#do I think that the void is actively malicious? no-
nest-of-kyshf · 1 month
My personal interpretation of The Void (Hollow Knight)
To be honest, my interpretation of the void is possibly a bit… different than most others you see around. It does appear empty, yet I feel like that emptiness is because of it being above time itself, like, it flat-out can’t have a consciousness like any other thing that exists(if it has a consciousness at all). 
All conscious life in that verse is still bound to time, though wyrms with their foresight can prolly see/sense more of time/timelines in general, and that would likely REQUIRE having a mind that is just built different:™: in order to process that. Meanwhile, the void is unbound by ALL time, it’s ‘seeing’ all of the past, present, AND future all at the same time. Because of the void being so detached to everything going on, with its field of view of time being so vast, it likely can’t really be comprehended by creatures that live in a linear path in time- 
That’s only one part of the equation though, at least in my book, the other is this: It consumes everything about those who fall into it/succumb to it if it can, and I mean EVERYTHING. It does appear to prioritize the minds over the bodies of those it seeks to consume though, honestly, It could also be that in canon the bodies couldn’t reach the void for one reason or another- Pale King was sealed away in a little pocket dimension, the lighthouse keeper could’ve barricaded themselves inside of there before they succumbed, and the only other void-body that I remember seeing was in either queens gardens or greenpath (the one you get the collector key off of)which is… a bit far away from the void. 
It likely dosen't go out of it's way to consume things, mostly passively observing, but instinctively grabbing onto anything that gets too close.
Plus, with the nature of consumption, everything consumed becomes a part of the one that consumes- and with it consuming not only the body but the mind... every memory, sensation, feeling, all just gets… mixed into the dark mass of this thing that is unbound by time and therefore sees and processes things likely SO differently that it’s either incomprehensible, or the, and i mean THE worst overstimulation ever- 
Like I'm thinking, if someone were to comprehend it, it’d likely be a swirling mass of future, present, and past events mixed in with the memories, sensations, and everything else of all the things that have ever been consumed by the void mixed into one single, overstimulating moment. Even if it was just for a second, the aftershocks of just comprehending it fully would prolly cause your brain to just immediately short circuit and shut down due to being so overwhelmed.
Like, to try to describe it, I think that it’d be like suddenly seeing not only 360 degrees around yourself, but also seeing everything else around you in 360, as well as going through all of the taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight, and other sensations of every living thing around you ALL AT ONCE, without changing the way you process information at all.
Sure, the void likely can focus into a specific section of what it sees, (void given focus *nudge nudge*) but without the void actively focusing on a specific thing going on right now at that specific moment in time, it's likely so spread out through quite literally everything that it doesn't register as something that’s actually alive, even if you were to look at it in a much wider perspective- 
tho I also don't think that the void itself is conscious the way other things are, which just adds another layer of alien-ness that's going on-
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thesistersarcheron · 4 months
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Pairing: Elriel Rating: E Word Count: ~4k Tags: PWP, Smut, Outdoor Sex, Feral Behavior, Dominant Azriel, Slight Degradation Kink, Forbidden Love & Secret Relationships, Established Relationship, Post-ACOSF, princess (derogatory), princess (affectionate) Summary: After Rhys reiterates his orders from that wretched Solstice night months later, Azriel snaps, and Elain quite happily earns herself a new nickname.
The long-awaited sequel to Breathless!
Read this fic on AO3 or check out a snippet under the cut.
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The heat of high summer threatened to roast Azriel alive as he flew over Velaris. His shadows shrouded him from the worst of it, cool and mistlike where they lay against his skin, but even they could not fully shield his exposed wings from the sun’s furious glare.
Keep your hands off of my fucking princess.
Rhysand’s voice still echoed in his mind, the memory a fresh hell that was certain to haunt Azriel during his sleepless nights.
If you can’t get your mind out from between her legs, then you could at least pretend to have a shred of respect for her position.
Clenching his jaw against the fury gathering in his throat, Azriel tucked his wings, angling for the ground. Nosediving through the air was reckless, thoughtless—a move that would have gotten him whipped as a novice if any war camp commander had seen—but he savored the wind that stung his eyes and tore at his hair.
This rush of adrenaline felt better than the vicious, lung-shredding unworthiness clawing at his insides. That feeling had sunk its talons into him in his cell beneath his sire’s keep and held on all his life, through wars won and promotions earned and centuries of pining for a female who never wanted him back. 
And just when he thought he might have shaken it…
Now that Nesta has publicly accepted her bond with Cassian, Elain is the closest thing the Night Court has to a princess. And I won’t let you ruin the opportunity in front of us with your cock.
It was back.
In an instant, Az was just a nameless bastard again, clothed in rags and kept secret behind a door locked from the outside. A small, weak boy who had only scarred, ravaged hands and shadows that drove him near to madness to his name. 
He burned to think of the way Rhys’s cold eyes had pinned him to his seat in his heavily warded study in the House of Wind—black, empty pits of night void of any trace of stars. Though Azriel put everything he had into reinforcing the walls of ice around his mind, a ravenous, beastly feeling had stirred at the sight of the disdain in his brother’s expression.
Hell, he’d almost had to rustle his wings just to remind himself that they were no longer two emaciated, useless things hanging limply off his back for well over five centuries.
He had held off though—barely. If only so Rhys didn’t witness that moment of insecurity.
You know better than anyone how many eyes are on her. I won’t have her dragged through the scandal sheets every week like Cresseida and the Vanserra brothers. I expect you can respect that, at the very least?
Azriel could. The gossipmongers of Prythian had better spies than most governments. He could only imagine the malicious horse shit they would sell on every newsstand and street corner if they got the faintest hint of a rumor about the High Lady of Night’s quiet, reclusive sister.
The ground rushed toward him, but he waited until his shadows cried out in fright to snap open his wings. Every muscle and tendon in his back screamed with agony as he caught the wind, pulling out of his dive with a low groan.
While you were gone, Elain expressed a desire to take a more active role in the politics of this court. She cannot do that if she is embroiled in a fucking feud between my spymaster and the gods-damned Autumn Court.
Azriel, stupid with rage, had opened his mouth then. Can’t she? Feyre’s reputation hardly suffered after being caught between two High L—
Even now, with the wind roaring in his ears and his own wingbeats defeaning him, Azriel could hear the ear-splitting CRACK! as Rhysand’s hands slammed onto the desk he so rarely used.
The desk he only used when he wanted to speak to Azriel alone these days. 
Keep your hands off of my fucking princess.
The snarling command played on a loop in Azriel’s head.
And here he was, soaring low over the rooftops of the city, so easily identifiable in his leathers and Siphons. 
Everyone would see him.
People would talk.
He didn’t give a single shit.
He glided over the theater district, the Rainbow. The shadows whispered of shady dealings at the Palaces as they quickly passed beneath him—more insider trading from the governors, apparently, and Azriel tucked the information away for later—and gave way to the Sidra, which snaked down to the grander estates on the river’s eastern banks…
Neat, manicured hedgerows and alabaster stone crept into view.
Azriel hadn’t originally planned to go back to the River House at all after Rhysand summoned him out of the city for a meeting in the House of Wind. It was too risky, knowing Feyre would be home from her evening stroll to put the baby to bed by then. But his head went quiet at the sight of freshly trimmed rose bushes and clean-swept gravel paths. 
His feet touched down between the dahlias and the petunias.
And there she was, wielding a spade against the weeds that had terrorized her rhododendrons since the spring. It was undoubtedly hard work; as he watched, she sat back on her heels and swept the back of her hand over her glistening forehead, leaving a smudge of dirt on her smooth brow.
Elain, the shadows sighed fondly, forgetting the hell Azriel had just put them through.
One, a bold ribbon of utmost darkness, cooed, Princess.
As if Elain could hear the damned things calling to her, she turned her eyes toward him, squinting into the sun. Azriel’s chest squeezed with tenderness as her full lips formed a smile for him. Just for him.
“Azr— Oh!”
