#b. r. meyers
princess delia from rogue princess by b. r. meyers is demiromantic (headcanon)
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rickchung · 7 months
♫ Teddy Swims x "Lose Control" x Late Night with Seth Meyers.
Musical guest performed live on Nov. 13, 2023.
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pricelessemotion · 7 months
poltergeists for sidekicks | E.M.
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summary: [2.3k] the kids drag eddie to the halloween store where you happen to work.
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, pining, eddie being a lovestruck idiot, r wears big prescription glasses and is described as having messy hair
a/n: happy halloween! here’s something i’ve been working on for ages just in time for the end of spooky szn! xoxo
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Eddie doesn’t hate Halloween. 
He used to love Halloween. He likes autumn. He likes watching the leaves change colors. He can appreciate the novelty of a hot apple cider and a hay ride. Hell, ever since he was old enough to go trick or treating, he reveled in it. Free candy and all he had to do was put on a costume and say three magic words? Sign him up. 
As he got older, he started to like Halloween for a slightly different reason. Don’t get him wrong, he still liked the free candy, but he liked the excuse to be someone else for a night. He liked how he could throw on a Michael Meyers mask and go door-to-door and be greeted with glee and sweets. 
It does a funny thing to a kid’s self-esteem, being treated better when he’s wearing the face of a fictional serial killer. 
Now, though, Eddie Munson is decidedly too old for trick or treating. He’s resigned himself to spending the holiday like it was any other day by spending the night in his room, playing guitar, and coming up with new campaign ideas. 
Which is exactly what he was doing when three freshmen started pounding down the door of the trailer demanding entry. Within moments, they are practically on their hands and knees asking, nay begging, for the older boy to take them to get last-minute Halloween costumes.
“Aren’t you guys too old to go trick or treating?”
“This is why we need to go to the store! If we wear masks, no one will be able to tell how old we are, hence extending our years of candy collecting.” Dustin explains, matter of factly.  
Eddie sighs, leaning back into the sofa, steepling his fingers together. “What’s in it for me?”
The three boys huddle together, conspiring in a manner that is not dissimilar to the way they plan their counterstrikes during Hellfire. They nod in sync, turning around so that Lucas is standing front and center, flanked by the two other boys.  
“That one girl you like is working there.”
Eddie remains stone-faced, quipping sarcastically, “That’s very specific.”
Mike lets out an exasperated groan, threading his fingers through his hair before yanking at the ends in frustration. “Y’know, the weird one. Coke bottle glasses, messy hair, always holding a book?”
Lucas’ eyes widen. Dustin smacks Mike on the chest and the hollow sound rings out through the empty trailer. They all start talking over each other, with two of them berating the third for A. being insensitive and B. expecting a good outcome from said insensitivity. 
Eddie wants to make a comment that your hair is not messy, it’s actually more voluminous. Besides, his hair is messy and he likes to think it makes him look badass. The glasses comment was a little unfair. Sure, the frames are a similar shade to the iconic green of the bottles of Coca-Cola. But the magnification was endearing, leaning more towards doe-eyed than bug. Unfortunately, Eddie did not consider that while he was observing you, someone might’ve been observing him. 
The assurance of your presence is how Eddie ends up here, parked outside of a hardware store turned seasonal shop. He’s helping his friends. He’s supporting a local business and therefore contributing to the local economy! You being here is just a bonus.
A bell rings above them as he swings open the door, the motion setting off a scratchy pre-recorded cackle. He’s gotta hand it to whoever is running the store. They’ve gone out of their way to transform the dingy overhead fluorescents and worn-out linoleum into something that actually resembles an eerie boutique. 
“Welcome in! I’ll be right witch you!” Your voice lilts out from the depths. 
You appear out of the darkness, expertly weaving under fake cobwebs and pushing aside fanciful drapes that have no doubt been strung up precariously around the store to add to the ambiance. You’ve got a witch’s hat on, tall and black and pointy, which further explains the pun you greeted them with. 
“How can I help you?” You smile brightly, adjusting your glasses. 
The younger boys barely spare you a glance, just a chorus of we’re good! before running off to the other side of the store, where all of the costumes are located. 
You barely blink at their rudeness. Whether that’s indicative of your experience in customer service or due to your generally sunny disposition, Eddie isn’t sure. You turn your smile and magnified gaze at him, “What about you?”
Eddie startles only slightly. He begins to peek over his shoulder as if there’s somebody else in the mostly deserted store that you could be talking to. What about him?
“Oh, I don’t need anything. I just came here with–” He gestures vaguely in the direction that the boys wandered off to. “The little shits that left me in the dust.” 
You bark out a laugh, a small smile settling on your lips. “It’s sweet of you to help them out.”
Eddie only blushes in response, murmuring a quiet it’s nothing, scratching the back of his neck like he might find a switch that’ll make him remember how to talk like a normal human being.   
“Well, if you change your mind, let me know.”
You pick up a clipboard and a pen and start leisurely strolling down the decor aisle, making inconsequential markings on the paper. Whenever you come across gaps in the shelves you reach back into them, pulling the products to the front edge with a concentration that is quite adorable. 
He’s definitely staring by now. Feigning interest in a skull-shaped candy bowl, Eddie scrambles for something, anything to keep the conversation going. “I’m surprised you’re not busier.”
“You just missed the afternoon rush.” You say, straightening a pair of plastic tarantulas that have gone askew. “Not too many people came today, though. I guess they realized that it’s so close to the holiday that the shelves would be picked over.”
You shrug, “I think by October 30th, most people figure if they’re gonna dress up, they’d rather just pull together something from their closets than spend money. We’re actually busier the day after Halloween because everything gets marked down and people want cheap candy.”
“Makes sense.” He nods. “So, I take it you’re a big fan of Halloween?”
Your smile is apprehensive as if you’re not sure if he’s making fun of you. Your fingers brush the brim of the witch’s hat. “What gave me away?” 
He falls into step beside you, clasping his hands behind his back and puffing out his chest. “I just had a feeling.” Then, feeling much braver than usual, he adds, “I like your outfit.”
You look at him again, clutching the clipboard to your chest. For once, your eyes are leaning more towards bug-eyed. The black velvet dress has draped sleeves and a skirt that swishes with every step. Orange and black striped tights protect your legs from the inevitable chill that comes with October in Indiana. “You do?” 
“I do.” He insists, “It totally adds to the magical vibe. If you told me that you were an actual witch and this was just something you do to pass the time I’d one hundred percent believe you.” 
All apprehension has slipped off your face, replaced by a genuine smile that cracks open his chest. “Thanks…” You trail off.
“Eddie.” He supplies. 
“Well thank you, Eddie. I’d tell you my name but I’m guessing I don’t have to.” You say, rubbing the plastic name plate on your chest. 
Eddie does know your name, but it isn’t because of your name tag. He was far too proud to ask around for your name, and far too afraid of rejection to ask you himself. He’d been lucky enough to get a library book right after you. He’d pulled the weathered paper from the slip, seen your name at the bottom of the checkout card, traced the loopy letters with the pad of his fingers. It had definitely been more than a little pathetic. 
Eddie coughs, clearing his throat, trying to maintain any semblance of nonchalance. “Do you have any plans for Halloween?” 
Your face slowly lifts from the clipboard, twirling your pen between swift fingers polished in a deep burgundy. Directing your gaze at him, you peer through dark lashes and Eddie’s never been more thankful for the inventor of coke bottle glasses. The magnification allows him to see the spark of intrigue dancing across your pupils. 
“I was just gonna stay home. Maybe help my mom pass out candy.” The implication of the last sentence seems to hit you. You look down again, scrunching up your nose. Eddie finds it endearing how your first instinct is honesty rather than anything else. 
“Cool. That’s cool,” Eddie says in a manner that is decidedly uncool. He fiddles with his rings before shoving his hands into his pockets. “Actually, I was wondering if—” 
Suddenly, Eddie feels stupid for getting lost in your eyes and not paying attention to his surroundings. Maybe then he would’ve noticed how the linoleum got ever so slightly softer under the soles of worn-out boots. He would’ve seen the cloaked figure looming in the alcove, waiting for some unwitting soul to step on the pressure plate.
Unfortunately, Eddie did not see any of those things. The poltergeist, or ghost, or whatever the fuck it is swings out. He stumbles backward, releasing a shriek that is so high-pitched, that he wonders if he should start tapping into his upper range. Maybe it would add more texture to Corroded Coffin’s Tuesday night sets. 
Instinctively, his arms fly backward, as if to protect you. He stumbles right into you, and he’s sure that if you didn’t grab his waist from behind, you would’ve fallen right over. Unfortunately, the movement has both of you careening back into a shelf, sending bags of overpriced candy and shitty Halloween decorations tumbling to the ground in a cascade of all things creepy and corny. He quickly spins around.
“Shit, are you–”
“I’m so sorry!” 
“I should’ve warned you–”
At that moment, chests heaving and hearts racing, you both seem to realize that your hands are still grazing Eddie’s waist. You spring apart, scrambling to clean up the display, haphazardly grabbing the fallen items and placing them back in their rightful places on the shelves. Among them is your hat, another casualty of the calamity. 
“I should’ve warned you,” You say again, slightly out of breath. “That thing nearly scares me to death every other day.” 
“It’s fine. I should’ve paid attention to where I was walking. It just added to the whole spooktacular experience.” He picks up the hat from the floor, dusting it off. “I think this belongs to you.” 
You give a bashful smile, but instead of putting the accessory in your outstretched hand, he gingerly places it on top of your head. Your glasses have slid down your nose from bending over to clean up his mess, and his thumbs gently push the joints of the frames until they’re sitting in their rightful place. 
“There,” He punctuates his statement with a resolute tug on your hat, making sure it’s securely on your head. “Perfect.”
You preen at him, eyes sparkling, before you cast them down at the floor. Dustin comes running around the corner, closely followed by Mike and Lucas. All of them are carrying armfuls of miscellaneous Halloween supplies, obviously alarmed at the clamor, but not alarmed enough that they didn’t take their sweet time coming from the opposite end of the store. Eddie takes advantage of your bashfulness and distinctly shoots them a look that says get the hell out of here. Dustin’s eyes dart between the two of you before they widen and his mouth forms a small oh. He sends Eddie an exaggerated wink, walking backward in order to not interrupt the private moment, dragging his two friends along with him.
“Thanks,” You smile at him. “For protecting me. I know who to bring with me if I ever want to walk through a haunted house.” 
He gives a lopsided grin, “My pleasure.”
“Ahem.” You clear your throat, “Anyways, what are your plans for Halloween?”
This is it. This is the moment that Eddie has been waiting for since he put down his guitar and his notebook and opened the trailer door. 
“That depends.” He clasps his hands behind his back, jutting his chin up in the air. “Are you working tomorrow?”
“I get off at four.” 
“The Hawk is doing this continuous horror movie marathon. Maybe you would want to go?” Eddie’s fingers are practically vibrating with excitement. He nearly forgets the most important part. “With me? I mean— Only if you like horror movies, I just figured because I’ve seen you walking around with that Stephen King novel. NOT that I’ve been watching you or anything!”
You let out a small giggle. The fact that you’re laughing and smiling is a good sign, even if it is slightly at his expense. He decides to lean into self-deprecation, hoping it’ll seem more charming than desperate. 
“I’d say I don’t scare easily, but I think we’d both know that’s a lie by now.”
You scribble something near the bottom of the paper on the clipboard, delicately folding it and ripping it off before placing it in Eddie’s palm. 
“Well, I’ve heard horror movies are less scary if you have someone to hold your hand.”
It doesn’t even matter that a ghost animatronic essentially acted as his wingman. The note with your number on it sits heavily in his pocket, thumb tracing over looped ink. Even though it’s cold as shit, he embarrassed himself, and signs of the spooky season decorate every corner, Eddie has a smile that rivals even the best of jack-o-lanterns. 
As Eddie turns off towards the dirt path that leads to Forrest Hills Trailer Park, the smile still hasn’t faded. 
For once, the streets of Hawkins seem a little less haunted. 
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disabled-dragoon · 10 months
The Disability Library
I love books, I love literature, and I love this blog, but it's only been recently that I've really been given the option to explore disabled literature, and I hate that. When I was a kid, all I wanted was to be able to read about characters like me, and now as an adult, all I want is to be able to read a book that takes us seriously.
And so, friends, Romans, countrymen, I present, a special disability and chronic illness booklist, compiled by myself and through the contributions of wonderful members from this site!
As always, if there are any at all that you want me to add, please just say. I'm always looking for more!
Edit 20/10/2023: You can now suggest books using the google form at the bottom!
