#but i never finished tales so. thats not on my mind with this au so much lol
candysharkart · 11 months
thank u for your interest :)! sorry this got kinda longwinded i think. i never write stuff down lol…….
okay sooo i basically wanted an excuse to think about jack being alive post-canon, but i figured if u bring back the guy who had it coming its only fair to bring back other characters who should not have beefed it. and so! the best option seemed like the new-U system! i know they're just a game mechanic thats not supposed to be taken literally but if they're not gonna use it i am lol.
(putting all this under a cut)
roland not respawning after jack kills him in bl2 is kinda weird since he defs uses new-Us in bl1, but i could see jack using a jammer or some chump shit to interrupt the process. maya n lilith's deaths happen in ways were i……. get that they wouldnt respawn but their data could be still in the system somewhere. i also think non-vault hunter npc like scooter would have at least fast traveled once (most of the fast travels are also hyperion? i think? they feel like the same tech) so they might also have digistruct data. sometimes the system trips up, or u cant pay the fee ect ect, and u dont respawn, but ur up there! backed up in the damn cloud or some nonsense.
wilhelm, nisha, n aurelia are all perma-killed in canon, but are replayable fights, so TECHNICALLY they kind of are respawning they're just………… stuck. the new-U puts them back together but they cant move on for some reason. some goes for a lot of the other infinitely respawning bosses/enemies.
so the catalyst for this au now that bl3 is out is that post-canon, tannis is training her siren powers by shifting thru hyperion's systems, she decides familiarizing herself with the new-U system might be useful when she uncovers all these backed up and malfunctioning respawns, and realizes that if she just like. refreshes the system, all these people might come back. she consults with the other raiders about her findings, n that she probably COULD pick and choose profiles to revive their friends but not their enemies, but tannis is trying to AVOID playing god these days thank u very much.
ultimately they all want their friends back too much to pass up the opportunity and have tannis go thru with it. everybody respawns!! everybody gets a lot of confused echo-messages!! everybody cries!! the crimson raiders are reunited!!!
(this is the part where i talk abt jack and angel's respawns bc they're. specific.)
jack not respawning at a new-U is kinda weird with the context that he like. owns them? it tracks that he thought he was too good to need them, but hes also very paranoid, so what if he had his set up different? a failsafe in the Very Unlikely Event something happens to him, where instead of the nearest new-U, he's respawned at a station in a saferoom somewhere where he can be in immediate control of the situation again. it also tracks that he was very confident he could keep angel safe, but again. what if the very very worst happens? angel's respawn is set to be something only jack can activate, but he has to do it manually so no one else can get to her first. his ego was too big to see any flaws with this!
he doesnt think about the chance that something happening to angel while she's so deeply ingrained in hyperion's systems might mess stuff up. so when she dies, the saferoom goes dark, and jack's too far gone to notice. he's going to win the day and revive his daughter into the better, safer world he's going to build. this does not happen, he dies and his data has no new-U to go to so it just sits there. until tannis resets the system, which powers his saferoom up and spits him out. a new-U glitch he didnt care enough about to have anyone patch interrupts the reconstruction process and he loses his arm to it. he manages enough first aid to not just die again, and finally respawns angel, hoping she'll help him.
after respawning, once angel is able to get her bearings, she's devastated by the idea that jack won, but quickly realizes he DIDNT and he's very hurt and weak right now and this is her CHANCE. but she cant bring herself to kill him she wants to so badly but she just. cant go through with it. but she sure as shit can pistol whip him, collar him, and march him straight to the crimson raiders. once she finds them.
(there are some other specifics we have about this au, and lots we havent figured out yet but this post is already so long im sorry……..)
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honesthammie · 3 years
Te amo
I am working on a few of the other prompts and a part 2 to prompt 4 the soulmate au I just recently got another puppy and I still have uni work to do so I'm a bit behind schedule with these and I'm so sorry. Hopefully this little kinda songfic makes up for it.
13th doctor x female reader
Warnings: swearing as usual, fluffy, sad thoughts, twist the original songs meaning, long as fuck.
Probably terrible as its my first songfic
I don't know much Spanish so some of the examples later on are Google translated and I know it can be wrong so I do apologise for any mistranslations
This is based off Rhiannas song Te Amo but I'm switching it up a little. I dont why 13th doctor came into my head when I was listening to it but it gave me this lil oneshot idea so enjoy! The picture is not mine but the rainbow effect added is done by me! Same for the picture later on.
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I've been travelling with this amazing alien for a whole year now. The adventures are always amazing if she's there! The others sometimes complain and say its boring, especially on a junk planet but to see her face light up with excitement makes my day and it well worth the dirt we cover ourselves on by the time we are done. And when she finds something that she thought was useful and it turns out, it's not her scrunch is amazing.
Okay, I'll admit it. I'm in love with this alien. I know, weird, a human and an alien together? But I can't help it! I'm completely besotted with her. If she even looks in my direction, my legs go to jelly and I get butterflies. I know, cheesy. But thats exactly how I feel around her. I barely want to touch her because I nearly fainted the last few times. And I fear she may pick up on how I'm distancing myself from her. I don't want to break her heart and leave, the thought of her look kills me as is so I'm trying to get her to kick me off.
It doesn't seem to be working though. I've been distancing myself since I found out about how I feel, which is now 6 months ago and she's trying to get me to be as close as I was with her.
I'll tell her. On one of our amazing adventures but I can't do it straight forward, it's making me sick with anxiety just thinking about it. I'll fancy it up, make her work it out. Whenever we are next to each other and the moment is right, I'll tell her in another language!
I finally get out of bed after I finished writing in my diary. I slip some comfy clothes on and head out to the TARDIS library and hope no one is there, especially her. I'll be distracted and right now, I need to concentrate. I wonder the warm halls, grateful that the TARDIS had considered my preferences. I think the TARDIS likes me more than the others because I talk to her and show her gratefulness for taking us somewhere amazing and I chat to her regularly and I try to involve her in my conversations. The others find it weird, except for the Doctor, she just smiles and joins in with me. Im still learning how to translate her but I think I've sort of got it.
I reach my hand forward and grab the aged bronze doorknob and open to the giant room. There were so many floors that an elevator had to be used to access some of them as the Doctor said "walking would literally take weeks to reach some floors". Thankfully the TARDIS organises them to make them easier to find. I looked forward and saw an interactive map in front of me. My hands touched the screen and many subjects and categories came up. Anything ranging from kiddie tales to straight up smut, I have a feeling either River or Missy are to blame for that addition.
I've never met them but the TARDIS showed me videos from her database and brought books to my attention about them. They both seem very dirty minded people so I'm not surprised those are there. I wonder if the Doctor has ever stumbled upon this section or is it for none Doctor eyes only? If she does know about them, has she ever read one? No, don't go there you stupid brain! She probably doesn't know!
I quickly stop that train of thought and catch my breath. I've never thought about those kinds of things about anyone before. Stupid Timelord, making me go all weird and think dirty things. Now my face is all red, I really hope I'm alone in here. I quickly focus back to the task at hand, finding a new language to learn. The TARDIS seemed to know where to go and blue arrows appeared, guiding me to the right section in what could be a maze.
As I walking, I felt excitement rise within me. What if she felt the same way? What if she was impressed by how far I wanted to go just to say those 3 words? Would her hazel honey eyes sparkle with delight? Would she scronch her nose in amazement?
Before I knew it, I'd arrived at the language learning section and there were many alien languages but the TARDIS seemed to have a better idea of what would be perfect for me as a white hardback book fell off the 4th shelf onto the wooden floor. I picked it up and noticed how smooth the cover was and how old yet unused it looked. The white was a little off, almost a dull cream from ageing which made the gold writing harder to read. The title was simple:
Spanish basics and need to knows.
I did always find Spanish in school fun to learn, more than French or German anyway and I don't wanna stereotype this into a typical French is the language of romance. I never really found it romantic sounding compared to Spanish.
I picked up the book and quickly flicked through to the right page and took a note on my phone as to what the translation was and put the worn book away. I quietly thanked the TARDIS and rushed out of the library and back into my room where I could practice without getting caught.
A few weeks have passed since I picked up the new words and practiced them until I was confident and had the TARDIS' approval that I was saying it right. Today the Doctor wanted to take us to this party in the 18th century and we all decided to dress for the part once we landed.
Yaz was wearing a beautiful black and red ballroom gown, accented with little bows around the bottom and lace cuffs. She had her black hair curled into a ponytail. It was simple and cute, much like her style normally. Graham and Ryan wore similar suits but Graham wore green accents and Ryan wore yellow accents.
I let the TARDIS pick my dress. She picked a black and dark blue ballroom gown with blue roses on the bottom. It had black lace underneath and blue lace as the cuffs. The gown also seemed to glitter slightly in the light making me sparkle very subtly. I put my comfy boots on as you couldn't see my shoes as I walked anyway so why did it matter? With all the running we do, I'm not risking my ankles with heels, thank you very much. I had my (h/c) hair in (fave style). It suited my dress perfectly.
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I nearly choked on oxygen when I saw how hot the Doctor looked in her suit. It took me a few moments to realise we match. We both blushed at the realisation. Of course the TARDIS makes us match! No wonder why she was more than eager to help me pick an outfit! Stupid sentient ship, shipping us already!
I quickly cleared my throat and complimented everyone on how amazing they looked but I just couldn't take my eyes off the Doctor for long. She was like a magnet for my eyes. Someone help before she realises!
"Don't we all look brilliant? Perfect for the party! 18th century Yorkshire to be exact! What a great century for you guys. Now then, this party is for Nobles and higher, as per usual in these times. Ryan, I suggest you keep in mind about any racist comments that may come out. But as long as you say your Graham's personal butler, you should be welcomed with little resistance. And Yaz, I want you to be (y/n)'s personal maid. That does mean you'll have to follow your so called "masters" around and do anything they ask unfortunately and Graham, (y/n), please act like the others around you and use them. Unfortunately this is the only way all 5 of us can join the party. You'll be fine as long as you bite your tongues. Now the Noble Edward Collins is the host so be sure to thank him for inviting you, even though you technically weren't. And try not to get too drunk, I know what you humans are like! Now follow me." The Doctor explained. I was going to tell the Doctor today, but I guess, I'll have to wait.
The Doctor opened the doors and we were in a cupboard under some gorgeous marble stairs. As we walked towards the party I noticed some family portraits along the walls. They were a very beautiful looking family. The mother had long blonde hair and pale blue eyes. The father was buff, long brown hair and daring brown eyes. There were two children, a girl and a boy. The girl had long brown hair and sparkling blue eyes, whilst the son had blonde hair and brown eyes. They also had a brown greyhound dog laying by the sons feet. The son must be the host, Edward. He looked not much older than 10 in the last painting but the daughter was no where to be found in the portrait and theu all looked mournful. Is she dead and is that the picture capturing the moment of grief? Why would anyone want that? It's so strange, even for this time period.
The Doctor held me and Yaz close, stopping us in our tracks. My heart was racing at the simple touch. But as soon as the touch was there, it was gone. "I hope its okay with you (y/n) but you're going to have to be married to someone."
My heart stopped for a moment and I nearly choked on air. "What? Why?"
"Because women like yourself would have been married as young as 13 or 14. Now your only choices are me and Graham. You can't choose Ryan as he's supposed to be a butler and you can't choose Yaz as she's your maid. The choice is yours, I just need to know wether or not I should refer to you as my darling wife or not?"
What. The. Fuck.
Why did her even calling me that l, turn me on? Obviously, I'm going to choose her but I'm going to have to perfect my reasoning here.
"As much as I love Graham, it's going to be awkward if I have to kiss him or anything because he's like my grandad! I guess you'll do Timelord. Come on then husband, we don't want to be late to the dancefloor!" I spoke clearly hoping she didn't notice how excited I actually was to have even a hint of a relationship with her. It may be fake but ill take anything when it comes to her.
We arrived at the welcome committee and handed our cards over, aka the psychic paper. We were going as Mr and Mrs (last name). The Doctor was holding my hand this entire time and it's driving me insane. I don't know if she can feel my racing pulse under her fingers but if she can I hope she puts it down to excitement! We walked down the most grandest staircase you would ever lay your eyes on.
First we walked around, greeting everyone as they came up to us or if she dragged me to someone she knew, but not personally. She was cute when she was fangirling over these people. Yaz found it annoying as she just wanted to party but I couldn't help it. The way her eyes shimmer with recognition was more beautiful than any galaxy she could ever take us. Sometimes her eyes flickered with admiration and it did make me have jealousy for just a moment before I remembered, I'm staying with her and they aren't .
As the party moved on we met the host Edward. He looked a lot different than in his paintings. He was around 20 years old now and his blonde hair was below his shoulders. He looked a lot like his father with his muscley build. And he was very charismatic which I did not like as he poured all his charm into the Doctor. Does everyone here know that he's gay or does he see through the Doctors disguise? Either way, it was rubbing me the wrong way. I quickly excused myself with Yaz and walked into the bathroom.
"I did not like him. I do not like this Edward guy. Something about him rubs me completely wrong. He's handsome but something is telling me he knows the Doctor isn't a man."
"I felt the same way. He knows something we don't. Before we go out there again, do you mind if I ask you a question?" Yaz asked. My mind was racing a hundred miles an hour. She knows. The jig is up with Yaz. "How do you feel about her, honestly? One minute you 2 are inseparable, then you distance yourself and now you are a nervous wreck around her! I won't judge but I just want to make sure my theory is correct."
Shit. I guess I really was obvious. Does she know?
"If your theory is about me falling hopelessly in love with the Doctor then you'd be correct. I can't help it. I'm going to tell her how I feel without being completely stupid. I just need a right moment to say it." I spoke with a heavy sigh. Hopefully, Yaz can help create that moment thay I need. She nods her head and opens the door. We walk back to the Doctor and notice Edward has gone to other guests and she was talking to Graham. I looked around and saw Ryan flirting with a pretty lady near the food table. Why am I not surprised?
A few hours had passed and the Doctor seemed bored with standing and talking so I made a plan in my head. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dancefloor as the next song came on. I didn't quite know how to dance properly but I knew the basics if it. She has to lead and I simply follow suit. It took a few moments but I got the hang of it with the Doctors help. Soon we were dancing so gracefully underneath the most beautiful candelabra that lit up her face perfectly.
Her hair swayed to our perfect dance ever so gently. Her eyes sparkled with amusement and her lips were in a permanent smile. She even laughed a couple of times. Then as the music slowed down to a pace that was perfect, I grabbed her waist and looked her. My heart was going crazy and my legs were about to buckle but I had rehearsed my lines. I can do this.
"Hey Doc. Its been an amazing time with you but I can't continue this without being honest with you. But everytime I get close, I back down in fear. So I'm going to let you figure it out. Doctora te amo. Entiendo que si no sientes lo mismo y me iré si quieres. (Doctor i love you. i understand if you don't feel the same way and i'll leave if you want.)" I spoke with as much passion and intention as I could. I looked into her eyes and saw her confused and trying to work out what I said. I would find it cute if my heart was beating right out of my chest. "Well, I've had a great time but I'm fucking knackered. I'm calling it night. I'll be heading to the TARDIS if you need me."
"I'll come with ya. I'm knackered as well and we both need each other to undo the corsets and mine is starting to hurt a little bit. How we used to do this for a full day, everyday, is beyond my understanding. As beautiful as we look, I don't think its worth the pain this will bring in the morning." Yaz spoke with a slight mumble as proof of her mental state and finishing with a yawn. I chuckled at her state and walked back to the TARDIS with a small amount of chat along the way.
She is right though. These corsets really do hurt you after a while, I'm glad I chose not to wear heels or else I'll be fucked for in the morning. I would literally scream. I think the Doctor had the right idea in wearing a suit, no pain. I do feel bad for leaving her but I just need some space after basically admitting everything that's been built up within me for too damn long. Maybe I should tell Yaz how it went and maybe she can help determine if the Doctor is happy or not.
We walked back into the wardrobe room and I helped Yaz out of her corset. She immediately sighed in relief. She finished getting herself into comfy clothes and started to untie my ribbon.
"So did you tell her?"
"Sort of. I basically told her everything but in Spanish. I just hope it doesn't change anything, except in a positive way, of course! If she wants me gone, I've told her that it's fine and I understand. She's very socially awkward and as cute as I find it, it may not help me in this situation. Do you have any clues on how she may react once she figures it out?"
Yaz stopped untying my corset for a moment and placed 1 finger upon her chin in thought. Her eyes were almost shut and seemed almost completely black in the light. After what seemed like forever, she took her finger off her chin and beamed a toothy smile. Her eyes sparkled as she remembered something and seemed to gleam slightly menacingly. A smirk replaced her smile soon after.
"There's a few times she's shown affection towards you. And I mean romantic affection. She always chooses to hold your hand over anyone else's if given the choice. She always steps I'm front of you when an enemy threatens to kill us all or hurt us in anyway. When you go wandering around on your own, she's terrified thats she's lost you forever to an enemy we don't even know of!" Yaz starts explaining carefully as if she's worried on how to word it.
"Those are just friendly affec-"
"I wasn't done. I was warming up." Yaz interrupts me as I was about to go into a self deprecating speech on how I'm just a friend to everyone and never a lover. "She always looks to see your face on adventures because she secretly loves your reactions, bad or good. When the Master revealed himself, she looked straight at you for support on how she should react. When she came back from the Kasavin, she ran straight to you and made sure you were ok first before any of us. When we were in the Tsungra medical ship, the first person she asked for was you! Whilst she was unconscious on board the ship, she kept mumbling your name, over and over again. When she saw how gorgeous you looked today, I thought she'd take you right there on the spot! She fucking loves you (y/n)! You're just so unbelievably blind to it all!"
Yaz was almost red with rage. Did she really do all that, for me? The TARDIS mustve read my mind and seemed to hum positively in reply. If everything Yaz said is true then she'll be so happy about it and maybe we can be a thing! But then again, maybe losing so many in a similar position as me will turn her away. Maybe her soul is awry and she's asking why right now.
Once I had gotten changed I went to sleep almost straight away, I suppose all that dancing and social ques having tired me out more than I thought.
I woke up to a soft knock on my door. I rubbed my (e/c) eyes and told them I'd be a few minutes as I've only just woken up. It wasn't until I finished brushing my (h/c) hair that I remembered what happened yesterday. All the panic rushed within me at once and I nearly threw up. I took several deep breaths and opened the door.
"GRAHAM THANK FUCK ITS YOU!" I almost shouted at him. He looked a little bewildered for a moment before he seemed to remember what brought him here in the first place.
"Hello Love, I'm here because Doc wanted to speak with you privately in the library. She says that the TARDIS will guide you to her location. She seemed a little off after you and Yaz left. Did something happen? Is everything ok?" Graham asked cautiously. He must be so confused.
"Sort of. I'll explain more when I get back but what do you mean by "a little off"?"
"Well she seemed lost in all sense of the word. She kept muttering "Te Amo" all the time. She was all over the place aswell. She got me and Ryan back here not long after you guys. Something about not trusting Ryan to not get alcohol poisoning without her around. She hasn't really left the library since if I'm honest. She's been in there for 12 hours. I only know she wants you because she whattsapped me on my phone. Whatever is going on, please sort it out, she's starting to really worry me. She hasn't been the same since that Master guy came around." Graham spoke clearly, albeit confused. I nodded my head and walked in the opposite direction to him and hoped the TARDIS would take me there quicker than normal. I want to treat this like a plaster, rip it off in one go.
Sooner than I realised, I grabbed the all too familiar door knob of the library. I took a deep breath and walked in. A blue line appeared towards the interactive map. I awakened the console and I saw a black screen with a few words on it. It looked like a message with how it was presented.
Hello (y/n)! Don't walk until you calm. Breath deeply and try not to panic. I promise you, all will work out in the end. I see more than you realise and I know my thief better than anyone whoever stepped foot into my being. I know of her main problem about the situation. If she loves you, drink this. It won't hurt, she'll know what it is.
I should have been surprised by this new knowledge that she could speak to me, in a way, but I've seen so much and I am so tender hooks so I didn't take much notice of it. I quickly sat down and tried to control my breathing. After about 5 or so minutes, I felt calm enough to finally meet up with her and hear what she has to say.
I followed the blue line carefully until I spotted her in a comfy room. She mustve gotten changed at some point as she was wearing her usual rainbow outfit, minus the jacket. She was sat on a deep purple sofa, legs curled into her body. Her shoes were on the carpeted floor underneath her, seemingly forgotten for the moment. There were many books surrounding us from many cultures and spieces. One wall had a cozy wood burning fireplace crackling within the silence that surrounded us.
Her face was scrunched within deep thought. Her eyes sparkling with an emotion that I couldn't quite put my finger on; hope, sorrow or excitement? Her lips had a small smirk gracing them and her teeth had bitten a small part of it. Her hands were holding a book in a way where I couldn't quite see what it was.
I didn't want to disturb her as she looked so ethereal with the warm glow of the fire highlighting her in the perfect way. Unfortunately, it's plaster time and I wanted this sorted sooner rather than later. I took a deep breath took in the picture for memory.
"Hey, Graham said you wanted to talk to me? Is everything ok?" I asked gently and as softly as I could so she was carefully brought out of her little world. I didn't want to scare her. She raised her eyes from her book for a moment and bookmarked the page she was at with a little TARDIS paperclip. She placed the book on the table at the side of her and patted the seat next to her.
As I sat down my nerves were through the roof. She gave nothing away as she stared at me for a minute, as if assessing something about me.
"Why are you so nervous? Calm down. You are right, It is to do with last night. You left pretty abruptly after basically confessing your feelings to me. I was so confused, not just about what you said but about myself and what I wanted to do about you." The Doctor spoke monotonously. Did she mean get rid of me? "I had to first of all, find out what you said, well done on learning a new language by the way, one even I'm not fluent at. I'm guessing the old girl had something to do with that idea. Not that, you aren't smart enough but you don't know what languages I do or don't know."
The Tardis seemed to chuckled at the accusation and I simply nodded my head. "I wanted to buy myself time and to impress you."
"You impressed me a long time ago Miss (l/n). That is just a cherry on top. After I figured out what you said, no thanks to my old friend here, I went through a lot of thinking. I've not been in many relationships and you know my history regarding the ones I have been in. You know, River and Missy? And I have such a bad past with it ending in nothing but tears for me. I always lose those I care for deeply." She spoke with tears spilling from her gorgeous eyes. I grabbed her face gently and wiped away the stray tears that managed to escape their home.
"That was when you were a man. You're a woman now, everything is so different. Relationships can be heartbreaking. I know what you're main problem is and the TARDIS has a solution to that. I just need you to tell me the truth. How do you feel about me? Do you want me to stay or not?" I stated holding the small shot glassed amount of liquid in my hand. The liquid was golden and sparkled slightly in the light. There were specks of orange and silver within it and it was as hot as a nice cup of (hot drink). Her eyes sparkled with hope and shock. Her lips were smiling wide. And she seemed to giggle at the sight of it. She held it for a moment as if examining it like a rare artefact, maybe it was. Either way, I trust her judgement and if she's happy about it, then so am I. Once she had analysed the drink, she practically leapt into my arms and pushed me down on my back. She smelled of custard creams and the TARDIS which was odd but completely her and I couldn't imagine her smelling any other way.
"That does solve our problem! What she has just given you is the rarest liquid in the universe seeing as only one thing in the entirety of space can produce it. That drink is known as the nectar of the chosen ones. It's rare as the race that used to make them has practically gone extinct. There's only 3 left in the known universe and you're living in one. That drink is the blood of the TARDIS. It grants you immortality if you drink it. It is said to resemble your favourite beverage no matter who you are. However, it only lasts 100 years and you must drink it every century or else your body clock will kick in and you will age and be as mortal as you are now." She speaks with a warning as we sit up holding holds.
"I have no problem with that. I would sacrifice everything if it meant I got to call you mine. Just please tell me and I'll drink it." I told her with adoration in my eyes.
She held me close and planted a soft and gentle kiss to my lips. It was short but it sent more fireworks than you can imagine through my body. I knew I had found her. She grabbed my waist and whispered next to my ear:
"Te Amo"
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shyrose57 · 3 years
YOO BROTHERS ANON BACK FROM THE DEAD? My phone started to fucking die half way (like extreme lag, keyboard stopped working at times, sudden shut offs, etc) and I was too scared to work on this in fear it'd get deleted. But im fucking back and have a new phone so I was able to finally finish. Plus after I finished the Brothers AU stuff I decided I hated Tip of The Iceburg AU lore and wanted to redo it so held off til I got that mostly done. I'm also trying to redo From Future to Past a lil bit but thats going slowly and decided I already waited way to long. Some other stuff happened as well like falling out of the fandom (Breath of The Wild and Linked Universe I got into and am actually still kinda in) then getting tossed back in but, anyway there's some smaller details I left out of Rans time living in the wild but everything here is the big stuff. 
Keep in mind most of this happens when he's just 13. And he never acknowledges or treats his trauma, leaving it to build and affect him more and more over time. 
When Ran first steps out of Mizu and into the world, he has nothing but a sword at his back and a book with little information on how to survive at his hip. The book really only provides him how to make certain things (like tools) and some basic information (Spiders are passive in daytime, how to farm, and basic information about each nether biome). The book acts more like a brief overview of the overworld and little information on how to survive than an actual survival book. Because of this the book is basically useless, Ran eventually uses it as a way of marking down notes and ripping out papers to cover wounds and tie things. He quickly learns that sleeping in high places (like a tree or a hole in a mountain) is the safest possible place to sleep, as no mobs or people can get him. Though due to the nights of constant screaming from mobs, his own internal fighting, and eventual hunting, he develops insomnia and paranoia. Leaving him unable to close his eyes in fear of being ambushed, believing himself to be forever unsafe and in danger. When he does manage to sleep he keeps his weapons nearby (like in his hand or under his pillow) and jumps awake at the slightest sound. 
