#birth defect tw
thestressedsimmer · 1 month
October 6th, 1314: The Willow Creek Royal Residence
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When Joan's husband came to her chambers before she was even dressed, she knew that something was wrong. When she got up to curtsey to him and his response wat to tell her not be formal in a soft and loving voice? She knew it must be horribly wrong.
"My love," he said; only worrying her further, "John's nurses came to my study this morning. They found him still and not breathing in his cradle."
The words hit her like a bucket of ice water. No, no, no. That was impossible. She had just seen him the night before. They had sang songs, she was teaching him prayers, he had nursed from her breast. He was fine! Yes, his breathing had always been a little bit funny. And yes, he always seemed to fuss and sleep longer than even your average baby, but he --- he ---
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"I know we have been fighting, Louis, but this is awfully cruel. Do not come in here and tell me such things."
"I would never lie to you about this! Surely as my wife, you would know that!"
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"No, you must be lying! You must be! I just saw him last night! I tucked him in that cradle myself! I kissed him goodnight and told him I would see him in the morning. I promised him that, Louis, I ---"
Suddenly the world was spinning. She always was light-headed and sickly. Her husband, used to her body, caught her immediately.
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"Joan. My love, please get it together! He would not want you to be so hysterical!" Louis said, gripping her arms tightly.
Even in his brief life, John was awfully attuned to emotions. On top of that, him and his mother had been awfully close... He was the apple of her eye. The blessing that came from her father-in-law's death.
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"He... He can't be gone. He can't be. The Watcher would not give us such a precious gift only to take it back. She wouldn't do that. She's merciful, isn't she?"
In response to that? Her husband was silent. There was nothing left to say. All of the riches in the world, a whole kingdom at their disposal...
And their son was still dead.
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blondesuperbadass · 1 year
Won’t him doing coke affect the kid? I know he’s not carrying it but still. I couldn’t be with someone that did that. 
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falcqns · 2 years
'genu valgum should correct itself by adulthood'
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casitafallz-a · 2 years
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Pariah Julieta | Little cuddles
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“Well you…have the angriest baby ever.”
The dry remark was accompanied by the sound of rustling before Julieta even turned to see Wanderer plucking the newborn from her cot.
Little Rana looked if a little more infuriated at that, little eyebrows pulled in with her wide brown eyes, her escaped fist from her wrap in her mouth and she looked…mad. Wanderer wasn’t wrong but the fact she wasn’t crying, Julieta was content.
“You put your boobs away, didn’t you?” Wanderer sighed, shaking her head, settling her down against her shoulder. “Babies hate it when that happens.”
“You say it like you remember…” Julieta remarked dryly, peeking through her notes about her new leg; a new nervous system upgrade to combat phantom pain. Of course, her own Mirabel was breast-fed baby, like all of her babies though… she was harder to maintain a latch. Rana though seemed to latch well and getting used to it wasn’t as easy as she thought.
“My Mama used to say I threw tantrums after feeds when Antonio was a baby and the topic was brought up.” Wanderer smile sadly, running a hand in soft circles up and down Rana’s back. “This one’s gonna tantrum. I feel the attitude just…waiting.”
Julieta snorted, setting down the notebook and pulled out the wire from the side of her leg, unplugging it from charge before swinging her metal leg over the edge of her bed and onto her feet. The mechanical whirls, and the metallic clop was barely absorbed by her rub but Wanderer was happy to turn the week-old to face her.
Rana’s face softened as Julieta kissed her baby’s face and pulled her free, to Wanderer’s chagrin. She settled her into her elbow, slipping a finger into the escaped fist, little fingers grasping intently.
“So, what’s the plan with her now? You gonna raise her here?”
“I have to for now.” Julieta sighed out, the little weight of guilt ratting in her gut, “She has a heart defect.”
“What?!” Wanderer’s eyes widen, “Oh the poor little thing…” she reached forwards, stroking the infant’s cheek though there was no mistake the fear in her face.
“It…was anticipated. I’ve been through a lot before she was moved to an artificial womb, then there’s the medication… she’s fine at the moment but she needs to be monitored. It may correct when she grows, or she’ll need surgery in the next few days.” She kissed Rana’s forehead softly, enjoying the baby’s weight in her arms, her last connection to her own world.
“How long did you know?”
“Shortly after my first few scans; it was suggested as a possibility with the lost twin’s check over. More so after the transfer.” It had given her time to…think on her options. Originally… it had crossed her mind to drop the baby off to her Casita. For Agustín and her family to raise the baby in a safe environment… one with unconditional love and connection with more than just her. Keeping Rana here; getting so involved would make it harder to leave the option open.
Even now, she still saw it as an option.
Could she really raise a daughter here? Keep her away from her father and sisters? Did she truly deserve this little one? Rana deserved her father to be in her life, but if her health deteriorated…her Encanto had no one or the technology to help in such a condition. Her food back then was limited in that sense.
Julieta inhaled deeply, little fingers tightening around her finger.
“She needs you.” Wanderer cooed to the infant, “Don’t let her go.”
“Wanderer.” Julieta gave her a soft look.
Wanderer straightened up, an eyebrow arching as she pushed her glasses up her nose. “You need her, Pariah. You deserve this child…and the happiness she’ll give you. Handle Agustín and your other daughters later. They can wait.”
Julieta sniffled, the words feeling oddly impactful, going straight to the waterworks and she couldn’t stop her eyes from welling. Rana let go, her hand going back to her mouth again with a mewl though Julieta tugged her to settle against her chest; the little soft breaths against her skin tickled.
Wanderer smiled at them. “I bet I can teach her to throw a punch by the time she’s two.”
Julieta tittered, the warm moment breaking but it was never in brand of Wanderer that it made Julieta smile as she moved to settle back onto her bed with the baby on her chest, opening her shirt more and pulled Rana free more for more skin-contact.
“Oh god, you’re stripping! Bye!”
I really wanted a small drabble posted today, i’ve been struggling for muse atm so here’s this little future drabble and Julieta and her little one XD some fluff. Plus, i wanted to flesh more of what Julieta chose to raise her; she’s not being cruel to Agustín purposely but to give rana her best chances at life .
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savageboar · 4 months
i think i need to somehow fish out that poor frog from my tank and return it. and tell them the poor thing needs to be euthanized because it HAS NO FUCKING FEET TO SWIM WITH. HOW INBRED WAS THIS FROG THAT IT HAS NO FEET.
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masqsims4 · 8 months
A Royal Health Crisis?
This week, a podcaster named Jared Lucero made a pointed question about several children being born with vision and hearing problems, mentioning that his niece, Prim-in-waiting Samona Vakki, is completely blind and deaf. The topic of the podcast also came a week after the birth of the Strangreix heiress, Vindi Retribute Petra Strangreix, who was also born blind and deaf, according to the Vengeance Ando Strangreix.
Many other royal influencers weighed in, noticing that many of the eighth generation are born with problems with vision and hearing, which are often remedied with glasses, aids or surgery. But even they have commented in various interviews that many of their family members are being born with health problems in general.
Regent Empress Yamaguchi Mai has called for a royal summit, and Vengeance Ando Strangreix has offered to host it in the Magnolia Prominade, to discuss the issue. Various genetic health and testing clinics have been invited as well to give any findings and research to share at the summit. News outlets will be briefed after the meeting to reveal the outcome of the summit. Stay tuned for more.
Rumor Mill: The Royal Condition Result of Inbreeding?
Let's be honest, royals only marry royals these days for three reasons: nobody wants to deal with their drama, the royals no longer trust outsiders and forty percent of Earth-born Sixam aliens came from the royal family tree. Even everyday aliens are finding their children are born with similar health problems, and their family trees link to a common ancestor! And because of these inner circle marriage practices, the genetic line of royalty looks like it's weakening.
If it's not being born blinddeaf, it's a poor immune system or weak bones or lack of brain power. And it's from second or third cousins or distant relative getting married and having children or science babies!
What made you think you'd have healthy competent leaders when your family tree looks more like a Winterfest wreathe?!
