#but agh w/e
sky-of-ideas · 1 year
I am gonna make Wu and Garmadon so morally questionable in the demon's wish au aren't I.
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kyoodledoodle · 2 months
in my second Yasha deprivation arc wish me luck-
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orcelito · 7 months
I am so #LoserCore with how little I can handle horror (I don't think I've ever even seen an actual horror movie in full, even clips are Enough For Me)
Honestly tho I don't care if it makes me a "loser" for refusing to watch any kind of horror movie at all. I'm just trying to take care of myself :p
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how attractive is it like to people that your work overtakes uh your life uh and im a teacher
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brown-little-robin · 2 years
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princiere · 10 months
u guys are so lucky the olb&a community calmed down and I'm too shy to post my rambles bc I replayed baxter's dlc Multiple Times recently and I'm having so many thoughts
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juanarc-thethird · 8 months
Jaune OF #2
Beacon Academy is in chaos, a manhunt is going on. Most of the female students, and some males, are looking for a sexy man. Target: Jaune Arc. They want him dead or alive, I mean just alive, they need him alive. No one is going to die today… I hope.
Girl 1: Have you seen him?!
Girl 2: He is not in the cafeteria!
Girl 1: Where are you SexyKinght?!!
People search every floor, every room, even every closet. No place is safe for Jaune Arc, but for some reason... they can't find him. Is this the work of an incredible mind that knows how to stay in the shadows or maybe knows how to keep a low profile to fool everyone in their face? Only Oum knows what kind of person they are dealing with.
Girl 1: Wait a minute?
The girl sees a person with blond hair. This makes her suspicious and she decides to investigate who she is.
Girl 1: Hey, wait!
The girl approaches the blond young man. She grabs his shoulder and flips him over in a snap.
Girl 1: Got you! Wait, you're not my SexyKnight.
In front of her was a person who looks like Jaune. The only difference is that he has a big and majestic mustache. His mustache is so beautiful that the girl can't stop looking at it.
Felipe: Hola, my name is Felipe.
Girl 1: Felipe?
Felipe: Si, I am an exchange student.
Girl 1: Exchange student?
Felipe: Yes, I'm here for an academic program.
Out of nowhere an orange haired girl appears with the same beautiful but dazzling mustache.
Gloria: And I am his compañera, Gloria!
Girl 1: Ooookey…. Have you seen this handsome daddy?
She pulls a picture out of her pocket of Jaune choking on a sandwich.
Gloria: Hahaha! They used a good angle for y- Agh!!
Felipe hits Gloria with his elbow right in the ribs and then responds to the girl.
Felipe: No, I have never seen that man in my life. Nunca e visto a ese hombre en mi vida. He looks boring.
She then looks at Gloria.
Gloria: Yo tampoco! (Me neither!)
The girl is confused by Gloria's response in Spanish.
Girl 1: I-I see...
She then puts her precious photo of Jaune in her pocket and takes out a piece of paper and a pen. She writes something on the paper and gives it to Felipe.
Girl 1: If you see him, please call me or send me a message with his location.
The girl leaves with her friend, leaving Felipe and Gloria alone. Felipe throws the piece of paper to the ground and they relax. He takes a deep breath and crouches down as he supports himself on his knees.
Felipe (Jaune): Oh my goodness. I thought they already found us.
In Gloria's case, she is still happy and touching her mustache.
Gloria (Nora): I'm more surprised that these mustaches fooled them. How did you come up with such an amazing idea?
Felipe (Jaune): I'm more worried about the future hunters and huntresses of this academy after we tricked them so easily. I mean, how can they be so clueless?
After a little rest, he gets up.
Felipe (Jaune): Ok, we should focus. There we have to keep moving and we have to get to the Bullhead port without being discovered. Once out of the academy, we can be quiet and you can start a rumor that SexyKnight is someone else.
She stands at attention and salutes him.
Gloria (Nora): Of course my beautiful leader. I will follow him until the end of time.
Felipe (Jaune): I'm still a little mad at you.
Nora pouts at his comment.
They walk down the hall until they reach a new corridor. Jaune looks to both sides and sees a group of students on the left side. He waits for the right moment to slip past them. The students start to walk in the opposite direction from them and Jaune uses that opportunity to continue on his way.
Felipe (Jaune): OK let's go.
They walk quietly to the right. Jaune takes a couple of glances back to make sure no one is following them and to check that the students haven't turned around and seen them. Without paying attention to where he is walking, Jaune bumps into a door that just opened in front of him.
Felipe (Jaune): Agh!
Gloria (Nora): Jefe!!
On the other side of the door a rabbit girl looks out to see what happened and realizes that she hit someone with the door by accident.
Velvet: Oh my gosh!!
She kneels to check if her classmate was hurt.
Velvet: Are you okay? Did you get hurt?
Felipe (Jaune): (Oh Shit! is Velvet! Play it cool Jaune, play it cool!)
He takes a deep breath and gets into character.
Felipe (Jaune): Estoy bien. I'm fine.
Velvet doesn't answer but stares at him as if she's trying to solve a puzzle. He notices this and is concerned.
Felipe (Jaune): I have something on my face? (Does she know who I am?)
Those words make Velvet react and she blushes from how embarrassed she is for staring at him.
Velvet: I'm so sorry, you look like the guy I'm looking for. Have you seen a tall boy who is blonde named Jaune? You may have seen him in one of your classes.
Felipe (Jaune): Sorry, I don't know that hombre.
Velvet turns to see the girl next to Jaune.
Velvet: How about you? Have you seen a guy with that description?
Gloria (Nora): Que?
Velvet: I see, thank you very much. Umm…let me help you up.
Velvet shows him her hand, Jaune takes it, and he gets up.
Felipe (Jaune): Gracias
Velvet: You're welcome… Well, I'm leaving. Sorry again for hitting you with the door.
Felipe (Jaune): Don't worry, I hope you find the person you're looking for.
