#but the way she was just like ‘bro look at the facts’ just blew my mind
Had brunch with a friend from college today and told her about the guy Im going on a trip to Gettysburg with…
Apparently it is not typical just friend things to get ice cream together, go for walks in the park together, take random day trips together, be planning a weekend trip for just us with a single hotel room, drive an hour to the mountains to stargaze - Fuck are we dating???
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dark-fics-4-you · 11 months
step bro rafe who plays football or hockey. idk it just seems hot🙏
Number One Fan
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I’m gonna combine this with this request: Something with step bro rafe where the reader calls him rafey and it turns him on but she doesn’t know…
(This can be read as a continuation of my previous step bro!Rafe fic, but i’m not sure if I want to make a bunch of drabbles or one connected narrative so we’ll see what happpens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Next chapter
Warnings: drinking, relationship between step siblings, rafe is having unpure thoughts👀
The stadium was packed with college students and fans, roaring as the whistle blew.
You were close to the field, eager to get a good view of Rafe. He was the star quarterback of East Carolina University, and for good reason.
He had led the team to victory in all 10 of their last games.
The score was evened out, with only a few seconds left on the clock, everyone was eager to see what would happen next.
When the whistle blew again and the ball was passed to Rafe, you cheered loudly.
He dodged two players, dancing around them before running all the way to the endzone.
Everyone on the crowded bleachers jumped to their feet, cheering and screaming at the touchdown, but no one was louder than you.
“Go Rafe! Go!! Woo!!!”
You beamed proudly as you watched him pump his fist in the air, fist bumping his teammates as they congratulated him.
You were one of the first people to rush to the field, running up to your older brother and practically jumping on him in your excitement to hug him.
“Oh my god, Rafey! That was such a good game!” You squealed. “You were awesome! That last touchdown was amazing!”
Rafe flashed you a grin, perfect teeth winking in under the bright lights of the stadium. “Thanks, Y/N/N. You know I win every game just for you,” he joked and you giggled along.
“Hey, some of my teammates and I are gonna go out for drinks after we get cleaned up, wanna tag along?”
“Sure!” You smiled up at him. You were always happy when he included you in things he was doing, which admittedly was a lot of the time.
“Perfect, sugar. Here are my keys,” he tossed you them. “Why don’t you bring the truck around to where the locker room exit is, you can wait in there till I’m done. Okay?”
“Yeah! Sounds good!” You parted ways, heading to the truck but you didn’t notice how his gaze stayed on your back as you walked away.
“That’s a pretty hot piece of ass you had hanging around you, Cameron,” one of Rafe’s friends joked, suggestively nudging the blond with his elbow.
“Shut up, Wilson,” Rafe snapped. His stomach lurched at the comment. He didn’t like the idea of any of his friends trying to sleep with you.
In fact, he didn’t like the idea of anyone trying to sleep with you. The very thought made him sick.
“Hey, I’m just saying, I wouldn’t mind if she came around more, amiright?” Wilson asked the other guys around him that had seen you and they all laughed and nodded.
“Knock it off, seriously,” Rafe warned. “She’s not interested.” He could feel his irritation rising, his face heating up.
“Damn okay Cameron, chill. We were just joking,” someone else interjected.
“Well I’m not fucking laughing.” He pulled on his shirt before slamming the locker door. “I don’t think I’m gonna go out tonight anymore. See ya at practice.”
A few guys complained, “come on Rafe, we didn’t mean anything by it.”
But he was already halfway out the door.
“Change of plans,” Rafe said as he climbed into the driver’s seat and you clicked your buckle.
You looked at him inquisitively. “Oh?”
“We’re gonna go out, just the two of us. None of the guys.” He started the truck, pulling out of the parking lot and towards the road.
“Oh, okay.” You said in a confused tone. “Why are they not coming?”
He was silent for a moment and you glanced at him again.
“I just decided that I’d rather go out with my favorite girl instead,” he said with a smile, ruffling your hair and you grinned.
“Oh, okay!” You said happily. “Ooh could we go to this bar that I know, it’s on Seventh street.” You babbled away about the bar you wanted to go to.
Rafe shifted in his seat, trying as hard as possible to hide his growing erection, nodding along but he was finding it hard to pay attention to anything you were saying, attention shifting between watching the road, and turning to examine your features.
He pulled up to the bar and you hopped out of the car. You both showed your ID’s at the door and found a booth to sit at, Rafe pulling you in to the same side he was on so you could be closer.
A waiter came to get your drink orders, you got a fruity cocktail and Rafe got a beer, and Rafe ordered a plate of loaded nachos for you to share.
Your drinks came quickly and you offered Rafe a sip of your cocktail, which he took before offering you a sip of his beer.
You took a quick swig, face scrunching up at the flavor. “Bleh, I still have no idea how you like beer so much, Rafey!” You giggled, leaning against him in the small booth, his arm wrapped around your waist.
“You get used to it if you drink enough, Y/N/N.” The blond laughed, grabbing a nacho off of the plate in between the two of you.
“I just think it’s so gross,” you shook your head, smiling.
“Please, you’re one to talk. I still remember that time you tried to make mixed drinks for us at that party and they sucked so bad I nearly threw up.” He chuckled.
“Shut up! I got better afterwards!” You laughed hard at the memory. “So mean, Rafey,” you said with a fake pout.
“Not true, I’m always nice to you, Y/N/N,” Rafe sounded surprisingly earnest. “You know I would do anything for you.”
“I know, I know,” you finished your cocktail, catching the waiter’s eye before ordering a second.
You leaned back, melting into your step brother’s arms.
“You’re my favorite person in the whole world,” Rafe whispered quietly. “You know that, right?”
There was a strange moment when you met his eyes, odd feelings washed over you. The intensity in his look stirred something in you that you couldn’t identify.
“Yeah I know, Rafey. You’re my favorite person too.”
He smiled at that, pulling you closer to his warm body. You cuddled against his chest, enjoying the circles he was tracing lazily into your back with his fingers.
Your second drink arrived and you downed it quickly, feeling a little beyond tipsy by the time the two of you stepped out of the bar.
He drove you home, comfortable silence most of the way. You felt warm and the alcohol in your system made you feel much more affectionate.
Rafe opened the front door of the house for you, allowing you to lean on him drunkenly as he guided you inside.
When you reached the top of the stairs, you paused, not wanting to go to bed alone.
“Would it be okay if I slept in your bed tonight, Rafey?” You asked, looking up at your step brother with hopeful eyes. “I just feel more comfortable when you’re by me.”
“Sure, Y/N/N.” Rafe smiled at you, leading you to his room.
You kicked off your shoes, taking your shorts off before dropping them on the floor. “Do you have a shirt I could wear, Rafey?”
His eyes fell on you, noting your bare legs and the pink panties you had under your shorts. His mouth felt dry, and it took him a second to remember you had just asked him a question.
“Um, yeah I should have one…” he searched in a drawer, before tossing you the oversized shirt.
You pulled it on, unclipping your bra underneath the shirt before putting it with your shorts and top.
Rafe kicked off his shorts, stripping to his boxers before pulling his shirt off over his head. He stepped towards his door, flicking the lights off.
You crawled into his bed, breathing in his smell in the sheets, scooting over when he followed.
Usually when you slept in Rafe’s bed, you were the one who pressed to him, hugging his back as he faced away from you, but this time, you were surprised when you felt the warmth of his chest press to your back, arms wrapping around your waist as he pulled you closer to him.
As you dozed off to sleep, you were none the wiser that your step brother was beside you, hard as a rock, and imagining things that were far from brotherly.
Chapter 2
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night! uh, can u do sum for me like, it would be very very cool from you. can you do like jason x apollo reader that she’s like a ray of sunshine with absolutely anyone and he’s like so in love but she doesn’t know until he wins capture the flag/war games (it depends on wich camp they’ll be) and he’s like “this win is for y/n” and she’s like “oh my father does he like me back?” pls pls??
oh and thank you thank you thank you for writing so well and about jason (he’s so perfect but so underrated i’m crying.) thanks again, i luv ur writing!
⋆⭒˚.⋆ jason grace x daughter of apollo! reader hcs
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content: jason grace x daughter of apollo! reader hcs warning: none that i can think of???? author's note: this is for the THREE people that all asked for jason grace x daughter of apollo. it was really scary yall like coordinated that shit bc they all came in at the same time- also...why does apollo reader ALWAYS kick my ass like this was such a bitch to write and like...why???? stupid fucking god of poetry, suck a dick bro fr let me write in peace. im already dyslexic, what more could you want from me??
jason grace had got the hots for the sun's daughter
he couldn't help it
she was just so sweet from the moment he'd met her
he'd been helping leo with something in bunker nine
one second he was holding up sheet metal, the next it was crashing down against his already sensitive nogin
leo rapidly took the son of jupiter to the infirmary, where jason met you
"oh, jeez. another head condition, mr. grace?? giving that brain a run for it's money," you mused with a beaming smile and a soft wink
and jason was a goner
you weren't even a healer, you just liked to make the patients feel better with jokes or legit just your bubbly personality
from that moment on, jason used every excuse to be near you as much as he could
and everyone could tell what was going on with the golden boy
except, naturally, you
which frustrated jason to no end
"do you wanna come hang out in my cabin?" he offered, fighting off his blush mentally
"we always hang out in your cabin, silly," you replied with a winkle of your nose before linking your arm with jason and dragging him off, leaving him to sigh behind your back
"i- i like that shirt on you, y/n. looks really, really good," he tried again in the middle of archery practice, completely missing a shot to tell you that.
"thanks!! it's kayla's but she let me borrow it for today," you hummed, shooting a perfect bullseye shot without any effort, beaming a smile at the boy, who deflated at your lack of flirty response.
then, jason got a brilliant idea when he was talking to percy about capture the flag
he was gonna win, hopefully single handedly, and then do some grand romantic gesture and ask you on a date
should be easy for a child of the big three
except for the fact that his group was against the nike cabin, who were foaming at the mouth for a win
he prayed the gods, more specifically aphrodite, were on his side
the day finally came and jason was completely in the zone, never wanting to win something more in his entire life
well, maybe your heart but still
from the moment the conch shell blew, he was a man on a mission
people began parting out of his way, not wanting to get caught up in that mess
which made it easier to find the flag, some of the demeter kids even pointing him in the right direction
once he found it, he just dropped his sword and sprinted it over the river
bro was fast as lightening
and i think some people were kung fu fighting???
(that made me gag, i apologize-)
(could i delete it?? yes. but if i have to suffer the cringe, so do you.)
jason and his team were dubbed the winners, the flag changing to match cabin one and laurels were placed on his head
bro was pracing around like a show pony, searching the crowd for you
"way to go, jason! congrats, but we're so getting you next time!" you giggled, beaming up at the blonde boy, who couldn't seem to pull his eyes away from you
"well, as far as prizes go, id say these laurels are pretty crappy," jason hummed, removing the crown of golden leaves from his head and inspecting it.
just like he practice in the mirror every morning leading up to this day, same with his words.
this is scripted and being spontaneous wasn't exactly the son of jupiter's strong suit
especially not around pretty girls
"do you guys getting better prizes at new rome or-?" you questioned and you would have said more but then jason gently placed the laurels on your head, smiling as you looked up at them in confusion.
"there, that's a much better prize," he smiled, which only widened as you blushed, ducking your head and causing the laurels to slip slightly
"that's- that's very sweet, jason," you muttered, rocking on your heels as you looked away from him.
the boy you were completely enamored with was telling you he thought you were a prize when you were certain he didn't even like you
like bro wtf???
"well, a sweet girl like you deserves very sweet," he added, enjoying the blush that was settling over your cheeks, "you wanna, maybe, go on a picnic with me?"
"YES- er, yeah, uh, that sounds great. totally, yes, im down," you reply, trying to desperately recover from your far to eager response.
"sounds like a date," jason mused, his smile unstoppable around the sunshine girl.
"more war spoils for the victor?" you teased, pushing the laurels pointly up on your head.
"if you were my war spoils, i'd never lose another fight."
