#but also she comes along when the case needs a lady involved
skyriderwednesday · 1 year
I love the idea of Watson's girl bestie/mutual convenience/in on the deal/lavender marriage Mary, and the concept of her teaming up to offer the much-needed Woman's Perspective to the whole consulting detective business delights me greatly.
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mountttmase · 4 months
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Winter Sun - Chapter 5
Note - lil early treat as the game is on tomorrow. this is probably one of my favourites so I’m super excited for you guys to read it. Once again thank you sm for being so lovely I just adore you guys 🥺 also I added in a anons suggestion last minute I hope you like it 🤭 and feedback is appreciated as always 🩷
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 6.1k
Warnings - series will contain fluff, smut & angst
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You didn’t know if the heat was getting to Mason, but he could barely keep his hands off of you as the week went on.
Every night the pair of you ended up in one of the others room to let off some steam and you were beginning to wonder how you’d survive without him when the holiday finished. Even during the day he’d try and sneak you off if he could. Pretending you’d gone for a nap or to make a call so he could quickly make the pair of you cum and you couldn’t lie, you were having the time of your life.
It wasn’t just the sex though. He was right, you were his for the week and no matter where you were or what you were doing he was practically glued to your side. You were having the best week with him and all your friends and the little arrangement only made it even better.
You kept to your side of the deal too, making him breakfast and lunch if he wanted it. Treating him to ice cream when you were out even when he refused and making sure he always had his sun cream on but you knew he was secretly loving being taken care of in this way. Often finding him staring at you longingly as you made him something to eat like he wanted to pull you in and not let you go.
You felt good. Better than good, you felt wanted and needed and even though you both promised that the friendship came first and no feelings would be involved you noticed you’d started to slip.
You thought about him constantly when he wasn’t around, only feeling truly content when he was next to you and you felt yourself becoming in tune with the way he acted towards you. One misplaced glance or change in the tone of his voice had you spiralling but you were too afraid to say anything to him in case you made a fool of yourself so you kept it in. Trying to be as relaxed as possible around him.
You’d had a great week by all accounts though, getting drunk in the evening and soaking up the sun in the day and before you knew it there were only a few days left. Today was a little different though as you were meant to be having a girls day and Carly had arranged for the four of you to go pottery painting whilst the boys had their own thing going on but when you left you realised they were coming with you. Ben explaining that due to the weather their speedboat experience had been cancelled so they were tagging along to paint with you.
‘I’ve never done pottery painting, I don’t think I’ll be any good’ you told Mason as you all approached the building. Him holding the door open for you and you smiled as you walked passed him.
‘You decorate your cakes all fancy though, surely you can’t be too bad’
‘I guess we’ll have to wait and see’ you winked. Joining everyone else as a sweet older lady explained what you had to do.
Once she was done you were all allowed to go and pick your pottery, and once again you felt Mason brush up besides you as you looked for something to paint.
‘What are you thinking of painting?’ You asked him, eyes scanning the shelves for something exciting and you watched as he picked up a small stubby sort of vase before sending you a wink.
‘Wouldn’t you like to know’ he laughed before turning on his heel and making his way over to sit with the rest of the boys. Leaving you stumped before turning back to your only other hope.
‘Carly? Whar are you painting?’
‘Gonna paint Ben a mug I think, and maybe a little bowl for my cereal’ she mused, grabbing the biggest bowl she could see before taking it back to the girls table. You watched with a smile, knowing how much she loved her cookie crisp but your eyes were soon wandering over to Mason like they always did.
In the end you picked up a mug, wanting to paint Mason something too and then a mug for yourself before joining the girls. Sitting and gossiping as you let your creative juices flow and even though you were trying your hardest to paint something nice for Mason your lines were all wobbly and you thought it looked silly but you hoped it liked it.
For your own mug you decorated it with little strawberries and daisies, this coming out a little better than Masons but you were clearly taking too long as the girl’s had gone to join the boys to show off what they’d made as you were finishing up.
‘That's pretty’ Mason smiled, taking up the seat next to you. ‘The mugs not too bad either’
‘Oh hush it you’ you laughed. Secretly enjoying his compliments and you knew you were blushing as much as you tried to hide it.
‘Sorry, but it’s true, I am a bit concerned though. Please don’t tell me you’ve spent this whole time doing that’
‘Of course not’ you laughed, nodding your head to the side and you watched his eyes light up at the Spider-Man mug you’d painted for him. ‘I know it’s not great but I thought it might look good on your mug tree I got you’ you laughed, referring to the one you’d got him as a house warming gift and you watched his eyes soften as they flickered back between you and the mug.
‘You painted that for me?’
‘Of course. Just another little thank you of mine’ you teased but you could tell he was touched that you’d made something for him.
‘I guess I should show you what I did’ he laughed, a nervous expression on his face as he went to retrieve his item but you were more than confused when he set it down in front of you.
This looked nothing like the vase he’d picked up before. It was covered in little hearts of all shapes and sizes, pretty flowers and a few cupcakes hidden in here and there plus a slightly bigger pink heart that had gwen Stacey’s pink mask inside. Making you smile as you recalled all the times you’d spent watching it together and you loved the way both of yours tied in together without you meaning it too.
You were just about to ask what it was when you noticed the word tips carefully written in a fancy font on the front and your eyes shot up to his nervous ones.
‘It’s for your bakery. Thought it might look nicer than the coffee jar you’ve got sat by the till’ he laughed and your heart melted instantly.
‘Oh Mase’ you laughed. Dropping your brush and pulling him in for a hug and he held you back just as tightly. Tucking his head into your neck as he was a little shy and your heart thumped at how lovely he had been.
‘Bit of luck I painted something for you now huh?’ You laughed. Pulling back to look at his flushed face before his eyes darted to the Spider-Man mug in between you.
‘I’ll treasure it forever’ he laughed before helping you pick everything up and take it over to where everyone else’s were. The lady let you know they’d take around a week to be finished and you all wrote your addresses down for each piece before going to grab a quick lunch so you could get back to the villa. The weather now changing and after your busy morning and early afternoon, all you could think about was heading over to your chair and blocking out the rest of the world.
Well everyone but Mason at least.
He was still in the kitchen grabbing himself a drink, promising to follow you outside shortly to join you and with a quick, sneaky pinch to his bum you took the few steps from the kitchen to outside.
‘You coming in, y/n?’ Ben called, motioning his head into the pool as you walked around the edge towards you but you shook your head. Heading straight for the lounge chair you’d claimed as your own so you could get set up with your book however Ben seemed to be having different ideas. Stopping you in your tracks with his hands on your shoulders and the cheeky smile on his face unnerved you. ‘Come on, I haven’t seen you in there once this week’
‘So? I don’t want to’
‘But you have to, it’s the rules’ he laughed, turning you so you were now facing away from him, his chest pressed against your back as he bent slightly before lifting you from the floor.
‘Chilly I swear to god, put me down’ you shrieked, voice full of fear but you could tell he thought it was all hilarious. Swinging you from side to side as you thrashed and kicked your legs, your breaths short and sharp like you couldn’t take enough air in and as your eyes began to sting from fear you couldn’t help but let out a frightened whimper.
‘No can do, everyone needs to go for a swim or you can’t say you’ve had a proper holiday’ he laughed, swinging you back one final time before launching you into the water.
Everyone’s laughter and cheering was suddenly silenced, all you could hear was a rushing noise as you tried to fight your way to safety. You didn’t know what way was up and what was down and the more you struggled the more lost you became. Your lungs burning as you resisted the urge to open your mouth and scream but you were so frightened you didn’t know what else to do.
I’m gonna die, the only thought that was rushing through your head but the sudden feeling of someone’s arms around your waist as they dragged you up and back to the real world knocked the wind out of you.
You were gasping for breath instantly, your hands gripping onto someone’s strong shoulders as you tried to calm your aching lungs before you felt their hand on you back so they could pull you into them. Your arms snaked around their neck as you hid your head into them and they rubbed up and down soothingly to try and relax you before pulling you flush against them with their lips to your ear.
‘It’s okay, you’re safe now. I’ve got you, yeah? I promise it’s alright’
‘Mase’ you whimpered, booming coughs erupting from you as you clung to him even tighter. Wrapping your legs around his waist as he held you to his chest tightly and you knew you were going to be fine.
‘I know, Muffin. I promise I’ve got you’ he told you gently as he slowly walked you to the steps of the pool, gently walking you out whilst you clung to him like a koala and once you were up the steps and on the side you let yourself slide down his body so you could stand on your own. You could feel him start to pull back, probably wanting to check you were okay but you were having none of it. Small sobs now poring from you as you realised you were okay, the shock of it all finally hitting you and the embarrassment of everyone having seen you flapping about like a wet fish made you hold him even tighter as you cried into his neck.
‘Y/n I-‘ Ben started from behind you but Mason was quick to cut him off for you.
‘Don’t, Ben. Just don’t’
‘I didn’t-‘
‘Ben I swear to god if you don’t fuck off right now’ Mason growled, his body going stuff as he pulled you impossibly closer to his body. ‘I mean what the fuck were you thinking?’ He roared, but you didn’t want to start and argument so you pulled back in the hopes he’d look at you. He looked furious, cheeks flushed as his brows pitched together and you could feel the anger pouring from him but you watched his expression soften at the sight of you.
‘Can we just go inside’ you whispered through your tears and without so much a look in Bens direction, Mason lead you into the kitchen and away from everyone else before picking you up by your thighs and placing you on the counter.
‘Are you okay?’ He whispered, holding you by the jaw so she could get a good look at you and even though you were still crying and taking in strangled breaths you nodded your head. ‘What happened?’
‘H-he threw me I-in. I p-panicked’ you stuttered out before he pulled you back into his chest so you could calm down. You knew you were fine but your heart was still beating out of your chest and you were thankful you had Mason to grip onto.
Once you were calm again you pulled back to look at him, a soft concerned expression on his face as he placed a soft kiss to your forehead and you couldn’t ignore the goosebumps that traveled over your arms at the gesture. His touch was grounding you more than you thought it would but the feel of his lips on your skin made you feel even better.
‘You really don’t like the water do you?’ He asked softly, a small smile on his lips and you shook your head softly as you rubbed at your eyes. ‘Can you swim?’ He questioned gently and you took a nervous gulp before answering.
‘No’ you whispered, wanting to look away out of embarrassment but his non judgemental stare settled you and your carried on looking into his gentle eyes.
‘Y/n’ he sighed, but you could tell there was smile behind his voice as he slightly scolded you. ‘You need to tell me things like that. How am I supposed to look after you if I don’t know?’
‘Sorry’ you chuckled but he just shook his head before pulling you back into his embrace.
‘It’s alright. Just as long as you’re okay’ he mumbled, pulling back to look at you and you sent him a reassuring smile.
‘I’ll be fine’
‘Good’ he laughed before dropping his head to press a light kiss to your lips.
You froze, that’s against the rules being your first thought but he didn’t seem to be reacting in any way so you kept your cool and acted like what he’d just done was normal even though it was anything but.
‘Do you fancy going out for a bit? We can head to the beach rather than hanging here, I just know if I see Ben I’m likely to throttle him’ he joked, squeezing your waist lightly and you agreed, still a little embarrassed about the whole thing so you let him help you down so you could quickly leave.
You tried to be quick, drying yourself off and changing into a new bikini and a pair of shorts before chucking on an over shirt and trainers snd meeting Mason in the hall outside your rooms.
He was dressed in shorts and a tank, clearly throwing his own outfit together pretty hastily but looking at him still made your knees weak. The fact he’d have his tattoos on show for you today too made your tummy flip so when he held out his hand you took it straight away before he led you outside and thankfully you didn’t see anyone on the way out. Following Mason with your head down and once you were out he steered you towards the main town.
‘Thought we could have a walk on the beach maybe? Or look round some shops?’
‘Sounds perfect’ you smiled, squeezing his hand gently as you followed him down.
You arrived at the shops first, the pair of you looking at all the trinkets and souvenirs before Mason asked if you’d like to play a game and you looked up at Mason with a confused expression.
‘Whenever me and my family go away we get each other a magnet’ he told you, head motioning inside one of the tourist shops at a giant wall of magnets. ‘You go in here, I’ll go into the shop opposite and we can buy each other one. You know, one that reminds us of the other’ he explained but your silence made his face falter. ‘Or if that’s weird we can just-‘
‘No Mason I love it’ you giggled, squeezing his hand before letting go. ‘I’ll meet you out here in a sec yeah?’
‘Okay’ he nodded shyly before you both went in separate directions. There were a few you were considering but in the end you picked up one that looked like a rooster as it reminded you of Nando’s and you’d seen them everywhere this week and once you’d picked up a few more things for people back home, you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. Carly’s name flashing up on your screen and you felt nervous instantly. She wasn’t around when the pool fiasco happened and you knew she was probably worrying where you were.
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You met him outside where he was looking at you with a cheeky smile before quickly swapping the little paper bags they were hidden in, both bursting into fits of giggles when you saw you’d bought each other the same one.
‘You fancy a walk on the beach? We can stay away from the water if you want’ he smiled but you just laughed and took his outstretched hand. Walking along the shore as he intwinted his fingers with yours.
It all felt so surreal, getting caught up in the moment even though you know you shouldn’t have, but the way he was acting so soft and caring with you made your heart flutter and you had to remind yourself often that he was still just your friend.
He stopped suddenly, pulling his phone out his his pocket before seemingly trying to take a picture of the sand in front of you and you were confused as to what he was doing until he threw a peace sign up in the air, looking down to see his shadow on the sand so you joined in as he took a few more. Both giggling away until he placed his arm around your waist and pulled you flush against his side before popping a kiss on your forehead and snapping a picture.
You looked up at him carefully, his bright eyes looking down into yours and the urge to kiss him was stronger than ever. He beat you to it though, planting another illegal kiss on your lips softly before taking your hand again so you could carry on walking.
‘You feeling better now, Muffin?’ He asked quietly, a hint of worry still in his eyes but it needn’t be there.
‘Much better. Thank you for looking after me Mase’ you told him sincerely, wrapping your arms around his waist so you could hold him close. ‘Sorry for ruining your peaceful afternoon’
‘Don’t be silly, I’d rather hang out with you anyway. I was thinking, maybe we could grab some dinner out? Unless you wanna go back, we can do that too’ he told you, rushing at the end like he thought he’d overstepped but you were enjoying your alone time with him so you sent him a reassuring smile.