Updated: 31/08/2023
Articles and Chapters
The Drifting Language of Architectural Accessibility in Victor Hugo's Notre-Dame de Paris, Essaka Joshua, 2012
Early Modern Literature and Disability Studies, Allison P. Hobgood, David Houston Wood, 2017
How Do You Develop Whole Object Relations as an Adult?, Elinor Greenburg, 2019
Making Do with What You Don't Have: Disabled Black Motherhood in Octavia E. Butler's Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents, Anna Hinton, 2018
Necropolitics, Achille Mbeme, 2003 OR Necropolitics, Achille Mbeme, 2019
Wasted Lives: Modernity and Its Outcasts, Zygmunt Bauman, 2004
Witchcraft and deformity in early modern English Literature, Scott Eaton, 2020
10 Things I Can See From Here, Carrie Mac
A Curse So Dark and Lonely, (Series), Brigid Kemmerer
Akata Witch, (Series), Nnedi Okorafor
A Mango-Shaped Space, Wendy Mass
Ancillary Justice, (Series), Ann Leckie
An Unkindness of Ghosts, Rivers Solomon
An Unseen Attraction, (Series), K. J. Charles
A Shot in the Dark, Victoria Lee
A Snicker of Magic, Natalie Lloyd
A Song of Ice and Fire, (series), George R. R. Martin
A Spindle Splintered, (Series), Alix E. Harrow
A Time to Dance, Padma Venkatraman
Bath Haus, P. J. Vernon
Beasts of Prey, (Series), Ayana Gray
The Bedlam Stacks, (Series), Natasha Pulley
Black Bird, Blue Road, Sofiya Pasternack
Black Sun, (Series), Rebecca Roanhorse
Blood Price, (Series), Tanya Huff
Borderline, (Series), Mishell Baker
Breath, Donna Jo Napoli
The Broken Kingdoms, (Series), N.K. Jemisin
Brute, Kim Fielding
Cafe con Lychee, Emery Lee
Carry the Ocean, (Series), Heidi Cullinan
Challenger Deep, Neal Shusterman
Cinder, (Series), Marissa Meyer
Clean, Amy Reed
Connection Error, (Series), Annabeth Albert
Cosima Unfortunate Steals A Star, Laura Noakes
Crazy, Benjamin Lebert
Crooked Kingdom, (Series), Leigh Bardugo
Daniel Cabot Puts Down Roots, (Series), Cat Sebastian
Daniel, Deconstructed, James Ramos
Dead in the Garden, (Series), Dahlia Donovan
Dear Fang, With Love, Rufi Thorpe
Deathless Divide, (Series), Justina Ireland
The Degenerates, J. Albert Mann
The Doctor's Discretion, E.E. Ottoman
Earth Girl, (Series), Janet Edwards
Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead, Emily R. Austin
The Extraordinaries, (Series), T. J. Klune
The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict, (Series), Trenton Lee Stewart
Fight + Flight, Jules Machias
The Final Girl Support Group, Grady Hendrix
Finding My Voice, (Series), Aoife Dooley
The First Thing About You, Chaz Hayden
Follow My Leader, James B. Garfield
Forever Is Now, Mariama J. Lockington
Fortune Favours the Dead, (Series), Stephen Spotswood
Fresh, Margot Wood
Harmony, London Price
Harrow the Ninth, (series), Tamsyn Muir
Hench, (Series), Natalia Zina Walschots
Highly Illogical Behaviour, John Corey Whaley
Honey Girl, Morgan Rogers
How to Become a Planet, Nicole Melleby
How to Bite Your Neighbor and Win a Wager, (Series), D. N. Bryn
How to Sell Your Blood & Fall in Love, (Series), D. N. Bryn
Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites, Joy Demorra
I Am Not Alone, Francisco X. Stork
The Immeasurable Depth of You, Maria Ingrande Mora
In the Ring, Sierra Isley
Into The Drowning Deep, (Series), Mira Grant
Iron Widow, (Series), Xiran Jay Zhao
Izzy at the End of the World, K. A. Reynolds
Jodie's Journey, Colin Thiele
Just by Looking at Him, Ryan O'Connell
Kissing Doorknobs, Terry Spencer Hesser
Lakelore, Anna-Marie McLemore
Learning Curves, (Series), Ceillie Simkiss
Let's Call It a Doomsday, Katie Henry
The Library of the Dead, (Series), TL Huchu
The Lion Hunter, (Series), Elizabeth Wein
Lirael, (Series), Garth Nix
Long Macchiatos and Monsters, Alison Evans
Love from A to Z, (Series), S.K. Ali
Lycanthropy and Other Chronic Illnesses, Kristen O'Neal
Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro
The Never Tilting World, (Series), Rin Chupeco
The No-Girlfriend Rule, Christen Randall
Nona the Ninth, (series), Tamsyn Muir
Noor, Nnedi Okorafor
Odder Still, (Series), D. N. Bryn
Once Stolen, (Series), D. N. Bryn
One For All, Lillie Lainoff
On the Edge of Gone, Corinne Duyvis
Origami Striptease, Peggy Munson
Our Bloody Pearl, (Series), D. N. Bryn
Out of My Mind, Sharon M. Draper
Parable of the Sower, (Series), Octavia E. Butler
Parable of the Talents, (Series), Octavia E. Butler
Percy Jackson & the Olympians, (series), Rick Riordan
Pomegranate, Helen Elaine Lee
The Prey of Gods, Nicky Drayden
The Pursuit Of..., (Series), Courtney Milan
The Queen's Thief, (Series), Megan Whalen Turner
The Quiet and the Loud, Helena Fox
The Raging Quiet, Sheryl Jordan
The Reanimator's Heart, (Series), Kara Jorgensen
The Remaking of Corbin Wale, Joan Parrish
Roll with It, (Series), Jamie Sumner
Russian Doll, (Series), Cristelle Comby
The Second Mango, (Series), Shira Glassman
Scar of the Bamboo Leaf, Sieni A.M
Shaman, (Series), Noah Gordon
Sick Kids in Love, Hannah Moskowitz
The Silent Boy, Lois Lowry
Six of Crows, (Series) Leigh Bardugo
Sizzle Reel, Carlyn Greenwald
The Spare Man, Mary Robinette Kowal
The Stagsblood Prince, (Series), Gideon E. Wood
Stake Sauce, Arc 1: The Secret Ingredient is Love. No, Really, (Series), RoAnna Sylver
Stars in Your Eyes, Kacen Callender [Expected release: Oct 2023]
The Storm Runner, (Series), J. C. Cervantes
Stronger Still, (Series), D. N. Bryn
Sweetblood, Pete Hautman
Tarnished Are the Stars, Rosiee Thor
The Theft of Sunlight, (Series), Intisar Khanani
Throwaway Girls, Andrea Contos
Top Ten, Katie Cotugno
Torch, Lyn Miller-Lachmann
Treasure, Rebekah Weatherspoon
Turtles All the Way Down, John Green
Unlicensed Delivery, Will Soulsby-McCreath Expected release October 2023
Verona Comics, Jennifer Dugan
Vorkosigan Saga, (Series), Lois McMaster Bujold
We Are the Ants, (Series), Shaun David Hutchinson
The Weight of Our Sky, Hanna Alkaf
Whip, Stir and Serve, Caitlyn Frost and Henry Drake
The Whispering Dark, Kelly Andrew
Wicked Sweet, Chelsea M. Cameron
Wonder, (Series), R. J. Palacio
Wrong to Need You, (Series), Alisha Rai
Ziggy, Stardust and Me, James Brandon
Graphic Novels:
A Quick & Easy Guide to Sex & Disability, (Non-Fiction), A. Andrews
Constellations, Kate Glasheen
Dancing After TEN: a graphic memoir, (memoir) (Non-Fiction), Vivian Chong, Georgia Webber
Everything Is an Emergency: An OCD Story in Words Pictures, (memoir) (Non-Fiction), Jason Adam Katzenstein
Frankie's World: A Graphic Novel, (Series), Aoife Dooley
The Golden Hour, Niki Smith
Nimona, N. D. Stevenson
The Third Person, (memoir) (Non-Fiction), Emma Grove
Magazines and Anthologies:
Artificial Divide, (Anthology), Robert Kingett, Randy Lacey
Beneath Ceaseless Skies #175: Grandmother-nai-Leylit's Cloth of Winds, (Article), R. B. Lemburg
Defying Doomsday, (Anthology), edited by Tsana Dolichva and Holly Kench
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish, (short story) (anthology), Seiko Tanabe
Nothing Without Us, edited by Cait Gordon and Talia C. Johnson
Nothing Without Us Too, edited by Cait Gordon and Talia C. Johnson
Unbroken: 13 Stories Starring Disabled Teens, (Anthology), edited by Marieke Nijkamp
Uncanny #24: Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction, (Anthology), edited by: Elsa Sjunneson-Henry, Dominik Parisien et al.
Uncanny #30: Disabled People Destroy Fantasy, (Anthology), edited by: Nicolette Barischoff, Lisa M. Bradley, Katharine Duckett
We Shall Be Monsters, edited by Derek Newman-Stille
Perfect World, (Series), Rie Aruga
The Sky is Blue with a Single Cloud, (Short Stories), Kuniko Tsurita
Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education, Jay Timothy Dolmage
A Disability History of the United States, Kim E, Nielsen
The Architecture of Disability: Buildings, Cities, and Landscapes beyond Access, David Gissen
Being Seen: One Deafblind Woman's Fight to End Ableism, Elsa Sjunneson
Black Disability Politics, Sami Schalk
Borderline, Narcissistic, and Schizoid Adaptations: The Pursuit of Love, Admiration, and Safety, Dr. Elinor Greenburg
Brilliant Imperfection: Grappling with Cure, Eli Clare
The Cambridge Companion to Literature and Disability, Barker, Clare and Stuart Murray, editors.
The Capacity Contract: Intellectual Disability and the Question of Citizenship, Stacy Clifford Simplican
Capitalism and Disability, Martha Russel
Care work: Dreaming Disability Justice, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Catatonia, Shutdown and Breakdown in Autism: A Psycho-Ecological Approach, Dr Amitta Shah
The Collected Schizophrenias: Essays, Esme Weijun Wang
Crip Kinship, Shayda Kafai
Crip Up the Kitchen: Tools, Tips and Recipes for the Disabled Cook, Jules Sherred
Culture – Theory – Disability: Encounters between Disability Studies and Cultural Studies, Anne Waldschmidt, Hanjo Berressem, Moritz Ingwersen
Decarcerating Disability: Deinstitutionalization and Prison Abolition, Liat Ben-Moshe
Demystifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say, and How to Be an Ally, Emily Ladau
Dirty River: A Queer Femme of Color Dreaming Her Way Home, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Disability Pride: Dispatches from a Post-ADA World, Ben Mattlin
Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories From the Twenty-First Century, Alice Wong
Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability and Making Space, Amanda Leduc
Every Cripple a Superhero, Christoph Keller
Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness and Liberation, Eli Clare
Feminist Queer Crip, Alison Kafer
The Future Is Disabled: Prophecies, Love Notes, and Mourning Songs, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Growing Up Disabled in Australia, Carly Findlay
It's Just Nerves: Notes on a Disability, Kelly Davio
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Rebecca Skloot
Language Deprivation & Deaf Mental Health, Neil S. Glickman, Wyatte C. Hall
The Minority Body: A Theory of Disability, Elizabeth Barnes
My Body and Other Crumbling Empires: Lessons for Healing in a World That Is Sick, Lyndsey Medford
No Right to Be Idle: The Invention of Disability, 1840s-1930s, Sarah F. Rose
Nothing About Us Without Us: Disability Oppression and Empowerment, James I. Charlton
The Pedagogy of Pathologization Dis/abled Girls of Color in the School-prison Nexus, Subini Ancy Annamma
Physical Disability in British Romantic Literature, Essaka Joshua
QDA: A Queer Disability Anthology, Raymond Luczak, Editor.
