mevekagvain · 12 hours
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Noble OCs - Drosia
Making five OCs for every clan!
Baltasar Drosia: Pureblood. Entered eternal sleep, belonged to Lagus’ generation.
Baltasar was a decent person though he didn’t quite feel like he could call himself one. His existence in Lukedonia was rather weak. He didn’t have enough ambition according to pureblood standards so he wasn’t very well-received amongst his clan members, especially his overbearing Drosia parent. The rest of Baltasar’s family members were successful people who had long lists of achievements so he stuck out like a sore thumb. They tried to “fix” him which just pushed him into depression because while he loved them and wanted to make them proud, he only desired a simple life. Furthermore, he was the rare pureblood born into a family of non-purebloods so they had even higher expectations for him. Baltasar craving the approval of others became his defining characteristic. He left Lukedonia sometime during his young adult years to mingle with humans instead. At least they worshipped him, he thought. Baltasar did have a talent with sharps sticks, knives, and needles so he became a doctor and surgeon for humans. Before he left home, he studied from books in library tower Minerva as he often went there to temporarily escape from his pushy family. He didn’t tell them about his medical knowledge because he was afraid they’d say it’s a worthless skill anyway. Turns out it came in handy. Baltasar needed that external validation and if seeking it in the human world was the answer, then he took the opportunity without hesitation. He removed tumors, corrected deformities, fixed up broken limbs from accidents, etc. The humans viewed Baltasar as a god and set up shrines and altars dedicated to him and made offerings of fruit, pastries, animals, and even human sacrifices at some point. He didn’t mind the more questionable offerings and let the humans be. After all, he was only treating them because he got worshipped and not because he genuinely liked being a doctor. In fact, if they stopped giving him his due, he’d abandon them immediately. Baltasar was addicted to approval and admiration. Going without such shallow fulfillment wouldn’t have killed him, but he would’ve been rather miserable. He “loved” humans for as long as they loved him. If his family had been more positive towards him, he wouldn’t have left Lukedonia in the first place. Baltasar was the father of Raizel, whom he had with the Previous Noblesse. He returned to Lukedonia with the Previous Noblesse after they had Raizel in the outside world and all of a sudden his family changed their attitude and finally loved him because he fathered a Noblesse. What an amazing feat, they praised. Baltasar’s resentment towards his family suddenly blew up and he went crazy. The Previous Noblesse offered to “take care” of them for him, and though he still loved them, he accepted her offer. Baltasar and the Previous Noblesse’s exact relationship was a mystery. He did have a Ru lover, though. Maybe Raizel even has a Ru half-sibling. Who knows.
Cecilia Drosia: Pureblood. Entered eternal sleep, belonged to Gejutel’s generation.
Cecilia was the mother and predecessor of Edian. She was an attentive and committed mother so Edian didn’t really need a nanny though she had one too. Her nanny was actually her aunt Celeste, the younger sister of Cecilia. The sisters took great care of the Drosia heir. They sparred with little Edian in the training grounds every day and the three of them made fond memories together. Edian learned offense from her mother and defense from her aunt. Technically, Cecilia was the Drosia Clan Leader, but Celeste carried out plenty of Clan Leader duties in her sister’s stead to take some stress off her beloved Ceci’s shoulders and even more frequently after Edian was born for mother and daughter to have more time together. Cecilia was always grateful for Cel’s help. Things were peaceful and happy until Cecilia gradually changed into another person to the point where neither Celeste nor Edian could recognize her anymore. It all had to do with the Previous Noblesse. Cecilia was madly in love with the mysterious Noblesse and in the process of falling in love, she lost her sense of self-preservation and judgement. On the surface, the relationship looked normal but in reality it was full of manipulation from one side. The Previous Noblesse saw Cecilia as prey and decided to play around with the latter’s feelings purely for entertainment. It’s worth noting that Cecilia was one of the few nobles born with “the mark”, also known as “Eye of Noblesse”, which is a small, red diamond-shaped mark in the chest. Those born with the mark are nobles designated to refill the Noblesse’s lifespan with their own by sacrificing and offering themselves as batteries. The Noblesse could call upon them, or they could go to the Noblesse willingly. Nobles with the mark have varying opinions on their predetermined destiny. Most are content with it and see it as an honor while some see it as a curse. Others are neutral. Cecilia was one of the nobles who saw it as her true destiny and fully embraced the possibility that she’d die one day being absorbed by a Noblesse. Perhaps that’s why Cecilia fought rather recklessly with heavy offense and little to no defense, mirroring her mindset. Even if she didn’t have the mark, she would’ve been obsessed with the Noblesse anyway since she was easy to manipulate. Well, the Previous Noblesse wouldn’t have approached Cecilia if it weren’t for her mark. The Previous Noblesse always teased Cecilia and told her that she’d absorb her when the time comes, only to never do so and that drove Cecilia crazy. Every time she closed her eyes ready to sacrifice herself for her lover, the Previous Noblesse just laughed and turned around after saying “maybe another day”. Cecilia only got absorbed when she basically begged on her knees for her Noblesse lover to do it because she couldn’t handle living on the edge anymore. The Previous Noblesse did love Cecilia, but also loved testing her and seeing her in pain and that brought her great pleasure. Edian was a young adult when she lost her mother. Edian was Cecilia’s only child, but the latter encouraged her daughter to call the Previous Noblesse “Mother” and her Noblesse sons her “Brothers”. Edian wasn’t very comfortable with such matters as she never felt that way about those individuals, but did so anyway to please her beloved mother. Cecilia had an Elenor lover as well.
Faustino Hermoso Drosia: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Faustino is a pleasant person. He sometimes gets carried away and ends up talking nonstop, which he’d then giggle and apologize. He just gets so interested in so many things. Can’t help it. He’s the type of person who’d invite someone for a drink next time within half an hour of meeting them. This is part of his genuine personality, but there’s more to it. Faustino pretends to be dumber than he actually is. He doesn’t know why he does it, but his gut feelings tell him he needs to. In reality, he’s not dim at all. He’s very smart and has great instincts. His friends make fun of his “crazy eyes” that move back and forth rapidly but that’s just him doing the usual routine of scanning his environment for potential threats. He’s also marking all possible emergency exits. Faustino’s fine with the misunderstandings since they’re working to his advantage anyway. For now, they can just think he’s the bubbly guy who doesn’t know any better. Although Faustino wasn’t Edian’s appointed childhood companion, he was one of her close friends. Edian didn’t quite get along with the one officially assigned to her, so Faustino willingly filled in that role. He always tried to cheer her up whenever she felt sad, which was often especially after her mother Cecilia changed for the worse. Faustino has a supernatural bull friend named Manzana and the two of them have fun together by dancing, where the former waves around a piece of red fabric as the latter tries to catch it by charging at it. They sometimes travel in the human world and Manzana doesn’t bother to hide his appearance from humans, so some groups may or may not have picked up on the duo’s games and turned it into a blood sport in their replications. Faustino and Manzana think it’s very cruel. The two of them don’t travel around outside Lukedonia for no reason and when they do, it’s to look for gifts to bring back for Edian to help her feel better. They cared about her greatly and it’s a known fact to nobles. They took Edian on walks when they noticed she needed a breather. Manzana let her ride on his back and the trio would stroll around in the Drosia territory. Faustino led the way as he rambled about his shenanigans hoping to put a smile on her face. One day, Lagus decided to get rid of Faustino due to his closeness to Edian and was worried he might interfere with his plan to drug her so he sent his loyal follower Deiphobos to do the job. Luckily, they underestimated Faustino and he very narrowly escaped death thanks to pretending to be dumber than he was all this time. To convince them that he was dead, he stayed in hiding ever since and never got to say goodbye to Edian. Edian was devastated and thought her friend abandoned her all of a sudden with no further explanation whatsoever. First her mother, now him. Faustino is forced to lay low until Lagus gets executed in the far future and breaks down when he learns that Edian is dead too. To this day, Faustino hasn’t tried to expose Deiphobos yet because the latter is too powerful and he needs to act carefully. Faustino’s partner is an unnamed Agvain.
Isabel Drosia: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Isabel is a vigilante feared by the noble community. Well, she used to be one. She stops once her “good deeds” land her in jail. Even the prison guards were scared of her. She wasn’t powerful enough to break out and had no motivation to do so; instead it was her creepiness they feared. Even after her release, the guards are reminded of her whenever they hear sharp, scraping noises because she used to scratch the floors and walls with her hairpin. Isabel hates liars. She doesn’t discriminate between white lies and malicious lies. If she catches a liar, she obsessively stalks them, pins them down, and impales their tongues with small, sharp blades that resemble rapiers. The more severe the lie, the more blades she uses. Her victims could have a single one through the middle of their tongue or dozens spread all over in a bloody, mushy mess like a porcupine’s quills. Only purebloods are exempt from Isabel’s pursuit because as a non-pureblood she isn’t powerful enough to immobilize them to do her deed, leading to the rumor that Isabel is specifically targeting fellow non-purebloods out of spite or something. If she were a pureblood, she would’ve been unstoppable. Not only does Isabel impale liars’ tongues, she also impales their tongues to something so they can’t move. The wall, the floor, etc. Her blades are imbued with a special spell that can’t be undone unless dissolved by someone with more powerful magic. If not removed in time, the blades “fuse” with the victims tongues. In worst case scenarios, tongues have to be cut off entirely and new ones need to be grown in place with the help of healing potions. No one knows why Isabel resents liars to the extreme. Some suspect she’s been hurt badly by someone close to her, and they’re not too far off. The exact details are mysteries for now. Isabel is fairly normal otherwise. After she gets released, she becomes a torturer when one of them scouts her out for the job because she does have the potential. It’s all in her muscle memory, how lovely! As expected, she targets tongues during work. It’s okay if they can’t talk, she’ll just force them to do so telepathically. Isabel’s favorite food is grilled beef tongues and she always stabs them repeatedly before eating because it makes them “more tender”. Her partner thinks it’s cute and copies the behavior. Isabel’s hobby is making frog figurines out of blood clots, tree rubber, teeth, hair, and other unconventional materials.
