qqueenofhades · 9 months
ok fix-it time hilary you can do this i believe in you
prompt is a classic one--Aziraphale runs after Crowley after the "i forgive you" "don't bother" exchange OR the kiss does magically work like Crowley hoped
no i am not using english grammar and spelling today my feelings are too strong
Aha. Well, I wrote this fic yesterday, but it... might not entirely qualify as fix-it. My bad. To make it up, I offer you this: technically not either of the suggested scenarios, but still something to salve the pain, set at the end of Season 3 or thereabouts.
The late afternoon light is still and weighty: golden, heavy, purposeful, the sort of light that takes up space, that polishes floorboards and sets dust motes drifting, settles on the backs of furniture and the pages of books like a sleeping cat. The sort of light that fills the room almost tangibly, that stripes the bed and spills off it to the floor like too much olive oil poured into an amphora, back in the hot white heat of the Holy Land. Since he is, of course, a being of pure light, Aziraphale can feel it in his sinews, in the core of his soul, but it almost seems... wrong. Not the light itself, but that he's still allowed to touch it. He doesn't know if he's Fallen or not, or if such trite distinctions even matter. He only knows this. Them. Now.
Aware that it is incumbent upon him to start the conversation, he clears his throat and looks at Crowley, sprawled out on the bed with a fair show of his old insouciance, but Aziraphale can sense the fragility behind the flippant smile. Crowley's black-clad legs are jauntily crossed, his shoes kicked off, his hair a particularly vibrant red against the little-used, age-yellowed lace of the pillow cover; this bed, after all, doesn't get much use in the traditional sense. Aziraphale's preferred human vice is food, not sleep, though he knows Crowley is very good at it and might have to teach him a thing or two about that, about rest. He craves it, but he doesn't know where to begin. That seems applicable to any number of things right now, but he has to start somewhere, he supposes. He just doesn't know.
"Er," Aziraphale says at last, to Crowley's increasingly-strained expectant expression. "My dear, I... I am..."
He bites his tongue. He's rarely been in this position before, knowing that he's the one who needs desperately to ask for forgiveness -- real forgiveness -- and not at all certain that it will actually be granted. It's always seemed so slick, so easy, something to toss off as easily and unthinkingly as the humans say bless you when someone sneezes, and carrying about the same spiritual or emotional depth. Aziraphale feels mortifyingly ashamed of it, of himself. He shuffles his feet, twisting the hem of his waistcoat between his fingers. At last, to the carpet, he says, "I'm so very, very sorry. I've been an absolutely dreadful ninny, and I don't... I don't know if you can forgive me, but..."
"Angel." Crowley's voice is rough. "Bloody look at me, would you?"
Half-fearing to be dissolved by infernal hellfire on the spot, but knowing that he deserves it, Aziraphale looks up.
It's hard to read Crowley's expression, even more than usual. The glasses are off, but his slitted amber eyes are opaque, careful, wary, not quite sure what this is or what's going to come of it. The dead-silent moments that follow, as he weighs up his options, are among the very worst of Aziraphale's entire unending life. Then Crowley fractionally shifts his weight, opening up a spot on the bed next to him, a silent invitation. He doesn't say anything. Using their words tends to backfire tremendously, even if they need to get used to it. He just looks. He just waits.
After all this time, after everything, Aziraphale finally doesn't hesitate. In fact, he almost trips over himself as he blunders across the floor, falls onto the squeaking old mattress, and clambers into Crowley's arms. Crowley wraps them both around him with fierce, ferocious, furious strength, pulling Aziraphale down next to him, Aziraphale's softer, rounder corporal form fitting neatly into the hard lines and lean angles of Crowley's. Aziraphale rests his head on the bare triangle of throat where Crowley's shirt is unbuttoned, burrows his face into the sharp cleanness of Crowley's collarbone, and becomes belatedly, embarrassingly aware that he's crying. It seems beneath the dignity of a (possibly-ex?) Principality, but he doesn't think he can stop. He just wants to lie here and clutch onto Crowley for literally dear life, to mourn for all the time they've missed, for the simple, unbearable, shocking, agonizing, perfectly exquisite pleasure of holding his love close. "I'm so sorry," he says again, struggling not to let his voice crack too extravagantly. "Dreadful ninny. Absolutely dreadful."
