#dana you really just fuck me up huh
ssa-atlas-alvez · 11 months
cowboy reader comes across a crazy ex gf or partner. like not murder crazy but crazy ass bitch yk?
Description: Dana, an old 'friend' of reader turns up at his work place and decides to make a scene.
Warnings: reader gets slapped, crazy ex girlfriend, she insults JJ, she calls her a sl^t and wh0re, she also tells reader to 'burn in h3ll'
Taglist: @xweirdo101x@xdark-acadamiax@ara-a-bird@heidss@chubbyboyinflannel@pendragon-writes@migwayne@bigolgay@technikerin23@supercriminalbean@honestlycasualarcade@caffeine-mess@1s3v3n1@oddmiles@kevyeen@stealing-kneecaps@criminalskies@woodandwaxwings@wizardmon3@aphroditeslovr@ducks118@azeal-peal@13thdoctor-run@introvertpan84@goth-boi-atlas@iliketozoneout
"Hi, is there something I can help you with?" JJ asked, approaching the woman.
"I'm looking for Agent (Y/N)," The woman responded.
JJ nodded, "He's right this way," She said, the pair of them walked, silence filling the air. A million questions racing through JJ's mind about who this woman was. "So, how do you know (Y/N)?"
"He's my boyfriend," She said, "We've been dating on and off for about five years now. We met in college and it was love at first sight. But with the long distances, we kept calling it off for a while. But we always find our way back to each other."
You tried to bite back a sigh when JJ walked in with Dana. You really, really didn't have time for this. A six year old boy was missing. This couldn't have been any worse timing - it probably could have been, but right now, it didn't exactly feel like that.
"Hey baby, can we talk somewhere in private?" She asked when he approached you, running a hand down your chest.
"I can't talk for long, three minute max," You said. She sighed but nodded and you led her just a little bit away from the rest of the team, wanting to be close by in case they found anything interesting in the three minutes you were talking to Dana.
Dana immediately launches into 'flirt mode' - more than she already was. She's twirling her hair, staring at your lips. And, to be frank, you're not a fan. And you have better things to be doing.
"Dana, can you- can you come back another time? I'm in the middle of a case, I can't do this right now." You said with a sigh as she walked closer to you, the team could very clearly hear everything going on (for a team of profilers they were not good at acting subtle).
"Seriously?" Dana laughs as she swoops down to grab her bag, "You know what? No. We can't do this later, fuck you!"
"What? What do you want, (Y/N)? Huh?"
"I- I told you, I'm at work right now, I can't do this here, this is important," You said.
"And I'm not?!"
"Dana, that's not what I said, but we're trynna find a boy right now and I can't do this,"
"You're saying he's more important than me?!" Dana scoffed loudly.
"Dana, I'm trynna do my job," You tried to reason. You knew it was useless. But you had to at least try.
"So you're saying he is more important than me!" She exclaimed.
"Dana, he's a missing six year old boy, you're here for a - n excuse my language - a booty call," You said.
The slap sounds through the room and in its wake is the deafening silence of the team and the tingling on your cheek. You drew in a deep breath, trying to stay calm as the team stared in shock. Giving Morgan a small shake of the head when he instinctively reached for his cuffs. "Dana, I need you to leave. Now." You said sternly, "We are not datin', I've not given you that impression and I need you to leave so I can do my job and find this little boy."
"You know what? Fine! Fine, do your little job! With your colleagues! With that slutty blonde! I see the way you look at her!" She points angrily to JJ as she continues to yell.
"You need to fuckin' leave. Now." Your voice is low as you step closer. "You can insult me all you want, but the second you insult her? Insult my friends? Either you walk out that door now or I get security to remove you."
She stared at you, huffing loudly as she turned around. She glared at JJ, "Whore." You ground your teeth hearing that, stepping towards her again.
"Dana, leave. Now." You voice is deep and you ignore the shocked faces of your team when you addressed her. Instead, she turns to glare at you again.
"Burn in hell."
"Get a life," You muttered bitterly, pointing at the door. She huffed once more before leaving.
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fresh air huh needed four hours of fresh air cause i made fun of your efficiency pod shut the fuck up okay i uh i turned the temperature down of you wanna come and do some why are you trying to take my thing what i see it you build it that’s the way it has always been and now you’re trying to do both why i don’t know i didn’t think of it like that bullshit you fucking liar you come in throwing your weight around you put up your post-it notes you make fun of me with your big idea hands you know exactly what you’re doing what im doing is my job you’re doing my job well maybe that’s because you’re not around to fucking do it oh come on please yes yes excuse me if i want a little more control over an office that you are barely ever in you know every time i turn around you’re gone you’re in the metaverse you’re off with dana you’re doing fucking god knows what else ive tried to help you every single time i try you kick me out yes but i always kick you out you never actually leave what’s changed ian i don’t know yes you do i don’t know yes you do i don’t know you know you know it’s because this time it’s my game and you don’t wanna work on my game do you no i knew it i fucking knew it wait poppy poppy poppy poppy i tried i promise i really did i that’s just like you isn’t it overpromise under-deliver come on po come on no fuck
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kraefishh · 6 months
Multiples of 5, + #23 + Bonus question of your choosing.
*cracks knuckles* yeah alright
i'm answering #23 first and the rest will be under the cut just for the sake of knowing how long this post is probably going to get. SO!!
#23. Favorite picture of this character?
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if we want just pictures of Raine alone-- THESE TWO IMAGES IN PARTICULAR THANK YOU VERY MUCH. both are by Dana Terrace. the Link one in particular makes me lose my MIND and if you haven't seen it before i needed you to see it now.
moving on to the other questions~~
#5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Just about every time i listen to tongues & teeth by the crane wives i think about them..... namely this animatic. that is the only one i can think of at the moment.
#10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Probably not best friends??? But I do think we'd get along quite well!! I had a habit of making friends with just about all of my teachers and Raine is very much... mentor esc. I mean they did teach, at one point. Point stands! As someone who is very musically inclined, we would simply bond over that.
They are also the kind of person you can sit in silence with for HOURS and it not be awkward. Sure we would probably have music playing, but their company is not inherently prone to chaos without an external push for it.
#15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Okay well this question was literally just an excuse for me to talk about Raeda, I see. I even went out of my way to include Raine-only pictures!! [dramatic sigh] I guess I'll just have to include my thoughts.
Ahem-- Raeda. It's... That's obvious, if you know me at all. Eda is my favorite Owl House character. And I knew before even starting the show itself that I was going to get attached to Raine. You put in a character who is musically inclined, a nerd, a genuine person and was best friends with your favorite character?? Yeah of course I was going to love them together.
Hell I made a fankid for them. Two fankids, actually. I haven't done that shit in years. I made a playlist for them 3 days after my friend and I finished the show entirely. That was a new record. I went several months with songs in my back pocket about a separate ship before making the playlist.
They make me feel so normal.
#20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
OH HANDS DOWN DARIUS. Those two were obviously the two that sat in the back of the class silently judging everyone. Like I love all of the Hagsquad equally (Eda, Lilith, Raine, Darius, Alador, Odalia(?)) but there's something about those two making fun of each other in all of the... few SPEAKING SCENES they share that really got to me.
Those two single-handedly came up with a plan to take down their corrupt government (With obviously the help of Eber, I can't forget Eber). Even if they happened to misunderstand each others' goals during their times as Coven Heads for most of it, I think they had that mutual understanding of hatred towards their situation.
#25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Like I said in #15, I walked into the show already knowing who they were, at least vaguely. I knew they were Eda's ex and I knew that they meant well. And already knew that they weren't inherently evil.
I love them so very dearly they are genuinely one of the most powerful characters in the entire show and I live by that statement. What a fucking power move they pulled just about every time we saw them.
'Them's The Breaks, Kid' solidified my growing love for them. They're so silly but they could break your fucking bones, and I respect that.
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spookyserenades · 5 months
but I wanna punch u in like a loving way ya know 🥹🥺🙈🙊🙉😭
ok i didnt have time to talk abt last chapter, but honestly all u have to know is that i loved every single word, every punctuation mark, every period, every space-
omg this chapter was wild i cant-
yoongi and y/n, I’ve never met a couple whose good and bad at communication at the same time i cant- no cause like him writing a song for her bc of her, when he played it i imaged Butterfly for some reason, the melody is so beautiful on the piano 🥺🥹 omg not him with his shirt off at the b-ball court. He rlly flexing huh, yeah sure ur too HOT 🥵 omg she got a vision, LIKE HER MOM! Will this be a reoccurring theme with her? Oooo. OMG THAT FIRST KISS WAS SO SWEET WHEN IT SORT OF CAME FULL CIRCLE WITH YOONGI ASKING HER TO KISS HIM! AND THEN HIM ASKING FOR MORE OMG ITS SO HOT WTF I KNOW I SHOULDNT BE THIS HORNY YET BUT UR WRITING IS JUST 🤌🏼 💋 THEY ARE IN LOOOOVE FR LIKE WE KNEW THEY BOTH HEAD OVER HEELS, SO HEAD OVER HEELS THEY COULDNT GET SLEEP FOR WEEKS/DAYS~ OH MAN SECRET RELATIONSHIP YEAH WELL-
omg wtf yeah secret relationship went down the drain lol. Either hobi’s hearing is super good and he’s near the room or everyone heard y/n fucking whining into yoongis mouth dam. Or he saw that quick kiss in her room omg ur cliffhangers dana drive me INSANE! Hobi is such a tease too! Now him teasing her for her heart palpitations poor girl cant handle all the handsome men around her like same girlie pop-I do wonder how this will effect the hybrids dynamics with each other and her 🤔
omg jinnies b day he deserves the world. Not him feeding her, he KNEW what he was doing and in FRONT of everyone too 😏 him warming up her hands with his breath i cant- and then going to take cooking class in February. HIM SAYING HE DOESNT WANT TO GO WITH ANYONE ELSE BUT HERRRR 😭 him saying lets go home bc home is smth he never truly haddd and he feels safe mow eeek😭😭😭😭
Omg not tae driving the way home- KNOWING THE WAY HOOOME. No cause like you can tell they probably all know the way home by heart bc they cherish her and the house sm its means so much to them i cant i actually had to stop reading after that line bc i got so emotional. Omg tae is taking his photography seriously 🥰 im so glad hes really delving into his passion! Omg their ID’s lol they must be so cute and funny 😆
ofc jimin is a responsible cutie we love, cant wait to see more scenes with him later~ but him saying y/n looks good in any photo ✋ stop sir u are such a charmer i cant- eeeeeek
omg joonie so cute. He cares for her sm and he’s the type of person to not beat around the bush. He cares and wants her to be straightforward when shes upset 😭 eeeek
omg the scene with jk- i LOVE BANTER SM and their scenes always crack me up. Jk’s dialogue is so fun! No not her giving the puppy dog eyes 🥺 and it not working… or maybe it did 😏 omg and her being bold with that KISS ON THE CHEEK- i was imagining jk when he gets surprised or zones out 😲 its so funny 😂 omg y/n has W Rizz for sure~
omg ben already predicted this my mans was just waiting for her to catch up- its so good to see him again I love y/n’s friends. Him lifting her up but also humoring her is SO what i would do if my friend was in a similar situation! Like Y/N GIRLIE POP I ARE THE IT GIRL U GOT NOTHIN TO WORRY ABT!
