship and we both know how that ended. Just want to see how this one’s like” A small pang was felt in your heart, you didn’t like to remember it. Your last boyfriend only used you to get closer to Nayoung. It hurt to know he didn’t even like you not once throughout your relationship. Broken up with him and getting the reassurance from your best friend is what got you through it.
“He’s not like that-“ “Aha! So you are seeing someone!” Sighing, you smile shyly at her. “Not really seeing if I have never met him. We only started texting each other. It’s only been a week.” You say with a small smile. A ding is heard and you were quick to check, a small chuckle escapes you and you’re entire focus was now back on your phone. You miss the small scowl your best friend has on her face. She wondered who this boy was, how is it that you didn’t tell her when all of this was happening? A bitterness began to bubble inside of her but she keeps it on the low and instead grabs the dishes and puts them in the sink.
“I’m going out, me and Jaemin got a date.” She says loud enough for you to hear her. “K have fun.” You say lowly, eyes still on your screen. Giving you one last glance, she makes her way out.
“Jaemin, are you even paying attention to me?” She huffs annoyedly at her boyfriend. “Of course I am.” He quickly typed out his last text before looking up at her. Rolling her eyes, she huffs and crosses her arms. “Is this how you’re gonna be when you visit my parents?” “Visit?” “Of course, mom has been wanting you to come visit and so I promised her the next time I fly out I’d take you with me! My friend will be coming too of course, poor thing can’t see her parents. It’s this whole drama thing she’s got going on.” She shrugs. Great another weekend ruined.
“Alright see you then.” A grin forms on her face, leaning in for a kiss before she was long gone to do shopping with her friends. Rolling his eyes, Jaemin sits back on his bed and unlocks his phone. His finger hovered over the contact. He wondered what you were up to, he was bored and a little moody that you haven’t texted him yet. Scrolling through your last few messages that he’s noticed have gotten more flirtier over the course of time.
Whatcha doin?
Why, you miss me? :(
Don’t be a brat.
You love it
And you love teasing me smh
Still mad…?
You sent a pic of your boobs while I was in the middle of class
I had blue balls for the rest of the hour
So you don’t want more?
I want you.
Aw what a cutie
I’m not cute I’m hot
Would you like to see?
Photo Sent
The text messages progressively got more flirty, from pictures of abs and cleavages. You made sure your face was no where in view of the camera. You don’t know where this confidence came from. You never sent such pictures before, and yet never would you have thought to begin sexting a stranger you met online.
Fuck y/n, I need to see you.
I’m sure your hand can keep you company
Fucking meanie
“Y/n! I need help packing I just bought new clothes and I need your help making an outfit out of them!” You hear Nayoung enthusiastically shout as she enters the dorm. Slamming the door behind you, opening the camera app you take one last pictures of your chest down, wearing a black corset with a push-up bra you notice Jaemin swoons over. Sending it before shutting your phone off.
A huff is heard as you watch Nayoung drop down all her bags filled with clothes. “Okay tomorrow morning we should be heading down to my fathers cabin alright?” Nodding, she leads you to her room. Two large suitcases are taken out of her closet as she begins taking down all her clothes from the hangers. Looking at herself through the body mirror as she makes distasteful noises each time she comes across an article of clothing she no longer likes.
Do you like torturing me?
Are you fisting yourself rn?
Kinda have no other choice…
Good, go faster for me will ya?
It’ll send you another picture of me. Maybe something more revealing…
“Y/n? You listening?” “Yeah!” Looking from her bed, a large pile of clothes as she poses in the mirror. She peeked through her mirror to see how engrossed you were with your phone. A small frown as she still doesn’t know much about this guy you’ve met. “Beige or cream?” Showing you a scarf she plans to wear, she pretend to think. “Cream, doesn’t wear out your face.” Smiling, she turns around and continues to check herself out. “So who exactly will be going?” Hearing the sound of another text coming from Jaemin, you take a peek to see he had sent a picture of his own.
“Oh just my parents, some childhood friends and my boyfriend. “ “Speaking of boyfriend, will I be meeting this boy you’ve been messaging?” She wiggles her brows. “Nope, I still haven’t met him yet.” You chuckle. “Huh..” she breathes out before posing in front of the mirror. “So how are things with your boyfriend?” you ask. “Things are great! I’m so happy to be with him, he’s so sweet look he even got me this necklace.” Showing you the Diamond necklace you nod, you didn’t know much about this guy. If anything you never met him. It’s ironic how much she’s mentioned him and yet has never said his name. You don’t know how old he is, how he looks. Just that he goes to the same college as the two of you. Nayoung has even tried her best to keep him from entering your dorm. For whatever reason it is, she doesn’t want him coming over. A bit secretive with him really.
“Okay are you packed?” Nodding she smiles. “God you’re so lucky, you don’t have a lot of clothes to choose.” She sighs “ Well, I better get to finishing you don’t have to help me anymore thanks.” Grabbing your phone you close the door to your room behind you and lock it. A gasp escapes you, eyes widening at the nude he sent.
You don’t beat around the bush do ya?
Gotta show you how much you’re affecting me
My dick is cute?
Your dick looks delicious actually
Then how about you come over n suck it
Yeah but I love torturing you so keep fucking your hand for now.
Damn woman
Jaemin shut off his phone after he seen you left him on read. He was frustrated. Sexually frustrated, it’s humiliating knowing how affected he is by you. He doesn’t care he’s currently humping his pillow pretending it’s you. Chest heaving, a sweaty forehead as he chases after his release. Never has he had to work for someone this much. He would’ve given up and moved on but how could he, something about you entices him. Makes his want more, to go after you no matter the cost. He loves your banter, he loves how much you tease it keeps him on his toes. His hand going faster and faster until finally he felt the warm white liquid fall on his fingers. In the corner of his dark room, he catches his breath. Receiving another message but only groaning when he sees it’s Nayoung.
Can’t wait for tomorrow!
To say you weren’t cranky would be a lie. You knew you’d be getting up early you just underestimated how early. Nayoung isn’t a morning person and to think she would be demanding you to get up at 3 in the morning was the last thing on your mind of possibilities. Sitting in the back of the car as Nayoung claimed she would be picking up her boyfriend on the way. You didn’t mind, if anything you’d be taking the time to catch up on some needed sleep. A large blanket over you, you don’t hear the door to the passenger seat open and close. A smack of lips kissing and a cheerful voice greeting him.
“Is this your friend?” Nodding, she looks back to see you asleep. “Yep, she went back to sleep. She spent all night texting some guy. Kinda starting to think he doesn’t exist.” Raising a brow at her as she whispered the last part. “Whys that?” Shrugging her shoulders, eyes on the road. “She hasn’t mentioned his name, refuses to let me meet him and anytime I ask about him she tries to change the subject.” Jaemin only hums before looking out the window, dark eye bags beginning to become apparent as he too wasn’t exactly in the best mood. His hair was still a bit disheveled and he was only running on two hours of sleep. Guess his girlfriends friend wasn’t the only one up all night texting.
By the time the three of you arrived, you woke up abruptly by the slamming of a door. “Come on y/n we’re here!” You hear Nayoung shout from outside. Stretching and getting out, you’re left with carrying in the rest of the stuff. The cabin was large, only visited a handful of times. Loud voices are heard from the kitchen as Nayoung busies herself greeting the family. Huffing when you drop Nayoung’s heavy luggage inside you bump into someone on accident. “I’m sorry!” Tall and standing before you, Jaemin props his glasses up. Dropping down his bags and sending you a forced smile. “It’s alright.”
“Oh y/n! This is my boyfriend Jaemin!” The two of you freeze. Watching as she walks over to hook her arm around his. A grin on her face as she cuddles close to him. It couldn’t be right? Looking over and seeing he as well seemed tense but he kept a calm face. “H-Hello.” Giggling, she shakes her head. “Always so shy. Jaemin?” Nudging him, he seems to snap out of it. Clearing his throat before doing a quick half assed bow. “Hey.” Looking between the two of you, she makes a face. “Well that wasn’t awkward, anyways. Mom and dad wants to see you so shall we get going? Oh and y/n sorry we didn’t have enough rooms you don’t mind crashing on the couch right?” Shaking your head she smiles. “Great! You can leave your things in my room, you know where they are right?”
Not waiting for a response she drags him into the kitchen where it erupts in greetings. Laughs and giggles are heard, taking a small peek you see her friends are also in there as well. Gawking at him as he respectfully greets them. Sighing, you grab your things and go up the stairs. “Hey y/n do you mind carrying the rest of our luggages? Please, thank you!” Nayoung shouts as you were half way up the stairs.
You felt left out you weren’t going to lie. But then again, when haven’t you. Nayoung has always made it easy to fit in, to make conversation even though most of the time the topic always shifted over to her but overall, it was easy for her to get involved. Not you, it took a while for you to barely start lowering your walls. Just the idea of forcing yourself out of your shell sends shivers. How can you? You get the feeling Nayoung’s childhood friends don’t really like you as they always stare and mutter things under their breaths. And like all the other times you visited, you spent your time on the couch petting the family cat. “I’m so happy he likes you. He hates people, if anything he still isn’t quite fond of Nayoung.” Her mother giggles as she takes the other couch. Staring lovingly at the two of you. A warm smile forms on your face as you continue to pet the cat sitting on your lap. Her husband walking over to sit next to her, a mug in his hand as he nods.
“Toby hates Nayoung for some reason. Even before she went off to college he’d always hide from her.” By then everyone has shifted themselves into the living room. The group surrounding Nayoung, the smile slowly drops when she sees her parents conversing with you. “You must be a gem if Toby trusts you that much.” Her mother claps her hands. Jaemin takes a seat across from you, fighting back the look of boredom on his face. He can’t help but analyze you. Can it be the same y/n he’s been texting? Since he’s arrived, he hasn’t had the balls to text her. There’s no way the chick he’s been sexting is his girlfriends best friend. If that’s the case, he’s screwed.
A scoff is heard from beside him, looking up and see Nayoung enter the living room. “He’s just a dumb cat. I’m sure he’s only using you as a cushion.” “Well if that’s the case, I’m honored.” You smile down at the cat who purrs. Jaemin notices the scowl on his girlfriends face. He wonders why, it’s not like she particularly likes Toby. Every time he’s come over she’s always going on and on about how the cat terrorizes everything. “You should be, and Jaemin too! Toby loves him!” Looking up and meeting eyes with Jaemin you gulp before looking down. A silence is met before Nayoung speaks up. “Well it’s still pretty early and I’m tired. Jaemin lets go to bed.” One by one, everyone walks off to their bedrooms which leaves you on the couch with the grey and white cat. Head butting your hand, a few hours go by and you haven’t gotten the heart to move him. The sleep drowsiness has disappeared and you made due on being on your phone for the time being. A notification is sent from your phone, Jaemin.
It’s you isn’t it?
I don’t know what you’re talking about..
“Yes you do.” Jumping up, you see him standing at the bottom of the stairs. “Holy shit you scared me.” By the sudden jolt, Toby has taken it upon himself to get off your lap and plop down on his cat tree. Walking closer to you, you shift uncomfortably. You don’t know what to do, what can you do to make things better?
Silently getting closer, you open your mouth to explain yourself but he cuts you off. Instead he takes a seat besides you and smashes his lips on top of yours. A moan emits from you, it was quick and needy and you liked it. You liked it so much you even climbed on top of him. His arms coming around your waist to pull you closer. He smelled nice, his cologne hitting your nostrils and lips were soft and plump. Cupping his face to keep his lips on top of yours. A smile forming on his face before pulling away, “So you were the one teasing me huh?” A blush began to form on your face before awkwardly laughing. “So you’re my best friends boyfriend huh.” Clearing his throat he looks down uncomfortably. “Listen, I’m not the type to cheat okay? It’s just that I kinda had no choice but to be in a relationship with her and-“
“She trapped you yeah I know, she has done that with all of her exes.” Raising a brow he looks up at you. “Really?” Nodding, you sigh. “She can’t keep a man for the life of her so she forces one on them by using her father to get them to agree. He’s rich and powerful, wouldn’t be surprised he’d have you kicked out of college or have you be fired from your job. Blacklisted for any future opportunities and more.” “If I’d known earlier I would’ve tried avoiding crossing paths. Why are you friends with her?”
“I don’t know, I guess she was the only one who stayed.” “Stayed? What happened if I may ask.” “I don’t know, one second I had tons of friends who could rely on me and the next, I was hated.” You look down sadly. Startled when he plants a kiss on your cheek, a grin on his face as his eyes adoringly stare at you. “I’m glad I finally met you.” “I’m glad too-“. Reciprocating his kiss, you begin to grind on top of him. A groan from him only has you doing it again and again. Pushing him down on the couch as his hands roam all over your body. Piece by piece, clothes are scattered on the floor and heavy breathing gets louder. Your head is thrown back when you feel yourself stretch around him. A large hand going to cover your mouth. Leaning in, his mouth attaching itself onto your nipple and sucking. Sensitive, you begin to bounce on his lap. Hands on his chest as he guides you to go faster. Trying to keep the slapping sounds at bay. The feeling of him deep in your snatch had your head spinning, it truly has been a while since you’ve had sex. It was wrong that the first person you sleep with is your best friends boyfriend but you just love it so much.