"You were doing what you thought was right. What you needed to do to stop the Apocalypse, just... differently." Crowley's voice turns distant, his fingers absently stroking Aziraphale's hair. It feels strange and shocking and quite, quite lovely. "Can't really tell you off for that, can I? After all, I'm a demon. What do I know about doing good?"
"Hush," Aziraphale says, primly and a little watery. "Now you know that's not true."
Crowley lifts his head and regards Aziraphale for a long moment. He doesn't answer, just thinks about it. "All right," he allows, at deliberate length. "Maybe a little. I'm still very mad at you, though."
"I do understand." Aziraphale nestles again, and Crowley doesn't stop him. "But perhaps, even if I have no real right to ask it, you can... you might... one day think about... f-forgiving me?"
His voice trembles and squeaks. It takes all the courage in him, even more than when he stood up to the full hosts of Heaven and told them no, no more, not ever again, but he looks Crowley in the eye. He tries not to look too expectant, or too arrogant. He waits.
Crowley, for his part, looks mildly flabbergasted. He makes one of those incoherent nnngh noises that he resorts to whenever he finds himself at a loss for words, and shakes his head. "Idiot," he says, very softly. "Of course I bloody forgive you. Of course. Now if you -- "
He doesn't get to finish his sentence. That's because Aziraphale likewise screws up every drop of courage, takes hold of Crowley's collar, and lowers his head, terrified that he's about to muck it up. But Crowley just looks at him like he's luminous, like the light is still in him and he is the light itself, and tips his head just that bit, in order to settle their lips together.
The kiss is long and slow, soft and sweet. Crowley's hand flutters up to rest in the wild white tufts of Aziraphale's hair, and Aziraphale -- somewhat in terrified awe at his own daring -- nibbles experimentally on Crowley's lip. He's quite bad at it, but neither of them care, or can think about anything else, or do anything but heave short sharp breaths, half-laughs, muffled sobs. When they finally pull apart, Aziraphale says anxiously, "I hope it wasn't very awful?"
"Oh." Crowley's eyes are half-lidded, and in the sunlight, he too looks as if he is burning like a beacon, brighter than his favorite stars. The affection in his voice is greater than the wings of heaven or the reaches of hell, the heights of the sky or the depths of the sea, and his smile outshines them all. "Absolutely terrible."
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jomiddlemarch · 2 years
For the fluff asks, might I respectfully request "I’m lost.” for Foyle & Andrew?
“I’m lost,” Andrew repeated. He’d said it first when he’d rung, the call itself a rare enough event Foyle had known to pay close attention to not only his son’s words but the pauses between them, the subtle alterations in tone, the kind of observation he generally reserved for a suspect who was close to a confession. When Foyle had offered to come round and try to help, the alacrity with which Andrew accepted was both alarming and a relief; it had been years since Andrew had asked for any assistance, let alone welcomed it.
“Tell me again what you’ve done,” Foyle said, hanging up his coat on a peg by the door. It was a short walk to the kitchenette, the flat Andrew shared with Sam close quarters, even by the standard of an effusive estate agent. Andrew squinted down at the French cookery book splayed open on the scrubbed oak table like a corpse to be autopsied and then looked back at his father and shrugged. 
“I wanted to surprise Sam with a nice dinner when she comes back from her parents and you know the university doesn’t pay much, so I thought I could make something, one of Mum’s favorite recipes, but it’s all gone horribly wrong and all I want right now is a whiskey,” Andrew said. Foyle took in the indeterminant color of the smear on Andrew’s shirt and the furrow in his brow, the early grey at his son’s temples, the similar limpness of his collar and the dishtowel he’d slung over his shoulder in lieu of Sam’s capacious pinafore. It wasn’t the time to offer money, though he suspected Sam would be delighted with fish and chips or a meat pie at the local pub, the treat the company and not having to face the washing up. 
“Do you have a good bottle of red?” Foyle asked.
“I said whiskey, dad.”
“I meant for the meal,” Foyle said. “And some onions?”
“There’s some wine, but the recipe doesn’t call for either of those,” Andrew said. “It goes on and on about folding in, but I haven’t the foggiest clue what that means.”