He moves around constantly, never staying in one place for more than 2 weeks. He eventually finds a snow biome and after seeing the little amount of mobs and knowing the snow is to deep for any sane human to try to travel through, he decides to stay there for a entire year and a half before moving again. During this time he grows both physically and mentally. He goes from being a small, lithe 5'5 13 year old to being a strong 6'7 15 year old. He also uses this time to come to terms with what happened and swear revenge against Ranbob for everything he's been through and everyone who's died. Even when Ran came to terms with what his brother did, the promise "Ill never abandon you." Continues to ring in his head, which does nothing but fuel his hatred, believing his brother has been lying to him ever since he was a child. While also growing his knowledge on the world and his survival knowledge, becoming an almost perfect survivalist. 
When he was first alone and dealing with all the emotions brought upon him, he finds out he's hunted very suddenly. He first approached Raq (who he didn't know at the time) when he was desperate and fresh out of Mizu, asking him if there's any nearby town or city or really anything. Raq pretends to want to help Ran and let's him stay at his camp, giving him food and a warm place to sleep. But its 2 full days later, deep in the night when Raq finally trys to attack him, aiming to incapacitate him. But Ran is able to escape him and run away but not without a injury. 
During the fight Raq manages to hit him, specifically on his left ear. He manages to cut deep, but not deep enough, leaving the top of his ear just barely hanging on. Ran runs away and actually has a bit of a head start due to him tripping Raq. But Raq manages to follow/track him, due to the blood flowing out of Rans ear. Ran eventually realizes Raq is tracking him by the blood trail he's leaving, so he stops, steals himself, and rips off the remaining part of his ear, barely holding back a yell, then Ran pushes his hand down on the wound and continues to run. Raq finds the ear and simply hums, intrigued by the lengths Ran will go to escape, before turning around, deciding to let Ran escape this time, because he knows he'll see him again. Ran continues to run, terrified and borderline crying due to the fear and pain. For the next 3 days he believes he is still being followed by Raq so he continues to run, never resting until he eventually collapses from exhaustion. His ear eventually heals over but never grows back, it becomes a reminder of the fact he is being constantly hunted by people and will never escape them. 
Ran encounters Raq a total of 32 times during his time living out in the wild. And every time Ran manages to get away, though sometimes more injured than others. Eventually it gets to the point Raq greets Ran like a old friend. After their 3rd encounter Raq starts to bring others with him, eventually he has 5 others helping him hunt Ran. Though Ran grows and is able to either outwit them by using traps or is just simply able to avoid them most of the time. Though he still gets hit at times, once he made a mistake and a trap failed, leading to him getting stabbed and passing out cause blood loss.
The Nether is less than kind to Ran but kinder than the overworld. He gets shot a lot from both ghasts and skeletons. And almost falls into lava multiple times. He gets stabbed and trips more times than he can count. But he actually manages to make acquaintance with the Piglins he meets due to him being polite to them and giving them gold for nothing in return. He actually is close enough to them to get directions for free and is even given resistance potions when Ran states he is leaving and not coming back as a farewell and stay safe gift. He ends up staying in the Nether for much longer than a normal person would and becomes adapt at traversing and surviving in it. It almost becomes his safe spot because the hunters have never followed him into the Nether. He would've lived there if he could, but due to the heat he isn't used too and the fact he just despised Ghasts more than the hunters, and they were everywhere in there, he didn't stay. But would often vist. Eventually he found netherite which he quickly covered his first and only diamond sword with. His sword also had the enchantments, sharpness 2, unbreaking 3, and sweaping edge. Over time and use the enchantments dimmed, only faintly remaining. At this point Ran had to flee his snow biome house due to a sudden attack, leaving behind the materials he needed to fix the enchantments and his sword. So he abandoned using it, but kept it cause it helped him through years of fighting, he can't exactly drop and leave it.
Extra stuff I couldn't find a way to fit in:
-Ran manages to find a village but actually gets kicked out cause he punches the blacksmith for upping the price of an iron sword.
-Ran slowly grows more cold, uncaring, rude, and harsh over time due to trauma. He doesn't realize he became this way due to untreated trauma until he arrives to The Pit where Watson is able to help him start to slowly heal. Which is why he becomes more open and joking in The Pit because he feels safe and loved. 
-When the group leaves The Pit he becomes cold and hard again due to habit. Its his way of subconsciously defending himself.
-His body is covered in scars due to the hunters and his brushes with mobs. 
-Ran knows how to tailor his own clothes and has made many different kinds of clothes, all designed for certain biomes. 
-Ran never farmed, he always hunted.
-Ran never really built anything, instead he preferred to dig into the side of a mountain or make shelter in a cave. Its only in the snow biome did he actually build a house. And even then it was very clearly meant to be a temporary house. Though he did end up living there longer than he intended. 
-He was at first extremely reluctant to kill, but was forced to kill hunters and animals multiple times. To the point he became almost numb to it and wouldn't hesitate to kill if he was threatened. 
-He would sometimes dream about his family only for it to end with them being slaughtered, which really messed him up and he would just lay in bed mindlessly every time it happened. These dreams still happen. 
Also a edit to when the brothers met in the Pit, Ran actually gets his hands on a broken trident accidentally left in the arena (its the front end only, and the middle spike is shorter than the rest due to a error when being made) and ends up tripping Ranbob then stabbing the trident into the ground over him (if that makes sense?), actually trapping Ranbob, with the middle spike just above his throat, leaving him unable to move unless he wants to cut his neck and trapped on the ground. 
Tip of The Iceburg:
So Karl's watch is still damaged. And Isaac is still the one to convince him to seek help from the others. But midway through the meeting Phil speaks up, mentioning how he found a book in a ruined village that had a replica of Karl's Watch etched into the cover, but is in a language he's never seen. After passing it around the table no one recognizes it. Everyone's discouraged until Foolish suggests they look for the other Travelers (what ima call the Tales people) and maybe one of them will know. Eventually, with picture pinning of supposedly who could be in their world, they all split off into groups to look. Ran is still the first found, but when he's shown the book he actually confirms a part of it is in a old enderman language that fell off long ago, he's able to translate half of that section but says that Ranbob, who studied old languages much more thoroughly than Ran can do the rest (cause here their still brothers but nothing in Brothers AU happened). Giving everyone hope. Eventually Ranbob gets found and translates the rest, but a great amount is still untranslated, which is a problem. So now its a journey of finding more people and mixing languages to find out the rest. 
A sudden twist to the story happens when Billiam joins, and due to his experience with the egg is actually able to translate a random page in the back of the book (the egg made its own language to prevent its plans being discovered). Where they find out the egg is what broke Karls watch, because to it humans are nothing but entertainment, and it gets joy seeing them suffer and wants to mess with their lives. When it gets revealed to the rest of the SMP what the page says, everyone gets pissed. And even when its found how to get the Travelers home they refuse to leave until the egg is destroyed, a few are mad at it and want revenge, others are scared and want to try to prevent it from coming into their time. Karl eventually relents and lets them join in making a plan to take down the egg.  
Also have some fluff scenarios with the brothers since its been a while:
-There's two types of resistance potions in their world, fire resistance and water resistance. The latter of which the brothers have memorized how to make. Their friends do not know water resistance exists. Which leads to the brothers pranking their friends by drinking some then jumping into a lake. Giving Watson a heartattack and making Isaac sob. The two quickly reemerge seeing their reactions and calm them and reassure them. After the explanation you can bet they got a talking too and where grounded. 
-Ran teaches Ranbob to fight!
-Ranbob teaches Ran to fish, Ran complains the entire time. 
-Ranbob responds by threatening to teach Ran how to farm. Ran stops complaining after that….mostly
-Everyone has found the brothers either asleep against each other or one asleep on the other at least twice. 
-*insert Arthur get out of the tank meme but instead it's Ranbob trying to get Ran out of a tree so he can greet people.*
-Ran has his first night in years without a nightmare! 
Now something else I'm planning to work on soon: What happened to Ranbob after Ran left Mizu?
I hope me sending stuff is still ok after so long of sending nothing. 
Good to have you back, Brothers Anon! And sorry to hear about your phone, that sounds like it must've a day.
Brothers AU:
I see we're back to Traumatize The Brothers Time, fantastic.
The fact that Ran has these items on him is interesting. Did he just have them with him when he was fleeing? Did he have the time to grab them? Was he preparing ahead? What led to him having these useful tools on hand when he was forced to flee?
How does he fare with mobs, being a mob hybrid himself? I think it's somewhat been implied that he's good with Endermen, but what about others?
How do the gladiator gang go about helping with his insomnia and paranoia, if they are aware of it?
What's it like for him during his time in the snow-biome, since he's there for awhile? Does he make a more-permanent camp/shelter? Do anything particularly interesting?
Poor Ran! That must've been quite the shock for him, and I imagine it didn't help his trust issues.
How does he get to the Nether? Does he have a base there? What do the piglins think of him, and vice versa? How does the Nether life effect him overall?
What happened to those materials left behind? Where they discovered? Does he manage to go back and get them on the roadtrip? Do they visit his homes on the trip?
How does the group react to his sudden change when they're leaving? What kind of clothes does he make? Does he ever make some for the others? Does he enjoy it, or is it just because it's necessary?
How do the fishermen feel about the close call with the trident, and what happens to the weapon?
Tip Of the Iceberg:
I don't remember if this was mentioned before, but was it Karl's watch that caused the issue then? Who wrote the book? Does the egg have a connection with them?
How do they fare with their plans to take down the Egg(and potentially the Eggpire, if that's a thing here)? How do those with previous experience with Egg feel about this, and what part do they play?
Fluff! At long last!
I love how their thought process went to that. 'We can make water resistance potions, lets jump in a lake in front of our friends'.
That sounds like it should be entertaining.
Ranbob knows how to farm?
That's such a funny mental image. 'Ran, get out of the tree, you have to socialize'. 'Hissing'.
Yay, good for him!
Ooo, what?
10 notes · View notes
savnofilter · 4 years
I think you're hilarious in such a good way and Im new to Tumblr. Your work is amzing and i was wondering if you have any bnha blog recommendations or must read fics?
WARNING! this gets long as SHIT. so im sorry. im on mobile so liek,, also there are shit ton of amazing writers on here but my memory has been terrible as of recently, so sorry about that. all the people mentioned have really good fics so going through their masterlist is the bes option i have on here for you!! also sorry this was so late, i did a lot of username checking and now finally got the balls to post this with their @s cnuidwneovn- also!! be mindful because i was iffy in tagging some because i wasnt too sure if they wrote for bnha anymore. so w/o further adieu!!!now for my fave ao3 fics (with no ranking)~
His Tryanny by goodboysensei (tumblr; @tobobio)
au: fantasy
summary: “Deep in a land just like in the fairy tales, lives 4 different kingdoms. But when a hot headed king of one kingdom wants to take over, he seeks for more power. A girl locked away in a tower for her entire life because of her forbidden power, finds a new life when an ash blonde male comes flying through her window. How will their life play out?”
my thoughts: FUCKINGT AMAZING BOOK LIKE I FUCKING STAN. TT its so fucking good! the angst, the tension, angry bloody bakugo?! fucking check! amazing book!! 12/10 will always recommend. mc will say “million reasons” i be like “his tyranny tho, 👀” (and other books but we have to appreciate my highness rq).
completed: yis!
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My Angel by goodboysensei (tumblr; @tobobio)
au: greek mythology
summary: “The infamous fallen angel, serving under Hades (AFO), Bakugou Katsuki, was known for constantly wreaking havoc within heaven. Defying against God and other deities, he was blacklisted from Heaven. (l/n) (y/n) being an elite archangel under Athena (Miruko), is set on a mission to rid of Bakugou Katsuki but takes a 180 when you sudden began developing feelings for the crooked angel during the confrontation – him reciprocating the feelings. Though relationships between a worker of God and a demon was the greatest sin, and faced consequences to those who are caught. ~ Having to sneak around and hide your relationship with the fallen angel how would an archangel keep her status under God while simultaneously keeping an accursed romantic affair.(sorry i suck at summaries lmao)”
my thoughts: you know, i just have a craving to live a life in greekish-mythologyish and reading lore of olympus makes it partly redeemed. but this takes the cake. LIKE?! oh my fucking god! absoluetely love and im still reading it cause im slow asf but its so good so far! and she doesnt at all, the summaries are what got me interested!!
completed: neh~
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I’m Broken Too (Shigaraki x Reader x Dabi) by Kikyo851 (quotev; kikyo851/tumblr; @heroes-among-us-all)
au: canon
summary: “What’s a girl to do when she can’t quite make it as a hero? Become a villain, of course.”
my thoughts: okay so youre thinking, “that summary is short asf” but godtdamn the book is motherfucking good dawg. lieke,,, this absolutely fueled my villain spark way back whenever. (you can gladly thank this book and all the dabi fics from @lord-explosion-baku, who also has a book called “thorns” which is also on ao3. i havent read it because im not into that au but it has many good reviews!!)
completed: neh~
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Million Reasons by Chub_Rye (other socials; not listed)
au: future canon (?)
summary: “This is not a happy story, you really wished it was but how can it be when your marriage is falling apart. You truly love your husband, the thing is…he doesn’t seem to feel the same anymore ((Trigger warning: this is a very emotional heavy story, you have been warned.)) Inspiration: Million Reasons by Lady Gaga”
my thoughts: 
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*if i had the time i would edit to: “im fucking sobbing fam”* because this shit hurtedt. like, HURTEDT. this book, this very book is the reason why fucking katsuki fucking bakugo slapped down the damn rankings on my list. didnt fucking like him for like two weeks, just thinking about him made me mad as FUCK. but its written so good i cant be mad?! i… okay moving on before i start crying and listing reasons why katsuki needs to CHOKE in this damn book. also if you dislike deku then this story will change. you.
completed: neh~
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Muted by HecateSG (other socials; not listed)
au: canon
summary: “A collection of short one-shot stories where the reader has lost the ability to speak due to an incident that ranges from accident, to intentional, which now leaves you in the care of at least one of this dashing and intrepid cast of characters. There will be a variety of scenario’s explored and kinks touched upon for all you curious depraved little ones. ~ The only thing these all have in common is that the Reader will remain almost exclusively quiet the entire time ~ The tags will be updated as more chapters are released.”
my thoughts: this is a one-shot book (no cohesive storyline unless chosen) but its so good. so good. i thought shigaraki, dabi and all might in one book was interesting but never the less, super good! i never was interested in the mute concept but its written good? (but thinking about it all the other mute!reader fics are good but they wont nsfw so it didnt interest me-) furthermore, its so good. so pure. so hot. 11/10 would recommend.
completed: neh~
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Nightclub AU by sour_pink29 (tumblr; @heros-amoung-us)
au: well… nightclub
summary: “U.A. is the most prestigious and well known nightclub in the world. It takes a high price and a creditable reputation to attend the club, but only because it makes your wildest dreams and fantasies come true. The workers are the best of the best: the 1A class; with the sexiest dancers, flirtatious waitresses and waiters, master bartenders, and high class security. It’s truly no wonder why the rich and famous travel from all corners of the world to have one special night at U.A. ~ As a waitress at the club, you were used to dealing with rich, handsome, high maintenance bachelors. But when 6 mysterious men enter the club and your life, you feel something different spark between you and them as they turn your life on it’s head. For better or for worse… ~ AU where you and the 1A class (and some other characters) are workers at the club. Kaminari, Kirishima, Katsuki, Shoto, Tetsu, Izuku, and Sero are all competing for your attention. ~ WILL INCLUDE NSFW IN SOME CHAPTERS ;)”
my thoughts: THGIS BOOK FUCKIN SLAPS. HANDS DOWN WOULD TOOT MY ASS UP FOR THIS! (thought about dropping my studies and just fucking doing stripper work-) like wow… its a good book and the writer was prob one of the first wirters i followed on here?! (thats if tumblr didnt fucking remove my damn following like it usually does. ._.) enough about that, its really good. i think about it often.
completed: neh~
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Plus Ultra! One-shots and Requests by MistressPikachu (FinalVolition) [tumblr; @adelheidvonschicksal]
au: varies
summary: “A place to store all my smaller drabbles for BNHA. NSFW and SFW requests CLOSED!”
my thoughts: um so she write for *everything* but not like everything, everything. so sometimes it be like a red flag so make sure you are reading it carefully on the story you click on! personally, since theyre a good asf writer i usually dip my toe in all of them but sometimes i just cant but the ones i can, i read over and over and over again. worth a million reads tbh. 12/10 would recommend if youre nasty like that (and i KNOW you guys are).
completed: neh~
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slutty one shots by cherrykwrites (tumblr; @cherrykwrites)
au: varies
summary: “Collection of some slutty short scenarios. Mostly Bakugo, could include other characters too. ~ Everything will be NSFW in this collection. ~ Themes like non con, underage, alcohol, bdsm, daddy kinks, ect could occur in these writings. ~ These are purely works of fiction and do not reflect reality, I do NOT condone any of the immoral actions written in these.”
my thoughts: so of course i could not leave the og, the real home slice, cherry-mother-k-fuckin-writes- CAN WE CLAP FOR THE QUEEN? so essentially, her shit is good asf. you should read it cause its good asf. shes not around that much but she def is really good! (also has my thinking about writing some tattoo artist!bakugo these days, or even a series for my husbandos…). never thought about sandwhiched between kirishima and bakugo until i came across her fics~
completed: neh~
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Euphoria - NSFW Series by NekokoaFanfiction (tumblr; @nekokoafanfictions)
au: varies
summary: “Just a bunch of BNHA characters involved in several different kinks with you. ~ Summary of first chapter: ~ “Katsuki…”That mewl you made was hard to hear but somehow it reached Midoriya’s ears and he gulped as he saw said man standing up from the ground in front of you. A smirk as wide as it can be with his tongue brushing the corners of his mouth as if he just finished eating the best meal of his life.————————- Basically, Midoriya is in for a emotional ride lol”
my thoughts: they are such a good writer. another one-shots book but they will appear once again on the list but this book is just beautiful. and im a perv. so. have fun.
comepleted: neh~
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⚠️okay so this is a series of fics from one writer, but instead of making a shit ton on the list (because if this isnt long already) its by the user QuillMind (tumblr; @quillmind) here are some of my faves:⚠️
Incendiary ~ a/b/o, “Mating season has come yet again. Bakugou has even more trouble controlling it than in previous years… and it’s all your fault.”
Mating Hunt ~ a/b/o, “You and Bakugou have been together for some time. Though you both know you only want each other, your bond won’t truly be permanent and known to all until he claims you during mating season. And as impatient as Bakugou is, as an Alpha, he loves a good chase. You decide to give him one.”
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Story Time - A Reader x BNHA Multific by WhenSarahSmiles (tumblr; @makethiscanon)
au: fairytale/storybook/canon-ish
summary: “Whilst fighting a powerful villain, you find yourself sucked into the world their quirk created with no memories of your old life. Yet, the men you meet along the way have a familiar feel to them. Perhaps they can help you unlock your memories? ~ A Hero Academia/Fairy Tale mash up, there’s plenty of chaos to follow even if you think you know the classic stories well. ~ [Warning: Explicit Content from chapter 3 onwards] ~ [I will warn you which chapter features the non-con]] ~ “
-> Story one: Little Red Riding Hood (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)-> Story two: The Little Mermaid (Shouto Todoroki x Reader)-> Story three: Jack and the Beanstalk (Eijirou Kirishima x Reader)-> Story four: The Three Little Pigs (Denki Kaminari x Reader)-> Story five: Sleeping Beauty (Shouto Todoroki x Reader x Katsuki Bakugou)-> Story six: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (Midoriya, Tokoyami, Sero, Monoma, Ojiro, Shinsou x Reader)
my thoughts: bitch i have no thoughts. i only have THOTS. this is a masterpiece, like ive been lacking, the one im on rn is the kirishima one and it worth the read, and i bet the ones after that have been just as amazing! amazing work 11/10 would recommend.
completed: neh~
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Wolves Among Us (Mini Series) by NekokoaFanfiction (tumblr; @nekokoafanfictions)
au: fantasy
summary: “Something about watching him lick your chilled skin was stirring something within you. Your legs started to shiver, but not of the cold that surrounded your slightly exposed body but of a feeling blossoming in the inner regions of your lower stomach. You were getting lost in the rhythm of his pants, wandering in the hazy want of his intense eyes. Your breath began to tremble, and you tried to squeeze your legs together to withstand the odd sensation growing, but he held your leg still and showed no signs of letting go. You were suddenly aware of his hand on your lower thigh, and you noticed that it was the first time a man’s hand had touched there. ~ You were a flower that had yet to bloom in the late of spring. Pure, untouched and suddenly, bombarded with desires. You never shivered in the way a man could make you, and curiosity—maybe naivety, was keeping you from your fear of the beast. —————– Basically, you fall in love with a rude wolf man. ~ Mini series!! Werewolf!Bakugo x Human!Reader, Fantasy AU ~ Inspired by The Company of Wolves by Angela Carter”
my thoughts: i ride this books ASS for updates. my favourite bakugo au’s are fantasy (wit da dragoons) and were!katsuki (haluween). i fucking love it, i love their works. theyre busy with school (like i should be but scholars are all different-) trust me its so good. it has that good spice that make fill my heart with sexy uwuwuwuwuwuwuwus. love it.
completed: neh~
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Katsuki Bakugo Scenario Collection by Hvalross (tumblr; @cutesuki–bakugou)
au: varies
summary: “A collection of oneshots and scenarios I’ve done for Bakugou, both personal works and requests on my blog Cutesuki-Bakugou. ~ Please note that the rating of each story will be in the notes of the chapter. Stories range from TEEN to EXPLICIT.”
my thoughts: oh my god. i reread this one chap over and over and over and over and over and over- and over again. the stories range from cute to just good smut and its so good. so beautifully written. and i cant help but just appreciate it. love it sm. (also sorry if i tagged the wrong tumblr im confsued as to which one you use ahaha)
completed: neh~
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Wish the World Away by hoshigalaxy (other socials; not listed)
au: canon
summary: “bakugou katsuki is the number one hero. but with this title comes a huge target on his back. sometimes it’s better to stay single when you’re a pro hero. there could be accidents. ~ but that’s three years in the past now and bakugou is slowly moving on from what’s happened. that is until he runs into his mysterious new neighbour and things get complicated again.”
my thoughts: ;-; this one hits different. almost like a million reasons type of different. i dont want to spoil it but godt damn man. there is so much to be uncovered but it really hasnt been updated. (cri) its a beautiful book tho. fingers crossed for when it updates next.
completed: neh :
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Up in Smoke. (Soulmate AU) by Grapelimeade (tumblr; @gojirabbit)
au: well,, soulmate
summary: “Bakugou doesn’t want a fucking soulmate.”
my thoughts: may i say…it is such a stark contrast to Million Reasons. it is so fucking captivating i will not shit you. this book, is amazing. im just saying, that midoriya scene tho,, 👀 that kirishima friendship,, 💪🏽 its so good…? got me panting for the next chap (and no not like that weirdos but there is nsfw because when tf do you catch me reading a fic without nsfw…?) but i recommend. mc: million reasons tho me: up in smoke tho-
completed: neh~
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Vermilion by Morgana_Ren (tumblr; @morgana-ren)
au: canon
summary: “Tomura Shigaraki had a goal. It started out simple enough. Kill All Might, and watch the society that revered heroes above all else crumble to dust alongside their idol. However, what originally starts off as a chance encounter with a UA student during the battle of USJ sends him reeling down the crooked path of obsession.”
my thoughts: its just…? my shigaraki thirst was sparked from this very story. it good, supplies my shifty hands needs and it suffices the boiling lust in my clit. wish we’d see more cause i love it already and it blends the story line well. love it. 11/10
completed: neh~
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words hurt [Bakugo Katsuki x Reader] by QueenExplosionMurder (tumblr; @strawberryandspiceandchocolate)
au: canon
summary: “*more tags to be added* ~ when Bakugo Katsuki friendzones the reader, their friendship takes a nose dive off of the face of the earth and he doesn’t hear from her for a while. that is until she is suddenly thrown back into his life, quite literally actually…”
my thoughts: well you think i can go a post without tagging my president? youre fucking wrong. i have actually posted my own prev of her book which you can find here. i am just astonished at well the mood is (because tb when all i would talk about is mood) because mood is just good. it doesnt seem cliche to me. cant wait until the next update.
completed: neh~
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You and Yamada by Jo_Rutherford_Lee (other socials; not listed)
au: varies
summary: “Just a few short Present Mic/Reader PWPs I needed to get out of my head.”
my thoughts:
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i love this book. couldnt find the yamada book i was looking for but i would be lying if this doesnt revive my yamada love every once in awhile. (jk i found the book but this one is really cute and a quick read!!)
completed: yis
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Singed Rose Petals: (Alpha) Dabi x (Omega) Reader by Smutsy (other socials; not listed)
au: a/b/o
summary: ““The villains were always ugly in books and movies. Necessarily so, it seemed. Because if they were attractive - if their looks matched their charm and their cunning - they wouldn’t only be dangerous. They would be irresistible.” - Nenia Campbell”
my thoughts: ohhhh because you guys thought that i’d go through a post without mentioning dabi? LOL so,, this book has brought many many many happy coochie tingles to me. i would murder to be dabi’s omega. and DAS on baby. never was really interested in a/b/o stuff till i read this. love it so much 11/10.
