#but i want to sacrasm a little
sugajimin · 1 year
I ll say that gr*mmys were scared to give coldplay the award this year because they know Chris won't keep his mouth closed
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writing-good-vibes · 1 year
loving you is like loving the dead (or fucking the dead)
y'all are going to hate me for this one 😈 corey has a sick little fantasy he wants to play out with michael.
big, big, big WARNING this time readers, for corey x michael, smut, age gap relationship (though it's not brought up), psuedo-necrophilia (no one is actually dead), autonecrophilia (again, no one is dead), ice baths, slightly unsafe kink practices (because corey has no idea what he's doing), heavy mentions of suicide and past suicidal ideation. dead dove; do not eat.
divider by @/firefly-graphics.
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“I wanna try something,” Corey says, keeping his eyes on the outdated TV set at the foot of the motel bed while it crackles with static; a fierce wind outside meddling with the reception.
They’d been on the road for a few days, sleeping in the truck on the side of the road when they had to, and never for long. Lucky for them, there was only one attendant at the last gas station they stopped at, and it wasn’t difficult to clear out the till. Corey found he could be rather persuasive these days, particularly with Michael’s fear-inducing presence close by. Even without the mask – or, perhaps, especially without the mask, Michael was a cutting figure. The kind of man people trip over themselves to avoid. Either way, they had enough cash for a night in a motel, maybe even two if they found somewhere cheap enough.
Michael, doesn’t say anything, but his head tilts minutely in Corey’s direction from where he had been focused on the staticky TV screen, showing his apparent attention.
“Like…” Corey thinks of how to word it in a way Michael will understand. “Like play-pretend.”
Once again, no response, but he knows Michael is listening. He leans up on his elbows from where he was reclined beside the older man. “Play-pretend where you’re the killer, and I get to be the corpse.”
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Corey had thought a lot about being dead. After the accident, they’d put him on anti-anxiety meds. His psychiatrist said he wasn’t coping. There’s talk of adding antidepressants to his prescription, but when he doesn’t talk much in his sessions, they’re worried it’ll do more harm than good. He overhears his psychiatrist telling Momma to keep an eye on him. Six months later and momma had got sick of all this psychology talk – “You’re fine, Corey. These doctors, they don’t know what they’re talking about, trying to dose you up with God-knows-what and putting silly ideas in your head. It’s hurting you, Corey. Now, listen to your mother, I know what’s best for you.” – and stopped paying for his refills.
He'd stopped taking them anyway, leaving the half-full orange pill bottle to gather dust at the back of the bathroom cabinet. They’d never helped his nerves, even when things were at their worst. Besides the therapy appointments, he didn’t leave the house for months. Not with the way people stared at him, the way they shouted at him across parking lots and while he waited in line with Momma at the grocery store. She warded most of them off, but it didn’t change anything. The acquittal had stopped him going to jail, but he was already damned.
The first time he went back to the Allen house was on Halloween. The surviving Allens had abandoned it after the trial; Corey wasn’t sure where they’d moved to, but he somehow knew they were still in Haddonfield. It had been a whole year since Jeremy had died and nothing had changed, Corey’s blood pumped through his veins so harshly he could hear it in his ears, just like he had that night. The house is empty, stripped of everything bar the piano in the front room and some clothes hangers in the closets. Corey checked every room, he didn’t know what for, until he got to the attic. That was the first time he tried.
By no means the first time he’d thought about it, though. No, he’d been thinking about it. He’d spent a disturbing amount of time thinking about it. But as he climbed over the railing, looking between his sneakers at the long drop and sudden stop, he really thinks he could do it. He thinks about it for a long time, but his fingers never loosen their grip on the banister and his feet stay planted between the spindles.
It happens more often than Corey knows is normal. He goes to the Allen house and climbs over the third-floor railing and looks down. He wonders how many times it’ll take until one day he just lets go. Not that it matters, he thinks. Falling would just be the final nail in the coffin; he feels as good as dead already. A cold, empty body in a cold, empty house.
When he gets home afterwards, he always uses the back door. He has every creaky floorboard memorised, and he’s almost silent as he passes Momma and Ronald’s room. She never even notices he’s missing; he knows she doesn’t because if she did there’d be bars on his windows and a new lock on the back door before he even woke up in the morning.
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That all seems so long ago. These days, he’s never felt more alive. The longing he once had has been replaced with a sick curiosity to have just a taste of what he had wanted so badly back then.
Corey shivers as soon as he steps into the tub, full to the brim with cold water and ice that he had to run out to the icebox for.
Michael watches from the bathroom doorway, arms relaxed by his sides, as though Corey trying to freeze himself into a corpse is nothing out of the ordinary.
The shower curtain isn’t pulled over, and displaced water and chunks of ice spill over the side of the bath, splashing and skidding across the cracked tile floor when Corey lowers himself into the makeshift ice bath, wincing when his balls tighten as he submerges himself. Corey sinks down further, up to his shoulders and a shocked gasp leaves him, making it sound like he’s been winded. His muscles start to spasm as his body tries to maintain its own heat.
There’s a cup of ice sweating away on the counter next to the sink. Corey tips some into his mouth and rolls it around with his tongue, pressing another ice cube to his lips until it hurts, then keeps it there longer still.
He doesn’t think it’ll work but he props a leg up on the edge of the tub and shoves an ice cube up himself. He’s already slick with Vaseline, having prepped himself in bed while Michael sat and watched Jeopardy. Now the ice surrounding him was nothing compared to how cold his fucking insides suddenly felt. Corey cringes, his hips bucking as he clenches around the uncomfortable intrusion. He crunches on the ice in his mouth to distract himself. “Have to wait for it to melt inside,” he grits out through clenched teeth.
Michal watches with that faint sort of fascination he has for most things which he does not personally understand, yet are intriguing enough for him to consider.
While they wait, Corey grips the rim of the bath, fingers sore with cold-cramp. How did he get here? Jumping from the top storey. Overdosing on his meds. Slitting his wrists with Laurie’s knife. Hanging himself by the belt he’d stopped wearing. No, no. Those days are long gone. Now he’d just use Michael. “How did you kill me?” Corey asks.
Michael is silent. His head dips slightly, like he’s looking the younger man up and down. He approaches, crossing the small room in two strides, before crouching next to the tub. Reaching out, his good hand circles Corey’s throat, finger and thumb pressing ominously on either side of Corey’s windpipe. Strangulation, Michael is saying. Corey should have guessed.
Corey closes his eyes, and when he opens them again, the hand on his throat is gone and Michael has retreated back to the doorway.
It’s impossible to keep track of time like this. Hours could have passed and Corey wouldn’t be able to tell. Corey’s teeth are chattering hard and when he chances a peek at the clock, he manages to let out a shaky breath. Times up. With quaking arms, he lifts himself out of the water. Dripping onto the already-wet tile. As he stands there shivering, he glances over at Michael, still stood watch stoically.
Without a word, which is no surprise, Michael keeps an arm’s length away from him and hands him one of the scratchy motel towels. Corey pats himself dry, not wanting to heat up too quickly when they haven’t even started yet. Catching sight of himself in the vanity mirror shocks him more than he thought it would. He’s pale, sickly pale, and there’s a blue hue on his lips. Every inch of him is devoid of life.
Michael’s playing ‘killer’, isn’t he, so the mask stays on this time. He closes the gap between the two of them, blackened eye holes bore into Corey. Michael's come closer to killing Corey than this, but Corey never had the chance to really play the role of ‘corpse’ then.
There’s a voice in the back of Corey’s head that says they should probably talk about this before they go any further, but before he can indulge or deny that voice, Michael wraps his hands arounds his waist and heft him into a fireman’s lift.
Oh fuck. Michael’s weathered and scarred skin feels white hot against Corey’s, his heart pounds and he doesn’t know if it’s because he wants this so fucking bad or because his body temperature has dropped so much his heartrate is working overtime. Like a ragdoll, Corey doesn’t react when Michael tosses him onto the bed, or when he spreads his legs obscenely wide.
Thick fingers dip into the Vaseline and then into Corey, almost burning hot, replacing what might have been washed away in the bath. Corey breaths shallowly, past the point of shivering now that a dense numbness has settled in his limbs.
It’s more difficult than Corey expects, pretending to be dead. He wants so badly to whimper, to moan when Michael pushes his unreasonably big cock into him. To rock his hips up to meet Michael’s. To press his blueing lips to the rotten latex of the mask. But he forces himself to be still, to make himself go limp. Michael has always been able to manhandle him, but he feels so much more vulnerable when he can’t resist. Or assist, is more like it, he thinks.
He’s used to the stretch by now, but the intensity remains each and every time. Very rarely does Corey wish Michael spoke, but right now he desperately wants to know if his insides feel as deathly cold as his outsides. If Michael’s cock is really that searing of if he’s just forgotten what warm flesh feels like.
Corey tries to suppress a moan, but the sound still rumbles in his throat and slips from his slackened mouth. Michael’s hand comes up, clamps over Corey’s cold lips and squeezes just the right side of too tight. He holds the pressure for a moment before letting go – Be quiet, you’re supposed to be dead, the gesture warns.
Corey does as he’s told. It comes as a surprise when he feels himself get hard, he’d thought he couldn’t with how cold he is, his blood vessels must have closed off, right? Freezing right down to the bone it feels like. Although corpses can stay hard, if that’s how they died, Corey thinks.
As he stares at the ceiling and lets his eyes lose focus even more, Corey’s mind wanders back to the sewer. Thinks about the day he woke up, dazed and scared, and how Michael could have killed him. Could have squeezed the life out of him and fucked him while he was still warm. Or saved him for later when he’d be cold, just like he is now, only better.
He wishes he could see what he looked like from the outside. Wants to know how depraved and disgusting they look as Michael ploughs his prone form, ice cold to the touch and unable to stop himself being defiled. His limbs really do feel stiff from the cold, and he really doesn’t think he could stop Michael even if he wanted to. That mindless bliss he feels when he can just lie there and take it is heightened by the thought of him being like this forever, his skin getting colder and his eyes clouding grey with death and Michael’s cock rocking him into an endless sleep –
Abruptly, Michael pulls out and Corey wonders what’s happening, wonders if Michael’s suddenly decided he’s not into it, before he’s flipped over. His arm is trapped at an uncomfortable angle beneath him, but he doesn’t readjust, just waits until Michael forces himself back in, half-pulling Corey back onto his cock. The rough material of Michael’s coveralls – because he is the killer, right now, not the man – chafes Corey’s freezing thighs.
Corey’s twisted arm brushes against his own cock with each thrust. It takes everything in him not to react, not to move his arm just a little so he can grasp himself with an icy hand. He resists the temptation, after all, he’s dead, isn’t he? Mind long gone and nothing useful left of him except a cold, tight hole.
Being dead feels so mind numbingly good. So, so much better than he ever imagined. Even at his worst, even when he cried himself to sleep every night. He’s so fucking glad he waited – no, that’s a lie – he’s so fucking glad he never had the guts to do it. Because if he’d offed himself back then, his body would have gone to waste.
Getting bored, or maybe Corey just makes such a pretty corpse that he should be face up, Michael flips him back over, and Corey’s gaze briefly refocus on the ceiling once again, his mouth open and wanting. The thrusts get harsher, Michael is ruthless as the best of times, and Corey certainly isn’t going to break the moment to complain. He chokes back a moan, his leg twitching involuntarily when Michael’s hips smash against his in a final moment of primal desire.
