#deity deep dive
coinandcandle · 21 days
Hermes Deity Deep Dive
This was a requested deep dive on Hermes, you can request a deep dive on my ko-fi for $5!
Hermes is one of the 12 Olympian Gods and is known as the herald or the messenger of the gods. Often depicted wearing winged shoes and holding a staff or wand, he was known to be the patron of heralds and messengers.
As with many deities, Hermes is the god of many things, such as poets, athletics, luck, travel, trade, omens, animal husbandry, and thieves. This multi-faceted god was often conflated with the Roman Mercury, though there are some key differences.
With that, let’s get to know Hermes!
Parents and Siblings
Zeus (father)
Maia (mother)
Lovers or Partners
Theses are the more common lovers found referenced with Hermes.
These are all of the cited children I found, there may be some discrepancies depending on which myth you read and who tells the story.
*The primordial god Pan has many origins, being the son of Hermes and Penelopeia is just one of these origins. The next three are thought to be aspects of Pan that may also be personified separately. Pan may be a tripartite deity, this will have to wait until Pan gets his own Deep dive.
The Greek gods have massive lists of names, here are some I’ve found on multiple lists.
One of the more popular myths of Hermes is the myth of him stealing Apollo’s cattle as a baby. Hermes was freshly born, escaped his crib and stole his half-brother’s herd of cattle. In order to avoid getting caught, Hermes plays some devious and clever tricks, though the tricks he plays depends on the myth-teller. At some point on his journey with the cattle he finds a tortoise whose shell he turns into the very first lyre. Inevitably he gets caught by Apollo but the sun god is so charmed by the lyre that he allows Hermes to keep the cattle or at least forgives him.
Not only this myth, but others depict him as a trickster who enjoys a good prank.
Hermes was known to be the patron god of Arcadia as he was born in Mount Cyllene in Arcadia according to Homer.
Philostratus places Hermes’ birthplace in Olympus, however.
Hermes is also a psychopomp, a traveler between the realms of the living and dead who aides souls headed to the underworld.
It’s possible that Hermes’ name derives from the Greek herma which meant “heap of stones” or “cairn”. These heaps of stones, or cairns, were roadside markers for travelers and may have also acted as small shrines for the deity.
Hermes was notably charming even as a baby, considered a darling of the gods (ref) where many of the deities in the pantheon would teach or entertain young Hermes.
Hermes was said to have invented wrestling and racing.
One of his more prominent cults was in Attica during the Classical period. By this time he was considered to be the god of travelers and sailors.
Thoth was another deity conflated with Hermes.
Hermes in many myths and traditions is seen to be a liminal deity. Not only is he able to travel between the underworld and overworld with ease, but he is often depicted as both young and old, as a mediator between god and man, and as a dream bringer.
It’s possible that this ties into his involvement as an initiator for young adulthood.
The Hermea were festivals held in honor of Hermes.
Hermes’ staff or wand, the caduceus (staff with two snakes wound around it), is often mistaken for the Rod of Asclepius (staff with one snake wound around it).
Modern Deity Work
Explanations are placed next to each item on the list.
Copper - I couldn’t find a source for this but I’ve seen it on multiple posts now and my friends who follow Hermes cite this as well so it is worth a mention!
Rocks - Just rocks, specifically stacked rocks from the roadside. Cairns were
Crocus flower - based on the myth where he accidentally kills Krokos and turns him or his blood into a flower.
Strawberry Trees (botanical name Arbutus unedo) - he had been nursed under one according to some myths.
Hare - he placed the hare amongst the stars as the constellation Lepus.
Tortoise - created the lyre out of a tortoise shell.
Cattle - stole Apollo’s cattle as a baby and is known to be a god of cattle rearing.
Hawk - he transformed two men, Hierax and Daidalon, into hawks.
Caduceus - the name of the staff or wand he is depicted as carrying.
Shepherd’s Pipes - he created the shepherd’s pipes.
Winged shoes - the type of shoe varies by myth or artistic depiction but the “winged” part remains the same.
Winged hat - he is often depicted wearing a winged hat.
Traveler’s hat - he is often depicted wearing a traveler’s hat.
Shepherd’s Pie - This is purely based on the fact that it’s similar to shepherd’s pipes and I find it amusing, I’m sure a god who enjoys jokes would enjoy this too but that’s my bias.
Koumara - I found this post by @grecowitch explaining that while strawberries are often cited as offerings for Hermes, this misconception comes from the misleading name of the “strawberry tree” which actually produces fruit called koumara! That said, I imagine Hermes wouldn’t be upset at receiving delicious strawberries.
Animal skins - Hermes
Coins - he is known to be a patron of not only merchants but thieves!
Other standard offerings to Grecian deities are olive oil, honey, cheeses, various fruits, milk, and candles.
Acts of Devotion
Write poetry - he is a god of poetry.
Travel - he is the patron god of travelers.
Learn how to play the lyre - he created the lyre.
Play sports - he is known as a god of athletics and during his festival days people would play sports.
Play pranks - I won’t advocate for harsh pranks, personally, but he is known as a trickster so do with that what you will.
Pray to him - pretty standard devotional act.
Go to the gym or otherwise exercise - he has been cited as the patron deity of gyms.
Build a cairn - DO NOT STACK ROCKS IN NATURE as it disrupts the natural environment! However, feel free to build one on your porch or in your house with rocks you may already have.
Celebrate Hermea - I was unable to find a set date-range for these festivals. Some suggested around the beginning of August, possibly due to his conflation with the Irish god Lugh’s holiday Lughnasadh; others suggested May 15 due to the Roman god Mercury’s holiday Mercuralia. That said, he was known to be worshipped during other holidays in Greek tradition alongside other deities.
References and Further Reading
Encyclopedia Mythica
The THEOI Project
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tears-of-amber · 1 year
FREYA (a deity deep dive & some UPG)
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⚔️Who Is Freya?⚔️
Freya is a Norse goddess of war, love, beauty, sex, pleasure, magic, and so much more! Its very hard to summarize the extent of her powers, and what knowledge remains of her through artifacts and myths suggests she was once as complex a deity as Odin (bearing many alternate names and ruling over so many aspects of life). I took inspiration from @coinandcandle for the layout of this post. Hopefully that isn't a problem! If I get any information wrong or site sources that someone else discovers to be unreliable, I am open to feedback! Note: some of this is UPG, and I'm very clear when I'm stating UPG. If there's any confusion, feel free to message me!
⚔️Parents & Siblings⚔️
-Njördr (Freya's father, a Vanir god)
-Njördr's Unnamed Sister (Freya's mother, who some scholars speculate is Nerthus, yet it remains a mystery)
-Freyr (Freya's brother, a Vanir god)
⚔️Significant Other⚔️
-Odr (Freya's husband, a mysterious wandering god who is suspiciously like Odin)
-Hnoss (Freya's daughter)
-Gersemi (Freya's daughter)
-Hörn (meaning "flaxen", probably in reference to her hair)
-Gefn (meaning "the giver")
-Syr (meaning "sow" a creature that was associated with fertility like Freya)
-Valfreyja (meaning "lady of the slain", as Freya is the goddess who picks and rules over half the slain warriors in her hall Sessrúmnir, in the field of Fólkvangr.)
-Mardöll (meaning "sea-brightener" or "one who makes the sea shine") Note: I always think of her making her father Njördr proud, as a way of making the sea shine, but that is UPG.
-Vanadis (meaning "Vanir goddess")
⚔️Important Notes⚔️
-Freya is famous for her beauty, and her lavish taste. An example of this is her iconic necklace Brísingamen. She acquired this necklace by sleeping one night with each of the dwarves who made it. In return they made the necklace (which is said to have been gorgeous and forged out of gold with amber beads).
