#twilight angst
thewulf · 1 month
Forever Yours || Paul Lahote
Summary: Request -Okay so reader is Bella's (fraternal) twin sissy. She moved to Forks with Bella and the whole first book happens WITHOUT her knowing what's going on. She's just as in the dark as Charlie is..... Read Rest Here
A/N: LOVED THIS. LOVE TWILIGHT. Keep them coming!! Thank you for the requests as always!
Pairing: Paul Lahote x Swan Sister Reader
Word Count: 4.0k
TW: Possessiveness
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You and your sister, Bella, had always gotten along well even being so different. She was the shy twin who always stood behind you. You on the other hand always fought Bella’s battles because she needed it, that’s what sisters were for. The two of you weren’t identical, and your personalities could not have been more different. Yet, at the end of the day, she was the person you knew would always understand you. She was your best friend and confidant. So, when she proposed moving back in with Charlie you followed along with her.
Things changed when the two of you moved to Forks and not in a way you liked. She began distancing herself from you after she met Edward. Instead of coming home and gossiping about your respective days she started going to the Cullen’s house. She stopped telling you things. She became protective and oh so secretive over her boyfriend. You confided in Charlie more than you could ever expect. You hung out with Jessica and Angela more than you would’ve ever dreamed. Still, you looked after your sister. She was the shy one who fell hard and fast. For whatever reason you just couldn’t seem to trust Edward. When she finally let the two of you meet he was just off and you couldn’t seem to pinpoint what it was.
It wasn't until the departure of Edward Cullen, leaving Bella desolate and shattered, that the mysterious shroud enveloping your lives began to unravel at a rapid pace. As Bella struggled to navigate through the abyss of heartbreak, you tried your hardest to be the strength that she needed. But it often felt like you were failing her. Like nothing you could say would offset any of the heartbreak she was feeling. And you were angry. Angry at the stupid family that decided to vanish without a trace. For even though Edward seemed off he seemed like he truly was deeply in love with your sister.
Your only saving grace was your old friend Jacob. He found a way to bring your shattered twin back to the surface of the water she was struggling to swim in. The three of you spent so many nights together doing everything and nothing at the same time. Laughing till your faces were blue and finding the human connection she so desperately needed. You could never thank him enough for bringing back your sister you had lost for so many months.
But even that wasn’t enough for him to leave. When Jacob withdrew from both of your lives you became the sad twin. It was Bella who became angry like you were so many months prior. Bella forced you in the truck one afternoon claiming she had a bone to pick with the second boy who abandoned her in so many months. You had no desire to see the boy, but Bella demanded you come with her.
You watched as she pounded on the door of his home only to be met with nothing. You waited in the truck as Bella noticed Sam and his pack off to the side of Jacob’s home. Her footsteps treaded the path towards Sam and his pack, heart pounding with a mixture of apprehension and anticipation. It was only when you saw her physically push Sam, the leader of the tribe, did you bolt out of the car trying to catch your sister from doing anything too drastic.
"Bella, stop!" you cried out, your voice tinged with desperation as you rushed forward. Your heart was hammering desperately in your chest, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within you as you reached out towards Bella, hoping to stop the impending confrontation.
But it was too late. Bella's palm has already met one of the dark-haired boys cheeks with a sharp crack, the sound reverberating through the trees. You watch in dismay as the man’s expression darkened. His features contorted with fury, a primal growl rumbling in his chest that even startled you. The forest seemed to hold its breath as the world became silent at what the next move of the man could possibly be. You gulped feeling the tension thick in the air.
And then, in the midst of the events that were unfolding. You looked to the men in front of you looking at each of them one by one before your eyes finally met the one who had just been slapped. His gaze locked onto yours, a fleeting moment of connection amidst the tumult that surrounded you. In that instant, everything seemed to crystallize, the world narrowing down to just the two of you even with all the people surrounding you.
Timed seemed to slow to an utter crawl. The world around you faded into insignificance as your attention was locked in on the man. A sharp gasp came from you as you continued staring right at him. It was a feeling you had never experienced in this lifetime. Something you could never have expected. He too couldn’t seem to break his gaze away from yours. In that fleeting instant, everything seems to shift. The air crackled with anticipation, the forest holding its breath as the weight of the moment bears down upon you. It's as if the universe itself has paused, allowing you and Paul to exist in a suspended state of existence, isolated from the disorder that rages beyond the confines of your shared gaze.
As Paul staggers backwards, a whirlwind of emotions courses through his mind, each feeling vying for dominance over the others. Anger, once burning bright within him, now dissipates like mist in the morning sun, leaving behind a hollow sense of bewilderment and wonder. His chest heaves with the effort of controlling the torrent of feelings threatening to overwhelm him. He had felt every single emotion. Saw every single emotion. You were her. You were his imprint. Only Sam had been so lucky to have found his person. And now Paul did. And he didn’t even know her name nor you his.
To your surprise you felt your feet moving forward as he dropped to his knees on the forest floor. Paul was acutely aware of the weight of this moment. He had to wonder what you were feeling. You too were locked in on his own eyes, yet you could have no idea what was going on and how chaotic your seemingly normal life was about to get. But amidst the heaviness of the moment, there is something else—a glimmer of hope, a spark of possibility that ignites within him like a flame in the darkness. For in your eyes, he sees not just a reflection of his own turmoil, but also a flicker of understanding, a shared recognition of the bond that now binds the two of you together.
"What... what just happened?" Bella's voice wavers, her eyes wide with disbelief as she looks between you and Paul. But you have no answers to offer, you were just as confused as she was. While Bella's voice wavers with disbelief, her eyes dart between you, Paul, and the surrounding men, searching for answers amidst the bewildering scene.
Embry, who had been standing nearby with Sam, catches your eye with a knowing smirk, a hint of understanding dancing in his gaze. He stepped forward, as if he's seen this scenario play out before. "Looks like we've got ourselves an imprint," Embry remarks, his voice tinged with amusement as he addresses Sam, who watches the unfolding scene with a composed yet cautious demeanor.
Sam nods in acknowledgment, his expression unreadable as he assesses the situation before him. His eyes shifted between you and Paul with a measured intensity, as if gauging the depth of the bond that now connects you.
Meanwhile, the boy you had originally came to see, Jacob, came sprinting out of the house that he had just ignored Bella from. His expression a mix of surprise and concern as he takes in the scene before him. His eyes narrow as they settle on Paul, a flicker of protectiveness crossing his features before he turns to you, his look softening with understanding in your utter confusion. Yet in all that was happening so fast you couldn’t seem to tear your eyes away from this man. He had captured your mind, body, and soul all within a single look.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Jacob asks, his voice gentle yet tinged with worry as he approaches, his footsteps echoing against the damp grass.
You finally tore your gaze away from Paul somehow, your heart racing as you meet Jacob's concerned gaze. Despite the frenzy that surrounds you, his presence offers a sense of comfort, a reminder of the unwavering support that has always been there for you, negating the two weeks he had decided to ignore you for.
"I don't know what happened," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper as you try to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions that flowed through you so unexpectedly. "But I feel... different."
Bella's eyes widen in disbelief, her mind racing to comprehend the incomprehensible. But amidst the uncertainty that envelops you all, one thing remains clear—the ties that bind you to Paul, are unbreakable, defying logic and reason with an undeniable force.
"Jacob," Sam's voice cuts through the silence, his tone firm yet tinged with a hint of urgency. "Take them to Emily's. We need to talk." He motions towards Paul who was still on his knees before you.
Jacob nods in acknowledgment, his gaze flickering between you, Paul, and Sam, a silent understanding passing between them. He moves forward, his hand reaching out to gently guide you away from Paul, his touch reassuring in the confusion that surrounds you.
"Come on, Y/N, Bella," Jacob murmurs softly, "Let's go."
As Jacob reaches out to guide you away from Paul, a low, guttural growl rumbles deep within Paul's chest just as it had earlier after Bella has slapped him. His possessiveness flaring in the face of Jacob's touch. His eyes narrow, a primal instinct driving him to protect what he now considers his own.
"Hands off my girl," Paul's voice is low, but the irritated edge to it is unmistakable as he stands to takes a step towards you. His eyes never left yours. The intensity of his declaration sends a shiver down your spine, his unwavering stare holding you in a trance.
But Sam, ever the voice of reason among the sea of emotions, steps forward with a measured stride. His expression unwavering as he addresses Paul with a firm yet understanding tone. “Paul, calm down," Sam's voice carries authority, tempered with a hint of empathy as he meets Paul's frustration head-on. "We need to talk, separately. She will be just fine with Jacob."
Paul's protest is immediate, his feelings for you overwhelmingly strong. "No, she's not going anywhere without me," he insists, his voice tinged with desperation as he takes a defiant step forward, his resolve unyielding.
But Sam's gaze holds steady, his alpha like authority asserting itself in the face of Paul's defiance. "Paul, stand down," he commands, his voice brooking no argument as he meets Paul's gaze with unwavering determination. Paul winces but gives into Sam’s demands, though the reluctance is evident in the tension that lingers in his frame. His eyes remain locked on you, a silent promise of protection and devotion burning brightly within their depths.
While Jacob leads you away from Paul you can't help but feel torn between the conflicting desires that rage within you. Part of you longs to stay by Paul's side, to bask in the warmth of his unwavering love. While another part recognizes the need for clarity and understanding in the sheer confusion that threatens to consume you. And as you and Bella follow Jacob through the dense undergrowth of the forest you can't shake the feeling of Paul's presence lingering at the edges of your consciousness, a constant reminder of the inexplicable bond that now defines your existence.
Jacob guides you and Bella through a trail in the forest, a heavy silence hangs in the air, punctuated only by the rustling of leaves and the distant calls of unseen creatures. Sensing the need to break the tension, Jacob takes a deep breath before breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Look, I need to tell you both something," Jacob begins, his voice cautious yet resolute. "But it's going to sound... well, it's going to sound crazy."
You and Bella exchange a puzzled glance, the weight of Jacob's words settling uneasily in the pit of your stomachs. You've both sensed that there's more to the Quileute tribe than meets the eye, but the truth remains shrouded in mystery.
Jacob takes a moment to gather his thoughts before coming out with it. "The thing is... we're not exactly... normal," he admits, his words halting as he struggles to find the right way to explain the inexplicable. "We're... werewolves."
The revelation hangs in the air like a heavy fog, enveloping you and Bella in a cloud of disbelief. For a moment, neither of you can find the words to respond, the enormity of Jacob's confession leaving you speechless. "Werewolves?" Bella's voice is barely above a whisper, her eyes wide with shock as she looks to Jacob for confirmation.
Jacob nods solemnly, his expression grave as he meets Bella's gaze. "Yes. And there's something else. Something called imprinting."
You nodded along, “That’s what the one guy just said. We’ve got ourselves an imprint? What is that?” You asked pressing him further.
Jacob smiled knowing that your life was going to change, hopefully for the better. "It's when a wolf finds their soulmate. Their other half. The one person they're meant to be with for the rest of their lives." Bella's brow furrows in confusion, her mind struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what Jacob is telling her. But you, on the other hand, feel a strange sense of recognition stir within you, a faint echo of the inexplicable connection you felt with Paul.
As Bella sighs with uncertainty, Jacob senses the weight of her confusion and seeks to provide clarity. "And... and what does that have to do with what happened back there?" Bella asks, her voice laden with hesitance as she gestures back in the direction of Paul and the pack.
Jacob's gaze flickers towards you, a silent acknowledgment passing between you as he prepares to reveal the truth. "It means that... Paul imprinted on you, Y/N," he explains gently, his eyes filled with compassion as he meets your bewildered gaze. "He's your soulmate."
“Paul.” You whispered his name out loud for the first time. Paul, your soulmate. Your heart skips a beat at the revelation, the words sinking in slowly as you struggle to comprehend the enormity of what Jacob is saying. Soulmates? It's a concept you never thought you'd entertain, let alone experience firsthand.
"Soulmate?" Bella's voice echoes your thoughts, her eyes widening in astonishment as she turns to you for confirmation.
You nod slowly, the reality of the situation beginning to sink in. "I... I don't understand it all," you murmur, your voice barely above a whisper as you grapple with the implications of Jacob's words as the three of you walked through the forest to what you assumed to be Emily’s place, whomever that was.
Jacob offers you a reassuring smile, his expression filled with understanding. "It's okay, Y/N. I know it's a lot to take in," he says softly, his tone gentle yet firm. "An imprint is... it's like finding your other half. Your perfect match. And for Paul, that's you."
Bella's eyes widen in realization, her mind racing to process the revelation. "So... he's bound to her? Like... forever?" she asks, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she seeks to grasp the intricacies of the imprinting process.
Jacob nods solemnly. "Yeah. It's a permanent bond," he explains, his tone heavy with the weight of the truth. "But it doesn't have to be romantic. It can be... it can be like a best friend too. Someone who's always there for you, no matter what."
The realization washes over you like a tidal wave, the enormity of the situation sinking in as you come to terms with the truth of Paul's imprint. It's a bond that transcends the boundaries of time and space, forging a connection between two souls that can never be broken.
And as you walked surrounded by the whispering of the trees and the steady presence of Jacob by your side, you find yourself beginning to accept the truth of your newfound destiny. The road ahead may be filled with uncertainty, but with the unwavering support of your sister and the friendship of Jacob, you know that you'll face whatever challenges may come your way head-on.
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As you, Bella, and Jacob step into Emily's cozy kitchen, the aroma of freshly baked muffins envelops you, a comforting contrast to the whirlwind of emotions swirling within. Emily's warm smile greets Jacob, her eyes alight with joy as she rushes forward to embrace him.
"Jacob, it's been too long!" Emily exclaims, her voice filled with genuine affection as she pulls back to look at him.
Jacob returns her embrace, offering a sheepish grin. "I know, Em. It's good to see you," he replies warmly.
Emily's gaze then shifts to you and Bella, her smile widening as she takes in your presence. "And who do we have here?" she asks, her tone friendly and inviting.
Jacob gestures towards you and Bella. "Emily, this is Y/N and Bella Swan," he introduces, a sense of pride evident in his voice. "They're new to town, and we thought I'd bring them by to meet you." He spoke referencing the pack as a whole. It was intriguing watching him operate now that you knew why he up and disappeared on you those weeks ago.
Emily's eyes widen with recognition as she looks at Bella. "Ah, the Swan sisters! Charlie's girls. I’ve heard a lot about you two," she remarks with a knowing nod. Then her gaze shifts to Bella, and her expression changes to one of surprise. "And you're the vampire girl, aren't you?"
Your heart nearly stops at Emily's words, the revelation hitting you like a sudden jolt. Vampire girl? You exchange a bewildered glance with Bella, who looks equally taken aback. Edward was a vampire? What next… mermaids?
"What? Bella? Vampires?" you stammer, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment as you struggle to comprehend Emily's words.
Bella's face turns crimson, her embarrassment palpable as she shoots you an apologetic glance. Her eyes told you that she would explain it all later. "Emily, I'm so sorry," she begins, her voice tinged with mortification. "Y/N, this is... um... kind of a long story."
As the truth about vampires and the supernatural world of Forks begins to unfold, you can't help but feel overwhelmed by the enormity of it all. But amidst the confusion and embarrassment, there's a sense of shared understanding that together you'll navigate the challenges that lie ahead. As the conversation continues in Emily's kitchen, laughter and chatter filling the air, the sound of approaching footsteps draws your attention. Sam, Paul, and Embry enter the room, their expressions relaxed and jovial as they exchange banter with Jacob.
"Hey, look who decided to join the party!" Jacob teases, a playful grin spreading across his face as he greets his packmates.
Sam chuckles, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Couldn't stay away, could we?" he retorts, a hint of mischief in his voice as he exchanges friendly jabs with Jacob.
Paul's gaze finds yours amidst the commotion, a soft smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Y/N," he says, his voice gentle yet earnest as he steps forward, his eyes meeting yours with a depth of emotion that leaves you breathless.
"Paul," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper as you meet his gaze, a rush of anticipation coursing through you at the prospect of speaking with him alone.
Sensing the unspoken tension between you and Paul, Jacob steps forward with a knowing smile. "I'll leave you two to get to know each other," he says, his tone light yet meaningful as he gives you a subtle nod of encouragement.
As Jacob and the others retreat away from the kitchen to give you and Paul some privacy, you find yourselves alone in the midst of Emily's bustling kitchen. The air crackles with anticipation as Paul takes a step closer, his eyes searching yours with an intensity that sets your heart racing. "Y/N, I wanted to talk to you," Paul begins, his voice soft yet filled with determination as he gathers his thoughts. "About what happened earlier. About us. If that’s okay with you."
You swallow hard, the weight of Paul's words hanging heavy in the air as you search for the right response. "Paul, I... I don't even know where to begin," you admit, your voice trembling with uncertainty as you struggle to find the words to express the whirlwind of emotions that threaten to overwhelm you completely.
But Paul reaches out, his hand finding yours with a gentle touch that sends a shiver down your spine. "We'll figure it out together, Y/N," he says, his voice filled with conviction. "Whatever happens, I'll always be here for you. I promise you that."
As you stand there, enveloped in the warmth of Paul's presence, a soft blush tinges your cheeks as you struggle to find the right words to express the swirl of emotions coursing through you. Your heart races with anticipation, your thoughts a jumble of uncertainty and longing. "This is all a lot," you murmur softly, your voice barely above a whisper as you meet his gaze with a shy smile. "But it's a good thing you're so... so handsome." You weren’t sure where that surge of confidence came from, maybe it was the bond. But even you couldn’t deny the sheer beauty of the man that stood before you. You feel a rush of exhilaration mixed with nervousness, unsure of how Paul will respond to your flirty compliment.
Paul's expression shifts, a mischievous twinkle dancing in his eyes as he leans in closer, his breath warm against your ear. "Is that your way of saying you think I'm cute, Y/N?" he teases, his voice low and husky.
You bite your lip, a playful glint in your eyes as you meet his gaze. "Maybe," you reply coyly, a hint of flirtatiousness creeping into your tone as you lean in closer to him. "You'll just have to stick around to find out."
As a smirk tugs at the corners of Paul's lips, his gaze intensifies, locking onto yours with a magnetic pull that leaves you breathless. You feel a surge of anticipation coursing through your veins as he leans in even closer, the air crackling with electricity between you.
"Oh, I intend to, pretty girl" Paul murmurs, his voice a low rumble that sends shivers ripping through your body. His words are filled with promise, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he closes the distance between you, his breath warm against your skin. “Don’t you worry about that.”
A soft gasp escapes your lips as Paul's hand gently cups your cheek, his touch sending waves of warmth cascading through you. Your heart pounds in your chest as his lips brush against yours in a tantalizing whisper, a feather-light caress that ignites a fire deep within your soul.
"You're so beautiful, Y/N Swan," Paul whispers against your lips, his voice filled with sincerity and admiration. "I can't help but be drawn to you. I’m forever yours pretty girl."
