#but the king is the only one other than the prince to tell Barbs what to do so
peepee-magee · 7 months
I’m taking a crack shot n saying I think Nightbringer might be Diavolo’s dad trying to prove a point since he didn’t expect his son to succeed as well as he did. (He has the free time)
I have no evidence other than they’ve mentioned Nightbringer was the first king of the Devildom multiple times n while his dad isn’t the first king that’s just the right amount of obscure history one could masquerade behind without to many ppl connecting the dots. (So obscure n yet mentioned it trice???)
Also they’ve subtly mentioned this mystery man on way more occasion’s than feels needed for someone not involved with the plot at all beyond lore. I wouldn’t shit my pants about it but we might even see him for a bit. Even if only in passing the way Micheal often is in OG- added in from time to time but never directly seen. (More in the tags cough)
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bakuliwrites · 1 year
Ebb and Flow- Prince Sidon x Reader
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Rating: 18+ (MINORS DNI)
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda
Relationship: Prince Sidon x Reader
Summary: “I will not accept that all we’re meant to be are star-crossed lovers,” Sidon states passionately, his tone filled with a steady resolve, “I cannot accept it. Was it not here that I pledged myself to you? And you to me? Was it not here that we promised our hearts to one another? Aren’t we more than just crossing tides?”Sidon is given earth shattering news. His duty as a Zora Prince outweighs all else. But how can he accept that when his love for you is so deep?
Tags: Female Reader, Smut, Angst, PIV, Semi-Public S*x, Outdoor S*x, Oral S*x, Shark Anatomy, Established Relationship, Star-crossed Lovers, Romance
Read here in this post or over on my AO3
Sidon wonders if he had spoken too softly. He expected some sort of reaction from you, even if it wasn’t a dramatic, soul-wrenching one. But your silence comes as a shock to him. Your unreadable gaze penetrates him from where you’re seated by the window in your quarters. Quarters he had specifically modified to house a Hylian such as yourself. Just for you. Fashioned to house you for what he thought would be forever. From the luxurious water bed on one side, where the two of you have shared so many passionate nights, to the cozy, crackling fireplace on the other- it’s all been for you, and him, and what he thought would be your future together.
“Y-you what?” you finally manage, confirming to Sidon that it wasn’t that you didn’t hear him, but that you couldn’t believe what he’d said. He hadn't wanted to tell you until he returned from his diplomatic mission, but he couldn't keep it a secret from you. Sidon's words stick to his throat. They feel barbed, razor-like, cutting his tongue on their way out.
“My father has decided- He’s arranged my marriage,” Sidon repeats, words seeping from his mouth like blood. But he tastes nothing when his tongue grazes over his lower lip, checking for a fresh wound. Still, he tastes metal, haunting and sharp. You’re bathed in moonlight, a silver gloss draping elegantly over your skin. Tonight, you appear to Sidon like an ethereal ghost, distant and untouchable, a curiously beautiful and captivating goddess. Like the moon delivered you to him and has come back this night to steal you away. 
“Not only has my father found who he considers to be a ‘suitable match’ for me, but he’s arranged the date of our meeting,” Sidon goes on, wanting to fill this deeply uncomfortable silence with something, anything, “Of our marriage.”
He trails off, glancing down at his feet and willing himself not to shed the tears that are stinging his eyes. He’s always known there was a risk that his marriage would be arranged. You aren’t Zora, you’re not royalty. It was a small chance that King Dorephan would even consider you in the running to marry Sidon. Your duty to Hyrule and Sidon’s duty to his people were always meant to clash. But he never thought it would be something to worry about this soon. His father’s decision to step down from the throne came as a shock, and the decision regarding Sidon’s marriage that much more shocking.
Your silence is killing him, gnawing at his insides, anxiety running rampant in his mind. Say something, anything. Please, he silently begs.
“When?” is all you’re able to question through your stupor. The look he gives you is grave, crestfallen.
“In less than a fortnight,” he almost whispers. He watches as your eyes fall slowly shut, as you clench your fists, your jaw. Every part of you tenses, but not out of anger. You take a deep breath and Sidon can tell you’re trying to hold in your tears. But when you exhale, they start to roll down your cheeks, dripping freely to the floor beneath. Droplets of pure moonlight shimmering as they fall. He rushes to you, scoops you into his arms, your small, Hylian form fitting so perfectly in his embrace. 
“I fought for us,” Sidon continues, as if he needs to prove to you that his love is genuine. As if you didn’t already know. Your shuddering sobs into his shoulder seem to shake the very foundation beneath you.  
“I fought so hard for us,” he whimpers, holding you closer, tighter, as if he were to let go, the moon would finally take you back to your celestial throne, “But my father wouldn’t agree. He wouldn’t- No matter how much I protested. How much I argued and debated-” 
“It’s okay,” you manage through tears, littering Sidon’s face with kisses, “I know you fought. I know you tried as hard as you could.”  
Sorrow blooms in every facet of your irises as you stare into Sidon’s gilded ones. If his heart hadn’t shattered in its entirety before, it certainly does now. He opens his mouth to say more, but he realizes he’s not even sure what he wants to say. He can’t reassure you. He can’t even reassure himself. 
A knock at your door pulls him begrudgingly from this private moment. An attendant calls out to him, "Your Highness, we should leave before it gets much later."
“They can wait,” Sidon speaks, turning back towards you, not wanting to leave you after such devastating news. You smile softly, shaking your head.
“No they can’t, my darling,” you gently return. He knows it, you know it. His royal duties, his people must always come first. You’ve never quibbled with him about this, something he deeply admires about you. 
Sidon presses a deep, lingering kiss to your lips. He can taste the salt of your tears, the salt of his own. He hadn’t even realized he’d shed any until the soft pads of your thumbs wipe them from his cheeks. He gazes at you underneath his furrowed brow, memorizing the features of your lovely face. If you dissolve into moonlight while he’s gone, he would never forgive himself for not kissing you one last time. 
“Wait for me,” he breathes when he pulls back, “We'll figure this- something out.” You nod, leaning your forehead against his and closing your eyes. Desperately, Sidon wishes he didn’t have to leave. Not in the middle of such an important conversation. 
“I should be no more than a few days,” he promises, giving you one final kiss before he wrenches himself from you and reluctantly slips out of your room. He doesn’t dare look back, knowing your melancholy gaze will destroy him if he does.
Sidon's diplomatic meeting with the Rito was a success, though it was mostly just a formality. The Zora and Rito are already on quite friendly terms, so he wasn't too concerned in the first place. The entire trip, however, his mind was preoccupied with you, with marriage, with grief. He's mulled over every possible solution. He contemplates further arguments with his father, knowing full-well that he won’t win them. But for you, it’s most certainly worth a try. He thinks about running away with you, eloping under the light of the moon, starting a new life on some remote island, far away from everything. But he knows he couldn’t leave his people behind, and he is certain that you won’t let him. Sidon could refuse to marry anyone at all, but that would mean he couldn’t be with you. But wouldn’t it be better to live his life alone if he can’t live it with you?
These thoughts swirl endlessly around his mind, a vortex of confusion and possibility. Nothing seems right. He loves you. No one else. He can’t imagine loving someone else. Or growing to love someone else. Up until now, Sidon has imagined spending the rest of his life with you. Of proposing marriage to you, in the customary Hylian fashion. Starting a family together, running the Zora kingdom together. Growing old with one another. Nights spent gazing up at the stars, held close in one another’s arms. Mornings waking up in your warm embrace. 
With his father’s decision, all hope Sidon had of making a life with you has been dashed. On his journey home, he tries to come up with some sort of solution, but as the Zora kingdom draws nearer and nearer, the Prince frustratingly comes up with nothing useful.
An attendant greets Sidon on the bridge leading into the palace, handing off a small slip of paper before dashing off again. The Prince unfolds the note, recognizing your handwriting immediately. “Meet me in our usual spot,” it reads, followed by a small heart and the first letter of your name. Sidon politely excuses himself from his fellow travelers and bolts off to meet you, hoping that you haven’t been waiting long for him.
By the time Sidon reaches Toto Lake, the moon is hovering high in the night sky, casting swathes of silver light across all of Hyrule. Its reflection wavers on the surface of the lake as Sidon’s keen eyes search for you. He spots you in the lake’s center, gliding through the water, every stroke disrupting the liquid mirror around you. The lake appears to envelope your form, encompassing you almost lovingly. Toto holds so many memories for Sidon. It’s where he sought solace after his sister’s passing. Where he found peace during the devastating years that Calamity Ganon reigned. The temperate waters have provided shelter in his most distressing times. It’s also where Sidon first pledged himself to you, promising his heart to you. And where you promised yours to him. A sacred, secret promise.
Sidon watches you for a moment. You cling to the crumbling ruins in the lake’s center, gazing up at the distant, twinkling stars above, not seeming to have noticed him yet. Crickets chirp in harmony with the nearby ribbits of hot-footed frogs, hiding stealthily amongst the scattered lily pads near the shore. Sidon wonders if this is the last time he’s ever going to see you, a thought that pierces his heart like a vicious barb. He can’t help but notice the pile of bags and personal items that you’ve left in the nearby clearing, like you’re prepared to travel a great distance.
Sidon is pulled from this painful thought when you wave to him, having finally noticed him lingering there. He waves back, somewhat apprehensive, but collects himself before diving into the lake. Sidon swiftly cuts through the water, desperate to reach you, the red of his fin cresting the surface of the lake. He wonders if he’ll reach you in time before the moon summons you home again. 
“My darling,” you exhale as he reaches you, pulling you into his embrace and holding you close. You cling to Sidon, the gentle thrum of your heart against his chest reinvigorating him after his long journey home. Why do you puzzle-piece so perfectly into his form? It seems like a cruel, cosmic joke that you would fit so neatly, so completely in Sidon’s arms. 
“You’re leaving?” he questions, pulling back to meet your sorrowful gaze. Gently, his large hand cups your cheek, one thumb smoothing over your soft skin. You lean your head to the side, letting your eyelids flutter shut as you press a tender kiss into the palm of his hand. 
“I must,” you state just barely above a whisper, a quiver in your voice that threatens to shatter Sidon’s already fragile calm, “I heard word around the palace that your bride-to-be arrives tomorrow.”
This is news to Sidon, news that washes waves of vertigo and anxiety over him. They threaten to drown him, pummel him into the silt and sand until he is nothing more than a smoothed over shell, tossed about in the surf. Sidon steadies himself, taking a deep breath, using your pleasant scent, your warmth as an anchor to this moment. Your cheeks are flushed and when you open your eyes once again, Sidon can tell that you’ve been crying, though you shed no tears in front of him. He wants to beg you to stay, to beseech the moon above and bargain that you might grace him just a little longer with your presence. What would it take for the heavenly bodies to allow you just a few hours longer with him?
“I will not accept that all we’re meant to be are star-crossed lovers,” Sidon states passionately, his tone filled with a steady resolve, “I cannot accept it. Was it not here that I pledged myself to you? And you to me? Was it not here that we promised our hearts to one another?” 
“Aren’t we more than just crossing tides?” he finishes. You contemplate this for a moment, before leaning your forehead against his. Beneath the cool sheen of water on your skin, Sidon feels the heat of your blood flowing strong through your veins. Your strength, your poise in this painful time serves as an example to him. He is always put together, always princely and regal. You let him fall apart, without judgement. Sidon can feel his composure fracture at your next words.  
“I think we come from the same ancient waters,” you begin, your hands coming to rest on either side of his face, “In some primordial sea, we rode the same tides. Perhaps someday, we shall again. But maybe this time around, we are only meant to flow together briefly, before we part.” 
“This cannot be,” Sidon whispers, voice wavering and tears beginning to roll down his cheekbones,“I feel your spirit ebb and flow inside of me. You inhabit me in a way that no one else ever has.” 
“I am with you, always. My soul is woven into every fiber of your being. And yours, mine,” you return, and with your exhale, warm tears flow from your bright eyes, “Sidon, I love you, body and soul.” 
He can take no more. Sidon crashes his lips into yours, feverish and desperate. You drape your arms over his shoulders, press yourself tightly to him. Perhaps the gracious moon will allow the two of you to merge, to live out the remainders of your lives as one being, one body, one soul. 
You wrap your legs around his waist, resting on his narrow hips while he grips your supple thighs. You’re bare to him already, your naked form bathed in silver moonlight. You are glorious, mesmerizing. A bright star, fallen to earth so that Sidon might marvel at your beauty, your mystery before you ascend to your place carved out in the heavens once again.
Sidon can feel his arousal growing as you palm his bulge, claspers pressing against his sheathe. Your warm tongue languidly explores his mouth, breath fanning softly against him. His hands smooth over your slick curves, worshipping every part of you. He commits the plushness of your body to memory, stores your soft moans and tiny gasps so that he might recall them later, in his loneliest hours. The way you breathe his name is holy and nearly brings him to his knees. 
“My darling, my pearl,” he whimpers pathetically as you trail kiss after searing kiss along his jawline and down his neck. Your teeth leave their bittersweet marks in his flesh, his talons dragging down your back, agonizing and delightful all at once. 
"I will bear your marks for all of time,” he announces, voice husky and low, “And know that I am yours, and you are mine."
“I am yours always. Sidon,” you coo, hand massaging torturously slow over his painful bulge, “In this lifetime, and the next. In all that we should ever exist in together. And even those that we do not.”
Sidon’s fingers tangle in the wet strands of your hair, tugging as he tilts your head so he can have better access to the tender spot of flesh behind your ear. He luxuriates in the lyrical moans that flutter from your lips as he nibbles and sucks at your sensitive skin. His warm tongue drags along your neck, goosebumps appearing in his wake. Your excitement fuels him, thrills him like nothing else does. His fingers find his way to your slick folds, running its length, dousing himself with you. 
He can’t contain himself any longer, his claspers freeing themselves from their sheathe. You're quick to grasp one, pumping slow and rhythmic. 
“Sidon, please, allow me,” you entreat, your doe-eyed glance up at him only spurring on his arousal. He releases his grip on you, gently setting you back in the water and letting you push him onto a nearby ledge of the ruins. If his people saw him now- oh, the very thought. How un-princely of him- an idea that inexplicably excites him. Prince Sidon- always so put together. Always so collected and proper. Prince Sidon- with the lips of a Hylian warrior, a celestial goddess, around one cock and her hand wrapped around the other. 
Your tongue swirls around his swollen tip, making him throw his head back in overwhelming pleasure as you doubly stimulate him. Your hand strokes him at one speed, while your mouth works at another, before you fall into a rhythm with both. Every once in a while, you pause to lick a stripe up either shaft, before diving back in once again. Desperate to have you near, Sidon weaves the fingers of your free hand with his own and grips tight. You squeeze back, letting him know you’re still present, though you seem happily preoccupied with both of his cocks. 
“Oh, you work miracles, my love,” he groans, chest heavy with pleasure. He stays your hand, lets you work with just your mouth on one of his claspers. It would bring him no greater pleasure than to come inside you, he explains. 
“Your wish is my command, my prince,” you impishly return, mischief glinting in your eyes. You only ever call him, “Prince,” in court, when you have to be more formal. Or in private, when you want to tease him. An electric pulse runs through the length of Sidon’s body at your devilish gaze. You grasp his thighs, nails digging into his flesh. The sensation sends waves of pleasure through him. As your head bobs up and down, Sidon tries his best not to buck his hips into you, but it’s so very difficult. The coil in his core tightens, threatening to snap at any moment. And when it finally does, you help him ride out the electrifying pulses of his first orgasm that night.
A burst of salt hits the back of your throat. Bright brine graces your tongue. Your chest feels warm as you swallow, like your body is trying to imbue itself with Sidon. Like you're trying to weave him into every fiber of your being. His ragged breath is music to your ears as you slide your mouth off him. With a wet pop you release him, a string of spit connecting him to you. A connection tenderly wiped away by one of Sidon’s massive thumbs. When you glance up at him, his eyes are dark with lust, slitted pupils wide in pools of molten gold. Sidon’s cheeks are rosy and his body temperature warm, so very warm compared to his usual chill. 
You hardly have a moment to catch your breath before Sidon draws you up to him, smashing his lips against yours. Your nails dig into the hard muscles of his back, his streamlined body pressed so deliciously against yours. Your heat is throbbing, every ounce of you heavy with arousal. Carefully, Sidon flips you over, laying you ever so gently on the slab of rock beneath. Your head is cradled by some of the snaking ivy growing on these ancient ruins. Sidon gazes down at you, eyes glimmering in the night. His look is one of curiosity, awe. Though he’s seen you bare to him so many times before, he looks at you like it’s the first time. 