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lady-starkiller · 9 months
oh life is rough at times
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misstycloud · 1 year
Yandere harpy x reader
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TW: bad writing
A/N: sorry I’ve been gone for so long. I’ve been so busy and had no energy at all. But all the exams are over now so I’ll have more time to write now yay! I threw this jumpscare story together for you, sorry if it sucks.
Anyway, let’s welcome bird boy to the club! ;)
It was scary how much it resembled a human in some ways, yet you knew it definitely wasn't. From the moment you laid eyes on it, it was clear the creature was male. Which contradicted what you knew about it, for it wasn't the first time you had seen such a being. They were featured in a lot of myths, records of their appearance and power.
Harpy, that's what it was. At least, that's what you think. It was the closest you could come up with that resembled the bird-man you met. The upper body and head was human. He, the harpy, had a thick mane of tangled, dark hair. Due to all the exercises he must go through on a daily basis, his chest was well muscled and firm. If it were anyone else, you'd love to take a good look, but that was not the case.
His humanity ended there. On his back, sat a pair of large, strong wings. They too, were dark in colour. Legs did he not have either, not human ones at least. The bird feet had sharp talons that made you anxious whenever you looked at them, even though you knew he'd probably not use them against you.
And thank god you didn't have to see his private parts, that was thanks to the ruffled feathers covering the area. It would be a lot harder to handle him if he walked around with his bird dick hanging out.
This left the confusion, if he really was a harpy, then why did he appear so different. One, he was a male, which none of the harpies in the myths were, there they were all female. Also, he seemed more human like than them, physically that is. In the Greek stories, harpies are depicted as birds with the heads of women.
Crouching down and leaning against the cave wall, you try to avoid glancing at the approaching form. A coo left him, directed at you. You ignored it, there was no way you'd willingly indulge in its desire. When he received no reaction from you, he frowned, nudging you with his head.
When he had returned from his outing and noticed you weren't in the nest he'd created, his first thought was that you had fallen off the cliff connected to his cave in the tall mountain where he'd settled down. He was horrified at the image of you inching closer the the ledge, standing there and glancing down until suddenly the ground under you gave away and crumbled.
He shuddered. You would never have any reason to be scared as long as he is near, for he will do whatever it takes to protect you, his mate. His sweet, innocent mate. The male harpy had never seen someone like you before, but you were very similar to him. Except the wings and instead having those weird naked legs and arms, of course. How unpractical it was, having no wings.
There's no way you could fly like that! Maybe you were defected from birth? He felt sorry for you, you must have led a very hard life. Not being able to hunt for yourself or protect from predetors that wished ill intent upon you. Oh, dear. In the harpy world, should one of the chicks be weaker, it was inevitable the others wouldn't abandon them.
Not even those males you were with when he found you, showed any indication of protecting you. Unworthy, they were. They didn't deserve company from a female as lovely as you. He doesn't care about your defects,which is much more than he could say for the other males.
They were also strange looking with the same differences from him like you, but it didn't mean they should be allowed to slack of their responsibilities. He was glad he got rid of them. Now you could live with someone who actually knew how to take care of their partner.
"Stop it.." you whispered in defiance, wishing he would just let you be. Of course that would not happen.
The creature kept trying to usher you into the giant nest made from twigs. He always seemed the happiest when you were in it, you supposed it was some kind of instinct engraved in his bird-brain. You weren't dumb, you understood the signals and behaviours he was exhibiting.
The fond touches, protectiveness, trying to feed you, and the special dance he'd preform in front of you. You could see how he felt when you refused to move along with him. But why should you care about his feelings when he obviously had no regards for yours, if he did he would not have murdered your friends in cold blood.
You shrieked in surprise, the harpy lifted you up and was walking towards the bed made of natural elements. Gently, he set you down in it and you watched as he went and grabbed the dead carcass of a rabbit. It wasn’t there previously which meant he must have caught it recently, when he was out.
You frowned and pushed it away when he offered it to you. There was no chance you’d eat it, it was raw and you’d rather not catch anything. Then there was also a part of your pride you wished to protect, if you ate it meant giving in. Until now you had managed to avoid consuming anything he gave you. Although, you did eat when you absolutely had too, and in those cases it was fruits and nuts you still had in your backpack. But they were beginning to run out. You were grateful that you were able to keep your bag, when he first took you, what if he had thrown it out?
The male cawed at your defiance and entered the nest as well, placing himself behind you and pulling you into his lap. Protectively, he formed his wings around you, in the process making it slightly darker and harder to see. It was something he loved doing. Another one of his instincts you supposed. It made him feel like a worthy mate, someone who can protect you and provide. He ruffled his feathers in pleasure at the thought.
You winced as he dug into the flesh of the deceased animal, ripped out a bloody chunk and tried to make you eat it. “No, I don’t want that.” You said in a firm tone.
The harpy made multiple attempts, all failing of course. In the end, he leaned down, looking at you with a sad face while shaking you lightly, but you refused. He stared thoughtfully at the meat chunk for a while before gobbling it up himself.
Good, you thought and went on to ignore the male currently holding you previously. At least he won’t pester me about it anymore. However, you were deeply wrong about that.
It wasn’t long until weird sounds began erupting from him, you glanced back at him with suspicion. He was gagging and it hit you, he was going to throw up! You tried to pry his arms off you and escape to oncoming accident, but he wouldn’t budge.
“Let go of me! I’m not letting you puke all over me, you stupid bird!” You nearly wanted to throw up yourself at the thought.
You quickly looked away when he leaned over his hand and coughed up a slimy red substance into it. The meat he consumed earlier had been turned to a big mucky goo. It was the most disgusting thing you’d ever seen. But what almost made you faint was when he pushed it towards you.
“No, no, no, no!” You exclaimed in protest.
The male’s brows furrowed at your action and demonstrated an eating gesture with the chewed down flesh.
“Yes, I know you want me to have it but I must decline.” You simply wanted nothing to do with it, sadly he did not appear to understand that.
Having read bird relating books before, you also recognised this behaviour. It was called regurgitation and was when parents feed their chicks by partially digesting food from their own stomachs and then transfer it to their chicks.
The harpy male could not comprehend the reason why you did not eat his catch of the day. He could hear the sounds emitting from your stomach so you were obviously hungry, so why? In the beginning he thought that maybe you didn’t know how to eat it, so he decided to help you and rip off a piece. When you still didn’t do anything, he chose to help you further through first digesting the food in his stomach and then give it to you. Unfortunately you did not seem too happy about that, going as far as to reject his hold and try to flee to another part of the cave.
The whole thing made him incredibly pessimistic. He only wished to take care of you! The male had never had a mate before since harpies mate for life, and he didn’t know it would be so difficult to have one. He didn’t regret you or anything, but he couldn’t deny you were a little harder to care for. It wasn’t your fault, of course. The ones he blamed were your parents, they must have been horrible to you because you didn’t look like a normal harpy.
His blood boiled at the thought. However, that wouldn’t matter anymore, because he won’t let you be alone now that he is here.
When nightfall came, you were forcefully wrapped in his embrace again like he has done ever since he brought you to his home. You two were laying down in the nest, your back to his chest, one of his wings under you to create a more comfortable bedding and one wing over you for a blanket. One of the harpy’s feet was gripping your calf in a secure hold, hindering you from sneaking off. Although, his arms around your waist were a pretty good chackle too. You hated to admit it, but it was actually quite nice.
His feathers were softer on the inside of his wings and very warm. Because of the height you were at, there would sometimes be strong winds which caused you to freeze. Your saviour would then be your kidnapper. He would appear and cover you with his feathers to keeep you heated. You could see how much he enjoyed it when it happened. Not very surprising, really, since it was the only time you’d allow him close.
Oh how you wanted to wipe that smile off his face.
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lullabyes22-blog · 8 months
Mel x Silco - Married AU - A Drabble Thing
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Based on this ask by @the-blue-quetzalcoatl <3
Part of an AU meta of the Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO universe.
tw: tubal ligation, pregnancy, miscarriage
tw: dysfunctional family dynamics
"A Medarda has to stay a Medarda. Our lineage is the future. It has to continue. And it must be your priority."
