#bad batch ficlet
ann-i-inthestars · 2 years
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Tech sighed but didn't look up from his current project. "What is it, Wrecker!"
"Look over here!"
"I'm busy."
"Please! Just for a second!."
Tech sighed and lowered his datapad. He dropped the hand holding his stylus down to the elbow of the other and turned to give Wrecker an unimpressed look. The moment his gaze landed on his brother though, a bright flash of light temporarily blinded him.
His look turned to one of mild annoyance and he raised his brow to ask, "Really?"
"Just wanted a picture! Go back to your novel!"
Wrecker gave him a blinding smile before vanishing out of the lounge room. Tech couldn't be too annoyed, as he knew Wrecker was just trying to improve his newfound skills with the camera. Hobbies were something new they were learning to enjoy, and Wrecker's just happened to be photography. It would be nice though if he didn't feel the need to use them as subjects when they were otherwise preoccupied.
Crosshair's annoyed voice suddenly, and loudly, filled the house followed by Wrecker's booming laughter. Tech couldn't help but grin as he turned back to his datapad. Well, it seemed he wasn't the only one Wrecker was wanting to photograph. Hopefully Crosshair wouldn't be too infuriated to be pulled from whatever had held his attention.
Despite the unwanted interruption he himself had experienced, Tech was happy to see Wrecker enjoying himself. Knowing that his brothers were thriving in this post war environment was all Tech needed to be content. Well, that and peace and quiet to work on his own projects. Which considering the shouting and laughter still coming from downstairs, he doubted he would get either any time soon.
So, with a fond sigh, he placed his datapad and stylus onto his window lounge and left his little bubble of soft light. Whatever chaos his family was causing needed someone to try and mediate. Or, well, at the very least observe in fond amuesment.
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eclec-tech · 3 months
"The Turn"
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I had a thought about this handsome fellow, and it manifested itself in the form of a little ficlet...
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Crosshair's eyes narrowed at the screen as five bright blips suddenly appeared exactly where he was hoping they wouldn't. "There's a squad on our tail, closing fast."
Omega turned with the authority of a commander. "Get to the tail gun. I'll get us out of here."
"You're sure?" One of them had to fly and one of them had to shoot. He wasn't at all happy with their chances knowing that she would have to be responsible for one of those.
"Tech taught me! GO!"
That was unexpectedly comforting news. Crosshair nodded and bolted for the rear of the ship, leaving Omega to hopefully do Tech proud as pilot. She did. She climbed and dove, weaving through the terrain as if Tech himself were guiding her hands.
An angry beeping broke her concentration. "The lead ship's targeting our engines! Crosshair, what do I do?"
Crosshair raced back to the cockpit. "Omega, turn sharp, zero thrusters NOW!"
Omega instantly realized her brother's plan. She turned the ship and cut the engines, then immediately reengaged the thrusters--the "Tech Turn". Crosshair almost instantly removed four of their pursuers from the equation. The pilot of the lead ship however, performed the exact same maneuver the moment Omega had begun her own turn, and was now careening skyward in an attempt to once again get behind the shuttle that now had no gunner in position.
Crosshair's blood ran cold. He knew of only one person who could fly like that, and according to a recent conversation with a very tearful Omega, he couldn't possibly be here. Yet here he was.
"Omega, we have a very big problem."
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serenescribe · 7 months
I’ve been infected with the fever of Lilia’s bats adopting Silver as their non-bat pup, and it’s adorable! I suppose this is just me asking to see Lilia seeing his bats chitter and nuzzle Silver as a child or as a teenager. Whichever you prefer~!
[✐] ficlet frenzy
“Silver? Siiilver?”
No response. Lilia sighs, hands resting on his hips. Now where could his son be at this time of the day?
He’d just returned home after a trip to the market, and had called out Silver’s name in hopes of hearing a sleepy response and the soft pattering of feet before his son emerged at the front door. But today, he heard nothing.
And so Lilia had glanced around the house, leaving the groceries in the kitchen in favour of checking every nook and cranny of their little cottage. At the very least, he can still sense Silver’s presence somewhere, even if he can’t find him. Perhaps he’s playing a game of hide and seek? It’s a distinct possibility, Lilia supposes.
He comes up empty-handed until he tries the one room he had saved for last, for no reason outside of the fact that he can’t think of any explanation why Silver would be in there. With a flick of his wrist, the door to Lilia’s bedroom creaks open, the doorknob turning with the help of magic, and…
“Ah,” Lilia says, as he looks into his room.
He understands now why Silver couldn’t reply. Because Silver had been preoccupied.
Dozens of his bats — those sneaky little rascals! — surround Silver, chittering and flapping their wings at Lilia as he steps into the room. Lilia scoffs, rolling his eyes as he approaches the bed his son lays on. “Don’t give me that attitude,” he lectures, even as the bats huddle closer to the slumbering human boy, pressing against his neck and shoulders, clinging to his clothes and hair. Lilia squints, peering closer. “Did you cover his ears?!”
One of his bats — the largest of the group, and the boldest one, who always makes a habit of clinging to Silver even when Lilia chases the others off — squeaks out a response. Lilia folds his arms, lips twisting into a pout. “I told you, you cannot hoard him for yourself!” Another protesting whine. “‘Why not?’” Lilia echoes. “Oh, for the love of— we’ve been over this already! You can have your quality time with Silver, but you cannot hoard him like this! How heavy do you think you all are, hm, crowding him like that?”
The bats do not seem to care. Bastards, Lilia sulks, tapping his foot against the ground as they nuzzle into Silver, continuing to strategically cover his ears with the thin membrane of their wings in order to stop him from waking at the sound of his father’s voice.
Of course his pesky familiars don’t give a damn. They know the real reason why Lilia keeps fending them off — a deep-rooted jealousy that feels pathetically childish to admit, hidden under the guise of whatever excuse Lilia can think of on the spot.
“You win this time,” Lilia grumbles, throwing his hands up in defeat. “But mark my words, if you make Silver miss dinnertime again, I swear—”
The bats chirp back their protests, and Lilia’s voice pitches.
“You have no RIGHT to criticise my culinary skills when you can’t even COOK!”
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
….I believe this is where to drop requests….
{this is a bad batch request} I have two small prompt ideas (it doesn’t have to be both), the rest I shall leave to your artistic liberty: “Medics need medics too, sometimes.” & “our scars show how we’ve learned and grown.”
hello! i used the first prompt, i hope you enjoy!! side note: this fic is hunter-focused :)
words: 714
summary: after you get injured on a mission, you try to take care of it yourself. hunter doesn't let that happen.
clone troopers masterlist
Stubborn Medic
As you sprinted back to the Marauder, you could feel one of the droids’ blaster bolts sting your shoulder, and you just tried to ignore the pain until you were on the ship. Hunter ran up the ramp after you, and soon Tech was bringing the ship into hyperspace, setting course back to Ord Mantell. You felt the pain in your arm begin to amplify as you set down the bag you were carrying and immediately headed towards your bunk, not even bothering to say anything to the rest of the batch. 
There was a medkit that you kept under your bunk, a small and simple one for when you didn’t want to have to go through the trouble of finding the larger one you kept around for more serious injuries. You knew that there were a few bacta patches in the kit, and you really hoped that those (along with a day or two of rest) were all you needed to get yourself feeling better again. You changed into a tank top and began to look through the kit, gathering everything you would need to clean and cover the injury.
As the team’s medic, it didn’t feel right to ask for anyone’s help, because you were the one who was most qualified to handle it. You know they would help you if you said something, that wasn’t the question, but you still felt a little bit useless sometimes on the ship, especially because all of the others had such useful enhancements. Half the time, the scrapes and bruises that the team sustained were so minor that they were able to patch themselves up, and you wondered why you had been assigned to them as a permanent medic. 
Right as you had finished cleaning the wound (to the best of your ability, because it was in a bit of an awkward location), you heard someone step into the room and Hunter’s voice fill the space. “What are you doing?” 
“I got hit with a blaster bolt out there,” you said matter-of-factly, as you peeled a bacta patch off its paper. “I was just patching myself up.” 
“Did you clean the wound?” Hunter asked, and you looked at him like he had grown a second head as you held up the medkit’s cleaning wipe. “Because there’s still some blood on your arm.”
“Oh,” you said, mentally kicking yourself for not doing a better job. “I’ll just-” 
“Here, let me help you,” Hunter said, taking the wipe out of your hand and gently running it on the skin surrounding your wound. You were about to protest, but it was all happening so quickly, and the feeling of the antiseptic against the raw skin made you wince. 
While you couldn’t categorize the relationship you shared with the squad’s sergeant, it was certainly different than the one you had with the rest of the squad. “Mesh’la,” he said, his voice quiet as he took the bacta patch from your hand and started to apply it to your wound. “Why didn’t you ask for help?” 
You sniffled, and whether it was from the pain or the emotions you were currently feeling you didn’t know. “I thought I should be able to handle it myself,” you responded. “It is my job on this squad after all, and you don’t need to worry about me.” 
“I hate to break it to you, but I’ll always worry about you,” Hunter said, and he sat down next to you on your bunk. Instinctively, you leaned into his side. “And medics need medics too sometimes.” 