Federica Livia Drosia: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Federica loves her clan very much. She loves all nobles, but the Drosia have a special place in her heart. She knows every single one of her clan members by name and has learned to tell them apart from aura alone. Her number one idol, without question, is her Clan Leader Edian. Federica hates Raskreia to the core for two reasons. The first one is Edian’s banishment and traitor status. While it is true that Edian left Lukedonia, Federica knows her Clan Leader well enough to infer that there’s something hidden beneath the surface of what most nobles believe to be a simple and straightforward betrayal. There must be something we don’t know, she thinks. The second one is the banishment of the entire Drosia Clan. Their banishment is something akin to house arrest where they’re only allowed to be outside their residence under heavy surveillance. Everything they say and do is monitored and if something slightly “suspicious” comes up, it gets reported. Even if Edian’s a true traitor like Raskreia insists, collective punishment is too extreme and the Lord’s reluctance to see otherwise fuels Federica’s resentment even more. The discrimination that the Drosia and other clans are bound to face just because of their shared heritage with the supposed traitors is undoubtedly the direct result of unfair treatment. Most traitor clan victims of collective punishment choose to stay lowkey as to not anger their Lord any further. Not Federica. It doesn’t help that Federica’s condition makes it worse on top of her active efforts of petitioning against Raskreia. She was born with the rare disability where she can’t stop projecting her true thoughts into other nobles’ minds via telepathy. As soon as she has an opinion, it goes out. This phenomenon is almost the equivalent of a human getting cursed with the doom of immediately blurting out whatever they think on the top of their head with no time to sugarcoat, omit, or change any details. Basically, it’s impossible for Federica to lie. For this reason, she has a hard time forming meaningful relationships with people because her harsh words are quite the deterrent. She can’t help it even though she wishes she could shut up too. The only treatment for her condition is to suppress her mind and telepathy with drugs, but painful side effects aren’t worth it so she gives up and lets herself be. Federica broadcasting her truest opinions about Raskreia’s shitty decisions as Lord and the way Edian’s case was handled lands her a sweet spot in jail for “disrespect”. Suspicions of her being Edian’s co-conspirator arise thanks to her attitude though that quickly gets disproven. Still, being loud right under the Lord’s nose probably isn’t ideal. Raskreia releases Federica from jail but only truly drops the extra surveillance on her after things clear up in the Lukedonia invasion arc. Federica is forever bitter and resentful. So the Drosia clan members, her family, all suffered for nothing. Even the sight of Raskreia groveling at their feet in repentance would never be enough to ease her grief. In the present day, Federica lives with a group of telepathically disabled nobles whom she’s friends with and eventually finds a partner in one of them. Their disability is being unable to receive thoughts projected into their minds, which makes them “deaf” in traditional nobles views. This is the ideal social environment for Federica to be in because they can’t “hear” her so she doesn’t have to worry about being excluded for not “shutting up”. Federica is an advocate for an eventual democracy in Lukedonia. She wishes to see it happen during her lifetime, but who knows if that’s possible. Federica’s hobby is board games.
Thank you for reading! Agvain is next!
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mevekagvain · 24 hours
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mevekagvain · 10 days
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i want to bark at these women (awooga)
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mevekagvain · 14 days
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mevekagvain · 19 days
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Noble OCs - Siriana
Making five OCs for every clan!
Tianming Siriana: Pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Lagus’ generation.
Tianming is smart, cunning, and manipulative. He takes great pride in being a noble and enjoys flaunting the power he possesses. His favorite pastime is playing with humans and pulling on their puppet strings. The world is his little ant farm and he views humans as brainless ants who only know how to move around in circles. A long time ago, a very bored Tianming wanted to spice things up. If human history was a canvas, he wanted to be the painter. Tianming used his noble superpowers to make himself look like he descended from the heavens and blessed the humans with his presence. Then, he announced himself as one of the gods, and told the humans about the “Mandate of Heaven”; something about there only being one legitimate ruler at a time, and if a king rules unfairly he could lose heaven’s approval, etc. The humans were in total awe and soaked up his teachings like a sponge. Little did they know it was nonsense he made up on spot because he just wanted to stir up drama. Tianming often disguised himself as a human and dwelled amongst them, taking part in rebellions to overthrow rulers he helped to establish in the past. He’d partake in the creation of a new dynasty, play with them for a little while, and accelerate the downfall of said dynasty once he gets bored. And this would be the norm for subsequent dynasties. Tianming’s having a blast with his little role-play game in the human world. He doesn’t fine-tune events for any particular outcome and simply enjoys being the steering wheel in the shadows. Even if it’s an anthill, he wants his piece of the ants’ treasure. The other nobles are aware of his unusual hobby and most are neutral. Some look at him with disdain, chaos-lovers cheer him on. Tianming doesn’t kill humans, so nobles who think he should be dealt with can’t do much about him. He has no urge to kill, but he doesn’t mind seeing people do it to each other. Their screams and cries make nice background music. Even better than an orchestra, how neat. Tianming is the father of Raizel’s brother, whom he had with the Previous Noblesse. He shows little to no emotion at her death nor does he acknowledge their son’s death. His exact relationship with the Previous Noblesse remains a mystery.
Guanyin Siriana: Pureblood. Entered eternal sleep, belonged to Gejutel’s generation.
Guanyin was the mother and predecessor of Zarga. She wasn’t exactly the best mother nor did she spend much effort in at least trying to be one. To her, Zarga was merely another noble amongst the crowd and she viewed him as an average acquaintance. His “special” connection to her existed solely because she gave birth to him and was his mother in simple terms. Precisely, she created him from a soul fragment. That was all. Guanyin didn’t exactly shun Zarga, but she never once referred to him as her son. To her, he was more like a younger colleague who had a permanent residence in her home. She didn’t show affection for him, and simply sat still and stared whenever he had his typical child moments. She heard him, but didn’t listen to what he had to say. She saw him, but didn’t integrate him into her field of view. Zarga had no one to praise him for his milestones nor did he have anyone to hold and comfort him when he felt sad. On the flip side, he was never punished for anything he did as long as he made progress with his education and training. He wasn’t the type to break rules for fun, but he was functionally free to do so to his heart’s desire. His mother would be the last person on this planet to discipline him. Guanyin’s concern for Zarga was minimal. He was her heir, she was his Clan Leader; their relationship stopped there. She treated him with respect and even bowed to him like she would in a greeting with another noble of similar status. She completely ignored the child part of his identity and grouped him with her adult colleagues. She never held him in her arms. Zarga’s other parent and soul fragment donor had no role in his life either. Zarga’s birth was planned a long time ago, when his other parent owed Guanyin a favor in his youth thus offered to have a soul fragment available for her when she needed one for her heir. The absence of reliable parental figures in Zarga’s life meant he felt lonely at times. From his mother’s perspective, her lack of any sort of emotion towards her son wasn’t her being personal at all. Rather, she felt almost nothing for her own kind in general. She had her duty towards her clan and fellow citizens of Lukedonia, and she did a good job. No one could ask her to be involved beyond that in any of their business.
Ironically, Guanyin was known as the “Goddess of Mercy and Compassion” in the human world. She felt neutral towards her own kind but loved humans unconditionally. She offered comfort to them. She was their spiritual and physical savior. She represented compassion, mercy, and love. The free time she could’ve spent with Zarga were always given to the humans without any hesitation. Guanyin was truly dedicated to her cause. She was revered as a goddess for a good reason. Perhaps Guanyin’s blatant favoritism sowed a seed of bitterness in Zarga’s heart. To add insult to injury, Guanyin addressed the humans as her “children”, which was a luxury Zarga never got to experience. Zarga was reluctant to admit that he missed his mother and tried to convince himself that he didn’t need her. He hated how he wanted her to notice him and felt pathetic. Guanyin was many people’s savior, yet never once reached out to the one who needed her most.
Caishen Siriana: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Caishen is charming and optimistic. His special talent is being lucky. The world somehow always has coincidences set up so he avoids everything that could possibly harm him. It’s as if he has an invisible shield following him around at all times. This may sound like a blessing, but it’s a minor huge inconvenience on his part. A perfectly fine table would collapse just because he’s about to stub his toe from being careless and not looking at where he’s walking. Dang, what a pity, that table was a real work of art. Or he’s about to accidentally trip himself and rather than falling onto the floor, there’s always someone nearby and he’ll fall on them instead and he’s fine because they took the blow for him. For this reason, the nobles all avoid him because they think he’s going to bring them bad luck. Everyone thinks he’s unlucky. Nobles look at his friends and wonder why they even hang out with him. Caishen is naturally clumsy but learns to be more careful to not let his luckiness cost others their wellbeing. He also tries his best because he doesn’t want his belongings to keep destroying themselves. Caishen carries red envelopes with handwritten letters, candies and toys stuffed inside on him at all times and gives them to people he likes. Then he exclaims “gong xi fa cai!” and laughs. Nobles eventually come to appreciate his gifts and affectionately calls them “Caishen’s unlucky red envelopes”. His quirky gift-giving ritual spreads to the human world and inspires “lucky red envelopes” filled with money in some human cultures. Even his gibberish catchphrase becomes a classic verbal blessing humans exchange with friends and family. Caishen has a Chinese dragon buddy named Jikuai and the two of them go on adventures in the human world once every twelve years. They visit villages and give out gifts of money, food, and other goods to residents. The humans mark their calendars and every twelfth year is the Year of the Dragon. Caishen and Jikuai are very flattered. To humans, they are the bringers of good fortune and prosperity. How flattering! Caishen’s hobby is making sycees.
Ganesha Siriana: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Ganesha is a bit shy. He usually wears an elephant headdress covering his own head entirely and only takes it off around people he knows. He speaks in two different voices depending on whether he has his headdress on or off. His friends ask him why he does his voice changes and to be frank he doesn’t know either. Ganesha is very intelligent. He was born with a gift, and he also spends a lot of time studying in the library tower Minerva. He’s very well acquainted with the Paradiso scholars there, and they often engage in deep conversations on all kinds of subjects. The scholars miss him when he’s busy and can’t come, and look forward to each of his visits. He tends to not announce when he comes and goes, so they hope he does remember to drop by. Ganesha’s creative thinking skills are excellent and nobles go to him for advice sometimes. He’s smart, cool, dignified, and elegant. That is, until he sees sweets. He goes extra crazy for pastries and won’t calm down until he’s had his fill. Thank goodness they’re nobles and overeating isn’t really detrimental to them. Ganesha is the person who stuffs his friend Geirmundr Landegre’s mouth with a cake to show him a new world. Geirmundr becomes a baker and in his career, he creates a very tasty dessert he names modaka, which is Ganesha’s all-time favorite. Ganesha has a supernatural giant rat friend named Kroncha and they’re inseparable. Sometimes Ganesha rides Kroncha on walks. Ganesha has two partners, Buddhi and Siddhi.
Erdene Siriana: Non-pureblood. Entered forced eternal sleep, belonged to Gejutel’s generation.
