#but my previous phone stopped working one day out of the blue and i lost all of the cute pics I'd taken
amu-brain-dump · 6 months
Would love to know a bit about your favourite dolls if you'd like to share!
I have a few of them actually but the 1st most favourite will have to be this girly
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She's a Barbie fashionista #85 Glam Boho, with a made to move body that I painted extra freckles on. Named her Onyx, yes that's her name at the top of my blog 😌 she used to be named Faline but that name never stuck as nicely.... It always felt like it was missing something....
She's been sitting in my desk/window sill for over 4 years all throughout my many moves. Her birthday is 19th of June. I made her glasses and a lil phone and tons of clothes, she's my most spoiled doll 😋
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This sweetheart is an Ever After High Madeleine Hatter, named Sue Ellen. I have most of versions of this doll that came out before Mattel decided they didn't like this line anymore and started lowering the quality🙄🙄🙄 basically I have around 8 of them I need to count them actually. But out of all of them she is my first and my favourite 😍 she's so cute with the chubby cheeks and the neutral expression and all the lil hats she has 🎩
I have most of my dolls stored away for space reasons but this one lady and a couple more have been on my desk for a while to peer pressure me into finishing a project for them I started more than a year ago😅 it's not really working very fast but it is working a little....
I also have the whole collection of these lil dolls called Creatable World that are canonically gender neutral but I couldn't find any pictures and they're stored right now. I need to take them out and let them see some sunlight
They all (most of them) have their lil lives and personalities and stories that I'm slowly writing down so I don't forget. They're my lil babies and I love them so much 🥰
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
✨ Forget-Me-Not || Ch.2✨
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Summary: Convinced by his two friends, Jake asks you out for a first date even though he promised himself not to fall in love with you- Or how a flower girl will try to heal a heart beyond repair.  (previous part)
Words: 2.8k
TW: Dad!Jake, light angst, a quick mention of suicide attempt but the rest is all fluff and a romantic first date
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Psss don't forget to reblog 💚
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“And you did what?”
“… I wrote my phone number on a piece of paper, placed Forget-Me-Not flowers on it, and hid it under a flowerpot.” 
Rooster starts laughing uncontrollably, slapping his thigh as one tear rolls down his scarred cheeks.
“Come on man, that’s so cheesy!” Rooster struggles to speak. He breaks down his sentence with stupid chuckles, “Aouch! Whaaat?!” He snaps at Shark when she painfully nudges him right in the ribs.
“Stop laughing dumbass, this is romantic. Far more romantic than getting your dick sucked in the backseat of your Bronco.” She rolls her pale blue eyes, trying to defend Jake the best she could. 
“Yeah, more romantic than my uncle being balls deep in you?” 
Jake buries his face in his hands, desperate. Here we go, he thought, they are fighting again.
“OH SHUT THE HELL UP BRADSHAW!! It happened once!”
“No, you shut the hell up!”
Jake spreads his fingers to look at the two idiots who are almost throwing hands in the middle of the coffee shop. Some clients glare at the three pilots, annoyed by all the noise they are making. He lets out a long exhale and slams the table with the palms of his hands to get Rooster and Shark’s attention. It seems to work.
“No, you both shut the hell up”, the chaotic idiots stop yelling at each other and come back to their senses. They focus on the blonde pilot again, like two kids who had just been yelled at by their father, “Seriously guys, I  really need your help. It’s been since my divorce that I haven’t flirted with a girl, and I feel like I should not do that.”
Rooster and Shark look at each other, concerned,  for Jake’s trembling tone reminds them of all the shit he has been through. 
“Okay Jake, I’m sorry.” Rooster finally says.
When they first met Hangman, he and Shark were pretty sure that nothing could break him. The arrogant and skilled pilot he was gave the unnerving impression he had always everything under control. Until his wife broke up and snatched his daughter from him. 
Then they saw Jake shattered into million of pieces, like a smashed glass bottle on the concrete. The night it happened, he had stopped answering his phone. After sending a myriad of messages and many failed attempts to call him, Rooster and Shark decided to look for Hangman, worried he could do something stupid. How right they were. When they found Jake, he was completely wasted. Drunk and hopeless, he was sitting on the edge of a bridge. His green eyes, usually shining with arrogance, were empty. Two glassy emeralds that had lost all their magnificence.
Fortunately, Rooster and Shark managed to get him on the safe side of the bridge but it took time to convince him. Would he have jumped? They never knew. But when they brought him to the safe side, Jake collapsed in their arms and burst into tears. He was crying his heart out.
“She took Amber away from me! She took my own fucking daughter away from me, oh my god…” 
He was saying it over and over again between heartbreaking sobs. From that awful night Jake made himself a promise: he will never fall in love again.
You had never been part of the plan, that is why the day he met you at your Aunt's flower shop shook all his soul to the core. He knew he was fucked as soon as your splendid Y/EC eyes dived into his green of his. He hesitated a lot before writing down his number on the piece of paper he left you. In fact, he had spent ten minutes looking at you through the shop’s window. Even Amber asked him why he was standing still, without uttering a single word. He finally decided to give it a try.
And here he was, asking advice from his two best friends because he has been chatting day and night with the flower girl he met a week ago. You.
“Why don’t you ask her out?” Shark breaks the silence. Jake cannot help but raise a brow at her suggestion.
“I mean, your ex is a bitch I get it. But it does not mean you should not date other women.” 
“So that my heart gets stomped again?” He growls.
“No, no, Shark’s got a point. We don’t talk about serious relationships. Just ask her out and you’ll see. Don’t overthink, just have fun. No commitment, it’s just a date.” Rooster encourages him. Somehow, he means it. As counterproductive as it sounds, Brad was pretty sure spending time with a beautiful girl would alleviate Jake’s aching heart.
“But I can’t leave Amb-“
“We’ll take care of Amber. Come on Hangman, just ask her out. You said the flower girl was cute as heck and nice with Amber. I’m pretty sure you’ll have a good time with her.” Shark smiles. A fangs-filled and slightly disturbing smile only she could do. She is soon followed by Rooster, whose seductive lips stretch in an encouraging smirk.
“I don’t know.” 
“Hey, listen. Is she hot?” Rooster asks and rests one arm on the back of Shark’s chair.
“Hm.” Jake nods and, this time, he cannot help but smirk. Admittedly, he found her even more than hot: she was breathtaking. Not only physically, but in her whole being: she was fun, caring, and had lips to die for.
“So just go for it, dude.” 
Jake stares at them for a while, lost in his own thoughts as his heart and his brain lead a gory battle within, “Alright,” He says in a quiet voice, more to himself than to anyone else, “Alright. What’s the worst that can happen?” 
It was just a date. 
Just a date.
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Your fingers gently brush the soft red fringed petals of the Carnations you just put in the bouquet you made for Jake. The choice has been frankly difficult. When you started working at your aunt’s shop, you grew fascinated by flowers and their language. That is the reason why you spent one full hour making up your mind about which flowers to bring to your first date with the handsome naval pilot you just met. The soothing fragrance of the Carnations caresses your nostrils as you tie a pink ribbon around their stems to hold them together. Their spicy scent, more than popular among perfumes creators, reminds you of cloves. 
Finishing the arrangement of blood-red blooming flowers, you let out a satisfied hum: they are the perfect choice for expressing affection. Needless to say, your apparent cool is just a mask for the excitement you are feeling. Heartbeat slightly quicker than usual, you take a last quick look at your reflection in the shop’s mirror.  To be true, you did not really know what to wear for such an unexpected date. At first, you wanted to play the card of seduction but you quickly gave up the idea. Jake was a single dad, so you did not want to wear something too skimpy. But still, you would love him to find you beautiful, so you did not want to dress like a nun either. Consequently, you opt for a pair of high-waist Denim shorts and a white crop top, the whole outfit embellished with black Doc Martens. Simple but charming.
You grab the Carnations and exit the shop before closing its door. You had barely put the key in your pocket when you heard Jake’s voice right behind you.
“Hey, Poppy.” 
Your adorable face lightens up with a cheerful expression as you turn around to face him. Butterflies flap their wings in your stomach when you are met with the pilot’s alluring smile and his perfectly aligned white teeth. Once you look at him, Jake gently shakes the two huge drinks he has just bought.
“You told me you like boba tea so… I grabbed two!” Punctuating his sentence with a wink, the tall blonde pilot hands you one of the drinks. You frown, surprised.
“This is exactly what I order when I grab a bubble tea. How did you know that?”   The question seems to slightly embarrass Jake, whose shifty eyes looked at the drink you are holding then back at your lovely face.
“Well, during one of our late-night phone calls you mentioned that you were drinking a boba tea, and you told me the flavor you took.” 
You blink several times, dazed by Jake’s observation skills. Now that he has reminded you of the discussion, you realize that you just quickly mentioned your boba and did not expand on the topic. A shy smile appears on your juicy lips at the thought of Jake paying attention to your tastes.
“I’m a pilot. I guess it makes me rather good at observing and remembering details.” He simply concludes with another wink that makes you chuckle.  Then, he offers you his arm for the little walk along the seashore you had both planned. After a second of hesitation, you finally wrap your arms around his and walk by his side right to the beach.
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The waves’ rumble sounds like a soothing melody to your ears. After a long walk, Jake brought you to the beach and now, you were sitting on the warm sand while taking the last sip of your boba, facing each other. Jake grabs the empty cup from your hand and puts it in his backpack from the perspective of throwing it later. The sensation of the salty sea breeze gently blowing on your face makes you sigh with delight. The ocean, you, and Jake's hand softly resting on yours were all you need. You raise your head and half-close your eyes, enjoying the sunrays’ warmth on your skin. As much as you loved working in the flower shop, your aunt always set the air-con too cold. Which often led you to wear a sweatshirt even during the most burning Californian summers. Maybe your body became accustomed to it, hence your skin being always cold.
 “You’re cold,” Jake states, his fingers tightening around your freezing hand.
“Yup, my hands are always cold, I don’t know why. But you know what they say, cold hands warm heart.”  You turn your head to Jake and dive your gaze into the endless green pools of his. Contrary to the other men you flirted with, the pilot does not flicker. He is staring at your irises, paying attention to their slightest detail as if he was convinced he would find a bit of stardust in the immensity of your eyes.
“Honestly Im kinda jealous. I’m always hot. Wait a minute, I’ve got an idea,” Jake pauses and carefully grabs your wrists to bring your hands under his shirt. Blood rushes to your cheeks and heats up your face when your cold palms lay on his muscular body, “It should be better now”. Words are stuck in your throat. You part your lips to speak but nothing seems to come out of your mouth,” Yup it’s better,” He says, answering for you. A glimmer of amusement shines in his emerald eyes - you are so cute when you blush. Giving up on words, you simply offer him a shy smile and nod. Yet, your thumbs start caressing his abs in circular motions, which makes him close his eyes on pure delight. His whole body relaxes. 
“You know… They are for you.” 
“The flowers?”
You nod. Jake reopens his eyes to look at the sumptuous bouquet of red Carnations that rests on the sand, next to you. He stretches one arm out to reach it.
“They are wonderful. What are they?” He asks, genuinely interested in your knowledge. 
“Red carnations, maybe one of the most common romantic flowers you can find.” You snort, amused, “Let’s say that red carnations are perfect to express esteem and affection. I fell in love with these flowers when my Aunt told me the story behind their beauty. She’s a very pious woman you know… And she would often tell me that Carnations grew from the Virgin’s tears as she watched her son carries the cross. ” 
“Flowers born from tears and symbolizing affection” He seems to think out loud, “I start to understand why you love flower language. The more you tell me about it, the more I find it beautiful.”  And the more you talk to him, the more he finds you beautiful.
A cheerful chuckle escapes from your lips, “I’m sorry for always ranting about flowers, you probably think I’m weird now.”
“You know, I’m a dad and let me tell you one thing Poppy: you can’t be weirder than a kid. Yesterday Amber started crying because she thought slugs were homeless snails and she was afraid they would be cold during the night.”
“Oh my Gosh, she’s so darn cute!” You say, even though you cannot help but laugh.
“Yeah, she’s a real treasure but sometimes I wonder where her imagination comes from.” The blonde pilot gently shakes his head.
Another small silence. He grabs his bubble tea and finishes it.
“Jake, can I ask you a question?” Your hands go up his chest to rest on his pecs. A thrill crosses his whole body as he keeps his eyes locked on yours. His only answer is a small positive hum, “Does Amber live with you on daily basis? I mean, your job is demanding and I find it adorable that you still manage to take care of her.” 
He takes a deep breath through his nose, his soft smile slightly fading.
“She used to live with her mother but the judge gave me custody less than a year ago. I managed to spare time for her now that I am a Top Gun instructor, but when I have to go to missions, Penny - a friend of mine- takes care of her. She also has a daughter, so I know Amber’s safe with her.”  You frown, noticing the sad glow in the pilot’s emerald orbs. The way he used the word “safe” worries you. Somehow, you understand that something probably painful happened between Jake, his ex-wife, and their daughter. Even though questions are now burning your tongue, you keep them to yourself. Jake seemed profoundly impacted by whatever he was hiding, and you did not want to rub salt in the wound.
“Of course she is safe.” You say with the softest voice you can, “ She is a safe and happy kid.  You would have to be blind not to see it.” The sweet lullaby of your words brings back a smile to his thin rosy lips, “If I were you I wouldn’t worry about her- she’s living the best life a little girl could live. And she has a hot dad.”  You raise a brow in a playful facial expression.
“I knew you found me hot!” The blonde pilot exclaims, sticking out his chest to take a prideful pose, “I’m probably the hottest creature you’ve ever laid your eyes on.” 
You burst into laughter, your hands gently sliding down his chest before pulling them out from under his hairy and sensual body. You laugh, and Jake’s very soul flickers, “ Wow Jake, you’re also the most humble creature I’ve ever met. I am bewildered by your modesty!” 
“You should.” He says in a softer tone, for he is growing more and more hypnotized by the endless beauty of your every trait. You stop laughing at the pilot’s sudden quietness. Did you say something you should not have? Your own smile fades, swiped away by the sea breeze.
Jake’s eyes slightly squint as he brings his face closer to you, his gaze shifting from your lips to your irises several times.
“Is there – Something on my face?” Words come out in a little voice, your eyes locked in his. Another heatwave struck your cheeks. The tip of his nose delicately pressed against yours. Next to you, the waves are encouraging you with their enchanting roars.
“Jake? Are you–” 
Your lips meet. Cold lips against warm lips. Hopeful lips against heartbroken ones.
A firework of emotions and feelings explodes in you, scattering its sparkles in your soul and body. Eyes wide open with surprise, you first remain motionless. But it takes less than two seconds for you to sink into Jake’s arms and deepen the kiss. You close your eyes and let your mind drift from reality, carried away by the warmth of his flesh and the masculine fragrance of his after-shave. 
Stop! Jake’s mind yells.
Don’t stop. Jake’s body begs.
Never let her go. Jake’s soul whispers. 
A flood of desire and tenderness floods his senses, leading him to wrap his strong arms around your body to pull you closer. He wants to feel more of you. Your body crashes against his, like furious waves on a seashore’s rocks. 
And as the rogue waves of a tsunami destroying buildings on their path, you destroyed the walls Jake had spent years building around his heart.
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Taglist: @acarboni21 @child-of-of-the-sunshine @djs8891 @teacupsandtopgun @clancycucumber230
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andydrysdalerogers · 3 months
Cross- Checked ~ Chapter Eleven
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Andy Barber x OFC Leighton "Leia" Andrews
Andy Barber is having the best year of his life. His game is on point. It’s gets to play with his best friend and his fiancé just... dumped him?!. 
Reeling from a sudden change in status, Andy decides it’s time to just focus on hockey. Until his best friend's sister comes out with news that rock the entire organizations world., 
Andy has always carried a torch for the untouchable Leighton but in her hour of need, is now the time to shoot and score or risk getting cross - checked again? 
Warnings: Cheating (but not by the MCs); slow burn; friends to lovers eventually; SMUT!; pregnancy; jealousy; handsome goalies, evil exes...
A/N: The tag list is open!
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Banners by me!
Previous: Chapter Ten ~ He Had It Coming ~ Andy
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Chapter Eleven ~ What A Wonderful World ~ Leia/Andy
Week 20 
A week after what I am calling the most embarrassing day of my life, I woke up for the first time not in tears. As I laid in my bed, I thought about how my life had changed again. I thought it was starting to change, that it was getting better. Jeremy changed that. He broke that trust that I was finally getting back from Bret. I sighed as I rubbed my ever growing belly. “It's just you and me, kid, and well Andy I guess.” But I stopped and looked at my belly. “Andy,” I whispered, and it happened again.  “Andy!” I yelled.  
A door swinging open and rushed footsteps before my door burst open to see Andy in my door way, breathing heavily. “Princess, are you ok?” 
I smiled brightly.  “I’m great!” 
