#creepy co-eds
brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Creepy Co. has an IKEA-inspired Beetlejuice ringer tee designed by Ed Harrington available for one week only. Priced at $35, it will ship around May 12.
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catoslvt · 10 months
Duncan Tarun (tdi) x Reader
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You replace courtney in this sorry ☹️
Challenges are weekly, so I don't need to watch the show 24/7, to figure out who's out first, etc, soz zxx
I stand at the edge of the boat, my heart racing.
I'm only here for one reason, to win, and maybe to make some friends, but mainly to win.
As it begins to pull up to the island, I notice a big crowd of people there already, probably more than half of the contestants, if not all of them, I'm not close enough to see yet.
As the boat stops at the dock, I grab my bags and climb out, where Chris greets me.
"This is y/n!" He exclaims as he motions to all of the other contestants, and a few of them wave whilst some roll their eyes, but I approach the group anyway with a smile, before fitting myself in a gap next to a really pretty girl with green / midnight blue hair and a short boy.
"Nice hair." I tell her, and she smiles widely at me, before an extremely attractive boy arrives on the dock, and I notice almost everyone swooning for him, but my attention is grabbed when a ginger girl begins to arrive, screaming her head off, she must've been excited because she jumps out of the boat before its even docked, whacking her head and chin full force off of the dock, which causes me to let out a small laugh.
Once Chris has helped the girl, he clears his throat.
"First things first, we need a group photo for the promos, everyone to the end of the dock." He announces as I walk with the girl and the short boy.
"I'm gwen." She tells me with a smile.
"I'm y/n." I introduce, and the short boy next to me smiles at me.
"I'm Cody." He says, and I just nod at him before I stand at the edge of the dock, staring down at the water.
As we all pose, gwen and I wrapping our arms around each other, Chris holds up his camera.
"Okay.. three..two..one." He begins, but he quickly lets out a large 'oops!'
"Okay, forgot the lens cap. Okay, hold that pose.." He yells again.
"One.. tw- no wait, cards full. Hang on." He says and I let out a small groan.
"Jesus, do you want me to do it for you?" I call to him earning a small laugh from the group, but Chris just shakes his head, but I did earn a small smile from him.
"Come on man, my face is starting to freeze." A girl I haven't been introduced to yet groans.
"Got it! Okay, everyone, say Wawanakwa!" He yells to us, and we all begin to say it, but the dock breaks beneath us, sending us all plummeting into the water.
"Okay, guys, dry off and meet at the camp fire pit in ten." Chris announces, and as Gwen and I climb out of the water, I stare at her.
"He totally planned that, right?" I ask, and she lets out a small laugh as she nods her head at me.
As we all sit around the fire pit, Chris begins to talk.
"This is Camp Wawanaka, your home for the next eight weeks. The campers sitting around you will be your cabin mates,your competition and maybe even your friends." He says as we all look around each other, smiling at each other whilst a fairly attractive boy up the back just glares at each other, earning a slight eye roll from me.
"The camper who manages to stay on Total Drama Island the longest without getting voted off will win $100,000!" Chris exclaims before the same boy from earlier storms to the front, a slight grin on his face.
"Excuse me, what will the sleeping arrangements be? Because I'd like to request a bunk under her." He coos as he points a finger at Heather, I think that's her name anyway Gwen told me it is.
"They're not Co-ed, are they?" She asks, and Chris stares at all of us.
"No, girls, get one side of each cabin. Boys get the other side." He explains and Linday puts up her hand.
"Excuse me, Kyle, can I have a cabin with a lake view since I'm the prettiest?" She asks, her voice deafingly squeaky.
"Okay, you are, but that's not really how it works here. And it's Chris." He states, and Gwen looks at me with a shocked look on her face.
"That sounded really creepy." She mouths and I nod in agreement.
Suddenly, the two girls Sadie and Kadie who would look like fraternal twins from afar begin to cry in case they're not in the same cabin and Gwen scoffs.
"This cannot be happening." She mumbles, and Owen pulls her and Tyler into a hug by the neck earning an eruption of laughter from me.
"Here's the deal, we're going to split you into two teams. If I call your name out, go stand over there." Chris instructs as he points a finger to the back corner of the fire pit.
"Gwen, trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, Beth, kadie, Owen, leshawna, Justin, and noah! From this moment on, you are officially known as the screaming gophers!" He exclaims, and I stare at gwen as she walks away, feeling slightly lonely at the fact the only person I've spoken to so far is in the opposite team.
"The rest of you over here, Geoff, Bridgette, dj, Tyler, Sadie, izzy, y/n, Ezekiel, Duncan, Eva, and Harold, move move move!" He exclaims, and I stand up and force myself to walk over to the other side of the fire pit.
"But Kadies a gopher! I have to be a gopher!" Sadie screams, and i walk over to her and place my hand on her shoulder.
"Sadie, is it? Come on, it'll be okay." I say as I lead her over to our team, trying to drown out her and Kadies screaming on how this isn't fair.
I let out a large laugh when I heard our team name.
"Oh, come on? The killer bass? Who came up with that." I mutter under my breath, and Bridgette laughs before Chris begins speaking again.
"Alright, campers, you and your team will be on camera in all public areas during this competition. You will also be able to share your innermost thoughts on tape with video diaries anytime you want. Let the audience at home know what you're really thinking, or just get something off your chest." He says with a smile, and I nod my head, I'll probably be in there a lot.
"Alright, any questions? Cool. Let's find your cabins." He says, not really giving us time to ask any questions though.
As he leads us to the cabins, I audibly gasp at how small they are.
"Gophers, you're in the east cabin, bass. You're in the west!" He exclaims before ushering us into the cabins, where I slap my hand over my mouth when I see its bunk beds.
"Y/n, do you want to share one with me?" Bridgette asks and I nod at her.
"You can take the top if you want, I don't mind." She offers as I set my bags down on the floor at the bed she's standing at.
"Thanks." I say with a small smile.
As Bridgette and I walk outside, the same dude that was glaring at everyone at the campfire approaches us, his names Duncan I'm pretty sure.
"Nice piercings." I say, raising my eyebrows at him, and he smiles slightly and goes to say something until blood curdling screams come from the other teams cabins, and we all run over.
"Man, that white girl can scream." Leshawna says and we all let out small chuckles before we look in the cabin to see Lindsay ontop of a chair pointing at something crawling around the floor.
"What is it!? Kill it!" She screams, and Dj looks at the floor and lets out an even higher pitched scream as he throws himself at a bed, breaking it instantly.
"That was my bed." Gwen states as she stares at her now broken bed, and I let out a laugh from beside her.
"Just come sneak into our cabin." I say with a joking nudge to her side and she smiles.
As everyone tries to kill the cochroach, making us all scream, Duncan just storms in with an axe and slams it into the floor, cutting the cockroach in half, atleast it did the job I suppose.
"Well, that's one way to kill a cockroach." Gwen says with a small chuckle, and I nod in agreement.
"Hey, now you've got a dead cockroack and a dent on your floor." I say to her, and she just laughs.
As I stand behind gwen in the line for food, Duncan stands behind me, and I can turn to him.
"Not got your axe now, hm?" I ask with a laugh, and he just rolls his eyes before I turn away again.
"Listen up, I serve it three times a day, and you will eat it three times a day. Grab a tray. Get your food and sit your butts down now!" The chef yells, and I raise my eyebrows slightly, taken back by his attitude and sterness.
As he piles food onto our plates, I stare at the food, unsure if it's actually even food, as I walk over and take a seat next to Bridgette, and Duncan raises his eyebrows as he walks over and sits down directly infront of me.
"Yo, my man. Can we order a pizza?" Geoff asks Chris and chef quickly throws a knife at him, missing him by inches, which makes my eyes widen in shock.
Surely this isn't safe.
"Your first challenge begins in one hour." Chris exclaims before he walks out, and we all let out little 'oooo's of excitement.
As we all stand at the edge of the cliff, I regret getting excited.
"Okay, your first challenge is simple. Your first task is to jump off this 1000ft high cliff into the lake." Chris begins, and we all just shrug.
"Sounds easy enough." I whisper to Gwen.
"If you look down, you will see two target areas. The wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic, man-eating sharks. Inside, that is the safe zone, which is your target area, which we're pretty sure is shark free." He tells us and leshawna shakes her head in total disbelief.
"Excuse me?" She quizzes.
"For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below. Inside each crate are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge, building a hot tub!" He exclaims.
"The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home. Let's see, killer bass. You're up first." He then finishes and as Bridgette and I move closer to the edge, our faces both change in fear.
"Oh, wow. So, who wants to go first?" She quizzes, and our whole team stays silent, Duncan even turning his back to us, and a million thoughts race through my head.
I mean, if I go first I get it over and done with, meaning over peoples screaming won't put me off.
"So, who's up first?" Eva asks and Duncan stares over at me.
"Ladies first." He coos and I furrow my eyebrows.
"Fine, I'll go." I say with a shrug as I approach the edge of the cliff, staring down at the water below me.
As I jump, I actually begin enjoying it, not letting out a single scream as I land in the smaller target, a boat coming to whisk me out of the water almost instantly as I happily climb on, looking back up at the top of the cliff to see Bridgette leaning over and shooting me a thumbs up.
Then Tyler goes, landing on the buoy, letting out a painful groan as he slides off it, causing me to slap a hand over my mouth.
Then Geoff goes, letting out excited screams without a care in the world, Eva following straight behind, Duncan falling close behind too as I stare at him with a small smile on my face as I watch how unfazed he is by this, almost as if he goes cliff diving every other weekend.
Ezekiel comes close behind, too, still wearing his shoes and hat for some reason, but I decide not to quiz against it, and we all clap and cheer from the small sandy area not too far away, even Duncan smiling slightly.
Then Harold comes down, landing on the water in the splits.
"Good luck trying to conceive with him." I mumble to Eva, who smiles slightly, but Duncan is the one who laughs.
"I didn't know you could laugh." I tease with a sarcastic smile.
"I didn't know you could he funny." He teases back, giving me the same smile.
I then realise bridgette, Dj, and Sadie haven't come down yet, which confuses me slightly, why aren't they coming?
But then my jaw drops when both Sadie and kadie jump down from the cliff.
"No fucking way did he let Kadie move into our team." I gasp to myself, which means either Bridgette, Izzy or Dj swapped into the Gophers, and I wouldn't care who did along as it wasn't Bridgette.
But I realise the rest of our team chickened out, as the other team begins to jump.
The screaming Gophers won the challenge they actually won, which means we have to drag our crates back to the camp, and we've got a decent amount away from where the crates were first placed, when Sadie, Kadie and Tyler all decide they need to pee, making me groan in annoyance.
"We're never winning this." I grumble to Eva and bridgette, who both nod in agreement.
Once they all eventually come back, we begin pushing our crates again, my arms beginning to ache from the weight of mine, but yet again Sadie and Kadie slow us down by itching themselves.
"You guys are way behind the other team. Like way behind, what's the problem?" Chris asks and I roll my eyes and point at them.
"Their butts are itchy." I groan in annoyance.
"Did you guys squat down when you peed in the woods?" Bridgette asks, and I try not to laugh at her chicken hat, but it's almost impossible.
"Yeah?" Kadie says.
"Did you happen to notice what kind of plants you were squatting down on?" Bridgette continues to ask.
"They were kind of oval shaped and green and all over the place." Sadie answers, put I zone out of their conversation as I continue to push my crate back to camp.
"Need help?" Duncan asks as he casually strolls over to me.
"Where's your crate?" I gasp and he points smugly over to Dj as he pushes a crate.
"Had to let the chicken do something." He says with a small laugh, and I move over slightly so there's enough space for Duncan to help push my crate.
"I didn't actually expect you to jump off of the cliff first." He admits, and I turn to him and smile, secretly being grateful for his help, as my arms don't ache as much from pushing and we're definitely getting closer to camp.