Erdene was the younger sister of Harald Siriana, the mother of Valentina Mergas, and the caretaker and tutor of Zarga Siriana. Erdene was sweet, empathetic, and patient. Zarga’s mother Guanyin being uninvolved in raising him meant that he spent his early years rotating between countless caretakers and nannies. They were Siriana clan members who were arranged to take care of Zarga in Guanyin’s stead because she couldn’t spare time for her own son. Some of them agreed it would’ve been better for their future Clan Leader to have his mother in his life, but they were in no place to suggest that to Guanyin. They could only listen to her orders as they had no say in such matters. The caretakers’ faces all blur in Zarga’s memory. Since there were so many of them and each only stuck around for short time, they often left just as he was about to grow attached to them, and that was very stressful for a young Zarga. Guanyin’s arrangements for her heir would continue to overwhelm him, until Erdene stepped up. While the other caretakers left as soon as their part of the job had been completed, Erdene couldn’t bring herself to leave behind the child who clutched onto her sleeves. His grip was weak, signaling that she was free to pull away as he didn’t expect her to stay with him even if he wanted her to. Erdene stayed with Zarga and requested to meet with Guanyin, and proposed that she would like to be the young heir’s primary caretaker. Guanyin, with her usual disregard for her son, agreed to the proposal. She didn’t care about who took care of him as long as he had someone. Erdene and Zarga grew very close to each other and he called her “Miss Erdene” and later “Mother”, which started when he had a slip-up because he viewed her as one and got confused for a second. He was flustered and promptly apologized for his mistake, but a teary-eyed Erdene insisted that he could call her that. He teared up too, and they shared a happy embrace. When Zarga became a little older and more independent, Erdene took up the role of tutor and instructed him on Clan Leader duties because Guanyin was nowhere to be seen yet again. If we’re being nice, she had full trust in Erdene’s competence with her heir. If we’re being honest, she was too busy saving humans to even remember that her son existed. Fortunately, Guanyin’s continued absence in Zarga’s life didn’t bother him as much anymore because he had his beloved Erdene. He sort of had a sister as well, though she wasn’t too keen on calling him her brother despite thinking of him as one. Erdene’s daughter Valentina, the Mergas heir, sometimes studied with Zarga and the children were close. They were similar in age and personality, and though the two clans had different educational systems, there were some overlapping areas so they occasionally shared study sessions.
Unfortunately, tragedy would follow and both Valentina and Zarga’s happiness came to an abrupt end during their teenage years. Erdene truly wanted to help Zarga, after all. She was his mother figure in practice, but she also hoped that his real mother would pay more attention to him. As much as Zarga appreciated the sentiment, he was more or less annoyed with Erdene’s unwavering persistence with her futile efforts regarding Guanyin. To him, it was a bit like her saying she was planning on leaving him, which would be a wrong assumption on his part. On Erdene’s part, she thought maybe Zarga still longed for his “real” mother and hoped to help him reconnect with her. This mutual misunderstanding drove an invisible wedge between them. One day, Zarga grew tired of Erdene’s refusal to let go of the impossible and in a split second, he snapped at her and told her that she shouldn’t try to meddle with his life because she wasn’t his real mother anyway, and at least his mother never bothered him. Zarga regretted it immediately, but his pride kept him from apologizing. Erdene was hurt, but blamed it on herself and quietly left after apologizing to Zarga, which just made him feel even worse. Unbeknownst to them, that would become their last interaction. Erdene left Lukedonia in hopes of finding a suitable gift for Zarga to cheer him up, but was unfortunately ambushed and killed by werewolves on her way back. Zarga was devastated, and so was Valentina. Their friendship ended when Valentina called him her mother’s killer. Zarga, feeling numb and guilty, accepted Valentina’s accusation. Erdene’s funeral was short and simple. Zarga didn’t attend because Valentina told him she’d kill him if he dared to show up. When Erdene was alive, her hobby was making mooncakes.
Thank you for reading! Drosia is next!
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mevekagvain · 21 days
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Noble OCs - Gradeus’ Clan
Making five OCs for every clan!
Asterion: Pureblood. Entered eternal sleep, belonged to Lagus’ generation.
Asterion was the father of Pandora and the grandfather of Gradeus. He was a good father to his little Pandora and felt worried when her personality suddenly changed from energetic and upbeat to lethargic and unresponsive when she was about 80 years old. He tried asking what’s wrong to which she always smiled and answered “nothing”. Pandora didn’t want to make her Clan Leader worry about her, so she never told him about the permanent condition that tortured her on the inside. Asterion gradually stopped with his questions because he could sense that his daughter was reluctant to share. He could’ve ordered her to be truthful, but he didn’t want to force her to be uncomfortable. He was very lenient with her and let her skip mandatory events. Sometimes, he canceled his own meetings and duties to spend time with her. He also defended her when others called her an “old lady” to poke fun at her. Asterion was a pretty relaxed person, though he was a terrifying force whenever someone tried to bully Pandora. Father and daughter had a close, loving relationship despite the wall the latter put up between them. Perhaps Pandora’s tendencies to hide her struggles didn’t come from nowhere. Asterion also suffered from a strange one-of-a-kind condition where he craved the flesh of humans. Only his partner, the mother of their daughter, and his mysterious best friend were aware of it. Other than those two, no one had a clue. Asterion was perfectly fine in his childhood until he hit his teenage years when he suddenly gained an intense and insatiable appetite. Nobles don’t need to eat, yet he was always looking for food. Nothing seemed to be the right answer and his hunger drove him mad. Eventually, after putting everything he could possibly find on Earth into his mouth, he discovered that only human flesh could completely quell his symptoms. Asterion’s partner and best friend helped him source human corpses and even live human sacrifices from the outside world and brought them back to Lukedonia for him. The disappearance of dead bodies from graves and live sacrifices from ritual grounds contributed to the humans’ beliefs of the dead rising and sacrifice rituals working. Asterion was ashamed of himself and kept his condition a secret from everyone else, including his daughter. He felt like a monster, but he had no other choice. His partner and best friend made sure to “pay” the humans for their contributions, which just led to even more live sacrifices thus causing the ritual to become a common practice in many parts of the world. Asterion’s hobby was meditation and trying to make Pandora happy.
Daedalus: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Gejutel’s generation.
Daedalus is an inventor, architect, and sculptor. When he was a child, he kept complaining to his parents about their “boring, unoriginal, and lacking” home even though it was perfectly fine by your average noble standards. There is no best, only better, he repeated. He’d run around and point to the walls, ceilings, and corridors gesturing and explaining the changes he’d make if he were to be in charge of the layout. He was confident with his visions. Daedalus’ creativity would come and go in random surges and he had a tough time sitting still during his education. He’d barely get to the fifth page of his book and then he’s suddenly screaming and jumping up and down shouting “Eureka!!”, to his parents’ confusion. They’d sigh at their hyper son and wonder why he’s saying the name of his imaginary friend… or something, for the nth time. His parents eventually gave up on trying to get him to finish his education because it seemed impossible with his personality. Plus, they wanted to support Daedalus in his passion despite have no understanding of it themselves, so they let him run wild with his full potential. Time goes by, Daedalus turns 200, and his parents gift him with the opportunity to remodel their home. Go ahead and do your magic, they said. Daedalus is overjoyed. They end up sort of regretting making such an offer to their son, though. He turns their home into a giant, complex maze that is so hard to navigate it’s impossible to not get lost, even with loads of practice. Only Daedalus knows how to get around. Guests jokingly comment on how it’s almost like their home was designed to trap people inside forever. Who knows what the designer was thinking. Daedalus calls himself a genius and his work a masterpiece. He names their new home “Labyrinth” which just confuses his family again. His parents love him, so they simply deal with it and accept their new life of never learning how to get from the dining room to the living room. They’re happily suffering as they feel proud of their son. Daedalus, his love, and their son Icarus Pyradros live together in their maze-like multigenerational home.
Helga: Pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Helga is a shipwright. Her parents love the sea and built their home on the coast. Little Helga was born in the glittering waves during a beautiful sunrise. She opened her eyes to the magnificent scenery and immediately fell in love with it. Helga has a very active lifestyle. She harvests planks of timber from the forest during the day and builds ships of all shapes and sizes at night. The twinkles of stars and sounds of crashing waves keep her company as she diligently develops her craft. She works until sunrise and goes home to relax with her parents before heading to the forest again. Her ships are light and strong. When further enhanced with her noble powers, they can easily withstand aggressive attacks from all directions. Helga likes to put her ships to the test. She’d gather her huge group of friends for spars and they’d all go to the beach for a fun, competitive game. She splits everyone into many teams, and some of them do the rowing while others jump between the moving ships as they fight each other in hand-to-hand combat. Last team standing wins. It’s a great way to develop some fitness without getting bored, though sparring in traditional training grounds is neat too. Helga’s ships are popular with nobles and humans alike. There are instances of sea-loving nobles asking to go into eternal sleep out in the water in one of her vessels. At some point, a group of humans witnessed a noble’s death on a ship and mistook the glowing red lights for fire, which is possibly what lead to them mimicking the practice and writing sagas of their own with accounts of setting ships ablaze with the dead in luxurious “ship burial” funerals. Helga just shrugs. It’s cool, they can keep the misunderstanding if they want. Well, maybe it’s waste of wood. Her Tradio parent always told to her to thank the trees when she harvests them, so she’s very serious about it. Helga’s partner is an unnamed Kravei. They are childless for now and plan to have one soon.
Ragnar: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Ragnar is chill. He and his minotaur friends hold hands and dance around in a circle together. Then they braid each other’s hair and have a tea party in the fields and gossip about the love lives of his fellow clan members. Ragnar was raised by minotaurs then by his adoptive mother Freyja. His biological parents had him because they thought having a child would patch their less-than-stable relationship and gave him up when they decided he wasn’t a satisfactory bandaid. Ragnar went off to live with a group of minotaurs who took him in because they pitied him. One day, Freyja was riding her cat chariot and stopped by a lake to rest. Little Ragnar climbed into her chariot and fell asleep. Freyja waited for the boy to wake up and asked him if he would like a permanent home after finding out that his parents abandoned him. She had always wanted another child but didn’t quite have enough lifespan to spare after having her biological children. Ragnar said yes, the minotaurs congratulated him, and he went to his new home. Currently, Ragnar lives with Freyja, her Ceresthalassa partner, and their son Khumbo Ceresthalassa who is his much older adoptive brother. Khumbo’s full-sisters Hnoss and Gersemi also live close by and visit often. Ragnar is a blacksmith of axes. His interest in weapon-making comes from frequenting the workshop of Tabitha Pyradros, the sister of Freyja. When Ragnar comes of age, Auntie Tabitha helps him establish his own workshop which would become the hangout location for him and his minotaur friends. The axes he makes go to his fellow clan members. Ragnar has yet to perfect the art of smithing like Tabitha, but he’s working hard towards that. He’s positive that he can reach her level in a few centuries. How ambitious! Ragnar’s partner is Kirsi Vuokko Loyard.