THANK YOU SM FOR THIS UPDATE I LOVE U SM DANA!!!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! Remember, make sure to take care of urself first and foremost! 😤 Love you byeeee~
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FDJSKAFHDSAF I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO PUNCH MY SKULL LMAO!! I'm so so happy that you loved the last two chapters, there was SO much that went down, I can't wait to chat about them hehehe 💜
SO fhdjsaf you're right on the money with Yoongi and MC not knowing how to communicate with each other for SHIT. Like I think they rely on telepathy or vibes too much, neither of them are mind readers... so much of their conflict these past two chapters could have been resolved if they just sat down and talked calmly about things for an hour or so!!! 💀BUT stop it right now Butterfly is one of my favorite BTS songs, so so gorgeous on the piano, and I could imagine a very similar melody that Yoongi would write for MC being something like that too. 🦋
HNNNNGGGFF Yoongi all sweaty on the court without his shirt.... damp long hair....teasing MC the whole way UGH I just know that I'd be drooling! 🥵And with that vision WHEW I'm so happy I could incorporate that into MC's character finally, I will say that this is something that will begin to happen more frequently for MC-- ever since she has been diving more into her spirituality and practices, her psychic abilities have been getting stronger.
The kiss. THE KISS!!! I'VE BEEN DYING TO WRITE SOME ROMANCE FOREVER NOW MY GOODNESS IT TOOK 13 CHAPTERS!! I just feel like Yoongi is such a 0 to 100 kind of guy when it comes to kisses, sweet and tender to begin with, then BAM super passionate and intense. I really really loved writing that scene, I'd say that Yoongi was truly desperate and yearning for MC for so long that he couldn't help but beg for more hnnnnngggg. But now they have to tip toe around for a little bit until they figure out how to tell the others, which turns into MORE yearning and AH I wanna chew on my drywall!!!! 👹
djkafdakfdask I'm excited to continue off where we left off! You know I always gotta leave you all on a cliffhanger. I wonder how MC is going to dodge Hoseok's questioning, and we don't know if he heard those two making out (he shouldn't have been able to, the music room is soundproofed...) or was perceptive to how weird MC and Yoongi were being with each other. I also feel like if Hoseok heard them, some of the others would as well, and I can think of a few (Namjoon, Tae, Seokjin for ex.) that would probably bust down that door!!! But also your theory of Hoseok possibly catching their kiss in the hallway is something that could have happened eeeee. Also I love teasing Hoseok as well he raises my blood pressure... poor MC can't even hide her heartrate from them!
UGH Jinnie's birthday he's such a sweet darling, I love that he was able to go out somewhere yummy to eat and spend time with everyone. I also really love when he feeds MC... it's so hot to me idk why like yes PLS grab my face and stare at me and treat me like a princess Jin!!! Always making sure she's warm, wanting to go to the cooking class with just her, and feeling truly at home with her and in their house I CAN'T He's just such a love. 😍
Tae baby... just like Jin, he knows where home is now and AH they're just all getting so close. You're so right, they really cherish her so so much. Tae and his photography too is so fun to write about, it's nice that he gets to express himself creatively and the other hybrids let him take their ID pictures was a sweet hidden moment that I'm happy you noticed!
Definitely more Jimin on the way!! It's been the Yoongi show for a bit, but that's just how I've planned these few chapters. Don't worry, each of them will get their turns to be the stars, which I'm super excited about in the future! Charmer Libra Jimin is my Roman Empire, totally more of a flirt and a romantic as time goes on. Joon UGH!! My little wolf, he's warmed up so much to MC, and he's very straightforward and stern like you said-- ever since the Incident, he seems to be very concerned about weather or not MC is feeling upset.
HA I love writing MC and Jeongguk's interactions, they're both such little shits and you can tell when they get on each other's nerves, but it's less antagonistic these days and more playful. He totally called her out for pouting, and while it might work for some of the others, it doesn't on him LOL. But she got him back with that kiss, huh? I bet she's been dying to do that for months...
I'm PSYCHED you mentioned Ben. He's my favorite side character to write, and it's nice that MC is able to confide in him about any of her worries. You're right, he totally caught onto her having crushes on all of them (it's probably dead obvious to him) But ahh it makes me so happy that you love him as well!! I agree, I'd probably act the same way towards MC if I were Ben-- teasing her but trying to encourage as well. 🫣
FDJAKSFH THANK YOU FOR READING AND SENDING ME SO MANY LOVELY COMMENTS!!! As always I look forward to what you have to say about updates, and I love you sm as well! Hope you had lovely holidays and a fun new year my sweets! 😘💜
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cyberdragoninfinity · 6 months
I would love to hear your Indigo Disk thoughts
YES!!!!!!! 💎🐢💥 full disclosure I only just finished Indigo Disk's main storyline like....less than 24 hours ago so I am still RIDING HIGH FROM THE RUSH OF IT ALL. will probably be spoilers ahead, as a head's up:
first off I love that like. right off the bat youre getting hit with cyrano and cavell old man yaoi. busting out the cute little nicknames like HELLO!!! AND then you have geeta showing up and rika is there for no reason whatsoever and it's like. well ok i think they were having lesbian activities on the plane over you love to see it!
anyway setting wise, the Big Ol Blueberry is pretty fun! I love running around and the Synchro Machine is SUCH a ridiculously fun feature (FINALLY, TRUE GAMING: Dana can run around as a Ninetales and smack a big ball around.) I love all the Unova callbacks and I LOVE THE DIFFERENT CLUB ROOM LAYOUTS!! The monochrome one made me tear up and SEEING THE FUCKIGN. POKESTAR STUDIOS ENEMIES. IN THE FUTURISTIC ONE. MADE ME FEEL SOMETHING. pokestar studios my beloved i miss it sooo much 😭 My buddy Snap was talkin about how the Terarium really kind of lacks... yknow, landmarks and points of interest, though, and god I agree so hard. I love that Kitakami had its own little set of interesting features and places to go and use as landmarks and the Terariuam kind of. Doesn't really have those. It's a bit of a pain in the ass to navigate and easy to get lost but not in a fun way.... even though you have these little neat natural features like The Pride Rock and Chargestone Caves, I wish we coulda had a little bit more :( For such a widely used part of the school it doesn't feel very 'lived' in by the students there. It would've been fun to see more gathering places aside from the Very Sterile Outside Classrooms.....
The Area Zero Underdepths, though...hooouughhHHHhhh. I just. I really have to admire the fact that Indigo Disk said "ohhh you want answers?? you wanna know what's going on in this place? fuck you, youre gonna have MORE questions after this, and theyre gonna be even CRAZIER ones." YOU GO IN THAT HOLE AND LEARN NOTHING AND IM NOT EVEN MAD ABOUT IT. GO LOOK AT THE CRYSTAL TREE DOWN THIS RANDOM PATHWAY. i neeeed to make a terapagos post sometime and talk more about it i cannot stop thinking about this little freak. POKEMON THAT SCARE ME A LITTLE I MUST SAY. POKEMON I DO NOT FEEL IN CONTROL OF. i Know they didnt make its charged terastal form look like a dream catcher for no reason. I Know its Stellar Form Looking Like That isnt for no reason. I know its borderline dangerous power and THAT LITTLE STUNT IT PULLS. AT THE CRYSTAL POOL. THAT'S INDICATIVE OF SOMETHING I THINK. >when Terapagos's cry was the sound Terastalizing has been making all fucking game. SCREAMS.
also again oh my god if you beat the main indigo disk storyline go to the crystal pool right now GO. GO FEEL SOMETHING. GO!!!!
ok well that's. less about setting and more about story though huh. well!! story wise, absolutely loved it! I know there was a lot of apprehension when the DLCs got more properly announced and we found out they didnt really center on Our Dear Paldea Friends as scarvio proper did, and yeah I definitely can see why that's a frustration and a deterrent for some (and I'm soo so excited to hang out with Nemona and Arven and Penny in the epilogue next month....peach time (: ) but for me in the end I'm really just so enamored and delighted with all the new friends you get to make in the DLC and they more than carry that little narrative's arc on its own. The Elite 4 of the BB League are all GREAT, they got nonstop autistic girls out here in gen 9 (nemona, amarys, briar ?!??!) and it ROCKS. and i LOVE Carmine so much, everyone always wants mean rivals and mean women and folks cant even handle Carmine 🙄 you can tell she genuinely has such a big heart and cares about her friends and her brother!!! and Kieran wahhh wahh kieran my newest Little Guy ;____;.... he is SO fourteen and I did not expect to go into the DLC getting really invested in a new character's arc but it's just GOOD. He REALLY feels like a loose yugioh character in Indigo Disk, he's so angry and obsessed with victory and ultimately under it all still capable of so much kindness and regret and he's just GOOD. And his champion battle was terrifying and a BLAST!! THE MUSIC RULES. HE EVEN HAD INCINEROAR.
god and all the music in Indigo Disk was a banger. gen 9 music save me. gen 9 music. save me gen 9 music.
i'm SUPER hyped to do more BBQs with my bestie and do more postgame stuff with the "hanging out with Gym Leaders" thing and the Legendary hunting and such... lots more to roll around in and have a good time with. All in all had just a great time with it, I genuinely might put Violet as my favorite Pokemon game of all time at this point! I do grow very sad thinking about just how even more fantastic this game couldve been if it had 1-3 more years to cook properly though, like..god damn. I was getting some LAG on those cutscenes, and I know I made out pretty alright in the bugs department!!
but for now i'll just be thinking about the shit that happens at the crystal pool for the rest of my life. also Indigo Disk gave me the best possible trainer ID photo i never need to change it again
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obwjam · 8 months
Peter is only allowed to be the Giant if Dana or another ghostbuster is around making sure he’s not taping them somewhere for the fun of it or just pranks 👀
taping them somewhere LMFAOOOOO a piece of scotch tape on the wall i’m dead, i don’t think he’s a sociopath but omg the idea of dana being really nice and soft toward a borrower, being like “yeesh sorry you had to get stuck with him huh” and hanging out with them sometimes when the ghostbusters are off ghostbusting…… sign me the fuck up
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stucknthemiddleff · 22 days
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Friends 1.16
Waitin' On You - Jaheim ft Ms.D
Touch It - Ariana Grande
Diced Pineapples - Rick Ross Ft. Drake & Wale
Trey Songz - One Love
Sometimes - Ariana Grande
Stuck N The Middle
*13 Hours Ago*
The sight of seeing Dana ride off in that truck, kept playing in my head over and over again as I drove in my Benz with my nigga Hector. Looking so damn pretty as usual, but stared at me like she was looking at a monster. I've felt like one since I broke up with her, with it being the only way to save my family. Hector passed me the fat blunt we shared on my destination to Lupe's loft. It was past ten minutes to eleven, my main goal right now was keeping the team on low key for the rest of the night. No one got hurt and that's what mattered most. Police would try to get leads and would find nothing.