Gloria (Nora): Adios!!
Each of them went their own way. Suddenly velvet feels like she kicked something. She looks at what it was and sees that it is a phone. She reaches down to pick it up.
Velvet: Hey, I think you dropped your phone!
Just as she picks up the phone, the screen lights up, showing an image of Team JNPR. Jaune checks his pockets and realizes that it is his phone. Unaware that Velvet saw the image, he went to retrieve it.
Felipe (Jaune): Muchas gracias, I didn't realize I dropped it.
Jaune holds out his hand to receive his phone.
Velvet: No problem...
She stands up, turns around, and in a single motion she rips off Jaune's fake mustache.
Velvet: ...Jaune.
Jaune immediately covers his mouth and begins to scream in pain.
Velvet doesn't react to this and looks at him with a blank stare.
Velvet: I know it's you, Jaune.
Jaune continues to scream in pain and looks at Velvet. He sees that she doesn't react the way he wanted and slowly lowers the tone of his scream until he falls silent.
Jaune: Hey, you can't blame me for trying.
Velvet: Let me get to the point, I want to take some pictures of you…
Jaune: That doesn't sound bad.
Jaune: And there it is. When?
Velvet is surprised at his unusual response.
Velvet: Sorry?
Jaune: You want to take pictures of me, right? When do you want to do it?
Velvet: I… I didn't expect you to accept. I had a whole plan on how to blackmail you in my head. But then you tell me that it's ok?
Jaune: Ok ok ok, look I don't have all day. I don't know if you noticed but I have the whole school looking for me. When do you want to take the photos? Oh, and can I have my phone back, please?
Velvet: Yes of course.
She hands him the phone and he puts it in his pocket.
Velvet: How about today at 5:30pm? In my room.
Jaune: Sounds good. Just let me check with my agent if I'm free at that time. Oh look, speaking of the devil, he's right behind you.
Velvet: You have an agent?
She turns around but no one is there. After a few seconds she realizes she was tricked and looks back to where Jaune was. He was no longer standing in front of her. He was running to the opposite side of her with Nora on her shoulder looking at Velvet's direction. The only thing left were the fake mustaches on the floor. From afar, Nora can be heard screaming.
Nora: So long, sucker!!!
Velvet: You trick me!!!
She pulls out her phone and talks to someone.
Velvet: He is heading to the training area. I repeat, he is heading to the training area!!!
Back with our favorite duo. Jaune is running down the hall while Nora is still on her shoulder.
Nora: So where are we going now? Do we follow the same plan or…?
Jaune: We will continue with the plan. We just need to change our route a bit. Maybe we can use the back door to the training room? Oh the lockers! We can use the lockers to escape! I am a genius!
????: Yes you are~
Jaune: What the fuck?
At that moment, a machine gun is heard and a line of bullets comes out of the wall and blocks their path. That scares them and Jaune drops Nora to the ground. She got up and stood behind him.
Jaune: Holy shit!!
Nora: We are under attack!!
The machine gun stops and from the hole in the wall appears the incomparable Coco Adel. She looks at Jaune and smiles at him.
Coco: Hello Jaune~
Then she turns to see Nora but with a look of disgust.
Coco: Nora.
Nora, still behind Jaune, answers her.
Nora: Rude!
Jaune feels the danger that Coco emits right now, so he decides to do what he knows better than anyone. Fool people with nonsense.
Jaune: Hi Coco, you look amazing today. Are those new sunglasses?
She points her gun at them and approaches them
Coco: Yes they are new. Thank you for noticing it.
Jaune: No problem. Can I help you with something?
Coco: I need you to confirm something for me. Is that you in this photo?
She shows him a picture of a man wearing Pumpkin Pete's Trunks-type underwear, and he's displaying a colossal package.
Jaune: That ain't me.
Coco: Really?~ Wouldn't you mind if I ask you to take off your shirt to see if that's true?
Jaune: (Ok, Jaune, think. It's Coco you're dealing with, so you can't trick her like the others. She's one of the best fighters and she's smart. What should I do?)
As Jaune thinks of a solution, as Coco gets closer and closer to them. Nora puts herself between her and Jaune to protect him.
Nora: Stay back!
Coco: Relax, I just want to know if it's him, ok? Jaune, if you want I can give you a hand? But I must tell you that my hand tends to slip sometimes.
After hearing that last sentence, an idea came to mind. It's a low blow, but it'll work.
Jaune: *Quietly* Nora, play along with me no matter what happens.
He takes a deep breath and suddenly executes his plan.
Jaune: *Gasp* Coco Adele! That is sexual harassment!
Coco: What?! No, it was just a joke!
Nora: *Quietly* Oh, I see what you're doing. You are evil. *To Coco* Sexual harassment is never a joke!
Jaune starts acting like he's really crying.
Jaune: I've always admired you, and now I find out that you do these things?!
Coco is taken out of her comfort zone, and she panics.
Coco: I didn't mean too! It was a joke, I swear!
Jaune: *Looks away* I can't trust you anymore.
Nora: Perverted!
Coco: I am not a pervert!
Jaune: I need some time alone.
Nora turns around and comforts him.
Nora: Everything will be fine Jaune, don't worry. *To Coco* Are you happy now?!
Coco: It wasn't my intention, I'm really sorry.
Nora: Look, just go away.
Coco begins to walk backwards to leave and continues to apologize.
Coco: I'm sorry.
Out of nowhere Velvet appears on the other side, leaving Jaune and Nora in between her and Coco.
Velvet: Do not believe them! They are lying to you! He's not even crying!
Jaune is very upset that Velvet revealed his plan. All that effort wasted. He gets up and turns to see Velvet.
Jaune: God damn it! This is why they bully you!
They all gasp in surprise at that comment.
Nora: Jaune!
Jaune: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I got a little angry there. I just want to get out of here, and you girls look at me with lustful eyes. I have every right to be mean to you, at least just for today.
