#at that point she freaked out and tried to rush her out of the mountains but due to both of them being in not the best of states she lost
writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Pink Elephants
Art by Vamos_MK on twitter I do not own it!
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Dark Tsudare Buggy x FemReader
Buy me a Ko-Fi? ☕️
So SO much fucked up shit in this one- So if you are light of heart or have any trauma, Please go to literally any other post of mine. I have a masterlist Right here- And if you've finished this here is something nice and Fluffy to balance out for you honey I gotcha. Hell here is a link to Kittens on Pinterest you deserve it.
⚠️Warnings:⚠️ Angst, Drugged sex, Non Con, Dead Dove, Tsudare Buggy, Overstimulation, Creampie, Spit as Lube, Unprotected sex, Branding, Living sex toy, Public sex, Humiliation and honestly a bunch more shit. This warning should be 2 pages long- hell I'll throw in bad writing.
I wrotw this while watching AHS. Blame American Horror Stories- If you know You Know
Day 5: Collar
"Captian!" She heard her first mate yell out- Captian (Y/N) of the (Y/N) Pirates, a feared face of pirates and a upcoming star here in the East Blue. She had recently acquired a 16,000,000 Berry bounty and was seen as a flashy newcomer. It was late and she had been going over an upcoming raid on a fairly wealthy town when called.
Rushing out from the Map room (Y/N) Rushed to the seeing her crew on full alert. Looking out to see a massive ship heading towards their vessel- (Y/N) assuming it must be a Marine Battle ship.
"Ready the canons! Point to starboard!!" She yelled as the screw scrambled to ready the canons however it seemed too late for that as canon fire from the other ship sounded. Everyone based for impact but it never came, instead similar to fireworks large orbs of red shot above them and exploded releasing a mine mist.
A red cloud coating the ship as (Y/N) tried to cover her face with her coat to tried and reduce the effect of the fog as she stumbled to the side trying to fight it as she saw her crew fall one by one to the mountainous ship heading towards them.
"Fuck" She managed out before falling unconscious as well. When waken up (Y/N) did not know how long it had been, Groaning at the ache from her head as the sedative wore away.
"Now my newest performers are here!" A cheery voice sounded as the performing freaks paused their acts and stepped to the side, allowing their ringleader to walk through.
Seeing that her and the crew were bound with thick chains on a dirt floor- She shifted slightly and it was like everything came to life, Bright lights and circus music started up suddenly as circus performers began to perform around (Y/N) and the crew getting close and laughing at the surprise on everyone's face.
Buggy The Clown- He was well known and while a pain in the ass for some he did have the potential to be dangerous and cruel. He smiled down at (Y/N) looking almost impressed by her appearance. Tapping his foot impatiently as he straightened out invisible imperfections in his coat.
"Wow, Those bounty posters down do you much justice, Much prettier in person. Speaking of which!-" Reaching into his coat he brought out her bounty for all to see, Smiling but a gleam of anger in his eyes.
"Captian (Y/N)! A newcomer managing to outshine me here in the East Blue! And on top of that hitting the locations I wanted~" He said with a laugh, crumbling the poster and tossing it to the side like nothing.
(Y/N) didn't say anything, didn't even react to this- Instead acting completely stoic in response as Buggy stepped over and backhanded her. Barely able to hold back the yelp that wanted to rip through her throat, but instead held her head up. Clearly this pissing Buggy off as he clenched his fist-
"Fine, really that indifferent?" Buggy chimed, suddently grabbing the cabin boy roughly by the hair- He was no older then 15 and fat tears rolled down his cheeks in terror. Buggy pulled a blade from his coat and looked (Y/N) straight in the eyes.
"Nothing to say? Ohh Tough I see!" He said amused, laughing as She kept her eyes on him calmly.
"See I heard this rumor that you love your Crew- Would do anything for them! How loyal they are to you" A shiver went up (Y/N) spine at hearing him say this.
"How sweet huh? A Captian willing to do anything for their crew" He said, before suddently punching her First mate hard across the face. The man groaning in pain as Buggy watched for her reaction which she gave non.
"Then I guess I can start getting rid them~" He smiled and went to jam the blade into the cabin boys throat.
"STOP!" She screeched, fear painted her face as Buggy paused his actions- the blade lightly touching the cabin boys neck leaving a thin scratch. Buggy turned with a wide smile on his lips, his eyes cold and calculating as he stared down at her- How her shoulders shook in suppressed fear and eyes wide.
"Oh?~ What's this now? I thought you were playing Miss Tough Guy~" He said in a sing song voice, dropping the boy who sat there breathing hard and terrified. Neatly tucking his blade back into his coat as he swaggered over with a smirk.
She bowed her head in defeat, realizing she had been perfectly played into his gloved hands. Fear bubbling in her chest as (Y/N) realized what had been done.
"...I'll give you whatever it is that you want- As long as my crew goes free unharmed" She said calmly, Not meeting his gaze as she felt him lower himself to look over her face. She could smell the harsh scent of Rum and Apples that seemed to follow him.
He smiled wider at this, tapping his chin playfully as he stared at her. Like he was thinking but she knew this was what he really wanted.
"Then we have a deal~" He purred out, waving one of his freaks over which caught her attention as a bandana was placed into his hands and he pressed it to her face. Panic filling her system as she tried to pull away but her mind became muggy and soon darkness developed her once again.
Foggy again she opened her eyes, This time by force as bright flashes of light forcing her from her sleep- Seeing she was strapped down to a table and the cold that hit her body, realizing quickly she was naked and on one of the circuses wheel of death used for knife throwing. Turning to the side quickly she saw a man to her left with a welding tool that was blinding-
"W-What the hell?!" She screamed, the man pulling back to tug on what she realized was a pink leather collar with a gold ring that had welded it closed around her neck to keep it from ever coming off.
"We h-had a deal!!!" She screeched as (Y/N) desperately tried tug on the rope and wiggle her neck around at feeling the collar dig into her flesh.
"That we did Doll" A sarcastic voice chimed, turning to see Buggy walking around her with a smile on his lips, his eyes racking over her naked form.
"See you said I could have whatever I wanted for the price of your crew going free- And I wanted you" He purred, Fear squeezing the air from her lungs as she realized what had been done. Tears welling in the corners of her eyes as she yanked on the restraints harder.
"Now there is no need for that my Darling~ You arent going anywhere or sles ill have you bath in their blood" He practically sang as she heard him rustle behind her away from view for a few moments before a wave of heat seemed to suddently waft over her, (Y/N) eyes widening at this as as Buggy stood back infront of her with a branding iron in his hand it bright red and glowing from the fire it has come from.
"I do like to write my name on my new toys however" He mused. (Y/N) sobbing at the sight as she desperately pulled feeling the rope burn into her flesh with each continued pull of the restraints.
"N-No Please! NO!-" She cried as Buggy smiled down at her, ignoring her words as he pressed the red iron into her flesh- Her screams echoing on the ship as he quickly pulled away, Smirking at the freshly burned red brand of his Jolly Roger on her chest before tossing the iron back into the coals.
"Have her ready for the show" He told one of his freaks, but (Y/N) mind was too foggy to really grasp anything as the pain ripped through her system, broken sobs weezing from her longs as the warmth of the now permanent collar was forgotten.
The freaks untied her and proceeded to drag her naked form back to the main stage- she couldn't even mentally process were she was as she was tossed back to the dirt of the circus circle- The feeling of someone grabbing a corner of the collar to yank her to her knees and attach a long pink leash.
She sat there on the ground, Her head bowed as she tried to wake her foggy mind from the ether that he had given her and the pain that still washed through her system from her burned flesh.
"Forward Now~ The show is about to start~" Buggy purred out as he tugged on the leash her collar was attached to. Looking up as he tugged again she saw it- Her crew all shackled to the audience seats, Their eyes widening at seeing her both naked and the fresh branding on her naked breast- (Y/N) hands scrambling to cover herself as warmth hit her face.
"Ah non of that!" Buggy laughed and yanked her up to her feet with the leash.
"This is humilating!!!" She screamed at him pulling back to swing at him but hands grabbed her wrist as he leaned in close with darkened eyes.
"That's the point, You get a taste of daring to humiliate me by upstaging me and steal fame from me" He hissed.
She screamed as she was fucked relentlessly into the wooden chair, Buggy holding the inner most part of her thighs in order to keep her still. Fat tears rolling down her cheeks as forced moans and sobs left her at his painful pace.
Humiliation and fear filled her system by the look in his eyes. Shoving her hard she landed backyards on a hard wooden chair, her head hitting the back of it with a loud crack.
(Y/N) felt a wave of nausea hit her as she tried to sit up- Tears threatening to spill. Taking advantage of her being dazed Buggy grabbed the lead and secured it around her wrist and then looped it on the top of the throne securing her in place.
Pulling on the binding lead she felt it tughten only and began to frantically try to escape- Almost willing to give up her crew at this point as she struggled. It wasn't till she heard the shifting of clothes did her eyes return to Buggy, seeing him lazily pull at his belt. .aking quick work of his trousers he ignored her struggles in trying to close her legs and forced them open with ease Staring down at her exposed sex he simply spit on it with a lazy shrug. Without even a moments notice he slammed himself into her fully and pulled back just as quick to repeat the harsh thrust.
"H-Hurts!!" She sobbed but her cries were ignored as he grunted harder above her and bottomed out. Pulling his gloves off with his teeth he made quick work of her clit, wanting to make sure she came around his cock.
"There we go~" He purred, Slowing his hips down enough to match the rhythm of his fingers. A dark smile on his lips as he forced the painful orgasm through her- Cackling at the tears that spilled from her cheeks as a moan screamed through her as she came hard against his cock and fingers. Buggy groaning at this as he felt her tighten around him before burying himself as deep inside of her and Cumming with a hissed out moan- pulling out quickly afterwards to stare.
Buggy couldn't help but admire her, the shaking thighs the tears and the fresh come that dripped crom her abused pussy. Smiling with pride at what he had done- grabbing her waist he pulled her up just enough to sit on the throne with her above him. His tongue licking around the branding and hands returning inbetween her legs.
"N-No More.." She sobbed, her wrist sore from the digging leash that kept her to the Silly Throne, her knees spread uncomforbly wide touching either side of the under arms as Buggy stared at her with an amused smirk. His ungloved fingers nestled deeply inside her folds, thumb running over the bruised clit as she cried out again pulling on the restraints in vain- Feeling his awaiting cock still pressed against her thigh even after so many rounds eager to return to her waiting heat.
"What did we agree on Doll~ I get my plaything and your crew gets to live. Don't you all remember?" He said loudly, She didn't dare look up as she could heard the uncomforble confirmation of the crew behind her, shackled in the audience chair as they watched their Captian like this-
"See~ Now I can throw them all to the sea beast and you can go on your merry way!~ Now what do you choose Captian (Y/N)?~" She winced at the Meer mention of her name and title, Humiliation bubbling in her sore chest as she sniffles again and nodded in agreement to save her crew. Tears running down her cheeks which make his smile as he leaned forward to lick them off her cheeks, Like he enjoyed the taste of her suffering.
"Good Girl~"
In a moments his free severed hand bought a heavy cloth to her nose- His eyes locking onto her to made sure she breathed it in. (Y/N) reluctantly breathing it in as the foogy smell of the ether inducing chemicals flooded her lungs, her body starting to slack as she felt ger body grow heavy and mind slip away. He chuckled at the sight of her body getting loopy once more, His fingers pulling from her folds earning a whimpering moan from her before he wrapped it around his cock to guide himself into her.
"Let's go again~ This time will be the finale"
He purred put as he pushed himself deeply into her- Earning another weakened cry from the woman. Gripping her already bruised hips he began to make her bounce on his cock, enjoying the sight of her body moving with each thrust.
"Move for me~" He ordered, (Y/N) beginning to bounce on his cock as instructed if not slower- still shaking from the overstimulation of her forced orgasm. Buggy smirked at this and reached up pressing his thumb into the branded wound making her cry in pain.
"Faster" He ordered. (Y/N) cried at this as she speed up her pace, the wet noises of sex filling the air as she could only close her eyes and do as commanded- Her heart aching in pain while forced pleasure washed over her form. Buggy seemingly pleased with this as he grunted from under her- But not liking her eyes closed he grabbed her hips suddently pausing for only a moment as he picked her up from his cock and sun her around before slamming back into her.
Keeping up his brutal pace as he made sure the crew watched their Captian face first. She closed her eyes tightly as she didnt wish to see their faces like this. Buggy however didn't let that stand, pushing her body out just enough to were the collar was tighter around her throat and couldn't get oxygen- (Y/N) eyes widened at this as she tried to move in a different position to release the tension of the collar but Buggy wouldn't allow it. Her eyes landing on her crew infront of her as they stared in horror at her purpl-ing face.
As the crashing of an orgasm hit her he let the collar slack adding sweet oxygen to the mix which made her mind go fuzzy and scream out as she came over his cock. A wicked laugh echoing from Buggy as he saw her blessed out face from the oxygen and orgasm- how her body slacked afterwards as she looked disoriented and dumb.
"Well done Doll!~ Looks like the show is over" He sang, Leaning her back against his chest as he felt her close to fainting but wanted her to watch. Waving for his freaks to release her crew to gods-knows-where.
"Look~ See your crew is free to go Doll" He whispered in her ear and rubbed her shaking legs in mock comfort. She watched with tear filled eyes as her crew filed out by Buggy's Freaks. Looking at her with pity and shame at (Y/N)'s sacrifice, their Captian was gone now only Buggy's shiny new toy remained.
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broke-art · 1 year
Sun Wukong x kidnapped reader
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Sun gave a parting wave to M.k as his successor rushed off to deliver noodles for Pigsy. The kid really was great but he'd kept you waiting a little too long. The moment M.k was out of sight Sun jumped on his cloud and zipped towards your apartment.
Your p.o.v
You had spent the morning cleaning and setting up your apartment for the day. Sun had promised he'd spend the day with you. Watching movies, playing video games, maybe karaoke if you could convince him.
But you'd finished getting ready almost three hours ago. Sun never broke a date with you this late. He could be tardy here and there but not normally like this. You sighed and walked out onto the fire escape. You were about to climb down when a thud sounded behind you.
With a happy gasp you whirled around then froze.
A black monkey was perched on the fire escape rail with a grin.
"What's the matter? Expecting someone else?"
You took a slow step backwards then ran down the steps.
A chuckle sounded behind you and just as your foot touched solid ground the monkey tackled you. Twisting just before you hit the ground you tried to push him away but ended up flat on your back with his hands pinning your wrists.
"Get off of me!" You shouted struggling under him.
"Sorry kid, nothing personal."
His eyes shone purple and your world faded to black.
Sun wukong's p.o.v
Sun hopped onto the fire escape about to knock when he realized the window was open.
No answer came and the corners of Sun's lips pulled down into a worried frown. He entered the apartment and looked around. Nothing seemed out of place. Sun left the apartment and started to look around.
"Looking for someone?"
Sun's head shot up and Macaque smiled down from the rooftop of a nearby building.
"How's it goin bud?" Macaque chuckled.
Sun growled and jumped up onto the rooftop cracking the pavement with the force.
"Where is she?!"
"She's safe. For now." Macaque grinned. "Gotta hand it to ya. She's pretty. And way out of your league."
Sun shot forward punching at him, but Macaque's figure turned to shadow and Sun's fist went right through.
"If you can find her then you can have her back." Macaque's voice drifted from behind Sun causing him to whirl around, but nothing was there.
"But we both know how you leave someone when it's too much work."
Sun stiffened as Macaque's voice drifted away on the wind.
Your p.o.v
You awoke with with a small groan. Your head ached a bit so you tried to put your hand to your temple, but it wouldn't budge. You blinked your eyes open only to see you were tied to a tree on an old mountain.
"Morning kid." The black monkey from earlier smirked taking a knee Infront of you.
You gave him an annoyed glare.
"Wow what a look. You'd think you'd be a bit more thankful."
"Why on earth would I be thankful for being kidnapped?!" You snapped.
The monkey chuckled.
"For showing you the real Sun Wukong. Once he gets what he wants from you he'll abandon you."
You rose an eyebrow.
"Sun Wukong isn't like that, face paint."
The monkey blinked a bit before he seemed to realize you were referring to the red on his face.
"Funny, the name's Macaque."
"I'd love to say it's a pleasure, macaroni. But it hasn't been." You shot back with a frown.
"You've certainly got a mouth for someone extremely mortal." Macaque pointed out leaning a little too close.
You decided to give him a reason to back up.
"Well if anything your breath will kill me before you can at this rate."
Macaque chuckled.
"No wonder he likes you. You're entertaining, for now that is." He leaned back on his tail and folded his arms.
You struggled against the ropes.
"It won't be so entertaining when Sun Wukong gets here."
"Actually, I think it'll be even more so. Watching him freak when he can't find you will be peak entertainment."
You growled and kicked a nearby rock at him.
Macaque leaned out of the way with a grin watching the attempt.
"Not a bad shot if you were trying to miss." Macaque leaned so close you thought he was going to kiss you.
Macaque was thrown backwards as Sun Wukong landed Infront of you glowing with golden flames.
"Sun!" You cheered.
Sun Wukong gave you an apologetic look before Macaque spoke up.
"Hey bud. What took you so long?"
Sun Wukong glared at him.
"Aren't you ever gonna get sick of taking my friends you coward?"
Macaque grinned evilly.
"You are such a gem. It's gonna be so satisfying turning her against you." Macaque shot at Sun wukong and the two started to fight.
You struggled hard against the restraints until the ropes started to loosen. Finally Sun Wukong was able to defeat Macaque and come over to help you.
"Did he hurt you?" Sun Wukong asked worriedly snapping the ropes with a single tug.
You hugged Sun Wukong in relief and shook your head as he pulled you to his chest.
"Only my pride."
Sun sighed in relief.
"I'm sorry, peach. I was training M.k and the kid needed a few more pointers than usual. I didn't expect it to take so long."
You smiled up at him.
"Hey it's alright. And you couldn't have known macaroni was gonna pull something."
Sun paused at the nickname then burst into laughter.
You smiled proudly.
"Yeah I don't think he likes the nickname."
Sun grinned down at you.
"You called him that?"
You nodded happily.
Sun kissed your cheek making your cheeks bloom a crimson red.
"I shoulda known you'd have something to say to him. You always were a spitfire." He praised proudly.
You cuddled closer as Sun summoned his cloud and flew you home.
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sleepy-otx · 8 months
Babysitter/Bodyguard AU
MCs: ZhongXiao & Qiqi
Zhongli who is at war with many other regions, including the one where Xiao is enslaved in, and who also has a child who is Qiqi. Xiao who runs into her in his master's land and realizes that oh shit, she's from Morax's land and she cannot be here!! Qiqi, of course, is like not worried because in her eyes her dad is very powerful and will always keep her safe, not realizing that she's not in her dad's land meaning he doesn't have any special powers there and she is in a lot of danger should anyone find out who she is. Xiao doesn't know who is her dad and doesn't give her the chance to explain and tries to get her to leave. Qiqi is still trying to collect plants for medicine and refuses to leave because there is a lot of plants there and she still thinks that she's home. She climbs up a mountain and Xiao is immediately noping out, but rushes back to save her when she's about to fall. After all, it's not like his master ordered him to not save the child and it's not like he's disobeying and she doesn't have to know he's technically helping the enemy
He saves her and gathers all the plants she wanted and gave her a quick blessing to protect her and help her travel faster into her land undetected and unharmed. It works really well to the point where it's still active by the time she arrives home and sees her family freaking out that she was missing for so long. She doesn't understand what the big deal was and just said that she made a nice new friend, but she never actually got his name. Skip forward where Qiqi constantly goes over to try and find her new friend and Xiao is like no, no, no, leave right now, but can't bring himself to be mean about it.