Azriel was upon her in three steps, falling to his knees in the cool patch of dirt beside her and hooking an arm around her waist. With his other hand, he took hold of her wrist, disarmed her in a swift, gentle twist of his. He tossed her spade into a bed across the gravel path. 
Better not to have sharp objects anywhere near her right now.
Her tinkling laughter trickled over him like water, a moment of cool relief from the sweltering day. ”Azriel, what in the world brought this on?”
He didn’t say a word. 
He wound the thick length of her hair around his fist and kissed her. It wasn’t a gentle kiss—it was clashing teeth and bruised lips and sharp, possessive nips until he tasted precious metal on his tongue. 
--- Continue on AO3.
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toon-bunny · 19 days
Cathal head canons!!! I'm crazy about this guy so please be warned that there is a LOTTTTT under the cut
voice: Andrew VanWyngarden. soft tone, high pitch, speaks kinda slowly, little bit of vocal fry. breathy/hiccup-y laugh. definitely has that muffled synthetic sound like the in-game voice too
speaking sample (please ignore the weird title, this is just a good compilation)
singing sample (I don't imagine them singing, but I do like the voice effect here and the cadence)
personality: extremely perceptive and smart. friendly, light-heartedly sarcastic guy with a metric ton of non-emotive autism. it's kind of deceiving? because when u think of non-emotive autism u think of a guy who never smiles or changes pitch but Cathal is passively very smiley and has a laid back demeanor. very interesting guy to me. he is VERY passionate about his interests, they just aren't indulged/taken seriously by others so it's believed he just doesn't give a fuck about anything. that and they're still not very animated when infodumping
very alienated from living kind of outside of the cogs lifestyle. not that he should be pitied for not having to work, but how do you live and socialize in a culture completely dedicated to work when you don't Do That. but I think he would have odd friendships with other sellbot managers and probably some others
they have a good relationship with dad of course. I like to think that Allan Gets him and doesn't give him a hard time for his perceived lack of passion or anything like that. but giving him a very cushy job and continuing to encourage him w/ said job that doesn't interest him is just how Allan thinks is the best way to support him. I don't remember where I read this but I love the idea that Allan isn't emotionally getting anything out of his job either BUT he's better at masking that and believes he will if he keeps doing his best - it's "supposed" to feel good. sorry wait this is just me thinking about Allan
I do like the idea that, in addition to this job not really aligning with Cathal's interest, they also dgaf because no one would take them seriously in this position anyway even if they DID try. not only do they look silly and non-serious, they'd still be resented for having this position even if they proved they were qualified for it. so it becomes a feedback loop. I'm basically making a ton of reasons as to why he acts the way he does in canon which might seem excessive when ONE trait would explain it alone, but I really like when there are a bunch of experiences/symptoms/etc that foster a particular behavior/outlook and can't be untangled from each other
I think he likes TV shows because they kind of fill the void of connection with others… cartoons kind of endear them to toons but also whenever a character that represents someone like him shows up, they're 1) malicious and greedy, fat as shorthand for capitalist monster or 2) a selfish, stuffy nerd who's meant to be ridiculed by the audience. so no, liking cartoons doesn't necessarily make him more sympathetic to the toons' cause or push him to help, bc he's led to believe he also doesn't have a place in their society
all of the above points also make them a little intimidated by activism and seeking a better life. I think he got cornered into a particular brand of quiet nihilism. I am definitely inspired by this song
in terms of disabilities and conditions…..chronic insomnia from snoozing and lazing about all day, not getting any energy out when it's appropriate. CFS like crazzzzy. autism of course. and also ADHD's brother, cognitive disengagement syndrome
expanding on their canon interest in TV shows, I'm handing my luv of animation to them, but I also think this is the type of guy who could watch scarier stuff and just enjoy the artistry of it. as in "oh wow those practical effects are so well done" (guy who's unfazed by the horrors). (I'm so jealous of this I want to have this ability)
I think they'd like retro games more than I do, he seems like they'd enjoy a good GBA title. maybe roguelikes and metroidvanias, stuff that could be considered tedious and punishing to some but a really fun and rewarding way to waste time to others. he's got a lot of time on his hands to metaphorically bash his head against the wall with more difficult titles ykwim?
this bit's inspired by my friend's AU Toon After Time, I can't undo the association between them and tech knowledge/know-how LOL. I knowwww he collects VHS tapes and other old equipment and can also troubleshoot anything to do with old TVs, VCRs, etc
other details…
I KNOWWWWW it's so cliche to give the cogs tails but I can't help it I LOVE ROBOT TAILS. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. plus I love the idea that if cogs have tails, they are prehensile, but Cathal can't even be arsed and just lets it drag everywhere so it's all worn out and torn up from getting stepped on/caught in stuff. I also like the idea of it flopping VERY slowly once or twice if they're happy. like a very old dog wagging its tail
inspired by this post by bunglefication, I love the idea that Gizmo is treated well by Cathal and is more like a service animal to them :D so awesomes
bc my friend suggested "closet femme Cathal" once I am now 100% sold on Cathal dressing at least a little more femme at home 🌈 likes to get cutes with it for funsies. other than that, I like the idea of 90s tech guy/TTRPG guy type clothing for them. like imagine a Best Buy employee or Blockbusters employee in the 90s do you see my vision
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sapphicnsh · 6 months
hey random thought but I was looking at the overseer description on the rain world wiki and it said that the green overseers only spawn in outer expanse and subterranean and that got me thinking
unlike spearmaster who had srs watching over them through the red overseer (until pebbles zap it outta existence) Hunter didn’t have any overseer watching over them
That means that Nsh wouldn’t know for sure if Hunter succeed in the mission because Hunter never made it back home, either succumbing to the rot or passing on through the void sea and Siggy wasn’t watching his cat unlike Suns
Nsh probably thought that once Moon wakes up, she could message the entire local group again however, Moon’s collapse left her in a state where she couldn’t communicate with the other iterators even after her revival
I mean, to cut slack for Nsh. Pebbles did put the entire region into lockdown (see five pebbles dialogue for when gourmand first enters the cann) so he probably couldn’t get in with Hunter but still
from Nsh’s perspective moon’s fate is uncertain. His hunter’s fate is uncertain.
Maybe he saw the little messenger going through subterranean which meant that Hunter probably succeeded. Maybe the last he has seen if his slugcat was before the Hunter entered the region and Hunter hasn’t returned home yet nor did Moon showed any signs of activity.
Maybe his plan worked and the keys were delivered. He wouldn’t know for sure…
basically all I’m saying is that Nsh feels like the person who would had definitely thrown more (hopefully non-cancerous) slugcats towards Moon instead of tossing Hunter and the angstiest option for why he didn’t was because he thought his plan fail as Hunter will never go home in the base game and Moon couldn’t communicate her revive
UGH YES!!! i hc that you can still see sig’s overseers sometimes in subterranean/outer expanse is because she’s still…well, desperately searching. at first for a sign of hunter, and then for a sign of moon when he realizes hunter’s probably not returning, or perhaps a way to get into the facility to see if his plan even worked.
part of the reason i think hunter was so sick is just because by the time sig made her, his facility wasn’t in the best shape, and he was rushing, desperate to save moon. in the note she sends her it literally says “excuse the unorthodox delivery method, equipment eroding etc etc”. i truly do not believe sig is “bad at making slugcats” or “didn’t follow suns’ instructions” because his dialogue PROVES THAT HE CAME UP WITH THE CONCEPT FIRST. (sorry that shit grinds my gears when ppl brush sig off as either stupid or malicious when it comes to hunter) because like…this mission is SO important to her. why the hell would he make hunter sick, therefore limiting her time to get to moon and possibly causing her death before she could reach her goal?