Never did I want to have to watch Dana separate from me again, but she surprised me. Not that she was here in New York, but the fact that it seemed like she somehow was trying to find me without knowing it.
I was so close to shooting Erin dead in cold blood, until I saw Dana sitting with her at the table of the dinner convention.
With time passing by so quickly Erin's people that were supposed to keep an eye on me started slacking.
That was my chance to enforce in executing my plan. But Dana threw it off, and a made up plan B had to unfold.
It was going almost eleven when I pulled up to the tall building. Parking the car I threw my hoodie over my head, following behind Hector as we entered in the lobby of the building. The building receptionist and greeter looked from Hector to me.
In seeing my face once I took my hood off, she smiled giving me a wink. Letting me know everything was in place.
Giving her a soft nod Hector and I continued to the elevator, stepping inside it. Once getting to the assigned floor, Hector pulled keys from his pocket to open the loft door as we made our way inside. Walking softly further into the loft I heard voices speaking, deeper in the loft.
It was Lupe's voice, along with another; Erin.
Staying hidden, I listened in on the conversation along with Hector.
"Bullshit, he really tried to steal your girl, and now we gotta figure out where she is and kill his family huh?" Lupe laughed sounding fake drunk. He made her drink too? This nigga...
"Yeah, he and his family will have no mercy. I'm just grateful for you getting me safely out of there." Erin replied to him. I balled my fist hard, wanting to strike her down so badly.
Never did I think I would want to put my hands on a woman so bad, but I had other plans for her.
"Damn, how did the shit even get so deep that his family had to be involved?" Lupe asked, digging for the truth I needed.
"Three months ago, I gave him a warning, the most decent. Telling him either he can fuckin' pick his family, or my girl and die anyways. Regardless that pussy belongs to me." She arrogantly stated, I gripped my gun so tight, ready.
Hector touched my arm probably seeing my anger and that it wasn't time yet until Lupe gave the signal with his choice of words.
"So guess he took it for granted." Lupe assumed.
"You would think he wouldn't, had Charlie beat the fuck outta him so badly. Whole side I'm sure was black and fucking blue probably could hardly walk, and that was me being nice." Erin laugh shortly.
"Well, my sources say he's been aided from a guy named Lupe of the Latin Kings." Lupe told her, that was the signal.
"Really? Well we need to get in touch with him, I'm ready to end this shit, I miss my girl." Erin confessed as I started walking leisurely into the dining area where they sat.
Erin slid her head slowly my way, a look of shock in her eyes. She then moved her head back to Lupe, who took his gun out laying it gently on his left thigh.
"Calen, and you are?" She looked at Lupe who smiled.
"The one and only ride or die brother of this guy." He pointed at me with his free hand, "Lupe."
Erin shook her head in disbelief looking over at me, "Calen, you really going to have your guy here take me out then?" She asked me with an evil smirk. Staring her down, I tucked my gun in the back of my jeans.
Shaking my head, I just couldn't comprehend how Dana could ever give the time of day to someone so evil.
Pulling up a chair I sat in it backwards leaning my arms on the back of the chair.
"You know I've fantasized about ways to have you killed. I was going to take you out and you used her as a shield on your first annual outing since threatening me and my family."
"You really think I would do that?" She asked me in disbelief.
"I know." I spat, Lupe stood out of his chair walking out the dining area, "You'll never see her again, understand?"
"Whose going to stop me, you?" She laughed at me.
"Yeah, and I'm going to love her like you never could." I told her, the smile on her face slowly disappearing.
"You're just another pretty boy that's going to break her heart, I know about guys like you." She spat back at me, I could only smile at her.
"You don't know shit about me." I replied standing up out of my chair, "Hector let's do this."
Erin never smiled my way again, and I was glad she would never get to hurt Dana ever again.
Taking the phone out of Dana's hand, I stopped the video recording before it got any further past the parts that would make her more upset than she already looked.
Would it matter right now if I told her I was still in love with her, would she believe me?
"I don't know what to say." She mumbled in shock looking up at me, "But I believe you."
"I'm sorry." Placing my phone in my pocket I looked in her big brown eyes, filled with confusion.
"I need time Calen, okay?" She muttered to me, I opened my bedroom door for her to go. Last thing I ever wanted was to push her into anything.
"Yeah." I nodded watching her walk out.
Turning back towards me she stopped before going down my stairs, "You have nothing to be sorry about."
Then why the fuck do I feel the exact opposite?
Sitting in a beach chair, with a spliff burning in between my fingers, the late afternoon breeze brought me back to my childhood.
Running around this island with Cooper being a bad ass, everyone knowing who I was because of my mother. One girl after the other chasing after me once I got my first little peach fuzz on my face.
I took a long pull closing my eyes, knowing that I had kept so much from my family. No one knew before I showed Dana that video of Erin.
"You want to tell me what's bothering you mio?" Cassie's worried tone sounded over the light breeze on the house beach front.
"I'm fine mother." I responded finally letting the smoke escape slowly from my lungs through my nose. Looking over at her she was barefoot letting the sand mesh with her toes.
"I haven't seen you in a year Calenito." She spoke sitting in a chair that was the twin of mine. Looking over her face I smiled, even with her expression of slight despair.
"Everything is fine, I'm here with Cari and Cooper because I missed you." I tried persuading her. She nodded with a smile but I knew she knew I was speaking half truths.
"How long are you staying with me, don't you have to get back to the office soon?" She asked.
"I'm on a break from the company for now, my family is most important to me." I told her.
"What about your love life?" She asked a curve ball making me scoff at her, "I'm not going to wait around forever to be a grandma without some nagging about it."
"You don't even look like a grandmother." I laughed at her, she smiled with a small shrug of her shoulders.
"That's not the point and you know it." She playfully pinched my arm watching me take another pull of my spliff, "When are you going to stop smoking that?"
"Such a mother, geez." I mocked her with a smile, "And I don't know why you riding my back for about children, Cari the one with a boyfriend."
"She does?" Cassie asked me, I nodded looking out at the sun barely starting to set over the Caribbean ocean.
"Your sister still is not really talking to me Calen." She told me while I put my blunt out on the bottom of one of my all black low top converses.
"Well she's here ma, perfect time to get her to talk." I shrugged, "It's only day one."
"I know, are you sure you're fine?" She asked me, I stood out my chair with her looking up at me. This woman knew me better than any other breathing.
"Yes, I'm going to go find Cooper." I smiled as she stood too looking at me, she touched my cheek.
"You're different, in a good way." She commented at me I smiled shaking my head.
"Ma, you being weirdos, right now." I smirked at her, she smiled.
"I haven't heard you say that in so long." Her face lit up in nostalgia. Somewhere inside me I frowned at my words to draw away from what was really eating at me.
So badly I wanted to tell my mother, one of my best friends, that I was in love and hurting. But I was a man, and my pride was in the way.
"What's for dinner?" I asked her starting to walk back towards the house, she followed.
"It's a surprise, hey how long has Cari been friends with uh....?" She stopped not remembering her name, but I already knew who she was talking about.
"Dana?" I helped her and she smiled with a nod.
"Yes, Dana. She's a sweet young woman, all the way from the U.K." Cassie commented about her in a dull kind of way, when I knew, she was so much more than that.
"Yeah, I've noticed from the accent." I nonchalantly replied once we made it back in the house.
"You always do that Cae." Cassie shook her head at me walking to the kitchen.
I stared at her, confused a little, "Do what?"
"See all women as the same by your tone." She told me, I shrugged at her.
"You're never going to give me any grand children." She huffed going in the fridge, I chuckled softly starting to walk off.
"Cooper is the ladies man, I'm just chilling." I told her.
That could change. Hopefully.
Everything was a lie between her and I, the way my heart felt right now the tears wouldn't stop falling down my face on to my pillow.
Sniffling, my mind just felt so sick of feeling like this, I was stupid enough to go back to her and believe her.
Calen was protecting me this whole time, along with putting himself as a sacrifice and I was so thankful for him. I couldn't try to hate him even if I wanted to and I didn't.
There was a soft knock to my door and I immediately sat up, not wanting Calen to see me like this. Wiping my eyes vigorously I forgot I had locked my door.
"Dana, its Cari, dinner is ready." She spoke through the door while I ran to her bathroom to look at myself.
My eyes were light pink and poofy, and my face was a little pink from crying. Shit. I began splashing cold water on my face and running back out the bathroom.
"Give me five minutes Car!" I yelled after she had knocked again on the door. Putting on some concealer and then foundation. Dropping eye drops in my eyes, I blinked rapidly going back to the bathroom.
My eyes instantly started to clear up thank goodness, knowing I barely had time before Cari tried to come see what was up with me.
"Okay..." She muttered slowly and I chuckled at her tone of annoyance. Looking over my face again in the mirror I looked more decent like I hadn't been crying for the past hour.
Opening my door Cari looked me over raising one eyebrow, "You had a good nap. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, starving come on." I ignored her looks of suspicion grabbing her hand to go downstairs. Whatever Cassie was cooking smelled amazing.
"My stomach is rumbling, didn't realize how hungry I was." I rubbed my tummy with my free hand, Cari remained silent as we made it to the kitchen.
Everyone was waiting for Cari and I at the table with food on the table. Cassie smiled while Clay was in the middle of prayer over the food.
The only other seat that was empty besides Cari's and I, was Calen's. But then I saw he was standing outside on the back patio on the phone.
"Thank you for finally joining us ladies," Cassie said as Clay wrapped up the blessing of the food, "Tonight is one of Carielle's favorite dishes."
"Mom, everyone in the family calls me Cari, why do you have to be different?" Cari asked in a dull tone, I looked over at her like she was doing too much.
"I'm your mother, I named you Cari, if anyone uses your full name it should be me." Cassie responded.
"Right how could I forget?" Cari mumbled as Calen made it back to the table. He looked me over once quickly looking away, before his eyes suddenly glued back to my face.
Right off the back I knew he was in high alert on seeing that I had been crying. Couldn't get nothing past him no matter how hard I tried. Yet Cari didn't even really notice.
