#carla x fem!reader
venusflytrpp · 8 months
Dear Anonymous - Carla Roson (Pt 2)
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Warnings : loss of a parent, spicy but not spicy towards the end
(Reader is a female has and has two dads: Father(Demitru) and Dad(Michael))
Later that week your dad returned home from tour gathering you and all the staff downstairs to declare that your father’s funeral was next week Wednesday. So with today being Sunday, your dad hadn’t even given you a week's notice let alone pull you aside and tell you separately. 
You had all the respect in the world for the staff that had practically raised you but you are his daughter. Doesn't that mean something? Weren’t you meant to be a part of the planning, helping to commemorate the life of your father.
You’d already escaped to Carla’s house three times that week after hearing of your dad’s impending arrival and once on the day of his arrival not quite ready to see him. So you didn't want to turn up at her house again, afraid you were becoming a burden. But this was unbelievable almost as if the minute your father wasn't around your dad forgot you existed. 
Just as you're getting ready to leave the room your dad calls out your name beckoning you to follow him into the home office.
“Y/n, I just wanted to let you know that during the procession you’ll be walking behind me with your aunts and uncles.”
“Why aren't I walking next to you ?” you ask incredulously  
“Well, I already have to hold your fathers portrait and that should be front and centre. Don’t you think so ?” You couldn’t argue with him there but it was what he said next that confirmed your prior assumptions.
“Wouldn't want everyone to be distracted comparing the two of you” If your dad had stopped at his previous statement then you would have been fine but adding the second part just confirmed that your Dad hated the resemblance you had to your father. 
“Are you serious right now ?” 
“What, I’m not wrong it got brought up every time you two went anywhere together”
“Yeah, maybe because i’m his fucking daughter” You practically shouted, frustrated at his blatant insensitivity. 
“Y/n M/n Caregula, You will not raise your voice at me as you’re my daughter as well” He shouts back, clearly offended by your choice of words.
“Well, you don’t act like it. You haven't acted like it at all since he died'' You retaliate, finally getting the chance to confront your dad on his recent behaviour. 
He goes quiet for a moment, face dropping as soon as the words leave your lips. 
“Y/n I don’t owe you any explanations, you know this is a hard time for me.” 
Hot tears start streaming down your face as you whisper “It’s just as hard for me, I just want you to talk to me like when I was little. When I fell in the playground at lunch and after school you sat me down and talked about how pain works, how it may hurt currently but it gets better. When our dog, Diesel, died and you both talked to me about grief, how he’d gone to a better place where he’ll never feel pain or suffering ever again.”
“I’m just asking for you to be my dad again, why can’t you see that ?” Your voice breaks on the last few words, turning around to leave study you sob “I just want my Parents back” 
The day of the funeral arrives and you haven't spoken to anyone since that Sunday in the office with your dad. Carla and Rebeka had tried reaching out to you after they heard about the funeral date but no answer came from you. 
A staff member comes into your room to lay your suit on the table, as you stand up to take a look at it you notice that it’s one of your fathers tailored to your dimensions. Goosebumps rise along your skin as you pick up the suit holding it up  to your body in the mirror. 
You barely last a few seconds before you crumble to the floor clutching the suit in your hands. 
A knock at the door comes unnoticed to you as the door opens and Carla walks in shutting the door behind her. Greeted by the sight of you huddled up in a ball, a suit clutched to your chest. Heavy sobs leaving your mouth, a sign of an oncoming panic attack. 
She moves in front of you blocking the mirror. Clutching your shoulders to lift you into a seated position.
“Y/n” she speaks, your eyes snapping to hers “Y/n I need you too breath” 
You almost feel like rolling your eyes at her as if it was that easy. But sensing the eye roll, she glares at you bringing you back to reality. Holding her stare, you begin to follow her breaths slowing down the pace of your chest. 
After a while all that escapes your mouth is “It's his suit” 
Carla’s mouth slightly opens to acknowledge this but it shuts just as fast as she rises to her feet pulling you up with her. 
“Let’s get it on you then, we’re getting through this bit by bit.”
“You can turn around now” you rasp out, your throat raw from the minimal amount of talking you’d been doing. 
Carla feels bad for admiring the way the suit fits on you, having to draw her eyes away from the way the sleeves hug your arms. A slight smirk arises from you about to comment on her wandering eyes but just as you were about to, your eyes catch the mirror. 
You take a breath about to speak but once again no words are found. 
Once again sensing your panic, Carla moves to stand fully in front of the mirror. Blocking it with her body, she tips your head down to make eye contact with you. 
“You look great, you don't need the mirror to tell you that. Now we are going to walk out of here, I'll walk you to the funeral car and I'll meet you at the church”  She slowly tells you, making sure that you pay attention to her words.
You give her a weak nod still unable to speak.
She takes your hand like she did in the school bathroom and leads you out of your room, down the stairs and out the front door to the awaiting car. You can see your dad already waiting inside of the car jogging his foot, clearly impatient that you made him wait. 
The chauffeur opens the door and Carla goes to let go of your hand allowing you to get in but you desperately grab at her arm.
“Can you come with me?“ Your face, her eyes begging her. 
She goes to answer you but a voice comes from the car
“Y/n get in now, we’re going to be late” Your dad interrupts 
“Carla please…” You ask again, ignoring him
“Y/n, NOW! Leave the girl we have to go” He raises his voice causing Carla to move her arm from your grip and step back allowing you more room to get in the car. 
That seems to have answered your question as your eyes slightly begin to water and you get in the car. 
Just before the door shuts Carla shouts.
“I’ll see you at the church Y/n/n”
Carla stays true to her word as during the procession you are able to spot her on the sidelines making eye contact several times. Your Dad in front and father’s siblings on your sides slightly shield you from sight but you can still make her out.
The funeral is extravagant and dragged out as per your dad's request. With a few words from him, your fathers family members and friends. You’ve become so numb that you don’t even react to the fact that your dad never asked you to speak, just add it to the list of things he’s done. The church part of the service ends with your Dad redirecting everyone back to the house for a continuation of the service. He ushers you back to the car alongside him before you have any time to look around for Carla or even Rebeka at this point. 
Enduring the evening of sorrowful looks and condolences it gets to a point when your Dad announces a song that he wrote dedicated to his husband.
Only the second he starts the first chord you recognise the song. 
He was playing your song. 
During music class with your tone deaf teacher, Mr Riba, he urged you to convey your feelings in a song. Though it was honestly the last thing you wanted to do, opting to curl up in a ball and cry. A few days later you’d done it anyway and you gave it to him as an audio file, causing him to rave and praise your talent comparing you to your dad. 
You don’t have any idea as to how Michael got his hands on it but you can't imagine it took much effort as he glances at you with a soft smile on his face as if he’s comforting you. Of course to anyone else it would look this way but the knife in your back just twists.
He nears the end of the song and as if this day could get any worse for you, you overhear one of your aunts whisper to someone you’ve never met before.
“You know, Dimetru was on that plane to make it back for Y/n’s school concert. Imagine if he'd never gotten on that plane.” 
“It's a shame she didn’t do anything to commemorate him” They whisper back.
The pin finally drops for you. 
Michael is done with ‘his’ commemorative song and he reaches out for your hand as you can tell he's bringing the service to an end but you don't move. Your eyes fixed on the door and the heavy rain, you can only think one thing. 
So you do.
Ignoring Michael's calls from behind you reach the door slamming it open startling everyone in the room. You're pretty sure the glass on the door broke with the force but you can't bring yourself to care.  
The heavy rain pours drenching the suit and plastering your hair to your forehead as you keep moving, each rapid footstep causing discomfort to ripple through your body. Your destination in mind just causes you to push harder, chest screaming out in anguish causing you to reach a hand out to clutch at it.
By the time you've made it to the school and up the many stairs that you struggled your way up, you collapse on the roof. Your body giving up under the amount of strain that you put it under, willing yourself to move just a bit further you move towards the edge, legs hanging over, upper body laid down. As if your final act, your hand moves up to grasp at the tie, loosening it, finally attempting to get some substantial air in your lungs.
You’ve been laid there for what seems like hours but it's only been a few minutes when the roof door opens. Your head doesn’t turn knowing it wouldn't be long before someone came to find you. Your eyebrows only raise in suspicion at Carla’s face hanging over yours, although upside down. The umbrella perched over her head momentarily shields you from the rain. 
“You made quite a scene back there” She discloses, moving to sit by you. Further away from the edge. “Made it easier for me to slip away though” Carla adds with a grin.
You don’t move in the slightest, the numbing feeling from earlier reintroducing itself. Despite her efforts to cheer you up. 
“That was your song back there wasn’t it?” Still nothing from you “It was, I don’t know why i bothered asking, surprised he took it though surely as the world renowned musician he is he could have written something himself?”
Nothing yet again 
“This silence thing you're doing is kinda getting old, you know I wouldn't do this for anyone right? I’m pretty sure my dads figured out I'm not there by now since I took the car.”
“Why are you here ?” The question leaves your lips almost offending her. Almost.
“In all honesty…no lo se” She replies “I’ve been here the last few days doesn’t seem right to stop now.” 
This causes you to sit up turning your face to look at her, makeup untouched and dress undrenched. You on the other hand look a mess, finally getting a proper look at you she sees your cheeks covered in a light sheen, raindrops lingering on your eyelashes, eyes sunken in clearly showing how tired you were.
“You look like shit” She blurts out. You let out a quiet snort at this slowly morphing into a full blown laugh as your head nods in agreement. 
“I’m sure I do!” You exclaim trying to calm down, but it just gets harder as she joins in laughing just as hard. 
“I’m sorry” she says as your laughter calms down.
“Me too” Is all you say back. Confusing Carla as it doesn't seem like you have anything to apologise for.
“I'm sorry that my face is so similar to my dead fathers that Michael can't even bare to look at it” Your laughter slightly resumes but Carla ceases completely.
“I’m sorry that my father felt the need to get on a plane to see his fucking daughter. I’m sorry that I didn’t take a bigger role in a funeral that i didn’t know was going to happen until four fucking days ago” Your laughter becomes hysterical as you start swaying on the edge. Starting to scare Carla by how much closer you're getting to fall off.
“Y/n…” she speaks softly 
“You, know I always thought I had the best parents growing up turns out ones dead and the other one was just bearing with my presence for the dead one” 
“Y/n.” She speaks firmer than before trying to call you toward her. 
“Never thought this is how I'd find out, the guy who dedicated his songs to his family, taught me to play my instruments, helped me back to sleep after a bad dream. It was all for show wasn’t it? I’m supposed to be focused on the fact that DIMETRU IS FUCKING DEAD” you scream the last part trying to block Michael from your mind.
That last shout makes you lose balance causing you to fall forward when the sound of something hitting the floor and a sharp tug at the back of your blazer jolts you into action. Getting a handle on the edge you propel yourself backwards further onto the roof. By doing this you accidentally take Carla down with you causing her to slip but you catch her before her head hits the ground. 
“You idiot!” She gasps out moving to sit fully in your lap, ear pressed against your hard breathing chest. Hands gripping at your back seemingly wanting you as close as possible. 
“I…I’m sorry” You really mean this one. Taken aback by the sudden influx of affection she’s showing you, speaking into her hair “I’m sorry I scared you.”
“Whatever maldito idiota” Her voice comes out muffled against your chest “Never again” 
“Never again” You repeat. You press a light kiss to her forehead, causing her head to raise out of your chest, eyes staring directly into yours. “Sorry… it just felt like the right time.” 
“Stop apologising” she replies, eyes still holding eye contact.
Her nose brushes over yours, leaning in further she slowly closes the distance, testing the waters.
“This may not be the best moment but…Carla can I kiss you ?” You ask feeling the need to ask 
She rolls her eyes breaking eye contact but moving in again whispering against your lips 
Your lips meet hers with a deep desperation. Lips crashing together hungry and insistent to keep going. Her hands move your hands from her upper back to her lower back, moving her hands back to grip at your neck pulling you closer, if that was even possible. 
Your hands start to grip harder, moving to her hips massaging slightly. Desperate for the world to fade and leave just the both of you in this new found passion. Breathes deep and ragged, your lips and tongues meet over and over again, hearts hammering against your chests seemingly in sync. 
She slowly pulls away causing you to whimper slightly and a smirk graces her lips. She knew you wanted more and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t want more too. But she has to remind herself that although this confirmed you returned the feelings she did, you weren't currently in the right state of mind. 
Not wanting to dampen your mood all she says is. 
“This stays between us Y/n” You nod quickly wanting to feel her lips again but she moves back at your advance causing you to groan. “I need to hear you say it Y/n” 
“This stays between us” You reply, voice raspy and spent from the effect of a long day.
Too bad the paparazzi that had caught wind of your breakdown had other plans.
AN: part two! I think it’s alright but open to ideas for this series I think maybe two more parts then I can write for others
Also elite season 7! I kinda think it should have ended earlier at most when Samuel died but 🤷‍♂️.
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gorgeys · 10 months
stay tuned bc carla smut is on the way!!
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
what about hcs for when carla finally meets y/n?
omg literally two peas in a pod! Even though you’re afraid she won’t like you, it’s literally the exact opposite. So when she first meets (y/n), she’s literally stunned. Like shocked that you’re so pretty and she even jokes with Eren that there’s no way he could pull someone like you. “You actually like him? You’re not kidding?” And you can only laugh because there’s no way her son bagged somebody like you! Once she gets to know you, she ends up adoring her daughter in law more than anything (including Eren!) comes to visit and the first words out of her mouth is ‘where’s my daughter?’ Y’all STAY talking shit about him 😭 and she tells all of her son’s business over lunch or in the living room while drinking coffee. Reminiscing over what he was like as a kid. “Oh, he loved that damn stuffed animal. Slept with it until he was like eleven.” And he gets so mad! “Mom, what the hell?! Why would say that?” If you ever have an issue with him, all it takes is one call to mama Carla and she will gladly get his ass together. He’ll be in the studio, talking with his boys and he gets a FaceTime from her. As soon as he answers, she’s cussing him out. “Eren Michael Jaeger, what did you do to upset my baby? Why the fuck haven’t you been spending time with her? Don’t make me come to Miami because I will.” She does not play about her girl. You guys go shopping together, have girl talk and she’s just so much fun. She’s happy that her son is with such a wonderful, beautiful and strong woman. One that keeps him grounded and always take care of him.
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bumblesimagines · 10 months
You never cared this much before. Why now?"
"I thought rivalry was our thing. Now it's turned into something... else?"
- Carla Rosón
You never cared this much before. Why now?"
"I thought rivalry was our thing. Now it's turned into something... else?"
pronouns: they/them, gender neutral
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Cayetana hadn't been at all what you were expecting. Despite the photos she posted on her social media and all the boasting about her lavish vacations, one drink made her loosen up and ramble about her interests in fashion. You could barely keep up with her chatter, being rendered to confused nods and hums of acknowledgement.
Too enveloped in her own little world, she seemed to barely notice how she leaned against your side while scrolling through her phone and showing you different pictures. Your lips tugged into a small smile at her excitement but before you could even begin to try to make sense of her incoherent words, a purse dropped amongst the cups on the table and your head rose to look up at the other blonde.
"Uhm.." Cayetana's gaze flickered between you and the infamous ice queen, slowly dragging herself away your side and standing up. A sling of nervous babbles left her but she quickly clamped her mouth shut and turned away, slipping into the crowd of clubgoers.
"Carlita," You cooed and leaned back in the booth, propping your arm up and raising a brow at her. "That was rude."
"You don't care whether or not I hurt her feelings. Stop acting like you give a shit about anyone but yourself." Carla said, smoothing the back of her dress as she lowered herself down beside you.
You whistled lowly and chuckled "Damn, what's got you in a mood today? Was it little Caye? Lu's not replacing you with her, though I wouldn't blame her if she did. She's pretty cute, huh? Real sweet and nice."
"Stop flirting with her."
"You're in no position to make demands, Carlita." Satisfaction pierced through you when she whirled her head to look at you with a scowl. You gazed back at her and smirked. "You never cared this much before. Why now?"
"Things changed." Carla looked forward again, crossing her arms across her stomach and pursing her pink-tinted lips. "I thought rivalry was our thing. Fighting, getting ahead of each other. Now it's turned into something... else?"
You shifted slightly in your seat and exhaled softly. You hadn't spoken to Carla since a party Lu had graciously hosted. One too many drinks had led you to a night with foggy memories where the only thing you remembered was waking up in bed with an all too familiar face. Even with the occasional flirting, things between you and Carla had always remained strictly off romantic or sexual grounds. For the sake of your brother, Polo, and his relationship with her.
"Nothing has to change. We forget anything happened and we don't mention it to Polo." Your eyes found him in the crowd with ease. He danced with Guzman and Ander, looking as content and gleeful as always.
"It doesn't matter now. Polo and I broke up-"
"Because he killed someone and you helped him make a false alibi because you didn't want to get arrested." Your jaw clenched and with your mood ruined for the night, you picked up your jacket and stood up. She watched you, an emotion other than smugness or cruelty finally showing in her hazel eyes. Hurt. "You've been playing a part since you were born, Carla. Continuing to pretend won't hurt you."
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liuhko · 4 months
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ㅤʕ ྀི UR MOM ㅤ ݁ ˖ Carla Jaeger drabble headcanon things (?) requested by mootie @cindol
THIS WORK INCLUDES: female reader, mommy kink, nsfw, dominant character x submissive reader
NOTE: Today (January 29th) is Carla’s birthday!! Giving this post my nice layout cause ily cin (pls stop dissing yoosung). PLS SHE’S SO NGH~! Not proofread *frowny face*
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Dealing with Eren was a handful, this was nothing new, but being his teacher came with a lot of perks. Perks such as meeting his mother. Carla Jaeger is the perfect woman. Smart, polite, and so gorgeous. Your first meeting with her was a parent-teacher conference. It was after school, in your classroom, she was the last parent you needed to attend to. You’d never been one to get butterflies, but when you locked eyes with this woman those bugs started soaring! The conference was quick, mostly because you had very little to say about Eren. He was a good kid, just a bit odd, but that’s just how kids are. Carla had praised your teaching abilities repeatedly during the meeting; you struggled to control yourself that day. Meeting her was like rainfall in mid-summer Arizona. However, you had noticed the pretty ring she wore and that soured your mood. “Of course, she’s married.” You grumbled to yourself once she had left. It was a rather sad predicament, her marriage ruined just about every fantasy you had. Until…!
“My parents divorced.” You furrowed your brows at the young boy. Eren had a bad habit of sharing everyone’s business, his included. “Divorced?” You asked him, a comical lightbulb flickering on in your head. A divorced woman needed the most love, surely she needed someone to talk to, someone she could trust. That someone would be you.
Carla was sensitive after her divorce, so it was easy to get close to her.
She grew comfortable with you instantly and was the first one to suggest contact outside of school.
She ranted about her ex-husband often, which pissed you off, but you knew it would pass with time.
Carla shared custody with Eren, and you often followed her when she had to drop him at his dad’s. She knew you disliked him but she had begged you to be cordial — you refused.
Carla and Grisha divorced because he had lost feelings for her and rekindled his love with his previous wife. This led to Carla becoming a bit critical of her appearance, and it drove you mad.
You showered her with affection and affirmations. Praising her face and body, often referring to her as the perfect woman, she always laughed at that title.
Carla often gave Eren an extra lunch to give you at work. Her food was delicious and you resisted the strong urge to eat HER (out) when you’d personally return the lunchbox to her the following day.
Your close friendship with Carla benefitted you in various ways. Once, her towel had slipped after getting out the shower. You were in the room and your eyes widened at the sight of her naked body. She apologized profusely but you just grinned. “It’s alright, we’re both women. I don’t mind.” The intentions behind your words were anything but innocent but they led to Carla being a lot more open.
She dressed/undressed in front of you. Asked for your help with changing, and sometimes showered with you to “save time”. You never questioned it. It was incredible.
Carla Jaeger was a bold woman. You had caught her searching a box in her bedroom, and she was completely unbothered. She proudly showed you the contents of the box and watched as you grew embarrassed. She even went as far as to explain how each object was used. “Oh, (name), there’s no need to be so shy. I’m sure you know how lonely I can be at times.” You scoffed at her. “Why would you be lonely when you have me?” A grin spread across her face upon hearing your words. “Then why don’t you help me with these? We’re both women after all. It’s not a big deal.”
If there’s one thing Carla loves, it’s toying with you. She enjoys taunting you and gets a kick out of watching you beg.
She also loves sitting on your face. Partly because you’re good at eating pussy but mostly because she loves seeing your cum-stained face.
Carla’s very accepting of your preferences and doesn’t judge you in the slightest, even when you accidentally call her mommy. “Do you like that, sweetheart? Should I keep going?” She cooed. A soft giggle escaped her lips as you let out a loud gasp, your legs shaking, when she increased the intensity. “Mhm…feels s-so good mommy…!” You responded through labored breaths. It didn’t take long for you to realize your mistake and begin explaining yourself, but Carla quickly shushed you. “I don’t mind, sweetie. If you like calling me mommy, you can…it just means I’m making you feel good.” The puzzled look on your face made her smile. “Are you sure you don’t mind? Cause if it makes you uncomfortable then I understand—“ She rolled her eyes and increased the vibration setting, effectively shutting you up. “I’m perfectly fine with it, you don’t need to worry.”
Carla records. She’s so attached to you and gets so lonely when you aren’t around. She’ll usually watch a few videos and play with herself when she misses you.
She sends you videos and pictures of herself all the time.
Carla gets DOWN with the strap. She never fails to make you cum. Never!!! She’s also interested in the craziest positions whenever she uses a strap. “(name), we should try this! All you have to do is get into a bridge pose, the yoga one!” She will persuade you into having sex in these abnormal positions.
Carla likes to get straps that are bigger than what you usually use just to see you with a stomach bulge. Watching you struggle to take a larger strap gets her much more excited than she should be.
Carla has a slew of pet names for you and they’re adorable. They’re nothing unique but still so cute, she loves using them to guide you through your orgasms.
She doesn’t love scissoring because she isn’t as close to you as she’d like to be (Carla’s very clingy) but she does enjoy the feeling of your wet pussy rubbing against hers, so she can’t complain too much!
Being a mom is stressful, and sometimes Carla just needs a day to de-stress. If you allow her to de-stress by using you, you’ll likely wake up sore and covered in bite and/or scratch marks. She apologizes when she’s done <3
Her aftercare is unmatched. Carla will cook you whatever you want if you’re hungry, pepper you with kisses and take her time cleaning you up.
She fantasizes about sexually torturing you.
Carla loves your tits, size is irrelevant. She plays with your nipples all the time.
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roarriita · 1 year
eres tu - ellie williams
latina!fem!reader! x elliewilliams!
wc: 1.7k+
content warning: explicit language
tags: @prrimordiais @prettyplant0 @sparkleswonderland @minustwofingers @intrnetdoll @elliesflower @frogychu @scandalcus (if you'd like to be tagged in any future chapters of 'eres tu' just lmk in the comments or pms <33)
// initial summary: you and ellie use to be best friends until she made the awful choice to end things with you. skip to a year later, you guys are at each other's throats, pretending to not care and to not feel. as ellie's 19th birthday is creeping up, you find yourself wanting to patch things up with her, but will the stubborn auburn-haired girl make that easy for you? //
// a/n: awful description i'm sorry, i just really wanted to get this out there so that i can work on one of my other current works, hope you guys enjoy!! and ps, you don't have to be latina to read, just thought it'd be cute!! //
your wrists flicker bewitchingly as you play your violin. out of all your classes this school year, violin would have to be your favorite. the sweet and heady melodies the instrument makes as you maneuver its bow against the strings is all it takes to put your mind to ease. in a world in which society has collapsed and uninfected humans are difficult to come by, this is what you needed. well, this and– “can you shut up with that? like honestly, you’re starting to give me a headache.”
the violin lets out a small shriek as you come to an abrupt stop. you place the instrument on your lap as you turn your head to look at ellie, who has gone back to writing in her cedar colored journal. you tried to hold back the anger that begged to come out as you burned a glare into the side of her temple. “how about you go and fuck yourself? the only reason as to why i’m trapped in here with you instead of at my violin lessons is because of your pettiness and lack of showmanship.”
ellie’s grip on her pencil tightened as her eyebrows furrowed. you weren’t wrong, not entirely. it’s your last year of high school and you only have 2 more months to go until you officially graduate and are assigned real adult jobs by maria. your science teacher thought it’d be fun to have two of her top students in that class participate in a ‘friendly’ competition over the subject. let’s just say things were not friendly and when you seemed to have been in the lead with only a few minutes left of class, ellie blurted out the fact that you didn’t learn how to read until you were 9 years old and that you were probably cheating.
of course, you didn’t let that slide and in return spilled one of her big secrets which was the fact that she plagiarized her 10th grade english paper from some random textbook she found on a run with joel. it wouldn’t have been that big of a deal if it wasn’t the same paper that got her on honor roll and at the top of her class. she stole that spot from another girl who was a brilliant writer and worked her ass off to show it be reflected in her work. so, then that girl stepped in and started verbally attacking ellie and before anyone knew it, people were turning against each other, some siding with the writer, others siding with ellie and her desperate attempt at passing 10th grade english, ‘cause in her defense, the assignment was pretty difficult.
ellie turned her head to you as she shut her journal. “ugh, finally.” you scoffed. “we have another 45 more minutes left of detention to go and i do not want to hear your imperceptible scribbling for the time being.”
