#btw I’m still organizing my edits
savemebeel · 3 months
So new update on the blog:
I found out who reported me and silentserenitystreet to Solmare. I won’t be naming them because I don’t want anymore drama and I’m too emotionally drained to wanna deal with them. What’s done is done so I’ll just have to move forward. I know I should be mad but I am just so tired that I just don’t care anymore.
The only thing I really have to say is their actions are very hypocritical and done with bad intentions. All of my edits were simply done for fun and to benefit the rest of the fandom. I don’t not profit off of my edits let alone claimed that i owned any of the art when obviously I don’t. But if I must I will begin to add notes under my edits that I do not own any of the art I’m editing. I will also avoid posting any collab art from obey me unless it’s from their promotional posts. Aside from that I’d rather avoid posting any collab art to avoid anymore strikes.
Sorry for the long post but I feel like it would only be fair to let you guys know why my first blog was wiped off the site. Thank you for reading this.
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levinbolts · 6 months
hi! im the anon that asked about mods? i was wondering for basic gameplay mods but mostly character mods that you recommend? i want to make my characters are true to themselves as i can in my head!
so my essentials for gameplay/utilities* are definitely:
improved ui (i also use the addon to hide the little buttons at the bottom during dialogue if i can’t use them)
increased carry weight (i use x10 so i still have a boost but it still means i’ll have to actually organize things at some point)
script extender
tutorial chest summoning
*i don't have mod fixer because i use the version of the basket of equipment mod that has it included, and it's updated regularly, unlike the original.
for character design and creation, i have:
toarie’s face presets (essential for me; almost every character i make uses one of these presets, with caelum and iaira being the exceptions)
tav’s hair salon + icon patch (also essential; ALL of my characters use hairs from this one)
neon's assorted hairs
boring dyes + boring pastel dyes + boring npc dyes (once again, all of my characters use dyes from one of these)
basket full of equipment (i use the nsfw version but i’m linking the sfw version just to be safe)
extra gear + vendor addon
black nails (another essential for me bc of my love for masc characters with polished nails; there is one for fem frame tavs as well)
less defined abs/no abs/smooth & more thin male body (choose only one of these; if you use the black nails, don't choose no abs, as they overwrite the same file!)
all of astralites' hair and skin color expansions
glow eyes (i only have this active for caelum's save and disable it before i open any other save; it gives glow eyes to all non-human eyes and i recommend only having it active for characters you want to have glowing eyes to prevent issues with your save opening after the recent patch)
all of kailime's eyes (work great with glow eyes btw)
trip's + jerinski's piercing edits
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imnotoverlyobsessive · 7 months
What do you think of the timothee chalamet SNL joke? Do you think it was in poor taste and just really bad timing or do you think it speaks to something deeper. I honestly no longer know what to think of him anymore. Dating Kylie Jenner and now being a part of a terrible SNL skit. Sure he didn't write it but he did agree to say it. I don't know part of me wants to believe the better in him but another part of me doesn't want to feel like an idiot if I am wrong.
Okay so I originally wasn’t gonna talk about this just because people are so reactionary with it and I’ve seen friends of mine get like death threats and shit, so I will preface this by saying the following:
1) I am not a Zionist, more on my beliefs in second. 2) I am a smut writer with various mental illnesses, please do not rely upon me as any sort of authority because I am a certifiable mess. 3) If anyone sends me hate, I will report you immediately. I’m not going to engage with it or respond to it; the only thing you will get from sending me hate is reported and blocked.
So I do think the joke was mostly a situation of bad timing. Something I’ve learned recently is that in other cultures, joking about this kind of thing is very much not done. That’s not the case here. In the US, we make those kinds of jokes all the time. This is the kind of joke you might see on, say, South Park. There is something to be said about the fact that the death is still happening, but, well… that hasn’t really stopped shows like South Park and Family Guy from making those kinds of jokes before, has it? But yeah, either way, it was bad timing.
Do I think Tim is a Zionist? No, I don’t. The beliefs of most Jews I’ve spoken to about this is basically, “yeah, Jews should be allowed in Israel if they want… and so should anybody else.” I think he likely has a similar viewpoint. I think he was given a line and he said it. The joke, I’d like to point out, was just, “Hamas is not an organization you’d want to associate yourself with publicly.” That’s it, that’s the whole joke. It wasn’t suggesting or implying that they (SNL) were pro-Israel, nothing like that. Just “Hamas is not an organization you’d want to associate yourself with publicly.” It didn’t mock anyone who had died or was suffering, it was just saying that you don’t wanna publicly associate yourself with Hamas. That’s it.
I was not remotely bothered by the joke when I saw it, honestly. It didn’t occur to me that people might be this upset by it until the next day. If anyone is so bothered by it they think Tim deserves hate, I think you should really dig deep and figure out where you being upset is rooted. Is you being upset about it just a reaction to what other people said? Did you feel that way upon first viewing? If so, I think you should ask yourself why. If you’re angry about what’s happening over there (and I think we all should be, because it’s horrifying), don’t misdirect that anger at some actor who only has a platform becauee we gave him one and whose opinion would otherwise be irrelevant. Direct it where it belongs: with the Israeli government.
Edit: also btw anyone who supports Hamas is gross and that includes the Israeli government
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b3llb00 · 10 months
" We Pull The Tail, Now We See Who Bites. "
Robin of Loxley/ The Hood X Fem!reader.
Summary: Robin got injured during a chase to get some coins for the commoners, so Y/N offers to heal his wounds if she gets something else in return from him. ;)
A/N: I need to stop watching this movie, I’m obsessed and it’s gotten the better of me.
Contains: Kissing, 50% dom/sub reader and 50% dom/sub Rob, mentions of sex, injuries. [WILL INCLUDE: Smut, Unprotected Sex (Use Protection, Yall.) P In V, Oral (Male/Fem. Receiving) , Fingering, Creampie, Multiple Rounds. Mild Dirty Talk.]
(Btw sorry if this picture is bad, just ignore John and pretend it's you lol.)
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»»———- 🏹 ———-««
You are setting up traps for Robin to shoot at later, when all of a sudden you hear a loud, groan from him coming upstairs, making a shiver run down your spine. When Robin was back in Arabia and you had to fight him, you ended up sparing his life, but your mercy to him didn’t do much as you still got captured and was set sail in a boat with him for 3 weeks. Surprisingly, you too starting talking and some would even call you " friends " .
You decide to go upstairs to see what Rob was groaning about, and there you saw him, shirtless, his toned torso on display. In nothing but his pants with a wet, bloody rag resting on his massive thigh where he been impaled. You had to close your eyes for a second, trying to push the weird desire you had for him to the back of your mind.
I wasn’t joking when I said the treasury itself was a hard target. You say, slowly walking toward him, this made him look up from his leg to look at you. He decides to ignore your statement and press his rag into his thigh further, making him hiss through gritted teeth. You decide to go grab your medical supplies you used whenever you two got hurt. You always had wanted to be a nurse, but ever since the Sherif of Nottingham drafted you, things changed. But I guess it’s pretty useful to know how to properly treat somebody’s wounds.
Hey! You heard Rob say from across the room, Where are you goin-
I'm getting my medical supplies, dumbass. You say back with a bit of an attitude, not wanting to be told where you’re going or what you’re doing when all you trying to do is help. Oh, sorry, love. Carry on. He said, making you turn your head to see a light smile adorning his features.
As much as you sometimes hated Robin's attitude and sarcasm, you just can’t help yourself to be mad at him. It’s almost like you're drawn under a spell that will keep you from ever getting into any sort of confrontation.