A party with all neighboring kingdoms/nations invited is held including his lady who is quite antagonistic about it. They will go but really it's more so an excuse for her to observe Morax's palace and look for any weak points. Of course, she nor any of her people could attack without starting a war, but it was better to have information just in case. While they're in a foreign kingdom/nation they would have to listen to that ruler's orders as a sign of respect but they needn't try to hard, just enough to get others off their case. Xiao immediately spots Qiqi from across the room and realized who she is. She's the reason why the party was thrown in the first place. The birthday party of the little lady of liyue. A party that went south when someone tried to take advantage of the situation. It's quickly resolved, but Morax notices how is daughter clinged onto one of his foes when she was scared. Xiao's master also notices it and considers this new information carefully.
The child seeks him out on other special occasions. He rebuffs each attempt. Acknowledging her and the little friendship they created would be equivalent to handing his master the spear to strike directly at Morax's heart and ending his reign. She was just a child after all. Easy to manipulate and easy to please. So he says harsh words with cold eyes. He says them even as his heart begins to hurt and says them even as she looks at him with tears in her eyes and says them when her family looks at him with such hatred for hurting her.
Later on, when his master goes against Morax, he cant bring himself to watch Qiqi get killed and takes a fatal blow meant for her. It's a stupid move, so stupid that everyone stops fighting for a second to process it. He passes out from the pain still holding her in his arms. When he is interrogated he lies. He lies because there's no point in trying to get out of this live. He just wants it all to end already. Eventually, Morax wins the battle against Xiao's master and Xiao is set to be executed, but Qiqi asks to talk to him privately first. She tries to interrogate him because she doesn't understnd why he's so nice one second then so mean the next. He can't hide the truth from her and explains as best he can so as to not leave her wondering after his death. Though he does not notice her father listening in on their conversation.
A few weeks later and it is decided that his punishment is to guard the little lady and the king after much persuading from her and a lot of thinking from her father. From there other stuff happens and Xiao is really confused as to why the fuck he's still alive and why they want him of all people to protect some of the most important people in their nation. Cue shenanigans and Qiqi using her big brain to get them together so she can have her perfect happy family.
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gamerbearmira · 10 months
Ideas for Gravity Falls AU because I love this idea
All the grandkids get involved in the crazy adventures
The Weirdmageddon (an apocalyptic event in GF's finale) in this AU involves Casita and the magic going haywire, probably due to Bill Cipher (GF's supernatural villain)
Alma and the adults are all oblivious to the crazy stuff going on until Weirdmageddon happens, and they're all just confused and terrified while the grandkids are mostly chill
At first Isabella tries to be her perfect, pre-movie self, but deep down she loves going on these crazy adventures because of how exciting they are so soon enough she lets loose, and when she does she becomes a force to be reckoned with, she's still 'Senorita Pefecta' with the adults, but with the grandkids, she's her wild true self
Mariano ends up getting captured by some supernatural entity, having no idea what's going on, and the grandkids have to save him, Dolores ends up being the one to get him outta trouble and from that point on he's head over heels for her, she's his 'Senorita in Shining Armor'
Mariano probably ends up getting trown into a few of their adventures
At one point, Mariano sees Isabella take out an extremely powerful creature while laughing, because she loves the adrenaline rush, and he becomes slightly scared of her
A group of giants end up mistaking Luisa as one of their own and basically adopt her, she's super freaked out but they're very kind and nurturing towards her, they're not evil, just confused, she ends up becoming an honorary giant
Every grandkid gets mistaken for a supernatural creature at one point or another
Isabella, Camilo, and Antonio are the excitable chaotic ones (like Mabel) and Dolores, Luisa, and Mirabel are the cautious logical ones (like Dipper)
Isabella, Camilo, and Antonio have grappling hooks while Dolores, Luisa, and Mirabel each have one of the three Journals (books in GF documenting all the supernatural things going on in the town)
The Journals in GF were written by Dipper and Mabel's long lost great uncle, who researched and investigated supernatural stuff, in the AU, the Journals are written by Pedro, who was researching magic, the place where the Encanto now stands was a hotspot for magical stuff, and the raiders were people who had spied on Pedro and realized what he was researching, so they attacked to try and take his research, Pedro realized he was being spied on and so he hid the Journals, when the raiders came he led Alma and the rest of his village to the magic place so they'd be safe, and in his dying moments, thanks to his extensive knowledge on how the magic worked, he used the magic to create the mountains, Casita, and the Miracle
Being mistaken for a supernatural at one point is just. So funny to me. Like dang, I know they're from outta town, but its not that bad 😭
Also Pedro woth the journals. I don't know much about the show, but I know about the journals and Stan having a twin brother??? (I think) who made them and hid them. But yes, I think that's pretty rad in and of itself. Gotta collect em all 🦅🦅
L on the adults for not noticing all the weird stuff. Ain't no way 💀
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eah-exchange · 1 year
 Darling’s Author-Blessed Christmas Adventure
To: @eah-royal-ouat
From: @claws-of-fame
Hi penny! Apologies for lateness, but I just HAD to make sure your gift was right. Happy Holidays!
SUMMARY: Darling runs into many snags in her quest to get Chase something sweet for the holidays.
RATING: T for swears
SHIPS: Darling/Chase (main), OC ships are mentioned
Darling was absolutely, positively, INSANELY stumped. She was standing outside a bustling market that was held in a warehouse building, in the heavy snow currently blanketing Ever After and the Village of Book End.
Her fur platform boots crunched the snow underneath as she shifted back and forth on both feet, nervously waiting on her map app to load on her MirrorPhone (which was getting absolutely pelted with snow.) She was SUPPOSED to shop for a gift for her boyfriend, Chase, but nothing was quite hitting the mark on what she had in mind. Chase mentioned he wanted something “dark and sweet and a little bit creepy”, and at first, it was chocolate in her mind. She instantly thought of her favorite: Antoinette’s Beach Day. A dark chocolate and sea salt bark with rose water and tea, made by a specific chocolatier in the D’Aulnoy District (which was, admittedly, the rich girl district. Don’t blame Darling, she has expensive taste.) Her friend Tia worked at that chocolatier, but the lines were SO long, owing to the rush, and when Tia saw her, all she could do was shrug apologetically and promise her some of it reserved for the day after Christmas. Darling could do nothing but sigh and smile apologetically as well, before she walked out the door and tried to find another store. The next one was a book. It was a gothic romance novel that she had recommended to her by an acquaintance she met in an all grades class of Heroics (was her name Lala? Darling forgets, but she had very good form with a traditional Filipino sword, and fought in a blazer. Her kind of girl.) It was about a vampire and a werewolf, set in the misty mountains of Romania, in the 1800s. “Very cheesy goth romance,” Lala had said, but she recommended it for a nice couple’s gift, so Darling set out for the bookstore in Poe Street. Unfortunately for her, that bookstore has magically moved, as she found a cafe instead; the cafe had a poster that said; “Greetings Nevermore Ink Customers; we have magically moved this week to the Midnight Bazaar in the Enchanted Forest for our Holiday Week. Try out the newest drinks at our sister store Lenore’s Cores, and Quoth The Ravenne; ‘The Velvet Dark Latte is dee-lish.’” At that point, Darling sighed to herself… but treated herself to some coffee since it was colder than the Ice Queen’s domain in Book End. A welcome change of pace from her sugary sweet drinks. (And frankly? That Velvet Dark Latte was absolutely delicious. If not a bit too dark for her tastes. She hated strong coffee.) Her search led her to seek out Fabled Freaks, a record store tucked into the Industrial District. She barely found it, only being beckoned in by a tall girl with jade green streaks in her pigtails and an intimidating aura. Getting inside, she was greeted by gorgeously grungy interiors, with neon signs and racks on racks on racks on racks of vinyl records, CDs, and cassette tapes, arranged by genre and by alphabetical order. The girl (Yaling, she said, and she suddenly remembered she was one of the Jade Emperor’s kids in Ever After High; she didn’t even work at the store but essentially knew everything in the store at that point) listened as Darling mentioned Chase’s favorite genres, and looked through the racks to find some music that fit, but
unfortunately for Darling, she couldn’t play any of these with her own setups AND it didn’t click as a proper gift. But she got Chase a bunch of cassettes anyway, as she was sure he had a cassette tape player tucked in his messy dorm room. Yaling smiled at her and led her to the cashier, and as Darling paid, she gave her a tip that she was very thankful for. “You’re Chase’s girlfriend, right? I know that lil’ guy, he’s been getting into darker goth stuff recently, but he’s still a sweet baby. You should get him a DVD and stuffed toy set of Nightmare Before Christmas. Heard the goth store at Market District has it, but you gotta move quickly, those sell out pretty fast. Good luck out there, Darling.” In the present moment, Darling smiled as she remembered the tip, and looked back at her phone. The map app showed that the store Yaling mentioned was way at the back of the market building, on another level of the rather bustling warehouse, so she decided to ask around the market to figure out where the store was. Problem one: she didn’t know what it was called. Problem two: Yaling never actually gave any info about the shop other than “goth shop.” Problem three: this marketplace is BIG. …Well, a Charming never backs down from a challenge. And Mama Charming never raised a quitter. So Darling went in search of the store. She raked through the aisles for any information, with a little tip in tow; none of them knew much about it, because it was such a new store. A girl in pink said to go over there, while a guy in sparkles told her to go over here, and Darling was finding it to be such a chore. As she weaves through the stalls with a practiced ease, she couldn’t help but notice the trinkets (and the stall selling…cheese?) A gift for Dex, a thing for Daring, something for the Wonderlandians that she knows would keep them staring. Something with a snow globe for one of her tropical friends, in this marketplace with delights to no end. She clambered up and down with all the time to spare, but she looked at her phone and said “oh Authors, he’s almost there!” For Chase and her agreed to meet at a friend’s place, which meant that Darling’s gift hunting had no time to waste. She ran through the warehouse with a surprising speed, but the store wasn’t found, and neither was the DeeV(D). Excuse the bad pun, for the author is cheesy, but Daring’s mind was making her queasy. Afraid to come back empty handed, she was ready to give up and leave with nothing branded, until…
“Author. Shut up.” Who said that? Who was that? What creature goes there— “I’m giving you 10 seconds before I reach through the document to smack you.” Oh, it’s the son of the Duchess, little sir Archie, with— “Shut up. Hey, Darling!” [CONNECTION LOST… REESTABLISHING…] [RECONNECTED. AUTHOR KESTREL IS NOW IN SESSION.] Replacing the previous author. They had a bad case of the Holidays. Archie, son of the Duchess (and her incredibly piquant treats) called Darling over from her spot near the stairwell. She turned her head to look at him beckoning at her, and she rushed to him, glad to find a familiar face in the crowd. “Hey Archie! Gosh, so nice to see someone I know! I’m looking for the goth store that this girl Yaling told me about. Had a Nightmare Before Christmas DVD I was planning to watch with Chasey.” Archie laughed and gesticulated dramatically to show the store. Now that Darling was closer, she saw a store befitting Raven’s style sensibilities, but with Cupid’s signature romantic flair. She gasped and smacked her head, laughing a little at the Christmas miracle that was brought in. “Welcome to Shelley’s Selling! Kinda heard you asking about the goth store here and I had to come to your rescue. My boyfriends love shopping here. It’s a new branch! The old one is all the way in the Butcher’s District. I think they have the DVD set… but,” Darling sighed. She knew where this was going. “You’re buying it for Huego and Tate. Aw, shucks.” Darling smiled sadly, thinking that she wouldn’t get the perfect gift for Chase. “It’s alright, Arch. You can have it. Are you gonna have a movie date with them?” Archie pouted a bit before smiling again, clearly rather apologetic about everything.
“Thanks for being so kind, babes. And yeah, we’re having one! It’s just not at our dorm, I was just headed out to get this and head back to Kathryn’s apartment here—“ “Kathryn? Pilar? The caterpillar girl?” “Well, yeah, her!” “No way, we’re meeting there too!” Give thanks to your author. “Well, it’s an authors blessed miracle. Let’s grab this and head out? Really couldn’t have come at a better time, Darl.” “Thanks, Arch. Come on, let’s grab it and go, it’s cold here!” The two laughed as they purchased the DVD from Shelley’s Selling, and as they walked out of the marketplace into the windy cold, they were kept warm by the chats that they were having, and the laughs that they shared. And later that evening, as all the couples were bundled up on the couch watching Nightmare Before Christmas, as Kathryn prepared hot chocolate for everyone, Darling smiled and giggled to herself, earning an amused look from her boyfriend, Chase. She actually forgot that it was a Wonderlandian party. And that Huego mentioned he wanted to see Nightmare Before Christmas at the party. She should’ve just texted Archie. But, she decided, the adventure was worth it. Christmas was all well and good for Darling. Especially when she was wrapped in Chase’s arms on a couch with all their friends. It really is worth it.
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dmclemblems · 2 years
Oh I meant poor Seteth in a shitposting sense lol
Like when he goes "no Rhea, you can't go" she's all "yes, I have already asked Cyril btw, i don't care about what you say :)."
Or when he's all "I'm not sure it's a good idea to take Shez with us", she looks at him and then goes "ok Shez you can come :) "
To end with the ultimate reason why this super sacred shield is hidden in a mountain "Indech made it for Cichol, but Seiros passed it down to Great Emperor Wilhelm because he was just so awesome" and you can see how done he is with all her antics - it might not be the first time she "borrows" his things but he doesn't care anymore
I actually didn't really like how FE16 portrayed their relationship - maybe to highlight Billy's special status - as not downright antagonistic or negative, but Rhea's keeping things from him to the point where he can ditch her in CF because "she's not the same" anymore and he's ok with letting her die against Nemesis V.2. - something this game changed, as we see him doubt and initially refuse leaving her.
From the moment Shez meets them, we see through their interactions they're on the same wavelength - his words to Cyril about how he knows how Rhea thinks because they often think in similar ways have more weight in 3 Nopes, because here, we see how they interact.
Seteth is her (tired) older (brother?) relative and they have been working together for years !
She's not, like FE16 tried to portray, some cryptid he used to know but doesn't anymore to whom he feels some sort of obligation when his allegeance/bond switched to Billy. For instance, Nopes!Seteth would have rushed with Billy (or even rushed in first) as SS!Rhea was crashing in the cathedral, he wouldn't just be "there" letting Billy be the only one who cares enough to go after Rhea.
Even FeH tried to correct what FE16 tried to portray, Billy and self-insert privilege be damned, when Halloween!Rhea complains that Seteth would surely call her dress "immodest", implying he already made similar comments about her various attires (I think there's a 4 Koma gag too? Where he freaks out because she's in a bikini, but she bullshits him to play with other heroes).
FE16!Seteth? With the main plot's script alone, no one could imagine he would ask her to put more "appropriate" clothes, given how they are always talking about work, disagreeing on Billy and whatnot.
I wrote about it in another post, but by removing Billy and the doylist "self-insert", the characters still have bonds with others, bond that cannot be artificially thinned to sever them at will should you choose to create a bond between this character and the self-insert instead which is, thanks to "self-insert privilege" be, of course, the most important bond out of all bonds a character can have.
(iirc Seteth doesn't even mention Flayn in his Billy S-support?)
Back to Seteth and the other bonds he has, it's a damn shame Manuela had to join the Bullshit Eagle Sus Force (when she was the one who rescued Flayn and tries to heal Rhea after the Shambala expedition!!) but he had some professional relationship with her, Catherine and maybe the other knights (where's the Seteth'n'Alois support?? Oh right, Alois decided to ditch everything he is to follow Jeralt, because "Jeralt <3" is more important than anything else like his duty and his love for his job as a Knight of Seiros.)
He develops some relationships through the war with other people, and they can even become great friends, but I always disliked how FE16 proper underplayed the preexisting bond between he and Rhea.
At least 3 Nopes managed to correct it (3 Nopes is a wonder when it comes to Nabateans (bar Sothis), they can shine and flourish when they're not limited by the self-insert and their privilege!).
Now, I really wonder, what are Seteth's opinions on Rhea's various actions, like cooking up the lie about crests, the Elites and relics?
While I want to think he agrees it was the only solution to protect Nabateans without condemning the children of the Elites he would have had a lot more reservations about bringing Sothis back - regardless of what Heroes retconned but would have nonetheless understood where Rhea is coming from, if only on the "I just want this continent to know peace" angle.
(with a firmer "no" though on the homonculus projects).
I confess though, my vision of Seteth is partly biased because of his JP!VA, I love Koyasu so hearing Whitten's softer Seteth always feels odd lol
(btw, did you know Jp!Arvis in heroes is voiced by the same person who voices Bleach's Aizen? I'll never cease to cry about no dual audio in heroes)
That was definitely a result of the whole Byleth influence and needing to highlight them as the important main character, so Seteth relationship with Rhea definitely suffered from it. Really you could say a lot of stuff suffered from that relationship wise. I like Byleth as a character but I hate the way all the characters just kind of... get obsessed with Byleth. There are a few exceptions where it’s plausible, but the whole cast is too much for me.
The stuff in CF with them retreating and ditching Rhea if you let them survive I feel was more just kinda forced in because they had to somehow fit in the player sparing them but they still have to fight Rhea. Since it’s on Edelgard’s route, I guess you could also chalk it up to like, if the player lets them survive then they can’t just return to stay at Rhea’s side. In GW I guess it’s the same idea except they choose to retreat on their own, plus they’re well loved characters so I guess the devs figured it wasn’t necessary to have them killed?
I feel like Seteth got some better relationships overall in this game, kind of ironically considering his lack of supports. He doesn’t get as much agency in AM/VW despite being part of your main army. I understand the writers had to focus on the lords for each route, but they did better in Hopes as far as incorporating Seteth into the important talks in AG.
Manuela is definitely placed oddly to me because she hates war and bloodshed. I’d be hard pressed to believe she just went along with Edelgard’s motives (same with Hanneman, regardless that he isn’t playable in Hopes).
Houses imo did give a nice relationship to Seteth and Claude, so I’m sad that was taken away in Hopes. I liked the way they didn’t really trust each other but seemed to respect each other by the end of VW? They were able to put their awkward interactions behind them from the Academy and work together.
My guess on Seteth’s feelings/opinions about what Rhea does regarding Crests and all is that it’s a necessary way to keep things from getting out of control in the future. Kind of like, a necessary evil? I don’t think he would agree to that kind of thing with malice toward anyone else, but if it put Flayn in danger for the truth to be out there, he’d probably just accept it.
In Houses he didn’t know about the Sothis-Byleth connection, but I guess that’s because maybe Rhea expected him to not be okay with it and so hid it from him. I have some other thoughts on it too though.
I also love Koyasu! hurr hurr levin’s voice actor too kEK
Heroes techhhhnically has dual audio, but you have to change the language of the text itself too and play the whole game in JP.
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skellebonez · 3 years
It took me a while but I finally finished your birthday fic @smallpwbbles ! I couldn’t resist writing a little What If? for Bitty MK and I really hope you enjoy it!
“Well…” Tang started with a strained chuckle as he held onto his chair with a grip so tight that Pigsy could swear he could hear his knuckles straining. “At least we know if anyone tries to attack or something… MK will probably scare half of the lifespan out of them when he picks up a car to chuck it at them.”
