#permanent injury
whumpster-dumpster · 2 months
Hi! Consider this an official excuse to talk about whatever whump trope has recently been in your mind (or a favorite trope of yours, or whatever you like)!
Personally I've recently been really playing with the thought of old injuries that just continue to affect the whumpee for the rest of their life. Especially the ones that aren't like, catastrophic, but still annoying and still going to affect the whumpee. (Not that there's anything wrong with huge major things, but sometimes the subtler stuff can be just as great.)
Those injuries that are as healed as they're ever going to be, but still ache with changes in weather or with a bit too much physical strain, or that are a little stiff, or a little weak. Sure, the whumpee has probably learned to compensate for them or work around them over time, but that doesn't erase them from existence, doesn't mean they don't bother the whumpee even so.
Yes 👏 Lasting consequences make it more realistic!
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fallenwhumpee · 2 months
• Masterlist •
Warnings: Permanent injury, character death, sabotage, blood, injection, medical settings(?)
They wished that someone had prevented them from taking this mission. They wished that someone had called out how much time was to pass before even they opened their eyes. They wished that someone had cared about them enough to tell that a thousand year they were going to spend in space was a huge loss to them and their loved ones. But all of their friend has been out in space, and they had nothing left to tie them to the earth since their admiration for nature wasn't enough.
Space, unlike nature, felt empty. Despite the crew of a thousand and ten times of it as passengers, the emptiness led to a bone deep ache they couldn't name. The emptiness was comforting in a sense, with the absence of responsibilities and worries, but it was also letting the thoughts they desperately tried to bury to creep up.
Captain sighed as they realised that they were brooding yet again. This was the fifth time this month. Or the week. Their awareness of time was not very trustable.
[A familiar, comforting smile appeared on the hologram. There's a moment of silence as the person struggles to find the right words.
You've always been too gloomy, cap. Sometimes, I couldn't believe how you motivated us but failed to see something to motivate yourself. But getting the rank, I began to understand. It was never about motivation. Now I know why you sacrificed your nights and chances of raise for us. Now I understand. And I understand how... lonely this is, how lonely to stare at the deck and know all those lives look up to a word between your two lips.
The smile turns bitter.]
A cough began to bubble up in their throat again. They eyed the crew, who were doing the routine checkup before the breakfast. They couldn't just cough here, knowing that it would draw attention. They stood slowly, ignoring the stiffness, and relieved the crew from the final tasks. First Officer glared at them, probably thinking that they were being too soft.
Captain ignored the look. They just needed to be alone, and they didn't think they could make it to their room at that moment. Also, they could complete the checkup themselves, so it was pointless to keep the crew around.
The crew emptied the deck slowly, their chatter growing more faint as Captain is left alone.
[And I truly don't know how you survived without going mad. I will go mad if I go through this without talking to someone. I'm glad you offered me to call when I need... though I was surprised to hear you took another mission.
The figure chuckled, breathing in. The camera angle shifted, and revealed a drained face, smiling with a hint of sadness.
Captain coughed harshly, blood spluttering to their black uniform. When the chest pain faded, they were only glad that this wasn't the ceremonial one— the plain white one that they were supposed to wear at the landing day. They wheezed a few times as they struggled to catch their breath, leaning to the helm to keep themselves stable. They could feel their body breaking down day by day, their facade beginning to crack.
I was expecting you to retire, you know. Find a beach planet and take a vacation. If that was the situation, then you could answer me before it's too late, but perhaps it's for the best. Now, it'll take some time for you to get these messages, but knowing you'll see those is somehow soothing. Anyway, skipping my usual blabber, I...
The figure shifted uneasily, preparing themselves about what they were going to say.
I woke up before the time. It's only one week, but knowing the high tech stuff we work with, it's truly concerning...]
"When's the medicine?" They asked the computer. They cleared their voice and asked again when it didn't answer. "When is the next dose?"
"It is recommended..."
"It is recommended for a medical personnel to oversee the procedure, I know." They cut in with the irritation of hearing the same sentence for the tenth time today. "But I ordered you to shut up about it and just answer the questions."
If it was a crew member, they wouldn't use that tone unless it was a life and death situation. But with a very irritating computer, they didnt know how to restrain it.
"Your next dose of medicine is in two hours." The computer talked in its annoyingly flat tone. "The medicine can be taken in cafeteria."
