#did not think of that couple but wow those visuals
lost-leopard-beanie · 3 months
Karina and lee jaewook made my 2024 a million times better omg
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zachdefense · 5 months
can't stop thinking about how Gnosia is the absolute weirdest game I've ever played from a design perspective (complementary). How did they ever make a single-player social-deduction roguelike visual novel with rpg elements? How did they make it so good?
It's a classic Werewolf/Mafia game in space. The roguelike nature means it's actually a puzzle you have to figure out each time, instead of just picking up on story hints and foreshadowing. And you not only get to learn things about the other players, you have to get to know them to know how to read and manipulate them. Where other games need you to learn "After you dodge twice, the boss is open to attacks", Gnosia needs you to learn "Jonas will always trust Kurushka, so if you're suspicious of her then you should make sure he doesn't have many allies either" or "People really like Otome so don't accuse her of anything before building up some goodwill of your own". It's been a couple years since I played it but I still remember all of these character interactions because they're not only fun characters in the story, but understanding them is integral to the actual gameplay.
And speaking of gameplay, the rpg elements are just perfect. Your stats are things like "Draw less attention from the imposters when you're outspoken in trials" and "People trust your accusations more". By putting those things in plain text as stats they can be changed, it makes the player keep them in mind as game mechanics. If you get killed off early, it feels less like "wow the rng sucks" and more like "maybe I should accuse people less and so I don't get targeted, even if it means more people getting killed". It's a great way of making sure that these mechanics aren't just tutorialized once and forgotten, but that they're top of mind as solutions to problems.
They made it all mesh together so well. And I haven't even talked about the story yet, the story is also real good, but the design is just *chef's kiss*
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daydreamingatnight209 · 2 months
I’m not sure on how I feel about this one, but I’m posting it anways 😅🤞
Feedback is welcome - Hate is not ✨💕
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“My Best Friend, My Girlfriend, My Everything”
Colson Baker x Female Reader
Warnings - Slight angst, fluffy ending 💕
Prompts used: Credit goes to all original owners -
1. "How drunk are you?" "V...Very." "Drunk enough not to remember tonight? "Hmm." "Good. I love you. And I'm tired of being just your best friend."
2. "He will never know that I like him." "Why?" "Because I'm just one of the million stars, and he's the moon.
3. I can’t believe it took me all these years to realise how I truly feel about you.
4. "Wow those bloodstained clothes really bring out your eyes... Of course I'm being sarcastic! Get over here and let me stitch you up!"
Most would think that traveling with an international superstar who also happened to be your lifelong best friend, would mean hitting the jackpot in life. But realistically after a month stuck surrounded by testosterone in such close quarters with a bunch of men who often act like overgrown toddlers , you can’t help but begin to feel like a glorified babysitter. You suppose it doesn’t help that you also happen to be ridiculously in love with said best friend.
After one particular show, you found yourself back on the tour bus while the others went out to celebrate another successful show.
Just because you were Colson’s friend, didn’t mean that you didn’t have your part to play. You liked to feel useful so you took up a part time role, sharing managerial duties with Ashley. This time you found yourself working with Sam to provide visual content for the fans and ensure that Colson’s schedule was running smoothly.
When the quietness you’d been experiencing over the last couple of hours suddenly ends, You couldn’t help but internally roll your eyes. climbing out of your bunk you go to see what all the commotion was about.
You enter the main sitting space and your mouth swings open in shock. In front of you Colson’s face was caked in blood and his clothes were stained with the same substance Rook was laughing hysterically at him and Slim had a smirk on his face, which he attempts to cover when he sees the look on your face.
“What in the actual hell happened here?!” You exclaim.
“Y/N helloooooo”
Colson rushes over to try and embrace you but you hold him at arms length, not wanting to get covered in his blood.
“Look at this, how cool does this look!” He says giddily, jumping around like an overgrown puppy, trying to show the jagged cut that seems to run down his forehead.
“Oh yeah really cool, those bloodstained clothes really bring out your eyes.”
Colson looks at you with glassy eyes and a slightly confused expression on his face and a pout on this face.
“Are you being sarcastic?”
“Yes, of course I am being sarcastic! Get in there and let me stitch you up!” You shout out in frustration and worry. You leave him alone for one night and this happens!
Grabbing his hand you force yourself and his tall frame into the tiny bathroom cubicle, with the first aid kit under the sink.
Colson collapses down onto the toilet seat as you begin to clean his face.
He winces softly as you clean around the wound and begin to apply the temporary stitches.
“How did this even happen anyways?” You ask him as he fiddles with the loose threads on your jumper.
“Rook said I couldn’t do parkour over a car, so obviously I had to prove him wrong” he mumbles, the amounts of alcohol he had consumed during the night finally catching up with him.
You couldn’t help but sport a small smile on your face, because of course it was something just so stupid.
Once you were satisfied with your work, you pack away the first aid kit and attempt to pull him up but Colson just pulls you down easily onto his lap and wraps his long arms around your frame.
“You are that best person I know Y/N. I’m so lucky to have you as my friend”
How drunk are you?" You whisper as you lean against his chest.
"Drunk enough not to remember tonight?” You asked curious.
Normally Colson’s memory no matter what he drinks is top tier.
"Hmm yeah, probably” he answers, resting his head on your shoulder.
At that response and the fact that you didn’t want him falling asleep in the tiniest toilet possible you stand up and grab is hand once more. He doesn’t protest when you lead him to the back of the bus to where his bedroom is.
He throws his weight into the bed and watch him crawl under the covers.
“Night Kells” you whisper and go to exit the room to head back to your own bunk.
Before you can make it through the sliding door, your best friend speaks up, his voice raspy and slightly needy.
“Stay with me?”
You hesitate at first, not really knowing If you could handle being that close to him for the entire night. Your heart was already beating twice as fast as it should, but you aren’t really great at denying Colson. You never was. So when a cracked, “please” leaves his mouth, you cave and climb under the covers with him.
It doesn’t take long for sleep to claim him but the same doesn’t happen for you. You’ve lost count of how many times you and Colson have shared a bed over the years but where he sees friendship, recently you’ve been struggling to stop the lines from blurring.
Colson wraps you up in his arms subconsciously, like he’s done so many times before, yet this time you find yourself frozen as you stare softy at his peaceful sleeping face.
“I love you Colson Baker. I love you and I'm tired of being just your best friend."
A tear escapes your eye, letting it fall, you wait for what feels forever for sleep to fall over you.
The next morning you are up and out of Colson’s room before he awakens and do your best to avoid him and any awkward conversations that the day might entail. You weren’t exactly to ready to find out if he remembered his night.
No one really picks up on your behaviour and you think you made it through the day perfectly, before Ashley corners you backstage at soundcheck.
“You like him don’t you? In fact it’s more than that … you are in love with him”
Knowing that you can’t hide the truth from your friend, you look her in the eye and give her a sad smile.
“He can never know that I like him."
"Why?" Ash questions you.
"Because I'm just one of million stars, and he's the moon, he deserves so much better that me”
You slightly cruse the tears that begin falling once more and do your best to wipe them without ruining your make up.
Ash gives you a soft smile and shakes her head.
“I’ve seen the say that boy looks at you. You may think he’s the moon but he looks at you like you’re the one holding his entire world. Last night should have been enough evidence! It was you he wanted to patch him up, it was you he wanted attention from and it you he wanted to hold. It’s always you. It’s not about what you can give him or what he can give you, it’s simply about the love that you share and the happiness you provide each other. He doesn’t want to be Mr international superstar with you. He just wants to be Colson, your Colson.”
After her little speech, Ashley leaves you alone as you try and process her words. But you weren’t alone for long as a voice behind you startles you.
“She’s right you know.”
You gasp and turn to fave the voice you knew all too well.
“Colson! What the hell?!”
“She’s right” he repeats.
“Right about what exactly?”
“You might think I’m the moon, but you are my whole world. You are more than just a star, so, so much more.”
“Colson…” you close your eyes, unsure on if you want to have this conversation, but realistically you knew there was no escape.
Colson stalks forward, invading your personal space and holds your chin in his fingers so that you are holding direct eye contact with each other.
“I heard you last night… your confession. I wasn’t really asleep and frankly I’m surprised I remembered this morning. In all honesty i was going to pretend until you felt ready to have the conversation but after hearing what you said to Ashley, well I couldn’t pretend anymore. I can’t believe it took me all these years to realise how I truly feel about you. I can’t believe it took stupid dare inflicted injury and a single moment in a tour bus bathroom for everything to fall into place”
With shaky hands, your fingers touched the small wound on his head and caressed it lightly.
Not trusting your voice, you whisper out a quick response, “I’m so happy it did”.
Colson takes that as cue to plant a kiss on you, a moment you felt as if you could live in forever, before he pulls away to look at you.
“I’ll love, protect and cherish you, forever. My best friend, my girlfriend, my everything.”
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mintmoth · 1 year
OKAY I'm gonna do a big ask response here! There's a few I didn't grab which are mostly just people saying sweet things- to which honestly I can't thank you all enough 😭 it's so wild to me to see people enjoying my art so much
I'm gonna keep most of the replies under the cut since it's gonna get a bit long but I wanted to touch on this one real quick-
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Absolutely anyone is free to use my art as an icon wherever! Just be sure to have something crediting somewhere and yeah absolutely go for it!
