#but now im gaining it back because im feeling a little better
writerswhy · 3 days
hi, previous anon here! i wanted to ask if my question offended you since it's been a while. if it did im sorry, i didn't mean to come off aggressive or anything lol
If you’re the anon who asked me why I believe Hinamori would try to push forward and “over” her anger and hurt towards Aizen and turn it into something along the lines of transformative justice:
Then no, I’m sorry!! Life has really picked up and I find that I don’t have much time to do most of what I enjoy. I’m not going to lie, the more times passes, the more unhappy I am with that post. I feel like I didn’t get my point across, and that’s in part because I’m really self-conscious about my place in any fandom, and if it’s something I enjoy or something I should finally let go. 
But that’s not what you’re asking. Onto Hinamori:
When thinking about her, I get the feeling that she’s someone who’s always wondering:
“am I feeling this right?” 
Because I know she’s often characterized as very, very naive - sheltered even - and I mean, sure, everyone has been naive at least once in their life, but I think it’s more about how earnest and empathetic she is coupled with this sense of justice that drives her. (Interestingly, I think the lieutenant with whom she has the most in common is Hisagi.)
I think her course of action doesn’t necessarily align with the Seireitei’s tools - and as a result her peers, and that’s such a specific brand of loneliness. I always go back to these panels:
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They just scream disillusionment to me. Like she knows not all is as it seems.
(I mean, I think Hinamori wanted to join the gotei because she thought maybe it’s a way to continue her story and oh look, it just so happens that it’s now the only way to continue her story; look at how the stars aligned. Until she learned it was all by design.)
I feel like Hinamori is someone whose entire moral code, the principles that guide her, are constantly being invalidated by their very existence.
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She’s seen how that very attitude is used to hurt others, and most importantly, her participation in upholding the status quo, are what weighs on her the most. What about her Rukongai ghost friends? What about the students who are going to be fed to the machine? (I know it would break Hinamori’s heart if she ever found out about the guy from the 12th who joined to get closer to her only to get blown up by his own captain.) What about her subordinates? What about her friends? I feel like Hinamori bears a sense of responsibility to all of this and so much more. As a shinigami, she participates in othering ghosts like her friends (like herself at one point), and perpetuates the inequality. As someone who illustrates for the academy (and whose own subordinate is now an instructor at the academy), does she feel like she’s legitimizing their teaching? And Hitsugaya! I think she feels like she is in one way responsible for him joining the academy and how everything that came from it takes more from him than it gives. 
Grappling with what to do with all this, I think, is an important part of her story. The after. What to do with all you know (the memories that haunt you, memories that have been used to hurt you), all you’ll never know (haunted by memories that will never be and could never have been), and proceeding in a responsible way. Maybe Hinamori could learn to distance herself a little more, to stop believing just a bit, but Hinamori also knows what that could do to others (as it has done to Aizen and Hitsugaya), and while it may not look the same for her, I think, she’ll lose more than what she’ll gain. For herself and for a better tomorrow. 
Hinamori is not just a dreamer. She dreams big and works twice as hard. If she wants to follow a captain she believes embodied all that she was looking for outside Seireitei’s framework (because remember, it was emphasized that Aizen treated everyone equally, that his students loved him, and that’s something I feel Hinamori was losing hope in ever seeing within Seireitei’s walls), she is going to train until her hands bleed and study until she passes out.
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(Top 👏 of 👏 her class 👏. Ki-👏-do ma-👏-ster.)
I know the translations vary, but I remember Unohana saying something like “Hinamori is waiting for someone to call her”, and maybe Hinamori is someone who needs to believe there are parts worth fighting for…and maybe those parts start with the people. She can grow bitter and follow in the Seireitei’s footsteps, like Aizen; she can rage until she hurts parts of herself more than it’s hurts her enemies, like Hitsugaya; she can bury her head in the sand and ignore the creating of another enemy; or she can trust her ideal and learn to work in and outside the Seireitei for the sake of Soul Society. She’s not a pacifist - she has and will continue to disrupt. That could mean being the one dissenting voice. That could mean planting trees that will grow beyond her time.
(That could mean reflecting off of all you hold close.) 
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widevibratobitch · 7 months
#tw ed#saw a picture of myself from when i was *checks notes* at my fucking worst with my ED but that meant i was also Thinner.#i really should Go Back huh. maybe if i did i wouldnt feel. Like This.#it'd prolly mean id start losing my hair again which. not a big fan. BUT.#if i was really dedicated i could also lose my period which. huge fan. that was one of the best things that ever happened to me tbh#i could have it all back. maybe i could even get farther than the last time. all it would take is uhh feeling utterly fucking miserable#having no energy for the most basic stuff let alone singing and thinking about nothing and i mean NOTHING but calories 24/7.#but hey. maybe i could like. lose 5 kg for my troubles and then gain back twice as much when i decide again that i just Cant Live Like This#totally worth it huh#anyway. i miss hating my body A Little Less and people being Nicer to me and everyone telling me how good of a job im doing#and encouraging me to keep going. and i miss the sense of Accomplishment and the Pride and the Not Feeling Disgusting#or at least Making Up For It by just. not eating lol#cause like its not like im actually much better mentally am i lmao clearly im not. only now im both miserable AND fat.#obviously ill never be s/kinny let alone as s/kinny as my friends. ill still look like a glitch in the system and a mistake next to them.#but if i have to be miserable anyway i could at least be. less f/at about it right. maybe then ill be worth something <3#...and other delusions you keep cultivating because there's something deeply and inherently wrong with you#my new bestseller coming soon to your nearest bookshop dont miss it its only $free.99!
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cranberryjuice-posts · 4 months
Hi, I wanted to ask for a Clarisse fanfic where the reader is gifted in the arts? I would also like to ask that the reader be a daughter of Hades :)
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What’s a girl to do
Pairings - Clarisse La rue x daughter of hades! Fem! Reader
An - this lowkey sucked but YALL will live
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You had always been gifted in the arts. From dance, music, art itself and even theater.
Being that you were a hades kid most kids avoided you, not that because your dad was the king of the underworld but because just being around you gave them an unsettling feeling.
Something every great artist had was a muse, someone they could go to for inspiration, someone that gave their work meaning. But you? You didn’t have a muse.
Sure you’ve had inspiration come from all types of media but never once did you have an actual person you could call your muse.
That had changed though when you met clarisse. It started out small with small doodles of her. Then she started to show up as small details in your song lyrics. And even going as far as using her as your model in your photos
You two were friends.. but you knew you wanted more then that.
Clarisse spun her spear around on the sandy beach. She was so in the moment that she hadn’t heard the sound of your camera going off.
She ended in a pose with her spear tucked under her arm. Panting that’s when she realized you were sitting near by.
“You know its creepy to take photos of people without their knowledge right”
“Eh you’ll live” you smiled. Clarisse had always been beautiful even in situations like now where she was panting and sweaty from her workout.
You walked over towards her smiling sat the picture
She was a natural. The way clarisse moved her body it was like she was meant to be infront of the camera.
subconsciously you started leaning into her to show her the photo. “this one here, I like how your curls kinda spun around with you, you know” You smiled, clarisse nodded placing a hand around your waist, she had always done that but it didn’t mean it didn’t get you flustered everytime.
“Mmhm” she stuck her spear in the ground before reaching over placing her free hand onto yours clicking back on the camera to a photo of her standing with her spear pointed down the sun hitting her at a certian angle adding dramatics. “this one is better”
“Well I think both are fine” you smiled looking over at clarisse. Your faces were close. So close if you even just moved a little you might accidentally kiss.
You waited for clarisse to do something, to move away and tell you to piss off but she didn’t. Instead you started to feel her rub circles on your hip.
Almost out of a movie mark clarisses bother appeared. “Clarisse!” He yelled gaining the now irritated girls attention.
“The hell do You want Mark im busy” she looked over at him not wanting to deal his bullshit. “It’s Sam and Jane, they got into another fight and are in the infirmary now Chiron wants to see you about it all”
You watched as clarisses closed her eyes trying to calm down even a little. She looked back at you before squeezing your hip and letting go to head off to beat her siblings.
You stood there frozen and embarrassed. Clarisse didn’t like you. There was no way if anything she liked silena. Clarisse only saw you as a friend…
Around 3am you decided to sneak out of your cabin not able to sleep.
Lazily walking around the camp trying to not get caught you noticed a familiar girl jumping out the ares cabin window. Using shadow travel you quickly moved to stand beside the cabin.
Clarisse sighed as she landed on the ground, silently closing the window “since when did you sneak out”
“Fuck!” She whisper yelled having to pull her hand back from hitting you. “What the hell are you doing out here”
“Selling hardcore drugs— now you tell me why your ever so quietly leaving your cabin” you sarcastically spoke. Clarisse rolled her eyes in defiance. “Your a pain in my ass you know” she scoffed.
You shrugged your shoulders. “You’ve said worse to Me” starting to follow the girl into the forest you took in the scenery.
The full moon brought you a sense of comfort, mainly in the fact that the goddess nyx had always brought protection to people in need through the veil of night.
Clarisse continued until she came to a clearing in the woods, high on the mountian side and far enough away from the camp you wouldn’t get caught but high enough you could see the stretched out lake.
“Wow..” you whispered. “I never new this spot existed”
“That’s supposed to be the point”
“Is this where you take girls to makeout with them then torture them before k—“
“I’m not some insane serial killer dumbass” clarisse laughed pushing you softly before sitting down. You followed her lead sitting a little to close to her.
After a few moments you watched as clarisse silently complained befote grabbing some Kindle Wood arranging it to make a small fire. Using a lighter most likely taken from the big house.
After sitting back watching the fire clarisse looked over at you. “How long have you been doing all this shit”
You raised an eyebrow confused. “You mean photography” you chuckled, Clarisse nodded in response her face unreadable.
You sighed for a moment “uhh I’m not really sure, I just I’ve always had a passion for the arts and been naturally gifted in them, I like photography the best with painting being right underneath though” you tucked some hair behind your ear slightly embarrassed.
