#but to be fair there were no thoughts going into it just “ahaha what if deku was scamming bakugou”
ashipiko · 2 days
(PART 1 - 2.7)
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ASHI: Hmhm~ A bday Interview, huh? It looked super funsies when everyone else did it, so I’m hyped!
ASHI: I’m guessing since we’re in the Pomedorms… A Pom? But who, exactly…
ASHI: (Ahaha, as nice as Rook and Vil are, I might end up feeling the pressure a little. It’d be an honor, obvs, but #stressful…!)
ASHI: (O Magical Birthday Dice, please have mercy…!)
???: Oi, Ashi!
EPEL: Happy Birthday! You weren’t expecting me, were you?
ASHI: Waugh?! Eppy! Hahaha, what a pleasant surprise!
ASHI: I’m so stoked you’re my interviewer! Who knew I’d get so lucky?
EPEL: No need to flatter me, you know. Thank you for having me.
ASHI: Pssh, why’re you acting so uptight, Eppy? It’s just me! I like your lingo and stuff.
EPEL: I’d love to, but… We’re still in the Pomefiore dorms, you know. I never know if Vil is lurking around or not…
ASHI: Ahh, fair point. Bummer. Maybe next time!
EPEL: Ehe, maybe. Anyway, here’s my birthday present to you. I hope you enjoy.
ASHI: Only one way to find out!
ASHI: Whoa… This is so cute?! And so fluffy…! I needed something to keep me warm at Ramshackle!
ASHI: There’s even little fox ears on it! And it’s my favorite color! Eppy…!
EPEL: I told my Granny about your birthday coming up, and since she enjoyed your company so much during Harveston…
EPEL: She asked for some things that you like and stirred this up. If anything, you should be giving the thanks to her.
ASHI: I thank the entire Felmier fam! It’s so cute, I’m gonna cry…! I’m about to wear this right now!
EPEL: You’re a summer baby, Ashi! Watch out for the heat…
EPEL: And I still have a new stock of apple cider coming in too, from my family’s farm. Your presents don’t just end there, heh.
ASHI: More?! I still haven’t finished the last one you gave me…
ASHI: No sweat! We’ll just plan another hangout at Ramshackle and chug ‘em all down together~.
EPEL: Unless Ace gets jealous and barges in again. That darn simp can’t get enough of ya.
ASHI: Hehe. Maybe I should make a no-Ace sign for next time, to put on Ramshackle’s dorm. Thoughts?
EPEL: I’ll help ya make it!
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EPEL: O-Oh right, the interview. Maybe it was a little bit of a mistake pairing us up together, we keep on chatting…
ASHI: Nono! This is a Eppy W, DW!
EPEL: If you say so. First question…
EPEL: If you could take any person with you to a deserted island, who would it be? I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t take one of the ghosts or Grim, but it can’t be someone from your dorm.
ASHI: Grimmy’s great! But for survival… Ehh…
ASHI: NGL, a deserted island sounds kinda scaries, as much as I love the beach. Like yeah, I’d love to hang, but survival? Hecks naw!
EPEL: Sounds about right. You’re really like a princess.
ASHI: Mhm! If I really wanted to, I could probably get to the basics by myself if I tried. But do I wanna? No.
ASHI: It’d probably be a good idea to get paired with someone who knows what they’re doing, y’know? At the very least, I can depend on them!
EPEL: So someone who can take care of you? Leona, maybe? Since he already babies you… Alternatively, I don’t really think Ace would be the best choice, no offense.
ASHI: None taken. He deserves it. But nope! This is a fun scenario, right? I might as well go out with a bang, or someone I can have fun with.
ASHI: So, I say Floyd!
EPEL: Floyd?!
ASHI: Aye aye, cap’n! You get it, don’tcha? He’s so tall and could get all the coconuts! I think we’d have a lot of fun, too.
EPEL: I know you work at Monstro Lounge, but aren’t you scared of him still? He’s a little unpredictable, so he clashes with you.
ASHI: Well, that’s what makes him fun, right? I guess it’s all depending on his mood…
ASHI: One time we accidentally totally crashed Monstro Lounge ‘cause he freaked me out, hehe. It’s a little scary when you’re doing a closing shift and all you hear is a tiny “shriiiimpy~” in the distance.
ASHI: My fear of the dark TOTALLY kicked in then. I never screamed so loud in my entire life!
EPEL: I can imagine… Sharp teeth, glowy eyes and all.
ASHI: I tried getting back at him once too, when I blended some shiitake mushrooms into his milkshake.
ASHI: …I don’t think I’ve ever even ran that fast before, TBH.
EPEL: Ashi, this isn’t really helping your case, if I’m being honest… You’re making it sound like he’d eat you by the time someone saved you two.
ASHI: W-Well! On the other hand, he’s got that eel form that we can rely on too! If we get bored, we can just zoom on out and crash Azul’s place or something, y’know?
EPEL: I guess I see your point. Being a merman must means he could help a lot on an island…
ASHI: Yup, yup! Anyway, I think we’re good enough buds where I’m 97% sure he wouldn’t eat me!~
EPEL: Heh, classic Ashi. I guess in a way you really did think it through, even if it sounded odd at first.
ASHI: Of coursies! ♪
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EPEL: Okay, about time for our next question.
EPEL: If you were to transfer to a different dorm, which would you pick?
ASHI: Oh, a good one! I think I’ve kinda cheated with my Ramshackle prefect rights, hehe. I’m a little bit of a dorm-hopper.
ASHI: But a permanently different dorm…~ I think about it sometimes.
EPEL: Really? Which dorms?
EPEL: I think I could see you fitting in Heartslabyul, since you’re pretty good at sticking to the rules. Riddle likes you a lot too, more than he likes Ace, at least.
ASHI: Oho? Tell me more, Eppy!
EPEL: Um… I think Scarabia could fit you too. You and Kalim are sort of one and the same, don’t you see it?
ASHI: I see whatchu mean!
EPEL: Yeah. I couldn’t ever see you in anything like Savanaclaw, Ignihyde, or Diasomnia, though.
EPEL: You don’t really have an athletic, competitive, or magic drive… Ignihyde is a whole can of worms.
EPEL: I don’t think you could stand a day in that dorm, with the dark, creepy skeletons everywhere.
ASHI: Waugh… Don’t remind me, Eppy!
EPEL: Not to mention, the housewarden. As soon as you see him in person, I think the Headmaster would have to get called over for medical issues—
ASHI: Hey hey! No need to out me like that…!
EPEL: Heh, sorry Ashi. Was I right, at least?
ASHI: Hmm… yeah! Not right on the nose, though.
ASHI: I think that if I were to be in a dorm… I’d pick Pomefiore.
EPEL: I didn’t really consider it, but I could see it now that you say it. The uniform would fit you, I think.
ASHI: Yeah! And we’d get to be twinsies!
ASHI: Ashi-Eppy, the Birthday swapped duo! 5/6 and 6/5! ☆
EPEL: Heheh. You’d definitely be a shine of sunlight in here. It would be fun to hang out with you at Pomefiore.
EPEL: But you don’t use makeup, don’t you? That’d be a sure-fire way to stand out.
ASHI: Yeah, that’s be the only downside…
ASHI: And the food, right?! It looks so… appetizer-core. Defo not up my alley, I couldn’t imagine…
ASHI: But Vil and Rook are cool! At least at Pomefiore, I know there’s people that can help accommodate me and make sure I’m happy and healthy!
ASHI: Maybe instead of a potato, I can became a French fry… Sounds kinda banger, don’t you think?
EPEL: You make a funny argument.
ASHI: Life at Ramshackle can get kinda stressful, you know! I love the ghosts and all, but it’s scary sometimes…
ASHI: Grimmy thinks it’s funny to prank me, and he’ll just graze over my legs as I’m sleeping, and it’s so freaky!
ASHI: Dunno, man… It’d be nice to see him get some karma and have to keep it all up-tight at Pomefiore.
ASHI: But I guess at the end of the day, the thing that I’m missing at my dorm is the constant hustle and bustle.
EPEL: People would kill for that, you know.
ASHI: Also true~.
ASHI: Well, there’s no silence you can’t fix with a simple hangout! I can always count on you to make Ramshackle a little more lively, right Eppy?
EPEL: That’s right! The Ashi— Eh… Eppy duo can reign at Ramshackle!
ASHI: Darn right, hahaha!
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habken · 1 year
hi! sorry if its been asked before but i have a question about the lore of your scammers to lovers au (it is so cute and funny) - are bkdk still childhood friends here? or did they first meet when deku started working at his agency? thanks!
They met at work ! I haven't really gone into it yet but Deku was at UA in the support course, which is where he became friends with Mei and he knew who Bakugou was (because who wouldn't have heard of him) they just never actually officially met or talked until they started working at the same agency !
I was also thinking that maybe shinsou and him went to the same middle school but I'm undecided about that at this point, and I don't know if it's ever gonna come up anyways
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primofate · 9 months
10 minute quick writes
(also known as I don't have a lot of time these days but I still have a lot of Genshin thoughts)
Warning: angst, you die
He left for some sort of assignment. A task. Just something quick. Maybe a week or two, not really that long in terms of assignments. You were still lively and had a lot of plans with him when he returned.
But when he returned...You were gone. There was already a gravestone with your name on it. Only your friend was left to explain to him what happened.
"...and it happened so fast, we couldn't even get a letter out to you in time, (his name). I'm sorry. I really am,"
Albedo, Baizhu:
in denial. In so much denial that he doesn't even believe it. You're not dead. You're just waiting for him to REVIVE you, and believe it cause he'll spend the rest of his life looking for that solution.
Bringing you back to life is an obsession now.
"Y/N will wake up in time...You'll see,"
Alhaitham, Diluc, Dainsleif:
doesn't even know what to do.
Has so much anger in himself that he wasn't with you when it all went down. You were here suffering while he was out there on an assignment for someone else. What happened to his promise of always being there when you needed him most? He felt like a joke. A failure.
Everything is meaningless now.
Suffers in silence. As if he wasn't already so closed in before.
Scaramouche, Xiao
seething with rage. not at you. not at himself. but towards your poor friend who is now being held by heir collar.
"Stop fucking around and tell Y/N to come meet me at the usual,"
Your friend tries to explain, but to no avail.
When you don't show up that day and the next, the next and the next...he finally got it.
He wasn't going to see you again.
Gets angry at the world.
Kaveh, Itto, Lyney
Thinks it's a legitimate joke at first.
"Ahaha, good one. No really, I need to talk to Y/N,"
Your friend sees that the conversation is going nowhere so instead opts to lead him to your grave.
Stunned. how could this happen? You were fine. You were well and alive and cheerful when he left and now...he couldn't even see your face. That was it? That's all? Not even a goodybe from you?
"That's not fair, Y/N..." appears to resent you, but in reality just resent the circumstances in which it happens. Feels left behind, and is heartbroken for ages.
Neuvillette, Zhongli, Ayato
"What do you mean?" is his first question. Doesn't quite understand how this could have happened. He made sure you were safe and well when he left. Asks for all the details, the nitty gritty, looking for clues on how this could have went down.
Obsesses over the details of your death for months. Who does he have to punish? Was it avoidable? Was there something he could have done to prevent it? Why? Why when he was away?
Cries behind closed doors, never in public but will visit your grave in an ungodly hour and shed a few tears alone and to whisper:
"Darling, I don't think this pain of missing you will ever go away,"
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ronwestbreeze · 1 year
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pairing: jake sully x fem!reader
summary: they're mates....they've always had been
word count: 4.9k
author's note: kind of nervous and kind of excited for this chapter ahaha. finally a proper jake and tinkers reunion. hope y'all enjoy <3
AO3 | prev | next
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Mo’at had led you to her tent to examine you hours after your transference. The night was still quite young but it was close to dawn. But Mo’at was insistent you’d come to her tent right after. She said as the spiritual leader and basically the head of all the healers, it was her job to make sure that everything in your body and mind was sound.
But you really didn’t care much for the needles.
“Ow.” You winced.
“Ssh and hold still.” Mo’at tapped your other arm, telling you to raise it up for her. You tried not to cringe or flinch when she added more needles to your arm. What made it worse was that it was hot too so you really had to refrain from fighting off her grip. “If you cannot deal with small pins, then how are you to be a warrior?”
You frowned, ”I think I would manage fine without the needles actually—ouch!”
“I told you not to move and you moved!” Mo’at scolded as she finished with the needles.
“Barely!” You hissed, glaring at the pins in your arm. “When are we going to be done?”
Mo’at stood and walked toward the small bonfire in the center of the tent. She grabbed a small wooden bowl and stirred whatever contents inside around as she spoke, “You do not rush this. Let me work and you hold still, tsmuke.”
Before either of you could say anything else, Neytiri entered with who you assumed to be Kiri following close behind her.
Yet your eyes couldn’t stay on her for long when you saw Jake standing right outside of the tent already looking at you. He didn’t move to come inside, instead there was this look on his face. Anxiety, shock, disbelief? You really didn’t know. Whatever it was, it made him turn and walk away.
Neytiri saw this and sighed as she approached you, “He is very hard on himself.” She said as she squatted down next to you. “When it comes to you and when he thought you had died, he hadn’t forgiven himself since.”
You frowned, dropping your gaze to your hands. The last thing you had wanted was for him to blame himself.  “He does not deserve the pain I’ve caused him…” If anything you completely understood if he never wanted to be near you ever again.
“Do not do that.” Neytiri frowned at you, pulling you out of your self-deprecation. “Jake loves you. And you love him. Do not make this more complicated than it needs to be.” She placed a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly, “Just give him some time. And he will come to you.”
For a moment you considered her words. Perhaps she was right. Hell, if you were in Jake’s shoes and the person you thought was dead for years had suddenly come back, you’d definitely need a moment to process it all. That was fair.
So instead of dwelling on it for longer than you should’ve, you instead turned to Neytiri, “Why are you pushing for us to be together?”
Neytiri looked at you in confusion, “Why wouldn’t I? You and Jake are mates.”
“I thought you and Jake now were…?”
“Yes, we are mates as well.”
You blinked at her, your brain crashing, “I’m confused.”