And it seems you’re not the only one. For the remainder of the weekend the two of you have gotten closer. Sneaky glances thrown and secret meet ups. When in the kitchen alone, he smacks your ass before leaving a kiss on your cheek. A shit eating grin on his face when he meets with the others. Content he’s finally getting you back for all the teasing you’ve done. “Are you alright y/n? Your face is super red?” Nayoung’s mother says. “Probably a bad reaction to one of her creams. I keep telling her she doesn’t have to keep putting on so many products. Going natural is just as pretty.” Nayoung sends you a smile. Speaking up for you, a strong grip on your fork, you don’t bother to explain yourself. “I’m okay.”
Jaemin certainly didn’t like it. And he certainly didn’t like how easily you let her comment slide. “I try to say the same thing to you as well Nayoung. No reason you need fifty bottles of foundation. A day or two without it wouldn’t hurt babe.” He sends her a smile before taking a bite from his food. Tensing, Nayoung is left without words. Embarrassed by the looks her friends sends her. A scowl on her face as she desperately tries to change the subject. “So! Should we hit the beach later on?” “Yes!” Her friends clap. “Okay good! After we’re done we’ll pick out our bikinis!”
Bikini’s? Nayoung never mentioned there would be swimming involved? You didn’t even pack any clothes to get wet in. The closest thing you had were shorts and even then they weren’t comfortable to get wet with.
“It’s a bummer you can’t get in.” Nayoung pouts at you, watching you set your towel on the sand. Sunglasses on as you send her a reassuring smile. “Eh it’s okay, I’ve gotten too much sun anyways-“. “Yeah you’re looking a little dark, how about you stay under my moms umbrella for the time being okay? Hope you don’t get too bored!” She says before scurrying off to her friends. Clenching your jaw, you try to not let her words affect you. Has she always been this snakey? Or is this you trying to justify your actions for hooking up with her boyfriend. Surely she must’ve always been this terrible to you from the beginning.
“Come on.” “Huh?” Looking over and seeing Jaemin has his hand extended you raise a brow. “Where?” “Less questions and more walking, come on.” Allowing him to drag you away, he takes you to a near by store. “Bikini’s?” “Get one, it’s on me.” “You don’t need to-“ “I want to, besides I need to get sunscreen.” He wonders off for it, and as he does so you look around the store. Eyes straying on a red two piece, you go to the fitting rooms and liking the look of it on you. Getting out, Jaemin freezes when he sees you. “How do I look?” Checking to see if anyones watching, he pushes you inside and closes the door behind him. Dropping the bottle of sun cream and picking you up. Leaning you up against the wall he desperately connects your lips with his. Running a hand through his hair, he begins to dry hump you. A moan comes out of you that he muffled with his mouth. A hand coming to wrap around your neck and lightly squeeze. “Fuck you’re so hot.” His pupils dilated as he leans in and press kisses to your chest.
Pulling the top down to reveal your perky tits. Sucking and fondling with them, looking to the side and seeing the mirror reflecting the lewd actions he’s doing. “We should get going, don’t want to raise suspicion.” You tell him with heavy breathing. Reluctantly detaching himself from you and setting you down. “Don’t change.” Grabbing your clothes and lotion, the two of you walk out and make your way to the counter. Ripping off the tag and handing it to the cashier as he pays for it. By the time the two of you make your way back, you hear shouting. “Babe where have you been?” Nayoung gets closer. “Needed sunscreen and got y/n a bathing suit.” Eyes turning to look at you, the plastic smile ready to falter. “Oh! How nice..well come on let’s get in the water feels nice!” She goes for his hand but he takes a step back.
“Yeah I will in a bit, you should join the others they seem pretty lost with out you.” Looking back and seeing her friends looking bored without her. “Oh okay. Glad you can join us after all y/n.” She sends you a smile before going back in. Feeling a tug, you look down and see Jaemin had taken his shirt off. “Help me put sunscreen on yeah?”
You can practically feel the daggers being thrown at you. But you ignored it, you liked making her jealous. A part of you felt proud you had the upper hand than Nayoung. Even more that it’s with her boyfriend. Turning around, you put some on his chest. Running your hands over his abs, his eyes looking directly into yours. “I really badly need to fuck you.” Rolling your eyes, you go to walk away but he stops you. “Now y/n.”
“Are you seeing this?” One of Nayoung’s friends says as they all watch Jaemin slowly put on sunscreen on you. Going up your leg and too close to your ass. “I knew it was a mistake to introduce them.” She scoffs. “Come on hun, do you really think he’ll do anything with her?” “It’s not him I’m worried, poor girl is so deprived I worry she’ll do anything for attention.” She pouts. “Don’t worry, Jaemin’s too smitten for you. He’d never be unfaithful to you.” Smiling she turns over to her friends. “Thanks guys, besides we’re really strong.” “So strong that should we assume he’ll pop the question anytime soon?”
Nodding they squeal. “I’m sure he already has the ring set out for me.” She claps her hands.
“Jaemin anyone can walk in on us any second!” You smack Jaemin’s bicep, currently in a dark small closet the cabin had he had managed to cramped you two inside. It was loud outside, music blasting as the others conversed with one another. Luggages were being packed and dinner was being cooked. In a few hours you were meant to be making your way back home and instead, have a clingy boy stuck to your side. A grin on his face as he leans in and kisses you. “Need you…” he pouts as he nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck. Hands beginning to roam down your side and to your back. Biting your lip when you feel him squeeze your ass, gasping when you feel his bulge after he pulled you closer to him.
“No one will hear us mhm?” He breathes in your ear as he peppers your neck. Massaging your cheeks as he has you pinned against the wall. You can’t ignore the arousal in your pants but it didn’t stop you from worrying of being potentially caught. “No sir.” Pushing him away, you reach for the door knob. Feeling him pull you inside again roughly when Nayoung’s faint voice was heard going up the stairs. “I have no idea where he went.” She tells her friends. “I bet he’s with y/n again. They have been way too close.” “I’m sure he feels bad, I mean she is the odd one out.” Nayoung reasons. “She’s a loner Nayoung, girls like her use that to reel men in.” Clenching your jaw, you don’t notice Jaemin wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Ignore them.” He whispers into your ear. Once you were sure they had left, you don’t utter a word and merely walk out. Leaving him in the closet by himself.
Nayoung always assumed she’d be the first to seal the deal between the two of you. The first to have a boyfriend, to be engaged and to start a family. Unlike her, you didn’t grow up with a lot so she always had more than you. The advantages like starting her own independent life. You had to start from scratch, lots of hours working for you to save. It’s what the world admired about you. It’s what they respected you for, many could relate to you. And even through all the hardships you still smiled. You stayed optimistic and it’s why you had so many friends, why so many guys wanted your number instead of Nayoung’s.
“I’m sorry I’m not interested.” “Actually I wanted to see if you can give me your friend, y/n’s number.”
For a while it seemed like Nayoung was the forgotten one. It was all about her friend Y/n. What you were up to, how you were doing. She just wanted to see what the fuss was about in having so many people care about you. So the cosmetics came in, then the surgeries, the hard diets. But when they weren’t enough, the lies came in.
“Oh sure, but I have to say she’s currently going through something. Chlamydia actually.”
She didn’t mean for the lies to keep progressing but she just wanted to take some of the attention off you and divert it over to her.
“She thinks you’re a freak.”
She did feel bad though when people eventually began to hate you. And before she knew it, she was the only friend you had left. Boys avoided you and girls despised you. Your last boyfriend only cheated on you because Nayoung lied to him saying you had cheated on him.
“I guess she thought you just weren’t good enough, I don’t know what to tell you. But, if I were her I would know I made a big mistake. You’re a catch.” Her hand lays on top of his, a reassuring and innocent smile plastered on her face before leaning in and kissing him.
For years now she was finally on the other end, the one who everyone praised and idolized. And a part of her liked how she can control you, it felt nice to be better for once. And seeing how close you and Jaemin have gotten definitely hasn’t been putting her at ease.
During dinner she made sure Jaemin sat next to her and away from you. Served him and kissed him at unconventional times. By the end of the night it seemed she was utterly in love with him, which is why she just had to rub it in just a little deeper into your face. “I’m going to tell him I love him.” Taking you by surprise, you suppress any distasteful emotion. “That’s great! I’m sure he’ll feel the same.” He won’t. You’re sure of that. “I want to live with him y/n.” Widening your eyes, “Live together? But what about dorms? It’s still mandatory to be in one and you can’t exactly room with a guy.”
“Only for a few more months.” Sighing and sitting back on the couch she smiles dreamily. “I’m telling you, he’s the man of my dreams.” You didn’t have much to say. Which only made you more guilty with how you’ve been treating her behind her back. It seemed she really did like him, after all she has been stuck by your side when everyone else turned against you. “Then tell him how you feel.”
“We can’t keep doing this.”
It’s been three months since the visit to Nayoung’s parents. Three months since you said you’d stop hooking up with him and finally today you’d be calling it off. “Like hell you are, what the hell y/n. Where is this coming from?” A duvet wrapped around your body, you sit up on the bed. Messy hair with smeared makeup as you don’t even dare meet eyes with Jaemin. With only briefs on, he gets out of bed. Disheveled hair, muscles more prominent and the red marks you left on him still apparent. Lip stains on his neck with dark love marks going down his collar bone. A frown on his face as he demands an explanation, even when he’s upset he’s still breathtakingly attractive. “It’s not right.” A sarcastic laugh falls out of his mouth as he searches for his clothes.
“You’re finally realizing that after months?” Looking at you for any other answers, he drops his shirt on the bed and climbs back on. Cradling your face, he looks at you worriedly. “Talk to me baby, what’s wrong?” Feeling the tears beginning to form, you shrug him off. You don’t trust your voice, there’s a ball beginning to form and you know if you dare speak a work you’ll only sob. About to get out of bed, he grabs you by the waist. “No, you’re not running way again. Talk to me-“ “Jaemin you’re in a relationship with Nayoung! She loves you and even wants to live with you and here we are having sex!”
“She’s not you!” Looking away, he huffs and wraps his arms around your torso. “I love you.” Taken by surprise, you turn to face him with wide eyes. “Come again?” “I’ve never said that to any of my exes, and it sucks that this is the situation that we are in but, im not lying. I love you, not Nayoung. It’s why I didn’t say it back when she said it to me.”
“Really?” Smiling, he nods and leans in for a kiss you grant him happily. “I still think it’s wrong. Maybe if we confess then she will let you go. Yeah it will permanently ruin our friendship but you at least deserve your freedom.” Shaking his head he sighs. “It’s her father i’m worried for.” Feeling dejected, you let him pull you into a cuddle. Back under the sheets as he peppers your face in kisses. Until there’s a loud slam on the door, eyes widening Jaemin lifts a finger to his mouth. Your door was locked thankfully.
“Let me check if she’s home…hey y/n! You home?!” Knocking on the door and trying to open it but to no avail. Shaking his head, he covers your mouth. “Guess she’s not home.” She says, she must’ve brought someone. Getting up to change, you can’t but overhear her speak.
“Can’t believe you’re still friends with her after everything she did.” Confused, you lean your ear up gassing the door. “Well I mean, she’s my best friend-“ “Yes but she cheated on her boyfriend.”
“She didn’t know what she was doing.”
Why the hell is Nayoung agreeing?
“Yeah well what about her bullying you?”
You looked back at Jaemin in shock as he as well seems surprised.
“That was years ago, she’s getting better.”
You didn’t understand why Nayoung was agreeing with such false claims. You have never cheated on your boyfriend nor have you ever bullied Nayoung.
“Well at least she got her karma right?” The girl snorts. “Getting chlamydia, having all the guys lose interest in her and having no friends- well except you. I must say I admire you. I don’t know how you put up with such a mess.”
“I try my hardest.” You hear her giggle. “She’s a loner and a social freak, the least I could do is make sure she has at least a companion or who knows she might just end it all.” “Are you saying she’s suicidal?” “I’m saying who knows! You never know what people are thinking now a days.”
Your heart broke. All those accusations weren’t real and to think more people thought they were true hurt even more. You didn’t even realize you began to cry until you felt Jaemin wipe a tear away. They chatted for a few minutes before leaving and by then you have sat yourself down against the door. “Why would she lie?” You ask to no one.
Jaemin stayed quiet. Arms crossed and a clenched jaw, he immediately understood what Nayoung had done. “Isn’t it obvious?” Looking up at him with red swollen eyes you shake your head. “She spread false rumors about you!” “What why?”