-Something that also confirms that amber and gold are sacred to the goddess Freya would be the story of how she cries tears that turn to gold when they touch the earth and to amber when they fall on the sea. Its important to note that she cries these tears for her husband Odr who has not returned in a long time from his wandering journeys. Below is a picture of the famous artwork that depicts her tears by Gustav Klimt:
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-Oh, and Freya rides a chariot pulled by cats. Pretty cool, huh? The original cat lady. Cats are sacred to her, so if you want to honor her be sure to treat feline friends with extra respect and adoration!
-When she doesn't ride her chariot, Freya is said to ride her boar into battle. The boar's name is name is Hildisvíni (meaning battle swine).
-Freya possesses yet another treasure: her falcon cloak. This magical cloak of falcon feathers helps her to fly with the ease of a falcon. Therefore, its safe to say that falcons are sacred to this goddess.
-Despite being a goddess of sex and pleasure, Freya is not easily won over. The myths reveal she wont just sleep with anyone. Many giants sought to steal her away and wed her, yet she never caved and slept with someone she didn't see the benefit in sleeping with. In my UPG, she is a very independent goddess.
⚔️Modern Deity Work⚔️
Correspondences (These are based off of my UPG)
-falcon's eye (also called blue tigers eye)
-rose quartz
-lily of the valley
Offering Ideas
-cinnamon tea with honey
-sweet decadent foods
-pieces of amber
-cat figurines
-jewelry (specifically necklaces)
Acts Of Devotion
-spending time caring for cats
-fighting for what you believe in
-standing up for yourself
-being respectful of your own and others sexualities
-beauty routines
-glamour magic
-learning seidr
-connecting with magic in whatever form feels right for you
-practicing being more loving and compassionate
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mars-and-the-theoi · 11 months
Deity Deep Dive: 🎭Momus🎭
This is part two to my deity deep dive on Momus! This part is much more UPG heavy and kind of gets into the guts of worshiping him. So take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, a lot of this is just from my own experience with him thus far.
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What is He like? Well he’s exactly what you’d expect as a god of mockery and things like that. To me he’s not overtly rude but I know some people may see him that way. He’s mostly just witty and things like that. Though he is grateful and can be very pleasant. But if you can’t handle some teasing and things like that then tread carefully with Him. That is just His style.
What of an altar, can he share an altar with others? While witchtok does tend to blow the whole ‘omg those deities shouldn’t share an altar and if you put them together then all these horrible things will happen’ thing out of water. I absolutely will not be placing him on an altar with my other deities. Especially seeing as Zeus is on that altar. So he is going to get his own once I get the space for him. For now he just has a cup and a small plate for stuff. I don’t think anything bad would happen but…again. There’s definitely some tension between Momus and the other gods. So just for peacekeeping sake he’ll get his own area.
What about prayers, what would one pray to Him for? I, at the moment, don’t have any prayers written for him or anything like that. I mostly just thank him and give him stuff for the hell of it. I really don’t pray to him for anything or anything like that to me He’s just fun I guess. Interesting. And I think he’s just as interested in me to be quite honest. Though there’s other gods I worship that I don’t really pray to for anything. They’re just lovely to worship and all that. He’s one of those.
What about offerings? So this is where those tried and true offerings like wine and water have helped me out. Because again not much is known about Him so water and wine is a great starter. Though I’ve found that he is also fond of candy and in particular gummy candy…in the shape of bugs (like gummy worms and stuff). And I give offerings to him just as a means to building a relationship with him. I have no real reason to give him anything, but I like to do so anyways.
Devotional acts? He’s quite fond of comedy so giving stand-up comedy a try or watching a comedy could suffice. Attend a play or give a go at trying theatre. (Also learning how to give genuinely constructive criticism can be one, as well as understanding the difference between satire and just being an asshole is a good one)
Any correspondences? Now this one is heavily UPG based, I’ll forewarn y’all on that right now. I heavily associate the devil tarot card with Him. And animals like foxes and raccoons and snakes. Colors are purple, maroon, gold, and black. And as far as rocks and such go, fools gold. Just trust me there. And of course, comedy/theatre masks. Jester’s clothing. I’ve also found Him to be fond of phallic shaped objects.
Well, I think that wraps up our deity deep dive for Momus! There’s not much on him but I hope these posts helped if you’re at all interested in worshiping him or anything like that. If you have any questions feel free to send them my way!
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your-toxic-trait · 1 year
What if god told you to? PT1;
You are in a dream far from your reality
In a world vivid in all colors of contrast
Teeming with luscious gardens of vegetables and orchards rich with various fruits
Pious, would be the only word that could possibly describe a plain of existence such as this
But the darkest of black can be seen in the distance
Barely visible against the depth of a hue, like a blush cascading around you
A bizarre ting of reds and blues almost warping the scenery like wearing 3-D glasses
Even still you witness the deepest of shades becoming clear to see
A shape in tone that would make the night seem brighter draws the focus of your gaze
Apparition hastily forms to what is your current desire
Survey with irrepressible consternation
A goddess appears with long blond wisps flowing like a water fall
In awe of the essence flowing in the air around them
You speak asking for a name from the being
“ I am know as Milkhail. Im a-strange to this world it seems and you are the first person I’ve seen in this-“
Desire is a mysterious power here.
Once a goddess, coalesced into man
Observation in this moment bore intense confusion
Warping, mutilating, rearranging, constructing a new form disgustingly as this pure goddess became a god
Mikhail in absolute shock finished his question
“In this place….”
Draped in a cloak lurid with a faint glow like stardust
Small particles slowly scatter around the creature constantly
Each one reflecting light as if every atom is comprised of microscopic moons
“ I am you. I am the ecosystem. I am pain. I am glee. I am poverty. I am wealth. You could say I am everything”
The moment it spoke you can hear faintly other voices whispering in the air.
Small instances of word echos as they reverb back to your ears.
“I am everything”
The phrase repeats not by the creature, but the absolute aura it admits.
So many questions, so many answers, so much noise it drives one mad but is deafly silent at the same time
“ I am god, Michail. I will grant your ever desire. “
The echos flurrying in the wind cease after he expresses his godliness
Rustle of the world abroad returns to the back ground
“ you can grant me any wish, so to speak? What if I feel incompetent and lack desire”
Timidly Mikhail spoke to the proclaimed deity
The being replied with a grin as he began to say
“That in itself could be something I can change for you.
A stir brought about change in the fabric of space in the realm
Everything changing in light speed passing by in lines of colors
Strings of memories searing into the ground
Mikhail is confused by the state of affairs at play with this creature
“ What is it I have to do? I do want and long for what I wish, but how can I be certain it will be obtained”
The vibrancy once making this realm pious dissipates
All of the crops that bore produce evaporate as everything returns to a dark nothingness
Purgatory, no more descriptively a void of darkness
Only the creature and Mikhail can be seen
Breaking the new found silence the deity ask Mikhail
“Which one are you?”
Two mirrors, more like windows appear out of thin air
Both showing versions of Mikhail that are possible
“Are you going to be the one who writes the story, or are you going to be the one the story is about, Mikhail?”.
The window on the left shows a life of luxury, adventure, power, and all the wealth one could need
On the right the window projects struggle, sloth, Weakness and typical misfortune.
This would be a lot to take in all at once
The message this so called god is trying to convey is cryptic with numerous occult symbolisms
strung across a fanciful presentation of desires and tragedies.