Velvet: Seems fair to me, but that's not the point! You're trapped now, there's nowhere to go!
Velvet and Coco begin to approach them. Nora and Jaune are back to back. Nora looking at Velvet and Jaune looking at Coco.
Nora: *Panic* What will we do now?! We don't have our weapons with us!
Jaune: Relax, just... just let me think, ok?
Coco: Thinking about what Jaune? You guys are in the middle of a hallway, surrounded.
Jaune: *Still thinking* Shut up!
Velvet: Just give in and let me show your body to the world with my photography. We will be the window of new inspiration!
Jaune: *Quietly* Window?
At that moment a light bulb goes on in Jaune's head.
Jaune: Nora, get ready to do "The Wrecking Ball"!
Velvet/Coco: The what?
Nora: But Jaune, I don't have my weapon!
Jaune: *Turns to her* Use me.
Nora: But...
Jaune: I have a lot of Aura, trust me.
Nora: O-Ok...
Nora grabs Jaune by the collar of his shirt and his belt and starts spinning him around without stopping.
Coco: What are they doing?!
Nora: AAAAH!!!
Nora screams as she picks up more speed. The two girls can feel a bit of wind coming off of them. At that moment Velvet realized what they were planning to do.
Velvet: Coco stop them!
But it was too late.
Nora: HYAAAH!!!
She let Jaune go towards the wall. The impact caused debris to fall, leaving Velvet and Coco blinded for a moment. When everything is clear, all they can see is a large hole in the wall, a window to freedom.
Coco: Holy shit! Is he crazy?!
Velvet takes a look outside the hole in the wall and doesn't see Nora or Jaune anywhere.
Velvet: They escaped. We'll have to start the search again.
Coco: I heard them talking something about the lockers. Maybe we should set a trap for them there.
Pyrrha: Good idea!
Velvet/Coco: Huh?
They turn to look behind them and out of nowhere they are knocked out.
Jaune and Nora are hiding behind some bushes in the courtyard. Nora checking the coast for enemies, while Jaune recovers with his aura.
Nora: So, are we going to change our plan?
Jaune: Let me rest first and then we'll see. Most likely, yes. But give me about 15 minutes, okay?
Nora: Ok
Jaune: Thank you.
He says as he closes his eyes to rest. While they try to take a breath. A new group has them in their sights.
May: *Using heat vision binoculars* I see someone hiding in the bushes.
Neon: It must be Jaune. Ready girls?
Reese/Arslan: Ready.
Neon: Let's move.
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incognitonoggin · 2 months
have you ever done ticci toby headcanons?? :3 like nsfw alphabet of just general hcs?? cus i was wondering if you could do some hehe
Yes Anon you’re righttt!! 😭
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
After freakay time, he’d just lay around with you! But if you needed a towel or water, he would definitely understand and go fetch it for you
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Favorite body part of theirs? A bit typical, but his hands. Just because all of the things he’s capable of doing with them!
Favorite body part of yours? Doesn’t have one, he cherishes all of you <3
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Alright now this man is a freak. I bet he would smear it around to spell words/his name or something 😭 would definitely cum inside
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He steals your used underwear.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Toby is not experienced at all, unsurprisingly.
He’s probably seen a few porno flicks but… didn’t really do much for him
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary! He wants to see your face and your beauty ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Uhmm his awkwardness comes off as goofy, and sometimes he cracks a few sexual jokes, however he takes your actions pretty seriously?? I’d say in between.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He doesn’t really care enough to shave, however if you asked him to, he would!
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
AWW VERY ROMANTIC . Toby would want the best for you, and wouldn’t view your lovemaking as just
So yeah, he’d kiss your forehead during freakay time and make sure you know he cares a lot more than it seems
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Agh before meeting you he would like 3-4 times a week? But now he can just.. seek you out??? However he has things to do and can’t be around you 24/7, so maybe once or twice a week :3
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Toby would be into bondage!
But not too extreme, just tying you down with his clothes or handcuffs or something like that
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bedroom, woods, kitchen, anywhere! But nothing beats the bedroom :)
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Hmm, stuff like scat or vomit?? He loves you a ton but 🤨
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Toba Boba would prefer receiving, however he would throw that aside to give! He’s a service dom i swear.
He is also quite good at giving, though he’s a bit unaware of it aha
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Whatever you ask for! But baselessly, he’s fast and only rough with how he touches you
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
It is what it is, though he would prefer to spend more time with you / being more passionate about it
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Of course he’s fine with risking things and experimenting! It makes him happy that he’s able to do these things with the person he loves most aha
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Depends.. if he’s tired, 2-5
If he’s up and down, 5-8
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He personally doesn’t, but if you asked to use some on him or for him to use some on you, he’d do it :3
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
RAHHH he teases you with his words more than he does with his actions.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Tobys a groaner for sure, and he doesn’t care about being quiet so he’s loud on a scale of 7/10
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
In bed, he’d prefer to finger you, actually 😭 He thinks its hot because he’s deriving himself of the pleasure and kind of giving it all to you ( kind of like oral ?? )
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
5 inches soft, 7.3 inches hard 🤫
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
9.2/10, he would take you anywhere :3
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends if you do! If you fall asleep, he will cuddle you and sleep with you :)
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Anon i love you for sending this in omg
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Lisa x Male!Reader Oneshot - Library Duty
CW: Male!Reader, not proofread. Just a silly and short fic.
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“Tale of Winter, Tales of Winter, Tales of Winter…” You guide your finger along the bookshelf. “Oh! Here you are.”
You pull the dusty volume out, and give it a few rubs with the back of your hand. The cover is plain, only the three words written in golden font standing out from the washed-out green background. 
You turn away and walk towards the stairs back to the top floor of the library. You jog up the steps, and you see two familiar figures behind the receptionist’s desk. Lumine and Paimon are writing something on the machine Lisa, now seated in the background and sipping tea ordered a while ago. They seem to be too absorbed to notice you standing in front of them. They look up at you simultaneously, and Paimon clears her throat.
