#cuz its collaborative with all my friends
crushedsweets · 2 months
GUYS I HAVE ONE AHAHA my ONLY creepypasta oc is a self insert!!! you can find her all over THIS BLOG or in #crv or #bonnibel hayes on my blog!
this is her and my friend @/necroromantics oc tobin(who u can also find on that other blog) being hateful
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spookberry · 3 months
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Shadow High series 3 my new beloved
I didnt even like most of em until i saw them in person, but the knowledge that they'll probably never be in the show has my brain in a "well its free realestate" kinda mood
Random list of information cuz ive been plotting out friend dynamics and background lore
-i like to pretend Rainbow High/Shadow High are actually Rainbow University/Shadow University cuz im in art college Right Now and i think it makes more sense with the whole dorm room situation. And also major makes more sense than focus IMO
-I changed Pinkie's major from film to just undeclared. I think she eventually does land on Film. She just has a lot of interests! Her dream has always been to one day direct films, and I think she comes to love them even more while developing ideas her with the group as she winds up in a Director/Producer position for most of them. BUT also every time she takes a class in a different program she cant help but fall in love with that way of making art too. So she has a hard time picking for a while and changed her major a couple times before landing on Film.
-Pinkie and Berrie bond a lot over a shared interest in vocal synths (tho Berrie knows more about them than her).
-The two made Pinkie's vtuber model together!
-the fandom wiki says PJ is from germany?? Idk how canon that is tbh but ive decided to embrace it i guess
-Rooney's canon name is Scarlet Rose, but i thought it was kinda lame especially when Rosie Redwood is also in this line sooo I renamed her! Stuck to the color name puns tho. Mar Rooney. Maroon. Haha
-Speaking on her though i love that shes from texas and likes writing scifi mystery type stuff and that being said i just Know deep in my bones that she was a Voltron Legendary Defender fan and Keith was/is 100% her favorite. She has a continued fondness for mothman specifically cuz of this.
-PJ and Rooney actually talk about fandom and shows/movies ALL the time. They dont have a ton of overlapping interests, but where they do? The two literally never shut up.
-Rosie is such a random character, like outside of her design she feels very poorly considered. So I scrapped the cosmetology thing and made her an illustrator instead! I think it works better with her love of making art in nature. I can see her being really into illustrated guide books. I think shes a bit snooty when it comes to art too. It takes being friends with other artists to become more open minded.
-I like the idea that Rosie is mainly friends with Rooney and Berrie ontop of that. The three of them often tag team storylines and how theyd interpret them into different mediums. Rosie will draw up a bunch of concept stuff while Rooney writes up a pitch bible and Berrie will start making shit move and throwing in her own ideas on camera angles and character designs.
-as an animation major Berrie was required to take a sound design class early on, which is where she met Oliver! Hes very laid back, and likes to go with the flow, but functions a little like the "mom" of the group. Often reminding the girls to take breaks, drink water, stop looking at their screens lest they get eye strain etc. He's multi-talented tbh but Music is his one true passion and he likes how the girls are always giving him collaboration opportunities.
-Oliver and Rosie like to talk sports a lot, both having played a bunch when they were younger and throughout high school.
-Lavender Lynn is Oliver's number one "person who needs constant reminders to settle down" she is in a constant buzz of trying to get the best shots and is utterly obsessed with the process of artistic documentation. Everything must be documented.
-the whole school loves her for this actually, she has a whole side gig where other students hire her to help photograph their projects. She saves everything she earns from this for her future dream plans to visit paris. She has it set really, many of the artists who she helps photograph now will remain steadfast clients of hers forever onward.
-PJ and Lynn actually took a print media class together at one point. Which didnt at the time spark an everlasting friendship. But it did give PJ an easier in to ask for Lynn's help documenting a project the group was working on. One of Lynn's first times photographing them work happened to fall on a day where Rosie had planned to trick everyone into going on a nature walk sans devices... Lynn wound up really appreciating this outing and decided to continue hanging around the group even after that project had ended.
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polariae · 3 months
Hi my loves!
So I would like to inform u of some problems about the fanfic Savior i am Co working on and the truth on how my Fanfic Ideas of my OC Izumi x Geto got taken advantage of. And how the tragectory of everything went on. From the start to the reason why I wanted her to stop/delete my FF.
As u know I have had my OC Izumi for some years now as a staple in my artworks and I got so much love and curiosity from yall to know more about her. I ofc had a whole backstory in my mind already fleshed out from the start for Izumi, since i just love to make up stories and backgrounds for OC characters. Its just something that comes naturally and all my maladapive daydream girlies will know exactly what im talkin about 😂 and after so many DMs about wanting to know more about her i was like, a fanfic would be amazing to do!
The problem was, English is not my first or second language and I just didnt had the means to bring my thoughts rightly to paper. I also am really invested in drawing here and that takes up all my freetime already. So i had no time or skills to make this FF work.
Thats how I came across a tumblr user who had open a requests on her page so I dmed her. I liked her other work she made with Geto (even tho it was kinda brutal) i liked her writing style a lot. So I asked her if she would like to write this story with me. We agreed that I would give her my ideas and she would write it. I saw her as a friend and trusted her.
But soon she wanted to add and change things up, she said that thats how it is with co writing and thats just how its gonna be. I was okay with that at first, since the changes were sometimes beneficial and it was fun to brainstorm with her. It was clear that this was my vision and any changes had to get through me. We both agreed on that but I was naïve and let myself get talked into things. I just wanted her to keep writing and was dependent for her collaboration.
For anyone who read the FF: The character Kai was never planned by me, it was a character she wanted to have in it, hes someone who abused Izumi in her captivity. He was like the prisonguard of her. I was like okay fine u can add him but i said from the beginning that I do not want him to touch Izumi in a sexual way.
I shouldve known immediately that things will go south as the writer said she wanted to add sexual abuse in it.
I was very reluctant but I sensed how she spoke that she wouldnt wanna write further so I agreed in just very mild things, which already were awful enough but i tried to make the best out of her wishes. Since she was insisting. And i hoped that if id agree to this mild things that that would be it and hopefully not picked up further in the story and at last forgotten by the readers.
My only thing i always said was: I dont want to have any of this abuse to interfere with Izumis and Getos relationship. That was a big thing since I wanted them to have a romantic and loving relationship further on. The NSFW scenes were planned to be sweet, and sensual especially cuz Geto wouldve been all Izumi knew sexually and her first (and Geto is just peak hotness and perfect for that) Izumi should enjoy her firsts with Geto fully.
Going on she started to change more things.. and it got further and further away from how Izumi and all was. She started to change Izumi and her personality. Shes so far off of what I pictured her to be and what was discussed. But that wasnt the worst thing.