Mikhail’s lips are moving but no sound can be heard
Even the quiet void is cracking to pieces in the midst of awakening
The entity speaks one last time before the dream ends in reply to Mikhail’s sniffed out question to break the silence
“What if god told you to?”
The End
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stalkerofthegods · 6 months
Loki Deep dive
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Signs he's reaching out- seeing the Snaptun Stone, Large numbers of spiders, Fire seeing his symbols and things that remind you of him in a dream, a close brush with danger, Dreams of Loki speaking to you, Repeated appearances of any of the animals related to Loki, sudden obsession on him or seeing things related to him that you wouldn’t regularly notice
Days & holidays! - Autumn Equinox, Samhain, Yule, Sep 5 UPG (tumbler meme devoted to him day) , Julaften, Saturday, April fools, Lokablót
Equivalent- logi  (the personification of fire), Prometheus, Tantalus, Jesus, Pan, Cernunnos, Dionysus, anasi, Bacchus, Lugh, Hermes, Mercury, Elegua, Eshu, Prometheus, Veles, Coyote and Crow
Dislikes- in my experience he wasn’t a fan of Hermes, he doesn’t like Heimdall (Heimdall kills Loki ) 
Married- he is married to Sigyn! (the goddess of Victory)   Also, Loki’s first wife (Angrboda who was a Jotun ) taught Loki magic, later he devoured her heart because she was an ‘evil’ witch.
Zodiac- Aries and Gemini 
Siblings - Blood Odin, Hellblindi and Balyestyr
Devotional- volunteering to help survivors of trauma, helping with orphanages, and those who are in need, laughing at yourself.
Animal - Coyote, Salmon, Snakes, Foxes, vulture, Quiscalus quiscula, wolves, serpents, cats, falcon, butterfly, raven, flies, dragons, spiders.
colors - yellow , green , red, pink, neons, purple, gold, silver, Black, violet 
offerings - Candy, Atomic Fireball (he loves alcohol ex- tequila, rum, brandy, and mead, but he does get tired of it beacuse it’s offered so much), Pez, Pixie Sticks, cookies/pastries, caramel apples. Speaking of apples, He loves red food (ex-Red Velvet) He likes things with a lot of pepper spice, or even just the peppers themselves (habaneros seem to be a favorite), good whiskey, bread, knives, whatever reminds him of u, also baked goods, or anything really, you can give him just sugar or just food, whatever says “LOKI!!”, he also loves caffeinated drinks!, he likes cinnamon, chocolate, Tobacco, weed, cheesecake, especially with berries,  old granddad brand of alcohol, and hard cinnamon flavored or spicy liquor, and spicy runs and mulled wine! Carmel golden apples!  He also loves Nutella, I would recommend giving whatever you think he would like, he likes new things I heard.
Number - 13  and Kaunaz, Naudiz, Thurisaz, number 3, The Berkana rune, 
Planet- Pluto, Dark Moon
To do in his honor  - Inner Child work, Llaughing at yourself, Accepting that no one and self is perfect, and mistakes are okay, Feeling all of our feelings, drawing, coloring, singing, dancing, being creative, working with children or the elderly, collecting and sharing jokes, going on a walk, get lost, go on an adventure with friends or fellow outcasts, go clean up a local park in his honor, do something ur scared of, joke in their honor 
What he favors in devotes - Passion and drive, inc stubbornness, a go-getter, hunger for life, child like playfull Ness
God of - Celeverness, change, Creation, Cunning, Divine, Discovery, Humor, knowledge, sex, Seduction, shapeshifting, trickster (mischief), wit, truth,  temptation, the hearth, nature. 
Patron -outcasts (black sheep), earthquakes, changing cycles of the moon, nature, fire itself.
his weapon- Lævateinn
Herbs - daisy, mistletoe, Lavender, Patchouli, Cinnamon, Clove, Hemp, Holly, Mistletoe, Cedar, Juniper, Elder, “yellow rattle” plant, lokasjóður, “Loki’s Purse” (a plant), Loki oats, wild oats, birch, alder, mullein, acorns, Aspen trees (UPG)
Preferred coffee- very very sweet. (I also heard he likes mocha) 
Remind me of him - smiling, laughter, dancing, knives, horns, flowers, trees, flies, foxes, rings, black nail polish, masks, spiders, red hair, cat eyeliner look, eyeliner, blue eyes, plastic toys, nature 
Blessings - sharper knives (be careful they may be blunt one second and then sharp)
Tarot- The magician, Wheel of Fortune, the sun, the devil, the tower, the magician, 
Signs - spiders, vultures, snakes, seals, foxes, flies, wolves, Dandelions, coyotes 
Alter decorations - boats, kids' toys, anything listed here really.
Scents - He likes cinnamon, mulled wine, cotton candy, and peaty whiskey and yew, but nothing strong or overwhelming or alluring and anything too feminine, he also dislikes super masculine colognes. He likes Pine, cinnamon, sugar & spice, honey, and wild berry incense and dragons blood incense 
Animals• Fox, spiders,Flies, salmon horses, vultures 
Crystal• Volcanic and Sulfurous stones (ex. Obsidian Gypsum, Hematite, etc.)((is associated with tectonic activity)), pyrite (fools gold), color-changing stones, Bloodstone, Xlead calcite, Sunsgone, Stones associated with the air element, red stones, Stones of any other color you associated with Loki (ex- red Jasper, Garnet, Carnelian, Ruby), Stones that scream “LOKI!!”, but mostly - Red Jasper, Amber, Garnet, Goldstone; Plastic, Acrylic, Glass, Gold, Bronze, Silver, Magnesium, Orange calcite, hematite, fire agate, onyx, etc.), serpentine, fire quartz, smoky quartz, pyrite, multi-colored/color-changing stones (labradorite, fluorite, alexandrite, bismuth, etc.), carnelian, and tiger's eye, kambaba jasper, prehnite, garnet, green aventurine, malachite, and petrified wood, Yellow calcite
Symbols•fox, Knox, web, Tangles, snakes, Flies, salmon, horses, Mistletoe, (I've also heard vulture, hawk, skull
Names•known as sky traveler, Ve, or, father of monsters, Flamehair, “that bastard” (UPG), Lie-Smith, Sly-God, Shape-Changer, Sly-One, Lopt, Sky Traveller, Sky Walker, Wizard Of Lies, and Loftur and I'm sure there's more. (I’ve accidentally called him Taco Bell before myself.) 
Mortal or immortal • Mortal, but has apples to live longer, suspected the Apple effects last YEARS (like more than 100+ years. Because he is not “old” or dead yet, and in mythology, they take it to stay young and live forever.)
Vows/omans• Blood brother with Odin, Loki swears oaths that he will devise a scheme to cause the builder (of the wall of the asier home) to forfeit the payment, whatever it may cost himself.
Morals• He's morally grey 
Age - at least 2,000 years old (probably older.), based off of the aseir starting point, when the Norse first had evidence of worship because he was older than the asier
Personality• understanding, and fast going, can be jealous and has a quick temper.
Fact• He had a wife before Sigyn and he is in a cave until Ragnorok. I also heard he like farts a lot. And sends spiders, so beware, he made spiders in Sweden mythology 
Roots• Norse mythology 
Appearance in astral or gen• red hair and fair skin but not too red or too fair. Also, blue eyes I think or green. Or anything at all really.
Children- Hel, Jormangandr, Fenir, Sleipnir, Vanir, Narfi, (from sigyn) Svadilfari,  and Einmyria and Eisa (with Glut.) He also ate a woman’s heart and bore the first witch, some say also a HUGE cat. 
