#brazilian witchcraft
If someone is a brazilian witch, hi I have a question
Is patuá a closed practice?
Or is it like smudging vs. Smoke cleasing in a way that the name and practice is closed but there's a equivalent that's not apropriative.
I read that it comes from candomble which i know is a closed practice, but the same name sorta thing was used by islamic men to name a similar sort of amulet
The patuá consiste basically a sachets with herbs, oils, amulets, pictures and whatnot for a specific thing, or a more modern aproach is a lot of amulets together such as the red pepper, greek eye, the figa, horse shoe and things to banish evil eye and bring luck to the wearer, ususally in the shape of bracelets or necklaces
There's more than one origin story for it, and if you look online, you'll see it being called patuá and not sachet or other names, but specifically this name. And you'll see catholic patuás for example
Is it a matter of names? Are they interchangeble or not?
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baphemetra · 6 months
No time for playing fantasy games: Brazilian culture is not a playground, and we are not responsible for peoples who lack basic levels of understanding.
A few days ago, I made a brief post about Lilith, exploring various points. As we know, Lilith's image was never derived from a single entity. It is a complex topic to explain, with many intertwined parallels. I ended up deleting the post because I wanted to rewrite it with more time - and so did I (post is coming soon). But the 20 minutes my post stayed on the instagram feed were enough for an Esoteric Karen to appear, criticising me for using historical and academic content on the subject.
Seems like that what particularly annoyed the aforementioned Karen was my mention of Mesopotamian and Judaic records, along with a poor textual interpretation. Karen The Esoteric, tried to insult me, by calling me “a white person with colonialist rhetoric”. Which It's pretty ironic, coming from someone that doesn’t know my origins. So here I come, and I aim to revise to ensure everyone is well informed before expressing opinions.
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As a note about Brazilians (where my roots come from):
We exist in different colours and from different backgrounds. And the miscegenation is not only present in our ethnicity, but also in our extremely rich culture, creeds, religions, etc. initially I hesitated to share some things publicly and find self-affirmations somewhat unappealing. However I now believe it’s necessary to open up somethings, specially if I’m here with the intent of sharing part of my culture, worship, religion and spiritual philosophies.
I wasn’t born in Europe, neither I was raised in Europe. Most of my life was livid in Brazil. So I’m not here filling my mouth to talk about something I have never actually experienced. It’s pretty easy to label yourself "Latina" since you have never actually lived the culture a part from Christmas holidays, family trips, and immigrant parents.
I want to emphasize clearly that I do raise my faith within what’s labelled as profane with a lot of proud.
The profane entwined in the Brazilian blood, the blood of Black, Indigenous, and European women running through my veins. The blood that carries and screams my ancestry, demonised by the clergy, demonised by the invaders but that remains alive and awake.
Proudly, I raise a cult to the dead. Proudly, I revive worship for the witches who were burned at the 'holy stake,' and for the peoples enslaved, persecuted, and executed by invaders. I perceive and embrace these ancestral forces, which are far beyond the concepts of time and space, as the divine they are.
The ones the during the invasion and colonisation - made out of blood, remained in resistance. Those who stood their ground, refusing baptism/Catholicism entirely (and also the ones the rejected partially, because if they did so, was mostly in a way to survive).
So before opening the subject I bring you all a little bit of reflection and information about who’s here. And to make one more thing clear upfront: we cannot deny the intrinsic origins of an entity. It can’t be denied because it does exist. And relying solely on "voices in one's head" leads us to fallacies.
The profane, scorned by the white European people, still thrives in Afro-brazilian religions that have embraced and still embrace infernal names as counterculture (Salve a Quimbanda Brasileira, e a belíssima corrente de resistencia: LTJ49) in opposition to the existing system - and I put my name in it.
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Certainly, we are not the only ones doing it, and I'm not claiming so, but our history - Brazilian history, one of the largest countries in the world with a very vast and vibrant culture - is unfortunately overlooked by the world…and I used to think that the only ones bothered by titles like "Devil", "Demon", etc….were the people influenced by the still very present Abrahamic religions. But I was proven wrong. Even within the occultist community. What an ironic, unfunny joke.