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hunter’s last wish in the void sea is to be back in sig’s arms. if he were truly malicious/didn’t show respect for her messengers, why would hunter want to return? so yeah, seeing his overseer out in the outer expanse, searching for hunter or a sign of moon being alive just ;-;
i don’t rlly think she sent more messengers after that, mainly bc he knows any slugcats he makes after hunter will likely meet the same fate due to the erosion of her equipment/the fact he thinks “there will be nothing left of moon by the time one is ready”. sig just breaks my heart because she tried and tried and tried, reaching out as far as he could, and still never knew if his plan even worked. i’m gonna stop here bc if i keep talking i am going to be writing a goddamn essay that would be better than anything i ever turned in in university LMFAO i have so many goddamn Feelings about no significant harassment rain world.
also me n ghost are actually doing an rp that’s kind of like this lmfao, and in it the reason hunter gets sick is because sig basically works herself so hard she ends up damaging his structure and the sudden power failure/shutdown affects his experiments. (obviously that has no basis in canon and is more just us writing fanfiction about what could have possibly happened)
anyways after all that angst, here is a screenshot from my game where sig’s overseer showed up and sees moon bringing sluppy hunter home :’) in my dreams i can pretend she made it back LMFAO
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First meditation with Khaos, the vast void of space
Quick warnings: this is a pretty long post, but I'm using it as a way to record everything I remember happening during this meditation so it has things other than just what happened with Khaos! This is also actually originally written weeks ago, I just left it in my drafts for ages whoops.
Another note: I won't be using only she/her pronouns for Khaos in the future, although I don't think they give a singular fuck either way, I just am tired today and wanted to get this posted without having to edit it.
UPG disclaimer. Even the title is UPG, my personal associations with Khaos.
So, I had things to do and decided I wanted to have a proper chat with Loki about it. I started up my meditation music, grabbed whatever crystals felt right, and laid down.
One of the first things they did was hug me. I am someone who has issues with receiving love, and this caught me entirely off guard. Of course I go "wtf bitch you can't do that???" And he basically told me something along the lines of "fuck you I do what I want." (Note: Loki is deeply salty that I cannot remember their actual wording, as it did not have the boundary breaking "I hug you if I want no matter your thoughts on it" implications this wording does. Loki is big on boundaries being respected with me. I feel the need to write that down.)
But we chatted about a spell I was planning, and Loki- who promptly draped himself across a couple logs all dramatically- was very enthusiastic about helping. We went back and forth, I also brought up Apollo to say hello, and then I felt... someone on the edge of things. Apollo was pretty abruptly gone, which makes sense for reasons I'll explain in a moment.
Loki stepped beside me, and sort of had their arm over my shoulders in a distinctly protective manner. Thing is, nothing felt malicious, and I asked them why the hell they seemed so protective when I felt perfectly safe. They explained that I was safe, but "she's pretty fucking intimidating so you might need someone to keep you steady."
Enter Khaos. I realized it was her because instead of a humanoid, or even recognizable form, suddenly within the protected astral space I go when I meditate (I'll just call it "homespace" from now on) is this massive fucking orb of void.
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Except this is much bigger, and the orb I was met with was only... "half" of one. Like it'd been sliced, a few solid chunks cut out, like when a video game renders wrong and certain chunks won't load. I actively tried to imagine it as whole, to change it- it wouldn't budge. When I took the above screenshot as a reference, seeing how tiny my character was compared to the in-game thing that I compared Khaos to, it brought a whole new meaning to Loki's explanation as to why it was only half of an orb.
"She's trying not to scare you."
Loki assured me that they would be with me the whole time, that we were not leaving homespace and the orb was completely within the protection of homespace, and we walked in. It was pitch black, void all around, and I could see Loki as if he was lit up in the middle of day but that was it. Khaos came out of the void, sort of appearing out of the "wall" of darkness- being formed from it herself as if it were liquid. I asked her what she had to say.
She looked at me, just smiled, and said "good luck."
I admit, I laughed. I pointed out that THAT sounded ominous as hell. I knew what she meant- she was genuinely wishing me luck, since I have a lot of growth ahead of me and working with her is going to be a pretty big deal for me. But at the time, I couldn't help but laugh. Later, when I was recounting this to my mom, I got a very clear image of hands of darkness holding a bright orb of light. Offering it to me. It wasn't just wishing me luck. It was a gift.
Not long after that, I was suddenly made more aware of my physical body in the form of an ant crawling across me. I got the ant off of me, and went back- only to find that I couldn't just go back to the void we were standing in. Loki met me where we originally had started, and confirmed that I wasn't able to go into her space uninvited. I told them I couldn't go through the process of getting further into a meditative state and walking back into the void, and they said it was okay.
And I swear to you, I'm not fucking with you when I say this is exactly what was said next.
Me: "So... It's so interesting- Is the only way to talk to her to go into the void, be consumed by her energy entirely?"
Khaos, suddenly behind me: "Sort of, but not entirely no."
Me, finding out that my startle reflex is just as bad in the astral: "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST-"
Khaos: "No." (As in no, she's not Jesus. /Lh I just feel like it might not be clear!)
You guys. She wasn't even trying to be funny. I adore Khaos already I'm gonna have a fucking great time.
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forlorn-crows · 7 months
You can't just ask me this crow, I'm so bitchy bestie-
So I'm gonna give you two I'm most bitchy about :)!
Ghoul characterized wrong? It's Rain. Oh my god. It's rain all the way, people either make him a shy little thing uwu boy or he's a massive bitch. Not even a fun bitch, like genuinely I've seen some people write him as being so snarky and nasty for literally no reason and it drives me up the walls!!!!! Like yes he can be bitchy, he's a little sharp tongued at times, but he's not? Malicious? Or cold-hearted? Honestly it's more recent I've noticed the shift towards bitchy Rain than anything else, like end of last tour coming into this one but this one especially. It frustrates me to nooo end because like, stop it, I'm putting him up on a shelf you can have him back when you learn to be nice to my babygirl.
Ghoulette? Cumulus but especially Lus when she's shipped with other ghouls. By herself she's seemingly always the mom casted character (I'm pretty sure you've heard my feelings on this already so I won't bore you with that rant today) and just sooooo bland, but when she's shipped with any of the boys (90% of the time it's Mountain specifically) it feels like she literally doesn't care about them? Feels like she's written as just tolerating their affections, its rarely ever her being actively in love with someone else.....?? I think thats why I'm so fond of the way you write her and Mountain tbh, because it actually feels like she, yknow, likes him.
I have opinions man.
- Void
we're here to biiitch lets goooo (though i said it already, when it boils down to it, there is very little i seriously have a problem with when it comes to how we as a community write ghouls that technically dont even have fucking names lmao. its just interesting to see what irks people, and how true some of the patterns can be amongst fellow creatives)
malicious is def the word i was trying to find when speaking about dew being written as mean. look, i love mean rain as much as the next person. bc mean rain is hooot. but hes not 'mean for the sake of being mean' like i said. as a person. obviously kink and scenes are very different, i'll try to stick to speaking about character as a whole. but, i get what you mean, its like, im pretty sure he exists somewhere in the middle there?
and some others have some thoughts about the 'uwu boys' as well. and yeah, honestly? i want my ghouls to read as old as fuck hellbeasts. i dont want them reading like innocent children. and i dont want to get in a debate about agre either, bc thats a different boat, but thats part of the reason i dont read or write agre. rain is not a dainty shy innocent uwu little creature. he is strange and offputting and confident and reserved when he needs to be etc etc.
again, ive got specific stuff to go over about lus. but, i do think you bring up a good point about writing the ghoulettes in relation to the ghouls. which, as a bi woman, why dont we write different gender pairings moree????? hello????? again, different topic, not the task at hand. but i think it has to do with what you're saying here. its like there's a piece missing in their interactions. and sometimes it can get into objectification territory bc they arent fleshed out properly.
if were saying the ghouls are poly....then the GHOULS. ARE. POLY. you know what im saying?? its not just the group of 'boys' and the group of 'girls'. i want the in between too. and i'll always make a point to write more of it. thank you for being fond of my mountlus, bc i am very fond of them and their relationship.