Then the writer just started to take things to new levels, Izumi having to be forced to suck Kai off for food, Kai fingering her to her orgasm against her will etc.
Pls know that she just posted the chapters without informing me, so i always tried to talk her into removing these scenes but to no avail.
Boiling point was now the latest chapters cuz she made Izumi have panic attack and flashbacks. Worst, she made her having one as Geto and Izumi tried to take things further in the bedroom. She made Izumi think of Kai and her sexual abuse. Tormenting Izumi with memories of Kai sexually abusing her when Geto was touching her. Its awful.
And that was what made me just so so sad. Cuz Kai wasnt even supposed to be in the story at all. And now exactly what I didnt wanted happened. At this point i wasnt even invested anymore in the story cuz it just wasnt enjoyable to read about all this mess. Izumi was snappy, her personality is weird and unpleasant and it was just such a weird vibe between Geto and Izumi. The writer always talked her way out by saying thats just how trauma works ect. Without acknowledging my wishes and my OC Izumi. Izumi and Geto just were soo weird together and after this all their whole dynamic was not there anymore. It wasnt loving, it wasnt sweet.
And i would like to add that im a sucker for Angst. Like im not someone who reads fluff. But this was even for me not even Angst anymore, it was just uncomfortable.
Like it was the drop that made it overfloat. What made me not wanting to be associated with it anymore. She wrote on many Autors Notes especially the recent ones, that she does not have the drive to write more on the FF. That she healfheartly literally ended the FF today in 3 chapters. This fanfic just has nothing to do with what I imagined anymore and im sad that i gave away all my ideas away to her tbh. If i had known I wouldve never asked her to write my ideas out. It also became her most read Fanfic. We discussed sooo many cool ideas and scenes for this fanfic till the end chapters like i just dont understand why she just insists in having this sexual abuse in it and tormenting Izumi. And also drag it over so many chapters. So many of you DMed me and said hoe uncomfortable it made u feel reading the latest chapters and how the storyline just didnt seem the same anymore. Which was as u see now absolutely true.
I asked her many times on why she insists on having sexual abuse in it so much? But shes never gave me an answer, no she tries to turn in on me saying "u agreed to it". Which as I discussed with u above was not what happened AT ALL. She says she cant remove it anymore, wether the scenes or Izumis mental torment and trauma. But she COULD.
ITS A FANFIC. U can always make it work.
Its also funny how she tries to say "im doing it for free" to hint that she can do whatever she wants. In that case i just have to say; i also gave all my ideas for free like? Its insane how this is even a conversation.
The gaslighting she is doing in the chat is hard to manage and Im srsly so sad and also annoyed that this had to happen.
I wont engage in this with her more cuz I have to keep my mental health in tact.
You saw how she is turning things around, how she manipulates and changes the context of conversations. I remember vividly how the first times she laughed at how emotionally invested i was in my story and belitteling me. I created Izumi nearly 4 years ago while I was batteling severe anxiety while i was homebound. How she always blackmailed me in saying "ur not paying me so I can do whatever I want" and when I then gave her some payed content for free she is now changing the narrative as if she never asked for money. I was the one who thought we would do this for fun and was always hurt when she talked about this tid for tad mentality.
I tried to build a friendship and let things that she said pass during our "friendship" out of good faith. I was hurt how she treated me and dismissed me and my character requirements and how now that I was the one saying I dont see her as a friend anymore she turns it around to make it seem im the "mean" one for now standing up for myself. I am still shook about this disingenious behavior. I never sent hate to her even tho she tries with all her power to say so. I even insisted to keep things kind and graceful. And after she shit on me and I saw that she wouldnt budge, I stood up for myself. Also; Calling me a bitch and telling me to fuck off is no "quirky" way to talk to people as seen below. Especially in this context.
Shes now deleting every comment that doesnt benefit her on the comment sections. Im not surprised. So be it.
Tbh I do not care anymore. I just made story posts but since she showed the DMs I wanted to post the truth for u to read here as well. Iwont let this negativity from her linger any longer and give her any platform.
As I said in the DM i rather had kept this private but I had to share the truth in this matter since she spread misinformation. You deserve to know how things really went behind the scenes. And im sick and tired that my kindness is always taken advantage of.
I had to speak up for myself, my Ideas and my OC. Thank u for all that messaged me and having my back! Everyone of u sent nothing but love and support my way my heart was bursting out of greatfulness.
If you've read so far im so so grateful for ur time. And in due time I will tell the real story of Izumi and Geto in a FF worthy of their love.
Latesr DMs she also posted but here with context.
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comic-sans-chan · 2 months
cursed modern human garashir au where ds9 is an old ruined resort that was built by some evil rich motherfuckers years ago and was recently seized back by the native people whose land and economy it had destroyed. it's since been converted into an affordable apartment complex sort of situation (just... with a pool, bar, restaraunts, spa and tennis court built into it lol) and is run by sisko and kira. since it is rundown, odo gets hired back on to keep kids from further vandalizing it and o'brien's team gets hired on from the nonprofit organization sisko works for to fix the place up best he can. dukat is the old overseer of the property who drops by sometimes to remind them he and his hospitality business still exist, and my, what a fine job they’ve done renovating the place! it’s actually nice again. sure would be a shame if someone bought the property out from under them (lmao jk kardasi hospitality and starfleet are friends! no hard feelings. they should collaborate on some future projects, actually).
garak's a sad bitch who just lost his amazing morally dubious nepotism career at obsidian corp. (which absorbed kardasi hospitality) and moved into the complex just for the comfortingly familiar architecture. even tho he's not on the payroll for his (secret) dad's evil exploitative company anymore he's still vital to its continued efficiency and is an absolute sucker who still does unpaid shady work for them from time to time. so no one in the complex likes him, but also he's a very pleasant and fastidious queer man who pays his rent on time and has completely taken over the laundry room, to the benefit of everyone, because all the machines actually work now, it's always tidy, and there's a variety of forever-stocked detergents and soaps available, plus an iron?? there was not an iron before garak moved in. which is how it eventually becomes public knowledge that garak has an online tailoring and fashion design business, and he's actually pretty good at restoring clothes that get fucked by the washing machine or eaten by rats, soooo. yeah. they let him stick around.
meanwhile julian's a hot doctor who works at the local hospital and is absolutely buried in student debt that he refuses to let his moderately-wealthy family help him with because they're awful people who had him on illegal drugs without his knowledge since he was a little kid. they were afraid he had something wrong with him, apparently. he was too far behind in his class or w/e. they couldn't handle having a kid with special needs, so they pumped him full of dangerous experimental stimulants. only reason he found out is because he snuck off somewhere to start transitioning and had some tests done that revealed all the crazy shit in his system. he's insanely lucky he didn't end up in the hospital with seizures or fall into a coma or worse. not to mention his parents still dead-name him left and right over a decade later. it's a whole mess and a huge secret, because he technically has a history with illegal drug abuse, and it's a partially ongoing history because going cold turkey off drugs he's been on since he was six is Not A Good Idea, so??? fuck his life, actually. he lives in the apartment just down the hall from garak's. 