Torunn: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Torunn was the playmate and study buddy of Gradeus. She stayed with him until he turned 200 and resigned to pursue a different job which she’s currently doing. She wasn’t assigned to Gradeus by Pandora; rather, she came to him of her own accord. Pandora was more than welcoming of Torunn’s arrival and proposal to become Gradeus’ companion because he kept scaring potential candidates away with his not-so-nice qualities and as his mother, she was worried about him being lonely. In reality, he probably didn’t need a companion like his mother had thought, but he wouldn’t mind either way. One more person for him to terrorize. In Gradeus’ distant memory, his initial encounter with Torunn was when his mother officially introduced them to each other. Their actual first meeting was when Gradeus “rescued” a very distraught Torunn who had been left behind to suffer by her bullies. They cut off all her limbs and dunked her into a barrel of ale and deliberately trapped her there. As a non-pureblood on the weaker end, she couldn’t have escaped on her own as she had lost too much blood and exhausted all her energy. She was prepared to die. Then in came Gradeus. He aggressively kicked tipped over the barrel out of curiosity and released Torunn as a bonus. He skipped behind her, looked at her in the eye, and grinned as he told her that guess she’s lucky and won’t die today. He went on about his day and forgot about it an hour later. Torunn remembered, and she vowed to repay the favor. As Gradeus’ companion, she tolerated all of his eccentric and sometimes violent behaviors whether they were directed at others or herself. It didn’t matter to her, because back then he saved her. She also volunteered to take the blame for the problems he caused without complaint. After Gradeus comes of age, Torunn resigns and opens her own brewery. Currently, she makes ale, mead, and wine. Maybe her inspiration comes from trauma. No one knows for sure. She stays in Lukedonia most of the time and sometimes travels to interact with humans to obtain knowledge of their alcohol. Torunn’s mead may or may not have received the name of “Poetic Mead” from the humans for its divine taste. It’s like a mythical drink to them. She’s rather flattered. Professor Titus is a fan too. Torunn currently lives with her Mergas partner and their daughter.
Thank you for reading! Siriana is next!
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mevekagvain · 22 days
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mevekagvain · 23 days
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Well.....I'm finally resurrected :') ....I overcame my laziness and drew an emoticon with muzaka //though it looks like Frank's funeral, but that's not the point :')
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mevekagvain · 23 days
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Noble OCs - Loyard
Making five OCs for every clan!
Adaliah Loyard: Pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Adaliah walks amongst humans. She is mysterious and lurks in the woods as a shadow, only to be seen in places where war has taken place. Adaliah believes that war is inevitable in a strong-eats-weak world and doesn’t interfere with the development of human history as one would simply observe a snake devour a bird in nature. Sad to witness, but neither is in the wrong. The strong shouldn’t be subdued for their power nor should the weak receive aid for being pushed back. That is Adaliah’s philosophy of life. However, she believes that people should be spared of pain when possible. She deals with the direct aftermath of war. Adaliah appears in battlefields after armies leave their gravely wounded behind. She silently walks over to them and communicates with them one by one through projecting her voice inside their heads and reading their minds. She makes herself invisible at all times except to the person she’s directly speaking with. First, she asks them if they still want to live and tells them she’ll save them if they say yes. If they agree, she treats their wounds. Then, she gives them a basket of food and a jug of water and moves onto the next person. If they say no, she uses her noble superpowers to numb their pain and induce them into a deep sleep with the sweetest dreams before sending them off to peace. Finally, she gives them a proper burial and wishes for their eternal freedom from Earth. Adaliah also offers something similar to the terminally ill. The journey of life may be painful, but the destination of death doesn’t have to be. Whether Adaliah does her acts of charity out of love or pity is a mystery. All that matters is she cares for humans. In some human cultures, there’s a myth about a barefooted and cloaked silver-haired goddess of mercy. There are no collective witnesses, yet there are many individual accounts of the same experience. Adaliah’s partner is an unnamed Pyradros.
Yuelin Loyard: Non-pureblood. Entered eternal sleep, belonged to Gejutel’s generation.
Yuelin was a close friend of Lagus. The young and curious Loyard boy met the Tradio Clan Leader when he accidentally stumbled into the off-limits herb garden and got trapped by aggressive plants that recognized him as an intruder. Lagus happened to be nearby and heard faint cries for help. He told his plants to let go of the boy and carried him indoors to treat him with antidotes because the plants had injected him with a poison. Yuelin woke up to Lagus chuckling at him and telling him that he was pretty close to becoming fertilizer. The young boy apologized profusely, bowed, and ran back home. Lagus didn’t think too much and carried on with his business. To his surprise, Yuelin returned the next day and waited outside the garden this time. Somehow, he took a liking to the eccentric Lagus and wanted to be closer to his savior. He was willing to help out as an assistant to repay the debt of a life saved. Curiously, Lagus did not tell the boy to go away and let him tag along. Yuelin spent most of his time with his diplomat parents and visited Lagus whenever he could. The two grew close and created happy memories together. Then tragedy happened. One day, young adult Yuelin was on a diplomatic mission with his parents and some other nobles, and they were ambushed. A werewolf clan that pretended to be friendly lured them into the outside world and slaughtered them. Yuelin survived because he was curious and ran off to explore his surroundings a few moments before bloodshed erupted. When he noticed the chaos, he hid in the bushes and stayed there until the massacre ended. He could only watch the horror with his hands over his mouth. The werewolves left when they thought they had gotten everyone and a very distraught and frightened Yuelin crawled back home alone.
Yuelin returned as a different person. It was as if he underwent a complete personality change. His cheerful and optimistic self had been replaced by a dark and maniacal one. He suddenly gained an obsession with the color red, especially glowing red lights. Perhaps that was his way of dealing with trauma. Turns out when his family and fellow nobles were getting slaughtered, he focused all of his attention on the red lights in the sky from the dead to distract himself from the other screams of agony. Yuelin became fixated on the red lights of dying nobles and that remained unchanged for a lifetime. He still helped Lagus as an assistant, but spent most of his time gathering information on nobles who were about to get executed just so he could be a witness and see more red lights. To him, the death of nobles painted the most grotesquely beautiful scenery and seeing them was the only way to temporarily quell his internal unrest. Yuelin had been living with the Tradio Clan Leader since his return from the disastrous diplomatic trip because he had no other place to call home after his family’s death. The two of them bonded even more after living together, and perhaps something developed between them. Time passed, the men aged, and their friendship flourished. At some point, Lagus embarked on his path to darkness which he kept a secret from his Loyard friend. Somehow, Yuelin knew. He offered himself to Lagus and told him that he wished to die because he had had enough, but wanted to make the last of himself useful. He requested Lagus to absorb him. He also asked Lagus to prolong the process as long as possible because he wanted to see one final show, the red lights his body emitted as it disintegrated. Lagus reluctantly agreed to help out his beloved friend. They exchanged farewells and Lagus initiated the process. Yuelin sighed of relief as he slowly faded away. His last words were “beautiful” and “at last” as he watched his own body disappear. Before Yuelin was euthanized, he may or may not have offered a soul fragment to Lagus for the creation of Claudia.
Dian Loyard: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Dian has an eerie atmosphere to him. He doesn’t talk much and people get the chills when they make eye contact with him. When he walks, it’s as if he’s floating around in his long robes because his incredibly small steps stabilize his balance to the extreme. Dian is the Watcher of the Candles. It’s not an official title or job of any sort. Rather, it’s a description the nobles came up for him to highlight his unusual interests. Dian’s home is massive and has floors above and below ground. No one knows how deep it goes. In his home are endless halls filled with special candles which he regularly patrols and arranges. He lights and extinguishes the candles with his noble powers. The candles are black and the flames burn blue. They all look identical with no writing or carvings of any sort, yet Dian somehow knows which is which. If you randomly switch them up, he can identify each individual one and restore them to their former positions flawlessly. No one knows how he’s capable of such a skill. Dian uses his candles to keep track of all noble lives in Lukedonia. Each candle represents a noble, sort of like a name tag. He adds and lights up a candle for each newborn and said candle will stay ignited for as long as they live. When nobles die, he extinguishes their respective candles but doesn’t remove them from the hall they’re in. The candles of the deceased serve as their figurative grave. Dian’s home never seems to run out of space for new candles. He will keep “records” of Lukedonia’s population until his own death. When he dies, he has a spell set up so his candle extinguishes itself. Dian’s partner is an unnamed Blerster.
Saoirse Jeanne Loyard: Pureblood turned non-pureblood. Entered eternal sleep, belonged to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Saoirse was the older sister of Noel, the father and predecessor of Seira. Her little brother was born when she was teenager. Unlike Noel who was kind, altruistic, and emphatic, Saoirse had none of those qualities. She never really resonated with her parents’ teachings of the importance of protecting humans as nobles. Even though she didn’t, she pretended to agree with them. That was her duty as the heir to her clan. Saoirse was envious and bitter towards Noel just as much as she loved him. Her feelings for him were very complicated and perhaps not enough to capture through mere words. Noel was the unusual non-pureblooded child born to a pureblooded Clan Leader. Their parents loved both of their children equally but even then Saoirse couldn’t help but feel resentful towards her younger brother. Noel’s status as non-pureblood meant that he could never become the successor, and she was jealous of exactly that. Despite being a hard worker, Saoirse felt numb and indifferent towards her responsibility and the expectations Lukedonia had for her. But, she couldn’t relinquish her status as heir either because it would’ve meant voiding her of all of her past efforts. Meanwhile Noel was free to live however he wanted to thanks to the indirect blessing of being born as non-pureblood. Saoirse’s discontent stemmed from two factors. Firstly, Noel shone too brightly. He was everything Saoirse wished she could’ve been but never had. He helped all and gave away pieces of his heart. His dream was to help create a safer world by protecting the weak. Saoirse thought her brother was delusional yet she admired his genuine selflessness. Whenever she was next to him, she felt dull and undignified. She was proud of him and cheered him on yet wished he would give up on his dreams someday as his radiance hurt her. Secondly, Saoirse wished she could be released from her role as heir despite wanting to clutch on simply for the sake of not tossing away centuries of tough grind. Externally, she showed nothing and continued to act as Clan Leader to-be while her internal struggles ate away her happiness piece by piece.