"So your mother and I was thinking on taking you kids out on the boat tomorrow. A family sailing trip." Clay proposed as everyone started to dig in Cassie's seafood pasta of shrimp, lobster and fried clam strips.
We still had the chicken and beef empanadas left over from lunch along with her rice. I was going to be stuffed tonight.
"We haven't went sailing as a family in years." Cooper mumbled looking over at his dad nonchalantly. Clay smiled looking over across the table at Cassie.
"Alright so it was my idea, what do you guys say?" Clay asked looking around the table at us with his green eyes.
All three siblings stayed quiet while I decided I should speak up.
"Sounds fun Clay, I'll go, I've never been on a boat before."
"Alright, that's one, what about you Car?" Clay tried moving on Cari and she shook her head with an eye roll.
"Well of course I have to go and make sure Dana doesn't drown, with her not being able to swim."
Cassie smiled with a nod, "How about it boys?"
She eyed Cooper and Calen as they shrugged their shoulders.
"Cool." Calen nodded.
"Whatever." Cooper took a bite of his lobster and noodles.
"It's settled then." Clay smiled taking a sip of his white wine. I smiled finishing up my food, feeling Calen's eyes on me briefly.
Dinner from that point on was filled with quiet chatter and compliments of the food, along with nostalgic memories that Clay narrated mostly with embarrassing moments of his kids in the past.
The family wasn't perfect but they seemed so tight, and it made me understand more on why Calen already wanted me to meet his parents.
After dinner Cari and I helped clean dishes with Cassie, while the guys went to go check on the boat to make sure it was in good condition to ride out in tomorrow.
"So Dana, when's the last time you visited your father in Manchester?" Cassie asked just as I was drying up the last china dish that had been washed by Cari and dried by Cassie.
"Um, almost about two years now." I told her and she did a nod.
"Do you talk to your father often? I know he misses you terribly." Cassie went on with her questions, I could tell Cari was getting annoyed.
"Mom, you know Dana isn't the only person in the kitchen." Cari started making the mood awkward. They seriously needed to sit down and talk.
"Jesus mia, of course she isn't, but it just seems like you don't want to talk to me. Every time I try-"
"You don't try, you never try." Cari stormed off out the kitchen as I stood by the sink, seeing nothing but sadness on Cassie's face.
She turned to me with a small smile,
"I'm so sorry Dana, can you finish up while I go talk to Cari?"
"Sure." I nodded as she rubbed my arm gently before walking out the kitchen. I wiped down the counter with the dish rag, turning off the kitchen light. Leaving the rag by the sink something caught my eyes through the patio glass windows.
Seeing smoke on the outside patio, I walked up to the glass seeing Calen stand on the wooded floor. Leaning against the patio post he looked out at the ocean, moonlight glistening on the surface.
Sliding the door open, I stepped outside closing it back. The ocean breeze welcomed me softly with it being a beautiful warm night, with no humidity. Walking closer to Calen, I leaned on the opposite post that was parallel to him.
"Hey." I spoke out quietly, watching him take a pull from his blunt.
"You were crying." He spoke the obvious, looking over at me.
"I'm not now." I pointed out, with a smile but Calen didn't. Instead he took another pull from his blunt looking away with a grimace.
"Do you really feel that bad, when you didn't even do anything?" I asked him, confused by the funk he was in.
"Yeah I do." He replied lowly.
"But this was all her doing not yours." I pointed out.
"Time was stolen from us, I would have been introducing you to my parents as my girlfriend not just Cari's friend." He complained shaking his head.
"I know, but we're here now, doesn't that matter?" I asked him.
"I still don't know where we stand Dana, or if you even want to be with me anymore." He adamantly told me, "I mean I did hurt you."
"Oh." I mumbled, seeing now where his mind was.
"Oh?" He repeated questionably.
"Why didn't you just tell me Calen?" I asked, "I mean I know it would put your family in danger but-"
"That's exactly it, I didn't want to put them in danger just because in my twenty-three years of being alive I finally fell in love, with a woman I wasn't suppose to have."
"I understand." I crossed my arms around myself, "But you shouldn't feel like you don't deserve to have me."
"Why do you really want to deny us being together any longer if that's how you feel, give me an answer and I will respect it." He demanded looking at me.
"You're going to respect it regardless." I told him, he just stared at me, waiting for my reason.
"I've been on a roller coaster since the day Erin broke up with me, and I feel that we rushed too fast." I started, looking out to the ocean the waves crashed pleasantly on the shore.
Calen turned towards me with his blunt between his lips, he bent down taking off his shoes.
"So, I was thinking maybe we should just be friends right now." I proposed, watching him slip off his black socks next. He leaned back up with a squint in one eye, taking his blunt from his lips.
Going for the hem of his shirt he lifted it over his torso, giving me full view of all his tattoos splattered over toned muscle. He truly hadn't changed a bit, even more sexy than what I remembered.
"What are you doing Calen?" I asked him staring at his body and looking away. My cheeks I could feel were getting hot.
"So we're just friends now huh?" He asked making me look back over at him. The chain around his neck similar to his with my name on it glistened.
"Yeah, don't you think that...." I trailed off as he started taking off his shorts showing black ralph lauren boxers underneath, he put out his blunt after taking another pull in the palm of his left hand.
Laying his clothes on the railing, he bit down on his lip letting it go slowly, looking back into my eyes.
"Think that what, it would be better for us?" He asked me gently walking closer to me, smoke sexily leaving his nostrils into the light wind.
"Y-yeah." I swallowed smelling his natural body scent, he cuffed my chin with his left hand making me look up into his eyes.
"Do you still love me?" He asked softly, rubbing my chin in little circles with his fingertips. He was so careful with me like I would shatter, it made me want more.
"Yes." I answered feeling breathless from him being so close to me, his brown eyes ignited in hearing my answer.
"And you still have on my chain?" He asked knowingly, I nodded with my chin still in his hand.
I took a deep breath getting lost in his stare,
"Everything is true, but I want us to take things slower than we did before."
"Why Dana? What's the point?" He asked me leaning on the post with his hands above my head now. His warm breath fanned my face making my mouth water.
Raising my hand I placed it on his hard yet soft chest, slowly pushing him back so my heart could calm down a bit.
Putting my hands on his necklace inside my shirt I unclasped it, taking it from around my neck.
"We're trading for now, until I feel ready." I handed him his chain, and he looked at it beginning to take off mine from around his neck. We swapped as I watched him put his on, I held out my hand for him to give me mine, but he stepped closer again.
"Raise your hair off of your neck." He ordered in a whisper looking in my eyes, and I complied while he put my chain on my neck. His warm fingers lightly brushed my neck and a favorite spot of his on it.
I did a light cough that almost sounded like a moan hoping he didn't hear. My center did flips in feeling his touch me in so long. Once he was finished I let my hair fall back around my shoulders.
"Now go put on a bathing suit." He told me.
"Why would I do that?" I asked him, a mischievous grin came to his face. What is he up to now?
"You can't get on the boat tomorrow if you don't know how to swim, Captain Clay's orders." He told me walking away, "I'll be on the shore waiting."
Shit, what did I get myself into?
Sitting in the warm beach water that only came past the middle of my stomach, I leaned back with my hands behind me looking up at the sky.
So she just wanted to take things slow between us, I would just have to respect that.
I didn't want to, wanted her to be mine so I could declare it to the world. To my parents, my homies who fought for me.
But she wanted a breather, I wanted to be her breather from bullshit and I was in the middle of it. There was nothing I could but show her I wasn't going anywhere.
Honestly I didn't know how much longer I could hold out and just push myself on her. A nigga was feigning to taste her again, never tasted nothing more sweeter. But I wouldn't until she let me know it was alright.
I leaned my head up towards the sky looking at the moon, "Fuck...."
"You bored or something?" Her foreign voice that I could never get tired of sounded behind me. I turned around seeing her in a big black tshirt.
"That is not a bathing suit." I commented looking at those soft looking legs.
"Ha, you really thought I was going to make this harder for us to act like friends only after of just twenty minutes ago of talking about it?" She asked sticking her tongue out at me.
"You not funny." I muttered looking away from her, "I told you I would respect your wishes."
"Yeah, and you're not swimming. Last time you said that you kissed the back of my neck remember?" She shot back sitting down next to me in the water. Raising my hand I lightly splashed her.
"Ah, Calen!" She growled making me laugh at how thick her accent got when she was mad, this water not being cold was going to be hard for me.
Thanks For Reading!😍
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enigmaticxbee · 2 years
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✖️✖️✖️ 11x03 Plus One
The one where... there’s only one room at the motel and Scully can’t sleep... and murderous doppelgängers, whatever.
Tagline: The Truth Is Out There - The Truth Is Out There
Best: What is happening, are my fanfic daydreams somehow coming to life on my screen? Scully coming to Mulder in the middle of the night and asking him to hold her? Mulder getting up from their bed and grinning at himself in the bathroom mirror? Scully sleepily whispering for him to come back to bed? Mulder hurriedly dressing while telling a naked Scully in his bed to put a dimmer on that afterglow because they have to rush off to solve a case? Scully sauntering towards their adjoining motel room door to find Mulder leaning there giving her that look? GA’s ATTHS. Twice. 😏 tweet - what a time to be alive!
Worst: Don’t even get me started on their conversation about having more kids. They’ve had 16 years to have this conversation! Scully’s in her mid-50s!! This might have made sense 10 years earlier in the IWTB era - it feels like a classic tv revival case of an idea a writer had years earlier that makes its way into a revival like no time has passed and these characters haven’t been living their lives - together! - for years. We all know they’re terrible at communicating but give me a fucking break. And the fact that they only have this conversation and sleep together - at the St Rachel motel 🙄 - to set up the finale pregnancy twist 😑
❌ Flashlights
❌ Woods/Desert
❌ Slideshow
❌ Autopsy
❌ Evidence Disappears
❌ Scully Misses It
❌ Mulder Ditch
❌ Sunflower Seeds
❌ Voiceover
❌ Catch Phrase
❌ Scully is a Medical Doctor
❌ Mulder is Spooky
❌ Scuuullllaaaaayy! Muullllderrrr!
❌ Fox/Dana
✔️ Inappropriate Touching (that I am here for)
❌ Casual Scully
✔️ Casual Mulder
❌ Trench Coats
❌ Bad Tie Watch
✔️ Glasses Watch 😎
✔️ Taking! It! Personally!: Scully
50 States: Virginia x21 (44/50)
Investigate: Together & Apart
Solve Rate: 67%
✔️ Bechdel Test
MSR: 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝
Goriness: 👽👽👽
Creepiness: 👽👽👽
Humor: 👽👽👽
Rewatch Thoughts:
William check-in: They somehow have a whole conversation about having more kids without mentioning him directly… Isn’t the issue less that William was a miracle and more that they had to give him up for his own protection and what would make another kid any safer?? Although with Mulder around it would be different than in season 9. More to say, I don’t think Scully’s issue with having another kid was who to have it with.