“Hello, sir! Are you here to borrow, or return?” Her voice is just as squeaky as always. 
“To borrow, specifically - to borrow this book.” You place the tome on the desk, looking over to Lisa. She sends you a wink.
Her mischievous smile is just begging you to do something amusing. Just as always. Hm, why not humor her a little?
“Do you have a library card here, sir?” Lumine asks.
“Hm? Oh, I don’t. But you got me interested… What are the benefits of having one?”
“You can borrow books for longer, and you have early access to new publications. Also, you automatically join Miss Lisa’s book club, and you can attend its gatherings on Saturdays at 7 PM.” The floating fairy almost sounds like a salesman. You smile. 
“Then I would like to make one, please.”
“Alright… May I have some identification?” Lumine looks up at you.
You pat your pockets for a moment, before sighing theatrically. 
“Sorry… I left it at home. Can I just tell you all you need to know from memory?”
“I suppose that can work, sir.” Lumine pulls out a fresh piece of paper, and hands it to Paimon. The creature pulls out a jet feather from the inkwell, and places it against the paper.
“Your name and surname, mister?”
“Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz.”
Both of them stop and look up at you in surprise.
“Brzęczyszczykiewicz.” You repeat, barely containing a laugh. “Grzegorz.”
Paimon’s mouth hangs slightly open, but she shakes her head and focuses again. 
“Hm. I see.”
She puts the quill on the paper, clearing her throat.
“Gsh… gshe… psh… pshe… be… bshe…” Her small face turns and twists, steam nearly coming out from her ears due to how fast her brain cogs are working.
“Brzęczyszczykiewicz.” Lisa is covering her mouth with her gloved hand, her body tense from how hard she tries to keep quiet.
“Agh! Traveler!” She throws the feather on the table and crumbles up the paper. “I, um, I mean. Traveler?” 
She turns to her companion.
“Can you write it on the typewriter, please? I’ll go and put those books back!” She motions to the bin of returns, and before Lumine can protest, the floating lavender melon is already gone.
Lumine sighs and rubs her forehead. She types a few words on the sheet before she shyly asks:
“Your name and surname, sir?”
“Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz.” You say it with pride and confidence.
“Grzh… How??”
“Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz.”
Lumine is sweating visibly. “Can you… Can you spell it out sir?”
“Sure thing. G-r-z-e-g-o-r-z B-r-z-ę-c-z-y-s-z-c-z-y-k-i-e-w-i-c-z.”
Muttering to herself, she punches in a very rough version of the word. When she finishes, a bright smile of satisfaction creeps up on her face. The girl looks up at you again.
“Where were you born, sir?”
“Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody.”
Lumine’s arms fall limp, and her expression turns to one of defeat. She hides her face in her hands. All of a sudden, Lisa bursts into laughter. You join in with a chuckle, and Lumine looks up at you two in pure confusion.
Lisa gets up from her chair. She walks towards the desk, and bends over it. “Don’t worry cutie, we were just messing with you, right Y/N?”
“That’s right.” You lean closer to her, your noses just millimeters away from each other. “Y/N… I like how it sounds coming from your lips.”
Lisa smiles seductively, and moves her hand to gently lift up your chin. “Y/N. Y/N. Y/N. You like hearing that, don’t you, my dear?”’
“Mhm.” You look each other deep in the eyes.
Lumine, her face now beet-red, fakes a cough.
“Um… do you… still want that library card, sir?”
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Thanks for reading!
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Idol! Streamer! Aira Shiratori x Reader
[Animal crossing (?) ps. I dont play animal crossing, so it's not accurate. Sowwy]
Aira is playing animal crossing with the usual visitor of his island which known as alkaloidFan101
"woah that person is here again.... " He look at the dancing avatar of alkaloidfan101 in his island that is wearing a custom that is base on his recent shuffle Collab last December.
"their outfit most be design by them because I never seen this in shops! HOW L-O-V-E-L-Y!" He can't help but smile widely, his live chat also comment how that outfit seems very well made.
Alkaloidfan101: hihi
AiraShiratori: hello~~~
Alkaloidfan101: your username looks like one of my fav idols. Do you wanna marry me?
"h-huh... SO FAST?" his face turn red in shock that he get proposed by a stranger in game, through he don't know if the player his talking too, knows his really the aira they are idolizing.
"Uwah.... Before I'm like this too. b-but--..." He felt conflicted if he should accept the proposal. The character his playing with walking around and gifting him gift before changing their outfit which they call "AMEN" which is solo outfit (his first Gacha 5* outfit) of Tatsumi Kazehaya.
"lol ahahaha. What why is Tatsumi-senpai outfit called Amen. Ahahaha." He can't help but laugh, the topic of before slowly forgotten.
AiraShiratori: woah how L-O-V-E-L-Y! do you have other outfit too?(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
Alkaloidfan101: I have all Alkaloid outfit (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
AiraShiratori: please do show all! (☆▽☆)
Alkaloidfan101: okii~ ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
The avatar of alkaloudfan101 then change to the outfit called " innocent dumb prince " which is Hiiro recent outfit with prince like design.
"woah! So detailed! I wanna ask for copy of the design... Agh... But I wonder if they'll share..." Aira can't help but look at your works in adoration but continue to chat to you as his and your avatar dance around the island.
AiraShiratori: do you have mayo-senpai outfit too? 👁️ W 👁️
Alkaloidfan101: aiyo are you role playing as aira Shiratori? But I do!
You still don't know that his really the real deal as you your Character avatar giggle before you change to an outfit called "mayoi ayase is my wife ùwú" which is mayoi Collab outfit.
AiraShiratori: ...
"..." Aira mind went blank when he read the outfit name. "... I thought they are mainly my fan." He felt somewhat disappointed because he realizes your might be more of mayoi fan.