“I know, but I thought I could handle it.” 
“I’ve seen you patch up injuries way worse than that, so there’s no doubt in my mind that you couldn’t, but I wanted to help you,” he said. He leaned down to place a soft kiss on your forehead, and you nearly combusted into flames right then and there. “You should get some sleep, sergeant’s orders.” 
Maybe on another day you would have argued a little with him, but the excitement of the day and the adrenaline rush from the mission had long since worn off, and you were really tired.
As you drifted off to dreamland, you couldn’t stop thinking about the feeling of his lips on your skin.
- the end -
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techwrecker · 1 day
"You're my brother, until the end of times. Even after that."
I found this quote on pintrest, and it reminds me of the batch.
It's in your hands now.
whatever you do, don’t imagine Omega saying goodbye to Hunter for the very last time.
Genre: ANGST
Word Count: 1800-ish
TW: death (non-violent)
After the fall of Tantiss, the Batch had retired to Pabu in order to raise Omega and give her the childhood she deserved. As well as catching up on much needed rest and relaxation, the remaining members of Clone Force 99 integrated quite nicely into the island's rich community.
Crosshair became extremely proficient in net weaving. His synthetic hand was able to twist and weave at twice the speed and accuracy with the fibers. With his eyes going as he got older, he was able to rely on muscle memory to make the most intricately woven nets in the galaxy. Wrecker's main job had been boat building & repair, but as time waned, the elderly man had shifted to quiet fishing. As was his kind nature, he shared whatever he caught with anybody who asked. When he was younger and his hair had not yet begun to grey, Hunter had served as Mayor Shep Hazard's advisor on the goings-on of the outer galaxy. As he grew older and frailer, the children of Pabu would come to Hunter for his grand stories and tall tales of his time serving in The Republic. He was careful to omit the more gruesome details or skirt around sketchy missions. He became known on Pabu as The Storyteller.
It had been 3 years since Wrecker had passed away, and 6 before that, Crosshair had gone first. That made today even harder. Hunter had always been there to console Omega. Their bond was special and innate. Who was going to be there for her today?
Lyana had commed Omega about a week ago.
"Ly! It's so great to hear from you!" Omega beamed at the holographic image of her best friend.
"You to Meg. I just wish it were under better circumstances," she said.
Omega's face fell. "What is it?" she asked, though she already knew the answer deep down.
"It's Hunter. He isn't sick or anything, but our healer has assessed that he is at the end of his life-journey," Lyana replied, looking down at her hands solemnly. "I think you should come back."
"I'm on my way."
Omega immediately shut off the holo and raced to the pilot's chair. She flipped on the ignition switches and punched in the coordinates to her home. From where she was in the galaxy, it was about an 8 hour flight. But not with Omega in the chair. She could shave it down to about 6 and a half. Once in hyperspace, the young woman let herself lean back, slumping into the chair. She looked at the dash where Tech's goggles called home ever since Omega had left initially to join The Rebellion. Gingerly, Omega picked them up. She felt the heat rise in her cheeks, hot tears already threatening to spill over.
"I miss you, Tech," she whispered to the shattered goggles. She let herself clutch the delicate goggles close as she fell into a light sleep.
After hours of travel, Omega brought The Mini-Maud into the Pabu atmosphere. The clouds were a thick grey color and dense as a Bantha. A sense of relief washed over her seeing the planet reflecting her mood. She flicked on the auto pilot and retreated to the back of her ship to change out of her grimy flight suit. She was careful to keep track of her belongings, always keeping them in their place on the small closet shelf. Wrecker's Lula doll was now ragged, with multiple tears along the seams. Thankfully, Omega was quick with picking up how to repair items so she could keep it a while longer. Omega stroked the right ear for comfort, a habit she had picked up as a child.
"Oh, Lula. What are we going to do?"
She quickly changed into her civilian clothes, careful to tuck the strip of deep blue mourning fabric into her pants pocket. It was Pabu custom for the women to weave it into their hair in a simple braid to symbolize their loved one's return to the sea. She would wear it until the after the cast-off ceremony.
Omega returned to the cockpit to pull her ship up to the open-air landing dock next to the various fishing vessels. She expertly landed the reliable ship without so much as a jolt. Omega glanced out the viewport. Lyana was already waiting for her on the loading dock. She released the hatch and walked out to meet her friend.
Lyana pulled her in for a tight hug. "It is so wonderful to see you, Megs."
Again, tears welled up in Omega's eyes, distorting her vision. She squeezed them shut before they could fall. "You too."
They pulled away and began up the steps, toward Hunter's home. Ever since Hunter became the remaining Bad Batcher, he had moved to the lowest level of Pabu. He claimed that he had seen enough of the sky and wanted to be close to the ocean, that it reminded him of Kamino. Though Omega knew it was because his knees were beginning to give out, he just didn't want to admit how weak he was becoming.
"He sits for hours on the rocky beach, just listening to the waves," Lyana said. "But since last week, he hasn't been able to get out of bed. Too weak."
"He wasn't only listening to the waves," Omega said, ignoring that last part. "His ears remained sharp all these years. He was taking in all sounds, from the sand-crabs to the fishing bells out at sea, making up the landscape of his peace,"
The pair had reached the door.
"Are you ready?" her friend asked gently.
Omega hardened her face in resolve. She was going to be strong. Hunter had been strong for her all her life. Now it was her turn.
She opened the creaky, wooden door and stepped into the homey, one-room hovel.
"Hunter?" Omega inquired gently into the air. She knew he knew they had arrived, but it was more habit than anything. Especially since he couldn't be anywhere else except in bed.
"I'm in here." She heard him call back.
The door to his room was slightly ajar. All it took was a gentle push for it to open further, revealing Hunter, covers pulled up to his chest. His hair was thinner and whiter than the last time she had seen him, making the now-dull red of his signature bandana stick out even more. His eyes drifted to meet hers and he smiled.
"You're back." He began to reach out toward her, hand shaking. Omega pulled up a chair and sat at his bedside, encasing his hand gently between her own.
"Yes, I'm home," she replied.
"I'm afraid this old clone just isn't what he used to be, Omega," he said with as much humor as he could muster. Even his voice sounded weak.
"Are you comfortable? Is there anything I can get you?"
"Oh, no, no. Now that you're here, I have everything I need." He smiled up at her. "Now tell me about what you have been up to."
Omega began to tell him of all the missions she had been on now that she had been promoted to a pilot in the Rebel Alliance Starfighter Corps. Being as tired as he was, Hunter didn't ask many questions, but his interest was piqued when Omega told him she had been working closely with Hera Syndulla before she was transferred. He was relieved to know she was doing well. She only took a break from her stories to make Hunter a quick clear broth for his midday meal that he could sip on while she continued.
The day went by too quickly for Omega. She could feel Hunters grip slowly getting weaker as the hours passed. The inevitable was coming.
"Omega," Hunter began after a lull in her stories. "I need you to do something for me."
"Of course, Hunter. Anything." She squeezed his hand tighter.
"When I'm gone-"
"No! Stop." Omega cut him off. "Don't say that. Not yet. You're still here. You're not going anywhere." The tears that had been threatening to arise all day had finally won. She let them fall down her cheeks and drip onto their hands, all hopes of staying strong out the viewport.
"Omega, this is important. When I'm gone," he began again, slowly. "Promise me that you will not hold on to the past too tightly."
She felt betrayed. Her face burned. "How could you say that? I owe you and our brothers my entire life! I can't just forget that, Hunter." It came out harsher than she meant it to.
He tried to push himself up with one elbow to meet her at eye level, struggling. Omega reached behind him as support so he could sit up. "I didn't say forget us. That would be an impossible ask, even of you. I said don't hold on to the past. You have to let us go, continue your life without us. You deserve to be happy, Omega. And being happy means making peace with the past."
She knew what he was trying to say, but how could she let go of her brothers? Of her family? Omega slipped of the chair and kneeled at his bedside. Now looking up at him, she felt like a kid again. She was taken back to the first time she had seen them at full maturity when they came back to Kamino as a whole squad. They had been wary of the little female clone trying to tag along with them. She was eternally grateful that they had put up with her and welcomed her as one of their own.
Hunter reached over to her cheek and wiped away her tears with his thumb. It felt icy against her burning cheeks. All the love and kindness in the entire galaxy couldn't compare to the look on his face now.
"Okay, Hunter. I promise."
That was enough for him. He laid back down against his pillow and gave one last look at Omega.
“Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum, Omega"
"I love you too, Hunter."
His gaze shifted to the ceiling above his bed. She could tell he was looking past the plaster, already seeing the stars of the galaxy ahead of him. She gripped his hand tighter and watched as he closed his eyes one final time. Hunter's chest rose and fell a few more times before he drifted into the forever-sleep.
Omega placed his hand gently across his abdomen, never to hold it again. She leaned over him and placed her hands on either side of his face, bringing her forehead to meet his own. She whispered the phrase Clones say when releasing one another back into the stars.
"You're my brother, until the end of times. Even after that."
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fanfoolishness · 1 month
Crosshair's first journey to Pabu is more fraught than it would seem. Or: Crosshair sees Tech's goggles for the first time. Set shortly after 3x04, A Different Approach. Heavy Tech grief, hurt no comfort. 1375 words.