Mo’at made a sound similar to a snort from her spot at the fire, “For someone who claims to know The People, you get confused a lot, tsmuke.” You frowned in annoyance as Mo’at came back to your side with the wooden bowl still in her hands. “We are not bound to only one mate. It has always been that way. Years before, Eytukan had a second mate, Sylwanin’s mother. But unfortunately she died in childbirth.”
Wait, you knew this. Not in specific detail but Tsu’tey told you about how they had multiple mates among the Na’vi, how they weren’t monogamous like humans usually were. You had forgotten this but that definitely made a lot more sense as to why Neytiri was trying to encourage you and Jake’s relationship to meld back together. Why she had been so adamant to save you.
As if reading your mind, Neytiri nodded, “Jake accepted that you were gone despite us never finding you…I suppose he never thought you’d ever come back.”
“But you did.” You said in a matter of fact tone. “For some reason you never gave up on me…even when I had given up on myself.”
“Mmm.” Mo’at hummed in agreement as she placed the cool liquid from the bowl on your skin.
Neytiri shrugged, “The both of you are hard headed, somebody has to have some sense out of the three of us.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled despite Mo’at still picking at the needles in your arms, “Thank you, Neytiri.”
She gave you a small smile in return and nodded. The slight movement behind Neytiri finally caught your eye. And when you looked you had realized—and nearly forgotten—that Kiri was in the tent with the three of you. Neytiri moved to the side so that you could see Kiri better who had been staring at you both curious and hesitant.
“Kiri. This is ma tsmuke. Ma’Grace knew her as well.”
Kiri looked up at Neytiri, stunned, “Ma sa’nok?” Neytiri nodded with a patient smile. Kiri then looked at you, now more curious. “You knew my mother?”
You nodded, a smile growing on your face. “Yes, I did. She was, in a way, like a mother to me too. She was always looking out for me even when I was being a stubborn idiot about it. Sometimes I was looking out for her too and believe me I can’t tell you how many times I’ve saved her as—I mean her tail.” Both Neytiri and Mo’at sent you looks before Kiri scooted closer to you.
“Tell me!” She grinned up at you. “Tell me more!”
You glanced toward Neytiri who motioned for you to continue. “Well, um, there was this one time where she got lost in the forest…”
And from there you had spent that time telling Kiri stories of your time with Grace. You had never thought you’d be able to relive these memories without feeling grief over it but Kiri’s large smile and youthful laugh at some of the most ridiculous parts in your tales was what made it easier. And you were glad for it.
Kiri didn’t know her mother before she died. But you were happy to share every single detail about her as best as you could, just so that she could feel as close to Grace as you did. Just so she could think of her as if they had already met. It was the one thing you were happy to do for Grace, the least you could do really.
Sometimes you often thought that you had failed her. But after seeing her face to face for the first time in what felt like forever, those doubts slowly dwindled away from you. Because in the end, Grace was right.
You had time. You still had time.
And this time you would not let it slip through your fingers so easily.
Neytiri woke you up when the night had been replaced with gray clouds and rain. She led you out into the forest while Kiri stayed behind in Mo’at’s tent, sleeping. You had never seen rain much in Pandora and it was mostly rare considering the hot climate of the forest. But when it did, like now, it was still somehow so beautiful. Back on Earth whenever it rained it was always so dreadful and depressing, it made you wish that sometimes the Earth was as beautiful as Pandora.
It once was. Many, many years ago. The humans just never appreciated it. Which is why it was dying. The last thing you ever wanted was for them to come here and do the same to Pandora. Which was why it was strange just walking in the forest, no longer an avatar or dreamwalker, but one with your new body, and be at peace with it. Not having to worry about the RDA roaming about or having to hide away from Quaritch.
This was nice. This is what you had always wanted.
For a second, a curious thought appeared in your mind.
“Where will my former body go?” You asked Neytiri as you both ducked under a few leaf branches.
“We will give it a traditional burial, the Omatikaya way.” Neytiri then suddenly pointed up at a tree she stopped next to. “We climb.”
You had never climbed a tree before. Especially not in this body. But you did your best, trying to keep up with Neytiri. And yes, you looked quite pathetic climbing next to Neytiri who did it with very little effort. She was practically on the branch she wanted to stop at by the time you made it.
She tsked, “You are like Jake, you are practically a baby.”
“Yeah well, I didn’t exactly have much time to learn how to climb a tree.” You frowned, mirroring her position on the large branch the two of you now squatted on. Neytiri rolled her eyes as you spoke again, “So why are we out here?”
Neytiri closed her eyes and breathed out a long sigh through her nose, “I can not teach you to be one of the People like I did with Ma’Jake. But I can show you how to listen.” You furrowed your brows but copied her and closed your eyes as well. “Listen to the forest. See the forest. Then you will understand what it means to be of The People.”
You listened, you really did. To the rain drops. To the sounds of different creatures in the distance and nearby. To the leaves as they swayed in the gentle wind. Breathed in the air—and it felt terribly different compared to wearing a mask. It all felt so nice. So peaceful.
There wasn’t a moment where you never not admired the nature of Pandora. You appreciated all of it, and wanted to study all of it years back. But you just never had the time to truly just take it in, let it breathe you in, and draw you into its arms. Perhaps it was easier for you because in a way you already understood and respected what was around you. And so you were a lot more open-minded, willing to accept it.
Suddenly, a bunch of water dropped down onto your head, startling you out of your trance. Your eyes snapped open, looking around to find where exactly that water had come from. Only to find that Neytiri had moved the leaf that had been covering your head from the rain. She was grinning at your reaction.
“Neytiri!” You scowled despite the laugh that wanted to leave your lips.
Neytiri smiled, “Should’ve been paying attention, tsmuke!”
“You told me to feel the forest! I was feelin’ it!” You say in English, realizing slightly that you had been speaking in Na’vi the entire time until now. You’d done it so much it just became natural to you like how English was before.
“Then go. Continue feelin’ it.” Neytiri gestured toward the forest as she stood and reverted back to Na’vi. “I must head back before my children wake. You know the way back?” You nod, despite being unsure. Neytiri saw right through it and sighed before pointing west, “Follow the torukspxam until you find a stream. Go across the stream and you will find home.”
Home. Home. You were going to have to get used to that.
Eventually, you got to your feet as well but leaned against the tree. Neytiri watched you for a moment before she nodded to you, “I see you, tsmuke.”
A smile tugged at your lips, “I see you, tsmuke.”
After watching Neytiri jump down, effortlessly, from the tree and toward the ground, disappearing in seconds.
You continued venturing the forest but didn’t wander too far. Instead, you eventually came down from the trees and landed on the soft grass. The rain now poured down on your head and hair, completely uncovered. And you just stood there, letting the rain fall onto your face with a content smile on your face.
For a moment you allowed yourself this peace. This moment alone. You were grateful to Neytiri, Mo’at, and even Spider and Kiri for keeping you company for all these days, especially in your weakest moments. But now. This is when you wanted to be alone. To absorb everything that’s happened. To absorb that you had been gone for five years, that you were alive and the transference had worked, that Jake was also now living quite happily among the Na’vi, that you had won the war and missed the celebration.
All of this should have been overwhelming. All of it should’ve at least bothered you. And some of it did, truthfully.
But really, you were just glad it was all over. Constantly fighting, surviving, and seeking some form of revenge that would satisfy you. You were glad that all of it was done.
And now you could start a new life. Hell, maybe even start over if you could.
The Na’vi did say that every person is born twice. This, you realized, was your second chance at life.
It was now your time to live.
You were lost.
It was sometime in the afternoon that you realized you had gotten lost during your attempt at getting back. You did exactly as Neytiri had told you and followed the torukspxam, those large mushroom looking plants that were taller and bigger than you in every way. But now you were starting to think you had followed the wrong one’s home. But at least they made for good covering whenever you got too wet from the rain.
God, this was embarrassing. The last thing you wanted was to be an inconvenience just because you couldn’t navigate a damn forest.
There was a rustle coming further from your right. You stopped listening for any more movement. It was a bit difficult to hear anything else but the rain pelting your ears but you listened the best you could.
After a few seconds, there was another rustle, this time it had gotten closer. That was when you darted away from it. You really didn’t want to stay and figure out what it was, that wasn’t the survival instincts you had instilled in you and you’d be damned if you got attacked by some creature just because you wanted to wait and see what it was. Could be dangerous, could be peaceful, you didn’t care to take the risk.
When you ducked behind a thick tree, in the corner of your eye you saw a black skinned creature darting around the corner you had just come from. You pressed your back against the tree and waited for any more sounds. There was more rustling and a growl. Fortunately, it didn’t sound like it was too close to you, so you risked a glance from behind the tree.
It took everything in you not to let out a string of curses.
The creature, as it turned out, was a Thanator. It was one of those creatures you knew enough about not to ever cross. And yet here you were. Really, you had never seen one in person nor did you wish to but it was a lot scarier looking than how Grace described it when she saw one.
It was roaming and sniffing about. It wasn’t going anywhere which meant that it knew you were near.
Thinking quickly, your eyes searched the ground around you until it landed on a large rock. You grabbed it and clutched it to your chest. The Thanator hadn’t noticed fortunately for you but it was roaming a little too close to your hiding spot. So when you peeked around the tree again to find the Thanator facing away from you, that was when you threw the rock in the opposite direction of where you were.
You ducked behind the tree, hearing the rock’s impact against a nearby tree. It was loud enough to echo just a bit and capture the Thanator’s attention toward it. You watched it and a few seconds later it darted off in the direction of the rock.
With that, the Thanator had disappeared but you didn’t come out right away. You waited a few seconds more until you were sure you couldn’t hear it coming back.
Something suddenly clutched your upper arm.
At first you had thought another Thanator or a more dangerous creature had snuck up on you as you whirled around.
Only there was no creature.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Jake’s voice registered in your ears before you realized he had been the one to grab your arm. “It’s just me, okay? It’s just me.” He held his other hand up cautiously and you stared at him in confusion until you realized your other hand had been raised up to strike whoever it was that had grabbed you. But now seeing that it was just Jake, you lowered your arm and slid down to the ground. Jake knelt down beside you, “Hey, are you hurt? Are you okay? Doc?”
You waved him off, your other hand absentmindedly latching onto the wrist that still held onto your arm. “Oh my god, Jake, don't scare me like that!” You smacked his chest, startling him. “What are you even doing sneaking up on me like that?! I thought another Thanator caught me!”
“Another?” Jake’s brows furrowed. His eyes traveled your body, “It didn’t get you—”
“No, it didn’t.” You sighed, slumping your shoulders against the tree bark.
Jake seemed to have been calming down as well as he let you go and stood back up. You frowned at the loss of touch but followed, pushing yourself up on your feet, “What are you even doing out here alone? I thought you were getting checked out by Mo’at.”
“Yes, hours ago.” You nodded moving away from him and toward a nearby torukspxam and stood under it as it was still raining. “Neytiri and I were out here earlier together.”
“Why didn’t you come back with her?” Jake questioned, frowning, his face unreadable.
You dropped your gaze away from his and pressed your back against the thick stem. You felt embarrassed, you felt like hiding away from him and his masked gaze. “I came here to think. I needed some time too.”
There was shuffling before in the corner of your eye, you saw Jake stood under the torukspxam with you. The two of you were quiet for a few seconds. Your gaze fell onto a pink leaf, dripping with water. Gently, you allowed your fingers to graze it.
Then Jake finally spoke.
“It’s too dangerous for you to be out here alone, especially when you’re not properly trained.” You could feel his eyes on you. Burning your skin. “You could’ve been killed.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve endangered myself.” You smirked a bit.
“Y/N.” Jake scowled at you. “You can’t keep putting yourself in danger like this. And if you keep being reckless, then someone will get hurt because of it.”
This wasn’t Jake speaking to right now. This was the leader of the Omatikaya. The Olo’eyktan. Speaking to you as if you were one of his followers. And pretty much pissed you off.
You glared at him now, “Then why did you come? Since I’m so dangerous, why are you here?”
“That’s not what I—”
“Is that why you came all the way out here?” You questioned, pushing away from the stem and stepping back into the rain. “Just to lecture me, make sure I don’t get anyone else killed? Is that all?”
Jake didn’t say anything. Just stared at you, or past you, you really couldn’t tell. His eyes were too glazed over, his face was too guarded. 
Fine, you had never been good at reading Jake. Or rather, he wasn’t that great at expressing himself emotionally. But right now it was particularly frustrating.
Your shoulders lumped and your hardened face loosened. It was then you realized something you were afraid of. That all of this. Was caused only by your actions.
“Look, maybe you’re right.” Was what came out of your mouth first. At the sound of your words, Jake now stared at you in both confusion and hesitance. “What I did….what happened those five years ago…that wasn’t fair. Grace told me not to do it and maybe…maybe I should’ve listened to her.”
“And even though I’m not sorry for what I did to Hell’s Gate, I am sorry for leaving.” You frowned, dropping your gaze. “I didn’t want to die. I didn’t want to leave you. I tried, I tried so hard to come back from it. To come back to you and the others….but I didn’t…”  
The rain filled the silence between you, wrapping you in its cold embrace as you speak, voice now shaky. Jake had yet to say anything nor did you hear him move. But you kept going, you forced yourself to keep going even though these words hurt your heart. Hurt every part of your soul.
You closed your eyes to keep the tears at bay. “Just…Just say you hate me. Say it and maybe this loss will be easier. Maybe it won’t be like stones on my heart anymore.”
It wasn’t until you felt both his hands on your face did you realize how close he had gotten to you without you realizing it. The physical contact had taken you off guard, so much so that you just stared at him as he brought your head closer to his until both your foreheads had connected. And the both of you stayed like this, one of his hands lowering to the side of your neck, squeezing it gently. Out of habit, your hand came to meet his wrist.
And for a moment, you had forgotten the rain.
“Loss will never be easy.” Jake whispered to you, pressing a gentle kiss against your forehead. “No matter what I did, numbing myself, burying it all down, forgetting…I could never forget the woman I loved. That I love so much it fucking burns me.” He pressed a long kiss against your cheek and you melted into his warm touch. He muttered his next words against your skin, his voice trembling, droplets of warm water dripping down your neck. “I thought I lost you…”
Your foreheads met once more. This time you moved your own hands to his face to wipe away the tears. And you were so relieved when he leaned into your touch as much as you did with him. You were so relieved to be able to feel him instead of imagining it, instead of yearning for it. He was here. Holding onto you so tight as if you were to disappear.
