bulletproofarcology · 2 months
Week 1: Yoongi
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Yoongi sat glowering, minus his initial mouth restraints, in the middle of his moderately sized cell. It was a bare thing, with a cot attached to the wall, a shallow sink and a table with a single chair, bolted to the floor. The walls were white and gray with the occasional light blue trim. A small reinforced window allowed some natural light in, but was too small to fit through, even if it could be opened.
A panel on the side of the cell you knew housed a tube that would dispense liquid slave food directly into a mouth when sensed and at certain times.
You walked into the hallway, a simple translucent hard light field separating you from the angry slave. “Yoongi! How are you adjusting to your new station?” You quip, knowing that it was pointless to show pity or empathy.
Yoongi doesn’t lunge, knowing it was useless with the hard light in place, but speaks out of turn regardless. “Oh, get fucked. You have no right to keep me here! Bitch!”
He spat harshly at your face. You watch impassively as the saliva slowly rolls down the hard light in front of your eyes.
Okay, so he wasn’t happy.
“Actually, I have every right to keep you here. And honestly, I could be caring for you much worse than you are currently being treated.” You reach into the unoccupied cell behind you and pull out a pair of old chains and a blood speckled shock collar
You could see tears well up in Yoongi’s beautiful feline eyes. Whether from fear or frustration you couldn’t be sure. He trembled as you continued speaking.
“I could very easily have you in these within the next five minutes.” You shake the chains making them rattle metallically. “But I’m a nice Mistress, and I love you. I want this to work out between us. So why don’t you be a good boy and give in?”
You knew that it would take more than a brief threat of pain and some vague praise to shift his perspective, but never hurt to be persuasive.
Yoongi’s tears spilled over his lower lids and his voice shook. “I’ll never give in.”
“You say that now, but what will you do when the aphrodisiacs in your only source of food give you an erection you’re unable to take care of? What will happen when months pass without a single glance of another human being? A simple conversation? Sensation of touch? Your senses will become dulled and your mental health will suffer.” You said. “I know that you’ve struggled with depression in the past, do you really want to go through that again?”
Yoongi let out a small sob and buried his face in his bulky full hand restraints.
Seeing the man finally reach his first breaking point, you step back and put away the chains and collar. “The light on the panel will blink blue when food is ready to be consumed. No worries about needing to use the bathroom. In addition to your full enemas at the auction house, the formula we use here at the penthouse won’t create any waste.”
He continued to cry. You felt a little bad, but it was for his own good.
“I love you, Yoongi. Don’t disappoint me.”
You exit this wing of cells and head for the next one over. Time to say hello to Hoseok.
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I have more general headcannons for the Overwatch heroes
Bastion has yet to really figure out their gender, they identify as he/him currently because of their relationship with Torbjorn but they are still discovering parts about who they are
Bob used to have a voice but Ashe’s parents had it removed when Ashe started to treat Bob as her parent instead of them, it had the opposite effect that they had intended. Ashe is determined to find a copy of Bob’s voice so he can tell her his stories again and talk to her while he makes meals and hum to her when she just needs a hug
When Efi began to create Orisa’s Javelin update she let Orisa pick out her own hairstyle, there are several hair styles stored away because Orisa went slightly overboard with picking one out, Efi is currently debating getting into selling hair styles to Omnics she’s made so many that she’s become that good
Brigitte had a habit growing up of trying to make mech suits for various animals, from a jet pack mech for a cat to a flying suit for a squirrel, Torbjorn already warned Bastion that she may try to do this with Ganymede, but he also knows that Reinhardt encourages the behavior
Widowmaker’s brainwashing did not simply affect her current emotions, the way that the brainwashers ensured it worked was that they altered her memories of her past emotions so that she felt like she was faking them instead of actually feeling them. Once that process was done then they implanted that she only feels real emotions when she kills someone and implanted the urge to kill Gerard. It also has to be stated that barely anyone knows that she is actually brainwashed, the only people who do are those that brainwashed her, some of them are dead, and Doomfist. So most people thinks this is the real Amelie instead of the fake. Angela and a few others just thinks she suffered a psychotic breakdown
Ana has a small holo disk that holds articles about all of Fareeha’s achievements, from her promotions to her completed missions, everything. Fareeha does not know about this
Ramattra has been analyzing certain individuals in order to create generals for Null Sector, or at the very least super soldiers (this is in reference to the Null Sector skins some heroes have, I want all of them to be canon to the lore)
Sombra hates hacking Omnics, the first time she tried it felt so wrong that she ended up getting sick. The issue that arises is that with manipulations there is always some sort of choice, no matter how much of an illusion one may be, but hacking an Omnic takes away all choice, and Sombra hates that because it makes her feel like the people she’s hunting down to uncover the conspiracy. She was sick for several days after she hacked several Omnics in Numbani for Doomfist
D.Va is a really good at making meals, and I mean like from scratch, it was something she learned to do when first entering the streaming scene because she didn’t want to become reliant on cup noodles and snacks for sustenance, which is ironic because she absolutely sucks at cooking games, which is made further ironic because Tracer, who can’t make a meal to save her life is amazing at cooking games
Doomfist’s philosophy was born when he lost his arm, he cried out for help but no one came even though he could see that people heard him, but no effort was made to save him. He had to force himself out of the rubble pinning him down, and forcefully tearing his trapped arm off to get out. That is when his philosophy first began to develop
Lifeweaver is constantly studying plants to try and find new effects he could create with his biolight that could help people, but the first plants he researched after he left Vishkar were some of Satya’s favorites. She had a small garden that she would trim and keep from overgrowing, with a bonsai tree to round it all together. The first plants he designed and created after leaving Vishkar and joining the Arcology were from that garden, he keeps a replica in his room to remember his best friend
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omnitheist27 · 2 months
The 40 - The World of 2138 (2/3)
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@the-ravenclaw-werewolf, @purplemochi20055, @hulkchloron99, and @maximum18
If the uninhabitable climate wasn't bad enough, The 40 learns of how the current civilizations function.
After the collapse of the traditional governing body, massive conglomerates have taken over their respective countries by seizing all the legislative, executive, and judicial powers during the power vacuum.
Those in the conglomerates had taken refuge in "complete environment cities" called arcologies. Employees and affiliates exulted in how different they were from the outside world. So arcologies ended up becoming states with cities built around them.
Then, one of the sinister things the conglomerates have done is dismantle the compulsory education system under the pretext of "getting public expenditure under control", when its true aim is to rob the poor of their ability to think. In the World of 2138, tuition was required to attend even elementary school level. Parents who wanted their children to be able to get a halfway decent job still sent them to school, but wasn't easy for the poor to scrape together tuition. Many bent over backward and ruined their health working to pay for it. Really, elementary education shouldn't have cost that much, but prices soared because the wealthy wanted to rob the poor of educational opportunities.
So, as The 40 adjust themselves to the World of 2138, they all made a vow to fix its sorry state no matter what (so long as their methods don't cross a line). As they delegated some of their members to study and develop a chemical that could "reverse" the pollution and integrate themselves into the societies of the civilizations, starting with the World of 2138's version of Japan.
One part of their plan involves elevating the common people's elementary-level education into having more practical, technological, and financial knowledge (though still teaching the children academic subjects). Given that it's a known fact that children can learn very fast at a certain age, The 40 takes advantage of this by having elementary school students become interested in learning the academic and practical subjects that would prove beneficial to their futures once they go off into the workforce after graduation. Also, The members of The 40 who are teaching elementary students would also cultivate the image of a "caring and ideal teacher" looking out for the student's well-being in addition to their education and helping instill values that would also prove instrumental for the upcoming revolution against the conglomerates.
For the other part of their plan...will be shown in the next update!