The Right to Maim: Debility, Capacity, Disability, Jasbir K. Puar
Sitting Pretty, (memoir), Rebecca Taussig
Sounds Like Home: Growing Up Black & Deaf in the South, Mary Herring Wright
Surviving and Thriving with an Invisible Chronic Illness: How to Stay Sane and Live One Step Ahead of Your Symptoms, Ilana Jacqueline
The Things We Don't Say: An Anthology of Chronic Illness Truths, Julie Morgenlender
Uncanny Bodies: Superhero Comics and Disability, Scott T. Smith, José Alaniz 
Uncomfortable Labels: My Life as a Gay Autistic Trans Woman, (memoir), Laura Kate Dale
Unmasking Autism, Devon Price
The War on Disabled People: Capitalism, Welfare and the Making of a Human Catastrophe, Ellen Clifford
We've Got This: Essays by Disabled Parents, Eliza Hull
Year of the Tiger: An Activist's Life, (memoir) (essays) Alice Wong
Picture Books:
A Day With No Words, Tiffany Hammond, Kate Cosgrove-
A Friend for Henry, Jenn Bailey, Mika Song
Ali and the Sea Stars, Ali Stroker, Gillian Reid
All Are Welcome, Alexandra Penfold, Suzanne Kaufman
All the Way to the Top, Annette Bay Pimentel, Jennifer Keelan-Chaffins, Nabi Ali
Can Bears Ski?, Raymond Antrobus, Polly Dunbar
Different -- A Great Thing to Be!, Heather Alvis, Sarah Mensinga
Everyone Belongs, Heather Alvis, Sarah Mensinga
I Talk Like a River, Jordan Scott, Sydney Smith
Jubilee: The First Therapy Horse and an Olympic Dream, K. T. Johnson, Anabella Ortiz
Just Ask!, Sonia Sotomayor, Rafael López
Kami and the Yaks, Andrea Stenn Stryer, Bert Dodson
My Three Best Friends and Me, Zulay, Cari Best, Vanessa Brantley-Newton
Rescue & Jessica: A Life-Changing Friendship, Jessica Kensky, Patrick Downes, Scott Magoon
Sam's Super Seats, Keah Brown, Sharee Miller
Small Knight and the Anxiety Monster, Manka Kasha
We Move Together, Kelly Fritsch, Anne McGuire, Eduardo Trejos
We're Different, We're the Same, and We're All Wonderful!, Bobbi Jane Kates, Joe Mathieu
What Happened to You?, James Catchpole, Karen George
The World Needs More Purple People, Kristen Bell, Benjamin Hart, Daniel Wiseman
You Are Enough: A Book About Inclusion, Margaret O'Hair, Sofia Sanchez, Sofia Cardoso
You Are Loved: A Book About Families, Margaret O'Hair, Sofia Sanchez, Sofia Cardoso
The You Kind of Kind, Nina West, Hayden Evans
Zoom!, Robert Munsch, Michael Martchenko
Peeling, Kate O'Reilly
With an extra special thank you to @parafoxicalk @craftybookworms @lunod @galaxyaroace @shub-s @trans-axolotl @suspicious-whumping-egg @ya-world-challenge @fictionalgirlsworld @rubyjewelqueen @some-weird-queer-writer @jacensolodjo @cherry-sys @dralthon @thebibliosphere @brynwrites @aj-grimoire @shade-and-sun @ceanothusspinosus @edhelwen1 @waltzofthewifi @spiderleggedhorse @sleepneverheardofher @highladyluck @oftheides @thecouragetobekind @nopoodles @lupadracolis @elusivemellifluence @creativiteaa @moonflowero1 @the-bi-library @chronically-chaotic-cryptid for your absolutely fantastic contributions!
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sister-lucifer · 2 months
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Tim “Masky” Wright
Brian “Hoodie” Thomas
“Ticci” Toby Rogers
Jeffrey Woods
Liu Woods
Laughing Jack
Eyeless Jack
Nina Hopkins
Helen Otis
Jason Meyer
The Slenderman
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 10 months
Ask Rules & Guidelines:
18+ ONLY. Minors do not interact with my blog in any way shape or form. You will be blocked if I find out you are a minor reading 18+ fics.
I will not write about real people.
(the occasional inncorrect quote, but there will be NO romantic or sexual relationship implied. These are REAL people, therefore they have their own lives. If I write an incorrect quote, r and the person will be PLATONIC. Everything will be absolutely platonic)
I do not write for male characters.
I will not write about: inc*st, p*dophilia, b*stiality, r*pe/non-con, stepcest, sexual content containing minors, pieces that are racist, or bigoted, or homophobic
I usually write better with angst, so, if you ask for smut it might be a bit off since I don’t usually don’t write smut.
I don’t usually emphasize the race or appearance of r only because it has led to some conflict before (will say things like h/n [hair color] or e/n [eye color]) but if you want something with more description on appearance please ask first.
Characters I currently write for:
Lady Dimitrescu - (Resident Evil Village /RE8)
Mother Witch - (Hocus Pocus 2) [my version of Mother Witch’s first name is Morgana]
Rebecca Welton - (Ted Lasso)
Captain Phasma - (Star Wars)
Narcissa (Malfoy) Black & Bellatrix (Lestrange) Black - (Harry Potter)
Melissa Schemmenti & Ava Coleman - (Abbott Elementary)
Mother Witch - (Hocus Pocus 2)
Gail Meyer - (The Fall Guy 2024)
Emily Prentiss - (Criminal Minds)
Alma Peregrine - (Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children)
Lady Lesso - (The School for Good and Evil)
Isobel Castille - (FBI - CBS)
Rebecca Welton
Hurtful Words Unexpected Call Why You? Make My Wish Come True (Christmas Fic 2023). 𝐀 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 (A Hallmark Series)
Alcina Dimitrescu
The New Arrival (Series)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Captain Phasma
Knight in Shining Chromium (Series)
Emily Prentiss
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Love’s Silent Night (Christmas 2023) She Was Only Ever Mine. A Fool’s Love. Hold onto You. Caught in Your Focus. So Long, London (Series)
Melissa Schemmenti
Lady Lesso
Everything to Me
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montyjeffrey · 2 years
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Allen R. Schindler Jr. was a 22-year-old American Radioman Petty Officer Third Class in the United States Navy who was murdered 30 years ago today on Navy Day while on shore leave in Sasebo, Japan, by his fellow shipmates, who were provoked only by the knowledge of his homosexuality.
Allen R. Schindler Jr. was born on December 13, 1969, in Chicago Heights, Cook County, Illinois, to Dorothy Hajdys-Clausen and Allen Schindler Sr. Allen was the third of four children, and his family was three generations Navy. His grandfather served in WWII and his stepfather in Vietnam; following in their footsteps, Allen enlisted while still in junior high at Bloom High School. After graduation, he shipped out and left Chicago Heights for the first time to serve his country.
Allen was in the Navy for four years. He served on the USS San Jose, the USS Midway, and was serving on the USS Belleau Wood at the time of his death. The USS Midway was Allen’s dream assignment. He described the 11 months he spent on the aircraft carrier as his happiest days in the Navy. The Midway was a relatively tolerant ship where Allen didn’t feel the need to hide being gay.
On the Midway, he saw action in Operation Desert Storm and received a patch for his involvement in the campaign. Allen even extended his four-year tour so he could ride the last voyage of Midway before its decommission and got his own memento — a tattoo of Midway on his arm.
In December 1991, Allen was transferred to the USS Belleau Wood, and the harassment began almost immediately. According to reports, the Belleau Wood gained a reputation for being "the worst ship of all" when it came to homophobia and violence, where there was open hostility towards gay shipmates amongst the 950-plus crew. Newcomers Terry M. Helvey and Charles E. Vins were part of a group on board the ship that routinely harassed shipmates suspected of being gay. Helvey threatened gay shipmates that if they didn’t get out of the military soon, he and his gang were going to personally do something about it, and he continued to harass Allen whenever he could. Allen’s shipmate and friend, Keith Sims, reported Helvey and Vins to the ship’s legal officer, Captain Bernard Meyer, but nothing was done. Instead, Meyer probed into Sims’ sex life. When shipmate Richard Eastman reported being attacked the night before Allen was killed, Meyer took no action to stop the harassment and also probed into his sex life.
Allen was punched, pushed against walls, and repeatedly called homophobic slurs. He told his uncle that sailors had attacked him. Homophobic notes and graffiti were left on his bunk. Sims said they would deliberately spill hot soup on him. When Allen complained to his superiors in March and April of 1992 that his locker was vandalized and he had received multiple death threats, little was done in response. Instead, Douglas J. Bradt, the Belleau Wood Captain, ordered him to attend Alcoholics Anonymous, despite Allen not being an alcoholic.
Allen’s complaints continued to go unanswered. By September, he had reached his breaking point and requested to see the captain, but his request was denied. While operating the radio, Allen transmitted an unauthorized statement, "2-Q-T-2-B-S-T-R-8," which read: "Too Cute To Be Straight." The message was heard by much of the Pacific Fleet. Allen described the defiant message in his journal as his way of letting out his "true colors."
On September 24, Allen went to see the Belleau Wood Executive Officer, where he formally declared he was gay and requested an administrative discharge and transfer. Allen told the XO, "If you can’t be yourself, then who are you?" The XO agreed but told Allen he still had to take what was coming to him. Allen also informed Captain Bradt and Captain Meyer. He was told the processing of his discharge would take two weeks, but his superiors insisted he remain on the ship until then. Although Allen knew his safety was at risk, he obeyed orders.
On September 25, Allen was called to appear at a captain’s mast to deal with his unauthorized radio message. He had requested that the hearing be closed for confidentiality, but Captain Bradt disregarded his request and opened the mast to 200–300 crewmen in attendance. Allen made no admission of his homosexuality at the mast. Some shipmates took it as an invitation to harass him with impunity. Allen’s rank was reduced from RM1 to RM3, and he was punished with a 30 day restriction to the ship.
As word of his sexual orientation spread quickly throughout the Belleau Wood, Allen’s friends began to avoid him. Allen confided in his ex-boyfriend, Navy veteran Jim Jennings, how increasingly difficult it was becoming for him to avoid confrontation. On October 2, he wrote in his journal: "More people are finding out about me. lt scares me a little. You never know who would want to injure or cease my existence."
Straight sailors who knew Allen and were concerned for his welfare introduced him to a trio of gay entertainers working near Sasebo; one of the entertainers, Eric Underwood, said Allen told him "people harassed him 24 hours a day" and that he had such a hard time going back to that environment that he had to coax him to the door. When the Belleau Wood was getting ready to leave Sasebo, Allen was reluctant to leave Eric’s room and was trying to stretch out the goodbyes. The next night, he was dead. Entertainer Valan Cain had gone to the public restroom where Allen was slain and found blood all over the walls and inside the urinals. By the next day, someone had left a bouquet of flowers on the floor. "You could see blood streaks almost to the top of the roof," Cain said. Many servicemen interviewed afterward expressed revulsion at the attack. One serviceman remarked, "Whoever did that should hang."
On the morning of October 27, 1992, Allen called his mother and told her he was coming home for Christmas. It would be the last time he would ever speak to her again. Just before midnight, Allen’s mutilated, disfigured body was found sprawled out on a public restroom floor.
Terry M. Helvey and Charles E. Vins stalked and followed Allen into the public restroom, where they ambushed him, then savagely, sadistically, and brutally beat and stomped him to death until he was unrecognizable. His mother could only identify him by the tattoo of Midway on his arm. Every organ in Allen’s body was destroyed. His face and head were caved in, and he had shoe prints imbedded into his face and chest. The pathologist who performed the autopsy on Allen said it was the worst case he’d ever seen in his whole career, even worse than a case of a man trampled to death by a horse, and compared the damage done to Allen’s body to that of a high-speed car crash or a low-speed airplane accident.
Captain Bradt, who tried to keep the murder quiet and had threatened Allen’s shipmates, was sent to shore leave in Florida. For testifying against Helvey, Vins was given a four-month sentence, of which he only served 78 days. Helvey was given a life sentence, but since 2002, he has been eligible for parole. He was denied parole on March 7, 2022.
Allen Schindler’s case became synonymous with the debate concerning LGB members of the military that had been brewing in the United States, culminating in the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. Allen’s mother, Dorothy Hajdys-Clausen, after learning the truth about her son’s death and the Navy’s subsequent coverup, became one of the most outspoken and sought-after advocates for gay rights to serve openly in the military. In 2011, the DADT policy was repealed, allowing LGB servicemen and women to serve openly in the military for the first time.
Allen Schindler loved the Navy and was a proud sailor who volunteered to fight for his country — to lay down his life if he had to. He didn’t sign up to die to advance gay rights, but that is ultimately what happened. It was brave of him to come out when he did in the environment that he did, and he died because of it. He was a hero.
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compneuropapers · 3 months
Interesting Papers for Week 11, 2024
Routing states transition during oscillatory bursts and attentional selection. Banaie Boroujeni, K., & Womelsdorf, T. (2023). Neuron, 111(18), 2929-2944.e11.
Sensory tuning in neuronal movement commands. Baumann, M. P., Bogadhi, A. R., Denninger, A. F., & Hafed, Z. M. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(38), e2305759120.
Prior information differentially affects discrimination decisions and subjective confidence reports. Constant, M., Pereira, M., Faivre, N., & Filevich, E. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5473.
Identifying social partners through indirect prosociality: A computational account. Davis, I., Carlson, R., Dunham, Y., & Jara-Ettinger, J. (2023). Cognition, 240, 105580.
Paradigm constraints on moral decision‐making dynamics. Gautheron, F., Quinton, J., Muller, D., & Smeding, A. (2023). Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 36(4), e2324.
Influences of local and global context on local orientation perception. Huang, J., Zhou, Y., & Tzvetanov, T. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 58(6), 3503–3517.
Visual attention to features and space in mice using reverse correlation. Lehnert, J., Cha, K., Halperin, J., Yang, K., Zheng, D. F., Khadra, A., … Krishnaswamy, A. (2023). Current Biology, 33(17), 3690-3701.e4.
Neural population dynamics of human working memory. Li, H.-H., & Curtis, C. E. (2023). Current Biology, 33(17), 3775-3784.e4.
Age effects on delay discounting across the lifespan: A meta-analytical approach to theory comparison and model development. Lu, J., Yao, J., Zhou, Z., & Wang, X. T. (XiaoTian). (2023). Psychological Bulletin, 149(7–8), 447–486.