‘No I like the sound of that. Maybe we could have a little picnic on the beach? I don’t think I’m looking too presentable to be sitting in somewhere’ you laughed, looking down and your thrown together outfit and still damp hair but the soft smile on his face relaxed you.
‘I mean I think you look great but whatever you want’ he winked, squeezing your sides playfully.
After another quick walk around the town, Mason pointed out a take away pizza place and put your order in before you popped into the small supermarket opposite to grab some drinks and sweet treats before taking your food back to the beach so you could eat and watch the sunset.
Even though you didn’t like the water, there was something about sitting by the sea and the sound of the waves that made you feel at peace. And sitting with Mason as you spoke casually about future plans and how he was looking forward to the rest of the season made your heart sing.
‘I know we haven’t known each other too long in the grand scheme of things, but you know I’m really proud of you, don’t you?’ You told him softly, watching the most heartwarming smile stretch across his face before he patted the space in front of him so you’d sit in between his legs. Once you were comfortable his arms snaked around your waist and you placed yours on top of his as he pulled you as close as he could to him. His lips by your ear so he could speak to you quietly.
‘I’m proud of you too, Muffin’ he whispered, the smile in his voice evident but you both started giggling as he kissed the side of your head. ‘I’m serious. You’ve got your own thing going on and you’re so successful and like I’m just so happy for you, you know? No one deserves to be happy more than you’
‘You deserve to be happy too’ you told him, moving your shoulders round slightly so you could look at him and you almost melted when his hand came to rest on your cheek so he could stroke it gently.
‘I am happy’
‘Yeah, I know it was a big choice to go up there and have everything change. And yeah maybe there are certain things I would of liked to of kept the same but I think it’s worked out pretty well’
‘I think so too’ you whispered, your smile mirroring his as he continued to gently stroke your cheek. ‘Though I miss having you around’
‘I miss you too’ he smiled
‘Hmmm me or my cakes?’
‘Your cake’s obviously’ he laughed, making you roll your eyes playfully as you looked away from him but he was quick to hold you closer and scatter kisses on top of your head until you looked back. ‘I’m kidding. It’s mostly you’
There was that feeling again, wanting to kiss him more than anything and you knew he felt the same because his eyes kept flashing down to your lips as they flickered all over your face. You figured you’d just take the plunge, he’d kissed you twice already today so you reached up and thankfully he caught on and met you in the middle.
Kissing Mason like this made you feel giddy. You were breaking every rule in the book but there was no intent behind it, just two people showing the other how they felt and you hope Mason could tell how much you appreciated him for everything
‘Thank you for this week, Mase, I was really worried about coming but I’m so glad I did. I’ll never be able to repay you’
‘You don’t have to thank me or repay me’
‘But I do. I really appreciate everything you do for me’
‘Well do you send me cakes a lot’ he winked, ‘and you're always there for my games, good times and bad you're by my side so I appreciate you too. More than you know’ he told you softly. A warm fuzzy feeling spreading over your skin and you didn’t have the confidence to look at him anymore so you faced forward as the pair of you snuggled closer and listened to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.
‘Shall we head back? You’re starting to get cold and I don’t have anything for you’ Mason asked after a little while and even though you were content in his arms you knew it was getting late and you’d have to head back soon so you begrudgingly nodded.
‘Okay’ you whispered, taking a slow walk back with his hand in yours the whole way. When you got back, the house was silent and you weren’t even sure if anyone was in so you made your way down to your rooms after putting your leftovers in the fridge. Standing awkwardly outside your doors as he scratched the back of his neck.
‘You wanna come in here for a bit?’ He asked, making you raise your brows at him suggestively but he was quick to settle you. ‘Nothing like that, I just thought we could hang out for a bit. Watch a movie before bed?’
‘You sure?’
‘Yeah I just… I don’t wanna leave you yet like it feels weird to me’
‘It feels weird to me too’ you admitted shyly and your heart stuttered at his soft smile. ‘Listen, I’m just gonna have a quick shower, get changed and run upstairs for a water. You want me to get you anything?’
‘Why don’t you get us some snacks, I’ll let you pick’ he told you and with a final kiss to your forehead he let you go.
After your shower you found one of your nicer sets of pjs and you made your way upstairs but the sight in front of you made guilt rush through you. There was Ben, his face sat propped up on his fists as he leant against the counter and you could see how miserable he looked just from a glance.
You felt awful, you knew he hadn’t meant anything in a mean way earlier and when his eyes flickered over to yours you sent him a sympathetic smile.
‘You’re back’
‘Yeah we got back about fifteen minutes ago’ you told him as he sat up but he kept his eyes glued to the counter as he nodded his head and chewed on the inside of his cheek.
Without another word you made your way over to him, touching his shoulder so he’d turn a bit before pulling him into your arms. You felt him relax immediately as he held you tightly and you rubbed his back gently hoping to let him know everything was fine between you.
‘I’m so fucking sorry, y/n’ he told you quietly but you could hear the emotion in his voice and it was breaking your heart. ‘I honestly had no idea, I was just trying to have a bit of fun’
‘I know Ben. I know you didn’t mean it horribly and I’m fine I promise. I don’t tell people I can’t swim cause it’s a bit embarrassing but you didn’t know that’ you reassured him as you pulled away but kept your hands on his shoulders. ‘As for Mase I think he just got a bit scared but I’ve had a word with him. There wasn’t any need for him to speak to you like that’
‘It’s fine I deserved a telling off’ he smiled shyly and you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. ‘You promise you’re alright?’
‘Fit as a fiddle’ you winked before walking over to the fridge. ‘I was more embarrassed than anything else. Like me, a full grown woman who can’t swim?’
‘Well if you fancy a lesson I can try and teach you. We can call it part of my apology’ he offered and even though you were petrified you wanted to do something to make him feel better.
‘You know what, I’ll take you up on that’ you laughed, shutting the fridge as you gathered your haul in your hands. ‘Let’s start in the morning’
‘It’s a deal’ he winked, a bright smile on his face and you felt better than you had all afternoon knowing you were fine.
‘I better take these down to his majesty’ you joked, motioning towards your full arms. ‘I’ll see you in the morning though, yeah?’
‘Course. Have a good night y/n’
‘You too’ you smiled and with a quick kiss to your cheek you both made your separate ways to your rooms. You didn’t bother knocking when you got to Mason's room, walking in so you could drop the snacks and drinks straight onto the bed but after you’d shut the door and finally caught sight of him, your mouth went dry.
He was lying horizontally across the bed on his side, flicking through the channels to find something to watch clad only in a pair of tight black Calvin’s. As soon as you made eye contact he sent you a sweet smile, shuffling up a bit straighter before patting the space in front of him and it felt like your heart was going a mile a minute as he helped you get settled. His warm skin pressed fully against yours as he tangled your legs together and wrapped his arm around your middle, but it was the light kiss pressed against your temple that made you blush harder than anything.
‘Comfy?’ He asked softly, lips right by your ear casing goosebumps to erupt all over your skin, you just hoped he wouldn't notice and when he didn’t say anything you just nodded and let him hit play.
It was a comfortable silence, but then again you were always comfortable around Mason. The pair of you munching your way through your snacks as you absentmindedly watched the film that was on until you felt him reach for his phone. Tapping away for a few minutes before he placed it back on the bed until you felt your own phone buzz on the side table.
‘I’d get that if I were you’ he told you quietly. Eyes not leaving the tv and you thought it was a bit weird of him but you didn’t question it. Reaching for it to see who it could be but you were surprised to find it was Mason trying to airdrop you something. The first thing looked like a picture of you taken from behind at a beach bar the other day and you felt your heart race as you pressed accept.
You weren’t prepared for what was coming through to you though. A full album of candid shots of yourself from nights out and day trips that Mason must have taken sneakily and you felt your whole body flush as you flicked through them. Seeing yourself through his eyes a little and you’d sworn you’d never felt more beautiful than right now.
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‘Mason? What the hell is all this?’ You asked, looking up at him with a wide smile and you watched his cheeks turn the same shade of pink yours probably were.
‘Just some pictures I’ve taken this week that I thought you might like’ he told you. Trying to shrug it off but you knew he knew what he’d done was special to you. ‘I thought maybe you could use some for your daily instagram dumps you seem to love. Do you like them?’
‘I love them, thank you’ you told him. Pulling him towards you tighter and you shivered as he kissed your shoulder.
‘That's okay. I know the others were constantly asking the boys to take pictures and I didn’t want you left out. I’ve kept a few for myself though’ he teased. Making you laugh as you looked back up at him.
‘I suppose I’ll allow it’ you smiled. Reaching up to kiss his jaw before your eyes went back to your phone so you could look through them again and try and find your favourite but it didn’t take long for your eyes to go heavy. It had been a long and slightly stressful day and the warmth of Mason's body and the calmness that you felt about being around him was sending you to sleep quicker than anything. He must have felt it, moving you round so your front was now pressed against his chest with your head in his neck but you knew you couldn’t get too comfortable. Sleeping in the same bed was against the rules.
Not that you’d stuck to the rules at all today.
‘Just gimme five minutes and I’ll go to my room’ you told him quietly, the rumbling of his chest as he laughed waking you slightly but not too much.
‘Don’t be silly, stay here tonight’
‘But Mase-‘
‘But nothing. Just go to sleep, Muffin’ he whispered into your hair and you knew your skin was covered in goosebumps.
You didn’t say another word, just snuggled down further into him as he held you even closer. His hands absentmindedly stroking over your skin and lulling you further into sleep, the last thing you remember being his lips on your forehead as he pressed feather light kisses to your hairline.
When you woke up, you knew it wasn’t morning yet. The sky was a little lighter than when you went to sleep but your thoughts were confirmed when you quickly checked your phone and the time read 03:47am. You weren’t sure why you were awake but you quickly dashed to the loo, carefully untangling yourself from Mason as to not wake him but you saw his eyes open when you returned. You had been contemplating going back to your room but he opened his arms for you as you stood awkwardly and you couldn’t deny him.
‘Sorry, Mase. I didn’t mean to wake you’ you whispered, crawling back into his arms but you let him spoon you this time, smiling at the feel of his arms around you and his lips pressed to the base of your neck.
‘S’okay’ he whispered back, continuing to press small kisses over the bottom of your neck whilst he let his hands wander your body carefully and before long you could feel yourself getting turned on.
You weren’t sure if this was his intention or if he just wanted to feel you but you knew your breathing had gotten deeper as he began to massage over you waist and hips before finally taking your bum in his hands and you couldn't help but moan a little bit. Yes the pair of you had been touchy all day but you’d missed his hands on you like this and once he could hear how he was making you feel he started taking things to the next level.
It was your thighs next, hands reaching forward to massage them softly whilst he littered your neck with kisses and it wasn’t long before you felt him prodding you in the back which caused you to let out a little chuckle. ‘Shhhh’ he laughed, letting his hands travel inward to part them before hooking one up and over his body. Leaving you open for him to do as he pleased.
You felt you hips moving before you’d even realised, grinding your bum down onto him and the chuckle that left his lips would have almost left you embarrassed but you didn’t care. You just wanted to feel him again.
‘You just can’t wait can’t you, baby? So needy for me’
‘Please Mase’ you whimpered. Your spine tingling at him calling you baby but thankfully he didn’t want to make you work for it. Just as needy as you it seemed as he pulled your shorts from you and freed himself just enough to be able push himself into you. One arm wrapped around you to hold you close as the other hooked under your thigh to hold it up as he bucked his hips into you from behind and the kisses he was pressing to the back of your neck were driving you wild.
It was lazy and delicious, the pair of you taking it as slow as you could so you could just feel each other rather than chase your highs. Not having sex for the aim of getting off but just because it felt good to be pressed up against each other, to feel him rock his hips in and out of you just like he knew you loved whilst whispering the most heavenly praise in your ear.
You look so fucking beautiful
Feels like you were made for me, you know that?
Let me hear all those pretty noises you make. I don’t care if anyone hears us I wanna know how good you feel
You’re doing so well for me sweetheart
I’ve got you, let go for me gorgeous
When you’d finally come down from your high, you could still feel him pressing the most delicate kisses to the back of your neck until he was burying his face in there. Taking a huge breath like he was absorbing you in and couldn’t wipe the smile off your face.
The pair of you didn’t move, Mason just feeling heavier and heavier as he sunk into you even more. Falling straight back to sleep so you joined him knowing you’d hadn’t felt this content in the longest time.
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liked by masonmount, carlywlms_, benchilwell and others
Y/n a day well spent 🩷
view comments
masonmount ✌🏻
y/n ✌🏻
declanrice that pizza look insane
y/n It was 👩🏻‍🍳😘 there’s a few slices in the fridge if you want some
carlywlms_ missed you this afternoon 💜
y/n I’ll be there to annoy you tomorrow 💜
okaylaaa omg the magnets 😩 @woody_ we need to get some before we go
y/n they had so many, it’s hard to choose 😭
woody_ I’ll take you tomorrow 😉
benchilwell 💛
y/n 💛
laurenfryer_ you didn’t want to show everyone your Spider-Man mug, no?
y/n I didn’t want to embarrass everyone else with my skills
lukeshaw23 tell Mase that’s not part of his meal plan
y/n It’s a one off treat 😉
masonmount let me tell you, I’ve had many treats this week 😌
__nads hope you’re having the best time 🩷 everyone’s asking after you 🥺
y/n thank you, i hope it’s okay going okay 😂
__nads sugar mumma is still standing 😉
masonmount can you post me up some brownies for when I get home please? Or just whatever’s left over tomorrow, I’m not fussy
y/n @__nads ignore him please 🙄
masonmount no no, she owes me
__nads I’m not getting involved in your domestic 😭
Tagged: @footiehoemcfc @prideofpd @yoursselo @chelseachilly @willow-writer-ivy @mm-vii @katharinanadiaa @mmountseb @carlottawllms @saltyheartnightmare @masonmtxo @harvestmount @chillymountsjess @treblebluesblog @pulisicsgirl @bluesswift @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps
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cloakedsparrow · 3 months
Another one of those 'Tim joins the Batfamily early' Au's that's also a 'Cass joins the batfamily early' Au, wherein Bruce doesn't suddenly start respecting his children's privacy and boundaries when Jason meets his bio mom and actually hovers right outside the door, thus knowing the moment things turn south. He gets his boy out of there right away (the Joker still has diplomatic immunity for whatever reason and Sheila still dies). Jason is sad about how it all went down, but Bruce explains to him what he'd explained to Alfred before Jason learned about his mom. Between that and how Bruce behaved when he found Jason overseas, he knows his adopted dad loves him, so he's okay.
