#brazilian quimbanda
baphemetra · 7 months
No time for playing fantasy games: Brazilian culture is not a playground, and we are not responsible for peoples who lack basic levels of understanding.
A few days ago, I made a brief post about Lilith, exploring various points. As we know, Lilith's image was never derived from a single entity. It is a complex topic to explain, with many intertwined parallels. I ended up deleting the post because I wanted to rewrite it with more time - and so did I (post is coming soon). But the 20 minutes my post stayed on the instagram feed were enough for an Esoteric Karen to appear, criticising me for using historical and academic content on the subject.
Seems like that what particularly annoyed the aforementioned Karen was my mention of Mesopotamian and Judaic records, along with a poor textual interpretation. Karen The Esoteric, tried to insult me, by calling me “a white person with colonialist rhetoric”. Which It's pretty ironic, coming from someone that doesn’t know my origins. So here I come, and I aim to revise to ensure everyone is well informed before expressing opinions.
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As a note about Brazilians (where my roots come from):
We exist in different colours and from different backgrounds. And the miscegenation is not only present in our ethnicity, but also in our extremely rich culture, creeds, religions, etc. initially I hesitated to share some things publicly and find self-affirmations somewhat unappealing. However I now believe it’s necessary to open up somethings, specially if I’m here with the intent of sharing part of my culture, worship, religion and spiritual philosophies.
I wasn’t born in Europe, neither I was raised in Europe. Most of my life was livid in Brazil. So I’m not here filling my mouth to talk about something I have never actually experienced. It’s pretty easy to label yourself "Latina" since you have never actually lived the culture a part from Christmas holidays, family trips, and immigrant parents.
I want to emphasize clearly that I do raise my faith within what’s labelled as profane with a lot of proud.
The profane entwined in the Brazilian blood, the blood of Black, Indigenous, and European women running through my veins. The blood that carries and screams my ancestry, demonised by the clergy, demonised by the invaders but that remains alive and awake.
Proudly, I raise a cult to the dead. Proudly, I revive worship for the witches who were burned at the 'holy stake,' and for the peoples enslaved, persecuted, and executed by invaders. I perceive and embrace these ancestral forces, which are far beyond the concepts of time and space, as the divine they are.
The ones the during the invasion and colonisation - made out of blood, remained in resistance. Those who stood their ground, refusing baptism/Catholicism entirely (and also the ones the rejected partially, because if they did so, was mostly in a way to survive).
So before opening the subject I bring you all a little bit of reflection and information about who’s here. And to make one more thing clear upfront: we cannot deny the intrinsic origins of an entity. It can’t be denied because it does exist. And relying solely on "voices in one's head" leads us to fallacies.
The profane, scorned by the white European people, still thrives in Afro-brazilian religions that have embraced and still embrace infernal names as counterculture (Salve a Quimbanda Brasileira, e a belíssima corrente de resistencia: LTJ49) in opposition to the existing system - and I put my name in it.
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Certainly, we are not the only ones doing it, and I'm not claiming so, but our history - Brazilian history, one of the largest countries in the world with a very vast and vibrant culture - is unfortunately overlooked by the world…and I used to think that the only ones bothered by titles like "Devil", "Demon", etc….were the people influenced by the still very present Abrahamic religions. But I was proven wrong. Even within the occultist community. What an ironic, unfunny joke.
I don't want to make this text too lengthy, as there will always be people with extremely limited comprehension. But let's never allow our voice to be silenced. The inquisition did not exterminate witchcraft (nor witches). May the sacred feminine, rejected and demonized by the clergy, always remain steadfast and strong. Far from Manichean conceptions, and always in the path of liberation.
May the infernal names be resurrected, resonating like agonizing tolls in the ears of those unprepared and persistent in the blind persecution due ignorance.
"Exu Oro ma ni ko. Ex u Oro ma ja ko. Exu Oro Tohun tire site. Exu Oro Ohun. Otohun niima wa kiri."
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noweyesee · 2 years
Hello Lou, how are you?
So, i came across this post and since I saw that you are a candoblecista/ umbandista I would like to ask if you’re have any thoughts about it
Hi there, I'm good!
Oh, that's interesting and I do have thoughts. No disrespect to the poster, as it seems they really have researched, but at the same time it seems that it was a research done only on google — and that's the tricky part, most African Traditional Religions, and by proxy Afro-brazilian religions are badly documented and depicted on the internet, to the point that all you get is a general gist of something very heavily painted through racism's lens.
These two religions (Candomblé and Umbanda, as Quimbanda is seen as a vertent of Umbanda and I'll get there) have indeed been spreading, and that makes it even harder to find good sources on them in the internet. All of them work with the Orixás and with incorporation and all of them get a bad reputation to this day because they are African-brazilian (as anything that is not white or Christian is automatically seen as the devil's work and evil magic).
A pure example of that is the word Macumba — macumba is actually a percussion instrument used in the rituals of incorporation. Then, white people got scared and began saying that macumba was every harmful work done from candomblecistas.
Continuing, Candomblé was the first religion born from African slaves that were kidnapped and bought to Brazil, they indeed had to mask their practices by admiring the statues, symbols and names of the saints but those associations, and the Orixás they worshipped depended on their nation — you see, there are about 100 and something Orixás, and their worship and guardianship changes depending on where you are at on Africa, so we have Nations of Candomblé mainly separated by Queto, Nagô and Jeje (but there are more, those are just umbrella terms) — indeed Animist (idk why that Hedonist was tacked on tho). Not necessarily all houses consider Olorum the most important, more often that not it's Oxalá.
Now, Umbanda came from Candomblé — basically it was the mix of Spiritism beliefs, as well as an added incorporation of guardian spirits from the many ethnicities and nationalities that had been living in Brazil by that point. It is a more... white washed Candomblé, and the most popular one nowadays. A correction is that the Baba's are actually called Pai de Santo e Mãe de Santo. That and not necessarily they are the ones that are incorporated.
There's also a somewhat new Umbanda sect called Umbanda Sagrada, and it is one where the presence of the 7 Orixás is more explained, but nowadays most (at least the most popular and accessible ones) Candomblé and Umbanda Houses are quite a mix, making it hard to know wich strand they belong to.