Composite receptive fields in the mouse auditory cortex. Lu, S., Ang, G. W. Y., Steadman, M., & Kozlov, A. S. (2023). Journal of Physiology, 601(18), 4091–4104.
Interpreting the retinal neural code for natural scenes: From computations to neurons. Maheswaranathan, N., McIntosh, L. T., Tanaka, H., Grant, S., Kastner, D. B., Melander, J. B., … Baccus, S. A. (2023). Neuron, 111(17), 2742-2755.e4.
The formation and revision of intuitions. Meyer, A., & Frederick, S. (2023). Cognition, 240, 105380.
Multifaceted information-seeking motives in children. Molinaro, G., Cogliati Dezza, I., Bühler, S. K., Moutsiana, C., & Sharot, T. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5505.
A robust and compact population code for competing sounds in auditory cortex. Nocon, J. C., Witter, J., Gritton, H., Han, X., Houghton, C., & Sen, K. (2023). Journal of Neurophysiology, 130(3), 775–787.
Endogenous fluctuations in cortical state selectively enhance different modes of sensory processing in human temporal lobe. Parajuli, A., Gutnisky, D., Tandon, N., & Dragoi, V. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5591.
Action initiation and punishment learning differ from childhood to adolescence while reward learning remains stable. Pauli, R., Brazil, I. A., Kohls, G., Klein-Flügge, M. C., Rogers, J. C., Dikeos, D., … Lockwood, P. L. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5689.
Homo indifferencus: Effects of unavailable options on preference construction. Polman, E., & Stough, R. A. (2023). Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 36(4), e2326.
The value of control. Reis, M., Pfister, R., & Schwarz, K. A. (2023). Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 36(4), e2325.
The spatial and temporal structure of neural activity across the fly brain. Schaffer, E. S., Mishra, N., Whiteway, M. R., Li, W., Vancura, M. B., Freedman, J., … Axel, R. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5572.
Network controllability of structural connectomes in the neonatal brain. Sun, H., Jiang, R., Dai, W., Dufford, A. J., Noble, S., Spann, M. N., … Scheinost, D. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5820.
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panlight · 11 months
Of all the Stephenie Meyer couples,do you think there are any that approach the mushiness of "I love you you are my everything" mushy way that E/B have of talking to each other? If only in private?
I'd say of the main Cullen couples Esme/Carlisle are the most likely to get close but even then I think it would have a different flavor. Esme's enhanced trait is ability to love so I'm sure it gets mushy, but she's also 26 years old with an ex-husband and a dead baby so it's not going to be the same as whatever Bella and Edward come up with. Plus their love has the added dimension of family--something that teenage parents Edward and Bella seem to struggle with. That whole "no one has ever loved anyone as much as I love you" thing hits different when you're like "what about your daughter???"
There's something so . . . teenager-y about Bella and Edward's pronouncements, the "no one has ever loved like this" edge to it, "the outside world holds no interest to me without you" etc. And they're frozen that way so they are probably going to be making those pronouncements for the rest of their existences.
And with A/J and R/Em I think it's no less intense than E/B but with R/Em it's about how the way they look at each other, the way they kiss each other, they way they are always touching. It's less about words and more about actions. And with Alice and Jasper it's about how they look at each other but also about whatever supernatural shenanigans are going on when their gifts are factored in. They're just on this other plane of connection that we mere mortals can't fully comprehend. He doesn't have to say "YOU ARE MY LIFE NOW" he can just . . . send those vibes her way.
For the other couples, I guess the imprints could get really mushy if that's what the imprintee ~wants. The shifters have to be what the imprintee wants/needs so if say, Kim wants Jared to be quoting Romeo and Juliet at her all the time, he'll do it.
Marcus was frozen at 19 so he might have been schmoopy/mushy with Didyme but it would be whatever the ancient Greek version of cringey teenage love was.
But in most ways, I think Edward and Bella are in a class of their own. Their level of melodrama and teenage theatrics with a side of read-this-in-high-school literature is unmatched.
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Conulariids are an extinct group of probable cnidarians with 4-sided pyramidal thecae. They are relatively uncommon fossils but ranged from the Cambrian (possibly Ediacaran?) to the Triassic, comprising tens of genera and hundreds of described species (Lucas 2012).
Here are the reconstructed thecae of a small selection of species from every period of the conulariids' range, starting from the Cambrian in the top left and reaching all the way to the Triassic in the bottom right.
Since their soft parts are virtually never preserved (due to them being cnidarians and all that) (Van Iten & Südkamp 2010), most of our knowledge of conulariid biology and evolution is based on their more fossil-friendly thecae, which were composed of thin organophosphatic lamellae (Leme et al. 2008). Live conulariids were attached to the substrate by the apex of their theca; they probably captured suspended food particles or small prey using tentacles, just like other cnidarians, but it's hard to go in any more (non-speculative) detail without preserved soft tissues.
Babcock, L. E. (1986). Devonian and Mississippian conulariids of North America. Part B. Paraconularia, Reticulaconularia, new genus, and organisms rejected from Conulariida. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, 55, 411–479. https://doi.org/10.5962/p.215204
Guimarães Simões, M., Coelho Rodrigues, S., Moraes Leme, J. de, & Van Iten, H. (2003). Some Middle Paleozoic Conulariids (Cnidaria) as Possible Examples of Taphonomic Artifacts. Journal of Taphonomy, 1(3), 163–184.
Hughes, N. C., Gunderson, G. O., & Weedon, M. J. (2000). Late Cambrian Conulariids from Wisconsin and Minnesota. Journal of Paleontology, 74(5), 828–838. https://doi.org/10.1666/0022-3360(2000)074<;0828:LCCFWA>2.0.CO;2
John, D. L., Hughes, N. C., Galaviz, M. I., Gunderson, G. O., & Meyer, R. (2010). Unusually preserved Metaconularia manni (Roy, 1935) from the Silurian of Iowa, and the systematics of the genus. Journal of Paleontology, 84(1), 1–31. https://doi.org/10.1666/09-025.1
Leme, J. M., Simões, M. G., Marques, A. C., & Van Iten, H. (2008). Cladistic Analysis of the Suborder Conulariina Miller and Gurley, 1896 (cnidaria, Scyphozoa; Vendian–Triassic). Palaeontology, 51(3), 649–662. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-4983.2008.00775.x
Lucas, S. (2012). The Extinction of the Conulariids. Geosciences, 2, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences2010001
Sendino, C., & Zagorsek, K. (2011). The Aperture and Its Closure in an Ordovician Conulariid. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 56, 659–663. https://doi.org/10.4202/app.2010.0028
Slater, I. L. (1907). A monograph of British Conulariæ. Printed for the Palæontographical Society.
Thomas, G. A. (1969). Notoconularia, a New Conularid Genus from the Permian of Eastern Australia. Journal of Paleontology, 43(5), 1283–1290.
Van Iten, H., Konate, M., & Moussa, Y. (2008). Conulariids of the Upper Talak Formation (Mississipian, Visean) of Northern Niger (West Africa). Journal of Paleontology, 82(1), 192–196. https://doi.org/10.1666/06-083.1
Van Iten, H., Muir, L., Simões, M. G., Leme, J. M., Marques, A. C., & Yoder, N. (2016). Palaeobiogeography, palaeoecology and evolution of Lower Ordovician conulariids and Sphenothallus (Medusozoa, Cnidaria), with emphasis on the Fezouata Shale of southeastern Morocco. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 460, 170–178. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.03.008
Van Iten, H., & Südkamp, W. H. (2010). Exceptionally preserved conulariids and an edrioasteroid from the Hunsrück Slate (Lower Devonian, SW Germany). Palaeontology, 53(2), 403–414. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-4983.2010.00942.x
Waterhouse, J. B. (1979). Permian and Triassic conulariid species from New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 9(4), 475–489. https://doi.org/10.1080/03036758.1979.10421833
敏郎杉山. (1942). 156. 日本産Conularidaの研究. 日本古生物学會報告・紀事, 1942(25), 185-194_1. https://doi.org/10.14825/prpsj1935.1942.185
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raybizzle · 9 months
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"Foolish" (1999) is a comedy film produced by Master P under his label, No Limit Films. Master P also wrote the film with Eddie Griffin, Anthony D, and Tony Wilson. The movie features a large cast, including Master P, Eddie Griffin, Amie Petersen, Andrew Dice Clay, Jonathan Banks, and Bill Nunn. The soundtrack is a mixture of soul, funk, and hip-hop, with several tracks performed by No Limit members. It peaked at #32 on the Billboard 200 and #10 on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums.
Overall, this movie is a decent independent comedy with Master P helping advance hip-hop artists' presence in the film industry. Eddie Griffin was an all-star comedian at the time, and he was in the middle of starring in the T.V. show "Malcolm and Eddie" with Malcolm-Jamal Warner. The movie cuts to several standup routines with Griffin and other comedians, which adds some context to the film.
Director: Dave Meyers Writers: Master P, Eddie Griffin, Anthony D, Tony Wilson
Starring Eddie Griffin, Master P, Amie Petersen, Frank Sivero, Daphne Duplaix, Jonathan Banks, Andrew Dice Clay, Sven-Ole Thorsen, Marla Gibbs, Traci Bingham, Bill Nunn, John Marlo, Clifton Powell, Anthony Johnson, Anthony Boswell, Marqel Lee, Honest John, Bill Duke, Nick Meaney
Storyline Miles "Foolish" Waise (Eddie Griffin) is a fast-rising phenomenon on the local comedy nightclub scene. While his manager wants him to sell out and make the big bucks, Foolish wants to chill out and make his audience happy. He's also got to put up with the half-baked schemes of his always scammin' brother Quentin "Fifty Dollah" Waise (Master P) - a small-time hoodlum whose secret dream is to start a comedy club with Foolish. But when the two brothers get caught up in a gun-toting prank that goes bad, Quentin finds himself on the wrong side of the hood's most ruthless drug lord, the infamous El Dorado Ron (Andrew Dice Clay).
Available on DVD and streaming services
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jazzandother-blog · 2 months
But Who's Gonna Play the Melody?
Review by Matt Collar
Source: allmusic.com
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Virtuoso bassists Christian McBride and Edgar Meyer offer a series of playful and artfully delivered duets on 2024's But Who's Gonna Play the Melody? While both McBride and Meyer are acclaimed in their own right and largely considered two of the best, if not the best bassists of their generation, they come to improvisational music from slightly different perspectives. A jazz star from a young age, McBride is steeped in the acoustic post-bop, R&B, and funk traditions with a strong classical technique underpinning his work. Conversely, Meyer, who teaches at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, is largely known for playing classical and progressive bluegrass music with a strong harmonic and improvisational jazz sensibility informing his work. They do, however, share a common connection: both were mentored by legendary jazz bassist Ray Brown. It was Brown who first introduced the two prior to his passing in 2002, just a few years before they first shared a concert stage at a 2007 performance in Colorado as part of the non-profit Jazz Aspen Snowmass. Recorded at Ingram Hall at Vanderbilt University's Blair School of Music, But Who's Gonna Play the Melody? finds them building upon that initial performance, tackling a mix of originals and covers. There's a warm camaraderie, balanced with just a hint of wry competition at play in these duets. There's also a deep appreciation of the blues throughout the album, as on the opening Meyer original "Green Slime," where McBride lays down a chunky, funk-like groove over which Meyer dances with zippy bowed asides before they switch roles. From there, they dive into the twangy "Barnyard Disturbance," a bluegrass-inflected number in which they trade soulful, vocal-sounding lines. Elsewhere, they offer engaging readings of standards, including the Miles Davis-associated modal jazz classic "Solar" and the ballad "Days of Wine and Roses." Interestingly, they also take turns playing piano on several tunes, as on "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered" where Meyer offers a spare accompaniment to McBride's lyrical melody. Similarly, McBride takes to the keys for his chamber ballad "Lullaby for a Ladybug," spotlighting Meyer's languorous bowed technique. Certainly, the choice to accompany each other on piano works to highlight their distinctive bass styles. Thankfully, although they both play with big, woody tones, it's never too hard to tell them apart. Despite the wry humor implied by the album title, McBride and Meyer infuse every note of But Who's Gonna Play the Melody? with their own distinctive style, as if they were singing through their strings.
Good listening!
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justforbooks · 1 year
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As the leader of the New York band Television, Tom Verlaine, who has died aged 73, was a key figure in the coterie of musicians – Blondie, Talking Heads, the Ramones, the Patti Smith Group – who made downtown Manhattan a laboratory of new sounds and new styles in the mid-1970s. Although each of those groups pursued a very different musical path, together their impact would shape what became known as the punk movement, while Television’s debut LP, Marquee Moon, released in 1977, would secure a place among the most admired and enduringly influential albums of its era.
In Smith’s recent publication, A Book of Days, she chooses a photograph from 1974 in which she and Verlaine, then lovers and occasional collaborators, are holding hands in a tableau of sweetly defiant thrift-store chic: a flimsy child-bride’s gown for her, a patchwork leather jerkin for him. But among the artfully distressed apparel, defiant haircuts and painfully skinny silhouettes of their milieu, none of those serving apprenticeships in CBGBs, Max’s Kansas City and other New York clubs showed more concern for the music itself than Verlaine.
