#but seeing that it’s a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it
wesen-grimmopedia · 5 months
One of my favorite things about the Grimm fandom is the creation of Monroe’s name.
He’s only ever referred to as “Monroe” in the series, so fans took it upon themselves to give him the first name Eddie.
Monroe’s actor then outwardly claimed that Monroe’s name is not Eddie, and yet the fans are like
“….so anyway, Eddie Monroe—”
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auspicioustidings · 7 months
Make your own way home
Word Count: 850
Summary: Short little drabble of what happens a few weeks after that ending cut scene.
CW: Dubcon/non-con by virtue of spirit possession.
If there was ever an example of wrong place, wrong time, you think you were it. The trip alone to the Highlands was supposed to be a journey of self-discovery. It was supposed to calm your mind, let you meditate in nature and find some peace. Not be in your head so much.
And now here you were, in your head. Stuck in your head. 
You hadn’t ever really given much thought to whether you believed in ghosts or not. You thought of them as something from horror films, always creeping in the dark and spooking young couples in their new house. You had never considered that they could be out in the hills during the daylight, waiting for a warm body to commandeer. 
And he had commandeered you without too much of a fight. For a few hours you had wrestled him for control, but his will was overpowering. It didn’t help that whoever had rudely put themselves in the driver's seat was an arse.
Let me out
“Cannae dae that, got places to be.” 
It’s my body!
“Our body hen.”
No, absolutely not, this is not a communist body, this is single ownership
“In that case, it’s my body” he laughed, seemingly finding your screaming in your (his?) head amusing.
It is NOT
“Let me see if I have a pretty wee body tae match my pretty wee voice.”
You could only watch as he took your body to the lakeside and peered into the glassy surface. It was bizarre, watching your own face light up in a grin that looked nothing like yours. He seemed pleased with what he was looking at, and you thought if you were in control you might have blushed. In fact, you knew that to be the case seeing a dusting of colour appear. Interesting, your body at least still reacted to your emotions. 
“Fuck me, look at this,” he all but purred, a hand coming to squeeze at your chest.
Oh, oh it wasn’t just your emotions that your body still reacted to. You felt the touch as if it was someone else’s hand on you and you certainly felt the sick little bolt of pleasure from it. The little bit of excitement of how horribly wrong this was. 
“Dinnae tempt me hen, told ye we have places to be. Once we get there we can play together as long as ye want.”
You could not think of a single thing to say to that and you almost felt a sense of motion sickness when your body started moving again, trekking through the mountains at a pace you would never go at. You tried everything. You pictured a battering ram to try and smash through to get control and he responded by putting thoughts in your shared headspace of the ramming turning lewd. You sang obnoxiously and he only joined in using your voice, delighted with how it sounded. You gave him the silent treatment and got so painfully bored of it that within 30 minutes you were back to just wailing in your head. 
“Ye know, they dinnae usually stay.”
What do you mean?
“When we take a body, the previous tenant disnae usually stick around.”
Am I going to die?
“Naw if ye dinnae want that. Even if ye did, might keep ye around. If ye behave might even let ye have control for a wee bit, would ye like that?”
If being possessed was not terrifying enough, the concept that the thing possessing you one, had plenty of experience and two, had never had anyone survive was making you feel sick. You felt that feeling in your body and he felt it too if his confused little grunt was anything to go by.
“Come on hen, be nice,” he said, not stopping but shoving a hand unceremoniously into your pants to rub gently. “Just relax.”
It was an insane feeling, you touching yourself but it actually being someone else controlling the movements. He wasn’t going fast, the languid pace seemingly aiming to soothe more than anything. It was wild that it sort of worked, that sick feeling fading out to a hazy rolling pleasure that was only just a gentle simmer.
At some point you felt your thoughts drift off to a strange sleep even though your body was still awake and moving. When you felt consciousness leak back in, you could see yourself approaching a house. 
“Look who's finally awake! Good timing princess” he said. You could hear the exhaustion in your voice, you wondered if he had let himself and the body sleep at all. Maybe if the body slept, you could wrestle back control.
You watched as your hand came to knock at the door. Watched it open to reveal a huge man in a skull balaclava. Watched and very much felt when your body launched at him, pushing the mask up to get your lips on his. He reacted as if he knew you, holding your body tight and laughing into your lips.
“Knew you’d make your own way home.”
“Always do LT.”
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curseoftheundeadraven · 9 months
So, I believe I may have incidentally become a local…cryptid? I’m a cat person but cannot own any at the moment, so I’ve started to spend time with the local stray cats. Eventually my neighbor informed me that someone had found a kitten and needed help, he was just asking people where the “cat person” lived.
Today, (about a month later) I was hanging out with a momma cat and her kittens, when I heard two men that were around my ages (so 20s) talking a ways behind me. I wasn’t really listening until,
“Wait, maybe that’s the cat whisperer”
They had found a kitten and needed help, I just find it funny that I’ve been upgraded to the cat whisperer. And, I have never seen those men in my life so clearly there are rumors about me.