Saoirse’s perceived naivety of Noel only added fuel to the fire because not only could he daydream, he could do it to his heart’s desire without the constraints and responsibilities of a pureblood. Perhaps Saoirse also felt pity for Noel in that he could accomplish more if he were born as a pureblood. Yes his light blinded her, yes she was bitter about him, yet part of her wished to tear off her wings and give them to him because he deserved them more than her. Eventually, Saoirse’s dissonance clouded her judgement and she would go on and make a decision to regret for a lifetime. She visited a mysterious masked Paradiso noble and made a wish to switch places with Noel. She was fully aware of the true nature of the Paradiso’s supernatural wish-granting ability but she committed nonetheless. She specified in her wish that she wanted to give her powers and abilities to her little brother and modify everyone’s memories so no one is aware of this exchange taking place except for herself. Saoirse’s wish was granted and the world’s gears turned at once. History was rewritten, and she became the non-pureblood and Noel became the heir. In hindsight, maybe she should’ve asked for her own memories to be modified as well. She immediately regretted her decision as the switch only made matters worse in reality. Not only did she not feel fulfilled by her newly acquired freedom, she was horrified when she came to her senses and realized the immense burden she had placed on her brother. Now that he’s the future Clan Leader, he’d actually go out of his way and put himself in real danger because he has the power to do so as a pureblood. No no no no, this cannot happen, I was so stupid, she thought. But wishes are irreversible. Saoirse could only wait in anxiety for the worst to come, which is the world counterbalancing the wish itself. It could happen tomorrow or a thousand years later. The uncertainty of the wait itself was a curse. Centuries passed and nothing happened, and though Saoirse knew it was impossible for the counterbalance to not happen, every day she prayed that the world would “forget” about it. Every time she looked at Noel’s face, she was overwhelmed with guilt. Every loving and soft “Sister” he called out was a lance through her heart. She could only sit by and despair. The worst came to be when the world killed Noel through Zarga’s hands. Zarga was merely a catalyst the world borrowed for the clean-up of Noel’s existence. Noel the Clan Leader was never meant to be, and ultimately had to be wiped out to restore the world’s balance. And Saoirse could only blame herself. Following her brother’s death, she would’ve immediately entered eternal sleep out of grief and self-blame, but she had to make up for her grave mistake by taking care of little Seira. That was the last correct decision she could make; she had to do it for him, and his daughter, and herself. Saoirse enters eternal sleep when Seira reaches the age of 200. She never speaks of her secret to anyone. However, her mysterious wish-granter is still alive and knows everything.
Kirsi Vuokko Loyard: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Kirsi likes to build things. She’s not necessarily aiming for anything specific with her creations. She’s more interested in the exploration part that comes with design and construction of ideas. She makes a variety of gadgets but her favorite always has something to do with sharp blades. Perhaps her grandmother Esther Volo had some influence on her. Before Esther entered eternal sleep, she left her extensive scissors collection to her granddaughter because her son found it to be too creepy and didn’t want it. Kirsi seemed like she’d appreciate it, so Granny gifted the goodies to her instead. She can tease her father about it. Kirsi makes excellent torture devices. She thinks of it as an art form. She didn’t start off aiming to design torture devices, though. She just wanted to create something that’d make slicing fruit and blending juice fun. Lo and behold, her talent lands her a job. How lovely. Now her stuff is the standard in dungeons. Kirsi doesn’t get attached to her less successful inventions during trial-and-errors so she tosses them out when she does her decluttering routines. Somehow, one of her prototypes survived and made its way to the human world. It became the inspiration for the guillotine. Kirsi is kind of embarrassed because the humans made a big deal out of one of her unfinished junk DIYs instead of the completed and perfected version of which she has at home. Her partner thinks it’s hilarious and reminds her that she can “correct and enlighten” them with her newer stuff. Kirsi shrugs and says she’s too lazy to do that. The humans can use it to cut each other’s heads off if they want. She uses hers to slice watermelon perfectly. Kirsi’s partner is an unnamed member of Gradeus’ clan.
Thank you for reading! Gradeus’ clan is next!
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mevekagvain · 24 days
I don't promise any better pictures than the mirror selfie but I might have decided to cosplay Urokai
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mevekagvain · 25 days
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Noble OCs - Landegre
Making five OCs for every clan!
Ortlinde Landegre: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Ortlinde is very proud of ancient Landegre traditions. She strives to teach them to the rest of Lukedonia through explanation and demonstration. The Landegre Clan is known for their majestic and spectacular jousting matches. This martial game is a common sight at formal ceremonies and casual parties. It can be done as a ritual or just for fun. Jousting is a great bonding activity for family and friends. A Landegre inviting someone to come watch their jousting match and asking to be cheered on can be very romantic in certain contexts. At some point in history, a group of humans picked up on the noble tradition from legends that circulated and adopted it to represent their knights’ skill and courage. The humans weren’t exactly accurate with their replication, though. That’s because they ride horses in their matches. The Landegre ride unicorns, a supernatural species that is ancient and powerful just like the clan they’re associated with. Ortlinde’s unicorn friend is named Magnolia. The duo is very passionate about their culture and work hard to encourage the other clans to obtain a deep understanding of the art of jousting. Since nobles and unicorns are much more powerful than humans and horses, the jousting matches are intense and violent. Bleeding, spilled guts, and shattered bones are some of the most common injuries. For this reason, Ortlinde always makes sure there are healers nearby to monitor and tend to the wounded. She also advises those who are scared of blood to watch jousting matches at their own risk. Ortlinde is an expert on jousting techniques and mostly teaches children and beginners. Older clan members also ask her for advice as she can efficiently guide people based on their various levels of mastery. She always gets excited when people show an interest in Landegre culture. In addition to being a jousting instructor, she also jousts in her free time. Ortlinde and Magnolia are inseparable best friends and they’re always looking for opponents to be with in the arena. Their favorite duo to challenge is Ortlinde’s cousin Ludwig Landegre and his unicorn Viriato. After getting their daily exercise, the four of them heal up, stretch, then go for a picnic nearby.
Ortlinde’s partner is an unnamed Volo.
Quirinus Landegre: Pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Quirinus and the Previous Lord were introduced to each other as children. Quirinus was assigned to the Previous Lord as his playmate, study buddy, and sparring partner by the latter’s father who was the Lord at that time. The previous Previous Lord and Gejutel were friends and the former mentioned wanting to find someone who could grow up alongside his young son. It’d be nice for Lukedonia’s heir to have someone who can keep him company and monitor him at the same time. The reason behind this was that the previous Previous Lord valued independence and believed it would be the best for his son to learn from making his own decisions without much influence from the older, high-ranking nobles… including himself. Rather than putting thoughts into his son’s head, he’d like to see how far his little boy could go without his intervention. He stepped up when it was necessary, but other than that, the young prince was encouraged to gain experience on his own. The previous Previous Lord also added that the companion candidate should be mature, clever, and unafraid to speak their mind to the prince as his equal. Gejutel thought about it for a while and remembered that one young pureblooded Landegre boy seemed promising, and suggested Quirinus as a possibility. Very well then, let him send in a self-recommendation letter, the Lord declared. And the young and bright Quirinus delivered. To him, he was bestowed with great honor and he was certain that he’d do a good job like the other Landegres serving the Lord and his family. The two children were close and got along very well. Quirinus proved to be the excellent choice because he counterbalanced the prince in many areas. When they trained their fighting skills together with a mentor, Quirinus always offered to go first. He knew that when the prince hesitates, it’s only due to his dislike of pain and injury and not because he didn’t want to improve himself. After Quirinus is done with his demonstration, he’d tell the prince to look at him and how he’s fine and it’s not that bad. And when they studied together, Quirinus always asked their tutor for the material several days prior to their actual lessons so he could go over it first and assist the prince if he gets stuck and needs peer support. During their lessons, he’d also follow the prince and make him go back indoors whenever he got distracted, and tell him that they can chase butterflies together after they finish their homework for the day. Quirinus never overstepped his boundaries yet knew when to be firm. He has his sense of humor too, as he’d always ask if it’s real suggestions, emotional support, or a joke that his friend wants from him at the moment. Time passed and the Lord’s heir was ready to ascend to the throne. Quirinus could’ve left the castle and returned to his home because his job as companion had been fulfilled, but he stayed because his friend wanted him to be there, so he only officially “retires” when Raskreia becomes Lord. He and Gejutel speak fondly of the old days and both miss their old clown of a Lord. Currently, Quirinus is writing an autobiography highlighting the details of his career. He plans to give it to Minerva when he’s done and the generations after him can learn about a piece of history told from his perspective. Quirinus is the partner of Betelgeuse Pyradros.
Geirmundr Landegre: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Geirmundr is very old-fashioned despite being a member of one of the newer generations. That, or maybe he’s just plain weird. He’s a nice person but he has a few traits to him that make others wonder if he’s trying too hard to be unique. Geirmundr almost only ever communicates with others via telepathy and refuses to speak like a normal person. He thinks opening mouths to create sound is very inelegant. He also sees eating and drinking as unsophisticated. He might even be convinced that nobles do these “unnecessary things” just to show off because they can. That is, until one day one of his friends sighed and stuffed a piece of cake into his mouth and showed him a whole new world. He’s been a super big fan of food ever since. It was the moment of realization that he needed to learn that just because you don’t need it doesn’t mean you can’t have it for enjoyment. Geirmundr promptly drops his prejudice against food and becomes a baker. He still refuses to talk, though. He thinks it’s too cringy. The nobles are casually betting on who can get him to talk first. It’s funny, really. Still, Geirmundr thinks there should be a balance between needs and wants. He is a firm believer of living the most simplistic life because as nobles, they don’t need anything. His current home is small and basic. His parents left him their estate, but he took down most of it and donated everything he owned to help humans in need. His possessions might mean nothing more than decorations in Lukedonia, but they could change lives in the outside world, he thought. Thanks to Geirmundr’s act of charity, many humans were able to secure income and essential resources by displaying his belongings in their villages. They transformed their homes into tourist attractions and that kept the money coming. This is more sustainable than simply handing out material resources, and they can prosper for generations. He may not be able to improve the lives of all humans, but he could do it for as many as he can within his power, and it’s the sentiment that counts. To this day, Geirmundr happily resides in his tiny, plain home in Lukedonia. That is all he needs to be happy and fulfilled. Geirmundr’s partner is an unnamed Elenor.
Irmhild Kassandra Landegre: Pureblood. Entered eternal sleep, belonged to Gejutel’s generation.
