nest-of-kyshf ¡ 26 days
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random shitty doodles of a sorta different interpretation of the whole 'human reincarnated into a vessel' ft. some OCs (and headcanons when it comes to how vessels work/develop)
just tbh? feral/done with everyone's shit:tm: human who gets chucked into a vessel body while being oblivious to the outside world/hollow knight in general, and who just immediately gets imprinted/latched onto by the others and just goes 'damn. guess i'm a parent/older sibling now' just seems p interesting.
one thing in my HCs is that singleton vessels hatch sooner than the rest bc they aren't 'fighting' for resources while in the egg so they develop faster. (also vessels can eat in my hcs, just in their nymph stages they gotta shove it in their eyeholes since they haven't developed a mouth yet. it's not really a necessary thing but some do it anyway)
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nest-of-kyshf ¡ 1 month
My personal interpretation of The Void (Hollow Knight)
To be honest, my interpretation of the void is possibly a bit… different than most others you see around. It does appear empty, yet I feel like that emptiness is because of it being above time itself, like, it flat-out can’t have a consciousness like any other thing that exists(if it has a consciousness at all). 
All conscious life in that verse is still bound to time, though wyrms with their foresight can prolly see/sense more of time/timelines in general, and that would likely REQUIRE having a mind that is just built different:™: in order to process that. Meanwhile, the void is unbound by ALL time, it’s ‘seeing’ all of the past, present, AND future all at the same time. Because of the void being so detached to everything going on, with its field of view of time being so vast, it likely can’t really be comprehended by creatures that live in a linear path in time- 
That’s only one part of the equation though, at least in my book, the other is this: It consumes everything about those who fall into it/succumb to it if it can, and I mean EVERYTHING. It does appear to prioritize the minds over the bodies of those it seeks to consume though, honestly, It could also be that in canon the bodies couldn’t reach the void for one reason or another- Pale King was sealed away in a little pocket dimension, the lighthouse keeper could’ve barricaded themselves inside of there before they succumbed, and the only other void-body that I remember seeing was in either queens gardens or greenpath (the one you get the collector key off of)which is… a bit far away from the void. 
It likely dosen't go out of it's way to consume things, mostly passively observing, but instinctively grabbing onto anything that gets too close.
Plus, with the nature of consumption, everything consumed becomes a part of the one that consumes- and with it consuming not only the body but the mind... every memory, sensation, feeling, all just gets… mixed into the dark mass of this thing that is unbound by time and therefore sees and processes things likely SO differently that it’s either incomprehensible, or the, and i mean THE worst overstimulation ever- 
Like I'm thinking, if someone were to comprehend it, it’d likely be a swirling mass of future, present, and past events mixed in with the memories, sensations, and everything else of all the things that have ever been consumed by the void mixed into one single, overstimulating moment. Even if it was just for a second, the aftershocks of just comprehending it fully would prolly cause your brain to just immediately short circuit and shut down due to being so overwhelmed.
Like, to try to describe it, I think that it’d be like suddenly seeing not only 360 degrees around yourself, but also seeing everything else around you in 360, as well as going through all of the taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight, and other sensations of every living thing around you ALL AT ONCE, without changing the way you process information at all.
Sure, the void likely can focus into a specific section of what it sees, (void given focus *nudge nudge*) but without the void actively focusing on a specific thing going on right now at that specific moment in time, it's likely so spread out through quite literally everything that it doesn't register as something that’s actually alive, even if you were to look at it in a much wider perspective- 
tho I also don't think that the void itself is conscious the way other things are, which just adds another layer of alien-ness that's going on-
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nest-of-kyshf ¡ 2 years
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nest-of-kyshf ¡ 2 years
man, now im thinking about a 'human gets reincarnated into a vessel and then just proceeds to kin the goose from ugg' vibes srta thing-
bonus idea: bc they used to be human their mind is just SO utterly alien to evertone else- extreme bonus if said human is neurodivergent- so they’re possibly even more alien to the others
anyway yea, the shinnanigains of this lil feral shit just deciding to cause (minor) problems on purpose is just funny- (just like the goose from ugg)
prolly also likes freaking ppl out- and its VERY easy to do so bc well, vessels are prolly a mix of utterly eldritch and uncanny valley elements-
bonus if said reincarnated human looks like a mini vessel pk just for the thought of him being harrased by a vessel mirror image is just funny to think about
Brain: mmm consider this concept” of ‘natural’/wild vessels forming caste morphs sorta semi-simular to ants n termites- only semi- tho- gotta still keep the vibes as a mix of uncanny valley and utterly foreign/eldritch- Brain: combine that with the concept of human getting reincarnated as a vessel and the void just be taking imprints from the things in their mind- said human in vessel form prolly isnt aware of it so is VERY freakin confused-
also btw yeah i have a hc that vessels exposed to a lot of void during their developmental phases will be *quite* different from ones kept away from it for their developmental period. provided that they survive of course.