Now, here's the thing 👏
As Candomblé came first and maintained itself as Animistic, there is no concept of Good vs Evil — there are bad things that happen in life, and Misfortunes (those deserve a post of their own tbh but that's not on me). As soon as Umbanda came, with the White-ish Catolic-ish view, they applied the notion of Good and Evil, even separating their workings into Mesa Branca (white table) — that means that Exú, the picked figure to represent the Devil, was put into "evil", and all workings with Him are considered De Esquerda (from the left).
Then, Quimbanda surged (very much like Satanism, I guess), and they work with those entities that Umabanda has proclaimed to be from the left.
At the end of the day, there are Candomblé Houses that do animal sacrificies to this day, as there are Umbanda Houses that will do a harmful work for the right price (I say work because we call it Trabalho, but it would be a spell or ritual).
So, no: Quimbanda isn't necessarily evil, same as Umbanda isn't necessarily good. As any religion, the people running it are the ones that decide what they will do — and the people seeking are the ones that want to do.
(For real though, I'm tired of Exú being associated with pure Evil — I know he's laughing at it, but he's so much more and that makes me sad).
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reno-matago · 1 year
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Very interesting! Happy to discover things about Umbanda, Candomblé, Quimbanda!
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The murder of priestess Mãe Bernadete and the rise of the ‘holy war’ against African religions in Brazil
Over the past two years, there has been a 45% increase in attacks fueled by religious intolerance. According to specialists, this is related to the surge of evangelical fundamentalism
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Maria Bernadete Pacífico, 72, was an institution in Salvador de Bahía, in northeastern Brazil, where she was known simply as Mãe Bernadete. She was a respected quilombola leader (a community formed by the descendants of slaves who fled their masters) and ialorixá — a priestess of Afro-Brazilian religion Candomblé.
For years, Bernadete had been fighting for the territorial integrity of her quilombo, located on the outskirts of Salvador and coveted by loggers and land speculators. A few weeks ago, two gunmen invaded her terreiro — the sacred place where ceremonies are held — and shot her dead. Six years earlier, her son was killed. Investigators have pointed to the agrarian conflict as the main cause of the murder, but haven’t ruled out religious motives.
Crimes due to religious intolerance have grown in Brazil in recent years. According to the most recent data from the Ministry of Human Rights, cases have increased by 45% in the last two years. Last year, 113 complaints were filed, although the government acknowledges that this number may be higher, as many of these crimes are still considered to be fights between neighbors. The incumbent government also accuses the previous administration of Jair Bolsonaro (2018-2022) of dismantling the system that facilitated these types of complaints.
The crime of religious intolerance ranges from extreme cases — such as murder or daily assaults — to insults, threats and other types of discrimination for religious reasons. The latter offenses can result in sentences ranging from two to five years in jail. In Brazil, those who suffer the most from religious intolerance are the practitioners of African-based religions, such as Candomblé, Umbanda and Quimbanda.
Continue reading.
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atheostic · 2 years
Things I love about being raised secular
Not needing to worry about my parents rejecting or harassing me if I decide to convert.
My mom always made it explicitly clear that she'd always love and support me regardless of whether I was an atheist, including being willing to go with little!me to worship services in whatever religion I wanted if I ever wanted to go so I could attend.
Always feeling secure in being able to ask my mom for unbiased material about any and all religions.
When I showed interest in learning about religions, my mom went out of her way to expose me to as many as feasibly possible.
We attended both Christian and Umbanda funerals
I had my Orixá de Cabeça divined by a Quimbanda priestess
We went to a Buddhist temple
We attended a Pagan summer solstice celebration
We participated in the South American equivalent of a powwow to learn more about our ancestors (I'm Nambikwara)
She bought me books on ancient religions from around the world
She bought me any books she could find on comparative religion for kids (I still have my first one!)
She made a point of finding books comparing what life is like for kids of different religions
The list goes on.
Being allowed to come to my own decisions regarding my theological beliefs without pressure or bias.
My mom only ever told me what her beliefs are when I explicitly asked her several years in. Her response was "I think that religions are how people explained the world around them before they understood how the world worked. But you don't have to believe what I do. If you think differently that's okay and I'll be happy to support you unconditionally because I love you. How about you? What do you think?"
Being able to have the fun parts of religious holidays without the boring serious bits.
From letting me play with the nativity scene* to switching out baby Jesus for ridiculous stuff (the most recent being baby Yoda in a blankie) to Easter being entirely about the Easter Bunny and chocolate eggs** (I didn't even know Easter had a religious background until I started learning about religions).
Being encouraged to have fun with religious rituals
When I got a puppy for Children's Day when I was 7 my mom had a contest at my 8th birthday party for who would be the puppy's godparents. We then had a full-on baptism for my dog, complete with wetting her forehead with a bit of diet coke.
Being allowed to question anything and everything, including my mom's house rules.
I was allowed, nay, encouraged, to question any authority figure's rules if they didn't make sense to me or I disagreed with them. My mom's mantra was "If I can't give you a good reason as to why you should do what I'm telling you to, you don't have to do it if you don't want to."
The result was that instead of being a wild child I was the most well-behaved out of all my friends at any age cohort because I understood my mom's reasoning and, whether I liked it or not, it made sense. And when it didn't, my mom would acknowledge it and go "Huh. I guess you don't have to do it after all."
Like, my idea of going wild was going to my friend's when her parents were away for the weekend, walking to IGA, buying an extra large bag of frozen smiley fries and eating the whole thing in one sitting.
* Nativity scenes for Latinos aren't necessarily connected to religion. They are to Latinos what wreaths are to Anglo-Saxons.
** Brazilians don't get dinky little painted hardboiled eggs, we get massive chocolate eggs.
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vudutarot · 6 years
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#new #videos #series #brazilian #espiritismo #for #english #speakers #umbanda #quimbanda #kimbanda #exu #pombagira https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq9WOERVCnE20nKPcoyFPHCVScUguC7-E
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theantarwitch · 2 years
Closed/ Semi Closed beliefs
Because many people think that beliefs, practices, religions and deities are like bags of cookies in the supermarket and that they have the full right to pick whatever they want, when they want. So here a next part of the serie of "Closed are closed" rants. This time...
Beliefs, cultures and religions:
- Theraveda Buddhism: Is a monastic order, Closed by initiation.
- Mahayana/ Vajrayana/ Zen Buddhism:  Semi Closed. You can learn it but preferably with a guide.