You finally got all your medical supplies and you headed to the small table that he sat in on. Letting the supplies fall from your hands, you organized it quickly, while Rob eyed you carefully the whole time.
Once you got everything ready and set up the way you wanted it, you took one more look at his thigh. ' Shit. ' You thought, his cut is too deep to get a good look at what’s going on, so you’re gonna have to find a way to ask him to take his pants off.
The cuts- uhm. You stutter, Your gonna have to take your pants off if you want me to get a good look at it and fix it.
You were looking everywhere except his face, not wanting him to see your blush-coated cheeks. Even though you weren’t looking at him, you could still feel his gaze burning a hole into the side of your head.
Just the pants or the braies too, love.? He winked at you, causing you to basically turn into putty right in front of him. (Keep in mind they didn’t really have ' boxers ' in medieval England, but they did have what were called braies. They were basically the same thing.)
You decided to try and flirt back to the best of your abilities by saying. Well, first, take your pants off, and then I’ll tell you.
This earned you a chuckle from the handsome man as he threw the bloody rag to the side and very carefully came up from his spot on the table, you watched him intently as you noticed some of the blood continued to trickle down his clothed thigh. He didn’t seem to care, he kept eye contact with you the whole time as he slowly took his pants off. To be honest it felt like an entity had passed when his pants finally hit the floor, and you weren’t disappointed, let’s just say that.. there was definitely a buldge hidden underneath the fabric of his braies, and you could actually see it growing..
You could practically hear Robin’s smirk as he called out to you, his voice low and teasing. Hey, my eyes are up here, love..
You immediately snap your gaze back up to his face, and he just has an amused expression painted all over his features. You could feel the heat start to radiate off your cheeks and your heartbeat start to pick up as you mumble out defensively. Yeah, yeah, I know.. You close your eyes for a second, trying to recompose yourself.
He takes a step forward, biting his lip to hold back a groan from the wave of pain that just shot up his leg. He cocks an eyebrow and says in a lower octave. You sure about that?
[I am currently editing this, and right here is my stopping point. If the story shifts or changes I’m sorry, I will fix it soon.]
" Hmm. If I fix up your thigh, will you give me a kiss? " You say before continuing, " I’ve always wondered if your a good kisser or not. "
He let out a small chuckle when his eyes kept flicking down to your lips. Then he finally spoke up and said, " Sure, love. " You blushed at the pet name. " Maybe I’ll give you something more than just a kiss. " He winked, making you roll your eyes at his audacity to be this flirty when he’s impaled.
" Fine, let me get my stuff.. " You say, heading away to get your medical supplies while Rob just watch you leave with a smile on his lips.
" Mkay, done. " You say as you wrap up his leg and stand up straight, pretty of yourself.
" Well, here’s the kiss that you wanted. " He said as he grabbed your arms, lightly pulling you in before his lips collided with yours.
It feels amazing, and you wanted to be immersed in this feeling forever. You didn’t know what to do, but you were able to make room by spreading his thighs wider so you get closer to him, which made him moan into your mouth. You smiled into the kiss, knowing it could be any moment when John could walk upstairs and see you two start to make out like teenagers, you didn’t care. You just wanted to feel Rob, you wanted his weight on top of you, you wanted him to pin you against the wall and fuck you till your legs went numb and you were cockdrunk.
He wrapped his muscular arms around your waist, pulling you closer and you felt his buldge in his pants grow. You let go of his lips for air and you almost whined at the loss of contact.
" Sorry, love. I don’t want us to get caught. " Rob said with a frown. You cupped his cheek with your hand and kiss him again softly before saying. " It’s fine, we can continue later. "
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zepskies · 7 months
Hey Zep!
I love your writing, especially been enjoying the Soldier Boy series stuff and the latest with Smoke Eater!
(Btw are you taking inspiration from One Chicago (Fire, PD, Med) with it? If so kudos and I love it, big fans of those series myself 😊)
Anyway! I’ve really been enjoying your works, been pouring through them and the stuff you have on AO3. I also thought your tips for writing were super helpful!
I’m back to writing myself after a long ass break, but always struggle keeping inspiration so a lot of my work sometimes goes unfinished. I’d like to ask how you keep motivated and continue a fic even if sometimes you’re not into it? Do you have any tips or tricks?
Thank you and again, love your work!
Hey there, lovely!! ❤️
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked Break Me Down and are enjoying Smoke Eater too! ❤️‍🔥
(Oh yes, indeed I am! 😊 I love all things Law & Order and One Chicago. I based firefighter!Dean on Lt. Matt Casey in Chicago Fire, with a little Severide flair lol.)
Thank you again for reading my work, both here and on Ao3!! I'm also glad that my writing tips have been helpful to you in any way. I came back to Tumblr and writing in general after about a year break myself, so I feel you there.
I absolutely LOVE your question though...
Because it's something I still battle with myself. I think all of us writers and artists struggle to stay motivated, no matter how much we love our craft. I do, however, have a few tips that help me immensely.
5 Tips to Stay Motivated to Write:
Be organized. Create a realistic, attainable schedule. ✍️
My brain works in checklists, bullet points, very methodical. I can't write chapter five before chapter 1. I can't write a series (even a mini series or a long one-shot) without outlining first.
So my first step is creating a schedule for myself: from sketching the premise, to bullet points/outlining, to actually sitting down to draft, to then editing. When I'm working on a series, I write the first 3 to 5 chapters before starting post it.
This means I have a head start. I commit to writing a chapter per week after that until the series is done. This give me lots of time and wiggle room for editing before posting each chapter afterwards. For example, I wrote the first 5 chapters of Smoke Eater before I started to post. I'm now in the middle of drafting Part 19 out of 20 even though I just posted Part 11.
Now, this doesn't mean I don't slack off lol. If I don't follow these steps I lose my discipline. I can get lazy. (We won't talk about And So It Goes. 😅 I've been sitting on writing the last 5 chapters for a painfully long time.)
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But I have other tips that help me get my head back into the game.
2. Revisit the thing that gave you inspiration in the first place! 🍿
Rewatch, reread, revisit the episode, movie, book, story, artwork that stroked your muse and had you daydreaming and brainstorming about the WIP you're working on. That can be a good way to revitalize you when you feel your motivation lacking.
3. Create a music playlist. 🎶
I love doing this, especially for a series. I often create a playlist of songs that remind me of the setting, the characters, the romance I'm trying to create. Whether it's the words or the tone/rhythm that get me going, music inspires me greatly.
(For Break Me Down, for example, I listened to songs like "All My Living Time" by Radio Company for the vibe of the plot, and oldies like "If I Didn't Care" and "You're Getting to Be a Habit With Me" by Mel Torme for nostalgic 40s vibes/the romance.)
4. Go for a walk. ☀️
I walk for exercise, but it also gives me time to daydream and run scenes in my head while vibing to my music (sometimes looking like a crazy person as I nod and make hand motions lmao). This helps me clear my head, get some fresh air, then come back to my laptop with a little more pep in my brain, ready to write.
5. Encouragement and feedback from others. 💞
This really helps, of course. Whether it's someone you trust to read over your work, or seeing how people react to your initial chapters after you post them. Both can be very motivating to keep going, at least for me!
And I'll be transparent, I've gotten a bit fatigued while writing the back half of Smoke Eater. I have a lot going on at work and my personal life at the moment. But seeing how people have been commenting and giving feedback on each chapter -- the mystery, the connection between Dean and the reader, the various storylines happening -- it's been incredibly motivating for me to read those back and remember that people are enjoying what I'm coming up with. It helps give me the push I need to get the rough draft out.
