#but also the 100+ card looks pretty cool
hydrachea · 2 years
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Happy one year anniversary to this piece of shit gracing my account with his presence!
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
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I never quite finished these two cards the first time i tried making a PJO major arcana and I never posted them. I really like the designs though so I’ll probably try to do something similar when I draft them again
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kaiijo · 27 days
ok. bllk and jealousy rate. how jealous can they get over their gf and what do they do to cope lmao
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characters: isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, itoshi rin, itoshi sae, kunigami rensuke, nagi seishiro, mikage reo, oliver aiku content: gn! reader (request says gf but reader is gender neutral) notes: some of these are lowkey toxic, minor spoilers for kunigami’s character arc, nagi is taller than reader
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most jealous: bachira, rin, reo 
bachira meguru ✶
bachira has many, many insecurities. growing up isolated and without many friends, he is more possessive of those he’s close to, which obviously includes you. he just doesn’t want to lose you, which manifests itself in jealousy over anyone he perceives as a threat to your relationship
bachira gets really clingy when he’s jealous. he thinks that inserting himself into the situation, sometimes literally wedging himself between you and the other person. he usually chooses to drape himself over you, nuzzling into your neck and speaking low enough that only you hear, trying his best to divert your attention. third-wheeling is pretty uncomfortable for the other person, especially with the smiling sneer bachira’s shooting at them, so they make a quick irish exit 
itoshi rin ✶
an egoist to his very core, rin can get very jealous. while he’s very sure of himself in nearly every other part of his life, he knows that he is not an ideal partner a lot of the time, though he’ll never admit it. he’s not the most expressive or the most patient, and he’s sure that there are better partners for you out there. 
when rin’s jealous, it’s a silent but deadly thing. like when he’s locked in on the ball in a game, his focus you and his ‘competitor’ is unwavering. he stalks over to stand behind you, his chest bumping right up against your back, and he snarls, “what the hell do you want, you mediocrity?” usually the other person backs off after seeing rin’s bone-chilling glare but if they’re bold enough to answer back, rin bares his teeth and is poised to strike. it’s probably best if you diffuse the situation quickly before it gets uglier  
mikage reo ✶
we already know how jealous reo was over nagi so it’s safe to say that he’s definitely very jealous. having been bored with the world and other people for so long, he’s thrilled when you two get together. it makes his very protective of you and he wants to be one of the most, if not the most, special person in your life. 
reo can go a couple of ways when he feels jealous over someone else but it think his primary response is to tear down the person methodically. he tilts his head a little, looks the person up and down, and notes everything about their appearance — hair, skin, clothes (including brand and cost) and criticizes every little thing. it’s a strategic move in his opinion, using observational skills and knowledge he had given his upbringing to pick apart the other person. he also might make some underhanded comment that includes that he has a black card 
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less jealous: isagi, kunigami, sae 
isagi yoichi ✶
he definitely gets jealous from time to time but he doesn’t feel the need to act on it a lot. he’s pretty mature and for the most part level-headed (plus his ability to piece together future events helps him keep his cool a lot). this doesn’t mean that he isn’t jealous 
when isagi is jealous, he’s sulky. he won’t take immediate action and watch from afar, arms crossed and a little pouty. he tries to look as dejected and as ‘wet-cat pathetic’ as possible to make you feel bad and come over to comfort him. when you inevitably do, looping your arm through his and kissing his cheek, he can’t help but smirk at the other person like a cat who go the cream 
kunigami rensuke ✶
i debated where to put kunigami since there are ‘two sides’ to him — pre- and post-wildcard. pre-wild card kunigami is definitely a lot less bothered; he trusts you 100% and is 100% confident and secure in your relationship and himself. post-wild card kunigami is less chill and more forceful. he’s not a hero anymore but even as he plays a more ‘villainous’ role in soccer, he won’t cross that line in your relationship. he’s still very secure in you and himself, but he’s more protective of your relationship. definitely a ‘i trust you/us but it’s other people i’m worried about’ kind of guy
when pre-wild card kunigami got jealous, he won’t act in the moment and will talk to you about it afterwards, in a private setting. open lines of communication were important to him and working out problems like this. post-wildcard kunigami is all stormy looks and intimidation. like rin, he also stands behind you but in less actively aggressive way and more just to be threatening. it’s 95% effective and the 5% of times it doesn’t work, kunigami is not above muscling the other person away 
itoshi sae ✶
i thought about putting sae in the ‘most jealous’ section but i just think that he is someone whose jealousy simmer just beneath his apathetic surface. he sees most other people as beneath him and believes that they are not worthy of speaking to you, let alone hitting on you, but because he’s sees them as so beneath him, he can’t be bothered half the time to do anything since they’re simply not worth it. he gets the most jealous when it’s people who he can potentially view as equals, like other professional athletes 
when he’s jealous, sae literally just pretends they don’t exist, only talking to you. if the other person tries to interject, he sends them a sideways glare — the only acknowledgment of their existence — and then turns away to continue whatever conversation, suggesting that you both get away from the other person as quickly as possible. if ignoring the person doesn’t work, sae doesn’t shy away from spewing vitriol at the other person
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least jealous: nagi, oliver, michael
nagi seishiro ✶
simply put, being jealous is a hassle to nagi. it makes him too hot and too annoyed for him to want to feel it so he suppresses the feeling a lot. nagi’s height is already intimidating enough for most people so they don’t approach you when they see you two together but that isn’t a deterrent to everyone
when nagi gets jealous, he does one of two things: just gives a thousand-yard stare that freaks people out or he gets whiny and clingy. his stare is eerie and silent, and the lightness of his eyes doesn’t help it. he towers over you like some cryptid companion. when he gets whiny and clingy, nagi tugs at your sleeve and asks drily, “can we go yet? why are you still talking to them?”
oliver aiku ✶
sigh… oliver is undoubtedly someone who thinks and knows he’s the shit. with so many women and men alike fawning over everything about him, his ego is through the roof. he has very little worry about you leaving him for someone else. honestly, he finds it amusing most of the time when someone attempt to draw you away from him, and let’s it play out a lot for his own entertainment. of course, he’ll intervene if it’s making you uncomfortable but he also believes you can handle yourself 
when oliver gets jealous, he acts as casual as possible. he’s friendly towards the other person and but it’s not hard to uncover that it’s all fake, whether it’s from the glint in his eye or the way his smile is stiff and forced. common tells when he gets jealous is that he pokes his tongue against the inside of his cheek or he clenches his teeth and inhales softly but sharply.  he employs the good old tactic of calling the other person the wrong name and making all kind of underhanded comments that slowly chip at their nerves. (“haruya? haruki? oh! you’re haruto! right, right, you know, they’ve never mentioned you before! crazy, huh?”) 
michael kaiser ✶
kaiser in german literally means ‘emperor,’ and it’s no secret that kaiser views himself as one. similar to sae, he see himself as so above others that he’s not even bothered by other people hitting on you. it displeases him greatly, sure, but these cockroaches will never be able to steal you from him so why should an emperor deal with the plebians? the only time that ever happens is when a peasant is particularly forceful and then, kaiser intervenes
when he gets jealous, kaiser puts on a show. if there’s one thing about him, he’s a bit of a drama queen. he will absolutely posture and puff out his chest at the offending person, looking down his nose arrogantly and smirking. he makes a big display of wrapping himself around you, gripping firmly at your hips and saying, “liebling, you’re very charitable to entertain this insect, but it’s time to end this ruse.”
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lovemomhatepolice · 1 month
lando norris nswf alphabet (part 2!) (minors DNI!)
navigation taglist requests
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N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) There is no chance that Lando will ever in his life ask you for anal sex or agree to it. NO CHANCE. Ever since he first heard about it in his life, it has disgusted and disturbed him so much at the same time that he stands away.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) Well, don't tell me Lando doesn't look like a munch. Totally do. Okay, he's also a big fan of you on your knees in front of him, until it takes his breath away as he looks at you all smeared with his cum with a wide smile and trained lips. But oh boy! Sam sometimes begs you to lie down in front of him and let him give you pleasure. The biggest plus is that Lando is well trained in this. Damn knows where he acquired such skills, but they are unearthly.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) Fast, but not violent. It's already in Lando's nature to speed everything up, but it's not painful in the process. With the rest, slow sex is not for you. Well, I beg you, where would all the fun be? The whole process is a little slower when Lando finally pushes you to the wall and your relationship is not in any comfortable place, but he continues to try to keep his cool.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) You love quickies. What more can be said here? You can't keep your hands off each other, so every possible opportunity to get even closer is even advisable. You definitely prefer it more, of course, when you have more time (and, most importantly, space), but when there is no such chance, quick fun together is fine for you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) Norris has it in him that he likes to take risks - he doesn't spare himself from hot kisses with you in public or even light pinches or pats on your buttocks. But if the matter comes down to sex, I don't think he's taking too many risks. Lando respects his privacy after all, so sexual matters remain between you. Possibly in front of the whole club when you come out of the restroom quite smudged and giggly. Or in front of his family, well. What goes in the family doesn't die, right?