Corey comes untouched, as soon he feels the explosion of heat inside him from Michael’s own release. If anything can bring him back to life, it’s Michael.
He blinks slowly; a long, slow breath rattles his chest.
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“If you fucked me like that afterwards, I really would let you kill me,” Corey says, from the cocoon of blankets he’s swaddled himself in.
The friction and exertion from their fucking had warmed him up a little by the end, but then he’d started shivering again and realised he should probably do something about it.
Michael is sat beside him on the bed, leaning against the headboard, when he turns to face Corey properly. The mask sits between them.
Whether you let me or not, I’ll do it one day, Michael is saying. And Corey knows it.
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kirby-the-gorb · 10 months
reply roundup!
I guess vaguely once a month is just how these things work now, I do try to read everyone's tags and replies and stuff but a lot of them I just don't really have anything to reply with sorry! as always I appreciate the supportive words and well wishes and stuff <3
I also love the trifurcation of responses to [go to bed]: one group of people is like "yeah u right I sleep now thanks", one is like "sorry but I can't", and one is just like "no! I refuse!!!" lol
I did get two different "posts that have 10k to me" tags though, on [one] that actually passed 10k and [another] that is still barely triple digits and will probably stay there XD
anyway [chess kirb] was on the radar which is neat
also my birthday is this weekend :)
oh yeah and reminder that I also have a craft blog @sleepy-princess-craftery
on [the last roundup] @sacrasm said: oh the clonk'd is just my queued post tag! thr other one is self explanatory he is little he is pink and i affectionately call things freak sometimes (in combination with other words)
ohhhh that makes sense lol it was the clonk'd that I was baffled by thank you for explaining -u-
on [drowsy] @ceylonsilvergirl said: being laid up sick or injured is terrible, but I think we also need to acknowledge that it’s also boring as hell. can’t do anything fun. boring boring boring
it is!!! it's so boring!!! especially since I'm already baseline sick all the time so I have less options to start with, so to do even less than that is literally nothing!
anonymous asked: Gwah being sick sucks. I wish immune system upon you!
thank you! (I think I actually need less immune system? on account of the immune disorder. but either way I do not have an active infection anymore 👍)
on [tumble] @chefwhatnot said: get chucked idiot
where's that post like "'get (blank)ed idiot' is the funniest joke" cuz they're right
on [mask] @macro-microcosm said: glad you're feeling better! i agree that we should all still be masking up, it bothers me soooo much to see that so many people have stopped
like honestly, scientifically speaking it is way more effective and more accessible than just leaning on vaccines, and it protects people from all kinds of stuff not just covid! but nobody wants to wear masks and even people who think they're being cautious just want to lean on vaccine requirements, which is doubly inaccessible for me personally and probably millions of other people :( stresses me out too.
anonymous asked: Magicking you up some new containers
thanks! they didn't have what I wanted at target but we got some usable stuff from daiso, so at least it's not all still shoved in a ziploc bag.
@thewizardgnome asked: But what if I say bye
I mean yeah you can do that too if you want I guess lol
on [paper] @breathelifeintothatsoul said: Cool! I've always wanted to try and make my own (recycled) paper one time
it's fun! there's a lot of extra steps you can add in if you want to, but the absolute basics of it is just dump a bunch of paper strips into a bin, fill it with water, wait until it breaks up enough for your liking, then dunk some kind of stiff screen into it (horizontally) so you can pull out even layers of pulp to dry somewhere.
on [paper] @hermitfox said: oooo making your own paper is do much fun, I have fond memories from kindergarten doing that. ... actually what stops me from doing that as an adult. I should make paper again
do recommend, making things is fun and also good for you :) also the paper pulp is very Texture (affectionate) (to me) (I'm sure to others it can be very Texture (derogatory) but I like it)
on [yarn] @ceylonsilvergirl said: I am very envy of people who can follow a pattern, I can’t do that. I can do a friend being like “Oh this next one is two one two one’’, i can’t translate abbreviations into an idea in my mind. give me a diagram instead
I'm the opposite tbh, I find the abbreviations really easy to follow but looking at a diagram for knitting and crochet just turns into like, visual noise if it's more complex than like, a single fan stitch or whatever.
@my-life-is-a-bad-sitcom asked: You’re Kirby’s are so cool and I love your art style. Honestly awesome. Giving you a standing ovation. 👍
thank you! I love to draw a little guy
anonymous asked: I saw you on tumblr radar just now!! congrats!! -@secondbeatsongs
woah thanks sbs!
@darkchaogarden-blog asked: Tumblr's doing that dumb thing it's been doing lately where I can't reblog anything, so I'll just write to you personally that your art is excellent! Have a good day!
that sounds like such an irritating bug but thank you! I hope you had a good day too whenever this was :)
on [chess] @shiinteractsif said: dudes at the search thingy image. congrats
oh cool I wondered where the radar posts showed up on mobile!
on [chair] @mads-is-tired said: i’ve never played a kirby game but i desperately want to BECAUSE LOOK AT HIM
honestly so valid, he's basically a character brand to me (like hello kitty or rilakkuma). I'm probably biased, but I feel like the best games to start with are either forgotten land (the one that came out on switch last year) or crystal shards (originally for the n64, also available through the nintendo online vc). I think they're the most visually appealing (aside from epic yarn which is not a mainline game) and while they reward exploration they're not as complex as some of the handheld titles to fully explore, nor are they as hand-holdy as some of the other console titles. a good middle ground of feeling like you did the thing, without being frustrating.
on [soup] @give-soup-please said: ME #soupblogging #fucking same
how delightful that this post managed to find you :) these tags make me happy whenever I think of them
on [soup] @lord-chiopet said: me too bud. you too op hope the weather approved
good news, the weather has improved :) now it is overcast and drizzly, my favorite!
on [chess] @wealmostaneckbeard said: Neither of them know how to play so they made up some rules...
what a cute idea! I hope they are having fun with their new game.
on [baseball] @hutbug said: the teal color is called northwest green and we still wear it all the time!! its beautiful u did an amazing job
thank you for the info! before this season I hadn't really had access to baseball for the past like 8 years or something and a lot has changed lol so I didn't really trust my memory
on [blue] @ceylonsilvergirl [added] "I CAN TRY AGAIN TOMORROW! Or next week! or next month..."
that really is the vibe lately huh.
anonymous asked: Your kirbys bring me daily serotonin
aww good!
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mapof-mysoul · 1 year
It's been a while, but here I am. I was under a lot of stress as I was getting a new job. I started this week and though i haven't done much besides training. I'm excited about the possibility. I have been writing and reading and existing. My mind seems clearer not without its usual hurricane  of thoughts but just enough for me to see out from where I stand in its eye. 
Enough for the constant ache to be dulled. Kinda like what KPOP does to me. 
Weird transition but okay. I'll talk about KPOP.
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As I write this I'm listening to BTS and Lee Know from StrayKids is commenting on bubble. So my reason for getting into KPOP BTS and my reason for spiraling down its rabbit hole SKZ. I thought it was a small hyper fixation as most things are for me. But a year and a half later here we are multi stan and all.
I joined this world just as BTS was announcing its group hiatus. Which sucked but I think I was lucky also. I get to experience them all for the grammys together and I get to learn them though their own individual music and schedules. I get to see them each for who they are as artists outside of BTS global phenomenon. I get to go back and see their struggles and growth knowing how it will all turn out.
I do however miss those who have enlisted and i'll miss those who still have to enlist. But thanks to BTS I have 5 individual artists I love and soon that will be 7 once JK and V  release their solos.
Thanks to them opening the door I found SKZ, which includes 8 chaotic guys whose music, energy and personalities also make me feel. 
When your mind is a mess to be pulled out of that is as close to euphoric as it gets. 
Yes there are other groups I enjoy. But these particular two make me feel seen, heard and understood. Yes they speak a language I'm struggling to learn but that's the thing they have opened me up to a culture and side of the world i never would have otherwise thought of learning about. Food, culture, language, customs and history are only a few of the things I've allowed myself to start learning. I want to understand them fully. 
The effort it takes is worth it. When you learn the meaning behind lyrics or remarks they make. Whether it's Love Yourself or Youtiful, I am grateful for the feelings behind these songs. I am grateful that I can know this world of BTS and SKZ and get immersed in so much more than their beauty. I mean yeah it's great to look at them, collect photo cards, albums or place posters on my wall. But when I look at those things I remember their words of kindness. 
I remember JK talking about how he missed us. Or Bang Chan seeing us weekly for Channies room. Things they don't have to do. Eat Jin or Asmr with Felix. Jimin and his little building lives or I.N drinking way too many energy drinks. They chose us as much as we chose them. Taehyung and Lee Know taking time to answer comments on their respective platforms. Namjoon's song recommendations on IG or Yoongi telling us the meanings of his songs regardless of how painful it must be for him to relive it. Hyunjin and Jhope dancing across my screen. Or Changbins laughter. Seungmins sacrasm and jokes and Hans' vulnerability.
These mens gentle masculinity is what has led most of us to feel closer to them then other western artists.
I love western music, from pop to rock, classic, jazz and indie but there is also rap and hip hop R & B on my playlist. As a latina i listen to bachata and ballads, reggaeton or merengue and salsa. My playlist has at least 11 languages on it. 
Can you tell I love music?
As a writer, feeling and hearing an emotion can fill me with it. I dont have to know the language, take one of my favorite songs by BTS' Min Yoongi or in this case his alias Agust D, The Last. 
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The first time i heard it i cried, no lyrical reference not in either language i know. Just me feeling exhausted from the pain inside myself. Unable to cry at that point. Maybe it was the angsty pain in his voice but I knew I felt it too. I cried. Silent tears covering my cheeks. I was not alone. When I looked up the lyrics I sobbed again, because my soul understood before my mind could. He himself says music doesn't have a language. 
When I had the opportunity to see him in concert I jumped. Because he is my bias after all. I cried twice, once during Amygdala, because I knew exactly what he meant. Our traumas looked different but their effects were the same. I cried again during Snooze as he repeated over and over and over how "everything was going to be okay". As he reminded me to lean on him to take a break, and then when i'm ready pursue my dream once again. It felt good to hear it in person. But I didn't cry during The Last like I thought I would. Instead I smiled because that was a song that connected him and I and millions of people around the world. 
I wasn't an emotional mess the entire time. Instead I screamed in anger during Burn It, a song that gave way to that kind of behavior as well as a lot of his others. But hearing him pause to say hey “from now on i'll write with less anger”. Reminded me of my own writing journey. Of how I too have written angry and dark and pained. But like him I too have begun to step out of that. When im asked why Min Yoongi, its because he spoke to a part of me i thought would never heal and he was there when when it started to. Im not saying he saved me but it really fucking helped to hear someone, like him say "yeah same".
It wasn't just him, my SKZ bias Bang Chan. Might not have done one of his weekly check in in a while but he is also much like me. He fights for those he loves endlessly, forgetting himself in the process. Working until he pushes too far. Wanting to be better, do better, be the best and continually climb that perfectionist ladder.
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I've heard him give advice about living and taking care of yourself. I've also heard him say he values respect amongst all things. He has many times spoken to his Stays about leaving the haters alone. He almost said he liked people who didnt give a fuck. But stopped himself saying people who don't care instead. He has talked about periods and sex education calling it explicit education. A Stay asked “what will i do without you?” his response they should live, “live life to the fullest.” He even says that no matter who you are, what you want to be, he will be there for you. As a leader he is both beyond honest and careful, also hopeful that  overly enthusiastic Stays don't take things out of context or too far. He trusts his fandom. 