The sweetness of his words sends your heart soaring, a rush of euphoria washing over you as you lose yourself in the intoxicating embrace of his affection. In that moment, all doubts and fears melt away, leaving only the undeniable connection between you and Paul, a bond forged in the flames of desire and longing. And as you surrender to the irresistible pull of his embrace, you can't help but feel a sense of bliss wash over you. With Paul by your side, you know that the journey ahead will be filled with laughter, passion, and endless moments of pure, unadulterated love.
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soulofapatrick · 6 months
I Like Your Mind - Edward Cullen x female reader
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Summary: As soon as you meet Edward, you're both drawn to each other with an intensity you never expected
Words: 2.2k
Warnings: None
I step into the Cullen house, my heart racing in my chest, and my mind filled with a mixture of fear and fascination. Bella has brought me here, introducing me to the family of her new boyfriend - Jasper Hale - and I can hardly believe where I find myself. I know their secret, the one they’ve been hiding from the world, the fact they’re vampires. And I know Edward can read minds which makes the whole situation even more daunting. But, as Bella races off to find Jasper, I’m left alone I the living room, taking in the stunning surroundings. 
The Cullens’ house is unlike any place I’ve ever seen. The air is heavy with an unspoken history, and everything within is both timeless and modern. A grand piano rests against one wall, a dark mahogany masterpiece, and the soft notes of a melody linger in the air, a testament to the musical talents of the family. On the opposite wall, a massive bookshelf houses an impressive collection of novels and ancient texts. Their spines form a spectrum of human knowledge, artfully arranged. 
My gaze drifts to the floor-to-ceiling windows that frame the room, offering a breathtaking view of the dense, ancient forest that surrounds the house. The trees stand tall and proud, their branches intertwined like guardians, protecting the Cullens from prying eyes. The afternoon sun filters through the leaves, casting dappled shadows that dance across the polished wooden floors. 
As my eyes linger on the tranquil forest, my imagination takes flight. I envision myself running through the woods, feeling the cool, damp earth beneath my feet. The leaves would crunch softly with each step, and the intoxicating scent of pine and damp earth would fill my senses. My heart would race, and a rush of adrenaline would surge through me as I lose myself in the untamed beauty of the wilderness. But, what captivates me the most is the idea of running through the forest in the rain. The thought of raindrops falling like liquid diamonds from the heavens, pelting the leaves and creating a gentle, rhythmic melody, sends a shiver of delight down my spine. In my daydream, I am drenched, my clothes clinging to my skin as I twirl and leap through the woods, liberated and carefree.
The rain washes away all my worries and fears, leaving only the exhilaration of the moment. It's as if the world, with all its complexities and complications, has melted away, leaving only the simplicity and purity of the rain-soaked forest. It's a feeling of utter peace, a sense of being one with nature and the world, a sensation I've longed to experience again. 
Lost in the serenity of my daydream, I sense a subtle presence to my right. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, and a strange but not unwelcome shiver runs down my spine. Slowly, I turn my head to see one of the Cullen brothers standing there, a striking figure with sharp, chiseled features. He exudes an air of quiet strength and confidence, and I can't help but admire his physical appearance.
As I take in his feature, I quickly realise that this isn’t Jasper, as Bella would undoubtedly be with him if he were here. Besides, Jasper is known for his blond hair, which contrasts with the dark brunette locks of the Cullen brother beside me. His eyes, however, remain a shimmering gold, and their intensity is captivating. 
Going over Bella’s description, I recall that she mentioned Emmett to be big and buff. Emmett is tall and muscular. He has dark curly hair and dimpled cheeks. Despite his intimidating appearance, he is light-hearted and carefree. This man in front of me is almost quite the opposite with perfect and angular high cheekbones, strong jawline, a straight nose, and full lips causing my heart to quicken with a sudden realisation. In a hushed voice, I tentatively ask, “Edward?” 
The name hangs in the air between us, my uncertainty evident in the way I speak his name. The Cullen brother gives a small nod, his eyes holding a hint of amusement and there’s a small smile on his pretty lips as he says, “Hello.” His voice is a velvet whisper that sends a shiver down my spine. My cheeks heat up in response, and I can’t help but feel flustered by his presence. Turning my face away from him, I gaze out at the enchanting forest, using the breathtaking view to regain my composure. 
But just as I start to calm my racing heart, I sense his movement. Edward is moving closer, somewhat hesitantly as if he’s scared to do so but he moves so close I can feel the coolness of his chest against my back. The physical proximity is both thrilling and nerve-wracking, and I can’t help but wonder what his intention are as I continue to look out at the tranquil forest. 
The peaceful silence in the room is broken by Edward’s soft voice, barely above a whisper, “I like your mind,” he admits, his words sending a rush of warmth through me, “It’s quiet.” 
His words wash over me like a gentle caress, and I can’t deny the intrigue of his interest in my mind. It’s a compliment I could never have anticipated, coming from a vampire who can hear the thoughts of others. The intimacy of this moment is palpable, and I can sense the internal struggle within him, as if he’s torn between his desire to touch me and the realisation that we’ve only just met. 
Despite my rational thoughts screaming at me to maintain my distance, I surrender to the magnetic pull of Edward Cullen. My back leans into his cool, sculpted chest, and the sensation of his icy hands on my hips sends a shiver of anticipation coursing through me. It's as if the enchantment of the Cullen house, the breathtaking view of the forest, and Edward's irresistible presence have combined to create a spell that I am unable, and unwilling, to break. 
Closing my eyes, I allow myself to become completely enveloped in everything Edward. I’m hyperaware of how he feels behind me, the firmness of his chest pressed against my back, the subtle rise and fall of his breath against my neck as if it’s a force of habit for him despite vampires lack of need to breathe. His scent, a delicate blend of lilac, honey and sunshine, fills my senses and intoxicates me, wrapping me in a warm, inviting embrace. 
The moment feels intensely romantic, the air electric with the unspoken connection between us. I know that Edward can read my thoughts and perceive my view of him, and in this vulnerable instant, I choose not to resist. I grant him access tot he unfiltered depths of my desire, allowing him to see and feel the passion that simmers beneath the surface. 
The tension in the room crackles, the rain outside intensifying as if mirroring the fervour building within us. It's a clandestine dance of two souls drawn together by an unexplainable force. In this silent, electrifying embrace, I become an open book for Edward, my thoughts and desires laid bare, and I can only wonder what he'll make of the desires that race through my mind like wildfire
With a slow and deliberate movement, Edward turns me to face him, his eyes open and unguarded. They flicker with a hint of vulnerability, as if he, too, is uncertain of the depth of this connection. His gaze drops to my lips, and I can feel the warmth of his breath on my skin as he hovers close. His fingers twirl my hair around them, an intimate gesture that feels like an attempt to memorise every part of me that he can reach. The air crackles with anticipation as I hold my breath, my heart pounding in my chest, The world outside seems to fade away, leaving only the two of us in this electrifying moment. 
Edward’s gaze remains locked on mine, a silent promise of the depths of emotions and desire that lie beneath the surface. In the hushed room, our shared anticipation and vulnerability create an electric tension that’s impossible to ignore. His lips are tantalisingly close, and I can feel the coolness of his breath as he hovers near. It’s as if he’s about to kiss me, his intentions clear in the smouldering depths of his golden eyes. But he hesitates, his voice barely a whisper as he mumbles something about not being able to stop once he starts, a confession laden with both longing and restraint. 
Unable to resist any longer, I tangle my fingers in his tousled hair, an intimate gesture that communicates my desire and intent. With a gentle, yet urgent push, I guide his face the rest of the way down until his lips finally meet mine. 
As our lips meet in a hesitant and guarded kiss, a complex swirl of emotions and desires floods the space between us. Edward, despite his initial restraint, can’t help but respond to the fiery connection we share. His lips, cool and soft, brush against mine with a caution born of a lifetime of self-control. The kiss begins with a tentative exploration, as if he’s testing the boundaries of this newfound intimacy. 
The initial hesitancy slowly gives way to a growing intensity, and I can sense his need for more. His grip on me tightens ever so slightly, fingers digging into my hips, a delicate balance between desire and restraint. His response is careful, as if he’s constantly aware of his vampire strength, wary of causing any harm to me. The kiss deepens, his passion building, and the chemistry between us becomes an irresistible force that pushes us further into uncharted territory. 
With a slow and deliberate movement, he begins to walk me backwards, his lips never leaving mine, until my back makes contact with the cool glass of the windows, drawing a gasp from me. It has Edward smiling softly, golden eyes a little glazed as if in a trance of disbelief this is happening before his cold nose bumps my neck, making my pulse jump. I should be scared by how close he is to my jugular but I don’t feel any fear or anything, especially when Edward places a soft kiss on my jugular, a silent acknowledgement of the temptation that throbs beneath my skin. His lips are cold, but their touch is gentle, sending shivers of desire coursing through me. 
My hands tangle back in his soft locks, guiding his lips back to mine, their coldness a stark contrast to the burning passion that courses between us. In that moment, I am both vulnerable and empowered, willingly allowing myself to be drawn further into this intoxicating dance of desire. 
Each kiss makes me feel more alive, more connected to a world I never knew existed. The world outside may be drenched in rain, but in this electrifying embrace, a different kind of storm rages, a tempest of emotions and desires that we can’t control. His lips, cool and velvety soft, meet mine over and over again in a symphony of fire and ice, a fusion of elements that ignite a burning desire deep within me. 
His body presses against mine, a solid and unyielding presence that leaves me feeling both vulnerable and empowered. The contrast between his cool skin and the heat of my own sets my senses ablaze. As we deepen our connection, the room seems to spin around us, and I lose myself in the feeling of everything Edward. 
The room is charged with our passion, and I can feel it deep in my core. Every kiss is like a secret, a stolen moment in a world that is entirely our own. We lose track of time and space, our lips locked in an intimate dance that only intensifies the fever that has drawn us together in the first place. 
But then, like a bolt of lightning in our own private storm, I hear Bella’s joyful squeal. Edward pulling away from me, and I let my face fall into the warmth of his chest, overwhelmed by embarrassment. As I hide from the world, I can feel the soft rumble of amused laughter in Edward’s chest, a sound that both soothes and electrifies me in equal measure. 
“Fuck yeah!” Bells shrieks with joy and I flip her off over Edward’s shoulder as he wraps his arms around me, stifling a laugh as he can probably hear all of my silent insults and embarrassed thoughts thrown Bella’s way. 
“It’s okay.” He murmurs, fingers carding through my hair and I just hum, letting my eyes flutter closed in contentment. I don’t care how quick this is happening, all I know is I need Edward and no-one else so I’ll live with the embarrassment if it means I can have Edward. 
“You have me.” 
                           ┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈
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Twilight Masterlist
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sethsclearwater · 9 months
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synopsis: au(ish) where shifter!reader gets her heat for the first time and her imprinter (paul) is there to help
warnings: smut, dom!paul, sub!reader
word count: 1.97k
it started off as a dull ache in your abdomen, lingering throughout the day as paul went out on patrol and you stayed at the apartment to rest. you were able to ignore it for the most part, instead focusing on some mindless tv show while you came up with a grocery list for paul and you to get once he got back.
though, once you got up to get something to drink, it suddenly got much more intense. the dull ache turned into a throbbing, almost burning sensation at the bottom of your abdomen, nearly making you buckle at the intensity of it. you had no idea what it was, and at this point, your brain was too foggy to try and figure it out. 
you quickly sat back down on the couch, sitting back on your heels to attempt to alleviate some of the ache between your legs and anxiously gnawing at your bottom lip as you tried to figure out what to do. the only thing on your mind was paul and how upset you were that he wasn’t here with you. 
luckily for you, paul was quickly able to sense that someone was wrong thanks to your imprint bond and came back to the apartment as soon as he could. by the time he got back, you were curled up on the couch, eyes closed and trying to focus on your breathing in an attempt to calm yourself down.
“hey, hey, princess,” paul cooed as he came into your apartment, softly closing the door behind him, “what’s wrong?” he asked softly and you just let out a loud whimper, now more frustrated that you could hear him and still not touch him.
“okay, okay, i’m right here,” he cooed, quickly coming over to you and sitting down on the couch next to you. you were quick to climb into his lap and wrap your legs around his waist and arms around his neck, anchoring him close to you.
“it hurts,” you whimpered, burying your face in his neck and inhaling his scent, taking some more deep breaths in a desperate attempt to dull the ache in your abdomen, “why weren’t you here?” you asked softly, eyes suddenly filling with tears as you lifted your head to look at him.
paul let out a soft sigh, sliding his hand up to your face so he could gently cup at your jaw, “‘m sorry princess,” paul murmured, “i think you’re in your heat right now, yea?” he asked softly, taking his other hand and sliding it down to your lower abdomen to gently rest it there.
his touch sent more sparks up your spine, eliciting a soft whine from you. his words combined with the sensation had you quickly realizing that he was right, everything suddenly making much more sense in your foggy head. you nodded, frowning as you slid your hands down his bare abdomen, not waiting before you were dipping your hands under the thin band of his sweatpants and desperately grabbing at his cock which had both of you letting out moans.
“easy kitten,” paul groaned, placing his hand over yours to slow you down a bit, “i’ll take care of you, promise,” he reassured with a soft chuckle, lifting you up so he could carry you into the bedroom, gently laying you down on the bed.
“paul please,” you whined, “it hurts,” you added with a whimper, tightening your legs around his waist to pull him closer to you. paul nodded, not wasting any time before he was helping you ease your shirt over your head and toss it to the side before getting to work on your shorts. 
“doin’ so good for me,” paul murmured, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as he lifted your hips a bit so he could tug your shorts and panties down with one tug, leaving you completely bare under him, “‘m comin’” he reassured, making quick work of kicking his sweatpants and boxers off before getting settled back between your legs. 
“paul-” you whined, the ache intensifying as you anxiously waited for him. you closed your eyes, sliding your hands up his biceps to squeeze at them as you tried to take some deep breaths to help with the discomfort.
paul let out a soft sigh, sliding his fingers between your wet folds to ensure you were ready for him before he was lining his cock up with your aching hole, only pausing for a moment before he sheathed himself inside of you. the relief was almost instantaneous and you let out a heavy exhale, noticeably relaxing underneath him which had paul also letting out a soft sigh of relief. 
“such a good girl,” paul praised as he pulled his hips back, “you want it rough?” he asked, sliding his hand up to your throat and gently pressing down, just enough to cut off your oxygen for a moment when he realized you weren’t responding to him.
the lack of oxygen quickly caught your attention and you nodded, “yes please-” you whimpered, eyes rolling back as he immediately set a quick pace, snapping his hips against yours as he slid his hand down from your neck and to your breasts.
you let out a loud moan, arching your back up into him as he rolled your nipple between his finger, paul letting out a dark chuckle when he saw just what a mess you were underneath him, “so needy for my cock,” he mused teasingly, snapping his hips against yours in a particularly harsh motion that had you letting out another loud whine, your walls clenching around him from all the pleasure. 
“you need my cock in you to feel better?” he asked, sliding his hand in between your thighs to pinch at your clit when he saw how foggy you were from his touch. you let out a lewd moan, biting down on your lower lip in a desperate attempt to even keep some of your composure underneath him, “answer me.” he ordered when he saw your lack of a response.
“yes… yes daddy-” you blubbered, letting out a sob of pleasure as he rolled his hips against yours, tears now freely streaming down your cheeks from how desperate you were to cum on the man between your thighs.
“that’s what i thought,” he let out a dark chuckle, leaning down to press his lips to your collarbone, sucking harshly on the sensitive skin to make sure you’d be wearing his marks all over you for days to come.
“paul please-” you whined, toes curling as he continued rocking his hips against yours, barely able to refrain from cumming right then and there.
“what did you say?” paul asked, lifting his head from your collarbone to look at you, not stopping his thrusts as he impatiently waited for your response.
you quickly realized your mistake, making quick work of correcting it, “daddy-” you whimpered, letting out a loud whine when paul reached his hand down to swat at your clit teasingly, a soft punishment for not referring to him correctly.
“you askin’ me if you can cum on my cock?” he teased, a smirk coating his features as he took in just how fucked up he had you underneath him from just his cock, “my cock makin’ your pussy feel that good?” he continued teasingly as he waited for you to compose yourself enough to blubber out another response.
“yes please-” you whimpered, sucking in a deep breath as another wave of tears came running down your cheeks, “wanna cum on your cock,” you added, your voice catching in a whine as he rolled your clit between his fingers, knowing how close you were to cumming on him.
“go ahead then,” he ordered, picking up the pace of his thrusts as you fell over the edge to your first orgasm of the night, walls throbbing around him as he continued rocking in and out of your pussy.
paul let out a loud groan as he met his own release, quickly spilling his seed into you as he buried his face in your shoulder, thrusts slowing as you wrapped your arms and legs around him, anchoring him close to you. 
you sucked in a few deep breaths as you worked to come back down to earth, paul’s gentle stroking up and down your side helping anchor you, “there you go,” he murmured, voice much softer with you than a moment ago as he helped calm you down, “such a good girl for me,” he praised, lifting his head to press soft kisses to your collarbone and neck.
you nodded, opening your eyes to look up at him, “‘m sorry,” you whispered, realizing just how ridiculous you were acting earlier as your heat first set in.
paul let out a chuckle, shaking his head, “nothing to be sorry about,” he reassured, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, “besides, you’ve got at least 4 more days of this princess,” he added teasingly which had you whining at the thought of dealing with this for longer than a few hours.
“4 more days?” you asked exasperatedly, anxiously sliding your hands up his chest as you waited for his response.
he chuckled softly, nodding, “at least,” he added teasingly, “now you’re finally gonna be able to keep up with me,” he mused cockily, a smirk coating his features that had you letting out a giggle despite your annoyance at the whole situation.
“now you gonna let me get you cleaned up and get you some dinner?” he asked softly after a moment, offering you a small smile and you let out a sigh of relief as you nodded, happy to know paul would be taking care of you like he always did.
“that’s my girl,” he praised, lifting his hips to pull himself out of you, chuckling when you whimpered at the loss of him, “i’ll be back in you in no time princess,” he teased as he got up, pulling his sweatpants on before he grabbed a rag to clean you up with.
he got back on the bed, settling between your thighs so he could quickly clean you up, “doesn’t hurt right now, right?” he asked softly as he made quick work of cleaning your mixed releases from your thighs.
you shook your head, “not really,” you murmured, already feeling the familiar dull ache between your thighs, “just a little bit.” you added and he nodded, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to your lips.
“okay that’s good,” he reassured as he got back up, quickly helping you into one of his t-shirts before grabbing his phone to order takeout for the two of you, “you still want that fried rice you were asking about this morning?” he asked teasingly, climbing back into bed with you and pulling you close to his chest.
you nodded, a blush coating your features as you buried your face in the crook of his arm. paul chuckled, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your head, “we’ll get that then,” he cooed, “you tell me if it starts hurting again and i’ll take care of you, okay? it’s probably gonna be a lot for you to handle over the next few days,” he explained, running his hand up and down your side soothingly.
you huffed, nodding as you lifted your head to peek up at him, “you promise you’re not gonna leave me here?” you asked, voice much softer than before as you anxiously asked him your question.
paul smiled, shaking his head, “i’m not going anywhere princess, promise.” 