“Attitude,” he once said, “will only take you so far, which for me is never far enough.” Instead the career of the visionary singer, songwriter and guitarist, including solo albums and appearances as well as various Television reunions, seemed to represent a constant quest for the perfect blend of musical eloquence and some form of spiritual elevation.
Fittingly for a man who appropriated his stage name from a great French symbolist poet, Verlaine wrote striking lyrics, such as the opening lines of Marquee Moon: “I remember how the darkness doubled / I recall lightning struck itself.” In another early song, Venus, he sang of how “Broadway looked so medieval” – a description both improbable and indelibly perceptive.
But it was his exploratory guitar solos that spoke of his early interest in, and deep knowledge of, the avant-garde jazz of the 1960s. Somehow he managed to find a language midway between the speaking-in-tongues improvisations of the saxophonists John Coltrane and Albert Ayler and the more functional styles of such rock’n’roll, R&B and surf-rock guitarists as James Burton, Steve Cropper and Dick Dale, as well as the expansive psychedelic guitar improvisations of Jerry Garcia and John Cipollina, and to make the result match his own era.
Verlaine’s tightly wound stage presence was compelling, but his personality – his cool reserve, fugitive manner and inherent suspicion of others’ motives – made him a figure of mystery, and worked against his chances of the mainstream success to which, in any case, he never seemed committed.
The son of Lillian and Victor Miller, he was born in Morriston, New Jersey, into a middle-class family who moved to Wilmington, Delaware, when he was six years old. After classical piano lessons, he switched to saxophone upon discovering jazz and then took up the guitar. At Sanford, a private school in Hockassin, Delaware, where he was a day pupil, he met a boarder from Kentucky named Richard Meyers, with whom he bonded over a love of poetry and a mutual desire to escape the confines of the establishment in which they found themselves. The first attempt ended with both being brought back after being arrested in Alabama for setting a building on fire.
They had made their separate ways to New York by 1971, where they teamed up again on the Lower East Side, changed their names to Tom Verlaine and Richard Hell, scuffled for work and wrote poetry together under the nom-de-plume “Theresa Stern”. But Verlaine, working as a clerk at the Strand bookstore in the East Village, was determined to form a band. He taught Hell the rudiments of playing the bass guitar and together with the drummer Billy Ficca they performed as the Neon Boys before adding another guitarist, Richard Lloyd, and changing their name to Television in 1974.
Verlaine’s songs, the compositions of Hell (including the anthemic Blank Generation) and the soaring interplay between the two lead guitarists quickly earned them a following among New York’s scene makers. Endorsements came from David Bowie and Nicholas Ray, the director of Rebel Without a Cause, whose crisp epithet – “Four cats with a passion” – appeared on their promotional material. Smith, then beginning her rise to prominence, was another early supporter, and Verlaine played on her first single, a version of Hey Joe, in 1974.
Richard Hell, whose spiky hair and ripped T-shirts would inspire Malcolm McLaren’s styling of the Sex Pistols, had already been sacked by Verlaine on the grounds of heroin-induced unreliability by the time Television made their first single. A Verlaine song called Little Johnny Jewel, it was released in 1975 on a label created by their patron, Terry Ork. The following year they signed a deal with Elektra Records and began work on Marquee Moon. The album was co-produced by the studio engineer Andy Johns, who had worked with the Rolling Stones, Free and Led Zeppelin, and who helped Verlaine achieve the clarity of sound for which he was searching.
If the album’s sales were disappointing by the standards of the biggest rock bands of the time, their music was warmly received by the rock press in the US and Europe, and by audiences on their first tour of the UK, with Blondie as their support act. A second album, Adventure, made less impact and the band dissolved in 1978 after disagreements between Verlaine and Lloyd.
Verlaine’s eponymous first solo album was released in 1979, followed two years later by Dreamtime and then by several others, including Cover, completed in 1984 while he was briefly living in London. Two albums of instrumental pieces, Warm and Cool (1992) and Around (2006), showed his gift for creating tone poems inspired by film noir. In 1995 he appeared as a guest with Smith’s band on a US tour with Bob Dylan.
Television briefly reformed in 1992 to release a new self-titled album of the highest quality and toured occasionally both before and after the second departure of Lloyd, who was replaced from 2007 by Jimmy Rip. Their last appearances came in 2013.
🔔 Tom Verlaine (Thomas Miller), guitarist, singer and songwriter, born 13 December 1949; died 28 January 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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And another one
Proposal for New MTA automobiles , vans , buses and electric trains and Mass Transit services
All trains from the A train to the F train , J Train , Z Train be changed into a newer shell more cleaner , faster and more modern trains with Television on the train with channels from NY 1 news channel ABC News Channel Fox News Channel WPIX News Channel
Joyce Meyer TV show on the train 🚆🚂
Joel Osteen on the train we already have stores in his name in New York City now we could get his show and sermons live on the train or catch the reruns on the next train if you miss your train don't miss the chance for a better life in your city and country
I just finished Joel Osteen Peaceful on purpose and rule your day two very thin books probably 100 pages book that you could breeze through going to read it again it is a easy book and I'm asking all New Yorkers to read it share it and to use it in our daily interactions with each other it will help develop a new mindset and you can enjoy your day on your way home or to work with a victorious mindset and behavior live a life of victory and don't forget to start a book club and add on Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer in your book list in your book bag if you are a student or purse and pockets on your way to exercise .
ESPN channels with all sport shows like sports center in the train that is great for all New Yorkers erasing all tension and anxiety depression and frustration of all commuters and not to mention the upgrade for New York City and any country and cities transit system it help reduce crime and bring more businesses to those cities not to mention the millions made for the advertising industry . I see that they have a new store in NYC next to the library Disney Haunted Mansion that is going to be great for the family for the kids they are going to love it they will scream and enjoy it love it and laugh and have fun Justin Bieber song Ghost 👻 brought this all about so I want to be there . Imagine trains with views of the graffiti in the tunnels of the train station like make that a tourist attraction on the new trains for MTA you could look at the tunnels graffiti like it's a museum 🖼️🎨 art exhibit with special effects sites by MTA workers showcasing the best graffiti the world has ever seen enhancing the commute experience for all New Yorkers .
Trains running on Grand Concourse a New station the outside rails carrying electric 💡 ⚡ trains 🚂 Travel Routes include New Jersey , Connecticut , Example of New trains and their names
The Golden Eagle 🦅 The Aurora The Fury The Storm ⛈️ The Rock Climber The Great Bear The Laser The Vision The Messenger The Sunflower The Sparkle The Dynasty The Vortex The Phoenix The Knight The Hunter The Polar The Diplomat The Paradise Coast The Liberty The Jade Garden 🪴 The Frost fire The Ambassador The Hawk The Rage The Ghost 👻🎃 The Angel The Warrior
Cabin rooms doors to private cabin rooms with 4 passenger seats with Tvs in the cabin , cushion chairs with cushioned headrest and recliner chairs and modern pop , R and B , and Gospel Music , Rock and Roll stations playing over a system in the background in the cabin .
Fully carpeted train with a diner on board for fried foods and drinks and other refreshments , and restaurants on board . Salons and Barbershops on board as well as Newspaper news stands with magazines , candy and sodas lounge area for tv watching sports , the news and nature channels with water kingdoms and traveling to foreign countries channels .
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Book of the month Joel Osteen empty out the negative it means let go of the negative influences and negative people in your life that hold you back with me is to get these tyrants and puppet masters off of me and truly live the message that Joel Osteen is preaching I just read some of it from chapter 2 to 4 and wonder can I be let go of please if you other than a person that follow his message in that please let me go so I could live my life and yeah it could save your life Don't feed on poisons chapter 3 to 4 is good for you unclog your heart drink water and do light exercise just walking is a start but also clean out out your inside as well from the filthy anxiety look at the definition of anxiety , the hurting people feelings and blocking my path in my life if their is book that will save a life it would be this one book in fact get his whole collection I got all his books , Joyce Meyer and Victoria Osteen books I kinda teach now to get the voodoo and mind control off of me I don't want to think like my enemy about myself , no thanks read the book and change your life .
According to Social Psychology people and your environment make you who you are and I'm against that especially if your from an environment where people are hateful towards you verbal abusive and telling you that is the best that life has to offer you no their is a better life for you I want a new kind of community and environment it is people like me that change where we live and put the people and our community on the right path call it a new social psychology thinking like my pastor Joyce Meyer or Joel Osteen and Victoria Osteen about me and other people I only have good things for you in my heart and your future . I truly believe you have to reeducate the people and teach them to build the kingdom of God on this earth 🌍 the Muslims do try but they needed help and plus it is effecting me and my mental health and physical health and I have to speak out against it so read the book empty out the negative by Joel Osteen their books and live it out you got it from me , thank you and remember nature can be changed by nurture and nourishing yourself with love and a good education you can change your life and be successful you heard it from me you can be anything you want to be and beat any disease and incurable illness of the mind and the body especially now with the cure for HIV Aids and be freed from the curse of the death of the spirit through spiritually depressed neighborhoods read the book and love your friends family and even the stranger on the street with your words behavior and attitudes , thank you let's practice social psychology together in a better way take this words home and practice them instead of creating social schizophrenics mumbling and talking to themselves in self hatred and living less than their best potential lets treat each other better and want the best for each other each human and race period that is how it is suppose to be on this planet .
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mistytwooo · 1 year
Imma say it. I don’t want that funk booty ahh twilight series if it’s based on gen z. I don’t want “gen z” humor (it’s really millennials mocking gen z, shit ain’t funny.), I don’t want tik tok jokes, i don’t even want social media to be mentioned in the damn series 💀
I don’t want it based in the recent years (anything over 2013) and I want it to still be based in the early 2000s because that era is so iconic. Hopefully we get that and more y2k culture bc Stephanie Meyers really dropped the ball on y2k culture.
The clothes, the rhinestone flip phones, the make up, the r&b music, THE SWAG, THE SLANG, and fingers crossed, the Quileute tribe actually get money or atleast better living qualities from this series. Cuz they ain’t touch a cent from Stephanie or any cast member 💀
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jade-escobar · 1 year
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The Only Exception
Featuring: Rodrigo Escobar & Jade Clark Location: Jade Clark & Clover Wilson’s apartment Time Frame: Thurs. April 6, 2023 Notes: This is very long. There’s some sweet humor at the beginning. Some feels at the end & some nsfw content in the middle. Enjoy!
Jade had been enjoying Rodrigo's company at her apartment while he'd been on Spring Break. A few mornings, she had to be up early for work still, but much like he'd said in their texts, it was very nice to be waking up with the warmth and comfort of his body in her bed. Having him physically close by since the weekend of his Spring Break began raised her physical attraction to him even more than what had already existed. Of course she quickly learned that she loved cuddling him, and she'd been surprisingly allured by the discovery of his nipple rings the first time she'd seen him shirtless. But each time that they were spooning and preparing to doze off, or lip-locked and wrapped in each other's arms, Jade couldn't help her mind wandering to their previous conversation about sex. Her mind seemed to be going there more and more lately.
That day, after her work day was done, she'd brought home some extra Cornish hen stew and meyer lemon cupcakes but only stayed long enough for her to say her greetings and let Rodrigo know that she needed to go for a run. She'd changed into some active wear and promised to be back in about half an hour. With her earbuds, phone and keys, she headed back out for her run, doing her best to clear her head and not overthink what she was going to suggest to her boyfriend once she got back and had taken a very, very long shower.
It was interesting how they had fallen into a pattern. Rodrigo knew his feelings for Jade were very strong and very real but he never imagined how well and quickly things were falling into place. One stay turned into many stays and since he was off from work, he didn’t mind it as long as she didn’t. He learned rather quickly that he enjoyed cuddling with his girlfriend and when she was fast asleep, he’d watch her rest peacefully hoping she wouldn’t wake up thinking he was being creepy. Rodrigo never got to do any of this with his exes and it was often preferred that way. This, however, was welcomed and something he now look forward to every night. How would he survive leaving?
There were other thoughts roaming around in his mind too. The type of thoughts he didn’t want to dwell too much in as they could prove to be dangerous. He loved the cuddling but also love the warmth Jade provided. It made him think how she felt she wouldn’t provide any but man, was she wrong. In truth, Rodrigo was already so drawn to her. He liked the way she felt against his body, loved the smell of her hair,  the warm kisses that he stole from her, and her soft sounds when she rolled in bed. It wasn’t hard to get to those almost forbidden thoughts. He wanted to go slow and respect Jade and he would but his mind would have other plans. Once she left for her run and he had finished his food, he cleaned up and moved towards Jade’s bedroom to read until she returned. They were such a couple already. A few chapters into his book, he decided to put it down when he heard her at the door. “How was your run?”