‘imperceptible’ the word replayed over and over in ellie’s head as she tried to search for the meaning. when she couldn’t, it caused her to grow even more frustrated. it might’ve taken you a little longer to learn how to read and write than the other kids in jackson but once you did, you made sure to read every book and dictionary you could get your hands on. the thought of ever being humiliated for your lack of knowledge, drove your motivation. 
when you first met ellie, she thought it was cute. she’d smile at those ‘big and weird’ words you’d use to describe the simplest of actions and emotions and would even ask you what they meant. you’d always be happy to answer and even throw in a few fun facts about the word, but now? oh now, she just found it insufferable. she found you insufferable. “you know, i meant what i said, about you cheating. no way could you recall all of the constellations off the top of your head. you’re too slow for that.”
you ran your tongue over your front teeth as an annoyed smirk took a hold of your lips. “you are such a sore loser. it’s entertaining actually. the way your eyes flicker with anger the second i do anything that ticks you off.” you leaned in her direction, refusing to break eye contact. “my favorite part about it all is that i don’t even have to try and your anger runs rampant with thoughts of me. glad to know i have that kind of power.”
ellie felt a familiar, yet unwelcomed knot in her stomach as you stared at her. the teasing words that left your lips didn’t help her situation either. “what?” you questioned. “cat got your tongue?” the fire you lit in her chest grew brighter at your snarky comment but the knot in her stomach also tightened. she looked over you, her eyes darting from your eyes to your lips, to the small facial details all around your face until they landed back on your (y/c/e). 
“i hate you.” ellie cursed.
you blinked a few times as a powerful sting erupted from your chest. you caught your smirk before it could fully fall and recollected yourself. “i hate you too.”
your eyes linger on the ceiling of your room as your thoughts jump from subject to subject, ellie being one that keeps coming back. your friendship used to mean the world to the both of you, then one fight over something so stupid and boom, it’s over and you find yourselves fighting over what was supposed to be  a ‘friendly’ competition. the love you have for ellie is still there, it never left. it could never leave. a knock on the door pulls you out of your thoughts.
you quickly get off your bed, making sure to suck back in the tears that were seconds away from spilling and open your bedroom door. “(y/n), ven.” your mother, who’s still as youthful as the day the infection went wildfire, said as she grabbed your hand and led you to the kitchen.
“¿para qué?” you questioned.
“i want you to try the arroz con leche i made for ellie.” your mom smiled as she poured you a cup of the piping hot drink.
you groaned, rolling your eyes. “why’d you make her some? do you still talk to her, venus?”
your mother sent you a death glare for using her first name. “you know, back in my day you would’ve gotten a smack on your behind for that.”
“yeah, well back in your day you also didn’t have clickers running wild, trying to satisfy it’s insatiable hunger with you either, now did you?” you snarked. the next glare your mom sent you felt much scarier and more threatening. you shuffled between your two feet quickly before dropping your piss poor attitude. “i’m sorry.” you hung your head low as you sat on the wooden barstool.
you rested your elbows on the kitchen island and placed your cheeks in the palm of your hands. your mom reeled herself back, understanding that ellie was a sensitive topic for you. she didn’t know the whole story of your fallout. all she knew was what you told her after you came home, snot running down your nose, teary clouds blurring your vision and sorrowful sobs leaving your throat. 'she stopped talking to me a few weeks ago, she blew up on me over something stupid i said and then i tried talking to her again today and ugh, mami she was such an asshole, i don’t get it. i just miss her.'
your mother gave you a look of sympathy, before carefully placing the cup in front of you. “listen, i know your relationship with ellie right now is… complicated–”
“right now?” you repeated. “ma, it’s been almost a year already.”
“so? tu papa y yo, fuimos 2 years without talking,” your mothers accent made itself more apparent as she passionately spoke and switched between english and spanish. “and yet, we still found ourselves back to each other. love is greater than any other emotion we feel (y/n), whether that’d be fear or anger. if what you had with ellie was as strong as you believed it once was, then she will come back to you. maybe she was going through something, blew up, felt embarrassed and let her pride win.”
you took careful sips of your drink, taking in all that she said. your mother possessed many amazing qualities but her ability to make others feel seen and understood was one of her greatest ones, as well as giving fruitful advice. “i mean, did you try talking to her again after things cooled down?”
“no.” you quickly let out. “the first time she blew up on me, that’s what i did, i waited until things cooled down but the second time? nu-uh, message-fucking-recevied.”
your mother scoffed amusingly as she began pouring the liquid into a tall thermal. the fact that you finished your drink in the small amount of time in which this conversation was taking place was all the answer she needed to know that what she made was more than delicious. “you’re gonna give her all of it?” your face scrunched up, wanting another serving or two.
“it’s her early birthday present. 19 is a pretty big number.” venus smiled as she took off her mits and placed the empty pot in the sink. “now, please wash that while i go over and take this to them.”
“what, no.” you whined, hating having to wash dishes, especially big pots with gunky stuff stuck to the bottom.
“okay, fine.” your mother placed the thermal back down. “you take it over to them. and don’t just hand it to joel, make sure you let ellie know that it was from me and that we both wish her an early happy birthday.” your eyes widened as you took in a deep and sharp breath. “yeah, that’s what i thought.” 
before your mom could leave, you stopped her. you really hated washing big pots, this is your only reason for wanting to take the thermal to ellie. it had nothing to do with what your mom just said or the unspoken fervent thoughts and feelings you still possessed for ellie. “fine, i’ll go. just, let me get dressed first.”
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novistarplanet · 1 year
How the aot girlies wear their acrylic
A/n so like im a beginner nail tech and i thought this was fun to do🤭 i got the idea from @ohayopoko
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- she will most definitely wear a nice classy ombre set I dont really see her stepping out of her comfort zone and doing any other colors
- she doesn’t like charms :( at MOST she would get like a Dior nail foil
- I dont really see her getting acrylics like that i feel like she would only get them on special occasions🤷🏽‍♀️
- i dont see her going to a nail tech she walks straight into a nail shop
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-i most definitely feel like historia would go ALL out
-She makes getting her nails done into a event and like period cant really hate on her
-gets her nails done frequently halloween? she already booked her appointment! Christmas? She already got the inpso pic!
-Most definitely have a private nail tech she drags ymir each time she goes(even tho that btch dont get nothin😒)
- also gets nail art
-BUT i could also see her with a short classy french tip set yk this girl got a whole town to run🤭💅🏾
-if your looking at a blank image yea she doesnt get her nails done
-Theirs no point😭 she doesnt get the point spending money on powder and plastic only for it to popped off in the next 2 weeks
-doesnt even get painted😟
-dont even take care of her nails
-has hang nails
(cues SpongeBob scream)
Girl do better.
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-she rocks both long and short but i put long up there
-Shes the type of client who has food and dirt under their nails😷
-but minus her eating she takes really good of her nails
-and also tips well :)
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Mama Carla
-Say what you want about her! but she slays!!!
-doesnt let her age stop her and she gets nice nail sets
-not to long or short appropriate
-she still gotta get on eren🙄
i couldn’t resist.😭
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-Now yall know eren would come and get this
-he loves coming with he’s mama to the nail shop
-even INSISTS he get hes feet done too
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underthetree845 · 8 months
How to Say “I love you”
Chapter Eight: When In Doubt
Chapter Index
Cws: AFAB Reader, Reader is Eren’s twin sister, high school au, communication issues resolution, mutual pining, childhood friends, flashbacks
About 5.8k words
Summary: Armin reflects on the history of his and Reader’s relationship and they have a much needed conversation.
A/n: Okay so I did get it out this weekend! It's Sunday night for me as I'm posting this, so I'm sure some of you will see this Monday morning so apologies for that. <3
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The last time Armin had to deal with Eren holding a grudge against him was probably around seventh grade- your guys’ second year of junior high. 
Near the end of the year, for one Friday only, the cafeteria had been giving away Unagi and Chee Burg Steak per popular vote amongst the students and student council on what to spend the school’s extra fundraiser money on. 
Of course, fate had already woven its terrible web, and the one day Eren would have been able to get his favorite food for free at school, a terrible flu left him bedridden that Friday and almost the entirety of the following week. It was so bad your mother wouldn’t even let him leave his room. Your father did what he could. Eren wasn’t on the brink of death by any means, even if he did act like it, but from what you could tell, he did suffer pretty terribly. 
He blamed it on the after school fight on Wednesday that he’d gotten himself involved in. It happened during a heavy snowfall. By the time you, Armin, and Mikasa found him, he was already wet and chattering, trudging home on battered legs. Umbrellas aren’t really much of a priority in fistfights. 
That Friday, you and Mikasa had a project to work on during lunch, so Eren asked Armin if he would grab an extra meal and bring it back as a favor. The blonde boy happily obliged, but was met with dismay by the rate at which all the specialty lunches were being handed out. Spending some extra time after class to help a classmate through a difficult math problem had already made Armin a little late getting to the lunchroom; not late enough, however, to miss out on snatching an extra Chee Burg Steak packet. It was one of the last ones. 
Not being able to get ahold of the meal wasn’t what Armin ended up apologizing for. Theo, for whatever reason, always took to dirtying Armin’s uniform whenever he caught him alone at lunch. When none of his friends were there to defend him, Theo could play it off as an accident in such a way that it would be useless to report to the faculty as harassment without any witnesses. It just happened to be one of those days. As Armin was walking back to your classroom with both meals, he caught Theo’s eye, and god forbid he have one day of peace, because the poor boy ended up with Unagi sauce all down the front of his sweater vest. 
Theo wasn’t even the direct reason Armin was unable to deliver the Chee Burg Steak meal to Eren. Now he had to go to the bathroom to wash up and stop by his locker to change into his other sweater (which he had learnt to bring after the third occurrence). Armin briefly stepped into the nearest classroom to set the meals down. It was reasonable to think that the meals would be safe- after all who would just take someone else’s food? 
Well apparently the answer was at least one person, because when Armin came back from changing, his one meal of Unagi and one meal of Chee Burg Steak had turned into two meals of Unagi. 
You were dead set on interrogating that entire class when you found out, but Armin managed to convince you that there wouldn’t be much of a point in doing so. There would be no way to prove who exchanged the meals unless enough students acted as witnesses, and the chance that students would take the time after school for something so trivial was beyond slim. He doubted the faculty would even hear them out. Plus, the meal was probably already being eaten, so there wouldn’t be much to gain even if they did pinpoint a perpetrator. 
Eren understood that what happened wasn’t for Armin’s lack of trying, the brunette mostly just grumbled about “not being so much of a pushover,” and “why’d you leave them in that classroom anyway?” He wasn’t really upset with Armin’s actions, he was mostly just being grumpy about missing out on the Chee Burg Steak (it definitely being the only possible meal that could cure his sickness). 
The grudge itself didn’t last very long. Armin felt absolutely terrible, so that weekend he stopped by the convenience store and picked up half a dozen pre-packaged Chee Burg Steak meals for your brother; all qualms were immediately forgotten. 
This time, Armin had a feeling that forgiveness wouldn’t come so easily. 
His fists wrinkled the fabric of his uniform pants, Eren’s eyes continued to bore into him like two sharp nails. 
“I won’t… say what it is exactly,” Armin’s voice displayed his hesitancy, “but it’s just something to do with your sister. Okay?” 
“Well yeah, I already know that much,” Eren replied with a sigh, “You’ve been acting weird around her, like there’s something in the back of your mind other than the fact that you want to marry her or whatever.” Armin flushed.
“O-okay so I just,-” the boy pressed his lips into a line, taking a deep breath before continuing, “I know something that makes me think that Y/n knows something else that makes me think that she’s just pretending to care about me so she doesn’t hurt my feelings.” 
Eren blinked once. 
“Sorry, what?” 
“I’m worried that she’s just pretending to care about me,” Armin finished, finally looking up and the two boys locked eyes. 
“... Are you actually being serious? Because that’s kind of the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard,” Eren scrunched his face up in contemplation. 
“I wish I weren’t being serious,” Armin said, lowering his eyelids to let out a sigh. 
Your brother sat there for a minute. Part of him was dumbfounded. What had you done to make Armin worry about this? Part of him wanted to shake his best friend by the shoulders for being stupid enough to even consider the possibility. The other part of him was choosing what course of action to take to convince Armin that there was no possible way what he was worrying about could be true without revealing too much.  
“You know what? Come with me,” Eren said, getting up from his position on the floor. Armin stood and followed him out into the hallway, but paused when he realized where they were headed. “Y/n and Mikasa’s room??” Armin exclaimed in a whisper, placing his hand on Eren’s shoulder. “We can’t go in there while they’re not home, it’d be an invasion… of… privacy.” I really am a hypocrite, aren’t I? Armin sighed as his thoughts trailed off. He pulled his hand back. 
Eren continued into your room and kneeled down next to the short dresser that sat in front of the window. Armin followed apprehensively, making a conscious effort to avoid looking at your desk. 
“What are you even doing?” Armin hissed, “We shouldn’t be here.” 
“Relax, I’ve done worse,” Eren waved him off. 
“That doesn’t help,” Armin sighed warily, squinting to check the time on his watch in your dark room. It would be another hour and a half till you got back from helping Sasha babysit. He had no excuse to make for worrying. 
“Ah, but this might,” Eren said, pulling out a small wooden jewelry box with a satisfactory grin. The box wore a coat of white paint, slightly chipped but mostly in good condition. It had a gold keyhole that needed polishing on the front, but not much else. 
Eren moved to sit across from Armin so that the beam of light from the cracked door went between them. He slid the little box into the beam of light and crossed his arms.
“Why don’t you take a look inside here and try to tell me my sister doesn’t really care about you again?” the way he said it sounded more like a command than a suggestion, and Armin found himself unable to refuse. 
The box actually didn’t hold much. One by one, on the carpet, Armin laid out each of his findings. First was a seashell; a small one with a spiral at the top, still big enough to hold up to your ear to listen to the waves. Next was a small folded piece of paper. Armin set it down without making a move to open it. Lastly came some pressed flowers. They were purple and there were nine of them- he counted. 
“These are just things- aren’t they? I mean… I don’t really know…” Armin lowered his eyebrows in thought as he continued to stare. 
“For someone so smart, you sure are really stupid when it comes to this,” Eren sighed, scooting forward to brush his fingertips over the petals. “Do you remember that science fair project you did with Y/n when we were like, what- thirteen?” 
Armin’s eyes widened. “Yeah, of course I do. But… what do you mean by that?” Armin asked. He was unable to help the way his heart thumped in his chest. Flashes of your awestruck expression and beautiful smile against the rays of the sunset long since burned into the back of his mind began to resurface. 
“She was giddy that entire night. When I asked her where the flowers came from she told me you’d given them to her after the science fair after having grown them separately,” Eren explained, arranging the paperlike blossoms into the shape of a bouquet on the floor. “Ah, so she told you about that,” Armin’s voice lowered in embarrassment, a pink hue glowed on his cheeks as he looked down. “Yeah. She said it was the best thing she’d ever received and that she wanted to keep them forever,” your brother continued, “They sat in a vase for a while, our mom almost threw them away when they started to get too wilty. Y/n stopped her and decided to press them. They’re completely off limits so don’t you dare mention anything about this.” “She really liked them… that much?” Armin wanted to smile- but something held him back. He knew you held the types of feelings he longed for, just for someone else. It felt wrong to smile about something so precious that didn’t belong to him. 
“If she was pretending to care about you, she wouldn’t have put the flowers out,” Eren noted, “Hell, the fact that she stopped our mom from throwing them away to preserve them even longer probably means that she cares about you kinda a lot.” 
That’s true. The flowers did succeed in at least partially relieving some of Armin’s concerns. What was most important was to be there for you. He would always love you unconditionally, he didn’t need his feelings to be returned to do that. He loved you, not just the idea of being loved by you. 
“Do you need me to tell you what the seashell is from too, then?” Eren asked, shifting to sit more comfortably and leaning on one of his hands.
“No, I remember this,” Armin said with a fond smile, picking up the little trinket and holding it close. He shut his eyes and focused on the sound of the waves crashing against his ear. 
- “It’s so pretty! Where did you find it?” your eyes sparkled as Armin handed you the treasure. “Just over there,” he replied, a light flush coming to his cheeks at how easily he was able to make you smile. 
He watched as you closed your eyes and held the shell up to your ear, sighing blissfully before opening them again and looking at him. 
“You know it’s really echoing the sound of your blood capillaries, right?” Armin asked, shifting his foot in the sand. 
“What are caterpillar fairies?” you looked up at him in confusion, a gentle breeze blowing as you refocused to meet his gaze. “The blood flowing in your head,” Armin explained, tapping a finger to his temple, “When you press a seashell to your ear, it sounds like the ocean because the shell is reflecting the sound of your blood flowing right back into your own ear. “Really?” you replied, looking at the small shell in your hand. Armin nodded. “Well then that just means the ocean’s inside of us, right?” you grinned at him as a wave washed over your feet. “Sure, I guess,” Armin replied with half a smile, “My mom just kind of taught me the explanation for it though, so…” 
“Have you ever actually tried it?” you tilted your head. 
“Not in a while…” he mumbled. 
You took hold of his hand and placed the seashell in it. He gripped onto the small object and you pushed his hand into his chest. “Please do it,” your voice was laced with sincerity, “I know you’ll love it.” 
Armin looked at you for a moment before nodding softly, holding the seashell delicately in both hands as he brought it up to his ear and allowed his eyelids to sink closed. 
It was a sound he hadn’t heard in a long time. Memories of his parents’ voices carried through the wind and over his ears. Armin felt a certain ache in his chest at the familiarity. At the same time, it made his heart thump with newfound joy. He had always found a certain fascination with the ocean, and now you had decided to share something you discovered about it with him. He had no reason not to be happy. 
Armin’s lips soon curved into a gentle smile, he took a deep breath before opening his eyes again and looking at the shell fondly. “Thank you, Y/n,” you watched him wordlessly as he took your hand and placed the shell in your palm. “I think I needed that.” 
“We were only ten when I found this, did she really keep it all this time?” Armin spoke aloud, more to himself than anyone, admiring the seashell one last time before setting it back down on the carpet. “Do I really have to answer that question?” your brother replied. 
“So what’s the paper then?” Armin asked, pointing to the small folded piece of parchment that still sat untouched at his knees. “Open it.” “I… don’t know about that.” 
“It’s just a picture,” Eren said, furrowing his brows at Armin’s hesitancy. 
“Oh, okay then,” the blonde boy nodded once, reaching for the picture and opening it with great care. The creases were deep. He would’ve been able to tell the picture was five years old even if he didn’t still remember the day it was taken. It was the same day he gave you the shell. 
Armin’s grandfather and your mother thought it would be nice to take the four of you out for a beach day to celebrate Armin’s birthday. The boy had been hesitant to return after his parents’ death; the adults were hoping that having his friends there to create new memories would give him some kind of push in the right direction. The picture wasn’t perfect by any means, but neither were the four of you; it brought a sincere smile to Armin’s lips. Eren’s face- or rather the top half of his face- took up the bottom right corner of the shot. He’d been yelling to Carla about god knows what and ran up way too close to the camera when she’d been trying to take a picture. 
Mikasa stood off to the side, her face scrunched into a knot and her arm halfway up. A second after the picture was taken, she’d let out a sneeze. 
And perhaps Armin’s favorite part- he could still feel the way you wrapped your arms around his neck. He still remembers how you threw your body weight on him. He still remembers how bright your smile was, he couldn't help but run his thumb over the picture fondly. 
A warm chuckle slipped past his lips as he continued to stare. Ten year old Armin hadn’t been completely prepared for you to suddenly latch onto him for the picture; his posture was off-balance and he kicked up a little sand. He was looking at you with wide eyes and his mouth was open- he had been starting to say something.
“So you’re saying all that wasn’t any kind of real foundation?” Eren raised his eyebrows after it had been long enough, “Go on, try to tell me again.” 
There was a pause. 
“Thank you, Eren,” Armin’s voice was gentle as he packed the items up and closed the lid of the box with a click, “I think I needed that.” 
You were cut off mid sentence by a sneeze, Mikasa handing you a tissue on autopilot. 
“Thank you,” you nodded gratefully, taking the tissue and blowing your nose once more. You swiftly tossed the paper into the garbage can and moved over to the sink. 
“That’s the fourth time in the past hour- are you sure you aren’t getting sick?” Mikasa asked skeptically as you washed your hands. 
“Yeah, I feel fine, it’s just so strange. Maybe I’m not reacting well to a certain cleaner or something like that,” you sighed, toweling your hands dry before folding the garment and hanging it back up. 
“Someone must be talking about you a lot,” Sasha chimed. 
“You did save some! Thank you!” a pleased gasp left your throat. Your bag was thrown to the side as you entered the kitchen, your mother setting a hearty plate of beef rolls down on the counter for you and Mikasa to share. 
“Of course, growing girls need good dinners,” your mother smiled warmly. 
Mikasa entered the kitchen soon after you, and you saw her eyes light up a bit when she noticed the food. Your mother turned to the sink to begin washing the dishes but you (as politely as possible) shouldered her to the side before she could get her hands wet. “You’ve been working, Mikasa and I can take care of this before we eat,” you offered with a smile, taking the sponge and pumping some green dish soap onto it. 
“Thank you sweetheart, but I can do it if you want. You’ve been working hard too,” your mother replied, crossing her hands over her apron as Mikasa joined you at the sink. 
“It’s no trouble at all, Carla,” Mikasa added, and your mother gave in with a sigh. “Where’s Eren?” the raven-haired girl asked. Only then did you turn back and notice the strange stillness of the house. 
“He’s walking Armin home, those boys studied so hard,” your mother answered, reaching into the cabinet to pull out some of your father’s favorite tea. 
“Oh so we just missed them,” you sighed. A small smile quirked onto your mother’s lips. 
“Yes, but Armin did ask me to ask you to call him later. I think he has something to discuss with you,” your mother added, and you almost dropped the plate you were holding into the sink. Mikasa swooped it out of your loose grasp, suds of soap dripped from your hands onto the floor. 
“...Really?” you asked before clearing your throat. “I mean, yeah, I can do that.” 
Your mother was silent as she poured the boiling water from the kettle into the teacup, stirring it with a small spoon before placing the cup on a matching plate and holding it out. “Bring this to your father, will you, Y/n?” your mother asked. You immediately brushed your hands dry and took the steaming cup into your grasp. “He’s been working so late in his office lately, I wish there was more I could do,” your mother lowered her eyebrows and folded her hands neatly after handing you the tea. 
“You’re making thoughtful gestures like this, that’s more than enough,” you said with a smile before disappearing down the hallway. 
“I’m home, Grandfather!” Armin called, toeing off his shoes and taking a step forward, only to have a little gray ball of fluff dash towards him and curl behind his legs. “Apollo?” Armin looked down with a slight chuckle, halting his movements so as to not step on the small creature. “Ah, Armin. Welcome home,” Armin’s grandfather greeted warmly, “Pick up the little rascal for me, will you?” 
Armin reached down and swiftly gripped the scruff on Apollo’s neck, scooping the kitten into his arms and walking towards his grandfather. “I was trying to bathe the little thing but he kept escaping,” Armin’s grandfather shook his head, smiling fondly as Armin handed Apollo over. “I’ve got him now.”
“Grandfather, did you get scented candles?” Armin scanned the room as he sniffed the air. He was able to spot a few little flames scattered about, and the air had been smelling distinctly more floral than usual since he came in. “Yes I did!” Armin’s grandfather replied, “I heard that lavender is good for calming cats down, so I picked up some scents on my way back from the doctor’s office today. I figured it might help Apollo feel more at home.” 
Armin’s eyes softened. 
“Grandfather, you realize we’re planning to get Apollo adopted soon, right? If we can’t find anyone by the end of this school year then we’re going to hand him over to a shelter,” Armin pointed out, finding his own heart sinking at the thought. 
“Yes I know, but this is his home for now, so we may as well give him pleasant memories of it,” Armin’s grandfather replied, his wrinkled hand cupping the kitten softly. His thumb ran over Apollo’s head, lulling him into a calmer state. 
Armin and his grandfather looked at each other and matching smiles spread across their faces. 
A wet toothbrush sat next to the sink. Clean hands folded a fluffy white towel and hung it back up. Blonde hair tickled his ears, still slightly damp and cool on his scalp. He slipped on a pair of socks and made his way across the carpet. The deep blue curtains were pulled closed, a small gray kitten lay sleeping soundly at the foot of the sheets. The boy flicked off the lights and carefully slid under the covers so as to not wake the kitten. His head hit the pillow as he let out a sigh. 
I’m not sure whether to feel better or worse about today, Armin thought, staring at the ceiling of his bedroom, But I’m sure getting it off my chest will help. 
As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, little green specks of light came into his vision and he grinned. 
“B-be careful!” a tiny voice uttered. 
“Relax, we’re not going to die or anything,” your brother replied, peeling another star-shaped sticky off the plastic sheet and pressing it to the ceiling.
“Don’t worry, there’s only a few more!” you grinned down at the blonde boy. 
Armin’s eight year old hands gripped the ladder a little tighter as he attempted to peer around your heads to see how they looked. 
The glow in the dark star stickeys had been a gift from your family to Armin for his birthday just a week prior. Your younger self had probably been a bit self-indulgent when picking out the gift, given how much you loved to look at the stars, but that didn’t make Armin appreciate it any less. 
“Finished!” Eren said with a sigh, stepping down a few steps on the ladder and allowing himself to fall onto Armin’s blue checkered bed with a poof. 
“Grandfather, can you please turn the lights off now?” you asked, eyes twinkling as you descended the rungs and grabbed Armin by the hand. The sheets dipped under you as you crawled onto the bed. You allowed your knees to dangle off and tugged Armin down beside you. 
Armin’s grandfather flipped the switch, you all squinted in the darkness for a moment before small soft little green stars shapes came into view. 
Armin wore the same smile he did that night. You were everywhere, every part of his life. You had left your mark on his past and his soul. The stars were more faded now and much less noticeable than when they were fresh out of the package, but how could he have the heart to take them down? 
I wonder why she didn’t call me tonight… Armin thought with a sigh, glancing over at his phone as it sat on his nightstand as if doing so would will it to ring. 