“I am at your mercy,” he hushes, sweeping strands of your hair out of your face, before leaning down to tenderly press his lips to yours. He lays kiss-upon-kiss over your cheeks, down your neck, along your collarbone. Featherlight, he trails his lips down your chest, suckling gently on each of the pert buds of your nipples. His sharp teeth graze them softly before he makes his way down your abdomen. His hands knead your hips, cup and massage your breasts as his mouth reaches your heat. He wouldn’t dare tease you, but he can’t help nibbling at your thighs a bit, leaving little love-bites in his wake. After a moment of reveling in your plush inner-thighs, Sidon turns his attention to your pussy. His tongue is languid, warm, as he drags it along your folds. The moan that escapes your lips is salacious. You hear Sidon growl with excitement. He flicks his gilded gaze up at you before he softly kisses the sensitive nub of your clit. 
Sidon dives into you, lapping up your arousal like it’s his lifeblood. Like he simply cannot survive without the taste of you. He savors you, tongue slowly circling your clit, testing your entrance. You squirm under the firm grasp he has on your hips, bucking into him, causing him to chuckle at your eagerness. He hoists your legs over his broad shoulders, burying his head deeper into you. Sidon drinks you in like he’s parched. With each of your tiny mewls, you feel Sidon’s happy hums reverberating through your body. 
“Sidon, please,” you whine, smoothing one hand over the sleek fin atop his head, “I need to feel you in me.” 
He withdraws, the cool night air hitting your overheated folds surprising you. You gasp at its harshness, but Sidon is quick to replace the loss of heat with his hand, palming your sensitive pussy. When his lips meet yours, he tastes of you. 
“My darling, I’m yours. Entirely, completely. Every part of me. All parts of my soul,” he promises, his voice filled with conviction, with an aching passion. 
“I am yours, Sidon,” you return, breathless and longing, “Forever and always.” 
Tenderly, he spreads your legs, letting you wrap them around his waist, placing a large hand on the small of your back to help angle you. The stars overhead seem so close, so clear, like you’re encompassed in an endless dome of them. 
“Are you ready, my love?” Sidon asks, his cheeks flushed, breaths laborious. You nod enthusiastically, more than ready for him. He’s so slick, he slips into you with more ease than you expect. But he’s so big, you can feel him stretching out your entrance. He goes slow, gentle, allowing you ample time to adjust. Every few moments he asks if you’re alright. You stabilize yourself, arms slung around his chest, hands resting on his sinewy back. He’s cool to the touch, a sheen of water over his skin. 
With one of Sidon’s cock’s inside you, the other rests against your stomach. It’s hard again already, having recovered fast from your earlier ministrations. You grasp it gently, pumping rhythmically with Sidon’s rocking motions. A sultry moan falls from his lips at this double stimulation.
Sidon grinds slow and shallow for a while, before pressing deeper into you. You let go of the clasper resting against your stomach, allowing it to rest against you. With every pump into you, Sidon’s cock presses against the soft pad of your cervix. The pleasure is intense, your body quivering with each voltaic charge Sidon pulses into you. The heat generated between you is overwhelming, your bodies trying so desperately to merge into one. Your fingernails dig into his back, his talons into your thighs. Sidon buries his head into the crook of your neck, suckling little bruises, marking you. He delights in the way your breasts bounce with every motion. 
Goddess, please, let the moonlight fuse us into one, he begs, but he knows this cannot be. The two of you try your very best to do it yourselves. 
As Sidon grinds into you, the grip you have on his back prompts him to pick up his pace. 
“My darling, my pearl,” he manages to whisper, his breathing heavy, “You are, and always shall be, the light of my life.” 
“You are my moon, my stars, my light in the darkness,” you return, voice constrained by the taut coil in your core. Your walls quake around Sidon’s quivering cock. 
“Ha,” he huffs, pounding harder into you, “So close, my darling.” 
And so are you, but you can’t speak. For a moment later, the straining coil in you springs loose. Sidon’s name echoes through the clearing, a prayer in this ancient water temple. You cream around Sidon’s cock as he falls apart, his pace erratic as his hot cum fills your cunt. You feel even more paint your stomach, threads coating your abdomen from his other cock. Sidon calls out your name, a hymn to match yours. Sidon wonders if the moon hears the adoration, the infinite love in his voice. You know it does. 
When you’ve milked him for everything he’s worth, when he’s spent himself entirely inside you and on you, you pull Sidon down, crashing your lips into his. Feverishly, the two of you press kiss after kiss to one another, heated and yearning. You let the silence wash over you, grateful for the cool night breeze on your overheated bodies. After a while, Sidon gently pulls out of you, cock slick with your combined efforts. He pulls you into his embrace, cradling you in his arms. You belong here, enveloped by him. Enveloping him. How could the Goddess be so cruel to make you fit so perfectly, only to take you away from him?
“Leave in the morning,” Sidon begs, pressing a small kiss to the corner of your lip, “Please, stay one more night. Besides, it’s not safe.”
You shake your head, a rueful smile on your lips and sorrow in your eyes, “If I don’t leave now, it’ll be that much harder for me to leave tomorrow. And don’t worry, Zelda has sent forth people to retrieve me. They’ll be here within the hour. I’ll be okay.” 
Sidon’s heart can’t drop anymore, but if it could, it certainly would. He’s not sure what he expected to feel after everything that’s happened. The depth of his melancholy is too great for him to understand at the moment. It will take time for him to process. He doesn’t feel numb. No, instead he savors your embrace. He holds you close, littering your face with kisses, gently stroking your back while you rub small circles into his. If he could live in this moment forever, he would.
A horn blows in the distance, drawing the two of you out of your tender sanctuary in time. In the distance, you see lights on the bridge of the palace. It’s a Hylian caravan of guards, no doubt from the palace. No doubt sent here for you. You cling to Sidon’s back as he swims the two of you to shore. 
“I wish you could whisk me away on your back. I wish we could just keep swimming and not look back,” you murmur to him, laying a gentle kiss on his fin. 
“I do, too,” is all he can manage, trying so very hard not to shed any more tears. You dress quickly and Sidon helps you gather all your things. These are your last moments together. The bitter sweetness sticks in Sidon’s chest, viscous like tree sap, clinging to his ribs. Hand-in-hand you walk back down the cliff side and make your way to the bridge. Just out of sight of the Hylian caravan, you pull Sidon aside and lay your lips against his one more time. Your kiss is passionate and conveys every immense bit of your love for him. He hopes you can feel the same from him. 
When you pull back, your eyes are filled with adoration. And his with sorrow and love. You smile softly.
"The sea will carry us to one another,” you begin, tears trickling down your cheeks, “Time and again. I will find you in the next life, where our tides will be one and the same."
Sidon leans his forehead against yours, allowing his tears to fall freely.
“My heart belongs to you, always,” he breathes, “You reside in me, sheltered and safe.”
“You will always find a home in my heart,” you return, pressing one final kiss to his lips. Your hand lingers in his for a moment, before it slips from his grasp. Prince Sidon of the Zora watches your form grow smaller and smaller on the horizon, before it disappears behind the cliff sides, and he is left alone once again. 
A/N: Okay, don’t get me wrong, I actually think Lady Yona is adorable and I have all sorts of plans for some OC/Sidon/Link/Yona headcanons and drawings. But I couldn’t resist writing some Sidon/Reader angst!!!!!! Oh gosh, if I ever decide to do a follow up, there's just too many good options. a) Sidon refuses the arranged marriage and declares that he's marrying you, against his father's wishes b) Sidon decides to runaway with you and you live out the rest of your lives on a secluded island c) Sidon goes through with the marriage and you go your separate ways or, perhaps my favorite option, d) you, and Sidon, and Link, AND Yona become a happy little polycule because that would be adorable and wonderful (and I've said it before, but I'll say it again, if you know me, you know I love anything poly!!!!!!) Thank you so much for reading! This was a delight to write, though it definitely filled me with a lot of sadness. As always, likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated! Hope you are all doing amazing! Lots of love 💜
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atticsandwich · 9 months
in the aftermath
pairing: barbatos / gn! reader
lowercase intended, post-canon, mc had passed away after a fulfilled human lifespan, angst-ish, kinda ooc?
he can't help it; he yearns for glimpses of you time and time and time again, and just as he thinks he can finally move on, he remembers the feel of your touch and the scent of your skin...
...and so he goes back, time and time and time again.
a/n: happy (late) birthday, barb <3
barbatos knows that what he's doing is wrong.
at first, he tells himself it's for closure - he even asks permission from the demon prince to see you one last time, who, after some light persuasion, finally relents. he breathes in a nervous breath as he steps into a door in his room to see your face.
one last look. that's all he needs.
the months, years, following your death was not easy for any of your beloved demons - they knew it was coming, and despite suggestions and persuasions of extending your life through magic, you were adamant in fully embracing your natural lifespan as a human. they loved you as you grew older, as your hair turned gray, as your skin wrinkled and bagged, as your bones ached at the slightest stretch.
it was painful to watch and accept, but they loved you.
barbatos loved you.
being a demon that existed even before the creation of humanity and the human realm, he's no stranger to death - time and death go hand in hand after all. countless names and faces have been archived to the back of his mind, names and faces he will never see or hear of ever again.
so why - why couldn't he still fully accept when the day finally came for thirteen to take your soul?
he supposes you were just that impactful to him, that despite everything he's learned, experienced, steeled himself from, all of those amounted to nothing when it came to you. when you were alive, he was never one to outwardly show his affections, instead opting to show you in different ways - from always having your favorite tea blend on hand, to taking note of how much sugar you'd put in, and how much time you'd wait for the tea's warmth to be bearable. he'd also always have your favorite snacks to pair with the tea, even making it a point to take trips to the human realm because you once mentioned loving a particular brand. when he had tea with you, he'd always use the cup you picked out for him, saved only for occassions when it's just the two of you in each other's presence.
he sometimes wonders if he spent enough time with you - being a butler of the future king of the devildom certainly limited the frequency at which you two would see each other, but you always did assure him that you were content with whatever time he had free when he had his off-days.
taking another step, he's in a familiar house now. in the distance, he could hear the faint squabbling of the brothers in the dining area - something about mammon taking levi's pudding earlier that afternoon. eventually he arrives to the door of your room, and before he could knock, it swings wide open, and he's greeted by the face he's longed for.
"barbatos! what are you doing here?"
he pauses, his mind blank. "i... i simply missed you, is all," in a sense, he truly wasn't lying. you smile at his confession.
"hm...? are you... crying, barb?" you ask, concerned, reaching to wipe the tears off his face with your thumb. he revels at the warmth of your palms, indulging in it for just a small while.
"it seems... i missed you more than i thought."
giggling, you tiptoe to plant a small kiss on the bridge of his nose. "you're always welcome to come see me, you know."
"i know." is his only reply, before engulfing you in his arms in a tight embrace. you're slightly confused, but you hug back nonetheless.
"i know," he whispers, to himself, before he needs to face reality again.
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rayslittlekitten · 1 year
I Almost Told You That I Loved You Ch 14
Chapter 13 | IATYTILY Masterlist | Chapter 15
A/N: Look y'all. This is a bit of a hot mess. I mean, it's supposed to be, but like, it's a hot mess. Had to carefully walk a very thin line with how I wanted Jax to come off. This hasn't been beta'd.
Rating: E (18+ ONLY)
Word Count: 1,956
Pairing: Jax Teller x F! reader
Plot: This takes place shortly after Tara leaves Charming. You start working at Teller-Morrow and an unlikely and messy relationship forms between you and Jax.
WARNINGS: non-con/dub con elements, oral sex (M receiving), protected P in V sex, fingering, triggering momenets, degradation, humiliation, name calling, face slapping, angry Jax, anxiety
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This feels all too familiar, except this time you know what’s bothering him. You can’t seem to have a drama-free night out with him in this smalltown.
“Are you okay?” you look over at Jax who clearly still looks pissed as he’s driving.
“I’m fine,” he grits. “But that asshole better hope I never see him again, because I won’t be so courteous next time.”
“Forget about him. You’ll just give him the satisfaction and prove him right.”
“About what? That I’m a thug? That I’m some stupid, low life criminal? I’ll make him regret his words,” he growls.
“Exactly!” you exclaim.
“So you think I’m stupid too? Not classy enough to eat in a place like that?” he accuses.
“No, that’s not what I meant!” You shake your head.
“You just agreed with–”
“No, I’m on your side Jax, but by acting out, you’re just giving him what he wants.”
He just continues to look ahead with a scowl on his face, gripping the wheel until his knuckles are white. He’s shaking his head while still seeing red, and you don’t mean the traffic light.
After a few quiet moments, you reach over to his lap to put your hand over his.
Jax looks down at your hands and then over at you.
“You’re better than those people,” you tell him. “You’re the prince of Charming and one day you’re gonna be the king and then you’re gonna be the one looking down your nose at them,” you state as-a-matter-of-factly.
Jax studies you while waiting at the light, taking in your words also as his eyes scan your face and body. 
It almost frightened you how that just so quickly and smoothly came falling out of your lips. Years of having to praise and stroke your ex’s ego is so ingrained in you, that you didn’t even have to think about it. It was a reflex. Your heart is now racing and adrenaline is pumping waiting for his reaction.
“You’re right,” Jax nods, smirking. “That guy is probably on our payroll and he doesn’t even know it,” he chuckles.
You smile and let out the breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
“What a fucking idiot,” he shakes his head. 
You relax back into the seat looking straight ahead, relieved his mood has eased up. Your head jerks back to him for a moment when you feel him gently squeezing your fingers with his own and caressing you with his thumb. His eyes are focused on the road and can still see remnants of his hurt lingering on his face, but you smile at him anyways and give him a squeeze back.
“Where are we going?” You ask as you see him pull into a secluded area surrounded by overgrown weed and tall barb-wired chain link fences with a DO NOT TRESPASS: PRIVATE PROPERTY sign hanging from one of them.
“You’re gonna service the king,” he finally answers.
Once he parks and shuts the car off, he takes no time to smash his lips against yours while releasing his seatbelt. He hungrily sucks on your mouth and licks your tongue. His blonde beard scratched against your face so hard, you know it’s going to leave a burn.
You’re thrown off by this spontaneous makeout session. You knew sex was most likely happening tonight but not at this moment, especially after what had just happened at the restaurant. You can’t complain though. Horny Jax is much more pleasant than Angry Jax, although you’ve noticed sometimes there’s an overlap.
As one of his hands massages one of your breasts, the other works quickly to undo his belt and fly of his pants. You unbuckle your own seatbelt and turn your body towards him. After he successfully frees his hard cock, he jerks himself a few times, testing the rigidity of it. 
“You wanna be a good little cock whore for the king?” He asks after breaking the kiss.
Just as you nod, he fists your hair and pushes your face down to his crotch.
“Use that pretty mouth of yours,” Jax commands.
For a moment, you tense up, jarred by his sudden aggression, but you then push the tip of his thick cock into your warm wet mouth when you feel his grip on you loosen. You reposition your body so you’re kneeling on the seat to get a more comfortable angle and leverage. You start slowly, taking your time to lick and lube him up with your spit until he glides comfortably between your lips. You can feel him getting harder with each stroke. As you move up and down his length, he reaches behind you, pulls up your dress and palms your ass, rubbing it and giving it a squeeze. 
“Mm. Your mouth feels so good,” he moans and then starts thrusting his hips upwards.
His fingers slide over between your legs, teasing you through your underwear. You moan around his cock as you rock back against him. He pulls your panties to the side and dips the tip of his middle finger into your slick hole, feeling how wet you’re getting.
“You like sucking my dick, don’t you?” Jax asks rhetorically. “You get so fucking wet when my cock is in your mouth.”
He tilts his head to the side and looks down, watching his cock go in and out of your mouth. He gathers and bunches your hair to get a better view, but he also starts to move with you, his fist following you as your head bobs up and down. You hear him hiss and feel his grip tighten when you swirl your tongue around the rim of his tip.
His finger plunges deeper into you and you try to fuck him as you suck him harder, but he’s not allowing you to experience full penetration yet so you whimper. His ring is also in the way but you don’t even care if that goes in as well.
“Look at you,” he laughs. “So fucking needy. You really want this dick, don’t you?”
You pull him out momentarily and jerk him to look up at him and nod.
“Mm hm,” you answer, but your face is shoved back down to his crotch.
“Did I tell you to stop?” Jax asks.
You slip him back inside your mouth and start to deep throat him.
“Fuck,” he groans. 
He slips another finger inside you and starts pumping in and out of you, going in as far as your pussy would allow him. You clench around him and continue to deep throat him, coming up for air before you can gag. 
“You’re so good at this,” he praises you. “Do it again.”
You wrap your lips around his cock and dip back down to deepthroat him again, swallowing down as much as you can, eliciting a moan out of him. As you come back up, he pushes his hips up and holds your head down, preventing you from moving. 
“Fuck, yessss,” Jax throws his head back against the headrest and arches up against your face.
You end up gagging on his cock, one trigger hair away from choking on your dinner and spilling it all over his lap.
He eases the pressure and you instantly pull him out, taking a deep breath and a moment to gather yourself. 
He pulls his fingers out of you and grabs your chin. He tilts your head up towards him seeing your mascara-smudged misty eyes looking back at him. 