“And I’ll be damned if I do again.” His hands moved down to your arms, pulling you closer until both your chests were pressed against each other. “Don’t ask me to hate you. Don’t ask me to let you go. It’ll only make me hold on, it’ll only make me love you more. And I’m sorry, Doc, but I won’t let you go this time.”
He pulled you closer until his mouth was on yours. His lips against yours were as soft as you remembered. As gentle but possessive just as his hold on you was. You remembered the last time you had been held by him like this, how all you felt then was dread and worry of what the inevitable held. But now, all you could do was just sink deeper into this, embrace it, embrace him.
When you broke apart, it was your words that came out first, “I see you.” Jake’s eyes lit up at your words and you smiled, “I never got a chance to say it before.”
With a teary smile, he stole another kiss from you.
“I see you, Y/N.”
Jake’s hands slid into yours as he tugged you forward, “We should head back now. They’re probably wondering where we are.”
You nodded as you allowed him to pull you along, “Right, the great Toruk Makto and now the Olo’eyktan. What can’t you do, Jake Sully?”
“Get you to be my mate any faster.” Jake sent you a small smile, his hand moving to the small of your back as he moved a leaf out of your way.
Warmth filled your cheeks despite the cold weather. “Patience. That seems to be it.”
Jake’s hand squeezed yours as he continued pulling you along, “I have waited five years for you. Patience is long overdue.”
A foreign sound left your lips and it strangely sounded similar to a laugh. “Well, not all of us can be perfect.”
“Tsmuke!” Mo’at scowled once she spotted you and Jake walking out of the forest. Did I say you were done here? Where have you wandered off to?!”
“I’m sorry—” You tried but Mo’at ignored you and tugged you back into her tent with Jake trailing behind.
Inside, Neytiri was already there with Kiri and two other kids who were playing with each other. You sent her a look as Mo’at made you sit on the floor, “You could have given better directions, you know.”
She raised a brow, “My instructions were quite simple actually…” As Mo’at began washing on the liquid that had dried on your arm, you watched as Neytiri’s eyes settled on something behind you. You briefly glanced over your shoulder to find Jake slipping into the tent. He looked at you with a certain softness that made your heart flutter. His eyes twinkled when he saw Neytiri and the children.
You felt it without him even saying anything. Everything felt complete, felt familiar…
And felt like home.
A shy smile tugged at your lips and Neytiri smirked before saying, “Like I said. My instructions weren’t too difficult.”
You stared at her suspiciously, briefly wondering if she had meant to leave you out in the forest on purpose and that Jake finding you wasn’t as much of a coincidence as you had thought.
One of the boys grinned and rushed over toward him. Jake knelt down toward the boy who you realize right then was one of his sons. The other one was sitting next to Neytiri and staring at you curiously just as Kiri had in the beginning.
Neytiri noticed and gently caressed the boy’s cheek, “Neteyam, this is Y/N. She is meant to be a part of our family now.” She glanced toward you, “If she chooses to accept us.”
The boy, Neteyam, looked back at you and smiled. It was amazing how much he looked like Neytiri when he did. “Hello, Y/N.”
Mo’at pinched your arm, “No moving.”
You winced but obeyed and then turned back to the boy, “It’s nice to meet you, Neteyam.” In the corner of your eye, Jake was now playing with the other boy, lifting him up and down as the boy continued to giggle loudly. Inside the tent was very peaceful and quiet. Not quite to the point of discomfort. It was the type of quiet you wouldn’t mind staying in for a long period of time, especially with the people that you cared for. Who loved sitting in silence also.
Kiri came up to you to show her doll to you as Mo’at went back to retrieve more of the liquid from the fire. She went on and on, talking about her doll in her cute childlike babble. You began showing her how to play with the doll, similar to the way you had done so back when you were a child. And then eventually Neteyam found his way over to the two of you, sitting quietly while watching as you and Kiri played with the doll.
Eventually, Kiri and Neteyam got distracted and went over to Neytiri and Mo’at, watching the latter do her work as Tsahik. The other boy soon followed them.
On your left, Jake settled down next to you, his shoulder brushing against yours. You watched the three children with a smile. One of them looked like Jake, another looking like Neytiri, and then one who looked almost identical to Grace. It made your heart heavy that you had missed her birth or the first five years of her life. But you hoped now, after Grace’s request, you’d be given the chance to actually be there for her.
Just the same as Grace had done for you.
When you looked at Jake, there were tears in his eyes. But it wasn’t sad. It wasn’t grief. Instead he smiled and it reached his glassy eyes.
And the whole time he was just simply looking at you.
“Happy?” You whispered, smiling gently as you wiped away his tears.
He chuckled, pressing a gentle kiss to the hand that held the side of his face, “I’m just glad you’re here. And that it’s not a dream I’m dreading to wake up from.”
Your smile grew as you rested your head on his shoulder. For a while you stayed like that. You met Neytiri’s eyes from the other side of the tent where she stood with Mo’at and the children. She smiled at the two of you and you smiled back.
Quietly, you say, “I missed you too, Puppet.”
His shoulder shook as he chuckled, pressing a kiss in your hair.
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taglist: @luvvfromme @sully-stick-together @jakesullylvr @s-u-t @ssc7514 @cheari @tojigirl @nyotamalfoy @perfectprofessorloverapricot @naityelen @dumb-fawkin-bitch @raggedyoldwitch @nhemmingsf @biooiuygjjgfsrb @thatsenoughformelol @thotd-f1 @beaniebeensbaby201 @theoriginalwife000 @3leni @23victoria @lovesickollie @atxara @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @ladylovegood-69 @lovekeeho @lilithmoon14512 @n7cje @fyfy-world @cleverzonkwombatsludge @goddesslilithmoriarty @itszzmoon @eternallyvenus @bajadotcom @ducks118 @alexandra-001 @sweetllamaparadise @padfootsvixen
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mellowwillowy · 9 months
Yan! Philanderer God x GN Reader
CW: Dub-con, Non-con, gaslight, manipulation, sadism-abusive behavior-thoughts, degradations. Reader lost their sanity, Slight NSFW. (XL)
Yan! Philanderer God who was interested in you when they were strolling around the city for funsies.
Yan! Philanderer God who observed you from close, watching how you kill your day and night. They enjoyed their fair share of watching you playing yourself out of desperation sometimes.
Yan! Philanderer God who started to appear in your life as a mortal, worry not, they were only here as your acquaintance. Ah? Oh, now the two of you were friends! Hm? Their name? You could call them A-li or XL!
"My friends call me A-Li while some call me XL! Hm? Ahaha! I have forgotten my name so I can't tell you that!"
Yan! Philanderer God whose touch would always linger around your skin longer than it's supposed to, sometimes squeezing sometimes sliding up and down. They really enjoy feeling the temperature of your body...
Yan! Philanderer God who would peck your cheek at random times and shrug it off as a greeting of them after they puffed out the smoke into your face, kiseru in their hand.
"A peck as a greeting is a nice change don't you think?"
Yan! Philanderer God who would either make your day easier or harder depending on their mood. If they were feeling rather generous, your whole day would almost be the best day you had ever had. If they were feeling rather sour that day though... let's just say you survived.
Yan! Philanderer God who would not hesitate to give you the worst day ever if they were upset over you. The whole thing depended on their anger toward you so try your best to not upset them, let alone make them furious.
"Woah, look at you! Did you have a bad day?"
Yan! Philanderer God who would sometimes pull you into their arms, squeezing you as though they were trying to break your ribs. The toothy smile they showed you washed away all those thoughts though...
Yan! Philanderer God who enjoyed hand feeding you, their thumb would sometimes go past your lip and touch your tongue for a slight second. The feeling of your lips wrapping their finger was enough to make them feel butterflies.
Yan! Philanderer God who would casually rub their thumb over your cheek, eating the rice grain that was once by your cheek.
"One shouldn't waste food, starvation is no joke." They said jokingly yet their face showed a tinge of sadness.
Yan! Philanderer God who would wrap their arms around you as you cooked for dinner, their eyes fluttered close while thinking what to do to the people whose faces turned red at the sight of you, their hugs tightened as they thought about how you did not keep any distance away from them.
Yan! Philanderer God who one day held you in a way friends shouldn't. They sugar-coated their words to the point it made you accept their advances. Just as sweet as the konpeitos, they truly lived to the edges of it.
Yan! Philanderer God who took off your garments while kissing you non-stop, it almost felt as though they were unwrapping a candy.
Yan! Philanderer God who wouldn't stop leaving a trail of hickeys all over your body, marking it as theirs. Oh, how they love to draw blood out of your pricked skin. They'd love to do more, soon.
Yan! Philanderer God who prepared you well before they started feasting you, almost too well to the point it had you squirming around in need. Just how many people have they slept with???
Yan! Philanderer God who would make you accept that it was alright for the two of you to fuck, whispering it all in your ears while they fuck you dumb. Was it only you or did you see their eyes change color for a moment?
Yan! Philanderer God who was very sweet as they showered you with affection after the two of you finished, an aftercare that you couldn't ask for more. The same mouth that drew blood from your skin, the same mouth that pleasured you, and the same mouth that gaslighted you into believing the false truth.
Yan! Philanderer God who would also gaslight you into thinking that everyone around you meant no good, slowly cutting your relation to them one by one without having to dirty their delicate fair hands.
Yan! Philanderer God who would slowly make your life crumble just for fun. They enjoy torturing their loved ones after all~
"Oh dear, I love you so much so don't cry anymore okay? I'm sure things will get better soon." They comforted you as their hand felt your hand that was wrapped with bandages because you accidentally cut yourself.
Yan! Philanderer God who wished they could just somehow tear your limbs off your body and intact a puppet's limbs on you instead so that they could control you like a puppeteer. But they knew they shouldn't do that, especially when you were just a mortal who could die from the pain and shock.
Yan! Philanderer God whose touches grew bolder and tighter around you. They no longer hesitate to leave bruises on your wrist if you dare to anger them just for the slightest bit of inconvenience.
Yan! Philanderer God who would rather not use their delicate hand to feel that cheek of yours with a harsh slap. They wouldn't just yet. Not because they did not want to hurt you but rather because they didn't want to accidentally dislocate your jaw with their inhumane strength,.
"Oyaaah? Why are you wincing as though I was about to hit you?" They cackled as they brought your face closer to theirs, fingers digging into your cheek.
Yan! Philanderer God who knew you no longer had anyone to save you. You were the one who cut ties with everyone after all~
Yan! Philanderer God who enjoyed choking you as their body hovered above you, the two of you may be connected in pleasure but you were too clouded by the idea that you might one day die from their own hand.
And yet that idea no longer scared you, you could feel yourself grow excited. They really broke you in the end.
Yan! Philanderer God who broke you bits by bits every day because they loved you, you silly! Breaking you at once would kill you so they'd rather not take that risk!
Yan! Philanderer God who relished in your cries and plead that slowly turned into beggings for more. They loved the sight of you crying out tears out of desperation to have you bent and fucked into nothingness.
Yan! Philanderer God who slowly planned to bring you to the Heavenly Realm and joined their harem. While you might be the only person who helped them in no way, they were sure the men and women in their harem would only teach you a bit of lesson~
"Hm? Ah, don't worry~ You are just a silly little mortal that can only cry, what more can you do but serve yourself as my silly fucktoy?"
Yan! Philanderer God who did not stop the member of their harem from belittling you for being useless.
"So you are just her little toy?"
"You can't even hold a sword properly! How are you supposed to protect him!"
"So you don't even have any relations that would benefit us? Why did they even bother bringing you here..."
Yan! Philanderer God who sometimes would step in as your hero, reprimanding them for saying such things to you while covering your ears. The moment they turned your back, you would never be able to see the way they smiled eerily at the others. You would never see how the others cackled behind your back.
Yan! Philanderer God who would sometimes bring you to the heavenly meeting as their new doll. Oh please don't mind how that man glared at you as though he was ready to rip you apart the moment they left you. It was so adorable seeing you clutched their robe while fearing you'd be left alone, again.
Yan! Philanderer God who would sometimes make you sit on their lap instead of standing behind them with the man. You could feel daggers piercing you, daggers of fury and embarrassment.
Yan! Philanderer God who would visit you whenever they had the time to, entering your chamber without notifying you earlier. You were not doing anything that would enrage them, right?
Yan! Philanderer God who would contemplate making you immortal, while it would allow them to do all that gruesome stuff on you, it would take away the idea of owning a mortal in their heavenly abode.
Yan! Philanderer God who finally decided that it'd be a great idea to force you to drink the elixir of immortality upon seeing your flustered face when you were talking with another god that they despised. The God who was once their spouse and executioner.
"Did you have fun talking to Yuchen? Looks like I have to fucking cut your tongue so you can no longer talk to him." They growled as their fingers were wrapped tightly around your neck, suffocating you until you felt like you were seeing stars in the broad daylight.
Yan! Philanderer God who fucked you dumb to the point you could no longer feel your legs. They pushed all kinds of boundaries aside and were endowed with the idea of making you immobile from this one night. The treatment from the harem members worsened when the news of you conversing with Hao Yuchen spread. It seemed like everyone in this clan despised that man.
Yan! Philanderer God who did not let you sleep despite the soreness that you were feeling, their hand squished open your mouth before pushing the concoction to your lip, the content flowing into your throat.
"This is the elixir of immortality and heaven forbids me from not fucking you up now." Their eyes were dim and filled with fury and excitement, you could feel something cool and hot working its way in your internals, squeezing your organs to the point you felt the need to cut your stomach open.
Yan! Philanderer God who let you pass out, making you think that they were kind enough to allow you to rest. Right?
"Ah? Aren't you the Liu clan leader's toy? Looks like you could never run away from A-Li anymore, fufufu... Especially not when they were ready to mark you permanently as theirs..."
You shuddered when you accidentally ran into him but his last words made you wonder what exactly he meant. And by god did he mean his words.
CW: Branding
Yan! Philanderer God who made you kneel on the bed of flowers, your wrists bound to each other behind your back while the two women made you stay still, baring your top naked for the cold wind to hit.