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ladyamanda123 · 24 days
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus - My Analysis
Your hologram stumbled into my apartment
Hands in the hair of somebody in darkness named Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
And I just watched it happen
This line SCREAMS Kaylor! Karlie lived with her. She had a Karlie room in her apartment. I can absolutely picture a scenario where before they are “together” Karlie is bringing people home to Taylor’s apartment and Taylor is lying in bed just dying inside listening to it happen. It calls back to Hits Different with “I hear your key turn in the door” and Cornelia Street with “But then you called, showed your hand” line where there has clearly been an argument. That argument could have been Taylor losing it about Karlie bringing people home and then Karlie calling Taylor and confessing her feelings for her and the rest is Kaylor history!
As the decade would play us for fools
And you saw my bones out with somebody new
Who seemed like he would've bullied you in school
And you just watched it happen
Its quite literally been 10 years since the start of Kaylor. They officially met in 2013 and this album drops on 2024. Now Karlie is stuck watching Taylor beard with 🏈….the perfect representation of the dickwad football bro that would bully kids in school.
If you want to break my cold, cold heart
Just say, 'I loved you the way that you were'
If you want to tear my world apart
Just say you've always wondered
Years of bearding, distance, lies, etc HAS to have taken a massive toll. If they’ve been together this whole time there’s no way to that hasn’t been hard AF. If they split and then eventually came back together this will have still been all hard AF. Either way, whatever you think the reality might be, this decade has sucked! The idea of them looking back and who they were before this all blew up and saying….what could our life had been like if we hadn’t made these decisions. If we had been brave. If we had had control. If we had done this different. The hindsight must sting something horrible!
You said some things that I can't unabsorb
You turned me into an idea of sorts
If so much of this was out of their control but they decided to try and make it work, the buildup of being together someday….the fact Covid probably played a huge roll in delaying it….over time that distance will absolutely lead to this concept…. “You turned me into an idea of sorts”. Anyone who has been in any sort of long distance or forbidden relationship knows exactly what this is saying. When we don’t have the object of our desire and it builds up over time in our heads to be something it’s not. The pressure that puts on the relationship and the person to meet those unreasonably high expectations that have been swirling in your head all that time. If you’re not careful, if you don’t pivot those expectations, that shit can be insanely toxic to the relationship.
You needed me but you needed drugs more
And I couldn't watch it happen
I think this is a red herring line to make us think Matty, but I also think this could be a line from Karlie’s perspective and the drugs needed is Taylor and her fame and her mastermind plans. It could explain some of the anger at the fans she’s showing now. You wouldn’t accept us. You wouldn’t accept me. I chose you over the person I love and over myself. I played this part for you and now I’m wondering what if I had chosen the other path. What if I had picked her and picked us and picked myself over the drug of being who you wanted me to be for you. This brings to mind the line in Miss Americana where she talks about the addiction to the applause. It also ties in to the 🎃 anon message…. “You’re a selfish asshole….but you’re finally choosing her”
I changed into goddesses, villains and fools
Changed plans and lovers and outfits and rules
All to outrun my desertion of you
And you just watched it
More of the same theme….I made myself into this thing that everyone wanted…the fans, the labels, the media, my dad, etc. All in an effort to justify pushing us back in the closet and you just had to take it and now I think I chose wrong. I should have picked us over them.
If you want to break my cold, cold heart
Just say, 'I loved you the way that you were'
If you want to tear my world apart
Just say you've always wondered
If the glint in my eye traced the depths of your sigh
Down that passage in time
Back to the moment I crashed into you
Like so many wrecks do
Too impaired by my youth
To know what to do
Again, hindsight…looking back and realizing you made a choice and that choice had major consequences on your life and on the life of the person you love and you can’t go backwards and that breaks your heart now.
So if I sell my apartment
And you have some kids with an internet starlet
Will that make your memory fade from this scarlet maroon
like it never happened
We aren’t those roommates from Cornelia Street and Maroon anymore. Everything has changed now. You’re stuck in this marriage/life and that apartment life we shared is gone now…did our choices back that lead us to a place where your feelings have changed? Have you forgotten who we were? Have you moved on? Is that version of us gone now because we’ve come to far from it?
Could it be enough to just float in your orbit
Down Bad reference…also could be asking if it could be enough to glass closet like before. Can we do the friend thing our whole lives and be okay with that? Or do we need to actually “come out” and be openly together for real?
Can we watch our phantoms like watching wild horses
“Dancing phantoms on the terrace” Very clear reference to Kissgate. Can we go back to that? Being “friends” and having the world openly speculate etc etc. I feel like this song is them finally coming back together and going “Okay, this is another cross roads for us. We fucked up last time. How do we fix this? Do we break up and let each other go? Do we go back to how it was…together but technically still closeted? Or do we do what we should/could have done back then and just be who we are and be together openly? Can we rewrite this ending? The prophesy ties in here too as well as the Manuscript. Looking back and wishing you had made different choices and examining if it’s possible to get your life back on track.
Cooler in theory but not if you force it
To be, it just didn't happen
The idea of us that we have been clinging to for 10 years, the expectations, the mastermind plans…are we holding on still to just a dream or an idea that no longer exists? It’s been 10 years and it hasn’t happened like we planned. So now what? Again this screams of a cross roads. They’re looking at each other saying we can’t keep doing this. We need to make a new decision or we will destroy ourselves.
So if you want to break my cold, cold heart
Say you loved me
And if you want to tear my world apart
Say you'll always wonder
Cause I wonder
Will I always
Will I always wonder?
The song ends with the desperate and vulnerable question. In Lover Taylor was exploring those vulnerable early questions in a relationship…..can I go where you go? Can we always be this close? Can this relationship go the distance? Are you my person?
Now they’ve arrived at the vulnerable possible end questions. Stop. You’re losing me. Is this the part where you break my heart? Are you going to tell me I fucked it up to bad and you’re leaving? Are you about to confirm what I fear? That I chose the wrong road and now I’ve lost you?
Ending on the question that way shows the decision wasn’t made yet at this point. The song leaves us in that desperate silence between the question and the answer.
This also calls back for me to Mine. When she runs out and braces herself for the goodbye. That’s what history has shown her. That’s what she expects in these moments. But this person is different. This person called and showed their hand. This person took you by surprise and said I’m not leaving you alone. Are they still that person? Or have you finally fucked it up enough that even they are about to leave you?
I think given the shit that’s dropping now, the TTPD lyrics, the massive cracks in the facade, we can figure out what choice was made…..”You finally chose her” ❤️
Hopefully, now at the end of this part, they can have their do over (Come one come all) and regain what was lost. Hopefully they can change The Prophecy moving forward.
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arc-misadventures · 11 months
The Beach: Y
Jaune: (Shudder) Ugh… That was disturbing…
Yang: Hey, Jaune! Uhh… Everything okay?
Jaune: Hey, Yang… (Whistle~!) Wow. You look really good in that bikini. Really… shows you off…
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Yang: Thanks, it’s nice to let the girls breath every now, and then. But, still, you okay; You look spooked?
Jaune: Oh… I asked, Ruby why she brought, Crescent Rose to the beach… Her responses were… Unnerving…
Yang: What did she say?
Jaune: Not to go into great detail… T-Tentacle porn…
Yang: Oh… She’s still into that shit?
Jaune: Wait, you knew?
Yang: Yeah… She left her scroll open, and I saw it… She can have her kinks, but seriously; Tentacles?! Pick something plausible. But, you could probably find some rubbery bands, or something, and tie her up. Then you could have your way with her. That way she can live out both of her kinks.
Jaune: Wait… Are you telling me to actually do that to her?!
Yang: Yeah, why not?
Jaune: Aren’t you the same over protective sister, Yang Xiao Long who threatened to castrate any man, and/or woman who dare lay a finger on your precious little sister?
Yang: The one, and only~!
Jaune: And, you’re saying that I’m allowed do that to her?!
Yang: Well, you’re not just anyone; You’re, Jaune Arc sweet, reliable, courageous, handsome, good old, Lover Boy~! You’re the only guy our there that I trust with my sister. So if you want to bone my sister go right ahead, and have at her.
Jaune: Thanks… I think…?
Yang: Listen, she’s old enough, she can… have sex now if she wants to. So relax. If it makes it any better my fantasies are a hell of lot tamer than hers, but still pretty hot~!
Jaune: Okay…?
Yang: I mean, I like to imagine I’m the older sister who caught her naughty little brother pleasuring himself on some porn site, and I decided to ‘punish’ him.
Jaune: Excuse me?
Yang: Or, my little brother wants to know what it’s like to kiss a girl, so he comes to me thinking I’ve kissed loads of people, when in fact I haven’t. So we secretly share out first kiss, but it’s so intoxicating that it devolves into a steamy hot sex on my bed where we both take each others first time!
Jaune: Y-Y-You can stop now!
Yang: Or, I was super horny so I snuck into his bed, and blew him in his sleep! Then he wakes up, a-and catches me, and then he take me there, and… Mph?!
Jaune’s hand shot out, and covered, Yang’s mouth. A fierce blush spread across his face, as he had to suffer hearing, Yang’s fetish, and the way she started rubbing her thighs certainly wasn’t helping.
Jaune: Okay…
Jaune: …
Jaune: Let’s just take… a moment… to calm down… and, stop talking. Because, I don’t want to know what your bloody kink is!
Yang: Okay…
Jaune: Thank you… Now how about we…
Yang: But, you’re too big, and muscular to be a little brother anymore…
Jaune: Little brother? Wait! You’ve been talking about doing this to me the whole time?!
Yang: Oh! I know! I can be the younger sister! And, you catch me dressing like a slut! Then you decide to punish me like the horny little slut I am! Pinning me to the ground, grabbing my hair! Like, really getting a good grip! And, pulling it hard! Then you strip me, and roughly shove your…?! Mph?!
Jaune one again covered, Yang’s mouth as his face was flushed red after hearing out about her… particular fantasy.
Jaune: …
Jaune: S-Shut up… J-Just shut up! Please shut up. Okay…?
Yang nods her head then, Jaune removes her hand.
Jaune: Thank you… Now can we…?!
Yang: How about a threesome with, you, me, and Ruby, big bro~!
Jaune: AHHHHH!!! You’re even worse than, Ruby!
Yang: Ahhh~! Oh you don’t even know the half of it… Big. Bro~!
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neteyamslovrr · 1 year
Hey hey, I have a plot in mind that I hope you like!
So imagine Lo'ak being head over heels in love with reader, a metkayina. They both like each other and she actually sees how Lo'ak punches Aonung. He goes on to tease reader like "how the hell could you fall for a freak, how could you wanna mate with demon blood" etc. and reader just looks at her hand, builds a fist and punches Aonung, it shuts him up right away and she's like "I should do that more often" and Loak hears about this and is like "Fuck yeah imma tell her. Imma marry this woman."
Maybe my humor is broken, but i think its funny, simple and effective.
Have a nice day! 💙
Defend Your Love
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summary: lo’ak fell in love with you the moment he saw you, as time went past you were there to defend your love for him.
1.4k words!
──── ⑅*❀*⑅ ────
Lo’ak could never forget the first time he saw you. The way you strut over to his begging family. The way your hips swung, your hair blew with the wind as you inspected each of his family members with curious eyes. They were all printed into his mind for eternity.
He’d never forget you, you were now plastered in his mind, an ingrained image of beauty. From the second he saw you, he felt fuzzy, it could’ve been the adrenaline but his mind screamed for you. He felt drawn to you like a magnet is drawn to iron.
“Bro you’re staring.” Neteyam slapped Lo’ak’s head lightly diverting Lo’ak’s attention away from you to hiss at his brother. How could he not stare, you were so beautiful, you were the ocean’s pearl, not even the stars could compare to you.
“Shut up!” Lo’ak pushed his brother embarrassed that he was caught staring.
“At least try and not look that obvious. You may as well be drooling.” Neteyam laughed loudly at himself as Lo’ak grumbled in embarrassment covering his heating up face. “Bro. Bro. Bro.” Neteyam slapped Lo’ak’s arm harshly earning a bitter glare from his younger brother. “Bro she’s coming be cool.”
“What?!” Lo’ak’s eyes widened looking at you approach him and his brother. You were talking to Kiri passionately, your face adorned in a wide smile as you walked closer and closer to him.
“Hey guys.”
“…Hey.” Lo’ak cursed himself. Could he have been any more awkward. Time to bury himself in the sand.
“What have you two been up to?” Neteyam asked trying to disperse the awkward tension radiating off his younger brother.
“Kiri and I were out looking at the coral, I was just showing her around the reef.” Lo’ak paid attention to every single word that came out your mouth, watching the way your lips moved and processed every single sentence that you spoke.