He does, however, think that they should probably look into the whole thing where Lady Shiva might have slept with his bio dad and then had a daughter around the time Jason was born. Just in case. So they track down feral fifteen year old Cassandra and are kinda thinking they should keep her no matter what when the DNA shows that she actually was Willis Todd's kid all along.
Bruce is definitely keeping Jason's half-sister, so she stays.
Dick comes back from space to learn about all of this and starts spending more time with his little brother and sister, which gets the Titans involved. Raven helps them translate some basic motions beside Cass' greeting punch to speed along communication with her.
While Jason and Cass are bonding and learning to communicate, she keeps bringing this kid to his attention or deliberately putting them in the boy's path. He's a few years younger than them and Jason's pretty sure he's seen him around, but he's never really paid any attention to Tim Drake before. Now that Cass has imprinted on him or whatever, he decides to try to get to know him.
What he eventually realizes is that Cass has been trying to tell him that Tim knows who they are. He's good at keeping a secret, but little clues in his body language when he sees them had clued her in. She can also tell he's studying martial arts and gymnastics, so she sees an easy in and just starts training the kid. That's when Jason figures it out.
Jason and Cass get Dick on board, and the three convince Bruce they need to keep Tim.
Alfred says nothing throughout all this but a room has been set up with a batman and robin bedspread, a bunch of Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie, and Artemis Fowl books, and the closet has been converted into a mini darkroom, so it's safe to say he saw the writings on the wall.
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cuffmeinblack · 10 months
Career Perks
Ominis Gaunt x f!reader (Ominis pov with she/her)
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Tags: explicit | dark!Ominis | rough sex | dub-con | parseltongue | legilimency
3k words. Accompanying audio.
Summary: Ominis' career leaves little room for excitement or challenge, but his unique brand of legilimency makes for a more interesting job when he finds himself in the company of a lonely witch.
A/n: This is a sort-of sequel to Legilimens where his skill has made him bitter and jaded. Also just random stalking and hunting for shits and giggles I guess.
Ominis enjoyed his job as much as the next wizard, but lately he felt…unchallenged. Most of his clients were small businesses and affluent households who required some extra security on their properties, meaning Ominis would throw up the same wards and shields he did day in, day out, every day. Rarely did he sink his teeth into anything different, a large event or complex case. Whilst the staleness of his chosen career could be somewhat disappointing at times, his job did have certain perks. He'd made his own entertainment over the years, honing other skills amongst the drudgery.
His unique brand of legilimency came in useful, though years of hearing others' thoughts, whether intentionally or not, had made him somewhat jaded. He'd learned early on that most people were liars, the words they uttered in direct contrast to their judgemental thoughts. To his shock, he'd also found that the most common thoughts that seeped into his were of the more amorous kind. With years of practice, he found himself less likely to accidentally probe someone else's mind when concentrating on their voice, but sometimes the lure was too strong to resist dipping his toe into the murky waters of their consciousness.
Ominis had arrived at his most recent client's manor with the intention of keeping his curiosity behind lock and key—it had been causing too much trouble of late. The wizard who had hired him was influential; a politician with a good family name and heaps of ill-gotten gold lining his pockets. He'd paid upfront, requesting the very best magical protection and citing a need to protect his family; from what, he didn't venture, but Ominis had been in this game long enough to make an educated guess that he'd gotten mixed up with the wrong sort. He even wondered whether his dear brother was somehow involved.
The manor was an impressive building with gardens and woodland surrounding it, and very isolated. His smart shoes crunched along the gravel path as he approached, his wand making him aware of the vastness of his surroundings. He'd expected a servant, perhaps a house elf to answer the door when he rang the bell, but instead he was greeted warmly by a woman who's tone and well-spoken manner indicated her status as lady of the household.
"Mr Gaunt, hello. Please come in."
Ominis gave his best smile, the one he knew would charm her and put her at ease. Walking into the hallway, the echo of the hard floor underneath his heels pointed to the grandiosity of the estate. No doubt it was lavishly decorated by the woman standing next to him.
"Thank you," Ominis replied with a dip of his head.
"My husband is away on business but I can direct you to anywhere you need to go," she said sweetly. "Would you like a cup of tea whilst you work?"
Well, he was never one to turn down tea.
"Yes, please. I'll start on the external wards."
She departed, heels clicking and dress swishing, leaving Ominis alone with his thoughts. His wand was already out, so he started the basic defensive spells…Muggle repelling charm…intruder charm… The mundanity was interrupted by the return of his host. The waft of tea hit his nose and he perked up as he noticed the Darjeeling blend amongst the clattering of china.
"Do you not have a house elf?"
"No, I don't agree with keeping a…slave," she replied, somewhat bitterly.
"So you take on all of the domestic tasks by yourself? It can't be an easy feat," he replied, gesturing to the house.
"Unfortunately, yes. I never intended for this to be my life."
Ominis suppressed a smirk; that would have been inappropriate, of course. These trapped housewitches were often the product of bad decisions and unhappy marriages. He sipped his tea as he heard her do the same, using the distraction to concentrate on the sound of her gentle slurping. There she was. She had a powerful magical aura, wasted in a place like this. Ominis reached out, finding her thoughts laid bare, ripe for perusing—she clearly hadn't expected his invasion, her guard was down, as they always were.
"Lovely tea," he commented.
"Thank you, I make my own blend."
Of course you do. The thoughts at the forefront of her mind were nothing to do with the beverage, in fact they were nothing short of scandalous. Oh, these housewitches had such lewd fantasies. She knew exactly who he was, and her daydreams reflected her particular wants. The wet slaps that filled his mind and her salacious moans were rather distracting, but Ominis continued to sip his tea and nod along to her occasional commentary. Every whispered command that he uttered in her mind had her keening, and the twitch in his trousers was a very real consequence.
"The wards are done," he said, draining the last of his drink and placing it on the table beside him. "Nobody can get in or out until I lift them. Not you, nor your husband."
The last few words were laced with insinuation, and her fantasy ended abruptly, her thoughts scrambling and fearful.
Ominis moved quickly, his body pressing her into the table behind her, hand around her neck as her teacup fell to the floor with a crash of breaking china. Her hand went to her wand, but Ominis had already thrown it to the floor.
"This is what you wanted, wasn't it?" he asked.
"He's going to kill me," her first thought.
"I won't hurt you, not if you do as I say. If you obey me, I'll give you exactly what you want."
"Why…?" she whispered weakly, and Ominis loosened the grip on her throat.
"Because I've heard your thoughts, and I'm most curious…," he whispered into her ear.
She could have used his slackened grip to attempt to break free, but she didn't, only writhed between his body and the furniture behind her. Her pulse pounded against his fingers and warm, hastened breath brushed his cheek, prompting a dark surge of hunger and a throbbing swell of his cock.
"Take me," her second thought.
Ominis cast a silent summoning charm on her wand, tucking it into his unused holster.
"You heard me."
The second teacup crashed to the floor as Ominis relented his grasp around her neck and she fell back against the table. She scrambled, and he listened to her frantic footfalls as she ran, her terrified thoughts fading as the connection to her mind broke. She seemed to be unsure just what his intentions were, but the faint flicker of excitement told him all he needed to know about this particular witch.
"Homenum Revelio."
Ominis muttered the incantation, his wand guiding him in her vague direction. He walked quickly, but she really had nowhere to go as long as his charms held. She was fast, always moving along the winding corridors that made up the large manor house. So many bedrooms and drawing rooms, and nowhere to hide.
Ominis concentrated once again on the creak of the floorboards and receding footsteps in front of him until he found her. She was too far away to be able to use his legilimency, but now he'd probed her mind once before, her presence stuck out like a sore thumb—it was almost another sense, like a familiar scent that he could follow. His heart raced as he stalked through the house, adrenaline pumping, providing the excitement that his job couldn't.
"I've heard what you want me to do to you," Ominis called.
No reply.
"Tell me—do you kiss your husband with that mouth? The obscenities that spilled from it shocked even me, and I'm far from chaste."
Ominis threw up more detection charms, getting closer as she slowed—intentionally, he was sure. His ears remained pricked for any movement, when he heard her inhale before shouting an incantation.
Ominis shielded himself just in time, her wandless but nevertheless powerful spell glancing off the protective sphere. There was the feisty witch he'd sensed below the delicate façade. A devilish grin crossed his face as she broke into a run again and he followed. The slam and click of a door up ahead echoed through the hallway, and Ominis smirked through heavy breaths. He knocked on the door, the gesture absurd, but it got her attention.
"Leave, and I'll not tell anyone about this."
Ominis pressed his ear against the wood, his fingers sliding around the door knob as he held his wand steady.
"I don't think you want me to leave," he replied, unlocking the door with but a simple unlocking charm.
He'd half expected a barrage of wandless magic aimed at him, but then again he'd half expected not. She was waiting, silently, except the ragged breaths that filled the large room. Ominis kept a shield up, but his wand sensed no danger from the situation.
"Is this your bedroom?" he asked.
"Yes," came her breathy voice.
He dropped his shield and walked towards her, following the sound and reaching out with his mind once again.
"You led me here."
She remained quiet, but she confirmed it for him anyway. Into her mind he delved again, not bothering to be careful or inconspicuous as he waded through her present jumbled thoughts and tore into her memories. He saw every bad decision ever made, the regret and longing of a woman trapped, walking in the shadow of a man utterly undeserving of her.
"You want me to take you here, where your husband sleeps? Of all the rooms in this vast house?" he asked, his fingers finally making contact with her.
She hadn't attempted to conceal the reason she'd stopped running. Knelt at the foot of the bed, she let his hands roam over her lightly-clothed shoulder, the delicate silk blouse leaving every curve free to caress. She gasped as he once again skimmed her neck, his hand continuing its journey to her face. Her lips were plump, and as his thumb brushed against them he felt her warm breath that stuttered as he started to unbuckle his belt.
His digit parted her lips, slipping inside her warm and inviting mouth as she sighed and allowed the invasion. His cock twitched again in anticipation of filling her mouth, his barely disguised arousal springing free from his trousers as the last of the fastenings fell away.
"Open your mouth for me, darling," Ominis whispered.
She did as she was told, her hands tentatively gripping his thighs as Ominis felt her jaw slacken against his fingers. He muttered a praise as he lined himself up with her inviting lips, pushing the tip of his cock inside her waiting mouth. Perfect. Her tongue eagerly met him with a swirl around his head and he groaned, lacing his fingers through her soft hair that he just now realised hung loose and smelled pleasantly of vanilla.
He tightened his grip as she took more of him, guiding her head with a rhythm that sent his head spinning. Though muffled, her moans filled his ears amongst the sounds of her exuberant sucking. She felt fantastic, a little sloppy perhaps, but she more than made up for it with her enthusiasm. Whether or not the enthusiasm was genuine or a product of his threat, he didn't much care.
Ominis sighed softly as her head bobbed back and forth, deciding to move along to what she'd really wanted from him. He pulled her hair back a little harder than was necessary, her mouth popping off his length and causing a yelp of pain. A rush of affirmation flooded her thoughts, spilling into Ominis' as his control over his legilimency weakened, and he smirked down at her before lowering his head to meet her in a greedy kiss. Her tongue met his, firm and demanding, the taste of tea still lingering.
"Such a lovely mouth," Ominis praised as they parted, relinquishing the hold on her hair. "Now, strip."
"What are you going to do?" she asked shakily over the rustle of fabric.
"Exactly what you wanted of me the moment I stepped through that door."
Ominis stroked her face gently as she undressed, and when she wriggled out of her underwear he got to work on ridding himself of his own bottoms. His pulse raced and cock throbbed with need, desperately wanting to hear her keening again, flooding his ears and not just his mind.
"How do I compare to your filthy thoughts?" he asked, pushing her back onto the bed.
"You're…better. Much better," she sighed.
He positioned himself between her legs, running his hands over her soft skin pricked with goosebumps and towards his prize. She was already squirming by the time he pressed his fingers to her entrance, dipping a digit inside the well of slick arousal.
"Such a naughty witch."
She whimpered, her walls fluttering around his finger, pulling an amused chuckle from his throat. Retreating slightly, he dragged his finger between her folds and found her swollen clit, eliciting another pathetic whine as he began rubbing circles around the nub.
"You really are so needy," Ominis chided. "How long since you've been touched?"
"A while," she replied meekly. "Fuck…"
"There's that filthy mouth I've heard."
Ominis moved his hand faster, listening to her sweet moans as his hips instinctively rocked, his erection rubbing on the bed sheet and providing barely enough relief. He couldn't control his urges forever, and his patience was wearing thinner by the second, no matter how lovely the noises she made. His fingers left her clit to a protesting whine, delving back into her soaking wet entrance.
"P-please don't stop."
"Ah, no, I'm afraid your fantasies were quite specific about how you wanted to come undone."
Ominis pumped his hand, rougher than was needed as his lust threatened to overcome his waning self restraint. Once he slipped a third finger inside her, he knelt up on the mattress before withdrawing his hand and dragging her along the sheets by her thighs towards him.
He was frenzied, rock hard and aching for her cunt. With no more than a flick over her clit with the tip of his cock as warning, he pushed inside her to the sound of her wails and the sting of nails scraping down his back. Ominis growled his feigned disapproval, seating himself deep inside her as his head dipped to the crook of her neck and kissed up towards her ear. He started thrusting, and his breath almost deserted him.
She felt incredible, as if she were made for him, and the way she gripped him felt as if she were clinging onto him with the intention of never letting go. Ominis moaned and muttered praises in her ear as a string of expletives dripped from her lips with every roll of his hips.
"Harder, fuck!"
"So needy," Ominis said, though what left his mouth was a high pitched hiss that made her wail and scream his name.