OH ALSO my submissions don't work on mobile for some reason? The formatting messes up I guess, but check out this awesome coloring!! I love how the layers of shading look 😭
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LMAO okay so I've seen a good handful of older/mafia au designs for Floyd and Jade and a lot of them have either both of them with double sleeves or Floyd with sleeves and Jade with a back piece- though I've also seen somewhere both of them having one sleeve on the opposite side
Right now I'm just messing around so I don't have any official tattoo designs for either of them, but I do know I want Floyd with at LEAST the double sleeves, and Jade with some pieces he keeps hidden by mostly wearing business attire lmao
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XBSISNK THANK YOU 😭😭 honestly drawing hair is one of my absolutley FAVORITE things to draw lmao, most of my ocs have long hair I just can't help it honestly
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YES ABSOLUTLEY probably not too often but I could definitely see Azul going to bed and waking up to a very full bed lmao. Funnier yet because I think all three of them are the type to cling in their sleep when they have someone else beside them. They're just weird sea creatures used to small comfy spaces
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I actually haven't thought about this! Honestly I think that would be really cool! Or even if he found that he had a specific shade range of color blindness as a human- though I could see Jade and Floyd taking advantage of that by doing something like giving him the wrong color shirt to wear that day or something lmao
Though you also reminded me! Eels also have terrible eyesight! So I've seen people both having the headcanon that the twins wear contacts, and also the headcanon that Azul needs glasses now because he did a deal to give part of his vision to both of them
Honestly it's really cool to think about! I don't know which headcanons here I like the most, but I love seeing them
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Okay honestly I absolutley have to draw this because I LOVE this idea and part of why I'm answering this is to mentally catalogue that I need to draw this lmao
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I also love this idea! Like at lunch, after classes before they go to work at the lounge, and after the lounge closes up for the night it just becomes the twins' gossip hour lmao
Because yeah they do spend a lot of time together, but they're still apart a lot, and there's no way they're not telling each other about all the nonsense they're getting up to once they meet back up
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DBSISNSK DONT CRY LMAO I got a handful of questions about Niles I want to try to touch on here
Absolutley he wouldn't mind helping anyone set up games on their computer lmao, especially if it's a hard to get visual novel that he's a fan of because he's the type to want everyone to play and love the games he loves
He's definitely dropped hundreds of hours into "creature crossing" with one of those islands with tons of customization and cute shit, and his "island creatures" are mostly cats with a couple dogs and the pegasus LMAO
Also while he's not directly inspired by any specific character, since he's in Ignihyde he does have a little Greek mythos theming and has some inspiration from Eros, which is also why he's very "love" themed/romantic
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OH MAN I'm actually not 100% sure which moray I think the twins would be, I'd have to look more into them specifically
But I did want to mention that my idiot self is tempted to make Yet Another Oc (though I probably won't post this one since I feel very oc heavy already) that's also a moray- but specifically a snowflake just because wow I want to make a design around the coloration they have 😭
ALSO!!! Regarding Eel Anon!
I wasn't able to screenshot everything you sent but it was absolutley fun hearing about the dorm idea you have!! I love hearing about new dorm concepts and I've seen a couple nightmare before christmas dorms so it's neat to see the different ideas people have! Also no way do Eri and Rika sound like knock offs of the twins lmao they both sound really fun and I like how they juxtapose one another- also how you have their whole family worked out??? It just reminded me I need to do some more backstory work for my group lmao but honestly it was really cool reading about them so don't even worry about long asks or anything!
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oneatlatime · 11 months
The Fortuneteller
(A title which I am itching to divide into three words instead of two because boy does 'Fortuneteller' look stupid - seriously, stare at it for a bit and see how fast it starts looking like Fortun Eteller)
The last couple of episodes have had a contemplative character, so I'm rooting for this one to be a silly one. Also more Sokka please. Poor guy gets demoted to one liners in the B-plot whenever Aang is the main focus.
Episode Time!
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We start this episode off with a potential love interest for Sokka.
I had completely forgotten that Katara used to have a necklace. I'd also completely forgotten that she'd lost it. When did she lose it?
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Aang-o-vision has a pretty heavy rose-tinted filter - literally.
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Told you it was a love interest.
The NOISE Sokka makes when the fish slaps him! I love it. Hang on I'm going to rewind and listen to it again.
Yep. Still as good the second time.
Oh wow! Aang just got Momo-zoned. Gotta say I'm not a fan of a romantic relationship between Aang and Katara at this point, so I'm all for some Momo-zonage.
Platypus bear! Finally some hybrid animals. I was beginning to wonder if that would ever come back.
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Is this guy a martial arts master or an idiot?
I'm leaning towards idiot.
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Friendly reminder of Appa's size. That's a lot of molars. No canines or incisors? Guess he's an obligate herbivore.
Is sniffing eggs something that people do? I get sniffing melons or other produce, but eggs?
Yep. Floppy hat guy is an idiot.
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Aang buddy you might want to get that checked out.
And with a mighty squelch, the egg fulfills this episode's Beat Up Sokka quota.
Appa shakes!
Those are weird ducks.
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I don't know a thing about anime, but that's the most anime-looking guy I've seen in this show. Is this show an anime?
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Meng-o-vision is red-tinted. Probably doesn't bode well.
Also, Meng could give Zuko some lessons on how to style Pipi longstocking hair. Someone with more photoshop skills than me needs to make a Zuko with Meng hair.
"Don't be modest, they're huge!" Presented without comment. I'm not going to say a thing. But we all thought it.
Katara is totally the kind of girl who would fall for fortune telling. We've seen (multiple times) that she is gullible. Actually, now that I think about it, we've had multiple episodes where Katara gets swept up in something a healthy dose of skepticism would have guarded her from - Jet and The Great Divide come to mind. The writers are really hammering the 'Katara is susceptible to romantic nonsense and Sokka is a science-minded skeptic' message home. Is this going to play some bigger part in the show going forward? Why else would we be on version number (arguably) 3 of this same plot?
Aang and Sokka took off their shoes, but Katara didn't. Huh.
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Pinky out. Classy.
I am not digging the Aang x Katara stuff in this episode. I'm with Sokka on this one - let's pretend it was a stellar bathroom break.
Aunt Wu is being unnecessarily antagonistic to Sokka. First he gets an egg on his head, then Momo steals his bean puffs, now Aunt Wu tells him his life's going to suck. I should have been more specific when I hoped for a Sokka episode. I didn't mean a beat up Sokka episode.
Aang. Priorities honey. Honestly, Aang casually dismissing his destiny after all that build up did get a laugh out of me.
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A god-like figure coming to have his fortune read and only wanting to know about his love life would give me a headache too.
Add malicious signage to the Beating Up Sokka list.
"The fluffy bunny cloud forecasts doom and destruction." I bet that's the first time that sentence has appeared in the English language.
These people are stupid. Blazing Saddles style 'common clay of the New West' stupid. It would take, what, a day? to run a visual check on the volcano. But nope. Too much work. Listen to me I'm morphing into Sokka.
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Katara giving off some serious fangirl vibes.
Katara is officially addicted to fortune telling.
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Live footage of me watching these village idiots.
Add duck to the list of Things Which Assault Sokka. Gotta love those duck noises though.
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Sokka is getting dangerously close to advising negging here. Also Meng deserves better. Her poor pigtails droop in disappointment. Girl has sentient hair - she deserves better.
Papaya? When you don't like papaya? Just because some old lady said so? Too far. That's not even teenage nonsense; that's tweenage nonsense. I kind of feel like sending Katara to her room. Actually it's just like that one line Log Man said in the Jet episode. Something like 'He tells us what to do and how to think and things all turn out right.' Outsourcing your decision-making. Which, by the way, is both nonsense and cult-like. Then again, the lost boys freedom fighters pretty much worshipped Jet the way this village worships Aunt Wu, so... parallels?
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So if this guy got the panda lily himself, doesn't that mean that he recently went up the mountain? Couldn't he have had a peak inside while he was up there? Would have taken an extra 20 seconds.
"Flowers are fine once you're married" Somebody get this boy to Victorian times. If he ever sees an ankle he'll self-combust.
You have a flying bison. Why don't you fly up instead of climb?
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This is totally live action fire copy-pasted in to the animation. There has got to be a more technical term for that than copy-pasted.
Raise your hand if you saw the twist with the volcano coming. (I did I swear. Blue spirit was an outlier).
Forget Appa, why didn't Aang just fly up?
"They just won't listen to reason." "But they will listen to Aunt Wu." So the mountain comes to Mohammed. I guess talking to people in a way they understand / will listen to is a good lesson for an avatar to learn. I thought he'd learned that one in The Great Divide though. Either way this episode is getting increasingly frustrating.
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Can Meng get a hug? She seems astonishingly self-aware and emotionally mature for a kid. Also way too smart for this podunk town. I may rescind the hug in light of the stalking.
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Well, it's not exactly subtle, but at least volcanic doom isn't a fluffy bunny.
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Look at those yummy purples. Finally an episode where it's light enough to have a beautiful sky. My collection of wallpapers was suffering.
