#chicken nugget ot3
sidestepping · 1 year
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I was tagged by @mihqorio, and using @eydika‘s MASTERPIECE for the occasion. I’ll tag @marshalortega, @agent-darkbootie, @punkranger, @the-rebel-archivist and @griever-receiver if you want to hop in!
   Full Name: Una Moore    Gender: next question.    Sexuality: next question.    Pronouns: she/her (for now).
   Family: tía Elena, but don’t tell anyone.    Birthplace: her very real ID says Portland.    Job: she’s... she definitely has one! Man I gotta think about her cover job better.    Phobias: telepathic invasion, mind control, claustrophobia    Guilty Pleasures: only Ortega brings both guilt and pleasure, but if we’re being more casual than that she’ll take those dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets.    Hobbies: not that she has time, but technically—boxing, krav maga, any kind of fighting/sparring, urbex, tech-fiddling, tech experimenting, horror and documentary watching/reading.
   Morality Alignment? I’d say chaotic good.    Sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / Pride / Rage / Sloth    Virtues: Charity / Chastity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience
   introvert/extrovert    organized/disorganized    close minded/open-minded    calm/anxious    disagreeable/agreeable    cautious/reckless    patient/impatient    outspoken/reserved    leader/follower    empathetic/unempathic    optimistic/pessimistic    traditional/modern    hard-working/lazy
   Otp: Chargestep all the way.    Acceptable Ships: no other would work, Una’s a dickhead.    Ot3: Ortega/Una/Villainy.    Brotp: my heart says Una would vibe so much with Mia and Argent if only she got her head out of her ass. Una and Anathema most of all.    Notp: The puppet, definitely the puppet.
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regenderate-fic · 2 years
All the Quiet Nights You Bear: Chapter 24
Fandom: Doctor Who Rating: General Ship: Thirteenth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan, Yasmin Khan/Rose Tyler, Thirteenth Doctor/Rose Tyler/Yasmin Khan, Past Metacrisis Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler Characters: Thirteenth Doctor, Yasmin Khan, Rose Tyler, Najia Khan, Hakim Khan, Sonya Khan, Dan Lewis, Jack Harkness, Ryan Sinclair Series: And We’re Not Out of the Tunnel Word Count (Chapter): 1,741 Other Tags: Fluff and Angst, Angst, Emotional, Disabled Character, Chronic Illness, Bad Wolf Rose, COVID-19, Self-Quarantine, Domestic, Autistic Characters, Polyamory, OT3, Slow Burn, Disability Read on AO3 / Read in order
Summary: Rose Tyler-Noble jumps out of her parallel universe, leaving her husband and family behind in the hopes that being back in the right universe will improve her well-being.
Yasmin Khan is out for lunch with the Doctor when she sees a blonde woman sitting on the sidewalk, crying.
The Doctor, Yaz, and Rose travel back to Sheffield to see Yaz’s family, but they have to leave the TARDIS so it can reset, and when they come back, it’s gone. The police have confiscated it, and they want to see proof of ownership before they give it back. And the Doctor left her psychic paper on board. And they’ve landed in March of 2020, just before everything shuts down.
Stranded in Sheffield, they have no choice but to get a flat and quarantine together. Which, when you have three emotionally volatile people who care for each other more than they’re willing to admit, can be complicated.
(Sequel to And Still I Will Live Here, but hopefully readable out of context. Updating on Saturdays and Wednesdays.)
NOTES: posting early because the friends in my computer are all collectively lying to me about their birthdays being soon so i post early. so. congratulations everyone. it worked. happy birthday to esther and rowan and katniss and rowan's partner and rowan's metamour.
The Doctor’s room is a mess. Impressively so, for a room she’s only occupied for the last five days. Rose finds herself hoping that at least some of it is from the room’s previous occupant, but it’s not looking likely. For one thing, the boxes piled next to the door unquestionably belong to packages the Doctor has ordered. For another, the clothes all over the floor primarily consist of identical blue sweats, some of which still have the tags on. There’s rubbish all over, including a good few empty packets of custard creams. And on the bed, along with a half-eaten pack of custard creams, a number of household tools, and a laptop and a Switch, is the Doctor, sprawled out in her sweats, unmoving.