“You’re a queen,” he says as he drags his thumb over your shiny pouty bottom lip as he looks down on you, admiring your tear-streaked face. “My queen.”
A proud smile plays on your face.
“Queen of sucking dick,” he smirks and lets out a chuckle while slipping his fingers inside your mouth. 
You suck and lick on his fingers, tasting yourself like it’s your reward for being crowned this new position. You want to satisfy him and there can’t be any higher slot than a royal majesty.
“Now sit on this throne and ride me like the good little cock whore that you are,” he commands, pulling his fingers from your mouth and wiping them on your face and smearing your lipstick. He then smacks your face. It wasn’t hard, but the slap was as unexpected as realizing that you might have liked it. 
You sit up and reposition yourself. As you work to pull your panties off, you see Jax reaching into the glove compartment to pull out an opened box of condoms. He takes one out and tears it open before slipping it on himself. He adjusts his seat back to make room for you and pats his thigh.
You hike up your dress and straddle him, reaching down to grasp his hard cock you’re hovering over and align yourselves until you finally sink down. He groans and you start riding him, bouncing up and down on him, holding on to the back of the seat as leverage. 
Jax moves his hands under your dress to your ass. He palms it, squeezing hard with both hands while guiding you. This is the first time actually that you’re on top of him. He’s always been the one in the dominating position. Even still now, he is. 
When you lower yourself, he grips your hips and holds them down while pushing his up against you. A guttural noise slips out of him while trying to fit all of himself inside you. You can feel heavy pressure on your cervix and you stiffen up. You try to ease the discomfort, but he’s not giving you any breathing room.
“Jax…” You wiggle on his lap and try to push yourself off a bit again. “You’re too deep.”
“Is my dick too big for you?” he asks smugly. “Because you sure do take it well for a good girl.”
You instantly freeze up and feel your mushroom risotto threatening to come back up again.
“Don’t call me that.”
Jax’s eyes are on your face for a moment, confused.
“Good girl?” he asks with a raised brow. “I’ll call you whatever the fuck I–”
“No! Don’t fucking call me that!” You snap back and then quickly dismount yourself from him, moving back to the passenger seat.
Jax looks over at you and studies your face with knitted brows.
“What the fuck just happened?” he asks while you’re looking for your underwear.
When you find it, you pull it back on, but you never answer his question.
He silently looks down at his still hard cock and then back at you, trying to process what just happened.
“Look, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you,” he apologizes. “I won’t call you that ever again.”
You glance over at him with crossed arms, clearly still upset, and make eye contact with him. He looks sincere.
“I promise,” he adds.
Jax notices your body’s defenses easing up as you look away.
“You alright?” he asks.
You simply nod.
“Hey,” he cautiously reaches over to gently grab your chin and turns your face towards him.
“You sure you’re okay?” he asks again.
“Yeah,” you answer. “I’m sorry about that. Can we please go?”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll drop you off.”
Jax pulls the condom off his limp cock, tossing it out the window and then pulls his jeans back up before starting up the car. 
“Can we go back to your place instead?” you suddenly ask. 
“Are you sure?” he asks hesitantly, looking at you intently.
You nod.
“That is, if I’m still your good little cock whore,” you bite your lower lip.
The corners of Jax’s mouth slowly turn up.
“My queen,” he praises as he reaches over to affectionately pinch your chin.
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Hi! So, I absolutely love your series where the MC is the kid of Lucifer, and I was wondering if I could request that with Diavolo and Barbatos? •v•
:0 you definitely can! Right now I’m just doing Diavolo, but Barb’s will be up sometime soon!
MC is Half Demon and Oh Shit They’re Diavolo’s Kid-
Diavolo wasn’t exactly what one would expect of the prince of Hell, I mean, he was suppressing the urge to bounce in his seat from pure excitement. I mean, his exchange program was starting! Humans, demons, and angels, all together, his dream was coming true.
All that was left was for the student to arrive, the portal opened, and the human fell flat on their back. Oof, maybe Diavolo should have set up some kind of landing zone filled with pillows. No matter! The human was-
What peculiar eyes this human had…
Oh… oh dear…
The MC was his child, no question about it. This was… very unexpected. Well, the entire assembly hall was completely quiet, and the kid looked like they were getting impatient.
“HEY! Mind telling me what the hell is going on?!”
After that, Diavolo launches into his explanation, also the explanation that he’s definitely this kid’s dad. Kid was not impressed, they tried to square up with Diavolo and Lucifer had never been more confused as to what to do.
Well, the moment MC sprouted wings and launched themselves at Diavolo, Dia caught them with one hand and continued speaking like nothing happened.
MC, please calm down… Diavolo didn’t know they existed, let him make it up to them! They’re going to stay at the Demon Lord’s Castle! Dia’s going to be a good dad!
“This feels like the plot to the world’s most messed up fairytale.” MC jammed their hands into their pockets and grumbled. “I get sucked into hell and find out I’m royalty there. Great.”
Diavolo managed to smile and awkwardly reach out to give them a pat on the head, then retracted his hand after the kid shot him a glare. “Well, it’s not a very traditional fairytale, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy your time here.”
“Mm, sure.” MC mumbled.
Okay, so his child wasn’t that enthusiastic about the exchange program, but Diavolo was sure they’d come around.
Dia tried everything he could possibly think of to get his kid to both like him and enjoy their time as an exchange student. A lot of things had… mixed results.
Also, legally recognizing MC as his child and legitimizing them caused a big stink amongst the nobles who were opposed to the exchange program to begin with. So MC then had to deal with a few assassins. Wonderful. Fantastic. Show stopping. Dia, be a good dad and comfort your angsty murder target- I MEAN preteen.
They do manage to build a good relationship fairly quickly despite their less than stellar first impressions, and Diavolo made them a promise that he knew he wouldn’t ever break: he would let them live as normal a childhood as possible.
This means that MC gets to do all the normal kid stuff that Diavolo wasn’t allowed to do. It honestly works out great for everyone. MC gets to live their life, Diavolo gets the satisfaction of knowing that his kid’s having fun, and Barbatos doesn’t need to worry about MC causing chaos in the castle.
Man… does this kid’s magic potential scare the shit out of everyone though…
Tired Uncle Lucifer
No. This has to be a violation of his worker rights. It cannot be legal for him to be this stressed.
He knew this exchange program was a bad idea. LUCIFER FUCKING KNEW IT. This kid was judging him. Why did he suddenly feel self conscious about every single one of his features? This child was picking him apart and they hadn’t even said anything!
He confiscated Asmo’s phone immediately, this was a matter of national security! Satan’s too! Beel as- oh shit Lucifer may have to give Beel the heimlich maneuver, then take his phone.
When all the brothers eventually got back to the HOL, they were greeted with Mammon getting shaken down by Levi.
“Lucifer! Ya won’t believe this! Levi- what’s wrong with you?” “The exchange student is Diavolo’s child.” “What..?” “*pops the cork off a bottle of Demonus* the exchange student’s Diavolo’s child.”
The worst part about this kid was that they took to the privileges of being royalty like a fish to water. MC went out and did whatever the fuck they wanted, and Lucifer needed to make sure a state of national emergency wasn’t called just because MC picked a fight at RAD.
It didn’t help that MC was just so unimpressed with Lucifer. Anytime Lucifer would tell them not to do something they would just raise their eyebrows and challenge his authority without saying a word.
What the fuck.jpg
The things he does for his prince boyfriend…
Cool Uncle Mammon
Huh, so this little pipsqueak is Lord Diavolo‘s kid? Hm, do ya think they’d let him into the royal treasury? No? Okay… lame.
Mammon then decides this kid would be just perfect for scamming people! Who is going to say no to the Crown Prince’s kid? A suicidal person, that’s who!
And the kid is… up for it? Wow, Mammon didn’t even have to grovel! Awesome!
It’s such a shame that Lucifer came in and promptly removed MC from Mammon’s presence. Tsk, killjoy…
Mammon and MC do get along swimmingly after MC stops angsting. Whenever they hang out it’s pure chaos.
And they would have gotten away with it too- wait, they do get away with it. Because who’s going to question the Crown Prince’s kid? >:)
Reclusive Uncle Leviathan
Levi was in the middle of throttling Mammon for his money back when Lucifer burst through the door looking like he had spent over 1000 Grimm on a gacha game only to not get the card he wanted.
And where was that human he said would be staying with them? Huh? The human’s HUH????!!!!
… wack. Maybe he shouldn’t have skipped out on that Student Council Meeting…
Either way, ew, new person he needed to talk to. NO THANKS. Well, no thanks until MC started to visit the HOL to hang out with Mammon. Of course those two normies decided to bug him. OF COURSE.
Levi finally snapped when MC loudly proclaimed that they could totally beat Levi in Mario Kart. Haha, NO. Levi challenged the little runt to a 1 v 1 race on Rainbow Road.
Kid lost. Obviously. Rainbow Road is rigged.
Honestly, kid’s alright. Still a total normie, but not completely terrible.
Cat Uncle Satan
Huh, a half human child of the soon to be demon king, how very interesting.
Oh, and just look at Lucifer’s face. :D priceless. Satan wished he was fast enough to get his DDD out to snap a picture, but he wasn’t able to…
But back to MC, oh how very intriguing. How much power do they have in comparison to Diavolo? Will using that power rip their fragile little body apart? Would they learn to control it? Satan was just dying to find out.
His feelings on the child themselves were mixed at best. They were clearly unhappy with the situation and Satan could sympathize, being thrust into a completely new world and then being told you can’t leave and are also royalty? That has to be hard. But this kid was still being an unreasonable little shit.
Satan continued to try and study MC from afar until the kid themselves walked right up to him and half demanded half pleaded for his help in studying for a test.
Not being one to avoid an opportunity to flex how smart he is, Satan agreed to help out. (Nerrrrd)
And honestly, it went well. When the kid wasn’t being a little shit, they were actually quite pleasant to be around.
Overly Affectionate Uncle Asmo
Listen, when Asmo asked Lucifer to pick a cute human, he didn’t mean cute as in CHILD.
This kid was DIAVOLO’S?! What lucky human had gotten to have the experience of [Jesus Fucking Christ, Asmo I’m not writing what he said for the sake of the nation]
Anyhoo~ little MC just made his heart go “SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SO CUTE!” They were so cute Asmo could just eat them up!
But they were so mean! That scowl they always had on was going to give them wrinkles and ruin their perfectly cute face!
Sigh, oh well. He can’t manually rearrange people’s expressions. What he can do is take this child shopping. Poor Diavolo was constantly in his RAD uniform, this poor innocent baby shouldn’t have to suffer the same fate.
The kid continued to scowl at everything, but at the same time, their little quips were very entertaining. This little kid spitting verbal venom at anyone who displeased them reminded Asmo of someone… he just couldn’t place who, but they definitely had amazing hair and a cute face :3
Hungry Uncle Beel
Where’s the takeout- I mean human? What’s happening? …are all humans this small? Dang, that’s barely enough for a snack.
So the human’s not going to live with us because they’re not fully human and Diavolo’s kid? Huh. Wild. Anyway, what’s for dinner?
Beel’s not too invested in this drama, he misses Belphie too much to be that interested…
The kid’s weirdly interested in how cool and strong Beel is though. MC tails him to the gym pretty often.
Diavolo and Beel already being gym buddies send tweet-
Since this benevolent little shit likes Beel so much, they decided to take it upon themselves to help with the family drama.
Beel finds that very sweet 🥺
Murder sleepy Uncle Belphie
Oh man… if you thought Belphie was being unfair to L!MC due to their parentage… hoo boy…
When this kid waltzed up the attic steps like they ran the place, Belphie needed to hold himself back from trying to break down the door and throttle this kid.
Pff, of course Diavolo would have a half human kid. Of course.
…kid beat the shit out of him when he tried to kill them. We stan this MC.
After all is said and done, Belphie still isn’t overly fond of MC. They’re brash and rude and only funny 40% of the time. They don’t even like napping 😒
But Beel likes the little runt, so Belphie and MC put up with each other.
Bonus! Your Angelic Uncle Simeon’s Chihuahua
:0 friend!
MC: *speaks*
>:0 not friend! Begone! *throws crucifix*
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gracedcoup · 2 years
Diavolo’s childhood (feat. Barbatos) headcanons
you know what’s great about having very little canon info about characters’ backstories? it means I get to be self-indulgent. the devs can’t stop me
Most of this is set up in chronological order like that first “Mammon raised Satan” headcanon post, though there are a few towards the end that are just add-ons. (Speaking of, these all coexist with the “Mammon raised Satan” headcanons)
Initially, Barbatos was hired to be a basic servant in the Demon Lord’s Castle. Given his skill with cooking and cleaning, his duties likely centered around those two tasks. As castle employees are held to exceptionally high standards, it isn’t unusual for servants to come and go in relatively short order.
Because the Demon King was a busy man, he rarely had time to spend one-on-one with Diavolo…or, rather, he never really bothered to make time to spend with his son. Because of this, child Diavolo would go to the servants for attention and approval. He often just wanted to show someone a picture he drew, or show off a good grade he got, talk about his day, eat snacks together, so on and so forth. Just small stuff, things that are minor at best to adults but still very important to little kids.
Since Diavolo was the young prince, the servants knew better than to be rude to him. But also, since Diavolo is the young prince, most servants were too nervous to interact with him much. The Demon King had grown noticeably temperamental since his wife died in childbirth, and it didn’t take much to see that he wasn’t overly fond of his son. There was a lot of implication and speculation surrounding the whole mess, and the general consensus was that it was safest to stay as uninvolved as possible.
As a result, Diavolo’s attempts at socializing were met with polite but distant affirmations most of the time, maybe a pat on the head if he was lucky. The Little Ds would talk to him sometimes, but there was an equal chance they would brush him off immediately. If they didn’t get their work done, getting fired was the least of their worries – they might get eaten!
With Barbatos, it was the same as with the other servants at first. Palace employee, high expectations, lots of work to do, sorry Young Master. Diavolo himself isn’t quite sure why he latched onto Barbatos specifically. If pressed for an answer, he could say it might’ve been because of how cool and composed Barbatos always looked.
By chance (by which I mean “Little D #2 told him”), Diavolo found out that Barbatos really liked tea. This led to him inviting Barbatos to have tea with him, though he was relatively unsuccessful until he started pulling out the Big Guns™ – namely, some cheshire cat grass tea. With how rare that particular tea is, Barbatos knew better than to pass up a chance to try it. All he had to do for reimbursement was chat and entertain the young prince with stories of the outside world, after all. It was, possibly, the best deal Barbatos had ever stumbled into.
…then he’d started to worry. Diavolo’s big smile whenever Barbatos complimented him was cute, but how come he never seemed to be so happy outside of their little talks? Demons came in many shapes and sizes, from all walks of life, but Barbatos was pretty sure young demons weren’t normally so determined to seek out attention. He steadily became more receptive to Diavolo’s attempts to chat outside of tea-time, even if that sometimes resulted in Diavolo trailing behind him like a duckling as he did his work.
Seeing this, the rest of the staff grew a little friendlier towards Diavolo as well. He was a nice kid after all, and Barbatos wasn’t getting in trouble, so why would they? There was still a starch politeness to their responses, but they stopped being so quick to excuse themselves or shoo him away. Barbatos remained the only one who would truly talk with Diavolo, let alone at length.
(Meanwhile, Little D #2 was bold enough to demand sweets as payment for telling Diavolo about Barbatos’ love of tea. He did get them eventually, but he also got scolded by Barbatos for being impudent, so he’s not sure if he really won in the end.)
As time passed, unfortunately, Barbatos only gained more and more reasons to worry about Diavolo.
During one of their chats, Diavolo excitedly told Barbatos about his progress in learning magic. He’d mastered some specific, difficult technique, and his tutor had commended him for it. When Barbatos suggested that he tell his father about how well his lessons were going, Diavolo was uncertain at first, but quickly came around to the idea.
Barbatos never learned for sure if Diavolo had told his father about it. All he knew was that Diavolo had been gloomy and distant when he spoke with the young prince later that day.
Such was hardly an isolated occurrence. Barbatos gradually stopped suggesting that Diavolo talk to his father, if only to keep him from looking so melancholy. The Demon King held little interest in hearing about his son’s achievements, apparently, or even in just conversing with the boy. No need to keep holding a candle to a glacier, even if the glacier really ought to get its act together–
(Barbatos hugged Diavolo one day, when the young prince looked especially dispirited. Diavolo burst into tears. It was the first, but not last, time Barbatos considered just picking the kid up and walking out of the palace.)
Naturally Barbatos held his tongue, choosing instead to focus on supporting Diavolo. Telling your boss he sucks at being a parent is a one-way ticket to getting canned and, if your boss is the Demon King, possibly put to death. But ohhhhh if looks could kill…
It didn’t take Diavolo long to consider Barbatos his best friend (not that there was competition), or for Barbatos to view Diavolo similarly to a little brother. It became the norm to see the two of them together, save for the times Diavolo was explicitly required to be elsewhere, or when Barbatos needed to be in the kitchens.