“I’m sure it was pretty.” Lo’ak spoke gazing into your bright eyes. Kiri nodded enthusiastically in response.
“Would you like me to show you around the reef Lo’ak?” His named sounded angelic the way it rolled off your tongue. Lo’ak’s mind froze for a minute, he was enamoured by you and your invite to show him around was something that he didn’t ever think would happen.
Neteyam shoved him lightly, waking him up from his love-stricken daze. “Oh! Uh…yeah.” Neteyam tried to hold in his cackle the way his awkward brother tried to sound cool, it was almost impressive how much he sucked at it. At least you found it cute.
“Come then!” You cheered rushing him to the shore, grabbing a hold of his hand as you dragged him into the cold water. “You can hold your breath more than before, yes?” You asked as the pair of you waded in the water.
Lo’ak was still processing the fact that his hand was in your grip. He nodded earning a soft smile from you, oh you were just so pretty.
You guided him into the water. Making sure he was close behind, you continued to swim so he could see the coral reefs below him.
Looking back you saw him enamoured by the colours and patterns sprawled out across the ocean floor. He swam to go close to the fish watching them swim by as he looked at every piece of floral and fauna his eyes could come across. He was enchanted with the beauty of the sea while you were enchanted with the beauty of him.
His braids floating gracefully in the air, his puffed-out cheeks as he held his breath made you chuckle. His skin glimmering in the water as his golden eyes shun like bright stars in the sky. He was breath-taking to you.
Rising to the tops of the water, Lo’ak gasped for air as you gracefully swam to the top. You did everything so beautifully he thought.
“Wasn’t it pretty?”
“Almost as pretty as you.” That was the moment you fell for Lo’ak Sully, and you were going to keep falling forever if you could.
It had been almost two months since that moment in the reef, and the two of you had only gotten closer. It felt like a dream to Lo’ak, to have this ethereal girl beside him and to call each other their own. It was surreal.
However, not everything was a dream. Not while he still had to deal with Ao’nung pestering his family, disrespecting them constantly.
Though, today fish lips had gone too far. Picking on his older sister, calling her names, making fun of her. He wouldn’t stand for it, he refused.
While he was ready to take any beating for his sister, Neteyam stepped in, diffusing the situation. They didn’t deserve to be let off. Ao’nung deserved a beating, a harsh one at that.
“It’s called a punch bitch!” Three hard swings to the face and all hell broke loose. If he knew you were watching he would’ve tried just a bit harder to not be dragged by the tail, but after all the punches, kicks and drags, he still had to face his father, the worst punishment of all.
Ridiculed and shamed as his head hung low, listening to Neteyam try and take the blame again. This was exhausting. Why should he be shamed for protecting his family, his sister?
“Can I leave now?” Lo’ak grumbled out. Glaringly disappointed eyes darting at him from his father.
“Go apologise. I don’t care how you do it. Make peace.” Pushed out of his marui by his angry father, he dragged his feet across the ground to search for Ao’nung. His face ached, his body adorned in bright red scratches and dark bruises. His body hurt but the conversation he started to hear in the distance hurt more.
There you stood back facing Lo’ak as a bruised Ao’nung stood above you, his gaze was demeaning and cruel as you stared up at the taller man.
“You love that demon? You should be ashamed. You’re a disappointment to our clan. Demon blood runs through his veins. That four fingered freak? How could you fall in love with someone so ugly, so useless? You really want to mate with demon blood? Infect you womb and family with his four fingered freakiness for the rest of your life. It’s disgusting.” Ao’nung spat at you, his words like daggers hitting you in the heart.
“Ao’nung do not talk of Lo’ak like that.”
“Or what? You’re a freak lover.”
The urge consumed your body quickly. Adrenaline rushing through your veins as you balled your fist up tightly. Swinging into Ao’nung’s already bruised cheek, a loud crack ringing through the air as your fist met his face. He stumbled back, holding onto his cheek in disbelief, his eyes wide in shock.
“I get why Lo’ak punched you now.” You pronounced as you shook your small hand, as it ached slightly from the impact.
Lo’ak watched the incident from a close distance. His mouth crawling into a proud smile as you turned around to face him, surprised to see him standing there proudly.
You ran over to Lo’ak, your heart beating fast, eyes blurry as your eyes water with adrenaline. “Lo’ak! I punched Ao’nung!” You whisper shouted running past your boyfriend grabbing his hand to pull him away from the scene of the assault.
“Do you know how hot that was.” Cheeks immediately heating up you pushed him lightly, looking into his amused gaze.
“Stoppp” you whined, your face hot from the sudden compliment.
Lo’ak wrapped his arms around you, feeling your body against him was still surreal, but your soft touches always brought him back to reality. Lo’ak looked down at you, resting a calloused hand on your soft cheek.
“So…is it true?” Your eyebrows furrowed, confused at your boyfriend’s question.
“What’s true?”
“That you’re in love with demon blood?” Lo’ak smiled down at you watching your face go bright. You didn’t think that this was going to be how you said I love you for the first time.
“It is not true.” Lo’ak’s smile faltered for just a second before you continued. “I’m in love with Lo’ak Sully, that’s who.”
“Bro’s making me blush.” You rolled your eyes at him holding him tightly.
He laid a soft kiss onto your forehead, looking straight in your eyes, caressing your cheek with his thumb. “I’m in love with you too Y/N.”
──── ⑅*❀*⑅ ────
authors note: FIRST LOAK FIC WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, hope you enjoyed! made ao'nung a dick in this one :)
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retrobr · 1 month
Lazytown Shenanigans Pt. 7
I was too lazy and tired to make a post yesterday, so this time I have to talk about three episodes in a row: "Time to Learn," "Let's Go to the Moon," and "Robbie's Dream Team." And, therefore, this rambling is going to be the longest one in this series so far. I mean, THE LO-O-ONGEST one (you have been warned guys) 💀
Also I didn't take any screenshots from the "Time to Learn" episode and there are very few of the other two, so please accept my apologies in advance!!
It's very doubtful that someone will read it till the very end, but let's begin, I guess 😭
"Time to Learn."
I can't say that this episode was very interesting, at least compared to other ones that will be mentioned in this post very soon, but there were some amusing and cute moments. Maybe that's because I was tired once again while I was watching it, but whatever
The episode started with Robbie rambling about Sportacus, as usual 🤭. But anyway, this is not the most important part of that scene; I have some other things to say about it
First of all. In some previous posts I declared that Robbie is a fucking genius, which is true in my opinion, but omg. Bro is kinda stupid in terms of school subjects, such as math, for example. Not blaming him in any way, I sucked at math as well when I studied in school, but this somehow doesn't fit in with the fact that he can build such complex and knowledge-intensive mechanisms... Bro is stupid, but not completely I guess 😭
Second of all, it was kinda amusing to me that Stephanie didn't notice all those silly scribbles of Sportacus at all. She just looked at the blackboard and was like, "OMG ROBBIE YOU'RE DOIN' MATH THAT'S SO COOL." Girl look at those drawings, why don't you pay any attention to it 🙄
And third of all, I can't help but say that it was so freaking adorable that Stephanie took her time to help Robbie with math, and he was actually listening to her. Family bonding 🥹
But enough of that silly scene. I was somewhat surprised that Robbie didn't end up at least in the top five of the best antagonists; I mean, have you even seen what he's able to create using only improvised materials? Have you even known that he makes all that shit on his own and has no assistants at all? Even though his plans don't work out all the time, he's definitely not the worst, but not the best antagonist either. And I don't even want to hear anything about graduation from school (because of the lack of that, he was identified as the worst antagonist). He's pretty good at his occupation even without it
I've gotten too defensive, so let us continue. Being a pretty big fan of the NatM movie franchise as well, I was SO HAPPY to hear Amelia Earhart's name in this episode (she was in the second NatM movie). When Bessie asked kids about the first woman who flew across the Atlantic Ocean, I was like "OH SHIT I KNOW I KNOW WHO THAT WAS-"
Also I think that I remember the song from that episode. I have a vague memory of hearing that song in Russian dubbing when I was a kid, so that was a very nice experience 🥺
Some words about the funny thing. It cracked me up when Robbie loosened the fastenings at the door and MEANSWELL ACCIDENTALLY BLEW THE FUCK OFF THAT MISERABLE DOOR AND LANDED HIS HEAD IN AN IRON BUCKET. I LITERALLY CHOKED ON THE AIR WHEN I SAW IT 😭😭
Since I mentioned Robbie, let's talk about him once again (I'll never get tired of talking about my favorite dorks)
I will not leave unvoiced the fact that Robbie ALMOST ate at least one Sportscandy — a banana, in this case. HE ALMOST DID IT. GOOD FOR HIM!! And one little detail from that scene: it was Ziggy who shared that banana with him. This once again confirms that Ziggy is the best kid ever; he's not sorry to share something with other people at all, whether it's his favorite sweets or Sportscandy 🥺
And now for my favorite part... ;]
This was kind of one of those episodes in which Robbie didn't act that mean towards Sportacus (let's forget about the very beginning of the episode because it's not that significant). He was even too excited to ask him some questions when Sportacus visited them to save Meanswell, and as far as I understood he had quite a lot of questions (and who's the main Sport's fan here now? /j), but the opportunity to ask him anything was given to Ziggy. Robbie was somewhat frustrated :(
Plus Robbie genuinely thanked him when he was saved, and it seemed to me that there was no falsehood at all; he wasn't annoyed or anything like that, at least, and for once he was pretty happy to be saved 🥺
The last thing that I'll mention about this episode is that I felt pretty bad for Stephanie when she didn't pass the final exam because of Robbie, while all of her friends succeeded in that. That was quite cruel on his part, stealing her answers from her and changing them to his own; like dude, she literally helped you that morning.. I hate to see when nice characters are crying, poor girl :(
Ok, now let's move on to the next episode,
"Let's Go to the Moon."
That episode was something. I mean it in the sense that this episode probably has one of the most beautiful views and landscapes; I should also point out that I'm a complete sucker for all those space-related things (my love for "Guardians of the Galaxy" can prove it very well), so that episode was a real eye-candy for me
I mean, just look at this:
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This episode is very well done, and when I say "very well done" I really mean it
But enough of my drooling over the episodes' appearance, let's touch on the topics of the plot and some moments from there!!
I was fucking shocked when I saw that there was a WHOLE UNDERGROUND GARAGE WITH A ROCKET in the yard of Pixel's house. How... How is this kid still not part of some super-fancy university for prodigies? I doubt that someone helped him build all that shit, so apparently he did it all by himself. Wow 💀
And the scene in which Bessie and Milford thought that kids are just playing and it's not real killed me fr; like, no, my darlings, they are actually going to the fucking moon 😭
I was somewhat amused by the fact that Robbie was so fed up with the kids' games and fuss that he literally decided to leave the earth and rest on the moon. Gosh, just let the dude rest properly for once; he's an old man, after all, and he really needs some quiet at times... /hj
And even then the kids didn't let him rest. They literally went to the moon right after him (just for funsies), started to dance and play, and then met Robbie and thought that he was an alien. Ziggy was the very first one to stumble upon him:
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And Ziggy was pretty startled to see a supposed alien, which quite confused me. Wasn't he the one who wanted to make friends with an alien in the "Ziggy's Alien" episode and wasn't scared of Robbie disguised as an alien at all?.. The boy changed his mind apparently 🙄
And since we're talking about fears and all this shit, it was a somewhat sad sight to see a scared Robbie. The man was afraid that he would be left completely alone on the moon without any chance to come back home because his spaceship was somehow broken. I understand his fear, but I think there was no great reason to be that afraid; Sportacus' gadgets would've sooner or later given a signal that someone was in trouble, and therefore he could've counted on salvation :]
Also. A small detail that made me smile like a dork. Robbie laid down to sleep in the crater with Sportacus' apple laying in it (in the very beginning of the episode he threw an apple there with a baseball bat). My brain goes fuzzy and my chest goes warm 🥹💜
In the final part of the rambling about this episode, I would like to point out that I didn't quite understand the behavior of the kids at the end of the episode; they were indignant because of Robbie's appearance, but WHY?? He literally didn't do anything wrong in this episode, he just wanted to rest and, a little later, wanted to go home. Why are they so mean to him without any significant reason; don't judge him for nothing, or just leave him be, at least 😭
In general, this episode looked very beautiful, and I can say that this is probably one of my favorite episodes so far. Not because of the characters' interactions, not because of my beloved dorks, but just because this episode looks absolutely amazing :]
Now for the most delicious part of this post,
"Robbie's Dream Team."