"No." Captain almost snarled. They ignored this was basically arguing with a bunch of wires. "In the medbay reserved for the command crew."
"Your preference is noted."
Captain sighed. The computer was noting this every day, yet forgetting. They had tried to fix it multiple times, but because of an unknown software in the ship, some minor things like that was getting deleted from the ship's memory. They hoped no one else noticed it, at least until Captain found a way to crack the software. The technicians could look at it after that.
A sudden wave of dizziness caused them to slip. They gripped the console not to fall with a sudden panic, a whimper escaping as their chest ached with the strain. They held their hand to their nose, expecting it to begin bleeding soon. This was becoming more and more frequent ever since...
[I didn't realise it at first, but after two days, I noticed that I got tired easily. And not only me. Everyone was tiring out easily. So, I ordered a full checkup on my crew—
The figure chuckled weairly.
Don't scold me so soon, I got myself too, but I followed your footsteps and had to be dragged first... anyway, we are all damaged. The cryopods were sabotaged and... and...
Slowly, tears begun to fall from the figure's eyes. They sobbed a few times to get themselves together, but their voice was thick with emotion.
This damage is irreversible. It seems like I had the worst blow... I... I'm dying. The ship is also falling apart and I don't know if we can make it... ]
They slowly lowered themselves, breathing heavily to build their composure back. Their knees felt weak as the last medicine began to wear off. But they knew their crew expected to see them in the cafeteria. There weren't many people to cover their absence. Only fifteen of their crew was awake since they had to keep an eye on everyone.
Slowly but carefully, they pushed themselves back to their feet. They coughed again and commanded the computer to run a final checkup as they manually checked some of the instruments. They were glad that they had swallowed most of the information to run a ship alone in theory. It would be impossible to run a vast ship like that all by themselves, but with the information they had, they could at least give people some break or see their own needs.
Making sure that everything was in place and then checking after the computer, they forced themselves to walk to the cafeteria. It was a gruelling walk with their every muscle rebelling against themselves, but they kept their usual stoic look until they sat down with their tray. Unsurprisingly, their second in command slid their tray and sat right in front of them.
"You're distant."
[I'm growing distant, with the neverending suspicion of my own crew, with the neverending paranoia of alarms wailing...
The figure wiped their tears.
Sorry. I didn't intend my... farewell message to turn to a breakdown. But... someone is doing those and I can't find it. We all pay the price. And I'm coming to the only place, you, for the advice but...]
Captain ignored. It had been only a month awake. They couldn't ve held responsible for acting like this, after considering.
"Were your former crew's lying, or you just got old and grumpier with time?"
Captain didn't have the energy to deal with First Officer's suspicions. They bit from their meal slowly, not having much appetite. "Perhaps the news exaggerated, and my former crew decided not to mention that I'm not a morning person."
"There's no morning in space," First Officer chuckled.
"And there's no coffee in this ship too. Stop circling around what you want to say. I'm sure my former helmsman said that if I hadn't been so straightforward, I'd be in the command centre, not stuck in a long-distance spaceship," Captain returned.
There had been many interviews about them, and it was strange to think that many of those could be considered antiques. The people, their former crews, were either dead - a thousand year was too long even with the increased average lifespan - or in other ships, sleeping under freezing temperatures just like Captain was until a month ago. They briefly wondered if pulling away from them was the right choice, but after what they lived through... Captain didn't have the heart to make their workplace their family again. It was better to put some distance between, at least after making sure everyone was going to be fine.
Captain's attention snapped back when First Officer finally built up the courage to talk. "You're hiding something, and I don't like it."
"And what's it, since you are so perceiving?"
First Officer frowned. "You wouldn't be hiding if I knew."
"Maybe," Captain swallowed their last bite, realising that they rushed their meal to get out of this place, "there's nothing to hide, and you are just reading too much into people's behaviour."
"You are lying."
"I am not obligated to earn your—"
A sharp, stab like pain (they had been stabbed before, but this actually felt worse) cut their sentence. They coughed, covering their mouth with a tissue. They could feel it get wet and a faint smell of blood irritated their nose, so they didn't let go of the tissue. They wrinkled it into their palm after making sure there's no blood present on their face.
First Officer's expression softened. "Are you okay?"
Captain considered the change of tune for a moment. Perhaps First Officer was just searching their mouth. Coughing a few more times, they cleared their voice, purging their voice of emotions.