Digging a lava trench might work, if the volcano is going to put out a gallon or two of lava. This must be a baby volcano.
The ashes effect feels oddly 3-D.
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I guess to an avatar this kind of challenge is small potatoes.
Totally ignoring the Aang x Katara stuff for a minute, I'm with Sokka on this one too, because I also had forgotten that Aang is a superbender. He didn't even need to go glowy.
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If I lived in this village that redesign would absolutely give me nightmares. Are those mega claws of doom structurally sound?
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I am going to punch this man.
Aunt Wu's final speech to Aang makes me think that at least she's not indulging in her own product as it were. I suppose a con artist (whose services are free, so, just jerking around a village for shits and giggles?) is better than an actual believer?
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Final Thoughts
This episode has me thinking about stories. Part of the reason Katara wants to believe in nonsense like fortune telling is because she is someone inclined to listen to / believe in stories. I think the opening monologue of the first episode mentioned something about her grandmother's stories. Katara was raised on stories and very much took them to heart as more than just entertainment. And you can't blame her for believing the conceits of stories could be possible in their world, not after the events of episode one dumped the star of those stories in her lap. Just so long as she doesn't confuse a belief in stories with a belief in happy endings. There is a war going on in their world, and judging by the stuff that the show did not shy away from discussing or implying in episodes like The Southern Air Temple and The Storm, I am willing to bet good money that there will be a couple of unhappy endings ahead. Not permanently unhappy; this is a kids' cartoon. But there will probably be setbacks and disappointments.
Would Katara have astrology nonsense in her dating profile?
"The fluffy bunny cloud forecasts doom and destruction" is going to be incorporated into my daily vocabulary.
Platypus + bear are interesting choices for a hybrid animal, since a platypus is about 15 normal animals smashed together anyway. A platypus bear is the swiss army knife of animals. Or the Mr. Potato Head.
At first I thought that Aunt Wu was a benevolent meddler (see putting together the couple with the panda lily), but she also advised that one guy to never bathe, which doesn't benefit anyone in any way that I can see. So I've concluded that she's a Bumi level ("it's pretty fun messing with people") shit-stirrer instead. Her services may be free, but she manages to pay for a very big house, an assistant in Meng, and anime guy the bodyguard(?) so I guess grateful villagers give her donations? However she's doing it, she's got it made.
There was some sort of running theme with those large blue-billed ducks that lived in the village. If that was meant to have more meaning than just a running visual gag, I didn't pick up on it.
Meng had a surprising amount of depth and insight for what (I assume) is a one-episode character. Stalking aside, I liked her.
This episode's humourous look at the stupidity of the village (in fact the science denial of the village) is not as funny as it would have been in a pre-covid denial, pre-antivax, pre-"global warming is a hoax" world. A shallow viewing of this episode is still funny because the villagers are just SO dumb (except Meng), but the more you think about the villagers' actions and the conclusions they reach at the end of the episode (to not change AT ALL - at least the tribes made up in The Great Divide, a similarly idiot-filled episode), the more you morph into Sokka. These people have denied reality so hard that it's frustrating rather than funny to watch. Their head in the sand approach is not cute anymore.
I really wanted to like this episode. Like I said before, I wanted a goofy fun episode after the one-two punch of the last two episodes, but this one rapidly went from goofy to frustrating. I can't tell if it's because I'm not the target audience (i.e. too adult) or if it's because much of the world is currently drowning in various forms of misinformation and science denial. I know this episode isn't supposed to be deep - it's supposed to be setup for Aang & Katara as a (hopefully very distant) couple. That's all. And the message at the end about shaping your own destiny (i.e. taking an active part in your life) is a good message, and thematically relevant to the avatar, who presumably is at least somewhat responsible for shaping the whole world's destiny. But damn if this episode doesn't make my teeth itch.
Pros: Sokka had some great lines. Appa got to shake. There were pretty backgrounds. The noise Sokka made when he got slapped by the fish was a thing of beauty.
Cons: Aang and Katara are not allowed to date until they're 35. I will smack each villager individually upside the head with a science textbook. Meng deserved better.
Maybe I'm just not in the mood for this episode. I'll stick it on the rewatch list just for the Sokka fish noise.
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moreteethplease · 10 months
Devlog: You Died On A Tuesday
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> Play it here!
You Died On A Tuesday is a short piece of prose - a set of bones, if you will - made in bitsy for the 75th Bitsy jam, with the theme "waiting". It is a contemplation on grief, resilience, and healing.
Devlog under the cut.
I wrote You Died On A Tuesday one sleep-deprived night in a sudden fit of inspiration. The first portion (everything in the ribcage scene and first blank transitional screen) almost seemed to write itself. At first I thought it might be a bit Too Much, but with the encouragement of a friend, I sat back and allowed my brain to take the writing where it wanted. I'm fairly happy with the result.
The biggest problem I faced during the making of this game is that I had written prose but no idea what to pair it with. It's not the first time I've written something that is more prose than game, and a lot of my bitsy games meet that description, but usually I have a good sense of what sort of art I'm going to pair it with.
After a bit of thinking, I decided to start with a simple beating heart. I love making animated scenes in bitsy, even though it's quite time-consuming. The second thing I made didn't end up getting used: a simple bunch of flowers meant for the final line.
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I was happy-ish with the flowers, but I fell in love with how the beating heart looked, so I decided that the game's visual backdrop for its writing would be organs, body parts, and bones.
All of the art in this game was made with the use of CC0 images and vectors, either as references or for direct conversion into pixel art.
Thoughts Behind The Game
While this game is fictional, it draws from some of my own thoughts.
I think I'm a fairly resilient person, and I've weathered my fair share of storms. I won't go into detail about them, but this has taught me how to grieve, process trauma, and move on, which is perhaps ironic because those storms also gave me C-PTSD and DID. But I digress.
A while ago, I found myself in a conversation about old married couples who often die within a year of each other—sometimes within days! My partner and I have been together for 9 years, and we both have every intention of growing old and grey together. A dear friend of mine pointed this out and said that we were likely to go out like those old couples do. I agreed at the time, but later that night, I thought about it and realized I wasn't sure if the grief would be enough to kill me. And then I also realized that there would be few things more horrifying to me than managing to move on entirely from my partner's death, as I have done for many loved ones before.
"Wow, that sure is morbid!" Don't worry, I won't grieve something that—fingers crossed—won't happen for a few more decades. But I did think that these thoughts were something I wanted to make art about, and this bitsy jam came about at the exact right time.
Thanks for reading this far down! If you'd like, you can play this not-quite-game here:
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
Why is Anna suddenly coming out with new headshot photos on the day of the good omens trailer release? Girl your desperation for attention is showing immensely if you think choosing to post on today of all days will make anyone forget about the husbands and focus on you instead. Also, wtf re: Georgias insta stories? One question; WHY? Another question; Why are you always talking about and thinking about vaginas and penis’s?? Why do these two always have to be competing for attention whenever the boys have anything? Why can’t they just be normal partners and be supportive without trying to undercut them?
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Holy wow, okay...my inbox blew up. Yes indeed, lots of goings on today, most notably the amazing GO 2 trailer, which I've watched several times and has filled my heart with unbridled homosexual glee.
As for the rest of today's happenings, well...oof. First off, for those who haven't seen, let's get the visuals up, starting with AL's new headshots that she posted and Georgia calling her Barbie:
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And here is the video/screenshots from Georgia's Insta stories:
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...Quite a bit to unpack here, it seems. In terms of AL's headshots, some of you mentioned this (as have other folks who DMed me privately about them), and I agree that they were purposely posted on the same day as the GO 2 trailer release. It's just flagrantly transparent at this point, given the number of times this has happened with previous GO 2 news, and so yes, I do think Anna was trying to capitalize on the news stories and social media chatter around GO 2 to bring attention to herself.
That being said...I'm really not sure who told her that these were good head shots, but they were not at all being honest. The lighting is terrible, her hair looks dull, and the pictures for whatever reason seem...flat, to me. There's no life in them, no spark, which is not helped by her seemingly vacant expression. (Why is her mouth hanging open in disgust in the first picture? Why is she staring into the abyss in the second? I'm so confused...) The pictures are reminiscent of a photo shoot she did last year that inexplicably involved sitting on a radiator while she was pregnant, and the common thread between the two seems to be that either the photographers did not give her good directions, or she just doesn't know how to "relate" to the camera, which...is probably not a good thing, given her chosen profession of acting.
But what really was striking to me was the caption on this new post. The disingenuous tone of "I will admit, not the biggest fan of having pictures taken" coupled with the fact that these pictures were deliberately posted on the day of the GO 2 trailer release makes it seem like she is fishing for compliments/praise. Add to that Georgia sharing the post and referring to AL as "my very own Barbie" (which comes across as incredibly fake) and it becomes clear that this was again coordinated, this time not only to gain attention via the GO 2 trailer, but also Staged 3's impending release on the BBC.
Which then brings us to Georgia's Insta stories. Lord help me, I don't even know where to start. Well, it's been brought to my attention that "Would you rather" is a game, one that is often played on long car rides/road trips and used by parents to entertain restless children. I don't think I ever played it myself as a kid, but the basic gist seems easy enough to understand. What's less easy for me to understand, however, is (as several of you pointed out) Georgia using said game to talk about penises and vaginas.