I don't want to make this text too lengthy, as there will always be people with extremely limited comprehension. But let's never allow our voice to be silenced. The inquisition did not exterminate witchcraft (nor witches). May the sacred feminine, rejected and demonized by the clergy, always remain steadfast and strong. Far from Manichean conceptions, and always in the path of liberation.
May the infernal names be resurrected, resonating like agonizing tolls in the ears of those unprepared and persistent in the blind persecution due ignorance.
"Exu Oro ma ni ko. Ex u Oro ma ja ko. Exu Oro Tohun tire site. Exu Oro Ohun. Otohun niima wa kiri."
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papercatlab · 2 years
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(via In Brazilian Portuguese: Book of Shadows Totem Animals Your - Etsy Italy)
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vicoelhosblog · 5 months
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victorvanvoorhees · 1 year
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Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum, o Filme (1999)
The film tells the story of a sorcerer's apprentice named Antonino Stradivarius, a 300-year-old boy who lives in an enchanted castle with his uncles and mentors: Morgana and Doctor Victor. They await a magical moment when the planets of the Solar System align for their powers to be renewed. But for that to happen, Antonino needs to write incantations in his magic book which, after several attempts, remains blank because he just wants to have a normal life like all the other children. Throughout the story, Antonino ends up having to prevent his aunt Losângela from stealing his aunt Morgana's book of spells and taking over the family mansion.
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arminyffy · 1 year
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The traditional legends of Cuca (pronounced ku·kuh) tell that she is an ugly old woman who appears in the form of a crocodile and steals disobedient children. The cuca only sleeps once every seven years, and parents sometimes use this element of the legend to scare children who don't want to sleep, saying that the cuca will get them if they don't go to bed. Although cuca comes from Portuguese coca, in Tupi (indigenous language of Brazil), Cuca means swallowing something in a single gulp.
Even in several cultures there are lullabies that refer to Cuca, in Brazil the main refrain of the lullaby is commonly known: 
Nana neném                           Sleep, little one Que a Cuca vem pegar            The Cuca’s going to get you Papai foi pra roça                    Daddy went to the fields Mamãe foi passear                  Mommy went for a walk Desce gatinho                         Come down, little cat De cima do telhado                  From the roof Pra ver se a criança                 To see if the child Dorme um sono sossegado       Is sleeping peacefully.
The legend of Cuca was popularized in Brazil by Monteiro Lobato, through his work "Sítio do Pica-Pau Amarelo", in this story she is portrayed as a humanoid alligator with blond hair and red clothes, a sorceress who torments children who live around where she lives. (This is the most striking version of how it is recognized here)
But it is believed that the Legend of Cuca has its origins in Galician-Portuguese folklore based on the creature “Coca”, which means “skull head”.
The "Coca" is a ghost or a dragon that eats disobedient children that lurks on the roofs of houses, and kidnaps them after doing some mischief.
(But it is worth pointing out that the true source of the Cuca that we know is very difficult to define, due to the miscegenation of various cultures)
Recently Netflix launched a series that is based on Brazilian folklore called "Cidade Invisivel", in the story we follow the detective Eric in the midst of investigating the death of his wife, until some mysteries begin to intrigue the character, and folklore figures like Iara , Saci-Pererê, Curupira etc, start to appear in action. And, of course, especially Cuca, who in this version is portrayed from a different perspective, being a human woman who is a kind of witch of dreams, specialist in putting people to bed/trance, being seen as a protector of all these entities of the world. the great protective mother. It welcomes these beings, who in history live on the margins, because they were expelled from their place of origin (the forest) and are lost in the middle of the city.
I remember finishing the first season, about 2/3 years ago and simply falling in love with this new version of Cuca (who in the series is played by actress Inês Negrine). And luckily, tomorrow (03/22/2023) the 2nd season of Invisible City will finally be released, exploring our folklore even more and bringing even a little more of the tales and stories of the peoples originating in Brazil!
So, I took some time to try to combine these two versions, which are so different but still valid according to research and stories that travel around Brazil (Cuca alligator is the result of legends coming from Portugal and by the representation of Monteiro Lobato, the "traditional" Cuca of original people folklore was associated with owls and moths and this was rescued in the series, as I said there is no wrong source, just a mixture of cultures!!!), so I created my "own" Cuca to celebrate the release of the season and our culture. And that's what it turned out!