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) As much as you want. Really. Lando I think is pretty darn sturdy and can fly several rounds at a time, which is no surprise to you. More than once, with light breaks, you spent the whole night like that. Sometimes it would even start to dawn and you would be in each other's naked embrace, the hot temperature of the room and a mass of giggles.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) No, he doesn't own any toys. He just doesn't have any - he's not a contrarian, he himself even bought his friend an inflatable doll for his birthday. In your relationship he would sooner use some on you, so 100%, if you own a vibrator, Lando will reach for it at some point and see how it works on you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) Lando is so damn teasing! Once he will rub up against you, once he will "accidentally" touch you somewhere, once he will whisper such ungodly things to you, and then he will leave without a word. And during sex? I beg to differ. If only he has the strength to do so, he will interrupt until the last moment before your climax, just to hear your voice admonishing him in the midst of your moans.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) Ay Lando is loud. In every possible aspect of his life, so in bed too. If he doesn't talk during sex, you definitely won't have it quietly anyway. Norris often giggles, and when he's not giggling, he's pretty darn vocal. Oj this boy is definitely not afraid to moan and show that he feels like heaven thanks to you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) He loves, well he so much loves to brand you. He gets the same way when you bestow a hickey on his neck. Raspberries on your breasts? That's the standard. In summer it's hard to hide the signs of love from Lando under dresses and short tops. But that's what he loves. He proudly shows off whether it's his neck or his chest.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) Well I think above average. Although Lando is not some particularly tall and massive, that's what his advantage is. I'm telling you that there's something about his pants that you don't expect ;P
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) God. Huge. As I mentioned before - you can't take your hands off each other. If you could, you would fuck each other every day. No matter what way - any way would be good. That's why yes, the sex drive Lando threw up when he first met you. And no matter what you do or what you're wearing! Remember
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Ay, it depends on the moment. Anyone who knows Lando knows well that he happens to fall asleep in the least expected places and circumstances. This is also the case after your sex, but by the fact that there are a lot of emotions in between, he has to talk them out first, and only then can he go to sleep. After proper after care on your part and his, you both fall asleep in each other's embrace (Lando on your breasts)
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A/N: part one if you miss it, english is my second language i will be very pleased if you leave something behind - orders are open, and I am very close to 200 followers! maybe I can get in by the end of the week?
please do not copy and translate my works! in case of any issues related to this - I invite you to discuss privately :)
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jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 2 months
playing excited & exhausted with them
ft: levi, erwin, bertholdt, jean, connie, annie, sasha, mikasa, eren
a/n: excited & exhausted is card game made for couples to play when they’re drinking. it is an explicit card game so this post is 18+. NSFW MDNI ! however, this does not go into details. it’s very light on the smut side, if you can even call it that. i’m not 100% comfortable writing full smut yet soo :) this request is for/from @ricebowl768 - also, this is not proofread :)
levi ackerman
it’s a pain to play this game with levi. he insists on doing all of the tasks on the card, resulting in you being the only drunk one. he says, “what’s the point of playing if i don’t do any of these?”
you tell him, it’s supposed to be fun and he doesn’t have to do any of the dares that he doesn’t want to. charmingly, he responds, “well, you’re my girlfriend. i want to do these things.”
erwin smith
he’s curious when you present him the deck. he didn’t think you’d be interested in something so explicit. honestly, he’s quiet shy about most of the cards. he gets a nice buzz going pretty fast, giving him the courage to do all these things.
the night ends up quite wholesome as you two share bursts of drunken giggles. you two wind up sweetly entangled in bed.
bertholdt hoover
you have to convince bert to play this game, given he’s on the shyer side. you both take two shots before playing just to ease any anxiety. the first card he draws reads, “drink if you want to have sex after this game.” his eyes widen and he downs another shot. he tries to hard the cards from you but you are dying to know, so you lunge across towards him and wrestle him for the card.
you laugh at his embarrassment when you read it outloud. you reassure him he doesn’t have anything to feel embarassed about by kissing him all over his red cheeks.
jean kirstein
jean thinks you’re the best girlfriend ever for buying this card game. he mainly teases you about drinking whenever you don’t want to do the action on the card. he calls you a few names just to rile you up. tired of his shit, you start doing everything on the cards just to prove a point. no matter how provocative or exposing they are, you do them. he both hates and loves you for this but he can’t wait for the game to be over.
connie springer
he’s enthusiastic about playing this game, he actually was the one who had picked it up at the store while you weren’t paying attention. he reveals it by slamming it down on the table and insists you two play. you both end up sloppy drunk for some reason despite doing everything on the card. honestly, it was just a good excuse to get sloppy drunk and be horny for each other.
annie leonhardt
she’s sort of…rough when you bring up the idea. annie’s a pretty shy, reserved person so when you present her with the game, she gives you a shrug. no wanting to press her boundaries, you forget about it.
she brings it up later on, on a random afternoon. she wants to deepen her bond with you, so she steps outside her comfort zone. she blushed at nearly every single card, choosing to consume a bunch of liquor.
she manages to hold herself together well, until she gives into her desires and chooses to do the sexual tasks on the cards. this side of her is refreshing. you keep telling her she doesn’t have to do anything, but she insists the liquor has given her courage to do these things she’s wanted to do all along.
sasha braus
sasha giggles at every single card! she barely takes anything seriously, especially when she’s drinking. she doesn’t quite understand the circumstances of the game until you draw all the promiscuous cards. she tries to keep a cool about tasks such as kissing her thighs. but since you know her so well, her gasps of surprise are considered more gasps of arousal. overall, she winds up enjoying the game.
mikasa ackerman
mikasa looks to please you, and only you as their partner. of course, this urge doesn’t dismiss her shyness. she starts off the game with a high confidence, dismissing with each card. she wants to do each, to please you but ultimately, she’s too embarassed. it winds up with her having a bunch of shots and it makes you laugh. you tell her, “baby, you don’t have to do anything, we can stop playing this game.”
she counters back, “i want to! it’s just so…vulgar? how do people do this sober?!”
it’s not that she’s a prude, but this game is impossible to play! that’s what she insists.
eren jaeger
this game was made for eren, or so he thinks. he‘ d play this game with anyone but for him, it’s a pleasure to play with you. he doesn’t shy away from any task, no matter how filthy it is. he enjoys teasing you and seeing you flustered. he wants you uncomfortable, in a consensual way of course. eren wants to take you further than you’ve ever been. both physically and mentally. he’s a menace, testing your limits until you’re begging for him!
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70sscifiart · 6 months
The Last-Minute Sci-Fi Gift Guide
There's only one thing worse than procrastinating on getting gifts for your loved ones, and that's procrastinating on putting together a guide to help out everyone else with all those gifts. It's Dec 12, so you can decide for yourself which I'm doing.
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Art book: Worlds Beyond Time, $32
If you follow this blog, you might have heard of this one. I published Worlds Beyond Time: Sci-Fi Art of the 1970s this year after five years of work on it, and I think it's really good! 400+ images, 100+ artists, with lots of fun art history and jokes.
Also, it's just $20 right now if you order through my publisher and use the code SKIPTHELINE! Cheapest it's ever been!
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Card game: Coup, $14
In this "social deduction" card game, you play as a government official in a future dystopia who needs to backstab their way into power. Everyone starts out with just two cards in this bluffing game, so the tide can turn pretty quick when players start assassinating each other's cards. The fast pace makes it a good gift for someone who loves spies but thinks they don't like card games.
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Game to play over Zoom: Bad Spaceships, $3
If a bluffing game stresses you out, try Bad Spaceships: It's a collaborative world-building game in which you roll dice to see what area of your spaceship connects to another, forcing you to spitball exactly why this is the case. As the game puts it, you might fix the hull by playing Tetris, or charge your weapons in the swimming pool. You're basically getting weird prompts to tell a story that can evolve over the course of the game.
It's such an indie game that it comes as PDFs you download from itch.io, but you can play it just as well over Zoom, if you're looking for an excuse to catch up with your old digital nomad college friend.