garak hates the country his dad's company expanded into and would like nothing better than to move back home, but it's not really logistically possible. especially since everyone there hates him cuz his (secret) dad's company is a mega-corporation that's completely taken over everything p much and is a complete monopoly nightmare, and he did... kinda... work there for decades. no one would hire him if he went back. it would be an extreme conflict of interest, since everyone wants to stay on tain's good side, including garak. but starfleet is interested in him, so he does some begrudging contract work for them sometimes, but he really has no desire to join them. he just wants to resume his old career and reclaim his assets.
julian's hospital is owned by starfleet, tho. his scholarship into medical school was also from starfleet, in fact--they're the only reason he was able to (sort of) afford becoming a doctor at all. so he's a big fan, even tho they are pretty hardcore anti-drugs in a way that's made him have to forge medical records and risk serious legal charges and prison time. julian comes across as a squeaky clean medical professional and an adorable idiot, but he's intimately familiar with back-alley dealings. which is kind of how he ends up helping garak with his drug addiction, and keeps said addiction off the record.
but basically, how it begins is julian likes to support the local restaurants in the complex and garak finds him there and thinks he's gorgeous, and it proceeds as expected. they fuck nasty and become codependent. ten years later, julian lives in a modest house with garak in his home country and garak irons all his old university hoodies.
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geek-fashionista · 1 month
A Business Proposal
A little while ago, I posted an interest poll for a series I'm planning. Since many of you responded that you were at least curious, I come today with... limited information. Limited, because the novel version of this series is currently being read by a literary agent.
But I've always felt that this story was too big to be contained in book format. Under a traditional publisher, I would lose the rights to my own property, so if they didn't want to see more of it, that's that for myself and the characters and the readers who fall in love with the characters. Self-publishing is harder. It needs to be a collaborative effort between writer and readers if it's going to succeed. Thus, I turn to the only audience I have with my "business proposal."
(Note: If you've been around long enough, you might recognize some of these characters from posts that have since been deleted.)
Working Title: Trainwrecks Length of Series: 8 seasons Length of Seasons: 24 episodes, 12 main and 12 bonus, posted biweekly. (Each season will last three months.) Episode Length: 1000-2000 words Setting: Seattle, Washington and its surrounding towns, between the years 2004-2015 Genre: Contemporary, YA to New Adult
Trainwrecks follows a diverse group of six best friends from high school to their mid-twenties, with all the romance, heartache, college and career decisions, and confusion that entails. Our main cast:
A bubbly, fat Puerto Rican girl with a passion for art and matchmaking (Ages: 14-25)
Her adopted, Argentinian brother, who is adept at music and pretty much nothing else (Ages: 16-27)
Their childhood best friend, an Asian/British/American guy who hides years of trauma behind a flamboyant and overbearing personality (Ages: 19-30)
His ill-tempered younger sister, who has just moved back to the United States from London after their parents divorced fifteen years ago (Ages: 14-25)
An equally bad-tempered Hawaiian/French guy with a love of photography and a hatred of bullies (Ages: 14-25)
The coolest, most beautiful Chinese girl you'll ever meet, who is fighting a sex addiction after a history of abuse (Ages: 16-27)
Main episodes will be written in story format. Bonus episodes will be in epistolary format: MSN chats, text messages, letters, blog posts, and eventually Twitter posts. Y'know, cuz Twitter didn't exist in 2004.
The main series (8 seasons, 24 episodes each) will be completely free to read and delivered directly to your email inbox. There will be character artwork, a bio page to keep track of everyone, a tie-in Tumblr account for memes, Spotify playlists for each character, and helpful things like family trees and relationship charts as well. Each season will have its own key artwork---cover art, if you will.
In addition to the completely free story, there will be extra content for paid subscribers and Patreon patrons, including but not limited to:
Sneak previews/early updates
Side stories
Back stories
Character and universe development notes
Entire AUs with different relationships or different genres
Money raised will either go towards paying artists or towards my student loans. And if the series gets really popular, I intend to launch a Kickstarter for physical copies that will include all the artwork and maybe some bonus items as well.
That's my business proposal. If you like it or have questions, comment on this post, scream in my inbox, chat me---do whatever but do it vocally because I need to know you're out there. And then, feel free to follow my Substack for updates.
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aufi-creative-mind · 5 months
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2023 Art Summary
Happy New Year's Eve to all of my friends and mutuals!
2023 has been a year of....a lot of ups and downs. I went feral mode as soon as I got my hand on Tears of the Kingdom on its May release and that lasted until October-ish. Which in turn, slowed my art progression. But I did made progression nonetheless, particularly with backgrounds and joining into collaborations. Especially with the Zelda Creators and amongst friends.
For my 2024 resolutions. My first priority is completing the RE-redrawing series of the [F̵a̸ ̷r̶ore'̵s̵ ̷S̸p̸i̴ r its]. Along with the few WIPs that I started in 2023. I also wanted to work more on my BotW-TotK Family and Legacy series. Now that the Era of the Wild saga has been concluded by the Zelda dev team. But too many unanswered questions and lore that I want to explore on.
Until then, I wish you all a Happy New Years and for 2024 to bring peace and kindness, cuz you all deserve it.
BONUS - additional artworks that I'm very proud of.
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wewebaggit · 1 year
I think it was because he was abused or something and apparently had drinking problems? Like bruh you cannot claim to use subversion of 80s horror genre tropes and at the same breath make your black character one of the victims without even focusing on it. Its just...? St can really use some criticism sometimes
Yep it was because he had drinking problems and was a disgrace to his family as per the voiceover that Patrick and we hear as he's riding in the car with Jason n the gang. And then Lucas mentions that he once saw him with a black eye. That's it. That's all.
Patrick deserved way better. Even discounting the fact that he's black. The same episode had the stupid mid air fight between Murray Yuri and Jim's girlfriend. That lasted longer than necessary. That existed. Both valid reasons for having a more fleshed out buildup to THE MOTHERFUCKING SACRIFICE FOR ONE OF THE FOUR (NOT FOURTEEN) GATES.
Maybe if they cooled it on Eleven slow jogging through the lab, eyes wide, breathing heavily and emoting nothingly, Jopper doomsday fucking, Elmike/Mileven, (God stop milking it, it's not great writing, we are gaslighting ourselves to believe it is cuz there was a time we thought the most they'd do for gay Will is have his best friend say something INCREDIBLY HOMOPHOBIC to him), a Russian plot sillier than season 3's - fucking talent, I could go on we could've had something justifying (at the risk of sounding repetitive) A MOTHERFUCKING SACRIFICE FOR ONE OF THE FOUR (NOT FOURTEEN) GATES.