But let's calm down for a minute and talk about everything in order...
I won't keep quiet about that scene in which Sportacus balanced on two basketballs while standing on one hand... How. How does he even do that. I was literally sitting there with my mouth wide open; I don't know, maybe there was some trick with those basketballs, and they were kinda attached to the floor, because I don't quite believe that he was able to do it without those basketballs rolling away. That man literally consists of a bunch of talents; seriously, he's amazing 😭
Not far from the topic of my favorite dorks: this was another episode in which Robbie once again spends all his time and efforts on catching Sportacus. This one was almost entirely dedicated to his futile attempts to catch him, but the funny part is that bro didn't even know why exactly he needed to catch Sportacus in the first place; initially his main goal was just catching and kidnapping him. For no reason. Robbie came up with the plan of getting rid of him only when he finally caught him 🤭
And his frustrated "How does he always do that??! :(" when Sportacus didn't end up in his trap once again was so fucking amusing; I dunno buddy, maybe that's because that trap was too small? 😭
By the way, in this episode he attempted to catch Sportacus three times (at least I was able to count this number of attempts): the first one in the beginning with a trap in the ground, the second one with a cage that was attached to the tree, and the third, successful one. He was really dedicated in that episode, as I see 😏
Maybe that's a little off topic, but it was also the fourth episode in the whole season (I've watched five episodes from this season so far, just for reference) in which he tries, or at least intends, to feed Sportacus a sugar apple. Apparently bro realized that this was the most effective and fail-safe remedy against him
Also, just take a look at this pathetic creature. And this is your so-called "master of disguise" 😭 /j
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Ok but whatever. Let's move on and talk about the second attempt at catching Sportacus; there were some amusing moments as well 😈
This time the kids, Stephanie and Stingy, were spying on him, and they saw the final stage of setting up the trap. You know guys, in some of my previous posts I joked that Robbie's behavior towards Sportacus is kinda suspicious, AND, WELL, I DIDN'T EXPECT THAT STINGY WILL LITERALLY VOICE MY THOUGHTS ABOUT THAT BECAUSE HE LITERALLY SAID, "Hmm there's suspicious behavior" 😭😭
(I know I misinterpreted that phrase but let me be. I just thought that was too funny and I actually laughed like crazy when i heard that 💀)
And I should admit that it was kinda nice to see that kids wanted to help him, because, well, they didn't know Robbie's true intentions since he lied to them. They know that he's a villain, and they probably shouldn't take part in catching someone for him, but they still suggested some help 🥺
Speaking of the kids, it was one of the few episodes in which Stingy was pretty tolerable in my opinion. He didn't do anything selfish or bad, which quite surprised me, and I didn't feel any annoyance because of him. Enemies to lovers trop? /jj
Finally. Now we're going to talk about the most important part of this episode — something that made this episode iconic throughout the show and in meme culture: THE ROBBIE'S GANG. 
OH MY FUCKING GOD, HOW MUCH I LIKED THOSE DORKS. Unfortunately I didn't remember each of them by name (I have a very bad memory), but I remember that in general their names were Bobby, Tobby, and Flobby. I really liked them and the way they look, and I mean it genuinely. And now I really want to read some fics that include them because they are so precious 🥺
One of them kinda reminded me of an Oompa-Loompa from Tim Burton's "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," but we won't talk about it 😭
AND THE SONG. THE SONG. "WE ARE NUMBER ONE" WAS A BIG PART OF MY CHILDHOOD BECAUSE IT WAS A VERY POPULAR MEME BACK THEN. THE FEELING OF NOSTALGIA THAT SONG GAVE ME WAS INDESCRIBABLE AND I FUCKING LIVE FOR IT. But seriously, the melody and the instrumental accompaniment were very catchy; it's a top-tier song in the whole show imo and I won't shut up about how much I love it
Speaking of nostalgia, this episode in general was pretty nostalgic to me, because I have a weird vague feeling that I've seen this episode on some sunny spring morning when I was like, nine or ten years old?? What I'm trying to say is that while I was watching this episode, I had a small feeling like I watched it once before going to school, but I don't remember it; I just feel it. If it makes any sense 😭
But fine, let's move on. It seemed pretty cute to me that after Stephanie and Stingy helped Sportacus get over his sugar meltdown, he BECAME FRIENDS WITH ROBBIE'S GANG. They were all so happy to play together in the lair and on the sports field, since, well, they literally said that they didn't want to become villains. I'm literally smiling right now while writing it because IT'S SO CUTE OMG 🥺
The last thing that I'll mention, or, to be more precise, show, is this scene
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Yeah like. I get you dude; it's always nice to watch pretty men sleeping 🤭 (i mean Sportacus wasn't sleeping but was feeling pretty shitty because of his sugar meltdown but let's put all the details aside 💀)
In conclusion, this episode is definitely and undoubtedly one of my favorites. Some of the reasons for that are the nostalgia factor and the presence of some new characters. Oh and the badass song, of course
OK SO THAT IS THE END OF THIS POST, FINALLY. I know for sure that most people won't read it till the end, but I have completed my own mission: to put all my thoughts in order. But if someone actually took their time to read it all, then, guys, I can't say anything less than you are the best. /gen 
I spent 4 hours writing all this shit, so it means so very much to me that someone read it till the end!! Thank you genuinely and have a good day, your attention is very-very-very appreciated :) 💜
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sarahhillips · 11 months
This Just In, We’re Back to Libertys Kids While Higher Than Ben Franklins Kite
New York New York
Gotta be one of my favorites because of how smooth that guy was
Why isn’t this the national anthem? I want someone singing this before every football game
American history but make it so sugarcoated that everyone gets diabetes
Mom I like your friends house
Black Dick, your telescope sir
James that collar looks great, stop whining and be the queen you are
James is like fuck she’s conservative af too
Omg that cute yankee soldiers looking at me ☺️
I’m just gonna get out if this march to try an get some
James should have started cackling after her ‘I’m English’ comment. It would make Udneys comeback way smoother.
“I give you my strong arm for your protection” “BRO WTF GET BACK IN LINE”
Almost got it Udney.
“Can I come?” “NO”
Strategy is important
“This is a PAID internship” “Ok hell ya”
“What do they know about running a country?” Mrs. Radcliffe spitting facts.
Whot are you doin in ma swamp?
They really let Henri get snatched like that 
“Because they can’t fly” Damn
“General Howe is welcome to him” DAMN
Henri wtf
Henri blew up the Sept, not Cersei
“I found Ugly and he told me what happened.”
Welp, the British have New York
Black Dick took Manhatten.
One Life To Lose
Ah yes, this was when they saw a nice man get hanged for creepin’
I feel like the sound of his neck snapping and the sight of his limp body would make Sarah faint if they were ballsy enough to include that
Wow these dudes were fat
And the proof is in the pudding
Oy the drunkin sailor be back
Sarah is so bored
The Brits are stealing American men
The old man was like “Get tf out of here”
Nathan cuts in so randomly it does not feel natural.
She did the full curtsy for him
Mr. Hale so hot he’s got all the girls curtsying.
Nathan, why are you telling them all this?
Sarah is totally flirting with him.
So wait, Admiral Howe and General Howe are different people
God damn it how did I not know this
They’re spying on a spy. The irony
Nathan WTF
Don’t tell me this is actually how he got caught is it
There come these three stooges
I think James has been kidnapped way more than Sarah could ever be despite her damsel in distress demeanor
Nathan is ballsy af
James said I’m staying
Sarah said I’m gonna hitchhike.
Here it comes ya’ll
“He’s actually quite gracious and cultured when you get to know him.” Ok Jane Austin.
And now they’re Hillips shippers
“So, when is the big day?” And then it transitions to them years later at the alter, Sarah wearing a nice green dress with gold butterflies and a veil and James in a nice blue suit with a hat, and you hear the priest say ‘I pronounce thee Man and Wife.’
“Anyways, Nathan’s hangin out with the redcoats today.”
These men are so burning in hell for how they treated these people
They wouldn’t even draw in a noose
The sight of Nathan at the gallows causing Sarah to cling to James’ arm tho
Alright James time to write this article
Captain Molly
Ok but an episode where Henri accidentally joins a mafia
Ben be going on another cruise
Sarah’s insulted Washington won’t let her come
And here comes Molly
Henri giving off autistic vibes here
Rosemary, that is French silk you crotch goblin
Damn Molly
“Sarah, she’s English!”
“I don’t ask permission to do nothin’!” Sarah, let those words inspire your character.
Dad Moses mode activated
James got passionate there
You can forget about those eight to ten kids Molly
Well Sarah now you’re seeing a lil bit about why King George is evil
They brought in tHe bagpipes for their funerals.
I’m surprised the redcoats didn’t hold all those women and children hostage.
James is so happy Sarah’s alive
Molly was another woman school didn’t teach me about.
American Crisis
Henri has a soldiers spirit
Moses you’re too calm about Henri running away
Traveling by ship must have been mentally trying for everyone.
These dudes are not ok
Henri 😭
When a little French boy smelling of onions sneaks into your camp in a barrel.
Thomas Paine is back 🩷
Writers block is a bitch
Do you think Paine would like the movie Soul
“We’re walking to Philadelphia.”
Omg Moses no
A printing press is large enough to bone on. Just saying.
Tom said “I will beat yo ass in with this log.”
Imagine putting all those letters together by hand
“Hold your breeches”
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game-boy-pocket · 1 year
I have witnessed the Super Mario Bros Movie.
No spoilers... I can't give an unbiased opinion here.
I fucking loved that movie. For video game movies, it blows Sonic out of the water. And if I can be honest, I think the canon they served up here is miles better than what we get in the games. At least as far as mainline games go. They take some liberties with one characters backstory, but what they did change makes sense to me... however it does make some certain other characters a bit of a challenge to squeeze into later movies if they decide to go that route.
The characters were all very good. I think Peach is a little too much of a firecracker. I don't mean she's too capable, that's not at all what I'm saying, in fact, they handle her role in the movie perfectly and back up an opinion i've always had about Peach that spits in the face of everyone who calls her useless for getting kidnapped all the time... I just think they made her a bit smug and firey when that's really more of Daisy's thing. Peach will kick koopa ass but she'll do it with her pinky out clutching her parasol with an "oh did I win?" remark.
Toad is great, willing to throw down for his friends, not the coward many people think he is...
Can I be honest, I didn't hate Chris Pratt's Mario, it wasn't amazing but it didn't drag down the movie...
Donkey Kong was a bit of a Jock type character, which just kind of feels right for him, I know the DK gourmets at DK Vine will disagree, but it's always kind of been the vibe I got from the character ever since his reintroduction to the world by Rare.
Cranky was not quite what I wanted Cranky to be, but it works more for the type of character he is. He is a King in this movie. He's not an old codger that gives advice and makes fun of DK and Diddy.
Spike.... had like 5 minutes of screen time, I don't know why they bothered announcing his voice actor at all, but I'm still glad he's here... he looks WAY different than I was expecting, but at least they didn't take inspiration from Wrecking Crew 98.
I can go on and on...
There was two post credits, the first one was just a silly ha-ha thing, but the second one has implications for the next movie they're planning, and it can mean one of two things. A certain character who doesn't feature in this movie is getting their own movie, or, a certain character who doesn't feature in this movie is going to be heavily featured in the next movie. It was honestly kind of disappointing, all I can say is most of the speculators were wrong... and I actually was right, but not in the way I expected to be. In fact, this movie just threw my prediction out the window with the backstory change they made.
One thing that did put a big frown on my face was the credits...
This is the one spoiler that twitter and Seth Rogan already spoiled, but the DK Rap showed up in the movie. They actually used a non-remix, so right from the N64 game... All the songs in the movie got their proper credits.... EXCEPT FOR THAT ONE. I actually saw Grant Kirkhope upset on twitter about this, so I thought they actually just forgot to put it in the credits at all, but no, it's there... "DK 64 - The DK Rap" ...and that's it, they don't mention Grant Kirkhope at all. That os fucked up, and I think we fans have a duty to let Illumination know... I was hoping Grant would provide music for a potential Donkey Kong movie, but now they may have burned a serious bridge here.