I'm going to leave here some links to see the trailer for season 1 and 2 of Invisible City, in case anyone is interested. And also a link to a scene from the series that shows how the lullaby is recited around here.
trailer for the first season of invisible city with english subtitles here! Trailer for the 2nd season of invisible city (unfortunately I couldn't find the trailer with English subtitles, but you can activate the automatic subtitles translated into English through YouTube) Scene from the series with the lullaby here! (The audio is not the best)
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h3rmees · 7 months
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noweyesee · 2 years
Hello Lou, how are you?
So, i came across this post and since I saw that you are a candoblecista/ umbandista I would like to ask if you’re have any thoughts about it
Hi there, I'm good!
Oh, that's interesting and I do have thoughts. No disrespect to the poster, as it seems they really have researched, but at the same time it seems that it was a research done only on google — and that's the tricky part, most African Traditional Religions, and by proxy Afro-brazilian religions are badly documented and depicted on the internet, to the point that all you get is a general gist of something very heavily painted through racism's lens.
These two religions (Candomblé and Umbanda, as Quimbanda is seen as a vertent of Umbanda and I'll get there) have indeed been spreading, and that makes it even harder to find good sources on them in the internet. All of them work with the Orixás and with incorporation and all of them get a bad reputation to this day because they are African-brazilian (as anything that is not white or Christian is automatically seen as the devil's work and evil magic).
A pure example of that is the word Macumba — macumba is actually a percussion instrument used in the rituals of incorporation. Then, white people got scared and began saying that macumba was every harmful work done from candomblecistas.
Continuing, Candomblé was the first religion born from African slaves that were kidnapped and bought to Brazil, they indeed had to mask their practices by admiring the statues, symbols and names of the saints but those associations, and the Orixás they worshipped depended on their nation — you see, there are about 100 and something Orixás, and their worship and guardianship changes depending on where you are at on Africa, so we have Nations of Candomblé mainly separated by Queto, Nagô and Jeje (but there are more, those are just umbrella terms) — indeed Animist (idk why that Hedonist was tacked on tho). Not necessarily all houses consider Olorum the most important, more often that not it's Oxalá.
Now, Umbanda came from Candomblé — basically it was the mix of Spiritism beliefs, as well as an added incorporation of guardian spirits from the many ethnicities and nationalities that had been living in Brazil by that point. It is a more... white washed Candomblé, and the most popular one nowadays. A correction is that the Baba's are actually called Pai de Santo e Mãe de Santo. That and not necessarily they are the ones that are incorporated.
There's also a somewhat new Umbanda sect called Umbanda Sagrada, and it is one where the presence of the 7 Orixás is more explained, but nowadays most (at least the most popular and accessible ones) Candomblé and Umbanda Houses are quite a mix, making it hard to know wich strand they belong to.
Now, here's the thing 👏
As Candomblé came first and maintained itself as Animistic, there is no concept of Good vs Evil — there are bad things that happen in life, and Misfortunes (those deserve a post of their own tbh but that's not on me). As soon as Umbanda came, with the White-ish Catolic-ish view, they applied the notion of Good and Evil, even separating their workings into Mesa Branca (white table) — that means that Exú, the picked figure to represent the Devil, was put into "evil", and all workings with Him are considered De Esquerda (from the left).
Then, Quimbanda surged (very much like Satanism, I guess), and they work with those entities that Umabanda has proclaimed to be from the left.
At the end of the day, there are Candomblé Houses that do animal sacrificies to this day, as there are Umbanda Houses that will do a harmful work for the right price (I say work because we call it Trabalho, but it would be a spell or ritual).
So, no: Quimbanda isn't necessarily evil, same as Umbanda isn't necessarily good. As any religion, the people running it are the ones that decide what they will do — and the people seeking are the ones that want to do.
(For real though, I'm tired of Exú being associated with pure Evil — I know he's laughing at it, but he's so much more and that makes me sad).
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eyed-knife · 1 year
Afro Brazilian witch tip! Wash your hair with cold water and ask for Yemoja/Mikaiá's protection! They're both goddesses of mental health
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maria-augusta · 8 months
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October is synonymous with Halloween, right?