Rose steps forward carefully, ignoring the ache in her knees as she tries to navigate what feels like an obstacle course, still holding the Doctor’s chicken nuggets and tea. She sits gingerly on the edge of the bed.
The Doctor doesn’t react.
“You all right?” Rose asks.
“Do I look all right?” retorts the Doctor’s muffled voice. And then, after a pause— “Don’t answer that. It’s rhetorical.”
“We’re worried about you,” Rose says. “Me and Yaz.”
Yaz is still hovering in the doorway. Rose gestures for her to come closer, and she does. “We brought you food,” she offers.
“Don’t need food,” the Doctor says.
Yaz doesn’t skip a beat. “Don’t be ridiculous.” Rose is surprised by the sternness in her tone. “You need food, Doctor. I know how cranky you get when you don’t eat. You might be a space alien, but you still need to take care of yourself.”
The Doctor shifts, slowly lifting her head. Her face is stained with tears. “Fine, then.” She pushes herself into a sitting position, taking the plate and mug from Rose. She sits cross-legged, facing the wall, still not looking at Rose or Yaz.
Yaz sits at the very end of the bed, unable or unwilling or afraid to get any closer. Rose has no such qualms: Yaz has been doing a complicated dance of not knowing where she stands with the Doctor, but Rose knew exactly where she stood, back in the day, and even though things are different now, she still has the confidence to move onto the bed and sit by the Doctor, facing the opposite direction. It gives the Doctor the option of whether or not to look her in the eye: the Doctor, of course, does not take the opportunity. She just shoves an entire chicken nugget in her mouth, chewing with intense lethargy and staring down at her plate.
Rose follows the Doctor’s lead in not making eye contact. Instead, she looks at the plain white wall, her eyes finding every imperfection as she tries to think what to say.
The Doctor beats her to it.
“I’m sorry,” she says.
Rose and Yaz hold their silence, not willing to scare the Doctor off just when she’s actually started to talk. When she speaks again, her every word is slow, labored.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you. Either of you. I just—“ She cuts off. “It’s hard to explain.”
“Try,” Yaz says. Her voice is soft, gentle. Encouraging.
The Doctor nods. “I— it’s very difficult for me, being with humans. Being attached.” She gives Rose half a glance. “Like I told you. Remember?”
Imagine that happening to someone you—
The Doctor sighs. “It’s gotten harder.”
“It’s been a long time,” Rose murmurs. “You’re older.”
“I’ve lost more people.” The Doctor shoves another chicken nugget into her mouth. If Rose weren’t so worried about her, it would be quite impressive, the amount of chicken nugget she can fit in her mouth. “Done more things. Learned more about myself.” Her eyes are fixed directly on the closed curtain in front of her. “Some things I wish I hadn’t.”
“Like what happened on Gallifrey?” Yaz asks, so, so gently.
The Doctor lets out a rough breath. “Gallifrey.” It comes out a growl.
“Don’t tell us if you’re not ready,” Yaz says. “You’re in no condition for it right now. No matter how much I want to know.”
“Suppose you’re right.” The Doctor takes a swig of her tea. She barely flinches, even though Rose can still see boiling hot steam curling up from its surface. “I want to tell you,” she says once she’s swallowed. “I need to. I just don’t know how.”
“We’ll figure it out,” Yaz says, moving a little closer to the Doctor on the bed. “Together, right?”
“I don’t think you want to be with me.” The Doctor’s voice breaks, every word coming out slowly. “You won’t. Not when I tell you everything.”
