#biblical inspiration
sadgirlbadpoems · 4 months
I ask you to betray me with a kiss,
To exchange a pound of silver for my pound of flesh.
I ask you to betray me beautifully, to break bread at my table before you break my heart.
Your brother will claim to have never known me, and that may be for the best.
After all we all have our crosses to bare and the scent of lumber is the smell of home.
My brow is laiden with the weight of a crown I never asked for, so betray me softly, with a kiss.
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ap0st3u5 · 5 months
The creation of Aposteus (whiteboard)
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" The sharp talons of his holiness pierced through the veil of the unseen and unspoken as his throne and his divine corpse made contact with the very spirit of his 6th apostle. "
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hex-is-vexxed · 9 months
Something wicked this way comes
And as I set to face it I'm unsure, should I embrace it, should I run?
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Maybelle being silly!!! ^w^ & killing the Fates!! (my ocs)
also did you notice?? that her crown wings are darkened- like imagery of an angel falling from grace?? do you see it??
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dkcdude · 1 month
Soul Rest: Finding Restoration with God
In the relentless hustle of modern life, where the din of demands never ceases, the concept of rest can seem almost revolutionary. Yet, it’s not merely a modern necessity but a divine invitation. Scripture is full of references to rest, not just as physical cessation from labor, but as a profound, spiritual renewal that God eagerly offers to us. Starting with my confession, I must admit that…
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preacheroftruthblog · 2 months
Is The Bible God's Word? -- David W. Hester
How shall we view the Bible? Is it just one of many “holy books”—no better or worse than, say, the Qu’ran of Islam, the Reg Veda of Hinduism, or the Book of Mormon? Is it nothing more than an outstanding piece of literature—on par with the works of Shakespeare, “inspired” in the way that any great literary work is composed? Or, is the Bible something much more—the very Word of God itself? The way…
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brianchilton · 8 months
S7E7 Theopneustos and Biblical Inspiration
By: Brian G. Chilton, Ph.D., M.Div. | October 19, 2023 S7E7 Theopneustos and Biblical Inspiration on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL42yiCQCEs%5B/embedyt%5D What Do We Mean by Biblical Inspiration? On “S7E7 Theopneustos and Biblical Inspiration,” let’s talk about what we mean by biblical inspiration. By biblical inspiration, we mean to say that God inspired the writers of Scripture to…
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karmacores · 2 years
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biblically accurate jellyfish
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vintagecandy · 4 months
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So I've been sort of in a rut lately uh-- and when that happens I know I need to stop every bigger project and just draw whatever random thing I most feel like. this is my equivalent of doodling monsters on my math homework but its angels
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jemmaleetattoo · 4 months
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IG - @Jemmaleetattoo
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blissfullyecho · 1 year
activities, hobbies, and skills that nurture your femininity (pt. I)
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cooking (+ points for scratch cooking or farm-to-table)
baking (+ points for scratch baking)
flower arrangements
reading/book club
interior design/decor
playing an instrument— piano, flute, harp, violin, etc.
jewelry making
homemade garment making
fashion design
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STILES: "Wait, where's my food? What—oh my god, what is this?!"
(he pulls a Ziploc of baby carrots out of his backpack with a look of horror on his face)
DEREK: "That, is a healthy and nutritious snack."
STILES: "I'm gonna die."
DEREK: "You're not dying, Stiles."
STILES: "I am going to starve to death in this stupid, pineapple-scented car. You're my enemy now, Derek, we're enemies again—I'm going to ruin your life for this."
DEREK: "By doing what, dropping a Twinkie into my bag? How did you find out I'm terrified of preservatives, I hid it so well."
STILES: "Hey! Twinkies are a great source of—"
DEREK: "Carcinogens, yeah, I know."
STILES: "Derek Hale, you son of a—"
ISAAC: "Can you guys stop flirting until Erica relieves me for the next watch? She's the only one that doesn't mind your... freaky foreplay stuff."
