#but he's such a unique case...there's always that slim chance
eats-the-stars · 11 months
doing all kinds of research into growth hormone deficiency to figure out what’s going on w/my 4yo nephew. kinda telling that they called us up in the late evening on 4th of July weekend to tell us that his growth hormone and blood glucose levels are both “dangerously low.” they ran the numbers by two separate endocrinologists and it’s honestly not a huge surprise since he’s definitely got growth issues. Very anxious because they really made it sound like he needs these growth hormone shots to work or else he’s not gonna make it. And I don’t think there’s a Plan B for this kind of thing. So even if he has bad side effects, it’s either the shots or nothing. So I’m both not looking forward to having to start giving him these shots, but also wanting to bite the bullet and give him the shots and have the doctors test his blood again and say “Okay, the shots are working, he’s going to be okay as long as he takes them.” It’s terrifying because I don’t think there’s a second option here. And his case is very unique. He has seen a ridiculous amount of doctors, they have done so many tests. and none of them know what he’s got going on. they can treat all the individual stuff so far, but it’s frightening when there aren’t any other cases they can point to and say “See, that person had the same thing and this is what you can expect in the future.” I think right now they think he might have two super rare medical conditions that when combined present differently than anything they’ve seen before, confusing any attempts at diagnosis. which could be it. he has a lot of “1 in super big number” children are born with this specific thing. the doctors have honestly settled on “he just has his own thing going on” and I don’t think we’re gonna get a decisive answer an that, ever. At least the novelty does compel a LOT of doctors to be willing to see him and suggest things and run tests and fight insurance for his treatments. my sister’s also great at advocating for him. she works in an elementary school so she’s very good at using her "working with small children” voice to make people feel like they should be very polite and listen carefully because this is what we’re going to do, okay? Also lucky because in my experience, pediatrics takes shit more seriously than adult medicine. part of that is probably because nobody can maintain a heart of stone in the face of a “medically complex” 4yo blissfully playing with his little Lightning McQueen toy during the whole appointment while his guardians want to know if he can live without this treatment, if the insurance company denies it.
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soursvgar · 1 year
Hi there! Was reading through your posts and im absolutely enchanted by the way you write the brothers :)
If its okay to put in a request, Could you write for an artistic MC asking to draw the brothers? Or if all of them is too much, just luci, satan and mayybe solomon?
Artistic MC asking to draw them ♡
A/N: first of all thank you so much!! ;v; I ended up only writing the three you asked so I hope that's okay! I wasn't sure where you wanted me to take it so I tried a couple different directions, I really hope you'd enjoy it! ♡
Lucifer, Satan, Solomon x gender neutral reader ; slightly suggestive but mostly fluff
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
ෆ ━ Lucifer ━ ෆ
Lucifer would most likely refuse to admit that it makes him not only flattered, but also secretly excited when you ask to draw him. Being your muse has a unique ring to it, and he gets giddy simply thinking about you receiving inspiration from him. He prides himself in his elegance, and as modest as he may present himself, you recognizing his beauty and charm serves as a mighty compliment to him, as well as a stroke to his ego.
Chances of rejection were slim in the first place, as Lucifer's guilty pleasure had always been to make you happy, in any way possible, but not at all costs; even he may sometimes refuse you, mostly due to his busy schedule and prior commitments to Diavolo. Therefore, you choose a quiet evening when he had some seemingly rare spare time to suggest the two of you use it for a bonding activity. You hesitate when he asks what's on your mind, but your worries promptly fade when you drop the question, noticing his amused expression. You can immediately tell he likes the idea, and you could just as much conclude of all the different directions his brain is taking it to.
"Use me as your model? Is that what your heart desires?" Lucifer smirks, holding a glass of demonus snug within his fingers. Swirling it, he watches as the liquid inside create stain marks along the rim before his lips inch closer to take a sip. "Very well. In that case, I shall do so." He sets down the glass, now focusing on you as he sprinkles in his own suggestion. "Should I stay clothed for this, though?"
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
ෆ ━ Satan ━ ෆ
Satan himself is a work of art. His perfectly sculpted face and chiseled body pale in comparison to his compelling nature━ it was things like the way his lips moved in perfect sync when he read to you out of a book, and the depth his sentences carried when he made a promise to you, fingers ghosting over yours ever so slightly━ that captured your heart. In the eyes of an artist, the word breath-taking does not do justice to describe his appeal.
It's early morning when you uncharacteristically wake up before Satan does. The dark silhouettes breaching through the window adjacent to the bed in his room fall perfectly on his sleeping features, creating a contour to his already impeccable face. You catch yourself staring, it's not often you get to witness Satan deep in slumber, seeming remarkably relaxed. You barely manage to avert his blonde locks away from his face when his eyes flutter open; lost in his gaze, the words rather slip out of your mouth.
"You want to draw me?" Satan cocks an eyebrow before his expression softens, a grin lifts the corners of his lips. "I've read about it in a novel once, but I didn't realize you find me so enticing to satisfy your artistic ventures." He props himself on his elbow, closing the distance between the two of you as he hushes a reply. "I'll do that, only because I have the most beautiful masterpiece to appreciate while I pose."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
ෆ ━ Solomon ━ ෆ
With Solomon, things just seem to flow like water, effortlessly. Perhaps it was your initial core that connected the both of you, being the two sole humans in the exchange program for a very long time. Or maybe it was the time spent as his apprentice that brought you closer, awarding you with some quality time and a chance to be more familiar with each other. You couldn't pinpoint the exact reason, but something about him just made you feel relaxed, cared for, and appreciated.
Chuckling, he was teasing different poses as you sat by the aisle, physically unable to contain your smile. When you asked to draw him, you hadn't a doubt that he will agree, but you couldn't fathom how enjoyable it would be for him. For the past hour, he eagerly suggested ideas - from the color palette, through different themes, and up to offering some magical tools to add life to the drawing, quite literally.
"You know, I can't really get any work done like this." Snickering, you sit him down in the location of your choice before sneaking a peck to the tip of his nose. "Let me do what I'm good at. You trust me, right?" Just before you turn on your heels and back to your aisle, you feel a tug on your arms.
"There is no one I trust more than you." And with that, Solomon pulls you to his level, capturing your lips in an amorous kiss.
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wing-ed-thing · 9 months
Hidan x Reader x Kakuzu Love Triange Headcanons
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𓆃 So... you're dead.
𓆃 Not to say that Hidan or Kakuzu are completely incapable of love... but it's not going to be traditional, healthy, and even the chances of the best case that you're even satisfied in this partnership is slim to none.
𓆃 And it all depends on you. Because the most important factor here is that you can hold your own with these two. It's like a bad choose your own adventure novel.
𓆃 Even that is pretty high stakes considering that they're both practically immortal and also prone to outbursts of anger and violence.
𓆃 Hidan's affection is like a puppy love. He gets attached quickly, impatiently, and possessively. And given things don't go quite his way, he will lash out without thought. Not to mention his inevitable bordom.
𓆃 Kakuzu's affection is slow and creeping. There's a fondness that must never overstep onto things he deems more important, because the moment you slip in the hierarchy of things holding his attention, he will strike as suddenly and quietly as his initial affection.
𓆃 Your best chances come if you happen to be a near-perfect match for each other. Because Hidan isn't accepting anyone that he cannot share his faith with— remember, Lord Jashin comes first— and Kakuzu won't let anything stop his prioritization of money.
𓆃 Ideally, perhaps you may be more skilled or offer a unique ability that compliments the two. Perhaps you are a religious scholar or are a cut-throat loan shark. It's a tricky balance to strike.
𓆃 The most promising thing about this scenario is that Kakuzu and Hidan will likely get distracted by each other. As possessive as they are, it's likely that their pride will get in the way and they'll duke it out with each other.
𓆃 It's probably best if you keep it this way, as you don't have to deal with the inevitable boredom that will likely come with actually partnering up with one or the other.
𓆃 Throw your weight around, show your skill, and don't show interest.
𓆃 The safest option would be Kakuzu. He's more predictable, and while money is king, this is something that can be more easily shared. Any rule-breakers around money can be avoided as he is the more logical of the two.
𓆃 While Kakuzu isn't easily impressed by any means, his respect can be won over (which would guarantee a degree of safety and may lead to a thriving partnership).
𓆃 Competence in negotiating, a fair but aggressive bargainer (without being cheeky), knowledge of politics... Kakuzu can be won over in a series of discussion.
𓆃 Compliments by Kakuzu include, but are not limited to, "You have a good head on your shoulders," "You drive a hard bargain," and "Hmp," accompanied by a surprised, yet impressed dip of his lip and nod of his head.
𓆃 (Bonus points if his arms are crossed.)
𓆃 For Hidan, Jashin will always come first. Failure to join or follow new edicts will result in your death. Failure to be as devoted as Hidan would like would likely result in your death. Hidan is also more distractible.
𓆃 Compliments from Hidan don't go much past crass comments about your body, but sometimes he'll say random out of pocket things that make you laugh and he really likes making you laugh.
𓆃 He's really bad at it because he doesn't quite understand what it is that makes you laugh, but he gets such satisfaction out of getting you to laugh.
𓆃 You have to play it by ear. If you hold them off too long, they'll get bored. Really, you have to just pick one eventually and pray it works out.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Three-Man Squad Relationship Headcanons with Kakuzu and Hidan
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Spiderdemon AU Characters
I figured it would be easier if I made a list of all the character roles for Spiderdemon with the Inky Mystery characters. Might be the best way to avoid making things confusing, and in case people have questions then this can hopefully help.
I'm mostly sticking with spiderman characters, because if I included ALL marvel characters I might lose my marbles. (though Felix would be a cool Iron Man.)
Now then, lets get started.
-First of all, The Devil is the Green Goblin. He'd just be called The Devil when out terrorizing people in his villain suit, while he's known as Lucifer, a rich business owner and a powerful figure in Toon Town.
-Dice is Kingpin. Handling the shady business so his boss can keep a good public image.