That's what she'd wanted, in her sick little fantasy of being ruined by the heir of Slytherin. Not a particularly inventive one, but he was happy to indulge when the product was such a beautiful cacophony of moans. He continued whispering parseltongue against her neck as he attacked her skin with his teeth and hands groped greedily at every soft handful of flesh he could reach. Her curves were truly delicious, and the smack he delivered to her backside as she drew her legs up reverberated around the huge room and only spurred him on. Faster and harder he fucked her, until she was practically hysterical.
The way she gripped his cock, he knew she was close and his own release was imminent. His arms shook as he lifted himself, kneeling above her and gripping her waist to pull her down deeper onto his cock. Ominis moaned as the tension built to unbearable levels, still continuing to pound into her relentlessly in the new position.
"Oh shit…oh fuck…"
She could only manage garbled words and to dig her fingers painfully into his thighs as her body turned limp. Ominis placed a hand on her abdomen, groaning as he felt his cock hitting her deep under his palm.
"Come for me," Ominis hissed, unable to hold back his own release any longer.
He wasn't sure who succumbed first, but as Ominis let his load spill inside her, he felt her contract around his length, teasing out ropes of cum with every pulse of her orgasm. They sighed and moaned together, his thrusts slowing and eventually dying as they came off their highs and the pleasure made way for the realisation of what had occurred.
Ominis' face fell back into neutrality, pulling his flaccid cock from her with a squelch. He worked quickly, scooping up his wand and cleaning the mess before redressing and throwing her wand from his holster into the bed.
"Was that okay?" she spluttered.
He almost laughed, that she were so eager to secure his approval after what he'd put her through.
"Get showered and dressed. I'll wait."
She mumbled something incoherent but slid off the bed and padded to the ensuite bathroom. Ominis heard the lock of the door and running water, only just disguising the soft sobs emanating from the room. He had no time to fuss over her emotional wellbeing, he had work to do—with careful and deliberate flicks of his wand, he removed the wards that trapped her in the house, recasting the protective enchantments just as he'd been requested to do. He even made the bed.
By the time she'd returned to the bedroom, he told her to dry her hair and make sure she was properly presented, not using the exact words to ask her to stop crying. In silence he led her back to the hallway where the shattered teacups lay, fixed with a simple Reparo. There could be nothing left out of the ordinary.
"What should we do now…," she directed towards him, unease in her voice.
She was panicking. Ominis didn't give her time to finish her sentence, pointing his wand at her and twisting his wrist slowly in the air.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Did Hand Holding Start it All?
I have a theory (?)... just a thought I had when watching the episode. And this post probably won't make any sense at all! I'm just rambling here!
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What if this is when OFA got transferred from Yoichi to the 2nd?
Wait! I know what you're thinking, but just follow along with me here.
I know that in order for OFA to be transferred, it has to be through DNA. Eat a hair, exchange blood. But listen! What if that wasn't always the case?
Here's the thing, the first couple of Users didn't know about how OFA was exchanged, did they? So they wouldn't know OFA could be exchanged through DNA.
And we know you can't just consume the DNA of the User unless it's willing between both the predecessor and the successor.
And we also know that that OFA grew stronger over time as it passed on.
Okay, well consider this!
OFA was just a transferable quirk when it started with Yoichi, it was a weak quirk. It was "useless" unless another party got involved. So what if because it was weak, it really just needed a simple touch be passed on? OFA itself didn't possess any of the Users so there was no willpower for it be avoid being passed to anyone. It wasn't developed. It wasn't a holding place for the vestiges. DNA wasn't necessary until it got stronger to the point that a simple touch like holding hands became extremely dangerous so exchanging DNA became also a shield to prevent it falling into the wrong hands.
Not only that, what if this is where the mutual agreement thing started?
Yoichi may be a kind mind, but he isn't stupid nor naive. He could tell the 2nd wanted to kill him when he burst through the door like that, but he still accepted his hand, right? Because he trusted him. Think about it. If he thought the 2nd was tricking him in order to kill him, he wouldn't have accepted his hand. Why?
Because what's the point of coming through the door like that with the intent to kill and wait later when he had the chance right there? Yoichi was defenseless, he was sickly. Why would the 2nd wait to kill him?
Think back to the scene when Ippan Josei (big fox lady) was getting attacked. They thought that even though she was pleading for them to stop, she would attacked them once they dropped their guard.
It's like that!
In this case, the trust worked! Yoichi managed to escape AFO because he trusted the 2nd. He was willing to go with him. He felt safe. Therefore, OFA was safe enough to transfer to the 2nd.
Also, consider this!
Why hold hands? Why would that be the time OFA got exchanged?
You know who is the creator of this story, right? Horikoshi Kohei and we know how he is with hands.
Hands are a big deal in BNHA.
Shigaraki and his family's hands.
Midoriya’s hands and Iida with his hand injury.
The hand crusher joke.
Hand holding happens quite often.
A lot of quirk users use their hands and one of them is Katsuki Bakugou.
Why am I bringing up him?
What is one of the most important hand holding scenes in this story?
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Ah, yes, the river scene!
Wonder why I'm bringing this up still?
Well, for one, it's one of the most impacting events in Bakugou and Midoriya’s relationship. We all know that day Bakugou rejected Midoriya’s hand because he felt some kind of way and regrets it later.
What if Yoichi didn't trust the 2nd that day?
OFA never would have gotten transferred and Yoichi probably would have died sooner. And AFO would have won much more earlier.
What if the river scene also was a hint to that? What if the river scene was a clue that shows how OFA got started because instead of feeling like they didn't need or wanted help, they accepted it from the person they trusted?
Also, check out the characteristics.
Midoriya and Yoichi were both considered weak individuals, they're the start and end of OFA, and they have green eyes. They're kind and compassionate. There's also looking at two certain spiky haired individuals as their heroes.
Bakugou and the 2nd are leaders/being followed by others, use tools for their fast working quirks, spiky haired and red eyed. They're also brash, wanting to get things done even if it means using violence. Defied AFO and got killed by him. Had a change of heart when it came to certain green eyed individuals.
Their hand holding scenes are reversed!
Midoriya and the 2nd reached out to Bakugou and Yoichi. However, one rejected help and later regretted while the other who accepted is satisfied with his decision.
What if this whole time that's what Horikoshi wanted us to see?
That yeah, Midoriya and Bakugou's relationship is very important to the story. But so important that it gave us a hint the whole time as to how OFA got transferred in the first place?
What if that is how OFA went from Yoichi to the 2nd?
A simple hand hold?
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anonymousewrites · 4 months
A Study of the Heart and Brain (Book 3) Chapter Thirteen
Father Figure! Sherlock Holmes x Teen! Reader
Chapter Thirteen: Acting Addicted
Summary: Sherlock begins a new case, and he goes "undercover." (Y/N) goes along with his interesting new methods.
            “Alright, so, you understand what’s going to happen?” said Sherlock, sitting across from (Y/N).
            “You’re going to pretend to take drugs to go undercover and find out what you can about Magnussen, the man who took letters from Lady Smallwood and is blackmailing her,” said (Y/N).
            “You’re going to pretend to be interesting in Janine because she’s Magnussen’s assistant in his legal business,” said (Y/N).
            “Yes,” said Sherlock, nodding. “And remember that no matter how I act with Janine, I don’t love her—”
            “I know,” said (Y/N), waving a hand.
            “—and no matter how I act when I go undercover, I am not doing drugs again,” said Sherlock. “Even if I have to take a compound that will simulate drug use in the case of someone testing me.”
            (Y/N) nodded curtly. They understood and were thankful Sherlock wasn’t putting them through that again. Due to their mother dying of a drug overdose, (Y/N) was uncomfortable around drug users, and years ago, when Sherlock had first taken them in, he had realized and stopped his use to make them more comfortable.
            Of course, now (Y/N) also knew that Moriarty had encouraged their mother’s drug abuse until her death, which added another layer of trauma to it since they always remembered Moriarty alongside drug use now, but they trusted Sherlock to do the right thing.
            “Thanks, Dad,” they said.
            Sherlock nodded. He wanted them to know the entire plan from the beginning so that they weren’t uncomfortable or worried. Plus, he had hurt (Y/N)’s trust enough when he pretended to be dead for two years. He wouldn’t do that again.
            “How can I help with the case?” asked (Y/N).
            “Don’t scare Janine off,” said Sherlock.
            (Y/N) shrugged. “She thinks I’m weird. I can’t change that.”
            Sherlock nodded and furrowed his brow. It would be difficult to feign interest in Janine. Of course, it went against his true feelings, but it would also prove challenging because Janine clearly thought (Y/N) was a strange teenager, and if there was one thing Sherlock couldn’t stand, it was people being rude to (Y/N).
            “But I won’t deduce her or anything,” said (Y/N).
            Sherlock nodded. They both knew that was the best they could do.
            “John’ll figure out you’re ‘taking drugs,’ ” said (Y/N). “Should I act betrayed and upset?”
            Sherlock considered. “Nothing over the top. Just be…quiet. Less confident to speak.”
            “Is that how I am?” asked (Y/N). When their mind got fixated on drug use, they often lost focus on other things, so they were never sure how they were acting. Anxiety does that to a person.
            Sherlock nodded.
            “I’ll work on that,” said (Y/N).
            “It is fine to have issues with some things,” said Sherlock. “You still handle cases well when they involve drugs. You don’t shut down. You’re resilient.”
            (Y/N) sat up at the praise. “I’ll do my best for this case.”
            “I know,” said Sherlock. He stood. “I’ll first ‘accidentally’ meet Janine. The drugs will come later.”
            “Call me if you need help once it gets to that part,” said (Y/N).
            “Only if you then call Lestrade,” said Sherlock. He wasn’t letting his kid go to a house with drug addicts and dealers alone. Even if most were harmless, he wanted (Y/N) to be accompanied by an official just in case.
            A few weeks later, (Y/N)’s phone rang, and (Y/N) glanced over to see John’s name on the screen. Undoubtedly, this meant John had somehow found Sherlock “using” again. If it wasn’t serious, he would just text.
            “Hi, John,” said (Y/N), accepting the call. At least Janine wasn’t in the room and listening in. She would be all “worried” and coo over poor Sherlock. So annoying.
            “(Y/N)…You better get down to Bart’s,” said John, speaking hesitantly. “Sherlock…I found him in a…I’m really sorry, (Y/N), but he’s using again.”
            (Y/N) was impressed that Sherlock’s acting had worked so well, even against John. Of course, they’d do their part, too. “…He is?” they said, short, to the point, and quiet.
            “I’m so sorry, (Y/N),” said John. “You don’t have to come down.”
            “I will,” said (Y/N), keeping their voice monotone so that the lack of emotion seemed to be stemming from a shut-down (which (Y/N) experienced from time-to-time with their emotions when they were too overwhelming to be expressed). “I want to see him.”
            “Alright,” said John. “We’re in Molly Hooper’s lab.”
            (Y/N) didn’t bother responding and closed the call before standing up. It was time to go to Bart’s and really try acting. They supposed they were lucky they didn’t show many emotions anyways. It made this easier.
            (Y/N) walked into Bart’s Hospital and headed to Molly’s lab. Inside were two men they didn’t recognize, John, Mary, Sherlock, and Molly. They pushed the doors open, and everyone looked at them.
            “Oh, (Y/N),” said Mary, glancing between Sherlock’s shabby appearance and (Y/N). She had heard from John that (Y/N) had issues surrounding drug, so this worried her.
            “Can we take him back to 221B?” said (Y/N), purposefully avoiding Sherlock’s face to seem ashamed and nervous to be around him.
            “Right, yeah, of course,” said John hurriedly.
            “Ah! Finally!” exclaimed Sherlock, looking at his phone.
            “Finally what?” asked Molly in confusion.
            “Good news?” asked one of the other two boys.
            “Oh, excellent new—the best,” said Sherlock. “There’s every chance that my drug habit might hit the newspapers. The game is on.” Some cover and misdirection was set.
            “You’re acting proud while (Y/N) is right here?” hissed John. He grabbed Sherlock by the arm and dragged him towards the door. “You should be ashamed of yourself.”
            Molly and Mary exchanged glances as John dragged Sherlock out and (Y/N) followed without even looking at him.
            “Poor (Y/N),” said Molly. “It’s been so long since Sherlock did anything because he didn’t want to use around them.”
            “And all for a case, he claimed,” said Mary, shaking her head. “I thought (Y/N) mattered more than that.”
            “I hope they’re okay,” said Molly.
            (Y/N), John, and Sherlock sat in a cab as it drove towards Baker Street. (Y/N) had purposefully taken the farthest seat in the cab so John was between them and Sherlock to keep up the “hesitant and nervous to be near a drug user” act to go along with Sherlock’s “I’m using again” act.
            “You’ve heard of Charles Augustus Magnussen, of course,” said Sherlock to John, getting into the case. Even if he didn’t need to know everything going on was an act quite yet, there was no reason not to investigate with his best friend.
            John expected (Y/N) to answer since the pair usually bounced ideas off each other, but one glance at (Y/N) staring straight out the window and tapping their fingers in a self-soothing pattern told him all he needed.
            John cleared his throat. “Yeah, owns some newspapers—ones I don’t read.”
            The cab pulled up in front of 221 Baker Street, and the trio disembarked and headed to the door.
            “What is my brother doing here?” muttered Sherlock as he approached at the door. “He’s straightened the knocker,” he remarked to John in explanation. “He always corrects it. A part of his OCD. Doesn’t even realize he’s doing it.” Sherlock un-straightened the knocker and walked inside.
            John and (Y/N) and found Mycroft sitting on the stairs up to 221B and staring, unimpressed and a little disappointed (if (Y/N) read him correctly, and they usually did), at Sherlock.
            “Well, then, Sherlock. Back on the sauce,” he said plainly.
            “What are you doing here?” said Sherlock.
            “I phoned him after I called (Y/N),” said John, crossing his arms.
            “The siren call of old habits. I would have thought (Y/N) gave you a reason to stop for good,” said Mycroft.
            (Y/N) had to fight not to raise an unimpressed brow at being used as a guilt-trip (even if it was right).
            “How very like Uncle Rudy—though, in many ways, cross dressing would have been a wiser path for you,” said Mycroft.
            Sherlock crossed his arms and glared at John sullenly. “You phoned him.”
            “ ‘Course I bloody phoned him,” shot back John.