I'm the first one to acknowledge that I talk about sex a lot. It's part of the work that I do as an autism sexuality advocate, and I'm all in favor of using correct anatomical terms and teaching people about human sexuality/development, and therefore not at all one to begrudge someone talking about genitalia. But with Georgia's stories, I get the sense that she is doing it for shock value more than anything else...and when you talk about penises/vaginas as much as she does, after a while it starts to come across as crass instead of shocking.
By her own admission, Georgia has said she needs content, and so logically, talking about something spicy would be a good way to drum up engagement/generate content. Yet I couldn't help thinking of the fact that Georgia has numerous trans and/or gender non-conforming followers, and given the current climate around transgender issues in the UK (and US)--especially things like "bathroom checks" and the despicable obsession GCs have with trans people's genitals--her stories just edge too close to something unsettling for me. I'm not saying this was necessarily intentional on Georgia's part, but the fact that she then shared people's responses without knowing (or caring) whether people were okay with it made it even weirder and more disquieting.
Both Georgia and AL posted the trailer to their Insta stories after posting the things above, and again this seems calculated because then you have to view the stories about them before getting to the GO 2 trailer. But as @phantomstars24 said, the focus was swiftly pulled off of them (rightfully so) once that trailer was out. They absolutely could have chosen to depict themselves as supportive partners, but chose to come across as opportunistic and self-serving instead. I can't begin to fathom why, but...there it is.
So yes, there was quite a bizarre incongruity between what was happening on Instagram vs. Twitter/Tumblr today, and the fact that it came from Michael and David's own partners makes it even stranger. I'm sure Georgia and AL have been tapped to help with the promotion for GO 2 (and Staged 3), but it really does seem like they missed the mark here. Cringe for days...
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What your favourite THAI BL says about you. Part 2!
Note : this is just meant to be a joke and to be taken lightly, check out part 1!
1. Dark Blue Kiss
You like frenemies troupe, sometimes during the day you start hearing the iconic opening. You are either a diehard fan of the series ( watch all of Kiss me again, Our Skyy ) or you are lazy- you watched those 3 videos of Petekao cuts GMMTV posted. I KNOW YOU DID IT because same.
2. Don’t say no
You either watched this because A, you saw that one spicy edit of a power bottom aka fiat played by First or B, you wanted to find out more about the side couple in Tharntype 2. You like it’s when stereotypes/ the “norms” are broken, a “slutty” bottom appealed to you more than the typical “innocent” BL bottoms. You are realistic and support new ideas. ( most of the time anyways )
3. Theory of love
Unrequited love? You love angst but can’t resist romcom. This one is your favourite out of all the OffGun series you watched so far because it’s actually relatable. And you probably like no. 4 too. You love to cry, your probably cried about that one insignificant characters’ death ( HOW WERE THEY INSIGNIFICANT THEY- is probably what you are thinking now…) Check no. 4 for more.
4. Until we meet again
Okay, we get it you like this one. You were probably crying in bed a moment ago and decided to take your mind off whatever you were thing about. Sorry if I made you cry again. Every little thing in life reminds you of scenes in this show. You overthink a lot about life and I mean a lot. Sometimes you look out the sky, and you remember that one scene- OH LOOK you are beginning to tear up again. ( I’m sorry ) you love angst a little too much. I don’t know about you but my Favorite line and I’m sorry if I get this wrong but it was something along the lines of “ how could you kill the person I love ” . And you are probably emo now. I’m sorry. ( but I did just proof my point…)
5. Ai long Nhai
You are lying. You just said it’s this one because you think it’s unique. I’m sorry but I watch this drama in 2x and I still find it slow. You are here for the visuals and the every so often sweet moments. It’s dumb, it’s cute. The visual WOWS. You love it because it’s a very light-hearted show. You’re a dreamer, you fantasise a lot. You are just here to enjoy the good things, the only thing you can brag about in this show is that there is actually a gay couple acting in this show. ( Porschearm are so cute though, I watched that one video where Arm bought a horse bag? THEY ARE SO CUTE ) okay I digress. Again, ✨V I S U A L S ✨
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ayyyez · 1 year
Love how the majority of your haikyuu masterlist is going to be filled w/ asks by me <3 Teamwork
ANYWAY, how about hcs of haikyuu characters favorite Ghibli films?? Again, pick any characters that come to your mind, though I'll toss in Ennoshita as he's a film enthusiast and Yachi sense she hasn't been requested yet!
A/N: pfft! Yeah, it's you, me and our Haikyuu headcanons against the world bestie <3 BUT yeah of course I'll do these. Actually I have this urge to watch Porco Rosso again now. I did watch my fav recently too.
TAGS: general headcanons, fav movies, studio ghibli films, fluff, Director Ennoshita vibes, Sweet Yachi, Snuggled up Ghibli date with Kenma, Hinata siblings bonding, Kuroo is a dork
CHARACTERS: Ennoshita Chikara, Yachi Hitoka, Kenma Kozume, Hinata Shouyou, Kuroo Tetsurou with honourable mentions at the end
While Ennoshita can sit down and enjoy films I feel like he enjoys watching them more for the analytical film side of things. He likes to break them down and analyse the technical and thematical aspects as well as thinking about how he feels watching them.
The film buff in him holds Grave of the Fireflies (1988) so highly that even though it ripped his heart out he holds it as one of his favourite must watch in your life time films. He definitely cried his eyes out too. Not ashamed to admit it either. Can talk for hours about the powerful themes and will convince you to watch it if you haven't.
I think his all time favourite Ghibli movie though would be Princess Mononoke (1997). It just has that rewatchability, the visuals, the action, the complexity of the characters and the 'you're beautiful' line. It just captures everything he loves in films. Ennoshita the simp identifying with the simp characters. Hell yeah.
I think he'd watch all of the Ghibli films at least once and enjoy most of them enough to rewatch.
I don't think she watches many movies. Ghibli movies I feel are the few that Yachi did come across though. I think a friend in her elementary school years introduced them to her. The first one she ever saw was Spirited Away (2001) and its held a special place in her heart ever since. It's probably her favourite one to rewatch.
She would have this fantasy as a kid too that every time she walked down an alleyway or through an arch she'd be whisked off away to another world. Yachi knew it was silly but it was her only escape from her studies.
Another one she really likes is Kiki's Delivery Service (1989). She really admires Kiki's confidence of being able to go out into world so young and make it on her own. It's the kind of confidence she wished she had for herself. As she gets older and grows confident she looks back on this movie with warmth, seeing herself become more confident like Kiki.
I like to think Ghibli movies for Yachi are comfort movies that she returns to in adulthood that remind her how much she's grown.
I've said before he's into anime and manga, I think he'd be into Ghibli films too. I feel he'd chuck them on as way to wind down from gaming. Snug in bed and content just putting on a nice Ghibli film. Perfect. His perfect date night too honestly. There's actually a few I feel he'd like so I've given him a top 3 in no particular order.
Howl's Moving Castle (2004)—it's a staple and one of his most rewatched. He finds it easy to watch, likes the music, the banter of the romance couple and yeah maybe Howl's kinda hot sometimes even when he's pathetic. Kind of wants Howl merch. Buys the earrings.
When Marnie Was There (2014)—Shed a tear or two the first time because wow he wasn't expecting such a touching story. Was there for all the feels. Watched it again a few days later because it was stuck on his mind. It became one of his favs he puts on those occassions he wants to feel something.
Whisper of the Heart (1995)—Maybe because it's also my fav and the main love interest reminds me of a my fav dork that gets paired with Kenma and I feel like thats cute. But also I just feel like he'd vibe with this cute movie a lot! His fav character is the cat Muta.
Loves to watch these movies with his sister Natsu. They watch anime together in general but Ghibli movies are just those extra fun ones they put on. They have a range but his favourite one is probably My Neighbour Totoro (1988).
Totoro is one of the first films Hinata remembers watching in general so it's mostly the nostalgia that makes it his favourite. He's an emotional film enjoyer. It's not about the themes or the analysis. He just wants to have fun and enjoy himself. Also the memories of watching it with his sister is what makes it special.
You know as well that if he's sharing this film with you then it's a big deal. It means a lot to him. It's a treasured part of his childhood. It's probably something he takes with him to brazil aswell like a little piece of home along with his one piece manga.
Bought his sister a little Totoro keychain in his third year when he was in Tokyo. Gave it to her before he left for brazil. It was like a little goodbye to their childhood together.
He's another one I feel has a couple of favourites. Ones he has come to love and find comfort films in.
The first one is just one he likes for the themes, the main character and the laughs. Porco Rosso (1992)—Obviously loves the whole seaplane pirates action of it all and heroic main character. I feel like he'd identify with the main character not being good at admiting romantic feelings (Kuroo's a fumbler). Also appreciates the character growth throughout the film. Also the whole 'I'd rather be a pig than facist.' 10/10.
Only Yesterday (1991)—This one I see him watching on a whim when he was younger. His parents were arguing again, his life was a little unstable and uncertain (this was before he moved nextdoor to Kenma) and he needed to drown the noise out. He found this movie put it on and really connected with it. He really felt lost like the main character and felt hope watching it—seeing there was a hopeful ending.