"Went down to the wrong way."
First Officer looked unconvinced for a moment, but Captain wasn't going to deal with it. "Well, if you are so curious about everything, you can go and check everyone's schedules and report back to me for any inconvenience you find," they said with a playful tone, standing up. Their vision blurred for a moment, but they managed not to falter.
[But perhaps advice is not the best course of action. I need you to be okay. I need you to be safe from this conspiracy.]
With quick steps, they made their way to the living quarters. Their chest was squeezing, their head beginning to throb again. Eating too fast was catching up. They doubled over after making the turn, their knees wobbling. They leaned to the wall for a moment, closing their eyes. They didn't let the dread come and dictate them again. They were going to be alright, they murmured to themselves.
They dragged their feet to the second medbay of the ship, which was not used due to numbered awake medics. "Open the cot." They gasped as they fell to the floor, the hiss of the cot coming from close. They whimpered on the cold floor, their vision darkening for a moment.
[I...I feel my end is near, my dear friend. I will call you that, after a long time under you, as your loyal first officer. My end is near, and I... I have no worries left behind other than you. Someone wants this interstellar route to fail. I'm afraid you're one of the next targets. I don't want your end to be like mine...]
"I'm afraid," Captain murmured themselves as they slowly rose to their knees, breathing heavily, "we are destined to live the same thing regardless of distance and time."
There was no room for pride as they crawled to the cot, the glass hatch closing over them.
Captain tried to calm their breaths, laying flat relieving some dizziness. They tried not to think much. They tried not to think at all. The hum of the medical equipment echoed through the small room. They clenched their jaw, fingers gripping the edge of the cot. It was a desperaye attempt to anchor themselves as the machine got louder, revealing what they already knew too well.
Captain's gaze fixated on the sterile ceiling, the rhythmic whirr of the machinery getting into their nerves.
The cold, clinical announcement pulled Captain back to the present. The holographic display flickered to life, revealing a detailed map of internal damage, highlighted in stark red. But it didn't need to be, as another coughing fit took over and Captain failed to cover their mouth, the glass painting with red almost in an instant.
[Internal damage detected. There are no available treatments, but medicine could be administered to relieve symptoms. For further instructions, please consult the medical personnel.]
"Just give the medicine." Captain gasped. A needle tied to a canal came out from the cot, piercing their skin and bumping a clear liquid into them. The pain dulled instantly, Captain growing limp. They swore, groaning as they opened the cot.
Captain took a deep breath, determined to regain composure. They wiped away the remaining traces of blood on their lips with the back of their hand, their gaze fixed on the holographic display showing the internal damage. The sterile hum of the medbay equipment seemed to echo the silence of their situation.
"Captain, the report is—" First Officer's mouth dropped open at Captain's dishevelled look. Their expression was horrified. And the swearing they used was the only word they could express the situation.
After a moment, Captain straightened up, shoulders squared, and a mask of authority settled on their face. It was a practiced facade, a shield against the vulnerability that threatened to consume them. They stood shakily, getting out of the medbay with faltering space. When they opened the door of their own room, a voice behind them called.
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whumpycries · 2 years
Permanent injury my beloved. Yeah scars are cool and all, but a whumpee with a permanent injury. Maybe one of their eye had been gouged out, or they've lost hearing in one ear, or their leg was broken and healed wrong, BOTH their legs were healed wrong, maybe they can't use their dominant hand anymore... just, you've escaped but you've not escaped. Not just in a mental sense but in a physical sense as well. You can hide the scars, look away from them, you can't look away from the fact that you can't walk anymore.
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urlocalwhumper · 6 months
whumpee who is physically bigger and stronger than whumper. more skilled at fighting too.
...but emotionally, they're quite fragile. it's pitifully easy for whumper to get under their skin, destroying them mentally from the inside out until they just accept whatever whumper does to them without lifting a finger to fight back. they've been conditioned into believing they deserve it.
...so whumper plays dirty, using every underhanded trick they can think of until they're finally able to find an opening, severely and permanently wounding whumpee's limb(s), taking away their ability to fight. now they can do whatever they like to whumpee, and they couldn't even fight back if they wanted to. whumper loves watching the fear in their eyes as the reality of how utterly helpless they are now sinks in.