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cityof2morrow · 11 months
WIP: CE Eco-House 001
Published: 7-14-2023 | Updated: 9-22-2023 My current hood is set in a desert landscape, a 24th century SimCity dotted with arcologies and other architectural marvels (if I can finish the builds!) - like this eco-house from Cliff Empire (Lion’s Shade, 2018):
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“A complex automated building provides residents with water, food, salad [greens], and grapes [wine]. The building also has an underground geothermal station for heating and is equipped with solar panels, which significantly reduces its energy consumption.”
The structure is tall and straightforward but getting some parts of the exterior frame in place will be a little tricky.
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I had to add a custom tint to some windows and make solar walls/floors for this build – they’ll land on this site eventually.
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Updating this building will be much easier thanks to the Shift Everything (@lamare-sims, 2022) and Object Freedom 1.02 (@fwaysims, 2023) mods.
CREDITS Sources: Eco-House/Cliff Empire (Lion’s Shade, 2018).
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autumnbrambleagain · 1 month
ironically towns is what keeps me from coming back to morrowind
bcom covers so much and it's great, and all the updated interiors are incredible
but there are some town mods i really do prefer, like the old gnaar mok one that gives it several layers, and the sadrith mora upper-city district
and the insane vivec mod that makes each canton like a 5 layer arcology that you have to build your own compatibility patches for
the obvious answer is to do what i always do and mod the mods i'm playing with but bcom is so HUGE to actually sit down and learn it and modify it because honestly i don't want vanilla+ i want vanilla++++ after so many years of morrowind i want this place to look fucked up and extreme i want sadrith MORE yknow i want gnaar mok to be big i want vivec to be daunting as fuck
nothing sets off my dumb fucking hyperfixation like this fucking game i hate it
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thefirstknife · 2 years
so, this may be sort of random, but what's your opinion on the sunsetting of the Red War - and/or, the structure of the game as a whole? having actively removed its original campaign and is at a point narratively where it's nearly inaccessible to new players - how do you feel about the ongoing nature of the game?
Sunsetting is really unfortunate overall. I would definitely prefer if everything was still in the game and accessible. Including D1! D1 is completely inaccessible to me as a console exclusive. And it would be great if it were possible to somehow return at least original D2 stuff. Maybe even just cutscenes or something.
The problem is largely with how artificially expansive these campaigns were, which ties into the whole crunch culture at Bungie. Red War spans across several planets, but despite the need to have these locations for the campaign, they are completely unused otherwise. Titan was infamously an entire location that never saw any content. It released with one strike and missions for the Red War and never got any updates. The only time it was ever used for anything outside of vanilla missions was in Arrivals for Contact event. Four years of this location taking up space for nothing. It's an incredible shame because I loved Titan and the Arcology (but you could only explore it in the strike).
This artificial expansiveness made these huge assets of largely unused locations that eventually bloated the game to extreme proportions which led to sunsetting. Nobody wins here and it's incredibly unfortunate. This doesn't even go into the issue of old code.
So, I don't know how they could return the campaign without heavy reworks of how these locations would work. They would have to remove open world parts and put all missions into separate mission-only locations instead of adding back entire otherwise unused planets. I don't know how feasible this is.
However, the thing is... Red War was a terrible starting point for new players. The current New Light stuff is not the best, for sure. It leaves a lot to be desired, but it definitely briefly explains your character, your role, shows you being rezed, leads you through early game, explains basics. Again, could be better. But it could also be worse.
Red War did not explain anything. Original Red War campaign started with your character bantering with Ghost in your ship as you're returning to the Tower. At no point were new players given ANY explanation about who you are or who is Ghost or what's the Tower. You were shown the Vanguard members defending the Tower (what is the Vanguard? What is the Tower?), you saw Shaxx with a sword opening the armory to you (who is Shaxx? Why does he trust you specifically?), everyone was talking to you like you're a well known person (I literally left character creator 2 minutes ago), you were told that the Cabal are attacking the Tower (what are Cabal?), that the Speaker has been captured (who is the Speaker?), you're put into a large courtyard and told to go to Zavala's bubble for protection against Cabal bombardment (who is Zavala? What is a bubble?), etc.
You literally went from character creator into a story that expected you to have played D1. There was no help to explain anything. You were thrust into situations with zero information. I know that was the point of the story, to have you come up to the Tower in flames, but new players had no context for any of this.
This got worse somehow when Destiny 2 launched on Steam with Shadowkeep. At that point, when you made a new character, you weren't immediately put into Red War. If I remember right, you were given a very short rez scene and the mission of walking up to a ship with a very short combat tutorial. After that, you were put into orbit and you were free to do whatever. There were no indications about campaigns or how to activate them or in which order. And even if you found them, they were still playing in the same way, without any additional explanations or intros. You were literally just expected to have been a player since D1.
Now, if there was a proper tutorial (like New Light quest now + maybe some additional helpful bits added to that quest) and then you got to play Red War? Yeah, that would probably work. But Red War alone as a starting point? Not really. I never understood people who were saying that. Maybe they played D1 so it didn't bother them to start Red War in medias res.
But I was a New Light when D2 launched. I did not understand who I am. I picked to be Awoken because blue space people looked cool, but I didn't understand what I am and the game didn't tell me. The game didn't show me being rezed and didn't tell me why I'm treated like a hero. I wasn't told who any of the characters are or why they trust me. Most of all, nothing really explained Ghost? Or Light and abilities? The scene of Ghaul caging the Traveler went completely over my head on my first play. It looked like something bad was happening, but I didn't understand the gravity of the situation because I was a new player. What is even the Traveler?
I still enjoyed the game, but I didn't get to understand the Red War until much later. It was kinda lost on me. I was just going through the motions because that was the quest. Curse and Warmind had similar issues.
I think the game would still benefit from having that in the game (and Forsaken as well), but unfortunately Activision required huge campaigns spanning 5-6 locations so those campaigns are just impossible to keep in the game as is. I would love if there was a way to rebuild them somehow so they could still be playable. Putting a new player into the campaign after they finish the New Lights quest would be really cool.
However, even more than campaigns, there's seasons. Seasonal stories are arguably more important overall but with how they're structured, keeping them all in is also very much impossible. The biggest obstacle is that each of them have their own seasonal activities which can't all be kept in the game; it would be impossible to matchmake so many different activities active at once. But I'm always in favour of Bungie reworking some of the seasonal stories into mini playable missions and dropping them into the Legends tab.
For example, the story of how we saved Saint-14 is important. New players have no context for why Saint is constantly telling us how we saved him. They didn't play that! They don't even know who Saint is! The quest to save him could be packed into a mini story mission in self contained locations and replayed separately.
Of course, it's a lot of work. But ideally, yeah, old stuff would still be somehow accessible, even if not in its original format. I would be very happy if there was a way to do this, for some seasonal stuff and for old campaigns. It would be great if new players had that to go through after finishing New Light quest. It would definitely help more than just putting them into any current seasonal content and expect them to understand what's happening.
In that sense, the current model is no different than the same issue in vanilla D2. The only minor improvement is that you actually get to do the New Light stuff first and at least get to see how you're rezed and you get a basic tutorial. Other than that, as a new player, you're just kinda pushed into content you know nothing about. Unfortunately, having Red War still in there wouldn't help either. Since that also wasn't new player friendly.
Ideally, D1 story would be accessible in its entirety as a starting point. At least just base D1. Black Garden and all that (especially since it's being referenced still in D2). New Light quest wouldn't be just Cosmodrome stuff, it would feature the whole D1 story. That's honestly the only real way of making sure people get the appropriate context.
