#cryptid man my beloved
the-kipsabian · 8 months
i love being jump scared by twitter notifications while im holding my phone thanks kip
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spellboundcities · 1 year
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They rotate in my brain like a microwave
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murderofcrow · 9 months
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vala-dreams · 1 year
So I know I haven't posted in like a year but @diedfromembarrassmentlikeasim and I were discussing this fic and then it spiralled into this discussion
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Spread the himbo Bruce agenda folks
The most valid Bruce is the Bruce that goes from having a 100 life skills to 0 in one second. Look at him.
He knows how to hack into his FBI agent's computer. He doesn't know what red onions are. He can't kill people but he can kill houseplants like a professional. He knows how to create antidotes to any virus or poison. He doesn't know how to make tea without burning the mansion down.
Alfred has no hair and this is why.
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cacaocheri · 2 months
You should in fact infodump about poptropica, also have you considered doing a DCA Poptropica crossover to unite the interests together?
1) I love you so much dude I hope you're doing well 2) poptropica infodump would take AGES this thing has lore so I will spare you a ramble for now 3) I . HAVE NOT. BUT COULD YOU IMAGINE SUN AND MOON WITH THE BIG BOBBLE HEADS
no? because I can
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oh my god they look so much more cursed than I expected I'm laughing my ass off
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jennycalendar · 1 year
how do you think giles was with students who arent the scoobies? how do you think those students (and maybe coworkers) saw him? whats his whole deal?
immediately my brain went to this art from @flummoxedangel . i think he was like that. i think everybody saw him as this fucking cryptid who (season three onward) probably killed his girlfriend. NO ONE knew what to do with him and he would do absolutely anything to avoid talking to people. a science teacher tried to start a conversation and she SWEARS he walked backwards into a broom closet. a sophomore visited the library and went for one of the bookshelves and he physically blocked them from reaching for one of the books while screaming "DON'T" before trying to play it off. i think his whole deal is "UNFORGIVABLY WEIRD" and it's magnified by the fact that he's got a kinda rumpled-professor hotness working for him. (many people have crushes though.)
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I knew i had some kind of type.
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seiya-starsniper · 8 months
I don't know if you're still doing the flower language prompts, but I wanted to send about twelve and narrowed it down to two lol.
So for Dreamling: Sunflower, dwarf ("How many ways do I have to confess for you to believe me?") and/or Tarragon ("Here's all the reasons why you shouldn't like me")
🤘 five-and-dimes
@five-and-dimes my beloved, so happy to hear from you!!! <3 I did my best to combine these two because they’re SUCH GOOD PROMPTS and they also fit the @monsterfucktoberbingo theme so well. Hope you enjoy!!!
Square: Cryptid
Flower Prompt Game!
When Roderick Burgess unveils his circus’s latest spectacle, Hob is one of the only spectators who doesn’t gasp or recoil in abject horror at what he reveals.
“Behold! I have captured the omen of Death himself!” Roderick declares loudly. “Many have decried his existence, but here he stands before you!” he gestures to the chained being. “Look upon his horrid form. Does he not strike fear even in the bravest of men?”
Well, he certainly struck something in Hob, but he wasn’t sure that the feeling was fear.
The creature on display was absolutely stunning, if Hob were honest, but he can understand why his appearance would seem a horror at first. The thing certainly wore the basic shape of a man, with pale white skin that seemed to glow under the harsh din of the spotlight, and messy black hair that fell down to his shoulders. But where his feet would be, there were instead large, golden talons with long obsidian nails that dug deep into the dirt below them as the creature struggled to keep his balance.
And his hands. They were barely hands at all, with only four fingers on each, and white nails so long they were practically claws. The skin too, from finger to elbow was ashen black as if burnt, but when Hob looked closer, he could see the skin there shimmered like the rest of him in the light. 
The most significant part of the creature, though, was his wings. They were what Hob expected an angel’s wings to appear like, large and spanning the length of his body. Except, instead of white, these wings were pitch black, with the very tips of them colored a deep red, as if dipped in blood during war. Hob so badly wanted to see the full wingspan of the creature, certain that it would outdo even an albatross, but, understandably, Burgess had completely bound the creature’s wings in both rope and chains in a measure to keep him from escaping.
Burgess cracks his whip near the creature’s feet and he snarls at the crowd, who jeer and yell in response. Burgess cracks the whip twice more but the creature has gone silent, glaring defiantly now at all its unwanted audience. 
When its eyes land on the area Hob is seated in, he swears it is his eyes the creature locks his gaze onto. And oh, even from as high up as he is, Hob can feel the ice forming in those cold blue eyes. It pierces through him like a hot knife through butter, and Hob finds himself willingly drawn in, wanting to move closer, wanting to reach out and touch this magnificent being—
The lights cut out shortly after, ending the show for the night. Hob goes to bed that night and dreams of the creature on the stage, dreams of talons and feathers, and drowning in an ice cold lake the color of the being’s eyes. 
When he wakes in the morning, Hob is resolute. A creature as magnificent as that does not belong in chains. He sets fire to Burgess’s circus arena later that night, and he and the creature (Dream, he called himself) steal away into the night.
“Why are you helping me?” Dream asks him one afternoon after they’ve been on the run for three days.
“Would you rather I left you to rot in Burgess’s circus?” Hob shoots back as he’s skinning the stag Dream hunted and caught them for dinner.
“You had a life in that village, did you not?” Dream says, refusing to let go of the subject and stomping his talons into the forest floor. “Why throw it away for something like me?”
Hob shrugs. “I’m a widower with a dead son,” he replies. “Not much of a life by anyone’s definition. Besides,” he adds, “You looked like you needed saving.”
“So it’s pity then?” Dream snarls, unfurling his wings to their full length. They brush against the nearby trees and the sheer strength of their muscles snap a few branches clean off. Hob realizes he had been right about Dream’s wingspan. It was wider than that of an albatross, and they were absolutely gorgeous. 
“Gods, you’re beautiful,” Hob says before he can stop himself.
Dream stumbles back and retracts his wings, clearly caught off guard by the revelation. 
“You don’t mean that,” Dream says, looking anywhere but at Hob. He’s got a furiously red blush that starts at his cheeks and seems to crawl all the way down to his chest. It makes him look even lovelier.