“She’s been a fortnight at her father’s vicarage, Andrew, eating creamed swedes and rissoles. Being served her Uncle Aubrey’s homemade wine. Sauté some onions in butter, brown the chicken, and be liberal with the Burgundy,” Foyle said. “She’ll say it’s the best coq au vin she’s ever eaten. She won’t even miss the garlic.”
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luthienne · 1 year
Went through a similar process with my grandfather. It is so rough. My prayers are with you. What I wish I could have told myself was, don't feel bad for grieving. Your mom loves you, and she will understand that you need that grieving time even while you treasure each moment with her. It's okay to feel both (and all) the emotions. <3 What matters to her is that you are supporting her, and you are doing such a good job of that. <3
i can't begin to tell you how much this means to me. thank you so much. <333
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buffaluff · 1 year
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This is my doggie Frances. She says she is sorry you are having a hard time, and she thinks your tumblr blog is very cool. If you were here, she would maybe even share some of her toys.
OH FRANCES I LOVE YOUR FACE i would never want to disappoint you. 💖 and thank you for sharing, ellie and nero never ever learned that skill in kindergarten
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cedarboots · 2 years
Hi Cedar, what the hell are you doing with this brilliant butch Persuasion fic? This fic crosses my dash, I innocently click on it because I click on things that say “butch,” and now I’ve lost my fucking mind on a Monday. This is so fucking good. I’m feeling emotions. Where is this Wentworth person and how do I make them mine
Ahh thank you so much, I’m glad you liked it! Unfortunately Wentworth is so busy stolidly pretending he feels nothing for Anne that he doesn’t have much time for anything else, but I bet he would flirt with you in the middle of a country dance.
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extasiswings · 2 years
Reading through your reblogs about the new Horror and Disgrace to the Name of Persuasion has been cathartic. Thank you for your service. At least now I know I'm not the only one losing my fucking mind
This is 1000% a Persuasion (2022) hate blog, you’re in good company. What did we ever do to deserve this 😭😭😭😭😭
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slowtides · 8 months
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@librarycards tagged me to talk about books I've read recently (these are selected over the past 6 ish months for me), so this is where my head has been over the past few months. I've been meaning to read Hood Feminism for a while and found it to be a good primer on Black feminist political perspectives--most of my reading into Black feminism is into theorists who were writing out of the 70s, 80s, and 90s, so this was a really good update for me. I've been making my way through some books for work on embodiment and contract grading that were both very important and vital, even as they both will be challenged and pushed in the academic discursive process. I recommend both Our Body of Work and the Carillo book to anyone interesting in writing programs and composition generally. I read Medium Raw, and it was honestly pretty mid to me; I really enjoyed Kitchen Confidential and didn't feel like this book had the same weight to it. That said, I have endless affection for Bourdain as a storyteller and still find comfort in his words.
I've been reading LoTR, and I'm almost finished with RoTK; this will be enough fantasy to last me for a few years, but I am continually struck by Tolkien's prose. I'm working my way through the Neapolitan novels by Elena Ferrante, and my only regret is that I cannot read them in the original Italian. I started the year still reading a lot of P&P fanfiction to the point that I've gotten well sick of it, but Sophie Turner's Constant Love series was interesting because of how it raises critical questions about issues of slavery and empire as part of the narrative and how they impact the Darcys as landed gentry; if you want a comforting and substantial P&P sequel with romance and friendship and the vagaries of life, I recommend it. And then lastly, I just finished a collection of Forugh Farrokhzad poems and interviews, and it was really amazing that since it was a survey collection, I got to see how her poetry evolved across the short period of time she was writing (16 years before her death at age 32).