 ��          “ ‘Course he bloody did,’ ” said Mycroft, a little bit making fun of John’s coarse phrasing. “Now, save me a little time. Where should we be looking?”
            Good thing Sherlock did buy drugs and stash them, thought (Y/N).
            “Mr. Holmes?” called Anderson’s voice from upstairs.
            “For God’s sake!” shouted Sherlock, actually a bit annoyed now since he found Anderson irritating. He stormed upstairs, and John, Mycroft, and (Y/N) exchanged looks before following him.
            “Anderson,” seethed Sherlock, glaring at Anderson, who was alone with an assistant of sorts as he searched the flat.
            “I’m sorry, Sherlock. It’s for your own good,” said Anderson, only too pleased to rummage around 221B.
            “Oh, that’s him, is it?” said his assistant. “You said he’d be taller.”
            Sherlock sat down in his armchair and glared at Mycroft for letting these two into his flat.
            “Some of your little fan club. Do be polite,” said Mycroft superiorly. “They’re entirely trustworthy and even willing to search through the toxic waste dump that you are pleased to call a flat.”
            “Stay out of my room,” said (Y/N) to Anderson and the woman, crossing their arms.
            “You’re a celebrity these days, Sherlock. You can’t afford a drug habit,” admonished Mycroft, ever the older brother.
            “I don’t have a drug habit,” said Sherlock, to all the world seeming to be an addict claiming to have everything under control but really telling the truth.
            “Hey, what happened to my chair?” said John, staring at the empty space.
            “It was blocking my view of the kitchen,” said Sherlock.
            “Well, it’s good to be missed,” muttered John sarcastically.
            “Well, you were gone. I saw an opportunity,” said Sherlock.
            “No, you saw the kitchen,” snapped John.
            “What have you found so far? Clearly nothing,” remarked Mycroft to Anderson and his assistant.
            “There’s nothing to find,” said Sherlock, this time actually lying.
            Mycroft raised a brow. “Your bedroom door is shut. You haven’t been home all night. So, why would a man who has never knowingly closed the door without the direct orders of his mother bother to do so on this occasion?”
            “Sherlock, you did it in the house?” said John. “(Y/N) is here.”
            (Y/N) intentionally shifted their weight “uncomfortably” and looked away.
            “There’s nothing in here,” said Sherlock resolutely.
            Mycroft moved towards Sherlock’s bedroom, and Sherlock sprung up from the chair. “Okay, stop! Just stop! Point made.” He pretended to glance guilty at (Y/N), and they avoided their gaze. Sherlock didn’t betray his emotions, but he was quite proud of (Y/N)’s acting.
            Mycroft tutted. “I’ll have to phone our parents, of course. Won’t be the first time that your substance abuse has wreaked havoc with their line dancing, but they did have such high hopes when you stopped after taking in (Y/N).”
            Does everyone just use me against Sherlock to make him feel bad? thought (Y/N). It’s getting a bit old.
            “This is not what you think,” said Sherlock. “This is for a case.”
            Mycroft looked at him dubiously. “What case could possibly justify this?”
            “Magnussen. Charles Augustus Magnussen,” said Sherlock.
            Mycroft’s condescending smile dropped. He turned towards Anderson and his assistant. “That name you think you may have just heard, you were mistaken. If you ever mention hearing that name in this room, in this context, I guarantee you—on behalf of the British Security Services—that materials will be found on your computer hard drives resulting in your immediate incarceration. Don’t reply—just look scared and scuttle.”
            Anderson obeyed. He grabbed his assistant and “scuttled” out of 221B. (Y/N) watched him go in satisfaction.
            Mycroft looked at John. “I hope I won’t have to threaten you two as well.” He already knew (Y/N) wouldn’t be threatened.
            John crossed his arms and just looked back. He was there to stay.
            Satisfied, Mycroft turned back to his brother. “Magnussen is not your business.”
            “Is he yours?” said (Y/N), allowing themself a moment to speak about the case curiously. It wouldn’t interrupt the acting.
            “You may consider him under my protection,” said Mycroft.
            “I consider you under his thumb,” said Sherlock.
            “If you go against Magnussen, then you will find yourself going against me,” said Mycroft warningly.
            “Okay. I’ll let you know if I notice,” said Sherlock, getting up and heading to the door to open it. “What was I going to say? Oh, yeah, bye-bye, brother.”
            Mycroft narrowed his eyes and walked up to Sherlock. “Unwise, brother mine.”
            Sherlock seized Mycroft’s arm below the elbow. He twisted it upwards and slammed Mycroft face-first into the wall. “Brother mine, don’t appall me when I’m high,” he snarled, really in the act.
            “Mycroft,” said (Y/N) quietly, letting all attention go to them. “Just go. Please don’t make it worse.” They intentionally let everything see “discomfort” at Sherlock acting like an aggressive drug addict to guilt everything. (Even Mycroft was weak to them. After all, he was their uncle).
            Sherlock let go of Mycroft, and the older brother rubbed his arm and narrowed his eyes. But to placate Sherlock and (Y/N), he just grabbed his umbrella from where it leaned on the wall and walked out of the flat.
            Sherlock, John, and (Y/N) were left behind. (Y/N) squared their shoulders. They knew what else they had to be prepared for. The acting wasn’t done yet.
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radiowendigo · 3 months
Kallua’s mom
I finally decided to work on Kallua’s mom more so here are some notes of her now to make this easier for me and possibly for you guys too.
• Kallua’s mom half Asian and half white. She has pale skin, very long, dark brown hair, and blue eyes.
• She was born on June 4th, 1988, a year after Gon and Killua were born.
• She is described as a kind, understanding, brave, stubborn, and determined person.
• She lived with her parents, with whom she had always had a positive relationship, and had an ordinary childhood and adolescence in contrast to Gon and Killua. She also had a lifelong fascination in crime. The investigation into the suspects and the aftermath of the crime also captivated her. She was also fascinated by the Zoldycks and the rumors that were spread by others. She was intrigued but also terrified. When she was a mid-teen, she had already read thousands of cases and had aspirations of becoming an investigator.
• She works as an investigator for a corporation that investigates crimes in her hometown. In addition, she works in the state surrounding her home.
• After graduating high school, she moved out of her hometown to study at college and to get a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, and criminal investigation.
• She worked as a part-time assistant at a reproductive clinic in late 2007, when she met Gon and Killua. When the topic of wanting a child and surrogacy came up, she became friends with them.
• She offered to be Gon and Killua’s surrogate mother for Kallua and became pregnant for him on November 2008.
• Despite this, she has never been interested in having children and is currently not interested in my story. She also feels that way with dating, more after having Kallua.
• She offered to be their surrogate mother, because she wanted to give them the chance to be parents. She believed there are people out there who deserve to be called parents and people who don’t. She believed Gon and Killua were the ones who deserved the title.
• While she was pregnant, Gon and Killua took care of her, but she had her own apartment. When Kallua's due month arrived in August 2009, they all returned to Whale Island since that’s where Gon and Killua planned to raise him. After giving birth, she spent a few weeks on Whale Island recovering, which Gon and Killua had made her do, before sailing back to her current residence at the time.
• The couple and her contacted each other about Kallua for the first few months, to make sure everything was going well before settling back to her life completely. She never contacted them again. She focused on her studies and graduated, and became a successful licensed investigator. She still has their contact details to this day and has a copy of Kallua’s birth certificate in case of need to show proof. She never reveals to hardly anyone she knows that she has a son, and when she does, she doesn’t reveal Kallua’s identity to keep it safe, due of the history behind his family’s last names.
• Gon and Killua never revealed to Kallua about his mother growing up, because they wanted total control of raising him. However, around 25 years old, Kallua finally met his mother and they got along just fine. Despite never being there for him growing up, she loves her son dearly and wishes the best for him.
• Kallua never calls her “Mom.” and she’s okay with that, and honestly prefers that.
(Honestly writing her, she sounds like a cool lady I kinda wanna kiss her /j) Don’t let this flop please 😭🙏 And also, I don’t think I’ll ever come up of a name for her since she’s barley part of my story, and I made her anonymous for a reason lol. But I will say this, her name would be Asian or an unusual name like the main characters of the show.
Kallua Zoldyck Freecss and his mother belongs to me @radiowendigo
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
Ravelry took sides.  Against the fiber arts community.
Ravelry has had issues for the last few years.  They redesigned the site in such a way that it was triggering seizures in people, the heads of Ravelry dismissed such issues as bs and insulted and ignored the people that were complaining, and they took a hands off stance while a scam artist was stealing thousands of dollars from users (that scam artist would end up in jail by the end of that fiasco, all thanks to DT and not to Ravelry).
Earlier today someone, an unknown someone but there are three very good culprits suggested (Jasmin of Knitmore Girls, that toxic Ben guy from Stitches, or BzyPeach), complained about the discussion about the Lady Dye Yarns situation.
And, because of that complaint, two mods got banned.  One mod, Chupacabra, got banned for commenting that Diane of Lady Dye Yarns is being taken to court for credit card debt (this is confirmed knowledge that is available to the public on the Massachusetts website, it was not protected knowledge) and not posting proof.  And then, when a second mod stepped in, TnyPirate, and posted a screenshot of the, once again, publicly available evidence of Diane being taken to court over credit card debts, she was banned for posting proof!
It turned into a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation.  All in an attempt to silence the consumer advocacy group DT because they were sitting on knowledge that hadn’t been released yet.
Well fuck that.  Diane, if you were so scared of this getting out before, well, it’s out now.  Chupacabra posted what had not been said on Reddit.  Diane, of Lady Dye Yarns, was taking grants from the state of Massachusetts, and was specifically only shipping complete and well dyed yarns to people involved with giving those grants.  And that’s how she was supporting her business for ten years.  That’s why she was gathering information on people’s real names and linking them to social media accounts, so she could continue to make herself and her company look good, all while throwing the ‘lesser’ customers under the bus.
She was also raising money, for charity she claimed, and keeping it for herself.
She has started fighting chargebacks, so if you’re owed yarn or a refund by her, you need to fight for that money now.  She doesn’t have the cash to refund money any longer.  Especially now that people are backing away from her now that her thefts have come to light, including stealing and distributing patterns from designers she knew in real life!
All in all, it’s coming out that she really is just a terrible, terrible human being and scam artist that was able to keep the balls in the air for ten long years.
This is what Chupacabra posted on Reddit today:
Harvard Business School, Faculty & Research, Publications
August 2022 Case
HBS Case Collection
Titled ’Boston Impact Initiative: Investing in Local Change’ (Note that this save can be twitchy at times)
Oversight looks to have been an issue for this program. Intriguing considering the financial state and general disorganization of LDY and the company having received a grant with such obvious to accounting Ravelry screaming loud issues, including issues with the Mass Secretary of the Commonwealth, and what that recent debt collection court case implies as iffy credit.
Then, this was found about another program that LDY was involved in that may explain why it appears (and I am alleging) that Diane had to artificially inflate and cheerlead the state of the company. This may be a touch hard to follow because the narrative of what it is and why it is important to the story was still being fully fleshed out for following along. It wasn't quite ready for prime time yet, but was getting close.
From 2021.
First you'll need to open this archived webpage from FBE (Foundation for Business Equity) and then scroll down to the “Our Cohorts” section (almost at the bottom). On the left side there’s orange text/button labelled: “Click on logos to learn more about our Participating Enterprises in Cohort IX and X”
Have a look at the logos.So LDY is listed in their “Cohort IX” &/or “Cohort X”. That’s very recent.For more details on what the BEI Accelerator does, search this document for the phrase “Business Equity Initiative”. Keep searching because there are a few hits worth reading so that the structure of the program makes better sense.
Diane was 100% certainly a member of the BEI Accelerator program in late 2021.
Confirmation was found on Twitter. The tweet is from FBE’s acct and it says:
“As the holiday season arrives, we are highlighting some of the incredible businesses in our Business Equity Initiative (BEI) program. Today we are sharing two businesses that are perfect for classic gifts: Elegant Stitches and ladydyeyarns”, followed by a photo of four dyed skeins with the LDY logo below them.
Diane better have shipped ALLLLL of the contents of her “Ready-To-Ship: The Fabulous Holiday Box” to customers who were directed via this site …. to this one..
It is suspected that things like that tweet above, plus other FBE-generated industry puff articles, were one of the contributing factors to Diane feeling she needed to keep separate league tables/lists of customers to single out for special treatment.
There’s no way she would have ripped off an investor or some big-wig/big-name by giving them the plebeian version of one of her boxes (or none at all!). They’d receive the bespoke one with 120% of the contents plus a hand-composed note. Delivered on. time. or kablooey … shit says hello to fan. Nobody complains like a burned donor. NOBODY.
It is also suspected that all of the above is why she also has bigger name defenders. She cultivated those relationships to cultivate more relationships to bring in more money to look better to programs. It's an ouroboros of networking to get more money to network to get more money.
It's bullshit all the way down, and at the very bottom are the customers who were simply rungs on the ladder to the real moneymakers and grant program approvers.
Now that it's been reported that on top of the inability to confirm claimed donations, stall on any refunds, and the outright theft from designers that she knew in real life and served on the Vogue Diversity Councel with that she is possibly fighting disputes, the Mass AG is making calls, and the DT forum and mods have been targeted for official shutting the fuck up it's starting to look like this was possibly just another scammer in some extra pretty packaging.
For what it is worth I absolutely think her defenders are being just as manipulated as everyone else has been. I just can't say if they are victims or volunteers yet, and they aren't talking so I'll leave that up to everyone else to decide.
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tellurian-in-aristasia · 11 months
Aristasian Customs and Manners
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How Aristasians behave — and Why
Until recently, learning about Aristasian customs and etiquette has been a thing that happened only in "real life". In Elektraspace it was not necessary. With the advent of Virtualia, that has changed. Aristasians, both established and new, are meeting in virtual environments and visitors are encountering Aristasia and being received as guests at the Virtual Embassy and in other Elektra-venues.
The time has come, therefore, to explain a little about Aristasian customs and etiquette so that the newcomer need not feel confused.
The first thing we should like to say is — don't worry! We are used to newcomers. We do not expect you to be au fait with Aristasian ways from the start. If you do not remember this page at all, that is fine. You will learn as you go along. This is just here as a resource you may wish to consult to make things clearer and perhaps explain a little of the background.