Hob smiles despite himself. “Maybe that’s why I saved you,” he chuckles. “Maybe I just wanted you all to myself.”
“Then you are an even bigger idiot than I thought,” Dream replies, before he stomps off. 
On a particularly cold night, Hob wakes to find himself covered by one of Dream’s wings.
“This means nothing,” Dream mutters, even as he presses his chest to Hob’s back. 
Hob can’t help but grin like a fool. He reaches out to run a finger along the bend of the wing that’s currently serving as his blanket, and delights when he feels Dream shudder behind him.
“Your secret’s safe with me, you big softie,” Hob chuckles before he falls back asleep, feeling more content than he has in years.
They’ve been on the run for almost a year before Burgess and his men manage to catch up to them. They’re cornered at the bottom of a valley, and Hob knows if they can make it to the river and cross it, they’ll be all right. Burgess’s men are all on horses that wouldn’t dare cross the rushing waters. 
They’re almost to the clearing when Dream stops suddenly and says, “Leave me.”
“What?! No, I’m not leaving you!” Hob exclaims. “Come on, we’re almost at the river—”
“Burgess’s horses will cross the river,” Dream replies. “He’s desperate to get me back, alive or dead. And you are tired.”
“I’m fine,” Hob insists. 
“You’re not!” Dream argues. “You’re practically limping and you—you have done more than enough for me. If I leave you now and fly north, they’ll stop following you and come after me instead.”
“Sorry sweetheart, you’re stuck with me,” Hob replies, pulling out his sword and getting ready to fight as he hears Burgess’s men grow closer. “I’m not going anywhere without you.”
“Don’t be an idiot!” Dream yells. “Roderick Burgess had been hunting me long before we met, and he will continue to do so until one of us is dead. You cannot possibly want to be on the run forever.”
“And if I do?” Hob asks. “Dream—how many ways do I have to tell you I want this—want you—before you’ll believe me?”
Dream hisses, and before Hob can say anything else, he finds himself lifted high into the air as Dream takes off with the both of them, rushing at full speed towards the river. His long white claws dig into Hob’s skin and Hob holds on for dear life as he buries his face into Dream’s neck to avoid the whiplash of the wind.
When they finally land, Hob can no longer hear the neighing of the horses, or the yell of Burgess’s men. Dream practically drops him to the ground, and Hob realizes the other had used the last of his strength to get them to safety. Before he can collapse, Hob catches him, and after a quick look around, manages to find a small cave that they can use for shelter for the night. 
“That was bloody brilliant, love,” Hob sighs happily once they’re inside and lying side to side. “Think I just fell in love with you all over again.”
“You really shouldn’t,” Dream mumbles. “Love me, at all. I have caused you nothing but harm, and you will always be on the run so long as you stay with me. I cannot give you any of the comforts of a human life, not money, status, or a family.”
“I know,” Hob replies gently, taking Dream's dark hands in his. “I’m not asking you to. I told you before, all I want is you. You can give me all the reasons you want about why I shouldn’t, but I’ll still choosing you.”
“Idiot,” Dream says, but his tone is fond. He then wraps a wing around Hob and scoots closer, so their bodies are flush against each other. “Though I suppose you are my idiot.”
Hob smiles and presses his lips to Dream’s. “As long as you’ll have me, I’m yours.”
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darthstitch · 2 years
Professor Mysterious and Professor Wet Cat
This is my take on that Dreamling post making the rounds about Hob and Dream being uni professors and that Hob is surprisingly NOT the prof who overshares and Dream is the one who inadvertently does.
Buckle up, kids, let's have some fun with this. Also, gentle reminder: NOBODY TELL NEIL. SHHHH!
This time around, Hob's using his proper name, Robert Gadling, because it's been a while since he's trotted that one out and he kinda likes the seeming rightness that the once upon a time near-illiterate medieval peasant that he'd been was now teaching at a rather prestigious university. However, he's not prone to sharing much about his personal life to his students. He's still warm and friendly, but he's cautious about letting Certain Things slip.
Hilariously, the things that do slip end up making him everyone's favorite university cryptid. Sometimes Hob slips into Middle English when he's stressed or emotional. Sometimes he might use odd old-fashioned sounding oaths like "God's wounds," "Holy Jesu," and "Mother Mary's teats" (this last one sends everyone into spasms of laughter).
The literature department ADORES him because they can always drag Professor Gadling off to read Chaucer in its original form or even medieval French, his pronunciation perfect and dead on. Shakespeare is the only thing he'll flat out refuse to read because in any universe this Fuzzy Blue Alien's gonna write, his hatred of the Bard is the stuff of legend.
The students universally agree that Professor G is basically British Indiana Jones, because he's also known to have lethal expertise in medieval weapons. There's been more than a few fantasies inspired during the booked-solid outdoor demonstrations where he works in tandem with the other medieval history professors to show everyone how medieval weapons worked. Apparently, his favorite weapons are the longbow, the bastard sword and daggers.
Obviously, this all leads to Professor Gadling being the campus crush and his relationship status is a matter of hot speculation even if he's made it perfectly clear he was not about to violate his ethical standards or position as a teacher. It still doesn't stop the fevered fantasies of more than a few grad students, though. But that's all they're gonna get.
And then, there's the new literature teacher, Professor T. Murphy.
To everyone's disappointment, Professor Murphy is only going to be at the university for a limited series of lectures. Word of mouth spread fast, and his classes were now booked solid and he was going to be asked to return, once his apparently very busy schedule is cleared.
7. Of course, he's an instant campus crush, with the "Goth angel" looks, the Edward Cullen jokes are definitely flying and there's more than a few students melting after they heard him speak. "That Voice" is always referred to in capital letters and it's well deserved.
8. "Campus crush" turns to "Official Precious Blorbo" once the students all discover that behind the whole regal and imperious Goth Prince vibe that he gave off, was an adorkable darling wet cat who was just completely gone on "my beloved." If he's discussing a love sonnet or poem, there's definitely going to be a reference to "my beloved" or "my dearest" or "my love." It's never sickeningly cloying and the sweet tiny little smile that takes over his normally serious face is like sunshine. The kilig feels are real.