And a rough draft doesn't have to be perfect on the first try. That's why it's rough. I call it the "throw up draft." Just get it on the page. The editing process is where I truly find the nuance in the dialogue, refine the plot, exposition, etc.
Anyway. I'm long-winded again, as usual. 😂
I hope this helps you! If you have any other writing questions just let me know. I love talking about this stuff! 💕
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b311ab00 · 1 year
We pull the tail, now we see who bites.
Robin of Loxley/ The Hood X Fem!reader.
Summary: Robin got injured during a chase to get some coins for the commoners, so Y/N offers to heal his wounds if she gets something else in return from him. ;)
A/N: Hey y’all! This is going to probably be my first post because I have a Josh Hutcherson image in my drafts but I got too lazy to finish this, so this is going to be short and sweet. I just watched the Robin Hood 2018 adaptation for the 2nd time, and it’s great! Besides my Pookie Taron Egerton is in it so who could ask for more?? Anyways I hope y’all enjoy and I highly suggest you watch the movie. ( It’s on Spectrum for free. :] ) Btw hopefully I can get that Josh Hutcherson image done soon.
Contains: Kissing, 50% dom/sub reader and 50% dom/sub Rob, mentions of sex, injuries.
Wc: 1.2k
( Btw sorry if this picture is bad, just ignore John and pretend it's you lol. )
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You are setting up traps for Robin to shoot at later, when all of a sudden you hear a loud, groan from him coming upstairs, making a shiver run down your spine. When Robin was back in Arabia and you had to fight him, hit you ended up sparing his life, but your mercy to him didn’t do much as you still got captured and was set sail in a boat with him for 3 weeks. Surprisingly, you too starting talking and some would even call you " friends " .
You decide to go upstairs to see what Rob was groaning about, and there you saw him, shirtless, his toned torso on display. In nothing but his pants with a wet, bloody rag resting on his massive thigh where he been impaled. You had to close your eyes for a second, trying to push the weird desire you had for him to the back of your mind.
" I wasn’t joking when I said the treasury itself was a hard target. " You say, slowly walking toward him, this made him look up from his leg to look at you. He decides to ignore your statement and press his rag into his thigh further, making him hiss through gritted teeth. You decide to go grab your medical supplies you used whenever you two got hurt. You always had wanted to be a nurse, but ever since the Sherif of Nottingham drafted you, things changed. But I guess it’s pretty useful to know how to properly treat somebody’s wounds.
" Hey! " You heard Rob say from across the room, " Where are you goin- "
"I'm getting my medical supplies, dumbass. " You say back with a bit of an attitude, not wanting to be told where you’re going or what you’re doing when all you trying to do is help. " Oh, sorry, love. Carry on. " He said, making you turn your head to see a light smile adorning his features.
As much as you sometimes hated Robin's attitude and sarcasm, you just can’t help yourself to be mad at him. It’s almost like you're drawn under a spell that will keep you from ever getting into any sort of confrontation.
You finally got all your medical supplies and you headed to the small table that he sat in on. Letting the supplies fall from your hands, you organized it quickly, while Rob eyed you carefully the whole time.
Once you got everything ready and set up the way you wanted it, you took one more look at his thigh. ' Shit. ' You thought, his cut is too deep to get a good look at what’s going on, so you’re gonna have to find a way to ask him to take his pants off. " The cuts- uhm. " You stutter, " Your gonna have to take your pants off if you want me to get a good look at it and fix it. " you were looking everywhere except his face, not wanting him to see your blush-coated cheeks. Even though you weren’t looking at him, you could still feel his gaze burning a hole into the side of your head.
[ I am currently editing this, and right here is my stopping point. If the story shifts or changes I’m sorry, I will fix it soon. ]
" Hmm. If I fix up your thigh, will you give me a kiss? " You say before continuing, " I’ve always wondered if your a good kisser or not. "
He let out a small chuckle when his eyes kept flicking down to your lips. Then he finally spoke up and said, " Sure, love. " You blushed at the pet name. " Maybe I’ll give you something more than just a kiss. " He winked, making you roll your eyes at his audacity to be this flirty when he’s impaled.
" Fine, let me get my stuff.. " You say, heading away to get your medical supplies while Rob just watch you leave with a smile on his lips.
" Mkay, done. " You say as you wrap up his leg and stand up straight, pretty of yourself.
" Well, here’s the kiss that you wanted. " He said as he grabbed your arms, lightly pulling you in before his lips collided with yours.
it felt amazing, and you wanted to be immersed in this feeling forever. You didn’t know what to do, but you were able to make room by spreading his thighs wider so
You are setting up traps for Robin to shoot at later, when all of a sudden you hear a loud, low, groan from him, making a shiver run down your spine. You decide to go upstairs to see Rob, shirtless, only in his pants, with a wet bloody rag on his thigh where he got impaled. You tried your best not to say anything weird or out of pocket when you approached him.
" Do you want me to patch you up? " You decide to say, trying hard to only stare at his injury and nothing else.
" Yes, please. " He said, panting. You tried your best to hide it, but he noticed when you clenched your thighs together at his low voice and the state he was in right now.
" Hmm. If I fix up your thigh, will you kiss me? " You say before continuing, " I’ve always wondered if your a good kisser or not. "
He let out a small chuckle when his eyes kept flicking down to your lips. Then he finally spoke up and said, " Sure, love. " You blushed at the pet name. " Maybe I’ll give you something more than just a kiss. " He winked, making you roll your eyes at his audacity to be this flirty when he was just a few minutes ago screaming because he got impaled.
" Fine, let me get my stuff.. " You say, heading away to get your medical supplies while Rob just watch you leave with a smile on his lips.
" Well, here’s the kiss that you wanted. " He said as he grabbed your arms, lightly pulling you in before his lips collided with yours.
It feels amazing, and you wanted to be immersed in this feeling forever. You didn’t know what to do, but you were able to make room by spreading his thighs wider so you get closer to him, which made him moan into your mouth. You smiled into the kiss, knowing it could be any moment when John could walk upstairs and see you two start to make out like teenagers, you didn’t care. You just wanted to feel Rob, you wanted his weight on top of you, you wanted him to pin you against the wall and fuck you till your legs went numb and you were cockdrunk.
He wrapped his muscular arms around your waist, pulling you closer and you felt his buldge in his pants grow. You let go of his lips for air and you almost whined at the loss of contact.
" Sorry, love. I don’t want us to get caught. " Rob said with a frown. You cupped his cheek with your hand and kiss him again softly before saying. " It’s fine, we can continue later. "
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nappingpaperclip · 2 months
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happy very late trans day of visibility we stay winning 💪💪 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵
Trans people please rb and add your gfms and cashapps 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵
Gonna get a bit personal cause to be honest? I don’t think non trans people really understand what it is like to be trans right now and some of y’all really need to hear this.
People outside of the man/woman sex dichotomy have existed in every culture throughout history since humans have existed. Yet people are still using the argument that being trans is a “trend” that young people are falling/being groomed into
This rhetoric leeches out of politics into the minds of young people, who turn around and externalize it onto their peers. Trans people, and especially young trans people are being bullied, harassed, followed home, beaten, raped, brutalized, and killed every day because of this line of thinking.