-Cuphead and Mugman both share the role similar to the Prowler. Though Cuphead goes by Red Diamond and Mugman Blue Spade. Both of them dress as how they dress in Inky Mystery when out working, but they both wear hoods to cover their heads, and smiling masks that look like their cartoon version faces. Adding a creepy twist when they're out on the job.
Both of them use guns. mostly special guns that fire unique and different bullets.
Cuphead, though, has a unique trick.
He has a mechanical arm. He keeps the fact hidden, and wears a special cover over said arm so people don't notice his arm isn't flesh when he's out as a civilian. When out on the field, it doubles as a backup gun.
Though when he got the arm, he wasn't told about a certain SURPRISE that was in the damn thing. Cuphead didn't exactly like said surprise for many reasons in the beginning.
While both Cupbros share the role of Prowler, only Cuphead has this role.
He's also Venom.
It was NOT pretty in the beginning. Cuphead was scared out of his mind when Venom first bonded with his body.
It was a rough time adjusting to it, but by the time Bendy becomes more serious with the hero thing, Cuphead and Venom would have great team work together and be damn good at the jobs they have to do.
Doesn't mean they always get along.
Cuphead: No. Get over it.
Cuphead: I'm not letting you eat my brother over cussing potatoes you big baby!
Mugman overheard that and promised to buy more later to calm Venom down. (Venom wouldn't actually eat Mugman, he just won't admit he's emotionally attached.)
-Holly would have the role of Mary Jane. Curious about Spiderdemon while being friends with Bendy during highschool and probably has a blog reporting all the good things Spiderdemon does. Since she's a couple years older though, before she goes to college, she tells Bendy he better not get himself killed until he can answer all her questions about his powers.
Bendy groaned over how he got busted and he thought he was doing a good job hiding his identity from his friend.
After being busted by her, Holly helps out with whatever she can so Bendy can be more prepared to save the day. Like doing research on criminal organizations or people running from the law, so Bendy can have a better idea on what to expect.
-Oddswell would be The Lizard in this AU. Bendy as Spiderdemon went to him in the beginning for medical help when he'd get hurt in battles, but then things happened that made Oddswell turn into a mutant gecko monster.
He was also Bendy's primary doctor when he was sick and dying in the hospital before getting spider powers. He thought it was suspicious that Bendy healed so fast when his chances were extremely slim. He did tests on Bendy and found some, interesting, things. He suspected Wilson had something to do with it with how quickly he left the hospital after his last visit.
But considering how Wilson was a good friend of his, Oddswell kept quiet, and kept those test results on Bendy secret for his safety knowing if word got out, Bendy would get a lot of unpleasant attention.
-Alice would be Doc Oc, but instead of extra robotic tentacles,  they'd be large robotic and deadly angel wings. She'd be known as Dr. Angel.
She ended up working for the same people that made the spider Wilson stole. Hoping to help people find a way to improve medical aid. Volunteering to do whatever it took to benefit mankind.
She doesn't realize until too late that she's being used by people who will do more harm than good. Not until robotic angel wings are fused to her body that can't be taken off.
It makes her resent Spiderdemon in the beginning. How this happened to her because he got his powers from the spider that was stolen, and now the people she works for will go to any length to get him.
- Oswald is a retired version of Black Cat, but used to go by Lucky Rabbit.
He got mixed up in a life of crime when he was going through things at a younger age, stealing to sell for profit. But then when he realized that wasn't what he wanted to do with his life, he put that all behind him, married Ortensia, and started a family with her before she passed.
Lucky Rabbit has a bit of a history with Felix. Since in this AU Felix still finds old relics that can be worth a fortune, when he was young and was starting his career, Lucky Rabbit stole an artifact Felix was hoping would help people.
At that point Oswald would be a bit smug over his skills, returning to the scene of the crime as a civilian and blend in with the spectators. who are there watching reporters covering what happened as police study the crime scene, looking baffled over how there's barely any clues.
But as he's leaving, he overhears something in another room, and takes a peak. Finding Wilson comforting Felix who's devastated over how Lucky Rabbit stole the artifact and is blaming himself for letting so many people down.
That's the first time Oswald starts feeling guilty and questioning what he's doing.
- Cala takes the role of Sandman. Though she'd be called Sand Gorgon.
Before she got her powers, she used to use a wheelchair. But when she got the power to manipulate sand, she used her powers to wrap a layer of sand around her legs to help her stand up and walk.
When using her powers to fight, her entire lower body is covered in sand, making it look like she has a tail instead of legs.
And water isn't a huge weakness for her. In fact she can manipulate sand underwater to help her swim at incredible speed.
She's also known for using her powers to trap enemies in sand, and make the sand harden together until it becomes stone. Practically turning people into stone statues.
-Lady Facilier takes the role of Kraven the Hunter. She uses Voodoo to hunt people she finds useful to her or is paid VERY well to kill someone.
-Brute takes the role of Rhino, though instead of a crazy dangerous rhino armor suit, Brute dresses in a deadly wolf armor suit. Calls himself Wolf.
-Fanny takes the role of Electro, calling herself Electric Cotton. She used to do crime with Oswald when he was Lucky Rabbit, but when he gave that up, Fanny made some choices that left her in a less than ideal lifestyle.
She's now stuck as a medic for Dice and Devil's employees/minions and occasionally has to do dirty work.
She's the only medic Cuphead and Mugman trust at least.
Brute also doesn’t lay a finger on her in this AU, because he knows she’ll FRY HIM. Doesn’t stop him from being a POS partner though.
-Sarah is Mysterio in this au. She calls herself Nightmare because she can use her illusions to make people's worst nightmares and trap them in a personal hell.
There are rumors about her that she's a lot older than she looks, because all people see when they look at her is an unsettling little girl. No one dares to try confirming that though.
-Pete’s Jay Jonah Jameson. Working on the news station and calling Spiderdemon a menace.
Bendy usually ignores it, but when he's feeling petty, some of his black webbing hits Pete’s office window or car at the news station when fighting a villain. 
Boris later watches Pete on tv yelling about spider demon's terrible aim.
Boris: ... You did that purpose, didn't you?
Bendy: Nooooo.
Boris: Bendy you hit his car 5 times with webs while every other car in that lot was clean!
Bendy: Not my fault the badguy was near his car 5 times.
Bendy does however have to talk Boris out of hacking Pete’s phone to mess with him and his script he worked on for the news channel. He doesn’t want him getting caught and arrested for a prank.
-Granny is Bendy and Boris’ sweet little elderly neighbor. They help out sometimes and keep her company. She used to watch the boys for Felix whenever he’s out of town for a few days until Bendy was old enough, and healthy enough, to watch Boris by himself. She still cooks for the family of three sometimes and is dubbed their honorary grandmother.
Though she scares the daylights out of Bendy when he’s out as Spiderdemon and sees Granny hitting a badguy with her cane if she’s there when he’s fighting. He quickly gets her out of there before the badguy gets over their shock and puts her somewhere safe.
Bendy: Ma’am, you’re the coolest elderly lady ever, but PLEASE never do that again.
Granny: Oh like I’m going to let some bully beat up a helpful young man such as yourself. *pats his face sweetly* Kick his butt dear.
and that's all I got for the characters in this AU. I might come up with more character roles down the line, but for now, this is it.
Hope you all enjoy!! :)
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Psycho Analysis: Bowser
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
Most of the time, saying a character needs no introduction is a bit of an exaggeration, because there is always the chance, however slim, that someone has not heard of that character. That’s not the case here, though; you could go to the deepest, most isolated jungle tribe on Earth, ask the villagers if they’ve heard of Mario, and they’ll all start singing out the Mario theme music. With that in mind, today’s subject absolutely needs no introduction, but out of respect for the King of Koopas I’ll give him one anyway: This is Bowser.
Bowser is not simply a video game villain. Bowser is THE video game villain. Like Mario, Peach, and Luigi, this big old turtle is pretty much a household name, loved far and wide for his iconic design, simple yet effective boss battles, and his inexplicable yet somehow still understandable sexiness. The question is, can I make it through this review without making some sort of crude comment about the raw sexuality the King of Koopas exudes? Lets find out!
Motivation/Goals: Bowser from day one has always been a pretty simple man. All he wants in life is those peaches, peaches, peaches… And I mean, really, can you blame him?
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Yes, his motivations and goals are pretty simple and shallow, but he always manages to make something as trite as rescuing a damsel in distress fun and refreshing. His strict adherence to basic formula leaves a lot of room for mixing things up though, and this same adherence makes the times when he breaks tradition and does something like fight on Mario’s side all the better. And sometimes it’s clear Bowser just wants to relax and fuck around by karting, playing board games, or competing in some sort of sport.
It’s a fun little twist on that old “Knight rescues a princess from a dragon,” except the dragon is a giant turtle and the knight is an Italian plumber (a more powerful force than any knight could hope to be). Of course, the fact Bowser is incredibly obsessed with a woman despite her wanting nothing to do with him means that Bowser is—you guessed it—a
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Performance: Hoo boy, are there a lot of Bowser voice actors.
The cartoons used Harvey Atkins, who delivered a fun and cartoonish take on Bowser; Marc Graue voiced him in Hotel Mario, but this isn’t shocking as he was basically every male character in that game; Peter Cullen technically voiced him from 1996 to 2006 due to archival roars he provided for the 1976 remake of King Kong being repurposed for Bowser’s own roars; Charles Martinet provided his iconic evil laughs for 64; Kenny James is his current voice actor; Jack Black turned in a very against type performance in the Illumination movie; and Dennis Hopper of all people portrayed him in the live action film from the 90s. And these are just the ones I wanted to highlight! There are a few English voice actors I skipped as well as his extensive Japanese voice cast! Here’s the complete list, just so I’m not here all day:
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The point I’m trying to make is this: Bowser’s iconic status is completely a group effort, and each of these dudes helped contribute to Bowser’s status in our hearts and minds in their own unique ways.
Final Fate: It really depends on the game or movie or whatever, but he is always defeated by Mario at any rate. Sometimes he’s simply defeated and sent on his way; sometimes he’s captured and imprisoned, like in the animated movie; and sometimes he just fucking dies, like in the live action movie and New Super Mario Bros. Don’t worry, he gets better.