9. He's also forever worrying that he's not enough for "my dearest" as he's rather painfully aware "of my lack in human graces" - which everyone translates to "OMG HELP I HAVE THE SOCIAL SKILLS OF A SCRUNKLY WET CAT." He frets that he's somehow failing his beloved, who is infinitely sweet and thoughtful and caring and that Professor Murphy is the selfish one, really, who doesn't deserve the man.
10. The students, of course, immediately ADOPT him. Tesco ice cream runs are done, YouTube videos on cooking and invites to kitchens are extended so Professor Murphy could practice making something that is "not a catastrophic culinary disaster unfit for human consumption." There was a session on the language of flowers, which everyone had enjoyed. For a while, flowers with significant meanings were presented to sweethearts and lovers all over the uni. There's an unforgettable after-class meeting in which the craft-inclined students teach Professor Murphy how to knit and crochet and he was really rather proud of the scarf he had created.
11. Professor Murphy's raven had been rather entertained playing with the yarn scraps. The students learn that the raven's name is Matthew.
12. And then, dashing, mysterious Professor Gadling finally peeks into Professor Murphy's class.
"The things I do for you, myne owne hertis rote. Bloody Shaxberd."
"But you do read him so very well, my love." And there it was, that tiny, soft, sweet smile, now aimed in Professor Gadling's direction.
Professor Gadling sighs and puts a hand over his chest. There's a very familiar scarf draped over his neck. "God's wounds, dove, warn your poor, long-suffering husband before you do these things."
"What 'things,' dearest?"
Professor Gadling waves his arms helplessly. The scarf slips a little, offering a tantalizing view of a purplish mark on his throat. "That thing!" He looks appealingly at the students, who are now all stifling their delighted giggles. "Look at him! My heart can only take so much!"
And that was how everyone found out that Professors Gadling and Murphy were actually happily married.
Incidentally, the Shakespeare reading, in which both professors took part, was a true kilig apocalypse. Instant campus legend.
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nicmares404 · 11 months
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Cryptid Sightings my beloved. I loved this story so much!
@naffeclipse Aghhhhh this chapter shattered my soul. I wanted to shake MC so badly!! Like I understand their thought process, but man 😭 /lh
(This took absolutly forever to make. I had no idea what I was doing half the time, but hey, it worked out lol.)
<No text version under the cut>
(Looks naked without the text lol)
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la-bruja · 11 months
Fanfiction Reccomendations
hi im a little insane and i read way too many fics 💖
here are some fics I've enjoyed this week! so far it's mostly batman, danny phantom, and crossovers between those two! haha I need some variety I swear.
everything under the read more because I have fifteen (15) listed! <3 okay thanks for checking out my recs!!
(if the formatting is a little ugly, it's because i did this on the app on my phone <3)
(tumblr (app) is a peice of shit and deleted some of the fics i had on here. aaaaaaaaa) (i will try again next week)
Wait, I'm a What? by @atiyasnake
based on a tumblr post
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 31k+ Words. Last Updated June. 5k+ Kudos. Misunderstandings. Ghost King Danny. Accidental Crime Lord Danny. Cryptid Danny. Sentient Gotham.
He kept taking the cash from the assholes (and damn there were a lot of assholes near where he lived) messing with the residents who lived in the area. He kept accepting their offers of food. So because of this new routine that kept him able to afford to rent out his shitty (and possibly illegal) apartment and the hunger pangs sufficiently satisfied, rumors grew.
Like and Survive - Phantom’s Guide to Young Hero Survival by @robinasnyder
based on a tumblr post
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 73k+ Words. Last Updated July. 3k+ Kudos. Youtuber Danny. Ghost King Danny. Adult Danny. Good Parent Clark Kent. Therapist Jasmine Fenton.
Phantom is considered an old timer who deals with a small city and nowhere else. When he begins uploading videos with advice for young heroes, he hopes a few new heroes might avoid some of the pain he went through. He's shocked at just how popular his advice suddenly becomes.
Bus To Nowhere by @precarious-hermit
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 98k+ Words. Last Updated July. 20k+ Kudos. Ghost King Danny. Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton.
After being on the run from his parents and the government for a couple of months, moving from town to town, Danny ends up in Gotham City and decides to risk staying in Batman's territory. He'd take the wrath of Batman over live vivisection via beloved parents or being studied and torn apart by the government. Besides, he's not a meta. Being dead is a medical condition.
The Firstborn Son by @faeriekit
Complete. Two-Shot. 7.5k Words. 1k+ Kudos. Ghost King Danny. The Infinite Realms. Dimension Travel. Accidental Child Acquisition. Child Endangerment. Mind Control. Horror.
Danny Phantom, a somewhat established ruler of the Ghost Zone, has unwittingly acquired a baby.
And. Well. He can't exactly keep it in Pariah's Keep. He's no parent, not to mention the huge problem of how the air and sky destabilize human cellular structure. There has to be a way to prove that the man is safer than the home the baby comes from.
...But the man has his own ward.
Hm. Danny can exploit this. What's an assessment without a little test?
Amity In The Ghost Zone by @ghostboybrainrot
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 7k+ Words. Last Updated March. 1k+ Kudos. Good Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton.
The city doesn't return on its own after Pariah Dark is defeated. Without knowing how to get the whole city back to the living world, Danny tries to evacuate the residents but most Amity Parkers don't really want to leave. Some people do, but many decide to stay. After all, Amity Park is their home, and the idea of having to start over somewhere new isn't very appealing. So the town, for the most part, continues on like normal.
Holding Me Now In Hand by @disillusioneddanny
Completed. Multi-Chaptered. 67k+ Words. 4k+ Kudos. Death Defying. Dick/Danny. Ghost King Danny. Teacher Danny. Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton. Miscommunication. Identity Reveal.
After Tim Drake tells his family about his new insane chemistry teacher, Dick Grayson decides to do some investigation himself.
What he wasn't expecting was to instantly fall in love with the chaotic science teacher.
Our Empty Graves by @nabtime
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 63k+ Words. Last Updated July. 3k+ Kudos. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Dead On Main. Jason/Danny. Slowburn. Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton. Hazmat AU. Mute Danny. Hurt/Comfort.