If you like Mario, especially if you're a long time fan, go see this movie. It's really good.
That said, it doesn't do anything revolutionary in the story telling, so if you don't like Mario that much, it will just be an okay family movie. I can safely say it blew Sonic 2 out of the water.
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adollt · 3 months
OK to be fair jacobs loyalty mission is quick and fast its the fact that hes a fucking POS who took advantage of his position to outcast males and keep a haram of woman, and you might ask "well how does that work" cause they shipwrecked (a massive frieghter not for landing) on a planet thats uninhabited, their food stores are shot and so he kept the processed foods for himself and the crew that survived. and made the rest of the "unimportant" crew eat local food that made lost brain cognitive functions, in turn making people really really stupid. and he banished all the males, and kept all the woman. yes its implied heavily. I wish the fanon ending was true, coulda talking him into Heroing himself. but dude has no fucking emotions after it all. its just not very satisfying of an ending, and all that just ... feels kinda forced on by the writters I mean Its just a way to go with a story IG. just wasnt very satisfying as I was more interested in Wrex holding off the outsiders before we finished off our talk
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BUT ANYWAYS, HOLY SHIT LAIR OF THE SHADOW BROKER IS THE FUCKING BEST GODDAMN DLC FOR MASS EFFECT AND I FINALLY PLAYED IT. I love going Renegade Shep for a majority of the game, why should I care if you have a 1 mother you plan on killing. the mission before jacobs I literally killed 304,942 Batarians in one move, and you think I wont shoot some random woman to kill someone so deadly? im not a cop, imma fuckin specter and were gonna blast you
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There was like another boss fight earlier but not as good as the Spectres I thought was gonna be a cool fweind, everytime she went and hid away and yelled she was coming down I was in the power wheel so it froze in this section (miss me photo)
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b-b-b-b-b-but why are you working f-f-f-f-for cerburus t-t-t-t-heir twaitors
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and so we got onto the ship, this fucking Lightning Chucker 3000. looked sick as hell (sorry forgot to get photos) this is finally where my Insanity Vanguard is unleashing, were launching into the fray pumping shotgun blasts AND using grunts move on myself to get super shields has made my survivability 200 times higher, I didnt even know that was a thing in this game and I would say without that buff Vanguard is stuck being a gimmiked Soldier
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we found liars friend that she made after we fucknig blew up (he also helped saves us from me1 - me2) where he recovered our body with liara and gave them to Cerberus. hes a bro, I call him "Oil Slick" cause hes got a beautiful bald drell dome on him. But enough for .... our home boy, we needa bust him outta his Electric chair and to do that we need knock all power ya. so we confront the pussy faced "shadow broker" what an interesting species and what a POS one at that for murdering humans when we were barely getting off our rock in massacre's. Liara calling him out as a slaver kidnapping him as a literal war trophy / pet is all that hes worth anyways. So we started fuckin blastin. HE FUCKIN KNOCKS THE FUCK OUTTA OUR BOY GRUNT FOR THE ENTIRE FIGHT AND THEN WE GO INTO HAVING TO FIST FIGHT THE MFKER, i shoulda recorded it. BUT FUCK IT WAS SO COOL TO SEE VANGUARD SHEPARD FUCKING THROWING 1 2 WITH SOMETHING BIGGER THAN A FUCKING KROGAN
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man shepard, is the best character in gaming. hands down.
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readingandrelaxing · 5 months
The High Lord of the Night Court
Rhysand is the talk of the town in both the book and outside the book. But I recently finished ACOSF and the Rhysand in there just blew my mind. There's such a huge difference between ACOMAF Rhys and ACOSF Rhys.
Bro changed from a man we all had a crush on to a first copy of Tamlin.
First of all, there are a lot of problems with the inner circle in general when it comes to ACOSF. I have no idea why but they all appear oddly disconnected from each other, Mor isn't even present for more than half of the book.
And then there's the problem of Rhysand. Let's set aside his treatment of Nesta for a minute. If we look at how he was treating Cassian, making him do something or be someone he doesn't want to be. Not trusting anyone even from his inner circle to not come close to Feyre when she was pregnant (he had Helion's shields up all around her), suspecting the fact that Nesta would try to harm their baby, they're all characteristics one would expect someone like Tamlin to show, not the Rhysand we all know.
He seemed over-paranoid for some reason, which is a huge shift from the way he was in ACOWAR and the books before that.
There's also Feyre we need to talk about. In ACOSF, she did not play a big role and could be classified as a minor character at best. I know that the book was not about Feyre, but if she had been the main character for the past four books, then her involvement in this book should have been much more than what she got.
Feyre's discussion is an entirely different topic, which is a story for another day.
Back to Rhysand.
His treatment of Nesta is disgusting and unsettling, to be polite. He wanted nothing to do with her, it was only because of Feyre that the whole 'House of Wind' thing took place. He would be more than happy to dump her back into the mortal lands for all we know.
Rhys was protective of his baby, and Feyre when it came to Nesta. Of course, anyone from the outside will have no idea how low Nesta could sink and whether she'd harm the unborn baby or not, but being so overprotective that he steps in front of Feyre every time Nesta comes into the same room is overkill. He's not only being hurtful towards Nesta but also undermining Feyre's capabilities.
In ACOMAF, it was always Feyre's choice, but in ACOSF she literally is locked inside a shielded wall for the entirety of the book. It is unclear what she feels about that except for annoyance, but dude, if we go back, Tamlin locked Feyre in his manor, at that time she had a panic attack. So when Rhysand keeps her caged in that shield-like thing, won't she feel the same way?
Talking about the baby, the fact that Feyre didn't know that the baby would kill her because everyone else hid it from her is simply ridiculous. Rhysand, who had promised to be all transparent and honest with her, wasn't willing to tell her this one simple thing? One important thing that could possibly take her as well as the baby's life, and if she didn't know how she might as well just die in vain.
It doesn't matter that it would disturb Feyre, or that she'd be nervous, or that she wouldn't remain as happy as before if she's worrying about the life of her own as well as her baby, she still has every right to know. It is her body, her life, no one has the right to hide such a big and important thing from her.
Besides, the entire Inner Circle promising Rhysand that they'd hide that stuff from her is simply ridiculous. I remember that there's a scene in ACOWAR, in which Cassian says to Feyre that there's a difference between being Rhysand's mate and being High Lady.
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Since Feyre was their High Lady, then they were wrong in hiding that secret from her, since they were hers and she was theirs. They were bound to be loyal to her not only as Rhysand's mate but as her own person, as their High Lady.
Yet, they didn't tell her.
Also, the Feysand sex scenes. I mean, okay, we get it, but do you have to be so boastful about it? It's gross, to brag about how much sex you're having.
Now I'm getting to the treatment of Nesta.
First of all, let's admit that Nesta isn't the best character in the series. None of them can be classified as the best, and likewise, she has her own faults and also plus points.
For instance, her stubbornness is commendable, and her ability to start thinking quickly under life-threatening or stressful situations can prove to be life-saving one day.
But she hurts everyone around her, at least she used to. Even Elain. Yes, she went through a lot. But so did her sisters. So did everyone else in the book, and though no one will be able to get what she's feeling, her trauma doesn't give her a free pass to treat others like crap.
But this also doesn't give Rhysand the right to treat her the way he did. I mean, when she told Feyre that the baby would kill her, Rhys was like, "I'm going to kill her."
For telling your wife the truth she deserves to know? Or for telling your wife something your 'inner circle' should've told her 20 chapters ago?
Instead of reacting like a mature person, he reacted like that? Wtf? And I have no idea how the inner circle wanted him to be the Fae High King or whatever.
Now, I do know that Nesta didn't tell Feyre about the baby's secret because she cared for her, but because she wanted to inflict pain on her. If she truly cared about Feyre, then she would have told her as soon as she found out, but all the same, at least Feyre came to know.
When? When did Rhysand show so much kindness to Nesta that he earned the right to be like her brother?
I think Azriel fits that description more, since he got her a Christmas gift and all. Az also gave her a chance to open up to him and listened to her without judgement.
Seriously guys, Rhysand has issues. And we must acknowledge that.
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falling for the captain | part 2.
Summary: Captain Y/N L/N. Leader of the Avengers on Earth-563, not really a family or team strictly just coworkers. A lot of responsibility for someone only nineteen. What happens when the Captain finds herself on “Earth Earth” in the compound of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Stuck on Earth for the time being, Y/N sees what these Avengers are about. And Captain America finds himself falling for this leader, even though her age is throwing him… that and the fact no one knows if she’ll head back to Earth-563 the minute she can.
Warnings: AGE GAP (clear from the summary, it’s a young reader but legal), none
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Word Count: 4.0k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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True to Steve’s word, F.R.I.D.A.Y. woke you up in the morning. You held a hand up to your mouth and blew on it, the morning breath wasn’t too bad but it was there. You walked into the bathroom and rinsed out your mouth with water. Your hair was an absolute mess, not like you expected anyone in the house to have a bonnet. The only two you could have possibly gone to were of no help, Rhodey was bald and Sam had very short hair. You wet it and fixed it in whatever way you could to make it presentable. After the meeting, the first thing you were requesting was to go shopping for supplies. Goose hissed a little when you picked her up.
“Please baby. I don’t want to face the scary strangers alone,” you whined.
Goose reluctantly hopped into your arms. You spun around in shock hearing a chuckle from the door. It was Bucky standing in the doorway.
“So we’re scary?”
“One of you pulled a hammer on me.”
Bucky shrugged. “They sent me to get you. Thought it would make you more comfortable.”
“Smart, send the brother to make sure I don’t run… sorry, I didn’t mean bro—”
“It’s fine. Let’s go. Sam made pancakes for your interrogation.”
“Is there bacon or any meat? You know, for Goose?”
“I’m sure there’s bacon,” Bucky said as you got into the elevator.
You felt a weird tingle up your spine when Bucky placed his metal arm on your back to guide you into the elevator. Goose dropped from your arms once you entered the kitchen. She sat under Bruce’s leg, patiently looking at the scientist until he dropped a piece of his breakfast sausage.
You thanked Sam for the pancakes and sat at the chair that was clearly left empty for you. The Avengers let you have approximately two bites before continuing the interrogation from last night.
“Wait, wait. Can a girl eat breakfast?”
You inhaled the pancakes in three minutes tops.
“She cleared that short stack faster than Thor,” Tony said. “Ready to answer now?”
You nodded and continued to answer as best as you could to any questions the Avengers had asked you.
“Parents? Both dead now. HYDRA took out my dad when we were younger. Mom passed when they said they were officially marking James as killed in action after a year of her saying no. It’s just me and Goose. And I guess the Avengers.”
“You guess?” Sam asked.
“We work together, yes, but it’s not like I party with them. I’m a part of the team but not exactly their teammate, if that makes sense.” You took a drink of your water. You noticed the visible relaxation the more you talked. They were slowly trusting you.
“Mr. Stark, this was at the door.” A boy walked in. He seemed close to your age.
“Hey, kid. Peter, meet the newest Avenger, (Y/N). Kid meet kid. Spiderling. Short-stack.”
You shook Peter’s hand. Tony shoved the box into your arms while filling Peter in on how you unceremoniously joined them. You opened the box to find supplies: toiletries, clothes, shoes.
“Pepper put in an order. The rest should be coming in later today.”
“Thank you. Um, what’s this?”
“The little bell? That’s for the cat. It’s either the bell or the feline stays in your room.”
You called out to the cat to put the bell on her collar. It didn’t seem like a bad deal, it made sense that they would want to know where Goose is in the compound. You finished breakfast and took the box back to your room, Goose staying in the living room area. The first part of your interrogation was officially over but the second part and you hoped the last part was about to happen.
You were told to change into gym clothes and meet them in the training room. They still wanted to see your powers which you still couldn’t get to work. You tugged on the workout jacket and shorts and made your way to the gym. Everyone was there and in their own training gear. You tried to do anything with your powers, even firing a simple magic ball but nothing happened. Tony frowned, unimpressed, and suggested moving on.
“Alright, (Y/N). Pick a person to start,” Sam said.
“Do I have to fight all of you? I’m going to die.”
“Well Bruce and Tony are just here to observe, make some notes. Tell you what, pick three.”
“Okay. Peter, Natasha, and Steve,” you said after looking at everyone. They ranged in body type so you felt you’d have a chance to show your skills.