Something snaps in Rose. “Don’t be ridiculous,” she says, her words sharp.  “Doctor, I tore apart time and space for you. I did something that changed me, irreparably, for the rest of my life.” Her voice is getting louder. She makes no effort to stop it. “I did that because I loved you. I loved you then, and I loved John, who came from you, and I’ll love the you you are now too, if you give me half a chance.” She’s crying now, to her dismay, hot tears rolling down her face. “You’re absolutely stupid if you think anything you have to say could change that.”
The Doctor narrows her eyes, still not looking at Rose. “You don’t know what I’ve discovered.”
“Then tell us,” Yaz interrupts, forceful. “Let us decide what we think of you. And until then, don’t assume we’ll hate you.”
“What happened to ‘don’t tell us if you’re not ready’?” the Doctor mutters.
Rose rests a hand on the Doctor’s forearm. “We can take it slow, okay? You don’t have to say everything at once.”
The Doctor nods. She takes a deep breath, and it turns into a sob, the tears glistening on her cheeks. Without thinking, Rose leans towards her and gathers her into a hug, and it’s a testament to how tired the Doctor must be that she doesn’t protest. She just sinks into it, her face hidden in Rose’s neck. A moment later, Yaz is there too, moving to sit next to the Doctor on her other side, resting a hand on her back. She makes eye contact with Rose over the back of the Doctor’s head, and Rose gives her a small smile. Yaz returns it with wide, scared eyes.
It’s a long time before anything changes. The Doctor keeps her face buried in Rose’s neck and shoulder, her body shaking, her tears wet against Rose’s mostly-bare skin. Yaz stays close, leaning into the Doctor, her hand rubbing slow circles on the Doctor’s back, and Rose closes her eyes, breathing in the strange sensation of holding the Doctor, this strange new Doctor, while she cries.
And then the sobs turn into sniffles, and the Doctor lifts her head, just a little. “Sorry,” she says.
“What are you sorry for?” Rose asks.
“This,” the Doctor says into Rose’s shoulder. “I didn’t mean to cry on you. I don’t— I’m not usually like this.”
“Everyone needs to cry sometimes,” Rose says. “Better with company, yeah?”
There’s a long pause. Finally, the Doctor says, “I do— want you around. Both of you.”
“Funny way of showing it,” Rose teases. “Isolating yourself, not telling us anything.”
“It’s hard!” the Doctor protests. “Especially when I don’t get why you would want me around.”
“Oi, you’re brilliant,” Yaz says. “Not just because of the time travel, promise. You’re kind, and you’re funny, and you always help people when you can, and you always explain things when people don’t understand, and you keep going, even when it’s hard. Why wouldn’t we want you around?”
The Doctor lifts her head all the way at that, pushing herself back so she can look at both Rose and Yaz.
“What if that’s all a lie?” she asks, tremulous. “What if that’s not who I really am?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?” Yaz challenges. “If you would just explain, maybe we could help.”
“It’s too much for words,” the Doctor says. “I’m sorry. I really, really want to explain, even though I’m scared. We’ve got to do things when we’re scared, haven’t we? I’ve been running from this one for too long. Cowardly of me, really, especially given how much I talk about overcoming fear.” She takes a deep breath. “I haven’t overcome it. And I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Rose says again. “The important thing is working on it, right? Doing better?”
“Suppose so.” The Doctor presses her mouth into a line. “All right, then. Doing better. Got to do better.” And then the line breaks, her eyes wide with fear. “What if I can’t?”
“Try,” Yaz says. “We’ve all just got to try. You know that.”
“I’m worried it won’t be enough,” the Doctor says quickly, almost to herself. “And if it’s not enough, you’ll never want to talk to me again, and I’ll miss you both so much again, and it’s risky, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, life’s risky.” Rose gives the Doctor’s arm a gentle squeeze. “You know that.”
The Doctor nods. She sniffles. “Suppose I’m just tired of taking the risk.” All her normal energy is gone from her body, leaving her empty and clearly exhausted. “I’ve lived too long, maybe.”
There’s a long silence. Rose keeps her hand steady on the Doctor’s arm, and Yaz mirrors the gesture on the Doctor’s other side. Finally, Yaz says, “Doctor, would it be easier for you to show us?”