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kdizzzy · 1 year
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in my head it’s always been them
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local-crying-boy · 9 months
Can we have a part 2 of it was our plan where its after the cullens come back but y/n is still kinda distant from jasper?
A/n: I hope this is what you expected!
It was our plan PT. 2
Fem! Reader X Jasper Hale
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Pairing: Female human! Reader X Jasper Hale
Genre: Oneshot, angst to fluff
Warning: none that I’m aware of, use of Y/n
Summary: When the Cullens returned to Forks, Jasper Hale seeks you out so that he can apologise, but you avoid him at all costs.
Word count: 1.4k
Part One here
Hate. Resentment. Sadness. Three annoying feelings you felt in your bones, throughout your body.
You absolutely hated that the Cullens - despite agreeing with you with you former plan - had left Forks without warning. Okay, yes, Jasper did technically 'warn' you, but he left immediately after telling you and left no room for discussion about you going with him!
You had resentment for Jasper for leaving you on that day, he had loved you and loved that you had gone as far to plan how you would leave Forks. I mean, what kind of person would leave the person they loved immediately after telling said person they were leaving and then leave without a proper goodbye?
But, ultimately, you felt sadness every waking hour. You were heartbroken at the fact you’d never get to see Jasper again, never get to kiss him, never get to hug him, never get to hold his hand, never get to be beside him ever again. You were upset because there was literally no one like Jasper Whitlock Hale, there would be no man you would love as much as you loved Jasper.
You wouldn’t go as far as to believe you were depressed, in fact, you had given into the anger instead of the sadness. You tried everything you could to get rid of that sadness, and, so, that meant you felt pure anger for Jasper.
In months that the Cullens had been gone, you had focused on many different things, however boring it may have been. You had organised your room, studied a lot, finished many of the books you wanted to read, attempted arts and crafts, sports, and much more. You even tried to help Isabella Swan out of her depression about Edward leaving, though it proved more difficult the more you tried.
Your grades went up due to your endless studying, even in the subjects you struggled on most! Your parents were proud at that, though they still worried that you had not properly been upset at Jasper’s absence. You'd been sad in your own time, sometimes you would give yourself a few moments of sadness before you would quickly despise yourself for being upset that Jasper left.
You hated him.
You hated the man you loved most.
You despised Jasper Hale.
So, when the surprising news of none other than the Cullens returning to Forks arose, you did not hesitate to ignore the supposed amazing news.
While Bella quickly went back to loving Edward, and practically planning for her own transformation into a vampire, you stayed as far away from Jasper and his family as you could. You couldn't bare to see him, you couldn't bare for him to try and apologise. You didn't want to go back to him. You didn't. Defiantly not.
Nevertheless, all you wanted to do was fall back into his arms, hold him, kiss him, love him. You wanted Jasper back, you wanted to love him, you wanted to be around him, to feel the coldness of his hands when he held your hand throughout the halls of school and as he walked you to your front door.
You missed the vampire's stupid Southern drawl, the way certain words seemed to roll of his tongue and make your knees go weak. You missed his golden coloured eyes, followed by his dark coloured eyes depending on the day. You missed the way he would walk you to your classes, the way he would carry your books when you had too many, the way he would drop you off at home after your dates, the way he was always respectful to you and your boundaries.
On Jasper's side, he had been trying desperately to get your attention, to find you while you were by yourself.
Though, due to your stubbornness, Jasper was unable find you by yourself and, if he wanted to catch up with you with his speed, he was unable to because you were smart enough to stay with other people. Or was it stupid?
Either way, Jasper had beaten himself up senseless because he felt so incredibly bad about how he left things. All he wanted to do was make it up to you, he wanted to be with you again. He knew you wanted to as well, he could feel it. Though, he could also feel your anger, your frustration, towards him.
On one particular rainy day, you had your hood pulled up over your head and your coat zipped up all the way, hands shoved in your pockets to keep them safe from the freezing rain.
Thankfully, Jasper had seen you walk out of the school, you were walking home that day, Jasper remembered from your weekly routine and because - on these days - he would be the one to take you home. He was walking quickly towards you, silent but quick. He knew he couldn't use his speed to catch up with you, but he had been so desperate to do so.
"Y/n." He called out to you, causing your heart to drop at the sound of his beautiful sounding voice.
When you didn't reply, he said your name again, now only a few feet behind you. "Please, Y/n."
"Don't, Jasper." You sighed out, but, in reality, all you wanted to do was hug him. "I don't want to hear it."
The coldness in your voice shocked him, he'd never heard you speak so rudely to anyone, let alone him.
"Y/n." He repeated, his voice was pained, you could hear the sadness in his voice. No one needed his power to know the heartbreak he felt.
You turned around to face him, rather abruptly. You would have preferred to not even face him, you knew his saddened face would break your beak into a thousand little pieces, would make the heartbreak physically hurt you.
"Don't, Jasper." You said again, your voice was trembling, but the anger was clear. "Don't you dare, you left. You left me, here by myself."
He looked you in the eyes, he could see your glassy eyes and how you were fighting the tears.
"You don't get to be heard out, not when you left like that." You scowled at him, hands in fists and you almost wished he was human so you could actually hurt him - as terrible as it may sound. "I was here, while you were... Wherever the hell you were!"
You sniffled, you were trembling and you could feel the rain down your cheeks. Or was it tears? "It wasn't fair."
"I know, I know." He said softly, he took a step closer to you, his arms extended as he reached out to you. "I shouldn't of said goodbye like that, I am so incredibly sorry."
You shook your head as he walked near you, you took a step back and it took the hint. His arms hung loosely at his sides, he wasn't going to touch you if you didn't want him to.
"Please, Y/n. I was afraid." He said, the saddened tone that escape his mouth seemed so unnatural for someone like him. He'd never sounded like this, never sounded so broken. He spoke again, but his voice was quiet, he was still aware of the people around him, the handful of students who were watching the scene unfold. "You saw what I almost did to Bella, I never want that to end up happening to you. I would never be able to live with myself again if I was the reason you got hurt."
He wanted to attempt to reach out to you again, but he didn't want to risk of getting rejected again, he wasn't sure if he could handle watching you back away from him again.
"Darlin', I never want to be the reason that you get hurt, that you..." He trailed off this time, he didn't want to say what he thought.
"That I die?" You finished for him, anyhow, with a hushed voice and a broken voice much like his. "That's what you want to say, isn't it? You don't want to be the reason I die?"
You shook your head again, now certain that you had been crying, tears streaming down your face like a river alongside the rain droplets. "You don't trust yourself, Jasper, but I do. I always have, I always will."
"I am dangerous." He whispered out.
"No." You whispered out, you walked over to him with your arms extended. You grabbed his hands. "No, you are not."
You both locked eyes, his with his golden eyes and your glassy eyes. Your words had echoed in his mind, you believed that he was good, you believed that he wasn't the monster he saw himself as.
You quickly embraced the frozen vampire, and he wrapped his arms around you. Both of you had missed the other's touch, both of you were desperate for the other's touch, and both of you finally got the one thing you desperate missed: each other.
In this moment, in the moment you held each other in the pouring rain, outside of the school, you thought that maybe - just maybe - things will be okay.
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muffinbeliever · 7 months
Jacob black for prompt 12 would be appreciated. (fem reader)
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Forever Yours
The reader spots Jacob and Bella walking along the shores of La Push, and she is reminded of everything that had happened, before she is faced with a choice of what could be.
Pairing: Jacob Black x Reader
Word Count: 1809
Warnings: just like sad stuff i guess... not much resolution but a little resolution at the end ?
A/N: wow. this is actually so terrible. i have no words as to how long it took me to crank this out and im actually really disappointed in myself and i would like to formally apologize to everyone, especially @sugaraddict301 who has been waiting patiently for MONTHS and now its just a terrible one shot that i could barely eke out but it has been weighing on my mind particularly heavily these past couple of days so i just knocked something out
The cool ocean breeze swept your hair across your face, leaving you sputtering like a fool. You wrapped the ends of your blanket tighter around your body, as the sounds of the waves crashing accompanied your friends giggles beside you. 
It was cloudy, but that didn’t stop your friends from dragging you out of the house and to La Push. None of you surfed, and it was definitely too cold to swim, but you were enjoying the time out with your friends, cracking jokes and complaining about classes. At least you had been, until two figures walking together along the shore caught your eye. 
It was like your heart had been crushed, and all of the air left your lungs. 
He was with her. 
Jacob Black— your first friend, first love, and first heartbreak. 
You got up from where you were sitting— no longer feeling like hanging out with your friends— and began walking alongside the shore, in the opposite direction of them. Eventually, you found a large rock, one that you could sit on and observe the depths of the water.
Of course, you were ecstatic to hear of her return to the rainy town, having fond memories of braiding hair and sleepovers, but along with the happiness came bits of grief. You knew of the feelings that lingered between her and Jacob, your ex-boyfriend never fully getting over the dark-haired girl.
You had read that first loves shine the brightest and hurt the worst, which you unfortunately found out the hard way. The two of you grew up together, tugging on each other’s hair in simple, childish bouts of teasing. It was unclear when romantic feelings for your friend developed, but one day you were suddenly hit by waves of emotion, and you found yourself on a rapidly-moving train with no stop in sight. 
It wasn’t until you were 14 that you began to act on these feelings, after sensing that Jacob had felt the same. Dating Jacob was like breathing— it never took much effort nor thought, it simply existed. Your routines didn’t change much; you still hung out for the majority of the week, enjoying the time spent together. 
Some days you would watch movies for hours, cuddling on the couch in your living room, throwing out corny quips and references that only the two of you understood. Other days, you would simply coexist, working side-by-side but separately. And that was okay too. 
For three years, you followed this routine. It was simple, and it worked. It was filled with love and adoration but also immense respect and joy. Until one night, Jacob revealed something to you, completely catching you off guard and changing the course of your relationship for the worse. 
“Jake,” you started as the laugh track of the sit-com you were watching accompanied in the background. 
“Hmm?” He asked, and you felt the reverberation from his chest through your body.
It was Saturday, and the two of you were intent on spending the day inside, away from the bitter cold of Forks winters. You had finished your homework last night, in anticipation of cuddling up with your boyfriend for hours on the couch. You were both laying on the couch, his arms wrapped around your waist pulling you close against his body.
“Did you ever think we would end up together?” You asked. 
It was not an investigative inquiry, but rather just a random question that popped into your mind. You twisted your head back, looking at him with a smile that fell when you saw his eyes clouded with a haunted look. 
“Babe?” You asked, tentatively. And he blinked quickly, snapping out of his trance. By this point, worry filled your heart, and it beat fervently against your chest. You felt your hands grow clammy with sweat, and you began to pull away from his warm embrace. 
“I, uh… If I’m going to be completely honest,” he started, and your breath hitched, a deep pit in your stomach forming. You mentally cursed yourself, cursing your curiosity and inability to simply leave things be. 
“I had the biggest crush on Isabella Swan when we were younger. I don’t know what it was, but something about her just drew me in,” he continued. 
You and Bella Swan used to be close friends, being the same age and all. But after she stopped visiting Forks for summer and winter break, the two of you began to drift apart, no longer writing each other letters filled with life updates. In your later teens, as life began to pick up, you had almost forgotten about her completely— the thought of her, merely a childhood memory.
Your heart clenched, and you stirred up the courage to ask the first question on your mind— the most important question. 
“If she didn’t move away, would you still be with me?” You weren’t sure if you wanted to know the answer, but you needed to. 
“I don’t know,” he admitted, scratching the back of his neck in nervousness. 
Your stomach dropped, and you pulled away further, no longer wanting to be near him. 
“Oh,” you said. And that was all you could say.
“No, baby, it’s not like that though. I love you, you know I love you. Who cares about the ‘what ifs’? Who cares about the hypotheticals? We’re together now, and that is all that matters to me. You matter.” 
You could tell he was trying his hardest to reassure you, to backtrack and make up for his mistake, and you knew that it was partially your fault for backing him into a corner, but the damage was done. 
What was said could not be unsaid, and that is the nature of living. 
That night was a low point in your relationship— in your life. It was the turning point of the pure, uncomplicated love that you had for Jacob. It created friction between you two, even though you desperately tried for it not to. You both did. At one point, it was too much to bear, and you let go. You walked away from him. 
You were unsure as to how long you were sitting there, but you heard soft footfalls in the sand, alerting your senses to a presence behind you. It didn’t take a genius to figure out who it was. 
“I should’ve known better than to come here,” you said, tears filling your eyes, still focused on the shore. 
You didn’t want to look at him. 
It was hard to speak, the huge lump in your throat creating a crack in your voice along with the stinging of tears. At that moment, you embraced the cliche. Childhood loves never fully died, and now, you could attest to that based on first-hand experience. 
“Y/N,” Jacob started, with a sad smile. “You’re always welcome here, you know that. Even though we may not be together anymore, the Rez is your home too.” 
You shook your head in defiance, and finally you found yourself staring into his dark eyes, ones that were once filled with love and happiness for you. 
“No, I can’t keep coming here. I think we should stay away from each other, Jacob.” 
His eyes softened with sadness, and you swore you saw heartbreak in his eyes. But maybe you were just projecting. 
“You don’t want to see me anymore?”
“I…” you sighed. “It’s not that I don’t want to see you. It’s that I can’t. I can’t move on from you if I don’t step away now.” 
His eyes crinkled in confusion and his head tilted, reminding you of a kicked dog that simply did not understand the complexities of life. 
“What changed? We still would see each other after we broke up. It was hard at times, sure, but I think that’s natural.” 
Your heart was heavy, and the tears spilled over as you came to terms with bearing your heart to him one last time. One more time and then never again. 
“I can’t stand looking at the two of you together, knowing that used to be us. I miss us. I miss the way we were together. And I know that you don’t feel the same, and that’s okay. I want you to know that I’m okay with that. I understand. I just don’t think this is healthy for me… for either of us,” you stated with finality, truth ringing in your voice. 
“You don’t think I miss you? Miss us?” He whispered, and you shook your head. 
“I know you don’t, Jacob. I see the way you look at her, and you never looked at me that way,” your breath shook as you attempted to take a calm inhale. “And like I said, that’s okay. I’m okay. I just can’t keep hurting myself by staying.” 
Jacob was quiet, and you waited with baited breath to hear his response. He looked away, his eyes towards the shore where the waves crashed upon the black sand. Sand that you would often roll around in together on the rare sunny days, laughing and splashing your time away. 
“You’re wrong,” he stated, still staring at the murky water. 
“I did… look at you like that. I still look at you like that. You just didn’t see it. You never do. You never look at me anymore, and it kills me to know that it’s my fault. I lost you. I should’ve held onto you when I had the chance— I should’ve fought harder for you. I lay in bed, thinking about you. About all the time we spent together, and how I would trade anything in the world to get those moments back. To get you back. And I am so sorry, Y/N, for not telling you. For not reassuring you that it’s you I want. Not her. Not anymore. Not for a long time.”
It was your turn to remain quiet, unsure of what to say, of what could be said. 
You found yourself in tears, silently sobbing on the rock that numbed your body, or so you had tried to convince yourself. That it was the rock that did it. And not the boy next to you. 
He pulled you in a comforting embrace, not unlike the ones he would pull you into when you were together. He rested his chin on top of your head, cradling you close to his chest. 
“I love you,” he whispered, barely heard over the crashing of the waves.
“I love you, too,” you whispered back, muffled by the fabric of his cotton black t-shirt.
You were unsure as to what this meant for the future, for the next steps of your relationship. But you knew that the pieces of your heart were beginning to be stitched back together, slowly, but surely. 
And that was all the reassurance you needed in that moment. 
Taglist: @final-girl96 @garfieldsladybird @britty443 @cevans-winchester @oh-kurva
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mylove-iv · 23 days
❝could have had it all.❞
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ʚ aged up! twilight x fem! reader ɞ
synopsis: the ghost of his past always seems to loom over the hero of twilight's heart and he is forced to look it in its eye yet again. as retribution, he is offered another chance to prevent the untimely death of the ghost in his past that continues to haunt him: the ghost of you.
genres: angst, romance. | mentions an established relationship.
reader specifications: none, no pronouns are used but was written with a female reader in mind.
content warnings: spoilers for twilight princess! mentions of injuries (twilight being hit on head like the in-game event and bomb arrow explosions), time and dimension travel, and implied death.
word count: 1.6k words.
―originally posted on @mydarling-iv, jun. 26. 2023
ʚ masterlist ɞ
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The barren and war-torn earth was a strong indication of whose Hyrule they were all thrown in. The Captain needn’t say a word to the rest of them before he’s ushering them away from the castle, which promptly raised a few eyebrows.
“The castle’s that way, Captain.” Legend teasingly murmurs, a smirk tugging his lips as he recalls of the freakishly obsessive women the said reincarnation encountered.
But before Warriors could retort, a gasp leaves some of the member’s lips as they’re suddenly thrown into another portal.
It’s odd this time. Instead of feeling ominous and dark, the gateway within the portal felt wide and open, the space within it constricting while stretching simultaneously.
They catch whispers of places far beyond, unfamiliar and familiar sights flash past members of the chain before it’s only a wisp of color and their feet suddenly touch on solid land.
Confused glances are exchanged as a feeling of deep, foreboding anxiety settles in the pit of Twilight’s gut, almost urging him to throw up his stomach’s contents as he takes in the familiar flora and fauna around the group.
He doesn’t register what the Captain had been saying before Wild elbows his arm softly, snapping him out of his trance before whispering, “You’ve been distracted.”
Twilight blinks at him before nodding, “Have I?” He mutters, tone sounding apologetic causing his successor to give him a small, lopsided grin before motioning his head to the Captain.
“The sands of time within my Hyrule billowed differently before..” He continues but it all clicks for them.
They weren’t only thrown into a different Hyrule, they also traveled back in time.
Those who dealt with the complexities of time inwardly grimaced. Yet Twilight is eerily quiet, the Captain’s words confirming his thoughts while also worsening his dread.
The ranchhand goes silent, an air of unease leaking into the space around him. His eyes reflect a skittish gleam as if anything could set him off anytime soon.
The time and memory of the forest made him anxious, almost mirroring the memory that haunts his dreams—the very last memory he holds of you.
Judging from where they stand, Twilight knows he’s near the scene of the incident—your death—and the realization makes him wince uncomfortably.
His skin tingles from the sun’s hot rays just like it had been years ago on this wretched day. Twilight bristles as his enhanced sense of hearing picks up on the familiar cries and roars of that cursed day.