Also leaving you with some of this:
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Jason to Patrick
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Mike to Lucas
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Billy to Max about Lucas
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Mike about the science fair contest
(Let me elaborate: It was a state competition and the result was political? MY conjecture is it was not because of frogface or a boy with no teeth or a boy who his town thought was queer - I'm suspecting it wasn't a statewide consensus. Who's left?)
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Jason with Lucas
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Andy with Erica
I'm not American so I'm not someone who gets the whole American experience of it. But American cultural colonisation means I'm somewhat aware of the tendencies in media. N to me personally I don't resonate with a white/black/brown American character on a racial level but just by how they're written n how well the work is performed. I do not live in a post racial world bt my country has its own different version of racism. That is to say any character being white/other colour is of ZERO value to me. So when I am consuming foreign media, I'll be like this is well written that is not. But then when I arrange them in order of well written to not or underwritten, it's a shade card alright. (🙋🏻🙆🏼🙅🏽🤷🏾🤦🏿) So ya. It's like white ppl tend to write white ppl better. What a discovery. Idk if to call it racist or "I don't see colour" in that I only see white cuz it is not a colour. (How is that for colour theory?) That is NOT to say that X CANNOT at all write about Y. Writing is after all a collaborative effort. It just means you gotta do both: collaborate and put effort.
ST exploits the tropes more than / before it subverts them. And like not in a good way. It's a fantastic show with plenty of opportunity to love it and shit on it in unequal measure tipping more in favour of shitting. And I'll be doing both. Especially regarding the characters that don't go by the name of Mike or Eleven. But them too.
You'll also see me Kali raging soon. Very soon. She might also be (DEFINITELY IS) why I have this whole new account anyway.
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El's abuse > Kali's abuse. Okay. At least accepted within text by the writers. Want the "yass girlboss El shoulda snapped Angela's neck for....er...breaking your diorama and ....er......throwing milkshake on you" crowd to respectfully go. Just go. Go Away!
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j4y-lvr · 1 year
ADOR U!… nishimura riki ㅤ▷ OMG ㅤ"they keep asking me, 'who is he?' "
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SYNOPSIS. a silly dare led niki to attempt to be your silly boy
GENRE. fluff, crack, some angst
PAIRING. danceteamleader!niki x teammember!fem!reader ft. enhypen, newjeans
WARNINGS. unhinged and maybe its cringe since i explained the moves to the placement of their feet, im sorry-😭, jungwon says niki got no rizz(it doesnt happen anymore-), lowercase intended, tba
NOTE. ANDDDDDDDDDDD that's it for this silly series of mine (the other remains collecting dust) well this was cute and fluffly, a nice wrap on things till i decide to write a longer fic sometime later mid feb cuz finals. speaking of tests, tmrws the skl event and tbh im not nervous bc im prepareddd🗣
TAG(S). @sd211 @heesitation
Reblogs and feedback are highly appreciated!
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now playing:ㅤOMGㅤ ılllı ㅤㅤ ㅤ newjeans 0:00 ─●──────── -0:00 ㅤ⇆ㅤ◁◁ ▐ ▌ ▷▷ㅤ ↻
ㅤㅤㅤ ☰ queue
"minji," "yeah," she replied, face illuminated with the brightness of the device's display, not lifting her head from whatever she was indulged in. "do you plan on going to the event?"
"what event?" she queries, eyes still glued onto the screen in peak concentration. You huff and stare at your friend and slam your hands on the table she slouched on, marking her yelp and sit up straight. "the event beomgyu's holding,"
And for the first time since you began your little conversation with her, feeling as though you were invading her personal session with her handy dandy little phone, she gazes at you with intention. "how cute, you think it's an event?"
You nod aloof of her inquisitive response and wind back taking your hands off the table, curiosity bubbling in you, "if not an event, what is it? he invited me during chemistry, i said id think about it,"
"he invited you— personally?!" "yeah," you address casually, not sure what minji was twisting a normal interaction into. "do you even know what that means, yn?"
"of course not! not if you're going to beat around the bush and keep me in the dark!" you burst, inquisitively jumping the gun and getting riled up to suit into the truth that got stuck in her throat.
"geez, sorry man," she pauses, blinking back and continuing, "for starters, it's a party and most importantly, he only sends messages as invites," 
"but he invited me today during chemistry…" "need i remind you who exactly choi beomgyu is,"
You deny and piece the parts together, "so the dudes interested," "mhm and this is a sign for your lonely ass to get out there and have fun, instead of solitary,"
You plop down in the empty chair beside her, "but i got my sights set on someone," you mumble loud enough for minji to hear you and she does, clinging onto you with a jolt. Your hand now in a tight grasp she begins to bombard you with questions yet you ignore them and grin mischievously.
"who is he?!"
"i've some business to tend to, bye minjiii" you drawl and hop off your seat and walk towards the door, leaving somewhat satisfied with minji's enthusiasm and her dying to know expression painted all over her face.
After your narrow escape from minji, you return to the room for an extended practice of a small event you and your groupmates plus niki and his friends were collaborating in. It was in your best interests to avoid and dodge every question minji threw at you.
“are you really going to go?” minji shoots, with furrowed eyebrows and the look of pure curiosity, and that was right where you wanted her. Niki perked up and began listening in attentively while sunoo gave a rundown of what happened to his friend, seungkwan the previous day.
You look up from your phone, sparing a glance to niki who remained splayed across the floor, panting from the extensive practice and reworking of the choreography. “mhm,” you hum, continue to gaze at your phone, side-eyeing niki who stilled nonetheless to your conversation.
The others were left in the dark that you and niki had made up, since you urged the boy to silence. You ignored his every attempt to talk to you during the practice, well, solely for now. You had an elaborate idea that was extensive for no concrete reason.
You grin knowingly, having told niki to keep your little interaction a secret from the others for a while. “but why?” “it’ll be just for a while, don’t worry about it” you said, scooting closer and leaning on the wall, glancing out the dimming sky from the window. He sighed and took your hand in his, intertwining them, causing you to grin in content and lay your head on his shoulder with a small laugh.
Unknown to you two was the sighting of your particular warm moment to hanni’s two orbs, who gasped upon recognising both. Albeit, she hadn’t confirmed her suspicion nor spilled any information, ushering herself past the door after taking the sighting.
Hanni contemplated asking minji about it, avoiding causing any conflict, but her curiosity got to her, jogging up to her after the practice dispersed. You wandered off somewhere and minji walked forward mindlessly. “minji!” “hm? “have you noticed anything about yn lately?”