Break-up check-in: All their maybe you’ll find someone else stuff just feels ridiculous to me... Mulder’s face when Scully says that she can’t imagine that she’ll need him 🥺 - but also he knows her, that she’ll protest and try to deny herself what she really wants, but that she wants him, and he’ll be there waiting when she opens the door.
The opening scene is very unpleasant - not my type of music and crowded mosh pits are my nightmare
The site of the bear bts video!
Scully’s little smile says she thinks he’s handsome too
Only one room huh? My favorite trope brought to life?? Never mind, there’s a pullout sofa. They could have just been in adjoining rooms (like every fanfic ever).
Karin Konoval (the memorable Mrs. Peacock) plays both Judy and Chucky - I don’t think I realized that the first time I saw this episode because I am very unobservant
Wtf is Dookie?
CC trying to write about a middle aged woman’s insecurities about being past her child-bearing years is so cringey - all dried up?? Would Scully have complicated feelings about aging and motherhood? Of course! But letting Judy get to her like that just does not feel authentic.
Mulder and Scully could argue about ghosts in their sleep - and probably have.
Mulder: You still got some scoot in your boot. Is that a saying? 😂
Scully’s hair looks great this episode - especially in the parking lot scene.
They are very blasé about the death of a man who came to them for help hours earlier and they sent home, telling him it was all in his head…
Things I do like about their bedtime chat:
- Scully asking to be held 🥺
- Mulder: I’ll come push your wheelchair with my wheelchair.
- Mulder’s arm around her
- Scully: Sometimes I think the world is going to hell and that we’re the only two people who can save it. This is why it took them 7 years to get together the first time.
- Scully: We’ll think of something. That smirk!
Chuck and Judy being unable to kill Mulder and Scully because they’re fighting over who’s more in love with them, relatable.
Scully rationalizing her evil doppelgänger away - after she’s eaten magic bread pills.
That final scene!! I may have watched the gif of this a few (hundred) times.
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yourimagines · 8 months
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers; swearing, angst, sadness and a little bit of fluff
- Summary; Nick is losing everything he ever had in his life including you….or is it?
Nick POV
“And the winner of the night is…. George st Pierre!” I was angry about my loss. ‘How can this happened.’ I felt Nate’s hands on my shoulders trying to cheer me up. “I need to go back.” I said to him. He nods, completely understanding what I mean. To much noises, to much people yelling at me. “Let’s go.” Nate pulled me through the octagon. “Loser!” A guy in the crowd started to yell at me. “Don’t react to it.” Nate said to me while I walked up to him, placing my hands against the fence. “Yes you Nick, fucking faggot! Your bitch can get better than you!” I took a good look at him. ‘That’s her Ex Josh.’ “Fuck you bitch!” I yelled back at him. He throw me a middle finger. “Let’s go.” Nate pulled me away from the fence. “Fucking idiot.”
The interviews were taking too long. Everybody is asking the same shit. ‘I want to go home and get fucked up.’ I sighed as another interviewer started talking. “Nick, I saw you had some words with someone in the crowd, do you guys know each other?” I grabbed the microphone. “No I don’t know him personally.” “Then what was the reason to react at him?” I sighed again. “Is this really an important question?” I looked around. “For me it is.” “Well it’s a stupid one, I don’t have anything else to say about it.” I lay the microphone back on the table. “Okay thank you Nick for your opinion.” The guy mocked me. I grabbed the microphone again. “What do you want me to do huh?” He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know maybe do your work, answering the questions.” “Maybe you should do your work and don’t bitch around my personal life.” “Nick with all the respect but your life is about fighting and you lost today, your lost in your life. I only ask what the people want to know.” I stood up. “Okay guys, please don’t… Nick please sit down.” Dana said while he tried to call out the interviewer. “Stop provoking the fighters, the fight is done, let’s move on.” I sat back, my hands in a fist. ‘Losing everything in your life, like a big loser, people are already disappointed in you.’
I walked inside the house, Nate following behind me. Y/N sat on the sofa waiting for me. “Hey.” She stood up and wrapped her arms around me. “Hey” I wrapped one arm around her, kissing her head. “I’m gonna get something to drink, you guys want some too?” Nate asked while walking away to the kitchen. “Yeah sure.” I walked us to the sofa and sat down. I threw my shoes off as she caressed my back. “What a fucking night.” I carefully leaned back, wrapped one arm around her. She leans closer, cuddling me. “Here you go.” Nate placed our drinks on the table. “Thank you.” She leans away to grab a glass. “You want?” She held up the other glass. I nod and take it from her. “I really need this.” As I took a sip from my beer. “Was it that bad?” Nate chuckled. “Oh he almost fought your ex.” She looked shocked. “Josh?” Nate nods as I just stare at her. “Wait hold up…” she sits up straight and looks at me. “He’s telling me you almost fought my ex Josh after the fight?” I nod slowly not knowing what is going to happen. She starts to laugh. ‘Great, another loss. The dickhead is right and she’s knows it.’ Nate shoots me a glare, not really understanding it either.
“What’s so funny about it?” Nate asked while she waves her hand. “I just find it funny because my brother texted me this morning that Josh is jealous of Nick.” I looked surprised. “What? At me?” She nods. “Yes, my younger brother knows his younger brother, they are friends and he told me that Josh is jealous at you for being with me.” She crawled closer to me, smiling as her hand carefully went over my scar. “Next time when you run into him you smash his head in and I better be there to support you.” She gave me a kiss on my nose. Nate starts to laugh. “What menace are you?” She just shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t like Josh, he’s not nice, he a bully.” She sits down next to me, pouting her lips. “I know, good for you is that i don’t like bullies.” I pulled her close and placed a kiss on her head. “I love you.” “I love you Nick” ‘I Didn’t lost everything tonight.’
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itaintvictoria · 2 years
Attention | SHINee Key x OC
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Summary : She knows how to strain his patience to zero, just to eases it back again, by demanding his attention.
Pairing : SHINee Key x older!OC
Warning : Mild suggestion, nothing too blunt, tbh.
A/N : First fiction on tumblr because i was watching his old (like, 2009's old lol) reality show titled "Raising Idol". Just watch it on youtube guys. It's fun, it's so fucking old that the quality of the video max 240p and it made me nauseous, and our cutie Chef Key together with his tEaCher SHIN YIRANG NOONA IS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE LIKE-
Anyways, any Indonesian here? bcs i also posted this a long time ago on https://shiningstory.wordpress.com/2014/12/02/on-top/, If anyone interested to read the Indonesian version of the fic :)
Kim Kibum supported his head which was starting to feel heavy, with his hand. While his other hand was busy gripping the car steering wheel— he started looking for a way out. Get out of this car, sure, but THIS is his car.
Because if this continued, he would consider contacting one of his friends that works in YPCS*.
Or fuck it, he'd just call Jinki. He knew what to do in this situation.
Like, hell. This (awfully) happened a lot in their old married dating life. Her strong minded personality could match his own. Meanwhile, his 'i will do it my way' attitude is still considered taboo by the girl. Such a bad impression, they once thought about each other, after the two were introduced as student and teacher pairs on the show.
Even since the first time they met —what's the name of the show again? Rising-Dol? Rising Idol? Raging Idol—
“Jeez, are you going to keep quiet like this?” her voice pulled him back to reality.
Kibum shifted on his seat slightly, his eyes pierced sharply toward the girl in front of him. If he was a psycho, he would just cover her mouth with a cloth and then lock her in the basement in a instant.
Kim Kibum hates noisiness sometimes.
Even though he must admit, it wasn't uncommon for him to find himself smiling again whenever he sees this girl.
"Oh you don't want to talk now, huh? Right, just drop me here, Kibum. Thank you for the invitation, the musical was really good," the girl unfastened her seat belt, "…your acting with Dana-sunbae is really good, I'm so amazed, really."
The girl opened Kibum's car door and got out, still swallowing her ego. Kibum found himself stunned again, analyzing the events that were spinning before his eyes. And sure enough, before the girl could walk any further to get out of the basement of his apartment, Kibum stepped on the gas and the car accelerated suddenly. It speed up so fast, until he slammed the brakes. The car stopped abruptly right in front of his girlfriend. The screeching sound of his car's tires rubbing against the basement floor pulled the girl back from her shocked state.
"What the fuck—KIM KIBUM YOU FUCKING PSYCHO— were you really going to kill me—”
“—was about to, just get the fuck in my car.”
That sly smile began to appear on Kim Kibum's face. The man bent down and opened the car door.
"What are you-"
“I said come in, Noona.” came his mocking voice on the last word.
Like magic, she complied. It sucked, okay. It took days for her to build a big wall between herself and Kim Kibum yet, he broke it down in just one second. She was suddenly greeted by Kibum's arms wrapped around his upper body. But there's nothing crazier when the younger man suddenly pressed his cheek right against her chest.
She was about to slap the sassiness away from him when her boyfriend's deep, husky, voice stopped her.
“Twelve kissing scenes— three of them were deep kisses yes— but most of them were just a peck, come on. One bed scene and promise you, nothing nasty in reality. It was just acting, it was fake. Not that I would think about it seriously."
He straightened his back, facing her again. "Now you're acting like a little brat and i don't like it. Not a bit," he moved his face to the side of her neck, as he murmured "...didn't you say I'm always the one who's immature? You're starting to make me think you're jealous...and want us to have the same thing."
The girl was busy hiding the blush that had started to appear on her cheeks. She swore, she didn't think that far.
Then why she didn't want to move an inch from him?
Kibum's lips twitched up. "Or...do you actually want to?”
Not letting anything out from her mouth, he connected his lips to hers. Now, how did she back out?
“I'll take that as a yes,” he chuckled, locking her hands with one of his hands while the other gripped tightly on the back of her neck, "Don't worry, I'll be gentle. It's your first time, anyway."
*YPCS : You & Me Psychological and Consultation Services (a couple consultation clinic in SK)
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
I’m now fully convinced this entire season is FB trolling us. Nothing else makes sense.
1. How in the hell can you put out a season of LOVE ISLAND and give the player literally no say in who we couple with? WITH ONLY 8 EPISODES LEFT! Every pairing has been forced on us. Sure…we can choose between Johnny and Nickasshole but they are literally the same damn person post CA, so it doesn’t count.
2. There were so many complaints about Nicky/Seb being friendzoned in season 3 that FB said “alright, bet” and now we have no friends. Clearly that’s not what we meant FB…you can’t really be that stupid.
3. All the complaints about season 2’s CA boys not being able to take no for answer…FB says “Problem solved. Now NONE of your choices matter.” Again…THAT’S NOT WHAT WE MEANT!