During her runs was the main time when Jade listened to something other than jazz, soul, R&B or blues. She leaned on some upbeat pop playlists to coincide with her cardio, and did her best to clear her head a bit. Running was one of the few things that stuck with her through her formative years as an effort to relieve stress and stay fit. But she wasn't necessarily stressed at the moment. In fact, she was very happy in her new relationship with Rodrigo. Bringing up sex with him this soon shouldn't be awkward but when measuring their pace to... well, preconceived ideas of what she thought might be too much too soon, awkward was the only conclusion she was coming to.
 Upon returning to the apartment, she went to the kitchen and  grabbed some water from the fridge to drink up. Still catching her breath, Jade grabbed a paper towel and wiped her face just as she heard Rodrigo's question. Smiling and a little short of breath, she said, "Good. I need a shower though, but after I'm done, can we talk? It's nothing bad, I promise."
With Jade away, Rodrigo had some time to think about the status of their relationship and how unconventional it was to HIM but knew this was pretty normal to most. He had a bad experience with Julia and never quite bothered to have anything close to a healthy relationship with proper boundaries and communication with anyone else. He's learned now that wasn't purposely.  He's realized that he never opened up the way he has with his current girlfriend because he never actually had the chance.  This new territory was exciting and amazing and he was glad to have Jade as his partner.
 When she arrived, he offered her a giant smile, moving to kiss her temple and realizing how much he missed her presence. "Yeah, of course." Even when being told it was nothing bad, he couldn't help but tense up slightly but not enough to alarm Jade. "I'll be here. Going to wash whatever's in the sink." He was happy too, made him feel like he wasn't just lounging around in her space even though he knew she didn't feel that way. Rodrigo didn't want to overstep in any way.
Her nose wrinkled when he kissed her. "I'm all sweaty and gross," she complained about herself with her bottom lip unintentionally poking out a little. As much as she loved affection from Rodrigo, her mind couldn't help jumping to the talk she wanted to have, and where she was hoping it migjt lead. If she was going to bring up sex and be anything alluring, attractive or seductive if she could manage it, she doubted that being fresh from a run was any kind of turn on.
Still, he didn't know this and the sooner she showered, the sooner he would know, even if it was a step he wasn't ready to take yet. She went into her bedroom to grab a few things, and then continued into the attached bathroom to turn on the shower. While the water heated and the room began to steam, she stripped off her activewear and did up her long braids into a bun. She washed her face, body, legs and feet in that order with her honeysuckle body wash, and then massaged black vanilla shampoo into her scalp, trying to be careful not to wet the bun too too much (she knew that even with a blow dryer, the dense braids would take forever to dry).
Once out of the shower and drying off, Jade felt relaxed and rejuvenated. Trying not to keep Rodrigo waiting too long, she went through her post-shower routine of lotion, moisturizer, deodorant and make-up with a little more haste than usual. Allowing herself to hope, she'd brought one of the lingerie pieces she and Frankie found prior to Rodrigo's overnight stays. Carefully, she threaded the garment onto her body and then secured her bath robe over her--her hair still in a bun--as she left the bathroom. She shivered a little, a part from her nerves getting a bit uneasy and part from leaving the steamy warmth of of the bathroom. But she came and sat on the living room couch and told him, "Thank you for waiting patiently me." She leaned in and kissed his lips and then sat back, still wanting to be able to think clearly.
"So, I have no idea how to bring this up. But I know you and I can talk about anything and it be okay. Plus we've already talked about this before, we just weren't together at then time." Her eyes moved from his face to the coffee table, fixing a determined, somewhat mad-looking expression in her features. She wasn’t mad, but she was determined not to wilt under her own nervousness. The two of them had another date the next evening and if she was going to make things weird by bringing this up and seeming overly eager, then it was better to just rip the bandaid off now. However, when she returned her gaze back to Rodrigo, she wasn’t aware that she still had her fists formed or her stern, determined look on her face as she told him, "I've been thinking a lot about sex. And I want to. Have sex. With you."
Rodrigo could tell that Jade's mind was on a spin cycle. In just a little over a month, he had managed to figure out  a lot of her quirks, the way she processed some things, and how she presented herself. Observing these things has allowed them to have open communication about most if not all things. It was the best and most refreshing part of their friendship and now relationship.   With that under his belt, Rodrigo listened intently, wondering if his girlfriend was okay.
Her expression made him think that something had gone wrong but the words weren't exactly matching up. Was she conflicted about something? He reached over to take her hand and hold it in his. Perhaps it'd give her some calm. And when she spoke what was on her mind, his thumb grazed over her knuckles. "You know, you and I can talk about anything, right?" He leaned in to kiss her cheek, nuzzling the skin there with his nose, taking in the scent and smiling before gently pulling back to look into her eyes. "As in...now? today? " He chuckled softly. "Okay. Well, I've been thinking about it too. Penny for your thoughts?" If they can talk about it, it'll make it easier for both of them. "Tell me what is on your mind."
For the moment that Rodrigo kissed and nuzzle her cheek, Jade relished his closeness. Him holding her hand helped Jade's relax her determined expression. She internally tensed a little though when he pulled away to look at her when she told him that she wanted to have sex. At his first two questions, she nodded and added, "Yes. But only if you're comfortable with it too."
 Jade could feel the blush creeping up her neck but she was a little more relieved, happy even, to hear that Rodrigo's thoughts weren't all that different from hers. When he asked her thoughts, she raised her brows, blinking. "I-... I did. I've been attracted to you since we met and with you staying over here the past few days, and thinking about the talk we had about sex, likes and compatibility... it's been hard not to think about that." She laced her fingers with Rodrigo's, "Maybe thinking isn't what needs to happen though. And I know I could try self-pleasuring but, I can't.  I mean I physically can but mentally, I can't.  It never does anything for me."
Rodrigo was curious about why self-pleasuring didn't do anything for Jade but it wasn't something they needed to elaborate on now.  He did know however that she had little experience and had told him as much. Now that they're here, he appreciates having that knowledge as he knows how to go about things with Jade. He moved to cup her face with one hand as she held his other one and let his thumb gently graze over her cheek. "Ok. No thinking, then." A small smile pulled at his lips and he squeezed her hand before standing up to pull her up with him to lead her into her bedroom. Rodrigo figured it'd be more comfortable and didn't want anyone walking in on them. Once at the threshold, he stopped her to cup her face completely this time in his hands, slowly pressing her against the door frame. "Just tell me if you need me to stop for whatever reason, okay?" He leaned in to leave a kiss directly under her earlobe and began trailing pecks against the column of her neck.
Jade's heart was thumping a little harder again. She now knew Rodrigo and her had both been thinking about sex together but she didn't know if that meant that they would try together that afternoon. Her eyes darted back and forth between his equally dark brown irises while she leaned into the touch of his palm, drawing a deep breath for herself. A soft smile came to her face though and she accepted his help from the couch and followed him back to her bedroom. She doubted Clover would be back until the evening but the privacy of her bedroom was a smart and thoughtful precaution on Rodrigo's part.
She'd left the bathroom door ajar so the fragrances of her body wash and lotions had wafted into the space, much like how they currently perfumed her body. But she was more aware of hers and Rodrigo's closeness against her now closed bedroom door. While he held her face, Jade's fingers bunched the hem of his shirt. Looking up at him, she nodded a little, "I will," while quickly sifting through her mind for the safe word they agreed upon. Her eyes closed and a smile came to her lips from the bristles of facial hair brushing her skin while he kissed her.
What was that damn word again? It was an animal...Parrot? No, I'd remember if it was a bird... but it did start with a 'P', I think...
Jade slipped her hands beneath Rodrigo's shirt, enjoying the warmth of his skin. He was always so warm to her, inside and out, and it drew her to him, sliding her fingers and his shirt up.
"Panda!" She blurted out loud, finally remembering the safe word, only to gasp and squeeze her eyes shut, cringing. "I'm sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm sorry. I was trying to remember the safe word. Ugh." She brought a hand up across her eyes, certain she'd yanked them both out of the mood before either of them could get far into it. "Sorry," she whispered again.
His lips remained pressed against her neck but his eyes snapped  open when Jade yelled out their safe word. Thankfully, he had remembered it. Did he do something wrong? Was it too much? Did the pace need to be altered a bit? He pulled away and searched her face for any kind of discomfort. "Are you okay?" When she answered his question, Rodrigo let out a soft laugh and shook his head, gently pulling her hand away from her face. "Come on now,  you're better than me because I'm pretty sure I only remembered it because you did so thanks for that."  He chuckles again and stole a kiss on her lips, lingering there. She smelled amazing and alluring and intoxicating all at once. Rodrigo wanted nothing more than to be this close to her for as long as she'd let him. "You smell incredible, gorgeous." Thankfully, he had already showered while Jade was away. His fingers walked against her jawline as his other hand pulled at the sash of her robe. "Can I?"
She nodded when he asked if she was okay and could feel the heat climbing up face. Leave it to her to make their first time together awkward to start. Jade kissed him back; if she didn't know better, she would swear Rodrigo's soft lips held magic to him because the more they remained on hers, the more she'd begun to relax again. Letting out a calmed sigh when they parted, Jade smiled a bit and looked back up at him. "Thank you." She felt the gentle tug on her robe and her smile grew a bit. "Can you?" she asked back with a slow, playful shrugged before lifting a hand to his wrist, urging him to undo the robe's belt. She was thankful that despite her blurting out the safe word, they were able to get back on track with relative ease. There was a bit.of nervous excitement bubbling in her for the surprise she had beneath the robe, and she'd hoped that, beyond the color, that Rodrigo would like it.
It brought him happiness to see Jade calmer. It meant they were on track as if nothing had happened. A large smile pulled at the corner of his lips when she sighed mostly because Jade was her most beautiful self when she was free of overthinking.  If he could provide her with more of that, he had done his job. "Mm, you're welcome..." Rodrigo smirked at her response to him pulling at her robe and  it was all he needed to capture her lips once more as pulled the sash out of its knot.  Rodrigo moved the robe away and off her shoulders  before he let it fall to the floor. For some reason, he didn't expect the lingerie. Rodrigo assumed Jade had come out from the shower and pulled a robe on over her body. This made the moment even more fun and he was pleasantly surprised. "Wow..." Not wanting to embarrass her too much, knowing she wasn't the most receptive to compliments, he took a good look at his girlfriend, trying his best to calm the beating of his heart. The fact that she had thought to surprise him this way and put effort into their first time together meant more to him than even he imagined.  At a complete loss for words and with his pulse racing so hard he could feel it in his ears, he moved to swiftly scoop her up into his arms, a giant and mischievous grin gracing his lips. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you're trying to kill me." It wasn't long before he set his girlfriend gently against her pillows and he hovered over her tiny frame. "I will never stop telling you how beautiful you are." And to him, Jade was more than just beautiful but in that moment, the English teacher was at a loss for proper adjectives. How could he describe the perfection beneath him? Looking into her eyes, Rodrigo felt something else--something different tugging at his heart strings. He had never felt this way before, as if  everything around him had completely come to a halt.
Goosebumps appeared on Jade’s arms and shoulders the moment her robe fell to the floor in a heap. She fought the knee-jerk reaction of covering herself with her arms and kept her gaze fixed on Rodrigo's face for his reaction to the lingerie. Under his scrutinizing gaze, her nipples quickly pebbled beneath the soft fabric currently covering them. Biting her bottom lip a little at the corner after his, "Wow," Jade closed her fingers into fists only to loudly gasp and smile through her surprise reaction at Rodrigo lifting her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and laughed a bit, "I'm glad you know better." With her face being more level to his without him having to bend down to hers, she kissed him again until he'd laid her on the bed. Her fingers reached up run gently along his hairline and through his hair.  "Thank you. I know it's not easy for me with compliments but... that does mean a lot to me. More than you know," she whispered, her stomach fluttering. Her insides were a mix of adoration, lust, want, admiration, and... she dared to think--and not a thought she'd had for the first time--that she was falling in love with Rodrigo. But in the moment, the adoration, want and lust were the most prominent. She ran her hands up Rodrigo's shoulders and neck and gingerly held his face for a moment before asking, "I think you might be a bit overdressed compared to me though... May I help with changing that?"
He tried his best not to break their kiss right away all the while trying to lay Jade down. Her fingers in his hair made him shudder slightly and it had surprised him just how much he had enjoyed such subtle touches.  Rodrigo couldn't tear his gaze away not even for a second. Somehow his brain had hard-wired to believe that if he did that, he'd miss something. At her words, he looked up at her once more, taking the time to drink her in as she spoke. "Good," was all he managed to whisper back even though he had already promised himself he'd never stop letting her know how beautiful she truly was. A soft chuckle fell from his lips when Jade pointed out he had too many clothes on and then he nodded in agreement, moving to straddle her more comfortably. "You may." He smirked, feeling his arousal as his gaze took her in completely. His smile grew the moment he spotted her ink and his fingers lazily traced the tattoo. "Full of surprises."