"Neither did I if I'm gonna be honest." I tell him with an awkward laugh.
"I'm Duncan, by the way incase you didn't already know that." He says and I feel his eyes on me.
"I'm y/n." I introduce with a smile.
Duncan and I are the first to make it back to camp, I collapse to my knees in exhaustion and decide to wait until the rest of my team are back to start doing stuff, and when we start building our hot tub, it's obvious what team wins.
"Congratulations screaming Gophers, you guys have won the challenge!" Chris exclaims, and I let out a small sigh.
"Gophers, you're safe from elimination, and you get to use this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer, killer bass. What can I say? You lost, and I'll see your sorry butts tonight at the campfire for elimination." Chris says before walking off.
"So uh, what do we do now?" Kadie asks as our team all sits around the dinner table, eating whatever concoction chef has made for us.
"We have to think of someone to eliminate?" I say as if it wasn't obvious, and I can see Duncans' growing smile from beside me.
"Well, I think it should be either Bridgette or Dj." He says, and I shake my head.
"Not bridgette, she's my only good friend on this team, gwen is on the other team." I beg, and Duncan just smiles at me.
When Ezekiel says something really sexist, it's a bit obvious who we're gonna vote.
When he said that boys were better at sports and stronger than girls, I wanted to twist his stupid little head off of his shoulders, I mean, he's annoyed me ever since he got on this team, and he creeps me out. Especially when he was picking his nose and staring at me.
"Dude, you've got a lot to learn about the real world." Duncan says to Ezekiel after I told him why we all voted for him.
"Killer bass, at camp marshmallows represent a tasty treat that you enjoy roasting by the fire, but at this camp, marshmallows represent life. You've all cast your votes and made your decisions. There are only ten marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers, which means you're out of the contest, and you can't come back Ever." Chris states, and we all just stare at him.
"The first marshmallow of the night goes to Geoff." He says, and Geoff runs to Chris and grabs his marshmallow.
"Tyler." Chris then says and Chris lets out a victory cheer as he collects his marshmallow.
"Kadie, bridgette, Dj, Harold, Sadie, Duncan." Chris continues and I suddenly stare up at the group.
Why is it now between Ezekiel and I, when there's one marshmallow left.
Suddenly, my heart begins to race, and I think I feel myself sweating.
"Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening.. y/n!" He bursts, and i stand up extremely happy as I collect my marshmallow from him, stabbing my marshmallow with my stick as I begin roasting it over the fire.
I wake up and rub my eyes, letting out a small groan as I roll over, falling off of the top bunk with a large thud, waking up basically all the girls who weren't already awake from the foghorn.
"Are you alright!?" Bridgette yells, and I sit up and shoot her a thumbs up.
"I forgot I wasn't at home. My beds a lot bigger than that, and it's closer to the floor." I tell her as we both let out small laughs, before Eva clears her throat.
"Are you sure you're okay? You bumped your head pretty hard." She states and I turn to her with a large smile.
"I'm sure I'm fine, I fall so much I'm really Clumsy." I say before Chris screams for everyone to hurry up and get out, so I quickly scramble to get changed before we all line up outside, and I speed walk to Gwen were I stand next to her.
"I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute." Chris yells, a little too enthusiastically, and Owen quickly panics.
"Oh, excuse me, I don't think that's enough time to eat breakfast." He says as she shakes his head, and chris sort of nods as if it was the whole point of this.
"Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen. Right after you complete your twenty kilometre, run around the lake!" He yells, and Eva's eyebrows furrow as she lunges at Chris trying to hit him, but Duncan holds her back.
"Oh, so you're funny now!? You know what i think would be funny?" She exclaims.
"Eva, calm down it won't be that bad." I call to her.
Don't get me wrong, I like Eva, but her temper scares me so badly, and I've only known her for a week, but she is nice when she wants to be.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Eva quizzes Chris, and he looks at us all with a smug expression as he points to his watch.
"A little.. you have about thirty seconds." He then says, and Eva's brows furrow as she tries to lunge at him again, but duncans grip on her is too strong.
When the run begins, I suddenly realise how warm it is, and I'm really not in the mood to run, like don't get me wrong, I enjoy running and I'm good at it, but not when it's extremely warm and I'm just up but I walk beside Gwen to begin with, and we both laugh at how other people are running as if they're being chased by a mad psycho serial killer and I tell her about my fall earlier.
"Pick up the pace people, if you're not back for dinner tonight, you don't get to eat!" Chris exclaims as he drives past us on a scooter, and gwen and I both look at each other before we take off in a sprint.
I'm really happy I signed up for Total Drama Island because i met gwen, and I've not had a friend like her ever, I hope we'll still stay in touch once the shows ended.
Gwen and i make it back to the cabin shortly after, and burst in the door panting and almost falling too our knees out of exhaustion.
"Sorry Chris, I think you've mistaken yourself for my P.E. teacher." I growl as I go and sit at the table with people from my team, and Chris lets out a small laugh.
"I could have more than one career." He jokes and I let out a small laugh.
"Is one of them being a major pain?" I quiz and his laughing stops as he just shakes his head at me, but he smiles anyways.
"Clear a table now!" Owen screams as he barges into the cabin and drops noah on it, quickly giving him cpr as gwen stares. I'm shocked, leshawna walking in close behind.
"Where were you, Harold!? We lost!" I scream, and he just shakes me away before gwen lets out a squeal.
"Wait a minute if they lost.. that means we won the challenge!" She yells happily and her full team begins celebrating but Chris quickly shuts them down.
"Woah there, hold your horses, guys. That wasn't the challenge." Chris denies and I stare at him with pure anger, are you seriously telling me I just sprinted for nothing?
"What did you just say?" Gwen gasps, taking the words right out my mouth as I slam my head down on the table extremely outraged.
"Who's hungry!?" Chris yells and as I sit up I see a large table full of all sorts of foods, and usually I'm a picky eater but after I've ate the shit that chefs been making, I'm not so picky anymore.
I stand up and happily run to the table, staring down at all the food, and instantly we all begin eating, nobody caring about the usual table manners we'd normally have, and once we've ate the full table, I can practically feel a full food baby growing inside of me.
"Okay, campers, time for part two of your challenge." Chris yells through a megaphone.
"I thought eating was the second part." Owen gasps.
"What more do you want from us?" Gwen also gasps and Heather nods in agreement.
"Weird goth girl is right, haven't we been through enough?" Heather exclaims and I glare at her for insulting gwen.
"Uhm, let me think about that. No!" Chris screams through the megaphone.
"It's time for the awake-a-thon!" He yells, and I stare at him and gasp. He's just made us run and then eat ourselves to the brink of explosion, and now he's going to make us stay awake.
"The what-a-thon?" Owen asks confused and I turn my head to him, how stupid can one person be.
"Don't worry, this is an easy one. The team with the last camper standing wins invincibility." He announces, and I groan, I am not surviving this one.
"So, what you're saying was the 20k run and the turkey eating frenzy were part of your evil plan to stop us from staying awake?" Gwen asks and chris nods.
"That's right gwen!" He exclaims with an evil smile.
"Move move move!" He then yells, and we all leave the cabin, gwen grabbing me as trent approaches her.
"So, how long do you think it'll be before everyone's out cold?" He asks, but he's mainly asking gwen.
"About an hour give or take." She answers but as Owen walks past us I shake my head.
"Probably less." I say as we walk out the door.
It's been eleven hours, and everyone's still up, but it's clear we're all tired due to the dark eyebags we've all grown to get, but the thing is I'm not even that tired to be honest, but the tiredness kicks in once Owen passes out from lack of sleep, and I instantly realise I am extremely tired.
"This is so boring." I sigh to Duncan who is now somehow sitting beside me, although minutes ago he was nowhere to he seen.
"Atleast the fun people are still awake." He says with a slight nudge to my shoulder earning a small smile from me.
"This has to be some sort of illegal." I then say to Duncan and he just shrugs.
"I mean, we did agree to doing weird stuff like this, plus I've done worse and gotten away with it, so im sure they can too." He tells me, and I cross my arms.
"I wish I could go back in time to tell myself not to do it." I groan, and Duncan nods in agreement as I turn to look at him, and he lets out a small chuckle.
"Heard you fall earlier." He coos and I roll my eyes.
"Yeah, from the top bunk while I was still half asleep." I add, and he raises an eyebrow.
I'm assuming we've almost been up for 24 hours now, and I've came to the conclusion that if I walk around then I can't fall asleep, I mean I'm keeping my brain occupied aren't I?
"Y/n, you have to sit down. You're going to end up killing yourself." Duncan calls and I shrug him off.
"At least i'll die active." I argue, and he just rolls his eyes as he continues to watch me walk around.
Looking back, I totally regret walking around. It made me so much more exhausted, but I didn't want to fall asleep, not yet atleast I don't want to be one of the first people out.
Bridgette, izzy, noah, Sadie, Harold, and kadie are all all sleeping now, and honestly, I'm extremely jealous, but no way am I falling asleep on national TV.
"Congratulations, campers, you've made it to the twenty four hour mark, time to take things up a notch, fairytales." Chris yells as chef walks in wearing a lamb costume whilst carrying a harp, and i know this won't be good, so I begin jogging on the spot, trying to do anything that'll help me stay awake because at this point I'm desperate.
As Chris begins to read the fairy tales in his monotone voice, chef starts playing the harp, and I can't help but let out a small laugh to myself at how insane he looks.
Tyler and Geoff almost instantly fall asleep, and I panic, i have to stay awake otherwise my team will lose, and I do not want to vote another player out.
We very slowly hit the forty hour mark and I find myself back next to Duncan, and we both try to spark up a little conversation.
"The first day when you said 'nice piercings' to me, were you saying it to be mean? Not that I care or anything, I just want to know." Duncan asks as we move to sit on the floor facing each other.
"No, I meant it. They're cool. I wish I was brave enough to pull something like that off." I tell him with a genuine smile, and he shrugs.
"I mean, you never know unless you try, right?" He asks, and I shrug, I suppose he's right.
"My parents would never, they'd kill me." I gasp and he laughs.
"That's one of the reasons why I did it." Duncan tells me, and I laugh and stare at him.
"Oh, big Mr. criminal rebels against his parents." I joke as I rub my eyes, trying my hardest to stay awake now that I'm talking to Duncan.
"Give me a break." He groans, but I can't help but see the smile he's trying his hardest to conceal.
"So, how's life for you outside the island?" Duncan then asks desperately, trying to keep the conversation going as it's keeping us both up.
"Well, I go to school during the day and at weekends I work at a small coffee shop near my house." I answer and he scoffs.
"God. Do you actually care about your education?" He asks, as if it was even a question, and I let out a small laugh.
"I mean, it probably sounds boring or whatever, but I want to be a history teacher when I leave school, I love history." I tell him and he rolls his eyes so I gasp.
"Oh come on, then Mr Big hard criminal, what do you want to be when you grow up?" I ask, and he raises his eyebrows.
"A professional criminal." He answers, and I can't really tell if he's joking or not.
"Nope. Now you can't be one because you've just ruined your plans on national TV, I wouldn't be surprised if you're whisked away back to juvy after saying that." I tell him with a joking laugh which he returns.
"Wouldn't be the first time." He tells me and I stare at him confused, suddenly now extremely intrigued.
"What've you gone to Juvie for?" I question, and he smiles at the fact I'm actually interested.
"Fights, vandalism, petty theft, just the boring stuff, you know?" He asks with a small chuckle.
"You act as if going to Juvie is an everyday thing." I say with a horrified look before he starts a different conversation.
"Why did you sign up for Total Drama?" He asks me and I think for a second.
"I mean, for the experience, I suppose, I don't really do stuff like this and to make friends on the show, I guess. I don't have many friends back at home. What about you?" I respond and he nods.
"To get out of juvie, also for the money, but then again I'm not guaranteed to win anyway am I?" He answers, and I nod. He has a fair point. Whoever wins is completely luck based, apart from challenges anyway.