Yan! Philanderer God who cooed you as the man handed them the branding iron that was heated earlier by him. The floral pattern that was on it was the same as the one they had on their robe. It once looked beautiful and innocent but it looked deadly now.
Yan! Philanderer God who did not hesitate to press it against your skin, the smell of something burning pierced your nostrils. Had you still stayed in your mortal body, you were CERTAIN you would have died from the pain.
Yan! Philanderer God who wrapped their hands around your face upon finishing the rites, their kisses lingered all over your face while licking the tears that fell out of your eyes, praising you for being so good.
"Good doll, good doll... I know how much it hurts and you are doing so well... ssshhhh..." Even when you were so dazed by the pain, you could see most of the people frowned at their leader's words.
If they know how much it hurts then why are they doing this?
Yan! Philanderer God who was once innocent just like you. You see, the two of you were not different now that you had suffered a bit of their sufferings.
Yan! Philanderer God who couldn't wait to teach you more bits by bits about their sufferings so that the two of you could finally understand and love each other completely!
"Oooohh... my sweet little songbird... I'll make you cry so much before you finally lose the ability to cry..."
Yan! Philanderer God who kissed your quivering blue lips, it felt so warm and addicting. You wished to feel more. More and more!
""I will never allow anyone to love you like I do.""
Even though you never knew their name, you felt like you had known their name all along. XL, was that their name? No.
sooooo, do you guys understand why I said she is the most dangerous Yan? What's mentioned here is only half of what she's capable of doing.
FUN FACT: This yan is the reader to the Yan! Emperor.
XL: *hides face* no comment.
So XL is mostly known as A-Li (lore-wise) and IRINA (code-name). In this one case though, we are more focused on XL as A-Li. I did not detail much about her pronouns and gender but there were a few NPCs that clarified XL as a man, woman, and either.
Lore-wise, XL is mostly shown as a woman but she appears as a man in cases where she has to meet her devotees or attend the heavenly meeting. IRINA is used in a different setting and barely appears in any fics.
Characters Mentioned :
Man - Feng Jianyu
God - Hao Yuchen
Unnamed Women - Liu Qinghua (JP: Sayaka) , Liu Wei (JP: Yui)
For their appearances: X , XL(you can scroll and find more here)
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
POV : You are dating Fujio and everyone knows you
Your Insta 🌟
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Liked by tsukasa,shibaman and 193 others
Y/n big bad wolfie 🐺
|| fujio delete this.
--》y/n ahaha no.
--》fujio 😠
|| nakaoka Fujio-san looks so cute
--》y/n yeah but he is mine.
--》tsuji sometimes you are really scary
--》y/n 🙂🙂
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Liked by todoroki,jamuo and 186 others
Y/n dude he is flirtiinng ;)
|| fujio ;))
|| todoroki what are you ? 13?
--》y/n no, fujio is 13. Im 14 :)
--》todoroki im not suprised
--》y/n you love us
--》todoroki no.
|| tsukasa at least he is causing less trouble now
--》y/n :D
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Liked by kiyoshi,fujio and 202 others
Y/n i dont know even what they are talking about
|| shibaman why are you even there ???
--》y/n yasushi told me they are going for a fight and if i want to come... and i said why not 😌
--》shibaman fair enough
|| fujio why you didnt come see me ? 😭
--》y/n you were not there ?
--》fujio right... im coming
--》y/n ok
|| yasushi did you even listen?
--》y/n not interested... so are we going or not ?
--》yasushi no.Fujio told me that he will kill me if i take you with us.
--》y/n he is being jealous 🤭🤭
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Liked by todoroki,fujio and 214 others
Y/n He lost to me in a stupid game...He's been looking like this for about 35 minutes.Should I be worried? LOL
|| tsukasa nahh, dont worry. He'll be fine.
--》y/n he looks like hes gonna cry ????
--》tsukasa he may cry, be careful :D
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Liked by tsuji,kiyoshi and 184 others
Y/n He said "i cant cook alone"... facetime night 😚
|| fujio I LOVE YOU ❤
--》y/n 😭❤
|| odajima Is he always like this ?
--》y/n like what
--》odajima clingy ??
--》y/n oh, he is worse but i love it 😁
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Liked by tsukasa,sachio and 184 others
Y/n Tsukasa will definitely kill us this time, really 🥳
|| sachio what did you two do this time ?
--》y/n we just went to Suzuran to find Raoh
--》sachio not just Tsukasa
--》y/n 😀
|| todoroki i knew fujio is stupid but you are worse
--》y/n it was his plan ? NOT MINE
--》todoroki what did you say when he told you ?
--》y/n it is none of your business :D
|| shidaken Sachio wants you to come over.Now.
--》y/n 😐
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Liked by nakagoshi,nakaoka and 199 others
Y/n aww naka-chan looks cute
|| nakagoshi thank you y/n-san! 💕
--》y/n kids grow up fast these days 🥺💕
--》fujio you are not their mom 😒
--》y/n shut up
|| nakaoka I WANT A PHOTO TOO
--》y/n 🥰💕
--》fujio 😠😠
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Liked by odajima,sawamura and 123 others
|| sachio 😄😄😄
--》y/n dont laugh, you are my rival from now on
--》odajima 100 dolars for sachio
--》y/n watch your back you little bitch
--》odajima 😉
|| fujio baby, i love you. ONLY YOU. Okay ?
--》y/n ???
--》fujio ❤
--》y/n ❤
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Liked by fujio,tsukasa and 198 others
Y/n Sachio is really that cool bitch who can steal your man 😭
|| sachio you can keep him.Really.
--》y/n thanks :(
|| tsukasa i dont think no one will want him except you
--》y/n heey, dont talk like this
--》fujio truths hurt babe 💔
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Liked by fujio,raoh and 234 others
Y/n I never thought that i could love someone this much. ❤
|| fujio I knew that i will fall in love when i saw you for the first time. ❤
--》y/n ❤
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx 
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amorest-viesse · 3 months
[Your Warm Hand in Mine] - Chloe SR Card Story Translation
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Ft. Figaro (Akira and Western wizards mention in card episode)
A Line for the Lady - Chapter 1
[Weeping Princess’ Castle]
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Chloe: May I have your hand, my lady?
Chloe: …No, that’s not right. Maybe it needs to be more gallant.
Chloe: To ensure you’re not swept away by someone else, may I have your hand, my lady?
Figaro: Ahaha, how forward of you, but by all means.
Chloe: Whoa! Where did you come from?
Figaro: Oops, sorry for the scare. You just seemed so serious, I thought it might help to have a partner.
Figaro: Although, it doesn’t look like things are going too well right now.
Chloe: Ahaha… You got me there.
Chloe: Truth be told, I just can’t get the hang of this escorting thing. No matter how much I practice, I always get nervous and totally freak out.
Figaro: Really? I never would’ve guessed from the number of times I’ve seen you invite the Master Sage out. 
Chloe: It’s totally different with them though!
Chloe: We’re basically BFFs, so if I goof up, we can just laugh it off!
Chloe: I can’t exactly do that during a ceremony with strangers though… If I leave a bad first impression, it’s totally over for me!
Figaro: Hmm, I see the dilemma now. Well then, what if you did this?
Figaro: Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and try treating it like a game.
Figaro: You Western wizards are always doing that kind of stuff right?
Chloe: Think of it like a game? You know, that might just work!
Chloe: Oh, but what should the setting be? A ball? A birthday party? A theatrical production?
Chloe: What do you think, Figaro?
A Line for the Lady - Chapter 2
Figaro: Let me think…
Figaro: What if… you were the heir of a noble family meeting your betrothed for the first time, and you needed to take her out on a very special date?
Chloe: Me? An aristocrat?
Figaro: If the situation is too difficult to imagine, I could always turn into your beautiful betrothed for practice sake.
Chloe: Eh!? You? As a noblewoman!?
Chloe: As much as I’d like to see that… I wanna give it a shot on my own first.
Figaro: Ahaha, fine by me.
Chloe: Alrighty then, here I go. …Ahem.
Chloe: …It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, my fair lady. I have been eagerly awaiting this day. 
Chloe: Dressed in dusky blue with luminous diamonds about your neck, you’re the very vision of a star, descending from the heavens to grace us with your ethereal presence…
Chloe: Now, may I have your hand, my lady?
Figaro: …
Chloe: So? How did I do?
Figaro: It was even better than I’d expected. You really are Rustica’s apprentice.
Figaro: I think you’d charm just about anyone like that.
Chloe: Really?
Figaro: Really. Every word was elegantly and beautifully delivered.
Figaro: Although, it was funny to hear you compliment your partner’s dress and accessories without them actually being there. I’m sure no one but you could’ve come up with a line like that.
Chloe: Ehehe, I’m glad to hear it! I think I can totally take on the real thing now.
Chloe: Thanks so much for helping me out, Figaro!
We Gotta Go All Out! - Card Episode
[Manor Living Room]
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Chloe: This should go… here. And the fabric should be gathered here…
Akira: Good afternoon, Chloe. Is that a new dress design?
Chloe: Oh, Master Sage! Great timing!
Chloe: This is super random, but what kinda dress do you think would look good on Rustica!?
Akira: This is for Rustica, you say?
Akira: Um, I feel like he could make anything work, but maybe… He’d like one with a bluebird embroidered on it.
Chloe: You think so? Alright then, I’ll keep that in mind.
Akira: Did Rustica request this?
Chloe: Ehehe, these outfits are actually for a special class session.
Chloe: When I told the other Westerners about how nervous I was during the mission, they offered to give me a special lesson on escorting…
Chloe: We’re using transformational magic so I can have practice with both men and women!
Akira: Oh I see now! That sounds like a lot of fun.
Chloe: Right? Figaro also gave me some really good advice during the mission.
Chloe: Which is why he’ll be there too as a special guest instructor!
Akira: (A Western wizard lesson with Figaro in attendance… I’m really curious now…)
Akira: …Hey, do you think there’s room for one more? I want to see how your lesson goes.
Chloe: Of course there is! In fact, you should join us as a participant!
Chloe: I’ll make sure to design you the most beautiful dress and dashing suit ever!
Home Screen Voice Line
“Ehehe, do you remember how I gave everyone presents to show my appreciation the other day? Well, as a thanks for the thanks, some of them gave me a gift back. I totally wasn’t expecting it, so it made me super happy. W- Wait, you’re giving me one too!?”
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Ikemen Vampire (JP)
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Galileo: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Do you know that saying?"
Napoleon: "Huh?"
A man's voice reaches his ears from behind a pillar.
Galileo: "It's nothing but egotism to say that we can go hand in hand even though we are different species."
Napoleon turns toward the voice, but the man keeps his back on him and continues to speak.
His cold, low-tone voice suggests that he has some thoughts about the World's Fair, or that he is talking to himself in the first place, or even to someone else, but...
Galileo: "It's funny to think that once you fall on the brink of death, you can come back to life as a vampire." 
Galileo: "The world is dying, and we don't even know we're partly to blame."
Napoleon: "-----!"
Napoleon's eyes widen at the words uttered by the vampire.
Napoleon: "What do you mean? What the hell are you―?"
Galileo: "You are the ones who "don't belong" in this world."
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The streets of Paris, enveloped in the deep night air, are filled with serenity as if the riots of a short time ago were a lie.
Galileo: "Has the chaos passed?"
Galileo: "Napoleon Bonaparte. A man who is both vampire and man."
Next to him, a man with an aloof, thin smile approaches.
A sharp-eyed man mutters to himself as he gazes out over the city.
Francis: "Boring. I was expecting an exciting ending."
Francis: "Does this mean you were wrong about the world going south?"
Francis: "What should we do? Maybe we can just take out one vampire at a time?"
Galileo: "No."
The man speaks, dominating the other man's words.
Galileo: "Great men risen from the dead, and vampires一they are distorting the world, that's for sure."
The man then looks up at the star-studded sky.
Galileo: "Like those stars, fate keeps moving. The flower that cannot wither against reason must be plucked."
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Francis: "I hear this is a popular play right now."
I notice a man standing next to me.
Francis: "The Detective and his Assistant on the Hunt for Jack the Ripper! A gripping mystery play."
Francis: "So there is a real-life incident, and the Parisians are talking about it."
Francis: "Miss. What do you think will happen to Jack the Ripper in Paris if he continues to commit crimes?"
Mitsuki: "What do you mean...?"
Francis: "For example, if you start attacking people in power or important government officials. Or commit mass murder."
Francis: "Ahaha! Is the country going to be in chaos?"
Mitsuki: "No, that won't happen."
Francis: "Really? Well, I don't know about fate."
He only looked at me from behind his hair.
Francis: "A novel written by a vampire who has risen from the dead. A criminal born out of a book that could never have been originally written drives the world mad."
Francis: "Who would be the worst offender if that were to happen?"
(Wait, did he just say "vampire"?)
Mitsuki: "Wait! What on earth are you...?"
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
(I may send in a few more requests for Dino squad as well-)
what about in the Dino squad a reader who is a Compsognathus (one of if not the smallest dinosaurs) who has hidden from everyone that they are anything less then human, and don’t know about the other Dino kids either? I’m thinking they were at the beach that day as well but at a different time then the others
Ahaha, yes! Let's see what I can whip up for ya:
You aren't sure what your life had come to.
You'd been with your biology class on a fieldtrip, down by the beach, and somehow, someway, it turned into something a lot more than just a quick trip to the shore.
Because by the time you'd gotten home, you discovered you could turn into something new. Something impossible to be.
A dinosaur.
A small one, a Compsognathus, but a dinosaur nonetheless.
It was... insane.
It started to become worse when other dinosaurs started popping up.
And they were a LOT bigger than you.
So, with all the reasoning you had, you kept hidden. No need to reveal yourself and possibly get eaten, right? Nope, not you.
The situation died back a bit, things going back to a weird, settled normal... Yet somehow that didn't last, either...
They saw you.
There were a few of them, fighting mutated plant thingies, and you'd been helping on the sidelines, guiding animals to safety, when you crossed paths with the carnosaur. It locked eyes with you for a moment, then something burst inside your mind:
There's another one?!