Maybe she just wants me to learn my lesson for avoiding her, he placed his hands over his face, I mean I was just really suddenly distant. I wouldn’t blame her if she- 
Armin’s phone buzzed with one of the only two caller IDs he’d set to go off in silent mode, and the boy nearly jumped out of his skin. If it wasn’t his grandfather calling him from down the hallway at eleven o’ clock at night, then it had to be… 
“Y/n?” he spoke in a hushed tone, squinting at the brightness of his phone screen. Apollo lifted his head and looked over for a moment before curling over the other way. 
“Armin? You there?” you replied. He couldn’t help the way his expression softened upon seeing your face, and he was partially thankful for the almost pitch darkness of his room to hide it. “Armin I can’t see you,” you uttered, and he was quick to snap out of his trance and sit up to turn on the lamp at his bedside table. 
“Hey,” he smiled, internally wincing at the state of his hair once he caught sight of it in the camera. “So I take it your mom passed on the message?” he inquired, making a quick effort to smoothen out his hair before focusing on you again. “Yeah…” you replied, pressing your cheek into your pillow, “Sorry about it being so late. I got caught up talking to my dad about some family stuff in his office.” Armin accepted the fact with a nod. “...Zeke is coming to visit soon,” you added, and Armin’s smile wavered. “That’ll be… interesting,” he hummed, searching your expression for any kind of inference. 
“Yeah, we’ll see how it goes. He sees Grandma and Grandpa a lot more often than he sees us, I’m pretty sure last time he visited Eren and I were just starting junior high.”
“Mhm, I remember that,” Armin nodded, “Do you think I’ll get to meet him this time?” 
“Possibly. If you’re interested I can come up with a time for you to coincidentally drop by while he’s over,” you replied, and Armin gave you an appreciative smile. 
“Thank you Y/n, but I think I’ll just leave it up to fate,” he said, turning to copy your position and lay on his side. 
Part of him wished he were really laying like this with you. 
“So… did you have a specific reason you wanted to call?” you asked. Armin took a deep breath. 
The boy shifted for a moment, placing his hand under his head before finally looking into the camera to make eye contact with you. “Yeah…” he stated, “I have to confess.” 
That sentence alone made your brain spiral into a million different directions at once. Confession? What kind? Did he do something or does he mean… no way! It has to have to do with how distant he’s been these last few days. Has to be. 
“Oh? What do you mean?” you replied, internally cursing the way your breath shook. 
“The letter,” Armin stiffened as he spoke, a cloud of shame hovering over his head. 
Your breath caught in your throat. No, no. Please for the love of god, no. 
“I didn’t read it all, but I did kind of… catch some glimpses,” he admitted, lips tugging into a slight frown as he physically curled in on himself more, “Mikasa didn't write it, did she?” 
That was it. You were going to die. There is no recovery from this. How does something like this even happen? It was so ridiculous you almost couldn’t wrap your head around it. 
“Ah, I see,” you struggled to keep your tone steady. 
“And I wanted to let you know,” Armin continued, “that I’ll support you no matter what. Whoever it is would have been very touched, I’m sure.” 
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse, his sentence felt like a nail to your chest. If he accepts and supports me being with someone else that easily, then there’s no way he has his own feelings for me. 
“Okay,” you knew the tension in your tone was obvious but you didn’t care. You just wished you could turn back time and forget this whole stupid mess. 
“And… I also wanted to say I’m sorry,” Armin spoke timidly. This was another one of the times you could swear his eyes change based on how he is feeling. That shade of blue always seemed to dim when he was down and actually light up when something excited him or when the two of you made eye contact. “I didn’t really know what to do…” he continued to explain with a waver in his voice, “I was so worried that you’d hate me for what I did. I tried to distance myself so I could have time to think, but that just made things a million times worse.” 
Your expression softened. You could never hold any anger towards the boy, not really. In fact you weren’t even angry in the first place, Armin certainly hadn’t done anything wrong. The feeling just needed to settle in your gut for a while until you could be normal again. 
“Armin, it’s okay,” you tried to reassure him as tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. 
“But don’t- don’t you hate me now?” Armin’s bottom lip quivered, he pulled the sheets up a little higher on his chest. Oh how you wished you could reach out and wrap him in your arms.
“Come on, I could never do that,” your smile was so warm and so sincere it made him want to burst into tears. 
He didn’t deserve to be forgiven. How could you not even distrust him a little bit? He didn’t deserve such kindness, but was thankful enough to have been blessed with someone like you; you who he never planned on letting go. 
“Okay,” he nodded with a shaky breath, “Thank you, Y/n.” 
“Yeah,” you replied with a light smile. The unease still swam in your stomach, but Armin’s sincerity lessened the weight significanlty. This could have gone so much worse if it was someone else. “How could I call you my closest friend if I let something like this ruin it?” 
A smile tugged on Armin’s lips. 
“And Y/n, I just want to say it one more time,” he added with an earnest breath, “what you wrote was beautiful. I’m sure your feelings are true, and anyone would have to be crazy to not accept a confession like that.”  
A bittersweet taste stung on the tip of your tongue, you swallowed it in favor of appreciating the fact that you hadn’t accidentally ruined one of the most valuable relationships in your life. 
“So how were Sasha and her four little siblings?” Armin changed the topic lightly, and you let out a laugh. 
“Good, but I think Leo is going through a phase,” you replied with an mirthful glint in your eyes. 
“How so?” Armin asked. That familiar warmth began to fill his chest. 
“I know it’s normal for kids to have collections, but when I was getting his Legos so we could play, I found an entire box of bug and lizard carcasses under his bed,” you explained, your stomach twisting at the memory. 
“An entire box?!” Armin exclaimed in a hushed tone. 
“An entire box,” you shook your head. 
“I used to collect bugs when I was little too though,” Armin pointed out with a light chuckle. 
“Yeah but you didn’t trap them in an air-tight container under your bed!” you retorted, “You were such a sweetheart about it! You fed them leaves and smaller bugs and released them after a while.” 
“True,” Armin admitted with a bashful smile. 
“I remember one time you started crying when you stepped on a worm because you felt so bad,” you giggled. Armin’s ears flushed red. 
“Okay, that’s enough,” he tried to pout. 
“Sorry sorry,” you sighed with a lingering grin, “Did you finish that book you were telling me about a while back?” 
“You mean Sense and Sensibility?” Armin’s eyes lit up and you nodded. 
His voice reminded you of the tide. Gentle and smooth, coming in and out, never failing to put you at ease. 
He went on about his book. You paid attention at first, and completely meant to listen for as long as he spoke; but your pillow proved too soft and his voice just settling enough. 
The stress in anticipation for the call had been lifted from your shoulders; it felt so good to just be able to talk again. 
Armin softened his voice as your eyes sank closed, soon he went quiet and just stared. 
Your chest rose and fell with a steady rhythm. Armin resisted the urge to take a screenshot as he admired the way your eyelashes rested atop your cheeks and your skin glowed warmly illuminated by your bedside lamp. He hoped you had already done everything you needed to get ready for bed, there was no way he would be able to wake you up. 
In the same way that he occasionally wore his grandfather’s smile, Armin had heard many people compare your smile to Eren’s; saying that they looked the same. You were twins, after all. Even though it made sense, Armin never found himself able to completely agree. Yes, it was nice to see his best friend smile, but when the corners of your lips tugged into a grin, he always felt somewhat weak in the knees. It was even better if he was the reason behind such a breathtaking display. 
Your lips had different kinds of smiles. Some were polite, given to anyone upon a first meeting or out of courtesy to those you didn't know well. 
Some were loud. You let those out when Connie made a stupid joke in class or when your brother landed flat on his face while jumping hurdles in phys ed.
Some were feigned. He could see the pain that blended through your expression, the exhaustion in your eyes and the tears that threatened to spill. He pulled you side and held you close as you cried, allowing you to hide yourself in him in your little corner of the world. 
Then there were the special ones, the ones that stopped time and made Armin forget how to breathe. They came from your heart. Practically infectious, he could never help matching it and allowing himself to fall a little more in love. 
Suddenly, the camera shifted, and Armin tilted his head as someone picked it up. 
He made eye contact with Mikasa and a small flush creeped onto his cheeks. 
Her eyebrows were lowered and the ghost of a smile rested in her expression. Armin didn’t miss the knowing look in her eyes. 
“I know, I know,” he whispered briefly, “Sleep well, Mikasa.” 
She replied with a sigh, “Goodnight, Armin.”
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A/n: AHH- it feels like forever since I updated, thank you all for your patience and continued kindness! Thank you so much for reading, next chapter in progress!
Tagging: @rui-0836
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imagineshere-forall · 3 months
- staying with mom ✰ e. diaz
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Summary: the first time Christoper calls you mom 
Genre: mostly fluff but smidge of angst/tension
warnings: none
Pairing: eddie diaz x fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
Notes: hi hi i tried to use american terms like mall and mom, but i am not american and i say mum, so if you notice any slip ups pls let me know and i will change it. I feel like it would be weird to picture chris saying mum in an american accent so i tried to only used mom   Also i have started watched the walking dead and am obsessed so pls feel free to request some fics for the walking dead (i’m halfway through s7)
When you and Eddie started dating, you waited quite a while before meeting Chris as you wanted to be sure in your relationship so as not to unsettle Chris. After about 8 months, you were pretty sure Eddie was it for you, and you eventually met Chris. Within 6 months of meeting Christopher you had pretty much moved in with the boys, and when the lease on your apartment was up for renewal Chris was the one who suggested you move in. That was over a year ago and since then the three of you had been living life as a happy little family. 
Today, you had a day off from work but Eddie did not, so you had decided to take Chris out for the day. For weeks, Chris had been saying his shoes were starting to get tight so you had decided you would take him to buy some new shoes and buy him a couple extra treats. It wasn’t often you and Eddie weren’t both at work at the same time, even if you didn’t have the same shift, you often overlapped so Chris would spend time with Carla.
Eddie was at work before you even woke up, so you and Chris had a slow morning before heading to the mall. The car journey was filled with music and laughs, you loved spending time with Chris and you guys always had an amazing time. 
Once you got to the mall you found yourself chasing Christoper, the shoe shop was all the way on the other side of the mall so you had decided to do fun shopping first. The first stop was at the ice cream parlor, and then the two of you made your way quickly over to the lego shop. You both bought a lego set, as you planned to watch a movie and build lego together in the afternoon. Once the pair of you had gone to all the shops you wanted to, you slowly walked back to the car, trying to agree on a movie to watch while you were building your legos. 
You were nearly at the car, when the ground started to rumble. Small tremors weren;t uncommon living in LA, but this was not that. The slight rumble turned to full blown shaking and the lights in the parking garage started to come loose and smash to the floor. You quickly dropped your bags and grabbed Christopher and headed for the car, it might not have been the smartest idea but in your panic it seemed like the safest option if the garage was to crumble. 
Somehow, you managed to get to the car in record time as you were opening the door, you noticed a piece of debris falling and you quickly pushed Chris into the car. Within seconds of you getting Chris safely into the car, the debris had come down, knocking you down in the process. You hit your head on the concrete and briefly lost consciousness, but you quickly came around to the sounds of Chris’s cries. 
“I’m here Chris, I’m okay,” you mumbled as you tried to wriggle free. Although, your right leg was trapped under the piece of the parking garage that had knocked you to the floor.
Not long after you regained consciousness, sirens were all you could hear and it became nearly impossible to keep your eyes open, and you were soon consumed by the darkness.
“Cap, get Eddie over here!” You heard being yelled from close by. Squinting at the bright light you started to blink your eyes back open and were met with Buck’s face looking down at you. 
“Chris, is Chris okay?” you forced out, your throat was hoarse and felt as though you had woken from a deep sleep. You could feel yourself being rolled onto a stretcher, presumably to move you to an ambulance, or at least a safer area. 
“Chris was with you?” Buck panicked. 
“I think I got him in the car,” you coughed, “Check him first.”
A couple minutes later you heard a car door be forced open, and then Buck’s shouts. 
“Chris!” Eddie’s shouts were so loud. He had arrived onto the scene and saw Buck carrying Chris over some rubble away from the car. You turned your head slowly and saw Eddie embrace his son tightly. 
“Where’s Y/N?” Eddie suddenly asked. The panic in his voice was palpable.
“Over here,” You heard Buck’s voice get louder as he led Eddie to you. Eddie placed Chris down next to your stretcher and cradled your face.
“Baby, are you okay?” he questioned, whilst scanning your body for any obvious injuries. 
“My leg got crushed but I’m fine. How is Chris? Is Chris okay?” you spoke so fast. 
“I’m fine,” you heard Chris speak. You could have cried with relief upon hearing his voice. You had seen Eddie carry him, but hearing him speak and confirming he was okay made you so happy.
“Now, let get you taken to hospital, Buck can you take Chris to Athena and get her to call Carla please,” Eddie said as he began to wheel you out of the area. You saw Buck begin to usher Chris towards Athena who you could see a while away directing people. 
You and Eddie both stopped and looked at Chris who was avoiding Buck and walking towards the two of you. 
“Chris, bud, y/n is okay. Your dad is just making sure she gets her leg checked out,” Buck tried to convince Chris.
“No,” Chris shook off Buck’s arms and carried on walking in your direction. Eddie sighed, letting go of your stretcher and turning to Chris before squatting down to his level while holding onto him. 
“Chris, I need to take y/n to get checked out. Can you please go with Buck?” Eddie begged.
“No.” Chris was being stubborn. 
“Chris please,” Eddie was starting to get desperate.
“I want to stay with mom.” Chris yelled. 
You, Buck and Eddie all went still. Suddenly, the atmosphere had changed. Chris had never called you mom before. The three of you all looked at each other in shock unsure what to say or do next.
“Come here Chris,” you beckoned the boy, before helping him to sit on one side of the stretcher after you had collapsed the arms, “You can stay with me.”
Eddie was still looking at you in shock, starting to feel love swell in his chest. The idea that Chris saw you as a mother figure made him so happy. 
“Chris, it looks like your dad is frozen,” you laughed whilst looping one of your arms around the boy. You had managed to get him in a place where he wasn’t near your leg which was causing excruciating pain. 
This brought Eddie out of his shock and he walked over to the two of you.
“I love you both so much,” he breathed as he leant to kiss both of your foreheads, “Let’s go get mom all checked out.” 
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salaciousdoll · 10 months
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· · The Rich Farmer's Daughter Turned Town's Slut · ·
From City Girl to Farmer’s daughter, oh how will you ever survive on the countryside? The answer is simple: fucking.
・˳ . ⋆ Reporting Live with Eren Yeager, Zeke Yeager, Yelena, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirtstein, Connie Springer, Oyankopon, Sasha Braus, Mikasa Ackerman,Annie Leonhart, Miche(Mike)Zacharias, Erwin Smith,Nile Dok, Historia Reiss, Ymir, Kenny Ackerman, Levi Ackerman, Porco Galliard, Reiner Braun, Hange Zoe, Pieck Finger, Eren Kruger, Keith Shadis, Theo Magath x chubby!Bimbo!Fem! reader ・˳ . ⋆
୨⍣୧ ⁺⁎˚ ⋆━━ Warnings : First part is in fic format, second part is in Drabble/headcannons format, Confident chubby girl, Smut, threesomes, foursomes, fivesomes, group sex, wlw, reader is bisexual, Sasha x Mikasa is shown a little bit( no I don’t ship, if you do this is the place for you), dildo usage( double ended dildos too), dacryphillia, heavy Bimbo activities implied here, very self indulgent but anyone can read, outfits are describe for a reason here( only because I like Bimbo farmers daughter aesthetic), chubby!reader, rich black farmers and daughter, dirty talk, cock warming on Erwin’s part, big exhibition here, Kenny is the bad guy who wants your father’s crops, could be considered dubcon on his part, reader is very dumb, fucked dumb too, implied protected/unprotected sex, this is fictional so none of that sick shit applies here but please do not go around doing this without protection( wrap up), reader is in her early 20s( 21-24), age gaps all throughout this story( some big, some not), dominant characters( Mikasa, Annie, Levi, Erwin, miche, Keith, Kruger, etc.), pet names ( bunny, sl*t, wh0re, pretty girl, town’s sl*t, princess, doll, doll face, butterfly, sweat pea, etc.) body fluids( squirting, cumming, spit swapping), bondage( handcuffs/ swimsuit used as handcuffs), use of strap on, oral receiving and giving, descriptions of body hair, pussy/dick visuals, tattooed eren!, reader could be implied to be a nympho here, degradtation/ praise, breeding kink, grisha lurking for him and Carla. Basically you fuck everyone damn!, have fun and if im missing something let me know.
୨⍣୧ ⁺⁎˚ ⋆━━ Word Count : 14.4k, longest fic I’ve ever written
18+, Minors do not interact
PSA from me : I wanted to write this to celebrate me hitting 4K followers, so I hope you all enjoy. Thank you all for 4K followers <333 And for the love of anything, please do not do none of this stuff with strangers like the reader did in this fic, if you happen to, wrap it up!!
Also credit to @bimbohub for the farmer’s daughter inspiration, so sorry I didn’t tag you when I publish it, mainly because I forgot but yes I want to thank you for making that fic and giving me inspiration for it<33
Jujutsu Kaisen Version Tokyo Revengers Version
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You remember the time you first learned about your move to the town you wanted no relation to ever since your visit when you were 8 years old.
Summer days were upon you as you came home from a long year of college. You were only in college because your parents forced you to go, otherwise you would’ve just set up a camera in your room and gave older men shows in order to get money. Being in your early twenties is a curse because now you had to actually do adult things and adulting wasn’t for you at all.
In college, you didn’t understand anything about what you learned, especially with the business major you’re forced to take up. Bad on your parents part because you didn’t even know what a mortgage is and how it’s gonna benefit you. You didn’t know or care about things like that, but you passed— only because you convinced the nerdy boy next to you to give you the answers to every test you took and every project you needed to complete. The speeches you had to give in front of the class were all of his words and he stood there smiling because the pretty girl finally gave him the attention he wanted. And you did. You actually found him useful and pretty, he just needed to fix up his looks and that was the deal you proposed to him and he took it with no problem. You even added that he was gonna finally feel and taste how bubble gum tastes if you passed.
So now you were back home and staring up at your father and mother who had the biggest smiles on their face. The next words that fell out of their mouths after congratulating you for even finishing your second year of college were horrifying. “ We’re going down to Napeville, your grandfather has now retired his position as a farm owner and your father wanted to take control of it since he was trained his entire childhood.” Your mother finished her statement and your gum popped on your face as you stared at her with wide eyes.
You stare without blinking as your dad grabbed your suitcases on the side of you bringing them into the house, “ Why?! Can’t you just go down there on your own pops’, gramps only wanted you to go down there right?!…Wait are we moving down the-” your father came back out again to grab your bag you had in the trunk of your car— afterwards stopping in front of you when he retrieved the bag from the car. “ Yes, my little pumpkin, we’re moving down there. Aren’t you glad to go back there? I’ll even teach you all about farming if you want.”, Your father said as he smiled at you. You in fact did not want any of that shit. You only remembered the ugly house and barn your grandparents had you and your parents staying in. Being 8 years old, you remembered the faces of the people down there and let’s just say you aren’t gonna find love down there if they all looked and act the way they did when you were 8. Farming life was boring compared to what you were planning to do with your friends this summer. They were not gonna ruin this for you so you proposed a deal with them, hoping they’ll listen.
“ Hmm, what if I just go down there in the summer and come back up here to go back to school and you, my dear pops’ can buy me an apartment! The smartest idea I’ve ever came up with right?!!”, You say, with your arms wrapped around the neck of your dad hugging him from the side. Your mother wanted so badly to facepalm because that was a stupid idea, but she couldn’t say because you are her daughter and you are very sensitive.
Your father removed your arms off his neck and gave you his stern look, “ Enough, { reader}! You know better than to argue with us and besides you don’t even have a good paying job to afford an apartment months rent, especially for the apartment you are tryna’ get for yourself.” You pucker your lips out while huffing, “ Okay okay, I’ll get another one.” Your father shook his head and went inside the now almost empty house.
You stopped and looked around to see the way your house looked and gasped loudly as your parents continued what they are doing, “ Ma’, where’s our stuff, did you have an yard sale without me knowing, why didn’t you tell me because I wanted to keep that love seat we had and put it in my room.”
Your mother sighed loudly before turning to you, “ {reader}, honey, if we just said that we’re moving, what does that mean to you? What do most people do when they move?” She was already tired of packing up most of her and your equipment while you were off at college doing God knows what. You didn’t really check in with them like you used to do in your first year.
You almost narrowed your eyes at her, but decided not to do it since you didn’t feel like getting yelled at for looking at her like that. Answering whilst twirling the string of chewed up gum around your index finger, “ Um, we move. I don’t know ma’, it’s too much to think about really. Anyways, since I clearly have no choice but to obey you two, I’m gonna hang out with my friends for the last time.”
Your mother rolled her eyes as she put the tape on the last box you all had before you tidy up the move from this house to your farming house, “ be back before 12, you may be grown, but you’re still my child living under my rules.” You nodded your head and bit your tongue to stop you from saying something or rolling your eyes.
You were excited to see your bitches again but before you were off, you took out your phone and texted your friends that you wanted to roller skate like the old times. You put your phone away without their answers to your text and walked to where your mother just walked to, “ Ma’, which box are my baby pink and blue roller skates in? Need them for my girly time today.” Your mother walked to a box and kicked it towards you prior to walking off to finish what she was doing.
You opened the box, thanking the heavens that she didn’t box them up with that ugly tape. “ Aww I missed you babies so much, I bet you kissed your mommy just as much.” Your father wanted to really question if you got this personality from your moms side of the family so he asked, “ She got that shit from your side not mine, baby.”
You paid no mind to what the two of them were whispering about as you grabbed your roller skates in your baby pink manicured hands. Hurrying out the house before you got called back in to pack up something they missed, you walked down your stairs to your car. You honestly should’ve taken the hint that you all were moving when you saw the moving truck on the side of your parents car in the garage way. You smiled as you walked to your baby pink and white G-Wagon, “ I’ll make my last night worth it for sure.” You talked to yourself a lot since you were an only child and found a friend in yourself before you found friends. You looked down at your outfit and smiled, your tits looked yummy and your thighs did too.
The memory was four weeks ago and you were now driving your car in silence while following your mom and dad leads to the Legendary farm house. You were leaving so much behind. Your bed, your friends, college associates, your favorite nerd, now who’s gonna help you pass your classes. You huffed to yourself, still following after your parents to the next town you were going to have to adjust to. You were going to miss the stores you got to shop at, the malls were your favorite and least favorite because it was a hit or miss with the brookefield mall. Being the size you were was not a guarantee that you were going to find something in the mall for you, so when you found that one store that sold cute clothes in your size, you had no choice but to max out with your pops’ black card. You were also glad for the mall and of course the internet because you got to shop for new clothes prior to coming to this small town.
You were going to miss the boys and girls in that city. You were gonna miss Hitch and Boris, your main two toys you like to play with. Both were hot and were everything you needed to get by. The city was full of whores and now you gotta move to the country where they are so holy and thou there. Ewww, you're gonna hate it there.
By the time you all arrived at the house you were blown out of your mind when you looked up at the farm house. It was incomparable to the farmhouse you knew from your childhood. This town was so different from how it used to be, it used to be quiet and old looking now it looks a little loud and modern, you were so stuck because you thought of the farmhouse that looked like a cottage house with a big barn behind it like it used to look, now it looks too luxurious— to your liking. The house had big glass windows with a black wooden roof and a big riva double eyebrow 4-lite steel Iron, glass door to greet you. Honestly, the gate when you first entered gave it away that this was going to be different, but you didn’t even think about it because you’re too busy listening to your favorite playlist right now in the act of sucking on your blue cotton candy sucker.
The gate was long and you bet it was even longer than you actually think, your grandpa was full of surprises. The ride to the house was even longer. Nothing but acres of grass mountains and grasslands plus a few animals standing there greeted you as you drove to the house. You were so glad because your hands hurt from driving all night and the sight of sheep somehow made you brighter than before. Once you parked the car on the pavement of the garage behins the moving truck, you got out and looked at it stomping your red and white gingham platform heels on the ground at the sandy dirt on your tires, “ fucking dirt roads, hate them so much.” Your parents were already hugging your cousin while you were grumbling about your tire and car having dirt on it. You decided to wear red and white today to match the cherry red nails with cherry charms on them. You also wanted to try to fit into the countryside by wearing this, after all, you were now a farmer’s daughter.
Your cousin's smile brightens once she sees you come to her with your arms out, “ Bubbles!” You screamed out as you hugged her and she screamed your nickname right after, and the country accent was heard loud and clear. You figured that she must’ve been lonely as hell here because this place was huge and it looks like she’s the only one here.
“ If you’re looking for grandpa, he’s at his house around the corner from here.”, Your cousin said as she brought you inside the house. It was so neutral and blended inside compared to the outside. You almost wanted to puke from the smell of discoloration this house reeks of. So plain and boring.
“ pops’, are we going to go see him later or something?”, you yelled throughout the house since you were walking up the stairs. You heard an answer but didn’t bother to actually listen because your cousin was pulling you to your room she set for you. It was a room you never would have even step foot into a few weeks ago but now you had no choice, at least the bed was big just like your bed at home. Home. You missed it already.
Your cousin then gave you a cola she got out of the little fridge you guessed she stocked in your room, “ How thoughtful of you, { cousin’s name}. Seems like you didn’t change at all.” Your cousin smiled at your comment before taking your hand to go back down stairs to the movie truck, “ And you did. Not in a bad way, sugs. Just didn’t expect you to be like dis’ gotta say you look so gorgeous with that outfit and hairstyle but that’s not what we wear out chea’. Anyways I’ve called my friends and the people your father and I know over here before y’all arrived. You’re gonna love them. They all offered to help with these heavy ol’ boxes here.”