“Come on baby.” Crouching down, he pulls a strand of hair behind your ear. “You’re gorgeous, sweet, smart. You’re everyone’s type.” “Are you saying she did it out of jealousy?” Scoffing you shake your head. “No, Nayoung is the pretty one. Everyone wants her.” “I don’t. I want you.” “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.” You scoff. “Okay then let’s talk to your ex.” “What why?” “Because we both know the cheater in your past relationship wasn’t you.” The memory still hurt. You never did find out who he cheated on you with only that he was ‘much happier’ and that you weren’t shit to him anymore.
“You’re wasting your time.” Shaking his head, he pulls out his phone and begins to search for his account. “What are you planning to do.” “We’re going to pay him a little visit. Come on let’s get dressed.”
“I don’t think this is such a good idea-“ Cutting you off by giving you a kiss, he gives you a smile. “Just hold my hand, he does anything to hurt you I promise I’ll kick his ass.” Walking into the cafe, you immediately spot your ex. Deep eye bags adorned his face, his hair was longer and dead. He looked much scrawnier and almost exhausted even. Taking a seat in front of you, you don’t have the words to even greet him.
“Y/n. Jaemin.” He speaks.
“What can i do for you.”
“The truth.” Jaemin cuts to the chase. Quirking his brow, he leans forward. “The truth?” “Who did you sleep with?” Jaemin tells him sternly. Scoffing, he chuckles dryly and shakes his head. “Why am I hearing an accusingly tone. Shouldn’t we start with who y/n slept with first?”
“I didn’t sleep with anyone.” You speak up.
“Right. Like I believe that-“
“Did Nayoung tell you anything.” Jaemin cut him off. “Nayoung helped me realize I was wasting my time on her.” He glares at you. “Did she tell you she was cheating?” Staying quiet, his face falls. “Why do you care?…wait aren’t you her boyfriend.” His jaw clenched and he sits up straighter.
“So you’re the guy she dumped me for.” Eyes widening, you look at him. “Nayoung was the girl you slept with?” Scoffing he shakes his head. “I didn’t sleep with her we only kissed.” He huffs. “She told me you cheated on me, she comforted me and we kissed. She had me to believe she wanted to be with me but when I broke things off with you she ghosted me.” The two of you send each other looks, “Why? Was that not what really happened?…”
You felt betrayed. You wonder how long has it been since she’s been a snake to you.
“She told me you kissed my boyfriend.”
“She said you had chlamydia.”
“I heard her say you were mentally unstable.”
You wanted to believe it was all a lie but it made sense why everyone suddenly avoided you like the plague. No one daring to befriend you or ever ask you out. You were sure you’d die a loner if it wasn’t for Nayoung and now you come to find out you were put into this situation because of her.
You couldn’t stop your heart from squeezing in agony. The friend you considered a sister you cared for so deeply had ruined your life out of what? Spite? Jealousy? Fun even?
The guilt you had building in you disintegrated almost instantly. You don’t have quite the perfect idea as to how you plan on getting even with her, how you’re going to help Jaemin get out of his god forsaken relationship with her, how you’re going to let the world know just how a trashy person she really is but you do know one thing, if you’re going to keep sleeping with her boyfriend you’re going to do it without a care in the world. Holding hands together literally behind her back when the three of you go out for ice cream, his subtle hand on your thigh when you go to the movies. The glances you give one another when you two had no other choice but to be dragged by her at a fancy restaurant with friends. Having sex in the parking lot after making an excuse to leave early. Making out while she’s showering and even sexting each other with her around. You no longer cared, and instead it made you just a tiny bit better knowing Nayoung no longer had it all,
“They completely cut me out and I don’t know why! Can you believe that?! After everything I did for them they have the audacity to treat me like dirt? And that’s not even mentioning the weird looks I’ve been receiving from guys. It’s like I’m infected or something.” No but rumors are you caught a case of syphilis
Come over, I need you now.
Photo Sent
You were finally taking your life back from her. Piece by piece.
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jamesunderwater · 4 months
1. Tell us why you like James Potter! I want a whole essay please and thank you!
"Why I Love Like James Potter" by jamesunderwater 1/27/24 
So, I think an important context for my feelings about James Potter is that (as you know) I am a fandom elder. Which means, I already had an extreme attachment to James Potter and his pals before we ever even got the Snape’s Worst Memory chapter. I just looked it up, and somehow I was only ten when OotP came out, so evidently I was massively in love with Sirius Black and obsessed with the Marauders before I hit double digits. (Jesus, no wonder they’re molded with my identity.) The point being – before he was anything else to me, James Potter was the man who bravely sacrificed himself for his family, whose core feature was defined by Sirius’s declaration that they “would have died rather than betray their friends.” He was the guy who figured out how to become an animagus just to be a supportive friend, and based on the few lines that the Marauders have through the Map in PoA, he was hilarious. And really, the fandom kinda just took that and ran with it. So by the time OotP came out and we got so much more information on him – and his dynamic with Lily (cue me sighing dreamily here) – James Potter was already a venerated figure in my mind. -- OMG I just had a buried memory pop up of the Harry Potter Trading Cards as well, which, I don’t think I had one / there was one for James, but there was one for Lily, where she was holding toadspawn?? Or something? and I was in love with her just based on her cute face and red hair and bright eyes, so obviously I’m gonna also be infatuated with the guy who got to marry her.
Okay I got a bit off the point. 
I guess reflecting on it, the way I fell in love with James as a character was very different than how I did for Sirius, and it’s in part due to Sirius being alive in the books, but also speaks to who James is, too. I fell in love with Sirius for who Sirius is, all by himself. I fell in love with James for who he is with other people. I loved the guy who would do anything for his friends. I loved the guy who had this magnetic dynamic with the fiery redhead. I loved the guy who was brilliant and loved by all, and didn’t think twice about sacrificing himself for his family. And I think that this has, for the most part, remained the core of why I love him. 
But of course, I’ve grown up a lot since then, and so have my feelings and opinions. 
– intermission to say I looked back at the ask and realized it only asks about why I like the character, which…somehow changes some of my answer, but we’re gonna try to roll them together – 
Okay, so why I both like and love James as a character now has a lot more to do with the nuances of him. I love that he isn’t perfect. He’s multi-dimensional, and I think his character is a great opportunity to investigate growing up. I think that progression is harder to see in some of the other characters (I have thoughts on why but they aren’t the point right now), but James is just this splendid example of how someone can be so fundamentally good, and also be a fucking kid. He’s messy and that doesn’t make him any less of a “hero” or a “good guy,” but not in your traditional anti-hero or villain arc kind of way. I dunno, maybe it’s in part because I relate to this feeling of not always being a “good person” growing up. I could be arrogant, and mean, and over-dramatic, and stubborn, but people still saw me as a good, likable person, and eventually I did grow out of a lot of the harsher aspects of those characteristics. I love that James gives permission for that, to inspect the dualities within people. 
And on a basic level, I think he was kind of the picture of everything I wanted to have and be. His physical looks / physique is what I’ve been drawn to in men, and eventually realized it’s what I wanted to look like myself; he has this found family that he’s built that is truly a family, this best friend who accepts him fully and he accepts fully and they’re attached at the hip; he becomes a person deserving of and complementary to a strong, independent, kind woman; and his kid is Harry Potter, who truly is one of my favorite characters of all time. So. 
I dunno, I feel like this isn’t as eloquent as I wanted it to be… I’d be very curious to hear other people’s thoughts added onto this (yours and others’!) because I know there’s so much more that I’m missing that other people would say. 
I got to nearly 850 words, though, so hopefully this essay is sufficient enough to earn me a B, at least.
[Submitting for Extra Credit: Photo of the frogspawn card from the Harry Potter Trading Card Game]
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asgardianangel · 1 year
Cherry Pie - (Saul Goodman X fem!Reader smut)
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Summary: After spending a night with an older man you escaped hoping you would never see him again, but there's something about you that's left him begging for more
Warnings: 18+ smut, oral (fem receiving), kinda obsessed! Saul, bad language, age gap, one night stand, unsure reader
One-night stands were unusual...at least for you. 
It was so unexpected as you opened your eyes to find a man old enough to be your father sleeping next to you. At least that’s what you could tell as you hid in the sheets. What the fuck happened last night? You wondered head pounded and naked like the you were born. You looked around the room in shock assuming you spent the night in some expensive mansion like home just from the décor (you couldn’t deny how tacky the leopard print bed covers were though). 
Life just couldn’t get any weirder. Carefully you made your move to slide out the covers but froze as the man shifted in his sleep. He still had his back turned from you as you slowly got up from the bed. 
Your clothes were strewn across the floor you tip toed softly retrieving your dress and jacket from the night before. “shit” you cussed realising you were missing your underwear. You looked everywhere even crouching to search under the man’s bed.   
All you wanted to do was leave and forget about it, so you did. Even how embarrassing it was. You silently left the bedroom and retreated downstairs trying the front door first. Locked. Of course. 
You were in a rush to find an unlocked door even a window as you heard footsteps coming from upstairs. Finally, you found a backdoor unlocked leading to the pool. “Okay okay I can just walk around and leave” you murmured to yourself.  
“Sweetheart?” you heard the man call. Panicking you escaped out the home and never looked back 
A few days passed since that stressful morning it was totally out of character for you to hook up with anybody (especially an older man). All you remember was being at the local bar contemplating life and the relationship you had before. 
You managed to push those things beside and set your mind on working at the idyllic bakery. Adoring the job so much and got to know some of the nice people in Alburquerque.  
“Are the macarons done?” you asked your co-worker Lisa who was writing prices on the chalkboard. 
“Almost. What’s been going on with you recently?” she questioned with concern. You looked down at the notes of customer orders thinking of what to say.  
Like hey I may have hooked up with some random guy old enough to be my father you shake your head  
“Umm I just have a lot on my mind” At least it was a bit of the truth. 
Lisa taps you on the shoulder and you look at her “don’t tell me you got laid” she giggles. Shaking your head again you almost stutter “n-no I didn’t” you lie. 
“Soo who is he?” she asks looking past the lie your mind was in such of a fumble “I don’t know” you simply say.  
“Oh, c’mon he must have given you something other than you know what” she replies, and you sigh putting down your pen. 
“The only thing he gave me was this massive hickey” you say unbuttoning your shirt showing her your neck. 
“Wow the dude must think he has a possession over you because that’s one hell of a love bite” she gasps touching it  
“I have loads I freaked out when I saw myself in the bathroom mirror when I got home” you explain, and Lisa wanted fire more question about the ‘mystery man’ all in time for customers to enter. 
It was a quiet night and the perfect time to relax. 
Getting cosy with pyjamas and cracking open a bottle wine you lay on your couch watching some trashy tv when all the sudden you heard a familiar voice. 
“Hi, I’m Saul Goodman did you know you have rights?” you stare at the TV in utter shock. His voice echoed in your head ‘Sweetheart? Sweetheart?’ 
He was the man next to you. The man you hooked up with that night! 
Switching the TV off you headed straight to bed. Saul, you had come to know stuck with you. His brown hair his bright blue eyes. How were you possibly going to get asleep now? 
It was morning at the bakery like usual and you greeted customers with a smile preparing their orders. Almost in your own world. Until a voice made you freeze “hello sweetheart” the greeting almost made you drop a pastry to the floor 
You looked at the man standing in front of you his deep blue eyes gleaming at you. “Hello, Sir, what can I get you?” you asked trying to put that brave professional face on.  
Did he come here on purpose? 
Saul licked his lips looking at what you had to offer “I’ll take a slice of that delicious cherry pie of yours please” he replied smoothly.  
Like he was meaning something else 
“Coming right up” you say and kneeled to the pies on display. You were such an awkward person in general but being in Saul’s presence made it worse. Carefully bagging the slice up, read out the price and he pulled out his wallet. “Keep the change sweetheart” he told you handing a twenty-dollar bill. 
“Thank you, Sir,” reply politely and Saul sends you a wink “my pleasure Y/n” and with that he leaves allowing you to take a breather.  
Am I attracted to him? you mentally ask yourself feeling the heat on your cheeks. You can’t be. Can you? He was certainly charming. 
“What was all that about?” Lisa suddenly asked you turn to her “does he look familiar to you?” you ask her and Lisa smiles “of course he’s Saul Goodman the lawyer guy everybody knows him never actually seen him come in here though” she mused at the end. 
Strange but you carried on your day. 
Locking up the bakery you couldn’t wait to get home. But your mind was on Saul Goodman. As you turned to leave you heard his voice again “hello again sweetheart heading home?” he asked. You looked at him nervously “yeah I have things to do” you simply reply and started walking. Hoping to get rid of him. 
But he stood in your way “your awfully quiet, aren’t you? You weren’t last time” Saul mused like he was remembering it. “What do you want from me?” you sternly asked, and Saul just smiles “how about a date?” he charmingly asks back. 
You scoff lightly “sorry I’m not interested” and Saul chuckles “C’mon sweetheart I want to take care of you” what have you gotten yourself into? 
“Look Mr Goodman-” you start but he interrupts “please call me Saul” he encourages. 