I have a lot to say about this, as you can see, especially about Red War. It was what I started with and I never understood when people were saying that this was the best starting point. Maybe if you played D1. But entirely new players? Not in my experience. Unironically, current New Light quest is a better starting point. But combining New Light stuff, maybe some more important stuff from D1 and THEN going to Red War and the rest from D2? In a perfect world, yes. However, that would require significant amounts of new work and reworks.
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workingwint · 2 years
The ascent ps4
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Software Usage Terms apply, See eu./legal for full usage rights. exclusively licensed to Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. Library programs ©Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. See Health Warnings for important health information before using this product. You can download and play this content on the main PS5 console associated with your account (through the “Console Sharing and Offline Play” setting) and on any other PS5 consoles when you login with your same account. See Terms of Service for more important information. If you do not wish to accept these terms, do not download this product.
See /bc for more details.ĭownload of this product is subject to the PlayStation Network Terms of Service and our Software Usage Terms plus any specific additional conditions applying to this product. Although this game is playable on PS5, some features available on PS4 may be absent. To play this game on PS5, your system may need to be updated to the latest system software. Allocate new skill points as you level-up and try various augmentations to take down your enemies in new creative ways.Ī VIBRANT CYBERPUNK WORLD Meet new allies and enemies and find loot as you explore the brimming world of The Ascent and its wide range of districts, from the deep slums to the higher luxury spheres. RPG ELEMENTS Customize your character with cyberware that suits your playstyle. SOLO OR CO-OP Play the entire game alone or work together with up to three friends in local or online co-op.ĮXPLOSIVE SHOOTER Aim low or high, switch weapons and equip lethal gadgets, take cover and use the destructible environments at your advantage and keep adjusting your tactic as you face new enemies. You must take up arms and embark on a new mission to find out what started it all. One day, you are suddenly caught in a vortex of catastrophic events: The Ascent Group shuts down for unknown reasons and the survival of your district is threatened. You play as a worker, enslaved by the company that owns you and everyone else in your district. Welcome to The Ascent Group arcology, a corporate-run metropolis stretching high into the sky and filled with creatures from all over the galaxy. Earn all the other Trophies in The Ascent to unlock Platinum, including Online Trophies 2.0 Ultra Rare: 23.15 Uncommon: Were just getting started First enemy kill 93.2 Common: 93.94 Common: Suicidal Die more than 100 times. Set in a future where corporations run everything, including entire habitats and, possibly, planets, work has become. Before we get to that though, The Ascent is an isometric twin-stick action RPG shooter. The Ascent is a solo and co-op Action-shooter RPG, set on Veles, a packed cyberpunk world. Which makes the game’s PlayStation debut for the PS4 generation of machines and PS5, nothing short of revelatory. This product entitles you to download both the digital PS4™ version and the digital PS5™ version of this game.
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LA’s journey to free public transit
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Los Angeles has a geometry problem. Multiply the space that even the smallest car occupies by the number of Angelenos who need to get from A-B and you'll see that there's no way that the city is compatible with private vehicles.
Building more highways means clearing more live- and work-space, which pushes everything apart, which makes journeys longer, which requires building more highways...
Sadly for advocates of individual transit solutions, geometry has a socialist bias.
(and no, you can't fix this by putting private vehicles in tunnels, no matter how fast the tunnels are - these are just shitty, inefficient subways that let plutes escape the company of their laboring neighbors during their morning commutes)
Los Angeles actually has one of the world's most extensive public transit systems, but it's not a system that most people use voluntarily. While the subways are fast and efficient, they're not nearly extensive enough.
The bus system is very extensive but it's slow and meandering and lacks the dedicated lanes that the evidence tells us we need if we're going to seriously shift people out of low-capacity private cars and into efficient, speedy buses:
As a result, LA's transit overwhelming serves low-income Angelenos, who don't merely suffer disproportionately from the slow service, but who also face significant drain on their budgets from the $1.75 fare (about $1200/year for regular riders).
The LA system isn't reliant on these fares, either: only 4% of the system's budget comes from fares, and 20% of the money collected in fares is spent enforcing fare-collection (!).
All of this led to activists like the Bus Riders Union to advocate for abolishing fares altogether, and now the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority has published a plan to create "the largest free mass transit system in the world."
As welcome as that plan is, it's far from perfect. It calls for phasing fare-waivers between now and 2023, with free rides for students (from kindergarten to community college) this Aug, expanding to riders earning less than $35k in Jan 2022.
The plan's means-testing might undo it, by excluding people who need it the most: for example, homeless people with no income, no W-2 and no way to prove they qualify; or low-income workers whose lack of English fluency and digital literacy freezes them out of the system.
These aren't hypothetical risks - they're what's already happening in the Metro's existing pandemic low-income fare waivers. There's no reason to think the problems will go away when these emergency programs are institutionalized and made permanent.
Fare waivers are the right thing to do, both as a matter of transitioning LA sustainable transit and to end the racially biased fare-policing practices in the system (20% of Metro riders are Black, but 50% of fare-evasion citations go to Black riders).
It'll also improve the working lives of drivers - 40% of driver assaults stem from fare disputes.
When systems like Kansas City's eliminated fares, they saw increased access for poor people, survivors of domestic violence and veterans.
Feared increases in crime on the system never materialized - nor did the predicted de facto conversion of the system into a homeless shelter.
Transit is a public good, and it is good for the whole public.
Image: LA WAD https://www.flickr.com/photos/hercwad/2827792472
CC BY-NC-SA: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/
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misfireanon · 3 years
As the door slid open, Desolas wished fervently that the voices belonged to the plumbers.
They did not.
The man wore white and blue and black. The symbol on his cowl matched the one on the skycar downstairs. He was kneeling, and he had his back to Desolas. He had a tiny vial between his talons. A complex-looking machine sat on the ground nearby.
The woman wore the same colours, but her face was bare. In one hand she held what appeared to be a thermometer, and in the other, Saren’s wrist.
“You’re a precocious thing, but you should listen to her,” the man said. “Patience is key, remember.”
“The recommended exercises are all on the handbook,” the woman said gently, pocketing her instrument so she could clasp Saren’s hand in both her own. The scales on her right thumb were a different colour from the rest. “I’ve updated the community caretakers and systems with your new access level. Be a good soldier. Don’t make me revoke it.” She winked.
“I won’t.” Saren hesitated, and slowly winked back.
The door started to close. Desolas kicked it, forcing it to retract properly. All three people in the room turned to him.
“Who are you?” He asked, though he knew the answer. 
The man tapped a shiny card on his chest. “I’m Dr. Triden from C5 Arcology General Hospital, and this is--”
“I know, but you’re early.” His mandibles clacked.
The man and woman looked at each other. “Yes, traffic was light today,” the doctor said.
“We’ll be out of your fringe in just a moment.” The officer activated her omni-tool and began to type. She must have had implants that let her use the haptic interface without gloves. Saren was staring at her fingers, as if trying to see where the incisions had been made. For a moment, Desolas also tried to find them, tilting his head to see past the broad-shouldered doctor. He pulled back quickly. It was a standard procedure. He could look it up on the extranet, later.
The doctor hummed as he packed up his machine, secreting the vial somewhere deep in its innards. He folded up a stool he had been ignoring, and gestured for the officer’s seat. She passed it to him by the handle, sliding to a crouch in a single fluid motion, still engrossed in her screen. Saren tried to sneak a peek. The officer raised an exaggerated brow, and he shrank back.
When the doctor stood to clip the stools to an aluminum frame, he paused. The single beam of sunlight seemed to ignite the sterile white plastic in his hands. He turned to Desolas, squinting, and asked: “Why don’t you come in, then?”
Desolas kicked the door again, smiling apologetically -- or so he hoped. “I’m fine holding the door. Don’t rush on my behalf.”