I would love to see what you have read recently that has stuck with you. I'll tag a few people, but I encourage all of my mutuals and followers to do this and please tag me in it even if I didn't tag you. I just like to see what other people are reading. If you'd like to do so, post any books (or other media, tbh) you've read recently that you want to blurb about (as many or as few as you want), blurb, and then tag some other people. @sandovers @darlingsternism @floralghvst @griefrituals @huong1952 @jvtng @kneadingwater @luthienne @leonardcohenofficial @qiraa @wrathwritten @robbiedaymonds @unlivedtenderness @oscillateswildly @celestialwhisphers @cloudbustng @cloudeatrr @velvetbronte @neoyorzapoteca @noorshirazie @miri-fical @maybuds @may-bean @fatalsoftness @englishgradinrepair @a-doctor-not-a-fangirl @postcards @daisyyydaisyyydaisyyy and again, all my mutuals and followers who want to do this :)
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paulinedorchester · 2 years
Divided by a common language: napkin v. serviette
There's nothing like being reached out to by a reader to get a stalled writer back on the ball (even it's only a few words)! Thanks, @daisyyydaisyyydaisyyy!
So anyway, which of the above would my babies (Sam and Andrew, to clarify) be likely to use? (The scene is told from Andrew's point of view, if that helps.)
Thanks in advance, as always.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Bon soir. Do you have resources/recommendations for understanding the Israel/Palestine conflict as it related to American media coverage and American anti-semitism?
I do not have any particular content resources, but as I said on WhatsApp, I am willing to write you a brief (ha) primer of this whole mess, its historical context, and the political issues/positions that inform how it is currently covered and talked about in America and the West. Obviously this will not cover everything, but it will hopefully give you some sense of where this is all coming from and why.
The modern state of Israel was founded in 1948, on territory that is historically associated with the ancient/biblical "Israel." Obviously, this took place in the immediate aftermath of the Holocaust and the attempt to wipe out European Jewry. It was felt that the world at large owed reparations to Jews for that "yet again, we tried to kill all of you, our bad" thing. One might say, understandably so.
However, this was controversial because there were already people living in that territory, and overnight they found themselves stateless, or otherwise long-term/deliberately excluded from the new Israeli state apparatus. The Israeli government has long since promoted an image of the (secular) Israeli citizen as also (religiously) Jewish, even though there are many Middle Eastern Christians, Muslims, Arabs, etc etc., who may not identify with this particular ethnic-religious model of Israeli citizenship.
The Middle East has long been a geopolitically/militarily contested area (dating all the way back to the crusades) due to its huge symbolic importance to the three major Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, exemplified by the incredibly sensitive issue of who gets to lay claim to the city of Jerusalem and how). In the nineteenth century, European colonial powers also occupied and exploited the region, particularly Britain in Egypt and Syria, France in Lebanon, and others.
The Ottoman Empire was also in conflict with its European imperial rivals, further increasing the instability and resulting in the development of various nationalist, religious, separatist, and other proxy groups. This all informed the situation at the time Israel was created in 1948, especially as the Middle East and Northern Africa entered the postwar period of decolonization/independence in the 1950s/60s. Pan-Arab nationalist leaders like President Nasser of Egypt portrayed the creation of Israel as yet another crass imposition of European colonial/imperial interests, rather than any kind of merited settlement/feeling bad about the Holocaust. Many Arab states still refuse to recognize Israel, or have any diplomatic relations with it, as a result.
Because Jews have experienced political, religious, and genocidal persecution throughout history (the manifestation of anti-Semitism), the idea of having an actual territorial homeland, where they can be safe from that, is obviously an important protection. There is a very big difference between religious Judaism and political Zionism, defined as the state of Israel's political activities and agendas. However, legitimate criticism of Israel as a nation-state, the same as any other nation-state in the world, is often coded in implicitly (or wildly explicitly) anti-Semitic dogwhistles. Zionism and Judaism are also often deliberately conflated, used interchangeably, or without any attempt to separate them.
Jews of the diaspora, i.e. those in America and Europe, often find themselves ambushed with criticisms of Israel's political and military excesses, and asked to explicitly renounce any allegiance to Israel in order to be seen as "good Jews." Which is a heaping helping of problematic stereotypes all at once. Many Jews in America are liberal, Democratic voters, members of Reform congregations etc, and do legitimately oppose the militaristic and seemingly apartheid-esque actions of the Israeli nation-state. But when your choice is "totally renounce the homeland for your people that was created in the immediate aftermath of the Holocaust and intended to provide very real and very needed shelter against future atrocities of this type, or be subject to more anti-Semitic vitriol," that is... not good.
