#and then she does stay for dinner. which is maybe even funnier
moistvonlipwig · 16 days
the best part of the post-shiz chapters in the wicked book is indisputably the scene where elphaba breaks into avaric's house and crashes his dinner party and announces that she has murdered their old college headmaster and avaric is like damn that's crazy lol wanna stay for dinner. man of all time king of giving zero fucks <3
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I kinda find it funny how, if Ed didn't break up with Bella and then chase after Victoria in NM, we might not have gotten the events of Eclipse. Girl was just vibing with her makeshift "guards," and he had to mess it all up by having her see how newborn armies work and inspire her. Do you think Vic would've still would've gone after Bella if not for NM's events (and how it'd go down)? Cause low key I think it's funnier if she wasn't a danger but Ed made her into one jfksaldjf.-Sw
I think she would have.
True, Victoria comes up with the newborn army scheme after Edward chases her down to Mexico, but she also doesn't use it right away. She tests the waters in Forks for a very long time before she decides to invade.
In other words I, sigh, agree with Edward on this: Victoria was coming back to murder Bella Swan in vengeance no matter what was happening.
Without the newborn army, however, things would have played out very differently.
A Bit on the Romantic Tragedy Penned by Edward Cullen
First, a note, Edward had always intended to leave Bella. From the moment he realized he was in love with her he told himself that he would one day leave her. It was just a matter of when.
In Twilight, he's torn. He knows he shouldn't be a part of her life, that bringing her into his world almost necessitates her becoming a vampire, but he also really doesn't want to let her go. He doesn't think he's strong enough to do it.
And as Bella keeps getting herself into danger he gives himself more and more excuses.
If he's not there, then Bella will get crushed by a van or raped in an alley or eaten by bears. Her number's up, and Edward is single handedly fighting fate to keep this angel alive.
Bella needs Edward, therefore he can't possibly go.
The birthday party put things back into perspective. Edward's family is the most dangerous threat to Bella there is, Edward himself really may lose control one day and devour her, and unless she turns (which Edward absolutely does not want) then she has no future with him.
The family has to leave now.
However, if there's no birthday party, then Edward doesn't have that catalyst and reminder. He likely decides to himself that he will leave Bella after graduation, his family will move towns, Bella will attend whichever university she attends, and he will have had a few wonderful years with Bella pretending he's a regular high school boy dating a regular high school girl.
When Bella then dies a natural human death sometime later, Edward will go to Volterra and kill himself (and force the Volturi's hand when Aro refuses to do it).
Of course, he'd probably break here too, but that's a different story.
I do think without Jasper's slip up and the birthday party, that Edward would have stuck around for New Moon.
The World Without Bella's Birthday Party
Bella throws the fit she didn't in canon.
She doesn't want this birthday party, she never asked for this birthday party, AND WHY DOES BELLA ALWAYS HAVE TO HUMOR ALICE?!
Bella has had a summer filled with Alice. In canon, this was a delight, in this world Bella realizes that maybe they spend most of their time doing what Alice wants to do rather than what Bella wants to do.
Alice is clearly throwing this party for Alice's sake, everyone knows it, and Edward tells her, "Please humor my sister and be a good sport."
Isn't this party supposed to be about Bella?
Alice is terribly upset and does not handle any of this well, Edward tells Bella to be reasonable and be the better person and give Alice this party, Rosalie thinks this is all petty bullshit but has mild respect for Bella on calling Alice out on this, and Carlisle is rubbing his temples somewhere trying to let the children deal with this themselves.
In the end, they compromise, Bella's birthday is Edward taking her out to dinner at an expensive restaurant in Seattle of Alice's choice, Bella wearing a fancy Chanel dress that Alice selected for her.
Bella's still embarrassed and miserable, but at least there aren't a billion pink candles.
As a result, there's no birthday party, no papercut, and no dumping.
The next several months instead are spent with Bella and Alice in a battle of wills and a real rough spot in their friendship. Bella tries to explain to Edward that Alice treats her like a doll, not a person.
Edward, of course, has no idea what she's talking about.
Bella fails to realize that Edward also treats her like a doll and not a person.
Laurent's Scouting Mission
As in canon, Laurent is probably sent by Victoria to scout. Victoria probably never left the area which means (remember this is book universe where Riley was in California) that she never turned Riley.
Without being all over the Forks area killing hikers, probably fewer wolves are turned. Yes, the Cullens are in the area, but they've been there three years, are very non-threatening, and in that time only Sam shifted.
We don't see the deluge of shifting until after the Cullens have left and Victoria starts actively attacking the area.
(Yes, this is worthy of a meta but that meta is not this meta)
Regardless, Laurent shows up, Sam's not sure if he's one of those friends of the Cullens or not, and Laurent walks in to see that all the Cullens are there.
Just like he expected.
Because Victoria has sent him to die.
Carlisle feels a headache coming on but is not shocked to see that Laurent's eyes are red again after only a few months. (Though this explains the sobbing phone call that Carlisle got from Irina asking if he'd seen Laurent because that beautiful, perfect, man has gone missing!)
Laurent provides some weasley bullshit explanation anyway. He asks, though it's really more of a demand, that he join the Cullen coven (much larger than the Denali, very gifted, and very powerful). Carlisle says no, Laurent has to stick to the diet if he joins the coven and he has to mean it. Given Laurent's current appearance, it seems as if Laurent is not willing to do that.
Laurent then begs them to let him stay: Victoria will murder him otherwise (and oh by the way she's after your Lunchable Bella Swan). That gets Edward into action, he demands Laurent's death and that he then hunt down Victoria personally.
Carlisle politely suggests that Laurent, rather than seek shelter from them who he knows Victoria intends to cross paths with, go back to the Denali and give the diet another whirl.
Laurent flees back to the Denali, Irina is ecstatic to see him. Victoria's not even surprised.
The family discusses what to do about Victoria. Carlisle would rather not hunt this woman down on hearsay alone. Jasper thinks they should have killed her to start and letting her escape was foolishness, he told them she'd be back. Edward for once is with Jasper, Victoria must be destroyed before she can harm Bella. They look to Alice and, yeah, there's a good possibility that Victoria will be back.
Edward is torn between hunting down Victoria and protecting Bella in person. Jasper leaves before he can make the decision, which of course angers Edward beyond belief, but, well, he guesses it is what it is.
Edward decides to not tell Bella that a vampire is after her life: it'll just worry her.
Jasper's Hunting Mission
Jasper likely has a devil of a time catching Victoria, as he did the first time, because of her gift. He ends up having very long phone calls with Alice as he tries to coordinate a successful solution to this.
Because Edward never left Bella, she never sought out Jake. She never forms her friendship with Jake nor realizes the secret behind the shapeshifters.
Billy tries to give Bella a few more ominous warnings but there's no getting through to this girl.
Edward never proposes to Bella because he's intent on leaving her after graduation. He does not tell Bella this though she constantly worries about it.
He assures her they can have a long distance relationship at college (he has no such intentions).
Victoria is kept out of the Forks area by Jasper and likely takes the one obvious route left to her. She has nothing left to live for, and it doesn't matter how much terror she lives in the Volturi, if this means her death then so be it.
She goes to the Volturi and narks on the Cullens.
Victoria Narks
It... does not go as planned.
Aro placates Caius with many excuses: this girl is in her primary schooling, is the only daughter of a police chief, she cannot simply disappear.
Carlisle is likely waiting until after she graduates and can disappear across the country.
And yes, technically this James fellow had bit Bella and they had their perfect chance but... Well, Aro will talk to Carlisle, it is not breaking the law yet.
Aro travels to Forks in person with Renata, shows up on Carlisle's doorstep, and says, "We need to talk."
Aro lays down the law, this girl better be turned after graduation, and Aro can only stall Caius so long. Also, great to see you, you built yourself a coven and that's perfectly marvelous.
Edward, of course, throws a fit but the law is the law and the law just visited them for tea. Aro makes it very clear that either Bella is turned, she dies, or Aro will have no choice to take adverse action against Edward at the very least (if not Carlisle and the rest of the Cullens).
Aro also points out this is an unsustainable relationship that's not good for anybody. Yes, it's too bad the girl has no choice, but they really should have thought of that before Edward walked around strongly hinting he wasn't human.
Edward insists they vote.
The vote doesn't go the way he likes.
Esme doesn't want Edward to live in misery after Bella dies, Rosalie doesn't like the idea of turning Bella but it appears they have no choice, Jasper (via conference call) doesn't want to be the one to eat Bella and it's stupid given the VOLTURI IS IN THE ROOM FOR THIS VOTE, and Carlisle notes that it appears Bella has no other option and at least this seems to be what she wants?
They will turn Bella after graduation.
Edward smashes a TV.
They tell Edward to tell Bella, it should come from him, Edward never does.
Instead, out of nowhere, he asks her to marry him and elope. They can live on a deserted island somewhere.
Bella thinks this is stupid and says no.
Edward dies inside.
Victoria Chooses Death
Victoria is out of options, the Volturi did not come through, and she wanders out of Volterra in a daze.
She guns it for Forks with Jasper hot on her tail. If there's one thing left for her, she will murder this Bella Swan before she dies. She fails, Jasper catches up to her in Forks and murders her.
No one tells Bella.
After graduation, Carlisle picks Bella up. Bella has no idea what's happening, Carlisle assumes she does. Carlisle lays down the game plan, she's going to take a summer abroad before school starts, travelling with Alice, then both she and Alice will disappear in an accident.
Bella asks him to hold up, what the hell is he talking about?
Carlisle realizes with dull horror that Edward never told Bella. He awkwardly explains that the Volturi personally came to visit and, well, they have to turn Bella into a vampire.
He's very sorry.
Bella's very on board with this, she asks if it can be Edward that does it.
Carlisle says no, that's not a good idea.
They stare at each other.
Carlisle cannot believe Edward didn't tell her.
Edward and Bella do not get married nor does she have sex with him as a human.
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dandeliononthemoon · 2 years
If you're still doing prompts, #27 for zoyalai with a bit of #1 and #43?
Thank you so much for the request, anon <3
This has become hurt/comfort, when I actually just planned comfort for you lol but well
Anyway i had fun writing and i hope you enjoy!!
p.s.: I kid you not anon, when i was writing this i realized i had dreamt this, that i was writing this fic, and i got even more excited so i really hope you enjoy it
Fandom: Grishaverse
Pairing: Zoya Nazyalensky x Nikolai Lantsov
Prompt(s): 1. Small kisses littered across the other’s face, 27. Kisses exchanged while one person sits on the other’s lap, 43. A kiss pressed to te top of the head
Words: 970
number(s) + pairing = drabble for you!
i still take requests up until 4 dec, so if you have been wondering about a certain kissing headcanon, i could fulfil your dream by writing it!
Most days, Nikolai felt as confident as he showed it on the outside. Some days, he didn’t.
On those days, he compensated for it by being over confident. People often enough didn’t see the difference, so he knew that it worked.
Today was one of those days.
His whole life he had spent not quite fitting in. Not quite receiving as much love as he thought he deserved. Except for Dominik and later Zoya, he never had someone who he could feel so deeply for, and had been on the receiving end of that love.
Sometimes, the insecurities crept in. He wondered often when Zoya would leave, for someone better, maybe more deserving of her affections. He always anticipates her not staying the next day, but she always does.
Today, as he was sitting on the chair of their dressing table, he watched Zoya getting ready for a dinner party they had organized.
She was wearing a sleeveless deep blue velvety gown, with a mermaid shape that beautifully accentuated her curves. The dress goes on to pool around her feet.
He knew, that everyone was going to stare at her, just the way he did now. There might even be someone, who is more charming, nicer, funnier than him that Zoya would probably go with him. And he would gladly let her, if she wanted that.
Right now, she was looking in the big mirror on their closet, trying to fit her diamond earrings.
Zoya noticed Nikolai staring at her through the mirror. “What are you thinking?”
Her voice pulled him out of his thoughts. He blinked a few times before quickly producing a convincing smile, he hoped it was convincing. “Nothing darling, I was just thinking how beautiful you look”
“That is not nothing” she smirked and turned around, having finished putting her earring into place.
“And that is not what you were thinking”
She proceeded to go sit on his lap, putting her arm around his neck and placing the other on his face, making him turn his face towards her. He put one hand on her back and one on her thigh, distractedly rubbing circles with his thumb. He did that when he was thinking about something. Zoya also noticed his eyes drooping and his smile not exactly radiant, which it was every time he genuinely smiled. It was too bright. There was some weariness in his eyes.
“Are you okay? Should we cancel the party” Zoya looked into his eyes with concern.
“Oh no, you shouldn’t cancel the party on my account. Besides, there is not even anything” he waved his hand as if to brush away her concern, with a too bright voice.
“Honey, we have been together for so long and have gone through so much. I think I know when you aren’t in your best mood”
She sighed. “They say it is good to share concerns, it lessens the burden” she implied.
“But of course you don’t need to talk about it just yet” Zoya was brushing over his cheekbones.
Nikolai looked downward and took an uneven breath.
“I-“, He exhaled and started again. ”It is quite stupid, but I can’t help and feel that someday, you will choose to not love me anymore”. He turned his head away as he said it. “As so many others did”, he added with a small, soft voice, a blush creeping up on his face.
Her heart twisted.
“I mean if that did happen and you chose to walk away, I would not stop you. Saints, I can’t even believe you have stayed for as long as you did”, he looked down again, “I just-“ he got cut off by a soft pressure on his lips.
“Okay, first of all, you are stupid”, Zoya said with a hard voice and an equally intense look. She couldn’t believe he was still thinking this way. Not that she could exactly blame him, with the family he had and the life he grew up in, it was hard to let go of this anxiety. It make her feel a rush of emotions for him, all in one second.
“Second of all, I am never leaving. I thought we vowed on that”
“People can easily break promises”, he interrupted softly.
“I wasn’t done”, she huffed.
“Third, I love you”, Zoya emphasized every word.
He looked up at that.
“What? You are surprised? D’you want confirmation?”, she asked with some annoyance.
She then kissed him on the forehead, with as much tenderness as much anger she spoke in.
Her lips trailed around his face, leaving little pecks along his forehead, going on to his temple, moving to his cheekbones and the hollow of his cheek, to his jaw, chin, all the way around. Then she hovered around his lips, ”I love you, okay you dumbass? I love you”
Zoya brushed her lips on his, softly grabbing his upper lip and kissing across it, kissing the corner, going down to the lower lip, leaving kisses across there as well and the other corner.
His hands moved around her, possessively curving around her waist and pressing himself against her. Zoya had often enough said ‘I love you’, but whenever she did, his heart would make a jump, not quite believing she means it. But she does. And she’s proven that many times. As she was doing now.
They pulled away, resting their foreheads against each other.
“Thank you”, Nikolai whispered.
“You are welcome, but why?”
“For sticking around, for staying with me, for loving me”
He could feel Zoya’s smile and she gave a quick peck as she said, “You can thank me properly later, but for now we need to get going, we don’t want to upset our guests”
He smiled now too, feeling a little bit more confident.
“Yes, let’s go”
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justasimptm · 3 years
The Bride C17
The voice rings clear and stern, tone filled with rage and disbelief. Heisenberg stands a few feet away, leaning on his hammer, watching Moreau hesitant in front of me. It’s kind of funny to me, watching him panic, it’s like he’s hitting all the stages of grief at the same time. His mouth flaps like a fish, which is even funnier given his ugly other form, but to give him credit, he doesn’t back away. Heisenberg barely twitches a finger, but the knife he was holding flies from his hand, banging loudly on the support beam behind us. I feel both relieved and tense still as he steps closer, knowing I’m not alone but unsure how he’s going to deal with this situation.
“Mother wanted me to do another test! I’m making progress!” Moreau whimpers, matching his steps moving backwards, only stopping when he bumps into his little table and trips, falling to the ground with a nauseating wet slap. Heisenberg doesn’t even look at me, keeping his eyes fixed firmly on the dolt that’s trying to skitter away from him. “You should-you should go! Let me finish my work!” Heisenberg scoffs at the effort, twisting his fingers slightly to pull the needle from my arm, letting it ping to the ground before sliding the bucket that had started collecting my blood over to him. It sloshes slightly, and I realise he had already started draining me before I woke up.
“I think, you have plenty. And I also think if you ever try something like this again, I will tell Mother Miranda about your betrayal, because that’s what this is, and she’ll cast you out for it. Let her out of your filth.” He hisses, leaving no room for argument or discussion. Within seconds I feel the sludge holding me up release, which is both a relief and a shock, because without it I feel a million pounds heavier and I tumble forward into Heisenberg, who with all his grace, manages to catch me before I hit the ground.
Without so much as letting the other creature breathe a syllable in reply, Heisenberg turns, and promptly stalks from the mines, resurfacing through the hut before walking us slightly downstream. He sets me down carefully on one of the bigger rocks, letting me adjust myself before fully releasing me and sitting down next to me. Part of me wonders how he found me, but part of me doesn’t want to ask, wanting instead to break down slightly and thank him for saving us again, even after our last encounter had been so cold. I scramble for the words to say to break our silence, even a simple thank you not feeling good enough. My buffering seems to register with him, so he fortunately takes the initiative and speaks first so I don’t have to.
“Do you need blood? He got a lot before I got there.” He asks, eyeing me up and down before looking out at the running water. The concern in his voice shocks me for a split second before I reply, humming thoughtfully as I focus on my body to see if I can get it to wake up. He must’ve really taken a good portion of what I had running through me because even now, out of his slime and out in the light, my body feels like it could drop into a coma at any second.
“I will. Before I go home if I can manage it. Thank you for coming, Lord-” I start, watching him from the corner of my eyes so I can look without staring directly. Before I can finish my miniature praise he cuts me off with the waive of his hand.
“I wasn’t gonna let that Fish Chum kill you. And I’m pretty sure I told you to call me Karl.” He states, turning to face me head on, but keeping his attention low as he shrugs off his jacket and rolls up the sleeve of his shirt. My brows furrow at his movement and I have to force myself away from staring at his now exposed arm and flexing biceps as he moves them. “I know I’m probably not preferred dinner, but I don’t think I’ll be able to get anyone fresher.” He mutters and it suddenly strikes me what he’s planning. Before I could protest, both at the intimacy of it and the idea of drinking from him and hurting  him, he pulled a thin knife from his belt and made a small cut across his arm. Not so deep as to cause much damage, but enough to make his blood sing in the air. “Don’t even think about saying no. Can’t have you dying’ on me yet, Doll. I still gotta make you like me.”
His words barely register on my mind as I reach for him on instinct, he pulls me closer to his side, running his fingers through my pinned hair and letting it fall fully loose from it’s half destroyed bun. It’s interesting as I latch on, not biting really, more like suckling, the conscious part of my brain trying not to cause too much harm. What’s even more interesting is that instead of tensing, like most would under the fang of what could arguably be considered a vampire despite our real creation, he relaxes into me. Sighing as my lips close on his skin and I apply the first light pressure of sucking, not flinching as my tongue swipes over the cut he made, tasting him for the first time.
He tastes like the best treats you could imagine. Like a fresh strawberry, dipped in rich dark chocolate, both sweet and bitter, but a perfect combination of both. He tastes like nothing I’ve had before, something I can only imagine could be compared to having your favorite meal at the end of a long week. My eyelids flutter close at the first drop that I pull into my mouth. Trying so hard not to be greedy, but wanting so desperately to bite and drink until I can’t. I think I hear myself whimper slightly, but I’m quickly soothed by his gentle shushing as he runs his fingers through my hair, scraping slightly along my scalp. The paired sensations of his coarse fingers on my head, his calm voice telling me it’s okay and to take what I need is almost too much to handle.
It makes me not want to stop, even though I know I need to. My body feels alive, humming with strength and more energy than I’ve had in years, and I fight every single nerve I have as I pull my stained lips away from his arm. When he asks me if I’ve had enough I almost laugh. No, I want to say, I need more, I need everything, but I say yes, because I am sated, belly full and happy, warmth flowing back to my fingers and my cheeks. His face is tinged red, just so slightly, a thin layer of sweat along his forehead, and for a split second I’m terrified I took too much. But as smoothly as he had rolled it up, he tugs his sleeve back down, nodding to himself. We sit in silence for another minute, letting both of our breathings steady before trying to return to conversation.
At first our conversation is light, he asks how I ended up in the mines, I ask how he knew I was there. Both of us give half truths, evading what we think will embarrass ourselves, but walking on eggshells grows tiresome fast.
“Are you scared of your mother?” He asks out of the blue, making me choke slightly on the breath I was taking. I can’t stop myself from looking around at who might have heard him, but we’re alone, just as we were when we came down.
“My mother is...a very complicated woman.” I start, treading carefully, but he scoffs at my statement, making me smile lightly. “Maybe a bit more than complicated. She’s always wanted what she thought was best for me. For her, really.” The sadness in my voice sobers him quickly. As I find the next words he gently pulls his glasses off, putting them to the side on his jacket. I started explaining that we were both sick, her and I, but she wanted to be cured, leading into her magical find, the thing that would keep her alive for ages. He knows what I mean without having to say it. “She came home that night different. Physically, mentally. She looked like my mother but she didn’t exactly act like her. I was terrified, if I’m going to be honest. She changed me though, even though I…” I can’t finish that sentence, but I don’t have to, judging by the look on his face he already understands. “It took me a while to accept this, and when I finally did she really wasn’t my mother anymore. She was twisted up, and if I’m going to be honest, yes. I am afraid of her. I think everyone should be, really. She has no remorse for anything she does, wanting only for us all to love her. Me, my sisters, Miranda. That’s the only thing that drives her anymore.” What he asks next sends a spear of shock through my gut.
“So why haven’t you left?”
Why haven’t I left? God, that’s a very good question. I can go outside, I can fend for myself quite easily. So why not? The answer is much harder than anything else I could say.
“Because if I leave, I die.” His mouth drops at the bluntness of my response, and I have to fight to keep my voice steady. “My pendant is burned into my chest. If I try to leave, my mother can break the charm on it that keeps the silver poisoning from spreading, and kill me. I stay with her because I’m sick of dying. I’m sick of living. I’m sick of not having a choice on which I do. So I choose to stay, because it’s the only choice I have.” He doesn’t  have a follow up question, and the silence that was once comfortable now feels suffocating. “Thank you for helping me, Karl. I need to get back now. I’ll see you soon, I’m sure.”
Without so much as another beat of my heart I swarm, quickly finishing the ascent back up to my home, not reforming until I’m firmly inside the doors.
Heisenberg's POV
When I found her, mounted to the wall like some goddamn experiment, it felt like my entire world stopped moving. She was alive, but the white sheen on her face told me that wouldn’t be the case for very long. I know for a fact that this oaf didn’t ask Miranda if he could do this, so that was my opening, and thank god it worked. I was able to get her out of there before something bad really happened. Out in the sunlight she seems more calm, but she’s still too pale. It strikes me that she needs blood, to replace what he took. I start to scramble mentally, not sure where to find her something to eat, not wanting to leave her to do it.
The thought breezes through my head in a split second. If she needs blood, I think, she can drink mine. Then I think about the parasite infecting my body and I grimace, I doubt she’ll really want that. Still, however, I offer, and a warm tingle goes up my back when she agrees. When she starts mouthing at the cut I made on my arm I fight every fiber of my being to stop myself from shivering. The feeling of her tongue swiping over it, the deep but gentle sucking and the blissed out look on her face is almost too much for me. Almost too much but somehow not nearly enough.
The moment is over almost as soon as it starts. She releases my arm from her hands and pulls back, her breath still ghosting over my skin. I want to tell her she can keep going, just to feel it again, to see her like that, but I know she stopped for a reason so I don’t push it. After steadying our breathing and calming down, I decided to break the silence and try talking to her.
Our conversation is airy, but I can’t stop myself from asking the question I’ve been dying to know the answer to for ages, ‘are you scared of your mother’. When she says yes my blood boils. She tells me how her mother came back fucked up and forced the change onto her. She didn’t want this life either. She tries to keep her voice stable but I can still hear the hints of it shaking. The next question falls from my mouth before I can stop it.
“Why haven’t you left?” I propose. This seems to stump her for a minute, but she pulls her shoulders back and her face droops in resignation. I want to tell her she doesn’t have to answer, but she does before I get a chance.
“Because if I leave, I die.” She tells me, and I feel like I’ve been punched in the throat. She explains how the pendant she has is burned into her body, which explains why I never see it move, and that if she leaves her mother will take the charm off of it and let her die. It’s silver, the same material used to stab her those weeks ago. If I look close enough I can see small back veins around where the pendant sits, evidence that it would kill her. Before I can say anything else she’s gone, whisked back to her tower, far away from me. When she’s gone it feels less warm in the sun, everything somehow dimmer. I’m going to find a way to save her, I think to myself, and nobody will ever hurt her again.