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Best Scene: Bowser in the earlier games had rather simple boss fights, though they weren’t completely unmemorable. Still, out of his early days it’s hard to deny his epic battle against Yoshi in the finale of Yoshi’s Island, where his child self is grown to gargantuan size and ominously lumbers towards you from the background while a hardcore boss tune blasts through your speakers, is the peak of his NES/SNES days.
Then we have his early forays into 3D, and it’s inarguable that the boss fights he has against Mario in the timeless classic Super Mario 64 are some of his best, even if they are rather simplistic. I mean, this is where we got “So long, Gay Bowser!” from, can you really deny its place in Mario history? And those are just a couple! We could probably sit here all day talking about his great battles in games like Odyssey, New Super Mario Bros, Galaxy, and so on.
Bowser’s most impressive showing outside of the games is The Super Mario Bros. Movie. The initial teaser for the film, which showcased his opening fight against the penguin kingdom, really helps establish Bowser as the threat he is, and the final battle and the wedding scene in the movie are some of his greatest villain moments to date. But I’m going to be cliché and give the spotlight to his villain song, “Peaches.”
Here’s the thing, though: As a song, “Peaches” kind of sucks. It’s just Jack Black saying “Peaches” fifty times in a row and then making Jack Black noises. But that’s also what makes it so genuinely great; in the hands of a lesser actor/musician, this really would just be the dumbest shit imaginable, but in the hamtastic hands of Jack Black the song has become an instant legend. I think the visuals and the beautiful piano playing really help, not to mention the official music video where JB dresses up as Bowser and tosses peaches around. Lyrically it’s nothing to write home about, but man does the performance really sell it.
Oh yeah and there’s this too:
Final Thoughts & Score
It is near impossible to overstate how iconic, important, and downright awesome Bowser is.
Like, this guy is the final boss. He pretty much codified what that means in terms of video games, being one of the first iconic big bads of gaming and the first adversary a lot of gamers fought. It’s kind of hard to believe today, but the original Mario games were genuinely some of the most groundbreaking games of all time, and the only reason it’s hard to believe is because video games have been building off the groundwork they laid down back in the 80s. Bowser is no exception; every single video game villain, especially platformer villains, owes a debt of gratitude to the king of the Koopas.
I think part of the reason Bowser has managed to survive and thrive through console generation after console generation is because he, much like the rest of the core Mario cast, is extremely versatile as a character and can slip into any situation with relative ease. He can be an evil overlord, a bratty child, a loving father, a kart racer, an Olympic champion, a platform fighter combatant, the owner of a Coney Island disco palace, a giant skeleton, a board game player, it doesn’t matter! Bowser can do it all! He can be a goofy, bumbling comedy villain or he can be a galaxy-destroying threat that would make Thanos shit himself, he has range like you wouldn’t believe!
It helps that both times he has shown up in a movie he has managed to be a scene-stealing smorgasbord of ham and cheese. Dennis Hopper’s madcap, in-it-for-the-money-but-not-half-assing-it performance in the live action film is so delightfully over the top that he manages to make the mere act of saying “Monkey” and “Bob-Omb” memorable and meme-worthy. While he’s a bit far off from what you’d totally want from Bowser, and his saurian form gets relegated to a two second cameo before his death, it’s hard for me to really give him less than a solid 7/10. He’s just too damn fun.
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Meanwhile, Jack Black delivered a performance so good that it makes it easy to overlook the many problems the movie has (like its terrible needle drops). He’s just so fun, funny, and even genuinely intimidating, perfectly mixing all of the traits that make people love Bowser into one big, juicy package. I think everyone knew this was going to be a 10/10 performance right from the moment it was announced, but still it was pretty impressive just how well Black was able to slip into Bowser to the point he was almost unrecognizable at times.
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No one would argue that Bowser deserves less than an 11/10; he is genuinely one of the single most important characters of the 21st century, and has made a mark on gaming that very few villains could match. He is to final bosses what Dracula is to vampires, what the Wicked Witch is to witches, and what Fu Manchu is to racist caricatures of Asian people. Other villains have more depth and complexity than Bowser, but that doesn’t really matter when he kidnaps Peach for the thousandth time and throws an army of freaky mushroom men and crazy turtles at you, because you’re gonna be there helping Mario stomp those Goombas to get to him. Bowser is just an icon, and his place in video game history is absolutely, utterly gargantuan.
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the-nysh · 1 year
I just finished watching “A Silent Voice” movie and it’s got me feeling all types of ways….If Tacchan tracked down Garou and tried to make amends with him then how would the latter react?? How would he act during their first “reunion”?
Ooh....A Silent Voice is a good movie with a serious/emotional take on bullying and the fucked up cruelties of schoolchildren before they've learned how their actions affect others and understanding the importance of having that self-awareness/empathy/remorse required to grow into a better, more compassionate person. (With the focus on the bully, rather than the victim, growing and choosing to atone for the person he hurt.)
In opm's case....honestly I doubt we'll ever see Tacchan again (since the importance is on Garou's growth as a person from his childhood trauma, not Tacchan) or see what's up with him....he could've grown into a completely regular dude with no memory of affecting/hurting Garou so strongly, other than thinking he was just another 'weird kid' who stood out from the class in ways he never bothered to even understand as an easy target. Or, he could've become and/or killed off by another monster, perhaps we'll never know.
But I know in Garou's case, once again with these hypotheticals, it really depends on his stage of development as well, to determine how receptive he is - really, to be ready to even receive anything direct (like a reunion or apology) or indirect that even reminds him of Tacchan again.. As for most of his journey, all the pain/unfairness/injustice he'd experienced only reinforced his beliefs and became a cruel (sickening--to him) reenactment of his worst repressed humiliating/victimized/powerless childhood memories with him, lashing out in defensive, righteous fury (both for himself, and on behalf of others he witnessed suffering the same cyclic injustice, like Tareo.) And all the real heroes he happened to meet who directly reminded him of Tacchan's behavior - like Saitama in their preliminary battle carelessly fucking around with him in mockery, or all those who ganged up on him after he was already down in the aftermath, became Garou's worst affirming triggering fear + disappointment.
So a self-realized Garou, who's grown into accepting his unique (hero) identity and desires to protect/empower the weak with true justice, and grown beyond that reactive white-hot self-destuctive anger (in ways that he can fully understand, healthily express, and articulate now), is going to be a lot more receptive than say....a Garou whose residual wounds are still bitterly fresh. :O (So a post-arc meditative webcomic Garou casually running across Tacchan someday might be interesting, but again, very slim actual canon chance.) But the manga could always surprise us someday, once Garou's had some time to chill and reflect after reconnecting and receiving that vital support from his old man Bang.
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bulletproofarcology · 2 months
Week 1: Taehyung
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Taehyung’s room looked exactly the same as the rest of the luxury suites, down to the amount of tiles on the ceiling. Tiles that the slave you were here to see seemed to be counting by the quiet “Sabaeksamsipsa-” he uttered. You were unfamiliar with Korean numbers, but that one seemed complicated enough to be a high one.
“Taehyung.” You startle the space cadet into paying attention. He jolts and stares directly into your eyes, a little rude, but he was an odd one according to his files. “Have you explored your room yet? It’s one hundred percent yours, you know? You can even paint the walls if you’d like?” His old owner marked down that he liked to draw on napkins when given the chance. Maybe he’d be more comfortable if he could customize his living space?
Taehyung nodded his head absently, you’re unsure as to what part of what you said.
Oh yeah.
“You may speak freely and call me Mistress. Sorry, I always forget to tell you guys that. Oh, and since you’re now allowed to talk, you’re free to form relationships with the others here. I know some owners forbid that kind of stuff, but I’m not fussed by it.”
“Thank you Mistress.” His voice was deep and smooth, again with a heavy Korean accent. “I will keep that in mind.”
“Good.” You turn on your heel and walk into his closet. Time to find something unique for Taehyung, to match how unique he is himself. Hmm…
Got it!
Similar in style to Namjoon, Taehyung’s chosen outfit was more modest than that of the others. A pretty striped, short sleeved crop top and a pair of stretchy gray sweatpants. Not the sexiest clothes available, but oh man… once he starts putting on a bit of weight, those stretchy pants will fill up beautifully. Would he let his belly hang out and cover them? Or would he tuck in his flabby gut and let the pants fill with fat?
“Do you want me to put these on?” Taehyung asks politely.
“Yes, please do.” You reply, shaking off the horny thoughts. “While you do so, here’s the low down of what it’ll be like living here under my rule. First, no sex or masturbating unless its with me, Strawberry or for a job. Orgasms are for good behavior. Like I said earlier, this room is all yours. Do what you please with it. I will be acquiring maids soon, so any messes will be taken care of by them.”
Taehyung nods along as he pulls on his comfortable outfit, brushing his palms against the soft fabric.
“And don’t think I didn’t see you eyeing my crop back there in my office.” You suddenly point out.
Taehyung jumps at the abrupt change of subject, and blushes heavily. “I- uh…”
“There’s no shame in being a masochist, unless you like being shamed, in which case how dare you.” You try to lighten the mood. It seemed to work, Taehyung having a wry smile on his face at the joke.
“I don’t care much about shame, but what are the chances of a beautiful owner like you hitting me today?” Looks like since the jig was up, he decided on going all in on his request.
You smile wryly at his slim figure, eyeing him up and down. “Hmm, nope. Sorry but I only spank big boys, so try to grow quickly for me, okay?”
“I don’t understand…” He frowned. “But I’ll do my best?”
Well, he’s got the spirit at least? “Your best is all I can ask for.”
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anangelofheaven · 11 months
Sermon 2
Another Sunday has me thinking about telling people the good news. What good news is that, you might ask? I sum it up this way:
It's not that bad.
That's what listening to God comes down to; realizing that as bad as what you're going through, it could always be worse, and that hope remains, no matter how slim a margin.