So when i say i listen to kpop. This is it. I watch endless content from many groups that catch my attention. Often I laugh until my stomach hurts and oftentimes I cry. I Read books they recommend, learn a language and culture and customs and history. So yes kpop sounds toxic or intense but to me it's safe in a world that often does not provide that. 
A world where my own mind is my biggest enemy. This is where I can both find myself while I lose myself. Disconnect from my own life and become immersed in another one. So ill keep reading subtitles and translations while i learn korean. But i'll also learn about their history and customs. 
Bowing, instead of the western greeting of hugs or Spanish cheek kisses I grew up with, is probably my favorite. I've never been a touching random strangers person. But in Dominican Republic that's what you do. I also love art now too. That's thanks to RM, the leader of BTS, who is an art collector and Hyunjin of SKZ who paints masterpieces to destress. I eat plenty of Korean food and visit HMart too much. But i've never been a picky eater. I'll try anything twice. 
So yeah this was all because of K-POP but I'm lucky I found them when I did because things have only gotten better since.
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flowerpowelltales · 2 years
Like Fall, Like Spring (Drake x MC)
A/N: so here’s the next part and *hides under the bed* i hope you’ll enjoy it!
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“Hello, Riley,” Drake said and Riley blinked a few times to make sure she wasn’t still dreaming. 
Drake was here. In her little village in Vermont. Standing in the doorway of her cottage. 
He looked the same but at the same time so different. Dimmed. Like the spark of life he had before was gone. 
A t-shirt she saw him wearing many times. Jeans he wore all the time. His shoes. His hair was just a little bit longer. His stubble now was a total beard. His leather jacket that Riley loved so much was on as well. He smelled and looked like the same Drake she knew and loved. But his eyes were different. Warm brown eyes turned icy cold. Angry. Familar man turned into stranger.
How nice it would be to just wrap her arms around his neck and snuggle into the warmness of him. Instead, she just started at him, still in shock.
“How... How did you find me?” she finally asked.
Drake let out a humorless laugh. Even his voice turned cold.
“You leave me with a note and when I finally find you, that’s the first question you ask?” He mocks. “I knew you’d call Olivia at some point again so I had someone track Olivia’s phone calls. Must admit you got yourself a nice home.”
Riley closed her eyes. Every single word he said was full of sacrasm and hidden anger. She felt ashamed. 
“I didn’t--” she started but Drake didn’t let her finish.
“You know what’s funny to me? You knew how I felt after my mom left me to run to Cordonia after my father died or when Savannah left and yet you did the same exact thing. Actually, you leaving me was even worse.”
“Drake, I talked to your aunt and I--”
“Staring with excuses? Great, let’s hear it then.”
“Drake, I--” She took a deep breath. That was the reason why she hoped to avoid seeing him ever again. “I’m sorry. I don’t have any excuses. I thought I was doing the right thing, I--”
“Right thing? Leaving me was the right thing? Leaving me in the middle of the night like a fu--” he stopped and took a breath. “Leaving me like a coward was the right thing to do?”
“I didn’t want to ruin your life any more.” She finally admitted.
“Congratulations, Brooks. You just did.” He said and started walking away. 
Why did it hurt so bad?
She changed her name to Walker, but Drake always called her Riley, at least ever since they got married. He told her once that calling her Brooks was his way of keeping the distance. And that was exactly what he was doing.
She didn’t want to leave it like that. He deserved an explanation. 
“Drake, please, stop,” she pleaded but Drake wasn’t stopping. She ran after him and grabbed his hand.
“Don’t touch me,” he snapped and she let go of his hand. 
“I just want to explain. You can hate me but at least know my reasons.”
He looked at her so hostilely that Riley wondered how that kind and gentle man was capable of such a death stare. 
“You have two minutes.”
“When we came to Texas, Leona was very hostile towards me and I didn’t know why. I kept asking her why but I she was talking in riddles. Finally she told me everything and made me realize some things. I... She said I ruined your life.” Riley started crying. “She made me realize how much you sacrificed for me. Liam asked you to look after me and you did even though you wanted to be left alone. You almost got killed because of me! You had to agree for a wedding merely a month after we got engaged. A big wedding with all the nobility you hate so much. Something so different from what you wanted. And then you had to accept a title and start living in a palace. You, who hated nobility had to become a Duke! And then had to agree for our child to become a royal heir. You had to agree to live a life that wasn’t even yours. For me. Leona called me a self-centered bitch and she was right. You gave up so much for me. Everything for me. I thought... I needed to give you the freedom back. So you can live your own life, a life that you chose, not the life I made you live with me.”
She looked at Drake but he only stared at her, quiet. 
“You won’t say anything?” She asked.
“I thought I was old enough to make decisions for myself.” He uttered each word carefully. “If I was suffering so much, I would’ve done something about it. You didn’t care about me, you cared about yourself.”
“That’s not true! I left because I wanted you to have a better life!”
“No, Brooks. You left because you couldn’t live with the feeling that you might have ruined my life. You left because of your feelings, not because of me. If it was because of me, you would’ve talked to me before.”
“Drake, I knew you’d talk me out of it.”
“Of course. Because everything Leona said was bullshit. Yes, I did give up of those things. But I’m a big boy and I did it consciously. You didn’t force me to do it. But instead of talking to me, you just left. Like a coward. And you know what? Leona was right about one thing.” Drake said.
“What?” She asked through sobs.
“You are a self-centered bitch.”
Riley’s eyes widened in shock and she started shaking. Drake turned away and walked to a car parked nearby. She watched him go, too weak to go after him or to even say anything. She watched him get into the car and drive away. She watch him leave her the way she left him. Broken. 
She fell, knees and hands on the ground, her tears soaking into the soild. She felt a pair of feeble arms trying to help her stand up. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Ellen kept whispering while Riley was crying her heart out. The old lady walked with her into her cottage and let her sit on the couch. 
“This man, he is your...”
“He’s my husband,” Riley replied. Ellen didn’t ask anything else but she knew she wanted to explain it to Ellen. 
“Wow. And here I was thinking you suffer from the lack of men! I mean, I kind of expected you had your heart broken but I would never expect... this.” Ellen was pacing in Riley’s living room area after hearing the full story. From the second she first laid her eyes on Drake in the bar to what Leona said and the content of Riley’s letter to Drake. The old lady didn’t say a single word while Riley was talking, letting everything sink in.
“I feel like a monster. What do you think I should do, Ellen?”
“We all make mistakes, dear.”
“So you think it was a mistake?” Riley asked.
“I think leaving someone who loves you so much because their aunt is a meddling bitch is a mistake.”
“I thought I was doing something good for him,” Riley admitted. 
“Oh, honey.” Ellen sat next to her and pulled her into a hug.
“How was I supposed to know what to do?” She cried. “ He was my first serious relationship. I don’t even remember my parents and my grandma was already widowed when she adopted me. I don’t know anything about relationships. Ruining Drake’s life was the last thing I wanted to do so I thought leaving him would make him happy. I listened to Leona because she knows Drake longer than I do and I assumed she knew more about his happiness.”
“Knowing someone longer doesn’t mean knowing someone better, honey. You two were close, I’m sure you knew the parts of him that no one else does.”
“But Leona made such good points!” Riley insisted.
“Okay, maybe what she said was true. But maybe you should have talked to Drake before leaving? Or thank him for his sacrifices. Ask him if there’s anything he needs. I don’t kno him personally but I’ve seen the hurt in his eyes when he was here. He must have loved you a lot.”
“But he gave up so much for me! I wanted him to be happy!”
“Have I ever told me how I gave up on going to college, which was my utimate dream, so I could marry George and start a family with him? I had to move out of a big city to start my life here, in a small village. But I never regretted it. You know why? Because I loved him. Going to college was my dream but my dream changed when I was with George. Life with him was worth more than anything else.”
“Ellen,” Riley whispered on a verge of crying. “How do I fix this?”
Riley woke up after a very exhausting night. She was in bed the whole previous day, crying, talking to Ellen and thinking of ways to apologize to Drake. Surely Drake would understand she made a mistake wanting his happiness. 
She was making tea when someone knocked on the door. She opened it to reveal Drake and she smiled at the sight of him. He had time to process everything and wanted to forgive her. At least she hoped so.
“Drake! It’s so nice to see you, again! Listen, there’s something I need to tell you, I wanted to apo--”
“I forgot to give you this,” he interrupted her word vomit and handed her a manila envelope. 
“What’s this?” Riley asked confused.
“I was too mad yesterday and I forgot why I even came here in the first place.” He motioned the envelope. “Liam said he couldn’t annul our marriage. These are divorce papers. Sign them as soon as possible.”
Riley opened her mouth but nothing came out. She stood there, shocked, as Drake walked away and disappeared again. 
She looked at the envelope and felt her heart shattering into million pieces.
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TAGGING: @gardeningourmet @delightfullypinkglitter @alesana45 @walkerdrakewalker @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @lovingchoices14​ @tessa-liam​ @gkittylove99​ @texaskitten30 @twinkleallnight​ @rubiwalker @differenttyphoonwerewolf​ @nestledonthaveone​ @marshmallowsandfire​ @21-wishes​ @thequeenofcronuts​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @angelasscribbles​ @ladyangel70​ @tinkie1973 @belencha77​ 
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chenziee · 3 years
Cool your back.
I have a very cute LawLu prompt
Where Law is still a pirate some how becomes (little doses he know)the Fiance of the Goda kingdom's Cat God of freedom named Luffy(much to the world nobles dismay) and all of the high jinx that come along with it. And Luffy keeps popping up whenever Law doesn't/needs him. Good thing he's cute.
Thank youuu! Glad to be back :D though still super slow I’m sorry
I might have taken some liberties there with Luffy but I hope you like it! :)
A Divine ball of fluff
[Read on AO3 | Request info | Ko-fi]
Law startled awake at the sound of gunfire and cannons somewhere above his head. Stepping over the lamp on the floor, he only briefly wondered just how it had managed to fall from his nightstand before he forced himself to focus. He only grabbed Kikoku, then ran out of his room to join his crew on deck, ready to murder whoever had come to disturb his sorely needed nap.
“Hand over Luffy and I might just let you go alive, Trafalgar Law!”
With the angry shout being the first thing Law had heard upon opening the door leading to the Tang’s deck, Law could only groan. Not again. “I keep telling you, old man—” Law slammed the door shut behind himself maybe more aggressively than strictly necessary before quickly striding over to the side of the ship to glare at Vice Admiral Garp—  “none of this was my choice! And your stupid grandson isn’t even here!”  
“Uhm, about that, Captain…” Bepo trailed off, quiet and apologetic.
Law took in a sharp breath, closing his eyes momentarily and praying for patience. “Don’t say it. I don’t want to hear it.”
“Sorry,” Bepo mumbled, dropping his head as if it was somehow his fault their regular ‘guest’ had invited himself over without any warning again.
Shaking his head, Law slowly looked at Garp again. The old man was fuming and not for the first time, Law marveled at the stubbornness of this entire family. No matter how many times he said ‘no’ to either one of them, they just kept coming back like a bad rash. Sometimes, Law couldn’t believe neither of the three brothers or their grandfather were related by blood. Hell, one of them wasn’t even human. But well… when it came down to it, Law couldn’t say he cared.
“Fine, take him,” he said finally, smirking at the loud crash from behind him that immediately followed.