But my attention is grabbed when Owen walks past us butt naked, and we both let out large laughs, and I'm surprised it didn't wake the other already sleeping contestants up.
"Even when you're dying of exhaustion, you're still pretty." Duncan says to me and I look at him as I begin blushing with a small smile on my face, but I say nothing and look away trying to hide my blush.
"You've got a boyfriend back at home, don't you? Sorry." Duncan quickly says, and i shake my head as I turn to him.
"No, I don't, I just don't handle compliments well, plus you're not too bad yourself." I reassure you, and he nods as he begins smiling again.
We eventually hit the fifty-one hour mark when everyone looks at Justin, who's just been staring out into the forest, unmoving for the past probably, fifty hours, I'd say.
But when gwen pokes his face and his actual eyes open, revealling that he painted his eyes on I let out a horrific gasp.
"Holy shit." I gasp to myself.
"His eyelids are painted, I saw it!" Eva screams, and everyone turns to Justin as chris begins to walk over to investigate, but he's still out although it was impressive.
We finally hit the eighty five hour mark, and honestly, i know duncan inside out, i could answer any question about him. it's insane, and that's when Duncan leans close to my ear as he points to Harold.
"Do you want to see something funny?" He whispers and I nod and Duncan quickly slips away before he comes back with a cup of water and places Harold's hand in it, instantly making him pee himself I snort with laughter as I slap a hand over my mouth trying to quiet myself.
"You're so sad!" I whisper yell to Duncan through my laughter.
Heather, gwen, Trent, Duncan Eva, and I are the only ones left, and I hope they all fall asleep soon so I can finally shut my eyes.
"Alright, you six stay with me. The rest of you go get a shower for heavens sake you stinK!" Chris yells to everyone who's now eliminated.
"I didn't want it to come to this, I said that to Chef Hatchet last night, I said 'chef, I don't want it to come to this!' But darn it, these campers are tough, so I've come up with the most boring, sleep inducing activity I can find." Chris yells and I furrow my eyebrows.
Honestly. What can be more boring than sitting awake for eighty five hours straight with hardly anything to do apart from talk to Duncan and gwen, and as much as I wasn't complaining, I was going to kill the other contestants just so I could sleep, I mean seriously how is it possible we all stayed up for that long? But I don't mind staying up with Duncan. He's really nice once you get to know him. I think I like him a little.
"The history of Canada, a pop-up book. Chapter one, the beaver and a real fine hat." Chris says putting on the same monotone voice from earlier as he pulls out the book, opening it up and I let out a massive sigh as I go to throw my hands up outraged, I realise Duncan and I are sitting as if we're glued shoulder to shoulder together and I find myself blushing.
Eighty six hours in now, Chris is still reading, Eva and Heather are asleep now so it's just two remaining from each team.
As chris continued to groan on with that silly monotone voice, I was due standing up and ripping that silly book from his hands and beating him to death with it.
Gwens pov 😜
As trent falls asleep, I look towards y/n and Duncan to see how my competition is holding up, and that's when I watch y/n fall asleep, her head landing on duncans shoulder as he turns bright red clearly oblivious on what to do, and he stays like that for a solid ten minutes until Chris closes the book.
"Bathroom break, any takers?" He asks and I watch as duncans leg bounces up and down as he clearly needs the toilet.
"I've held it this long, sweetheart, I could go all day." He scoffs to me and I raise my eyebrows as I stand up.
"Yeah, but can you hold it for another ten chapters?" I coo, and his face goes ghostly white, and he goes to jump up, but y/n let's out a small tired groan, and he looks at me.
"Gwen, swap places with me, we can switch back once I'm done." He begs and I nod my head as we carefully switch places, me being careful not to wakeup y/n, but chef comes quickly to pick her up and take her to her cabin so she can sleep on her bed for a little while.
Back to ur pov
When I wake up, i only hear Eva screaming and throwing things around in our cabin, but I'm too tired to care so I instantly fall back asleep, being awake for eightysix hours changes you I swear.
As I sit next to Duncan at the bonfire falling in and out of sleep, he has to shake me to make sure I stay awake from time to time, and each time I open my eyes to his extremely tired smile, but I think its cute that he's still trying for me, could Duncan like me back?
I know it's insane that I've now got a crush on Duncan when I've only known him for a week, but after spending eighty six hours talking to him straight, it changed my perspective on him, he's sweet.
I'm not even listening to what Chris has to say, really. I'm too tired, I'm only listening for my name, which is said third, so I happily stand up and grab my marshmallow, sticking it on my stick as I hold it over the fire till its a perfect golden shade, and I blow on it for a few seconds and begin eating it, letting out a small gasp when I realised I did it perfectly, and as much as I'm sad that Eva was voted out anyway, I'm kinda glad. Her temper was too much for me.
"I definitely do like Duncan, I think he's really nice to me anyway, and that's all that matters, right? But he can't like me. He's probably just acting like this with me, so I fall into a fake alliance like what Heather is doing with Lindsay and Beth. It's cruel but smart." I say to the camera in the confession booth toilet thing, I'm still not too sure what it even is at this point, before I rake my mind trying to think of what else to say, but there's nothing really, so I open the door and climb out, walking straight Into Duncan.
"Woah there, princess, watch your step." He coos as he places his hand on my shoulders.
"Watch where you're standing." I coo back as I motion to how he's right infront of the door.
"Maybe I wanted to hear what you were saying." He says, and I feel my face drop. He's joking, right? He has to be joking.
"It's meant to be confidential!" I gasp as I stare at him.
"Confidential, but you're saying it to a camera which broadcasts it to live TV? Cmon y/n I thought you were smarter than this, you want to be a history teacher!" Duncan argues and I roll my eyes but I can't help but smile at him.
"It's not an act, by the way." He says as he grabs my chin with two fingers and forces it up to look at him, and I turn bright red before he lets go and begins climbing in our make do confession booth.
"I'll see you at dinner, princess." He then coos as he slams the door, and I stand and stare at the door for a minute. Surely this isn't happening.
As I walk back to the cabins, I see gwen walking over to me with a large smile on her face as I approach her and I quickly grab her wrist and drag her into a area only slightly into the forest, but its far away from everyone so nobody can hear, and I let it all spill, everything.
"Wait, so Duncan heard you confessing you like him, and now he's flirting with you?" She asks with a small laugh and I shrug.
"I don't know if I could say it was flirting.. more like teasing?" I answer and she shakes her head.
"Y/n, come on, how blind are you? He's so into you." She says as she grabs my shoulders and shakes them violently, shaking up my brains, but we both laugh anyway.
"So what should I do about it?" I then ask, and she smirks.
"At dinner, ignore him. Come sit with trent, and I, make him talk to you." She states and I nod slowly taking all this in.
And at dinner I do exactly that, I sit next to gwen, trent sitting directly infront of us as we eat chefs food, and honestly I've grown to like it and I'll definitely miss it when I have to go home, but I think I'm going to miss everything about the camp, even maybe Chris and Heather. Maybe.
All throughout dinner, I can feel duncans eyes on me, and gwen confirms it when she nudges me.
"God y/n, I'm surprised your head hasn't exploded with the way he's staring at you." She whispers and I smile and look up at Duncan, who continues to stare at me even now that I've noticed his staring, and he doesn't even look embarrassed that he's been caught and instead he just waves and I wave back, and gwen motions for him to come sit with us and honestly he flies off of the table he's sitting at and practically runs towards our table taking the seat infront of me.
"I couldn't handle another minute of Sadie and kadie talking." He groans, and I smile.
"Yeah? Try sharing a bedroom with them all night they sit and giggle about best friend stuff." I say, furrowing my eyebrows, and gwen nudges me.
"If we're ever invited back once this season is over, we should beg Chris to let us on the same team so we can do that." She gasps and I widen my eyes at her as I nod.
"Yeah, smart idea." I agree and Duncan and trent both shake their heads.
"Please don't." They both beg in usion and gwen, and I let out small laughs.
Once dinners over, we all decide to walk to the firepit, seeing as we don't see anyone walking in that direction, and once we get there, Duncan grabs my hand.
"You guys wouldn't mind if I borrowed y/n for a moment?" Duncan asks, but he doesn't even wait for an answer as he drags me down to the bottom of the dock of shame where he stands infront of me, and I can't help but imagine how many people are watching this right now, but I mean it's not really my main concern at this exact moment of time.
"I do actually like you, and I know it's hard to believe seeing the sort of situation we're in right now, but I really do." Duncan quietly tells me, his big Mr criminal ego suddenly dissapeared.
"Well, you listened to my time with the camera so you know I like you too." I tell him as i shake my head.
"No, but y/n, I mean I like you, like no matter what happens on this island, I want to leave it being in a relationship with you." He continues and I just laugh.
"Duncan?" I ask.
"What?" He replies.
"Shut up." I say with a small laugh before I lean up and kiss him.
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starhvney · 30 days
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: blaze, garroth, gene, laurance
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: your friend group has a certain game they like to play at your co-ed sleepovers–one that was exhilarating and full of tension. naturally, what’s a girl to do but use her wits and charm to win over the heart of the boy she’s playing with? and what if he’s the one pulling the strings all along?
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: teens being teens, fluff and flirtyness, kissing and cooties! it’s implied that they’re dating the reader or at least have mutual crushes
𝐂𝐖: use of fake knives and nerf guns lol
𝐀/𝐍: erm..umm…hehe? bites lip
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𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐫. 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞.
“hey blaze, wanna go see something cool?” you ask suddenly, tilting your head and batting your eyelashes up at the tall werewolf.
he purses his lips, black ears twitching against his dark red curls. a suspicious hum leaves his lips for a moment as the rest of the group warily watches on.
“okay!” he goofily smiles, shrugging and following after you towards the house’s basement door.
“blaze… don’t fall for it.”
“but she’s such a trustworthy person!” he protests against the group’s warnings, beginning to follow you down the dim staircase.
you hold back a snort at his enthusiastic voice, wondering if he was playing up on his usual airheaded tendencies or if he really thought you weren’t going to kill him off from the game down here.
“the basement, definitely super romantic and cool and not suspicious at all!”
he definitely knew. you giggle as you make it to the end of the staircase, standing at the bottom as you awkwardly try to think of what you want to “show him” besides the plastic knife in your pocket.
“your laugh is usually cute, but when it’s so mischievous and in a dark basement it’s kind of creepy,” he shivers, backing up towards the stairs again. “actually… i just remembered i need to do something!”
“wait! you said i’m cute, right?” you snatch onto his flannel, dragging him back towards you—or rather dragging yourself towards his much heavier and unmoving body.
“um… wanna… make out?”
“yeah!” he switches back to his himbo cheerfulness, very eagerly leaning down and pressing his lips against yours.
you indulge him for a moment, before your puckered lips spread into an evil smile and you’re pressing the plastic knife into his abs. a disappointed sigh leaves his lips as he dramatically sinks down to the floor to play dead.
“not cool, you’re gonna leave me in the spooky basement?” he pouts, his fluffy tail laying flat on the ground.
“you’ll be fine,” you giggle, pressing one last kiss to his forehead and happily skipping up the stairs to finish the round. “see you later!”
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬. 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐞!
“where is everyone…?” you trail, feeling uneasy as you look for all of the friends you were separated from. 
your search is interrupted when you hear footsteps rapidly approaching you across the grass of the backyard. 
despite knowing this was a silly game with friends, turning to see a six foot three beast of a werewolf sprinting at you with a plastic knife in hand was still a terrifying visual. you couldn’t help the terrified yelp that left your lips as you sprinted away from him, knowing your efforts were futile.
you’re caught up to within barely a few seconds, strong arms nearly crushing you as he scoops you up. a squeal leaves your lips as you cling onto his shirt, feeling your feet leave the ground.
“wait! wait!” you screech, heart racing as you catch your breath.