“no, why do you ask…” minji answered with little to no thought, whipping to the side to look at her younger friend.
“well, i think i saw what seemed to be yn and niki holding hands,”
Minji raised an eyebrow and urged her to continue, “and yn was resting her head on his shoulder…”
“i don't see what’s particularly wrong in that,” “they looked so,”
“in love?” minji completed with furrowed brows, “yet they were distant from each other today? what are these trying to pull off,”
You head home and draw out your closet, standing with a question mark drawn over your face, reaching for your phone and dialing up hyein who had an outstanding sense of fashion, seeking for her expertise. After dismissing and deducing what'd look best on you, hyein grins and curls a brow through the virtual barrier, "so, who is he?"
Ah, you could envision the bewildered glances and gazes already.
The sound of your sandals clacking to the concrete wasn't as pleasant but it was to avoid being sighted with the sought after, mystery boy, an ominous inconvenience of yours. You see him in the far distance, his pearly white dress shirt tucked in some black slacks with his hair resting effortlessly above his forehead. 
He held his head hung low, focusing on the screen as he tapped away responding to a text, unaware of your arrival. You creep up to him and jump, startling him to chatters as he shudders and catches you dressed up in your wear, glancing from top to bottom, clicking his tongue in satisfaction, "i like it," he gimmicks in a hilarious tone, making you slap the side of his arm.
"genuinely," you pan, making an unserious expression.
"no, seriously, i like it," he completes in a funny tone, making you erupt into laughter and lean on the bench beside him.
The laughter died and his phone was left long unattended, the display blackening as he glued his orbs to you, giving you that look you'd often read in fiction. The adored present and the soft smile in his front left you flustered, whipping to the trees around and covering your mouth with your hand for a brief second to compose yourself. Especially when he looked like that.
He chuckles knowingly and tugs on your  and clasps it in his, bringing a grin to light up your face. "many seem to be curious as to your identity, they keep asking me, 'who is he?' "
"well, how about we go kill the cat,"
"absolutely not. we do not tolerate any types of violence to those adorable fur balls," you blabber, concerned.
"you seem more concerned for a cat than me—"
"nothing new, you concern me on a daily basis. after all, you are a major inconvenience, you know,"
Maybe making niki enter a few minutes after was a bit too extensive but you wanted the build up to be dramatic. You joined minji and held a casual conversion, looking everywhere but the entrance as you saw a glimpse of him walking in. 
Coincidentally, beomgyu approached you and offered you a non-alcoholic drink and began conversing.
The side glare from niki was hard to miss as he eyes beomgyu all the way across the room, his jaw clenching as sunoo spoke, his chatter going inaudible to the boy. As much as you would love to extinguish his hardened expression, you had keen curiosity to build. "would like to dance?" beomgyu queried, "i might not be able to keep up with you impeccable talent but it's worth a try," 
You accepted, thinking it was a normal interaction. What you did not expect is for beomgyu to whip out his hidden stash of moves and own the very floor with the overhead booming music. You grinned at the newfound silliness and followed along, not necessarily anxious.
Niki stalked to the sound system, approaching chan, and whispering something into his ear as he eagerly nodded with excitement. The booming subdued and chan announced, "this is a request by riki, everyone's dream hype boy,"
Beomgyu halted and ushered you towards niki who stood not far from you, while others cleared the way. "what–"
"go!" the gummy smiled boy shouted, encouraging you and helping you to niki as the familiar beats of "all i wanna do" commenced.
You turned to niki with a question all while he carried out the moves, musing you to follow along as the onlookers cheered, some recording and masses shouting. You seemed to be enjoying yourself as you found the previous awkwardness in certain moves were glided through with ease, ooo's pouring through everytime the boy got close.
Completing the sequence and causing the crowd that formed to scream vicariously, you gripped onto nikis shoulders and hung your head, panting. Niki ruffled your hair, "we're not done yet," he commented in a tone you knew he'd accompany with a cute smile while hype boy continued with its melody.
Riding off the energy from the audience and the rhythm you and niki practically had everyone in awe as they clapped and thronged through to see the performance you two put on. The mental countdown to the chorus prepared you, skipping to right once again, feeling all too familiar with the setting, swaying and finishing each section neatly with the beaming boy beside you.
The music came to close, the people roared and you two plastered wide grins, "alright, niki has something to ask yn, let's quiet down," Many exclaimed with chants of "ask her out!" while others anticipated the moment. "even though this would be the second time i ask, would you like to go out with me, yn?"
Minji in the near distance threw her hands up in the air, resembling a meerkat with a "I KNEW IT!" Everyone shared a laugh and you rushed your answer, "yes," you paused, anticipating everyone's shock, waiting for it to thin out. Niki gasped, feign a hand to his chest being the playful boy he was, "so you're saying," he halted with wide eyes, "that i get to be your silly boy," he finished with an even louder gasp.
"yes, my silly boy from a silly dare,"
And with your response, he pulled you by the waist and pressed a sweet, warm kiss to your forehead, another round of fan's losing it. You circled your arms around him and rested your head on his chest that rose and fell lightly, leaning into your touch.
This wasn't so bad, you'd do it all over again, a 10/10 recommendation if you were asked.
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artical3237 · 20 days
Probably asked before but what's your favourite project Sekai Unit? And Character? If you don't have any just info dump about something you like about project Sekai
omg thx for the ask!! i havent gotten one is so long fndkdndk
anyways, my fav unit is leo/need and my fav character is lil sbibo. im also a big mmj fan w/ minori being my 2nd favorite thenhonami in 3rd, haruka in 4th, saki in 5th, kohane in-- miya girls 1-a is my favorite trio of all time cuz theyre all silly and so cute. errr ig i dont have any main ships other than minoharu bc i mainly love platonic friendships so im not a polyneed shipper unfortunately. theres also th fact that i hc shiho to be aroace cuz i have to project (hehe) onto my favorites all the damn time and ichika too actually- theres more basis to the ichika aroace headcanon cuz she talks to minori abt the fact that she has trouble singing love songs.