Maybe one day I’ll become a local legend, just the weird goth person who sits in the grass surrounded by cats.
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sfmothdaddy · 6 months
Soap SFW HC's pt 2
Johnny loves food. Full stop. LOVES food. However, his table manners are not always the best, so when he plans nights out its usually to more casual places because he doesn't wanna embarrass you. However, at home? This man will make all the sounds and lick his plate clean to prove that he loves your cooking.
If you take him to any family function or cook out that has food, he is known as the bottomless pit and there are bets if he will explode or not. He just loves food. Even your mother's cooking... which is not the best.
This lad is a HIT at family functions. Embodies the "Fun Uncle" for all the little ones, related or not. Boisterous and loud when needed, but also will help you find a quiet spot if you need a quick escape.
This man has a sketch book at all times and is constantly doodling, not that he always shows you. Sometimes you get glances when he shows you particular images from when he is in the field and the mood strikes, but hes kinda private about most of them and its cute.
When this man drinks he is an absolute slut for cuddles. Not even sexual cuddles, he just wants to be close.
He looks for any opportunity to play with your fingers. When your walking, sitting on the couch, out to eat... he just wants to hold your hand.
You running your fingers through his mowhawk is his kryptonite. It will get this man to agree to just about anything, especially if you use just a little bit of nails on his scalp? Putty.
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munsonsduchess · 2 years
Girls Got Rhythm
summary: eddie fucks you in his van after a show w/c: 2206 warnings: 18+ only no minors, praise, swearing, oral (f recieving), unprotected sex (you're smarter than that), slight spoilers for Vol 2 authors note: so how are we feeling Eddie Nation? That season finale was ... something huh? Anyway this is probably going to be the first of quite a few fix it fics from me because like Nick Fury said "I recognise that the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid ass decision I've elected to ignore it" Not beta'd all mistakes are my own and add flavour. We die like heroes. Please reblog it really helps me out!!
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(moodboard by me)
The atmosphere in the bar was electric, bands had been playing all night and now finally it was Eddie's turn, they were the headline act in the Hideout that night. Long gone were the days of playing to five drunks and a group of hicks that wouldn't know good music if it slapped them in the face. 
Turns out being wanted for and then acquitted of murder was actually something of a reputation builder in the metal music community. It gave Eddie a kind of street cred he didn't have before and now people were coming from all over to watch Corroded Coffin play.
Throughout it all though he had you, his number one fan. As you'd tell him again and again. You'd been there through Spring Break 86, through Vecna, him almost being mauled alive by those demobat things. You'd never once left him or dipped out when things got out of control and there you were now standing right in front of the stage in possibly the most sinful outfit you could have conjured. Eddie felt his cock stir in his jeans just looking at you, of course that was a pretty regular occurrence on its own but seeing you standing there with your homemade Corroded Coffin  shirt, the shortest mini skirt imaginable not to mention your legs wrapped in fishnets leaving nothing to the imagination and Eddie didn't have to imagine what was waiting for him underneath that skirt. 
You smiled up at him as he took his place front and centre on the stage, the spotlight shining on him giving his fuzzy brown curls a halo which was at odds with the devilish smirk on his lips as he began playing. The crowd had been waiting for this all night and they were going wild for Eddie and for the band, this was everything either of you could have wanted. You'd both remember this moment in time for the rest of your lives. 
It hadn't been easy getting here, putting in hours in the bar waitressing and behind the bar. It was really the only place that would hire you both since you'd made it abundantly clear that unless both of you were hired then neither of you would work wherever it was and having been rejected by everywhere else you'd applied for, even the video store which Harrington assured you both would be an easy place to get hired, you were more than willing to put in whatever hours the management of the bar needed you to if it meant for one night a month Eddie could stand on that stage like the Rock Star he was always meant to be and play to his devoted fans. Even if most of them only came to see the guy accused of murder in such a small town. 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
After the set you knew Eddie would be helping the rest of the band carry the equipment back to his van since as big as they were in Hawkins no one else was going to help them carry their gear. Sure enough you found Eddie stood by the stage door slash delivery entrance. HIs hair was stuck to his forehead and the back of his neck with sweat but the smile on his face told you that he couldn't care less about that,
"Hey, can I get an autograph? I'm your biggest fan" you called to get his attention, "honest I am" 
"Baby you can have anything you want" Eddie grinned at you holding his arms open so you could slot yourself against him, "anything at all" 
"Name it" 
"Well in that case" you leant up on tiptoe to kiss Eddie softly, the leather in your boots squeaking as you did so, "you looked so good up there baby" 
"You look better" Eddie said, snaking an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him, "couldn't keep my eyes off you. I thought I was gonna have to jump off the stage at one point and let everyone know you're mine" 
"I think the amount of hickies you leave should tell people that" 
"Yeah but then you cover up all my hardwork with these" Eddie laughed, his fingers playing with your necklaces, "I think I'm gonna have to prove it again" 
You didn't need to ask what he meant. You could feel how hard he had gotten through his jeans and you'd be lying if you  said watching him on the stage hadn't had the arousal dripping down your own thighs. You loved watching him play whenever, wherever and tonight was certainly no different.