You furrowed your eyes because exactly how many of them are going to come. You start guessing in your head and thought your brain felt like it was combusting. Too much thinking again, so you just smiled. You started to stare off into space until your cousin snapped her fingers in front of your face, “ Hey hey, we gotta get some of these boxes out of chea’, we’re having tons of fun later, silly so let’s get this started now. It’s about 11 am right now, we all should be able to finish by 9, perfect time too.”
You stared at her like she was the sheep in the backyard before grabbing the lightest box, carrying it to the entrance while she carried two boxes, “ What’s happening at 9?”
Your cousin was about to say something when a group of men and women were walking towards you all. You were so confused on who they were because your family skin didn’t look like any of them, yet they’re here smiling at your cousin like they’re family. As you were standing there in a daze— occasionally sucking on your cherry sucker with glossy strawberry lip gloss wrapped around the sucker and the half of the stick.
You didn’t even notice that they got closer and were all standing before you staring at you in awe while you looked up at the sky, stuck like a robot. You blinked when you heard the whispers and gasp with a puzzled look on your face, “ Oh oh, hi hi, I spaced out and wasn’t paying attention to you all. My name is { your name}, nice to meet you all.” You flashed a smile and Armin almost fell for you right there. They all could tell you were a city girl and the accent proved it. They would also know because they’re all from the city too, not yours though.
Eren eyed you up and down with a toothpick hanging out his mouth. He had to get you under him because there was no way you were taking by the way you were dressing. You had on a red and white gingham top that tied in the front pushing up your boobs even more with your pudgy stomach showing— slightly protruding over your v waist, blue Jean short shorts that almost showed your ass if you bent down. Your face was so gorgeous, chubby cheeks when you smile and pretty lips to top it off, he couldn’t wait to know more about you. You were the perfect girl they all were looking for, the excitement and for some, the rush— just wait until the older men and women of the group caught sight of you. Right now it was just him, Armin, Jean, Reiner, Mikasa, Annie, Floch, Pieck, Colt , Connie, Sasha, Porco, Historia, and Ymir .
They all introduced themselves to you and your legs were almost shaking from their voices, especially the women. Eyeing each of them as they were now headed to the truck. You saw things you liked about them, for now. Eren has arm tattoos that made him even more attractive and long hair that you wanted to run your fingers through, Armin looks like the nerd you had back home just more handsome with his lil cowboy boots on, Mikasa had a red scarf wrapped around her neck with overalls on. She looked so cute. Annie had on pants that showed off her thighs really well and eyes that sealed you in, Sasha was obviously a foodie because she’s been smacking on another bag of fruit snacks since they’ve walked up. She was a beauty. A real one.
Ymir and Historia were attached each other with matching colors on, which made them look adorable. One had on jeans and a shirt with combat boots while the other one had her hair down in a middle part with a cute overall dress and tank top under it. Their boots even matched. Yeah they were indeed a couple, but you still had thoughts.
Flock’s hair was a little disturbing but his eyes were beautiful; he has potential. Now Reiner was big and beefy with a cowboy hat planted on top of his head and you were getting more attracted to him when he turned around to go inside the house— his chest was the first thing you saw. May those two buttons never come back together with their little holes because whew does he look so good! Jean was someone you never thought you would keep your eyes on consistently. You liked that he was taller than everyone here and he carried himself like he’s a leader, you love a man who owns the power of authority. You don’t know why, you just do.
Porco was good looking as well and you could tell he was hard to everyone else but gentle to people he liked. A beautiful boy indeed. Colt was shy but talkative to his peers he’s been around, he was a cutie. Now pieck was someone you wanted first, she’s so pretty and mesmerizing. So beautiful that you didn’t even realize that she was in front of you bending down to pick up the box you set down in front of you. You watched her get up and throw a little smile your way, “ You can’t be spacing out like this a lot, pretty girl. Don’t want you to get hurt in the future. So, can you help me carry this last box inside, it’s in the truck.” You laughed before walking ahead of her to the truck whilst she watched your ass jiggle as you walked in front of her. You were definitely gonna be the new talk around town now.
Indeed you were by 9 pm, you were done with everything— unpacking, showing you around your new home led by your cousin as the rest stayed just to talk more with you. Afterwards , they all asked to hang out with you at the bar a few minutes away from where you stay and so you did go. Greatest mistake on your part because from there on out, you were the talk of the town.
✧˖° Eren Yeager + Zeke Yeager, Yelena with grisha lurking + in Eren’s living room
The first time you met Zeke and Yelena was at Pipsy’s Bar— the one you went to when you first moved here. You didn’t really talk with either of them because you stayed close to your cousin and Eren’s crew. However, just because you didn’t talk with them doesn’t mean you weren’t the topic of the conversation they had at their own table.
Just as Zeke asked Yelena to look into who you were, his widened at you getting body shots on the pool table by his little brother. The way your body shook underneath Eren’s as he licked down your boobs to your stomach made his dick hard and yelena wet. They both wanted you and had to get a chance to talk to you one way or another
Today was their lucky day, especially Yelena’s because she was supposed to be somewhere else today, but Zeke asked to hang out at his house. They were on the couch and their hormones heightened as you walked through the door of their farmhouse with your baby-pink polka dot strapless tube top with a white shirt skirt on. Your heels compliment your outfit and legs so well. Yeah, today was gonna be a good day today
Friday afternoon was something you wanted for a long time. Your mini skirt was bunched up your stomach, panties long gone. With the twist of your dark nipples in between Eren’s fingers, he moved inside of your pussy with desperation of your hot and slippery pussy. He was so breathy underneath you. His chest glistened as he pant out your name in a hush tone . You on the other hand was too busy trying to please Zeke with your mouth around his coke can thick tip. Zeke groaned when you locked your jaw around his pink tip, “ Stop - uh- stop fucking looking at me with those doll like eyes, Angel. Makes me wanna’ take you away from everyone and grow my own farm filled with as many animals as you want and during that time our babies will walk around with their shoes off exploring our farm.”
Eren grunted out as you clenched around his heavy cock, “ Fuck no! She’s mine, Zeke. Get your own slut. Yelena’s, umph shit! She’s right there.” Eren leaned forward to take your nipples into his mouth, needing to shut his own ass up before he ruined this moment by arguing with his pinhead ass brother. Yelena was too busy fingering herself to her tongue exploring your ass cheeks— all the way down to your convulsing asshole. It looked proper and good to not put her tongue inside. In the process of eating your ass, her large hands were spreading you open, so Eren’s big balls and her tongue can now move freely.
Zeke put his hands on your chubby cheek with a low smirk on his face, his glasses long gone off his face letting you see what exactly his eyes are saying when they look at you. Your mouth was getting tired of hollowing around Zeke’s tip and at the same time your body shook against Eren’s body and Yelena’s mouth. You were about to lift your mouth off of the older brother’s cock to moan, but your moans were soon dancing along Zeke’s thick dick. His tip hit the back of your throat, making diamond tears fill up your eyes, they eventually traveled down your eyes causing your mascara to drip down your face. Zeke cooed at you with a little grunt and hum— moving inside of you with a sharp snap of his hips, “ Ah Yes, the face of a whore. The face I love seeing on many. Ughh! So fucking pretty taking all three of us at the same time.”
Eren hissed when you squeezed around his dick causing him to almost knock his knees together out of pleasure. He reached to grab your plushy love handles, holding them in his rough hand, “ Fuck, baby! Fuck me back like you’re doing.” And then he massages your love handles in between his long fingers that had cold rings on them. “ Thought I didn’t feel the little roll of your hips and thick thighs clamping around my hips. Think again. Now give me this pussy I’ve longed for. Fuck~”, Eren said as his rings cooled down your sweaty and hot love handles.
Their dirty talking was getting to you so bad. Yelena was now standing up after detaching her lips from your puckering hole with just a long string of saliva— she was behind you with a finger probing your ass and sloppy kisses on your back, “ Gonna’ let me use this ass of your sweetheart… nah, I think I might just open you up for the others, my debt to them.” You couldn’t even focus on her sultry voice uttering those foreshadow ass words because your orgasm hit you like a tidal wave, ears popping and body shaking from their overstimulation on all three of your holes. Zeke groaned and came into your mouth at the same time as Eren cumming inside the condom— breaking it in the process. Some of his cum leaked into your pussy and you couldn’t do anything but squirm on him and Grind on Yelena’s finger. You swallowed Zeke’s nut with a few coughs prior to wiping off your mouth and chin.
Eren was still snapping his hips into you slowly just when his pretty emerald, green eyes fell upon you— he was truly enticed by you. Meanwhile, your head was thrown back on Yelena’s chest allowing you to moan out loud— nothing but pleasure coming out your mouth. “ Ahhh~ please, please. It feels so good, rennie, Zekey, lena’. Feels s’good. Mmm .” Your voice was so loud after popping Zeke’s semi-limp dick out of your mouth that Grisha, who stood on the second floor banister staring intensely at the three of you with lust filled eyes, heard everything from the fucking start. He wanted you, now. You were exquisite in his eyes, far too exquisite to make him of all people interested, dangerous even. He so wanted to jerk off, but he’ll just replay the ring camera set up in his living room over, maybe he and Carla could have alone time with you, she’s been asking for a threesome for a while. His sons were so dumb to not even know he was home or maybe they didn’t care. Grisha walked off humming to himself, he’ll let his fellow friends and wife know about you.
✧˖° Armin, Jean, and Connie + back of Jean’s pickup truck
Word got around the small town faster than the plague. Whispers were heard here and there and you had no clue it was all about sweet little you. You were too busy sucking on the pink lollipop that was in your mouth while watching the sheep’s make noise and walk around your big spacious backyard, the only thing that’s separating you from them is the wooden field gate. You took in the fresh air while smiling to yourself. This was your ‘you’ time. Nothing could interrupt this.
Except for a laugh Connie bucked out— walking into the backyard as your parents were yelling out that they’re leaving to visit your grandpa, whom you visited last week with sore legs, thanks to those three. How humiliating they left you. Your view of the green grassland was invaded by Jean Kirtstein with his hands on his hips.
Armin walked to your little lake in the yard petting and talking to the animals having their daily snack on the grass. As for Connie he was too busy admiring your look, your fashion sense screamed Bimbo and he adored it. He always snuck glances at you whenever you weren’t looking or he was goofing off with his friends. He was interested in you, that’s why he wanted to come but Jean and Armin decide to come as well fucking up his plan.
He was admiring your pink Diesel T- Angie shirt that showed off the print of your boobs perfectly to the tight jeans you wore and down to your pink cowgirl boots. Up until Jean grabbed your hand and led you to his big pickup truck, driving off with Connie and Connie on the side of you. They wanted to take you on the ride, away from your house to have their alone time with you.
Indeed they’re plan was a success because now you were in the back of Jean’s pick up truck getting plowed into from the behind by Connie’s cock— around 7.5 inches and thick. Jean took your mouth as he laid down in front of you whilst Armin took pictures of this interaction with your used sucker in his mouth. He was glad that he came with them after being on his farm catering to his father’s chicken coup. He needed a break and you were the perfect person to help him relax. He recorded the way your lips sucked in Jean’s lengthy cock in your mouth with a shuddered breath as he watched. You were fucking Insatiable, almost everyone in the small town thought so.
“ Fucking hell, She’s sucking me like it’s her last taste of ramen noddles, shit~.”, Jean rasped out as he moved your hair out of his vision from seeing you. Connie has your pink heart-shaped Moschino glasses on his eyes as he grabs your ass cheeks in his hands as he hits you from the back. Connie reached to Armin handing him your shoes that was on its way coming off from getting fuck on the truck’s tailgate, “ Here, seems like the slut of the hour just can’t keep up with us after all.”, He snickered before slapping your ass, “ her shoe came off. Now watch and see how she reacts when I do this. Jean keep fucking her face like that, sounds so slutty. Make sure she can’t breathe.”
Your cunt squeezed around Connie— a reaction to his dirty words. You popped Jean’s dick out your wet mouth and looked back at Connie with low fucked-out eyes, “ Please, mmph, keep fucking me like this, I want Armin too. Please Armin, wanna see your cock, wan’ it in my ass because of how pretty it is.” Connie folded right then and there. Yeah he was gonna get you to breed you for that shit. Armin sucked in a breath as he set his phone up on the inside of the truck before looking out to the opening of the dirt road both ways.
And so they did what you asked with a few taunts from Connie and persuasion from Jean for Armin to join without looking out for anybody— I mean after all this is a dead end. You were now all fully on the truck fucking like rabid bunnies. Armin whimpers we’re so pretty, you were kinda glad that Jean is fucking your mouth without any room left to breathe because you were going to cum to the sight of Connie’s pretty red face below you. You felt so full and they felt so good.
Jean yanked your hair to his dick holding you there with a loud moan erupting from his throat, “ My sweet sweet girl, fu-uhhh~” you tried to push your head off his dick, but he patted your head and whispered, “ a little bit longer bunny.” Jean’s cum leaked out of your mouth and mixed with your spit that was lathering his dick caused Armin to snap. Armin came inside of your ass with a loud cry, “ So perfect for me, Honey. So damn perfect.” At the moment of clenching around his cock with your tight hole. Anal was not easy but Armin made it easy for you by prepping you with his spit, lube out of Jean’s truck, and his fingers. He was the perfect person to break your anal virginity.
Connie came into his condom with a loud groan and chants of your name. Armin laughed at the shakes and final thrusts he did, “ Looks like you couldn’t handle her, Connie.” Connie rolled his eyes with a hard lip bite in the process of both of them starting to fuck slowly into you again to let you catch your second orgasm, you didn’t even know you had the first one. Jean pulled out your mouth leaning to hold your cheeks squeezing them together to make more mess of your big cheeks squeezed— covered with spit, cum, and sweat, “ You’ve done so well, my pretty, chubby bunny. Cum for daddy, bunny. Cum for all of us.” You snapped when he mentioned the one word that always got you off.
Your eyes couldn’t see that it was dark outside because your vision was white as you came in Connie’s dick causing him to jump and whine from the tightening around his cock, “ Fucking vixen you are.” They all laughed while you came back to reality, now seeing that it’s dark as hell outside and the only source of light was the flashlight Connie reached to turn on during the time he was digging inside of you. This was the best decision you parents could’ve made because since that move you’ve been getting pleasure. You may not even go back to the city college and just find one down here, who knows.
✧˖° Onyankopon + your kitchen
Onyankopon caught your eyes as soon as he stepped into your pupil's sight. He was so fine and you craved him. Reminds you of your ex from the way he smiled at you. He was a horse trainer and you were gonna get him to train you to ride horses. You don’t even necessarily want to learn, you just want him to speak a lot because his voice was so deep and sexy. And so you asked your dad can you ask him to train you as he was pulling the crops with his ugly yellow gloves.
You already knew the answer because you always got what you wanted from him and your mother. So, you decided to pick out an outfit and do your hair. The outfit was a off shoulder shirt with pink ribbons on the arms and top of it with pink shorts and black and pink cowgirl boots. Your hair was in your hairstyle but in a ponytail with a big pink ribbon to hold it together.
And so onyankopon taught you about how to be calm around horses to not piss them off. Oysnkopon was trying so hard not to look at your ass and body jiggle as you rode the horse listening to every word he says while making purposeful mistakes.
Afterwards you asked the famous question, “ Why are you called a cowboy then, if you ride horses, shouldn’t you be called a horse boy or something? I’m confused”. Onyankopon stood there contemplating on how he should answer this because it was a good and stupid question.
He never answered your stupid question, just showed you why you can only call him an horse boy as he now had your baby pink and yellow panties pushed to the side whilst fucking you into your kitchen island. His long, thick fingers pressed into your big thighs; holding them up and apart, “ Such a pretty pussy you got, such a shame you kept this to yourself all the times I came to this house since y’all - augh!- moved in.” You were a whimpering mess because of how big and deep— kissing your cervix a few times causing you to wince in pain and pleasure. He had you speechless and you hated it because you were always ready to reply to anyone if your mouth wasn’t occupied.
You and onyankopon watched out for your dad, who was far away from your house— at the garden your grandfather started. Your mom was at her new job she got, so it was just you in the house. Onyankopon yanked your ponytail back as he paused his movements, “ Don’t space out on me, now. Can’t and won’t have that. Need all ya’ attention, baby doll. Look me in the eyes as I take this fat pussy of yours, ya hear me?” You nodded, feeling your ponytail loosen from his grip. You wanted to throw your head back, but he told you to keep your eyes on his, even through your blurry vision. “ Please—” you choked out due to the increase of his pace as he looked down at your greedy kissy taking in his cock like it was eating his cock up.
His deep voice grunted in echo all over the kitchen, “ Please what? Baby doll. Gotta say it, not gonna understand you if you aren’t speaking right.” Onyankopon slowly dragged his dick in and out of your pussy— you felt like you were gonna break into sobs. “Full. Sentences. Ahhh shit! Pretty girl” he snapped his hips into yours punctuating every word he said— you never got dick with this much teasing.
You looked down to follow the movements of his cock moving in and out of your tight gummy walls with a vicious lip bite, whimpers following. You reached down to play with your clit in clockwise format, lifting your head to make eye contact with him, “ Please fuck me hard, Daddy. Fuck me like I’m yours. I can’t— please~” onyankopon smiled as he lifted his cowboy hat off the counter placing it on your head, “ As you wish, doll.” Oyankopon fucked you as he pressed his body against yours feeling the warmth of your body against his, your skin was so soft against his but your nails against his naked back was so harsh but felt good, somehow.
You were sure that one of your press-on nails popped off from how hard you were gripping onto his back as he quickened his pace. “ Fuck I know you feel me right ere’, right here. Your cute lil tummy is so damn cute just like your fucking cheeks, wanna’ bite em’.” He touched your stomach and kissed you in your mouth— swapping spit and flipping each other's tongues as he held your body against his. He trailed his kisses all over your face as he fucked into your sweet little pussy.
“ Ahh, Ony, I think m’ cummin’ mmm cummin’.” You kept saying his name in whimpers and that drove him to fuck you even hard. He didn’t stop even if you came around his dick creating a white ring around his dick. “ Oh God.”, you yelled as you climaxed against him and he came inside of you. He bit your cheek with a deep and long groan when he came into your warm pussy making her even more warm with his hot cum flowing inside. Fuck, he didn’t wear a condom! He didn’t care but you did. Onyankopon chuckled to himself inside his head because he was the first person who got to cum inside of you. Instead of his neighbors, it was him. He feels honored.
✧˖° Mikasa, Annie, Sasha, Ymir, and Historia + your room
Your dad wanted to introduce you to picking strawberries and washing them off from the expanding strawberry field behind your house next to the garden. He just didn’t have time to teach you because teaching you means that he’ll have to take all day teaching you how to even clean off strawberries, plus he knew you hated getting dirt or anything underneath your nails. So when Erwin Smith, the man he always spoke with before he even moved here, suggested the girls teach you all about strawberries since it’s three of their jobs to do on his farm.
When they did teach you, Ymir wasn’t letting up on commenting how stupid you are when you asked if we’re going to eat them off the plants or give them to the animals, historia told her to back off you and giggled when your confused pout displayed on your face. Mikasa’s was closed off but very fond of how you looked in that short little skirt you wore. She thought you knew what you were doing wearing something like this to pick dirty strawberries off the plant stems.
Sasha was the fun one and the most welcoming to you teaching you after Historia because this was her job, she even encouraged you to take a bite out of a dirty strawberry as a joke and you were happily about to do so because you always ate the strawberries in the container, only cleaning it off with water. That’s until Annie grabbed your wrist. Now, Annie was a scary one, but you knew underneath that scary aura she possessed— was a woman who needed comfort. And you were happy to give it to her, a sleepover is the best comfort for any girl.
You never experienced a sleepover like the one you were indulging in right now, maybe with Hitch but that was planned. Getting mocked while your ass collides with Historia’s small heart-shaped ass on the 10 inch long double sided tan dildo Ymir brought in her night bag was something that was not planned. You wondered how she even got her hands on this. “ oh, look at the fucking size difference, my my my you two are the most perfect sluts to try this thing on.” Ymir stood in front of a panting, red faced Historia as she taunted her with a small smirk on her face. Annie stood in front of you with sharp blue eyes looking down at your pretty face, “ You look so pretty like this, it’s unbelievable how fast you succumb to the few words that one over there and I.” She pointed at Mikasa, who was rubbing her clit with her pretty fingers. “ Annie continued, “Such a shameful slut letting us talk you into this just by pointing out how your fat pussy showed through them lace Polka dot panties of yours.”
Annie ended her statement by holding the now ripped panties in her hands, twirling them prior to bending down and engulfing your shivering lips onto her mouth. The kiss was so tasty and sloppy, fuck, you wanted more. Why didn’t she give you more? You stopped moving to deepen the kiss between you and Annie just for Historia to bounce herself against you— your moans falling perfectly into Annie’s mouth as you swapped tongues. You heard little squeals from beside you and behind you. Afterwards you felt a body slide under you and Historia— breaking the kiss to stare down at who’s underneath you, you instantly smiled because Ymir’s cunt was on full display for you as she flicked her tongue on Historia’s count with no mercy.
Moaning at the feeling of a finger entering inside you soon matching pace with the dildo moving back and forth into you and Historia. Sasha giggled in your ear as her white bra appeared on the side of you, “ So wet, can’t wait to taste you on my lips when you sit that pretty ass on my face, I’m craving something to drink right now… something sweet like juice and candy mixed together. You’re the right person for that right, { reader}?” You couldn’t focus because of the overstimulation of your pussy and the stares you got from Annie and Mikasa, who now stands in front of you beside Annie. They watched your eyes peer up at them before Mikasa landed a perfect slap on your face at the same time as Annie landing two in both of your hanging tits.
Mikasa grabbed your jaw and bent down to hold eye contact with you, “ Answer her! Don’t leave any of us waiting for an answer again.” Her voice was so smooth and made your entire body shake or was it the fluffy carpet you all were standing or kneeling on, “ Yesss— yes please taste me after this. I need all of you, Ohh~” your wetness was colliding with Historia’s and she couldn’t take it. Her moans were so pretty to everyone but yours was sexy.
Annie slipped on one of your 8 inch strap-on’s, rubbing it on your mouth, “ Open up for me. Want to see how much of me you could take. Wan’ stuff you full of my cock. Naughtily sluts like you deserve this face fuck I’m going to give you.” Mikasa let out a little chuckle at her words before grabbing Sasha’s hand to lay with her on your bed. You heard the sound of two people aggressively kissing and stared at the two of them making out: Mikasa with Sasha between her legs. Not long after, Mikasa trailed kisses down Sasha’s jawline as she locked eyes with you, “ Fuck her good, Annie or I’ll do it myself. Don’t let her waste a drop of spit or gag, she’s taken bigger cocks than that, so she should know how to do it. I’m sure of it.”
Historia moaned out yours and Ymir’s name, luckily Ymir covered her mouth, “ Ahh, m’cummin’— cummin’ so my-Ahh.” Her moans were muffled by her hand and that made you want to bounce your ass faster to overstimulate her. You wanted to chase you own orgasm and Annie saw that, so she grabbed your head and fucked into it like it was a pocket pussy men use. The electricity she felt from getting head from you in your didldo was on another level. “ Don’t talk to me like I don’t know what I’m doing Mikasa.” She stared Mikasa down in advance to peering down at you, taking all of her cock between your glossy two-tone lips. “Holy fuck, she sounds so fucking pretty, taking this cock like the whore she is. Such a shame, you’re a whore for everyone who shows little interest in you, how pitiful.” Her words had some truth to it, therefore you wanted to shut her up by reaching past the straps of the strap-on to her pussy— sticking two fingers inside of her making her let out a shuddering moan.
You were all feeling pleasure because you didn’t even notice that Ymir had a thick pink string from an egg vibrator hanging out her pussy but the others did. Every last one of you were on cloud nine, especially Sasha and Mikasa now scissoring on your bed as you played with Annie pussy. Her face fucking was harsh but it made you squirt against Ymir’s stomach that spurred Ymir to cum from the pressure of water on her lower belly. Nothing but sultry and slutty moans were heard in your room. You were surprised that your parents didn’t come knocking from the little squeals and screams you all produced.
✧˖° Erwin Smith, Nile Dok, and Mike( Miche) Zacharias + Miche’s bar
After a week from the previous sexual encounters, you decided to take a ride to the famous bar that was about 20 minutes away from here. You needed to feel the wind blowing in between your boobs and upon your legs. Feel the wind on your face as you chew on 3 pieces of bubblegum. It was almost getting dark when you arrived at the bar, you thought it would've been packed with people.
Only three men were in there and you were about to walk back out when Miche grabbed your hand, stopping you from going. His voice did wonders to your pussy. Being a fucking nympho is a fucking curse because you folded as soon as you heard his deep voice. He smirked at you as he breathed in deeply, nodding his head like it was a signal to the other two older men sitting down.
Once he got you to sit down and have a drink with them. They’ll introduce themselves as the leaders of the town, you honestly didn’t care for what they had to say after that because the word authority and older was dancing inside of your head as you stared at them with big pretty eyes circling in on each one of them. You were sizing them up. Sizing them up to fuck them.
Afterwards, Erwin would probably be the one who trailed you home to make sure you got home, explaining how he was just “ looking out for a civilian and his fellow friend daughter”
You are so glad you decided to stay and size them up because you were bouncing on Miche’s big dick in the booth next to the dirty window. When you first saw his dick, you gasped as you stared at it. It was so pretty, curved to the right with two thick veins running down his cock and a pink, thick tip. He also had a cigarette and cologne musk to him, your favorite on old men like him. Your arms hugged his back as he lifted you up and down his dick using his big hands whilst talking with Erwin and Nile. He multitasked and he was great at it because he still hit the right places deep inside of your wet, starving pussy, “ So this is the girl, everyone’s been speaking about? Gotta say she’s exactly my, Mmgh!, type.” They were speaking about you like you weren’t even there getting your pussy destroyed by Miche and that turned you on even more.
