defleftist · 2 days
Thrilled to see someone carrying on the tradition of protest folk music. Keep fighting the good fight!
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prole-log · 10 months
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 8 months
Radical Leftism via Science Starter Pack
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guiltyidealist · 2 years
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mtpenguinmonster · 7 months
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actiwitch · 4 months
i think a lot of people mistake vegans for believing themselves to be "morally superior" rather than the actual, and very reasonable stance that IF YOU HAVE THE OPTION NOT TO KILL OTHER LIVING BEINGS, YOU SHOULDN'T DO IT.
most of us can understand that it's stupid to wield "oh so you think you're morally superior" against any type of human or environmental rights activists because how do you even respond to that? sure? Because its NOT ABOUT MORAL SUPERIORITY. IT'S ABOUT NOT UNNECESARILY CAUSING HARM.
Also, an activist could be the most annoying, self righteous person on the entire planet, but their stances having NOTHING to do with that. An asshole saying "trans rights" doesn't mean you shouldn't support trans rights because an asshole said it.
PLEASE start looking at veganism like you look at any other form of activism and resistance, and consider what disinformation and propaganda you've been fed about it.
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regalbastard · 1 month
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ID: the doge vs cheems meme. Doge is labelled as the Masker, donning an N95 mask and is described as being "Rarely sick, practices community care, avoids surveillance, doesn't cave into pressure and follows science".
Cheems, on the other hand, has a box of tissues and is labelled the Non-masker, being described as "Constantly sick, endangers the vulnerable, easily identified, craves acceptance and ignores science". (End)
Immunity debt debunked
COVID-19: Study Suggests Long-term Damage to Immune System
The Long-Term Effects of SARS-CoV-2 on Organs and Energy
Mutual Aid, Anarchist Preparedness and COVID-19
Effectiveness of public health measures in reducing the incidence of covid-19
3 in 5 people who die from covid in the UK are disabled
Disabled people's exclusion from indoor spaces is a civil rights violation
The crackdown on face masks at protests isn’t really about masks at all
Britain’s got some of Europe’s toughest surveillance laws...
And the U.S. is no better
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mrsblackruby · 6 months
Why are some of y’all putting so much of your focus on arguing whether or not settlers should be forced to leave a colony they ‘forcibly’ inflicted on the indigenous rather than just assuring indigenous people have human rights and equal engagement in how the land around em gets to be evolved cuz they’re involved with changing environments no matter what. Why are some of y’all so scared of land back that you actively just chose genocide, pollution, and endless imperialistic efforts instead. Like can’t you see there’s alternative outcomes that can become reality and that I personally think should and want to become reality. Whatever that fear mongering shit is a waste of time to me, in the way of all of our actual liberation it comes off really self defeating to me so I’m glad I do my best not to partake in such affairs. End Apartheid.
Indigenous rights and immigration rights aren’t opposed actually they are interlocking and both important to achieve a society that values free movement
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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prole-log · 8 months
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natalunasans · 6 months
@neil-gaiman @seananmcguire @dduane sorry but you’re the only famous people i know on here @shiraglassman
"The quickest path to a ceasefire is a unified international call for Hamas to surrender
Rallies by human rights and pro-Palestinian activists around the world have called for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Many of those rallying have only good intentions at heart: they seek no more harm to innocents. They seek to protect the children of Gaza, who have no responsibility for the crimes of members of their parents’ generation. They seek to mitigate the chances of an outbreak of a regional war that could cause further damage to even more innocents across Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt. They seek peace.
Seeing Israel as the stronger party, these well-intentioned activists have come to a simple conclusion: if only Israel stopped its military operations, a ceasefire would emerge. Hostages would eventually be returned. Lives would be saved. The problem is, as the leadership of the US and EU have already concluded, that is not realistic. In past wars with Hamas, Israel has ceased fire and increased economic development for Gaza. Each time, Hamas used the time and money they siphoned off to build weapons of war and aim those at both Israelis and the Palestinians who disagree with their theocratic dictatorship. Which is why the only way for the Left, us progressives, to live up to our morals and keep the high ground is to call for the immediate unconditional surrender of Hamas.