Andy scowls at me, coming to sit down next to me. “Leighton, you can’t just yell my name like that...” he stops as I grab his hand and place it on the side of my belly. “Leia...” 
“Shh... Andy,” I said. And the push on my belly and into Andy’s palm made him raise his brows.  
“Is that...” 
“Hi baby, its Mama and Papa Andy.” I stroked my belly, but baby gives another kick for us.  
“That’s amazing, Leia.” Andy looks up at me and it’s the first time I realize how close together we are. His face was in his trademark smile as he tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. God, his lips are right there, looking soft and plumb. I bet his beard is soft. I feel myself getting closer to him but then my phone rings. Andy falls back a little as I reach for my phone.  
“Hello, this is Dr. Sheppard’s office confirming your appointment and ultrasound for a week from today.”  
“Oh right, yes, thank you.”  
“Don’t forget to drink plenty of water.  See you next week.” She hung up and I looked at Andy.  
“Doctor’s appointment,” I whispered. I can feel my face burning and I look down, but Andy lifts my chin. I look into his beautiful ocean blue eyes, and he kisses my cheek. 
“Right, it's on my phone. Right after practice.” He smiles ruefully. “Umm, how about I make some breakfast and then we can go shopping?” He cups my cheek. 
I smile, enjoying the warmth of his hand. “Sounds good.”  
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After breakfast, I go to pull my coat on and button but the jacket won’t close. “C’mon,” I whine as I pulled and tug to close it.  
“Princess, I think that jacket is a lost cause,” Andy says as he walks down the stairs.  
“No, this is my warmest coat. Its freezing today.” I want to stamp my foot down like a petulant five year old but manage to hold it in.  
Andy chuckles. “Here,” he hands me his own brown peacoat. I look at him and he smiles, taking the jacket and helping me into it. “We’ll get you a new one today.” 
“I look like a child wearing her big brothers clothes for dress up,” I pout.  
“You look beautiful as always, Princess.  C’mon.”  He took me by the hand and out the door we go. As he started to drive, Andy asked, “so the appointment is on Christmas Eve?” 
“Yeah, it was the only time they had. I thought it would be something to look forward to since...” I fiddled with the buttons. I didn’t want to admit that I was avoiding Christmas with my mom.  Luke was going to Miranda’s family and mom had a new boyfriend. These were the days I missed my dad the most.  
I think Andy could tell I was avoiding talking about Christmas. “I was thinking, maybe we should get a last minute tree for the house. I mean, we weren’t talking for most of the month, and we didn’t talk about decorating but since my folks are away for the holidays and Luke’s gone, maybe we make the most just the two of us.”  
My eyes began to water. “You want to spend Christmas with me?” 
“Of course I do. Leia, I would never abandon you like that. Even if you were mad at me, I would still be here just so you knew you weren’t alone.” He took my hand and squeezed it three times. Like that song I loved so much.   
“Andy,” my lips wobble hard. Even when he was mad at me, he still cared for me.  He turned to look at me. 
“Oh fuck, hang on”. He pulled over really quick as my tears spilled over. He got out and opened my door. “Leia,” he wrapped his arms around me. “What’s wrong, love?” 
“You’re being so sweet to me when I was such a bitch and choosing that asshole over you.  I don’t deserve you,” I wail as I lean into him. “I’m so sorry Andy, I didn’t mean it.”  
“Oh honey, its ok. We fixed it and we’re ok.” He kept running his finger through my hair to sooth me and rocked me a little. “You are my Princess. I forgave you the moment you walked back into our house.”  
We sat there for a moment while I calmed down. As my breathing evened out, Andy pulled back a little. “Ready to see the shops?” I nodded and Andy kissed my forehead and then walked back to the driver's side and took off again.  
“What did you want to shop for?” I asked as I fiddled with the end of my braid.  
“Well, since this is baby’s first Christmas, I thought we could start setting up your registry. At least for basic stuff.  The guys have been asking what they can get you. Jonesy and Ullmark are all for getting baby skates.” Andy chuckled. “And Smith and Fitzy were wanting Baby to have each one of our jerseys.” 
“That is a lot of jerseys.” I giggled. “But I don’t know what the baby is yet.”  
“I know Princess, but we can at least pick out the big stuff like a stroller and car seat. Some tiny Bruins shirts for them to wear.”  
I could see the gleam in his eye. “I am not painting the room black and yellow, Andrew.” 
“C’mon, just like a large Bruins logo on one wall.” He couldn’t even keep a straight face as he said it. I giggle at his stupid idea. I shook my head as he pulled into the store parking lot.  “Fine, tell me what would be the dream.” 
“The dream would be baby animals. In soft pastel colors; it would be good for either a boy or a girl. And the room would have white furniture and a rocking chair so I can sing them to sleep. And a little cloud lamp so it would glow softly in the middle of the night.” I smiled as I looked out the window. “It would be perfect, me and you taking turns to care for the little cub.” I looked back at Andy who had a look I didn’t understand. “What?” 
He shook his head and smiled. “It sounds perfect Princess.”  
We got out and got set up with a registry list and picked out the stuff I knew I needed. I even let Andy pick out the tiniest pair of skates I have ever seen to go with the Bruins onesie that read “future all-star.” 
It had been the best day I’ve had in weeks.  
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Week 21 
We were waiting for Dr. Sheppard to come in after the nurse had taken some of Leia’s blood. “I’ve been thinking about names”, Leia states as she plays with the string of her hoodie. Well, my hoodie. She had started to wear my hoodies because they are, and I quote ‘the softest on her skin and she didn’t want to be uncomfortable.’ I’ve lost five hoodies to her in three days. 
“Yeah, what are you thinking?” 
“Well, I was thinking of some gender neutral names, you know, since I don’t know what I’m having.”  
“Ok.” I looked at her curiously.  “You’re not gonna name the kid ‘Square’ or ‘Hashtag’ are you? Ouch!” I rubbed my arm as she backhanded me. “I was joking, Princess.”  
“Be nice to your baby, Andy.” She rubbed her belly, and I covered her hand. I felt a faint kick. “See, they are not happy with you.” She looked up at me adoringly and I had to stop myself. We had that moment a week ago when we felt the baby move... and did she just refer to the baby to being mine?? 
“So, I was thinking of a few name,” Leia kept talking.  I don’t even think she realized what she had said to me.  “The neutral names I have are: Avery, James. Bailey, Cameron, Frankie. Luke offered Luke Jr. I snorted at that one. For a girl I did have Nora.”  
I mull over the names for a minute. I keep matching the names to Barber. I know that this kid will be born an Andrews but fuck if I didn’t want them to take my name. “Maybe you will have to wait until the kid comes out.” 
“I hope not. I want to call our baby something other than cub. They have to have a name Andy.”  
She did it again. Our baby. I should stop her from doing that.  I go to open my mouth when Dr. Sheppard walks in.  “Morning Leia and Andy. Thanks for coming in on the holiday.”  
“It’s no problem,” Leia responded with a big smile. “We got to feel them kick this week.”  
“Good. That’s excellent news.  Well,” she types into the computer. “Everything is looking good except for the elevated blood pressure. Stressed lately?” 
Leia chews her lips, so I step in. “I’m being a pain in the ass Doc. Had a stretch of games that were brutal.  But she already put me in my place.”  
Dr. Sheppard smiles. “I get it. But I want to avoid any complications. Rest as much as you can Leia and Andy, stop being a jackass.”  
Leia giggles as I smirk.  “No promises Doc. We hockey players are temperamental.” I chuckled.  “But seriously, I understand. I’ll do better.  Anything else we should be worried about?” 
“Not necessarily worried, just taking notes. I’ll give you a guide to the do’s and don’ts to help with the blood pressure. And I’m sure you read, Leia, that your libido will increase.” What the fuck! “It's perfectly normal and safe for the baby to engage in sexual intercourse. It could also help with keeping you calm. Just watch the weight on top of you.” She turns back to the computer as I look at Leia.  She is twelve shades of pink and I know it's something she hadn’t wanted to share with me earlier. I try to keep calm at the idea of “helping” Leia. My own blood pressure was about to spike 
“Ok, so who is ready to see baby?” Dr. Sheppard smiles, not understanding what she just did to us.  
“We are,” Leia says.  
“Alrighty, shirt up, pants lowered. I warmed up the gel so it should be comfortable.” Leia gets ready and she squirts some gel on Leia’s belly.  Leia grabs my hand and looks up at me.  I can see she is nervous; she wants the baby to be healthy after the drama with Swayman.  I kiss the top of her head as we wait for the doctor to give us information.  “Ok, there is baby.” She turns the screen and I’m in awe.  
“Wow,” I whispered. The fuzzy black and white screen makes everything look like a void except in the center there is clearly a head, body, arms and legs. “Princess, there is Baby.”  
A tear springs in her eyes as Dr. Sheppard flips the sound on and baby’s heartbeat echos in the room. It's an amazing sound I wish I could bottle and listen to every night. Leia’s eyes never move from the screen. “Are we wanting to know the sex?” 
“Princess?” I look at Leia.  
“Yes, please.” She looks up at me with a smile and then back on the screen. Dr. Sheppard moves the wand as she takes measurements.  “Well baby is healthy, and she is growing right on schedule.”  
“She? It's a girl?” Leia squeaks.  
“Congratulations Mom and Dad. You are having a baby girl.” 
This sensation, this tingling that I feel in my heart is something that I never thought I would have. My little girl. I can feel the tear slide down my face and Leia reached up to thumb it away. “That’s my girl,” I whisper. Leia nods as she pulls me down to hug me.  
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It Christmas Eve night and we’re finishing an awesome meal of salmon, rice and veggies that Leia made. She wanted to add steak for me but with the elevated blood pressure, the doctor had recommended we stick to chicken and fish. I told her it was fine, I have to stay on a food meal plan for hockey and her diet fits right in with mine.  
“Princess, that was delicious.” I wipe my mouth and set the napkin down.  
“Thanks. I have some cake for dessert but I can’t eat it right now. So full.” She pats the belly with her daughter floating inside. My daughter.  
Ever since we came home from the doctor’s office, I haven’t let go of the idea of Leia’s baby being mine. She called her mine in the office and damn if that doesn’t feel good. “We can wait and I’ll make some tea for you and we can have it in between movies.” I moved to pick up the plates.  She began to object when I stopped her. “Nope, you cooked, I clean. That’s the deal. Now, go relax in the living room and I’ll be out in a few.”  
After washing up, I went and found Leia on the couch with a blanket over her legs. She was reading something on her phone, eyes swimming with tears. “Princess?” 
She looked up and wiped at her eyes.  “Sorry.”  
“What is it?” I sat next to her.  
“It’s nothing.” She could see that I wouldn’t take that answer. “Media post about Jeremy and how he is playing the field. There was a comment that he knocked me up and left me and I just...” 
“Hey, don’t let it get to you. The people that matter know the truth and that’s that.” I took her hand. “Don’t pay attention to that. Just concentrate on the baby.”  
She looks at me and smiles. “Thanks Andy.”  
“Movie?” I hold up the remote so I can get it started.  We watch all of her favorites, The Holiday, Love Actually. I’m about to put on Miracle on 34th Street when I hear firecrackers. I look at my watch and its midnight. "Merrcy Christmas Princess.”  
“Merry Christmas Andy.” Leia smiles. “I got you something.”  
“I got your something too.” I bend over grab the present from under the tree. “Here,” I hand her my gift and I keep the one from her.  
“You first,” she said.  I carefully unwrapped the gift. “Holy shit... this is a signed Gretzy sweater.”  I look up at Leia. “Princess... how?” 
“The last home game against Edmonton, I had to take some shots of the celebretes that were there and I just couldn’t pass up the chance.”  
“This is awesome Princess.  Thank you.” I gave her a hug and sat next to her. “Open it,” I urged her.  
She opens it and its a jewely box.  When she pinches it open she gasps.  It a necklace with a tiny crown on it.  Each point had a diamond on it. “Andy...” 
“Let me put it on.”  I took it from the box and went to put it on her. “I picked it because you’re my princess and you should always have your crown.” I fixed her hair, and she turned back to me. She is so beautiful. I finally get it when they say that a pregnant woman glows because Leia is glowing for me now. She’s always been beautiful but in this moment she is perfect. I can’t let another moment go by without telling her. 
But what happened next was not what I thought would happen. 
I stared into her beautiful eyes, closed the distance between us and kissed her. 
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Picture Perfect
Pairing: Motocross!Hal Carter x Female Reader Summary: Your mind drifts as you wait for Hal to show up. Word Count: Almost 1.1k Warnings: Dirty thoughts, light sexual fantasies, reader being a tad shy doesn't stop the mind from wandering, motocross!Hal Carter (he's a warning, okay?) A/N: Seventh day of my Naughty & Nice Nonsense belongs to Cowboy and Belle! "Dirty Thoughts" by Chloe Adams inspired this. I can't wait to share more of this couple. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Banner and moodboard by yours truly. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Growing up, your mother pushed you to be front and center. She was the reason you auditioned for choir and musicals, even when you told her how nervous performing in front of others made you. You lost count of how many times you almost fainted from nerves. You had talent, but the stage wasn’t for you.
You preferred the quiety beauty of the world around you, which is how you found yourself with a camera in hand. The photos you took were your way of expressing yourself. Your mom has a hard time accepting that you’d rather be in the background instead of the spotlight.
“Still too shy for your own good. After all these years,” your mom told you one day. “Maybe if you put yourself out there, you wouldn’t be single.”
“Or maybe I just haven’t met the right guy,” you argued.
Being a photographer exposed you to a variety of good looking men. Because you took your job seriously, you made it a rule a long time ago to never fall for any clients. Not that a couple didn’t try to flirt. The very few times it happened, you politely diverted their attention back to the task at hand. You wondered if they seemed interested because you didn’t throw yourselves at them.
You thought of some of the girls at the tracks and how open and outgoing they were. You admired that, but that wasn’t who you were. There was nothing wrong with you being a little more reserved.
The right one will see me and appreciate me just as I am.
Maybe someone like Hal Carter.
You may have done a bit of research on him after the race. The videos of his tricks online made you gasp more than once. The man made a name for himself through hard work and grit, but had a good time. It was admirable. The southern charm on top of that, it was easy to see why people called him Cowboy.
While you didn’t belong in the spotlight, he was made for it.
You slightly adjusted the chairs by the viewing table, trying to keep your hands busy. Hal was coming in to view the photos and you had already done two walkthroughs to make sure the studio looked pristine. It surprised you when he made the appointment, half expecting him to want the photos emailed to him.
“Then I wouldn’t get a chance to see your beautiful face, Belle.”
You had no reason to be nervous, but you couldn’t sit still as you made sure the pictures were ready.
One of the best pictures you took was after Hal removed his helmet and waved to the crowd. A wide grin on his handsome face,the messy hair added to his allure. You had no doubt he had the attention of everyone there. Your favorite shot of him was actually the one you took right after. His smile wasn’t as large as the previous, but it somehow looked more genuine.
You didn’t realize until after you developed the photo that he looked right at you as you snapped the frame.
You found yourself staring into his blue eyes before you reminded yourself that it was just a picture.
The seductive gazes aimed your way were never truly for you to begin with. They belonged to your camera. You were simply the vessel who captured the looks for everyone else to see.
Considering Hal likely didn’t even see you until after the race, the look didn’t mean anything.
“Maybe in my dreams,” you muttered before you double checked the time and smiled a little.
Since I can’t hold still, I can blow off some steam.
You still got nervous when you sang in front of a large group of people, but you enjoyed doing it on your own. Maybe you’d even sing to the guy you fell in love with. Pulling up your playlist, you pressed “random” and turned up the volume.
“I get dirty thoughts about you…”
You had to smile, unable to sing the first few lyrics as your cheeks got hot. That would be the song that popped up with Hal stopping by.
“When I’m lonely. All the corners of my mind start racing. Things that should be kept in the basement. Spend my time trying to erase them.”
You’d be lying to yourself if you said you hadn’t thought about his body. The man went straight over to you without his shirt on just to introduce himself. It was only natural that the image of him would pop up later to distract you.
“But when you hold me in the fantasy it’s so convincing.”
At some point, you closed your eyes and began to sway to the beat. Hal was virtually a stranger, but you had a feeling he was an amazing dancer. He’d hold you close and let you feel exactly what you do to him.
“I shouldn’t think the things I’m thinking, but now I’ve gone and let them sink in.”
You couldn’t stop thinking about what it would be like to kiss him. Would he flash a smile or lick his lips before he closed the gap between the two of you? Maybe he’d slowly coax your tongue into his mouth to massage it with his own. What would it be like to break your own rule and take a chance on a client?
“The more that I push ‘em away the more that you’re stuck in my brain. The more I mentally undress. I confess.”
You wondered how rough Hal’s hands would feel against your skin. Would he be gentle and take his time with you? Or would he pin you down with his strength, careful not to hurt you even if he went feral? Being shy didn’t mean you didn’t want or crave.
You were just quieter about it.