They say that Red Hood has a loyal mutt. The man rules his territory in Crime Alley with an iron fist and a guard dog at his side. No one's ever heard him speak. Anyone who's ever seen him says he looks like an experiment gone wrong, that Hood picked him up somewhere unspeakable. They say he'll do anything Red Hood asks of him and he'll do it well. Rival gangs say he's vicious, that he'd sooner rip your throat out than let you go.
death echoes by @redskyeatnight
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 38k+ Words. Last Updated June. 9k+ Kudos. Account Locked. Ghost King Danny. BAMF Danny. Creepy Danny.
Cold air on the back of his neck. Skeletal fingertips skittering up his spine, barely there and yet pressing so hard they would surely leave indents. A sound like an iceberg cracking apart echoing in his ears and through his head, pain following in its wake.
His throat went cold, his tongue suddenly numb.
And for a second - just a second - he smelled nothing but the stench of death.
"Oh My God, I'm Becoming My Father." by @fanfiction-artist-prototype
Incomplete. Three-Shot. 22k+ Words. Last Updated June. 1k+ Kudos. Account Locked. Misunderstandings. Angst and Hurt/Comfort. Blood and Injury. Accidental Child Acquisition. Implied/Reference Underage Prostitution. Protective Jason Todd.
Dani needs money, there's only so long her human body can last without food, and she lost the credit card Sam gave her when she crash-landed in Gotham city bay. So, she decides she's going to go the one guy she knows exists in Gotham that will help a kid down on their luck no questions asked - Red Hood.
Last time she'd seen Danny, he'd told her that there were rumours the Red Hood was undead, so he was the safest option for a halfa like her.
Hatred At First Sight by Sagoberattare
based on a tumblr post
Complete. One-Shot. 1k Words. 4k+ Kudos. SoulHate AU. Danny Phantom is a Little Shit.
Until the Joker looked at the skrunky kid in a ratty hoodie that looked like he could be a Wayne adoptee. And they both froze for a good minute.
And like some kind of demented switch got flipped the kid snarled and (still with his hands tied behind his back mind you) launched himself at the Joker.
Back to the World, In the End by @akela-nakamura
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 9k+ Words. Last Updated June. 800 Kudos. Halfa Jason Todd. Heavy Angst. Supernatural illnesses. Jason Todd is Not Okay. Eventual Comfort.
Jason's been sick for weeks and nothing he does seems to help. He's not ready for his confrontation with the Bat. He's not ready for his plans to fall apart when they've barely begun.
But his illness isn't stopping. One warm Gotham night, he hits a metaphorical wall.
Nightwing finds Red Hood on a rooftop. It's been a long night, but it might be looking up. After all, finally capturing the Red Hood will make Gotham that much safer.
Inquisitive by @oliveofvanders
Completed. One-Shot. 1k+ Words. 2k+ Kudos. Journalist Danny. Danny is a Little Shit. Damien Wayne Loves Animals. Crack Treated Seriously.
Damian has a very specific way of dealing with reporters – show them the animals, that usually scares them off.
Danny, however, has seen weirder shit in his lifetime.
Like Betta Fish Do by @clockwayswrites
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 48k+ Words. Last Updated July. Updates Bi-Weekly. 7k+ Kudos. Dead On Main. Jason/Danny. Ghost King Danny. Halfa Jason. Canon-Typical Violence. Jason Todd Needs a Hug. Danny Fenton Needs a Hug. Lazarus Side Effects. Identity Reveal.
Danny had ended up trespassing in Jason's haunt. He didn't mean to. Total accident, he swears. (He blames Johnny.) So he bought the other halfa a basket of bathbombs and chocolate as a 'sorry, please don't disembowel me' gift. It was the proper thing to do, alright?
Everything was going to be just fine.
Then things got a little out of hand.
Send To All by @cairoscene
Completed. One-Shot. 3k Words. 5k+ Kudos. Emails. Epistolary. Poison Ivy Adjacent.
I, _____________, hereby acknowledge that this form represents my wishes should I contract phytoaphrodisiac-induced delirium (hereafter referred to as “PAID”) during engagements with or while apprehending Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley (“Poison Ivy”).
»»———-Danny Phantom-———-««
and they were roommates by @captainbrookeworm
Completed. One-Shot. 9k+ Words. 400 Kudos. ChatFic. Humor. Memes. Crack. Crack Treated Seriously. Post-Canon. Identity Reveal.
Mr. Lancer’s English Class Group Chat
Wes Weston: FINALLY
Tucker Foley: For the last time the moon landing was NOT faked!!!!
》 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。 。° 。。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。 。°《
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spellboundcities · 11 months
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A hodgepodge of Them Shenanigans before I proceed to vanish for another month due to the ongoing war that is in fact artfight
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afairytalestray · 6 months
OK so on Saturday I got to go to Milan to see the Cats Il Sistina tour and HOLY GOD IT WAS AWESOME. I'm glad I studied the character designs in advance because a lot of the costumes are really different. I'm not typically a huge fan of nonreplicas but Il Sistina may well change that!
I've compiled my thoughts on the show here! Nb, I do not speak Italian so I'm not sure how close to the original lyrics the translation is 😅
There were no green goggles, but the Cats did come in through the audience. I had an aisle seat and Cassandra walked right past me! She was right there and so beautiful omg.
I've gotta get in right at the start that Simone Ragozzino is my new all-time favourite Mungojerrie. The most ever! A little guy. He got most of the acrobatics that Tumblebrutus usually does - apparently Simone used to be an acrobat/gymnast so that makes sense. He and Rumpleteazer were sufficiently chaotic but also clearly valued and beloved members of the tribe. Idk man Simone just got it. Tumble-jerrie ftw. 
The cathedral from "round the cathedral" was changed to a Colosseum reference which I loved 😍
I'm obsessed with Demeter’s makeup from this tour actually. I'm personally not the biggest fan of cryptid-style makeup and looks in Cats in general, but I feel like Deme was balancing just on the edge and it really worked and I loved it. Maybe it was Viviana Salvo's acting as well - she was fabulous at toeing that line between stunning and unnerving!