In the Married AU, Mel would still go through with the sterilization. On the outset, Silco would know, and have taken it as a given. In his mind, it'd be smarter to have their bases covered, since having a child caught between two politicking nations is not a fate one would wish on any whelp.
Worst case: they'd end up being used as leverage for politics.
Worst-of-the-worst case: Ambessa might abduct them.
However, I do headcanon that Silco would begin alarming Mel, as the years pass and the two grow closer, by idly speculating what sort of family they'd have made, and what any children he might've had by her would look like. 
It would be very difficult for Mel to know whether he's being serious or pushing her buttons - which in turn would start making her second-guess herself.
She'd privately have no desire to have any children. And by this point, she'd be very close with Jinx, and feel a sense of fulfillment in how the girl is blossoming.
In fact, it'd be a private joke between them—
Mel: "So many families have a passel of daughters. It's like they're trying to get the ingredients just right. I already have a daughter. She's perfect."
Jinx: “Damn straight.”
And yet, the more Mel listens to Silco's lazy post-coital musings, the more a nagging part of her brain goes, "Maybe... maybe I could have another?"
And, naturally, once she'd admit that to herself, the question would become, "How? I've already burned that bridge."
The thought would occur to her: "What if we were to find a surrogate?"
She'd nix it the moment the idea comes up. If an outsider were involved, it would only leave room for things to go wrong. There'd be too much risk to their lives, their plans, their position. A few times, she'd catch herself eyeing up Sevika as a potential candidate. Sevika, nobody's fool, would suss out exactly what Mel has in mind.
She'd put her foot down - and take her grievance to Silco.
Sevika: "Your Missus keeps sizing me up like she's assessing property for acquisition."
Silco: "Nonsense. She's admiring your physique."
Sevika: "She asked if my family had any history of issues."
Silco: "With the law?"
Sevika: "With birth defects, sir."
Silco would stop short.
Sevika: "Your lady wife is thinking of putting a bun in my oven. Tell her to knock it off. Or else I will."
Naturally, this would lead to a confrontation between Silco and Mel. He'd demand to know what the hell she was thinking. And she'd snap that it's his fault for putting the idea in her head. He'd insist it was just playful banter, and she'd retort that he wouldn't have said it unless some part of him meant it.
Sophistry is both their weapon of choice, but in this instance, he'd find himself cornered, as nothing leaves his mouth by accident, or without design.
She'd press him: Why does he keep bringing it up?
And he'd fold: "I think you'd make a fine mother."
The honesty would shock her, and the realization would hit: This isn't about lineage. He wants a child.
With me.
They'd end up having an emotionally exhausting but cathartic conversation, where they'd both lay their cards out on the table.
Mel would admit her fears - of everything as surface-level as having a baby and ruining her figure, to as intimate as becoming the woman she sees when she looks at her mother. Besides: pregnancy is moot. She'd made her choice to get fixed, and she can't undo that.
Likewise, Silco would concede that he was playing dirty, and that it's an issue best left alone.
They have Jinx, and Jinx is enough.
The conversation would end with both of them feeling raw, and strangely exposed, but lead to a ravenous reconciliation that would leave the sheets torn up the next morning.
But in the coming days, Mel would realize the thought hasn't gone away.
She'd sit with Jinx, the two of them painting a mural together. Mel would watch the girl, smudged in pink and cackling, and feel a sense of quiet pride.
And she'd wonder:  "If I had a child, would I feel this way towards him or her, too?"
Or she'd watch Silco with Jinx, as he patiently teaches her the Demacian Waltz, the two of them sweeping gracefully around the room, and think, "Would he be like this with our son or daughter?"
And each time, the thought would sting: a wound that refuses to scab over.
Mel's pride and her pragmatism would war within her. Her pride would demand her to tell Silco the truth, and suggest they look into feasible options: surrogacy, or adoption. Her pragmatism would whisper that it's an unnecessary complication: a wild card that would threaten the intimate accord that they've fought tooth and nail to establish.
It'd be a constant battle, one that she'd keep secret.
In the summertime, Ambessa would arrive in Zaun for her yearly visit. She'd bring her entourage as usual. Same fanfare, same bluster, same backhanded threats to Silco.
During their greeting, Mel would catch her mother appraising her.  Still not with child, her eyes would say. Mel, of course, would play it off, and make her own barbed comments about her mother's advancing age. They'd have dinner, each party polite as if at knifepoint.
In the morning, Mel would be woken up by a knock at the door. Ambessa would be waiting at the threshold.
She'd be cordial, but also brisk, demanding a few moments of her daughter's time.
Mel, knowing her mother, would grimly oblige.
Ambessa would inform her, in clipped tones, that she has made a decision regarding her line's future. She is ready to give Mel the reins of their empire, as well as a healthy supply of wealth, as long as Mel agrees to go through with a procedure to reverse the sterilization she’d done years ago. She has trusted surgeons, who are more than willing to operate.
Mel's gut would heave, but her face would betray nothing.
Ambessa would continue: "You have proven yourself a fine stateswoman, Mel. But in all other respects, you remain a headstrong child."
That would hit Mel like a slap in the face, and her mother would keep going: "I am getting old, and it's time I start preparing for my exit. But I want our legacy carried forward. I'd have preferred it not be spoiled by that no-name Trencher. But he has drive, if nothing else.  Perhaps his nation will thrive on its own. Either way, he has his claws dug in too deep for me to oust him from your life."
She'd lean in: "But a Medarda has to stay a Medarda. Our lineage is the future. It has to continue. And it must be your priority."
Mel would swallow the bile rising in her throat.
"Think on it, Mel. It's a small thing. But it would mean the world to me."
Mel would excuse herself with stiff formality, and make her exit. She'd wait until she was alone, and then run to the bathroom and vomit.
Afterwards, she'd sit on the floor, and think.
She would weigh the options in her head. She would weigh the costs and benefits; the haves and have-nots. She would look at it objectively.
And she'd make her choice.
In the afternoon, Ambessa would be told to pack her bags and leave. No reason given.
Silco would find Mel sitting at her vanity, staring into the mirror, her eyes hooded. He'd come over, and rest his hands on her shoulders.
Mel: "If we're going to do this... let's be thorough."
Silco: "Do what?"
Mel: "Have a child. Let's do this right. We'll find a doctor. The best there is."
Silco: "What in Kindred's name has gotten into you?"
Mel: "A little bit of madness. And a lot of clarity."
Long story short: after a hushed conversation with a private Piltover physician, the three of them would discuss options, and it'd be determined that the procedure can be reversed. Mel would be breathlessly giddy, and Silco would be cautiously optimistic.
For the next year, it'd be a frenzied dance – one that would leave Mel jelly-legged each morning. Hers and Silco’s physical quotient, high to begin with, would be turned up to eleven, and every month, Mel would wait with bated breath.
And nothing would happen.
Month after month: nothing.
Mel would start growing anxious. The doctor would assure her there's nothing wrong. The procedure went as smoothly as could be expected. There's no reason why her body shouldn't be responding. She'd begin looking at her belly in the mirror, waiting for her body to change. She'd try every old wives' tale: eat certain foods, drink special teas, sleep with her back facing a wall.
And month after month: nothing
Silco would notice her growing despondent. He'd ask her if she wants to give it up, and she'd tell him not yet. Inside, however, the doubt would gnaw her to pieces.
"Why isn't this working? Why am I failing?"
Her paintings would grow darker, and her silences longer. Jinx would notice, but Mel would keep her worries close to the chest, not wanting to trouble her.
Month after month.
Until one morning, she'd be roused by Silco shaking her awake. The bedsheets would be stained with blood. Not period-blood, but a darker, heavier flow.
The medicks would be summoned.
The doctor would later confirm she'd suffered a miscarriage. Mel would protest she'd not even known she was pregnant. And the doctor would say the signs were there. She'd been drowsy (lack of rest, Mel had speculated); she'd been experiencing morning sickness (a bad batch of oysters from an Ionian gala, Mel had surmised); her mood had been off (she'd been under pressure negotiating an Ionian arms treaty, Mel insisted).