The Marauder was a ghost ship now.
Crosshair sat in the back of it as far away from Hunter and Wrecker as he could, Batcher wide-eyed and alert at his feet.  Omega was up front with the others, fast asleep draped over Wrecker’s chest, head on his shoulder.  Occasionally Hunter or Wrecker would glance back at him, then back at each other.  That felt right.  He wouldn’t have trusted him either.
They weren’t the source of his unease, anyway.  
The engines hummed around him, familiar as ever, the sound unmistakable.  He used to dream that hum sometimes during his time with the Empire, waking up with a start to realize his cramped quarters were silent. It reverberated around him, soft and almost lulling in the background. 
The smells of the ship were the same, oil and sweat and machinery.  They were intense, but almost comforting.  The problem wasn’t the scent.
But the cabin’s dimensions were wrong.  How could the space feel so vast while the walls were closing in?
Omega had told him as much as she could, in her rare visits stolen down to his cell.  Echo had been gone on and off for some time, feeling called to help the other regs. His absence was not a surprise.  But Tech’s…
Hemlock’s voice, bored, disinterested, cold.  “Your little escape attempt has had some interesting effects.  I wonder what your squad was trying to accomplish.  All they’ve managed to do is lose one of their own.  Two, if you count the young clone.”
Don’t give him the satisfaction --
But he hadn’t been able to stop himself.  “You’re lying.”
Hemlock smirked.  “I have no reason to lie to you, CT-9904.  Omega is now a guest here.  And as for this Tech -- it is always fascinating, to see how clones name each other -- well, it’s not as if there is a shortage of subjects for the Empire’s use.”
His heart stuttering in his chest -- a wave of cold flooding him, crushing him, weighing him down a thousand times more than the straps across his body --
Perhaps it had been for the best that Hemlock had been the one to tell him.  Because the first time Omega managed to sneak down to see him, when she’d looked into his eyes and her face crumpled, when she’d tried and failed to find the words, he’d been able to stop her.  
“I… I know about Tech.”
But hearing the words from Hemlock’s mouth, seeing the tears on Omega’s face, they were nothing compared to the haunting of the Marauder.
Crosshair folded his arms, sinking into himself, his chest heavy.  Hunter sat in the pilot’s seat, something he’d only used to do before Echo joined them and only when Tech needed sleep.  The ship was too tidy, no tangles of wires or signs of half-finished projects scattered around; and far too quiet, no chatter, no facts, no plans, no ideas floated into the air.  The absence was smothering.
There was a flicker of movement up front.  Crosshair glanced over.  Hunter had rotated his chair to quietly talk to Wrecker, and in doing so revealed more of the console.  
Tech’s goggles stared back at him.
Crosshair jerked backward at the sight, accidentally nudging Batcher.  The hound woofed, getting to her feet and moving away, giving him a hurt look.  
The noise started Omega awake.  From Wrecker’s shoulder, she yawned and rubbed her eyes, tilting her head to one side.  
“Crosshair?  Are you okay?”
He ripped his gaze away from Tech’s goggles, staring at her instead, his hand twisting at his side.  “I’m fine,” he said hastily.  “Something must have startled the hound.”
She must have seen his face, the way his eyes were still drawn past her.  Omega glanced back at the console, and went very, very still.
“Kid?” Wrecker asked in concern.
“What is it, Omega?” Hunter asked.
She shook her head, her eyes welling with tears, turning away from the goggles.  “You -- you still have them,” she whispered.  
Hunter blanched, giving Wrecker a pained look.  He reached out, resting his hand on Omega’s shoulder, bowing his head.  “We… yeah.  It’s --”  He swallowed.  “We think about him.  A lot.”
“I -- I never saw them up close before --”  She buried her face in Wrecker’s shoulder, her sudden sobs muffled by his embrace.
“Hey, hey,” Wrecker said, holding her tightly  The three of them drew in close together, bound in a way Crosshair couldn’t begin to imagine.
It was too much.  Crosshair got to his feet, pacing to the back of the ship, rubbing one arm, trying to forget what he’d seen.
Cracks spidering through the right lens, left lens shattered, flecks of dark dried blood and earth on the red bulb’s surface --
He reached out, one hand grasping hold of the wall, fingers digging into its ridged surface.  He clung to it until his hand ached, breathing sharp and shallow and much too fast.
“How did it happen?” he’d asked dully.
“He fell,” she whispered.  “The railcars were damaged.  There was too much weight.  Wrecker tried to get him, but he said -- he said it was the only way -- Plan 99 --”
His throat was closing.  He couldn’t breathe.
“But why were you there at all?” he snarled.  “I tried to warn them -- didn’t they get the message?”
She was trying not to cry, trying to keep her voice down.  She hugged herself, shaking her head.  “We got it.  But he and I wanted to help you -- you’re our brother --”
A sharp shock of pain, his knuckles shrieking.  She stared at him with wide eyes.  He blinked.  Shook out his hand slowly.  
He hadn’t made a single dent in the wall, but his knuckles throbbed for days.
Batcher nudged his leg, whining.  He ignored her.
He should go back.  Go back to his seat before the others missed him, before Omega came to check on him, before Hunter or Wrecker came to keep an eye on him.  He swallowed past the thick lump in his throat, rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand.  
Don’t think about him.  Move on.
He made his way back to his seat and slid into it clumsily.  Batcher sat beside him, fixing him with those red eyes, the whole line of her watchful and stiff.  
“What?” he muttered.  She cocked her head, whimpering slightly.  “Leave me alone.”  She gave him an affronted look and lay back down, flopping mournfully to one side.
Crosshair leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest and closing his eyes.  He could no longer hear Omega’s crying.  Hunter and Wrecker must have helped calm her down.  At least they knew what to do.
He tried to breathe more deeply, but he seemed to have forgotten how. He listened to the engine hum, and he thought about the voice that should have overlaid it --
“I’ve been devising adjustments to Plan 51.  I see now that the original plan lacked versatility when accounting for adverse weather or significant elevation.  Now listen closely, Hunter, as this hinges upon your enhanced senses and your assessment of the environmental conditions --”
“I’ve completed my newest modifications for the Marauder.  It has been boosted for fuel efficiency, control sensitivity, and I have also fixed the temperature control again -- yes, Wrecker, you are welcome --”
“That was an excellent use of Plan 37, Crosshair.  Your success rate with that particular plan is nothing short of astonishing -- of course, I have never doubted your abilities --”
Crosshair let out a ragged gasp, opening his eyes and staring up at the ceiling.  He rubbed his face with a trembling hand.  It came away damp.
Plan 99.
The Marauder thrummed gently, as familiar as anything, as distant as a stranger.  Crosshair hunched over himself in the dark, listening to the quiet sounds of Hunter or Wrecker occasionally talking, Omega fast asleep once more, Batcher’s breaths nearby.
He remembered Tech’s face first thing in the morning, brown eyes squinting, brow furrowed.  He remembered how he’d immediately slip his goggles on, eyes focusing sharply, mind ready to work.  
He thought of Tech’s face without them, so like his own and unlike, too.
He thought of Tech’s face, just as shattered as the lenses --
Crosshair gazed into the darkness, and only ghosts gazed back.
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blackat-t7t · 2 months
Thinking about how Echo and Fives wanted to be assigned to another squad.
And everyone was always writing domino squad off, saying they'd end up on maintenance like 99.
What if instead of keeping domino squad together, Shaak Ti agreed to their request and assigned Echo and Fives to the bad batch as their new squad?
Or the other way around, Echo and Fives joining a "competent" squad and Hevy, Cutup, and Droidbait being left behind and stuck in with the other clones who weren't up to spec?
Maybe the trainers just write all of domino squad off as defective, and stick all nine of them together.
It's especially interesting if it happens when they're younger, before domino's graduation trial, so that they all spend more time in training together.
Like. Imagine how the batch would respond to new members added to the squad. Clones that look like regs, but are treated like they're "defective" in the same way. The batch resents them for being able to "pass" for regs and not being treated like somethinhg "other" for their whole lives; while the members of domino don't have any enhancements or advantages, so they have an inferiority complex even compared to the bad batch.
There would be a lot of clashing of personalities, regarless of whether it's all of domino squad or just two or three of them added to the batch. Hunter and Hevy would butt heads because they're both used to being in charge and taking point. Echo and Tech would quote regulations at one another whenever one of them tries to get away with something, and Echo would get protective whenever Tech quotes regulation at Fives. Grim, surly Crosshair would get annoyed by Cutup always cracking jokes. (Wrecker and Droidbait might actually get on fairly well.)
They'll pull together eventually, of course, but it'll take time for them to understand each other. In the end, they become a tight-knit group, very protective of each other.
And if it were Hevy, Cutup, and Droidbait added to the batch because they were left behind, there would be so much potential for angst, feeling abandoned by their former squadmates but not fitting in with their new squad. They'd probably shut everyone else out and stick together, just the three of them, and it would take time for them to open up to their new squadmates.
Does their relationship with their former squadmates improve once Clone Force 99 joins the war and Echo and Fives return for ARC training, and they realize how similarly they operate?