“I get dirty thoughts about you. They get worse when I’m without you. Does that mean that I’m going to hell? Or are you thinking them as well?”
Are you thinking of me, Hal?
You didn’t realize how fast your heart was racing until you checked the time again. You immediately stopped dancing and singing so you could shut the music off. Hal would be there any minute and getting yourself worked up would do you no good, as well as looking unprofessional if he caught you.
You’d tuck those thoughts away for another day.
And if Hal happened to get a glimpse at your performance through the door, it would be his secret for the time being.
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I wonder how long Hal will keep that to himself. Hehe. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Hal Carter Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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breathlessaura · 3 months
Pieces • Matthew Sturniolo (part one)
In which a broken girl is pieced back together by somebody she never thought would enter her life.
Chapter One
Jesi dragged her fingers through the tangled locks that had been previously bundled up atop her head, trying her best to eliminate as many tangles she could before tying it back up in her previous hairstyle.
The woman in the driver's seat glanced briefly towards the distraught girl beside her. Her wrinkled hands remained tightly on the steering wheel, knuckles turning white from the grip she held. But her thoughts remained on the topic of what had just happened, more importantly, the news they had just received.
"We can stop off at Burger King or McDonald's if you want some food, hunny." The older woman mumbled, her gaze never straying from the road as she drove.
"Thanks mum, but I'd rather just go home."
Jesi shot her mother a tight lipped smile as she repositioned herself into a comfortable poise on the cold leather seat.
"Are you sure? I don't have to be back at work for another couple hours and I don't want to just drop you off and leave you alone to overthink for the rest of the night, Jess."
The car turned the sharp corner into a gas station, pulling into stationary as Lorna parked. Considering it was almost One in the morning, Lorna's car wasn't the only vehicle parked up, which was quite surprising for the small town.
"I know you worry about me, but I'd rather just process everything alone."
"Alright." The older woman breathed out heavily, unbuckling her seatbelt. She turned to her right, sympathy wracking her aged face. "If that's what you want then I'll drop you back at your apartment."
Opening the car door in one swift motion, she turned back around to face her daughter one last time.
"I won't be long, I have to fill up the tank and see if the store has any band aids."
Jesi nodded, reciprocating the wary smile her mother subconsciously wore.
"Okay mum."
Her head fell back to rest against the headrest, exhaustion from the past couple of days finally catching up to the girl. She had spent the last twelve hours at the hospital after passing out in the middle of a lecture. It turns out, living on energy drinks and granola bars for two days as you stay up to cram as much studying as you can in, before quite possibly the most stressful midterms of your life, is not very healthy. And, considering her major was biology and her hopes were to attend medical school to become a doctor — Lorna thought her daughter would have known better.
The sound of cars zooming down the highway lulled the girl into a trance, her eyes felt heavy the longer she laid back and relaxed, though she fought to stay awake, to savor the quiet.
A brisk knock on the passenger window pulled her out of the trance she had found herself in, snapping her head up to look to the right, Jesi was met with a boy around her age. His piercing blue eyes were kind, hidden almost by the dark hair that cascaded past his forehead and rested just above his brow bone.
Her hand moved to the button on the car door, rolling the window down just enough that the pair could converse without her putting herself in a vulnerable position with a stranger, even if he seemed kind.
"I hate to ask this, especially since it seems like you're just passing through, but do you have an iPhone charger?"
With furrowed brows, Jesi nodded her head slowly.
"I do actually, but it's the only one I have."
"Please? I know it's a huge ask but my brothers and I are lost — we've never been to this city before and they somehow convinced me that we could find our way back home without a gps. All of our phones died hours ago so we've been stuck here arguing."
The brunette frowned in contemplation. The guy seemed harmless, and she's not heartless enough to leave people stranded without a way home.
"Alright, give me a minute."
A wide smile tugged at the boy's lips, his white teeth on full display.
Jesi outstretched her arm and reached behind her into the backseat to grab her bag. When her fingers met the thick fabric, she pulled it onto her lap and rummaged through the clutter of pens, allergy pills and paper for her charger.
"Here, I hope you find your way back home."
She rolled the window down more, enough for the charger to fit.
"Thank you so much, you have no idea how fucking grateful I am."
"Your welcome, I'd want somebody to help me if I was in your situation." She responded, mirroring the wide smile the stranger wore.
"I'll give you my Instagram, so that I can return this to you if I'm ever back here, that's if you want it of course."
"Yeah, sure."
The girl pulled out a pen and looked over at the window, taking note of the boy's Instagram — not thinking of picking up the device that lay next o her on the seat.
"Thank you again, my name is Nick — it was nice to meet you."
"Jesi, likewise."
The conversation was over just as quick as it had started, the boy scrambled back to the vehicle on the other side of the gas station, just as Lorna returned to the car after paying for the gas.
"Who was that?" She quizzed.
"A damoiseau in distress."
For the first time that day, both women broke out in a fit of laughter, relishing the fleeting feeling of happiness.
Though, it wouldn't last.
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gyoobies · 2 years
Done Waiting
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Pairing: Doyoung x Fem Reader (mentions of Jungwoo)
Genre: Smut, established poly relationship
Warnings:  Minors DNI, squirting, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap folks!) slight Dom behavior
Summary: Tired of waiting on Doyoung to make a move, you take matters into you own hands and play right into his.
Let’s play a game...is it proofed? 🤷‍♂️ have fun figuring it out!✌
Takes place after “The Way The Universe Works”
You wanted him, and as painfully obvious as it was to you, it was definitely not registering with your boyfriend. For fucks sake how could sifting flour be so damn sexy?!  You watched intensely as his fingers expertly kneaded the dough, imagining his fingers were gripping your ass just as firmly. You listened as he grunted with effort as he finished kneading the dough, ending with a sigh that sent a shiver down your spine and straight to your pussy. He had to know what he was doing to you, sleeves rolled up, forearms and hands covered in flour, on full display for you to drool over. You definitely weren't lacking a sex life, your other boyfriend made sure of that, but even he was baffled that Doyoung hadn't fucked you once since your relationship started. Completely lost in your thoughts, you missed when Doyoung asked you a question.
 "Baby? Did you hear me?"
"I asked if you're ok?" Doyoung said as he approached you.  
You couldn't function with him coming toward you, looking like he'd walked out of a wet dream, specifically your wet dream. The look in his eyes as he finally stood in front of you made your heart race. 
"What's my baby staring at so intensely?" He said as he cupped your face and ran his thumb over your cheek, letting out a hum as he did so. 
"So pretty" He whispered just before leaning in to kiss you. 
You wanted him before, but now you needed him, desperately. Doyoung began to slowly pull away, but you quickly pulled him back causing him to smile against your lips. After kissing him for just a bit longer you felt him begin to pull away again. You wanted to pull him back in, but you also didn't want to seem desperate, even though you were. Too proud to beg, so you sat there horny and disappointed as he walked back over to the counter.  You watched as he separated the dough into pans and covered them to let them rise 
"Well, we've got some time to kill while we wait." Holding his hand out for you to take, the two of you left the kitchen and headed to his bedroom. Taking a seat at the foot of his bed he began to scroll on his phone, and you couldn't help but to grow even more frustrated than you already were. If he wasn't going to make a move you would. You stood in front of Doyoung and gently ran your fingers through his hair with one hand and tossed his phone to the side with the other.  He smirked at you as he leaned back onto his forearms. 
"Hmmm, finally want me bad enough to stop waiting for me to make a move? You were very patient, I'm impressed, although I'm sure if it wasn't for Jungwoo you'd have broken a long time ago." He said  as he gazed up at you with a smirk.
"Wow, you're evil."
"No, I just wanted you to want me." He said as he watched you pull your dress over your head revealing a blue lace panty & bra set.
"Blue, my favorite color. It must be my lucky day."
"It's always blue when we're together, from the first time you told me what your favorite color was." You confessed.
His dick twitched, now knowing you had been wearing blue underwear just for him every time you were together in hopes he'd get to see it. He sat up from his previous position to pull you down to straddle him.
"So pretty." He hummed against your neck as he moved up toward your jaw leaving love bites in his wake. You ran your fingers through his dark locs, gasping when he nipped you a little harder than before. 
"What do you mean by you wanted me to want you?" You questioned, thinking back to his earlier statement. 
"Maybe a better description would be crave. I wanted you to crave me.  If you'd had us both already, do you think you'd be this desperate for me?"
Taking pause, Doyoung reached up to grab your chin forcing you to look into his eyes.
"You think so?"
"I know so, I've 'craved' you from the first time we met. I've given myself to you a million times, in a million ways since the first time we kissed."
He didn't know what he was expecting you to say, but he definitely wasn't expecting you to confess to basically fantasizing about him so often. He was flattered to say the least.
"You're blushing!" You giggled. "It's almost like you don't know how sexy you are." You said as you pushed at his shoulders, a request for him to lay back. "Did you forget that I flirted with you first?"
You felt Doyoung's hands creep up your thighs and take purchase on your ass, squeezing gently just like the dough you'd lustfully watched him knead earlier. "Was that what it was? Sure you weren't just trying to get rid of the creep that was hitting on you?" He smiled up at you brightly as he began to use his hands to  urge you to grind against him. 
"Well seeing as how you're the one that followed me that day, I didn't do a great job." You yelped at the sudden sting you felt on your ass when Doyoung slapped it.
"Such a sassy mouth, no wonder Jungwoo likes to stuff it." He said as he flipped you onto your back. Your eyes widened at the sudden change in power and the statement. 
You watched as Doyoung slowly unbuttoned his shirt. 
"What's wrong sweetie? Didn't think I knew about the things you do with Jungwoo?" He smirked.
"I didn't know you two talked about our bedroom activities, that's all."
"Bedroom? Now beautiful you and I both know the two of you rarely use a bedroom."
You  felt both embarrassed and aroused at his mocking statement, couple that with the sight of him slowly removing his belt and you couldn't hold the pathetic whimper that fell from your lips.
"Oh! Is my baby embarrassed? Or is she excited?" he said while running a hand up your inner thigh until his fingers made contact with the wet lace of your panties.
"Mmmm, I'll go with excited."
Doyoung stood from the bed to admire the full view of you as he completely undressed. He was everything you'd imagined and more. Broad shoulders, toned abs, a tiny waist, and a rock hard dick, you were almost drooling. Slowly stroking himself, he watched you practically devour him with your eyes. He couldn't resist a bit of taunting seeing how needy you were. 
" like what you see?"
"Love what I see actually. I had a feeling every inch of your body would be just as pretty as your face. Thank you for confirming."
"Thank me when I'm done." He said as he climbed back on the bed. He played with the waistband of your panties, so you lifted your hips to make it easier for him to remove them but Doyoung pinned your hips down and simply moved the delicate lace that barely covered your pussy to the side and gently began to rub your clit.
"Blue is my favorite." Is all he said as he leaned down to kiss you.
 One finger, then two, he slowly and expertly pumped them in and out of you while his thumb worked magic on your clit. You had always thought he'd be good with his hands and you were more than pleased to know you were correct. With every curl of his fingers you were pushed closer and closer to orgasm. You knew you were helplessly close, but had no idea how quickly you could reach climax until Doyoung trailed his lips from your neck to your breast. His soft lips wrapped around your nipple sucking it into his mouth as he curled his fingers one last time, hitting just the right spot and sending you spiraling, moaning his name and gripping his forearm so tightly there was sure to be a bruise.
"Good girl, you came all over my fingers, Just like you've been imagining all day."
You groaned at his statement. Had you been that obvious or was he just that observant?  Either way,  you felt a bit embarrassed and you weren't exactly sure why. You were never really shy when it came to your sexual desires, but there was just something about Doyoung, more specifically his bedroom aura that made you feel a little shy. You didn't have much time to dwell on these thoughts because Doyoung was not finished with you yet.
"So shy all of a sudden, no witty comebacks? No sass? Not going to tell me what to do like you tell Jungwoo?"
Now he was pushing it. He definitely could make you submit more than anyone ever had, but you were still you, and just because he knew all your dirty thoughts and deeds didn't give him a pass from your smart ass mouth.
"Aren't you tired of talking yet? I want you to fuck me Doey, but since you like to talk so much maybe phone sex would be better." 
He watched silently as you got up from the bed and headed toward the door. Just as you turned the knob, you were pushed up against it.  
"did you forget I have roommates or are you trying to show them what belongs to us?" He growled in your ear as he quickly removed your panties and turned you to face him. "You wanna be fucked so bad, as if Jungwoo isn't putting a hole in your mattress every other night. So fucking greedy." He whispered into your ear as he hooked his forearm under your leg to gain more access as he used the other hand to line himself up with your entrance.
"My mattress is fine, we rarely use a bedroom, remember?" You said mockingly. Doyoung simply smiled against your neck before slamming his dick inside you, effectively shutting you up. The first thrust was to shut you up, the bite that followed was to remind you who you belong to, but the sweet caress of your cheek was to let you know how much he cared for you. 
Chest to chest, cheek to cheek and yet you needed to feel more of him. Dropping your head, you trailed kisses from his shoulder to his neck before leaving your mark on him.
"Now we match, and everyone will know you're mine too." 
Doyoung moaned softly at your words before dropping your leg, and pulling out of you. Not given a moment to question why, you were already being guided to lay on his bed. 
Now it was your turn to stare. Your hungry gaze devoured every inch of him within your view as you watched him position himself above you. Doyoung kissed your nose as he opened your legs wide and pushed himself deep inside you. You gasped his name and he kissed you so gently that you were sure your body was melting. 
Deep, yet light and airy, Doyoung's moans were music to your ears. Once again he hooked his forearms under your knees and leaned into you, pushing your knees up to your chest. This new angle had you in a daze. Every slow deep thrust sent a jolt of pleasure through your entire body making your toes curl.
Doyoung's light breathy moans were now 
mixed with grunts, signaling how close he was getting. Pressing his forehead to yours, he looked you in the eyes and with that beautiful angelic smile said the words that would linger in your ears for days because of how it dripped with confidence.
 "I'm going to make you cum now." 
Doyoung lifted himself to his knees, firm hands on the back of your thighs as he pressed your knees further to your chest. He snapped his hips faster, and harder. You were sure there would either be a hole in the wall or a crack in his headboard by the time he was done with you. As badly as you wanted to hold eye contact with Doyoung as he continued to fuck you mercilessly, you just couldn't. You could feel your orgasm approaching threatening to break you at any moment, all it took was a quick peek at the man above you, head slightly tilted back giving you the perfect view of his beautiful neck, hair sticking to his forehead, bottom lip tucked between his teeth. He was just so damn sexy and you moaned at the sight causing him to bring his head forward to smile down at you. That smile is what did it, the smile you'd fallen for almost immediately the day you'd met him, was now the only thing you could visualize with your eyes closed as you came. Legs shaking, nails digging into his forearms, this was one of the most intense orgasms of your life and it felt like it lasted forever. Doyoung fucked you through it the entire time. Finally succumbing to his own climax, he pulled from your soaked pussy, painting your thighs with his release.
 You both laid there exhausted,  Doyoung's head resting on your breast as you played with his hair. He had begun to doze off until he heard you giggle.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Because I can't believe you made me squirt, I didn’t think I could, and I still can't believe Jungwoo tells you about our sex life"
"Are you embarrassed? We didn't think you'd mind since we're all in this relationship, but if..." You placed your hand over Doyoung's mouth to quiet him. "I don't mind, I actually find it kind of sexy."
"Good because I can't wait to tell him how you soaked the sheets." 
All you could do was groan and mentally prepare yourself to be fucked relentlessly by Jungwoo, no doubt he’d want to try to get you to squirt for him too.
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Chapter 7 Part 1: Videre sine videri (Seeing without being seen)
First half. Things will get worse from here :D tagging @captainpriceslover because she asked!
Previous / Masterlist / Next
There was only darkness outside.
The lights of the base had dimmed long ago, and now, the only thing they were able to make out was a tiny sliver of the forest beneath. It was still early enough in the year that the nights were early and long, but late enough that the temperature was not as cold, and the humidity was difficult to tolerate.
Riot was looking outside the window, going over the argument with Laswell in her head over and over again.
I may have to ask you to do something for me.
Don’t fucking dare, Laswell. You promised. You swore it.
It might be out of my hands.
I won’t kill anyone else for you.
You may not have a choice.
Her right knee had been jumping since the helicopter had left the base. She hadn’t even noticed, but Ghost had been observing her since then, in silence, respecting that she was lost in her mind mulling over something. It was something he had done countless times.
At some point in the last hour she had taken off her sunglasses again, propping them up on her black cap, and the haunted look in her blue eyes was making something revolt in him. He also knew that look. He had seen it countless times in the mirror, until he stopped looking.
‘‘What did she ask you to do?’’
Riot’s eyes closed when he spoke, his deep, rumbling voice echoing in her headphones. Her knee slowed down for a bit, her knee brushing against his thigh.