“nuh-uh,” he laughs.
you groan when you feel the knife firmly placed against your back, limply dangling in blaze’s arms.
“caught you.”
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𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐫. 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞.
your arms boldly slink around garroth’s shoulders as you lean onto him from behind where he sat, your face snuggling up to the side of his cheek.
automatically he tenses up, eyelids narrowing as his vision darts over to you from the side of his eye. he mutters your name suspiciously, but one of his hands comes up to softly grab onto one of your arms.
“hey, garroth,” you whisper into his ear, holding back the amused giggle that fights to escape your lips. “i was just wishing a tall, hot blonde guy would go into the closet to make out with me…”
garroth sighs, his ears turning a bright red where your breath ghosted along the skin.
“you said that last time, and i died.”
you can tell he’s trying to make his voice monotonous and unimpressed, but the amused intonation at the end of his sentence tells another story. your chest presses against his back, and the breathy, mischievous laughter that exhales from your lungs shakes the both of you.
“no, i’m for real this time!”
“oh yeah, that sounds perfect,” he sarcastically quips back. “i’ll go with the girl trying to seduce me into the closet with no witnesses.”
“garroth… would i ever betray you in such a way?”
“you just did a couple rounds ago.”
“yeahhh,” you drawl out, placing a kiss on his cheek as you quickly place the knife over his heart and press down. “sorry.”
he sighs, slumping forward on the table to play dead.
“so cruel and heartless,” he jokingly pouts, and you have to restrain yourself from placing another kiss on his jutted lower lip.
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬. 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐞!
“garroth, i’m sorry. why don’t we hug it out?” you suggest, arms spread wide as you look up at the blonde expectantly.
he rolls his eyes, leaning down and tightly wrapping his arms around you. after a moment you pay his back, expecting to be let go, but realization hits you as it’s his turn to giggle at you. 
the light rumbling of his laughter vibrates against you, before you feel the plastic knife pressing right up against the small of your back.
you groan, going limp in his arms and leaning your head back as you sigh in light hearted annoyance.
“wowwww, okay.”
he continues to laugh, leaning over and letting you slink down to the floor before gently letting you rest on the ground.
“sorry,” he smiles, looking the least bit sorry before leaning down and placing a kiss against your lips.
“i’m so gonna haunt you.”
“i wouldn’t mind a pretty ghost following me around,” he smiles back, before getting back up and running off to finish his job.
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𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐫. 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞.
“gene, wanna go make out?” you casually ask, smiling at the older boy cheekily and attempting to ignore the attractive look he stares back at you with.
his head falls back and he rolls his eyes, smirk plastered on his lips as he sighs in contemplation from where he sat.
“see, how am i supposed to refuse when you ask like that, though?”
“like what?” you tilt your head innocently, lacing your hands behind your back.
he pointedly stares at you through hooded eyes, before stretching up from his seat and shoving his hands in his pockets.
“alright, where are we going to make out?”
you shrug and guide him out of the house, passing a few people as you go.
“where are you two going?”
“to make out, apparently.”
“don’t tell me you’re falling for that.”
“it’ll be fine,” gene drawls, waving his hand as the two of you exit the house. “i have a feeling on how this is gonna end, but i’ll take my chances.”
“well, whoever’s the cop—be ready when she comes back alone,” you hear someone say as the door shuts behind you. 
you only take a few steps before turning around, pointing the knife at him with a small innocent smile on your face.
“damn, not even gonna give me a small chance at a kiss before you kill me?”
“so sorry,” you apologize emptily, the cheeky smile on your lips leaving when he leans forward into the knife, grabbing your face and devouring your lips for a moment with his own.
you blink at him in shock as he pretends to cough in pain, keeping forward into the ground and rolling onto his back to play dead.
“it’s alright, you will be later,” he smirks back, laying flat on the ground and staring up at the stars.
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐜𝐨𝐩. 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞!
finally! you found where your friends had been all round… only to see that they were all sprawled out on the floor, motionless. you take a cautious step into the room, slowly turning your head to the tall form standing in your peripheral.
you hear a few snickers from the ground as you and gene stare at each other, with your hands on your hips.
“well, it’s just us, huh?”
you don’t have enough time or a chance to pull out the gun, instead having to run away down the hall and through the back doors as he suddenly sprints after you.
“nooo! nonono, gene!” you call out, fumbling for the gun in your pocket as you run through the grass.
“why are you running?” he asks, the amused smile on his lips heard through his voice without even having to glance back. “don’t run from me.”
you point the gun back, shooting and missing the boy entirely, wasting your last bullet. one more stride and he catches up to you, knocking the gun out of your hand and restraining you against him with one arm in a single swoop. 
“wait! don’t!” you frantically scramble as he presses the knife up against your chest. “i will… um!”
“mhmmm…” he tauntingly hums, letting you continue.
“…go out? …with you?”
you whine as he presses the knife down against your chest, slumping over as he hunches over and slowly lets you down to the ground. deep laughter leaves his lips as he looks down at your pout, hands on his knees in amusement. 
“sorry, that’s not a good deal if you already do that, doll.”
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𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐫. 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞.
“laurance, follow me,” you tug on his shirt, backing up as you try to lure him out of the room.
“i’m not falling for that, silly girl,” he leans down towards you, smirk plastered on his face. “where’s everyone else you walked off with, then. hm?”
“falling for what?” you follow him as he starts backing away from you and towards the door. “i just love you so much. i wanna show you!”
“uh-huh, right,” he nods, before turning and taking off outside into the cool night air.
“laurance! wait, let me show you!” you laugh hysterically. “i wanna show you how much i love you!”
“get away!” he laughs, using his soccer skills to dodge and run away from you in the grass.
you manage to catch him, jumping onto his back and using the momentum to tackle the both of you down to the soft grass. your legs straddle his torso as you both catch your breath, chests panting for air.
“now it’s just us…” you trail, dragging your index finger across his lower lip. 
you pull on it before leaning down and pressing a kiss to his lips, simultaneously plunging the fake knife against his chest.
“that was both terrifying and hot at the same time,” he breathes with a smug grin.
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞: 𝐜𝐨𝐩. 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞!
“come on, you don’t trust me?” laurance tilts his head, pouting as you indecisively point your gun back and forth between him and katelyn—the rest of your friends laid out on the ground. “ouch, that hurts.”
katelyn stares at you with a deadpan expression. her and laurance have their arms raised in the air in surrender, leaving you as the one to make the game-settling decision.
“don’t let him woo you, you’re better than this—“
“she went off with aphmau alone and now aphmau is dead!” laurance insists, leaning forward towards you. “it’s obviously her, be smart. you’re smart.”
“um… i’m sorry katelyn!” you apologize, sending a bullet out toward katelyn’s stomach.
she laughs with a groan as she sinks to the ground. you come to the realization that you, in fact, made the wrong decision when nobody else gets up, leaving you and laurance at a standstill.
“…i’m out of bullets.”
“you better run…” someone mutters with a snort on the ground.
strings of shouts and scared curses leave your lips as you take off down the hallway, searching for any bullets to use now that you’ve cornered yourself at one end of the house.
“oh no!” you yelp, socks sliding as you land against a wall, laurance’s hands trapping you in before you can scramble anywhere else.
“hey,” he jokingly bites his lip, staring at you with faux seduction.
you sigh dramatically. “just kill me.”
he giggles, stabbing you with the knife before placing a kiss against your cheek.
“hey, it’s not your fault my charm works so well—“
“shut up.”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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fandomwritingbit · 11 months
Masterlist: William Afton
all fics are marked accordingly, read warnings cos you're responsible for what you read x
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Convicted serial killer William is interviewed by a (fem) law enforcement reader.
Part one (violence, suggestive)
Part two (violence, smut)
Part three (dub con smut, violence, injury detail)
William discovers something that exposes a deliciously dark side of one of his sweet, unassuming waitresses. Something so tasty he couldn't possibly keep it to himself.
Part one [request] (murder, nsfw themes)
Stalker William kidnaps (fem) reader.
Stalking You part one (violence, kidnapping, smut)
Stalking You part two (suggestive, violence)
(Gn) reader becomes obsessed with William.
Stalking William part one (stalking, obsessive behaviour)
Stalking William part two (smut)
My first ever William fic. A miscommunication sees (fem) reader meeting her friend Michael's dad for the first time.
Part one (smut)
Part two (smut)
Henry catches William railing (fem) reader in his office but instead of being angry he's horny.
Part one (smut, voyeurism)
Part two (smut, william x reader x henry)
A oneshot gone rouge, (fem) reader leaves a scarf at work and William finding it only fuels his growing obsession for her.
Part one: Scarf (smut, pervert William)
Part two: Lost property (suggestive themes)
Part three: Returned (smut, suggestive, pervert Will)
Sweet girl - ONGOING
William is a new neighbour on (fem)reader's street, he soon becomes friends with her fathers just to get his hands on her.
Part one (smut, creepy behaviour, virgin reader)
Part two (smut, virgin reader, power dynamic)
Part three (smut, virgin reader)
Part four (smut, virgin reader, exhibitionism)
Part five (smut, virgin reader masturbation)
Part six (smut, virginity taking, public sex)
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one offs:
What a way to make a living (smut)
part two (fluff)
William gives (fem) employee reader a bonus.
Tying William up (smut, bondage)
(Gn) reader get's William tied up.
Ex-teacher William (suggestive)
(Fem) reader bumps into her old teacher and decides to help him send a message to his wife.
It can wait (smut)
William goes over some books for (fem) reader's mum, fun ensues.
You could try (smut, sub/dom, bondage, knife)
(Gn) reader thinks they have William truly dom-ed, turns out not so much
A last minute shift (smut/masturbation)
(Fem) reader enjoys a phone call with her boss too much.
The bed (suggestive)
(Gn) reader is a cleaner for the Afton family, William catches them in a compromising position making his bed.
Let us in then (smut)
William comes round (fem) reader's house with a clear ulterior motive.
"What are you wearing?" (smut, public masturbation)
(Fem) reader has a dirty phone call with William at work.
We're all going on a summer holiday (smut, predator/prey dynamic)
(Fem) reader goes on a family holiday with her overbearing parents and William and his three kids.
Catching him in the Act (murder, violence, threat)
(Fem) reader is in the wrong place at the wrong time and sees something they shouldn't, making them a problem William has to solve.
Babysitter (smut, non/dub con, somnophilia)
(Fem) reader spends the night at William's after looking after the kids, and the sight of her sleeping is too tempting to refuse.
Curious (smut, non con, violence/murder)
(Fem) reader is tasked with researching the 'missing children's incident' and has no idea just how dangerous that will be.
Spent (smut, no plot)
(Fem) reader and Will getting down and dirty.
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Have a knife day (smut, knife)
William and (gn) reader partaking in some knife play.
Show me the ropes (smut, lots of alcohol)
Bartender William serving a (fem) reader who's a novice at drinking, she gets so mortal she ends up staying the night.
Babysitting (suggestive)
(Fem) reader babysitting for William.
Revision with rizz (smut)
(Gn) reader is struggling with exam revision, neighbour William comes over to 'help'.
"Stupid fucking whore" (smut, degradation)
(Fem) reader being taught a lesson by her boss.
"Little bunny" (smut, rough sex, praise)
William praising his little bunny (fem reader) during rough sex.
Stuck in a lift (smut lite)
(Gn) reader gets stuck in a lift with a very flirty stranger.
William comforting you after a bad day at work (fluff)
Does what it says on the tin, William is surprisingly nice to (fem) reader.
Spring art festival (fluff, suggestive)
(Gn) art teacher reader recruits William to help out at the art festival despite Michael's protest.
Clever arse (fluff)
Smart (fem) reader showing off in front of William.
Noise complaint (smut)
(Fem) reader is woken repeatedly by a noise so eventually goes to find the source, a drunk and very handsome man.