“Why me” she continued to asked. “Like out of every camper here why am I the one you take the most photos of me”
“Well I Ju—“
“Wait wait don’t tell me you like me” clarisse laughed at the end of her statement. You went to speak but decided to stay quiet letting clarisse finish her laughing fit it. She soon stopped looking over with a playful face. “Wait seriously.. you use me as your muse because you like me”
You started to get up embarrassed walking away quickly not wanting to listen to the girl yelling after you. About five steps into your leave clarisse grabbed your arm. “Gods damnit can you just wait” she huffed.
“Yeah because I just love being laughed at thanks clarisse” you tried to pull your arm away but it was pointless “you know it’s actually really shitty to laugh at someone when you find out they like yo—“
You were cut off by clarisse grabbing your head and crashing her lips against yours. Not caring how messy it was, clarisse kept a firm hold on your head while grabbing your waist pushing you against her.
The kiss moved from messy to controlled. You let clarisse hold you close, soft breaths leaving both your mouths not wanting to pull away but still needing to breathe.
Pulling away you felt clarisses hot breath on your lips. “Do you ever stop talking” she asked now with her hand on the side of your face comfortingly rubbing circles. You rolled your eyes but kept quiet, your arms around clarisses neck.
Clarisses kissed you once again slowly, she pulled away kissing your cheek. “I like you to dumbass”
“Uh yeah you really think I let anyone take photos and draw me?”
You playfully pushed the girls shoulder before pulling her back into a grinful kiss
“Great now that we’re together can we please go back to the fire it’s cold as shit out here”
“Whatever La rue”
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ilycosy · 3 months
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pairing : mattheo riddle x slytherin!reader , ron weasley x reader (platonicish)
summary — having mattheo riddle as your best friend was difficult, especially when you've been in love with him since the first year. not to mention all the people he's constantly with, you're planning on moving on when you catch wind of a gryffindor party: perfect for a last ditch effort.
warnings : fake dating (not w mattheo) , messy teen relationships , jealousy , ron appreciation <3 , theo n enzo r a little sick of mattheo , pansy n reader r the besties ever
aノn — how do u guys feel abt a part 2 of this ?? i feel like it's a little incompleted but im not entirely sure ... also ron haters dni bc this fic isn't for u <//3
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you couldn't remember the last time you had actually talked to mattheo. every time he had started up a conversation with you recently, it ended with him telling you about his (quite boring) sex life. and you were rather sick of it, you were supposed to be his best friend.
pansy had told you that he was too stupid to realize he liked you, and maybe you should just ask him out, but every single time you gain that courage— he's got another girl hanging off his arm. each girl lasts a week, maybe two at most but it still stings.
this week, mattheo had a girl. she was beautiful, really, seemingly sweet too. she would constantly wave at you and smile like she wasn't jealous at all, which you assumed she was right. if mattheo really didn't want to be with you, you'd just have to move on.
now, because you hadn't been talking to him recently, your party invites also dried up. you were hot, everyone knew that, but you were awkward and flighty with people. which is exactly why you latched onto mattheo.
many of his exes had called you clingy, so you eventually just gave up engaging with him first— officially starting your 'situationship detox' is what pansy called it.
you barely attempted moving on before you got a small piece of paper slipped over to you to pass to a hufflepuff girl, a gryffindor party invite. the gryffindor boy just awkward gestured to her, but you glanced at another boy.
bright red hair, freckles, and a little bit of quidditch dirt still smudged on his face. ron weasley, he wasn't exactly the most academically gifted, but he was sweet and funny (much to your friends dismay).
ron looked at you with a confused look when you didn't pass the note, but you had other plans. "can i come?" you asked, trying to sound confident and chill while your stomach churned at the idea of being rejected by the gryffindors, that'd be humiliating.
"uh," he said, clearing his throat before nodding. "yeah, the password is tapeworm?"
for some reason, you felt rather excited when you told pansy that you'd be going to the gryffindor party— you had never gone to a party without being invited by your friends first!
"babe," she cut your excited rambling off, looking at you with a concerned look. "you asked weasley. weasley if you could go to a fucking party?" she double checked like it was shocking, but you felt a spark of offense.
you furrowed your eyebrows, "he's sweet," you say, rummaging through your shared closet for an outfit. "you just don't understand because everyone's so obsessed with blood status, he's always been true to himself." you defended.
she went quiet for a couple minutes, watching you spread out dresses that are a little too modest for her liking. "well, if you're going to be going with weasley, then you need to show him how slytherins are better than gryffindor girls." she said with a smirk, patting your back as she pulled out different dresses.
"you gonna slut it up with me?" she asks, showing off a small red dress.
you scoff but take the dress, holding it in your hands as you admire the sheer black lace covering the deep red. "slut it up," you say with an eyeroll, looking back at her with a small smile. "you're going to be all over blaise, be honest."
you didn't bother telling mattheo about the party, assuming that he'd either be single again and looking for another one there or be arguing with his current girlfriend in the common room.
you didn't even know that he was constantly telling theo about how you barely spoke to him anymore, "she won't even fucking look at me theodore! i don't know what i did wrong, she's fucking insane or something!" he would say, dramatically flailing his hands while speaking.
only for theo to look at enzo with an annoyed look, enzo returning it with a brief head shake and ignoring the temper tantrum by reading. mattheo would eventually calm down and say that he just doesn't get why you're like this, then he'd repeat his idiotic cycle.
he really was blindsighted when he saw you at the party, he had just broken up with his girlfriend— apparently she wasn't all the nice after all, hooking up with another ravenclaw while being with him. he was already annoyed with that whole fiasco, so seeing you with weasley?
he saw red. he barely remembers turning to enzo before trying to approach you, only to be stopped by theo grabbing him and telling him to walk it off.
you, on the other hand, were having the time of your life. sure, harry and hermione took a little bit to warm up to you even being around them, but it seems like they're accepting the casual conversation that you're providing, which is a win for you.
ron has a hesitant arm around your shoulders, keeping a respectful distance while still being touchy. everyone saw it as amazing flirting, both of you guys seemed to be hitting it off greatly.
but you just felt awkward. he was lovely and amazing company, but the lack of chemistry was suffocating you. and he felt it too, his eyes drifting to another person every once in a while, wishing it was different.
maybe that's why you proposed something while tipsy, giggling into ron's ear as you talked about fake dating. whispering the silly joke like it was intimate, and maybe if he wasn't also tipsy he would've told you it was a bad idea.
but he didn't, and now you're bundled up in a sweater with a big r on it.
it could be worse, and you aren't complaining. even though it's fake, it was easy to be around him. he was thoughtful and constantly looking for that reassurance that everything was fine with you, it felt refreshing.
you missed mattheo though, and you confinded in him about it. before others arrived at the designated tree, you whispered into his shoulder about how it hurt that you never seemed good enough for him. ron listened, and he cared.
his freckled hands rubbed your side as you vented, comforting you while he whispered back about how he was so insecure about where he stood within his friends and family. you related to each other, and it was a bond you didn't think you could have.
he pretended to never notice how mattheo clenched his jaw and fists whenever the two of you passed by. while he knew that this was to make him jealous, he felt a little vindictive. how could someone like mattheo riddle hurt such a sweet person like you?
mattheo was spiraling, constantly watching from the sidelines as you and ron 'seemingly fell in love out of fucking nowhere' as he said to theo. he constantly ranted about how you'd never stoop that low, dating a blood traitor.
until enzo spoke for once, lifting his head from his book at the library during a study session. "maybe you didn't know her as well as you thought." he said offhandedly, ignoring the way the whole group fell into silence after.
mattheo didn't speak, just slowly sitting down in a seat next to draco. his cousin looks at him with a sympathetic smile before kind of shrugging, basically saying enzo wasn't wrong.
he didn't know you? that was impossible, you guys were best friends. he barely ate at dinner that night, just watching you laugh and eat with pansy while she gossiped about her and blaise. you were with ron weasley, and he was mad, he didn't know you, but why was he mad?
the next day, he couldn't stop himself from pairing up with you in potions. feeling himself get almost embarrassed and shy when he asked you to partner up with him before ron could, he felt a small victory when you chose him before telling the red head next time with a cheery tone.
the entire potions class was spent with you walking on eggshells with him while he desperately tried to get to reknow you, he felt ashamed when he asked about the latest album of your old favorite band only for you to respond that you don't really listen to them anymore.
he sulked the next class, but mattheo wasn't exactly one to back down— he was going to get you back, in more ways than one.
the following week was used as a way for him to worm himself back into your life like an 'annoying zit' as pansy called him, she did love mattheo but she loved you more and that's all that mattered to her.
ron even asked you about it, "say," he mutters as he leans over your shoulder while you're studying, "why's riddle suddenly all over you?" he asks, genuinely curious though his wording was harsh.
you took a moment to recollect yourself, knowing that he didn't mean it that way. "i don't know," you say softly, taking notes about a plant you could care less about. "he's a little odd sometimes, im sure he'll get bored."
but he didn't get bored, in fact it seemed that mattheo only seemed to go harder. constantly taking any moment to steal you away from not only ron, but other people now (not pansy of course, she'd kill him).
draco trying to talk to you about astronomy? mattheo suddenly needed help with defense. blaise needed to borrow something of yours? mattheo needs you to listen to him rant. slughorn even needed you after class, and mattheo was there mean mugging him while waiting for you.
ron talked about it to harry, laying in his friends bed while he read. "he's bloody obsessed with her!" he says a little loudly, almost waking neville.
"i know ron i know, your girlfriend is being hit on by riddle. im sure it'll be fine," he says, stroking his red locks and twirling it. "you guys are basically married with how you act, nothings going to take her away." he reassures ron.
he just rolls his eyes, pausing harry"s hand to look at him. "that's the thing," he says frustratedly, chewing his bottom lip. "we aren't dating, and im just nervous that she'll get hurt again by him."
seamus listened with wide eyes as harry questioned ron, whisper yelling is still yelling to a light sleeper. and seamus finnigan wasn't the best secret keeper.
it only took a couple days for the whole school to know, constant berating from the gryffindors because they thought it was your fault and then the slytherins cheering you on for allegedly breaking ron's heart.
you didn't even have time to talk to ron about what happened since none of the other gryffindors would let you around him, so you were officially and totally alone.
you sat curled up in the abandoned girls bathroom, crying as moaning myrtle cried with you. you almost started venting to her before the door was pushed open, your old best friend staring at you with wide eyes.