People can be in good situations and be miserable, or miserable situations and feel good. It all comes down to whether they can see cause to be grateful and to hope.
And as anyone who's been in truly desperate straits, like many of the souls here in Pandemonium, might tell you, you should be grateful just to draw breath.
Few of us want to suffer. But even fewer want to die. Most who say they do, just want the pain to stop.
And when it's when we set aside all of our own thinking, and instead listen to God, to our deep feelings, that we realize much of the pain we suffer is optional.
We stay at our bad jobs. We stick with our toxic relationships. We beat ourselves up over our past. We're the ones forcing unrealistic expectations on others, setting standards of wealth and prosperity, raging when they aren't achieved and then feeling guilty, sinful, wrong about the rage.
We are our own demons. Most of the torments we suffer, our own thoughts and choices inflict on us.
So what's the opposite; what is listening to God?
Listening to God means setting aside every single expectation of others and of our action's outcomes, and realizing that so long as we follow His example, we are doing right. We are good. We're loved.
As I said in the prior sermon, we have to let go. Once we've let go, we need to let ourselves accept that we are good enough.
How to be good is simple: Be good. That's it. As a famous philosopher once said, "Stop worrying about how to be a good person, and be one."
In most cases, we know the good thing to do. We know how to speak to others, how to be kind, how to apologize when we make mistakes. We know how to trust and we also know when not to trust. God doesn't just impel us toward good action; He also warns us when something doesn't feel right.
That's the good news, everyone. You're good enough and you've got the tools to continue to be good enough.
The past doesn't matter. The future is in His hands. The present, belongs entirely to you.
It's wonderful, unique, and, best of all, it's your chance to be good. Use it. Love it. Share that love in all you do and are.
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ticklikeabomb · 4 years
One-Shot : Unique
Pairing: Angel Reyes x Plus Size Reader
Request Anon: Can I request a EZ or Angel imagine where the girl is plus size of course but she’s insecure about her body in a lingerie set she got and EZ or Angel tell her and show her how beautiful they think she looks? Can be smutty and fluffy?
Warnings: Language, SMUT (18+), fluff
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: I hope you’ll like it :) 
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You were an extremely stubborn person. Every time you would hear someone comment on an issue that concerned you or how some type of people, physically speaking, would be able to do things that you couldn’t, you would do everything in your power to prove them wrong. That’s how you ended up knowing how to do splits, gymnastics, pole dance, wear (tight-colorful-stripped-bikini) clothes that were deemed unflattering to your figure. Everything that would go against your capacities as a plus size person, you would stubbornly prove how wrong they were.
That was what seduced Angel. Your ability to stay calm, composed before showing up days, weeks, months later with the ability to show how some people’s conceptions were wrong. Well that but also the fact that he finds you gorgeous, sexy, funny, kind, compassionate, open-minded and so much more.
You were finishing cleaning up your work desk before making your way out to pick up Leticia. Coco had asked you if you could spend some time with her while he had some club business to attend to. You happily accepted, using the opportunity to get to know her more. The first time you met, you noticed she was reticent towards you but she quickly warmed up thanks to your joyful and confident personality. Besides, she noticed how much the club loved you and realized if they did, then you truly must be someone great and deserving of a chance.
Here you both were, walking around the store’s aisles, trying to find some outfits for Letty’s coming up first day of school. “What about this?”, you asked her while showing her the slim jeans paired with a simple white t-shirt and a leather jacket. She analyzed the outfit and smiled content. “It’s not bad. I’m sure Coco will approve”, she said. You chuckled and nodded in agreement. You checked some other stores before you noticed her eyes longing on a particular store. Turning to where her gaze was fixed, you slightly smirked. “Come on, let’s go check”, you said and entered the lingerie store. You choose a set each. A sober, simple ensemble for Letty and a sexier one for you.
After dropping her off, you headed home surprised but happy to see Angel’s bike at the porch. “Babe?”, you chanted when entering your apartment. You found him on the couch watching soccer, at the crossover of taking a gulp of his beer and yelling at the players. A smile graced his face when he saw you staring at him. “Hey, didn’t hear you come”, he stood up and captured your lips in a small kiss. You hummed, your hands circling his neck to intensify the kiss. “Missed me?”, he teased. You bite your lip and nod. “I’m gonna take a shower”, you tell him while he goes back to his game.
You did the full combo: hair, body, shaving, body lotion, face mask. Immediately you felt more relaxed and decided to try on the lingerie set you bought at the mall. Since the store was almost closing you decided to take it and return it the next day in case you didn’t like it. Lifting the stripe of your bra, you looked yourself at the mirror. Your smile faltered by the second, your brows frowning and your eyes scanning your figure in it. Something was bothering you. Was it the color? The sizing? The design, maybe? You didn’t know but you felt uncomfortable, insecure even. A negative feeling you tried to battle for years. In a world where the beauty standard body was thin, you felt invisible. That feeling of invisibility deepens every time a brand uses the body positivity movement to expand their clientele by showcasing an “acceptable” plus size body. Rarely one like yours. You were round, soft, plus size, curvy, voluptuous, fat – chose your word but not in all areas. Looking at yourself you felt like your body wasn’t well proportioned. Hips, ass, belly, arms to large completed with micro-tits. It never really bothered you before but, in that moment, and in that lingerie set, it did.
“Are you ok?”, you hear your boyfriend’s voice, his worried features looking at you from the door. You blinked several times, trying to make the incoming tears vanish. “Yep”, you lie and he knows it. Positioning himself behind you, his arms sliding around your waist and his chin resting on your shoulder, he fixes his eyes on yours. “You’re a terrible liar. Come on, tell me why my gorgeous lady is on the verge of tears while looking this hot?” You clean the falling tear from your face and feel his grip on you tightening. “I… It’s nothing, it’s stupid”, you say and try to disengage from his hold but he’s not having it. “If it leaves you in this state, then it’s not nothing. Please talk to me. I know I’m not always around but I’m here for you, no matter what.”
You sigh and finally have the courage to look at him in the eyes. “I look dumb. In this set. Some areas are too big and others barely non-existent”, you confess. He frowns but doesn’t dismiss your feelings. He doesn’t say anything, showing you his complete attention. “I mean, wouldn’t I look better with bigger breasts? Because, like breasts are supposed to be ‘THE’ feminine attribute and I don’t have it. I don’t like it”, you ramble until the room stays quiet. He slowly turns you to face him, lifting your chin up. “You want the truth?”, he asks to which you nod. “First, I don’t think you look dumb at all. I think you look hot ass fuck and I’ve got a long and thick muscle that agrees with me.” His statement makes you chuckle and he smiles. “Second, I love your small cute breasts and besides I’m an ass man and querida you are serving”, he whispers closely to your ear, his hands sliding down and squeezing your behind. You feel the atmosphere change in the room, heat invading your body. “Angel”, you moan while his lips kiss your neck. “Third, who said that breasts are the feminine attribute. That’s bullshit.”
He grabs your face and makes sure you’re looking at him, the intensity in his eyes showing you how serious he is. “And finally, the things you’re looking at and feeling insecure about, are the things that make you unique. Choosing me to share your uniqueness with, makes me the luckiest and proudest motherfucker in the world. I love everything about you and so much more.” Your breath gets stuck in your throat, his declaration giving you chills and burn your heart. “You’re wrong about one thing. I’m the luckiest. Hor having you”, you exclaim before capturing his lips in a passionate kiss. Touching every parcel of your skin, he walks you to the edge of the bed and lays you on it, crawling in between your spread legs. Instantly, his mouth is on you, kissing your chest, biting and licking on your collarbones, groaning when feeling your knee rub against his hard and eager member. He slides the bra’s straps down, freeing your breasts from their confines. He makes eye contact while his tongue slowly circles around your already hardened nipples, making you arch your back and moan. He keeps his ministration, while his other hand, slides down your body and circles your clit. “An—g—el, please”, you plead him.
He lifts himself up and discharges his shirt, while you unbuckle his pants as fast as your trembling fingers can. He kisses your body down again but this time with compliments attached to his mouth while doing so. “I need you baby, please”, you moan and hope he’ll get the clue. He chuckles before his arms grab your waist and reverse the position, leaving you on top of him. You grind on his cock, creating some friction before leaning and licking the vein on the side. Angel’s body shivers from your tongue, his cursing and moaning being heard in the room. Slipping his hand around your hair, he lifts you up and tells you to ride him. You position him right under your entrance before sliding down and gasp in unison. Your hips quickly find their rhythm, his hands on your ass, pressing you down with each thrust. “Like that Y/N. So beautiful, so good”, he moans and lifts himself up in a sitting position, making him go deeper inside you. He thrusts up meeting you, your mouths on each other. The moment not only erotic but passionate and true. “I’m close”, you whisper in his ear. “Let go, I’m here, right behind you”, he moans and you do. You let yourself go, your orgasm provoking his, your bodies pressed insanely close, molding like marble sculptures.
“Te queiro mucho, mi amor”, he hears you say before falling asleep a few minutes later. “I love you too, future Mrs. Reyes”, he replies with a kiss on your forehead.
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*gif, credit to the owner*
PERMANENT TAG LIST : @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290 @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter​ @ashley17jacobs @lokithedancingqueen @wildsoul1221 @introvertedsin @robertconradjr​ @francezka10  @titty-teetee @breezy1415 @nerdypinupcrystal @hhiggs​ 
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shinidamachu · 3 years
If kagome and inuyasha were to date in the modern era, what kind of modern clothes do you think kagome would have inuyasha wear. I figured kagome would dress him since inuyasha is unfamiliar with modrrn clothes
Kagome is canonically a 90's fashionist who, better than anyone, knows, respects and loves Inuyasha's personality and uniqueness. So I take it she would try her level best to dress him well, while simultaneously making him feel like himself.
With that in mind, Kagome would prioritize comfort and practicality. Nothing too tight or restricting, in case he needs to jump, run or fight. Nothing too fragile either, considering his sharp claws and talent to get himself into trouble.