Cockwarming while Will works (smut)
(Fem) reader cockwarming William whilst he works.
Brat-taming (smut headcannons)
How William would make a bratty (fem) reader submit.
Brat-taming again (smut, spanking)
(Gn) reader being punished for being a brat.
Forgive Me, Father (smut, religion)
(Fem) reader flees to a church in the middle of the night and ends up colliding with priest William.
Blackmail (smut, blackmail)
(Fem) reader kills someone in self defence and is caught by William, he seizes the opportunity.
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Hallowe'en 2023
What if William could sing? (sfw, but swearing)
Anglicisms and William
Songs that scream William to me
Choose your own adventure (smut)
(Fem) reader wants to hook up, take your pick between William, Michael and Henry Emily
He tastes like... (fluff)
No reader just thoughts about what it would taste like to kiss Michael, William and Henry.
Springtrap req - No one is looking, right? (smut)
(Gn) reader is caught masturbating at work.
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silverjirachi · 2 months
How were you a cult leader for a week?
Okay so this is going to be a looooonnnggg story and I never even really sat back and thought about how batshit insane it was until I started talking about it with other people. Which is more recently than you'd expect for the fact that it took place over ten years ago. But back then I also didn't have the life experience to see how.. weird and creepy it was until well, well afterwards.
Another thing that contributed to the fact that I never really thought or spoke about it because that was actually a core tenant of the program. If you talk about it, you're ruining the "sacredness" of the experience if someone else might go through it. So you gotta keep it secret so it's not spoiled for them. Which was a way bigger deal at my school than it now is like, out in the wild. And when I said that first part out loud "So like, oh! I'm not actually supposed to talk about this, BUT" I realized this was some cult shit.
Like I said, long story so I'm gonna put it under a cut for people who wanna read.
Alright so. This story begins at my co-ed Catholic high school. Each year as part of our like, religious enrichment, we went on "retreats" or missions to different areas locally. Freshmen didn't have one, though their was like 1 day of service out in the community. (We went to a retirement home and passed out valentine's cards all day if memory serves).
Sophomores and Juniors got to participate in the more coveted, multiple-day religious retreats that were school-sponsored excuses to get out of school. And they were mandatory, even if you were not Catholic.
What's important to know about these retreats is that they were FAMOUS at our school. They were surrounded with so much mystique, hype, and infamy. People spread rumors about them. People spread lies about them. People spread gossip about who did what with such and such during these retreats. One common, straight-faced lie that almost ALL seniors told about the Senior Retreat was that you all "got naked and danced around a fire" (this will be relevant later). The Naked Fire Dance was like a schoolwide JOKE about this very famous, very infamous senior retreat called Kairos.
What added to this hype, particularly around Kairos, is that once you completed it, you got this special (though rather plain-looking) cross that was given out at the end of the retreat. ALL the seniors who had been through Kairos wore them, EVERY DAY, and groups of students were taken on retreats in groups of 40-50, so not the whole class got them at once. It was like a gradual progression watching these crosses appear around peoples' necks. And like, they got to miss ALMOST A FULL WEEK OF SCHOOL. Come on now. That's amazing.
I actually broke down crying when my own Kairos cross broke during band practice and my percussion instructor fixed it for me. That's how important these things were, both as an emotional AND a status symbol. Wearing a Kairos cross was on an equal level with having a class ring - if you wore one, you had MADE IT.
So I was naturally STOKED when I discovered I was selected to take part in Kairos at the end of my JUNIOR YEAR rather than my senior year. Looking back on it, this absolutely was not random. Kairos retreats were split into different dates for a very particular purpose, and that was to make sure there was always a fresh influx of students to become the next set of "leaders" on these retreats. The first round of Kairos actually began in May or June of the respective class's JUNIOR YEAR so that there would be some classmates to lead the next Kairos that would begin in the proper senior year in the fall. I was selected for this first session because they ABSOLUTELY had already scouted me out as a potential leader and wanted to make sure I had the chance to. I had good grades in religion, participation in church, etc, and kind of had a reputation for it.
Funnily enough, these were all numbered, and I was on Kairos 68. I led Kairos 69, which they changed to Kairos 70. Do the kids these day know? Do they even know their whole numbering system is off because their school refused to allow Kairos 69 to exist?
BUT WHEN ARE WE GETTING TO THE CULT SHIT? Ok. We'll get into the cult shit now.
So the first thing to know about these retreats and therefore also Kairos is that they take place in the middle of the woods. They're at a spiritual retreat center led by some monks about 30-40 minutes away from the school. So you are ISOLATED in what is essentially a large cabin but feels more like a retirement home. Everyone gets their own tiny little room that basically only had a bed, a dresser, and your own sink in it.
They take you into this cabin in the middle of the woods and of course you have to give up all your electronics. Your phone is confiscated from you if they find you have brought it, etc. Not only this, but then you find that they have covered up all the clocks. So you start to develop this immediate sense of restlessness and time blindness because all the clocks are covered with a white sheet and a sign that says "GOD'S TIME." Your entire day structure and even sense of TIME are now at the mercy of the cult leaders, excuse me, I mean student leaders and teacher chaperones on the retreat.
There are no parents here. It's just about fifty 17 to 18 year olds and about 7 teachers. And about 6 student "group leaders" who had a very, very central and important role in the whole event.
What essentially happened was for the next 4 days, we sat in this group conference room at round tables listening to talks and having breakout discussions about Jesus all day. Church in the morning and evening. You got max like, 1, maybe 2 hours of free time after lunch. Literally just living that #monasterylife. But there was something very... particular... about these talks that are things I definitely do not think go down at a monastery.
Each day, a handful of the teachers and student group leaders gave talks surrounded a particular topic or theme of the day. I can't remember all of them, but they'd be things like Piety, and Service, and Charity, and Forgiveness, etc. Christian values. Each talk had a name centered around a particular value. Mine was Piety.
The thing about these talks though, is that they were incredibly, deeply, invasively personal.
Now, I'm going to be upfront and say no one was forced to go up there and spill the deepest darkest secrets of their life. All the student leaders had signed up for this KNOWING they'd be asked to write an incredibly personal sermon on their assigned topic. But there is something addictive about that cult mentality when everyone is getting up on that pulpit oversharing well, you wanna spill your whole life story too. (However, we'll get back to some insider secrets about this later).
TW next paragraphs off-hand but not graphically mentioning suicide, suicidal ideation, self harm and cutting, domestic abuse, etc.
Teachers went up there and talked about their marriages and divorces and how such things brought them closer to God. About how their drunken fathers beat them. Student leaders got up there and gave talks about their suicide attempts or being abused and how being saved from these things brought them closer to god. I learned the intimate ups and downs of my teachers' and fellow classmates' lives in a way I NEVER thought I would and it would all be wrapped up in a little lesson about god. They'd play a little meaningful song of the speaker's choice before and after the sermon to set the scene and help everyone reflect and pray. Mine were Uncharted by Sara Bareilles and The Unwinding Cable Car by Anberlin. Very deep and meaningful stuff to me at age 17.
As the week progresses and the students drink more of the kool-aid, the participant students are even allowed to go up and say a few words too. And I am not kidding when I say each night there would be at least 1-2 confessions of suicidal ideation or suicide attempts, a handful of mentions of cutting or self harm, and a handful of mentions of actively being abused, even in relationships with other students not on the retreat.
No trigger warnings because this was like 2012 and those were only JUST becoming a thing.
Now, looking back on it now as someone who has taught middle and high schoolers, I can only say: WHaT THE HELL? Teachers absolutely were not required to report these confessions, and I think actively were encouraged not to. I know for a fact student leaders were not supposed to report anything. Because it was supposed to be a safe space where people could say anything. To know someone might take action outside that world would violate the sacred trust we were building with one another, and the closeness we were getting to god. People could reach out to someone individually after the retreat, but unlike in a lot of other cases where it would be MANDATORY for an adult to report certain things, no such enforcement here existed. As a teen, that seemed awesome. As an adult who has taught and looked after children now, I am horrified. I know it's a complicated nuanced topic, but holy hell batman.
And as a 17-year-old retreat leader, I felt responsible for my flock. One girl confessed to me about her mom who was being actively abusive, and I, at the tender age of 17, was suddenly put in a position where I felt like I had to do something for her. I'M NOT EQUIPPED TO DEAL WITH THAT!! I'M SEVENTEEN!!! But she confided in me and now I wanna support her in any way I can. I went over to her house several times after that retreat and honestly almost got myself into some horrible, dangerous situations because I felt like I was obligated to because we had shared this soul-baring bond at Kairos. I TOLD NO ONE. I GOT HELP FROM NO ADULT ON THIS.
One of the other biggest events at Kairos was "letters night." This happens on like the second night of the retreat when all 50 teenagers are herded into a dark room lit only by a few candles and sit in silence for a few minutes. We're all sitting there wondering what's going on. Then, all of a sudden, one of our teachers starts reading a letter addressed to someone. At the end of the letter, it's revealed its from a parent or loved one of at student in the room. They're called up to receive their letter and a hug of comfort if they want it, because of course half of us are sobbing at this point. This goes on for all fifty students in the room. Each of us gets a deeply personal letter from our parents or loved ones about our life stories read in front of forty-nine of our other peers. I can't even imagine how this must have felt for someone without loving parents, but they made it work so everyone had a meaningful letter read aloud.
After that LONG, LONG process, we do one final meditation and are led back to our rooms for sleep. It is then we discover BOATLOADS of letters from other students that have been dumped all over our rooms and our beds. Letters of love, encouragement, well-wishes. Confessions of love or admiration. Letters of apology. Truly anything your upperclassmen friends, relatives, or others might want to write about you. The letters night is kept INCREDIBLY secret and is actually one of the reasons I never talked about Kairos. Because, as personal as it is, it was also an incredibly powerful, formative moment for me. It made me feel more loved and more valued as a person who made a difference on this earth than anything else in my life at that point, and I hung on to my Kairos letters for a very long time afterwards. And the not knowing anything, the surprise of it all really contributed to that. It was like getting hit with a truck with nothing but sheer love, especially at a time in my life when I felt worthless and unwanted and was, myself, actively considering suicide. Writing letters to my group members and friends going on Kairos was my favorite part of the whole process.
And then there was. The moment you have all been waiting for. THE NAKED FIRE DANCE.
Now, thankfully, this was not an actual naked fire dance. But the joke was at last revealed. It is called the naked fire dance, because it is at this point that THE STUDENT LEADERS, and ONLY the students leaders, NO TEACHERS, take their small flock back UNSUPERVISED into these small breakout rooms and they have... the naked fire dance. All the lights are off. It's the middle of the night. The small room is lit only with one candle, and everyone sits in a circle as the teenage cult leader starts with a single prayer. Then she opens up the floor. Now all the students, heart to heart, sit around this single candle for the next hour sharing secrets about themselves. Confessing things to each other. It's called the naked fire dance because you "take off your masks" (aka "get naked) in a circle around "a fire" (candle).
Again, this was an incredibly moving and formative experience for me. I was in a group with jocks, cheerleaders, people I'd NEVER interact with normally. And I felt so loved and connected to them. But that's a big component about how cults work. They feel good!!
Then, you all go back for one final group prayer and are released to bed. The next morning is the 4th day where they do some wrapping up, and you find out the whole retreat is structured around Jesus' 3 day death or whatever. And then you, on the 4th day - rise again. You live the fourth!! And you also talk about it to no one. Ever. That is a very important component of Living the 4th: Don't you dare fucking talk about it.
You go back to the school on a bus for your parents to pick you up and you are led into the chapel for one "final prayer" it's then that you are stampeded at down the hallway by all the other students who have already been through Kairos. That was also very special, like the letters moment. Just a WALL of over a hundred other teenagers running straight for you screaming. My boyfriend was there and picked me up and spun me around it was really sweet and nice. Trainwreck of love.