The U.S. has long supported Israel as a political entity for various reasons. One, because it is often antagonistic or in opposition to the largely Muslim nation-states in the Middle East, and sees Israel as a more natural ally (so yes, institutional Islamophobia does play a role). Two, because the evangelical Christian right-wing wackjobs think that it's important to support Israel because one day Jesus will come back there and start the Rapture (true story).
Right-wing Republicans are often extremely anti-Semitic because they're Christian nutjobs, and left-wing tankies are ...also extremely anti-Semitic, because they paint Israel as just an extension of the American imperial regime and it should therefore be destroyed/delegitimized. (Remember, everything is America's fault somehow and other countries have no agency and never act independently, just as dumb American puppets!) As usual with tankies, they make no effort to understand the sensitive historical, religious, and identity issues around the necessity of a Jewish homeland and why it happened in the first place.
All that said, Israel as a nation, culture, and military (not Judaism as a religion) has often behaved appallingly toward the Palestinians who also live there, and has rejected any idea of a two-state or power-sharing solution. This is where Palestine would also have the right to organize itself as a state and exert the same level of influence/defend itself from what often reads as deliberate ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Arabs and attempts to set up an apartheid state where only religious/ethnic Jews have full citizenship rights.
This is exemplified by the fact that Benjamin Netanyahu took a brief vacation, a few undistinguished caretaker far-right PMs occupied the chair for a year, and then he came back.
Almost every player in this situation has an interest in promoting themselves as fully blameless and their enemies as fully and even demonically in the wrong, which complicates any complete or objective assessment. There are Palestinian militant groups, i.e. Hamas and Hezbollah, who are painted as obvious terrorists and extensions of al-Qaeda, especially in the wake of 9/11 and the start of more U.S.-led wars in the Middle East. This assessment neatly serves the purposes of both American and Israeli political agendas and should be scrutinized, especially considering that all sides are engaging in armed violence at all times.
Israel often engages in the same kind of imperialistic "we're only attacking our enemies defensively in order to preserve our own survival as a state" rhetoric as, say, Russia, and has been notably slow about providing weapons or assistance to Ukraine, in contrast to other western allies. However, unlike Russia, which is not under legitimate threat from anything except Putin's wild revanchist delusions of grandeur, Israel does have plenty of other nations (particularly Iran) that would like to wipe it off the map, if it was at all possible to do. This does not excuse the terrible things its powerful military apparatus has repeatedly done to Palestinian civilian populations, but it, again, makes it more complicated.
As the basic realities currently stand, the conflict does not have any obvious short-term or long-term end. Israeli gives no indications of shifting its extreme-assimilationist political and military policy, there will continue to be violent friction between the political and religious Abrahamic factions that lay claim to Jerusalem and its larger symbolic legacy, and the wider world will continue to be invested in promoting and using particular depictions of the conflict for its own domestic and international purposes.
So yeah.
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jomiddlemarch · 2 months
Questionnaire Tag Game
Tagged by the glamorous @orlissa
Last Song
Whatever song by Pamplemousse Siri serves up to me.
Currently Watching
Season 3 of Abbott Elementary on Hulu, One Day limited series on Netflix, The Power on Amazon, Season 4 of All Creatures Great and Small on PBS.
Currently Reading
Slightly Married by Mary Balogh, plenty of fanfic, WashPo/NYT.
Current Favourites
Listening to my daughters' wind ensemble play the Star Trek Out of Darkness theme at band practice, my nice new heating pad with the sage green cover, pomegranates, Cabin/Cottage Chronicles on Max, that first cup of tea in the morning, Linda Holmes's Flying Solo.
Tagging @fericita-s @tortoisesshells @daisyyydaisyyydaisyyy @sagiow @ladamedusoif @tessa-quayle @amarguerite @trulybetty @nervousladytraveler @artielu @iamstartraveller776 @incognito-princess @asteraceae-blue
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herawell · 2 years
bollywood film recommendations? I am overwhelmed by the options
Om Shanti Om
Jodhaa Akbar
Bombay (1995)
Naseem (1995)
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witchersgoldenbard · 2 years
Yennefer tries not to dwell on days long past, keeps her mind on the present and her eyes in the future instead. But there is a sense of nostalgia that overcomes her every time she meets Jaskier’s eyes like this. Gentle, unguarded, and filled with endless affection, his eyebrows quirked as if in challenge, daring her to call him out on his softness.