Season• the month of Gemini and Aries 
Status• God and Yotan
Element- Fire, air, nature.
Personality- Loki is not always the most mature and can sometimes act like a toddler. Also chaotic Neutral. he is not an omniscient Deity, but true to his word.
Parentage • The tree Lufey and farbauti
Flame-hair, your soul burning into the night, Throwing caution to the wind And casting the die of fate, Teach me your fearlessness. Lie-smith, your sharp words like daggers, Cutting through illusions to the bone And revealing the reality we refuse to see, Teach me your clarity. Silver-tongue, whispering carefully veiled truths, Sowing shrouded mystery in your wake, And leading only the clever onward, Teach me your secrecy. And leading only the clever onward, Teach me your secrecy. Gift-Bringer, recognizing all the overlooked, Giving rightly earned reward where it’s due, And in turn, blame as well, Teach me your justice. Scar-lip, ending silence in the face of injustice, Grinning down at the outcasts And rallying your voice with theirs, Teach me your anger. Pain-holder, accepting your punishment, Embracing the consequences of your deeds, And taking the fall of those who are weaker, Teach me your resilience. World-breaker, harbinger of chaos, Spitting fire upon the stagnant And carving the spear of change, Teach me your courage. Cruel-striker, slanderer of the gods, Burning the inefficient and stale, Revealing potential in the ashes, Teach me your insight. Sly-walker, throwing your mischievous grin about And casting laughter into the darkness Where before there was only despair, Teach me your joy. Shape-changer, manipulator of all walks of life, Confidently adapting to every situation, Commanding the strength of any form, Teach me your cunning. Hearth-fire, warmth of my heart, Your arms a sanctuary where none is found Light and life of the home I can always return to, Teach me your nurturing. Sky-treader, ever true to your wild heart,Letting none even try to contain your spirit As free as the sky itself, Teach me your passion. Hail Loki, And thank you, my God, For everything you bring to my life.I love you so.
- by @klawl
Links/websites/sources •
Links I recommend - 
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Loki is the Norse god of mischief, and the hard cold truth, even tho he may be a jackass, but he is wise enough to be truthful, and charming in many ways.
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cursingcrona · 4 months
I'm doing Deep Dives and Pendulum readings for $3.00 each! If your interested information continues below!!
Deep Dives:
I do research on any of these religious topics:
Spell jars
Candle spells
Types of spells
I DM you the information!
Pendulum Readings:
Ask me any question with three answers (make sure you tell me the three answers) and I ask the question for you. After this, I interpret the message and DM or post the information, based on your preferance
My cash-app !!
Please leave what you want and your tumblr in the reason!!
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madememoria · 1 year
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summer-fire · 6 months
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akkivee · 1 year
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so the imagery on kuukou’s nb sukajan!!!!!!
these lotus mandalas of course represent enlightenment, but in this specific instance, i believe they are in reference to the the ‘mandalas of the two realms.’ these realms, the diamond and womb realms, come together to basically teach wisdom and and the principles of buddhism. within these realms reside deities and the sanskrit in the mandalas represents a deity in those realms!!!!!
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the character that looks like a ‘b’ represents ‘kujaku myoo’ a female wisdom king residing in the diamond realm!!! she is associated with the peacock, which eats insects (like we’ve seen kuukou do in arb lol) so she’s worshipped for removing suffering and misfortunes from others. the other character represents the deity ‘dakiniten,’ another female deity residing in the womb realm!!! she’s one of the handful of gods carried over from indian mythology into buddhism known for protection and blessings.
combining these together, kuukou’s sukajan likely symbolises protection from suffering and misfortunes, as we’ve seen him do a handful of times in canon!!!!
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coinandcandle · 1 year
Bast Deity Guide
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Who is Bast?
The Egyptian goddess is known by many as Bastet, her name is transliterated as b-ꜣ-s-t-t and is pronounced as “Bast”. The Hieroglyphs for her name look something like this: 𓎯𓏏𓏏𓁐 or 𓎯𓏏𓏏
She is most notably a goddess of domesticity, the home, cats, and women. Bast was among the most popular Egyptian deities and her cult ran as far as Rome.
Originally she was depicted as a goddess with a lioness’ head instead of a cat, and she was closely related to Sekhmet, the warrior goddess. Bast’s role was that of protector and avenger of Ra Over time Bast’s depiction softened and she became a goddess related to domesticity and the home. However, she kept the ferocious side of her, only ever using it when needed. She was known to be loving and nurturing but also she was a force to be reckoned with. Bastet used this fury to avenge those who have been wronged, carried on through her son, Maahes, the protector of the innocent.
Due to her association as the Eye of Ra, Bast was more of a solar deity before she became conflated with the Greek Artemis.
Parents and Siblings
Ra (father)
Isis (mother, later in antiquity)
Horus (brother, twin brother later in antiquity)
Anhur (brother
Lovers or Partners
Maahes (son)
Nefertum (son, sometimes)
Beautiful sistrum (rattle) player
The Golden One/The Beautiful One
The Lady of Dread
The Lady of Slaughter
The Eye of Ra - a title held by a group of deities.
Lady of the Ointments
Lady of the East
Goddess of the Rising Sun
Sacred and All Seeing Eye
Her name also is rendered as B'sst, Baast, Ubaste, and Baset
Though sometimes synchronized with Mut, the goddess Bast was never depicted as fully human. She was always depicted as either a cat or a woman with the head of a cat, lion, or desert cat.
In Ancient Greece, she was known as Ailuros (”cat”) and she was likened to Artemis. Because of this association, she was given a twin brother just like Artemis has: Horus became her twin brother and since Horus is Isis’ son, Bast became Isis’ daughter.
Bast was also synchronized with Sekhmet, Hathor, and Isis and picked up some of their associations throughout time.
The meaning of her name is uncertain though it’s possible that her name meant She of the Ointment Jar (Ubaste). This would also point to her relation to perfume.
The central city of her cult was Bubastis. People would travel to this city to have the bodies of their pet cats who have passed buried.
It’s common for people to view Bast as a sexual deity or a goddess of lust, but she tends to lean more toward domesticity and protection. This misunderstanding likely came from her later conflation with Hathor as well as one account from Herodotus who had observed the festival in Bubastis in honor of Bast.
An annual festival was held at Bubastis where supposedly all constraints on women were released and they would celebrate “by drinking, dancing, making music, and displaying their genitals" (Gerald Pincher, quoting Herodotus). This display depicted the fertility aspect of the goddess as well as being a sign of freedom from societal constraints.
Bast has been depicted holding a sistrum, a musical instrument similar to a rattle.
Bast is one of many gods who are referred to as the “Eye of Ra”, a title that belongs to deities that are protectors or avengers.
She has been known as the protector of the dead as well.
As cats were sacred to this goddess, to harm one was seen as a slight to Bast.
Mummified cats were often delivered to Bast’s temple as an offering.
Modern Deity Work
These are modern correspondences, anything with historical or traditional backing will be marked with a (T).
Gold (T) - Cats of royalty were sometimes known to don gold jewelry
Tiger’s eye
Cat’s eye
Bronze (T) - Bronze statues were used as votive offerings for Bast
Mint (catnip is in the mint family also)
Cat, namely housecats but all cats could qualify
Sistrum (rattle) (T)
Cat (T)
Eye of Ra (T)
Cat imagery
Whiskers, claws, and teeth of cats (only if sourced ethically!)
Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Emerald, Carnelian, Quartz, Malachite, and Galena were used in Ancient Egypt for jewelry or various cosmetics and could be offered. (The Structure of Crystals. Early historical notes)
Perfume or scented oils
Alcohol (such as wine or beer)
Incenses or resins (T)
Acts of Devotion
Donate to, volunteer at, or otherwise support cats at shelters.