Tugger and Munkustrap were super close! Munk was less annoyed by Tugger’s antics than normal and they did this thing at one point where Tugger was holding onto Munk who leant fully backwards off the edge of the stage - it was like a trust exercise and I was a fan. Their rendition of Old Deuteronomy was lovely and their voices worked so good together! Tugger was definitely Munkustrap’s second in command of the tribe. I wish Tugger was a bit more Tugger in appearance, he seemed very yellow with not a lot of detail on his costume, but the personality was hundo p present and accounted for. He did the "bite is worse than your bark" line in Jellicle Songs and legit barked at the end.
Jennyanydots was fabulous! Instead of a big coat she literally wore a giant ball of wool, and one of the props was giant knitting needles and the start of what might have been a giant scarf - it took 6 of the Cats to carry it. It actually worked super well for Milan, which is known for fashion and fabrics - there's even a giant sewing needle sculpture outside Cadorna Station! It was probably a happy coincidence but I enjoyed it!
Victoria's role was changed quite a bit, her solo was totally different and the pas de deux was gone. There also kinda just... wasn't the big small first touch Vic and Grizabella moment, which I was sad about, but if Griz's big moment wasn't "TOUCH MEEEEEE" in the translation, I'm not so bothered by it. I wish Vic had a bit bigger of a role because I love her, but she was killing it whenever she was on stage.
We are all stan pink Jemima, she had such a lovely voice too. Her and Alonzo were playing with a tennis ball during the interval and it was adorable.
My beloved Coricopat and Tantomile were lying in the Mouth of Truth prop after Moments of Happiness; they had their usual role of translating Old Doots through Jemima so I thought their placement here was deliberate! They weren't always fully in sync which I kinda liked, it was like they were allowed to be their own characters rather than just "the twins". I definitely got the impression that Tantomile was the older sister which hella backs up my hcs about her!
Gus was absolutely WILD. He comes in after Jellylorum has done her whole first part of the song in this raggedy old tradiotional Sherlock Holmes-style beige plaid coat instead of being there but kinda out of it the whole time. At first he wasnt keen on replaying any of his roles, but then all the others were like please please please and he relented. I think they were calling him (or his role) Romero? Idk if that's an Italian reference I just don't get? They did Pekes and Pollicles (one of the above had been changed to chihuahuas!) and then the bold Rumpus/Romero appeared... in a red satin bath robe and holding a sabre??? I need to look up this reference! Dude didn't just intimidate the pollicles, he straight up cut a couple of them down with his sword! Grandpa woke up and chose violence 😂
There was no trash train in Skimbleshanks 😭😭 there were giant glowstick things that changed colours though. Skimble and Bustopher were played by the same actor which is a combo I haven't seen before. Skimble was definitely still everyone's favourite train dad, all the characters were totally hyped for his song. HE DID TAP LIKE IN 2019. It was really cool how they did it, all the music stopped and he started a call and response tap dance with some of the other characters. The background showed an animated video of going through a train tunnel, like from the perspective of a train driver! The tap was gradually speeding up and became the sound effects of a train setting off and moving through the tunnel. I'm not explaining this super well but it was SO cool.
The Macavity Fight was quite different. There wasn't him disguised as Old Deuteronomy and then unmasked. What happened was he showed up and caused some shenanigans and then disappeared. There were about 4 of him around, so it looked like he was teleporting around the stage and audience! Bombalurina and Demeter performed his song which was absolutely fantastic (seriously how do these actresses actually manage to dance like that and sing at the same time?? Goddesses), after that he showed up again and the full cast was involved in the fight. Munkustrap still got the good choreography, but the whole tribe was involved trying to protect Old Deuteronomy. Tugger was definitely a protector in this production, he was very involved. Jerrie got KO'd a good few times, and Macavity absolutely destroyed poor Jenny! It felt like all of them were trying to protect their family and I really liked that. Despite that, Macavity was still able to win and successfully kidnap Old Doots!
"Mungojerrie, RUMPLETEAZER, Griddlebone" they let my girl do crime again!
Mistoffelees and Quaxo were besties, and Misto was REALLY enjoying Tugger's song I'm just saying. Delighted to announce Il Sistina Misto was a fruity little guy. He didn't get the terrible bore line, sad face, that went to Quaxo, but tbh idk how they translated that so it could be totally different! At one point Alonzo was holding him back at the start of Tugger’s song! We then saw a sponge-like Misto who picked up behaviours from the others around him, like he wasn't too sure of himself. This is actually one of my favourite Misto hcs so i was so chuffed to see it so clearly. He then helped Alonzo rein George (at least I think it was George!) in from going mental fanboy at Tugger. He was originally curious about Griz but then adjusted to hissing upon seeing the others. This fully went forward into his song. They did some big choreo changes. It was significantly less dance-heavy than traditional Misto performances and had a stronger focus on him being magic. There was a levitating box that they spent a lot of time with - Magician's Assistant Cass got in, but then she didn't disappear? She just popped back out again after the box had been rotated a few times. Some of the Kittens were waving their hands under the box to prove there was nothing holding it up and looking amazed which was adorable though. There was also a bit where Misto put some cards into a hat, the hat got passed down a line of Cats and then at the end they just sort of flew out? Like idk maybe they changed the lyrics where they're describing different magic tricks and it all makes sense! I THOUGHT THE CONJURING TURNS WERE GONE, but they were just moved to the very end of the song and cut down quite a bit.
Ok BUT LISTEN, à la 2019, the poor boy tried and failed twice to bring back Old Deuteronomy and then just sort of flopped in the corner all defeated but then BOYFRIEND TUGGER HELD HIS HANDS AND GOT RIGHT UP CLOSE AND WAS LIKE I BELIEVE IN YOU BABE and omg for real those actors knew EXACTLY what they were doing Tuggoff nation RISE. I'm always a red-sheet-turned-cape stan but I can definitely get behind the sparkly tail coat and playing card bowtie. He also had this handkerchief that he threw up in the air and it became a magic wand. I have no idea how and it was very silly so obviously I loved it. Although I wasn't massively into the choreo changes (ballet dancer Misto 5eva), Pierpaolo Scida was a magnificent Misto and I adored him - he was so cute! The little background actions and looks he did were so in character with how he interpreted Misto! Also he was beautiful you can't change my mind.