- Jainism/ Sikhism: Closed by initiation.
- Sanatana Dharma/ Hinduism: Closed by initiation. Requires a conversion in order to practice, but reading the myths and learning about the religion is fine.
Native Americans:
- Aztec/ Hawaiian/ Incan/ Inuit/ Mayan/ Nahua/ Quechua/ Guarani/ Thuelche/ Mapuche/ Mostly any native: Closed by blood and initiation. You can learn their story and myths, is okay, but not to practice it until a personal initiation.
African American:
- Santería/ Brujería/ Hoodoo/ Quimbanda/ Umbanda/ Brazilian Vodou/ Haitian Vodou/ Candomblé/ Voodoo/Voodou/ Palo/ Rastafari/ Mostly any latinoamerican belief with african roots: Closed by blood and initiation.
- Mostly all the cultures and native beliefs: Closed by blood.
- Kemeticism: Semi Closed by blood. Kemetic spells and rites, and some sects are Closed. Their basic culture is open to learn. Their deities are semi closed (until they reach you first).
- Druidism: Mostly closed by initiation. And mostly of the modern versions are highly invented and have little to do with the original. Some practices and paths are Closed.
- Celtic: Moder Celtic is Open. Traditional Irish/Scottish is Closed by blood.
- Balto/Slavic ethnicities: Usually closed by blood. Between them: Latvian, Latgalian, Lithuanian, Polish, Kashubian, Czech, Slovak, Sorbian, Serbo-Croatian, Bulgarian, Slovene, Macedonian, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Rusyn.
- Romanian/ Armenian/ Saami: Closed by blood.
- Romani/Roma (Gypsies): Closed by blood.
- Traditional Irish Paganism: Semi closed by initiation. Some practices are Closed.
- Stregheria: Closed by initiation. Assimilation/conversion is needed if not raised with.  
- Satanism: Open.
- Hellenism: Open.
- Nordic: Open
- Wicca: The Modern Wicca is Open. Traditional sects like Alexandrian/ Gardnerian/ Dianic are Closed by initation.
- Christianity: Some aspects are Open. Closed by initiation.
- Roman Catholicism: Closed by initiation.  
- Islam/ Judaism: Closed by initiation.
- Daoism/ Taoism: Partially Closed by initiation.
- Pashtun Mysticism/ Yazidi/ Zoroastrianism/ Chinese, Japanese, Korean/ Mostly all the folk traditions/religions: Closed by blood and initiation.
- Shinto: Some paths as Jinja Shinto are Open but mostly Closed by initiation.
- Native Australian/ Maori/ Pacific Islands/ Natives: Closed by blood.
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baphemetra · 7 months
Reflection on the Ethical/moral domestication of the human being in society (reflexão: adestramento ético/moral em sociedade)
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(art/creator: AlexLinch)
"Only unconformed souls, with their hatred expressed or silent, are capable of resisting the imposed Alchemy." - Brazilian Quimbanda - Hidden Teachings and Practices.
"Apenas almas inconformadas, com seus ódios externados ou silenciosos são capazes de resistir a Alquimia imposta." - Quimbanda Brasileira - Ensinamentos e praticas ocultas.
Firstly, I would like to clarify that I am not a professional in the field of psychology. However, this has always been a topic that has captured my attention and, consequently, is a source of my personal studies. My intention with this post is not to discuss psychoanalysis or other branches of psychology but to connect some areas of knowledge that I consider essential for the evolutionary path within witchcraft, offering a recent brief reflection on the subject. Because how can we understand the concept of the Shadow without any foundation in moral/ethical concepts or even unconscious, personal and collective archetypes!?
Primeiramente, gostaria de esclarecer que não sou uma profissional da area da psicologia, no entanto, essa sempre foi uma fonte que me atraiu atenção e consequentemente e fonte de meus estudos pessoais. Meu intuito com essa publicação nao será dissertar acerca da psicanalise, nem de outras linhas da psicologia, mas sim interligar algumas areas de conhecimento que julgo imprescindível para o caminho evolutivo dentro da feitiçaria, trazendo uma recente breve reflexão à respeito do tema. Afinal como entender conceito de Sombra, sem nenhuma base a respeito de conceitos morais/éticos, arquétipos inconscientes, pessoais e coletivos!?
"Psychoanalysis can only be a natural science because Freud assumes that unconscious processes are ultimately cerebral and neurophysiological processes, thus endowed with the same material nature as phenomena addressed by other sciences, thereby constituting an appropriate object for scientific psychology." (Caropreso, 2010).
"'A psicanálise só pode ser uma ciência natural porque Freud assume que os processos inconscientes em última instância são processos cerebrais e neurofisiológicos, portanto dotados da mesma natureza material que os fenômenos abordados por outras ciências, constituindo assim um objeto adequado a uma psicologia científica"(Caropreso, 2010).
In the last days, some of my reflections have led me into some insights upon the transformation of the desire into a “profaned” construction. And I’ve been contemplating the human shadows that bring to light our inherently existing primitive and visceral senses, noting its marginalisation within the boundaries of societal conceivability, and how this phenomenon unfolds as a result in the use of coercive laws deeply embedded in the societal framework, effectively streamlining the domain over the masses.
Nos últimos dias, reflexões me conduziram à insights sobre a transformação do desejo em uma construção profana. Eu venho contemplando as questões humanas que destacam nossos sentidos primitivos e viscerais, observando essa grande marginalização dentro dos limites da concepção societal, fenômeno esse, que se desdobra como resultado da utilização de leis coercivas vigentes e profundamente enraizadas na estrutura social, como uma forma efetiva de facilitar o domínio sobre as massas.
According to Nietzsche, the construction of human being was marked by the construction of values, creating a culture that throughout its structuring, aimed at training the human animal. In Nietzsche's view, the purpose of all culture is to tame the predatory animal "man," reducing us into a docile and civilized domesticated creature (Nietzsche, 1998, p.33).
Segundo Nietzsche a formação do homem foi marcada pela construção de valores, de uma cultura que ao longo de sua estruturação direcionou-se para um adestramento do animal homem, ou seja, para Nietzsche o sentido de toda cultura é amestrar o animal de rapina ”homem”, reduzi-lo a um animal manso e civilizado, doméstico (Nietzsche, 1998, p.33).