Jade's knees were bent on either side of Rodrigo. Her heart continued to thump hard inside her chest as she looked up at him, anticipating what the two of them were taking their time building up to. Once he permitted her to, she lowered her hands to the hem of his shirt again and lifted it up to help him out of it, doing as much as she could not to break eye contact throughout. But she felt his fingers high on her thigh near her hip and glanced down her body to what he was referring to. "Oh!" She smiled a little to herself, admitting, "I forgot that you haven't seen that yet. I don't know how I forgot that, but..." Her sentence trailed off though, eyes trailing to his more apparent arousal tenting his pants. Seeing his reaction was making her own body respond further, her core pulsing. Jade traced a finger down Rodrigo's chest and across his chest, along one of his pecs and circling around one of his nipple rings. "Do your piercings make a difference for you during sex?"
"It's beautiful. I love it." He enjoyed getting tattoos. There was something about the art and meaning behind them. Sure, some people got meaningless ink but he could tell Jade's piece meant something to her. "I don't know how you forgot...I guess it just means that this all feels like second nature which I'm glad it does." Rodrigo helped with his shirt, tossing it to the side of the bed and the moment he felt Jade's touch, he swore he felt his blood rush too. At her question, he looked down at her with a crooked grin, wondering how he'd explain to his super-soft girlfriend that he enjoyed a side of pain when it came to sex "For me, it does. It's stimulating." He placed one hand over hers, inching up a bit so he was closer to her crotch, gently rubbing his knee against her middle as he lowered himself a bit more. "You can tug, I promise it won't hurt."
"Thank you. I got it a few years ago. It was painful in the moment, but I love how it turned out," she admitted. In truth, Jade hadn't been thinking about her tattoo at all, even when putting on her lingerie, so it wasn't a thought about revealing it to Rodrigo, but he was right--it all was speaking to how comfortable she had become around him. The comfort had been building over their time working together in rehearsals, and ever since they'd been honest about their feelings towards each other, it was as though any and all barriers between them were nonexistent. Jade took in Rodrigo's answer to her question about the piercings. She'd been learning and she'd already been intrigued the first time she saw the rings glinting from her boyfriend's pecs. "That's good to know," she whispered. With his knee rubbing against her center, she felt prompted to spread her thighs a bit more, feeling the muscles stretch nicely. The crotchless fabric of her lingerie bottoms became more obvious by the gesture.
Another smile appeared as he noticed Jade spreading her thighs more.  He wasn't entirely used to this pace and as torturous as it was, he also enjoyed it immensely. "The pain becomes worth it. You get one piece, you'll want another." His smile remained mostly because he could tell his girlfriend was feeling completely comfortable and while he was fighting the instinct to devour her, Rodrigo was a patient man. "Spread your thighs a little more for me, I want to see you." His gaze dropped to her crotchless lingerie and then it darted up to meet her eyes. Again, he lowered himself, hovered over Jade, and whispered against her lips. "You're incredibly sexy. You did all this for me. I want you to come first. Is that okay?" He then kissed her fully, keeping his arm between her legs, his thumb finding her clit. "Can I do that for you, my love?"
"Maybe," Jade replied coyly. She'd had a few reasons for getting the tattoo she'd gotten but had no idea what else she'd want tattooed on her body or where she would get it. But rather than dwelling on that thought, she listened to Rodrigo's command and dropped her knees to part as far as they would go. She brush her nose to his and listened to him, hearing his words and then gasped against his lips when the pad of his thumb located her sensitive button. "Yes," she breathed, reaching up to free her hair from its bun, tossing the hairband aside. She kissed Rodrigo back, winding an arm around his neck to keep him close for the moment.
Carefully and gently, Rodrigo tugged Jade’s bottom lip with his teeth before crashing against them. His thumb massaged her little bundle of nerves as he broke their kiss so he could drop kisses along her neck, slowly making his way to her chest and above her breasts. His gaze flickered up so that he could catch Jade’s response, wanting her to be comfortable and relaxed. “How does that feel?” Rodrigo whispered as he cupped her left breast to delicately massage it. He smiled, feeling how wet she was becoming and it did no favors to how hard he was already. He moved his hand towards her back, searching for the clasp and undid her bra. Rodrigo pulled down the strap off her shoulder and assisted Jade in removing the garment, never stopping his soft touches beneath her. Once free, his tongue grazed her nipple before sucking the now hardened bud.
Jade was struggling to keep her thighs spread, the more Rodrigo tended to her clit. Her heart kept hammering in her chest and the moment his lips were full on hers again, she involuntarily moaned against them. She was already so weak in her want for Rodrigo before but now? It was more than evident between the not-so-subtle looks on her face combined with how much of her essence he was coaxing from her with just his thumb. With a small tug to a handful of Rodrigo's hair, Jade told him, "Good, keep going. Please." And when he did, she smiled a bit helped, arching her back to help him out of her bra. But her hips jerked and her back arched again from Rodrigo sucking on her breast; at the same time, an unfamiliar feeling was building low in her pelvis but her mind was far too distracted by all the pleasure Rodrigo was giving her at the moment. Unable to help herself, she clenched her thighs around him like a Venus fly trap while her mouth fell open and she breathed an, "Oh my God. Rodrigo..." into the pillow her hand was now clutching--her other hand clawing into the back of her boyfriend’s neck.
He moaned softly and almost quietly when Jade tugged his hair, secretly hoping she’d do that often in bed but also enjoying the fact that she seemed completely relaxed at this point. At her plea to continue, he chose to obey, mindful of not ignoring her other breast. Something about the way she said his name made him even weaker but he was playing a dangerous waiting game and wanted to keep his own promise to himself. “Yeah?” He looked up and smiled almost innocently before adding, “not yet okay?” He kissed her chest and crawled back, stopping his strokes momentarily. He kissed her stomach all the while keeping their gaze locked. “I want to taste you when you come. Can you do that for me?” He stopped to kiss the tattoo on her thigh and moved inward. “Can I take these off?” He inserted his thumbs under the band of her pretty panties before blowing into her glistening mound.
Biting her now tender bottom lip, Jade writhed beneath Rodrigo up until he stopped stroking her clit. Still lightly panting, she turned her head to look at him, confusion crossing her features while the heightened arousal continued coursing through her. "I can try," she replied, her voice still breathy while her chest and stomach rose and fell. Jade forced her knees apart again as Rodrigo lowered himself to the meeting of her thighs and shuddered ahead of giving him an answer to his question, thanks to the breeze he provided there. "Mmmmhm," she answered, struggling a little to be coherent while pressing her heels into the mattress and lifting her butt a little to assist him with the bottoms of her lingerie.
Fingers hooked the waistband of her panties and he pulled them off with Jade's help. Rodrigo then kissed her slit and smiled up at his girlfriend. "Thank you. You won't regret it, I promise."  He pushed her thighs apart before running his tongue over her entrance, loving how wet she already was. "So beautiful..." He murmured and he gently pushed a finger into her, pumping slowly for now, making sure to watch her expression and listen out for their secret word. He lowered his head enough so that his nose brushed against her clit and he lapped another broad stroke along her slit, this time tasting her even more. He pushed his tongue inside of her, covering her clit with his mouth, pumping his finger with a steady pace. His tongue ran circles around her bundle of nerves, waiting a bit before adding another finger. She tasted amazing and wished he could tell her but for now, he'd show her and devour her as promised.
Jade watched Rodrigo discard her panties and then her stomach dipped a bit when she softly sucked in a small breath at his lips kissing her lower pair. She trusted Rodrigo, of course. And he knew that she trusted him, explicitly. Her next gasp became more audible though and she threw her head back against the pillow--her body and mind being thrown right back to near-climax without knowing it. Unable to help herself, her thighs clenched around Rodrigo but she tried to force them apart again. The groan, louder than before, escaped her lips as heat flooded her body and the muscles between her thighs pulsed. Desperate to grasp something, Jade dug her fingernails into bedding. She involuntarily bucked her hips against Rodrigo's face. "Oh, Rodrigo!" she cried out as her body reached its peak and released all of its tension, leaving her thighs immediately trembling, her body feeling hotter than before, her heart thumping harder, and more of her essence greeting Rodrigo's eager, expert mouth. 
Glad he wasn't met with resistance, he curled his fingers to hit her spot and gently held her thighs open with light pressure. The way she called his name made him want to hear that over and over again. Her sounds were incredible, like nothing he had heard before and it only encouraged him to continue and relish the way she spoke his name. The steady stimulation of his tongue met Jade's breaking point and her clenching around his fingers and Rodrigo helped Jade ride out her high, brown eyes fixed on her face. He cleaned the remnants of her first orgasm with his tongue and then kissed her thighs softly before he looked up at Jade. A shy smile encapsulated his wet lips and his cheeks, and his nose had turned a light shade of pink. "You taste amazing, Jade..."
Jade could swear she saw stars when she orgasmed. Her mind was nothing but a frenzy of stars for that moment but she was slowly coming back down, her breathing was attempting to normalize as she stared up at the ceiling until she felt Rodrigo's lips and stubble on the soft skin of her inner thighs. She looked down her body just as he'd cast his shy smile. The look on his face, in her eyes, made her think that he looked very happy, satiated. Hearing him share how he thought she tasted made her own face done a bashful smile. "That was..." she couldn't think of a word strong enough to convey how utterly blissed out she currently was feeling. "You're going to need to be taken care of too,"  she lightly rasped. It wasn't a question so much as an observation she couldn't help making as she reached an arm out for him.
When she stretched out her arms for him, Rodrigo obliged, hovering over Jade and stealing a kiss once they were face to face. Once his body was flush to hers, his clothed bulge grinded against Jade and he looked down, immediately pulling himself up slightly. "Sorry...." He chuckled and then pressed another kiss against her neck. "I'm so glad you enjoyed that...I love how you say my name..." He grinned and nipped at her skin gently. "What did you have in mind?"
Jade wrapped her arms around Rodrigo as much as possible and kissed his lips a little greedily until he pulled away. She frowned a little and while she wasn't oblivious to having felt his firm length against her body, she shook her head and then let her head loll to one side a bit, melting a bit. "It's fine, I promise." Her neck was definitely an erogenous zone and it seemed like without her having to say so, that Rodrigo had picked up on that fact. Her fingernails scraped his back while she thought about his question. "Well... you could lie on your back and let me cater to you for a bit." Jade bit her lip hesitantly for a moment and slipped a hand up through his hair before suggesting, "Maybe I could go for a ride?"
The scratches made him want Jade even more and her fingers through his hair caused him to rake his teeth against his bottom lip.  Her wording had caught him off guard in a pleasant way. Rodrigo smirked, licking the spot on Jade's neck that he had been nibbling on. He smirked before claiming yet another kiss and then rolled on his back. He pulled off his sweats and boxers, tossing them onto the floor, finally releasing his very obvious hard-on. He couldn't help but tug on it just a little bit, to make himself comfortable and looked over to his girlfriend. "I just want to feel you."
Toes curling from all his attention to her neck, Jade scratched at him a little bit harder until he answered her suggestion by rolling onto his back beside her, her features were a mix of surprised and amused, watching him strip completely naked like she was. Her breathing had nearly returned to normal but seeing his length spring free made her breath hitch in her throat for a couple of beats. His body wasn't the only thing that was huge compared to her tiny frame.
Jade licked her lips and then looked to his face when he spoke up. "Then you will," she promised shifting to sit on her knees and then bend down to hiss him full on his lips. She wasn't a stranger to pleasing a man in bed but she also didn't want to treat Rodrigo like the previous two others. He was special and already meant far more than either of her exes ever would. Leaning in, she kissed him fully and deeply on the lips while guiding one hand on down the middle of Rodrigo's body. She hadn't broken the kiss off until her fingertips were on his shaft, and she wrapped her fingers around it, massaging him back and forth from base to tip. "How's that feel?"
Jade was intoxicating. He would never grow tired of kissing her. Rodrigo cupped her face when she kissed him fully and he eagerly returned the gesture. Already sensitive, his eyes opened when he felt his girlfriend's soft fingers around him. He looked down, a soft moan escaping his lips and then threw his head back into the pillow. "That feels good..." He bit his lip and picked Jade's chin up, urging her to kiss him again. He couldn't keep his eyes off her. Rodrigo was enamored, lips parting to let out a groan. "Just like that, baby."
As Jade continued caressing his dick with her hand, she smiled at the way he responded to her. And while she knew she wouldn't have to do much with Rodrigo already hard, she was happy to know that he was enjoying her touch. She obliged him and returned her lips to his, a bit messily at first and she smiled against his when he groaned and spoke to her pair. Hearing him call her 'baby' sent a thrill down her spine but she didn't say anything. Instead, Jade nipped his bottom lip and then swiped her tongue along the seam of both his lips in a teasing manner, keeping both of her lips just out of his reaching while she kept on massaging him.
"Jade..." he breathlessly tried to gather his words but Rodrigo was having a difficult time focusing.  There was something about her gained confidence and the way she kissed him that made this even more thrilling. For the first time in a long time, he had no thoughts floating around, no major concerns or debates in his head. He was happy to be here with his girlfriend, getting to know her in every way possible. He was so close to coming but knew he wanted to wait. Jade biting his bottom lip made it almost impossible for him to not act on impulse but he'd be good and patient. Even as his dick throbbed in her pretty fingers, Rodrigo kept his eyes on the prize. "I want you, Jade. Do you want me?"