It’s literally the same argument used against gay people in the early 2000’s and 2010’s. I was there. I heard it growing up. It made it take much longer for me to realize that I was bisexual because of it. Because I didn’t want to be just hop on a “trend.” Well, more like I didn’t want to be accused of that. I didn’t want to be seen as less than over something I didn’t think was that big of a deal.
To be honest, I find that it was more accurate to say that I was being groomed into being a cis straight girl.
As someone who was actually groomed, and who knew I was not cis before that btw thank you very much, it’s fucking frustrating to see this argument be used to make it harder for me and other people like me to safely exist. It’s so fucking frustrating to see people co-opt my OWN trauma to take away my agency, and make it 1000x more dangerous for trans people, and especially trans women, to just literally exist.
Others tell us that our existence is a violation of biology, science, logic, or reason. Laughs in biology student. The human body is a complex organism with many moving and changeable parts. Humans are complex emotional beings with incredibly diverse cultures and roles within their respective societies. Biology isn’t as simple as XY and XX, and I’m tired of hearing this argument from people who don’t understand basic biology, and who don’t understand how language, science, and gender relate to culture.
It’s frustrating because even the “gender abolitionists” who claim to want to throw off the roles of womanhood still try to pin me and people like me into roles that fit their narrow worldview.
I cannot escape the roles that other people push on me, ever. I just want to exist. I can’t use EITHER bathroom without feeling unwelcome and unsafe. I can’t use a computer without articles and videos bashing trans people and our “dangerous gender ideology” or whatever popping up and ruining my day by making me feel guilty for literally just existing. I can’t look at the comments section on any post mentioning trans people, especially from my own local news, without seeing hateful comments wishing people like me death, saying we are all pedophile groomers, that we are delusional and should be locked up, that we need to be rounded up and shot to protect the children or traditional families or whatever.
Even the way people LOOK at me is dehumanizing and at times, humiliating.
I can’t go a single day at work or at school or in public without being stared at like I am some kind of freak because people can’t immediately tell what genitals I have. It doesn’t matter how polite I am or how small I make myself.
We remember the way you treat us. It sticks with us, shapes how we feel about ourselves and how we interact with the world. Just one of the many moments that still sticks with me was recently when I spoke at a city council meeting. I had a progress flag and a picture of Nex Benedict. This lady sat next to me and was kind and polite, until she saw the flag, and then she clammed up and refused to talk to me when I tried politely asking her something. You’d think I’d threatened her or was violating her rights just by being there the way she was looking at me.
Do y’all understand how fucking bad that feels? Seeing people make the connection, seeing the way their face drops as you watch them lose respect and all care for you in real time? Over something you can’t control? Something that doesn’t even effect them?
People literally see me and freeze, give me whale eyes and refuse to speak to me because they can’t tell what I am. I am a person. I try my best to be good and do good. Why is that not enough?
I’ve been told my whole life to just shut up and take it. No. No, I won’t do that. That doesn’t suit me at all. If you have a problem with that, that says more about you than it does me. You don’t get to complain about trans people making themselves be heard or making our transness a “part of our personality” when y’all harass and bully and kill us every day. It’s part of my personality because of the way I’ve been treated for it. I spent years of my life wishing and begging and dreaming that I was not trans, but it didn’t work. I tried very hard for so long to convince myself that I was cis. I can’t be something I’m not. My transness is a part of me and I will spend the rest of my life fighting for basic kindness and respect because of it.
If you wanted us to shut up then you’d leave us alone. Our existence is not part of some grand scheme or conspiracy. Our bodies and lives are not collateral damage.
Trans people are just people. We just want to be treated like people. We just want to live our lives without being forced into a box all the time.
You don’t have to “get it,” you don’t even have to agree, but you do have to respect our agency and respect that we know ourselves better than you do. Mind your own damn business. What we do to our bodies, how we dress or act, what bathroom we use, it does not affect you. Live and let live. Our existence should not be stomped out because it makes some people uncomfortable or confused.
We are people. We deserve to live. Let us live. Let trans people live
And to any other trans folk reading this: thank you for being here. You are a boundless, beautiful soul, and you are so, so loved. Your life is precious. Please keep fighting with us. I know it is scary right now but we will make it through this.
Our stories, our love, our hopes and dreams can never be stomped out or erased. I’m holding your hand and fighting with you. Let’s show love to the most vulnerable members of our community, like the black trans women and black trans men who need our support now more than ever, and the young ones who are terrified to go to school. You deserve to live. We all deserve to live. Your community is waiting for you with open arms. We will always cherish and support you, no matter what.
Sorry for the long personal post. I hope nothing but safety and love to everyone reading this, even if my existence or this post makes you upset. We are all human and everything else is secondary. Political, gender, class and other labels just divide us when we would be stronger together.
Love is always, always more powerful and more fufilling than hate.
If you can spare a few bucks please consider supporting my partner’s top surgery and survival fund. Thank you 💕
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theweirdhybrid · 1 year
Kid anon here; yes!!!! I would love the full kids list (plus their ninpo if you can)
Also???? The kids adopting Baxter???? Tears. Crying. Oh my gosh would his parents meet little kid Baxter and hug him or something????
Also are shelldon and metalhead like “alive” like logic I know their robots but like do they become like human? Or as human as a robot can get? Cyborg…
Wait I just revised that the series is called children at war so my hypothesis is that after this fic we’re is either going to be oneshot of said kids in said war, or like happy good ending stuff….
(Imagine the peepaw multiverse reacting to the jotel family’s kids)
Sorry for being overexcited! I haven’t seen future Hamato family bad timeline au have kids besides Jutaro or Venus, so this is really cool and fun to see
I’ll list the kids at the bottom of this ask under a “keep reading” thing, bc it is a long list!
If you mean if Cydon and his husband would hug present Baxter if they meet him again, yes yes they would. Tho since Cydon’s husband is dead, he’d only do it spiritually rn lol. His husband is named Timothy, btw, for those curious. (Yes, Timothy from the 2012 series) Tho Baxter would very much protest at this development, considering he and the turtles are still enemies at this point. Tho, after the whole Shredder incident and Big Mama taking New York hostage they had a truce since Baxter couldn’t deny the turtles had saved everyone even if they were also the reason the whole thing happened in the first place. The whole reason Cydon adopted Baxter in the first place was bc Baxter’s parents died in the initial invasion and Cydon kinda… saw it happen.
Shelldon and Metalhead are true Artificial Intelligence, so they’re very much sentient/sapient creatures that can think and feel for themselves. They did not get organic bodies, if that’s what you’re wondering. Tho, at their request Donnie did give them the ability to process organic matter and scrap metal for fuel.
Good catch! There is going to be a sequel following the aftermath and the little Hamato’s slowly discovering the family the older versions of themselves lost, as in they meet their timelines versions over time. The ones that haven’t been born yet will also be found again, though that’ll take years… good thing this is a fic and not real life ;] (There might also be a prequel of the og kids, tho I’ll have to hold a poll for that once JTOEL is finished)
And don’t apologize! I’m excited someone finally noticed, or at least said that they noticed X]
Edit: forgor the list i’ll make a new post for it
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🫀Welcome To The Campgrounds… I’ve Never Actually Been Camping…🫀
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🫀21 y/o
🫀I make art! I very occasionally write. I also make a couple overly edited memes sometimes. I also do video edits. Most are just lighthearted silly things to try and get a laugh from people but I do still like to make more serious, organized videos like animatics.
🫀My YouTube Channel is Camping With Monsters if you wanna see some of them!!