We know Diavolo got Barbatos to stay on as his personal butler by claiming he would refuse to become Demon King otherwise. However, that’s also how he got his father to let Barbatos stay, too. The Demon King had assented with an annoyed sigh and a wave of his hand; if Diavolo wanted some rando as his butler so badly, than so be it. Barbatos had passed the background check to work at the Palace, after all, and he could just fire the guy whenever he finally messed up. (Or set him on fire, should he ever try to encourage Diavolo into a rebellious phase.)
As Diavolo’s new personal butler, Barbatos knew his performance needed to be top-notch. In the back of his mind, he knew he’d become a pawn at best – if Diavolo acted up or went against his father’s wishes, the Demon King could very easily use Barbatos’ employment (or wellbeing) to force Diavolo back into line. Though he did persevere, and he did become even more of a hyper-competent butler as a result, it…left him with a bit of a complex. With the Demon King asleep and Diavolo in charge, Barbatos knows the chance of being used like a bullwhip to corral the young prince is effectively nil. Still, that doesn’t stop him from wigging out a little during the (very, very, VERY) rare occasions he makes a mistake, like that time he was running late to meet up with the group.
✧ The two of them joke about how Diavolo “tricked” Barbatos into working as his personal butler, but Diavolo does get genuinely worried about it sometimes. What if Barbatos isn’t happy with his job? What if he wants to leave? For the most part, Diavolo knows that Barbatos cares about him dearly and would never do something so abrupt…but then again, he hadn’t expected his father to up and descend into semi-eternal slumber, either. Diavolo knows it’s an irrational fear, but the anxiety comes and goes and comes again regardless.
✧ Though he has a history of sneaking away from Barbatos occasionally, Diavolo was very grateful for his butler’s habit of shadowing him after his father’s “disappearance.” Their relationship (or lack thereof) hadn’t been particularly warm, but the Demon King had nonetheless been a constant in his son’s life up until that point. Him suddenly not being there anymore was jarring to Diavolo, and became the catalyst for him to start worrying that Barbatos might also leave one day.
✧ Although Barbatos is more of a dad to Diavolo than the Demon King is, Diavolo views him as more of an older brother figure. This has less to do with Barbatos’ behavior and more to do with Diavolo’s perception of his father, whom he is disinclined to associate with Barbatos at all. It just…doesn’t feel right. Barbatos is kind, and though he can be strict at times, he makes it clear that it comes from a place of care; he acknowledges and commends Diavolo’s accomplishments, and encourages his ward’s growth as a person. In complete contrast, the Demon King was always cold and distant at best. Though Diavolo knows that the Demon King doesn’t act like how a parent should, he has the man ingrained as his definition of “father.” Barbatos hardly deserves to be insulted with such a title.
✧ After the incident with Satan, in what he himself acknowledges as futile and hopeless pondering, Diavolo wonders how his father would react if he were given a second chance to connect with his son. The Demon King had never been violent towards Diavolo, but the most love he’d ever shown him was when he’d allowed Barbatos to stay on as Diavolo’s personal servant. Which…wasn’t exactly much love at all. In the end, Diavolo doesn’t know if his father would take that second chance, or if he ever truly cared about Diavolo as a son. (For all his wondering, Diavolo doesn’t particularly want to know, either.)
✧ Barbatos has had to ban Diavolo from showering him with presents. He certainly doesn’t mind being gifted some high-quality tea leaves from time to time, but anything more than that (outside of his birthday) is prohibited.
✧ Diavolo doesn’t know his own age. Part of this is because he’s just really, really, really old. The other part is that he never bothered keeping track of his birthdays when he was young, since all they amounted to were a formal social event and a bunch of festivities outside the castle. The formal event was boring and filled with passive-aggressive nobility, and he was never allowed to attend any of the festivities taking place beyond the castle walls. Privately, he thinks of his age as the number of years since Barbatos started working at the castle plus a few extra centuries; it’s the best approximation he’s got.
✧ Aside from how potentially dangerous warping reality can be, the other reason why Barbatos isn’t allowed to use his powers freely is so that the Demon King never finds out about them. Being able to see into the past and future isn’t exactly a common ability amongst demons, but it blends in with other odd abilities enough to not be particularly noteworthy. Being able to pick what timeline is the sole reality is rare enough to turn heads, though, including the Demon King’s. Though he’s nowhere close to present-day Diavolo’s power level, Barbatos is still strong enough (from a technical aspect) to pose a serious threat to the prince – and the Demon King – should he so choose. If the Demon King had known about the extent of Barbatos’ powers, he would’ve kept the butler on a much tighter leash, to the point that Diavolo probably wouldn’t have gotten to see or talk to him again.
✧ Barbatos, on a regular basis, has to talk himself out of suggesting that Diavolo get a pet. Though Diavolo would definitely benefit from the extra companionship, he would also be devastated if anything happened to the creature. It doesn’t help that, in terms of animals that could be reasonably taken care of at the palace, there aren’t many that would live even half as long as the prince to begin with.
✧ Diavolo mentions on multiple occasions that it’s important for him to appear strong and to not worry others. Though he doesn’t have breakdowns often, Barbatos is the only person he’ll allow to see him when he does.
✧ Despite Barbatos’ notoriously calm demeanor, Diavolo has grown proficient at reading his actual mood over the years. For outsiders, it’s easier to gauge Barbatos’ mood based on Diavolo’s behavior. If the prince is acting normal, then everything’s (probably) fine.
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
More undateables with a demigod hades mc???
By request, have yourself a part two!! 
Demigod MC Series: Hades Pt. 2 (Un)Dateables Edition!
I will ask that y’all please don't ask for continuations of other gods unless I say it’s okay to do again. This series already fills my inbox something fierce and this is a one-off that I allowed for during the request window.  If I have to make ideas for new gods while continuing a bunch of old MCs, it'll burn me out fast...
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena, Hades Pt. 2
Oh, he has no problem at all hosting a child of the Underworld, hell he even throws them a welcome banquet when he finds out! Hades is a dear friend - and practically a parental figure to him growing up - so he's more than happy to take in one of his children for a year.
Diavolo is actually one of the few people that the MC can talk to about their home with any kind of fondness. Usually when they bring up things like the comforting wailing of the River Coctyus, the brothers will give them weird looks... but Diavolo knows where they're coming from!
He spent numerous summers in the Underworld growing up doing things like pestering Charon on the River Styx or playing games with Cerberus (the other one) in the Asphodel Meadows... His beach house is actually modeled after his childhood summer home in the Isles of Paradise! Really, it can be a lovely place if the gloom doesn't bother you!
So in the spirit of his fond memories, Diavolo really tried to make their time in the Devildom a fun one!... in his maybe trying a little too hard way…  
Poor MC found themselves offered pretty much everything under the moon… Tickets or exclusive passes to different cultural events/festivals, invitations to gala events, and tours of nearly every inch of Hell by the Prince himself - it was… it was a lot for the poor introverted thing…
It didn’t help that Diavolo would have a hard time gauging if they were having any fun due to their naturally melancholic nature, which only pushed him to try harder… He means well, he does. He’s just not the most in touch with what would make an anti-social doom child happy...
It took Barbatos and Lucifer stepping in for the mortal to actually start getting some much needed space and that improved their experience significantly. Sometimes less is more, Dia… Less is more. But they appreciate his efforts anyway.
Also has a pretty amicable relationship with the Ruler of the Underworld, though his is much more professional compared to Diavolo’s. He actually has a good deal of appreciation for the man for taking good care of the Prince during his visits, so he sees this as an opportunity to return the favor.
Like Diavolo, he’s rather focused on making sure the MC is having a good stay in the Devildom, but he’s much more subtle about it. He’ll come by the House often to check up on them and make sure everything is to their liking... 
Even the brothers notice that he treats them like anothering visiting Lord/Lady in that way, which he would argue they very much are and should be respected as one. It’s the least the Devildom can offer their father at this point.
His visits may also be an excuse for keeping an eye on the brothers to make sure they don’t do anything to inconvenience their “young guest…” To be honest, the entire House is a little paranoid about that… Nobody wants to know the punishment for hurting MC if Barbs is the one dishing it out...
Apart from watching out for them, Barbatos tries to encourage the MC to accept the Young Lord’s gifts (while also actively advising Diavolo to go easier on them at the same time). It would be so disheartening to him if his Prince feels like he hasn’t offered them the best experience that he could… He’s sure they understand.
Any time that he invites the MC to tea, they usually end up talking about their father in some way. Barbs knows a surprising amount about the god… He’s been around about as long as Chronos - preceding the birth of Aether and Chaos themselves - so he has some stories to tell.
The MC did once ask him why he doesn’t just run everything if he’s really been around for so long... his answer was: “Kings and their kingdoms will rise and fall… Worlds upon worlds are born, then cease to be. But time is what brings about all changes… So, I think I’m perfectly content with the power I possess. Wouldn’t you be?” 
Annnd they never asked Barbs another question like that again… and people think death is scary… 
He was honestly a little worried for their new companion for quite a while… It’s not like there’s never any sadness in the Celestial Realm or anything, but they seem to have something else entirely…
He’s heard stories about the Underworld. He’s never been himself, that’s usually a job for the Seraphim due to the… dreary nature of the place - but he’s heard it would make the Devildom look downright festive…
If he were being honest, he had half expected the MC to be obsessed with skeletons, ghosts, and other elements of darkness but that wasn’t the case. They certainly knew a lot about those things, but they appeared to have a healthy interest in the afterlife in general, so they asked him a lot of questions about the Celestial Realm, angels, and how the souls of the blessed are treated up there… It was surprising to say the least.
Of course he did the same and, frankly, Simeon found it incredibly wasteful that so many Greek followers find themselves just wasting away in a field of nothing for so long… but that’s neither here nor there.
He was also surprised by how gentle of an influence the MC ended up being on Luke as well. He had always suspected that the little angel just needed a bridge between him and Devildom to start finding appreciation for it, and the MC fit that bill perfectly - nothing he was used to, but still approachable enough to make everything less frightening. He thanks them a great deal for that… but...
It’s just that… Well they’re just so… depressing sometimes…! He doesn’t want to blame them because it hardly seems like their fault! They’re a very kind person, it’s just an atmosphere around them… It brings him to tears if he isn’t careful…
He’s invited the MC to Purgatory Hall on multiple occasions to chat and try to make them smile… When they do, the gloom is dispelled - even just a little - and they’re a truly beautiful creature regardless. It’s just so unfortunate that their life brings so much sadness...
Even so, he actually likes the MC enough to consider basing a character on them if he ever wrote another book. Something about a gloomy but sweet protagonist at home in a world of darkness sounds appealing… doesn’t it?
He didn’t know how to feel about the MC when they met. At first, he actually thought they were just as unhappy as he was to be there due to how depressed they looked but when they told him that wasn't true, he was really confused...
The Devildom is a dark, brutish, and dangerous place. Why would anyone feel at home down here??
But… well… He would spend time with them at RAD between breaks (partially to help scare off their many, many demonic suitors) and it might be weird to say, but they really made the Devildom look beautiful… literally.
The world just looks better when they’re around! It’s really hard to describe because it’s not something you notice much until they leave, but when the MC is around everything looks more vibrant and inviting! The grass gets greener, flowers grow bigger, and butterflies/birds hover around wherever they are like they have their own gravity - the realm loves them!
It started getting hard for Luke to hang onto his disdain for the place when they made it look so appealing… And then they started talking to him about the Underworld and the creatures they’d befriended there… creatures a lot worse than any demons he’d seen there...
Like. If the MC can be good friends with a bunch of rude walking corpses, then he could probably make friends with a demon right? There’s nice ones… kind of… 
Beel. He can make friends with Beel.
Like Simeon, he does feel bad that they seem so sad all the time… but unlike the older angel, he’s a bit more understanding that this is just how they are and enjoys his time with them regardless. (It helps a lot that just being around this little bean of a boy can lift their spirits anyway).
And you know what’s even better for him? When Lord Diavolo gives the MC tickets to things that they don’t want to go to, sometimes they’ll invite him along or give them to him instead! 
He’s gone to the Devil’s Coast with MC and Simeon sooo many times by now and he loves it!! Maybe the Devildom isn’t so bad after all, I mean, it can be a lot of fun when you go to the right places, anyway.
Oh, he finds them both deeply fascinating and utterly terrifying - so just his sort of test sub-er, person!
He kids (somewhat), Solomon isn’t that dumb/lacking in self-preservation instinct. Experimenting on a child of death in a land of the dead (even if it’s not their “home turf”) would be asking for trouble. They’d have more than enough ammunition to fight him off and if their father found out? Immortality wouldn’t even begin to save him...
That being said, questions aren’t necessarily experiments… and oh boy, does he have a lot of them.
If the MC isn’t being pestered by Diavolo or the brothers, then they’re probably having to put up with Solomon nipping at their heels trying to get them to use their powers or answer all sorts of “innocent” scientific questions…
“MC, reanimation of Greek dead requires a blood offering, correct? Do you have to sacrifice animals for that process or do you allow them to feast on your own?”
“MC, when you’re controlling a skeleton do you move the body as a whole or do you have to animate each individual bone due to their lack of ligaments?”
“Think fast!! Oh look, you just caught the skull of my good friend, Richard! Could you bring him back from that, or should I fetch the rest of him?” 🙂
They put up with it because, believe it or not, he’s not nearly the weirdest person they’ve ever met (a lot of crazy people drift in and out of the land of the dead…) and well… they’re a pretty lonely person too so it’s not like they have a lot of standards when it comes to friendships anyway.
But the second they breathe a word of this to Barbs or Diavolo, this boy is on his way to a royal restraining order… Where does he even get those skulls…?
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fellulahh · 4 years
MC and Diavolo accidentally switch bodies for the day
Taking a sip of the drink that Solomon had just prepared for her, MC narrowed her eyes at the white haired sorcerer. A small, cheeky grin appeared on his lips as he watched her eagerly.
Finishing the drink, MC set the glass down on the counter as she began to grow suspicious of Solomon. Although he was usually sly, there was something that seemed so cunning about the expression he had.
“What is it?” She asked quietly as he began to chuckle. “Solomon what did you do?!”
“You know that conversation you and I were having the other day?” He asked casually as he sat back in his chair.
Without any further discussion, MC knew exactly what he was referring to. Widening her eyes, she turned her head to gawp at the empty glass in front of her. “You didn’t!” She gasped in horror.
“MC don’t worry about it! It’s fine - I did nothing different than what we discussed.” He explained with a smile, “You said you wanted to get your revenge on the brothers after they all took that lust potion around you so guess what? I used the last of this body switching one in your drink.”
Although Solomon found it terribly amusing that MC had just drunk a syrup that would switch her body with somebody else, she wasn’t so thrilled. It wasn’t the fact that he’d slipped it into her beverage - it was actually her idea in the first place - it was the fact that she was now going to face the effects of the syrup.
“How does it decide whose body I switch with?” She asked quietly, glancing up at Solomon with a worried expression.
“The last person you touched.” He grinned, “I just can’t wait to see which one you turn into!”
“Solomon!” MC suddenly panicked as she shot out of her seat.
“What is it?” He asked confused, “you’ll only change bodies for a day?”
“That’s not the issue here!” MC waved her hands frantically, “the last person I touched was Diavolo!”
“Oh shit...” Solomon mumbled. “You mean?”
“I’m going to turn into Diavolo!” MC cried before letting out a sharp breath, “and Diavolo is going to turn into me!”
“Fuck...” Solomon breathed, trying to weigh up the options on what they should do.
“We have to go to the palace.” MC shook her head, causing Solomon to look at her as though she was being ridiculous. “We need to tell him!”
Sighing, she marched out of the room before she could even give him a choice. Time was against them as they raced through the house. The affects of the syrup could take place at any second. MC silently prayed that Diavolo didn’t have some important meeting with all of the high nobles.
She seethed to herself as they travelled across the Devildom. ‘This is a disaster!’ MC kept repeating to herself until eventually they made it to the palace.
Barbatos let both of them into the castle, surprised to see the state they were in.
“Barb where’s Diavolo?!” MC asked quickly, “I’ve got to see him right now.”
“He’s in his study?” Barbatos arched an eyebrow, “would you like me to call for him?”
“There’s no time!” MC shook her head, “please just take me to him.”
Following her orders - and given how urgent they seemed - Barbatos began walking through the palace at a fast pace. Solomon chose to hang back as MC followed the Prince’s servant.
The palace had never seemed so big as they continued turning left and right down various hallways until eventually MC was lead to a colossal door.
Knocking gently, Barbatos awaited Diavolo’s call before letting MC in. As she practically fell into the room, the Prince stood up from his seat in surprise.
“MC?” He asked concerned, “whatever is the matter?”
“My Lord I am so sorry.” She panted as she leant over, “Solomon gave me a syrup that would make me switch bodies...”