And the list would go on.
Her body had tried to tell her. She just hadn't listened.
Mel would be in bed for a week. She'd cry into her pillow, without sound. Silco would try to console her. She'd explode at him, raging and screaming, and then break down begging for his forgiveness in the next breath.
In her mind, she'd see her mother, shaking her head:
"How could you fail? You're a Medarda. Our family line has never failed."
By the end of the month, Mel would emerge from seclusion and dust herself off. She'd dress in her loveliest gown, put her golden mask on, and return to work.
And she’d never speak of it again.
Jinx would prove her deepest solace. She'd spend time with the girl, teaching her, painting with her, talking about anything and everything. She'd try not to look at her and see her failure, but instead, the daughter she already had.
This girl is the best of the two of us, she'd think. She is enough.
She is perfect.
Silco would be relieved to hear the music of feminine laughter filling the halls again. At night, Mel would visit his room, and they'd take each other with a renewed ferocity.
She'd never ask if he was disappointed.
He'd never offer his pity.
Afterward, she'd hold onto him, and bury her face in his neck, and know she wasn’t alone.
In the summertime, Ambessa would visit, and Mel would meet her at the threshold, her hands folded primly in front of her. She'd greet her mother with cool cordiality, and invite her in. They'd talk politics, and war, and the state of the city. They'd never mention her womb.
It'd be a tacit understanding.  The terms of their truce.
A few months later, Mel would order paperwork to formalize Jinx's adoption as her heir, and make sure her name would be inscribed next to Silco's: husband and wife.
Ambessa would receive the announcement in a missive.
She'd read the contents, and then, without reading further, crumple it up and toss it into the fireplace.
Then she'd summon her scribe and have the Medarda line of succession changed to reflect the new arrangement.
Ambessa would think, privately, "What a waste."
And yet, a part of her would admire her daughter's tenacity.
The Medarda line, after all, was spawned by cutthroats and bastards too.
Mel would resume her duties as Councilor with a rekindled fervor. She had a daughter, and her daughter would inherit a brighter tomorrow. Zaun and Piltover would have a strong alliance, one built by her hand, and Silco's. And they'd have a dynasty, one that would carry on their name, and bury the bones of all who stood against them.
They had a family. And a future.
On the Equinox, the three of them would go sailing in the canals. Mel would lean against Silco's shoulder, and watch Jinx dance across the deck, as lanterns twinkled across the water. She'd see a girl, free to choose her own path, not the one Ambessa had carved out for her. She'd have her father's vision, and her mother's compassion. She'd have the best of both of them.
And, if nothing else, the girl would have her.
Later, in the dark, Silco would whisper:
"We'll try again, if you want."
Mel would think of her mother, and a lifetime of expectations.
She'd shake her head, and nestle deeper against him.
"No," she'd whisper, with a smile. "I have all I need."
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dadriusbiggestfan · 5 months
Hitting you all with my sad Owl house headcanons.
(I am projecting some of my own feelings into these, please don’t reply say anything particularly nasty about a certain headcanon.)
TW: Bullying, R@pe/ SA, self harm, Eating disorders. idk if there’s any others??
1) Luz is named Luz because she was the light of her parents lives, they’d had five miscarriages before she was conceived, and her parents assumed they’d never be a Mamá or Papá.
2) Willow holds some resentment towards Amity, and sometimes deliberately misses out on things so she doesn’t have to see her, but she doesn’t hate her, she enjoys spending time with her sometimes, and she’s had good memories with her, she just doesn’t understand why she feels that way.
3) Amity always thought she’d have to be in a relationship with Boscha one day, and dreaded it. When Odalia told her they’d get her a new girlfriend, her first thought was being forced into a loveless life with Boscha.
4) Gus pretty much refuse to make friends out his current friend group in fear they’ll use him.
5) Hunters presence in general reminds people how lucky they had it growing up, and he feels really awkward about it.
6) Willow is terrified of people hurting the ones she loves most and can sometimes be overbearingly protective, particularly of Hunter or Gus.
7) Luz was so scared of experiencing bullying and discrimination on the isles that she sometimes told people she had a birth defect and she was actually a witch.
8) Vee is very claustrophobic, but she doesn’t really have panic attacks and she feels awkward bringing it up.
9) Gus is convinced something is wrong with Mattholomule in like a- is everything okay at home type way.
10) Hunter was raped by multiple scouts on multiple unrelated occasions. He wants to tell his friends/ family just so someone knows and it’s out there, but he’s terrified of how they might see him or what they might do if it gets out there.
11) Amity knows she was mistreated, and that her mother was awful to her, but she doesn’t really consider it abuse, just bad parenting.
12) Darius feels so guilty about the way he treated Hunter that he sort of smothered him when he first came to live with him.
13) Hunter and Luz both self harmed/ had an eating disorder without even realising it. When Luz was little and she got frustrated she would pull her hair as hard as she could, and she was a strong kid. Hunter used to make himself vomit and restrict food intake when he believed he’d been ‘bad’, Hettie Cutburn found out and tried to get him to stop but he always found a way.
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mushroomnoodles · 4 months
this ask may sound fetishist but it ISNTT 💀💀💀 is just an ask about candy's body biology.
Can candy simon carry, idk sextuplets? and be alright? normal human body would struggle and have miscarriages or premature birth, also conditions like back pain or bad breathing in the mother. Would candy simon being just candy be able to experience the struggle of carrying or would he just do it normally?
do candy bodies have limits? like pregnancy it's taxing on the body –most when you pop baby after baby— judging by the fact that Betty and simon have like 7 children with apparently different ages, I'm gonna guess that is a maybe.
can candy simon experiment any miscarriage? maybe by a miscalculation of candy's witch beans idk.
this is a very good ask and i love these kinds of genuinely curious questions! makes me think. you're all good! tw/cw for non kink mpreg mentions and birth defect/miscarriage talk. also.. candy simon reproduction (since he's the only candy person even equipped to carry a child)
no, candy simon cannot carry sextuplets. that he would not survive. the way his body is now designed to work is to prioritize the growth of his unborn baby, which means his body uses its own sugars to grow the fetus. the most he could theoretically handle without some serious detriment to his health is triplets.
with, for example, quads, candy simon doesn't need to breathe, and he can't feel pain, but he would be extremely weak and low-energy, along with showing signs of malnourishment (and he would die, if candy witch didn't care for and monitor him closely. he would not be able to get up and feed himself.)
candy simon, as long as he is properly eating, can essentially go through pregnancy with minimal issues besides intense cravings (his body replacing the sugars) and mood swings. the weight of being pregnant is something he notices but it's a trivial issue that just makes it harder to manuever.
his organs are very simple (and don't entirely mirror a human's) and with each pregnancy candy witch keeps a close eye on his physical health. it helps that candy simon can just.. physically replace parts of himself with caramel. hell, it helps that candy simon is caramel- he's very sturdy and resilient, and easily mended. candy simon could get squashed and be fine.
like i said, his main (and pretty much only) danger is.. well.. giving too much of himself to his fetus. malnourishing himself.
candy simon's children are all at least a few years apart, and in between children candy simon is given enough time to physically recuperate (not that he needs much) he can keep going as long as he's healthy and in one piece.
and yes, candy simon can experience a miscarriage, but only by defect of candy witch's jelly beans. when eaten by a candy person, they're meant to sort of burrow through and "take root" in a place to grow. for candy simon, who is specifically now built for this, the bean will take root in his. er. candy womb, where it will begin taking sugars and other minerals needed to become a candy person.
if the jelly bean isn't produced properly or is "off," one of three things could happen:
the bean acts as a normal jelly bean and never "fruits"
the bean ceases growth shortly after implanting and is reabsorbed into his body
the bean continues development but creates a candy kid with defects/deformities
if, for some reason, his body did not absorb a partially grown, but failed, jelly bean, candy witch would remove it. she keeps tabs on his body once he eats a bean, so she knows if something's gone wrong with the pregnancy.