"So what are we waiting for?" 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
You had thought that perhaps Eddie would have told the rest of the guys that he'd arrange another way for them to get their stuff out of the bar that he'd take you home to your crappy little one room apartment and the murphy bed that squeaked so much your neighbour thought it was an infestation of some kind. 
You should have known better. Why would Eddie bother driving all the way home when his van was right there? 
Which is how you found yourself on your back with your skirt pushed up around your hips while Eddie knelt between your legs, eyes dark and hooded as he stared at your exposed pussy,
"Baby? No panties?" he breathed, casting his eyes upwards for a second to catch the way you bit your bottom lip as his fingers slipped through the mesh of your tights and ran through the slick forming between your thighs, "you're already so wet, is this all for me?" 
"All for you Eddie, love you" 
"I love you too sweetheart, I'm gonna love you so much" 
Before you could form a sentence your brain short circuited with the sound of Eddie ripping your tights and giving himself better access to your dripping pussy. You let out a moan when he used two ring clad fingers to swipe through your folds collecting your slick and using it to push a finger into your warm wet entrance.
A few mumbled obscenities fell from Eddie's lips as he watched his finger being sucked back into your waiting cunt again and again. How your hips bucked and searched for more, he never got enough of seeing you like this. 
Adding another finger he watched as you writhed beneath him, Eddie used his thumb to swipe against your clit and reveled in the broken moan that bubbled out of your throat. He knew he wasn't going to last long but he wanted to be sure you at least got off once before he did,
"Eddie, wanna feel you" you begged, "please baby, just wanna feel you" 
"Ssh it's gonna be ok" Eddie reassured you before readjusting his position so he could lay between your legs and lick a stripe up your weeping cunt. Removing his fingers so both hands could grab at your hips and bring your core closer to him. 
Eddie loved to go down on you. Loved the way your hips moved on their own and tried to ride his face. Loved the whimpers and moans and cries of his name you made as he tongue fucked your entrance, his fingers drawing fast circles on your swollen clit.
Your hands found purchase in his curls as Eddie sucked on your clit, his tongue drawing obscure patterns as your hips moved in a rhythm all their own chasing the high you could feel coiling in your gut. That white hot heat spreading through your veins as Eddie curled his fingers inside you hitting that spot that had you seeing stars and clenching around his fingers like a vice ,
"So good for me" Eddie praised, his fingers slowing their movements before pulling out. You held yourself up on your elbows long enough to see Eddie cleaning off his fingers before releasing them with a wet pop, "god you taste fucking amazing" 
"Eddie - " 
"It's ok love. I just - I need you ok?" 
You nodded, this is what you'd wanted too while you watched him on that stage. Your legs squeezed together as you dripped slick onto the floor of the bar, which wouldn't be the worst thing cleaned off that floor tonight all things considered. 
You reached out and helped Eddie to undo his belt buckle and the zip on his jeans. He was painfully hard and he needed to be buried inside you. To feel those velvet walls clamp around his cock was the closest feeling to heaven Eddie was sure he would ever experience. 
He shimmed out of his jeans enough to push them around his ankle, you noticed he'd also chosen to go commando tonight although that might have more to do with the fact that both of you had been ignoring the every growing pile of dirty laundry in your apartment but you didn't care what his reasoning was. Right now all that mattered was there were less pieces of clothing between the two of you getting what you wanted. 
Eddie lined himself up to your entrance and leant down to kiss you as he pushed himself inside. Both of you grabbing at the other, your  kisses all tongues and teeth as Eddie bottomed out inside you, he waited for a moment so you could adjust until you rolled your hips to signal him to start moving. 
Neither of you was interested in taking this slow it would  seem as Eddie set a brutal pace almost right away. Pulling almost all the way out before slamming back in harshly filling you up to the brim each time. His tip kissed your cervix as he searched for that spot inside he'd reached with his fingers earlier. The spot that had you clawing at his back, thanking whatever gods that he'd chosen to play that night in a loose black tank top instead of his usual layers of shirts and jackets. 
The sounds of moaning and skin slapping against skin filled the back of the van and you were sure people would have noticed the movement inside from the outside but if anyone did notice what you two were up to they said nothing. 
You could feel that coil in your stomach tightening again as Eddie's cock brushed against your sweet spot,
"M'close Eddie" you gasped, "m'so close" 
"Cum for me sweetheart" he breathed into your ear as his fingers circled your clit harshly once again drawing your climax. You clenched around him as your back arched and you came with a cry of his name on your lips.
With your sweet walls milking him for all he was worth Eddie's own release wasn't far behind yours as he filled you with his hot spend. Your walls fluttered around him as warmth spread through your limbs, nothing but fog and static in your brain as your orgasm took a hold of your body. 