Erwin chuckled as he dabbed his cigarette on the ashtray just to bring it to his dried glossy lips, inhaling and exhaling it, “ ‘Isn’t she just so pretty?’ That was Armin’s words as he showed the video of a girl sucking Jean’s cock to me when I asked what they all were discussing. Who would’ve known that she would be the same girl in the video. Luck is on our side Mike and Nile because she is indeed a beauty.” The reason he had dried up lip gloss on his lips was because of your ‘Cherry Bomb’ lip gloss you wore when you made out with him and his friends moments before Miche placed you into his lap to fuck you.
Your moans and screams were muffled into Miche’s neck due to the increased movements of his hips snapping up as his nails broke more of the ass part on your white bow stockings, ultimately revealing your pretty panties that had a small bow on the bak. Your panties were pulled to the side as his cock thrust into you. Nile tried so desperately not to look since his wife was back home with his kids. His wife cheated on him yet he still stayed. Yeah that wife. He had to stay loyal but he couldn’t when your big ass recoiled when miche hit deep inside of you. “ Fuck, she’s something, alright.” Nile didn’t wanna admit it, but he wanted to watch you break underneath him.
And he did when he fucked you agaisnt the table in front of them. His dick was a monster right next to Miche’s— tan with a dark pink tip, hairy because you could feel some of the hairs against your ass as he pushed into your pussy, and long with a little girth to him. You couldn’t take him after getting your pussy beat by Miche. Now, your neck was held in his strong hands while he pushed into your soaking pussy. Your nails gripping the table in front of you, “ Kahhh, I can’t.. I can’t take it, please slow down.” You didn’t want him to slow down at all because this was the third best fuck you’ve had. Nile let out a deep, long groan, fucking you even faster, “ Look at her tremble under me, Erwin. Can you say she’ll do the same for you? I don’t thin— fuck!~ stop squeezing me so damn hard, baby girl.”
Erwin lifted the corner of his lips as he watched your tits flop inside your bra, he couldn’t wait to have you, “ Don’t speak too soon, Nile. Marie was trembling underneath m-” his tone was doing something to your soul and you were about to collapse under Nile’s right arm that was around your tummy. Nile didn’t like what he said and took it out on your poor bruised pussy and you loved it especially when your head was pinned onto the table and Erwin was in your line of sight— brushing the sweat off your forehead with a napkin. Nile snarled as he spoke to Erwin, “ Fuck you, Erwin. Fuck, she’s gonna make me, uhhhh~.” He was so vocal as he came inside of you, his cum mixing with Miche’s cum. Miche was so tired that he didn’t even bother to focus on their bickering moment, his eyes were glued to your body. He was fascinated by you. Everyone was. The moment you stepped inside his bar was the moment he knew you were gonna be screaming and cumming on his cock after the little talk you had.
When it was Erwin’s turn in between your legs, he fucked you with your face turned to Miche and Nile who was now panting like a dog outside without any water on a hot summer day. You were cockwarming him and spilling your cum and the other two men cum all over his cock, “ Don’t move now, Darling. Older men are talking, down here we show respect to our elders.” His eyes were on yours as he held two fingers under your chin tilting it up for you to hold eye contact with him, he soon took his focus off you to return it to the men across and on the side of you. You felt humiliation all over and that only turned you on even more, especially when he took a sip of his drink with a cooling “ aah” following, “ They taught that to us in the city, so why wouldn’t they teach that to her generation?”
They answered him and participated in your degradation and when you would try to say something or move, Erwin would perform powerful thrusts, immediately you’ll moan or cry out of pain and pleasure because after all he was the biggest one out of all of them— he was uncut with a wide girth to his already long dick, his smell was alluring to you because he smelled so natural with a twinge of Booze and cigarettes. You heard two names before your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks, yet you couldn’t make out the names clearly. It’s not like you know them or will be able to meet them. Right?
✧˖° Levi Ackerman and Hange Zoe + barn house
The moment you met Hange was when she was milking the cows for your dad as a deal with your mom. You didn’t know how they met, but you would assume your mom and dad knew every last person here because they were already planning to move down here before they told you, which upset you to the max. Truth be told, you should’ve figured it out earlier but your mind was filled with sex, fun, and zero responsibilities.
So when you finally decide to go out three days later after your father fussed at you for being out so late, you went to your father’s barn yard that sat on the side of a little river with different fishes inside them. You sat on the hay petting the baby goat in your arms. Hange came in with a bucket of milk, stopping when they saw you with your cute baby yellow and pink dress on, they raised their eyebrow at your yellow bunny ears displayed on your head. They never saw anyone dress or look around like you, not too many chubby people that can dress in this town. Theyinstantly got excited, practically running over there to greet you.
They asked you questions about your choice of style in a town like this and while you answered they couldn’t help but to pay attention to the way your hello kitty necklace and star shaped diamond necklace fell between your high sat boobs. Levi noticed who you were right when he entered the barn disturbing your one sided conversation with the person named Hange. His voice was rough and he was straight forward especially when he asked “ Why dress like a common whore in a barn? Who allowed this?” You didn’t and couldn’t take offense because he was so close to you and eye level to your boobs. You found that funny but wouldn’t say.
Levi was not supposed to have this much interest in you but he did, specifically when he asked a question about why there was a pink bow on top of the alpaca’s ears and insulted you after when you said it looked “cutesy”. He wanted to pluck his ear off from how excited and stupid you sound and looked, but he didn’t. It’s clear you just did what you wanted. So, He decided that you’ll be “fixed” with a good lesson. He couldn’t care less if Hange decides to sit through this lesson. You need discipline and he was the right person to do it.
Your moans were muffled by Hange’s pussy covering your mouth as they sat on your face. Your moans from Levi rubbing his fat tip up and down the opening of your hungry, fat pussy, “ That’s right, shut her mouth all the way up, got tired of hearing her talk about a bunch of nonsense.” He purposely bumped his tip into your clit trying hard not to moan at the feeling of your wetness on his dick. Hange looked back with a laugh as they saw Levi bit his lip as he slid inside of your pussy, “ Looks like you’re enjoying yourself, Levi. Maybe you liked hearing her voice more than you thought you did, huh? Levi?”
Levi was about to say a smart remark when you suddenly latched onto his dick with a vicious grip causing him to let out a low whimper, red sprouted onto his face in shame and embarrassment. Luckily, Hange was too busy enjoying herself with your tongue inside of her, “ Ahh, yes { reader}! You’re doing so good for mommy.” Levi cursed at how tight you clamped on him from her little nickname— slapping your clit as a response, “ Your pussy feels so good, so don’t ruin the moment by breaking my dick with all that useless clenching.” Truth: Levi actually loved the way your pussy took him in. The grip was insane to him since he knew you took Erwin, Miche, and Nile before. They were bigger than him in length, not girth though. He only knows because of the orgies they hosted. They never fucked without condoms so why were you special? Hmm.
Levi bent down to bite your nipple as Hange gripped your coils rocking back and forth with a loud moan. They were both enjoying you and you were enjoying yourself a little too much. Almost breaking at how deep he was fucking you. Hange yanked your head back— your face was in their line of sight and you looked so pretty with their juices covering your cheeks and mouth. They let out a happy laugh, “ Levi you should see how slutty her face looks right now.” They paused and hovered over your chest a bit to let you breathe. “ Don’t need to see that when I have the prettiest thing on her body in front of me, her pussy is swallowing me up Hange so don’t talk because you’re gonna ruin my hard on.”
Hange gasped and was about to reply back to him with a sarcastic remark, stopping when they heard a loud moan and slaps increasing rapidly. “ Ha-Ann~, please keep fucking me like this mister Levi, make me yours. Ouhhh.” Levi let a small smirk display in his red and sweat drenched face in victory, “ Got you right where I want now, pretty girl…” he gripped your stretch mark stomach underneath his little, thick fingers, “ Now in order to keep hitting that spot you want, you have to vow you’re gonna be a good girl after this and stop decorating your father’s barn and barn animals with that pink girly shit.”
Your body was shaking and your words were slipping out of your mouth in stutters when you tried to respond, but his long strokes inside of your velvet walls was enough to make you lose basis of the statement he just said to you. Hange tapped your face with three taps, “ Hey, Hey, my little butterfly, don’t tap out now, are you gonna obey what Levi said.” The table bench underneath you all felt like it was about to collapse from the shaking you and Levi were creating, so you quickly answered levi in a loud, “ Yes, just— ahhnn fuck me harder, please sir.. pl-pleasee mommy!!” Levi threw his head back to get his hair out of eyes and locked eyes with Hange, whose neck was turned to him, nodding his head. I’m his mind, he wondered when Furlan and Isabel is coming to town because he knew they would fuck and love on you just as much as he and Hange are doing.
Once Hange moved their pussy back to your mouth, you were in heaven because they tasted so good. Your slurping was music to both of their ears, so Levi rewarded you by placing his head in between your pretty boobs, fucking you faster in the mating press position. His balls were slapping the opening of your other hole and his arms were tightly around your abdomen. He loved the feeling of your stomach and tit moving up and down against his body. You were remarkable. The table shook underneath you three and you were so glad that this was drilled into the ground outside in the back of the barn because if it wasn’t this would’ve been fell. Levi dick was hitting the right spot inside of you, which made your loud moans get Hange off. The strength of your tongue circling around their clit prior to moving inside of their wet pussy was amazing.
All while this was happening, you all didn’t notice a tall shadow in the woods behind the barn watching you all with a small smirk on his face. You were a dumb silly girl who was easy to manipulate and he was going to have much fun with you later on. His nephew may have had you first, but he’ll fuck you better because he need you to know that there is bigger and better out here for you. Plus, he hated your grandfather and now your father, so he was glad he found out that you were his daughter. Only time will tell.
✧˖° Kenny Ackerman + at the lake beach party in the woods
The younger crew that you previously met on the first night invited you out for a party at the private lake beach of Napeville. You have never been to one of these types of swimming parties, mainly because you wouldn’t dare touch the water because of how dirty it is and because you have never been in the woods like this. You blamed your parents for this because now you have to go through the woods just to get to a party Reiner was co-throwing with Connie.
At first, your parents didn’t want you to go since you were on duty-calls for sneaking off to fuck Levi and Hange, they obviously didn’t know that was the reason. Reiner convinced them and said he was going to “ look out for you and help you finish your duties tomorrow. You didn’t know why your parents suddenly trusted Reiner, but they let you go before telling you to watch out for a man named “ Kenny the ripper”. You paid no mind as you walked to your room.
One thing you looked forward to was looking cute at the party. You had the perfect skirts and bikini to wear. Your bikini was a size smaller than your actual size and you and everyone loved it. You would think you would be shy with a body like yours, but you weren’t because you and the others thought you were the sexiest person at the party especially with your little back rolls and tummy out.
Your swimsuit did you justice and Kenny thought the same when he lurked around watching you holding the red cup in your hands, never once stepping near the water. He needed to get close and he didn’t have a way right now, so imagine his surprise when you made it easier for him to fuck you while walking through the woods to get to your car for an extra towel for Mikasa.
On the way back to Mikasa, you ran into the chest of Kenny Ackerman, a man your parents told you to stay away from just recently too. You couldn’t be stupid enough to insult the older man with a smart remark of how old he is and how you heard that old people have bad eyesight right? You couldn’t be stupid enough to smile when he gave you a backwards compliment on how the pretty gingham wedges you were walking in the woods with is a stupid and cute choice for you, right? You also couldn’t be stupid enough to let him hold you by the neck against a thick tree, only to react with a bite of your plump lip, right? Well you were indeed stupid enough to do all of those things in the act of also getting off to how strong the older man was, wanting a piece of him in the end.
Reasons why you were tied at the hands with your bikini bra and Kenny bottoming inside of you against a tree. Your bouncing tits littered with dark stretch marks hurt as they bounced back and forth against the tree and your moans were muffled by your bikini bottoms, so you were completely naked with only his cowboy hat on your head. Kenny let out a low maniacal laugh at the desperation your eyes plead as they looked back at you, “ My my my, sweet pea, such a dumb little thing aren’t cha’? Didn’t the little shit teach you not to do anymore dumb shit anymore or was it girly shit? Hell if I know, I just know I’m gonna fuck you like the fuckdoll you are.” He tried not to let out a loud moan as he watched your ass bounce back on his big cock, he was bigger than Levi and Erwin put together, you hated it because it didn’t necessarily fit in all the way— your pussy was only taking him just above his pelvis.
“ Gonna tell your old man that his daughter is a town’s whore and shouldn’t be allowed to be here. Maybe then that poor excuse of a father will grant me half of his farm land once I send the pictures to his phone, eh?… Shit, keep squeezing me like that, sweet pea, and I’m gonna breed this fat little cunt— fill it to the brim and send you home with the next Ackerman generation inside of you.”, Kenny says with a powerful thrust inside of your pussy. The slapping sounds and your muffled pleas were echoed throughout the little area in the woods. Your pussy was something else to him. She warmed his dick up mighty good and he couldn’t help but to admire you. You were definitely a beauty so maybe he shall stick to his original plan.
“Mmgh- mmmm- pldhpse.”, you felt like your eyes were stuck in the back of your head from how hard he was pounding you from behind and against a tree at that. Trees were yucky and splintery to you, in the back of your mind you hoped that the wood wouldn't magically appear in your stomach and tits. He bit your ear when he dropped his pants to the ground, instantly groping one of your tits with his right hand and playing with your pussy with his left hand. “ Come on, my pretty pea, set up a little get together with myself and the old fuck of a father, a great fuck greater than the one you have right now is guaranteed as the prize.”
Kenny slowed down his pace before stopping and pulling out of you with his cock touching the back of your thighs. He took the bikini piece balled up in your mouth out to let you breathe and talk properly. You didn’t get what he was asking and thought he was an old friend that your family knew, “ yes— please, please, please, I’ll get you that meeting, fuck me Mr., I need— I need your dick inside me. No mercy on my pretty little cunt.” Kenny stared at you wide eyed when you turned around to lock eyes with him. Holy Shit! You were such a needy little whore. He was going to have fun with you. He met a couple of women that were needy for his cock, but not like this.
The next thing you know, your feet was dangling in the air—on the side of his naked waist during the time of his arms underneath your thighs, holding you up as he fucked into you like a mad dog in heat. You were surprised that he could pick you without cracking any bones or hurting his back or arms. He did hunt animals and people, but you didn’t need to worry your pretty head about that. But his cock felt like it was punching your stomach in and out, “ ha-nnn~ s’good, it’s sooo good. Gonna cum all over your meaty cock. Fuck!” Your moans were filling his ears and he loved every word that came out of your mouth, so he sped up his pace, your heels long gone and his pants dropped to his ankles so now you both were fucking like the vampires in the woods on true blood. So deep into each other that you couldn’t think or hear, otherwise you would’ve heard your name being called by Mikasa and Eren.
“ Shh, what’s that I hear, little pea? I hear your friends getting closer, but you don’t seem to care, do you? You stupid little girl, you don’t care that your friends will see you fucking the one man they were told to watch out for? Ah, I got it, your- fucking hell you’re clamping down on me like you never want me to pull out. Such a bad girl you are, huh? Yeah, s’fucking naughty!”, Kenny’s words were getting to you more than the close shouts from Mikasa and Eren. You couldn’t even figure out which direction they were coming from because now Kenny was dipping and moving his hips in a rhythm you couldn’t even decipher in music class if you cared for it. Fuck, he was what you needed. Kenny's big hands gripped your ass in his hands, mounding them as he pounded inside of your soaking pussy that was ready to squirt all over his cock. He loved the way you held onto him tightly in fear of him dropping you. You were a piece of work that was sure. Considering how hard and fast he’s going, this would be your first time squirting and it’s sad that it was by the one person you were told to stay away from. When he introduced himself to you after making you squirt and cream onto his cock, all at the same time, You knew you practically signed over your father’s life and land of crops for big mean Kenny Ackerman. You were so fucked, yet you didn’t even noticed or care because you were too fucked out to know that he was the man to fear.
✧˖° Reiner, Porco, and Pieck + Reiner’s room in his ranch
Reiner couldn’t sleep unless he gets a chance with you, but why hadn’t you even looked his way. It's been weeks since his lake-beach party and he couldn’t get you out his head, hell he couldn’t even get the strawberry or other candy/fruit scent out of his mind as well. He knew of the others fucking you and still wanted you, so when you suddenly stood laughing next to Pieck with a big, blue lollipop in your mouth, he couldn’t help himself to fantasize that that blue sucker was his cock instead. He couldn’t help but to look over at Pieck and now Porco eyeing you sucking on the sucker with pure fondness in their postures and eyes. He had a plan.
Luckily for him, Pieck was one step ahead of him when she asked you to go to lunch with them. As she wrapped her arms around your shoulders, she brought her fingers to your shirt that said the words “ Dumb Bimbo in Charge” with rhinestone letters. Reiner and Porco knew what she was doing by making you explain what your shirt meant just for them to not pay attention to shit you were saying. Hell, you didn’t even know what it means because you were too dumb to get it, you just thought it was cute. Too focus on how excitedly your boobs bounced as you tried to explain what your shirt meant to you.
Only when you asked the question “ Do you wanna know what Blue lemonade tastes like?” They paid attention and Porco was surprised to see your eyes on him and Reiner, especially Reiner. Gulping and nodding to your question cause you to suddenly dip your blue sucker in your lemonade— putting it back in your mouth sucking harshly. Eventually pulling it out of your mouth whilst bringing Reiner’s face close to yours kissing him. Pock and Pieck were jealous and from that moment on you all decided to visit Reiner parents ranch they left to him.
Your body felt pleasure from all over as you lay under Pieck in a 69 position, taking Porco’s cock inside of her hot pussy during the time of you taking Reiner’s cock inside of your pussy. His moans were so whiny as he moved in and out of your drenched pussy with a thumb inside of your puckering hole, “ She’s so- ahhunn- she’s so eager to take me in, Porco.” You indeed were eager to take him in as the wet sounds of yours and Pieck’s pussy rippled in the room you all were in. Porco grunted as Pieck squeezed against his cock, “ Shit Pieck, Reiner shut the hell up, m’tryna get off here and all I hear is your whiny- annoying ass voice.” Reiner didn’t respond to Porco’s comment due to feeling your pussy convulse around his dick.
You, on the other hand, was in love with the way Reiner cock took up so much space inside of your pussy, filling you just right. Tears were brought to your eyes as you started feeling Reiner’s balls slapping against your hole from how deep he was inside of you, “ Mm’guh, s’deep, I can’t breathe, mmmm.” Reiner smirked as Porco eyes widened at how lewd you were talking about Reiner’s dick beating your pussy in. He couldn’t let Reiner win this, so he stuck two fingers in your mouth since your face was facing him as he dug deep into a moaning Pieck, “ Suck, bitch. After you’re done, suck my girl’s clit as I fuck her. That’s what you’re good for right, Ymir told us all about how skilled your pussy eating is.” You coughed and drooled on his thick fingers as they hit the pack of your throat.
Reiner hissed shapely at your clenching on his cock, landing a harsh smack on your thighs with his right hand, “ Seems your pussy took a liking to my cock, doll face. Wonder if she could take the shape of my cock even better than she is right now? Shit~ yeah, yeah, just like that. So fucking tight. Oh~” Pieck was so out of touch with this world that she jumped when she felt a hand slap her clit from below, she then proceeds to stroke a finger over your slit— taking in how sticky her hands are becoming. her moans only grew louder when she felt a calming suck on her clit from you, “ Pieck’s dripping— mmmgh! dripping so much Porco. She’s doing so good for us.”
Porco eyes rolled to the back of his head as you licked from Piecks pussy to the part of his cock that wasn’t inside of Pieck. Reiner didn’t take kindly to you lifting yourself up to do that. In response, he slammed inside of you, gripping your love handles harshly as he pounded inside of your pussy, “ Stop trying to run, doll face, can’t have you slipping from me to please that fucker.” It was like a different man came out as he pounded into your now bruised pussy. You couldn’t keep up with the licking of Pieck’s cunt because of the power thrust Reiner was doing to your body. “ yes, yes, yeshhh!” Your moans were shut off by Porco snatching your hair up to Pieck’s saturated pussy taking in his cock with a grip you could visibly see.
Reiner and Porco’s chest were glistening with cold sweat as they fucked you and Pieck with meaning. You were on the verge of cumming and wanted to try to hold it, but Pieck latched her luscious lips on your clit, sucking and curling her tongue around you eagerly. Your screams were muffled as it vibrated Pieck’s pussy causing her to squirt on your face and Porco’s cock. Porco couldn’t believe he was living his dream right now, “ Fuck~ I guess you are worthy little something huh, so fucking sexy.” He rubbed your head during the time of you swirling your tongue on Pieck’s slightly tan pussy. Soon after, Porco gripped Pieck’s hips as he slowly overstimulated her pussy like Reiner was doing your creaming pussy, “ doing so good for me, Pieck. A fucking good girl, now make her squirt f’me, P’.”
Pieck begins to licking more rapidly with her moans vibrating your clit. Reiners pounding only added to your pleasure and soon you were soaking and creaming around his cock and on Pieck’s face. Her eyes closed as you squirted on it, taking in the taste of your juices as well. Reiner’s hand gripped harshly on the headboard of the bed you all were on and with a loud yell of your name he came inside of you with no hesitation. You were so glad that you went to the clinic for a check up and got on birth control, otherwise you would’ve been done for. Kids were not on your list but it was on Reiner’s list as he came inside of you seeing nothing except for hazy imaginary snowflakes as he looked at the ceiling. His chest on Pieck’s head as he breathed into her hair, only jumping up from how shook your body was and Porco’s scream as he came into Pieck’s pussy.
Pieck’s moans were so fucking cute to you. You would love to do this again with the three of them, only next time you wanted Porco for yourself. Reiner was perfect, yet you still wanted more. More was in Porco especially with the way he locked eyes with you when you looked up at him through low eyes. His chest raised up and down with the eyes of a person who wanted whatever was in front of them like a kid seeing their favorite plushy and wanting it. Reiner bent down to kissed your thigh whispering a raspy “ thank you” and you squeezed around his limp cock still inside of you. Nothing but a grunt was heard when you did that. He hoped what he heard from your dad wasn’t true. He didn’t want you to leave to go stay with a relative in the city, just to go to college. It’s a college here, a small one, but he hopes it’ll do. It’s also 30 miles away so why couldn’t you stay? Stay.
✧˖° Keith Shadis and Eren Kruger + Theo Magath + at a dinner party inside of your parents house
Your father and mother told you that they were having a dinner party with the residents of this town, mostly the higher ups and they told you to dress appropriately. They were wary of your definition of appropriate so they had to specify it two times for you to get it. And when you asked if you have to attend, the look on your mothers face told you your answer. You are their daughter and you’re gonna have to take over after your parents die. Generational farming was not for you. You’re definitely gonna be the one to end that curse.
The list of people that showed up was huge, luckily your house was huge enough for them. Everyone you had sex with was here probably, not that you care. They just better keep it quiet. The noise downstairs was filled with nothing but plates and untensils clattering with loud laughs and talks. You heard a portion of the older man you fucked until the topic of Kenny Ackerman came up.
You wanted to eavesdrop so bad, but thought otherwise because you wanted to finger yourself to the last encounter with the said man. With your head against your fluffy pink silk pillow and hands locked in the handcuffs you brought, you fingered yourself to the memories inside of your head of every person you fucked. You couldn’t help yourself and couldn’t stop fingering yourself as the noise drowned out. You didn’t even stop fingering yourself when Eren Kruger walked into your room, mislaying your room for the bathroom.
Kruger eyes were wide when he walked in on you knuckle deep inside of your pussy moaning multiple men names, some of them was friends of his like Erwin, Levi, Ackerman, Zeke, Hange, etc. he made the conclusion that you were the little fox his colleagues were spending weeks talking about like they were in love with you. God. You looked so pretty with your mouth formed in a little O as you struggled to get off due to your pink handcuffs on your wrist. He closed the door not so quietly causing you to gasp out at the sudden noise. Your eyes widened when you saw who it was. The man who came here three weeks ago to talk with your dad; he was with two other men though.
His grey eyes peeled into you before he spoke to you in a deep gruff voice, “ So you’re the infamous, { reader}. Such a beauty you are…” he stood there, eyeing you slowly closing your legs with your fingers now placed on your pretty stomach, over the fabric of your pretty white dress. Your thighs were what he wanted to be suffocated in and that’s exactly why he came closer to you. You tried to move back to sit up, but he shook his head and immediately you stopped moving like you were in a trance, “ Can I help you out, princess? Want to make you feel good and much better. Allow me to make you feel good, princess.”
You stared at him getting on his knees in his black trousers. You were eyeing the door, slithering your eyes back to him with a meek nod of your head. You were never shy but he had the aura to make you do so. Kruger didn’t waste any time pulling off your panties underneath your dress you were supposed to make your way down the stairs with, “ so pretty.” His deep voice caused you to clench at air and he chuckled with his head still under your dress. He licked a strip of your fat pussy, your body shuddering in response followed by a little whine, “ fuck, please continue.” Kruger obeyed you and took long and slow licks up and down your pussy. Older men and women have proven to be better at everything because you’ve never gripped the sheets just from three licks of your pussy.
Kruger enjoyed the taste of your pussy, wanting to suck that pretty, puffy clit. He sucked your clit with meaning causing you to raise up a little to bunch your dress up over your plump tummy revealing his pretty eyes already on you. His facial structure made him highly attractive outstandingly when he moved his tongue in a slow circle around your clit. You two were lost in each other’s eyes that when the door opened and closed you couldn’t hear it. Your head tilted back at how good he was eating your pussy, “ Just like that, mmm, Mr. Kruger I want more.” Girls in their 20s wasn’t his type because they’re so whiny and much younger than him, yet he couldn’t help groaning into your pussy at your whines.