Malika was such an intense Grizabella - 10/10. She was proud but so vulnerable. She walked right past me when she first came in and lads, she did the whole show in these massive stilettos - absolute queen. At one point it literally rained on her on stage! During her first Memory, Old Deut was really watching her, and at the end of it he approached her, but she ran off when she saw him. I thought it was a super cool character moment, like she knew she wanted to be accepted, but wasn't quite ready for it. Even after the big Memory and Old Deuteronomy declared her the Jellicle Choice, Victoria approached her, but she was still too scared to let her, and it was Jemima who finally was able to reach her and bring her in. At the end she just kinda disappeared off stage - there were no flying tyres or magic stairs in the circus tent!
During the bit after the bows some of the cats were out in the audience and Tugger scared the absolute crap out of this one woman by poking his head in between her and the person sitting next to her. Iconic. Also during the latter part of the interval the audience was allowed to come up to the edge of the stage where some of the actors were goofing about in character. This mf pretended to cough up a hairball and now I have it on video. I also got some close ups of Teazer and the beautiful Bomba!
The Italian Junkyard was fabulous! It was mostly roman landmarks like Piazza Navona and Bocca della Verità, but there was also Michelangelo's David (which I'm pretty sure is in Florence) above the orchestra! There was also a giant marble foot, an Italian-style water fountain, and a broken column. My favourite prop was the bench, it's elevated at the back left of the stage and the cast were using it like a slide to enter the stage! Also it seemed to be Misto’s preferred location to lounge.
In conclusion, I will never get over this.
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confusedfeelsfangirl · 7 months
If i wanted to get into heaven and god said I had to recant all that I’ve ever said about him being adorable and wanting to wrap him into a bundle of towels like a kitten, I’d simply go knock on hell’s door, they at least might accept my pitiful man loving ways. Almost a full ass lesbian and I would marry this man just for the sake of protecting him from the horrors.
If I have to deal with one more person insisting I have a crush on the voice actor and showing me his picture, I will start digitalising myself to escape their bullshit no good hearing and reading comprehension and I will slow down their internet connection out of spite
i dont even know why i love him so much. he reads messed up stories but i am just obsessed because i am projecting.
he better have some more fucked up backstory episodes bc if I never get to acquire more lore on him I will just have to write it myself 
I hope he gets some affection and love soon cuz if he doesn’t I’m going to make him 
Almost all the episodes have him in them and its still not enough. vaguely see something that reminds me of him and I black out and lose my train of thought for the next 20 minutes
I’ve been spoiled about the ending, but I won’t let that stop me from hoping he gets the peace and love he deserves, i love denial and ignoring canon 
I'll lovingly squish jon and his sad pitiful little archivist body will simply crumble to pieces when faced with how much I love him until all that's left is one final statement recorded on his trusty tape recorder titled MAG 201 “A Jon Stan” written in curly-q handwriting on top
im not breathing im hyperventilating at this point
i hope theres a date given for when he’s resuscitated or appears as a cryptid to haunt people so i can make it a reminder on my phone
 once a year i will see it and will do so many little things to pay respects to the man who recorded hundreds of fucked up little stories and still couldn’t escape his destiny to became one himself.
(very much inspired by the Jurgen Leitner rant : https://jurgen-leitner-rant.neocities.org )
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rhaemaya-valwynn · 3 months
Warm my Soul- Naga!Jotaro Chapter 2 (1/2) Study Master Disaster
Hey everyone, I thought I'd drop in and give at least half the chapter of 2 for you guys to have something to eat. I apologize for the lateness, a lot happened over Christmas and I've been stepping away from the JoJo community as a whole due to it. Things are rough here and I find I have little time to enjoy life, let alone write. Been dabbling on this chapter for too long and wanted to give what I have for now. Just know Im still here, just trying to find sanity and recover. <3 - Rhae
The wildlife in Jotaro's habitat was more diverse and intricate than you had initially thought. Upon further investigation, you realized how much effort had truly gone into making this home for him. Birds, lizards, frogs, beetles, bats, and all manner of things lived here. It was as if they had plucked a chunk of the Naga's natural habitat up and put it in Washington State. 
Thankfully, nothing in there was severely dangerous that might harm the faculty or Jotaro. However, after nearly a year and a half of stable recovery, Jotaro had regained the majority of his weight and was almost fully recuperated. This meant most things didn't threaten him anymore, as he was now a wall of sheer muscle. No one could force Jotaro to do anything against his will, which was both a blessing and a curse as his care took on new rules and roles.
On one hand, this meant no more interactions like Angela's could happen. If he didn't want you there, you would know, immediately. 
But on the other hand, this meant playing to his good side. If you could find it, since his distrust of people was only cemented after the big 'A' Incident' as your coworkers came to call it. Still, some people tried to push their luck with him some days, making him more quick to snap.
If fortunate, you'd escape with your bones intact but a few bruises. Those unlucky would be wearing a cast at minimum.
Kyoshi had warned you and others during Jotaro's recovery that healthy Nagas were some of the most dangerous Cryptids. Due to their bulk and sheer muscle, one would think they moved slowly. But that was not the case. Naga could move swiftly and quietly when motivated, crushing their prey with alarming strength that would only get stronger as they grew.
And they never stopped growing.
As if that wasn't bad enough, each Naga was equipped with potent venom strong enough to stop your heart in three minutes flat at a young age, with older Naga killing within forty seconds. When asked, Kyoshi refused to elaborate on how the venom worked, merely stating that: "Dead is dead, regardless of how you get there."
So, seeing as you had become Jotaro's primary caretaker, there were often moments when your mind would run rampant with thoughts of him lashing out at you in a fit of anger. 
Though you knew in your heart that he wasn't like that. Jotaro may have been an odd cryptid. Silent, reclusive, and poor social skills all lined up to make him seem like a wall that would lash out at any moment. But you knew Jotaro enjoyed company that wasn't there to irke him and that he was polite and cordial to those that gave him respect. So you figured, after everything, the chances of him wrapping you up in his nine-meter tail and snuffing out your life while injecting you with venom were....minimal.
On a happier note, the herd of capybaras you had met on your second day in the man-made rainforest were joyfully friendly after several 'snack' filled encounters and would come trotting from their sunbathing spots to greet you every morning thereafter. 