Maybe they start to forgive each other and work together a lot. Maybe CF99 goes rogue on a mission to rescue their regs' batchmate much earlier than in canon. Maybe Fives goes to them when he starts investigating the chips.
(Maybe the whole galaxy is saved because some sub-par regs got thrown in with the defective clones.)
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panda-writing · 5 months
Fives Lives: Bad Batch Pilot Episode AU
Dividers by: @ saradika @ freesia-writes / @ lornaka
Note: So it got kinda long...
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Content Warnings: death mention, mention of medical procedures/experiments, loss, imprisonment, lack of sleep/exhaustion, mention or reprogramming aka messing with mind. (I think that's all of them)
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The sound of the blaster went off.
He felt the searing pain of being shot as he looked at the hole in his chestplate
Falling to the ground...
Getting shot.
That was the easy part. Why was that the easy part?
Maybe because everything after that made it harder..
He at least thought he had. If what he had felt wasn't dying.. He wasn't sure what was.
"Call for help! We need a medic!"
He remembered what, at the time he was certain was death as he grew weaker and weaker as his ori'vod help him in his arms.
"Stay with me Fives. Fives!"
He heard Rex beg for his life as he was fighting the urge to pass out. He remembered as Rex clung to his body.
He looked into the face of Commander Fox. "Don't do it trooper! Don't do it!"
He panicked. He couldn't let Palatine kill him before the truth got out.
His Vod shot him down. Quickly.
Now.. He had the feeling that Fox was under orders. The chip.
She drugged him. He wouldn't have ever done that if she hadn't drugged him. To this moment he was filled with regrets.
He woke up. The recent events, fresh on his mind.
Wait... How long had it been?
Wearing the blacks. His wound healed almost..
A brief sense of security until his mind came into focus. He lay on a medical table.
Ever since he woke up... It was constant experiments, it felt like... Done by Nala Se, mainly. Or spending the day in a cell.
He enjoyed the cell more.
How long had he been here? Every day was the same. It was moments like these he had to wonder if being killed on Umbara would've been better. At least then, it was because he did his duty.
The nightmares started.
Not too long after the first day he remembered. The experiments. The poking and prodding.. It now just freaked him out.
There was no comfort in any of this.
He was the last of his batch, surely they expected better of him.
He had been. He did the right thing. But now.. All he was seen as was the clone that went rogue then insane and tried to murder their political leader... Despite what the truth really was.
He had suspicions Nala Se enjoyed the suffering this caused him. Her anger and disdain as he tried to uncover the truth before his 'death' the drugging.. He almost undermined her. And the Kaminoans, they wouldn't like that much. Was this his payback?
The nightmares still went strong. Constantly reliving the death of Echo, his twin... The massacre on Umbara.. How he had been hunted down like a terrorist. And how no one believed a word he said.
He had a break once. It lasted for a little while... Until Nala Se found out about it. It was a research assistant to her. A sister. Omega.
She would come in often. And they just talked about anything. He'd tell her about the war if she asked. She'd tell him about her day.
But eventually he was moved somewhere else in the cloning facility. And then the visits stopped.
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He knew when the war ended. And it was more than just the feeling he got
He noticed the shock troopers passing through. And then he noticed clones occasionally moving past his cell, now Shock troopers on duty.
He knew.
He had been right about the fears plaguing his mind. Now that he wasn't completely kept from everything and everyone.. He assumed this meant the worst.
They didn't consider what he knew a threat anymore. He had lost.
He noticed the difference in the troopers around him. They were all under control of those chips and there was nothing he could do to save them...
They weren't completely robotic it seemed. As they had things to say about him. The shock troopers knew who he was. Some of them might've been in the group that was sent to kill or arrest him. There was no real way of telling.
For Rex.. He hoped he had either been able to stop what was happening, get out of that situation... Or have died before his free will was taken like everyone else.
The clones around him made their opinions known. The words hurting more than before.
"Bad Batcher."
Back in his domino days. They had also called him and his batchmates bad batchers at times.
But this was different. Maybe because the implications were steeper now. Now he was looked at as a traitor instead of the soldier he once was. Every day he spent fighting for the republic... Washed away just like that. Forgotten.
The troopers guarding his cell were talking some shit. Not like the rogue clone was ever gonna escape, right?
Or maybe they just didn't care he was right there, thinking even less of him.
"I heard they're gonna be messing in his head to try and fix the crazy."
"They'll ship him out to some top secret research facility."
"If it works they'll put him back on the line of duty."
"If not Tarkin'll order him decommissioned or killed, I bet."
"If he wants to live he'd better shape up-"
Suddenly their comms beeped.
"Clone force 99 has escaped, we're supposed to meet up with CT-9904 to cut off their escape!"
They grabbed their weapons before running out of the room.
He had to wonder about this Clone Force 99. If they were going after them.. Maybe they had went against the Chancellor too.
If this was the case he hoped they actually escaped instead of being stuck in a situation much like his own.
On a side upfront.. He looked ahead at his ARC gear. It had been saved. Before he didn't understand why.. But now he had.
It usually served as a little... Miniscule sort of comfort. It was his past and the only thing he had ever truly owned. It was the armor he painted alongside his twin.
A reminder of how he made it to ARC Trooper. The dream they all shared, butost hadn't gotten to see... So he promised himself he'd live it for them. He had to get out of here one day...
When they tried to move him, he was gonna fight like haran. For his squad.. And for all of his brothers.
He had tried to escape, fight his way out many times. The cell fought him back, making him weaker than when he first attempted it.
He was leaning against the bottom wall of his cell. His head was tilted back, he was trying to rest some from all of the exhaustion. His knees against his chest, and his arms crossed around them.
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Suddenly he heard voices near the door of the room. The Shock troopers had forgotten to shut it.
"Normally we wouldn't even consider sticking our neck out for a reg like this... But I hear he's a special case."
"They also said he went against order 66, but that seems unlikely because according to records.. he's been here a while."
"I heard shock troopers talking about reprogramming him. When we were in the cell."
"If we don't get him out..."
"We'd better hurry if we're gonna get him out and back to the ship before the shocks find us."
They walked in. He could tell they were clones, but they definitely didn't look like any he knew.
One had goggles and the other was even more different. His arm was a scomp link and he had ports in his head along with a pale ish skin tone.
He took notice of them. They weren't wearing their armor, but instead they were in their blacks.
These must've been the escaped clones the shock troopers were talking about.. He had also been in his, that was standard as a Kaminoan Prisoner.
He took notice as the pale one walked in slowly, to a stop.. his eyes were fixated on something. Fives turned his head, and noticed him looking at his armor intently.
The one in googles was looking at something on a datapad. Then suddenly he looked between the other one and himself, a look of realization..? was crossing his face.
Was the pale one.. from the 501st? Did he recognize him? He seemed in disbelief upon looking at his armor. Stopping in his tracks.
The clone wearing goggles noticed the distraction and tapped the pale one on the shoulder.
"I understand this might be a complicated situation for you. But you must remain focused if all of us are to leave alive."
"I.. Yeah I got it. Just this belonged to... Nevermind. We better hurry."
"You'll have to scomp in. Once we break him out, they'll know if we don't divert their attention. He appears to be on high priority."
They rushed to a terminal, center room.
One typed away ferviously as the one beside him, plugged in and twisted against the gears with the scomp in his arm.
"Got it Tech."
Tech pressed a button.
"We don't have a lot of time. If you want to get out without your brain being reconstructed, you'll need to grab your things and push on."
Fives hopped to his feet, though the exhaustion all over his body was still evident. He moved over to his old gear.
"Hey, uh thanks for saving me. Haven't been out for a while." He was placing the armor plates over his blacks.
"It's what we do.. And really no one deserves to be stuck like that." The pale one said before turning around.
He was in shock, staggering backwards despite his mechanical limbs.
Fives sent a glance upwards after securing his kama.
He looked at the trooper ahead of him. Something felt familiar... Then he looked at his eyes.
He held his breath..
He didn't move, looking ahead.
He didn't blink, scared he was hallucinating it all.
Scared he would just disappear...
Tech noticed the silence, he knew why. He could understand it from a psychological standpoint.. But they had more pressing concerns.
"We are running out of time. Hunter can't wait on us forever when everyone on Kamino will be looking for us."
Fives shook his head, to snap out of it. It took Echo a little longer to regain focus at first, but he did. They were soldiers.. It's what was required of them.
"Right." Fives finished securing his armor and placed his helmet on his head.
He never thought he'd wear it again. He never thought he'd see Echo again either... The day was full of surprises. Despite the overall horrible... This was good. Though he did feel guilty for thinking it.
"Got a blaster Echo?"
"Back with our gear in the hangar bay."
Fives tossed one of his DC-17s to his vod'ika. Echo caught it.
Tech pressed a button on the datapad.
"Now we move. The cell's alarm is triggered."
They rushed out, hoping to make it back before Crosshair realized they were missing.
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Upon reaching the hangar, Echo handed Fives back his blaster before moving to the trunks of gear to find his own.
"Fives?" Omega said surprised as she saw him. She hasn't seen him in months. She wasn't even sure he was still here.
"Yeah kid, it's me. It's good to see you."