4. Season 2 MC was (until this season) one of the biggest doormats I’ve met in the interactive fiction world. But season 5 MC takes the fucking cake and scarfs it down. Only…she’s not getting her LIs fav shirt for it because there isn’t a LI to be found on that godforsaken island. She’s like the isle at a royal wedding, getting walked on for miles and miles while the entire world watches in boredom. And she has very little reaction to it! No internal dialog about how isolated these people should be making her feel. No worrying about how it’s nearly the end of the damn show and no one gives a damn about her. Nothing. She’s just strutting around, throwing out the occasional rebuttal to the onslaught of BS they are piling on her.
5. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “we want drama that revolves around MC”. Well…we got drama that revolves around MC. I guess most people didn’t ask for the drama to be logical, so sure…make it nonsensical BS. Speaking of, why is Kat pissed at me for not telling her I DIDN’T kiss Finn on the date?! WHY?! Even sitting aside the fact that she wasn’t coupled with him and didn’t even have her date with him yet, it still makes no damn sense. Who cares if you liked him…NOTHING HAPPENED. I also didn’t kiss Eddie, Suresh, Dana, Alfie or any of these other hoes. Should I run that by you too?
6. There’s been a fair bit about how everyone falls at MC’s feet and how annoying that can be. Some people like to be the pursuer from time to time. But we didn’t mean turning MC into Allegra where only one person is even remotely interested in her. Again…FB…you can’t be this stupid.
7. Not only have they taken our complaints and turned them into a textbook “careful what you wish for” lesson, they’ve taken the stuff we liked and went in the completely wrong direction with it. No Lottie-esque redemption for the Villa Bitch (or bitches in this case). We get CA again but only, they all suck…at least s2 CA boys aren’t toxic asshats. They give us fun challenges…only they make them terrible.
I’m going to finish this season because I’m a completionist and my anxiety won’t let me not finish it, but after this, I think I’m done. I thought I hit peak annoyance with FB last season, but holy shit was I wrong. And I’d love to say that it can’t get worse than this…but FB cannot be trusted and I am far less forgiving than my Suresh-loving MC.
And one more thing I need to vent about that I haven’t really seen mentioned too much today. How can Suresh not stand up for MC with this Niconny drama? Everyone else has known MC for a couple of weeks at best, but this guy spent over a year with her. He knows her. FB is out here trying to tell us this man still loves her and wouldn’t, at the bare fucking minimum, be like “huh…that doesn’t sound like the MC I know”. And why does Alfie ask US if we can be trusted but not the guy that’s known her for more than two years? What sense does that make? The writers ruined something that could have been great with this lazy writing.
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lots of valid points here anon 😩😩😩
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timdrakesstaff · 2 months
in-source fam + friends?
do you dislike your source/anything in it that bothers you?
I forgot how much of a rambler I am
1. I have a big family that love and miss very much(inluding two kids) as well as friends(other heroes and civvies
2. Inconsistent characterisation? I guess. ALSO THAT RED ROBIN 2009 WAS CANCELLED(For reboot reasons) AT 26 ISSUES WHEN THE AUTHOR HAD PLANNED AHEAD FOR, LIKE, 72
Asking the FoundFamily Source Media guy about his family, huh? That's a lotta people, lmao
Jesus Christ, um. Dick Grayson, my oldest brother and the one I was closest too the longest, I always list as my favourite. Jason Todd, other older brother, more of a friendish than brother? Like estranged a little. We get along but in a different capacity. Damian Wayne my little brother. LITTLE FUCKING SHIT for a while, but he adapted and learned and grew up. We ended up really close, it just took longer. He's kinda... Actually my favourite but don't say that too loud, ahaha. Bruce Wayne is my dad—all of these people are adoptive, by the way—and he's... Bruce, bahaha. I don't feel like elaborating. Cassandra Cain, older sister, kinda. In the way that you get super close to a friend and say you're siblings versus actual sibling bond? I dunno, different capacity than with Dick, lol. Stephanie Brown! Ex girlfriend and a best friend, she's great.
Why are there so many people
Then there are my Young Justice(teen superhero group I started with Sb+Imp) buddies! Kon-El(Superboy), Bart Allen(Impulse), Cassie Sandsmark(Wondergirl), Cissie King-Jones(Arrowette), and uh... Many others. Long story short, they're all great!
Some questionable people like Pru or Danny Temple or Lonnie Machin... They're cool and B probably wouldn't appreciate them being my friends too much, but he's lame and doesn't know better until it already is better
The Civvie Collection! Callie Evans! Sebastian Ives! My best fucking friendsss I miss them. They keep giving Ives cancer </3. And Tamara Fox! We fake dated(fake engaged, actually) and then actually dated, but then just settled as friends, she's really funny. There's so many people, my god. Gotham Heights friends and Wizards(Witches?) and Warlocks(it's just DnD) group, and Grieves and Brentwood and hrurghh
Also my mom and dad! Janet and Jack Drake. They died(near obligatory for bat-adoption). They're great, could've been better, but not nearly as bad as fandom would like to lead you to believe. My step-mom Dana was fantastic, I miss her. She taught me a lot of, like, Normal Things, and is also the source of my Soup Love
I also had two sons—David and Jackson— of different mothers—neither I stayed with
I'm not a fan of Some recent characterisation of myself, it, like, nukes the original 90's stuff—That sounds kinda pretentious and gatekeepy, whoops. But like. I've ranted many-a-time about the fact I lose (usually cool)character traits that are then given to other people(my brothers, usually the Ds) and I'm left with (usually) lame stuff and more flat characterisation, if that makes sense.
i.e. 2003 Teen Titans Dick has more of my personality, as well as my suit(fair, because he'd've been running around in undies otherwise) and bō(as a main weapon. He can use one, for sure, but it was never his main weapon, let alone while he was running with TT)
i.e. Damian, when he's drawn without his brown skin, looks like my twin 90% of the time?? Especially since they started putting his hair down, bahahaha. I've had a lot of hairstyles so I can't nitpick that...
i.e. In the recent(now cancelled) TD: Robin run, they nerfed my intelligence?? Rude. I can complain about that for an hour though
DC is Meh about consistent characterisation through runs, especially since there's so many different writers for each individual thing, lol
ALSO! Damian haters. But that usually has some root in racism and also people just being dickweeds about kids :T
Ask game
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crmsnmth · 2 months
September Sky Chapter Two, Part 7
"Yep." Amber said, looking at Justin, with her eyes wide.
"I'll do a pint of that then," Justin said, hopping off his stool and heading towards the bathroom. A man with a loose tie, who looked to be miserable, sat staring with dead eyes at his drink. Business meeting gone wrong. Or middle aged marriage gone wrong. Either way, vey depressing to see.
"You know, you should just tell him," I said after Justin was out of earshot. Amber had a very large crush on Justin. And she's had it from the first day she started here. Every single one of us knew it, except for Justin. Chad thought I was oblivious, but Justin was on a whole new level. Amber had made each of us swear we wouldn't tell him.
"What if he doesn't like me?" Amber said, putting Justin's glass down on a coaster, and just handing me the bottle of beer.
"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, Nugget." I said. I had this very heavy hunch that Justin had some thing for her. And like her, he was chickenshit.
It was kind of funny to watch these two dance. And other times, it was the most frustrating thing ever. The will they. won't they, stuff is only entertaining for so long. That's why they never do it too long on TV shows.
"How is that dumb?" She asked.
"Because you can't be that oblivious. I swear to god, you two are fucking perfect for each other." I took a drink of my beer. It was cold, and it tasted good. I took a much larger drink. I could already guess that tonight was going to be at least two shift drinks.
"You really think so?"
"Fully. Just say something, because the flirting isn't working, and it's kind of awkward to watch," I said, laughing.
"Yeah, and fuck you too." She tried to sound angry, but she couldn't hide it for long, and soon she was laughing too. I turned back to see Justin making his way back to the bar. He sat down and took a drink from his glass.
"Hey, that's not bad at all," Justin said, "Wanna try it?"
"Hell no. I'll just take your word on it." I replied.
I pulled out my phone to check the time. Instead, I found myself going to my contacts and hovering over her name. I had done it a few times now, wondering how long is long enough and if I should call her. Or, like now, it was getting late and I didn't want to be a bother. It had only been two days, and I was for some reason really worried about coming off too eager. That was a new feeling. I'd never had much of a problem with it in the past. Just another gift from Emily.
"Chris!" Amber shouted at me. I snapped back to reality. I did that a lot. Justin and Amber were used to it.
"Huh? What? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."
"I know. Did you want another one?" Amber said, laughing. They found my habit of losing myself in my head annoying and amusing. And then never really let it get them mad. They didn't know my history, so just chalked it up to me being strange. Quirky.
"Yeah, sure. One more won't hurt," I took the last few swallows of my High Life as she grabbed another one and traded it to me for my empty one.
The guy at the end of the bar sighed, got up off his stool and headed out into the night. Amber went to wash the area he was sitting. She was kind of anal when it comes to cleaning. I give her a lot of credit. She kept her area of the place immaculate. Better than my kitchen. Better than Angela's dining room.
Justin showed me some video off of YouTube that I don't remember. He laughed at it though, and I didn't.
"Oh shit, before I forget, would you be cool working with Mitch and Dana on a Saturday night? I'll even get Mike to come in for dishes." I asked, the thought popping in my head.
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sexy-asshole-carter · 2 years
DiabolicoxRyanxDana Part 1
This is something I've been wanting to do now for a long time so here it is. Continues under the cut
Ryan's Pov: Lying on my bed, boxers on the floor by my bed, hand around my stiff 11 inch Dick, slowly pumping my hand up and down as I buck my hips a bit as I've been thinking about how it would feel to have Dana lying back on my chest, naked, my Cock sliding in and out of her Hot Wet Tight Pussy while fondling her right breast while sucking, licking, nibbling on her left one. Just thinking about that gets me a lot harder than I just was. I'm glad I'm free from the Demons but I'm also glad they taught me a lot of things regarding Sex and all that. Even if I was their guinea pig for them teaching me things like that, I didn't mind. Though I really have to admit; watching Queen Bansheera roughly Tentacle Fucking Vypra's Pussy and Ass was actually pretty hot even while Diabolico was roughly Pounding my ass and Jerking me off at the same time. It was actually felt pretty good. I wonder if Diabolico would wanna Fuck Dana with me one day. As I think about us practically Fucking Dana and Impregnating her with both our kids would be absolutely Fucking hot as hell. It'd be so good to have Dana sucking my cock while Diabolico fucks her ass while Tentacle Fucking my ass while I'm finger Fucking her Pussy would be the best. Or watching as Vypra shoves a Strap on cock in her Pussy, Fucking Dana while I'm getting Fucked by Diabolico, while he uses a spell that will permanently give me a Pussy while tentacle after tentacle gets shoved inside me and pumping in and out, in and out. Just as I'm imagining how it would be like, I hear Dana knock on the door. "Come in. I wanna see if you would be okay with me Fucking you?"