‘‘I didn’t let her tell me’’
‘‘That won’t stop her’’
‘‘I know’’
Ghost nodded, and then, when he was going to allow her to return to her thoughts, her eyes looking out the window again, decided against it.
‘‘How long have you known the pilot?’’
‘‘I’ve known Rojas for years. Laswell uses him as a pilot for covert ops when she doesn’t want to leave a trail. Like this one, I guess… He also transported me to Taipei when Laswell was hiding me after Transnistria’’
‘‘I wasn’t in a human state, so to speak. I didn’t feel human’’
He also knew that feeling very well.
‘‘Do you trust him?’’
‘‘I trust only a handful of people in this world and in this aircraft there is only one of them’’
Ghost fell silent at that statement. He didn’t know how to answer to that, but she seemed to know – she always knew.
‘‘I rely on him lo justo y necesario, as we say in Spain. The bare minimum. He’s a good guy, though. Too loud and rambunctious. I prefer the silent type’’
Her eyes met his, the mirth clearly portrayed in her clear blue irises, and Ghost felt stupid, and weak, and good.
The pilot’s voice echoed suddenly in their headphones.
‘‘ETA 10 minutes, get ready. You want your music, Vega?’’
‘‘Another day, Rojas’’ Riot sighed, and at Ghost’s inquisitive eyes she felt compelled to explain. ‘‘Once he had music on while deploying us and I asked for an ACDC song. Once. Never lived it down since then’’
‘‘Which one?’’
‘‘Thunderstruck’’ She let out a soft laugh. ‘‘It’s my mobile phone’s ringtone’’
‘‘Suits you’’
‘‘What can I say? Rock and metal is my jam’’
Ghost chuckled for himself while both of them stood up, the helicopter hovering lower and lower. She looked different. Her eyes looked alive, her hand firm while gripping the hook of the belt that still kept them secured inside the chopper. Maybe she had missed the adrenalin, the uncertainty, the bitter taste in the mouth when you’re about to jump into the unknown. She could be even smiling under the balaclava.
‘‘Ready?’’ He asked, his hand on the handle of the door, looking at her waiting for confirmation when the helicopter stilled above the ground, rotors girating furiously and sending waves of wind through the grass around it.
‘‘Ready’’ She nodded, her blonde ponytail waving wildly under her cap when he flung open the door and unhooked both their belts.
‘‘You look ready’’
Riot looked at him briefly, eyes wide, and when Ghost jumped out of the chopper she followed swiftly, landing beside him and both rolling to get away from the helicopter as it started to soar into the air again.
‘‘Quoting the film, are we now?’’ She stood up, dusting her black cargo trousers, then started to check every piece of gear was correctly adjusted.
‘‘Distracted you enough to make you almost land on your butt’’ Ghost chuckled, adjusting one of the straps in his vest and then checking the magazine of his assault rifle. She was doing the same, still laughing, and then both checked their extra magazines stored in the various pouches in their gear.
‘‘Check our position and where we have to go while I let Price know your pilot brought us here alive’’
‘‘He’s not my pilot’’ Riot chortled briefly, adjusting a belt over her left shoulder that stored several throwing knives. ‘‘But he could be yours if you wanted. You’re more his type anyway’’
Ghost froze, his hand on his comm, looking at her while she started checking nonchalantly their rugged tablet. He could hear a faint humming sound coming from beneath her half balaclava while her fingers started to touch the screen.
‘‘Ghost to Base, how copy’’ He waited for an answer and turned to face her. Riot was right behind him, looking up at his mask, concretely the skull plate on the balaclava. ‘‘You didn’t look surprised by it before’’
‘‘I wasn’t. Soap told me about it, and I heard stories, of course’’ She shrugged and raised a hand, but stopped before touching it. ‘‘May I?’’
Ghost wordlessly leaned down slightly before he even knew what he was doing, and when he did, it was too late. Riot’s eyes narrowed in what he had learned to interpret as a smile, and raised her bare hand to touch the skull plate softly, the pads of her fingers tracing each of the ridges and creases until finally coming to rest right under the seemingly hollow void under which was his nose.
She had even removed her glove, as if she thought anything less than bare skin would be disrespectful when he was willingly giving permission. He couldn’t help but notice that her nails looked almost fully grown, albeit brittle.
‘‘Johnny told me about the skull so I wouldn’t be shocked’’ Riot said softly, not even clear if she was talking to him or herself. ‘‘As if I could be afraid of you’’
His mind went blank in that moment, unable to think of something to say. Her eyes were still on the skull plate and his were on her, the grease obscuring his gaze even more than normal. When her eyes turned to his the comm came alive and Price’s voice filled their ear pieces.
‘‘Base to Ghost, copy. Sitrep’’
‘‘We’re on the ground’’ Ghost informed gruffly.
‘‘Got the route ready. Five hours avoiding roads.’’ Riot whispered, showing him the screen, and he nodded, waiting for Price to answer.
‘‘Good. Make contact again when you have visual. Be safe out there. Base out’’
Ghost rolled his shoulders and moved his head from one side to another with an audible creak while Riot was changing her cap for a helmet with attached night goggles like his.
‘‘Five hours, you say?’’ He approached her and put a hand on her helmet, examining the fitting.
‘‘Avoiding the roads and going through the forest, yes’’ She nodded, allowing him to turn her head to one side and then another to check everything was adjusted correctly. Ghost nodded as well, and then forced her head back so she was looking up to him.
‘‘We have no daylight left and we’ll have to walk during most of the evening and night to get there. We’ll make a stop to take a longer break after midnight’’ He released her helmet and checked again his gun holster on his right thigh. ‘‘We’ll make more stops if needed to not tire ourselves out. Just tell me when you need a break’’
They trekked through the forests in silence, avoiding the lights of the roads and the occassional country house, guiding themselves with the path devised with the rugged tablet. The sound of crickets and the occasional hoot of a distant owl were the only sounds that accompanied them, not even the slight breeze grazing the woods was enough to rustle the branches.
Sergeant Christine Vega felt dread.
There had been times in the latest months, since… then, that she had wondered if she’d be able to return to normal duty. If she would feel as comfortable in the field as she had been before. If tracking, exploring, scouting, finding and eliminating targets would feel as satisfactory and thrilling as before. If she still was Riot.
Even with the trusty weight of a M4 in her hands, the P890 in her holster, the knives in her combat boots, the throwing knives in her belt, the grenades, the extra magazines… She felt she only looked like Riot.
Before, she would have been bantering with her squad members if in group, sharing muffled jokes and sardonic remarks, keeping her soldiers in check and at the same time soothing their nerves. Riot, who bulldozed anything and everything in her path to get shit done. Too stubborn to just lie down and die. Relentless.
Before, she would have moved in the shadows like a wolf if sent alone, her eyes cold, her breathing controlled, her mind on the objective. Silent for days after gone dark, lying in wait, prepared to strike.
Now, she followed behind Ghost, in silence, trying to keep her intrusive thoughts in check. What if I can’t do this anymore. What if I freeze. What if I get someone killed because I am useless now.
No one will want you, whore. His words were still in her head, the spectre that strangled her mind and tore at her soul every day, every night, every hour. Who would want a marked bitch like you.
She knew damned well the mission was a test, and it didn’t offend her in the slightest.
She would have done the same.
‘‘We’ll stop here’’ Ghost’s rumbling voice snapped her out of her reverie, and she stopped walking in time to not crash against his back. If he noticed, he didn’t show it.
 They made camp in the nook of a rock formation, sheltered from view among the trees and with a good view of the surroundings. A fire wasn’t even discussed. They just sat down, back to back against a trunk, keeping watch on opposite sides, their assault rifles ready on their laps.
Riot looked up, trying to make out the outline of the stars over the crown of the trees, listening to the crickets around them. It was almost peaceful.
‘‘Soap’s knee brace is on his left knee’’
Ghost’s comment was so… unexpected that Riot turned to look at him. He was staring at the opposite side, his eyes scanning the surroundings, still like a inmutable titan.
‘‘I… know?’’
‘‘He said you have yours on the right leg because you both were idiots’’
She had to laugh at that, and her eyes fell to her right knee, snug by a tight black brace over the black cargo trousers. Ghost’s voice was so deadpan and emotionless that it was so funny.
‘‘It’s true. We fucked them up at the same time. Not our finest moment but we were sort of out of options. Didn’t Johnny tell you what happened?’’
‘‘I didn’t ask him’’
Are you asking me?
‘‘I’ll tell you someday’’ She chuckled lightly, resting her helmet against the trunk of the tree, looking up again. ‘‘Over coffee. Or that piss water you like to drink’’
‘‘Just say when and where’’ There it was, the low, thundering rumble of his deep voice coming from the depths of his chest. She wondered…
No, shut it.
You don’t deserve it.
‘‘When we get back to the main base?’’
What are you doing?
‘‘Deal’’ Ghost’s voice didn’t change one bit. ‘‘Need a better place anyway, this one sucks’’
‘‘I’ll leave a one-star review after we’re gone’’ She laughed. She couldn’t help it. There was something so irresistibly funny in the way he deadpanned his comments that it made her feel stupid, but she couldn’t help it.
Next to her, Ghost felt stupid, and weak, and good. He wanted to turn to look at her, but stayed put, his eyes fixed on the area he was watching. The tiny voice in the back of his head, in the depths of the void in his chest, in the hollowness where his humanity had once been, was laughing at him. Too cold. Too closed off. Too lonely. Too dead. Too late.
You don’t deserve it.
20 notes · View notes
dejwrites · 2 years
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— warning: profanity, mentions of infidelity, mature scenes included, smut is included in this, chapters jumps from past to present, college au (past), luxury rich adults (present), intercourse in a car, usage of spit, gagging, slight praise kink, angst, this chapter lowkey setting up for the messiness, reader implied to be black, kinda like a hbo sitcom in my head
— chapter summary: the gang is back to their normal lives as college students and toji reminds y/n just how important he is in her life.
— tags: @maydayaisha @gabzlovesu @indiecursor @thicksimpx @eiflawriting @cloudsinthecosmos @woahhajime @sawamurawife @po3ticb3auty @daichisbunny @heyitsiyanas @pulchritxde @classic-les @jazzyangel242 @kunaigirlx44 @savantsoulfinder @protectpancakes @littlemochi @astennu @keke97 @r-xochitl @cosmiic-7 @lillith41246
— previous chapter. masterlist. taglist. ao3
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A FRIDAY NIGHT AT YOU AND UTAHIME’S PLACE WAS USED AS A STUDY SESSION FOR THE GROUP. With being back into the lifestyle of being a college student, you figured that it was best to use the first Friday back to do work instead of going to a bar. Your week of classes was beyond stressful and the fact that you expected to take comfort in your boyfriend about the way classes were kicking your ass and was met with being left on read and the phone going straight to voicemail frustrated you. You haven’t spoken to Toji since the morning of your last day at the cabin and you hated to admit that you were getting worried. What could he be doing? Could he be okay? What could he be doing? Who could he be doing? He was an attractive, wealthy guy; any woman would throw themselves on him if they had the chance. Why wasn’t he answering your texts and calls? It was making you frustrated.
You were thinking about doing a house pop-up. You knew where Toji lived, but the first time of staying over at Toji’s place he made it strictly clear to not come to his and Naoya's place unless you were sure he was there or he confirmed he was there. You didn’t question why that day, just let him give you some quick peck to assure you everything was okay. Perhaps you should have questioned it because now you were overthinking as you typed up an essay about fashion during an ancient era. 
With each pound on the keyboard, you were dozing out as you typed. Toji was running laps in your mind until Shoko would toss your phone in your lap interrupting your thoughts, “Toji’s calling you.”
And for once your heart stopped racing. You would close your laptop and stand up to step inside your room for privacy. When you heard Toji’s deep and brassy voice, you could feel your skin instantly heat up. You missed him so hearing his voice made you all warm inside. You were also upset at him for not calling you. Who the hell goes days without talking to their girl? 
“Come outside real quick,” Toji simply said.
“What? I’m doing my homework—“ 
Your words were interrupted by Toji, “Please Y/N, just come.” He said. 
You let out a sigh. You figured this would be a perfect opportunity to confront him about ghosting you. You didn’t think it was in him to do that considering how soft and sensible he could get. Was he upset about you not going to meet his family during the break? Was it that? 
You would end the call quickly, throwing your phone on your bed and leaving your room. The others were in the living room with their heads in their textbooks and laptops which was perfect for you to sneak out. Just as you were leaving, Nanami was about to knock on the door. His backpack hanging off one shoulder as he was sporting a royal blue colored hoodie with some jeans and his favorite sneakers. The glasses he occasionally wears were on his face as he looked at you, “Is the study session over with? I kinda lost track of time in the art studio.” 
“Oh no, it’s not. Toji wants to talk to me downstairs. So I’m stepping out for a minute, and tell the others not to worry and to listen out for the pizza delivery guy.” You gave him a smile that you didn’t even notice he didn’t return once he heard Toji’s name. 
You walked down the hall so quickly as if it was a race. Eventually, you got into the elevator to go to the first floor. You were beyond nervous collecting your thoughts to express to Toji. When you got to the lobby, you let your feet guide you outside to search for Toji’s car. You had to remember that he was quite rich, so a lot of times he switched out between three cars. Tonight it was a vintage Mustang. You adored the expensive smell of it every time you were there in it. It was like a mixture of vintage leather from the seats and Toji’s expensive Dior cologne. You walked towards the parking lot where he was parked and when you finally got to the car, you leaned over and knocked on the passenger side window. You could hear the door unlock before you’re climbing into the passenger seat. The sound of a song was playing low on the radio, but Toji hadn't said a word yet. He usually would compliment how good you looked or question what perfume you were wearing because it smelled nice. But he was quiet. You leaned back into your seat fiddling with your thumbs before speaking, “Have you been busy? You practically ghosted me.” 
“Yeah, just some family matters.” He simply said as he let his head fall back to meet with the headrest. “I just been busy with that and been doing a lot of thinking.” 
You would turn your body in the passenger seat so your attention was fully on him. “But you should communicate that with me. If some shit is going on with your family, say that. If you need space to think, tell me this.” You said. 
“I know, that’s why I wanted to apologize in person. You know my relationships never end on a good note. Every person I push away, they leave, or we both become so insufferable for each other that we self-destruct.” He explained. Toji finally let his eyes look over at you. “And I think we’re the last option I mentioned.” 
“I’m confused.” You said as you leaned back once more. “We haven’t been dating that long for you to say that so I think you’re pushing me away and I am begging you, stop pushing me away.” 
“I know we haven’t been dating for a while, it’s just that’s what I see soon. Especially considering my jealous nature since your little friend answered your phone when you were away. I was seeing red and I was overthinking that maybe you and him hooked up during the trip.” 
“Kento answered my phone? I don’t remember that. We did not hook up, Toji. You’re supposed to trust me.” You uttered.
“Yeah. But I understand you now. I don’t know what happened between you and him, but I’m going to make you forget it.” Toji sighed. “Starting tonight.” He adds as his dark eyes meet yours. He let his large hands dance upon your exposed thigh due to the shorts you were wearing. 
You were forced to remember just how gentle Toji’s touch was. Each time his hand touched you, your brain always got jumbled up. You’ll lose the words you were going to say. The emotions you once felt would get tossed to the side. Just so you can feel him touch you some more. “Then make me forget about him then.” 
You heard Toji chuckle at your words before he’s grabbing you by the neck gently and tugged you into a passion-filled kiss. Your lips moved in sync and instantly you could taste the alcohol he previously was drinking. His hand grasped a hold of yours as he helped you on his lap, the two of you breaking apart quickly when your back instantly pressed against the car horn. “Sorry.” You uttered through breathless pants. 
Toji’s seat reclining back was the only thing you heard as he made you and himself comfortable. His hand grasped for you some more as your lips met once again. This time it’s much more heated. Swapping saliva and letting your tongues taste more of each other. You could feel Toji grab a hold of your butt giving it a slight squeeze to gain a moan from you. He pulls back from the heated kiss, before trailing kisses from your jawline to your neck. You could only squirm on top of him as you felt his kisses and nibbles before eventually the swelling feeling on your neck due to a hickey. You hated them, but you refused to interrupt this moment to complain—especially with the growing wetness in between your thighs. “Take em’ off.” Toji said against your soft skin. 
You knew exactly what he was referring to as you discarded the grey-colored shorts you were wearing. You went back to kissing Toji, feeling his hand reach in between the two of you to rub at your clothed folds. Despite your panties being in the way, Toji’s thick digits still managed to get wet when he rubbed against you. He watched as you broke apart the kiss once more to let out a whimper of desperation. 
“Look at you, you missed your boyfriend that much, huh?” He questioned before he’s tugging your panties to the side. 
The crisp air hit part of your pussy and you could only wait for what was to come next. Toji cupped your face, he let the pad of his thumb brush against your cheek. He fell for you and he fell hard and he couldn’t have you going back to Nanami. The pad of his thumb wiped the smudged lip gloss off the corner of your lips. “Open your mouth,” He said.