completed: yis
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special mentions:
BNHA Brothel by orphan_account [multiple, unfinished]
Hero Killer’s Charge by VulcanCaptain [stain x reader, unfinished]
Mouth Moods by Koalolive (twitter; renlup) [present mic, unfinished]
and god please dont fucking roast me i had a hawks faze. Birb Office for Birbs by insanityrunsinthe_family
453 notes · View notes
urmomification · 3 years
this is a very long post please im so sorry my brain it just
(tw for like slight possession n shit)
(sorry its all jumbled i write all of these in discord to my friend and copy paste them here please if u have questions ask me im always willing to talk abt this shit please it haunts me)
(context: i saw a tiktok abt the hc that both dream and techno are gods of some sort bc theyre mentioned in the tales of the smp by karl a time traveller and my brain just ran w it)
going back to the techno and dream are gods thing right so dream is a vessel for the god dream xd (??? work in progress youll know what im talking about at some point its really funny tho uve def seen clips of it) and he was possessed?? by the god after the server started (when he started going from super friendly with everyone to control/power hungry) when he started sacrificing everything for power so no one could have power over him? that was the god making him do it bc the god was terrified of not being in control since theyd lost it all to techno in their past. thats why we never see dream and techno fight and why we see dream extend help and support to him at times as well as respecting his boundaries and such bc theyre scared of techno (again w the best of 10 duel reference, techno killed the god in a past life which is why the god has been forced to use a human vessel to get anything done on the mortal plane) but when something that powerful spends pretty much any amount of time in something mortal and mundane like a person, the host body starts to change (hence the mask) i like to think that the god would be akin to that of a biblically correct angel?? like the ones w multiple eyes n shit yk so after time things start to happen to normal dreams body he gets extra sets of eyes and he gets taller and overall his body seems just Too Small for whatevers inside of him and thats why he (hc) started wearing the mask in the first place he knew something was wrong w him but he didnt want anyone to know even tho they would most likely help him he was ashamed that he was different in the first place so he started wearing the mask once the other eyes showed up. and i think that the god would talk to dream similarly to how technos voices work yk? except its just the one voice instead of many many small ones. and again with the mask thing when he lost to tommy and they took him in, part of his mask broke to the point where u could see just a bit of the right side of his face but enough to see that it Wasnt Right there were two eyes where there shouldve been one and spots on his cheeks bright enough to resemble stars and where the color of his pupil should have been is just a sickeningly neon green with nothing else behind it. so they let him keep the mask even tho they already know something is wrong but it clearly makes him Very Distressed when asked to remove the mask or told to give it up. blah blah blah god harassing its host bc it got them caught and thrown in a prison and dream goes ever so slightly insane having to share a mind and body with a literal ancient god w a vendetta against everything hes built whos forced him to sacrifice everything he loved and cared for out of fear yk the usual prison shit and then techno comes a long and breaks him out or whatever but on their way back to his house he drops a really cryptic line abt how 'its nice to see an old friend again' and 'i thought i got rid of u for good last time' and dream is just ???? what are u talking about?? weve never been friends and youve never gotten rid of me? what. until techno spins around and just 'im not talking to you im talking to the thing inside u' or whatever and dreams eyes flash some brilliant gold or sumn and boom this is ur fellow god speaking how may i help you and dream xd (that feels so wrong to say but) and techno bond or well ig just talk abt how the past centuries have gone and ig while xd is fronting (??? i think itd kinda be like DID in a sense w multiple people being able to front yk?) dream is in a sort of semi conscious state but still hears everything going on around his own body until hes thrown back into the drivers seat (i think that xd would only be able to front for short periods of time due to the vessel n shit that makes sense right) and hes so confused someone please help him hes just a dude who happened to get possessed by a god someone help him so when they finally get back to technos house he sits dream down and explains the best he can without literally melting dreams brain. which would also play into the 'technoblade never dies' bc hes. literally a god. mortals cant kill him unless they have idk some sort of super weapon idk and blah blah blah xd gets what they want and finally has the ability to leave finally leaving dream literally the shell of a man with no home friends materials or anything with techno to basically take care of him until he reaches some semblance of stability again (which would take ages, realistically (wdym realistically) going from normal, to a god sharing a body with you and speaking in you brain living as a single being together and hearing their thoughts, to back to normal but with all the memories of what you did and what they made you do and also no more god speaking in ur head it would take a hot sec to recover from) so he lives with techno (whos, not to mention, another god) for a while until he can fend for himself again and after a good year or so passes and no one hears from dream they start to look for him and see what happened bc he went from the biggest threat on the server to just. gone. no one knows where he went after whatever he did and they want closure. is he dead?? who knows. so george and sap set out looking for him and decide to ask techno for help since hes good w directions n shit also he was the last person to see dream alive so he might have an idea of where he is and they walk up to his house and knock on his door and techno opens it and just stares at them he knows who they are, dreams talked about them before but hes never met them really so he talks to them, getting through the polite hellos how are yous before sap finally asks 'do you know what happened to dream? no one knows where he went and we just want closure' techno huffs and tells them to wait there he (this is the basement door im using his arctic tundra house in my head) goes down the ladder to the second basement, they can hear him talking to multiple people (ranboo phil dream) but cant tell who everyone is before coming back up the ladder, back to the door. he tells them to wait outside he needs to get something first (its dream hes getting dream) theyre standing out by carls stable when the door creaks open and dream steps out looking around for who the fuck could possibly be looking for them he betrayed everyone and most people thought he was dead who could possibly be here asking for himself and not ranboo or philza and when he steps out, his green hoodie (memento made by ranboo to help him cope w the loss of the voice in his head) catching the morning light off the snow and he was happy and then he saw them standing by the house hed grown to call home at least for now he breaks. he missed them so so much it hurt. he never expected to see them ever again much less them come looking to see him but hes scared he realizes he doesnt know what to say there is nothing to say he fucked them all over he ruined everything and then hes being hugged. they missed him too. they dont forgive him jsut yet but they missed him and thats enough for him right now. the three of them stand there just being in each others presences and techno creaks the door open to make sure they arent trying to kill each other and sighs and leans against the frame smiling. hes happy again and thats the best he can do for him. he invites them all in and offers to explain everything to them to try and ease the blame off of dream bc in all honesty it was his fault but xd made it far far worse that it should have been (a bit late but foot note abt xd i think that they would be an idle god until someone w intense feelings of powerlessness and insecurity like awoke them from their techno induced slumber and inhabited dream to help him fulfill his desires for power and control) and by the time he and dream are finished its late at night and sap and george are ??? so u were possessed by a god who techno killed centuries ago in a duel and it amplified ur feelings of insecurity and ur thirst for control to the point of isolating urself from us and destroying everything everyone cared abt?? also technos an ancient god who lusts for bloodshed but also makes turtle farms in his free time?? are we getting this right????? and techno and dream are just yea thats abt it glad this all made sense then they all go to bed (its a small house dream has a lil shack like ranboos and sap and george somehow slept over there for the night) and in the morning sap and george leave again but promise to come back, they still arent ready to forgive and forget bc even tho it wasnt all his fault his emotions getting away from him is what caused this all in the first place so they do need time to process now that they know he isnt dead and dream continues to live near techno in almost full independence and eventually moves back with his friends even tho many still hate him. hes happy and for now thats enough. another foot note; even after xd leaves his being, he still has the extra eyes, glowy freckles n is xtra tall n shit that cant just be reversed but now that hes himself again these things take their tolls on human bodies so i think hed have something at least similar to arthritis bc of how his bones were literally manipulated bc of how strong ethereal magic or whatever is. so he would still wear the broken mask but he takes it off now and is ok with it being off hes working on getting better now that hes himself again and everyone living w/by techno is helping him with that. also i think that he would get blinks of xd's memories like from when techno was killing them and have sumn like ptsd panic attacks from it and techno feels super guilty abt it but theres literally nothing he can do except apologize and after the first few times dream stopped him from apologizing bc it is his fault but he didnt do it to him so it doesnt matter to dream at least and they live in pretty much harmony until dream finally moves back in w george and sap the end. he also started wearing the mask in the first place bc of the extra eyes but he played it off as being uncomfortable around new people and not wanting them to know what he looked like until he trusted them (bc that literally makes sense irl how funky is that) so sap and george never pushed him and when they caught him without it on on the rare occasion they wouldnt pressure him to leave it off or anything even tho they already knew what he looked like (when they respect ur boundaries </3) they just assumed that it was insecurity (it was but also mans had like 3 eyes so) and just left him alone
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On The Prowl... Pt Six
A fantasy AU
Warnings: Violence. Blood. Mentions of breeding.
All parts can be found under the OnTheProwl tag !
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Shinso was staring at the dead deer in front of him, he seemed to be lost in thought. He kept thinking about you . Why? You were just a vessel for his kittens. Thats all. Why did you matter so much? When he was breeding you , it felt different. You didint fight him , in fact you talked with him just minutes before . Was it because you smelled different? His tail swayed in irritation. Aizawa, he took you from him in the worst way . Bred you in front of him . Theres no way you would have his kittens now...
Bakugo spotted Shinso sitting by himself , he growled making Shoto and Chizome look up from their deer. They watched the lion stalk over shoving Shinso causing him to stumble to his feet. He growled low back at Bakugo . The lion scoffed standing up straight sticking his chin out .
“Hah?!? Whats youre problem ?!” He asked walking around Shinso circling him “Are you upset you lost youre little kitten maker?”
“Bakugo. Stop” Shoto said walking over
“Shut up Leopard!” Bakugi roared back
“He did say his was returning soon. It was reckless on Shinso’s part” Chizome added pawing his snout.
Shinso growled pouncing on the black wolf growling in his face. Chizome snarled kicking him off and Shinso rolled hitting a rock.
“Look at you. Youre just a gentle purple panther. A scardy cat!” Taunted the lion
“What am i suppose to do..” Shinso asked not getting up.
“Fight for Alpha!” Bakugo pulled Shinso up
“I agree. Aizawa always gets first dibs when hes around and the incubators never carry full term so its like a waste. “ Shoto calmly added.
Chizome stepped over joining the group. “Having Aizawa in charge does not benefit us”
“If hes right about leaving this place then we should. We are wasting our time here.” Shoto added
“Why does it matter to you guys? You wont listen to me if im Alpha.”
“Stupid!!! You think we want that jaguar in charge?!? You heard Shoto. When hes here we dont get any incubators. And you want the stupid incubator back right?” Bakugo held his hands out , explosions bouncing off them. “Lets go get er !!!”
Shinso blinked at the lion for a second, he looked at Shoto , he had ice coming off him. Chizome had his tongue out . Shinso looked down at his paws while he spoke.
“What if she has his kittens though. I cant love them. I will have to kill them. I dont know what that will do to her”
“We wont know till the day comes. Thats why we need to get rid of Aizawa” Shoto said putting his paw on Shinso’s shoulder
“You think he will see it coming?”asked the Wolf sniffing the air.
“Ill stay behind.” Bakugo said sitting down ripping a deer leg off its body to eat. “Just tell flea bag to howl and ill rush in”
Shoto nodded looking over at the jungle then back at Shinso and Chizome. Chizome wagged his tail and Shinso looked at his paws again before following the two.
Aizawa was petting youre head in slow strokes , he had pulled himself out of you with a pop sound and laid you ontop of him. You couldint move, at all. You could not feel youre legs and youre stomach was slightly bloated with all of the seed inside you. You couldint cry anymore, no tears came out . The breeze creeping between youre thighs burned to no end. You could only feel the intense throbbing of youre swollen tired heat. Aizawa stroked hos paw down to youre back tracing over youre mark Shinso left you , you flinched and Aizawa ran his paw back up to youre hair repeating the process.
“You seem quiet incubator.” He gripped youre chin looking at youre empty bloody dirty face. You were lifeless. “Something on youre mind?”
You could hear him but you did not want to answer. You were too busy thinking about the next 9 months. What they would include .. and how they would play out. Aizawa pet youre head mocking you . “How does it feel? To know that this is youre life now. To know i own you. To know youre precious panther is not coming back for you.”
You wanted to cry.
Aizawa picked you up setting you next to him against a rock. The sudden shift in movement made you whine in agony . You did not want to move anymore, it hurt to much. You looked down at youre body . You had cuts on youre chest and stomach. You reached up to touch the bruises that covered youre arms and chest . The cuts stung and you could smell dried blood all over you. Gently you laid youre head against the rock and slowly rubbed youre stomach staring off at nothing.
“Think ill go find dinner for myself, dont go away now” he teased petting youre head before leaving you all alone at the den.
You prayed something would come by and kill you. Anything. Just end it.
You heard footsteps creeping towards you and you shut youre eyes. Hopfully whatever is coming will kill you , or eat you at least. You were picked up and placed over a fuzzy shoulder , you instantly felt a warmth against youre stomach and heat. The relief you were feeling was impossible to describe. You could feel youre heat start to relax and calm down . A cold paw was placed over youre heat causing you to jerk for a second. A small whimper of relief fell out of youre mouth .
“Shes a mess. Look at this.” He moved his cold paw to show Shinso and Chizome.
“Is she ruined?” Asked the wolf sniffing youre thighs.
“No, just needs a long rest and a bath...and no breeding for maybe a month.”
Was .. was that Shinso?!? He came back?!? You tried to look over youre should but every bit of movement ached.
“Take her to our other den Aizawa does not know about. Ill meet up with you”
It was him!!! He was coming to save you.
Shoto nodded and left with Chizome. You could see him once Shoto turned. He saw you reach out to him , Shinso nodded looking at the ground.
Aizawa returned awhile after chewing on a bone to see Shinso sitting on a rock and no incubator. He strolled over to Shinso sitting down next to him scanning around the empty den.
“So, where is she?”
“Far away from you.”
He purred leaning on Shinso’s shoulder whispering in his ear. “We both know you cant take me on alone Shinso.”
“I know that Aizawa.”
“And youre too scared to use youre quirk on me anyway. “ he wrapped his arm around the panthers shoulders pulling him close. “Oh Shinso, before i kill you. I want to tell you about how nice it was to once again, take youre kittens away from you”
“Yes, Aizawa.”
A low howl traveled to both their ears.
“Ah sounds like they made it , but ill get to that. Remember when i brought you with me once ? We left the jungle?”
“That one you found was quite a looker, so beautiful, so innocent. You were sure she was the one for you. Do you remember what happened?”
Shinso looked over to the jungle watching the leaves shift in the wind , his ear twitched when he heard a growl . It sounded close.
“One morning, i was coming back with food for me and her . And i heard her moaning, and i found her under you begging you, to breed her.”
Aizawa laughed pulling Shinso closer . “Thats right huh?!? No matter what you do. They always come to me”
“Let go of me .” Shinso shook him off scooting away a tiny bit.
Aizawa stood up roaring and stretching. “Tell me where she is.”
“Have it youre way.” Aizawa grabbed Shinso’s neck yanking him up to him.
Shinso stared blankly at Aizawa, he did not fight back. He seemed to be waiting for something. Aizawa stepped back slightly , scanning around the open area. Bakugo was close by on all fours creeping over. Aizawa had his back to him and he could see Shinso’s face, he twitched his nose and Bakugo started running with a big grin on his face . Aizawa sighed and his tale started to rise.
“Did you really think a surprise attack would work?”
“It wouldint?”
“N-“ Aizawa dropped Shinso . And his tale fell to his shoulders
He only had a couple minutes before Aizawa broke free. Bakugo tackled Aizawa with a grunt .
“Can i kill him?!? Let me kill him!!”
“Break his legs.”
“ hah?!?”
“Bakugo. Break his-“ the tape wrapped around Shinso’s leg dragging him away
Aizawa roared rolling over grabbing Bakugo , his eyes red. Bakugo shoved his paw in his face and nothing came out . Aizawa kicked Bakugo off him scrambling up to tackle him . Shinso looked back at the tap rubbing his head, he grabbed it biting into it breaking it . He rushed over to Bakugo to see him fighing and bloody. He pinned Aizawa down panting hard. He had a long scratch over her right eye down to his chin that was bleeding and one of his big white fangs was missing.
Aizawa struggled under Bakugo’s weight abd did not see Shinso come over. He picked up a rock and dropped it on Aizawa’s leg causing hin to scream out in pain. Bakugo spit blood at him stumbling off him fighting to stand up. He glanced down seeing a long gash across his paw. He hopped over to a nearby rock to nurse his paw while Shinso finished off Aizawa.
“She wont want you! Not after taking my cock , she will beg for mine!!!”
Shinso dropped another rock on Aizawa’s other leg watching him scream out in pain. “You..— illfinf — you. Ill find you!!!”
Shinso ignored the jaguar going over to Bakugo.
“Can you walk?”
“Yes i can walk!!!!” He pushed himself off the rock putting weight on his foot falling over.
“Fuck!!!” Roared the very angry lion
Shinso held his paw out and Bakugo swatted his paw away staring at the ground heaving hard. He glanced over to see Shinso had extended his paw again. He clicked his teeth grabbing the purple paw . Shinso yanked him up laying the lions paw over his shoulder . He walked away from the den leaving Aizawa to scream in pain.
“Thank you Bakugo.”
“Whatever!!! ... thank you for not leaving me to die.”
“Not a problem. Youre mane tickles.”
“Heh.. shut up. Stupid cat.”
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bubble-milk-tee · 4 years
Amanene/Hananene Teachers AU
So this things has been in my head for a few days. I might make a fic out of it, but I don’t have a good track record of writing or finishing fics. This is just the background.
(of course english is not my first language so please excuse any wrong grammar :))
Operation: Amanene is a go! 
In which Komone Academy ships Yugi-sensei and Yashiro-sensei very, very much.
(Set in a universe where Hanako grow alongside Nene because of their mermaid-scale-bond, assumes the role of the science teacher using the same magic that Tsuchigomori did to appear human, and constantly flirts with Nene, always forgetting that they could be seen by humans now Amane-kun, seriously!)
-   Nene obviously manages to live after her 1st high school year, due magic shenanigans, but are bound to the school as a supernatural as the result. Her official role is still “Hanako’s assistant” but to the other supernaturals they’re married. Because HC that ingesting those mermaid scales low-key means marriAGE, ok? At least they are finally over those pining stages. Truly, Yako’s hair have grey strands now.
-   Hanako keeps his powers and the hakujoudai, his main role is still the 7th School Mystery. For the sake of this story let us never mention his twin nor his past. Tsubasa either got into a magical accident or annoys the wrong person/being, but he’s in supernatural detention center now.
-   Nene teaches home-economics, super famous for her donuts creations and her avoidance of the school’s pool. Students assume she had some trauma about it. (no, we all know why ;) being a supernatural bound to the school + bonded to Lord No. 7 increases her power and now her legs turns into a tail should her body is submerged in water. In short, she’s upgraded into a mermaid! The cute kind of mermaid from fairy tales, because Nene wants that, and I can only obey :D)
-   In this HC, the student body didn’t know that they’re already a couple; they just see Yugi-sensei and Yashiro-sensei, and their shipper hearts starts tingling (bless them)
-   But these two teachers, other than being the student body’s favorites (they’re young, good-looking [duh, look at them!!], and easy-going) Komone Academy’s star couple, they are also... the school’s Cryptid Couple.
-   The list in which the students participated in, about the ‘cryptid’ things they noticed, were first written in a random notebook, but now it was moved to a blog only known to Konome Academy’s students. It was moderated by the newspaper club.
My current fic ideas:
I figured the school would hold another overnight stay, and a supernatural’s rumors got twisted that causes Nene’s homeroom class (alongside with her) got stranded to a festival in the boundary (like those years ago). Nene would have to get her class back to safety without alerting that she’s a supernatural herself, while her class receives more material for Cryptid Sensei Blog. Its probably gonna be hilarious. 
It probably gonna include:
- nene’s arm got splashed with water accidentally, and grew scales in front of the whole class. she probably managed to spin a tale about “maybe accidentally ummm... touched some random plant in the festival that cursed her temporarily don’t worry it probably would fade soon!” and inserted a strict ‘dont touch anything’ at the same time
- a student that bumped into a scary looking supernatural with a beast head. nene comes to the rescue! 
idk, maybe:
Nene wrapped her hand on Satou-kun-- she can feel the tremor of his shaking hand, his face pale with sweat. The supernatural he bumped to was looking pretty angry, eyes gleaming from the lanterns overhead. The being opened their mouth, teeth flashing, and Satou-kun let out an eeek!  from behind her. Nene shot the supernatural a smile.
“My apologies, yuurei-san. My young ward is very clumsy.” Nene said, and when the apparition’s expression didn’t change, she let loose a tiny bit of her magic. The effect is immediate. They stumbled upon their words, accepting her student’s apology before disappearing (running) into the crowd of other festival-goers. 
“Satou-kun,” Nene said, turning to him, “are you okay? No injuries or weird sensations?” But Satou-kun didn’t respond. His eyes are shiny with... is that awe?
“Sensei!” a voice called to her, and Nene found that the rest of the class are watching her with the same amazed gaze. Nene felt a sweat trailing down her brow, suddenly nervous. “Sensei, that was so cool! You were glowing!”
“Ehehe, is that so...” the home-ec teacher let out a stream of curses in her mind. “Um... it must be an effect of this place, maybe emotions could be visible here?” she offered as calmly as she could.
Amane-kun, please hurry! I’m almost at my limit here!!!!
 - meanwhile, Hanako is busy driving the trouble making supernatural away from his homeroom class dammit! Or at least, that’s the plan before, because his students is too damned nosy for their own good and so now he’s leading the students away so he could battle that thing in peace, and in the name of cream cheese donuts, Yamamoto-san, don’t sneeze!!!
- any attempt to leave the class so he could transform is met with failure because of all time his class choose to pay attention to him, they choose now. After the 7th (hehe) attempt, he figures since he’s gonna seal their memories after the whole situation is handled anyway, well... 
- he called his hakujoudai, and transforms. His class predictably looses their shit because **** Yugi-sensei is a magical girl! He could transform! He fights evil!!!!
- And Hanako annihilates the apparition, he’s pissed at the amount of clean up (memory wiping) he’s gonna do, his bonded is stranded somewhere, and he’s probably gonna have more kids to memory-wipe because the last time he sees Nene, she’s with his class. So.
- so when all thats left of the apparition is faint, fading magic, he turns to his class. they’re all starry eyed, with mouths wide open. it’s... actually kind of cute, his kids, really, but he pushed down the fondness and fanned the flames of irritation to deliver the lecture of their lifetimes to listen to adults when they tell you to run when some questionable beings appears in the name of donut holes please don’t do that again!
- so Hanako herded them to their classroom, throw them a pack of hanafuda cards with a warning to stay (or else!), slapped a few seals to the walls, before disappearing in a flash of magic to wherever Nene is. 
- the hanafuda cards stay untouched because all they could think about is how their homeroom teacher is a goddamned shonen manga protagonist with powers, oh my god-- 
- “Wait a minute-- what about Yashiro-sensei?! Is she like Yugi-sensei too?!?!?!?!?!?!?”
and thats all I got for now. Hope you guys like it :)
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laddm · 4 years
Beetlejuice werewolf au
Part 3.
Maitlands bring little werewolf to their Home. Barbara stay with him but Adam Go to bought some nessesary Child stuff and also for a fake birth/adoption sertificate, he Don't hated this part but Don't liked.
-w'y he go? - ask Young Boy with Fear That he done something wrong.
-Adam just need do something for you, Don't worry he back soon, but before it you need a clean Up, Come here. - Barbara peacefully smiling and then pick him Up and carried to the bathroom.
But washing him were wasn't easy. He tryed to escape or Fight watter, wanted to taste shampoo and didn't want to dry himself with a towel insted he shook himself Off like a dog and decided That Was enough. In the End Barbara saw the green color slowly fade from his hair but Not all.
By then Adam had already returned with the children's things. the documents were to be prepared by Howard Jr. tomorrow, Adam made a deal That he wouldn't talk about it.
-Barbara i bought some food, and clothes, The saleswoman said they would fit a seven-year-old child, but I took a slightly smaller and larger pair just in case.
-thank you, honey! - She kissed him on the cheek.
-u bak! - In next second little cub jump on Adam and start licking His face.
Barbara chuckled softly as she watched the scene - he missed you so much.
-I see, but i Can't breath! - it makes cub turn Into Boy again and Get Off.
-sorrri - He looked very guilty.
-Don't worry i'm okay - he put a hand on his shoulder. - really.
Seeing the smile return on the boy's face, Adam reached into his bag and pulled out a couple of things for him
-let's go try something on- He closed the door of the next room and began to help him dress.
After a while Barbara called them from the kitchen - Boys, dinner is ready!
When she turned around, she saw that the child was wearing a green t-shirt with the words "jungle child" and pants with a leaf print, the boy's face shone with happiness.
-Oh, honey, it So co cute! she Kiss husband and hug kid. - let's go to dinner .
After dinner they Show His future room.
-You'll have to sleep with us tonight, but I promise I'll make you a nice bed soon - Explained to him Adam.
This night Passed quietly.
In the next Morning Adam went to work, with promise return as soon as posible. Barbara stayed Home.
-i've wanted to ack you about Your name yesterday, but it Was a little... busy Day...
-My name? I dunno 'ow to say it... Too 'ard... He lowered his head
-Don't worry about this name, you Can chose New one . I Think we Can find something in our books.
-i'll Show you and teach you How to read Them one day.
The walk to the bookcase and Barbara started to name type of books they have.
-We have few Fairy tales, some Science book about plants, animals...
-wat this? He pointed to a space bound book.
-Oh this is a Adam's astralogical atlas, you want a star name?
-let's see... - she Open the book and help him read names. They stop on Page with constellations.
-this is a constellations they where named by animals or mythical cretures...
-wat this?
-It's Orion. You want be Orion?
-No, wat this Big thing, it a star Too? - he pointed to a the big star in Orion's left shoulder.
-thats Betelgeuse one of biggest and brightest stars on our sky.
-Beetlejuice? I like it!
-well then we Can call you BJ If You Don't mind.
-I like it!
Rest of the Day they were reading books
Adam back Home and bring a documents for sighning.
-I'm Home! - he prepare himself for knocking down full of Love wolf Boy, but it didn't happened. Boy happilly running to him He almost jumped with delight.
-HI! - Having said that his face looked impatiently expectant. Adam look at wife.
-Just ask what His name is. - she response
-okay, what Your name? He leaned forward
-I BEETLEJUICE!!! - he even raised Up His hands for an Better effect.