if i have to explain why i love l/n so much (i dont have to but i was given the right to infodump so :P) its because being together was and will always stay as their primary motivation. like, before they wanted to go pro or make their music move other's hearts, the reason they made the band was because they wanted to reunite and be friends with each other again. this is contrasted by the other units who have the same/similar goals and team up to achieve it (not to discredit their own relationships btw im just saying, also n25 is a different story with relatively unclear motivations esp at the start soo). anyways, despite being my least favorite in the group, i firmly believe that ichika absolutely deserves the right to be the leader mainly because shes the one with the deepest understanding of her bandmates and the determination to act upon that understanding. in the main story, saki already had this sort of disconnect from being hospitalized on top of generally being weak-willed which made it easier for her to give up on honami despite how much she didnt want to and honami and shiho are both too frozen in their character arcs to make a move without a push. and ichika is the one that initially pushes everyone. by the end of the 3rd rotation of focus events, all 4 have proven that they can push themselves just fine but ichika is still the one with the most intimate understanding of everyone. honami is actually not that far behind but is still learning to take the initiative, shiho only deeply understands honami (not that she cant do the same for the other 2 she and honami just *get* each other yknow), and saki, whooo boy saki im abt to talk abt her lol. all but saki's most recent event is about introspection and making realizations about herself which is very good for her but doesnt do much to fix that disconnect problem i mentioned earlier. enter: parallel harmonies (spoiler alert ig). after quite a bit of back and forth debate and even arguing between the 2, ichika is the one that ends up accepting and using saki's thoughts and feelings to let saki be in the lead in writing the songs so ultimately, ichika makes the bigger compromise out of the 2. this makes a lot of sense because saki is the one who is more certain about her identity and wants compared to ichika. shes not willing to sacrifice her values and what ideals mean the most to her which is pretty admirable. but the fact that she has more trouble collaborating with ichika than ichika has with her shows that not much has been done in fixing that disconnect saki had with her friends at the beginning of the game. this is not to say that saki doesnt genuinely care about l/n, it's just that she lacks the proper understanding to actually accomodate their needs and wants compared to the rest of them.
sooo i WAS going to segueway into talking abt how shiho was similar at firsr and how this contrasts with honami but i REALLY need to sleep rn sooo uh anon, i hope u enjoyed my hopefully comprehensible infodump abt leo/need lol. will prob talk abt shiho and honami on another post im just rlly tired rn..
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darktiger57 · 1 year
lets talk kira's wet paint boyfriends.
we're going backwards. pros and cons
pros: can turn into a bucket of paint. was very sweet with Kira. He and Kira were close before they got together so they were a nice friends to lovers. Odo respected her(most of the time) and Kira respected him back.
cons: crossfire, and his way are both some of my least favorite episodes. the way odo and kira get together feels like it's all about Odo, which I get some of it. He's a changeling, he's not used to romance(except he is because of luxwana and that one lady), Kira is a friend and its scary to make a change to friendship like that. HOWEVER Kira is a main character too. I feel like she should've gotten more of a say, more of a side, something portrayed at least, about the whole thing.
Opinion: personally to me Kira and Odo work better as close friends. Like close enough people THINK theyre dating but theyre not. Just a couple of besties. Two pals. Both of them strong, one of them stoic, the other angry. both of them learning to be softer. Able to lean on each other against all other odds. I get why some people like them as a couple because of all that, it's why i dont dislike them as a couple.
rating: decent. 6.5/10
pros: he and kira have *history*. he was a mentor. a comrade. they fought together. watched their friends die around them. and now? he tends to the ground of the world they fought so hard to protect, he guides the people they gave their lives for. he and kira are like two sides of a coin. they both used to protect their people and they both still do but in very different ways. shakaar is one of my favorite episodes.
cons: he was written into their romance, it feels like, to be an obstacle to odo. his first episode, shakaar, is one of my favorite episodes, crossfire, and the episode where kira gives birth are one of my least favorite episodes and an episode i dislike shakaar in, respectively.
s3ep24 shakaar: like i said in the pros, shakaar and kira have history. deep history, shared trauma, deep convictions, all that good stuff. in shakaar we see them first at odds, but then kira recognizes the good shakaar is doing and they end up fighting together, being forced to take up arms against their own people. BUT THEY CANT! they talk their star trek asses through it. and shakaar is elected first minister. they work well together. they have that war buddy scarred by everything but healing vibe and theyre good. shakaar is actually rather interesting.
s4ep12: shakaar is fine in this episode. he's generic and boring. white bread. powerful man being the first minister but the only interesting thing about him is the plot happening to involve him. and then odo nearly gets them all killed cuz he's mad kiras showing interest in another guy when he hasn’t said shit yet. bad episode, love kiras fit tho very nice.
s5ep12: shakaar is late to kira giving birth and interrupts it, resetting the whole trial. ob'rien is rightfully upset, but takes it too far. both of them act like dicks the rest of the episode. i feel bad for kira, at least she has keiko.
opinion: i don't like shakaar. worst kira wet paint boyfriend. his first episode when he isn't a love interest is great. thats all he gets.
rating: 3.4/10 at least they didn’t go through with dukat
pros: this man is sweet and sensitive and kind and he plays sports with his strong angry girlfriend. they disagree in matters of religion but love each other anyway. theyre both hot. he quite literally gives her a religious experience. she shows up in his prophetic visions. he's one of the only people hard angry season 1&2 kira will let her guard down around. theyre both hot. she found out he was framed as a collaborator by his own hand to protect their past religious leader to protect his people. they both protect their people in different ways. he knows how hard it was in the occupation. he's a gardener. her father was a gardener. also the guy is actually kinda funny. the deadpan delivery of some of his lines are perfect.
cons: nothing this man is perfect. he's very monotone but tbh i like his demeanor. they killed him :( kira watches him die
opinion: first son of bajor, arm around the major. bareil is the best soggy wet bread star trek ever spat on. he was soft and kind and sweet and quiet and it was everything kira needed. also have y'all SEEN s2ep24 the collaborator??? holy FUCK it's so good. the confrontation outside the vedek assembly where kira realises it was opaka and bareil was protecting her. the whole scene is fantastic on both sides. nana visitor with her fantastic acting and philip anglim holds his own with her. he definitely didn't command the scene that was all kira but he managed well enough. and later in the series when, after he dies, his mirror counterpart comes and he's perfect for kira but in another way but its all a lie but it isnt and its all so confusing and then hes gone. another great star trek tragic love story.
rating: 9/10 best wet paint boyfriend out there
in conclusion: bareil is the best wet paint boyfriend.
kiradax tho 👀
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parfaitfever · 10 months
idk if im ever gonna finish this so i'll js post it right now lmk if u want me 2 continue :3
what if project sekai x aikatsu collaboration is real??????
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okay so ujm my head keeps thinking what if a pjsk x aikatsu collab happen like what songs they would cover and possible cards, sooo i decided to make this little kinda "what if" post! I will imagine what songs units will cover, possible duets and more!!! (also note im just doing ogkatsu ichigo-akari gen cuz i havent rly watched much of the others, plus im most familiar with ogkatsu)
Lets start with imagining this collab is a big collab, and it has cards featuring aikatsu characters and all (i will explain this at the end of the music discussion!) its such a big collab that it lasts two weeks or perhaps two events (one for ichigo gen, and the other for akari gen maybe) which means there should be 10 collab cards, three gacha cards and two event cards for each event (the usual pjsk 2* will be replaced with a 3*) as for the songs, lets say each unit release 1 unit cover, 1 unit duet and 5 cross duet with unique characters which means 15 songs!!! and there might be dupe songs where it appears in 2 units or more... thats just be struggling to decide who should cover it lols
music discussion!!