“Torao~” someone whined before arms wrapped around Law’s waist
On reflex, one of Law’s legs shot forward as he braced for the impact of the entire body crashing into him a split second later. Why, just why did this man insist on lunging at people constantly? Law would never understand. He was lucky Law had managed to train his reactions well enough by now to not face plant into the railing anymore. “What?” he asked, smirk still shamelessly in place as he turned to look at the person who was hanging off of him.
The person—or rather, the god—in question was staring back at him with an unhappy frown and a pout on his lips. Law hated to admit he looked outright adorable then, and not just because of the cat ears sitting proudly on top of his head, alert and facing forward in agitation. Ears which were also covered in black, incredibly soft fur that Law would never get tired of petting.
Giving Law something that was probably supposed to be a glare, Luffy finally huffed before continuing, voice sounding incredibly sulky, “How could you just sell me out to gramps like this?”
“Because he could absolute keep you on his ship even if he did take you.      Sure,” Law replied in a tone dripping in sacrasm while he rolled his eyes at the dramatic complaints of the literal embodiement of freedom, the person who could and absolutely did materialize out of nowhere on the Polar Tang whenever he fucking felt like it, without any warning, for the sole purpose of driving Law absolutely crazy with his ideas, only to then disappear into thin air again once he got bored. While on the open sea, with the nearest land two days of sailing away.
“That’s not the point!” Luffy cried, his grip on Law’s waist tightening.
Before Law could say anything back, a canon ball landed a bit too close to the ship, causing a wave of seawater to wash over the both of them. Law cursed loudly at the unexpected and fully unwelcome shower, just as Luffy also hissed loudly; if he was in his full monster cat form, Law could just imagine his fur raising until he looked like a huge, black ball of pure fluff.
…Now Law wanted to see it. He made a mental note to find an opportunity to scare the shit out of him at some point later, when he was in his true form.
“What was that for?!” Luffy demanded when he recovered from the shock.
“A warning shot!” Garp retorted, sounding just as angry as Luffy did. “You get off that pirate ship before I drag you off myself!”
“I’m not going back to Goa! It’s stuffy and tiny and they keep burning down my shrines, I hate it there!”
Garp growled as he grabbed another cannon ball. “As if I care about the idiot king’s orders, I’m not going to give you to those scumbags and I don’t care where you go—” he paused to aim his cannon ball at them threateningly before he continued— “but you’re not becoming a pirate on my watch, you brat!”
Law heard Luffy taking a deep breath behind him, no doubt in preparation to go off on his adoptive grandfather, and he sighed. Before either of these idiots could say anything, Law snapped, “If you’re just going to keep screaming at each other, can I go?”
“No,” Luffy said immediately, digging his claws into Law’s stomach painfully.
At the same time, Garp said, “You stay right where you are, I’m not done with you either!”
Law sighed. Every goddamn time.
“Prepare to submerge,” Law said to Bepo tiredly before raising his hand. “Room. Shambles.”
Appearing back in his room a split second later, Law took a deep breath, giving himself a moment to appreciate the blessed silence—or the alternative of, which meant only muffled rage instead of people screaming right in his ear. Not ideal but he would take it anyway. Honestly, why couldn’t these two ever do anything quietly? This whole thing could be so easily resolved if they had just sat down and talked but no, they just had to go yelling at each other while throwing cannon balls and scratching the other’s face off. And Law never had a say in getting caught in the middle of it every damn time either.
Sometimes, he cursed the day the Tang landed on Dawn Island, the place where all his problems started. But really, he couldn’t with clear conscience say that if he were to relive that day, that he wouldn’t do exactly the same thing; that he wouldn’t stop at the tiny, ancient looking shrine to talk to the young man sitting in front of it. That he wouldn’t answer every question Luffy had about the world beyond his small domain, that he wouldn’t look into those large, excited eyes and invite him to leave with him.
But, as stupid as it was regardless, if he could do it over, at the very least, would now actually know he was accidentally proposing to a literal god; one that was incredibly stuborn, selfish, and bright enough to be the actual sun. A god who also came in a package with a crazy grandfather, two over protective brothers, and the softest, warmest fur Law had ever had the pleasure of touching.
“Thanks for getting me away,” Luffy said after he made himself comfortable on Law’s bed, the anger and raw power that had been radiating off of him only moments ago replaced by his usual happy and carefree attitude.
Law clicked his tongue. “I was getting myself away. Not my fault you were clinging to me like a child.”
“Same thing.” Luffy waved him off.
Law didn’t have the energy to argue. Simply shaking his head at him, he instead bent down to put the lamp he had ignored earlier back on his nightstand.
“Weird how this was on the floor. I distinctly remember it was screwed on tight just yesterday,” Law noted, giving Luffy a pointed stare. Now that he knew this giant, ridiculously strong cat was on the ship, Law had no doubt just how the lamp got knocked off. Briefly, Law wondered whether there was even a point putting it back until Luffy left; he was probably going to knock it off again while staring at it with morbid fascination as it crashed to the floor again and again.
Law watched as Luffy’s eyes veered off to the side, his lips pursing as he mumbled, “Yeah, that’s super weird.”
Huffing out a small laugh, Law crossed the short distance between them, reaching out to ruffle Luffy’s hair. It was almost as soft as his fur was. “I know. A complete mystery,” he said with a smirk before he leaned down, pressing his lips to Luffy’s briefly.
The kiss was easily returned, a wide grin spreading on Luffy’s lips as soon as they separated, and despite himself, Law felt himself smile back. That damn smile would be the death of him. No matter how maddening this man could be, how loud and selfish, the moment he smiled like that, it was like all Law’s problems and frustrations were melting away. Luffy was simply beautiful; adorable and bright, yet absolutely terrifying and Law loved every little bit of it.
It was funny, actually. If someone had told him he would ever say ‘Luffy’ and ‘love’ in the same sentence just half a year ago, Law would have laughed in their face. Back then, Luffy was only some incredibly annoying giant cat who just wouldn’t leave him alone, someone who popped up on the Tang or wherever Law currently was just to ruin any and all of his painstakingly created plans. But now…
Now Law couldn’t remember what life was before him. He had learned to build his plans around Luffy recklessly charging forward, didn’t even bother trying to explain anything to him. He had long since stopped fighting the pull, the warm aura of power and charisma that drew people in and didn’t let go. It took a while but Law had finally accepted that he was not any different from all the other people Luffy had managed to charm without even realizing he was doing it ever since Law had gotten him out of the Goa Kingdom.
There was just something in the stupid divine cat that made people want to join and support him. Maybe it was the sense of absolute freedom that followed him everywhere; be it his own freedom, or the one of whoever Luffy thought deserved it.
“What’s wrong?” Luffy asked after a long while of them just looking at each other.
Law smiled, shaking his head at the cute, worried frown on his face. “Just hoping your grandfather won’t hit us before we sink far enough.”
“He’d never actually hit the ship, he’s a big softie,” Luffy announced, that grin back on his face.
“Good to know.” Law chuckled, finally sitting down on the bed with Luffy. “You know, I was sleeping before you two started fighting,” Law said offhandedly, glancing at Luffy and nearly snorting at the way his ears perked up in excitement.
“Wanna?” the other asked immediately, nearly vibrating in place.
Raising an eyebrow, Law gave Luffy a look. “I was going to say yes but seeing how excited you are, I’m not sure it’s such a good idea.”
“Nah, it’s all good,” Luffy decided, nodding to himself as he hopped off the bed, walking two steps towards the door to Law’s cabin before shifting into his monster cat form, then lied down slowly, watchful as to not break anything while he tried to fit his huge body into the tiny room.
Once Luffy looked back at him expectantly and Law was sure he was fully settled, Law went to join his boyfriend on the floor, careful not to step on any of his limbs or either of his two tails on the way. As he leaned back against the giant cat’s chest, he let his eyes slide shut, already feeling the exhaustion from earlier in the day settling back in. It was just so warm and soft and fluffy and Law would sooner die than admit out loud how much he loved it. It wasn’t like everyone didn’t already know by then anyway. What could he say, Luffy’s fur was impossible to resist. It was worse than Bepo’s in this aspect.
“No licking,” Law reminded, cracking one eye open to shoot Luffy a half-hearted glare when he felt his face come close to his body.
“You’re no fun,” Luffy whined.
Law could only sigh. “I’d just like to keep my skin where it is, thanks.”
“Fine.” Luffy huffed, thankfully keeping his sand-paper tongue where it should be, before he simply nudged Law with his forehead.
A smile pulled on Law’s lips, his hand raising to rest against the side of his little monster’s head. To anyone else, this position would seem incredibly dangerous, yet to Law, it was so very comforting. He had never felt safer than when he lay snuggled into into this god’s side, with the jaw which could fit his entire head inside twice over and then some positioned just inches away from his face.
Right here, Law knew he was home.
And while he gently stroked Luffy’s fur, Law’s eyelids slowly slid shut again.
 ~ Meanwhile ~
“What do we do?!” Shachi cried in panic, staring with wide eyes at the neptunian who looked like it was about to eat the Tang for an afternoon snack.
“We have to call the captain and Luffy, we can’t do this,” Ikkaku shouted back, trying to shoo away another two of these giant sea kings away together with Jean Bart.
A frustrated groan came from Clione in response, “I tried but they won’t answer and the door won’t open!”
“Why do they always have to sleep with Luffy’s giant furry ass blocking the stupid door! How are we supposed to get them out here?!” Shachi whined, mind slowly slipping into despair. Honestly, these lovesick idiots. What use was having a literal god around when he was never there to actually help when they actually needed him to?
This was why Shachi preferred dogs over cats.
Dedicated to my cat who has the softest fur and also forces me to keep everything on the fucking floor.
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rhetorical-ink · 4 years
Haikyuu!! SPOILERS: Chapter 401, How We Connect the Dots.
I just posted a video with my live reactions to the chapter, but here are my highlights, because FURUDATE YOU MADMAN GENIUS. This chapter connected so much together. So, let’s do:
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My Top 10 Thoughts on Haikyuu!! Chapter 401:
10. Of course. In true Furudate fashion, he has Kageyama block the spike from Hinata, BUT, what Kageyama doesn’t realize is all the training on the beach Shoyo has done to prepare for such a moment. And that heel kick! *swoons* Also, someone reacting to Season 4, Episode 9 of the anime, where Hinata kicks the ball back to himself called this happening all those months ago...Furudate is next level at foreshadowing. Not that we didn’t already know that.
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9. Hey, remember how in the VERY FIRST chapter of Haikyuu!! Shoyo did this crazy run across the court to score? Yeah, Furudate knows we remember. And he pulls this -- and Kageyama’s beautiful reaction, only for --
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-- Only for it to all be a DECOY. Kageyama, you made this monster, you know. I love that Shoyo has come all this way from wanting to score all the points to accepting that the decoy DOES have a vital role to play, and in this instance, it’s allowing Bokuto to score the winning point for the MSBY Black Jackals. Just look at that smile! And of course, Tanaka and Asahi KNOW the power of Hinata as a Decoy...because they’ve been in Bokuto’s shoes before. 
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8. UGH, the aftermath of that moment is glorious, which will detail down below -- but I love Shoyo and Kageyama’s interaction, though. How they’re still keeping track of each other’s wins and losses, exhausting Miya, hilariously, and showing that they’re on equal footing now, after all these years. This chapter is just cementing the last several chapters’ worth of character development. 