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For Freud, the Ego is the conscious part responsible for interpreting reality, memory, emotions, and perception — and the individual's relationship with the environment, acting as a mediator between the ID and the Superego, where there is the inhibition/repression of the Self through fear, and also stimulates the human being to approach social concepts based on an unattainable "perfection," (which in my opinion, leads the being into a big system of oppression).
Enquanto o Ego, para Freud é a parte consciente, responsável por interpretar a realidade, memória, emoções e percepção – relação do indivíduo com o meio – e mediador ente o Id e o superego: onde há a coibição/repressão do Ser, através do medo e também o estimulo de que o ser humano se aproxime de conceitos sociais pautados em uma "perfeição" inalcançável (e em minha opinião, sendo a razão de diversos adoecimentos e auto opressão).
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In society, we navigate through a set of laws, rules, moral and ethical norms that repress our basic energies. Confined within the scales recognized by psychoanalysis as the ID (psychic instance corresponding to our desires, drives, and instincts aimed at pleasure satisfaction).
It is truly challenging to break free from the bonds of the ruling enslaving system and likewise, to comprehend one's own shadow and human impulses as part of our liberation and as the essential step towards the path of awakening and also self-awareness. Specially if we entwined these concepts within magical practices and self-knowledge...given that we are conditioned to be “clay-man’s" (theme we are going to discuss soon in another post) and consequently, hostages of fear.
Em sociedade, passamos por um conjunto de leis, regras, e normas morais e éticas que reprimem nossas energias básicas. Aprisionadas nas escalas reconhecidas pela psicanalise como ID (instância psíquica que corresponde aos nossos desejos, pulsões e instintos voltados para a satisfação do prazer)
É deveras difícil desprender-se das amarras do sistema regente escravista tampouco compreender a própria sombra e impulsos humano como parte da nossa libertação, liberação e como o passo imprescindível para o caminho do despertar e auto-conhecimento. Visto que somos condicionados a sermos "homens de barro" (assunto que discutiremos em breve em outra postagem) e consequentemente, reféns do medo.
Understanding ourselves and our animalistic instincts without repressing them, but observing them (not in an attempt of destroying it, but taming instead), is of great importance within magical systems…while circumstances grind and devour us; and while we grind and devour circumstances. "One day the hunted and then, the hunter” as a saying goes.
Compreender a si mesmo e os nossos instintos animalescos sem reprimi-los, mas observando-os se faz de grande importância dentro de sistema mágicos. As circunstâncias nos trituram e nos devoram; nós devorado e trituramos às coisas. Um dia de caça, outro de caçador.
"A predator does not weep over its prey, nor does it expend energy on fruitless pursuits. The true predator avoids mistakes, as it is grounded in wisdom and, most importantly, self-knowledge. An advanced practitioner knows their boundaries and limitations." - Fundamentals and Hidden Practices of Quimbanda (LTJ49)
"Um predador não chora em sua presa, tampouco, despende energias perseguições infrutíferas. O verdadeiro predador não tende a errar, porque e alicerçado por sabedoria e principalmente pelo auto conhecimento. Um adepto avançado sabe seus limites e limitações" - Fundamentos e Praticas Ocultas da Quimbanda (LTJ49)
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It is of utmost importance to detach ourselves from the concepts of the false Abrahamic god in contrast to the prevailing enslaving system, where knowledge is subdued as profane. Equally essential is to recognize this god not in the Abrahamic sense but as an egregore that does exists, serving as a significant source of misery, entangling the human being in a cyclical karmic system, hindering and delaying the liberation of the Self and personal development.
É de suma importância saber desprender-se dos conceitos do falso deus abraâmico para ir de contraponto com o sistema vigente escravista, onde o conhecimento e subjugado como profano. Assim como e imprescindível reconhecer esse deus não sob o aspecto abraâmico, mas como uma egregora que existe, e vem a ser uma grande propagação de miséria, nos emaranhando num sistema Karmico cíclico, prejudicando e atrasando as desamarras do Ser, e também o auto desenvolvimento.
<copyright> MAYA D. / BAPHE METRA
Reading recommendations/Recomendação de leitura:
English: https://www.highexistence.com/carl-jung-shadow-guide-unconscious/
“Ao Encontro da Sombra” ou "Meeting the Shadow", written in/escrito em 1994 by Connie Zweig e Jeremiah Abrams, brings a lot of information about the shadow archetype and how we can identify it within ourselves / traz muitas informações sobre o arquétipo da sombra e sobre como podemos identificá-la dentro de nós
Quimbanda Brasileira, O Culto da Chama Vermelha e Preta e Praticas Ocultas da Quimbanda Volume 1 e 2 (LTJ49) por Danilo Coppini. / Quimbanda: The Cult of the Red and Black Flame by and Brazilian Quimbanda - Hidden Teachings and Practices I and II, by Danilo Coppini (LTJ49)
On the Genealogy of Morality: Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil / Para além do bem e do mal.
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trpoficial · 6 years
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Não importa a data, a busca deve ser constante e a mesma... ANCESTRALIDADE. #quimbanda #kimbanda #umbanda #exu #pombogira #pombagira #sagrado #calunga #ancestralidade #trp #tataleonardo #magia #magick #brasil #brazilian #goodmorning #world #easylifestyle
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sivillanightchief · 2 years
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Queen of Seven Crossroads
Pomba Gira is the name of an Afro-Brazilian spirit evoked by practitioners of Umbanda and Quimbanda in Brazil. Known by many names, or avatars, Pomba Gira is often associated with the number seven, crossroads, graveyards, spirit possession, and witchcraft. Pomba Gira personifies female sexuality, beauty and desire. She is depicted as a beautiful woman who is insatiable. Pomba Gira is venerated with great respect and care because of her reputation for possessing great wrath. She is often invoked by those who seek aid in matters of the heart and love.
Invocation: Eu sou Rainha Nos Sete Encruzos Em cada um Tenho uma morada Eu quero filho para defender E inimigo para espetar Eu e a Rainha das Sete Encruzilhadas E la que eu faco minha morada O gira formosa Tem alegria e rosa Na gira de Pomba Gira Voce vem balancar No balanco de Pomba Gira Sua chamada vai rolar, vai rolar
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crtter · 2 years
If you'd like to share, I would love to hear more of ur thoughts on Brazilian Catholicism :0 if you don't I'll probably just Google it though. Have a nice day!