When you came back down you found Eddie knelt between your legs again, polaroid in hand as he snapped a picture of your mixed release dripping out of your puffy pussy, "so fucking beautiful" 
When he had taken enough pictures Eddie sat the camera back down before gently using his index and ring  fingers to scoop up your mixed fluids and push them back into your swollen cunt, 
"Eddie" you whined, 
"I know sweetheart I know" he placed a chaste kiss on your cheek before fishing some cigarettes out of the glove box, lighting one and offering it to you which you took gratefully. 
Eddie watched as you inhaled the smoke before exhaling it in small clouds. He loved watching you smoke, loved the way you held the cigarette so carefully in poised fingers, the way you'd close your eyes when you drew in and the way you exhaled because you'd seen Frenchie do it in Grease and taught yourself to exhale exactly like she did.
"You're staring Eds" you teased, breaking him out of his revelry, "my tits aren't even out" 
"Do I need an excuse to stare at my beautiful girlfriend?" he shot back, his smile lighting up the small space between you, "that's what I thought" 
You laughed and Eddie wondered if he could record the sound and just play it forever, like the Mayfield kis and her Kate Bush tape,
"Hey, I was thinking" you said, sitting upright and stretching slightly to alleviate the kink in your back from being railed in the back of the van, "you wanna see that vampire movie tomorrow? Since we're both off" 
"Whatever you want Princess" Eddie agreed instantly, he would do anything she asked of him,
"Good cause Steve wanted to double date with this girl he's been seeing - " Eddie cut you off with a loud groan and flopped dramatically onto the floor of the van, 
"Why do we have'ta go with Harrginton? Why can't it just be us?" 
"Tell you what if you say yes to this I'll say yes to anything you want to do tonight when we get home" 
"Oh you're on princess, you're on" Eddie's eyes sparkled with mischief and you laughed again.
 God you loved this over dramatic dork. 
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emimayooo · 2 months
dialogue prompt: 111. ! galeheart, please and thank you 💜
helloooo my beloved! took some creative liberties with this prompt, btw, but i hope you like how it turned out!!
Prompt: “I recognise that you have reached a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it.”
It’s so stupid, it’s not happening. “My love,” Gale says. “We don’t have a choice.” Once, she’d have agreed. But after this, after all this, she’s come to realise there’s always a choice. She chose to leave Shar; to save her parents over herself; and he too chose, freeing himself of Mystra. So why now, after all this, when the end is nigh, must he—? “We have to use the Orb.” We? There is no ‘we’. It’s him, who’ll die; and her, who’ll have to live on without the love of her life. It’s so stupid, she can’t stop crying.
(Written for now-closed prompts. Thanks for sending them in, guys! Ten down, two more to go. Though, the last two are requests outside of tumblr, so you'll only see them on ao3.)
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Avengers Sentence Starters funny parts
Feel free to edit/add context/change pronouns/etc!
"Are you kidding? I'm working."
"I watched you while you were sleeping."
"It's just a huge honor to have you on board."
"You listen well ___ I--[is cut off by getting tackled by blank]"
"...I'm listening?"
"[Pronoun] killed eighty people in two days."
"Finally! Someone who speaks English."
"I don't understand."
"It seems to run on some sort of electricity."
"Well, you're not wrong."
"Son, just don't."
"That was the plan."
"Not a great plan."
"I'm bringing the party to you!"
"I don't see how that's a party."
"I recognize that [blank] has made a decision. But given that it's a stupid-ass decision I've elected to ignore it."
"Please tell me nobody kissed me."
"Let's just... not come in tomorrow."
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tsarinatorment · 2 years
10. For Nico 🤔
10. I recognize canon has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it (+ what should have happened)
Well, anyone who gets me started on Nico's abilities in the discord will probably see this coming a mile off but: Nico got nerfed and I am still mad about it.
Nico is a son of Hades. He is a child of the big three. He is Percy's peer. So why oh why are some of his powers taken from him entirely, and his most commonly used one gets a huge backlash added on?
Now, when it comes to the big three kids, Percy in canon is clearly more powerful than the rest, and ordinarily I would hammer down the nail that's sticking up too high (and honestly I do take offence at Percy being able to overpower a primordial's own domain, I admit), but in this case... Big Three Kids are supposed to be overpowered to heck. That's the whole thing about them in PJO, why they took the oath to have no kids etc. They're supposed to be powerhouses in a completely different league to the rest of the demigods, but honestly Jason and Hazel barely register at all, Bianca never got the chance, Thalia likewise suddenly stopped being all major and Big Three ish once she joined the Hunt, and Nico got nerfed in two stages.
Stage one: come HOO his geokinesis is just gone. Rick literally went "Hazel is gonna have the earth powers so Nico can't have them any more" and while this got brought back a tad in HOH where Nico mentioned something about his earth sensing abilities being pathetic compared to Hazel's. Bear in mind that it was his geokinesis, not shadow travel, or summoning the dead, or controlling skeletons, or anything else, that revealed his parentage to Kronos in BOTL. It was not a small, throwaway power that could be quietly faded into obscurity, that was a pretty major thing he could do that he suddenly lost.
