#communist left
queerism1969 · 1 year
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whereserpentswalk · 7 months
Remember that part of the purpose of propaganda is to convince you that you're helpless, and it's working, even on people who seem immune to other forms of propaganda. Like, I saw a post that was such a blatant violation of tenant's rights, that any mention of those rights existing or the ability to sue would probably cause the landlord to back down. But people were telling OP she shouldn't try anything because it's impossible for capitalists to lose in courts. Like, you realize you're running capitalism's propaganda wing for them?
If your position is that small scale resistance is useless because capitalists always win under our system, that incremental change is useless because democracy isn't real, and that revolution is useless because capitalists are too strong, then your "leftist theory" is capitalist propaganda.
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troythecatfish · 1 month
The chart does not capture the astonishing fact that these accomplishments were achieved under brutal sanctions imposed by the world’s superpower. Viva la revolución.
They also have ad-free TV ✌️📺 (you don’t need commercials with Socialism).
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reminder to support your local strikes.
whether that be by joining picket lines, donating to strike funds, or just spreading awareness of any industrial action that's going on, any assistance helps.
don't listen to the anti-union rhetoric being pushed by the right, both in and out of government. the reason it's become so prevalent in recent years is that the establishment is so afraid of losing out on even the smallest amount of profit, that they'll do anything they can to suppress it.
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kingoftheu · 1 year
It is the mid-1800s. You are Karl Marx. You have risen to prominence aming leftist circles, with your scathing attacks in contemporary Capitalism and Imperialism. You hear a knock on your front door. Your front door is shattered.
A very large black dragon, a veteran of the British Millitary, apologizes for the damage. His name is Temeraire, and he is a Member of Parliament.
He has read your work and wishes to discuss it with you.
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icarusxxrising · 9 months
Sorry but if your ideology is "I will force you to work regardless and if you don't work you won't eat" I will burn your cities to the ground
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americanmarketplace · 5 months
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ftmtftm · 5 months
Imperialism is a mode of capitalist extraction that emerged out of colonialism, it is capitalist in nature. This isn't the class reductionism you're accusing me of, its a standard marxist understanding of imperialism. If you have a different definition of it (as you seem to have of a few things after a closer look at your blog) I'd love to hear it, but as it stands I'm not sure exactly how you come to the conclusion that imperialism is a system that is distinct from capitalism
Imperialism existed before (modern) capitalism and existed as a concept before Lenin and Marx wrote about it oh my lord. The desire to colonize other lands and extract their resources for monetary profit isn't a capitalist invention, despite it being a main function of capitalism.
It's ahistorical - and yes, actually, extremely class reductionist - of you to perpetuate the idea that imperialism is a capitalist invention. They are two distinct concepts that overlap and intersect but they're not that conjoined by cause and effect.
I'm also, personally, absolutely not a Marxist and never will be so I don't particularly care about adhering to Marxist definitions of words.
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anarchistfrogposting · 6 months
any chance you could explain your perspective on the rift between anarchists and MLs/communists/socialists/etc? i understand there's some methodological disagreements, like anarchists would never place their hope for revolution in a socialist/communist/etc political party, but i've genuinely heard self-proclaimed anarchists refer to "communists" with such disdain and it just makes me go ?????? we (anarchists) are also communists?? we ultimately want the same things - communism is a STATEless classless moneyless society. just, what's going on here??? surely this is not the best use of our time?
I used to be pretty hardcore about hating on MLs etc. in my defence, some of them can be pretty annoying, but I’m sure much the same is true of anarchists if you’re stood on the other side of the argument.
One thing that is almost certainly and provably true is that the overwhelming majority of radical leftists believe what they believe because, at their core, they think the current state of society is unjust, and want to work to build a better one.
But I also don’t think the argument that runs something like “we’re all just communists with different methods of getting to communism” holds much water. I don’t think anarchists can completely work with their ideological opponents; the belief that hierarchies are unjust and need to be dismantled is fundamentally incompatible with the idea that you need a centralised proletarian vanguard that derives its power from the representative democracy of workers councils. There has been significant and bloody conflict between both camps for a reason.
On the other hand, right now, those conflicts are petty and ridiculous when neoimperialism and neoliberalism continue their stranglehold over society and economy. I have worked and do work with many MLs/Trots/Maoists etc., and we need some serious solidarity with the left right now.
When millions struggle to meet their basic needs, when the proles are beaten and killed in the streets simply for asking for their basic rights, when the rights of minority classes are routinely and systematically infringed upon and reversed, when the whole planet is choking and dying, what does your opinion on a worker’s vanguard matter? People don’t even have their basic rights. It’s petty and useless to badmouth obvious allies in a struggle that is right on our doorstep.
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anarchist-art · 22 days
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queerism1969 · 1 year
Remember: capitalism is working perfectly. You are supposed to be exhausted & worried you'll lose your income to die penniless. It makes it easier to take advantage of you & pay you less. If you're too busy worrying about rent, you don't have time to battle the unfair system.
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whereserpentswalk · 1 month
Didn't realize this was a controversial opinion for those who consider themselves anticapitalist, but "destroying capitalism is delusional" is an opinion that you are by definition pro-capitalism if you hold.
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troythecatfish · 6 months
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ngl i feel like a lot of the 'online left'™ is less focused on actually fighting for socialism, and more focused on adopting the radical aesthetic without engaging in any real world activities that would further leftist causes.
like, prices of everyday goods are at an all time high, we are on the brink of ecological collapse, fascism is on the rise across the globe, and marginalised people are being stripped of their rights every single day.
and yet, while a lot of people are actually getting out there and taking direct action, organising, etc., some of us are too busy just ranting about how the world's going to shit, or arguing amongst ourselves on twitter, or just reading theory without applying said theory to the real world.
don't get me wrong, social media is an important vehicle for the spread of leftist ideas, theory is absolutely vital for understanding how the current systems operate, and our anger is completely justified. but none of these things can change anything without mass movements across the globe taking direct, revolutionary action.
basically, theory is nothing without praxis, and vice versa.
anyways, unhinged rant over lmao.
gonna go grab some breakfast :)
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defleftist · 7 months
Perhaps the spookiest thing of all is trying to date as a leftist in rural America.
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icarusxxrising · 9 months
Too be honest, probably the four most neglected topics in leftist spaces as a whole is landback/indigenous rights, nonwhite rights and experiences (black communist/anarchist movements etc.), feminism (especially radicalized militant feminism), and disability accessibility/experiences (both physical and mental(like cluster B disorders especially). Not in that order btw, I believe all 4 of those are interconnected.
My one tip for people getting into leftist spaces, no matter which one it is, is to learn about the most neglected topics especially and to listen to people apart of the above groups. It is going to frustrate the shit out of you and you're going to learn a lot of the leftists around you hold onto the Patriarchy/White Supremacy etc. But you are going to empower both yourself and those around you for the better by educating yourself.
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