Dana's Pov: "I was gonna see if you'd Fuck me so that's good we're on the same page." I say walking in as I'm naked as get pinned to Ryan's bed as he preps me and shoves his Cock in my Pussy and slowly and teasingly pumps in and out of my Pussy. "Mhm! A bit harder!!! I wanna feel you Fuck me into the mattress Ryan!! Please?!"
Ryan's Pov: I smirk as I start speeding up a bit as I start slightly Pounding into Dana's Pussy while I also start Grinding inside her Pussy. "Oh Fuck me! You're so Deep, Tight and Wet Dana! I'm just gonna keep Fucking and Grinding inside your Pussy till I Cum!" I say while also rubbing her Clit with my Index and Middle Fingers.
Dana's Pov: I arch my back as Ryan does that as I actually like having him Fucking and Grinding inside my Pussy and rubbing my Clit as it's making my legs shake a bit, Grinding my Pussy against his Cock while he's Grinding his Cock inside my Pussy and rubbing my Clit as well. "MHMHM!!! CUM IN MY PUSSY RYAN?! I WANNA YOUR DICK SWELLING DEEP INSIDE MY PUSSY AND PUSH INTO MY WOMB AND BLOW YOUR SEED DEEP INSIDE?!" I wail as I feel Ryan doing just that as I can feel his Cock starting to swell deep inside my Pussy as I feel his Cock pushing deep inside my Womb as he blows thick streams of Cum right inside of my Pussy and Womb. "Mmh~ Thank you Ryan. I know you said that Diabolico basically Fucked you while Bansheera Fucked Vypra's Pussy an Ass. How was it? How'd it feel?" I ask as ever since Ryan came back I've ALWAYS wanted to know how that would've felt.
Ryan's Pov: "It wasn't bad but it also felt really good where I felt like I just couldn't get enough of Diabolico roughly Fucking my ass while also jerking me off. Lately I've been wondering what it'd be like if I somehow was permanently given a Pussy by Diabolico while still having a Dick. Y'know what I mean?"
Dana's Pov: I nod, smiling softly. "Yea I do Ryan. Hell even if he does do that, it'll be pretty cool because then I can help you get accustomed to having a Pussy and Cock. That'd be pretty cool to have your little sister helping me out like that huh?~" I say, crawling onto Ryan, grinding my Pussy on the tip of his Cock, while rocking my hips back and forth while doing that. "Even if Diabolico teleports us to Skull Caverns, getting Fucked by anyone Horny enough to Fuck two Rangers, that'd be pretty cool with me." I say as Ryan rolls himself underneath me, shoving his fingers deep inside my Pussy, finger Fucking me as suddenly Diabolico pops in Ryan's room, Tentacles forming into a giant Cock, shoving it in my ass, Pounding my ass as Ryan switches his Cock in place of his fingers in my Pussy as they both start roughly and relentlessly Fucking my Ass and Pussy in a broken rhythm, speed up as Diabolico makes more and more giant Tentacle Cocks and shoves them straight down my throat and shoves the others up Ryan's ass.
Diabolico's Pov: I smirk while doing just that as I also wrap my hand around Ryan's Cock as I start Jerking him off while he's Fucking Dana as I'm Fucking them both. "I kinda overhead you telling Dana how it'd feel if I permanently gave you a Pussy. I've always wondered how you'd like that. Hehe. To make things more fun, I'm gonna give you a Pussy and also give Dana a Dick. That way you both can permanently have something the other never had before. How's that sound?"
Ryan and Dana's Pov: "That sounds amazing. When can it be done?" We ask while Grinding on Diabolico's Tentacle Cocks as suddenly a semi bright light surrounds us as a very intense tingly feeling is building up in both our crotches as I see a Dick growing above Dana's Pussy as I feel an opening above my Cock as it's insanely wet as I now have a Pussy.
Diabolico's Pov: "Congratulations you two are now officially Futas. Enjoy your new permanent gifts. Oh and only certain people and Demons can see them so you're good. Now how'd you like it if I were to take you two back with me to Skull Caverns where we can have Vypra riding Dana's new Cock, you Fucking her ass, Queen Bansheera Fucking Dana's Pussy and I Fucking yours?" I say as my Tentacle Cocks meet each other inside Dana's stomach as the ones in her Pussy speed up as I start Pounding into Ryan's Pussy with my Cock as they're both taking this extremely well. "OH GOD!! I'M GONNA CUM!! I'M ABOUT TO FLOOD YOU BOTH WITH LOTS AND LOTS OF CUM!" I say as I start increasing the speed as I start Pounding them rougher an rougher as my Tentacle Cocks start bulging as the ones in Ryan's Ass start bulging as well as my Cock starts bulging as I hold them close as I shove my Tentacle Cocks deeper inside them, pushing my Cock into Ryan's Pussy, rubbing his Clit, making him squirm a bit as I'm flooding Ryan's Ass and Pussy with lots and lots of my Cum as I flood Dana's Ass and Pussy with lots of my Cum as I feel Ryan's Cock getting bigger in my hand as I turn Dana around, lifting Ryan up, he shoves his Cock in her mouth as I keep Fucking him as he starts Fucking Dana's mouth as she takes both my Tentacle Cocks as well as Ryan's Cock in her mouth as we just keep on Cumming while Fucking Dana. "Oh god! This is SO FUCKING GOOD!! FEELING MY TENTACLE COCKS BULGING INSIDE YOU BOTH IS ONE OF THE BEST FEELINGS IN THE WHOLE WORLD!X I say as Dana starts sucking us both off as we see her tummy bulging and inflating a bit as we just can't help but continue Fucking her mouth as she's sucking us off.
Ryan's Pov: "Oh Fuck Dana! Keep sucking us off Baby Girl! Suck my Cock as I Fuck your mouth! C'MON NOW! TAKE DIABOLICO'S COCK EVEN DEEPER IN YOUR PUSSY! YOU CAN DO IT! IN NO TIME; YOU'RE GONNA BE EXTREMELY PREGNANT WITH MINE AND DIABOLICO'S KIDS! I'M PRETTY SURE THEY'RE GONNA BE JUST LIKE US AND WANNA FUCK THEIR MOTHER WHEN THEY'RE OLD ENOUGH TO! FUCK!! YOUR MOUTH FEELS SO GOOD ROUND MY COCK!" I weave my fingers throughout Dana's hair as Diabolico and I pump her so full of our Cum, she's bound to get Pregnant with our kids. As we pull out from within Dana, our Cocks are throbbing and pulsating really good.
Dana's Pov: As Diabolico and Ryan both pull out from inside me, I'm so full of their Cum that I'm pretty sure I'll be heavily Pregnant with both of their kids. "That. Was. Absolutely. Amazing. It felt so good having you Absolutely destroying my Ass and Pussy. Wonder if Vypra and Queen Bansheera would be up for it when we head to Skull Caverns and do it." I say, rubbing my Clit as their Cum oozes out from my Ass and Pussy
Diabolico's Pov: "I think they'd be more than up for it. Grab your stuff. We leave soon."
(Gonna stop here and work on the next part. Hehe)
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hereforlukescruff · 5 years
so its thursday. not drunk this time. feeling pretty shit today so lets work off that and do something softish. so you're a uni student and you're dating Luke. life is tough as fuck with finals and mid terms and you study A LOT and Luke is a really understanding boyfriend who gives you neck rubs and only distracts you when he knows you can take it ;) you've had a really tough week with SO MANY projects that you have barely been sleeping and Luke really wants to pamper you but doesn't want 1/?
to make it worse by distracting you so he just rolls with it. finally on Friday night you turn in your last essay and trudge up stairs only to find Luke has a bubble bath ready for you. he tells you how proud he is of you for doing you studies so well and helps undress you. you get into the tub and he does too, he sits behind you with you between his legs, back against his chest with his arms around you as he kisses your shoulder and your neck and your jaw and pampers you with love 2/?
SO MUCH Praise about how smart you are and it makes you laugh. his arms are wrapped around your waist but one hand slips down and begins to rub at you as you lean back into his touch and just enjoy it, eyes closing and relaxing for the first time in ages. he kisses your shoulder and murmurs “i love you” while working you up to your high, he makes you cum like that and it’s super soft and loving. he waits for you to be done with the bath and then helps you out of it, drying you off and taking 3/?
you to the bedroom where he lays down with you and kisses you. you know he’s being patient as fuck because you havent had a good fuck session all week cuz you’ve been studying and he’s been hard since the bath. you move to blow him and he stops you, telling you tonight is about you and making you relax. he pampers you with kisses and rubs at your skin and makes you relaxed while you tangle your fingers in his hair and enjoy it. its slow and passionate and UMF this guy is so in love with you 4/4
2.6k words of something under the cut idk im sorry
Luke knew when he could and couldn’t distract you from you’re studies, when you’d actually be open and responsive to it and this week wasn’t one of them. Finals were rolling around which meant that all your projects and papers were due before the exams, suffice it to say that you were stressed. There were just too many things to do and you felt like you were failing at all of them. Half of the papers probably made no sense but you turned them in anyways and you hoped to god that you could at least get partial credit for your psychology project. You had spent hours on it and you weren’t even sure that you did it correctly. 
Too many times this week had Luke woken up at 4am only to find you bent over your desk, scribbling messy notes in a rush before your class. Tonight was no different when he went downstairs and saw you sitting at the kitchen table, half of a sandwich that he made you hours ago pushed to the side with an abandoned cold cup of tea next to it. His heart ached when he caught a glimpse of your face, red rimmed eyes indicating that you had shed a few tears over some assignment. You just looked exhausted. 
Slowly coming up behind you, he rests his hands on your shoulders as he lays a kiss on the top of your head. You were so focused you didn’t even know he had woken up, tensing up at the unfamiliar touch until you realized it was just Luke. Tilting your head up, you catch his eyes as he bends down to give you another kiss, this time to your forehead. He stays like that as you raise your hand up, your palm against his cheek to hold him in place. 
“Sorry, did I wake you? Go back to sleep, baby.” your voice soft as you didn’t want to disrupt the quiet, no reason for him to lose much needed sleep over your schoolwork. Beginning to massage the knots in your back, he says “No, just wanted to check up on you. Help you relax a bit.” The feeling of his hands makes your head fall into your arms that were resting on the table, you had lost count of how many hours you’d been hunched over but your back surely didn’t.
Papers were scattered all around you, notebooks from different classes all pulled out as you jump from subject to subject. Luke itches to do something, anything, to make this better as he feels useless seeing you like this with nothing to do to help. Every time he leaves to or comes home from the studio, he expects to find you asleep for at least a nap, but each time you’re wide awake, still sitting in the same spot at the table. He’s not quite sure when the last time you got a full night’s sleep was. 