It took both people to lift the machine in its cradle. He could almost see the nylon rope emerging from the padded handles stretch and fray, melting in the afternoon heat of late spring. As the doctor passed by, he transferred the weight to one hand and tapped the sigil on Desolas’s shoulder. “Five bars already? The future’s looking bright.”
“Yes,” he answered stiffly, caught unawares. “Seems that way.”
“The legions will be glad to have you, especially out there near the Traverse. See if you can sign on to one. Standards are high, but they won’t say no. You’ll both make great contributions to the Hierarchy.” The doctor patted the machine. “I have it on good authority.”
“What he means,” the officer said as she followed him out, “is to not worry. The Cabals can be generous with opportunities.”
“Thank you,” he said, and locked the door behind them. He dropped his shopping bag on the ground. 
Saren spun on his toes, staring at the shrink-wrapped sausages rolling across the floor, his tiny mandibles pinched to his jaw. “I can’t come over. I’m not supposed to move too much for the next eight minutes.”
“Yeah,” Desolas sighed, shoving his jacket into the locker. This time last year, Saren hadn’t even been able to reach the kitchen counter. “Ok.”
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novapark · 3 years
Base Background Lore
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The basis for my overall simverse (in not just REM but other stories) is rooted in stories I started writing some years ago about Earth in the midst of colonial expansion. I only uploaded the first book as part of Nanowrimo in 2018 but the overall series is named “Don’t Wake the Sleepers” or just “Sleepers” in my head. 
Anyway, my sims are living in a universe several hundred years out from that initial colonial effort and have been exposed to the elements on different planets and changed as a result. There will be more on the evolutionary changes and why they’ve occurred when I get into the different “aliens” we have running around and where they came from. For now I wanted to kick things off with where it all began on Earth. Here is my original timeline for that collection of stories with a few additions that are applicable to REM’s world building.
Please note that the last time I updated this timeline before today was in 2018 so some of this is kind of uncomfortable to go back and read given the current state of the world. 
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Also I apologize in advance for how text heavy many of these codex entries will be. I’m just really into world building.
2020’s - Automation leads to civil unrest in the west and a “cold war” of sorts begins between the masses and the elite. This culminates in a progressive shift after the oligarchs realize they have lost control and need to move left to avoid full overthrow. A basic income is instituted and the half measures bring temporary relief for most in Western economies. Some social issues are addressed but income inequality is still a problem. 
2032 - Space is officially opened for commercial work in an effort to boost the stagnant world economy.
2040 - The new goods and services brought in with the new age of exploration creates an unprecedented economic boom. This results in greater intermingling between classes and improves upward mobility worldwide. Around this time people start to work on the first long term colonies throughout the solar system. Most colonies were on asteroids at first during the 2030’s since they were easier to adjust for human needs and for the most part people didn’t live there long term. However the first large scale Mars colonization mission was early in these ventures and while it struggled it eventually was able to gain a foothold in that environment.
2045 - Emboldened by their early success colonizing the solar system, dreams of finding a “New Earth” start to flood into society. Everyone comes together to look for a clean new start.  The first orbital colonies go up around earth as people prepare their bodies and minds for the next great step in humanity.  Near lightspeed drives are invented and robotic probes are sent out around the galaxy to find suitable options. 
2062 - The first ships to leave the solar system with human colonists take off from Earth. The demand is so great that ships leave almost monthly for a while until an obvious depopulation problem slows the process down.
2064 - Phase 3 sleeper ships are implemented, the founding populations of Kas, Simat, Mirindea, and Getan leave Earth. 
2065 - To combat systems collapse due to depopulation, the governments of Earth encourage their remaining citizens to move into large Arcologies.  Most people do this as they offer full services and a launch port for those looking to immigrate off world. As a byproduct a worldwide resurgence in environmental repair and conservation comes into play. Some even call for an end of colonization citing the destruction of their own planet as an example of why they should just clean up the mess and accept the fate all living creatures have to. These people are considered radicals but their message resonates with a large subset of society. A religious movement eventually springs out of it based on old Pagan and Animist principals. 
2066 - A respiratory plague hits some of the arcologies, wiping out the population of one of the largest ones in less than a year. The push to leave Earth gets another boost and a secondary wave as a bitter public feels betrayed by “the planet” for sending the blight. Later it’s discovered to have originated with the Mars colony when people were passing between worlds. A normal flu virus had mutated. The Martians, having changed with it, were immune but the Earthbound and other colonial populations were not. A vaccine based on Martian immunity is developed and the crisis ends but more stringent travel restrictions are put in place and travel between intersolar colonies becomes less common isolating the different groups of humanity further. Some on Earth start to see those who left as less human and some colonists start to see those on earth as evolutionarily inferior. With fewer humans on Earth to support the systems in place due to continued depopulation and disease the old burden of poverty returns as upward mobility breaks down. It’s all about leaving now for the majority. 
2095 - With so few humans left on Earth proper the governments of the World announce that the final long range colonization projects will come to an end. Intersolar system travel will still be a thing but that humanity on Earth no longer has the resources to support larger projects. As such another mad rush to leave the planet ensues with the final ships set to take off in
2098 - The humanity that remains on Earth is largely sparse and sickly. There is a tremendous breakdown in automation support so most of humanity live in the remaining arcologies to better pool resources. The surface of the planet has had a resurgence in animal life and vegetation but most humans live in their settlements much the same as they had for the last thirty years and have become fearful of the new wild space outside of it. Despite this exploring ruins is a popular pastime for the youth and there are some special places outside of big cities still regularly seen by human eyes but the majority of the planet has now been left to repair. 
The final colony ships go up in their drydocks and there is a mad dash for those who remain to get well enough to leave. As the time for the final liftoff approaches lotteries go up as people who find themselves suddenly unwell try to sell their tickets. In response to maximize profits the shipping companies make them non-transferrable and hold their own auctions. 
Contact with the other human settlements off Earth is extremely limited now. Mostly reserved for members of government, though the orbiting stations tend to have better communications on a wide scale than the ground based governments. Most of the extrasolar missions are far out of range and the long range communication relays fell into disrepair. There are occasional large scale transmissions that make it back from the first wave of colonization but in general all is lost to the vacuum. 
The orbital station and asteroid dwellers are caught between these two worlds since they aren’t exactly one or the other and their settlements require a great deal of upkeep to maintain. They are mostly self-automated but need a human hand once in a while. As such accidents have become very common in those places and the people who live there have a general sense of abandonment. There are a group of Earthbound humans that specialize in offering services to their “sky cousins” but these organizations are small and receive little funding.
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bulletproofarcology · 2 months
Week 1: Jimin
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Heading on over to Jimin’s room, you walk in to find said slave positioned seductively on his massive bed, tiny cock obviously already stroked to hardness. He was trained well it seemed. Too bad that wasn’t what you were here for.
“Jimin! Lovely to see you’ve gotten accustomed to your room already. I suppose I did take a hot second or two with your next door neighbors before coming here… Oh well.”
Jimin smiled cutely at you, slinking up from the bed and sashaying over to you.
“As much as I’d love to have fun with you today, I gotta hurry through introductions and get you set up.” You smile apologetically at the guy. Huh, you were the same height it seemed. “For now let’s get you into some clothes. Oh, and call me Mistress.”
Walking into the closet you immediately find the best thing ever. A one piece, lacy white set of lingerie complete with thigh high stockings. With Jimin’s blond hair and delicate physique, it’ll look smashing on him.
Bringing the outfit out to the man in question, you hand it over with instructions to put it on. Time for the talk.
“Feel free to talk and becomes friends, lovers, rivals, I don’t care, with any of the other slaves here. This room is yours fully, decorate, mess it up, it’s fine. Cleaning crew will be here soon, so no need to worry about messes.”