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Movies/TV: Streaming service gift card
Gift cards are all well and good, but you can personalize them by recommending a few of your favorite shows as well. I suggest:
Hulu: Cowboy Bebop
Apple TV+: Severance
Criterion Channel: Ravenous, Paprika, Strange Days
Paramount+: Yellowjackets
Amazon Prime: The Devil's Hour
But to be honest, this entry is just an excuse to talk about the new Max show Scavenger’s Reign. Inspired by the work of French artist Moebius and with a clear debt to famed 70s animated film Fantastic Planet, this stylish sci-fi show features a bunch of humans trying to survive on a beautiful but hostile alien world. Perfect for lovers of fictional nature.
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Vintage sci-fi
This Etsy shop has some good stuff, like the 1971 Frank Kelly Freas NASA poster above, a bit of history that I even mentioned on page 167 of my art book.
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Penguin science fiction postcards, $28
These postcards have a ton of very cool sci-fi covers I've blogged in the past – great value if you want a lot of art for a low cost.
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Meteorite pendant necklace, $34
I think we all know what kind of rock your loved ones need around their neck: A chunk of meteorite straight out of the 1576 Argentinan meteorite fall.
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Book recs
For astronauts: Packing for Mars by Mary Roach, The New Guys: The Historic Class of Astronauts That Broke Barriers and Changed the Face of Space Travel by Meredith Bagby
For comedians: Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir, Even Greater Mistakes: Short Stories by Charlie Jane Anders 
For sleuths: Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty, Drunk on All Your Strange New Words by Eddie Robson
For crafters: Knits of Tomorrow: Toys and Accessories for your Retro-Future Needs
For the resistance fighters: The Light Brigade by Kameron Hurley, An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon
For slasher movie fans: Clown in a Cornfield by Adam Cesare
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Syd Mead "Biomorph Vehicle" button down shirt, $49
T-shirts aren't classy enough for the world's coolest visual futurist, Syd Mead. I haven't actually bought this incredibly odd shirt, but I really need to.
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Art prints (and more) from 70s sci-fi artists
Artist shops can be surprisingly hard to track down on the internet, but here's a short list of ones I've come across. All of these artists are featured in my book (except one), so you can read up on them before you commit to a print.
Michael Whelan 
John Harris
Syd Mead
Don Maitz
David B Mattingly
Peter Andrew Jones - Jones was one of just a few artists who declined to be included in my art book, but he has a distinct, colorful style that I would have loved to have featured!
Finally, here's one extra bonus, just for everyone who made it to the end of this article: The UK-based educational charity Centre for Computing History sells three big officially licensed John Harris posters featuring these three artworks, famous for their use as covers for Sinclair programming manuals.
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It's a great deal that I've never seen mentioned anywhere, and Harris' work has a timeless quality that makes it great for an unassuming wall decoration. If you're outside the UK, the shipping costs will be a pain, but there's no better deal for a classic sci-fi poster.
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janmisali · 1 year
Number Tournament: Honorable Mentions
well, you've all asked for it, and I guess there's no point in waiting any further now that round one is almost over. here's some highlights from the numbers that didn't get enough nominations to make it into the tournament. (as you can work out from looking at how many nominations the numbers that made it into the tournament got, my cutoff was seven nominations, which left room for me to hand-pick three numbers that only got six to fill in the bottom seeds)
six nominations
these are the numbers that were the closest of all to making the cut. in the end, I picked ten, Rayo's number, and omega to fill in seeds 62-64, but four other numbers got six nominations but didn't make it:
25: perfectly fine square number. notably funnier than 24
81: another square. I only wanted one "boring normal integer" for the bottom seeds and like come on it had to be ten.
5040: Plato's favorite number, a very fun one
42069: both 420 and 69 already made the cut, so this would have been excessive
and now for some miscellaneous fun ideas that not enough people suggested to make the cut!
cool math things
c (the speed of light) could have been a strong contender, but physics fans were pretty much universally putting their efforts behind the fine-structure constant and the Avogadro constant, leaving other universal constants behind
the Euler-Masceroni constant got five nominations super early on in the process, some of which were even intentional (there are so many things named after Euler but I made the call that people who said "Euler's constant" without specifying were talking about this one) but never got any further than that
a lot of infinite ordinals more interesting than the standard omega were in the running, but given that omega itself only barely made it in, numbers like omega to the omega power never stood a chance. of course, given how well omega did in round one maybe those other bigger infinities could have held their own if only more people suggested them before the tournament began
Not a Number's presence in the tournament is I think very fun, but other floating point things were also nominated, just not as frequently. negative zero was a fun one, as are the handful of nominations for just slightly-off multiples of one tenth
besides star, a lot of game theory not-really-number numbers had a few fans supporting them, such as dud (deathless universal draw), a couple of tiny numbers, and one suggestion for {69|420}
meme numbers
fans of boobs were split between 80085, 58008, 8008135, and 5318008, so none of the boob numbers made it individually
perhaps even more disappointingly, only five people suggested 1312
1337 is a super dead meme so that one being unpopular isn't as surprising. but then literally nobody suggested 9001? weird!
the AACS encryption key (an illegal number) only got a handful of suggestions, which is a shame because that's a really fun one
only three people suggested "your credit card number" but if it made it past the cutoff I 100% would have put that in the tournament
meta jokes
a few people suggested variations of "the number that wins the tournament", which I think is a funnier meta joke than either of the ones that actually made the cut
a couple people also did versions of "the sum of all other numbers in the bracket" (or "all other numbers people suggested in this google form"), with a couple people who said that also thankfully adding in some conditions to only include numbers where you can actually do that
a couple people have asked me what the smallest natural number was that nobody suggested, and unfortunately (by which I mean I love this) I can't answer that because a couple people suggested "the smallest natural number nobody else suggests"
another fun one was "the number of notes on this tumblr post", which only one person suggested
three separate people did "five (the word five not the number)", "5 (the symbol not the number it represents)" and "V (the roman numeral)" (looking at them all together it kinda looks like this was the same person all three times but that's because I'm paraphrasing all of them)
googologisms and otherwise big numbers
shockingly, the famously large numbers googol and Graham's number didn't get nearly as much support as the googologisms that made it to the bracket
five people suggested numbers in the Busy Beaver sequence, but none of them suggested the same Busy Beaver number
there were also things like "the smallest counterexample to the Collatz conjecture", fully hypothetical numbers
"zillion", "bajillion", and "fuckton" got two nominations each, any of which would have been extremely fun to see in the tournament
a couple people just said "fibonacci number" which. do you mean like the whole sequence? maybe these should have counted for phi
two people suggested "a grizzly bear". I'm assuming that's a reference I'm not getting, because it's way too specific of a joke for two people to say that independently
there was one suggestion that was the coordinates to a restaurant in yemen called burger king 2
anyway there's literally thousands of these, and I have no intentions of at any point making a full comprehensive list of what people suggested, but I think this is a pretty good sample of what the nominees were like. there were a lot of really good candidates, but I think the 64 that made it into the tournament are a pretty dang good set of numbers!
thank you to everyone who suggested your favorite numbers, it was genuinely very fun reading through everyone's suggestions.
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cat-of-starlight · 7 months
Hey gang no meme with this one but hot question for the Limbus gang- Why am I still seeing people he/him-ing Dante
Where did you people come from? Has the plot not been clear enough for you?
no but like deadass
I've legit reached a point seeing some NEW posts (I won't name names) where I'm like "Oh ok cool theor- Ah- they used "He" for Dante- oh ok this person's opinions are now 100% invalid, moving on"
legit why are we still doing this- Even NPCs meeting them for the first time use they/them for them-
Also if you pull the "Oh, well they cant remember their gender but may have had one before their memory loss so I'm using he/him because of what they used to be" card?
1- You don't know that they started as a guy- they could have even been a woman- who knows- we only hear ticking- Also you know what, even Faust, WHO CLAIMS TO KNOW WHO THEY WERE BEFORE, at least to a degree, ALSO uses they/them for them, so checkmate
2- A character/person doesn't NEED to have a reason/memory loss to be nonbinary- They could very well have been NB even BEFORE the memory loss- Its not like its uncommon in canon- I could be remembering wrong but I think like. most of the Wonderlab gang was only referred to by they/them- most of them looked pretty fem- still they/them though. (At least the translation I read)
3- I'm beating you to death with hammers
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mysteryshoptls · 9 months
SSR Ace Trappola - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National  Museum of Art]
Ace: Huuuh, so this museum's been open for 100 years, huh. It's got some pretty cool exhibits.
Ace: Tryin' to appreciate art just seems boring, and I totally thought bein' a supporter was not my bag, but I might be able to enjoy myself here after all.