Versatility would be the key. Jeans. Long pockets. Sober shades of red, blue, green and orange. Lots and lots of black too (she has to avoid white because he gets dirty a lot). Except for plaid, I don’t really see him as a stamp kind of guy, so this gives Kagome the chance to be creative with the combination and overlaying of several pieces, which is something she does a lot with her own clothes. Simple but stylish. 
And she also tries to combine her outfit with his whenever they’re going out for a date. Not in an obvious, tacky “same colors, same clothes” type of way. Just enough to feel complementary. Like they had just arrived from the same photoshoot. Here’s what I picture, from the bottom to the top:
Shoes: sneakers of all kind, combat boots if they’re going somewhere fancier.
Pants: always jeans, in a variety of blue shades, some of them ripped to give it a final touch, some of them all black and composed when there’s a need to be a little more chic, sweatpants to sleep, exercise or just relax at home.
Shirts: vintage t-shirts, mostly from rock bands, basic shirts, easy to combine and replace, plaid shirts (some of which belonged to her father), hoodies (so he can ditch the hats but still hide his ears), denim/leather jackets (that way she can borrow it from him when she gets cold) elegant sweaters or dress shirts for special occasions, which she then rolls the eleves of up to his elbows.
Accessories: caps (sometimes backwards), beanies when it’s too cold, a slim chain with a meaningful pendant (for protection) or one of those soldier tag necklaces and hair ties to put his hair in a bun or ponytail.
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simpmeon · 4 years
Red: Betrayal
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Pairing: Any Demon Brother x Gender Neutral MC, Diavolo x Gender Neutral MC Genre: Angst Word Count: 2.78k Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Implied smut // Cursing // Violence
The Fall // Rebirth // Betrayal // Companions // Revenge
His face was laced with concern as he saw the tears well up, reaching out to brush them out of your face, but you smacked his hand away. You did not mean it in malice, you were just so confused…so angry…so hurt that a single touch from him would absolutely crumble you. You could feel your demon form flickering, but managed to suppressed the feeling, your gaze hardening.
Today was the day. You were finally going to see the brothers after years of avoiding contact with each other. You were finally able to learn how to control your powers, but Diavolo and Barbatos still could not place a finger on where your power stems from. At first, they thought all the pact marks were what gave you such extraordinary power, seeing as each brother had to give a little bit of their own power in order to make pacts in the first place. While that did have a huge factor on your speed and strength, neither you or them could place how your abilities were far greater than most demons. You and Diavolo often sparred against one another just to have a better sense of control over your demon form, eventually working your way up to fighting together in your true forms.
Your true form was unique in a way because you did not take on a more animalistic form like other demons. You could breathe fire and had armored scales up and down your forearms like gauntlets, and had long black barbs stemming out from your biceps and triceps. You had a long, black forked tongue that dripped poison, and your eyes turned completely black as you grew in size. Your fingernails would turn into huge talons, and your legs would be made of the same scaled armor with barbs. Your wings would grow to be five times as long as your demon form wings and the feathers could be used as a shield or as protection, seeing as they were sharp at the ends for projectiles and filled with venom. Just a few stabs from your feathers was enough for Diavolo to be brought down in his true form, Barbatos beside him to heal him. You and Diavolo were pretty much equally matched when it came to wins and losses between the both of you. Diavolo only beat you by a few only because he knew how to control his body and keep it in control after thousands of years, whereas you only had yours for a couple months and had to figure it out. You were perfectly in control of unleashing your demon form, but your true form was still risky. Come to think of it, you have not been able to trigger your true form since you and Diavolo stopped sparring.
“Was there a certain emotion you felt whenever you would go into your true form? Anger? Fear?” Barbatos asked, handing you another cup of tea. You sighed and ran your hands through your hair, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“I dunno Barbatos, it’s almost as if I black put before I get a chance to register how I got to my true form. I muster as much strength as possible and then I black out momentarily and when I ‘wake up’ I’m in my true form.” You responded, taking the cup between your hands and gently lifting it to your mouth. “I have no clue what could possibly trigger it. I’ve thought of everything from adrenaline to grounding to emotions and none of them have been able to work on triggering my true form like when I am engaging in combat.”
He hummed in response, placing his lips on his own cup, his attention drifting as he stared at the cup of tea in front of him. Even Barbatos was completely lost on where your power stems from, he was more confused about how you ended up down here. Sure there were a million different time vortexes, but even then the chances of you becoming a demon were so slim. Becoming one that could match Diavolo fist to fist was an even slimmer chance. Solomon was just as stumped and even his brilliant mind could not pin the situation down, but his hunger for knowledge refused to let him back down from the research without a fight.
All the endless research and training to be in control lead you up to this night. Diavolo was hosting a masquerade gala tonight for the first time in months and he naturally invited all of Devildom and even a few members of the Celestial realm, including the brothers. Barbatos tried in vain to tell Diavolo that it would be better for you to meet the brothers again privately because who knows what could happen at the gala with your true form still being unstable, but Diavolo insisted that a dramatic entrance was far cooler. You opted for a compromise where you would show up to the brothers house before the gala in your normal human form before showing up to the gala in your demon form.
“That way we can gauge how being around them makes me feel mentally and that way we can still get a dramatic reveal that I am now a demon.” You explained with a smile. Diavolo’s eyes scrunched up and he let out another booming laugh.
“Brilliant! I will let my tailors know your measurements and they’ll start constructing what to wear to the gala. Until then, I personally think it is time we pay some brothers a visit.” He spoke with a smile. You could barely contain your excitement at the idea of flying around Devildom with Diavolo to see the brothers. For the past few months you were not allowed to leave the castle until Solomon, Barbatos, and Diavolo got a mostly clear reading on you. Sure the castle was huge and filled with so much to do and explore you would hardly ever call yourself bored, but the city called your name. More importantly a certain house in the distance practically screamed your name. You have not seen a single brother in months. You knew they were alive and causing just as much trouble as always, but you still never saw them in person. You understood that it was not only for their protection but yours as well, but you could not help the aching feeling every time you looked at the house from your bedroom window.
Now that you were in front of the house, the same stone steps in front of you, you felt nothing but nerves. The gala was tonight and you looked stunning to say the least. Your outfit was made of red and gold duochrome fabric that shimmered one color in one setting in another in light, with black lace etched into the fabric as well. The outfit fit you like a glove and passed the wing test with flying colors, making this the perfect one of a kind outfit for you. Barbatos made sure to match the shade of gold shimmers to the gold of the ring around your neck. The mask was just as beautiful as the clothing. Diavolo even matched with you so in case things go south all of sudden at least you had a date.
Diavolo had his arm around your shoulders and you leaned into his shoulder, trying to calm the nerves that kept swelling with each step. What if he opens the door first? What if he’s not even home right now? The possibilities were endless of all the bad things that could happen. You looked up at Diavolo, eyes laced with worry, and all he could do was just give you the same reassuring smile.
“Hey Dia c-could I maybe just…had behind you?” You whispered barely loud enough for him to hear, fidgeting with the ring around your neck. You heard him snort and you saw him shake his head at you before placing his thumb and forefinger under your chin, tilting your head up to look at him.
“You’re easily the second powerful demon in all of Devildom, but you’re scared of meeting the Lords after so long?” He replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes. You could feel your cheeks heating up as you scoffed and looked away from him, getting a laugh in response from him.
“Keep it up and I’m going to break your other wing.” You threatened, even though there were no meaning behind the words. Diavolo just smiled and kissed your temple, the contact sending electricity through you.
“Trust me my dear, they missed you just as much as you missed them.” He said reassuringly, pushing you a little bit behind him to obey your wishes. You smiled in response to that, glad to have someone on your side. Taking a deep breath you placed your gloved hand into Diavolo’s and continued walking until both of you were at the door. Your heart was pounding in your chest, making Diavolo chuckle slightly before giving your hand a reassuring squeeze.
“What is the worst that could happen, my dear?” He asked, trying to soothe your nerves. He was right after all, what’s the worst that could happen?
The new exchange student opening the door with a grin on their face was the last thing you expected but their eyes lit up as they looked at Diavolo and you. Even with his mask on, it was hard to miss the demon prince. They only made one glance at you though, before going back to chatting with Diavolo. They were petite in frame, with fiery red hair that swung past their shoulders and beautiful amber eyes. You watched as they explained that the brothers were all still getting ready but that they would let them know that Diavolo was here. Strange, they must have not noticed you. Either that or they selectively decided to ignore your presence. You pushed that thought away and taking Diavolo’s hand, moved closer into the House of Lamentation.
The house was just as you remembered with, chaos and all. The new exchange student ran off somewhere before the two of you could actually get into the house but thankfully both of you knew your way around by now. Your feet allowed you into the kitchen and prepped the coffee, almost as if against your will. The routine was still etched into your brain that whenever you would get home from classes you would go to the kitchen and make Lucifer his coffee for his long night of paperwork. You would then check on him every four hours with a new cup and a snack for him, the strange ritual even following you into the human world. Only this time, the coffee wasn’t for Lucifer, but you and Diavolo instead.
You stepped into the living area with a fresh cup of coffee for you and Diavolo, the fire crackling loudly. You missed being surrounded by so many gorgeous books and the overall calm atmosphere that this particular room brought to you. Diavolo was stretched out on the couch, making comments about the new exchange student.
“They really are delightful, but to be honest Lucifer and I did not particularly want the,.” He muttered to you and you laughed, handing him his coffee before straightening up and looking at all the books.
“Ugh I swear ever since I left this house these books are never put back in the right place.” You sighed, finishing your coffee in one gulp and taking the pile of stray books in your arms, walking up to the various shelves. “I know who does this too.”
“You act as if you have only been gone for a week.” Diavolo commented with a chuckle, causing your cheeks to turn red again.
“Listen Dia, the boys have always been slobs and it used to royally piss me off. I practically had to beat it into Levi’s skull that he has to eat three meals a day and clean his room. I am impressed however that Satan has been at least sticking to his habits of tidying up after reading. Either that or his load was severely light today.” You rambled on, sliding the last book into the empty slot. You decided not to mind the dust that coated your fingertip before you went on a full cleaning frenzy.