The Doctor frowns. “Show you?”
“You know,” Yaz says, tapping her temple with her free hand. “With your telepathy.”
“Oh.” The Doctor’s eyebrows draw together. “Maybe. Suppose I could try it. Establish a telepathic link. Show you what happened. Easy enough. With your permission, of course.”
“You have mine,” Yaz says, without a moment’s hesitation.
“And mine,” Rose adds.
“Right.” The Doctor puts her plate and mug on the nightstand and sits straight up, holding her hands up, parallel to each other. “I’ll need you both in front of me. Close together as possible, probably. All three of us.”
Rose readjusts her position so that she’s sitting cross-legged, facing the Doctor, their knees touching. Yaz does the same, her body close enough that Rose can feel the heat coming off it.
“Ready?” the Doctor asks.
Rose closes her eyes and nods.
The Doctor’s hand brushes against her temple, warm, gentle.
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paopubell · 3 years
Sora: What are the early signs of teenage depression?
Kairi: Why do you ask?
Sora: Earlier Riku was eating chicken nuggets and he dropped one and stared at it for a while before he said, “Why has God forsaken me?”
Kairi: Well I personally think that's a perfectly valid reaction, but he is indeed depressed.
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peppersonironi · 3 years
Museum Heist Time Travel Fic Idea!
The ot3 get yeeted all the way back to right after season 1, when Wally and Artemis just started dating. Now think of the chaos! Beyond the regular 'Dick talking about how his family has exploded in number', or 'Dick, Wally, and Arty have new names now (I'm thinking Wally is alive and is one of the Flashes), they have to hide they're entire relationship.
Now, this could play out in several different ways.
Maybe it starts in the beginning, and Artemis had her hand in Dick's butt, or called him babe, or something. Then baby!Arty and baby!Wally are having twin crises over "wait, we won't date in the future!?" and Baby! Dick is like "I date Artemis?!" And older!Wally is is laughing in the corner.
It maybe the same thing happens, but it's between Dick and Wally. Baby!Artemis is having the same thoughts as before, but for the boys, it's more of a crisis about sexuality. So on top of "I'm dating my best friend in the future" they're also thinking "I'm dating my male best friend in the future" you get me? Total gay crisis.
Or, in a change of pace, it's between older!Wally and older!Artemis. So everyone thinks this is normal, and Dick has to resist the urge to do it say anything that'd tip the young peeps off. I also detect a slight amount of angst from Dick, with feeling left out. Maybe remembering a time either before they were dating, or before everyone else knew.
Another thing that could be fun is if all three of them immediately act like normal (ie, they're dating) causing utter confusion among the masses of smol chicken nuggets. I'm talking back and forth flirting between all three. So the Team thinks that they're either really good friends, obliviously not together, or they're all dating. No one is sure what is the craziest option.
Well, there you have it! This is an idea I know I'm going to write eventually (I need more Museum Heist in my life), but if someone out there wants to write it PLEASE DO! Just tag me! I'd love to see what you have!
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soemthingsparkly · 3 years
Smh cant believe Julie hasnt been said yet but my amazing girl Julie for the character thing
Honestly I almost got stuck thinking about Julie’s good qualities and now I’m like??? How??? ? 
give me a character and i'll answer 
do I like them: do I like Julie Molina are you -
5 good qualities: 
talented queen
incredible outfits
heart of gold
just like... is trying so hard after everything she’s been through and that’s so admirable
when she realises she’s got ~feelings~ for Luke, she just owns it. Is he a ghost boy? yes. Will that stop her from being in love with him? hell no. She loves him for everything he is, regardless of what he’s not and I just- Can’t touch the boy made of air? That’s fine. They have other ways to be affectionate with each other
okay this is my sixth point but like she literally goes to Luke’s house and speaks to his parents for him and I just - you guys that is so special. That is so kind and caring and she is so supportive of him. They way she beckons him inside, like ‘come on, let’s do this together’ and he’s so scared but she’s just there for him and I love that about her
OH AND when the boys are like ‘join our band!’ and she’s like ‘can you stfu a second, I'm too busy thinking about my best friend go away.’ like, yes girl. You have your priorities right.