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dino-boyo-agere · 2 years
Hai 🦈
I'm Nathan, but u can call me Nate or Dino 💖
I'm a 25 year old trans guy from Germany and this is my age regression blog. 🏳️‍⚧️💞 My little age mainly moves between 3 to 6. Lately I feel like I'm permanently slipping or at around age 10 or 12 mentally.
My birthday is on August 15th!!
I love Dinosaurs, coloring and crafting! 🦕🖍️
╰→ klick here to find out what my favorite dinos are!!
I'm a primary colors enthusiast!! 💛💙❤️ My favorite colors are green & blue. 💚💙
I have several disabilities & disorders (ADHD, Dyslexia, birth defects, other stuff) ♿🧠
I'm incontinent, so I have to wear diapers. 🚼
I'm in lots of fandoms (Stranger Things, Criminal Minds, Supernatural, etc.) 💫📺
My CG blog: @silly-baba
I have an AgeRe YouTube channel btw!!
I made a Spotify playlist with my favorite songs!! - it is not agere themed tho lol
I only have nine fingers, if you're interested in knowing why, → here ← is the story of how I lost one of them. (!cw! obv. It's a little bloody!)
╰→ someone uploaded my story to YouTube, if you would like to listen to it, instead of reading! <3
DNI: nsfw, ddlg & variants, ABDl & variants, kink of any form... 🚫
Indicator if I'm:
big → 🦖
slipping → ☁️
small → 🧸
I'm a flip, heavily leaning little!
DMs are open, but I hate smalltalk. So, please just get right to the point when u wanna message me for/ about something. (It's completely fine if you just wanna chat, obviously!) Same goes for questions, no need to ask "Can I ask you a question?" Yes, you can! Just go and ask ahead right away!! <3 - Thank you for understanding!!
Also, lil tipp: every time a colored text in my posts has a white underline, it has a link in it. It's a little harder to see now, since Tumblr also ads underlines to each colored text, but it's still visible if you know what ur looking for! They changed it back, yayy!!
I have memory issues, so I'll probably reblogg some things multiple times or forget to answer questions/ do requests. Don't hesitate to remind me, but please be patient & don't pressure me, thank you! <3
If you're interested, → here ← is my cg application doc form, I'd absolutely love to have an online cg!! 💕
I made a list of YouTube channels to watch when regressed, some are themed around regression and some are just fun!!
I also made a little list for people who want to educate themselves about regression, what it is, why people do it ant what it's for!!
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚☆↓ My AgeRe ID ↓☆ ゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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If you want to make ur own ID → here ← is a link to imgur!
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・.゚»・⁠°✧↓This is me!↓✧°・«゚.・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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.゚.* 。×゚。・* ゚☆↓My Tummy-Puppy↓☆ ゚*・。゚× 。*.゚.
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.゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚✧↓My doggo, Miles↓✧゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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.゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚☆↓I like crafting!↓☆ ゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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・。゚×゚。・゚»・⁠°✧↓My little sona, Spots↓✧°・«゚・。゚×゚。・
You can learn more about him → here, ← if you want to.
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。. ×゚・.»・⁠°☆↓My AgeRe Sona, Toggy↓☆°・«.・ ゚× . 。
You can learn more about them → here, ← if you want to.
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・.。゚×゚。・゚»・⁠°✧↓My cg sona, Loo↓✧°・«゚・。゚×゚。.・
You can learn more about them → here, ← if you want to.
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I have a furry blog but it's not super active <3
.*.・。゚×゚。・.*.゚☆ ↓My hashtags!↓ ☆ ゚.*.・。゚×゚。・.*.
Fanfics: #nates fanfictions
Head Canons: #nates headcanons
When I'm in my CG headspace: #baba space
AgeRe OC's: #nates little ocs
Arts & crafts: #nates drawings & #nates crafts
Sewing: #nates sewing
YouTube Videos/ Channel: #nates youtube
Other stuff I created: #nate makes
Banners: #nates banners
AgeRe outfits: #nates outfits
Answers to asks: #nates answers
Asks of mine that got answered: #nates questions
Textposts: #nates babbling
Memes I made: #nates memes
Ranting/ venting: #nates vents & #tw: vent
Anything dinosaur related: #nate loves dinos
Anything Tummy-Puppy related: #tuppy
Recommendations: #nates recommendations
╰→recommendations for YouTube, Music, TV, Movies..
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚✧ ↓ Info & DNI ↓ ✧ ゚.*・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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I created this blog on November 9th 2022.
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littlespacereader · 10 months
Hello again!!
❗Tw: mention of diapers & accidents❗
I also have to wear diapers for medical reasons (stool incontinent bc of a birth defect) and I too view Nappies as a comfort item in my regression!
I think it's really cool of you to help others bring comfort to wearing diapers and "embarrassing" situations like accidents.
As someone who has to deal with accidents at least twice a week, that really means a lot!
So, I would love a story where a little one has an accident, in a public place/ event and their cg makes an "escape plan", like in an action movie, that helps the little one to feel less ashamed. Saying things like: "Okay, we have to secure the diaper bag, before entering the restroom, is sergeant Teddie equipped for the heist?" They make a game out of it, showing the little one that even in uncomfortable or embarrassing situations, one can have fun.
I'd also really like a scene of comfort, where the little one feels bad for "being yucky" and their cg assuring them that they are not. (It's something I struggle with a lot bc of my condition)
It's up to you to decide what kind of accident you decide the little one to have, whatever you're comfortable with! (I know many ppl find "No. 2 accidents" really triggering, so I completely understand if you don't want to write about that)
Feel free to use any of the pairings I listed in this ask of mine!
Ps. I forgot to mention that I'm uncomfortable with the terms M*mmy and D*ddy in the other ask, so I'm putting it here!
Thanks for reading, have a great day/ night!
For starters let me say how near and dear this request is to my heart. I can relate whole heartily to this. As someone who also uses diapers both as a medical necessity and as a comfort item to my regression this request hits home. So this ask really warms my heart. Thank you for being so open with this request @dino-boyo-agere 💞
It’s extremely embarrassing difficult having an accident in public. Age Regression isn’t a widely known thing and the fear of someone taking it for something like a kink is common. Plenty of insecurity and disgust runs through us when accident happen. Why I’m so adamant about writing these scenarios is to shed a light to those who don’t know and more importantly to show Littles alike that it’s okay. You’re regression is your own. Wearing diapers or not doesn’t make you more or less of a Regressor. Wearing and using diapers is okay! You’re perfectly valid and I’m here for you as a fellow Little who wear diapers herself. Accident happen but it doesn’t make you gross. You’re a beautiful Regressor, padded or not💞💞💞
With that little affirmation of love to my fellow padded Regressors please enjoy this fic💞
Thank you for this brilliant idea and for all the different pairings. I decided to go with Caregiver! Dean Winchester & Little! Sam Winchester! But I love the idea of a Caregiver being an older brother to their little brother Little so this immediately struck my heart!
I will be doing this fic as a number 2 accident which will be implied and not detailed in anyway in this story. I understand that it makes some uncomfortable so I understand if this fic is not for you. While it will be sfw in my eyes I can understand why it wouldn’t for others so hence there is no sfw tag added. With that I hope enjoy this fic!!💞
The Undercover Mission at the Fair
Caregiver! Dean Winchester & Little! Sam Winchester
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Tags: diapers, accident, pacifier, stuffed animal moose
Nicknames: Sammy, buddy, kiddo, little one,
Sam and Dean arrived to a small town in Idaho hearing stories of a ghost killing those who walked home at night. Seemed simple enough for the brothers. But upon arriving, it was getting hard for Sam to keep a clear head and not regress.
Since arriving there were posters everywhere for the county fair. They had never been to a fair before! And this one was going to have rides, carnival games and as much junk food as a Little could want! The pictures looked so exciting!
The posters were in the police station, the hotel, the diner, EVERYWHERE! Sam, despite his best efforts was finding it difficult not to regress immediately. How could he resist?! It looked like so much fun!! And hey, maybe he took a poster on the way out of the police station to show Dean later…just maybe…
Regression was something Sam kept hidden from everyone for years. I mean how could he possibly tell someone like his father that he needed to regress every now and then.