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jaw-writes · 2 months
I Despise You Darling
I despise everything about you. Your endless void eyes, freakishly long legs, ever smug smile, deceptively soft touch, strangely floral scent. All of it. You attack each of my senses every time you come near me. To think that we were once best friends, I had more faith in you than anyone, whenever I needed advice or a shoulder to cry on, I went to you first. You meant the world to me; it makes me feel sick whenever I remember how the girl I loved was a lie 
You betrayed me, your best friend, in the name of a grotesque experiment where I’m the lab rat. There’s no doubt that you started the fire that continues to burn my life, but I can’t deny that I’ve enjoyed pouring the gasoline. At first, I did my best to avoid becoming obsessed with you, constantly holding myself back knowing it was wrong, but you made it impossible. Your mind is a carefully curated garden brimming with all sorts of life. As each day went by, I wanted to pick another flower from it, feel another blade of grass, and bask in its intrigue. 
I learned so much about you through observation, that I never could as your friend. Last year when I found out that you’d been stalking me, I had no idea why you’d do such a thing, now I understand. If watching me gave you a quarter of the feelings I get from watching you, then I’d almost forgive your actions. Gazing at your life through an analytical lens elicits feelings in me I didn’t know existed. It’s almost impossible to describe the manic rush of joy and power I get. 
Although, I think we enjoy it in different ways based on how we view each other. To you I’m your favorite seed in your garden, you want to watch me grow into your ideal tree. So, you take what you know about how I function, and combine it with your understanding of the world to make a compost for me. As brutal as the water you drown me in and the harsh sun you scorch me with is, it’s all part of your method to make me grow. I am a creation you live to see reach its full potential.  
To me, you’re the opposite, a malicious computer program that I enjoy watching destroy itself. You have never felt an ounce of empathy and have always needed to control any device you encounter. Once you find a target, you infect them with your virus, mining every piece of their data, and adding them to your collection of stolen lives. You successfully did it to me, but unlike the others, you kept going. Focusing on my activity far after you were done stealing from me, constantly coming back to see how I’d adapt to a new trojan horse you threw.  
Soon, I became the only user you engaged with, no other piece of tech mattered unless it was connected to me, and God, did seeing you like that feed my ego. A smile forces its way to my face at your meticulous plans growing in detail and intensity as you can’t focus on anything else. I, a random individual with nothing but a hint of illness to him, is who you put all your resources into. I’m unable to fear you anymore, while I gaze at you practically living for me. In your efforts to crumble and rebuild my life. You’ve made yourself incapable of having your own.  
Both of us have embraced the worst aspects of ourselves through the sick experiments we’ve been running on each other. You may be the greater evil between us, but I’m no longer afraid to admit that I’ve become a devil myself. I mean, I lured you into an abandoned warehouse, called upon one of my allies to help me fight you, and then shot you ceaselessly, making sure it was in areas that would maim, but not kill you. Now why would I do that? To make you paralyzed, of course. I was incredibly particular about where I aimed.  
You’ll be unable to move your limbs for at least four months, which invigorates me. I’ve been watching you and your caretaker. It’s great seeing both your arms and legs in casts. You had already been losing your strength to your fixation on me, but now you’ll be incapable of running away. If you find yourself fearing me right now, know that whatever happens next is your fault. I’m not the Anti-Christ, so I’ll simply enjoy observing your lack of mobility, with no further harm, but prepare yourself because the moment you can walk, I’ll be waiting.  
Unless I’m lying like you always lied to me, and I’ll strike once one of your limbs heal. Maybe I’ll be tracking you even more and will be able to tell if you’re pretending that you haven’t healed so I don’t hurt you sooner. Maybe I won’t even wait for when your body starts recovering, and you’ll wake up to me standing over your bed with my hands on your neck. I know how much you like analyzing and picking out patterns with me, so I’ll make sure you never know what to expect. I could be bluffing, and this is all to scare you off, so I’ll be done with you, you’ll never know. 
Are you starting to regret choosing me for this? Does the thought that you’ve grown a deadly poison plant out of your control kill you? Or are you loving this as much as I am, and you want to rub yourself all over me to get a blistering rash? I think it’s a mix of both for you, but who am I to say, it’s not like I’ve been watching your every move, right? No matter what you feel, just remember, I despise you, darling. 
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coolcattime · 9 months
hey cat!! I was thinking about the s1 finale, specifically Ianite feeding(?) Capsize’s remains to her dragon, I’ve always thought that it was super strange that she did that.
But thinking on it more, I don’t think the act is as malicious as it seems on the surface. I say this because Ianite’s Heart, something of high importance, was being kept in the stomach of a dragon in the nether, and I think it’s the same for Capsize’s remains. They were put there for safe keeping, and I’m like almost certain there’s also some annoying labyrinth in the end dragon’s stomach too.
And in Ianite’s Dream #5, I think it’s interesting that there is doubt put on s1 Ianite and her word. to be fair that opinion comes from mot (and s2 Ianite as well I think), but I do think there being doubt on Ianite at all is interesting. Because what if she is just straight up lying about needing/wanting to revive Dianite? She technically doesn’t need to, she just has to wait for arguably the much better option (Tom) to come back. And to my knowledge/ memory, the alts don’t know that Tom became Mecha- Dianite, so if that was information being actively kept from them by her? it’s also not a good look for her.
Basically, Ianite getting what she wants (capsize back) through underhanded methods. Which I think is a nice contrast to s1 Dianite, because when he wanted something it’s very loud and aggressive and in everyone’s face, which is also I think how s2 Ianite can be sometimes to maybe a lesser extent.
I also don’t think that s1 Ianite is evil, definitely traumatized, but not evil. I think she’s a god who couldn’t achieve what was asked of her (something she too wanted) and is now trying to re attempt that with a different method. Goddess of balance, she decides where the scales tip.
Hi hi hi hi!!
I’ve been thinking about this ask all day at work, and I love all of this. I love it so much. It’s added some ideas into my post timeline.
I do think that Capsize’s body being fed to the end dragon was a little weird. Not necessarily malicious, but it definitely isn’t the honourable funeral she could’ve given her. And I really like the idea that Ianite uses the dragon to store her body, to keep her safe until she has the opportunity to either give her a real funeral or, as it ends up being, trying to revive her again.
In my head, a traditional Ianerean funeral involves burning the body and then scattering the ashes across the sea, both as an act of balance and as a way to continue travelling the seas even after their death. There is also an Ianitee tradition of void funerals given that they’ve previously had communities in the end, with the idea that the deceased will continue to travel between the stars and the worlds, but it’s been long enough since there’s been any communities in the end that this idea is mostly lost to time. Now Ianite could’ve given Capsize a void funeral, but I think she hesitates, she knows neither of the Ianitees currently present know the old tradition, so she decides to store the body, though hiding that fact from those present.
And I imagine she, in her own head, fully intended to take her back to Ianerea and give her an actual funeral, or to give her a void funeral once the terrible hurt and string of her death wasn’t so fresh. But long before it fades, or even really dulls, the alts appear and I imagine that she realises what they’re trying to do, and, as you said due to her trauma and desperate want to fix things, she takes advantage of them to try and revive Capsize again.
Now, to link this with Ianite’s Dream 5 (click here for link to lican’s original post transcribing it) I think this makes me like that book a lot more. Now, I still think those books are very weird to read, as it’s one character detailing her opinion of another, while having very little insight into her (and frankly seeming to dislike her), while also referring to both herself and the other character as ‘I’, and they work better as S2!Ianite’s insights into the alts than anything about S1!Ianite. But!! I do think there’s some real interesting stuff when looking at it through the lenses that Ianite1 is trying to revive Capsize as opposed to Dianite.
It seems as well that I have lost my heart. Although it was returned, its long absence left some traits permanent: my rigid face, even voice, and immovable temperament.
Now, I said in my original reblog of that post, that I believe that the analysis given, that Ianite’s lack of emotion has basically nothing to do with her losing her heart and more to do with her mourning Capsize. I don’t really blame Ianite2 for misinterpreting (because I think the only characters that realise Ianite1 is in love with Capsize are Mot, Spark, and Martha and, yes, that includes the Season 1 characters), but I do think that is the reality. That having lost someone she cared so much about, she’s become more distant.