Jimin giggled. “Oh, Mistress, I bet there'll be a lot of those over time. Hopefully your maids have strong stomachs…” He had a pretty, high pitched Korean accent.
Ah, a little snarky huh? Oh well, it was honestly refreshing after both Namjoon and Jin’s placid attitudes.
“I don’t doubt you.” You snark back. “By the way, your twin is in the adjoined room next door. I know from your records that you guys were always housed together, but I wanted to give you guys the option of your own space.”
Jimin, already changed into his new outfit, blinked at you, visibly shocked at your attention to detail and thoughtfulness. “I… I appreciate that, Mistress.”
“Don’t mention it, man.” You wave off his shock. “I’m not here to rule over you guys with an iron fist or anything like that. My only goal is to let you all blossom into your best selves, and that means keeping y’all happy.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jimin smiled his first genuine smile at you.
“You probably already know all this, given that I’m not your first owner, but who knows right? Everyone has different strokes for- well, their strokes.” You walk closer to him. “No sex or getting yourself off unless its with me, Strawberry or for a job. Orgasms are for rewards. This is your space, do with it what you want. And cleaning crew will come by soon if I have anything to do with it. Oh, I hope you’re not scared of needles by the way cause this,” You grab a fist full of Jimin’s plump derriere, spilling out of his G-string. “Is gonna get a whole lot bigger.”
Jimin swallowed hard, seemingly unsure about the future being laid out before him. His cock told a different story, chubbing up in his panties. “My butt?”
“What? Never had any physical changes happen to you before? Rare for an experienced slave. No implants? Liposuction? Hair dye?”
“My owners valued purity…” Jimin murmured. “I haven’t gotten any work done.”
“Good, cause I only use targeted growth hormones. No silicone here.” You smirk at him.
Jimin looked a little less pale in the face after being told he wouldn’t be straight up operated on. “Then by all means, my ass is your canvas. Make it as fat as you want.”
Oh that’s not the only thing that’s gonna get fat. You think to yourself. “Well then, Jimin. I hope you like sitting on beanbags.”
“What do you mean?” He blinked in confusion.
You grasped one of his ass cheeks with your right hand and with your left pull aside his panties to gain access to his already fairly stretched out hole. Probing fingers are welcomed by his fluttering sphincter, eagerly pulling you into it’s depths. Jimin moaned lustily as you penetrated him, curling two fingers and flexing them inside. “What I mean is, not only are you currently a slave to me but you will become a slave to your ass as well.” The man starts panting softly, eyes glazing over. “Wanting nothing more than to satiate it’s desire to grow bigger and stretch further.” You tap his already plump rear end and pause to let it jiggle briefly.
By the time you’re be done with him, that ass wont be able to stop jiggling.
You remove your dirtied fingers from his hole and back off slightly. Jimin whines, already missing the feeling of being full back there.
“Mistress~! I-I promise I wont get off, but may I please use my toys? Just the plug!” He groped as his ass cheeks desperately. Poor thing was borderline a nymphomaniac, being celibate will be difficult for him. You should keep that in mind.
“Go for it, but you’re right, no getting off. Just fill yourself up.” You turn to leave.
Jimin scrambling for his toy bag was the last thing you saw before exiting the room.
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mitigatedchaos · 3 years
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Update: Quick check on the regular vertical version. Looks like a combination space colony and maybe an arcology cut from SimCity 2000.
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darthkvznblogs · 5 years
Better Devils #1
Sort of a one-shot series I’ve been experimenting with. In my head, I call this AU “Optimistic Destiny”, but Better Devils is both a way better name, and a really fun legendary hand cannon that got me through most of my Titan levelling back at launch, so that shall be the title. I’ll update once I post this to FF and AO3, in case you hate reading on Tumblr.
It’s usually the other way around.
Maybe not common, not in this so-called Second Golden Age, but every so often, a Guardian will lose their Ghost to the myriad forces of Darkness, in turn forever losing the ability to resurrect, and much of their ability to wield the Traveler’s Light. It’s a terrible phenomenon, a tremendous loss that no one but another Guardian can possibly relate to, though one that’s fairly easy to avoid - Ghosts rarely phase back into three-dimensional space outside of safe spaces, like the Last City, and even if they do, it takes a weapon of ontological power and paracausal effects to truly kill one.
Naxos is very much alive. His Guardian, however, is dead.
Death is, of course, so intrinsic a part of a Guardian’s experience that some even count it as part of their skill set, but then none of them have experienced Ariadne’s fate - died her last death, swallowed by the fading soul of an incomprehensibly powerful Hive God she was one third responsible for slaying. No matter what Naxos tried, or how close he got to Oryx’s titanic corpse, inching ever closer to Saturn’s crushing depths, he was ultimately unable to bring her back.
It’s quite the shock, then, when he feels that pull again. The undeniable magnetism of a chosen, a heroic soul meant to be raised from the dead in defense of life, freedom, and of course, the Traveller.
The corpse he finds at the epicenter of the pull - in a suspiciously sealed off section of the Arcology on Titan - is not human. Not Awoken, or Exo either. It’s not ancient, either, like Ariadne’s body was, brittle bones bleached by centuries of exposure in the desolate reaches of the russian Cosmodrome.
No, this Fallen - Eliksni now, regardless of the colors of Dusk he apparently wore in life - died recently. Naxos can only guess at the exact circumstances, but it’s plain for anyone to see that he perished in battle with the Taken, like most of the life forms who die in Sol since the Hive Dreadnought arrived in-system. His upper right hand still clutches onto a Taken Hive sword - a rare sight, as most Taken weapons disintegrate along with their bearers upon defeat - and most of his body bears burns so intense that his armor and leathery hide have hideously fused in places. The hand that clutches onto the sword is corrupted, of course, the darkest black imaginable, pockmarked with white pinpricks of transdimensional light. It twitches, still, ‘glitching’ the way all Taken bodies do.
It’s unorthodox, to be sure. But still, Naxos is as confident as he was when he found Ariadne. He brings him back.
His tiny form splits open, like a flower in bloom, petals spread to catch every iota of the Traveler’s omnidirectional power, syphoning the paracausal current into the Captain’s lifeless corpse. Light burns away his broken armor, washes away his myriad injuries, and seeps into the trillions upon trillions of molecules that make up his being. The energy bonds with his every atom, becoming intrinsically tied with the particles that make those up, in turn. The body, now alight with life, gives back in the form of memories, the sole price the process demands in return for eternal life. Only one of these stays with Naxos, and it’s a name. Most Guardians don’t even get that.
The Ghost can’t smile, not corporeally, but his one blue eye does seem to glow brighter as the Eliksni draws breath for the first time in his remaining lives. “Hello, Misraks! I am Naxos, your Ghost, and you...you are a Guardian.”
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thesevenseraphs · 7 years
Update 1.1.0
Increased the damage dealt to bosses from Super abilities
Adjusted the output of the Recovery stat so that characters with the lowest Recovery totals will start regenerating slightly faster
Reduced Pulse Grenade damage slightly and toned down the intensity of camera shake and controller rumble associated with each pulse
Reduced the recharge rate of additional grenade charges beyond the first
Normalized the recharge rate of Arcbolt and Firebolt Grenades to match the other grenade archetypes
Increased damage inflicted to combatants by Flashbang Grenade, Magnetic Grenade, Suppressor Grenade, Incendiary Grenade, Fusion Grenade, Skip Grenade, Flux Grenade, Arcbolt Grenade, Swarm Grenade, Tripmine Grenade, Storm Grenade, Firebolt Grenade, Axion Bolt, and Scatter Grenade.