Aristasia is a whole world, not a single nation, so customs vary in different parts of the Empire. The ways you will encounter are the ways of the far West. There is a degree of Estrenne influence because of the involvement of the Novarian Navy and diplomatic service in the founding and administration of Virtual Aristasia, and in any case a certain degree of West-Estrenne conduct is inherent in the more formal Quirinelle manner.
However you may be relieved to learn that on the whole, the manner of Quirinelle prevails, which is generally the least strict and formal of any in the Empire. Our level is a little above that of Quirridip Espresso-bar society! — But still relatively relaxed by Aristasian standards.
Respect is the keynote of much Aristasian conduct. It is considered proper to treat each person with the highest respect she might be entitled to. This means you will give each person her title. Usually this will be Miss. In some cases it will be a military rank or other distinction. Teachers at all levels are addressed as ma'am, as are grown-ups by children and anyone of distinctly superior station to oneself. There are other titles, but you will probably not encounter these at first.
When addressing a person as Miss, you may use either Miss [Surname] or Miss [First name]. The first is more formal. It should be used when you first meet someone. As in Telluria (at least until recently), moving onto first-name terms is a sign of developing intimacy. To use a first name with a stranger can cause genuine puzzlement ("Does this person think she knows me? — Oh gosh, I hope I haven't completely forgotten her!")
In Quirinelle,and especially in the atmosphere of Virtualia (where welcoming new people and forging a community are central to the whole project) this first level of intimacy often develops quite quickly — once people feel they know one another. However, although you use the first name, do not drop the "Miss". To address someone by first name alone is in Aristasia a thing that happens between family members, sweethearts, childhood friends and (sometimes) very close adult friends. First names alone are also used in schools (especially among blondes) and by superiors to their very distinct inferiors — to children, by mistresses to maids, teachers to pupils etc. Though at University level a lecturer will address her undergraduates as Miss [Surname]. If the teaching relationship is close, she may move on to Miss [First name], but the pupil will not return this. She will at all times address her teacher as Miss [Surname] or ma'am. A spiritual teacher, or close personal guide may sometimes be addressed as "Raya". This is also used as a courtesy title for some other persons and for titled ladies. Priestesses and ministers of many ranks and denominations are addressed as "Matri". These will probably not arise immediately. Do not worry about it — just call people what other people call them.
Someone has suggested as a guideline that in Aristasia one would not use the first name alone (without Miss) to anyone whom one would not call "darling". In Tellurian terms this may be a reasonable guide, but in Aristasia terms like "darling" and "sweetie" may be fairly frequently used, especially by blondes. It is quite possible to say "darling" to someone one would never dream of addressing by first name alone.
Which brings us to another important point. Affection is very abundant in Aristasia. If the higher degree of formality suggests coldness or distance to you, you must put that idea aside entirely. In Iron-Age Telluria, with its unbalanced-Vikhelic nature, rivalry and competition are common bases for relations with others. In Aristasia, love and appreciation of other girls is very deep. Seeing someone dressed beautifully pleases us. It may also inspire us to do better ourselves, but our first thought is: "How lovely; and how nice of her to make our world prettier". Affection is really quite overflowing in Aristasia, and there are many kinds of friendships and relationships. The idea of one jealously-guarded relationship, surrounded by (and sometimes causing) rivalry and wariness everywhere else, is very alien to Aristasia. Aristasia is regarded as a family with the Empress as the mother of all (sometimes termed the Little Mother of the World — because God is the Great Mother).
Love between Aristasians at all levels is one of the fundamentals, and showing respect is, in Aristasia, a way of showing affection. Of course one shows respect even to those for whom one may not feel affection, but for a good Aristasian, affection is almost universal. A thing the newcomer needs to understand, though, is that an Aristasian may often show someone more formal respect because she loves her, rather than less.
Rayati and the Reverence
"Rayati" is the universal greeting in Aristasia. It means "Hail to the Sun (in you)". It is a greeting addressed to the Divine Essence, or Solar Heart in each person. It is used to begin and end a meeting or encounter, like both "hello" and "goodbye" (though hello and goodbye are sometimes used as well). To a traditional Aristasian, a meeting with a friend, or friends constitutes a special state, almost a very informal ritual (just as eating a meal at a table, or visiting a person's house is a ritual). The word Rayati is the opening and closing word of that ritual. Any words said after the closing "Rayati" are regarded as a sort of postscript. Occasionally in the West, and in very informal company, the greeting is omitted (this is regarded by traditional people as a sign of Westrenne decadence), but if it is given by either party, failure to respond with "Rayati" is an immense gaffe and could even be seen as an insult.
Among Military personnel and on some formal occasions, the greeting is Rayati Raihiranya ("Hail to the Empress as an incarnation of the Sun"). This might also be said at, say, a school assembly where the mistress conducting would greet the assembly with it, and the girls would reply in unison.When a civilian is greeted by a member of the military with "Rayati Raihiranya" it is usual to give the civilian response "Rayati", but it is perfectly in order to reply "Rayati Raihiranya". Occasionally this is shortened to "Raya" among the military — normally only when addressing each other. It is rare for a civilian to use "Raya" as a salutation, even when so saluted. Other military salutations are "Chalwë" and "Ehr Chalwë". You will probably not hear these, but if you do, you may respond with "Rayati" (more usual) or "Chalwë". Incidentally, the implication of responding with "Rayati Raihiranya" or "Chalwë" rather than "Rayati" is one of a certain kind of comradeship. It is saying "we are all soldiers in the same Cause". It is more common among brunettes than blondes.
Another ending of an encounter (used after "Rayati") is "May She be with you". This tends to be used a) among more religious people and/or b) as an expression of additional affection. On leaving a house the hostess may say "May Dea go with you", to which the response is "And may She remain with you".
The Reverence is used a great deal in the East. In the West it is sometimes omitted, and in some company not used at all. It is not de rigeur in the West (except in schools and other institutions that require it, which many do). It is essentially a bow that accompanies the greeting "Rayati". It is made at some other times as well — for example when accepting an order from a superior, when it is a sign of the recognition and formal acceptance of the commission or prohibition; also when thanking or apologising. Although it is sometimes omitted in the West, the Bridgehead Authorities recommend the use of the Reverence by all Aristasians in Telluria.
The reverence can take various forms, but most usually it is done either with the hands at the sides or folded over the solar plexus, or with the hands placed before the chest in the position associated in Western Telluria with prayer. It may be only an inclination of the head or it may be a deeper bow. This has to do with degrees of respect. An inferior will reverence more deeply. An superior may reply with an inclination of the head, or in some cases not at all (it is rare for a mistress to reverence her class, though they will reverence her).
Here is another thing newcomers must beware of misunderstanding. While Aristasians will often actively seek out reasons for using respectful words or gestures (for example, a brunette may more deeply reverence a blonde as a blonde, even if she is somewhat her inferior), the absence of them does not imply disrespect or arrogance (unless it is a misplaced absence). A mistress could well reverence her pupils, since each of them has the Solar Heart within her; but part of her way of serving them is to be a "rock" for them and to represent a secure and immovable link in the Golden Chain. In a very minor sense, she is Dea to them, as a spiritual Ranya may be in a much greater sense. This is also why obedience is a very important virtue in Aristasia, for "obedience to elders is obedience to Dea" (elders here means "superiors" without necessarily a reference to age).
A still more respectful reverence is made by raising the hands (still in the Tellurian attitude of prayer) to the level of the forehead and bowing deeply. There are numerous other styles of reverence, but these are the ones most commonly encountered in the West. Also among Westrennes, some blondes may curtsey rather than reverence.
Military salutations are accompanied by a military salute, or by the military version of the reverence, which is performed by standing erect, as if at attention, bringing the heels sharply together and making a crisp bow from the waist.
Virtual note: At the time of writing, we have not animations either for the pressed-hands style of reverence or for the most usual form of Aristasian military salute (in which the right fingertips are touched to the left shoulder). However we have a simple bow with the hands at the sides — which is a fully acceptable style of reverence in Aristasia — and a Tellurian-style military salute.
Personae and Functions
In Aristasia-in-Telluria it is common for girls to have multiple personae. Readers of Children of the Void will recall that the book had twenty-one characters but only seven physical bodies . Some girls are even "ambis", having both blonde and brunette personae (this is not the norm, but it is not rare).
For some girls personae are not important. Some have no extra personae. Some have only, perhaps, a schoolgirl or a schoolmistress necessary for her school life. At this point persona shades of into Function — an important concept that we shall discuss shortly. Other girls have two or more very distinct persona, so that no one supposes she is talking to the same person when she knows the two of them — as, indeed, she is not. Some girls find this aspect of Aristasia alone a huge liberation, and wonder how they could ever have gone through life with only one personality! It would have been as if part of them were missing.
In Virtualia at present, it is usual to have only one Avatar and one persona. So in a sense it may be said that Virtualia, with all its flying and teleporting, is a little more staid than Physicalia! There is actually no reason why girls should not eventually have second personae (it may indeed be interesting to have personae that are not "tied" by a similar physical appearance), but at present this is not the case.
Nevertheless, a somewhat related phenomenon is that of Function, and that needs to be understood in the light of the relatively formal nature of Aristasian society. When one performs a Function in Aristasia, whether as a mother, a teacher, a minister, a military officer or even a subordinate Function, such as a daughter, a pupil etc., one is manifesting an Archetype. This is an important point for the newcomer to understand, because the modern Tellurian West — especially since the cultural Eclipse of the 1960s, when an extreme individualism has attempted to expunge even the vestiges of true Function — is at the opposite extreme from this consciousness.
In Aristasia, each Function is ruled by one of the Janyati — a musician by Sai Thamë, for example, a military girl by Sai Vikhë, a nurse by Sai Sushuri. Actually, it is more complex than that. A teacher, for example, is ruled by Sai Mati insofar as she imparts knowledge, by Sai Thamë insofar as she imposes order, by Sai Sushuri insofar as she gives love to her pupils, by Sai Rhavë insofar as she corrects them. However we look first at the primary Janya for each Function, and, indeed, traditionally a maid would invoke the tutelary Janya of her Function (or of a particular aspect of her Function) before performing it. This is very often omitted in the modern Aristasian West (another example of cultural decline), but even when it is, the principle behind it is not forgotten.
In the light of this, it is perhaps easier to understand why Functions in Aristasia are regarded more seriously than "jobs" or ""roles" in the Pit. A girl performing a Function is usually addressed by the title of the Function and will be treated almost as a different person in and out of her Function. Teachers, for example, are accorded great respect in Aristasia, and while in the role of teacher, even those who know her more intimately at other times will regard the officiator of that role almost as a divine representative (which, on a certain level, she is). The idea of calling a teacher by her first name (with "Miss", of course) would be unthinkable, even in the case of a person who is regularly addressed so at other times.
The point here is that while the Pit regards the individual as paramount, in Aristasia, the Function is paramount. When a maid takes on the mantle, or "mask", of a higher Function, it is the Function, or Archetype, that is paramount. Aristasian pupils (like pupils everywhere) may not always be above criticising their teachers as individuals, but during the actual "ritual" of the lesson, the perception of the Archetype should be to the fore. This does not mean there is never a joke in class — sometimes there is — but it does help to explain why classroom disobedience is a) much rarer and b) regarded as what Pit-dwellers might consider to be a disproportionately serious offence.
We have taken the Function of teacher as an easily graspable example, but similar remarks might be applied to any Function,
Pit-dwellers distrust masks as devices to hide the face of the all-important Individual (which to them is the only reality). Aristasians revere them as the means of actualising a supra-individual Reality that is in no way false, but is, in a very important sense, closer to the Solar Heart that we greet many times daily with the word "Rayati".
We would suggest that the above paragraph sums up as succinctly as possible the underlying difference between Aristasian forms and manners, and those of the Pit. It is worth meditating upon.
To finish, we should just like to reiterate what we said at the beginning. While this may sound difficult and complicated, please do not worry. Aristasia-in-Virtualia is there to welcome newcomers. You do not need to know any of this. Many girls have come in before this page was written! You will learn simply and gradually as you go along.
We are simply waiting to welcome you.
Good luck to you in your magical adventure into the Motherland.
And Rayati!
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edoro · 2 years
Luz-hunter bodyswap and the Hunter runaway AU- specifically hunter meeting his mom. those ones caught my eye.
-runaway Hunter au where he meets his mom
so the runaway Hunter au is one i came up with before i knew what the whole deal was with Hunter and specifically that the whole 'the Titan needs you' thing was just a big lie.
like i figured it was manipulation, duh, but prior to Hollow Mind my theory was that Hunter was in some way necessary for the Day of Unity, so Belos needed to keep him around and keep him safe.
so this au is based on the idea that Hunter isn't disposable and that Belos is willing to go to some trouble to keep him around because he needs him.
that said - Hunter gets really severely injured on a mission, to the point where it takes him months to get to a point where he can start on a months/years long recovery to get back to normal function, and he can't do his duties as Golden Guard anymore.
he ends up running away to go live in the woods near the Owl House and try to figure out what to do with himself, and Eda and Luz slowly befriend him and get him to come over from time to time, so Eda can have him do odd jobs for money and give him leftovers and make sure he's alive and etc.