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Because these next few pages were healing my shipper heart. I mean, yes, the Kagehina fanbase is raving right now, but let’s talk about THESE ships below, starting with:
Tsukishima x Yamaguchi:
So, Tsukishima, of course, is not sappy about any of this and just points out how the season’s just getting started (ready the fanfics, y’all). 
And of course, Yamaguchi wants to watch Tsuki play! Yachi says she’ll come too! I LOVE how just like he was with Akiteru, he doesn’t want them to come watch (even though we all know he’ll love it when they’re there). Now, some people have commented that Yamaguchi could be with Yachi, but y’all...Yachi is in Tokyo. Yamaguchi and Tsuki both live in Miyagi. I can’t wait for all the Sendai Frog/TsukiYama fanfics!
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If you’re looking for an extra Kagehina crumble, just look at the end of this adorable exchange between Romero, smol adorable Rubens, and Shoyo (who perfectly crouches down to talk to him MY HEART I CAN’T), to see Kageyama notice that Shoyo can speak multiple languages...oh, honey! If only you know about Hinata and Pedro’s marathons of DBZ in Portugese and English! ^^
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Also, Furudate WE SEE YOU. We see you being meta and implying that now Haikyuu!! is over, he’s moving on...Akaashi’s line about going forward hit me hard...it’s like he’s telling us, the fandom, that going on to start something new isn’t so bad. SO YOU SAY. 
I love that Akaashi gets to interview Bokuto (IS HE GOING TO BE THE STAR of the Volleyball manga Tenma Udai is writing?! He would be PERFECT for it!) and how happy Akaashi looks, even if he and Bokuto realize how differently they view the term “normal.” 
ALSO, it’s implied above that Akaashi, Bokuto, and Tenma were going out for drinks...which now....we know that it’s just Bokuto and Akaashi, since Tenma was going home. Uhm, FAN FIC WRITERS ASSEMBLE!
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I also love that Udai joins the club, along with Fukurodani’s coach and manager, of people who realize that Bokuto and Akaashi are weirdos but they are weirdos together, so it’s fine. 
Keeping the “Ship Train” going, we get little bits of Shimizu x Yachi from the bathhouse before the Inarizaki Match, where Kiyoko finally acknowledges she is okay showing her legs...thanks to Yachi’s words. I also find Suga wanting to know “the tea” on the situation to be adorable. 
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I was spoiled with Kuroo’s return, but seriously, Furudate, you saved him for the end here so INTENTIONALLY. 
Because OF COURSE Kuroo would work for the JVA. As a promoter. CONNECTING people...with Volleyball...because that’s the Nekoma way.
-- and let it be known Atsumu Miya rightfully doesn’t trust Kuroo, and neither does Sakusa. A nice SakuAtsu crumb where we actually see Sakusa agree with Miya without sacrasm or question! Poor Shoyo is a salesman’s dream, though. I mean, Kuroo does look a little sketchy in some of those shots...BUT....
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6. Kuroo’s speech about sports was SO fitting. Seriously, everything he says here is BASICALLY what makes Haikyuu!! such a great series. I DID laugh out loud at the line about “hardly anybody dies.” 
*Flashbacks to “Dead Daichi” meme*
5. It’s taken us the ENTIRE series, but Kageyama finally talks to Kindaichi and Kunimi. This was so heartwarming, seeing Kageyama wanting to play WITH THEM. AS A TEAM. This made my heart expand three sizes. The character development on Kageyama, and Kindaichi, is through the roof.
I also LOVE Kunimi the most in these panels. Kunimi is a MOOD. 
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4. I love that Hoshiumi doesn’t see Hinata as a Rival, but as someone that is going to help him show the rest of the world the strength of someone who doesn’t have height. I also find it interesting that we see the Japanese Olympic Coach walking out just as Hoshiumi gives us that beautiful gaze. So...does Hoshiumi know he’s going to be on the Olympic team, with Hinata, maybe? Foreshadowing, perhaps?
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3. Okay, okay, I held it together until this page. 
It wasn’t Ushijima’s panel with Washijo that got me.
It wasn’t Saeko and Akane reuniting, though that was sweet. 
It wasn’t the three “Pure Captains” reuniting, though it made my heart happy.
It honestly wasn’t the five first years together, either. They’re all so happy and having a laugh at Kageyama’s expense, and as beautiful as that panel is.
That is what got me. 
Him in line, so meekly, to get the autograph of his kouhai, the man Suga joked would have to tell about how much he learned from HIM when he was giving out interviews and autographs...I just...Sugawara made me cry. That is all. 
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2. Then there’s this last page. 2021. 
"We overcame difficulties and stand here.”
Furudate really said “screw you” to Covid messing up the timeline.
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Yes, seeing Kageyama and Hinata in their original jersey numbers was amazing, but I think we all saw that coming if these two happened to get on the Olympic team. 
What I want to focus on are the two countries we see included in the bottom corner here. We see: 
Brazil -- and some fluffy haired man carrying the flag for the team.
And we see the United States -- there’s several American Flags and stars and stripes on the shirts of the crowd, there.
* Oikawa was on the Argentinean League, so could he play for Brazil? It’s not likely, but not impossible....BUT, I don’t think that’s it.
I don’t think Oikawa is on Japan’s National Team for the Olympics.
If he is on the Olympic Team, I think he’ll be on America’s. 
Why? Because, and this could be because I’m the biggest IwaOi shipper, but Iwaizumi was still in the United States with Ushijima’s father at the end of Chapter 395. And if he’s still there, there is no reason why Iwaizumi couldn’t be a physical trainer alongside Ushijima’s father for the U.S. Olympic team. And why wouldn’t Oikawa trek over to the States to be on the same team as Iwa-Chan’s working with? I’m probably wrong, BUT -- 
We also still need to see Seijoh’s banner, and as others have theorized, how fitting would it be to see Hinata, Kageyama, and (probably) Ushijima on the team facing Oikawa? I just....I’m betting money that Oikawa shows up in 402. I hope we at least see him on the Olympic Stage. OIKAWA DESERVES IT. 
1. So, who are we missing that hasn’t been shown yet?
We still need to see the rest of Nekoma (Lev, Yaku, Yamamoto, Kai....could they be in the stands or on the Japan team? I guess we’ll find out!)
We haven’t seen Daishou and Mika -- I would love to see them watching or narrating in the audience during the Olympic game.
And finally, yes, we’ve seen Tendo in the Chapter 395 flashback, but we’ve never seen what he’s DOING. Furudate has shown us with every character what they’ve been doing since the timeskip....EXCEPT TENDO. I’m calling it that he’ll appear one more time next chapter, too.
So....guys....I’m staying off of Social Media from Wednesday to Sunday next week, to prep for the last chapter and not be spoiled. I’m going to do a live reaction for YouTube, and I’ll post it here. You can see the one I did for 401 now. 
Furudate, this series has been immaculate. Time for one more round.
Let’s all cry together next week.
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yvainstales · 3 years
Prompt #11 Preaching to the Choir
Everyone was miserable. It had gotten colder of late. Wind’s icy fingers did not help, pinching and tugging, constantly reminding one of warmth that could be had elsewhere. Even the fireplace seemed meagre.
Yvain busied himself with cleaning the blade of his spear, stealing only glances occasionally at the others around the campfire. The cloak he wrapped around himself was poor protection from the cold and so he shivered occasionally, but kept his tongue between his teeth. Volunteers these men and women were, much like he, come to fight for Eorzea in her hour of need. 
He had been in their company for better part of a month now, and was thoroughly disillusioned. They were poor company. Dirty. Crass. Wholly without true conviction, like his was. To them, fighting for Eorzea meant opportunity for good loot, because Garlean items fetched a fine price. He knew some of them already had trunks full of loot from previous skirmishes, which they planned to sell and get rich. Some even intended to desert. 
“Where the hell is our captain?” Large Boulder asked in his grovelly voice, annoyance written all over his roughshod features.
“Somewhere?” replied one of the Tias, lounging not far from the little campfire. 
“I’d like to know where that somewhere is. In case you didn’t notice, we’re about to move. We could use someone to give some bloody orders.”
“Norman, giving orders?” C’mel sat up, looking at the Roegadyn with a raised eyebrow.
As always, the sacrasm aimed at him passed the big guy by. “Yeah! In case you didn’t notice, behind that hill are a bunch of guys. They’re called Garleans. And our side’ll need someone to knock on the godsdamned door of the camp.”
“I know Boulder, I’ve been there when they said it.” C’mel muttered, tossing a twig on the fire.
Boulder sighed, his breath misting in the cold. He stood up abruptly. “I’m going to find him.”
“Well... you do you.” C’mel caught Yvain’s look. A cocky smile crossed his tattoed features. “What’s that big guy? You wanted to add something?”
Yvain did. All of them knew what was going to happen, and all of them could have done something about Captain Norman. Complained to someone who can remove him at least, but they chose not to because having an absent-minded idiot in charge meant easier looting. If so, they didn’t have any right to complain about what came with it.
There  really wasn’t a point in answering C’mel. He just wanted to get the raise out of the youngster and the thought of looming battle was enough trouble without the cynical Tia being an annoyance. 
So Yvain just looked down, and continued his work. 
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anemonenemerosa · 4 years
The Spare- Chapter 9
Hello fellow people,
here’s the next one. Thank you for staying with me and thank you @lumosinlove for creating this world =)
This is still dark so please stay safe.
Chapter 9
Reality returned with a bolt of pain in Regulus' leg and a clatter in front of him. Some guy who looked like a maintenance-man stumbled over the mop he just dropped while hurrying over, turning off the shower and kneeling down beside him in the puddle of water, soap and blood. Regulus heard the man speaking but the sounds didn't connect to words in his brain.
He was still sobbing violently as he watched the shard being carefully pulled from his leg and replaced by a cloth that got pressed on the cut.
Eyes wide, Regulus just stared at the man in front of him. He was pale and slender, much more delicate than himself, probably in his mid-twenties. A lot of light brown hair was piled in a messy bun with a severe side cut on his left and there were tattoos. Lots of them covering on both of his arms from his wrists to the sleeves of his worn-out sweater, bunched up to the elbows.
Je jerked as he felt a soft tap on his cheek and looked the man in the face for the first time: His nose was straight with a ring in the right side and he is gnawing on his thin lips. The look in his green-hazel eyes lacked the calculation, malice and sneer Regulus was used to. There was just concern. Concern about Regulus, having a complete meltdown in the shower.
As Hays, it said on the tag on his chest, carefully wrapped his arms around him, mumbling soothing nonsense and just holding him like no one held him in years, he dissolved in another fit of sobs. And Regulus hated it. He hated that his, normally strong, control of his emotions failed him completely in front of this stranger. Embarrassment burned in his cheeks while he couldn't stop sobbing and crying into the other man’s shoulder.
After minutes, hours or years -who knows- his sobs faded into ragged breathing and Hayes tried to disentangle himself from the death-grip around the other one´s chest. Regulus did not even remember putting his arms there. He was still deeply embarrassed but also unable to let go of this source of warmth and comfort, so he only grabbed him tighter, forcing a huff out of Hayes lungs.
"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, just let me have another look at your leg"
Regulus started crying again, hearing only what he supposed was genuine concern and kindness in the other man´s voice. Slowly, he lightened his grip.
"Hi Regulus, I'm Ben", Hayes said while carefully lifting the cloth to inspect the wound. The bleeding mostly stopped and the cut looked rather nasty. Brilliant. His sacrasm resurfacing, Regulus felt better already but his eyes narrowed immediately as he realised that Hayes knew his name.
He opened his mouth.