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before i start doing the music let me tell you how it works! I will seperate the covers into 3 categories: Unit cover, a song sang by the unit (no vocaloids). Unit duet, 1-2 from the same unit sings together with the original singer of the song, ex: minori x akari with song A or minori, haruka x akari, sumire with song B. And lastly crossover duet/crossduets! Its a duet between 2 characters from a different unit with the original singer of the song, something like the cup noodle collab songs that was sung by the siblings from different units! ex: mafuyu, emu x yurika, kaede with song C. I will mostly pay attention to how the songs fits the characters/units aesthetic and how much their voice match the song! I wont be basing them off the lyrics much though. i will be listing 3 possible songs for unitcover and unitduet, while the crossduet will most likely be random thoughts. Now lets start :3
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Unit Cover:
1. Hirari/Hitori/Kirari (originally by STAR✩ANIS)
ok i know it doesnt fit much of the band vibes but it still works so well because the song itself feels so sparkly and starry which feels so leoni
2. Friend (originally by 2WingS)
its literally titled friend pkeas aeugh aehk chokes and dies
3. Idol Activity! Rock ver. (Originally by Otoshiro Seira)
Idol activity rock ver is a MUST and its gonna be leonis best cover cuz i can hear ichikas voice echoing, singing this song
Unit duets:
1. Sweet Sp!ce sang by Saki, Shiho x 2WingS (originally by 2WingS)
LISTEN. LISTEN. looking for possible covers for leoni is super hard but THIS. THIS. THIS!!!!
2. Signalize! sang by Honami, Ichika x Soleil (originally by Soleil)
i am runnig oit of ideas for leoni....
3. Kindan Hide & Seek sang by Shiho, Honami x Yurika, Seira, Sumire (originally by Yurika, Seira, Sumire)
photokatsu songs would probably the least likely ones
More more jump!
i have so much ideas for this cuz this is the core inspo/reason for me to make this especially how minori is so much like akari
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Unit cover:
1. Let's Aikatsu! (originally sang by Luminas)
ITS LITERALLY LETS AIKATSU. GUYS GUSYY I CAN IMAGINE THEM DANCING ON STAGE SINGING "kimi ni smile ashite ni yume... aikatsu shiyo ... ready go!"
2. SHINING LINE* (originally by soleil)
imawatashi tachi no tsunaguu muneno naka ... kirameku lineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee dum durum dum durum dumdurururum i love this somuch it fits the idol theme so well
3. Calendar girl (originallyy by soleil)
unit cover honorable mentions!
fashion check
shining sky on the g string
good morning my dream
Unit duets:
1. Prism spiral sang by Shizuku, Haruka x Aoi (originally by Aoi)
the blues all together !! cant wait to see them walk on the runway
2. START DASH SENSATION Minori x akari (originally by akari)
what? do i need to elaborate????????? guys. guys ITS LITERALLY *sighs* please understand me its them .. theyre the same /pos bro bro imagine them talking about haruka/ichigo hoky shit!!!!!!!!!! theyre besties i say so
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cherieye · 1 year
A friend I considered a close friend for 7 years has said some Red flag things to me the last couple months and the recent one was telling me I'm poor because I hang around only poor people (which isn't true) and their is no way my family has any wealth, because if they did, I wouldn't be struggling financially....
Was baffled that she would automatically assume such a thing and wouldn't believe me when I told her," I have a lot siblings that are actually doing quite well and my parents are no way poor. I'm poor because I am on disability assistance through the gov and it's risky to work at all, due losing my benifits and psychosis triggers." Which I honestly believe she thinks is me making excuses.
She has never been to the US and even tells me I'm not very brave because I'm not willing to walk on the freeways to find a job in my area 😳 ....anyone in the US knows, you are out of mind for walking or riding your bike on American freeways and let's not get into public transportation, especially as a woman. Well apparently since I'm not willing to do that, I'm not ....brave or tough.
We have collaborated a lot creatively, but has said so much these last few months that just makes me feel like she isn't a safe individual to be close friends with anymore. I feel like majority of the time I feel like I need to explain myself to only get gaslit.
I have heard her say people are so stupid for wanting people wanting gay roles to be played by gay actors, cuz than it's not acting then. I told her "it's because representation saves lives and actually gay people would feel more authentic on screen and portray the character more realistically"....she still thought it was ridiculous and I felt really off about her after that.
She also asked me "why do you care about people that don't even know you?" Referring to when I was trying to advocate for those fighting a revolution in Iran... that showing compassion and advocating would only bring me grief....
She keeps telling me she wants me to be happy and that I have pessimistic point of view when I bring up actually real issues happening in my reality living in US and Texas. Than she says really unhelpful things like "Just move out of the US to Europe if it's so bad...."
I don't know if I'll go no contact, but I have decided to have some space from her cuz I constantly can't ignore how she does not share the same values I do... especially as a humanitarian.
I don't like to end such a long friendship, but I don't think Its benefiting me...but making decisions like this is hard.
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vigilantaes · 1 year
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name:   andy
pronouns:  she / he / they. whatever vibes i give u
preference  of  communication:  discord but i'm slow and busy to reply LOL my bad. its the adhd
name  of  most  active muse(s):   cass! im probably moving my wonder woman to a sideblog here tho cuz i miss her. also looking into another character to go w/ scoob's sandra... stay tuned.
experience/how  long  (months/years?):  like my whole ass life.... i think i literally started rping on wizard101. tumblr wise tho i belieevveee 2015ish? give or take
platforms  you’ve  used:  besdies online mmo games, i started more serious literary rp on devi.antart. got on tumblr a few years later and thats my fave to this day. not a fan of discord rp
best  experience:  man there were so many... obligatory best experience being meeting my fiance on here or whatever. imma be honest i wouldnt have mentioned this if kat didnt also almost forget and put it on her's GEHSUIEGSJKHDG but my best muses were probably when me and her were writing shin.obu and ka.nae from demon slayer. still am obsessed w/ those portrayals. probably my peak. had an insanely popular tsu.yu from b.nha blog that was also a fun time mostly
rp  pet  peeves  /  dealbreakers:  uhhh don't treat our rp stuff like we're in a dedicated 8 year long relationship or something because i do not take this website seriously whatsoever. also dupes who take out their dupe anxiety on/around me is the worst thing ever... especially bc i love dupes so so bad but ive had a long string of them starting shit w/ my friends just cuz they were jealous of something. we're alll just a bunch of nerds writing collaborative fanfiction its not that deep.