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Ace: ―Ooh, found me the painting of some card soldiers! Look at 'em, all cool the way they're standing at attention like that.
???: Mhm, their perfectly aligned call to attention is quite the spectacle.
Ace: Ah, hey, Lilia-senpai. You must have great taste to see the true quality of this painting here! Haha.
Ace: If the rank and file are in disarray, then it doesn't look good at all. They gotta be in perfect formation, especially when marching.
Lilia: That's correct. So, you understand what it means to march as they do… Not bad, kid.
Ace: Not that much. I mean, back in my dorm, we just have certain days that all the students are required to march in formation.
Lilia: Kufufu, I heard that practice for that begins as soon as you enter. I've heard many a classmate complaining about it here and there.
Ace: Yeaaaaah, I can see why they'd want to complain. It's not just the Housewarden; even our usually nice upperclassmen come down on us hard during the training.
Ace: The first time I had to march after joining the dorm was the worst. We definitely looked nothing like the card soldiers in this art piece.
Ace: When we looked at the video that Cater-senpai took for us, we could see that the first years' walking was ALL OVER THE PLACE.
Ace: Every one of 'em couldn't get their arms and legs up and moving properly, and they were all looking down. It was sooo lame. I couldn't even laugh at how bad it was.
Ace: By the by, I got praised pretty much right out the gate ♪ They all said that my spirit fully embodied the heart suit card soldiers.
Ace: It's easy for me to just copy what I see the upperclassmen are doing, or what the video's showing. I don't get why all the rest of them were havin' a bad time.
Lilia: OHO~~~?
Ace: Eh? What's with that grin? You're kinda giving me the creeps all of a sudden.
Lilia: How rude of you to call someone as cute as me creepy! But aren't you actually quite the diligent one.
Ace: DILIGENT!? I don't think that word suits me at all!?
Lilia: Not only did you follow the examples set by your upperclassmen, you also watched went further and watched the videos and practiced on your own… I'm seeing you in a whole new light, Ace.
Ace: Ahh, c'mon. Stop patting my head like that. It's not like I was trying to study for it or anything.
Ace: It woulda been a pain and pretty lame if I had to stay behind to practice. That's why I just wanted to get it done ASAP. That's all!
Lilia: It's nothing worth getting all worked up to deny.
Lilia: I think it's rather commendable that you put in the extra effort in order to seek what you think is "cool."
Ace: I'm not getting worked up…! Wait, I got a feeling that if I keep responding, he'll just keep stringing me along to tease me.
Ace: Uh, I'm gonna go to check out the cool-lookin' painting over there!
Lilia: Hey now, don't leave me behind. Kufufu, this must be that adolescence I've heard much about.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Lilia: Let me see, what cool painting were you talking about… Oho, it's of the King of Beasts. He looks oh so dignified, I can't help but find it charming.
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Ace: Aaand he followed me… But yeah, I definitely agree that's he's pretty dignified.
Lilia: There are many legends swirling around the King of Beasts. Just from looking at this painting, I can't think of which scene they're trying to depict here.
Ace: Uhhh, based on this info they got plastered next to it…
Ace: Looks like… Oh, it's where he was talking about his vision for the country's future with his hyena retainers.
Ace: I actually really like the story of how the King of Beasts would always trust in his hyenas.
Ace: Oh yeah, and that one where he performed songs for his people!
Lilia: Mhm, that's a good one. He is a sophisticated king indeed to utilize singing to vow to improve his country.
Ace: Riiiiight~? Totally get why the hyenas were so excited that they were singing and dancing all through the night.
Ace: The King of Beasts looks pretty unapproachable from just a glance, but he must have had a ton of charisma.
Lilia: Well, he did have the power to move his people's hearts through song. If he had his due, perhaps he would have been able to sway the whole world with his song.
Ace: Totally. If I had lived during the same era, I would have loved to go and karaoke with him.
Lilia: Speaking of karaoke… I heard you and Sebek went for that.
Ace: Ah, did you hear that from Sebek? We went with Deuce and the two from Ramshackle…
Ace: Jack and Epel also tagged along. But maan, it was pretty insane.
Ace: So many of them were new to it, so I had to teach them everything, from how to choose a new song, to ordering food. You'd think they'd have common sense to figure out, but c'mon.
Ace: We literally couldn't sing a single song for the first 30 min or so, I was like, what did we even come here for!?
Lilia: Kufufu, now, now, you can't say that. I'm sure there's things you're not familiar with, too.
Ace: But c'mon~ …Well, I guess it was kinda fun to have a small competition using the karaoke's scoring system.
Lilia: So, you had a karaoke competition! I would love to tag along next time. So, who won?
Ace: Well, that's obvious… IT WAS YA BOY ACE-KUN HERE!
Ace: When I hit 100 points, everyone was lookin' up at me like idiots, all like, "you gotta be kidding!"
Ace: As a bit of a handicap, I chose of the recent viral songs and did the dance that went along with it, too~
Lilia: Oho, that's amazing that you can sing while moving your body without missing a beat.
Ace: I mean, unlike those guys, back in middle school I would go karaoke a lot.
Ace: And all those guys kept shouting that they'd practice singing so they could sing next time, but y'know…
Ace: There's actually a trick to getting the high score on that machine's scoring function. It's not enough to just be a good singer.
Ace: At this rate, I think I'll be taking home the win next time too ♪
Lilia: Kufufu, looks like even the ones who don't get to spend that much time together with you all had some fun, eh?
Ace: Well, I guess it wasn't too bad.
Ace: They'd choose stuff like old songs that were popular during my parent's heyday, or minor folk songs…
Ace: It was kinda neat that I heard a ton of songs that I normally wouldn't listen to. It was completely different to how it'd be if I was with my friends back home.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Ace: This painting is of those eels that served the Sea Witch…
Lilia: Mhm. It's said that whenever they found merfolk in distress, they would encourage them to seek the guidance of the benevolent Sea Witch.
Ace: Huuh, they look kinda scary, but… Guess you can't judge a book by its cover.
Lilia: Speaking of… Ace, I heard you went a little viral on Magicam the other day.
Ace: Geh! So, you saw that post too…
Lilia: Kufufu, I took it all in.
Lilia: "This scary-looking young man in a flashy shirt was kind to a kid in this burger shop," it said.
Lilia: You did a good thing, Mister "Scary-Looking Young Man in a Flashy Shirt."
Ace: C'mon, can you not tease me!?
Ace: The comments section was going wild with stuff like, "I love that personality gap~" and "The scarier the person looks, the softer their heart is."
Ace: I definitely don't like people just deciding that I'm scary just from how I look, or just assuming that I'm nice.
Ace: More like, I think it was 'cause I was with all my basketball teammates that I ended up looking scary too.
Ace: And 'sides, that patterned shirt I was wearing wasn't even something I'd pick out on my own.
Ace: Floyd-senpai made me buy it sometime back, so I thought it'd be bad if I didn't wear it, that's all…
Lilia: Hm, guess it was a mistake of them to comment on your appearance, then. But it was true that you were nice to the kid, right?
Ace: Nope. I just was throwing something I didn't want at 'em!
Lilia: You gave them something you didn't want…? So how does that turn into being "kind" to the kind?
Ace: So, when my clubmates and me went to the burger shop down in town, we got a free card with our orders.
Ace: Something about how they were doing a collaboration campaign with a movie that was recently released.
Ace: I at least knew what the movie was, so I opened it up, but just as I was thinking to myself that I didn't really need a card, or anything…
Ace: This kid who was nearby just randomly started crying. Apparently they wanted a hero card, not a villain card.
Ace: That's why I just gave him the card I had. It just happened to be the one he wanted.
Ace: I was able to get rid of something I didn't want, and I didn't have to listen to the sound of crying in the background. Win-win, right?
Lilia: Well, when you explain it like that, it definitely no longer feels like a heartwarming story.
Ace: Riiight? But then all the folks on Magicam had to go and try to treat me like a nice guy. Everyone's been teasing me about that too…
Ace: In the end, even the Headmage got wind of the video and just wouldn't stop praising me, saying "This is a fantastic thing you've done!"
Ace: Maan, preconception can be a crazy thing. I bet if I was wearing my school uniform, it definitely wouldn't have taken off.
Ace: They say that it's not all about appearance, but I guess that first impression you get is still important.
Lilia: Kufufu, I bet if the parents of that child were to hear your true feelings about it, they'd be shocked.
Lilia: Well then, I think I'll go on to check out the other exhibits. Bye then, Ace.