@foggyturtleknightangel @beingviolentlyhappy @inesalexandra1995 @loveboldlywingedangel130
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mevekagvain · 3 years
Chapter 93 - Fancy chair, love it.
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- So my theory is that Raizel just never learnt how to write in Lukedonian either.
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- Tbh the janitor is suspicious. Like how hard was he googling M-21?
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- Ah geez the first of the racistly depicted characters.
Chapter 96 - Suyi getting mad at the kids for complaining about Hansu is so funny like when she first appears you think she's perhaps a stuck up celebrity or a pushover but it turns out she's just a really sweet friend.
- Suyi being stunned by Rai's looks but not falling for him (same with Yuna) is one of the things I always liked about Noblesse. Like sure in the first meeting they get blushy but I'll just jot that down to the inherent beauty of nobles since I can't relate to it at all.
Chapter 97 - Frankenstein's house always being stocked with so much food because the kids just started coming over daily is hilarious. Even funnier since Frankenstein obviously thinks it's overkill but is the one stocking up anyway.
Chapter 98 - Regis and Seira 🥺 Seira's og outfit was the best one she had like it only goes downhill from here folks.
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Chapter 99 - It would have been so funny if Frankenstein went "they must be cosplayers" instead of realising the two were nobles.
- Regis taking all the initiative shows how it's his roadtrip coming of age journey which is pretty clever. Also Seira's just like that but still.
- Shinwoo stop exercising in class bro. Do not flex on the rest of us this is so rude 😭😭😭
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- Regis confidently saying he's a noble in class to humans he doesn't plan on mind controlling... Baby boy why are you so dumb? How is this hiding your identity??? And Seira just lets him,,, good for her.
Chapter 100 - Ah yes their elegance boner at seeing Raizel... nobles are so fucking weird.
- M-21 thinking he won't get any information because of his time at the Union and thus being surprised at how open Frankenstein is is actually really sweet. Like yeah I still think Frankenstein is an unethical and questionable person but he is kind to most humans (werewolves and nobles can go fuck themselves I guess lmao).
Chapter 101 - The second hand embarrassment I felt when M-21 called the two noblesse... how do I even consume content?
- Yeah 100% most union members don't know the difference between nobles and vampires. I bet they'd classify jiangshi as either mutants or werewolves. Or to be more specific, that would be the classification given to low leveled members. On one hand I think it's dumb that the Union gives members twisted information because how would they even use it? But on the other hand it makes sense since it prevents said members from seeking nobles for help. After all, if they believe even the 'noblesse' are vampires that drink blood, than obviously they won't see them as possible escape routes.
- 'Noblesse only applies to one person'. Yeah because Rai's brother is fucking dead. And so is whoever was his predecessor/parent.
Chapter 102 - Those bullies got backup so fucking fast like Shinwoo literally just asked Regis and Seira if they were okay then boom! They're back.
Chapter 103- Regis going ??? essentially when Shinwoo tells him to take care of Seira is so funny like yes ofc he's confused she's literally a clan leader + noble females aren't physically weaker + noble women work out just like the men.
- Rude, Regis. You can't just ask someone why they're mingling among humans. You're doing that too. Who doesn't mingle among humans smh. Even cats and pigeons mingle with us.
Chapter 105 - Love how everyone else in the household is so sick of ramyeon like Raizel stop please you're being selfish.
Chapter 106 - Frankenstein is the definition of the 'right in front of my salad?' meme at Regis and M-21 arguing at the dinner table. Then there's Seira and Raizel just waiting for the noodles to get soggy so he can't even eat. Wish Urokai could see him getting tortured like this.
- The soldier rejecting backup because he knows the enemy is the Union hurts my heart. Wanting to prevent casualties... iwi
Chapter 107 - Shark how tf do you not know about South Korea? That's one of the asian countries people actually know about. I guess maybe it's because this is from around a decade back? K-pop is more recent and made the country more visible I guess.
- Ah yes Takeo. Forever known as "the first time I read Noblesse and he appeared I thought he was Marie's sister since they had the same hairstyle". Like I thought that before even learning about the Aris Taivra fiasco. My power 😔
- Oh don't worry M-21, Frankenstein stopped experimenting on people 830 years ago. You know, as one does.
Chapter 108 - Shark has like no general knowledge. Geography? History? Tf is that I guess.
- Tao saying they're the worst possible people for the job is so funny like yeah he's right. "All we do is massacre people in warzones why are we in Seoul?"
- The rest of the squad complain or are confused about the peace meanwhile Takeo is vibing. He's the normal guy TM of the group.
- Ah yes noble lore. If you take canon at face value than the fact that nobles were around when humans first emerged and there being about 2-3 clan leaders before the current generation means you can estimate their lifespan. Ofc it differs wildly depending on how you interpret the 'first humans' part. I'll assume there were 3 generations before the current generation (mvp lord being the third generation) and won't be adding the current generation since a 0.5-2k years is kinda meaningless. I'll also be assuming that mvp lord entered eternal sleep at around the same age as his predecessors and that he would have died soon from old age anyway (since canonically they do have limited lifespans). If we assume it's just the first human ancestors (7 million years ago) than the average pureblood lifespan is 2.33 million years. If we assume it's when homo sapiens started to emerge (300k years ago) than it's 100k years. If it's about modern humans (130k years ago) than it's 43.3k years. Regardless I'll ignore it since my hcs are that nobles are effectively immortal unless killed and that the 2-3 clan leaders is a misconception due to a mix of Gechutel just straight up lying, because there are clans that have had fewer clan leaders, because I have nobles settling on Lukedonia only 30k years ago, and because Gechutel is factoring in his own age of 10.2k so it's more like 'There have been 2-3 Ru clan leaders before the Ru clan leader 10k years ago since after we settled in Lukedonia'. There's also the possibility that nobles didn't have lords or clan leaders until a few thousand years ago in canon but the species has existed for much longer.
- 'Nobles are individualistic... They don't despise humans but don't love them either.' Humans w/ ants. Now if the ants were capable of speaking with us it'd be exactly the same situation.
Chapter 109 - "What were they researching here?" Since when does the Union research anything aside from human modifications Kranz? Why do you even need to ask? More seriously this means that the Union doesn't actually only do human experimentation and weapons lmao. The other shit just isn't relevant I guess. It's a shame, I'd have loved to see how a lab focused on like, fixing up polluted waters, would be fit into the story.
- The fact that Tao beat Jake up is never mentioned enough. Also confirms that Jake was lying out of his ass about being the strongest.
- Marie being the weakest assassination squad member is interesting like I know why Crombel doesn't need bodyguards as the reader but you'd think the Union would be suspicious of him not having a stronger bodyguard. Also I still can't believe the Union doesn't bother learning who the members are aside from the ones Crombel tells them about like. Bro???
- Shark calling Takeo uptight is hilarious because the guy literally just shot the falling ceiling light which is the opposite of uptight. Either he was preventing them from getting hurt/being caught or he wanted that to happen considering the fact that he shot it and it shattered. And then he just goes back to leaning against the wall. Takeo please 🤣
Chapter 110 - And Shinwoo's still staying over at Ikhans place. Wonder when he's gonna move back. I really love their dynamic like yeah I beg my sister to get me food all the time too. Also love the apron and skeleton hoodie.
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- Shinwoo went through the five stages of grief pretty quick huh? Like yeah it's his own misunderstanding that Ikhan is dating someone but still. Homophobia is annoying as always though.
Chapter 111 - Suyi paying for their food is so sweet of her and also I relate so much like yeah mood that's me and no I don't want to be paid back.
- Takeo,,, the fact that he just hands his wallet over because he doesn't like violence and doesn't want to beat them up,,, my heart. Otoh... how did he even get cornered in an dark shady alleyway lmao.
- Aris managing to make herself look like a teenager as Taivra is interesting since Takeo says he wants her to be able to go to school like Yuna and Shinwoo when he's treating them. I guess she looks younger without makeup.
- Takeo just straight up pointing his gun at Shark in public because he mentioned Taivra... anger issues much? I understand why but taking your gun out is an overreaction.
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squeaksquawks · 3 years
tell a lil bit more about your Hawke and your Inquisitor 👀👀
I kind of uhhhhhhhh went WILD and wrote POSSIBLY TOO MUCH so!
Athena Hawke entered Kirkwall as a cheeky but kind like 20 year old and left Kirkwall as a shell of a person HAHA. She's a warrior, so she had Bethany by her side and they were INCREDIBLY close, so taking her to the Deep Roads and making her a warden (a choice she made in a panic without thinking of what Bethany wanted) genuinely haunted/still haunts her.
She has the...worst case of RBF and people avoid her on the street when in reality mentally she's like "What should I get for dinner. Chicken? No. I had that for lunch." and Varric absolutely ribs on her for it and calls her some variation of grouch/grouchy which she HATES.
She romanced Fenris and it was very much a love at first sight of seeing a mans heart torn out of his chest while Bethany was in the background like "Athena. No. NO." She tried really hard to be Cool About It but it just lead to her like, glaring at Fenris a lot and him being like "...?" because, again, horrible case of RBF. When he left in Act 2 she was like "of course, take all the time you need." and then burst into The Hanged Man 20 minutes later like "VARRRICCCCCCCCCCC" in like, TEARS LMAOOOO. Eventually she and Fenris settle down and she finds a lot of comfort in how blunt he is, and I like to think he finds comfort in the fact that she tries to stay kind despite her life circumstances.
She loves Varric, adores Merrill, and would (and literally nearly did) die for Isabela. She and Anders are very co-workers esque and she thinks Sebastian's a drag HAHA
Athena's big thing is that she thinks Literally Everything is her fault and she could have, should have, done better. It informs a lot of her choices and obviously does not lead to the healthiest of mindsets. She also resents the fuck out of being The Champion because she resents that all of a sudden she is in charge of things and how did this HAPPEN (a common thread in my protags in different ways LMAOOO)
I think post Kirkwall she and Fenris shack up for a minute before they get back out there. I like to think all my protags take vacations after their games LMAOO THEY DESERVE IT. She also cuts her hair because it makes her think of her mom and is still keeping it short by the time Inquisition happens.
By the time Inquisition happens, because I love spice and sadness, she and Fenris are not necessarily broken up but they are a bit strained because of Hawke's tendency to throw herself into things even when they could be deadly, which Fenris would Prefer She Stop Doing.
Also, lil fun fact - Athena has a lot of patience and tries to stick to "no unnecessary murdering" until she snaps and goes wild. She IS a reaver, so. Circe........I do not have favorites, but, hypothetically, if I did, Circe Lavellan may possibly be my favorite.
She has the strongest personality out of her, Hera and Athena which was REAL FUN. She DOES NOT WANT TO BE INQUISITOR which is a very fun journey because by the time Samson tells her something isn't her business, I got really into playing as her and OUT LOUD, IN DISCORD, AS HER, I said "I am the INQUISITOR. EVERYTHING IS MY BUSINESS." When anyone would ask her if she thought she was the herald/believed in Andraste she HARDCORE AVOIDED THE QUESTION, just like she hardcore avoided questions about her intentions for the inquisiton after corypheus. (she did not know and she very much was like "we should be focusing on SAVING THE WORLD FIRST, HOW IS THAT NOT YOUR FIRST PRIORITY)
Circe was..............very popular. The way Cullen was animated made it seem like he had a GIANT CRUSH ON HER which my entire discord had a field day with, because for Circe humans are Always On Strike Two. (at some point there was a scene happening and Circe left the room and Cullen watched and my friend went "I THINK HE JUST CHECKED OUT HER ASS I AM NOT KIDDING") This became funnier when Cullen's plan was what ultimately saved Clan Lavellan because she very much was like "I owe this human man a life debt. I hate it here." Solas took her on that whole fade date and she was like "ahaha yes, FRIEND, FRIEND WHOSE FRIENDSHIP I VALUE," and she and Blackwall had a whole Flirty Thing going on until Bull showed up, which really tells you about what Circe's tastes are LMAOOO.
Circe and Bull are..............they...........mean so much to me..........They very much have a murder pact ("If I go mad"/"If I become an abomination") that they openly joke about to horrify people but ultimately would not if possible/would be in great pain if they had to go through with it! Which is fun! Circe would find comfort in Bull being like, a Thoughts Free Zone for a bit and then she'd be like Unfortunately I Now Have Feelings For This Man. She'd be very embarrassed about it all until she finally fessed up and then they'd be DISGUSTING TOGETHER LMAOOOOO. Just UNBEARABLY CORNY. Also, Circe would absolutely let Bull throw her in battle, and since she's a Knight Enchanter it's all very fun and chaotic.
Side note: Cole is absolutely a little brother to her, she dotes on him like crazy and adores being with him. She gets very defensive of him and spends a good chunk of her free time with him, especially after he becomes human and she can track him down more easily
Circe also would become more and more anxious of losing her personhood, of everything she's done be for nothing, of being remembered as a concept and not a living breathing thing - i'm talking like full on panic attacks, unable to sleep, having to be calmed down about it. - ESPECIALLY after Ameridan. She tries to (somewhat) prioritize joy after that, finally visits Clan Lavellan after avoiding them for literal years (I played Descent and Hakkon after the main game to give the game a better sense of time passing before Tresspasser), ect.
By Tresspasser she is Fed Up, not sleeping, not eating, and also her arm is doing That Whole Thing concerning the fuck out of Bull LMAOOO. The ongoing joke was that Bull had DEFINITELY suggested cutting her arm off at multiple points in time, and when it actually happened it felt very monkey's paw HAHA. She definitely freaks out on Solas and is like oh I gotta KILL THIS GUY!! Also, because it feels relevant, she DID NOT LIKE MORRIGAN and drank from the well.
Also! Playlists. Everyone has a playlist! I use these while drawing to get me in the mindset so they're not in chronological order but here's Hawkes, Circes, and Heras which is the most work in progress since I just finished Origins and need to.....maybe take out the MULTIPLE songs about dying HAHAHA
EDIT: also because I played the games out of order and used the default world states for 2 and inquisition due to some Choices I made during Origins Circe is uhhhhhhh going to have either Fenris try to kill her or Hera and THAT'S GONNA BE FUN FOR HER
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elles-writing · 4 years
Ghost stories - Kili x reader - Day 13/13
Ghost stories
Pairing: Kili x reader
Warnings/triggers:  Kili being a jerk, injured reader
Genre: fluff, a bit angst
Word: Ghost stories – Day 13/13
Word count: 1733
A/N: I swear, this was supposed to be only drabble, different pairing (maybe Fili x reader), more into ghost stories topic and together with a request I should maybe write and post already, and with ansty end, but like...isn’t it a problem already? No, it isn’t.
A last day of 13 days of spooky writing event, I really liked this event and can’t believe is the last day! It was really quick.
Tags: @dumbassunderthemountain​ @moony-artnstuff​ @artsywaterlily​ @trxblemaker​ @red-riding​ @claraofthepen​ @sleepy-daydream-in-a-rose​ @guardianofrivendell​
Message me if you want to be added/removed from taglist.
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gif is from We Heart It, not mine
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„Once upon a time, there was a scary, very scary creature,“ Kili started one of his ghost stories. The fire was creating deep shadows in his face, his voice, deeper than usual, was sending a shivers down your spine.
„A squirrel,“ You pointed out and the dwarves chuckled. Kili shot you a glare, but didn’t said anything.
„This creature was a hideous, evil, hateful man. He seemed to be hating everything and everyone,“ You rolled your eyes and noticed Bilbo looking uncomfortable.
„Until he have seen a fluffy rabbit and named it Sir Raisin Maker II., because the villagers were idiots and he wanted to prank them.“ The dwarves royared with laughter, Kili’s glare making it all even funnier. You gave him a smirk and looked away.
You and Kili never got along really well. In fact, you hated each other. The Company has already tried to make you two go along, but no, it never worked. You would always do some remarks, just to annoy him for fun. Today, it was not different – especially because Bilbo was afraid, and you knew Kili was doing this on purpose, to scare the poor hobbit.
And you won’t let him.
Before he could say anything else, Bombur said that the dinner was ready. You were on cooking duty with him today, and didn’t wanted to let Kili get away with this, of course. You took a bowl for him and Fili, and adding to his a bit more pepper. Noone noticed, and you quickly mixed it, so he wouldn’t be souspicious.
You handed the bowls to Fili and Kili. Once they started to eat, you’ve overheard Kili’s sneezing (maybe you left some dust of the pepper on the handle of the spoon), and quietly giggled. You took your own bowl and sat down between Bofur and Bilbo. You quietly asked Bilbo,
„Are you okay?“ He quickly nodded and whispered back,
„Thank you.“ You only nodded. Then you whispered again,
Meantime, Fili frowned, when his brother was slowly eating his dinner, and frowning at you, sending you angry glares.
„What’s goin‘ on, Kee? You usually eat quicker,“ Kili turned his face to his brother.
„She gave something into it, it’s too spicy, it’s burning my tongue,“ He quietly complained. Fili was holding back laughter. You surely knew how to get back for things his brother did, plus something extra.
„If anything, you will finally shut up,“ Fili murmed. Kili’s eyes widened.
„What did you said, Fili?! Wha-“
„SHUT UP, YOU CHICKEN!“ You yelled at him, wanting to listen to some stories that Bofur was telling you, Bilbo, Ori and Nori. Kili’s eyes widened. You would always bring up some nickname, that had to do something with his scruff, because you knew he hated it (or the fact the acted as a child sometimes, but he didn’t wanted to admit that). Thorin had enough of your bickering.
„Go and fetch some firewood, you two and Fili. Don’t wake the whole forest and come back early,“ He said, his voice not allowing any argument. Once you were deeper in the forest, Fili mourmed.
„Very funny, amralime,“ You turned to him.
„What did you said?“ Fili smirked and nudged his brother. Kili hissed.
„Nothing.“ You narrowed your eyes and Fili said,
„It’s a word in Khuzdul we call a person, who’s annyoing.“ You nodded in acknowledgement, being a human and having no idea what Khuzdul sounded and was like. Kili’s eyes widened and Fili rolled his eyes. He could clearly see in his brother’s behaviour what was the problem.
When you were coming back, you went first, because you were quicker. Kili hissed at his brother,
„I don’t know what are you trying to do, but stop it,“ Fili innocently smiled.
„Oh, me? Nothing.“
Back in camp, you sat back near Bilbo, Bofur, Ori and Nori and listened some cheerful stories. Fili noticed his brother’s stare, his eyes reflecting the flames and anger, his blood was most likely boiling. Fili chuckled.
„You can go and tell her, how you did you tried to put whole bowl of strawberries to your mouth when you were a dwarfling. I’m sure it will sweep her off her feet,“ Kili’s eyes widened and his face got red. He tried to cover it, but Fili noticed and laughed. Dwalin, sitting next to them, also laughed. Oin was confused, as he couldn’t hear them properly.
„What’s goin‘ on, lads? Who was weeping?“ Kili noticed Dori and jumped up, his cheeks covered in blush, trying to stop him.
„No, Dori-“
„He said the lad should go and sweep lady Y/N off her feet,“ The whole camp went quiet, but most of the dwarves laughed a second after. Kili glared at them.
„Why would I did it?! She’s the most annoying person here!“ He glared at you, being in shock, but you quickly rolled your eyes.
„Oh, calm down, amralime.“ The whole camp went silent, confused laugh escaping them. Bofur rose his brows.
„When you were planning on telling us?“ He looked at you and then at Kili. You frowned.
„What?“ Bofur sighed.
„That you two are in love with each other, obviously. But that doesn’t matter, we already know now. Just don’t -“ You stood up and walked towards Fili, purpose in every step. Your eyes were angry and Fili gulped.
„You,“ You growled and firmly held his collar, so he had to look in your angry eyes. You could see true fear in his eyes.
„What does amralime really means?“ Fili nervously chuckled.
„Uhm, it means...well...“
„I’m listening, Fili. You better talk quickly.“ You growled out slowly, the whole Company staring at you. They’ve never seen you so angry, dangerous, and there was something wild in your eyes.
„It means something like ‚my love‘ in Khuzdul,“ He said, almost whispering. You let go of his collar and he fell on his butt. Your hands were shaking, and you looked at Kili. He noticed a surprise, fear and softness he never seen on you before. In a second, you looked away.
„I need a walk,“ You mumbled and runned into forest. The whole Company was now staring at the brothers.
„Give the lass some time,“ Balin said.
„She might be in a shock.“
They were waiting for you, and when you didn’t came in an hour, two, two and a half hours, they got up and decided to find you.
A loud scream from the forest caught their attention.
Kili’s face paled and he quickly runned into the forest. He was trying to figure out where did it went from, and thought about you. Whenever he annoyed you, whenever he was making you angry, he wanted your attention. You always seemed to be around the hobbit, talking to him and protecting him. He had no idea why, but he was jealous, so jealous, and he wanted your attention only for himself, he wanted you to be his. But he was an annoying prick to you, a dork you always just rolled your eyes on and gave him some witty comeback.
If he wouldn’t do it, Fili wouldn’t be in his ‚protective, annoying and big brother‘ mood, wouldn’t try to pair you, you would stay in camp and he wouldn’t be worried sick if you were even alive.
He noticed a voices near, and whimpers. The voices were quickly away, the wimpers were growing more quiet. He heard sobbing, and it was breaking his heart.
„Y/N?“ He whispered. Your name rolled off of his tongue so easily.
„Kee?“ You whispered, careful. He quickly walked towards you, moonlight illuminating your wet, dirty and scratched face. It was all his fault.
He kneeled down to you.
„Are you injured anywhere?“ You pointed to your stomach and he carefully rolled up your tunic, you both blushing.
A cut was there, with a blood around. He hissed.
„I will take you back, just stay awake. Please,“ He whispered. You nodded and he took you in bridal style back to the camp, where Bilbo, Ori, Oin and Balin stayed, just in case someone would find you and you would need help, which was handy now.
„What happened?“ He asked you in whisper. You fluttered your eyelids to cover tears.
„Two orcs,“ You whispered.
„I would kill them, if I took a weapon with me, but I didn’t had any.“ You scrunched your face in bitter expression.
„They...they were talking about murdering me, but...I don’t know, maybe they heard you, but they went away...“ Kili’s body filled with anger.
„I will find them and kill them, for hurting you.“ He said deadly serious.
„What happened back in camp,“ You whispered carefully.
„Do you-do you-“ He sighed.
„I’m sorry, but I...I was jealous, because you and Bilbo were always together and I didn’t knew how to talk to you, so I just tried to catch your attention by annoying you, and it worked.“ You giggled.
„You’re an idiot, Master dwarf,“ He snorted and rolled his eyes.
„Oh, amralime,“ You raised a brow and he blushed.
„I’m sorry, I’m not gonna call you like this, I promise-“ You snorted.
„And I just wanted to tell you I love you,“ You murmed. His eyes widened.
„Wait, you-you love me?“ You laughed.
„How couldn’t I love you, you dork?“ He huffed.
„You’re wounded, amralime!“
„Luckily, it’s just a scratch and there’s a lot of blood and dirt around.“ You both smirked at each other and when you entered the camp, Kili carefully placed you on your bedroll and Oin came to take care of your wounds. Kili pecked your lips softly and let Oin to do what needed.
When the other members of the Company came back, they noticed you, leaning on Kili’s chest, him playing with your hair and you enjoying the warmth. Fili rose his brow.
„Wait, what happened?“ You and Kili looked at him.
„They bumped their heads into a tree, I cannot explain it differently,“ Nori mourmed and you all chuckled.
„Well, not really.“ You smirked and kissed Kili shortly. Some of others did a gagging sound.
„I’ve liked ‘em more when they hated each other,“ Gloin murmed and others chuckled. Fili sat down to you.
„But wait with children ‘till we reclaim Erebor-WAIT NO DON’T THROW IT!“ Fili quickly covered his head when you threw a shoe at him.
It seemed like you will never be bored with the Durin’s family.
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Probably crack and a result of staying up way too late, but how do you think an AU where Peter dated and married Naomi instead of Nora would go?
This officially goes on the list of “ships I never considered before, but now that you say it I can kinda see it.”  Peter’s clearly got a competency kink, between Eva and Nora.  Naomi deserves better than Dan.  They’re both overworked single parents who try to do what’s best for their kids, and don’t always succeed.  Peter’s good at the nurturing and hug-giving and supportive side of things, not so much at the day-to-day practicalities.  Naomi’s excellent at making sure everyone is fed and sheltered and keeping up in school, not so much at the touchy-feely stuff.  Yeah, I can see it.