His live chat all give him a RIP and commented how he first denied the proposal to begin with. Through they all comforting him in chat, some did laugh at his reaction.
Alkaloidfan101: ah. Why did you went silent ?
AiraShiratori: your mayo-senpai fan more than mine? (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Alkaloidfan101: ehhh~ but I love everyone in alkaloid equally...
You then turn back to your original outfit which he know discovered is called " but Aira is my life. Please notice me." He look at the name went speechless for a speechless for a second, his face no longer have disappointment but a silly smile he can't help but do.
His live chat all boasting how the oblivious player don't know that they really chatting with THE aira Shiratori.
AiraShiratori: this skin of yours is still better!
Alkaloidfan101: ooo thank you~ your skin is good too!
The two continue to chatter before Aira have to end his Livestream he send friend request to the player who happily accept it. He wanted to play with you again as the love chat also seems to enjoy your unique personality.
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cyb-organ · 1 year
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i love drawing samarai yaiba alice bcz i always seem to draw his hair too big but w sy its meant to be too big and its just so fun to draw agh
n e ways love him
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lunagojo · 2 years
Umm hello! Only if you could and if it's not too much ask, could i request the hashiras seeing reader (who's also a hashira) as an older sibling figure?? I hope you are having an excellent day! :D
a/n: Absolutely! Not too much at all! Hope you don't mind these being a bit short as there's a lot to write for :p Please enjoy!! (also why are these all so saaaaadddd omg ;n;)
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The Hashira w/ an Older Sibling Figure
You're the only person he really talks to or spends time with
He never feels any pressure or anxiety when he's around you, and he goes to you for any advice he may need
You keep an eye out for him whenever you're on a mission, and he does the same for you
You're the only one he's confided in about his past and about his guilt surrounding Sabito
You remind him of his sister, he doesn't want to ever lose you like he lost her ;u;
You can easily read his facial expressions, even the slightest little change in his usually stony facade is clear as day to you
Most of the time though you both just sit in silence, simply enjoying the presence of one another
He's always had to be the older, more responsible one in many of his relationships
He's never really had that feeling of looking up to someone like you
Is this how Senjuro feels when he's around him? Because if so, Kyo feels he's been missing out. It's a great feeling!
He appreciates your protective, kind and patient nature
He shares his lunches with you, always 'mistakenly' making more than what he needed, but you always do the same thing too, and you end up with way more food than you both need, lol
He absorbs your tutelage like a sponge, he's always eager to learn more from you
He brings you to his home all the time to hang out with Senjuro, who also loves you very much (poor kid needs some happiness man)
Oh dear this one may be a bit angsty
Uzui still has a lot of painful memories of his family, and it was a bit concerning for him to start to see you as an older sibling
He was just terrified of you ending up the same way as his siblings
But, he does trust you, and he would do anything to keep you safe from harm, even though he knows you're more than capable of keeping yourself safe
You're literally always with him, though, so he rarely has to worry about you being out of his sight
His wives adore you, they know that when Tengen is gone for a mission that he'll come back safe because he has you with him
You both look out for each other and give each other combat tips
There's no one else he'd rather fight alongside
Ok...this one is painful
How are you so much like Kanae? She can't comprehend it
Despite the pain of being around you, how you remind her so much of her older sister, she does enjoy your company very much
When you help her craft her poisons and medicines, she appreciates the help so much
You, like Tanjiro, see right through her smiling, gentle facade and see how much anger and pain she has within her
You help her in coping with it by constantly checking in on her and making sure she's in a good mental space, something she doesn't get a lot
She talks to you about E V E R Y T H I N G
You're one of the few people who know about her love for Obanai, and you're constantly trying to get them together
She shares her food with you, besides Kyojuro, you're one of the few people she eats with because you don't judge her for her enormous appetite
She's very physically affectionate, always hugging you or hanging around you in some way, she just loves being able to do that with you platonically
She's constantly admiring everything you do, you could so much as breathe in her direction and she'd be like <333333
She never has to hide who she truly is around you, and for that she is sincerely appreciative
(I love Mitsuri sm agh she deserves the world)
He ignored you at first in all honesty
He's so used to being alone (and not to mention, he feels like he deserves to be alone) that he was somewhat anxious about you hanging around
However, he eventually warmed up to you
You encourage his relationship with Mitsuri and you know the full extent of his feelings for her
Kaburamaru also trusts you completely, and if he's not wrapped around Obanai in some way, he's wrapped around you
You're also the only one Obanai trusts with information about his past
You do your best to try and reassure him that he is not what his family made him out to be and that not everybody is out to hurt him
How in the hell did you ever manage to get close enough to him to even form a sibling-like relationship, let alone a friendship?
Sanemi...he has a lot of pain when it comes to his past, especially since it involves his family
He blames himself for everything that happened and so he feels like he doesn't deserve to have anyone be close to him
That is, until you came along
You were stubborn enough to stick with him even though he constantly told you to fuck off, threatened you, cursed at you, etc
But when he realized you weren't going anywhere, he kinda gave up and just allowed you to stick around
Your presence is very healing to him, he looks forward to seeing you
You're the only one who knows the full extent of everything he and Genya have been through, and you try to encourage Sanemi to talk to Genya and at least attempt to fix their relationship
Since he was the eldest of his siblings, Sanemi never really had someone to rely on in such a way, he always had to be the one his younger siblings went to
He has to admit though, he likes being able to have someone to go to for advice
Another one who feels deeply that he doesn't deserve to have such kindness from you
He was worried about what you would do if you found out about him
Ever since...you know, what happened in his past, he worries about what people may think of him, especially someone as kind and lovely as you
Though, when you do sort of break through his stone wall (ha, GET IT) he actually opens up to you quite quickly
The trust you have in each other is unwavering, so much so that you spend a lot of time together just meditating or enjoying the scenery in silence
You do your best to assuage his guilt about what happened in his past, saying that he did what he could and that beating himself up about the past will only make him feel worse
He loves your kindness and appreciates that you're able to see him for who he really is (a lovely kind boi <3)
Though he seems a bit out of it, Muichiro does acknowledge your presence
You remind him of someone...he just can't put his finger on it
Your protective nature toward him, it makes him think of someone he used to know (;n;)
You're always so patient with him, knowing that he has little to no memory of his past (though, Ubuyashiki's wife told you everything about it when you asked)
Though he can sometimes come off as cold and uncaring, you understand why, and through talking to him, he eventually regained some of his memories, remembering who it was you reminded him of...;u;
He's actually really lovely and kind! <3
He spends most of his time with you, discussing different topics (cloud types, bird species, etc)
"Y/N...that cloud is pretty, isn't it?" "It is, Muichiro, you're right."