You did what you were told, like the pretty girlfriend you were. Mouth gaped open before Toji’s shoved his middle and index finger in your mouth. It took you by shock due to the lewd gag you did off his finger (very similar motion to when he used his cock to tap at the back of your throat when you gave him head). When he removed his fingers, your saliva was coated on them. Once again his fingers danced in between your body towards your cunt. Your fingers grasped at his black t-shirt feeling his fingers sink inside you. Despite you already being dripping wet, he still thought it was better for his fingers to be soaked just to be sure he made you feel better. Your hips bucked at his touch, rocking slightly on his fingers considering that Toji was teasing you. No type of movement of his fingers inside of you, he just was letting them sit there. Edging you on as you rocked your hips for some form of friction. “Toji.” You whined.
“Use your words, what’d you want?” Toji asked.
“I want you, please I just want you.” You whined before finally feeling his fingers thrust inside you. His thick digits pumped inside you so slowly that you felt like you were turning delirious. You felt lightheaded due to the pleasure you were enduring. Your manicured fingers grabbed at his shirt and you could only cry in pleasure. He didn’t even put his dick inside you and you were already whining for him. 
“It feels so good,” You moaned before you’re leaving forward to pepper Toji’s face with subtle kisses. 
He chuckles at your actions before curling his fingers inside you causing you to yelp out in pleasure and the grip on his t-shirt to grow tighter. You could feel your orgasm creeping up on you, but the feeling of Toji removing his fingers made you whimper in desperation. You felt so empty without him inside you. Your hips grind in a slow motion on his lap rubbing against the tent in the grey sweatpants he was wearing that were poking at her thighs. Toji’s sultry deep voice rang in your ear, “Use your words baby, what do you want? Hm?” He asked. His fingers that once were inside of you traced soothing circles on your plush thighs while you were practically dry humping him. 
“I want you inside of me,” You lifted your head to meet his gaze. “You want to be inside me also, I can feel it.” Your lips curl into a smirk before feeling him quickly peck at your kiss bruised lips.
“Lift up real quick,” He utters.
You lifted slightly and you felt like a cup of putty when you felt Toji’s thick tip brush against your entrance. Your manicured nails dug into Toji’s shoulder blade embracing yourself of the feeling of Toji stretching you out bit by bit. He had a firm grip on your waist while he was tugging you further down to let cock disappear inside you. The intense feeling of finally shoving his cock fully inside you caused Toji’s head to fall back in complete bliss. Your lips quivered before eventually, you let out a sigh of relief. 
It felt like you had finally attached yourself to Toji after not seeing him for a while. Your arms snake around his neck to bring him closer as his hand guided you on his lap while you were wearing. You could feel yourself grow wet with each pounce upon Toji’s lap. Your slick coating his cock perfectly as you could hear Toji’s words of praise. His words of telling you how well you were taken his cock and how pretty you looked at the moment. His comments turned you on even more. 
Soon you’re using your knees to help Toji gain a rhythm to ride him. You could feel the car rock each time you bottomed down on Toji’s cock. His fingernails dug into the flesh of your soft skin at the feeling of your drooling cunt around his cock. His green eyes twinkled with admiration seeing your beautiful face in this manner. Even though he found himself staring at you on regular days when you were doing simple tasks like doing your makeup or your homework, at this moment he felt his heart grow heavy. The grip on your body got tighter in a way that he was afraid to let you go. That if he did, you would crawl right back to Nanami Kento. 
Toji tugged you in a harsh kiss to muffle the sweet tune of you moaning out his name. His hips bucked upward so nicely you could feel yourself feel dizzy. The hold on him was tighter than ever and the howls of his name grew louder. You weren’t even sure which one was louder, your moaning or the explicit sound of skin slapping against each other. 
The two of you were so close to cumming. Toji’s fingers bruised your hips with how tightly he gripped at them to help guide you bouncing on his cock. Tears clouded your eyes as you could only moan out his name. You were so close to cumming on his cock and you knew he was so close to cumming also. His head fell back to be met with the headrest, and his black hair that once was combed perfectly stuck to his forehead due to the sweat that decorated his forehead. “You want me to pull out?“ Toji asked and when he felt your lips upon his he just knew the answer to his question.
In the heat of the moment, your walls fluttered around Toji’s member just in time for his thick cum to spritz right inside you. Your orgasm caused your body to go in complete shock while your limbs shook so violently, but that didn’t stop Toji from still thrusting upward, milking out the feeling of you clutching around him. 
“Fuck, there we go. Let it all out baby,” He cooed as he slowly guided your hips for you to ride out your orgasm. 
Your body fell limp on Toji’s large body. Your head fell upon his shoulder as you were trying to recompose yourself. Your legs felt like a bowl of strawberry Jell-O and you could feel Toji’s cum dripping out of you before feeling his fingers go to fix your underwear completely trapping his cum inside you. You wanted to mentally thank yourself for being on birth control because you did not think adding a baby to the equation would solve anything. 
Slowly pulling yourself off his lap to sit back into the passenger seat, you tugged your shorts back on attempting to let the actions that just happened linger in your mind just a bit longer. 
To break you out of your thoughts, Toji leaned over from the driver’s side to kiss you once more. “I think we should go out tomorrow night. Just you and me.” 
After sex, you saw Toji’s whole demeanor change. The steamy session together seemed to reassure him that he was the only one that you had your eyes on. Even after the session, you felt a chill go down your spine after the events that just happened. Your body is littered with love bites and hickeys and your skin is now imprinted with the scent of sex and Toji’s cologne. You smiled at him, “We can do that. But first, we need to get cleaned up. We made quite a mess in here.” You chuckle.
“Yeah..” Toji laughs as he’s leaning over to reach the glove compartment. 
He’s grabbing the small package of cleaning wipes to start wiping stuff down in his car. You did make a mess in his car, but you wouldn’t have chosen another car to have sex in. Nothing was better than moaning out Toji’s name in his black vintage Mustang car.
“I still have some of your clothes at my place from other times you’ve stayed over,” You pointed out before you’re exiting his car.
It didn’t take long before he was following you. He grasped hold of your hand walking into the lobby of your apartment complex like he was the greatest man on earth. A foolish grin on his face as he said hello to the evening front desk clerk. The obvious childish look any man would have after getting pussy. You playfully rolled your eyes jabbing your finger into the elevator button, “Now that it seems you’re in a good mood, I must say that my friends are in my place.” You walked into the elevator dragging him behind you.
“Don’t tell me, he’s up there,” Toji asked.
“He is. We’re just studying, you can just sit in my room or something.” You suggested while pushing the button to the floor you were going to. 
You could hear Toji sigh before speaking once more, “I’ll be on my best behavior and just go shower and chill in your room.” 
“Thank you. I don’t need to break up any fights between you two.” You started, leaning against the elevator wall.
“I just feel like we’re in a quite serious relationship now where you need to put him in his place. Him answering your phone is considered crossing boundaries now.” Toji said.
You realized that he made a very good point. If Nanami was in a relationship, you would have respected his privacy and boundaries to not even touch his phone to answer a phone call from his girlfriend. “I’ll talk to him. You just gotta promise to be on your best behavior.” You tugged him closer by his shirt to close the gap in between you two. 
“Okay.” He places a quick peck on your lips just in time to hear the elevator door swing open. 
When you knocked on the door, it was Mei who answered it with a smile. “Ah! Toji!” She jumped in his arms to hug him but soon she backed away eyeing the both of you. “Ew! You two smell like sex.” 
“Don’t we?” Toji’s arms wrap around your shoulder and you rolled your eyes to push your way into your apartment. 
When Toji stepped into your place, it felt like everything was going in slow motion. Your friends had taken a break from their work and now they were nibbling on the pizza you ordered, but their heads were so quick to snap up when they saw you returned with Toji. You stopped at the living room being sure to stop Toji from instantly barricading himself in your room. 
“You guys, this is Toji.” Your hand motioned to your boyfriend who would give your friends a sly wave, but his green hues didn’t move from staring at Nanami. 
As you did introductions for each other your friends, Gojo interrupted you instantly when you got to him. “You guys smell like sex.” He said.
“I didn’t want to be the one to say it.” Geto snickered. “But it’s nice to finally meet the guy that’s making our friend all happy and shit.” 
Toji glanced at you who would facepalm yourself at their embarrassing words. “We’re going to get cleaned up. Goodbye.” 
You and Toji disappeared into your room and you instantly went to search in the one dresser filled with Toji stuff. You gave him a change of clothes and motioned to the bathroom connected to your room. “You know, I wanted to punch him in the face.” Toji bluntly admitted and you rolled your eyes. 
“I told you that I was going to talk to him.” You sighed while searching for something to wear yourself. 
When the two of you were cleaned up, you watched as he made himself comfortable on your bed. Although he only stayed over at your place a couple of times—you could tell he enjoyed being in your space. You took it upon yourself to go get some food and while you were in the kitchen, Nanami was in the kitchen also. This was the perfect opportunity to set those boundaries. As you grabbed a plate to place the pizza on, you cleared your throat to get his attention from what he was doing. He was sketching something in his sketchbook. 
“During the cabin trip, you answered my phone. You know you shouldn’t have done that right?” You asked as your eyes met with him. 
You couldn’t read Nanami anymore—you used to be so good at it once. But now, you couldn’t pick up on his body language or the way his eyes looked at you. It frustrated you for some reason. “I’m happy with Toji and I think it’s very important for you to respect that and my boundaries. It’s the least you can do if you’re my friend.” 
Nanami sat up on the stool that he was sitting in before swallowing the lump that formed in his throat. “Okay.” 
You were taken back by him not arguing about what you said. You felt quite accomplished that you put your foot down. 
“I’m sorry about answering your phone also. I thought it over and that was very disrespectful of me.” Nanami adds. His lips parted to speak once again, but nothing came out. 
You placed two slices of pizza on the plate before smiling at him, “I accept your apology, let’s just not interfere with each other relationships or flings.” You said. 
You gained a hum in agreement before the blonde-haired male went back to sketching in his notebook. You grabbed the plate of food to walk back to your room and once you stepped in you saw Toji quickly end the phone call he was taking. Your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as you watch him give you a nervous smile while you pass him the plate of pizza. 
“I talked to Nanami and the conversation went quite well,” You said as you sat on the bed. 
“Still don’t like him,” He said as he took a bite out of the pizza. 
“I know. Who was that on the phone?” You asked out of curiosity. 
“Just Naoya being Naoya.” He responded before his green eyes went back to watching something on the television that was mounted on your wall. 
The thing is, you no longer could read Nanami now that the romantic sparks no longer were there. Toji now was the guy that caused butterflies to erupt in the pit of your stomach. You now could read him like it was one of your favorite fashion books. You could tell when something was on his mind. You could tell when something was bothering him or when he was agitated. And Of course, you could tell when he was lying. 
What was Toji hiding from you? 
133 notes · View notes
barbiewritesstuff · 2 years
Chapter 9: Easy Peasy
-- I wanted a happier Jake so here he is
tw. NSFW, smutty
Taglist: @because-edmund @blue-aconite
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He entered the dance hall right behind you. 
It felt like he had stepped into a different world
Most people were dressed up to the nines in their best evening wear, drinking fancy cocktails out of old glasses. A jazzy tune muffled by distance played as background to everyone's conversations. Jake couldn't stop the smile on his face. 
The dance hall's front door had opened into a hallway. The floor was stone with a thin red carpet towards on the stairs and along the main pathways. The walls were wallpapered in white with gold detailing and the arched ceiling held a beautiful golden chandelier. On either side of the main staircase was a bar. 
The room you were leading Jake to was directly in front of the main staircase. You wished you'd worn better clothes or that you hadn't allowed your mother to drag you out somewhere that evening. 
You had dropped off your bag in the coat room at the entrance, but you really regretted not having your phone. Jake looked lost in wonder, it would have made for a good photo.
Once you managed to herd him into the dance room, Jake seemed to be enthralled by the dance floor. People in all sorts of clothes, vintage and modern were dancing a fast swing to the beat of the live band on stage. 
You found a small table with some chairs to sit at and picked your seat. The chair was surprisingly soft and plushy for what was essentially a wooden chair covered in fabric. Jake was still standing, although this time he was looking at you.
"Ma'am, has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?"
You laughed 
"Oh yes, I hear it every day"
"Liars. The lot of them" He said, side eyeing you for your reaction. You made a beig show of being scandalised and gently slapped his arm. He chuckled.
"In all seriousness, you are beautiful" 
Jake didn't know where the sudden boldness was coming from but he let his mouth speak without thinking too much. 
It was strange, when he was with the team, or Mav or anyone else he felt crowded even in an empty room, but here with you, it felt like you were alone in the world. 
"I asked around about you on base, seems you have quite the reputation as a ladies' man" 
Yes, his carefully crafted reputation… A reputation he deserved right after The Incident, but now it was no longer applicable it only served to make the chasm between his real life and the pretend life he had for his Lieutenant Jake Hangman Seresin persona more obvious.
"Just means I know what I'm talking about, sweetheart"
"Is that so?
He hummed in agreement.
"They also say you had a rather gruesome accident that landed you in hospital" you stated "Is that why you took so long to reply to me, then?" 
He held up his still bandaged hand.
"Damaged my texting hand, I'm afraid, and I'm useless with the other one"
"Who replied to my text then"
"I asked a friend"
"Does your friend help with other things you can't do?"
"Well, aren't you forward" He laughed, then added "Sadly, I am yet to find someone to help with that…" 
"I volunteer"
"I'll put you to work, don't worry. Right now though, I want to dance"
He held out his head and you grabbed. His bad hand went against her waist and the good one grabbed her hand. The music had changed for a slow dance. Jake held you tight against his chest and you dropped your head against his shoulder. His nose gently nuzzled your hair. 
You swayed like that for what fel like hours, even after the music changed again to a faster tune. 
Eventually you both woke up from you reverie and looked at each other, Jake lifted his bandaged hand to your cheek and leaned in to kiss you. You had kissed before but this was different. Your previous had been hot, heavy and electric. This one was slow and passionate, Jake's tongue gently licked at your bottom lip and you returned the favour. When you came up for air, the only think you could think about was how well his lips fit against yours.
"What time is it?"
It was four pm, and you had to go. You excused yourself to Jake
"I thought you were going to help with certain things?"
"I'm sorry. I'll call when I'm done with my mom. I can help you then"
"I suppose I can wait a little longer"
At nine pm, Jake shot you a text. He hadn't been able to think about anything but you. Not necessarily in a sexual way, but in a very intimate way. The way you had danced together had awoken something in him that he had never felt before. 
Just as he was starting to think you'd forgotten you sent a text asking where you might meet him.
"Rooster?" God this felt awkward, he felt like a teenager again "Do you mind if I have a girl over?" 
"Dude. Are you twelve? Obviously not. Just, you know, keep it down" Rooster laughed, Jake turned a lovely shade of beet red, when he recovered from the humiliation he stuck out his middle finger. 
He texted you almost as soon as he entered his room again. 
"I'll be 25 minutes" you texted back.
Jake tidied and showered just in time for you to arrive, when you rang the doorbell, he was standing behind the door psyching himself up. He opened the door.  After a quick kiss he whispered:
"My room's upstairs, my housemate is in the kitchen"  
"Okay" You giggled "why are we avoiding him?"
"He's chatty" Jake replied, winking at you. He snuck you up the stairs and into his room. 
"How kind of you to volunteer your help"
"How about you show me what I need to help with"
Jake smiled, lifted both of his hands in their and you laughed 
"Right, no hand."
You unzipped his trousers and helped them drop to the floor before feeling him through his trousers. He kissed you, his hands on your waist. You slipped his underwear off and began jerking his cock. He let out rhythmic little moans to encourage you, looking at you through half open eyes.
He thrust his hips in time with your hand a few times before stopping himself. 
"I don't want to come yet" He mumbled against your mouth, fighting to get your clothes off without really paying attention to what he was doing.
Once naked, Jake pushed you onto the bed. He tried to climb over you but when his bandaged hand bore the weight of his body, he felt a flash of searing hot pain and he fell to the side.  
"Maybe I can help with that too" You straddled him and sank yourself down on his member. Both of you sighed at the feeling. 
Jake was so close already after your handjob and he was trying his hardest not to cum without making sure you had too. Concentrating on anything was so damn hard though because the only thing his brain seemed to want to think about was you. When he wasn't thinking about the feeling of you bouncing on top of him or the sight of your breasts moving with everything you did, he was thinking of how you had felt pressed against him earlier, or how much he wanted to kiss that spot below your ear where your neck turned into your jaw. 
He felt your movements become more halted as your legs stiffened and you came around his member, he took over for a moment. Thrusting deep and fast into you, your moans drowned in the noise of his skin slapping yours. 
Jake managed to delay his orgasm until you came around him one more time but as your pussy tightened around him, he lost himself in the feeling and emptied himself inside of your moaning the dirtiest moan as he did so. 