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fireheartwraith · 2 years
I told my mom magic isn't real and she threatened to disown me
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catholicat · 2 months
Please pray for the conversion of my sister Adriele. She's currently attending a witchcraft "temple"(we call them "terreiro" in my country. It's from afro-brazilian religions where they worship '"orixás"), and consulting with spirits there. My family is worried sick. She's dating a man from this religion and he's been influencing her.
God bless everyone here!
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vicoelhosblog · 5 months
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Light skin Dianus ritual 🕊️☀️🪷👁️❤️‍🔥
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antimony-medusa · 10 months
MCYT on Ao3 — July '23
The state of MCYT on Ao3, just for fun. Yes I do this every month, I like numbers. 
The Cube SMP (8 works)
Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series) (9 Works)
iDots SMP (14 works)
30 Day SMP | Free Trial SMP (27 works)
Legacy SMP (27 works)
Epic SMP (30 works)
Cogchamp SMP (32 works)
Kaboodle SMP (33 works)
Art of Survival SMP (33 works)
Dominion SMP (33 works)
Shady Oaks SMP (42 works)
X Life SMP (45 works)
Mer SMP (50 works)
Area Unknown SMP (51 works)
IvoryCello's Prison Escapes (Web Series) (52 works)
100 Hours Hardcore SMP (53 works)
Bear SMP (55 works)
New Life SMP (70 works)
SadSMP (70 works)
Magic Animal Club (89 works)
Tortillaland SMP (103 works)
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe (Web Series) (111 works)
House Builder Gang SMP | HBG SMP (129 works)
WitchCraft SMP (157 works)
Rats SMP (202 works)
SMPEarth (252 works)
SMPLive (274 works)
Outsiders SMP (277 works)
Mianite (Web Series) (357 works)
Yandere High School (Web Series) (370 works)
Afterlife SMP (371 works)
Evolution SMP (492 works)
MindCrack RPF (493 works)
Fable SMP (694 works)
Karmaland SMP (729 works)
Lifesteal SMP (1,021 works)
Origins SMP (1,416 works)
QSMP | Quackity SMP (2,256 works)
Empires SMP (5,235 works)
3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series (7,127 works)
Hermitcraft SMP (16,348 works)
Dream SMP (78,022 works)
Minecraft (Video Game) (107,041 works)
Video Blogging RPF (255,567 works)
Some Notes:
The only new SMP this month is New Life SMP!
Fics are primarily in English, but now we have three exceptions with significant Spanish fics: Karmaland, Tortilla SMP, and QSMP. QSMP also includes fics in Brazilian Portugese and a (very few) in French.
A couple of the smaller fandoms saw fic decreases, and 100 Hours Hardcore saw a 1-fic decrease for the third month in a row.
For smaller fandoms, both SMPEarth and Outsiders SMP tied for growth, both showing increases of 14 fics. Those are both original canonized tags for MCYT, so we also have one year of stats. Notably, that 14-fic increase breaks SMPEarth's monthly average of 9 fics per month, but doesn't beat Outsider's month-over-month average of 16 fics per month.
For mid-sized fandoms, the stand out is once again our friend Fable SMP, which has a consistent month over month growth pattern, showing a growth of 33 fics this month. Fable is one of the original canonized tags however, so we know that this month doesn't reach the heights of some of the previous months this past year, as the yearly average is 42 per month— by they did break last month's record of 32!
Lifesteal broke the 1k mark and I now officially consider them one of the bigger fandoms! Let's go Lifesteal!
In the larger fandoms, QSMP’s increase of 628 fics did not reach last month’s 692 or the previous month’s 816, but still beat out Empires (218 fics), Hermitcraft (501 fics), and 3rd Life (364 fics). The only one that beat it was Dream SMP, with an increase of 1,376. Dream SMP also broke last month’s increase of 1,357, but did not reach their month-over-month average of 2,446.
Of the canonized tags last year, Dream SMP has shown several months of not reaching their monthly average, Hermitcraft’s 501 this month did not beat their monthly average of 593, Empires 218 this month did not reach their monthly average of 296, Lifesteal's 58 this month did not beat their monthly average of 76, but the one standout is 3rd life, whose 364 this month DID indeed beat their monthly average increase of 359. 
Detailed breakdown of increases under the cut, showing both one month of increases, and one year of changes.