Pray to her or write poems in her honor
Research her
Honor your mother or the mother figure(s) in your life
Protect and fight for the innocent
Play music or curate a playlist in honor of her
Learn about perfume and scented oils and how they were used and made in Ancient Egypt
Take care of your home
Of course, these are only suggestions based on my research but when making offerings to deities it's always best to do what feels right to you. You can also reach out to the deity and ask them yourself if you feel comfortable doing so.
References and Further Reading
Bast - eqyptianmuseum.org
Bastet - Britannica
Bastet - World History
Bastet - ARCE
Per-bast.org (The whole website is informational but this link will send you to their sources page!)
Offerings for Bast - The Gourmet Witch (blog)
Kemetic Offering Guide - The Twisted Rope (blog)
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noxtivagus · 1 year
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mars-and-the-theoi · 11 months
Deity Deep Dive: 🎭Momus🎭
This is part one of my deity deep dive on Momus! This will contain some of the only concrete information on Him. And as always, I went to the trusty theoi.com for this. (There were other websites with stuff on him but seeing as he is such an unknown deity with such little information on him I just trusted theoi.com the most as they haven’t failed me yet! So. Yeah. Here we go!)
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Who is Momus? Momus is a son of Nyx and is said to be the god of, or a daimon (personified spirit), of mockery, blame, ridicule, scorn, and harsh/unfair/unwarranted criticism. And it is these traits that got him kicked from Olympus (but we’ll get to that in a moment). While Momus is relatively unknown you likely know quite a few of his siblings like Thanatos, Hypnos, and Moros just to name a few. And as it seems it doesn’t appear that he has any spouse or lovers or children. And it also seems that Nyx bore him herself as no father is listed or known.
Why was he expelled from Olympus? He was expelled from Olympus after being asked to judge a competition that Zeus, Poseidon, and Athena were partaking in. Said competition consisted of them each creating something and essentially seeing who could make the best thing. Poseidon made a bull. Zeus made a man. And Athena made a house. And Momus was asked to judge each creation to see who won, or made the best thing. But Momus being the god of mockery and harsh criticism had no problem with judging each thing. He criticized Poseidon’s creation of the bull for not having eyes under its horns to help guide its aim whenever it gored someone. He criticized Athena’s creation of the house for not having wheels so people could take it with them whenever they travelled or wanted to move somewhere else. And lastly he criticized Zeus’ creation of the man for not having a window to his heart do people could see our/man’s intentions. This harsh criticism upset them and Zeus proceeded to expel him from Olympus. Now if this is the actual story, we don’t know as this is the story told by Aesop in Aesop’s Fables however Aesop did pull various parts of this from works by Aristotle and Athenaeus. So if this is the story you want to go with, go for it, if not, that’s fine too.
Symbols of Momus? Despite the relative lack of information on Him there is some information on symbols of his. The most notable one being that of a man lifting a theatre mask from His face. And a lot of depictions of Him portray him as something akin to a court jester, a lot of art of him as him in that kind of get up. His hat can also be seen as a symbol of his as well as the staff he holds.
What about other information? Sadly, as far as I can tell and have read, this is about it as far as concrete information on him goes. I have not been able to find any epithets, I haven’t found any solid evidence of his worship in Ancient Greece, no holidays or festivals related to him, or anything else like that. There also appears to be no Orphic Hymns or prayers to him.
And I am going to round this up by saying that just because a deity may not have much information available, or they may have beef with other gods (in this instance his expulsion from Olympus) it doesn’t mean that they cannot be worshiped. It just means you’re going to have to put some work in and really figure things out for yourself and as you establish a relationship with the deity. Anyways, the part 2 to this post will be more UPG related and the real…works I guess of worshiping Him.
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kember-writes · 30 days
Been thinking lately about Lily as the archetypal Mother Goddess and James as the archetypal Horned Lord, and dare I say, divine AU?
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ulmus-spellook · 10 months
When the (arguably) main goddess you work with only has the Roman version of her Germanic name recorded 😑
But there are hints about her origins in what Germanic mythology we have 😲
And there is linguistic evidence for her and what little evidence we have is how you discovered her and were drawn in 😯
And those things together are how you discovered who you wanted to worship
#there are also some goddesses I have been drawn to with long recorded histories#but there is just SO MUCH information on the worship and culture she is from that you feel like you need to take time for her and her#culture. a deep dive of study (more than even what you’ve already done)#before you feel like you can comfortably and respectfully really worship her properly#I’m not going to dis people who do a more casual dive into the information on her#I get it. it’s a lot more work and time than a lot of people have for research#I mean it. I get it. i just want to do what I can personally do#go as far as I myself can#I think doing your personal best to research and know them is what matters most#knowing them is it’s own form of worship#and right now I am diving into a different culture from hers#I love and have always felt drawn to bast. but I want to do my personal best by her#and at the moment I am getting to know a different goddess and her related cultures#ect#that doesn’t mean I never do anything for bast in the meantime#i just don’t feel like I am prepared the most I can be#and for me research and forming relationships are my greatest form of worship#and probably one of my favorites#I am not worshiping goddesses as my mains because divine feminine or something#it’s just that the deities I’ve been drawn to most strongly so far have been fem 😅#I’m sure some more masc or somewhere else will pop up eventually#I have been drawn to more than one moon deity lately#masc and fem#i just feel like the sun and moon are both#everything has both#some just stand out to individuals more and have vibes that they associate more with one gender or another#like. the moon is both. but feels just slightly more fem to me#and the earth feels way more fem as a whole but not every location on earth feels as fem#if that makes any sense?#local spirits can feel different from what whole I’m most drawn to
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normspellsman · 1 year
Take Me With Her
“She Is Mine” Lo’ak Version
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part one | part two
pairing: lo’ak x fem!human!reader
genre: angst, forbidden secret relationship, tiniest bit of fluff, no comfort at all, & violence
word count: 4.1k+ (don’t…just don’t)
warning(s): hissing, lo’ak calling reader babygirl (eeekkk), mentions of death + injury, death threats, lo’ak being possessive, kidnapping, cursing, suggestive tones, brief neck kissing, quaritch being a creep (ewww), reader thinking that she’s going to die, everyone being terrified, spider + lo’ak thinking about killing quaritch, & lo’ak crying
taglist: @aonungsmate @dearstell @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @optimisticblazetrash @goodiesinthecloset21 @liyahsocorro @universal-s1ut @minkyungseokie @amortencjja @chshshhshshshshshshshs
word bank: yawne — beloved, paskalin — honey (term of endearment), eywa / great mother — goddess deity that the na’vi believe in, sa’nok — mother, sempul — father, & prrnen — baby
note: spider, kiri, lo’ak, & reader are aged up to around the age of seventeen. it just makes more sense given the timeline i had in my head & with what i wrote. also going to be two parts hehe 🤭
Giggles erupted from your throat, your shoulder coming up instinctively to hide your neck from the ticklish attacks your boyfriend was doing to your delicate skin. You were almost confident that he even left some marks on the dips of your collarbones from his nipping.
Lo’ak whined in protest, attempting to burrow his face deeper into the crook of your neck.
“Yawne,” he whimpered, rubbing his cheek against your pulsepoint once he finally broke through your insistent hiding of your neck. “Can’t I show my love to my babygirl?” He whined, yet again.
You huffed in response, not sure if it was from annoyance or the proximity of your lovers face from your neck.
“No, Lo’ak. It is getting late and we must get back,” you replied, finally coaxing him out from your neck.