Stage two: after transporting the Athena Parthenon, his shadow travel turns him into mush constantly. Yes, okay, giving him some backlash from that because it was utterly ridiculous to pull off is fair (and the fact that when he was younger, in TLO, it tired him is also valid), but the fact that he seems to pass out from using it no matter how short a distance in TOA... no. Don't like that. Personally, I'd have made it that after the initial recovery, his limit for shadow travel went up, not down...
So, what I'd have done instead: Keep Nico's geokinesis. Yes, keep it much weaker than what Hazel can do, and make it cost him far more energy to do (and make Hazel's way more impressive than it is right now because it could be), but don't just suddenly strip that ability from him. Also up his shadow travel limit by TOA. Let him take more people, go further, before needing to rest (but by all means keep a fretting Will in the background because there's still, eventually, a limit and clearly that limit is dangerous when hit. He's still a demigod, not a god).
...I'll be honest, just in general the Big Three Kids need a reassessment of their power levels, in most cases needing some upping on what they can do. They're supposed to be overpowered characters, dammit!
Give me a character and a number and I'll tell you...
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
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Dorian returned to Tevinter to take his father's place in the Magisterium. As rumours flew about the Imperium's infighting, Dorian was spoken of often as a voice of resistance against corruption. Along with Magister Maevaris Tilani, he formed a group called the Lucerni to restore and redeem Tevinter—a fight many thought hopeless.
Magister Pavus's allies said that his greatest strength lay in the lover he left in the South, but still conversed with via message crystal. Some claimed to have seen the Inquisitor on the streets of Minrathous on rare occasions, sneaking into the heart of Tevinter to aid his amatus.
I love how the only difference between romanced and high approval but unromanced Dorian's epilogue is that if romanced Quiz sometimes sneaks into Minrathous to help out instead of just communicating via sending crystal. Either way Quiz is still Dorian's greatest strength and support, it's fantastic. 10/10 best dynamic, no notes.
But I love how Quiz and Dorian have that talk where Quiz offers to come to Tevinter with Dorian and Dorian tells him no... and then apparently at some point post-Trespasser Quiz just goes "I recognize that my lover has made a decision, however seeing as it's a stupid-ass decision I've elected to ignore it" and just goes to Tevinter anyway! Did he tell Dorian he was going to do this, or did he just show up one day? Also, how does the Lord Inquisitor just walk into the heart of Tevinter without getting caught? And I love how if Dorian and Bull get together Bull doesn't generally enter Tevinter on account of it being Incredibly Dangerous but if Quiz romances Dorian he just sneaks into Minrathous. Is this maybe fodder for my "Quiz can use the Anchor to take shortcuts through the Fade instead of travelling the slow way" theory and my "Quiz can still use at least some of the Anchor's abilities even with the Anchor itself gone" theory, since if Quiz can just teleport across Thedas on a whim that makes sneaking into Minrathous a lot easier? Maybe so! But mostly I just love the idea of Dorian going "What are you doing here, we agreed it wasn't safe for you" and Quiz retorting with "No, you agreed it wasn't safe for me, I don't recall ever saying you were right". Also Maevaris and Quiz being best friends. Good shit.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
As a Tumblr Elder (lol I just like saying that) who has experience with many fandoms, how do you cope when canon ends your ship, refuses to give a healthy relationship a realistic relationship outcome, makes characters act inconsistently with their established personalities without reason, etc.? Seems like a common response is for fans to lose their fucking shit. My personal response is to cry. Looking for better alternatives here lol.
Welp, do you mean such not-to-be-spoken-of events as the Timeless Abomination in winter 2018 (it's almost five years later, and no, nope, still not even close to forgiving it)? That was, hmm. That was something. For sure.
Every fan has a different relationship with canon, and how much they want the text to do explicitly/onscreen, vs. what they are content to do themselves with fanfic/headcanons/AUs. Because I am, as you say, An Old, I have gotten to the place where if canon disappoints me, I sigh, I grumble, I complain on Tumblr and to a few friends, but I pretty quickly get over it and just totally ignore it. I mean, I'm 100% expecting SAB s2 to fuck up at least one of my ships in a very stupid way (odds are on Fivan), so will I be angry? Yes. Will I make a few snarky vent posts? Undoubtedly. But after that, I will go the "I recognize that canon has made a decision, but since it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it" route and that will be that.
I can't tell people how to have a "right" emotional reaction to something that they're very attached to, especially when the showrunners torch it for no good reason (see again, Timeless Abomination, may it never be forgiven). I do think that spending tons of time yelling at/acting abusively to showrunners and/or other fans on social media is never productive, and shows that people need to do work on separating fiction and reality in terms of what they're allowing to have an outsized impact on their personal behavior. I hate it, you hate it, we all hate it, but still, if you find yourself acting like a total dick to some total stranger over a fictional TV show, it's probably time to take a step back and cool down.