A hand suddenly grabbed your chin, squeezing your cheeks together. Your eyes widened in high alert when you saw the sunken eyes of a man you were afraid of ever since he came here giving you a mean stare: Keith shadis was a man you genuinely feared and respected enough to want. Kruger hummed against your Pussy prior to speaking once he detached from you with a string of saliva and juice following, “ See you made it, shadis. Didn’t expect you to come in and join, consider me impressed.” Keith's eyes hardened at Kruger, turning to you before he captured your lips with a bruising, hard kiss. Your hips bucked into the air from the hot, steaming kiss you shared with the tall 6’6 man, they were both so tall and big. Keith broke from the kiss with a little peck on your chin and lips, “ Couldn’t let you have all the fun, haven’t had this much fun since 95’. Wouldn’t miss it, although her mouth looks a little bored, a little conniving whore like her needs a cock in her mouth to satisfy her. Who knows? She might even have an oral fixation and if she doesn’t, I’ll create it for her to have.”
Keith pushed you back on the bed, taking his shoes off to climb onto the bed with his knees on the side of your head— messing up your hair a little bit. He unbuckled his pants and his dick popped out slapping you on the forehead, he was uncircumcised yet still had a huge cock you wanted down your throat. You grabbed his cock at the same time Kruger pushed his tongue inside of your pussy, “ Augh-mmmph.” As soon as you opened your mouth, Keith shoved his cock down your throat, fucking your throat fast with a vicious grip on your hairstyle you got. It hurts so good. Theo opened the door and slide inside to watch with a cigar hanging out his mouth. His eyes was focused on how well you took Keith’s dick inside of your mouth. He looked down at his trousers and shifted. Keith and Kruger knew he was there but you didn’t. How could you when Keith’s groans and Kruger’s slurping was heard along with your muffled moans from the dick sucking you were happily doing.
Keith was in heaven once your tongue slid I’ve this veins and Kruger was in heaven when your pussy drowned his face in your juices. Theo Magath was just a bystander and man did he want to join— he’ll wait out his turn. While you were about to get fucked out by three older men, your family was downstairs with the men and women you already gave yourself to. Such a slut and your parents had no idea what you’ve been doing and what you’re doing right now. You heard them calling you downstairs, though you were too busy being used by all three men upstairs in your recent decorative room. After all, you are the Farmer’s daughter that turned into the town’s Slut. Therefore, you are now the Town’s Slut and you’re not going anywhere else any time soon.
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Tagging: @shunsuist @honeybleed @simpingfor-wakasa @happygoluckyalexis @mastermindenoshimaalicia @nutheadgeenat ( if you wanted to be tagged), @angelshub @bontens-angel and anyone else who wants to be tagged in.
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venusflytrpp · 8 months
Dear anonymous - Carla Roson
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Warnings ❌: loss of a parent, slight blood injuries… I think that’s it 🤷‍♂️
(Reader is a female has and has two dads: Father(Demitru) and Dad(Michael) )
You met Carla at one of the lowest moments of your life.
The only child of a well renowned musician, so the media was constantly breathing down your neck. On top of that your father had died less than a month ago and your dad, rather than sit you down and talk about it, continued his world tour. Telling the media that it was the best way to honour his memory rather than take time to himself.
But you’d come to the conclusion that seeing you was a reminder of him, too painful for you dad to come home to a resemblance of the man that he loved. You had your fathers eyes so you couldn't blame him because you’d suffered the pain every time you looked in a mirror and saw HIM.
Funnily enough it was during one of your breakdowns in the bathroom that Carla found you. Huddled up in the bathroom fists clenched to your chest and the main mirror broken in pieces with a huge hole in the middle. It didn't take a detective to realise that you’d punched the mirror.
Carla had been watching from afar the slow deterioration of your mental state for the past few weeks. She’d only ever known you as someone from Polo and Guzman’s childhood, apparently drifting apart as you grew up. Going from the charming young woman to the little girl who walked back into class with tears in her eyes to grab your bag once you’d been pulled out of class and told about your father’s death.
Against her head telling her to get out of the bathroom and let whatever adult found you to deal with this. She made her way towards you avoiding pieces of glass scattered around her feet. At your side she ducks down to your level, hand on your knee.
“Y/n…” she calls your name quietly. Your head doesn't move from its position on your knees. She tries again calling your name softly causing you to lift your head slightly realising that someone is calling out your name.
Honestly, Carla was the last person that you expected to see; turning towards your side. You expected a teacher who’d heard from the hallway or any other person from the class you'd dashed out of. So turning to see Polo’s ex would be a shock to anyone.
With your throat dry - your hoarse voice replies “what do you want ?”
If it was anyone else Carla probably would have taken offence to your question but to be honest she didn't know where to go from here. So she just lifted her hand off of your knee and moved it to your other hand that wasn't clearly bleeding onto your shirt. Grabbing your hand, she moves to get up pulling you with her.
“Come on, lets go”
You move to object but for some reason you were curious as to how this would play out so you just nod your head, keeping your fist hidden under your blazer but there was nothing you could do about the blood on your shirt so you just left it.
Carla steps around the glass with your hand still in hers but from the crushing of glass coming from your shoes she could tell you didn’t have the same worry. She momentarily hesitates by the door wondering if classes were over and by the noise coming from the hall she’s proved correct.
“You can go if you want to, I can't say it's very flattering to be seen with me these days.” Your voice breaks the silence. This causes Carla to roll her eyes and move to open the door.
“You think the worst of me Y/n” She replies, opening the door anyway.
The main exit wasn’t far from the girls bathroom but the path just happened to be the busiest in school. So it wasn't a surprise when Carla bumped into Polo causing you to come to halt. The weird tension between the two of them was already uncomfortable but you could bet that the fact that you two were holding hands may have made it worse.
Looking down at your hands conjoined Polo’s eyebrow raises and he starts to stare you down, eyes fixating on the blood red stains against your usually white shirt.
“Where are you going in such a rush ?” he asks Carla, causing her hand in yours to tighten.
“Home” She replies not feeling the need to give him anymore of an explanation
“With Y/n ?” He asks again, Just now you come to the realisation that Polo’s isn't the only attention that the two of you had managed to gather. Already there are people gathering by the lockers nearby trying to take notice of the state of your shirt and the marquesa’s hand in yours.
Noticing this Carla hastily replies “Yes, now we are leaving”
Leading the way she quickens her pace getting out the door and towards her driver who was clearly expecting her. This causes you to wonder as it's only midday so school wouldn't be over for at least another few hours.
Arriving at her house she moves towards the front door with you still standing by the car.
“You’ve come this far you might as well enter the house you know.” She calls behind her then calls out for one of the workers to bring a med kit thinking about your fist which had only just about stopped bleeding in the car proving the point that it was a deep cut.
This triggers you to rush to catch up to her as she’s already seated on the nearest sofa. You awkwardly stand in front of it not really knowing where to go from here. Her eyes rolled again.
“Your hand can't be treated if you're standing, just sit down and they'll take care of it.” You take the offer and perch on the sofa as a man takes a nearby chair sitting in front of you, reaching out to take your hand. With some hesitance you give it to him and he gets to work with the antiseptic and bandages. You flinch and grunt as he works but the glares that Carla gives you anytime you move to take away your hand cause you to suck it up and let him do it.
“Why did you bring me back here ?” You ask the question that was on both of your minds, Carla being confused herself as to why she was here with you instead of class.
“You seemed like you needed to get out of there so I got you out of there. Does there need to be another reason?” Looking you in the eyes she replies thinking that was a justifiable response.
“We don’t talk and the most you know about me is whatever I presume Polo ever told you and anything you've seen in the news. So forgive me for asking.”
“I didn’t exactly see you say no at any point so I just assumed you were on board.” she answers again but seeing how that may not be enough she adds “You’re right I don't know you but it wouldn't hurt to. Would it ?“
This seems enough so you reply “No it wouldn’t but like I said in school you're probably not going to gain anything from this so what do you wanna know ?”
Without hesitation she asks “What did the mirror do to you ?”
A slight laugh leaves your lips causing Carla to smirk, happy she managed to get a laugh out of you. Taking a moment to read between the lines of her question the smile drops slightly into a sad one. Thinking back to just over an hour ago when your music teacher couldn’t take the fucking hint and stop bugging you about your parents sponsoring some festival the school wanted to host.
“Mr Riba can’t take a hint” you snarl as Carla’s eyebrow raises prompting you to go on “He thought enough time has passed for everyone to stop walking on eggshells around me concerning my fathers death so he, in the middle of the class, decided to ask me about the sponsorship that my parents were going to provide, full well knowing that it was my father that had the idea in the first place”
“I mean forget about the way he asked in front of a classroom of nosey teenagers but he's asking me about money for the wealthiest school in the country that was supposed to come from my dead father”
As soon as the word ‘dead’ left your lips you wished you never said it. The tears well up in your eyes for the seemingly hundredth time that day, threatening to slip out. The last person you wanted to cry in front of had taken the seat of the worker that was cleaning your fist. She doesn’t move to touch you or say anything knowing that there was nothing she could say or do to make this better.
“I’m sure we could get Mr Riba fired” Your non-bandaged hand rises to rub at your eyes as a watery laugh rips out of your throat.
“We?” You question
“Yeah, we. You’ve told me so you can’t leave me out now” Another smile graces your face, one that reaches your eyes.
“Don’t worry, you're right, you know too much.”
You and Carla spend the next few minutes planning ways to get Mr Riba fired knowing you probably wouldn’t follow through.
It’s late by the time you realise you’ve probably intruded long enough so you rise out of the comfortable position you’d moved into, sprawled out on the sofa with Carla opposite you on the other side.
“Lo siento, I’ve practically taken your whole day- “
“Don’t apologise I dragged you here remember? “ She smirks, causing you to nod.
You walk towards the door passing the worker who fixed you up saying thank you, shaking his hand and sliping two hundred euros in his hand, walking away before he got the chance to give it back. Reaching the door you grab the handle turning back to Carla.
“Thank you, en serio, I really needed that. You're not as cold hearted as they say.” you finish with your lips curling up in a teasing smile.
She just rolls her eyes feeling the need to pull you into a hug. Taking your hand on the door she pulls in round her waist moving her arms to your shoulders, encircling you in a hug.
“I don’t do this for anyone, consider yourself special” after a moment she pulls away looking in your eyes “Anytime Y/n. I mean, it doesn’t seem like you have anyone in school except for Rebeka.” She slightly grimaces at this.
Eyebrows raised, you ask “What, is the marquesa jealous ?”
Her face drops “You wish. You should probably leave now.” She turns you round pushing you towards the door as you grab the handle opening it.
You laugh “alright, alright i’m leaving no need to get annoyed”
A cough at the door causes you to straighten up and Carla’s hands drop as she moves from behind you to your side.
You’d always known Teodoro Roson was a serious man with a cold stare from seeing him around at high class parties your parents had been invited to but being on the receiving end caused chills to ripple down your spine.
“Mr Roson, Good evening, I was just leaving.”
Raising his eyebrow at the obvious he replies “ Y/n Caregula, I can see that but what's the rush join us for dinner. I’m sure Carla wouldn’t mind.” He turns towards her, giving her a patronising look.
Luckily for Carla you can tell when you're not wanted. “No, that's fine, no ones waiting for me at home but I’m sure somethings prepared.” The wide grin you sport seems to only irk her father, enlightening you further at his slight discomfort.
“Well, that’s fine then my driver will take you home as I didn't see a car here for you.”
You take him up on that offer as it seems you forgot about the getting home part as Carla had taken you straight from school. “Thank you sir” He seems to be lightly appeased by the respect you're showing. Turning towards Carla you tell her “Thank you again for today Carla” Confusing her father as to what today was but she just responds with a nod acknowledging your thanks.
“Get home safe Y/n”
You nod walking down the front steps approaching the open car door when Teodoro calls out behind you.
“Oh and sorry for your loss Y/n, he was a good man”
So you just nod still entering the car not feeling the need to look him in the eye. Once in the car you just face the driver telling him your address, not turning towards the window till you're out of the compound.
A part of you wants to turn around and punch the man for talking about your father like he was an afterthought, like he wasn't your every waking thought for every hour of every day. Another part of you was just so tired not wanting to deal with Carla’s dad right now.
AN: that’s part one down, part two soon then I’ll get to writing more for this and other fandoms !
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gorgeys · 10 months
Do you still make fanfics? If you do please do Carla smut
PORNSTAR ★ carla roson
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Carla Roson x fem!reader
Part 2 of So Naive
You still don't understand that you belong to Carla, she intends to prove it to you and Guzman...
Warnings: SMUT - top!Carla, bottom!reader, semi-public sex, dub-con, shoving, grabbing, hair-pulling, hickeys, biting, brat taming??, pet names, mentions of murder/mutilation, degradation/praise, choking, finger sucking, non-con pictures/filming, begging, fingering
Word Count: 4750
Note: i'm so sorry this took so long! i lost motivation for writing for a while but i'm temporarily back!
also i literally changed tenses in the middle of writing but i was too lazy to fix it and the ending is a little rushed bc i didn't want it to get any longer than it already was, hope you enjoy!!
Carla checks her phone as she enters Guzman’s house.  She’s definitely late.  Too late as she notices the last text from you was sent over an hour ago when you had arrived at the party.  In one hour you could have been anywhere doing anything.  She hates the thought of it.
The horiffic image of you and him had been replaying in her mind all day.  His hands all over your body, his lips against your skin, the way you would sound for him.  It was like a constant nightmare that she couldn’t put to bed.  She was hoping you could help silence her thoughts.
She headed for the kitchen to pour herself a drink, craving a light buzz.  She only downed half of it when she noticed Samuel approaching her.
She turned her back toward him, hoping he would get the hint, but he quickly tapped on her shoulder.  Carla obnoxiously rolled her eyes before turning around to greet him.
It was more than obvious he had developed a hearty crush on her since Marina.  He always ran his hands in his hair, trying to perfect it before he went to approach her.  He’d be too smiley while talking to her, and he’d take a step too close which always resulted in Carla escaping the situation as quickly as possible.  She couldn't understand how Samuel never noticed her grimaces or eyerolls or the hundreds of signs she sent him to give it up.  Carla hated everything about it.
But you seemed to love it.  You’d always tease her about him, calling Samuel her boyfriend and pushing her to go talk to him.  She was pretty sure this whole thing had even started because of you, that you had mentioned to Samuel that Carla was interested in him in the first place.  You always loved a little white lie.
For some reason you just loved to be a nuisance.  You loved to watch Carla squirm when you flirted with the guys.  You loved watching her become so irritated and red, grinding her teeth so hard she could start a fire.  You loved flustering her in the middle of class by sending her some dirty pictures, watching her eyes go wide as she quickly hid her phone in her skirt.  She’d always give you the craziest look, wondering if your antics would ever end.  And you loved forcing her onto Samuel, watching her struggle to get away from him just to spend another moment with you.  Of course, you never let her, always ditching her with the pretty boy and leaving her wanting more.
You were such a brat.  Everyone knew it.  Your parents were unbelievably rich, valued much higher than the regular Las Encinas family, so you always got want you want.  Of course you used that to your advantage more times than not.  It became your entire reputation.
Carla was your perfect match.  Everyone was always willing to give her everything she wanted, from her father to her ex-boyfriend.  Everyone but you.  Carla hated it sometimes, but all those other times, she loved taking what she wanted from you.
“Hi, Carla,” Samuel said with a big, dorky smile.
“Hi, Samu,” she dryly said, placing her drink on the counter.  “Have you seen Y/N?”
“Yeah, I just saw her out there,” Samuel said, pointing to the the door he had just entered through.  “But-”
“Thanks,” she quickly said, giving him a grateful pat on the shoulder before walking past him in that direction.  She paid no mind to how he called after her as she walked through the doorframe.
Her eyes scanned the large living room where most of the students had gathered to talk and drink.  It was quite crowded and she almost didn’t see you.  Almost.
But there you were sitting in one of those fancy leather chairs, a drink in one hand.  But you weren’t alone, not even close.  Carla could already feel her face burn up, her neutral expression turning completely sour.
You were sitting in Guzman’s lap so comfortably.  You were perched on one of his legs, facing the side.  Your own legs were over his and hanging over his lap.  Your free arm was draped loosely over his shoulder, your nails digging into the soft skin of his neck.  His hands were all over you, one arm wrapped tightly around your waist, the other reaching to squeeze your thigh.
Maybe Carla wasn’t the murderer but in a few seconds she thought she’d become one.
She wanted to pull all of his teeth out just to wipe away his smug smile.  You leaned in toward his face as you spoke, tightening your grip on his neck, and when he laughed, Carla felt he was already gloating his victory.
She wanted to slice all his fingers off when his hand began to travel downward from your waist to palm your ass.  She nearly groaned when she noticed the skirt you were wearing.  She knew that one very well.  She knew it was the shortest one you owned from the amount of times her hand had wandered beneath it.  You were basically sitting on him with your bare ass out.
And then, for the finale, she would make sure to cut his dick off.  She saw the way he adjusted in the seat, slightly moving his hips up into your body.  It would have been a miracle if he didn’t have the largest hard-on known to man.  But the part that really made her swell with rage was that you could feel it and you weren’t doing anything about it.  You were sitting on his dick like you were his girl.  She hated to think about what could have happened if she hadn’t arrived at that exact time.
You raised your glass to your lips to take a long sip of expensive liquor.  It was the perfect opportunity for Guzman to turn his head and find Carla standing stiffly in the doorway.  He almost laughed out loud. The feeling of you sitting in his lap and her jealous glare was so triumphant.  His smile doubled in size and doubled in arrogance.
Her eyes narrowed at him, a silent promise that he wouldn’t get the last laugh.  If Carla’s blood was boiling before, it was on fire now.
But then, noticing Guzman’s attention had been stolen, you turned as well, instantly finding Carla’s eyes.  You could feel her wrath even from across the room and you only fed off it.  You were drunk off the feeling of power knowing you had La Marquesa tucked snuggly in your back pocket.  It felt so good that you couldn’t help yourself.
Instead of being a simple tease like usual, you gave her a ladylike wave.  And then you sent her a polite, friendly smile.  It was innocent to the naked eye.
But friendly?  She couldn’t bear you.  You looked so fake and well-mannered.  Two things you definitely weren’t.  Especially when you were alone with her.
Carla couldn’t stand you acting like she was just one of your bitchy friends, like there was nothing more between you.  No, she was everything for you.  She owned you in every which way and she was determined for not only Guzman to see, but for you to accept it as well.
You and Guzman both directed your attention back onto one another although you were very aware of a seething Carla charging toward you.  But only when she was at arms length did Guzman see her.  He didn’t have enough time to react before she reached out and violently grabbed you by the arm.
“What the fuck, Carla?” Guzman shouted, outrage painting his face.
She was squeezing so tightly you could already feel the bruises forming, but you refused to go without a fight.  You tugged your arm back and gave her a condescending glare.
She was done with your bullshit.  She pulled your arm, twisting it in such a way that you spilled your drink all over the white rug.
“Carla!”  You scolded. Her aggression surprised you a little.  She always kept it classy in public, not a hair out of place. It seemed you had pushed her over the edge this time and you were enjoying it a little too much.
Carla didn’t speak but gave you the coldest look you had ever received from her hazel eyes.  She looked ready to kill and you silently wondered if you would be Las Encinas’ next victim.  You didn’t really mind as long as she fucked you first.
Deciding you had been difficult enough, you allowed her to take the glass from your hand and place it on the table.  With another tug of your arm you were letting go of Guzman and sliding off his lap.  He protested but you didn’t acknowledge him.  He had finished his duty of keeping you warm until Carla rescued you.
In a blur you were weaving through the crowd, wobbling on your heels at the pace Carla was dragging you at, and then climbing the stairs.  Carla opened the first door on your right and pushed you inside.  You immediately recognized it as Guzman’s room.
You stumbled into the large room from the force of Carla’s shove, eventually losing your footing and falling onto the soft carpet.  On all fours, you peeked over your shoulder to see Carla slam the door behind her.
But she didn’t move toward you.  She just watched you, one hand still on the door knob and the other moving to sit on her hip.  Now that you were alone, the look in her eyes was a bit less violent but still intense.  She looked hungrier than ever.
“God, you look so much better on your knees,” she said, her eyes shamelessly devouring you.  “Looking up at me.”  Her lips twitched upward, reminiscent of a smile.  These were the moments she enjoyed the most.
You pushed your hands off the ground and sat back on your knees.  You gathered your hair on your far shoulder, giving Carla a better view of your long neck and devilish eyes.
“But I leave you for one second and you’re out there riding his dick in front of everyone like his little slut,” Carla hissed.  She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth a couple times and shook her head disapprovingly, scolding you like a child.
You mocked her attempts to chastise you with a condescending laugh.
“Don’t be jealous that his dick is bigger than yours,” you said, looking over your shoulder to show your shit-eating grin.
She didn’t seem to take your comment lightly as her jaw noticeably clenched and her grip on the door knob tightened.
“I would watch what you say, princesa,” she said, tilting her head.  Even if she was the Marchioness’ daughter, she had always called you royalty.  The title fit you too well.  “Things will only get worse for you later.”
She took a confident stride toward you, enjoying the way your smile slowly diminished.  Images flashed behind your eyes of what “later” could possibly be.
The feeling in your stomach was so strange.  You hated being dominated by anyone, but for some reason, when it was Carla, you felt an uncontrollable pulse between your legs.  You were practically begging her to shut you up.
“I don’t care how big his dick is.  I know he can’t fuck you how you like it,” she said, taking another teasingly slow step.
“That’s not what I was saying last night,” you said, that aggravating smirk returning.  “Actually, it was right here, on his bed.  You should have seen it, Carla.  I was just begging for him to go faster, deeper.”
You imitated yourself, letting your head fall back and rolling your eyes into the back of your skull.  You balled your fists at your sides, gripping onto imaginary sheets.
Carla’s next two strides were quick and put her right behind you.  She dug her nails into your scalp and fisted at your hair, violently pulling your head back even further so you were looking directly up at her looming figure.  You released an involuntary moan at the sudden pain, stretching your hands out behind you to brace yourself.
“I fucking warned you,” she said, her other hand cupping your chin to angle your face even further back.  Your mouth slightly hung open at the sight of her.   “But that mouth of yours gets you into all kinds of trouble.”
“And this mouth,” you started, voice strained by the way your neck was bending backward, “took his whole fucking dick,” you said with a sadistic smile.  "Every inch."
That was the final nail in the coffin, her expression morphing into one of red hot rage
Your hand instinctively flew to the back of your head and a shriek left your lips when she pulled you up by your hair.  She dragged you once more, this time to the bed, and tossed you toward it face first.
You quickly turned onto your back, leaning back on your elbows while Carla stood over you.  She placed her hand on your bare midriff, the skin between your top and waistband, before she climbed onto you, straddling you with her thighs.
Both of her hands quickly moved to wrap around your throat, instantly crushing your windpipe and causing you to drop flat on your back. Her slender fingers felt comfortable there as you wheezed pathetically for air, her nails digging into the skin for good measure.
“Not so tough now, are we?”  She hunched over you, ass up, as she brought her face so close to yours.  She grinned like a maniac.  If someone had walked in right then, they would have thought Carla was trying to kill you.
“You know he showed me all those fucking pictures you sent him,” Carla said, steadying the pressure on your neck.  “The pictures meant for me.  And in that fucking red set.” She scoffed at you, shaking her head.  “You wanna be his cam girl?  His pornstar?”
You threw your head back as your eyes began to roll into your head for real this time.  Pain never felt so good as you felt yourself pooling under your skirt.
“Fine.  Then I’ll treat you like it,” she said, one of her hands leaving your throat to grope your tit through your shirt.  She moved her face downward, leaving a trail of warm breath against your neck, eventually finding your collar bone.  She looked up at your twisted expression as she roughly bit down on your skin, earning a strangled noise from your throat.  She smiled into your flesh before sucking on the spot mercilessly.
It was like torture as she made it a routine, moving her lips downward each time she bit and sucked your skin raw.  You felt the blood rushing to where her teeth gnawed your skin, forming pigmented bruises.  She never tired of hearing the shaky breath you released each time.
When her lips had chased your skin all the way down to the neckline of your top, she was quick to grab the hem with both hands. She pulled the top over your head with your cooperation, leaving you braless and bare beneath her.  She exhaled a long, satisfied sigh.
“All for me, huh?”  Her eyes shifted from your face to your chest and back up again.  Still trying to catch your breath, you couldn’t give her a response.  She sinfully laughed, basking in the sound of muffled music and your relentless heaving, before her lips wrapped around your nipple.
You groaned low when her teeth grazed the sensitive skin, your hands molding into the back of her thighs.  Her other hand mimicked her mouth on your unattended nipple. You knew she always loved twisting, yanking, and rubbing your tits until you squealed and squirmed.
Eventually her mouth moved onto the smooth skin of your breast, marking you up yet again. You rolled your eyes, wondering where this sudden obsession had come from.  She always liked to keep you clean and free of noticeable hickeys.  You didn’t mind the change but you were beginning to grow impatient with the foreplay.  She had given so much attention to your top half you just wished she would give something to your bottom half.
“My god, Carla, could you be any slower? At least he fucked me in the end,” you said in a raspier voice, pulling on the skin of Carla’s thighs.
Carla rolled her eyes back at you, momentarily detaching her mouth from your chest.
“So fucking loud,” she mumbled, speaking more to herself than you.
She wasted no time stripping her hand from your tit and pushing two fingers past your lips and into your mouth.  She was content when her fingers slid in with ease and pushed down your throat.  You didn’t mind sucking on her like a popsicle as she pulled them out and then pushed them a little deeper.  Her lips quirked upward as she absorbed the sight before her.  Each time her fingers disappeared into your head she could feel the spot between her legs heating up.
“Good girl,” she said, gently holding your cheek with her other hand.  She leaned down to give your chin an appreciative kiss.  “Bet he couldn’t go that deep,” she said following a particularly rough thrust.  She chuckled lowly, not breaking eye contact.