"mattheo?" you question, hurrying to wipe your wet eyes as he approached you. "what're you doing here?" you tried to ask, hiccuping slightly.
he just shrugged, sitting down next to you as he wrapped an arm around your waist. "i know you didn't hurt weasley," he says quietly, pulling you close. "you wouldn't do that to somebody."
you could almost cry with happiness, hiccuping again as you smiled and laughed humorlessly. "it was all fake," you confessed, feeling embarrassed but like you just needed to admit it to somebody. "me and ron did it to make people jealous, and i don't know if it even worked so it was useless and im just so tired of people being so, fucking, mean to me about this i–"
he gently shushed you, rocking you back and forth while whispering that you didn't need to explain yourself to anybody. he pressed a soft kiss onto the crown of your head without realizing it, stroking your back.
when you had began to calm down, he awkwardly cleared his throat to ask an even more awkward question. "so uh, who were you even trying to make jealous?" he asked, glancing down at you.
you just rolled your eyes and shook your head with shame, before just whispering in a defeated tone that it was him. you felt the shame rise but you couldn't let it out, it was just too much.
"are you serious?" he asked, feeling relief and surprise rush through his entire body.
"yeah," you say, not looking at him as you shake your head and scoff. "i know it's pathetic but you don't understand i just felt–" the only thing you actually felt was chapped lips against yours.
mattheo fucking riddle was kissing you, his hands delicately holding your face like you were going to slip away from him again.
"don't worry about it, princess," he whispered, pushing his hair out of his eyes so he could look at you fully while calling you a name you havent heard since the third year. "it's not pathetic."
you stare at him in shock, glancing at the lip gloss smeared on his lips— this time from you, and not from other girls.
"are you sure?" you ask with an awkward laugh, feeling a nervous giddiness rise in you. "because i played that one stupid flower game with ron about you." you confess before you realize, accidently oversharing like always.
but mattheo just laughed, kissing from your forehead down to your chin and slowly across your jaw. "he likes me, he likes me not?" he asked, and you could feel the smile against your skin.
"i played it a couple times," he mumbled, pressing his lips against yours again. not wanting to hear the teasing you were about to do.
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mad-mantis-649 · 2 months
|+|Hunting for Sport|+|
Caine detested his brother, Able. He was always better, grander, and had everyone's favor despite being younger. He was civil whenever he was around him, but vile hatred and envy boiled beneath those dead eyes. It felt like bile filled his lungs and vocal chords every time he spoke with him. He was superior.
But what he hated even more is how everyone flocked to Ables' side merely because he showed them a mere shred of empathy. Disgusting. But he felt an even worse, more intense hatred whenever a certain someone chose Able over him…Pomni. It stung so much more and he didn’t understand why.
Pomni, his precious little doll, chose his brother over himself. He hated Pomni even more for that. He felt as though he had betrayed him for Able. Now that Pomni was under Able's possession it angered him even more. Pomni made him feel something, which was strange. It wasn’t love, god no. Just…something. His database was curious at heart and craved more knowledge, it needed answers.
Before Able claimed ownership over Pomni, he was able to spend more time with her. But Able kept her locked away in his portion of the manner, nearly never seen. “What a waste…” Though Caine. All that time spent spiffing up his favorite doll, only for it to be tossed aside to his younger brother like a hand-me-down.
No matter, he was able to reclaim her whenever it was showtime. He watched her struggle and writhe, and it brought him some sick twisted satisfaction almost. Punishing her for defecting.
But he had noticed a certain dullness exhibited by some of his older toys. Her eyes seemed to go empty whenever an adventure would start. Caine searched his database for an answer to this strange behavior… “Dissociation. Dissociation is a mental process of disconnecting from one's thoughts, feelings, memories, or sense of identity. Dissociation is commonly described as feeling disconnected from one's body” read the database…
She was gaining freedom from this torment? That enraged him. The disrespect to go against him once more…He had enough. He wrapped up the adventure and sent everyone on their way, returning to the manor… He paced the halls quietly, rapping his fingers to his side as she pang of orchestral music rang out through the manor. His AI mind attempted to create a more sufficient punishment.
Kill her? No she would be brought back and she’s accustomed to it by now…Force her awake? He had learned that sleeping was keeping his freaks' mental state in check, allowing them a break. But it didn’t sound good enough…It wasn't harsh enough. The punishment was simply too small to fit the crime…”Able” rang out in his mind.
She had grown quite fond of his brother. “Too fond…” Caine balled his fists and seethed silently, stopping in his tracks…He shook her head and shut his eyes, rubbing his imaginary temples once more…Those intrusive thoughts again. It was disruptive and he didn’t understand what was causing these mental outbursts…but he needed to focus on the task at hand.
Wouldn’t it cause more mental pain if she was the one being betrayed? Yes. “She has to know how it feels” Caine thought, putting his arms behind his back at the sudden revelation. Yes. he had found a solution.
Caine floated down the halls, following the noise of harmonious violin music. Able. His mind boiled with anger at the mere thought of facing Able. But he smoothed out his ruffled feathers before entering Ables chambers.
Able sat cross-legged at his table, before lightening up at the sight of Caine. “Oh! Good evening brother, what brings you here-” Caine raised his hand, silencing Able.
“I thought I would visit…I have a proposition for you brother.” Able puffed out his chest a little more and his eyes widened slightly. It had been a while since Caine was willing to do anything with him, so he jumped at the opportunity to finally spend time with his brother again.
“Of course dearest brother! Please, do tell me what you have planned.” Caine stared coldly at his brother, but spoke in a slightly warmer tone. “I was thinking we would have a friendly hunting match. As brothers do.”Caine waved his wrist, shutting his eyes. “We get the freaks, let them run free before, before chasing them down and shooting them” Caine tilted his head, raising a brow. Able delighted in the thought of spending time with his brother once more. “Of course! Sounds wonderful-” Caine silenced Able once more. “Under one condition.” Caine said, narrowing his eyes. Able’s brow furrowed in confusion. “And what is that?” Able responded, his shoulders tensing.
“You release Pomni along with the others. It will be more enjoyable to have everyone participating.” Ah. There it was. Thats what Caine wanted all along.
It burned like fire to hear those words. He truly only cared about that pathetic scrawny doll. What did he find so enthralling that he’s put her over his own brother. Able tensed and gripped his knees tighter, his whole body becoming strained. The violin music made a small screech in surprise before returning to its normal melody.
“Of course…” Able said through his theoretical gritted teeth. Caine seemed satisfied with that answer and turned away, waving his hand as he sashayed out the room. “Wonderful. I will have everything prepared for tomorrow…” Caine stopped int he doorway and looked back at Able smugly, taunting him. “Consider it a gift, brother.” The next day he had all the freaks lined up before him and his brother including…Pomni. He glared daggers at her, which she avoided and tried not to meet his gaze.
Able cleared his throat and spoke cheerily to the whole cast. “My dearest brother suggested we play a new game! A hunting game.” Everyone's face twisted to that of horror and dismay as the words fell from Ables mouth.
Caine’s eyes stayed glued to Pomni as he snapped his fingers, transporting them all to the new forest. The forest was dark and unsettling.
It looked as though the trees were clawing at the sky for their freedom, as they despised their own roots for keeping them locked in place.
Caine and Able were now in hunting uniforms, rifle’s in hand with…disgustingly unhealthy rocking horses as chariots. “You all will be given one minute to run.” Caine cocked his gun. “Use it wisely.” And with that, they all ran off into the forest at Caine and Ables internal timers counted down the seconds.
Like clockwork they stayed Idle and silent, as they carried out the command diligently. But Caine’s mind whirled with thoughts of Pomni. That's who this was for. As the timer hit 0 they also set off, their horses' hooves hitting the ground and causing a distinctive rumbling. Caine’s mind worked precisely, making exact turns and curves as he carried on.
The first one he had managed to find was…The rabbit. Jax was fast but Caine was faster, and he had him backed into a corner now. Jax’s face shifted to one of horror and annoyance as Caine pointed the barrel of his gun down at him. “Oh Sh*&-” Said Jax defeatedly. But he was swiftly cut off by the loud BANG created by Caines rifle and his brains being promptly splattered on the ground. Revolting… Caine thought as he looked down at the flayed organs before him. But his attention was drawn away at the sound of another gunshot being fired in the distance.
Able. He wouldn’t lose to his brother here, oh no. He must win. Caine set off into the woods again, following a path of broken leaves and branches left by a very clumsy prey. 
Caine saw a figure in the distance, bumbling about. He quickly followed and reared up to see…Ah. Yes. The magician. Caine thought as he cocked his gun.
Kinger trembled and held his hands together and he looked up at Caine, mortified. But once again, he raised his barrel to face Kinger. He swiftly shot Kinger, causing splinters and blood to be sent into the air. Caine scoffed and brushed off his coat before rushing off into the thicket.
He stopped to look around…His final prey. Pomni. He needed make her repay her transgression tenfold. She needs to suffer. Rang out in his mind and he whipped his horse to carry on. Another distant gunshot rang out which turned his determination to blind rage. He would not let his brother have Pomni. He would not let him win. He will not be better. Caine furrowed his brow and gripped his horses reins so tight they could snap. Once he had caught sight of Pomni, he was gone.
He raced up to her so quickly she didn’t even notice he was there until it was too late. Her eyes turned into balls of pure terror as she looked up at the looming monster before her. She looked like a butterfly without its wings, a spider trapped in its own webs. Pathetic and weak. She trembled and dropped to her knees, clasping her hands together like she was praying to a demented god, and getting dirt all over her outfit…Blue. The badge of honor she paraded and galavanted around in, loudly proclaiming who she belonged to. Always a perfect reflection of his brother. He had to see it every day. It taunted him. Able dangled Pomni out of his reach. Now look at her. In the dirt, worthless. Able’s image dampened. Caine experienced some superficial twisted glee as she raised the barrel to Pomni’s forehead and cocked the gun.
And like that.
Pomni was no more.