Perhaps a little too eager for snacks and their beloved 'scritches.' A word shared by the older veterinary assistant Tomoko Higashikata, who was typically tasked with giving you the healthier snack buckets on your way in after a noticeable weight gain had been noted in the animals. Jotaro always gave her a weird look when he decided to wait for you at the entrance and saw you talking to the woman. She never said anything out of place, just interesting facts about cryptids and animals, but you never had the guts to ask Jotaro why.
Some coworkers lamented their jealousy over your closeness to the snake man as time passed, and no matter how much you reminded them about Angela, they still flapped their lips in gossip. Eventually, you had given up as people would assume things with or without encouragement. Deep inside, though, you were glad to have broken the barrier between Jotaro and the world, regardless of how others viewed the relationship.
Like a lifeline, you were his bridge to civilization. Or so you hoped. But humility usually beat that thought into the dust when it reared its ugly head. You were never the type to boast or view yourself better than others. The world had enough of those kinds of people already. You just wanted to help in any way that you could.
So you began to delve into researching Naga in a subtle effort to find ways of helping Jotaro. One day, you asked Tomoko about Naga's, and she practically talked your ear off in excitement as they were her favorite. An interesting note of information from her was that Nagas typically are multiple species of snakes in one, Jotaro being a mixture between a Green Anaconda, reticulated Python, and the King Cobra. This explained his massive size, along with the type of venom he made and its extreme potency.
He wasn't so thrilled when you asked about his heritage, eyeing you with suspicion as he straightened during one of your morning walks. Two Toucans, one named Fruit and the other Loops, bounced on his tail in excitement, thinking it was time for treats. 
"Why do you want to know?" he had asked sternly, glaring at you from the corner of his eyes. 
"I just thought-" you hesitated, hands suddenly shaking as his shadow overcasted you. "Maybe it could help?"
Jotaro tutted in annoyance and had turned to you sharply. "Our deal doesn't include my past. Don't ask again." You shrunk down and nodded till he finally relented and continued the slither along, though he refused to speak further till you returned to his home to begin your work together.
The deal.
An accidental mishap, a sheer off-chance that somehow earned you a sliver of his trust. The Naga had caught you studying for a test during two-person care that had been initiated after Angela to prevent further offenses to the facility's residents. By being new to the facility, Jotaro had given you the benefit of the doubt of not being involved with Angela and that your care for him was genuine and not out of unwanted lust or illegal desires. While your coworker was on the phone in the next room, letting the doctors know that Jotaro had refused to eat or take his medicine again, it happened.
"What are you reading?" the Naga had asked you, causing you to jump in fright and launch the book across the room. The Naga frowned at your response, leaving you staring at him with your mouth wide open in shock.
He had never spoken before or deigned a reason to use words over hissing and growling. 
Yet, there he was, asking about your homework. Stuttering, you tried to apologize, but Jotaro tutted in annoyance, "Just answer the damn question," he rumbled darkly. 
While part of your brain went wild over what was happening, the other, more rational section was screaming danger and to flee. When Jotaro wrinkled his nose in disgust and turned to return to his nap, you blurted out: "Oscar Veilto's Domain of Earth and Air." 
To your surprise, he turned back to you with curiosity in his eyes. "Odd book for casual reading," Jotaro remarked dryly.
"It-I'm studying to be a Domain Nurse," you tried to clarify, blushing as you looked away in embarrassment. There's nothing like telling your patient you're studying him as part of your school work to start a healthy conversation...
"What did you think of his assessment of Pheonix's in chapter thirteen?" he continued, asking casually, but Jotaro's eyes belied the interest that was gripping him.
"Well, I thought he focused too much on how they mated, rather than why. Being born full of mercury gives them very little time to adjust or adapt to a new way of making young. Spontaneously combusting alive in an effort to burn away their poison tends to leave little room for descendants to change and become more." You rolled your hand as you talked, making gentle gestures as you pictured the bird in your hands. 
Freezing on the spot, you nervously look at Jotaro, fearing the worst for running your mouth. Only, he was gazing at you with an intense look. Observing you down to the details. Gulping, you go to apologize when he suddenly nodded in agreement. "Yes, deeply flawed observations on Veilto's behalf. It's pitiful that they still have it in circulation for newer generations to base even more flawed hypotheses on. And people still wonder why they went extinct....."
You could feel yourself gaping again at him in shock. It was the most Jotaro had ever talked...ever. All because you had brought in a biology book on Cryptids. Coughing as you reigned your expression, you hesitantly ask, "Do...you know a lot about Cryptids?"
Jotaro deadpanned at you, the monitor in the background beeping loudly before the end of his tail twitched. "Perhaps...." he murmured, sinking into his pillows as he cast his gaze away.
You hurried to apologize, but the opening had sealed shut, like the snapping of a bear trap, and Jotaro returned to ignoring everything around him like a rock with moss growing on it.
You thought it was an opportunity gone and lost. Trying to put it behind you, you focused on studying again after retrieving your book.
Then, to add insult to injury, you failed the test miserably the following day. It was almost comical.
While you swore you wouldn't be caught dead studying for a test at work again, during your next dual caretaking of Jotaro, he practically sprung on you. Verbally, that is.
"Failed the test?" He had hummed in observation the minute your coworker had stepped out to grab more rolls of gauze.
Caught off guard, you merely turned to look at him, pen frozen above the report you were making. "P-pardon?" you asked, tongue tripping over itself.
"The test," Jotaro repeated, eyes narrowing slightly at you, "The one you were studying for." When you still stared at him in perpetual shock, he sighed deeply before explaining further, "Veilto's Domain?"
A sharp rush of heat hit your face as you blushed in embarrassment. "Is it that obvious?" you had muttered mostly to yourself.
Jotaro's lips quirked slightly, barely noticeable in your staggered state. "I know the emotional distress a bad test in college can do..." The Naga continued.
A short laugh escaped you at the insanity of such a comment. A Cryptid, talking to a human about college tests. 
This was absurd.
"Must have been a horrible score," Jotaro noted, eyeing you up and down again, forked tongue escaping his mouth to taste the air.
He had never done that before.
The opening had returned.
Your gut clenched in warning, but your heart chimed to you in a soft voice.
'Go on, tell him," it said.
"Twenty out of a hundred," You sighed in defeat, looking down in shame. Jotaro huffed, a strange noise from his frail body that made you worry.