fluff,  angst,  or  smut:  i like all three! preference for fluff and angst but i'll plot out smut. never really wrote much of it myself but i'm open to that depending on the occasion. if i had to choose one i guess angst cuz im the best at writing that but i get bored of just one thing all the time.
plots  or  memes:  memes because my attention span is garbage and im sadly too busy to full on plot with people. i do loooovee plots but its also kinda difficult since it has a lot to do with if you and the other person vibe or not u_u would love to plot more tho
long  or  short  replies: i'll be honest. i love long so bad but it takes forever to write so i prefer like 70% short stuff and 30% long stuff. i don't like dialogue for more than goofing around. short for me is like 2-4 paragraphs and long is 5+, for reference.
best  time  to  write:  when my mentally ill brain allows me to focus/fixate long enough to do so AND im not being bombarded w/ ppl needing my help or job stuff. the woes of being a techy...
are  you  like  your  muse(s): in a few ways (like aesthetic) but not really, i've had other characters that i act way more like in the past. love her so bad tho she's definitely one of my fave character types to write even if i dont act much ilke her
tagged by @leopardblow ♥ ♥ ♥ tagging whoever hasn't done it! idk i haven't been on LOL
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scriptlesssnake · 1 year
Introduction  • TW : British /hj
New to tumblr so I figure it only fair to give a small intro since ya'll can't see most my content yet and I'm not very used to this platform.
About Me
I go by he / him pronouns as a primary but accept stuff like it and neos. I'm 18 and a messy artist at heart that can't focus for more than 30m on a piece before wanting to scribble up the damn walls. Oh- and also I'm british. Horrifying, I know. /lh
I accept and comfortably use tone tags so don't be afraid to communicate that with me and whilst most my art will have a set background should you want a clear copy I can supply one no questions asked within reason (some commission pieces I cannot).
What you may see me posting : Furry Comics LGBTQ+ Warrior Cats Primarily this will be in artwork form but there's a few I'd like to diversify on that link very much to who I am... Starting with 'LGBTQ+' to be a tad more private about my life I won't go in-depth but my pronouns are he / it and I'm accepting of neos and whatever so long as ya ain't hurtin' nobody. I'm always open ta learn but please use tone tags to educate me since sometimes I can't tell if its a joke or serious. Then comics, I'm a huge fan and it breaks my heart to see all the damn clutter with webtoons, this and that and platforms I'm passionate in but I guess that's what I'm stuck with. I am working on a few comics I'll give some bios for below but they are my passion with my main genres being action, thriller, comedy and some romance as a side genre.
WIP Comics
Many of these don't currently have 'set' titles but I'll only list those that currently are probable ideas that I can accomplish. I will list them in vague prompt like forms because- I'm horrible at not spoiling so that's the best I can do.
Disabled bully takes out his anger on everyone around him and begins sneaking out at night to talk with a cat who tries to help him become a better person. The world begins to merge with another, trapping a queer couple at the epicentre with the government close on their heels.
The second prompt is actually a collaborative effort between myself and a friend and hence will also have a big focus on romance alongside the intrigue. I also hope to include some polyamorous representation as it progresses but don't let him know I told ya ;))
(My collaborator uses he/they pronouns please respect this should you refer to him, I will simply title him 'Bunny' for now.)
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Thanks for reading this far, have a good one and feel free ta interact and tell me how to use here cuz I'm right daft ^-^
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joonsytip · 2 months
heyyyyy how are you doing, idk what to say, so imma rant about just anything ri8 now,
so i was watching haikyu and it reminded me of my schoolmates, i hated them with all my might, but ufff the volleyball!!!
it was out of this world with how skillful they were... man gotta give it to them they r cool!!
plus need some1 to tell this to ateez collabed with this random cooking channel i follow, like that shit is a part of my fever dreams, i could never imagine that collab
plus beny blanco or who ever that is we gonna with selena's bf cuz his name is not imp, why is bro collabing with food content creators???
like why are you doing that, collab with ur girl or someone who's a singer, like he hated on Jollibee and now i dont trust him at all,
plus is it normal to like loose all the senses in your arms after waxing it?
never happened to me be4 but i waxed last night and now i dont feel a thing on my skin👀
on top of that i had a fight with my friend a close one at that and im a bit sad too, it was my fault and now he is ignoring me and i feel more sad cuz i didnt wanna upset him at all but i cant talk to him either, cuz its his decision when he forgives me...sad!!
btw i'm rooting for you and im sure your new fics gonna be bomb!!!
best of luck for everything ✨✨✨✨
sorry for oversharing btw 😭😭😭😭
Hey hey!! Thanks for oversharing btw 🤭
A month or two back I finished Haikyuu, volleyball has always been a crazy attractive sport to me, I used to play it as well as, good ol' days!
Oh about Ateez, could you send me the channel link so that I can check as well? As much as a bad cook I am, I love to watch cooking channels.
I saw Benny Blanco though, collaborating with cooking channels 😂 He's a good producer, I have listened and like some of his songs (I really think him & Sel would come out with some really good music if they decide to work together)
I don't grow much hair so a regular wax once in a while is fine for me (I'm sorry, I have no idea)
I'm sure your friend will get back to you, just give him some time ✨
Good luck with life and on your writings as well!! I'm rooting for you!! (I saw you've started writing, will checkout!!)
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whiskeyswifty · 3 years
my thing about ATW10 is really that the original is the ideal taylor as songwriter for me. taylor playing with structure and writing confessionally and then sitting down with an editor to carve the diamond out of the rough. so the entire concept of the long version is interesting to me in that i like seeing where she starts and where she ends up, but it's not and cannot be better than the original. it's weighed down by too much exposition, and meandering thoughts, and there are some lines weaker than others, and those weak lines weaken the whole thing. ATW is trimmed down so that every line packs a punch and the pacing is just right. it's a perfect song. so much of my gripes the past few years have been over her eschewing an editor of any kind, one that cuts down and reworks lyrics or cuts down songs from albums to make a more cohesive unit. she's a great writer, nobody can deny that, but every great writer needs some form of an editor. take jack for example. while i don't always love jack's songs the most, and his instrumentation can get repetitive, from what we've seen in bts videos and heard from her, she collaborates with him quite openly and they bounce lyrics off of each other and it shows! cruel summer, getaway car, etc. those songs are tight, crisp little pop songs that have that polish, and it's that way with anyone she lets sharpen her songs a bit. this isn't about her not being good enough on her own either. no chef cooks every meal in a restaurant and no director sits all alone on set with just a camera and a light. there is no shame in having an editor; it's crucial to any written medium. the writer is too close to their material and thinks everything on the page important and great. the editor can take a step back and trim the fat or kill her darlings, whatever you want to call it, and polish something great into something amazing.
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