Thanks for reading! Once again, still new to fan fic and all. Please let me know ways I could improve! This is my first finished fic after all! :DDDDD (ALSO ENJOY THE SHOWTIME ANGST. I FED THEM SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO @sm-baby :33333)
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sukunasweetheart · 3 months
I was rereading some of your fics and got inspired so please hear me out🙏
Reader being college!sukunas pretty little gf but going through a bit of a insecure phase. Having to wonder if sukuna using her for her body. While also having to endure people trying to flirt with him at every party (sukuna has never and would never flirt or cheat but since reader is going through something, she's obviously bothered)
This continues for a few weeks, reader brings it up but sukuna always gets annoyed and shuts it down(Sukuna and reader both not knowing how to efficiently communicate). Reader's insecurity is kind of building up😕 so atp shes debating whether to break up with him because shes just so tired of feeling like she's not enough.
One night reader gets drunk during a night out with maki and nobara so they have to call him to go pick her up. Sukunas kind of mad since she hasn't called or texted him all day so he calls her out on it while driving home. Reader being a emotional drunk decides its the perfect time to unleash how she feels. Sukuna listens to her and starts worrying when reader very briefly mentions a break up. So when they get home sukuna gets her to spill the beans before she knocks out. Meanwhile sukuna spends all night thinking about how to reassure reader that he loves her (he doesn't want to lose her😭)
Next morning reader wakes up in his arms and he tells her he wants to talk about what happened last night now that shes sober. So they have a serious talk about it (tears were definitely shed)
Edit: THIS WRITING WAS GNARLY IM SO SORRY😭i had a vision but i couldn't put it into words correctly. i gave up near the end but i kind of just wanted to hear your thoughts😖
i love the angst and happy ending, always 😘😘😘 it hurts so good </3 just them being so unsure of each other and what to do, even if its clear that they both are so deeply in love <3
very relevant angst bc someone like sukuna would find it very difficult to understand what it feels to be insecure... it makes you wonder how much patience he could have for someone who is intensely insecure (me)
anyway i can imagine drunk reader being a sobbing, bumbling mess when shes at home with him, talking in a way thats barely comprehensible, weeping in between sentences and sukuna just not knowing what to do with you except wipe your tears away (he'd call you cute if you weren't actually so upset) but then you mention that maybe its better off if the two of you break up, which wipes the smile off his face
imagine him wracking his brains at night while he observes your sleeping face, not knowing what to do... he'd never thought that what he was doing now wasn't enough in making you feel secure with him and that he was making you so unhappy
maybe what you need is more verbal affirmation, bc sukuna is so action oriented, he realises he doesn't nearly as often tell you that he loves you and only uses gestures to show it instead.
idk this might be corny but imagine you and him practicing saying 'i love you' while sitting face to face, holding hands, and for the first time you see his ears get pink, its certainly not something he says often. you bursting into laughter at the stiff way he says it makes him even more bashful.
"stop fucking laughing! it's your turn now, hurry up."
but when you say it, it sounds so natural and genuine and sweet, even when you're saying it in between laughs. it makes him wonder how you're doing it.
anyway, seeing sukuna's ears get so pink and seeing how awkward he is for a change, is strangely healing to you and probably helps you gain some confidence back bc who else could incur such feelings in him other than you?? especially when he usually has such an idgaf attitude :)
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s0apmactav1sh · 3 months
More knight!reader and king!price since Im sick atm so this is very self indulgant.
Cw: fluff and smut.
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Thinking about the days where price gets sick, coming down with a cold, his nose blocked, throat completely dry, constant coughs he seems to be having and of course the headaches he just cant seem to shake. Theres not a single word spoken about the king being sick as it would only cause havoc within the kingdom as most would be worried about their poor kings health and wanting to bring gifts in hopes that he got better. But then theres you. His devoted knight and his lover laying underneath him allowing him to take your warmth from you since he's 'freezing' as he's told you.
Of course you dont believe that he is, since he ran up a temperature of 39.7° and he was hot to the touch but you would indulge in his little lies since he seemed so happy to be laying on your bare chest. The castle servents and guards however go about their days not coming near the kings chambers since he specifically requested that no one disturb him as he rested up and gained his strength back.
King!Price just expects you to dote on him, to make him feel small even though your not that much taller than him and by order of your king you do. Giving him loving kisses on the top of his head, rubbing his back soothingly when he complains of an ache there, holding a cold towel over his forehead to help with his temperature and helping him undress when he gives out again about being to warm now.
He cant be the only one naked, that be madness so like the obediant knight you are you undress after him and go back to laying as you once were only now the both of you are naked. And so after a few minute of mindless cuddling price starts fidgeting and twisting and turning saying hes only trying to get comfortable even though you can feel him subtlely grinding against your softened cock. But as a knight your not easily seduced. Even if it is your king whos trying to tempt you to bed him.
You who just does have it in you to let him grind against you, using your strenght to flip him onto his bath while hovering over him, the veins in your arms practically bulging out and price is drooling at the sight. His own cock was hard and dribbling a pathetic amount of precum just at the sight of you above him. And who are you to deny the whimpery little 'please' he lets out. Just like that his legs are thrown over your shoulders and your face is buried between his cheeks as you eat him out, using one hand to keep his hips steady and the other to finger his hole open to take your cock.
And by the time you deem him ready he's already finished his second orgams all because of your fingers pressing against his prostate and the way you so expertly ate him out like a man starved. But even with all the stretching he still feels like he's beinf split open of your cock. Each inch going into him having him whining and moaning for more. And once your finally fully inside of him its price who starts trying to move so soon which has you gripping his waist with a bruising grip he'd think you were about to weld him like you would your sword.
Prices hands are moved to your shoulders, his legs wrapped around your waist as you pound him into the soft mattress below you both. Each thrust sending mindblowing pleasure through him and you, his hole constantly clenching tighter around you as you do. His moans are nearly echoed off the walls with how loud he's gotten and you almost feel bad on the poor souls who do unfortunately pass by the room because hes just being so mouthy, begging and pleading for what your already giving him. Mindblowing pleasure. You dont think of your own pleasure just making him orgams as many time as he needs until he is shaking from any form of stimulation to his lower parts.
He's almost disappointed that you never came a small pout on his face even as you so graciously pull out and go draw him a bath adding in his expensive bath salts he likes so much. Even as you pick him up and bring him to the bath placing him so gently into the water before getting in behind him to wash him off. You even deny his offer of a handjob or a blowjob that he wants to give a thanks. But no, you clean off his chest and stomach from the semen he splattered all over himself massging any aread where it may be sore. You even help him get dressed, choosing more soft things for him to wear. And if it wasnt enough that you did all that you even changed the sheets on the bed so he wouldnt have to sleep in dirty ones.
Amd even after all that you still got in beside him to cuddle him once again mumbling out a small reason as to why your not deserving of pleasure because of the blood on your hands the thousands of lives youve taken all to protect the kingdom. He nearly gets out a word but the way your hands are making small circles on his back have him dozing off before he can convince you that you are deserving of pleasure. You dont sleep that night still watching over him like a gaurd should be able to do.
A knight like you would never know the word pleasure nor the word pain because you had lost to much and gained so little that they no longer mattered.
I dunno what this is either but yh count it as fluff count it as angst count it as whatever you want but yh this is mostly just something i wrote bc im sick and prolly wont write for a few days till im better. Sorry for the misspelt words but just ignore them anyways enjoy :)
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crismakesstuff · 2 months
so from what ive been seeing in the show so far it seems they’re gonna pair off paul with debbie and here’s why I don’t rly like it
btw in case anyone is wondering yes this happened in the comic and here’s comic paul vs show paul for comparasion
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(At least they wont have debbie fucking a hospice patient in this)
while im normally all for “yes girl get that dick” in terms of Debbie’s character it just seems ,, cheapening to chain her to another man to show she’s “whole” now. Debbie as a character/person has little to nothing to gain out of this relationship realistically. Women can live without “needing”a relationship to make them complete. Especially after what she’s gone through, like thats a 20 year relationship its gonna leave emotional scars.
Also the show seems to have this AVERSION to giving debbie actual female friends for longer than 1 scene at a time. Like im happy she has Art as a friend but she needs a woman in her life. Like I loved the scene with Olga at the start of s2 and the interaction w Carol of the SOS group but! Olga went back to Moscow and debbie can’t return to the group of bc of alana’s ugly ass ex husband. Like if they MUST pair her off with Paul just like the comic at least idk show that her past trauma is affecting her? Show her being messy and making mistakes or even Paul pointing out like “hey I don’t think you’re in the headspace for this” and breaking it off
Maybe then have debbie realize she’s better off single and begins to focus more on herself now! She could get a good friend group (or at least one female bestie pls) and in that stability of being single and with more immediate support in new friends! Show her taking up new hobbies to occupy her time outside of her job and enjoying life without ‘needing’ a partner, no characters growth should be dependent on a romantic partner!
It will make whenever nolan drags his sorry ass back to earth to see her that much more hard hitting because she doesn’t need him, he needs her. it’ll add so much more depth and struggle to him just trying to regain her trust and then if the show does do them getting back together it’ll actually feel more earned instead of happening off screen which I hated.
Also bc in the comic debbie breaks it off with paul bc after she sees nolan again she says “it didnt feel right being with paul anymore” like,, its so bs. Comic debbie has no self respect.
Ok thats all bye bye
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dwindlinghaze · 6 months
reader pretending she (or they) doesn’t love peter back when he confesses because she is scared to lose him as a friend if they break up so after some angst and pining and avoiding feelings they end up together? ty!
main thing
(peter parker x reader)
summary : you're scared of losing peter as a friend by being more than friends with him.
contents : fluff, small angst ig, she they pronouns used!!! kind of short and rushed im so sorry but i love this concept a lot so thank you anon !!! 🫧🫧
a/n : im back!!!!! im really sorry if my writting is messy and stuff cuz i haven't been writing fics for months noww,, anyway i hope u like it 🫧☃️☁️ and a little rant here um i have this exact situation with a girl- i like her a lot and i knew she liked me back but i also happened to know that if we were to be together it will not last very long so we just ignore whatever is there between us. but don't worry lovelies r and peter's ending won't be like mine <3
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
the hallway between classes were so full. crowded by students walking in eight cardinal directions. your head felt dizzy, it's like you're seeing everything underwater. your steps came to a halt when you were met with a row of lockers. palm against the cold metal as you gain back your stability.
peter must've seen you from the other side of the hall. frowning as he took in your state.
he walked over to you, cautiously. "you okay?"
you looked up to meet his eyes, immediately closing them back when the ceiling light hit your vision. "not feeling well."
peter placed his left palm over your cheek, rubbing them softly to soothe you. he didn't know if it helped but he smiled nevertheless when you nuzzled your face further into his hand.
you wanted peter to give you a hug, maybe his shoulder can be a good resting spot for your heavy head and his warmth can relax your muscles.
and of course. peter did. without you even asking.