“Y/N come sit down before you stress yourself out.” Diavolo recommended, scooting over to allow you to sit next to him. You sat next to him and he stretched his arms out over the couch, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You laughed out loud, causing Diavolo to jump.
“What?” He asked, confusion spread across his face. You practically had tears streaming down your face you were laughing so hard.
“Smooth moves Grandpa.” You said with a laugh, smiling at him. His returned the smile with an even bigger one, chuckling at his own lame attempt to get you closer to him. Both of you just ended up laughing for a few minutes to yourself over it, the atmosphere becoming more and more pleasant.
That’s when you heard the footsteps coming down the stairs. Diavolo and you quickly stopped laughing, deciding wordlessly to try and scare the brothers. You climbed on top of him and threw a blanket over both of you, both of you resorting to nothing but giggles and shushing as you two decided to eavesdrop.
“Ugh I still can’t believe we have a masquerade tonight.” You heard one brother groan followed by a smack and a yelp of pain.
“This is a very important gala you idiot! It’s not every day that we can celebrate the five year anniversary of the exchange program! Five years of demons, angels, and humans getting along is practically unheard of!” Another brother responded. You could almost pick apart which groan belonged to who after that comment, making you giggle.
“Do you think Y/N will be here?” A brother asked excitedly, and you could tell their eyes were lighting up at the idea of seeing you. You heard more footsteps and smiled down at Diavolo with glee as the conversations between them continued.
“For their own feelings I hope not….you know how our brother has been acting since they left! They’d be crushed to find out that he has been doing nothing but whoring around with the other exchange students since they left.”
“Honestly, the rings at this point are just a decoration at this point. Nothing meaningful to them. From what I heard he even stopped reaching out to them.”
“Well then maybe things will be okay! Maybe they moved on from him!”
“You never know….they were hopelessly in love with him. Even I could sense it. I just don’t want them to meet up again, bad enough that all his previous lovers are coming. We don’t need the one we actually love to show up too.”
“They’re our family! I miss them! They haven’t posted anything in months! I’m actually worried about them…”
“Wasn’t Y/N pursuing higher education? Perhaps their job has taken up all their time. Although…they haven’t messaged me in months too.”
“I bet HE has something to do with it! His fuckboy attitude probably ruined everything!”
“Calm down! You know how he acts if we bring them up. I’m sure Y/N has their reasons as to why their contact with us has been limited.”
“Speaking of him and exchange students, where are they right now? The masquerade starts in thirty minutes!”
“Probably having a pre-masquerade fuck. Ugh lets just leave without them! Send them a message saying that if hes going to be balls deep in her that he needs to get his own ride there.”
“You’re right. We can’t just wait for them all the time. Let’s go, maybe we can actually get first dibs on Barbatos’s cooking for once.”
“Wasn’t Diavolo supposed to meet us?” 
“Probably got hung up with some last minute details. Let’s go!” 
Exclamations of agreements came out of the brothers mouths as they all shuffled out of the door. You remained frozen on top of Diavolo, fighting the urge to cry as you just gripped onto his suit. You waited until you heard the door to the house shut before flicking the blanket off of you and sitting up, straddling Diavolo’s waist. His face was laced with concern as he saw the tears well up, reaching out to brush them out of your face, but you smacked his hand away. You did not mean it in malice, you were just so confused…so angry…so hurt that a single touch from him would absolutely crumble you. You could feel your demon form flickering, but managed to suppressed the feeling, your gaze hardening. 
“Let’s go Dia. We have a masquerade to get to.” You said monotonously, getting off of him and making your way to the doors of the house, slipping your mask on. “Our little secret reveal should have an audience.”   
Your back was to him but the look Diavolo just gave you was feral. Tonight was going to be more eventful than he thought.
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torujours · 4 years
"Their Portrait" 
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✏️ paring: kita x gn!reader
✏️ summary: it's not easy when artist can't find inspiration, in the last attempt to find some Kita to find it in the form of you on a warm November day and he's determined to find it again. 
✏️ WC: 1656
✏️ warnings: none other than my bad writing
✏️ A/N: hope you like this one! i have been trying to write something for kita foreVER cause the brainrOT is real and as always reblogs are super duper appreciated!! 
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The sun shone down on the park as birds chirp over head, kita inhales taking in the November air. It's an unusual warm day so why not enjoy it before the snow comes. He doesn't go to the park often, preferring a much more quiet enclosed in space. Yet, he holds onto his stretch book tightly as he walks past people walking their dogs, children playing and older people feeding birds that have landed on the ground. This is perfect, he should get a lot of inspiration here right? He has been struggling the past few weeks trying to get some inspiration to pick up his pencil and just draw. He was hopeful at least.
So he finds a tiny table, most of them taken from other people, and set his supplies down. Looking around at his surroundings, being an artist was always both a challenge and enjoyable to him. Inspiration hit him like a truck some times and other times it's as if he couldn't draw even if his life depended on it.
Shaking his head, he knew inspiration would come when it came so he decided to start sketching the trees around him till that time came.
He hoped it just came soon.
The smile doesn't leave your face as you stop jogging and take deep breaths in and out. You have jogged the longest you have in a while so you are feeling pretty accomplished. Plus it's gonna be hard to jog outside when the snow came. but it was time to give your legs a break, so you walk around the familiar park and even greet some people you have met while jogging in the past.
It takes a little while for you to find an empty place to sit, not really wanting to sit on the ground (cause you knew that after that run you wouldn't get up if you did) but your legs saving grace came when you saw an empty chair across to someone with gray hair and black tips. He is doing something with what looks like a book but you walk over anyway “excuse me?” you start politely and he looks up, pushing up his glasses while taking in your “yes?” you send him a smile “can i sit here? sorry i just need to give my legs a break” you chuckle a bit but he just nods “sure thing..”
His smile is subtle but it's there. Saying thanks, you sit down and sigh happily.
Now kita doesn't want to seem creepy but watched you from the corner of his eye for a moment after you sit down. Blaming it on his “artist blood” was the reason why he paid so much attention to your side profile. Kita was man who could admit you had a nice face. Calling you good looking was too much for him, after all you are a stranger but you caught his eye and that’s saying something.
Kita stares down at the tree sketches and found himself annoyed with the lack of inspiration but hearing you giggle making him look over for just a second. You are now leaning on the table, looking at your phone. A smile can be seen on your face and Kita just picks up his pencil again, flips to a clean page of his sketchbook and starts the outline of a human face.
God this could be seen as creepy but he draws the best faces when there is a much closer example and here you are, still minding your own business and typing away at your phone. Kita keeps you in the corner of his eye, wishing to look at you head on again for a much cleaner view but he can't do that. So he roughly sketches your cheeks, the shape of your nose, the arch of your eyebrows, the way your lips look soft and nice-
He stops his hand, feeling embarrassed his by his thoughts so he moved on from your...lips and moved to your eyes. The sun wasn't shining in them or anything but they still looked bright (maybe it was your phone), the shape of them was unique and he would love to get a better look. He sketches and sketches your face, a small smile on his lips as the drawing smiles up at him but his pencil stops as you stand up and stretch your arms. He looks up at you for a moment before dropping his head again then second you turn to him “thank you for letting me sit with you...goodbye” you give him a small wave and he just nods “goodbye...” and with that you jog away, leaving Kita alone with his incomplete drawing of your happy face.
Kita tried to complete the portrait of you but he couldn't. He just couldn't replicate your face the same way without you in front of him. He prides himself in not letting artwork unfinished but what can he do in this case? It's not like he would see you again? He shuts his sketchbook and sighs, maybe he would go back to the park tomorrow. Maybe he would see you again. Maybe he would say something this time. Maybe.
Well two of those three maybes came true, cause once again Kita was greeted to a warm day as he making his way around the park. Just as full as yesterday but now he had a mission, an objective, inspiration.
Maybe this was stupid, he knew nothing about you. What if you had school or work or don't even live around here? Why was he so caught up in finding you besides his pride to finish the sketch of your face. Still he found the same table he was at the previous day Once again placing his sketchbook down he sat and looked around for you he knew his chances of finding you again we are slim but he tried to remain hopeful anyway.
You were going to go back to the park, but a friend of yours wanted to meet up there and spend some time together. You were walking around trying to find a place to wait for them but they texted you that they couldn't make it something came up so you thought about what you could do with your changed plans while still walking around. You were just about to walk back and out of the park when you realize this was the part of the park you were just yesterday and more importantly, you saw Kita. So being nice, you wanted to greet him before making your leave (so you don't disturb him he looks like he is looking for someone) so you walk over and almost laugh as he jumps slightly at seeing you appear beside him.
“Hello again! sorry I didn't mean to scare you” he laughs awkwardly and turns to face you head on “ah no you didn't but hello it's nice to see you again” you notice the words “sketchbook” on the book resting on the park table “likewise but hm that was draw you were doing yesterday i see” kita panics a bit as you sit down across from him again, yet he nods “yes i’m an artist..” “really? that's amazing! and oh i’m y/n by the way haha i didn't get to introduce myself yesterday” Kita smiles “I’m Kita Shinsuke and i’m not that good of an artist honestly..” you rest your cheek on your hand “i’m sure you are wonderful, I’d love see your work if you are comfortable...” kita thinks for a moment, his hand already going to hand you the precious sketchbook “here you go, it's alright...” wait his sketch of you is in there but it's too late cause you are smiling widely as you flip carefully through the various sketches he's done over the course of having the sketchbook. “They are beautiful!” You take in the talent strokes of his pencil carefully as you look at all the sketches. Kita watches you nervously, feeling a little sick as you get to the last page of the sketchbook.