They meet through the PTA, naturally.  Naomi’s there to stage a formal protest about the high school’s suspension of late-bus service, and Peter’s there because this is the once-a-month night out of the house that Marco keeps scheduling for him.  Naomi makes a sarcastic comment about the U.S. government’s idea of “sufficient funding”, Peter jumps in with a one-liner about science grants, and four hours later they’re still companionably trashing the NSF over their third round of bake sale brownies.  Peter makes the first move, of course.  Naomi sets the time, the venue, the curfew, the transportation, and the expectations for the night, of course.
Jake thinks this is the funniest thing that has ever happened to him in his entire life.  The more both Marco and Rachel call him to complain about their respective parents, the funnier he finds it to be.
Both Naomi and Peter are pleasantly surprised at how well their kids get along.  They were both vaguely aware that Marco and Rachel knew each other through school, but neither one is prepared for the instantaneous companionable banter the teenagers fall into the moment Peter first brings Marco over to meet Naomi.
The first four or five times Marco comes around Rachel’s house for dinner, Jordan hides under her hair and watches him in enraptured silence.  After about two months’ worth of this, Rachel drags Marco aside after an Animorphs meeting and has a stern conversation with him.
Neither of them will tell the others what they talk about, even though Ax expresses concern at the brilliant red shade both their faces have taken on and Cassie gives them a knowing smile.  Technically Tobias overhears the whole thing — the others tend to get so caught up in hawk eyes that they forget all about hawk ears — but he’s nice enough to keep his silence.
The next time Marco’s over at Rachel’s house, he lets out a seven-second belch after downing an entire can of Mountain Dew in one go.  Over the next ten minutes, he insults Jordan’s favorite boy band, picks his nose in front of everyone, claims he’s going to die alone because girls are gross, and (to Rachel’s quiet shock) too-casually acknowledges his raging crush on Brad Pitt.
Anyway, it works like a charm.  Jordan gets over her crush pretty quick after that.
“You didn’t have to go quite that hard in the paint, you know,” Rachel says to Marco much later.  “Pretending to like Brad Pitt, I mean.”
Marco is lying on her bed, looking through one of her back issues of CosmoGirl with the air of a forensic anthropologist picking apart the dismembered remains of a human sacrifice.  “What?” he says, back in that too-casual tone.  “I can appreciate a good pair of lips, no matter what type of human being they grow upon.”
Rachel spins around, looking away from the mirror where she was fixing her hair.  Marco is now staring at the magazine as if trying to detect a coded message between two lines of the spread comparing different brands of eyeliner.
“No matter what type?” she asks.
Marco lifts his chin.  He doesn’t back down, and he doesn’t laugh.  There’s a defiant set to his smirk, and the careful confidence in his expression is betrayed by the slight trembling of his fingers clenched around the Cosmo.
Their parents are engaged, that’s all.  And it’s not something he’s ever told anyone... but he also thinks it’s maybe the sort of thing that one tells one’s siblings.
“So you do agree with me and Cassie about Jeremy Jason McCole!” Rachel says triumphantly.
Marco gags so hard he risks straining his own throat muscles.  “I have taste!  You, clearly, have none.”
If Jordan still has any romantic interest in Marco at all even after the you’re going to be step-siblings news broke, it disappears the instant that Naomi announces Jordan and Sara are going to be sharing a room from now on, because Marco and Peter are moving in with them.  A week later, Jake’s mother has a stern conversation with him about the extent to which he’s been running up their phone bill.  He grumbles that he didn’t ask to be everyone’s agony aunt, but that doesn’t get him out of being grounded.
Marco teases Rachel endlessly when he figures out why she leaves her window open every night, even — especially — when it’s cold or rainy outside.  But he also helps cover for her and Tobias without being asked, and one night in gorilla morph he deforms the oak tree out in the back yard so that a sheltered branch rests directly underneath her windowsill.
Rachel stops in the door of Marco’s room the day after the confrontation with Visser One outside the fake hork-bajir valley.  She doesn’t bother to knock.  He didn’t bother to shut the door.
Marco’s sitting in the narrow space between his bed and the wall, staring at the blank blue paint in front of his face.  His knees are drawn up to his chest, his hands limp at his sides.
“They didn’t find a body,” Rachel says, blunt as ever, standing over him.  “I know that’s not good news or anything.  But I also figured you had a right to know.  There’s no sign of Vis—  Of her body.”
Marco squeezes his eyes shut, hard, but still can’t stop the tears.  “Shit.”  He lets his head fall back against the bedspread.  “Shit.”
Hesitating only a second, Rachel scoots in next to him.  She doesn’t try for a hug or anything stupid like that, but she sits shoulder-to-shoulder with him.  She’s the kind of person given to stillness, but she stays put as he struggles to breathe and swipes his sleeve across his face time and time again.
“It’s never going to end, is it,” Marco says at last, when he’s got enough air for words.
Rachel shrugs.  “I’m the wrong person to ask.”
“Shit,” he whispers again.  “Shit, shit, shit.”
“You wanna play Sega?” she asks.  “Not think for a while?”
Marco shakes his head violently.  “I just need some space, okay?”
“Sure.”  She stands.  “I’ll tell my mom not to expect you for dinner.”
Their parents are downstairs cooking.  Laughing.  Arguing companionably over one of Naomi’s cases.  Every clink of dishes, every fond word, feels like a spike driven under Rachel’s fingernails right now.  And if that’s how she feels...
“Anyway, I know you think I’m a crazy psycho killer, but for what it’s worth I think you made the right call.”  She says it sharply, standing to go.  Marco doesn’t respond, not that she expected him to, and she yanks his door shut when she goes.
Peter doesn’t try to be Rachel’s dad.  But he helps her with homework and shows up to her gymnastics meets and acts more excited than she is when she aces a history test.  He asks her what she wants to study in college, not whether she’s going or how they’re expected to pay for it.  He doesn’t try, and he does pretty well anyway.
The Animorphs meet in Rachel’s room almost as often as they do in Cassie’s barn.  It’s more centrally located, even if it doesn’t have nearly the selection of morphs right at hand.  Jake and Cassie both have preexisting excuses for showing up several times a week, and Tobias and Ax never bother using the front door anyway.  Marco’s also taken the time to confirm that no one in the house is a controller, so it saves everyone a little peace of mind.
Rachel wakes up screaming in the middle of the night.  No, that’s not it; she’s screaming in her sleep, and then Marco snaps the light on and wakes her.  He sets a glass of water on her nightstand.  Tilts the alarm clock so she can see the time.  Pokes her in the arm to remind her that she’s human, at least for now.  When it becomes obvious that she’s not going to talk about it, he turns and leaves without ever saying a word.
“I need you,” Marco says into the phone, middle of the night, apparently apropos of nothing.  “They took my dad.”  He gives the address, and then he hangs up.
He and Rachel have come to a decision, without discussion, without niceties like consulting Jake, by the time they’re done fighting off the half-dozen controllers who were dragging Peter toward the portable yeerk pool.  Rachel demorphs as Peter watches.  Marco goes through the explanation the first time, then the second.
Midway through the third round of attempts to convince Peter he’s not crazy, Rachel gives up.  She herds both Peter and Marco into the backseat, and drives back to the house.  “Pack for a long trip,” she tells them both, and goes upstairs to tell her mom.
Maybe, Jake concludes, exhausted just at the thought, they could’ve kept going if it was just his parents, or just Cassie’s.  But Rachel and Marco can’t both disappear without rousing too much suspicion, and getting rid of just one of them will put the yeerks on the tail of the other.  “I guess it’s time,” he says.  “Better get ready to tell our own parents, then.”
By the end of that day, Rachel’s and Marco’s blended family is in the hork-bajir valley.  By the time two days have passed, Jake’s and Cassie’s families are there too, even if Tom is currently secured with about a half-mile of duct tape and will need to be babysat by several hork-bajir for the next three days.  A week after that, Tobias shows up with Loren in tow.  One hellish mission later, and Visser One is dead, but her host is rapidly recovering.
Naomi and Eva circle each other like a pair of housecats thrust into the same room, at first.  They’re prim and aloof and wary, unable to know what to make of each other.  Peter helps exactly nothing by retreating from the conflict entirely, busying himself with an elaborate irrigation project the hork-bajir don’t actually need his help with.  But he can’t escape them forever.
One night, all three of them get roaring drunk on some kind of regrettable fermented-bark thing, and finally have it out.  Peter makes a passionate speech or two about his love for them both before retreating into morose silence.  Naomi’s sixth drink ends in her making an elaborate attempt to draw up a timeshare contract over who will keep Peter on which night.
Eva slams a hand down on the table, and they both fall silent.  She won’t share, she announces quietly, and she won’t be with a man who cannot choose.  She’ll find her own way.
Her own way, as it turns out, is even worse than Marco could have possibly imagined.
“Why?” Marco cries, flopping on the ground in the middle of the next Animorphs’ meeting.  “Why, why, why does this keep happening to me?”
“Pretty sure we’ve been over this before, back when it was your dad, and concluded it’s not about you,” Jake says.  “Anyway, the yeerks —”
“No!”  Marco sits up.  “We have more important things to talk about than yeerks.  Tobias, back me up on this!”
«Uh, yeah.»  Tobias looks over at Rachel.  «By the way, all those times you talked about how weird it was when your mom started dating again... Sorry for not being more sympathetic.  Now that I’m in your shoes...  It’s really weird.»
Rachel sniffs.  “You only met your mom like a month ago.  It’s still worse for me.”
“And it’s worst of all for me!”  Marco has flopped back over.  He emits a noise something like a wookiee being murdered.  “Please someone acknowledge that it’s worst of all for me!”
Cassie pats him on the back of the head.  “It’s worst of all for you,” she says.
“Thanks,” he says into the grass.
“Okay!”  Jake throws up his hands.  “Marco’s mom and Tobias’s mom have a thing going.  Now do we have it out of our systems?”
«Personally, I think Loren and Eva are most compatible,» Ax says.
«Nobody asked you,» Tobias snarks.  «And Jake, just imagine for a second if it was your mom who was macking on—»
“Nope!” Rachel says loudly.  “Nobody is thinking about anyone’s mom and anyone else’s mom.  Or dad.  We are ignoring it, we are pretending it’s not happening, we are carrying on as Marco and I have been for over a year now, we are killing yeerks.”
“Yeah, like I was saying.”  Jake rolls his eyes.  “There are aliens invading the planet, remember?”
“The horror,” Marco mumbles, still facedown in the grass.  “The horror!”
Cassie gives him another sympathetic pat on the back of the head.
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loftec · 3 years
what do u think about the new episode? because i personally fucking hate it :) i hate shameless, the only thing i care about right now is fic 😔
Same, my friend. I have been thinking about what to say or not to say about this for over a week and every time I've sat down to just type something out, I haven't been able to articulate anything. But I have so much to say, so I will try.
Now, if you (reading this, right now) are one of the lucky peeps who like this season and what it's got going for Ian and Mickey, so far... then maybe skip this rant. I honestly don't want to drag you down with my criticism. It's so ok to peacefully enjoy something without having to listen to people being crabby about the thing you love. Pax vobiscum.
That said.
(Crabby rant under cut.)
But if you're like me, kinda hurt and let down for the very last time, please stay a while. I'll tell you why I'm like this, and why I'm no longer angry, just disappointed.
Here's the thing, the first episode wasn’t any fun for me, but I quite enjoyed the second! It was the kind of low-stakes close-knit family stuff I want from a Shameless episode. Literally all they have to do to keep me happy is cram a bunch of Gallaghers into a kitchen and let them talk to each other for five minutes. I'm very easy to please. I like Sandy, I like what she does for Debbie's character. I like Tami, I like that Lip seems a lot happier. I like Liam, someone please take care of the boy. I like that Carl has a goal, and that he's all grown up. I like that Ian and Mickey are married and that they're a part of this family again. It’s a nice vibe, we’re having a party for Franny and it’s not perfect, but we learned something and we’re having fun. It’s fine.
On the whole, it’s nice. But for someone whose main priority is Ian and his significant other, it’s the same old bullshit all over again.
In seasons 1-5, I'm pretty sure Ian and Mickey only had like three conversations with each other that weren't plot relevant. But it was fine, it's en ensemble cast and Fiona, Lip and Frank got most of the A plots. Ian and Mickey had a lot of serious stuff going on, so the 5 minutes they got to do something each week had to be used dealing with all the shit they had to deal with. It's fine. This is fine. It's fine. I understand how TV works. We cut in on them in the middle of a conversation about Jean-Claude Van Damme, and I understand that they've spent the whole evening together and that they've talked about other things as well. Silly, inconsequential things, things people talk about when they like each other and want to be close and get to know each other. And when we're dropped in the middle of Ian, Mickey and Svetlana playing house in 5x1, I understand that it has been a period of time since we saw them last, and that things have changed. That they have talked about some things, and not talked about some things. And I happily played along and filled in all the gaps, I did the work; I imagined them together on a good day, on a calm evening lounging on the couch, on a lazy morning sleeping in. Quiet breakfasts, lively dinners. I imagined what they would say to each other, what they would talk about and what they still couldn't talk about. I did the work because it felt like it was worth it, because I knew that the story they were focusing on (Ian's illness and Mickey coming into his own) were worth it. That they needed every second they could get to tell the story of a mentally ill teenager and his abuse survivor boyfriend learning to love and support each other, and get better and grow up on their own terms.
I, the fool, kept thinking that one day. One day it would get better and they would get a break and the show would give them a minute, just a minute here and there, to be happy. Have a conversation that we could get in on. Have one good day for us to witness, and not just imagine.
Instead they broke them up for production reasons, for behind the scenes bullshit, for no reason at all, other than the simple fact that the show runners have never once cared about Ian and Mickey as much as we have. As much as Cam and Noel have. They had no qualms about rewriting a whole season's arc to make no sense in the last minute. They had no issues with throwing a beloved character in prison and leaving him there for a season and a half (which could have been good storytelling... if not every single Gallagher to ever get locked up had some lucky thing happen to spring them out again way before they’ve done their time). They had no problem with letting Ian say and do one thing one minute and then the exact opposite the next.
I think the thing that truly made me give up on the show at that time was the tattoo. We had such precious few things to work from when trying to understand these characters and we did our very best. We took the crumbs and we built a whole castle of cake. And one of the cornerstones, one of the first fucking things we ever knew about Mickey Milkovich, was that he could spell the name "Ian Gallagher". And if they wanted to give him a bad tattoo, they still could have. Maybe he did it himself and got it wrong because of the angle. Maybe there was a miscommunication and whoever did it on him got the name wrong. But no, they had to have him sit there and claim that he didn't know how to spell his boyfriend's name. It was so petty, so mean-spirited, such a massive fuck-you to anyone who dared to care and retain the things they'd previously told us about Mickey, I just had to stop caring about canon. I drew a line for myself around the canon I could understand as emotionally consistent, and ignored anything that landed on the other side of it. Perhaps not the best way to watch a TV show, but then I also stopped watching the show. So it worked out.
Anyway, this wasn't supposed to be about the first five seasons. But I'm obviously still bitter, and I wanted to explain why I'm well past the point of chasing after crumbs. Because it’s still the same bullshit, only now they’ve exchanged important, nuanced storylines about coming out and getting better for... I don’t know. Talking about sex and arguing about money.
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Here is an incomplete list of loftec’s crumbs of disappointment, so far:
Ian and Mickey have been married for 6 (?) months, and the writers will have you believe they still have not had a conversation.
Ian is still relegated to C-plots (only now he's sometimes allowed in the background of an A plot, which is fun I guess but still not near what he deserves after all these years).
Meanwhile, Lip got two separate extended scenes detailing how he tricks his girlfriend into spending less money, in the first episode. That’s so much airtime spent on one point. In the second episode, he had a casual conversation with his baby! Ian and Mickey haven't had a casual conversation about anything since fucking never! 
Ian and Mickey have talked about sex and money, so far. Nothing else. Important things, I'm sure. But let's compare this with Lip in the same episode. Lip and Tami wake up together, they get to be sweet to each other, talk about their lives and daily routine, they have a chat about coffee and someone they know who is having a hard time, then they get into the subject of their conflict du jour. Ian and Mickey get a weird allusion to how much sex they're having (so much sex you guys, just believe and it will come true!) and then they're arguing about jobs and money. For two whole episodes. Except that one time where they got derailed and accidentally talked about monogamy instead.
Monogamy. Something they haven’t talked about before. And apparently a word Mickey doesn’t understand, or know how to spell.
And it still feels so petty, because it's just. So specific. They could have chosen any of the magnificent character traits of Mickey's that they teased us with in the first five seasons, and this is the thing they pick? And then turn into a main character trait?? Mickey can't spell. Mickey doesn't understand words. Haha ha. And I'm not purposefully misunderstanding this scene, I promise. I understand what they were trying to do. I most certainly understand what Noel acted his ass off to convey. I am not here freaking out about Mickey wanting to be with other people, or Ian saying this or doing that. I'm not worried about them cheating or getting a divorce. I'm just really disappointed that this is where we are now.
That Mickey, who we all saw through and understood to be smart and loyal, quick on his feet and quippy as anything, has been reduced to this. I'm pretty sure he's had his hand down his pants in half the scenes he's been in so far. I don't know what that means, but it's like... a choice. And I don't like this choice. They could have had an insecure conversation about monogamy and money and we could have gone on this journey with them as they struggle with their inability to communicate and I would have been all for it, if it had been written with something more, anything else, something to break through the plump humor and crass approach to this marriage that Ian spent half of the last season trying to have a conversation about! But never got to, because the writers thought it would be funnier to have Mickey punch Ian in the face and run off with some guy, rather than talk to him!
Also, I know this is getting outrageously long, but the fighting. The fighting is another thing. Who here watched that scene in 3x9 where Ian tries to get Mickey to be honest with him and Mickey kicks him in the face rather than admit he's gay, and thought, hey! Guys being guys, am I right? Who here watched that scene in 5x10 when Ian punched Mickey in the face because he didn't know how to accept care from someone who loves him and wanted to feel a feeling, and thought; oh yes, this is just how they communicate! This is fine! I know I didn't. But sure, why not. It's a choice, I guess. They're just manly men, and manly men fight with their significant others. They beat the shit out of each other, no problem. This is not something we need to have a conversation about, not at all.
This is about writing. They easily could have written Ian and Mickey’s scenes differently. They could have had incidental bits of conversation, hinting at their lives outside of this conflict they’re having. They could have been in the background of someone else’s scene, just a quick gesture of something nice that would help flesh out the bits in between. They could have conversations and storylines about pretty much anything, and still bring up the question of monogamy and Mickey’s residual insecurities about Ian’s past infidelity. They could have been subtle about it, instead of writing a clown scene where Mickey acts like a clown and Ian doesn’t remember that he’s done a lot of shit in their past that they maybe need to talk about. Because they still haven’t talked about it? NOT ONCE? THEY WERE IN THE SAME CELL FOR MONTHS! AND NOT A SINGLE CONVERSATION WAS HAD. THIS IS FINE. I’M FINE.
I get it. This is supposed to be a fun show about whacky characters. It's supposed to be outrageous, the show runners and writers are choosing these things to get a reaction. I get it, and I don't like it and if you think this means that I should stop watching the show and shut up, then I agree with you.
But also, I love these characters and this community, and I want to like this season. Our last season. I want to watch it and still hope that Ian and Mickey will get to have a conversation about nothing special, just because they like each other, before it's over.
And if not, there is always fic. And you know I will be making them talk to each other in NTW until there are no words left.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 3 years
Protea (Part 9)
Snapdragon closes her eyes, leans back, and inhales the vapors. Lilac and firelily are the dominant scents. There is something about them. Something familiar. The way the way the scents intermingle brings her to a place that is both close and distant. She runs the bar of soap over her skin and tries to pull that distant thing closer.
She doesn’t dwell much...doesn’t dwell at all on the blank spaces in her mind. But there is an itch within those spaces and the scents tickle them. She counts the freckles on her arms after cleaning them of dirt and grime. And this time they seem foregin. Foreign as though she isn’t sure if they are supposed to be there.
She shakes her head and reaches for the shampoo. Her hair could use a very good scrub. She wonders if Mai well ask the servants to help her with that. Her hair is such a tangled mess that she isn’t sure she will be able to work with it on her own. She dips her head under the water and basks in the warmth it radiates. She is so very cozy. She wishes that her factory had a hot spring in or near it. She likes hot springs very much, she decides.
She leans her body against the rocks and inhales the lilac. She can’t shake the feeling of familiarity. She pushes it to the back of her mind; of course it feels familiar, she has done this once before. She stares at the hand that rests upon the spring’s rocky deck. It is rough and calloused. It is familiar.
One of several serving girls slips back into the room, “Mai would like to know if you’re done with your bath yet.”
Snapdragon nods and holds out her arm for the towel. The girl hands it over and she pats herself dry. She scampers around for her robe...granted it isn’t actually hers. She tugs it on and fusses with the sash. After a few moments of watching her struggle, the serving girl offers her a hand. “Tight enough?” She asks. Snapdragon nods again. “Where is Mai?”
“Waiting for you in the spa.”
Her eyes light up, “do I get to use it too?”
The serving girl smiles, “unless you think that you can fix this mess on your own.” She ruffles Snapdragon’s hair.
She shakes her head, “I wasn’t even planin’ on tryin’ to fix that.”
The girl leads her to the spa. With each corner turned, Snapdragon finds herself more daunted, the palace is so huge. It would only take getting distracted and falling behind for her to get lost within its expansive halls. She wonders if the Fire Lord even knows how to navigate it.
“Here we are.”
“I finished my bath, Mai!” She declares proudly. A few of the serving girls cringe and she recalls that these folks don’t enjoy loud greetings. They don’t seem to enjoy loud things in general. She mumbles an apology as walks towards Mai. Mai who doesn’t seem particularly bothered by her overly enthusiastic outburst. “I keep forgettin’ about the palace rules.”
“They aren’t official rules.” Mai rolls her eyes, “you should here Zuko when he’s frustrated.” She gestures for Snapdragon to sit. “His father too. That whole family is pretty loud.”
“Lean your head back.” The serving girl instructs.
“Oh yeah.” Snapdragon replies, “I’ll do that. Can you use the same shampoo that you used last time? I liked that smell.”
“Which ones did we use the last time?”
Snapdragon looks at Mai who gives a little shrug. And then her eyes widen for a flicker. “Firelily and jasmine.”
“I dunno how you remembered that.” Snapdragon mumbles as the serving girl retreats to fetch the bottles.
“Uh...they used to be Azula’s favorites. You smelled like her…”
Snapdragon somehow gets the impression that this isn’t a good thing. “Well I can use firelily and…” she taps her chin. “And snapdragon! I am Snapdragon so I can smell like snapdragon!”
“That makes sense.” Mai agrees with a slight smile. “You think that you can handle being a lone for a bit, I’m going to go find Zuko and let him know that you’ll be spending the night here.”
Her tummy flutters once at the notion of being alone with only the servants and twice at the reminder that she will be staying here at the palace with several more hours of time to make both she and Mai look foolish. At least now she won’t be dirty and grubby when she does it.
“Okay, I’ll stay.”
Snapdragon shakes her head. The woman running a comb through her hair sighs and gives her another reminder to keep her head still. Snapdragon mumbles another apology. “It’s fine Mai, I can be alone for a bit.”
She regrets saying so as soon as Mai leaves the room. There may not be any uppity nobles about this time around, but even the serving girls seem to have more class and poise than she. Everyone is so elegant, they can bury her under as many fine silks and scents as they please but she doesn’t think that they will ever truly be able to drive out the scents of Capital City’s lower ring smog. “What is this?” The girl with the brush plucks a cluster of pine needles from her hair. But Agni, are they giving it their best shot.
“That must be from when I were trying to reach the bird’s nest. I were gonna take it down if there were no eggs in it.” Snapdragon explains. “I climbed up all the way to near the top of the tree…”
“The sap is practically gluing your hair together.”
That doesn’t exactly sound like an easy fix.
The serving girl sighs. “I hope that you’re comfy. This is going to take a while and if I can’t wash the sap out then I will have to give you another haircut.”
Snapdragon swallows. She wishes that she weren’t such a burden, if only she had nice, silky hair like Mai’s.
“Ami, you’re making her uncomfortable.” Snapdragon recognizes this voice. It is the serving girl she had met first. Yora, if she recalls correctly.
“She could use some discomfort if you ask me.” Ami mutters. “Look at this.” She holds up a clump of her hair. The strands are held together by a decent glob of pine sap.
Yora chuckles. “I’ll work with this, you just shampoo her hair.” She turns her attention to Snapdragon. “And you just relax, trust me you’ll feel much better after this.”
Snapdragon can believe that, she already feels better, more respectable now that she smells like firelily. Yora is a lot more careful than Ami, she still snags Snapdragon’s locks but she doesn’t yank at them. She closes her eyes, she must admit that it is relaxing to have the shampoos massaged into her hair.