You climbed off of him and walked to the bathroom with shaky legs as Jake watched you go. He closed his eyes for a moment while he caught his breath. When he opened them again it was to see you crawling into his covers next to him. He joined you and dragged you into a tight cuddle. 
That night, as Jake lay in bed awake and you were asleep next to him, it occurred to him that he might be falling in love with you. It didn't feel like they described it in books, with the butterflies, forgetting how to breathe or how to speak. It had felt like that on the first date, but Jake figured that it had more to do with saving him from himself than with love, because what he felt now wasn't close to comparable. He felt safe, relieved and unburdened when he was with you. Jake couldn't plan for the future, he wasn't sure he'd be there to have one but if he did, Jake knew that he wanted you to be a part of it
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gaoau · 5 months
Kissing with my feelings, kissing with my thoughts
Raison d'Être warnings — none. word count — 2.9k
prev. — next.
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With the days rolling by, [Name] almost lost track of herself. She tried a little harder to keep an eye out for the amount of food in Ai's bowl. She forced herself to become more attentive at her job and pitch in with those ideas she never dared bring up. She put in some more effort to gaze at the colors surrounding her for a bit longer. Sometimes all she saw was blue.
It was enough for her.
As she walked out of the building, a folder and papers in one arm, her other hand busy with her phone, she heard her name being called. She stopped in her tracks and craned her neck backwards. A co-worker caught up to her, jogging. "[Surname]-san!" she called out once more as she came to a halt before [Name]. "We're going out for some drinks, would you like to come?"
[Name] followed her pointing thumb towards the group of people by the office doors, awaiting her reply. She blanked at the opportunity, at the offer to interact with minds of her own—similar, but not the same, so different. Truthfully, she hadn't taken the time to relax and drink the night away in so long she couldn't even recall the date. And truthfully, this spontaneous invitation came out of nowhere. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to engage with more people.
A smile grew on her face as she fully turned to address her co-worker. She didn't remember her name. She didn't remember her like how she remembered Chifuyu and Kazutora. Years of working in the same office, but she had better awareness of two men she'd met little over a month before. She wasn't fine with that; she didn't like it.
So despite it not being a bad idea, [Name] remembered Chifuyu before she thought of anything else. The painting he had commissioned, and then the dog he trusted in her hands. All the trust. Yeah, she had to get home to Ai first. "Can I take a raincheck on that one? I'm a bit busy today."
Her co-worker blinked back at her, almost surprised. "Oh. Yes, of course. Maybe next week?"
"That sounds good. I'll see you guys on Monday."
"Alright. Have a good weekend, [Surname]-san."
"You too." She wanted to reply back with her name, but it really didn't pop up in her memory no matter how hard she tried. She sent a wave towards the rest of her colleagues, receiving the same amount—if not more—enthusiasm when they waved back. It caught her off guard more than she expected. She definitely needed to try a little harder with them as well.
Through the door to her apartment, [Name] could hear the expectant excitement oozing out of Ai as he tapped his nails on the floor. He had already become conscious of the melody of her keys by the time she came home and it became a part of his own routine. When she finally opened the door, he greeted her with a dance on his hind legs while she welcomed him into her arms. He fit so snugly, so perfectly. [Name] was meant to hold him now and forever.
She placed him back on the floor after enough baby-talking. As per usual, movements already ingrained in her muscle memory, she flung her folders, her bag, and her shoes onto their designated organized messes. She browsed through her fridge to make a mental note for groceries. She had an energy bar as a snack before dinner. She changed out of her work clothes. She did the dishes from the previous night. Ai followed her around as she attempted everything in her power to show no fear.
But she was still terrified of the ginormous canvas sitting at the dinner table.
Taking a seat across from it, [Name] forced herself to think clearly. There was no way she could possibly work on something so stupidly gigantic. What was she meant to draw on it? A landscape? A portrait? A collage? Dots and lines and squares and call it abstract?
It had been running through her mind for the past few days, but she couldn't decide. She couldn't settle for an adequate measure of how bad of an idea it was. Some days she found it was fine, and others she wanted to punt herself into the moon for ever thinking she could think. Crumpled post-it notes and ripped pieces of paper littered the floor around it in a circle, ready for a ritual to summon the gods of inspiration—or the devils.
The more she stared at it, the less she understood what she was glaring at. Her thoughts circled around her head one after the other in a loop. Landscape, portrait, fruit, flowers, abstract, shapes, angles, angels, devils, animals, fish, dogs, Ai—oh, Chifuyu.
That was right. She shook her head to expel her obsessions from her mind. Chifuyu had commissioned her. If there was anything she should prioritize, it was the man with high expectations of her. It was no healthy motivation, but it was the most she could do to keep herself grounded. She found the thought of Chifuyu always grounded her.
Somehow, with the strength of a thousand dying warriors, [Name] managed to tear her eyes away from the disgustingly huge canvas waiting for dinner to be served. She caught a glimpse of Ai's pitying eyes gazing at her with curiosity. A smile crawled onto her lips. She knelt to sink her fingers into his fur. He closed his eyes in glee.
"If it weren't for you, bubs…" her voice died off into the silence. She wasn't too sure how to finish that sentence. She wasn't too sure she even could. Ai peered up at her as if he understood. Maybe he did. "Yeah, you're right," she chuckled to herself.
Another canvas waited for her in its stand. It was the right size for the wall Chifuyu wanted to decorate. She took a comfortable seat before it, her various supplies in reach as she gathered all her creativity. It didn't need to be perfect; she simply needed to start.
A cat. Chifuyu wanted a cat. A black cat. Very simple, easy, accessible, something she could work with as if she had done it a billion times before. Add black onto the white to create something, to build upon the jarring nothingness with contrasting tones of ink and acrylic. There was no need to think about values or tones or cohesion among the colors. It was just black. It was all welcoming and common.
Her eyes remained glued to the blank canvas screaming back at her. She tried picturing the cat in her head. She tried to remember the one she'd poorly drawn on a spare piece of paper that Chifuyu had given her. She tried her best to think of what a cat looked like.
She really didn't know what a cat looked like.
Which was fair. She didn't own a cat, and even if she did, it didn't guarantee she could replicate it accordingly. Only having a general idea of what the animal's features were shaped like wasn't quite enough to slap it into paint.
Finally, she gave in to her struggles and reached for her phone. If anything, she could browse the Internet for any sort of reference to actually draw a cat. The anatomy, the distance between the different elements of its face, the curves and straight lines, the reflection of the light on the fur. The eyes. The pigments in the eyes. The blue eyes Chifuyu had asked for.
"Ah, man, this is harder than I thought…" she muttered in distress, bringing her finger up to her mouth. She chewed at the skin on the corner of her nails. Image after image of different cats traveled down her screen. She hummed, "D'you think I should ask…?" It was an idea. She didn't know how good of an idea it was. She didn't know if it was an excuse as well. Her pondering hum morphed into a growl.
Before she could bite her own finger off, an incoming call startled her out of her wits. She blinked dumbfounded at the caller ID displaying on her screen out of the blue. Her eyes refused to focus out of her concentration. It was late at night on a Saturday. The kanji were blurry as she tried to read and make sense out of them.
"Oh, it's Chifuyu-san! What the—?" She shook her head without finishing her own thought. Her finger swiped on instinct to answer the call. "Hello, Chifuyu-san! How are you?!"
"Good night, [Name]-san. I'm doing good, how are you?"
"I'm…" She glanced quickly at the fuming canvas before her. A tight smile grew on her face. She laughed at herself. "I'm good, too, thanks for asking."
"Anytime. Sorry to bother you so late, but I just remembered Ai's tag."
Confusion pushed through in her questioning hum. Her eyes scanned the room to find the mentioned puppy sleeping beside her feet. The tightness of her awkward smile dissipated into endearment. He had a bed of his own but he stuck by her side, lying on the hard floor. It really felt like he understood. She slipped her phone onto her other hand, wondering out loud, "Ai's tag?"
Chifuyu chuckled through the speaker. "His nametag. Remember?"
Oh, yeah, the nametag. "Oh, yeah, the nametag."
"Yeah, we set an order for it almost two months ago. I'm sorry it took so long."
But as Chifuyu blabbered apologies [Name] didn't need nor would ever dare ask for, the gears in her brain turned at speeds they'd never reached before. Names, names, names. There was so much behind names. Matsuno Chifuyu. [Surname] [Name]. Ai. Matsuno for wilderness and a vast forest of pine trees. [Surname] for an identity so out of reach. Ai for love and pondering and the color of the sky. 
Her glower burned through the empty canvas. It held so much vigor, she should've seen herself. She would've surprised herself.
Instantly, she scrambled. She sprang onto her feet, alarming the sleeping Ai by her side. She whispered an apology to him and then remembered Chifuyu on the phone while darting across the room. "Oh, yeah. Okay, Chifuyu-san, thanks for the reminder. When would you—" She bit her tongue when she slammed her finger on a drawer. It didn't stop her from rummaging through all her belongings. "When would you like me to come get it?"
"Are you okay, [Name]-san?"
She chortled into her phone. Why the fuck couldn't she find a spare piece of paper? "Yeah, just looking for something."
"Oh, alright." He sounded so amused in the little chuckles that slipped. "Well, whenever you're free to get it, you can just give me a call and I'll wait for you."
[Name] hummed, "That wo—No, actually—Fuck, where—? Oh!" She barely caught sight of forgotten post-it notes across her shelf. "Found 'em!" Immediately, she snatched a nearby pen and began scribbling the kanjis for Chifuyu's name. "Do you think I could come snap some pictures of cats for reference? I told you cat anatomy is weird. Their heads are just… odd."
"Are they?" In his own room, Chifuyu turned to analyze the shape of Peke J's face.
[Name] creeped behind the disgustingly ginormous canvas at the dinner table. "Try drawing one." Taking a deep breath, she slapped the post-it note on it as if she were killing a bug. For later reference.
"Fair enough. Then, would you like to come a bit before I open? Since I open later than usual tomorrow."
A closed, empty shop just for the two of them. For peace and calm and pictures she needed. She shook her head. "Oh, no, I wouldn't want to take up time from your late morning. I can just drop by when you open."
"It's no problem," he reassured, and [Name] could swear she was hearing his soothing smile through each of his words. "I commissioned you, so if you need some help, it's only natural I give you a hand."
[Name] didn't agree. Not really. It wasn't only natural to help her out. Creating the painting and finding the suitable resources to bring it to completion was all part of her job, her obligation. But Chifuyu was just nice like that. He held so much genuine kindness in him; so much aid he was willing to offer to someone like her without a second thought. The moment she couldn't walk by herself, Chifuyu held out his hand for her. It was the simplest of things. She felt her chest tighten at his softness.
Noticing her silence, he let out another quiet chuckle to bring her attention back to him. "I'll be waiting for you early tomorrow, then. Don't leave me hanging, [Name]-san."
She wouldn't dare. There was no protesting. "I—Well, okay, then."
"And you can bring Ai with you."
"Oh—Okay. I—I'll see you tomorrow."
"Have a good night, [Name]-san."
"You too, Chifuyu-san."
By the time she removed her phone from her ear, she couldn't look straight at Ai pawing at her feet. He seemed so blurry. Why did he seem so blurry? Her heart felt so sore after so little use, and now it burst with how full Chifuyu's kindness made her feel. She was starting to like the sound of his name.
She settled on the floor to welcome Ai into her embrace. Her tears vanished into his fur. He didn't mind it a bit.
Chifuyu unlocked the door for her, instantly cooing at the dog in her arms. The puppy began running on thin air in an attempt to rush towards Chifuyu. [Name] dropped to the ground so she could allow Ai to break free without flinging him like a cat. He was more than welcome against Chifuyu's apron, and he allowed his tongue to run all over his face as a greeting. [Name] laughed as she fiddled with her camera.
With the bundle of energy following behind him, Chifuyu reached towards the counter for the nametag. He displayed it for both [Name] and Ai to see, as if the dog understood what it was. "We have a gift for the handsome boy." And sometimes it really felt like he understood with the way he barked in response.
Chifuyu knelt to get access to Ai's collar. He was not only a handsome boy, but also quite polite as he stood still, letting the man clasp the metal piece as jewelry. [Name] spared a glance at the window to catch the people walking the streets toward their destinations. She noticed the sunlight pouring in at a perfect angle. When she turned back to Chifuyu, the light was bathing him in a golden hue of comfort.
She snapped a picture of the two of them without thinking.
"There, all done!" Chifuyu grinned to himself, admiring his own work. Ai seemed to smile back at him as he shivered in excitement. His grin turned towards [Name] while he rose from the floor.
Simultaneously, she knelt to Ai's level. "Come here, boy, lemme see." He approached instantly at the sound of her voice. He recognized boy more than he did his own name. "You sure look handsome with this now, bubs."
She traced the strokes engraved on the metal with her fingertips. Eighteen strokes to become Ai; for self-pondering, for reflection, for the sky on a hopeless and rainy night, for ai love you, and for love itself. Ai for all the things [Name] needed to remind herself. Ai for the reason she was alive after walking aimlessly for so long. Ai for how sore her heart felt now that she was putting it to use again. Sometimes, appreciation and empathy starts with a tiny, little puppy.
She returned her attention to Chifuyu as he beamed down at her so brightly, agreeing Ai looked so handsome. She couldn't put into words or ideas just how glad she was that he forced her to drop by the shop early. "Thanks again, Chifuyu-san." Moments with nothing more than him and Ai were all she could ask for. She didn't need more, but she wouldn't settle for less—not that he would allow her. There were no disruptions and she could enjoy the peace and joy in Chifuyu's mind to the fullest.
Sometimes, appreciation starts with a puppy. Sometimes, a man is what follows.
Her eyes shot wide open at her own thoughts. Molten lava replaced the blood in her veins, rushing to her face in an eruption of embarrassment. She darted away from the puppy and Chifuyu's gaze in a split second. Her camera and the cats set up for adoption were a perfect distraction from her insides burning up.
Chifuyu's voice blended with Ai's curious paws as one chatted her ear off and the other explored. It really was a lot more lovely than she had bargained for. If the two of them would allow her selfishness, she didn't want to settle for anything less.
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liaromancewriter · 2 years
Missing You
Premise: When Max is away, Sienna finds herself feeling insecure and it leads to a surprising revelation.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Sienna Trinh x Max Valentine (M!OC) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 1,800
A/N: I’ve been in a Maxenna drought lately, so I decided to re-read previous works for inspiration. Majority of my text and pic fics covered several months in their relationship, so there’s lots of potential to explore small moments that happen ‘off-screen’. This fic also inadvertantly aligned to prompt 1 & 2 of this list.
Submission for @choicesjuly2022challenge Day 9 prompt “nap” and to @choicesficwriterscreations​ Please Be Prompt week 1: fluff (in bold below).
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The ticking of the clock in the middle of the night was loud against the quiet hum of appliances in the waterfront Georgetown apartment. The master bedroom was cast in darkness, shadows from the pale city lights outside barely visible on the walls.
Sienna Valentine née Trinh lay in bed and stared at the ceiling, her disquiet increasing with every passing minute. She turned her head right to stare at the empty space beside her, running one hand down cotton sheets that were cold from absence.
She missed him.
Max had been gone only two days and would be back the day after tomorrow. She had been without him for much longer before. But this time around the loneliness was agonizing and nothing she’d done in the last forty-eight hours had made a dent in it.
Sienna sighed deeply at the morose direction of her thoughts. She had been feeling out of sorts for days, if not weeks, but she had put that down to the lead up to their post-wedding reception a couple of weeks ago.
She fumbled for her phone on the bedside table, took it off the charger and held it up in front of her face. The screen lit up showing a lock screen with the time—2:00 AM—against the wallpaper displaying a selfie they’d taken together last year after she moved in.
Unlocking the phone, she opened the world clock app and checked the time difference to Reykjavik. Before she could overthink it, she switched over to the messaging app.
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Sienna climbed out of bed and padded into the walk-in closet. There, she searched through his drawers and then changed out of her nightgown into a shirt that still carried his scent. A few minutes later, she was back in bed and tucked under the covers; she hugged his pillow and let sleep take her under.
Max Valentine bit back a yawn as the doors to the elevator slid open. With the time difference, it had already been a long day for him despite it being almost one o’clock in the afternoon here.
Rolling his bags behind him, he walked past his neighbor’s apartment and inserted the key into the front door. Closing the door, he quickly entered the code into the security panel before it started beeping.
He hung up his coat in the hallway closet, surprised to see Sienna’s red spring coat still hanging in its place. A mid-Spring cold snap had DC in its grip, and she wouldn’t have gone to work without a jacket.
Max hadn’t intended to come home early but Sienna’s texts this morning had worried him enough to change his plans. She didn’t sound like herself and despite her assertions that she was just tired, he suspected something more was at play here. He hadn’t been blind to the signs these last few weeks and wondered if she had noticed too.