🫀I’m into a couple different fandoms… (will edit if I think of any more + get into any others)
— Pokémon
— Don’t Starve
— Cuphead
— My Singing Monsters
— Undertale
🫀My inbox is open if you ever want to shoot me a message!! I don’t always wanna chat to random people though so don’t get worked up if I don’t respond immediately or at all.
🫀I also really like shiny hunting. I’ll try to post more clips of my shiny encounters!
🫀 I also have an original story called “Duck Duck Goose” which revolves around “twisted” fairy tales (either twisting the meanings of the stories or things like Grimm fairy tales.) I’m super ambitious about!! I will also not shut up about it ✌️😁 (this story is also open to making OCs for, so feel free to ask about that if you’re interested at all…?)
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— Basic DNI criteria
— Pr///oshippers/C///omshippers (y’all are the same. They’re synonyms. Stfu.)
— Z///oophiles
— L///oli or Sh///ota
— K///nk Blogs, but especially pregnancy k///nk blogs considering I’m creating a story featuring a pregnant protagonist. There’s a time and a place for that, but it’s not here.
— Dr///eam supporters
— AI “artists” or AI “art” defenders
— NFT/Cryptobros
— Yandere fans/supporters
— H///zbin H///tel, H///lluva B///oss, and all things V///vziepop.
— If you support I///sreal.
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🏷️Important Tags🏷️
The Kiwi Draws — My art tag. Find my art here
The Kiwi Speaks — Occasional banter/ramblings
The Kiwi Makes Videos — Usually for, of course, any videos I make, be it memes, animatics, etc
The Kiwi Shines — Shiny hunting clips or general shiny hunting shenanigans. Eventually going to properly tag all of my shiny hunting posts.
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🫀 I have Tourette’s and Anxiety (officially diagnosed) and Autism (self diagnosed for now, I’ll see about getting an official diagnosis, but with the healthcare system, I might just continue without.). I probably have ADHD and/or OCD as well tbh
🫀 I do have some communication issues and can often stumble upon my words or say the wrong thing, please just be patient with that. I try to clarify when I don’t have a proper way to explain things.
🫀 I sometimes have OCD-related issues with typing and may occasionally uses speech-to-text. If random words in my sentences are capitalized or very strange typos occur, that’s because having this issue for such a long time has uh. Actually fucked with my phone’s keyboard’s predictability! It’s not fun!
🫀 Please use tone indicators with me!!
🫀 Some of my drawings may contain potentially sensitive media ((I.e. Blood/Gore or Drugs)) but it’s usually tagged with Tw (insert trigger) or // (insert trigger) , usually both.
🫀 I do occasionally roleplay, but if for whatever reason we were to roleplay and I don’t respond for a while or stop responding entirely, please do not pester me to respond. Sometimes I get tired of typing narratively and not very good at communicating about doing other things.
🫀 I uuuuuhhhhhh pull all-nighters sometimes ✌️😁
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t-nd-rfoot · 1 year
Hey Anna (pretty name btw!) this question is pretty random haha and not Top Gun related or anything like that.
I was wondering if you have any Disney +/Netflix recommendations? It can shows or movies ur choice! I’m always wanna find something to watch on those streaming platforms but sometimes I can be little picky yk lol
Hello hello, JJ!
And of course, my ask is open for more than just Top Guns and fics 😅 and ahhh I super know what you mean! That was me up until a few years ago, so I started a yearly watchlist so I can see what I’ve watched already and it also encourages me to explore new media. I hope I don’t overwhelm you with this since I can get pretty overboard with recommendations! I hope you find something to enjoy 😊
(And if anyone else reads this, feel free to leave some more recommendations in the comments or reblogs 💗)
Notes: I’m not entirely sure if we have the same Netflix selections/titles, and if some of these are still even available on there (not all of these are Netflix originals) so you may have to check what’s available for you! And since there are quite a number of titles below the cut, I also encourage you to do some research on the titles that pique your interest, just in case you may need some context or warning before deciding if you want to watch them!
If you’re into…
Action — Bodyguard
Animated — The Dragon Prince
Comedy — On My Block
Competition — The Circle, Next in Fashion, The Final Table, The Mole
Crime/Heist — Kaleidoscope, Outer Banks
Documentary — Abstract: The Art of Design, Captains, Cheer, Down to Earth with Zac Efron, The Movies That Made Us, The Surgeon’s Cut
Drama — Maid, Peaky Blinders
Reality — The Chef Show, Get Organized with The Home Edit, Somebody Feed Phil
Romance — From Scratch
Sitcom — The Good Place, Grace and Frankie, One Day at a Time
If you’re into…
Action — Train to Busan
Animated — The Mitchells vs the Machines, The Sea Beast, Vivo
Biopic — Eat Pray Love
Comedy — Wine Country
Culinary — Chef
Documentary — Athlete A, Operation Varsity Blues
Drama — Before I Fall, Five Feet Apart, The Green Book, The Pursuit of Happyness
Holiday (yes, even if it’s past the holidays now haha) — Klaus, Arthur Christmas, The Holiday
Musical — Tick…Tick…BOOM!
Mystery — Enola Holmes, Enola Holmes 2, Knives Out, Glass Onion
Romantic Comedy — Set It Up, When We First Met
Sports — 42
Teen/Coming-of-Age — The Half of It
Thriller — Parasite
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shinystars-stuff · 2 years
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Hello everyone. It has been 9 months.
I apologize for no longer posting but my mood for Tumblr came to a downhill and so I just stopped posting. I moved on to Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest, and Discord.
Well… let’s just say… I’m doing a shit ton better on those platforms.
I came back today and only today to update you guys on how much my life has changed.
So nine months ago… that was before I graduated, which would mean that would be February. Jesus, this is about to be long.
So February 28th of this year, I ended a one-year relationship with a boy only to get with someone else. Now, keep in mind that both of these relationships were online. When I got with the new boy, my behavior and actions started to change. We tended to fight a lot and I made him upset quite a lot just as he made me upset. Well, July 18th, he had enough of my lying and my behavior that he broke up with me. Oh yeah, I skipped something important. I graduated on May 28th! 👩‍🎓👩‍🎓
I was pretty upset over the breakup and I stayed single for a while until drama happened and I got with somebody else. I realized how stupid I was and I called off the relationship. My family situation has worsened. A few months ago, my brother officially came back to live with us after his girlfriend cheated on him. He’s been a total pain in the ass, btw.
Me and my brother hardly get along, but the good news is that we are semi-bonding now these days. My mom’s leg situation has worsened for she can hardly stand up now these days. My uncle… he got a rare disease and might not be making it for much longer, plus I’ve lost a lot of family members as of late. I luckily have my Switch to keep me distracted and well organized.
Well- after I graduated high school, I found out that I have social anxiety. I was placed on an anti-depressant pill and bumped up more on my ADHD medication. My parents have been nagging at me to get a job, but with the shit I see happening in life today, plus the things I hear from my family, why would I even want to work in a society like this?! Also, my whole family thinks they have the right to say that I should get a job when I take the fucking trash out, I get shit like drinks and stuff for them, I bring in all the god damn groceries, I check on them everyday. I do the shit willingly and never get asked to be fucking paid!
Let’s uh- change the topic for now. So- well- I’m still making videos and stuff. However, my original TikTok got banned over a dispute with a best friend and uh- I lost three friends by them ghosting me. My videos have actually really improved. In fact, I have them right here.
Well, I only have this one, but this is my biggest and longest working one. This one took me three hours. I mostly make edits on TikTok but on Discord, I have a little roleplay server :3
My Twitter and YouTube, plus Twitter stays quiet most of the time because usually I’ll just scroll and save videos and stuff on the platforms.