Ace: Whew, Lilia-senpai just couldn't stop teasing, huh. Wellll, what should I go and look at next…? Hm?
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Ace: Woah, it's a painting of a walrus and the oysters. Lookin' at it here, the walrus really looks like a proper gentleman.
Ace: I bet those oysters were also tricked by how the walrus looked. Can't help but feel sorry for them… Heh.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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jesuisici33 · 27 days
WIP Wednesday
tagged by @diazsdimples @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @paperstorm @wikiangela @tizniz nothing's really sticking writing wise atm so here's another wip I just started. a 5 times buck didn't realize he was bi/had feelings for men and 1 time he did
One day when he’s thirteen, Buck finds a book on cool skills to impress girls. 
No really, that’s the title of the book. Learn 100 Cool Skills to Impress Girls. Right there in the middle grade section. It was full of things like how to make an origami crane, funny jokes, card tricks, how to do a British accent, things like that. It also showed Buck how to pick locks. Which he got really good at. He practiced this skill on his parents’ liquor cabinet, at first while they weren’t looking. Then when they were looking just to see how long it would take them to notice what he’s doing. 
Anyways, it led to Buck creating new skills and a record of picking locks at roughly ten seconds on average. 
Which came in handy one night at a party Mike was throwing when Buck was in high school. Buck became the cool guy, the star of the basketball team. Even though he secretly hated the sport – he only did it because Mike was on the team and they were friends. And his cool party tricks became pretty well-known throughout school. Along with the fact that he’ll do just about any dumb stunt a person can think of. 
Mike is swearing up a storm, apparently his parents took the key to the liquor cabinet before heading off to their mini-vacation earlier that day. “It’s like they don’t even trust me, man!” He sighs to Buck. “You don’t happen to have a fake ID on you, do you?”
Buck does have a fake ID on him, actually. But something in him hesitates before confirming that to Mike. Instead, he takes an old bobby pin lying on the coffee table and heads over to where the liquor cabinet is. He gives Mike his signature megawatt smile as he easily navigates the lock mechanism and opens the cabinet in no time.
Mike’s brown eyes are as wide as saucers and his mouth is open in shock. “Dude, that was totally badass, where’d you learn to do that?”
Buck blushes and shrugs, trying to appear nonchalant. “I have my ways.” He grabs a bottle of vodka and holds it up for Mike’s approval. “Now let’s get these drinks ready before the other guests arrive.
tagging @911-on-abc @hippolotamus @eddiebabygirldiaz @monsterrae1
@theotherbuckley @thewolvesof1998 @giddyupbuck @steadfastsaturnsrings
@loserdiaz @bidisasterevankinard @saybiwithme @shyaudacity @epicbuddieficrecs @liminalmemories21
@pirrusstuff @your-catfish-friend @aroeddiediaz @kitteneddiediaz @kinard-buckley
@carlos-in-glasses @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @wildlife4life @daffi-990
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eyeofnewtblog · 9 months
Things that happen at work:
Got hired by a trucking company doing admin to safety stuff.
My new boss, in the interview: I’d love to have you start on *specific date* so that we can do the on boarding stuff, but we’re going to have the Driver Appreciation BBQ literally the day after and I want everyone to meet you.
Me: That’s honestly a good plan. I’m completely available for whatever happens, what time do I need to be there?
My actual second day of being hired and going through the whole set up of Driver Appreciation BBQ Day:
*chopped four onions for burgers and sobbed in the break room*
My boss: *lightly supervises but is honestly a Party Queen because she’s a Hispanic mom and is used to throwing parties for 100 plus people in her own backyard let alone a work bbq, you don’t even understand she literally looked at the corporate list of supplies and was like “nah, too much. Mmm. Maybe. Hm. Not enough.” AND WAS EXACTLY RIGHT she owns her own bouncy house, she’s got this shit on lockdown, ok?
So like two hours into this polite bullshit introductory hell scape (I am fine with meeting new people in large groups but I hate meeting people in “sterile corporate” settings, like, if I’m going to remember you, it’s because you did something actually meaningful or interesting, NOT because you shook my hand for five seconds and said you go by Steve or Becky…)
Me, to EVERYONE because my job is to Hand Out Shirts and Lunchboxes: Hi! I’m the new girl from Safety! Who are you exactly? Please don’t expect me to remember you, I’m terrible at putting names and faces together, but I’m sure we’ll talk again soon! What size T-shirt do you want? Here’s your lunch box!
Me: *finally gets a break and sits down to eat some honestly decent brauts and potato salad, deliberately choosing to sit next to one of the drivers that’s been at the company for a while* Hi, how’s it going? I’m the new safety girl!
Older driver whose name I don’t know YET: I’m doin’ pretty good with all this free food. So, you gonna stick around after the little one comes along, or are you gonna leave us high and dry like the last one?
Me, honestly pretty angry but trying to be cool: Not pregnant, just fat.
*very very very awkward silence, like this dude knew that he fucked up, but also the way my body is shaped I really don’t blame him for thinking what he did*
He did actually apologize right then and there, and honestly the entire way he went about everything was from a genuinely good place, and I personally thought it was funny after it was all said and done. Verbal on the spot forgiveness type stuff.
Guess who fucks up the very next day by UNINTENTIONALLY losing a very important document of the exact driver who “insulted” me?
Yeah. So. I spent my entire first week on a brand new job searching through three giant filing cabinets and 20 years worth of documents for ONE fucking medical card. I didn’t find it. Believe me, I looked at every single piece of paper in those cabinets, I have no fucking clue where I put it.
The driver was really nice about it and we had a good laugh about him putting his foot in his mouth and me swearing up and down I didn’t do it for revenge.
Honestly I have no idea how any of this will turn out, but every one seems nice so far so I’m really hopeful.
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anton-luvr · 8 months
hi hi!!
could you write about best friend sohee kissing you by accident, but then they both like each other? fluffy and a bit suggestive please
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𖦹 bestfriend!sohee x fem!reader | fluff & suggestive | f2l au | tw: alchohol 𖦹 note ; my first sohee fic!! hes so cute :( thank u for requesting anon!! i hope u like ittt + join my 100 followers req event here !
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When Shotaro invited you and your friends over for a 'small house party', you weren't expecting much.
Maybe some good food, a silly card game, and a few bottles of soju to close the night with.
Instead, you're welcomed by music blasting so loud, you could hear it from blocks away while people filled up almost every corner of Shotaro's house.
Usually, you'd avoid huge social settings like these, but you had just finished your finals - so maybe it's time for you to relax and have some well-deserved fun.
"Let's get a drink," you suggested, tugging Sohee, your best friend, after you into the kitchen. Bowls of punch and bottles of alcohol lined the marble counters, stacks of red solo cups beside them waiting to be filled.
The both of you have barely taken your first sips when the all-too-familiar melody of your favorite song starts to play. "Holy shit, it's my favorite song," you whack his shoulder excitedly. "Let's go dance!"
"Wait, let me finish this first!" he protests, quickly downing his cup of vodka and soda. Hissing from the burn of the warm alcohol, he lets you drag him onto the dance floor.
The flickering party lights are the only source of light as the both of you squeeze your way into the chaotic crowd.
Almost immediately, you start swaying around, throwing your hands up in the air as you sing out loud.
"You like this song that much?" he shouts, starting to sway around too. You nod readily, smiling brightly as you keep dancing.
"It's a great song!" you shout back over the music. "Come on, loosen up! Dance with me!"
He hesitates at first, but soon he's letting the heavy bass control him as he starts dancing with you. You squeal in laughter at his moves, loving each and every moment.
He laughs along with you, cheeks flushed red from the vodka earlier and how gorgeous you looked right now.
The lights may be dim, but they don't do anything to how beautiful you looked; eyes sparkling with joy, your black dress hugging you in all the right places, and your laughter sounding better than any other song Sohee has ever listened to.
While the both of you were having fun, more people showed up to the party and were joining the dance floor too.
There were more people bumping you around now, shouts of 'Sorry!' and 'Watch it!' being thrown over the ear-blasting music.
You ignored it, but one particular bump almost made you trip.
Thankfully, Sohee was there to catch you.
However, with him being the clumsy klutz he was, he also ended up tripping - and falling with his lips pressed right against yours.
Both of your eyes widen, electricity rushing through your veins. "I-I'm so sorry, that was not on purpose." he stammered, quickly pulling away and getting up.
Your heart was pounding in your chest at the unfamiliar feeling but you pretended to act cool. "It's fine," you awkwardly laughed, getting up and brushing yourself off.
But it was definitely not fine.
