#but it’s 12am and I’m tired
not-a-matopoeia · 9 months
Fight me (lol)
Bruce Wayne
Gray Hairs are mostly in and around his temples and beard- also he won’t dye it
Asexual but not sex repulsed (it just feels right)
Definitely experienced with makeup, sure to cover bruises and stuff but also he definitely had a phase where he wore eyeliner cause why not
Dick Grayson
Crooked nose
Speaks some Roma still but has forgotten most of it, which makes him upset
People deffo thought he was gay all through school, and they weren’t wrong…or right (he’s some form of queer)
Gymnastics teacher as a side job
Oldest Daughter SyndromeTM
Jason Todd
I think that Jason runs a book club with a bunch of middle aged women, and they talk about classic lit
Theater Kid (gay)
Good with kids, reluctantly
Has freckles
Hair is caused by Marie Antoinette syndrome
Struggled with body dysmorphia after being revived
Keeps all his receipts (they’re in a box in the kitchen) and is stingy with money
Tim Drake
Wears a Medical Identification bracelet for the spleen thing (it’s recommended guys I looked it up cause I’m normal)
Has acne
Chased Batman and Robin around with that damn camera (I fucking love this)
Has anxiety
Bisexual (not a HC but I thought I’d mention it)
Would eat the coffee grounds
Listens to video game osts
(Bring the skateboard back)
Strong nose
Just very strong features generally
Giggles, or full on cackles but there’s no In between
I think it’s be cute if he became an art therapist or a vet
Cuts her own bangs, they look horrible<3
Tired to dye her hair once (with Steph and Babs)never again
Grew up in crime ally (idk where she lived so I choose to believe this- this could also be the truth, again I cannot remember rn)
Butterfly Clips
Curly hair
Had chased multiple people off of Wayne Manors premises with his shotgun ‘
Got second place in a chili cook off one time and still hasn’t recovered
Dick and Jason are big into Taylor Swift, Jason because I think he’d like ballads/the lyrics in songs and Dick because he’s Dick
Selina Kyle actually likes the Robins, and her and Steph got along well
Jason and Steph have really thick Gotham accents, which I like to think is like a Jersey accent, Jason’s shows up more when he’s upset in any capacity, Steph’s is always there and was never trained out of her
Dick has this weird accent where it’s very clearly not anything American, but it’s not not American, and it’s because he moved so much and was around people woth so many different accents that his voice never settled on one
Damian talks to himself in Arabic- Jason knows a bit of it
Cass is a messy eater (this isn’t cannon is it?)
I think it’s be funny to imagine Tim, Cass and Steph going to High School together
Steph was that one girl in the Cookie Monster pjs in high school, and Tim was like this weird goth/skater kid
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we-are-dogclan · 3 months
[TIMESKIP] Moon 64 - Familiar Dream
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Forgotten, But Not Gone.
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robiinurheart33 · 1 month
Johnny as not being able to accept or react to anything normally. (Clicks for Palestine)
He accepts things in breathless gasps, cold sweat tracing his spine, wide eyed and gripping his shirt in a frenzy.
He accepts love like a prayer, reverent and beautiful. Yes, yes, yes, let me see. Let me see all of you. Let me know that I am yours and you are mine. He loves with all his heart, gives his liking out scarcely. It eats him from inside out, the way obsession and possessiveness work. It’s a finniky thing, something soap always had trouble with. One day he could be in complete safety, knowing that he is loved, and he will love more. Others, he sobs in despair for all those who will never love again, for the love that he will receive that will never be enough, not enough, and too much. Two sides of his brain thread their fingers through his mind, grab on his hair and yank. It forces him to bear his throat, open and exposed, as if to say see? I will be vulnerable. Bite on me. Bite down. In hopes of the other trusting him enough to sink their canines into tainted blood.
He accepts joy with excitement, as if an addict returning into the safe embrace of its drug. A childish response, he guesses, but anyone would find themselves yearning to be happy as well. The highs are high, and the lows are real low. He knows when to accept joy on its own, pure form, and not think about anything else. It’s something sacred to him, precious and fragile as glass. But he knows no one needs his excitement. No one needs his explosive emotions and no one needs him. That’s okay. Soap has spent his entire life accepting that fact.
In the meantime, Johnny will wrap his hands around himself in a pathetic attempt at self-comfort, and repeats a mantra in his head. Less is more. Less is more. Less is more.
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http-tokki · 7 months
am i nice to you?