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Whump Prompt #982
When the doctor first brings in the wheelchair, everyone thinks A is on the verge of throwing up. A went pale, glassy eyed and quiet as though the chair had given them a death sentence. In an instance, B’s protective glare clears the room. 
Once granted privacy, B sits on the edge of A’s bed, and uses their hand to gently guide their chin up: so A is looking anywhere else but the chair. 
“I know its a lot.” B says gently, and smooths back A’s hair with their free hand. “Tell me how you’re feeling.” 
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bonefall · 1 year
PLEASE let that boy toadstep survive. i like his name. also i dont know if youre keeping lionpaw amd berrypaw's weird little rivalry but if you let toadstep live and be gay as hell with lionblaze their rivalry will be 10x funnier
Berrynose: "HEY LIONBALD"
Toadstep: "ignore him babe he's trying to get a rise out of you"
Berrynose: "Without a mane you know what that makes you??"
Toadstep: "remember he's just annoying and we can't stoop to his level"
Berrynose: "a CATBLAZE"
Toadstep: "...I'll pound if you pounce"
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since there's been a lil bit of confusion (and you can blame me for drawing Spoilerfur all the time XD)
CREEKFLOWER does not have an ear rip. She has scars on her shoulders from Lightningfur.
LIGHTNINGFUR does not CURRENTLY have an ear rip but WILL in the FUTURE. She has a scar on her nose from Creekflower.
LONGTAIL and CLIFFWHISKER have ear rips, Longtail's being from Creekflower and Cliffwhisker's from the dogs.
ROBINSTORM's ear was completely torn off courtesy of Lightningfur.
BRIGHTHEART has her canon wounds (torn ear, no eye, missing fur on half of face) but flipped to the other side.
MISSINGHEART has a gaping chest wound, a wounded front leg, and no tail.
TULIPPAW has a bite mark on his shoulders.
LYNXPAW has no head.
CINDERPELT has her canon crippled back leg.
BLOSSOMTAIL, SWAMPFUR, and BADGERFANG have various injuries from their time under Brokenstar - Blossomtail has a ripped ear and scars down his face, Swampfur has a nicked ear and a scar on her throat, and Badgerfang has a wound down his belly.
RUNNINGWIND has a scar on his side (presumably from Lightningfur).
RAVENWING has a severely scarred throat.
It doesn't matter what kind of scars people give the cast, though, because everyone in warrior cats honestly has SOME form of scarring thanks to their lifestyle, it's just not described! These are just the "canonical" scarring they've endured.
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irondadfics · 2 years
Hello (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) I'm searching for a story where Peter got paralyzed from falling from a building(I think?) and then he was dying later in the story. Oh I think he and May also did bucket list. It was on AO3. Thank you (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ and have a good day.
Thank you to those who contributed to our Follower Outreach Program for helping to locate this story!
The Difference a Day Makes by Jadeys_World, snarkymuch
Peter thought he'd hit rock bottom, but maybe it needed to happen so he could find himself again. This is a story of making peace, of trusting those around you, and holding onto threads of hope. The sun will always shine again, even after the darkest of nights and hardest of storms. With Tony beside him, he might just make it through to morning. -or- Peter loses his powers, gets seriously injured, comes to terms to with his new normal, but then things take a turn and he's facing death. There are bucket lists and declining health until a cure is found, giving him his powers back. Lots of whump and irondad moments.
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hellbound-honeybee · 1 year
Many Years (and several deaths) In The Making
Many of you seemed to enjoy Day 15: Shattered (drarry) from my 100daypromptchallenge so I decided to write an extended version. Unfortunately it's too long and explicit to post on here but here's a link if you want to pop on over to my Ao3!
Many Years (and several deaths) In The Making
Summary: Harry is left for dead after a vicious werewolf attack and Draco saves his life. Now he has to navigate being disabled at 19 and being treated differently for it. One thing Harry learns is that Aurors are dicks and Draco will always be his biggest supporter.
Word Count: 3,934
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airlockfailure · 2 years
Playlist I made specifically for my OC Wynut, but listened to it primarily while writing Perseids. n-n
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tarlos-spain · 2 years
I find myself in pieces
Summary: After Carlos being injury during a call, his life and TK's changes forever. He has to learn that his love doesn't end when you wake up and your legs doesn't work anymore, although that jorney is a very long and hard one for both of them
Notes: Just to let you know, this work was born for Whumpt June but it's taking longer to get it done because it's a very difficult path for Carlos and TK, with maybe some triggering issues as suicidal thoughts and an attempt, hard fights between Carlos and TK.