Mot has studied patterns of betrayal all his life. He believes that if Dianite wronged me in this world, he will do it again. Why revive such a fiend? To bring back his fairer reflection in Ruxomar? Perhaps they will balance each other when both alive.
But Mot does not trust it. He was raised by criminals.
Now, this bit. This is gonna go maybe a little out there. I wanna suggest that Mot not only questions why Ianite1 would want to bring Dianite1 back, but that he completely sees through the idea, because he recognises the sense of loss, the desperation to get someone back, the self-blaming for the person being gone in the first place, and he knows that isn’t about Dianite. He also knows that Ianite isn’t telling them all the truth, but he can’t get her to actually admit it.
These interactions are then interpreted by Ianite2 as what’s written, with her judging Mot as being stubborn and possibly ruining the plan, despite him being right. (I don’t think this is what canon intended, but erm… I don’t care). I also think, just from what I’ve written, Mot is the first person to work out that Ianite1 is/was in love with Capsize.
And I genuinely think that you’re right, Ianite deliberately decides to hide that the Dianite of her world is now Tom. Between the man that imprisoned her, and the man she finds vaguely annoying, she’d much rather wait for Tom to return. But she sees them determined to revive Dianite, and she knows that they aren’t going to stop, so she lies. She gives them some instruction, but she knows that, if they do accomplish anything, it’ll be furthering reviving Capsize, not her brother. Because maybe it’ll be done right this time, maybe she can fix her mistake.
Now, for how I now wanna tie this into my post timeline (because I have decided I genuinely like this idea), Spark, Jeriah, and Alyssa are trying, guided by Ianite, to revive ‘Dianite’, not realising they are actually working to revive Capsize. Due to having to work on surviving in a world literally changing around them, they make very slow process, but they seemingly make some when, whilst exploring the abandoned temple in the Nether, a spirit latches onto Spark. They don’t realise for quite a while that the spirit isn’t Dianite, but rather a fragment of Capsize’s.
They write off the wrong spirit latching as an accident, until everyone from Ruxomar (minus Tom and Jordan) show up, and Sonja begins working on her own revival method… and ends up coming up with one that, isn’t identical, but has some very identical steps to the instructions given by Ianite. And then… well, I’m not quite sure of everyone’s reactions, but definitely a mess.
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grayblacklight · 7 months
Well then. That circus sure was digital. I guess I'll throw my first impressions out there, by going through what I thought about each of the main characters.
Spoilers are under the cut:
So, I'm only slightly familiar with Gooseworx- all I have is their covers of spider dance and the song that might play when you fight sans, but that's enough to not be even remotely surprised to find myself reminded of the annoying dog's games. And I think the strongest comparison I have is between Caine and Deltarune's secret bosses.
I mean, in a series about characters being trapped in a digital world, it's practically inevitable that the concept of 'freedom' would be looming over it, just like Jevil and Spamton are both tied to the concept. But there's a couple of other things too. The way Caine blue screens, lists things, and presents the circus and adventure all feel like things Spamton would say - calling it now, there's going to be an animatic for that at the very least - but it's the comparison with Jevil I find a bit more interesting.
Obviously, they are both entertainers with a lot of power that act very upbeat despite being in some form of prison. But they also both like to play up how much they can do. Much like how Jevil can't literally do anything, Caine seems to be more limited than he lets on. For instance, his 'thousands of all-seeing eyes' apparently don't see the abstracted Kaufmo, Pomni actively searching for him, or Jax somehow getting keys everyone's rooms and pulling pranky, he admits that he can't control human minds, his 'NPCs' seem to act independently from him (and one bubble eats his cake against his wishes, meaning he probably doesn't have complete control over them either), and of course he doesn't seem to have control over the exit door's random appearances. Also, while he does lean on the fourth wall when talking about someone being in the void, I'm not sure it was a fourth wall break- could just be implying that the void is where he keeps projects that aren't finished yet, which would make sense. Regardless, Caine and Jevil use their powers in the same way - to do basically whatever they want.
But the main reason I don't currently suspect him is that the main cast largely seems to trust him, even though they REALLY don't have a reason to. Most of the characters seem to be fine with the adventures, Ragatha tells Pomni to get him for help, and they help him try to keep Pomni away from the fake(?) exit door. So while there's definitely some suspicious stuff going on with this guy, I'm not ready to accuse him of being evil.
As for if he is secretly evil? Well he's probably not human, but some type of AI- although I can't say for sure either way myself - and if so he might be programmed with some malicious objectives or even to be super manipulative, but I personally doubt he's like, the big bad. I mean, it REALLY doesn't seem likely that he's the one who set up the headsets, and although we know so little for certain that nearly any information we've been told in episode one could potentially be a lie (especially since we don't know how reliable of narrators the characters are), at the same time I'm not going to try and pick them apart until I have a reason to think they are lying a and/or some more concrete facts to work off of and compare it against.
Edit one: Caine is apparently confirmed to both be an AI and not evil, so I guess I had a good read on him. He also apparently has some type of brother, which is interesting but for now not very useful info. Basically, he's not malicious, just very very bad with humans.
I don't have nearly as much to say about Pomni, in no small part because she spent so much time freaking out and responding to this situation in such a natural way that I didn't pick up a lot about her actual personality - mostly just the mirror scene and we'll, how she responds to overwhelming anxiety. We basically only have one aspect of her character and it's her reactions to fear and stress. That's not an issue or anything, it's episode one and she's the main character, we'll find out plenty more in later episodes.
The rest I could clump together for now, but I know you wanna hear about Jax first. Yeah, he's the funniest character in the show. He's like a DND character that is min-maxed into speed and charisma so he could be a coward and trickster without having everyone hate him for it. Leans on the fourth wall, causes problems on purpose, and makes a very, very interesting remark.
Getting this out of the way now, I also don't have a lot to say about Zooble, they were out of commission for half the episode. Interesting that they are the one person who explicitly isn't on board with an adventure, could have some other agenda or just be tired, I don't know. I will note that it seems like Caine did intend to for the adventure to be unobtrusive like they asked, as the groinks were largely contained to the tent, they just didn't get a chance to leave first.
Edit two: I missed the part where Zooble is to be referred to with they/them pronouns, I've edited the paragraph as to not misgender them. Seems that they're confirmed to be struggling with their identity and gender, here's hoping they work that out.
But I digress - we still really don't know a lot about Jax. Like, I suspect that the looney tunes chaotic prankster persona is a bit he uses to keep himself sane. If any character is going to get a focus episode (although given the cast and setting this might be the type of show where each episode focuses on a character) it's going to be him. Heck, I could see him acting as the antagonist for an episode, where he decides to turn the trickster persona up to 11.
Describing Kinger and Gangle as the most mentally stable people to deal with the adventure was one of the funniest bits in the episode, but I started to wonder if it's actually true. I mean, we very quickly get to see that Ragatha is very much putting up a front- I wonder Jax and Ragatha are just better at hiding their problems. Jax also admitted that he thought Kinger would be the next to lose it, so perhaps he isn't the best judge of that. It would be interesting if getting so deep into the part was part of how Kinger kept himself together for so long.
Edit three: I should clarify that I don't really think this is the case as of now, just that it's a notable possibility. Also interesting is the confirmed existence of a 'Queen' counterpart to Kinger. There's definitely some separation anxiety there. Also, Gangle is confirmed to like anime and drawing, and owns a body pillow. No character is currently specified to be on it.
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Vio and Shadow with "9) an empty book, cobwebs, a storm"
"What are you even expecting to find here?" Shadow asks for the millionth time.
He's lounging on the arm of a sheet-covered couch, sneering at the state of the room with disdain. He seems especially wary of the cobwebs covering nearly every inch of the walls, casting veiled shadows on the wall every time lightning flashes outside.
"I'm looking for what I'm always looking for." Vio sighs, adjusting his grip on the flashlight. He doesn't have to finish the thought- Shadow is only asking to be a nuisance. They both know what he's here to find.
A demon.