A painful ache spreads throughout Twilight’s body as his mind wanders to you, and Goddesses, the painful memory intensifies the ache he feels. Sky takes notice of his odd, seemingly pained demeanor and moves his hand to place it on Twilight’s shoulder but it’s only met with air.
He bolts, weaving through the group from his spot at the very back before his silhouette starts to become a wisp of dark fur amongst the shrubbery.
“Twilight!” Sky shouts, starting to give chase after the said man. A split second hasn’t even passed before Twilight’s fellow brothers-in-arms follow his lead, confusion starting to fill their veins as their guards are raised and strengthened.
┊ ੈ✩‧₊*°࿐ྂ。
It’s odd, the forest is quiet. Birds no longer sang nor trees danced with the wind’s embrace and the wild, erratic beat of his heart is the only sound that fills Twilight’s ears.
His mind drifts to you and an all too familiar ache starts to grow in his chest, one that he’s tried to ignore but is always incessantly lingering.
His childhood best friend, who smiled at everything he’d say regardless of how dumb it was, the very best friend whom he had developed a strong love for and gradually transformed into his childhood lover accompanying him from their halcyon days of their youth to their late teens.
Twilight’s body aches as he reaches the clearing before the bridge and he’s taken to the day you were taken from him.
Hours before he was transformed into a beast of twilight, his village had been attacked by armed bulbins who wracked up a storm of chaos before closing in on the spirit residing in Ordon Spring, effectively throwing the area at the mercy of the twilight that befell upon it.
It was only when you both came back from the woods, hand in hand with Twilight as love-struck grins dotted your faces, that you crossed paths with the bulbins riding atop a giant wild boar, one having an explosive arrow readily nocked.
Twilight had pushed you behind him but the beasts were faster as they took advantage of Epona bolting due to the sudden panic. Being separated by mere meters, he had felt a painful pressure against the back of his head as the world around Twilight became a muddled canvas of colors bleeding into each other.
But before the world had gone dark, an explosion of yellow and red rips out before his eyes. He electric blue orbs catch onto your figure flying backwards, being blown over and into the ravine by the explosion, a scream ripping itself from your throat as you fell.
He now experiences the whole ordeal over again, only now conscious and fully prepared. But time was unkind and mercilessly slipped through his fingers quickly like fine sand. 
He was late by a few minutes and as punishment, Twilight is forced to relive the very moment that kills him inside.
Twilight sees the same bulblin swing its club at his younger self but ignores it as his body carries him farther. He hears the Captain’s shouts of him to come back and regroup as his brothers quickly tear down the foes, but it’s all muffled and drowned out to the Hero of Twilight as his eyes latch onto you.
Confusion filled murmurs reach his sharp ears but he pains no mind, choosing to keep his pale blue eyes steadily fixated on you.
You’re the only thing Twilight could focus on.
But it’s too late.
The very same flurry of red and yellow flashes before his eyes and your pained scream deafens his ears, the heat from the explosion hot against his skin yet why does he burn when your eyes meet his so briefly?
You’re free falling to your death, the very same death he’s lived through and haunts him when the moon rises.
He had lost you before and he might lose you once more.
Hands shifting with the grapple connected to his arm guard, Twilight picks up the pace before he throws himself over the cliff.
The roar of the wind running past his ears deafens Time’s shout and the screams of worry from his fellow warriors of courage, but none of that mattered to him.
Twilight’s focus was solely on you.
And as the wind runs past him, he’s ripped from reality as his thoughts envelope him in a bitter embrace.
He wanted it all—everything related to you; a future together, a simple and safe life together.
Was it such a greedy wish of his?
Mercifully, time seems to slow and his heart breaks at the tears flying from your eyes as your limbs flail wildly against the wind rushing past you.
A flurry of thoughts rushes through his head once more yet one stands out from the rest: what were you thinking of as you fell? 
Did you ever hope he’d come save you? Were you disappointed when you realized he wasn’t coming? Did you ever wish you had never met him? 
The last thought is haunting, pain and anxiety prickling at him as he realized that it was he who insisted for you to come with him on that fateful day.
Twilight’s mind blanks as his fingers brush against yours and the contact alone sends bolts of electricity running atop his skin and all over his body.
It’s a familiar feeling Twilight had been yearning to feel again.
Your eyes snap open, riddled with unshed tears as they blearily focus on his blue seafoam colored eyes.
The eye contact ignites a fire in his heart and Twilight allows himself to finally admit that he misses staring into your eyes which twinkled with delight and love whenever they would meet his.
It’s a familiar occurrence that Twilight repeatedly wished for to happen again.
Twilight’s left arm wraps itself around your waist, pulling your body flush against his causing his heart to bloom at the contact and it sets off a chain reaction.
He catches a faint whiff of your scent and it throws him into the heartwarming memories of your halcyon days filled with obvious pining and poorly hidden love-struck gazes.
It’s a familiar scent that sends him reeling into memories of him placing soft kisses atop your head, interlacing your hands that always seemed to send sparks flying down his spine, and embracing you whenever he’d catch you after a game of tag with the younger village children.
Those memories—the scars of your love—left him breathless as he so badly wished for things to have happened differently.
Twilight had lost you before.
He’ll be damned if he did again. 
Liftings his right arm, Twilight fires the hook before he tightens his grip around your waist.
A grunt tumbles from his lips as the grapple harshly tugs you both, finally latching onto something solid and only does he lower his guard slightly.
His heart stutters before a phantom pain fills his chest as you tightly wrap your arms around his neck, face buried securely in the juncture of his neck.
The smallest of touches causes tremors of lightning to dance on Twilight’s skin and when your eyes meet his, the eye contact alone lights his heart ablaze. 
Despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins and the shocking effect you've always held over him, the ever so comforting smell of you leaves him relaxed.
Experiencing the things Twilight has repeatedly yearned for felt like a dream and now that you’re in his embrace, alive, deepens the scars of your love forever etched into his heart and the very being of his soul.
Twilight couldn’t help but feel that he could have had it all.
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© 2024 𝐌𝐘𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄-𝐈𝐕. do not copy, repost, share, or translate any of my works to tumblr, social media, and any other websites/platforms.
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magmagicstyle · 11 months
⚠️WARNING⚠️: I mean… not really, maybe some violence because vampires need to eat and that… I guess sadness and long-ass descriptions also count… maybe
A/N: Hi there, it's been a while, haha.... So... Please remember that English isn't my first language, that I haven't been active for months and that I'm a tired college graduate. Thank you. ♥️ Hope you enjoy this crazy thing. That you forgive my spelling and grammatical mistakes, and that you can leave a heart or comment on your way out.
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4
It all just sounds like ooh, ooh, ooh, hoo
Mm, too young, too dumb to realize
That I should have bought you flowers
And held your hand
Should have gave you all my hours
When I had the chance
Take you to every party 'cause all you wanted to do was dance
If you had to explain the meeting with the kings in just a couple of words, those would be: unexpected and confusing. Of course, this would be simplifying the meeting in a way that is almost insulting, but what could you do about it? It wasn’t like you could put all your feelings in words and expect everybody to understand what you were trying to express. Still, unexpected and confusing could be the best choice of words, even if they were quite poor.
First of all, the kings were quite charming. 
That wasn't surprising, after all, they needed to have a certain charm in themselves to be able to rule over all the vampires in the world. Since, it didn't matter how strong they were, if all the vampires decided that the Volturi didn’t deserve their power, they would be able to dethrone them. So, they were charming in a way that made you want to follow them. 
Their words seemed to be carefully united in sentences meant for you to want to be with them while fearing the idea of disappointing them. Even Caius, the most ruthless and rude of the three had a certain charm to him that you couldn’t help but want to see more. Marcus was sad, that was quite obvious, apathy was a horrible and depressing sickness of which the king seemed to be a victim. Still, he was like a calm force that made you feel like you were alone in the middle of a forest far away from all human life, without the weight of the expectations that are tied to your mere existence. 
King Aro was another thing completely. 
First of all, he was gorgeous. His black hair was bright and framed a perfect angular and gorgeous face, his height and body were so symmetrical that they made you want to cry. His eyes shone with the playfulness and mischief of a man that has a kid’s soul… All of those traits should make you fall for him, should make you want to bend over your back to please him and to make his wishes come true but… Those beautifully perfect traits only made you want to hide and avoid being in his sight. 
He was so breathtaking that you knew that he could use and would use this as a weapon to get what he wanted no matter what. He was dangerous in a way that was pulling. It was like seeing a lion or a tiger, grand beasts, alluring and charming in a way that made you want to walk towards them and caress their magnificent coat, but dangerous in a way that you knew that as soon as you were close enough to them, you would be killed in a horrendous way. 
Of course, Aro knew your thoughts and at some point even your feelings, but luckily for you, he was mostly flattered by them. After all, he knew that you respected them and their way of ruling. Also, the fact that you were Carlisle’s mate was a plus for them, Carlisle was your friend and if you were his mate -even when being too good for him- then they would treat you with the same care as they treated their old friend. 
The weight of the moment was not lost on you as you stood before the Volturi, their powerful presence enveloping the grand throne room. Aro's warm and soothing tone resonated in your ears as he acknowledged your loyalty and the significance of your connection with Carlisle.
The mention of being Carlisle's mate had its own impact. It was both a validation and a reminder of the complexities of relationships, even among immortals. The Volturi, with their keen insight into the minds and hearts of others, understood the depth of your feelings and the conflict you had experienced. But rather than judgment, they responded with an unexpected and welcoming acceptance.
"Oh, you lost lamb," Aro's voice resonated through the grand throne room, laced with a mixture of sympathy and disappointment. His words carried a weighty truth, causing you to pause and reflect on the nature of your relationship with Carlisle. "A mate is a gift for our lonely existences. It's quite disappointing to see our dear friend acting like a foolish human, moved by sentiment and doubts when the world gifted you to him to accompany his days and nights."
As Aro spoke, his warm tone enveloped you, offering a semblance of comfort. His hand gently caressed your cold skin, the touch reminiscent of a father soothing a distraught child. For a brief moment, you closed your eyes, feeling the venom gathering within your eyes, a testament to the intense emotions stirring within. However, despite the overwhelming surge of emotions, you refused to succumb to tears. You had grown weary of being relegated to second place, undeserving of the love and recognition you craved.
In that moment, you resolved to forge your own path, to find happiness on your own terms. The words spoken by Aro reverberated in your mind, causing a newfound strength to surge within. You knew you deserved more than being treated as a secondary choice. The realization dawned upon you, illuminating a path toward self-discovery and embracing the love that awaited you.
With a renewed determination, you opened your eyes, meeting Aro's gaze squarely. The red hue of his irises pierced through your soul, acknowledging the fire that burned within you. You had come to Volterra seeking solace and answers, and now you found yourself entangled in the intricate web of vampire politics and profound connections.
In this grand throne room, where the fate of many was determined, you were offered a glimpse of a different future—one that held promises of love, power, and belonging. Aro's words, though steeped in disappointment, held a glimmer of opportunity. They resonated deep within you, stirring an unwavering resolve to embrace the life you truly deserved.
“Aro…” Marcus said in a whisper, breaking your train of thoughts and bringing you back to the current moment. Still, his voice was quite strong and deep in the middle of the silent throne room. Aro pulled away from you and in a blink of an eye, he was by his brother’s side. His hands were touching Marcus’ offered limb with the eagerness of a child that was in on a secret that nobody else could know. As soon as he finish watching what the other king was trying to show, he let out an elated giggle, looking at you and at Nikolas with bright and playful eyes. The red in Marcus’ and Aro’s orbs went directly through your soul.
“My kings?” Nikolas asked, looking at the three vampires sitting on their thrones. Caius, unlike other times, looked quite interested in your presence. It was clear that he was curious, but… why? 
“My dear brother has seen something quite interesting between you two…” Aro said while walking back towards where you were standing. “It’s almost impossible to find your mate, but to find your true mate, the one that is made for you no matter what, after being rejected by one of the possible mates in this world? That is priceless, never been heard of and now… now we are able to see it happening right in front of our eyes… That’s truly marvellous…” The long-haired king let out with an elated and mischievous tone of voice.
You looked directly and Nikolas, unable to explain how you felt over this development but also knowing that in the middle of the storm of emotions, part of it was pure happiness. After all, you weren’t alone. You wouldn’t be a second choice, not for this gorgeous creature in front of you. Nikolas put his hands over your cheeks and showed a charming and caring smile that only confirmed your thoughts. You really were the only one for him. 
“Child… What’s your gift?” Caius asked in a cold and a bit rude tone of voice, looking at the interaction without any care for the lovely dovely feeling that surrounded you and your just-found mate. 
“Oh, brother… must you interrupt this moment? Dear (y/n) over here, is a mirror, a magnificent mirror capable of coping, whipping back, or stopping another vampire’s gifts… Surely, he can become a fabulous addition to our guard… a powerful vampire willing to do anything to maintain the peace we are so used to and willing to eliminate or neutralize any threat against his beloved…” Aro said with a smirk while looking at you. 
You wouldn’t doubt it, not for a second. Your eyes shone with the possibility of staying in Volterra, with the idea of being part of one of the most powerful clans in the world, with the idea of helping and being appreciated while also being able to stay with your mate, to get to know the gorgeous creature that life sent for you. 
“Of course, my kings… I would be honoured to serve and protect…” You said while vowing in front of them, before lifting your head and looking at the three governors. While doing so, your eyes managed to catch three powerful and charismatic smiles. 
Now my baby's dancing
But she's dancing with another man
After your initial introduction to the Volturi kings and your acceptance of the prestigious position within their guard, it didn't take long for you to integrate yourself into the group of vampires that lived in the fortress. The grand halls of Volterra became your new home, and the enigmatic Volturi guard became your family.
The first encounters were with Demetri and Felix, the two, even if they acted like dorks most of the time, were actually quite formidable vampires who possessed both strength and skill that matched their intimidating presence. Of course, you knew that their appareance was just a mask, since as you spent more time with them, their rough exteriors and stoic expressions gave way to camaraderie, mutual respect and playful and caring bond that made you think of two older brothers that would prank you and protect you when necessary. You found common ground in your shared duties and the pursuit of safeguarding the Volturi's reign. Demetri's astute tracking abilities and Felix's unwavering loyalty became traits you admired and found solace in, knowing they would have your back no matter what.
Alec, a cold, stoic but loyal member of the guard, caught your attention with his unwavering devotion to the Volturi kings. There was an air of innocence about him, reminiscent of a young child in awe of their parents. His admiration for Aro and the others was palpable, and it painted a picture of pure loyalty and dedication to his duty and his masters. The more time you spend with him, the more you noticed how underneath his seemingly stoic exterior, there was a young vampire who yearned for guidance and approval, and you found yourself drawn to his endearing nature, wanting to comfort him.
Jane, the other youngest member of the guard -with her brother-, presented a unique challenge. Her rough edges and seemingly unyielding demeanour were a result of a past that had not offered her the kindness she deserved. As you observed her, same as with her brother, you sensed a need for guidance and compassion, the need for someone who could teach her the beauty of empathy and gentleness. With patience and understanding, you slowly broke through her defences, earning her trust and acceptance. It was a testament to your character and the genuine connections you forged within the guard.
The rest of the Volturi guard, comprising various vampires with their own unique gifts and histories, embraced your presence without hesitation. Their acceptance was solidified by the kings themselves, who had extended their open arms and entrusted you with the responsibility of protecting their dynasty. Your own gift, like Aro had explained in your first meeting, was quite unique and interesting, and it also made you an invaluable asset to the guard's arsenal.
But perhaps what solidified your place among the Volturi guard was the bond that had formed between you and Nikolas. The strength of your connection as mates was evident to all, and something that had not gone unnoticed by the guard. Nikolas, the captivating and powerful vampire with a charming smile and a fierce devotion to those he cared about, had taken a liking to you. His fondness for you only further cemented your acceptance within the guard, as nobody would dare provoke his wrath. After all, Nikolas was one of the strongest vampires in the whole guard, being considered an unbreakble shield for so long.
With each passing day, your role within the Volturi guard became more entrenched. You found solace in the shared purpose and the unspoken bond that tied you to these vampires. The tasks, training and work that they gave you helped you forget about your past life. Nikolas also helped. Your gorgeous mate, with his pale skin, strong physique, and dark hair that framed his unnaturally perfect face, possessed an irresistible charm that left a lasting impression. His captivating smile and alluring italian accent only added to his appeal, making him a figure of intrigue and magnetism within the Volturi guard. Sure, all the vampires were perfect, but meanwhile some didn’t look like they were meant to be considered in the group of unnatural beauty and magnetism, Nikolas was different. He had such an appearance that it made you think that even as a human, he would be considered superior among his peers. 
When you and Nikolas first crossed paths, the connection was immediate and undeniable. Of course that as mates, you wanted to be together. But while your instincts screamed for you to claim the other vampire as yours, your heart and mind was still healing from the pain that your relationship with Carlisle had left you. Nikolas was really kind and understood perfectly your doubts and fears. He, recognizing that you were still healing from your previous relationship with Carlisle, decided to proporse that you began your relationship as friends, taking the time to explore and nurture the blossoming bond between you.
During this time, the gardens of Volterra became your sanctuary, a tranquil haven where you two had found solace in each other's company. Nikolas and you would often spend hours in the middle of the vibrant flora, basking in the warm sunlight that filtered through the leaves that hid your shinning bodies. You would read together or to one another, your voices intertwining with the rustling of pages, as you delved into literature that sparked your curiosity and ignited your imaginations.
Long conversations became the foundation of your friendship. Those were the moments that helped you understand that Nikolas wasn’t only following his instincts. No, unlike Carlisle, he truly seemed to want to be around you. This allowed you to share your hopes, dreams, and even your fears with Nikolas. In return, he did the same, confessing his different thoughts and feelings in those afternoons hidden between the flowers of the garden. As the both of you opened up to one another, your connection deepened, each revelation strengthening the trust that you had cultivated with each other. You would speak of your gift, talking about the advantages and problems that it created for you, while Nikolas would tell you the tales of his immense strength and extraordinary tracking ability. 
Thanks to this interactions and moments together your friendship began to evolve, as stolen glances turned into lingering touches, and laughter filled the air whenever you were together. The chemistry between you was palpable, an undercurrent of desire simmering beneath the growing affection that bathed your exchanges. Yet, considering the time together and the need for reassurance, you two cherished the foundation you had built, unwilling to rush into something more before both of you were ready for a romantic connection.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as your friendship continued to flourish, to grow and get stronger. During this times, you found solace in each other's presence, a sense of belonging that you both had searched for so many years. Through shared adventures and quiet moments of vulnerability, you discovered a love that was both gentle and fierce, nurturing the deepest corners of your souls. It was like that, between conversations and soft touches that you confessed and accepted Nikolas’ proposal to continue your time together as lovers. 