Given the way he continued to grip the chair even after the now shrunken Monkie Kid put him and the chair he was sitting in back down, Pigsy wouldn’t have been surprised if Tang had lost a few years of his own out of sheer shock and panic. Even though this was the second time it had happened that day and, really, Tang should have really expected it after MK had said he was looking for one of his markers and needed to see if it was under his chair.
Things to remember for the future, he supposed.
To say the situation was unusual was a massive understatement. How the young adult managed to be shrunken back down into a small child the chef still didn’t quite understand, and quite frankly as long as MK was safe and healthy and would eventually get back to normal size he really didn’t care to know the details. But he did understand that they now had a small child sized MK with the strength of one full grown Monkey King running around without the self realization to notice how terrifying this was to everyone around him.
At least he seemed to be having fun for most of the day. MK has finally wound down, munching on some peeled and cut fruit as an after dinner snack while surrounded by a veritable mountain of art supplies. How any single person, let alone a kid, could go through so much paper and so many markers in one day Pigsy would never know. But, then again, this was MK he was thinking about.
MK had always had a fierce streak for art. Pigsy had him to thank for his own shop’s sign, after all. The kid had skill, and lots of it, and while slightly diminished by the fact his hands barely reached around some of the markers anymore his tenacity had not even been the littlest bit lessened.
What had been lessened as well, however, were his shop hours. The shop has closed a bit early for the day, Pigsy only able to fill out so many orders for dine in only when he was the only employee currently working. And while Mei has been a huge help throughout the entire day with MK, she wasn’t his employee and he didn’t feel right asking her to take over as delivery driver (even if she would have done a great job). Besides, he was almost certain that if Tang was left alone with MK the poor man would have had at least one fainting spell out of sheer terror.
He’d sent Mei back home after she’d finished a meal he’d prepared for her, a full day of making sure that MK didn’t get into too much trouble wiping her out a lot faster than anyone expected. He had to admit… she was handling it better than nearly anyone else. Certainly better than Sun Wukong had. The Monkey King looked like he was holding it together pretty well but Pigsy was smarter than the immortal seemed to think he was.
He knew that other was internally freaking the hell out the entire time and it was even more obvious when he rushed off to find something to get MK back to normal once the kid has presented him with a self portrait of the king himself.
Granted, when Pigsy has been presented with much the same of himself he may have also internally freaked out a bit himself. But that was neither here nor there.
“Pigsy?” MK’s voice broke through the chef’s thoughts, soft and tired. “Do I have to go to bed?”
That was an… odd question to hear coming from anyone in any circumstance.
“Afraid ya do, kid,” Pigsy said with a soft chuckle. He moved around the counter, coming up to stand at the table the younger was currently sitting at. Now that he looked at him Pigsy could tell that MK was exhausted. He’d never seen a kid with such deep bags under their eyes before… which was odd. He was certain that he had taken some kind of nap at some point. “But you don’t have to until you and I get this place cleaned out, how’s that sound?”
“OK!” MK exclaimed as he wiped his face on his sleeves (Pigsy groaned knowing that his jacket would need to be washed as soon as possible), grabbing his plate to rush it into the kitchen.
“Softie,” Tang chuckled out as Pigsy adjusted the completely passed out MK in his arms.
“You cried when MK gave you your portrait, you don’t get to say anything,” Pigsy shot right back without even a single note of actual annoyance or venom in his tone. “Besides, kid’s even more of a ray of sunshine now. Can’t help it.”
“Very good points,” Tang said, stretching after he put the last of the chairs back in their places for the end of the day. “But that ray of sunshine is probably going to wake us up at 5 in the morning given what time it is now.”
Pigsy couldn’t help but snort and laugh in response, knowing that Tang was right but also knowing that only Tang would find that a problem considering Pigsy had to get up at roughly that time to prepare to open his shop anyway.
He never got to say that, however, because a distant scream of “PIG MAN YOU’VE GOT A PROBLEM!” rang through the shop before the still unlocked door slammed open to reveal one very frazzled immortal monkey.
Just… not the one he was expecting to see.
“UH…” He managed out, as Macaque shut the door behind himself, looking like he was questioning all of his life decisions.
Then he held up one sleeping and very… very small shrunken child Sun Wukong.
“… well shit.”
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foli-vora · 3 years
more than words - pt.1
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A/N: I’ve had this in my head for forever and a half so it feels good to finally sort my thoughts and random notes out. Hope you enjoy!
Summary: The one person who you thought would be happy for you finally getting with someone decent was your best friend. After all, he had set you both up. Who would’ve thought he’d be the reason it all falls apart?
Pairing: best friend!Benny Miller/f!reader, Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales/f!reader
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: alcohol consumption, swearing, mentions of sexual acts/sexual refences (no smut yet but it’s coming so this is strictly 18+)
pt.2 / pt.3 / pt.4 / pt.5 / pt.6
Wednesday nights were pizza nights. A rule established in the early stages of your friendship with Benjamin Miller – a loud mouth, golden hearted ex-spec ops mess of a human being. A chance meeting one stormy day on the freeway, led to something you weren’t expecting – a friendship, and a solid one at that.
“– she damn near tried to suck the life out of me!”
“Jesus Ben, there are kids a table over.”
“So? They shouldn’t be eavesdroppin’ on conversations that don’t concern them.” He grins lopsidedly at your scowl of disapproval, ripping off a mouthful of pizza and humming as he chews it, head swaying to the faint music playing behind the bar. “You’re payin’, by the way.”
You snort quietly, “Don’t I always?”
He recoils, blinking in playful surprise. “Excuse you? I paid last…” he trails off, eyes rolling to the wall as he thinks but a frown soon pinches his brows. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is that I love you and I appreciate you.”
You laugh quietly, shaking your head as you signal for another round. “Anyways, reverting to our previous topic before you got carried away with your blowjob story.”
He makes a noise, snapping his fingers as he tries to rush chewing and swallowing his mouthful. “So,” he starts, “I’ve got a friend…”
You groan immediately, letting your head lull back. “Ben –”
This wasn’t anything new. Benny took it as his own personal mission to fix you up with anyone he thought could give you a good time and treat you well. Friends, colleagues, Hell – even his brother at one point. Will was lovely, by all means, but not your type. Both you and Will had agreed you were not a match in the slightest early in the evening, enjoyed a night of beer and pool, and then went your separate ways.
Although, now that you thought about it, Ben hadn’t mentioned setting you up with anyone for a long while. Not since before his mysterious trip.
You still didn’t know anything about it, other than he and some old work friends went on an apparent ‘vacation’. It was more than that – you knew it, and he knew you knew it, but you didn’t push the topic. Instead of interrogating him, forcing question after question on him, you let it go, sensing it was something he really didn’t want to talk about.
He had returned from that trip a few months ago, heavy with exhaustion and usually bright eyes dull and weary. You tucked him into your bed, and left him. He slept for hours. It wasn’t until much later that evening that you crept in to see how he was doing, and found him thrashing silently in the sheets, sweaty and incoherently mumbling, face pinched and puckered in pain. You didn’t wake him. Instead, you knelt beside the bed, softly stroking along his forehead until his erratic movements and breathing calmed. You didn’t bring it up.
“I know, I know,” he threw his hands up in defence with a small grin, “but I think you’ll like this one.”
“That’s what you always say.”
“No, I mean it this time. He’s a real good guy – one of my closest. I think you guys would really hit it off. I haven’t tried to set you up before because he was with the chick but she upped and left him alone with the baby and –”
“Sorry, what?”
“He has a baby? Like a… like a child?”
Benny frowns defensively, “You’ve always said you want kids!”
“It’s still a huge commitment, Ben.”
“Jesus, I’m not walking you down the aisle! Just meet him and see where it goes. If it ends in some good sex, you say ‘thank you Ben’ and we move on. And if it ends in something more, you guys take it slow and buy me wings as a thank you.” He shrugs, looking thoroughly impressed with himself, and reaches for his beer, polishing it off in one swig.
“And what if it ends in bad sex?” You challenge, crossing your arms on the table and leaning forward to eye him critically.
He scoffs, “Woman please. I know my brothers. You’ll be in good hands.”
You take a moment to thank the waitress as she stops at your table with your beers. She lingers just a little on passing Ben his, an act he didn’t miss as he shoots her a wink and a honeyed, thanks sugar. She smiles, cheeks flooding with colour before she turns and waltzes off towards other customers, swinging her hips as she goes.
You’re expressionless when he finally turns back to you, “Sugar?”
“Shut your mouth.”
Façade cracking, a snicker falls past your lip and you chuckle. “Alright,” you concede, “you’ve got my interest. What’s his name?”
… what?
“Come again?”
“Francisco – we call him Fish. Catfish, actually.”
“Your age?”
“Bit older.”
You sigh deeply, rolling your head on your shoulders in thought. You were curious, no doubt about it. Despite never being able to make anything last long-term out of the list of men Benny had set you up with, none of them were bad guys. They were all kind, funny and incredibly respectful. One great thing about Benjamin Miller was that he had an impeccable taste in character.
“I don’t know, Ben –”
He slips his phone from his pocket and swipes away at his screen before wordlessly handing you the device. It was a photo, taken from one of Benny’s many weekend trips into the wilderness. Your eyes are dragged from the incredible background of snow peaked mountains and lush green forests to the man standing beside Benny, tucked under his arm. Average build and height, a well-loved trucker cap hiding dark hair. Warm brown eyes, crinkled from a large dimpled grin between dark patched facial hair.
Benny, seeing the sudden spark of interest, grins around his beer bottle. “So, I’ll slip him your number?”
You tighten your jaw and hand his phone back, sniffing impassively as you reach for your beer. “If it means you’ll leave me alone, then fine.” You mutter coolly, ignoring his quiet chuckle.
“Wait, wait – you have a best friend and it’s not one of us? I’m cut, Benny. Cut real deep.” Santiago Garcia was curious, to say the least. For years, he had known the youngest Miller and he had never mentioned anyone beyond their little circle or their families. “She cute?”
Benny huffs a chuckle, leaning across the pool table and lining up the final ball. “Hell yeah, she’s cute.”
“Where you been hiding her?”
“She moved away – only came back late last year.”
Santi hums, “Ironhead – she cute?”
Will half smiles, dragging his attention away from the pool table to shrug. “She’s alright.”
His bait works. Benny snaps it up – hook, line and sinker. He stands abruptly from his shot, cue just skimming the white ball, and points an angry finger in his brother’s direction, “I won’t take that shit. She’s a damn angel and you know it.”
Will chuckles to himself before returning his attention to Santi. “Yeah, she’s cute. Show ‘em.”
Benny briefly steps away from the pool table, opens his phone and brings up your Instagram profile, throwing it to Pope and letting him scroll through your feed.
“How come you’ve met her and we haven’t?” Pope aims his question at the older Miller brother, currently bent over the table and pocketing the black ball.
He half shrugs, straightening. “He set us up. It didn’t work out.”
Santi’s face puckers into a teasing glower, and he pouts at the younger Miller. “So, what? You set everyone else up and just leave me to die alone? What’s that about, Benjamin?”
Benny holds his arms out in obvious exaggeration, gesturing deliberately to himself. “You’ve got me.”
Frankie quietly sips his beer and watches in fond amusement, content to stay in the background and away from the bickering. Like Santi, his interest had been piqued but he was somewhat nervous about the situation. He already had feelings of apprehension returning to the dating scene after the shit show of a year he’d had, and those feelings tripled when it came to potentially dating someone close to one of his longest friends. He hadn’t dated in years. He was rusty. What if he disappointed you and Benny ended up kicking his ass? It could get messy real quick.
“I don’t know, man.” He finally pipes up, crossing his arms comfortably across his torso and reclining in the bar stool after peaking over Santi’s shoulder and at the screen he was lazily scrolling through. Ha. Way out of his league. “This kinda shit never works.”
“You sayin’ she’s not good enough for you?”
Frankie shakes his head, rolling his eyes. “You know I’m not.”
“Sounds like you are.”
“Quite the opposite.”
“I’ll take his spot. Give me her number.” Santi holds a hold out, clicking his fingers impatiently when Benny merely rolls his eyes. Pope grins, settling back into his seat and elbowing Frankie softly. “I think you should go for it, man. She seems great, and you need to get back out there.”
“I can’t, I’ve got Mena –”
“And Mena’s got her tío. Go for it. You’re just looking for excuses – no seas cobarde.”
Frankie chews on his lip as he gives it a bit of thought, wondering what’s the worst possible case scenario that could come from it. A busted lip? His self-image in ruins? Scared off from dating for the rest of his life? All things he could live with.
“… alright.”
Immediately, Benny perks up from setting the pool table with a large grin. “Yeah?”
Fish sighs, long and drawn out as Pope playfully pokes his side. “Yeah. Give me her number, I’ll message her now.” Before he freaks and changes his mind.
Maybe he was just thinking too much. What’s the worst that could happen?
Tags: @anu-simps​
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bloodycassian · 3 years
Little bit smutty! Part 2ish of hellish Reader x cassian
You stared at him. He stared back. And the rest of them stared at both of you.  His eyes did not leave yours for an instant. Even when the door slammed shut from a cold wind. Shapes moved in the corner of your vision, but you stayed locked with Cassian. Your shared link was currently a courting battle. A dance of thoughts and feelings, mixed emotions and fear. The fear mainly from your side. And he was trying to comfort you.
"What's going on?" Someone whispered. A small voice, but concerned.  A huff of breath, and they were shuffling out of the room. Leaving you and the war lord alone. You could still hear them from the kitchen, but you let it fade. You let yourself be drawn back on that platform where his presence waited for you. You closed your eyes.
"Where are you from?" He asked, too casual to be normal. His mind was protected, but he had opened that connection just enough to be able to ask you questions. "You think I'm going to answer that after your friend nearly killing me?" You said, dancing your essence around him in a tickling way.
He rumbled, that earthy tone of his presence was warm. Welcoming, as if he was made just for you to come home to. "If I had known-" He began, but you cut him off with a sharp shove of force. "You would have what? Not almost killed him?" 
He sighed, exasperated. Shame roiled in his gut, but he knew what had to be said. He pushed down the feelings of guilt for what he had done to his brother.  "Brother?" You inquired, surprised. "You look nothing alike." Which was neither a good or bad thing. They were both some of the most gorgeous males you'd ever seen. Much better looking than the warriors at home who only worked on the muscles visible. You could tell he was built, a lithe warrior through and through. You tried not to imagine him shirtless. A booming heat raced down the line, and you tried your best to get away from those thoughts. He shifted on the couch.
"Metaphor. Tell me how we can help you." He was upfront, straight to the point and you appreciated it. However, you weren't going to give up your assignment just because you'd met a male that happened to be your mate. The Witches would burn you alive. Or turn you into a wicked monster for the rest of eternity. You shivered at the ideas that they could draw to life.
You scowled, "You mean how I can help your court, right?"
"You tell me. You seem pretty freaked out about whoever you're doing this for." He said with a sly tone. You felt yourself burn, rage and embarrassment lurching forward. A quiver of humor ran down the line that connected you. You tried to shut it out, to somehow cut off that connection.
"Sorry honey, we're stuck with this now." He said aloud, breaking you away from that dark bridge. You cracked your eyes slowly, wishing it was all a dream. His cocky expression made your heart soar, and your muscles burn with the urge to hit him. 
It was a struggle for Cassian to leave you. Especially to leave you with Amren. He warned her that if anything happened there would be helll to pay. She merely waved a hand and told him to piss off. He was fighting himself and everyone else, it seemed. 
"We cannot have them here with so little knowledge of-" Azriel stopped when Cassian entered, his boots thudding against the familiar wooden floor. He looked away, ashamed. Rhys was trying his best to keep himself under control and consider the mating bond. Tried to make himself think back to the first weeks of his and Feyre's taking place. The possessiveness, the hunger. He looked at his brother in a new light, being able to control his urges was a battle even Rhys hand't won. "Az, I'm sorry." Cassian said through his teeth. He was tired of the guilt, of the way Azriel dared not speak around him. "Can you please just-"
"Not until we have your bond...figured out." Rhys interrupted. He looked Cassian up and down in a way that made Cas feel dirty. 
"Theres nothing to figure out, Rhys. My mate is just an assassin sent to kill my own brother, and now we dont know if there's a scouting party out for us or not." "I know Cassian, it's not about the threat. It's about you." Rhys met his brothers eyes, saw the smoldering there. Azriel only glanced to Rhys, then wrapped those shadows around himself and left. He ascended the stairs slowly, not daring a glance in your direction. You could see the shadows crawling after him like a loyal pet. 
It gave you goosebumps to watch. You stared at the small female that was assigned to watch over you. She sipped from a paper cup like it was salvation. "Good wine?" You asked, nodding to her hand. 
She glanced between it and you, then trilled a long laugh.
+ Cassian knocked on your window that night. Rhys had refused to allow you to sleep in the same house together, especially since you were locked up. He feared Cassian would break down the entire house trying to get to you if he had any...urges. 
Your heart raced when your eyes met his through the glass. His smile was bright against the dark sky. "What do you want?" You hissed, trying to make sure he heard the quiet rage in your voice. 
"Come on, I wont tell." He gripped the windowsill, and held a hand out for you. He reached down that bond and caressed your spirit with a warm, golden light. Hope, and joy. Your stomach flipped. And without thinking, you let him take you into the night. You found flying with him exhilitarting, and relaxing. The soft sway that carried you nearly put you to sleep. The mind bridge was silent, as if it was waiting for something. His siphons glowed a happy amber that lit up the water when he coasted over a small lake. Then he landed, the rocks on the bank making nearly zero noise. 
And the breath was knocked from you. The tall mountain eclipsing the stars themselves was reflected in the lake in perfect clarity. The stars shimmered around it, framing the snow capped peaks. There was a brush of cold wind that made you wrap your arms around yourself. Then, Cassian was there. "May I?" He asked, holding a long sleeved tunic up. You hadn't noticed the bag he packed before. You nodded, and let him guide the sleeves over your arms. 
He brushed your hair off of your neck and you felt it then. The hot rush that snapped in your core. He stilled completely, that bridge alight with heat that was never there before. Your neck tingled, practically begging for him to touch you again. Your skin was too hot. 
His words began tumbling out before he could think. "I'm sorry I-" Nerves pricked at his stomach, making him nearly nauseous with disgust at himself. Stupid. Stupid male taken over by instinct and nothing else. He was risking his entire court for one person. His mate, though. He tried to shake the reasoning away, but it was undeniable.
"Touch me." You managed to whisper. Your eyes wide, you dared not look at him. If you did you feared you would be the one taking him instead of the other way around. You stared out toward the icy peaks. 
He hesitated long enough for your eyes to dart to his, to see the full blown pupils there. His siphons flared, and you couldn't hold back the flare of desire any longer. He met you half way, lips crashing into yours. It was a competition, who could get the other to moan first. You were determined to win.
He flicked his tongue over your lip. You growled and ripped his tunic off, exposing the muscled torso underneath. You pulled away, wanting to taste him everywhere, anywhere. He kept you at bay, watching you for only a second before a wicked grin appeared. "My turn." He growled, his voice deep and husky. 
He pulled off your shirt and traced a long line down your side, earning a hiss from you. Then, he stopped. Suddenly, coldly.  "You're-" His mouth fell open at the tattoo on your sternum. The sigil that marked you with what you were. You had forgotten completely. You rushed a hand to his hair, pulling back sharply. "Shut up and fuck me." You demanded. Despite his unease, he obliged with a cocky grin.