Talking had never seemed to hard as she tried to regain her breath.
“He didn’t realise that you and I were together earlier.” She continued, “I drank it to get my own back on the brothers but Solomon didn’t know that I hadn’t seen them today.”
Diavolo’s eyes never left MC’s face as she frantically tried to explain what was happening.
“He says I will switch bodies with the last person I touched.” MC finished.
Recollecting their catch up they’d had earlier, Diavolo remembered the hug they shared as MC left. “Me?” He asked with wide eyes.
“I’m so sorry!” She repeated with an anxious expression.
“What you mean to tell me is you drank a syrup that would force you to switch bodies with the last person that you touched? And that person is me?” He asked, trying to understand the situation.
“Yes...” MC answered as her face sunk.
Diavolo showed no emotion for a minute as he paced in front of his desk. Fear grew in MC’s body as she anticipated a scolding from the Prince.
But then, as he perched his firm butt on the edge of his desk, he looked up at MC. “So once this syrup takes effect, I will be you for the day and you me?” He requested clarification.
“Yes, My Lord.” She nodded.
“Well this sounds positively exciting!” He suddenly grinned, catching MC by complete surprise.
“I’m sorry...” she knitted her eyebrows, “you’re not angry?”
“Why would I be angry? I have nothing important scheduled for the rest of the week and therefore do not need to worry about you being me.” He explained, “and with me switching bodies with you I can finally grasp an understanding on what it is like to be a human!”
Diavolo seemed to find this incredibly exciting.
“I must say MC, my life was far more boring before you came along.” He chuckled. “I think you and I could have some fun with this. How long has it been since you drank the syrup?”
“About 25 minutes, My Lord.” MC breathed.
“Excellent.” He smirked, “Five more minutes should do it.” As he glanced at her, he noticed the worry in her eyes. “You seem frightened?” He questioned.
“I’m sorry My Lord, I just didn’t expect you to react so...well?” She spoke unsure. “I came here thinking you’d be furious.”
“While this isn’t quite how I imagined spending my afternoon, that’s not to say I am disappointed because of it.” He chuckled, “now come on, MC. Wipe that worry off your face!”
In all truth, Diavolo was just pleased he was involved in such chaos without being the one who orchestrated it.
“Now...lets not spend the afternoon fretting.” He smirked, “it’s time we had some fun!”
What did they get up to?
Now being in Diavolo’s body, MC decides to give Barbatos some super weird orders. “Can you get out and buy me some peaches without the pit?” “My Lord, all peaches have pits?” “Then find some that dont!”
“Barbatos will you carry me to the kitchen please?” “I’m sorry my Lord but I don’t think I will be able to support your weight...” “how rude! Would you speak to your King like that?”
After about ten minutes though, Barbatos guesses exactly what’s happened
“How did you know it was me?!” MC questions, “because Lord Diavolo always uses his fluffy pen to write out shopping lists! You used the dip pen - a rookie mistake.” “Ah.”
MC walks into Diavolo’s chamber and while alone, takes a sneak peak down his shirt, ‘it’s even better than I imagined!’
Meanwhile Diavolo - in MC’s body - remains sat at his desk trying to calm his mind. ‘Well maybe just one feel...’ he thinks to himself before quickly grabbing his newly accustomed breasts
“Oh my!” He grins to himself
FaceTimes Lucifer, “Hey cutie, how are you doing?” “MC?? Why are you at Lord Diavolo’s?” “We’re talking about you.”
MC pulls a prank on Mammon by messaging him, “hey Mammon, Lord Diavolo’s pretty mad at you...” “ha! If he was it’d be Lucifer messaging me. Prove it.” *MC sends a selfie in Diavolo’s body looking pissed off* “o—oh shit what did I do?!”
Diavolo goes to the House of Lamentation and tells all of the brothers that he (MC) is in love with Diavolo so they should all stop pining over her
He also does whatever he can to make Lucifer blush while in the human’s body. He knows she’s the only one capable of making his heart go soft. “Did you know your hair looks sexy pushed back?” “MC, please.”
Back at the castle, MC’s ordering for a new portrait to be painted of her (Diavolo) to hang above the throne. And of course, the pose she chooses is her dabbing
She also sends a selfie to Solomon, “Hello Harry Potter, it’s Lord Diavolo here to tell you u nasty”
Afterwards, she calls Simeon to tell him “It’s Diavolo here - I’m really sorry to tell you this but MC’s my favourite exchange student.”
When it comes to going to the toilet, MC tries incredibly hard not to look down but as soon as she catches a glance of Diavolo Jr she screams “oh my GOD”
She posts an inspiring article on the RAD newspaper with “words we can live by” and its ‘sex drugs and sausage rolls’
While not pranking the brothers, Diavolo’s ‘testing’ what it’s like to be in a human body. *punches wall* ‘interesting...that was painful*
He momentarily forgets he’s MC and has some of Mammon’s spicy noodles before immediately regretting it ‘oh HELL that’s hot!’
Accidentally mentions something to Lucifer that only Diavolo would know and the eldest brother’s like “...how did you know that, MC?”
When Luke gets excited to see MC (or in this case Diavolo), the Prince tells the angel that he (MC) is going to marry Diavolo and Luke runs off screaming “YOU CAN’T MARRY A DEMON!”
If MC gets approached by anyone and they ask any questions, she answers them very ‘seriously’ “My Lord, I hear there are talks of the exchange program being extended. Do you have anything to say on this?” “Yes. Shakira Shakira. No further questions please.”
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codedredalert · 3 years
speak not to me of love for king and country  [One Piece, fantasy au] -- Doflamingo & Corazón
Whumptober 2021 No. 2 - choking | garotte 
860 words, oneshot but same fantasy au as barbed wire briar
tags/ warnings:  choking, garroting, sibling violence, permanent injury, selective mutism, unreliable narrator
( On Ao3 )
off with their head, the Joker said
while the Queen cried, brother, no
   .    .
Doflamingo slams the door to the small room behind the throne room and whirls round.
"You don't do that to me, Corazón," he says to his brother. "You  don't."
Corazón's mouth is set in a hard line mirroring Doflamingo's own, and his red eyes glare back and Doflamingo's skin pricks like tiny, hot barbs of poison.
"No, Doffy," he says back, and his voice is just as deep as Doflamingo's own, and his eyes level. He is nearly as tall. In times like this, when he isn't playing the fool and fumbling with some delicate task, his presence is nearly as royal as Doflamingo's own.
Doflamingo freezes.
"No?" he repeats, feeling very far away from his hands. His hands are cold, numb. "You just  undermined me. In  public."
Corazón does not back down. He stands tall. His shoulders have gotten so wide, and his coat, matching Doflamingo's own, makes them look wider still.
"You can't just throw people you don't like into the lab or the coliseum, this isn't the dark century anymore. It's  wrong. "  
"He  insulted  this  entire country, Corazón. He insulted  me. I can't let that go, or this country is ruined. Is that what you want?"
"You have to be better than them!"
For a moment he can't believe the words that had just come out of his brother's mouth. He feels impossibly hot and cold at once. His hands are tingling and he flexes his fingers. His blood rushes in his ears.
He can't believe that—
How could Corazón even  say—  
How could he even  think—  
Corazón is glaring. He is glaring  at  Doflamingo.
Something snaps.
"I   AM    better than that trash!  " Doflamingo roars, arms spread out at his sides (look at me, look at me, gaze upon your   king ).
Corazón's mouth opens to speak and Doflamingo just  can't have that right now. He can't have his kid brother come back from only semi-competently killing people and trip getting up on some high horse to  look down at him.
"No,  you listen," Doflamingo snaps, snapping his fingers. Pale threads of power shoot out and drag Corazón backwards, make him stagger and fall into a beautiful red velvet and gold chair. The threads wrap themselves around Corazón's throat before he can get a word out.
Corazón's eyes widen, but Doflamingo misses it, seeing but not quite registering anything except the words, still seeming to hang in the air. They feel burned into the fabric of reality, fiery letters upon the wall.
"I  took back the country our ancestors lost. For  years,  I  feed you, clothe you, and keep you safe.  I  made you a  prince , Corazón. I'm not asking for a thank you because we're family. I'd do it again. But you owe your allegiance to me. I  MUST  have your respect. You don't tell me I don't know how to run my own country in front of some peasant!"
Corazón is not breathing, his eyes are lowered in regret? Repentance?
Doflamingo hasn't been breathing either. He takes a breath and feels the wind leave his sails.
"Do you understand, Corazón?" Doflamingo asks, suddenly tired. He lets go of everything, falls back into another red velvet and gold chair, mirror to his limp brother.
"Corazón, answer me when I speak to you," Doflamingo prompts.
His brother's head is bowed still. He is not breathing.
"Corazón," Doflamingo prompts again, frowning.
His brother does not move. His face is pale, but it always is, from the contrast of dark makeup.
Doflamingo blinks and then suddenly, he  sees . The unconscious loll of head, of hands. The startling blue of veins in pale wrists. The red welts starting to rise on Corazón's throat, half hidden by shirt collar and then further by coat collar.
He bolts out of his chair.
"Rosi —!"
   .    .
   .    .    .
  Hear ye, hear ye, by royal edict of the king:
  All mages capable of the healing arts, be they trained or untrained, are to present themselves at the castle.  
  The mage capable of the task the king sets shall be richly rewarded.  
  The mage found to willfully disobey this summons shall be hanged by the neck til they are dead.  
   .    .    .
   .    .
The boy is a foreigner, dark skinned and golden eyed, barely able to speak the language and rude and fumbling when he does speak. He presents himself along with the other mages called from the foreigners seeking asylum. He is not able to say what his power is, but ten minutes with his pale blue magic radiating from his hands and Corazón is up and moving around.
Doflamingo adopts the boy right there and then. He commands the boy to stay with Corazón, and to work his healing magics, to help Corazón's recovery along.
Corazón still does not speak.
For the longest time, Doflamingo thinks his brother can not speak at all, thinks his brother's speech is lost forever, and thinks perhaps it is for the best.
Once, he thinks he hears laughter, and a low scratchy rumble of a voice, and a young boy's voice in answer. But Corazón never speaks to him again.
( On Ao3 )  ( patreon ) ( kofi ) ( paypal )
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tchallasbabymama · 2 years
Troubled Waters Chapter Twelve PREVIEW
I literally just finished the first draft and figured I'd get ahead of y'all asking, so here it is! I'm still deciding between two songs for this chapter, and honestly, I might just defer to my betas on that one because they both fit the vibe to me. We'll see.
Just outside of Birnin Zana, on top of one of the surrounding hills, stood a round, one-story building that nearly blended into the trees. Nia hadn’t noticed it once in all her time in the city, so when they arrived in the Royal Talon, she was more than intrigued by the inconspicuous-looking structure. The prisons that she had seen in movies looked much more menacing. She had expected barbed wire and a watchtower, but instead got a glass dome ceiling and two guards stationed at the door in their usual royal purple and gold.
“This is it?” she asked, slightly underwhelmed, making T’Challa chuckle.
“What were you expecting?” he asked while the guards saluted him and opened the doors.
“Something… bigger I guess.”
“We don’t keep many prisoners, so we have no need for a huge compound.”
Nia nodded and thought back to the night when she and T’Challa reconnected.
“Is that man here?”
“The trafficker?”
“No. He chose our rehabilitation program instead, and I’ve been told he’s doing well. We only have his boss, N’Jadaka, and… one other.”
“A former friend who refuses rehabilitation,” T’Challa grumbled, and Nia looked up in time to catch his nostrils flaring and jaw clenching in anger. She decided not to push further on the subject.
They walked in tense silence through the small prison until they came to a door with two more guards stationed outside. They saluted T’Challa and barely looked in Nia’s direction.
“Anything to report today?” he asked.
“Hayi, kumkani wam,” the tallest of them responded with a terse shake of his head. “The prince is still refusing food.”
T’Challa sighed and turned to Nia to explain.
“He stopped eating two days ago.”
“I’m not sure. He won’t speak to anyone but himself.”
T’Challa signaled the guards to open the doors, and Nia’s eyes were drawn to the prince like magnets. Her stomach dropped into her gut at the sight of him.
N’Jadaka sat on the side of his bed with his back facing the door. A thick layer of glass separated him from the outside world, but he wasn’t taking in the view. His head hung low between his broad hunched-over shoulders and his elbows dug into his knees. Nia could see hundreds of carefully placed scars spanning across his back, and one not-so-carefully placed at the base of his neck. It looked newer than the others, and like it had been scratched into the skin.
T’Challa took a step forward, and Nia followed after him until they were inches away from another wall of glass that contained the prince. T’Challa reached out to a holographic control panel and pressed his hand to the center, making it light up in recognition. He pressed a button, and N’Jadaka’s voice carried to their ears. Nia couldn’t make out his words, but judging by the king’s face, he understood.
“What’s he saying?” Nia asked.
T’Challa looked down at her tentatively, and she rolled her eyes.
“Just tell me,” she said with a huff.
“He’s saying he should have killed you.”
T’Challa sighed and gestured towards the control panel, “You’ll have to ask him that.”
Nia stepped forward and scanned her eyes over the holographic buttons before they landed on one in the shape of a microphone. She took a deep breath and pressed it.
The second her voice pierced the air, his body tensed and his murmuring stopped as if a switch had been flipped. He rose from the bed and turned around to face them, but when his dark eyes trained on her, Nia almost lost her nerve. Even with three inches of glass between them, those eyes shook her to her core, more than any human’s ever had before. Nia’s tongue felt too thick for her mouth as she tried to swallow around it, but looking at him just brought her back to that night. Her heart nearly beat out of her chest, and fear crept into her bones.
“I knew this wasn’t a good idea. We should go-”
She shook herself out of it and stood her ground as N’Jadaka stalked over to them, stopping so close that each breath he exhaled fogged up the glass. He didn’t even blink.
“Come to let me finish the job?” N’Jadaka sneered, surprising T’Challa who had tried everything short of torture to get his cousin to talk for the past few weeks.
“Why me?”
N’Jadaka chuckled darkly.
“Don’t act all innocent now that he’s here with you. You know what you fucking did, Nia.”
Her name sounded like a curse on his lips.
“Watch your tone,” T’Challa growled.
“Or what? You already took my powers away, and I know that’s the most your soft ass is willing to do to me.”
“That’s not all I’ll strip from you if you’re not careful.”
“You gone deny me my birthright? Just like your daddy?”
T’Challa narrowed his eyes.
“That’s what I thought. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m talking to my next scar.”
“Three thousand one hundred and seventy-six.”
Nia’s brows furrowed, and she shook her head, still not following him.
“That’s how many scars I got now… and I got space for you right here.” He rubbed the back of his neck. "Right next to your friend. Sebo was it?”
Nia’s temper flared, but she pushed it back down. She had mentally prepared herself for this on the way over. She flexed her hands from the fists they found themselves in when N’Jadaka purposely attempted to get under her skin and rolled her shoulders back. She could feel her anger rising in her, but needed to remain cool.
“Tell me what you think I did to you.”
“I don’t think, I know. You kept my baba from me and you thought I wouldn’t find out about it.”
“And just how would she do that?”
N’Jadaka refused to acknowledge his cousin’s presence, making T’Challa roll his eyes.
“How did you find out what I did?” Nia decided to play along.
“So you admit it?”
“I do.”
“I knew it! She told me- ah!” N’Jadaka yelled as his hands flew to his ears and he fell to his knees. A pain split through his head as the urge to kill Nia grew stronger and stronger.
“Who told you?”
N’Jadaka couldn’t hear her through the ringing in his head. Even after all these weeks, he hadn’t grown used to the intermittent tortures from Sekhmet and her minions. They came at the most random times, seemingly on purpose, so he wouldn’t get used to any sort of routine. He’d hear high-pitched ringing that almost made his ears bleed or Sekhmet’s thunderous roars as she admonished him for his failure. Every night, the masked figure and the obambo returned to torture his mind, taking great joy in every scream and whimper.
“Who told you?” Nia repeated herself in hopes that he’d respond, but he seemed to be in too much pain to answer. She turned the microphone off and turned to T’Challa. “Has this happened before?”
“While he sleeps, yes.”
“The seizures….” Nia’s mind wandered back to when he was in his coma. “Do you have cameras on him in there?”
“Of course.”
“Show me after this.”
T’Challa nodded and Nia turned back to look at N’Jadaka but found he was already staring back at her with contempt in his eyes.
His eyes.
Nia gasped and stepped back when she noticed the ring of red that circled his nearly black irises.
“We need to go.”
“That’s it?” T’Challa asked, confused about what spooked her.
“Yes.” She didn’t spare a glance back at the prince, just left without saying another word, T’Challa close on her heels.
“What was that about?” he asked.
“That’s not N’Jadaka.”