Rule number one of demon hunting: keep your ears to the rumor mill. Strange disappearances, abnormal behavior, warped amalgamations and violent murders are all early warning signs of demonic activity. Vio tries to stay on top of it all before too much damage can be done.
The less casualties, the better.
The rumor was that this house is haunted. Just from the state of it, Vio might have been inclined to agree- but there were too many signs to the contrary.
Stupid teenagers who thought it'd be fun to break in suddenly pulling a 180 on their personality.
Sweet kids turning cruel and malicious.
Bullies becoming nervous wrecks.
A highschool student with no behavior problems prior to entering and leaving the place got ahold of a knife and stabbed three other students before being subdued.
It's not hard to connect the dots.
Lightning flashes outside again, thunder rumbling the walls. A rat scurries across the floor. Vio notes how it seems unchanged.
"Whatever it is, it has no interest in animals." He says, mostly to himself. "It must need a humanoid host to possess."
He hears Shadow scoff from behind him. "Amazing detective work there, Sherlock. You've solved the mystery! Can we go home now?"
Vio clicks the flashlight off, pursing his lips at Shadow. "No, we cannot." He wrinkles his nose at him. "Your commentary is both unnecessary and unwelcome."
Shadow's eyes glow in the dark, casting his face in red. He sneers at Vio. "Oh? I thought you needed my help with all of this. Is our contract null and void? Vi-o-let?"
Vio can feel his eyebrow twitching. "It is not. I haven't completed my task. Therefore, you are still in my service." He puts his hands on his hips, staring him down. "Now, do you actually have anything useful to say? Or shall we move on?"
Shadow hisses, baring his unnaturally sharp teeth.
"I hate you."
"The feeling is mutual."
"It's not the house itself."
Vio raises his eyebrows.
Shadow huffs, crossing his arms. "The house isn't the demon. And there's nothing indicating that it has a physical form, or this place and everything in it- and probably for a few miles around- would be fucked to shit."
"Yes, I agree, Holmes." Vio can't help but smirk at the jab.
"Oh, fuck you!" Shadow throws his hands up. Vio can't help but note how his gaze flicks to the cobwebs in the room. "You asked me to be helpful, and that's my thanks?"
"You called me Sherlock." Vio shrugs, turning and moving to the next room. "Ergo, you are Holmes."
Shadow grumbles behind him, calling him a few choice insults in demonic as Vio walks into a dusty, trashed library. Oh, it breaks his heart to see such a place reduced to this. He observes a quick moment of silence before clicking his flashlight on and walking in.
The damage looks recent. What once was a handsome desk has caved in through the middle, likely from a body- or several- crashing into it. Rain splashes through a broken window, dripping water onto the floor and soaking into some of the books. The smell of mold and mildew is decadent in the worst possible way.
Something shiny catches his eye: a school ID card. He recognizes the photo on it as the student stabber.
"What a dump." Shadow grumbles. "Ugh, and there's more cobwebs. What the fuck is up with Hyrule and cobwebs?"
"Do you notice anything strange?" Vio asks.
"Uh, yeah. I think I see some bofa right there in the corner."
Vio rolls his eyes. "I'm aware of the joke. You will not catch me off guard yet."
Shadow curses him out in demonic some more, and lightning crashes outside, lighting up the room again. Vio spots the book then.
Inconspicuous, except it is the only book in the room not molded, waterlogged, torn to shreds, or too faded to read.
Vio gets an ill feeling in his stomach.
Rule number two of hunting demons: make sure you know what the demon is before you find it. An addendum to rule number two: expect the unexpected.
"Do you know of demons who inhabit books?" He asks Shadow, debating whether to reach for his knife or for the salt.
"I know demons who trade in books." Shadow scoffs. "Forbidden knowledge and all that jazz. I don't know of demons who hide in books, or who are books. That would be such a shitty form to take- who even does that?"
"You're asking me?" Vio tosses him the flashlight, and Shadow curses as he fumbles the catch. "Hold this."
He approaches it, muscles tensed and poised. The ill feeling only gets worse. The book is the demon- or holds the demon, maybe? Either way, he's sure of it. He nudges the book with his shoe.
No reaction.
He flips the cover open. The book slumps open, a conspicuous breeze flipping the pages rapidly and throwing more rain through the window. Vio takes a step back, hackles raising.
The light of his flashlight falls on his own face, captured in photo realistic detail on one of the pages.
"Motherfucker." He curses.
Ink lifts from the page, surging towards him, oozing black ichor reaching for his face, a face, his face, staring at him, eyes red bared grin teeth teeth teeth and he doesn't have time to grab his salt when he's suddenly on his back, fighting for his life. He pushes it back with all of his strength, kicks at any sensitive spot he might be able to reach but it's impossible to tell in the dark and his hands and foot sink into the ichor and it laughs a haunted house animatronic laugh that would be comical if it weren't coming from the death in his face.
"Shadow!" He shouts, because his demonic partner is just sitting and watching, amused.
Shadow just tsks at him. "My, my, seems you're in over your head, Sherlock."
"Do something!" Vio hisses, jerking to the side as the face-stealer lunges, it's dripping false face smashing into the floorboards inches from Vio's head.
"Hm. . .is that how we ask people for favors?" Shadow's teeth glint as lightning flashes, thunder shaking the walls.
Vio can feel his strength sapping away. He can feel himself being pulled into the demon's body. It lifts its face, his face, from the floorboards, looming over him.
Shadow leaves him no choice.
"Darkness within the Hero's Soul, I order you: protect me now!"
Vio's inverted triforce brand glows purple, and Shadow's gleam red in return, and everything happens very fast. The face stealer lunges, but Shadow is there, an eldritch mass of shadows and limbs and teeth, ripping into the demon and tearing him from Vio's body.
If Vio weren't used to seeing true demons, he'd be terrified. Shadow is the movement out of the corner of your eye, the darkness in your closet, the bogeyman under the bed. A waking nightmare, the visions at the end of your bed during sleep paralysis. Inky ichor is useless against his shifting roiling form, but he has no problem sinking his multiple maws into the face stealer.
"Close the book!" He shouts at Vio, snapping him from his reverie. It's all Vio needs to roll under their snapping and howling fight, grabbing the old tome and forcing it shut, dropping his weight on it as the demon is dragged back towards it. He pulls the knife from his cargo pants, its wicked gleam flashing, and plunges it through the cover.
Hellfire explodes from the book. Shadows slide over him like a second skin, protecting him from the unholy heat. The face stealer howls in its death throes, thrashing screaming roaring as he shoves the knife in deeper.
His ears ring as it finishes. The book crumbles to dust.
The rain outside seems to ease up.
"Well, isn't this intimate." Shadow purrs, his voice startlingly close to Vio's ear.
"Get off!" Vio jerks, ripping at the shadows still covering his skin. "Ugh!"
Shadow coalesces behind him, laughing. Vio has half a mind to throw salt at him.
"Oh man, your heart started beating so hard! Creepy haunted houses and face stealing demons don't phase you at all, but oh, intimacy, the horror!"
Vio stands up, brushes himself off, and glares at him, and then he smirks.
"You just rolled into a spiderweb." He informs him.
The satisfaction he gets from Shadow's undignified scream might be a little sick, but considering all the bullshit he just went through?
Worth it.