Oh! Well, I don’t know like, a lot A LOT about it since I’m not Catholic (I’ve been raised Spiritist which is like.. a mainly Brazil exclusive offshoot of 19th century Spiritualism) and I was also born and lived most of my life in the biggest, most urban city of the country so things might be different in smaller towns and more rural settings, but here’s what I’ve been able to observe through living here:
The younger the person, the less likely they are to be very religious and interpret the Bible as absolute truth. I’ve had friends who went to Sunday school as a kid, but none of them grew up to be very religious. I’d say the average person observes Catholic customs fairly rarely. Older people will go to church more often. Also they’ll often have saint statues in their homes and stuff like… rosaries hanging from the rear view mirror of their cars. My mom has a rosary in the car and she’s not even Catholic! I personally find it a bit tacky.
If you meet a very religious young person, they’re very likely Protestant instead of Catholic. There’s also a big number of Protestants over here, thought they’re not the majority. Actually, if you meet any person who makes like, a big deal of how religious they are at all, Ned Flanders-style, chances are they’re Protestant. I’ve never seen a Catholic person trying to convert anyone to Catholicism over here, but I’ve definitely seen Protestants trying to convert people to Protestantism. Also Mormons trying to convert people to Mormonism but that’s because I live near a Mormon church. Not a lot of Mormons here like, as a whole. A lot of them seem to be Americans who come here to do that whole missionary thing.
In general, I’d say the government doesn’t seem to consider the Catholic church’s views all that much when it comes to passing laws and the like, which is something I notice that seems to be very different from majorly Protestant countries.
I’d say, though, that the main difference of Brazilian Catholicism and other countries’ Catholicism, though, is the overlap with certain Afro-Brazilian religions, such as Candomblé, Quimbanda and Umbanda! Brazil has a big population of African descent, and certain states have festivals that mix Catholic and Afro-Brazilian customs.
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atheostic · 4 years
Why educating yourself on minority/marginalized religions is important
I was living in Cuba for four months as an international student. 
One day, me and one of my Cuban friends decided to go wander around the neighbourhood just ‘cause. We came across a mini impromptu market, and we decided to nose around and see what wares were for sale.
I noticed an older woman selling simple beaded bracelets in various colours -- red and black, green and black, solid white, blue and yellow, red and white, yellow and gold, white and blue, and one featuring all the colours except black.
My Cuban friend noticed me looking and asked if I wanted to get one. I said yes.
“Which one do you want?” she asked.
Without hesitating, I pointed to the white and blue bracelet and said “Iemanjá.”
The entire face of the seller utterly transformed. She went from serious to grinning widely in surprised delight that I’d recognized the significance of the bracelets, “Yes! Yemayá!”
“In Brazil, we call her Iemanjá,” I explained with a smile of my own.
You see, I listed the colours of the bracelets in my story for a reason: the colour combinations I mentioned weren’t random. 
People who know anything about the basics of Santería, Quimbanda, and Umbanda reading this story would know exactly what they meant, They’re the colours representing the Orixás/Orishas, the gods worshipped in Santería, Quimbanda, and Umbanda.
The bracelet I chose, the white and blue one, were the colours for Iemanjá/Yemayá, my Orixá de Cabeça (kind of a personal protector) according to the readings done by a Quimbanda priestess when I was 7 and travelling in Bahia (northeastern Brazil).
I’m not saying you need to know about minority religions to that level, but rather that knowing the basics about minority religions can turn your interactions from unintentional disrespect and appropriation to one of appreciation.
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dustedmagazine · 3 years
Mehenet — Ng’ambu (Stygian Black Hand)
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Ng'ambu by Mehenet
Mehenet come from New Orleans, and “Horse to the Earth,” the second track of their new LP Ng’ambu, begins with some sounds that locate the listener in that city’s nightworld: the sounds of a zydeco band are audible, as if heard from some distance down an alleyway; dogs bark—not ferociously, but clearly in response to something. Then there is a sequence of metallic noises that are harder to identify: links of a chain dragging against a hard surface? a steel door sliding down from its overhead housing? The noises are gone almost as soon as you can register them, swept away by a different sort of metal: a doomy, scabrous riff, which also obliterates the distant zydeco band. It’s a harsh transition, but if you know New Orleans’ vital contributions to metal, it’s not entirely disorienting. Underneath all the plastic beads, gumbo and to-go Solo cups, there’s a city that’s been wracked for decades by chronic poverty. And then there was Katrina. And Rita and Ike and Cristobal and Laura. And Ida. All of those catastrophic storms and all of the suffering have intensified the underground metal emerging from the city.
Ng’ambu provides assertive evidence of the intensifications. In the world of metal, New Orleans is most notable as the birthplace of sludge, but the nasty vituperations of Eyehategod’s Dopesick (1996) and Acid Bath’s Paegan Terrorism Tactics (1996) have largely been supplanted by the polished, doomy tones of the more recent and broadly popular records by Down and Crowbar. “Horse to Earth” commences with doom’s deliberate, downbeat tones, but soon Mehenet’s characteristic USBM chaos churns and slashes at the song’s structure. The band’s playing is caustic and tough, in the mode of USBM bands of the past decade like Woe and Barghest, but with a rawness that turns up the songs’ heat. That feels like New Orleans, too—humid, sweaty, a stink of rot and a buzz of blowflies. 
Mehenet additionally appeals to a number of black metal’s thematic and conceptual traditions, claiming its members are initiates of Ordo Templi Orientis, the Satanic organization associated with Aleister Crowley and Thelema. When Mehenet’s lyrics are delivered in English, the sentiments seem on the mark: see this passage from “Whom God Did Despise (Exu Asa Negra),” in which vocalist Algol shrieks, “I am the image of my father / Who rides on black wings / Who pecks at the rib of Adam / Hear the echoes of my screams!” The combination of elements is fairly interesting, but the symbols themselves might be a bit too familiar. Much, much less familiar are the sounds of Portuguese, the language in which Algol shrieks most of the record’s lyrics. At the beginning of “The Mystery of Nations (Exu Kaminoloa),” he sings, “Uma noite expressa bruma / Eu caminhava no cemitério / Junto as tambas, eu vi am homem / Alma bendita com seu misterio / Mas a ele preguntei / Quem era come muita me respondeu.” Again, the symbols and setting are recognizable, but the language gives them a particular charge, and the notion of a “night hazed like espresso [this reviewer’s translation]” has an atmosphere and figural vibe that effectively evokes New Orleans. 