ANYWAY, this was also before we knew Hunter was a clone, so i was going with the backstory that he was a Wittebane descendant whose family met with a terrible fate and then Belos took him to the castle to keep an eye on him - his mom was away from the village when this happened, though, and came back to find her family dead and her kid missing, so she assumed Hunter was dead too.
meanwhile, she drifted around getting involved with various rebel factions and wild witches and etc - she's one of the contacts Eda mentions passing the rescued wild witches to in s2e7.
she and Eda also have an on-again, off-again fwb kind of thing, and one day she comes over to the Owl House for both business and maybe some personal fun, and Hunter happens to come over as well, and ends up walking into the kitchen to see his mother sitting there chatting with the Owl Lady.
she doesn't recognize him, because last time she saw him he was a 7 year old girl and now he's a 16 year old boy and former child soldier/the Emperor's former right-hand man, but he recognizes her right away, and it is a fraught and emotional reunion.
putting the other one under a cut for csa + incest
-Luz-Hunter bodyswap AU
this one is based on a fic i read and really liked the premise of and, being who i am, went "okay but if Luz swapped bodies with Hunter and then ran off to the castle to try to steal the portal key back and found out that Hunter was being sexually abused in the worst possible way, would that be fucked up or what?"
so basically, yeah ^ Luz and Hunter swap bodies due to some magic nonsense, and Luz runs off to the castle to try to infiltrate it and steal the portal key.
while she's there, she runs into Belos! she doesn't realize their relation, although she knows Hunter must be close to him as his second in command. she does her best to improv her way through this, but he ends up steering her towards his personal chambers to have a Private Little Talk.
i had a couple different endings in mind here - one where she tried to go along with the abuse and ended up not being able to and Getting Hunter In Trouble but being dismissed, one where she ends up getting raped, and i think there was one where she revealed that she was Luz and not Hunter and Belos sort of shrugged about it and went on with what he was doing because hey, that's fine with him actually.
one thing i wanted to do with this fic was explore the idea of somatic/body memories, and the degree to which trauma responses are baked into a person's neurological wiring rather than purely emotional - it's sort of a sideways manner of exploring repressed trauma, as well as just exploring to what degree inhabiting someone else's brain is going to give you their mental illness/neurodivergences.
bc in this case, Luz never went through the abuse Hunter regularly experiences at Belos's hands, but she's in Hunter's body. his body and nervous system expect certain things to happen when Belos is around and respond in certain ways to being approached by him, touched by him, hearing him speak in a certain tone or say certain phrases, being taken to his rooms and being in the rooms thsmelves -
basically she's just getting incredibly triggered and experiencing the physical and emotional responses to a trauma she never actually went through and therefore cannot consciously recall, but the body she's in knows and remembers it and is reacting to it.
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ofsaera · 2 years
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╰     ┈     [  milly alcock , 22 , cis female , she/her ]  in the time of dragons , SAERA TARGARYEN is entering the game of thrones . said to be audacious + determined , we can only hope that is the case as regrettably they are also well known to be distrustful + impulsive . when asked about them , people are always reminded of burning pages of old books, the sparks of fire seconds before it begins to burn, the urge to voice an opinion when it's not needed, unopened letters, clenched fists . though they are the LADY OF CASTAMERE , their true loyalties lie with house targaryen and rumour has it that if given the choice they would support their family above all else . those of us in the shadows wish them luck and can only hope they will survive what is to come .   ──  zahra , 23 , gmt+3 , she/her .
full name: saera targaryen gender: cis female pronouns: she/her age: 22 sexual orientation: bisexual (with slight preference for femmes)
mother: helaena targaryen father: owyn reed siblings: gael targaryen other: king lucerys targaryen (uncle), queen visenya targaryen (aunt), prince daemon targaryen (cousin), prince aegon targaryen (cousin), princess vasila targaryen (cousin), prince rhaegar targaryen (cousin), princess aerea targaryen (cousin), lord daeron targaryen (cousin), lady meera targaryen (cousin)
face claim: milly alcock eye color: violet hair color: silver height: 5′2 dominant hand: right
saera targaryen doesn’t know what love feels or looks like. she’s read stories with the septa as any other child; but could any of it be real? was marriage not love? all love stories ended up in marriage. exchanging vows in front of the gods. yet for as long as she could remember, marriage to saera meant and mother and father screaming their lungs out at each other; brother covering your ears so you could not hear it. they’re getting physical now; brother stands between them. saera speaks to owyn and helaena each in private; if they love her, they will get along. but they don’t. they don’t even bother to listen.
at the age of eleven, she just stops speaking. no one notices at first but gael, and eventually helaena. this goes on for years and although her mother tries maester after maester, saera just refuses to speak. that is until she’s fifteen; she sneaks out the castle with a friend, no one recognizes them in the crowd. they drink ale for the first time in a small inn; saera speaks for the first time in years. she feels safe with that friend. they’re her first love; but once again, she can’t believe in love, she shouldn’t, and they’re young and stupid and things simply don’t work out.
having spent so much time listening instead of speaking, saera likes to think she’s a good observer. she notices what other people don’t, the slight change in their facial expressions, how effortlessly the lies slip out.
sneaking out of the castle becomes somewhat of a habit. she knows her ways around, she learns how to go around unnoticed and quietly. on the rare occassions they visit king’s landing, saera had made sure to wander around the town at moon rise. she misses it. king’s landing feels so much more magical than castamere. this place has to be cursed, saera thinks.
she’s obsessed with history, especially anything involving dragons. collects daggers, though how well she can use them is another matter.
easy to befriend, but can’t deal with love or feelings that threaten to go too deep.
last proper family dinner ended up with owyn losing his shit, posing a huge threat to helaena and gael killing him - as always, the protector of the family. to everybody else, it was a guard who attacked owyn and was later executed for his crimes. saera has pretty much repressed this whole scene as she doesn’t want to acknowledge how it affected her.
doesn’t want to admit it, but she cares about people. a lot. but above all, she has to stay loyal to helaena and gael. at the end of the day, they’re all she has and she’d die for them.
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Movie Review | Death Smiles on a Murderer (D’Amato, 1973)
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This is a ‘70s Italian horror film, meaning that the women are all absurdly beautiful and maybe a little perverted deep down, and the men carry a sense of imminent danger. This is also a period horror film, meaning that the characters are often costumed in pleasingly textured fabrics, and the women often wear extravagant headgear, and we get to spend a good amount of time in finely aged manors, their ornate designs coated with a nice coating of dust and wear. It even throws the lead actress in a cape and has her wander down creepy corridors, which is the ultimate sign of quality in films like this one, even if it contrives the scene by placing it after a costume party. (One should not need an actual reason to drift down the halls of a manor in a cape. As for that costume party, it has the characters playing a game where one of them guesses who is behind each mask, which is a much less impressive feat when you consider the masks barely cover their faces and their costumes are otherwise quite distinct.) What I’m saying is that the film contains a number of elements that make me already inclined to like it, but there are things that might make it engaging for those without the exact same cinematic tastes as myself.
The plot is...difficult to explain. There’s the opening scene where the main character is sexually assaulted by a hunchback, whom she also loves, but maybe gets involved with somebody else. And then many years later, either the same character or somebody who looks like her is in a carriage accident where the coachman is killed and she’s rendered unconscious and possibly stricken with a case amnesia. Enter Klaus Kinski as a doctor, whose tests involve turning around as she undresses while watching her with a comically large mirror and later poking a needle in her eye, and I think we’re all glad that medical science has come a long way since the early 1900s. Oh, and there might be a serum to reanimate the dead. Oh, and the lady of the house has an affair with her, but only after trying to drown her in a bathtub. Oh, and there’s a character who I can only describe as Italian Tom Skeritt. Oh, and there are multiple scenes where character run away in fear from a (possible) female zombie, which carry the same charge as the central conflict of Petey Wheatstraw, where our hero Rudy Ray Moore tries to weasel out of a deal to marry the devil’s daughter because she’s so damn ugly.
If this sounds incoherent, it certainly plays that way as you watch the movie, but not entirely in a bad way. There is some dispute as to who wrote how much of the screenplay, but the general sense I get is that there were changes along the way, from what was originally supposed to be more of a giallo to something with a bit more gothic horror flavour. There are certain elements inspired by Edgar Allan Poe (a character gets trapped behind a brick wall, a black cat), tossed into the strange psychosexual blender that produced this movie. This is directed by Joe D’Amato, whose style has always struck me as simultaneously restrained and blunt. The restraint tamps down the narrative incoherence, to the point that the proceedings register has half-remembered memories stewing in one’s subconscious, rather than something overtly dreamlike. The bluntness gives a charge to the scenes of violence, which involve a good deal of facial trauma (shotgun blast, razor slice, eye-gouging by feline).
If you’ve seen the poster, of a guy who looks like Kinski getting his face scratched up by an angry black cat, I can confirm that happens, just not to Kinski. Kinski spends most of the movie away from the other actors and instead fiddling with lab equipment, which seems suspiciously like a ploy to manage the notoriously volatile actor. You do not get any explosive outbursts here, but even in understated mode, Kinski’s very presence suggests that he might go off at any moment. And in the lead role, you get Ewa Aulin, who goes a long way in making this movie work. I have no idea if she’s a “good” actress in the traditional sense, but I do know that she pulls off what’s required for the role, in that she manages to be distressingly sexy while suggesting twisted psychological depths. Maybe the movie cheats to make me like her by putting her in a cape, but the heart wants what it wants.
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scndrenched · 2 years
╰ ┈ [ jessie mei li , 24 , nonbinary , they/them ] in the time of dragons , BLYTHE MARTELL is entering the game of thrones . said to be observant + humorous , we can only hope that is the case as regrettably they are also well known to be impulsive + stubborn . when asked about them , people are always reminded of bookmarks of dried flowers, sitting alone in windowsills, wishing upon dying stars , wine stained shirts , dirty breeches and tangled hair . though they are the PRINCESS OF DORNE , their true loyalties lie with house martell and rumour has it that if given the choice they would support their family . those of us in the shadows wish them luck and can only hope they will survive what is to come . ── finn , 24 , EST , she/they .
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B A S I C S:
NAME: blythe martell
TITLE: princess of dorne
AGE: 24.
PRONOUNS: they/them.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single and unbetrothed.
HEIGHT: 5′ 0″.
ORIENTATION: demisexual/ demiromantic
BIRTHPLACE: sunspear, dorne.
S U M M A R Y:
Blythe Martell has only ever known House Martell. Their adoption occurred swiftly after a dear friend lost his wife during their birth, distraught from his lady wife’s passing, he relinquished the child. Their place in the family was never questioned, though their true parentage has never been revealed to them. They aren’t particularly curious, or at least they tell themselves that, when they have a family they love dearly.
Bly has always been a curious, bold person. They were drawn to the properties the land offered them, botanicals a special interest of their’s. They could have the mind for politics if they just attempted, but there truly was no real need to and they would rather stay out of the mind games that came along with it.
The princess, until recently, had a very close friend whom they’d be seen with at all times. Growing up together the two were fast friends, but it was clear the princess was not the one in control of the friendship. Often pushed into doing things they did not want to do or spoken over, it was clear to others that their dear friend was using Blythe’s position for their own gain. It quickly came to an end after their friend was betrothed to some much above their rank due to the princess’s involvement. As the friends grew further apart Bly began to understand that their childhood friend had been blatantly using them and was swiftly cut off. Bly continues to be kind, humorous, and odd, but there is a part of them that has become closed off, wary of the things that draw people to them. They’ve forgiven their friend, but does not have any intentions of bridging the gap that this caused. Forgiveness to them does not require further inclusion in their life.
Bly does not particularly enjoy the term Princess, but has no other word to use for their title just yet. They prefer their full name or nickname.
They are generally kind and looking to have a good time. They enjoy parties, especially ones where they get to interact with people they would not otherwise. The outdoors is where Bly feels most themselves however, whether that be horseback riding, botanical foraging, or practicing archery, martial arts, or weapon skills.
Their kindness does not mean they are nice. They do not mince their words and say what they mean. They have no trouble correcting or calling out behavior. Bad treatment of anyone in front of the princess often results in a lecture. This has been an ongoing issue of theirs, occasionally getting them in trouble, especially when they were younger.
W A N T E D  C O N N E C T I O N S
01. their former friend - this can be rather flexible, but the relationship is very tense at the time. Bly has decided to forgive them but has still kept them cut off and kept their distance, it is up to you if your character misses Blythe's friendship.
02. almost betrothed - bly has done their best to stay out of marriages and betrothals, but there has absolutely been a time or two that other people have attempted with the princess.
03. party pals - blythe enjoys parties and drinking for entertainment. they enjoy friends that like the same.
04. personal confidante - after losing their closest friend, they had to find someone else to give their secrets to. this is someone that bly would trust, meaning they've known each other for many years, and bly is very confident that they will not use these secrets against them.
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eddo-tensei · 2 years
Miraculous Ninja Bio #3: Alya Cesaire
Gonna push myself a bit more and go over more characters for this MLB/RC9GN crossover. This time, we’re talking about Alya. Don’t worry, I’ll get to the Norrisville crew eventually. Just need to go over the main Miraculous crew coming here...and the villains. If anyone’s interested from reading the biography, here’s the fic:
Miraculous Ninja: Tales of Heroes and Magic (MLB x RC9GN crossover)
Alright, let’s put this blog on blast.
Backstory: Alya’s life wasn’t extraordinary. She wasn’t born to a family of bakers nor was she brought into the world of luxury. She simply came from a family hailing from the French-controlled Caribbean island of Martinique. With her zooologist father, a culinary expert for a mother, along with her three sisters, Alya spent most of her life in her home province studying in a private school. She found herself running a lot of the technical side of the school system and by middle school, she was dabbling in online maintenance. She was also a frequent member of her school’s comic book club where they would discuss all kinds of superheroes. For the most part, it felt like life was going to be simple. That was until her mother managed to secure a job in one of the most prestigious hotels in Paris. Thus, her family relocated there as Alya now found herself in Collège Françoise Dupont. There, as a new student, she ended up meeting a lot of new people including a lonely girl by the name of Marinette. Seeing the sort of trouble Marinette was going through, Alya took it upon herself to be Marinette’s friend and help her through whatever life throws at her. Soon, however, Alya found herself in the midst of what could be described as a seemingly neverending battle of good and evil as Hawk Moth emerged from the shadows to cause chaos only for the heroes, Ladybug and Chat Noir, to come out and stomp that chaos into nothing. Feeling her two childhood hobbies unifying, Alya started up the Ladyblog and vowed to do what she can to document all the heroic acts of these two glorious saviors of her new home.
This would be one of Alya’s defaults as when she wasn’t focused on the blog, she was helping Marinette with anything that would come up. Babysitting, coming up with designs, trying to win over Adrien, homework, Adrien, parties, Adrien. In case you can’t tell, a good amount of their hangouts involve trying to figure out ways for Marinette to win Adrien’s heart. That said, these hangouts didn’t come with their own perks. Alya and Marinette both end up connecting to more of the people in College Dupont, even garnering their own circle of friends through this. Alya was even able to find her own love in Nino Lahiffe. It was clear that just as she was able to help Marinette open up and gain friends even when facing obstacles like Chloe, Marinette was helping Alya connect to her new home more and more. She even recently found the courage to sign up for a program that saw her connected to a pen-pal. A kind girl named Theresa who she would exchange letters with every now and then, mostly about the heroic exploits going on in Paris as well as some of the interesting stuff that occurs in Norrisville.