She hugged him from the side as batch 99 started and finished grabbing their gear. He returned the hug briefly. Echo and Hunter looked over at them curiously.
"Haven't seen Crosshair over here yet." Hunter finished gearing up.
"Omega, keep with Echo and The Reg..."
Fives moved next to Echo and the crate he had just finished grabbing from.
"Tech, get the ship fired up, we might need a quick escape."
Tech nodded and moved for the ship, readying it.
"And Wrecker, with me. We're finding Crosshair."
"You've got it Sarge."
Omega picked up Wrecker's Lula. As she stood on her feet, she noticed the bay doors.
"I think he had the same idea." Omega said pointing to the bay doors, as they slowly opened.
Fives set his blasters to stun as he ducked behind the crate with Echo. The others also ducked.
A squad of shock troopers came rushing in, their carbines were pointed in their direction.
Crosshair carried a sniper rifle as he walked in.
Hunter stood up, walking to the center as he looked at Crosshair.
Wrecker, Echo and Fives peered over their crates.
"Is that...Crosshair?"
Crosshair stared ahead at Fives, but quickly returned his attention to Hunter.
"Best surrender. Sargeant."
"Turn in the reg. Make it...easy on yourself."
"Are you out of your mind?!" Hunter exclaimed
"We should've killed that Jedi. You disobeyed orders."
"I did what I thought was right!" He defended
"How's that working out for you? Now you're throwing in with a reg, a traitorous one at that and... A kid?"
"Now Surrender."
Hunter looked back at the men. Wrecker put his helmet on his head and readied his weapon. Echo was aiming, and the ARC Trooper nodded his head as he took aim.
He returned his look to Crosshair. "Is that an order?"
Crosshair smirked. "Heh. I guess it is."
"Well.. I guess I'm disobeying that one too."
The tension was high as soldiers stared upon each other, daring the other to make the first move.
The silence. Loud.
Crosshair's expression narrowed, his finger inched closely on the trigger of his hand held pistol and sniper rifle.
Then he fired a shot.
Hunter ducked in time and it had hit the side of the ship.
It was quick to become a firefight.
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In the end, the batch escaped mainly unscathed, except for Wrecker who had been shot by Crosshair.
Echo was currently tending to him. And this was giving Fives the entire world time to think.
But thinking.. Was all he had since he was in that cell. He was tired of thinking.
Omega had shot the blasters out of Crosshair's hands. It was a very impressive feat for an untrained clone.
Hunter walked over to Fives. Even Tech would easily read that which appeared all over his face.
"Uh thanks... For covering us back there." He started an awkward conversation.
"It's what we do.." He said a hazy focus.
"What's on your mind uh...-"
Hunter chuckled briefly.
"What is it?"
"ARC-5555?" He looked up at his 5 tattoo after he spoke.
"Uh yeah?"
"That's a little on the nose, isn't it?"
"Says the guy who has batchmates named Tech, Crosshair and Wrecker." Fives
Okay, he had him there.
"So... Uh.. Heard you tried to kill the Chancellor.."
"That's just the version clones were told about me. Because the truth... Would've stopped this from ever happening."
Fives held his palm against the side wall as he sighed.
"You mean order 66?"
"It was much worse... But that was a big part of it."
He looked back at Echo, fending off Wrecker who complained about the medical attention.
"It's why they pushed the crazy clone narrative so hard. Because if I appeared insane... No one would believe me."
"And it worked."
"They expect all of us to be unthinking droids... To follow every order without a single question? But.. That's not who I am. They weren't expecting it, I suppose."
"They weren't prepared for me to investigate when things were clearly not right... It was unsettling to them. They had to take the nuclear option to protect the skeletons in their closets."
"You defied their 'programming?' too?" Hunter asked
"Good soldiers follow orders.. But the best ones know when not to." Fives said
"That type of thinking usually gets you labelled as a defect."
"Eh, I'm used to it. My squad and I, we've been hearing that one since were cadets." Fives said
"Maybe they were right. But I figure the way things are going, that's how you know you're in the right."
"Conforming to the standards of the rest.. They are basically unthinking droids. I wouldn't want that either."
"You know you might be stuck with us for a while, considering the move we just made." Hunter said
"You're all brothers. It's more than I had back when I was imprisoned on Kamino."
"And you don't care that we're not.. Well, regs?" Hunter asked
"Why should I care about that?"
"Don't examine me! I'm not a computer!" They heard Wrecker yell out.
They looked over at him, diverting their attention.
"This will just take a second."
Hunter uncrossed his arms, he glanced at Fives before they began to walk over.
"Get that thing away from me!"
Echo looked past, seeing Fives again. Well... Now was as good of a time to address this as any.
Fives looked over at him. There was a sigh in relief.
Omega silently observed them. Having already known they were batch mates.
Wrecker, Tech and Hunter were busy talking about Cross hair, until they realized Echo wasn't part of the conversation. He walked over to Fives.
"Did you miss me?" Echo asked, breaking the long silence as he reached his twin's location.
Fives didn't say anything as he quickly pulled him into a tight hug.
Echo took a breath, returning the hug with his one good arm.
"It's really you... I can't believe it."
They caught the attention of the others, the only ones not appearing to be confused were Tech and Omega.
"I'm so sorry.. I never should have-"
"It's not your fault. I never blamed you." Echo said
"I left you.."
"No. You followed orders."
"Look where following orders has gotten clones." He sighed, blame on himself...
"What happened?" They asked at the same time after a silence.
They let go finally.
"Fives.. Rex told me you were killed. In fact you're listed as legally dead."
"How are you-"
"I don't know. There's.. things I just don't remember." He was honest, his mind was hazy at times
"You recognized me back on Kamino. Before anyone else ever called me Echo."
"Like I would ever not recognize you Ech'ika?"
"What.. Happened.. After.. You know." Fives said
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"I take it they used to know each other." Hunter said off hand
"I would certainly hope so, being batchmates and all." Tech replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world
"What?" Hunter asked
His eyes were glued to the datapad.
"CT-27-5555 and CT-1409 were the last remaining members of Domino Squad, both making it to ARC Trooper status shortly after helping The Republic take a win during the Battle of Kamino. Report by Taun We.."
"Domino Squad consisted of members Hevy, Cutup, Droid-Bait, Echo and Fives. Three of the Five were killed on their first mission at the Rishi Moon outpost. Echo and Fives were the last remaining, and were requested for the 501st legion by Captain Rex."
"Echo was seemingly killed by an explosion at the citadel rescue, leaving Fives as the last remaining Domino before the parasite turned him crazy, resulting in his death by blaster, Commander Fox."
"I have recently been informed that Echo survived the blast, and was taken captive by the Techno Union. Later joining with Clone Force 99. Report taken by General Shaak Ti."
"So you mean they're from the same squad?" Wrecker asked
"That is what I just said."
"Can they read each other's minds?" Omega asked
"What do you mean?" Hunter asked
"They keep giving each other looks without talking and look like they're having a conversation." Omega said
"Maybe they have telepathy!" Wrecker said
"I highly doubt that as a possibility." Tech said
The Domino Twins walked over together after finishing their conversation. Echo came by to check on Wrecker. And Fives briefly spoke with Tech as Hunter spoke up to Omega.
"Impressive shot back there." Hunter looked to Omega
"Where'd you learn to do that?"
"I don't know.  I never fired a blaster before."
"I guess I just got lucky."
The attention of the others was diverted to the conversation when Echo spoke up.
"She's not the only one." He moved Wrecker up.
"I'm fine. It'll take more than a blaster shot to take me down." Wrecker said
"You were down." Echo reminds him.
"Yeah, well.. Not for long!" He laughed out loud, playfully punching Echo in the arm.
He groaned in pain shortly after.
"So uh.. Where are we gonna go now? Not exactly a lot of places for clone deserters and a clone traitor." Fives asked Hunter
"I thought we could go off on our own. Lay low."
"But with Crosshair gunning for us, I'm not so sure." Hunter was thinking
"What about your friends?  Can any of them help us?" Omega asks
"That would be a short list.." Tech said
"Well.. I can think of one. Plot a course for J-19." Hunter said
Tech nodded his head and set the Navi computer.
"J-19?" The twins spoke up at the same time.
"We know a guy."
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The ship was silent.
Wrecker and Omega were huddled up together, asleep.
Tech was flying the ship through hyperspace.
Fives and Echo were sitting next to one another. Fives rubbed his eyes, he still tried hiding how tired he really was.
"Fives. Get some sleep. Even those two are asleep by now." He motioned towards Omega and Wrecker.
"I'm not tired."
Echo scoffed. How dumb did this fool think he was?
"Did you by chance forget who you tried that with just now?" Echo was a little snarky
"Or did you perhaps think I somehow don't know you anymore?"
"I'm the one person who has always known you and will always know you."
Fives looked down at the floor. And Echo put his hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, what's going on?"
He didn't want to bring it up.
"I really don't want to talk about this right now."
"We haven't seen each other since the Citadel before today. And the first problem you're having.. You don't even want to talk about it?"
"I have my reasons." He responded
"They all- look.."
"You're right. We did just get each other back. And that's exactly why I don't want to ruin that with this."
"Talk to me."