I think as he gets older and expands his viewing I think Kuroo would also vibe with Whisper of the Heart (1995). He'd vibe with the main love interest. He's on the same level, trying to be cool to win over the person he has a crush on but really he's been pining all this time. Also working hard to pursue his dreams? Kuroo all over. He's also just a sucker for a love.
My Neighbor Totoro (1988)/Kiki's Delivery Service (1989): Kiyoko Shimizu, Yaku Morisuke, Yamaguchi Tadashi
Porco Rosso (1992)/Princess Mononoke (1997): Bokuto Koutarou, Iwaizumi Haijime, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Saeko Tanaka, Osamu Miya, Atsumu Miya, Suna Rintarou
Only Yesterday(1991)/Whisper of the Heart (1995): Oikawa Tooru, Akaashi Keiji, Kenji Futakuchi
Spirited Away (2001)/Howl's Moving Castle (2004): Kunimi Akira, Semi Eita, Kageyama Tobio, Kiyoomi Sakusa
Ponyo (2008)/The Secret World of Arrietty (2010)/When Marnie Was There (2014): Tendou Satori (he likes them all but it's the visuals and emotions), Aone Takanobu, Koganegawa Kanji, Kentarou Kyoutani
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daydreamtoropova · 1 month
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(Ignore the caption btw)
Sorry was re-watching hazbin and jesus christ I hate that scene.
The song overall is okay, but the stupid ass overly fucking dramatic zoom-in on Charlie's over-the-top shocked expression is just-
*Slow dramatic zoom in for like 10 seconds while the most cliche fucking sound plays* Like just FUCKING GET ON WITH IT.
The most build-up for this one quote-unquote "plot twist" of a detail they've been so fucking obviously hinting at for the entirety of that episode and quite a bit of the one before.
It would have been so much better if A) they didn't fucking announce this was going to happen like 3 different times throughout the episode and B) if it wasn't so god damn overly exaggerated and emphasized that "Oh no! Charlie is shocked and worried and etc etc!" Well like NO SHIT SHERLOCK, of COURSE Charlie would be shocked! Why the FUCK was that the focus when you FUCKING TOLD US IN THE EPISODE LIKE NOT EVEN 5 MINUTES AGO THATS EXACTLY WHAT WAS ABOUT TO HAPPEN
Sorry about the random af rant btw
I love the show, but it honestly could have been so much better if it had coherent writing
Yeah, reminds me of those Indian film editing that just zoom in and stuff way too much.
The show has trouble with using too much exposition and too on-point writing like it's TELLING the audience right in the face about it.
Like in the first episode, it was like "Yeah so these Exorcists come and kill us all and blah blah blah" and it's just too much tell and not show (and this event is tell, not show).
The audience shouldn't be treated as little kids (because it's an adult show) and it sometimes feels like what happened was
"Okay, so what happens in the episode is that this causes this and this along with this" and they just said "Yup let's put that in so the audience can understand it, DO YOU UNDERSTAND IT?"
Also, the show is too fast-paced which is a problem (so much plot and new characters in 8 episodes that are each 20 minutes, ARE YOU SERIOUS??? The pilot did it better with it being 30 minutes, showing all the personalities and quirks and things of characters, and doesn't struggle as much with "show don't tell").
And the zoom-in? Sure it's visual, but in concept, it's tell. Also not the best. Shock is one and done. It should be only a couple of frames, enough for a gasp.
Yeah, the show could use a rewrite, like the idea is good, but the execution could use a little work.
A lot of people complain with "omg so many filler episodes it sucks" but this is complaining of "it's too fast-paced." And I think the "show don't tell" rule gets broken because they don't have time to show. They should've gotten an extra 2-4 more episodes for the season like 8 episodes is a VERY short season to explain that much especially.
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weerd1 · 9 months
All right, I feel it’s time to dig into my new comfort show, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. Let me say up front, I love this show, so if you’re looking for someone who’s been watching Star Trek since the ‘70s to gripe about new Trek, you won’t find it here. Is this show perfect? Of course not. Is it Deep Space Nine good? Not yet, but I see potential. Episode by episode look and a long chat after the break! THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!
What it DOES feel like is TOS. From the variety of genres used to tell stories, to some downright weird plot points, to some remarkable social commentary, this really feels like what would happen if they just made TOS now. I lament a bit that we have 10-episode seasons instead of enough in a season to allow for some MORE variety the way TOS had more than 25 episodes a season.
So how about visual continuity?
This show looks like the way I would see this universe when I read novels or played the RPG: effects have caught up with the way I brain painted the Blish adaptations or those early novels. It works for me.
What about character continuity?
Barring the fact the show has canonized the idea that even the “Prime” timeline can shift a bit due to the influences of time travel across the universes (which I love), I think the nuances this show brings do nothing but enhance my understanding of TOS. The Spock/Chapel moments now on TOS? Christine now asking Spock, “have you ever been in love?” in the episode “What Are Little Girls Made Of?” becomes a bit of gut punch! What does it mean to her when he begins to lose control due to Ponn Farr? Does she think he might be reverting back to the Spock of a decade before who chanced to unleash emotion?
Visually and character-wise, we have not changes but expansion. Honestly, most of these perceived “changes” reminds me of Gene Roddenberry taking the opportunity to enhance the Klingons when he had the budget in The Motion Picture. Did he care that the Klingons weren’t bumpy? Did he care to come up with a solution? He didn’t: He was a creator who now had more tools to work with. SNW does that.
My sole complaint, which honestly stretches across many modern shows, Trek and otherwise is about language. TOS and its progeny up until Enterprise used a more stolid, slang-free method of writing which to me added to the timeless nature of the show. When characters in modern Trek use modern vernacular it ties the episodes for me more to the present rather than allowing me to suspend my disbelief that this is the future. This is just my personal preference, and is certainly not something that torpedoes my love for the show or characters.
So, if you’re still with me, let’s get into the nitty gritty, each episode rated from 1 to 5 LLAPs. 🖖
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“Strange New Worlds” 🖖🖖🖖🖖
After DISCO S2 gave us a Pike which made Spock’s actions in “The Menagerie” entirely plausible, we pick up here with him knowing his destiny and he’s having to work on that. As it plays out, we get some great explorations of what Star Trek and Starfleet within the universe is about. We also get a pretty pointed commentary on our present and what allowing politicians to appeal to and encourage the baser, xenophobic impulses of their constituencies leads to. Solid start, solid introduction of return and new characters, and wow is this show gorgeous.
“Children of the Comet” 🖖🖖🖖
A solid episode which feels a little long in places. However, showing Sam Kirk is this universe’s Guy Fleegman is terrific, and we get some great Uhura moments. Also, fly, Erica, fly!
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“Ghosts of Illyria” 🖖🖖🖖🖖
About as TOS as you can get! Crewmembers trapped on a planet below as danger approaches, a strange disease threatening the crew. Plus, a couple of good character revelations that start threads which will continue well into Season 2.
“Memento Mori” 🖖🖖🖖✌️(That’s a half)
The beginnings of expanding on the Gorn while giving us more background on La’an Noonien Singh (whom I originally was none to happy that she was Khan’s descendant, but S2 really uses that beautifully). She’s a terrific character and this episode helps us know why. Also- see my comment above about making the Klingons “more” because you have the opportunity as SNW picks up the way ENT showed us the Gorn were more than just a slow moving dino allegory and kicks it into high gear.
“Spock Amok” 🖖🖖🖖
A very fun episode which continues to show us that TOS’s T’Pring was more than just a diabolical woman who dared mess with our heroes. Have greatly appreciated what they have done with her. Also, Enterprise Bingo!
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“Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach” 🖖🖖🖖✌️
Credit here first of all for a very TOS title. Then a TNG style morality play, but one that does not end happily. Dig it.
“The Serene Squall” 🖖🖖✌️
The Orion pirate captain and Pike’s mutiny was a little too…well silly for me. However, Captain Angel and the Sybok name drop, plus Christine being badass? All in there. Also, this sets up some Spock/Chapel stuff for S2 and I dig all of that.
“The Elysian Kingdom” 🖖🖖✌️
Again fun, and a neat way to deal with M’Benga’s daughter storyline. A bit indulgent in places, but everyone seems to be enjoying themselves so much, and we get Christina Chong’s dog Runa. VERY TOS when it all comes down to it. Bonus points for the DS9 reference.
“All Those Who Wander” 🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖
Oh- the Gorn are warp capable Xenomorphs. How HORRIFYING. Also, some real stakes as we lose Hemmer, and Spock really starts his S2 arc here.
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“A Quality of Mercy” 🖖🖖🖖🖖✌️
Terrific method of tying in some more TOS to contextualize the show, a modernized TWOK uniform, and a new Captain Kirk. I didn’t walk out convinced by Paul Wesley’s Kirk, but he wins me over early in S2. My real complain here is Ortegas falling into the role of the bigoted Styles from “Balance of Terror.” Did NOT seem like her style. Kudos to a bit of a cliffhanger, even if it does feel a little tacked on to the episode. Also, they missed a bet not having James Frain (DISCO’s Sarek) playing the Romulan Commander.
(Also, the show misses a bet not having Rebecca Romijn or Jess Bush voice the computer.)