Every night after we'd send the students to bed, all the teachers and student leaders would convene in this other, side cabin like a high council. It was there that we'd review how the day went, how our breakout and small group discussions went, things we were observing in our flock student group, things we wanted advice and guidance on, etc. They were nice meetings. We'd have snacks. It'd be fun etc.
"Oh yeah I think letters night tomorrow is gonna break Chris enough to open up at the naked fire dance."
"Kelsey is SO CLOSE to getting there I think she'll break through tomorrow morning."
"Yeah I think Ryan just needs his space but I can tell he'll come around so we'll not push we'll just gently continue to offer."
And again, never even thought that was weird or culty until now. Just thought I was helping my fellow students get the most out of Kairos. And you're not supposed to talk about Kairos, btw.
Anyways. TL;DR it was a really great experience for me and taught me a lot about empathy for others and self love, however there were definitely more than a few ethical violations and things that now raise a number of concerns for me as an adult that I think will never get fully addressed.
And that's how I helped to lead a cult for a week!
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pelorsdyke · 8 months
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ronancetober - day three: horror movie au [happy death day]
Nancy’s head is throbbing beyond belief, her mouth drier than she’d like, and she can feel an arm draped over her back. She’d never really been a “party girl,” not until the last semester of senior year of high school, when her entire life had exploded.
She’d stopped fucking Steve shortly thereafter, at least, and it’s that that makes her carefully open up one eye to try and assess the situation. As long as she isn’t in his dorm, Nancy can’t find it in herself to care whose goddamn room it is.
It isn’t Steve’s. Small victories.
There’s a few film posters on the walls, a record player balanced carefully on the desk amongst stacks of books and papers, and Nancy examines it all from her spot on the bed. There’s something familiar about it, but for the life of her, she can’t place what it is, and it irks her. It’s not until a soft huff sounds behind her that Nancy realizes exactly where she’s landed.
“Nance?” Comes the sleep-heavy voice of Robin Buckley, her philosophy 101 classmate. Nancy takes some relief in the fact that Robin sounds just as confused as she herself feels. Her classmate’s arms are warm and comfortable, a respite from the pain of Nancy’s hangover, but now that’s she more awake and aware, her instincts kick in. Nancy runs.
“Hey,” she says, aware of the placating note in her voice, “I have to get going— early morning and all. See you in class, alright?”
Robin is still blinking up at her when she slams the door behind her.
Her mother is calling— that’s not something Nancy is remotely interested in dealing with at the moment— probably to wish her a happy birthday, but the call will, as usual, quickly devolve into some condescension about how Nancy never calls. She directs it to her voicemail.
Nancy hates her birthday— it’s part of why she’d gotten so wasted last night— and how it always reminds her of spending the day with Barb, back at home. She’s not planning to celebrate at all today, honestly. She’s got no plans, despite the bill of goods she sold Robin as she ducked out. She might as well go distract herself and hang with Jonathan, at least see if that’ll stop her brain from hyperfocusing on her terrible life.
In the end, much as she loves him, spending the day with Jonathan does little to reset Nancy’s bad mood. Instead, she ends up lost in her head for the majority of it all, working herself up despite his best efforts. He offers to have her come back to his dorm, trying to entice her with the offer of a joint he’s stashed in his dresser, but Nancy can’t find it in herself to take him up on it. She tells him to enjoy himself, manages a wry chuckle at his lopsided grin as he assures her he very much will.
There’s something fitting about shuffling home to her own dorm alone, in the dark. The campus is quiet, save for a few sparse groups of tipsy co-eds, and Nancy feels herself finally relax for the first time that day.
And then she hears it: a scream.
Immediately, Nancy breaks out into a run. She’s lost a lot of her own sense of self-preservation, but she’ll be damned if she leaves someone else hanging out to dry.
No one is standing there— or laying there, in the fetal position, or anything— when Nancy rounds the corner. She cautiously takes a few steps further into the darkness, moving toward the sound. “Hello?” She calls, hearing her footsteps echo around the campus’s tunnel. On second look, while there may not be someone there, there’s certainly something— a small ceramic figurine, sitting in a sliver of light. Nancy squints. It’s a birthday party scene.
“Okay, this isn’t funny!” She calls, stepping further into the tunnel. “Steve? Carol? Tommy, this stinks of your shit.”
When she gets close enough, Nancy kneels down before the figure. It’s fucking creepy. Baby-faced figures sit around a cake, party hats pale and pastel in the way only old ceramic can ever be. “Jesus Christ,” she mutters, but as she reaches a finger to touch it, Nancy’s heart jumps to her throat.
There’s someone behind her. She’s certain of it.
She stands, staring down the figure as she turns to face them. They’re masked, a black hoodie covering the majority of their figure, and Nancy feels a small shiver go down her spine. The mask is that stupid fucking baby again, the horrifying mascot of the college.
“I’m not scared,” she says, loud and certain, though there is some private part of her that disagrees. “Whatever this is, some kind of joke or something, it’s not fucking funny or scary or whatever you’re aiming for. Just go home.”
The figure remains still.
“Did Tommy put you up to this?” She asks, falling back on her best guess once more. “Tell him you accomplished your goal, whatever the fuck it was, and leave.”
There’s another beat, and then the figure, as if agreeing with her, disappears around the corner.
Satisfied, Nancy continues her trek through the tunnel, assured no one is actually in danger. She can still feel the hair on the back of her neck standing up, though, and she finds herself turning every few feet, waiting for the baby-faced stranger to come running back into the tunnel. Nothing happens, and it strengthens her resolve some as she reaches the end of the path. A noise catches Nancy by surprise, but as she turns one more time to assess the situation, the only thing in the tunnel is still that stupid birthday figurine. She wants to kick it into pieces. Still, she turns back, determined to just head back to her dorm.
She feels stupid for not considering it sooner. The sound of two feet landing on the ground is Nancy’s only warning before the stranger is on her, not at her back, but face to horrifying cherubic face. It’s got a knife, Nancy realizes, and the best thing she has is the tote bag she tossed her wallet and keys in on her way to see Jonathan. Still, Nancy scrounges up some remaining amount of self-preservation from wherever it’s hiding in her body, and runs.
She runs like she’s never run before, but she’s neglected to do the math on how difficult it is to navigate a campus full of trees, fences, and random bulletin boards in the pitch black. Nancy’s foot catches on a ring of rocks around some plants and she falls. The college’s blue emergency lights taunt her from her position on the ground. She looks desperately around, but the assailant is nowhere to be seen. Nancy has only a moment to wonder if that’s better or worse before a stick cracks just behind her head, and she peers up to see the terrible large eyes of the mask staring back at her.
There’s something about the position that makes her so immediately, achingly aware she’s about to die. She barely has time to scream as the knife comes crashing into her.
Nancy jumps out of her skin at the sensation of a familiar pillow pressed beneath her cheek. What the fuck? She sits up immediately, pressing a hand to her chest where the knife slid between her rib bones. It’s not until she hears grumbling behind her that Nancy becomes aware, once more, of the shape of Robin Buckley at her back.
“Nance?” Robin asks, and her voice sounds just the same way it did yesterday. Last time. Whatever. Nancy flinches. “What’s wrong?” She adds this time, gentle and achingly sweet.
“Nothing.” Nancy hurries to reply. “Bad dream. That’s all.” Still, she follows her instinct, rushes out the same way as before. “I have to get going— early morning and all. See you in class, alright?”
Robin is still blinking up at her when she slams the door behind her.
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°✵.。.✰ 𝕟𝕔𝕥 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 ✰.。.✵°
⇨ Return to my general m.list  ⇦
[ nct 127 ]
♡ his parents don’t like you because you’re a foreigner 
♡ finding out you’re bi/pan
♡ dealing with you drunk
♡ you shy away from skinship because you’re insecure
♡ you say you could marry him one day
♡ you don’t want to celebrate your birthday
♡ you’re more famous than him
♡ you two get caught making out
♡ you feel dizzy/faint during pregnancy
♡ mafia!127 — you fake your death to get away from him
♡ mafia!127 — after you fake your death & run away, he finds out you left because you’re pregnant 
♡ mafia!127 — someone makes a misogynistic comment, but you handle it
[ nct dream ]
♡ you’re really close with the other dreamies
♡ he says something hurtful in an argument, but you clap back
♡ staying up all night with you, his crush
♡ being alone in a hot tub with you
♡ you’re a classical musician
♡ you return his hoodie because it doesn’t smell like him anymore
♡ you two get caught making out
♡ you find him crying
♡ you cry over a fictional character’s death
♡ he wakes up to you panicking because you stained his bed while on your period
♡ after getting into a fight, you get stuck in an elevator together
♡ he begs you to stay after you break up with him
♡ you bleed through your clothes & he notices before you
♡ bsf!dream — you squish his dick in your sleep
♡ husband!dream — a creepy man bothers you during his company meeting
♡ mafia!dream — you save his life
♡ mafia!dream — meeting you, who isn’t in the mafia, in the middle of a mission
♡ mafia!dream — seeing you again after you met in the middle of a mission
♡ mafia!dream — you, a stranger, save his life
[ wayv ]
♡ you, his best friend, confess to him while you’re drunk
♡ you write a breakup song about him
♡ you’re scary when you get mad
♡ you feel dizzy/faint during your pregnancy
♡ you’re in a co-ed group
[ nct u ]
♡ you break up with him
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br1ghtestlight · 5 months
getting war flashbacks to the bobs burgers fanfic where louise is doing math homework in the restaurant when nobody else is around and then bob has a heart attack </3 that shit was TRAUMATIZING
love linda shouting four whenever there's a math problem or anything related to numbers. best recurring joke. FOUR!!!!
you can do it gene :D also im so bad at math I 100% would not be able to help either. dumbass rep family
bob trying to help gene with his homework is cute. even if he is Not very good at it. he wants to be an involved dad :(
gene im not gonna lie that math question has gotta be fucking with you. rhat is not a real question. i could NEVER do that not if i was given 100 hours that shit is fake
see this is where when I was in math class i would just write a random number and move on bcuz im never gonna figure it out anyway im not gonna waste time. so that's my advice gene. just Give Up
he says "maybe your mom or tina could get you started" because they're older but I genuinely think louise has a better chance of helping bcuz she is so smart. if she'd WANT to help is another question entirely
because I'm stuck in a safe 😐
teddy I think his guy is gonna murder you im gonna be so real right now
unfortunately im kinda following teddy's logic now like. it isnt like fischoeder isn't doing this type of shit everyday just for fun. rich guys are just like that BUT getting their money is nice
"gene was doing homework?? that's new"
"Why did you tell me the whole long story about the sandwich in the drawer if you're running out of battery LOCKED IN A SAFE??" "Context!!!!"
also bob and teddy have such great comedic chemistry lmao they bounce off each other so naturally
louise isn't lying she Does have a certain set of skills 😭 if anyone could find him it WOULD be her the lockpicking genius nine year old supervillain
miss you. see you soon. gotta go!!
has he gotten a new cellphone since that MIDDLE OF THE DAY AND YOUR PHONE IS AT 23% argument or is it that same shitty 2008 blackberry phone that dies almost immediately lmfao
bob is a real one for doing this bullshit for teddy he did NOT have to. they're ride or die fr
I'm not entirely unconvinced that gerald isnt a serial killer but thats okay <3 men can have hobbies
also I'm choosing to believe this gerald is the same one from the taxes/weed cookie episode even though it ABSOLUTELY is not bcuz i think that would be funny. by day he's a regular tax agent by night he is a creepy rich kidnapper who pulls mind games on all his handymen
OH I FORGOT THE SUBPLOT FOR THIS EPISODE IS ABOUT SPORTS PEOPLE why did they do the whole thing with gene's homework then.... are they connected. what is the gameplan
i love how bob is apparently the only thing keeping his family from going completely off the fucking rails like. he's the only thing standing between his family and their restaurant burning down with everyone inside fr
your dad never loved that dream :/ because he's a hater :/ AND SO JEALOUS :/
you're not gonna break the world record. another hater. STOP THAT
I might be having a panic attack 💔 I CANT TELL BECAUSE IVE NEVER HAD ONE BEFORE OR IM ALWAYS HAVING ONE soo real teddy
aww I love them all wearing their lil aprons <3 (crappy photo of my tablet bcuz the app im using to watch this episode doesn't allow screenshots)
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sorry this episode has so many good ooc quotes FJDMDJSKSKKM
gene STOP calling him father
bob is being like a whole ass detective meanwhile linda and the kids are currently making The Worst Decisions Ever
h jon benjiman is doing such a good job voicing bob in this episode idk it has so much personality and sounds natural. or it's always like this and im just now appreciating it but either way A+ work
cute bob and teddy moment ❤️❤️
(ignore the awful camera quality. nothing I can do there) also love the fact that teddy can easily lift up and manhandle bob. Good to know
there's so much going on w/ this gerald guy I dont even know WHERE to begin. what a guy. wow
this is so cute and sweet im so happy!!! YOU DOUBLE FAKE WALLED HIM :D YOU SMART SMARTIE. YOURE A GENIUS BOB
"I knew I asked the right person to come help me. Yeah. Mort wouldn't answer."