Adam looked confused but when he caught Barbara's knowing look and the boy's beaming face he accepted it and played along
-well, nice to meet you, Beetlejuice.
-u Can call me BJ
-o-kay... - he look at wife again
-he trained since name chosed.
-it Explained a little, we need now to sign these papers to keep BJ "officially" .
In the next few minutes all documents were filled. Now this Boy were officially adopted as Betelgeuse maitland.
They lived together like a family. Barbara teach beetlejuice How to read and talk more correctly. But he still Pronounced it wrong just for fun, he really loved when Barbara read him books but when he needed to read it myself it was difficult for him to do this, but he do His Best
One Day His teeth began to itch and he began to chew everything. The beds, chairs, and tables, everything, being safe only personal belongings of Adam and Barbara. They have to bought him some chew toys. He Was on the seven cloud when it work.
His hair were growing fast and maitlands figure out That his hair still a Green on a tips no Matter How Hard and often they washed. But he didn't wanted to change it. He meet maitlands with this color of hair and Adam Give Him His first clothes also Green, So it became His Favorite color
Also maitlands notice That he grow Up pretty fast and since he start eat regulary they realized That he Never were a skinny Boy. So maitlands Take him to the clothes Shop to buy him some. He liked a shirts with striped print, he also chose a hoodie and sweatpants, in His words, for comfy night.
He start regulary change forms for night he were wolf for Day just a strange kid. He just notice That without That he became tired and weaker. He Was in wolf form for So Long and in human form too. Now he just try return balance changing each Day.
Soon Adam done His promise and finish BJ's bed in His room. He of course liked Adam's work but he didn't wanted to moved out even in opposite room. For a first time sinse they found him He sleep Alone but he didn't wanted to be annoying they already done a lot for him, So he said nothing. .
When maitlands left him to sleep in their bedroom he start having a nightmare in which his past and present were mixed Up. His mother return to take him away to fulfill her sinister purposes. But maitlands Take astand for him, and she turned into a wolf and attacked them. He screamed. He wanted to protect Them and attack Juno but someone held him. He tryed to escape from this and then he heard the cry of pain from Barbara and Adam.
He opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was how they were holding their hands and breathing hard. He smelled blood and only now realized what have he done. His eyes filled with Tears. - I'm sorry... - he said through sobbing.
-Don't worry, we don't blame you.
-It's true, we heard your scream and saw you tossing in your sleep. We wanted to Wake you up from this nightmare.
-but I hurt you!
-Don't worry we Can handle with this, it's just scratches.
Beetlejuice shook his head vigorously. he remembered, from early childhood, that these wounds only heal on werewolves. And then he remembered what a werewolf does to a human if it doesn't kill him...
He turned all his attention to them and sharpened all his senses: any change in the smell, change in the rate of breathing and pulse. It happened quickly. In next few minutes they were crouched in pain, which meant that soon they would turn into wolves, as his mother had once turned.
He didn't know what to do. He Was scared to Death he only whispered " I'm sorry... i didn't mean to.. I'm so sorry... I'm sorry..." his whisper was interrupted Only by sobs, he scratched his own skin until it bled, punishing himself for it.
During the transformation, Adam and Barbara wanted to comfort the poor boy through the pain of changes with their fading consciousness. they went to him and began to lick his wounds, trying to heal them. And with every swallowed drop, pain slowly disappeared and their minds became clear.
in the end in front of him sat two adult werewolf with absolutely meaningful look. Barbara had a light long slightly curly fur and green eyes shining in the night, Adam had a curly but much shorter fur of dark color his brown eyes changed color to gold.
Both wanted to calm their child and relieve the tension after what had happened. for them this was on the first place, than to deal with their new nature. They sat down next to him Trying to provide support.
-you're not mad at me for what I did to you? - he was surprised that they didn't attacked him at the first opportunity.
-of course not! - Barbara was surprised that she can speak in the wolf form but decided to close her eyes to it, for now it is necessary to help her child. - we don't hate you, you're just a child no matter if you're a werewolf or not you had a nightmare and you tried to deal with it, it's okay, My dear, we will be always by Your side no matter what happens and always support you. - Adam nodded vigorously in time with his wife's words.
-even if I hurt you?
-even so. We're your family, BJ. It is built on mutual trust and support, and we will be there for you if you need help. the tears rolled down his face again, and he didn't try to stop them.
- hush hush baby, hush, everything will be fine-Adam try support the boy who has already become a son for him.
They spent the rest of the night in a shared embrace.
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spidey-babe-parker · 5 years
Fragile Line
chapter 5:
oh, holding my breath
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Inspired: Beauty and the Beast 
Featuring: Bucky Barnes
warnings: angst, tears, sadness, oh and yeah smut happens... finally.
an: So it’s been forever and a day, and I’m sorry about that. There might be one more chapter of this if people like actually want epilogue chapter. Also Infinity War totally didn’t happen in this story for many reasons.
 I’m starting almost done with a Drunk Bucky Barnes college au mini series, that I’m trying to finish so that’s going up soon. Oh and the next next fairy tale inspire story is going to be the modern day little mermaid story with Steve Rogers and Bucky is going to pop up in that.
Series Masterlist: links are broken, the series masterlist is in my masterlist. The link is in the bio.
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Lydia listened to what Steve has told her to do. She got down to Amsterdam and checked into a hotel with nothing but her duffle bag and purse. She watched as the feud between Iron Man and Captain America played out in front of the world.
After the constant coverage it got to the point, she couldn’t watch it anymore.
She couldn’t believe all of this seemed to be happening over Bucky. Who was being framed for something he didn’t even do.
She went into to town to find a bookstore so she could find a something to reader to keep herself distracted. She avoided seeing newspapers or watching TV. She didn’t want to read the horrible things that everyone was saying about Bucky Barnes. She saw over and over again he was being referred to as the assassin the Winter Soldier. She couldn’t wrap her mind around the fact that some people considered him to be a killer. The man who rescued her who seemed more afraid of himself didn’t seem like the man who would kill people. She knew he had a dark past but she knew he didn’t have any control over who he was or what he did. He wasn’t the monster they were making him out to be.
It had been two weeks since she last saw Bucky, and she missed him. She missed constantly having him around even if they didn’t talk much. She just felt safe being around him and she like his presence. On the fifteenth day they had been apart she opened the door to her hotel and found a flip phone with a text on it. It simply read “meet me at the café rose at 8:30am”. She didn’t have a doubt in her mind that it was Steve finally coming to let her know she could leave. That night she nervously sat around. She was worried Steve was going to tell her something bad happened to Bucky. That night she didn’t get much sleep, she tossed and turned and a dream about being with Bucky again.
She got dressed and headed into town in the early morning. At eight thirty she walked up to Café Rose to find Steve Rogers sitting outside with a baseball had on and sunglasses. Slowly she walked over and sat down across from him. She could tell something was wrong, he just looked sad.
“Morning,” he softly said.
“Morning,” she replied not exactly what else she should say. She hadn’t ever talked to Steve outside of the time Steve found her in Bucky’s apartment.
“Before you ask, he’s safe and hidden away from everyone,” he looked over at the girl who seemed to be on the verge of tears right in front of him.
She let out a soft sigh and nodded her head knowing that him being hidden away was for the best.
“He’s not hurt at all?” she asked knowing there had been a big fight in an airport in Germany.
Steve sighed and her heart dropped at the thought of him being hurt. “He got pretty beat up and his metal arm gotten taken off.”
She gasped and reached up to cover her mouth. She suddenly wanted to cry at the thought that he lost his arm again. “Is he okay?”
“Yeah he’s fine I took him somewhere where he can get a new arm and he’ll be okay,” Steve sounded so calm and it was making her feel better about the situation.
“Where is he?” she asked.
Steve let out a heavy sigh and looked down at the table that had a coffee sitting in front of him, “Lydia I can’t tell you that unfortunately. I can’t let anyone know where he is. I can only keep him safe if nobody knows where he is.”
She knew he wouldn’t be able to tell her, but there was a part of her that wished he could, “is he still having nightmares?”
He shook his head, “no he won’t anymore. Where we took him, they’re going to fix him and take away what Hydra put in his mind away.”
Her eyes grew wide and started to brim with tears, “please tell me you’re not gonna wipe him.” She felt bile crawl up her throat at just the thought of someone wiping Bucky again, when he was just getting some of his memories back.
Steve’s own blue eye grew wide as he reached across the table and placed his hand on top of hers, “oh god no, I will never let that happen to him again.” He paused for a moment. “Were trying to get him back to being normal Bucky. I don’t want them to ever be able to trigger him again.”
She nodded her head trusting Steve. From what she had read in the last two weeks, Steve and Bucky were childhood best friends. She knew that he cared for Bucky as much as her.
“What happens from here?” she asked knowing that Bucky was never going to be in her life again. It was finally time for her to go home to the states for a while. She just needed to hear what Steve thought she should do.
“I’m going to go into hiding and you should probably leave Europe for a little while. If anyone ask about your time in Romania don’t let anyone know you knew who he was.”
“Okay will do.”
She had been home back in the states for about two months. She moved back into her parent’s house. When she first came home, they asked her loads of questions of about her time in Romania. She didn’t tell them much other than she worked in a café. She worked on restarting her life back in the states. She had just started working at a coffee shop in her town. Her life was simple and she knew that, but since coming home she felt like something was missing. She knew it probably had to do with the fact she never actually got to say goodbye to Bucky. The last time she saw him was the morning in the safe house after they shared a kiss. She had fallen in love with the man that saved her life, and now here she was having to live her life acting as if she had never met him.
She often heard people talking in the coffee shop about Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. Every time she heard Steve’s name, she would help but listen in at the thought that maybe they might mention Bucky. After everything had originally happened Bucky’s picture was plastered across magazines most of them referred to him as the Winter Soldier one of the deadliest assassins to live. It always made her sick to her stomach reading about him, because she knew the Winter Soldier wasn’t truly Bucky. That was who the people who wiped him turned him into. She hated that people didn’t know the Bucky she knew, and they never really would.
Three years later
Sitting in the kitchen at her parent’s house she was listening to her parents talking about her birthday that was tomorrow. She hadn’t even actually thought about her birthday her mind had seemed to be in other places recently.
“What are your birthday plans Lydia?” her mother asked grabbing her attention.
“What?” she looked up from her coffee that was sitting on kitchen table in front of her.
Her mother gave her an unamused look as she knit her eyebrows together, “Lydia have you even been listening to me or your father?”
“Sorry I zoned out,” she picked up the large cup of coffee and brought it up to her lips. Her eye looked at her mother who gently shook her head at her daughter.
“Did you want to have dinner tonight with us?” she asked her daughter.
Nodding her head, she gave her mother a half smile, “yeah I’m going out tonight with some friends and people from work tonight. So, tomorrow is perfect.”
Walking into the crowed bar with some friends and coworkers, she couldn’t help but wonder if she made a mistake by going out. She wasn’t ever a person who enjoyed going to crowed bars, and she wasn’t sure why she thought going to one with all her friends to celebrate her birthday would be a good idea.
Standing at the bar next to her friend Allie she was listening to her go on and on about her cousin who she thought would be a great match for Lydia. Allie had been a friend of hers since high school, and she was on a mission to find Lydia a man, even though she had told her often she wasn’t interested in dating. Allie like everyone else had no clue about Lydia’s time with Bucky. She just assumed that Lydia didn’t want to take because of her terrible break up before she left to move to Romania.
“Lydia you and Kyle would get along amazing, why do you at least go on one date with him?” Allie asked before taking a sip of her cranberry and vodka.
“Allie I’m not interested in dating,” she sighed looking down at her drink that was sitting on the bar.
“Come on Lydia one date wouldn’t kill you,” Allie wasn’t ready to give up on getting her friend to go out on a date.
“Allie maybe another time,” she picked up her drink and walked over to the table where the rest the group was sitting.
Allie followed behind her friend, and shouted to the group, “someone buy the birthday a shot we need to get her drunk.”
Lydia did nothing but roll her eyes as she sat down at the table. Moments later some of the group were waving down a waitress to order her a couple shots. She groaned as two shots of tequila were sitting in front of her. Taking both shots, she shook her head as the gold colored liquid slid down her throat.
Soon she was being dragged on to the dance for in the corner of the bar and was dancing with some friends. The gold liquid left her feeling slightly tipsy, few people offered to buy her drinks, but she turned them down not wanting to get drunk. As the clock struck midnight, she said her goodbyes to her friends telling them she couldn’t stay out super late because she had family stuff to do the next morning.
Walking outside she hailed a cab. Luckily the bar she was out wasn’t too far from her apartment. The warm feeling of the alcohol flushed through her system as she walked up to the elevator in the lobby of her apartment building. Clicking the button, the doors to the elevator opened and walked inside alone. Leaning against the wall of the elevator she couldn’t help but wonder if she should have maybe stayed at the bar for another hour, but for some reason she wasn’t really in the mood to celebrate her birthday. As the elevator doors opened as stepped out into the hallway. She saw a man in a hoodie standing in front of her door and she suddenly got nervous, she was tempted to go back to the bar instead of walking up to the man. Before she could even decide what to do a familiar face turned and looked at her.
Her heart jumped at the sight of Bucky standing at her door. Her eyes went wide as her eyes locked onto his icy blue ones. Without even thinking she took off running down the hall towards him. The second she got to him she wrapped her arms around him holding his body close to hers. “Bucky,” she muttered as tears started to slide down her face.
“Lydia,” his metal hand rubbed her back holding on to her.
As she held onto him tightly afraid if she let go of him, he would disappear again. Her body shook gently as she held on to him.
Pulling away from him slowly she looked up at him with watery eyes. She was still in a state of disbelief that Bucky was standing in the hallway in front of her apartment. She reached up placed her hand on his scruff covered cheek. A soft smile formed on his lips as his blue eyes stayed lock onto her eyes.
They hadn’t said a single word to each other, other then their names. She still seemed to be in a state of disbelief that she was with Bucky again, and he was shocked that she wasn’t mad at him for leaving her.
Leaning down he rested his forehead against her taking in her presence.
She wasn’t even sure what she should say to him right then. She had no clue where he had been for the last three years, and even though she thought about him often. She was constantly trying to remind herself that most likely she was never going to get to reunite with the man standing in front of her.
“I’m sorry I left you and never said goodbye,” he whispered breaking the silence that was between them.
She closed her eyes pushing back the tears that had formed between them. Reaching up he rested his hand on her cheek, and his thumb reached up an brushed the tears off her cheek.
“You didn’t have choice,” she said softly.
“Can we maybe go inside and talk?” he asked pulling away from her.
Nodding her head, she reached into her purse to pull out her keys. Bucky took another step away so she could the door. Walking side she set her purse on the floor and walked over to the couch in the living room. Bucky followed behind her and sat down on the couch next to her.
They stared at each other for a long moment neither of them exactly sure what they should say to each other. She reached over and rested her hand on thigh, and gave him a soft smile.
“I’m assuming you have a lot of questions,” he said softly knowing that three years had passed since they had seen each other and she had to have some questions.
“How did you find me?”
“Steve tracked you down for me,” he reached over and rested his hand on top of hers and gently squeezed her hand.
At the mention of Steve’s name, she couldn’t help but wonder if Steve had told Bucky that she thought she loved him all those years ago. She couldn’t lie that even with three years passing she was pretty sure she loved the man that was sitting next to her.
“Did he tell you that he met up with me after Germany?”
He nodded his head, “I asked him to make sure you were safe. I had him check on you occasionally.”
She nodded her head not exactly sure what else she should ask him, she was still completely blown away by the fact that she was seeing him again. “Are you still having nightmares?”
He shook his head, “no, they were finally able to take away what Hydra put in me.”
He gave her a gentle half smile that suddenly gave her butterflies.
“This might embarrass me, but did Steve possibly tell you how I felt about you?” her heart raced at the thought of Bucky rejecting her feeling she felt for him three years ago, especially since she still had those feelings.
Slowly he nodded his head, “he told me about them a little while ago. He also made sure to bring you up often. He knew you were one of the only real things in my life in the last seventy years.”
Tears started to slide down her cheek slowly, “when he found me that day, I honestly thought I was never going to see you again. We had shared that kiss that morning and I thought things were getting better for you…” she paused for a moment reliving that morning. “I should over never ask for you to go out and get fruit. We might have had more time together,” she couldn’t help but cry feeling suddenly guilty.
“Hey,” he reached up placing his hand on her cheek so she was looking up at him. “We were living on borrowed time. If I didn’t go out that morning, I was eventually going to go out again, they were going to find me at some point. I’m just glad that Steve found you and not someone else.”
She nodded her head and asked him the one thing she needed to know in that moment, “are we on borrowed time right now?”
He shook his head, “no I’m not going anywhere unless you ask me to.”
“Okay good because I’m not ready to lose you again.”
“Lydia, just so you know, I felt the same way you did back then.”
She couldn’t help but smile. Reaching up she placed her hand on his wrist that was resting on her cheek, “do you still have those feelings?”
She needed to know, even if he didn’t it wouldn’t change how she felt then or now.
He nodded his head, “you’re still the realest thing that has ever been in my life.”
“That makes me feel better knowing that I’m the only one with those feelings,” she said softly causing him to smile.
“Are you single?” he asked completely out of nowhere.
Her brows furrowed together as she gave him a confused look, “yes, why?”
“Because I would like to kiss you again, but I want to make sure you’re not taken.”
Her eyes lit up at the thought of them sharing another kiss. “I would love for you to kiss me.”
Without another word he leaned forward and connected his lips to hers for a gentle kiss. His lips moved against hers slowly as if he was testing the waters. Pulling away from her he couldn’t help but smile, he had waited a long time before he was able to see her again, and here he was being able to kiss her again.
“I have missed you so much,” she whispered.
“I missed you too, I know I have been gone for a while, but they fixed me.”
Even though they had taken out what Hydra put in him, Bucky was still left with what he had done under his control. He felt a substantial amount of guilt for the people he had hurt because of Hydra.
“Why does it sound like you don’t feel like you’re fully fix?” she asked knowing that by his tone he still sounded guilty.
“I will never be able to forget what I did because of them. Even being wiped I’m still left with the memories are coming back,” he sighed.
“Hey, we’ve been over this, you weren’t in control you aren’t a monster. You didn’t do those things,” she sighed shaking her head.
“I know, that’s what Steve reminds me of all the time.”
“Bucky what happens now?” she asked needing to know if eventually he was going to leave again.
“I don’t exactly have a plan, I asked Steve to track you down. I told him I needed to see you, I wasn’t sure if you had a boyfriend or something, but needed to see you again.”
She smiled, “I’m glad you tracked me down, because in the last three year I have thought about you often.”
He reached up and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and asked, “where were you tonight?”
She let out a heavy sigh, “I went to the bar with some friends to celebrate my birthday.”
His eyes went wide at the mention of her birthday, “it’s your birthday?”
She smirked at how caught off guard he sounded, “well technically since it’s after midnight yes it’s my birthday.”
“I wish Steve would have told me that I would of brought you a gift,” he sighed feeling suddenly stupid that he didn’t know this information.
“I don’t really need a gift. See you again is enough,” she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his again for a soft kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him close to her, she didn’t think she would get over the fact that she was able to kiss him again. Pulling away from him she looked over at the clock to see that it was one in the morning. “Did you maybe want to stay the night? It’s late and I’m exhausted, but I’m not ready for you to leave again.”
He nodded his head, he couldn’t lie he thought about the nights he shared wrapped up in her arm held close against her curvy body.
“I would really like to stay the night.”
Standing up she reached over and laced her fingers with Bucky metal fingers and led him down the hallway towards her bedroom. She dropped his hand and walked towards her dresser to grab her pajamas.
“You can sleep how ever you want. If you want to sleep in your boxers,” she as she walked towards the bathroom so she could take off her makeup and get ready for bed.
She removed her make up and washed her face and changed into her pajamas. Walking back into her bedroom she found Bucky sitting on the edge of the bed in nothing but his boxers. Walking over to him she moved to stand in front of him, he looked up and smiled at her. He never in his wildest dreams thought he would see her again, let alone get to share a bed with her again. Reaching up he gently took her hand and pulled her closer to him. Standing up he moved to press her lips to his for another kiss.
“How are you even real?” he asked wondering how he found her.
“I’m pretty average at most,” she whispered as his hands moved to her round hips.
He shook his, “you are far from average Lydia. You are perfect.”
Before she could even say anything sat back down on the bed and pulled her onto his lap so she was straddling him as he sat on the edge of the bed. Reaching up he held her face in both hands staring at her.
“I don’t know what happens tomorrow, for all I know you could kick me out and tell me to leave…” he paused for a moment to stare into her eyes. “But I would love to share one real night with you.”
“Bucky I would never kick you out and tell you to leave,” she leaned down and connected her lips to his for an intense kiss. Their lips moved together as if they need the other to breathe. Her fingers tangled in his long hair hold him close to her as his hand gripped her round hips grinding her against him. There tongued moved together as she rolled her hips gently against him. His lips moved from her mouth and started kissing down her jaw. As his beard tickled her skin, she couldn’t help but moan at the feeling of his lips against her skin. His metal hand pushed her shirt up exposing the metal of his touch to her bare skin. The cool metal sent a shiver down her spine in the best way possible. Tilting her head back she gave him more access to her exposed skin.
Pulling his lips away from her skin he reached down for the bottom of her shirt. Pulling it off he couldn’t help but groan at the sight of her bare chest in front of her. He licked his lips before his lips moved to kiss her collarbones, before working his way to her bare chest. His lips kissed her sensitive skin as she grinded her hips against his grown bugled.
“Bucky, I need more,” she moaned.
With his lips ghosting her skin he spoke, “I didn’t come to see you with the intention of this happening.”
“I know you didn’t, but I need all of you,” she sighed as his lips peppered kisses across her skin. “I have missed you so much, and I just need all of you.”
He pulled his lips away from her skin, and in one quick motion stood up holding Lydia’s curvy body as if she weighed nothing. Her eyes went wide as he held onto her. She attempted to have him put her down but before she could say something he said, “you weigh nothing to me, quit freaking out.”
He moved and laid her down on the bed. Reaching up to her curvy hips he hooked his fingers into the band of her pajama shorts and panties, and pulled them both down in one quick motion. Laying on the bed completely naked in front of him she sat back on her elbows and watched as Bucky removed his boxers leaving him naked and proud in front of her.
“Do you have a condom?” he asked sounding slightly nervous.
Nodding her head, she moved to reach into the top drawer of her nightstand and pulled out a foil packet. Holding the foil packet out Bucky took it and tore it open and slowly slid the rubbed down his length. She watched with lust filled eyes as he pumped his length a few times before crawled into the bed. Lying next to her he connected his lips to hers for a searing kiss as his flesh hand moved down to her sensitive mound, his finger slid up and down for slit a few times before his fingers did lazy circle on her bundle of nerves while their lips moved together. He was attempting to give her some foreplay before. Pulling his lips away he continued to move his finger against her bundle of nerves causing to moan her name.
“Lydia what to you want?” he asked lying next to her.
“All of you,” she moaned.
Pulling his fingers away from her, he moved so he was hovering over her. She reached down and helped line him up with her entrance. Slowly he slid in and she gasped at his size, it had a been a really long time since she had sex. She was going to need a moment to adjust to his size. Once he was fulling in, he stilled for a moment giving her time to adjust. Her head rolled back as she took a deep breath and then looked up at Bucky who was staring out with lust blown eyes.
“Are you okay?” he asked feeling suddenly worried at the was hurting her.
“Yeah I’m fine, I just need a moment,” she said giving him a soft smile. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers for a soft kiss. “Go head and move,” she said with his lips still brushing hers.
With a slowly roll he started to move his hips against hers. Her hands moved up to grip his back as he continued to move into her. Groaned as his hips thrust into hers picking up the pace slightly. In all the time that had passed since they had last seen each other, he didn’t think he would ever get to be with her. In his mind back then he thought that they might event sleep together, especially after they had kiss, but then again, he wasn’t sure if she ever would want to do this with him.
“Bucky,” she moaned.
“Baby,” he groaned dropping his head to her shoulder. He started placing wet kisses across her bare skin. She moved her hands down to his butt pulling him as close as possible with every thrust. His teeth gently dragged across the skin of her shoulder as he moaned her name. He was getting close to the edge and he needed her to finish before him.
“Are you close?” he asked.
“Yeah Bucky,” she moaned as he picked up the pace.
Biting her bottom lip, she rolled her back moaning. Her fingers dug into his tone butt pulling him closer. With a few more thrust he pushed her over the edge. Her hands moved from his but up to his face pulling him closer to her so she could kiss him as she rode out her high. She moaned into his kiss as he rolled his hips a few times before hitting his own high. With a couple sloppy thrust he rode out his high before stilling his hips as he kissed. Pulling away from her he rolled off her and laid on the bed next to her. Silently he discarded the condom, and reached over to pulled her curvy body close to him.
She was left in a dazed state as she curled up next to him.
“Don’t ever leave me again,” she whispered as she was coming down from her high.
“I won’t ever let anything take me away from you again,” he leaned down and pressed his lips to the top of her head.
All my taglist are open. Let me know if you want to be tagged in the Steve Little Mermaid Modern day AU story.
@thisismysecrethappyplace @minahraven @lokilvrr @justreadingthesefanfics @inmyworstlies @shlach @imanaesir @theinsomniacsblog @unhealthyobsessionwithmarvel  @acebelle @nerd-without-a-cause @captain-rogers-neighborhood @sadancing @theonelittleone @all-of-the-little-infinites @thepandadrawer @hermione0919 @tnupsweetpie  @learisa @kgcurtis30 @alwaysbandslut @ruckystarnes @sarahsassafras13 @jessicao19 @breezy1415 @violetrose90201 @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @iamthemaskhewears @lapels123  @explorer–of–the–unknownn @coal000 @thorsstorms @libbymouse @asadmarveltrashbag
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thirdsisfics · 5 years
So Long As You Call Me Yours
Title: So Long As You Call Me Yours
Ships: Steve/Natasha
Words: 1376
Synopsis: Set in first half of the 18th century, young widow Natasha moves to a small island where she meets a stranger with a secret. 