~ bakugou katsuki x fem!reader ~ tags/cw: aged up bakugou, angst, drunk reader, unrequited love, established friendships, ~ wc: 1k ~ And I sit on the curb 'cause it's the prettiest night, With no one else in sight - Drunk Walk Home : Mitski ~ "Why doesn't he like me?" "Cause he's an idiot."
Part one is here x
Bakugou finds you sitting on the curb in the middle of the night while coming home from the gym. He hadn't known it was you when he stopped; he just stopped because what kind of person is he if he drove past a woman sitting in the gutter? But as he shouts at you from within his car, he realises who you are. 
"Why didn't you call me?" he pulls up the park break. "I gave you my number for this exact reason!"
"Bakugou?" your voice is hoarse. 
"Yes, we’ve done this bit before now why are you outside!?"
Katsuki throws open his door but reaches back into the car and retrieves a jacket. He doesn't check for traffic as he steps into the street, gait purposeful in order to reach you before you're swept into the night. You sniff again, using your hand to wipe at the tears that have frozen to your skin and by the time you look up again, he is standing above you with a jacket held out.
"Why are you in the street?" his tone gruff.
"Because the stars are out and i wanted to go star gazing." You lie.
And he stares at you, right brow raising in question. You stare back, bottom lip tucked between your teeth as you fight a frown. He notices your dress, pretty and black but way too short to be worn in the dead of winter, and then your tiny handbag and high heels that had been kicked off. 
"Are you-" 
You burst into tears, unable to hold them back and cry into your hands. 
Katsuki winces, unable to deal with emotion, but for you, he'll try. Crouching down to your level, he wraps his jacket around your shoulders and sits beside you on the dirty curb. He doesn't know how to do this and has never needed to comfort someone before, but you desperately need someone, so he sits there while you cry. He lets you lean your head on his chest and cry until you're wheezing. 
"Okay, you need to stop." Katsuki frowns, pushing at your shoulders. "you're going to hyperventilate." 
You don't stop. 
Falling back into the grass, you cry into the night sky. Blubbered words are shouted into the sky, heartbroken sobs echoing through the desolate street as you empty your soul to the universe and classmate sitting beside you. 
"Why doesn't he like me?" you ask quietly, hurt in every word. 
"Cause he's an idiot," Bakugou replies, knowing you hadn't asked him the question, but he has the answer. 
"You don't even know who I'm talking about." your retort is slurred. 
"I know it's the guy you wore this all for." he lightly kicks your bare foot. "He's stupid."
This is his attempt at comfort. 
"He is stupid", you agree, tone lifting slightly. "but he's so nice to me." you sigh, hands clutching the dress at your chest. 
"You're crying in the street; how nice can he actually be?" Bakugou frowns, bending forward to pick up your shoes and bag from the gutter. "Come on, I'll drive you home." 
You shake your head and sniff. "I don't want to go."
Katsuki knows you're drunk, knows you're probably gonna hurl anytime soon, but he needs to get you out of the cold before your fingers and toes freeze off. He turns to you, bag and shoes in one hand and reaches for your shoulder. 
"Come on, let's go." he encourages you to sit, hand slipping between your shoulder and the grass below, but you don't move. 
"Can you just sit with me?" Katsuki has never heard anyone sound so small, so torn apart. "Please, 'Suki." 
Bakugou pauses at the nickname. 
"You're going to get frostbite." He mutters, dropping your belongings in favour of tugging his jumper up and over his head to drape over you as you lay on the earth. 
You look at him, a frown etched into your pretty face and tears welling in your red eyes. His heart breaks at how pathetically gorgeous you look. How, even after sobbing your eyes out, you can still manage to hold him in the palm of your hand and bend him to your every whim. 
"Five minutes" is the answer to your plea, and he lies beside you. 
Shoulder to shoulder, you rest on the road verge and stare into space. Katsuki can hear your sniffles from beside him and feel your body move with each shaking breath. He doesn't know what else to do, how else to comfort you in a platonic way, how else to make everything go away, so he does what he thinks he should do. 
Slipping an arm under your shoulders, he hauls you into his embrace, and when no protest comes from you, he guides your body to lay against his. He lays your head against his chest, your arms following his instructions to wrap around his chest and legs tangling with his; you feel warm. Warmer than you've felt in a while. Bakugou's hands glide up to the base of your neck, sliding into your hair and anchoring in the roots. 
You lift your head to face him and find him looking down at you. The hand not in your hair skims over your jaw, cupping your face with a gentleness you never knew possible. You had never been held like this, with such tenderness and reverence as if you were something out of this world. 