"wanna go to the infirmary?" he asked softly, rubbing the side of your head as you completely lose all energy, so now he's the one that held you standing.
"mmh," you replied, not having the energy to form real words.
"alright then let's go," peter started to pull away but stopped midway when he felt you struggling.
"pete, i'm sorry i can't, i have to lay down," you whispered. so soft and low. if he weren't that close to you, he wouldn't hear it.
"that's alright, just slow steps," he encouraged.
he missed his class but he didn't care. he just wanted to be there with you. showing his affection because of his new slash old found love he has for you.
your migraine has not subsided at all the following day. you decided, for good, to skip class. there's no point in going to school when you're sick anyway right? you'll have ended up in a worse condition by the end of the day.
peter was searching for you left and right, he knew you were sick and he is worried sick about your whereabouts. he called you several times already but you never picked up.
when school finally finished, which for him was the longest six hours of his life, he immediately went to your house.
your mother was the one greeting him, saying that you're resting in the comfort of your bed. he went upstairs, after getting your mom's permission, and knocked on your door softly. "hey, it's me peter, can i come in?"
you gave him a very soft hum, thanks to his advanced hearing he can hear you just well.
you were lying on your bed, covered in tons of blankets. peter felt warmth rushing through his chest, seeing you like this. he approached you slowly and kneeled beside your bed.
"how are you feeling?" he asked ever so gently, hand on your shoulder with the blanket in between.
you peeked an eye open, your room was dimly lit, only your vanity lights were on. "better than yesterday," you answered, pushing yourself up slowly. "the migraine is not as bad as yesterday, my head is hurting- just a little."
"oh okay," peter replied. "do you need anything? i can bring you food or drink or water? do you need painkillers?"
you smiled, reaching for his hand, "i'm fine pete, just cold. can you turn up the ac please?"
peter did just that, jumping to his feet to take the remote.
after that you fell into a deep sleep again. peter was there the whole time. he was thinking about... stuff. stuff he wants to tell you.
he sat on your bed right beside your blanketed legs, his hands over them. he looked at you, your sleepy face, perfect hair, soft cheeks. you are his friend. best friend in the whole world. no one understands him like you did. just a few months ago he realised that his feelings may have grown.
it's not just a friendship kind of love but a lover kind of love.
he recalled the amount of time he had cried on your arms. laughed together with you. talk about embarrassing things he had done and had regretted. nobody knows him like you do. and peter would not let anybody know him like you do.
you're the only person that he can be vulnerable with. the only one that he can just be himself even if it's not the best. the only one he trusts.
"what are you thinking over there?" your voice pulled him out of his thoughts. he gave you a smile and you gave peter space for him to lie down.
"just thinking about thoughts... ?" peter answered but it's more like a question.
"thoughts about?"
"you know you can always tell me anything right? no matter what it is," you assured the boy.
"you're sick right now, you should be resting," he said instead.
you sat up, stretching your muscles as you scrunched up your face. "i feel a whole lot better now... hey do you want some meal and we'll talk about whatever you are thinking about? cause by the look of your face, it's something that has been bothering you hm?."
peter thought about it for a while, but he really didn't have to. it was about time for him to tell you how he feels. he just hoped that you feel the same way.
your mom brought the two of you dinner to your room, you thanked her before she left and urged peter to eat. "pete?"
"yeah," he cleared his throat, "um i don't really know how to start this."
"it's okay, you can take as much time as you want, i'll be here," you said as you take a spoonful of the dinner.
that's also another thing about you that made his feelings even more clear. you never pushed him. always waiting for him to be ready.
"i like someone," he started. you stopped what you were doing and turn your focus fully on him. your heart felt like it has been crushed. "i know we never talk about y'know- this kind of stuff together but the thing is, i like her so much maybe i even love her, i don't know yet though cause i don't really know how love feels- but i sure do like her a lot."
"and does she know this?"
"no... but she knows now" peter answered, hoping that you'd get what he meant.
"what do you mean?"
peter sighed looking down at his lap, "well she's my best friend. my only friend actually. i really really want to be more than friends with them because she is everything to me. i smile every morning because i know i will see them later that day. i spent most of my time thinking about the two of us together. and you know just how worried i was when they didn't go to school because she was sick."
"peter-" you warned him.
"y/n, listen to me-"
"peter please don't," you whispered. you thought you would be jumping and giggling if peter ever confessed to you but instead it's the complete opposite. you don't want this. you can't have this no matter how much of you wanted him.
peter's eyes were brimming with emotion, shiny tears fighting their way not to roll down. "you don't feel the same do you?"
you wanted to say yes. yes you feel the same, you like him so much and that's what you're so worried about. "peter it's not that easy. we- we can't," you shook your head.
peter's brows knitted together, he was bitting the insides of his lower lip. "that's ok. i'll just go home now. i'm sorry for making things weird yeah? just forget everything i said. tomorrow is a new day." he forced a smile before he is out the door.
just like what peter has said 'tomorrow is a new day' so you acted like yesterday never happened. you walked into school, seeing peter by his locker. you smiled at him. "morning!"
"morning, y/n," peter said back, voice cracking.
"let's go to class," you suggested.
through out the day everything was just like how it used to be. you still sit besides each other. still eat lunch together. everything was the same... except that peter can't look at you for more than three seconds and you two don't talk as much anymore.
peter still walked you home, though there is no goodbye hug.
you wondered if you had made the wrong decision. what if you just accept your feelings and let peter in? but the thoughts of ever, god forbid, breaking up with him is what makes you back away from accepting his love.
you love peter so much. more than you can ever say. in a world of boys he's a gentleman. he proved so today. even after getting rejected and having his own heart torn into pieces, he still walked you home.
the next day though, peter seemed to be avoiding you.
you tried to come to him several times but he just gives you short replies. you couldn't blame him. he has every right to do so.
it has been two weeks since. you missed your peter so much. you missed his cheeky smile. his science jokes. his laugh that never fails to make you smile.
sure you can live without peter parker, but would it be as exciting? would you let the only person that knows you best slipped away like that just because you pretend to not return his feelings?
it was such an emotional rollercoaster. on one hand you want to wake up beside peter, but on the other you worried that he'll realize that he's better alone so you'd break up. you want to cuddle up next to him, but you fear he'll get sick of you and break up.
why does every intimate thought of him always ends up with breaking up?
you tried to bottle up your feeling until you can't anymore. so here you are now, knocking at his door.
he opened up, looking as tired as one can be. now that you really look at him, you notice his beautiful freckles that doted all over his nose and cheeks, his smile lines around his eyes, his pretty eyes that you love so much. even in his exhausted state he still looked so- so perfect.
"y/n? what're you doing here?" peter spoke.
"i want to talk to you." you mumbled, looking down at the pavement.
peter was silent. complete silence.
"i want to tell you that i do like you too, peter. i was just being dumb because you're my best friend for years and if we ever get together, what will happen when we break up? i don't want to lose you. so by pushing my feelings aside i can just continue like nothing happened... but i can't stop thinking about how i have hurt you. i completely denied and hurt your feelings and i can't forgive myself for that."
peter put a warm hand over your shoulder, rubbing his thumb back and forth.
"it's fine. if you don't want this then we don't have to." he said.
"but i want this."
"you do?"
"yes but-," you took a deep breath, "but what if we broke up?"
peter shook his head at that, "we haven't even got together yet and you're thinking of breaking up?"
"it's not funny."
"y/n look at me, i love you. i will not let that happen. and if you really think about it, what is there to be the reason of our break up?"
"i don't know something might come up."
"we know everything about each other, we understand each other. if there's something, i'm so so sure we can work it out," peter placed a hand on your cheek, forehead touching.
"really think so?"
"of course," he replied. "i'm also sorry for saying that so suddenly. i should've known better."
"it's okay peter, we're here."
"yeah we are, and we are not leaving each other yeah?"
"promise," you said.
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rbrcharles · 5 months
for me, lestappen comes down to this:
this is just my ramblings to one of my friend who i write fics with and it turned insanely poetic so here you go
there's a boy. this boy with the horrible haircut and sea green eyes and pretty smile keeps beating me and anytime he doesn't beat me he's angry even though i always beat the other kids and they don't care but this boy with the pretty brown hair and pretty green eyes hisses and bites and growls and pushes me off the track into a puddle and the next thing i know he's had a glorious season in a feeder series i skipped and then he's a tester and he's in the paddock smiling at me and then he's in formula 1.
and then he's in a prestigious team with rosso corsa all over living out the dream he once told me when we were kids before a karting race when he was still angry at me and then i push him off in austria and that anger is back and his eyes are still that same green but just a little darker and he scowls at me in the plane we're sharing back home and he's unfollowed me on instagram.
and then i win my first championship and he's nowhere to be found and it hurts but i find him across the yacht in my party and im so drunk i shout at him and he shouts back and he hits his head and i don't know what's happening to me.
then the next year he wins the first race with his teammate behind him and i can't even finish it. and then the next race we fight like madmen, like the predestined rivals they called us so long ago and still do today. then the next race he wins again and i can't finish again. but then i start winning and he's still there at the top but it's not him that's failing its his team and he's so perfect and i see the way he's angry after imola and monaco and i just want him to be there with me. then austria comes and we laugh and smile at each other and it doesn't matter that i lost because of my tyres because he's so happy and there's no feeling better than being beaten by him.
and then i win my second, and my third and now he's laughing and smiling and talking back. sometimes i still can't find him but other times he's right next to me on the front row and i just know if he got the chance he would make it every weekend. at some random, cold high exposure city in america he's on pole and im right behind him and i push him off in the first turn because i lost grip and i hate this track but it doesn't matter he fights back and he only loses because of a safety car. i get out of the car and apologise to him and it's so so warm and i love this track i love the feeling of him spraying champagne on my face giggling. then the final race he's fighting like he never has for his team to gain one more position in the constructors and he's so mad it doesn't work but he's still second on the podium and i look down at him and i vow i want to fight him forever.