Overall S1 is a solid start that ties itself plenty to what has gone before, without resorting to simple, overwrought nostalgia baiting to tell a story. Like some other recent Star Trek.
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"The Broken Circle" 🖖🖖🖖🖖
Spock stealing the Enterprise on a semi regular basis is now in my canon, and I am grateful. Pelia, I am convinced, is actually Carol Kane’s character from “Taxi.” M’Benga rolling out the stimulants didn’t make a lot of sense to me on my first viewing, but in context with the season, this is actually setting up a really interesting—and dark—bit of character development.
“Ad Aspera per Aspera” 🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖
This. This is Star Trek. ‘Nuff said. (Ok, also, THOSE DRESS UNIFORMS!)
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“Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow “ 🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖
Here, HERE Paul Wesley’s Kirk wins me over, even if it is an alternate version. Earning money (and apparently a lot given the remarkably nice apartment they stay in) by playing CHESS, recognizing that La’an’s universe should stay because Sam’s alive, the slow seduction…yup, that’s Jim Kirk. Plus, This episode acknowledges that time is fluid, referencing how TOS tells us the Eugenics Wars SHOULD have been in 1992, but it keeps shifting. Elegant solution that opens so many doors to future stories. Also, baby KHAAAAAAAANNN!
“Among the Lotus Eaters” 🖖🖖🖖🖖
Nice callbacks to “The Cage,” yes. But this episode BELONGS to Erica Ortegas. “My name is Erica Ortegas and I👏🏻fly👏🏻the👏🏻ship!” And let’s add “thread the needle” to awesome starship tricks, shall we? Erica makes this good episode great.
“Charades” 🖖🖖🖖🖖
Vulcan shenanigans are back with a fully human Spock, and indeed, this one is funny. Ethan Peck’s comedy chops are great here, especially with Sam Kirk’s mess. Anson Mount delivers in the funny department too as Pike serves up Vulcan food. Very poignant stuff here for Christine though, and though I was initially, “oh no,” continuity-wise, I really ended up liking what this MEANS to what we saw on TOS.
“Lost in Translation” 🖖🖖🖖
A bit cliche, but a good Uhura episode, and though it seems like they're trying a little TOO hard to bring Kirk in, the Lt. Kirk/Ensign Uhura dynamic here is really good. The Jim/Sam thing also something I enjoyed. What makes this episode for me though is when Uhur figures out what's going on, Pike trusts her. Blows up a whole-ass mining station on the word of one Ensign. Go, Nyota!
"Those Old Scientists" 🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖
Just perfect. From the seemless merger of Lower Decks animated characters, to the meta commentary about "oddly specific references" and people talking "really slowly and quietly" this just works. Also ENT love! Uhura and Ortegas geeking out over Sato and Mayweather just made my day. So much fun, nothing could wipe the smile from my face! (Spoiler alert: The next episode will gut me.)
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"Under the Cloak of War" 🖖🖖🖖🖖🖖
Holy crap. You thought DS9 played around with questionable moral decisions in a war setting, SNW here shows us they're not afraid to travel into Moore/Behr's space and take a whirl. The weirdness with M'Benga pays off here, and as a veteran myself they way this episode delves into our inability to provide the emotional context to what war does to us to someone without the same frame of reference? Fantastic. I was pretty uptight for most of this episode, because I felt it. I cried in places, was made uncomfortable in places, and what a set of reveals for both Christine and of course M'Benga as we see those flashbacks.
"Subspace Rhapsody"🖖🖖🖖
I WANT to give this one another LLAP, as I love musicals, and I love the fact they were bold enough to do one. The cast pulls off their numbers wonderfully, there's some great moments, especially between Jim and La'an (HE'S BACK???), and they conceit that makes this work is though a hair silly, pretty consistent with Trek and it's quantum/multiversal/anomaly episodes of times past. The only thing that doesn't work for me are the songs themselves. A couple are OK, but they just didn't stick with me. And I made sure I watched a couple of times, just to see if it was my mood. I can't help but compare this to Buffy The Vampire Slayer's "Once More With Feeling" though, and there are three songs from that I keep on my permanent playlist, and can sing pretty much the whole ep verbatim. This didn't make me want to do that; I just really enjoyed it. I wanted to love it. (Shout out though to the "Once More With Feeling" Easter Egg.)
"Hegemony" 🖖🖖🖖🖖
As soon as they gave Captain Batel a first name in the musical, I got worried, and sure enough these Gorn bring that to fruition. She's not dead yet, but she's in trouble, and this is a tight action episode. I appreciate that this new young Montgomery Scott is a) played by a Scot, and b) something of a mix between the Doohan and Pegg versions of the character. My only fear now is we have this cliffhanger, and between the writer's strike and modern TV's general refusal to follow seasonal schedules, we may be in for a far worse wait than the summer of 1990 left us with William Riker's "Fire."
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So that's my take. Yes, there are missteps, or things that don't QUITE work, but if I want to compare this to the glory days of 90s Trek, we're only 20 episodes in, and already having a great time when TNG, DS9, and VOY all took at least a season or two of 24 episodes each to find their way. Sure, classic Trek all but hit it out of the gate, but again, we don't have but slightly more than 2/3 of their first season of episodes. We’re 20 episodes in and the worst ones are JUST good, there hasn’t been a bad one yet. SNW has found a way to be a prequel without suffering from their audience’s foreknowledge, and fit themselves firmly into Trek lore without just relying on playing Trek Trivia Madlibs to write their scripts (though Kirk KEEPS showing up!). I'm a little worried as I was really digging on DISCO for the first two seasons as well, and season 3 was a huge disappointment to me. Let's hope whenever we get back to this, they keep up the good work. I am more than ready to again boldly go.
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mystarmyangel · 8 months
[HOT-THEQOO] 231001 The recent beauty situation of the 3 members of SNSD who left on the same day due to their respective schedules
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At time of posting 1 Oct 11.30pm KST: 33.5K views, 130 comments (Will translate YoonA related comments)
1. They have all managed themselves well. 2. What’s up with YoonA.. wow 3 YoonA is insane 4. YoonA is actually kinda handsome....? 6. Taeyeon YoonA, it would be fun if both of them got on the same plane to Paris 7. Why is YoonA so handsome today? 8. YoonA is so pretty *trembling* 9. YoonA’s style is so pretty! 10. What is with Lim YoonA.... why are you so handsomely pretty today 11. Soshi are working hard 12. YoonA is too pretty 14. Wow they are all so cool 15. YoonA is insane 16. YoonA’s style is so good 17. Wow YoonA 18. YoonA is freaking pretty, it’s insane. Everyone are pretty 19. Give me the two-shot of the gwiyomi-s (referring to YoonA and Taeyeon couple name during Channel SNSD) 20. What is really surprising is that YoonA  seems to age at the pace that is half of other people 22. YoonA is so pretty 23. YoonA *trembling* 24. There are like 5 million stories in YoonA’s eyes. My first love 26. They all look really pretty 29. How can YoonA be so handsomely pretty? That’s so cool 30. YoonA’s proportion *trembling* 31. Soshi is always working hard. Did YoonA cut her hair? It suits her so well 34. YoonA wow 35. I think YoonA and Yuri seem to look the same each time I see them. Their self-management is indeed awesome 37. I wonder if those three know that they are all leaving the country on the same dayㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 38. Is this YoonA’s pictorial? 39. If Taeyeon and YoonA were to meet, can they give me two-shot.. Yuri’s outfit today suits her well too 41. (replied to 38thcomment) No no, YoonA is going for Miu Miu Paris Fashion Week 42. (replied to 41st comment) Ak ㅋㅋㅋthat is just 주접 (silly and exaggerated comments to compliment someone), saying how she is so pretty like she is taking a pictorial ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 43. I would believe it if you tell me these are photos from N years ago 45. YoonA is pretty every time I see her 46. YoonA has always been so pretty. Today’s styling is good too.