No, never. He kept it to himself… College had been a God sent to Sam. There he was able to regress whenever he felt like it. He had stuffies, toys, diapers and even a pacifier all for himself. It was heaven on earth.
That was until Dean showed up on his dorms door step saying Dad was missing. Going back to his old hunter lifestyle and not regressing was a horrible combo. Shared motel rooms with Dean meant no privacy, which lead to disaster.
A nightmare in the middle of the night caused Sam to not only regress but wet the bed as well. But Dean was right there by his side to help him through it all. He didn’t question anything at all, not the diapers in his bag, not the stuffed moose he clung to and certainly not the pacifier he immediately gave Sam.
No, Dean stepped up like he had Sam’s whole life. He comforted him and helped him back to sleep eventually. After that day Dean became Sam’s Caregiver, making sure his little brother was always safe and comfortable when he regressed.
Fast forward to the present, in privacy of their hotel room Sam started to regress. The case dragged on today. Between talking to the police, to research at the local library, to interviewing victims families, Sam needed a break.
He grabbed his moose stuffie, got changed into a diaper and sat on the bed with his pacifier while watching tv. Suddenly an ad for the fair popped on and reminded him!
“Dean!” Sam said, pacifier dropping from his mouth as he rushed over to his suit jacket to grab the poster from his pocket.
“Yeah Sammy?” Dean was just walking out of the bathroom when Sam thrusted the poster into Dean’s hands.
“They’re having a fair here this weekend! See!” He pointed to the poster.
“Yeah I saw these posters around the town. What about it?”
Sam paused, “We have to go! When will we ever get this opportunity again?”
Dean smiled. As much as brother tried to keep his regression in the downlow this whole case, his careful Caregiver eyes spotted it right away. So it was no shocker to Dean when Sam brought him this carnival poster and asked if they could go.
“Sammy we’re in the middle of a case.” Dean tried to reason.
But Sam crossed his arms, “You’re the one who always says it can’t always be about hunts and that we need to take time for ourselves. Well this is time for ourselves!”
As much as Dean hated to admit it, Sam was right. He hasn’t regressed in a while which wasn’t health for him and Dean hasn’t had a break away from a hunt in a while. Maybe this fair was meant to be for them.
“You make a good point buddy,” Dean sat down on the motel bed and patted the spot next to him for Sam.
Despite being taller than his brother, Sam sat down and leaned forward to rest his head on his brother’s shoulder.
“So…can we go?” Sam asked again, giving his best puppy dog eyes.
Dean laughed, “Alright we can go.”
Before Dean could continue what he was saying Sam immediately jumped from the bed and was practically jumping around the room.
“Yes!!! Fair!!! Thank you thank you thank you Dean!! We’re gonna have so much fun!”
Dean smiled seeing Sammy’s excitement. He was going to add that they would go after the case was finished but he didn’t have the heart. Plus this case seemed to wrapping up soon anyway, why ruin the fun?
County fairs weren’t really something Dean and Sam got to experience when they were kids. Sure, there were plenty of times they arrived at a town with the fair happening. But John was so focused on whatever hunt he was on that by the time he had dealt with it, the fair had packed up leaving two disappointing Winchesters.
It’s no wonder Sam regresses with their interesting childhood… But Dean never minded Sam’s regression. Infact he encouraged Sam to regress when he was particularly stressed. Sam’s regression did as much healing for Dean as it did for Sam.
So, after a couple of days of dealing with this nighttime ghost, they arrived at the county fair. It was everything Sam had always dreamed it could be! They had tons of snacks! Crazy rides! And amazing prizes to be won! He didn’t know where to go first?!
Dean could see the wonder in Sam’s eyes. He placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, “Where first Sammy? You lead the way.”
Where first indeed.
Dean followed Sam’s lead, walking behind the tall little with his backpack on. Inside was everything he would need as a Caregiver. Sam’s stuffed moose, extra change of clothes, diapers and supplies and his pacifier. He prided himself on being prepared for anything both as a hunter and as a Caregiver.
Sam insisted they start off with rides! The first one spun around so fast that they couldn’t even stand up. Sam was giggling the whole time but looking over at Dean showed he was not having a great time.
After that the two made their way to the “haunted house.” It was honestly laughable going through the haunted house with what the both of them face on the daily. But it didn’t stop Sam was grabbing Dean’s hand as they made their way through the house.
Despite towering over his big brother, he always felt safer when Dean was holding his hand and leading the way.
They hopped ride after ride after ride, and in between eating some junky snacks and candy the fair had to offer. Finally after a little while Dean made the executive decision to grab something sustainable to eat and sit down for a moment.
They found a nice table to themselves and set their belongings down. Sam needed a bit of a break after the constant running around they did his morning. So a nice shaded table was perfect. Plus he wasn’t used to eating so much junk, so getting something a little bit healthier would be better for the two of them.
“Alright Sammy, I’ll grab us something to eat. You stay here and relax a bit. Okay? Don’t leave this table.”
Sam just nodded, focused on a clown that had walked past a couple of minutes ago. His stomach twinged a bit in pain. “D-Dean…”
Dean stopped a step away from the table. He turned around, “Yeah?”
“I think I’ll come with you instead.” He grabbed Dean’s backpack and jumped up to join him. The sudden movement caused his stomach to hurt again.
Dean looked in the direction Sam was just looking in. Something definitely spooked him since he went from his usual regressed happiness to anxious. Maybe it was that clown that’s been walking around? He took in the sight of his brother, one hand holding his stomach, the other gripping his backpack.
“Sammy, are you feeling okay?” Dean wasn’t sure if it was scared and holding himself or in pain.
“Yeah…yeah I’m fine.” Sam handed Dean his backpack back and followed his lead through the rows of food stands.
But his stomach hadn’t forgotten about him just yet. Another stabbing pain had him stopping in his tracks, holding his stomach and wincing. Maybe he could ask Dean for some medicine or to take him to the bathroom.
But when he looked up Dean was gone. Sam’s face went white as the ghost they just killed.
“Dean?” He looked around, “DEAN?!” He yelled. He was right next to him one second ago?! And now his tummy hurt and all he wanted was his brother, his caregiver, to make it all better.
Worst of all they were in public. He couldn’t have an accident with all these people around them?! There were crowds of people, or what felt like crowds, walking around him. He felt as though everyone’s eyes were on him, as if they all knew.
It was all so overwhelming. Tears started to sting the corner of his eyes as he wrapped both arms around his sore stomach.
Immediately Sam lifted his head and looked in the direction of Dean’s voice. There, only a couple feet away was Dean. Immediately Sam walked over and wrapped Dean into a hug, starting to crying into his shoulder.
Dean had only walked a few feet when he realized Sam was no longer behind him. He looked around for the tall Little but was blocked by a group of people. Once he made it away from them he could see Sam. He looked on the verge of a breakdown with his arms holding his stomach tightly and his head swiveling around to find Dean.
“It’s alright Sammy I’m here, I’m here buddy,” he rubbed Sam’s back soothingly.
When Sam all but launched himself into Dean’s arms, the Caregiver had a pretty good idea of what happened while the two were away. He sighed. He should’ve kept a closer eye on him, especially when he knew something was wrong. Especially when they haven’t been eating the healthiest today.
But now was not the time to regret anything. Right now he had to get him somewhere discreet enough to get changed. But he knew Sam would rather curl up into a ball than to start walking towards the bathrooms.
He needed to get Sam changed and he didn’t want him to be more embarrassed than he already was….a challenge indeed. But this is Dean we’re talking about, he always knows how to take good care of his little brother. That’s when an idea popped into his head.
Once Sam seemed to settle from crying Dean pulled away and wiped his tears away, “Its okay Sammy, it’s okay. I’m so sorry I lost you there for a second. Truth is…I was checking to see if we were being spied on.”
That started to peak Sam interest away from the accident or almost losing Dean. “Spied on?”