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My proudest moment and my best moment of this year is this photo right above this. If you don’t know who that is, that is me and a VO actor known as Bob Carter. Bob Carter is in many animes, but when I looked at the top of his poster, my world changed. As you know, I am a huge Fullmetal Alchemist fan and the character he played was Izumi’s husband, Sig Curtis.
I was legit amazed and he was absolutely friendly. I asked him for a hug and he gladly accepted it because I told him I had watched the anime a million times. I really wanted to show him an FMA edit I made, but I was too excited to show him. I even got to meet the singer for Sailor Moon, only to look later and find out that Bob photobombed it XD
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So yeah, even though I’ve gone through a lot of shit this year, I’ve had a pretty good year. Anyways, I think I’m going to go ahead and finish off the post here.
Thank you guys for supporting me on Tumblr. If you wish to add me on Discord or anything, my Tumblr ask-box and messages are still open, so feel free to. I love you guys. Thank you for giving me a home.
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jobamakes · 2 years
[Project Story] Sugoi Muscle Party
What is it? Dj Event + Promotional Videos When: 2020 Where: Vietnam Roll: Co-organizer / Designer / Video Director What I Did: Organized an event with japanese bodybuilders and made funny videos with the guest DJs lifting weights to promote them. With: Thibaut Rabier
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I always had a strong natural attraction towards japanese people, since Brazil - which has the bigger japanese community outside Japan, and weirdly enough, most of people are not aware of this.
So did Thibaut, he lived a few years in Tokyo when he was young, and as soon as we started hanging around Hanoi, we ended up meeting a lot of Japanese people. I didn’t know at that time, but Vietnam is one of the biggest markets for Japanese and Korean companies, so you have a huge amount of expats from both countries working everywhere around Vietnam.
From all those incredible japanese people, we crossed paths with Seiji Yokohama. Always with an easy smile on his face, he used to DJ a lot (of good house music) around Hanoi and we ended up being friends. On one of those endless nights on Kobala’s rooftop, we were just having a laugh the three of us as usual, and I’ll never forget this exact moment when the idea of uniting Japan and Muscles came up simultaneously. A PARTY INSIDE A GYM WITH JAPANESE BODYBUILDERS we shouted as one.
Those 3 words sounded really amazing, screaming them out loud, drunk, in a rooftop in Hanoi at 2am - sugoi means amazing btw.
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SMP vol. 01 poster design
We did a first event, just the three of us, which was just to set up the music genre. Then for the second event, we teamed up with Tony From Japan, a Japanese bodybuilder that has a private gym in Hanoi, and Toby aka Tobiceps, a UK DJ, good friend of ours, and gym fan as well. Both got nice pecs.
Tony’s gym was too small for an event, so we decided to do it at Kobala’s, the birthplace of the idea. We managed to bring a few dumbells and equipments from Tony’s anyways, and turn Kobala into a gym. It worked like a beauty.
Promotional DJ set for SMP vol. 02 featuring Tobiceps, guest DJ, inside Tony’s gym.
The party was an absurdity. Tony couldn’t stop lifting weights in front of the DJ booth, people were just throwing yoga balls at each other and the lifting games we did had people going mad, all of it under pumped 80s Italo Disco tracks.
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Tony and Seiji, which had just turned Dad that week.
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Some pictures from SMP Vol.02 by Tobiceps. Here I’m trying to motivate a party goer to lift that sh* up in exchange for tequila.
We didn’t manage to take off a lot of shirts though, our dream of a party inside a gym playing 80s track with everyone lifting weights shirtless was still ongoing.
But we knew this wasn’t gonna happen in north Vietnam, so we decided to make the vol. 03 in Saigon, Vietnam’s party capital. We started enhancing the promotional material as well, doing funnier videos showcasing the guest DJ in weird situations, all related to the 80s gym esthetics.
As for the the posters, I took reference from the 80s/90s jav porn VHS covers.
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poster design for SMP vol.03, others editions here
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A post shared by Maurice, from George & Maurice (@ganesh_the_french)
Never had so much fun in my life shooting those SMP vol.3 promotional videos haha
The promotion worked perfectly and Saigon edition was pure madness, the best party we ever did in Vietnam.
Later on, Vietnam went through a few other covid waves that held up the organization of others SMP but we managed to organize 2 more editions, one with Rob, longtime welsh friend, and a last one in Saigon with Robat, french filmmaker and DJ, goof friend of ours too. We lost Seiji though for those last editions, he had to come back to Japan unexpectedly =/ But we made a blood promise before he left: we’re bringing SMP to the (few) gyms of Japan.
Can’t wait for the next one !
More pictures: vol.2 / vol.3 / vol.5 More videos: vol.4 / vol.5
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lvpussybag · 2 years
I’ve been just enjoying life, tbh. I’m just trying to savor each day that goes by. Lately I’ve been soo obsessed with playing The Sims 2, especially after I organized and got some cc that I would love to see in the game. I’ve recently gone searching 4 a little job I think I would enjoy, but I don’t think now is the right time. I know making the big jump can really help you, but at the same time I don’t think I’m not that ready yet. Its a magazine/photo editing job btw. I’ve also lately just started redesigning my room. I added a couple of stuff in and removed a couple of stuff out. I don’t think I’m done with designing it yet, I'm still planning to repaint it too.
I also recently changed my whole hair care routine because my old one just isn’t working anymore. When I tried my new hair care routine, my hair instantly just got better. I’ve also realized that the condition that my hair is in depends on how I feel. On some days whenever I feel lazy or down my hair just gets bad and when I’m not it gets better.
I actually might plan on buying stuff for my room and a couple of new clothes this Saturday. I hope I find some cute stuff. 
0 notes
Ways Palace Supported Meghan Markle During Her Time in the BRF...
or at least for the first year.
Okay, this is going to be a long list and I apologize for that. There was sooooo  much stuff. I’m not going to list the standard “bride” pr Kate and the other royal brides got like the engagement interview, the regional tour, the royals saying they are so happy, etc.. . I’m going to stick to events that were out of the ordinary or surprising. It’s basically a list of everything that made me go, “daaaaang, she got that?”. It’s also work in progress so if you remember something that’s not on the list, please anon me and I’ll add it in.
Lists starts after the break. It’s just too freaking long to post as is.
The first “what?” moment was the fact that she got to go to Sandringham as a fiancee. This was widely touted as a “break in tradition,” “changing history” and as being a “first” as a fiancee. These news broke on December 13, 2017.
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She stayed at Amner Hall with Will and Kate.
She got to walk with Will and Kate and the first “Fab Four” pic appeared. That was Dec. 25th.
The Trapped One then flew to Monaco for New Year’s.
Then she got a Foundation forum to basically to welcome her to the organization and give her a chance to meet with the charities  and talk about what she was interested in doing. It took place on February 22nd. This completely blew my mind, btw. It was pure promo and no substance and I can’t believe they spent Foundation money on it.
She had a private baptism with Charles and a luncheon hosted by Charles and Cam in early March. I still have doubts the lunch happened but that’s what they told everyone. Much was made of the fact that the Archbishop of Canterbury baptized her over an antique fount with water from the river Jordan. Her parents were invited but chose not to attend.
Then she got an official event with HM (as a fiancee) by appearing front and center at the Commonwealth Service on March 12, sitting between the brothers. This was, again, highly unusual. [EDITED: My mistake, the sitting between the brothers was Anzac]
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On March 16, her topless photos leaked. The palace said the photos were fake event though they were pretty easily authenticated since Lindsay Jill Roth had some of them on her IG. I still can’t believe they did this, btw. It was such an obvious lie.