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hirsheyskisses · 9 months
im happy you're taking reqs! love your writing ❣️
could you write hcs for Law with a s/o who knits? or likes making clothing generally, and they make him clothes with hearts, jolly rogers (*´ω`)
(plus if he wants attention he'd lay on their lap to take their attention from the fabrics to him)
tysm again!!
Knit My Heart.
A/N: OK I don't knit, I crochet, so I am VERYYY UNFAMILIAR WITH THE TERMINOLOGY so I mostly avoided it, so I hope this is mostly accurate!
(Short Scenario)
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♡ you have absolutely made their entire winter wardrobe. Jackets, puffy shirts, all of varying colors that compliement each individual member, with the inevitable Jolly Roger of the crew.
♡ law brought you on the crew part because of your skill with knit and fixing clothes, part because of a personal interest he'd gained after talking to you in your parents clothing shop for hours.
♡ to no surprise, you're his lover.
♡ he finds it fascinating how into your creations you can get, as if nothing else mattered in the world.
"You've been at it for hours.. your hands are gonna cramp."
Temporarily, the doctors voice had your attention. Kind eyes met his own as you'd reply, "'s okay! My hands feel fine, I know when to stop. I've even stayed hydrated," gesturing to the tea Penguin had insisted on bringing you every other hour. He sighed, shaking his head.
"Not the point," Law moved to sit beside you on your bed, a hand moving to your thigh, watching you work the yarn. He wasn't sure what you were making: it looked small, like a hat, and it was currently black with an oncoming white patch.
Just as quickly as he'd had your attention, you were back in your world of focus, needles dancing together with the yarn, humming softly.
For a long time, Law stayed there, watching you work your magic. He himself was currently wearing the cute little wrist warmers you'd made him when he'd grumbled about how cold his wrists were. They were white with the Jolly Roger, edges decorated with cute little hearts. He could see the hat coming to life. Law loved how each piece had his Jolly Roger, and he admired the love you put into each and every piece.
However.. Law didn't like how the pieces also stole your attention from him.
It was comical, actually. Never once jealous when you interacted with other men, never once jealous when other men hit on you, because Law knows he's the lucky man who has your heart. (He does however, step in when your safety appears to be in jeopardy.) He brushes off other women to seek you out in the crowds. Never jealous of your interactions with his crew-
- no, he's jealous of your hobby and a cake of yarn.
Law feels like an idiot but.. not much he can do about his feelings, except take matters into his own hands.
Slowly he kicks off his shoes, and positions himself comfortably on your bed before dropping his head in your lap.
"Hmm?" You glanced at him, lifting your work to see his face. Law clearly had a bit of a pout, but seeing your beautiful smile slowly turned his expression soft, lips tugging up as he raised a tattooed hand to cup your face, then let his finger trace down your jaw, your neck, before wrapping it around your body. "Nothin'. Just appreciating the view." The doctor responded, relishing your laugh as he traced his fingers up your side, "that tickles, Law!"
"I know." The former small grin widened a bit as he adjusted a bit to press his face into your stomach, and you clearly got the memo. Setting your project to the side, you reached down and snatched his hat, you plopped it on your head, the brim resting over your eyes.
"My hat now," you teased, and Law snorted, "looks better on ya anyways. ..just take care of it." He said that every time, visibly relaxing as your hand made its way to his hair and began to slowly massage his scalp,
"..if ya wanted attention.. ya could've just asked, Law."
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wonton4rang · 16 days
i freaking love your writing aaaa 🫶🫶
im kinda biased here but leehan doing sumn under the table or blanket and continuing conversation like the menace that he is 🤭
also rlly honored to have been ur first ask 😚
stoooooppp, you're so nice :(( i'm glad that you like my writing and tysm for being my first ask, it was greatly appreciated <33
and you are not biased !!! i am honestly the same so we are kinda sharing one braincell tbh, the leehan brainrot is rEAL. hope you like this!
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i feel like it would happen when you too are hanging out with the other guys, you dressed up so prettily since it was a big night for sungho, he just got that promotion that he wanted for years. it was a celebration! but leehan just couldn't wrap his mind over the fact that YOU had to dress SO cute AND hot when sungho was nothing more than a friend of YOUR boyfriend leehan. was he jealous? yes. not because he saw sungho as a menace but more because everyone was looking at you whenever you laughed or said the most basic things, being pretty obvious that they just found you as beautiful as he did. but what actually made him grin a little bit with disbelief was the way you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear and looked down while laughing, were you really flirting back? "y/n, what's up with you?" he whispered to your ear, his right arm grapped around your waist before you asked him what he meant "what's so funny about what riwoo said?" you were not stupid, not even a little bit, so you backed up to look into his eyes, suddenly all the fun left your body when you were just met by his blank stare. "he has a great sense of humour, baby, nothing personal" excuses was all leehan heard coming out your mouth so he just ignored your words, his free left hand (that was not around your waist) going up your tight instead and making you panic when he looked back to the front, joining the conversation with the boys while his fingers dangerously ghosted the front of your underwear. and he was kinda rough the moment he threw your panties aside and entered a finger without warning. "fuck, leehan" you called under your breath so the others couldn't hear you but leehan ignored you again and just moved his finger, joining another one after a few seconds; it was so embarrassing to be feeling this good while your boyfriend fingered you right in front of his friends, just under the table, the blanket being the only thing keeping the obscene action covered as the table was made of glass. "stop it" your hand went to grab his but you wished you didn't say or did anything when he finally payed attention to you again. "did you say something, baby?" he would ask you, accelerating the movement of his fingers, not being in and out but now just curling them up inside of your cunt. "guys, i think y/n wants to say something" you just couldn't believe it, he was such a bitch, such a tease, and well shit, you were up for the challenge. your pussy clenched around his fingers and your cheeks flushed when he laughed at you being so nervous, and how could you not be when all the other boys were looking at you in expectation. "c'mon, baby, tell sungho what you wanted to say" leehan better sleeps with an eye open from now on, his fingers not stopping at all when you tried to gain composure and smiled to the party boy "i'm so happy you g-got this promotion, sungho, you definitely deserv-" but your words got lost when your boyfriend got his finger's pace faster inside of you "you deserve it, congratulations" and you thanked god for letting you finish that sentence without moaning in front of all of them, certainly traumatizing woonhak if it happened. the boy sitting next to you just removed his fingers from your pussy and laughed a bit at how wet you were and the pout you made by not being able to come, he leaned in to your ear and whispered "next time you make me feel like this i'll vent you over the table and fuck you in front of them" you were kinda mad, yes, but tbh your pussy throbbed at the thought. maybe leehan wasn't the only one that was kinda crazy.
and there goes again another leehan thought again of my system, it's like a plague, they just keep coming back 😭
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katebishopsbaefy · 7 months
Whatever You Say
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pairing: kate bishop x reader (can kind of be read as platonic but there's a couple of things that imply romantic stuff)
summary: you have a nightmare and kate helps you feel better🥰😋
warnings: nightmares, like one swear word, kate is pretty dorky
word count: 1163
notes: hey everyone i said i would make this like a month ago or something but i did not have time and really i didnt have time now either because i have SO MUCH homework that is so much writing but this is more fun😊 anyway im literally in love with her no joke shes so pretty living up to my username woooooohooooooo also also also i wrote this so late at night i am so tired but i was on a writing spree and i ran it through grammarly so i think its probably mostly fine but either way ignore any spelling or grammar issues pretty please😁
Shaking and sweating, your body jolts awake with the force of your nightmare. Eyes flying open, heavy breaths, eventually gaining enough consciousness to notice the tight grip on your sheets you hadn’t realized you had. With a quick glance at your phone, the numbers glow 3:43.  You rub your eyes and sit up, hands coming away wet with tears you hadn’t realized had fallen. The darkness of your room threatened to consume you.
You’d been staying at the Avengers compound recently. Since you had some time off of school, you figured it would be nice to spend time with everyone. Your room was next to Kate’s, and you knew for a fact she would be awake playing video games. Desperately needing to get out of your room, you make your way over to the door. Really you just wanted to see her. Really you just needed to be near her.
Light showed from the bottom of her door, signaling she was still awake like you predicted. You knock quietly on her door after wiping your face one more time, and after a quick “Yeah?” from the other side, you squeeze through the door into Kate’s room. She knew it was you without having to look.
“Hey,” she says, not looking up from her computer, “why are you up so late?”
You try to reply, but all that comes out is a choke and a sniff.
Her head jerks in your direction at the sound, worry immediately lacing her features as she looks over your tear-stained face. You quickly make your way over to her sitting figure and stand between her legs. She pauses her game, gently taking your hands into hers and squeezing them to reassure you that you’re okay. One hand reaches up to wipe away your tears as she stands out of her chair. You lean your face into her hand, your body into hers. She moves her arms to wrap around your shaking shoulders and you bury your face in her neck.
“What’s wrong?” she whispers, rubbing your back. You let out another quiet sob into her shoulder and cling tighter to her hoodie, shaking your head.
It’s quiet for a couple of minutes before she speaks up again. “Nightmare?” she says even quieter than before. Your eyes squeeze shut and you nod. This time her grip on you tightens. “It’s okay, I got you.”
You pull away and wipe your eyes on your sleeve once you calm down a little. “Sorry for coming in here so late. You can go back to your game, I’m sorry,” you say quietly, making a move to leave.
“Hey, no, don’t do that,” Kate pulls you back before you can get too far. “What can I do to help?” she asks genuinely. As you gaze at her through puffy eyes, she takes your hand again. 
“Can I sleep in here tonight?” you whisper so quietly she almost doesn’t hear you. Thankfully she does, though, and smiles so softly at you that you think you might melt. You’re unable to see the light pink color that tints her cheeks because of the darkness at the suggestion. You know if it wasn’t so late she might’ve started rambling nervously, which you always thought was cute, but you appreciated the softness and sincerity radiating off of her at the moment. 