Warnings: Scottish folklore AU, Chapter 1 of 2
Notes: For Romanogers week Day3. Prompt: “Beaches and Sunsets”. This is chapter 1 of 2. Read on AO3 (Both chapters are up on AO3)
A great tempest raged on the day The Widow came to the island. Some folk go so far as to say she brought the storm with her. Some say she’s blessed, that some angel or fae guided her ship safely to the island’s shores. Others say she is the storm. They whisper, “dead husband. Do you know how he died? No one does! She doesn’t say! Big city accent, Glasgow by the sound of it. And a foreign name” The wisest folk though, the wisest say nothing at all. They watch. They wait. They know what the start of a good tale sounds like. The wisest folk listen.
The sea had been calling her whole life. When her husband died, she was finally free to answer. She didn’t know what the Outer Hebridean island of Vatersay would hold for her, but she did know she wanted to find out. Her fondest memory was a childhood trip to the Outer Hebrides, and if she stayed in the city she’d have to fend off offers of marriage from men intent on securing her late husband’s business for themselves. So she packed a case, and took herself, her modest fortune, and her particular set of skills to Vatersay. She wore black out of custom, but when asked about her late husband she would say only “he wasn’t the kind of man the world will miss.”
Natasha didn’t mind the whispers or the looks she’s get from her new neighbors. They would either warm to her or they wouldn’t. After all, she had everything she needed. A cottage to herself and a view of the sea, white sand beaches and crystal blue water so clear you could see straight to the bottom. She had books, the stars on a clear night, her fiddle to play, and good whiskey to drink. She had west facing windows for watching the sunsets. Sunset quickly became her favorite time of day. There hadn’t been colors like this in the city.
She was watching the sun melt into the ocean one day when she noticed a man walking along the beach. It was unusual for two reasons: one, her neighbors came by rarely and never unannounced, two, the man was stark naked. It was a surprise, to be sure, but not a wholly unwelcome one. She hadn’t seen that much of a man’s flesh since her passed and, what a sight this man was. Tall and muscular with broad shoulders. He looked to be fair haired, but it was difficult to tell in the fading light. Where in heaven and earth did you come from? She thought. She decided she should be neighborly and offer him a blanket. Walking the beach this close to nightfall without a stich of clothing, he must have been very cold and very lost. Or she hesitated very mad. She decided she could be both cautious and charitable and tucked a knife into her bodice and she retrieved her least favorite blanket.
By the time she opened the back door to call out to the man, he was gone. There was no sign he’d been there to begin with. Perhaps he hadn’t. Perhaps the handsome naked stranger had been only a trick of the light. The Widow resolved not to give it too much thought. Her waking mind obeyed her dutifully, her sleeping mind however…
Seven suns rose and set before she saw him again. In the flesh, anyway, she saw him every night in her dreams. She was sure a dream was all he’d ever been. The product of isolation and an overactive imagination. She was sitting on rock on the beach, playing her fiddle as the sun got low and the sky exploded into oranges, pinks, and purples when she felt the sudden sensation of being watched. She ceased the movement of her bow and took her eyes off the horizon. That’s when she heard it, a voice from a ways down the beach.
“No need to stop on my account, lass. I like hearing you play.” His voice was gentle, calm, and bright with mirth, like waters on a windless say. She couldn’t explain why, but she knew it was him before she turned her head. She hoped he’d be dressed this time. No such luck. She gently set her fiddle on the rock and pulled off her shawl which she balled up and threw at him.
He looked down at the fabric as if puzzled. “Go on then, cover your bits. And I’m not a lass.”
“If you say so.” He did as he was bid, draping the black cloth around his hips. Now that he was somewhat covered, she turned her entire body to face him. He was closer now and she could see that he was indeed fair haired with eyes so blue they looked like sea in miniature. He was strange, to be sure, but he didn’t seem mad.
“Where have you come from dressed in nothing at all?”
“Which is where?”
He gestured out toward the water. She wrinkled her brows, he must mean one of the neighboring islands, though we’re about as far west as you could go. He must mean north. Probably come down from Barra for a laugh. “and how exactly did you get here?”
“I swam.”
“That explains the nakedness then. You’re not cold? That water is near frigid on the warmest days.”
He chuckled, “I’m accustomed to it.”
“Well, I should get going before the light disappears completely.”
“Before you go, play me a tune. Please?”
“Alright then,” There were worse ways to spend a few minutes than playing a tune for a stranger, even if that stranger happened to be dressed in nothing but her shawl. It was nice to have a willing audience. It was nice, though she hated to admit it, to have the company. “What do you want to hear?”
He smiled as he gazed out over the water. “Do you have one that sounds like sunset?”
She didn’t say a word; she just began to play. First it was soft and sweet and barely audible. Then it grew bright and fast and joyful. Eventually it resolved into something deep and slow and almost melancholy. By the time she finished, dusk had settled on the island and The Widow could hardly see a path down from the rock she was perched upon.
“Lovely.” He mused. “I’m sorry to have kept you so late. Are you quite stuck?”
“I wouldn’t say I’m stuck, just a wee bit wary of climbing down one handed in the near dark.”
“I see well enough in the darkness. Let me help you.”
He came to the rock and offered her his hand. She gathered the fiddle and bow under one arm and took his hand with her other. “Is it clear enough for me to jump?”
“You’ll get your shoes wet, the tide is coming in, but the path is clear of rocks.”
So she jumped. She gasped slightly as her bare feet hit the cold water. She could see him smiling at the sound.
“Well, thanks for the assistance.”
He dropped her hand. “I’ll walk you to your door.”
She was hesitant to let the stranger know where she lived. She was, after all, a woman living alone and he was a man she hardly knew. But then again, in her old life she’d become quite skilled at spotting those who might do her harm. She’d had to in order to survive. This man, though, he didn’t give off any of the telltale signs. It was a risk, sure, but her life had always been full of risks. So she let the mostly naked stranger walk her to the back door of the cottage. Where he made a motion to remove the shawl.
“You can keep it.”
“I can’t take it back in the water with me.”
“You’re going to swim home in the dark?”
“I’m accustomed to it.”
Before she could open her mouth to protest he had put the shawl in her hands and set off in the direction from which he’d initially come. How strange he was. How strange she felt to wish he hadn’t gone.
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saturnmyg · 6 years
Lichterloh  | Kim Taehyung
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Synopsis ⤑ you’ve heard endless stories about small towns. That the folks living there loves to gossip all day, that theres always that one kid dreaming of making in in the big city. And of course the tales about supernatural beings lurking in the woods. After moving into town your’e surprised that you landed in a place that seems to be brimming with those beings and how the town just accepts them. Yet somehow just shortly after you’ve settled down you find yourself pulled into a scavenger hunt on the lookout for a glowing head that belongs to the Dullahan named taehyung.’‘
➵ paring: Dullahan Taehyung  x Human reader
➵ A/n: happy halloween peeps!! 
 this is a part of the halloween collaboration!
| 12.9k words | Horror au |  gore | Major character death | action | small town horror au
| warnings: description of ungodly beings/ body horror
⤑ ⤑ ⤑ ⤑
''Ah, that belongs into the living room'' you tell the movers and they nod at you.
You've lived your whole entire life in a high rise city, where theres constantly something going on. With the years passing by, the stress of trying to function in a system that forced you to think about your value as a human being, based on how productive were /how much money you can made, caught up to you.
So when you found about the small town named Silverdell you instantly packed your stuff and got ready to leave. Of course your mother opposed, saying that moving so far away from the family, to a small town that barely made it on the map was just dangerous. Nothing could change your mind so you proceeded with the moving, but you had to promise her to call her at least four times a week.
The weird thing though was that at first, you couldn't find the town. For some reason no matter who you asked for directions, they'd tell you that they never heard of that place and that you should ask someone else. Finally after driving for a few days through the midwest you finally arrived in silverdell, only to find the truck that had your belongings already standing in front of your house.
''You know'' you turn around to face the man thats standing next to you smoking a cigaret ‘’I’ve been wondering how that truck arrived here before me, considering that i couldn’t find this town’’
The man, who goes by the name of sam, chuckles. He’s a man of average height with a full beard and wild hair that lowkey reminds you of a pirate. ‘’that happens to every newcomer’’ he takes a long drag  of the cigaret ‘’you wont find silverdell until the town accepts you’’
You furrow your brow ‘’accept? as in the town council accepting you?’’
Sam shakes his head ‘’Silverdell has a mind on its own, no one can know about it or leave and come as they want without its approval’’
‘’so you have to send a letter to let them know you're leaving for a certain amounts of days?’’
‘’Nope'' Sam answers '' it will know’’
With furrowed brows you look away. His answer is confusing, sure he earlier said that silverdell has its own mind but its not like its actually alive, or even sentient. Your'e sure the reason why you couldn't find the town was because you're bad with directions.
‘’Oh please that one belongs into the kitchen, careful it has kitchen utensils inside.’’ You say to a young mover.
The blasting of the siren is so loud you jump out of your skin. Panicking you turn around to look up at the sky, where the sun is hanging low in the horizon and the blue hue has turned red.
‘’Whats going on?’’ you turn to sam with wide eyes.
Sam on the other hand, his expression is still the same, almost as if he knew that would happen and was counting down the seconds. He presses the cigarette against the fence to put it out ‘’The headless rider is about to come out’’
Slightly annoyed you look at the burnt mark of your wood fence before turning back to sam ‘’he what?’’
‘’No time to talk, first let’s get into the house’’ he ushers you towards the house where you see that all the other movers are already inside, peaking their head out of the door waiting for you two to enter.
''Wait whats going on, and why are you all in my house?'' you ask bewildered and shut the door behind you. Walking into the living room you see various movers sitting on the unfurnished floor while unpacking  your boxes.  
Embarrassed you walk up to them. ''please you don’t have to do that i can do that on my own’’ you scratch your cheek
‘’Don worry’’  one of the boys answers. ‘’Until the night rider is gone we have nothing to do anyways , might as well help you unpack’’
‘’Who’s the night rider?’’ you ask
Sam whose standing by the windows, closes the curtains and turns around to face the you all with a grim expression on. ‘’The headless rider is a being you shouldn't talk or think about’’
The boy whose the closest to you, and spoke up earlier, rolls his eyes ‘’there he goes again’’ and turns around to look at you again ‘’ theres a tale amongst the elder that the headless rider is a being that eat’s human souls and sometimes their body too but there hasn’t been such an incident in over two hundred ears’’ he explains and stretches his hand towards you ‘’anyways i’m jun, don’t worry about sam he's an old grim man who thinks death is lurking on every corner of this town’’
Jun looks around your age. He has dark honey colored skin with almost waist long black hair. The sleeves of his shirt are rolled up, showing an intricate tattoo on the right arm.
‘’I’m Y/n’’ you take his hand into yours and shake it ‘’but back to the headless rider’‘
‘’Ah yes’’ jun counters ‘’if you go by folklore then the night rider is the harbinger of death but if you go by what towns folk say then he’s a human eating monster’’
You raise your eyebrows at that
‘’Every sunset the rider comes out of the forest, holding a lit torch and gallops from one end of the town to the other with creatures from following him, weirdly though it’s always only one direction that he brings them to.  There are some theories that the reason he does that ,is because at sunrise he brings them back, but theres no evidence backing that up ‘’Jun finishes
‘’why has no one ever seen him?how do you even know that he exists? or know about his activities?’’ you ask baffled that the towns folk just believe something wholeheartedly without even having it seen with their own eyes.
‘’Because those who aren’t inside a building the moment the last siren ring, usually go missing the same evening’’ Jun answers with a serious expression
‘’That still doesn’t explain how this tale got spread around’’ you counter ‘’dead men tell no tales’’
Jun just blinks at you for a few seconds before shrugging his shoulders and continues to take items out of the box.
‘’Thats just how it is’’ Sam speaks up ‘’ when the siren rings you hide, when you see angels you ignore them, thats how it has been for decades’’ He faces the small radio thats on the table ‘’in this town its very dangerous to question traditions or rules, you ought to be careful’’ and curbs the knob.
The radio makes a static noise for a few seconds until you hear a bewildered nasal voice speak up
''Yoongi how can you say you don’t believe in them, even though you starred one dead in the eye and showed me a picture of it?''
The movers in your house all chuckle at that
The other person, presumably yoongi ,just sighs deeply almost as he's used and tired of the first host's outbreaks. '' first of all it was around eight feet tall and skinny like a stick figure i thought that was an abstract piece of art , theres no way that was wendigo''  
you stop in your tracks and look at the radio in perplex, ‘’a what now?’’ you ask no one in particular.
Sam who sees the look of confusion on your face just shrugs his shoulders, as if to tell you to get used to it
Hoseok just sputters '' man come on we all know what a wendigo looks like , yoongi how stubborn are you?, did you not notice the never ending eyes on its body?’’
‘’I 'mean it did but i was too occupied to not vomit from the stench of  greg’s butchery’’ yoongi counters
‘’God that store should be banned to serve people, i’m pretty sure he uses inhuman creatures to- hold on why were you even near that place?’’
''Clearly to not buy meat Hoseok'' yoongi answers ‘’i was just taking a stroll when i found it standing by the butchery’’
‘’Wouldn’t surprise me if it actually eats the shit Greg sells’’ Hoseok says ‘’but anyways back to reporting, as for no-’’
‘’-as for now no one's dead because we all know to stay inside if you don’t want to be taken by the council for seeing the headless, and i’m putting quotations marks on ''headless'' dear listeners,  rider'’’Yoongi interrupts
‘’Really?’’Hoseok asks ‘’so you think that the headless rider is something that the city council has made up to, i dont’ know , manipulate us?’’
‘’Lets be realistic’’ Yoongi counters ‘’no being can be alive without a head, even vampires are known to die if you cut their head off’’
‘’chickens do though’’ Hoseok continues ‘’like they'll continue to run around, which is frankly creepy as hell’’
‘’The minute you separate the brain from the neck, just like in humans, you’re going to get tremendous movement of the limbs, please did you not pay attention in biology class?’’
‘’Firstly i majored in art’’ Hoseok answers ‘’secondly everything that happened before college i have no memory of, hell i don’t even remember half of the shit from college.’’
‘’Thats sad’’ Yoongi states
‘’Anyways’’ Hoseok deviates from the topic ‘’as Yoongi said there are no reports of anyone gone missing this week, besides old Berta's cat but thats nothing new.’’
‘’It really isnt’’ Yoongi continues ‘’after this ad we'll open up the lines so please listeners stay tuned’’
While the ad is playing, you faintly hear the sound of the siren go off again but this time only for a few seconds. worriedly you look over to the window and see that another mover, this time a woman,  is pulling aside the curtain very slowly almost as if she's expecting a monster's face instead of hers to appear in the reflection. After inspecting the outside for a few seconds she finally turns around and gives the people in the room, that are watching her ,the thumbs up.
‘’Alright then’’ Jun says , stands up and stretches himself.
With him standing there in that pose you notice how well build jun is which adds more to his attractiveness and your’e just a little bit envious on how good he looks.
Jun notices you looking at him with your head tilted and with a slight pout and raises an eyebrow.
‘’Do you work out to have a figure like that?’’ you ask
Jun lets his arm fall down and runs one hand through his long thick hair ‘’oh hell no, this job is already working me out ,going to a gym would kill me’’ he laughs ‘’its all genetics’’
‘’Oh’’ you hum ‘’you sure are blessed’’
jun strikes a ridiculous pose that probably a character from Jojo's bizarre would do ‘’i know right?’’
Shaking your head you laugh and turn to the others who are still in the living room  ‘’thank you for helping me unpack’’
A large hand lands on your shoulder and you turn your head to see sam smiling at you ‘’no problem , thank you for letting us into your house otherwise we'd be dead meat’’
‘’Lets go’’ Sam hollers and some of the movers come out to the hallway, you didn’t even notice them going into your bedroom.
‘’The bed is set up’’ The man standing at the entrance of the living room, says and gives you a big smile.
You smile and bow slightly in thanks and the movers slowly trickle out of your house .
‘’Dont forget to tune in to the  community radio, they often announce stuff from the city council’’ sam says as he standing in the doorway ‘’ but dont worry if you forget it will turn on itself’’ he laughs and you just furrow your brow.
As you bud him goodbye you notice another figure standing next to you and you turn your head to see jun.
''Hope you don’t mind that i ripped a paper off but heres my number, lets hang out or go shopping or something, i feel like we'd be good friends’’ Jun hands you a piece of paper
Usually you're not one to take numbers from men's, since a lot of them , if not almost all, have a hidden agenda.  Which you don’t feel that Jun currently has, the feeling you get from him is more of a theatrical person thats always dramatic. You know, like, laying in a field of roses after your crush got asked out by someone else- type of person.
Basically hilarious.
So you accept the small piece of paper and smile at him ‘’sure , i'll text you, might take a while though because i first have to get used to this place’’
‘’No problem’’ Jun waves his hand dismissively ‘’if you got any questions though just text me i'll help ya’’  and walks out of your house , waving his hand with a big smile on his face.
Chuckling slightly you close the door and walk down the hallway into your bedroom.
You truly are grateful that the movers helped you unpack and put your furniture together, because you really wouldn't know how to without getting confused because you're so bad at following instructions. Well its not like Ikea makes it easy to follow and they keep giving people extra assets that just end up frustrating everyone who buys the furniture
The big queen sized bed takes up most of the space in your room but you don’t mind that, at least you're able to have one not like when you used to live in the big city , where the apartments were narrow but expensive.
besides the bed and various boxes that contain clothes there really isn't anything in the bedroom yet. The emptiness makes you slightly uneasy and you're overcome with the feeling of panic and dread. It’s the type of emotion you get after the excitement and adrenaline is gone, your’e left with uneasiness and panic thats slowly seeping yet throbbing from your chest as if you have a hole where your heart is supposed to be. For whatever reason you feel like you're back to being 18, back to the kid who kept getting panic and anxiety attacks over everything,  back to the kid who never lived without a family , yet alone in  another city.
That emotion over comes you so strongly, that for a second you feel like the walls are closing on you and you're getting choked. You shake your head and slap your cheeks a few time, before letting your hands fall down and almost run into the bathroom.
You slam the door open and in two quick long strides you're standing in front of the sink. Your hands are trembling as you reach for the faucet and turn it. The water feels cold underneath your finger tips and you gather some of it onto your palms before leaning down and splashing it onto your face. The coolness of the water a little bit takes the panic away but its still lingering in your chest.
You step away from the sink and lower yourself to the floor ,where you wrap your arms around your legs with your head hanging between your knees. For the next 20 minutes you're slowly rocking yourself from side to side , while taking in deep regular breaths.  It’s a technique you learned online a while ago and has up to now proven to be useful.
As you finally have calmed down , you slowly get up from the floor and see your reflection in the mirror. Your hair is messy, sticking up in different directions, your complexion is slightly green, which you think has to do with the fluorescent lighting if anything, and you turn away.
You walk out of the bathroom, down the hallway back into your bedroom.  You open one of the boxes that has clothes written on it and take out a shirt. Not even bothering to look for pants , you get changed , open up another box that has the blanket and pillows inside, and throw them on the bed before getting onto it.  You remember that your phone fell earlier and lean down to pick it up, scroll through your podcast app before finally deciding on which episode to listen to. You put the phone right next to your head and just a few seconds later you're out like a light.
⤑ ⤑ ⤑ ⤑
Closing the door behind you , you take a deep breath. Yesterday night was , well to say, horrible. You've always had anxiety issues , not in the way that you have trouble talking to people or talk in public , its more that once you're left alone you get the so-called "what-next thoughts". Which always plays out the worst case scenario that could happen to you. Meaning you instantly realize how insignificant your existence is and that if you died right now, it would take weeks for anyone to notice. You've been getting help for that though. Before you moved to silverdell you doctor gave you a prescription so that you could get it refilled at the pharmacy.
which is where you're currently headed to. Silverdell is a beautiful town. Alongside the street there are trees ,which leafs already have turned brown and orange. The air is so crispy to the point where if it wasn’t so sunny you'd think it might snow at any time.
A breeze of cold air blows and you tighten the scarf around your neck. It’s getting close to the end of september and the streets already smells of cinnamon and mulled wine. As you're enjoying the view you notice a trail of kids running past you while giggling and shoving each other, and you smile.
You've always liked working with children, they hold a lot of freshness and innocence , live in their own little creative bubble , and yet are very understanding of a lot of things that parents be overreacting about. The only reason why they then later on sometimes turn out  to have a bad attitude / personality is because of the way they were raised. They subconsciously tend to soak the behaviors in their environment  ,up like sponges, not even realizing that those behaviors aren't socially acceptable. Thats why you became a teacher, to at least lead the kids in the right path but also protect them from the cruelty of the world and society.
Speaking of school, tomorrow will be your first day as a teacher in silverdell. You're slightly nervous but excited, you just hope that your coworkers are nice and not demons disguised as humans like at the last school you worked at.
You shake your head at that thought, you'll cross the bridge when you get to it.
‘‘god please let me find the pharmacy’‘ you silently pray and take out your phone , according to google maps its only a few meters away from you
Turning around the corner you finally arrive at the pharmacy. It’s a small white store that has mint colored decorations, you also spot various pot, plants, around the entrance that gives the store a welcoming feeling.  
Walking up to the entrance, you see that one of the plants is a cactus. When you arrive you bend down to inspect it. It’s a huge dark green cactus that has  multiple vertical lines going down the round figure with needles sticking out. At the top there is a hole, you're not really sure if its an actual hole or if its just an illusion that was created by the lighter color, but you see that there is where the most needles are gathered.
Out of curiosity and impulse you reach out and softly lay a finger on the plant, to which you are, to no ones surprise, stung by a needle. You straighten up while clutching your hand to your chest  and look at your hand. you press the finger together to see a tiny drop of blood coming out of the wound and sigh.
Shaking your head you let your arm fall down, give the plant a last glance before entering the pharmacy.
At the counter stands a woman that seems to be in her forties. Her hair is tied into a braid with stray strands framing her face that has a warm yet gentle expression on as she works on some documents.
She lifts up her head as the little door bell rings for the second time when the door closes behind you.
‘’Oh my’’ She says with a surprised expression ‘’are you new in town?’’
''Is it that obvious?'' you ask bashfully and walk up to the counter
‘’Not at all dear’’ she smiles ‘’its just that this town is quite small so we all know each other, but anyways how may i help you?’’
‘’Right’’ you answer and take out the prescription from your wallet and hand it to her, alongside with your insurance card ‘’i need a refill of my medication’’
‘’Coming right up’’, she takes the card from you, puts it on the table before disappearing in the backroom.
You look around while waiting for her to come back, the inside of the store is just as lovely as the outside. The walls are stacked with various medicine but you notice the same minty color peeking out behind the shelves. The air is very clean, almost biting with the disinfectant still lingering in the air, and for a moment you regret forgetting to take your mouth mask with you. Its not like you're asthmatic but strong smells usually give you a migraine , and using a mask usually helps to dull it down to a slow throbbing.
‘’Here we go’’ The pharmacist says while walking back to the counter, scans your insurance card and furrows her brows as she looks at the computer display.
‘’Is something wrong?’’ you ask. You've paid your insurance bill so there shouldn't be any problem but sometimes the card doesn't function or doesn't get accepted by the pharmacy and you really hope that that isn't the case today.
‘’Oh no no’’ the pharmacist laughs ‘’i just forgot to wear my contact lenses today so i had a bit of trouble reading the display’’
you sigh in relief
‘’But’’ she continues ‘’i just saw that your doctor has written in the data that these medications have to be taken continuously’’ she hands you back your card and the medications. ‘’if they're finished just come back and i will refill them again’’
‘’will do’’ you answer and put the medication into your purse, bid the nurse goodbye and walk out of the store.
The minute you're out of the pharmacy you stop in your tracks. You're not sure if you just imagined that but when you bid her goodbye her smile looked weirdly large for her face and for a second you thought you saw branches ,that looked like antlers ,growing out of her head.
Slowly you turn back and see the pharmacist, typing something on the computer looking normal and you furrow your brows, turn back to the road.
‘’What in the hell’’you mutter and continue walking towards the mall thats quite close to the drug store.
As you're walking past various stores, an unimaginable stench makes it way to you and the urge to vomit is so strong that you slam your hand to your mouth and turn away for a second. The odor is one of a corpse decaying, well you don’t actually know what a corpse smells like but you're pretty sure it would be similar to this.
Turning around you face the way you were talking towards too and frown. On the left side of the building stands in bold red, almost blood like, letters '' Gregs Butchery''
''They weren't wrong about the smell '' you think and hurriedly walk, no  run past the building into the big grocery store thats two stores away from the flower shop and the ''butchery''
The grocery store is just like any other.  Worn out regals stacked against the washed out yellow walls ,while in the background a remix of an eighties city funk song plays.
‘’God that was disgusting’’ you mumble and wipe your mouth with the sleeve of your hoodie. You take out your phone and reach over to the stack of baskets thats right next to you, and take one.
looking at the shoppings list you made in the notes app , you subconciously bite your lip and walk further into the store.
You're looking at your phone again, not for notifications or anything, just checking if the items in the basket match the ones on the list. Which they do ,but you have a feeling that you earlier forgot to write down something important that you need but cant remember what it is.
‘’garbage bags?’’ you mumble ‘’no i - ouf-’’ With all the thinking you're doing you aren't even paying attention to your surroundings and walked straight into something, or somebody.
You take a step back and rub your nose thats stinging slightly '' my bad'' and look up. The first thing you see is black, a black thats so dark where if someone shone a flashlight at, whatever is in front of you, the light would not be reflected. It’s almost as if the void has manifested itself somehow in this shop. The second thing you notice is that the being standing in front of you has the thousand upon thousands of branch like looking bones growing out of it , how you even missed something so grotesque looking, is baffling , but then again this is you we're talking about.