3 bad qualities: 
bad liar??? 
favourite episode/etc: this is such a hard question oh no wait flying solo her and Flynn my dude that is sUCH a good moment
otp: okay seriously, I think we are all starting to get the fact that I am a low-key high-key jukebox Stan, I just think they’re so lovely together, okay? 
brotp: okay okay, so like of course it’s gotta be Flynn they are double trouble, you guys, duh. However, Molina siblings Reggie and Julie... 
ot3: julie, luke, and luke’s undying (lol) adoration for her
notp: okay but me and riddhi were talking about this and like... has anyone seen any Julie and reggie ship stuff because I’m curious but also no? like if you ship it, I'm not one to say you can’t, I just don’t understand it, you know? 
best quote: I can’t actually come up with any off the top of my head apart from ‘you got any bandaids? the barb wire’s new.’ 
head canon:
I’m such a jukebox Stan that I can’t really picture Julie with anyone else but I am here to support bisexual Julie Molina
also dyslexic Julie, of course (I love madi for repping us, okay?). 
Julie loves cartoons - she’s a slut for she-ra.
omg can I call Julie a slut it’s like in a fun way, not a gross way
like I'm a slut for chicken nuggets
I mean not personally im veggie, but you know what I mean?
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prettylittlelouie · 4 years
Liam: quick place your orders we're in a hurry
Lou [giggling]: we'll have chicken nuggets
Zayn [also giggling]: but without strawberries
Liam: wha- strawberries??
Zouis [in unison]: no thanks :D
ot3: *v i s i b l e  c o n f u s i o n*
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Wbw for Avril Argent
full name: Avril Victoria Argent
gender: Female
sexuality: Queer
pronouns: She/Her
family: Adrien Argent (twin), Allison Argent (younger sister), Victoria Argent (mother), Chris Argent (father), Kate Argent (paternal aunt), Gerard Argent (paternal grandfather)
birthplace: Nice, France
job: hunter
phobias: spiders, suffocation
guilty pleasures: game shows, chicken nuggets
morality alignment?: true neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
optimistic/pessimistic - realist
otp: Avril x Sylvia
ot3: honestly I don’t really have any other characters in that age range except for the existing ot3 lol
brotp: Avril & Allison, Avril & Adrien
notp: Avril x Jax, Avril x Derek, Avril x Adrien
Send me “World Building Wednesday” and an OC and I’ll tell you
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bexsbaxters · 7 years
MY AVENGERS AUS by yasmin-alliyah
(i might update these with new ideas and new ships idk) TONYT'CHALLA: princess lessons • in which tony has to suddenly learn the customs of the wakandan people as the prince escort and rhodey and sam are no help. be a pretty baby for daddy • in which tony is a poor college student who's drowning in debt and t'challa is the young rich prince of the small country of wakanda. robin hood • in which t'challa is the son of an international diplomat and he sees tonh shoving food into a velvet bag in the middle of a royal ball. RHODEYTONY: drive, just fucking drive ! • in which rhodey is an A* student who is infatuated with the scruffy, sleep-deprived brunette who manages to scrape every class. BUCKYTONY: smart ass with a nice ass (ft steve) • in which tony and bucky are rival cops who are put together to stop an evil mob boss with a preference for cute, sassy brunettes. all we wanna do is get high and listen to PARTY • in which bucky and tony are insufferable roommates who enjoy teaming up to antagonize their next door neighbor and occasionally get drunk to gossip about the other students. TONYNAT: rush hour • in which the highly trained russian cia agent has to drag her incompetent american counterpart around a highly delicate case. WANDANAT: red lipstick, rose petals, heartbreak • in which natasha is the gorgeous editor of vogue and wanda was her secret lover who had to go somewhere natasha couldn't find her. wrap your velvet heart around my jagged edges • in which natasha has strict religious parents and wanda is the traveller girl with the beautiful eyes that teaches natasha that not all sinful things are bad. TONYTHOR: knockout ! • the one where thor is a famous wrestler and tony is his manager who has