"What? You called Mort first?"
HE ASKED MORT???? LMFAO big win for tedmort shippers. I fucking guess
MORT NEVER DOUBLE FAKE WALLED ANYONE why is bob like genuinely jealous of mort and teddy right now 😭 chill out man you've got a wife at home
"let's just say it's twelve" FINALLY bob follows my very smart advice when it comes to math homework smh
ALSO THIS IS TECHNICALLY THE FIRST TIME WE'VE SEEN THEM EATING BOBS BURGERS FOR DINNER OR IN GENERAL!!! I mean it's a giant hamburger loaf but it technically was served at bob's burgers so it counts
aww this episode was so fun and cute!! I love the more adventure-y type episodes where they explore a new location so this episode was great and very stressful lmao. also very funny. I love bob and teddy's dynamic/back and forth throughout the episode and the weird mort mention at the end felt like they were soft launching his and teddy's relationship even though I KNOW they aren't actually. mort could replace kathleen if we believe. very solid 8/10 episode :)
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fma03envy · 1 year
Thinking about Ed and Al and themes of appearances/body vs maturity...
Thinking about how young Ed probably looked as a state alchemist at 12, especially given how small he is at his age, especially next to Al. How annoyed he always is at people underestimating him or calling him short. How sometimes the facade breaks a bit and you can see that the annoyance is partly exaggerated on his part (see: Ed laughing along with Elisa when she comments about his height. Pinako basically going "wow he doesn't get the joke huh :/" when Armstrong takes issue with Ed yelling at Pinako for calling him short). The "you have to grow up some time" thing with Psiren and how she goes back and forth between talking about Ed like a child vs an adult to be creepy and he has no real idea how to react and by the end of the episode is still uncertain/doesn't conceptualize how gross she was being. Nina at 12 vs Marcoh at 15; "I may not have grown an inch since then but I can't let my heart stay stunted!"
Al's height and how big and "imposing" he's looked since he was 10 and how people so often treat him more like an adult than Edward. The scene in Resembool where young Winry is gawking at Al's new form. "Brother, am I scary?" on the train to Central, where Al wanted to become a state alchemist to help Ed but couldn't take on that role due to the form he was in. Nina asking if Al's armor is heavy and him saying it's ok because he's strong. Al being mistaken for Ed's father and Ed being amused about it. Mustang and co mocking Ed and calling him childish after the fight with Scar, and Ed being unhappy but Al rejoicing at being treated like a child, in his eyes for the first time since he got his armor. (The idea of being a child is being associated both with protection/not everything being on you and a lack of autonomy). Al awkwardly apologizing to Rose/Ross+Brosh/etc for Ed's immaturity because being falsely assumed to be in a more adult position makes him feel obligated to act like he is (the Fullmetal Alchemist must protect his little brother; no one seems to know which one the Fullmetal Alchemist is)
Ed making a point of staying quiet during his automail attachment when most adults apparently scream because at least he has a human body, unlike Al; each Elric brother wanting to get the other's body back first because each feels responsible for the other's state, even though Al's condition is far more grave (both see maturity/taking responsibility as nearly indistinguishable from self-sacrifice?) (Reflected also in Ed trading his arm for Al in the first place?)
The scene where Ed accidentally hits Al in the face with a teacup, and because Al doesn't have expressions/can't feel it, for a second you wonder if he'll just brush it off, until you hear the distress in his voice. The way before Ed can really acknowledge this or apologize Ross comes in and calls Ed a child (just like her first impression of him by appearance that he wants to surpass) as a way of criticizing his denial about the stone (as such implying that Al in opposing him was modeling what it was to be an adult/authority; her first impression of him by appearance). And Ed relents while Al stays quiet in the background for the rest of the scene. (How this probably further reinforced the "being childlike is when you burden people and maturity is when you get hurt in another's name" thing in both brothers' minds)
(I'm just noticing Themes here more than trying to be coherent; I'm nowhere near done with my rewatch yet so I know for a fact that there are other parts to this I haven't gotten to yet)
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rehnwriter · 1 year
There’s No Fucking Ghosts in That House!
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“There’s no fucking ghosts in that house!” my boss, John, yelled.
The victim of this newest tirade of his was Ed, my co-worker. I liked Ed. He was a good guy, if a little slow in the head.
We’d all heard the noises, of course, Ed, me and even John himself. Scratching noises from inside the walls, the sound of creaking floorboards echoing from distant rooms and hallways, and even doors opening and closing all by themselves.
Now, I don’t believe in ghosts, or anything supernatural. Those sounds? Nothing but the typical sounds of an old, run-down building comprising half-rotten beams and crumbling walls. And yet, even I had to admit that the place was kind of creepy.
What made the situation worse was our boss. John didn’t care for work ethics, work hours, or, well, his workers.
I’d started working with him a good year ago. Let’s just say, I wasn’t the smartest kid and after a few questionable life choices, my prospects of finding work were close to zero. John, however, seemed to see something in me and hired me on the spot. No questions asked.
At first, I thought he was a pretty decent guy. A hard worker who’d been running his own little renovation business for the better part of his life.
Soon enough, however, I learned what an asshole he really was. He worked me hard, which meant constant over-time and if I dared so much as to question him or, hell, complain, he’d go on a diatribe about us ‘goddamn millennials who’d never worked a day in their lives.’
Our newest contract was to refurbish an old, run-down colonial home. Some rich kid had inherited it from his late uncle and thought the place would be a perfect home for him and his family.
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Pinhead parodies Nirvana on Creepy Co.'s Hellraiser shirt designed by Ed Harrington. Priced at $35, it's available for one week and will ship around April 28.
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slashingdisneypasta · 7 months
I had a kindof fun dream last night!!
There were multiple parts to it, including:
An Island part (🙄reconnecting with an old friend I would never actually reconnect with)
A Highschool part (There was a train station and grocery store attached to our school and a really creepy teacher played by Victor Garber in my head)
A Ship part (Had to get everyone on the ship before the Island sank)
A Prison part, and-
A Mall part (four words- living faceless mannequin creatures)
I'm focused on the prison part. So, I was in prison (with basically all the kids from my primary school grown up- which was odd, but parr for the course in my dreams) and it wasn't co-ed but the men's yard and the women's yard was separated just by two lines of mesh caging and a grassy alleyway in between for the guards to stalk through, and there were constant break-in's from the mens side to the womens side. Men were constantly being let into the little caged alley between the men's and women's yards to get a treat (something yummy to eat. I don't know why they couldn't have it in their yard, but whatever) and then they would inevitably see us and break down the remaining fence separating them from our side.
As women, we did not want that of course because a lot of the men were creepy and dangerous and, you know, had been in prison for years with little female contact, BUT- there were certain people on the men's side (Like Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Bubba Sawyer, and Freddy Krueger) who provided different levels of service if you got to them before the guards repaired the fence (or other, scarier men got you). So like
Michael: Could possibly break another fence all on his own so you could get completely out of prison. But he was difficult to persuade.
Jason: Could do the same as Michael but was much easier to persuade.
Bubba: Couldn't really do anything for you but he was known to be nicer then the others (like I said- different levels. He was at the bottom, but he was comforting at least! ^^), and-
Freddy: Could possibly transport you out of the prison completely through your dreams but that was risky, of course. Because... you know. He is bastard.
My friend and I- we were constantly trying to get to Freddy, Jason or Michael when the fencing between men's and women's sections broke because 1. Its jail. And not a good one. 2. We had this very creepy onion-obsessed tweed-wearing pervert guard who was making us very uncomfortable (of course 😒 thanks brain. Though the guard was basically the teacher from my earlier dream played by Victor Garber and everything, so... you know, pros and cons- ) and 3. I needed to get out and help my boyfriend escape a different prison!! See, there were two prisons on the island; A good prison and a bad prison- I was in the bad one, he was in the good one. But do you know who that boyfriend was??
That was Jim! ^^ XDD
Now I don't know how on earth I ended up in the bad guys prison and he ended up in the good guys prison but that was how it was,.. and,.. actually it was just a pretty fun dream all in all XD 😄 I wonder- what would a psychologist say t h i s dream means? XD I can explain parts of it as I was thinking a lot about Jim yesterday and the last song I listened to before bed was Please Mr Jailer (Which is on my Callahan playlist- and Victor Garber plays Movie Ver. Callahan) but most of it is just very random to me XD
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thisisnotthenerd · 8 months
and we're back with another edition of thisisnotthenerd's d20 stats. this time we're talking character races. mechanically. they are not all italian.
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most common character races
a couple of things:
the chart displays the character races as they present within their individual seasons. this is not always reflective of their mechanical races, which is what i'm using to evaluate. if you go into the spreadsheet and look at the notes, you'll see the mechanical race for each character.
some characters are not counted because they do not have an accurate equivalent, e.g. the creepy co-eds and the prefrontal p.i.s. the magical misfits are because i don't know that you can get more variant human than what they have going on.
obviously there are repeats in the chart. those are not counted in the totals.
at the top, as most would expect from d20, is variant human, with 40 characters. this tracks for several reasons; it's a fairly solid race that allows you to start with a feat and tool proficiencies and focuses asis rather than spreading them around. the other reason is that it's used as the base for most characters in most seasons that don't fit the dnd standard races, i.e. tiny heist, a crown of candy, mice & murder, and the ravening war.
next up is actually harengon with 6, though it might not look like it from the chart. that's because all of the stoats from burrow's end are using harengon stats with the addition of at will primal savagery and claw/bite attacks. it's a solid build that fits well for this season, but makes the rabbit comments from the top of the season funnier.
next up is half-elves, with 4 characters: fabian seacaster, danielle barkstock, misty moore, and agnes. mechanically, those marked as faeries are half-elves. they are marked as faerie to distinguish them from fairies, who are also on this list a little later on.
in fourth place is tieflings, with 3 characters: fig faeth, magfelda/maggie, and gertrude. two fo them sit in the same seat in back to back seasons. tied with them are half-orcs: gorgug thistlespring, katja cleaver, and sokhbarr, who is another reskin, much like the faerie characters.
tied for fifth with two each are: bugbear (marcid the typhoon & k.p. hob), drow (lilith (as a reskin) & andhera), changeling (rick diggins & binx choppley), high elf (adaine abernant & efink murderdeath), kalashtar (pete conlan & riva), kenku (chirp & squak), ratfolk [different types] (kugrash & jack brakkow), vampire (squing & may wong), and warforged (car-go jones & pinocchio)
and with one each we have:
aarakocra: sunny biscotto
aasimar: barbarella sarsaparilla gainglynn
android [ryn]: sundry sidney
cerebroslug: skip/valdrinor
clone soldier [shistavanen]: big barry syx
dwarf: ostentatia wallace
fairy: twyla
genasi [water]: sam nightingale
gnome [forest]: cheese
goblin: riz gukgak
halfling [lightfoot]: penny luckstone
hobgoblin [frog-man reskin]: gerard of greenleigh
hollow one: leiland
merfolk: myrtle the bitch
orc: princess foehammer
owlbear: delloso de la rue
satyr: zelda donovan
shifter [beasthide]: ylfa snorgelsson
tabaxi: puss in boots/pib
triton: troyánn
there were a total of 34 pc races used over the course of dimension 20.