Like the spring water, the steams that they pour over her head are kindly hot. She watches tendrils of steam twist and curl towards the ceiling. She thinks that she can nearly see the scents on them; she imagines that the firelily would take on a vivid orange and that the snapdragon would be a flashy red smoke.
“Cherries?” Offers a new serving girl.
With a grin, Snapdragon pops one into her mouth. She may not be able to get used to this, but she certainly enjoys it. She takes a second cherry and a third. And then she loses track of how many cherries she has eaten.
“We’re almost done.” Yora says. “I’m going to have to give you a bit of a haircut though. I can’t seem to get this one clump of sap out.”
“Okay.” Snapdragon agrees. She takes another cherry from the bowl and bites down. “Ow!” Momentarily forgetting her about her surroundings, she spits the cherry pit out. She hears it ping against one of the decorative vases.
Ami pinches the bridge of her nose, “someone pick that up.”
Snapdragon rubs the side of her mouth. She wishes that she hadn’t bitten down so hard. She supposes it could have been worse; she could have swallowed it and choked… The serving girl scrubbing the callouses off of her feet pauses.
The sense of deja vu comes over her again but with more potency. A headpoudning potency. To further spike Ami’s irritation, she shifts uncomfortably in the chair. This sense of familiarity itches at the back of her mind. Whatever it is, it is just out of reach. Just out of reach in just the same way that recollections of her time in the jungle are.
“Don’t let Ami bother you.” Yora leans in and whispers. “She’s a stern old flutterbat.”
Snapdragon allows the comment to wash away her unease. She gives a little laugh.
“I thought that it was funny.” Yora continues. “It would have been even funnier if you spit it out at one of those guards. They’re no fun.”
Snapdragon laughs again.
Ami inhales through her nose, “please. Sit still.”
“Sorry.” She mutters again.
She leaves the spa feeling quite refreshed, her head feels so much lighter now that it isn’t loaded with sap, pine needles, and twigs. She feels lighter in general. And the aroma of firelily and snapdragon leaves her with the sensation that she could levitate, could drift away on a cloud of their perfume.
She holds her sleeve to her nose. She expects it to smell like the shampoo but she finds that it has a scent of its own; firelily and jasmine with a touch of smoke. Her head begins to ache again.
“What’s wrong, you’re not acting like yourself tonight?” Mai frowns.
She doesn’t feel much like herself tonight.
“You’re all quiet again. Are you still anxious about being surrounded by nobles?”
That must be it. She is still nervous. She nods, “a little.” Though she isn’t sure that that truly is what is bothering her. She can’t think of anything else that it could be though.
“I’m surprised that you aren’t shaking with joy. You were really excited for another palace banquet.”
And she was. She thinks that she still is. Though, at the same time, she doesn’t have much of an appetite at the moment. Mostly she feels queasy? Foggy? Distant? She isn’t exactly sure what she is feeling. Other than unwell. “I feel…”
“You look pale.” Mai notes.
Snapdragon nods. “I feel sick.” That doesn’t quite fit either but it is the closest thing that she can think of.
“Do you want to skip dinner and go see the palace physician.” The Firelord offers from the head of the table. “They’re really good, I promise.”
She shakes her head, “I want food first. I came here for the food.”
Mai chuckles, “that sounds more like you.”
Snapdragon smiles. Maybe she’ll feel better after a gourmet meal. Maybe she’ll feel more like Snapdragon if she does things that make Snapdragon happy.
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vanxcks · 4 years
and a movie
Abed Nadir lives in LA now, and there's something they still haven't done.
Word count: 1766
AO3 link in notes
“I want to make a movie.” Abed says it abruptly. It’s the reason he came, after all. And it’s important to make your point early in the conversation; otherwise it runs away from you.
“You know I’m not a producer, right?” his friend asks.
“I know that. But I wanted to be able to air the idea out. See if it’s Hollywood-ready. I know what I’m doing, but a second opinion can’t hurt. Besides, you seem to have some success.”
His friend laughs. “I mean, a couple movies in, I guess my opinion counts.” Abed cracks a smile. “What’s it about?”
“Friends. Not the show. Friends of mine. Old friends, actually. From before I moved here.”
“A movie based on your friends?”
“I was thinking my friends could be in it, actually.”
“So, a biopic?”
“Yes. I could document some portion of their lives.”
“You mean it would be a documentary.”
Abed pauses and then says, “Technically, yes, but six seasons and a documentary doesn’t have the same ring to it.”
Abed doesn’t have a roommate, but he does have friends. People that he hangs out with regularly—going out to dinner after work, having movie nights where they all bring different snacks. They have bad taste in movies, but so does he. He’s the first to admit Kickpuncher isn’t a masterpiece. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t still have his costume hanging in his closet for emergencies.
Or non-emergencies. But only if they involve watching the movie alone at two in the morning and acting out the scenes as they go. Those are acceptable.
In high school, he didn’t think he’d ever have any friends. He thought he was stuck in the underdog role, the nerd that got his books knocked out of his arms, the kid that no one wanted to be partners with. Although Abed had never actually gotten his books knocked out of his arms. He thought it was a ridiculous trope. He’d fit into the rest of the categories though.
At some point at Greendale, he’d thought he would never again have friends like the study group. These were the days, the short period that would change their lives forever. The period that they would eventually have to leave behind, but that nothing would ever measure up to again. He’d expected to spend the rest of his shallow life thinking back to these four (five, six) years with his found family. As it turns out, though, tv shows are short because of budget, because of the inability of writers to churn out more, because of low viewership. And just because they’re short doesn’t mean there isn’t more to the story. He’s happy now. He’s comfortable.
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a picture of that first halloween up on his bulletin board, though.
“So, what exactly would this documentary be about?”
Abed cocks his head. “I don’t know. It would be about them. It would be about them and...I guess it would be a little bit like Friends, except funnier. I mean, the relationship and drama of it. Although the emotional bits were always my least favorite. I liked the action episodes the best.”
“The action episodes from Friends?”
“No, from when I was at Greendale.”
“Oh, sorry, yes, the episodes from when you were at Greendale,” his friend says, and Abed can tell it’s sarcasm, but he can also tell that it’s not mean.
Abed nods. “Yes. Maybe I should do something more whimsical, like that. It’s not exactly in the sitcom format, but the show never was.”
“And by whimsical, you mean…”
“Oh, you know, paintball fights, eerily accurate homages, the like. Genre-bending stuff.”
“That’s what college was like for you?”
“I told you,” Abed says. “Genre-bending stuff.”
Everyone still keeps in touch. Annie visits the most. She’s happy, and he’s glad he told her to take a forensics class. It’s better for her.
She visits and she asks how he’s doing (well), what he’s doing (he’s working on his portfolio before he starts trying to get a big title—it’s an important step), and where his new dreamatorium is (he doesn’t have one. He’s grown past the need for childish things like that. He doesn’t need a designated room for rendering imaginations. He’s an adult. He can do it anywhere in his house now.)
Annie’s doing well, too. She had to intern for a few years, but now she’s properly training at the FBI Academy. (“Basically, I’m, like, really fit now,” she says and laughs. “And they let me carry a gun.”
“But you already had a gun.”
“What? No I didn’t.”
“Yes, you did. Troy and I found it in your bag when you moved in.”
“You searched my bag?”)
Abed and Troy talk to each other sometimes, when Troy has cell service. It’s not often.
Troy didn’t bring a DVD player (which is ridiculous, Abed should have helped him pack), but he did manage to buy a crappy portable one from one of the places he’d stopped for fuel and food. Every several weeks they call, put the same DVD in, and then count down to play. Troy’s movie is always scratchy and terrible, so it’s awkward (“Pause. No, wait, play...oh no, it’s lagging again. Did it just skip over a scene? Pause.”) They dress up and make popcorn, and a couple of times they even made a blanket fort like back at Greendale.
Troy has been on his trip for longer than any of them had expected, but that’s what happens, right? And that has to be okay. He’ll be back eventually, and Abed is okay with that.
Troy says he’s been making music. It makes sense. He’d always liked writing raps for the two of them.
Britta visits often too. Mostly to detail him on the rampant racism and misogyny in the film industry. (“You work with these people? Abed, I can’t believe you. Do you understand the history behind this? These people have been silencing voices for decades. Blackface, yellowface, and don’t even get me started on the women’s roles in a lot of these movies.”
“They’re good movies.”
“Yes, but the impact of them on our society is astronomical!”)
He knows about all of it, anyway—he’s a muslim and half-arab man watching movies made in the twentieth century. It’s difficult not to notice the bigotry. But he knows she means well. And he likes it when she visits.
Abed shows her the neighborhood. It’s small and busy and feels like a movie set, probably because it is the movie set. He’d seen so many stories told in Los Angeles. Being here is amazing. They go to a coffee shop, and she drinks coffee while he eats a cupcake. Then, they go for burgers.
-- New Message To: [email protected] Subject: Props
How much would it cost me to get enough paintball guns to stage a school-wide fight if the school had about one thousand people in it? Try and get back soon.
New Message To: [email protected] Subject: Re: Props
Disregard the paintball guns. It’s been done too many times.
Shirley visits the least, although he knows that she wishes she could come more. (“I’m so sorry,” she says, “I just wish I could take care of all of you, but my babies take up so much of my time.” Then, “did you know that Ben Benjamin took his first steps last week?”
“Yes. You sent me a video, remember?”
“Oh, yes. Wasn’t it nice?”
“Very nice.”)
She bakes for him. She bakes for all of them, actually, since she always makes them send pictures of themselves with the food to the group chat. It’s not like it was. She knows her worth, and she knows that they need her. “I just like to take care of you, is all,” she’d said. They sit at the table and eat. Shirley doesn’t like silence. Which is nice, because it means that she’ll listen to him talk for hours. He can’t always tell if she’s getting bored, but she doesn’t outright stop him, and that’s nice. She thinks everything is nice.
New Message To: [email protected] Subject: Re: Props
How about a vat of lava?
Jeff doesn’t visit the most out of all of them, but he does stay the most in touch. He’s still at Greendale, the only one other than Britta. They’re still trying to keep the school running. Britta started a bartending class, which is ironic because Britta is terrible at bartending. But being incompetent is part of Greendale’s charm, isn’t it?
When Jeff comes to visit, he wants to watch Abed’s documentaries. They’re getting good. Jeff thinks so too, and Jeff would say if he thought they were bad. Abed likes that about Jeff—he says what he thinks. Except for the sarcasm. And the lawyering.
The point is, Jeff rarely lied to them.
He does critique everything except the filmmaking, though. He jokes about Abed’s friends, about his boss, about the logo for the coffee shop at the corner of the street. He gets distracted by every conventionally attractive woman that comes on-screen, too.
“Hey, you’re doing all of this documentary filming, Abed,” he said, during his last visit.
“Yeah?” Abed pressed pause.
“Remember when you would film us? Make all those movies? Like when Pierce tried to fake his goddamn death, and you wouldn’t put down your camera even when we were all having breakdowns? Or when the dean made that commercial, and you wouldn’t put the camera down because of his breakdown?”
“Yeah, I do. Why?”
Jeff paused, and Abed turned a little to stare at him. “I don’t know. It was fun.”
“You’re right.” Abed’s brow creased. “It was fun.”
Jeff didn’t reply, so Abed pressed play again.
It takes a lot more planning, but Abed eventually cobbles together some things. A ragged film crew. The equipment he needs. He isn’t sure what he’s going to do with this, once it’s done. Sell it? Keep it on his shelf, along with his other documentaries? Their adventures had always seemed like too much to keep from an audience.
He types out the email a few times, many times, because he’s not sure it’s right, because it’s too long, because it’s too brief, because it’s too cliche, too plot-twist-slash-sequel-slash-unecessary-renewal. In the end, though, he deletes the whole thing and just writes what he wants to say.
I want to make a movie.
A/N:  i binged this show on netflix during quarantine and it absolutely destroyed me. i immediately opened up a document to write a fix it before realising that there wasn't anything to fix, really. i just wasn't used to show creators actually knowing how to write, so props to dan harmon for that, i guess. i have a bunch more fic ideas, so i'll definitely get to work posting them soon!! thank you so much for reading and please leave a comment and/or kudos if you liked it! (all email addresses in this fic are either fake and made up or blatant and obnoxious references to the show! you'll never know)
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draconicz · 4 years
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Sure is a popular ship, huh? Sure thing, anon!
Big spoon/little spoon: Flower is bigger spoon due to their size difference, but Ruby will often turn around and cling to Flower in her sleep, because she’s a clingy gal.
Favorite non-sexual activity: Going shopping together!
Who uses all the hot water: Neither. Ruby prefers cold showers, and Flower’s showers are usually pretty quick.
Most trivial thing they fight over: Probably what to eat. Flower wants a healthy diet, but Ruby just wants to live off of sweets. Flower is very concerned-
Who does most of the cleaning: Normally Ruby, though her version of cleaning is just throwing away the trash and then shoving the rest out of the way. When it’s time for spring cleaning, though, Flower practically destroys their place and then puts it all back together to suit her ideal image. 
Who has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: Flower. Ruby can’t focus long enough to watch anything on her own.
Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Flower, the cold bothers her. She would have Ruby do it while she hides in a blanket fort they made together, but the last time that happened, Ruby just got confused and frustrated the landlord.
Who steals the blankets: Ruby, as in she will take every blanket in the house to make nests and forts whenever she feels like. Flower wishes she would stop, or at least warn her, but she has to admit that Ruby’s creations are very comfortable.
Who leaves their stuff around: Ruby, she’s very forgetful.
Who remembers to buy the milk: If given a list, Ruby will do it, but it’s usually Flower.
Who remembers anniversaries: Flower, and she’ll always do something to show her appreciation towards Ruby when they come around. Ruby will do her best to show Flower her own care for her, because even though she forgets, she still loves her.
Who cooks normally? Flower. Ruby’s eating habits are not to be trusted.
How often do they fight? I wouldn’t call it fighting, necessarily, but the two do have a tendency to bicker over little things every so often. Flower also tends to get frustrated with Ruby’s oddities at times, and Ruby won’t hesitate to backsass and speak her mind to anyone, which can cause issues.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Ruby hangs out with her alliance or her friends, sometimes both. Flower plays games on her phone if she doesn’t have any ideas; if she does, she’ll be sketching them down.
Nicknames for each other? Ruby refers to Flower with physical pet names like “gorgeous” and “cutie”, maybe even “hottie” when she’s feeling brave. Flower doesn’t really use pet names, but she will sometimes refer to Ruby as ‘Ru-ru’.
Who is more likely to pay for dinner? Ruby always offers to, which Flower appreciates, but Flower always pays because she has way more money than her, which Ruby appreciates.
Who steals the covers at night? Flower- she doesn’t know it, though. Ruby doesn’t seem to notice half the time, continuing to sleep normally, and should it happen to be one of the nights that it does wake her up, she just gets closer to Flower to stay warm.
What would they get each other for gifts? Ruby will make jewelry out of rubber bands and beads and string and whatever else she can find to make decent accessories out of to give to Flower, and she always puts her full heart into them. Flower always gives her design’s prototypes to Ruby, because they’re hers and one of a kind, just like her.
Who kissed who first? Flower kissed Ruby first. The two had just been sitting together, Flower was very tired and Ruby was rambling about something. Eventually, Flower got annoyed and just kissed Ruby to shut her up, and it certainly did- Ruby was left silently staring at nothing in stun as she processed what had happened for the next couple of hours.
Who made the first move? Ruby, obviously. Come on, we’ve all seen BFB 1, we know where this ship started-
Who remembers things? Definitely Flower.
Who started the relationship? Again, Flower. I’d like to think that voice clip where Flower confesses to Ruby is canon to this ship-
Who cusses more? Hard to tell, neither cuss too much. Ruby does occasionally when she think it would make things funnier, and Flower only cusses when angry or startled.
What would they do if the other was hurt? Ruby would do her best to help Flower, acting uncharistically serious because she’s worried about her girlfriend. Flower will hurt whoever hurt her.
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misfitjohnnys · 4 years
unintentional; hear all the words that I speak
You’ve worked hard for everything you’ve gotten and Mark Lee is a soft twist in your busy life, but you know hiding part of yourself eventually always bites anyone in the ass.
Word count: 20k - part 2/5
Reader x Mark Lee
masterlist // warnings
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There were a couple of days before your flight. You spent the night in your hotel again and immediately spent a good amount of time with Mark. They were in town for another night following. You’d visited with your friends all day and after you dropped them off at home you and Mark stayed up late to watched some shows together with Ten and Taemin, had dinner, and returned to your respective beds. It was amazing to actually have some time to yourself. 
a/n: this chapter contains smut
Even your alone time didn’t feel quite so alone with your constant texts with Mark. You spent good amounts of time with each other and had a few run-ins throughout the day afterwards around his schedule, even spending some time in the city and dropping in to bring him some snacks and such between heavy rehearsals and filming, discovering your way back around your hometown and visiting famous places there. It felt comforting, visiting your family so you didn’t feel at all alone. It was good self-time and that was something you hadn’t had in months.
You couldn’t believe that after just a few days that a boy had you convinced to fly where he was going, but you were excited. Mark didn’t even have to do more than just ask and you were ready to risk it all and that scared you, but it didn’t stop you, not even a little bit. You’d easily explained to him that you didn’t take much time for yourself and had no reason to travel around, so he took it upon himself to invite you to live a little.
You said your goodbyes to your friends, promising them you’d make more trips to come see them and you hoped they weren’t empty; seeing their excited faces when you promised. You always wanted to visit more, but never made the effort or time and it disappointed you about yourself, but your friends knew you and they’d never let you live it down if you didn’t take the opportunity to go on the once in a lifetime trip with Mark Lee.
It had only been five days and you wondered what the hell had gotten into you, following a boy you just met just because he asked you to? Something wasn’t right but you didn’t even care. You hadn’t been so carefree since you were a kid. The flight over was more relaxing than you ever thought it could be because of the hopes of getting off the plane and spending more time with Mark. You had easily transferred your original tickets to a new airport, making it even more simple; as if it was meant to be. You reminded yourself that at least you’d be in Chicago, an easier accessible city that had an easy trip back to Los Angeles. You were flying not super far away or too far out of the path home, so that was nice as well. It was all going according to plan, as if the grace of Gods had given you a peace of mind.
You only wished you could’ve been on the plane with Mark and the others, but absolutely understood why it wasn’t possible. When you arrived at the airport, you carried your bags from the grab and tried to make your way down to car rental, but were stopped by welcoming arms in the corridor belonging to a soft boy in a white face mask.
“I missed you.” He told you, giggling behind his mask and grabbing your suitcase to bring it to the car that brought him. You couldn’t believe he was being so generous. He knew you all of what? Five days? It felt crazy, spending so much time with him felt unreal. You’d only been separated for a few hours and it felt like you’d known him for centuries. You sighed happily, stepping into the car and having him follow, sneaking his hand to hold yours and making you blush. “I’m gonna take you to lunch, my treat.” He laughed, seeing you blush and feeling like he finally had the upper hand in a conversation. It was weird, with Mark you felt like you were in control more than you ever did at your job. He made you not think about work, which was the biggest payoff of all.
He took you to a quiet hole in the wall pizza place, soft Jazz music played in the background as you sat in a booth together, looking over the menu amongst small playful jokes.
Being with Mark made you feel like you were in a dream. There were so many questions you had, so much love to explore, but he felt just slightly out of reach, simply because you felt like you couldn’t be completely honest with him and it shook you to your core, sighing and fiddling with your fork in hand until you were snatched out of your daydream by some soft words coming from his mouth.
“You okay?” He asked, reaching out to gently touch his fingers to the top of your hand across the table, a touch that felt almost too intimate; like sparks running through your brain.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just thinking a lot.” You warned him, shrugging and seeing mild worry continue on his face.
“Thinking about work?” You smiled because for once, you weren’t.
“Yeah.” You lied, smiling softly and seeing him get up and move to the other side of the booth next to you, your left side brushing against his right and you felt warm; whole. “I’ve got a lot on my mind. Vacation doesn’t come easy.” You told him, trying to relieve the tension of the conversation as he wrapped his arm around your waist, earning a soft gasp from you. He bit his lip nervously, looking over at you.
“You wanna see some funny stuff? Maybe take you out of your head?” He asked, grinning widely and putting his phone on the table. His background made you grin wide, a picture of him, Haechan, Johnny, and Jaehyun as his background and it made you want to hold him and tell him how precious he was, but you stopped yourself, sighing and wondering just how much cuter he was going to get. You looked over at him dreamily as he opened his phone to some videos that looked like they were just recently filmed, the hair colors matched up.
“Yeah, show me stuff, tell me about your friends.” You teased, seeing him blush. He knew you knew who his friends were, just not to what extent.
“Okay so here’s Taemin forgetting his phone and Ten found it, so we decided to fuck with him.” Hearing him swear with your own ears made you giggle even more than the video you were being shown. You’d seen it on Instagram while scrolling through earlier in the airport, but he didn’t have to know that. You kept glancing back and forth from his face to his phone, smiling dreamily and wishing the moment would never end.
Mark still felt out of reach, but in the moment you felt so connected. “You know, it’s actually funnier if you watch.” He teased, making you blush and squeezing your side before swiping to another video. This time it was of Taeyong sleeping on top of Lucas, hearing Mark’s faint laughter next to you through the phone speaker. “Okay so Taeyong came to wake us all up, but ended up laying on Xuxi and fell asleep, we all just kept laughing and teasing him to wake up and he refused.” Mark kept giggling, you’d seen that video too, but from a different angle and in their vlogs from when they were recording, so it made it even better, making you laugh and seeing a more intimate outtake of them. You felt special, even hearing Lucas’s nickname felt like private information even if you did already know what they all called him.
Mark kept swiping, showing you more videos that you didn’t expect until he came across one that felt way more private than you could’ve ever imagined. On screen showed Mark walking around their temporary dorm, something you’d only seen from the vlogs, but the video never got even near close to being posted. Mark was walking around, singing quietly to himself and you saw Jongin sleeping on the couch. It made your heart race a little, feeling like you were intruding a bit, even more so when Mark continued walking and stepped into Ten’s room to see he and Taemin kissing, Taemin’s arms around Ten’s waist before hearing Mark scream woah, woah, woah! before turning around and saying haha well, I, uh, wasn’t supposed to see that!
He stopped the video, turning to you and smiling. It felt like he’d definitely shown you something you didn’t need to see. You hoped it was with reason. “You know, I had no idea that they were gay. Or had a thing for each other. I knew nothing.” He shrugged, locking his phone and putting it down. “I’ve learned a lot about everyone since we got to America you know? I always thought I was like, really close with these people, but there’s always so much more to learn when you’re with the people you see every day. There’s always something new. Does that make sense?” He asked, turning to you and waiting for a response, you could only catch his eyes, blanking on his question when you saw his lashes flutter. You had to muster up some words.
“Yeah, I, I really do know what you mean.” You told him, knowing you had to keep the information secret. He trusted you and that was terrifying. Why did he? You felt like you could open up to him, swallowing and trying your best to continue a conversation. “My best friends, the ones you met?” You saw him nod, content on listening to what you had to say. Mark was a change of pace, that’s for sure. “I had no idea they were big partiers. I was always the one who avoided parties in school. College and all,” You continued, shrugging and snuggling in closer to his shoulder, looking back down at the table because it felt like looking at him was too much. He gently rubbed your side, comforting you. “They’re so different and as much as I love them, I feel like we’re just on so many different levels and they don’t really get me.”
“That makes sense.” He told you, nodding and taking a sip of his drink. He let you continue.
“I didn’t even know that Seulgi had lost her virginity even.” You scoffed, shaking your head and hearing Mark make an understanding noise. “But then she was at the party making out with guys I didn’t even know?” You sighed, slightly frustrated. “I feel like I don’t even know my friends anymore and it’s partially my fault, you know?”
“I actually do.” He laughed and you could feel his grin even without looking at him. “That’s how i felt when I saw Taemin and Ten. It felt like they were hiding something and I didn’t want them to feel that way. They told everyone like the next day, but it felt weird to have that hidden from us.” He explained further. It still felt weird that he was willing to show you that video, but you didn’t want to comment.
“I’m glad you understand.” You both shared a laugh, seeing the server quietly bring the check to your table. You pulled out your wallet and felt Mark pull out his faster. You snorted, seeing him move his hand to shove your wallet back down, but not fast enough before your card was out and on the table. Mark sighed, shaking his head.