The being turns its body around and you see that its face is empty of facial features. Theres not even a slight dent or shadow of a nose or mouth that could indicate that it’s wearing a mask. Slowly the creature tilts is head, almost as if it’s wondering why you approached it, and leaves without a word.
Not like it could say anything without a mouth anyways
You on the other hand have already astral projected into another dimension.This whole interaction is so surreal to you, that for a second for a second you think you're on mtv's candid camera show, and that this whole thing is just a set up.  
You come back to your senses when you feel a hand on your arm and jerk in surprise.
‘’dazed ain’t you?'' the woman next to you chuckles ‘’everyone is when they see they see an angel for the first time’’
‘’Huh?'' you turn your head towards the woman and blink a couple of times  ‘’excuse me , a what now?’’ She’s a plump 5′2 tall woman with amber skin and undercut and a gummy smile that makes her eyes disappear into crescent forms when she laughs. On the other side of her’s shes holding a hand of a roughly ten year old child thats boredly starring into nothingness , probably waiting for her mother to finish so that they can go home.
The fact though, that she called the ominous being an angel is baffling because to you it looks more like something that jumped out of h.p lovecrafts book.
‘’An angel’’ she shakes her head ‘’they're very nice, they always help me with any chores or escort luna home, and despite the fact that theyve lived here forever people still ignore their existence’’
‘’but thats not how angels look?’’ you quietly retort not wanting to seem disrespectful
The  woman chuckles again and pats you on the arm ‘’what you know as angels is what society taught you with no actual evidence of them ever looking like that’’
''But the bible-''
‘’The bible described them as terrifying which they are’’ she points at the angel thats at the counter waiting for the cashier to ring their stuff up, which he isn’t cause when you look closer you see that the magazine the cashier is holding is slightly crumpled and shaking , probably out of fear.
‘’also it has been translated into other languages so many times that by now half of was originally was written is lost in translation’’ she continues
You tilt your head ‘’so basically everything i know is a lie?’’
‘’No no, not everything is just that in this town, the laws of nature and society don’t apply’’
Great, what type of town did you move into. Yesterdays fiasco was already weirder than anything you've experienced and you kinda swept it under the rug. but this? this is something that even a skyscraper cant hide, and obviously the emotions you're feeling  shows on your face because the black woman bursts out laughing.
‘’Im sorry’’ you apologize flustered not wanting to offend her and come off as uptight
‘’No need to apologize’’'' she says and waves her hand ‘’newcomer’s reaction are always funny to watch but you're the first one who didn’t run away’’
''yeah one day that will be the death of me'' you think and smile wryly at her.
‘’I have to go’’ the woman continues ‘’try to greet the angels once in a while ,theyre harmless’’
You give her a tight lipped smile and nod. The woman chuckles for the last time and walks off , towards the angel whose still at the counter apparently waiting for her to come pay since the cashier is still ignoring the being.
You shake your head and sigh again, glance back to the counter for the last time before proceeding with grocery shopping.
⤑ ⤑ ⤑ ⤑
‘’We're so glad to have you in our team’’ the dean says as you're walking down the school hallway. The dean is a elderly short baldheaded man with round glasses. He's wearing a suit thats a little baggy on him but it gives him character. He kind of reminds you of popeye but with a softer , creakier voice.
It took you some time to find the school, since google maps seems to not always work it took which gave you the same problem you had yesterday  when you were looking for the pharmacy. You'd think for such a small town it would be found easily , which it wasn't because it took you around forty minutes to find the facility. Its located on the other side of the town, which in your opinion is just unethical and slightly annoying.
Whoever the founder was of silverdell clearly wasn't thinking logically, it would be way more proficient if the school was in in the middle where it would take the same amount of time for anyone to reach it
‘’I'm excited to be working here’’ you reply and smile down at the dean who just, not chuckles but makes a similar sound to it.
‘’Let me introduce you to the other teachers’’ he says as you two come to stop in front of a dark wooded door and opens it.
The room is pretty normal. Various abstract drawings are hanging on the eggshell white walls giving the place a slightly modern feeling. In the middle of the room theres a long table placed along side with books and other items. On the left side, the side you're actually standing in, is a small kitchen that has a coffee machine and freshly washed cup and glasses.
‘’Oh?’’ a honey voice speaks up and you turn your head to the person you think it came from. ‘’Who do we have here?''
The voice that you just heard belongs to possible one of the most beautiful human beings you have ever seen in your life. He has midnight black hair where one side is falling into his face while the other side is slicked back. Thick plump lips that are stretched into a smile ,revealing a row of pearly white teeth. He's not particularly tall, you're pretty sure you're taller than him but then again you're taller than most women, but you see from the outfit he's wearing he's well build.
Honestly he's so beautiful its like god took his sweet time making him, plus he's sending you a smile thats so bright you want to shield your eyes, it’s like you're looking at the sun.
‘’Didn’t hear that there would be someone new’’ another low voice speaks up and your eyes wander to the person thats standing right next to him. He's a tall man that looks around your age with strawberry blonde dyed hair, thats slightly hanging in his face. He has a strong yet straight nose and thin lips alongside with big doe eyes that makes him look even younger than he already is. You already have the feeling that out of the two, he's the slicker one.
The black haired boy stretches his hand towards you ‘’i’m Park jimin''
You take his hand into yours and for a second you notice how long your fingers are compared to his but thats ought to happen with your height. ‘’Y/n’’ you retort and give him a firm shake before letting his hand go.
‘’Jeon jungkook’’ The strawberry blonde man says not even bothering to shake your hand as he's preoccupied with twirling the volleyball on his finger like a basketball.
Jimin just sighs at Jungkook’s retort, turns around and slaps the ball off ‘’we're not in college anymore where are your manners?’’ he scolds
Seeing Jungkook's expression you hold your laughter in. His lips are pursed but the look in his eyes sell him out that he's planning to pull a prank on the shorter man. Obviously jimin notices the look and slaps him on the arm to which jungkook just grins before turning around to you with an outstretched hand
‘’Again'' he starts ''i’m Jeon Jungkook ''
you nod ‘’nice to meet you’’
''Which class are you teaching?'' Jimin asks and crosses his arms
''1A'' The dean speaks up and you jump in surprised. You didn’t even notice him joining you three with a cup of coffee in his hand. ‘’speaking of’’ he continues and turns towards you'' classes start soon i hope you understood everything but if you have questions don’t be afraid to ask mister Park and mister Jeon.’’
Jimin and Jungkook both smile at you and you nod ‘’will do’’
‘’Alright then’’ Jimin says and yawns ‘’1A is right next to my classroom i'll show you the way’’
‘’Thanks’’ you smile, bid the dean and jungkook goodbye before leaving the breakroom.
‘’Are you nervous?’’ Jimin asks as he's walking next to you down the hallway
''More excited'' you answer ‘’i’m good with kids but i just hope everything goes okay’’
Jimin turns his head ‘’you just moved here right? what do you think of silverdell?’’
carefully you mull over your words, not sure if its appropriate or too soon to tell him about the supernatural beings and weird customs that you've come across. ‘’it will take some time for me to get used to this town’’ you answer him instead.
Jimin laughs, a laugh that sounds like angels are singing and you smile too ‘’well thats to be expected, but don’t worry everyone settles down pretty quick'' He stops in front of a classroom. ''this is 1A, i’m right next door if you need something’’ and bids you goodbye.
The classroom is just like any normal middle school classroom is supposed to look like. Since it’s not the start of a new school year, you see that the decorations on the wall probably were made by the students and you smile.
You walk up to the teachers desk thats right by the window and put your bag down and take your items out. You're so lost in your thoughts as you organize the your items on the table you don’t even hear the bell ring.
The sound of the door slamming against the wall and the chatter of high pitched voices rip you out of your thoughts and you look up to see students walking into the classroom. At the sight of you at the desk they stop in their tracks and whisper to each other.
‘’Good morning’’ you greet them and some greet you back while others just nod in silence as they walk towards their desks. After all the students are sitting at their desk you walk to the blackboard and write your name on it.
‘’'I'm your new teacher’’ you turn around and face the students ‘’i just recently moved here from the city and i have to say i’m surprised in how much greener it is here, meaning we could once go hiking in the forest’’  you clap your hands together
The moment those words leave your mouth the entire classroom gets quiet. The eyes of the kids are almost glued to you in a creepy way, the expressions on their faces are kind of empty.
A chubby boy with black hair raises his hand ‘’ma'am no one ever goes into the forest’’
Oh boy , this is exactly what you feared, that the kids would be just as weird about the town as the adults are. So instead you give them a tight lipped smile ‘’why?’’
‘’Because the monsters will eat you’’ another student says , the tone indicating that you should already know about the taboo.
‘’Or the headless rider’’ the same chubby boy finishes.
This is the third time you're hearing about the headless rider. His existence still makes no sense to you, how can everyone be afraid of him and tell horrible tales on how he kills humans but yet no one has actually ever interacted with the said being.
‘’Marissa did see the headless rider once’’ a girl speaks up and almost every student turns around to look at her with a scornful expression on their face.
''Whose Marissa?'' you ask and tilt your head.
‘’Someone that has turned into a memory’’ the girl from earlier answers, whom you recognize to be the daughter of the woman from the store you met few days ago. Just like her mom she has brown skin, dark hair and intelligent looking eyes, that seem to know way too much than what a ten year old should know.
‘’Alright then’’ you clap your hands together to get the attention of the students ‘’lets play two truths and a tale to break the ice so i'll get to know you better.’’
⤑ ⤑ ⤑ ⤑
‘’Goodbye ma'am''! the chubby boy, who's name you learned is Evan, says and waves as he leaves the classroom.
‘’Bye!’’ you smile and wave back. The moment the door slams shut your hand instantly falls down and you sigh deeply. ''Well that was a train wreck'' you think and gather the books together and walk over to the regal thats by the wall and put them in neatly. You walk back to your desk pick up your bag not before flickering the light off and walk out of the classroom.
As you're walking down the hallway you see a tiny baldheaded figure that couldn't belong to anyone else but the dean. Who apparently saw you coming because he stops walking and wait for you to catch up to him.
''Y/n'' he greets cheerfully '' how was your first lesson?''
''Good evening'' you greet back '' it was good actually'' you finish. The dean just chuckles and starts walking down the hallway with you following him.
‘’say’’ you start ‘’what happened to Marissa?’’
The dean turns his head to face you, anger mixed with fear clouds his eyes for a second before returning back to normal ''someone thats better not to be spoken of if you don’t want anything happen to you'' he answers.
At the ominous answer the hairs on your neck raise and you resist the urge to take a step back. The way he worded it its like the town will kill anyone who questions their traditions or goes against the rules, plus his whole demeanor screams that you shouldn't ask any more questions.
''A-alright'' you stammer and the dean sends you a tight lipped smile in return.
'' The dean turns around in the doorway he’s standing in ‘’i'll see you tomorrow’’
‘’Have a nice evening’’ you reply and bow slightly. When the door slams shut you sigh and put a hand on your chest, feeling the rapid heartbeat underneath your fingertips. You adjust the bag strap on your shoulder and walk down the hallway towards the entrance and out of the facility.
When you're outside you notice that the shun is already starting to set. That isn't surprising considering that its fall and the days are getting shorter but at the same time that means that you'll either have to hurry back home since the sun sets around at five pm. The other option would be you waiting at school till the coast is clear but considering todays conversation you0d like to spend as little time as possible with the dean. Especially since now it seems that he's keeping an eye out on you.
You shake your head and look up at the sky.Azure blue has now turned into spectacular colors of orange and red mixed with purple, its so beautiful that you take out your phone and take a picture of it. Satisfied with how the picture turned out you send it to your mom and put it back into your pocket.
‘’I should buy a bike’’ you mumble and continue to walk home.
''Hey mom'' you greet your mother and wipe your hands on the towl thats hanging at the wall right by the kitchen sink.
‘’Y/nn dear are you alright?’’ your mother asks loudly sounding frantic.
You grimace and hold the phone away from your ear ‘’i am, why did something happen?’’
‘’What do you mean? , you sent me that ominous picture with no text whatsoever nor did you call me ever since you arrived at wherever you are’’ you mom rants
You know your mom has only your best interests at heart, ever since she found out about your anxiety it’s like she herself developed it too with how much she worries about you being alone. Which on one hand is reassuring but on the other you're already twenty eight and kind of need to venture out in the world on your own.
''ominous picture? what are you talking about? i sent you a picture of a sunset'' you retort and furrow your brows
‘’sunset?’’ your mom's voice pitches up a few octaves ‘’all i got was a picture of a black cracked background with the letters '' if you did, you wished you didn't’’
‘’oh go-’’
‘’and where are you?’’ your mom continues ‘’iv’e googled the town name but nothing showed up, i even asked my coworkers and no one knows about silverdell’’
''Silverdell has a mind on its own, no one can know about it or leave and come as they want without its approval''
you grimace, hoping that whatever Sam said was just some good o'l superstition ,but up to now  with everything that you have experienced, it looks like thats not the case
‘’mom seriously i’m safe, i’m not being held hostage by some mobster or anything like that, why it doesn’t show up on google though i don’t know.’’ you say , trying to calm her down. Theres no way you're going to tell her about the towns strangeness , knowing how she is she'd probably get into her car while she's talking to you and drive off, ending up lost in the middle of nowhere.
Your mother hums on the other side of the phone, by the tone of it you know that she's not fully convinced but will believe you for now. She then continues to talk about her annoying coworker, thats always trying to one upper her in everything and how she wants to screw her head off.
While she's rambling off you're finishing drying the dishes and put the back in the cupboard, occasionally humming in agreement to let her know that you're still listening. Reaching over you take the other towel and dry your hands, put it back on the wall before turning towards the living room. You notice that the blinds are still open and a wave of panic comes over you. you dash over to the other room, of course not without you stumbling over furniture, and quickly close the blinds.
Your heart is beating wildly against your ribcage and it takes you a second to calm down.
''Sweetie are you okay?'' your moms voice comes out of the phone that you’re still holding
‘’uhm yeah!’’ you heave ‘’just stumbled, fell almost on my face’’
your mother sighs deeply ‘’you were always the clumsy one’’ and you just chuckle. Though it quickly fades as you start hearing noises coming from the ceiling. your eyes widen and you jerk your head upwards . The dull sound of something similar to heavy footsteps becomes louder and louder and you furrow your brows. ''are they trying to break my roof?'' you ask yourself and hold the phone closer to your ear.
‘’Mom let me call you back, someones knocking no the door’’ you interrupt your mother, hoping that she doesn't hear your voice shaking.
‘’sure’’ she reluctantly answers ‘’'i'll talk to you later, and remember call the police if something fishy is up’’
‘’Will do’’ you say and hang up ‘’ the police might not help in this situation''
You jump when you hear the static of the radio ripping, slowly you turn around and tilt your head sideways. ''Did you just turn on by yourself?'' you ask out loud , but the radio doesn’t answer instead it continues to flip through channels until you hear a familiar voice coming out of the speakers.
''dear listeners we just received a report stating that  the roof inspectors have already begun their work, we would like to remind you to leave a plate of cookies or milk with honey on the porch as a thank you gift. Another reminder would be that you should absolutely not look directly at the workers as they like to be unknown to the public. Not meeting the criteria will have consequences''
''They like to be private?'' the voice you recognize to be yoongi asks '' we're literally broadcasting this to every citizen in silverdell ,how is that private? on top of that they want food'
Hoseok laughs nervously ''lets not trash talk about the roof inspectors ''
''Or what? they're going to break in and kill me?''
''That are dangerous words yoongi'' hoseok chokes out
''Oh don’t give me that look, i’m not planning to have a chat with them all im saying is that its suspicious''  yoongi exclaims
''maybe so but you should know better than to voice out your thoughts considering we're on live broadcast''
You have a sneaking suspicion that that warning is towards you, maybe its just you being paranoid but the sounds coming from the ceiling sound almost impatient? agitated? you're not sure and you don't want to find out.
So you venture back into the kitchen, open the cupboard and take out a plate and a glass. Fill the plate with chocolate chip cookie, not sure if your choice of cookies will fit their taste you reach into the fridge to take out milk. Pour three spoons full of honey into the glass and mix it up all together. You take out a tray, put the dishes onto it and slowly walk to the front door of the house.
Putting down the tray you unlock the door and slowly open it, praying that whatever is making the noise isn't standing in front of your door. Of course mother nature ignores your plea, because nothing ever goes the way you want it to and you stumble back at the sight.
In front of you dangling from the lowest part of the rooftop edge  hangs a long arm that has white fur on it, which lowkey looks like it belongs to a yeti. Its fingers, if you can even call them that, stretch out like its impatiently waiting for you to hand it the tray. With shaky fingers you pick up the tray, avert your eyes and hand it to the worker, trying to not touch it.
It takes the tray from you, makes a sound that could be described as a mixture of a growl and grunt and vanishes.
With wide eyes and a rapid beating heart you close the door and clutch your chest '' what the absolute fuck?!'' you whisper and run to the kitchen.
There you grab the salt and a chair before returning to the front door,  sprinkle salt along at the gap and barricade it by putting the back of the chair underneath the doorknob. Sure the inspector might be able to kill you and you doubt that a little bit of barricade will hold it back but it sure as hell makes your anxious self feel safer.
Quietly you walk down the hallway and switch off the light, before walking into your bedroom and locking the door, hoping that tonight you'll at least be able to sleep.
⤑ ⤑ ⤑ ⤑
‘’Jimin’’ you call out .
Jimin who's sitting at the table reading a book ,that looks like if you tried reading it it would fry the remaining braincells you have, looks up with raised eyebrows. ‘’yes?’’
‘’So’’ you drawl out ‘’i sent a picture of the sunset to someone and apparently the picture they got was different from what the original one, do you know whats up with that?’’
Jimin leans back in the chair and runs a hand through his hair ‘’ honestly we've been having this problem for a few months now, the after school science club is trying to figure out what the problem is.’’
You raise your eyebrows ‘’the who?’’
Jimin waves his hand dismissively '' thats their name don’t ask me how they got it, but they’re really smart though and have saved silverdell many times when we were in a pinch’’'
‘’well did they find out at least something?’’
‘’not really’’ jimin puts a hand on his chin ‘’we just know that silverdell is putting out some sort of high frequented waves that interferes with the phone, theres a theory that it doesn’t want people outside of silverdell knowing about it.’’
The expression on your face currently can be described as one of pure listlessness. Mentally you already clocked out days ago, but mother nature or as in this case; silverdell has it's way of surprising you. Sighing deeply you put one hand on the table and lean against it
‘’you know’’ you start’’ when i first moved here i was in love with the idea of a small town where the environment is beautiful, the people are nice'' you move your arm in a half circle motion ‘’not this’’
‘’How is that our problem’’ a voice says and you turn around to see jungkook leaning against the door frame.
‘’Jungkook!'' jimin scolds and frowns
‘’What?'' jungkook asks and pushes himself away from the door '' isn't that her fault for having high ass expectations? weren't you suspicious that you couldn't find silverdell?’’
‘’In my defense’’ you bristle  ‘’i just thought i was bad with directions ,who would've thought that its because this town is located in the twilight zone’’
Jimin and jungkook both chuckle at that ‘’hats what a lot of newcomers say’’
Picking up the empty cup of coffee you retort '' well maybe something needs to be changed so we don’t all keep repeating the same thing'' and walk over to the sink.
⤑ ⤑ ⤑ ⤑
Its been over a month since you've moved to silverdell. You somehow got used to the weird customs of the town and nowadays you're not even fazed by the angel's anymore. on the contrary you sometimes let the angel's carry your grocery home or you when they don’t fit on the basket of the bike. In the beginning you were quite shocked and afraid ,when the ominous being stood in front of you and reached out of the bag. Which resulted in you screaming out loud in horror thinking that you're going to die. It took one staff member to calm you down , which took quite some time because apparently the angel didn’t realize that you were scared of it , and kept starring at you as if you had the answer to the Da Vinci code.
⤑ ⤑ ⤑ ⤑
‘’I forgot to tell you , you did well today’’ The woman, miss lewis, whose standing at the door says smiling brightly and leaves.
Todays parent teacher conference day and you just had your first meeting. You're so glad that instead of a soccer mom who has a blonde bob and a nasty attitude you got miss lewis. Maybe she noticed that you were nervous otherwise because her whole presence was reassuring. From the smile to her body language nothing indicated that she was being hostile and you look forward to working with her in the future.
Gathering the documents on the table you put them aside and take out another one that has all the information about your student named calypso. Calypso is a smart girl with a peppy attitude and a mouth that can talk forever, yet she never disturbed the class and always hands in her homework so this meeting should be short and go well.
As you're standing up from the chair, the door slams open and you jerk in surprise, letting out an embarrassing squeak. Looking over to the door your’e see a tall woman slumped against the doorway as she's clutching her chest and breathing heavily. The woman is dressed in a black suit and the first button of her white dress shirt is open. Her black hair is cut into a blunt bob with bangs that stop right by the eyes.
‘’I hope i’m not late’’ she heaves
You shake your head and smile ‘’ don’t worry you came just in time''
The unknown woman nods and walks towards you and you notice that she's almost as tall as you are. ''Min yoonji i’m luna’s mother, nice to meet you’’
‘’Y/n’’ you say and take her hand into yours ‘’ and likewise’’
‘’My wife had an emergency so i had to run from work here’’ Yoonji says and sits down
You put a hand on your cheek ‘’i hope its nothing serious’’
Yoonji waves her hand in front of her face ‘’she's just clumsy , i hope she doesn’t’ burn down the kitchen again though’’
You hold your laughter in and turn your head away, not knowing if it’s appropriate to laugh or not but the fact that Yoonji said the word ‘’ again’’ makes it even more comical.
When you hear Yoonji chuckle is when you turn your head back towards her and see her smiling faintly and you can see how much she loves her wife.
‘’So lets get started’’ you say and clear your throat ‘’luna is a very smart student who up to now has always done her homework’’
Yoonji nods
‘’She participates in class , i see no behavioral problems besides her sometimes making remarks towards her friends.’’ you smile and so does Yoonji ‘’what i did notice though is that when it comes to math her way of calculating slightly differs from what i teach her but that can be managed’’
you put the notes down ‘’this would be all, do you have any questions?’’
Yoonji claps her hand together ‘’not a question per se but my wife and i would like to be notified if the class is going on a school trip’’
You nod '' thats mandatory otherwise i wouldn’t be allowed to leave the school ground with the students''
Yoonji then picks up her bag and stands up with you following her actions.
‘’if later on you have any question please feel free to call me or mail me’’ you say and stretch out your hand
Yoonji shakes your hand firmly nods. She opens her mouth to say something but the noise of the classroom door slamming against the wall interrupts her. In the doorway stands a woman that looks ,well to put it nice, like the wicked witch of the west's third sister.
oh boy
‘’Hope you have a nice evening’’ Yoonji says through gritted teeth and lets go of your hand before walking towards the door and giving the other woman a nasty glare.
The woman totally ignores yoonji and walks towards you instead, a scowl on her face as she musters you ‘’cant be even on time huh? did they hire a incompetent teacher this time?’’
You raise your eyebrows, it takes everything in your body for you to not glare at this atrocity of a human being in front of you ‘’actually ma'am you're just early theres a reason why we agreed for you to come at a specific time’’
She just huffs '' well i don’t have the time because i have to pick up Charles in twenty minutes from fencing’’
''why don’t we start then'' you say and point at the table, before sitting down
well looks like it will take longer than twenty minutes.''
After the conference is over you collect the documents and put them on in the drawer. Getting up you look out of the window and see that the sun is already setting and a wave of stress overcomes you. Picking up your bag from the floor you speed walk out of the classroom, not before flickering the light off, and almost run down the hallway towards the entrance of the building.
Thankfully the parking lot for the bikes isn't that far away from the main entrance and you quickly get  onto it and pedal. The sky is already deep red and you can see that in around five to ten minutes it will be completely gone.
You're pedaling so fast that everything is a blur to you, how you haven’t fallen yet is a miracle because lord knows , that everything that could go wrong in a situation , usually does, when it comes to you.
''am i going to make it?'' you ask yourself and sharply cut the corner. Down the road you see a vast grass field and wonder if you should take a shortcut or not. But driving on the grass usually slows one down .but at the same time you cant afford to lose your life just because you aren't on time.
So you drive through the field instead. It only takes a few seconds before your legs become tired of pedaling so hard, to the point where you jump from the bike , hold the handlebar and run.  A few times the bike smacks itself against you but you don’t feel pain due to the adrenaline running through your veins.
Looking at the bike you see that it’s just dragging you down and it literally takes you a second to make a decision. Letting go of the bike makes your heart clench but you continue to run for you life till you finally leave the field and arrive on the street your house is on.
You heave as you take a three second break before continuing to jog down the road. The closer you get to your house though the more everything starts to flicker. Its like reality stopped functioning and your’e in a glitch. Looking around confused you almost stop in your tracks when you see a figure sitting on a black horse thats standing on the opposite side of the street, linear to your house. Its the Headless rider, his body turns towards you ,as black smoke comes out of the cut off neck and forms a question mark.
Your heart drops and your hand comes up shielding the left side of your face and you run even faster before jumping over the fence towards your house
With shaky hands you take out the keys from your purse and open the door before slamming it behind you. Sliding down to the floor you hug your knees as a wave of panic over comes you. You're about 99.9999.2% sure you're about to die today. Theres no way you're going to survive now that the headless rider has noticed you.
With shaky legs you walk into your bedroom and lock the door, praying to every god thats out there that they will bless you with divine protection and that if you do die , it will be at least painful.
⤑ ⤑ ⤑ ⤑
its been two days since you saw the headless rider. To your surprise you actually woke up the next day and on top of that without any injuries, even your house is unscathed! Yet for some reason you cant help but feel like someone has been following you ever since. Its like you keep seeing something flimsy out of the corner of your eye, but its never really in your field of vision.