“Listen Saul-” he interrupts again, and you sigh “see sounds so sexy when you say it” he purrs getting close to you. 
Saul looks like he wants to eat you alive, but you remain cool “listen Saul I’m sure your great guy but I’m not interested in dating anyone at this moment. I’ve sort of had a bad breakup” you explain to him. 
“I know sweetheart and don’t worry he would soon get what’s coming to him” he sternly promises leaving you confused. “What do you mean by that?” you questioned 
Saul exhales softly and runs his hand up your arm to your neck uncovering your hickey by moving the collar of your shirt “beautiful” he compliments stroking his imprint. 
 “I’ll see you around sweet face”  
The next day you drifted into thought about a certain someone as Lisa did her usual chit chat. 
“Oh yeah Saul Goodman wants a delivery to his office” The mention of his name made you snap out of it. “What? Since when we did deliveries?” You asked confused.  
Lisa clicks her pen “I wanted to do something nice for him since he got my cousin off that drug charge” she explains. Sighing you look around thinking of him and how the hell you ended up in bed with him that night. “He asked for you to do the delivery” Lisa spoke raising her brow. 
Please don’t piece together the puzzle Lisa please.  
You carefully grasped the pastry box in your hand and made your way to his office. His secretary looked bored as she scribbled away on her paperwork you faked a cough to get her attention but soon a door swinged open. Saul stood there with a delighted smile fixing up his orange tie. 
“There she is!  I’m absolutely starved sweetheart” his voice smoothly spoke you looked down at the carpet awkwardly. Let's get this over and done with. You walked over to hand him the box, but he beckoned you in his office in an instant “c’mon don’t be shy” he chuckled. 
Stepping inside Saul takes the box out of your hand “you're an angel” he complimented placing it on his desk. Blushing a little you glanced around his office seeing books of law and written passages on wall behind his oak desk.  
There was a moment of silence as Saul leaned on his desk by the look in his eyes, he was admiring you. “I-I better get back to the bakery” you blurt out upon noticing.  
“Do you remember anything of the night we shared?” 
An audible gasp almost escaped your lips he waited patiently for your response “not really” you quietly answered.  
“We were very drunk but there was something about you that had more lasting effect on me then the drinking” Saul chuckled. 
You couldn’t deny the curiosity withheld “what do you mean?” you asked. Saul pushes himself from the desk and steps towards you his hands held your face, and you gazed up at him “I want to take care of you. You cried so hard on my shoulder at the bar about how your asshole of a boyfriend cheated on you. He doesn’t deserve someone as precious as you” His thumb caressed your bottom lip. 
“We spent the entire night together...I showed you what it's like to be touched by a man that truly cares about you” Each word he spoke was oozing with affection and you were still so unsure on what was happening as his hands moved from your heated face to your equally heated body.  
“You tasted better than any freshly baked pie” His lips whispered in your ear as he kissed the nape of your neck. Quivering as he came in contact with the love bite (that still hasn’t faded away). Moaning as his other hand glided down to your thighs and up playing with the hem of your dress. 
Memories then blossomed in your mind the way he lay you into bed and kissed you so fiery. Gasping like it was your first time as he delved between your shaking thighs and ate you like a man starved. 
“I want you sweetheart...oh god I want you” he groaned in begging at your ear. No one had never made you feel like this and all you wanted to do was kiss the older man. You looked at Saul with pure lust and took your chance after he stopped sucking on your neck like a vampire. 
Passion was alighted and he pulled you over to his desk with such domination. Saul lifted your body and your legs wrapped around his waist as you lay down on the wood Saul pushed his paperwork off the desk with the swipe of his arm. “Please...please” you gently whispered. 
“don’t worry beautiful I have all the time in the world when it comes to you” He softly told you caressing your hair. Hands met your thighs once again and this time he separated them apart with ease. Smirking at your submission Saul then lowed his head down as his fingers grasped your panties pulling them down.  
A chuckle erupts “you always get so wet sweet face. Is it just for me?” He shamelessly asked you gazed down at him blushing and shyly nodded. 
“Are you going moan again for me angel?” Saul questioned as one of his long fingers met your heat. Starting off slowly he rubbed up on and down admiring how aroused you were for him. Sliding up his finger met your bundle of nerves, and he carefully caressed it in circles. Watching like a hawk as you moaned so innocently your expressions becoming that desperate. 
This wasn’t like you at all lying on the older man’s desk as he played between your legs gathering up the wetness you couldn’t control. Then he suddenly pushed his finger inside you “there you go sweetheart let me in” he spoke with a hint of praise.  
Your core ached as he would keep his finger inside you for a bit and then pull it out slowly “p-please Saul” whimpering his name and his lips curved up in a smirk “you are such a good girl beautiful” you were starting to become obsessed with the nicknames he gave you. 
His lips started to peck your inner thigh leading to your pussy and then he licked so gently while his finger was buried deep. Slurping as he made a feast out of your quivering bud. Your legs shaked but he held you in place making you experience what he was doing to you. 
 You felt like a desperate slut moaning his name over and over but each time you did he would lick and sucked so intensely on your bud working his finger into you. Then he would replace it with his tongue. The knot in your tummy was forming and you quickly reached for his brown hair tugging it. 
Saul whispered and groaned into your pussy as submitted to his pleasuring act more and more. “You taste soo good doll so good” he groaned. 
Your body couldn’t take anymore this man was obsessed with pleasuring you even at his place of work. Your pussy ached and convulsed around him. 
“I-I’m going-” you felt that familiar sensation ready to explode your legs shook. “Cum for me sweet girl just cum for me!” Saul encouraged slurping his blue eyes watching you. His words added to that orgasm you so desperately chased...and finally caught 
Wetness escaped and ran down your thighs as your intense moaning rang louder in his heated office. Saul licked up all he could he didn’t care one bit of how loud you were. 
He pulled away licking his lips at you with another smirk his eyes hazed in lust. You tried move but you were too exhausted and oversensitive to do so.  
“Best pie I’ve ever tasted sweetheart” 
You would have never noticed a certain file on his office floor the one that had your ex-boyfriend’s name written on the very top... 
I'm back! Had a lot of personal problems going on but I wanna make it up to you with some good old Saul smut :)
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eldritch-spouse · 9 months
You created him, so I will shamelessly tell you that Livius is my favourite. Characters like him just have something that draws me to them (Not like toxic people but something in characters like him personality) I don’t know why I find in my heart the ability to sympathize with them. They hate the happiness of others because they want what others have, and when they find the person who will give them all the attention and care, especially love, they become very attached in an obsessive way, but I keep finding myself pity for them. I don’t know if it’s because when I myself get angry, I become bitter and get upset over the smallest things and I feel that those around me had it easier. I have problems with trust and jealousy, so I will not like my partner to be surrounded by a lot of people. I just want him and I to be together all the time. I think my and Livius are a good match lol
so if you don’t mind Can I have something with a reader who sympathizes with Livius? Who surprisingly and strongly don’t mind his actions, and always have open arms when he’s upset? like they understand his personality and that he isn’t a mentally healthy partner, but the reader doesn’t mind because they themselves are not healthy for a relationship, have a good day one of my favorite monsters writers! *kiss on the cheek*
[I can definitely empathize a bit with the feelings you occasionally have, and I'm flattered to hear Livius makes you feel entertained the most- But I always like to stress that, no matter how much you might feel partially seen, these characters are still deplorable losers deep down. So don't let your sympathy blind you, because that's how you end up in their arms. <:7]
What you described is essentially the "perfect match" scenario, but with total self-awareness from the the part of the Queen, which is about as "sane" as things can get with any demonlord. Maybe. You're both extremes, you're both not well, but you can understand him a lot more clearly than someone who doesn't experience the same feelings and think the same way. You know when Livius' thought process is going down darker paths because it's easier to put yourself in his shoes.
This in turn makes you able to model your own behavior to avoid confrontations, you can handle him better during some of his swings, and de-escalation is easier even if you're in the right because you can trace the mechanism behind his actions- Without excusing them.
And although Livius takes his own measures not to trigger similarly upsetting reactions from you, there'll always be a power imbalance. He's yandere and a King of Hell, you cannot expect equality. But you can attain something close, almost. You have an unspoken dynamic written in everything you do, and it works.
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grucylover · 2 months
Thoughts on DM3. Don’t hate me. 😂
DM3 was not a bad film, I have seen a lot worse and I even went to see it at the cinema a few times. I’d rate it a 6/7 out of ten.
The problem was with it, it felt outdated with an 80s obsessed villian. Don’t get me wrong, I think Bratt is a great idea and I get the concept of it but just maybe with his own film, not in DM.
Aswell, I felt they took a lot of things away from us that were just getting started.
- Agnes sold Fluffy the unicorn though in DM2 she would have screamed the house down if anything happened to him and he was such a big part of the merch. But no, gone, sold to some lil blonde.
- We didn’t see much of Grus freeze-ray nor his tank of a car. - not a big deal but these lil things make the film what it is.
-There was no Fred. - again like the point above. I would have also have liked to have seen Jillian, I thought she was a great and (annoying) addition to DM2.
-Gru didn’t really bother with the girls or interact with any of them, well a part from Agnes. He didn’t even put them to bed like he used to and just left Lucy to do it all. He didn’t really seem supportive of her with her trying to be a mum I thought. If that was my husband I would have kicked his arse lol!
- Margo got engaged to some weird kid and Gru was nowhere to be seen but in DM2 he was this overprotective dad that would have broke his nose or something lol! I know Lucy had it in hand but…..ya know. I wanted to see the overprotective dad mode.
- We didn’t see much of the house which we seen a lot of in DM1/2 and I thought that was such a shame. Why couldn’t Dru just come to Grus house or something lol
- I disliked how the writers wrote out Dr Nefario (we won’t mention the actors name and no one would of cared if someone else was voicing him) but what a lazy way to just freeze him in carbinite. Gru didn’t really seem that upset over it though the Dr had been like a dad to him. Like ?????
- Dru wasn’t bad, it was kinda nice seeing Gru have some male company as if he was down the pub with a mate but I also found it odd they had all of a sudden put on him the temptation to go back to villainy when in DM2 he had that temptation but he wasn’t interested in the slightest. He just wanted to be a father, get a job, get his girl and that was it. Every scene was perfect, the actors, writers etc put all there heart and soul into it and you couldn’t have put anymore into it really, even if you tried. Gru was really at his peak in DM2. Maybe I’ve got it wrong. Idkkkk.
- I didn’t mind the Minions and personally I never do, I think they just add to the film and I don’t find them annoying. I actually liked the prison scene, I thought that was a pretty good idea tbh.
It even felt like at times the animated characters didn’t want to even be doing the storyline in DM3. 😂
3 obviously made a lot of money because everyone was still hyped around DM2 but came out of the cinema or wherever they first watched it empty handed.
Yes it’s ok chucking in a scene here and there with a treehouse or an Agnes and Gru moment to put in some heart but it was almost forced. The writers said themselves they struggled and just wrote for themselves which I found really sad as there is so much you can do with this franchise I think.
I’m ngl, I am a bit nervous about DM4 as I think this will be its last chance to survive but the trailer looks amazing and I’m already won over by the baby Gru Jr. I wanted them to have a baby in DM3!!!!! Really DM4 should have been 3.
Should have rhey aged the girls up. Yes and no. Maybe a bit? Tbh personally, I don’t really care. It keeps there innocence but I would like to see Gru bonding with them again.
It wasn’t all bad though, I liked Lucy trying to be a mom and the animation has definitely stepped up a notch to the point that Gru is pale AF now and they all look a bit different. Aswell the actors, Carell, Kristin did a great job as always.
This is all my own opinion so don’t come at me 🤣.
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jwonsociety · 2 years
lovestruck // chapter 6
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pairing ➼ brother's best friend!niki x fem!reader
genre ➼ strangers to friends to lovers, fluff, kind of crack because y/n's internal narration is very silly, sunoo is y/n's older brother
word count ➼ 3.9k
warnings ➼ a little bit of angst this chapter but DONT WORRY, everybody is so so so stupid, profanity
synopsis ➼ As the younger sister of the smart and popular Kim Sunoo, you’ve gotten used to living life as a background character. You mostly keep to yourself, you don't go to parties, and you most certainly do not have a boyfriend. One day, Sunoo brings home one of his friends and encourages you two to get to know each other… the fact that said friend is extremely cute definitely won’t be an issue, right?
taglist!! ➼ @kaal-ee @naexity @sd211 @yenqa @justbored48 @nomurahayami @seeuuns @666eren @mklhyvn @annoyingbitch83 @f0rlov3rs @wanna-live-yn-life @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @han8ul @ahnneyong
a/n ➼ i cant believe that this series is already over!! thank you all so so much for reading and enjoying this mini series <3 it truly means the world to me. this story has been so fun to write!! i hope you all enjoy this extra long chapter!! love you all~ mwah
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Your whole life, romance was something you had only experienced vicariously through movies. It was a little embarrassing to admit, but you were a sucker for a good rom-com; from Love Actually to 27 Dresses to The Princess Bride, you had truly seen it all. Countless nights had been spent curled up in your bed with only potato chips and Julia Roberts to comfort you.