Likewise -- crying is fine. There's nothing wrong with that and nobody's going to judge you. If you're asking how you move on constructively from that phase, again, it differs for everyone. If you want AUs or fix-it fics, that's usually readily available, since if you're mad about it, odds are a sizeable proportion of the rest of the fandom is too. As I say, canon is just one version of the story, it doesn't have to be the only one, you don't have to incorporate it if you don't want to, and you can go on creating and consuming transformative works that just flat-out ignore the parts you don't like. That's what fandom is for, and it's a good thing.
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marvel-ousmondays · 3 months
The Avengers (Avengers Assemble)
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So it took me a week to finish watching The Avengers.
It wasn't the movie's fault. It's a great film, especially if you are into the action-packed, fighting scenes. The dynamic between characters is great, and it has one of (if not my absolute) favorite quotes of the series.
But it is 2 hours and 23 minutes long and I had a weird week in terms of work, plus I wasn't actually feeling like watching a bunch of fight scenes. So it took a hot minute. Also, I had just finished season 2 of Loki not that long ago and going back to really bad Loki was a bit hard. He has few if any redeemable qualities in this one.
I'm not going to attempt a standard review given my less than standard watching procedure. I'm just going to call out things I liked.
Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow will forever be flipping incredible. In the Battle of New York where she's jumping on the flying Chitari and such- epic. But also her clear care for Barton and her emotional manipulation of both the criminals at the beginning and Loki later on- chef's kiss. I'm so glad she's the one to close the portal.
(Quick side note/small spoiler- there's a fan theory going around that her "feelings" for Banner in Ultron are all fake, just a method of control. I call bullshit. She is clearly fascinated by him throughout this film. If anyone's feelings are fake, it'd be Banner's, but Mark Ruffalo is too genuine for us to ever know.)
Erik Selvig and Barton both under Loki's control and then when they come out of it did incredible jobs. I particularly like the writing of Selvig under Loki's control- the science fascination unbridled, versus any actual desire for power. I think this hits the Tesseract's power and Loki's manipulation abilities dead on- they don't project what Loki would assume others would want onto them- they magnify the worst parts of anyone's desires and abilities. Barton is a master strategist and Selvig wants to understand every aspect of the cosmos. Generally these are traits they've put to good use. But under Loki, they're manipulated into awful acts.
Samuel L. Jackson's line "I recognize the council has made a decision, but as it is a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it" could be emblazoned on my tombstone and I'd be happy. The delivery was pitch perfect and always makes me laugh, while also being deadly serious.
Coulson- Clark Gregg's best role by far and the small amount of fanboying here just humanized his normally very stoic disposition so well. So glad they did opt to bring him back and in style.
I'm a huge Mark Ruffalo fan, both as an actor and just as a human being. It was incredibly difficult to come in after Edward Norton to fill this role but he nailed it. The moment when he tells about how he tried to commit suicide and the Hulk spat the bullet back out breaks my heart every time. There's obviously a lot of parable here about learning how to channel your anger. I personally think anger has gotten a bad rap, especially among women and activists. Righteous anger, as Starfire might say (yes, I know, I'm daring to mix DC and Marvel again, fight me later), is a powerful motivator. Anger can fuel us to change that which needs changing, but it has to be directed. Hulk shows that well enough. But I also appreciate the slow realization by Banner throughout the film that the Hulk is less crazed, destructive monster and more protector. We're not *there* just yet by the end, there's still some concern, but he's beginning that process of acceptance and understanding.
Captain America is mostly well written here, particularly in demonstrating he doesn't just follow the U.S. or orders blindly any more. He still sees himself as a soldier, but when Tony and Bruce alert him to the smell of fish in the air, he goes looking for answers. This is key character development for him as there was a time where he would have considered himself more bound to higher-ranking officials. However, I would wager Marvel regrets the one "God" comment they made in there as it doesn't really fit him overall.
Stark and Thor perform well, I just don't have a lot of commentary for either. Their rivalry is solid, though the idea that Thor would leave his brother unattended, even in remote mountains, seems unlikely.
I will also argue for more women sooner but that ship has sailed. I had forgotten about Thanos in the post- credits scene, so that was a good addition.
Note for me
Directed by: Joss Whedon
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dainesanddaffodils · 1 year
willow from toh and 1, 10, and 16??
baby girl!!
1. fun headcanon
kinda stolen from Dana herself but I thought of it before I saw Dana say it so it counts as mine lol - anyway, Willow discovers roller derby while in the human realm and boy howdy does she love it. like, y'all, I get it's a kiddy disney show but flyer derby did not have nearly enough violence in it so once she discovers the roller equivalent she is delighted.
10. I recognize canon has made a decision, but given that it’s a stupid-ass decision, I’ve elected to ignore it (+ what should have happened)
I mean it's broad but like, it's gotta be her lack of screentime in the first half of s2. I don't even really know how I'd fix it I just think I want to see her more. Things like the awkward stage her and Amity's not-yet-friendship could have been explored so much more.