A shaky sigh leaves you.
"Am I nice to you?" Katsuki asks softly.
You nod. 
Katsuki ghosts his thumb over your cheek, swiping up the remnants of the tears that escaped your diligent wiping. You stare up at him, galaxies swirling within your glassy eyes, and it takes everything in him not to lean in and kiss you. His muscles tighten at the impulse, soul pushing him forward to make contact, to seal the fate of your friendship into something more with a simple peck, but he can't. He can't make that move after you have poured your heart out to him. It wouldn't be fair. So, he pulls back from you. Breaking contact and sitting up to collect your things. 
"Five minutes is up", he murmurs, returning to collect you. "Let's go"
He watches your face fall, hope fading from your eyes as you sit up. 
God, he was an idiot. 
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a/n: the way i relate to this song is unreal. I remember sitting on the side of the road once throwing up and crying my eyes up all because a guy I liked didn't like me back but I didn't have bakugou come and get me, I had to pick myself up and walk to the train station alone lmao
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imogenkol · 2 months
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[ template by @zevlor ]
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @shegetsburned @voidika @kyber-infinitygems @inafieldofdaisies @statichvm @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @carlosoliveiraa @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch @gwynbleidd @shellibisshe @loriane-elmuerto @katsigian @captastra @simplegenius042 @theelderhazelnut @g0dspeeed
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magicalmuffinz · 18 days
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Achak and Kin
I drew one on the 13th (3 days ago) and one yesterday the difference is wild
If you don’t know Achak, he’s a ghost, and a dog, hes 204, and he’s very energetic, which annoys Kin a lot
Working on drawing the other members but this is all you get for now
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screwnames-ihatenames · 4 months
I love when serious things in shows and movies have like a joke or something that’s played as funny or comedic while still having that serious tone cause that’s just real life sometimes you’re made at someone after a fight than you like trip living the room and have to turn to glare back cause like they can’t laugh but this is the stupidest situation you’ve ever been in
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feelingpretty · 11 months
Do any of y’all know where in the massive timeline the fnaf movie is supposed to fall?? Like I was looking at the casting and characters that would be featured and I’m so confused lmao :,)
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cr0wc0rpse · 6 months
We haven’t even done thanksgiving yet but I’m already worried about how crushingly lonely I’m going to feel on new years eve
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vykko · 1 year
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I downloaded some stuff off of steam workshop and am testing it out
I like this vibe of
Also I weirdly like this combo so I guess these are some new OCs
Also I wish I had sniper’s hat, it looks really cozy. My one doesn’t fit and I’ve had it since I was 8.
also also I finally added the collar thing and it does undead I think look punk as fuck bc I say so >:)
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
my face hurts so much from all the crying
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zaddyazula · 9 months
there was a lightning storm the other night (at like 12am) and i went batshit insane and there’s another one now and i’m slightly scared i will go mad again
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idli-dosa · 2 years
so sleepy rn that it took me 5 minutes and 8283737 tries to spell desicion decision
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cryptidkey · 2 years
hello it’s the mirror anon here, and i don’t blame you i don’t think i make sense either
what i meant by the mirror thing is like how you get this effect when putting two mirrors in front of each other (you can look up “mirrors facing each other” if you don’t get what i mean)
there’s this infinity effect of each mirror reflecting the other over and over and over etc.
so my question is what if there was nothing in the surrounding area (like both mirrors are in the void) to cause a reflection? would there be no infinite loop? would there simply be nothing since if nothing surrounds mirrors, what is there to reflect?
with the pixel thing i was talking about was like, when you have this infinite mirror loop thingy, how far can the human eye see beyond the loop (before it gets too small for us to see, i mean) ? to us it just gets too small and blurry, yet we go ahead and call it infinite right? my question was, what if we didn’t have the limits of the human eye? could we see beyond the average smallest part of the loop, and would the loop somehow stop, making it non infinite before it reaches the size of germs or something? therefore i made the example of how in video games, when something is so small it just turns into pixels due to being on a screen (made up of a bunch of pixels). now i ask, is there a real life equivalent of that?
sorry that i’m rambling, I hope i explained my thoughts. thanks anyways for reading this pointless thought process
Ah, that makes more sense ahsgaja
I honestly have no idea dude, but this was really cool to read.
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thiefnessman · 2 years
sorry just. sometimes you see a post about the topic you made a 20 minute video presentation on for school and you go “wait no i have things to say about this”
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