47. I hope YoonA and Taeyeon can take a two shot 48. YoonA is so pretty but I am not a fan of her outfit ㅜㅜㅜ 49. YoonA’s face is freaking pretty 50. YoonA is really pretty all the time 52. Wow all of them are so pretty. As expected of SNSD🩷 53. Legendary 54. Soshi really ㅠ 55. Soshi is pretty 56. Taeyeon, Yuri, YoonA are so pretty, as expected SNSD *trembling* Too pretty, their beauty are at peak every day. They get prettier every time I see them 57. YoonA is really pretty, but I am not sure of the coordinates ㅋㅋ 58. SNSD’s self-management are really freaking awesome 59. How is YoonA so handsome? 60. All three of them are so pretty today. Our gwiyomi couple, take a selfie if you two meet.... 61. Looking at their outfits, I think autumn has really arrived. So pretty 62. Wow YoonA 63. YoonA is really so handsomely pretty 65. How is it that YoonA looks exactly like she did 10 years ago? *trembling* 66. YoonA is pretty and her bag is pretty too!! Yuri is gorgeous 67. All are pretty and their outfits suit them 69. Wow YoonA 70. YoonA why are you so handsome.... 71. YoonA, what’s up with your vibes? So cool 72. Why isn’t YoonA getting old...? 74. Everyone in SNSD is doing so well 76. Soshi ya pretty 78. There are many female idols, but Soshi is truly an all-time legend. So prettyㅜㅜ 79. YoonA is so pretty 81. Graceful 82. YoonA just looks the same as she did back then 83. I’m glad everyone in Soshi are doing well. So pretty 85. YoonA and Yuri are so pretty... Soshi are all pretty but there is a reason why they are the visual lineㅋㅋㅋㅋTaeyeon still look like a fairy so cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 86. YoonA is perfect 87. YoonA is too pretty 88. As expected YoonA... Really insane... YoonA and Taeyeon please meet in Paris!!! 89. Right now its SNSD. Everyone are working hard, so cool 💗 90. Yuri’s mask is unique and attractive. YoonA has always been really pretty 91. No, they are all pretty, but YoonA is really insane...? What’s up with her beauty... 92. Wow YoonA is so pretty 93. YoonA is so pretty 95. YoonA is both pretty and handsome 96. YoonA and Yuri are pretty 97. YoonA has always been well known to be handsome, and she still isㅋㅋㅋㅋ
98. The photo where YoonA looks sideways is insane... It is like a pictorial.. 99. I really want to see YoonA in real life...... The very essence of a goddess right..? 100. YoonA is really insane 101. YoonA is truly very pretty 102. YoonA wow 103. YoonA is insane 104. YoonA is pretty her entire life 105. YoonA is so pretty that I saved her photo without realizing it. 106. How can all three of them be Soshi ya... that’s cheating... 107. YoonA is so pretty yet she is also so handsome... 108. YoonA is so pretty 109. YoonA is really pretty... 110. All three of them are pretty but YoonA is really ㅋㅋㅋinsane handsomely pretty, what is going on   111. I want to date YoonA 112. YoonA used to have a strong pretty vibes, but she has also become more and more handsome 113. YoonA.. 114. Ah YoonA is insane 115. YoonA is so pretty 116. YoonA is insane 117. YoonA is so pretty 118. Wow, I saved YoonA’s photo. How long has it been since the last time I saved a photo of a celebrity? 119. All three of them are pretty in different ways. Their self-management is amazing 120. YoonA is indeed very pretty 123. YoonA is so handsomeㅠㅠ 125. YoonA is too pretty 127. YoonA hasn’t changed 128. YoonA reallyㅜㅜㅜ 129. How can YoonA’s facial proportion be this great 130. YoonA is insane... Source: TheQoo Trans: mystarmyangel
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hey-sherry · 1 year
Sherlock Holmes The Awakened Demo Thinky Thoughts
A bit late, but I wanted to share my first reaction to the Awakened demo! This is essentially an expanded version of what I wrote on the FW discord, with screenshots edited to look nicer for tumblr. I will do a separate post on the extra stuff that is normally inaccessible without Ansel. [Extra stuff post here]
So: spoilers ahead + keep in mind that the game is darker and moodier, I edited some of the screenshots so that they are clearer on tumblr/mobile view.
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Sweet sweet concept art, gorgeous intro music, yay! The main theme is atmospheric and dark, giving me very slight vibes of the Sarif HQ track from DX:HR... I mean this in a good way, not in a “they copied it” way. It’s that sort of nostalgic ambience, but deeper and darker. One day I’ll stop drawing parallels to Deus Ex, but today is not that day.
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The intro cinematic is pre-rendered and really good; I liked Sherlock's narration and the implication it's all in Watson's/players' hands now... He sounds more authoritative and distant than in CO.
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I really liked the visual with the fly caught in the cobweb.
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I did not expect this! It's a really fun title sequence and wow, we’re being thrown straight into chapter 3. I too thought it would be London but this is great 😄
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WATSON!!! At this point I’m thinking, “Oooh we're gonna play as Watson, they probably don’t want to show Sherlock just yet, I know someone who's gonna be very happy about this o,o” (ahem hem, @lucere-aeresta​) I like long dialogues/cinematics so this intro was a treat. I'll have to replay of course but it felt very satisfying to see a chunk of the story here and be introduced to the new characters. There’s a lot going on!
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The receptionist
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Dr. Gygax!
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You can walk around a little and talk to a couple of NPCs. There’s this easter egg - it’s a Lovecraft easter egg (thanks for figuring that one out, Lucere!) The paper itself is straight from Cordona. :D
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You cannot pick this letter up, but the message is very clear. May be a clue in the final game.
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Who’s there...? BTW this is the exact face Sherlock gives Jon when he plays the guitar too loudly in the CO seance scene :D
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OH NO. LMAO! This had me in stitches, and of course I lied. Nice American accent, you dork. The subsequent journal entry essentially saying "Watson tried to act, I guess" gave me a chuckle. I tried!  So hard! And in the en-- moving on...
Here’s how the journal looks like now. The clues have updated icons and you can toggle to sort them by type (document, conversation, item, etc.) or the order in which you found them.
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So yeah, Sherlock shows up in disguise and a terrible American accent, says the iconic “Guten day,” and then he gets sedated because Watson cannot lie to save his life.
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Of course. OF COURSE. Now I know someone who's going to be a bit disappointed we don’t spend much time as Watson, but that's not me. 😂 My first thought -> they heard us cry and wail about the stubble and said "We're gonna make you beg to have the stubble back" Ok, ok, you win. I'm sorry. 😭
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(insert half an hour of zooming around with Ansel instead of playing the damn game) This is how the game levels look when you go out of bounds!
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Found some of you in the back! And in the cells! :3 (There’s a wall with photographs of the Kickstarter backers, and a row of cells with names and custom faces - although you cannot see the characters very well at this point.)
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Right, I should play. The lockpicking puzzles were fun, but I'll admit I found both of them extremely easy. But I am a seasoned adventure game fan and it's a nice little thing to do for that feeling of escaping the cells. The “Mycroft” (custom) difficulty setting does let you change the puzzle difficulty, so we are probably going to face a bigger challenge in the finished game. The settings don’t make a difference in the demo, though.
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So yeah, I think it’s safe to say he’s a full blown addict by now. Vogel, what have you done?
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Ran into the guard three times, got a game over 😎 Confirmation that yeah Sherlock is still afraid of water! I bet he's gonna love the trip to America and boating around the swamps. What could go wrong.
FYI, there's a guard that you need to figure out how to get past. It's not a sneaking sequence, but you need some items. If he notices you 3 times he rings the alarm, and the game reloads
At this point I'm having fun just investigating stuff and admiring the new journal etc., it's all very nicely designed. It's awesome that we can sort evidence by type now! The mind palace facelift is so good and feels more involved than before.
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Back to the game... I SQUEALED!!! 😄 duhhh
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And again! Two back to back CO references, yay ♥
Well I am a smart detective and deal with the guard with my brain and not my fists. Time to yoink all of his clothes. Where did his body go? We don't ask such questions around here...
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ANSEL PHYSICS RESET MY BELOVED ♥♥ never fix this please never ever
(cue another photoshoot) 
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The biggest tease in all of the demo: THAT EXCLAMATION MARK. Let... me... see... outfits! 😂 Lovingggg the updated outfit screen, so happy there's some gorgeous lighting in there. It looked kinda bad in CO.
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Okay, back to playing the game! I LIED, more photoshoots as the inmates scream, cry, and wail all around me. Sucks to be them, I guess.
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Okay, Gerda! I LOVE her new design, and her voice actress too! She was so great.
Gerda is the second inmate that we meet. She wants her friend Heidi back and until then she will not talk. The first inmate that we meet is Mauricio Napoleon, it is just a short but entertaining conversation/cinematic. We don’t talk to him any more in the demo.
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He does that lil smile as she spits the worst threats at him, it's glorious
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Something something Silent Hill 3 (Gorgeous!)
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I try to play the mountain goat in every game and the absence of the jump button will not stop me
So I didn't take screenshots of the quite meaty gameplay surrounding getting Heidi back and figuring out what's going on, so here's some thoughts: - The updated crime scene investigation looks fantastic! The smokey green aesthetics are fitting and everything is much clearer than it was in CO. I like that we can see how many variations there are for each 'node'. The only thing I'm not sure about is the first person perspective - Sherlock's close focus mode - because I had trouble seeing what's different in the variations, and sometimes the models would push me back a little bit when they loaded. I'd move away from the node just by trying to see things and had trouble re-positioning... not a great deal of trouble, of course, but it is a downgrade from SHCO. I think the 3rd person mode like with Jon in CO works much better. This is my biggest criticism of the demo. - There was a tad too much running back and forth just to seemingly fetch a few items... this may be polished further, I don't know. It gave me old adventure game vibes where you kinda run back and forth for a few small things lol. - I wished we could use the items more directly and/or assemble things, not just have them as text in the inventory... but I understand that making a new puzzle feature may be too much work at this point - The "three clues" dialogue confused me for a moment, but so it did in CO as well so this may be a ‘me’ problem 😂 I keep forgetting that there are 3 different questions to answer, not that I need to present 3 accurate clues... hahah. - The darker overtones are soooo up my alley! When I figured out what had happened to one of the people in the casket... ooof anyway, time to find and assemble Heidi!
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Him <3
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Awww, isn't it cute?