It was easy to slip back into old habits with Echo around. Of course.. Things were somehow harder now than it had been.. But there were a few things in this moment that did feel the same.
"Well uh...I don't sleep...really. Not anymore."
"Things have gotten worse the longer I was there."
"I just can't take it... It's all the nightmares. They just.."
"Everytime I sleep.. I'm reliving it."
"I only sleep when I absolutely have to. Maybe 2 times a week."
"Things are different now.. They've been difficult for a while." Echo said
"We never really seem to catch a break,  do we?"
"No.. We really don't." Fives responded
"Except this time." Echo said
"After every horrible thing that's happened this last... Well since the Empire. It brought back our best way to fight through these things. Being together."
"As long as we live.. We're still batchmates. And you're still my twin. Though I might not exactly look the part anymore."
The joke resulted in a chuckle from the pair as they made eye contact.
"Try and sleep. I'll be right here the whole time." He promised.
"We're going to get through this eventually."
"You know after everything... It did nothing. The warning. No one believed me and no one was saved." Fives sighed.
"It might have."
"Do you think it's ever gonna be okay?" Fives asked
"I know.. We're clones. We were made for being soldiers.."
"But this brings back the fear.. What are they going to do to our brothers now that the war is over?"
"I don't know Ori'vod.. But we are going to save who we can."
Fives rested his head on Echo's shoulder.
"If they could see us now.. I hope they'd be proud." Echo said
"They would." Fives answered
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gun-roswell · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: CT-9904 | Crosshair & Clone Trooper Hunter Characters: CT-9904 | Crosshair, Clone Trooper Hunter (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Inspired by Fanart, Inspired by TBB S3 Trailer, S3 Speculation, Ficlet, Open to Interpretation, Fluff and Feels, Hugs Series: Part 6 of Pre TBB S3 Jitters Shorts, Part 58 of Fandom Shorts Summary:
Crosshair is back from the Empire and Hunter is getting all emotional about it. Sometimes.
Part of the Bad Batch S3 jitters / Fandom shorts series
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apocalyp-tech-a · 2 months
You'll get transported into the series you love the most
you die in it
are you willing to take this offer?
The ground quakes around me as the Separatists launch their counter offensive. Dirt is propelled into the air in scattering arches as bomb after bomb drops.
The intel was wrong, however. Instead of 1,000 troops, there are 10,000. We do not have a chance against them. *I* do not, as I notice that I was too preoccupied with deflecting blaster fire away from the clone troopers under my command with my lightsaber, to notice a large chunk of shrapnel now sticking out of my rib cage, puncturing my lung and a major artery.
“Commander Apocalyptecha!” a familiar voice cries out as I sway dizzily. It is Tech. The exceptionally intelligent member of Clone Force 99. He rushes to me, cradling me in his arms, as my lungs struggle to breathe.
“Tech... Retreat... Save yourself and your brothers. All of them.”
“I can get you to momentary safety and perform a procedure to save your life.” He attempts to pull a bacta patch from a pouch on his belt, but I find the strength to put my hand on his arm to stop him.
“No. Do not waste it on me. My time is done. But yours is just beginning. Retreat. Get everyone out. Any way you can,” I choke out with a sputtering cough.
His large brown eyes look on me so inquisitively, yet so sadly, at the realization that I am right. “Yes, Commander.”
Dirt continues to fly around in a blizzard of destruction, yet as Tech gazes into my eyes, I feel his affection and I feel peace. I squeeze his hand tenderly to let him know that he needs to find peace in this as well. I find the energy to utter one last wish to him. “May the Force be with you, Tech.”
He simply nods, and the last thing I see are those beautiful brown eyes guiding me peacefully to my end as I know he will find a way to guide his brothers to safety. *In retrospect, as lovely as it would be to die in Tech's arms, probably not. Lol. So , no would not take that offer. 😆 Thank you for the super cool ask though!!! 💜
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
Lemmie see
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For @renek-bane
Cad Bane x GN! Reader
Word count: 330
Warnings: Blood, finger sucking, minor injury, fluff, "caretaking."
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"Ouch!" you declared, quickly putting down the blade. You had been cutting a root vegetable for dinner, as you had a very special guest.
Said guest was up within an instant, disregarding the drink he had prepared. His eyes narrowed as he studied you - not out of anger, but more so rapt concern.
"What is it," he asked quite simply.
You moved to shield your hand, wary of showing Cad Bane your injury. His rostrum crinkled as he canted his large head. It veered right, as well as his accompaniment, a rather expansive hat.
He pressed his thin lips together - he could smell it.
"Cut myself," you frowned.
Bane steadily walked forward, his boots clunking against your real wood floors. You were a country hooligan, and you lived liked one. You preferred it to the city; all that ungodly noise.
"Lemmie see," he demanded curtly.
You extended your finger reservedly, a bead of bright red blood pooling at the cut. He snatched your wrist up, though being careful with how he handled you.
"Poor lil' thin'," he muttered raspingly, ruby eyes reflecting in your home's dim light. He flashed his canines in disapproval as your heart fluttered inside your chest.
"I'll be all right, I just need a-"
You gasped, inhaling a sharp breath. Cad Bane had protracted his cold tongue to lick your wound clean before slipping your entire forefinger in his fang filled mouth.
He sucked gingerly, staunching the flow of blood. You watched enthralled, blushing fiercely. You were amazed he did not bite. You had to force yourself to mask a shudder. If needed, you would freely be willing to admit that you were irrefutably turned on by it.
"All betta' now," he drawled easily once he had released you, adding a small impress of his lips to top it off in an uncharacteristic, sporadic kiss.
"Yes, t-thank you," you agreed, not wanting it to end. For all intents and purposes, it had been... intimate.
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ann-i-inthestars · 1 year
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Wrecker tapped the 'fresher lights on, bathing the room in light and illuminating Echo's hunched over form. He was sitting in the flat shower expanse, just to the side of the drain with his feet pressed to the wall. His arms were in his lap and his shoulders curled forward. He looked entirely miserable.
When he spoke, he sounded miserable. "The light was off for a reason."
"So you could hide."
"Not hiding."
"Watcha doing then?"
"Sulking in the dark like every good, cultured ARC trooper does from time to time."
Wrecker didn't know any other ARC troopers, but he really doubted that was a thing. Echo was hiding, and he couldn't really blame him. Joining a new unit must be terrifying. Joining a unit like their team, even more so. He knew they didn't really seem that welcoming. And that they were really bad with change. Poor Echo left a crazily traumatic experience and didn't really have a home to return to. And in his new home, he didn't even have a space of his own.
Which probably explained why he was hiding in a shower. It was quiet, and more importantly, private. Well, until Wrecker intruded on him.
Despite knowing Echo probably wanted privacy, Wrecker couldn't fathom leaving him alone. So he took the few steps into the area and as gently as he could, sat down with his back against Echo's.
"You know," he whispered softly, "they dont mean to come across as, uh, rude as they do. They forget that you don't know them like I do. That you can't tell what is serious and whats just fun."
"I know." Echo replied just as softly.
"Then why're you hidin' in the 'fresher?"
Wrecker felt him shrug. "Figured it would be better to feel alone if I were actually alone."
He frowned, pain for Echo filling his chest. "Echo, you aren't alone!"
"Feels like it. You all have your groups. Your person. I'm a piece of another puzzle trying shove its way into a complete picture."
"Thats not true." Wrecker insisted earnestly. "Not to me! I know you've lost all your people, but I want to be one of them too. I'd much rather you come to me when you feel lonely then hide in a shower."
The hope in Echo's voice was almost more painful than the dejection had been. Wrecker didn't hesitate to nod.
"Of course! Always! You may not have realized it yet, but I consider you one of my people. You can always come to me."
Echo was silent for a long moment before he spoke in a grateful, relieved tone, "Thank you, Wrecker."
"Anytime, Echo."
------inspired entirely by a conversation I had with @wandering-writer-ha . Hope you like the added little ficlet!------
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eclec-tech · 3 months
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Another season three ficlet, this one about the possible meeting of Phee and a recently recovered Tech...
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When Phee got the news, her first impulse was to scream. Whether from happiness or despair, she wasn’t entirely sure. Probably both. Tech was alive! But he was different. What had Echo meant when he said “different”? She wished she had thought to ask. The only other words she seemed to hear were “meet us” and “we’re sending you coordinates”. Only after the blue light of the hologram faded did her ability to think return enough to wonder what “different” could possibly mean.
That question, and the dozens of others her mind tortured her with on the way to the rendezvous, made the following hours in hyperspace the longest she had ever experienced.
When Phee touched down at the rendezvous point, she leapt from the ramp before it had even fully lowered, but stopped just as quickly when she saw only the clones she already knew were alive.
“Where is he?” she asked no one in particular, scanning the area behind them to see if he was inspecting some part of the hull or standing behind Wrecker on his datapad.
A figure in strange, dark armor suddenly appeared at the top of the ramp, and Phee’s eyes went wide. The man descended with a complete lack of urgency and stopped at the bottom. He stood motionless as the soulless, polarized lenses of his helmet stared directly at her.