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theshy1sout · 4 years
My never ending list of what I want to see in Trollstopia
(It's really endless. Abondon all hope you who enter here)
1. Broppy
2. Friendship between King Peppy and King Osborne Trash. And maybe their musical duet. (Why do we still call them kings? They are like super retired)
3. Barb's queenie problems. I mean, she'd still feel lonely as a Queen, I wanna see her befriending with her rock subjects. She would looks for something or someone that makes her happy.
4. Dj Suki big rising from the dead
5. Broppy
6. Something like a giant performance of all of the tributes (like in the "New Anthem" from ttbgo, when every main character sing on the stage)
7. Some epic ROCK VS CLASSICAL (like in the deleted scene "Breaktime" from TWT)
8. Pop trolls telling others their history and then introducing Bergens
9. Poppy and Trollex friendship
10. Happy Carol in the girl group:)
11. Riff. Just more cutie moments with Riff
12. Broppy
13. Branch playing electric guitar
14. More Thistle and Branch just being buddies. I miss them so much
15. Keith and Tiny Diamond rap battle
16. Branch singing and playing country in the cowboy hat
17. Mr. Dinckle being Mr. Dinckles (meep)
18. More details about culture differences between trolls
19. Cooper and Prince D pranking everyone in every episode and then laughing dorkly together so loud and so long
20. Dickory yodeling happily in the branch's bunker so the echo makes his sing so loud and breaks all of the jar in the bunker
21. Branch and Growling Pete growling together
22. Poppy taking care of Gary like a professional babysitter (or loving mother :))
23. Barb driving VibeCity xd
24. I found Delta Dawn and Dickory's relationship pretty cute. I wanna see them too
25. Did I mention Broppy?
26. More techno trolls characters. And big techno party ones again, please
27. Trollazart playing hard rock. And then dropping the mic and leaving the stage
28. Specific foods of every gender. I wouldn't be surprised if Rock Trolls eat rocks xd
30. Royals scrapbooking together
31. An episode where poppy tries to solve her problem and it's something in which branch is really good and poppy is really bad, but she is so stubborn and she wants to prove branch that she can do it on her own. She does not say anything to branch and runs away from him, ask everybody for help, just to do the thing without branch helping, but it ends by broke poppy sitting in the woods, tired and sad. And then branch walks in and asks what happened xd
And then branch would comfort her like this: "Oh poppy, you're not weak because you can not(idk open a pickle jarxd). Don't be silly, i won't stop loving you just because you can't do sth. To be honest, I really like helping you. It makes me feel I'm a good boyfriend :D"
"Cause you are :)"
"Yea, and you are bad girlfriend cause you can't open a pickle jar"
"Okeeeey, maybe I was a bit over-worried about it"
"Only a bit, hm?"
"Maybe more than 'a bit'..."
"And you know what else is more than a bit?"
"Your silliness. And my love for Ya"
32. Switch-tributes day or ep! Xd
33. Barb discovering snow and having fun with it like 5 years old child
34. Branch and Poppy holding hands NOT because they are friends, but cause they love each other and they are a legit couple, and they just like it and they don't ashamed of holding each other hands public.
35. Good songs, good remixes, some Skylar Astin's solos
36. Kpop trolls finding Dickory and Hickory so cute and fangirling them every time they see them and the yodelins blushing a lot cause of them
37. Some lonely sad Chaz playing sadly smooth jazz to yourself...
And then Barb walks in, tries to comfort him so she pats him so hard that his face meets the ground. And then Barb "Oh, I'm sorry, man..." And chaz starts crying
I feel weird that I find it pretty cute and funny xd
38. Broppy first date. Especially I want to see Branch giving poppy flowers or kissing her nose. Aw
39. Poppy and Branch all alone in their bunny pajamas, their funny pajamas, their bunny pajamaaaaaaa
40. Many references to the movies and ttbgo
41. Dickory's big trauma because of the Trolls World Tour.
42. Trollex's parents or siblings or a whole colorful and glowing family!
43. Kpop trolls gang and Bridget girl self-care night
44. Branch in Poppy's crown. And then he runs away from poppy with it
45. Barb caring about her dad. I wanna whole ep only about it
46. King Gristle and King Trollex big buddies' performance
47. Some romance between different tributes
48. Poppy sleeping with a head on branch's shoulder
49. More Smidge and Milton
50. Guy Diamond and Trollex autotune voice duet or battle
51. Satin and Chenille trying to dress up Barb on the Hair Bal
52. Riff hugging Barb in the Hug day. Or Barb hugging her dad without any occasion. Just because she loves him
53. Branch's 'the Giver' factory
54. History of Fuzzbert's adventures
55. King Quincy and Queen Estesce Estes Ensteece Stacy Queen of funk waving aggressively their head up and down, listening hard rock
56. Archer Pastry big rising from the dead
57. More Branch and Peppy father-son relationship
I have more expects than that but I doubt anyone could read them all xd I appreciate that you read this all and went on the very end, you're the winner
And as praise, you can answer this question:
What do you want to see in Trollstopia?
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jonniquidd · 4 years
Trolls World Tour: A Cultural Review
Let’s talk about reproduction:
I think it is wonderful that we get to see how trolls are born in this movie. Eggs that can be hatched by everyone, and anyone. We still don’t know the circumstances that lead to birth, but I really enjoy the fact that gender isn’t a factor.
Guy diamond gives birth to a tiny little version of himself. We later see the country trolls give birth the same way. Last, we see how Cooper was born. In all these instances, there is a celebration of life (as it relates to culture) and we see that the response to birth is all different.
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Let’s talk about music:
We all know that pop rules. Especially in the real world. But not many people realize that pop music takes a lot of their inspiration from other genres. Some would say that it degrades the original while others claim improvement. Either way, pop is barely original in its display.
Look at artist like Taylor Swift. She is a pop country artist. Look at Beyoncé, she is a pop hip-hop artist. Look at Gaga, she is pop techno. All of these artists are taking hints from one major genre and use it to create a more paliable form of their genre. This is the essence of pop in it’s core.
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This isn’t to say that pop isn’t good. Look at how it brings people together. In the end of the movie, it is pop that helps to reunite all of the genres after they are seemingly destroyed. But let’s not forget where all of this music comes from. Black culture.
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Let’s talk about race and racism:
I don’t know if you know this, but most American music came from black culture. Jazz came from us, the blues, rock’n’roll, techno, funk, disco, all of it. US! Even country music. Look at the history behind most genres and you will find black people as the inspiration.
Now with that being said, there is a part in the movie where Poppyfinds out that the history she has been told is lie. “Your scrapbooks are made by the victors,” as Prince D, tells Poppy, after she explains what she knows. He goes on to tell her that it was her people who cause the trolls to split up. It was all because pop wanted to control all music.
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Sound familiar? In past, we all know that white Europeans conquered the world and forced everyone to become Christians and it wasn’t until colonies like America broke free did the world start seeing the changes we see today. In the movie, the trolls were left with one choice, take their most valued possession and run. This is very similar to the folks who fled the colonists. Native Americans, aboriginals, and even certain Asian countries gave up their land so that they could keep their way of life. It was either that, or die.
When Poppy hears this, she is rightfully concerned about what she has been taught, but just like a fair amount of white folks today, she refused tkk ok see the big picture. She says to the funk trolls, “they [the rock trolls] just need to see that we’re all the same!” She is then corrected by king Quincy, and he tells her that they are not all the same. He tells her that their differences are important and should be respected. That there is a reason for their different sounds, looks and colors. This is immediately ignored by Poppy, until Branch tells her how her ignorance is hurting everyone.
Let’s look at history again:
When we think of the progress our country has made over the years, we can clearly see that there is a new resurgence of people looking to make things the way they were. They are looking to divide us once again, but with the notion that this division will somehow bring us together. Just like Queen Barb. It isn’t until Poppy destroys the strings, that all of the trolls realize that their differences are engrained in them, and cannot be changed by any force.
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Now we are beginning to see the same truth in the real world. Our differences matter, and being “colorblind” does nothing but hurt those who are proud of their differences. This is happening around the country. Folks are beginning to understand their history is a lie, what really happened, and how things led up to the world we see today. Things like gentrification, segregation, systemic racism and poverty are all being looked at under a new lens. This is important to our eventual unification.
Let’s talk about revolution:
When Poppy destroys all of the strings, it seems all hope is lost. There is no music and all of the color disappears. All of the trolls seem to finally be united, but under a banner of sadness and depression. That is until Coopre finds his rythwm once again through the sound of his own heartbeat.
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It is theorized that music began with humans feeling the rhythm of their hearts and dancing to it. Since all of humanity started in Africa, it only makes sense that the “black” trolls would be the ones to bring music back. They do it by simply being themselves and enjoying being who they are. Next the country trolls follow and from there all of the trolls start singing again.
This is a beautiful representation of what is happening in the world right now. All of us are feeling the empty gray feeling of being taken from what we are meant to be. We all feel a bit drained right now, especially with the virus and constant politicizing of everyday issues.
However, black culture is rising up from this. As well as indigenous, gay, and other minority groups, we are using this sadness to make way for a better understanding. We are using our heart songs to breath new life into our cultures and the cultures of everyone else. Protesters around the country are coming together to unite their communities. Though you’re only being shown the riots, where there are peaceful protests there seem to be real talks of understanding and empathy amongst different racial groups.
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Right now there is a revolution happening very similar to the one the trolls went through. Right now we are still in the silence part of the movie, but slowly the world is hearing a heartbeat. That heartbeat is going to grow into a revolution that finally unites us all, while still respecting our differences. It’s started with these protests, but is slowly becoming a work of harmony.
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The final lesson from Trolls World Tour is to listen. Listen to people when they tell you how they feel. Listen to people and accept their differences. This is the only way to move forward and to create a universal harmony. You can be yourself and still be with everyone else. It’s a lot more complicated than the movie makes it out to be, but I know we can do it. We just have to listen to our hearts.
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MC’s Half Demon and They Look Awfully Familiar Lessons 18-20
Series Masterlist
T-the season finale… *sniffle* it’s been a wild ride y’all… I’ve never actually written and stuck through with something for so long, so this is a real achievement for me! I really hope you guys have enjoyed this completely weird fluffy/angsty/mildly crackhead adventure! Please enjoy the last part!
All is well, the family is back together, everyone’s fine, the school year is almost over-
Wait, the school year is almost over?
Upon realizing that, everyone settled into a state of mild panic.
MC couldn’t just leave, they were part of the family! An integral part! They were the only thing keeping everyone from murdering each other during family game night!
As for Lucifer’s personal feelings on the matter, things were… tough.
When the exchange program was announced, Lucifer expected it to end like most of Diavolo’s ideas: annoying to clean up, it certainly couldn’t have ended worse than when he and the Crown Prince ended up getting cursed to hold hands for 25 hours straight. What Lucifer didn’t expect was for a child he didn’t even know he had to end up as the human exchange student and for his entire life to be thrown out of whack. That child of his was busy finishing up their final paper of the year.
“Hey, father,” MC looked up from their paper with a cheeky smile. “Do you think that the next exchange student will be as fun as me?”
“I sincerely hope not.” Lucifer sighed, continuing to sift through his paperwork on his desk. “Your kind of ‘excitement’ has completely worn me out.”
“Aw,” MC giggled, then went back to work. “So you don’t want me to stay here then?”
Lucifer stiffened and looked up from his paperwork. “Don’t put words in my mouth, MC.”
“So you do want me to stay. Interesting~” MC said as they began to sweep the eraser shavings off their paper. “Well, if you want me to stay so badly, you could have just asked.”
“P-pardon?” Lucifer blinked a few times to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. “You want to stay?”
“Since you’d be so sad without me, I guess I just have to don’t I?” MC stood suddenly and slapped their finished essay on Lucifer’s desk. “The sacrifices I make for this family, I swear!”
We stand with you, MC, sacrifice your sanity for your weird-ass familia.
Anyway, Lucifer was thrilled that MC wanted to stay with him in the Devildom, the problem was… MC’s other parent may not have been too keen to just give up their baby.
You know, the demon child they raised all by themselves, with no help from Lucifer because he didn’t know MC existed…
Someone get MC’s ren on the phone! Stat!
“Alright dear little brothers of mine, listen closely because I’m not repeating this.” Lucifer looked over the living room couches at the other six rulers of hell. Belphie was sprawled out on one of the couches and was drooling all over Beel’s lap, Satan was making a point to look as disinterested as possible and kept sneaking glances at the book he was holding, and Mammon was wrestling Levi dangerously close to where Asmo was filing his nails.
Sighing in defeat, Lucifer continued. If any of his brothers misbehaved he couldn’t say he didn’t warn them. “MC‘s parent will be coming to visit.”
Everyone’s attention snapped to Lucifer. Wonderful.
“They’ll be staying for a few days and will decide if it’s in MC’s best interest to primarily stay in the Devildom from now on.”
Asmodeus slowly raised a hand. “Luciiiiiiferrrr!”
“Asmo, is your question overly personal in nature?”
The Avatar of lust brought a manicured nail to his cheek and daintily tapped it. “Mmm… I don’t think so.”
“How long were you and MC’s parent dating for? Won’t it be awkward to be around your ex?”
Lucifer dragged a gloved hand down his face. “It was a one night thing.”
“Really?” Asmo knitted his eyebrows in confusion. “It wasn’t a long drawn out forbidden romance? You must have had some Olympic swimmers down there!”
“Okay!” Lucifer clapped his hands. “Add that to the list of things Asmo is not allowed to say.”
“We have to take something off the list then…” Beel said through handfuls of chips. “The list’s full.”
“Fine,” Lucifer grumbled. “He can say [CENSORED] again.”
The group collectively groaned as Asmo continued to spout his profane nonsense.
“What did I just walk in on..?” MC stood in the doorway to the living room, still in their PJs.
“Oh, MC, your parent’s coming over to stay for a few days.” Lucifer quickly explained.
MC’s face morphed from confusion to horror. “What does that have to do with [CENSORED]?!”
This house is a FUCKING NIGHTMARE-
Anyway, after the initial confusion/horror, MC got really excited and rushed off to get ready. Meanwhile, the boys solemnly swore that they would be on their best behaviour!
Everyone needed to convince MC’s parent that everything in the Devildom was perfectly safe and that their little hellspawn was in good responsible hands.
Mammon tried to come up with a plan in case MC wasn’t allowed to stay with them, and let’s just say it involved kidnapping. But like- a chill kind of kidnapping where MC would be totally fine.
This idea was immediately shot down in favour of Beel’s plan B.
Beel would just… eat MC’s parent. No biggie, right?
Lucifer shot that one down the moment he heard it.
The only accepted plan for if MC wasn’t allowed to stay was just letting them go. They’d visit the Devildom. A lot. Many visits would be necessary.
So, the hour of MC’s ren’s arrival had come, and the student council assembled to greet them.
Greet the human. The completely non magical human. Greet them and then let them see the Devildom…
Was this exchange program really that good of an idea..?
MC frantically attempted to do some last minute fixes to their hair as they sat themselves down in their seat in the Assembly Hall. Ugh… stupid hair…
“Why are you so nervous?” Satan asked. “Is our visitor a neat freak basket case?”
“No!” MC huffed. “They’re not! I’m just making myself presentable so they don’t think I’ve gone completely feral down here.”
“Well, feral no, crazy, yes. Have you seen yourself lately?” Belphie snickered.
“Would you all be quiet?” Lucifer snapped. “You’re all acting like children.”
“I am a child.” MC snapped back. “What’s Belphie’s excuse?”
Belphie’s retort was cut off by the portal opening and a figure leisurely floating to the ground. They had an open parasol in their right hand that seemed to be aiding their gentle descent, and a large container full of what smelled like cookies tucked into their left side. The moment their toes touched the floor, the human gracefully closed their parasol and gave the assembled demons a sparkling smile and a polite bow.
“Thank you for allowing me the honour to visit,” the human’s voice was as soft and sweet as Cotton candy. “It’s a pleasure to officially meet the princes of hell themselves.”
:D yay!
After floating down from the sky like Mary Poppins, MC lost all sense of propriety and ran over to tackle their ren into a hug. It was that kind of thing where you really miss someone but you don’t realize exactly how much until you get to see them again.
Lucifer was, of course, the picture of elegance and “this isn’t awkward at all”-ness.
MC’s parent didn’t even seem to be all that concerned with the fact that their baby daddy was, y'know, LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR. THE MOST POMPOUS FUCKWAD IN THE DEVILDOM.
Please don’t tell him I said that, he’s still mad about the Go Fund Me…
MC was absolutely ecstatic to finally show their parent how much they’ve grown in terms of their demonic powers and all the friends they had made, but MC’s ren was more concerned with how much they had grown in terms of their height.
“You’re just so tall now,” MC’s ren giggled as they fixed their child’s hair. “You’ll get things off of shelves for me, won’t you?”
“Yeah yeah,” MC said, rolling their eyes good naturedly. “Like you can’t reach anything in your kitchen.”
“Okay,” Mammon, Satan, Levi, Belphie, and Beel were lagging behind Lucifer, MC, their parent, and Diavolo. “Change of plans, we ain’t eatin’ ‘em, we’re keepin’ ‘em.”