Calling for the unconditional surrender of Hamas would prove that the Left cares about children of all countries, without ascribing to a hierarchy of human life. It avoids the moralistic laziness of publicly funded intellectuals such as Nicholas Kristof, among others, who essentially argue that a person planning to shoot you or your children has the same right to life as his victims. It avoids the abdication of responsibility by progressive leaders who forgive the war crimes of the party dedicated to carrying them out.
Calling for the unconditional surrender of Hamas — as opposed to a ceasefire — is not only the right thing to do, morally, it is also the right thing to do, politically. As Hamas official Khaled Mashal told Saudi journalist Rasha Nabil, Hamas is depending on international pressure to stop Israel from destroying its military infrastructure so that it may live to fight another day.
Those who care deeply about protecting the lives of innocents need to think not just about today, but tomorrow."
"Postscript for those engaged in public diplomacy: How can you help the Left do the right thing?
Affirm: Instead of arguing with those who call for a ceasefire, agree with them that we need to end all violence, and call on them to do the right thing by joining in the call for Hamas to unconditionally surrender.
Strengthen: Many on the Left are already calling out Hamas’s atrocities. Strengthen their case by adding to their argument in moralistic terms. Do not seek to shame them for previous statements they may have made. People change.
Amplify: When you see someone calling on Hamas to unconditionally surrender, share that call. Without caveats. We can work out the details for how to achieve peace in the Middle East the day after the war is over. For now, let’s focus on what matters: an immediate ceasefire after the unconditional surrender of Hamas."
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lichozestudni · 3 months
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Damn, he even mentioned "Russian soldiers"... Russia was the second aggressor attacking Poland then...
Americans have really erased from the history books what Nazi Germany did to Poles and they are telling some Jewish version of history
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guiltyidealist · 1 year
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 8 months
as a lifelong dinosaur enthusiast who moved towards interest in ecology in recent years what you said about paleontology being very holistic is very interesting to me. can you list, like, some examples of how that is? and if you think the same could be said of ecology as a field? especially if ecology n evobio share the disproving capitalistic ideology thing
all three are 100%
capitalism operates on a misunderstanding of nature and has an implicitly impossible objective
"infinite growth" in a universe with finite resources is not possible. the end.
and one thing we see throughout the fossil record, and in modern ecology, is how the limitation of resources leads to major changes, thus demonstrating that said limitation exists
furthermore, none really make money. the people who buy dinosaur crap are not that many. the fossils don't lead to profitable technologies or franchises (I'm excluding fossil fuels from this conversation, which are the Exception, but every inherently anticapitalist field has *some* Exception) and most paleontologists are ridiculously broke, and even our top paleontologists don't really get far beyond 100k in terms of salary (which is depressingly low compared to other academics in geology and biology)
it also demonstrates the interconnectedness of all life and how our history is the history of the world, not just the history of humans or even mammals
how much our evolution isn't just dependent on our genetics, but on our ecology, the things that live with us and shape us through life
disproving bioessentialism, the inherent assumption of many other destructive ideologies such as racism and transphobia
how even the rocks have importance far beyond what we give them as they are the primary recorders of our planet's history
how small humans are and how little right we have to bleed the planet dry like we're currently doing
and how, like all species that specialize too quickly and too largely, we are careening towards our own destruction in the process of the planet needing to heal.
I hope that last sentence isn't true, but the fact that we know this at all is thanks to paleontology and environmental science.
All of these fields poke back against the capitalistic, white-supremacist world. So it's hard to get into them, it's hard to stay in them, and it's hard to make a living in them.
Ftr, this is why I study paleoecology specifically, but I think paleoecology should be in common parlance as equivalent to brain surgery or rocket science bc I think I'm breaking my brain
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shroobles · 4 months
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