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i love that mac's stupidity thruout the show only ADDS to dennis getting blackout drunk in s1e1 trying to explain some 3-step tequila limeback thing to him or w/e. on a first watch one might think "there's no way dennis thinks mac's actually that dumb", but this is the guy who's seen mac try to use his dave & busters power card at NUMEROUS TGI fridays and yet still doesn't get it. anything is possible with this man edit: also since writing this post and accidentally saving 2 drafts like a dumbass AGH, my eyes have been opened 2 how gay macdennis are even in s1 lol. dennis prolly such a prick to carmen cus dennis wants mac to stay with him!! so yeah it just keeps adding to the experience of s1
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tickle-page · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Tickle Hcs (Part 5):
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Pomefiore Dorm
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Vil Schoenheit:🪞
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This boy is extremely ticklish, like the most ticklish person Epel and Rook has ever met. And he hates being tickled bc of this reason. He would fight anyone who comes in contact w/ him in a tickly way. He is weak to teases. Epel found this out when he started wiggling his fingers, cooing, “U know what Rook told me?~ He said u were extremely ticklish~”. And it all went down hill from there. After his tickle torment, his face was all sweaty and he was breathless, which is a common affect for the precious boyo. Which is another reason on y Epel and Rook always wants to tickle him. His dad would always tickle him anywhere and at anytime. It always ended w/ Vil on the ground heething. Epel and Rook told everyone that Vil Schoenheit was ticklish, leading to him always getting tickled bc, at first glance, he didn’t look ticklish at all, so it’s a little shocking for everyone. He doesn’t tickle Epel or Rook bc, even if Epel was way shorter than the latter, he’s no where close to as ticklish as this big ol’ goof. And for Rook, he’s way taller than Vil, so that’s a huge advantage. His death spot(s) is his ears and neck, and his laugh is v tamed, but once u get his worst spot, it’s very loud.
Epel walked over to the ticklish man on the couch, v slowly at that.
Vil looked up from his mirror bc he felt an ominous presence closing in on him, and his instincts were correct. “E-Epel? What’s up man?”
“I’m just trying to solve this theory that Rook told me.”
“Yh? What’s the theory?”
“That ur EXTREMELY ticklish. I didn’t believe it at first, but now that I’m rlly thinking long and hard abt it, I gotta make sure he’s not just fibbing.”
The word ‘ticklish’ struck a nerve somewhere deep down inside of the taller one. “W-What? Really… Rook‘s lying, I promise. I’m not ticklish at all, so u don’t even hv to check.” Vil started to scooch back on his seat, hitting the back of the couch.
“U sure?~ Bc ur actions tells me another story!!” And with the last word, the shortest guy pounced on Vil, pinning him down on his back on the couch cushions.
“Come on, Epel! Let me up!! I promise u, I’m telling u the truth.”
“Mhm,” Epel started to knead the latter’s side.
“Kr- st-stohop!!” Vil tried to push at the purple haired man’s wrists, but the shorter one didn’t budge.
“He also told me that ur extremely weak when someone tickles u, so pinning u down wouldn’t be an option, unless u want me to go get Rook’s help.”
“Plehehehehehease!!! Don’t get hihihihihim!!!”
“Ok then, don’t make this a challenge.” Epel squeezed all around Vil’s stomach.
“Agh!!! Stahhahahahap it!!! Please!!”
“Wow, ur alr begging? I can’t wait to see what will happen if I get ur worst spot~” Epel swirled his index finger all around the inside of the blonde’s navel.
“AGH!!! AHAHAHHAHA StAhahahahahHahahHahAhhahap!”
“Awww~ is ur belly button tickwilish?~ Does it tickle when I nibble ur cute tummy?”
“Rook told me ur worst spot is ur neck and ears, do u mind if I try there?”
And just like that, Vil pleaded and begged, even cried. “Please… don’t tickle me there. Just stop it!!! Please, just stop!!” Vil was shaking and crying, thank god Epel isn’t a bad person.
“Ok ok, but only bc ur actually crying. I’ll just hv to tickle u there some other time, even if u do beg me to stop. I’ll get Rook’s help too!!”
If looks could kill, Epel would’ve been dead, before he started tickling the blonde.
Epel Felmeir:🧠
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Epel is the second most ticklish person in Pomefiore. Making him the second tickle target amongst the group. He doesn’t mind tho, he actually wants a reason to laugh out loud w/o sounding completely stupid. The only thing that he hates abt tickling itself, is the aftermath of it. He usually feels like he’s gonna blackout, and his breathing is v slow. Vil took a picture of Epel after he tickled him to death, which led to Epel getting Rook to gain up on Vil. By all means, Vil took that pic bc he got tired of Epel tickling him and bringing Rook to help the lavender haired man. Though, his “revenge” severely backfired, and not even minutes in, he surrendered and deleted the pic. Cater, being Cater, videoed Ace and Rook destroying Epel. Ofc, Epel didn’t know abt this till after somebody brought it up 3 weeks later. God forbid him ever getting revenge on Cater for videoing him. Cater’s just less ticklish than Epel himself. Once Epel was 7, his cousin would always tickle him. They would give him birthday tickles, surprise tickles, cheer up tickles, and just tickling in general. Ofc, his cousin would make sure he was ok w/ it depending on his age. Bc his cousin knows that not a lot of ppl like being tickled and it makes them uncomfortable, so they just want the best for their little cousin. Epel actually asks to be tickled by them bc he loves how their slender fingers squeeze so effortlessly on his torso, or how they tease him while lightly skittering their blunt nails on his stretched out neck. At that age, he loved being so weak to teases and tickles, but now, not so much teases. He hates being teased bc he doesn’t like sounding so weak anymore, now that he grew up. Vil may be way more ticklish than Epel and taller than him, but that doesn’t mean he’s not gonna get his revenge. He always has to get Rook to help him out bc any where at anytime Rook was always there for him. Epel’s laugh is v calmed but loud and his death spot is his hands leading up to his wrists.