The Na’vi boy in front of you pouted, tightening his grip on your waist as he looked up at you from your position on his lap. Your thighs were on either side of Lo’ak’s waist causing you to kneel as he rested in between your legs.
“Just a few m’re minutes,” he pleaded, diving back into your neck as he gently ghosted his lips against the soft flesh and puckered his lips against it.
You gave out a small sigh, hands going up to the back of Lo’ak’s head and into his braids. “Sure,” you replied, making your boyfriend's tail perk up and wag back and forth from behind him, “Later. When we go home.”.
Lo’ak let out a frustrated groan, burying his face into your neck again and taking a deep inhale of your scent before reluctantly pulling away. A pout made its way to his face again.
“Fine,” he mumbled, standing up with you still in his tight hold.
“Lo’ak!” You squealed out, increasing your grip on his shoulders so as to not fall from his arms. He was such a pain in your ass sometimes.
The boy smirked at your response, bringing you a bit higher in order to be face to face with him, “Yes?”.
“Put me down you big oaf!” You demanded, slightly glaring at your smirking boyfriend, “And don’t drop me either! Gently put me down.”. You knew how Lo’ak worked during his teasing moments, it was always too obvious what he was thinking when the thought came across his mind. There were too many times where he playfully let you go and wasn’t quick enough to catch you, resulting in you harshly landing on your ass.
“Sure thing, princess,” he obeyed, gently placing you down onto the Pandora floor and kissing the crown of your head. “Better?” He asked.
Simply rolling your eyes at him, you shook your head and began to walk away, hoping to find Spider or Tuk to spread the message that you needed to start heading back home before eclipse began.
“Ugh. Baby, wait!” Lo’ak called out, quickly gathering his bow before swiftly following after you, tail swishing behind him as he did so.
Everything that could go wrong, went wrong.
First, Lo’ak stumbled upon strange footprints, tracking them to the forbidden shack, a place where Jake warned you guys repeatedly to never go. Then, Jake ordered all of you to fall back and head back to the stronghold. After that, it was going smoothly. Kiri and Lo’ak were bickering back and forth about how much trouble the boy was going to be in while Spider and you trailed behind Tuk, before she was snatched up by an RDA Avatar. Lo’ak had thrown himself in front of you, hiding your much shorter frame from the enemy soldiers' sights as he bared his fangs and drew back his bow. But that didn’t last long until an unwelcome figure came up behind you and roughly pulled you back by your hair, making you yelp out in response. Which led to where you were now, struggling in an Avatar’s tight grip as Quaritch began to eye all five of you.
“Show me your hands boy,” he demanded, striding up to Lo’ak as the boy was forced to kneel before the man.
Lo’ak only lifted up both of his middle fingers to Quaritch as his response, causing the man to reach behind the boy and harshly pull at his queue. Lo’ak hissed out in response to the pain, growling as his eyes shot daggers into Quaritch’s skull.
You shouted out in protest, beating your hands against the soldiers skin in attempts to force them to let go of you. But that only caused their grip on your hair to tighten, you whimpering out in response.
Your boyfriend's ears drew back at your expression of pain, letting out a little snarl as you went quiet.
Anxiety erupted within Lo’ak’s body as his eyes darted to both of his sisters to Spider and to you, lingering on you the most. Which proved to be something he shouldn’t have done as Quaritch caught onto the boys staring, slowly turning around and following his gaze.
Fuck, you thought when Quaritch made eye contact with you, gulping at his blank yet wild amber eyes. Holy shit, I’m going to die.
The thought was so abrupt in your mind, scaring you with how fast it formed. Everything about Quaritch and the situation you were put into terrified you. You always felt safe around other Na’vi, even Neytiri at times. But there was just something about the armed soldiers surrounding you that made you want to crawl within yourself and never come out. Every move they made, made you think it was going to be your final moments on Pandora. You just hoped that if it was, they had the decency to take you out of eyesight and do it then. You didn’t want the others, especially Lo’ak and Tuk, to see the potential violent scene.
The minute Quaritch switched his attention from Lo’ak to you, the teen boy snarled at the man, challenging him to do anything to you. There was no way that Lo’ak would even allow Quaritch to touch a singular hair on your head. Over my dead fucking body, he internally seethed.
A cackle escaped the Colonel's lips, tightening his grip on the boy's queue before turning back to the five-fingered boy. An unsettling smile etched itself onto the man’s lips as he slightly bent down to face Lo’ak, ears pinning back to the sides of his head.
“That your girl boy?” He asked, a smirk evident on his face. Lo’ak wanted to claw that smirk off his face. How dare he speak of you? Of his mate? Quaritch was pushing at Lo’ak’s buttons and he knew it. And it was working.
“How does that even work? I mean, she’s so much smaller than you. Very fragile too,” he taunted, pulling the back of Lo’ak’s head back, making him cry out in pain. “Be a shame if-” he started, but was caught off by a loud growl and hiss.
“Shut the fuck up!” Lo’ak sneered, “Keep her out of your fucking mouth.”.
Another cackle left the Colonel’s mouth, tongue gliding over his new sharp teeth before unsheathing the knife from his hip, holding it up inches away from the teen boys chest.
“No! Please! Don’t hurt him!” You yelled out, thrashing around in the soldiers grasp, ignoring the stinging in your scalp with every tug.
“Aw, that’s sweet. She’s begging me to not hurt you,” Quaritch commented, eyes glued on Lo’ak’s face, studying his expression. “I wonder what other kinds of begging she can do,” he grinned, eyes dark and sinister.
“Fuck you!” Both Lo’ak and Spider yelled out, angry at the man’s comment. The words coming out of his mouth was disgusting. It may have been socially okay to speak about women like that back on Earth, but on Pandora, women were treated with respect and praised. Both boys held you dear to their hearts. Lo’ak and Spider were going to kill Quaritch when they got the chance for the way he talked about you.
Spider and you have always been close. Being the only teenage humans on Pandora was hard but you had each other to lean on. Over the years, he became extremely overprotective over you, especially when it regarded a certain blue skinned boy. He always viewed you as family. He’d do anything to ensure that you were safe if it was deemed necessary. You may not be his sister by blood but he sure as hell treated you as if you were. So, hearing Quaritch’s words, he wanted to rip the man’s head off his body and put it on a stick as a warning for whoever else dared to speak such obscenities about his sister.
Lo’ak and you have been together for nearly two years, being close friends for way longer than that. He loved you since the day he met you and always treated you the way you deserved to be treated, with gentleness and kindness and respect. Never had he ever thought such vile innuendos Quaritch had hinted at. The older man was disgusting for thinking such things about a seventeen year old girl, especially one that was already called for. In Na’vi culture, it was a disgrace for one to talk about any women that way, mated or not. Lo’ak was raised to respect the women in his clan and those he came into contact with. So, having Quaritch talk about you in a way that made you want to throw up and sparked intense anger within Lo’ak’s system, made him want to repeatedly stab the man in front of him and watch the life leave his eyes. No one was allowed to speak about you in such ways. Not if Lo’ak had anything to do with it.
“Don’t talk about her in that way,” Spider growled out, struggling in the grips of the two soldiers that held onto him. (It was impressive that the human boy needed two Avatar soldiers to hold him back. His strength was closely compared to a regular Na’vi’s.)
Quaritch let go of Lo’ak, allowing the original soldier who had him in his grip to return to his previous position. He quickly turned around to face the both of you, your stomach dropping at his gaze.
“What’s your name, sugar?” He asked, crouching down to your level. You wanted to throw up on the spot from the nickname. It made you sick.