“What are you working on right now?” he asks, trying to make sense of your papers cause to him it all looks like gibberish. Raising the flashcards in your hand to show him what you’re doing, you tell him “Just testing myself on some definitions from my psych class.” with a shrug of your shoulders. At that, Luke moves and makes his way to the chair across from you as he sits down. Reaching over to you, he grabs the flashcards out of your hand. “Hey! What are you-” 
Looking at the first one, he reads “What are the differences in beliefs of the Nativists and Constructivists in language acquisition?” Your heart fills with adoration for the man in front of you as he flicks through your notecards. Him waking up to check on you already had you feeling so loved and now here he was helping you with your work, your heart could’ve burst. 
Seeing his eyebrows scrunch together as he goes through your work, he mutters to himself “Shit, what are you even studying?” You giggle at his comments cause, hell, at this point even you didn’t know. “So what’s the answer?” Thinking back on the question, you say uncertainly “Nativists believe that children have innate linguistic knowledge, that language isn’t learned, while constructivists believe children learn from exposure…..right?” your head tilted as you answer, trying to remember if it’s correct. “Yeah, it’s right. You’re so fucking smart, baby.” Your cheeks heat at the compliment, not used to the praise.
Sitting like that studying continued for a few more hours until Luke made you call it a night. “Finish in the morning, sweetheart. You’re exhausted right now, nothing’s gonna stick.” Reluctantly you agreed since the last half hour of your session was mostly just Luke calling your name to wake you from your unintentional dozing. Going up the stairs hand in hand, you relish the feeling of the mattress against your body. As Luke climbs in next to you and pulls you close against his chest, you didn’t need more than a minute until you’re in deep sleep. With one of Luke’s hands running through your hair, the exhaustion settles in quick as you feel a soft kiss press against your head.
“I’m done!” rings through the house as Luke hears the door shut. Walking into the living room, he catches sight of you dropping your backpack before you run towards him, catching you in his arms easily. He twirls you in a circle as you tell him about how you actually think you did well on your finals, that maybe not all hope was lost for you. “’Course you did well, you’re the smartest woman I know, darling.” You giggle as Luke nuzzles his face into your neck, tickling you with his scruff. All the stress of the last few weeks falling away with every moment you spend with him.
Putting you back on your feet, Luke reaches a hand out as he says “Come on, follow me.” He leads you up the stairs to your shared bedroom where he gives you a kiss and tells you to undress as he runs a bath. When he turns to walk towards the bathroom, you pull him back to you and wrap your arms around his neck, bringing his face down to your level. You attach your lips to his in a soft kiss before he disconnects and stares at you. “I love you,” falling off your lips easily. 
He’d been so patient with you that you just wanna show him how much it all means. Making his way back into the bathroom to turn the water on, you hear him throw an ‘I love you too’ over his shoulder. You shake your head to yourself, laughing softly at his response while you undress to nothing, getting ready for the bath. Just imaging the feeling of hot water against your skin almost has you moaning, your body so tired from the lack of sleep and uncomfortable positions you forced it into as you studied.
You enter the bathroom when Luke turns to tell you something, his breathe catching in his throat at the sight of you naked. It had been a few weeks since you guys had done anything and he almost forgot just how stunning you really were. “Why aren’t you naked?” you tell him, a sly smile on your face as you do so. “Are you sexualizing me?” Luke rebuts jokingly as his hands go to the front of his shirt to undo the buttons. Helping him get the rest of his clothes of quickly, all you say is “Yup.” with a smirk on your face.  
With the water at the perfect temperature, you slowly sink down and adjust yourself. Luke pushes you forward so that he could get in before grabbing your waist and flushing your back to his chest. You both sit in there silently for a little while, your head laying on his shoulder, just relaxing. “This week was absolute hell, thank god it’s over” you say out loud, filling the silence “and thank you for helping me, baby.” His lips begin to ghost over your neck, “Don’t thank me, my love, it was all you. You’re brilliant.” 
Soft kisses are pressed into your shoulder as he continues to tell you how proud he is, “What are you proud of? I just took some tests, it’s not like I did something magical.” The tone of your voice allowing him to hear your insecurities, insecurities that he knew were bullshit. At that, Luke blows a raspberry into your neck causing you to squirm away from him in a burst of laughter.
“Oh my god, stop, no, I’m ticklish. What are you doing?” the smile wide on your face. “Anytime you say something that’s not true, I’m gonna tickle you.” he states knowing you’d do anything to not let that happen. “And when did we agree on this rule?” you tell him, your voice incredulous. “Right now.” 
As you open your mouth to disagree with him, he blows into your neck again before you get any words out. You try to push his face away through your laughter but he’s stuck onto you not letting go. But slowly, the air against your neck turns into kisses against your shoulder while your laughter turns to short breathes and low moans. 
It’s been a few weeks since you’ve had time for sex and because of that, just a few kisses on your neck and collarbone have you moving against Luke’s chest. You feel one of his hands creep in between your legs, spreading them gently as his thumb reaches your clit. “Fuck” tumbling from you mouth as his fingers circles your clit and his mouth continues to leave marks on your neck. You reach the edge so quickly when Luke whispers into your ear “Cum for me, baby.” Moans echoing in the bathroom as you let go for him. 
Your body relaxes against his chest as you have your first orgasm in weeks, school taking over every part of your life that you didn’t even have time to release the tension. Luke moves you so he could get out of the tub and grab towels for the both of you. Quickly wrapping you up and drying you off, he gives you a peck on the nose before putting a hand underneath your knees and gathering you in his arms. He drops you on the bed as the towel falls to your feet, leaving you in nothing. 
The sight of you still damp from the bath and naked on your bed almost has Luke cumming then and there. You can see how hard he is as you sit up on your knees. As he comes close to you, you move to grab his cock before he stops you, “What are you doing?” he asks you with a furrow in his eyebrows. “Just wanna help you out a little.” you answer as you try to grip his cock in your fist again. His hand catches yours and pushes you away from him, “It’s all about you today, don’t worry bout me.” His words cause your body to heat up, unprepared for whatever he had planned. 
“Lie back down against the pillows and spread your legs.” You followed the order quickly, falling against the bed as you opened yourself up for him. His stare had you feeling like you were on fire. “Fuck, you’re so gorgeous.” he tells you as his own hands go to his cock, stroking it up and down before letting go and kneeling in front of the bed. With both his hands on your calves, he pulls you towards him so that you’re spread out in front of his face. You feel his warm breathe on your clit as his hands move up to your thighs, keeping them open. “Missed your pussy, baby. Been so long since I’ve tasted you.”
Your hips dig into the mattress as you look for any sort of friction, all the teasing leaving you in need for immediate relief. Finally, Luke starts kissing on your thighs, slowly making his way to your pussy. When he gets to your center, he licks one long swipe between your folds with a loud “Oh my god” coming out of your mouth. Because of your reaction, Luke doesn’t let up, his tongue swirling and sucking on your clit as your hands tangle in his curls. You press his face against you as he continues eating you out, alternating between sucking on your clit and moving his tongue in between your folds. 
He notices your hands curling into the sheets as you start squeezing your thighs around him, a sign that you were about to cum. A few more licks at your clit and you’re cumming as you writhe underneath him, desperate to catch your breath. Thinking that he’d pull away after your orgasm, you jerk when you feel his mouth on your pussy again. “Please, please, stop, I ca- oh fuck” is all you can say when he slides a finger inside you, not waiting long before a second joins it. The feeling of his tongue coupled with the fullness of his fingers has you going over the edge for the third time.
You push his head away, not knowing what he would do as you try to regain control of your body from it’s shaking. Opening your eyes, you see Luke moving onto the bed in between your knees, “Can you take my cock, baby?” he asks.  Still sensitive but your need for him so strong that you nodded your head to his question, wanting him to fill you up. 
With no warning, Luke sinks into you in one thrust as your back arches off the bed, “Oh fuck, you’re so fucking tight.” His hands wander up to your breasts as he fucks you, fingers tugging and rolling your nipples, the combined sensation having you cry out. He keeps a hand at your breast while the other taps at your mouth, ordering you open. “Suck them,” he tells you when two of his fingers go past your lips. You swirl your tongue around them and suck on them like they were his cock, his moans matching yours. After they’re wet enough for him, his hand wanders back to your clit, rubbing it against his fingers as his cock slams in and out of you. 
Your hands grasp on to his shoulders as Luke moves the hand at your breast to around your back to pull you up to him, practically riding him. Bouncing up and down on his cock, you feel the grip on your hips get tight, knowing you’ll find marks in the morning. Once again, your orgasm starts to build up when Luke pushes you back down on the bed, a hand at your throat as he fucks into you so deep. “Oh shit, Luke, I’m so close.” A few more thrusts and you feel yourself lose control as you come undone, only seeing white behind your eyelids. Luke’s thrusts grow sloppy until he hits it one more time and follows you over the edge. 
Lying side by side, you’re both trying to catch your breath after the fuck. Luke recovers enough for him to get up and grab something to clean you both off before he throws it back in the bathroom and climbs into bed. His arms wrap around your waist as you cuddle into him, your forehead resting against his heart, when he presses a soft kiss to the crown of your head and whispers “Congratulations, sweetheart.” 
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yesihyperfixate · 2 years
Mythic Quest Quotes from a incorrect quote generator part 2
Jo: We’re going to defeat you with the power of friendship.
David : We’re not friends.
Jo, holding an axe: We’re going to defeat you with the power of incredible violence.
Rachel: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us.
Ian: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
Rachel: Pardon the intrusion, but-
Brad: On this moment or just my life in general?
Brad , texting David : *sends a voice message*
David , texting back: I’m a little busy, is it urgent?
Brad : No, don’t worry, just listen later.
David : *presses play*
Brad 's voice message: THERE’S A FIRE-
Poppy: honk.
Brad : WHAT.
Poppy: HONK.
David is speaking on the phone*
David : Yeah, I'm with Brad .
Brad : Im fucking dying-
David : Yep, they're okay.
Brad : I have a knife in my chest!
David : No, they can't talk right now. They're sleeping, sorry.
Dana: How would you like your coffee?
David : As dark and as bitter as my soul.
Dana, shouting to someone behind the counter: I need one vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar!
*while living together*
Brad : Someone’s trying to break in. Call the cops!
David: *loads shotgun* I got this.
Brad : Last week you fell up the stairs, what do you mean-
Rachel: I'm going to take a shower, I'll be right back.
Dana: Why are you telling me this, I don't care.
Dana, right after Rachel leaves the room: I miss them already.
Alright I just wanna say, some of these are OOC because I literally put the first ones I got on here
(Also the generator really said braddavid rights huh?)
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