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arbythel117 · 3 years
Come For A Walk - A Prompt Fill
This was a prompt from @faerhardyn-the-raging-ethereal :) Thanks for it, and sorry it took me so long to finish it ❤
Prompt: Thel notices the subtle shaking in John’s hands as he watches him converse to Blue Team and Halsey. He notices the shaking even when the Spartan thinks that not all attention is on him. Thel knows the man is hurting so when the sun is down on Sanghelios he searches for the man, to converse and comfort him.
The more time Thel spent around the Spartan, the more he learned about his subtle gestures and body language. The way he subtly tilts his head when he’s listening closely to others, that even though he’s stood straight that he’s relaxed, or how he communicates with his teammates with a lot of hand signals Thel had learned over time what they had meant. John had taught him what a Spartan smile was, because it couldn’t be seen under the tinted visors they wore, and that had been a groundbreaking moment for their relationship, drawing them ever closer to each other. Sometimes, Thel returned the gesture.
The one thing he noticed about John over anything else though, was how much his hands always just barely shook.
He couldn’t recall if it was always like that when they had first met, he was never too focused on the Spartan back then, only trying to keep peace with him and their mutual allies after leaving the Covenant, but as they grew together, he began to notice it. From just watching him walk around, to when he’s relaxed or eating. The only time Thel hasn’t seen it happen is when John was on the battlefield. The man was always fully focused, and his aim steady and true, unwavering.
Thel didn’t know if it was just nerves causing it, from excitement of the next mission, or his feelings, which he believed to be the more likely case. He needed to get John alone sometime and talk to him about it. He wasn’t even sure John was aware he did it.
He could see it again now, from where he was working, overlooking a balcony in his Keep, seeing John and his team with Halsey just a distance away outside.
He quite liked the Blue Team, and they were quick to accept the blooming relationship between him and John, if a bit skeptical at first. Kelly always seemed to be the most laid back of them, and he could see it now, the way she casually leaned against a tall boulder. Fred was second in command, a bit more serious, having his armored arms crossed over his chest. Linda never spoke much, very similar to John in that regard, but she was always one to get straight to the point when it mattered. She stood there with her sniper rifle in hand that he had never seen her without. It had freaked out many Sangheili originally when they had first come to Thel’s planet, but quickly learned she wasn’t a threat at all. He assumed it was something that made her feel safe on what was an unknown planet to her, surrounded by who used to be enemies.
And then there was John. The human had his back turned to him, standing straight as he usually did, but it was clear he was comfortable in the presence of his team and the doctor. Despite it, with his arms hanging at his sides, his hands shook. But almost as if John had sensed him watching, those same hands clenched into fists mere moments later to stop it.
Thel only watched for a few more seconds before letting out a sigh, and turning, seeing Rtas looking at him. They were working together on some of their Keeps paperwork before the former got distracted by the Spartan.
“You are worried about him.” Rtas commented, speaking in their native tongue, concern present in his orange colored eyes.
Thel was quiet, his mandibles shut closed, before he slowly nodded his head and let it hang slightly. “Yes.” He answered, then looked back out at Blue Team. He didn’t know what they were speaking about, most stuff was classified between them but sometimes John told the Sangheili about it. “He’s been through too much recently. I can see he keeps everything bottled inside.” Thel said.
The most recent event the Spartan had to endure through was losing Cortana. She had been a best friend to him, someone the Spartan could rely on through thick and thin until she became rampant. John had to personally put her down, he refused to let anyone else touch her, and Thel could tell it had affected him a lot. The way the other had been more withdrawn than usual lately, more quietly spoken or not speaking at all. He’s been hurting.
“You should speak to him.” Rtas said, putting a clawed, four-fingered hand on the other’s shoulder. “I can tell it has been affecting you as well.”
Thel looked Rtas in the eyes, a quiet falling over them both. He worked his mandibles as though in search of the right words, and then nodded. “I will tonight. At sundown.” He promised.
“Good.” Rtas gave him a half-jawed Sangheili smile. “It will be good for you both.” Squeezing his shoulder and standing up, he went over to the balcony doors and shut the curtains, blocking out the sun and the view of the Spartan team outside for Thel’s sake. “Let us get back to work.” He said, sitting down across the other Sangheili again, delving back into paperwork with him.
It wasn’t difficult to find the Spartan. The Sangheili had offered them their training grounds to use whenever they felt like it, and in fact, many of the Sangheili loved training with and against them as the Spartans made formidable opponents and trainers. Many of the young ones still had yet to best them in a fight, and it only made them fight harder to defend their still growing honor. It was a good lesson for them.
To find John here though, at the time of night it was, with the sun nearly set over the horizon, was a bit unusual. He would normally have called it a night already and turned in and Thel wouldn’t see him again until the next morning. But entering the grounds, Thel could see him sparring in hand-to-hand combat with his teammate, Kelly. They looked to be on equal footing aside from Kelly dodging and moving from attacks a bit quicker. She was the first one to notice Thel, and John had taken the opportunity of her distraction to knock her off her nimble feet.
“Oof, hey,” She complained after she landed, and gestured towards the Sangheili. “Looks like there’s someone here for you, John.”
“I hope I am not interrupting.” Thel apologized, walking closer towards the pair.
“No,” John said, shaking his head. “Not at all. Do you need something?” He asked, and again, Thel could see that slight tilt of his head as he asked.
“I would like to walk with you.” He requested, and glanced at the female Spartan. “If that is alright with you.” When Kelly just shrugged her shoulders indifferently, he looked back at John expectantly.
“Sure.” John replied. Turning to Kelly, “Let the team know I’ll turn in late tonight. Don’t worry about me.” He said and began to walk towards the exit of the training grounds. Thel followed just a step behind.
Only moments later, Thel could have sworn if looks could kill just from a helmet visor, they would have, as John had suddenly turned and stared down Kelly for a few seconds while she waved innocently back at him.
The nights of Sanghelios were quiet, and always lit up. The only sounds that broke the quiet were the rushing of the nearby rivers, and the sounds of their footsteps and occasionally the scurrying of the nocturnal animals coming out for the night. Overhead the aurora shone bright, dancing in blues and greens, along with the two moons of Sanghelios. The planet truly did feel like a different place at night than the busyness the day brought.
John and Thel walked side by side for a distance away from their homes, in a comfortable silence, almost seeming to not really have any destination in mind of where they were going as Thel lead them down a winding path through the mountains with the double moons lighting their way.
As discreetly as the Sangheili could, Thel looked down at John’s hand closest to him. It was shaking ever so slightly again as they walked. He let out a silent sigh through his nose, and imitating what he had seen humans close to each other do and threaded his fingers between John’s armored ones, holding his hand.
It wasn’t practical for him, it was uncomfortable a bit actually, with how his hands were made compared to the human’s and being slightly larger, but he did it for the comfort of the other. John’s hand had reflexively almost pulled away, but remained locked when his visored eyes met Thel’s amber ones.
“Sorry,” Thel apologized quietly, “I hope this is okay.”
It took a few moments before John nodded. “Yeah...” He breathed out, “Yeah, it’s okay.”
“Good.” Thel replied, leaving them in silence together for a bit longer as they walked, hand in hand. Though the armor was cold in the night air, he could swear he felt warmth emanating from the Spartan’s hand that was more relaxed now, unshaking.
John was the first to break their silence after a while, only to have himself cut off as Thel began to speak at the same time.
“My apologies.” Thel apologized quickly after the few moments of them realizing they tried to speak at the same time. “You first.”
“Uh, right,” The Spartan said, a bit flustered now, “Why bring me out here?” He asked curiously, tilting his head slightly. Though he could appreciate the view of the double moons, the rising stars, the aurora, the view the mountains gave at night, standing tall around them and casting dark shadows, he knew there had to be a reason beyond that that the Arbiter had requested him along.
“I was concerned.” Thel answered, and looked up at the sky. “Maybe it is not my place,” He said, then looking back at John, “but I thought you seemed like you could use a friend.” He said, then added more softly, “Are you okay?”
John suddenly came to a stop, causing Thel to stop, surprised, as he stiffened, and gently pulled his hand out from Thel’s own. The absence of John’s hand in Thel’s own was immediately missed by him, but the Sangheili didn’t protest, only tightened his closed mandibles in response. To John, he didn’t know where this was coming from. He didn’t believe he gave off any indication to cause any worry. He always kept everything bottled up tightly, never to be seen by anyone, put on a facade that everything was okay and that he was okay, yet Thel, ever so seemingly observant, had noticed he truly wasn’t okay. Sure, his team knew about his pain and his grief, his depression, but they never spoke much of it, just living life as it came, and no one else outside of them knew what he was going through.
Thel was the first one to ask him, outside of Blue Team, if he was okay. It was such a simple thing, yet it meant so much to him. That someone outside of what he considered family cared.
And he wasn’t prepared for the surge of emotions that brought forth in him that he would usually only let out if he was completely alone. The sudden stinging of his eyes that he only wanted to rub to stop tears from spilling over, the lump in his throat as he tried to come up with some response for Thel, only for nothing to be able to come out.
John was suddenly thankful for the helmet he wore over his head, hiding the raw emotions that crossed his face from the other.
Thel gently took both the Spartan’s hands into his again, as they began shaking uncontrollably with the sudden emotions. Though his hands had armored pads over the top of them, it didn’t stop Thel from rubbing his thumbs over top of them simultaneously. He would give him the time he needed to respond while also letting him know he was here for him.
When a single shake of a head was the only response Thel got back after a couple minutes, it was all he needed to hear from the other, not expecting more beyond that tonight. Thel got the closure he needed, and they could work on it together in the future, opening up to each other. “I will be the ears to listen when you need it.” He promised, willing to go at John’s pace.
And John was also thankful for Thel. The other was present for many of the things he’d gone through recently, he was someone who could likely understand him the most. He was glad to have been gradually becoming closer to the Sangheili.
He shared his silent thanks by giving Thel’s hands a couple of light squeezes, comforted by the squeeze he received back.
Drabble 01
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raibebe · 3 years
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Genre: Fluff Words: 6.879 Prompt: best friend Yangyang x female reader + “Stop hogging all the blankets!” Warnings: MC is an oblivious idiot, Yangyang is a sweetheart, mentions of injury
A/N: What do you mean Valentine’s Day was on the 14th and not on the 24th? Seems fake. AnYwAys: This was written for the Candy hearts collab hosted by @127-mile. Thank you so much for giving me an excuse to write for my precious brezel baby. Thank you @ncteaxhoe for the lovely header after I went almost crazy...
Taglist: @byunniebaekhyunnie​
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“You’re going on vacation with Yangyang?” “Yes.” “Your best friend?” “Yes.” “To an abandoned cabin in the woods.” “First it’s not abandoned, just very far out and second I don’t see where you’re going with this.” “Well are you?” You sighed loudly, rolling your eyes at Donghyuck who was sat in front of you in the library where you had met to have a little study session before you were leaving for the weekend. “Yes I am.” “On Valentine’s Day.” “It’s just because it’s on a weekend and it was cheap.” “You do see where I am going with this, right?” “I am not Donghyuck,” you rolled your eyes. “You’re literally the most stupid person I have ever met and I am friends with a bunch of idiots,” your friend whined, throwing the straw wrapper from his iced americano at you. “Hyuck what’s your problem? We’re literally just both stressed out from classes already and he found that offer that’s within both of our budgets. Nothing wrong about two friends chilling in a secluded cabin.” “Have you seen the freaking cabin?” Donghyuck whisper screamed, earning him a hiss from one of the students sitting on the table next to you. “I have, Hyuck.” “Then you might have missed the fact that this cabin coincidentally has a hot tub but only one bedroom?” He went on, waving his phone in front of your face where he had pulled up the website advertising the cabin. Groaning, you faceplanted into the books that were scattered around you. “Do you see what I mean now?” Donghyuck hissed, scrolling through the pictures on the website. “Hyuck listen. Yangyang and I are both kind of short on cash so the bigger cabins just weren’t going to make it if we wanted that hot tub. So we agreed that we could sleep in the same bed for a couple of nights, no big deal. Pretty sure you’ve done that with Mark, Jaemin and Jeno as well when you four went on spring break vacation.” “Don’t distract from the topic, that was entirely different,” Donghyuck mused but the slight blush covering his cheeks was betraying him. “Is it though?” You asked, a shit eating grin on your face. “When did this conversation turn into you commenting on my poor live choices?”
“Discussing Hyuck’s poor live choices? My favorite part time activity,” another voice joined into your conversation and Renjun plopped down next to his friend on the bench. “Can you smell my misery or something?” Donghyuck groaned, slumping back into his seat, dramatically staring at the high ceiling. “I wish I could,” the Chinese laughed, loudly slurping his iced drink of choice despite the chilly weather outside while completely ignoring the glares some of the students were shooting him, “No, I was supposed to meet Yangyang to give him my car keys but you’ll do.” With that he threw his keys onto the table. “It’s parked by the student center, should fit all of your stuff.” “Thank you Renjun,” you smiled, pocketing his keys. “There is a chance though that I am out of gas,” he grinned. “I knew there would be a catch,” the familiar voice of your best friend groaned before he plopped down next to you, loudly dropping his backpack onto the floor which again had people to glare at your little group. “I swear to god you’re going to get us kicked out,” Hyuck hissed, throwing Yangyang and Renjun disappointed glares. “Not like you were studying anyways,” Renjun rolled his eyes. “What were you doing?” Yangyang asked, flipping through the pages of one of your books. “Well I was trying to get a head start on my essay,” you groaned, “But Hyuck had other plans.”
“Exactly. Which brings me back to my point,” Donghyuck grinned, turning towards Yangyang, “Yang, so did you, by any chance notice that the cabin you’re staying at this weekend with your best friend on freaking Valentine’s Day conveniently only has one bed but features a hot tub?” “Oooooh,” Renjun mused, leaning forward into his elbows. “Well... We were short on money but wanted a hot tub?” Yangyang slowly answered, blushing under the intense gazes of both of his friends. “See Hyuck it’s exactly what I told you,” you groaned, “No big deal.” “Sure, just two friends sitting in a hot tub, five feet apart because they’re not in love,” Renjun sang. “The original sounds better,” Donhyuck said flatly. “Yeah but the both of them are disgustingly straight,” Renjun shrugged. “You make that sound like an insult,” Yangyang snorted and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Anyways!” Donghyuck interrupted a little too loud, causing one of the students working in the library to actually walk over to your table to ask you to leave.
“Well great,” you groaned when you snuggled into your thick winter jacket once you were outside while Renjun and Yangyang couldn’t hold in their laughter anymore. “You guys are the worst,” you said and rolled your eyes even though you couldn’t stop the smile on your face from spreading. “You love us,” Donghyuck laughed, throwing an arm around your shoulder, “We weren’t gonna get anything done anyways.” “And we still need to pack,” Yangyang added, “Also I still need the keys to the car.” “Catch,” you called and quickly threw the keys over to your best friend that Renjun had given you earlier, laughing as he struggled to catch them. “Treat her gently,” Renjun laughed, “Oh and she needs gas.” “Why did I expect anything else,” Yangyang groaned but pocketed the keys, “I’ll pick you up after your morning classes?” “Sure,” you smiled. “You’re leaving me alone in our literature class?” Donghyuck gasped, dramatically holding his heart. “Listen, it’s either listening to professor Quian all afternoon or drive to the cabin early, Hyuck. What would you do?” You giggled. “Fair,” he shrugged, “But I still feel betrayed.” “Yesterday you felt betrayed by that pizza place because you found one stray piece of pineapple on your pizza,” Renjun helpfully added. “That was an attack on my health,” he hissed, pointing his finger at his friend and roommate, “Pineapples do not belong on pizza.” “I am not having this discussion again,” you groaned and slipped out of Donghyuck’s grip, “I gotta pack my stuff.” “Yeah, have fun on your totally not couple’s vacation,” Renjun laughed. “It’s not a couple’s vacation,” you and Yangyang immediately shouted, giggling at each other afterwards. “You’re all disgusting, I am leaving,” Donghyuck declared, dragging Renjun with him in the direction of their dorm.
“Guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” you smiled at Yangyang. “Yeah, I’ll pick up Renjun’s car and get all the stuff inside. Be at your dorm at like 12.” “Sure, I’m really looking forward to this.” “Yeah, me too,” Yangyang said softly, a soft blush on his cheeks that must have been from the cold air. He quickly wrapped you up in a hug before waving goodbye to head over to the student’s center. Sighing you turned in the opposite direction to your own shoebox of a dorm room, skidding along excitedly. You really were looking forward to this vacation with your best friend.
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The next day found you buzzing with excitement, quickly throwing the last things that had been missing into your bag before speeding to your morning classes that went by in a blur. In what felt like no time at all, you were rushing down the steps of your dorm to throw yourself into Renjun’s car and your arms around your best friend’s neck to squeeze him in a tight hug. “I’m so excited,” you squeaked once you let him go to heave in a couple of breaths. “I can tell,” Yangyang laughed, handing you his phone that was already connected to the AUX cord, “I spend two hours yesterday to make the perfect road trip playlist, so you better appreciate that.” “This better not suck,” you laughed as he started the car to start your journey.
The way up to the mountains found you and Yangyang singing along to his actually good playlist that included some of your favorite songs, your singing getting progressively worse and louder the higher up you got and the more snow was falling. After you had gotten lost just once or twice on the way to pick up the keys from a lady at the reception who handed you a big basket with rose petals, champagne and what seemed like condoms and lube. Heat had immediately risen to both of your faces and you had stumbled over your words for the rest of the conversation, relieved when you could finally leave and head over back to your car to drive up to where your small cabin was.
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“This is so cozy,” you cooed once you had made it inside the cabin, dropping your bag right next to the door to race through the rooms that included a small but clean bathroom and small kitchen with the cutest old school curtains in front of the snowy windows and a door lead outside to where the hot tub was already steaming. The main room that you had come into had a small two-seater couch with a bunch of cozy blankets thrown over it standing in front of a little fireplace that both you and Yangyang were kind of scared to light but you had to eventually because that was all the heat you were going to get. “The bed is huge,” Yangyang exclaimed and the next thing you heard was a loud thump as he had faceplanted right into the mattress, currently starfishing out, his fingertips not reaching the ends of the bed. “But we only have one blanket,” you laughed, flipping up through the layers your best friend was laying on top. “Wait for real?” He asked, eyes wide and scrambling to take a look for himself. “I hope you like cuddling,” you giggled, tackling your best friend onto the bed who just screeched before he tried to get the upper hand in the tickle fight that had broken out.
“Okay, okay, I surrender,” you laughed with tears in your eyes and lifted your arms in defeat when he had you pinned beneath you, his fingers tickling your sides until you couldn’t breathe anymore. “You’re admitting defeat?” Yangyang laughed, all his teeth showing with how bright he was smiling, digging his fingers between your ribs one last time before he fell to the mattress next to you, you both panting heavily between giggles. When you turned your head to look at your best friend, he was already looking right back at you, something unreadable in his expression. For a while you just stared into each other’s eyes, the occasional noise of the wood of the cabin creaking the only sound you could hear. Had Yangyang’s eyes always sparkled like that in the low light? Or was it just more apparent now that he had dyed his hair back to his natural dark brown? You found your hand itching to push his too long bangs from his eyes so you could see them properly, captivated by how the edges crinkled up with how he was softly smiling.