She walked slowly forward as if someone else were controlling her legs. Every step closer to this man increased her fear. She knew it was Tech. He was the last thing her newly found family would ever joke about. But something was very off.
He remained completely motionless even as she stopped directly in front of him.
“When I said not to go running off with any pirates or smugglers, I didn’t think I had to include, ‘Don’t join the Empire.’”
The man before her said nothing.
Hunter and Wrecker exchanged a look. “He might need some time,” Hunter said softly. “He’s been through some things.”
“We all have,” Phee whispered in response. “Would you all mind giving us a minute?”
Crosshair opened his mouth to object, but Omega’s hand around his wrist all but dragging him back onto their ship kept him silent. The others followed, leaving Phee and Tech alone.
She stared into the helmet. “C-Can we take this off? I need to know it’s you.”
Phee gasped. “No to the helmet, or no, you’re not Tech?”
“The helmet,” the modulated voice answered slowly. “You require a briefing. I am…not ready.”
“Okay.” Phee’s lip began to quiver. “How about we go join the others, and they can fill me in?” Tech nodded but did not move even as Phee stepped past him.
“I…did as you instructed,” he said quietly before she got halfway up the ramp. She turned and walked back down. “I have known no pirates or smugglers in our time apart.”
Phee smiled and lifted her hand to gently stroke the side of the no longer intimidating helmet. “Glad to hear it, Brown Eyes.”
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hurryupmerlin · 1 year
[Hey, here's a fun new game. Put "📓" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about.]
When I tagged this game with "there's just smut in my head" that's exactly what I meant. And by smut I mean MY FAVE HAS TO SUFFERRR
TW: rape
Tech looks like a virgin, but everyone knows he's a slut. He's done it with half of Tipoca City already, just because he can. He's with Echo now (and holy shit, he's in love), so things slowed down drastically, but he's still allowed to do whatever he wants.
Also, he gets most of his technology from the Republic – later Empire –, but some fancy stuff he has to pay for himself. So he usually earns some pocket money by getting the clones off whenever. It's no big deal and everyone's cool with it, even Echo.
One early evening, he's alone in the Batch's quarter when one of his clone brothers comes in. Things escalate quickly.
Tech's not up for it. But he's also not as physically strong as other clones, so he finds himself pinned to the floor and taken.
"What's the big deal? You had this cock a thousand times."
"That's not the same! Not yours!"
Struggling, Tech somehow manages to get hold of his comlink and sends part of the conversion to the Batch. It's basically just him occasionally whimpering in pain while rationally explaining that please, he doesn't want it, he's not prepared and it hurts. And that this right here is called rape.
And oh boy, that last word gets his squad moving like hyperdrive. Echo's been at the cafeteria separately, so he's the first to reach the quarter. He appears at the door pissed af, with his blaster drawn, unlocked and sure as hell not on stun.
When the rest of the Batch arrive, he's already pulled the guy off Tech and then things escalate a little more and by the end of it, everyone in the room agrees that this has been nothing but a tragic weapon malfunction.
After that day, the veteran ARC trooper has even more wary eyes on him than before when he walks through the hallways.
All Echo wants is to be there for Tech, but he's also super insecure about what's still okay and what might not.
He worries too much.
It takes Tech a whopping three days to recover from the incident and return to his horny self.
This fic exists in different variations. In one, Echo casually walks in, sees them at it and jokes "are you done fucking my boyfriend yet?" Tech is being threatened to keep it shut and has to find a way to communicate his situation to Echo, so it takes a while for him to realise what's happening. But then he goes absolute apeshit :)
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
Hello!!! Saw your post about a prompt? Hehe, I came across this one:
"I hate to say I told you so..."
"Like hell you do; it's your favorite phrase."
Sounds like a Crosshair one to me.
i love this prompt, thank you!! this fic did get a little out of hand, but honestly i love it 😂
words: 1,239
summary: On a night out, you challenge crosshair to some friendly sparring. things don't always stay friendly between you, and you're not complaining one bit.
clone troopers masterlist
A Test of Strength
“I bet I could beat you in hand-to-hand combat,” your voice sounded a little bolder than it usually did, and maybe that was because of the glass of Corellian wine you were almost finished with. The booth at 79’s was empty except for you and Crosshair, and so far, you’d been enjoying an evening of drinking, laughter, and watching Tech attempt to dance without hitting someone in the face. 
He raised his eyebrows at you in response as he took another sip of his drink. “Is that a challenge, dear mechanic?” 
“Maybe it is, trooper.” 
Decidedly, you were a little bit out of your depth here. Although you had undergone some training when you entered the GAR, it was nowhere near the level to which Crosshair had been trained. The one thing you did have to your advantage was the fact that you were the slightest bit force-sensitive, something you’ve spoken to General Kenobi and Master Yoda about but hadn’t yet broached with your squad. You weren’t sure if you would be able to stay with Clone Force 99, and you rather liked being their mechanic (and no, it had nothing to do with the fact that you had a crush on the grumpy sniper sitting in front of you). 
“Why do you think you could beat me?” he asked, his tone playful. This was the version of Crosshair that you liked the most, not the stoic man who went on missions with the rest of the squad. 
“I don’t think you’ve had as much experience fighting as the others” you said thoughtfully. “Even Tech gets more up close and personal with droids during missions. I think we might be more evenly matched than you think.” 
“I think those are bold words,” he said lowly. His face was so close to you that he might as well have been whispering in your ear at this point. “But I’d be willing to test your hypothesis. That is, if you’re up for a challenge.” 
Sober you probably would have retracted your statement by now, but that didn’t happen this time. “Fine,” you said, downing the rest of your drink and getting out a few credits to pay the droid the next time it passed by. “You know of a good place to spar?” 
Crosshair laughed. “I do, don’t worry about that.” And without telling the rest of the batch where you were headed, the two of you left the bar. 
The GAR barracks were simple and understated, but the Coruscant base that the clones used when they were on leave had a top-of-the-line training facility and gym. The padded walls and floors of the sparring room were something of a comfort to you, because if you did get knocked on your shebs, maybe it wouldn’t hurt that badly. 
You had been wearing comfortable clothes, and once you put your bag down, Crosshair was ready to go. He lunged at you, but you artfully dodged his jab, grabbing his arm and pulling to the side, the momentum sending him in a different direction. “You’re stronger than you look, doll.” 
“I think you just underestimated me.” You liked this version of yourself, she was cool and maybe you’d have to figure out how to keep her around after the alcohol wore off. 
“Really?” You weren’t quick enough this time, and he almost tripped you. Stumbling, you tried to keep your composure. 
But maybe you should have kept your mouth shut, because you weren’t able to dodge his latest jab, and suddenly your back was up against his chest. His arms trapping you against his body, the fact that Crosshair’s face was inches away from your neck was something you were trying very hard to ignore. Maker, did you want to turn around and kiss him right now. 
“You know, I hate to say I told you so…” he drawled softly, and you could hear the playful smile on his face. 
“Like hells you do, it’s your favorite phrase,” you responded, the joking edge to your voice apparent. You had an idea, but you needed to keep him talking for a few more moments in order for it to work. “You know, we never decided what the winner gets out of this whole thing.” 
“So you admit that I won?” 
“Of course.” That sentence couldn’t have been more of a lie, but you needed to keep his eyes on you so he didn’t notice the way you were moving your leg back towards his. 
A smirk crossed his face right as you struck, twisting around and pushing as you tripped him, and you somehow managed to get him off his balance. A few quick maneuvers and you would have him pinned just like he had you, but Crosshair clearly wasn’t going to go down without a fight. 
For a few moments, the two of you were perfect equals. Every hit you landed, he got one right back. Every time you dodged, he did too. There was something exhilarating about the way that you seemed to be dancing with each other. 
Until he managed to pin you against the wall. 
You were slightly out of breath at this point, and you could see his chest heaving up and down as he breathed. “Do you admit defeat?” he asked. 
You decided to challenge him a bit, desperately attempting to ignore the way his lips moved when he spoke (and how close they were to you). “I don’t think I’ve won yet.”
“Really? So the fact that I have you pinned against the wall means nothing?” 
“Maybe that’s exactly what I wanted to happen.” 
But instead of firing back with more snark, something must have finally snapped in Crosshair’s brain, because he leaned in and kissed you. His hands found their way to your waist as you kissed back, your lips exploring his as you hoped with everything you had that this was actually happening and not just an amazing dream. 
You pulled away first, but he didn’t want to accept it. “You know how long I’ve wanted to do that for?” he asked breathlessly before recapturing your lips with his own. 
“I could say the same thing,” you responded between his hungry kisses. 
His grip on your waist was somehow both soft and demanding, and your mind was floating in a galaxy far away from this one. For a few fleeting moments, nothing could have possibly ruined the moment between you. 
Until the door to the training room swung open, and the rest of the Bad Batch stepped inside. 
“Go away,” Crosshair’s voice was practically a growl as he detached himself from your lips. “We’re busy.” 
“Yeah,” Echo said, eyebrows raised as he stared at the two of you. “We can see that.” 
“We realized you were missing from 79’s and tracked your comms here,” Tech said, butting in before Crosshair could fire back at Echo. 
“That’s nice,” Crosshair said, and you had to stifle a laugh at the way he so desperately wanted all of them to leave.