She returned to your tits only for a few more seconds before pulling her head back to view the entire, perfect sight of you.  The hickeys were already beginning to darken on your skin leaving you perfectly bruised and battered.  That plus you bobbing on her fingers was a beautiful scene.  One that had to be shared.
She pulled her hand from your mouth tantalizingly slow, allowing the saliva to create sticky strings between your lips and her fingers.  She eyed them curiously, slowing her movements to prolong the strings before they broke.  Then she carelessly rubbed her fingers across your chest and down the valley of your breasts, leaving a visible trail of spit in her wake.
“What a pretty slut,” she said, her eyes devouring you like a piece of meat, enjoying the slightly tired look in your eyes.  She made you feel unusually small.  “I wonder what Guzman would think.”
Without missing a beat, Carla reaches for her back pocket and pulls out her phone.
“Carla,” you whined like a child, turning your head to the side, and burying your cheek into the sheets.  You were never camera shy but this moment of vulnerability was different.  If you had known this was her intention all along then maybe you wouldn’t have let her fuck you up so badly.  No one was ever meant to see you like this.  No one but her.
“Come on, you didn’t have a problem sending him those pictures.  What’s a few more?” she said while petting your cheek.  She held the phone above you, just out of reach, where she could capture the entirety of your bare top half.
She hums in satisfaction watching your sweaty body under the lens.  Your hair is cinematically sprawled across the sheets while the saliva coating your lips, chin, and chest shines under the dim lighting.  Your neck is slightly red from Carla’s ironclad grip and your chest is adorned with darker shades from the excellent work of Carla’s teeth and lips.
“He’s gonna cream his pants when he sees this,” she says, sucking her lips into her mouth.  She was getting a little too anxious looking at you.  “Smile, cariño,” she says, her own grin decorating her face.  She grabs your chin and forces you to look up at her and the camera.  Your eyes are barely open but it doesn’t matter.
She snaps the picture before you can even react.
“Gorgeous,” she says, letting her free hand trail gently down your neck.  She intentionally presses her fingers into a particularly sensitive spot, eliciting a groan from your lips.  “I’m sure he’ll love it.”
“Carla,” you whine once more, throwing your head back in frustration and further imprinting your nails into her thighs.  You hated how much she was ruining your plans.  Guzman was just meant to be a distraction while Carla was supposed to make you cum all over her fingers.  Instead, Carla was slutting you out to Guzman and you were nowhere near cumming.
“Shut up.  You did this to yourself,” she said, her hand gliding past your chest and scratching your stomach.  “You should have never sent him those pictures.”
Both of her hands move to the waistband of your skirt while still clutching the phone.  She’s harsh in the way she rips the skirt down your thighs, creating some friction between the clothing and your skin. She slightly adjusts herself and bends your knees to fully remove it, leaving you in just a pair of lace panties.
She presses her palm against your clothed pussy and only laughs in yet another mockery of your state.
“Good god, you’re just dying to be fucked dumb, huh?” she says, beginning to palm the wetness that seeped through your panties.  She situates herself in between your legs, allowing you to push your knees further outward, helping to aid the aching feeling inside you.  Her sly smile widens, glad to have broken your hard exterior.  “Already spreading your legs?  You’re too easy.”
Her fingers push your panties aside and dip into your soaking pussy.  She refuses to give your clit any attention as she swipes her fingers against your slit.  A throaty sigh pushes its way past your lips, your hands finding solace cupping your tits.
“D’you want me to take this off for you?” she says, tugging at the waistband of your panties.
You hum in agreement, looking up at her through your eyelashes.
“Then ask nicely,” she demands, her eyes straying from your pussy to stare at you expectantly.
You can’t help but groan irritatedly.  She knows how much it hurts your ego to ask nicely for anything, let alone this.  She thrives off making you feel the worst before making you feel your best.  You push away your pride in hopes of feeling that sweet release.
“Please, Carla,” you plead rather dully, breaking eye contact in a forced attempt to get what you want.
“I think you can do better.  Look at me and tell me what you want,” she says, leaning her face down toward yours, forcing you to meet her eyes.  She brushes her thumb against your clit for some encouragement.  It seems to work as you let go of any last bit of dignity and look straight into her.
“Please, Carla, just fuck me.  Take it off and fuck me with your fingers.”
The hidden desperation in your voice clicks something into place.  You swear you see her eyes light up as she instantly obeys, removing your panties in a flash, leaving you completely naked beneath her.  She moans loudly at the sight of your bare pussy, pushing her hair back so she has the perfect view.  You spread your legs a little further, enticing her to reach out and feel you.
She does, now pressing her thumb roughly into your clit, and reveling in the starved noise you make.  She watches the muscles in your face tense as she rubs consistent circles against your clit, enjoying each element of your expression.  All the sucking and biting and teasing had already made you a swollen, soaked mess.  It only made toying with you even more fun.
Carla gradually sped up her slow movements, earning increasingly louder squelches from your pussy and increasingly louder moans from your wet lips.  She could feel her own panties dampening from your distraught noises.
“You even sound like a pornstar.  Fucking whore,” she says, as your hips slightly buck up in pleasure.  “You want me inside of you?”
“Please, please, Carla,” you beg, every sign of the brat you once embodied having faded into oblivion the second she laid fingers on your pussy.  “Fuck, I need you inside of me so bad,” you say in one breath, practically moaning your words.
“Fine,” she says, slowing the rotations on your clit.  You watch her rub your pussy with one hand and hold the phone above you with the other.  She points it directly at your entrance.  “Be a good girl for the camera, okay?”
She doesn’t wait for your response as she slowly begins pushing her finger into your hole.  You can only assume she’s recording as your back arches off the mattress, feeling her slender finger dig so deep inside of you.  The pleasure is almost instant when your pussy consumes her entire finger and you release a guttural moan.
“You say he fucked you but you’re still so god damn tight,” she says, her eyes darting between your pussy and the phone screen, making sure she’s capturing the perfect angle.  Her exaggerated laugh rubs salt in Guzman’s wound. “Hold your legs up, baby.  I want to see all of you,” she says.  You immediately obey, grabbing under both your thighs and pulling your knees up to your chest.  “That’s better.”
Another moan leaves your lips, feeling the stretch more intensely with your legs spread even wider.  She takes it as a sign to pull her finger halfway out and then push it back in, slightly deeper.  She does it agonizingly slow, building a steady wave of pleasure.  She repeats herself, once, twice, three times, pushing in and out of you at a deliberate pace, leaving you a whining mess.  You lose count as you grow impatient, wishing she’d thrust into you like a mad man as she had done many times before.
“Please, Carla, faster,” you beg, opening your eyes to look down at her.  She moves the camera up your body, capturing your raised legs, bouncy tits, and blissed out expression.
“Sorry, what was that?” she teases, smirking behind the phone, forcing you to be louder for the video.  Her attempts to soothe you with her thumb on your clit are futile.
“Faster, fuck me faster, please,” you whine, throwing your head back, hopefully out of view of the camera.
She doesn’t necessarily oblige but she does add a second finger when she pushes into your pussy again.  You moan louder at the slight stretch, your insides twisting into a tight knot.  She curls her fingers delightfully at the end of the thrust, only making the feeling even stronger.
She puts the camera directly over your face.
“Open your eyes, cariño,” she says.  You listen, looking up at the camera, hoping she’ll reward you for following her command.  “Who’s fucking you so good?”
When you don’t respond immediately, she prompts you by driving into you a little harder.
“You,” you instantly moan out, your hips chasing her hand.  You fight the urge to shut your eyes
“You, Carla,” you moan when she curls her fingers sharply, staring into the lens.  When you notice her pick up speed with her thrusts, you begin repeating her name like a prayer, hoping it’s the key word.
“Who makes you feel good inside?”
“Who makes you squirt all over the sheets?”
“Who do you belong to?”
The answer is always “Carla.”
She’s still not fucking you nearly hard enough but it’s faster than how she started.  You feel your pussy throb and her fingers hit the right spot each time.  Your tits are slightly shaking as she increases speed while your spine forms a permanent arch.  You allow yourself to be as loud as possible in hopes of pleasing her, in hopes that she’ll let you cum.  All the while she captures each godly move of your body and her fingers.
But eventually, after what feels like a lifetime, she ends the video.  She throws her phone across the room and smiles down at you.
“The only thing that will be as good as fucking you is seeing his face when he opens this video,” she says, her hands leaving your pussy to cup your face.  She leans down and attacks your lips with a devastatingly smooth and wet kiss, her starved lips moving intensely against yours  You can barely reciprocate with the delicate state that you're in.
You almost start to complain about the emptiness of your pussy, but she suddenly ducks down, hooking her arms under your thighs and burying her face between your legs.
“If I were you, I’d start praying.  Pray to God that I’ll let you cum.”
why am i lowkey feeling guzman and carla threesome??
@hauntedfictionland @mjl877 @underratedax @androgynouscloudenemy @justyourwritter69 @blondetxxz @nessyishere
276 notes · View notes
chrollohearttags · 1 year
eren probably made some nasty ass song def about yn (like that slut me out song) and eren played it for his mom before he dropped it and she wasn’t even surprised.
“Little boy, i’ve heard worse come out of your mouth before.”
LMFAO! 😭😭 he so would. Just saying some neck ass shit and being an absolute whore. Saying stuff he has NO business. Poor (y/n) would be so embarrassed and mortified but Carla would be laughing! “Eren, why would you play that around your mama? What’s wrong with you?” “Oh, honey. That boy’s been a damn mess. I’ve heard way worse.” Eren is standing there with a big dumb ass smile on his face. “It’s good, right ma?” And you just can’t believe she’s so chill about it.
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love-belle · 11 months
saw ur mom at the grocery store !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which their post break-up era is them hanging out with each other's families.
for when you find out that your second family is actually your ex's family. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // charles leclerc x fem!reader
sequel - well, i'm still in love with you ·˚ ༘
warnings - language
author's note - hello!!!! a short one but i hope u like it <3 thank u sm for reading i love you <3
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liked by lorenzotl, carmenmmundt, lilymhe and 797,427 others
yourusername saw ur mom at the grocery store i always knew she really did like me more
username THE CAPTION
username i just gasped omg
lorenzotl please return my mother
-> yourusername shush we're going shopping
username i know charles is shaking rn
-> username bro regrets introducing them 💀💀💀
username love that they're still so close like ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
carla.brocker stay right where you are, i'm on my way
-> yourusername already ordered a frappe for u <3
username bro hurt her so bad she started rhyming
-> yourusername PLEASE
username why r u so pretty
username idk what happened just the fact that charles should be on his knees crying screaming throwing up for her to take him back
username the way pascale is always so "😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘☺️☺️☺️☺️" with her :///
arthur_leclerc pineapple is mad. i repeat pineapple is mad
-> yourusername hoes mad ur honour
username THIS IS SO WHOLESOME (if we ignore the caption)
username should've known it was only a matter of time before y/n said something 💀💀💀💀💀
username queens
-> username icons
-> username girlbosses
username charles is fuming rn i Know it
lilymhe missing u ml
-> yourusername cannot wait to see u bb <3
username no bc why did i think for even a second that they ended on good terms.
username my two absolute girlbosses
charlotte2304 wowwwwwwww. guess my invitation got lost in mail huh?
-> yourusername we're literally going to dinner tonight??????
-> charlotte2304 okay and???????
-> yourusername join us!!!!! we can have a girls' day!!!!! carla is on her way too!!!!!! - pascale
-> charlotte2304 i'm halfway through the door love you!!!
username no bc all jokes aside i wonder how y/n and charles must be feeling with yk, both of them being close to each other's families and friends like
-> username no bc imagine having to stay in the same friend circle after u break up like that's so 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
username the caption punched me in the gut js saying
username she's the favourite child 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by carlossainz55, pierregasly, landonorris and 868,525 others
charles_leclerc vacation with ex in-laws ❤️
username NAH NO WAY
username OH MY GOD
username PLEASE
username charles being a petty bitch we love to see it
arthur_leclerc that's where you had to go "so so so urgently"
-> charles_leclerc yeah !!!
username bro went on a vacation with her family bc she went grocery shopping with his mom 💀💀💀💀💀💀
username no bc he got the grandparents too
-> username HE GOT THE DOG
username y/n bout to move in his childhood home i can feel it
-> username they're both so stubborn and petty so i wouldn't be surprised at all 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
username him being close with her family after they split hits me in the heart idek why
lorenzotl maman says you should've told her, she wanted to see them too
-> charles_leclerc i invited them to dinner next week, tell her to not worry
username THIS IS SO
username no bc she went GROCERY SHOPPING with his mom and this mf went on a VACATION
username what'd they even talk about 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
-> username "your daughter is giving me grey hair" "you're not the only one, son"
*liked by charles_leclerc*
-> username PLEASE OMG
username i would do anything to be on this vacation
username kinda need y/n and charles to interact again
landonorris tell (your mom's name) i miss her cooking and her favourite son says hi
-> charles_leclerc she says she's going to the next race so she'll make something for you and no. i'm her favourite son
-> carlossainz55 pretty sure it's me
-> pierregasly no way
-> lewishamilton it's me actually
-> maxverstappen1 shut up it's me
-> danielricciardo it's me lmfao
-> yourmomsusername it's actually mick and roscoe
-> mickschumacher YES
-> username the way everyone is close to y/n's family :///
username y/n's next post "so i moved into my ex's childhood home lol"
-> username the way idk what to expect from her 💀
username alrightttt all jokes aside please get back together with mom ❤️
username no bc if they don't work out then there's no hope for me 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
5K notes · View notes
sunkendreams · 6 months
kickstart my heart.
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“Paul’s always been flirty, and you’ve never really taken it seriously. After a minor incident on the boardwalk, Paul decides that he’ll make you take him seriously, one way or another.”
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆. | paul (the lost boys) x fem!reader.
𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐓. | one-shot — requested.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. | SMUT (mdni), friends to lovers, jealous!paul, paul is really flirty/touchy, oral sex (f!receiving), spit as lube, choking (m!receiving), hair-pulling, paul is definitely a mess, dirty talk, pet names (baby, girl, sweet girl), cowgirl, vaginal sex, scratching, biting, bloodplay (he’s a vampire), breastplay (paul loves your tits), fingering, clothes ripping, groping, nasty sex, manhandling, paul isn’t gentle
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑’𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄. | i’m back and literally going insane for the lost boys ,,, thank you to @darklylucid for requesting this !!! first time writing Paul and it was so, so much fun! dwayne is up next, so prepare yourselves for that! also working on a poly!lost boys x reader series ,,, so yeah!
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A cloudless dusk fell over Santa Carla, sky littered with millions of stars that hung above, providing a rather attractive backdrop to a less-than-savory town. The boardwalk was more alive than ever — it transformed with nightfall, becoming a den of depravity and mystique, coupled with the liveliness of families and the carnival atmosphere.
You were situated atop a blanket, feet partially buried within the cool sand as you sat on the beach. A concert took place many feet away as you watched people clamor from the staircase to the growing crowd. The rancor of music reverberated throughout the air, accompanied by the cheering and applause from onlookers.
Saltwater lapped at the gray shoreline, moon hanging overhead to light the way. You always came to the boardwalk at night — you made plenty of friends, but you happened to have a peculiar bond with a pack of vampires. It wasn’t intentional — you never meant to befriend them like you had, but you didn’t regret a thing.
The familiar roar of motorbikes resonated in the near-distance, splitting past swarms of carnival-goers as they descended the steps. It never took very long for them to find you, bearing down upon you like a pack of hyenas.
Marko’s laughter filled the air as he and Dwayne pulled up along the terrace above you, parking their bikes next to the length of black grating. David and Paul followed suit, hauling Star and Laddie in-tow. You were more focused on the gleam of the moonlight hitting the water and the seashell you’d been turning over within your palm.
A thump resonated from your left side, and you nearly shrieked, jumping from your own flesh as Paul landed atop the blanket. He scooped a finger against your chin, plump lips pulled back to reveal his pearlescent smirk. A faint aroma of stale cologne and hints of marijuana clung to him, but that was commonplace.
“Hey baby,” Paul crooned, kicking one leg up against his chest as the rest of the boys lingered around the balcony, save for Marko. He descended from above like a cat leaping toward perch, landing in the sand with grace. His presence was intentional, solely to agitate Paul. “Where’ve you been?”
Paul’s constant flirtation was something that you were used to — painfully so. You always wrote it off as something casual, a facet deeply ingrained into his wild and spontaneous personality. Paul often flirted with anyone that had a pulse and smelled appeasing, and that included you. It was fun to watch, but sometimes you wished that he meant it.
With a huff, you attempted to swat his hand away, but he was swift, arm resting atop his propped knee as he idly bounced his head to the music. “I’ve been here,” You mused, offering a kind greeting to Marko. “Where else am I supposed to be?” You inquired, tracing the pad of your thumb over the seashell’s ridges.
Paul’s nose wrinkled slightly. “I can think of a few places,” He mused, plucking at the top of your blouse. “You gonna come down tonight?” He asked, referring to you joining them in the cave. You normally went there with the group if they were satiated and fed. You were still human, after all — being in a nest full of vampires probably wasn’t the safest or smartest idea.
“Maybe,” You shrugged, feeling Paul perch his chin atop your shoulder. The physical aspect of his flirting always made your heart race, thrumming just underneath your collarbone. Your gaze flickered toward him, brows furrowing together. “What?”
“Please?” Paul insisted, lips twitching into a Cheshire smirk, teeth and all. “Wanna hang out with you.” Of all the pack, you were closest to Paul, but sometimes, you didn’t want to be. His constant touching and lascivious nature often left you wistful and confused, aching for something that he couldn’t give you.
“Don’t listen to him,” Marko interjected, busy ogling a wandering group of beachgoers — a gaggle of younger women hanging off of the arms of burly men. It smelled like potential dinner for him. “He found a guitar.” That was all you needed to know.
A giggle escaped you as Paul threw a handful of sand toward Marko, which happened to land against his patchwork jacket and golden curls. His visage contorted into a sour expression, glaring daggers at Paul before he stood up, shaking all of it out in the process.
“You found a guitar?” You asked, watching as Paul pushed your legs flat against the blanket, allowing him to rest his head within your lap. Admittedly, your heartbeat betrayed you — you wanted to be annoyed by the gesture, but instead, you let it go.
To Paul, you smelled outrageously wonderful — better than anything he’d had before. It was an amalgamation of softer, floral perfumes coupled with whatever wash you used. He detected peach and vanilla, sweeter aromas that clung to you like a pleasant haze.
His hair was akin to that of a lion’s mane, viciously unruly as it flew around him like a halo. “Yeah,” Paul replied, somewhat distracted by your scent. “Y’know, I didn’t find it. I stole it from these amateurs up by the empty lot.” Yoo assumed that these ‘amateurs’ were no longer alive, either.
“Aren’t you considered an amateur too, Paul?” You mused, reclining back upon your hands, letting yourself sink into the soft, white sand. As you glanced down toward your lap, Paul was staring at you for what felt like an eternity, and you couldn’t discern if it was out of offense or something else.
“You’re gorgeous,” Paul mumbled, tracing one of his ring-adorned digits over the expanse of your clothed stomach. “Lookin’ good enough to eat.” He mused, and while you would’ve initially brushed off that comment, he said it with a peculiar warmth.
Goosebumps erupted along the column of your spine, causing you to shift slightly. His finger didn’t stop moving, flicking around the ruffled cotton. He wished that it was your flesh — warm and soft, waiting to invite him in. You never took any of his flirtation to heart — in truth, it might’ve been his fault, but he wanted to make you see.
You belonged to him.
With a soft exhale, you attempted to mask your shudder of delight, absentmindedly nibbling along your lower lip. “Very original,” You uttered, twisting away from his touch as if it would incinerate you. It was all meaningless — mindless sweet nothings spoken from a very precocious individual. “You’re a genius.” You teased, voice becoming slightly sardonic.
“You are,” He insisted, comfortable within your plush lap. Your scent did little to ease his feelings, overwhelming him like a thick haze. “Baby, you’re the prettiest thing I’ve seen in ages. Where’ve you been all my life?” Paul sighed, and he didn’t attempt to touch you again out of respect.
“Right,” You uttered, masking your growing agitation. Paul could have anyone he wanted — and he always did. Girls at the boardwalk swooned over him, they were always easy prey, and he indulged himself plenty of times. You were nothing more than a friend, you weren’t desirable, nor would he ever want you. “You’ve told me that before.”
Paul visibly deflated, withering away like a shriveling flower — you really weren’t convinced.
Unfortunately for Paul, you were blissfully oblivious to any of his advances, but then again, he could understand why you were skeptical. Flirtation was a natural instinct for him. While he kept his head in your lap, he shamelessly opted to rove through your thoughts. It was cheating, sure, but he was itching to know.
“Paul,” Dwayne’s voice cut through his state of contemplation, rousing the sandy-haired blonde from his stupor. Paul’s head lifted off of your lap, hastily sitting upright as he glanced up at the terrace. “We’re going for a ride.” He briefly nodded towards you as a form of greeting, swinging Laddie up onto his bike.
“You’re coming, right?” Paul asked, voice invigorated with a sense of giddiness and excitement. He got a little wild around you sometimes, but it wasn’t anything that you weren’t accustomed to by now. “Do I have to beg you or something?” He groaned, trapping you between his arms.
“You’re pathetic!” Marko snickered, jumping down to snatch you up. Even though he was the smallest of the pack, his strength was often unrivaled, save for Dwayne. You let out a startled gasp as Marko hoisted you up over his shoulder, heckling Paul in the process.
Paul bristled with anger — typically, he could excuse Marko’s antics, but not this time. A white-hot rage blistered through him, crawling across his flesh as he attempted to shake that gold away from his eyes. A snarl escaped him, and he made sure to grab your stuff as a courtesy, leaping up over the bannister.
By the time Paul had landed on the rickety wood of the boardwalk, Marko had placed you on solid ground, unable to bite back the impish smirk on his features. He was deliberately getting under Paul’s skin, and he knew it — knew all about his feelings for you, too. Perhaps that’s what made it all the more enjoyable.
Like a bat out of hell, Paul swarmed the curly-headed blonde with a vengeance, countenance contorted into a look of sheer irritation and borderline rage. “You’re dead, Marko!” He growled, lip curled in disdain.
“Sorry, Paul. You made it too easy,” Marko mused, narrowly missing a rather unsavory blow from Paul, who yanked at his jacket instead. “Jesus! Easy, I was only messing around!” He snapped, with the two bickering and locked in what was supposedly a heated argument.
“Paul,” You gently tugged on his coat, attempting to steer him away from potential violence. “It’s okay, he was just playing around.” A soft sigh escaped you as you played mediator for two vampires, brows knitting together as Paul stepped back with a huff of irritation.
“Enough.” David barked, glaring daggers as he glanced between Paul and Marko. The last thing that he wanted was for them to expose themselves on the boardwalk — it was bound to happen if they didn’t stop the horseplay. With a visible frown, he revved his motorbike, signaling for the others to fall in line.
Jealousy was an ugly thing — unpleasant, often festering inside of oneself until it rotted away at their very core. It didn’t suit Paul whatsoever. He suffered from a bout of such a potent disease, despising the way Marko had touched you, held you over his shoulder. He was usually open about sharing with his brothers, but not you — you were completely off-limits.
Wordlessly, Paul sulked towards his motorbike, sitting down with a begrudging huff. You felt inclined to follow, standing beside him with an empathetic expression. “Are you going to let me on? We’re still hanging out, remember?” You asked, voice softening an octave.
Paul felt a little better — but not completely. His ego was momentarily maimed by Marko’s antics, but it was a wound that would dissipate with time. Fortunately, you were a worthy cure as he moved forward, letting you on the back of his bike. “Saved your stuff, too.” He mused, feeling you squeeze your arms around his midsection.
“You’re my hero,” You chuckled, trying to make him feel less agitated. “Thanks.” With Paul recovering from the scuffle, David motioned for the rest of the conclave to follow, whipping his bike around onto the stretch of the boardwalk that led out onto the shoreline.
You remembered the first time Paul took you for a ride — and you very nearly had a heart attack. He drove as if it’d be his last day on earth, but you’d gotten so used to it that you stopped being a backseat driver and let him do whatever he wanted.
He was talkative and boisterous by-nature, which is why you became so concerned when he didn’t talk to you very much on the ride to the cave. Paul was normally extremely egregious and outgoing, something that you loved about him, but his bout of silence was making you nervous. You wondered if Marko had wounded his pride that badly.
As you pulled up to the cave, the boys hopped off of their motorbikes, and even Paul didn’t really wait up for you this time — something was wrong. Marko noticed, lingering at the fringes of the cavern as he glanced at you, promptly disappearing down the rocky incline. You were left to make your way inside alone, no Paul at your side or helping you down.
Once inside, you felt awkward, more than usual. Being the lone human in a nest full of vampires would always bring a little tension, but without Paul around, you felt hollow and unnerved. David regarded you with his typical stare — cynical and somewhat indifferent, and Dwayne was always solemn, much warmer than the other.
“Where did Paul go?” You asked, and it was Laddie who pointed you in the right direction, pointing toward one of the rocky tunnels that led off into their ‘rooms’, of sorts. You often referred to them as the metaphorical coffins, but Star found it to be in poor taste.
With a shaky exhale, you nodded. “Thanks.” You’d been in Paul’s ‘room’ plenty of times before, but he rarely disappeared and left you to fend for yourself. With the coordination of a baby deer who’d just learned how to take their first steps, you clamored up the uneven terrain, holding onto the rope to guide yourself up.
When you found Paul, he was lazily strumming on a guitar — the one he’d ‘found’. He had one leg kicked up, propped against the rock, the other tucked towards his chest as he played a few chords. The lack of acknowledgement sent off several red flags as you swept aside the makeshift ‘door’ — an old, velvet curtain repurposed from the hotel wreckage.