“Not Buckaroo?” Tony asked. They all kind of expected you to pick the only person you seemed to stick to.  
“Oh I know I can beat Buck,” you said as you shrugged off your jacket and stepped into the ring with Peter.
Bucky raised his eyebrows. “Really?”
“You trained me yourself, Sergeant. Trust me. I can pin you.”
“Alright, take down these three and I might acknowledge you could,” Bucky said.
You gave a short laugh and put up your fists as you faced Peter. It wasn’t hard to beat him. You and him were pretty evenly matched, only Peter was a little heavy on his feet. You let him punch your upper arms so you could swipe at his leg. You hooked your leg around his and propelled yourself forward, forcing both you and him to the ground. Like a good sport, you stuck out a hand to help him up.
There wasn’t much of a break as Natasha stepped into the ring as soon as Peter stepped out. The Russian had crazy techniques. Kate, one of your team members, would be jealous at the talent. You were blocking her hits but she was also blocking all of yours, even landing a hit to your jaw when you accidentally let a fist drop too low. Natasha did her signature thigh hold. However you were never one to give up. You pinched her thigh and reached for her arm to pull her off you. It took you more strength than usual but you managed to do it and Natasha was pinned.
“You’re good.” She gave you a soft smile as she exited the ring. “Alright, Rogers. You’re up.”
As soon as he stepped into the ring you had regretted your decision. You hadn’t noticed last night that Steve was much larger than you. Even when he was sitting down when you picked your opponents he somehow managed to make his frame appear smaller. Steve laughed at your face, keeping emotions neutral— especially emotions of surprise— wasn’t your strong suit unless absolutely necessary (and usually you would still crack before assuming a neutral expression).
“Super soldier,” he said simply.
“Captain,” Vision called.
“Yes?” Both you and Steve turned your heads to look, backs immediately straightening up from your fighting stances. Everyone looked at you and you felt the heat rise to your cheeks.
“Force of habit.”
The Avengers realized how much of your story was very true. The way you answered to Vision on hearing just the word ‘captain’ despite barely knowing them held the exact same air of authority as when Steve did it. You were clearly a leader. Steve was also taken aback. He had been reluctant to step into the leadership role of the team and within less than a day you responded automatically to it.
“Perhaps, we should cut Miss (L/N) some slack. May I suggest you play on just defense.”
“I agree. The little Midgardian has been fighting tough,” Thor chimed in. Parallel Earth or not, as far as Thor was concerned you were from an Earth and were still a puny human.
Steve shrugged. “Sure thing Vis, let me grab my shield.”
Steve returned to the training room with his shield. It was agreed that all you had to do was hit him and Steve would stay on defense with the shield, blocking you. At first you were trying to move around the shield. Despite his size, Steve was quicker than you initially gave him credit for. You realized the only way to get him would be to go through the shield… or over it.
You ran at the shield and Steve did exactly what you expected and hoped. You stepped on the shield and punched down, a burst of your magic springing from your hand and barely missing him. You stopped looking at the small fire in the ring by Steve’s foot. He put it out and everyone looked at you. You looked at your own hands in shock. You tried again but nothing happened.
“I don’t get it. It literally happened by accident a minute ago. All I did was step on the shield and punch.”
You went through the motions, placing your foot on the shield that was now on the ground and punching. A magic ball shot out and fizzled into the air.
“What the…”
You looked down at the shield under your feet. You stepped off and tried throwing a power ball. Nothing. You stepped on the shield again. It worked. The team watched as you did it quite a few times. You felt the same tingle run up your spine when you stepped on the shield as you did from when Bucky’s arm touched your back earlier. A tingle that always ran through you on Earth-563 to the point where you forgot it was even a thing.
“What’s this made of?” you asked.
“Vibranium, why?”
“Yeah, rare meteorite here on Earth. Found solely in Wakanda. Only known outside pieces are Captain’s shield and Buckaroo’s arm. Precious metal, yada yada,” Tony answered from the sidelines.
“Yes, I just said that. How hard did you hit her Natasha? Or are you always like this?”
You couldn’t help the short dry laugh that came from your throat. Tony reminded you of one of your teammates, Ryan. Only you actually kind of liked Tony, he had a fatherly aura in his own weird way. You stepped on the shield once more. The same burst of magic came out of your hand when you conjured it.
“So, if vibranium is rare here then what’s your core?”
“Our core?”
“Earth, the center of Earth. What’s the core made out of?”
“Inner is iron. Outer is mainly iron and nickel. Mantle is magma.”
“That’s why,” you muttered.
“Care to fill us in short-stack?” Tony asked.
“I didn’t realize we’d have different cores. Earth-563 the core is vibranium. The mantle, also vibranium… well, liquid vibranium mixed with whatever else is in magma.”
Bruce looked at where you were, still standing on Steve’s shield. “Are you saying your powers are derived from vibranium?”
You and Steve stepped out of the ring and you sat down to join the others. You explained how you had your powers. You weren’t a natural born mutant, but you also weren’t someone’s science experiment. You were seven or eight when you and your friends were playing around the docks during a thunderstorm. You were headed back to the house when you slipped on the docks and fell in. You landed on the vibranium rocks of an underwater cavern at the same time lightning struck your body, knocking you out cold.
“Almost died. Buck pulled me out and the next day I woke up pulsing electric beams. It’s like I’m magnetically charged.”
“So does this mean you can go home?”
“The shield isn’t enough vibranium for a portal back home, Dr. Banner. It’s maybe enough to levitate, the vibranium amount isn’t exactly a sound measurement I have on hand.”
“Levitate?” Tony perked up.
“Yeah. Flying, mind powers, shooting magic balls, portals. Kind of my speciality.”
“So how much vibranium would we need for that?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “I’ve always just had the core… I’d imagine a lot?”
Tony stood up excited. You were about to become his newest project. “F.R.I.D.A.Y. get King T’Challa on the phone. We need to tell him everything.”
You watched confused as Tony left you all. Everyone else took that as their cue that interrogation was over. You seemed like a good guy on their side and you were clearly a skilled fighter, they trusted you. Well, they were starting to trust you.
“So what do you normally do when not superheroing?” you asked looking at the people still there.
“Usually doing our own thing,” Wanda responded. “Until someone calls everyone in for something.”
“Is there a beauty supply store in… what city are we in?”
“New York.”
“New York.” The name of the city felt foreign to you, there was no New York on Earth-563.
“I like the sound of that. Is there a beauty supply store here… this hair is not going to manage itself.”
Sam and Rhodey laughed understanding your pain.
“Unfortunately,” Rhodey started. “You’re not allowed to leave the compound until Nick has a full file report drawn up for you as well as papers and some sort of citizenship. But tell you what, text a list and I’ll pick it up.”
“List with what phone? My cell doesn’t exactly get service on this Earth.”
“Check one of the boxes when you get back to your room. Tony’s pretty much hooked you up.”
Peter stopped you as you walked out. “Since you can’t leave the compound. Do you want to watch a movie in my room? Or- or we don’t have to. I’m not trying to make you think—”
“Yeah, a movie sounds cool Peter,” you cut off his rambling. “Let me just shower and change first.”
Boxes were piled outside your door when you reached it. Rhodey wasn’t lying. Tony really hooked you up or the mysterious Ms. Pepper lady who actually did the shopping. There was a note attached to the top box: It’s just the basics for now. Once you’re cleared, you can personalize your stuff and do your room. You opened the door, thankful it swung inwards instead of out and pushed all the boxes inside. You opened the boxes, only looking for things you needed. You figured that you would just put up everything later. Right now you wanted a toothbrush, towel, and change of clothes.
You found the electronics box and pulled out the phone. It was already set up for you. You might have only known them for less than a day but based on the observation of Tony’s relentless nicknames, the contacts list was definitely made by him. You found Rhodey’s contact, odd enough named just Rhodey leading you to believe the man introduced himself to you with his nickname. You texted a small list of your hair supplies and set the phone down to go take a shower and change.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” You asked as you stepped out the shower, the steam filling the room.
“Yes, Captain (L/N)?”
Even though the A.I. had no face you looked at the ceiling anyway. You knew the system was smart and constantly adapting/had a personality of her own but you didn’t expect her to upgrade your name. It seems like after the sparring, F.R.I.D.A.Y. chose on her own to give you your old status.
“Um, where is Peter’s room?”
“One floor above, end of the hall. Should I let him know you’re headed up?”
“Yes, please. Tell him I’ll be up in five minutes.”
“Certainly, Captain.”
You pulled on the pair of plain mom jeans and the black fuzzy sweater with matching socks— Pepper was right, everything was basic. Following the A.I.’s instruction, you made your way into the elevator and hit the button for the floor above you. You noticed the buttons lower than the training room didn’t light up when you stepped into the elevator. They had you on lockdown. You supposed in a real emergency you could take the stairs, but F.R.I.D.A.Y. would probably alert someone.
You could tell the people on this floor were Peter, Thor, Sam, and Natasha. Natasha’s door was painted black. Sam’s door literally had his name on it. Thor’s door had some sort of runes carved into it, admittedly that could’ve been anyone’s door but it seemed to fit the Asgardian god the most. And at the end of the hall was Peter’s door: an atom was painted in the center and a bunch of formulas were painted around it, all over the door. You knocked on the door and Peter opened it, also in casual clothing.
You followed him into his room, it was a standard what you’d expect from a boy his age. Peter gladly ushered you in. It was nice to have someone on the team so close to his age and was very eager to make you a friend. You sat at the edge of the bed while Peter sat comfortably looking through Netflix on his laptop. You heard the sound of a little bell outside of Peter’s door. You moved from the edge to open it for Goose.
“How’d she even know where you were?” Peter asked.
“Goose? She always seems to know where I am.”
“Oh. Mr. Stark said you were fighting a HYDRA agent when you came through the portal. Does Goose fight too, it’s just not really expecting a crime fighting cat— not that there’s anything wrong with…”
You laughed, Peter rambled a lot. You thought it was cute.
“The agent was by circumstance. Goose and I were on a walk, just happened to run into someone I had been trailing for weeks.”
“You can sit comfortably. How can you watch a movie from the end of the bed?”
You moved up to the pillows where Peter was sitting. You laid back comfortably while Peter sat up a little, balancing the laptop on his outstretched legs. Goose cuddled into your arms like normally when you were at home.
“I’m not sure which of these your Earth has… have you seen Back to the Future?”
“Yeah we have that. We also have The Lion King,” you said pointing to the next movie you saw the cursor scroll over.
“Hmm, alright. What about this one?”
You leaned in to read the title. “The Matrix… nope. Never heard of it. Don’t think we have that one.”
Peter got really excited. “Oh this is one of the best trilogies. We’ve got to start with this one!”
You watched with actual interest as the movie went on. Because he had already seen it before, Peter left the movie running when he had to go use the bathroom. When he returned, Peter grabbed a pillow and mimicked the way you were holding Goose. You both had gotten very comfortable on your respective sides of his bed.
“I like this,” you said as the second movie loaded up. “You think I could do that bullet dodge move?”
“How flexible are you?” Peter asked.
“Hmmm… I’ll work on that.”
You both laughed and then got silent as the second movie started. You were about halfway through when a knock was on Peter’s door. He yelled for them to come in and standing in the doorway was Steve. He was dressed in civilian clothes, jeans and button down, plus his shield. Peter paused the movie.
“Sorry to interrupt your fun. Fury’s requesting your presence at headquarters, (Y/N). Congrats on becoming a citizen.”
“So quickly?” you asked as you sat up.
“S.H.I.E.L.D. pulled a few strings… and not just American. We couldn’t hide you from the UN for long, you’ve got about five different passports waiting for your picture and signature.”
“Am I allowed to be a citizen of that many places?”
“I don’t think they care,” Steve phrased it more as a question.
You stood up. Goose jumped from your arms and back onto Peter’s bed. Peter scratched the back of her ear. It was clear that Goose was very comfortable with Peter and Bruce.
“Let me just put on some shoes.”
Steve waited outside your room while you put on shoes. You followed the captain to the elevators watching all the buttons light up for him. You eyed the shield. Steve looked down at you from the corner of his eye. He didn’t say anything as you very gently touched it with just your pinky finger. You smiled as the familiar tingle ran down your spine.
“Is headquarters here in New York too?” you asked as you absentmindedly stroked the shield.