“I can’t believe Rook dared me to get acrylics, it’s hard to do anything w/ this shit,” Vil walked in Epel’s room complaing abt how Rook told him that if he lost a dare he had to get faked nails.
“Don’t. Laugh.”
“Ke- ohohk, okay.”
Vil took a seat next to Epel on his bed. Epel was scrolling on tiktok, while Vil was pondering on a way to get Rook back for his devious bet.
“Shit dude, I can’t think of anything to get Rook back w/. He’s just unbeatable.”
“Yep.” Epel could care less what Vil was saying.
The second tallest member raked his finger nails up and down the lavender haired men’s wrist.
Epel jumped and pulled his wrist back.
“Duhuhuhude, what was that?!” Vil questioned.
“It-it was nothing.”
“Uh-huh. So if I were to do this-“ Vil did it again.
“ACK!! Vil!”
“No way man, I knew u were ticklish, but to be ticklish on ur wrists?!”
Vil pounced on Epel, which wasn’t difficult at all bc the shorter one wasn’t rlly struggling much.
Vil managed to pin Epel’s arm up while holding his palm, like interlocking fingers, and his other arm was pinned to his side underneath Vil’s knee.
“Vil, please…”
“Please what, dear?”
“Pl-please, go easy on me…” There was no point in hiding that he enjoyed this bc thanks to his actions, it’s v noticeable.
“W/ pleasure,” Vil scratched lightly on his wrist.
“Ke- Eek!! Hahaha!!” Epel arched his back, trying to release his arm, but at the same time not trying to.
“Oh, ur rlly sensitive on ur wrists, huh? Will it tickle if I were to scratch roughly?” And Vil did just that.
“AHAHAHAHHAA!!!!! NO!!! DON’T DOHOHOHO IT ROUGH!!! PLEHEHEHEHASE, VIL!” Epel was shaking left to right, withering in the limited space that was given to him.
“Oh~ Now I know one thing that will calm ur ass down if ur always tormenting me, wether it be tickling or just being really annoying.”
Vil opened up the lee’s hand, pinning his fingers down, while tracing the marks on his palm.
“Did u know I’m a fortune teller, and I can tell ur future by ur hands?”
“Stop? Already? I’m way more ticklish than u, but even I can withstand a minute, it hasn’t even been 30 seconds.”
“Ok, let’s see, just by the mark by ur thumb, it tells me that ur dream is gonna come true. What could that mean, Epel? Did u wish u were pinned down being tickled to death? Bc it came true.”
“Ok ok, one more, hmmm… let’s see. If memory serves me correctly, the mark right above ur ring finger and pinky tells me that ur gonna die the best way possible. Wow, I’m getting better at this whole ‘reading the furture’ thing. I mean it looks like ur gonna die by mean tracing ur palm.”
“Y? I thought u liked being tickled.”
“Ohohohohkay, okay. I’ll get off of u.” Vil released a panting Epel.
“Ju-just… you wait… V-Vil, Rook and I…I… will get u back- for this.”
At that moment, Vil realized he fucked up.
Rook Hunt:
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Ok… so he’s not ticklish, like at ALL!! Boy, does he get tested for it too, by Vil or Epel, or even both of them at the same time. Who knows? Rook is so good with beauty that he’s even a make up artist, using his friends as his very own mannequin. They don’t care though, because Rook makes them look more attractive than usual. Vil is so ticklish, that whenever Rook tries to blend in his base on his neck, he scrunches up and giggles, batting the artist’s hands away from him. He has an older sister (head canon) who he practices make up on, and she never reacted ticklish towards that, so maybe it was just the certain ppl. Whatever it was, it shocked Rook. As much as he loves tickling people especially his close friends, he usually goes to Epel to be his mannequin, and he never forces them to do this, so when Epel dosen’t feel like it he goes to Vil. Ofc, Vil hates being tickled, but he doesn’t want to let his bsf down, so he prays every time that he doesn’t get a ticklish feeling, and it never works.
This would’ve been longer, but I had no more ideas. And I wanted this out of my drafts since it’s been basically hibernating in here😭.
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ramblingoak · 9 months
Hello Oak!!
I’m writing to you because like many others I absolutely DEVOURED the existing parts of The Cardinal’s Bride last night. I loved it so so much and I’m very excited to read The Morningstar as well. Your construction of the Wild West world, diff. dynamics between Ghouls, the buildup for the reader and The Cardinal - ETHEL AND HAROLD??? Etc spark so much imagination and joy.
I wanted to really show my appreciation in some way, bc I have craved good escapism and this really helped me out amid weird moods and stuff irl… so these are my fav line(s)/moment(s) from every Chapter (spoilers) w/ my silly lil reactions …..
-// < 33 @copium-copia
Chapter One: Heading West
“You snuck a peak back at the two women and glanced briefly out to the street before pulling the poster off the window. It seemed such a silly thing to do, but you figured if you were being forced to marry a boring bank owner like Mr. Saltarian you should allow yourself a small thrill. Something to look at when lying alone in the dark in your new home.”