a massive infatuation with him. loving him is a sin (but a sinner i am) • in which thor is the happily married (straight) man who lives next door to the depressed single writer. expect the twist • in which he was the golden boy and tony was just the shadow that followed him around. PIETROTONY: the ashes, shame and scorns • in which tony falls in love with the pretty, silver haired immigrant boy who sits outside his school and has many shocking stories to tell. TONYCLINT: aw, singlehood • in which it’s Nat’s wedding to Bruce and she keep shoving the boys into each other because they’re the only ones at the entire ceremony who are single. PETERTONY: we're adults we swear ! • in which peter quill and tony stark bond over microwaveable chicken nuggets and secretly pine for each other across the supermarket shelves. SAMTONY: scars to your beautiful • in which the boy with no name enters sam's support group and over the course of a month, sam falls in love slowly with the man with the brown eyes and sad smile. SAMBUCKY: text from your ex • in which sam and bucky are happily dating until bucky gets a text message from someone who really wants to fuck his life up. SAMSTEVE: draw me like one of your french girls • in which steve loves to secretly draw sam, sam secretly loves it and bucky wants to fight thor. american psycho • in which steve is a influential owner of a billion dollar corporation who has a dark secret and sam is the cop who's dedicated to bringing him down. SAMSCOTT: it's getting hot in here (so take off all your clothes) • in which sam and scott are firemen who have a game where they try to flirt with as many of the people they save that they can. SAMNAT: strawberry cappuccino • in which steve and bucky both have a crush on the gorgeous barista at starbucks but she only has eyes for their best friend. SAMCLINT: 4:00 • in which sam and clint are rogue cia agents who have to protect the famous son of the president of the usa before he becomes a victim of their ex director's schemes. SAMRHODEY: bitter always follows the sweet • in which sam and rhodey are going through their expensive honeymoon when an old 'friend' turns up, ready to wreak havoc. come fly with me • in which rhodey is young sam's supervisor who finds the the younger lad both annoying and endearing. RHODEYBRUCE: ciao adios • in which rhodey and bruce have to attend a science talk tour for 10 boring long ass speeches and they fall in love along the way. THORSTEVE: morning endeavours • in which thor and steve decide to do everything on steve's list of things to catch up with in the future and somehow they fall in love on the way. backalley boy • in which thor stumbles across a skinny boy getting beat up in an alley and saves him. STEVEPIETRO: sometimes the heart can see, what’s invisible to the eye • in which steve is in love with his girlfriend's twin who's coincidentally dating his best friend. throw in a crazy, quick wedding and a group therapy session and antics ensue. BRUCETONY: why am I preaching to this choir, to this atheist? • in which bruce is a strict preacher and tony is an openly gay actor who teaches him that some things that are sinful can feel virtuous. the ideology of butterflies • in which a forty year old man takes his much younger lover on a road trip as they seek to escape civilisation and societal rules. BUCKYPIETRO: the castle without colour • in which bucky is enamoured with his enigmatic next door neighbor pietro, who loved mysteries so much he became one. inhale, in hell there’s heaven • in which bucky lives across from an angel who's deadly, godly and beautiful all at once and he isn't quite sure how to feel about it. telepathy • in which bucky meets the most beautiful boy dancing under the strobe lights at a club. BROTPS & OT3/4/5 CLINTKATE: suck it up hawkguy • in which clint is stuck babysitting the spoiled heir of the bishop fortune, until something goes awry and it's up to clint, kate and lucky the pizza dog to save the day. southside • in which kate has fallen for her coffee-addicted psychology professor and a smitten america is trying to woo an oblivious riri whilst kamala observes their plight with amusement. CLINTNAT: budapest • in which natasha and clint get married, adopt a penguin and get shot at 