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nest-of-kyshf ¡ 2 years
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nest-of-kyshf ¡ 2 years
#hollow knight#my oc#kyshf (oc)#she has a WIP lunar moth bard gf#she may not be the brightest but shes doing her best
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@swearbunny behold… she…. my mantid oc
(funnily enough she also ends up the caretaker of a gaggle of vessels lol. they like to hitch rides on her back, hence the ‘baby holder’ label on the fur on her vest)
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nest-of-kyshf ¡ 2 years
honestly i’ve been reading fics where ppl get reincarnated into vessels and honestly if i was int hat situation i would just become a semi-immortal untitled goose game. and then try to get as many of the other vessels to join in the semi-immortal untitled goose game shenanigans as possible.
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nest-of-kyshf ¡ 2 years
#the lunars gtfo of dodge when they realized that there was going to be another godly war so they didnt get caught in the crossfire#they also gained the belief that the darkness must be honored just as much as the light is i feel like-
Kyshf & Lun showing up in Hallownest and just immediately adopting any vessel they come across (that wants to be adopted that is)
Kyshf has the right spirit, but they're a little confused when it comes to taking care of non-mantisfly offspring- Lun meanwhile is absolutely a mother hen, and a doting, gentle and amazing mother figure.  Combat-wise, They can both handle themselves quite well, albiet in different ways.
Also i feel like Lun is a bard/warrior hybrid- She uses soul & magic to not only help her play music and sing, but also as a offensive/defensive ability. Lun's more fragile than kyshf, and kyshf is 100% the tank of the two. 
Lun can prolly also channel their soul in order to heal by humming or singing, change my mind-
I have decided that Kyshf is a lesbian and also has a Lunar/Luna moth Gf
Yall can’t change my fuckin mind
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nest-of-kyshf ¡ 2 years
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nest-of-kyshf ¡ 2 years
It’s simple! Co-evolution! (Also in my personal headcanons there were non-bug animals that exist, but are INCREDIBLY rare) 
Hey, all you other Hollow Knight folks, I have a question
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nest-of-kyshf ¡ 2 years
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pondering my Gorb
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nest-of-kyshf ¡ 2 years
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POV: you put a fork on the spoon drawer.
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nest-of-kyshf ¡ 2 years
Just had a thought about the vessels and everything with them in Hollow Knight, and I think Team Cherry sneakily galaxy-brained us again.
See, thing is, when we look at what the Pale King did with the vessels, most people are horrified. I’m not going to say if they’re right or not, because that’s frankly a can of worms I don’t feel like opening. Here’s one thing though: it is horrifying when you look at it from a mammalian point of view, as if the vessels were human babies. Mammals have very low birth rates and very high infant survival rates compared to most other types of creature.
What gets interesting is if you look at them from a insect’s reproductive cycle. Because if you do… then suddenly the entire process is completely logical and makes sense. Insects generally have very large clutches of eggs as a survival strategy, because the majority of those eggs won’t become adult insects. Some won’t hatch, some will be eaten (sometimes by their own hatchmates with certain species), some will hatch and be eaten well before they reach maturity, and only a tiny, tiny portion will survive to the age where they can attempt to mate and continue the cycle as their instincts drive them to, and a lot won’t succeed in even that. Insects have very high birth rates and very low survival rates.
And again, not condoning or condemning the Pale King in this post, but with the vessels… some of the eggs probably didn’t hatch, some probably didn’t survive long after birth, some of them probably killed each other, a few made it out of the Abyss, two of them reached the stage where they could effectively do what their instincts tell them to do, and one succeeded. It’s the ding-donged insect reproductive cycle viewed through a Lovecraftian lens Team Cherry you absolute mad-lads-!!!!!!
Or maybe I’m reading into things too much as a result of my mom being a biologist. Either way, I thought it was a cool parallel.
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nest-of-kyshf ¡ 2 years
Op,  hope you dont mind me asking this, but... what about the bats?
learning how to draw birds specifically so that i can draw bugs riding them like dragons. what have you done to me
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nest-of-kyshf ¡ 2 years
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cheesing the pure vessel
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nest-of-kyshf ¡ 2 years
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The only acceptable form of Hornet being able to hear voidspeak 
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nest-of-kyshf ¡ 2 years
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