Fixed an exploit allowing the Titan’s Rally Barricade ability to generate infinite ammo for certain weapon types
Fixed an exploit allowing players to chain Fist of Havok abilities indefinitely
Decreased the distance traveled in the air with the shoulder charge ability when it is executed without a target
Increased the number of solar hammers that can be thrown during the duration of the Hammer of Sol Super ability
Extended the timer for the Hammer Strike’s weaken debuff by 1 second and corrected an issue that was causing the visual effects not to represent the duration properly
The Sunspot health regeneration buff now lingers for 3 seconds after moving through a Sunspot
Tempered Metal and Sol Invictus no longer trigger off combatant solar shield detonation kills
Arcstrider dodge now briefly breaks tracking
The base duration of Golden Gun is now the same for both paths
Shadowshot now suppresses targets immediately on a direct hit
Shadowshot no longer tethers dropships
Increased the amount of time available to fire arrows while using the Moebius Quiver upgrade of the Shadowshot Super ability
Explosive rounds no longer receive bonus damage from Empowering rift
The Heat Rises perk no longer triggers on destructible objects
Updated the Devour perk description to correctly indicate that the ability is triggered on kills
The Nova Bomb created by the Cataclysm upgrade maintains its initial speed for longer before slowing down
Hunter leg armor with Survivalist stat package now grants Recovery
Exotic Amor
Mask of the Quiet One no longer grants energy when the wearer takes damage from friendly players
Shield Bash now triggers the Dreaded Visage perk on Mask of the Quiet One
Slightly increased the damage dealt by ACD/0 Feedback Fence
Kills with the Fury Conductors perk on ACD.0 Feedback Fence now show correct icon in the kill feed
Adjusted the grenade recharge granted by Starfire Protocol to compensate for the global decrease in the second grenade recharge rate
Improved ready and stow speed on Peacekeepers
Added an additional perk to Lucky Pants that loads a single bullet to the chamber of a stowed Hand Cannon whenever the player scores a precision hit with any weapon
Reworked Karnstein Armlets in two ways: on a melee hit, the armlets now provide heightened Mobility and Recovery and highlight low-health targets; and scoring a melee kill immediately restores a significant amount of the wearer's health
Fixed an issue with Dunemarchers where the Linear Actuators perk was not triggering consistently
Increased the base damage and reduced the precision modifier of Precision Auto Rifles
Slightly reduced the aim deflection of High-Caliber Rounds on Auto Rifles and Scout Rifles
Reduced the effectiveness of Aim Assist at higher ranges on Scout Rifles
Reduced severity of recoil on Hakke High-Impact Auto Rifles
Hand Cannon accuracy recovery now scales with rate of fire
Improved base Aim Assist on aggressive Hand Cannons
Slightly increased the rate of fire time between bursts on all Omolon Sidearms
Slightly increased impact damage on lightweight single-shot Grenade Launchers
Fixed an issue with the Tireless Blade Sword perk where players could sometimes get sword ammo from an unpowered sword attack
Fixed an issue where the Infinite Guard perk would drain ammo when guarding in a Healing Rift
The Relentless Strikes sword perk no longer returns ammo on heavy attacks
When comparing Sniper Rifle stats the UI correctly updates for maximum magazine values
Fixed an issue with Ambitious Assassin to make it more consistent
Exotic Weapons
Increased Fighting Lion damage and changed Thin the Herd perk to now grant bonus ammo rather than pulling ammo from the player inventory
Shooting destructible objects with Graviton Lance, Sunshot, Merciless, Sturm, and Drang no longer trigger the Exotic weapon perks
Fixed an issue with D.A.R.C.I's Target Acquired perk to make it more consistent
The Leviathan raid now has a recommended Power of 300
The Prestige Leviathan raid now has a recommended Power of 330
Fixed an issue causing Cabal corpses to float in mid-air
Fixed an exploit in the nightmare realm of the Calus encounter
Fixed an issue where Raid Keys could be removed from inventory when players create a new character
Raid Keys will once again reset alongside Checkpoints each week
Players traveling to the Leviathan now see proper spaceflight
Fixed cases where players could get out of the intended playable area on a number of maps
The Hot Streak challenge no longer progresses for the opposing team
The Capture 5 Zones challenge now progresses for zones captured by allies and requires increased numbers of captures for completion
Advantage and Domination stats now accumulate on assists
Fixed an issue causing previous kill to repeat in the kill feed prior to a new kill when a player obtains a kill streak
Increased the rate of Rare rewards upon match completion in Quickplay and Competitive playlists
Increased the rate of Legendary rewards upon match completion in Quickplay and Competitive playlists
Increased XP rewards upon match completion in Quickplay and Competitive playlists
Nightfall strikes now have a recommended Power of 270
Prestige Nightfall strikes now have a recommended Power of 330
Fixed an issue in Savathun’s Song where a crystal would fail to spawn blocking progression
Fixed an issue in the Inverted Spire where in some cases players who died had no valid spawn location
Increased Glimmer earned from strike completions
Increased XP rewards earned from strike completions
Public Events
Fixed an issue where sometimes the Prime Ether Servitor would not spawn during the Ether Resupply public events
Fixed an issue where the Cabal Gladiators would sometimes have horrific arm elasticity when being defeated during Cabal Drill public events
Reduced the XP rewards of some public events to bring them more in line with other activities
Reduced Glimmer earned from some public events to better balance them with their counterparts
Reduced the rate of Rare rewards to bring them more in line with other activities
Increased the rate of Legendary rewards from public events for level 20+ characters
Guided Games
Leviathan Guided Games now have a recommended Power of 310
Nightfall Guided Games now have a recommended Power of 270
Improved clarity on Guide selection screen in Guided Games
Full clans can now queue as guides for Guided Games
Faction Rallies
Fixed an issue where the Tower would not properly load Faction Victory Flags for players who were in orbit when the flags were applied
Fixed an issue preventing some players from pledging to a faction during Faction Rallies
Fixed an issue where faction tokens stored within the Vault were not properly wiped between Faction Rally events
Iron Banner
Fixed an issue where Lord Saladin would sometimes refer to Guardians by the wrong class
Trials of the Nine
Fixed an issue where players could sometimes become stuck in the Third Spire when attempting to visit the Flawless space
Fixed an issue where the Trials of the Nine tooltip displayed the wrong fireteam requirements
Fixed an issue where some emotes would not play correctly during the intro cinematic
Fixed the missing buff icon when “The Floor Is Lava” challenge is completed
Fixed an issue causing level-up notifications to persist on-screen during Crucible matches
Fixed an issue preventing eligible Exotic infusion material from displaying properly in the infusion screen
Reduced the frequency of the “HUD Disabled” warning shown when the HUD is turned off via the HUD Opacity setting
Fixed an issue causing the player indicator on the destination map to be incorrectly positioned while the player is dead
The flashing nameplate indicator for a player who is unable to launch an activity now displays appropriately to all fireteam members
Fixed an issue where notifications could be dismissed by bringing up the character screen
Fixed legibility issues with waypoint icons and text that were using the same color
Fixed an issue causing “No Kinetic Ammo” to briefly appear when a player was swapping weapons
Fixed an issue where loot stream notifications would hide Challenges
Orbit PGCR correctly displays player tooltip information
Fixed an issue where players would be told they owned the Sturm Symbiosis ornament, even when they did not
Fixed an issue where "Competitive" was misspelled on the Give Them War emblem
Fixed an issue where players would sometimes be prevented from dismantling gear
4K and HDR Support
Upgraded resolution to adaptive 4K with high dynamic range lighting on the PlayStation 4 Pro
Upgraded resolution to 4K with high dynamic range lighting on the Xbox One X
Fixed an issue causing music to fail to play when players were completing the same adventure back-to-back
Fixed firing audio for the Hoosegow Rocket Launcher
Fixed an audio issue in the Memorialization replay sequence
Players can now exit the game using a controller
Players can now keybind to the NumPad when NumLock is active
The scroll wheel now works on gear lore tabs
Fixed crashing in the New Pacific Arcology area of Titan