Although it hurts
I'll be the first to say that I was wrong
Oh, I know I'm probably much too late
To try and apologize for my mistakes
But I just want you to know
As the moon cast its gentle glow upon the room, you found yourself lying in bed with Nikolas, this was the first time sharing a bed with your mate. The first time you decided to open yourself to him and to let the other vampire touch you in ways that only Carlisle had done before. Still, you weren’t scared and you didn’t have any doubts, your bodies close and your hearts filled with the fluttering excitement of newfound love. The coolness of your skin against each other only heightened the sensations, soft touches with such strong bodies, as you explored the depths of intimacy and romance.
Nikolas's eyes, filled with adoration and tenderness, met yours, and a soft smile played upon his lips. It was a look that spoke volumes, conveying the depth of his feelings without uttering a single word or even making a noise. You didn’t need it, the way he was looking at you, the way his fingers and lips touched your skin, his actions spoke more than any word in the world could say. At that moment, you knew that you were both embarking on a journey of love and connection, unlike anything you had experienced before… and even if you didn’t have any doubts, to begin with, this sensation only reassured you even more that you were making the right decision by letting him embrace you in his bed.
Drawing you into his embrace, Nikolas's touch was gentle and almost reverent, his fingers tracing delicate patterns along your cheek, going down your neck and chest. Every caress, every brush of his lips against your skin, ignited a warmth within you that surpassed the absence of mortal warmth. You knew that if you were humans, your skin would feel as hot as an open fire. His love and his actions were something that transcended physicality. This was a bond worthy of being considered a soulmate, a bond that didn’t stay in the instinct part of things, that didn’t support itself in empty words and promises. No, this was a type of love that was delving into the realms of the soul.
Leaning in, his lips met yours in a tender kiss, filled with a sweet longing and a desire to convey all the emotions that words couldn't express. It was a moment of vulnerability and trust, where the barriers between you crumbled, and you were left basking in the pure connection that blossomed between your hearts. As your bodies moved in sync, exploring the contours of each other with a tenderness that defied the coolness of your vampire nature, a symphony of whispered endearments and soft sighs filled the air. Every touch, every caress, was an affirmation of the love that was blooming between you, like a delicate flower unfurling its petals. 
Wrapped in each other's arms, time seemed to stand still, it was as if someone had frozen you in a picture, away from the rest of the world, allowing you to savour the sweetness of this deep and caring love. There were no worries or doubts, only the purity of the present moment, where you both discovered the beauty of intimacy and affection that surpassed mortal understanding. You couldn’t think of anything else, only his touches on your skin, his words being whispered in your ears, and his body so close to yours. 
You could feel his arms around your waist, the way his fingers caressed the exposed skin and the way he breathed your scent. You knew this was on purpose, you knew he didn’t need to breathe at all, he only wanted to feel your scent close to him. He wanted to know that you trusted so much that you were willing to bare your neck and your body to him. That was the thing that made it so special. 
With every breath, you could sense the mingling of your scents—his uniquely masculine aroma blending with the delicate hints of your own fragrance. It was a primal and intoxicating combination, a fusion of identities that marked the merging of two souls deeply entwined in love and desire. The subtle nuances of his scent enveloped you, filling your senses and creating an indelible imprint of his presence within you.
He was also smelling you, taking your scent in and staying close to your skin as if he was trying to imprint it in his memory. Carlisle never did that for too long. His moments with you were brief and just to fill his necessity of being close to his mate, unlike the moments spent with Nikolas. Your gorgeous mate made sure to show you how much he wanted to be with you, how much he trusted you and needed you in his life. 
Of course, the fact that you two felt so strongly for each other, and the fact that you were mates didn’t make any sense. After all, how could you have Nikolas as your mate while also having Carlisle as another mate? That didn’t make sense, even the kings were confused by this… but you didn’t care, nobody cared about it. It was almost like a miracle in your awfully lonely lives. So you decided to not pay attention to it. 
Even if you knew that since you had a second mate, this meant that Nikolas probably also had a second mate… so this could be a risk, this could mean that the other vampire would eventually find his second mate and would have to make the choice to stay or leave you. Still, the idea of being loved -even with the uncertainty of the future- was so amazing that you wanted to ignore the real world at least for a little bit. You wanted to ignore the fact that Carlisle was out there, with his wife and children, not caring for one bit that you ran away, you wanted to ignore the possibility of Nikolas’ other mate running around wanting to find him, you wanted to ignore all the duty and responsibilities that the two of you had with your guard and your kings. You just wanted to stay in this blessed moment of warmth and silence while being in the arms of this creature that loved you with all his being. 
The weight of your vampire nature, with its coolness and lack of heartbeat, seemed inconsequential in this moment of shared vulnerability and intimacy. In Nikolas's arms, you found a haven where the frigid reality of your existence melted away, replaced by the warmth of his touch and the intensity of your emotional connection. It was a testament to the power of love, transcending the limitations of your immortal forms and allowing you to experience a depth of intimacy that surpassed anything you had known before. 
In this space, where only you and he were in each other embrace, time seemed to stand still. The concerns and obligations that burdened your minds were eclipsed by the all-consuming passion and affection that flowed between you. Each stolen kiss, every whispered word, was an affirmation of the profound connection you shared—an unspoken promise to explore the depths of love and desire that awaited you. As your bodies melded together, the limits between you blurred until they disappeared completely, and you became lost in the intoxicating dance of passion, letting yourself go and relish in your time together as mates. The flow of your movements mirrored the cadence of your souls, entwined in a rhythm that defied mortal comprehension. It was a symphony of sensations, impossible to be explained by simple words, an intimate conversation between two hearts discovering the boundless depths of what could be considered true love for the first time in their inmortal lives.
I hope he buys you flowers
I hope he holds your hand
Give you all his hours
When he has the chance
Take you to every party
'Cause I remember how much you loved to dance
Do all the things I should have done
When I was your man
Do all the things I should have done
When I was your man
In the forest near the Cullen house, the air was thick with tension as you, now standing as one of the vampires representing the Volturi, came face to face with Carlisle. Years had passed since you last had any contact with him, and many other things, you were able to love someone else, have new friends, you learned and gained years of experience that made you wiser than before. Gone was the little vampire that only believed in instinct and that believed that everything could be perfect with someone by your side. You were stronger, smarter and even if you were in love with your gorgeous Nikolas, you weren’t naive enough to think that nobody would try to break you apart. You trusted your partner, but you weren’t going to let someone try to come between you. Still, seeing him in front of you, looking exactly like the last time you saw each other, made the wounds from the past open a bit. 
As you and Carlisle locked eyes, a mixture of emotions swirled within you. Anger, hurt, and a lingering sense of betrayal coursed through your veins. You were over him, you didn’t want him back and you wouldn’t leave Nikolas for that poor excuse of a vampire that couldn’t follow the most basic of all rules. Still, the memories of how Carlisle had treated you, the way he had disregarded your feelings and mistreated you, still haunted your thoughts from time to time, and seeing him again, only opened a wound. 
For a moment you cursed the time you accepted to follow Orion’s orders and come to Forks. The moment you decided to act like his representative and come to deal with the newborn problem. Still, how could you deny him? Your heart ached with the similarities between your stories and with the fact that your pasts had the same villains in them. 
You could still remember the way that in the grand halls of the Volturi fortress, amidst the opulent architecture, the whispers of immortal beings could be heard. All of the members of the guard that were able to be present talked about the fated reunion between the kings and their mates. You could say that, as the enigmatic and captivating mate of the Volturi kings, Orion's arrival in the castle marked a moment of significance and anticipation. 
You weren’t surprised by the guards' reaction. After all, as soon as you saw Orion, you understood why the kings were so fond of the vampire that ran away from the Cullen clan. Orion, with his ethereal beauty and regal presence, commanded attention and respect from all who laid eyes upon him. It almost felt like beauty was his gift, but no. His gift was a more dangerous one, a power that you couldn’t begin to understand. His arrival in the Volturi stronghold was met with a mixture of curiosity and reverence. After all, his presence in the castle signified a union of power and love, an unbreakable bond that transcended the bounds of immortality. 
When the kings introduced you to Orion, you couldn’t help but smile, it was like a silent reassurance of a forming bond between you happening at the exact moment your eyes met. As Orion's gaze met yours for the first time, a connection sparked between you, forged by shared purpose and unspoken understanding and friendship. At that moment, you saw the weight of responsibility he carried, the sacrifices he had made for the sake of love and loyalty. There was a vulnerability in his eyes, a silent plea for acceptance and support, which you pledged to provide without hesitation. You looked at him and couldn’t help but be sympathetic to his life and history. It was at that moment that you decided to be not only his guard and protector but also be a friend, a confidant when he needed and maybe even some kind of brother. 
Aro introduced you to Orion and you could feel how the weight of his words hung in the air. You knew that you were important in Volterra, but to be considered as strong as necessary to be part of the personal guard of your king’s mate? That was reassuring. Your king has affirmed the significance of your role in the castle and you couldn’t help but answer with your actions, body moving on his own and making you vow your head with pride, your eyes never leaving Orion’s. It was a promise, a silent commitment to protect and help the future governor of your coven. 
As a member of the guard, you stood at the forefront, ready to protect and serve Orion with unwavering loyalty. Your role as his guardian was not merely a duty; it was a testament to the trust and affection that had been bestowed upon you. Your purpose was to ensure his safety and well-being, standing as a shield against any threat that dared to challenge the sanctity of his presence.
Carlisle took a hesitant step forward, pulling you away from your memories. He looked directly at you with a pained expression on his face and his voice filled with regret. "(y/n), I cannot express how deeply sorry I am for the way I made you feel… You must believe me… I realize now the mistakes I made, and I understand the pain I caused you… But you don’t know how long I searched for you… Please, come back… let me make it right. Stay with us, with my family. I want to make amends… I want to prove that I can be the mate you deserve… Esme and I aren’t together anymore, after you left… nothing was the same."
You listened, your guard still up, your heart burdened by the weight of past wounds. Carlisle's words stirred a mix of emotions within you, and for a moment, you contemplated the possibility of forgiveness… You would never go back to him, not in a million years. You had Nikolas and you would never leave the gorgeous mate that the world had gifted you, but still… You considered the idea of having a friendship with him, an understanding of sorts… Of course, these thoughts disappeared the moment you remember the feelings of abandonment and the sensations of being always considered second place in the blonde’s heart… it was then that the raw pain resurfaced, and you found the strength to voice your distress.
"Carlisle, it's too late," you replied, your voice tinged with sorrow and bitterness. "You had countless opportunities to treat me with respect and kindness, to be the partner I deserved… the mate you were supposed to be… But instead, you turned your back on me, treating me as though I was insignificant…”
Regret and anguish etched themselves onto Carlisle's face as he realized the gravity of his actions. He reached out, his hand trembling slightly as if hoping to bridge the emotional chasm that had formed between you. “(y/n)... please… I can be better, come back to me… you know I can be better…” He said, almost in a whisper with a shaky tone of voice. Still, in the silence of the forest, his voice sounded so loud.
You let out a sigh, looking at him with a tired and bitter expression on your face. “I always came last, I was always the one left alone… You only care right now because you don’t have me by your side but… You don’t want me back because of love, but because of a weird sense of duty…"
 "I understand that I failed you, and I can't change the past. But I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make amends, to prove to you that I've learned from my mistakes… Give me a chance…" Carlisle said, eyes shining and you knew… you were absolutely sure that if he could, he would cry. 
A bitter chuckle escaped your lips, laced with a mix of sadness and disbelief. "Carlisle, you don't understand… do you? You had your chance, in fact… you had multiple chances of proving to me that you wanted me in your life, that you wanted to try to have a real relationship with me and not the lie that we were living for so many months… and you threw it away. You decided to spit on the universe's face by treating your mate poorly, and now, I have found someone else… and he… He loves me like there's nothing else in the world, and I know that he would never betray me."
Carlisle's expression turned crestfallen as your words sank in. It was obvious that he didn’t expect you to love someone else, but… what did he think was going to happen? Even when heartbroken, you were gorgeous, an unreal beauty that even vampires could see as unique…  
The weight of your words hung heavy in the air, each syllable a testament to the pain you had endured. Carlisle's gaze met yours, filled with remorse and regret. "I can't change what I've done, but I want to make things right. Please, give me the chance to prove that I have changed, that I am capable of being the partner you deserve."
This insistence, his useless intents to make you go back to him were starting to be annoying for you, something quite obvious thanks to the mixture of irritation and resignation coloured your voice as you responded, "God, understand that it's too late. You had your chance, and you lost it, in fact, you threw it away like it was nothing… I have moved on, and I have found someone who values me and cherishes me without reservation. I deserve that love, and I won't settle for less."
A profound silence descended upon the forest, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. You took a step back, your voice softening with a hint of sadness. "I wish you well, Carlisle, but my place is no longer by your side. We weren’t the right ones for each other… I don’t know who is for you but… I was able to find my soulmate and I have chosen my own happiness… Move on, Carlisle, because I will never look back…"
With those words, you turned and began to walk away, each step a testament to your strength and self-preservation. Carlisle stood there, his heart heavy with the knowledge of his mistakes and the pain he had caused. As he watched you disappear into the distance, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of loss, knowing that he had let go of something precious. He had everything and because of his stupid old ways and his lack of consideration, he lost the most wonderful thing the world had given him in his miserable life.
PERMANENT TAG LIST: @rexburn12 @kettnerjanea @pandalover19
TAG LIST FOR THIS SERIES: (I can't believe I have one of these!) @idksleep-y @catspector @simpingfortoomanypeople @akiraackerman19 @y2k-whor3 @blackenedflowers @untitled74745 @cruxiohp @fanficaddictmwah @finchisloney @sen-nn-a @mrsxyz480 @deepblueseasworld @blackenedflowers @maiasvidan28 @linoriii @lucianideals @erensbbg @theanimalover22128 @its-ares @thewhitewolfmarvel @chrisevansxmalereader @sammy-stark @sad-eyes-6k4 @datenshousan @creezoldyck @1800cokewitch @l4l4j0p433 @carlislecullensgirl @qu3nt1nb00m @stevensimpp @chubbichubb @fariylixie0915 @rhyanna6012 @haocovr @spilltheyeasis @elena-anu @charliesystem
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mistytwooo · 6 months
If you’re going to leave the app/delete your account bc you’re not into the fandom anymore…JUST LEAVE PEACEFULLY AND RESPECTFULLY. Why deactivate making your account and good ass stories disappear for life?
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mist-see · 11 months
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⚠️ Cursing, detailed descriptions of Bella's body, dead beat mother mentioned ⚠️
Where does he go?
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Today in a long time was beautiful. Forks was showing its true beauty as the sun shined through the trees and glistened against the water. For the first time in a while, it wasn’t humid or cold, but breezy and warm, maybe if you were lucky you’d have time to go to the beach and get a tan today. I don’t know, maybe even find a lover…wait.
You cringe at the thought, your hand coming to a pause from the math problem. Ugh. The thought makes your stomach acid bubble up with disgust. Then your mind flashes to Embry and hid derpy smile, you stomach suddenly reacting with nervousness. The two of you were meant to hang out later, no members of the pack, no phones, just you and him with the warm water from the beach. If only life was that simple.
It’s been two weeks since Bella and Edward went away on their honeymoon and a week since you’ve had that conversation with Embry. A month since you’ve been in Forks. Summer break was over. During that time you realize you truly couldn’t bring yourself to leave Forks again, you wanted to, to leave to feel the Atlantic air once again, but that deep void of emptiness was terrifying.
To be alone in your dorm, fighting internally with your instincts, fighting yourself for the break up that had you feeling empty every time you were alone at night, sob-less tears trickling down your face as you dreamt. You didn’t need that, you needed your family, you even risked having to share a shower with them again if that meant having someone faithful in your presence.
That’s why you transferred to Peninsula College. Local, close to your new support system. Also, close to your ex-boyfriend's family while he frolics in the wind of whatever he’s at. Ugh.
Someone faithful, huh? That voice spoke in your head just in time as your brother comes out of his room with his motorcycle keys in hand. You watched him as he puts on his worn boots in a semi hurry, quiet, yet you could tell he was loud internally. Where does he go? Jacob didn’t go to school anymore, studying for his GED when he had the chance, and he only worked Fridays to Sundays. And his stone expression says he wasn’t visiting any friends.
Ain’t shit faithful about this damn family, they hid shit from you, betrayed you. I gotta let that go. You sighed, sitting up from your slouched position in hopes to focus on the task at hand. Instead, you hear the opening of the fridge and the fidgeting of the sandwich meat package. “So… where have you been going nowadays.” You asked for the first time since his whole leaving out early and coming back late act. Theirs no way he has a girlfriend.
You watch as he rolls his shoulders back while he makes a quick sandwich, releasing the tense feeling he constantly had. “Just hanging around, you know? So how’s you and Embry?” Changing the subject, and he did it so fast. You’ll let it slide, to focused on your own problems, you couldn’t really care what Jacob was doing in his free time. Except you do, just not today.
Me and Embry? You truly couldn't find the way you arms filled with goosebumps at the mention of his name. You don't even have a crush on him. But why did it feel so good hearing his name? “Well…we’re getting better, speaking more. We’re supposed to go out later once he’s off from work, we’ll see.” As you spoke, Jacob finally faces you with a half-eaten sandwich in his hand while the other one fidgets with his keys. Seems like he doesn’t even want to speak, just trying to get me off his back so he can go handle whatever.
Maybe I’m overthinking.
Jacob's eyes narrowed at this, not knowing how he felt about his best friend coming over, alone, just the two of you. But, he just releases a hot breath from his nose as he eats the rest of the sandwich, hand coming down and wiping it against his jeans. He knew there was nothing he could do, except be the annoying little brother he was meant to be.
You were reading into the silence too much, to your brother it was probably comfortable, but in all honesty, you still couldn’t fully feel comfortable with him. All of this lying and secrets, the only person to trusted was yourself.
But you needed to break the silence so he could go about his day. “You’re really ugly, I keep forgetting we found you under a bridge.” He scoffed, annoyed but smiling, happy you were still you, the annoying big sis he needed.
“Yeah, says the mistress baby, I’m out!” It was your turn to scoff, yours loud and sarcastic. “Huh! Jokes on you, I’m not even offended!” You childishly stuck your tongue out at him, which he mirrors as he walks to the door. Just like that, all of that insecurity you were feeling was gone, all that anger washing away as you play fight with your brother.
“Yeah whatever dog brains, bye!” Before you could clap back, the fragile door slams against its hinges, making you gasp. He ate you up. You cringe in disgust as you hear the bike engine roar to life and slowly fade away. You hated losing arguments with him, never again.
|Jakes Pov|
It felt great today. It was a shame that I’d be spending this day with the Cullens, the only people in Forks who couldn’t even enjoy the sun. Why am I socializing with my enemies? Well… its not that I have much of a choice. She was back.
Bella was back
In the worst possible condition, she could be in. But she wasn’t them, not yet. She was still her.
If I could- if I could just convince her to get rid of it- to save herself, then maybe… maybe she’ll have a chance to be… her.