Despite your obsession with these films, you had always insisted that you did not care for anything related to dating. Boys were not a priority. You had a less-than-thrilling social life, but you had a good group of friends and good grades. You weren’t anxiously waiting for a prince charming to come knocking on your door. And, honestly, you simply never thought you would ever experience that. You sincerely could not imagine someone liking you enough to sweep you off your feet with a grand romantic gesture. Nobody would stand outside your window with a boombox, or serenade you with a marching band accompaniment. You were okay with that. At least, you had been.
You weren’t sure what exactly it was about him. Maybe his eyes or his hair or his smile… at a conventional level, he was cute, that was obvious. He possessed all of those attractive qualities, yet that’s not why you fell for him. It was his dorky laugh and his little habits and his perfect rendition of any SHINee choreography. Yes, you had been content with a life devoid of a fairytale ending. Then Niki entered the picture and fucked everything up. He fucked everything up in the best possible way.
Some braver, more courageous person possessed you the moment you leaned in to meet Niki halfway. You honestly don’t know what came over you. You weren’t the daring type. But with his eyes looking at you so fiercely, confession still fresh from his lips, how could you not? You squeezed your eyes tightly shut, anxiously waiting for Niki to push you away and change his mind.
Instead, instead you felt soft lips against your own. A gentle hand gently rested on your waist, pulling you in ever so slightly, and another cupped your cheek. Holy shit. You were kissing Niki. And he was kissing you back.
Your heart thrummed hard in your chest -- harder than it ever had in your whole life. You were so nervous. You had never kissed anyone like this before. So carefully, so meaningfully. Legs trembling, your hand grabbed Niki’s shoulder as an anchor. You could feel the raven-haired boy smile softly against your lips. He hugged you just a little tighter and somehow, you felt less scared.
The familiar scent of Niki’s cologne seemed to envelop you completely. It was clean, rich, and delightfully him. You wanted to breathe in it forever. If time could allow it, you sincerely would.
Wrapped delicately in Niki’s arms, you felt so safe. He’d always had the incredible ability to make all of your worries melt away, like a warm sun thawing a frozen river. Time stood at a standstill as you stood in the middle of the room, kissing him like you would never get the chance to again. This was so much better than any rom-com you had ever seen.
“What the fuck?”
At the sudden interruption, you sprang off of Niki, whirling around to discover the source of the sudden interruption. You were met with the sight of your brother standing in the doorway with an expression of pure horror on his face.
“No, seriously, what the fuck?” His demeanor seemed to be a combination of shock and exasperation. His gaze flicked between the two of you. You opened and closed your mouth, searching for a response, but failed. This was not good. Actually, scratch that -- this was a literal waking nightmare. God, what were you thinking? When has anything romantic ever worked out for you?
Niki, sensing your petrified state, took a step towards him. “Sunoo---”
Sunoo backed away warily. “Niki…” he started, but trailed. He looked away, the awkwardness off this situation visibly taking a toll on him. He cleared his throat. “Niki, I think you should go home.”
“Wait, Sunoo,” you pleaded, eyes stinging with unshed tears. 
“Please.” His voice was very small. “Just go.”
After a moment’s pause, Niki brushed past Sunoo and left the room without saying a word. The tension was so unbearable it neared torturous. You stared at the picture frame on your desk that you had been laughing at just minutes before. The only sound to be heard was Niki descending the steps, grabbing his coat, and eventually exiting through the front door with a faint thud. You forced yourself to look at your brother.
To your surprise, he was already looking at you. His eyes brows were pinched in a way that you could only describe as apprehensive. Or on the verge of vomiting. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint it.
“Sunoo, I promise there’s an explanation for this,” you whispered, trying your hardest to stifle the tears threatening to spill out of your eyes.
“Y/nnie…” he started. He ran his hands through his hair. “I’m just going to go to my room.”
He turned away and stepped out into the hall, and in a second, he was gone.
“It couldn’t have been that bad.”
“I can assure you, it was.”
Yoon sighed, clearly wanting to say something else but choosing to bite her tongue. You continued.
“It was completely moritfying,” you insisted, hands mindlessly forming braids in your friend’s hair. You were sitting at a picnic table in your school’s courtyard, legs facing outward, and Yoon sat on the ground in between them as you practiced your stylist skills. Eunchae sat to the left of you, legs tucked up to her chest. It was Monday, lunch, and naturally you had called for an emergency meeting to discuss the events of the past Saturday.
Eunchae was clearly invested. “I mean, how mad is Sunoo, really?”
“He’s fucking pissed, Eunchae,” you groaned. You began to braid a little faster. “He’s barely spoken to me since it happened! I’ve tried talking to him, but it likes trying to reason with a brick wall. All it’s been is dirty looks and the silent treatment and now I’ve completely destroyed the relationship I have with my brother beyond repair and--”
“Ow, ow!” Yoon hissed, reaching up to seize your wrist. “You’re pulling!”
“Sorry,” you mumbled, releasing the iron grip you had on her poor hair follicles. “I just really don’t know what to do.”
“Maybe he just needs time,” Eunchae suggested. “I mean, in his defense, he did walk in on his best friend sucking face with his little sister. That’s probably a big shock.”
“We were not ‘sucking face’.”
“Fine. You were ‘smooching’ his best friend. That doesn’t make it any better.”
You pondered her words for a moment. “Yeah, I guess you’re right… but was kicking him out really necessary? Niki hasn’t texted me once since then! Maybe he regrets it.”
“He’s probably just scared, Y/nnie,” Yoon said, resting her cheek on your knee. She gave you an assuring smile. “You should go talk to him!”
“Speak of the devil,” Eunchae gasped, pointing to the other side of the courtyard. You followed her extended finger to find Niki, hair shining in the sunlight, carefully considering all of the beverage options in one of the vending machines. “Now’s your chance!”
You grimaced. “I don’t know.”
Yoon rolled her eyes and gave your leg an urgent shake. “C’mon! What’s the worst that could happen? I mean, the dude kissed you, so he obviously doesn’t hate you.”
“Yeah, I’m kind of still processing that,” you snorted, swatting her hand away playfully.
“Honestly, me too,” Eunchae confessed. “Since when did you become such a player, y/n?”
With a laugh, you pushed yourself off the bench and turned to face your friends. “I’m not a player!” you giggled. “But alright, I’ll go talk to him.”
With an encouraging thumbs up from Eunchae and a dignified salute from Yoon, you mustered all of your courage and set off towards Niki. The boy in question seemed seriously focused on deciding between Pepsi or Mountain Dew. As you got closer, regret began to slowly creep into your mind. Was the school courtyard really the best place to have your first conversation with him since… the incident? You had mentally dubbed it that because it was definitely a milestone in your life in terms of personal mortification. Before you could change your mind, Niki noticed you approaching.
“Y/n,” he said. You searched his expression for any trace of annoyance or apprehension, but didn’t discover anything of the sort. Maybe you it was wishful thinking, but he honestly seemed happy to see you. “Hey.”
“Hi, Niki,” you replied, voice tense. “How are you?”
“I’m alright,” he replied, lips quirking into a smile, and motioned towards the vending machine. “I’m just getting a drink. I think today’s more of a Mountain Dew kind of vibe.”
You giggled, furrowing your brows at him. “What exactly defines a ‘Mountain Dew kind of vibe’?”
“I can’t really explain it. I can just feel it in my soul.” He clutched his abdomen dramatically, gazing off into the distance like he was the protagonist in a thought-provoking artsy indie film. It made you laugh harder.
You shifted you weight between your left foot and your right, searching for a way to appropriately change the topic from carbonated beverages to what you really came over here for. “So, we’re good, right?”
He blinked. “Of course we are. Why wouldn’t we be?”
“You just haven’t texted me since Saturday, so I was beginning to think you… you know, regretted it.”
“No, no, I promise you I don’t,” he insisted fervently. “Honestly, I thought that maybe you regretted it, because of Sunoo seeing us.”
You quite literally convulsed at the mention of your brother walking in on you two. Ashamed, you buried your heads in your hands. “Oh my God, please don’t bring that up. That will go down in history as the most embarrassing thing to ever happen in my life.”
“It’s not the worst,” Niki chuckled. “I’m sure something more embarrassing will happen to you later in life and you’ll forget all about this.”
You peeked at him through your fingers. “That’s not really comforting.”
“Have you spoken to him since then?” you asked, dropping your hands back to your sides.
“I tried,” he said, “but he’s been avoiding me like his life depends on it. I can’t tell if he’s mad or just feels severely awkward.”
“I think it’s a mix of both,” you joked, but a sad undertone edged your voice. You sighed. “He hasn’t spoken to me either. I don’t know what to do.”
Niki looked crestfallen. “Y/n, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have suddenly done that in the middle of your room.”
You chuckled. “Are you forgetting it was me who kissed you?”
A soft pink blush crept up Niki’s neck before blossoming across his cheeks. You had come to discover that you rather enjoyed seeing him embarassed. “Well, yeah, but I was the one who… said all those things.”
“What, your confession of undying love to me?”
Niki smiled, cocking an amused eyebrow at you. “I don’t really remember it happening like that.”
“Well, whatever the case, I don’t regret it,” you assured him. “Do you?”
Niki placed a gentle hand on your arm, your skin tingling under his warm touc, his eyes soft. Your proximity was suddenly a lot closer. “I definitely don’t regret it, Y/nnie. I promise.”
Your face burned. “‘Y/nnie?’” you repeated, dumbstruck.
He smiled. “What, isn’t that your nickname? It’s cute. Like you.”
“Oh my God, stop,” you laughed, pushing him away. “I might die from the sheer corniness of what you just said.”
“I’m just trying to be a chivalrous gentleman.”
“Please take your chivalry somewhere else.”
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence for a moment. With Niki, you didn’t need to speak. It was easy to just quietly enjoy each other’s company. You took some time to admire his outfit; he was wearing a white band tee and baggy grey sweats with a silver necklace adorning his sternum. You loved the way he dressed. You were coming to realize that you loved most things about him.
“Forgive me for being so cliche, but,” you ventured, “what are we?”
He grinned, tilting his head at you like you were the funniest thing. “Well, I was kind of hoping that you’d be my girlfriend, y/n. If that’s okay with you.”
Any attempt to remain nonchalant instantly evaporated. The widest, giddiest smile stretched out across your face, the kind so big it turned your eyes into little crescents. Girlfriend.
“It’s definitely okay with me, Niki,” you breathed. You felt like you were dreaming. “Wow.”
“Don’t tease me, I’m just surprised!”
“How are you surprised? We kissed in your bedroom two days ago!”
You rolled your eyes, but that stupid smile on your face didn’t budge an inch. Being Niki’s girlfriend was already something you were very much relishing in. Of course,  you realized there was still the issue of your brother, which sorely needed resolving.
“Listen, before we start dating officially or anything, I should probably work things out with Sunoo,” you explained. “He deserves some sort of explanation.”
Niki nodded in agreement. “I totally get that. Honestly, I should probably talk to him too.”
You sighed, long and heavy, rubbing your neck. “How do I talk to him though? He’s avoiding me like the plague.”
“Maybe you just need to corner him.”
“Corner him?”
“Yeah, like get him in a situation where he can’t leave and he has no choice but to talk.”
You scoffed. “Right. Because that’s totally non-threatening.”
“Just a suggestion,” Niki shrugged.
Honestly, that idea didn’t seem to bad. In fact, it may be your only option -- Sunoo’s evasion of you was becoming so precise it was baffling. Seriously, your house wasn’t that big, yet somehow he managed to always avoid you. This dilemma needed to be dealt with once and for all.
“Niki, please tell me everything is going to be okay.”
He smiled. “Y/n, everything is going to be okay.”
“Y/n, let me out right now!”
“Sunoo, this is for your own good.”
“How the hell is locking me inside a bathroom for my own good?”
Honestly, you probably could’ve gone about this in a less serial killer-esque way, but at this point, you were desperate. After you and Niki’s conversation earlier that day, you had been determinedly brainstorming ways to confront your brother. Then, that evening, you spotted Sunoo going into the bathroom to brush his teeth, and before you knew it you were following him in and locking the door behind him.
Again, there was probably a better way to do this.
“Sunoo, will you please just listen for a second?”
“Why should I? I’m being held captive by my little sister!”
“S-Sunoo, please,” you squeaked, voice quivering. “You’ve been avoiding me all week, I just want to talk to you!”
Sunoo crossed his arms. “I don’t really have much to say.”
“But I do!” you exclaimed. “Don’t you think you’re overreacting? You won’t even let me explain myself!”