The city is on America’s doorstep to the Caribbean, and also to the larger Atlantic World in which Portugal was an important imperial player. Mehenet has indicated that Ng’ambu addresses and incorporates elements of Quimbanda, a Brazilian religion infused by magic and ritual, itself based in African animist traditions. Portugal’s outsized significance in the Atlantic slave trade provided both the vector and one of the motivators for the establishment of Quimbanda, which contests the moral authority of the Catholicism of Portugal and Brazil. This reviewer lacks the necessary theological and historical knowledge to comment on how Quimbanda and Thelema might interact, but clearly both seek to give shape to spiritual experiences that resist established powers. Mehenet’s engagement with Quimbanda attempts to infuse the “black” in black metal with a set of cultural and spiritual energies that rage at Christianity’s long and shitty history in the Caribbean: see Bartolome de las Casas, the reactions to the Haitian Revolution and any number of apologies for slavery. It’s a fascinating thematic maneuver that gives this already very good black metal tape some additional intensity and interest. 
Jonathan Shaw
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gimmickbook · 3 years
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Pomba Gira is the name of an Afro-Brazilian spirit evoked by practitioners of Umbanda and Quimbanda in Brazil.[1][2] She is the consort of Exu, who is the messenger of the Orixas in Candomblé. Known by many names, or avatars, Pomba Gira is often associated with the number seven, crossroads, graveyards, spirit possession, and witchcraft.
Maria Mulambo das Sete Catacumbas “(Mary wretched of the Seven Tombs)”
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skyofpadilha · 3 years
Revised 20th July 2020
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Initially posted elsewhere online by Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon 12th March 2012 9:30 p.m. in the Lehigh Valley Pennsylvania US
The other day an old Pagan Wiccan friend whom I’ve known for many years had written to ask me about my own views and coming to terms with the works of the famous Allan Kardec a.k.a. Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail (3rdOctober1804 – 31stMarch1869). Popular Spiritism-oriented author of the five books of Spiritism Codification in France…
* And the famous Chico Xavier a.k.a. Francisco de Paula Cândido (2ndApril1910 – 30thJune2002) Popular Spiritism-oriented Medium and a part of the Brazilian Spiritism Movement, Author of 413 books as a Psychographer in Brazil… Chiefly in regard to what their works may represent as a message to me and to the world.
My reply…
I respect very much both Allan Kardec & Chico Xavier for their wonderful works offering new eyes, new perspectives for the average human being on earth who lives his/her life from cradle to grave under the heavy weight and control of religio-socio and politico conditioning / programming which are imposed by Mainstream rich and big (Patristiarchal/Anti-Women/Anti-GLBTQ+/Anti-Academia/Anti-Pleasure & Spiritual Dualistic) Abrahamic Religions and their Mythologies and the Governments who bed these Religions in order to share in the control of the people, the majorities on earth.
I actually love both Kardec & Xavier but being myself 100% Matristic / Non-Spiritual-Dualistic and a firm and loyal Worshipper of the Ancient Creatress Goddess for life, a Worshiper in the sacred service of the Ancient Goddesses and Gods…
* Being myself 100% Pagan / Pagan Wiccan and 100% Non-Dualistic / Non-Zoroastrian & firm Pagan Quimbandist…
It is quite obvious that I do not subscribe to none of their peddled/catered-to submission to Abrahamic Patristic and Dualistic Versions of the Jewish Hebrew / Christian Mythologies at all!!!
And I do mean - AT ALL!
At All!
Ergo, I willfully and freely choose different Language and Belief which come from a vastly more ancient time when the Goddess was sacred and also the Supreme Being Herself and also the Mother to all Her Creation.
However, the basic idea of Kardec & Xavier is not only beautiful but it is also true and provable!
I do mean the many ASTRALS / UMBRALS, the actual dimensions / realms which are beyond this one that we come to, in order to experience our journeys from cradle to grave in joint evolutionary agreement with Other Species such as Elementas / Fae / Pomba-Giras & Exus.
In order to come to terms with Kardec’s and Xavier’s works I had to undress their works "stark naked" and clean from all the thick & sticky mainstream Patristic / Patriarchal, Zoroastrian also known as Spiritual-Dualism oriented mythological a.k.a. Religious fancy Clothing / Imagery & their moronic Abrahamic Mythologies ( Judaic / Islamic /Christian ) and their Mythological Characters.
And then, to make room for the Ancient Pagan Supreme Being Creatress Goddess, and some more space / room for All of the ancient Pagan Goddesses & Gods, more room an space also for all of the Pagan Non-Spiritual-Dualistic, Pantheism/Polytheism-oriented, Matristic Ways and their ancient Pagan Mythologies.
Also, more space, more room for The Pagan Elementals - Fae, Pomba Giras e Exus...
And some more room for the dear Pagan Quimbanda Mayorals, etc.
Also, yet more room for Other Species, for Beings from Other Universes, Realms, Other Time-bands, etc…
I do not mind TO LOVE the beautiful Pagan Judaic Goddess Shekinah, or even as some may say, "to be friends" with the soul of the so-called Jesus, etc...
However the invented/men-made Abrahamic codes of conduct and codes of values of the ancient Hebrews/Judaic/Islamic/Christian people may have good points but they are absolutely "NOT" for me, nor my personal Choice, nor the World's Law of God for all people to abide by.
100% Not! 100% No! Never was and never it will be!
I see it for what it was and still is...
* I see it as Optional, I see it as Temporary Baggage!
* The highest Law of them all to me and in my life, is "Freedom with Wisdom"!
I did not come for Jesus, nor for Abrahamic Mythologies and their religions and I did not come for Shekinah!
I came to this elemental world and time-band of this Now and Here on Earth, for my love and for my loyalty to the Ancient Pagan Supreme Being Herself - The Creatress Mother Goddess of All Pagan Gods and Goddesses, of all Fae, of all Existence / Life!
Her (SHE) whom I came from and I will return to. I came for the Ancient Pagan Ancestress! I came for the ancient Pagan Goddess. I adore the Goddess above all and everything whether above, below and/or beyond!