"You are an NHL-player, mate. There is a gargantuan poster of you with your name on it in the entrance-hall I just happen to clean every other day." Hayes -Ben- supplied dryly before Regulus had worked anything out of his sore throat.
"As this does not seem to be a regular hobby of yours, I will not ask if you alright because you are clearly not" Regulus snorted at the deadpan expression and tone.
"I should get you to the hospital. Someone should have a look at this." Ben continued, nodding at Regulus' still slightly bleeding leg.
Hell, no! Horror surged through Regulus and tied a firm knot in his stomach as he frantically shook his head. His parents mustn't find out how weak he was.
Ben eyed him thoughtfully while gnawing on his lip, got up to retrieve his phone from his pocket and Regulus felt his eyes widen in panic.
 Merde! He's going to take a picture...that's it. I'm done for.
But Ben just pressed a reassuring hand to his shoulder as he dialled a number and put the phone to his ear. Regulus was silently freaking out and dreading the consequences of his emotional outburst but after a calm conversation to someone in, what Regulus thought might be Spanish, Ben tied the cloth on Regulus leg and gently pulled him to his feet.
Oh sainte, he is so tiny. Regulus could easily look over the other man’s head.
"You think you can manage to dry-off a bit and put some clothes on while I clean up the blood?"
Regulus stared.
Only then he realised that he was stark naked and that he was just as naked as he held this stranger in a death-grip... While crying on his shoulder... Sitting in a shower... Wouldn't it be for the new wave of embarrassment burning through his guts, Regulus would marvel at the hilarity of the situation. Instead, he silently nodded and limped to his stall.
He felt dizzy, his head bursting and empty at the same time. Even simple coherent thoughts seemed to slip from his grasp. He was tired and a numb version of sadness settled in his stomach. Head pounding and feeling sick, Regulus had neither energy nor capacity to think what to do about it all. He just sat there.
Ben joined him some undefined amount of time later, sat down beside him and, again, put a hand on his shoulder. Regulus couldn't help the flinch in automatic expectation of punishment. As no such thing followed, he relaxed a bit.
"If you want, I can drive you home." Ben offers and Regulus vaguely realises that he has no such place and he tells Ben so.
"Earlier on the phone, I talked to my boyfriend. Mateo is an EMP." Ben explained calmly after a moment of silence. Regulus notices Ben speaking so casually about having a boyfriend is very unlike everything he has ever known but has no energy to mull that over.
"He wants you to get your leg checked. His shift ends in about an hour and he wants you to remember that, if you come over, he is not allowed to tell anyone why you are in the hospital. You are over eighteen so even your parents have no right to know what happens there."
Regulus stared at him warily, only just comprehending what the other man talked about. Someone had replaced his with cotton wool.
"If you want, we can manage to get you into an examination room through the backdoor, so you do not have to sit in the waiting area, being recognised and stared at."
He looks into the open and friendly eyes of Ben, the encouraging smile on his face, and just nods. It was probably about eleven in the evening by now and he was sure that the Malfoys were too busy celebrating the harm he caused his brother to even realise he’s not there. They barely did on normal days. Ever since moving there, Regulus made it a habit of remaining silent and invisible in the house.
They arrived at some dodgy delivery entrance. While Ben guided him quietly through the Kitchen or something, the wheels Regulus brain slowly began to turn again.
 Why did I step into the car with that guy? Shouldn’t I have learned by now, that trusting people is a horrible idea? Where the actual hell are we even going?
But whatever Regulus anticipated, he did not expect to just be sat in an examination room to fill out some forms in peace and wait for an endless amount of time until a man entered the room.
Dr. M. Alves it said on his tag and Regulus vaguely suspected that this must be Mateo. The fog in his brain had started to properly clear up a while ago and he assumed that he could think clear again.
The man in front of him seemed a few years older than Ben and smiled professionally but there was also a genuine warmth in his dark brown eyes and wide face as Regulus stands up to shake his hand. While generally broader than Ben, the man was even shorter, his black, slightly shaggy hair only reaching up to Regulus' upper lip. All these tiny people...
"Regulus, you are just the tiniest little baby brother!"
"Sirius, get a grip. I'm eighteen and actually 6'2." Regulus huffed exasperatedly. Sirius was six years older. How was Regulus the mature one?
"But I am bigger."  Sirius sing-songed.
"It is just an inch!" - "Still."
Regulus felt a fresh pang of guilt at the memory of what seemed the last of the very few careless conversations they had after his brother was drafted, shortly before his own draft.
"Regulus," Dr. Alves said, the warmth not leaving his eyes. The artificial light made is dark tanned skin look a bit queasy and accentuated the bags under his eyes.
"Ben called me and explained to me how he found you" Regulus grimaced at the memory. Dr. Alves seemed to notice and continued gentler, if that was even possible
"First, I want to check your leg and then we see how to proceed from there, OK?" Regulus just nodded and pulled down his sweatpants before he sat down on the examination table, realising that he forgot his underwear in the locker room.
Alves did not bat an eye. His, now gloved, hands carefully removed the blood-stained cloth and softly prodded the cut, eliciting painful twitches from Regulus' leg.
"The cut was caused by a glass shard?" The doctor asked and continued after a curt nod from Regulus.
"I need to make sure there is no glass left." He mentioned for Regulus to get up and ushered him into a second room. Luckily, he checked the cut for glass with an ultrasonic device, as two little chips were still in the wound and needed to be fumbled out with a pair terrifyingly long tweezers. Splendid.
Back in the examination-room, Alves began tapping his nose with his finger while staring blindly at Regulus leg. He looked up into Regulus' face and seemed to recognise the insecurity there as he smiled again his warm smile.
"You play hockey, so we need to think of the best method to close the cut", he explained. "Regular stitches might pull to much during strain but glue will most likely come loose with too much movement." He looked up again, expectantly, but as Regulus had no idea what the doctor wanted to hear he just shrugged noncommittingly.
"I think the best option are butterfly-stitches that you can replace by yourself when they come loose." After tending the cut and showing Regulus how to correctly disinfect the area and replace the stitches, he sat down across from him.
"Now," he began carefully, "it is time to tell me what happened." As Regulus' face shut-off instantly, he continued "I am not allowed to tell any soul about what you tell me in here."
Regulus only looked at his feet, not sure what to do with the second person this night to seem to care for his wellbeing. Not to get him back on ice quicker, not to gain useful information... only for the sake of him feeling better. But could he really trust him? He trusted other people before. People he thought he knew. And look how well that worked.
But this guy was not allowed to talk and breaking medical confidentiality would have very bad consequences for him. Unlike Slughorn, no one would protect him. So maybe, just maybe he could risk it. Also, there was no one here... not his cousins, not his parents. That was what he had hoped for since Thanksgiving. He was sitting in front of an uninvolved human being offering to help.
And for the second time this night, his eyes welled up. For the second time this night, he was embarrassed for his feelings. For the second time this night, he hated his lack of control. For the second time this night, he cried into the shoulder of a stranger, overwhelmed by the thought that this is how care feels, how his family was supposed to treat him.  
For the first time in his life, he spilled out all his carefully guarded feelings. And spilling, he did. Once he started, everything came out in a flood. He talked about his brother, his abuse and loneliness. The expectations of his parents and the shame he felt for how he treated his brother in his pathetic attempts to escape Sirius' success pressing down on him. He talked about his wish to please his parents, the abandonment and loneliness he felt himself, the envy and desperate longing for support and affection and his feelings of being undeserving.
Before he came to the part of how he accidentally outed his brother, he could stop himself. Mateo was a queer, too and might take this rather personally. Regulus could not deal with more people hating him right now.
Although he felt a bit bad for keeping quiet about the incident that had finally sent him off-kilter, he couldn't remember the last time he was so relieved, so at ease.
With the words "My shift ends now so I close up. Ben waits somewhere outside." still in his ear, Regulus stepped outside in the night, breathed the fresh air and had no idea what to do with himself. He checked his phone: No messages, so no one noticed his absence.
This thought elicited both elation and disappointment in him but before he could really think of it, Ben rounded the corner of the building with Dr. Alves in tow, both smiling at him.
"I know that sounds like a weird offer from strangers but if you want, we can take you with us to stay at our couch for the night." Dr. Alves offers still smiling warmly. This smile stared to unsettle Regulus a little. How can anyone be that friendly all the time? Where is the catch?
"No, thank you Dr. Alves." After a second, he added, considering his previous meltdown in the arms the two guys, looking at him expectantly. "That would be inappropriate."
"I am not at work anymore, so its Mateo. I am not than old" Dr. Alves countered cheerfully, completely oblivious to what Regulus had actually just said.
"You are known enough for someone to notice you missing eventually, so you don't have to fear us murdering you and selling your organs." Ben chimed in with a failed attempt of a joke.
How very wrong you are... Regulus thought, considering the lack of messages on his phone.  
Now that he's calmed down again, he began to take in just how ridiculous his situation really was. These weirdly empathetic people didn't know him at all but offered him to stay on their couch?
Well admittedly, Mateo probably knew him very well now but Regulus was not in the mood for rational consideration. Who does that? What is the goddamn catch? What did he have, that they want?
Again, they seemed to sense something was going on in his brain. Regulus had always prided himself with his poker face. He could fool anyone. Or, so he thought. Are they like, psychic... or did I lose all my, composure over the night? He couldn't afford to be read like an open book when he got back to his life.
The older men exchanged a look.
"We just try to give you a place to stay for the night as you don't seem too inclined to go to your usual place now." Regulus was impressed by how Dr. Alves -Mateo - avoided the word 'home' after all he heard and, in addition to so much tact, still tried to comfort him well past his shift. That is devotion.
Then, Regulus recognised the looks on their faces for what they were and felt cold again. He found the catch.
"No, thank you. I do not need your pity. Please find someone else to rescue and elate your conscience or what-ever you try to achieve with that."
What happened next was not what Regulus expected. He expected them to look blank, caught maybe or calculating. He did not expect the hurt in both faces, Bens expression quickly turning into anger.
"Now listen up you little shit!" he spat. "What I saw this evening was a desperate and very hurt young man sitting alone in a shower, crying and shoving a shard in his own leg! Of course, I am concerned, of course I try to help you out, it is the decent thing to do."
"Ben –" Mateo tried calmly. "No, Matty, that’s going too far! I know nothing about your upbringing, Regulus and Matty is not allowed to tell me anything but we are trying to help you! Yes, there is pity, and yes, we would both feel better if we knew you stayed at a safe place this night. But do not dare to accuse us of any ulterior motifs or calculation behind that, except giving warmth to someone who seems to desperately need it! So, get a grip, you fucking little menace, get in the car and have soup on our goddamn couch."
Reg could only stare, gaping like an absurd portrayal of a fish. No one except Sirius had ever had talked to him like that.... Plainly insulting him into feeling better. What. The. Fuck.
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shadowgamerhalo · 3 years
Hello! May I please have a creepypasta romantic match-up and or a little scenario to go with it? (But only write what your up for) Tysm in advance! Anyways I hope you have a great day/night and tysm once again!