Irmhild was Gejutel’s older sister. She was short-tempered and stubborn just like her younger brother except to a much greater degree and perhaps that was what made her worse in comparison. She was Gejutel with irritability and explosiveness on steroids. She tried her best to not let those traits influence her but her success was limited. Irmhild took responsibility for her tendencies and made sure to excuse herself when she felt that something was about to come up. She could’ve asked for friends’ support or professional help, but her pride was enough to override her desperation. Ultimately, she chose to deal with it on her own. Aside from her issues, Irmhild was a decent person. When the time of succession came, she suggested to her mother and predecessor that Regasus and the title of Clan Leader should go to her brother instead because he is the better candidate. Her mother approved, and Gejutel took over their clan. Gejutel respected his responsible and organized older sister and she was fond of him too. She guided him through clan duties in his youth. When Irmhild didn’t lock herself away, she discussed literature and history with Gejutel as they enjoyed tea and biscuits. The siblings loved each other despite the invisible barrier between them. Their interactions were always formal even when it was just the two of them. They never referred to each other by anything other than their full names. Still, they knew they cherished one another and that was enough. Irmhild had an adult son whom she lost in an accident. She unintentionally killed him with a fatal attack during one of their arguments. She truly didn’t mean for it to happen. Mother and son got along well most of the time but there were quite some things they disagreed on. After enduring centuries after centuries of bottled up agony and fury, Irmhild finally lost it. Her “attack” wasn’t directed at her son nor anyone. The turbulent aura pulsating throughout her body exceeded her maximum threshold. In a split second, Irmhild blasted off two-thirds of her son’s body with a swipe of a hand. She came back to her senses immediately after and panicked as she tried to save him, but it was too late. She happened to take out his heart and entire abdomen and he died very quickly. Irmhild was heartbroken and could not speak of this incident to anyone. Everyone just assumed that her son chose to die on his own accord. For his entire life, he had shown major symptoms of crippling depression and his death wasn’t unexpected. Although sad, his family and friends wouldn’t be surprised if he made such a decision. His death was never investigated and people came over and showed their condolences to Irmhild for losing her son, which just made her feel even more miserable because she couldn’t tell them that no, he didn’t end himself, she did. Irmhild’s grief and lingering love for her deceased son found a new home when they latched onto her newborn nephew Rousare. After all, he looked just like his cousin. They were nearly identical and Irmhild more or less saw her son in him. She could make it right this time, she thought. And she was a very involved aunt in Rousare’s life. She loved him like a mother would. His eventual assassination crushed her. Irmhild basically lost her “child” for the second time. The pain was too much for her and she entered eternal sleep not long after, but not before confessing to the truth behind her son’s death in a journal she left for her family to discover. No one knows what Irmhild’s hobbies were because she was private and kept to herself.
Eporedorix Landegre: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Eporedorix isn’t a doctor, but he collects raw ingredients for other nobles to work with. Many of the precious ingredients he obtains get sent to researchers who study medicine. He never thought he’d end up with his extremely niche job, but he’s very special because he’s one of if not the only person who can achieve this feat. The answer is his unusual ability to get along with the Landegre unicorns. Eporedorix is their favorite person. They just won’t leave him alone, and he has no idea why they like him so much. Unicorns are smart, mischievous, aggressive, and very picky and territorial about who comes and goes. They won’t hesitate to bully someone who isn’t the select few they’re fond of and each one has their own preference for people. Usually, most nobles run away when they see a unicorn. Except for Eporedorix. He doesn’t need to because he is the only outlier and all unicorns love him. He never asks for anything from them, but they’re always offering gifts to him. Strands of their hair, vials of their blood, and even entire lengths of their prized horns. While unicorn horns grow back when broken off, their owners don’t just give them away for no reason. The unicorns’ offer to Eporedorix is unprecedented and it’s even more unbelievable that they let him know they’ll gladly give him more and as many as he wants. He’s very grateful for their gifts yet he remains clueless as to why they’re so welcoming of him. The truth behind this is that when Eporedorix was younger, he helped one of their kind with a move that was so selfless and touching, they remembered him forever and vowed to repay that favor. The exact details can remain a mystery for now. The material he collects from the unicorns, especially their horns, would eventually prove to be a core ingredient in a groundbreaking medicinal advancement. This discovery doesn’t happen until much later, though. The details can be a secret for now too. Eporedorix’s partner is an unnamed Kertia.
Thank you for reading! Loyard is next!
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mevekagvain · 27 days
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Noble OCs - Kertia
Making five OCs for every clan!
Betzalel Kertia: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Betzalel used to steal…a lot. He wasn’t trying to be a real criminal. He was just very bored and had nothing better to do. If he’s a human shoplifter, then he steals candy bars, nail polish, and toothpaste. He never touches the more important belongings of others and only takes what he deems as trivial. Betzalel is very skillful at being stealthy and he simply enjoys showing it off. Theft is one way for him to reinforce his sense of pride in his abilities. Plus, he gets to add a few new things to his treasure box even though they aren’t practical to him. This ordeal doesn’t last for long though because he gets bored of it. Maybe it’d be interesting to get locked up and wonder what’s in there they have to offer, he thought. So Betzalel turns himself in and provides evidence of himself stealing others’ belongings. Petty crime of this level usually doesn’t warrant jail time, but he also made up stories about how he wants to steal even more and they have to stop him or he’s really going to do it. And he gets what he wants. Turns out being behind bars isn’t interesting either. The tranquility is nice, but that’s that. So Betzalel starts to flirt with the prison guards. Cringy, intense flirting that makes one question if he even has any sense of shame. There aren’t any rules about having to stay silent, so he runs his mouth all day long. He just wont. Stop. Talking. The guards never respond to him though they are perplexed with how he manages to be so annoying. They’ve never met such a talkative prisoner before him, and they all dread the time when it’s their turn to watch him. Some of them even requested to be assigned to other shifts and sections to avoid him entirely. Betzalel tells cheesy jokes, recites tongue-twisters, overshares less appealing details of his own life, asks about the guards’ favorite colors, and suggests that they should get a drink together once he gets out of jail. Soon, he gets released because they find out that he really just stole out of boredom and he didn’t mean it when he said that he’ll keep doing it. To their surprise, Betzalel is back again… except he’s not a prisoner this time. He is now a prison guard, as he applied for the position a few days ago and their jaws all drop in disbelief when he walks in as one of their colleagues. Hello again, fellas. He did it as a joke, but there’s more to it. Apparently, all but one of the prison guards ignored him during his time here as a prisoner. Being a prison guard is rather boring after all, and there was no way Betzalel could escape anyway, so might as well respond to his cheekiness and see where it’d go. The casual back and forths turned into genuine, deep conversations and they felt a spark between them. They officially start dating when Betzalel joins the prison guard team. In a few months, they both quit and join the Central Order instead. Now Betzalel can actually put his stealthiness to a good use. He finds love in jail and gets a fulfilling job… how nice! His partner thinks it’s unbelievable as well, but hey, every good ending counts. The two of them are very affectionate and have one child together.
Hali Kertia: Pureblood. Entered eternal sleep, belonged to Gejutel’s generation.
Hali was the mother and predecessor of Ragar. She always looked outside the window with a sad expression on her face. She kept zoning out at times and Ragar wished he could help her but knew there wasn’t much he could do. Hali used to have older twin brothers but lost both of them when they killed each other in an attempt to claim Kartas for themselves. The brothers were over-competitive and jealous in nature. These traits had been evident since they were small children and remained unchanged until the moment of their deaths. They were never really on good terms with each other and always fought over who is stronger, faster, and more qualified to become Clan Leader after their father and predecessor. The twins loved their little sister Hali yet hated each other. Hali loved her brothers equally and seeing them hurt each other tormented her immensely. She always tried to stop them from fighting to no avail. She’d run between them with tears in her eyes as she’s begging them to please get along, and they’d pause and tell her go away because it’s dangerous. The they’d continue to fight when they see that she’s gone. Hali could only stand by and wait silently until they’re done for the day and she’d tend to their wounds one after another in separate rooms because they’ll start quarreling again otherwise. She tried to get them to see that there are more important things in life than prestige and honor but they’d always answer that it’s not something she can understand. Neither Hali nor her parents were able to get the twins to put an end to their meaningless rivalry. The dreaded inevitable occurred, and Hali became her father’s successor following the death of her brothers. She never expected to become Clan Leader since it simply wasn’t what she wanted for her life, but she worked hard to prepare for the role because it was her duty. Hali was a decent Clan Leader and a good mother to Ragar. She told her son stories about his deceased uncles and sighed as she commented on how if only there had been a way to split a Soul Weapon. Then her beloved brothers wouldn’t have killed each other, she said. Hali caressed Ragar’s cheeks and smiled as she asked if he could figure that out one day. She wasn’t serious because she knew it was impossible, but little did she know that Ragar took her suggestion to heart. He swore to his mother that if he ever has children of his own, he’ll make sure to give an equal chance to all of them. Hali entered eternal sleep when Ragar was ready to succeed her as Clan Leader. She loved her partner and son, but the grief from losing her brothers had thinned out her will to live and she chose to leave the world peacefully after saying goodbyes to her family. Before Hali’s death, her hobby was home decoration. She designed the rooms for her future grandchildren she knew she’d never get to meet yet already feel affection for.
Erytheia Kertia: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Erytheia is completely obsessed with Rael. She doesn’t love him romantically, though. Her feelings are akin to unconditional admiration and loyalty. She doesn’t get in proximity to him and is perfectly fine with watching him from a distance. She’ll just stare at him from afar and he doesn’t even need to know that she exists. Erytheia thinks everything Rael does is absolutely right and justifies all of his behaviors. The brattiness and ill-temper? That’s just him being himself, why should he change. Doesn’t address his brother as Clan Leader in public? Why do the rules even matter, who cares about being proper. Destroyed everything around him because he got rejected? That’s totally Seira’s fault, she doesn’t even realize how lucky she is and deserves to be harassed because of course Rael should get everything he wants… objects and people included. To Erytheia, Rael is perfect. She is proud to be a Kertia because he exists. She has mountains of his portraits and busts in her home and her collection is still growing to this day. Erytheia believes that Rael deserves the best and only the best. For this reason, she hated Razark. He was an eyesore to her because his existence meant that Rael couldn’t be their Clan Leader. She knows that Rael loves his brother, but that doesn’t stop her from wishing for Razark to be gone forever. Erytheia was sad for Rael when they all learned that he had lost his brother, but at the same time she was secretly overjoyed and celebrated Razark’s death because that means Rael is their new Clan Leader. What a timely sacrifice on Razark’s part. Finally, her idol gets to have his happy ending, she thought. He is finally complete, they are finally complete. Despite being twisted in a way, Erytheia makes sure to maintain her image in public and doesn’t reveal her true nature to anyone, not even her close friends. They just think she’s a very loyal clan member and she definitely enjoys this positive attention. Erytheia doesn’t really have any hobbies that stand out because she’s always obsessing over her new Clan Leader. Sure, she did learn how to paint and sculpt just so she can make even more “collectibles” of him. That’s pretty impressive, not gonna lie. She could pursue a career in the arts if she really wants to. Too bad that’s not happening because it’s an exclusive skill dedicated to her one and only role model in the world. Erytheia has a lot of on-and-off lovers and she doesn’t tell them that she only gets together with them because they’re all Rael’s lookalikes. They think she truly loves them because she treats them with so much respect and affection, when in reality she is just doing what she would with the real deal if she were to be this close to him. Erytheia loves her cousin Heidi but thinks of her as traitor and a lost cause because the latter chose to join the Paradiso’s bodyguard team instead of pledging her loyalty to their Kertia Clan Leader. In Erytheia’s eyes, Heidi is wasting her pureblood potential on an outsider.