That caught the attention of the other dinosaurs, who came thundering over, all tall and imposing. You took the opportunity to dart between their feet, aiming to escape into the streets.
Woah, woah, WAIT!
We're like you!
You ignored whatever the h*ck was grating at your thoughts, letting your feet carry you swiftly to safety. The rest of the night, you slept in a curled-up ball, hidden amongst your blankets, trying to keep your fears at bay...
After that incident, the dinosaurs always seemed to be looking for you.
Dino you.
And your classmates seemed a little rattled in class. The class was full of odd, strange kids, but these five tended to stick together no matter what. But something seemed to have excited them, because now they were talking with others in class, asking questions, listening to the biology teacher, who only sighed at their antics and told them to be careful.
They ended up talking with you.
You had Lance, a team leader of sorts, into sports, and always wearing shades of brown and black and red. A cool guy, but a little intense.
You had Fred, large and adept with plants, who enjoyed working at animal shelters and helping strays, in overalls and camo. Sweet, and didn't tolerate bullying at all.
You had Wanda, stoic, unstoppable, and dressed in red. She put any person to shame in the intimidating apartment. A twin, but the older, more scary, of the two. She tended to study medicinal plants and animals.
You had Pietro, fast, loud, talkative Pietro. Never seen without pale blues or greens, with a white shirt or blouse, he was someone who was quite popular with the school. He was also a bit of a diva. Wanda's twin, the ... less scary... one. He knew how to talk with people, how to make them feel welcome.
And there was Todd, or Toad, as people called him. Short, long legs, shaggy hair, and always wearing green. The guy loved amphibians, wore bracelets, and seemed pretty chill. Not too bad to round the whole group out.
You weren't sure how you caught the attention of all five of them. To be fair, you don't think they knew either.
Asking how long you'd been in the class, what animals and/or plants you enjoyed, what you thought might help the environment... Basic questions. Until they weren't.
"So, you remember that field trip awhile back, right? Went down to the beach, note the environment, clean up anything hazardous... Teach says you also happened to be there. Which group were you assigned?"
"I was... assigned to your group, actually. I just, hung back a bit. Stuck closer to the shoreline."
That seems to cause a ripple effect amongst them, some unspoken agreement.
"So... did Teach tell you anything about how to earn extra credit?"
"It's quite simple: You join up with one of the class groups, and we do a presentation on one of the prehistoric creatures who they've mentioned. We already have one in mind, if you're game."
"Sure! Sounds good."
"Okay. How does a ... Compsognathus, sound?"
And suddenly you believe your secret isn't so secret anymore.
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seahydra · 4 months
Okay I think. I'm posting it. 800+ something words under the cut, I wanted to write something kind of like the audio dramas featured on the album CDs or the silly skits in the podcast episodes, so it's all written as if it were a script. Enjoy?!
Levi: Ah, y-you're here! ...You're early.
Lazarus: Well, I got bored waiting for the time to come around, and I wanted to see you right away, so... ahem.
Lazarus: Anyway, we’re watching the Ultrawitch finale tonight, right? I've been looking forward to it.
Levi: Actually, I… had something else in mind for us to watch tonight, if that’s okay with you? We can totally finish the series some other time, it’s just- I saw something I really wanted to watch with you ASAP, and…
Lazarus: Really? I do wish you’d told me that earlier...
Lazarus: But it’s fine. I suppose I don’t really care, as long as we get to hang out. What did you have in mind?
Levi: It’s this 12 episode anime I discovered recently. Each episode covers a different tragic story, with different characters. It's supposed to be SUPER heartbreaking lol. I mean, i-if you care.
Lazarus: Huh… much different from our original plan... but alright. It sounds interesting enough.
Levi: Really?! Thank goodness, I was so worried you’d turn down the idea!! Okay. Come sit down, I’ll get it all set up.
Lazarus: Got it.
Lazarus: …Hey, you’re moving in a bit close, Levi…
Levi: Yeah, so I can see your face bette- um, I mean-! A-A-Am I?! I’m so sorry! I’ll get out of your personal space right away, ahahaha!
Levi: A-Anyway, I’m about to hit play, so quiet down and watch closely, alright?!
Levi: (sniff) Making the immortal say goodbye to his human lover is so cruel... gaaahh, it hurts my very soul! (sob) Why couldn't they both just be together forever? It's not fair...
Lazarus: It is rather painful, indeed... but at least they got to be together at all, even if it was just for a little while?
Levi: But now he's going to be alone! Uuuugh, I can't think about this anymore... (sniff)
… ...
Lazarus: Ah, this poor girl... watching her repress herself like this makes me feel bad.
Levi: (sniffle) Everyone in that town is so shallow. They have no right to talk about her behind her back just because she's a little "weird"! Don't they see how much that hurts her? I bet they don't even care! How heartless... (sob)
Lazarus: (Yeah, I know what that's like...)
... ... ...
Levi: W-Well, that was the final episode. Um... your thoughts, please?
Lazarus: Eeeh, bit of a 6/10 to me, I think. No, maybe 6.5... 6.7?
Levi: 6.7?!?! That's it?! N-No way... did you somehow feel nothing while we were watching it?
Lazarus: Well, the stories themselves were written fine enough. But, it didn't really do anything for me overall..
Levi: ...You're unbelievable.
Lazarus: Eh?! Hey, what's with the sudden mood change? Are you mad at me?
Levi: Tch... I should have known... even if we ARE best friends, you'd never... not in front of someone like me...
Lazarus: Levi?
Levi: Like, why would you?! Who would want to be so open... in the presence of some loser...
Lazarus: Leviathan.
Levi: What?!
Lazarus: Talk to me. What's wrong?
Levi: ...No. I can't. It’s too embarrassing.
Lazarus: Come on, tell me! You know I'm not going to judge you!
Levi: Fine. Fine!
Levi: I was just thinking... in the entire time we’ve known each other, I’ve seen all sorts of different emotions on you.
Levi: I’ve seen how happy you get when you pull a UR card of your fave. I’ve seen you be totally pissed off, like when we first met. I’ve even seen you be terrified out of your mind, but…
Levi: …somehow, I’ve never seen you cry before. I thought for sure today would be the day, but everything backfired on me. So humiliating...
Lazarus: Hm? So all of this was merely you trying to make me cry?! Okay, I miiiiight judge you a little for that. You’re weirder than I thought, aren't you! Ahaha!
Levi: Wait. Wait, wait, wait! No! I just realized that sounds really bad! I-I-I promise I’m not a sadist or anything! It's because, um, I…
Levi: …I brought it up once, to everyone else. And they all said they’d never seen you cry, either. Like, not even tearing up a LITTLE bit!
Lazarus: ...Yes, because I don’t like to do that in front of other people.
Levi: But that’s the thing! When they all said that, I thought... I really wanted to be the first and only person to ever see you cry.
Levi: Because, like… that would mean you trust me, right? I… want.. to be the only person you’re vulnerable with, in that way… or something.. whatever.
Levi: Never mind, it’s nothing. Just forget I said anyth-
Levi: …Wait. A-Are you--?!
Lazarus: T-That’s… (sniff) somehow, that’s the sweetest thing... (sniff) you’ve ever said to me!!! Waaaaaaaahhh! Levi, you’re so cute!!!
Levi: Why was that what did it for you?! Hey, don’t just throw your arms around me-! Aaaaghhh, I can't process all of this!!! Let go, you idiot!!!
END 💥💥💥
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orangelemonsstuff · 2 years
Lilia Vanrouge x GN! Filipino Reader
(This is tagged to Filipino Readers/MCs)
Summary: you tell Lilia about a certain way to court somebody back in your world/country, not realizing the sneaky little ol' him had an idea to try it out on you.
Quick Note: Harana, one of the Philippines traditional form of courtship in which a man (in many cases) woos. a woman by singing underneath her window or. outside her house at night (credits to google). Basically haharanahin ka ni Lilia sa fic nato (translation: basically Lilia is going to do Harana to you outside the Ramshackle dorm) although it is normally performed by a guy to a girl, it is not limited to any gender that is why this fic is also gender neutral so all genders are included, this fic contains tagalog words which is I'm too lazy to translate but they are just basic words so now worries ^^
Lilia was kind enough to accept your offer to study magic history together for he perhaps has a bit of history knowledge back in his olden days, he is the perfect person to go to if you truly want to study this curriculum hard and prepare for the quiz tomorrow
but as kind as he is, you still feel a little bit guilty for feeling like you had taken advantage of his knowledge of history so you would ace your test and show it off to your friends, you decide to ask what would he want something for an exchange of his smarts after your study session on the library
"i never knew you were like Ashengrotto, always wanting to clear up your debt from somebody so you wouldn't have to deal with it later-- ahaha just kidding just kidding~" Lilia laughed as you nudged on him slightly with your elbow
"Hmm, i do not want anything in particular but you could do something for me, no worries it is fair and something you could easily give to me" you tilt your head at him
"i would like to know about your world's culured courting, how do the people back from your world or country court somebody they like" you are surprised, Lilia liked somebody? you have no idea why would he ask for this information but as much it is none of your business if Lilia would love to use your culture to ask somebody out. and in fact it is a fair exchange for a study session from him
you tell him about the most famous and common way to woo somebody bacm in your country, a Harana, when a binata sings a romantic song with his guitar and his wingman friends under the dalaga's window to woo her, even how common it is for a way of panliligaw or courting, it is one the most romantic courting culture every filipino of your country knows.
"I see, it is truly romantic even if i was the lady herself i would instantly blush at the thought of somebody doing that for me" you nod in agreement "so you would like it if somebody does that to you?" he asked as he looked at you directly in your eyes waiting for an honest answer, you agree smiling at him, it is a sweet way to say "i like you or i love you" to someone after all, you wouldn't mind having somebody use that courting technique to you.
"Oh hoh i see i see~" he chuckled, then proceed to think to himself but you interrupt him with your question, why does he ask about this and what would he do with it?
"Mm you truly are naive little one no wonder many is drawn to you including me, i got another favor to ask, can you hold sleeping too early tonight?" he asked as you reply with another nod
"great! now should we continue back to our studying? you are done with my condition but im halfly not fufu~" he grin at you as he shifts in close to look at your notes, well if those are the only requirements for the long awaited studying to be started then you have completed them all and the deal is done.
the afternoon on the library was spent with you both browsing his memory to help you with his study.
you yawn as you review some notes that you had written earlier while studying with Lilia, he was a big help, everything was covered completely and you didn't miss any single detail on magic history with his help, you are ready to take the test tomorrow and completely pass it
"Oi, I'm done with the bath it's you turn now" he flooped straightly to bed leaving his wet towel on the floor and napped instantly
you sigh, you stood up to pick it up as you heard a strings of guitar played outside your window, you taught it was just your head but it continued to play a rhythm of your favorite song outside.
you open the crooked wooden window and peeked your head out, in sight was Lilia and the Light Music Club with their instruments, Lilia himself have a wooden guitar and playing with its chords, he noticed you and grinned with a bright smile. wait, is Lilia doing the courting thing you told him earlier?
you duck down with a flustered face, is it because you told him that you would like to experience it too!? this is too much for you but at the same time....kinda cute of him to do.
you once again peek out, you believe the sound of your favorite song draw you in to listen more but you are pretty sure it is Lilia that brought you out of your embarrassed state.
You giggle at them, this is so romantic for that dork guy to do, good thing he managed to hook up those other two to perform, but knowing their personalities no wonder they would agree to something like this
the song finished, and you clap your hands, you hope your appreciation reach them even from high up your window
"Kalim, you don't have to shout they are not that far" Cater patted Kalim's shoulder, the white haired boy couched down picked up his dropped drumsticks rolling on the ground
"Oh hoh~ this had been fun" Lilia laughs, not noticing your figure disappearing from the window, running down outside to meet him. you pull the Ramshackle's door open and ran straight at him surprising him with a hug
"Salamat, ang sweet nun" you whisper at his ear, you do not know if he did understand it or not you just want to express your him for his sweetness
translation: Thanks, that was sweet
"Now, i repaid you for doing the second favor for me earlier fufu~ i don't want to take advantage of you for asking you to stay u--" you interrupt him by kissing his cheek making him stop mid sentence and stare at you
"Ooh lovebirds~" as Cater said that Lilia pulled you in to kiss you on your lips
"eh? Cater why did you cover my eyes?"
"shh Kalim im afraid we might ruin this lovey dovey moment if we say another word" Cater had his hand on Kalim's eyes as he tapped Cater's hand confusedly
"ehehe, if you are going to pull something like this i might do this Harana again, what do you think?" just like before, you don't mind if somebody does it for you, especially if it's Lilia.
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bedbellyandbeyond · 1 year
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Lost Angel
(Story Post)
Little angel… What have you done? “I know, I am sorry.” You’ve taken from me. “I never meant to. I…I only wanted to do the right thing.” Who are you to decide? Better yet, what are you? Do you think yourself a principality? “No, of course not. I—” An archangel, then. “No.” And yet, you chose to overstep. You chose to govern Life and Death. “I broke the rules. I know well that I was out of line.” Know your place, child. For Death does not trifle. “Forgive me. Forgive me or… Or take from me what is owed to you. I just ask that you do not take the child.” …You attempt to bargain with Death? “If Death allows it.” You offer an angel for a child. Amusing… Quite the offer. “It is all I have to offer.” You understand that in making this offer, you value an angel higher than a child for Death, but a child for an angel for Life? “Yes. If Lord Death agrees.” …You believe then that Life and Death value differently. “If they are equal, then is it not a fair trade?” Ahh… Very well then. “…Very well?” Since you believe the life for the child so important, do not let it go to waste. An angel for a child. “I submit myself.” Ahaha… Submit then to the child, angel. You belong to them. “…I belong to them?” Yes, now go, Köbi. “I do not understand.” Köbi. “Yes?” Köbi. “Death?” KÖBI. “Köbi!”