Zodiac sign: Leo sun, Aries moon, Leo rising
Personality Type: ENTP
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Straight (For now might be bi but i'm going with straight) I'm 5'4 and I have a very tiny body frame so i'm extremely petite and pretty small. I'm not very curvy and I literally have the body of a cereal box...lol but its fine because I have nice hips and thighs. I have thick brown hair that goes down to my back and it gets tangled pretty easily but its kinda fluffy. I have brown eyes and tiny freckles all over my face and body. I also have a very strong grunge style, like Flannels, band t-shirts, combat boots, leather jackets etc. But i'd also always enjoy a nice oversized sweatshirt or hoodie with a pair of skinny, ripped jeans and some converses or something along those lines. For my personality.....this is where things get interesting. At first people find me very intimidating due to my resting bitch face and cold exterior but I promise i'm not like that ALL the time. When you get to know me, i'm goofy and about everything that comes out of my mouth is sarcasm or some dry humored joke. I'm also that one friend in a group where they literally will do the stupidest shit ever like for an example one time it was super dark outside and my other friend was there, while I was trying to climb a tree and I failed and fell out of the tree, and landed on my back. I got straight up after that somehow it didn't hurt.....like at all? But yeah i'm super reckless and sometimes people have to save me from myself if you get what I mean. I also have a very strong "I don't give a fuck" attitude and I will not hesitate to stick up for myself or my friends....like i'm the type of person where if someone glares at me, i'll glare right back.
I have bad anxiety and I can be very self destructive. This is where my feisty, stubborn, hardheaded side comes in. If I want something then i'll fight for it even if it hurts me and i'll get into a bad cycle of putting myself down and trying to do better even if I did great the first time but I always push myself too far and other people have to stop me because I usually can't see it when its happening. I also cover my emotions up and I have a lot of trouble talking about whats bothering me or what problems i'm having emotionally so I put up a wall and I act tough, or happy and sometimes i'll be the exact opposite but I try to hide it. Weird things about me: I've grown up in the south all my life so sometimes when I talk a few words they'll come out sounding WAYYY more country and southern then I wanted, I don't have an accent but sometimes my words just come out that way. I also love the smell of cigarette smoke....let me explain. When I was a kid my parents smoked a lot and I was used to smelling it and now it reminds me of home and is sort of comforting.
Things I like: I love swimming (I was on a swim team for about 9 years), I love horror movies, I like rain and the sounds of thunderstorms because its calming to me, I also love the smell of rain, I like cloudy days, cooking, listening to 80's and 90's rock but mainly 90's because 90's is the best, My favorite bands are Bush, Audioslave, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Linkoln Park, Pearl jam but i'm pretty open to anything.
Things I dislike: Spiders.......I will scream if I see a spider.
I pair you with the part tsundere Bloody Painter!
Helen doesn't fall easily. So your relationship was probably a bit rocky, with first impression, since Helen and you have that same problem. This though, did start the conversation which led to your relationship, so it was actually was good in the end!
In general Helen has a quiet exterior, though once you got to know each other, you can actually see why he hangs around Puppet. Cause this man, has one wicked sense of humor. As soon as you show your more goofy, sacrasm side. Helen is showing how devious he is. You'll likely see it first with your fear of spiders. Expect a bit of teasing, cause he will smirk at you, before he squishes it, and then proceed to tease you a bit.
He's definitely the kind of person to trick someone into doing something stupid, for his amusement. So he will make no exception of not pulling that on you. Though he will probably make sure you're okay in the end, just cause he loves you. The kind of person to deny it, but really you can tell. Cause for you, he's easier to read. If you stick up for friends, then expect him right behind you making the most threatening aura possible to the person you're fighting. Which means you'll win most of your fights, without having to throw a punch.
Your anxiety and self destructive tendencies, will likely have you seeing a very gentle and soft side to Helen, much quicker than you would think. He also has trouble explaining his emotions, though he will become good at reading yours. Likely you will become good at reading his, so it'll be a balance. Granted, Helen is stubborn too, though in a different way as he's also patient. He will stick with you once he's attached, no matter what.
You sounded southern with some words, actually makes Helen giggle and he will tease you for it. Though once you're around him long enough, you'll realize that he has that. Such as him sounding more cockney, such as whenever he tries to pronounce meter, and so on and so forth. Plus a bonus if you hear him say shit. I suggest recording that, to tease him back as revenge >;)
Helen surprisely smokes, not a lot but you can tell when he does. So you'll probably smell it in his clothes. Which means if you steal them, that means you'll get a flustered Helen, who probably will initiate cuddles afterwards. Cause he's not the tallest in the manor, being at 5'8, but you'll still be smol to him, which he adores. He won't mock you for your height, though he might pick you up like a cat. He also likes your hair, cause he can style it for drawings of you, and he likes running his fingers through your hair while cuddling.
Speaking of drawing, expect to be draw a lot. Like even when you're not too aware of it, Helen will probably be drawing you absent-mindly. If you're swimming, probably will be drawing you doing it. Helen will show you his art, as you've become his muse. No worries, not the blood paintings. He might even give you ones with things you like, like a cloudy day one.
You can introduce him to your music, and he'll likely listen to it with you while he draws or paints. Also, you'll have to remind him to eat sometimes especially when he's in creative mode, so practice for cooking. Also if you give him some shepherd's pie, he will shower you with affection.
This one took a while, as I tried my best to find on that fit. I hope this to your liking, I did my best. If you want a scenario based off of this then, I'm happy to provide. This goes for all who ask for match-ups.
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spacesteffie · 4 years
more stuff on my au on the swedes being apart of the academy; im going to tag all my au stuff with #theswedesacademy ,, i would really appreciate if you guys could comment, send any feedback or suggestions on what stufff you wanna see in this au :)
—- — - — -
We Only See Each Other At Weddings And Funerals. (1/5)
part 1 : intro
After the scene of Allison and her paparazzi, the camera cuts to a pretty cosy looking living room. There’s a big leather black couch with a wooden coffee table in front of it. It had a few newspapers in a neat pile and a little potted plant. The walls were painted a nice even layer of gray and there were windows which shown how dark the night sky was. You can see Oscar sitting on the couch, covered by a white and black wool blanket. Beside him is a taller male , Otto, eating vanilla ice cream with a spoon. The pictures behind them on the wall are polariods, hung on by a string that had little lights attached to it. Two cats- one pure white and the other a strong ginger, leapt onto the couch, and snuggled into the space between their owners. The strong light from the quite big television illumanited the room. The two brothers seemed fixated on the show they were watching.
Another figure, Axel, walks into the room, holding a tray with three mugs full of hot chocolate and a few chocolate chip cookies on a plate. A black cat trailed behind him, letting out small meows. Axel placed the tray down onto the coffee table and sat down on the lonely armchair beside the sofa, the cat leaping into his lap.
Oscar and Otto’s attention shifted quicky from the television to the mugs of hot chocolate, noticing how they had little marshmallows. They quickly grabbed a mug each and happily slurped it down, both letting out a satsified sigh. They both looked over to Axel and smiled, moving their attention back to their show.
Their names appear in bold white, “Oscar, Otto and Axel” and their numbers are in front of them- Number 3.1 , 3.5 and 3.9
part two : finding out
After the scene with Diego, a phone had began to ring. Axel, visibely annoyed, stood up again rolled his eyes and walked out the room and into the hallway. Otto had grabbed the remote and started flicking through the channels since the show they were watching was over. He stopped at the news channel and felt his heart and mouth drop. He turned over to his brother, who was looking wide eyed right back at him.
Axel had got his phone and was in the middle of turning around into the room when he answered, “Pogo? Why are y-” His eyes had landed onto the television. The camera angle changes to be behind Axel, his hand holding his phone slowly lowering.
part three : meeting the others.
Otto was outside their room, leaning on the door. He was staring at the room, recounting all the memories of being in there. He was wearing a white button up shirt with a big wool forest-green jumper. He had a pair of black jeans with a nice classy brown belt wrapped around it. The black tie that was on his neck made him feel like he was choking as he moved his hands to loosen it just a tad bit. Oscar was inside the room, rummaging around at all the drawers, finding drawings, old books,heck even an old photo album. He was wearing black turtle neck with a pair of denim jeans, he also had a dark blue winter coat with fur on the brim of it’s hood. Axel was laying on his old small bed, loss in his thoughs. He wore a simple black and white checkered shirt and a pair of grey pants. Neither of them had spoken a word for a few minutes.
Momentartily Otto turned around and peered down the end of the hallway when he heard a conversation echoing from downstairs. “You’re seriously going to do this today? Way to dress for the occassion by the way,” “Atleast i’m wearing black-” Shit. He was not mentally prepared to face his other siblings, oh god, he thought, what do i even say? hey it’s been like oh i don’t know, five years? how are you- no no that’s just awkward oh god Otto think. Axel’s eyebrows raised when he looked over at Otto, “What’s wrong?”
“I think Diego, Allison and Vanya are here.” Axel inhaled sharply and Oscar instantly closed the photo album he was looking through. “Guess we have to, you know, greet to them,” Axel said. Oscar stood up and quickly walked out of the room, surprising his two brothers. “Come on, i wanna say hi to Vanya,”
“You actually wanna see Vanya?”
“Yeah, i mean, of course?” Oscar said, already walking towards the top of the stairs. He stopped suddenely, staring down the stairs. He awkwardly waved his hand, “Hi,” Otto followed behind him, seeing Diego half way up the stairs.
“Oh well if it isn’t the three muskateers,” Diego looked up at Oscar, crossing his arms, sacrasm evident in his voice, “Since when did you guys get here?”
“Thirty minutes ago.”
Axel emerged from behind the two, descending down the stairs towards Diego, “Where the hell did you get that outfit?”
“Why do you want to know?” Diego said defensively, furrowing his eyebrows.
Axel stepped down until he was one step ahead from his brother, “Because,” He took a step down again but moved to the side, “It looks stupid.”
“Yeah,Yeah, nice to see you to Axel,” Diego fistbumped Axel, patted his back and walked towards the other two. He gave them each a fist bump, “Really didn’t think you guys would come,” He quickly moved past them and started to walk away,
“Hey where are you going?” Axel questioned.
“Going to see good ol ‘Number 1’,”
Axel looked over to Otto and then Oscar, seeing them nodding. Axel scoffed, a smile emerged on his face and then he quickly followed after Diego.
The swedish brothers watched as the duo walked down the hallway, presumely towards the room where Luther was in. “Well, there goes our beloved voice of reason,” Oscar sighed, slouching over. Otto sighed in agreement, placing one hand on the banister as he walked down the all so nostaglic staircase.
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askdoratonks · 6 years
“Remind me to kill you. Please”
Sacrasm prompt #9  - requested by @shakkeattacke
Harry was exhausted. He thought he’d known the meaning of the word, back at Hogwarts, struggling through studying for the tournament, or back in the woods hunting horcruxes. Young Harry had no idea what sleep deprivation was, young Harry had no idea how much adult Harry would come to romanticize his bed, young Harry was in for a rude awakening. 
... Adult Harry really needed some fucking sleep. 
Unfortunately simultaneously working through clinicals and classes at St Mungo’s while trying to keep up with his these people called friends and this stupid (wonderful) little orphanage pet project that he couldn’t loosen the reigns on meant that Harry was running on willpower and caffeine charms that had long ago lost their... charm. 
Harry was supposed to have the evening off, Harry had bought new sheets for the occasion, Harry was supposed to get to sleep. So then why was Harry back at St Mungos, dressing down for a clinical shift in the neo natal unit? 
Luna Fucking Lovegood. 
Having stepped out of the changing room Harry leveled a glare at the face encased in the same old dirty blonde long hair. “Remind me to kill you. Please.”
Luna smiled, tired herself but serene and reached out to take his elbow. “I suppose since you asked so nicely I might consider it.” Her cheerful reply had him groaning dramatically at her as he let himself be led along to the proper unit. Even after months working through the various departments, Harry still got lost in the ever changing floorplan, Luna never did. 