Or maybe I’m just prolonging the inevitable.
She’s dying. She’s dying from his baby, and there is nothing I can do but sit there and watch the one I fell for wilt away.
Pulling in front of the large White House I couldn’t help but to cringe at the smell once again. A week here and I’m still not used to it, my body constantly reacting negatively.
“Jake!..” I smiled as her soft voice says my name. “Hey, Bells.” My voice was softer as well, so afraid if I raise it I could somehow break her. She was so fragile. Her hair was thinner, her skin, pale with blue undertones, no longer fair with red cheeks. Her eyes were sunken in as if she was getting drained slowly by slowly, but they still held that beautiful light in them, if anything the light was brighter than before. Her body was smaller, skinnier, and delicate as that demon feeds from her, and her lips… her lips were stained red. The only source of color she seemed to have.
“I missed you..” she reaches up for my hand, which I gently, and quickly grabbed to warm her up. “You missed me or you missed your natural heating source?” I grinned as she grinned. “Both,” she laughed, slowly moving over which I was quick to help her do. “Hey, I got it.” I leaned her against me, and I swore I heard edwards marble teeth grind against each other from the far corner.
Speaking of the devil. “Jacob..” I pulled her cold body closer, something in me telling me that he’d take her away. Even if he already has.
But to my surprise when I look over to the man that hurt my best friend, he was glaring at the woods, stone body fidgeting with his hands. “What,” I answered, trying my hardest to act like I didn’t care what he was thinking.
Then he turns towards me and Bella, thick brows turned inwards as if he was thinking long and hard.
Oh, this is serious.
“Can I talk to you for a minute?” His voice cracks. It was weird. He was so perfect, he walked perfectly, he talked perfectly, and he dressed perfectly. Yet here he was, slowly breaking down as his world-my world begins to rot and die.
Looking down at Bella, she gives me a small smile before shifting away. The Blondy takes my place, but instead wraps a thicker blanket against her frame. Edward barely spared me a look as we began walking a trail into the woods, by the river so the ones on the inside couldn’t listen in.
“You know… I’d always known you’d destroy her… just not in this way..” I couldn’t help but to bring myself to say it. I’ve been coming here for a week and every time I see her… and see what IT does to her I can’t but hate this freak even more.
Staring longingly at the trees Edward takes a shaky breath, an attempt to get fresh air before slowly turning towards me. “She… she thinks Carlisle can turn her at the last minute,” My back straightens at this.
At this point did I have a choice? It was too late, her body failing her every day, I knew this was coming but I wish I wasn’t going to be there to witness it.
“Like he did for me and Esme.” He finishes.
This time it was me who took in a deep breath, nerves running through me. This could work, it had to. “Well… can he??” I questioned, quickly wanting an answer and not some wordplay.
“It’s… slight.” Bringing my hands up to my face I release an aggressive sigh. I guess I should’ve known that. I mean, look at her.
“Edward… she has to live.”
“And if her heart stops…” he pauses, amber eyes falling into the leaves and dirt as if he’d given up. This isn’t the time to give up. “Go on with it.” My hands drop to my sides, fists clinching, not wanting him to say it, but I wanted him to. Just so he could feel that this was real, that this pain hurts.
“Jacob… do something for me…” I scoffed. How dare he.
“If not for me then for her!” He asserted.
Now I’m listening. Looking back at him I sigh, tilting my head so he’d know to continue.
“You have this… connection to her that I’ll never understand. Maybe you could talk to her, to try… to try to save her,” his lip quivers as if he’s about to cry.
“You could keep her alive.”
Tuh… there was no changing Bella Swan's mind. In the back of my mind… I knew. I knew how this was going to end. But I needed to try.
“And if I can’t?”
“If she dies…” there it was. Edward Masen. His eyes went blank, no light in those stone-cold pupils as he spoke about the maybe death of the love of my life. I almost felt pity for him. But unfortunately, I had months of preparation for this day.
“If she dies,” he repeated as if it was hard to get out. “You get what you always wanted, to kill me.” He shrugs. He shrugs as if it was the simplest thing ever.
“I can’t live without her.”
Walking back into the living room, the first thing I see is a smaller Bella wrapped around a heavy comforter and fuzzy grey socks.
She dismissed blondy-or Rose before I took my seat on the couch in front of her.
“You two besties now?” I try to lift the sour mood from earlier, which she appreciates with a smile. “Rose knows what I want. I guess we have some things in common.” She sighs as if this was the beginning of something great.
“How’s ___?” Ugh… she just had to say it huh? My sister…
I’m betraying her right now, and it hurts.
“Um…”I chew on my lip as I looked down. How can I say this without stressing her out more? “Um, what?… hey… don’t tell me something bad happened... Rose and Alice said they saw her the other day with Leah. Said she looked… different.” She plays with the blanket, a small nervous tic.
“No, no nothing bad… well… ___ is kinda dealing with some wolf hormones right now… and she imprinted on Embry.” Bella smiles her beautiful smile, before settling on a closed-lip one. “Well- I guess I kinda assumed that would happen… she looked different during the wedding. And… tell her I said good luck on the whole imprinting journey… and, and that I’m sorry.” The smile was no longer on her face. She still felt bad about the whole wedding situation.
I didn’t get much information on it, my dad and Sue filled me in once I came back. “I’ll make sure to tell her that… she needs to hear it.”
She does need to hear that… the woman your man cheated on you with, the woman who’s now pregnant with death itself has the balls to apologize… but not me…
I fucking suck.
“So… did Edward send you in here to change my mind?” She grins weakly
“Sort of. Though I’m not sure why, it’s not like you listen to me, you never did.” We both laugh at this. So stubborn.
“What are you thinking bells? Seriously.”
She rests her bony hand on her belly. “I know it seems like a bad thing. Something that… shouldn’t even exist. But it’s not, it’s not scary, it’s beautiful, a baby. He’s a miracle.”
I scoff again, trying my hardest to not say something offensive, or at least try to play it as a joke. “So it’s a bouncing baby boy?- I’m sorry I didn’t know, should’ve brought some blue balloons.”
She grins, shaking her head. “It’s just a guess… I’ve been having dreams about a curly-headed boy. And my dreams are usually real. I guess we’ll see.” I shake my head, elbows now on my knees as I leaned in.
“No… you won’t.”
“Jacob I can do this! I’m strong enough ” She says, hope in her eyes.
I could feel the anger come back to me, the anger I felt when I first saw her bruised belly.
“Tuh- oh come oooon. You can yap that shit to your bloodsucker but you don’t fool me, Bella.” Her brows push together from the cursing.
“I’m not blind Bella, I can SEE what that thing doing to you, that pixie girl said it! She can’t see you anymore, she can’t see you alive!” My voice began to raise, but I couldn’t bring myself to feel bad as I watched her lean backward.
“You’re wrong…” It made me sick at how bright those brown eyes were. She had so much hope that this would work, but my gut, my gut tells me otherwise.
“And when you die… what was it all for? Huh? Me loving you, you loving him, how is that fair? Huh? Tell me Bella how is that right to anyone?” She stayed quiet, the face of mourning on her face. She knew I was leaving slowly.
“Cuz I sure don’t see it.” She begins to tear up, and I feel my heart-shattering. I keep breaking my promise to her. Breathing out I get off the couch and sit on my knees in front of her, gently taking her cold hand that rested on her belly.
“Listen to me, Bella…. Please!” I begged, my eyes getting blurry but I blink away the tears so I can stare right into her eyes. “Just don’t… don’t do this. Live- okay? Screw my emotions, don’t do it for me or Edward. But do it for Charlie! Do it Renée!” She lets out a sob, her lips curling into each other before looking out the window.
“Jake…” that wasn’t fair of me, but life isn’t fair. THIS isn’t fair.
“Everything is going to be okay.”
Even though she heard my words, she refused to listen to them.
Letting out a broken breath, I nodded, eyes going down to glare at the kicking belly before I take my hand away from hers and stand up.
Jake- don’t go!” She sighed, throat too fragile to raise her voice. But I grabbed my jacket before giving her one good look.
“I know how this ends.” I force myself to keep my eyes on hers, but they found their way back to her stomach. “I’m not sticking around to watch.”
And so I walked off.
Walking past Rose, past Edward, and past Carlisle until I reached my motorcycle.
All that anger I was storing from her came back. I couldn’t even bring myself to start up the engine before I threw the leather jacket against the gravel and kicked the machine against the trees.
Then I felt that heat again. That burning heat that I grew to admire.
I felt myself rip out my skin and run into the woods, the burning lasting a fraction of a second before I howled out.
“Jake?” ___ called out
“Jacob, what’s wrong?” No, no no no Seth shut up, I tried whipping my head, trying to force the images of Bella sitting there half dead, of her bruised stomach from a week ago, of Edward asking me to kill him. Of me begging, pleading with her to give her life another chance. And the soft voice of Bella trying to call me back.
Visions in my head and voices in my ears, I didn’t notice the car suddenly swerving to the side to come to a stop. But I didn’t give them a chance to let them look as I hopped back into the woods.
I howled once more, calling for the pack, just hoping that there was a way for them to help
“Jacob what going on??”
“Jake this can’t be real”
We all run to the meeting spot, at the peer where the trees lay for construction.
“Is it true Jacob?” Paul asked lips coming over his teeth as he circled me. “It’s growing fast,” he says again, the others coming behind me.
Leah gets there with Seth, her voice louder than the others, “It’s unnatural!” “Dangerous!” Jared's voice yelled after hers. “An abomination!” Paul growls, causing me to bare my teeth in defense, but Quil was quick to choose his side. “We can’t have that thing on our land!”
“We can’t allow it!” They repeated as they circled me.
“She’s pregnant…”
|___ pov|
Everyone turns to face you. And for the first time in a while, you felt like a kicked dog. The flashes of Bella and her bruised protruding belly as she sat there pale. Her voice echoed and meshed with Edwards. Then his lone voice whispered, “If she dies, you get what you’ve always wanted, to kill me.”
Whimpering, your ears press to the back of your head, feet taking a step backward. “Y/n..” Embry walks up to you, feeling your hurt
He got her pregnant. After you thought that pain was away, it was back, and it was fresh. So fresh you felt your heart bleeding.
Then a throaty bark sounded from above us. Sam.
“We have to protect the tribe. We come first, Forks is always first!” You huff out from your snout, your sides instantly warmer as you felt Seth and Embry get closer to you.
“Once that thing is born it won’t be able to control its thirst!”
“We’re ready!” Jared announced
“No time to waste. Let’s go!” This time it was Leah, making you peel back your lip in a growl.
“Let’s think this through!” Your voice echoes in their heads, Leah, the first one to approach you. “Absolutely not! ___, remember what they’ve done to you! You got hurt by those bloodsuckers! They deserve it!” Not like this.. not like this.
They don’t need to hurt like this.
“Right now?!” Jacob steps up to Sam, his ears twitching back
“We have to get rid of it before it’s born.”
Oh god…
“You mean… kill Bella?” Seth steps beside Jacob, which you get in front of him just in case Sam had the thought of putting the younger in his place.
“Her choice affects all of us!” A growl is released from your throat, a sign which Sam takes as disrespect. His brown eyes flick toward you.
“What do you have to say?”
“Sam don’t do this!”
Embry speaks up, approaching you, only to get shut down with a bark from Sam.
“I won’t be a part of this! Me and my brother won’t do it!” It was time to act like a big sibling, your big body pushing Jacobs over so he wouldn’t get hurt.
“You, are nothing but a lost puppy. You don’t get to say anything!” He barks, but you didn’t flench like the others around you. You were good at taking disrespect you just recently found out. But you still felt it, the need to bow down and obey the alpha, you just couldn’t do it.
“Bella’s human!” Jacob cuts in, trying to get the attention back to himself. “Our protection applies to her!”
“She’s dying anyways!” Leah snaps her teeth, digging them into the fat of jacobs neck. Oh fuck no.
That friendship meant shit to you if she disrespects your brother in front of you. You moved faster, clenching your jaw down into her neck to pull her off of him. “Don’t touch him!” You seethed, wide tongue coming out to lick your teeth. Leah’s ears press against her head as it ducks down in submission
Being older only gets you some places. But being Ephraim Black's great-granddaughter gave you the advantage. You were supposed to be the Alpha. And the others were realizing it.
“Enough!” You gave the girl one last growl before whipping your head back to Sam
“We have real enemies to fight tonight!” He starts coming down the tower of logs, making his way toward you and your brother.
“Tonight?!” You and Jakes voice sync, Seth’s whine catching your brother’s attention. But you didn’t dare take your eyes away from Sams.
“You will fight with us. The both of you.” He commands, causing you both to step back. “Jacob don’t you fucking listen to this old bitch.” You growl, head ducking down, which Sam snips at you, teeth almost coming closed on your snout before you backed up just in time.
You snarl at him, Jake doing the same thing. It was only for a few seconds before you finally made up your mind.
You were leaving.
You had to.
“I won’t! I will not sit here and go kill my best friend and her child! I am the granddaughter of Ephraim Black!
“And I am the grandson of Ephraim Black!
“We aren’t meant to take orders from you Sam Uley. I wasn’t born to follow you or anyone else. But I will follow my brother. Because we know what’s right! And this shit ain’t right!”
“___!” Embry yelled out, knowing what you were going to do.
You ignored him, you had to. ”I’m out!” You bark, teeth on display as you bump into Sam, and went up the logs.
Fuck them. I don’t need them.
“So, you choose your little brother instead huh?”
You send him a glare before focusing your eyes on the White House in front of you, the Cullens house. “Okay… I deserve that. I betrayed you, your trust… I deserve this.”
Boy, fuck you.
“I betrayed my imprint. My friends… but I do this because know what's right and what's wrong... And this shit is wrong.” I shake my head, heart heavy with what felt like grief when I bring up embry.
We never got to hang out together. Will we ever? Now that I broke my bond with that pack, we’ll see each other less, and it’ll hurt like hell.
“Garcelle called today.”
Jacob whips his head toward me with wide eyes, but he couldn’t get anything out as the trees move behind us. A boy with a tilted smile comes out, letting you release a sigh.
“Seth.” You and your brother say at the same time, making you roll your eyes.
“Kid, what are you doing here?” You asked, eyes immediately searching your perimeter for any more movement. “Don’t worry! No one followed.” He smiles brightly
“Go home, Seth.” Your brother rolled his eyes. “No! I can’t, I won’t stand behind him! I like Bella and Edward!”
“Oh yes, you will! I’m not kidding, get outta here.” Jacob talks back, arms coming across his chest. Seth's mouth forms into a pout, a sigh coming from his nose. “Or what? Is that an order? You gonna make me bow down to?” Jake rolled his eyes once again, an attitude deep in his roots. You keep having to remind yourself that he is just a kid himself, barely 17.
“I’m not ordering anyone. It’s not like I can… ___ is the alpha.” Seth gasps and faces me, but I keep my eyes on the White House in front of me. “Don’t put me in this.”
“Can I stay? Please??” You closed your eyes with a groan.
Seth was just a kid, not knowing the sacrifices he was going to make during this.
“Seth- are you willing to fight your friends-your sister if it comes down to it? Huh?” You weren't going to say no to him, but he needs to know what the hell is real and what’s not.
But he was ready, a determined look on his face as he gives you a nod. “If that’s what it takes to do the right thing.” You give Jacob a look, and he shrugs. “Fine… you’re in.”
“Woo! Hell yeah!”
“Yup! Can do.”
“Jake, go give the Cullens a heads up. I’m going to run the perimeter.” This was just an excuse for you to not see Edward. You haven’t seen him since the wedding and honestly, you’ll force yourself to keep it that way.
“Right-wait! Take him.” Your younger brother points to the young boy. Grinning you shake your head. “Whatever. Come one kid.”
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andreafmn · 1 year
Collision | Chapter 17
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Word Count: 3.2K Story Description: (Y/N) Uley is back home after being away for four years. Her life is at its first standstill and she is taking this time to find out who she is without school. But she never thought that coming back to the reservation would turn her whole life around. In the midst of secrets and mystery, a man crashes into (Y/N)’s and her life will never be the same. Chapter: 17/? A/N: I really hoped I would be able to also write for Speak today, but couldn't finish on time and wanted to post as I had scheduled. If I finish the chapter this week, I'll post it, but y'all will probably have to wait two weeks more 😬😬Anywho, prepare for some feels... you've been warned. My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts to support me and my love of writing or buy me a coffee Follow 😊 -> TikTok • Instagram • Business If you’d like to be tagged in this or any other story: click here Make sure you have my notifications on so you know every time I post!
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Chapter 17
It wasn’t hard to figure out that Sam was planning a surprise party for her, especially when Jared had let it slip when she was over at her brother’s home. Accident or not, (Y/N) knew just what had been arranged for her 19th birthday.
“I swear, Sam. I had no idea she was here,” Jared had said.
“Don’t you have supernatural senses, Cameron?” (Y/N) laughed. “You should have known about it.”
“I’m not supposed to be on guard when we’re in the house,” he whined. “This is the place where we’re supposed to be relaxed and unaware. This is our safe space.”
“Technically, you should always be paying attention to your surroundings,” Sam responded. “That’s literally your job.”
“Also, when is she not here, dude?” Paul added with a chuckle. “If she’s not at work, she’s here.”
“I have other friends,” she grumbled, settling on the seat next to Paul. “Speaking of, are they invited to my party?”
“They would be if it weren’t for Paul,” Jared teased. “Can’t trust him not to go off at any given point when there are other people involved.”
“So, it’s only gonna be you guys, Emily and Kim? What a party,” (Y/N) laughed. “What about mom? Is she invited?”
Sam’s face contorted in an uncomfortable scowl. He knew the question would come. The obvious tension that existed between Sam and Allison Uley had been growing for almost a year, and the youngest Uley’s arrival only worked to cement the strain that had grown between mother and son.
“Okay, here’s what we can do,” Sam started. “We’ll have the party at the beach. A nice bonfire in a big open space where everyone can be. Paul will be on his best behavior and if anything happens, we’ll just leave.”
“Why does everything have to be so weird now?” she groaned. “This whole secret keeping just makes things harder.”
“Says the girl whose ex is a literal bloodsucker,” Jared chuckled without thinking. But as soon as he heard the words slip by his tongue, regret painted across his face. “Shit, (Y/N), I didn’t mean to say that.”
“It’s fine, Jared,” she smiled comfortingly. “You’re very right. It’s completely flabbergasting that my ex and his whole family are vampires. But I guess I dodged that bullet.”
After that afternoon, the Uley pack had set to prepare for (Y/N)’s first birthday back at the reservation. Everyone in town was happy to attend the bonfire. It was no secret that the Uley girl was loved around town. Even in her absence, all anyone could sing were high praises for her. So it was no surprise when the RSVPs started rolling in.
Quickly, the small gathering had turned into a party for the whole reservation. People were offering to bring plates of food and appetizers for the crowd that was forming, they offered their grilling and bonfire-making services, swiftly making Sam’s job simply inviting people and setting the time.