“We were never going to eat them in the first place, idiot.” Satan sneered. “And what’s with the change of tune? You were ready to wage war on the human world fifteen minutes ago.”
“…cookies happened.” Mammon mumbled. He had only gotten one of the human’s totally amazing offerings before Beel proceeded to eat everything. The cookie was perfect… so delicious…
“I say we keep the human.” Beel put a hand on his stomach. “I want more human world cookies.”
“They’re so cute too…” Asmo cooed. “A solid 10/10, and that’s such a rare ranking coming from the only 20/10 in existence!”
“Asmo, your vanity never ceases to make me want to roll over and-” Belphie’s insult was interrupted by him passing out and letting out a cartoonishly loud snore. It was a good thing Beel was able to quickly catch and throw Belphie over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.
“Asmo has a point, they’re just so totally moe! Kawaii to the highest degree! That parasol, the homemade cookies, it’s just like something from a slice of life anime!” Levi squee-ed.
“So it’s settled, we treat ‘em nice, then we get ‘em to stay.” Mammon nodded to the rest of his brothers, who for the first time in the Demon King knows how long, his little brothers nodded back in full seriousness. They were actually doing a Mammon plan! Holy shit!
So, the brothers liked MC’s ren, what about Diavolo and Barbatos?
Well, MC’s ren had heard all about Barbatos’ amazing cooking from MC and Barb’s totally outstanding reputation, so the two got along swimmingly.
Dia. Loved. That. Human. They’re cute???? They’re sweet???? They brought COOKIES???! They don’t seem to be afraid of him at all????? Please be the exchange student next year :D
Oh yeah… he made a rule that said they couldn’t summon someone with kids… it would be cruel to rip a parent away from their child…
But apparently not a child away from their parent cough cough
Other than the uncle squad, MC’s ren got to meet the Purgatory Hall gang too!
MC was being just the most adorable tour guide, but that didn’t stop Lucifer from having a miniature heart attack any time a demon even looked at MC’s parent the wrong way. If MC’s ren got attacked or felt threatened in any way shape or form, he could say bye bye to his time with the one person in the HOL that didn’t live to make him pop a forehead vein. The human seemed outwardly unconcerned with any Devildom oddness and was amicably chatting with Diavolo while MC pulled them from place to place.
“And that’s Hell’s Kitchen, they have good sandwiches, and that’s Madame Scream’s, they have really good macarons.” MC helpfully pointed out the places as they passed them.
A much to familiar trio of voices called out from down the street. Father dammit, why were they here..?
“Hello Lucifer, what are you all up too?” Ugh… Simeon…
“From the sight of the rest of your brothers skulking about, it appears like they’re acting as bodyguards.” Solomon…
“MC? Who’s that?”
Oh good grief… that nasally little voice… the chihuahua was near… Now… Lucifer was a respectable demon… respectable demons don’t tease children in front of the parent of their child…
“Hello chihuahua.”
“I’m not a chihuahua you demon!” Luke yapped.
MC’s parent daintily tilted their head and looked over at MC. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?”
“Right, Luke, this is my ren, ren, this is a chihuahua.” MC grinned cheekily as they gestured between the two. Lucifer suppressed a laugh which resulted in a very ugly snort. It was a good thing the sound was drowned out by Luke’s exclamations of betrayal.
The chorus of “how could you?!”s and “I thought you were over that awful nickname!”s was put to an abrupt halt when the visiting human elegantly offered a handshake to the fuming angel.
“MC spoke very highly of you,” they chirped. “It’s very nice to meet you, Luke.”
Luke blinked a few times, then quickly straightened his posture, adjusted his hat, then shook MC’s ren’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you too.”
“That’s Simeon.” MC jerked a thumb in Simeon’s direction. “And that’s Solomon.”
“Luke got a whole introduction and we get that? Come on MC, I thought we were friends.” Solomon fake pouted at MC after giving a polite nod to MC’s parent.
“We stopped being friends after one of the potions you had me test out turned me into a-” as quick as lighting, Mammon had shoved his hand into MC’s face.
“A-ah, MC’s rememberin’ stuff wrong, nothin’ potion related happened to ‘em. Right, Solomon???!”
Taking the hint from Mammon, Solomon smiled and nodded. “Nope, nothing related to turning MC into a frog for a few hours.”
“Hm, well I’m quite happy that absolutely nothing frog transformation related happened.” MC’s parent said.
“Yeah, must’ve hit their head on somethin- YEEEOW!” MC had bitten down on Mammon’s hand and slapped it away from them.
“I did not hit my head on anything!”
“Yeah,” Beel nodded. “Nothing’s hit them since the Fangol ball.”
“The what ball?” MC’s ren asked.
“The Fangol ball that hit MC a few months back and broke their glasses.” Five of the brothers slapped their hands to their foreheads.
“Oh my…”
“Eh,” MC patted their ren on the arm. “That’s nothing compared to the giant snake at the retreat.”
“Oh! Do you mind letting me tell that story, MC?”
Lucifer was frantically signalling for Diavolo to stop talking but the crown prince was already beginning his retelling of the events. Luke would chime in with an anecdote from an even worse misadventure the two had gone out on every once and a while. This… this wasn’t going well at all…
MC’s ren was… weirdly chill about the whole thing…
“Oh, it’s so nice that you’re having fun, sweetheart. That reminds me of when I was young and your aunt Clytemnestra and I would go out and have adventures.” “Really? You went on weird adventures too?” “…what kind of adventures could possibly compare to being chased by a giant snake in an underground labyrinth..?”
The side characters ended up needing to abscond for various reasons and all that was left was the brothers, MC, and MC’s parent.
They made it to the HOL without issue, which is when Lucifer remembered that he did not put all the cursed objects out of reach… shit.
“Asmo… Asmo!” “What is it?” “Take MC’s ren out of the house in half an hour, keep them occupied in the living room!” “What? Why?” “I need more time to human-proof the house! Distract them, but no funny business!” “Dear brother, for the first time in a very long time funny business is the second thing on my mind! Wait… no, it’s the third… what have I become..?”
Asmo and Satan, super graciously by the way, led MC and their ren to the living room to distract- I mean entertain them for a bit!
Lucifer and the rest of the gang got to work moving certain things around and closing certain doors- shit where was Cerberus?! Did Lucifer forget to walk him that morning?!
So much to dooooooo…
So maybe bringing a human into Majolish and letting them roam around unsupervised wasn’t the best idea Satan and Asmo had, but it sure as heck was an idea. MC looked through shelves of hairpins and bracelets while their ren disappeared around a corner to look at scarves.
“We’re doing such a great job babysitting!” Asmo clapped his hands. “If MC had just been a normal human I bet they’d last the entire year under our care.”
“Hm, you might be right.” Satan smiled and nodded. “Humans are surprisingly entertaining.”
“Yes… speaking of, where exactly is the human?”
The sudden sound of metal slamming against flesh and the delayed sound of something incredibly heavy hitting the floor jolted Asmo and Satan from their conversation.
“Honestly, some people have no fucking manners!”
It was such a different voice than what Satan and Asmo were used to that the only thing that tipped them off to it being MC’s ren was the fact that MC began to giggle. MC’s ren stepped back into view carrying a metal staff that quickly transformed back to their parasol.
Asmo and Satan rushed over to check if their defenceless little human guest was okay, only to find some lesser demon passed out on the floor with an incredibly nasty bump on the side of their head.
“I’ve heard that humans are apparently quite delicious to demons but I didn’t expect someone to actually try and eat me.”
“I-um…” Satan sputtered, looking from Asmo to MC’s parent. “We’re uh…”
“You alright, ren?” MC called from over by the bracelet shelves.
“Yes, I’m alright.” MC’s ren gave the fourth and fifth born a calming smile. “No harm done, well, except to that poor bastard. I do hope I haven’t killed him… that would be such a nasty thing for the poor sales associates to find.”
Okay so maybe the defenceless human wasn’t so defenceless. That was a good thing… right?
“So where exactly did you manage to get your hands on such a weapon..?” “Ah, I come from a family of witches. This was a college graduation present.”
…doit doit seems legit.
The four made it back home just in time, Lucifer and the others had finished human proofing the house.
The house tour went by smoothly, everything was all well and good until Beel and Belphie asked MC’s ren to make more cookies.
Oh god dammit the human said they would.
“Oh Beel, you shouldn’t eat the cookie dough raw… the eggs and raw flour will make you sick!” “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. Besides, it’s best not to interrupt Beel while he’s eating.” “Yeah it might end like the custard incident.” “Custard… incident?” “MC and Mammon ate my custard and I ended up breaking the wall that connected to MC’s room.” “Hunger tantrums, am I right?”
After that it was Mammon and Levi’s turn to babysit. It went about as well as you’d think.
Levi explained some anime plot in an attempt to make it seem like the Devildom was totally safe and that MC and their ren could stay forever no problem, while Mammon desperately suppressed the urge to swipe the cool parasol.
Finally, it was time for the verdict. Would MC be allowed to stay in the Devildom..? Or would they go back to the human world..?
The demon in question looked up from his paperwork and tried to nod in the most casual way possible. MC’d ren was standing in the doorway, Lucifer must have missed their knock. “Yes? Do you need something?”
MC’s ren smiled and nodded. “It’s about MC’s living situation going forward.”
Lucifer stiffened and got up from his desk. “Y-yes… what about it?”
“MC has expressed that they want to stay here full time with frequent visits to the human world.” The softness that their voice had earlier in the day was completely absent as the human stepped forward into the study and closed the door behind them. “I want to know what you think about that.”
“Well,” Lucifer cleared his throat and tried to shake off the stupid sense of nervousness that had wrapped itself around him. A weak little human’s decision should not make him so anxious! “I would like for MC to stay here as well, I think it would be best for them.”
The human raised an eyebrow and twirled their parasol in their hand. “Really now? In your year with them you truly believe you know what’s best for them?”
Lucifer’s eyes narrowed. “Yes. I do.”
MC’s ren went quiet for a few seconds before replying. “I see.”
“And that means..?”
“I knew this day would come, but I didn’t think it’d be so soon.” MC’s ren sighed, and for the first time all day, they actually let their exhaustion show. “I raised MC knowing that one day they’d end up in the Devildom. They’ve told me over and over again how much they like it down here…” the human took a deep breath and slowly shook their head. “If this is what they want… then I give my permission for them to stay with you.”
A wave of relief swept over Lucifer as he finally took a breath. “Thank you.”
“Mm… I’m going to have to use my favour though.”
The relief completely vanished as the Avatar of Pride’s blood ran cold. Memories flooded back from the one night the pair had spent together, the human had offered a cursed record to him that he had spent decades trying to find, in exchange, Lucifer let them have one favour. A favour from a demon was like a single pact order, Lucifer had to do literally anything this human wanted.
“Protect MC, even if it costs you your life.” The human’s words were careful and measured as Lucifer felt the order sink in. “You’ll do that for them, right Lucifer?”
Lucifer nodded as life flooded back into his limbs. “I would have done it without the order.”
So, the brother’s plan to make MC’s ren stay forever failed because they were going back to the human world with MC for summer vacation. Listen, it was needed, MC needed to see the sun lest they shrivel like a sad houseplant.
At least Lucifer technically had primary custody of his little heathen! Victory!
MC said their goodbyes to the friends they had made over the year as they prepared to leave for the next two months, it was filled with so many bone-crushing hugs that MC was surprised that their spine didn’t snap.
MC and Luke had lagged behind the much larger group as they made their way to the assembly hall. MC’s ren was dazzling the miniature crowd with stories of just how adorable MC was as a little kid. The half demon rolled their eyes and silently mourned the loss of any cool points they had gained over the year. Their little companion was oddly quiet, MC lightly nudged him and smiled.
“Aren’t you happy to be going home? You’ve been griping about being stuck down here the entire year. Don’t tell me you’re getting sappy, Luke.”
Luke puffed his cheek out and crossed his arms. “Of course I’m happy to be leaving, the Celestial Realm is the best place ever, the Devildom is completely terrible in every way.”
MC smirked and rolled their eyes again. Just let the little guy go on his rant…
“But… I am going to miss you…” Luke mumbled, MC’s eyebrows shot upwards as they turned their head to look at him. “Th-thanks for being my friend down here… MC. You’re… you’re really nice.”
To their absolute horror, MC felt a lump form in their throat. Oh dear Grandfather… the chihuahua was what broke them?! They quickly looked around to see if anyone was paying attention, then quickly pulled Luke into a hug. The hug was over as fast as it began, but it seemed that Luke didn’t particularly care and was more shocked at the sudden bout of affection.
“If anyone, and I mean anyone asks, I didn’t hug you.” MC murmured, quickly swiping at their eyes.
Luke nodded, a small smile spread across his face. “Got it!”
So the side characters left… *sniffle* everything’s okay… the DDDs work in any of the realms… they could still talk.
Soon, it was time for the final sets of goodbyes…
“Come on, Bean, we’re going to the human world!” MC tried to take the cat from Satan, who didn’t move a muscle.
“If you think you’re taking the cat from here, you’re delusional.” Satan’s smile didn’t leave his face, but the force behind his words was almost enough to make MC back off. Almost…
“My caaaaaat!” MC whined, they ended up getting lightly pushed away by Satan.
“Remember, the summer’s a good time to catch up on anime!” Levi advised. “There’s 24 hours in a day, and an average anime episode is 22 minutes long, you have loads of time!”
“I’ll keep up with my anime only if you promise to listen to the Death Note musical, Levi.” MC giggled and patted Levi on the shoulder.
“Remember MC, take care of your cuticles and your skin.” Asmo took MC’s hand and checked their fingernails. “They were an absolute mess before you got here, so I expect you to keep up your routines this summer!”
“Yeeeeeeeeeeees siiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrr.”
“Bye MC,” Beel handed MC a half opened cup of custard. “I almost ate it, but I didn’t. Make sure you don’t skip any meals this summer.
MC jumped up and gave Beel a quick hug. “Thanks Beel! I’ll be sure to enjoy the custard!”
“Bye, MC. See you next year.” Belphie stood awkwardly stiff, not exactly sure what to do. MC pursed their lips, then quickly wrapped him up in a hug.
“Bye Belphie, I hope all your pillow forts are structurally unsound.”
The avatar of sloth snickered and rested his head on MC’s. “I hope you get really comfortable and are fully ready to go to sleep, then realize you have to pee.”
MC gasped in fake offence and swatted Belphie on the arm.
Mammon put both his hands on MC’s shoulders, his face unusually serious. “Do ya remember what the great Mammon took painstakin’ effort to teach ya?”
“Payday loans are scams, witches are scary, bowline knots are the easiest to undo, don’t wear reflective sunglasses to a poker game aaaaaaaand…” MC grinned mischievously. “Any plan thought up by the Great Mammon should be subject to intense revision.”
“That’s ri- hey!” Mammon laughed and shoved MC towards Lucifer.
MC looked up at Lucifer, the pride demon looked down at them fondly. He reached out and gently ruffled their hair. “I’ll see you next year, MC.”
Lucifer crouched down slightly to get to their level and gave MC a smile. “I’m very proud of you, you’ve been an immense help this year. Thank you for everything.”
“Thanks for not being a stereotypical supervillain dad, father.” MC smiled softly and fixed their glasses. “Loveyoubye!”
MC turned and rushed to their ren’s side as Lucifer let out a soft chuckle.
“I love you too, MC.”
As Barbatos readied the portal to send the pair to the human world, MC couldn’t wipe the grin off their face. Geez, if this year was a metric mess of fun and insanity… what was the next year going to be like? The half demon’s grin morphed into a bit of a smirk. No way in hell their next year in the Devildom was going to be as insane as their first year.
MC almost giggled as they gave their family one last wave. That wasn’t the time to think about the future, besides, MC knew that it would take two insane chaotic humans to be summoned into the Devildom to even come close to the chaos MC managed to create, both on purpose and by accident.
And what were the odds of that happening?
I wasn’t able to fit the Anti Lucifer League stuff into this one, I’ll put it in a separate fic later!
I NOW NEED TO WORK ON GETTING THROUGH SEASON 2 IN THE ACTUAL GAME. To get mildly serious for a second, thanks to everyone who has stuck around to listen to me spout my fic-y nonsense, you all are nerds (affectionate) and I love you.
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vivalaluciforever · 3 years
Everybody x Reader - Part Two (Angst Warning)
In group chat (with everybody)
(Y/N): Hey guys!
Everybody: (Commence mass and swift greetings.)
Beel Baby: How are you doing in the human world!?
Luci: I truly hope that you have readjusted well.
Asmo: We miss you! SO! VERY! MUCH!
In private chat with Lord Diavolo
(Y/N): Can I ask you a gigantic favor?
Diavolo: Anything! What do you need?