Chapter 1 - Self-sacrifice
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Chapter 01: Is this my life?
It's a warm spring day, Carlos and Lexi have just finished lunch from their favorite taco stand, and Carlos has not said a word the whole time.
“Are you OK, Reyes?” Lexi asks, offering him a cup of coffee.
“Yeah… No… Yeah…”
“Ok, let's say you’re not OK. What’s up? Everything okay with TK at home? Don’t tell me you’ve fought?”
“No, of course not.” Carlos sighs and looks down at his coffee. “I’m asking TK to marry me after our shift. I have the ring already here.” Carlos touches the pocket of his uniform and feels the little box. “I’m terrified but I know I want to do it.”
“Terrified? Reyes, Carlos. TK loves you, even if you haven’t ever properly introduced him to me as your boyfriend. I guess we’re not close enough friends for me to be invited to your game nights.”
“Didn’t know you were interested in coming.”
“I’m not, I don’t like games. I was joking. The point is, I see how he looks at you during shifts. TK adores you.”
“I’m going to ask him to marry me.”
Carlos bursts out laughing nervously. Lexi has never seen him like that, but the quiet moment is broken when the car radio crackles to life.
"Dispatch to 323-H20 report to 108 Lexington Road for a 10-16. Husband reports wife is armed."
"Copy dispatch, 108 Lexington Road 10-16, wife armed, 323-H20 responding code 3," replies Mitchell, as Carlos flips on the lights and sirens and floors the gas.
Pulling into the subdivision, they soon see a tall, thin, dark-haired man on the porch of 108 holding a girl of about eight years old close to him. There is a short blonde woman in the driveway screaming at him.
Carlos and Lexi quickly exit the car, both on alert. Carlos knows kids in danger are his soft spot. It’s hard to keep calm when the little girl starts crying, scared of the situation.
The woman goes on another tirade of screaming as she sees the two officers, and the girl tries to hide herself behind her dad. Carlos positions himself to be able to get between the couple quickly if needed.
He knows he will be a good detective, because he can see that the woman is dangerous, even if he hadn’t seen the gun yet. But she’s aggressive in her movements and the way she talks. So, yes, he’s ready to do what’s necessary.
"You called the cops you asshole!” the woman shouts. “I just want Jenny."
The little girl clings even more tightly to her father's waist. She’s terrified of her mother and that woman has clearly been drinking a lot.
The man, Jenny's dad, is also very nervous, but Carlos notices it’s not his first time confronting his wife…if they’re not already divorced.
"Kaitlyn, you're drunk, again. I'm not letting you take her till you're sober. I’m telling you, but it’s also the judge’s order.”
"I fucking am not drunk, you bastard. You’re lying, you always lie about me being drunk. You’re just trying to kidnap her, you’re trying to take my baby away from me."
"You're crazy, come back tomorrow sober and we will talk," the husband replies, and Carlos sees things are getting more and more tense. The little girl is crying, she’s so scared that Carlos is about to take her and remove her to a safe place.
"Give me Jenny or I'll kill you," the wife screams, pulling a gun from her waist band.
She points it at her husband but the girl is so close, and the woman is not acting rational, waving the gun around. One mistake and she’ll shoot her own child, so Carlos moves again, so he can take the kid and get her to safety.
But he decides to wait.
At this point Lexi intervenes, letting Carlos get closer to the husband and daughter. But the woman sees it and points the gun again at her husband and the kid.
"Ma'am, Kaitlyn," Lexi calls.
She loses her temper quickly, moves her hand from one side to the other.
The woman stays focused on her husband and Carlos knows exactly what’s about to happen. Apparently the husband is not interested in making things easier.
"Wow, Kaitlyn, threatening me again. Is that the only thing you can do?”
He sounds pissed off, even annoyed by the situation. The gun in his wife’s hand doesn’t seem to matter at all. Then, Carlos sees her finger on the trigger and the whole scene suddenly moves in slow motion.
Lexi tries to get the woman's attention again but to no avail.
"Wait till CPS hears this," replies the husband.