And somehow in the four days that were left, a whole town party was being set up. It was a stark contrast to the bonfire that had been set only two months before when the Cullens had left Forks. That one had been a fierce celebration as their ancestral enemies had finally left the land. Now, they were celebrating the life of one of their own — her achievements and her future endeavors. A joyous occasion in honor of a valuable member of their community.
At least, it was meant to be joyous, and (Y/N) knew that. She knew she should have been excited to be amongst her people. The same people that had seen her grow and had grown alongside her. The very people she knew she could count on whenever she might need them. She knew all that.
But it was such a bittersweet moment. She was constantly surrounded by people that loved her, but there was something missing. There was someone missing.
He had come into her life and, in so little time, he flipped it on its feet. He had made her believe that every decision, every moment, every second of her existence had led her to that instance —had led her to him.
And as swiftly as he had barreled into her life, he was fine. He had taken every promise, every declaration, every whisper of love with him. And it had left her with an emptiness that couldn’t be filled by anyone else. (Y/N) could only focus on herself —her career, her friendship, her family. But never again would she focus on love. Not when she knew how it could drastically transform her journey.
“Hi, honey,” her mother said as she peeked into her room. She had been staring at her reflection for what felt like hours, even if she knew it had barely been minutes. “You look beautiful.”
“Thanks, mom,” she smiled. “So do you.”
Allison had chosen a long dark red dress, her black jacket toning down the color even more. She had braided her hair and had put on makeup, but (Y/N) could see the years on her face. She could see having to raise two children on her own, having to work two jobs to keep the lights on, the pain of losing her son, the knowledge that one day she could lose her daughter as well. It was all the secrets and the hardships that she had gone through, that her family had put her through.
Those were the moments when (Y/N) wanted to tell her everything, every single detail that had derailed her mother’s life without her knowledge. She wanted to confess that she wasn’t alone in her pain, that the hurt she had carried most of her life was shared between each of the Uley family members. Instead, all she could do was remain quiet.
“Are you excited for tonight?”
“For the most part,” (Y/N) admitted. “It might be just a tad overwhelming. Heard through the grapevine that almost the whole rez is gonna be there.”
“You’ve gone to many bonfires, honey,” she chuckled. “What’s different about this one?”
“That I’m the guest of honor, mom,” the girl chuckled softly. “I’m gonna be the center of attention and that feels weird.”
“Well, I’ll be right there next to you, holding your hand.”
“Thanks, mom. I would never be where I am without you.”
Her mother smiled brightly, wrapping her arms around her tightly. “Oh, sweetheart that’s all you,” she said. “You’ve gotten this far because you’re bright and talented, and so hardworking.”
“And because I’ve had a mom that made all of that possible,” (Y/N) added. “I love you, mom.”
“I love you too, honey, more than you could ever know,” Allison smiled as she released her daughter. “And I have something for you. I wanna do it here, where it’s just you and me.”
The woman reached into her pocket, pulled out a black box, and handed it to her daughter. She followed expectantly every move, excitement filling her. Inside rested a crescent moon pendant that was engraved. As soon as her eyes fell on the necklace, tears formed in the corner of the girl’s eyes.
“Is this your pendant, mom?”
“Yes, honey,” she smiled. “It had been my mother’s, and her mother’s before her, and so on. I have been holding onto it until I felt it was time to pass it down to you. And I think there is no better time than now.”
“Oh, mom, you have no idea how much I’ve wanted this necklace,” (Y/N) said. “But I’ve always wondered, what do the markings mean?”
“After hardship comes ease,” her mother responded. “It’s what my mother would always say and I know how much you might need that reassurance now. Hard times pass, my darling. Even if it doesn’t feel that way right now.”
“I know, mom,” the younger Uley breathed, melting into her mother’s touch as Allison placed a comforting hand on her cheek. “I just wish that time came sooner rather than later.”
“Give time to time, (Y/N). We can’t rush things.”
“I know,” she sighed. “And I’m trying. I really am.”
“I’m sure of that, my darling,” Allison said. “But tonight is about you and not about what has happened or has stopped happening. We’re gonna celebrate your birthday and forget these past couple of months. Use tonight as your time to unwind and prepare yourself for what comes next.”
“I will. I just need a couple of minutes to finish getting ready.”
“Alright, honey. Let me know when you’re done and we’ll go down to the beach.”
As soon as her mother was out of the room, (Y/N) went back to perceiving herself. She stared at the bags that had formed under her eyes, the long restless nights evident on her face. Her fingers traced where her cheeks had seemed to hollow after months of terrible eating habits. She gawked at the lost gleam in her eyes, the emptiness that peeked behind her pupils.
She was a completely different girl than the one that had come back to La Push, and in a few months,  she would be another her. There was a (Y/N) before him. There was a (Y/N) during him. And there would now be a (Y/N) after him. Even if she had not planned for it, she would have to do it.
“It’s now or never,” she whispered to herself.
As she left her room, (Y/N) gave herself a once over. She smoothed down her navy-blue dress and put on a jacket. She was determined to put every sad thought, every bad moment to the back of her mind. He would never again be the reason she wouldn’t enjoy life.
Before she could reach the beach, she could hear the whispered commotion. Even if she knew the party was happening, she was still surprised. Where she was expecting a small group of her friends, it seemed like the whole town had come out to celebrate. As soon as she was close enough, everyone turned and yelled, “Surprise!”
Everyone she knew welcomed her with a smile on their face. People came up to her wishing her a happy birthday and telling her how glad they were she was back home. Even Charlie Swan had popped in for a bit, congratulating her and asking if she’d go by to see Bella. They gave her hugs and kisses, wishing her blessings for the coming years. It was the warmth of a community that she had not felt for four years, giving her a feeling of belonging she had no idea she craved.
“I think more people turned up to your birthday than for the last community bonfire,” Paul said as he joined her side and sat on a piece of driftwood.  The party was in full swing already. Plates of food had been passed out, children were playing, teenagers were talking, and the pack was keeping to themselves. “Hope you were still surprised.”
“I was,” (Y/N) smiled. “Didn’t think many people would care. I mean, it’s just my birthday. Not even a huge milestone. Just nineteen.”
“I think you’re underestimating just how much the people here love you. And any year is a milestone in my book,” he offered. “You made it another year. That’s an accomplishment in itself.”
“I also got approved by the board at UW to start taking aptitude tests,” she confessed. “I’ll spend the better part of December and January taking all kinds of exams to be able to slide into the next round of rotations.”
“Holy shit, (Y/N), that’s amazing!” Paul exclaimed as he twirled her in a tight hug. “It’s almost a miracle.”
“I know,” she added. “I don’t know what out there in the universe is looking out for me, but I’m glad it is. I honestly thought it would never happen. But I got the call yesterday afternoon. It’s really happening.”
“Well, they’re lucky to have you. I can’t think of anyone that would be a better doctor than you.”
“You’re just saying that, Paul,” she chuckled. “But I’m thankful for that vote of confidence. I’m just glad things seem to be moving forward. I really thought I’d be stuck in the same place for a while there.”
“I knew you’d make it out eventually,” he smiled. “Also, I got you something. And I promise it’s not sex coupons. I know I can get that for free.”
“You’re about to get those privileges revoked if you keep talking like that,” she laughed in response. “But I’ll grant you that comment because it seems Sam did not hear you.”
Paul laughed loudly, making a few heads snap back toward them. “But it’s something serious,” he continued as he handed her a wrapped box that had been resting by his feet. “It took me a while to get it, but I hope you like it.”
(Y/N) took hold of the box, carefully ripping away the neat wrapping paper —a job she was sure had been done by Emily. Inside the box, in perfect condition and wrapped in plastic, was a first edition of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. She ran her hands over the cover. She studied the spine. She inspected every single detail of the book, and it was perfect.
“Oh my god, Paul, it’s absolutely beautiful,” she joyfully cried. “But this must have cost you an arm and a leg. You shouldn’t have spent that on me.”
“I wanted to,” he beamed. “I know how much you like books so I asked Kim if she could help me get you something special.”
“It’s more than special, Paul. It’s a one-of-a-kind gift,” she smiled as she engulfed him in a hug. “I love it so much.”
“It’s as special a gift as you are,” he continued. Paul raised his hand to her cheek, tucking behind her ear a loose piece of hair. “Also, you look beautiful tonight. I don’t think I’ve told you that yet.”
“Thanks,” she replied, feeling the unnatural warmth of his skin seep onto hers. “I’m glad you’re here, Paul. And I’m grateful that you’re my friend.”
“For better or worse, (Y/N),” Paul added. “You know I’ll always be by your side.”
“You better mean that, dude. Cause I’ll hold you to it.”
“So will I,” Sam’s voice startled them. “You might be a part of my pack, but that’s my little sister right there.”
“By a couple of months at best, Sammy,” (Y/N) grumbled. “And I can handle myself perfectly. Thank you very much.”
“Doesn’t mean I won’t always be looking out for you, (Y/N),” he smiled. “Now, come on. It’s time for cake.” 
The rest of the night went by quickly. They sang her happy birthday, they passed around cake, and they told stories by the fire. The same stories she had heard since she was just a little kid. The same stories that related the lives of the ancestors of their tribe. The same stories she knew were anything but fiction.
One second, she was staring at the figures that were dancing in the fire, showing her the past. The next, she was heading back home, a heap of presents overfilling her arms. “I’m so tired,” (Y/N) whined to her mother. “I could sleep for two weeks if I could.” 
“Unfortunately, you can’t,” Allison chuckled. “But at least you’ve got the rest of this week.”
They laughed in unison, knowing that the least she would do was actually rest. The only time she would probably have a full night’s rest was that night and it would have been out of pure social exhaustion.
But mother and daughter stopped dead in their tracks when they reached the front door of their house. Right in front of the wooden door were three presents elegantly wrapped in silver paper, the same paper she had seen days before her world fell apart. 
“I’m guessing those are for you,” her mother said. “Do you know who could have sent them?” 
“Maybe they’re from the team at the hospital,” (Y/N) thought quickly. “They couldn’t make it tonight because they were pulling double shifts.”
“That was nice of them,” Allison responded, accepting her daughter’s answer. “That wrapping paper is beautiful.” 
“Yeah,” she choked out. “Can you help me bring them up to my room, please?”
“Of course, darling.” The woman took the three boxes under one arm and opened the door before following her daughter up the stairs. “Alright, (Y/N). Well, I’m going to bed because I have an early shift tomorrow and I’m pretty beat. But, happy birthday, sweetheart.” 
“Thanks, mom. Good night.”
“Night, honey.” 
Allison left the room, shutting the door behind her and (Y/N) felt she could finally let go. She felt her blood run cold inside her body, her limbs trembling at the realization of just who had sent those presents. Even though they had ripped themselves from her life, they somehow kept appearing.
With shaking hands, she opened the first gift that was tagged with a note that said From Rosalie. It was a leather notebook, the cover engraved with the words: Dr. (Y/N) Uley. And on the first page, in beautiful calligraphy, she wrote: I may not be the one who sees the future, but I know you have a bright future ahead of you. Love, Rose.
The next one was labeled From The Cullens. It was a small black box that stored a necklace with the Cullen crest engraved onto a circle charm –small and modern. And it was attached to a note that said: Already part of the family.
(Y/N) could feel the warm tears stream down her cheeks. Her lungs ached at the shortness of air, filling as best as they could as she sobbed quietly. She knew the gifts weren’t sent with malice. A high probability that they had been ordered long before everything had gone awry. But it didn’t stop the wrenching of her heart.
There was only one box left and she knew exactly who it was from. She took the long box in her hand, ripping away the paper violently. She was surprised that it had some weight to it, her mind trying to anticipate what could have been inside before she raised the lid.
On a bed of sating rested a silver stethoscope with blue rubber. Engraved on the instrument's bell, in beautiful cursive letters, it read: Dr. Uley-Cullen. In addition, a card that read For our future.
Those couple of words completely broke (Y/N) down. She fell to her knees, feeling as if the weight of the past few months fell upon her. She muffled her shrieks with her pillow, not wanting to alarm her mother.
Suddenly, everything she thought she had started to get over rose to the surface and hollowness filled her core. As the tears kept falling, she could feel the painful hole in her chest grow deeper and deeper.
He had planned a future for them. A future where she was a part of their family. A future where they would take on the world, together. Yet he had thrown it all away in a second, without another thought. Without ever looking back. He had built everything so high to let it all topple down.
He had left her to pick up the pieces of her broken heart and rebuild a life on her own. And that was the only thing she would allow him to have. She would create a life for herself, by herself, and she would prove to him that she was bigger than her heartbreak.
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
The Beauty and the Brawn - Emmett Cullen x Reader
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Summary: You try to prove to Emmett that he won’t hurt you with his enhanced strengths
Words: 2k
Warnings: Oral (F!recieving) 
Notes: idk what this is really, just had the idea for a few days 
Emmett is strong, stronger than most vampires having gotten enhanced strength when he was changed. He’s always seen it as an added perk as it’s not something drastic like Alice’s future telling or Benjamin’s elemental manipulations, it was just that he was a little stronger than the others. Nothing more, nothing less. 
Then he met me and now, as much as I tell him otherwise, he sees his strength as a curse. He gets scared he’ll get too carried away with me, forget I’m still human and accidentally hurt me or kill me. As much as I reassure Emmett that he could never hurt me he will still try and avoid the topic, kissing me the most he trust himself to do. Every time we get hot and heavy and I guide things on a little he backs up with that pained look in his eyes. Everything about him screams that he wants me back but the pain in his eyes tells me he’s scared which always catches me off guard as this is Emmett Cullen. Outgoing, loud and loving Emmett… too scared to even touch me at times despite how much his feelings were mutual. 
Today is no different and I decide to take a different approach, even if it doesn’t mean sex. I just want Emmett to see that he can trust himself with me and that I’m not as fragile as he thinks. We’re sat on his bed, a bed he got Carlisle to get without specifying why. The Cullen’s don’t know me yet except maybe Alice and Edward because of their gifts but they apparently haven’t said anything to the others. Emmett doesn’t want them to all bombard me and he’s also worried about how Rosalie will take it that he’s moved on already which I understand and I agreed to take it as slow as he wants with meeting them.
Emmett’s hand is on my thighs as we sit shoulder to shoulder, watching a movie on the TV he also had installed. I’m barely paying attention to it though, focusing on his icy touch on my bare skin, being in only shorts as it’s just us here for another day to two. Emmett said the others had gone on a hunting trip and he elected to say home. I say fuck it, it’s now or never so I’m turning my body to face him, reaching over to cup his cheek and I ask, “Do you trust me?” 
“Of course I do, why-“ He’s frowning until I begin shifting, moving onto my knees and turning my body towards him, “Y/N, I-“
“Just trust me baby,” I stroke his cheek reassuringly, watching him lean into my palm and those beautiful golden eyes flutter shut for a moment. With Emmett’s eyes still closed I shift my body further until I’m straddling him, legs either side of his thick thighs. His muscles tense as he realises I’m seated, arms resisting ever so slightly when I guide his hands to my hips, holding them there to show him that he won’t hurt me. The heat seems to rise between us as I lean in, lips almost touching his as I whisper, “Emmett, I trust you. I trust you with everything.” 
His eyes fly open at this, the confusion and fear in them until he sees I’m not lying to him, keeping my face open and honestly so he can see the trust and love and it works as his expression softens, “Y/N.” He’s whispering, voice filled with emotions that I can’t quite decipher so I just lean forwards again and capture his lips in a gentle and pliant kiss. The kiss is tender and slow, as if we’re exploring each other for the first time. My heart is racing as I feel the softness of his lips against mine, the taste of him sweet and familiar, the tension in Emmett’s body slowly melting away as he gets lost in the kiss so I take another risk and deep it. Emmett’s hands are moving up and down my sides and back, testing the waters cautiously and the feel of his hands on my skin sends shivers down my spine, knowing I want more. 
Too soon am I having to break the kiss as unlike Emmett I still need to consume oxygen. His golden eyes have darkened a little with love and desire, a soft sound leaving him when I caress his cheek gently, “Emmett,” My voice is a barely above a whisper, as if scared to break the moment, “I need you. Need all of you.” 
Emmett’s eyes widen in surprise at the bluntness of my words, looking at me intently as if trying to decipher if I’m really serious about what I said. I can see the mixture of emotions playing across his face - desire; love; fear and protectiveness. I stay seated in his lap as I wait for his response, letting him work through his emotions and letting him decide. He wants me but he’s afraid of hurting me, his hands retreating again so I catch them in mine and squeeze reassuringly. His eyes flick down to our interlocked hands before back to my face before he’s swallowing and mumbling out, “Start with a shower first?” 
“Whatever you want Pretty Boy.” I’m nodding, guiding one of his large hands to my cheek and pressing a kiss to his open palm before he’s surprising me and drawing me into another kiss. This one’s different, he’s not holding back as much, it’s hungrier almost. There’s an urgency to the kiss, his lips moving with more purpose as his moves to the back of my head, deepening the kiss. His other hand finds it’s way back to my waist, pulling me flush against him. It’s like he’s been holding back for so long and how he’s finally allowing himself to let go and now he can’t seem to get enough. I respond with equal fervour, my hands tangling in his hair as we explore each other’s mouths. 
Emmett’s breaking the kiss before me, standing up effortlessly and cradling me in his arms as if I weight nothing which I guess I really don’t for him. I’m wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders, holding on tight as he carries me to the bathroom, feeling his muscles tense and flex under his shirt with each step. He’s setting me on the counter, a playful smile on his face and a rumble in his chest when I squeal at how cold the counter is. He’s stealing another kiss from me before moving to turn on the shower, letting it heat up and moving back over to me, standing between my legs. He’s looking at me with a soft expression, making sure this is what I really want, his hands running over my waist and pulling back slightly to ask, “You sure about this, honey?” His eyes are filled with concern and love, making me feel even more secure in my decision. 
To prove my point I pull my shirt over my head and letting it fall to the floor, watching Emmett’s lips part slightly in a hitched breath at the sight of me now bare except for a pair of shorts. Emmett’s eyes are skimming over my body, taking in every dip and curve and scar on display to him. His hands coming up to gently trace along my arms and down my sides, as if savouring the feeling of my skin against his fingertips. Despite his obvious desire he still checks with me if this is okay, eyes flicking back up to mine every few seconds until I’m guiding his hands up to my breasts, watching his reaction. He surprises me by dragging me into such a tender and loving kiss as he explores this new territory. 
Our bodies press together, Emmett’s hands now tracing circles on my back as he deepens the kiss, his very obvious arousal pressing into my thigh but he’s taking it slow as if he’ll spook me. His lips move down my neck as he murmurs against the skin, “You’re so fucking beautiful.” His large hands grip my hips and I’m soon standing again, feeling cold fingers dip into the waistband of my shorts. 