“Thanks for waiting on me,” You uttered, tone dripping with sarcasm, which captured his attention. He smelled you long before you’d entered, prompting him to turn his head, lion’s mane of hair disheveled and tousled from being pressed against a pillow. “You know, if I knew you were going to sulk around this whole time, I would’ve gone to the comic store instead.”
Paul scoffed, countenance twisting into a look of agitation, which was so unlike him. It shocked you to see him behave with such indifference, something that went against the grain of his character. “Maybe Marko can go with you.” He uttered, playing another melancholy chord on the guitar.
That’s what this was about?
“You’re not serious,” You quipped, folding your arms across your chest. “Is this about what happened at the beach? Paul, I’m not a mind-reader — I didn’t know Marko was going to do that.” He was beginning to really piss you off, which hadn’t happened yet.
For all of the meaningless flirting he’d done, the constant teasing and toying, you were vigilant. You’d tried to keep your chin up through it all. You couldn’t fathom why he was so upset about Marko’s harmless stunt — it was all playful. It was something Paul would’ve done, truth be told. Paul kept quiet, reading your mind as he surveyed your rageful inner monologue.
Instead, you were met with a wall of silence, and that made you frustrated. If Paul was going to behave like a child, you’d treat him like one. With a huff of annoyance, you waved your hand in dismissal. Your night was mostly ruined, but you figured you’d go home and try to get some sleep.
You gave him another chance to talk — it was quiet. “Fine. I’m going home, Paul.” You sighed, turning around as you prepared to make the climb back down. With a shrug of your shoulders, you barely passed through the curtain before something rustled behind you.
Just as you grabbed the rope, Paul was in front of you with inhuman speed, and he immediately snatched at your hips, dragging you away. You were protesting, interrogating him about what exactly was going on, but he persisted, locking you in his arms as he pushed you up against the wall.
“I don’t want Marko touching you,” He murmured, brows knitting together. “I want you all to myself.” You couldn’t tell if this was playful Paul trying to flirt with you again — his tone sounded so different. “You’re mine, baby.” Paul clicked his tongue, brazenly groping at your waist.
“Wh— What?” Disbelief seeped into your voice as you shook your head back and forth. “Are you fucking with me again?” Before you could get in another word, his mouth was devouring yours, vigorous and completely needy. Jesus, he tasted good — without pause, your hands flew to grab his hair in fistfuls.
A desperate whimper erupted from your mouth, buried and lost within his ravenous kiss. You needed to know what had gotten into him — why now? You began to yank on his hair in an attempt to get him to cease, and when he did, you appeared more agitated than happy. Paul normally didn’t get this reaction when he kissed someone.
“You have to tell me what’s going on,” You huffed, gaze practically pleading with him as he held you close, inhaling another gust of your saccharine scent. “First you’re flirting, then you’re mad, and now this. What’s gotten into you?” With a pointed stare, Paul relented, but he didn’t move away from you.
“You don’t take my flirting seriously,” He countered, brows furrowing together. “You don’t want to? Fine, but I’m gonna make you see how bad I want you.” Paul murmured, voice husky and alluring enough to make your knees wobble. He licked his lower lip, one hand beginning to drift underneath your blouse.
This didn’t feel real — whenever you desperately tried to search for even an ounce of playfulness, there wasn’t any. Paul was completely serious about this, and it made you weak, warmth beginning to pool between your thighs as you nodded several times over. “Okay,” You breathed, itching for more. “Then don’t stop.”
“M’gonna fuck you,” Paul smirked, eyes unnaturally bright as they glistened in the dimly-lit alcove. “You mind if I eat you out, too?” He asked, matter-of-factly. His unruly tangle of dusty-blonde tresses were stiff with age-old product, making it somewhat coarse whenever you went to grab and pull on it.
Did you mind? Laughter bubbled within your chest as your lips parted, expression incredulous as you nodded several times over. “Whatever you want,” He was gorgeous — in that crazed and unhinged sort of way. Paul stared at you as if you were both a delicious slab of meat and the most beautiful thing he’d seen. “I want you.” You exhaled.
That was all it took for Paul to claw at your clothing as if it were nothing, fingers excitedly ruffling your blouse as he yanked it up, causing you to squeak. He wasn’t gentle, but you didn’t care whatsoever. Those veined, dexterous hands ripped your blouse off of you, tongue darting out to wet his lower lip.
He was pushing you towards his bed, which was only really used for salacious activities, and nothing more. It was a colossal mess, the scent stale and reminded you of damp rock as he got you on your back, crawling on top of you with a devilish grin.
“Fuck, baby,” Paul sighed, slicing your brassiere off with a simple stroke of his fingers, flinging the tattered remains elsewhere. “You’ve got such a gorgeous body.” He murmured, lips sloppily trailing over your neck and collarbone as he rucked your skirt up towards your hips. Your mewls and whimpers were like music to his ears.
“Paul,” You groaned, hips rocking forward as you ground yourself against him, meeting his groin. His jean-clad erection pressed into your thigh, completely and utterly shameless. He kissed wherever he pleased, stopping to admire your breasts as they rose and fell with your excitable gasps.
Trapping a nipple within his mouth, he greedily sucked and nibbled at your swollen mound, intermingling such ministrations with eager strokes of his tongue. “Pretty tits, too.” He guffawed, playfully biting at your breast as you clutched onto his hair. “S’all mine.” Paul huffed, kneading into your pliant chest with his other hand.
A pang of arousal coursed throughout your body, striking right between your thighs. Warmth coalesced between your legs, manifesting as a stickiness that oozed from your cunt. Paul nearly growled at the smell, which was calling to him like a siren’s song. He was tempted to rip away and go right to the source, but he loved your chest just as much.
Suckling on your breast, Paul promptly provided such attention to the other, greedily biting at the soft, pliant flesh. The way you bucked and squirmed underneath him was all the more enticing, cerulean hues fluttering toward your blissed-out countenance. You tugged on his hair, causing him to let out a satisfied hiss.
“Could stay here forever,” Paul mused, pressing messy kisses atop your perky tits, and he seemed to get a little ahead of himself in the moment. Kisses soon devolved into love-bites and sucking as he found a patch of skin between your breasts. He left a string of hickeys there, beyond content with his handiwork. “Perfect.”
“Jesus,” You groaned, a mess of moans and desperate, pathetic whimpers as you wrangled with his lion-like mane of hair. “You’re bad.” With a soft hiccup, you felt his hands knead into your hips, prepared to go elsewhere if you let him.
“I can be worse, baby.” Paul prompted, eyes swarming with that familiar golden glow, ringed with a red halo around the edge of his irises. He growled, capturing your mouth with his as he kissed you, ravenous and swift as he began to make out with you. He was between your legs, arms locked on either side of you.
With a wanton moan, your hands clamored from his tresses toward his coat, wanting him to shed a few layers, too. It was only fair. Paul complied, whipping his dark coat off with an excitable haste, peeling away the mesh shirt he wore underneath. Your palms splayed out across his broad shoulders, warm flesh melding with his icy temperature.
He was well-muscled, poised — he reminded you of a coiled jungle cat, prepared to pounce. You reveled in the smattering of hair peppered across his chiseled chest, leading toward the sandy-hued happy trail that slipped underneath his tattered white jeans. His teeth brazenly bit at your lower lip, blood oozing onto his tongue.
Between the clash of lips, tongue, and teeth, Paul shuddered, lapping up any pearl of crimson that he could, hands tearing your skirt asunder. The unfortunate remains of fabric were yanked away as he let it fall to the floor, groping and kneading into you, wherever his hands took him.
You’d never been kissed like this — as if he threatened to steal every wisp of air from your lungs, hungering for you in every imaginable way. Your heart hammered against your collarbone, thrumming erratically as you hitched a leg around his hips, drawing him closer as he kept you locked in a barrage of kisses.
“Fuck,” Paul groaned, licking at your lower lip. “You smell so good, baby. I wanna taste,” He insisted, ring-adorned digits curling into the waistband of your panties. He wrestled them down until they were hitched around your knees, but he simply tore at them like the rest of your clothes. “Spread your legs for me.”
It was your turn to go sheepish on him, deliberately parting your legs at a sluggish pace. You weren’t sure as to why you’d become shy, but Paul didn’t seem to care, swiping at a tendril of drool that pooled at the corner of his mouth. Without missing a beat, his hand slipped between your legs, two digits swiping up along your wet cunt.
He gathered your slick, placing his fingers into his mouth with a satisfactory groan. The sight of him sucking your arousal away nearly made you melt. “Almost as good as your blood, sweet girl.” Paul chuckled, absentmindedly licking his lower lip as he settled onto the mattress, pressed flat atop the surface as he gathered your legs into each of his hands.
Paul slathered several kisses against your inner thighs, but he kept it short and sweet — he was here for one thing. You expected him to give you some sort of warning beforehand. “Paul, are you — O-Oh. Jesus Christ!” You squeaked, a strangled gasp escaping you as your back arched off of the mattress.
There was no pause or waiting — Paul’s impulsivity got the best of him. He was on you like a starving animal, desperate for anything he could get. His tongue pushed past your slick folds, silkily lapping over the length of your slit, savoring your taste. It was hot — you felt as if everything were set ablaze as a pleasant heat crawled across you, from head to toe.
His tongue raked hot embers across your aching cunt, body electrified by his touch. Paul’s fingers greedily dug into your pliant thighs, tossing either of your legs over his freckled shoulders as he lapped at your sweet core. His actions were swift and fueled by lust, driven by instinct as he jerked you forward.
Your stomach churned with anticipation, bleeding heat from between your legs as your thighs squeezed at his head. You felt that immense mane of hair tickle your soft flesh, goosebumps erupting along your body. Paul grunted, face buried deep within your cunt as he ate you out, messy and sloppy as could be.
“M’not Jesus,” Paul slurred, grinning like a shark as he nipped at your leg. “You taste so good, baby.” He huffed, the words spoken through the husked voice of a ravenous vampire as he returned to lapping at your poor, needy slit. Each drop of nectar that you provided to him served to momentarily dull the ache within his throat.
You kept writhing and squirming, shamelessly bucking your hips forward. He pinned you down with one hand, head spinning as your scent wafted around him like an inescapable haze. “Paul!” You mewled, practically quivering like a leaf as your cunt pathetically clenched around nothing at all.
Paul was a good sport, able to flow with the constant jolting of your hips into his mouth. Though, it only served to fuel the fire as he continued to hastily drag his tongue along your cunt, slavering for your taste. You moaned, tapering off into a myriad of sweet whimpers as your hands relocated, reaching for his hair.
The cool metal of his rings left imprints behind atop your thighs, various patterns pressed into your flesh. You were aching, body feeling feverishly hot as you bucked into his face again, feeling him clamp down on you as he held you still. His mouth was divine — it was sloppy and full of an unrestrained need.
As your digits twined into his hair, you began to pull and tug, using his unruly tresses as an anchor. Paul didn’t care in the slightest — he found it unbelievably hot as you jerked and tugged, back arched into his ministrations. He only stopped to spit a wad of saliva onto your swollen slit, body shaking with sly laughter when you gasped.
“Makin’ sure you’re ready for me.” Paul teased, but it was under false pretenses — he just wanted to spit on your cunt. He didn’t hesitate, diving back in for more, assaulting your clit with a barrage of kitten-licks and gentle suckling, enough for you to sputter.
With every movement you made, Paul would simply coax you back onto his tongue with inhuman strength, lips pursing around your clit as he began to suck and toy with the sensitive bud. Your hand grappled with his coarse tresses, the other digging into his shoulder. Your nails sank into his flesh, and Paul didn’t care whatsoever.
Arousal pooled between your legs, leaving behind a sticky mess that he was all too eager to clean up. It was only when he began to use that tiny edge of teeth that you were soaring, choking on a whimper as it bubbled within the back of your throat.
Your body was screaming for release, orgasm beginning to mount and build as white-hot tension flew through you, consuming you like a tidal wave. Paul could sense it, burying himself in your pretty cunt as if it would be the last meal he’d ever have.
He switched between the eager, broad lapping of his tongue with sucking on your clit, making you claw at his shoulder blade. One hand repositioned itself, splayed out across your pelvis as his thumb slipped to the hood of your cunt, playing with your clit as the rest of his mouth lapped elsewhere.
“Paul, Paul,” Paul. It was the only word that rolled from your tongue, doing very little to mask the sound of your pleasure. With a wanton moan, you felt that hot coil of tension within your stomach begin to unfurl as you steadily reached your climax. You were suffocating him between your legs — conveniently, he didn’t need to breathe. “Fuck, Paul! M’close!”
“Cum for me,” His encouragement was all that you needed, that little push forward as he backed off, peppering kisses against your clit as you came. It was blinding, and you swore you saw stars. “That’s it,” Paul crooned, moving to clean you up. “Atta girl, baby.” He did very little to mask his eagerness in lapping up the remnants of your orgasm.
He wiped at his lips with the back of his hand, kissing his way up your body until his mouth connected with yours. You could taste yourself and the somewhat bitter twang of copper within his saliva as you let your tongue slip into his mouth. Paul groaned, grabbing at your haunches as he moved to lay beside you.
“Are you tired?” You mused, your own chest heaving with exhilarated sighs as Paul effortlessly wrangled you closer, eyes glittering with desire. You were wrong to ask that question as he raised his eyebrows.
“What kinda question is that, baby? You’re getting on top,” Paul smirked, gesturing toward his lap. His erection was practically itching for release, straining against the front of his white jeans. “You’re going for a ride.” He purred, snatching at your hips as he hoisted you on top of his lap, letting you get comfortable.
Paul lounged against the mountain of pillows beneath him, hands splayed out atop your waist. You savored the sensation of his rings biting into your flesh, and you immediately scrambled to unzip his pants, wrestling with his belt as you freed his cock. His hardened length fell against your stomach, tip oozing with a bead of precum.
You shivered, gazing down at your vampiric paramour, who stared at you with those vibrant, cerulean hues — as clear as a summer’s day. Paul tilted forward, lips reaching for yours as he planted a rather lazy, messy kiss against your mouth. “M’ready.” You murmured, feeling him lift you up as if you weighed nothing at all.
With bated breath, you felt your insides turn to mush, reigniting the spark of lust as Paul let you sink onto his cock. A fire burned bright within your belly, demanding to be extinguished as Paul’s head fell back slightly, letting out a series of groans and softer grunts. “Fuck,” He growled, feeling your palms rest against his abdomen. “You’re so fucking tight, babe.”
Liquid heat festered within the pit of your stomach as you gasped, cunt clenching around his cock as you adjusted yourself. “Paul!” You moaned, attempting to stifle the many noises you made with the back of your palm, but he quickly swatted your hand away. He was bigger than you thought he’d be — a pleasant surprise.
“Wanna hear you scream my name.” Paul huffed, rubbing circles into your hips as he began to move you. Superhuman strength and stamina certainly had roles to play in this as he guided you up and down in short, rhythmic movements. You liked that he manhandled you a little bit, one hand on your waist as the other grabbed at your chest.
A simpering moan left you as he guided you up his cock, stopping halfway before easing you back down again. Lewd noises reverberated throughout the alcove, accompanied by your sweet whimpers and his grunts and groans. You were barely given time to get used to his pattern before he was bucking up into you with the indomitable strength of a god.
There was no opportunity for you to catch your breath, watching as Paul snatched your wrists, redirecting them towards his pretty neck. That surprised you, but you didn’t protest, feeling the taut muscle tense underneath your palms, jugular bobbing as you began to squeeze.
He moaned.
Unable to bite back the smile that stretched across your features, you held onto his neck, digits flexing and tensing as you continued to apply pressure. Paul’s head fell backwards just a little bit, steadying you with one hand as he fucked into you at an erratic pace. Flesh clashed against flesh, causing you to whimper as you rolled up and down along his cock.
“You like that?” You whispered through a string of blissful whines, gaze bright with desire as he nodded several times over. “Your cock feels so good, Paul.” You huffed, teeth snagging across your lower lip as you began to let your thumbs trace along his perfect jawline. His weeks-old stubble scratched at your silken flesh.
“Little harder, girl,” Paul encouraged, wanting you to really wrangle his throat. He didn’t need to breathe anyway — that made it all the more enjoyable. He savored your hesitation — his sweet little human, afraid of harming the big, bad vampire. He smirked, lifting his eyebrows. “C’mon baby, squeeze.”
Fuck — he was going to be the death of you. Your cunt clenched and throbbed around his cock, with Paul continuing to jackhammer into you like a wild animal. Grunts and excitable groans left him in droves, rippling through his chest as you squeezed at his throat. The muscles were thick and tense underneath your small palms, slick with perspiration.
Your flesh felt dewy, especially within the oppressive heat of the cave. Paul was unstoppable, a force of nature as his hips continued to buck up, cock slamming into your poor, tight cunt. He wasn’t gentle, and he showed no signs of stopping. Delivering a sharp smack to your ass, he fillee you to the brim with his length, causing you to really grip his throat.
With a needy whimper, your eyes fluttered shut, lips parted in a state of ecstasy. “Paul,” You moaned, feeling his hand greedily knead into your chest, twisting your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. The stimulation was intensified tenfold, making your brain go fuzzy as he fucked you into a stupor. “Holy shit!”
The alcove smelled of sex — sloppy rutting that was steadily devolving into a complete mess. Paul’s precum was slathered across your inner thighs, coupled with the slick remnants of your first orgasm and current state of arousal. He stopped his erratic thrusting, sitting up a little more with one hand on your hips.
Without warning, his mouth went straight to your chest again, lips attaching themselves around one of your swollen nipples. He was sucking, grabbing a handful of your ass as he led you up and down along his cock. The warmth of your flesh intermingled with his cool, icy skin, only serving to make you sweat.
“Touch me,” You whimpered, palms still clinging to either side of his throat, nails digging in toward the nape of his neck. The sex was incredible — you’d never been fucked like this before, but he had you chasing after every sensation. “Paul, please.” Heat crawled across your flesh, leaving you drunk with desire.
Paul playfully scraped his teeth across your breast, teasing your nipple. “M’touching you already, baby.” He mumbled, propping himself up with his other hand. A simpering groan escaped you as you rocked forward, taking one hand off of his throat to play with your clit.
An impish snarl left his mouth as he snatched at your wrist, and in one erratic movement, had you pinned down on your back. His cock throbbed inside of you, desperate for a release just as much as you were. Paul cackled, lips twitching into a sneer as he began to fuck you, enough for the foundation of the mattress to rattle underneath.
“That was bad,” Paul purred, fucking you down into the plush surface, nearly pulling his cock out of your slick cunt before slamming right back in, repeating the movement over and over again. Fortunately, he was feeling generous, slipping one hand between your bodies as he found the cleft between your thighs. “Fuck, you’re soaked.” He groaned.
You clutched onto him for dear life, body responding vehemently to Paul’s erratic thrusts and uneven, primal tempo. With a loud, wanton cry, your mouth clamored to find his lips, meeting in a rather noisy clash of teeth and tongue. He circled your clit with his thumb, rutting into you with a fervor.
“Paul!” You whined, locking a leg around his hips as your nails sank into his shoulders, leaving behind angry-red impressions, embedded within his flesh. Paul encouraged your scratching, tongue lapping at the inside of your mouth. A white-hot ecstasy consumed you whole, causing you to shudder and spasm.
“Can’t hear you, baby.” Paul teased, biting at your lower lip as he peppered kisses wherever he could — greedy, wet kisses that ended up being vibrantly-colored hickeys. Your flesh was his canvas as he marked you up wherever he pleased, hyperfocused on your chest again. “You close?” He huffed, fingers tearing into the sheets.
It was exhilarating — you swore you saw stars, perhaps more as he fucked you within an inch of your life. You didn’t want him to be careful. You didn’t want him to treat you like glass — you wanted to belong to him. “M’close,” Another string of sweet, noisy moans escaped you as Paul brazenly bit at your left breast, leaving behind a crescent-shaped mark. “Close.”
Rivulets of crimson trickled across your skin, prompting Paul to lick it all away, irises shifting from cerulean to a burnished gold. It made the sex more intense as he pounded away at your poor cunt, which had certainly been pushed to the limit. He was becoming a little squirrelly, panting and growling into your ear.
Paul kissed you to distract himself from the temptation of feeding, lost within the saccharine bliss of your mouth as he felt you cum around his cock. “Yeah, baby. Go ‘head and cum for me, just like that.” He mumbled against your mouth, tongue lazily sweeping across your lower lip as he tensed and thrust forward.
He came right afterwards, reveling in the sight of you trembling and quivering, juices coating his length as he pulled out halfway through. It was messy and rather disgusting, but you didn’t care. Ropes of hot, white seed painted your stomach and breasts, which was some sort of fantasy for him.
You sighed, barely able to string a sentence together as you fell back against the mattress, coated in perspiration and his cum. “Jesus.” You uttered, pressing a palm over your face as Paul rolled over to lay next to you. Your legs twitched and spasmed as you came down from your climax, feeling something soft fall across your abdomen.
It was a rather unappealing-looking towel that seemed much too ancient, and you wondered how many times this had been used to clean up his mess. With a huff of laughter, you cleaned yourself up, feeling his arms tangle around you, urging you to come back to him.
“Makes you wish you’d taken me seriously sooner, huh?” Paul mumbled, nibbling along the shell of your ear. You couldn’t help but feel smitten afterwards, twisting over until you faced your vampiric paramour, who had the expression of the Cheshire Cat.
“You’re ridiculous,” You mused, holding his face between your palms. “You’re gorgeous, too.” A peculiar softness crept into your voice, prompting Paul to shower you in a cascade of needy kisses. He liked to be close, which you didn’t necessarily mind, despite the newfound scent of post-sex that permeated the alcove.
“I’m all yours, baby.” Paul smirked, shamelessly staring at your breasts without an ounce of subtlety. You couldn’t read his thoughts, but you suspected that he had something particular in-mind. “You’re in for a long night.” He purred, and before you could open your mouth to speak, he was crawling on top of you.
You would have to thank Marko later.
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lewisvinga · 3 months
stay away ! | pablo gavi x fem! real madrid player! ! reader
summary; after their relationship goes public, pablo has to face threats from a certain team over his girlfriend, the baby of the team
fc; carla camacho
warnings; ?
notes; requested ! MY REQUESTS ARE CLOSED 🤒😫😫
masterlist !
yourusername uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; hubba hubba pablogavi ] [caption 2; mi amor 🩷]
lindacaicedo__11 replied to your story !
lindacaicedo__11 q es esto ??? [what is this ???]
atheeneeaa_10 replied to your story !
atheeneeaa_10 uuuuhmmmm,,,, y/n??
vinijr replied to your story !
vinijr y/n?? why are you dating a b*rca player ??????
carolineweir95 replied to your story !
carolineweir95 since when have you been in a relationship????
carolineweir95 with someone from the rival team too????
pablogavi replied to your story !
pablogavi couldn’t even ease ur teammates into knowing, just a straight hard launch 😭😭😭
yourusername i like to give them heart attacks for funsies sometimes 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️
yourusername they’re already going crazy, even vini😭😭😭
pablogavi yeah if a barca femeni player was dating one of ur guys i’d question ur morals and thought process🤒
yourusername so he’s right for questioning my morals and thought process 🤔🤔
pablogavi no your morals are right bc ur dating me 😁😁😁
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liked by pablogavi, linda__caicedo11, and others !
yourusername: what a long but exciting week 🥸
tagged; judebellingham, carolineweir95, linda__caicedo11
pablogavi: 😍😍😍 liked by yourusername !
pablogavi: siempre tan bella [always so beautiful]
yourusername: 🥹🫶
olgacarmona7: she’s a child.
yourusername: we’re the same age olga
pablogavi: we’re the same age tho🤨
atheeneeaa_10: STAY AWAY FROM HER🤺
username: it’s like that one demi lovato meme 😭😭😭
username: the scars on her leg 🙁
username: LINDAAA
username: omg jude
username: starboy and stargirl of real madrid iktr
judebellingham: nah why do i look so awkward
yourusername: just a bit 😕😕
lindacaicedo__11: 😋👍
yourusername: 😁
username: the way the squad is so protective of her is so 😭😭
username: y/n acting like nothing happened after hard launching her relationship w gavi is the level of idgaf i aspire to be at 🤭
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liked by pablogavi, sofie.svava, and others !
yourusername: 🤍🤍
tagged; pablogavi
paablogavi: think ❤️💙 is a better combo😁
sofie.svava: no.
yourusername: you’re on thin ice , babe , very thin
kathellensousa: stay away🤺🤺
pablogavi: always supporting the loml 😁❤️💙
yourusername: always supporting the loml too😁🤍🤍
username: not them using their team color for hearts im 😭😭
username: i’m a culer but omg i love y/n sm😞😞
username: pls i love them
username: football’s power couple fr 😍
frejaolofssonn: ouuuu girl….
judebellingham: exactly what i said 🙄🙄🙄
yourusername: i can say a lot abt u three watch it 🙄
carolineweir95: as long as you’re happy 😕😕
pablogavi: she is😁
lindacaicedo__11: let her speak for herself 😒
yourusername: you’re all drama queens 😭
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liked by yourusername, pedri, and others !
pablogavi: mi amor ❤️‍🩹
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: amorrrrr🫶🫶
yourusername: tqqq🥹 [ily]
pablogavi: tqqqq❤️
username: she’s so cute :(
username: the 2nd pic…. MIGHT go crazy idk
pedri: simp
pablogavi: and proud 😌
olgacarmona7: i mean….. she looks happy :/
lindacaicedo__11: i guess this is ok
sofie.svava: barley ok let’s be fr
judebellingham: sigh….
pablogavi: 🤨🤨
yourusername: shhhh they’re slowly going into the acceptance phase
username: jude wyd here
atheeneeaa_10: watch your back if i see a single hint of sadness come from her bc of you.
pablogavi: aye aye 🫡
username: sad day for the gavi girls 🕊️🕊️
username: i ADORE them
username: they’re so😞😞
username: Y/NNNNNNN
username: enemies to lovers fr
username: the merengue x culer combo goes hard tbh
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