As they approached the door Harry found his voice again, “Why would you decide to sign us up for an overnight shift in the NICU anyway? I don’t plan on working L&D, I’m already up to my eyeballs in little kids at the orphanage and I should be focusing on the curse wounds unit where I want to be and-”
Harry’s rant came to a stuttering stop as they passed through the door and suddenly the pressure at his elbow was gone as Luna disappeared without a word. Harry didn’t even notice, Harry wasn’t even breathing. 
The NICU unit was quiet, dark other than the lights from the monitoring spells and the bit of moonlight filtering through the windows, and settled like some ethereal creature in a patch of that silver light was Draco Malfoy. 
Harry took an involuntary step forward and hadn’t yet dared to breathe because Malfoy was sleeping. Malfoy was sleeping and was holding carefully to two of the NICU babies. Malfoy was sleeping and shirtless and giving vital skin contact to two tiny fragile little babies and it was the single most beautiful thing Harry had ever seen. 
Luna was the most wonderful friend in the entire world and Harry was going to buy her a thestral. Or you know, maybe just a drink.
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runbeyonddreams · 7 years
A "Tussle" over Tina Fey
An old college classmate posted the latest Tina Fey sketch about sheet cake. She obviously thought it was brilliant.
The following is our FB convo. It was a reminder as to why we were more like frenemies in college than actual friends. Not even sure why I'm still connected to her on FB...
I get why this was funny. I laughed a bit until she said this,
“In conclusion, I really want to say, to encourage all good sane Americans to treat these rallies this weekend like the opening of a thoughtful movie with two female leads; Don’t show up. Let these morons scream into the empty air."
Whether she meant to or not, her privilege is showing and her lack of fully understanding the importance of intersectionality is glaring.
If all good Americans could actually benefit from just not showing up, that WOULD BE F*CKING fantastic. Eating cake is WAY more fun for real.
But, there are plenty good sane Americans who stand to lose A LOT more than a financially secure white lady, if they decide to just sit out and not protest, not push back, not make their voices heard.
I don't think she meant it, the whole segment is about being ironic; she's eating a freaking cake. It's slapping you in the face with sacrasm and ironic self-awareness. She's making fun of herself and her privilege in her upper middle white class collegiate sweatshirt, etc. She knows shes a white privileged woman. Now, does being ironic (as an intelligent comedian) also have to be criticized as "tone deaf" and showing her privelege? I just don't think so. After all--while she's making fun of folks "not showing up" to those movies she's talking about (that she probably wrote and or produced) I'm sure she actually would LOVE for people to show up to them. She's being ironic. I don't doubt for a second that she's sympathetic to intersectionality.
I'm going to guess you think my response shows my privelege and lack of understanding when it comes to intersectionality...? Wink wink?
Ultimately, like most male comedians do in the face of fear, sadness and darkness, she was trying to find a way to bring levity to a sad chapter. I personally think that the uproar is more misogynistic than anything.
Anyway. We should be fighting Nazis together (which I'm sure we both are) not dissecting Tina freaking Fey. I'm gonna get back to Donald Trump, who occupies most of my god damn time these days.
My side eye to Tina Fey is because this isn't a one off for her. I also didn't appreciate her previous comments regarding the white washing of Whiskey Tango Foxtrot and the unsettling episode of Kimmy Schmidt where she made fun of Asians in a really racist way. She can get away with just blowing over her missteps as "hey, I was just joking" because of her privilege. Plain and simple. There's a demographic of people who are just so over being told "lighten up, I didn't mean it, it was just a joke, stop being so serious" about all the little things that hurt and degrade.
I still own her book. I will still try and watch Kimmy Schmidt. I still kinda love Mean Girls. But, I admire her less and less the more missteps she takes. I keep hoping she'll figure it out.
If you were to see my side of my news feed there is a definite difference between those who revered this Tina sketch as unflawed and brilliant, those who are too tired of micro aggressions to truly take her to task, and those who are extremely outraged and hurt by the unapologetic trivial comparison between deciding to attend a movie opening and taking part in a civil rights protest.
If you were trying to make a joke "wink wink" about me possibly judging you, it fell flat. I'm pretty sure I never mentioned any judgment of you in my comment. I didn't really give YOU much thought when I wrote the comment. Does it say more about you than me that you feel the need to defend yourself somehow? If I DID feel that you don't fully understand my stance or the importance of intersectionality, would it even matter to you? Is that what white fragility looks like? Wink wink.
Also, for those who dissect Tina Fey, it does not necessarily mean it is taking time away from fighting Nazis and the mindset of 45 & his supporters.
It's recognizing that it is important, especially now, to understand how carelessly discarded seeds grow into invasive destructive weeds.
Ah, the winks were a bad idea, I told myself!
I think it's really weird I just had a tussle with you over Tina Fey--you are someone who clearly has the same viewpoints of me on almost everything regarding women, minorities, politics, etc. I'm not exactly sure what happened here other than we seem to not really know much about the other anymore. Sad.
How is this a tussle? I let you know exactly why I had a different reaction to her sketch than you did. You defended her, explained why you think she's still brilliant, then said you had better things to do than further dissect the impact of Tina Fey's words/actions. Totally fair. You most likely haven't been hurt by any of the things she has said for laughs. I understand that. And honestly, I'm not judging you for that. That's not within your control.
Then you casually brushed off me POSSIBLY judging you, and challenging your choice to put Fey on a pedestal (once again, nope, wasn't doing that bc I get why the sketch is otherwise hilarious) as a thinly veiled joke (?) to maybe make sure someone you barely know doesn't think less of you for thinking differently.
Not a tussle.
Just reality.
This is my reality whenever I point out the hurtful flaws of high profile celebrity "heroes", or anyone.
I've honestly had to explain my pov on various occasions similar to this one, with very similar people to you, and not once has anyone ever said, "ohhhhh... I see I might be missing something. I'll make a point to be more aware of that going forward. I'll dig deeper and peel back another layer. I'll take a moment to really learn why this is causing so much dialogue."
And you know what? I keep trying. Keep hoping that someone will. So I keep trying.
But yeah, maybe I'll just scream into a sheet cake while attempting to shove the whole thing in my mouth.
It would definitely be more fun.
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If the members were youtubers instead of idols, what kind of channel would they have? (individually ofc)
Ok, ok, alright, ok. I know Youtube pretty well, so this shouldn’t be too hard for me
Nayeon: Beauty GuruI think this one was pretty obvious. She’d have a channel similar to someone like Zoella or sprinkleofglitter, her content being mostly haul videos and makeup/hair tutorials, along with other videos like monthly favourites and house decoration tours. She’d have a very organised channel and all of her videos would be very pretty, with a cute intro screen or something similar. She would do a lot of collabs as well with her close friends.
Jeongyeon: Vlogs + ComedyI’m thinking something like Tyler Oakley or maybe Amazing Phil. I’m leaning more toward Tyler. She’d do a lot of vlogs addressing content that’s popular or that she’s interested in, and there’d be some vlogs about stuff that happens in her life as well. She’d always present her content in a funny and comedic way and she’d do a lot of collabs with as many people as possible, she’d be friends with pretty much every other youtuber. Eventually she’d reach a status where she does celebrity interviews
Momo: Dance Covers/Daily VlogsThe majority of Momo’s videos would be dance covers, or dance focused videos. She would choreograph her own stuff occasionally, and always try and provide unique videos. But Momo isn’t the type to stick to just one type of video, she’d do a lot of daily vlogs as well. Which would pretty much just be food vlogs of her going out to restaurants, cafes and other food places. Dance collabs would be rare, but she’d frequently have friends with her during vlogs. I can also see her doing Q&As every so often.
Sana: Daily VloggerFor some reason, my mind immediately went to Joey Graceffa. Basically her videos would more or less be, “come with me on my daily adventures while I live my exciting life with my ridiculous number of friends”. She’d do some challenge videos here and there when she does collabs, and every now and then she’d make a video following the latest youtube trend. She’d be the kind of person who’s constantly dropping wisdom and advice everywhere when she does her vlogs, and she’d be extremely entertaining to watch.
Jihyo: Music/Performance + Vlog ChannelJihyo’s talent as a singer is just so surreal I can’t picture her doing anything but music. She’d be similar to Troye Sivan in that she’d have a combination of song performances and covers along with vlogs and Q&A style videos. She’d be a youtuber with a strong connection to her audience, she’d have a really dedicated fandom and she’d do a lot of live streams. Eventually she’d reach enough fame to produce original music and release an album (like Troye), but unlike Troye she’d still produce a lot of blog style videos.
Mina: Gaming ChannelMina loves games ok, she’d definitely be a gamer. But since she’s a little more shy, she’s going to be really different from a lot of the really popular gaming youtubers. Her playthroughs wouldn’t be as loud or high energy, but she’d still be hilarious, especially when she does collabs and makes her guests play horror games with her. Her content would be similar to the big gamers, Markilplier, Jacksepticeye, etc basically she’d play anything from horror to flash games. She’d do vlogs every now and again as well, usually just to give her subscribers updates on what’s going on
Dahyun: Skits + ComedyI’m picturing something similar to Liza Koshy or iisuperwomanii for Dahyun’s channel. Just a lot of explosive comedic energy, and she’d probability create her own characters to portray, similar to Liza and Lily. Lots of punny humour and there would never be a moment where you’re not laughing while watching her videos. Skits, advice videos, types of people Dahyun would make a lot of videos like that.
Chaeyoung: Animation + Speedpainting + VlogsChae’s channel would mostly be focused on her artistic side and she’d pour a lot of creativity into her videos. I can see her starting off doing speed paints and then moving onto animated videos. Eventually she’d start doing normal vlogs as well and her channel would be a combination of Amazing Phil style daily vlogs combined with her animation and speed painting. I can see her doing live streams where she takes requests of what to draw and talks with her viewers while she draws.
Tzuyu: Daily vlogs + life vlogsFor Tzuyu I can see her doing storytime vlogs and also topical/advice vlogs. Something similar to danisnotonfire in that she’d blog about being an introvert and highlight stuff about existential crises and expose herself for being awkward. She’d also tell a lot of stories about her experiences with strange people and basically talk about how annoyed she is with people and wants to live in a box. Her videos would be unintentionally hilarious because of her sacrasm, dry sense of humour and savage comments. Pretends to be dark and mysterious but all her followers know she’s a softie
I lied, this was super hard it took me a long time. Sorry for keeping you waiting
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I was tagged by @sacrasm to list 10 songs I like so here we go. They aren't like my all time favorite becuase i have a hard time keeping track but these are ones I like right now.
1) Weak - AJR 2) Let the Games Begin - AJR (I'm a little obsessed with AJR rn) 3) Thirsty - AJR 4) Pitchfork Kids - AJR (Ok I'll stop) 5) West Texas - PWR BTTM 6) New Hampshire - PWR BTTM 7) Moondust (Stripped) - Jaymes Young 8) Tea Milk & Honey - Oh Pep! (An always fav) 9) Making A Mess - Spookyghostboy 10) Johnny Boy - Twenty One Pilots (I had to add it because I started singing it 3 times yesterday during class)
As you can tell, I've only been listening to AJR this week and PWR BTTM the week before. Also I want to add Call My Dad - AJR because its a really good song and I'm gonna go listen to it.
I tag @something-probably @sappicsardines @gayweebtrashcan @trashcanaut @my-favourite-colour-is-glitter @ultrablueutopia
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