“You know, I haven’t had anyone but my members or my parents buy me dinner?” He told you and you had to look at him, seeing the faint warmth on his cheeks. He made you feel like jell-o and you had no idea what took over you, but you turned to him, reaching up and placing one hand on his cheek to pull him down for a kiss, lips pressed plush against each other with a decent amount of pressure and feeling. You pulled away and avoided looking at him, staring back at the table.
“Well, now you can say someone treated you.” You spoke quieter than you wanted, nerves still unsettled in your stomach.
All you heard was a quiet “Thank you.” before you felt him squeeze your side again. Normally you weren’t one for affection, but Mark made it feel fine.
When your card came back to the table and your signature was down, you felt Mark let go of your waist and reach down for your left hand to tug you out of the restaurant, giggling as you made your way down the streets. He put his mask back on and you could still easily see the outline of his smile that never left his face.
“Hey, you know?” He started; voice muffled by the mask. You wished you could see his face, but knew it was dangerous territory for him to remove it. It was better for the both of you if nobody saw him or knew where he was, especially in a big city like Chicago. “You said you didn’t know your friends partied a lot right?” You narrowed your eyes, confused at his question.
“You know, if they hadn’t been partiers, then we never would’ve met.” He giggled, sounding like an excited schoolgirl talking to her crush. You couldn’t help but snort, rolling your eyes and you couldn’t believe he’d just said that to you.
“Mark Lee, you are a sap.” You laughed, shaking your head.
“Yeah, I get that a lot.” He laughed.
“So, when you google us, what comes up?” Mark asked, sitting cross-legged at the edge of his hotel bed that you were so gladly snuggled into the front of.
You’d spent what felt like minutes, but was actually hours, lying in bed with Mark in his hotel suite even when you had your own to return to. It seemed pointless to get your own room because you had a feeling that would happen. He called you over as soon as he woke up, pulling you from your slumber and dragging your sock covered feet to his room. You had put on some decent pyjamas and felt somewhat presentable, but when you saw Mark also wearing shorts and a plain jumper, you felt fine. It was chilly in the November air, but you shared a laugh about the both of you only ever being comfortable relaxing in shorts. The simple things with Mark were the sweetest.
“Let’s see.” You grinned, pulling out your phone and typing in SuperM into the google search. “Okay, so the Avengers of K-Pop,” You started and saw Mark snatch your phone out of your hand, laughing and shaking his head.
“No, oh my god, stop.” He laughed, embarrassed and shaking his head. He hated the idea of comparing themselves to the Avengers, it made him cringe in the worst way possible. It was fun to joke about, but hearing people say it made his eyes roll.
“Who are you, like Iron Man?” You joked; smirking at him and seeing him roll his eyes instead of just thinking about it.
“No indeed not.” He grinned widely. “But I’m glad you think so highly of me. Iron man would definitely be Taemin-hyung.”
“Mm,” You nodded, grinning again. You knew what he meant, you knew how capable and iconic Taemin was, but he didn’t have to know that. You liked boosting his ego. “Who would you be, then?” You smirked, a joke teasing at the tip of your tongue. “Absolutely fully capable Mark?” Your smirk grew stronger, seeing his mouth gape in surprise. It was fun to throw little tidbits out, they weren’t too suspicious. You knew the common jokes and used them to your advantage.
“You fucking know about that?” He asked with a sigh, rolling his eyes again and dramatically laying himself back on the bed. “You know, I can’t ever speak to you again.” He joked, covering his face with a pillow. “I was like 15! I couldn’t even spell capable!” You both snorted, crawling over to him. It was adorable to see him so embarrassed, feeling like you had the upper hand. Mark was cute when you were in control. You felt just a little bit powerful. “Okay, maybe I could spell capable.” You scooted over to him, laying your head right next to his and sighing contentedly.
“You know, that song is kind of a bop.” You giggled, watching him turn his head toward you with an embarrassed grin. It was his turn for silence, sighing contentedly as he looked in your eyes. “What?” you asked.
“I just like that you listened to my music.” He said quietly, sighing and dreamily looking into your eyes. You swallowed a bit nervously, but shook it off. You knew a lot more than he thought you did, but it didn’t seem to interfere. Maybe eventually you’d let him know how you felt about him and why. He was all you could ever imagine and more. You felt whole then, never wanting it to end. He leaned over and pecked your lips, giggling to himself before doing it once more, slightly longer, a little more pressure.
You blushed harshly. “I’d do anything for you.” You laughed with a serious hint in your voice, causing you both to snort out of the cheesiness of it, laughing loudly together on the bed when you heard the door open, looking up to see a fresh head of white hair, gasping slightly when you caught a glimpse of Baekhyun standing in the doorway. It was the closest you’d been to him and it took you by extreme surprise, but you had to act cool. You couldn’t be suspicious but you were mesmerized. You had to act like you were only meeting your friend’s friend, but your heart was beating sporadically in your chest.
“I don’t mean to interrupt, I am sorry.” You heard him laugh, sitting up yourself and scooting closer to Mark out of shyness. You hadn’t met him before, only seen him on stage and you felt more overwhelmed than you would’ve liked.
“Baek-hyung!” You heard Mark exclaim, introducing your name properly with one excited giggle and following with “This is who I’ve been hanging out with the last few days!”
“Ah, you’re the one he won’t stop talking about, huh?” Baekhyun teased and Mark pouted back in response. It felt good that he’d been talking about you. “Nice to finally meet you.” Something about him was off. You hoped he was alright, but you knew how celebrity life could be, especially with all the chaos that EXO had been through, but maybe he’d just been so busy all day he was tired. “He wasn’t at the noraebang but you saw him on stage, huh?” You hardly noticed the question.
“Hi,” You spoke softly, waving at Baekhyun and it almost didn’t feel weird. He felt like a normal person and you didn’t really expect that. You expected to be much more bashful, but Mark kept you at least a little bit grounded, and for that, you were thankful. “I like your hair!” You told him, feeling a little awkward that those were the first words you spoke to him, but he seemed to be more excited than worried. He giggled and shot you a quick and excited “thank you” before slipping into the bathroom.
You grinned, grabbing Mark by the shirt and pulling him in closer to you, pressing your lips harshly against his. You slipped your bottom lip between his and heard his breath catch a little, his arm traveling down to your waist, squeezing softly as you pulled him in even closer, feeling his lips part slightly. The rush of this being as far as the two of you had gotten in six days felt intense, like lightning was traveling between you and it almost hurt to pull away when you heard the bathroom door open again, both of you laying back to face the ceiling. You had to be more careful, grinning dreamily as you felt like you were seeing stars and you heard Baekhyun slip out of the room.
“Maybe we should, uh, do that more.” He spoke softly, reaching over to gently hold your hand once you were alone again.
“Buy me dinner first.” You teased, damn well knowing why he rolled his eyes at you. “You know, I think you’re more Captain Marvel.” You grinned wider, returning to your joke from earlier.
“And why is that?” He looked at you dreamily, waiting for explanation, but you were lost in his eyes. It took you a moment to gather your thoughts enough to form a coherent sentence and not seem like an obsessed idiot.
“Okay, so you’re a rapper right?” You asked, biting your lip in thought.
“And you’ve got a lot of lines, you’re carrying the group pretty well.” You tried to be vague. mustering up the right words. “You’re also passionate, obviously.” You earned a giggle from him. “And, I don’t know, you seem just a little bit cocky.” You joked, smirking and reaching out to touch his hair. He pouted, looking over at you and scooting just a bit closer.
“I’m cocky on stage, not gonna lie, but,” He sighed, shrugging his shoulders just a bit. “I’m not at all confident off stage.” he pouted just a little, awkwardly smiling. Hearing him talk himself down was a little bit of a sad moment, making your heart ache and before you met him, you didn’t really ever think about how human they all were. They had their own quirks and they were people before fame too, but from what you knew, Mark was so young getting into the company, maybe he didn’t have any interactive experiences to gain his confidence. It made you a little sad. “I get so nervous with people and I talk a lot, I’m always scared of conversations.” he sighed, smiling just slightly. “Except from when I’m with you.”
You snorted just a tad, giggling and playing with his hair a little more. “I think you still get nervous around me. You’re practically shaking in your boots right now.”
“God, I know I do.” Mark sighed in defeat. “I get really nervous around people who don’t know me. Like, don’t know what I do normally or anything like that.” It was the first time he had mentioned you not knowing who he was, especially so forwardly. You smiled nervously, nodding and not wanting to say anything else in fear of you reading him a little too hard.
It felt like hours had passed, snuggling into Mark’s side and making yourself comfortable on his chest. Something was ripping into your heart and you felt wrong, but it was too late to say anything, so you stayed quiet. Mark didn’t mind. He seemed to enjoy the silence. He ran his fingers through your hair and he made you feel more calm, but the guilt rained on your conscience. It felt wonderful to lay there with him, but you wondered how he would feel if he knew you were a fan. Would he like you less? Would he have pursued you in the first place if he knew? The answers were up in the air, but you felt like you knew the answers to both of those anyway. You knew how it probably would’ve felt if he knew. It would be so much less likely that you were in this position, but part of you wished you knew the true answer. His fingers felt good combing through your hair, that’s what mattered right then, nothing else.
You’d spent a couple hours lying in bed with Mark, at one point you napped together, getting taunted by both Lucas and Ten when you woke up, feeling Mark toss a pillow at them for you. “Come on guys, we’re trying to sleep!” Mark spoke groggily, pulling you out of your slumber to see Taemin and Ten on the other queen-sized bed, bright smiles and ready to further tease the two of you.
“Come on, get the fuck up! We’re going out!” Taemin got up and nudged the two of you, deciding to lay across the both of you and was being, oddly, the normal one. From what you knew about him at least, which happened to be more than you wished you did in that moment. Taemin made you feel fine, he actually made you the least nervous of all, but you couldn’t help but to think about the fact that it was because of him you ended up there in the first place. Maybe you knew that he was such an open person even as an idol. Taemin was different. He was weird and comfortable. You liked Taemin a lot, but you already expected to from your prior knowledge on him.
Taemin approached you in Walgreens to talk to you, completely comfortable. He told you he would come to your party. He invited Ten and Lucas to your party just so you had the chance to meet them. It made you think about how thankful you were for Taemin. Maybe he would be the relief if anything were to go wrong. He didn’t care who you were in Walgreens and that felt nice. Maybe he knew, maybe he could tell and didn’t care either way. Mark obviously didn’t know. He couldn’t, there no way he would’ve acted the way he did, you were sure. It was terrifying to think about if he did and knew you weren’t telling the full truth.
Sometimes it got to your brain, feeling like you wanted to start over with no memory, just learn about Mark, Ten, Taemin, Lucas, all of them authentically, but it hurt not knowing how they would feel if they did know. It plagued your mind as you went to your room to put on your clothes, excited to be invited out with the guys even if it scared you. It was the first time you’d gone out with them all outside of Walgreens and the concert. You kept thinking about what Mark said about wishing he could just be normal. You wished that vaguely again for him, wondering if you’d connect the same way if you’d met him differently. You were pulled from your thoughts by a knock on the door that made you jump.
You had a hotel room alone a few doors down, but you’d spent the entire day in their room just laying around with Mark and enjoying the intimacy. He felt good to be around. It was sweet, but you felt nervous standing there alone in the room because it was rare you were by yourself, even at home. The second knock made you even more nervous, anxiety running through your veins even if you knew someone was eventually going to come to find you to go out. You had a feeling you knew exactly who was at the door though. You finished your hair and put a cute hat on, making your way to answer. You were wearing your favorite crop top and a comfortable but fancy pair of leggings, it was your more casual ‘going out’ outfit, a decent contrast to the suits or outfits you normally wore going out for work parties or client meetings. You grinned when you opened the door, seeing Mark very nicely but casually dressed, smirk playing on his face as he stood there in all black with just a simple green velour jacket, the same one he wore on stage that night you saw him do his solo. It made your heart race. He looked just as hot as when you saw him on stage; the same feeling you got gnawing at your insides. Something was different than when you saw him just a few minutes ago.
“I’m here to pick up someone special.” He giggled playfully, stepping in and you had to take a breath because he looked gorgeous. It was him in your hotel room again, but this time you were alone, and it surprised you, but exciting all the same. He snaked his hands around your waist and pulled you in tight, pressing his lips to yours in a bold move considering it was Mark. You parted your lips slightly into the kiss, but something felt different, Mark felt more relaxed than he ever had with you before and it felt good.
Mark’s warm body pressed against yours and you almost worried that getting dressed was useless, but you had to push it to the back of your mind, snaking your hands up to cup his cheeks. There was something different in the kiss, like Mark was finding something in you that he had been searching years for. You couldn’t believe he seemed to want you so badly, even if it was just kissing. But when he bit gently on your lip and tugged, pulling a soft whine from your throat, you knew it was more. Something in you told you to stop him, but you ignored it, wanting to enjoy yourself because you wanted it just like he did. You hadn’t felt the passion since before your second restaurant opened and you missed the human touch like that so desperately. You didn’t ever have the time for hookups, but right then it felt like you had all the time in the world, kissing him was all you had time for, even if your other friends were probably ready to go.
“Aren’t they waiting on us?” You whispered, feeling his lips trail down your neck. It felt hot, breathy gasps coming out of your mouth and you felt your eyes roll back at the soft feeling of his tongue along your skin, little nips and kisses making you feel like the only two in the world. He ignored your question, backing you up until you felt your calves hit the foot of the bed. You gulped, feeling wrong for letting him indulge in you, but you couldn’t make yourself stop him. You wanted it just as bad as he seemed to. You felt his hands go lower, gently but nervously trailing down to your ass, soft touches making you feel delicate. You gasped a little, swallowing and moving his face to put his lips back to yours. “You sure about this?” You whispered against his lips, moaning softly into his mouth as he led you back to lay on the bed.
“Yeah,” He answered simply, smiling against your mouth again as he asked for entrance with his tongue, easily opening your mouth to accommodate. You couldn’t believe you hadn’t kissed him like that before, electricity passing through you with each stroke of your tongue against his. He felt so good, hands moving back up to push your shirt up. He giggled nervously, asking permission with his eyes and you easily nodded. “Are you alright with this?” He asked, eyes hooded and fiddling playfully with the hem as he pushed it gently up your skin, soft gasps as you tried to calm yourself down because fuck, it was really happening.
You vocalized your thoughts before you could think. “I can’t believe this is happening.” You whispered, feeling his mouth back on your neck the second he had your shirt off.
“Me either, I haven’t, um, had this in a long time.” He swallowed nervously, his vision going foggy when his eyes had purchase on your chest that he seemed too scared to touch. A blush tinted his cheeks further when you pulled his face to look at him instead.
“I hope it’s okay.” You whispered before you could stop yourself, your own face feeling hot as he kissed you harder, with more want than before. You felt so connected and you were too distracted to feel guilty, paying more attention to the fingers dancing on your thighs and between your legs, gasping when you felt him attempt to rub through your leggings. The pressure felt nice, sacred, like a god was touching you, but you wanted more, squeezing your legs around his hand and trying to get him to better focus on kissing you.
“More kissing please.” You whispered against his lips, his hand pulling away to soothe over your hips. You sighed, pressing your tongue boldly into his mouth and hearing him moan the quietest noise. You had him, but you made him nervous, you could tell. You were the older one and you knew that made him even more scared.
“I-I don’t know what to do.” He spoke nervously, catching your eyes and you could see just how flushed he was. His face had makeup on it that definitely needed to be touched up and it drove you crazy that it was because of you. “Can you, um, guide me, like, with what you like? I-“ You interrupted him by touching his hand, biting your lip with a soft smile.
You reached down to his hand to guide him, it felt like you were on autopilot again, slipping his hand under your waistband and your heart felt like it was going to burst any second. He slipped his own hand under the waistband of your underwear and your eyes found the ceiling, nervously hoping that it would be okay. Sex made you scared. You didn’t have the best experiences, but you prayed that Mark would be gentle. When his fingers glazed over your clit and gave you small soft circles, your prayers were answered, spreading your legs just a little more as you reached up to crash your lips together harshly, feeling his fingers drag down your slit and you didn’t even realize how wet you were, nerves making breathing even harder to remember how to do.
“Fuck,” you heard him whisper against your mouth, gently dipping his finger inside of you easily and making you gasp when he curled it inside. He scooted you back up to lean against the headboard, moaning softly when he slipped a second finger inside, your whimpers edging him on to keep curling them inside of you, quickly finding your g-spot and making your vision blur. “You’re so wet,” He spoke breathily, his arousal apparent against your leg when you nudged it against him.
Your leggings felt hot and you had to get them off, pulling your hands away from Mark to push them off rapidly along with your underwear, tossing them to the floor and leaving your lower half exposed as well. He didn’t stop his ministrations, cocky smile on his lips when you looked at him. You swallowed thickly, feeling like you were on a cloud as his fingers worked inside you, hips moving along with his hands. “You’re so, fuck,” he couldn’t even finish his sentence, lips attaching to yours again as you panted, grabbing at his wrist to get him to slow down. He didn’t seem too interested in that idea, only pushing you a little further. “I love doing this,” he told you, eyes catching yours and you had to take in a breath of air. It was too hot.
“I-I think I’m gonna come,” You warned quietly, feeling the heel of his palm move against your clit and the moan that came from you only pushed him further. He pulled his fingers from you, scooted down the bed and settled between your legs with a smirk. His mouth was on you immediately and you gasped loudly, his tongue playing games on your clit and when he pressed the flat of it against you, you arched your back, feeling an orgasm rush through you. “Fuck, Mark.” you whimpered. He grabbed your hands, tangling your fingers together as he rode you through your high and gave you soft kitten licks down your slit, giggling as he was proud of himself, you could tell. It took a moment to come back to reality, Mark laying at your side and gently playing with your fingers as you tried to come down.
Once you came to, you weren’t sure what came over you. You saw nerves come over his face and you couldn’t help but giggle, straddling his lap and placing a hand gently over his crotch and for a split second you felt bad for starting on your way to ruining such a wonderful outfit, but you weren’t bothered enough to stop. You kissed him for the millionth time, tongue fighting for dominance in his mouth and it felt better than you could’ve imagined. You felt him gasp into your mouth when you undid his belt and zipper, immediately tucking your hands into his jeans to wrap around his length.
You bit his lip and definitely felt like you were the only person presented with this opportunity. You gladly took it, stroking him and feeling his chest rise, eyes closed and continuing to messily kiss you, his hands grasping at your thighs and squeezing to ground himself. He didn’t speak, he was quieter than he had been since you met him. You sighed, loving the way he felt in your hand. You tugged gently on his lip with your teeth, pulling his arousal out of his boxers and he gasped lightly at the air hitting him. You wanted to look down and see exactly what you were in for but comforting him with kisses felt like a better idea.
He lasted a lot shorter than you expected, but you weren’t surprised, enjoying making him feel good enough to come so fast. You felt proud, his mess sticky on your thigh and you were quite impressed that he’d managed to avoid his clothes, which excited you because he looked perfect, all fucked out in the face and looking at you dreamily. You giggled, tucking him back into his pants.
You could tell he was perfectly content with not going any further. It didn’t quite feel right yet. You watched him get up on wobbly legs, giggling to himself all the way to the bathroom to grab you a towel. He blushed harshly when he saw you still sitting on the bed, naked with his come on your thigh. You blushed as well, giggle coming out of your mouth and you had to admit even just looking at him again made you feel good, so perfect and beautiful and someone you’d looked up to for a while. He sat next to you, damp towel in his hand while he giggled, easily cleaning your thigh off and trying his best to clean up the small mess on the bed sheets.
You had a thought, grinning to yourself. “Well, you’re definitely absolutely fully capable.” There was no way in hell you were going to stop yourself from making that joke, giggling harshly when you heard him groan.
“Well that’s good to know because it feels like I’ve only been imagining doing that shit for years.” You liked when he swore, you noted. He laughed, shaking his head and tracing his fingers along your hips and sides. You hadn’t gotten back dressed yet, spooning with your back against Mark and playing with his arm while he fiddled. You snorted, sighing contentedly. “But you really cannot make that joke after sex.” He teased, squeezing your waist lightly.
“Good thing we didn’t have sex then.” You smirked, looking back at him with a quirked eyebrow. “I’m one hundred percent willing to snatch your soul, then make a joke and have you hate me afterward.”
“Please, say less.” You heard him say nervously, nuzzling his face into your neck. You could tell he was spent, but it was also fun to play with him. “Maybe we can one day, though, hm?” He asked sleepily, peppering soft kisses under your ear.
“I mean, I’m game.” You bit your lip, not believing how bold your words were coming out. You definitely had the upper hand, but he did surprise you just a little sometimes.
“Yeah?” He whispered quietly, making you gasp when he placed a hand over your chest, gently thumbing over your nipple. You felt heat rush to your core again, closing your eyes and trying to push it away. “I’ve never wanted someone like I wanted you.” He spoke seriously, gravelly voice making you almost whimper from the effect it had on you. You whimpered just a little when you felt his teeth on your skin, not expecting him to bounce back so quickly. You reached up, unable to take it anymore as you grabbed his hand and put it between your legs again, guiding his fingers to rub against your clit. You breathed harshly, eyes screwing shut as he gave soft delicate strokes to the bundle of nerves. “You’re so good.” You loved the praise as much as you loved praising Mark. You felt like you were in heaven, eyes rolling to the back of your head until-
“Okay, okay, okay! Guys, we’re all ready!” Lucas’s booming voice was heard in the hallway, pulling you out of your daze and aching core for Mark. You heard ferocious bangs on the door, but Mark didn’t stop, only speeding up his fingers and making you gasp even harder. More bangs on the door finally stopped him and he pulled his hand away with a defeated groan, giving a light pat to your tummy with a kiss on the cheek. He yanked himself out of bed easily, grabbing your stray clothing items and tossing them your way with a shy smile. You ignored the arousal you had, it could wait.
“Get dressed, baby!” The pet name made your heart throb. He grinned, gently tossing your clothes toward you and when you sat up, he gave you a light peck on the lips, running quickly to the bathroom as he shouted “Just a minute!” at the door, multiple voices of laughter could be heard and you thought you could die from embarrassment. You pulled your shirt back on quickly, then followed with your leggings. Mark came back out, huge grin on his face and it made your heart melt.
“God, you’re cute.” You told him, seeing his eyes glance down at the slick between your legs as you pulled your underwear and leggings on. You felt your cheeks heat up and felt so good in that moment. He wanted you and you were glad to let him have you. Eventually at least.
“I mean, I try.” He giggled bashfully, bouncing on his toes excitedly as he watched you pick your hat up from the ground, not even realizing it had been tossed off. You laughed a bit, feeling like a little kid in a candy shop. Mark was all the candy you needed. You heard more banging on the door, hardly paying any attention to it.
“Hurry up, lovebirds!” You heard Ten’s singsong voice and sounds you knew as Taemin’s laugher through the door. It was oddly calming and made you feel even better. It felt like you were in a high, the world surrounding you felt so surreal. You bit your lip, looking over at a starry-eyed Mark. He looked so proud, like he’d just won a medal. You had to say something.
“Also, I have to point out, you’re also really good at like, everything you did.” You had to remind him, seeing him flush made you feel good, giggling to yourself as he readjusted his pants and made sure he looked okay in the hotel mirror. The room was much less nice than the last one you stayed in, but Mark didn’t seem to mind and that felt good too. Before you fixed your makeup, you kissed him firmly on the lips, seeing his eyebrow quirk up.
“I’m gonna get the door.” He whispered between your kiss and one he pressed to your hand that he brought up to his face. It felt more intimate and loving than it should have, but you played it off as just him being sweet. You smoothed out your foundation and reapplied your lip balm, feeling satisfied with how you looked when everyone walked in.
“Well, someone looks nice!” Ten told you, giggling and stepping to where the mirror was in your room. “Actually, it’s me.” He laughed, grinning widely. “So, are you guys ready?” He asked, making you and Mark look at each other, dumb dopey smiles played on your faces.
“Yeah, I, uh, think so.” Mark giggled and reached over to gently grab your hand in his. “Ready?”
You nodded, sighing contentedly when all three of the boys complimented you. They had a habit of doing that. It was innocent, but sweet, nonetheless. They made you feel important. Nothing like compliments from famous boys, they made you feel more validated than anyone. It shouldn’t have been that way, but a boost to your self-esteem was never the worst thing ever.
“You know? Ive been hanging out with you guys for what? Five days?” You asked, sighing contently as they each laughed softly.
“I mean I guess you’re the eighth member of SuperM now.” Ten joked, causing the four of them to erupt in laughter and you felt good, squeezing Mark’s hand as you made your way down the hallway.