Fixed a source of random crashes
Fixed an issue that prevented fullscreen mode from working properly in rare situations
Improved the accuracy of the in game framerate counter under fluctuating framerates on PC
Fixed an issue where Destiny 2 would crash upon shutdown
Improved font texture handling to address cases of stuttering or hitching
Fixed an issue where some SLI configurations would cause framerate stuttering
Fixed an issue where open-world vendors would not load properly, resulting in a crash
Fixed an issue where two players on the same network could crash when leaving an area simultaneously
Fixed an issue where players would sometimes be launched into the wrong activity
Fixed an issue where hitching would occur when traditional Chinese language was selected
Added secondary and tertiary sorting methods for the Vault
Fixed an issue that could result in Beetle errors
Fixed an issue where Loot-a-Palooza and Dance Party keys did not recover to the Postmaster
Fixed an issue causing improper lighting on player ships when flying to destinations
Fixed many cases where players could get out of the environment in various destinations
Fixed an issue causing Louis to jitter erratically
Fixed an issue where the camera would rotate awkwardly upon character respawn
Added missing Omolon emblem to Gunsmith rewards
Destiny Companion
iOS / Android
Updated for the Curse of Osiris expansion
Players can now see and share Game History details from their profile page
Added the ability to retrieve items from the Postmaster and Gear section
General bug fixes
Improved localization
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huntermailer266 · 3 years
Simcity Mac Os
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Another massive classic has been added to Porting Kit: SimCity 4 Deluxe! This game is now playable on Mac OS Catalina 10.15.x! Many requests has been done for this game, and today is the day :) Get on GOG.com and use the install instructions below:
Simcity 5 Download Pc
Simcity Macos Big Sur
Simcity Mac Os 9
Simcity Macos Mojave
Simcity 2000 Mac Os X
Simcity Mac Os Download
SimCity is available for download through EA’s Origin service but we definitely recommend the Mac App Store version, handled directly by Aspyr. Disclaimer: Some of the links above are affiliate links, which means that if you choose to make a purchase, I will earn a commission (this is how we pay the bills). Official Mac Site - Buy, register, and get updates, news, and support for SimCity 4: Deluxe Edition for Mac. Create the most massive region of cities ever! Intel HD 3000 VRAM: 256 MB Storage: 12 GB available space ——————————— Technical Support Notes ——————————— SimCity™: Complete Edition does not support hard drive volumes formatted as Mac OS Extended (CaseSensitive) SimCity™: Complete Edition is an offline single-player version of the game.
SimCity is available for download through EA’s Origin service but we definitely recommend the Mac App Store version, handled directly by Aspyr. Disclaimer: Some of the links above are affiliate links, which means that if you choose to make a purchase, I will earn a commission (this is how we pay the bills).
Pretty much what I said in the title. I'm on Mac OS 10.10.4, with the most recent origin update as of 7/28-ish/2015. This started happening a couple of days ago when I opened SimCity and the Origin app auto-updated. Tried to start a new city in a region I started about a month ago.
Basic Portingkit Install Instructions GOG games: 1. Download Portingkit if you don’t have it already! 2. Download the SimCity 4 Deluxe “offline backup setup” file(s) into your (root) download folder. 3. Go to the library server tab and select the game you want to install and click “Install” 4. Portingkit will create the wrapper and locate your setup file in your download folder 5. The installation of the game will start, run through the install wizard. 6. After installation, exit the installer (don’t run launch the game). 7. Porting kit will say it has finished successfully. 8. Go to your local library tab and select the game and click “play”! 9. Enjoy the game!
Still For Catalina users (not long anymore): Make sure SIP is disabled and that the Porting Kit app is located in your Apps/Application folder. If you want SIP to be enabled, I strongly recommend Crossover for now for the time being.
Game description: In SimCity 4, you don’t just build your city, you breathe life into it. Create a megalopolis by weaving together a tapestry of cities ranging from a bedroom community to a high tech urban center or a vacation destination to a farming village. You can create a region of interconnected cities sharing and competing for resources that are linked by a fully integrated transportation network. Use “god-like” powers to create mountain ranges, carve valleys, and lay rivers to construct the most realistic metropolis imaginable. The new simulation engine offers immediate feedback so you can react to the needs of an expanding metropolis.
Check out the game page up here…
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SimCity 2000
Developer: Maxis Publisher: Maxis Platform: Mac OS Classic Released in US: November 1993
This game has debugging material. This game has revisional differences.
The second game in the SimCity series. In addition to improving on everything that was in the original, it adds an incredible number of new features and swaps the top-down perspective of the original for an isometric view.
2Revision History
Debug Menus
Among other things, the Debug menu allowed testers to invoke the special disasters not listed in the Disasters menu.
Simcity 5 Download Pc
A separate, enormous menu was devoted to testing each type of newspaper article.
There's no apparent way to activate these; the relevant codes from the PC version do nothing on the Mac.
These menus were removed altogether in version 1.2.
Revision History
Title Screen
Simcity Macos Big Sur
Version 1.0.
Version 1.1 added a trademark symbol and copyright date. It also lengthened the picture by 20 pixels, revealing more of the buildings.
Version 1.2 traded ™ for ®, 1993 for 1995, and a clump of pixels on the first zero for a slightly darker clump of pixels.
Changes in Version 1.1
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The 1.1 patch comes with a list of its improvements, which is reproduced below:
Simcity Mac Os 9
The budget should work properly now, transit figures should be correct (and stay that way).
The Bulldoze Tool should always default to Bulldoze instead of whatever tool was last used. This should prevent accidental mass destruction caused by forgetting that the last bulldoze tool being used was Raise/Lower/Level Terrain.
Airports should build correctly now (the ratio of towers to runways should be better).
Several problems that show up with more than 7 stadiums/teams should be gone.
Figures in the Analysis window (from the City Hall query window) should stay correct.
Sometimes, destroying bridges would leave an un-usable shoreline tile. This should be fixed.
Querying on certain tiles of the Forest Arcology in certain situations would report bare land, this should not happen.
Arcologies that do not have micro-simulators attached should now affect population (populations far greater than 9.1 million should be attainable).
There is a new button when using the query tool on a library. [That would be the 'Ruminate' button, which displays this essay by Neil Gaiman.]
Placing highway and re-enforced bridges now charges the user correctly.
Schools should work properly at population levels above 60,000.
The date should now properly display above 9,999 years.
The power graph should be more accurate.
This Read Me file has been updated.
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There's also a new quasi-ending: if the year is at least 2051, and your city has at least 301 launch arcologies, they'll take off into space and refund the money used to construct them, accompanied by a pop-up announcing that 'the exodus has begun'.
Simcity Macos Mojave
Changes in Version 1.2
The Read Me only cites three new features: PowerPC native code, support for the Urban Renewal Kit, and African Swallow Mode (which fast-forwards the game as fast as your computer can possibly go). Subtler changes included some modifications to the credits:
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Versions 1.0 and 1.1Version 1.2NotesThe title was bumped up to registered trademark status throughout v1.2.Lewis' resume states that he 'fixed over 100 bugs, including over 20 crash bugs'. His work on this revision was honored with an easter egg: type uspa87419 (his US Parachute Association membership number) to watch a parachutist float over your city. This egg also appears in SimTown, on which Lewis was lead programmer.A Manhattan nuclear meltdown scenario was included in the Great Disasters expansion pack.Despite the curly quotes earlier, these ones are straight.'Vice' should be 'VISE'.The very last entry gained a concluding period.