She never does. Only loses herself in that not-quite-there smile that has always been more in his eyes than on his lips, and lets her mind drift as her chest fills with warmth.
It’s this notion whenever she has him like this, lying next to her in bed, seeing her for who she really is, playing with her hands until she has to lace their fingers for him to stop.
This notion that makes her mind wander back to her younger self, knowing with certainty that Jaskier is somehow all she had ever wanted before she got to Aretuza. It’s a feeling unlike any other, to know that you’re with someone your past self would have loved just as much as your present self does.
She can’t put it into words properly, but she knows Jaskier could. There’s not a lot of things he can’t do when it comes to the matters of her heart.
“What’s on your mind, darling?” he murmurs then, his index finger gently running along her knuckles.
There were times when Yennefer would have ignored his question, would have simply deflected or leaned over to kiss him silent. And he always let her, though his eyes never could quite hide his hurt and resignation.
She doesn’t want to hurt him, not when her heart belongs to him, not when her thoughts do, too.
“I dreamed,” she begins, flipping their hands gently and playing with his in turn, revelling in the twinkle in his eyes. Her heart beats faster, lighter, and only for him. “When I was younger, I dreamed of being important to someone. I dreamed of having a friend. Someone who’s there, who understands, who sees me as I am and doesn’t ask for more.”
His lips twitch, but before he can say anything, he takes his fingers between her own and brings his hand up to her lips, brushing kisses over his knuckles.
“I never dreamed of a bard. But now I have one. And sometimes it occurs to me how you’re everything I wanted for a long time, so long that I almost forgot that I wanted anyone in the first place. I have you now. And sometimes having you feels like the final act of kindness toward the person I was before the workings of Chaos and Destiny. An act of kindness to the scared, lonely little girl. So, I guess you’ve just given me something I never knew I needed, nor let myself hope to ever find it.”
Yennefer has learned to talk to him in a way that still astounds her in this moment, and it’s only because she knows he listens, because she knows he cares.
All of that leaves her feeling almost more powerful than complicated and ancient spells ever could.
Especially when he smiles at her, his fingers moving from her lips up to her cheek, caressing the skin and making her close her eyes.
“I’ll be your friend,” he whispers. “I’ll be your bard. I’ll be your everything for as long as you’ll have me.”
Warm lips find hers in a gentle kiss, and Yennefer doesn’t let him go when he tries to pull back.
Be my everything indeed.
tagging: @yaskefer @horsedadgeralt @wanderlust-t @toboldlynerd @natilieal @luteandsword @wherethewordsare @daisyyydaisyyydaisyyy (i always forget who to tag, sorry)
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extasiswings · 2 years
hi ok listen i am not proud of myself but im having a high anxiety day? month? year? and weewoo got me through the last month but for *reasons* aka *my mental health sucks* i am fucking terrified that i will watch faithfully unto the end and then buddie won't happen and I will not be able to handle that. do you have any wise words
also pls enjoy this gif which is me being fragile about tv characters being allowed to discover their queer selves after the age of 21
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Well, first of all, I'm sorry you're having a difficult time. I definitely know how that feels.
As to everything else...the thing is, we can't know a timeframe. We don't have a blueprint for this. I can say that I'm fairly confident that by the end of this season we'll have some form of confirmed queer Eddie with feelings for Buck because this whole season (and stretching back to Suspicion and "make sure you're following your heart") has been dealing with the theme of hearts + Eddie and what he really wants for his life, but if we didn't get that I would still be confident in Buddie happening eventually. The writers have crafted this story so beautifully, so thoughtfully up to this point. It's not an accident. They are very good at their jobs and they love these characters at least as much if not more than we do.
The other thing is, we also don't know how long the show will last or how much else needs to happen before they can get together. Right now, I don't think Buck is ready. And I don't think he's going to be ready until he has some time after breaking up with Taylor to sit with his ideas of what love and relationships are supposed to look like after all, he misunderstood the assignment, and realize that what he's been trying to find, he's actually been building with Eddie the whole time. This season was Eddie's journey. If I had to guess, I would say next season is more of Buck's. And it would be amazing if they were fully together by the end of S6, but we genuinely cannot know. All we can do is be patient, trust the process, and enjoy the epic love story playing out on our screens.