That said, this wasn’t without strife. She found herself being one of the earliest villains created by Hawk Moth’s Akumas during her quest to find out who Ladybug was. As Lady Wi-Fi, she ended up being one of the more difficult adversaries to fight and someone who would frequently return due to Hawk Moth finding her powers quite helpful. Even so, she was able to find some brilliance as when her younger sisters fell under the spell of an Akuma, she had a fateful encounter with Ladybug who entrusted her with the Fox Miraculous. Gaining a fast friend in the Kwami of Illusion, Trixx, Alya ended up with the identity of Rena Rouge. Even if it was technically a temporary gig, Alya relished her time as Rena and she found herself blessed time and time again as Ladybug would come to her for help multiple times. Still, no matter what, even with all the reports and vlogs she had done, Alya could never really figure the one thing that she felt like she needed to figure out and that was Ladybug’s identity. Even if she knew she couldn’t report on it due to the threat of Hawk Moth, she still wanted to know who was behind the mask, but it seemed like an unattainable thing...
...That was until through becoming part of a Akuma group and being saved that Alya would end up being hit with a massive secret from her friend, Marinette. That Marinette and Ladybug were one and the same. Through this, Alya was then entrusted with the secrets of the Miraculouses and thus became Marinette’s sole confidant in figuring out the truth for not only the Miraculouses, but also how to take down Hawk Moth. In fact, it was Alya’s own intuition that led to the creation of the Prosperity Charms which would ensure that a dangerous Akuma would never be created again. This ingenuity would actually be enough for Marinette to grant Alya full ownership of the Fox Miraculous. It was clear that the two were getting somewhere. With this one secret being learned, Alya could now focus on other things with Marinette.
Then came the news about Adrien’s move to Norrisville. Having heard this from Nino, Alya was hesitant at first, but ultimately decided to go for three reasons. 1) She didn’t want Nino to feel forced to stay behind if she didn’t go, 2) She wanted to make sure Marinette was doing okay since she knew the girl would follow Adrien to the edge of the Earth, and 3) That was where her penpal lived and with that in mind, why would she pass up the opportunity to meet up with a good friend? Thus, albeit with some unexpected guests, Alya found herself moving to Norrisville.
Appearance: With tan skin and hair styled into an ombre of brown and red, Alya is also distinguishable by her gold eyes and the mole on her forehead. Donning a pair of glasses, Alya would frequently be seen in a plaid shirt with a tank-top underneath along with some light-blue jeans and some white-and-black sneakers courtesy of Style Queen. She also wears a fanny pack for stuff like her phone and more importantly, Trixx. She’s also a bit taller than Marinette.
As Rena Rouge, her hair becomes a three-color ombre going from bright red to orange all the way to pure white at the tips as it’s all styled in a ponytail. On top of the bodysuit that most holders have, Rena dons a orange overcoat with white coattails on the back to mimic the tail of a fox. The Miraculous, normally a necklace, becomes a zipper to the suit and she gains some fox ears to go with the orange and white domino mask. Standing with her signature flute on her back and wearing tall black boots with fox prints on the bottom, Rena Rouge is certainly one of the more dapper looking heroes on Ladybug’s side.
Personality: It was clear that the comics that Alya grew up with instilled plenty of positive values in her. Namely those of loyalty and friendship, which shines through with her friendship with Marinette as well as all of the other students in College Dupont. As a relatively new student, Alya found herself being more than happy to reach out to as many people as she could. She found that one way she could reach people was through the reports on her blog where she would give updates on Ladybug’s exploits in hopes that her heroism would rub off onto others. She genuinely cherishes the people in her life, whether it’d be her family, Marinette, Nino, or just any of their friends. Comics taught her a lot of things and it’s clear that these positive values were just some of them.
That said, when you raise yourself on what you see on comics and TV, some things can get mixed up. Alya has a bad habit of trying to do things that seemed to be cool in comics, but don’t always translate well into reality. Her plans for Marinette to help her win Adrien’s heart tend to get rather cartoonish and when Marinette comes up with a plan that’s just as cartoonish, Alya always goes along with it. While that is proof of her loyalty, it’s also a sign that Alya doesn’t always know what’s right, hence why her hunt for Ladybug’s identity was questionable. Also, while she is very willing to reach out to others, she also finds it hard to forgive those who would actively cause harm, Chloe being one such example. Even so, when Alya realizes what she does is wrong, she’s quick to correct herself and does what she can to fix it.
Powers: At this point, it should be routine what a Miraculous does to someone. It improves their skills a lot and gives them a great amount of durability with its usage depending greatly on the user. In Rena’s case, she’s very much a planner and with her main ability, she had to figure out what works.
Mirage: Playing a tune on her flute, Rena is able to conjure up an Illusion that she could control through said flute. The Illusion can range from massive spectacles to merely impersonating individuals to fool others. Not only can she create visual illusions, but also auditory illusions.
Being predisposed to superheroes, Alya is quickly learning the ropes on how her powers work, but with a certain leak resulting from a certain bully, only time will tell if she’ll be able to keep it.
At Norrisville High, Alya was able to meet up with Theresa as well as the owner of the school blog, Heidi Weinerman. Quickly getting some strong connections with them, Alya would do what she can to help them out. That said, it didn’t mean she would miss out on heroics as not only did Ladybug and Chat Nor come out to save the local hero, the Norrisville Ninja, from getting his head ripped off, but Shadow Moth would make himself known to the town. With these threats all around them, Alya would end up helping Marinette hide and warn her about incoming threats. Aside from that, she would hang out with Nino and even give him a save from some bullies as Rena Rouge.
This stay would not come without strife either, however, and her first real test would come in the form of having to save an Akumatized Theresa after Marinette basically tore the poor twirler a new one for a romance scheme gone awry. Upon finding out what Marinette had told Theresa as well as how badly it affected Theresa, Alya had to confront Marinette on this and basically tell her off for doing these things. Thankfully, Theresa was saved and through some more chewing out, Alya was able to help Marinette and Theresa reconcile these issues. That said, through Shadow Moth, Theresa ended up gaining the knowledge of Alya’s identity as Rena Rouge.
Her second test would come in the form of King Arthurpod. With Ladybug and Chat Noir having a hard time with the evolved insects created from this Akuma, she would end up teaming up with the Ninja in order to come up with a sneaky Mirage that would cause infighting amongst the humanoid insects and secure another victory for the heroes. For the most part, Alya had proven herself to be a great heroine and success was all there.
Unfortunately, there was a problem and that problem was named Heidi. Ever since Alya and her friends got here, Heidi had been pressing Alya for a way to get an interview with Adrien. While Alya didn’t want to say no, she couldn’t think of a way to make it happen. Unfortunately, as this gets pushed back more and more, Heidi would end up going behind Alya’s back to interview Marinette instead. This led to a chain of events that would mess up a lot.
Alya woke up to see a video from Heidi talking about Marinette’s crush. While initially skimming it, Alya discovered that this video was recorded by Heidi without any consent from Marinette and with how it was edited, she recognized it as a smear campaign of her friend. Needless to say, Alya was FURIOUS and dragged all of her friends to verbally eviscerate Heidi for what she had done to her friend. Unfortunately, it only got worse as Heidi became Newsflash and through extracting the memories of Theresa, she would end up exposing Alya as Rena Rouge to the whole school. This initially shook Alya up, but she ultimately decided to face Newsflash anyways and ultimately defeat her with one last Mirage. In the fallout, despite Heidi showing regret, Alya could not bring herself to forgive Heidi for what she done and ultimately refused to make amends. She had also resigned from her position as the holder of the Fox Miraculous and with how Marinette’s confession with Adrien panned out, it was clear that a lot of changes were ahead of her. Ahead of everyone, really. Even so, she’ll do what she can to make sure things would be okay.
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dollycas · 3 months
The Secret Ingredient to Murder (A Seaside Cove Bed & Breakfast Mystery) by Terry Ambrose #Review @terryawriterguy
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This book will be available on Thursday! Preorder it today and it will be delivered to your device as soon as it is released! The Secret Ingredient to Murder (A Seaside Cove Bed & Breakfast Mystery) Cozy Mystery 8th in Series Setting - California Independently Published (March 28, 2024) Print length ‏ : ‎ 323 pages ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CT1KVWCR In Seaside Cove, every truffle has a dark side. The peaceful paradise of Seaside Cove gets a rude awakening when the home of newcomers Tyler Winkle and his spirited niece, Veronica Campbell, gets turned upside down. The only thing missing? The family’s secret chocolate recipe that Tyler kept in a safe. When a man who wanted to buy the recipe is murdered, B&B owner Rick Atwood joins forces with the police once again. Rick quickly discovers two disturbing facts. First, the case is as hard to crack as a good truffle. Second, his thirteen-year-old daughter, Alex, has launched a shadow investigation. Out of desperation to solve the case, Police Chief Adam Cunningham asks Alex to go undercover. But that's not Rick's worst fear. He's also discovered that Veronica and Alex are bonding despite their age difference. Caught between his roles as a father and an investigator, Rick faces a tough decision: put a stop to Alex's involvement or crack the case. Dollycas's Thoughts We are back in Seaside Cove and the Atwood family has grown to four with the arrival of baby Jack and everyone is over the moon. Seaside Cove also has two other new residents. Tyler Winkle and his niece Veronica Campbell have come to town for a new start. Soon after their arrival, a family legacy, a chocolate recipe that had been in the family for generations, has been stolen. Veronica is beside herself. First, she found out her uncle was trying to sell the recipe and then it was stolen. The recipe was supposed to be hers so she could follow in her now-deceased mother's footsteps. Now, the man who wanted to buy the recipe has been murdered, and Police Chief Adam Cunningham needs Rick's help to solve the case. He surprisingly wants Alex's help too, because despite the age difference Alex has become friends with Veronica and he hopes she may learn things the police won't. Alex is thrilled, Rick and Marquetta, not so much. They know when 13 - year-old Alex gets involved in an investigation she doesn't make the best decisions. Rick knows the best way to minimize Alex's risk is to solve the case quickly but that isn't going to be easy. _____ Mr. Ambrose has created such an endearing cast of characters for this series. The Atwoods and their friends are genuine and caring. It is very easy to get invested in their lives. Rick and Marquetta's relationship is strong and they have real-life problems. Dealing with a new baby and a teenager like Alex while running their B&B and Rick working with Adam more often than not isn't easy. They don't always agree on things, but their love shines throughout the story. I really enjoy the way we get to know Alex's thoughts through her diary entries. She is quite a young lady, fearless, especially when trying to help someone. She usually takes the time now to weigh her options but she still puts others first which puts her in some dangerous situations. I admire her courage. In her quest to help people, she also thinks she is a great matchmaker. She did get her dad and Marquetta together :-) Now, she believes a guest at the B&B is the perfect match for her teacher. Oh to be thirteen. The author has put forth a mystery full of twists and turns. It was fun to follow along as Rick, Adam, and Alex worked through each clue to solve this puzzling case. Alex tries so hard to do the right thing. I am surprised Rick doesn't have a full head of gray hair. The showdown had my heart racing and thankful Alex is not my grandchild. I don't think my heart could handle all the excitement that comes with the wonderful, curious, courageous child Alex is already. The Secret Ingredient to Murder was a fantastic read. I escaped right into it and was completely entertained. While this book can be read as a standalone I recommend you read the series in the order they are written to get to know these terrific characters from the beginning. Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent About the Author Terry Ambrose started out skip-tracing and collecting money from deadbeats and quickly learned that liars come from all walks of life. He never actually stole a car but sometimes hired big guys with tow trucks and a penchant for working in the dark to “help” when negotiations failed. A resident of Southern California, he loves spending time in Hawaii, especially on the Garden Island of Kauai, where he invents lies for others to read. His years of chasing deadbeats taught him many valuable life lessons such as—always keep your car in the garage. Author links: Website    Facebook      Twitter     Instagram     BookBub     Goodreads    Amazon Also by Terry Ambrose Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Receiving a complimentary copy in no way reflected my review of this book. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” Read the full article
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Anthony's Stupid Daily Blog (557): Mon 25th Sep 2023
I watched a video of John Cleese at a UK Comic Con that almost drove me to tears. At the end an audience member comes to the microphone to ask a question and she challenges him to a game of Rock Paper Scissors. After saying they should put Rock Paper Scissors on TV Cleese says that this audience member would probably win a game against him so he won’t bother and then says “Let’s move on to the next question”. I don’t think anyone had informed Cleese that the people who go to comic con have been waiting their entire pathetic little lives for it. He’s probably unaware that this lady has probably spent the last sixty years tracking down the other five members of Python and challenged them all to a game of Rock Paper Scissors and the only one she needed was Cleese and he just waved off the request. She didn’t even care about winning! All she needed was for the grumpy old cunt to lift his hand in the air three times and pick a hand gesture. It’s not like she was asking him to do the fucking Silly Walk! 
Watched Hollyoaks for the first time in fucking ages and to my delight it finally seems like they’ve moved the characters along and given them new stories. I probably should start watching full time again now because there’s no telling how long it’ll be before this little blip where the writers have decided to give Sienna a story that doesn’t involve Warren will last. However this surprise soon turned to full on anger when I learned that in a few days they’ll be killing off Rayne! My God first Verity now this? It seems the prettier you are the less amount of time you last on the show....blimey if I was ever cast on the show my character would only be on it five minutes before he got killed off. After this I watched the first episode of the rebooted Neighbours. I think it’s quite odd that they broke up Toadie / Melanie and Paul / Terese and they've chosen not to bring back so many great characters. I know soaps don't normally have happy endings but come on give us a happy beginning at least. There was a new family introduced and the youngest lad named JJ was gifted the scrap book from past residents compiled by Harold. I like the idea that in a few years Harold will return to the street and go to see if JJ has been maintaining the Ramsey Street book, see that it's covered in coffee cup stains and he's ripped all the pages out to roll joints with. Also Terese and Toadie are together now? Man Paul must be so pissed off knowing that the only way he can ever get Terese for himself is if the show gets cancelled again. While I probably won't become a regular viewer of the Neighbours reboot I'm glad it's back as it means more work for a bunch of nice people. To be safe though I think they should just tape 8000 episodes back to back as quick as they can in case they get cancelled again
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