* Having said that…
I can appreciate both Kardec and Xavier for their gifts, for their inspiring works for the portions of the populations which were/are enslaved by the Abrahamic Mythologies and their absurd religions, however from a 100% Pagan, Matristic/Matriarchal, Non-Spiritual-Dualistic / Non-Zoroastrian and very much Pagan-Creatress-Goddess oriented perspective, that it is, my own!
I also had recently seen three related films:
Nosso Lar – Astral City: A Spiritual Journey… * * *
Chico Xavier The Movie… * *
O Filme Dos Espiritos – The Spirits’ Movie… *
The lamentable portion of all of this Material employed in these Films/Movies is, that it does its very best to cater to, to serve to and to offer submission to the invented / men-made Abrahamic ( Judaic / Islamic / Christian Mythologies ) their Zoroastrian / Spiritual-Dualism-oriented / Patristic/ Patriarchal ) mainstream, rich/big World Religions of our times.
You know, the invented Codes of Values, the men-made / invented Codes of Conduct of Others who consider "Theirs" the only way for all Humankind to follow, for all Species to follow and to abide by.
Pure bullshit!
The arrogant Presumption of being the sole Owners of the Ultimate Truth, of having the direct Words and the Will of the Ultimate Supreme Being...
Again, holy shit!
And when it comes down to all of that, folks... - All of it - It is Pure Bullshit, absolutely Rubbish! No room at all for any "Ifs, Ands or Buts"!
What they all always had and still have is actually the Word and the Will of our Species, that it is, of the 1% of this Species, that of the World 1% Minority ELITE who owns most of everything and does its best to control the other stupid 99% of world population who are fooled/used/abused and junked and by these bloody bastards.
The Word and the Will of men-made / invented codes of values and of conduct, all designed to control the Thinking & the Natural Expression of the Other people / the control of the the populations on Earth.
* And of course as always, created and invented by a World 1% Minority Elite of greedy bastards, unenlightened, willfully ignorant and/or, willfully intellectually dishonest, harmful / predatory religious, political and commercial Hustlers.
* As I said, and I repeat - 100% Pure bullshit / rubbish.
That's why when I hear the famous "buzz-words" like Morals & Ethics, and I always ask back, hey tell me will you? - Who's codes/collections of values, who's codes/collections of ways of conduct?
Do they reflect what's best for me and my own best interests?
Are they factually benign/good, wise, just/fair and equal-rights-for-all-oriented to include all genders, all preferences, all differences, all members of this dear species?
* What? Ah... - No! Well... Then you can keep it all for yourself!
Keep thy Abrahamic Mythologies to Thyself!
Because I will always prefer my own, I will always prefer something more meaningful and that has more HUMANITY for me, and for all human beings.
* And something that reflects what feels right, normal and natural for Me, and in My Time, for Myself, for My Life and for my Nature.
God / Goddess / Supreme Being - It loves us All and no matter what!
By the way, the "Heaven and Hell" bit, we've made it all up too, just like we've invented all of the Religions who invented these two primitive monstrosities...
* You see, the fact is, nobody has ever needed any Religion in order to believe in the Ultimate Supreme Being ( Goddess / God ).
The more you think about it, the more you realize how much it is all pure rubbish / garbage when it comes to Abrahamic Mainstream Religions and their "Impositions / Attempts to Control People, To Control Their Assets, To Control Their Thinking & To Control Their Freedom Of Expression" under the lame excuses of either playing or having other people to play Saviours, Martyrs and Victims for them.
And always hiding behind their invented Mythologies, their made-up/pure-bullshitted idea of God, or should I say, under the unenlightened and embarrassingly Arrogant Presumption that They, only They have the actual Word and the Will Of the God. Embarrassingly full of shit, pure garbage!
Somebody ought to tell them all that this is no longer the 1500's, folks!
* And hopefully we no longer kill and murder women, children and men just because they happen to pray to a DIFFERENT invisible Man or Woman in the sky.
It is all simply absurd, primitive... In fact, it is sick and ignorant!
The Supreme Being (Goddess / God) loves, cares for and equally respects Women too!!!
And Women's Freedom of Choice, of Expression, their Rights to decide for their own Bodies and whether they wish and do not wish for pregnancy, whether for their willful discontinuance or continuance of their pregnancy, whether they choose to bear children or not to do so and so forth...
It is not Religion's Business, it is not Gov's Business at all!
It is unwelcome intrusion and real bullshit, always hiding behind God as a validation for imposition of  abusive censorship and primitive, ignorant and absurd limitations!
The terminally Sick & ill, they have the natural freedom and right to their own bodies and to their own lives, the right to terminate their lives if they deem such that way necessary.
GLBTQ+ & Non-Binaries (All Sexual Orientations/Preferences & All Genders) people, they all are "Born" and they are "Not Made", nor sick, nor defective at all.
And as such, they all are as natural as Mother Nature Herself has intended, therefore Natural, Normal and Equal to all of us and it is has never ever been the Business of any RELIGION on earth to condemn them, to malign them, to teach people to hate them for being different, therefore, teaching Others the Hatred Of/For All Differences.
And it is not the business of any religion to harm them and their freedoms and their rights.
And it is has never ever been the business of any RELIGION to attempt to manipulate the Populations of the world TO HATE ALL DIFFERENCES in Other People.
It is absurd and ridiculous when one considers the Fact that the Mutual Respect For/Of All Differences is actually the very Foundation of all Freedom on earth.
RELIGION has no business, no right to intrude in the lives of people, into their freedom of Thinking and of Expression.
What happens between two Consenting Adults in the privacy of their Bedroom has never ever been the business of any RELIGION to intrude in it. In fact, it is absurd!
The populations of the Earth ought to push back and put RELIGION back to its place!
* And "Out" of people's freedoms and rights, and "Out" of people's decisions and specially, "Out" of people's bedrooms.
Have mercy! What a bunch of sad and pathetic people, from nitwits to idiots!
Myself, I bar, abhor and I really despise the intrusion of these arrogant men-made/invented World Religions who hide behind their mythological invisible man in the sky and other invented absurdities, just in order to defy, to intrude, to rob people and world populations from the Sacredness of Being Free, from the Sacredness of Feeling Natural, and from the Sacredness of Well-Informed, Multi-Cultured / Well-Educated Natural Thinking & Decisions.