As far as advice goes, I think the best thing I can say (and not just to you, but to anyone with this concern) is this: a comfort show is a comfort show, it can be a wonderful thing to have. But I think you have to ask yourself whether the anxiety you feel about the potential of not getting your preferred outcome (which could be years away by the time it happens) outweighs the other benefits to your mental health. Because if the stress of worrying about whether a fictional ship will go canon is really detrimental to you, and especially if that anxiety is interfering with your enjoyment of the story or life in general, it may be that the best thing is to take a step back and find a comfort show that isn't going to cause that level of stress. And there's no shame in doing that -- I have absolutely taken a break from shows I enjoyed for any number of reasons, including the fact that I was frustrated with the pace of a will-they-won't-they slow burn ship. There's no law that says you can't come back and bingewatch to your heart's content when the arc you most want to see finally happens.
For myself, all I have to say is that I have hope, I have faith, I have trust. I get frustrated sometimes. I get impatient. I whine and complain. But I have faith. And sure, there's a chance that the show will end in however many years and I will be proven wrong and all the people who insisted I and others were stupid for having that faith will be vindicated. And if that happened, I would likely be sad, I would be disappointed, I might be angry, but it's still...fiction. I've made my peace with the possibility of that happening. But if I may be a little arrogant for a moment, I am also...a very smart woman and a good writer in my own right and I'm not wrong very often. So...there's that.
Ultimately, the most important thing you can do is take care of yourself. Whatever that looks like is up to you.
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justagirlwithblog · 2 years
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Thank you for tagging me, @whowantstobeaphd! :) Lately, I've been feeling meh when it comes to music. I've been listening to these songs on repeat but I'd love to find some new music to listen to!
@malcolmbrighteyes, @pattoyourkatto, @queenofworry, @like-a-million-suns, @dearmirah, @englishgradinrepair, @daisyyydaisyyydaisyyy, @no-chill-scientist, @black-lodge-gatekeeper, @redradley and @cryptk33ps, let's take a look at your playlists, folks! :)
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slowtides · 8 months
tag game: list 10 songs with names in the title that you like and tag some people! thank you @kneadingwater for tagging me <3! I can't tell if it means names that I like or songs that I like, but I'm going with songs that I like, where I may or may not like the names, lol.
"Djohariah" by Sufjan Stevens
"Rhiannon" by Fleetwood Mac
"Sweet Baby James" by James Taylor
"Ava" by Famy
"Boadicea" by Enya
"Willow" by Joan Armatrading (not technically a name song, but I like the name and the song so)
"Annabelle" by Gillian Welch
"Samson" by Regina Spektor
"Emmylou" by First Aid Kit
"I Loves You Porgy" as performed by Nina Simone
@halahmp3 @sullengirl @firstfullmoon @maybuds @velvetbronte @griefrituals @underpeaches @englishgradinrepair @daisyyydaisyyydaisyyy @thecookiefaunus @cloudbustng @robbiedaymonds and anyone else who wants to do it!
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thelibraryiscool · 1 year
this or that ✨
tagged by the delightful @fluencylevelfrench, thanks!
• honey and lemon or milk and sugar
• musicals or plays
• lemonade or iced tea
• strawberries or raspberries
• winter or summer
• beaches or forests but really BOTH
• diners or cafés
• unicorns or dragons
• gemstones or crystals
• hummingbirds or owls
• fireworks or sparklers
• brunch or happy hour BOTH
• sweet or sour
• rome or amsterdam
• classic or modern art BOTH
• sushi or ramen BOTH
• sun or moon
• polka dots or stripes
• macarons or croissants but really BOTH
• glitter or matte
• aquariums or planetariums BUT space > ocean
• road trip or camping trip
• coloring books or watercolor
• fairy lights or candles
I'm tagging @sleepanon @queenofattolia @nonbinaryjomarch @daisyyydaisyyydaisyyy and anyone else who’d like to do it
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