The Cube SMP (8 works, 8 last month, 0-fic increase | 9 works last year, 1-fic decrease over a year, which is an average of 0.08 fic decrease per month
Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series) (9 Works, 10 last month, 1-fic decrease | was not canonized last year)
iDots SMP (14 works, 14 last month, 0-fic increase | was not caonized last year)
30 Day SMP | Free Trial SMP (27 works, 27 last month, 0-fic increase | 25 last year, 2-fic increase over a year, which is an average of 0.17 fic increase per month)
Legacy SMP (27 works, 27 last month, 0-fic increase | 22 last year, 5-fic increase over a year, which is an average of 0.42 fic increase per month)
Epic SMP (30 works, 30 last month, 0-fic increase | 28 last year, 2-fic increase over a year, which is an average of 0.42 fic increase per month)
Cogchamp SMP (32 works, 32 last month, 0-fic increase | 28 last year, 4-fic increase over a year, which is an average of 0.33 fic increase per month)
Kaboodle SMP (33 works, 28 last month, 5-fic increase | was not canonized last year)
Art of Survival SMP (33 works, 34 last month, 1-fic decrease | was not canonized last year)
Dominion SMP (33 works, 32 last month, 1 fic increase | was not canonized last year.)
Shady Oaks SMP (42 works, 41 last month, 1-fic increase | 30 fics last year, 12-fic increase over a year, which is an average of 1 fic increase per month)
X Life SMP (45 works, 45 last month, 0-fic increase | 27 works last year, 18-fic increase over a year, which is an average of 1.5 fics increase per month)
Mer SMP (50 works, 41 last month, 9-fic increase | was not canonized last year)
Area Unknown SMP (51 works, 50 last month, 1-fic increase | was not canonized last year)
IvoryCello's Prison Escapes (Web Series) (52 works, 52 last month, 0-fic increase | was not canonized last year)
100 Hours Hardcore SMP (53 works, 54 last month, 1-fic decrease | was not canonized last year)
Bear SMP (55 works, 54 last month, 1-fic increase | 33 last year, 21-fic increase over a year, which is an average of 1.75 fic increase per month)
New Life SMP (70 works, was not canonized last month | was not canonized last year)
SadSMP (70 works, 70 last month, 0-fic increase | was not canonized last year)
Magic Animal Club (89 works, 87 last month, 2-fic increase | was not canonized last year)
Tortillaland SMP (103 works, 100 last month, 3-fic increase | was not canonized last year)
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe (Web Series) (111 works, 100 last month, 11-fic increase | was not canonized last year)
House Builder Gang SMP | HBG SMP (129 works, 124 last month, 5-fic increase | 94 last year, 35-fic increase over a year, which is an average of 2.92 fic increase per month)
WitchCraft SMP (157 works, 151 last month, 6-fic increase | was not canonized last year)
Rats SMP (202 works, 198 last month, 4-fic increase | was not canonized last year)
SMPEarth (252 works, 238 last month, 14-fic increase | 144 last year, 108-fic increase over a year, which is an average of 9-fic increase per month)
SMPLive (274 works, 268 last month, 6-fic increase, | 236 last year, 38-fic increase over a year, which is an average of 3.17-fic increase per month)
Outsiders SMP (277 works, 263 last month, 14-fic increase | 85 last year, 192-fic increase over a year, which is an average of 16-fic increase per month)
Mianite (Web Series) (357 works, 354 last month, 3-fic increase | tag was not canonized last year)
Yandere High School (Web Series) (370 works, 355 last month, 15-fic increase | was not canonized last year)
Afterlife SMP (371 works, 367 last month, 5-fic increase | 250 last year, 121 fics over a year, which is an average of 10.08-fics per month)
Evolution SMP (492 works, 461 last month, 31-fic increase | 157 last year, 335-fics over a year, which is an average of 27.92-fics per month)
MindCrack RPF (493 works, 493 last month, 0-fic increase | was not tracking that tag last year)
Fable SMP (694 works, 661 last month, 33-fic increase | 194 last year, 500-fic increase, which is an average of 41.66 fic increase per month)
Karmaland SMP (729 works, 706 last month, 23-fic increase | tag was not canonized last year)
Lifesteal SMP (1,021 works, 963 last month, 58-fic increase | 108 last year, 913-fic increase over a year, which is an average of 76.08 fic increase per month)
Origins SMP (1,416 works, 1,378 last month, 38-fic increase | 816 last year, 600-fic increase over a year, which is an average of 50-fic increase per month)