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spacetrashpile · 1 year
ok so i wanna shout into the void about the life series idea my brain gave me at like 2 AM last night.
we borrow the random lives mechanic from last life, as well as the life giving mechanic.
everyone gets randomly assigned x number of lives, probably somewhere between 2-6 again but it doesn’t super matter. all that matters is everyone knows how many lives everyone CAN get.
everyone gets randomly assigned their number of lives, but they don’t get a name color. instead, everyone’s names stay white, and you know only how many lives you have for certain. of course everyone CAN tell other people how many lives they have, but there’s no way to confirm what other people tell you.
there’s no boogeyman, and the killing rules technically stay the same as third and last life, but because no one knows anyone’s colors- not even when they go red- there’s no way to call someone on it. you just have to trust they’re playing by the rules (everyone’s been pretty good about this in the past, and none of them are actively malicious. plus kills would have to be limited until you died at least once, because you can’t start red).
the biggest intrigue of this season (to me at least) would be the life giving mechanic. giving a life would be the easiest way to reassure someone you were telling them the truth, because you must be CONFIDENT in yourself in order to do it, but it also requires you to trust them. this is a season that requires so much trust that is sometimes quite difficult to get in the life series. i think it would leave everyone walking on weird alliances and eggshells, like an even tenser version of the yellow truce in limited life.
the biggest problem here would be spoilers from the fandom. it would be ridiculous to expect people to not touch their comments or fandoms or what have you for weeks to avoid spoilers. so here would be my proposal to stop that: instead of filming a session each week and putting it out in the same week, all of the sessions are recorded in one period of time, however long that takes, and start coming out once a week once the game is done. this would probably help solve some scheduling issues the life series tends to have to- if there’s no weekly timeline, they can film whenever everyone is free. and it would give people more time to edit their episodes! it would just generally give everyone a lot more grace.
and the OTHER thing: this would be a stupidly easy way to avoid nameMC spoilers, which it seems ccs are either becoming more aware of or more annoyed by lately. not only would people not necessarily be looking (necessarily. i won’t say i don’t stalk nameMC outside of series sometimes just to see what everyone’s up to, lol.) but skins would also be a spoiler to your fellow players! i mean, sure, you COULD change your skin to try and reassure other people, but no one would know if you were being truthful, and even if you were, is that necessarily the best strategy? don’t want to put a target on your back by broadcasting such a secret.
idk what this one would be called, maybe false life or secret life or something, but i genuinely think it would be super cool. like obviously i don’t expect this to be a thing we ever see cause i’m just a guy shouting into the void of my tumblr, but i know people predicted last and double life before they happened, maybe grian’s got a secret tumblr and is looking for ideas. if that is the case i give you blanket permission to use this lol.
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radfemreblogs · 1 year
So I think this blog will mostly just be silent reblogs because that’s how I tend to use tumblr, I might post my own thoughts sometimes but it’ll just be me figuring out how I feel about things without expecting much response just shouting into the void really. I just want a place to do that separately bc my main has potentially identifiable information on it.
I’m mostly interested in radblr as part of my feminist ‘re-awakening’. As a teenager I was inundated with pro sex work, ‘eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man’, liberal feminism, to varying degrees of harm. To have found a feminism that is unafraid to be unpopular, and that applies a class based framework to questions such as makeup and dating, is a breath of fresh air.
I am not particularly interested in engaging in much discussion around trans people. Of course these days if you’re talking about radical feminism trans people will come up at some point.
- I do NOT agree with the way I see/hear a sizeable part of radblr talk about trans people. I do not like it when people use slurs to refer to trans people. I do not think all trans people have malicious intentions and I am not by default against the fight for trans rights. Existing as a trans person in the world today exposes you to a lot of shit and I have no desire to add to it.
- I am concerned at the potential conflict between gender and sex based rights. I believe female people are oppressed due to our sex and gender is an aspect of that oppression. The tendency in the trans rights movement to essentially pretend that sex based oppression doesn’t exist pisses me off.
- I think there has to be a meeting point somewhere between trans rights activism and feminism. Sadly, the whole issue has been turned into political football and no one seems all that invested in actually figuring it out these days
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🌱 Nature 🌱 is Not 🚫 Sacred ! 💀
Nature is not fucking Sacred it's Not
All of nature is Based around things killing other things to continue on There Meaningless Existence
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Where is the spirituality in nature Where is the sacredness when all animals are killing all the animals to survive you got animals killing their own kind for dominance to survive you have extremely alien cultures and animal kingdoms
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To make things even worse all cells do the same goddamn thing like selling the body microbiotics, cells are doing all the fucking time animals are doing all the goddamn fucking time even fungus in like fucking mold do the same goddamn thing Everything is in life is trying to kill everything else to continue with Meaningless Existence but most things are so fucking stupid they don't understand what they are is Meaningless, so they continue to circle Of Life they continue this Empty Hollow Existence, of eventual Death.
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Life is fucking Meaningless Resource's are fucking stupid resources didn't even need to fucking exist so we could just stay as fucking Ghost's !
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Life is based off Evil, Evil is Good for life !
. . .
Well, Good is Good for Death ¡
. . .
( one could argue with one energy over another and I would agree to that all lives at different type of energy a different type of essence a different type of a spirituality on its own but even spirituality is fucking Meaningless, Petty, Shallow, And De-Void aka Hollow & An Illusion of Purpose )
You just think about it nature's not sacred the universe is comprised of Greater beings conquering worlds of other Greater beings and you have deities which power the planets going to war with other deities for dominance.
( Alien's, Conquer and driving other and races into Extinction for dominance the whole universe is a fucking jungle )
. . .
Deities are a Divine family and that family is always at war with itself
. . .
Even plants that reside in the ground fight for nutrients below the surface plants are killing other plants all the time for water plants are killing other plants for nutrients there are plants that eat other plants like vines that suck on their new teeth out of them like a spider drinks a bug
Or like you drink a can pre-sun or some kind of juice box ¡
. . .
Where the fuck is the sacredness in life what's the fuck is so holy living as long as possible doesn't make life better it makes life worse because your body breaks down you get a lot of DNA loss and you suffer a lot of pain
. . .
Besides all the animals kill another animals torturing other animals eating other animals human beings are complete piece of shit to other human beings the world of humans is fucking god-awful and got himself is Pure Evil
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At, The End of the day all we Really Get is . . . Death
Also a job at slavery your life is meaningless and bleak despite the fact technology couldn't be greater and more powerful and more intense than ever and human history Somehow we're also Extremely bored ?
All of us are miserable all of us are bored technology is getting stronger like a fucking digital cancer and everybody's fucking miserable
To make things worse we have the most lawful evil government in any part of human history we have never had a more stronger secret society than ever in existence fucking deep State at this point is basically a God
There's no stopping those secret of fuckers weather reptilians whether any other goddamn race any I don't give a shit at this point evil Powers rule the world but then again evil is the universe
There's a reason why the universe is colored black for a fucking reason black I think activity black is evil there's a reason why the universe has a sprinkle of light in it
Who knows how all the stars look like a sprinkle it look like Glitter in the sky Almost
Got the very evil extremely malicious all powerful deity that tortures and treats all the deities like shit well deities are always fighting for dominance and power like fucking animals
Deity you need to survive by getting fucking babies they need souls to convert into their own kind but always put certain souls are worthy cuz they have the Right quality
Life is meaningless then you die and get reincarnated and human beings are some of the stupidest fucking creatures in existence it really are the most stupid over emotional hypersensitive pussies they don't want Truth, if it offends them
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Introductory Post:
20s, FemNB, Asexual(?), Sapphic-Romantic, Single (painfully so), Askbox open.
Men, Minors, RadFems, Nazis, and outstanding malicious persons DNI. I will expand this list as the need arises.
My name is Midnight. I'm in my early 20's, femme-leaning nonbinary, and currently suffering from touch starvation and loneliness. I've created this blog as a sort of "trying to fill the void" type thing. If I may be blunt: I've never really had any sort of luck with dating apps or live near an area with an active dating scene.
It feels like everyone around me that's my age is either not interested or aware of the concept of romance (unless it's a means to get laid), or they're already married to the love of their life before they graduated high school. But maybe that's just my small town and the problems that comes with it. Most nights I dream someone would take me away from here, but I doubt that'll happen (but I haven't given up on the idea).
I am very romantically inclined, and lately it is the lack of such a thing that's been eating a hole through my heart like hot lead. I just want to be with someone that will be my Goddess. A person I will gladly wake up before the Sun to hand-grind coffee and freshly brew Her morning offering. I want to be at Her side, Her every beck and call. To care for Her and grant Her every whim. To laugh, to cry, to spite, and vibe with. Lazy Winter mornings cuddled under a warm blanket. Soft Spring evenings dancing in the kitchen. Summer nights spent sipping wine (or sweet iced tea) enjoying the cool air after a hot day. Chilly Autumn walks talking about everything and nothing.