The woman tenses angrily, too many people talking to her at the same time, everybody telling her to do or stop doing things. She loses her temper quickly, moves her hand from one side to the other, and accidentally pulls the trigger.
It feels so slow. Lexi watches in horror as her friend and partner dives for the little child, shoving her to safety as the bullet rips into his back. Carlos is protecting the kid, he promised that nothing will happen to the child, even if he has to put his body in the middle and get shot.
Keep reading in AO3
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danny-the-kid · 1 month
Bad Things Happen Bingo - Burns
The main thing that all burn victims tend to worry about first — and by Agni does he hate calling himself a victim — are the scars. The second thing, after they’ve been cautioned by a healer, is the major risk of infection. But no one had told him that, much like fire is known to spread, so too does infection.
Losing the eye and the ear was devastating, but not altogether unexpected. Getting an infection, considering the circumstances, was all but inevitable. But, the teeth? He hadn’t been prepared to lose his teeth.
As they’d recounted it to him, the events went like so:
The burn on his face, as expected, got infected. That infection spread to his ear, causing an ear infection that then spread on towards his teeth, infecting them as well. And with everyone’s attention on his half-melted face and their desperate attempts to save as much of his sight and hearing as they possibly could, no one was paying any attention to his teeth — not even Zuko himself.
When eating hurt he naturally attributed it to the chewing motions pulling on his damaged, healing skin. When talking hurt he assumed the same. When the roots of his teeth ached it was blamed on radiating pain. Burns on the face are extremely uncommon, especially in the Fire Nation; Even less common, is a person surviving one. No one had expected this.
By the time Zuko turned fourteen he had lost nearly all of the teeth on the left side of his mouth. Constant chewing on the right side caused him to lose even more. He became obsessed with his dental health, determined not to lose a single tooth more. He ate only soft foods and avoided anything corrosive. He brushed his (remaining) teeth diligently, every morning, afternoon, and night. He rinsed and flossed after every single meal, without fail. The only thing he was more obsessed with was finding the Avatar — so of course his Uncle Iroh encouraged it whenever he could, especially since unlike hunting the Avatar this obsession with protecting and preserving his teeth could only benefit Zuko’s health.
Unfortunately all of the toothpaste and dental floss in the world couldn’t bring back the teeth he had already lost, and so Zuko’s smiles that had all but disappeared with his burning and banishment never made a reappearance. On the other end of the spectrum, Zuko would forcibly restrain himself from sneering either lest he inadvertently give someone a glimpse of his missing incisors.
Yelling was also out of the question as that often required him to open his mouth far too wide for comfort. Instead, Zuko became accustomed to talking as quietly as he could get away with to avoid opening his mouth any more than necessary — that is, when he deigned to speak at all. And when he did speak it also became custom for him to turn away, angling his head so that the left side of his face was hidden from whatever audience he was addressing.
The Zuko that eventually turned up in the North Pole, three years after he was burned and banished, was soft-spoken and nigh expressionless. He spoke only when he had to and expressed his emotions almost entirely with his eyes only. He did not bother with gloating or shouting or raging. He was quiet and terrifyingly cold, his eyes chilling and his expression frigid.
When his sister reunites with him at the resort on the Su Oku River, she does not recognize him.
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cemeterything · 2 months
they should hire me as like a stunt double but for when they need someone to express screaming and falling to their knees and tearing at their clothes levels of grief in movies and shows. not only would i be great at it but i think that a regularly scheduled cathartic wail would do things not even the best medication and therapy money can buy could for my mental health. you wouldn't even have to pay me i'd just show up ready to go like a working dog finally getting an opportunity to fulfil its life's purpose.
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urlocalwhumper · 7 months
a whumpee who was once a confident and formidable fighter being suddenly hit with a severe, disabling injury, robbing them of their ability to fight, and having to grapple with the intense fear that has started consuming their life once they realize how defenseless they are now
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samtheacesheep · 1 year
Work Description: 
Milo is in the wrong place at the wrong time, and something explodes.
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baldermarf · 1 year
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Everybody gets hurt at least once in their lifetime. But some wounds are so bad that the victim might have symptoms for the rest of their lives. Catastrophic injuries of this nature can be caused by a variety of incidents, including car accidents, workplace accidents, defective products, or even bad falls. An experienced lawyer could explain your options for pursuing compensation to cover your losses if you suffered serious harm as a result of someone else's careless or reckless actions.
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