Omg omg omg yess I’m keeping the poster !! this surely won’t lead to consequences : )))
Chapter Two: La Principessa
“She should be scared, she’s marrying fucking Saltarian.” Ooo storm’s brewing !!! Anyone else get a lil hot under the collar at Cardi Copia’s mere mention of Saltarian this way ??
Satan’s Dick !
Hehehe Ciaooo Cardinal🥰….. “Mi scusi Principessa, are you looking to collect the bounty?”
Chapter Three: Promises “But…you have been whispering for me at night” ummmmmmm - /pos
“She’s not fucking riding with you Swiss.” ummmmmmmmm !!!! no I’m not hehe you’re so right, Cardinal
SUNSHINE MOMENT + Sunshine’s perspective on CHOICE YES PLEASE
“Clearly it meant a lot to you, so I wanted to replace it.” my face 🤭!
Okie dokie!!!
Brizio my beloved
“Faster, eh? Good idea, Principessa!” - what if I swoon -
His hands agh his hands, p leas ,e ________
Chapter Four: There’s Something about Mary
YESSSS I love to justify my hatred and apathy for Saltarian yess
“There are plenty of pretty girls in the world, Mr. Goore, I don’t plan on wasting my time mourning this one.” cold as fuck ??? /pos
“You pregnant, Sweet Cheeks?” // “Excuse me?” Your indignant question was nearly drowned out by The Cardinal’s sudden laughter. You shoved your elbow back into his gut and he groaned before muttering ‘sorry’ into your ear. hehehe
Chapter Five: Copia
Aether & Sunshine bickering hehe
“Sunshine, stop giving her knives!” 😂
Copia/Reader Reunion 🥲
“We’ll have to find some time for that, eh?” gahhhh
Chapter Six: The Newlywed Game
“Si, si fine. You’re very dangerous. Now pay attention.” 😊
“I’m helping love blossom here, Mountain. Take some notes.” SUNSHINE I LOVE YOU
“Cowboys were strange.” :))
“Oh you are trouble, Mr. Emeritus.” !!!!
He was blushing. YESSS BOYYYY
“Maybe you start dreaming about me, eh? Maybe your hands start wandering…” shhhhhhh
“Copia had snuck up right behind you so when you turned around you nearly smacked into his chest.” Ooooooooooooooooooo
Copia didn’t say a word, he just moved his hands to your waist and then lifted you onto the dresser. STAYFUCKINGCALM.jpg
“I have a reputation to uphold Principessa.” ✨
Chapter Seven: The Ministry
tumblr user @ramblingoak you are simply too damn CLEVER
I just. This is… my favorite chapter? They’re all my favorite chapter. But the whole concept is so cohesive and the characterization is so specific and I can see the scenes in my mind??
“I do and if you could bring yourself to give a shit about anything but getting your dick wet you should too.” it’s funny, it’s in-character, it crystallizes this relationship, I’m ??
Copia kissed with his whole body. Ehehehe…
“Copia! These are clean sheets keep him away.” / “Ai, Brizio is clean.” Cope is not here for the #BrizioDisrespect
More hair was hanging down and you couldn't help but hesitantly reach out to brush it back just like he did to your own hair. / “Go to sleep, Principessa.” / You jumped at the sound of his voice, jerking your arm back and shoving it under the covers.
Before he could answer the door to his office burst open, Mist quickly striding in. The look on her face was one Secondo hadn’t seen for nearly 10 years. OH SHIT OH FUCK
Chapter Eight: Playing House
Th.e.. The whole chapter. .
Dewdrop flinched when Ethel pushed the end of the barrel closer to him./ “Nothing! Unholy shit, your barn is fine!” / hehehe
“Do you remember this morning, Principessa? When you said I could touch you?”
“I’ve been thinking about touching you here all day.” OAAAAAKK
“Because it’s getting harder for me to stop.” BOY
“Did you rub your clit like this? Is this what you like?” gaaaaaaaaaa
Every time you tried to reach for him he’d gently press you back down into the bed. “Soon, Principessa. Soon, I promise you.”
“So this is what you do when I leave, eh?” oop. Maybe .😳
“Ciao, Principessa.” Copia turned towards you and gave you a lazy grin. “Cat got your tongue?” king shit
“Mr. Emeritus put a shirt on!” HEHE
The doggy hair shake so cute I SWOON
“Tsk, so many buttons. I’m not sure I like this skirt.”
“What can I…Copia what should I do?” / “Just touch me, it won’t take much.” GAH
Copia twitched and hissed when you lightly nipped the skin under his jaw. “Ok, ok fine. You’re developing some bad habits, Principessa.” PLEASE why isn’t he REAL
You squealed and kissed Copia on the cheek, blushing a bit when you realized you’d done that in front of the others. Ehehehe yayyy
I really hope this is amusing for you rather than annoying ---- thanku so much for putting so much time and effort into this fic. It's been not-so-easy being human lately, and you made my night much brighter !!
um again I'm @copium-copia if you wanna be ghesties or anything
It's not annoying at all!! Oh my gosh, you are so sweet 😭
I appreciate you taking the time to find your favorite parts. I appreciate you taking the time to READ my story to begin with. I'm so glad you are enjoying it and I hope you continue to do so! You're the best, thank you sooooo much 💙
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gobblewonkrs · 2 years
Psy2versary week: "Exploration" (favorite mental world)
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OK SO. Crullers Correspondance.
I understand that this is like. A weirdly specific level to choose BUT it's all because I just. Love how the game goes about showing us everything w/ maligula and Lucy thru the eyes of the others. ESPECIALLY Ford, seeing how. Involved. He is in her story or w/e. Also. The ending of the level is just. It just kills me. Agh. plus. I just. Love the specific vibe of all the Ford levels (if it makes sense, they feel old. In like the best way possible. Like dust and the smell of books.) And crullers correspondence hits that vibe the best. Idk. I'm not good at getting words down in a way that's understandable.
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