The angel was startled awake. Sydryn loomed over him, appearing concerned. They had a hand on his forehead, but they withdrew it when he sat up. “I didn't think it possible for an angel to catch a fever…” they said. “I… It's nothing,” Köbi said, rubbing his own forehead. Sydryn just frowned and sat down on the end of his bed. “Köbi, I haven't seen you out of your room for several days. I am aware that I too have been a recluse, but I had hope you would still be performing your duties at APID.” “I was, for a time…” Köbi sighed. “I… I did something that I, as an angel, had no authority to do. But I… I don't think I would've done anything differently.” Sydryn placed a hand on his shoulder. “I'm sure you did exactly what you believed to be right, but I can understand how that might conflict with your values and status as an angel. However, I would've liked if you came to me about it. Seranan nearly burned the house down trying to make food for themself…” “Ah, I'm sorry! I know I've been neglecting my duties—” “Banish the thought. It's not about that, or Seranan.” Sydryn sat and sighed. “I want to know if there's anything I can do to help.” Köbi shook his head. “I don't know. Nothing. I think, maybe I…” He trailed off and rubbed his face. “You what?” Sydryn pursued. Köbi pursed his lips. “I don't think I can continue at APID.” Sydryn frowned. “Köbi, you’re of great use to APID. Your gifts are helping a lot of people.” “I know, but I…” Köbi shook his head. “I can't be tempted to do what I did again. I have no right. And I know in the medical field I'd be tempted.” Sydryn sighed and wrapped an arm around Köbi's shoulder. “Come here…” Köbi felt his eyes well with tears, and he leaned into the dragon's sideward hug. “Syd, you don't have to do this…” “Hush.” Sydryn rubbed his back. “I'm prescribing this hug to you.” This made Köbi chuckle a little. “Prescribing?” “You're a good angel, Köbi. This will pass.” “Okay…” Köbi took a deep breath to try and calm himself down. “Syd…” “Mn?” “If I… If something were to happen to me, please know that—” “What would happen to you?” Sydryn interrupted. “I don't know, I’m just saying if. Please just hear me out.” “Alright…” Köbi inhaled again. “I just want you to know, and this is coming from an angel and friend… I believe you're a very good person, Syd. I need you to know that your mistakes do not define you. Your actions and intentions are genuine, and I believe you do a lot of good in this world.” Sydryn actively relaxed their body and sighed. “Okay. Thank you for telling me that.” “It's true though. I really believe it.” “I believe that you believe that.” Köbi sighed. “I want you to take this seriously.” “I take everything seriously.” Sydryn pulled themselves up off the bed slowly. “I'm going to make you some breakfast.” “Oh, no, Syd, you don't need to do that,” Köbi said getting up. “You know I don't have to eat. Let me make you something.” Sydryn just waved a hand and started to waddle to the door. The moment they passed the threshold however, a chime rung out through the house. “What? Who's here?” Sydryn wrinkled their nose. No one ever rung the doorbell. The last person who had was Seranan months ago. Even when they got deliveries, they were instructed not to ring. They checked their door app and their eyes widened. “Ix?” Köbi straightened up. “Dr Ix?” “How do they know my address?” Sydryn asked. Köbi stiffened. “Er, well…” “You gave it to them?!” Sydryn snarled. “I mean, they've been worried about you, before I left… And I figured you've probably been ignoring everyone's messages from work… Listen, I gave it to them weeks ago, but they never did anything until now, so I figured they forgot about it or gave up or whatever.” Sydryn frowned. “You haven't given anyone else my private information, have you? Reid better not have my address.” “No, no. Of course not!” Köbi said. “Just Ix, and I realised I shouldn't have, in the moment, I just—” Syd cut him off with a waved hand. “Enough. It's fine. Lucky for you, I feel I can trust Ix.” They then opened the intercom. “Hello?” Ix was still on screen and they appeared to be turning to leave when Syd answered, and they jumped a little. “Hello? Dr Aias? I'm sorry for the intrusion, I just—” “No matter. I'll buzz you in.” “Ah, I appreciate it!” Syd pressed the button to open the gate before closing the app. After a moment, they looked at themselves. “Shit, I am completely unkempt! I have to change… I have to do something with my hair—this is terribly unprofessional! I am not prepared for guests!” “It's alright, this is your home, you can present yourself however you'd like!” Köbi said. “Not like this!” Syd did a little circle in panic. Köbi offered a hand. “Do you want me to braid your hair while you pick an outfit?” “No, no, I'll worry about me. I need you to entertain Ix while they wait. I need time to freshen up!” Sydryn then swept out the door, hurrying off to their bedroom. Seeing the dragon so frazzled about it made Köbi chuckle a little bit before he quickly went down to receive their guest. His excitement for Syd to finally talk to someone from outside the house for the first time in several days practically made him forget his woes for now and he received the Yulinian with a smile.
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mephinomaly · 2 years
[TL] Going on a Walk With Me
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Character(s): Kanata, Shu, Izumi, Kaoru, Souma, Shinobu
Season: Summer
Location: Staff Cafeteria
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Kanata: sea bass, flathead, eel~♪ sillago, sweetfish, swordfish, and tuna~♪
Izumi: What song is that? You’re singing directly into my ear.
Sorry, but I still don’t get it. How does this count as being part of OCEANS activities?
Shinobu: It’s because the Summer Fish Fair has just started in the staff cafeteria!
Izumi: I know that. But the entire point of this circle getting together is so we can interact with sea creatures, right? This is entirely something else.
Kaoru: Well, it’s nice to do something like this every so often, hm? It’s educational to learn about this season’s fish and give them a taste.
Whatever, I was trying to give a proper reason for it. My real point is that food tastes better when you eat with others. We can share our thoughts on each dish as well.
Izumi: Did Kao-kun really just say that? I had a feeling you’d say something more like “ew, men flirting”.
Kaoru: No need to be so pointed… Souma-kun, over here!
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Souma: I apologise for making you wait. I got completely caught up deciding what to eat.
Kaoru: Fair enough, the menu does have a lot to choose from. Now that everyone’s here, let’s grab a table.
Izumi: Let’s get a sofa seat…ugh, they’re totally packed. There’s some free chairs though, so should I grab a few?
Shinobu: Wehe. I suspected you would say that, and so have already done as such…♪
Izumi: You’ve got a good head on your shoulders. Unlike some of the others.
Oh, Shinkai brought a chair too? We’ve got too many, so put one back.
Kanata: no. Six chairs is perfect as today, we have a Guest.
Souma: Oh? You’ve taken a… cuddly toy from your bag?
Kanata: say hello to mr white croc ♪
Shinobu: A white crocodile? To me it looks more like a shark…?
Kanata: mr white croc is a Shark. he belongs to the Mouse shark family. [1]
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Shinobu: A crocodile, a shark, and a mouse…? Waa, how confusing~
Kanata: a long time ago, the word for Shark was the same as Crocodile. it is an Archaic term. [2]
mr white croc was given to me by chiaki.
when we were at the Arcade, i saw him by chance. i took a liking to him, so chiaki got him for me.
Kaoru: So now you’ve grown attached to it, and are carrying it around with you? A good present from Moricchi then, hm?
Izumi: If it’s really important to you, you have to give it an actual name. Naru-kun called her cat “Nyanko” though, so. That’s like, calling a human “human”, right?
Kanata: an actual Name... what shall it be, hmm…?
Shinobu: White croc… white…ah. How about “Shironosuke”? [3]
Souma: What a good name. A good, Japanese boy's name.
Kanata: that’s good, we will go with that. i am glad he has a wonderful Name.
alrightie. from now on, you will come with me to lots of different places, “shironosuke”...♪
Izumi: It’s not exactly a big jump from “Mr White Croc”... What do you think, Kao-kun?
Kaoru: Ahaha. If Kanata-kun likes it, then it’s fine, right?
Time: 1 hour later
Location: ES hallway
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Kanata: ufufu. i am happy you got to introduce yourself to everyone. now shironosuke is a member of OCEANS too, hm?
the Weather today is good, so let’s go play in the water in the hanging Garden.
cuddly Toys cannot Puka Puka. so instead i will give you a tour of the area.
hm? your Pectoral fin is stretched… you’re a growing boy, aren’t you shironosuke?
(...oh. a Stitch has come loose, and your Stuffing is coming out.)
(this is really bad. i will fix you, shironosuke…)
Location: ES Dressing Room
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Kanata: (nooo… i learned how to sew in home Economics so i thought i could do it myself. i have only made it worse.)
(fixing Cuddly toys is difficult. the hole is bigger and his Stuffing will not stop spilling out.)
Shu: …Oya, Kanata. Quite unusual for you to be here, hm?
Kanata: shuuu~...
Shu: What are you upset over? Is that cotton from… a plushie?
Kanata: yesss. when i tried to repair the Hole, this happened.
if i do not do anything, shironosuke will be completely flat… shu, can you fix him?
Shu: Of course I can. Trying to do something you’re not familiar with will only make things worse. Just like with Orcatarou, it’s fine to rely on me from the beginning. [4]
Wait right there. It shan't take me long to sew him up.
Kanata: understood. you remember orcatarou, shu?
Shu: Well, yes… since it was rather uncommon for you to pay a visit to the Handicrafts Clubroom.
Shironosuke, was it? Why is he dirty?
Kanata: i have been carrying him around with me. since he is white, you cannot hide any Dirt.
but it is okay. i put him in the Washer and then dryer everynight to Make him pretty.
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Shu: Non! Do not put him in a washing machine, Kanata. The very fundamentals of plushie care states that you must hand wash them.
Plushies aren’t made to be exactly durable. You shouldn’t be carrying him around with you.
Kanata: booo. sorry shironosuke, i know i made a Promise to take you sight-seeing.
i am really sorry, shironosuke. from now on, please Stay in my room.
Shu: That’s the entire point of this child. I thought you were family, so you must treat him with respect.
The repair is finished. This is a present from me. Whilst Shironosuke is at home, he can rest on this pillow.
Kanata: uwaa, thank you very much…♪ he has been repaired by shu’s hand~. i am glad you’re okay, shironosuke ♪
sadly, we can no longer Adventure together. but that is why i will come home with lots of Gossip.
be a good boy, shironosuke…♪
in english theyre called salmon sharks
kanata refers to the plush as “wani” which means crocodile but it’s also an archaic word for shark. the actual word for shark is “same”
the kanji for this name is 白之助. The first one, shiro, means white and the other two 之助, nosuke, are sort of ways to make word humorous? like you’d tack it on to the end of a word to make it funny. its also just a boys name. its an old thing, edo period from my research
reference to shu’s 6th management story where kanata asks shu to repair a plushie called orcatarou
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A Gift to Spring Breeze - 5
Author: Mitsuki
Characters: Tori, Subaru, Mao, Arashi, Eichi, Mika
Translator: taiyaki-translations
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Mika: Nnah~ It’s been busy all afternoon, but I can finally take a break~♪
To be honest, because I had’ Naru-chan by my side as an assistant, I was able t’ feel a little less nervous… 
Arashi: Oh my, I think Mika-chan did a great job today. When you were teaching everyone how to make those handicrafts, you were the gentle and patient “Mika-nii.” 
Although the snack making area run by “2wink” was very lively, there were still a lot of people who chose to learn how to sew plushies and make other simple handicrafts from Mika-chan. 
This shows that you are more popular than you think you are. So please show a little more confidence ♪
Mika: Ehehe, thank ya kindly Naru-chan…♪
Arashi: …Mika-chan. You look like you’ve had something you’ve wanted to say for a while now?
Mika: Hm… Well, I wanna apologize to Pretty 5 for lyin’ before… 
I didn’t want my personal affairs to affect everyone’s mood while shoppin’, but instead I made you worry about me for so long. ’m really sorry!
Arashi: Don’t worry about it ♪ As long as Mika-chan realizes, it’s fine. For us, it’s more troubling if an important friend is going through something but doesn’t say anything to us.
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Tori: Uh huh! When my sister had that marriage meeting that time, didn’t my seniors actively share my worries with me? So, I also worked hard to help organize and oversee the charity fair this time!
And with this opportunity, I also bought a set of Eichi-sama’s treasured teacups! I’ll be sure to care for them as if I were Eichi-sama himself, they’re priceless!
Arashi: Haha, I feel like Tori-chan is somewhat similar to Aira-chan in this way. 
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Mao: Hello~ Kagehira, nothing unusual happened during the handicrafts activity, right?
Mika: There were no problems~♪ Or rather, everyone’s enthusiasm to participate gave me a shock, and the materials I ended up bringin’ were not enough. 
The kids in my hometown are definitely gonna be happy receivin’ so many thoughtful New Years gifts… This was definitely somethin’ I couldn’t have done by myself. 
Ikkun, thank ya kindly fer yer help in comin’ up with such a good idea ♪
Mao: Haha, no need to be so formal with me~
You also worked hard, Kagehira. The producer and Tenshouin-senpai just bought everyone a lot of snacks from the stalls, and Yuzuru also helped prepare drinks. You can try them in the rest area.
Tori: Ehehe, then I’m going to go and treat myself to some sweets~♪
Arashi: Oh my, Tori-chan, wait for me~ I’ll go to the producer with you ♪
Mika: Speakin’ of which, why is Tenshouin—...senpai here!? Didn’t that guy already graduate?
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Eichi: My my, no matter what you say, I can be regarded as an alumni of Yumenosaki. Kagehira-kun, it’s sad hearing you say that. 
Mao: Ahaha… Actually, some of the things for this charity were provided for by the Tenshouin Conglomerate… 
Eichi: Ahem. I just heard that a charity flea market was going to be held here. I thought it sounded interesting, so I decided to participate. 
After all, I’ve spent a considerable part of my life in the hospital. It’s regrettable that I haven’t had a lot of chances to experience a normal youth as a student. So I’m seizing every opportunity I can now to make up for it ♪
Mika: Seein’ as Tenshouin-senpai also made gifts fer the kids, I’ll let it go… Anyway, the charity fair will be endin’ soon.
Eichi: Wrong. The most exciting part of the event has just begun ♪
Mika: ……?
(Wait a minute, I’m hearin’ some familiar voices from afar, callin’ out “Mika-nii”...)
(But there’s no way. The kids should be waitin’ fer me back home?)
—Huh!? Is this just my imagination? Is that really everyone runnin’ and jumpin’ towards me? 
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No no, of course I’m happy t’ see ya all… But you couldn’t have used yer pocket money t’ take the shinkansen to sneak over and see me again, right? 
Hmm…Ya received free tickets in the mail back at home, ‘n when ya got off the shinkansen, they also took ya onto a chartered bus to get here? 