67 times in the space of an hour, where's phil when you need him ?? CLINTTHORHULK: be back in a sex, -sec • in which thor, clint and the hulk visit asgard to find out who's been sending the avengers cryptic messages stating their inevitable doom. TONYCLINTTHORSTEVE: karaoke anyone ? • in which the group decide to hold a karaoke concert with the rest of the group which tony swears he'll win, but thor has a trick up his sleeve. SAMSTEVEBUCKY: i'm singing on the mic til my voice hoarse • in which sam is a famous r&b singer who is simultaneously sleeping with two members of the same world renowned boy band. THORCLINTSTEVE: sharing is caring boys • in which thor, steve and clint are found regularly bonding over their shared love for shitty coffee and natasha romanoff's rock band in wade wilson's shitty café. aww, fuck me • in which clint goes to a café every morning for cheap breakfasts as he can't cook for shit and this incredibly attractive couple are looking at him and oh shit, they sent over a coffee and their numbers. he's fucked. fix me up, daddy • in which clint stars as the 'i-did-something-super-embarrassing-please-don't-judge-me’ patient, thor is the completely baffled doctor and steve is the completely done nurse. TONYSTEVEBUCKYTCHALLA: they joined hands and the world ended. • in which the guys are all successful CEOs of important businesses and it seems that they all hate each other to the outside world but actually, they are all in a relationship. but what happens when a jealous ex lover finds out and threatens to expose them to the world ? I NEED SOMEONE TO WRITE ALL THESE !! message me if you're interested.
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chicknhrtd-blog · 6 years
tag dump
#(  they'll laugh at you ; don't let them  )  ic#(  i don't have enough money for chicken nuggets...  )  ooc#(  it's too much ... i'm sorry !  )  ask#(  what does it feel like to be able to stand confidently in front of others ?  )  headcanon#(  sitting in a field and watching butterflies  )  character study#(  t -- too many people...  )  self promo#(  everyone here shines so brightly ..  )  promo#(  there's always so much happening ; it's suffocating to see  )  dash commentary#(  how long until you realize i'm not worth it ?  )  visage#(  my sun / you shine the brightest of all the stars / sometimes it's blinding  )  mirio#(  curiosity killed the cat / but satisfaction brought it back  )  nejire#(  lift me up when i fall and i will come to you in your darkest days  )  miritama#(  ask me questions and i will give you answers / only because of how much you mean to me  )  nejitama#(  and miraculously -- the two stars orbit eachother  )  mirihadou#(  and together we will pave our paths to becoming heroes  )  the big three#(  two stars and a planet orbiting both ; sometimes the two of you are untouchable  )  the big ot3#(  a heroic spirit and tough skin ; be unbreakable and go far  )  kirishima#(  you who took on someone so burdened / you who is patient and kind  )  fatgum#(  slowly but surely the fear-filled hero will reach out  )  starter / inbox call#(  not a hero who does fanservice  )  prompts / memes#(  how easy it is to shatter a heart so fragile ; how long before i am left behind ?  )  musings#(  oh. am i talking too much ?  )  tag dump
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turkborne · 7 years
Valentines Drabbles
I’m debating if I have the time today for cute/smutty valentines shit. I likely do have time for a few drabbles. So here’s how it’s gonna go:
Pick a ship.
if you’re looking for a specific kink, mention it
Give a prompt of some sort. 
shove it in my ask box
Now, I’m gonna do these as I see fit. If i get one Spark/Go and five OT3 of the leaders I’m prolly gonna do one each and may even combine em if they fit together.
I’ll write these for any fandom I’m in though, so for those of you who know what other fandoms I’ve gotten entrenched in... If you wanna see me have a go at something else, now is as good a time as any.
What kind of prompts can I give?
Phrases one might say
blanche lost the cuff keys again
noire is hoarding the chicken nuggets
Got the idea? (if you’re stumped for ideas here are some. Please don’t use the numbers.)
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