Your thundering heartbeat further confirmed that. You've always found your best friend kinda cute, but to feel his lips against yours opened up an entire different perspective for you.
Maybe it was because of the alcohol, or maybe it was because of the feelings you had deep down. But whatever it was, one thing was for sure.
You liked it.
No matter how much you tried to shake it off and keep dancing, your mind kept drifting back to it.
Even as the party ended and the both of you were on your way back to your place in a taxi, your heart raced at the thought.
You're pretty sure Sohee was thinking about it too, because neither of you talked on the way back, the tension so thick that you could slice through it with a knife.
"I'll walk you up." Sohee says when you arrived, something he always did whenever you went out together. Yet it made your heart race again, a dark red blush creeping to your ears.
"O-Okay." you mumbled, your voice cracking embarrassingly.
The lift ride up was silent too, both of you focused on anything but each other.
The moment the lift reaches the floor of your apartment unit, you dash out, rambling. "Thanks for tonight, get home safe, bye!"
But you don't get far when Sohee runs after you, pulling you to a stop when he gets a hold on your arm.
"Wait, I need to tell you something." he says, sounding a bit panicky.
You gulp nervously as he walks towards you slowly, until your back hits the front of your locked door.
"Y/N, I'll be honest." he whispers, getting so close that you could see the pretty moles that were scattered across his face. "I really liked kissing you just now." he confesses.
"I know it was an accident, but I wanna do it again."
Your feel like you could pass out right then and there, hands clutched nervously together.
"Can I?"
You nod, and Sohee has his lips on yours immediately.
He's bolder this time, hands immediately moving to cup your face while the other held you by your waist. His lips are chapped, but the warmth of his tongue makes up for it, pulling a shudder from you.
"Sohee," you whisper, breathless. "Come inside."
His eyes widen as you fumble with the lock. "Are you sure? I'm fine with jus-"
"Shut up and kiss me." you pull him inside and push him against the door when it closes behind the both of you.
Sohee feels like he's on cloud nine as you throw your arms around his neck, your lips on his again.
And just like earlier, Sohee fell for you.
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
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flyawaybird444 · 6 months
[11:11] make a wish
✩•̩̩͙*I see forever in your eyes*•̩̩͙✩
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{Description} Stray Kids with a spiritual S/O
This was just a ✨shower thought✨ i had earlier, and I figured it was the perfect thing to kickstart my blog or whatevs 🤷🏻‍♀️
{Warnings} None? Maybe religious themes? Tarot reading?
——— ⁺⋆ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ⋆⁺ ———
When you first brought Hyunjin home, he spent a long time looking through all your crystals. He was interested to learn what they were, but he didn’t really care about the spiritual properties. Our boy just likes pretty things ok TT
Even years later he still loves going into crystal shops and apothecaries to see the handmade jewelry and other trinkets. He 100% thinks it’s so cottagecore. He takes candid polaroids of you while you’re meditating or walking around your favorite metaphysical shop because he thinks you’re so beautiful when you’re in your happy place, and your devotion to it is attractive to him. Hyunjin really likes candle spells because he says they’re romantic. He asked you once as a joke if you put a love spell on him and you said yes. He didn’t realize you were kidding at first and had to contemplate his life for a second.
Han is always happy to talk about the things you love. He likes the surface level stuff like crystals and meditation/manifesting, and even some spell work, but do not show this man any type of divination because he will be terrified. You once pulled out your pendulum to ask it a question, and as soon as it started swinging he was ready to call a priest. He’d probably take a lot of convincing to let you read his tarot cards. He has a lot of anxiety about the future as it is, and he also doesn’t understand how a deck of cards could possibly know him that well.
Supportive boyfriend award goes to Felix on this one. He wants to know anything and everything, will ask to look at your grimoire, wants you to read his tarot cards literally all the time.
“Y/N, I don’t know what i wanna eat for dinner, can you ask your cards what i should have?”
“I- Lix that’s not how that works”
He absolutely love’s apothecaries and metaphysical shops because he says they feel happy inside. You ignited such a love for incense in him, when you guys go out he always smells like smokey vanilla and it’s great.
Chan Is an old soul. If he hasn’t already delved into spirituality himself, he’s the most likely to become spiritual when he starts dating you. He’s very respectful and mature about it, and knows not to touch anything on your altar. Chan also loves to meditate with you in the mornings. You told him once that you felt a connection with the moon, and since then he always sends you photos of the moon when it looks pretty. 110% he wants to get high with you and talk about your ideas on the afterlife and the multiverse. Tarot readings help ease his mind when making tough decisions, so every now and then, the two of you will sit down with a glass of wine and do a reading.
Changbin doesn’t believe in it at first. He thinks tarot readings and divination is an act, and he’s definitely the type to ask the typical “well how do you explain __” questions. Then the day you gave him a really detailed tarot reading and the situation played out exactly as the cards said it would the following week, he started to realize it was very real. He’s really interested in divination because it challenges his logical brain. He likes looking at the forged weapons at your local metaphysical supply shop, and is secretly dying to play with the Tibetan singing bowls.
For Minho, he likes candle spells, but not for the same reason hyunjin likes them. He thinks they feel powerful when you do them, and that’s the thing he likes most about your practice. Wants to learn about hexing. He likes the comfort in your protection spells, and he thinks money and luck spells are really cool. He once watched you do a money spell and then find a $100 bill in your coat pocket, and he was sold immediately. Tries to manifest really random things into happening like finding stray cats to pet when he goes on walks.
Seungmin is so attentive with you, and he’s supportive boyfriend number three out of the group. He’ll ask you questions all timidly because he doesn’t wanna accidentally offend you or sound dumb when he doesn’t know something. He also frequently brings home cool rocks he finds for you because he knows you like them. Seungmin likes that you’re grounded and connected to the earth, and really loves going on nature walks to forage with you.
Jeongin is confused. But he’s also easily impressed by everything you do. The first time he sees you open a circle before doing a spell, he’s so hype.
“WOW NOONA THAT IS SO COOL, but also what is it?”
He acts like you’re doing a magic trick when you’re reading his cards. Will literally give you a round of applause when something you say resonates with him. He’s also the type to want to touch and play with literally everything in the apothecary. Once, he accidentally put his candy wrapper on your altar without thinking and was paranoid for like a month after.
[AN: Hi, if you like this ily and you should send me requests for more. Mwa 💋]
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jq37 · 2 months
The Report Card – Fantasy High Junior Year Ep 15
The Buddy System
Welcome back to Fantasy High where the Bad Kids are still fighting for their lives and, more importantly, their grades. 
After a sterling start to their Last Stand exam, they still have a lot more test to get through before they’re academically out of the woods and they need a perfect score on the written portion to pass which is incredibly harsh but that’s Aguefort for you!
This is a very long episode where everyone gets to be so cool. Truly, you can see how competent all of the players and the characters have become as they carve a bloody path through wave after wave of enemies. 
As usual, it doesn’t really make sense for me to do a blow for blow recap of this fight but it’s absolutely worth watching. It’s an absolute delight from Siobhan and Emily irl making up a limerick in tandem to pass the Performance section of The Last Stand to Gorgug rolling truly more Nat 20s than I’ve ever seen in my life and almost solo-ing a *Purple Worm*. There’s not really any commentary that I can add to improve on just how amazingly they do in the episode. They’re forced to use the auto-pass stamp twice but only on the two most unreasonable things Brennan asked them to do–write a 300 word essay longhand in five minutes and do a (gag) math word problem. With those two stamped, they get 100% on their written exam. They even get some extra credit (partially due to Siobhan’s IRL LOTR geekery). 
Not only that, but Gavin (the proctor) only gets hit (I think) once and never actually goes down! None of the Bad Kids do. Hell, Adaine–their squishiest member–basically just sits at her desk the whole fight answering questions and slinging spells and she’s fine! Happy ending, A+s all around, roll credits, right?
No, of course not. Nothing is that simple–not that this was simple. They can’t just be the first party to ever pass The Last Stand without dying and have it be done. 
During the fight, everyone–but especially Kristen–has been suspicious of Buddy. She does an Insight check and sees that he seems on the level but that’s not enough to quell her suspicion. Near the end of the fight, she eats the Vulture King eyeball (granting her a minute of Truesight) with the intent of seeing who Buddy really is–a reasonable instinct considering Ruben was in disguise at the festival. 