“Hm, I guess so. I can’t sing, dance, write, or anything, but I guess I can make jokes.” You laughed again, making Lucas cackle loudly in the hallway. It made you smile, it felt like you were in a daze. You felt like a part of them, you felt like you belonged there with them and that was rare for you to feel, even with close friends sometimes you didn’t quite fit just right, but these boys never made you feel alone and you loved it. Part of you wished you’d spent more time with Baekhyun or Jongin or Taeyong, but you were still perfectly content with the four you knew. They made you feel so close so fast, like you’d found a new group of friends you could relate to. They felt so judgement free when you knew they were the center of harsh judgement back in Korea. It was sweet.
They took you bowling. They put you on a team with Lucas and Ten while Mark and Taemin were on the other team, ready to destroy the three of you. “We’ll take it easy on you, princess.” Taemin teased you, making you roll your eyes and look over at Ten, who easily scoffed at his boyfriend.
“You never win anything, and Mark has no coordination.” Ten snapped back, shrugging and picking his ball. He was coming with clapbacks easily against the eldest of your group. “At least between the two of us, there’s like 4 braincells. The two of you share one.” Ten was giggling to himself, laughing harder when Lucas made a disappointed face.
“What do you mean the two of us?” Lucas pouted, trying to be cute to get on Ten’s good side. The latter snorted.
“Not you, baby. You’re… on another level.” Ten grinned, making Lucas laugh back in response.
“God, you guys are mean to each other!” You spoke playfully, choosing your own ball to put into the game. “My friends always tell each other we love each other and then call one another a bitch when we’re away.” You laughed along, seeing Lucas shrug in your direction.
“Kun-ge says I have no braincells too, its normal.” Lucas told you, nudging your arm. For a second you forgot that the other members existed, smiling when he mentioned another member. It made you happy to hear that they so gladly talked about and to each other freely. You were glad they were close even when they weren’t together. “What are you smiling about?” Lucas interrupted your thoughts, nudging your side. You couldn’t exactly tell him what was on your brain.
“Just,” you started, sighing happily. “I love hanging out with you guys, you’re all so fun.” You giggled, glancing over at Mark who looked so happy to just be here. It felt good to see him enjoying himself.
“Ah, is that what it is?” Lucas asked, leaning against the table you were sitting at. You felt it move slightly and it almost scared you how big he suddenly seemed. A gentle giant. Lucas was much sweeter than you expected him to be. He pulled you from your thoughts again, sweet but low voice cutting through your brain. “You like Mark?” He asked, nudging you and giving you the most playful smile.
You sighed, feeling a blush creep across your cheeks, feeling yourself get weak the second you heard his voice. He didn’t feel real. Maybe this was just some really good dream you didn’t know how to wake up from. “Yeah, I think I do.” You saw Lucas smile, nodding and gently placing a hand on your shoulder to comfort you. From what? You weren’t sure. You were positive he was just being nice, but it was comforting, nonetheless. “It’s so crazy to think we’ve only hung out for a few days, but it feels like a lifetime.” You sighed, feeling your cheeks warm even more as you looked over at Mark, who was currently warming up and pretending to throw the ball with Taemin. You vaguely remembered how Chanyeol and Jaehyun had gone bowling in the idol Olympics previously, and a giggle came from your mouth, smiling at the similarities and almost a little surprised at the fact that they all seemed so competitive. It was enjoyable to see Ten teasing the other boys, attempting to tear down their egos all while Taemin looked amused, quirking an eyebrow up at his boyfriend who seemed unaffected. You watched Ten stomp over to you, grin wide on his face, but you could tell he was ready to stomp Taemin and Mark into the ground. You knew he loved winning.
“Come on, it’s go time.” Ten told you, gesturing that it was your turn to first throw the ball. “Make it count, babe.” Ten giggled, nudging you forward. You looked back at Mark who was cheering you on, getting a small smack on the shoulder from Taemin who told him he can’t cheer for the competition. Mark easily chose to ignore him, shouting readily at you as you attempted to get into position and ready to start the game off well. You were the first to go, so it was a lot of pressure.
“You got this! Lets get it!” Mark made you laugh loudly, shaking your head and grinning as you tried to focus. You set your arms up and quickly tossed the ball, biting your lip and hoping for the best. You heard him shout out a “whoop, whoop!” before you even saw the pins, looking up and gasping when you saw you’d knocked 9 pins down, only leaving one for the option of the strike. You had to do it, positioning yourself again and tossing the ball once more, biting your lip as the ball actually made the perfect path toward the pin, making everyone start cheering for you. It felt good.
You scored a strike, causing Ten to walk up to you and dramatically kiss you on the cheek, his proud mother energy jumping out and making you snort again. “God, I love you!” Ten said, patting your back playfully and fully ready to see Taemin strike out. Ten was all for them losing, it excited him.
“Hey, that’s Mark’s job!” Lucas loud-capped his friend, giggling when he saw Mark covering his eyes with his hands. He couldn’t believe that Lucas has just said that out loud, but you didn’t mind. It made you feel good. Everything the boys did made you feel good, you wondered again what you did to deserve being with them, it was a thought that plagued your mind constantly and the fact that everything moved so fast made you worry that it was just an extreme fever dream and you’d wake up in your bed in an actual reality. Taemin and Ten were cracking up laughing at him, but you saw Mark red faced and smiling shyly when you looked over at him.
“I’m so sorry for his outbursts.” You laughed harder, walking over to him and feeling him slip his arm around your waist.
“He’s really funny, give him credit.” You teased, seeing Mark shake his head and relax into you. “I think collectively you all have 4 braincells, two of them belong to ten, one and a half belong to you, one half is with Taemin.” You snorted, hearing Mark burst into laughter.
“Hey, now, no fraternizing with the enemy.” Lucas pouted jokingly, crossing his arms as Ten and Taemin both threw their balls at the same time, obvious competition between the two of them. You loved their relationship dynamic; it was nice to see them together. They both ended up making bad scores, Taemin only hitting two pins total in both throws and Ten ending up with only three pins and a gutter. You and Mark both sighed together, shaking your heads and laughing at the chaos unfolding in front of you, Mark’s hand still around your waist.
“Your turn.” Taemin said through laughter, nudging Mark’s arm and laughing at himself.
“Gotta go now, my forbidden love.” Mark joked, pecking you lightly on the lips and you felt like it was almost too sweet, uncomfortably sweet.
“God, no don’t say that.” You told him, hearing his laughter as he walked over. “I’ll never be forbidden.” He was incredibly cute, almost too cute. You felt a little conflicted. You were weird with public displays of affection, feeling slightly awkward that he was so willing to be sweet and cheesy in front of his friends, but you tried to push it off and act normal. That was your first fear with Mark. It made you feel horrible because he was genuinely so nice. You swallowed a bit, hoping he wouldn’t get too soft and sweet with each other that often. It wasn’t who you were, and it made you feel weird, but you tried your hardest to push it to the back of your mind. You watched him throw the ball and end up with seven pins, giving his team 9 in total, so you were still very much in the lead after Lucas took a gutter.
“He’s not brawn or brains.” Ten explained to you, making you snort and sit back down on your side of the lanes, facing directly across from Mark, who was fidgeting in his chair like a child as he watched Taemin take his turn.
“That’s okay, he’s funny and that’s what matters.” You heard Ten and Lucas both laugh at your joke. “The muscles are purely for comedic affect right?” You grinned, hearing Ten snort loudly and Lucas’s pout was soft. “They seem a little pointless.”
“See, at least someone thinks I’m funny!” Lucas patted you on the back and you felt soft, happy at how close you felt like you were getting. It felt nice to find someone who didn’t care or know about your mild fame, just playing a simple game of bowling after hours. Your fame was selective, yes, but you still had a name around the places you’d opened restaurants. You got crowded by fans, even if it wasn’t nearly as bad as it was for the boys you were with, but you felt like you could really relate to them; just sitting around and enjoying the game with people who didn’t see you as an object or liked you for your money or to make themselves feel important and you slightly worried that you had only seen them as objects before. You felt like you saw them in a different light than normal, maybe hanging out with them was what you needed to not feel like an obsessive fan. To see them as people similar to your level was a gift more than any.
You couldn’t believe idols made you feel normal than people you grew up with, sitting and enjoying yourself felt foreign, in disbelief that work wasn’t a problem.
Until the phone call.
You had to leave, kicking off your shoes quickly and making your way to a quieter common area with one shoe in hand as you tried to focus on the words through your phone. You broke down into soft sobs when you were gently told that one of your workers was tragically killed in a car accident. You were needed back home.
You tried to keep up the mood, but everyone could tell something was wrong. Mark made his way over to you, grabbing your hand and gently pulling you to a more secluded place. “Baby, what’s wrong?” He asked, cupping your cheeks and even though it felt weird to be touched in public like that, you allowed it, letting tears gently fall from your face and trying to be quiet in order not to cause a scene.
“One of my managers.. My.. friend.. Just got into an accident.” You told him through sniffles, reaching up to dab your tears away. “She-she’s dead. I’m sorry, I- I need to go outside.” You swallowed, trying to calm down just a little.
“Baby,” He sighed softly, pulling you into a hug.
“Yeah?” You sniffled again, letting his arms embrace you as you kept your own arms by your sides. You didn’t have the strength to wrap your own arms around him, sitting in defeat and feeling like it was all your fault. Someone died and it felt like it was your fault. It was a feeling that was nagging at you.
“You’ve got one shoe on.” He told you, making you slightly laugh, another tear falling from your eyes. “Where’s your shoe?” He asked, pouting as he pulled away to cup your cheeks again. It felt weirdly relaxing to be treated so tenderly. You felt a little off and a joke was nagging at your insides in the most awkward of moments.
“The bowling alley needed a sacrifice. I gave it my left shoe.” You joked, wiping your tears again when you felt Mark laugh, shaking his head and placing a small kiss to your forehead.
“Give me a second.” He grinned, stepping away from you only to return with your shoe and jacket in hand. “Let’s get you home okay?” You could tell he was a little disappointed, walking you outside to wait as the boys got ready to leave. They didn’t at all mind leaving so you could be more comfortable, and you thought that was sweet of them. They reminded you they had plenty of time to do other things and bowl some more in the future. They even hoped you’d join them again. It oddly felt good that they were wanting to continue including you, even if you ruined their night. You hoped you didn’t, but it was hard to feel that way.
You spent nearly the whole night crying in your hotel room, sobbing into Mark’s chest and trying to come to terms with the fact that not only had you lost one of your workers, but your friend who had been with you from the beginning of your restaurant experience. Hannah was the general manager of both uptown stores in Los Angeles and on the way home that night, a drunk driver had fatally crashed into her car. You were torn on what to be more upset about: having to find someone to tragically take her place; an ache that felt heavy in your chest, or being upset that you had to leave Mark to handle the situation. It felt unreal and you felt selfish. You’d forgotten about your work for days and you had stretched it too far. It felt like it was your fault. She was working later hours because she wanted you to have a good time, so it felt wrong to even still be gone. You couldn’t believe it.
“Mark, I have to go home.” You sniffled, grabbing a hold of his t-shirt as he ran his fingers through your hair, trying to comfort you as best as he could. You could tell he didn’t know how to handle the situation, but he was trying his best and he made you feel better.
“It’s okay, it really is.” He reminded you, kissing the top of your head over and over again. He hardly knew you on a level to assist and treat you like he was. He was so kind, and you didn’t understand why. You didn’t feel like you deserved it. You’d been lying about what you knew this whole time and the guilt was getting to you in the moment. Before, it was just a passing thought when he mentioned fans and how he was treated, but it was nagging at you. You hoped it wouldn’t come down on you. Maybe it was because you were blaming yourself for someone dying and it was cruel karma coming to haunt you. You stayed silent, trying to relax in Mark’s arms. “You could come visit us before we go home.” He said quietly and you swallowed, forgetting that he did in fact live in another country. That was eating you alive too and if it were to ever go any further with Mark, you’d have to settle for a long-distance relationship and it didn’t seem realistic. It was nagging at your soul and you didn’t know how to say it, so you tried your best to stay calm in the crisis of your brain.
“I’ve had a really good time with you.” You felt like it was moving too fast. You knew it was moving too fast, but you didn’t care. Time was different when it was with Mark, your head was spinning and you felt a few tears well up in your eyes and hoped Mark would pass them off as being upset about what you should’ve been more upset about, which was your friend. You should’ve been less selfish, but you couldn’t help it. It all came crashing down at once and you couldn’t stop it.
You looked over at the boy you were snuggled up in bed with and felt like your whole world was lying down in bed with you, soft eyes met his and he didn’t hesitate to kiss you, a gentle press of lips trying to tell you that it would all be okay, but you knew better. You kissed him back harder, not wanting to let go and you pulled him closer by his cheek, his arms wrapping around your figure and holding you like you were precious to him. You felt needed in that moment. Maybe Mark needed you like you needed him. He was a new experience. You sighed into his kiss, feeling him trace soft circles into the small of your back. He moved his lips and kissed across your face, kissing all the tears and part of your worry away. You needed him and that scared you.
You were pulled out of your head with a knock on the door and in a second it was open, Ten quickly explaining that Mark had left your extra keycard in their room and they wanted to check on you because it had been hours since they heard from you. Mark pulled his face away from yours but still had you in his embrace as Ten and Taemin entered the room and sat at the edge of the bed, both comforting you by laying their hands on your legs through the blanket. It felt weird being around them in your pyjamas and not at all dressed up, but you didn’t care much.
More knocks were on the door and Ten made his way to the door to allow a few faces you hardly saw with Lucas enter the room. You laid eyes on Taeyong and Jongin for the first time outside of the concert and dinner and it felt almost unreal for them to come in, but they entered with soft and tender bare faces and were there to comfort you as well. You felt better, Taeyong coming over to rub your shoulder.
Jongin offered a small smile, waving and coming to give you a small hug from your bed.
“Hi, I’m Taeyong, nice to meet you again.” He introduced himself, but he didn’t need to. His soft voice was even more gentle in person, handing you a few napkins and a bag full of snacks. You saw a white-headed boy slip in the door. “and Baekhyun-hyung.” Baekhyun waved at you, the pair individually coming to give you soft hugs and comfort you in your time of need. It felt odd that they were the ones hugging you, you felt like the more famous one now, them taking their time out of scheduling to comfort you and give you their time. “Sorry we haven’t been around much; we’ve been a little busy.” Taeyong shrugged shyly, rubbing your shoulder before retracting to his friends. You could feel Mark relax a little bit.
“We didn’t get a chance to explain last time, but Taeyong is in NCT with me, Baekhyun and Jongin are in EXO.” Mark told you, making you grin because it was adorable that he thought in all the research you had him convinced you did, he still felt the need to explain. It made your heart warm. “We’re all in the same company and they wanted to make SuperM with all of us in it.” You nodded sweetly.
“It’s really, I mean seriously, really nice to meet you all. You didn’t have to do all this, honestly.”
“It’s no problem, seriously,” Ten reminded you, squeezing your leg in promise. “We thought you needed some company. We all wanted to say our goodbyes.”
“Well hopefully it won’t be the last time I see you guys, right?” You only got mild shrugs and that worried you, but it was something you’d return to later. You didn’t want to overthink anything right then, it was too hard.
“We thought we should throw you a little going away party, get your mind off things, yeah?” Baekhyun said sweetly, handing you a cheap but sweet bouquet of flowers and you had to giggle, pulling yourself out of Mark’s grip to see his smile. He looked just as happy as you, feeling like people he cared about were all in the same room, like it was a huge important moment in his life. It was only a brief meeting with him, but you were happy. You saw Baekhyun, Jongin, and Taeyong sit on the other bed, setting out a few RedBox movies. The most American thing they could do, so it was amusing, but still meant the world. You giggled at their selection of horror films and sweet romance movies. There were about four DVDs and you couldn’t care less about what they were. They were there to spend time with you and that’s what mattered.
“We brought, um, movies!” Jongin said shyly, kicking off his shoes and sitting cross-legged on the bed. Lucas pulled out his laptop from his bag and went over to set it on the TV stand to plug into the television monitor.
“We couldn’t say goodbye just like that!” Lucas reminded you, making you giggle. “We thought you might need some extra company!” He was right, you did. You felt even more important in that moment, laying contently with Mark
You were sitting in a hotel room with the people you’ve looked up to for years, you should’ve been the happiest person in the world, but the situation was nagging at you and it didn’t feel right. You tried to push it off as Lucas picked watching Paranormal Activity, excitedly popping popcorn in the hotel microwave as he danced his way around the suite. He had a habit of making everyone laugh, he was good comedic relief. “I told you guys he was funny.” You reminded, snuggling your head into Mark’s neck as the credits played and Lucas continued to make a scene. It was entertaining to say the least.
“He’s annoying is what he is.” Ten spoke playfully, causing everyone in the room to erupt into laughter, making Lucas pout dramatically, coming over to lay on top of Ten and Taemin both. You loved their chemistry, it made you so happy to see them enjoying themselves.
“You’re not annoying to me.” You told Lucas and everyone else was laughing again. “I count, right?”
“I like you, you’re nice.” Lucas grinned, immediately jumping up when the microwave beeped and running full force over to it to grab the bags. He made two for each bed, equally handing them out.
“At least someone can entertain him.” Baekhyun played along, grinning and taking a sip from his drink. “No, it’s all jokes. We love you, Xuxi.” Lucas giggled again and moved himself to the opposite bed with the other members.
“Sometimes.” Taeyong added. You felt like a part of the family, feeling Mark play with your hair as he relaxed. The room went dark from Jongin turning the lights off. It felt calming and your worries were pushed to the back of your head.
“God, I love horror movies.” Taemin added once the title menu came on, bouncing excitedly as he ate from one bag of popcorn for he and Ten. Ten continued to gently rub your leg through the blanket and relaxed at the edge of your bed with his boyfriend. You’d learned so much about them and you didn’t want it to stop. It scared you that this would all be a distant memory, but you pushed it off as best as you could, just to reminisce in the moment for just a while longer.
The movie played as everyone remained silent. You were sure they didn’t know how to comfort you or offer support, so the silence was sweet. It was about halfway over when you felt Mark snuggle even closer to you, not minding PDA for once in your life. You smiled tiredly, trying to hold onto your last moments with him because you hadn’t even decided when you were leaving yet. You knew you’d have to leave as soon as possible, but since they were in town for a few days, maybe you’d have a little more time tomorrow. Mark pulled you from your thoughts with a quiet whisper. “I’m gonna miss you.” You felt tears well up in your eyes, silently sniffling and trying to keep yourself calm, but it was a tipping point and you weren’t sure how to come back from it.
You looked at him, teary eyed. “I’m gonna miss you too.” You whispered, choking up as you spoke. Ten must’ve heard it, because he squeezed your leg comfortingly with soft strokes, nuzzling his head into your leg and you saw him grab Taemin’s hand. You loved their relationship and your whole world had changed in a matter of a few days. It felt unreal. You were tired, but you didn’t want the night to end. It was the most you’d felt important in a long time to people who weren’t only after you for fame, money, or investments. You felt like you had new friends that had nothing to do with business and that was pure bliss. You didn’t even realize when you’d fallen asleep.
You woke up the next morning still tangled in Mark’s arms in an otherwise empty room and it was about the best you’d slept in years. The sweetness of seeing his face close to yours first thing in the morning was incomparable. You brushed his hair out of his face and thumbed over his cheek with your body in his sleeping arms. You sighed sleepily, nuzzling your face back into his neck comfortably and you felt him shift awake, not saying anything even if he was conscious. You laid there for a moment, just staying in his embrace was more than you could ever ask for, but the thought of having to leave was nagging in your brain. It felt wrong. Seven days now. Seven days ago you met this precious boy that felt like he had changed your life.
Seven days ago you made him sleep on a hotel bathroom floor with you and you just woke up in his arms. Seven days ago he was Mark from NCT and today he was a possible love interest. You couldn’t help but feel at least a little excited. You hadn’t forgotten about the fact that you had to leave or why, but it felt different to have people you loved so specially comforting you. You felt like you didn’t deserve it, but you weren’t questioning it anymore. You had to live in the moment.
“Good morning.” Mark spoke groggily, sighing into your neck and placing a kiss under your ear that felt way too intimate to be real. He continued kissing your neck lazily, innocent pecks that felt like electricity on your skin. He always made you feel like his touches were charged, lighting your skin up and sighing into his affection.
“Good morning.” You spoke softly, closing your eyes and letting his lips smooth over your raised skin. He left goosebumps in his trace, soft noises as you pressed your body closer to his. You loved his warmth, feeling the blankets shift over the both of you and you knew you would miss his touch, his fingertips tracing underneath your shirt, tickling your skin but it felt good. He felt good, amazing even. You felt selfish, keeping him in bed when he should be getting ready for the concert. You still had to buy your plane ticket home, but for now you were trying to push those thoughts away, relax into the boy who felt like he’d give you the world.
You felt Mark suck lightly on your neck, surprised and jumping slightly at the action, but his tongue felt good as it soothed the bruise he was trying to make. It was too early to push him away and you didn’t want to, basking in the glory of him wanting your touch, just to be close to you. “What are you doing?” You playfully asked, giggling as he pulled his face away with a dopey smile.
“Um, I think I’m, uh, kissing you?” He said softly, his cheeks bright red as he tried to be confident, but it wasn’t exactly his forte. You didn’t mind, pressing a soft kiss to his lips and trying not to get too intimate, not sure exactly what his actions were inciting, but kissing in the morning felt so different, lips gently pressing over and over again against each other until you tried to part your lips, feeling him pull away suddenly. “Wait, I-I haven’t brushed my teeth.” He made you giggle, shaking your head and sighing at him.
“Go brush your teeth then.”
“Brush them with me.” He said sweetly, voice bathed in childish wonder, grinning at you. You rolled your eyes, pulling yourself out of his grip and slinking out of the bed and over to the sink where you pulled out the toothbrush he’d used before and pulling out your own. You had a weird feeling it would happen again and even though keeping the toothbrush he used felt odd, you hadn’t even thought much about it, but you thanked yourself for doing it. It was the most tender and innocent thing you could do, standing there together in the mirror and brushing your teeth. It felt right. It felt like you were a couple living their married life. You could only dream.
You wanted to bask in it; seeing him step closer to lay his free arm across the small of your back. He stood there for a second while both of you brushed thoroughly, smiling at yourself in the mirror. You felt his hand slide lower, gentle hand giving a soft squeeze to your ass when you saw his eyebrow quirk up. You could tell he was trying to not act nervous, but when you saw the blush on his cheeks and the slight raised outline in his boxers, you felt your stomach get tight. You smiled, reaching your own hand over to slide your palm over it, hearing him choke just slightly at the sudden feeling, looking at you with sweet, needy eyes. You gently massaged over his arousal, grinning before pulling away to finish and rinse your mouth out. Mark followed, shyly cleaning himself up. He looked shyly at you, apples of his cheeks bright red and he was clearly feeling embarrassed.
It was silent, but it was a happy silence, reaching over to grab his hand and tug him back to the bed, immediately pulling the covers over the both of you as you tangled your legs together. You heard him clear his throat, feeling his arousal on your thigh but choosing to ignore it for the time being. You could tell he was embarrassed about it, biting his lip and grazing his eyes over your face.
“What are you waiting on?” You asked, smiling and slightly biting your lip as well.
“I’m just.. looking at you. Um, you’re, um, really beautiful, okay?” You felt your heart pound, reaching up to grab his cheeks and pull his face to you, giving him a hard, open-mouthed kiss, his tongue easily sliding into your mouth and causing you to let out a soft moan into his. He kept his lower half still, just wanting to keep it at kissing because you could tell he was scared, reaching his hand to run through your hair and rest at the nape of your neck to pull you impossibly closer, fading away into the feeling that was Mark kissing you. You wondered how you’d gotten so hooked so quickly, but you shoved the thoughts away, reaching down to move his hand to your waist.
“Kiss my neck.” You whispered against his mouth, feeling his head move and the delicious feeling of his lips on your skin. You felt like you were weightless, giving into his touches as his fingers lightly danced under the hem of your shirt, tracing soft circles into your flesh. He was so gentle, sucking so tenderly on your neck. You could tell he wanted to relish in the moment, not moving further than your neck. You kind of enjoyed that he was so nervous, taking his time with you and making you feel so wanted.
“I-I’m so nervous.” He admitted, pressing another soft peck to your cheek and you felt your heart grow three times in size, wanting to protect and make him feel better. You knew how nerve-wracking this could be for him. It was scary to think that he might be terrified, but you picked his face up and placed another soft kiss on his lips.