But who would have taken the initiative t’ invite ya over? Could it be… (looks over at Mao)
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Mao: It’s um, it’s… (looks at Eichi silently)
Mika: (...What? How is it possible? This person is suddenly actin’ all kind-hearted, what on earth is he up to!?)
Eichi: Haha, Kagehira-kun, your thoughts are displayed clearly on your face. 
It was indeed me who arranged to have the children sent to the academy, but the people who made the suggestion were Mao and the producer.
Mao: …Actually, after listening to Kagehira talk about the orphanage the other day, the producer and I both felt that the kid’s biggest wish was to see you. 
So, this would be the best New Year’s gift for them, right~?
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Mika: Um, um… I, I don’t even know how to begin t’ thank ya fer this… 
Subaru: Hey, Mikki~ Now’s not the time to be crying!
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“Hello kids! New Year’s is coming soon. We will celebrate with you in advance here with singing and dancing ☆”
Mika: Eh!? When did Akehoshi-kun suddenly appear? Please don’t hug me so tightly~? And when did music start playin’?
Subaru: Ahaha, let’s not worry about that for now! Look, the kids are clapping their hands happily and looking at us expectantly! 
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Mika: (...That’s right. Seeing the kids like this, I immediately remembered.) 
(When Oshi-san was about t’ graduate, I finally found my dream ‘n what I wanted t’ express in this world as an idol—) 
(I wanted t’ be the light in the hearts of these kids. I want them t’ know that the stars in the night sky can be caught…!) 
Mao: ~......♪
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(As expected of Subaru, he brought everyone into his rhythm in the blink of an eye.)
(Of course, all of this is what we arranged in advance. It seems that Tenshouin-senpai deliberately kept Kagehira in the dark.) 
(In name, Yumenosaki’s student council were the ones solely responsible for hosting and organizing this charity event.)
(Many things that needed financial support, such as picking up the children from the orphanages, supervising and transporting the donations, and other such tasks were done under Tenshouin-senpai’s instruction.)
(In exchange, the agency arranged for professional videographers to focus on filming ES’s performance, especially those of idols under StarPro, at this charity event.) 
(Including the scenes of the idols happily getting along with the kids, it will be included in news reports that will be broadcast in the near future.)
(After discussing it with the producer, we figured that this would not have any negative impact on Yumenosaki and the orphanage in Kagehira’s hometown, so we accepted this condition.) 
(In this way, they can create a positive and caring image of the agency, increasing its influence in the idol industry— this is probably what Tenshouin-senpai was planning on, right?) 
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Eichi: (Mm. You’re right, Mao.)
(But that’s just the basics of what you can achieve by organizing a charity event. You’re missing out on a very important point.) 
(“Valkyrie” once made a splash at the Antique Fair a while back and won over a lot of new fans.)
(Therefore, using the orphanage that Kagehira-kun used to live as a starting point is sure to add a lot of excitement to the story.) 
(Although it is taking advantage of Kgaehira-kun’s popularity, it’s fundamentally a win-win. After all, he is the main protagonist of this event.) 
(“Valkyrie” is a unit that gives the world an impression of “noble art”, and has an inaccessible aura. However, the warmth that Kagehira-kun naturally shows in front of the children will show a so-called contrasting charm.)
(In any case, if you only consider the immediate benefits, you can’t be considered a shrewd businessman. Actually, I am investing in the future of the idol industry.)
(Kagehira-kun is like a hero to the children at the orphanage. There are many children who will aim to be like him and aspire to become idols.)
(Just like when I stayed in that dark hospital ward all day long and the figures of those idols on TV were like the dazzling sunshine outside the window, it brought me new hope at the time—)
(These children who have come all this way, their eyes full of longing and hope, are trying their best to absorb the heat and light released by the idols right in front of them.)
(Although technology in this era is developing rapidly, no matter what other methods are available, none of them can replace the real experience of seeing a live in person.) 
(I believe that today’s scene will be like the warm spring breeze that will melt the winter snow, gently pouring rain onto those young hearts, so that the seeds nurtured within them can take root and sprout—) 
(And then one day, more idols will emerge in this world who can bring happiness and smiles to people.)
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lake-archive · 2 months
A Fool For His Birthday
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AO3 Link - A Shared Love Between Our Posse (Masterlist)
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Characters: Gentaro Yumeno, Ann Wolff (OC)
Pairing: Genann (Gentaro/Ann) (Developing)
Synposis: April Fool's Day but also the birthday of Gentaro Yumeno. And having both of those days overlap can be causing more trouble than expected. At least it is all in good fun~
Words: 3,659
Being greeted with this sight was something Ann had not necessarily expected. Especially not at his home, Gentaro’s home. They had somewhat announced it, not wanting to barge in from one moment to the next.
“Hey, Gentaro. Is it ok if I come to visit you after lectures today?”
“Visiting me? What gives me the honor on such a day? Wouldn’t you prefer to avoid me~?”
Given it was the first of April as well as his nature, maybe… But he just so happened to be born on that day. So they really couldn’t… “Oh c’mon! I don’t see a reason to! Can I come over or not?”
“Very well. But don’t make it too long. Ramuda and Dice pushed me into some plans for that evening.”
“I know. Ramuda is also making me attend…”
“Of course he would. What a troublesome boy.”
“It’s just how he is.” Though their first boyfriend had insisted more than usual… What was up with that? They could only wonder… 
Even the argument ‘How about you three have some ‘bro time?’ did not work. Because all Ramuda answered there was ‘Oh we’re getting plenty of bro time! Plus, it's Gentaro’s birthday! Pleeeaaase!?’. … He himself did have a fair argument though… 
“Then I assume we could head to his studio together later.”
“Sure, I don’t mind.”
“I’ll look forward to it then. See you later, Ann.”
So regardless of anything, Ann still had plans to see Gentaro one on one, mainly to not be hit with a wave of embarrassment when handing him their gift… Which was difficult to pick out. Then again, in the end they didn’t necessarily pick something out. 
Or… Well, they did but that was just a notebook, really, fitting in a small story within its pages. And they sadly had to admit that this was their emergency solution. All because they just couldn’t think of anything else… Outside of watermelon slices but… Firstly, it’s not summer. Secondly, that’s boring. At least the chocolate on Ramuda’s birthday required effort. And they didn’t want to slack off in Gentaro’s case either.
So they recalled one of the things he seemed to really enjoy and concluded that it might be a fun idea to write a short story, dedicated to his eyes only. Not just that but… Perhaps try themself on a doodle here and there. But that was also the thing, it was impossible to hand it over when Ramuda and Dice were around. Especially if the two saw the poor attempts of their illustrations. They already wanted to sink into the ground knowing that Gentaro would see them while reading the story sometime… Ah, the entire thought was embarrassing! Not just that but he was going to see their handwriting as well! Maybe they had gotten a little too ahead with this. Besides, what if he doesn’t like it!? That was perhaps their biggest fear at the end of the day, one which would make their stomach turn.
And that was why they had been pacing back and forth in front of his apartment door, unsure if they should even enter. Maybe they should just drop the notebook and run. Run as fast as possible and say that they only had enough time to drop their gift. But no, that’d be inappropriate! They should give him their gift to him in person. Yeah, in person! Besides, they had already agreed to pay him a visit so it would be impossible to back out now!
Alright, deep breath… And just get this over with! Yeah, just get it over with! It’ll be fine. It’ll be just fine…
So, a quick knock. “Hello! Gentaro!”  They began, knocking once more. “It’s me, Ann! I’m here!”
“Oh!? Wait wait wait Ann!?” They heard him say surprisingly… Panicked? That was a first and unusual. “Ah, what terrible timing!”
Terrible timing? “Is something wrong? Do you need help with something?”
“Ahaha… W… Well… You could say that but—”
“Then go on, open the door. I’ll help out however I can!”
“It’s not exactly that but…”
“You don’t want me to come in?”
“It’s not…” A quick break, a short moment of silence before he continued after a short sigh. “Listen, you may come in. But promise me one thing.”
Promise something? What is he scheming now? That’s what they were wondering. “What is it?”
“Don’t freak out when you enter…”
“Don’t freak out? Why?”
“You’ll see! Just promise me that first!”
“Ok fine fine! I promise!”
“Thank you. Now, you may open the door. It is open.”
What had Gentaro been up to today, on his birthday nonetheless? But honestly, they should not even be surprised. It was April Fool’s as well, it may as well be a holiday for him or something like that. So they opened the door cautiously. 
A quick gaze up, as if checking for anything up there. They wanted to believe that he would not step that low but you could never be sure with him, so they rather double checked. But nothing. A few glances to the side… Nothing seemed to be amiss. Alright, the coast was clear.
So they entered, one step inside, just in case, slow and steady. Was something on the ground they didn’t see? They didn’t know yet but were cautious nonetheless… But nothing. It was safe to walk on it. 
So they soon were standing in the hall, looking around for a moment though a little puzzled. “Gentaro? Where are you?” Maybe he was stuck somewhere?
“Ahaha… W… Well… You might want to go into the living room to find out.” Ann heard him chuckle, though sounding very nervous, more than usual. Something was off here… Very… 
“It’s best to see it instead of me explaining it all to you.”
They only shrugged at this point yet knew that discussing it was futile. So they may as well. Just what was going on here? They couldn’t really tell…
And yet, they would figure it out soon enough. Because they were heading straight to the first room on the left lacking a door, taking a glance into the living room. They saw nothing off at first. Everything seemed in place, literally. Nothing off here, at all. None. Na—
That was until they took a look at the couch seeing… A tiny rabbit on the sofa!? Light brown fur and green eyes, sitting there, sniffing around. They were staring a little in disbelief, almost dropping the notebook yet managed to catch it at the very last second. What… Was a rabbit doing here!? Why!? How!? 
“Uhm… Did someone gift you a pet?” They asked, looking back into the hall, hoping that he was in another room. Someone gifted him a pet, right? That had to be it. It just had to! And yet—
“Firstly, it’s rude to not look at someone while they’re talking to you!” They heard his voice say very sternly, making them turn back. Wait, the voice was coming from the living room after all!? Where— “Secondly, I’m not a pet. It’s me, Gentaro. And someone apparently thought that it was funny to turn me into a fluffy creature!”
Hold on, what!? “W… Wait… You are saying…” Ann stuttered as they took a few steps closer, to the sofa. Carefully to not scare the little bunny on it. And once they were close enough they kneeled down, to come face to face with said bunny, staring at it and only seeing how it was moving its head around while moving its nose. Actually… From up close, it was an adorable little fella. If Gentaro would stay like that then maybe— Ah no! What were they even thinking!?  “You’re messing with me, right?”
“Me!? Do I sound like I’m lying!?” Was the only thing they heard as a response, as if he was offended.
“I mean, you love to lie…”
“Hah, alright. That is a fair argument. However, I’m not joking in this instance. Sure, this body is warm and I do not feel uncomfortable but I cannot stay like this.”
He… Was serious? He was being serious… No, this was almost like some fairytale. No way. “Mhm… Right…”
“I mean it! I cannot work as a bunny, can I?”
“Well, you could work at a petting zoo. The kids would love you~” They decided to tease, even if just for this moment. They may as well. 
“Ann, don’t even joke about things like that…” He said however, sounding surprisingly deadpan. “I would just bite every kid in sight trying to touch me.”
“Oh come on, don’t make them cry. Not even Ole does that.” Yeah, instead he recently liked to sleep at the end of their bed and bite into their toes when he saw the feet peeking out… Ole is an old man but still a cat, and that was a rather painful reminder. Anyways… 
“I’m stating facts…”
“Besides, you could have an easier life. Think of all—”
“Stop joking around and help me turn back!” He interrupted, sounding desperate, perhaps a little embarrassed. That was a first. 
And yet, she chuckled. It was a sight they would never get to hear again after all. “Alright alright. Let’s find a way to turn you back into the same old guy.”
They were about to get up, wanting to discuss this and yet– “Actually, I might have a plan.”
They got curious, raising an eyebrow. “Like what?”
“You are accustomed to fairytales, aren’t you?”
Fairytales? What was this going to turn into? “Yeah, my parents read me some all the time.”
“Does that include The Frog Prince?”
“That’s basically a classic where I’m from. What’s up with—”
“Try kissing me.” Gentaro interrupted, sounding blunt, cold and saying this with no hesitation. This made Ann nearly trip over, shocked with wide eyes.
“Wait… What? Hold on!” She nearly shouted yet kept calm the moment they still noticed the tiny bunny. Right, they couldn’t startle him now… 
“Is that not how the princess breaks the frog’s spell?”
“Wha– No! Well… Ok yes but in the original not. She threw him against the wall.”
“Huh… That will hurt but… Alright, go on. I’m ready.”
“ Are you crazy!? I’m not throwing a bunny against the wall!”
“Not even if—”
“Not even then!” This sounded insane. They’re not going to do that! What was going on in his mind, agreeing to this so easily!? Seriously… 
“Fine! I’ll try a—” And yet, they had risen their voice all of a sudden, noticing the moment they saw the bunny hop down, away from the sofa. Instead of waiting they had reacted right away, dashing right after it for a few seconds after having placed the notebook onto the table. “Wha— Stay here! This isn’t funny!”
“Ah, apologies! But you were loud, my ears!”
“I’m sorry but what you suggested was crazy! Now get ba—” Though before they could say anything further, or rather wanted to finish their words, they noticed something when running right past the sofa. Something stuck out there… Something black. It was as if these were parts of some clothing, a fabric they were all too familiar with. They only stared at it for a short moment before their expression turned from worried to blank… Literally. Of course… Yeah, that checks out.
So they took a few steps closer, right behind the sofa themself and spotting someone all too well, having his back pressed against the sofa and sitting there, not looking up. At least not yet. And when he was about to speak again they interrupted him fairly quickly with their own words, anything but impressed.
“You really think this is funny, don’t you?”
Though instead of a quick gasp they only heard a chuckle. “Looks like I’ve finally been caught.” He commented before turning towards them, looking up to face them with his usual smirk, shrugging. “Though I’m surprised that you didn’t try to check sooner Ann~”
“Ah— That—”
“Did you really believe my little lie here~?”