“That’s right Sammy. The intel I got this morning said that we might be spied on while at the fair here. Apparently they only send their top agents on a mission such as this one, which is why we were assigned to this job. Now Agent S, before we make our way to our mission’s checkpoint do we have the equipment we need?”
Sam started to get into the little game Dean was playing. A small smile started to appear on his face seeing Dean become over dramatic with their “secret mission”. He started to worry less about the accident and more about their game. “What equipment do we need?”
“Well we first need my backpack but I can’t find it anywhere! Have you seen it? Where could it have gone to?!” Dean said turning around to look for it when it was strapped to his back the entire time. Sam started giggling.
Dean turned around overly dramatic again, “Is something funny Agent S?”
“You’re wearing the backpack Agent D!”
“I’m- OH! Of course I am! There it is! Great job Agent S!” Dean praised, ruffling Sam’s hair a bit. “Now with our first item secured we only need one more thing before we make our way to the checkpoint, and that’s Agent M.”
Sam looked confused, “Agent M? Who’s Agent M?”
Dean opened the backpack and picked up Sam’s moose stuffed animal. “Agent M of course!”
Sam’s face started to blush a little. He didn’t normally walk around with Moosy in public. But he desperately wanted him right now.
Thankfully Dean had a quickly solution for that problem too, “But Agent M is really really undercover, so if anyone asks you where you got him, say you won him in a carnival game. That way we don’t blow his cover.” Dean winked.
It was the perfect excuse. There were plenty of people walking around with stuffed animals in hand from carnival games. He would fit in just fine with his moose. So with that Sam took his moose stuffie. He had to admit, having him close really started to help.
“Alright Agent S, Agent M, let’s go to the mission checkpoint,” Dean took Sam hand in his as they walked through the crowds to find a restroom.
Sam, despite being taller than Dean, stayed hidden behind him with every step they took. Anytime anyone walked even a little too close to the two of them Sam ducked his head near Dean.
Thankfully there was a restroom nearby. Dean smiled and squeezed Sam’s hand in his. “There we go Agent S! There’s our mission checkpoint. We made it! Are you and Agent M doing okay?”
But Dean could see despite their fun little game waking to the restroom, the toll of the accident was weighing heavily on Sam with every step he took.
He stopped and looked up at Dean fighting tears that threatened to spill, “It’s okay Dean. I can go in and get changed myself. I don’t want you to have to deal with this…with….a number 2.”
Sam went to grab the backpack from Dean’s shoulder but he immediately stopped him. “Wow wow wow, that is not happening. Do you think I wanted to be your Caregiver so I could do half the job and call it a day?”
Sam looked away. Tears started to roll down his eyes as he whispered, “You shouldn’t have to deal with this Dean. It’s gross, I’m gross.” At the admission, Sam started to cry a bit.
But Dean quietly swooped in. He pulled him in and held him in a tight hug for a moment. After he wiped the tears away, “Don’t you dare say that about yourself. You are not gross at all! It’s normal for little ones to have accident and you’re no different. I don’t have to deal with this, I want to Sammy. I’ve always been here for you and I’m not stopping now.”
He held his hand out for Sam to take again. “We have a mission to complete Agent. Not a solo mission, but a co-op mission. I can’t do it without you Agent S.”
Sam looked at Dean sincerely. He truly meant every word. Despite everything he never saw him differently, he still saw him as his little brother. So with a little hesitancy Sam took Dean’s hand in his own.
“After this I say we give you a little bit of medicine, rest a little whole and then take on a few carnival games. What do you think?”
Sam just nodded, still repeating what Dean had said to him in his head. After a moment he spoke again.
“I’m not gross?” Sam asked softly.
“Nope, never.” Dean replied, as they started walking into the bathroom. “The only way you would be gross is if you started saying Smart cars were cooler than Baby.”
Sam smiled. “What?! Why would I think Smart cars were cooler than the Impala?”
“I don’t know. But if you started saying that it was cooler than the Impala, well I’d have to disown you and call you gross.” Dean playfully shrugged.
Sam laughed. “I don’t think I can fit in a Smart car.”
Dean laughed as well. “I don’t think you can either.”
The two laughed as the entered the bathroom. After a quick changed followed by a bit of comfort, the accident was long and forgotten. The day went on uninterrupted after that with Dean winning Sam prizes at the fair and the two ending the night watching the fireworks display.
The fair had been everything they always dreamed it would be.
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jigokuraku modern au headcanons pt 1
(did someone say jigokuraku modern au)
TW: violence, assault, and many more related themes you think this au will not have the same drama as they had in canon? this au will still have it regardless bcos I am angsty like that. btw imma do this per character so it's elaborated hehe
used to become a part of the yakuza, particularly the top hitman of the Iwa family (see my reference there)
his parents were both hitmen who tried to run away from the yakuza but were killed by osa, later on adopted him legally and made him yui's fiance at birth
contrary to canon, he's been interacting with yui a lot before their formal engagement ceremony so yeah they be closer than ever but they weren't obviously close
ran away with yui from the yakuza bcos he wanted the two of them to live normal lives so they stayed at a rundown apartment for like a few days, hiding from the yakuza constantly
that is until he was forced to confront osa and kill him mercilessly by disembowelling him and shooting his head 10 times
his last act as the hollow involved killing 4 to 5 men with a helmet and scissors after they almost harassed yui
stayed at a crime and rehabilitation center owned by the yamada clan afterwards since they were both minors plus yui was dealing with ptsd episodes
he and yui are still part of the iwa family tho but the yakuza part of the clan is not after them anymore
was still able to continue school bcos of jikka's interference (uhh let's just say he became the gabiyui caretaker) so yeah he transferred school midway in his term
people are still sht scared of him bcos of his reputation as a delinquent
none of the yakuza underdogs from other clans fight him anymore after receiving news of his defect from the iwa clan (shija just gives him criminal offensive side eye tho)
he is actually yui's kouhai in their school tho so he was always around the second years' building waiting for her during lunch and after school hours
he is classmates with toma tho (who gives him criminal offensive side eye bcos he fought with chobe once and it ended up with chobe almost dying, well gabi too but still)
constantly getting recruited by martial arts and other related clubs but he turns them down bcos he doesn't wanna deal with any sort of fighting
actually helps yui during her library committee duties (but is still not a member)
sometimes, he part-times as a delivery guy from a logistics company just so he can have his own allowance to buy things
is actually so smart in academics but is so rude like if you ask him abt a subject he would say "why don't you get this? it's easy" but he just means well (accdg to him at least)
goes to school riding a motorbike with yui sitting behind him (and yes that spot is reserved for her only)
girls don't usually pay attention to him until he starts showing off his athletic skills or when they see him without a shirt and they're like "I didn't know Gabimaru-kun is so hot"
yes, especially when he wears glasses 🥵🥵🥵
as a child, she wanted a normal life like she didn't want the yakuza part of the family to be bestowed on her
yeah until osa slapped her face and beat her up so she would know her place as a woman of the iwa family
the smile left her since then, which saddened gabimaru to some extent since he has always known her for her life and beaming happiness
she and gabimaru got closer as they age but they mostly meet in private and it wasn't until gabimaru opened up abt not wanting to kill that they cemented their relationship into "more than just two people in an arranged marriage"
so they ran away, only for osa's men to catch her being alone in a rundown apartment, then they tried to harass her
even burned her face, a reminder of the yakuza's imprint on her
yui healed after being taken to a crime and rehabilitation center, accepting everything that has happened and finally being able to live with gabimaru in peace
now that she is a normal high school girl, you would think yui's life is rainbows and colorful butterflies
nah, she only got nasty rumors abt her being a spoiled yakuza princess and the scar might be an appeal for pity
fun fact: yui is in the same year as tenza, sagiri, and yuzuriha but sagiri and yuzu are from different class
one time tenza was helping yui with class duties bcos there were a lot of heavy materials and girls think she was two-timing gabimaru
so they confronted her abt it at the back of the school building, even threatened to do something to gabimaru, and the next thing yui broke the bones on their wrists (you think yui can't? she can. it's canon that she can crush chestnuts with bare hands)
and it was widespread around school to a point where people constantly avoided being involved with the gabiyui couple at this point
she's a member of the library committee which made all students wary bcos yeah bone-breaking incident
has actually high grades but not enough to make her an honor student (it's almost at par with gabi)