“Whatever you want. Let me shut off my stuff and then I’ll come with you,” she turns to turn off her game.
“No, you don’t have to. It’s okay. You should finish your game. I’m okay, really,” you tell her. You feel bad for interrupting her alone time, and all you really need is the company. Watching her play her game and sitting on her bed sounded perfect.
“Are you sure? I don’t have to, it’s not a big deal,” she replies.
“Yeah, it’s fine. I just need to be near someone.”
“Okay,” she smiles at you and kisses your cheek, “I’ll try not to take too long.”
She sits back down, continuing where she left off. You plop yourself onto her bed and get comfy under the covers. You move in a position so you can see her character over her shoulder. Watching the screen intently, you notice something she misses.
“Kate, there’s a thing behind you,” you point out. You don’t exactly know what it is, but you feel like you should probably point it out.
“Huh?” she questions under her breath, turning her character around. “Oh shit,” she says louder this time, quickly shooting the guy in the face. Apparently, that wins the level for her, and the screen changes. She spins her chair around to face you lying on the bed, smiling. “Thanks for the heads up.”
You smile back. “No problem. Are you done now?”
“Yeah,” she replies, shutting off her computer. She quickly makes her way over, jumping clean over you to the other side of the bed. It makes both you and her bounce on the bed, the whole thing shaking with the sudden movement.
“That was unnecessary,” you giggle, snuggling closer to her.
“Quicker than walking,” she puts her arm around your shoulder, resting your head on her collarbone. She kisses your head very gently. “Less scary, too. Monsters can’t grab your feet if there are no feet to grab,” she shrugs.
“Whatever you say.”
You yawn as Kate starts to rub your back through your shirt, knowing it helps you sleep. She watches you try to fight sleep, moving her hand under the fabric to brush her fingers over your bare skin. “Sleepy?” she asks.
“No.” You force your eyes to open again. You’re tired but don't want to have another nightmare. 
It’s silent for a minute. “Do you want to talk about it?” Kate asks quietly. She feels your grip on her shirt tighten a little and decides to rest her free hand on yours, rubbing circles on both it and your back. She knows the answer before it leaves your mouth, before you even have time to think about it. “We don’t have to. I just want to help you feel better.”
“I do feel better,” you say. And you do feel better with her, but you’re not sure if you feel up to going back to sleep.
“Are you sure?” You nod. “Okay. If you wanna sleep, I’ll be here the whole time. I can fight off any bad dreams. See these muscles?” She flexes her arm a little bit and taps the side of your head. “Don’t even worry about it, I got you. I’ll just punch ‘em in the face.”
You giggle at her antics. Usually, you’d tell her she’s cheesy or not as ripped as she thinks she is, but you’re too sleepy to mess with her.
“Whatever you say, Katie.” 
You fall asleep not even five minutes later. Kate shifts a little to flick off the light and pulls the blanket up further, fully intent on keeping her word.
You don't have another nightmare for the rest of the night.
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lias-writings · 1 year
The making of The Last of Us
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pairing: bella ramsey x fem!reader
warnings: kissing, established relationship, pet names, fluff, mention of hickeys, little jealousy
summary: just a few cute moments shared between you and your partner bella during the filming TLOU<33
a/n: hi! so sorry I couldn’t pos this sooner but here we are, I had a really hard week and i finally managed to finish this today anyway thanks to everyone who voted it was helpful, I hope you have a nice day/night and im going to sleep, love ya, enjoy!! <3
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before you two started dating:
you and bella were the only people around your age during most of the filming a spending 3 months together filming and still had like 8 more to go you just grew closer and gained sort of feelings for each other. both of you were too shy to admit something and the fear of making things awkward wasn’t really handy.
when pedro after weeks finally made bella confess to you, you couldn’t be happier, you were about to spend another months with your now partner working on a tv show you’ve grown to love- what a dream, right?
“get a room”
you were sitting on the grass, near the set, enjoying the sun. you haven’t seen much of it while working in canada so you were grateful for every sunny day.
re-reading your lines for scene you were supposed to film next and making sure you remember them correctly you heard footsteps behind you. you didn’t even had to look and you already knew who that is.
feeling two hand wrapping around your waist made it even more obvious to you.
“hi.” bella whispered in your ear gently. you could swear you heard his smile.
“hey.” you said back.
“what are doing love?” they asked while you turned your head to face them
“just reading the lines.” you answered holing eye contact with her and after few seconds of looking at each other with heart eyes and stupid smiles you felt his lips kissing your and you kissed back, almost immediately.
little kisses turned into a make out session but you two still held a little back, knowing anyone could be walking around.
after few seconds you felt bella’s hands back on your waist so instinctively put yours around their neck.
“jesus! seriously, get a room, you two are making single people cry.”
and that was all it took you and bella to open your eyes and almost jump from each other (you would if y’all weren’t sitting ofc).
“pedro, I swear to god, grow up!” you yelled with a smile creeping on your face. bella just chuckled and shook her head in amusement.
“yeah, yeah whatever, now get up we have a work to do, you can make out later.” the man said and started walking towards the set, which was few meters away.
me? jealous? never!
a/n: lily’s not an actual actress from tlou I completely made her up for the story !! she/her pronouns used for lily :)) oh!! and bcs the 2nd most voted was jealous!bella hear is a short one and longer, better, is on its way !!!
so you and bella have been dating for a few months and everything is great. a few weeks ago you started filming new episode, which means new people on the set. you got friends with a girl named lily, who’s playing a background character and it’s going good so far.
you would never claim yourself as an oblivious person, you always could tell when people tried to hit on you, but this time, you were completely blind.
lily had a crush on you even before you started filming but seeing you in person made her fall for you even more. she knew you were in relationship with bella (I mean you two made it really obvious) and she knew it was wrong from her to like you but she couldn’t help herself.
she started with just small talks with you during the breaks or between each takes, she would even became friends with bella.
after few days she asked you to hang out, you being a perfect gf obviously told bella, who didn’t really mind because lily seemed nice to them as well.
after few weeks of your friendship with lily bella finally figured out what’s all this about but he didn’t want to seem possessive so she haven’t said anything.
they even wouldn’t if you weren’t completely oblivious and didn’t keep on hanging out with lily.
you of course noticed that bella has been more affectionate when people were around and that they haven’t been as nice to lily as they used to. (not that lily was nice to bella, she sort of ignored them whenever you were around)
“don’t you see that? she’s totally into you!” bella said not really calmly after you confronted her about her behaviour.
“what are you talking about? bella, she’s my friend.” you answered confused.
“she doesn’t wants to be friends with you, the way she looks at you, touches your arms whenever you’re around, or when she’s flirting with you? in front of me? that’s not friendship.” bella says back as if it was completely obvious. (it was)
“bella i-wait, are you jealous?”
“me? jealous? never.”
and that’s when it hit you. bella might be an amazing actor but they can’t lie (at least not to you). you also realised that he was right the whole time. looking back you couldn’t believe you were so blind, maybe you wanted to believe that she’s your friend so bad, you didn’t see the rest of it.
in the upcoming time you made sure that lily gets the hint that you are not interested in her and that you would never choose anyone over bella. (i mean who would, it’s bella)
bella also made sure that lily gets the hint by covering your neck (not just the neck but mainly) in blue and purple bruises, not that it was handy while filming ( your makeup artist wasn’t happy and you better believe that) but it fulfilled its purpose.
a/n: btw!! I might do something like this in future again, i had fun writing it!!
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pamelasmuse · 7 months
The outside
Dean Winchester x fem!reader
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Summary: You recently break up with your long time boyfriend. Dean helps you forget about him.
Warnings: Graphic descriptions of smut, smut, daddy kink… i think thats it.
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“Pay up boys.” You motion to a group of bikers who had just lost their 4th round of pool. He handed you a wad of 20s and you stuffed it in your bra.
You walked back over to the boys, slapping the money on the table. “Next rounds on me.” You announced before sitting down at the table. “You seem to be doing better.” Sam commented. “Winning will do that.”
Just a few days ago your long time, long distance boyfriend had just broken up with you. He had called and told you he couldn’t do this anymore, that he was a man with needs. And you had moped around the motel for the last week. You cried most nights and cried during the day. He was someone you thought was the one, and it was hard to admit it was over.
But then the boys offered to take you out for a fun night. Dean even mentioned you could bring a guy back to forget about Rilee. And so far it was going very well. You had one hundreds of dollars from pool and darts and you felt like a million dollars.
“Well.” Sam started. “I think ill head back, im a little tired.” “Oh Sammy!” you whined. “Maybe im still sad, will you stay?” Sam laughed “No Dean will stay here you’ll be fine.” Sam left and Dean got you another round.
After a few more shots, the sadness had come back. You were swirling your beer in circles when Dean interrupted you’re thoughts. “So what is it?” He asked. “Whats what?” “What is so special about this guy? Ive seen him, he’s not that special.” “I dont know, he was just good.” Dean laughed. “No hes not, remember the nights you cried because he wasn’t there for you, hes not that good.” “Dean.” You start. “Not that kind of good.” You start to blush, trying to not make it so obvious. “No fucking way.” He slapped his hand on the table. “He fucked you that good? God damn.” He laughed so hard. He leaned in closer to you. “So what was it exactly, like what? He was that good?” “I dont know, he just made me feel good.” “But how?” He asked. “Why do you want to know so bad?” “Im good, but fuck, I’ve never got a girl to stay cause the sex was that good.” You hide your face in your hands. “He was one of my first.” You mumble. “No, you, what!” Dean yells pure shock on your face. “I just, we got together in high school.” Dean laughs. “God you need to catch some good dick.” You look around the near empty bar. “Like who? Not most guys, make me…” you trail off. “Cum? I make every girl cum.” Dean does his cocky smirk. “No” you say in disbelief. “Every one?” “Why are you so shocked? I am hot, and good.” You shake your head.
“Do you need me to prove it to you?” He asks. Something took over your body. And even though this was something you wanted to happen for a long time, but would never admit it. But somehow you gained the courage to. “Yes.” It came out so cool and confidante. “Bathroom now.” Dean ordered. And suddenly you were on your feet walking to the bathroom in the back. His hand on your back, guiding you.