(Y/N): Can I come back to the Devildom permanently? I know it's a big favor to ask, and I know that it will cause issues with my safety. It's just... I'm all alone here in the human world. I promise I can work! I can continue schooling! I'll do anything!
Diavolo: (Y/N)... of course you can come back! We've all missed you terribly! When can we summon you?!
(Y/N): Gimme an hour! I can pack a quick bag to go and grab the rest later! Could I re-move into the House of Lamentations by any chance?
Diavolo: Of course! Also, from now on it's just Diavolo. When you get here, I need to speak with you for a moment.
(Y/N): Okay! Thank you so much, Dia!
Cue Diavolo processing nickname, and subsequently blacking out for a couple of minutes. Poor demon prince's pounding heart.
(Y/N) pov:
While Lord Diavolo summons everybody to RAD, I quickly pack a go-bag, grab the essentials, and make sure that everything is in order in my apartment. Rushing, I quickly check that the door is locked tight. Lastly, I sit on the couch and patiently wait for Dia to come and get me.
Suddenly, the sound of breaking glass sounds from my bedroom. Before I can even register what happened, a pair of hands force me back onto the couch. They cover and muffle anything coming from my mouth, while the attacker uses his body to force me against the couch making me immobile. No matter how hard I try, I cannot get myself free.
He takes out a cloth from his pocket, and I can't help but panic further. My assailant covers my mouth and nose with the cloth. In a matter of seconds, my brain feels fuzzy and my eyes close. Shutting me in a world of black.
~ With everybody ~
(The angels and Solomon joined them since Lord Diavolo summoned them all)
Third Person pov:
"Lord Diavolo, what is the meaning of this?" questions Lucifer.
To set the mood, Lord Diavolo is bouncing around like a giddy child that just got an early Christmas gift. Everybody is looking at him like he either a) lost his marbles or b) is the funniest thing on the face of the planet. Barbatos and Lucifer are barely containing their displeasure (except Barbatos is a master of hiding it), while Mammon and Levi are trying their hardest not to laugh. Satan and Belphie just watch in pure amusement... no Satan isn't taking a video. What do you mean? As for Beel, Asmo, and the other exchange students, they couldn't care less. They mainly just find it slightly entertaining.
"Lucifer!" exclaims Lord Diavolo in excitement. "I have wonderful news! You guys will never believe it!"
"Then spit it out already. I want to sleep," says Belphie with a heavy groan.
After getting Lord Diavolo to settle down, they re-ask him the question. "(Y/N)! It's about (Y/N)!"
For once, in a blue moon, Asmo goes over to calm down Mammon. You can tell that Mammon is genuinely terrified that something happened. After all, this poor tsundere clings to you like the greedy demon he is. For now, Asmo set aside the normal quips and barbs, trying to take care of his brother. He knows that you'd want him to do so.
Lord Diavolo lets out a grand laugh. "No! She asked to come and stay permanently in the Devildom! I, of course, said yes! She asked to reinhabit her old room at the House of Lamentations permanently! Hence why I called the other exchange students to ask if they wished to rejoin the program or if they simply wanted to visit from time to time."
"SHE'S COMING BACK!" practically everybody screamed.
Mammon's eyes widen in excitement. "I'll have to take care of her again! N-Not that I-I w-want to. YA HEAR!"
"My snacking buddy will be back!" Beel's face looks like a happy little puppy.
Belphie lets out a tired smile. "Snuggles..."
"HUSH! We won't overwhelm her when she first gets here. We'll make her dinner and talk the night away. We still have school tomorrow, after all." responds Lucifer with a cool glint in his eye. Only people who truly knew him saw the fires of excitement in his orbs.
"Don't act like you aren't all excited either Lucifer." jabs Satan.
"Nonsense. The school will be getting a week off for 'important royal business'." states Lord Diavolo in all certainty.
Abruptly, Luke walks over to Lord Diavolo and gently tugs his pant leg, face bright red from having to do so so that the demon prince will recognize that he's there. Lord Diavolo kneels down, which obviously causes Luke's blush to intensify. He glances to Simeon, who gives him a smile and a nod of his head, before continuing.
"Simeon and I have decided that we would l-like to r-rejoin the program." stutters out Luke.
Lord Diavolo shines a gentle smile, all the while Simeon works to cover up his chuckles. "Of course Luke. How about I set up scheduled baking lessons for you and Barbatos?"
"REALLY! I-I mean sure, n-not that I w-want to..." stutters the flushed little angel.
"I am very pleased that I will get to bake with you once more Luke," states Barbatos gently to the flustered angel. Luke just responds with a small smile.
For the first time in this whole conversation, Levi pipes up. "When is (Y/N) coming?"
"Any minute now. I set the portal to grab her an hour after our conversation." he pauses and glances at his DDD. "And... now."
Everybody looks all over the room, eyes wide in excitement. All of their faces holding loving eyes and kind smiles. They just wait. They all know that strong spells like this take a while to be fully completed and properly completed.
Nevertheless, five minutes pass by. Then ten minutes pass, and then fifteen. By the time the twenty-minute mark passes, everybody is officially worried. They can't think of what could have possibly gone wrong.
"Are you sure you set up the time for an hour?" inquires Barbatos to the concerned lord.
Lord Diavolo just shakes his head. "I'm quite certain. I know for a fact we did since we sent texts, and both of us did agree on an hour's time. Here, I'll just try texting her. Who knows? Maybe she just lost track of time. She had to be on her couch when it activated."
In private chat with Lord Diavolo
Diavolo: (Y/N), did something happen? Did you have to leave the couch? Could you please answer? We're all terribly worried.
(Y/N): (Y/N)'s not here anymore. If you ever wish to see her again, then you better follow my orders.
Diavolo: What have you done to her?
(Y/N) Intruder: Nothing yet, but if you wish to get her returned to you, then you better come and follow the clues. Otherwise, I'll kill her. You have one hour to start the puzzle. I'd wish you luck, but quite frankly I don't want you to win.
Third-person pov:
That was the day that the whole Devildom trembled in terror. That was the first time they truly saw the fury of their future king and the full outrage of his closest companions. That was the day that made it clear to everybody. Touch the demon prince's, his butler's, and the seven deadly sins' closest loved one... you will suffer a fate worse than death. The other exchange students agreed with their... passion.
And they all went together, as one joined force. The kidnapper will regret this, they swear that on their lives.
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
The "No Longer Undateable, Totally Attainables" Fanclubs at RAD (Said I'd Call Them That, I'm Not Budging)
Every story needs a resolution and the italics blurb is ready to bring its struggles to a close. It’s found that, in the end, it was not nearly as pointless as once thought. Not only did it have a function - it had substance - and made the most of its existence for what it was… Through its journey for purpose, it became all it ever wanted to be… worthwhile. Having finally lived its story, the italics blurb is now at peace...
Fanclub? Why just a club? Shouldn't everybody love their king??
Eh, just kidding. Take a passing glance at the fervor around the English royalty you’ll see that there’s a fascination with royalty among some of  the “common folk” and the Devildom is no different.
Oddly enough, though, Diavolo really doesn’t dislike his fans at all. Quite the opposite, in fact! Part of him kind of likes that he has subjects that would like him that much and he would probably interact with them more but…
Barbatos absolutely will not let him slack off from his princely duties just to pay attention to such “pointless matters.” So, whether Diavolo wants to meet them or not, his hands are pretty tied…
Occasionally one or two will slip through the cracks at RAD and offer him gifts or simply wish him  a nice day and honestly he couldn't be happier when that happens (if for no other reason than it breaks up the monotony of his royal obligations). 
Lucifer is, unfortunately, also on the “Princes Don’t Talk to Groupies” squad so between his interference and Barbatos’... Barbatos-ness interactions very rarely ever gets to happen… It’s a shame, really, let this man have friends, dammit!!
The fanclub of Barbatos are few but oddly passionate…
Look, Barbs does not pay ANY attention to his fanclub because he’s too busy working for his Young Lord. He's pretty much always by his side at RAD to start with… but yet…
Barb's fans are absolutely all behind this man, even if they have to be so from afar.
...and I do mean AFAR. Chances are they can't ever get too close to him so they pretty much have to crowd around doorways and windows just to get a glimpse.
Braver ones will try to break into the Castle… not to steal anything or even to stalk him indoors. It's because it's nearly impossible for anyone to break into the Castle without Barbatos knowing about it.
Admittedly, this is kind of a dumb way to get his attention because he'll be far more focused on "escorting" any trespassers into the Castle dungeon, but hey, if it work, right?
No one, not even Diavolo, knows how Barbs truly feels about them. Any time he's asked he only smiles and changes the subject… To spare either his or their embarrassment is really anyone’s guess.
What? Do you think it's weird that an angel would have a fanclub full of demons? Have you seen this man?
Simeon fans come in two forms, the ones who love him for being just the picture of perfection and those who admire his work as an author.
In truth, he's not all that unfamiliar with having a fanclub (again, author), though he's never had the chance to interact with them before…
He's as gracious as ever. He always accepts their gifts and signs their books or poses for a picture or two (though he will a little flustered when asked).
Levi also absolutely heads one of his clubs. The man loves TSL more than anything and, of course, he'd start a club to celebrate the guy who wrote it!
Thanks to his position, and technically being Simeon’s friend, Levi also got Simeon to record an auidobook-style reading of a few of his favorite chapters and that sent the whole club into orbit.
Though Luke constantly reminds Simeon not to let all the popularity go to his head, there's really no fear of that happening. This is Simeon we're talking about!… right?
Unlike Barbatos who just ignores his fans, Solomon truly doesn’t seem to register he has a fanclub - or least he's very good at acting like it...
Nobody really knows just how much Solomon cares about his fanclub, he's… hard to get a read on.
He's the kind of guy who will pull shit like:
"Solomon, have you checked on your fans recently? I think they spiked the courtyard fountain with some kind of potion… Levi got turned into a frog."
"What fans?"
"The people in your club."
"What club?"
"You mean the people walking around in replicas of my cape?"
"Yes, Solomon."
"What about them?"
"You know what? I give up..." 
They all kind of share his mad energy, so they'll do weird pranks and stuff  to try and get his attention.
Not surprisingly a decent chunk of them already have a pact with the guy anyway, so at least they have that going for them. Those who don't, actively ask him but Solomon works in mysterious ways… They could have to keep asking for a while.
Little boy kind of hates having a fanclub… First because they were demons and then later because they treat him like such a child…
Look, Luke is adorable and there's a subset of people who want to take in and dote on adorable people: demon and human alike.
His fanclub is largely made up of girls who do things like pinch his cheeks, pat his head, bring him cookies… that sort of thing.
He always whines to Simeon about it, but the older angel never takes him too seriously because he can tell that he doesn't actually dislike his fans nearly as much as he says he does.
One of the girls got sick once and he was so concerned that he brought her soup and get-well cupcakes… What? He's still an angel! Illness is no laughing matter...
Honestly, if Luke's fans were to go on and leave him alone like he says he'd be quite sad… So he lets them coo and coddle him as much as they like (within reason, of course).
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queenabstract · 4 years
Aight. Here we go part 3 of
With the Trolls World tour characters
You accidentally stowed away with Biggie on Poppy's journey to unite the trolls. Everything was going by so fast you were just kinda there. Not really doing much. Everything finally began to slow down when you were on that raft, calmly floating down the river, sort of wishing you had left with Biggie. You didn't feel all to comfortable around this Hickory guy. When the aircraft appeared above you, you had started to believe it was a dream, especially when you were floating around in a bubble and started seeing two Coopers. Wait....the others were seeing it too. Wait...OH SHIT THIS ISN'T A DREAM COOPER IS A MAIN CHARACTER OF THE CLASSIC I FINALLY REUNITED WITH MY FAMILY AFTER BEING SEPARATED FROM THEM AS A BABY WHAT THE WHAT!?!
Oh damn his twin is hot though.
A part of you wanted to laugh remembering how you first met Prince D, the rest of you wanted to smash something. After a few weeks of dating, Prince D had invited you to move in, and you greatfully accepted. You had a few good friends, but no family back in Pop Village. If anything, you made more friends in Vibe City. King Quincy and Queen Essence had welcomed you with open arms and treated you like family. Cooper was happy to have a familar face around, made settling in much easier for the both of you. If only, these stupid cramps, would stop. They went on for twenty minutes, stopped for five, and then went back to biting at you again. You groaned in pain and curled up into a ball.
"Hey, Stella wanted to know if you wanted to hang with her since she's going to visit Volcano City." Prince D peeked his head into the room.
"Right now is not really the best time. Can you tell her that I can't come this time, please?" You asked, your voice slightly muffled by the blankets and pillows.
"Uh, yeah...sure thing, babe." Prince D responded and left. You sighed and tried to take advantage of one of your five minute breaks to fall asleep to avoid the pain, but you weren't all that lucky. You yelled into the pillows in frustration, trying to figure out what you could throw or punch without causing any damage or making to much noise. Before you could truly begin plotting, Prince D came back in and gave you a kiss on top of your head, causing you to relax a little.
"Here, drink this." Prince D handed you a cup of what looked like orange juice. You gave him a puzzled look. "It tastes like orange juice, but its actually a medicine to help cure pain and help put the consumer to sleep. Most girls in Vibe City use it during that time of month. Including my mom. You should've seen the look on her face when she found Cooper passed out on the kitchen floor after he accidentally assumed it was normal orange juice. He couldn't tell the difference since there weren't any labels!" Prince D laughed. You giggled at the story too. Classic Cooper. Though anyone could make that mistake. You gulped the drink, now realizing just how thirsty you actually were. When was the last time you actually drank something that day? Had you even gotten out of bed yet? The drowsiness immediately hit you and your eyelids were too heavy to keep open.
"Woah. I guess its a lot more effective and faster on Pop trolls than I thought." Prince D said as he took the now empty cup from you and put it on the nightstand next to the bed.
"Mmm...definitely better than any painkiller I've tried. Thank you, D." You thanked him as you began to fall asleep.
"Anything for you, Babe." Prince D kissed you on the head one more time before you fell asleep.
"Uh oh." Prince D forgot that his mom was in the middle of having the same problems.
After the World Tour, you had gone through the effort to get to know the rock trolls and their music better. You'd be lying if you said you weren't absolutely in love with the drums. And who else would be better to teach you how to play the drums better than the drummer boy himself, Riff. He was happy to see someone else from a completely different genre drawn to the drums as much as he was. Everyone else was still nervous and on edge around them, and most of the rockers were singers, dancers, and/or guitarists. He was one of the few drummers and the absolute best at it. You two became friends instantly and he started to follow you around wherever you went(your one of the few to show him kindness and affection this is the price you gotta pay). You were fine with it, he was an absolute cinnamon roll and you loved having him around. He eventually moved in with you to Pop Village. He was fascinated by their music and welcoming culture. Overwhelmed from all the kindness being shown to him, there was no way he was leaving now. Barb ended up having to get one of the other few drummers to take his place, despite them not being nearly as talented. He still got his college credit though. It was no surprise to anyone when you two started dating. You two were the cutest couple (besides broppy) in the village. You were so kind, loving, affectionate, calm, caring, and gentle, he was nearly mentally scarred when he came home one day to find the place trashed. He was scared, assuming the worst and yelling out your name, on the edge of tears. He let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding when he heard your voice. He started to attack you with questions, trying to figure out what happened.
"Riff, listen to me." You grabbed both sides of his face, making him shut up instantly. "I love you, but if you keep asking questions, I'm gonna punch a hole in the wall." You said, your face dead serious. Riff was lost. Then it hit him. You were acting like a rock troll female during that time of month. Except you were still holding on to your sanity. Riff picked you up bridal style and laid you down in bed, wrapping you up as best he could in the blankets. He cleaned up the pod and put everything back in it's place.
"You uh...kinda remind me of Barb during her struggle...but uh...she didn't stop at any point and I think she accidentally punched me a few times." Riff nervously admitted as he sat down next to you. You whimpered and wrapped your arms around his waist.
"I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't mean to scare you like that." You apologized.
"It's not your fault." Riff shrugged and ran his fingers through your hair. "I can't imagine what it's like to go through what your going through. Your really strong to be going through this for most of your life without any way to stop it. And despite it all, you still show love. It's amazing." Riff rambled on.
"I usually take painkillers to help, but the pain is dying down a little now. I think I'll be fine." You yawned. There was a pause.
Never let this precious bean go.
You grew up in the pod next to him. You were best friends since diapers. You gave Mr.Dinkles to him as a present on one of his birthdays after you found him lost in the woods. You two started dating as teenagers. You two were married before the world tour started. He already knew to get you your painkillers and chocolates ready before you even knew it was about to start. He was like a big pillow so cuddles were no problem. The giant teddy bear of a husband always made sure to leave Mr. Dinkles with you in case he absolutely needed to leave. Unless it was really important or an actual emergency(which probably only happened one time) he absolutely refused to leave your side. He'd ask his cousin Legsly for help sometimes when it seemed to get worse than usual. Love you big blue teddy bear and his worm and never let them go.
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