The page with your Portrait on it.
it doesn't hit just what you are looking at till you notice the date, time and place written at the bottom of the page along with a tiny title “the Portrait”. It's you. He started drawing you. A lot of thoughts run through your head but first of all, it's beautiful. He has already captured so much of your face in the small amount of time you two were together yesterday. And you giggle a bit, feeling flattered but kita is about to explode from the embarrassment. “I-I...I'm sorry I should have ask your permission before I started doing anything-” you cut off his apology with another chuckle as your fingers trace over the paper “don't be sorry this is so amazing... i’m really flattered you saw me worthy of even drawing in the first place”
he made you look so good wow even if it was incomplete.
You hand him back the sketchbook and smile “so when can I pose for you to finish it hm?” Kita coughed a bit to hide his surprise as you flash a big smile toward him, he was cute honestly “huh?” “you wanna finish it don't you? but you need my face so consider me your muse” you state proudly, you never molded for anyone before so this was new yet excited for you. Kita pushes up his glasses again before breaking out in a much bigger smile that almost catches you off guard with how warm it is. “Muse huh? I’d like that...”
You and kita chat as he softly moves his pencil, finally getting that perfect view of your face and maybe it's just he is glad to have some inspiration or something more but he could get use to drawing you much more and more.
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goldiesugar · 4 years
Freestyle Tips
Befriend the bartender, concierge or server
When you go to expensive restaurants or hotels to freestyle, it helps to have someone to give you the inside scoop. For example, the concierge knows what is on the hotel’s calendar and can tell you when the wealthiest people will arrive. It’s the bartender’s job to get friendly with the frequent, wealthy travelers. Servers (as well as bartenders) have their regular customers that are friendly and generous.
By befriending the bartenders, concierges and servers at your favorite high-end locations, you can get information about other patrons and determine whether freestyling at those establishments is worth your time. It helps to have friends in the wild.
Tip extremely well
Similar to befriending hotel and restaurant staff, tipping generously can give you an advantage. Servers and concierge staff do not forget the stylish, the kind, or the generous nor do they forget the extremely rude. Make yourself memorable by looking good, tipping generously and commending the servers on their excellent customer service. You will be unforgettable and you can expect excellent treatment during subsequent visits. That stellar treatment often means receiving the best seats, special treats from the chef, a visit from restaurant or hotel manager on duty, as well as lots of other positive attention. It’s easy to get a POT’s attention when he sees the waitstaff fawning over you.
Use your student status to your advantage
Many Sugar Babies are students, yet they forget to use that student status to get the kind of perks that put them in close proximity to POTs. Students often get admitted to events for free (or receive a major discount). When planning to attend high profile events, don’t be afraid to ask the event coordinator if student tickets are available. Many lectures and forums admit students for free, and these attract brainy, wealthy men. So make sure that you use that student status to your advantage!
Some events may not offer student discounts. In fact, these events may be completely beyond your finances. In those cases, the best thing you can do is volunteer to work those events. The best events for volunteering are live musical performances (like symphony concerts and the opera), classical theater, and fundraiser/charity balls and galas. Volunteers get to observe and interact with attendees. Plus, volunteers get a chance to see how the wealthy interact with one another.
Paying close attention and subtly flirting at these events can give Sugar Babies the knowledge they’ll need when they attend exclusive events with their Sugar Daddies. It’s very common for an attendee to slip a business card to an attractive volunteer. Keep those business cards and follow up after the event! Those encounters could very well lead to the arrangement that you’ve always wanted.
Wear something other than black
Yes, everyone looks good in black. Black clothing is slimming and looks appropriate for a variety of occasions. But when you freestyle, avoid blending in. Practically everyone wears black when going out for the evening, so the easiest way to stand out is to wear color. Let the other people blend into a sea of black, while you wear a color that both flatters and puts the spotlight on you. It’s no surprise that all humans are drawn to color, so use that to your advantage, especially when you go out. Bright colors (my go-to color is red) and unique accessories can really help distinguish you from the crowd, and may catch the eye of a top notch Sugar Daddy.
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mattzerella-sticks · 4 years
🌊What the Water Gave Him 🌊
Destiel-centric finale spec based on a post I made earlier, found here
Can be read on ao3 here
It was over. Chuck lost, Sam and Dean can live their lives how they want them. But their victory wasn't without losses. The biggest upset nearly taking Dean out of the game, happening so close to the final battle. Now he's on the other side, alive against all odds, but Sam knows he isn't happy. Not truly happy since the Empty stole his best friend.
But there's a chance they can save him. A slim chance. A risk that Dean's willing to take despite every logical nerve in Sam's body screaming at him to look for better options. That threading a needle this small is too dangerous. That they don't have to take on another big bad, not anymore. That they don't have to risk their lives anymore. Dean is far past the point of listening. Dead set on this mission, Sam can only watch.
And pray his brother proves him wrong.
           He stands along the water’s edge, gentle waves lapping the rocky shore. Barely licking at his boots while he gazes upon the beautiful, blue stretch of lake. Sun hanging low on the horizon, sky a far deeper color of orange than earlier.
           They’ve been at this for over an hour.
           Sam glances behind him, skin crawling as he sees nothing changed since last he looked. Jack stationed on one edge of the circle, Michael at the other. Dean between them, his eyes closed. Lying deathly still over the sigils scratched into the earth. His skin pale, and both hands tightly clasped around tan fabric folded over Dean’s lap.
           He hates this. What Dean’s doing. That Sam cannot help. And how it’s their only option.
           Jack saw this once before. A variation of it, actually. “When I killed Nick,” he said, handing out copies of photographs he printed out amongst their little group. “I found him in the middle of resurrecting Lucifer –“
           “If he just had a little more patience,” Dean sneered. “Chuck could’ve saved him a whole lot of effort, though I’d doubt it’d end any differently.” Adam nodded at Dean’s side, studying his copy with interest like Sam did. Trying to identify the scene Jack captured. Dean continued, not even addressing the image. “Do you think this can work?”
           “Given who we’re doing this for, no,” he admitted, “the spell Nick found would only open a portal to the Empty, wake Lucifer up. It would then be up to him to cross over, and with his amount of power that wouldn’t be difficult.” Jack then opened the book he brought, pushing it into the middle of the table. Pointing at an illustration. “But I think I can modify it. Although…”
           Sam set the photo down, facing Jack. “What is it Jack?”
           “I… well, it’d be very complicated,” he started, not meeting Sam’s gaze. “For it to work, me and Michael would need to use all of our power.”
           “To wake Cas? Jack, you did it before –“
           “When the Empty was asleep,” Jack said, “when they weren’t expecting it. When Cas hadn’t already ticked them off… they’ve already lost him once.”
           “And they won’t be keen on losing Cas again,” Dean added. A storm darkening his hooded stare. Sam watched him sink into his seat, memories from that awful night weighing on Dean. It haunted him, too. Finding Dean curled around himself the next morning, unresponsive, incoherently mumbling about their friend. Shoulder stained with dried blood. In time, he recovered as he always did. Sometimes though Sam feared he’d turn and there Dean would be. Shattered completely with no chance of putting those pieces together. Stuck in that helpless ball, trembling. Forever praying. That’s not the case now. No sign of careful fragility anymore, the storm passing. Back ramrod straight Dean carelessly flicked the photo away. “What else you need?”
           “Ingredients that we have here at the Bunker, I’m sure,” Jack continued, “a nice open space where we can perform the ritual. Something that belonged to Cas, that will resonate with his unique wavelength. And finally…” he trailed off near the end, faltering.
           “Jack,” Sam said, “What else?”
           “One of us would have to go in,” he told them, “but… there’s a chance they might not come back.” For the first second, there’s silence. The next –
           “Jack, there has to be –“
           “I’ll do it.”
           He whipped his head towards him, scowling at the grim determination of Dean’s face. Lips thinned in a small line. Brows bent aggressively. An expression that appeared whenever Dean grabbed onto the most idiotic, suicidal thought he had and stubbornly refused to surrender. He’d refuse any option other than what he decided. Arguing with him when he’s like that was impossible.
           Sam tried regardless.
           “There has to be another way,” Sam whispered, both men waiting as Jack and Michael recreated Nick’s sigil-work in the dirt. Leaning against Baby’s frame, drinking in silence. “Billie always threatened she’d throw us in there one day, why don’t we ask her –“
           “She’d never agree to it, Sammy. Too messy.” Dean wouldn’t look at Sam. Not since he exploded on Dean back at the Bunker. Called him selfish, that the last thing Cas wants is Dean endangering himself. His tantrum earned Sam a swift right hook he still has the bruise from, cheek mottled blue and green. Dean’s knuckles newly scabbed. “Billie plays by the universe’s rules… and we make our own.”
           “Yes, finally. Rules we fought so hard to make, I…” Sam sighed, “we were finished, Dean. No more big risks. We won. Facing the Empty… there’s no do-over button if you get stuck there.”
           “I’m okay with that.”
           “And yet you’re still doing this?”
           “It’s like I told you Sam,” he said, finally deigning Sam with a frigid glance. Steely resolve sharpening it, cutting through him. “Have been telling you. You don’t have a clue what’s really going on. If you knew… you’d see there’s no risk at all.”
           Sam’s temper flares now, pain edging his vision. “Then let me in, Dean. Tell me. Why are you so afraid of –“
           “I’m not afraid –“
           “You clearly are,” he hissed, “otherwise you wouldn’t be throwing yourself into another near-death experience instead of having a simple conversation with me.” Sam reels his anger back, softening. Pleading. “I want Cas here as much as you do, Dean. But there has to be another way.”
           Dean drained his bottle and then threw it. Far enough so when it exploded the glass wouldn’t touch them. “If it were Eileen stuck in there,” he said, “you’d know there wasn’t.”
           He paused. “Eileen? What’s that have to –“
           Jack called, saying they were ready. Dean stalked off towards them. Sam left behind in his confusion. “Do you have the anchor?”
           “Right here.” He showed Jack the trench coat, grip on it gentle like if he squeezed any tighter Dean might rip it. “Where do you want me?”
           Sam remembered Dean rambled on about its sturdiness. Boasting how he gassed the store clerk with half-truths to not draw suspicion when asking after ‘protective outerwear’. Buying it because he noticed a tear along the seam of Cas’s armpit. “I thought he’d stitch it up,” Dean laughed, whipping his purchase like a cape. Playing with it. Sam chuckled at his brother’s antics. “But he just shrugged and carried on like it was nothing. I asked him why he left it and he tells me that it’d be a waste of his grace.”