Dzeve Kertia: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Dzeve has a bit of a temper. He tries his best to not let it get to him but sometimes it comes out anyway. His friends don’t really mind, and he appreciates how patient they are with him. Dzeve makes masks. Many of the masks that his fellow clan members wear are the masterpieces of his designs. He is extremely passionate in this aspect and thinks the Kertia masks are sacred and must be perfect down to every last detail. To him, this piece of apparel carries tremendous symbolical meaning and should be the pride of all Kertia clan members. He sources only the finest fabric in all of Lukedonia to work with because anything else of a lower grade would be an insult to their clan. Dzeve’s concentration and dedication to his craft is unparalleled. When he’s focused on his job, everything else becomes irrelevant. Not even the worst world-ending disasters can distract him. Meteorite strike outside and everyone is screaming and running around frantically? Eh, won’t notice any of that, he’s not leaving his workshop. It’s just white noise. When he’s working, he filters out all stimuli around him and he’d be dead before he even realizes if there ever is a real emergency. The only time Dzeve will stop is when he’s finished with what he’s doing. For this reason, the nobles have learned to leave him alone when he’s “in the zone”. Dzeve makes custom masks for each and every clan member and never reuses any of his designs. His love for his clan is evident in his craftsmanship and his fellow clan members greatly respect him. Dzeve has three supernatural bat friends who are assistants in his workshop and their names are Parfait, Éclair, and Soufflé.
Myskia Kertia: Pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Myskia is the partner of Euphranor Blerster. She was the one who suggested that they should move out of Lukedonia for a new life. She didn’t do it for him, though. Euphranor being the fun-loving type was merely a coincidence. The real reason behind Myskia wanting to leave the nobles’ land is that she killed Phachoen Mergas. That’s right. She ambushed and assassinated a high-ranking legislator. Perhaps it was justified on her part, but murder is murder regardless of motivation and if Myskia were to be caught, she would have to face punishment. Phachoen was a relentless believer of extreme justice, and the friends and families of his victims hoped that he’d be gone but there was nothing they could do. Myskia took the matter into her own hands. Her uncle, cousin, sister, and best friend were victims of his unreasonably harsh laws. She waited for centuries before doing the deed and for the whole time, she had been planning and mapping out the perfect assassination to end him for once and all. Myskia’s talent is shadow manipulation. She is self-taught and her gift is evident in her ability to tag the shadows of others. When she marks someone, she can use their shadows to track them at all times even when they’re on the opposite side of Lukedonia. Her senses tell her everything about them from current location to mood and level of wariness. From this, Myskia was able to predict Phachoen’s movements from his habits and plotted his death flawlessly. The execution was excellent and no one can ever trace it back to her. She managed to finally avenge her loved ones and herself, but the rage inside her did not seem to dissipate in the slightest. Myskia tried to move on and adjust to her new life with little success and ultimately came to the conclusion that Lukedonia isn’t her home anymore. She loved Lukedonia, but it was a constant reminder of her pain and the only way to stop that was by leaving. Several decades after Phachoen’s assassination, Myskia finished saying her silent goodbyes to her home and suggested their new life to her beloved Euphranor and they embarked on their journey as travelers. Currently, Myskia lives somewhere in the United States and works as a detective. She and her lovely wedding photographer husband have two children together. The happy family owns a truck and they’re very fond of living amongst humans. Myskia doesn’t want to visit Lukedonia ever again and tells Euphranor that they should just stay in the United States with their kids. Euphranor assumes that his wife just likes it very much here and doesn’t think too much about what else there may be behind her reluctance. To this day, he is oblivious to the fact that she is the murderer of Phachoen. Myskia is determined to take this secret to the grave. In Myskia’s free time, her hobby is online shopping. She keeps buying the cheap knockoff version of goods because she thinks they’re fun to collect. That’s only for herself, though, because she only buys the best for her husband and children. And you can bet she won’t ever pay unless there’s free shipping.
Thank you for reading! Landegre is next!
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mevekagvain · 28 days
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An old drawing, Frankenstein!
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mevekagvain · 30 days
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Noble OCs - Blerster
Making five OCs for every clan!
Ai Blerster: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Ai proudly calls herself a scientist. Well, she’s impressed with her advanced creations even though she isn’t an advocate for what they actually do. Thanks to Ai’s curiosity and ambition, she ends up developing a dangerous poison which can be broadly labeled as a “love potion” if all negative side effects are ignored. If someone gives this love poison to whom they desire and have unrequited love for, the recipient would return those feelings at the eventual cost of their own sanity. The gimmick is memory manipulation. It works by replacing the people in the target’s most cherished and impactful memories with the one who feeds them the poison. This process is so seamless that the victim doesn’t even notice that their memories have been tampered with. The effects of this potion aren’t permanent, though. It becomes unstable in about a century or so and if the antidote isn’t administered by that point, the “authentic” memories resurface and clash with the artificial ones and immense pain follows. Ai is amazed and horrified at the same time. It works, but it’s cursed. Damn, she only wanted to make a prank potion that has the other person burp out pink heart-shaped cloud puffs. Turns out she has the potential to be a real villain if she wants to. Ai hands this love poison to the nobles’ equivalent of forensic scientists for them to study memory manipulation in crime. It’ll be extremely helpful for evidence examination and analyzation. Thank goodness Ai is on their side and supports criminal justice or else they’ll be in quite some trouble. She does successfully develop her ideal prank potion though. That’s the most important part. Her partner thinks it’s amusing. Ai’s hobby is collecting lollipop wrappers, flattening and smoothing them, and putting them in a special photo album.
Venus Blerster: Pureblood. Entered forced eternal sleep, belonged to Gejutel’s generation.
Venus was a strange and unpredictable person. Throughout her lifetime, she oscillated between praising blissful life and lamenting how existence is inherently pain and torture. It was almost as if she had two completely different personalities, and no know knew what triggered her to switch from one to the other. She could be twirling around with her arms wide open as she’s passionately singing about how beautiful the world is, and one minute later she’s sobbing violently as she’s mercilessly destroying every single flower in her garden and apologizing to them for forcing them to grow in this miserable place. The frequency of Venus’ personality changes were just as unpredictable as the things she did. Sometimes she switched personalities once every five minutes, sometimes she remained in one for decades which made people wonder if she was finally “settling down” for good. Then they would be proven wrong when she switched again. Rinse and repeat. Her erratic nature did not hinder her charisma from manifesting. Venus had many friends who embraced her for who she was. One of them was the previous Previous Lord. Venus’ greatest challenge in life was understanding the true meaning of love. There were countless definitions that were distinct from each other yet vaguely overlapped at times and that bothered Venus immensely. The inconsistency and lack of a single uniform definition drove her mad. She was certain that there is one that underlies them all. And there was a reason behind why she desired an answer so badly. Venus was aware of her personality changes and despite living with and mostly being used to it, she was miserable from experiencing countless ups and downs. Ascending into the heavens then crashing down into hell in a perpetual cycle drove her mad. At first she tested love for friends. Not quite. Then she tried love for significant others. Didn’t cure her. Then she moved onto love for family. Turns out a child couldn’t fill the hole in her soul either. The Previous Lord was the product and victim of Venus’ experiments. She tried her best to be a good mother, but her son ended up being more like a parental figure to her than she ever was to him. Venus continued to be a mess as her son took care of her without complaint. One faithful day, she seemingly found the answer to her struggles. Self love. To her, the only way to achieve that was to leave this world for an eternal paradise. She can finally be free from pain. She felt sorry for her son, but she loved him very much, so she couldn’t leave him alone. They could be together forever, she thought. Venus prepared a juice mix and offered some to her son. Unbeknownst to him, it was laced with a lethal poison. Venus had intended to take him out with her. She cradled her little boy in her arms as both of them closed their eyes. It was nothing less than a miracle that the nobles were able to find the Lord’s heir in time and save him from being at death’s door. But it was too late for his beloved mother. Before Venus died, her hobby was cultivating blue roses.
Imhotep Blerster: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Imhotep is Nefertiti’s older twin. He’s one of the calmest people out there and his deep voice is very soothing. Those who feel agitated and desire sleep for the sake of tranquility can hire him to show up at their homes and read books to them. Imhotep used to be part of the Central Order as one of the Knights who reads daily reports out loud but he got fired because his colleagues kept drifting off whenever he spoke. They were very nice about kicking him out, though. It’s not his fault, he just has some irresistible type of superpower. Currently, Imhotep works as a therapist for friends and couples. While he is aware that love can’t fix everything, he remains hopeful that it can improve lives if people communicated better. He does his best to help his clients heal with each other if there’s still love left in rocky friendships and strained romantic relationships. If nobles are going to live for so long, might as well try to not hate each other forever in case something goes wrong. Imhotep can make even the most aggressive people feel at ease in his presence. The actual therapy part is arguably easier than trying to get people to come into his office in the first place. Some are too proud to admit that they need help, some are scared of facing their problems despite wanting change, others simply don’t want a third party involved in their business. Imhotep just patiently waits for them to make up their minds. In the meantime, his hobby is keeping supernatural bees and collecting their delicious honey. The honey comes in all sorts of colors and flavors depending on the flowers he offers to them. The bees are very smart and can communicate with Imhotep. They understand his words and love following him around and hanging out in his hair. People sometimes mistake them for hair accessories until they start moving. Imhotep makes sweet hot beverages with the honey he collects.