her cooking skills are on-point tho that some of her classmates go to her for cooking tips especially when it's time for their cooking class
she still gets money from the iwa family tho; is even owning a private villa somewhere near a beach as an inheritance from her father
has started making short videos of her cooking online
she actually got a real engagement ring from gabimaru and a promise that they'll marry once he turns 18
best cinnamon girl who can cut you
has rich girl academia vibes since she is the daughter of the yamada crime and rehabilitation center ceo
besties with fuchi and senta despite them being at the university
met gabimaru by fighting him in the streets after she accidentally caught him killing a target (and yes, she won that one)
and then she tried knowing where he was going until she found out the address to the rundown apartment and met yui
since then, she's been rooting for the two
yeah until the whole yakuza shenanigan thing
but afterwards, the gabiyui couple got to know her more and even relied on her at times
ngl she might appear calm and composed, but she a diehard fangirl of romance drama and stuff 😭😭😭
even collects posters of this one male actor bcos the acting was so superb and he so handsome
also secretly goes to cafes bcos she likes sweet things until yuzuriha discovered her true self and motivated her to slowly come out of her shell
knows a lot abt beauty products and stuff, particularly body care like you can smell her floral fragrance from a mile away
almost tried to beat up shija bcos they were lurking around the campus, wanting to get gabimaru back to being a yakuza hitman (shija's from a different school)
she doesn't mind yuzuriha flirting with her and up to this day, she still thinks she's joking
but if you ask her, she cares about yuzuriha a lot. LIKE A LOT
she still wants to be the head of the yamada clan despite her father's sexist remarks
former hacker and thief; used to pickpocket valuable items at the mall for her sick sister (eventually died though)
still continued her old ways until she got tired of it and just wanted to enjoy a life of not running away from the police
she met senta who told her she has the potential to live a free life and in turn, she inspired him to follow his path towards theology
also met sagiri from there bcos I love yuzugiri interactions thank you very much
tbh being around senta and sagiri influenced yuzuriha to work hard for her own money by working at the nearby convenience store
despite rumors suggesting she was a pick up girl, meeting men at random places to have sex and get money
annoys gabimaru to no end bcos she just likes riling him up like that (in return, he would remind her of her unrequited feelings towards sagiri)
"so anything new happening with you and wifey?"
"yui's not my wife yet"
"oh? so when's the wedding?"
"how about you? confessed to sagiri yet?"
also helps sagiri during her internship at the Yamada Crime and Rehabilitation Center (like retrieving info and stuff)
also goes to the same class as her at school
but despite being close to sagiri, yuzuriha maintains average-ish scores??? ngl she is smart if she puts her head to it but nah she wants a carefree life so yeah all grades are enough for her to graduate
girls hate her guts bcos many men are after her since "she dresses so scantily like a slut"
they don't bully her tho cause yuzuriha can beat them up fr
best boy hehe
contrary to canon, he was able to pursue theology as his course for college (yay) despite his family's disapproval
is into arts and sht like he paints and writes a lot to the point when he struck a convo with yuzuriha just so she can become the muse of his arts
admires yuzuriha so much that he ships her with sagiri (is basically president of the yuzugiri ship)
although he retired from helping the Yamada Crime and Rehabilitation Center, there are times when he lends a hand fuchi and sagiri whenever they need him
he was actually the one who recommended gabimaru to go to the same school as yuzuriha and sagiri
still drops by his old high school to submit a few papers to shion and visit the yuzugiri couple every now and then
he tutors yuzuriha during his free time and reprimands her every time she slacks off (which is rare and scary, according to yuzuriha)
like she was really expecting a gentle and nice tutor only to see another form of demon 😨😨😨
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twstwonderlandstuff · 2 years
Can i have platonic headcannons for the diasomnia students (seprate) learning that the reader (who is from another world so she'd be Yuu basically) is Lilia's daughter (who even Lilia didn't know existed) considering at first the them AND the reader just thought she was a normal human. Even though the reader did have the pointed ears but the reader was just told her whole life that it was just some kind of genetic deformity of some kind and nothing else.
ooh, I saw this request answered on someone else's blog, so I'm more than happy to give you my take on it!
also, I had a difficult time with sebek, so my apologies, but he is excluded.
female reader
tw: child abadonment, implied sexual conduct
due to circumstances, lilia's partner (yuu's parental figure) is implied to be female.
requests are open!
🍉 malleus draconia 🍉
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lilia had a partner? is the first thing that pops into his mind. my word, what a surprising turn of events. and you're...human? what a curious tale.
malleus regards you with an air of fascination. as lilia was as close as he can get to a father figure, he becomes quite curious in his own eloquent way. he doesn't know what to do, to be honest.
he'll, of course, welcome you as part of the diasomnian family. while he isn't very good at social interaction, he hopes to get along better with you. you might just be the last of lilia's blood to survive.
truth be told, a small part of him is suspicious. how would lilia, in spite of all his travels, impregnate somebody, not be aware and... have a daughter? it doesn't add up to how he sees lilia.
pointy ears... are part of what identifies faes, so to hear that you simply thought of it as a birth defect amuses him. if sebek heard that...
he'll teach you the ways of briar valley. the history, traditions and so on, if you so persist. in a way, he's like a big brother who wants to get to know you, but doesn't quite know how.
🍉 silver 🍉
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surprise, of course. to think his old man was traveling to a different universe just before lilia found him... silver can command his strength.
he's surprised, of course. you're lilia's daughter...? so, his sister? no, half sister? he welcomes you as such, and is prepared for your utter shock when he tells you that your siblings.
he treats you like he does with sebek. siblings stand on equal ground, no? granted, he's sure you haven't endured much training, so he'll help you on that front.
that being said, he'll be an attentive older brother. receiving an unexpected sibling seems to show that side of him that even he doesn't know about.
I think when he first met you, there's a little strike of... oh. father's biological child. it fades as quick as it appears, so it doesn't bother him much.
while he's unsure on whether or not you plan to stay in twisted wonderland, he'll do his best to support your decision- it must be difficult, deciding between your adoptive parents or your biological one, who he happens to share familial connections with.
🍉 lilia vanrouge 🍉
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the man himself! in absolute shock. so his one fling led to... oh... oh dear. he feels very guilty. to abandon a child unknowingly while taking another one in... how is he supposed to feel about that?
for a few days, lilia is quiet. his head is muddled with thoughts and his confusion rings clear as day. how did he become so foolish? how did he... why... how...? it takes the combined efforts of everyone in diasomnia to snap him out of it.
first things first, he apologizes to you and tells you what he knows about your birth's circumstances. to think that he would create a child..
with silver, he's known him ever since he was a wee lad, but you..? even though you are bound by blood, he doesn't know a single thing about you. how would he start? he gives you options that makes it comfortable for you. you can reach out to him if you like, or you can back away. either way, he'll do his best to communicate with you.
he doesn't know what you'll choose- to stay in twisted wonderland, or to go back to your original world, but whichever you choose, he hopes you won't forget what happened with him.
since you hail from a world where magic doesn't exist, they will show you its wonders. from tricks to tricky spells, they'll attempt to aid you. who knows, perhaps after some exposure your own magic will appear. the child of lilia vanrouge would be expected to have a few throws of magic, yes?
they'll try to make you feel at home. it's not perfect, but they're trying. cooking with lilia is something that they're fervently trying to get you out off, but alas, the old man always comes out victorious.
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 8 months
One of Leeli's littlest kittens looks like Mozart* and my heart is healing. <3
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(~tw kitten death~: *Mozart is the kitten I got my username from and also the protagonist of The Restoration Saga- though her name has been altered to "Mozarita" there. She was born in a litter of four kittens I had when I was 12 and they had birth defects that led to three out of four of them dying. Mozart was the first one who died, and I have blamed myself for her death- and for not being with her when she died- for fifteen years now. But now I have these little darlings, my second chance. <3)
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