“Overreacting?” Sunoo repeated in disbelief. “I walked in on you kissing my best friend! How do you think I feel? This whole time, I thought me and Niki were really becoming close, just for me to find out he’s only been coming over to see my sister!”
You paused. Is that really what he thought? “But that isn’t true,” you insisted.
“How am I supposed to know that?” Sunoo, who had been furious just moments before, now seemed overcome by sadness. It was a vulnerability you hadn’t seen in him since you two were kids; his eyes watering and voice weak. He looked at the floor. “Kissing each other is one thing, but straight up lying to me? That’s what I’m really upset about.”
“Sunoo…” An immense amount of guilt settled on your shoulders. You hadn’t even thought about it like that, from Sunoo’s perspective. Now you understood why he was so upset.
You drew in a deep breath and released it, taking a second to steady your breathing before you spoke. “I want to make it very clear that me and Niki have not been sneaking around behind your back. What happened on Saturday was… spur-of-the-moment.”
“Okay,” he said, but he still seemed tense. “But then why did you kiss him in the first place? I knew you and Niki were friends, but I had no idea there might’ve been something more.”
“If I’m being completely honest,” you began, but hesitated. God, this was so embarrassing, but it was the truth. “I’ve liked Niki since I met him. But I genuinely didn’t think he was interested in me like that anyways, so I just tried my best to ignore my crush on him because I knew it would bother you.”
Sunoo didn’t say anything, so you continued. “We got closer as we hung out more and it was purely platonic, but on Saturday we both ended up admitting our feelings, and… well, you know the rest.”
“Unfortunately, I do,” Sunoo quipped. He was looking at you with close attention, but he didn’t seem upset anymore. He was just listening.
“I feel so shitty about it. I really do. We shouldn’t have done that when you were right down the hall and I should’ve communicated with you about my feelings because I knew it would put you in an uncomfortable position. I’m sorry, Sunoo. I’m sorry that I made you feel lied to.”
Sunoo remained quiet for another beat, staring into you like he could see into your soul. You swallowed nervously. Eventually, he spoke.
“Thank you for telling me the truth, y/nnie,” he said, mouth turned upwards in a small smile. “I think I was just really shocked more than anything. I had no idea what to think.”
You giggled, your face turning a little red. “Well, in your defense, I think that would shock anyone.”
“Yeah you might be right,” he laughed.
“I know you must feel a little awkward though. I mean, Niki’s one of your closest friends.”
“Yeah, I do feel awkward, I won’t lie about that,” he admitted. “But you can’t control who you like. Besides, I’d rather you be with Niki than some weirdo. He’s a great guy.”
You snorted, looking at him with hopeful eyes. “So, we’re good?”
He rolled his eyes, but a grin adorned his face. “Yes, dummy, we’re good.”
He pulled you into a tight hug and you felt the anxious knot in your stomach finally come undone. You threw your arms around Sunoo and buried your head in his shoulder. Finally, you had your best friend back.
“So, does this mean you and Niki are gonna get like, matching heart lockets or something?”
“Ew. What?” you laughed, poking your brother in his side.
“Just a question!”
For whatever reason, the entirety of your decision making skills left your brain the moment you had to choose an ice cream flavor. There were the basics like chocolate and vanilla, and they were reliable. But what if you were feeling adventurous? Maybe rocky road was a better choice, or even cookie dough… jeez. You genuinely believed you would have an easier time naming your firstborn child.
“It’s not a life or death decision, y/nnie,” Niki teased. “Just pick one.”
“It might as well be,” you grumbled as you continued to scrutinize the menu with serious contemplation.
“If you don’t choose something in the next five minutes I’m leaving you here.”
You shot him a glare, but there was no real malice behind it. Soft house music filled the small establishment, as well as the quiet chatter of other patrons. Niki stood behind you, looming, yet his presence was always comforting. This had been his idea, of course. After what had been a rather tiresome day at school, Niki had insisted that you two do something ‘fun’, and before you knew it, he had grabbed you by the hand and brought you here. You were happy. You just wish picking a flavor wasn’t so impossible.
Niki squeezed your shoulder, leaning in to talk to directly in your ear. “I can just choose for you, if you want,” he offered, his tone affectionate and warm. 
“...That actually sounds like a good idea. Thanks.” You smiled, leaning back into him ever so slightly. You couldn’t see him, but you could tell that he was also smiling, probably finding your indecisiveness throughly hilarious. With a gentle pat to your head, he stepped past you to order at the counter.
“May I please have a scoop of double chocolate chip with melted fudge--” he briefly glanced at you, then continued, “--and a scoop of matcha ice cream please? Thank you.”
You pursed your lips, intrigued by his choice for you. Niki began rooting through his pockets and you grabbed his wrist.
“I can pay for my own, Niki,” you insisted.
He removed your hold on his arm, smiling as he gazed down at you. “Don’t worry about it, y/nnie.” He cupped your cheek in his hand, eyes gleaming with a fondness you couldn’t quite place, and your heartbeat stuttered. “Besides, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t buy a treat for my girlfriend?”
A fierce blush spread across your face. Boyfriend. Girlfriend. You were never going to get used to that. Clearly proud of himself, he smirked and turned back towards the cashier to hand him the cash. After successfully retrieving the ice cream, he handed you yours.
“C’mon,” he said, jerking his head towards the door. “Let’s sit outside. The weather’s nice.”
Ice cream in hand, you followed him towards the exit. Niki pushed the door open with his hip, holding it there and motioning for you to go ahead. Grinning, you obliged, brushing past him and immediately being greeted by the crisp weather. The door closed with the happy jingle of its bell. The two of you decided to situate yourselves on a nearby bench, content to eat your ice cream while partaking in some good old-fashioned people watching.
“You know, I’ve never had matcha ice cream before,” you commented, carefully observing the green scoop nestled in a waffle cone.
Niki looked over at you and grinned. “Well, I hope you like it then.”
You carefully tasted some of the ice cream, Niki watching you expectantly. After pondering its flavor for a moment, you looked back at him and nodded in approval. “Wow, it’s actually really good! How’d you know I’d like this?”
He smiled. “I just know you better than anyone, huh?”
You smiled back at him and scooted a bit closer so that you were comfortably nestled into his side. Even though you and Niki were dating officially now, the flustered butterflies in your stomach were still very much present. But now, they weren’t as much nervousness as they were adoration. Everything about Niki was just so lovable. And, in addition to his cute smile and sense of humor, he made you feel so secure. Truly, he was your safe place.
“You okay?” Niki asked, voice concerned. He must’ve noticed you spacing out.
You smiled at him reassuringly. “Yeah, I’m just… really happy.”
Niki beamed. “Me too, y/nnie. Me too.”
He looked at you, expression soft, his nose slightly brushing yours. With a small smile, you leaned in and met him in the middle. And this time it wasn't sneaky or scary. It was perfect.
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greensagephase · 5 months
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Dropping this at your inbox and then running away…
Haha no but seriously
I’ve talked to you about how I’m trying to work on Peter and his looks, I’m still figuring out how to draw him on my own style…
But in this case while I was looking for references I found a picture of the model on whom Peter Parker of insomniac videogame is based on and I just thought he looked so freaking cute there I melted 😭😭😭, im actually now obsessing over him , and I decided to try copy the picture (although the drawing it’s not that close to the style I’m focusing on my Peter drawings, it’s a lil bit different cause also I don’t know how to stick into a style yet I’m still figuring it out).
Anyway my thoughts just kept leading me on the fact that this would be a perfect picture that my Spider would have on her wall, one of the many she has of her Peter, it would probably have been taken by her on a date night where she took an improv picture of him looking at her softly 🥺🥺🥺🥺 or smth like that, idk I keep picturing lot of soft scenarios for Peter that I think I’m going insane.
So I drew a picture frame over it and her hands caressing the picture (?) Poe maybe giving it a kiss before putting it back on the wall, like it happened on one of the chapters of NVC, cause I’m a sucker about all those sweet tender moments where she remembers Peter, means so much to me, cause even before all these Spiderverse things and hyper fixations over Miguel, Peter(Spider-Man) is my favourite super hero so he has a special place in my heart.
So yeah here it is, a lil rendition to my Peter, that can change when I figure more out his style rather than basing him that much on the model hehe
No, the way I opened the ask and saw the drawing - let me just give you a mental picture of me - just imagine a woman sitting at her desk and looking at her laptop and then opening this and she just starts banging her fist on the desk and trying very hard not to scream too loud but also hyperventilating BECAUSE THIS IS SO FREAKING CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!! AND TENDER, AND SWEET AND ANA YOU GOT ME INTERNALLY SCREAMING AND REALLY CRYING!!!!!!!!!
The actor/model for Peter in the insomniac videogame - I think I'm going to start obsessing over him, too, don't mind me because HE'S SO CUTE!! Talking about him with you also makes me want to play the videogames even though I suck at those type of games but I'm seriously considering playing it!! (I've tried just swinging around and it was so much fun, hehe!!)
You got me CRYING over how this would be a photo of Peter on your spidersona's wall - you're SO RIGHT!!!!! And the little backstory on how this would be taken during a date night and reader capturing this moment randomly and the way it would be just one of the many, many, many times of Peter just staring at reader like this, with such pure love and adoration for her - I'm not doing well at all, I have REAL TEARS in my eyes right now just thinking about it!!!
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🥺😭 It's so so crazy and I mentioned it so many times before to @sunsetdoodler but I never imagined reader's Peter to become so important to me - like, I'm fully attached to this character even though he's not an active character in the story but every time I write about him, my heart melts. PETER AND READER LOVED EACH OTHER SO MUCH!!!! Their love was so beautiful and special - and I'm rambling now but I love talking about our Peter so much and seriously, this is so freaking sweet, tender, and beautiful to think about. I mentioned it in my message but sometimes I get the urge to write something about Peter and reader - like a regular day in their lives and how they interacted before he passed away in a one-shot but I swear - I don't think my heart could take it. I would be crying the entire time, I think 😭😭
AND OMG READER GIVING IT A KISS LIKE SHE DID IN THAT PART my brain can't think of which part specifically rn but I know which one you're talking about and I'm crying even more now when I have a mental image of what that picture looks like!!!!! I'm not doing well but in a good way, I swear!!! 😭😭😭
Also, I feel you so much!!! Peter (Spider-Man) has always had a special place in my heart even since I was a kid. Spider-Man was the first superhero I watched on theaters (Tobey Maguire's Peter) and ever since then, Spider-Man has been one of my top favorite superheroes!! No matter what new superhero pops up, Spider-Man is always there for me!!!
Ana, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING THIS WITH ME 😭❤️ It's made my night and even though I'm crying, they're happy tears!! Also, I'm so excited to continue to see your Peter take shape as you work on him and find your style drawing him. What I've seen already has a chokehold on me !!! 😭 THANK YOU!!!!!! 🥺❤️
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knyplotrewrite · 2 years
my thoughts on canon Zenitsu
(Disclaimer: This is a big analysis thingy on canon Zenitsu where I will be pointing out both positive and negative parts of his arc and characterization. If you do not want to see the criticism or simply wish to avoid manga spoilers, press “J” for desktop or just scroll really fast to avoid it. Thanks!)
Alright, so Zenitsu.
He’s definitely another of those characters that I find fans either loving to bits or completely despising, and then some that simply don’t care for him at all. For me? I personally do not like canon Zenitsu overall, but it’s purely because of the way Gotouge wrote him that really makes me wish it wasn’t so evident what they were trying to accomplish.
It is super clear they struggled with balancing comedic relief and the emotional depth of Zenitsu. There are very few exceptions, but he’s not really allowed to be taken seriously by the narrative. They somehow have to take what little heartfelt moments and impact he made and turn it into a stupid joke. He’s not treated as a character but something to laugh at, which really feels off in a story that’s supposed to be dramatic and mindful of its characters’ humanity.
So if you’ve ever felt like his development goes all over the damn place throughout the story, this is why. His role as one of the primary forms of comedic relief screwed him over big time.
However, there are those exceptions I hinted at before, and that’s namely his relationship with Kuwajima and his fight with Kaigaku. I felt those were handled extremely well and given the space to emotionally develop and connect with the readers/viewers in the respective places they appeared in (Natagumo, Infinity Fortress).
But like... that’s it, you know? Despite being considered a big part of the KMBK trio, he doesn’t actively connect with Tanjirou or Inosuke in meaningful ways. Not in the way he does with Kuwajima and Kaigaku. Neither Tanjirou nor Inosuke really drive him to become a better person like the Thunder family does, which is pretty odd.
Then there’s Zenitsu with Nezuko. I absolutely despise this relationship in basically every way. Not only is it morally questionable due to Nezuko’s implied age regression, but pretty much every damn scene those two interact in actively makes Zenitsu an obsessive, creepy bitch when it really did not have to be.