Lost in thought, he headed down the hallway towards their bedroom and suddenly stopped when he saw Sienna sleeping on the living room couch; a light-blue afghan that her grandmother had knitted tangled around her feet. She was lying on her side, hands tucked under the cushion, her hair in a braid falling to the side.
He smiled when he saw she was wearing one of his button-down shirts, the sleeves rolled up and the material slightly dwarfing her petite frame.
An overwhelming feeling of love arose as he crouched beside the couch and lightly ran the back of his hand across her cheek. He watched her breathing change as she started to awake, her eyelids fluttering before slowly drifting open.
“That’s it, Si,” he said, amused at how her brows furrowed in resistance. “Come on, love. Time to wake up.”
“Max?” Her voice was gruff and then it cleared as her whiskey-colored eyes flew open in awareness. “Max!”
Sienna scrambled to sit up on the couch even as her arms stretched outward to encircle the back of his neck. He braced one hand and slowly got off the floor, standing upright to enfold her in his arms.
“I love your hugs.” She breathed deep, her face tucked into the crook of his neck and legs wrapped around his hips. “I can’t believe you’re here!”
“I was worried about you,” he said, tightening his hold.
She lifted her head from his shoulder, eyes intent as they bore into his. “I know I should be upset that you had to cut your trip short because of me, but I’m not. Right now, even one more day without you felt unbearable.”
Instead of saying anything, he angled his head to close the distance between them, his lips nudging hers until she parted them for him. The kiss deepened, the heat between them intensifying as her tongue tangled with his and her moans egged him on.
All too soon the kiss ended, and he rested his forehead against hers as they panted to catch their breath. She laughed. “Welcome home.”
Max chuckled and swooped down to place a swift kiss on her lips.
A short while later, Sienna was curled up on his lap as they cuddled on the couch. Max was telling her about his trip after she’d asked him some questions about it. She wasn’t listening to the words, content to just hear the sound of his voice above her.
From the expression on his face earlier, she knew that he wanted to talk about her texts from last night. But he was letting her set the pace. If she was honest, she didn’t know how to explain it. If there was one thing she was sure of it was that he loved her. So, her insecurities didn’t make any sense.
Tears leaked from the corner of her eyes; she knew he could feel them dampen his shirt. She glanced up and realized he’d stopped talking, watching her instead with a considering look in his green eyes.
“Ready to talk about last night?”
She nodded and then shifted her position to face him as she straddled his thighs.
“I am so sorry about what I said.” She linked and unlinked her fingers in a nervous gesture. “I can’t explain it, but my emotions are all over the place these days. Yesterday, I cried for half an hour after watching one of those IKEA commercials. It was a good thing I was at home otherwise…”
She trailed off, shrugging the unfinished thought away.
“Is that why you didn’t go to work today?” he asked.
“No, I wasn’t feeling well this morning, so I called in sick,” she explained. “Between throwing up after a crappy shrimp pasta last night and a sleepless night, I was feeling wiped out. I don’t even remember lying down on the couch, let alone taking a nap.”
“I see.”
“What?” she said, eyes narrowing as he continued to watch her. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
For a minute she thought he might not answer, but then his hands framed her face and he peered into her eyes, a soft smile hovering on his lips.
“Do you remember when we went to brunch last weekend and you complained about how bad the coffee was at the restaurant?”
“It was disgusting,” she frowned, remembering how she had wanted to throw up after taking a few sips.
He hmphed. “And the coffee beans we use at home—ones that you absolutely love—were stale even though we just picked up a fresh batch?”
“It happens more often than you think,” she argued, eyebrows snapping together in annoyance at the direction of this conversation. “You’d know that if you actually drank coffee.”
“Please,” he scoffed. “I grew up with a notorious coffee snob. My knowledge of both tea and coffee is unrivaled. Anyway.”
He continued hurriedly when it looked like she might interrupt again. “You’ve been tired for weeks, and it had very little to do with preparations for our post-wedding reception. Today wasn’t the first time I’ve caught you taking a nap at odd times of the day. And your recent aversion to coffee, among other things, was just one more piece of the puzzle. Care to guess the answer?”
He saw recognition dawn in her eyes and then her jaw dropped in shock. She pushed herself off the couch and stood towering above him, arms akimbo. “I am NOT pregnant.”
“You sure about that?” He stood up too.
“I know my cycle, Max,” she muttered even as she mentally calculated dates. She wanted to check the app on her phone but didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. “Anyway, we’re careful.”
She blushed when he gave her a look that made her realize how absurd she sounded. She was a doctor, a pediatrician at that, and knew more than most that no protection was completely foolproof.
“There’s an easy way to know for sure,” he proposed.
Feeling cornered, Sienna reached up to stab her fingers into her hair, eyes darting everywhere in panic at the thoughts crowding her brain.
“Hey.” He must have sensed her distress because he gently pulled her into his embrace. “Si, relax. We don’t have to do anything right now if you don’t want to. It’s your body and you know what’s happening inside better than anyone.”
She nodded into his chest, holding back tears that weren’t far from the surface. She did know her body and she was very much afraid that he might be right. How could she have missed the signs? Some doctor she was.
By unspoken agreement, they left the topic alone for the rest of the day. Since he’d wrapped up everything on the flight home, he was free for the rest of the day. Sienna took advantage of the situation by dragging him to their bed.
Still, their earlier conversation lingered in the back of her head, and she woke up in the middle of the night with a vague feeling of uneasiness. Her hands cradled her flat belly and she absently wondered if there was already life forming inside her.
Perhaps they were better off knowing after all, she thought. She could pick up a home pregnancy test on her way back from work. Or maybe make an appointment with their primary care physician. Either way, now that he’d put the idea in her head she had to know.
She nestled closer to Max, tilting her head back to check if he was still asleep. His closed eyes and even breathing assured her that he was. Taking comfort from his presence, she shut her eyes and willed herself to sleep.
Her last thought before she drifted off was that she couldn’t be pregnant. And she would take great pleasure in proving a certain future CEO wrong when the test came back negative.
A/N 2: The text message below was originally published at the end of New Experiences, so this fic takes place the day before. The ‘clues’ were there. 😉
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All Fics & Edits: @potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction @bex-la-get @mysticalgalaxysstuff @genevievemd @choicesaddict5 @jerzwriter @rookiemartin @schnitzelbutterfingers @vi-writes-stuff @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @dorisz @zahrachoices @lucy-268 @a-crepusculo @jamespotterthefirst @ofmischiefandmedicine @headoverheelsforramsey @takemyopenheart @gryffindordaughterofathena @queencarb @crazy-loca-blog @natureblooms24
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metaldragoon · 1 year
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410/2023 KM done for the year Lots of events have happened over the past two days! Mostly bad, but, oh well.  You may notice I have done but a baby’s run, which is what I’ve done both days since last I run, as I managed to somehow gain 15 pounds in the two days I was visiting my mother so it’s just, not feeling great to run.  I already lost 3 pounds since yesterday so I’m certain I’ll shed it off quickly especially since I’m going to be conscious of it for a bit.  Anyways! I almost hit a wolf going 120km/h, he ran in front of some car going the other direction, and then picked up speed to avoid that by running directly in front of me.  Definitely did like a 40 foot skid and was turned like 20 degrees sideways, but, at least for those few seconds the wolf managed to live.  Who knows if the next care didn’t just drill it.  I went for my fat run yesterday and it’s a shame since the weather has been so beautiful the past two days, I wanna go fast!  Anyways, today I woke up and my mom informed me her brother died, which is very sad.  I didn’t see her other message until lunch time since I mute my emails, but she emailed me last night about it saying “doctors say he’ll make it through the night” and then to already know the result was a bit of an oof.  I am not particularly heartbroken, I was not very close with him, I met him twice.  Once I went to his place, he lived in Niagara Falls so I was there for three weeks between Gr.7 - Gr. 8 summer break, but I didn’t really talk with him.  He had 2 daughters I mostly hung out with there and he was just old man spending time with my mother, but truthfully it was at worst the 2nd best holidays of my life.  The other time, his daughter happened to be moving west and driving through Winnipeg, which is where I was living at the time, so he picked me up along the way so that I could also move west.  He then told my mother I was ungrateful so I assume he didn’t like me.  But! that said my mother has not had parents for over 45 years so it’s just been her and her two brothers for most her life, and so for that I am sad that she is suffering and without someone so important to her.  After work today, driving home, two lanes, light turns red, and the guy stopped beside me got rear-ended! That is... accident #4 I have witnessed in real life I believe.  Some old white lady in a minivan rammed in to him, I could see her slamming the wheel after in frustration and then, y’know, cars were just sitting there, light changes green, and she speeds off.  A hit and run, folks!  Well, of my three other accidents I have observed one of them happened to me, in not-a-particularly-similar situation, but a hit and run none-the-less! And I was such an idiot and deleted the license plate I wrote down so I never was able to get my revenge... but not today! I took chase after our criminal!  I made sure to keep my distance so she wouldn’t panic, we were in the city and I am but a normal grey sedan... the most unassuming predator.  I followed her for like 3 minutes until I got close enough to read her license plate, pulled over to write down the information in my NOTES APP, and then returned to the scene of the crime.  Our blue subaru would be so happy to know I tracked that witch down and his insurance would not have to take the hit! And then he wasn’t even there anymore! Good grief.  So I headed to the police station, ready to file a witness report, I only know where one station is from my previous hit-and-run experience, and I don’t have data on my phone, so I’m not sure it was the closest but it was like 10 minutes out of my way.  Get out my car, and some fella tells me police station’s shut down today on account of two officers were murdered today.  How inconvenient for me personally.  So, now it’s the weekend and we have to wonder if I even care enough to return by Monday when the station will re-open.  RIP to Uncle Cameron!
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valleyrunearchives · 2 years
Weightless (The Leap of a Jade Rabbit)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Fandom: Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia Pairings: Aizawa Shouta/Yamada Hizashi Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Chapter 30/?
Midoriya Izuku stopped believing in heroes when a tragedy occurred in his life. When at the tender age of 11, he lost everything that was everything dear to him, everything that was worth living for. Yet he doesn’t give up. He can’t give up. He decides to make a choice instead. No longer will he stand around and wait for the heroes to arrive while a crime goes down. He’ll be his own hero and a hero to those who are just like him. Those waiting for help that will never arrive. In order to do that, though, he’ll have to fight to survive and lie through his teeth. It won’t be so bad!
After all, it’s not like they can bring him in for vigilantism and Illegal Quirk Usage when he doesn’t even have a quirk, right?
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Izuku can admit that this isn't a good idea. He tried to fight off the urge for as long as he could. He tried to be good but ultimately he failed. Which is how he finds himself donning his Gyokuto hoodie and mask late into Thursday night.
It had been a fairly stressful day, with Shouta and Hizashi telling him that they would be going to UA high tomorrow so Nedzu, the principal (he’s going to meet the principal of UA…!), can give him an aptitude test to see where he is in terms of school. They'll then be looking into nearby schooling options after that to see where he can attend that will meet his academic needs. Finally, a meal will be occurring between the three of them, Shouta and Hizashi’s friends Nemuri and Tensei, and Tensei's younger brother. He's fairly certain Tensei is a pro hero like Hizashi, he just hasn't figured out which one. 
Point is he's stressing the fuck out and he needs to not be doing that anymore. So he's doing the best thing he knows how to do to release stress; going out to beat bad people black and blue. 
He hasn’t heard any sounds from the house in about an hour. So he’s fairly sure that Hizashi and Shouta both are sound asleep. Good. That makes it easier for him to get out and in the house undetected. How long should he be gone for? He sets an alarm on his new phone for three hours from now. That should be enough time to stop a good bit of crime. 
With that done, he carefully opens the window and slips out. He lets out a happy sigh when his feet touch the ground. He squeaks as a throat clears behind him. He looks over his shoulder to see Shouta in a t-shirt and sweatpants standing behind him with his arms crossed. He curses quietly under his breath.
“What do you think you’re doing?” the older man asks him.
“Uh… Walk? I’m walking? OUT for a walk?” he replies hesitantly.
A dark brow raises, “You wanna try that again?”
“... I’m anxious,” Izuku admits.
“So you decided to go for a ‘walk?’” 
Shouta reaches up to pinch the bridge of his nose with a disappointed sigh. Oh no that’s worse than anger! “Kid,” Shouta starts, causing Izuku to tense, “If you wanted to go out as Gyokuto, you should’ve just asked me.”
“Wait… You’d… just let me go do vigilante work? If I asked?!” The boy’s voice is incredulous. It certainly can’t be that easy! Right?
“Yes. I have a condition though. I have to come with you.”
“Why?” Izuku asks, confused. 
“If I come with you, you’re officially marked as an Underground hero’s intern. You won’t get in trouble and no other heroes you meet will be able to try and take you in for vigilantism.”
“Because I’m working with a hero to learn and therefore not a vigilante! Genius! What about Hizashi though? Will he be okay?” 
Shouta waves him off, “Hizashi’s out like a light. I’ve left him a note in case he wakes up but he’s a deep sleeper so we’ll more than likely be back before he wakes.” 
“So we can really go?” Izuku bounces on his feet excitedly, “Like, now-ish?”
“Yeah, yeah. Just give me like five minutes to change and get my gear.” 
Izuku resists the urge to cheer. Mostly because it’s almost one in the morning and he’d rather not wake up the neighbors. It’d be terribly rude! Shouta returns inside via his and Hizashi’s bedroom window. Izuku waits patiently for him outside. Not long later, Shouta comes back out the same way he went in; Now fully dressed with his utility belt and capture scarf also on. 
“Come on, kid,” Shouta says to him, shoving his hands in his pockets before beginning to lead, “I’ll show you the route I normally take whenever I can’t sleep.” 
“So you come out and patrol your own neighborhood whenever you’re having trouble sleeping?” Izuku asks him as he moves to catch up. 
“Yep. Neighbors certainly don’t mind the extra pair of eyes around these streets and I get to get out of my own head for a while. Keep up. We’ll do about two or three laps around before heading in. We stay pretty quiet around here so I doubt we’ll find anything but we’ll just have to see what’s around.” 
Izuku supposes that makes sense. He can imagine the stuff Shouta sees as an undergrounder must be pretty rough sometimes. His sleep schedule must be awful too considering that he patrols most nights and also teaches during the weekdays. He doesn’t ask him any more questions and, instead, just follows him quietly as he climbs to the top of a nearby apartment building. He and Izuku then move to the end of the roof and peer over the edge into the nearby alleyways. When it comes up empty, Shouta and Izuku rooftop jump to another nearby building. 
Each check they do comes up empty. Izuku tries not to pout. Shouta did say that it was pretty quiet in their neighborhood. He supposes he should just be happy that he was able to do this. That Shouta was willing to let him patrol the neighborhood with him to help calm his frazzled mind. He is much more relaxed now. He supposes he just needed to not be cooped up in the house any more. 
When they get to the last stop on Shouta’s quick route of the neighborhood, after a quick check to make sure it’s clear, the man turns to him, “Sorry kiddo. No criminals to apprehend tonight. Ready to head back now?”
“Yeah. I’ve relaxed now. Thanks again, Shouta.” 
“Sure. Let’s go then. The sooner we get back, the sooner we get to nap a bit before Hizashi’s excitable wake up call in a few hours.” 
“He’s… He’s not actually going to give us a wakeup call is he?”
“With. Singing,” Shouta threatens. 
Izuku groans out in frustration. That sounds very not fun. Oh well. He doesn’t think he’d have it any other way. He guesses. The return to the house with little fanfare. They see no one on the way home and easily slip back into the window of Izuku’s bedroom. Izuku’s not sure why Shouta uses his window and not his and Hizashi. Shouta turns his back to him as Izuku changes back into his pajamas - They’re so warm and so cozy. So much cozier than just wearing clothes to bed. When Izuku crawls back under the covers, Shouta appears at his side, gently tucking him in just like Hizashi did earlier tonight. “Hope you don’t mind but I’m not one for goodnight kisses. Even my husband has to demand them from me,” he jokes. 
“That’s okay. Thanks for tucking me in, Shouta. And taking me out on patrol. I feel much better now,” he replies tiredly.
“Good to hear. Now get some sleep, Problem Child.”
Izuku hums in understanding and snuggles down deeper into the blankets. Shouta doesn’t leave immediately, just watches him as he starts to fall asleep. He’s just drifting off fully when he feels something press against his forehead. He forces his nearly closed eyes to focus just enough to see Shouta moving to lean back up. The older man whispers a soft goodnight. Izuku smiles slightly. ‘Not one for goodnight kisses,’ his ass!
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xtrablak674 · 1 year
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Wow so much happened in one day.
We got back from our morning yoga, a nice way to break up the walking from the week that was low impact but still good exercise. It was a flurry of make-up brushes, fabric, shoes and jewelry being tossed about as we got ready to take downtown Brooklyn by storm. It was one young ladies coming out in a very public way, and seeing if a certain mature dog had any new tricks. Would our dynamic duo impress a very thick-skinned and opinionated Black Brooklyn crowd or what they be ignored into obscurity?