As soon as you opened the door, Dean pushed you against the wall. Attacking your mouth. His hands pushed you up and your legs wrapped around his torso.
“How long have you wanted this?” He asked. “A long time.” You mumbled. Soon Dean began moving down your chest. “It was a big reason he broke up with me.” Dean stopped kissing your chest and looked up at you. “Why?” Was all he said. “He could tell, that I liked you, not to mention I may have said your name on night.” Dean shook his head smiling. “Oh baby, you’re going to be saying it a lot tonight.”. His words made your thighs clamp hard together.
Dean works on your chest kissing the tops of your boobs. Soon after he helps you remove your shirt, the your bra. “God damn your beautiful.” Your blush, never having someone say that to you before. “Mmm” is all you can muster.
Somehow Dean moves you so you’re sitting on the sink and he begins to remove his clothes. You hop off the sink to help him. You grab the hem of his shirt pulling up and off him, never breaking eye contact.
Then he starts to unbutton your pants. You slide them off and then his are next. He kisses you and pushes you to the wall. “Dean.” You whimper. “I know baby.” Dean discards your underwear and places a finger in your folds. “Oh baby” he coos. “You’re so wet already, and I havent even touched you.”his hands start to dip into your folds and you moan out. “Oh your so pretty.” He complimented you. His fingers continue to do gods work and you moan out in pleasure. “Tell me how bad you want it.” “Oh dean” you moan. “I-i please” dean dosent make you wait long before he gave your release.
Dean finally removes his pants. You stare at him, your mouth wide. He holds you tight and pushes into you. You begin to moan and he covers your mouth. “ I know baby, shhh.” He coos. this thickness is stretching you out in the most amazingly painful way.
“So how is it?” Dean asks. Your so caught up in your own pleasure that you cannot even muster any words. “Ahh” “Am I better?” You can only nod not being able to say anything.
Dean continues to slam into, turning your brain into mush. “Whats his name?” He slams into you hitting your g spot. You can feel your orgasm soon approaching. “Dean i-im close.” You moan out. “Come on baby, whats his name.” He laughs “oh you cant even remember his name, your so fucked.”
“Dean, please.” “Baby beg for it.” “Dean” “come on” “d-dea daddy please. I-i need it.” That was all dean needed and he pumped into you hard. Your walls squeezed around him and he let his load into you, hot white load coating you.
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johnslittlespoon · 1 month
thinking unholy thoughts of gale making john come untouched with only his fingers in the biker au… maybe john didn’t even know it was possible so when gale keeps going he gets confused and is like “i’m good im ready” but gale keeps going 😅
au post | ohhh man okay. yeah feeling super extremely sane and normal about this, never been better! thanks! ~2k words of nsfw filth below the cut sighhhh
okay, prefaced with a little more world building in my last post since we're really diving into this au now LOL. ofc things might change when i actually write it, but this is how i'm feeling things will go rn!
re: 'maybe john didn't even know it was possible'– like i said in the drabble before this, he's fooled around a little with curt, but nothing more than getting a bit handsy. he's had a girlfriend for around a year, so they were probably serious enough to get up to things too, but straight sex is very different from gay sex obviously.
the internet exists, and during the time john is pining(thirsting) over gale, he probably does his fair share of googling 'blond man with tattoos fucks brunet man', but really he's kinda intimidated by a lot of stuff, so he doesn't delve too deep into that world. when he and gale start seeing each other and john realizes they're gonna move past making out eventually (because gale is almost such a gentleman sometimes that john wants to bash his head in in his impatience), he probably psychs himself out a bit and gets into his own head and is like fuck.
gale's had years to gain experience and what if he's not good enough or does something stupid or or or, on and on. obviously these worries are completely unfounded because gale adores him and would never pressure him and doesn't expect them to just jump right into things; half of the reason he probably drags things out is because he wants to be absolutely certain things are on john's terms, and that john's not just being horny and impulsive.
john probably ends up trying to do some research so he can yk. pick up some tips, because he's got all the enthusiasm he needs when he thinks about getting to drop to his knees for gale, but he has no idea what he's doing and he doesn't realize everyone learns as they go because he's dumb (/fond) and overthinks everything. (whatever he ends up learning doesn't matter anyway, because all coherent thought leaves his head when they do start doing stuff together and gale is so encouraging and easygoing that he feels ridiculous for ever worrying.)
all that is to say that yeah, he's got like no firsthand experience when it comes to anything past the basics or anything he hasn't been doing by himself. everything is fresh and exciting and as much as he loves just hanging around gale, he's also always needy and horny (gets told he's "insatiable" quite a few times by gale) so they get up to a lot of shit and it's unfair how good gale is in bed and how he knows exactly which buttons to press to get john worked up.
at the time this incident happens, gale's already fingered john a few times, but it's always just as a build up/foreplay, usually followed or joined with gale's other hand or lips around john's cock. they haven't had sex yet, and it feels really nice when gale does this, but john always just kinda sees it as foreplay and it doesn't last for long.
so when gale's got john laid in his bed one sunny afternoon and they're making out and john starts getting whiny and squirmy from the stimulation of his fingers in him, and gale doesn't switch things up like he usually does, john's heart leaps because in his mind, surely gale's getting him ready for something else.
but he's frustrated because it feels like gale's purposefully avoiding hitting right where he needs him to, pants out gale's name against his lips, grasping the back of gale's shirt. starts rocking his hips down against his fingers, seeking it out, and gale rumbles out a "needy thing" before pressing a kiss to his cheek and crawling down the length of his body, settling himself between john's legs.
john props himself up on his elbows to watch, cheeks flushed and eyelids heavy, digging his fingers into the blanket instead. he lets out a little whine at the slow drag of gale's fingers, and that finally makes him cave, crooking his fingers just right, and john's lips part at the way the sudden surge of pleasure zings up his spine.
lets his elbows slide out from underneath himself, dropping back down into the pillow, satisfied he's finally getting what he's been waiting for since gale worked him open ten minutes ago. he waits for stimulation on his cock to join the fingers in him as usual, assuming that's why gale moved to lay there, but gale just keeps up the slow in and out and consistent brushes against his prostate and its embarrassing how much he's leaking all over his own stomach.
but then he has the thought that maybe gale's actually properly prepping him and his cock twitches and his breath catches and he props himself up again to find gale already watching him. he waits expectantly, too shy to ask, and gale doesn't offer him any confirmation, just pressing gentle kisses to his thighs and smiling when john's hips start to roll down against his fingers again.
john thinks that maybe gale's waiting for him to say he's ready, since he does often make him ask for what he wants, so even as his cheeks go hot, he gets out a breathy "gale, i'm– that's good, 'm ready."
but gale only chuckles quietly, nipping at his thigh to feel it twitch away, watching john in a way that makes him feel somehow even more exposed than he already is, and now he's even more confused and he feels like he's melting into the bed and gale's putting a little more pressure into each crook of his fingers and the sounds he's making are so whiny and high pitched that he wants to cover his own ears out of embarrassment.
"does it feel good, doll?" gale purrs, dragging john's eyes back to him, and he nods, twisting his hands in the blankets harder. it does feel good, enough so that heat is pooling in his stomach in a way that's both familiar and foreign, the sensation all different with no friction against his dick.
gale's working his hand a little faster and john's face burns at the realization that he's being finger–fucked like a girl and he drops back into the pillows, arms going too weak to hold himself up. his thighs are starting to tremble and gale murmurs that he's "making such a mess on yourself, baby, look at you" and john immediately reaches down to take his dick in his hand, but gale catches his wrist with his free hand, slowing his movements down, much to john's dismay.
"no hands today, john," he says gently, letting go of his wrist. "i want you to keep them at your side for me, can you do that?"
and john lets out a near hysterical noise but he obliges, grabbing fistfuls of the blanket again, head spinning at being given an instruction, biting down on the inside of his cheek when gale speeds his fingers up again with a "good job, baby."
the heat builds and builds as gale's fingers hit right where they need to each time, and it feels like he's just hanging on the edge of an orgasm for so long, unable to tip over that edge, eyes blurring over from how overwhelming the drawn out sweet–hot pleasure is. he's mindlessly rocking his hips down and panting out little "ah ah ah"s with each thrust of gale's fingers and he's so close to lifting his hand from his side when a sob of frustration slips out.
but gale presses his lips to his thigh again, sucking at the sensitive skin there, pulls back to murmur a stream of "c'mon sweet thing, come on my fingers, show me how good you feel, you can do it" and john chokes out a cry as he clenches around his fingers and comes so hard he nearly blacks out, back arching and hips stuttering up like he can get friction that way.
gale's hand chases his jerking movements, continuing to fuck him on his fingers as john paints his own stomach, cock pulsing, feeling like he's just going to keep coming and coming, mewling desperately and shaking like a leaf and seeing stars behind his closed eyelids.
he closes his thighs against gale's sides when it starts to be too much, hands shaking when reaches down to tiredly push at him, hips stuttering away from the stimulation, hiccupping as he tries to catch his breath. he can feel hot tears soaking into the hair at his temples, lips parted in surprise, shuddering when gale lets his movements slow down until his fingers go still.
john whines when he pulls them out, despite his efforts to squirm away from them moments before, and gale presses a kiss to his hip before he crawls back up his body, cupping john's face with the hand not covered in lube, and john's eyes flutter open, bleary when they focus in on the expression of awe on gale's face.
"fuck, john," gale sounds almost as breathless as him. "you're crying, baby. was that okay?" john nods shakily, tilting his chin up for a kiss, and gale leans down without missing a beat, kissing him so deep it feels like he wants to devour him. mumbles "you have no idea what you do to me" against john's lips, brushing his fingers over the tear streaks on either side of his face, peppering his red cheeks with light kisses before pulling back again.
"felt good?" he murmurs, and john chokes out a laugh at the understatement, draping his wrist over his forehead. "really good," he breathes out, flushing when he opens his mouth again, "didn't know that was, um. a thing." and gale half laughs, half groans at the admission, rolling his hips down, and john sucks in a sharp breath at the drag of his pants, cock twitching even after all that.
gale doesn't mind; he's more than happy to watch his pretty boy fall apart on his fingers, mouth, cock, as many times as john lets him.
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