“Then.. How about.. Just kissing for now, okay?” You told him and he nodded, hoping it would ease his nerves. “Until you feel more comfortable, yeah?” Mark was so nervous. You stayed like that for a while, his tongue exploring your mouth like it was a new planet, soft kitten flicks against your own. It felt good. Kissing Mark felt better than anyone else you’d kissed by a landslide and your body felt like Jell-O, melting into his arms and easily pulling him on top of you. Mark pulled away for a second and swallowed, giving you a shy smile before laying his head on your chest. It was a moment of intimacy you hadn’t yet shared, and it felt so new. You ran your fingers through his head of black hair, enjoying the feeling of his soft strands through your digits. You heard him sigh happily, nuzzling into the soft fabric of your t-shirt.
“You make me feel.. so happy.” Mark spoke, but his voice sounded defeated, making your chest ache in guilt. You wished you hadn’t made him feel so vulnerable, just as he made you feel. it felt wrong. You felt your eyes well up slightly with tears and you couldn’t help it. You felt like you’d fallen for this boy in just a few days and it was insane but being here with him was enough to ground you a little in an attempt to lengthen the time you had with him. It wouldn’t last forever, and you knew that. It was so soon into everything, but you felt like you were willing to risk it all for him.
“You make me feel happy too.” You told him, kissing the top of his forehead before he picked up his head and returned to your lips, hovering over your body in an attempt to get closer. You felt his arousal against your thigh and giggled, feeling him shift awkwardly.
“Sorry, it, it just happens sometimes.” You giggled at his explanation but cut him off with more kisses, continuing to lay in your bliss with him. You could tell he was embarrassed, but you had to assure him that it was fine. “Morning and all,” He lied through his teeth, giggling awkwardly.
“I don’t mind it, really.” You laid back down comfortably, sighing. You laid like that for a moment, running your fingers through his hair as you continued to make out. It was only a few minutes before he regained his confidence, slipping his tongue back into your mouth and crawling to hover over you. It only took a minute and it boosted your confidence to know that he wanted you so badly, but you didn’t mind his hesitation. “I kind of like it.” You swear you felt him shudder against you.
“I, uh, think I’m okay now.” He laughed, grinning and there was a hint of danger in his eyes. You tested the waters, slipping your thigh between his legs and heard him moan softly, letting him gently grind down against your clothes. It was a cute sight, seeing him so needy. You almost felt desperate, loving the way he made you feel. Someone having so much attraction to you so suddenly. It was moving way too fast, but the rush was like no other with Mark. You felt like your time was running out, reaching down to grab his hand and place it directly over your chest under the fabric, feeling his hand shake in yours as you guided him to massage the supple flesh, groaning into his mouth at the heated touches, soft thumb massaging over your nipple. He moved his other hand to go under your shirt as well, making you gasp and arch into his touch. You felt yourself getting wet and adrenaline was pumping through your veins. Your body was hot, feeling Mark’s lips travel down your neck, softly kissing your skin and not leaving marks. It didn’t feel appropriate.
He lifted your shirt and pulled your upper clothing over your head, putting his lips back to yours when you were only in bottoms. He loved the touch, skin to skin contact was his go-to.
He made you nervous, shaking hands stilling as he tried to gain his resolve and his kisses were slower. You put your hands over his and urged him to go further and that was all he needed, gently toying with your nipples and gaining another moan against his lips. “Mark?” You started, breathing heavy as you sat there, topless and vulnerable. “Do you want to have sex with me?” You heard him swallow, both opening your eyes slightly to look at each other through hooded eyelids.
“Yeah,” He nodded softly, kissing under your ear with the softest lips. “I would like that, yeah.” You grinned at his nervousness, reaching down to softly cup the bulge in his boxers. Your heart was racing, hearing his soft moans against your lips. “Only, if, um, If you, um, want to..” Your giggle was all he needed, grinding softly into your hand before moving his own to remove your bottoms and underwear, an awkward attempt to do for him. You could feel how shaky he was, but once his fingers were on you, slickness coating his digits. You could hear him gasp, slightly embarrassed that he was touching you. “God, you’re so wet, fuck.” You were reminded how much you loved when he swore. It felt so foreign, so not used to hearing idols curse like he did. You loved it, trying to pull his length out of his boxers with your own fumbling hands when he toyed at your clit, following exactly how you’d shown him to do.
“Please fuck me.” It slipped out of your mouth faster than you could stop it and you heard him audibly groan, his brain short circuiting as he tried to make you feel good. His fingers moved down to slip one inside of you, easily moving it and making you moan as he curled it forward, teasing you from not being quite enough. Either he was a natural, or he’d gotten really good practice, but when you felt him slide another in next to it and continuing, you were gasping for air. He smirked devilishly and that was almost the first time he felt confident enough to feel like he had the upper hand. He used his free hand to fully free himself from his boxers and easily sliding off his shirt one-handed. It was kind of impressive and extremely hot that he was able to do so while still making you feel fucking amazing.
You got a glance at his mostly naked body for the first time and it felt like heaven in the daylight of the window, your mouth nearly watering. He moved back to hover over you, giggling against your mouth again when you pulled him in for a harsh kiss. You reached down to pump his arousal a few times and you were only slightly nervous, feeling like he was possibly the most perfect size for you. He felt good in your hand and it was rare that you’d thought that before. He removed his fingers and you felt empty, but ready for him. You retracted your fingers and laid your arms beside you, ready as you spread your legs further for him to slide between. He lined himself up with your entrance and your heart was racing a million miles a minute. When he entered, you felt your eyes roll to the back of your head and you were right. He was perfect, kissing you hard for a period of adjustment. You were wet enough that you didn’t need it, but it was nice to know he was so considerate, waiting just a moment before he pulled out slightly, snapping his hips back into you as he lifted your legs to wrap around his waist. He felt like a god, his warm body against yours and rocking his hips in perfect rhythm with yours, each thrust earning a light gasp. You reached your hands up to pull his face down to kiss you again.
“Fuck, you’re good.” You told him, edging him on and feeling his hands grip your waist firmly, passionate thrusts picked up slight rhythm and rocking his hips into you. It was hard not to ask him to fuck you into the mattress, but this was great for now. It was already about the best sex you’d ever had, and you’d be sure to mention it to him.
“God, you’re perfect.” He was sure to remind you through noises of his own, lifting your hips up to hit an even better angle and you thought you were seeing stars. You had to laugh when he struggled to kick the covers off of the bed but were pulled back in with a particularly intense thrust.
“Fuck, oh fuck.” You moaned, edging him on to keep going. You slipped your hand between the two of you to rub quickly at your clit and that took Mark by surprise, blinking and glancing down with a loud groan.
“You’re going to kill me, you know that?” You could tell he still had some innocence due to his surprise, snapping his hips harder into you and making sure to hit the angle you were most vocal about. You threw your head back into the pillow, gasping and you’d never felt like you were going to come so fast before in your life. You moaned louder and louder, feeling yourself continue to get closer and closer.
“Mark, Mark, fuck.” You warned, gasping softly and seeing him look directly into your eyes, needy and blurry vision as he continued his rhythm.
“Baby, I’m gonna come.” He warned, losing his resolve and his hips were moving sloppier and sloppier, but it felt so good you didn’t care. You were the first to come, having to cover your own mouth with a loud moan, shaking lightly under his touch as he continued, pulling your hand away from yourself and gripping at the bedsheets. You were spent and you felt him gasp, pulling out quickly and making sure he came on your stomach, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood as he watched it splatter on your stomach. He was embarrassed that he’d come so hard, but you didn’t mind even a little bit. “Holy shit.” He laughed softly, nervousness and tiredness taking him over. He collapsed next to you to catch his breath, both of you panting messes as you stared at the ceiling. It took quite a bit of time to snap back into reality, but you decided it would be best to shower together. You know, to save water, you both joked, grinning and making sure one another was able to stand properly inside. You’d never showered with anyone before, so it was a new level experience. The intimacy was so different.
Once you were dry, you and Mark laid in bed for a while, tangled in comfortable clothes and enjoying each other’s arms. You had a lot to plan that day, but relaxing was more important in your brain. Everything else could wait for Mark. You found that out quickly.
Morning coffee turned to afternoon coffee with Mark and picking your plane tickets pulled a few tears from the both of you, but you still had one more night to spend with him and you tried to hint around at plans for seeing him again soon, but you were going to play it by ear until the funeral was over. It seemed like the best decision and it was nice to hear that Mark had wanted to pursue any further. You sat in a coffee shop for what felt like hours, just listening to each other and cracking jokes. You had no idea what had unfolded at the hotel room. You were in for it before you ever knew.
Baekhyun had seen something that night in the corner of his eyes as you all laid in bed. He saw a flicker of a light in your half-opened suitcase. It wasn’t uncommon knowledge that Baekhyun had a hard time with seeing his members in relationships. He knew that things went very wrong in the idol world, he’d been in the situation before and gotten crushed, but something bugged him about you. It felt suspicious that you had just so happened to find them at the store and seemingly had no issues remembering who everyone was so easily. Even his family had a hard time memorizing everyone in his groups for a while. You seemed nervous when seeing him, he remembered seeing you slightly amazed when you laid eyes on him for the first time. It seemed odd, but especially unlikely that you caught on so quickly and so easily let yourself follow around some boy in a band you never met before then. Most people wouldn’t follow a stranger like you followed Mark.
Something felt off. It might’ve been a little too nosey to worry about what he was seeing because after a few seconds the light stopped flickering, but he couldn’t stop thinking about it. He wondered why the light was flashing green more than anything. Something didn’t feel right, but he would save it for the end of the movie. He didn’t want to intrude or dig while you were two feet away. It didn’t stop him when everyone else poured out of the room to leave a sleeping you and Mark in bed to spend your time together. Everyone agreed it would be best to leave you both there.
He wanted to know what was going on in your suitcase. It was sitting half open on the floor near the window, just enough for the beam of streetlights outside to crack through. He felt slightly guilty diving through your things, but it begged at his curiosity enough to check it out. If something was fishy, he was going to be the one to snoop. He, as quietly as possible, unzipped the remaining zipper of the suitcase and gently flipped it open, unveiling a collection of NCT, WayV EXO, and a Shinee lightstick. Maybe he was going crazy, but it didn’t seem like a coincidence. The WayV lightstick was by far the hardest to find and mostly had to be pre-ordered or specially found, so that was the one that had the most of his attention. Coincidence his ass.
He was pulled from his snooping when Taeyong lightly knocked on the door. “Baek-hyung?” his soft voice spoke and Baekhyun knew it was probably best if he left. Taeyong didn’t see Baekhyun leave with the others and he was concerned, he shouldn’t have stayed in there when he knew you and Mark were sleeping. Something didn’t feel right, Taeyong wanted to check on his senior. Baekhyun was slightly angry, but he would explore the options later. It seemed like a topic to research later.
It was the next day and Baekhyun was sure that you and Mark were gone, spending the last little bit of your time together until you had to leave. He had his idea. He was ready to investigate further, being sure he held onto the extra keycard to get back into your room when he had a free moment. He wanted to know what was up because he was extremely protective over his members. He’d been in the game long enough and as the leader, he felt responsible for knowing who his members were trusting themselves with. He was always skeptical of people in general, but something about the situation felt absolutely off.
He walked into the empty room with Taeyong, who was buzzing in his ear telling him how he didn’t think it was a good idea. Baekhyun shushed him, feeling like it was his right to know why he felt fishy about you. He got his answer when he opened the suitcase again, revealing all the lightsticks yet again tucked right up under your clothes. Baekhyun was in disbelief. Taeyong was confused, furrowing his brows and not understanding exactly what was unfolding in front of him. Your SuperM one wasn’t there, it was sitting nicely on the bedside table. Baekhyun rolled his eyes at that. Maybe packing your suitcase wasn’t the best moment to have that amount of variety. You knew what was in your suitcase, but you had easily avoided Mark ever seeing you go into it. It was much easier to hide than you thought, but because of a malfunction, you were being scoped out.
“Wait.. lightsticks? As in.. for a fan.. of us…?” Taeyong asked softly, wondering why Baekhyun looked so annoyed. He reached down to uncover the lightsticks, seeing another thing pointed out to him. It was an NCT keychain you’d ripped from your keys the second you got back to your hotel after you saw them there. You knew they hadn’t seen it on there in Walgreens, but you didn’t want to take any chances and tossed it in your suitcase the second you got back.
“Looks like it, doesn’t it?” Baekhyun grunted, aggravated and looking up at Taeyong, who obviously didn’t understand the depth of the situation, but if anyone were to ask him, Taeyong didn’t care so much. “we’ve been being lied to, just to get to Mark.” Baekhyun explained, seeing Taeyong frown. He felt sad that someone would even think of doing that to his friend, but he hoped that Baekhyun was just being dramatic and maybe it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. Baekhyun spotted your wallet, biting his lip and wondering if he should look inside. For some reason you hadn’t taken it out to lunch, only stuffed your credit card and ID into your phone case. Who knew you’d regret it later? Baekhyun checked inside, shaking his head with slight angry laughter. “There’s literally a photocard of Lucas in here.” He rolled his eyes again, annoyed and wondering how he’d let Mark get so far into this trap. “And there’s one of me too!” He felt even more annoyed.
Inside, Taeyong hoped it wasn’t that serious, but he had a heavy feeling that it definitely was as the case played out in front of him. Baekhyun did what he shouldn’t have done and pulled the photocard of his face out of the wallet while Taeyong wasn’t looking, he grabbed the damaged keychain from your suitcase and set the luggage back up exactly how it was. He shook his head. You also had an EXO pin connected to one of your jackets by the chair, but Taeyong quickly ripped it off and stuffed it into his pocket before Baekhyun could see it, he didn’t want Baekhyun to make any further moves and that would’ve been the icing on the cake.
Baekhyun frowned and he could tell Taeyong was disheartened, genuinely not expecting you to have hidden something like that. He always thought the best of people, but he was extremely confused in that moment. “So we’ve been being lied to?” Taeyong asked, his brows sad and furrowed at the explanation that Baekhyun was trying to unfold. You were in for it. There was a reason Baekhyun didn’t trust anybody. Even when Chanyeol made friends in Dallas a couple years ago, he felt iffy. He normally was fine with fans, happy to indulge, yet of course very wary about how things could go.
“I think so. And they’re out together right now. I bet he has no idea either.” Baekhyun grumbled, rolling his eyes and making his way back to their own hotel room. “How fucked up can you be to lie to someone for days like that?” He asked hypothetically and he was annoyed deep in the pit of his stomach. How could he let that happen? He was supposed to be the one protecting them, but he got too distracted with traveling around America. He felt disgusted. With you and himself. Baekhyun saw the disappointment in Taeyong’s eyes, and he was sad that he’d made his friend sad, but the overwhelming urge to make sure you got what you deserved was taking over most of his brain. Baekhyun didn’t want Mark to be upset, but he hated that someone had gotten to him and a liar didn’t deserve to get the boy. A liar didn’t deserve Mark.
“Are you going to tell him?” Taeyong asked softly, entering the room and slightly scared of what Baekhyun was going to do. He didn’t know exactly what his senior was capable of, but from what he heard, it wasn’t sounding great. Taeyong didn’t want Mark to be sad and he partially didn’t even understand why it was such a big deal, but he knew Baekhyun wouldn’t be this upset without reason. He had to trust him, even if it didn’t feel right.
“I don’t know yet.” Baekhyun sighed, thumbing over the photocard he had stuffed into his pocket. He didn’t even know how to present the information without seeming like a total asshole because it wasn’t only Mark involved. Taemin, Ten, and Lucas had all gotten involved too and made friends with you and he didn’t know how to go about it in the best way possible, but he knew Taeyong would be too timid to say anything. Your secret was safe with him, but it was whether or not Baekhyun wanted to blow it up and make them all understand how serious the situation was. It wasn’t just soft romantic heartache; it was lies and deceit and you getting to know his friends was based off of lies and neglect for the truth. Baekhyun didn’t trust anyone outside of his company, and that was why. It was his biggest fear and it was involving people he cared about. It made him sick.
Baekhyun sat on the bed for a while, trying to figure out what to do as he looked at the broken NCT keychain in his hands. You’d soon regret buying whatever you wanted out of their collections because this was what was coming to bite you in the ass. You didn’t even remember you had the photocards in your wallet, but you had purposely ripped the keychain off. It wasn’t a good look. Now it really did look like you were hiding something- which, unfortunately, you were. “The plan is to leave tonight right?” He happened to say just as Ten was making his way into the door.
Ten questioned Baekhyun with your name, wondering if it was who he was talking about. “Actually, I think Mark said they looked and tickets were better for tomorrow morning.” Baekhyun quickly realized he wasn’t ready to bring his information forward yet, staying silent and shaking his head as he stuffed the keychain in his pocket. The timing was bad, he knew it. “Mark said he wanted to have one more night together.” Ten shrugged, making his way over to the bed to lay down as he waited for Taemin to finish with his hair appointment. Apparently he was getting it cut and wanted to surprise his boyfriend with it. “At least he’s getting laid I guess.” Ten snorted, scrolling through his phone and making himself comfortable. “I think so at least, I have no idea.” He shrugged again, not thinking his comment was worth more thought.
Baekhyun didn’t even want to think about you and Mark possibly having sex. He really hoped it hadn’t happened. The thought disgusted him. He hated liars. He hated people who treated them like objects, and it felt like that was exactly what you were doing. Realistically, he knew that you probably didn’t even know that what you were doing was such a low blow, but it didn’t stop his angry thoughts, making Taeyong pout and sit on the bed to try to comfort him. Baekhyun waived him off, shaking his head and sighing to pull out his own phone to distract his ever-running mind.
Taemin showed up about 20 minutes later, excitedly making his way to the bed to wake up Ten, who had accidentally fallen asleep while waiting on him. He laid on top of Ten to wake him up, giggling when he got slightly annoyed and tried to shove him off. Baekhyun watched, nose turned up in annoyance. He was thinking about if that was how you and Mark felt. He knew better than anyone that sudden interests could be intense, so he wasn’t opposed to Mark finding someone so quickly, but he was opposed to the idea of a relationship based off of lies and deceit. The thought of relationships had disgusted him, rolling his eyes and he tried to ground himself, knowing he needed a breath of fresh air. He sighed, standing up and deciding to go on a walk. Maybe for a drink, he didn’t know. “I’ll see you guys later, okay?” His voice sounded defeated.
Baekhyun didn’t want to be angry, but the situation kept playing over and over in his head and he didn’t know how to stop it. The keychain and photocard felt heavy in his pocket and he was almost mad that he’d even picked them up. He knew he did it with purpose, but what was the point if it was just going to make everyone upset? You’d made friends with not only one, but four of them and they enjoyed your company so much, he felt guilty carrying the burden of disappointment. He was conflicted. He thought Mark deserved better, but part of him thought it was better if he didn’t know. Maybe after you left, things wouldn’t go any further and you’d be just memories to each other. Maybe he was thinking too hard about it, he didn’t know. He knew he needed a drink.
Baekhyun made his way down to the hotel bar and opened a tab immediately, tipping back some shots and trying to relax. He ordered a light cocktail and decided to call one of his other friends in on the situation. He didn’t want to seem crazy. Taeyong was no help unfortunately, but maybe someone else could help him figure out exactly what to do.
The phone picked up after one short ring. “Chanyeol?”
“Why are you calling me at 4am?” Chanyeol was always a jokester, but he knew if it was Baekhyun at this time, then it probably had to be serious. It was mid-day for Baekhyun right then, so he didn’t even think of the time difference. He hadn’t even realized that he didn’t respond. “Is something wrong?”
“I don’t know, Chanyeol.” Baekhyun sighed into the receiver, placing his fingertips to his temples to regain what he was trying to figure out in his mind. Things felt blurry, especially for him to be getting day-drunk at a hotel bar. He felt a little pathetic. He was nervous to even consider telling them now, the alcohol ridding him of the anger and bitterness of the situation, and he was just sad that his friend was being lied to. He got sad when he drank, he knew that.
You and Mark had wasted most of the day, just hanging out and enjoying each other’s company, especially after the upsetting night. You felt so close to him in such a short amount of time and he felt like a part of you already, inching his way into your heart and it felt good, but so far away at the same time. You were leaving him soon and weren’t even sure if you’d see him again before you left, but you hoped you’d be able to spend at least some time with him before it was over. You knew he’d be back in california at the beginning of the year, but that felt like centuries away and nothing was for certain that you’d even be able to take time off to visit him again, but you hoped. God, did you hope you could.
You made your way back to the hotel, stomach full of food from the day exploring with Mark. He had taken you to a place he found on google, then as you made your way through the park, you ended up with more snacks than you could’ve imagined. You forgot what it was like to explore your own palette outside of Los Angeles, so experiencing it with Mark made it all better. He told you about his Canadian food and what he would eat at home and it made you giggle. He was definitely one of the most interesting people you’d ever talked to in your life. You wished your time could last forever with him, even standing in silence with him and walking in the breeze felt more comforting than with anyone else you’ve ever been with in your life. He was so full of energy and ready and willing to explore new things. You’d never had that before.
You were here for the last official night, Mark walking you inside of your hotel room to get your shoes off and try to relax for the last time that you were sure it would happen. Mark grabbed you by the hand and pulled you to him, reaching his hands up to your face and pulled you in for a kiss, but this one was different. This one meant something more, this one made you feel like it wouldn’t be the end. It felt like Mark wanted to hold onto you forever and not let go. His mouth was warm, and his breath was hot against your face, his tongue immediately gaining entrance and you felt like you stood there, limp and letting him kiss you like the world needed it.
You softly snaked your arms around his waist, gripping his shirt and leaning into the kiss. You didn’t want to leave Mark and that made it that much more apparent in the moment. His mouth moved gently down your face and onto your neck. You sighed at the touch, not knowing if you wanted to get into it that night. It felt a little wrong, almost as if it was expected and that made it feel like you should wait. Like it wasn’t the time. You reached up to pull his face back to yours, kissing him passionately again and feeling him softly moan into your mouth. It felt wrong to cut him off, but you had to do it to save your sanity. You wanted things to last longer with Mark. “Just kissing, I just wanna kiss, okay?” This time you were the nervous one. “Just for now.” You’d told him to calm himself down the night before, but being slow with him felt better, even if your resolve was short lived. You wanted him, but lying in bed tangled together for just a few more minutes was incomparable.
He nodded heavily, smiling against your lips. “Okay.” He spoke into your mouth, kissing you harshly again. Kissing Mark just felt so good, pressing your body even closer to his. His warmth felt like magnetism, grasping at his shirt again. “Wait, wait, wait,” Mark giggled, tugging off his jacket. “It’s um, a little warm.” He giggled softly; blush heavy on his cheeks. He wanted to stay there forever. The look in his eyes felt like he adored you, making your chest tight.
“God, you’re cute.” You told him, brushing his hair out of his face. He giggled softly and shook his head.
“Thank you. You’re pretty cute yourself.” You felt like your heart was melting, kissing him again and backing him back to the bed. It felt more comfortable for you. Mark sighed, crawling over you and it was shockingly the softest, warmest moment you’d had with someone. He repeated your actions, brushing your own hair out of your face. “You really are.” You bit your lip, looking up at him for what you felt like was forever. He sighed, grinning shyly before laying his head down in the crook of your neck and settling his body right up next to yours. You ran your fingers through his soft hair. You would miss it much more than you ever intended. You felt like you’d known him for years and it was only a week. He’d opened your eyes to so much more than you thought someone you idolized could. Him, Taemin, Ten, Lucas, and the others. They made you open your eyes and realize just how human they were. You thought you felt that way before, but it was so different.
“You’re amazing, Mark.” The words came out quickly, blushing heavily and feeling silly for saying it. He giggled too, laying his hand on your stomach, thumbing over your skin through your shirt.
“You’re just saying that.” He brushed it off, shrugging and just trying to comfort you. He thought you’d been through a lot and just having someone there with you probably felt better than anything else at that moment. Soon you’d be home and he could tell your work stressed you out, so he was trying his best to be there for you as much as he could.
“I promise, I’m not.” You told him, sitting up a bit and he followed suit, looking over at you for more of an explanation, but you drew a blank, only leaning in to kiss him again, his lips warm and soft against yours. His lip slipped between yours and begged for entrance and you happily let him, getting a little more excited than intended when his tongue mingled with yours, sparks feeling like they were flying around you as you kissed, feeling him bite your lip and gasping in response. Maybe it would be good to be with him one last time, but you would let it work naturally, not just because you felt like it was right. Because you liked each other, and it felt like the best step. You’d been there a day longer than intended, but your flight was tomorrow morning before their concert and you weren’t thinking about that. You were thinking about Mark; nobody or anything else.  You pulled away for a second. “You’re one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met.” It wasn’t a lie. He stayed silent, pressing his lips back to yours in response. You didn’t mind at all.