She got to attend the Commonwealth Heads of State meeting in mid-April. Again, this was described as “highly unusual.” [EDITED: I’m not going to count the evening reception with Boris Johnson because Kate got an Obama visit during after her wedding, but, you know, she got an event with the PM as a fiancee.”]
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Also “unprecedented” and a sign of approval.
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Will very conspicuously kissed her hello at the Anzac Day commemoration service, as a gesture of support.
Then the wedding day came, May 19th. Her dog supposed got to ride with the Queen. I am highly skeptical of this story, but no one rushed to deny it.
Her dad didn’t show up for the wedding and Charles walked her down the aisle amidst much drama. This saved the event. 
She got a garden party with Charles right after the wedding on May 22nd. Much was made of the fact that she “held hands” with Cam.
She got a three-day train trip with HM on the Royal Train in mid-June. Again, this was described as “unprecedented.” The Queen gifted her some earrings and shared her blanket.
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She got to present a trophy at Ascot. This was June 19th.
Kate took her to Wimbledon. This was mid-July.
When her dad drama was at its peak, Charles and Cam took her for a getaway at Castle of Mey. This happened at the end of July.
And throughout the horrible debacle that was Thomas Markle’s Summer of Broship with Piers Morgan, the brf was unwavering in its support of Meghan. Every single leak we got was about Charles was “sympathetic” and the family “understood,” which seemed highly unlikely since her dad was comparing them to Scientologists, but that was their story and they were sticking to it. 
Btw, Meghan’s claims and language during her Oprah interview eerily resemble the claims made by her dad during his own interviews.
Okay, so we are now at the end of July AND NOT A SINGLE MONTH HAS GONE BY WITHOUT AN OVERT GESTURE OF SUPPORT BY THE BRF. Okay, January was actually a gesture-less month, but they made up for it by quadruple-stacking December and March. I don’t think people realize how insane this was. Kate can go for months (heck, even years) without needing help from anyone and Meghan was getting her hand held on a monthly (sometimes weekly!) basis.
That August The Trapped One took a trip to Toronto to see Jess and another one to Italy to stay with the Clooneys. Notice that The Silenced One got news of the trip to Toronto out through Scobie.
Then she got a  role in the Queen of the World documentary, talking about her gown/veil. Kate was left out of the documentary, a decision that raised a lot of eyebrows. I think this aired on September 25th. It was announced August 30th.
It was at this point that the weird rumor denials started coming out. First, it was one about a dog-walking pic. Totally bizarre.
CH also had to deny a report that Charles wasn’t getting along with Will and Harry.
Then Doria joined her for the unveiling of her cookbook. Needless to say, it was highly nusual for a family member to join a royal at an engagement. This was September 20th.
The Trapped One then went to Amsterdam for the weekend to celebrate the opening of the local Soho House. (ADDED)
Then the Australia tour happened, which is when everything started falling apart. I’m counting the tour as mostly normal royal bride stuff (except for the fallen apart stuff), just noting that Charles supposedly gave her a tennis bracelet she wore there. Not sure if it’s the same as the Diana one,
And, of course, KP didn’t out the “blood earrings” even though it was a big deal at the time. They were spun as “borrowed” leaving people to assume that the Queen had given them to Meghan as a gesture of support.
The separation of the households was leaked on October 27th, towards the end of the tour.
At this point they were in full damage control mode. They had another Fab Four pic on Nov 11th, for the remembrance evening service.
They also denied the rumor that Kate scolded her for mistreating employees. This was widely described as a “rare statement.” It came out on December 3, 2018.
Kate had already “brushed-off” the rumors on November 28th, but I guess that wasn’t enough.
And the Queen had also showed her support regarding the tiara row by wearing a brooch on November 11.
But the hits kept on coming. Melissa’s story came out on December 4th.
And on December 9th we fond out that Sam Cohen “would not be staying.” The palace spun that as completely normal, giving Meghan some coverage.
The palace had to deny a rumor that Meghan had banned Harry from hunting. This was December 16th.
And Kate did the second “Fab 4″ walk on Christmas Day. Again, they were obviously trying to dispel rumors. Kate should get a freaking Oscar for this walk. She was charming and pleasant even though Will could barely walk beside his brother.
Here’s where things start to get tricky. The Royal Albert Hall where Meghan says she cried all the way through took place on January 17th.
That same day, she was spotted having lunch with her new communications director. He was presumably hired to fix her pr. So, while she was feeling poorly they gave her a new pr guy to help out.
The Trapped One also had the makeup artist over for lunch that weekend. He posted the whole thing on IG because when the palace has your Duchess of Monte Cristo butt in isolation lockdown your friends get to do stuff like that.
A week after that the palace contacted media platforms and started the #HelloToKindness anti-bullying drive. That was on January 27th. So they also gave an entire social media drive with celebrity support from the Beckhams and other celebrities.
ADDED: An anon reminded me that KP specifically began to moderate and delete comments on their social media accounts. This was a big deal because it’s the palace basically censoring the public, and one of the most baffling aspects of how the palace tried to defend Meghan was that they broke rules left and right. They lied for her, they obfuscated, they censored, they asked reporters to not disclose what they were seeing or hearing, etc...
A week before Royal Albert Hall, the Queen gave her two very high profile patronages, National Theater and Association of Commonwealth Universities and it was hailed as a sign of confidence. That was also done to try to fix things for her.
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BTW, Tom Sykes cites a “source close to the duchess” in that article. This was published on January 11th, so she was definitely not “silenced” then, which makes sense since they were being spun off KP at the time.
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And here’s a Sussex source denying the staff bullying rumors on January 8, 2019. I guess the Silenced One still had a way to get her message out.
We found out her bodyguard quit on January 14th.
Then the Silenced One’s “friends” started talking to People mag. This came out on February 6.
And found out she was moving to Frogmore in March on January 31st.
It later turned out that they had “turned down” Apt 1 in KP, which was already undergoing renovations.
We also later found out that Charles was giving Harry more money than he was giving Will.
Then The Trapped One jetted to NYC for a baby shower, arriving on February 17th.
This was around the time that they announced that the “separation” of the households would take place in a few weeks, much sooner than anyone thought. Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the palace move this fast on anything. The split got put on warp speed.
Note the date of that article--February 19! They were separating households during the time that she was having her...episode, breakdown, whatever... No wonder no one knew what was going on. I now wonder who she was sending emails to? KP, CH, of KP? It was probably not clear to anyone which palace had jurisdiction at that point.
The separation was finally formalized on March 14, less than a month later. They got their own staff and offices in BP. I should look up the budget hit from this but I’m too tired. It cost serious moolah, in any case.
BTW, Amy Pickerill left on March 9th. This was a huge shock because Amy was supposedly Meghan’s girl Friday and favorite aide. The leak claimed that they were close friends and would remain in contact. LOLOLOLOL.
Then got Sara Latham as head of their household and I still don’t understand how they got away with that. This was also announced on March 19th, so within two months of the “episode” she had her own office with separate staff.
By then Sara had the joy of issuing Meghan’s denials. For example she had to deny that the Sussexes had issued a “list of rules” to their Windsor Park neighbors.
Oh, and the palace also denied a rumor that they were going to raise their child “gender fluid.”
They got their own social media. 
With tons of royal support.
BTW, we suddenly started getting a lot of lifestyle leaks and sightings after she got her own press people. She and Harry were papped at a spa.