16. favorite canon relationship
I mean, I am a sucker for her and Hunter I won't deny it. Like, it's truly my favorite 'looks like opposites attract at first glance but then you look deeper and realize they are actually very, very, very similar people and that's what's drawn them together' trope. I like that they recognize their strengths and weaknesses in each other and they help bring out the former while teaching them not to be ashamed of the latter. The show knew they didn't have a lot of time with these two but still managed to pack in a lot of emotional depth and it gives me many feels.
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slugtara · 1 year
Eli: Rules were made to be broken!
Snowy: Yeah, well, bodies weren't!
Trixie: I promised Dana I wouldn't do anything stupid!
Pronto: why would you lie to her like that?!
Tad: Look my throne had to be built of something and lies were the most abundant material.
Junjie: This may be dangerous
Trixie: I'd be disappointed if it wasn't
Kord to Pronto:  If you have something to say, now's the perfect time to keep it to yourself.
Eli: If the broken bone isn't showing, keep going.
Shadow Clan Leader during Into The Shadows: I recognize the King Of Sling has made a decision.
Shadow Clan leader:  but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it.
Eli sending Snowy on an undercover mission: I feel like this should go without saying but please don't physically fight Tad.
Snowy: I appreciate your concern but I’m gonna do it anyway
Snowy: And I’m a scrappy little bitch so I’ll win too.
Twist : I’m grabbing a drink, do you want something?
Tad : *looking away* The blood of my enemies. 
Twist : *rolling his eyes* Here's your wine Tad.
Dana: Is stabbing someone immoral?
Twist: Not if they consent to it.
Snowy: Depends who you’re stabbing.
Dana: How long does it take to start suffering from sleep hallucinating?
Trixie: I think…
Kord: Seventy-two hours 
Dana: How do you know?
Kord: You have got the head of a mechabeast right now.
Junjie: The gang and I have a bad feeling about this.
Pronto: What do you mean?
Snowy: Don't you get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble?
Pronto: No? Pronto does not have this voice?
Eli: That explains so much.
Eli: I don't have a crush on Snowy! I just like the way that she always smells like vanilla and that her smile lights up the room and- oh gods I have a crush on her.
Twist, annoyed: No shit, really?
Dana, injured: You smell like home Trix.
Trixie: I’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that because I’m not sure if this is the right time to emotionally unpack that statement.
Tad flirting: Maybe you should smile more.
Dana in disguise: Fuck off.
Tad: Surprised to see me Shane?
Eli: Hardly. You’re like a cockroach.
Tad: Are we flirting right now?
Dana: I have a knife to your throat and am threatening to cut it.
Tad: That really doesn't answer my question.
Eli: Don't you think you are being a bit dramatic?
Snowy: Dramatic?! You are bleeding out!
Tad: Being the one with a brain is seriously tiring.
Junjie being held captive: You must be the most rested person in this Cavern then.
Pronto: Hey, Pronto has a crazy idea!
Kord: Those words are never comforting coming from you.
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Steve Rogers Rant
    This is going to be a rant and there will be spoilers for the post-credits scene of “She Hulk:  Attorney at Law.”  You have been warned.
    So, it’s been revealed by Bruce that Steve Rogers lost his virginity in 1943 on a USO tour.  This was after Jen bemoaned that “America’s Ass” should not have died a virgin.
    (Of course, Bruce wasn’t going to dispute Steve’s status as being dead.  The man served, let him rest.  Let people look at the legend.  If only they would leave the legend’s reputation alone.)
    Now, there are those who have declared that this is canon with a snigger and an LOL.  And it’s true that was from an official Marvel production, stated by no less than Kevin Feige himself.  But to paraphrase Nick Fury, “I recognize that Marvel decided this was canon.  But given that it’s a stupid decision, I’ve elected to ignore it.”
    This tidbit shows a remarkable lack of understanding of who Steve Rogers is.  It was done as a cute little “take that,” a joke, to satisfy peoples’ curiosity about a subject that isn’t relevant to the character.  Because obviously, he can’t be human if he ignores his natural urges, surrounded by beautiful women, right?  This makes him more relatable.
    Wrong.  Much like the saying, “this is why we can’t have nice things,” therefore we can’t have good heroes—at least, according to some people.  The shining ideal is unattainable, therefore, adding a figurative smudge or two or a handful of mud makes the character more palatable and “relatable.”
    (I’m reminded of a certain writer who shall remain nameless.  They have publicly said that they love writing a certain, heroic character.  However, whenever the story isn’t on that character, that writer goes out of their way to throw hints that perhaps the hero isn’t all that great.)
    This little “revelation” doesn’t make sense in the context of what we’ve seen in the movies.  He’s an honest, decent man with high morals instilled into him by his mother. Steve mentioned to Peggy in “The First Avenger” that he’s waiting for “the right partner.”  This implies that he’s looking for a meaningful relationship. In fact, he doesn’t form many attachments, but they do tend to be deep ones.  He’s humble and describes himself as “just a kid from Brooklyn.”