''im just being paranoid'' you think and grip the bag tighter as you walk out of the grocery store. It’s almost midnight but you were craving some sweets and ramen noodles so of course you went out and bought them.
You're so lost in thoughts that you don’t even notice the tall figure standing in front of you and promptly walk into them. The person, if you can even call them that cause the body is so hard it feels like you walked into a wall, grips your shoulder and steadies you.
'’You rub your nose ''thank-’’ the words die on your tongue as you look up and see that its the headless rider. Now that your’e closer to him you see that his skin is glowing slightly green giving him a frankensteins monster type of look and that his hands are long yet bony.  The smoke moves in slow motion as it comes out of his head and you feel sick to the point of needing to vomit.
‘’Have you seen my head?’’  an ominous voice booms through your skull so loud that you push the headless rider away and clutch your head instead, You just know you'll have a migraine later on.
you look up ‘’can you please try to not scream in my head?’’
''My apologies '' the being says
Slowly you stand up and rub your temples ‘’i haven’t seen your head, i wouldn’t even know how it looks like’’ you turn around and with shaky legs take a step before an arm grabs you. The feeling of dread overcomes you instantly.  His hand is so cold that it seeps through your jacket into your body and you shudder. ''is this what harry potter felt when he was around dementors?''
''Help me find it''  he says , no, demands.
‘’please stop touching me first’’ you manage to say without stuttering and he releases your arm.
‘’What would happen if i refuse?’’
''You don’t want to know'' he answers and you shudder. with the way his neck is leaning sideways you can almost see how if he had a head he'd be cocking it and waiting for your reply, what expression he would have on you can say though.
Between choosing to go with him and come back unscathed or being hunt down and killed by him and other creatures, its only logical that you chose to go with him.
‘’Alright'’’ you say and hold up the bag higher ‘’can i bring this home first though?’’
The headless rider points at the convenient store ''you can also just ask them to put it aside for you''
You furrow your eyebrows at that suggestion ‘’sure..’’ and squint at him. For someone so inhuman he sure does have a suspicious amount of knowledge of how humans work. ‘’ill be right back’’  and walk off
The little bell rings as you walk through the doors and the cashier raises her head ‘’good-’’ the word dies on her tongue as she she's you walking towards her. Her face completely pales and her eyes grow as big as saucers.
00would you be so nice and deposit this for me? an emergency came up and i cant go home right now’’ you ask with a wry smile and she nods . With shaky hand she takes the bag and puts it right behind her on the counter and gives you something thats supposed to look like a smile if it weren't masked with fear.
‘’thank you'' you say , turn around and walk out of the store. What you don’t see is the cashier's eyes following you until she sees you stopping in front of someone else and showing them your empty hands. The other figure nods and you both walk off . In panic mode she grabs the telephone and frantically dials a number, cussing under her breath as she’s waiting for the person to pick up. after the fifth ring she finally hears a click going through the phone and she speaks up
‘’He has her’’
⤑ ⤑ ⤑ ⤑
Standing on the outskirts of the forest you look at the direction where the houses are located ‘’am i hearing sirens?’’ you ask out loud. From what you can see theres no where a house burning, so that either means someone is dying or that there is someone about to give birth
''Not important for us'' the headless rider says and puts a hand on the small of your back. ''let's go'' he says and pushes you forward into the woods.
The forbidden forest is nothing like you imagined, as a matter of fact you don’t even know what you expected but not this.The trees are so close to each other that you can only see the occasional streak of moonlight peaking through through the thick fog. Yet that doesn’t provide enough light for your eyes because you stumble over a root thats twisting on the floor.
Before your face can make contact with so said floor ,the headless rider grabs you by the arm and yanks you up.
''be careful '' he says '' shedding blood will only cause the creatures to come after you''
‘’jesus christ thanks’’ you retort and peel off his fingers ‘’by the way do you have a name? i dont want to keep calling you ''you''’’
the voice hums in your head '' a long time ago i did'' he answers '' a human once used to call me taehyung''
‘’Okay i'll call you that then’’ you say and look up to him ‘’another question though , were you once a human?’’
A deep sound that can be described as a chuckle rumbles from his chest ''never , i’ve been like this since the beginning ''
‘’ou yikes’’  you slap a hand to your mouth , you cant believe you just said that out loud ‘’sorry’’
''it's alright''
You nod and turn around to continue to look at the environment. Theres a dampness alongside with this weird feeling hanging in the air, it ripples on your skin like water making, all the hairs on your arm and neck stand up. This place might have once been full of animals roaming around, but right now its so eerie and empty ,you feel like if depression could manifest itself into something it would be this forest.
You grab Taehyung by the arm and you both stop. looking up, your eyes widen and blood leaves your face. Above you hovering are hooded figures with long boney limps. Their garment fluttering in the non existent wind yet they look so serene , almost as if they're taking a nap. But the longer you stare the more the figures seems to draw in closer
''don’t look at them'' Taehyung's voice rings through your head '' they feed on human souls and with each second passing a piece of your soul gets chipped away''
''Couldn’t you have told me that sooner''  you hiss and grip his arm tighter to the point that your finger nails leave half moon dents in his jacket.
''do not talk any louder, we're not the only ones here'' he warns you instead and you shut your mouth. With every step you're taking you're cursing at the gods and mostly at yourself. You can already hear your mother screaming in horror if she knew what you're doing. She'd probably lecture you about going with a stranger to the forest saying that that is the number one place for murderers to bury their victims bodies and how she raised you to know better.
''Sorry mom''
Taehyung pushes the leaves of the bush aside to reveal a glade. Its surrounded by trees as tall as cathedrals and a strange green light - almost holy - shimmers through the vast canopy of leaves.Giving you the impression that you're underwater. Deafening silence lays over the land and you feel like you're in a video game about to defeat a mid level demon boss.
''where are we going?'' you whisper to taehyung
''the place where all creatures go at sunset''
you furrow your brow ‘’and why do you need me for that?''
thats where my head is buried at for some unknown reason they’ve always been drawn to it, though it has a protective shield that nonhuman being cant enter''
your voice raises a few octaves as you realize that this is a part of his scheme  ‘’did you just lure me into this place so that you can kill me? Don’t tell me you don't actually need my help, you just wanted to eat me because i look what; appetizing to you?’’
Taehyung lifts his hands and one covers your mouth while the other slam chokes you against the bark of a tree ‘’you think very highly of yourself human'' he hisses '' but i do need it and after i received my head i could also leave you here ,since your so adamant about making our location known to every single living organism''
A branch breaks in the background and Taehyung lets go of you.  choking ,you slump against the tree, as you try to get air into your lungs and look up through your teary eyes. Behind taehyung stands a huge creature that looks similar to the angels that usually help you with chores. But unlike the friendly them, this creature looks like it's out for blood. Its mouth opens and a foul smell , that reminds you of corpses and rotting food, waves over to the two of you and you feel sick.
A scream bubbles its way up your throat and before it can leave your mouth , taehyung picks you up bridal style and starts running. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you close your eyes and just hope that he's faster than the creature and that you aren't about to meet your demise
Minutes later he stops and you open your eyes to see that you're on  the top of a hill. Getting out of taehyung's arms with shaky legs you look around.
‘’Wow’’ you say in awe, amazed by how much the forest changes the further you go into it.
You see a river passing through the jungle wide and opaque. The water is so black it might as well be used as a mirror and for a second you're tempted to walk down and touch it .Yet you know better. The river is a sleeping cobra, It lies across the land in smooth seductive curves, singing an unknown song to its viewer, while it hides a myriad of dangers.
The forest seems to have an intelligence of its own, you notice.  An apparent system thats so complex no human would understand, yet it doesn't seem like it would work anywhere else but  here.
A sudden shrill noise, that possibly belongs to the earlier creature, echoes through the forest,  before it quietly settles, and suddenly it feels like a thousand eyes are boring into your back.
They know you're here
''Lets go'' Taehyung says and walks ,no, jogs down the hill.
‘’why don’t you just pick me up and run like you did earlier?'' you ask '' that would be faster''
Taehyung doesn’t need a face for you to know that he's complete done with you for using your three braincells over its capacity ''that would attract too much attention''
‘’You glow green for fucks sake’’ you call out and point at him ‘’we might as well be wearing a big ass sign that says ‘free food’’ 
Taehyung turns around and stomps towards you and you flinch
''Since you insist''  he says and picks you up and starts running down the hill. Seconds later you two arrive in the valley and he puts you down. ''We're close''  
You look up at Taehyung, his whole entire being suddenly gives off the vibe of a predator. Like he's watching your every move and waiting for the perfect chance to come so that he can pounce on you . Goosebumps rise on your arm and neck and you take a step back ''where is it then?'' you ask
Taehyung stretches his arm and points with a long bony finger behind you. Slowly you turn around to see huge fallen logs layered on top of each other forming a triangular shape. Underneath you find a huge pile of fallen leaves and in the middle something thats glowing green.
''I can only accompany you till where the shield is'' Taehyung says and you nod. You don’t like how he said that sentence, its full of hidden agenda and you're not sure if your mind is playing a trick on you , but you swear you felt the blood thirst coming off him. Another thing you notice is the closer you get to the head, the more the shield surrounding the huge logs, starts to glow the exact same green light that also taehyung is covered in.
As you stand right before the shield , your hand comes up and you try to touch it with no avail. Your hand goes straight right through it and your’e just a teensy bit disappointed. ''hold up''  you think and turn around to squint at the being named taehyung ‘’the shield doesn’t exist’’
''it does, i told you only a human can enter it'' taehyung answers patiently and walks up to you, stretches out his hand and touches the shield. sparks start to fly and you cover your eyes.  
''see?'' Taehyung says and lets his hand fall down
Instead of answering you start walking up to the log. Its in the worst place ever, not exactly on top of the hill but neither in the valley, just right in the middle. Which is a huge burden to you, the mud keeps sticking to your shoes yet it also makes you stumble multiple times.
You finally reach your destination but now you're heaving heavily and your legs feel like they'll buckle in any seconds. ''God do i have to touch the leaves?'' you murmur in disgust. You dont hate the nature as a matter of fact you like it, thats the whole reason why you even moved out here. That doesn’t mean though, that you want to stick your hands into muddy leaves that probably has all sorts of insects crawling and pick up a decaying head.
Mentally prepping yourself you sigh deeply before reaching into the pile and grabbing the glowing head. The head is just as cold as the body it belongs you and it seeps through your entire being. The longer you hold it, the more flimsy your surrounding begins to look and you have to squint your eyes in concentration so that you don’t fall down.
‘’Here’’ you say as you stand in front of taehyung and hand him the head.
''thank you''  he says and takes it from you and puts it on his neck. Suddenly taehyung starts to glows a green light thats so bright ,that you have to shield your eyes. Few seconds later the light dims down back its usual , glow int he dark slime, state.Despite that you're in awe when you look up and see that the neck is connected to his head, and for the first time you see what he looks like.
Taehyung is beautiful beyond words. Long dark lashes kiss his cheek as he looks down on you.  On the right side theres a mole and he has another one, on the slightly plum yet longish underlip.  dark hair that hangs low enough to touch his beautiful sloped nose as he dips his head lower to be at  your eye height. A smile overtakes overtakes his features and at first you're struck, until you start noticing thousand of eyes starting to glow behind his back. Your eyes widen and you look back at Taehyung who's smile grows into unnatural hideous grin that touches both sides of the head and bears one too many teeth.
you take a step back to which he slowly follows until you stumble over a root and fall down. Taehyung chuckles deeply at your cowering state and bends down.
This is it, this is how you’re going to die, in the forrest surrounded by blood thirsty creatures that are ready to pounce on you in any second. And for a millisecond you’re annoyed at yourself for going into the woods with the dullahan just to meet your demise. 
A growl rips you back into reality ‘’'what a foolish human you are Y/n'’ he says and your vision goes black
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thecloserkin · 5 years
fic rec: Dante’s Stars by Pretani
fandom: A Series of Unfortunate Events
pairing: Violet Baudelaire/Klaus Baudelaire
word count: 94k, complete
Is it canon: Yes
Is it explicit: Yes
Is it endgame: Yes
Is it shippable: I’m fucking crying it’s so beautiful
Bottom line: The one and only Violet/Klaus epic, read it and bawl your eyes out (def read the warnings first tho)
It’s a canon-divergence AU where the Baudelaires stage their own deaths to escape Count Olaf. In canon the three Baudelaire orphans—inventor Violet, bookworm Klaus, and baby Sunny—are hounded from guardian to guardian by cartoonish villain Olaf, who will stop at nothing to get his hands on their fortune. Olaf murders or incapacitates every single adult who spares two seconds of sympathy for these kids, leaving a wide swathe of destruction in his wake. In this fic the Baudelaires have decided to wipe the slate clean and assume new identities.
I have mentioned in the past how salty I am about the Baudelaires’ characters being sidelined for Snicket the narrator, Olaf the villain, and/or sundry other bit-players (in the Netflix show the Henchperson of Indeterminate Gender p much steals every scene they’re in). In canon we’re not really privy to the kids’ inner lives. This fic avoids that pitfall by sticking with tightly focused third-person Violet and Klaus POVs.
The thing this fic does really well is instill a pervasive sense of dread/paranoia which is remarkable because for the first 25% absolutely nothing ominous happens. The orphans get taken in by a slightly addled, very nice old lady and they just … live in her house. For free. While she cooks for them. And every morning Violet and Klaus hook up in her barn.
Ok back up so the ship they’re passengers on goes down in a storm, all hands lost, the Baudelaires are presumed drowned with the rest. Which is positively providential. The first event of any import to occur is that Klaus swipes some cash from a dead man’s wallet. Violet has ethical qualms but Klaus quashes them by pointing out that Sunny’s starving:
”I’d do anything for her,” he said. “Even become a thief or a murderer.”
Then his dark eyes found Violet’s. “I’d do it for you, too.”
So on the one hand I think this is rather extra. I mean, what possible use could a dead man have had for that money? Money that could put actual food in Sunny’s stomach. The Baudelaires are keenly aware that justice does not equal unquestioning obedience to authority and I think their exposure to a raft of tyrannical and unjust authority figures has hammered that home. They’re down with bending the rules because they know the rules are never even-handedly applied anyway (ie. the show trial at Hotel Denouement, the farcical final exam at Prufrock Academy). On the other hand I remember how uneasy they felt about stealing Hal’s keys in Hostile Hospital, and that was barely a misdemeanor! A friend of mine astutely pointed out how Violet is always trying to behave in any given situation the way their parents would have wished, whereas Klaus takes a pragmatic approach: do whatever keeps his sisters safe. And that is a very interesting contrast and one I want to see explored further.
They get on a train. Things that happen: Klaus notices when Violet is down in the dumps or angry or upset or in this case, wistfully jealous of other people who lead “normal” lives, bustling all around them. He’s not in love with her yet but noticing is the first step. Violet atm is super focused on being the elder sister, the adult in the room, the One In Charge. They get off the train and as soon as they blow into town Violet gets catcalled and propositioned. One of the themes of this fic is the horrendous baseline level of violence against women, some of it normalized and casual like the catcalling. The Big Bad Villain of the piece is literally a guy who’s murdered multiple girlfriends on account of them fridging his ass, since he appears to think that women owe him sex. And this man’s driving ambition is to add Violet to his list of conquests.
So often, men treated her as little more than an object … Klaus was different. He saw her, the woman she was inside.
HOW COULD SHE NOT FALL FOR HIM?? Is there another man she could learn to trust enough to fall in love with? However I’m getting ahead of the story. Klaus is still in the phase where he’s awakening to his attraction to Violet:
She was mother and sister, soft skin and tender strength, and he hid his face in her neck. Like a child, she rocked him gently, cradling his head.
I have to protect her, even if it’s from myself.
He couldn’t take this, his brave, beautiful sister, so near … the knowledge of what those men wanted to do to her. I”ll kill them … And what he wanted …
God but it kills me, Klaus thinking that his attraction to Violet is as noxious as those vile men and their rapacious stares. Klaus himself otoh is president of the Violet Baudelaire Fan Club. The contrast could not be more marked. Look at him building her up when she’s about ready to to give up on picking a lock because she’s lost her hair ribbon:
”I’m done, Klaus. I don’t have anything else to give”. ”Vi … “ he was pleading, willing her to believe in herself again, because he did. “You’re a brilliant inventor,” he told her. “It’s who you are. Nothing can take that away. You don’t need your ribbon.”
The unwarranted parallel that he draws between himself and a bunch of sexual predators is the source of so much angst and pining:
Is that what I am? A pervert?
She’ll blame herself for this
Well, well, well, if it isn’t ye olde I’m-Leaving-Her-For-Her-Own-Good-Lest-My-Perverted-Attraction-To-Her-Despoil-Her-Innocence. I am absolute trash for it every time, film at 11.
”I love you, Vi … I’m in love with you.” He said it like he was confessing to a crime, and she wanted to scream, to laugh and cry all at once.
THEIR LOVE IS A CRIME!!! Could these babies be more pure??
They’d always had an extraordinary connection. It was the reason for their seamless partnership, their ability to support one another … But now, the bond that had kept them alive was killing him. How could anything ever be right again?
”Vi, I’m sorry … I want to be your brother, but I can’t … I want to be more than that … I don’t know what to do.” ”Kiss me,” she said, “and be both.”
And she knew she’d never willingly give herself to anyone but him.
she’d loved him even then. Who could tell when they had crossed the line? It was already too late.
cross the line what line??? they were made for each other.
”You know, we missed the sunrise,” he said, nose to nose with his sister.
Violet and Klaus carve an extra hour out of their morning to go make out in the barn. I shit you not these kids spend a whole month without progressing past first base because Klaus doesn’t want to “pressure” Violet into anything she’s not ready for. Violet, for her part, is beginning to suspect there’s something wrong with her person; why hasn’t he even tried to take her top off? Thank you #Patriarchy for teaching us that desirability is the measure of a woman’s worth. God they are so thirsty. This bitch almost fell over the first time he touched her tits:
“Vi,” he spoke into her hair, voice breaking. “Tell me you don’t want this. Tell me to —“ But she only titled her head, to meet his mouth in a feverish kiss.
So Klaus and Sunny are having a snow fight and Violet tugs her glove off to tousle his hair and it’s THE SEXIEST THING I’VE EVER SEEN BYE. True story after I read this fic I legitimately thought that “Vi” was a pet name Klaus called her by in canon, and when I finally finished the books much much later and realized that it wasn’t—well, it should have been.
There is a fairy tale about a princess who disguises herself in the skin of a donkey to escape the attentions of her lecherous father the king. Violet and Sunny discuss it. Violet points out that rape is wrong because rape is rape, because it is coercive, not because it’s incest. I love it when fic highlights the fairytale parallels to the Baudelaires’ situation, and I feel like Donkeyskin was such a spot-on choice because it’s all about surviving sexual assault and learning to make oneself vulnerable again afterwards? Klaus is the prince who sees through her disguise and falls head over heels in love with her CHANGE MY MIND. On the subject of happily ever after:
”Is that what you think I want? A fairytale? A walk down the aisle in a white dress?" He felt a lump forming in his throat. "Most girls think about those things, don't they?" "I don't," she told him. "I prefer not to. And as for children…well…I love them. That's why I don't want any of my own … how selfish would I be, to bring another little life into this? Another hostage they could use against us. Imagine how awful it would be if…" She shook her head. "No children… not ever. I couldn't protect them." And she turned to him with a soft look. "It's no sacrifice, Klaus. Not for me. I've already been through a… a wedding, you know." He felt her shudder, and she averted her eyes. "I won't be sorry if I never see another wedding dress again."
My dudes, when you have children each and every one of them is a hostage to fortune because of course they are. Also, Violet’s traumatized by the whole idea of being a bride, after going through the wringer of her fake wedding to Olaf. Olaf put Sunny in a cage to compel her compliance, and that’s what the Big Bad in this fic does too. He says things like “You’re a sick little bitch, aren’t you? Spreading your legs for your own brother” which turns their beautiful relationship into this ugly depraved thing to be ashamed of. I mean, this guy was literally a voyeur who would watch them from his hidey-hole while they were being intimate?? My god I would feel so unclean. And the worst part is, he overheard them calling each other by their real names not their aliases, so now he knows who they are and since the Baudelaires are still on the lamb this is bad. It gets pretty dark pretty fast.
“He won't want you anymore! No one's gonna want you when we're done!"
So he kidnaps and rapes Violet. Klaus and Sunny rescue her, dispatch the villain (Klaus’s earlier “I’d do anything” for his sisters, including becoming “a thief or a murderer,” acquires sudden resonance), and that’s when fucking Count Olaf shows up!!!! These kids just cannot catch a break. Turns out the Big Bad was actually working for Count Olaf all along. Olaf’s plan is still the same plan from The Bad Beginning where he plotted to steal the Baudelaire fortune by marrying Violet. Since Count Olaf has never in his life paid a henchman a salary, he was keeping the Big Bad sweet by promising to let him ravish Violet first. Let the full enormity of that sink in. Oh wait a minute Olaf isalso bent on knocking Violet up asap so the union can’t be dissolved on non-consummation grounds, or somesuch:
"You look at me as if I were a usurper, boy, about to steal something of yours. Tell me…" He gestured at Violet. "Is she yours?"
Why would you do this to me??????? This is so, so painful. Olaf uses an electric cattle prod on Klaus and makes Violet watch??? It’s ok though the Baudelaires prevail in the end, and emerge from the bloodstained ordeal as the family they are. My kink will forever be Violet and Klaus praising each other’s bravery and resourcefulness. They! Are! So! Proud! and! Supportive! Of! Each! Other! This line from earlier in the fic gets me every time:
I’ve failed them. This was his greatest fear, worse than death or any torment fate could devise. In his head, he imagined the struggle, saw his girls beaten and shot, felt each blow and bullet as if his own body were the target instead.
Klaus Baudelaire laying down his own body between the world and his sisters is really the only thing I care about:
And then her gaze fell to the marred canvas of his body.
I bet his back is a mess of burn marks ugh. Four weeks after Violet’s discharged from the hospital (practical Violet made sure to get the green light from the medical professionals) they finally have sex again, which is a relief—after the rape they were both hesitant to initiate sex because she thought she was damaged goods and he thought she wanted space? Silly kids. Oh and and here they are being mistaken by strangers for a pair of lovebirds:
One of the women sighed dreamily. "Did you ever see a more likely pair of turtledoves?" "Of course not," Mr. Poe sputtered, dabbing his brow with a handkerchief. "The very idea!" And he excused himself hurriedly, to make some phone calls. "Don't be silly," said the other. "They're siblings. Haven't you heard? … They're the Baudelaire orphans." "Well, I daresay," the first one went on, "anyone would've taken them for sweethearts."
The Baudelaires finally, finally come into their fortune free and clear. They put on their parents’ wedding rings and move to Canada. A cat (!!!) leaves baby Beatrice II in a basket outside their front door, and that completes their family. Nobody deserves good things more than these kids, and this fic ends exactly where it ought, describing “a rural life of moral simplicity.”
I read this fic years ago and it was w i l d rereading it again, thanks for coming along for the ride. If anyone wants to scream/cry about this fic in particular, or Violet and Klaus in general, feel free to send me an ask or message me ANYTIME
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pumpkunbread · 6 years
Untitled Mermaid AU Fic?
I was inspired by @arcanedrabbles Siren AU and wrote a tail, tale of my own. I look forward to reading more of The Captain’s Tale! Its very cute!! This does not have sirens and pirates, but mermaids are close too right? (contains a small apprentice insert with Julian but hardly any details of her are mentioned) Not finished!
Part 1.2 and Part 2
Ava walks along the edge of the Wounded Coast, a dangerous cliffside with angry, relentless waves beating against the tired rocks. She wandered too far from the beach again today. The crowds never fail to displease her and push her away, only allowing quiet, stolen moments at the beach in the early hours of the mornings she is able to visit on. Vesuvian waters are bitter cold in the winter, but with scorching summers the place becomes a famous hotspot for the locals that sadly leave little room for privacy. So she drifted away from the crowd and ended up here.
The Coast, however, with its unsafe terrain, leave only the stupid or the brave to test its safety. The tall cliffs jut every which way at varying heights, only adding to its danger and beauty of the land. Below holds foaming waves sure to pull you under if you fall with little chance at escape, as if the sea itself wishes not to release you from its embrace. A narrow path winds down closer to the water that which Ava stands on, blinking furiously out of a daydream to find herself here.
She looks up and see the edges of the cliffs above her, rather than below her feet one would normally peer from. The ledge she occupies barely allows a person to walk along, some sections requiring hugging the wall to continue as it winds lower and lower to meet the deep blue water.
Worried, and shaking her head vigorously as if that will tell her brain to pay more attention, she pivots around to ascend back up and set course for home. The sun greets high in the sky and casts no shadows as she walks. Mindlessly, she starts to sing a wordless tune.
And swears she hears a harmonizing voice singing back at her.
Confused, she quickly stops. The voice in question quits a few beats after, as if startled by the sudden pause.
She resumes where she left off, and sure enough the voice returns to sing with her. The sound is beautiful, a smooth voice that makes her only want to listen to its sweet song, but knows if she stops it will too.
The sound comes from further down the path. Who could be all the way down there, she thinks. Those who travel here have near nothing to find and return home with, or never return at all. This place was once rumored of being haunted, a gossip in town spreading one day as a young couple runs back to town, terrified. Its since been ignored, but remains a commonly avoided spot with good reason, especially fearful in the hours of the night.
They do not appear in distress, whoever it is, but in the back of her mind knows this is a horribly idiotic idea.
She’s not been known to be the wisest person.
Once again she turns back around to continue on the path she started, still singing her tune and carefully listens to find the source of the voice. It seems to drown out the waves themselves, its usual noise only a distant echo. Warm, rich, unintentionally inviting, it beckons her onward.