           “Then why didn’t you mend it for him?”
           “Come on, Dean,” Sam said, “you’re a master with the needle. And I’m not talking about sewing gashes… do you recall the Luke Skywalker costume you made me from those stolen motel bed sheets?”
           Dean blushed, “I was just a kid then, Sammy…”
           “Still the best costume, better than any of those store-bought ones at school.”
           “Well… maybe I didn’t want to fix it,” he said, “that’s why. I mean… sure I could’ve. But then he’d rip it again and… it’s not like he can’t have another jacket! Cas needs a little more variety.”
           Sam snorted. “Yeah, because a slightly lighter brown is really crazy for him. What’s he even gonna do with it?”
           “Wear it?” Dean said, “Or… put it away, keep it here. Dude’s been living with us this long and how much stuff does he own? It might not be a huge change but it’s… it’s a start, Sam.”
           Dean was right in buying it. Ransacking Cas’s room, there wasn’t anything they could use for the spell save for the single, untouched trench coat hanging in his closet. As Sam leaves that memory, he realized too late the others began without him. Jack and Michael knelt like statues. His brother had left for the Empty.
           And he’s still there.
           Helpless while Dean pokes the bear in his cave. Sitting on the sidelines as he faces down an extraordinary being with limitless powers, like beating Chuck wasn’t pure luck. Like any of their efforts left a scratch on him. It was a group effort, what little remained of their family pitching in. Sending Chuck onto his next project. But this… it was just Dean. He was alone. And worse… Sam thinks his brother wanted it that way.
           If it were Eileen stuck in there, you’d know it wasn’t.
           When he wasn’t worrying about Dean, Sam mulled over his parting message. Trying to fit together the pieces Dean gave. He suspects it’s a simple picture. A niggling sense at the base of his skull tells Sam that the answer is clear. It always was. Except he looked past it, over and over, again and again. Never seeing the truth of it. Of Dean and Cas. Without either of them here, where he can observe them one more time – careful, in a way Sam hasn’t before – Sam doubts he will uncover much of anything.
           At least it distracts him from Dean. Until it doesn’t.
           Dean gasps, lurching forward. Coughing, spitting up bile and gagging on air. Michael collapses, exhausted. Jack almost follows but overcomes his dizziness. Sam, the only unaffected one, dashes towards. Rubs Dean’s back while he works through his nausea. How Dean lets him either shows he’s too woozy to know it’s him, or the earlier animosity was forgotten. As Dean claws at his shirt, gasping, repeating his name, Sam guesses the latter. “Yes, Dean?” he says, “What is it?”
           “Cas,” he says, voice hoarse and raw, “Where… where is he?”
           There weren’t any portals. Nor did a star shoot downwards from the sky. Their friend had not even blinked into existence with a smile and a familiar rumble.  “Cas,” Sam sighs, “Cas. Dean, I don’t think –“
           He scrambles to his feet, knocking Sam onto the ground. Dean runs across the shore and, when he reaches the lake, wades in. Fully dressed, madly waving the trench coat. Sam yells, but Dean ignores him. Hellbent on drowning himself.
           Except Sam misses it, again.
           Someone meets Dean halfway. Breaking through the lake’s surface, swimming to where the water rests above their waists. Drags his brother into a hug, spinning him. With raven hair, tanned skin, and blue eyes crinkled with joy and life and love. “Cas,” Sam says, “it’s… it worked?”
           “Of course it worked,” Jack says, “This is Dean and Cas.”
           Maybe Sam understands because of the off-hand way Jack spoke about the two men. Or, more likely, it’s when Cas – wrapped in the trench coat Dean bought him – sweeps Dean into his arms and kisses him. Dean melts under his touch, responding with an excitement that had been absent when Chuck left them alone for real. It doesn’t matter how. He finally gets it.
           Dean and Cas… they get their happy ending.
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konohagakurekakashi · 3 years
Spiders: Does your muse squish bugs or put them outside? Disease: What does your muse do on a sick day? Insects: Name something your muse finds gross or annoying.
[Bugs/What Kakashi finds annoying:]
Given the fact that he was brought up in a village were one of its Founding Clans has the unique ability to host and manipulate kikai, Kakashi like most of his peers had an almost 'inborn' caution when it came to bugs and evicting them from his home and/or sleeping bag. The caution wasn't due to the fact that he found them particularly gross or terrifying, but more as one would be of a potential weapon: the edge of a sword, the prick of a senbon. Sure, spiders might not be parasites like the Kikai and most (if not all) scarcely as deadly on a battlefield, but in a world chakra-rich and as vast as their own, there's always a chance no matter how slim that the spider renting the little nook above his fruit bowl, might be a special summons, or at the very least, a friend of a destruction bug that would surely tell on him were he to splat it out of existence.
It wasn't worth seeing his own reflection in an angry Aburame's shades, really. So all bugs and insects were almost always removed. Carefully. I'm saying almost always--given the fact that Kakashi can't stand mosquitoes (cue haunting flash-backs of the boggy, sweltering marshes of Mizugakure during the Third Shinobi War).
[Sick days:]
What sick days? Kakashi hardly ever takes off of his own accord, much less for something as silly as a cough, a broken rib or...Kami-Forbid...chakra exhaustion. All cases of sick leave were forced upon him by an angry Hokage with a vein pulsing along her temples and a quavering clip-board denting the plaster above his headboard. As such Kakashi has no choice but to use the forced reprieve to leave helpful remarks and little sketches on his medical charts, sleep, read Icha Icha (he's currently at chapter twenty-one of Violence) or by annoying the multitude of nurses and Iryo-nin coming and going into letting him escape the sting of disinfectant early.
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residentclown · 3 years
Hi! If you do tmnt match up, may I ask for one tmnt Bayverse 2016 match up, please?
My name is Gabriela, but my friends call me Gabi, Gabika( Slovak), Gigi or Gi. I'm 5'7 ft, I'm 15 years old girl from Slovakia and I live in village with my family. My Zodiac Sign is Libra.
I'm an only child. I have a Russian accent since childhood because I have ancestors from Russia. I'm so proud of this.
I have long brown hair down my waist, brown eyes and slim figure.
I am shy, calm and nice, but I am a hothead too. I'm very honest and I am a nerd. I'm very quiet person. I'm empathetic and very caring. I blush easily. I care much more about others than me. I really like to be alone, but others don't bothering me.
When I'm afraid, I usually fall off or stay standing with my mouth open. I can't help myself.
I have premonitions since childhood. Like I said something and just it happens. And it's true. My family sees it.
Also I have a bad and weird feelings. And I know when I have a bad feeling, it's so bad. Also, paranormal and weird things happens me, but I don't want to break it down. I have chills.
In my free time I always study for school. I like to read books ( I'm a bookworm) and I love to meditate. It's so relaxing. I work out daily and I like yoga.
I love actions movies and sci-fi. I love universe and extraterrestrial words.
My favorite sci-fi movies/ serials are Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who. And Teen Wolf. .
I love playing on accordion. On accordion I play only Slovak folk music. But in July, I will play on piano. I'm so excited.
I love music. I like rap. My fav bands are G.O.A.T and The Black Eyed Peas. My fav rapers are Cardi B, Nicki Minaj, Iggy Azalea, Stefflon Don and Kanye West. I really love AC/DC, Kiss, Little Mix and Pentatonix.
I love drawing and painting. Mostly I draw people, faces, nature or something what come to my mind. I love dance. I like knitting.
I love tea and cappuccino. I love cooking. I love reactions people when they taste my work. For me, it's everything. It's my passion.
My favorite colors are blue, purple and black.
I love technique. It's so interesting how somebody can build something. And I really admire it.
That's it. Thanks for your time and I can't wait for my match. Have a good day/evening/ night. Bye 💜💜
Hello hello! I want to start this off by saying thank you! You're my VERY first ask and I'm super excited! [Bending the rules of time a bit, so whoever I pair you with will be 16.]
This was a bit of a tough call cause I'll be honest -- you've got traits ALL the boys would fall over heels for! But I've narrowed it down and I pair you with. . .
You're SO unique in so many ways! It's like you're the ending result of several personalities bunched into one human being!
AND you're a nerd? Consider him SOLD.
Definitely has jealousy over you being an only child. Like -- imagine living with THREE brothers? One always on your case and the other two obnoxious as heck? He'd totally ask you what it's like to be a single child.
Donnie is a bit on the timid side as well -- especially so when it comes to physical affections like hand holding or the occasional smooch. So whether giving or receiving said affections, he'll be a bit red in the cheeks for sure.
Having someone to care for him as much as he does them is a godsend. His brothers care, sure -- but they're all still young so checking up on each other only goes so far when you're so curious and caught up with everything else around you. Donnie will appreciate a loved one who'll care for him, because you are his whole world.
You can count on Donnie to fight ANY fear you face. Whether it be physical or mental. You're a treasure to him, he won't let any harm come to you.
Consider this nerd to be your new study partner! It gives him the chance to learn new things as well! (Though does he really need to?)
As for meditation? His mind is like gears in motion. He can't sit still long enough to get a good meditation session in. But he'd happily join for yoga!
Dude are you his soul mate? Binge sessions, binge sessions, BINGE SESSIONS.
Will HAPPILY listen to any instrument you take up. Will request you play for him while he tinkers with new gadgets.
He isn't big on rap, but adores old-school music and some modern stuff here and there. Though if it makes you happy, he'll bear through anything you like.
TOTALLY asks that you draw on his shell! Anything you want as long as it makes him look cool!
If you compliment his inventions and are invested in what he does? He'll love you for life. He appreciates any moment he can get to ramble on about what HE is passionate about. Of course, though, he'd also be ecstatic to hear what YOU'RE passionate about as well 💜
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I hope this was up to expectation! I really enjoyed doing this and look forward to anymore asks from anyone in the future!
~ Arrow
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