Governments who bed these moronic RELIGIONS ought to look back, and to remind themselves how RELIGION wants to rule the World. And they will, if we let them.
Just look back in the ancient world civilizations, their socio-politico-religio Wars... And see how RELIGION pulled all the meaningful strings hiding behind God, behind Women, behind Children and Family... Behind Country & Flag... Behind Jobs...
Religion has a factually proven history of being Responsible for most of the bloodiest Wars, the longest, the biggest and most horrible blood-sheds since the very beginning of time.
Again, I really bar, abhor and truly despise the IGNORANCE & THE HATRED FOR ALL DIFFERENCES which ABRAHAMIC MAINSTREAM RELIGIONS TEACH / SELL & IMPOSE as if they were a part of of the presumed Word and The Will of/for the Ultimate Supreme Being.
* How arrogant, how primitive, how absurd! - Holy Rubbish!
It is really a pity indeed that neither KARDEC nor XAVIER had the so-called BALLS / "Permissions" in order to tell it all just like it really, really was and still is...
* And for all the world populations, for all the people to see, to learn, to know and to own.
It is a pity that KARDEC & XAVIER had not the HIGHER PERMISSIONS to address for their audiences, in re of the ANCIENT PAGAN ANCESTRESS, the PAGAN GODDESS, the SUPREME BEING CREATRESS and Her GRACE which are all eternally and infinitely BEYOND and ABOVE all of the Gods and all of the Goddesses, and all of the World Religions, and since the very beginning of all time, of all existence / life and everywhere.
Family is a Formed Unit, and its quality, its effectiveness depend upon those who formed it.
* FAMILY and its FOUNDATION, started with the Goddess, with Creatress, with the Ultimate Mother Nature Goddess & Source of All Creation.
* And not at all, not with a God, with some Creator.
The Boundaries and Ties of Relationships have never ever been a Monopoly of God, men-made/invented MYTHOLOGIES and their men-made/invented RELIGIONS.
Family is not a Monopoly of/for Abrahamic Religions and their men-made/invented hateful Mythologies of eternal stupid/meaningless Wars between personified Elemental World Qualities such as Good and Bad, and chiefly as invented by the ancient Persian Zoroaster and copied by the Abrahamic Mythologies...
As it was copycat-style fully-copied by most of the world big religions in order to inflict/apply control by fear in/over the populations, for the sake of gaining their maximum control over. * * I love Kardec's and Xavier's Works but minus all the appended mainstream Abrahamic Religious / Mythological Rubbish, which they "had" to cater to, to offer submisson to, in order to be accepted, for the sake of being respected and finally in order to be allowed to be published with success. * * I do also understand the fact that they (Kardec & Xavier) had to work with that what they could, and also, chiefly in order to be able to reach out for the people/population at a level which they - the people would allow themselves to see and to feel the New Direction, the New Awareness, the initial & first steps out of their ( socio-politico-religio ) conditioning of trained-behaviour, trained-reactions, their initial steps out of their wilful ignorance and/or, out of their wilful intellectual dishonesty, and into the new Light of New Possibilities, of New Times and New Perceptions. * I’ve really enjoyed the Films/Movies associated with Xavier & Kardec, of course, "minus" all the Abrahamic Mythological Nonsense / Spiritual Dualistic men-made prejudiced Mythological Mandates of mainstream, rich & big Religion in bed with big Business and in bed with world Govs.
Because I respect and I am 100% Pro: Women's Rights to their bodies and their Lives, the Humanity and Decency of respecting Women Equality & Rights and their PRO-CHOICE birthrights... And I respect and I am Pro: the rights of all GLBTQ+ / All Genders and of all Sexual Orientations a.k.a. Birth-Natural Preferences - respect for all GLBTQ+ & Non-Binary equality and rights.
And I saw their films from a 100% Pagan / Creatress Goddess oriented perspective!
Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon a.k.a. PADILLA a.k.a. Padilla of Ashtoreth, of Astarte, of Astaroth, of Baal a.k.a. Mayoral Baphomet a.k.a. Mayoral Belzebu... And of the ancient Pagan Goddess Creatress, from our Divine Ancient Pagan Ancestress!!!
* GLBTQ+ Pagan Trans-Priestess / Hps / Yaya' / Yalorixa' / Olorisha - Witch Hexe Sorciere Feiticeira Macumbeira Bruxa Sorceress Shaman - Pagan Holistic Occultist / Consultant GLBTQ+ Pagan / Wiccan & Pagan Quimbandeira
Sky a.k.a. JD Aeon
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charismaandcashmere · 3 years
Pomba Gira (pronounced pohm-ba shira), is Brazilian female spirit found in the traditions of Umbanda, Quimbanda, and Candomblé. She is revered by initiates and noninitiates alike as she is quite easy to relate to. Her imagery in her many manifestations is related to urban or street life and the everyday animal instincts and desires of people (vices, lust, indulgences, etc). She is very human, with concerns of the flesh and material nature, and shares in our human weaknesses. Pomba Gira, as well as the many exus, are often considered amoral because they will fight the fight of justice and will destroy enemies without concern for morality and do so with complete and utter self-service in mind. This is one reason why she is considered dangerous to work with because she is called upon by people of varying moralities. The person who works with her can energize her dangerous nature or her helpful nature, depending on how she is petitioned.     ​To work with Pomba Gira involves a ritual called a trabajo. This ritual is similar to the trabajo of the exus, with some specific differences. All trabajos, like any ritual, include a specific intent, a specific location (usually a female crossroads) and specific offerings. Some other magickal correspondences are as follows: Food: honey, flour, palm oil Drink: anisette or champagne Color: red and black Place: female crossroads Scent:Red roses, cigarillos Time: Midnight Day: Monday or Friday Container: metal or clay vase Pomba Gira is often called the Sacred Whore. She was originally thought to be a Kongo deity unique to Brazil. Some say she is the wife of Exu and shares many of his characteristics. Some say she is a separate Orisha and a female path of Exu. She is a powerful protectress and is often called "the last chance". She will help you when you are desperate, down on your luck and no other Spirit will cooperate. She is very powerful and very dangerous. She always gets paid in advance and nonpayment will bring great suffering to those who cross her. She is always willing to sell you what you need for the right price positive or negative. She works fast and to the point so it's always a good idea to be very sure of what you ask for.
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