Which leads me to my next point: his attachment/abandonment issues. These are not handled well at all, I’m sorry. I’ve really only complained about this to a select group of friends, but I find the fact that he was essentially abused by all seven of his fiancees weird. Like, he never met one normal girl? Why is Gotouge insisting that all these girls were cruel to him? Did they not consider that relationships couldn’t last in other ways? And also why do they never bother bringing this up again? Since he’s an ADHD-coded character, I could totally see the connection between him having so many failed relationships to him being so obsessed with finding a spouse later on, but its not given the depth it deserves. Once again, the fact that he’s treated almost purely as comedic relief took that potential away from us.
It’s a really big shame too since Nezuko would have been the perfect way for Zenitsu to really work through his issues regarding his relationships, and his complicated feelings when it comes to love.
@keniaku since you asked for this lol
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TWST Chars x Single Mom Reader/Yuu
A super cute idea hit me while I was playing Twisted Wonderland and I just absolutely had to share these after watching one of Lilia’s vignettes.
Characters: Lilia, Vil, and Mal
Warnings: SFW, not really any besides maybe heart-melting
Lilia Vanrouge
Obsessed with your belly and growth if you’re around him at that stage
If his cooking smells at all good, probably one of the only times you have seconds! Blame your weird cravings, but Lilia is absolutely ecstatic
Mal, Silver, & Sebek just stare in awe & possibly blanch
Lilia gets closer and protective of you
Tries not to pop up and scare you too much…
Very supportive
Prepare yourself, when your Angel arrives, Papa Bat is in love
Will hold them as long as you will let him
Amazing babysitter, but scares you a bit too! Papa Bat please don’t float the baby around like that…
You fall for him watching how he is with your baby, if you hadn’t already
He’s the perfect dad for baby and definitely doesn’t care about them not being blood
Rest of Diasomnia saw it coming and don’t really mind, but take good care of Papa!
One huge happy family
Baby is giggly & spoiled rotten
Vil Schoenheit
He’s a little harder to earn in his affections than Lilia
Probably softens a bit on you when morning sickness hits hard and so do the stretch markies
Then BOOM! You squeeze into his heart
Who else will ensure you get your beauty rest, masks, lotion rubs, and vitamins after all?
Absolutely enthralled by your glow
Not too sure of your little one at first, let’s be honest
It blurbles, spits up, poops- just uh-uh!
He definitely softens for them too though-
Dresses your little one up gorgeously and makes them giggle by playing with their tootsies
And Vil finally holding them while they sleep because you’re so tired on your feet and they won’t let you set them down without cries filling Pomefiore long enough to get your schoolwork done?
He gets a little head over heels, just don’t ask him to burp or change them- he will holler for you
But maybe baby isn’t so bad, especially when they coo & softly grip his silky strands in their little fist to fall asleep after staring up at him with glittering doe-eyes
Please-boy has no idea what is going on-for the love of God, help! Besides what he knows from helping Lilia with Silver
Amazed at the process & very curious
Loves feeling your belly & admires how wondrous you are, mama!
Definitely goes to Lilia and Silver for help when flustered
Very intrigued & does whatever he can for you, whatever it is
Definitely wings it a little, but tries his best I promise
Loves the little one as soon as they pop out, even before then
Nope, sorry, they’re his now
Definitely smitten & your little one is just as smitten with him too
He was already yours!
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otp-armada · 1 year
The 100 Rewatch 2023 Season 1, Episode 1 “Pilot“
Alrighty, live-blogging The 100. If only 2020!Me could see me now.
First off, let me gather myself.
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I’ll preface this by saying I’ve recently gotten obsessed with The Rookie shortly before embarking on this rewatch. I’ve forgotten how thrilling it is to fall head over heels for a new ship. Chenford has made me so deliriously ecstatic and in such good spirits that it triggered a sort of informal revival tour of my favorite ships. When the Bellarke compilation on YouTube came up next in queue, I chickened out just as quickly as the first ad popped up. Knowing how their story ends, I was afraid that Bellarke wouldn’t feel the same. That the ending would taint my memory of them upon revisitation.
All of which is to say, this rewatch should be an interesting experiment.
Alright, best get a wriggle on.
Oh, baby!Clarke. And just like that, I’m transported seven years ago to my dining table, where I first pressed “play” on a little CW show that would consume me.
100 years until the Earth is survivable again, eh? Killed everyone, huh? In roughly a year’s time, she’ll be the one thought to have perished in radiation.
“Reality sucks.” Babe, you don’t know the half of it.
The wristbands feel like an ancient relic.
It really has been such a long time since I watched season 1. I’m lost in time. At this point, it really does feel like your typical CW teen drama, and it’s such a strange thought, considering how long I’ve been holding onto the bulk of the narrative where it departed into its unique footprint.
“The rules have changed.” Because *I* made them change, is what’s left unspoken by Abby.
“Your instincts will tell you to take care of everybody else first...” Yep, two minutes in, and I’m emotional.
A good bedside manner, Jaha does not possess. There’s blunt and there’s brash, and he is solidly in the latter. The thing about juvenile delinquents? They’re KIDS. Sure, you’ve got the odd murderer in the ranks, but they are few and far in between a sea of children with offenses probably befitting a slight slap on the wrist, if that.
“Your records wiped clean.” Assuming the lab rats don’t expire from radiation upon arrival. Way to incentivize them. Little wonder Bellamy will so easily corral them into removing the wristbands.
For once, the fluke in the plan works to their advantage. If those kids had landed at Mount Weather as intended...*shudder*
Shut up, Finn.
100 + 1 - 2 = A landing party of 99. Check. 👍
“The air could be toxic.”
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There they are. The chance encounter of the loves of my life. And of each other’s life.
I want to say something here about the Blake siblings, but I’m too preoccupied with internally screaming at the sight of my bby boy on my screen again.
Have I mentioned that I’m adrift in time??
Little do these three know how entangled their fates will be. From here on out, they will be the trio comprising the foundation of this entire saga. The trifecta.
“Like being the first person on the ground in 100 years.” “First one to touch the ground loses.” My oh my.
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Oh, back when it was all so simple...
I’m conflicted. I want the perfect marriage of this simplicity before the wars with S6 Bellarke at the helm. Basically, what season 7 should have been. Don’t we all? *sigh*
Finn is such a chameleon, it’s infuriating. He is whatever fantasy version he thinks will earn him brownie points with the pretty girl. I can’t believe there was a time when I didn’t mind him. He was every bit the textbook teen heartthrob with floofy hair I thought wouldn’t be so bad. Basically, this dude, with a slightly deceptive edge.
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By now, Clarke and Wells had ingrained themselves into my heart. Too soon, you say? Perhaps. But it was always the logical, pragmatic, responsible characters I found myself leaning to. Always the ones I felt should be in charge.
You’ve been on the ground for a minute, Murphy, how’d you put together a posse already?
Poor Wells. He’s so sensible here, and he’s ignored because of the tall shadow his father casts. I do wonder the man Wells would have become had he lived. I’m not under any impression that he would be stagnantly stalwart. The axiom of a show continually striving to push its characters to the brink is that no one is incorruptible, even those we approximate most to pure cinnamon rolls. There is no such animal in this narrative.
“Do you think we care who’s in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather not because the Chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we’ll get and the harder this’ll be. How long do you think we’ll last without those supplies? We’re looking at a 20-mile trek, ok? So if we want to get there before dark, we need to leave now.”
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Bellamy knew. I don’t mean it in a “he was in love with her at first sight” kind of way. He correctly assessed her right here and then as one who could seize control as the de facto leader of the camp. And where would it put him and Octavia then, if the princess got her way, if the Ark came down as planned? No, what appears as attitude toward Clarke and Wells is a well thought-out ploy to wrestle the camp in his favor in their absence. And it worked.
Oh, right. I remember. Here’s the faux-hero complex that ingratiated Finn to my good side.
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“Rescue me next.” Icky.
“I need to just do something crazy just because I can, and no one, including you, is gonna stop me.” You will not lack opportunity for craziness. One might say you will not miss any chance, including, but not limited to, tyranny. 
Oh, no. The evil black lightbulb is going off in Rebel!Bellamy’s head.
“Before you get any ideas, I don’t care.” You really should have stuck to these guns, Clarke.
“The Chancellor’s been shot.” *record scratch*
Jasper and Monty, precious, innocent beans. Before the world scarred them so badly. As close as brothers, who will one day branch off into diametrically oppositional philosophies about humanity and the meaning of life. One to nilihism, one to hope. 
“Being born.” Cue the bunker flashbacks. As many mistakes as she will make in her pursuit of agency, Octavia’s initial resentment toward the Ark cannot be blamed. By the laws of the Ark, she was born a criminal by virtue of existing. Lost her mother, displaced from her brother and her home, what little there was, and lost a year of her life, during which she could presume she’d be killed the moment the illusion of civility peeled away when she turned of age.
Weird the mutant monsters swiftly disappeared, but these kids had enough problems on their plate.
Though Abby will catch a lot of flak later on from the fandom, I hardly think anyone wouldn’t cheer her on in the pilot. I know I always have been. She’s on the praiseworthy delineation of “rebel.”
“He’s no one. A janitor.”
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Good one, Shumway.
“Her mother kept her hidden for 16 years. Nearly a record.” I’m sorry? Nearly a record? What is the record for “longest hidden kid,” then?
I still take it with a grain of salt that Bellamy and Octavia would be the only siblings in 97 years on this orbiting hunk of metal. Presumably, there would be plenty more in Aurora’s predicament. Poor women from the lower classes with limited, if not scarce access to medical resources. Women who didn’t want to abort their second child. Mixed families. Multiple spouses, what with the death toll of a justice system embroiled in capital punishment. Step-children, half-siblings. It makes you wonder what kind of medieval laws an unforgiving society like the Ark would enact to ensure its rigid population control.
I will say the power struggle between Abby, Jaha, and Kane, with the morality conflicts emerging from the Ark, was what first drew me in to this show. The kids were...the teens from your average CW show on your average stilted CW pilot. The Ark adults were intriguing and provocative. For me, at least.
I have to hand it to Bellamy. Both he and Clarke know how to make compelling arguments for their causes. It’s a shame how Clarke’s station is her albatross (for the time being) when she has everyone’s best interest in mind. For once, Bellamy’s origin from Factory Station is his advantage. He can connect to these errant kids seeking freedom like Clarke cannot. It’s a good metaphor for how subversive the worlds of the Ark and Earth appear to be. Visually, yes, between the muted grays of space versus the bright colors of Earth, but also, the visages of emancipation and carte blanche versus confinement and restraint between the adults and the kids.
And yet, while Bellamy offers the kids the allure of freedom, it’s really a facade as he cleverly maneuvers himself to the top just as the same as the leadership hierarchy he resents. Smart of him, until he runs afoul of a betrayed Murphy.
It’s funny how out-of-touch the adults are with the kids. Never does it occur to them that the kids they imprisoned are voluntarily removing the wristbands to escape the Ark’s reach until another kid clues Abby in.
“So that was the secret they locked you up to keep, why they kept you in solitary, floated your old man?” I know Finn’s laundry list of Clarke’s nightmares is for exposition, but it’s undermined when rattled off by this sleazebag with a poor attempt at compassion offered solely to charm her. In layman’s terms, shut up, Finn.
“My mother disagreed.” And it doesn’t occur to you that your mother may have been directly responsible for your father’s execution? It HAD to be Wells? I guess, had I been Clarke, it’s easier to blame him than to consider the horrifying reality of how Jake’s death came to be.
“We have to warn them.” “That’s what my father said.”
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Once again, I am reminded of how little concerted effort Jason can put into a lot of these provisional relationships. Sometimes, the show skillfully communicates a layered storyline with very little footwork. Other times, it’s not so great.
Octavia had no way of knowing how deep the water was, monsters notwithstanding.
Our first foray into Jasper the Hero. It hurts already to think ahead to the hollow young man he’ll become when he can’t save the girl.
For a sea monster of that size, you’d think Octavia’s wounds would be larger. Like, a whole leg bitten off.
“Earth Day 2052″ I just noticed.
“Note to self: next time, save the girl.” Oh, you will, Monty.
Very evocative Lord of the Flies imagery.
“We can take care of ourselves, can’t we?” You are all a scrappy, resilient bunch, but you will soon find survival in this neck of the woods to be an uphill battle.
Love this exchange between Wells and Bellamy. Wells, of course, is right. Though Bellamy’s anger is not without reason. His argument is wrapped up in camp politics, but here we have a glimpse of the Bellamy who always tapped into his pain to persuade others to his side. The Bellamy who speaks from his heart, even when the message may be a little flawed in execution.
What about the kids whose loved ones remain on the Ark? How aren’t they hesitant about abandoning them?
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Currently picturing Bob nursing a hangover for his Bellamy voice. Who knew alcohol could produce such beautiful results?
Do I detect a hint of wavering? I think I do. He knows Wells is right. Wise, even. He’s in too deep of this persona he thinks is crucial for his and Octavia’s protection to turn back now.
After years of watching the Bellamy we know and love, Baby!Bellamy is so jarring to revisit.
As is Kane.