I had chosen our accessories very carefully anticipating a potentially sunny situation, this gamble paid off majorly. I had also got my niece warmed up for what kind of attention to expect once we got to the festival. As one of Brooklyn's royalty I knew exactly how to make her coming out a success. Setting the tone that bad bitches don't hurry, we took a very leisurely stroll down Washington to Park Avenue on our way towards Commodore Barry Park. The gasps, smiles, open comments and stares let me knew we had selected exactly the right looks for this years AfroPunk festival. I knew we would be the belles of the ball!
We were working the vendor booths and I had stopped to get some re-twisting oil for my locs. I completed the transaction and turned around to find Anisha gone, tragedy had occurred when my back was turned! In the sea of coloured hair, flowing silks, taffetas and wax prints I had a challenge ahead of me. But then I remembered that we were like the only attendees with our special accessory and I looked for that and found her!
It is with great sympathy I report that my nephew Henry Allen Gentle had passed that morning after some restlessness we had known about from the previous day... Master Henry was borne on September 7, 2016 and in his brief life had bought great joy to his parents.
But I didn't know this at the time, I had a glamorous and very distressed niece on the phone and she kept shouting "Don't go!" over and over again, I had no idea WTF had happened. Now low key I was hoping her trashy boyfriend had dumped her so she could finally get an upgrade to a nice young lady or a medium brown complected brother, I was going to prepare my face to look suitable sad and disappointed albeit we know in my heart I felt a whole 'nother way. But sadly that wasn't the case her pet rabbit of six years had passed in his sleep and she wanted to make sure her boyfriend properly disposed of the body...
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But we are big girls, so the make up was checked touched up and we went back to our adoring public, and of course we went in hard on the vendors. We got make-up, multiple sunglasses, kimonos, pants that would make Ms. Celie proud, of course jewelry, scarves, free tote bags and loads of warm welcomes. We had special blessings to bestow amongst the various vendors bringing some of them to tears, but all in all we spread love, the Brooklyn way!
The only rocky point of a day was a run-in with a photographer named Ms. Dubois, I know her name because she gave me her card after doing an impromptu photoshoot. This was a trend the same photographers approaching us again, I lost count of how many videos and photos we had taken by the end of the day, but I think we both had a greater respect for professional models. We were approached by Ms. Dubois who albeit my short interaction I trusted, so when she said she would take Anisha's bag while she shot her we trusted that she would return it, she didn't. This wasn't her purse, it was a bag of booty we had acquired at the festival.
I told Anisha to stay calm and allow all that positive energy we had put out to come back to us, we slowly and methodically searched the park and finally came across Ms. Dubois who had no blue gift bag over her shoulder and seemed a little confused why we were looking for her she broke into very defensive speeches about how she tells people to watch their belongings and I reminded her that she literally took the bag off of my nieces shoulder and uttered no such warning, more importantly she subsequently wandered off with the same bag.
Let's be clear I don't think her actions were out of maliciousness as much as forgetfulness. We were all heading back to the original spot where we did the shoot and about 30 feet away abandoned but intact Anisha spotted the bag and we hurried over to it, she was upset because she had left her phone in it. I was calm but disturbed at Ms. Dubois reticence to apologize for the accidental theft. She seemed to be unrepentant about her actions and I told my niece that if she can't take responsibility for her actions we had nothing else to say to her and directed her to leave with me immediately. Ms. Dubois was feeling a little repentant trying to focus on, but the bag was found, yes only by the grace of Goddess I said not because of your irresponsibility with other people's things. We tried to breathe the incident on and went to the VIP tent to collect ourselves.
After listening to a couple of acts we took up a quest to find the wellness area we had kept hearing about on the main-stage, we finally found it, and the set up with Black Girls Sew, Anisha was a bit excited too because she had also heard about this organization all the way down in Orlando. We partook of the booths, bookmarked some purchases for the next day and sat down to a peach and ginger infused drink before deciding to call it a day and head back to the Heights.
All in all it was a very fulfilling and affirming day filled with so much Black love and #BlackGirlMagic, my niece saw people just like her with bodies just like hers looking beautiful, confident and well accepted by the wider community, I did low-key say, they weren't going to know what to do with her when she got back to Orlando because she was going to hopefully be Feelin' Herself for a long time! #✌🏿
[Photo by Brown Estate]
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fandom-iction · 2 years
•Forty Three•
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Words: 883
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You rolled your eyes and put down at your phone. You looked over at the boy knocked out on your bed. He was exhausted, you could tell. You had been back a month, but it didn’t look like it had gotten better. Dabi didn’t sleep much before, but you knew now that he was barely sleeping. Just like you were.
It was good to see him actually getting some rest. You hated to have to wake him up. His tiny snores were adorable. You sighed and quietly called his name, not to startle him. It didn’t work.
You lightly ran your hand down his arm. He had new scars from the overuse of his quirk. You knew they were from saving you. It made you feel guilty. He had hurt himself to help you. You sighed and tried to wake him again, “Touya?” This time you said it a little louder.
He grunted and turned toward you. You watched as his eyes peeled open, showing the vibrant blue of his irises.
“Y/N?” He asked in confusion. He slowly sat up, realizing he had fallen asleep in your room. “Oh, sorry about that. Falling asleep in here, I mean.”
“It’s okay.” You whispered back. There was more that you wanted to say. You wanted to tell him it was okay because when he was here, you were able to sleep too. When he was here, the nightmares went away. You wanted to tell him that sleeping in his firm grip was the best sleep you’d gotten in years. That you couldn’t hear the echoes of your screams in your head when he was near.
But you couldn’t say that. So instead, you decided to say nothing. He looked at you, watching your eyes glaze over as you got lost in your thoughts. He swept a piece of hair from your face, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“You know, that was probably some of the best sleep I’ve had in a while,” Dabi said with a small, shy smile. You copied his smile and agreed. This was the side of Dabi that everyone didn’t get a chance to see. The small sides of Touya he shows you. No one ever really sees his smiles, smirks usually gracing his face in front of the others. When it was just the two of you, he dropped the bad boy aesthetic. You always found yourself doing the same.
“I almost forgot. Shiggy needs you for something.” You informed Dabi.
“He can wait for a second,” Dabi said, flinging himself back on the bed. He took you with him; his arms wrapped tight against your body. You giggled but didn’t pull away. It was similar to how you woke up. Your face pressed against the rough skin of his neck. If it were anyone else, you would’ve freaked out. But it wasn’t anyone else. It was Touya.
He was only in there to comfort you. You had tried to fall asleep earlier in the night, exhausted from days of staying awake. As soon as you felt yourself fading, you felt yourself being transferred right back into thy basement. It felt like your hands and feet were tied down. You sat up with a sharp gasp, pulling yourself out of the nightmare. Your breathing was raspy and quick as you started having a panic attack. Dabi, who happened to be walking past your room, had heard you and stormed into the room. He had helped you calm down and sat there with you, just talking until you both fell asleep.
Neither of you spoke for the next minute or so, just laid there. In that room, you were both safe from the troubles of your past. Neither of you wanted to leave that safe bubble. You felt like nothing could harm you when you were in his arms. He was your protector from the demons in your mind.
“I’ll protect you for the rest of my life,” Touya whispered into your hair. You didn’t even realize you said that last part out loud. Your face heated up as you blushed. Touya placed a light kiss on your head and pulled his arms away. You both sat up, looking like there was more to say, but neither wanted to go first. “Let me go see what Shiggy wants.”
He stood and walked to the door. He stopped and glanced back to see you looking down at your hands. You were trying to build your confidence, but it didn't prove easy. Just as he twisted the knob on the door, a surge of courage filled you.
“Wait!” You called out, making him pause again and look back at you with a question in his eyes. “You could sleep in here again tonight if you wanted to.” The confidence slowly diminished the more you spoke. Your last few words were a whisper. You couldn’t look him in the eyes any longer. He smiled down at your shy figure.
“Your bed is more comfortable than mine anyway. See you later, Princess.” He said and went to find The League leader. You had to but your lip to contain the smile threatening to spread across your face.
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
The Hottest Avenger - Bucky Barnes
a/n: im warning you, i will probably not stop for a while with the bucky fics so... brace yourselves lol! also i wrote this before ep 5 came out so its placed in that time
pairing: Bucky X Reader
warnings: TFATWS spoiler, some violence? nothing extreme
word count: 1.8k
summary: Being locked together with Sam and Bucky brings the worst out of you, picking on each other constantly. Following an arguement Bucky accidentally calls you his girlfriend in front of Sam when your relationship was supposed to be a secret.
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“Did you fucking eat the last dumpling?” you accuse Sam, holding up the empty takeout box where you thought were one more dumpling, one you’ve saved for yourself, but now it’s gone as Sam is eyeing you with his mouth full.
“Thought it was mine,” he mumbles, his words barely understandable from all the food in his mouth.
Taking a deep breath you’re trying not to jump at his throat right then and there. You’ve been locked up together all damn day in the trashy apartment across the street from the building where’s Zemo supposed to be hiding. Sharon had a tip about a possible place where he might be found, but you’ve been waiting to no avail for now. You’ve been growing stressed and impatient. You lost track of Karli and her people and now you can’t seem to find Zemo either. If it wasn’t for the Dora Milaje, you wouldn’t bother to be so after the asshole, but Bucky said if Ayo finds him first, he is dead and every useful information he holds goes to the grave with him so now you are forced to look for him. One failed mission has been following the other these days, that incompetent dickhead John is on the loose too after murdering that man in front of civilians and you feel like control has slipped out of your grip a long time ago. Now you’re stuck with Sam and Bucky in this crappy place, waiting by the window, watching out for Zemo and on top of everything… Sam ate your last dumpling.
Just when you’re about to snap at him, you feel a strong grip on your shoulder. You don’t have to look up to know it’s Bucky right behind you, but not just because he is the only other person in the room beside you and Sam, but also because you know his touch probably more than anyone. Only that most of the times it’s not your shoulder he is gripping…
It’s been going on for a long time between the two of you. Started with just some innocent flirting and you never thought it would grow into something more significant, but it did. And now you are officially in a relationship with none other than the Winter Soldier, only that no one else knows about it and you plan to keep it that way. You don’t need the teasing and jokes and the Avengers are known to be dicks sometimes, especially Sam.
Glancing up your eyes meet Bucky’s blue irises and he sends you a look that says “just let it go”, and though every fiber in you wants to whoop Sam’s ass, you let it slip.
“Don’t tell me you’re gonna get mad about a dumpling,” Sam chuckles as he chews on the food that you should be enjoying right now.
“I can get mad about whatever I want to,” you growl back, growing quite irritated of him at this point.
“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” he huffs under his breath, clearly not as bothered as he should be. Before you could do any harm in him, you leave your spot by the window, needing a breather from… well, from him.
“Hey, it’s still your turn!” he calls after you.
“I need a break,” you growl back.
“Get your ass back here, we agreed to switch every two hours!”
“Sam! I’m walking out because I’m way too tempted to punch you in the face right now!” you snap at him, losing your patience. He rises from his seat with a hard expression, not quite a fan of the way you just talked to him, but you couldn’t care less.
“You think you could actually throw one? Because last time we fought you couldn’t really get a hold of me,” he narrows his eyes at you, coming to stand tall in front of you, trying to intimidate you with how much taller and stronger he might be, but you both know you’re a better fighter.
“It’s easy to talk with your fancy tech stuff. Why don’t we see who wins in a simple battle?” you challenge him with faked boredom.
“Guys, stop. We should be looking out for Zemo, not tearing each other apart,” Bucky tries to end the staring contest, sticking his metal arm between the two of you in case any of you decides to launch at the other one.
“Then tell her to stop bitching!” Sam nods in your way.
“I’m not bitching, I’m just fed up with your bullshit!” you spat back at him, leaning closer, your chest coming in contact with Bucky’s extended arm.
“Don’t talk to her like that, Sam,” Bucky warns him, but Sam snorts dryly.
“Don’t tell me you are taking her side, she is throwing a fit for a fucking dumpling!”
“I’m not taking sides, just trying to settle this stupid disagreement here,” he defends himself and you roll your eyes.
“You can’t tell me she is not overreacting it, Buck!” Sam laughs in disbelief, taking a step back, dropping the act that he wants to fight you. He probably knows he would come out as a ridiculous loser. “This is fucking insane, I’m not in the mood to deal with your shit, Y/N,” he shakes his head.
“Hey!” Bucky snaps at him. “Don’t talk to my girlfriend like that, okay?!”
“I’m just—wait, what?!” Sam’s eyes widen and you freeze too.
Your dumbass boyfriend didn’t just out the two of you, did he? What else is about to come?! Sam’s shock turns into a cocky grin as his eyes shift between you and Bucky.
“You guys… you guys are fucking?” he asks with a delightful laugh and you close your eyes sighing, already tired of his shit.
“That’s not—We’re not fucking, I mean… It’s not like that,” Bucky stutters, but it’s just making it worse. He looks at you with terror in his eyes, but you are way too drained to deal with it the right way.
“Yes, we are fucking! And we are in a mature adult relationship! Get yourself over it!” you bark at Sam before turning around and walking out.
You faintly hear the two men talk inside, but you don’t make out the words. You don’t go too far, sitting on the steps leading up to the third floor. Soon enough you hear the door of the apartment open with a creak and a moment later Bucky shows up in your sight. He sits beside you, remaining silent for a little before speaking up.
“Sorry for running my mouth,” he mumbles, his head hanging low.
“It’s… fine,” you breathe out. Bucky fidgets with his fingers and you know he wants to touch you in any kind of way as a reassurance that it really is fine. You don’t want to hold a grudge, it was an accident, you’re just a little bummed it’s not gonna be just the two of you anymore. Reaching out you take his hand, the real one that’s flesh and meat and you lace your fingers together as he peeks at you, still reserved and hesitant.
“Is it really fine or are you just bottling it up?”
“It really is fine,” you chuckle softly and leaning closer you kiss his scruffy cheek. “The only reason I wanted to keep it a secret is because you know how vickery the guys can get. I just didn’t want them to pick on us.”
“They do it because they are just jealous,” he smirks playfully, his shoulder bumping against yours.
“Yeah? Of what?” A soft chuckle slips through your lips.
“That I scored the hottest Avenger,” he replies smugly and you can’t help but laugh with your head snapping back.
“I didn’t know you were fucking Thor!” you retort and immediately see his smirk vanish from his lips as he stares back at you, not enjoying your joke as much as you are.
“Thor? Really? Not this shit again, Y/N,” he narrows his eyes at you. Back when you were just skirting around each other, you loved pulling his leg, joking about how much you are into the hottest Avenger, aka Thor. He never appreciated it, usually earned you a tight-lipped smile before he mumbled “Tarzan’s got nothing on me” before walking away, leaving you laughing like a hyena.
“Come on, you know I’m more into super soldiers,” you grin, leaning closer as he pepper his sharp jawline with more small kisses.
“You know, it’s not the best thing to say to your boyfriend when there are now about eight more super soldiers running around,” he huffs.
“But none of them has a metal arm,” you point out, finally making him laugh.
“So that’s your kink? A vibranium arm?” he asks with faked shock and you curl your arms around his bicep, resting your chin on his shoulder.
“How haven’t you realized yet?” you chuckle. Bucky turns his head until his lips can capture yours in a sweet, lighthearted kiss that makes you forget about everything that’s been clouding over your mind these past days. All the failures, the mistakes and chaos fades into nothing, because you have him and he has you.
Walking back into the apartment Sam stares back at you, neither of you entirely sure how to act after what just happened. He then grabs his phone from the dusty table before holding it up.
“I could order some extra dumplings,” he offers and you crack a smile shaking your head. This was his peace offering, both of you knows he won’t straight up apologize for the way he talked, but this is already more than what you were expecting from him. Bucky must have had a few words with him before joining you outside.
“It’s all good.”
The three of you get back to work, taking your previous spots, returning to the task on hand as silence falls on the room once again. You catch Sam glancing at you and the Bucky and you can tell he is about to make a snarky comment on your relationship. And just as he is about to open his big mouth, Bucky moves to silence him, but you’re faster. With a simple move you throw Sam to the ground, keeping him down with your hand wrapped around his neck.
“Don’t even think about teasing, understood?” you hiss at him as he gasps for air, his hands wrapping around your wrist as he tries to fight you off, but you hold him a second longer to emphasize the importance of your words. Then you finally let go of him and he coughs for air, fixing him up from the floor as you simply walk back to your spot by the window.
“Hottest Avenger, huh?” he breathes out, revealing that he heard what you talked about out on the stairs. “More like the Avenger with the most anger issues…”
You just grin, glancing over at your boyfriend who is now standing with his arms crossed over his chest, not even bothered by his friend’s struggles on the floor as he smirks back at you, nodding proudly as if he was saying: “That’s my girl.”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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