QSMP | Quackity SMP (2,256 works, 1,628 last month, 628-fic increase | tag was not canonized last year)
Empires SMP (5,235 works, 5,017 last month, 218-fic increase | 1,681 last year, 3,554-fic increase over a year, which is an average of 296.16 fic increase per month)
3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series (7,127 works, 6,763 last month, 364-fic increase | 2,822 last year, 4,305-fic increase over a year, which is an average of 358.75 fic increase per month)
Hermitcraft SMP (16,348 works, 15,847 last month, 501-fic increase | 9,228 last year, 7,120-fic increase over a year, which is an average of 593.34 fic increase per month)
Dream SMP (78,022 works, 76,646 last month, 1,376-fic increase | 48,670 last year, 29,352-fic increase over a year, which is an average of 2,446 fic increase per month)
Minecraft (Video Game) (107,041 works, 106,506 last month, 535-fic increase | was not tracking tag last month) Video Blogging RPF (255,567 works, 252,019 last month, 3,548-fic increase)
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evanmp3 · 20 days
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evan rosier. he/him. french-brazilian. 6teen. slytherin. autism. @bartythebabygorljr forced me to go on this but its quite nice, actually.
⋆˙⟡♡ thanatolgy; forensics sciences; taxidermy; witchcraft
@panda-is-pan is my twin sister and the other half of my soul
@reg-can-swim very interesting guy. would call him a good friend
@cas0meadows good friend too. girlboss and gossip
@bartythebabygorljr sadly, my boyfriend
@maryhadalittlemaggic interesting to listen to. love to gossip
this is an rp blog, if you dont like this type of things please dni
(main is @sleepinginmygrave)
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taidelmoro · 6 months
spoonie penpal wanted!! 🥄
♿ looking for a chronically ill and/or autistic penpal!
Hey, hello! :]
My name's Tai, I'm 22 years old, from Brazil & I'm looking for a pen pal!
I'm specifically looking for a chronically ill, disabled and/or autistic penpal to share experiences only spoonies would understand - if you are not a spoonie yourself but u are supportive and respectful, you can still send a request if you're interested! ♾
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🌼 About me!
🦇 I deal with multiple diagnosis;
Autism, Connective Tissue Disorder (currently investigating Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome), dysautonomia & autoimmune conditions (SLE) + comorbidities like IBS, food intolerances, mental disorders, etc).
All diagnosed, but we still have more questions than answers.
🦇 I'm an artist 🎨 [Tradicional & Digital] ;
🦇 I speak english & brazilian portuguese;
🦇 I'm kinda new to penpaling;
I've always loved writing letters & crafting gifts, but I'm new to actual penpaling, so you could be my first ever actual penpal! (I also researched a whole lot about it so call me experienced >:] )
🦇 I might need to take breaks;
I might take a bit longer to send letters or need to take breaks from time to time due to my health conditions.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
🤎 Hobbies: All sorts of art, journaling, baking, gardening, listening to music (i love SOAD) & watching cartoons (i love OTGW);
🤎 Interests: Art, nature, halloween, animations / cartoons, minecraft, all animals!!, paganism/witchcraft, alt styles, etc.
☆ Special Interests: Commemorative dates & festivals, nature and studying about neurodiversity and medical conditions.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
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🤎 Ideal penpal:
• Snail mail preferably, but digital's also ok!
• Long term (preferably);
• Any gender, any location, any age above 18;
• LGBTQ+ friendly, trans ally, etc;
• If not disabled themselves, respectful towards disabled people;
• Likes getting creative / crafty w/ their letters, but is also open to share thoughts, ramble and build a friendship (i don't mind long letters!!!);
• Is someone who can be patient and understanding about my mental and physical limitations;
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
👻 What else to expect from me? 🖍
• stickers!!! • poems • tea • trinkets •
• pretty letters • pressed flowers •
• lots of drawings & doodles • existential crisis •
• we can talk about the extras we have / would like!! ♡
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Anyways, feel free to DM me or comment if you're interested!
☆ e-mail: [email protected]
Lets chat for a bit :] ⭐
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