    Sorry, but does this sound like a guy who’s just cruising for a fling while on the USO tour?  I mean, if it were Joe Average who got the serum, maybe even Gilmore Hodges, that guy might be feelings his oats.  He might feel entitled, that this kind of attention was what he deserved.
    That’s not Steve Rogers.  If you think that’s who he is, you don’t understand the character.
    “But he’s only human!  He has urges!”  they exclaim. I don’t discount that.  But Steve knows what it’s like to be weak and unwanted. He also has a functioning brain which, I’m given to understand, he puts to good use.  He remembers how it felt when the girls saw the 5’4 asthmatic weakling and turned away.  And now that he has some muscles, now they’re after him?  No, they’re not looking at Steve Rogers.  They see the muscles, the uniform and the title—and the chance to exclaim that they were his first.  Those are shallow reasons, and for Steve, it might be something of a turn-off.  If such an encounter did happen, he might even feel used.
    Then there’s the matter of Peggy.  Given her security clearance and skillset, do you think that she wouldn’t find out about such an indiscretion if it had happened? And if said indiscretion was during the USO tour before she met up with him again, do you think she would have been nearly as cordial?  Wouldn’t this kind of slip-up prove to Peggy that Steve is just like any other man—and not in a good way?  I doubt that she would have fallen for him after that.
From a more objective standpoint, the theory doesn’t hold water.  The most reasonable explanation for this little bombshell is that it’s a lie.  Steve is a good actor, but he’s a terrible liar.  I imagine that after being razzed one too many times by Tony about the “90 year-old virgin,” Nat might have taken things into her own hands and concocted the whole story.  She might have said that the “encounter” was Senator Brandt’s way of keeping Steve under his thumb. And, she might have gone on to vaguely say that “things went bad” after Steve found out.  Of course, she saw no reason to inform anyone otherwise afterwards. Perhaps all Steve knew was that the subject was off the table, much to his relief.
    Doesn’t that make more sense than the idea that Steve had a moment of moral weakness?  Doesn’t that sound more like Steve Rogers instead of Joe Average? 
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masschase · 5 months
1 for casey, 7 for johnny, and 10 for any character of your choice
Ask me things
1. A fun headcanon for Casey I think given she's really pale, and also because I don't give her a lot of physical weaknesses, it would be logical if Casey got sunburnt really, easily especially on her shoulders and nose and anywhere else bony.
Where the fun comes in is that I can picture all the Saints are on the beach one day (likely somewhere way warmer than Stilwater) and they obviously know Casey is no stranger to showing some skin so they're waiting for her and she just rocks up in a baggy t-shirt and huge sun hat looking dorky as hell and is just like "...what?"
7. A pre-canon headcanon for Johnny I mean... is it super boring to say he was pretty fucking wild before a. getting with Aisha and b. signing up to "Julius's Summer Camp For Troubled 15-28yos"... or... whatever the joke I made with that was? Anyway, I think he was always pretty impulsive but used to be a lot more hedonistic in his late teens and early 20s because he had a really dead-end job. He's experimented with drugs, he had his fair share of partners, he may have fathered a child circa 2001. What I'm trying to say is what we see at the start of SR1 is actually a slightly mellower Johnny in some respects. Saints-wise though, he's feeling super impatient at the extreme amount of time Julius has taken getting this off the ground.
10. I recognize canon has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it (+ what should have happened) for... Dex!
I guess I've touched on this before but I basically ignored Dex being dead in Gat out of Hell (and Money Shot if one were to take that as canon ofc) because I honestly started taking my "this is clearly the Boss's own personal version of hell" theory as reality more than what's supposed to be canon. Also because as soon as I had that dream about Dex faking his own death it kind of wormed its way into my brain with all the accompanying interesting ways to tie it into my world that the idea spawned.
Though I'm also not above giving Dexteros another universe to divorce each other in all over again 😅
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miraculouscontent · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
If, by chance, I saw the leaks (Which I, an upstanding citizen, definitely would not), I would realize that I have been underestimating the show runners. Because Holy MOTHER OF GOD. WHAT EVEN.
Anonymous asked:
Funny that Miraculous's rulebook is called 'The Bible', because there's nothing holy about it.
Anonymous asked:
Me: *reads through series bible* I recognize that the council has made a decision, but given that its a stupid ass decision, I've elected to ignore it.
Anonymous asked:
*Reads the entire S5 Bible summary*
... Wow... That was stupid. And that was the most polite way that I could phrase it.
isabookworld asked:
I was reading through said 'religious' text and GOD!!! My eyes would hurt less if they were bleeding...
Ok the other hand, maybe it's the final push I need to never watch the show again, so we'll see 🤷🏻‍♀️
So you guys had a great time, yeah? That’s what I’m hearing right now.
A great and horrible time that we all shared together.
lol you guys thought I would suffer alone and not drag you into it.
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