Simcity 2000 Mac Os X
The Sim seriesSimCityMac OS ClassicSimCity • SimCity 2000 • SimCity 3000NESSimCitySNESSimCityDOSSimCity 2000WindowsSimCity 2000 • SimCity 3000 (Unlimited) • SimCity 4 • SimCity (2013)Nintendo 64SimCity 2000PlayStationSimCity 2000Nintendo DSSimCity DSLinuxSimCity 3000 UnlimitedThe SimsWindowsThe Sims • The Sims 2 • The Sims 3 • The Sims 4 The Sims: Life StoriesGameCubeThe Sims • The Sims: Bustin' Out • The Sims 2 (Prototypes) • The Sims 2: PetsPlayStation 2The Sims • The Sims: Bustin' Out • The Sims 2 (Prototypes) • The Sims 2: Pets • The Sims 2: CastawayXboxThe Sims • The Sims: Bustin' Out • The Sims 2 (Prototypes)WiiThe Sims 2: Pets • The Sims 2: Castaway • The Sims 3PlayStation 3, Xbox 360The Sims 3Game Boy AdvanceThe Sims 2 • The Sims 2: PetsPlayStation PortableThe Sims 2 • The Sims 2: Pets • The Sims 2: CastawayNintendo DSThe Sims 2 • The Sims 2: Castaway • The Sims 3iOSThe Sims FreePlayAndroidThe Sims FreePlayMySimsNintendo DSMySims • MySims Kingdom • MySims AgentsWindowsMySimsWiiMySims Kingdom • MySims Racing • MySims Agents • MySims SkyHeroesDSiWareMySims CameraPlayStation 3, Xbox 360MySims SkyHeroesOthersWindowsSim Theme Park • SimCoasterMac OS ClassicSimAnt • Sim Theme ParkPlayStationSim Theme ParkSNESSimEarth: The Living Planet • SimAntGameCube, PlayStation 2, XboxThe Urbz: Sims in the City
Simcity Mac Os Download
Retrieved from 'https://tcrf.net/index.php?title=SimCity_2000_(Mac_OS_Classic)&oldid=594227'
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mypunkpansexualtwin · 6 years
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Guardian Dossier Name: Sina Rosalie Fione Aliases/Nicknames: The Living Legend, Rosy, Fluke Species: Human Gender: Female Height: 5'5″ Weight: 195 lbs Age: 25 Class: Hunter Faction: New Monarchy Associates: Ghost “Lily” Warlock Captain Isra Fadia (Fireteam/Clan Leader) and “Lieutenant” Ghost Hunter Huntir Ves Warlock Regel-14 aka “Regalia” (KIA during Red Legion invasion) Titan Ilya “Chernila” Chernikoff Cryptarch Ferris-3 Cryptartch Sish Tealri Warlock Anya Chernikovna Titan Carrax Xash Warlock Omen-59
Notes: The only known Guardian to have been chosen while they were still alive; Sina Fione’s Ghost, now known as Lily, found her in the City having dinner with her family at 9 years old. From the time she could talk she had looked up to the City’s Guardians, especially Warlock Vanguard Ikora Rey. She was brought before the Vanguard shortly after her Ghost found her, thrilled to meet her hero then disappointed to hear their decision; she couldn’t begin any sort of official training until she was 18 and wouldn’t be sent on patrols until age 21. During her time growing up she exploited the loophole in that agreement and did what she could to prepare herself anyway, teaching herself or taking more informal lessons in everything ranging from basic self-defense to fencing to hatchet and knife throwing, eager to grow up and “be the best hero [she] can be.” (Note: Full skill list at bottom.)
She began active duty as one of the most highly qualified beginner Guardians to come to the Tower in centuries, but despite putting in applications with multiple clans, no group wanted the responsibility of working with “The Living Legend.” Cayde-6 recommended her to the UTDR, and she joined not long after the fall of Crota. Thrilled and honored to join the clan founded by Isra Fadia, a Guardian she’d long admired in the Crucible, who in turn warmed up to Sina faster than she’s warmed up to anyone and has made it her personal mission to “turn you into the best goddamn Guardian out there just to prove those assholes wouldn’t know talent if it punched them in the dick.”
Sina spent most of her time in the field on solo recon, collecting bounties, running stealth strikes against various enemy forces, gathering intel for the Vanguard and her team, occasionally joining their newest addition, Anya Chernikovna, in operations against Hive and Taken forces, or backing Captain Fadia in Crucible matches. Outside of that she spent a great deal of time coordinating with the City’s defenses, “free falling” with Chernila and Huntir, and spending time with her family to regale them with (non-classified) stories of her adventures.  
File Update: Red Legion Invasion and City Reclamation Sina Fione was the Guardian sent up to incapacitate Gaul’s command ship only to be literally kicked off of it. She survived and escaped the City, catching the signal from the Farm and gradually making her way there on foot. After a week she reached it and reunited with Chernila, Captain Isra, and her family and from there the fireteam made their way to the Traveler’s Shard to regain their powers. After doing so and restoring system-wide communications, she, Captain Isra, and Chernila left for Titan. During their time there, a great deal of the “shine” of being a Guardian wore off; seeing Zavala without hope, Chernila shaken and paranoid, and learning exactly what happened when Captain Fadia stormed Crota’s realm alone and returned with his head. She proved cool under pressure while retrieving the Golden Age CPU from the Arcology, managing a clean team extraction with some quick thinking and skilled driving. (Note: Performance during missions Utopia and Chosen has brought her leadership potential to the attention of the Vanguard and many clans outside the UTDR.)
From there they set out to bring the rest of the Vanguard together and investigated the unusual signal originating from Nessus. Upon arrival they discovered a stranded Golden Age AI, Failsafe, as well as Cayde-6, who had been stuck in a Vex teleportation loop. After rescuing Cayde-6, assisting Failsafe, and being declared Captain of the Exodus Black, the UTDR team relayed the message from Zavala that he had a plan and needed Ikora and Cayde. Cayde explained that Ikora would be on Io and gave them the necessary coordinates. On Io, the team worked with Asher Mir and Ikora to determine the best plan of attack on Gaul’s superweapon and finally brought the Vanguard back to Earth to plan their attack. They were reunited with the rest of the UTDR upon their return to the Farm and were ready to take the fight back to Gaul.
Sina was part of the strike team aiming directly for Gaul himself, eager to return the favor for kicking her off of his ship. During his monologue, she drowned his words out over the comms by loudly singing “This Little Light of Mine” on a frequency everyone in the system could hear. A considerable number of Guardians joined in. (Zavala’s comment: “Inspiring and apropos.” Cayde-6′s comment: “Yeah, definitely better than just going ‘lalala not listening’ while he was talking.” Ikora only laughed.)
After things calmed back down she took some time off and helped her family put things back together and settle back into their home before returning to the team. ******
Skillset: First aid Lockpicking: Highly skilled Hacking: Highly skilled, Ghost still better Fencing Bo Staff Thrown Weapons/Precision: Standard Issue Hunter Knife, 75%; Bowie knife, 63%; Throwing stars, 70%; Hatchet, 87%, Longsword, 58% Krav maga Tai Chi Capoeira Wrestling Boxing Sparrow piloting, repair, and maintenance: all base models Heavy vehicle piloting: Cabal, Fallen, City military/construction Starship piloting, repair, and maintenance: Arcadia, Kestrel, and Regulus classes Weapon maintenance and repair Armor maintenance and repair Weapons Certification: 100% Strategic Simulations Rank: A- Average Competitive Crucible Efficiency: 1.8 Crucible Recording Collection/Trivia Knowledge: Extensive
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