now for the fun part, beyond the numbers:
a lot of this won't make sense without the notes. if you're interested in reading through this, i'd suggest at least a cursory look.
most of the pc races used on dimension 20 do actually have a standardized background (or two or more) in dnd. generally they stick to the same variants most of the time, usually the ones that grant the best versions of racial abilities. even the reskins have a solid background: kashai->half-orc, faerie->half-elf, the usage of kalashtar stats for pete, frogman->hobgoblin, cat->tabaxi, puppet->warforged, rick diggins as a changeling clicko man. they make sense and make sure that characters have a balance of racial traits.
however there are a few that don't have a standard. some of them only show up in the bestiaries. some are straight up homebrewed or borrowed from 'unofficial' sources. i pieced them together based on wiki info and what i could find on each of these.
drider: from what i found, drider isn't currently playable. i suspect they combined drider traits from the bestiaries and drow/dark elf stats to make lilith. it gives her a bunch of really cool abilities.
ratfolk: this one was tough, because murph and matt used different sources to make their rat-men. murph's likely comes from kobold press, wherein ratfolk are small, with 25 ft of movement, rodent empathy, darkvision, and poison resistance. hell, kug might still be a reflavored dwarf. i don't think so, because he doesn't use any of the racial abilities that would make him a dwarf as opposed to ratfolk, but who knows. matt's comes from adamant entertainment's ratkin, whose ratfolk are medium, humanoid rats, with 30 ft of movement, low light vision, immunity to disease, and proficiency with bite attacks. matt specifically references ratkin during pirates of leviathan, so i'm fairly confident that that's what jack is.
cyborg: gunnie is a base human, but has a lot of cybernetic replacements and so has a few extras that come with it. he gets an additional +1 to any skill, at the expense of augmentation side effects i.e. vulnerability to ion damage. this is a combination of sw 5e's cybernetic augmentation rules with the sw 5e human.
cerebroslug: norman is a base human in sw 5e. that part is easy. i'm pretty sure that cerebroslugs were a homebrew creation based on existing starstruck lore and zac's character pitch. i had to go back and watch a few episodes of starstruck to figure out what he's using, because it sure as hell is not on the wiki. body thief is the one named ability that i can recall. if a creature is incapacitated, the cerebroslug can enter its body start running it. if not incapacitated, the cerebroslug cannot attempt to overpower their vessel. other racial traits allow the cerebroslug to a) retain it's own mental statistics while using the vessel's physical statistics, b) run the body by using piloting statistics, e.g. making piloting checks to run the body upon waking. with enough successes, they stop being required. cerebroslugs are sensitive to cold--they are ejected from their vessel if 20 points of cold damage are dealt to them. they must succeed on a dc 15 con saving throw or be paralyzed upon ejection. i really hope this is actually written down somewhere and isn't just me hallucinating after hours of rewatching starstruck.
owlbear: this was simpler: rue is an awakened owlbear as opposed to a standard owlbear. the adaptations: innate savagery. ancestric physiology, natural instincts, and clumsy are the noted racial traits.
stoat: they're actually harengons as noted previously. they also have the cantrip primal savagery that they can cast at will in order to up the damage of their claw/bite attacks. these stoats are literally built different.
and that's all! let me know if there's something i missed; i'd love to hear it. the spreadsheet is open to perusal.
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brigdh · 10 months
I was tagged (months ago! I suck!) by @likethehotsauce! Thank you so much, I adore this meme :D
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people.
When Ed dreams of Jack, it's always the good times. (From Forged in Fire, OFMD, Ed backstory)
Stede's familiar with gloves. (From In Hand, OFMD, a short little Stede-fantasizes PWP)
After his dad's death, Ed's mom dyes their clothes black and Ed cuts his string. (From Tangle, OFMD, soulmate AU)
"You really want me to… to order you around?" Stede asks, the enthusiasm in his voice tempered by a trickle of doubt. (From Run Me Through, OFMD, honor-bondage PWP)
"...co-captains?" Stede asked, a little tentative and a little enthusiastic. (From Co-Captains, OFMD, misunderstandings angst)
Ed has a possessive streak; Stede doesn't mind it. (From possessiveness, OFMD, PWP)
"Co-captains!" they say together, and Stede is so happy and pleased that he leans over the back of the settee and kisses Ed. (From being in denial, OFMD drabble)
Blackbeard Raids Bermuda, reads the headline, and Stede decides he'll visit the coffeehouse this afternoon to buy an extra copy of the broadsheet. (From parasocial relationships, OFMD drabble)
Ed isn't good. (From being good, OFMD drabble)
Ed is shuffling sideways through the narrow hallway between the zombie scare zone and the one with creepy dolls when he runs into someone. (From I Ain’t So Scary (On My Own), OFMD, modern AU haunted house)
4, 5, and 7 are embarrassingly similar, and I can't believe I never noticed that before. Oops. Apparently mid-conversation is one of my go-to ways for starting fic! My other habit is clearly short declarative sentences. Also soooo much present tense! I need to write a past tense fic just to shake things up.
I tag @badgerette, @why-worry-do-it-later, @ladypolaris, @pearwaldorf, @menaceanon, @onlylostphysics, @thewalrus-said, @dracothelizard, @sweet-cherry-bean, and @petrichorca! (Or anyone who wants to consider themselves tagged! I can never remember who's a big writer, and often forget people accidentally.)
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callmearcturus · 1 year
the end?????
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THE GAME JUST CONTINUES? PLAYABLE EPILOGUE? there's a lot so i'm gonna use a cut for once
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In all ways but physical I am holding his hand. Best friend. Greatest wingman.
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But it appears he doesn't remember Chidori and it's making him sad. He can tell he's forgotten something super important. Don't worry, I will help you find your goth artiste.
Actually, given how that wrapped up, I am very certain she will find him. 8) 8) 8) Looking forward to walking Junpei down that aisle someday.
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OH MY GOD APPARENTLY SHINJIRO FINALLY WOKE UP. HELL YES. YES HELL. /claps wildly. oh man cooking club with him and Fuuka next year will be great.
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Speaking of, she's gonna start a tech club too. 8)
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there is no greater act of love than giving someone high fidelity listening equipment. Fuuka I adore you.
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Saori sent a letter!!!!! SOB. Saori is my favorite, bar none. I love her.
ugh it seems i only get epilogues for people I maxed out, so neither Mitsuru or Yukari are available, I got Mitsuru to rank 9 before the final day, that SUUUUUUUCKS. 8C
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"Yo," since when are you a "yo" boy. Look at you, all cool.
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oooooh he can't remember either. that's so sad. everyone is so sad! 8C Ryoji, this shit sucks.
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Luckily for you, I no longer require a guy who can deal 600 crit damage to spooky monsters, so I think we are gonna be alright. Though Junpei is real sad so he has to live next door to wherever we're going.
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oh the Velvet Room is gone. That's so strange.
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man its so sad to come back to the dorms and there's no Yukari going "Oh, hey!" or Mitsuru going "Welcome back" or Junpei going "Sup, dude." I just go right to bed. 8C
also like. there is ZERO music in the dorms. it's.... creepy.
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On graduation day, Aigis comes and reveals she remembers EVERYTHING, which I did suspect would happen. Also it seems like I remember everything too, which thank god.
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everyone remembers what happened and we all live happily ever after in a co-ed co-op paid for with the remains of Mitsuru's fortune after she dissolves the Kirijo Group bc yo they murdered almost a hundred kids?
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why am i lying down
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i feel like i should sit up right about now, everyone is rushing to the roof to say hi
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including my boyfriend and my best friend who i have basically assumed custody of because i'll be damned if he's ever lonely again and also mitsuru and yukari and fuuka, like all my pals are coming
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did i just ambiguously die or??????????????
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justapillowpetpanda · 1 month
'Batman: Caped Crusader' First-Look Images; Premiere Date
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Today, ahead of its inaugural upfront presentation on May 14, Prime Video announced that the highly anticipated new animated series from Warner Bros. Animation, Bad Robot Productions, and 6th & Idaho, Batman: Caped Crusader, will premiere all ten episodes Thursday, August 1, along with the official first-look images of this thrilling new show.
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Courtesy of Prime The first-look images give audiences a special peek into the world of Gotham City and some of the iconic fan-favorite characters that will be featured in the upcoming season. The character reveals, with descriptions below include Bruce Wayne/Batman, Selina Kyle/Catwoman, Dr. Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Commissioner Jim Gordon, and Clayface. Welcome to Gotham City, where the corrupt outnumber the good, criminals run rampant and law-abiding citizens live in a constant state of fear. Forged in the fire of tragedy, wealthy socialite Bruce Wayne becomes something both more and less than human—the BATMAN. His one-man crusade for justice attracts unexpected allies within the GCPD and City Hall, but his heroic actions spawn deadly, unforeseen ramifications.
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Courtesy of Prime
Characters in Batman: Caped Crusader
- BATMAN - A cold, remorseless avenger of evil, seemingly more machine than man. Forged in the fire of tragedy, every fiber of his being is dedicated to the eradication of crime. - BRUCE WAYNE - To the public at large, Bruce Wayne is a shallow dilettante, apparently wasting his parents’ vast fortune on frivolous pursuits and hedonistic pleasures. In fact, he’s an elaborate facade, carefully constructed to divert attention from his activities as Batman. - SELINA KYLE / “CATWOMAN” - Selena Kyle is a blithe and pampered heiress whose family lost their fortune after her father was imprisoned for embezzlement. Despite having the silver spoon yanked from her mouth, Selina refuses to quit living in the lap of luxury and becomes Catwoman as a “fun” way to maintain her lavish lifestyle. - DR. HARLEEN QUINZEL / “HARLEY QUINN” - Despite a personable and bubbly demeanor, Dr. Harleen Quinzel is a brilliant psychiatrist who treats some of Gotham’s elite. However, as Harley Quinn, she is a different person, entirely. A creepy, quiet, calculating menace who secretly dispenses her twisted justice to the truly despicable among her elite clientele. - COMMISSIONER JIM GORDON - Former beat cop close to retirement, Gordon was hired to play along with the corrupt system and run out the clock till he can draw a pension. But they’ve sorely underestimated Jim Gordon. His unassailable character brings him into conflict with dirty cops and crooked politicians, alike. Not to mention, he has to reckon with a deranged vigilante beating up Gotham’s criminals. - CLAYFACE - Thanks to his “unique” facial features, screen actor Basil Karlo has been forever typecast as a B-movie heavy. Frustrated by the limitations his appearance put on both his career and personal life (he fell hopelessly in love with his co-star), Karlo turned to an experimental serum that promised to change his face. However, not only does this serum ultimately disfigure his face, but it ruptures the last of his sanity -- creating the tragic, vengeance seeking villain, Clayface. The series is a reimagining of the Batman mythology through the visionary lens of executive producers J.J. Abrams, Matt Reeves and Bruce Timm. Based on DC characters, Batman: Caped Crusader hails from Warner Bros. Animation, Abrams’ Bad Robot Productions and Reeves’ 6th & Idaho. Along with Abrams, Reeves and Timm, Batman: Caped Crusader executive producers include Ed Brubaker, James Tucker, Daniel Pipski, Rachel Rusch Rich, and Sam Register. Batman: Caped Crusader will be available to stream exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide beginning on Thursday, August 1. Read the full article
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