“Don’t fucking talk to her!” Spider snapped, achieving in getting closer to you and in Quaritch’s eyesight.
Quaritch quickly glanced towards Spider, lips forming into a thin line.
Before Quaritch or any of the other soldiers could do anything, you answered his question robotically.
“(Y/N) Selfridge.”.
The man before you stilled. He hasn’t heard that name in a long time.
“You’re Parker’s kid?” He asked, eyes slightly wide in shock. He didn’t know that Parker had a special lady during his time on Pandora. The man never seemed to be the one that was interested in that kind of stuff. Too busy trying to get the rare metal from underneath the very ground he stood on.
“No,” you spat, disgust evident in your voice, “I’m his niece. He dragged his sister, my Mother, to this planet years before the Na’vi won the Great War. She died giving birth to me after the battle.”.
Your explanation struck something within Quaritch. Parker mentioned a sister in passing during their very few and limited conversations. He never thought that Parker would bring her along to Pandora nor did he ever think that he’d leave her on the foreign planet alone to give birth. But, yet, he did almost the same thing to Paz and his son, Miles.
“What about you boy?” Quaritch asked, nodding at the human boy next to you. There were very limited surnames that went through the Colonel’s head as he waited for the boy to speak, his being one of them.
“Spider…Socorro,” he replied, hesitancy laced in his voice.
Quaritch’s heart stopped, “Miles?”, he asked.
Spider pierced his lips, eyes darting across the older man’s face as he stared up at him, “No one calls me that anymore,” he responded.
Quaritch was shocked, to say the least. He’d thought that they’d send him on the next available ship back to Earth. Albeit him being only a couple of months old, he still thought that there’d be a possibility that his son would go back to his Fathers home planet.
“I thought they sent you back to Earth,” Quaritch commented, voice slightly shaking, void of all the cocky confidence he had prior.
“They can’t put babies in cryo, dipshit,” Spider spat, fists tightly balling up at his sides. Surely his ‘Father’ couldn’t be that stupid. He should’ve known that there was no way for Spider to go back to Earth, to a planet where he’d have no one. Pandora is and always will be Spider's home.
An uncomfortable silence fell upon the group as seconds passed by. Meeting his long lost son seemed to throw him off, messing up his mojo. It was clearly evident on his face and in his body language. He seemed more tense and unsure of what he was doing.
The silence was broken by a voice erupting from behind you, “What should we do, boss?”.
As soon as the emotions from Spider’s confession of his surname came, they left just as quickly. Quaritch was back to the way he was before. “Tie ‘em up. Looks like we got ourselves some prisoners,” he responded, preparing himself to call in his position to Ardmore.
The rest of the soldiers exclaimed in agreement, slapping restraints onto the children they had captured and throwing them all into a circle near the shack.
The soldier that had you in their grip had harshly thrown you to the floor, causing you to groan out from the hard contact with the forest floor. They laughed at your reaction, taking a few steps back to talk with his fellow comrades.
Lo’ak had quickly scurried to your side, hissing at the soldier that threw you like you were a rag doll. His body was positioned in front of yours in a crouch, the tense muscles of his back being the only thing you saw before he abruptly turned around and brought you into his embrace, checking over every inch of your skin to see if there were any new cuts or scrapes he should be worried about.
You didn’t say anything as you tried your best to pull yourself closer into your boyfriend's body, the restraints on your wrists preventing you from wrapping your arms around his neck in comfort. Your brain was still trying its best to process the previous events that occurred.
Lo’ak could sense the tension in your body and how your brain was scrambling to pull itself together. So he brought you closer into his arms, bringing his tied wrists up and over your body before settling them against your back, pulling you into his chest and lap.
“It’s alright, paskalin,” he reassured, tucking your masked face into his neck, “I got you. I got you.”.
When Spider had nudged you and turned his head ever so slightly to you, eyes darting behind you where Lo’ak stood a few feet behind, you knew that Neytiri and Jake arrived. It was the slightest change in pitch of a call that drew your attention to the trees. Neytiri, you realized. Lo’ak had taken it upon himself to teach you all the callings and ululatings his Sa’nok had come up with, telling you which meant what. You supposed his late night lesson all those months ago came in handy at this moment.
Your head harshly jerked back from the soldier pulling at your hair, once again. He didn’t like it when you guys would interact with each other and decided that pulling at your hair and Kiri’s queue was the best option to teach you to not speak to the others.
Fucking dick, you thought to yourself, restraining yourself from turning around in the soldiers grip and sinking your dull teeth into the flesh of his arm. See how he’ll like it.
A low growl was heard from behind you, Lo’ak glaring at the man who yanked at your hair. He was beginning to itch to choke out the man who had your beautiful and soft hair in his hold. It made him angry that someone like him was touching you in a way that brought you pain. Made him want to bring you into arms and hold you like a prrnen. He wanted to kill anyone and anything that caused you harm.
The distinct yip echoed throughout the forest yet again, your eyes darting to where the Na’vi woman could possibly be. Neytiri may have not liked you and you may have a very strained relationship but you were overjoyed in the moment that she and Jake were here to save the lot of you. You found yourself thanking your lucky stars and the Great Mother for the fierce couple.
From Spiders left, you could hear Kiri begin to pray aloud to Eywa, muttering her words only loud enough for the soldier and the boy beside you to hear. In retaliation to Kiri’s mumbles, the soldier began tugging at her sensitive queue, causing you and Spider to follow with the harsh tugs as he also held both of your hair in his grip.
“Shut up!” He harshly whispered, getting annoyed with the girl's constant rambling. The more Kiri prayed, the more he tugged and demanded her to shut her mouth. Eventually, his command was cut off with a sharp thwick and an arrow lodged into his skull.
Chaos erupted from around you as the man behind you dropped to the forest floor dead. Guns began to go off, forcing you to duck as Spider grabbed both you and Kiri and pushed forward. You ran behind Spider as he followed after Kiri, restrained hands on the lower part of her back to keep her moving forwards but she was pulled back by another soldier.
Spider stopped his movements, which caused you to run into his back, hands going out to grip his hips to steady yourself.
Everything was going too fast. You could barely process what happened to Kiri before she was by your side again, the soldier who grabbed her slumped over with an arrow in her chest. Gassy smoke was spraying everywhere as RDA soldiers ducked behind whatever they could to hide from the onslaught of arrows Neytiri was shooting at them from her advantage point. Before you knew it, Spider began to pull at your handcuffs, urging you to follow him and Kiri as they began to retreat into the thick foliage of the forest. Your brain barely had time to process it all before the three of you were hurriedly crossing over a connecting branch to another tree.
You felt it before you heard it. The hot air and stinging of your skin as you went flying forward into Spider's back before the two of you ultimately fell and tumbled down the hill underneath the overpass that was just blown up from whatever weapon a soldier shot at it. Pain was all you felt as you rolled down the hill, harshly making contact with all the sticks and rocks along the path. It hurt. Everything hurt.
You must’ve slammed your head up against a rock or the ground because the next thing you knew, it all went black.
Adrenaline was coursing through his veins as he ran and jumped over everything in his path, Tuktirey hot on his trail as she followed her older brother.
It all went by too quickly for him to properly digest what just happened. The only thing on his mind was you. He just hoped that Spider and Kiri were already somewhere safe with you in tow. Should’ve grabbed her when I had the chance, fuck.
Lo’ak came up to an opening, not planning on stopping until two blue bodies popped out of nowhere, causing Tuk to let out a scream and him to jump out of the way. But as quickly as his fear settled into his stomach, it went away just as fast.