Thankfully, Hunter seemed to catch on, and for once didn’t offer any teasing remarks (you suspected that you’d be victims to those later). He herded the rest of the squad out of the room and gave you two a knowing look before closing the door, and finally, you were alone again. 
“Now,” you said, leaning in to place your lips on his once more. “Where were we?” 
- the end -
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techwrecker · 1 month
Sparkles & Boots
Summary: Phee challenges Crosshair to a little game of paint war.
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: N/A
Ships: techphee on the dl
Tags: fluff?, slice of life, tech lives, non canon compliant
A/N: I hope you enjoy this Phee & Crosshair scene we never got but definitely deserved! I had to sit on this prompt awhile but I hope I did it justice <3 Thanks for the ask! dt: @general-ida-raven
crossposted on my ao3 of the same name here
“A smile wouldn’t kill you, you know!” Phee shouted from across the courtyard. “That’s what normal people do when they’re having fun!”
Crosshair stayed put behind the barricade, chest heaving with exertion.  The pair were fighting for their lives in a friendly game of paint wars, one-on-one.
It had all started with Phee bragging to the crew of The Marauder that her shooting skills were better than any blaster-slinger this side of The Maw. Crosshair wasn’t a betting man, but he couldn’t let her get away with such a bold statement.
“Alright, five credits says you can’t beat me in a game of paint war,” he suggested.
“Only five?” She retorted, egging him on. “I would have thought you’d value your Republic-trained skills higher than that. Come on, Sparkles…” Phee trailed off expectantly, Crosshair’s “charming” personality earning him the sarcastic nickname.
Crosshair scoffed with a smile and pulled out a toothpick from his chest pocket.
“Fine. Ten,” he said, placing the splinter of wood in the corner of his mouth. “It will be even easier to succeed with you in those ridiculous heeled boots.”
Phee’s face burst into roguish excitement. “It’s called ‘lookin’ good’, not that you’d know. I’ll get the course set up, you load the guns. Brown eyes, you’re with me.” She snapped her fingers together and, making a point to turn sharply on her heel, grabbed Tech by the forearm leading him away from the group.
She pulled Tech into the open space of the Pabu courtyard and he let her. He looked back at Crosshair as they walked away, his face in a flat expression saying “this isn’t a fair bet and you know it”, but Crosshair only lightly shrugged his shoulders in response. After all, it wasn’t his fault the woman liked to boast skills she didn’t have. He was simply going to defend his status as Pabu’s best sharpshooter.
“You can’t just let this one go?” Hunter chided lightly. “We all know you’re the best, Crosshair. You don’t have to prove yourself anymore.” Hunter, ever the cautious leader, would always keep his faith in his brothers’ abilities, but when it came to money, he tried not to squander it.
“Oh, I’m aware. But perhaps she needs some… reminding,” he said in reply, heading to The Marauder for the paint rifles.
The blasters were decommissioned separatist rifles that the people of Pabu had no use for, so Tech was able to modify the power pack to hold a chamber of paint spheres. Being a peaceful civilization, the Pabu residents did not care for anything that had to do with weapons, game or not, so the crew stashed them aboard their home, even if they were only recreational now.
“Crosshair, what if she beats you?” Wrecker asked, handing him the container of paint from the top shelf.
“Do you really think I would let that happen?” Crosshair began to fill the shells and load them into the chamber. “Besides, she can’t be that great of a shot. She’s only a pirate after all.”
“But, according to my calculations, you have an eighteen percent better chance of being able to best Crosshair if you angle the barricade thirty-seven degrees to the left.” Tech stated matter-of-factly. He was trying to understand Phee’s reasoning behind her lack of concern for victory. Especially when the opponent was Crosshair, whose advantages already far outweighed her own.
“Relax, paint war police. I know what I’m doing.” She stood up and dusted off her hands against her well-loved coat. “I’ve been around the galaxy a time or two and have picked up a few handy tricks here and there.” Phee said with a wink, resting her hands on her hips.
“Yes, but-“ he started.
“Tech,” she placed her hands on his shoulders and looked him squarely in the face. Tech felt his cheeks flush slightly, a sensation he was not yet used to. “I know what I’m doing.” She smiled reassuringly sweet at him and he returned the expression.
“If you say so.”
“I know so.”
“Okay, here’s the ground rules,” Wrecker started, pausing for dramatic effect. “No face shots. That’s it, have fun!” He finished, bearing a wide smile, clearly proud of himself. Crosshair just rolled his eyes while Phee stifled a chuckle. Wrecker was rarely serious.
“Lizard-toad-snake to see who has the head start?” Phee suggested.
“No need. You can have it,” the clone conceded.
“If you insist, Sparkles!” Phee grabbed her rifle from her opponent and ran to the small, barricaded arena. She was hidden within seconds.
“Well that didn’t take long,” Wrecker observed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“It won’t take long for me to snipe her out, either.” Crosshair said as he started toward the playing field.
He decided to settle close to the rim of the makeshift arena. That way he wouldn’t have to watch his back while also watching out for his friendly opponent. He wasn’t using his helmet as this really would have been unfair and he wanted her to at least feel like she had a shot at winning. Crosshair hunkered down to wait until Phee would inevitably give away her position.
Phee, though hidden, posted up toward the center. She knew Crosshair couldn’t rely on his brothers to watch his six and would try and plant himself on the rim. She was hoping she could draw him out eventually. The seasoned pirate peered over the top of the barricade in an attempt to spot the clone.
Nothing. Not even a hint at where he could be at. Phee smiled to herself as she gripped the rifle tighter. This was going to be fun. She sat up to crouch on her toes and quietly started to make her way around the arena when the first ball of paint exploded not 3 feet from where she was sitting a few seconds ago. She froze.
Damn. He was good. Not that she was expecting him not to be, but there’s no way he could have heard her moving... right? And on top of that, she hadn’t even seen where the shot had come from. A great start to the game.
Crosshair doesn’t miss. Not on purpose anyways. It was more of a warning shot. His years of tactical training and combat experience had allowed him to make an educated guess that Phee would have positioned herself toward the center of the paint war field. That, and he saw her shadow when she started to move. But he wasn’t going to let her know that.
“Phee, there is only one outcome to this fight,” he called across to her.
“So little faith in your new found friend!” She joked back with him.
Crosshair stuck his head above the barricade, scope pressed to his face. He could barely see Phee’s hair poking above the cement blockade. 
“Gotcha,” he mumbled to himself. He waited to pull the trigger until Phee would move. There was a wooden pole not far from her. She would have to move eventually in order to try and get a better vantage point of his location. It was only a matter of time, and Crosshair was flush with patience.
Quite a crowd had gathered to watch this game of cat and mouse play out. A shot here, a shuffle there. Crosshair may not have been losing, but he certainly wasn’t winning either. But, not that he would admit it, he was having fun. A feeling that had eluded him since he was a Cadet.
He finally had her cornered. She was stuck between the pole and a limestone wall. Crosshair, rifle poised to fire, made his way over to her position. She was a fantastic opponent and had managed to keep the entire game interesting. Her arms were already up in surrender.
“Okay, okay, okay!” She said quickly as he approached. “You got me!” She squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the impact of the paintball explosion.
Crosshair aimed at her thigh, trying to hit a fleshy part of her body so it wouldn’t be as painful. To his own and the onlookers’ surprise, he hesitated. Phee opened one eye, peeking at the sniper.
“Aren’t you going to shoot me already? C’mon, Sparkles, I know you got it in ya.”
“Let’s make a deal,” he said. “I won’t shoot you on the condition of you admitting that I am the best ‘this side of The Maw’, not you,” he offered, quoting the pirate’s earlier words.
Phee relaxed her face and her smile returned. “Well gladly! But,” Crosshair let out a groan. “Only if you admit that you actually had fun today.” 
“Fine. I had fun,” he said, monotonously. He pointed the modified rifle at the ground and Phee relaxed her position.
“Great, me too! And we all know you’re the best Crosshair.” She said, walking towards him. “I’m surprised you didn’t catch on sooner to my plan.”
“What plan?”
“The plan to make you have a great time during recreational activities whilst still stimulating your skills.” Tech cut in from the sidelines. “I thought it was obvious.”
Phee winked at Tech, shooting a fingergun his way in approval. Tech returned to his datapad, slightly flustered. Well, as much as he could be flustered.
“How was that obvious?!” Wrecker burst. The two engaged in debate while Crosshair returned his attention to his opponent.
“You may be the best sniper around, but there is certainly room for improvement regarding your ‘having-fun skills’.” Phee patted his shoulder as she walked past. “I just wanted you to have a good time for once, even if that meant throwing the game.” She really liked winking at the boys.
Crosshair rolled his eyes half-heartedly and let himself show a small smile. He let her have that one as he followed her out of the makeshift arena.
“Besides,” she looked behind her shoulder. “There’s always next time.”
“You know I won’t let that happen…” Crosshair hesitated. “Boots.”
Phee may push her luck and poke his buttons, but he was glad to have her around. Being an outsider to the crew, she was able to look at things from a different perspective. She wasn’t roped into the family dynamic like the rest of them, but she made a fantastic addition to The Bad Batch.
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