She sees that Buddy is Buddy. She *also* sees Kipperlilly Copperkettle invisibly aiming a crossbow at Gavin. KP clocks Kristen clocking her, smiles, and lowers the crossbow, instead choosing to SLIT BUDDY’S THROAT. Buddy falls to the ground, absolutely DEAD. Not making saves. FULLY DEAD. A blue scaly hand touches her and they both vanish–Kristen can tell that the spell was Plane Shift (which is necessary for getting in and out of this testing pocket dimension). She frantically looks for a diamond to cast Revivify but her pockets have been picked and Buddy’s Revivify diamonds are gone as well. 
They finish the fight victoriously but Buddy’s death casts a pallor on everything. This was supposed to be a fight to the death but Buddy was the one person whose death wasn’t figured into the bloodbath. Gavin tells them that they pass the rest of the year with A+s but is shaken and thrown off kilter by the seemingly random murder. Kristen tells him what she saw and Gavin says that he was observing so he can vouch for the fact that none of them had anything to do with the murder but this is a crime scene and they have to call the Fantasy FBI. The Bad Kids are all super worried about Gavin’s safety since Kipperlilly was going after him initially, but in the end they agree to take him to the Council of Chosen office in Bastion City so he can be under their protection and to leave Fig’s phone (juiced up by Gorgug) in the pocket dimension with Buddy’s body in case there are any shenanigans (you know, besides him getting murdered which was already a pretty big shenanigan).
The Bad Kids drop off Gavin and then take a bus back to Elmville with a new mission: CSI Elmville, let’s get this bitch arrested! 
Editing to Add: This is a very cool post by @thisisnotthenerd that covers all the Last Stand Qs and monsters in the form of Gavin's proctor notes. Check it out!
Kipperlilly for Icing Buddy
This was gonna go to Brennan for making a bunch of stand up comedians do math under a time limit but I can’t not give it to Kipperlilly here. She smiled. She looked at Kristen, smiled, and slit Buddy’s throat. There was no gritting her teeth like it was a hard but pragmatic choice. She was about to take the life of someone who fully trusted her and she did it with glee. There is something *deeply* wrong with this bitch, and we knew that already but hoo boy this certainly clinches it. 
Honor Roll
Gorgug for DESTROYING that Purple Worm
Everyone was in top form this episode but if I have to give it to one person, I’m gonna give it to Gorgug for single handedly holding back a Purple Worm, a monster so terrifying that there is an official D&D show where the premise is that all the players have to fight an OP monster they’re almost certainly gonna TPK against and the title is “Faster, Purple Worm! Kill! Kill!” Our boy didn’t even drop. That’s Maximum Legend Behavior. 
Random Notes
Kristen has the thought that she interrupted a truly horrible thing that KP was about to do and wonders what the crossbow bolt was loaded with. I didn’t mention it in the recap but I wanted to call attention to it because Brennan called attention to it. 
Also Riz got some footage of Gavin clearing them with his tie and Gavin sent their scores to the superintendent (not Jace to be clear–Tectonya Karkovnya who we met in The Seven).
Ugh I’m so annoyed because if KP and Oisin get questioned under Zone of Truth they’re absolutely gonna be dosed up with Devil’s Honey.
Buddy’s throat was slit and there’s no rune on his chest so presumably he can be revived if he’s brought to a hospital–hell Kristen could probably do it with a higher level spell–but I’m worried someone’s gonna slap that rune on him while his body is alone.
Do we think KP killed Buddy without a thought because she knows she lives in a world with revives and she knows it’s temporary or is she just like I truly do not care what happens to this (literally) corny ass cleric. I don’t know him like that. 
Once again, I love Adaine’s div powers so much. “You crit actually.” What a legend. Also love Fig coming to her with doubt and her just being like don’t be crazy and slapping a reticle on the monster to help her aim. I really love their friendship. 
Adaine is my favorite Bad Kid and I am first in line to throw down wrath on anyone who tries to mess with her. That being said, my favorite non-Bad Kid character is Aelwyn who has absolutely tried to kill Adaine and attacked her on multiple occasions and also is wanted for murders she absolutely did. My point here is that Oisin’s next moves will determine if he’s “surrounded by bad influences/I can fix them” material like Aelwyn or, “Throw out the whole man” material like that cop Antiope had a crush on. I am still rooting for the former but I will flip on a dime, do not doubt me. 
I tried that essay writing task and with 25 seconds left on the clock (I stopped when I finished making my points) I was only at 174 words and my hand was seriously cramping. So I would say, valiant effort from the Bad Kids but that was a *rough* ask. 
Kristen’s Bless really came in clutch! Honorary mention to her for that AND for having enough intuition to keep an eye on the Rat Grinder situation. I wonder if Brennan contemplated that might happen. 
Fig bug zapping all those flying monsters was chef’s kiss. 
Did Bobby Dawn fail Kristen specifically so she’d have to take the Last Stand? If so, he is indirectly responsible for his grandson getting iced. Hope that tastes bitter when he finds out but for all we know he’s one of those ends justify the means guys. Bleh. 
This season really is a love letter to all that came before it. The questions, the pentacorn, Adaine’s go to move even magically just being making a fist and letting it fly. I really love how much love Brennan clearly has for this world. And the 100% score the players got on the test shows they obviously love it right back!
Loose Ends
It is Fantasy High tradition for us to get a huge lore dump near the end of the season that ties together a lot of disparate clues and I hope we’re getting there soon because there are a LOT of loose ends we have yet to tie. Here are as many major ones as I can think of right now in case it helps spark productive speculation amongst y’all. 
Who killed the Loams?
Why the move to Loam Farm for Frosty Faire?
What specifically was Ruben trying to do with the symbol when he was playing at the festival? Presumably the thing Grix was trying to prevent?
Who killed Professor Badgood?
What were the exact circumstances behind Lucy’s death?
Who was able to put the rune on both of their bodies and what exactly was the goal there?
What is the Devil’s Honey being used for? What about the other things Aelwyn was getting for KP like Ambrosia? Why did she want a Cloud Rider engine?
How is Jace involved? Why is he manipulating Ruben?
How culpable is each individual Rat Grinder? Are they all in it together or are there varying levels of how involved they are?
Why were Ankarana’s domains wiped from heavens’ computers?
Why did Ankarna become corrupted and why was she forgotten? Were the celestial gods (Sol and co) involved?   
How did KP find the rogue teacher?
Also what’s her damage? Why is she obsessed with Riz? What are her anger issues about?
What’s her current goal? Who is she loyal to (if anyone)? Why did she want to know about Kristen creating a god exactly?
Why did Lucy change her god and then change it back?
Why was Buddy specifically requested by the Rat Grinders?
Why is KP running for class president? And is Mazey being principal a purposeful machination or just a weird thing that’s happening incidentally? 
What’s up with Spy’s Tongue Curse and Kalina only being able to say Ragh’s name? Is it related to that conversation between Kalina, Adaine’s mom, and Jace from SY?
Why wasn’t Ivy surprised to see Fig in disguise as Lucy who was at the time fully dead?
What’s up with the party vision that Adaine has now had at least twice?
Where is KP getting her money from?
What made the Rat Grinders become the Rat Grinders when they started as the High Five Heroes?
What's up with the shatter stars infecting the soil around Elmville?
Where exactly is Cass right now?
What does Ankarna want?
How does Ruvina fit into all of this?
Feel free to hit me up if there's something you think I should add to the list! Can't wait for next week. I'll see you then!
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godesssiri · 2 months
10 Thrifting Tips – Part ? I lost count just check my thrifting tag
1) Make friends with the staff. If you go into a particular thrift store frequently it’s well worth it to get friendly with the staff. Ask them about their day, chat with them about what you’re buying, infodump if you’ve found something exciting and unusual. When the staff get to know you and know what you buy they’ll start pointing out things in the store that have come in since the last time you were there, that fit your interests. They may even start putting things aside for you. Recently I walked into my favorite thrift store and had 2 separate staff members say ‘Oh I’ve got something for you’. Plus having the staff greet you by name and having little inside jokes with them just makes the whole experience more fun.
2) Brita jugs turn up at the thrift store frequently. If tap water in your area is safe but has A Taste, keep an eye out at the thrift store.
3) Coffee making equipment. Capsule coffee makers, the wire racks that hold the capsules, French presses, these all get donated frequently. The occasional espresso machine comes in – and goes out very quickly. Now and then you’ll find pour-over coffee equipment. If you like your bean juice you can get the equipment you need to make fancy bean juice at the thrift store.
4) Handmade pottery mugs. Story time: About 6 or 7 years ago I went into a thrift store and someone had obviously just cleaned out their mug cupboard and donated a pile of handmade pottery. I bought 4 because I thought they were cool, very tactile, nice to hold. This AWOKE something in me. Humans have used handmade pottery for thousands of years and there’s something about holding a handmade mug that sparks a genetic memory of warmth and comfort. Pottery also has much better thermal properties than mass produced ceramic, hot stays hot longer and vice versa with cold. Build up a little collection of handmade pottery mugs from the thrift store, each one has its own personality and it brings joy using them.