“Daddy!” Tuk cried out, running into her Sempul’s arms, whole body shaking from the shock and adrenaline coursing through her tiny body.
“Lo’ak,” Neteyam breathed out, bringing him into a hug, thanking the Great Mother for safely bringing back his younger siblings to him. Lo’ak leaned into the hug the best he could, hands still tied and whole body on alert for you.
“Tuk!” Neytiri called out, both her and Kiri emerging from behind some bushes, taking her youngest into her arms as she kneeled down to the forest floor, “Thank you Great Mother! Oh, thank you!”.
Jake had brought his second son into a hug after cutting his restraints off his wrists. But, as Lo’ak began to count the bodies around him, his heart sunk into his stomach. Spider nor you were in sight. Which only meant one thing.
“Where’s (Y/N)? Spider?” He shakingly asked, already knowing the answer.
Kiri looked up to her brother with tears in her eyes and a quivering lip. “They took him. They took them both!” She sobbed, head shaking at the fact. If only she had followed after you both. If only her Sa’nok didn’t pull her away.
Everything around Lo’ak began to crumble before him. The only thing he truly loved was taken from him, from right between his fingers.
As Jake tried to reassure his daughter that both you and Spider were going to be okay, that you both were tough kids, Lo’ak darted back into the forest, retracing his footsteps.
“Lo’ak!” Neytiri called out, trying to get him to come back. She was about to follow after him but Neteyam beat her to it, quickly running after him.
Tears began to brim Lo’ak’s waterline as he pushed himself to go faster, not wanting to accept the fact that you were now in the enemy's hands. His mate was in Quaritch’s hands, in the clutches of the RDA. Who knows what they’d do to you and Spider once you get to their base. Please, Great Mother, please bring her back.
But as the sight of the helicopter came into view and began to ascend back up with their precious cargo, Lo’ak felt his heart shatter into a million pieces.
“No!” He cried out, “Bring her back!”.
He fell to his knees as the flying piece of metal got tinier and tinier in his line of sight, becoming a bot in the starry sky before disappearing completely.
You were gone. Gone without a trace. Lo’ak had no way of tracking which base they’d bring you to. He had no way of saving you as he knew his Father would never waste bullets or Na’vi lives over you and Spider. The only thing he could do was cry out to Eywa to bring you back or have Quaritch come back and take him with you. But his prayers fell on empty ears.
“Little brother,” Neteyam softly called out, finally catching up to the teen boy.
The eldest Sully knew of your relationship with his brother. He had gone to visit Spider in the lab one afternoon when he stumbled upon you and Lo’ak in quite the compromising position. The younger had to beg the older to not speak a word about what he saw, knowing that if he did, their Sa’nok would have both of your heads on a stick. Neteyam hadn’t uttered a word of it since then.
Neteyam tried his best to comfort his brother, but he knew that the only person that could comfort him was you. And you were gone. Lo’ak was going to be inconsolable until he got you back into his arms.
“She’s gone, Teyam,” Lo’ak whispered, fat tears running down his darkening cheeks, “She’s gone.”.
“I know, Lo’ak, I know,” Neteyam cooed, bringing his brother into his arms for some comfort, “I’m sorry.”.
The rest of the Sully family had met up with Neteyam and Lo’ak, hugging the boy. None of them knew of your relationship, keeping it a secret from everyone, minus Neteyam and Kiri. Neytiri and Jake thought he was distraught at losing two of his closest friends but they couldn’t be further from the truth.
That night, Lo’ak cried himself to sleep, wishing that you were in his arms and that he could bury his nose into your neck and inhale your calming, yet intoxicating, scent.
Eywa, why didn’t you bring her back?, he thought to himself as sleep began to consume him, Why didn’t you take me with her?.
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transbookoftheday · 2 months
Trans Horror Podcasts
My post about trans horror books last year was much more popular than I expected, and since I've recently fallen in love with fiction podcasts and audio dramas, I thought I'd make a post about trans horror podcasts as well.
If you like trans horror, please give these a try - especially if you enjoy listening to audiobooks!
Hello From The Hallowoods:
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Come walk between the black pines! In this award-winning queer fiction podcast, an eldritch narrator follows the increasingly connected residents of the forest at the end of the world. It's a bittersweet story that explores queer identity, horror genre tropes, and finding hope in humanity's last moments.
Hello From The Hallowoods is my absolute favorite podcast! If you only listen to one podcast from this list, please make it this one - it's so beautifully written and super queer! Also: season 4 starts today!
Trans main characters include:
our nonbinary eye-affiliated podcast host
a nonbinary "Frankenstein's creature"
a transmasc ghost
a genderfluid storm witch
a trans woman who can visit other people's dreams
multiple characters using neopronouns
Camp Here & There:
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Good morning, campers! Camp Here & There is a weekly horror comedy podcast tuned in to the loudspeakers of a small midwestern sleepaway camp plagued by supernatural terrors and natural disasters. Sydney Sargent, resident camp nurse, cheerfully reports on all the terror we must face with a big smile. Let’s hope there’s nothing weird about that!
Sydney is a trans man.
Dos: After You:
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Things have changed. Deck has fallen in love with someone who isn't human, and leaves a hungry house behind to see him again. Will he be waiting for you? The world has changed… but what about him? Dos: After You is a queer urban fantasy/horror audiodrama available in both English & Spanish
Deck is a trans man.
Jar of Rebuke:
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Follow Dr. Jared Hel's journey as he works to re-discover his forgotten past and finds his place within the small Indiana farm town of Wichton and the cryptozoological organization he works for called 'The Enclosure'. These audio journals, and other recordings, dive deep into Midwestern US cryptids and folklore while also telling a mystery about identity, queerness, neurodivergence, and community.
Jared is nonbinary.
Spirit Box Radio:
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Spirit Box Radio is an award winning, horror audio drama podcast about a radio show for enthusiasts of all things arcane. Follow Sam Enfield a former postboy with no experience in the arcane arts, who finds themselves forced to take over running the show, following the disappearance of the previous host. Sam soon discovers there are more than ghosts haunting the show, and finds himself amidst a mystery which threatens everything he knows about the world beyond his tiny basement broadcast studio, and maybe even himself.
Sam is a trans man.
The Silt Verses:
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Carpenter and Faulkner, two worshippers of an outlawed god, travel up the length of their deity’s great black river, searching for holy revelations amongst the reeds and the wetlands. As their pilgrimage lengthens and the river’s mysteries deepen, the two acolytes find themselves under threat from a police manhunt, but also come into conflict with the weirder gods that have flourished in these forgotten rural territories. This is a world where divine intervention takes place through prayer-markings scratched into stumping-posts, and offerings are left squirming to die in the flats of the delta. This is a world of ritual, and hidden language, and sacrifice. This is folk horror, and fantasy, and a dark road trip into the depths of unusual faith.
Faulkner is a trans man.
The Magnus Protocol:
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The Magnus Archives 2: The Magnus Protocol is the prequel/sequel/”sidequel” to the internationally renowned Magnus Archives podcast. The Magnus Institute was an organisation dedicated to academic research into the esoteric and the paranormal, based out of Manchester, England. It burned to the ground in 1999. There were no survivors. Now, almost 25 years later, Alice and Sam, a pair of low-level civil service workers at the underfunded Office of Incident Assessment and Response, have stumbled across its legacy. A legacy that will put them in grave danger. If this intrigues you then it is our pleasure to welcome you to the Office of Incident, Assessment and Response. Make sure you pick up your badge at desk and report to your line manager before sitting down. Oh and stay away from I.T., seriously.
I'm not sure if Alice is canonically trans, but her voice actress is a trans woman.
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