The serene silence was very rudely interrupted by Yangyang’s stomach growling loudly which caused both of you to burst out into another fit of giggles. “I think that’s out cue to put the pizzas in the oven and to unpack,” you laughed, slapping your best friend’s shoulder when he made no move to get up, instead wrapping himself up in the throw blanket. “You’re so annoying,” you groaned and climbed off of the bed. “You love me,” he argued, sticking out his tongue at you. For some reason the easy answer of ‘Yes, I do’ got stuck in your throat and you just hummed before walking over to where you had unceremoniously dropped your bags by the door to get the half frozen pizzas and turned on the oven. What was wrong with you all of a sudden? You two always bickered like that. Screw Donghyuck for getting all up in your head before this trip. Nothing had changed. It was just you and your best friend spending a weekend together. Nothing unusual. That’s what friends did. It’s what Donghyuck did with his friends.
Staring blankly into the oven once you had put the pizzas in, you were lost in your thoughts that twisted and turned inside your head but didn’t seem to make any sense at all. “Are you mad at me?” Yangyang spoke and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, causing you to let out a high pitched screech from how surprised you were. “Don’t scare me like that,” you scolded him, trying to calm down your furiously beating heart. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, hooking his head over your shoulder to look into the oven as well, just wordlessly holding you close. “I’m not mad,” you eventually said, letting the tension seep from your muscles and melting into his hold. Smiling you let your weight sag against him, knowing he would have the strength to hold you up. “Sleepy?” You just hummed nonchalantly even though you weren’t particularly tired but somehow your body felt exhausted. “The drive took longer than expected,” Yangyang agreed, “Let’s just eat and then try to get the fire going. I brought my laptop and downloaded all the episodes of our next season.” “You’re an angel,” you giggled, “I didn’t even think about that.” “I’m not,” he mumbled, hiding his face in your neck. “My angel,” you laughed, squirming in his grip to turn around and pinch his sensitive sides. What you hadn’t expected was him not backing off, so you found yourself pinned between his body and the oven, your faces dangerously close together. For a second or two you just stayed like that before Yangyang’s brain seemed to realize just how close you were, causing heat to rise to his cheeks and him nervously spluttering about how he’d set the table and unpack everything. Something was definitely off between you two but you chose to put it aside for now, not quiet daring to think about it.
Once you both had two steaming plates of pizza in front of you, everything seemed to be back to normal and conversation flew easily just how it always did between the two of you. You would complain about being swarmed with essays and Yangyang would complain about his two roommates who couldn’t be more different from each other which made for a lot of potential for arguments or about how his mother would continuously call him every week to bog him about how school was going, if he was taking his vitamins, if he was still practicing playing his violin, if he had found a girlfriend yet or if he had finally given up on his stupid dancing classes. You were always quick to tell him that he should not feel pressured to drop his dancing to take violin lessons again if he wasn’t passionate about it anymore, no matter how much his mom would nag him about it. You knew that he loved dancing way too much and had made so many good friends in his dance crew to just give it up. So just like every time you gently took his hand in yours to squeeze it reassuringly when you promised him he could live with you if his mother decided to disown him over this. But this time he didn’t let your hand go once he moved on to tell a story on how his roommates had started arguing in the middle of the night because one of them had started to eat snacks which had woken the other one up, this thumb mindlessly caressing the back of your hand.
“Do you really trust me with the fire?” Yangyang asked with a frown on his face as he read through the instructions that were hung up next to the fireplace. “I don’t,” you laughed from where you were washing the dishes in the kitchen, “But if they leave it for us to light, it can’t be too dangerous or difficult.” “I appreciate this incredible amount of confidence you have in me,” your best friend snorted before getting to work to pile up wood and paper and carefully lighting the latter. “I made fire!” He exclaimed excitedly, a bright grin on his lips which immediately made you smile as well. “Now just don’t let it go out,” you smiled, “I’ll go change into comfy clothes real quick.” Yangyang just hummed, carefully adding more wood to his fire so it wouldn’t go out again.
“Yo, I think I got the hang of it,” he announced once you came back to the warmed up living room with snacks and clad in sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. “Is that my hoodie?” Yanyang asked when you sat down the bags next to his laptop where he had already pulled up the first episode. “Not a chance,” you replied and plopped down onto the couch to snuggle into the hoodie you definitely hadn’t stolen from your best friend. “It seems oddly familiar though,” he mused but sat down next to you anyways, your thighs touching because the sofa wasn’t particularly big. “I’ve had it for a while,” you grinned innocently, throwing one of the blankets over your legs to keep them warm. “Sure,” Yangyang laughed and threw up the large hood before pressing play on the first episode.
Throughout the episodes you seemed to gravitate towards Yangyang more and more the later it got: First only leaning your head on his shoulder, then he wrapped an arm around you to pull you even closer, followed by you pulling your legs up on the sofa, leaning even further into him until you were basically lying on his chest until it became too uncomfortable and you two shuffled around until he had both of his legs outstretched on the sofa with you sat in between them: your back pressed against his chest and his arms around you. “I could fall asleep like this,” you mumbled when you felt your lids getting heavy, the soft melody of the outro lulling you in. “Don’t though, we’ll be sore tomorrow,” Yangyang laughed, poking your cheek. “Is this your only concern?” “We’ve cuddled like this before,” he just shrugged it off. You just hummed and cuddled closer to his heartbeat, fully closing your eyes. “Yah. Don’t fall asleep on me like that,” your best friend protested, “There is a perfectly fine bed waiting with plenty of space.” “Not my problem your body is like 80 percent stupidly lanky legs.” “Come on, get up.” “But the bed is going to be all cold and it’s nice and warm in here,” you argued. “It’s not going to warm up if you keep clinging to me like that,” Yangyang giggled. “I’m not clinging,” you pouted. “Pretty sure you are,” he laughed, finger flicking your forehead, “Come on, lazy. Let’s get ready for bed.”
Grumbling, you agreed and followed your best friend into the small bathroom with the blanket still wrapped around your body where you two quickly washed up. You had been right, the air in the bedroom was icy to say the least. “We’re going to freeze to death and no one will ever find us, Yangyang,” you groaned dramatically. “They literally have to clean up before the next guests come here, so our corpses would be here for a week tops.” “You’re so good at this reassuring thing,” you rolled your eyes but couldn’t help to smile. “I know,” he grinned, “Turn around.” “What for?” “I’m changing,” he simply stated, already unbuckling his belt. “Oooh.” With burning cheeks, you quickly turned around, clutching the blanket tightly in your hands. In quick succession you heard first his belt and then his pants and shirt hit the floor before he rummaged through his bag and stepped into new clothes. “Done,” he announced and immediately jumped onto the bed to shuffle beneath the layers of blankets. Still feeling shy you carefully dropped the blanket from the living room and crawled into bed as well, leaving a respectable distance to your best friend which was fairly easy with how big the bed was.
“If you’re going to hog all the blankets, I will scream,” Yangyang spoke into the sudden silence that had draped over you. “I bet you’re the blanket hogger,” you snorted and playfully tugged at the blankets to roll them tightly around you. “I swear to god,” your best friend groaned, his feet kicking the mattress in frustration, “I won one tickle fight and I will win again.” Giggling, you let go of your grip so Yangyang could easily pull the blankets back. “Good night, Yangyang,” you whispered. “Sweet dreams,” he whispered back and you could hear him twist and turn for a couple of moments before he found a comfortable spot to sleep in. Smiling you also settled in, pulling the blankets tight around you to not let the cold of the room seep into your cocoon. While thinking of what you would do tomorrow, you slowly drifted off to sleep.
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The next morning the unforgiving light of the sun reflected by the snow outside tickled your nose to slowly wake you up from your dreamless sleep but you really weren’t ready to let go of the comfort that a good night’s sleep had given you. It was just too cozy beneath the layers of blankets, the warmth of another person seeping into your bones while outside the cocoon it was cold. Wait. Warmth of another person? That had you wake up way faster than you would have liked, your own body going rigid in the hold Yangyang had on you. “Finally woke up?” He asked, his voice deeper than usual and raspy from sleep. “Y... Yeah,” you hummed, scared to turn around to look at your best friend. “Why are we cuddling?” “Because someone wouldn’t stop hogging all the blankets, leaving me out in the cold to sleep,” Yangyang said matter-of-factly, his breath hitting your neck. Looking around you, you couldn’t help but chuckle, you really had balled up so much of the blanket on your side of the bed in your sleep that part of it had dropped to the floor on your side. “You laugh but I was freezing my ass off half the night,” your best friend nagged. “I’ll make it up to you with breakfast?” “Omelets?” “You’re going to help cutting veggies?” “Nope,” Yangyang said, popping the p-sound out loud. “You’re terrible.” “You left me to freeze!” “Fine,” you groaned and wiggled yourself free from his grip, leaving the warmth of his embrace and the blankets, “But you’re doing the dishes after.” “Sure.”
For the first time today, you turned around to look at Yangyang and you really weren’t prepared for his tousled hair and lazy smile. Your heart clenched painfully in your chest before it made a couple of summersaults. “Morning,” he grinned, burying himself back into the blankets. “Yeah... Good morning...” “Take your time, I’ll shower in a bit,” Yangyang yawned and you couldn’t hold back your own which in turn made him laugh. “Don’t take too long, lazy,” you smiled before quickly freshening up in the bathroom and starting to prepare the breakfast you hast promised.
Somewhere between filling two pans with the eggs and adding the cut up vegetables, your best friend joined you in the kitchen, his hair still wet from the shower and your heart yet again did acrobatics in your chest. What was wrong with you? This was just Yangyang. Your best friend. You had slept in the same room countless of times. You had made him breakfast even more times because he was not to be trusted in the kitchen. So why was your heart all jumpy around him now? Had Donghyuck been right? But nothing between Yangyang and you had changed. You always cuddled up together when you binge watched shows together or had movie nights with your other friends.
“What’s up with you today?” Yangyang asked once you had slid the omelets on two plates and put down a steaming mug of coffee for each of you. “Nothing,” you quickly tried to reassure him but the way he raised up one of his brows was sign enough that he didn’t believe you. “It’s really nothing,” you tried again, forcing a smile onto your face that really wasn’t all that hard to maintain when looking at Yangyang, “I was just thinking about where we should go for our walk.” Your friend just hummed around a mouthful of eggs and pulled out his phone. “I looked something up,” he slurred before swallowing down what he had been chewing, “If we follow this trail, it will take us around the lake which should be frozen and eventually to a little town. If the ice is solid enough, there’s a shop where we can rent skates. And if it’s not we can just stroll around town. To go back, we can take the shorter way back along the road we came with the car.” “I like that,” you admitted as you scrolled through the website Yangyang had pulled up on his phone. The prices weren’t so bad and the scenery looked breathtaking. “Let’s do that,” you concluded, giving your best fried a bright smile.
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Even bundled up in your thickest jacket and with a big scarf wrapped around your throat, the cold air outside of the cabin was unforgiving. But somehow you really liked how clean the air was as it prickled through your lungs before you exhaled again, your breath coming out in a little white huff. “I didn’t think it would be so cold, wow,” Yangyang mused as he locked the cabin before walking over to you. “I like it,” you smiled, “Which way?” But instead of an answer all you got from your best friend was a snowball thrown at you, hitting you square in the chest as you turned around to him. “Oh you’re so on,” you grinned, immediately ducking down to scoop some snow up yourself to fire right back. Your loud giggles and shouts filled the otherwise quite air of the forest and you didn’t even feel the cold of the snow and the air seeping into your bones and clothes, all you focused on was to get Yangyang back for knocking your hat off of your head when the face definitely should be off limits. “You little shit,” you yelled, running over to him to dunk his face into the big pile of snow that had gathered in front of the cabin when suddenly you stepped onto a plate of ice, making you lose your footing and the world quickly turned sideways.
You heard Yangyang yell your name before his worried face came back into your field of vision. “Shit, are you okay?” “Yeah, fine,” you crooked out. The fall really had knocked all air out of your lungs and who were you kidding, you would probably get a nasty bruise on your leg from where you had fallen on the unforgiving ice. “Hey, careful,” Yangyang said, taking your hands in his to pull you back to your feet. “Fuck,” you cursed when you put weight on your left leg, pain shooting up all the way up to your back, “I don’t think I can stand.” “Shit, left foot?” You simply nodded and gritted your teeth together as he tried to help you up again, immediately stabilizing you, so you didn’t have to put weight on your injured leg. “I’m sorry,” you muttered as he helped you to waddle back over to the cabin. Great. Now you had not only ruined your day but maybe even your whole short holidays. Yangyang for sure hadn’t wanted to be stuck inside this cabin with you for two more days. “Don’t be. Let’s take a look at that, might be broken or something,” your best friend reassured you.
With awkward little hops, he guided you over to the little sofa in the living room where you had been cuddling all evening yesterday. “Let me take a look.” After shedding your jackets and other gear you had worn to shield yourselves from the cold, Yangyang carefully unlaced your boots with nimble fingers, apologizing every time you winced in pain. “Well fuck. This thing is so swollen,” he announced once boot and sock were off of your foot. “How bad?” You asked with your eyes squeezed shut, not daring to take a look at it. “Hold still,” he instructed you, gently touching the swollen ankle to rotate it carefully which tore a whimper from your lips. “I don’t think it’s broken,” Yangyang eventually announced, “Ten has sprained his ankle during practice before and it looked similar, so I don’t think we need to get you to a hospital right now.” Thank god that your best friend was taking those dancing classes. “On a scale from when you burned your hand while trying to cook ramyeon in milk to whatever your roommate once left in that pot for too long, how gross does it look?” “It’s really not that bad yet,” Yangyang giggled before he let out a fake gag, “Please do not remind me of that pot, it’s a wonder that whatever that was had not grown legs and left the pot on its own accord.”
“Hold my hand,” you demanded, making grabby hands at your best friend where he was sat in front of you on the floor. “You big baby, it’s really not that bad. It’s not even bruised yet,” he laughed but took your hand in his anyways, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Finally opening your eyes, you took in the picture: You ankle was definitely fucked. If you didn’t know any better, you’d guess that it had already swollen to at least three times of its usual size and pulsating with the blood that was rushing to the surface. “Disgusting.” “If we cool it enough and keep it still, everything should be fine,” Yangyang reassured you, giving your hand another squeeze and rubbing your leg with his other hand, “You’re all tensed up. Does anything else hurt?” “My whole leg?” You slowly said but it came out more as a question than anything else. “Let me see.” “What do you mean let me see?” You all but screeched, pulling back your hand to clutch them at your chest instead where your heart was beating in quick succession. “Come on, it’s not like I haven’t seen you in a bathing suit or anything. I just want to make sure it’s just the ankle,” he calmed you down. Why was your heart beating so fast anyways? Yangyang was right. You had seen each other in different states of undress over all the years you had already been friends. But for some reason everything felt different in this secluded little cabin in the middle of nowhere. It was like you were seeing Yangyang in a completely different light. He was not just the funny guy who only cared about hanging out with his friends and having fun; he suddenly seemed a lot more mature here. Weird. The clean air must have already gotten to your head.
“I just want to make sure you’re okay,” Yangyang spoke again, kneading soothing circles into your still very much tensed calf muscles. “Okay,” you whispered, slowly unbuttoning you jeans, thanking whoever was listening that you had packed and worn nice panties. With combined effort, you wrestled the damp fabric of your jeans from your legs to reveal that your whole left side had already started to bruise up, dark colors bleeding into your skin. “Oh fuck,” you cursed, throwing your head back, “That looks so bad.” You couldn’t help but giggle. “I look like I have been fucking mauled.” “Or like you have a very unhealthy skin condition,” your best friend joined your laughter. But what you couldn’t see was how his eyes darted over the exposed skin, not knowing where he should look first. “I’ll check your knee,” he mumbled once you both had stopped laughing, gently touching your skin. You couldn’t help but hiss when his fingers met your flesh even though he was being gentle. It felt like his fingers left little flames in their wake, leaving your skin tingling. You saw his Adam's apple bob in his throat before he spoke: “Your knee seems fine, but those bruises will turn nasty in an hour or two.” “G-great,” you stuttered, avoiding Yangyang’s eyes while looking down to where his hand was still resting on your knee. “I think I still have some ointment from dance class in my bag that could help,” he mumbled, “I could get that and massage the muscles for a bit in case you pulled something as well.” “Massage,” you repeated, starstruck. “Not if you don’t want to but it might get worse if you’ve pulled a muscle or something if it keeps being this tense.”   “I- Yeah. Ok,” you stuttered. “Don’t move.” “Funny,” you grumbled as Yangyang went to fetch his ointment from the bedroom.
“It’s going to be cold,” he warned you when he sat back down in front of you again, lathering up his hands with the strong smelling ointment before he gently pressed down on the muscles of your calf, his fingers working on the knots in your muscle before slowly making their way upwards. You had to bite your lip in order to keep any noise from slipping once his fingers had reached the skin just above your knee. “You’re really tense,” Yangyang mumbled after a while, his fingers itching almost dangerously high on your thigh by now, kneading your sensitive flesh. “Yeah, you’re just. I’m- yeah,” you really didn’t know where you were going with this answer, hyper aware of his fingers on your skin. “Should I stop?” “No, it feels good. It’s just...” “Weird?” “A little,” you admitted, making both of you chuckle awkwardly. “Maybe a little heat would be good as well.” “Y... Yeah.” You really weren’t sure if even less clothes between Yangyang and you would help with whatever this atmosphere between you two was right now. “Let’s get you up and going then,” your best friend smiled and if it was a little less vibrant than it usually was, you chose to ignore it.
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Once you were submerged in the warm water, a blissful sound slipped past your lips and you felt all tension that was left in your body leave you, the jets and the warm water effectively relaxing your body and mind.   “You good?” Yangyang quietly asked as he submerged himself right next to you, gently pulling your injured leg onto hip lap to prod at the muscles again. “Yeah,” you sighed and closed your eyes, willing your mind to shut up about how he was just your best friend and it should definitively not feel this good when he was innocently kneading your muscles. As all the tenseness seeped from your body, his fingers got more and more gentle until they all but caressed the soft skin of your thigh.  
“Yangyang?” You quietly asked after a while when the only sounds between you came from the bubbling of the water and the occasional sound of a bird. Your best friend just hummed to indicate that he had heard you, his fingers stopping to draw random shapes onto your thigh. “Is it weird that I really want to kiss you right now?” At that your friend seemed to freeze, his thigh muscles tensing up where your leg was thrown onto his lap. “N... No, I don’t think so,” he eventually mumbled. “No?” “No. Because I kind of really want to kiss you as well,” he confessed, his dark eyes finding yours and the amount of trust and openness in his eyes momentarily took your breath away. “Then kiss me,” you breathed. “I- I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” he replied but inched closer to you anyways. “It won’t,” you promised, gently cupping your best friend’s jaw and stroking your thumb along his cheekbone. “Promise?” He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. “Promise,” you whispered back before you let your eyes flutter closed when your lips finally met in a delicate kiss, barely more than a gently press of lips.
When you separated again, you sighed gently against his lips before pressing another quick peck to them which made your best friend chuckle. “This feels nice,” he whispered. “Not weird?” You asked just to confirm, gently tracing his features with your fingers. “It feels just right.” “Yeah,” you sighed. “More?” Smiling you nodded and connected your lips again, firmer this time but still gently exploring this new territory. Slowly Yangyang seemed to grow more confident and he let his hands settle on your waist to pull you a little closer to him, causing you to softly gasp. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, pressing little kisses to your cheeks and the corners of your mouth until you giggled. “Kiss me,” you demanded, wrapping your arms around his neck so your hands could play with the long strands of his hair before kissing him again. By now you almost sat in his lap, the angle a little weird because of how your leg was still thrown over his lap. But none of you seemed to mind as you took all the time of the world to explore each other’s lips.