Your kisses were slow and measured, mouths mending together and pulling you closer, Mark’s hands finding purchase on your hips when your arms went around his shoulders, pulling him closer. His fingertips felt hot when they slipped under your shirt at your waist, tracing over your skin like he had to map you out, just to be precise. You sighed into it, kissing him even harder with slight noises into his mouth. You didn’t mind his touches, but they still were so new to you every single time. He loved that you enjoyed them so much, scooting in a little closer to you to lay your head back on the pillow. You felt like you were in heaven, kissing him like it was your only responsibility in the world anymore. You could do it forever. “I-I want you to touch me.” You told him, hearing his shy giggles in response. “Before I have to leave.”
His fingertips made their way to the hem of your bottoms, slow and soft movements as if asking for permission. You weren’t going to deny him that time, reaching down to grab his hand to push the waistband of your pants down. He helped you pull them off between kisses, only lightly massaging the skin of your thighs for a few minutes. Mark liked contact, that was obvious. You had a small worry that he was only in it for sex because it had gone so fast, but part of you didn’t care. You’d gotten so close so quickly and he hadn’t left your side. It had to mean something to him, you felt it.
He slipped his hand between your legs, lightly playing at your clit through the crotch of your underwear, letting out a staggered moan at the contact. You were in for it, you knew it. He slipped his fingers under the fabric, easily sliding two fingers in and groaning softly to himself at how aroused you were, biting his lip when he slipped another in with ease. You moaned again, hips pulling forward and wanting him to go further, reaching up to pull his face up to kiss him once more. You needed it, you needed his touch, especially if it were the last time and it very well could be.
“Hey, hey,” He stopped you, pressing his forehead to yours and giving you a gentle peck on the lips. He stilled his fingers and made you grind your hips back to continue the friction. You looked at him, eyes hooded.
“Yeah?” It came out as more of a moan, sighing heavily but you could see the slight fear in his eyes, pecking him on the lips once more as he gathered his words.
“I-I don’t want this to just be, uh, you know.” He was smiling a little, but you could tell it was a nervous smile. It made you a little worried, but his words shook your heart, making your chest feel tight. “I want, um, it to be more than this, you know.” He was shaky with his words, but your smile comforted him, blushing heavily.
“Me either.” You assured him, leaning forward to kiss him hard on the mouth, feeling his soft noises against your lips. You hoped he felt better, knowing exactly how he felt about the two of you. You felt him kiss you harder, returning his noises and slipping your tongue into his mouth. You could feel how hard he was shaking, and you wished you could calm him down. It was the third time you’d done anything, but it felt different. Mark wanted you and this felt like the best way to show it, pulling away to smile at you and you returned it gladly, sighing and feeling him relax just a tiny bit. You wanted to assure him further. “I like you a lot, Mark.” You reminded him and he giggled, biting his lip and pecking you on the lips once more before curling his fingers inside of you, pulling a gasp from your throat you didn’t expect. He found your spot so quickly, abusing it, making you only able to stutter out gasps. “Mark, fuck.” You breathed out, seeing his confidence grow. You didn’t know why he was so good at it, but he made you feel better than you could’ve imagined, quick movements curling toward himself and you were reacting better than he thought you were. He felt his dick twitch in his pants, adjusting to be a little more comfortable and you bit your lip, reaching over to place your hand over his jeans, palming over his arousal.
“God, I want you so bad.” It made your chest tight, biting your lip and loving how he ground up into your hand, eyes nearly closing. The sound of his fingers inside of you edging him on. You wanted him too and it was driving you a little crazy how good it felt to have him like this, but you didn’t want it to stop. You quickly moved to undo his jeans, feeling his fingers slip out of you. You sighed, moving over him and pushing him back to lay on the bed. You hovered over him, pushing his jeans down his thighs. You could see how red his face was and it excited you, teasing your fingers over his boxers as you earned sweet and soft gasps from him. He was sensitive and it was cute. Everything about him was cute. You reached your hand into the waistband of his boxers, tugging them down as well and he helped you pull them off, trying not to giggle as he struggled to pull his own shirt off as well. You laid there, smiling at his naked figure. You could look at him all day, seeing him flush and feel exposed. “I-I’m not really that used to this,” He reminded you and that almost made it better, shutting him up with soft kisses.
“It’s fine, you’re doing great, okay?” You scooted down his body and heard him gasp when your face got near his stomach, almost in disbelief at the thought of you going down on him. It wasn’t even a thought he had, but he was happy to let you do it, wrapping your fingers around his length and placing your mouth on his tip, trying to go easy on him because he was already having a bit of a fit, head thrown back into the bed sheets and moaning wantonly. It was a fun sight to see, him losing control. You liked when he did, but you wouldn’t tell him that. You moved your mouth slowly, taking just a bit of him in at a time, swirling your tongue around the head and giggling when he whined. You pulled off, jerking him off a bit so you could talk, bring him back to earth. “You’re so cute.” You told him, hearing him sigh and lay his arm over his head.
“It’s so embarrassing, I’m sorry.” He told you, covering his face and moving his hips into your hand.
“No, I love it.” You told him, sighing happily and taking the head into your mouth again. His gasp edging you further to suck, tongue digging into the slit. You’d never really been so interested in giving head before, but Mark made you feel much better about it, he was so shy and loved it so much. You pulled off, seeing his chest rise and biting your lip. You hoped he could last longer, but you weren’t sure, moving to crawl back over him, chest to his to press your lips back to his again. “Please fuck me.” You told him, getting a shy grin in return.
“Okay.” He nodded, kissing you back and flipping you to where he was hovered over you, moving his lips to your neck immediately and pushing your shirt up and over your head, biting your lip because it was the most skin on skin contact you’d had. He felt warm and comforting, his body over yours and settling between your legs. He reached down, tugging your underwear off and playfully tossing them off to the side.
“Someone’s confident.” You joked, seeing his eyebrow quirk up, staying silent.
He opened your legs further, thumbing over your clit and making you gasp in surprise, laying your head back just a bit as he lined himself up, still perfectly wet enough to slide inside. Your moan was much louder than you wanted, seeing his eyes shut and his hands finding purchase at your waist, gentle thrusts making your whole body feel hot. You gasped loudly when he gave a hard thrust, crooking his hips just right to make you moan. Loud. “Fuck,” You whined. “Mark, please.” You saw him blush harder, leaning down to kiss you as he continued his shallow thrusts, moaning deeply into your mouth. It was heaven with Mark, completely focused on you and nothing else. It wasn’t long before you were both done for, wishing it would last longer but the feeling and pleasure was so heightened, you couldn’t help it. Picking up thrusts and going faster, his hand slipping up to thumb over your nipple. You groaned, feeling his hips snap into yours and stimulating your clit. He hit you in just the right ways, gasping as your orgasm came closer and closer. “Mark, I-“ He nodded, panting heavily.
“Me too, baby, me too.” The pet name made you feel hot, gasping as the wave crashed over you, throwing your head back into the pillows and clenching around Mark. Hearing him moan himself made you shudder and he quickly pulled out, making a mess on your stomach for the second time. You had to giggle, knowing it was because it was him that you didn’t mind. He laid next to you, laying his head on your chest and feeling too tired to clean up his mess. He reached over for a towel you’d used for your face earlier in the day because it was close, quickly asking you if he could use it. “Is this towel okay?” He asked between pants, you laying there a heavy breathing mess. You nodded, trying to regain your composure. You were so tired. You were never like that with anyone else.
You laid like that for a while, trying to forget about the fact that you’d be leaving tomorrow. You didn’t want to think about it. Mark had his arm laid across your waist, holding you close to him and thumbing over your skin with soft sighs, relaxing as you both laid there, completely spent and enjoying your last night together.
You fell asleep in his arms, hands running through his hair and you woke up spooning before you realized you’d fallen asleep. Nobody had ever made you feel that good in your life, so you dealt with the consequences of falling harder and deeper for someone you hardly knew. You vaguely wished it was just sex, so things were less complicated, but that wasn’t nearly as easy of a case, but you’d deal with it later. You always said that, and it got you in trouble. You hoped it wouldn’t.
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ship meme!
Where was their first official date? Le Diplomate in DC. It was Mycroft’s idea, having been there before and loved it. It was the night after they finally admitted their feelings for each other. What is their favorite date location? Any sushi place. Mostly because Mycroft will actually eat whatever they order. How many dates before their first kiss? None. They slept together then the first date happened after. Who asked who out first? Technically, John. But Mycroft admitted his feelings first. How many dates before they considered each other a couple? 2 or 3. However, they had already reached that point before either of them realized.
How many mutual friends do they have? A few. Mycroft tries to be friendly with Sam, as much as one could call them friends. And John is determined to be friends with Alex, despite both Myc and Alex knowing it’s not going to happen. Which one of their friends is most likely to get in between an argument between the ship? Sam. However, it’s much more likely that John will stop an argument between Mycroft and Sam. Which one has more friends? John. Mycroft has a few close friends and that’s about it. Which one has introduced the other to more people? Technically, John. Mycroft has mentioned John to quite the number of people though. Did they start out as friends and made their way to a couple, or were they a couple almost right away? They were kind of friends? But the friendship didn’t last too long before feelings started to arise.
What do they argue about the most? Mycroft’s lack of eating and his terrible eating habits. How do they usually solve their disagreements? Mycroft will promise to try to eat better and change his ways. He does so for about a few days before eventually going back to his old habit. Do they argue a lot or not very often? Because of the nature of their long distance relationship, John doesn’t see how much he eats/when he eats. And even if he asks, Mycroft will lie and say, yeah, he’s ate that day. When actually, he probably forgot. Who admits to being wrong more often? Neither. They’re both stubborn men. Instead, they’ll just change the subject and move on.
Who is more likely to initiate sex? Neither will initiate it more than the other, but John will suggest newer things more. Do they prefer to do it in a bed, or do they prefer a chair, or perhaps the shower?  Maybe other spots? Yes. Yes. Yes. Also yes. However, bed is usually bigger and tends to be more comfortable, especially for cuddling afterwards. Do they practice any kind of bdsm in the bedroom at all and if so, what kinds? Light to medium amounts. They both like being tied up and they’re pretty open to other things, but nothing extreme. Who’s usually more dominant in the bedroom? It depends on who wants to be/who wants to be more submissive. It changes. Lights on or off? On. Do they share any kinks? Oh many. Usually if one asks about trying something new, they’ll try it and sometimes find something they both like. Does either one have any kinks that they don’t have in common with the other? John has a uniform kink that Mycroft doesn’t have. Have they ever had sex anywhere public before? Oh yeah. Mainly their offices, though. But there had been other places. Who would be most likely to suggest bringing in a third person and who would that person be? Neither. John wouldn’t be down with that and Mycroft respects that.
When are they most likely to cuddle? In bed after sex and in the mornings. Also when they’re watching telly after work. Where is their favorite place to cuddle? Any place, really. But there’s something domestic about cuddling before they go to sleep at night. Who’s usually the big spoon? John more often than not, but sometimes Mycroft is. Do they cuddle often? God, yes.
Are they married?  If not, is it something that could happen between them? They are not, but it is something Mycroft has thought about from time to time. He doesn’t bring it up because it wouldn’t be fair in a long distance relationship. If they are married, where did they get married at?  If not married, what is their dream wedding location? Someplace warm and private. If married, who proposed to who?  If not married, who would be more likely to propose to who? Mycroft would absolutely propose in some over the top way. Probably on some beach in a private villa. If they are married, which one moved in with the other?  If not married, who would be more likely to move in with the other? While neither moves in with the other, due to the nature of their long distance relationship, they both have keys to get into each other’s houses. And when they travel to the other’s country, they tend to use each other’s house, instead of a hotel.
Do they have kids?  If not, would they consider having kids? John has Hancock, the very large puppy. And Mycroft has Pumpkin, the very small cat. How many kids do they have?  If no kids, how many kids would they want to have? None. The have Hancock and Pumpkin. What are the children’s names?  If no kids, what would they name their kids? See above.
What are three random headcanons you have about the ship that are not related to romance or sex?
The long distance actually does start to affect their relationship negatively after about a year. Mycroft ends up canceling plans that they had made due to something coming up at work and he apologizes profusely and swears he’ll make it up to John. But things just keep coming up. Any and all plans keep getting pushed back. While they’re normally in near constant contact, communication between the two of them lessen. Eventually, they end up playing phone tag, until John finally catches Mycroft right before a meeting. It’s here that Mycroft suggests a break, not fully breaking up, but just a few months until work slows down. The break ends up only lasting a few weeks until John shows up at Mycroft’s door unannounced, ready to tell him that this is stupid and they should definitely get back together. He doesn’t get any of it out before Mycroft is pulling him into his house, slamming the door behind him and kissing him.
Pumpkin doesn’t actually like John and hisses at him every time he’s around. Mycroft thinks it’s hilarious. One day, right before they’re about to leave for dinner, Pumps jumps up on John’s lap and falls asleep. Mycroft just smirks, telling him he’ll order something, since he’s not allowed to disturb and wake the child.
Even though they don’t officially move in with each other, they do end up keeping clothing and other items at each other’s houses. Most of the clothing at John’s flat are just things he’s stolen from Mycroft and never gave back. Mycroft knows about them and doesn’t complain... much.
Which one is more likely to suggest getting pets? Neither. Mycroft is happy with his one cat and is fine with Hancock. Which one eats more snack foods? John. Mycroft will go for anything sweet though. What is their favorite movie to watch together? À bout de souffle. Mycroft thinks it’s poetic irony and he will always suggest it when they’re together. What is their favorite tabletop game to play together? Sam suggested a game of Monopoly one weekend when Mycroft was visiting John in Boston. It ended in a huge fight and Mycroft decided he’d never play again, claiming Sam cheated. That lasted until the next time he was in Boston and told Sam he wanted a rematch. What are your three absolute favorite things about this ship?
It’s basically riddled with angst okay, Long distance relationship? Insert pinning and missing either other. They want to be with each other so much and they can’t and it sucks. Immortal dating a mortal? John will outlive Mycroft and it hurts. Mycroft will continue to age as John visually stays the same. Then add in the prison stuff and it’s just so good.
They just love each other so fucking much and it warms my heart. They just want to be apart of each other’s life and know everyone important to the other person and it’s sweet . They care so much about each other and just want the best for one another, even if it means sacrificing their own happiness for it to happen. 
There’s nothing funnier than an American revolutionary being in a committed relationship with a conservative British man.
What is one thing you don’t like about this ship? am i supposed to not like something about it. I think the fact that Mycroft never gets to be the loving husband he wants to be. He almost had it with Riley, but she died before that could happen. I don’t know, the idea that he never gets married to the man he loves with his entire being is sad to me. If you had to rate this ship on a scale of 1-10, what would you give it? 12.
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Kombat Krew and Date night;
Some fluff before I post some horrific smut. Lord help you all, I am still on the bullshit. Fucking living for it. If you want a Part 2, Electric Boogaloo please message me! GIFS do not belong to me. I did not make them. 
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·         Date night with Kabal can go one of two ways, either extremely adventurous, out there and interesting. Or a lazy night in where you both end up being sloths.
·         Pre-burn would favour the adventurous mode, whilst Post-Burn would favour the sloth idea. Less people to judge him and less prying eyes.
·         Date night with him is always fun no matter what you do.
·         When you go out, his arms around you constantly, he’s taking tons of photos of you/ you and him. Poor fuckers on his social media have to mute him.
·         He takes the best photos though. You always look amazing. He has a hard time deciding which is going to be his lock screen.
·         Sometimes you’ll go somewhere fancy, he legit always insists on paying, he’s just like that.
·         Other times you’ll go for a drive, because he knows this really cool 24-hour diner that does the best milkshakes. There really not that great, but he loves to drive, even though he can’t do it well.
·         You’ll both be belting out embarrassing songs, singing like the people in traffic next to you certainly can’t hear. Spoilers, they can.
·         A date night in, consists of movies, lounging about and potentially videogames. Bad food is always on the table though. Like the greasiest and most unhealthiest food ever.
·         He doesn’t like to wear a shirt (Pre-Burn) on these nights in, and totally wants you to fawn over him.
·         Both types of dates end in lots of hugs, being spooned and him eventually hogging the blanket. Forcing you to come a little bit closer. His words not mine.
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Sub Zero (Kuai Liang);
·         Ah date night with a man who’s never properly dated someone before. Fun is on the cards.
·         He really tries, he fucking really does. The Ice man is trying his hardest.
·         He comes up with cute and fun ways of spending time together, ones that don’t involve meditation, training or other people being around you.
·         You know how him and Hanzo had the tea party of the century, and no one else was fucking invited? Yeah, he’s throwing one of them, but for the two of you.
·         Its impressive watching him make it, because damn, all you do is boil the kettle, shove a teabag, some sugar in and there we go.
·         He evens prepares a playlist for you two to listen to whilst drinking your tea.
·         He really does listen, he’s got all your favourites on there, even that one song he can’t stand.
·         You’ll talk about random stuff, he’ll let you waffle on and he’ll listen.
·         Holding your hand whilst your talking, his eyes locked with yours, a smile on his face and his fingers stroking your knuckles.
·         Hell, he’ll even wear something that isn’t his Grandmaster’s Uniform.
·         Imagine, Kuai Liang, in a fucking sweater and some black jeans. I fucking live for It.
·         It’ll have to be somewhere private, he doesn’t want the two of you to be disturbed.
·         Will offer to slow dance with you, if that’s what you want. It’s all about what you want on your date nights, within reason.
·         He knows he can’t go far/ do much, so he tries to make up for it.
·         To say he’s not been on many (If any dates) before you, there really sweet and personal.
·         You’ll also be able to take a selfie with him, he’s ridiculously photogenic and looks 11/10 in literally all of them.
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Erron Black;
·         Dating was confusing back in his time, now he’s in Outworld and he’s fucking got no clue. He’s pretty sure customs have changed too.
·         His ideas usually involve taking you horseback riding, teaching you to shoot, or trying some new and often disgusting food.
·         But now he’s stuck, he wants you both to do something new and exciting. So, the one thing that’s been consistent in his time in Outworld, the stars.
·         He’s always relied on the Stars to guide him when out at night, to help him find his way back kind of thing. He knew a lot of the constellations back on Earth, so he starts to learn the Outworld ones. With the help of a reluctant Kotal. He thought he wanted some education, not a preluding activity to banging.
·         He’ll set you up a nice little blanket, with a picnic and tell you to get comfortable.
·         By get comfortable, he means lay on his chest and relax.
·         He’ll start off serious, remembering all he can about the constellations he can see.
·         Then it’ll divulge into chaos, he can’t remember that giant one that looks like an octopus, so that’s Steven.
·         Makes up a lot of their names and stories, when you question him, you’ll get the standard answer of “Hell naw, I’m telling the truth” or “Who’s the one tellin the stories?”
·         You do prefer his versions to the real ones, their funnier and more Erron like.
·         You will end up falling asleep and he’ll end up carrying you back to your room.
·         God, he loves you.
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Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi);
·         Dates are a very complex thing for him. He’s not really surely what to do. So, he’s in the same boat as Kuai. A sinking fucking boat.
·         He cannot go far as he needs to be there for his Clan, so he opts to remain close by.
·         He’ll take you on a walk through the Fire Gardens, holding your arm and hand as you stroll. He’ll also be testing your Japanese as you go along. You need to figure out what he’s saying, because the pet names sound cute as fuck.
·         He’s not really sure what he was thinking, but you’ll basically have lunch outside, like a picnic but he’d never call it that.
·         He’s made all the food himself, all old recipes that have been in his family for generations.
·         It’s actually amazing, because the man can cook.
·         Its just the two of you, so he becomes a lot more relaxed. He’ll crack some jokes, be a bit more touchy feely and will be more open about his emotions.
·         Whilst there, it’s just the two of you, it’s quelling all the negative emotions and feelings that usually arise.
·         Would pick up a blossom and put it in your hair, laughing a little at how beautiful you look.
·         He’ll let you do the same to him, placing a few in his man-bun, he will have to take them out before they go back.
·         He’ll also offer to teach you to spar/ hold your own. He wants you to be safe and he thinks your capable of holding your own.
·         Whilst there, he may let slip he can’t wait for you two to start a family. He just wants a normal life.
·         He’s such a cutie around you. Around nearly everyone else, it’s Grandmaster Grumpy Face.
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Cassie Cage;
·         She has two modes. Party fucking girl or chilled out. There is no in between.
·         You can tell she’s Johnny’s daughter by her date nights with you, 25 (I did the math, she’s 25 apparently) and still partying strong.
·         Your date nights are fucking legendary.
·         You’ll either spend all night in some fucking slum club, dancing to trashy songs, doing some tequila shots, and having a great time.
·         Sometimes you’ll go to more expensive bars and classier joints, but the majority of the time, its trashy bars. She lives for the adrenaline and excitement, that come with the trashier dives.
·         Going to fights. Like she knows she shouldn’t, but god, does she love to watch a Cage match. It’s her fucking namesake, of course she loves to watch them!
·         The chilled-out dates are usually grabbing a bite to eat, maybe going for a drive in her Land Rover; belting out all the classics from the 90’s and early 00’s.
·         She’s also down for staying in and having a chilled in night. Doing each other’s hair, makeup, facemasks. The fucking works.
·         She likes to have a bit of a girly night in. She’ll love having her nails done. She’s actually really good at them too!
·         Can’t forget getting a takeaway and watching some shit on TV.
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Johnny Cage;
·         Like Father, like daughter, prepare yourself for a fucking mix of potential date nights.
·         Going to Premiers classify as dates, right? You, looking fancy as fuck, all pampered and on his arm.
·         If you’re not rubbing elbows with Hollywood’s Finest (Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren’t) you’ll be doing something adventurous.
·         However, since having Cassie, he has calmed down a little bit. Not a lot, but a fraction. He doesn’t want to overly embarrass her with his exploits.
·         Sometimes you’ll get dinner at a fancy restaurant or go have a few drinks in one hell of an expensive bar. Like the drink’s menu is comprised of double sometimes even three digits.
·         Johnny will always insist on paying. He loves spoiling you.
·         Sometimes his Goblin heart aches for something from the old days. Just a Dive bar, where there’s going to be some drama.
·         He lives for it. That and sometimes, there’s an itch only a £2 pint of beer can fix. He wouldn’t mind reliving his old days with you.
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go-ldy · 5 years
Riverdale 4x02
This episode was a true delight. Maybe one of Riverdale's finest hours and I do not say that lightly.
- Did I hear Veronica say she was accepted to HARVARD? Anyway while i was busy processing that, Archie was all "I'll have to look at community colleges nearby :))" followed by "wait, where is Harvard?" lmao poor dumb Archie, bless.
- I know we are supposed to think that Riverdale High is this underachieving school thereby justifying Jughead's important opportunity to go to Stonewall Prep but like.... Veronica got into Harvard.... despite running a night club slash speakeasy slash casino and never studying or going to class..... she got into HARVARD.... how bad can Riverdale High be.
-"You dragged me by my ankles to be lobotomized" LMAOOOO 
- I am here for Principal Honey. Every scene he was in was funnier than the last and plus these kids need an actual responsible adult looking out for them because all of their parents are either murderers and/or dead.
- The football scenes were excellent, A+, I love Mad Dog. He's just so randomly good at everything. Has he even played football before in his life? Who cares. He is so built he makes Archie look skinny wtf.
- lol @ FP responding to noise complaints and breaking up underage drinking parties like he's a responsible grownup who is good at his job. Riverdale’s second best dad!
- "At the last student dance, multiple students were murdered" LMAOOOO I love him.
- lol @ Betty and Jug doing it on the couch at the Pembroke with their friends like literally around the corner omg guys get a room with a door that closes. Betty in Jug's shirt was so cute though. My precious bbs.
-Betty's yellow dress was A+ she should always just wear that, Jughead would not be able to leave her for prep school if she did.
- I guess Stonewall Prep is a boarding school? Like Jughead will be staying there during the week? It can't be that far away though, he and Betty seemed to get there for the tour and back in like five minutes. But fine. Just give me scenes of Betty and Jughead sadly pining away for each other. That’s all I really need. The bar is low.
- I did NOT remember that Fangs joined the Farm. That is NOT something that stuck out to me. I definitely did NOT remember that when he made an appearance in Jagged Edges lol oops. My “canon compliant” tag on AO3 was a dirty lie. Oh well.
- I laughed every time Veronica said "Riverdale.com." 
-I was sad for Betty when Jughead in his opening monologue said that the Core Four had dinner together at Pop’s every night to support Archie. Because Betty’s dad is also dead, but Betty’s dad was a serial killer and nobody is sad that he is dead which means that she does not get to mourn properly or publicly and nobody is going to have dinner with her every night in a show of support. My poor girl. :((( I need to write a fic about Jughead comforting Betty after she visited Hal’s grave in 4x01. Why don’t I have more time to do that. 
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