DEREK: "We are not—"
STILES: "Isaac, you take that back right now—"
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lepidoptera-art · 1 year
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Happy New Year!! May 2023 dance with joy and stride with zealous flame! ~~~~ Harbinger creature greatly inspired by this illustration by @ink-the-artist <3 ~~~~ Website ⚘ Insta ⚘ Twitter ⚘ Gumroad
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dragiani · 4 months
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Veneer if he made it to heaven and learned how to fly
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thewordfortheday · 10 months
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Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor. ~Romans 12:10
“What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from the desires that battle within you? You want something but you do not get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want.” (James 4: 1-3)
Power struggles are like intentionally hurting your mate. Power struggles are a way of saying:
“I insist on you agreeing with me. I insist that my point of view is right. I know the correct way to do things, and you must do them my way.”
This is the one of the strategies of the evil one- to bring a power struggle between spouses. Instead of being on the same side and keeping the enemy out, spouses often fight each other. Imagine what a power union it would be if you stay united, pray together and see victory in every situation you confront.
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Almost finished reading Dungeon Meshi and I got an idea
So in Dungeon Meshi or Delicious in Dungeon, there are these... dungeons.
And from what I have gathered dungeons can be made naturally or artificially but both types have the same few things in common.
They are made to contain demons
They attract adventures
The dungeons have lords who manage/control the dungeon and are given the power to do so by the demons
I know that I'm skimming over some important bits, but long story short, the demons come from an alternate dimension called 'The Infinite Realm' and feed off of people's desires, the Lord of the Dungeon's specifically.
That being said... (incoming dp x dc prompt)
Beings from the Infinite Realms aren't ghosts but demons. And while they do still have obsessions, they lack desires. And so, they've become something they hunger for.
Danny learns this the hard way when he accidentally eats his parents' desire to hunt 'ghosts'.
When the endless, all-consuming hunger, that had been growing inside himself became just a bit satisfied by the action, he got scared. He ran to Clockwork, who immediately explained everything to him.
From there he became terrified. He didn't want to eat people's desires, especially considering that he had some of his own. But CW explained that while other demons will most likely never be satisfied no matter how many desires they consume, because of Danny's halfa status he may be able to. (Also it would be a bad thing if the baby starves itself. No one wants the baby to starve!)
To test out this theory, CW pulls (more than) a couple of strings, and soon his dungeon was set up in Gotham City in the DC universe.
He felt a bit bad since he had to set up shop in another ghost's/demon's territory, but Lady Gotham seemed to have taken a liking to him.
Danny takes his time searching for the most desperate person he can find, (Lady Gotham is leading him to some of the most desperate people in her city, aka the Batfam.), and appears to one of them as a fawn (signifying his hunger and current 'lack' of power). He then looks deep into their mind and offers them the power to fulfill all their desires.
The Batfam? They should be better than this, but damn they were in a tight spot and the city is going to shit because the rouges have been more active than ever, and their family is on the verge of crumbling!... And the answer to fix it all was right there, just within their reach.
They held the fawn in their arms gently. Its ivory wings, coat of starlight, and piercing Lazurus green eyes. Gotham began to change.
A few years later, some members of the JL and the JLD are once again trying their hand at clearing the dungeon but are a bit discouraged because last time their team was wiped out completely.
It was inconvenient how their powers were nullified whenever they were inside the dungeon, but they had yet to find a spell to counteract it.
In an attempt to get past the third floor, they teamed with a team called Team Phantom, which comprised two young adult siblings, their 12-year-old sister, and a few teenagers.
Morally, they were against this. No one this young should be trying to clear the dungeon! But on the other hand, this team was the closest to getting to the fourth floor.
Sucking it up, they teamed up with the young dungeon dwellers and quickly found out why they were so close to getting to the third floor.
These kids were skilled. These kids were powerful. These kids were trained. On top of that, they didn't care about their lives! Because these kids? They wouldn't- no! They couldn't die, and they were using it to their advantage.
The JL/JLD now had much more to worry about than clearing the dungeon.
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drawkivi · 2 months
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angel, creature of light
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