After a little while Yangyang broke the kiss to lean his forehead against yours. You couldn’t fight your smile, basking in the feeling of being close to him. This close you could count his eyelashes that were stuck together from the water and admire the blush that sat high on his cheekbones. “I really like you,” Yangyang suddenly confessed, pulling your bodies flush together to hide his face in your neck. “I really like you too,” you giggled, running your hands through his damp hair. “No I mean I like like you. I- I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time,” he mumbled against your skin. With how close you were pushed together, Yangyang must definitely feel how hard and fast your heart was hammering in your chest. What he couldn’t see was the big smile that spread on your lips while you were trying to find the right words to tell him that you felt the same, that he was a very special person to you. “You don’t have to like me back,” he suddenly said, tightening his grip on you, “I know you probably only see me as a friend and nothing else. But if I keep this to myself any longer, I might burst. I just- Please don’t hate me. You’re all I have.”
“Yangyang,” you gently spoke, trying to pry his head from your neck. “I don’t have any courage left to look you in the face as you reject me,” he whined when he wasn’t budging, this grip he had on your waist tightening just a little. “I’m not going to reject you.” “You’re not?” Your best friend immediately straightened up, his face full of surprise. “No,” you chuckled and couldn’t resist to press a quick kiss to his lips, “I think I’m in love with you as well.”
For a while Yangyang didn’t say anything, his mouth just wordlessly hanging open and eyes wide. “I mean it,” you giggled, playfully hitting his shoulder, “Say something, idiot.” “I- I was full on prepared for heartbreak. I didn’t mean to confess until Sunday to not make it awkward. It just. Yeah…” “Why would I reject you?” “You never said anything and whenever I would try to take you out or do something alone with you, you kept inviting the others and simply played my flirting off as a joke.”
Thinking back, you felt like there were scales falling from your eyes when you remembered all the times Yangyang had asked you out to the movies and you had dragged Donghyuck or Renjun with you. Or when you had invited him for movie night and his face fell when he saw Jaemin and Jeno already sitting on your sofa. Or when he had invited you to one of his dance shows and you had marveled about how graceful Ten could dance and he had become all grumpy.
“Holy fuck, I’ve been so oblivious,” you groaned, pillowing your head on his chest that shook with laughter. “I’ll forgive you if you become my girlfriend,” Yangyang gently spoke, combing his hands through your hair. “Yes,” you breathed, your heart fluttering wildly. “Seal it with a kiss?” He didn’t need to say anything else because you quickly pressed your lips together again, hoping Yangyang could feel all your love and you could at least make up for the pain you had caused him.
“Me too,” he whispered against your lips in between kisses, “I love you too, idiot.” “Your idiot,” you grinned. “All mine,” Yangyang smiled brightly. And if you two shared more kisses and sweet giggles beneath the sky in the hot tub next to your cabin, only Mother Nature would know about it.
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269 notes · View notes
backtothefanfiction · 3 years
Summary: Things get heated on the mountainside then five months later Santiago knocks on your door asking for a favour.
Warnings: Language, mentions of sex.
Word Count: 3997
A/N- Hey guys thank you so much for your love on this series, after the heaviness of the last chapter this one is more story development for how we ended up at chapter 1. It's split into three parts; the boys interaction on the side of the mountain, Santiago coming to your flat to ask for a favour and you meeting with Frankie in a diner to collect on that favour for Santi. This is the second to last chapter and I am currently working on the final chapter so we can end this story and Friday on a high! In the meantime I hope you enjoy.
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Without you, the mission had become a shit show. Five days full of reckless testosterone clouded decisions that had lead to them trekking across the Andes, millions of dollars literally being lost over the side of a cliff, three different gunshot wounds between the group and multiple dead bodies; including Tom's. The sun had almost fully set now, just a dull hazy glow on the horizon as Santiago, Will and Frankie lay back against the bags of money, waiting for the younger Miller to return. The tension was thick between them and not just because of the multiple fuck ups or the fact they had lost a friend.
Each one of them had brought up your name at some point during this trip, wondering if things would have been different if you had been there. A strong team of six instead of five. Santiago had watched Frankie subtly flinch, every time he heard your name and although he himself wished you had been there, he could clearly see now why you had said no. He still didn't completely know what had happened between you and Frankie other than what he found out that one night in Italy; but he knew if you had been on this mission with them right now, the team would be even weaker, not stronger.
“I'm gonna say something. Are you listening?” Frankie's voice said strongly, breaking the stoic silence that had befallen the three men since Benny had left their company.
“Yeah.” Santiago murmured, acknowledging the statement.
“We gotta get back on our game.” Frankie said. “Enough of this. It stops now. You Understand?”
“Copy that.” Santiago replied.
Frankie had ended up spending more time than he thought he would thinking about you these last few days. Even with everything that had happened between the two of you, it felt odd to him doing a job like this without you. Over the years and countless missions you had all worked together, you had become a partner to him. His co-pilot, the one who always had his six. The absence of you only served to remind him of how fucked up things were between you now. He felt himself tense anytime one of the boys said your name. He spoke with a venom, anytime he was dragged into a conversation about you. That was until he lost a mule over the side of the mountain.
The rocks had given way bellow the animals feet and he had watched helplessly as it fell to its death, bags of money exploding as they hit rocks. His own mortality truly hit him then. His mind raced to images of his daughter and Laura but then they turned to you and that's where they stayed. Tom's death a day later had only reinforced those thoughts more. If he died on this godforsaken mountain before he had a chance to talk to you and sort everything out, it would be the biggest regret of his life. He needed them all to get back on their A game. He needed to get back to you.
“Why did she say no to the job?” Will's question permeated the silence. It was a question that had been on his mind since the very beginning and one Santiago had tried to avoid and work around the whole mission. Santiago remained quiet, trying to work out the best way to respond.
“Because of me.” Frankie's confession rang out. Will sat up then, looking at Frankie confused, silently asking him to elaborate. Santiago's gaze had also turned to Frankie, but it was a soft look, one of pride that his friend wanted to face up to his demons instead of run from them. Frankie's look back to Santiago was a desperate cry for help. Although he knew they all needed to get this out in the open so they could work better as a team, he also was struggling with how to say it.
“He was sleeping with her.” Santiago tried to say as gently as he could. Although he knew the relationship between you and Frankie had been fucked up, he also knew you were both hopelessly in love with one another, which was what had made things between you so much more complicated.
“Wait. What?” Will stuttered out in shock. “When?”
“About 11 months ago.” Frankie quietly confessed. Will gave Frankie a hard look as he realised he was telling him he had cheated on his partner with you. “Look, I know.” Frankie said in response to the stare, “It wasn't exactly my finest moment.”
“How long for?” Will questioned.
“A couple of months. She broke things off when she found out Laura was pregnant. That's why she took that job in Italy.” Santiago's mind raced as he remembered back to the night he spent with you in Italy, his head dropping sheepishly. He thought if he kept his head low, he'd get away with not having the Italy conversation with Frankie but he was wrong. Frankie had recognised the look on Pope's face and the fact his was currently staring away from them at the rock in front of him, just told him how guilty his friend felt.
Will had watched the exchange, analysing the looks between the two men before him. “What happened in Italy?” he asked, suspecting there was something about your time over seas that they were both privy to and hiding from him.
“Why were you in Italy with her Pope?” Frankie doubled down.
“I went to her first to talk about the job.” Santiago said, only giving half the truth. Frankie fixed him with a hard look, forcing him to elaborate. He wanted to know how that fucking phone call had come about. “Look she wasn't answering my messages so I got on a plane, went over there and-” his sentence hung awkwardly in the air a moment as he tried to decide how to carry on. “Look, I thought that if I got rid of the guy she would be free to come back with me and do the job, but she got mad at me.” Frankie and Will listened intensely as Santiago continued to babble. “Look I did some things and she said some shit to get back at me. Look man I didn't know.” He looked desperately to Frankie.
“But even after you did find out you still fucked her, right?” Frankie's voice bit back. It was more of a statement than a question.
“I'm sorry man, but you should have seen her face.” Santiago felt his cock twitch just at the memory alone. “She freaking begged me Fish.” Santi's voice pleaded, trying to get his friend to understand. Will scoffed in disbelief over the conversation they were having. “Hey.” Santiago said rounding on him, “You would have done exactly the same thing if you were there. You're just bitter because you only got to fuck her the once.”
“HEY!” Frankie's voice cut across Pope.
“No, you don't get to act like you're her knight in shining armour right now and defend her honour, not when you used her like you did.” Santiago snapped back at Frankie.
“I didn't use her.” Frankie attempted to defend himself.
“You fucking snorted coke off her body, fucked her, then went back home to continue playing house with your actual girlfriend. If that's not using her-”
“I told her I fucking loved her and that I wanted to leave Laura, that I was gonna get clean for her and she fucking cut and run on me man.” There was silence as the weight of Frankie's statement hung in the air between them. When Frankie spoke again, breaking the silence, his voice was softer, curious. “Did you make her?” He didn't want to ask but he needed to know. The 60 second phone call had played continuously on a loop around his head ever since it had happened, the words haunting him.
“Yes.” Santiago's voice was timid and he struggled to look at his friend. “If it helps, she really tried to fight it man. I think she liked that it had been your thing.”
“What?” Will questioned, confused by the ambiguous conversation his friends were having in front of him. “What did you make her do?” His voice was worried, protective. Both Frankie and Santiago struggled to meet Will's eyes. “What did you make her do?” he asked again his voice demanding an answer.
“I'm sorry man.” Santiago said.
“He made her squirt.” Frankie said at the same time. Will's expression was one of reserved surprise.
“Wait you both?” Will asked, looking for clarity.
“Yeah.” Santiago said. There was a silence again as the information set in.
Something Santiago had said was weighing on Frankie. “What do you mean she begged you?” Frankie asked him timidly.
“She's been torturing herself man. She feels so guilty about everything that happened, she's just looking for a way she can live with herself.”
“What did you do?” Frankie asked, he was scared of the answer but wanted to know, his own form of punishment.
“Tied her to the bed and edged her to within an inch of her life.” Santiago's statement was slightly rushed and guilty. Will fought to remain silent as he began to picture the scene in his head.
“Did it help? Did it make her feel better afterwards?” Frankie continued to question.
“She's in love with you man.” Santiago said softly. “Those feelings aren't just gonna go away. She's gonna be carrying them around with her for the rest of her life. She's always gonna be stuck wondering what would have happened if things were different. Wondering if there ever would have been a way for you guys.” Santiago's statement left everyone silent once more. None of them brought it up again, but they couldn't stop thinking about it.
It had been 5 months since you had come home from Italy. 5 months since the boys came back from their trip to South America. Will and Ben had escorted Tom's body back to the states and broken the news to Molly. They stayed with her as she broke the news to her girls and made a point of being there for them whenever they needed.
For 5 months, Will and Benny were the only company outside your family that you saw, but even then you didn't see them as often. None of you met up as a group again. You hadn't even heard from Santiago, that was until he showed up on your doorstep late one Saturday afternoon. “Hey Querida, I need your help.”
You reluctantly let him in, ushering him inside your small apartment. “What do you want Santi?” you asked as you continued to hover near the front door.
“I've got this job-”
“Nope, no way.” you quickly cut in. “After what happened in South America, I don't think so. Besides I thought that was supposed to be your last job. You said you were retiring.” you folded your arms across your chest defensively.
“I know, I know. But this isn't like that job.”
“Are you determined to burn every friendship you've ever had?” you spat at him, a warning to choose his next words very carefully. Will and Benny had told you everything when they got home. Both of them were shells of the men they once were, it almost pained you to be around.
Santiago collapsed onto the sofa, his head hung in his hands. “I know I fucked up.” he said slowly. “It was a shit job. I wanted to be able to just let it go and move on but I can't. I can't let that be the last job I did. The last thing that defines my career for me.” You softened at the broken man's words.
“What's the job?” you tentatively asked him.
“Corrupt cop.” he said, finally lifting his head from his hands.
“What?” you questioned slightly shocked. You had not been expecting that but you were immediately invested and Santiago knew it.
“He's based along the border between Columbia and Brazil. Been taking bribes and working with the cartels down there for years. With Lorea out of the way he's kind of stepped up to the plate behind the scenes, but he's nothing without his money.”
“So it's just getting the money, then getting back out.”
“I'm assuming because he's a corrupt cop this is all gonna be done off the books.”
“That's why I need the team. The whole team.”
“They'll never go for it. Not if it's coming from you.” Santi looked at you then, his eyes pleading. You could read his mind without having him say it. “No.”
“They'll do it for you.” he said getting up.
“No, I'm not lying to them.”
“Please.” he said placing his hands on your arms. His eyes were desperate, “I need this.” You couldn't help but look at him with pity. He was far from the man who had teased you in Italy just a few months back. You could see the effects of his last failed mission clear on his face and his body. The dark circles under his eyes from nights of restless sleep. The extra patches of grey scattered amongst his dark curls. All he wanted was one last good job so he could rest in peace and think back on the glory days with fondness. He needed an excuse to make things right with his friends.
“Fine.” you reluctantly agreed. “But if they are gonna believe this is my job, you are gonna have to really let me take charge of this. You gotta give me everything you know.”
Getting Will and Benny to agree had been easy. You had brought it up over beers one Sunday afternoon. They hated corrupt cops as much as you and Santi and although they had been a little apprehensive when you told them Santiago was also going to be on the mission, they still agreed to go anyway for you. Frankie on the other hand was probably going to be a little trickier.
You asked him to meet you at a local diner on a Saturday morning. The sun was streaming through the windows onto your little booth. You couldn't tell if it was just the heat from the sun, shining through the glass making you feel like you were in a green house or just your anxiety at seeing Frankie for the first time since he had told you he loved you, but you felt like you were suffocating. You were contemplating abandoning this whole thing and bolting for the door when he finally walked in, the little bell ringing out, drawing your focus to him.
He looked good. He was wearing his favourite t-shirt, an unbuttoned shirt thrown over the top, the sleeves of which were rolled up, showing off his muscular arms. You became aware you were staring and quickly dropped your eyes to the half full cup of coffee, that now sat cold in your hands in front of you.
“Hey.” he said as he approached the table. You looked up at him, your nerves clear on your face.
“Hey.” your voice came out unsure. You wished you could just put on a fake smile and pretend like everything was okay, but the guilt monster that had grown attached to you since you last saw each other wouldn't let you.
He shuffled into the booth across from you as a waitress came over with a pot of coffee. You eagerly held out your own mug for a top up while Frankie flipped over the cup in front of him. “A stack of blueberry pancakes and a side of bacon?” the young girl questioned Frankie as she poured coffee into his cup.
“Actually no, I already ate.” he replied shooting her a forced half smile.
“Very well.” the younger girl said. “Anything for yourself sweetie?” she turned to ask you.
“Umm, no thank you, the coffee's fine.” you said, raising the cup in your hand as you said it.
“Very well then.” the waitress said with an exaggerated smile.
“Thanks Candace.” Frankie said as she walked away.
“Candace? Blueberry pancakes and bacon?” you questioned Frankie once she was out of earshot.
“Yeah. I got in the habit of coming in after early NA meetings.” he told you, his fingers twisting the mug of coffee in his hands as he waited on your response.
“You look good Frankie.” you said, finally being able to find a smile for him. His eyes met yours, they were hopeful, soft. It made you wonder what had happened to him in South America that had him come out of the trip looking far less scathed than the others. You assumed it had something to do with coming back alive for his little girl, a reminder to live the best life he could with her.
“Thank you.” he said. “You look good too.” you could tell by the way he said it that he meant it, even if you didn't feel like it. “So what was it you wanted to talk about?”
Frankie had smiled fondly when your name had popped up on his phone asking him to meet you. After everything that had happened in South America he had been eager to contact you but he had a few things he needed to deal with first.
He had broken things off with Laura as soon as he'd gotten home. They had sat down and had a long conversation, Frankie coming clean about all of it. He expected her to be furious, to scream the house down, throw all of his stuff out onto the front lawn and tell him he couldn't see their daughter ever again; but she surprised him when she told him she had known he was in love with you all along. He moved into the spare bedroom while he looked for a place of his own and made an effort to regularly talk and work out the situation. He was so grateful when she told him he could see Lilah as often as he wanted and he ended up spending a lot of his free time at the house with her, not wanting to miss a single moment as she continued to grow.
“I know after the shit show that was Santiago's job you'll probably want to say no, but I need your help on a job. They other guys are already in, I just need my pilot, my mission partner.” you said trying to lay it on thick.
“I'm in.”
He had said it without hesitation. He'd do anything for you, even if it meant trekking across the Andes again. “Wait, you don't want me to tell you what the job is?”
“It doesn't matter. You need me, I'm all in.” he said leaning back into the booth. “Besides if you've gotten the other guys to agree...” he left the statement open as he brought his coffee cup up to his lips. A silence fell between the two of you. Now you had gotten out all you had to say, you didn't know how to proceed in conversation.
“How old is she now?” you found yourself asking. It was more torturing yourself actually.
“Just over 7 months.” he replied. He held up a finger to you, instructing you to wait as he reached into his pocket for his wallet. He pulled out a small photo of her that was tucked into one of the slots, handing it across the table to you.
You tried to keep your fingers steady as you looked at the picture. She was beautiful and definitely Frankie's kid. “She has your eyes.” you found yourself saying, softening at the image of the little girl who had changed everything.
You couldn't help but wonder, if things had been different, if you and Frankie had gotten together all those years ago. Would you have your own baby by now? Would they have inherited his eyes like this little girl in the picture had, or would they have gotten yours? Then you wondered, if you hadn't run away when Frankie had told you about her, would you have been able to stick around and love her? To be her second mom and raise her with Frankie and Laura.
You quickly handed the photo back, no longer able to look at it or deal with the thoughts that were now swimming around your head. “Yeah, I'm just grateful she didn't get my nose.” Frankie said as he slotted the photo back into his wallet with a fond smile.
“Is she crawling yet?” you asked.
“Oh that girl is such an over achiever.” he chuckled fondly. “She was trying to stand at 3 months, even though her little legs were no where near ready for that. You'd have to fight to get her to relax them to feed.” You couldn't help but smile at the image of Frankie trying to wrestle a fussy baby to sit in his arms properly so he could feed her.
The way he looked at you changed then, like he was sad you hadn't been there, like he had really wanted you to be there with him. He had. There had been so many late nights he'd spent up with his little girl in his arms, wishing you were there. Wishing that she had been yours. He was about to open his mouth and try to tell you everything he had wanted to say since being on that mountain, but you became distracted when your phone buzzed, the screen lighting up, telling you both you had a text message from Santiago.
You reached for the phone and Frankie's chest sagged, it felt like a hole had just opened up in his chest and was suddenly being filled with all his self doubt. 'He'd waited too long. You and Santiago were probably a thing now.' were the main two thoughts that began echoing through his head. “I'm really sorry, I've got to head off.” you said, rooting around in your bag for your purse so you could pay for your coffee.
“Oh okay.” Frankie said back, slightly defeated.
“Umm, I'll send you over all the information for the job.” you said quickly as you climbed out of the booth while trying to send a quick reply to Santiago to let him know you were on your way.
“Yeah of course.” Frankie said also getting up, to see you off properly.
His action caught you off-guard and you almost walked into his chest as you looked up from the phone in your hand. You both froze. You softened as you looked up into his eyes, then slowly let them wander down to his lips. You really wished you could lean forward and kiss him right now. You came to your senses, clearing your throat and taking a step backwards, blushing.
“It was great to see you Frankie.” you quickly said. “Oh and thank you for saying yes to the job.”