If I must wish upon a Star to be with Her, then I shall do so to every Star I can see in the Night's sky, until there are no more Stars and no more Nights.
I know this isn't exactly the right place to look for someone, but this is more or less just Me, venting my feelings into a void. Maybe someone will see this, maybe no one will. The main reason for this blog is an outlet for my unreciprocated feelings, that sinking feeling in my chest that I may never be able to do these things, that this line of thinking is pure fantasy in today's world. A public journal depicting a lonely heart.
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koushirouizumi · 11 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [...and some O.C.s] (And...??)
KEN: How'd you get out in time?! (From "The {Digital} Void"'s EXPLOSION?!!) Inter-national O.C. Chosen Shane: Well, I ran, but. ... I, "got pulled" back into the "stream" just in time. So I watched from above, and - it basically imploded on itself, and dispersed into Digital data. SHANE: ... Whoever made those "capsules"... didn't want them to be found without a struggle. They were likely meant to be "kept" there indefinitely. And whoever "accessed" those capsules KNOWING the tech involved... KEN: ... They were fighting for release. Shane: Because they ruined the glass from the inside, THEN disrupted this... "plan". Ken: You believe it was a "plan"? Shane: Yeah. And whoever it "was" that made the "plan" could still be active. KEN: Currently, we had been fighting the "Dark" "Digital monsters". But they had all had their corrupted data "healed" as of over 10 years ago. They're ALL on our side now... SHANE: ... And they didn't know if they had a true "leader"? KEN: ... They're innocent. (Firmly!) I genuinely believe them to be. (The majority of them...) KEN: ("Angel" and "Akuma" may know something ELSE but... we'd have to ask them...) Shane: Because. Whoever originally "set up" that place... they definitely had "malicious intent". And... SHANE: I think they meant to do "something" with "the eight" beings "trapped" in there. Eventually... KEN: ... KEN: This is just a hypothetical question, but, that place you "visited"... does the name "Dark Area" mean anything to you? SHANE, HEARD IT FROM 'MON AT TIME: ... (How Do They KNOW--) SHANE: If I said it did? But I didn't find out until much later after the fact. (Half-lying) KEN: If those "eight" were being held in the "Dark Area"... and it was by our current possible "enemy", whom we know very little about... Shane: You all don't know much, huh?... KEN, CONTINUING: And the "intention" of that "enemy" being... for those "eight" to, perhaps, either, "fall under enemy control" or even "PERISH"... Shane: Depending on whatever was the "outcome" of "holding" them prisoner... KEN: Either way, those "eight" were likely being led straight to their eventual "DEATH"s... SHANE: (Flashbacking to the panels accessed) SHANE: ... The password to access the panels was "DEATH". (It Wasn't Very Creative.) And the code... (Was set to let the capsules run indefinitely.) KEN: I'd have to ask Koushiro-san again, but... KEN: I'm pretty sure... these signs are the "CLUE"... that the enemy involved could be CALLED... SHANE: SHANE & KEN, TOGETHER: "DEATHMON". KEN: "DEATHMON" was trying to "KILL" the "EIGHT" "CHOSEN" 'Children'. Shane: So the one who "broke out" from the INSIDE... SHANE & KEN: ... "Koushiro"
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theauthor0 · 1 year
The Fusion of Vital!Tale, Nightmare!Tale, and Burst!Tale
The War wasn’t really war to begin with
✡⚐🕆 ☟✌✞☜ ☞✌✋☹☜👎 ✡☜❄ ✌☝✌✋☠ 👍☟✋☹👎
Oh shut it, it’s not like you doing any better, stuck in this void
✡⚐🕆☼ ☜☞☞⚐☼❄💧 ✌☼☜ 🕈✌💧❄☜👎📪 ☠⚐ 💣✌❄❄☜☼ ☟⚐🕈 💣✌☠✡ ☼☜💧☜❄💧 ✡⚐🕆 👎⚐
☟☜ 🕈✋☹☹ ☠☜✞☜☼ 👍⚐💣☜ 👌✌👍😐
❄☟☜☠ ☟⚐🕈 ✌👌⚐🕆❄ ✋ 🏱☼⚐🏱⚐💧☜ ✌ ☠☜🕈 ☜✠🏱☜☼✋💣☜☠❄
It’s not gonna work, every time you say that, it ends up not working as intended
❄☟☜☠ 🕈⚐🕆☹👎 ✡⚐🕆 ☼✌❄☟☜☼ 👍⚐☠❄✋☠🕆☜ ✋☠ ❄☟✋💧 ☼☜🏱☜❄✋❄✋✞☜ 👍✡👍☹☜
Fine, what do you got planned this time
✋☞ ✡⚐🕆 👍✌☠☠⚐❄ 💧✌✞☜ ☟✋💣 ✋☠ ❄☟✋💧 💧❄⚐☼✡📪 🕈☟✡ ☠⚐❄ 👍☟✌☠☝☜ ❄☟☜ 💧❄⚐☼✡ ❄⚐ 🕈☟☜☼☜ ✡⚐🕆 👍✌☠
Are you an idiot?
If I could I would but it’s not like I have the power to change history
What could we even do to possibly even get the power to do so, it’s not like their are more human souls just waiting to be taken
✋ ✌💣 💧✌✡✋☠☝ ❄☟✌❄ 💧☟⚐🕆☹👎 💣☜☼☝☜ ⚐🕆☼ 💧⚐��☹💧
Hmmmm, I don’t think that would even work
We still don’t have the power to change history and even then, what’s the point of me saving Asriel if I can’t be there with him
👎⚐ ☠⚐❄ 🕈⚐☼☼✡ ✌💧 ✋ ✌💣 ✌🕈✌☼☜ ⚐☞ ❄☟✋☠☝💧 👌☜✡⚐☠👎 ✡⚐🕆☼ 🕆☠👎☜☼💧❄✌☠👎✋☠☝
✋❄💧 ⚐🕆☼ ⚐☠☹✡ ⚐🏱❄✋⚐☠ 👍☟✋☹👎
☜✋❄☟☜☼ 👍⚐☠❄✋☠🕆☜ ⚐☼ 👍☟✌☠☝☜ ❄☟✋💧 🕈⚐☼☹👎
Fine but if this works out horribly, I’ll make sure you live through HELL
Due to Gaster and Chara manipulation of the files, this universe underwent a complete reboot
With Gaster and Chara being the only ones left of the previous world
They originally had planned that after merging their souls, Gaster would use the Determination, his magic, and knowledge to change history to where the war never happened
However they just made things worse or better?
The system that was managing the universe detected their meddling in the code and attempted to undo it
Gaster would predict this and try to stop it from undoing it
In the end, the Au became glitched with gaster changes being implemented but sorta change to the result he didn’t want
One of the things gaster would change is the power of the monsters as if the monsters surpassed humanity then the war would end in the monsters favor
However this resulted in both monsters and humans getting much stronger, monsters did still end up stronger than humans but the humans did gain some notable buffs
Another Change gaster would add is that the monsters had already collected all 7 souls
However it was again changed so that 6 monsters would have absorbed the 6 out of the 7 human souls
Monsters in this Au have gotten stronger and were an actual threat to humanity if left alone
Monsters physical and magic capabilities have been enhanced in large amounts
Monsters are stronger than humans but still got sealed due to being outnumbered and being a mostly peaceful race
Humans have stayed the same, however they have the ability to learn magic
Human ghost can now absorb other human souls, however human ghosts are rare beings
Humans were able to seal the monsters using the power of 7 human souls
Gaster (Absorbed Chara “Soul”)
Sans (Absorbed Soul Patience)
Papyrus (Absorbed Soul Bravery)
Asgore (Absorbed Soul Perseverance)
Asriel? (Absorbed Soul Kindness)
Undyne (Absorbed Soul Justice)
Mettaton (Absorbed Soul Integrity)
Burst!Tale by @aymar-lounox
Nightmare!Tale by @xxmileikaivanaxx
Vital!Tale by @theanimatedzorox
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