5) In the same vein: teaspoons. Build up a collection of fun teaspoons and take joy from using different ones depending on your mood. I have one with an owl on the end and another with a rose, a brass one with a wiggly handle in the shape of a snake, one that has the branding of an airline that now only uses wooden stirrers - probably because people kept pocketing the stainless-steel teaspoons (I always wanted to steal one as a child but never had the nerve). Whenever I need a teaspoon it’s always a little endorphin boost to open the drawer and select the perfect one for today.
6) If you need something to do a specific job, be patient, you will find the perfect thing eventually. I switched to solid shampoo and my old soap dish wasn’t big enough to hold my shampoo bar and my regular soap, so I waited and watched and found the perfect little glass tray that was exactly the right size and fits perfectly on the shelf in my shower. I could have bought a brand new made-for-that-purpose multi soap holder, but it wouldn’t have been as cool looking and when I’m done with it, it wouldn’t necessarily get another life.
7) Gift supplies. Thrift stores often have a selection of unused gift wrap, bags, bows, cards. It’s worth it to sift through what they’ve got and buy any you think you might use – even if you don’t have an immediate use for it. That stuff can get expensive so if you can create a small stash then, when you need it, you won’t have to shell out $$.
8) Look for things that can be made over – or thrift flipped as the DIY content creators like to say. There’s so much satisfaction from looking at something that was plain ugly when you bought it and you’ve turned it into something pretty. It doesn’t need to be a major transformation that requires 5 different power-tools and 100 bucks worth of supplies. It can be as simple as a lick of paint, but every time you look at you will feel good about it.
9) Sometimes it’s worth buying something that’s just really cool and figuring out a use for it later. I bought the coolest little silver plated mustard pot; it has 3 legs and at the top of each leg is a lion head. Do I eat mustard much? No. Did I know what the heck I would use it for? No. I get bad indigestion and keep antacids on hand, I hate how once you tear open the roll, they tend to spill everywhere so I like to put them in something. Guess what holds exactly one roll of antacids? If something is just freaking awesome but you don’t know what you’d use it for, you will find a use (and it will be so much cooler than anything else you might have bought for that purpose).
10) Use the fancy stuff. Don’t ever look at something in a thrift store and think: that’s too fancy, I’ll never use it. If it’s not bought and used it ends up in landfill. Save it from the landfill and use it. Today I bought the most OTT fancy silver pepper shaker to sit next to my stove and hold ground pepper for cooking with, one of my housemates never puts the damn pepper back in the cupboard when he’s finished with it, so now we have this ostentatious silver shaker next to the stove top. One of my dogs can be relied upon to get half of his food on the floor before he hoovers it up, I could have got a plastic mat to feed him on but I had a spare thrifted marble cutting/serving board (I have a problem, I own 3, I have so much trouble resisting them), and another plus - he can’t destroy it like he would a plastic mat. I keep my toothbrush in a crystal bud vase. I decant my micellar water into a bottle shaped like a seahorse. I eat off pretty vintage pink glass plates. Using the fancy stuff from thrift stores both helps you romanticize your own life and it gives these items another life. Do be sensible though, some items made before the early 1970s including glassware and dinnerware contain lead in the decoration so do your due diligence and be safe.
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itstivan · 4 months
I completely forgot to do it on Valentine’s day.. but anyways!!
Here’s you School Bus Graveyard Valentine’s day headcanons!!
How the group would react to being asked to be someone’s Valentine:
Ashlyn: Literally just stares in confusion, trying to process what has just been said to her. After she finally processes, she gets super shy and her face turns red.
Aiden: Gets super excited and probably does a little jump in the air. Then plays it off cool, while grinning like a maniac. (more than he already does)
Taylor: Gets super happy, and grabs whoever asked hand. Probably blushes a little, and excitedly says yes.
Tyler: Would probably yell “What?!” on accident because of how shocked he is. Also gets SUPER flustered and sweaty. Gets little butterflies in his stomach. Probably rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet and heels because he's nervous.
Ben: Blushes a lot and nods. Probably hugs the person who asked as well.
Logan: Probably says something like “Wait what? Who me? ME?!” While stuttering because of how confused he is. Blushes a little, and plays with his hands. Flustered because he’s never really had a love life or a crush.
Valentines Dates/Gifts
She's not very good at gift giving for Valentines. Or in general. She’d probably get her crush a card, or some simple stuff. She’d try her best though. Maybe a plushie.
Ashlyn’s love language is being in each other's presence. So even just watching movies together on Valentine's Day would be enough for her. Or just doing something together like baking (though she might not be the best at it), or doing something crafty (again not the best at it), or listening to music.
Since she’s not good with audible words, she’d probably write a heartfelt letter to her crush explaining everything.
She’s never had any relationship (or friendship..) experience, so she’s super stiff on a Valentine’s Day date, unless she’s in a place she feels comfortable.
Aiden is amazing at gift giving. Even though he is always rambling, if he overhears his crush saying that they were looking into getting a certain item, or that they want a certain item, he would 100% get it for them. Especially if it's expensive.
He thinks he could buy their love LMAO 😭
Aiden’s language is physical touch, so probably any type of activity where he can be able to contact his crush, he’d like. For example, shopping and holding hands, playing with their hair, watching movies and him laying his legs on their lap (he’s also playing with a rubix cube).
Or he’d drag them to like laser tag or rock climbing. Or even a trampoline park. He’d also buy all the food if they went to a cafe or something.
Has literally never had any relationship experience, so he doesn’t know what's right or wrong/ too fast or too slow on a date or as Valentines.
I think Taylor would be very crafty with her gift giving. She probably makes homemade stuff, and stuff that comes from the heart. She’d be the type of person to weld a flower with bolts and stuff LMAO. She always puts A LOT of thought into her gifts, she wants them to be perfect and pretty to show how much she cares. She was always a big DIY crafter when it came to gifts cause she never wanted to bother her mom or Tyler.
Taylor’s love language is communicating, so she’d probably enjoy dates that she had lots of time to talk with her crush. Cafe dates, pottery dates, mall dates, etc. She loves listening and talking and always tries to remember what her crush says for future references. Would probably give her crush a little peck on the cheek at the end of the day.
Probably had two or three relationships in middle school, but they weren’t big. Has had crushes in the past.
I feel like Tyler would be pretty okay at gift giving. But he gets a bit indecisive and overthinks the gift. His gifts would be a mix between something bought and something made. But either way, he’d put a lot of care and thought into them to make sure they're perfect.
Tyler’s love language is protecting. So any kind of date where he could be somewhat close to you would be good. A cafe date, movie date, baking date, stay at home enjoying each other’s company date, etc. He’d also walk near the road so his crush could be safe on the sidewalk. He’d prefer dates where it’s one on one with each other, because he would constantly be stressing about keeping his crush safe and okay. Near the end of the date, he’d probably hold his crush’s hand.
Doesn’t have a lot of relationship experience, but has one or two crushes in the past.
Ben isn’t that creative with his gift ideas. But he’s still decent at gift giving. He’d probably give his crush their favorite albums on records/cds, a poster of their favorite artist, a playlist, or he’d burn a cd of songs that reminds him of them. He speaks through music, so this would be the best way to communicate his feelings. He would 100% learn his crush’s favorite song on guitar just for them.
Ben’s love language is music, so any type of dating revolving around music would be good. Maybe looking around a record shop or music store. As well as just hanging out in each other’s room listening to music and suggesting songs.
I also feel like if he feels super comfortable around his crush, he would accidentally fall asleep.
Probably had one crush in the past but never acted on it. No relationship experience.
Would be relatively good at gift giving. If his crush read books, he’d read their favorite book and leave annotations of his thoughts and stuff. Or he’d buy them some type of books. Or even get them a flower/plant that reminds him of them. He’d probably also make DIY stuff, but wouldn’t be the best at it.
Logan’s love language is doing each other’s hobbies together. So I personally think he’d be fine with most activities. Pottery dates, shopping, painting, baking, talking about interests at each other’s houses, walking in the park, building legos (don’t ask why, I just feel like he’d like doing that with his crush), etc.
He’s pretty flustered throughout the whole date because he’s never had any relationships, and probably only one past crush.
for the dates, gifts, and reactions I believe this is how they’d act if they were with someone in the comic. NOT THE READER!! just thought to clarify just in case :D
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