“Uh yeah, no problem.” he said, hooking his fingers into his pockets. He wanted to touch you, to hug you or something, anything, but the way you had stepped back from him, made him feel like he couldn't. You both stood there awkwardly for a moment, unsure of what to do next.
You felt your phone buzz in your hand. You looked down at it, another message from Santiago. “Umm, I've got to go.” your voice was barely above a whisper. Before you realised you had done it, you leant forward and placed a light kiss on Frankie's cheek. You felt the corner of his mouth turn upwards as he began to smile, but you couldn't bring yourself to look. You knew that if you did look, it would remind you of everything you missed out on with him. Instead you did the same thing as you did last time you were with him, you walked away and you didn't look back.
@icanbeyourjedi @theshiningharmony @darnitdraco @kesskirata @wyn-dixie @rosiefridayrogersunday @actual-spawn-of-satan @clydesducktape @asta-lily @honey-hi @heythere-mel @heidi-toevs @wigofokoye @choricenter @goodgriefitsawildworld @lostgirlheather @d0uwannkn0w @justdrawings101 @nicotinebirds @bisexualolympus @babyratt19 @cookiecat22 @peterhollandkait @a-bang-for-your-bucky @asta-lily @codenamewife @lazyunknownwerewolf @emmy626 @natura1phenomenon @fanfics-that-hit-my-feels @fangirl-316 @thisisthewaytofiction @rosiefridayrogersunday-reads @aficwhore @slayerx147 @alberta-sunrise @itspdameronthings @nano-pax @bunnypascal @niki-xie @eowynshairflip @mamacitapascal​ @dobbyjen​ @t3rradactyl
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salemorbit · 3 years
Chaotic Hijinks - headcanons
[Link x genderneutral!Reader]
warnings: none!
Requested by: @manaminamoto01
thank you so much for the request, i hope you like it!!
in which Link and reader find solace in each other's similar personalities, but Zelda.....not so much
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Chaotic Link is my favorite version of Link, I'm going to be totally honest
You met Link about halfway through his journey to free Zelda from her battle with Ganon
You first saw him on the side of the road, covered head to toe in twigs, leaves, and mud, scouting out a nearby Bokoblin camp
You watched from afar as he snuck through the brush and preyed upon the seared steak that hung over the fire
Link was quick and barbaric with his movements, brandishing a crude woden spear and attacking the Bokoblins by surprise, stabbing away at them as he tried to grab the meat
You insantly knew that he would be your best friend
The two of you were like peas in a pod, always figuring out some way to make the journey through Hyrule a little more fun by doing probably the stupidest shit imaginable
For instance, you once bet Link 15 rupees that he couldn't beat a Silver Lynel in under five minutes
With no hesitation, that man dragged you to the nearest Silver Lynel and bested it in three minutes flat
15 rupees isn't even a lot??? He was mainly doing it to spite you
Link never really had any regard for rules since basically the entirety of Hyrule was destroyed by Ganon. So, what even are rules anymore?
You often liked to catch whatever bug you could find and dare Link to eat it just to see what would happen, and this guy would just do it every time
Your favorite place was Death Mountain and hanging out with the Gorons since they also loved to do stupid shit
Pure adrenaline got both you and Link through the Gut-Check Challenge, and it was all just for fun like you guys didn't even want the shrine afterwards
Don't even get me started on the prime rock roasts i-
You two would also frequently activate Guardians just so they would chase you through Hyrule Field, shooting lasers every which way as you evaded them like it was a game
Everything for you and Link was just an adrenaline rush like pure dopamine
You and Link also have no idea how to cook, so a typical dinner would just consist of throwing random mushrooms and other ingredients you salvaged from your packs together to make....something slightly edible
Link also was a whiz when it came to the puzzles inside of the Divine Beasts, and you never had to wait long until he was done conquering one and you were moving to the next territory
Once you both freed Zelda from her battle with Ganon, you and Link didn't really change all too much
Zelda's assumption as to what Link would be like 100 years later was....a bit off
She remembered him as this gallant knight that rarely spoke a word and would risk his life for the better cause
Well...she got the risking his life part right
Zelda often felt like she was babysitting you two as you traipsed through Hyrule, constantly covering her face with her hands as you would race each other recklessly through swamps or threw bombs at Bokoblins for fun
You and Link would typically climb the highest point in the vicinity and then throw yourselves off of it, opening your paraglider at the very last second and giving Zelda heart attacks as she tried to stop you
Zelda loved to get her hands dirty usually, but she had limits
You two did not
One time you, Link, and Zelda were just traveling calmly through Akkala, going to visit Robbie in his research lab, when you passed by the Hinox that typically slept in the grove of trees near the Citadel
Zelda was leading the troupe and keeping to herself while you and Link rode side by side, being unusually quiet for most of the trip
For a few moments as you passed the Hinox, Zelda swore she heard whispering behind her, and then there was silence
Her Zelda-senses were tingling, and she quickly turned around to see that both your and Link's horses were a few meters behind without either of you atop them
Zelda leapt off her horse and looked around, freaked out that maybe the Yiga Clan had taken you or something had evaporated you or anything dangerous
Then her eyes landed on the two of you hiding behind some trees near the Hinox, waving your hands in some kind of gestures to each other
She would've yelled if she wasn't afraid of waking up the Hinox, but that happened anyway as both you and Link ran up to the Hinox yelling loud sounds and climbing on top of it
Zelda watched in horror as you two got a thrill out of waking up the Hinox and chasing it around the clearing, quickly making it dizzy and having it fall down with a crash
You and Link prodded at it with your swords playfully, mocking it and making it upset as it struggled to get up
Zelda braved her own fear and dashed over to you two, grabbing you both by your pointed Hylian ears and dragging you away from the Hinox as fast as she could
Needless to say, she reprimanded the both of you like children for that
"How are we supposed to save Hyrule," Zelda yelled at the top of her royal lungs, "if you two die before we can even get started? How did you even get past Ganon?!"
You and Link shared a look and shrugged, looking at her innocently
"We were bored," you said. "The Beasts were taking too long so we just went for it. Pretty lucky, too, right?"
You and Link were laughing, but Zelda just sighed and turned away to her horse, grumbling to herself
You and Link never let up after that, continuously spicing up every day with whatever came to mind
y'all seem like such fun HAHA
hope you liked it!! thank you so much for the request again <33
requests are welcome :)
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Osamu, Sugawara and Kuroo w/ multiple babies
Request: HI YOU WRITE HAIKYUU NOW OMG! Chose whichever Hiakyuu boi you want honey i just want some more-than-one baby action. The reader is pregnant and they find out that they are having more than one baby. KOOMBAYAA. - anonymous
I LIKE YOUR ENERGY ANON. I already know who I’m going to write for and oh this is way too cute. I love twins. I wanna have twins. I wanted to be a twin but oh well. Love yaa. 💖💖💖
warnings: fluff, pregnancy
Miya Osamu
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-You two ran the shop as a happy married couple for the past couple of years now. 
-You stopped helping when the smell of the onigiri made you sick.
-Osamu believed that it was his fault, maybe his cooking was deteriorating. 
-But when he bought your favorite snack and you threw up, he knew that something was wrong. 
-Going to the doctor was the first course of action and boy were you shocked when you were given the news. 
- “It seems that you’re three weeks pregnant. That would explain the vomiting and your sensitivity to smell. Congratulations.”
-Osamu was so happy he even called his brother despite knowing that he would be at practice. 
-He’s so careful with you from that point on. 
-He cooks everything himself and tries new things trying to find what doesn’t trigger your vomiting. 
-Loves to feel the baby when you two are cuddling. 
-As much as he doesn’t want to bring it up he believes that you eat a lot. 
-Like a lot a lot. 
-He doesn’t want to tell you because your mood swings are starting to get worse and he hates seeing you cry. 
-So he tries being more sly and he arranges a doctor’s appointment. 
-His plan was to ask the doctor when you were out of earshot. 
-He didn’t get his chance immediately so he decided to ask after the sonogram. 
-Everything was fine until the doctor furrowed his brows and squinted at the screen. 
-You knew something must be wrong and you were starting to panic.
-Is the baby alright? 
-Is there a problem?
-You squeezed his hand and he reciprocated the action. 
-His own thoughts were running wild but he had to stay calm and collected.
-For both of you. 
- “Seems like....you’re going to have twins.” 
-You both let go of the breath you were holding and were about to celebrate when....
- “Actually no... triplets!! You’re having triplets.”
-The room was silent for a few moments. 
-Then the doctor points out each baby individually and congratulates you again. 
- “You’re in for a tough ride Mrs. Miya.”
-Osamu called Atsumu again in a state of shock. 
-It was like he was living in a haze and he can’t quite snap out of it. 
-His fingers were laced with yours as your other hand was rubbing your stomach, your mind going wild with the revelation. 
- “What do you want Samu you know-”
- “Triplets.”
- “What?”
- “We’re having triplets.”
- “WHAT?”
-The rest of the months were hectic. 
-The nursery had to be changed to fit three babies and you had to buy triple the supplies. 
-Your stomach was ready to explode by the ninth month and you were begging Osamu to do something to end this misery. 
-Then your babies were born and yall.....I’m wheezing. 
-Identical triplets???
-What are the odds????
-And they are all girls?????
-Excuse me are you playing a prank on their poor father?????
-He already was stressing over the fact that he might have a daughter and he would have to chase the boys away. 
-But now it was times three???????
-He is really happy though. 
-Atsumu buys them matching onesies.
-Power ranger onesies, Powerpuff girls onesies, Sailor moon onesies. 
-Anything that had a powerful trio really. 
-You did confuse them at times. 
-And when I say at times I mean all the time. 
-I see Osamu calling them food names.
-Like its Soba, Tofu and Onigiri. 
-When they get older and can help at the shop they become the mascots. 
-One is on the cashier, the other is taking orders and the last one is giving out the packages. 
-Plus everyone knows the Miyas from the infamous multiplying girl joke a critic made. 
-He gave his order to one Miya girl and then another one emerged from behind the counter and as he turned around he was met with another one bring supplies into the shop. 
-The man almost had a stroke. 
-They are angels though and are an immense help.
-They love their dad to death. 
-Good luck though trying to separate them when they start fighting. 
Sugawara Koushi
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-This sweetheart of a man.
-I love him so much.
-And so do you. 
-You have been trying for a baby for the past three months. 
-One morning you wake up and rush to the bathroom, throwing up. 
-You both knew what was going on but before you got too excited Koushi went to get a pregnancy test just to make sure. 
-When it came out positive you went out to celebrate with your friends from high school. 
-They were all so happy for you.
-Daichi and Asahi both promised to be the best uncles this baby will ever have while Kiyoko started planning baby shopping. 
-Everything was perfect, your morning sickness had died down as the months passed and your doctor assured you that everything was well. 
-During one of your appointments, Suga couldn’t make it being held back at the school because of a parent-teacher meet up, so you had gone on your own. 
-You were fine with it reassuring him that it was fine and you would update him when you were done. 
-So when the doctor said you were expecting twins everything started to turn.
-You didn’t know which one was the cause of this dizziness.
-The happy news or the shock from the news.
-You called Daichi to come pick you up because you didn’t want to bother Suga.
-Which was a stupid move since he would move a freaking mountain for you. 
-Suga called you later and asked you how it went. 
-He was met by just a plain ‘come home please.’
-He was panicking. 
-He was almost sure that something happened and you lost the baby. 
-But when he was met with all of his friends at home smiling with happy tears in their eyes, he knew that he should be expecting good news. 
-You skipped to him and kissed his lips, a large grin on your face. 
- “Do you remember how we said that we shouldn’t buy any baby clothes since we don’t know the gender yet?”
-He nodded at your words, waiting for you to tell him if he was going to be holding a little boy or a little girl in a few months. 
- “Well the wait was unnecessary, we’ll be needing both anyways.”
-It took him a few moments before the realization hit him. 
- “Twins.....We are having twins....Oh my god I love you so much.” 
-He picked you up and span you around once before carefully putting you down, tears cascading down his cheeks. 
-When the babies are born he is so damn happy. 
-The type of teacher who constantly shows photos of his kids.
-Since they are different genders you both get satisfied with having a child favoring you. 
-You have a daddy’s girl and a mamma’s boy. 
-They both love you equally in reality they just know who to ask when they want something. 
-Suga adores them. 
-And they adore him. 
-You have come home one too many times finding the three of them sleeping on the couch, the twins on his chest curled up into one another while their father’s arms circle them. 
-Adorable all three of them. 
Kuroo Tetsuro
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-You two already have one daughter.
-You have been together since the first year of university and your daughter was born while you two were 27.
-She wasn’t expected. 
-Kuroo wanted to marry you first and he was planning on doing so before you announced your pregnancy. 
-It caught him so off guard poor baby had to do a double take. 
-But he couldn’t be more glad for his babygirl. 
-He loved her so much.
-So much that he hated watching her grow up and soon leave his embrace. 
-That’s why you were now throwing up in your bathroom, a pregnancy test laying on the counter the two lines facing the ceiling. 
-Kuroo and your daughter were so excited. 
-Your daughter had no idea what was going on but her dad’s laugh and large smile was enough for her to start giggling and clapping. 
-Kuroo became extra careful with you, looking after your daughter and taking care of her more than you. 
- “You shouldn’t lift heavy things or bend down much.”
- “You mean she’s heavy?”
- “No no I didn’t-”
-Cue the waterworks.
-Your mood swings were bad during your first pregnancy and he wanted to forget those times. 
-His brain legit blocked  out those memories after your daughter was born. 
-So having those bad times in mind he tends to not provoke or piss you off. 
-All three of you went to your appointment, wanting your one year and a half year old to see her sibling. 
-Now since you already had an experience with sonograms you were looking for the small lump. 
-The thing is that you saw two small shadows .
-You were confused but just scratched it up to you not being able to clearly see your baby. 
- “It looks like you are carrying two babies Mrs. Kuroo.” 
-This man was both terrified and super excited. 
-Terrified because how would he deal with two rascals at once? 
-I mean your first daughter was already kind of a handful. 
-And excited because he was going to be blessed by two angels. 
-He immediately calls Kenma and Bokuto to share the news.
-They both drop by your house to give you their congratulations although Kenma’s did sound more like condolences. 
-Bokuto is over the moon because yay he was going to be an uncle again!!!
-Then they are born and everyone has a heart attack. 
-Identical girls. 
-He was leaving in a house with four women now. 
-Four women. 
-He is the type of dad to get them onesies with a 1 and a 2 on the back so he can tell them apart. 
-Suggests to give them different haircuts when their hair grows so they can actually tell them apart with some ease. 
-You see another problem you are facing are the similarities between those two and their older sister. 
-They are a year apart and while they are toddlers your first daughter is bigger than them. 
-But once they hit the ages 7,8,9 you have really try and tell all three of them apart. 
-They get confused for each other at school all the time. 
-By teachers  too. 
-Somehow they became friends with the Miya triplets and you should see them playing at the park. 
-It’s the most hilarious thing seeing the other parents trying to understand how many of them there truly are. 
-They see one Miya triplet accompanied by the Kuroo twins and then after like five minutes the see one Kuroo girl with two Miyas. 
-It’s confusion x6. 
-And if someone else has twins too???
-And they are spotted by the same face squad???
-You can add another set of identical faces in the mix. 
-The twins always buy the same clothes and have the same haircut so they can mess with everyone. 
-They always prank their uncle Bokuto with switching their clothes and pretending to be the other. 
-They force their sister into it too and now you are trying to understand which ones are the twins and which one is the eldest sister. 
-When you find out you’re pregnant again, Kuroo is begging for the baby to be different this time.
- “Please have a different face.”
-Little did he know......
-Poor guy. 
-When the girls go to the hospital while you have appointments they totally mess with yalls colleagues psychology. 
- “No i’m (first D/N)!!” says the youngest of the bunch. 
-A moving circus that’s what yall are. 
@brattyquirks​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​
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fanfics4all · 3 years
Not One Of You Anymore: Part 28
Request: Yes / No 
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
John Murphy x Fem! Griffin!Reader 
Word count: 2086
Warnings: Getting robbed I suppose? 
Y/N: Your Name 
Summary:  You weren’t meant to be born but you were so when you were ten your mom and the Chancellor sent you to the ground as a test for the 100
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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John and I packed some things and left to meet Jaha at the Dropship. John was determined to get us to the city of light. He wanted us to have a life without judgement. I was mostly curious to see if it’s real or just a rumor like everyone says it is. I thought about Lexa a lot during our trek. I understood why she left me in the mountain, but if she found out that I was weak and fell in love she would kill me. 
“Sir, do you recognize anything?” One of the guys asked. 
“The tent was near here. I’m sure of it.” Jaha answered and I rolled my eyes. 
“Yeah right, it’s all just sand.” I mumbled and John sighed. 
“What’s the matter? You guys got some place better to be?” John asked as he pulled me along. 
“You have a point.” I sighed and he smirked. He stopped by Jaha and looked around. 
“You see anyone?” He asked. Jaha walked towards the wagon. 
“Bak op o ai na frag yu!” (Stay back or I’ll kill you!) A woman said and jumped up with a knife. 
“We mean you no harm.” Jaha said and John held me behind him. 
“Do you speak English?” Jaha asked. 
“What do you want?” The girl asked. 
“Nothing. It looks like you could use a hand. What are you doing out here along?” He asked and I looked around, something didn’t seem right. 
“My brother and I were on our way to the City of Light… when Wastelanders attacked.” She said, removing her face mask. 
“They took our horse. All our water, everything. They killed him. This cart is all I have left.” She answered. 
“Give her some water.” Jaha said and John started taking his bag off. 
“No, no, no. We barely have enough for ourselves here.” One of the men said. 
“Touch me again and I’ll end you.” John threatened, but I held him back. 
“I don’t trust her.” I whispered. 
“You don’t trust anyone babe.” He said and pulled me along. John pulled his water bottle out and handed it to her. 
“It’s okay.” He said and I kept my eyes narrowed at her. She took it and desperately drank it. 
“We’re on our way to the City of Light as well. What’s your name?” Jaha asked and I looked at him with wide eyes. 
“Emori.” She answered and I looked back at her. 
“Everyone in the Dead Zone is looking for the City of Light. Almost no one finds it. I can get you there.” She said and that’s when I noticed her covered hand. She’s one of the freaks… 
“If you pull my cart.” She added. 
“Done.” Jaha said and I gripped John’s arm. 
“We can’t trust her.” I whispered. 
“Caspian, you’re on the first shift!” Jaha shouted. 
“Then just trust me.” He whispered. 
“Thanks for the water.” She said, handing the water back to him. 
“It’s uh- It was no problem.” John said and I narrowed my eyes at her. All of us were walking through the Dead Zone, pulling Emori’s cart. 
“So I gotta ask, what made you ditch your home and risk your life to cross the beach from hell?” John asked her. I was walking ahead of them because I didn’t want to be near her. 
“It doesn’t matter.” She answered. 
“Come on, take my mind off all the fun we’re having.” John said in his usual sarcastic tone, making me smirk slightly. 
“It wasn’t my decision to leave.” She answered and I perked up slightly. 
“Kicked out? Okay, now I’m interested. What did you do?” He asked. 
“If I told you, you would not look at me the same.” She said. 
“Maybe. Then again, I might surprise you.” He said and I glared slightly. 
“What about you? How did you end up in the Dead Zone?” She asked him. 
“I could tell you the gory details, but since you’re one of the few people on this planet who doesn’t hate me at the moment, I don’t think I wanna blow it.” He answered and I felt my heart break slightly. 
“Now I’m interested.” She said with an obvious flirty tone. 