“N… No! I… Er… Just wanted to play along!” 
“Of course, play along.”
“It’s true! Nothing more!”
“Right, right. I believe you.” And yet, it sounded as if he didn’t.
“Ugh… Sh… Shut it!” This was embarrassing in the end…
A few minutes forward, the bunny had been placed somewhere where it could be getting some rest after all this running, away from the two who were about to converse. When Ann had asked Gentaro where he got it from he said that he took it in for a few days. Someone had asked him to take care of it and would pick it up later. He owed that person a favor so he could hardly decline. Plus, the little fella was adorable, no denying. And that is also why he had been home for now, awaiting the person to arrive and pick their little friend up. 
“You could have warned me beforehand…” They sighed, both having decided to sit down on the sofa, right next to each other. Ann had decided to lean a little backwards, arms crossed. This was just… A lot. That guy…
“Haha, forgive me. But I couldn’t resist. Today is April Fool’s Day after all.” He reminded them with his usual smile, much to their own dismay. “And you fell for it.”
“I said tha–” They were about to protest again, yet that proved useless. They knew. “Nevermind.”
“Now, may I ask what even brings you here? I did not expect you to announce your visit so suddenly.”
Right, their visit… As to why they were here. They had almost forgotten to be honest. And once they remembered they were about to grow red from all said embarrassment. Because once reality kicks in that this will be in Gentaro’s hands right this second… They became a little hesitant again. And yet, they couldn’t just back out now. 
Though they did not say a thing, not at first at least. They were looking around, stuttering for a moment before eyeing the notebook on the table for a few seconds. They were looking back at Gentaro for a moment, seeing him waiting ever so patiently for their answer. Then again, he might have a clue now… There was no use hiding it from him, was there? Yeah, no use at all.
“I… Well… You know what day it is, right?” They began slowly, their voice shivering a little. “And I don’t mean April Fool’s…”
“Oh yes, of course I know. You are speaking of my birthday, aren’t you?”
They nodded. “Yeah.”
“Oh, have you decided to grant me a wish in private?”
“Wha— Wait, that—”
“Then we should certainly talk about that kiss from earlier.” He said with no shame, teasing. And yet… It sounded so serious. Wait no, that was just his way of playing games in the end, wasn’t it!? He even leaned a little forward, to make matters worse.
It led to them trying to back away yet knowing they would just fall over if they did, being cornered. So they weren’t even trying. Besides, he was only close enough yet had not touched their lips with his own. It should be fine… He’s just messing with them a little. “It’s not like that! I mean it is related to your birthday but—”
“Oya? Are you denying me a wish on my very own birthday? You’re a cruel one~” He sounded hurt, the fake kind.
“Tha— I just… Guh… I wanted to give you something!” They said when suddenly grabbing the notebook, pulling it in front of their face. They just couldn’t look at his face, not like this. This was getting more and more embarrassing by the second. In fact, they had to make sure now that he was not seeing their face whatsoever. Really,  this guy… Things have changed between the two but also not really, haven’t they?
“Ah, a gift. That is what you meant.” They heard him say, hearing the sofa making some noise, him most likely backing away, somewhat. 
They lowered the notebook a little as a result, sighing before handing it over to him, no questions asked. “Yeah. I wasn’t sure what so I thought of… Well… Writing something. Hand written that is.”
“Hand written? For… Me?” He asked as they felt him taking the notebook, then hearing it open. No, they saw it actually, him skimming through the pages. Witnessing it first hand made them feel even more embarrassed than before now, to the point their thoughts were racing… Goddamnit. 
“Yeah, for you. I… Hope it will be al—”
“Oya? And you can draw too.” He interrupted, sounding fascinated. Ah— He’s seeing the drawings, isn’t he!?
“I just… Thought maybe… Ok listen I’m not that good at it but I was thinking of… Giving it a personal touch! Go on ahead and laugh or something! I—”
“Oh no, it’s not bad at all. I was just surprised that you can even visualize what you’re thinking.” He interrupted, chuckling, then closing the notebook finally, placing it back onto the table. “Allow me to read it in peace later. Unless—”
“Please, take your time reading it!” They didn’t need to hear him reading their writing out loud. That was the last thing they needed to hear! 
“Still, going through so much effort… It is not a giant special occasion.” 
“A… Are you kidding? Of course it is. Besides… It’s only fair, isn’t it? Putting effort into a gift I mean…”
“If you say so. But really, you didn’t have to do that.” He assured them, or tried to.
“It’s fine, really. No trouble at all. I did it because I wanted to!” They insisted. 
“Alright, I will not argue. I thank you all the same.” 
And then a moment of silence between the two again… Ah, this was really something else… The two of them, alone right now. And there was still a bit of time left before they would head to the studio Ramuda owned. Not like they could go anyway thanks to the rabbit anyway bu—
“Although, back to the kiss…” Ann suddenly heard Gentaro bring up, facing them directly yet again. Hearing him say that made them squeal in place for a short moment, staring at him intensely. 
“P… Please don’t joke like that!” They tried to reason with him, only to see him leaning forward yet again. 
“Joke? Who said I was joking?” He countered, all too serious sounding. That had them look at him with wide eyes, feeling just how they warmed up by then. Wait a second— 
“Hah!? It has to be! Not funny!” 
“But what if I’m not?” And he only got closer.
“Say, would you not grant me that one wish?” He asked, his voice in a sudden whisper. He… Was he serious? Was he? Wasn’t he? What was he getting at!?
Though… The argument… It was tempting. And he had been asking earlier. It’s just a kiss right? Ah wait, should they even consider? But he was close and— Ah, why were they even thinking about it? The two had kissed before. One time in the bookstore, the other time at the train station. It should be fine… Right? Was it? They would lie if they said that the urge had not overcome them… And they could use his reasoning as an excuse… Maybe? 
Oh they should just admit that they wanted to kiss him… 
So they suddenly did. Just when they saw him, his mouth opening, about to say something to them they suddenly leaned a little forward, right in to press their lips against his own. 
It was short, though more than a mere peck. His lips were soft, the taste exactly what they remember. It was hard to pull back honestly, hence why they may as well be almost glued onto his lips. But they pulled back shortly after, not wanting to make this too long. And needless to say… His reaction had been unexpected.
He was staring at them, as if in disbelief, and they could see him all red. It was a first, not something they had seen before. Ever. And moments later he even put his hand over his mouth before making one of his fingers trace over his own lips. He didn’t say anything, only staring at them for a moment before suddenly leaning away from them and turning his face into the opposite direction, as if trying to hide his face.
And it left them… Confused. “Gentaro? Is something wrong?” They asked him, a little worried. This reaction was unusual, even for him. Just what was he—
“N… No. No no no! Nothing is wrong!” He responded, as if trying to keep his cool, though failing miserably. Why was he getting so worked up all of a sudden?
“You sure? That—”
“Just… Uhm… I… Being so bold.”
“Bold? What do you mean?”
“Ah— It’s… Nothing! Just thinking aloud!”
The first time they had seen him like this. “W… Wasn’t that your birthday wish?”
No response, only silence on his end. Though he turned back soon enough, eyeing them with… Still an intense redness? Yeah, he was red beyond belief here, redder than red even. 
“I… I know what I said but it was a—” He wanted to say yet he didn’t finish it. In the end he just didn’t finish it. No, he kept silent for a moment before they spotted him with a different face altogether. A smile? Was that what they saw?
“No, nevermind. I won’t complain. I think I got pretty lucky.” 
“Please, do not question it.” He said, turning back with his face in their full view once more. A smile so gentle yet genuine, one of the most genuine they had seen of him. Perhaps he was just really happy at the moment. They could only guess and yet… Even if only for this very moment… 
“Thank you for granting my birthday wish.”
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 10 months
Gifts: Part 7
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his smile >>>>
lee changbin brainrot basically 🥴😵‍💫 its a lil longer than normal but im sure u guys wouldn't mind that, right? RIGHT?!
𝒍𝒆𝒆: Binnie
𝒍𝒆𝒓: Lixie and Seungmin
𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘶𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘦𝘢 𝘪 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭i𝘯𝘨! 💗
Felix grinned at the clock. Ah…it’s just one of those days…where you tickle your members silly. It was just the correct time for Changbin’s evening workout, and he was one of the last people Felix needed to interrogate. 
‘Hmmm…now what do I need to know about my gift?’ Felix pondered while heading over to the gym. He opened the door to a cute bunny hanging off the pull-up bar, a smile gracing his face when Lixie came into view. 
“Hi Felix…do you need something?” Changbin grunted while he pulled himself up again. He let himself dangle as Felix walked over. “Yes, actually hyung. Chan hyung told me you all teamed up to buy me a gift for my birthday, yes?” 
Changbin visibly panicked as he readjusted himself on the bar and after doing one more pullup, responded with a ”...yes?” Felix smirked as he watched Bin fidget, and then he decided to go straight to the point. I mean, how much longer could Binnie last in this situation, am I right?
“Well, hyung, I wanted to know what letter both words ended in, and please be honest, you're terrible at lying and you’ll only make this 10x worse if you do…”
Binnie gulped. “What are you going to do if…I don’t answer?” Felix sighed in mock annoyance and answered, “This”. With that, he dug his fingers into Changbin’s hips, already going for one of his worst spots.
Bin shrieked, struggling to hold onto the bar as his legs kicked out, stopping immediately when Felix gave him a piercing glare.
“YAHAHAHA!” He cackled as Felix moved down to his thighs, preparing to catch Binnie in the event that he actually falls, and massaged deeply into the firm muscle.
“PLEHEHEASE THIHIS ISNT FAAHAHHAAIR!” Binnie screamed as he twisted, arms straining as he struggled to keep himself upright. Felix moved upwards and began clawing at the bunny’s tummy, loving the way it twitched as Bin threw his head back and screamed.
“You hiding this from me isn’t fair, hyung!” Felix giggled out as Changbin blushed a deep red. Lixie grabbed his ribcage, which stuck out clearly due to his position, and shook it, hysterical cackles flowing out of the rapper as he kicked Felix in the shin by accident.
 Felix gasped and Changbin’s eyes began to widen as he began to rapidly apologize, only to get drowned out by his own screaming when Felix dug all ten fingers into the rapper’s underarms.
“AHHHHAHAHAHAHA IHIHI CAHAAHHAHANT LIX!” Changbin let go of the bar in favor of snapping his arms to his sides, only to get caught by Felix and straddled on the ground. 
At this point, Changbin spotted Seungmin walking by the gym with a bag of chips and screamed out for help. Seungmin smirked at him and walked in, and Changbin visibly relaxed, believing Seungmin would take pity on him and attack Lix instead. However, Seungmin only pulled Changbin’s arms up and sat on them, letting out a loud laugh at the surprised shriek that escaped the rapper’s mouth.
“What?! Seungmin you were supposed to help meHEHEHHE!” Bin giggled as Felix lazily dragged his fingers up the rapper’s side. “You really thought I would help you when you abandoned me with Lix earlier huh?” Seungmin smirked at Changbin’s pout, immediately turning into light giggles as Lix violated the poor boy’s tummy. 
“Stahahap teheheasing ahaha!” Changbin giggled out as Felix tortured him with light and lazy tickles. Felix shrugged. “If you insist...” and then he dug into the rapper’s ribs, eliciting a high pitched squeal as Bin tried his hardest to pull his arms down, but with him being weakened from the light tickles and Seungmin sitting on his arms and munching on his chips (hint hint if u read ‘massage time’ by @dandyboyseungmo <3) it was impossible.
“PLEHEHEASE I CAHAHANT TEHEHEHELL YOUHUHU CHAHAN WOULD HEHEHEAHA!” “Chan would…what?” Felix asked, loving the cute smile adorning the rapper’s face as he squirmed and cackled.
 Instead, Seungmin answered for him. “Probably wreck him until he sees stars. But you would like that, wouldn't you?” Seungmin cooed at Changbin’s red face.
“STAHAHAHAP!” Bin screamed out as Felix dug back into his armpits, smiling down at the screaming and twisting Changbin as he tried his hardest to twist away or pull his arms down…but just couldn’t. It drove Binnie absolutely mad.
Changbin finally managed to pull his arms down and scrambled away, kicking at the two lers as they slowly approached him.
Seungmin put down his chips and managed to catch one of the flying limbs and pulled Changbin’s sneaker off (boy couldn’t learn from ITZY 🙄🤚🏻) and scribbled all 5 fingers over Bin’s left sole while smirking at him.
Binnie flung himself to the ground as he hysterically cackled, pounding his fists into the ground as he howled for Seungmin to stop.
Felix managed to pin Binnie down on his stomach with his arms under his stomach as he laughed freely, Lixie pinching up and down his sides while Seungmin was still violating the poor boy’s socked foot.
“nonononoNO!” He screamed as Felix wormed his fingers into Bin’s shoulder blades. Lixie groaned. “Why won’t you break already!” He put his knees on either side of Changbin’s sides and flipped him over, letting him catch his breath as the rapper panted.
“Youhuhu are bohohoth sickohohos...” 
Felix frowned and lifted Changbin’s shirt up, loving the frantic begging it earned him as he lowered his head, leaving Bin screaming as the anticipation ate him up slowly. 
Finally, Felix blew a long, consistent raspberry to the boy’s belly button as Seungmin held the rapper’s arms up.
“STAHAHHAAP PLEHEHEASE-!” The rest of his laughter cut out as Felix rapidly squeezed his thighs, blowing raspberry after raspberry, until Changbin couldn’t take it anymore. 
“OKAY! OKAHAHAHAY! IHIHILL TEHEHELL YOUHUHU JUST PLEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHP!!!” Felix stopped seeing the rapper tap out, waiting expectantly for the answer as Bin gasped for air, Seungmin letting go of the rapper’s arms, only to wink at Felix and shut the door of the gym behind him after grabbing his chips.
“Thehe fihirst word ehends wihith an O, and the second one ehends with an M” Bin admitted as Felix stood up, grinning down at the older as he thanked him, smirking as he walked out of the room.
“I am so gunna get you back for that, Lee Felix '' Binnie muttered under his breath as he rubbed at his sore wrists.
I hope you enjoyed! please check my intro post before interacting! Love uuu 💗💖✨
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