“Please.” I’m practically begging and Emmett’s groaning into the crook of my neck, surprising me again as he sinks to his knees as he slides the shorts down my legs, throwing them aside before his gaze finds mine and I’m having to bite my lip at the sight of Emmett on his knees for me. His strong hands grip my hips as he begins nosing at my thighs, lips ghosting over them and teeth grazing until he’s nudging my legs apart enough blow cold air over my slickness, making me gasp and squirm. Before I can say or do anything those skilled lips are kissing my folds, nose bumping my clit before he licks a confident stripe up, gauging my reaction. His tongue flutters against my clit before he’s eating me like a starved man, hands gripping my hips tight enough that I can’t wriggle away from the pleasure. 
My hand is gripping his hair, the other bracing myself against the counter as he moans, sending vibrations through that oversensitive bundle of nerves. He’s dipping his tongue in and out of my core with precision and sloppiness before he moves back to my clit, my body trying to jerk away but his grip is tight enough to promise bruises and fuck that just makes everything more intense. All too soon I can feel myself starting to pulse around his tongue that hasn’t stopped fucking into me and my hands tugs almost painfully at his hair while my head falls back with a whine, my thighs trying to clamp around Emmett’s head as my vision partially whites out and all I hear is white noise, unsure if I’m crying out Emmett’s name. 
“Emm, fuck Emmett, too much.” I’m begging and he finally pulls back, looking up at me with half-lidded eyes and he looks fucking dirty, his mouth and chin shiny with my juices and his golden eyes have darkened even more. His thumbs caress my hips as he pulls himself to his feet moving to kiss me with a cheeky grin when I lightly push his face away saying, “No, clean your face first.” 
“I do believe a shower was suggested.” He agrees and I’m nodding, tugging at his shirt to which he complies, pulling it over his head and I can’t help wet my lips at how good he looks. Sure, I’ve seen Emmett change but this is different, he’s baring himself for me and me alone. His shirt reveals his chiseled abs and braid chest, my eyes roaming over his muscular physique with appreciation. His defined biceps and broad shoulders are evidence of the immense physical strength he possesses and the way his tone torso tapers down to his waist makes me want to run my hands over his hard body. As he undresses further, my gaze is drawn to his thick thighs, my heart racing against as he’s straining against his boxers and fuck, he is in no way small. The boxers barely able to contain him, the angry red head slipped past the waistband, precum wetting his v-line a little, “Come on lovely, eyes up here.” 
I tear my eyes away from his enticing bulge, feeling heat rising to my cheeks at being caught. But I can't help the desire that courses through me as I watch him step out of his boxers, completely naked before me. My heart is pounding in my chest, and I can feel the anticipation building between us as we move towards the shower. As we step under the warm water, Emmett pulls me close, his hands roaming over my wet skin as we continue to explore each other's bodies. I know this is only the beginning, and I can't wait to see what other surprises Emmett has in store for me.
Twilight Masterlist
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sethsclearwater · 11 months
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request: “Hey so this has been my go-to daydream for days and I’m hoping you’ll want to write it bc you’re Wolfpack queen. Embry imprinted on reader and she was scared to accept the imprint at first so he was really worried but now she’s got to know him and the pack a bit more so she tells him she’ll accept it and he’s just all relieved and happy. Idek if that’s how imprinting works canonically but the hurt/comfort vibes keep me up at night💔💔❤️❤️” and “omg plssssss do a blurb or imagine or whatever where embry imprints on reader and it’s super angsty because she doesn’t know if she wants it or not because they’re just friends but quickly realizes she does love him and shows up at his door and tells him she’ll accept the imprint and they’re both just so relieved.”
warnings: none
notes: super short but cutie
word count: 830
you and embry call had been friends for quite some time, but it wasn’t until a few years after you’d initially met that you found out about the wolves and the whole imprinting thing. it was an accident really, you went over to embry’s house when he had told you not to come and ended up walking in just as he phased for the first time.
obviously, you were quite freaked out by the whole thing and so was he. what you weren’t expecting though, was for him to imprint on you and (sort of) fuck up both of your lives to the point that you couldn’t ever have any kind of meaningful romantic relationship with anyone but each other.
when he sat you down and explained everything to you, you were very apprehensive about the whole thing, not particularly interested in hearing about it but also not interested in the pain that came with being away from him for an extended period of time. ultimately though, your brain won and you left his house to get some much-needed space to clear your head.
you only made it 2 days before it became too much to bear and you found yourself outside embry’s door again. before you could change your mind and go back to your car, embry had pulled the door open, “y/n,” he breathed, both of you letting out heavy exhales when you saw each other.
“i’m sorry.” you whispered, eyes filling with tears and bottom lip warbling as you took him in. he looked about as rough as you, both of you not totally sure what to do or what to say to one another.
finding no words, embry just opened his arms which you gladly stepped into, bursting into tears as you wrapped your arms around each other, holding on as tight as you could, “you’re okay, you’re okay,” embry murmured against your hair, gently rocking you from side to side.
you whimpered, sniffling, and brushed your tears away with the back of your hand, “why does it hurt so much?” you whispered, peeking up at him as another wave of tears rolled down your cheeks.
embry’s gaze softened when he looked at you, letting out a soft sigh before he responded, “jus’ need to be near each other is all. won’t hurt soon, i promise.” he explained, his voice barely above a whisper as he tried to keep his own emotions in check for your sake. 
“i didn’t mean to make you think i don’t love you,” you whispered, anxiously scanning his features as you waited for his response. you’d said you loved embry multiple times now, but never in a situation as intense as this one so embry took a moment to let your words sink in.
“you love me?” embry asked softly, almost as if he didn’t believe what you’d said just a few moments ago.
you nodded, sniffling as you took a deep breath, “i do love you.” you reiterated, “a lot more than i thought i did.” you added with a whisper.
embry let out a relieved exhale, “i love you too.” he whispered, “a lot more than i thought i did.” he repeated your words, both of you letting out breathy laughs at his confession.
finally voicing your feelings for each other seemed to lift the weight off both of your shoulders and allowed for you to rest your head against his chest, both of you taking a few deep breaths with each other as you listened to his heartbeat.
“do you wanna come inside?” embry asked softly after a moment when the rain started to pick up outside, and, although you were covered by his porch, you could still feel how chilly you were getting from the cool air.
nodding, you lifted your head to look at him and he just offered you a small smile, “c’mon then, yea?” he asked softly, resting his hand on your lower back and helping you inside so you could warm up and take in each other’s presence. 
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blackholelynn · 1 year
Missed Confession
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Summary: When you get the chance to confess your crush to your best friend, will you take it?
Pairing: Bella Swan x Reader
Warnings: Nothing major; some unrequited feelings, maybe?
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: A day late, but it's better late than never! I think that may be my motto lol. Another entry for @twilightsaganetwork's appreciation week, with today's entry being "Favorite Quote"! I will put my favorite quote in bold and all I ask is that you don't laugh 😭 I genuinely have the first letters of every word of this quote on a candy bracelet, so I think it would've been a crime not to choose this one? Anyways, enjoy!
You were sitting in the passenger seat of Bella’s beat-up truck, wondering how you had even gotten into this position. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from her pensive posture as she sped down the rainy road to the Rez to see Jacob. The car's speed and her dazed affect only served to make your anxiety heightened. You didn’t even know Jacob, so you were struggling to find a reason for you being there. It had just become difficult for you to leave her side after Edward left, and to see her so broken was too much for you.
“You sure you should be driving this fast?” you asked nervously, unable to keep quiet about it any longer.
Bella spared you an exasperating glare before her eyes focused on the road. “I do know how to drive. That’s not something I’ve forgotten.”
“No, I wasn’t–” You cut yourself off from trying to justify the question because you were sure you came off as patronizing when you asked. Taking an extra moment to adjust your seatbelt, you sighed, “I’m sorry. I’ve just been worried about you. And not in the ‘I don’t think you can take care of yourself’ kinda way, more like the ‘my friend is in a lot of pain’ kinda way.”
“Oh…thanks.” Her muscles relaxed a bit as her defensiveness eased. The speedometer (thankfully) also seemed to lower as she let up on the gas. The heavy trees started to thin the closer you got to houses, and when a few popped up, she asked you another question. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to come if this isn’t your thing. I know you’ve never met Jacob, so it might be a little awkward.”
You shook your head with a reassuring smile. “As long as you introduce us, it’ll all be fine. I’m just happy to spend some time with you.”
The grin on Bella’s face was a nice change from the sour expression that had started to make its home there. Her happiness was infectious and spread to you as well. You couldn’t remember having this much quality time with your best friend since she was still coming every summer to visit her dad. But that was a long time ago, and a lot had changed.
You stared at the greenery whizzing past your window as you reflected on that time. When you were younger and still a bit unsure, you dreamed about spending your life with her. You had thought it was what everyone hoped to do with their friends. Then she stopped coming around, and a few revelations later, you realized that you were absolutely and painfully in love with your best friend. To make matters worse, her return to Forks was quickly punctuated by her getting into a relationship with Edward Cullen, of all people.
I’ll just keep it to myself. She doesn’t need this right now.
As you always had done, you pushed your feelings down to spare hers. Thankfully, the truck came to a halt, and you opened the door to get some fresh air.
“Bella!” A boy’s voice called out, and you saw who you assumed to be Jacob. He wasted no time wrapping her in a hug and spinning her around when he reached her. “Where the hell have you been, loca?!”
Bella chuckled once he finally let her go before gesturing towards you. “Jacob, this is one of my friends from school. I thought it would be fun to hang out together and have an extra set of hands.”
You told him your name and stuck out your hand for a handshake. “It’s great to finally meet you. Bella’s told me so much about you.” After an awkward handshake, you added on a teasing remark, “All good things!”
Jacob seemed to bristle at your presence, and you began to space out as Bella showed him the motorcycle she had in the bed of her truck. It was a fixer-upper that she wanted done, and you weren’t about to argue. The last time she tried to ride a motorcycle, you found out from Jessica that she had hopped on a stranger’s bike. You were shocked out of your stupor when Jacob lifted one of the motorcycles out of her truck as though it was made of plywood. “Holy shit!”
“Yeah, Jake, you’re like…buff?” Bella added in total shock. “And you’re only 16?”
“Yeah, age is just a number, baby. You’re like, what? 40 now?” Jacob walked the bike back towards the garage with an impish smirk.
You knew he was only poking fun, but the severe look that crossed Bella’s face told you that he had hit a nerve. Without thinking, you put a hand on her back and rubbed between her shoulder blades in a sympathetic gesture.
She sighed and leaned closer to you as you both followed behind Jake. “It feels like that sometimes,” she muttered under her breath.
The rest of the time in the garage, the two of you were glorified assistants while Jacob did most of the work. Bella wasn’t sure exactly what she was doing, and you had even less of a clue. Thankfully, the tense rivalry Jacob seemed to fabricate between the two of you faded away. By the end of the day, the three of you were laughing like old friends.
“Wait, wait, wait!” You giggled, leaning back on the futon that Jacob had set up in the garage. “You made mud pies together?! I thought that was our thing!”
“To be fair, it was our thing first,” Bella agreed.
“So what I’m hearing is that Jake totally stole my play there.”
“Just a little.”
Jacob rolled his eyes as he continued tightening a bolt on the bike, only turning back to address you when he was done. “I didn’t steal anything. We just happened to think of the same idea.”
“Uh huh, sure we did. I can see you for what you really are, thief!” you teased, dramatically throwing your arm over your face. The two of them laughed at your melodramatic antics. Bella’s fit of giggles caused her to lose stability, and she leaned on you once more for support. You thought your heart might beat out of your chest on the spot.
When she finally returned to her senses, she frowned at the purple-pinkish sunset outside. “It looks like it might be time for us to head out.”
“Oh, yeah. For sure.” Jacob hastily dropped the metal wrench in his hand with a clang and stood up. “You want me to walk you to your truck.”
“I think we’ve got it, but thanks, Jake. See you tomorrow,” she said, getting ready to leave. Jacob moved as though he was going to hug her goodbye, but she walked past him without realizing it. The only thing you could do was mouth a silent ‘sorry’ before hurrying after her.
The silence of your walk was broken when your intrusive thoughts came blundering out of your mouth. “So, you know that Jake has a thing for you, right?”
Bella stopped in her tracks, looking at you like you had just made the biggest faux pas of your life. The silence stretched out for an eternity, only being filled by the nighttime sounds of the forest near you. You felt your hands grow clammy as your stomach twisted. Should you be this nervous when talking to your best friend?
“I just thought you knew,” you chuckled, trying to play it off. “It’s not a big deal! I just thought I’d mention it so it didn’t come out of left field or anything. You know, because that would be really awkward if you weren’t prepared, and I know you’re still dealing with some things–”
She began laughing again and started back up her pace to the truck. “You seriously think Jake has a crush on me? We’re just friends! Although I appreciate you looking out for me.”
“Bells…” You meekly trailed behind her. The words swam around in your head, clawing their way up your throat. You knew you shouldn’t bring it up, and you definitely knew that the topic of Edward was still sore. You couldn’t help telling her what was on your mind, just as you always had. “Friends can still have crushes on other friends. I wouldn’t dismiss it that easily.”
Bella cocked her head in confusion. “What…are you saying?” Her eyes scanned your face for something hidden, although it was clear she wasn’t even sure what she should be looking for. She was never one to see any of the hints people gave to her.
This was your chance. She had given you a moment, a huge opening to lay out all your feelings. If she accepted them, then you would deal with it. If she rejected them, then at least you would know how to move past it. It was what you had been waiting for since she came back into your life.
“Nothing,” you replied, forcing a smile on your face. “It’s nothing. I guess I don’t know Jacob that well to be able to tell anyway.”
That seemed to assuage her curiosity, and she hopped into the driver’s side of the truck. You slid into the seat next to her, trying not to feel sick by your close proximity. The regret swirled inside you like a sick whirlpool, and it was all you could do not to crawl out of your skin. You’d have to find another chance if there would ever be another, and then you’d have to decide all over again if you wanted to confess.
How were you ever going to keep this up?
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kdizzzy · 1 year
jacob black headcannons
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he loves to drive and tends to rope his friends into spontaneous weekend road trips to seattle and portland
he loves florence and the machine
he makes a really good grilled cheese sandwich and always makes a bunch when the pack gets together for movie nights
his favorite book is frankenstein by mary shelley
he is actually a terrible singer but he loves to drive with the windows down, stereo blasting music, singing as loudly as possible
he is a really goofy dancer
he gives the biggest teddy bear hugs but they’re the best hugs you’ll ever get
he and billy have such a strong relationship that sometimes they almost seem like good friends. any time billy gives him advice, he takes it (except when it’s about girls…..)
he is an old soul in every way possible, and he loves spending time with the elders on the res and listening to their stories and telling them all his. he and the grannies are huge gossips
he’s a natural runner, even before phasing, and he was up for a spot on his school’s cross country team before he phased
when he gets stressed or angry and needs to calm down, he likes to listen to soft songs, read his favorite books, make wood carvings, make dreamcatchers - anything that will keep his mind and his hands busy
he, quill, and embry have their own unspoken language they’ve had since they were kids, and even the slightest eye rolls are full sentences. they use it to make fun of people, mostly
he secretly wishes he could have learned to play the guitar but never really got into it
he feels most comfortable in the woods, on the beach, in his car, or in smaller cozy spaces
leah convinced him to start a journal to cope with his stress, and he starts every entry with “dear stupid book” (but he writes every single day)
he knows a lot of card games (spoons is his favorite because it’s so chaotic)
he eats hot peppers like candy
he’s always down to watch action and thriller movies, but his favorites are actually the old cheesy horror movies. up until he phased, his favorite was a werewolf movie. now when he watches it, he sits through the whole two hours pointing out inaccuracies
when he was little, he wanted to be a pirate when he grew up
he can sleep anywhere
he’s very quick to justify when the people he loves hurt him because he’s scared of losing them and has a very firm belief in unconditional loyalty. on the other hand, he’s very quick to shut anyone else out when they hurt him.
he gives really good advice but wouldn’t take it for himself
he doesn’t like flashy things or flashy people
he wants to be able to work with his hands, like carpentry, and he’s always wanted to build his own house
he snores. loudly.
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xxdarkanamnesisxx · 5 months
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I Really Can't Do This Anymore
Edward Cullen x Reader
⚠️: angst,suicide, heartbreak, abandonment and insecurities.
-I look at Edward still in shock after his sudden decision- You can't do this to me Edward, not now when I need you most. Please don't leave, don't leave me too, Edward.
-Even after having spent months without shedding tears, at this moment they do not stop, the tears wet my sweater and ruin that makeup that I painstakingly did in the morning in the desire to continue feeling enough for this man who leaves me today. without coherent explanations.-
I just can't go on with this, you have to understand me. - Edward says with a certain sadness in his voice, almost as if he wanted to cry.-
-As soon as he finishes saying that, he turns around with his back to me and disappears among the trees of the forest, he leaves, leaving me in the middle of nowhere, he leaves with my heart and my life in the middle.-
*End of flashback*
-Since that tragic day, 4 months and 8 days have passed. Everything stopped being worth it, everything feels so unreal and foreign to me, the energy left my soul and now I am just a lump between 4 walls. Everything seems to have asked for meaning, since that man was my reason for living, he was the calm in the storm, with him I discovered the world and I discovered myself, he took me to heaven and released me to reality. Without him I am nothing, without him life is nothing, everything that he made me heal now hurts again like before.-
I Really Can't Do This Anymore
-Today we should have celebrated our first year as a couple, and it is so difficult to assimilate that everything I dreamed of and had for such a short time, left as if it were a season. I really can't do this anymore and I don't plan to. So today, with all my pain and my tears, I have decided to give up on everything, from Edward, from love, from pain... I have decided to give up everything I am and what I have, I must put an end to this pain.-
-With all the courage that I have left and after 4 months, I leave the house and begin my path to that cliff that I had been warned a thousand and one times not to go near. With all the tranquility in the world, I walk to the windowsill and ignoring my fear of heights, I take a breath.-
-My face feels cold, my legs want to give in and my breathing becomes more and more agitated at the idea of never seeing the light again, at the memory of that love that took away my fears and life at its mercy. time. I look at the sky without wanting to think anymore and I let my body weaken as much as my heart, I close my eyes at all times, even when the cold invades my body, that cold that enveloped me physically so many nights when he consoled me and promised me a Better tomorrow, that cold and humidity that I felt countless times as a child when playing with my mother and sister under the autumn rain that fell from the sky, that cold that I felt at night due to my stubbornness of not wearing a sweater on any occasion. Anxiety comes shortly after, but I remember hearing as a child that it was a defense mechanism, which I didn't want to use now. Strangely quickly everything becomes dark and in front of me only all those few happy memories that I had during my few years of life appear. The air leaves my body and along with it...my life.-
Dude, I don't know where this came from, my therapist must know hahaha BTW I hope you liked it a lot and don't cry as much as I did :)
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