Jade heard him say her name and initially thought it was because of her teasing about the kisses but she couldn't be sure. She'd planned to straddle him and position herself to ride him but she could see that he'd been enjoying the hand job. Hearing him say that he wanted her brought a new thrill but when he asked if she wanted him too, she stilled, pausing even her hand and looked down at him. "Of course I do." She shifted a bit on the bed so that she could cup his face with her free hand, "I thought you knew that already with... everything I've told you and how I've been reacting." Moving so that she sat on him now, right at his belly button, she gazed down at him. "Should I show you and take that ride now?"
He was going to die. He knew it to be true. Jade Clark had stolen his heart and he needed her to know. He simply nodded at her words, at how gentle and almost innocent yet sexy she was proving to be. Rodrigo drew in a breath when she mounted him, eyes going dark with desire. “Come on, baby. Show me .”
Seeing his response, his encouragement for her to proceed, Jade raised on her knees and scooted back a bit while reaching between her legs to grip his dick again. While this had been a first for her, she'd known the gist of what to do and felt a rush of anticipation for what was to come. With his shaft lined up to the entrance of her sex, Jade lowered herself slowly and removed her hand, her mouth falling open while adjusting to the size of Rodrigo. She exhaled a moan and leaned forward a bit using his chest for support while her hips began a steady rhythm.
Rodrigo had learned quickly that he enjoyed watching Jade. He was especially mesmerized by how new everything felt with her and he was confident she felt the same. Licking his lips and letting out a quiet moan, he waited to feel her entirely before reaching over to pick up her chin. "Good, that's really good, Jade..." He hummed while his cock pulsated softly inside of her. He looked into her eyes, releasing her chin to grip her hips gently but never tore his gaze away. He let out a moaning growl that rumbled within his chest, finding a rhythm that matched hers.
Jade's head tipped forward when Rodrigo held her chin, despite the urge to tilt her head back from still adjusting to the size and feel and of his cock. Her hips lifted and fell, rocked and eased as she heard his compliment. She sighed another moan,  leaning forward and resting her hands on his chest for better balance. Her fingers came over his nipple rings and she hooked them while continuing to ride him. Eventually tossing her head back, she'd found a spot she particularly enjoyed but somehow managed to remember that she was intending to pleasure Rodrigo. Giving his piercings a tug while her other fingers dug into the skin of his pecs, she picked up the pace of her moving hips as she moaned his name, a bit louder than she expected. 
He loved hearing her and especially loved hearing Jade moan his name. There was nothing that would make him fold faster. When she hooked onto his rings, a lazy smirk pulled at his lips, his fingertips burying into her hips. He secretly hoped he wouldn't leave too much of a mark there. When they both found their rhythm, he kept his gaze on her, wanting to watch her come undone. "Yes, baby...That's it...fuck!" he filled her room with his own moans, his mouth now wide open, breathing heavily as he felt his orgasm building. "He kept fucking, pushing into her as deep as possible while Jade rode him. Rodrigo called out for his girlfriend, hoping she was about to come too because he wanted the best view.
With a bit of a sinking grip into Rodrigo's pecs, Jade kept going, her hips rolling and her ass bouncing a bit while her walls seemed determined to hold onto Rodrigo's length. she let out a strained whimper despite fully enjoying every single inch of him. The way he was responding to her and the very position she'd been on him was making that newly familiar feeling start low in her pelvis again. She chased the feeling, hips bouncing, fingers clawing and tugging, and as she got closer to a second orgasm, her lips formed a wide, "O" shape again. Her head fell forward, braids spilling in front of her face as she desperately cried out Rodrigo's name.
It was getting to be too much for him; her tight wetness, Jade pulling at his rings, the scratching and clawing at his chest. It doesn't take long for Rodrigo to climax and finish inside of her, still matching her pace as she writhes against him, the two of them riding out their orgasm. Rodrigo pushes her braids back so that he could see her face, pulling her towards him to kiss her lips, gasping and moaning against her mouth. "You're incredible..." He whispered before stealing another kiss and another, moving his thumb to wipe the sweat off her brow and chuckling softly. "You're beautiful, Jade Clark." His gaze searched for hers and when he locked eyes with his girlfriend, he smiled and bit his lip.  He didn't want to be cliche, didn't want to turn her away, didn't want to make it seem like he only wanted to say it because of what just happened but he had to . Rodrigo sighed, tracing Jade's features with his thumbs. "I love you."
Jade's pace with her hips continued on even after Rodrigo reached his peak, and she reached her seconds after. Breathing heavily, she was slowly starting to come down from the bliss-filled high. Her grip on Rodrigo's chest was growing gentler and she bent forward to meet his lips, enjoying the feel of them fully on hers. She met every one of his kisses that followed thereafter and smiled at him, contemplating the possibility of adjusting herself to lie on top of him for a bit. With the way she'd been leaning forward currently, she was still seated with him inside of her. Jade smiled at his compliment and pecked his lips, and then down to his chest where she'd unintentionally scratched and marked him up. She sat up on her knees to withdraw Rodrigo's length but still planned to lie on top of him but as she was preparing to settled there, she heard him tell her that he loved her and she froze, brows raising towards her hairline. "I... you do?"
Rodrigo smiled, holding her as best as he could so that she could adjust. He licked his lips, letting his breathing settle. Suddenly, he felt a bit foolish. Maybe it was too soon, maybe it was the wrong time. After all, this was Jade and Jade deserved flowers and details that he had completely disregarded to say what was on his mind. Did he regret it? No. But perhaps, he could have done this differently. "I'm sorry. Not--not that part about loving you. I'm not sorry about that. I could never be sorry about that and I know I do because I've never felt this way about anyone in my life. I've been thinking about it before we---which was--wow I mean, it wasn't because of the sex. I just---you looked. I don't want you to think it was because we did this. I love you. Every inch of you. I'm sorry this wasn't romantic or ..." He sighed. "I do."
She'd been back to sitting on his hips again, heart thumping while steadily catching her breath. But Jade was listening to Rodrigo navigate his way through his answer to her question, and she was watching his features as he did so. And understanding was blanketing her mind the more he spoke. lifting a hand, she traced his hairline with a feather-light touch, from the center of his forehead down towards his left ear, and then along his stubble-riddled jaw. Her fingers continued to trace his features in silence and when she finished, she leaned in and kissed the bridge of his nose, his forehead, and then finally, she gave him a gentle kiss on his lips before turning and resting her head on his chest. Her body was pressed to his with her legs folded on either side of his torso. "It's okay," she told him, speaking with her cheek against his chest. "Because you've been so loving towards me emotionally and mentally. Today, you were physically and sexually. You love me. All of me as you know me. And I think I love you too--all of you as I know you. I was just so afraid to say so. We haven't known each other for very long and we've only just started dating. I don't know what's supposed to happen for something like this, but... it's how I feel."
The initial fear he had seemed to dissolve as soon as Rodrigo felt her touch. She was so delicate and loving, how could he not feel this way? he closed his eyes when she kissed the bridge of his nose and moved his hand to the back of her head, gently massaging her braids as she spoke.  "I was afraid too. I didn't want you to feel too overwhelmed..." He whispered and continued caressing her hair. "That's how I feel too. I don't know what's supposed to happen either. For different reasons. I--I've never told anyone I love them. I've been with others longer. I've stalled because it never felt right and right now when I said it, I didn't hesitate. I guess we just keep trying our best...love each other and see what happens..." he smiled. "Just be Rodrigo and Jade."
While the two of them lay together talking to each other, Jade shut her eyes and just listened to Rodrigo while being soothed by his fingers massaging her scalp and running through her braids. "I think... my mind feels cleared and at ease, actually," she admitted honestly in a soft-spoken tone. She'd been surprised to hear that Rodrigo had never told anyone he'd dated before that he loved them, but it also made her smile to think about the two of them taking their relationship in the fashion he'd suggested. "I like the sound of that." A set of fingers were absentmindedly tracing shapes along Rodrigo's side as she spoke. "I know before, I'd told you that I have a lot of baggage. One of those things that you've probably figured out by now is that sometimes I need some assurance. For some things, just telling me once isn't... I might need to hear it again."
He closed his eyes as he listened to Jade's voice. She was the calm he always needed. "Yeah? Good. I'm glad." he hummed at her response and added, "Me too. Feels like us. Not restrictive. Besides, who said everything has to be conventional, right?" He's always heard that if something feels right, it probably is right and that was a page straight out of his mother's optimism that he trekked carefully around. Rodrigo was tired of being so guarded and Jade made him want to be himself. "Oh? you thought I was going to tell you just once?" He grinned, looking up at her ceiling. "I love you, Jade."  The words rolled off his tongue. No hesitation.
"It's all different for me," Jade confessed. "But different in a way that... that feels good. That feels right." She'd spent nearly all of her life being exactly who her mother insisted who her mother wanted to be, date who her mother wanted her to date, look and act the way her mother wanted. It was only more recently in her life that Jade was finding some semblance of independence and identity little by little. She had a long way to go but progress was progress. Hearing Rodrigo's comment preceding his repeated 'I love you' declaration, Jade lifted her head and sat up a bit to look at Rodrigo, and then smiled. "I didn't mean that, specifically, but I'm really happy to hear it again." She cupped his face and bent her head to kiss him full on his lips, holding nothing back in said kiss.
Rodrigo grinned when she looked up at him. Even if she didn't mean for him to repeat it in that instance, it once again felt right to say it. When she kissed him, he cupped her face gently. He can't remember the last time he felt this happy and he felt incredibly lucky to have met Jade. "mmm that was nice", he chuckled and stole one more kiss. He didn't want to get moving or anything just yet. He was more than content being this close to her even though they had to clean up. "A few more minutes and then I'm going to jump in the shower. And thennn more cuddles? How does that sound?"
Jade loved the feeling of his hands, his fingers on her face. The feeling of his hands anywhere on her body felt nice, really. She melted a bit and when their lips parted, she settled against him again, relishing the warmth radiating off of his body. She listened to the words he spoke and felt them vibrating from his throat while a gentle smile returned to her lips. " I do like the sound of more cuddles though. I like the sound of that a lot. I know I had just taken a shower not that long ago but I also know that I should clean up a bit too." Jade understood that Rodrigo spoke for himself cleaning up but her inner thighs had plenty of his seed and her essence that needed to be attended to. Thinking about that did make her sit up again though. "I... I don't know if you're worried about contraceptives or not but if you are, you don't have to by the way. I should have mentioned it before, but I have an IUD."
"mmm about that." He cleared his throat, shaking his head some and letting out a nervous laugh. "Look, I should have told you like a couple of hours ago but, I did get a clean bill of health from my doctor. I have the results in my bag. I didn't want to be some weirdo that flashed it in your face like loook we can have sex now." He smirked and traced tiny shapes on her shoulder. "Also, you should know I had a vasectomy last year. It's completely reversible but I feel like it's fucking insane all this stress about unwanted pregnancies falls on women alone and now I sound like a health teacher." Again, he chuckled and sighed. "Anyway, thank you for telling me. We can uh...want to shower together? We can save water, help the environment..."
Jade kept her face as neutral as possible but she easily picked up on his nervous laugh and waited patiently for what he was going to say. And when he told her about his clean bill of health, she smiled at him and reached for his free hand to twine their fingers together. "That was thoughtful of you to bring it with you." Her smile remained at the feeling of his fingers skating  along her shoulder and she listened on when he revealed that he'd had a vasectomy. That had surprised her, mostly because she simply hadn't expected it but the reason he'd given was on that made her heart melt a bit too. "You're incredible to me." She leaned in and kissed his cheek, and then sat up a bit again so she could look into his eyes. "To be honest, most of my reason for the IUD wasn't birth control-related but that had been an added convenience for the few experiences I've had there." Giving their interlaced fingers a squeeze, she said, "And I'd like to take another shower, this time with my environmentally-conscious boyfriend." She grinned down at him and with some reluctance, moved carefully off of his hips and carefully off of the bed, already feeling an ache in her muscles from her run and the extended stretch afterwards.
"I felt like it was the right thing to do. I mean, it's new territory and I want us to have that mutual trust, always." He smiled at Jade, too enamored to get his words or thoughts together but he hoped he made some sense. Nodding at her explanation, he was glad that she was also safe. This probably would have been a different conversation if they weren't so honest with one another. It was refreshing to him, to have a girlfriend that didn't lie every chance she got.  "I'm like Captain Planet, what can I say?" He grinned and brought her knuckles to his lips for one more kiss before she took her hand back to stand up. He stood as well, moving the sheets over sand following Jade towards the bathroom. He wasn't far behind. Just enough to watch her walk inside. Smiling at the view and the memory of what had just happened, he shut the door behind them and kissed the back of her shoulder. He was truly the luckiest man.
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