“Can you picture it?”
“Yes, why?”
“I know a faster way.” Your fingers tapped against the shield.
“I thought you said you couldn’t portal back to Earth-563.”
“I can’t. That takes too much power to transport a whole body to another universe but same city, Captain Rogers…” you tapped the shield. “I think this is enough for the two of us. I just need you to picture it, I don’t exactly know the layout of New York.”
Steve eyed you skeptically before doing as you said. Keeping one hand on the shield, you reached the other one to Steve’s head to pull the image from his mind. Comfortable that you had a clear image of what he envisioned, you removed your hand. You stuck it out in front of him and clumsily drew the symbol you needed in the air while envisioning the location in Steve’s mind.
It was awkward with one hand. You were used to very quickly and haphazardly using both hands to conjure whatever symbol you needed. But now with limited resources and only one free hand, you were trying to just get it right. The portal opened.
“Okay, just walk through.”
Steve followed closely to you as you entered the portal so your hand could stay on the shield. He was amazed. You were actually in a conference room at S.H.I.E.L.D. He wasn’t the only one in shock. The holograms of some UN members and the very physical face of Nick Fury stood there with their mouths agape. As soon as you let go of the shield, the portal disappeared behind you and Steve.
“Yep, figured that would happen,” you said before turning back to the room.
“Miss (L/N), would you care to demonstrate your powers for the room while you’re here?” a diplomat asked.
You looked to Steve who set the shield on the ground. You stepped on it and showed off. Steve explained the current limitations of your powers while you attempted to extinguish the small flames that accidentally got caught on the hem of your fuzzy sweater when you shot out a puff of magic.
“And the magic balls?” Fury asked.
“Not really sure, I think just electricity. Kind of just does what I want. Well, slightly. It’s really just an extension of fighting, not the most magical thing unfortunately. I’m no witch.”
“And the um, levitating?”
You stood back on the shield and pushed off it gently to float in the air. You were stuck to the small radius of the shield but it impressed everyone.
“And she’s for sure one of us?” another hologram asked.
“I fought HYDRA on my Earth. I’m for the good guys. I don’t like bullies,” you said as you hand Steve back his shield.
“Well, as head of the new S.H.I.E.L.D. division in the UN, we would like to welcome you to Earth-Earth and thank you for being an Avenger as long as you plan on staying here with us.”
The other holograms nodded and Nick directed you to the desk with a stack of papers. You smiled for a picture that was getting printed out on the second level of the building. While waiting for the photos to be put in the passport, you signed your social security card and filled out a bunch of citizenship certificates with information like your birthday and adoptive parents name. You blinked when the done passports were shoved into your hands and the UN members’ holograms disappeared.
You went from being a no one on Earth-Earth to a citizen of America, Wakanda, Japan, Russia, Mexico, and Germany. Coincidentally, all countries with languages that Bucky could speak (with the exception of Wakanda’s Xhosa) and languages you happened to know (although German was called Moothin and Mexico and Japan were known as Plax and Nata on Earth-563).
(Part 3)...
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Go on, what are your thoughts about the bear? :)
I’m so glad you asked friend! Get ready I have feelings! Gonna be a read more cause it’s long
-settle in kids moon has a lot to discuss- we’ll start with characters:
Richie sucks, always. Why does he have to be a lil bitch about EVERYTHING like bro, we get it, your like 45, divorced, wife took the kid, your best friend blew his brains out, you hate change like the boomer you are. But like bro, taking it out on Carmy who didn’t ask to be given the restaurant in the first place? Not gonna fix it. Taking it out on Sydney, a young chef just doing her best? Doesn’t fix anything. You crying like a bitch? Doesn’t help. Selling coke? Out of the alley? Behind the restaurant? Sorry are you saying that’s the only way the beef made it through covid? Was…being a back door drug den? Okay. Okay. Yeah no one saw Micheal was a drug addict when that was his solution to fix things?
Tina, grew on me, she did, I like her, would trust her to cook everything. Actual tia of the restaurant and if anyone hurt her kitchen family you know she would be kicking peoples ass. Did irk me a bit at the start but like she learned and grew. Something A LOT OF OTHERS COULD LEARN FROM RICHIE! She even said, ‘I’ve learned more in the last two months then I ever did before’ like. Micheal was great apparently but, was he really? Tina is just love her, trust her with all my food and my life.
Ebras, I like him. He’s cool. Didn’t learn much about him but like 10/10 comic relief when we need it.
Fak, played beautifully by Matty matthaison, an actual chef and one of the producers and chef like directors of the show like Jeremy Allen white said ‘I told Matty or coco to like stop a scene if I did anything that wouldn’t be done in a real chef kitchen’ so the fact he’s playing a Jack of all trades repair man who wants to be a cook, is 10/10, he’s just another comic relief we need. I love him
Misc. crew: I like them. Didn’t learn much about them but they are key to being background and immersive elements.
Sugar, I want to learn more about her but so far standard big sister, bit over bearing in a way that I get. And also the fact her and Carmy are the ‘let’s fight to express emotions’ type of siblings is just -chefs kiss-
Pete, a bitch. Like look at him.
Cicero, so he def works in like shady shit right? Mob? Mafia? Drug dealing? Like that’s what they were like putting out right? But also why did he lend 300k to Michael? Like he knew something wasn’t right like come on. Come oooonnnn.
Sydney, an angel sent on high to help Carmy in the perfect way. Without babying him and not taking any shit. She is just, I would die for her, I would kill for her. Also she has my patience level of ‘but like why can’t I do it now? Like why can’t I just do it and show you it works?’ Like me and her I get it. Just the perfect partner for Carmy, like I ship her and Marcus so hard.
Marcus, an angel of a man, I would die to try his desserts, he just, he’s friend shaped guys, he’s friend shaped. Him and Sydney would be the like cutest couple. Like, I can’t explain it. Also him wanting to learn and be able to do what Carmy did with desserts like, Marcus is just I love him so much. Okay he’s the calm comfort the show needs. Also babes when the machine starts smoking? Turn it off, that’s all you can do. Also his and Carmys bonding moment like “you blew a fuse I almost burned down a restaurant the night after I was food and wines number 1, so shit happens. And you’ll fuck up again it’s fine”
CARMY ‘MY BABY’ BERZATTO, needs therapy, like extreme therapy. Needs to understand that how he was taught was abuse, the chefs he worked under, abused him and every other staff member, that’s not what he needs to keep teaching. And hopefully he realised that when Sydney and Marcus walked out because after a point you can only scream at someone so much. Now, man is just this beautiful mix of trying his best, and trying to work and fix everything around him but not being able to understand why his brother was doing the things he was and what happened in the years before that shifted everything. The fact he only went to culinary school and became one of the best of the best was to say ‘fuck you I can do what you do but a million times better in the eyes of the world’ like, Carmy is someone who has a system that he needs to keep his brain sane, but he also won’t accept anyone else trying to help fix and change that system to work and flow better as Sydney said like ‘I told you this would t work, you didn’t listen, it blew up in my face because you left’ like Carmy knows he can make the beef now the bear into something, amazing. But he just doesn’t have the tools to do it. Tools Sydney has inside her but doesn’t want to wait and slowly bring them out because as her old bosses said ‘your incredibly impatient and very green’ like. Ugh I love them.
Now over all, amazing show my god it’s fast paced and quick cut, and it shows what it needs to get the point across, it gives you enough in a scene for you to get the story with out it being spoon fed to you. You don’t need someone to say “Carmy it’s been 2 months since we started this system it’s not working” because it gave you the story beats that you need to understand time is passing by. Like the first episode Richie says carmys been in charge for 2 weeks and everything’s going to hell. So you get that time has passed, then it’s an offhand of ‘4 months ago Michael shot himself’ so you get the timeline but not in a spoon feed you way.
The show is good. It’s amazing. I can not wait for season 2. Where we see Carmy and Sydney make the bear into, something amazing. Or start to. Where Sydney starts learning patience, where Carmy maybe opens up more and realises the ways he and Sydney were abused and beat down in a kitchen doesn’t need to be the way things work in the bear.
I just. I can’t explain how much I love Carmy enough. Or Sydney or the whole show it’s. Good.
Bad if you have anxiety and have worked in a place like a kitchen or even retail like when I tell you episode 7 had me feeling like both Carmy and Sydney, from when I worked in pick up at target during holidays. My god
Yes 10/10 love it, want it always, give me season 2 like right now.
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gummyshoe · 2 years
Hi i just wanted to chat hope you don’t mind :)
So, seeing your favorite cases, what were the reasons that you like each of them? I really wanna know those reasons
Hope you have fun with the other games btw!
hello!! ofc i don't mind, i'd love to talk!! but damn what a question... i'm keenly aware that Samurai + Big Top are a part of the third case syndrome, leave me alone 😭
i love Turnabout Samurai because it introduced my favorite track: the Steel Samurai theme!! i don't care what anyone says, that song's a literal banger. i even made it my phone ringtone. it also solidified Gumshoe's spot in my favorite characters list when he saVED OUR ASS AT THE END?? LIKE WOW GUMSHOE PLS I LOVE YOU FOR THAT TYSM YOU'RE THE BEST
i think this is kind of obvious but i loved Turnabout Goodbyes because of Edgeworth LOL!! Edgey... he's my precious baby.... i also rlly liked how the bird was called up to the witness stand, plus Lotta was pretty cool too. that case was great when it came to geting justice for Edgeworth, and with helping him find closure. poor man was struggling with his dad's death for so long.
Rise from the Ashes was SO. COOL. I GOT REALLY INTO IT. i think i liked it because it felt exhilarating to me?? both that and i felt like it was incredibly interesting too— i liked its story, and i was invested. outing myself rn but i'm a texan myself so Marshall's whole shebang made me wheeze, tho his lil cowboy theme song was great too. i like listening to it. on another note, GANT GENUINELY SCARED ME AND STILL DOES. there's just something about his smiley disposition laced with underlying threats that got me shaking in my cowboy boots. if he were standing right in front of me i'd def shit myself 100%
i loved Turnabout Big Top mostly because of the fun factor. i had a lot of fun with it, plus i rlly liked Acro 😭. i like Maximillion's design, i think he looks very pretty (tho he needs to back off of my child Regina or he will catch these hands). i later learned that Acro is the only AA character to accidentally kill someone that wasn't his original target, and it garnered quite a bit of sympathy from me. up until that point, the killers didn't really show any remorse for their actions, and the fact that Acro felt awful for killing Regina's dad reallt made me feel for him. he's def one of my favorite criminals because of that.
FAREWELL, MY TURNABOUT WAS C R A Z Y. i'm a major gamer, and it can be hard for games or just fiction in general to get a genuine, intense reaction from me, and holy shit this case really threw my emotions all over the place. THAT TWIST??? UP UNTIL THEN I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST ALL THE DEFENDANTS BUT NOPE. kept this case in mind during the entirety of my Trials and Tribulations playthrough. THE TENSENESS OF THE ENDING GOT TO ME SO BAD. I COULD NOT SIT DOWN. I LEGITIMATELY GOT UP AND WRITHED BECAUSE THIS CASE MADE ME FIDGET SO BAD. the uncertainty of Maya's fate as well as whether or not Gumshoe would make it dealed like 20k damage to me. PLUS, FRANZISKA BESTIE HOURS???? SHE WAS LITERALLY SUCH AN ULTIMATE BRO. I LOVE HER SO MUCH. also, will powers made a comeback. i love him.
Bridge to Turnabout was by far my favorite in terms of story. i really enjoyed what it brought to the AA lore in terms of the Feys, and to put it bluntly, i thought it was so completely epic. i figured out during that last trial that Godot killed Misty way before they pieced it together in-game, and it blew my mind. i knew a little bit about Godot before i even got into Ace Attorney, and i was under the pretense that he had actually died and came back to life?? i mean, if the Feys' entire bodies change when they channel a spirit, then i wouldn't put it past Capcom to further add to the supernatural element. but nope! the mans is not a zombie. i had actually strongly disliked Godot up until the end of that last trial, so now i kind of like him. YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT ELSE BLEW MY MIND?? when i realized Maya had been channeling Dahlia the entire time. that WOWED me. one of my top favorite parts of that case was when Pearl channeled Mia and Mia proceeded to ABSOLUTELY DESTROY DAHLIA. when Mia said, "...You will never defeat me. Whether you're alive, dead, or somewhere in between, you will never defeat me. As long as I'm around, you're destined to lose for all of eternity!" I WAS SCREAMING/CHEERING SO LOUD. LIKE, HELL YEAHHHH! SLAY MIA, DESTROY HER! i loved it. LET'S NOT FORGET ABOUT TWO OTHER THINGS: the fact that you got to PLAY as MILES, and that they BROUGHT BACK CORNERED!!! you bet i squealed like a schoolgirl when i got to play as edgy. AND CORNERED!!! it took me a few seconds to process that it WAS cornered, and once i realized that the best courtroom song was playing i immediately felt PUMPED!! IT WAS AWESOME! i jammed out to it for a little bit before continuing lmao.