At this level, holes have been dug into the cliffs themselves as if carved. The water changes elevation during certain times of the year with summers low enough that these peek out without being covered it seems.
Without warning, a merciless wave crashes near the side she stands on, but nonetheless startles her enough that her foot slips off the narrow ledge, pulling her down into the waiting waters below.
She's able to breach the surface after landing in the salty water just before it drags her back under, stealing one last gulp of air before it does. This is it, she thinks to herself, I was stupid enough to wander off this much, down this far. Oh, how will I tell the shopkeep?
She struggles for as long as she can muster. The ocean is relentless in its eagerness, a new visitor to stay with her. Its strength too much to handle alone, dragging her further and further to her new awaited bed to sleep in. Closing her eyes, the remainder of her stolen breathe pushes out of her lungs in a burning gasp, bubbles helplessly floating up as she sinks. Her consciousness starts to slip away to give her some sort of ending peace. She thinks before being swallowed in darkness that a hand closes around her upper arm...
She wakes to find her back laying flat against stone, her body soaking wet and only slightly shivering as she opens her eyes. Her lungs burn, and her stomach decides to cough up sea water as she quickly turns over while her body curls in on itself in pain. She takes deep, agonizing breaths and looks around, a dark cave welcoming her back to consciousness. She can see the blue sky through the mouth of the cave, the sun slightly lower than before but the waves angry in her surprising escape.
...How did she escape?
Ava looks around again, only to find nothing around but a pair of glowing eyes staring straight at her through the barely-lit cave. A small scream rips from her throat before immediately causing her to cough again, salt water still lingering and wrecking her voice. She then backpedals on her hands and feet toward the exit, towards the freedom and escape from this place after gaining a second chance.
In her panic the alluring voice from before begins to softly hum at her, and she freezes. Its melody, now heard by itself, sounds melancholic. Sad. The pitch rings a deep, rich tone that brings her to the verge of tears in its unspoken story.
She slightly relaxes and finds the eyes blinking at her, seemingly approaching her as the voice grows ever louder. Her eyes threaten to spill tears as fear, mixed with curious wonder, blurs her vision from the approaching entity. Ava closes her eyes to let them fall down her face, once again accepting the incoming meeting with death. She waits but it never comes. In fact, the voice hushed into silence and she dares open her eyes.
Blinking the rest of her tears away, and re-adjusting to the dim light of the cave, Ava finds herself staring face to face with a man.
A mess of wet auburn curls sits on this head, wild and seemingly impossible to tame. A portion hides his right eye as the other peers at her from merely a foot from her face. His grey eye is transfixed on her, seeming to peer directly into her soul itself. Sharp cheekbones are etched into his face while his lips are slightly agape in awe, sporting pearly white fangs as his teeth.
She blinks and finds them still there, in addition to gills slit into his neck and the ear not covered by his bright hair not resembling any human ear. She also notices him shirtless, body submerged in a pool within the cave that she lays next to.
His lips open wider to speak, in a voice that sounds like heaven itself, “Are you alright?”
She nods her head in acknowledgement, not feeling any worse except her upset stomach, burning lungs, and swirling mind. He smiles at her, exhaling a breathe she didn't realize he was holding.
“That was quite a fall you had. You almost didn’t make it out” he pauses, waiting for some other response. A sound. Ava does not speak, too stunned to form words as she stares.
He splashes the water in front of him onto her face, doing no harm as the clothes are still dripping wet. She blinks again and wipes her face with her hand to look back him.
“My name’s Julian, but some call me Ilya. May I ask for yours?” his dark eyebrow lifts in question.
“Ava.” she speaks quietly after an agonizing moment.
“Ava,” he repeats, testing the name on his tongue, and holds out a pale hand. Her name on his tongue melts her from its sound. “It's a pleasure to meet you.”
Cautiously she raises her hand to shake it, but immediately lets go at the touch of scales. He flinches and lowers his hand down to the edge of the still pool.
“Right, thats just a people thing I suppose. Worth a shot all things considering. There are, well, there are very strange mannerisms sometimes up there, I swear.”
“Who are you?” she tentatively asks, still unsure what to make of this entire situation.
A pause hangs heavy in the air before the man, Julian, raises his hand again to rest under his chin, cheek jutting up into an adorable pout.
“It might be easier to show you.”
“Show me? Show me what?”
He turns sideways and next to him emerges from the pool a brightly colored tail. Its hues gleam in oranges and reds, blending together to make a vibrant sunset color. It slowly fades darker as it travels toward his navel, a beautiful gradient of scarlet scales that are impossible to cast eyes away from. Ava cannot help but wonder its beauty reflected in sunlight. Its as if his entire being is begging for attention.
“Beautiful.” she finds herself saying, before bringing a hand to her mouth and holding it there, surprised to say aloud.
Julian blushes to match his scales, traveling from his cheeks to his ears and down his neck that he cannot hide.
“T-thank you.” he stammers, but submerges his tail back underneath the water.
“Are you a... siren?”
“I do not wish to eat you. I’ll spare your life this once.” he dodges the question grinning, sharp, white teeth clearly visible in the dark as he crosses his arms atop his chest.
Despite everything, she can clearly see through this lie and it shows plainly on her face. He exhales through his nose in a silent laugh.
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Happy Holidays! Have some of my Modern Collage AU!
Pairing: Springles (Sasha Blouse x Connie Springer)
Rating: G (General Audiences)
World: Modern/Collage AU
It was only 5:49pm and it was already pitch black outside. The wonders of Winter. Sasha stared out the kitchen window aimlessly; watching the snow fall, gazing at passersby walking down the side walk, peering up when she spotted headlights, but quickly leaned back onto the windowsill again when she could see the vehicle and that it wasn’t the one she was looking for. She played with the band around her wrist, and then switched to play with her hair that she had taken down to shower earlier that day.
She was waiting for Connie to get back to their shared dorm home. They rented it with their giant group of friends, seeing as it could fit all of them snugly with the absurd number of rooms and space held within. It was nice having a big house to goof around in and a bunch of cool people to hang out with. It was rare that no one was home, so you were guaranteed to having someone there to bug.
Lost in thought a bit, Sasha barely noticed the headlights in the driveway go off, but the change was enough to have her sit fully up from her lean and smoosh her face up against the chilly glass to get a better look. When she saw the figure digging out bags from the trunk, she knew it was Connie that had come back. More than half the house had gone out somewhere, and the other half were either decorating, or sick, or taking care of the sick.
Sasha broke into a mad sprint to the front door, swinging it open with ease. She started making her way down the walkway. After locking his car, Connie looked up at the form approaching him.
“Hey Sash! It’s freezing out here, go back in, I’m good!” he called with a big smile adoring his face.
She ignored him and continued to make her way forward. Once reaching him, she smiled brightly.
“Gimme half! I can at least help a little!” She demanded in a jolly tone.
Seeing as Marcel and Ymir were sick, Sasha opted to make them some nice soup while Connie left to shop for a few things. She felt bad not accompanying him, but the look of delight on Marcel’s face and the wonky, but genuine smile on Ymirs face with the soup offering was more than worth it. That and Porco thanking her as well in such a heartfelt way. It was nice and then funny when Pieck pointed out how sappy he looked so he retreated back into the living-room (stomped back, more like it) to continue decorating.
Connie relented and gave her about half the bags to which she happily took them, taking big strides back to the house, leaving Connie’s warnings of slowing down and not slipping as well as his comment on how he’d be in the house by now on deaf ears.
Once inside, they were greeted with Porco yelling to “close the damn door” and Pieck welcoming Connie back from the living-room. Connie greeted them both back as he knocked his boot against the outside trim before making his way in. He kicked his boots off, like Sasha did, and dropped his half of the bags off onto the counter. Sasha was already unloading them and placing food into the fridge or freezer or cupboard or wherever they needed to go.
“Ohh! Thanks for the measuring stuff, Reiner still couldn’t find that spoon set that he swore he had. Plus we really needed some big measuring cups.” She exclaimed. Connie grinned back at her in response as he unloaded the bags before him. Placing the bags of chips in the counter top, Connie peered over to Sasha who had collected a number of things and was lining them up on the island.
“Wait, you wanna make the cookies now?” he asked, eyeing up all the ingredients needed for Gingerbread.
“YES! This is what I’ve been waiting for!” She exclaimed, overjoyed.
This was her favorite part of the holidays, making deserts, but especially making Gingerbread cookies. She still couldn’t drive a vehicle herself and had to rely on others taking her out or getting stuff for her, but seeing as everyone was so busy this time of year, she hadn’t been able to go and get all the baking supplies she needed this year. It had her feeling mildly depressed, so when Connie finally asked what she needed that morning, she teared up.
“Okay, okay! Wash your hands and we’ll get started.” He lamented.
She nodded, turning to the sink, before she stopped to tie her hair up into a high pony tale. Connie took this time to wash his hands, and when she began to wash hers, he noticed how much the sweater she wore hung off her shoulders.
“Soooooo, what happened to the sweater?” He asked.
She snorted and started drying her hands.
“I stretched it out a bit too much to make it comfy.” She began, a big grin on her face, ”And then I washed it and the hole was even bigger, so now I gotta go out and buy Bert a new one altogether.”
A lot of them decided to dig into Bertholdt’s sweater collection and steal whatever fit, which, everything fit everyone and then some. Bert didn’t pay any mind, he thought it was cute and happily allowed the sweaters to be borrowed. Key word is: Borrow. So Sasha very much did need to buy the guy a new sweater, but she knew Bert wouldn’t really care much, he’d appreciate her going out of her way to get him a new one.
“So where do we start?” Connie spoke. He’d never made Gingerbread himself, only bought the pre-made stuff at the store to decorate. Sasha looked up at him, a gleam in her eyes and a giant smile on her lips.
She began taking him through the steps: dry mix, wet ingredients, mixing, rolling, all with excitement. At his question as to why she had a sad look about her at points, she told him it was something she and her Grandma would do every Holiday season. She loved it so much and it was always her favorite thing, spending time with her Grandma. She didn’t say much after that and Connie viewed her with understanding. He wouldn’t push what didn’t need to be pushed.
“Well, if you want, we can make this a yearly thing between us.” He started, causing Sasha to stop and look up at him. He folded the dough again and pressed down. “You can teach me, just like your Grandmother taught you, and we can make these every single year!” He finished, grinning and looking to her. She gave a sweet smile back to him and nodded.
“I’d love that, Connie.”
After cutting out all the cookies into people and filling the trays, Sasha popped them into the pre-heated oven where it would take a time before they were done. The two washed their hands again.
“It feels so oo-y goo-y, but it’s kinda cool after a while.” He spoke, a bit grossed out at how the remnants of dough fell from his fingers in little gloops while under the water. It was kinda nasty, but it reminded him of silly puddy and just being a little kid in general.
“You’ll get used to it. Over time, you start to love it and can’t wait for it.” Sasha spoke, obviously remembering over time how she felt about folding the dough.
“Thick doughs feel a lot different from thin ones and wet ones, those are sticky and get EVERYWHERE.” She laughed.
“Yeesh, maybe we can work our way up to that then.” He said in response, wincing a bit.
“Yes, of course!” She agreed.
They started cleaning up after turning some music on to get them into the mood. Cleaning was never the fun part, but it had to be done. They moved around each other seamlessly, almost dancing. When they’d bump into each other they would laugh and giggle quick apologies, before going back into the rhythm. It didn’t take to long to scrub the islands counter and throw away the tiny pieces that didn’t make it and were too small to do anything with, even together. They hand washed the bowls and measuring cups and spoons and utensils, and through idle chatter they found the cookies to be done.
Sasha took them out wearing her oven mitts and put the trays onto the stove top to cool off.
“Kay, so now we get the frosting and stuff ready to decorate!” She began, gathering up the various coloured frostings from the counter to place onto the island.
“Should we use some paper towel or something so we don’t have to clean much again?” Connie interjected.
The strawberry brunette shook her head, yes, and grabbed something from one of the pull-out drawers.
“Parchment paper.” She spoke. “It’ll keep everything clean as we decorate. When we finish a cookie we can just put it back onto the trays for now, since the icing would then need time to set.”
She ripped some of the paper off of the roll and placed it onto the island with the icing.
“Perfect!” Connie exclaimed. “Also, I’ll be back, potty break.” He quickly said before he left the kitchen.
He returned to Sasha touching the cookies lightly. She looked back at him and stated they were cool enough to decorate now. He helped her bring the trays into the island where they could reach things better and the two began their decorating.
Sasha decided to make her cookies look like their housemates. She asked Connie ahead of time to make sure he got black icing to which he had asked if it even existed. After looking to her cookies now and then, he realized why and thought it was cute.
Connie went a different way. He wasn’t so good at piping, nor was he going to bother with filling, so, he just drew squiggles and swirls. He made a face on each one, at least, but the most important thing was having a steady hand with the letters. On the chest of everyone one of his Gingerbread people was a letter. Even if Sasha looked over, she may think that Connie just didn’t know what to fill the space with, so he’d just put a letter there, but she was fully engrossed in what he was doing to pay much attention to him.
When the two had finished they looked over their tiny Gingerbread friends.
“Wow, Sash, thats super cool!” Connie expressed with joy as he looked over the cookies Sasha had worked hard on. “Also, where are the giant muscles on Gingerbread Me?” He joked, earning him a laugh and a tiny shove, which he snickered at.
“No, but, honestly...These are amazing, they’ll love ‘em.” He complimented.
“Thanks, I’m sure everyone’ll have a fun time eating themselves.” She grinned. “So, let me see what you’ve got.” She peered up at him expectantly.
It took him a few seconds of just nervously gazing at her, to move his body away from what he had been covering up.
The Gingerbread people had been placed in a way where the letters on their chests could spell something. It took Sasha a moment of genuinely loving what Connie had done with all the Gingerbread people to spell out what was written.
“...U...Wanna Date...?” She said out loud. It then clicked in. She turned her head to Connie who had the biggest blush she’d ever seen on him, and that alone lit her own face up. She looked back to the cookies, reading it in her head again and then back to Connie who looked a bit more worried than before.
She snorted and then began to laugh whole-heartedly, a sweet look on her face. Connie was a bit taken aback, but when Sasha turned to face him and wrapped her arms around his neck, and then leaned in to kiss him, he knew it was okay. They both smiled into the kiss and they both broke it to laugh. Sasha held him close, to which he responded by wrapping his arms around her waist.
“So what does that mean?” He questioned was a love struck look. She looked up at him, giving him a quick peck on the lips.
“It means, as long as we eat those now, so no one else thinks you’re asking them out, I’ll date you.” She answered.
It was Connies turn to burst out laughing now. He loved her, so very much.
“It’s a deal!”
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coffeefueledauthor · 6 years
Fanfiction Ideas: Which do You Like?
Here is a list of all of my current story ideas that I plan on writing. As you know, my plot lines are generally kind of crazy. >w< But I will be sure to include more grounded, normal stories as well. 
I will be writing the first chapter of all those that people show interest in. And if you REALLY like what you read and want to be REALLY awesome, please be sure to donate to my patreon. Because I will only be able to write all these tales if I can gather enough patrons to make this my full time job. Patrons will recieve plenty of exclusive bonuses and early access.
Title: Out of Place Fandom: Inside Out Style: Full novel Description: A young girl feels like her mind has been numbed, and she begins to blame it on the mysterious figures appearing around the house. Join Riley as she attempts to help these tiny creatures, who claim to be her own emotions, back home. But with cats, exterminators, and her own nosy cousin, the task may be harder than she thinks. Notes: This story is already posted up to chapter 44. Find it on fanfiction.net
Title: Always By My Side Fandom: Inside Out Style: Full novel Description: Delve into the mind of Riley's mother during her pregnancy. For while she is carrying the developing infant in her womb, her emotions are busy raising the childs five infant emotions. They have only 9 months to prepare the youngsters for life inside their new host with the pressure of their inevitable separation weighing heavily on their thoughts. Notes: This story has been plotted out for over a year. A sneak peek is available on Fanfiction.net
Title: Infected Fandom: Super Mario Style: Full Novel Description: Luigi could tell something was wrong. Mario never acted this way before. But he never could have predicted just how destructive this mysterious affliction would become. Luigi desperately attempts to find answers before his brothers entire mind is consumed by this horrible infection. Notes: Lots of crazy stuff happenning. This story already has 10 chapters. They will be posted to Fanfiction.net in the coming days.
Title: Wrong Place, Worse Time Fandom: MST3K Style: full novel Description: After a string of freak accidents, the Satellite of Love is forced to crash land on a far off alien planet. The bots attempt to relocate one another so they can repair thier ship and blast off again. But they happened to arrive during an all out alien war, and the invaders have taken Joel prisoner. To save their creator, they'll have to work alongside the planet's natives and win a war that they had nothing to do with. Notes: Originally The MST3K Manga, now rewritten as a novel. A mix of comedy and adventure as the bots bumble their way through a planet at war.
Title: Death Can Change in a Single Night Fandom: Grim Fandango Style: Oneshot Description: It had been a long day for both of them. They had only met earlier that day, and both had lost their jobs and found themselves setting off on some grand adventure. Glottis finds himself lost in his thoughts during their first night away from the department of death; deep in the Petrified Forest. As Manny rests, the demon wonders what might lie on that long road ahead. Notes: Just a wordless little story of Manny and Glottis after they find each other in the petrified forest and decide to travel together.
Title: Demons Don't Have Queens Fandom: Grim Fandango Style: full novel Description: A huge, unique, and powerful demon appears in the Land of the Dead claiming to be the Ancient Demon Queen. She rallies all the demons of the world, leading them in a violent uprising against their human soul 'oppressors'. Manny remains unconvinced, and Glottis loyally stays by his side. But when the demons assume control, it's up to Manny and Glottis to find a way to dethrone this ancient queen. But as they dig deeper into this demons backstory, things only get more complicated. Especially when they discover that, unlike bee's, Demons don't have Queens. Notes: A really wild adventure full of Manny's dry wit and tons of crazy plot elements. Takes place after the game, but I guess before Manny leaves.
Title: The Lost Testimony Fandom: Phoenix Wright Style: Full Novel Description: Shortly before he is to testify in a mysterious murder case, renowned Forensic Medical Examiner Dr. M. Balmer goes missing. Phoenix, the defense attorney for the case, takes it upon himself to locate the missing witness. But during his search, Phoenix is attacked and falls victim to the same fate as the disappearing doctor. Now a prisoner in what feels like the other end of the world, Phoenix must unravel the mystery behind this black market trade he's become involved in if he ever hopes to return to his normal life. Notes: Part of my suuuuuper old For the Birds AU. All characters are different species of bird, with Phoenix as (obviously) a phoenix. Weird AU, but interesting story with a crazy mystery and bittersweet ending.
Title: Not Our First Abduction Fandom: South Park Style: Full Novel Description: Alien activity isn't exactly unheard of in the lonely mountain town. In fact, Stan barely bats an eye when he and nearly a dozen other children find themselves forced aboard a rouge spaceship and taken to a far off planet. But things turn drastic when, in their grand escape attempt, one child fails to break free of the alien clutches. Finding help on the home planet of their captors seems impossible, but they'll have to try. With assistance, they'll be able to bust out their buddy and fly their stolen spaceship back home. Otherwise, they'll be forced to attempt to fly the alien ship themselves, leaving an imprisoned Kyle stranded on the floating rock forever. Notes: Though dotted with darker notes, a lot of effort is used to keep an element of humor to the story. Lots of craziness, but none beyond what we get from the actual show itself.
Title: END TRANSMISSION Fandom: Pikmin Style: Oneshot Description: While out on a mission to catalog the native plants of the nearby worlds, Hocotation Botanist Gotto ends up stranded with no fuel and only 30 days of life support. But by day 15, its clear that fuel is nowhere to be found. Accepting his fate, Gotto spends his last days doing what he loves; cataloging the beautiful foliage of the world that will be his grave. As his thirtieth day draws to a close, Gotto logs one last transmission to his 'blackbox', explaining his fate to anyone who stumbles upon the crash site and offering a final farewell to those he had loved. Notes: One of a slim few stories I have involving an OC. But I wasn't about to kill off Olimar, heh. Definitely one of my sadder stories.
Title: It's Only a Game Fandom: Psychonauts Style: Short story Description: A mans slow decent into madness as his repeated failure to win a simple board game breaks his fragile psyche and takes him from an insane asylum orderly to an inmate. Notes: I bet someone has already written this, but I wanted to take a crack at it, since he was always my favorite.
Title: Digimon: Of Chaos and Time Fandom: Digimon Style: Full novel Description: Just as before, eight humans are transported to the Digital World and paired with unique Digimon Partners. They are instructed by the sage Salvusmon to locate the digital Time God to save the Digital World from being consumed by the rapidly growing Chaos World. Though they start in high spirits on their journey, things begin to look bleak when they realize they arent the first Digidestineds to attempt this same feat. Notes: Much like its own season, this follows unique humans and Digimon of my own design. This is a story I have been working on since I was 10. A lot may have changed, but the heart of the tale never did.
Title: Asterisk Fandom: Oddworld Style: Short story/full novel Description: Abe never really saw himself as a hero. But now the role of 'savior' has been thrust upon him. Wandering through the Scrabania and Paramonia wilderness to recieve his Shrykull scars, he muses to himself about the way history will remember him after his no doubt unavoidable failure. The word Savior, he figures, will be marked with an asterisk. And the beings following him in silence are forced to agree. Notes: Depending on how crazy I'm willing to make it, this could either be much longer or much shorter. I haven't decided yet.
Title: Escape from Dimension Q! Fandom: Iz and Auggie: Escape from Dimension Q! Style: Video Game Novelization Description: Teenager Iz and robot Auggie are bandmates that find themselves with one shot at recieving a record contract from the biggest name in the business. But for reasons neither of them can explain, their instruments had refused to play their song, and they failed their audition miserably. They have little time to grieve, however. When two agents in black send them on a mission into an alternate dimension, Iz and Auggie realize that losing the contract was the least of their concerns. Notes: A direct novelization of a computer game by Headbone Interactive. Two chapters are already finished, and will be posted in the coming days.
Thats all the ideas I can remember right now. But I have way more to come! Let me know which ones sound interesting! Or let me know which fandoms I should think of more ideas for!
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siirkaian · 4 years
so having finished writing this is.............. a rambling adventure of a post but
ive been sorta on the fence about adding siirka into the story bc like. literally siirka was the second character of the story i ever created but. was the one that created the story bc barren was the first siirkaia character i made but they werent created as a part of siirkaia, it was after siirka (in the form of ace) that the story was a thing. anyway. i have bad experiences w an actual spirit who pretended to be? was? a part of siirka irl and so im like FUCK if ill ever give that bastard screen time! plus siirka himself is an absolute asshole and works more as the mythical lovecraftian terror i want him to be if hes never actually shown beyond his like........ body’s omnipresence. like all the animals in siirkaia are bright white approximations of earth animals bc spoiler alert. siirka once saw Earth and the story is he loved the way humans screamed so he wanted to make an entire world with entities like humans but more subservient to torment and he did so. out of his own hair? complcated. and so the only entities that are “real” in siirkaia are the Demos/human equivalents, all the animals are white bc siirka is the white god, white hair and skin. so its implied hes literally the planet itself and the animals and. an awful but extremely powerful god whose mere presence means torture and destruction being absent from the world.............. but questionably present? most of siirkaia is supposed to be........... in my head at least, and if i ever write it or make comics, siirkaia is supposed to be a mystery. barren the main character has visions, like youre supposed to piece things together like a soulsborne game lmaO and the idea of figuring out that hold on, all the animals are white, siirka is possibly the planet itself asleep, does that mean siirka has been the animals this whole time? Is he awake and watching everyone through the animals? if not then when he wakes up what will happen? Animals outnumber demos like a million to one given all the types of animals out there......... plus the demos then are really alone. Dunno! I like that
but like............ siirka cant show up bc he’s literally fucking unstoppable, he shows up in the Earth AU which is. canon. bc its literally the cast of siirkaia reincarnated on Earth (barren/kindle are reincarnated, so is Mercy and siirka as O’sullivan, but Stardust appears in a human form visible to humans like a normal person but is actually a spirit, moving back and forth between siirkaia’s world and Earth....) but like. siirka’s mind was taken in a war and thrown by mercy into the ocean of earth so. he shows up like a fucking kaiju emerging from the water when the O’sullivan brothers die, uh. basically his consciousness is kept occupied by reincarnation, the osulliivans are the last of his incarnations, he wakes up. anyway. the asshole fucking dickhead of a spirit took the form of the youngest osullivan brother and you see! I dont want to give that idiot anymore attention than he deserves (none) because the spirit feeds off it and like................ fuck him lmfao
so its like........... the complication is that the ending climax of the story is that urenka- revives siirka’s body OR is possessed by siirka and destroys the world (not intended, hes screaming and crying while he does so because oops hes 99% dependent on siirka, built to be a servant and nothing more) since you know. siirkas body is the world, when its animated again everything is reduced to white hair/white rings in geometric patterns but im like...................... do i WANT siirka there?????????? Forget the spirit thing, theres no greater terror than the unknown baybey!!!! and introducing siirka............ Like he already shifts shape like urenka- does but even worse, wildly, its like a deep dream video in a literal nightmare, impossible to keep track of, his mood switches several times within sentences to wild ends, he does whatever the fuck he wants with every action whether thats tearing people to shreds or crying or terrifying people with his appearance or........................... a million inhuman things i could never conceive of, but their very idea can be captured without confining him to a human depiction....................................... see the issue?? I need him at the end, but i cant show him
anyway. this fuckin wandering rant was. unintentionl. i just wanted to joke that im here saying “fuck you siirka youll never be in this fuckin story” and then i realised i named the story siirkaia. literally supposed to be “siirka’s absent”/””no siirka”/etc LMFAO in my defence. siirkaia has been called A Prince’s Tale for like at least half a decade so i forgot but like. fuck siirka all my homies hate siirka
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