“Okay, you really wanna know? I killed two people. Tried to kill two more. I had my reasons, but nobody cared. I’m the bad guy.” He said and I frowned. 
“Told you I’d blow it.” He said after a moment. I looked back and saw she was showing him her hand. It was mutated. 
“My people saw me as a stain in the bloodline, something to erase. 
“Then screw them.” John said and I looked at him with a furrowed brow. 
“I wouldn’t cover it up. I think it’s pretty badass.” He said and my eyes widened slightly. 
“Ai don get in yu were won kom emo.” (I knew you were one of them.) I growled, walking up to them. Emori took out her knife and I took out one of my swords. 
“Y/N! Stop!” John said and Emori’s eyes widened. 
“Yu laik Heda’s ait meika?” (You’re the commander’s right hand?) she asked, still holding her knife to protect herself. 
“Yu beda na stedaunon!” (You should be dead!) I growled and went to go attack her, but John stopped me. 
“Calm down Y/N!” He said holding me close to him. 
“Let me go John!” I growled. 
“No, not until you tell me why the hell you’re attacking her.” He said. 
“She’s one of those freaks! Heda said they die.” I said. 
“You’re not with Lexa anymore. She left you to die, remember? She left you with Cage.” He said and I shuddered. 
“Don’t you dare mention that name!” I said and shoved him away from me. I could feel tears well in my eyes as the memories that didn’t happen that long again resurfaced. 
“Come here.” He said and pulled me to him, taking my sword from my hand and put it in its sheath. 
“For Heda’s right hand, you’re weak.” Emori said and I glared at her. 
“I’ll show you weak!” I shouted, just John pulled me back. 
“She’s been through a lot recently.” He said and pulled me away. 
“Don’t kill her, for me.” He said and I narrowed my eyes at him. 
“Why? So you can flirt with her more?” I spat. 
“What? I wasn’t-” 
“Save it.” I cut him off and walked off. 
Now it was Jaha, John, Emori, and I pulling her damn cart. It was hot, and hard to pull the cart through the sand. I was still annoyed at John for flirting with her and then lying about it, so we weren’t speaking right now. 
“Dei de’s far pleni!” (That’s far enough!) A man on a horse said, holding a large gun. 
“Chancellor, look out!” The guards shouted and held their guns at the ready. 
“Non gon mov!” (Nobody move!) He shouted. 
“Hold your fire!” Jaha said and Emori grabbed John and held a knife to his throat. 
“Wait!” John said as she pulled him along. I pulled my sword out and was ready to kill her and the asshole on the horse. 
“Everybody, put your weapons and supplies in the cart and nobody gets hurt.” She said. 
“Natrona! Heda was ait hashta bilaik kind!” (Traitor! The Commander was right about your kind!) I growled.
“En em looks like Heda was wrong hashta yu.” (And it looks like The Commander was wrong about you) She said with a smirk. 
“If we give you our supplies, we’ll all die out here.” Jaha said. 
“If you don’t you’ll die right here.” She said. 
“Say the word and I’ll kill her before he could even think about pulling the trigger.” I growled. 
“No, do as she says, now.” Jaha said. Everyone put their stuff in the cart but me. 
“Dula op em don eni techin?” (Do they have any technology?) The man on the horse asked. 
“Oso’ll dig au.” (We’ll find out.) She called back. 
“How’s your faith holding up, Chancellor?” John asked. 
“Shut up.” She said. 
“Unwavering.” He answered. 
“You don’t want to do this.” He said walking towards her and I rolled my eyes. 
“Stop walking.” She said. 
“We all came out here searching for a better life, same as you. Maybe we can find it, if we work together.” He said. 
“She’s not to be trusted.” I growled. 
“Shut up Y/N.” John said and I narrowed my eyes more. 
“Thanks. But no.” She said. 
“Emori, hos op!” (Emori, hurry up!) The man shouted. 
“Now, Y/N put your stuff in the cart and everyone back away and get on your knees!” She shouted. 
“Do as she says Y/N.” John said. 
“Fine.” I growled and put my things in the cart and backed away with everyone else, also getting on my knees. She turned and put John on his knees as well. 
“What a surprise, you’re just like everyone else.” He said. She whispered something in his ear and I glared at her. 
“Good luck, John.” She said then knocked him out. 
As soon as they left I rushed to John’s side. It was getting dark and we decided not to move until he woke up. 
“John.” I whispered, trying to wake him once again. 
“Come on John, we need to get going.” I whispered. John coughed and reached for his head. 
“There, he’s up. It’s about time.” Caspian said. 
“Quiet, Caspian.” Jaha said. 
“Are you alright?” Jaha asked and I helped him stand up. 
“If he’s not, we’re leaving him here. His little girlfriend too.” Caspian said and I glared at him. 
“Say another word and I’ll kill you.” I growled. 
“Easy Y/N, I’m okay.” He said. 
“It’s time to go home.” Caspian said and Jaha looked at him. 
“And where exactly is that?” He asked. 
“Sir, I know you’re trying to take us to a better place, but look around. We’ve got no food, we’ve got no water, and no idea how to find it.” Caspian said. 
“Due North.” John said and we looked at him confused. 
“She said due North.” He added and I rolled my eyes. 
“What is due North, John?” Jaha asked. 
“She was talking about the City of Light.” He answered and I scoffed. 
“Did she say that?” Caspian asked. 
“No.” He answered. 
“Doesn’t matter what she said, we can’t trust her!” I said. 
“Did she say how far due North?” Jaha asked. 
“No, she didn’t, but she wouldn’t be sending us there if we couldn’t make it.” He said. 
“You honestly want to trust the bitch that just stole all our stuff?” I asked. 
“Sir, I really hope you are not considering this.” Caspian said. 
“John, we have no weapons and no rations. If we go North and you’re wrong, then all of us will die. If we turn back now, we live.” Jaha said. 
“So that’s it? We’ve reached the point of no return? You wanna give up?” John asked. 
“I didn’t say that.” Jaha said. 
“You didn’t not say it either.” He said. 
“That is the North Star.” Jaha said pointing up at the sky. 
“After you.” He said and motioned for John to go first. John looked at me. 
“You coming?” He asked and I sighed. 
“You’re lucky I lo- I mean yeah.” I said and grabbed his arm, heading North. My cheeks were heating up as we walked away from the group. 
“The rest of you need to decide for yourselves, but either way, we’ll come back for you when we find it.” Jaha said. 
“Sir? This is a mistake! You’re not gonna find it! You’re not gonna make it!” Caspian shouted. 
“So… What was that you were about to say?” John asked walking backwards in front of me with a smirk. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said, obviously playing dumb. 
“Really? Because I think you were about to say the L word.” He said, his smirk growing. 
“I couldn’t even if I wanted to.” I said and he furrowed his brows. 
“I believe this is what they call having faith, John.” Jaha said, catching up to us as we climbed the hill. 
“Faith? Nah, we just have nothing better to do, right Y/N?” He asked me and I bit my lip. 
“I suppose so.” I said and walked ahead of them. I can’t believe I almost  told John I loved him! I could never say that to him, otherwise I would be weak and I will not be weak again. 
Tag list: @theschuylersistersss @iamaunicorn4704​ @riverdalehoeeeeeee @imaginehuntress​ @tiannawashere​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @mockinghijack​ @genius2050​ @hollandechart @somethingdawn​ @j-a-valls​ @moonstarsandsongs​ @rascal-20​ @ginger-haired-queen​ @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs-blog1​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @rachelxwayne​ @emo-godess-loves-you​ @now-imagine​ @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @vanessa-kom-skaikru​
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citydreamgrls · 3 years
they were roommates -part three
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a weasley twins x fem!reader fic
summary: she had nowhere to go, fleeing home to pursue something along the lines of freedom, so being welcomed into the entrepreneurial twins life was a whole world of new experiences waiting to happen.
an: sorry this one took a while to come out, i promise i’m working as quick as possible for you all, thank you for all the love it’s been amazing and so lovely. love u as always <333
words: 2,606 (a bit shorter soz)
“What if she comes over here?” Neville asked, watching around the shop to try and see where y/n was amongst the hoards of customers.
“She won’t, she’ll be busy.” George reassured him, trying to explain their game plan for the day.
Originally they’d wanted to get the girl’s furniture into the old storage room on sunday, but given the fact that both twins were hungover most of the day they decided it would be best to leave it until the next day. Not to mention that y/n would have been suspicious if they both disappeared downstairs without explanation.
Neville had agreed to help, knowing the new girl couldn’t run things on her own if Fred had helped him carry a bed frame into the back. Plus, he was their backup for distracting her.
“Okay but what shall I say if she does see me?” He pushed the redhead.
“Just say that you came to talk to me,”
“Okay, yeah…” That seemed to settle his mind for a few seconds as George grabbed his coat, heading to the door with his friend so they could slip away to the furniture shop down the alley. “But what if she sees me again? What should I tell her then?”
“Say you left something behind the counter.”
“And what if she sees me again after that?”
“Neville, we don’t have long, can we just get this over with?” George pleaded, sick of the constant questions.
“Sorry mate,”
“It’s fine, we want it all done by today so we can’t waste anymore time.” He nodded.
Y/n was showing a group of kids how the electric shock shake worked, much to their delight, when they returned with the first round of furnishings. As enthralled as she seemed, she was also facing their way, something which put Neville on edge yet again.
“Quick behind here,” George instructed, pulling the metal frame behind a nearby shelf and inching closer to the tills where Fred stood. “Oi, freddie!”
“What?” He groaned, not wanting to ask why they were crouched like freaks behind the wonderwitch display. “You guys look like perverts you know.”
“Oh great,” Neville groaned.
“Shut up, I need you to distract y/n… now!”
“No can do, I’ve got a whole line of people here I can’t just leave - thank you madam.” He handed the bag of goodies over to a little girl with a brief smile, before turning back to his covert twin. “Figure it out yourself,”
“Fine,” He grumbled, grabbing a boy that wandered past. “Hey, I’ll give you 20 galleons to distract that lady over there for twenty minutes.” Of course, the little boy nodded with wide eyes, taking the notes and running over to y/n, who he was pointing at. He pulled her away by her leather jacket, rambling on about products further away from the front of the shop.
“Perfect!” Neville regarded, standing up and helping George shuffle into the back room with small grunts of effort.
“Right we better be quick and get the rest, we only have twenty minutes now.” He laughed, racing out of the shop and down the alley again with a surprisingly excited whoop.
Y/n hadn’t thought it odd that this one particular boy was asking so many questions, or that he was dragging her all over the shop so she could show him how it all worked. Most of which she wasn’t too sure, but still muddled along.
“Do you want me to help you carry all this to the till?” She asked him, amazed that such a young boy could afford so many things in one go. He shook his head, checking his watch with a grin and rushing off in the direction of Fred, who sighed when he saw the small mountain placed before him.
The girl looked around, not having seen George wandering around like he usually was. When he wasn’t unpacking endless amounts of boxes, that was. But the man was missing.
“Oh hi Neville!” She called over, spotting her old boss as he tried to sneak out unnoticed. “What are you doing here?”
Fred watched from the till, wide eyed, hoping that the awkward man could lie his ass off just this once. George appeared from the old storage room, hoping to thank his friend for all the help now that they were done. That’s when he saw how caught off guard Neville looked.
“I- uh,” Please, please just say something normal, both twins begged, knowing how bad he could be under pressure. “I came to see George.” He finally blurted out, all of their attention on the wide-smiling girl before him.
“Oh that’s nice, how’s the pub doing?” She moved on, presumably taken in by his small lie. Neville managed to converse like someone who wasn’t hiding something now that the subject had changed.
“That was close,” Fred whispered. “Be more careful.” “Hey it’s not my fault she saw him!” George hissed back.
While y/n offered to make dinner that night, much to Fred’s delight as he hated working alone, George hid down in her new room, putting together everything and putting the finishing touches together for her.
“Thanks for helping me by the way,” Fred told her, reaching over her hands as she chopped up vegetables for him. “I tend to mess things up on my own.” He admitted.
“I’m sure that’s not true.” She teased, nudging his side and grinning.
Fred felt a pang in his chest, wondering whether or not she acted like this just for him. Or maybe he was just seeing what he wanted to. Still, being alone with her felt normal by now, and he enjoyed asking her things without his nosy brother around to lecture him on it later.
The music on the radio was faint as they chatted, but he couldn’t ignore the way the girl’s head bobbed along to the music. Like she was lost in the sound, but still present and attentive to everything he said. He had never met someone so happy with life, despite being given so little to start with.
Maybe that was the secret. The girl was so hard down on her luck, that anyone's kindness would have been more than enough to keep that smile shining. So, when she was offered another chance at freedom, she had nothing to be down about.
“Oh!” She stopped him mid-air, holding his wrist that held a bottle of tarragon over the sauce they’d been making. He looked up, surprised that she had actually reached out to him instead of just telling him to stop. Still, a little tingle ran up his arm, making his spine shiver out. “It’s supposed to be oregano in this recipe…. That’s tarragon- see?”
The girl took her hand away from him gently and turned the bottle to show him, the man nodded.
“Ohh- see I can’t even tell the difference.”
He was distracted, she was distracting him. But he was beginning to enjoy it, weirdly. He liked having her around, and he liked the effect she had on him.
“It wouldn’t have made a massive difference, but it’s better to be safe.” She chuckled, passing him the right bottle of herbs. “Sorry for grabbing you,” Her cheeks blushed as she spoke, reliving the second his eyes caught hers in confusion.
“That’s okay… I lik-”
“Y/N!!!” George called up the stairs, interrupting the pair as she turned to the sound of the other twin’s bounding steps nearing them.
Fred jumped slightly, only just processing what he was about to say. God he was going mental, how did he ever think that telling her he liked the way she pressed her tiny fingers to his skin would help anything.
Luckily he didn’t need to worry about it, he hadn’t actually said it. That’s what mattered.
“What is it?” The girl asked, laughing as she ran to greet his brother in the living room. He jokingly fell into her arms, pretending to be exhausted beyond help.
She laughed so loud that the men had no choice but to join in, entranced by the sound itself.
“I…. have a surprise for you!” George bolted upright, grabbing her shoulders with a smug grin and turning her towards the stairs.
“But what about dinner!” She asked.
“It can wait!” He drawled, putting his hands over her eyes and leading her gently down each step.
Y/n looked so happy with him. Her smile wider than he’d ever seen as his brother had joked around with her like they were best friends. He wanted that, but he didn’t know how to be that for her.
“Come on Fred!!” She called from a few steps outside the loft, obviously moving a lot slower now that she couldn’t see anything.
He followed, laughing under his breath at the excitement in her voice. At least she was still thinking of him. The girl screeched at every step down the stairs, worrying that she would fall despite George’s constant reassurance that he had her.
It was dark in the shop, but when the man covering her eyes stopped she could see a sudden few bits of light peeking through his fingers.
“Can I look now?” She asked, fidgeting on the spot.
“Okay… go on.”
The twinkling lights made her squint a little, contrasting from the pitch black of her makeshift blindfold. It took the girl a few seconds to realise where they were, her eyes scanning her surroundings like she’d been dropped into a field.
But then there was the till, and the counter… and the storage room. Except, it wasn’t the storage room anymore. It was covered in colour, and little tiny lights that strung across the ceiling. It was the stars again, like in the loft. There was a little window, high up on the wall, where the alley opened up and she could watch people wonder by all day.
In the corner lay a big bed, covered in piles of cushions and blankets that were also laid perfectly on a little armchair in the corner. Her guitar was propped up beside a small desk, with a yellow lamp shining down on a white, leather bound notebook.
“What is all this?” She asked, suddenly confused by the sight. Which made the twins chuckle slowly.
“This.. is your room darling.” George grinned, even wider when she spun around to stare at them both in disbelief.
“Y-you did this? For me?” Her finger pointed between them, which made Fred raise his hands up in defeat.
“Oh no… this was all George’s doing, just my idea.” He felt bad now, having taken on most of the shop’s responsibilities while his brother had made her surprise happen.
She flung herself to George, throwing her arms up around the tall man’s neck with a happy squeal. It looked so natural with them, the way he didn’t even seem shocked and just picked her off the ground for a second. It was Fred’s own fault for liking her, it was his fault for telling his brother, and now it was his fault that Georgie was a hero in her eyes.
“Go look around!” The girl nodded, amazed by all the different things that had been transfigured for her. Her hair fell over her eyes as she leant down, touching everything as if she needed to make sure none of this was a dream. She was perfect.
But she was so busy talking to herself with excitement that she didn’t hear the hushed conversation between the two brothers.
“Sorry freddie,”
“Huh- Why?” He snapped out of his pathetic daze, turning to his sympathetic reflection.
“Well I didn’t think she would react like that now did I?”
“It’s fine, I don’t care.”
“I wanna talk about the other night-” “Oh yeah… that, well I wanted to tell you that what I said then was nonsense.”
George frowned.
“What do you mean?” “I was drunk and just rambling on, I shouldn’t have said anything-”
“But you were so-” “Especially if it was something I didn’t mean.” Fred cut his brother off, which was evidently enough to shut him up for good. Instead he just let out a defeated sigh and went back to watching y/n scurry around like a puppy.
They drank again that night, to celebrate y/n getting a more permanent set up within the shop. Which of course had felt like the right idea at the time, but Fred wasn’t that into it from the first glass.
He knew that y/n was just a friendly person, and saw the brothers as equals, yet he couldn’t deny the way his heart panged when she tipsilly begged George to dance with her. The two of them did so for a little while, the other twin feigning being too tired to keep his eyes open, that way he didn’t have to watch them.
“I can’t go on!” His brother laughed, his footsteps pattering over to the sofa where he crashed beside the ‘sleeping’ fred. He opened his eyes. “Sorry mate did I wake you?” “You’re good. Think I’m gonna turn in for the night.” He told the two of them, y/n still twirling between the living room and the kitchen door.
“Noooo,” She whined, taking his arm and holding her whole body against it. He had to fight the urge to jump away, worried that she was going to tackle him. But she was just a bit wobbly. “Won’t you dance with me freddie?” She begged, her eyes staring up at him like two full moons.
“I’m sure George will in a moment,” His mouth said before he had a chance to stop it.
Idiot, she wanted you not your brother. This was your chance!
“He’s rubbish with the slow songs,” She giggled, focusing the man’s attention on the forgotten music that had, as she said, gotten much slower than their dance tracks. “Just one, then you can go to bed.”
“Alright,” He laughed lightly, seeing her cheer right up when he agreed. She wrapped her fingers between his, holding tightly, and let him spin her about for a few seconds until she melted against the redhead’s body.
The two of them swayed from side to side, completely immersed in the moment. The girl liked being held this way, though she would never admit that, but it was just something she hadn’t had the pleasure of experiencing. The fact that it was Fred too, someone who she trusted, made the whole thing a lot better.
Fred heard the final notes of the song end, then waited for her to move away so he could leave. But no such thing happened. He looked up, seeing George fast asleep on the sofa and held back a laugh.
Y/n didn’t wake when he lifted her gently, one arm propping up her head and the other beneath her knees, and quietly took her down to her new bedroom one muted step at a time. All the while, her face nuzzled into his chest perfectly.
It was only when he laid her down on the bed that Fred got a good look at her face, until then he’d avoided staring for too long in case she thought he was weird. But now he could see her better, study her, take every feature in without worry.
“Fuck,” he whispered, gulping at the way she slept so angelically. Yeah, he liked her and that he could have dealt with. But now, in that moment lit only by a flickering beside candle, freddie understood that it was only going to get harder to ignore.
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