Looking up at him again, you tried not to pry or seem desperate to keep the conversation going. He clearly had trauma from something, which meant you could only lead him so far out of his prison which was his mind and body.
Several minutes passed, and you feared that the opening had clamped shut on you once more. But then, "Who is your teacher?"
Eyebrows knitting, you looked around to see if this was some sort of prank. "Mr.Garauange," you answered.
Jotaro's eyebrows shot up, "That old wrinkly toad is still alive?"
"Unfortunately," you rubbed your temple just thinking of him. "Most bitter man I've ever met. Feels like he enjoys watching you suffer."
"He does," Jotaro answered with a snap of his jaws. You blinked twice in confusion before he waved your concern off. "I was under him for almost four years before he gave up on teaching 'my kind.'"
"Were you.... the one that got away?" you hesitantly asked, your fingers becoming clammy at the braveness of the question.
Jotaro laughed. Actually laughed. Dark and thrumming even in his weakened state. "Is that what he named me? Good grief, he couldn't come up with something more subtle....or original?"
Shuffling slightly, you nervously giggled at his joke, unsure how else to respond. The Naga fell silent, eyes distant as he became lost in thought. "Does he still allow a single retaking for failed tests?" Jotaro questioned, focusing his attention on you once more. You nod, and the Naga smirked devilishly. "Good, hand me your book," he grunted as he pulled himself up on his bed.
Now, you blanched in horror. "Why?" you demanded in fear, clutching your book to your chest like an elderly woman with their purse.
Jotaro snorted and huffed twice as he settled into a better reading position, "I want to play a little game on the toad." Extending an arm, he made a grabby motion. When you opened your mouth to refuse, he rolled his eyes and his hand. "Humor a sick cryptid." Looking around wildly, you expected some show host to come out and exclaim that you were just punked.
Or whatever they called pranks these days.
When nothing happened, a hot flush made you realize a drop of sweat was rolling down your face. Inhaling deeply, you thought to yourself, was offering a simple book and getting educational help from a nearly extinct species that hard?
The answer was yes, yes, it was.
With a herculean effort, you stepped forward and cautiously handed the book over. Jotaro took it from you respectfully, his massive hand holding the human-sized book like a small notebook. Carefully, Jotaro pulled it in and nestled it in front of him. A sneer crossed his face, "Personally edited by the toad himself... Good grief, I take it he expects you to take his words as law?" He opened it with the tentativeness of someone risking getting bitten.
You let Jotaro read for a few minutes, apprehensive as he glossed over the chapter you had marked for reconsumption. "Fae, huh?" he remarked after turning a few more pages. "Easy to get lost here. They range from pixies to faries and even changelings. Do you remember which one he chose for the test?"
"All of them..." You say softly as you rub your arm and look away from his piercing gaze.
"Of course he did," Jotaro sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Asshole."
Hearing him swear threw you off a bit, making you jerk back to gape at him with puzzlement. A smidge of understanding hit you. Like switching shoes to ones that fit better, not perfect, but less tight and restrictive. You watched in silence for a few minutes as Jotaro perused the book. 
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dailydemonspotlight · 2 months
Mothman - Day 3
Race: Vermin/Wilder
Alignment: Dark-Neutral
March 21st, 2024
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Ohhh, Mothman. He lifts a man off the ground because he's in a new town. This beloved cryptid hails from Point Pleasant, West Virginia, well known in cryptozoology circles for his elusiveness... and popularity, as he's almost a cultural icon in West Virginia. This wayward moth has a museum, several books, an entire festival... his popularity cannot go understated! However, why did this legend arise, and why is he a demon?
As with many demons, the Mothman is a myth of sorts, though certainly a far more urban one. In 1966, Point Pleasant Register published an article detailing a harrowing report: A man-sized, bird-like creature flying far above the TNT area, marked with two glowing red eyes that shone almost like headlights in the murky black of the night. One man shone a light at it, and it kept back, clearly afraid of the light. Since that night, Mothman became a feared monster in the shadows, a beast stalking the broken-down power plants peppering West Virginia and soaring through the sky with nary a sound past the flap of its impossibly large wings.
Ever since the book "The Mothman Prophecies" by John Keel, Mothman has forever had a link to the paranormal and unknown, as the book drew a link between the urban legend and several disasters that took place in areas where it was sighted, and most notably, the famous sighting in Silver Bridge, which soon then collapsed. Since then, the Mothman has had a widespread appeal as a terror of the night... or a misunderstood harbinger who tries to warn of disaster. His role in the cultural zeitgeist of the Americas almost makes him a modern, American equivalent to such a monster as a Yokai of Japanese myth, a monster whose existence cannot be proven nor disproven, and who inspires stories and wives tales in tandem.
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Mothman's appearance in Shin Megami Tensei is... strange. Gone is the dark, shaggy fur, as is the large, humanoid stance, and instead... we get something a lot more cute. The hypnotic glare of the monster has been translated to his wings, now multicolored and downright trippy, and he's a lot more cuddly than the menacing beast that Mothman is typically seen as. His glowing red eyes have small slits to communicate a far more personable appearance, and his variable colors throughout make him transform from a terrifying creature of the night into an adorable little pest.
In the game, Mothman plays the role of a magic attacker, mostly appearing in the early-mid game. With a focus on electric skills as well as disrupting the opponent through status conditions, his strange, almost otherworldly aspects have been translated well into gameplay. While lacking in signature skills, his overall role as a disruptor works wonders in making him viable in several situations.
His weakness to force is a little hard to parse, but I believe it's meant to be a reference to how flying entities may end up getting metaphorically whipped around by the wind, especially given their size- Mothman is, historically, just as large as a human, something that translates to a greater amount of drag while in flight. This is just a guesstimation, though, as quite a lot of the attributes in SMT games feel a bit... randomly assigned? However, his affinity for electricity is easy to understand- Mothman sightings are most often around power plants, after all. In SMT, it may very well be possible that he went there to siphon their energy away for himself, all to unleash it in each attack.
Regardless of this, though, Mothman's unique, adorably weird design and bizarre translation into the game mechanics make him a personal favorite, even past the fact that he's based on my favorite cryptid of all time. I mean, just look at him! Prime goober material!!! This gleepy freak is strange, dangerous, and we love him for it.
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