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Oh so wrong 😂 I did NOTTTT expect this ahahahahhhh Hands down the best part of the demo The mental health aspect of the remake was what had me a little worried, but you know what, I think it's gonna be fine 😂 Heidi is one bad bench, and Sherlock just ACCEPTING he's now talking to a demonic doll and making the most of it is just chef's kiss Love, love, love. We're all mad here.
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I unlocked a reward, and what a sweet one it is! Sadly, you cannot change your clothes in the demo. The updated physics make his chain and bag go bouncing like crazy, haha.
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And thank
for reading! Feel free to send me an ask if you have any questions.
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allthesunlightwecansee · 10 months
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To better manifest my intentions, I did a lot of spellwork today to mark the last couple days of the Lion’s Gate Portal. Among them were these two spells, for healing (a custom one I requested) and spiritual development respectively, that used candles that I bought from a metaphysical store in my hometown, and wow did these light up! While I have full confidence in my spellwork and my craft, I wanted to touch on the notion of aesthetics a little bit. Aesthetics are admittedly really important to me in my craft. Things that I think are aesthetically pleasing make me feel more in tune spiritually, because I’m a very visual person and I like a visual representation of my inner thoughts and feelings. I’m sure many people feel the same way, but it’s also important to note for those of us who are newer that things don’t have to, and in fact won’t, always look perfectly aesthetic and pretty, and that’s just the nature of spellwork. While the candles themselves were beautiful, they created kind of chaotic flames due to the thick herbs on one side, to the point where I had to take one of them to the bathroom sink. They were also burned in a washed out yogurt glass filled with salt because that’s what I had on hand to make a safe and protected environment for my spell. But you know what? It doesn’t make the spell any less meaningful or powerful to not look perfect, and I know that I manifested all of my desires that I set forth at the beginning of these rituals ✨
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khcnartist · 2 years
i think this would be an interesting change of pace for me. everyone’s favorite (maybe not everyone) boss man is here !! only for carnagehq. let’s get started, shall we?
positive traits: energetic, ambitious, encouraging.
negative: impulsive, sometimes too trusting, neurotic
i 100% and wholeheartedly believe that this man is doing the absolute best that one can to provide the world with the best wrestling content on the planet. i clearly don’t know tony personally but my portrayal doesn’t see any other company as competition. he wants to be able to create a wrestling alternative is all. it’s really rumor reports that think he either “hates” WWE or is just trying to create “WWE 2.0”. anything having to do with that will warrant a “no one’s forcing you to watch this but i find it weird that you watch to ONLY talk shit about it” or something along those lines. also as busy as this man is, even though he might get annoyed, he won’t argue with anyone. as far as the infamous backstage drama, i’ll acknowledge that it happened because I mean it did but he’ll stop it at “I have it under control.”
my portrayal of tony is as a very relatable human being and not rich billionaire playboy who thinks he’s above rules. he lives in Jacksonville, in a 2 bedroom apartment with 2 cats. he doesn’t dress lavish (irl he doesn’t either but) and really doesn’t try to flaunt his wealth. he’s got it but don’t flaunt it. good guy tony… but he does have that infamous rich guy problem… ( tw: drug mention ) tony has had an on/off cocaine addiction that he’s had since college. that’s why sometimes he just looks completely out of it.. because he is. he doesn’t bring it to work as an attempt to try and wing himself off of it but once he’s home alone or he’s under heavy stress, he’ll do like or six. the longest he’s been sober is a good year and that was only because a woman he was seeing. he was actually on the verge of proposing but the woman broke his heart. that caused his heaviest “cocaine diet” and it lasted for the full following year. In fact, very few people know but the idea of all elite wrestling didn’t really get pen to paper until that particular year. before it was just something he talked about doing. so the cocaine gave him the push.
I’ve plotted with some of you before and you’re all amazing writers! don’t be afraid to do it again, i try to be as sweet as one can be via the web. ships with tony.. first, i gotta visualize it in my head. sometimes i’ll agree to a ship and it won’t really make sense as i start to play it out. i know this is RP and it really doesn’t have to make sense but it does to me for some reason. please don’t ever feel offended if i change my mind.. it’s just a thing that happens. two, deep planning. if i come across a ship and I’m into it, i want them to fight and argue and talk shit about one another then make up like couples do. i do not want the ship that never seems to fight, bring me angst! my guy has a drug problem, i want his partner to be really pissed off about it (whether they have something similar or the exact same problem up to muse). eventually, i’ll have him quit altogether whether that means rehab or quitting cold turkey but for now that’s what it is. also, i am human. i will tag triggers accordingly but i will slip up and be excited to reply and simply forget. do not be afraid to message me and say hey tag that shit but do not be rude about it. i am a simple dummy behind the screen.
lastly, tony’s sexuality is pansexual. he’s big on getting to a know a person as a person and doesn’t look at gender specifically. if he likes someone, he’ll be shy about it but he will drop hints. he’s a romantic. love letters in your lunch box type of guy, teddy bears left in places that you’ll see, flowers is a must at least once in awhile. a very sweet wholesome guy. he’s not much of a guy that has one night stands regularly but he isn’t opposed to it either. just whatever the mood gives off.
wow a lot of ramblings just to say, let’s go!
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lehdenlaulu · 1 year
Okay, SaB S2. I'm groggy as hell and only have time for a couple of episodes, but here we go. Ep1.
Alina looks fantastic but I have to wonder where'd she find a curling iron in the middle of the sea. Unless the ship had a convenient tailor on board.
Aw, they cute.
I'm still impressed with the visual worldbuilding and production design so far.
Yeah, the Crows' brooding cello 'theme' still makes me immediately think of 'Vodka Inferno' by Diablo Swing Orchestra, if the overall vibe of the show didn't already.
Kaz backstory here we gooo.
Wow, very well-funded police force if they can afford purple uniforms. Assuming dyes work the same way they do in our world. Which I do, since that kind of thing has to be a conscious design choice.
Aw baby.
Hi Nikolai. I don't know you yet but I know who you are.
Huh, I thought Kaz had known all along and Jesper knew he knew. But I guess they needed to spell it out for the audience.
Damn, Mal. I'm not sure if that's just fancy editing or if we're supposed to believe he's Special somehow. (I know he's supposed to be but not like that I guess??)
And these would be the twins, yes? Hello there.
And here's the dude with the Finnish name and the Scottish accent. Hah.
And Wylan. Hi, Wylan!
Nina! Nice save, babe.
"Funny guns and angry hat." 😂 Perfect.
Poor Genya.
Nice acting from Dani on the 'love of my life'. The realization when she said that out loud.
Ep. 2
There's something about Nikolai I'm not buying. Maybe it's the acting, maybe the whole pirate angle is a little much and the balance of the vibes isn't quite right. Hmm. 🤔
Like, I get that the character is probably playing a part to a degree, but... yeah. Let's see how it unfolds.
Well done with the ship, though, it's actually properly cramped instead of absurdly spacious like in many films/shows.
I still really love the lighting of this show. Especially in comparison to so many other things recently.
I like that we're seeing Kirigan in human light as well, not just as the mustache-twirling villain cliché. The scenes with Genya are fascinating and disturbing. Great job Ben and Daisy.
Honestly I'm so glad they've aged these characters up. I would never believe they're teenagers. I mean, Wylan, maybe.
Huh, flashback or fantasy? I was under the impression they hadn't gotten to that part yet in the last season.
I wish the show had explained the amplifier thing a bit better, tbh. And did we even know about the Sea Whip and the Firebird last season, at all? And if she's been dreaming of them, shouldn't we have seen those dreams?
Ooh, an Alkemi! A cute one. Very... hmm. He might make a great Armand, actually.
Am I supposed to be feeling something between Alina and Nikolai? Because I'm not. At all.
And that would be a Tidemaker, I guess?
Well, that one definitely is one.
Wylan's acting a bit like jilted ex, which is weird and sort of funny. I suppose there's a reason.
Okay, no, everyone's apparently fighting like that now, not just Mal.
Ep. 3
Yeah, I doubt you'll take the Fold down in the third episode, my darling.
Okay, Nik, let's see if I buy you better now that the charade is over.
Aww babies.
Nadia! Hi! Wait, is that the same actress? I don't think it is.
Hi Zoya, good to see you.
Yeah, I thought it was something like that about the jilted ex behavior.
I guess Jesper is musiciansexual. 🤭
Kaz and Inej are better this season, I'm starting to buy it. Well, it helps that Kaz is starting to open up a bit, of course.
I love Nina and Inej, though. Inej needed someone like her around.
Well, everyone really is fighting like that, huh? It's getting sliiiightly unbelievable, but at least it looks awesome.
He's hot all bloody and disheveled I must say. 🤷‍♀️
Get it girl get it.
Listen, I love that Mal is supportive and they're very sweet but especially contrasting with the scene immediately after, I don't really care as much as the show probably wants me to. And that's not some shippy opinion, either, I don't really have a horse in this race.
Oh that's a very good shot of Kaz. Good job with the lighting and colors and blocking.
No, I honestly think Kaz is scarier than Kirigan.
Ooh, Tidemakers have green keftas? Yup, that's the one for me then.
Heh. I wrote this. Almost, anyway. Mine was slightly less creepy.
Well, that last scene felt familiar. Hah.
Okay, now some sleep, last four tomorrow night.
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