“And I choose at every turn and at any cost to make sure that the human race stays alive.” “That’s the difference between us, Kane. I choose to make sure that we deserve to stay alive.” If nothing else the pilot did, it established our roadmap of the series in these three sentences. These two objectives have guided this story at each turn in equal measure. For Jason to claim at the very end that this story was only ever governed by cold and ruthless survival is a lie. Those of us who paid attention know it. It’s documented from the very first episode how these characters endeavor - strive - to aim for higher than the impossible decisions and questionable morality they are cornered into. The right ending of this narrative was to allow to finally achieve their second guiding principle. Let them use the hard-won lessons they’ve learned to build a golden age from out of the post-apocalypse. Let them LIVE.
Oh, what glory that bastard robbed from us.
Also, how the turntables with Kabby from now to their conclusions.
As pragmatic as Clarke is, she’s a dreamer. She’s always had such a wonderful vision of how beautiful the world could be. And I hate how often Jason stole her hope from her.
I forgot what unencumbered delight looked like on Clarke’s face.
Strictly speaking, I can’t say I shipped Finn and Clarke. I was very determined on my first viewing to not get sentimentally entangled with ships, knowing my penchant for walking away from shows when ships sink. (Oh, the irony.) I wanted to like this series. As I said, I was intrigued by the Ark arc. I was in it to see how things go. What I can say is I didn’t mind Finn and Clarke, as chosen apathy goes. Maybe a spark of ambivalence here and there before Raven shows up.
It’s disorienting to remember the Clarke so open to falling in love. Her primary directives are safety and obtaining the imperative amenities the kids need. But on a personal scale, after their immediate crises are solved, this Clarke wants to live.
“Now, you all think I’m a bad guy, but I’m the only one willing to do what it takes to save us.” Season 1 and Season 3 Bellamy will also believe the same, and time will humble both of these men.
“...and if I have to take us to a cosmic Adam and Eve, I will do it.” Serious nomon and nontu imagery whizzing through my brain of the various pairs symbolizing them. Kabby. Marper, paving the path for Book Two: “Everyone dies. Let’s show them how to live.” Bellarke, as nomon/nontu in its final form, representative of all the narrative’s themes. The story has always been, on some level, how their union saves the world.  
Even Russell and Simone, as the versions that Bellamy and Clarke could have been if they were without a moral compass.
Nomon/Nontu is a legacy, spanning generations and centuries, intrinsically tied to the fate of humanity and the Earth. Add it to the extensive list of themes forgotten by the outlier nameless season.
I should have realized the first time around how there was more to Bellamy than meets the eye when he didn’t kill Wells. Certainly would have been easier for him in terms of divesting himself of a political rival.
Speaking of, Kane must know how valuable a resource Abby is to the Ark, especially now when their home is dying a slow death. Was civil obedience really more vital to the sustainability of this place than what Abby could provide? It’s a big, fat no. Then again, these are the people who killed the engineer to their life support systems.
Well, at least one of them has sense.
We’re in agreement that the pilot episode is cheesy as hell. Exactly in the wheelhouse of 2010s!Me. It was perfect. Oh, what? Did you think I wasn’t going to let the next episode play, right there on the dining table in 2015? Jasper’s just got speared through the chest!!! They’re not alone!!!
Tagging the brilliant @sometimesrosy​ for revitalizing this beloved show for me from the depths
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scottxlogan · 2 years
Random Thoughts
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Random thoughts. As much as I am an X-Men fan I’ve been thinking lately about X-Men Apocalypse and how that film did such a HUGE disservice not only to Oscar Isaac, who in my opinion was HORRIBLY wasted in that film, which blows my mind given that he’s such a talented actor. Like seriously how could you not want to showcase him and let him run with being such an iconic villain and deliver a story for him to sink his teeth into? *sigh*, but that’s not what I’m in the mood to talk about right now. My BIGGEST complaint about that film is the characterization of Scott Summers. It’s something that’s troubled me from when I first saw the film. 
Now let me preface this by saying that I have nothing against Tye Sheridan. Before Apocalypse came out I went and saw Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse to familiarize myself with the actor because so many people were talking about how he was such a fantastic actor and how he would be PERFECT for Scott. I was skeptical, but willing to give him a chance because Scott Summers is my favorite character. Has been for a very long time. In Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse the character Tye Sheridan plays is so much like Scott that I was hyped to see him in the role until the movie finally came out and I realized that the character he was in X-Men Apocalypse aside from crushing on Jean Grey was most certainly NOT Scott Summers. (For those who want to see Tye in a Scott type character, I’d recommend the film that I mentioned above as he was more Scott there than he was in Apocalypse.) Scott is NOT a bad boy, rule breaking, smart mouth snot. I’m sorry, but that’s never been Scott. He’s not the ‘cool dude’ or Alex’s hip little brother who is edgy like Alex is in the First Class films. 
To those who don’t read the comics, I’ll just toss this out there. In the comics Alex is the younger brother and Scott literally gets brain damage saving his brother from the trauma of jumping out of the plane when their family is being attacked and their parents ‘died’. It’s such a tragic, interesting back story that leads to the ups and downs of Scott through the years with psychotic ‘father figures’ who experiment on/torture him, force him to use his powers for evil purposes until Charles saves him. The bond between Charles and Scott is one of the strongest ones in his life even if Charles has become a bit of a tyrant over time in how he manipulated Scott to do this bidding, but that’s another story for another time. Scott’s young life before the X-Men was loaded with pain and trauma where Alex was off adopted by a family and Scott was the obsession of a madman who for some reason was obsessed with the idea of breeding the perfect genetic mutant with him and Jean Grey...again another issue here lol.
That being said though Scott is shy, awkward, a lot of people have speculated autistic as well and there’s so much about Scott in his social awkwardness and his inherent self doubt/loathing as a teen that defines the man he becomes in the future. His rise from the shy, awkward kid too afraid to admit his feelings to Jean Grey or feel he was worthy of the role of leader that Charles bestows upon him to the strategic powerhouse he becomes is lost in Fox’s lame attempt to make someone that might be marketable to an audience who thinks it’s fun to see a a bratty fun cool guy who can come up with mischief. Now I love Scott. I do, but he is neither a bratty fun guy or a prankster. His sense of humor...well, really isn’t most of the time. It doesn’t fit who he is. Bobby was a prankster and a practical joker, but Scott is very serious almost to the point where he knows he’s not the popular guy that people gravitate to. He’s not the fun guy who is the life of the party, but rather he’s the guy who gets the job done and saves the day. He’s the guy with plans for his plans, etc. and he fights for his people with all that he has taking what he’s learned through the years and applying that knowledge to doing right by mutants and humans alike. 
In a lot of ways Scott’s almost like a blend of Charles and Magneto as he’s evolved into his own man. I cannot stress enough that there is so much to LOVE about this guy, who by his beginnings had what could’ve led him to be a villain as that’s the kind of backstory he had, but regardless of the struggles and angst he became a hero and a leader. His story is so inspiring and really gives the character depth which is why he’s my favorite. Fox NEVER got that.
In the first three X-Men films, they minimized Scott’s appearance to showcase Logan, but James Marsden was a fantastic casting choice (height aside). He brought so much to the character with what little was given to him to work with. His performance is always overlooked, but James expresses so much emotion without the benefit of his eyes, which is a difficult task for actors. Some popular actors who were offered the role in Apocalypse originally turned it down for that very reason of not being able to use their eyes. James more than delivers and is very underrated. Now, none of the first films will give a casual non-comic reader the full story on Scott, but I hope that those who haven’t seen the first films take the opportunity to at least look at those films and that Scott to see a glimpse of who he is and not the character with Scott’s name and his powers that doesn’t display who he is. Now I know some people liked the version in Apocalypse, but it’s so disheartening to know that those who never read a comic or saw the old films will ever understand what makes Scott so great. He’s truly the underdog that ended up saving his people and becoming one hell of a leader. The complexities of his relationships are another dynamic of what makes him great. 
There is so much to love about Scott and it makes me sad when I see so many fans who never were able to see that because Apocalypse was their first and only view of him. They were truly cheated and to this day it always makes me want to flood the blog with information and reference to Scott so people can see just how amazing he is as a character. Heck, even X-Men Origins which has a lot of problems in it did a better teen Scott than Apocalypse is so if someone wants to see a teen Scott that shows signs of who he will become, I would recommend that film as well for that alone. Like I cannot stress enough how much I hate that so many fans will never know how great he is. I literally went back and forth with a professor about how great Scott was, but with Fox not delivering it was so hard to share to only a film goer why my favorite character is so amazing since all people see is what little inaccurate crumbs that Fox gives. *rant over* Sorry it’s just sometimes I feel like letting this out because I hate how Scott gets overlooked or changed because those in charge don’t care enough to give the guy what he really deserves in a story especially in the film world. I do hope that the MCU does better. 
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soulreaper · 1 year
tagged by @fruixtii
order your favorite twst dorms from least fave to favorite!
Pomefiore: i love eppy and vil MOST OF THE TIME. but i do not like rook one bit 😢 and given his presence as well as me just not really liking pomefiore chapter and the entire atmosphere of the dorm, they are definitely lowest for me. Also i can never forgive vil for that shit he said during the fairy gala.
Heartslabyul: if mid was a dorm. DONT GET ME WRONG. i love all of them and i’m literally obsessed with alice in wonderland, but also as a dorm it’s not that remarkable and it's kind of booooring -_-; I suppose it’s a good setting for the first chapter but we never really come back to it after chapter 2 and it’s quite forgettable T_T
Scarabia: looks around... LISTEN. jamil and kalim are two of my favorite characters in this damn game, but the orientalism of the actual dorm is hard to deny. i understand that Aladdin is also very orientalist, but that’s not really an excuse, and knowing that Yana Toboso designed it is grosser given that that woman loves racism and orientalism. Like along with child sexualization, it's one of her favorite things. good characters, evil dorm, evil game, evil disney, evil designer.
Savanaclaw: i don’t think leona did anything wrong. ruggie didn’t either. my opinion. i also love jack bc hes so cute and cool. as a dorm.. 🔥🔥🔥 the dorms design is quite possibly my favorite of any of them because it’s very comfortable while maintaining the "wild" feeling the dorm is supposed to represent. ALSO it has the best lounge out of literally any of the dorms I'm serious!! overall 11/10 for savanaclaw because they are my bros and i wish malleus had let them win the magift tournament. 🥀
Ignihyde: yes . i know them. firstofall.... pointy teef. secondof all.... fire hairs. thrid of all... autism. Lastly... Transgenderism that is inherent to robots and gamers. need i say more. i seriously dont care for underworld themes or the dorms high tech design buuuut it's okay because it's such a cool dorm. i LOVE the dorm theme, it’s very lobotomy corp ost. Listen to 1st Warning and 2nd Warning from lobcorp ost bc they are Ignihyde type beats. Idia is my dear sweet wicked one. he’s literally in my top 5 twst characters because hes an otaku character that doesn't suck and embarrass me which is like!! Really hard to find 👍 ALSO more importantly!!! Little homie Ortho is there. he’s only 1 ipad tall with a silly and kind soul and they put him in the torture chamber for 1000 years. two of my specialest angels in one dorm with a story that makes me kill myself one hundred times.
Octavinelle: You are a madman for saying that floyd and jade are over-hyped btw. The fans talk about them a lot but the version of floyd and jade they are hyping up is make believe and not accurate to their souls ¬_¬. i hate how octavinelle fans portray them. i constantly find myself thinking “he would not fucking say that” when looking at tweel fan works. azul is also so so beautiful. im too sleepy to go into detail but they are all 3 very good and interesting characters TO ME. in general, i love love love octavinelle. the ocean aesthetic, the mafia vibes, the autism, and just the whole vibe of the dorm. (<- fish fan) aaaand i like when there is friends who say they arent friends but we know they are. Plus plus i think about them in my mind palace a LOT so they will always be near and dear to me.
Diasomnia: haha. 💀 I love all the characters and I don’t think there has been a single day in the last month where i wasn’t spinning them around in my mind palace. I didn't particularly think of myself as a Diasomnia fan until I finished chapter 6 and I found that I was actually afraid of getting spoiled or something bad happening to any of the characters in chapter 7. Malleus has always been one of my favorite twst characters. His design is perfect, his personality is perfect, his mindset for why he does the things he does and responds to things the way he does is so interesting too. Good starter character to pull you into the torture chamber that is Diasomnia. I’m sure you understand. The family dynamic of the dorm is also really interesting to look at and makes me kill myself 10 thousand times when I get spoiled about it. The aesthetic of the dorm is very nice and I know it smells like spiders in there. Favoritest dorm until I get so crazy I have to destroy my phone and never look at twst again. 💕
This is literally exhausted rambling -_- but I love hopelessness, love, fate, and tragedy more than anyone alive, but I will always have a soft spot for silly guys.
I'm tagging hmmmmmmmm @kizuowen that's all I can think of on account of I cannot remember urls ever
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