AND I HAVE BEEN HAVING FUN WITH THE OTHER GAMES!! i've been playing the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles lately and i'm loving it so far. i'm not used to the 3D aspect, but i do like how it makes the characters more expressive with their behavior in comparison to the trilogy. i do miss the nice 2D artwork tho :"). i'm only on the second case, but i think Sholmes is hilarious (every time i encounter him in some weird position, or whenever he just pops up outta nowhere i just start wheezing. he's great)!! BUT WHY DID THEY HAVE TO PULL A MIA AND KILL OFF KAZUMA?? i sobbed so hard because kazuma was wonderful. i loved him so much. but that makes me wonder if he's going to continue to be relevant throughout the game, because even after Mia died, she never truly "died", thanks to Pearl and Maya channeling her. from as far as i can tell, Susato isn't Maya's ancestor (if it wasn't obvious from the get-go by the different surnames), so i'm curious to whether or not a Fey will pop up later on. but that's only if Kazuma is still gonna be important :"). ryunosuke is my baby boy and i will brawl god in his honor.
thank you for feeding into my secret desire to never shut up!!!!! 😊
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ghouhlish · 5 months
The application (The domino effect)
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AUTHOR NOTE: I’m getting block bro I’m in sm pain.
Usually I don’t draft my stuff then edit it I just trust and start writing then read it over once incase I got some word wrong then post if I’m happy enough. 2:49am and I got lazy reading it over so this is what you get!
PLOT: Enid, freshly fired, sees an ad in the paper for a new job as a waiter at The Weathervane, working for a trained chef! Nothing can go wrong, right? (Wednesday Dead Plate AU)
TWS: none rlly. it’s normal for now. Maybe for the dude talking about wolves? Use of mutt as insult? Stuff like that.
Everyday Enid would have a strict routine.
Wake up, get ready, pick up mail, do rounds, straight to the pizza place.
She had a new job, paper boy. So for a while now she would do just that, pick up the paper, do her rounds, then, already being dressed in her delivery uniform, she would go straight to her local pizza place and begin.
The girl had seen practically every job there is: she worked in an office, but it was boring. She’s worked in retail, she blew up at a customer because they were rude to a college. She worked as a milk man, she overslept one day and only a few people got milk. No one was happy.
So it’s a big thing she’s somehow keeping these jobs. The delivering is hard sometimes, like now.
Enid cycles down backstreets and alleys she knew were shortcuts, hair tucked into her cap to avoid it whipping her face in the wind.
“Shi-“ she swerved quickly to avoid a woman suddenly walking in front of her. She didn’t catch a view of her, but quickly shouted an apology while she skidded round a corner and arrived at the house.
It was a little creepy, the house had Halloween decorations still up despite it being January and a creepy feel to it.. But it was work, so she puffed out her chest, pulled her cap down more.
As she worked her way up to the front door she quickly glanced to the bike. Too late?
Too late.
She hadn’t even grazed the doorbell when the door jerked open.
“How much?”
The man stood tall, maybe 6’2? He looked annoyed. Greys sprouting. Significantly older than the Sinclair at his doorstep.
“That’ll be £7.56, sir” She flashes her iconic ‘please tip me!” Smile
The gruff man scoffs.
“They said it would be £4.56. Not this. What is this, anyway. 5 star pizza??”
“I’m sorry, sir. I was only told that’s how much it is.”
“Check again.”
Enid freezes, dumbfounded.
“I..” she looks between each of his eyes, confused. She then takes the receipt from the box and views it.
The man scoffs once more, mumbles.
“Stupid wolf. Can’t even read. Mutt.”
She blinks. “Pardon?”
“I said you can’t read, pass it to me.”
She considers jumping him for a second, then thinks better. It’s work. She passes it to him and he scans.
“Nah, that’s a 4. I don’t know how they teach you but clearly you’re a rebel. Dyed hair? You probably think you’re so cool, huh?” He laughs, cracking a smile that looked misplaced onto his face.
“If you don’t want your pizza then I have other delivery’s.” Her face was no longer plastered with the politeness it originated with.
“And who said I don’t want it? See, can’t even listen.” He rolls his eyes.
“You live alone?” Enid, not reacting anymore, just holds the pizza, lightly taping on the box as she feels the heat try to escape. She’s definitely not getting a tip.
“Why?” His nose scrunches in grimace, but all she hears is a screaming yes.
“No woman other than your mother could ever love you.” Matter-a-fact and straight faced. I should play poker, she thought.
His eyes widen and his slight smile drops.
“You stupid boy. No woman wants a man who talks so vulgarly out of place to their elder. Your job is deliv- are you even paying attention??”
Enid isn’t listening anymore, she got tired of feeling the heat escaping and decided not to waste.
She pulls a slice out, the cheese gracefully doing that stringy thing it does. When it finally breaks, Enid’s smile is in full fruition. Slightly malicious, mostly genuine delight.
The wolf had decided against breakfast in turn for being early, earn more money. Clearly this interaction did not yield money, and oh gosh did that pizza look good right now.
She closed the box, revealing the frozen man. His face in shock. It was art, better than any renaissance painting, to Enid. They were pretty but this was something different, justice.
She bit and it felt like for a second everything was right in the world.
But then the man laughs.
“Wait for me to go down to that pizza place and tell them exactly what you did. Who are they going to believe? The customer? Or the erratic delivery boy who didn’t even get the money for the pizza.”
She grimaces. Ohhh f-
Blacklisted. She didn’t even know you could be blacklisted in the delivery job. Her paper caught wind and decided she was unreliable.
On the bright side! They did give her one last free paper. A parting gift, they called it. Its free anyway so what was the point of that?
The Lycan sits on her couch, paper next to her. She sighs. She has one month before she’s on the curb.
It’s not hard to pay for pizza, Enid pays for it every other day. She doesn’t throw a fit when they calculate wrong, she pays and, when she can, she tips.
None of that matters now.
She picks up the paper and decides to read it. If she was going to find a new job, she had to find it now.
“Will rent ris-“ flip. Too depressing.
“New movie N-“ flip. Not enough to go see.
“Job openings!-“ there it is.
She scanned the page, delivery was a job opening, but wait! That thing that calls itself a man got her blacklisted!!
Then she stops.
“Opening for a waiter at the weathervane. 9-7, pay to be discussed. Located in Jericho, next to the flower shop. Talk to owner if interested and fill out form.”
She rushed down to The Weathervane, bike just about at a halt when she jumped off and walked inside. Yes, she wasn’t the best dressed there, but, if she did say so herself, it was fine for filling out a form.
Surprising to her, she got a callback.
“So you… have experience?” A girl who looked around her age sat across from her, in a formal looking outfit.. is she underdressed?..
Well, it was just a normal chef outfit, but the wolf noticed that instead of white, the outfit was black. 6 buttons on the side
Oh wait, question. What she was about to say wasn’t really a lie. She had had experience, just been fired.. a lot.
“Yes, 7 months”
Not consecutively, but good enough.
She looked around the room, getting distracted yet again. She looked at the book shelves and different pens. What would it be like if she touched one? Would she be sent out?
“Excuse me?”
“Are you paying attention?” The gothic girl didn’t look very amused. Her lips were in a line and her eyebrows just the same. She wasn’t getting the job, was she?
“Sorry, I’m a little distracted. Could you repeat?”
“The pay. It’ll be £23 an hour. Is that good for you?”
Enid smiles, flashing her teeth. The gothic girl looks a little fazed, but not by much.
“Very good, thank you so much.”
“You begin this coning Monday. Your uniform should arrive. From your application we already know where to send it. If you have issues, you come to me.”
“Understood! I won’t disappoint you.” She extends her hand for a handshake, no avail. So she puts it back to her side and rises. She pauses.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name?”
“Wednesday Addams.”
“Enid Sinclair, I will see you Monday!” Her smile grows, more teeth showing. Her canines are sharp, and will soon sink into the heart of her boss.
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davidboles · 1 year
How I Blew Out My Anus By Lifting, Bro
“Do you even lift, bro?” Oh, sure. We’ve all heard that phrase somewhere, sometime, in our lives before, and the implication is always that you are weak because you don’t push, and pull heavy things; and while I certainly agree the human body needs, and yearns for, carrying heavy weight in exercise, we also need to be careful not to hurt ourselves too much in that goal. “Lifting heavy” is not always the answer to a query from a gym Bro.
Ask me. I should know!
Yes, I injured myself by getting too fancy and too hubristic, and the consequences have been three weeks of sitz baths and several trips to the dermatologist to get righted what I wronged!
It all started when I saw a new sort of Kettlebell exercise that involved deep squats. Not just regular squats, but what some may call “Asian Squats” where you go all the way down to the ground where your bum is almost touching the ground. Yeah, just typing that out makes me realize how stupid I was to even attempt the idea! Oh, if we could only go back in time and remediate our immediate emergencies!
Anyway, I decided to put a 40lb. Kettlebell in each hand and do my deep-to-the-floor squats.
I did about 10 of those squats until I “felt” something “down there” that didn’t feel right. I stopped what I was doing. I decided I felt okay, and I continued with my presses and snatches — but no more squatting for the day.
I felt fine the rest of the day.
However, the next day, in the shower, while I was washing all my private parts — and if you are not washing your anus and testicles, and the bottom of your feet every time you shower, you’re not doing it right, you must always gently scrub and check for things that don’t belong or feel out of place — and I was lucky in that as I was washing my delicate bits I felt something really out of place anally and out of the ordinary rectally.
There was a big bump around the rim of my anus. I first thought it was a hemorrhoid, and I tried to just push it back in like we sometimes want to do — but this time was different; this thing didn’t want to go in, and when I pressed it inside anyway, it popped back out! It was then that I realized something else was going on here.
As a luckily married man of 35 years, I asked my beloved wife to take a look at what I’d obviously done wrong, and she said there was a “loopy finger” sticking out around my anal ring. It just so happened to block my evacuation hole, so I knew I needed to somehow get this fixed.
I checked online. Sitz bath with epsom salts for five to seven days would help shrink the problem. I did all that. No change. In fact, it felt like the problem was getting bigger. Not, I learned, was it growing as big as a baseball, or a tennis ball — yes, those sorts of anal hematomas can get that large — but the number one cause of these sorts of injuries, I discovered the hard way, is lifting weight that is too heavy. I was not just guilty of that, but of being completely stupid in my deeeeeep squatting. All of that together, I believe, became the straw that broke the anal ring’s back — because I’d successfully done “regular” Kettlebell squats for years with no ill effect.
I visited my dermatologist to see if he could help. The internet told me there was a 50/50 chance a dermatologist would help. If not, I had to go to a proctologist, and that wait would be three months or longer. I regularly see my dermatologist for skin cancer checkups, so I knew I could ask for help from him faster than I could make an appointment with another doctor.
My dermatologist first tried to drain it. No go. The next week he injected it with something. No change. The third week he told me to go see a proctologist, and I pretty much begged him to just “cut it off” like he said he’d originally do if the injections didn’t work. He reluctantly agreed; and so there was cutting, and blood, and cauterizing, and blood, and so far, I feel better, the problem appears to be gone, and I’m actually considering when I’ll be able to lift a Kettlebell again because, for the past month or so, I’ve only been doing gentle Yoga stretching.
Be careful out there — and especially under there, too!
Kettlebells are heavy! Don’t be cute! Don’t challenge yourself to something you’ve never tried before, and that no other sane person has ever before tried. Your body belongs to you, and that’s why you must not only be your own gatekeeper, you must also exercise kind dominion over the entirety of you, or else you’ll end up pantsless, bloody, and burned on a dermatologist’s examination table begging for the favor of relief.
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