And they also had a baby moon vacay. BTW, this was the story where Emily Andrews ran afoul of the #SussexSquad
Then an entire move to Africa was planned for them. It included a “bespoke” role for Harry. This was April 21, so within three months of the “episode” the palace were figuring out a huge move overseas to keep them happy. David Manning, former British Ambassador to the US, was working on this bs, and it went absolutely nowhere once Meghan actually landed in Africa and saw what it was like.
The Africa move rumor was not denied by Sara.
That happened around Easter Sunday. That day both The Queen and Kate reportedly dropped by FrogCott to say hi.
Scobie confirmed the story and said the visit was to “check up” on Meghan and “offer support.”
Kate also had a “moment” with Harry on Anzac Day to telegraph a mending of fences.
Around that time the bill for the FrogCott reno came in at around 3m pounds. [EDITED b to m]
The bill for the Africa move was also estimated at around 1m. [EDITED b to m]
Then they had the baby and got the christening and polo. However, I’m going to take a break here because from there on it was really their own responsibility as they had their own separate office. I’ll continue adding to this list, and I’ll probably do a timeline of the rest of year later on. No, wait, I guess that’s the second year of marriage. LOLOLOLOLOL, this was only the first year, Cheesus. Soooooooo much drama. Let me know if I missed anything. 
To summarize, they got tons of support before the Australia tour. They got events, favorable leaks, photo ops, positions, special privileges, experienced aides, etc... They were basically holding her hand through the first seven months or so while her dad was wrecking everything up.
After the Australia tour things got pretty chaotic, but they also got tons of support and palace denials. During her “dark time” she specifically got (i) a new press person, (ii) high profile patronages, (iii) a huge anti-bullying social media drive to silence critics, (iv) her own separate office with a budget and social media along with separate charity foundation, and (v) Hillary’s old aide as communications director. During this time she was also visiting spas and taking vacations to NY and the countryside. Doria was visiting her in England and so was her makeup artist friend. The royals were “dropping by to “check up” on her and “offer support.” Also keep in mind that she also had her private club, Soho House, at her disposal. Oh, and her press were on the phone with the press gettin out “her story.” 
Like I always say, everyone is free to make up their own mind as to what was really going on behind the scenes. Personally, I’m very curious about how her receipts will fit into this timeline, particularly because they were transitioning into their own office when she was having her “episode,” she was in contact with her people in LA, and her friends were talking to anyone who could listen They were spun off into their own little world as soon as the shit started to hit the fan in Australia and seemed pretty independent after that. 
Okay, I’m going to be now. Let me know if I missed anything
[EDITED: I took out the website/lawyers stuff because it took place in late 2019. I’ll put it in the next post. Ditto the blogger doxing stuff.]
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kersficrecs · 2 years
Songs That Remind Me of Matt Murdock
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I want to preface this with I chose songs that remind me of Matt, not necessarily anything that fits the show or the comics. Also this is the first of many playlists I’ve been making, if you have any characters you want to see a playlist for send me an ask on here or my main blog @kerstynn​
spotify link | apple music link
below the cut is each song in the playlist and the lyric(s) that make me think of him <3 (I will keep adding songs to the list and editing this post with new lyrics and songs; also if you have any suggestions of songs to add reply with them or send an ask and I’ll definitely check out the song - and probably add it to the playlist)
edit: I FORGOT TO SAY: if you want to use this for fic inspiration PLEASE DO I WANNA READ THEM ALL 💜
Date Posted: January 20th, 2022
Last Updated: January 20th, 2022
Sleep Alone // Waterparks
My face feels hot and blue my hands still count on you to let me down articulate and lonely enough for the two of us if you want, if you want to
TALK ME DOWN // Troye Sivan
And I wanna come home to you, but home is just a room full of my safest sounds. 'Cause you know that I can't trust myself with my 3:00 a.m. shadow I'd rather fuel a fantasy then deal with this alone
Hum Hallelujah // Fall Out Boy
So hum hallelujah just off the key of reason. I thought I loved you, it was just how you looked in the light I know the irony here but my brain said ‘Matt <3′
Like Sin // Chase Coy
devil in a red dress breath on my skin, you smile like a saint but girl you hurt like sin
Look After You // The Fray
When I'm losing my control, the city spins around You're the only one who knows, you slow it down
Surround You // Echosmith 
Just crawl in my arms, oh, and I'll hold you beside me I want my love to surround you
Beating Heart Baby // Waterparks
Baby is this love for real? Let me in your arms to feel your beating heart, baby.
Crying Over It All // Waterparks
I want the fireworks I want the softest words I want what you deserve and to unlearn my hurt
Reckless // You Me At Six 
I'm the devil on your shoulder telling you that love is blind. It's ok when it's hiding in disguise
Darling, you're a holy quarantine new romantic Philistine
Oh Lord the thief of the year steal every heart from the boys that you're touching
Lucky People // Waterparks 
I'll be your optimistic black hole full of love I can't control let's keep each other safe from the world 
Silly Putty // Phem 
Get you on your knees, we could start our own prayer group. Shit, I kinda wanna marry you
Trade Mistakes // Panic! At the Disco 
I feel marooned in this body deserted, my organs can go on without me. You can't fly these wings. You can't sleep in this box with me.
State of Grace (Acoustic Version) (Taylor’s Version) // Taylor Swift 
And I never saw you coming; And I'll never be the same (yes I have jokes)
Cruel Summer // Taylor Swift 
And I screamed for whatever it's worth "I love you, " ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? He looks up grinning like a devil
Line Without a Hook // Ricky Montgomery 
Baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you I need you here to stay I broke all my bones that day I found you crying at the lake
Cabo // Ricky Montgomery
Ashes, ashes, dust to dust I think I found a place for us. It's down by garden after dark. It's in my arms, it's in my arms.
American Graffiti // Waterparks
Maybe the world was made in six days but I could ruin mine by Monday
Tell Her You Love Her // Echosmith
When she says she needs you tell her you need her too. You tell her clearly; Speak what your heart wants you to. Tell her she's lovely, always tell her the truth. When she says she loves you tell her you love her too.
Tags: (If you want to be tagged in future playlists just let me know!) @cressidaclearwood​ (btw I’m loving your false god series)
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pipedreamt · 2 years
yo yo yoooooo I’m looking for another AFTG fic 😗😗 PLEASE HELP LOL (btw this is a side blog and i don’t think I can reply on it without it being from my private blog so I apologize 🥺)
ANYWHOOOO, it’s an Andriel fic (wowza big surprise there) and I read it a long time ago. I only remember one scene though so this is all I got to give you to help me out:
So basically it’s post canon I think and all the OG foxes are at edens; Andrew went to get drinks or something and some guy starts hitting on him. He is like fuck off but dude is not getting the memo, and follows him back to the table. Andrew tells him he’s taken or something but they guy is still being a fucking creep and doesn’t leave, and all the foxes are like wtf? Then they guys says something alluding to non-con I think and Andrews like fuck this shit. He asks Neil yes or no and Neil (who is sitting like on the inside of the booth) walks across the table, jumps off and stands in front of Andrew. Andrew sits on the table, pulls Neil in by his belt loops and kisses him in front of the whole table and this dude until he gets the message and leaves :))))))
I’m a sucker for PDA kinda OFC stuff🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
EDIT: thank you @nelestimeout!! :)) you were right, it is this fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27422608/chapters/67031500 (PLS CHECK TRIGGER WARNINGS, stay safe🤍) [ps: rated E for themes and smut)
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