Nefertiti Blerster: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Nefertiti is Imhotep’s younger twin. Like her brother, she is friendly and wants to help people. Currently, she works as a therapist for families. Her office is right next to Imhotep’s as they opened their therapy center together as siblings. Nefertiti used to be a member of the Central Order too except she didn’t leave because she got fired. She quit being a Knight to support her brother as soon as she learned about him getting kicked out. If he can’t be there, then she won’t be there either. The twins decided to work together because they share a common interest in improving society through using love to rekindle broken bonds. In Nefertiti’s case, she focuses on the love found between parents and children and between siblings. It would sadden her to see family members attempt to strangle each other when there are less extreme options available. Sometimes it’s inevitable as certain people are hopeless, but might as well give it an honest shot before resorting to violence. If they’re going to fight, they can do it outside. Unlike Imhotep, Nefertiti won’t tolerate chaos inside her office. She doesn’t have her brother’s magical soothing voice so she can’t get overreacting clients to calm down easily. Instead, she makes them all wear “peace bracelets” when they come in, which are special artifacts that temporarily prevent extreme fluctuations in mood. If you accidentally destroy her vase, she might as well blast a hole in your forehead with an arrow. Just kidding, Nefertiti won’t actually do that. She’s going to think about it, though. Be careful, she’s the less patient twin even though both of them are usually very nice.
Euphranor Blerster: Pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Euphranor is vibrant and energetic. He used to live in Lukedonia with his partner until the latter suggested that maybe it’s better if they get a new life elsewhere in the world. Although the change of mind was so sudden it seemed out of place, Euphranor nonetheless supported his partner’s idea and both of them moved to the human world. It’d be nice to switch up the pace of things, he thought. Besides, he had always wanted to do something more fun and exciting even if he isn’t the type to voice such desires. He’s glad that someone else brought it up first. Within a week, the two of them said goodbye to Lukedonia and started traveling around the world. Currently, they live somewhere in the United States and Euphranor is having the time of his life as a wedding photographer. Weddings do bring out the weirdest people after all. It’s lively, the music is great, the drama is fun to watch, dancing is cool, and the cake tastes pretty nice too. He can even bring home some yummy leftovers. Euphranor thinks humans are cute and appreciates their enthusiasm for life. In a way, he finds the relatively short human lifespan to be very romantic because they celebrate even the smallest of milestones that most nobles usually ignore. Wedding anniversaries, birthdays, passing exams, getting a driver’s license, baby taking first steps, stuff that maybe aren’t worth remembering… the nobles can learn from it, eh? Perhaps it’ll make them less stoic if they practiced gratitude a bit more. If Euphranor ever visits home, he’s definitely going to bring that up to everyone except his partner isn’t exactly too keen on the idea for unknown reasons yet again. Maybe one day. Euphranor enjoys watching overly dramatic reality dating shows even though he knows they’re pretty much staged for views. He’s gonna need more popcorn!
Thank you for reading! Kertia is next!
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mevekagvain · 1 month
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mevekagvain · 1 month
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mevekagvain · 1 month
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Noble OCs - Mergas
Making five OCs for every clan!
Phachoen Mergas: Non-pureblood. Entered forced eternal sleep, belonged to Gejutel’s generation.
Phachoen worked in the judicial branch of the noble government. He was a very unforgiving and strict legislator who actively advocated for the most extreme laws regarding crime punishment. His philosophy was that nobles are stubborn and prideful due to their extremely long lifespans, so if they don’t receive punishments that hurt enough for them to remember it, they won’t change at all and will continue to be criminals until they die. Many of the other legislators disagreed with Phachoen’s views and thought he was too harsh, but there were some who agreed with him. Raskreia’s paternal grandfather, the previous Previous Lord, was one of the nobles who believed that Phachoen had a point. A decent number of Phachoen’s authoritarian laws were passed and he continued to write more throughout his career. He was dead certain that they can only choose between freedom or security and not both at the same time because that only happens in utopias. In the real world, these concepts are mutually exclusive. Phachoen didn’t write laws to abuse his power in any way. He truly believed that his vision was the path to discipline, order, and social harmony. Thanks to Phachoen, more than ever before, people were getting accused, incarcerated, interrogated, and even executed. Lukedonia peaked in the number of torturers hired. Phachoen stood by his principles and never wavered in the slightest even when his own son ended up getting executed. His son would’ve lived if it weren’t for the new harsher laws which Father Dearest wrote himself. When his other son got executed as well, he didn’t bat an eyelid either. In his eyes, they all deserved it just like every other criminal out there and them being his children made no difference. One day, when Phachoen was on his way to work, he was ambushed and killed. To this day no one knows the identities of his murderers. Phachoen was a mentor to Valentina, the mother and predecessor of Ludis. He had been there for her since she was a child and naturally she was influenced by his black-and-white views before she eventually saw through the unreasonable extremes and finally turned away from that mindset, though it only happened much later in her adulthood. Valentina was a righteous person, but some of Phacheon’s shadows still lingered in her to the day she entered eternal sleep with the Previous Lord.
Wolfram Mergas: Non-pureblood. Entered forced eternal sleep, belonged to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Wolfram was one of Phachoen’s sons. He constantly argued with his father and got disowned sometime in his early adulthood. Phachoen banned Wolfram from his property and the latter left and never looked back. Wolfram had a very strong moral code of his own. After witnessing his brother’s execution, he was determined to save lives somehow. Even though his power was very limited, he still wanted to try because it was difficult for him to simply stand by idly and watch people suffer. Yes, they’re criminals, but there’s nuance in there too. Unlike his father, Wolfram didn’t see the world in black-and-white, and perhaps that was why they never got along in the first place. Phachoen once locked up a young Wolfram and brutally whipped him because he attempted to sneak out of the house to visit a friend when he had already been grounded for something else. Little Wolfram begged his father to please give him some leeway because his best friend is moving out of Lukedonia and they won’t ever get to see each other again, and he wanted to make his last goodbyes count. Phachoen granted no exceptions and continued to punish his son. The friend waited for Wolfram but he never came, and they parted ways without exchanging farewells. Wolfram would continue to carry this bitterness in his heart for a lifetime. Before Wolfram died, he worked as a prison guard. He could’ve picked another job but he applied as a prison guard because he saw his opportunity to make a change. He often chatted with the prisoners, many of whom were either wrongfully convicted or got assigned punishments that were way too severe for the crimes they committed. Wolfram secretly freed some of them and helped them escape Lukedonia to the outside world. He released the innocent immediately, and the guilty when he deemed that they had “fulfilled”a reasonable sentence. Unfortunately, Wolfram was caught by a colleague shortly after he freed a total of ten prisoners because they kept “disappearing” during his shift and the truth surfaced. He wasn’t the brightest nor the quickest, so he couldn’t make them look like simple prison escapes. He had the spirit in him, though. Ultimately, Wolfram was executed for “multiple serious offenses” of interfering with the judicial system. He asked to meet with his father one last time, but Phachoen ignored him. Then he requested for his execution to be carried out by none other than his Clan Leader herself, and she answered. Valentina asked Wolfram if he had any last words as he knelt on the floor with his hands tied behind his back. He looked up to her and smiled, and said “In the future, please make sure there won’t be more of me, will you?”
Fidel Mergas: Pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation.
Fidel is generous. He believes that everyone deserves to live a good life and that means having access to adequate resources. At some point in the past, Doris Ceresthalassa decided that she would no longer provide aid to the humans because they only know how to pollute this planet. Why would she support mother nature’s bane? Her genocidal daughter Marina is even more vehement about it. Doris ordered her clan members to stop growing food for the humans, and Marina even causes occasional natural disasters to cull them bit by bit. Fidel can’t see why every single human should be held accountable for the actions of a few rich, corrupt, and evil individuals at the top of human society. Just because human leaders are destroying the planet’s ecosystems doesn’t mean that everyone else is guilty. For this reason, Fidel is working extremely hard. He teaches himself how to use Valentina’s preservation spell so he can cast it on the food which he is currently growing with a few friends. They plan to send it to nearby humans in need. Fidel’s self-taught preservation spell isn’t perfect like Valentina’s, but it’s still something. Hers, once cast, can retain all matter at its peak for all eternity. His lasts for a few centuries at most. Even then, it’s a huge deal. Humans can store his food for a long time in all climates without any sort of refrigeration or additives, which is extremely helpful in emergencies. Fidel also creates barrier charms and distributes them as “keychains” to humans for them to carry around in case there are natural disasters, not excluding the possibility of Marina being behind some of them. She is exempt from the law so they can’t do anything about her, but he can counterbalance her destructiveness to a minor extent. Fidel plans to recruit more nobles to his cause.
Yona Mergas: Pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Yona is a gentle woman of few words. She was the caretaker of little Ludis, and still is after he succeeds his mother as Clan Leader. Valentina was a good mother, but she was often too busy to tend to all of Ludis’ needs during his childhood. In addition, she wasn’t the best choice for emotional support simply because of the way she was built. Despite that, mother and son had a strong bond. Valentina definitely cared a lot for Ludis except she wasn’t an expert at translating that into affirmative words and actions. That’s where Yona comes in. She would tell Ludis that Valentina frowns because she is thinking very hard about something related to her job, and not because she’s upset with him. She made sure that her future Clan Leader had everything he needed to be a happy and healthy child. Yona was the one who suggested to Valentina that while it’s good for Ludis to tag along and see her do clan work, he’s still very young so he should get to play a bit more and letting things transition gradually is the better option. Valentina approved. Ludis always knew that he could go to Yona when he needed someone to listen to him because his mother always tried to offer rational solutions instead while his caretaker would hold his hands and stroke his hair. Together, Yona and Valentina were the perfect balance between comfort and discipline. Fast forward to the present day, Yona is still a major part of Ludis’ life. She continues to be the caretaker of Ludis’ two children. They love their second “Grandma” and she adores them as well. Yona’s hobby is dehydrating flowers and sealing them in resin.
Ulviye Mergas: Non-pureblood. Entered forced eternal sleep, belonged to Raskreia’s generation.
Ulviye was a member of the Central Order. Her parents worked as Knights before they retired, and she followed in their footsteps. Ulviye was part of the sector responsible for fighting intruders. She and Ludis were good friends as they were childhood training buddies. Valentina assigned the diligent and hardworking Ulviye to take sparring lessons alongside Ludis so he would be more motivated, and she was a great candidate to keep him company too. The two of them continued to be friends into adulthood and while Ludis had gotten busier ever since he became Clan Leader, the two of them still met up occasionally. Ulviye had a silly side to her as well and she was the person who suggested that Izarok can be used as a sled and a cooking pot. How brilliant. Their friendship was cut short when the traitor nobles invaded Lukedonia. Ulviye was one of the Knights slain by Gradeus in the latter’s attempt to draw out Clan Leaders. She was able to hold her ground for two minutes. Before she died, she tried to protect her fellow Knights to no avail. By the time Ludis arrived, it was already too late for her. Ulviye’s parents were devastated by their daughter’s death and both entered eternal sleep three days later. On the day Ulviye died, her husband begged her to not go on duty because he had a “very bad feeling” about something even though he couldn’t explain why. He cried and Ulviye wiped away his tears gently and insisted that she can’t skip work, and that she’ll be fine. She kissed him on the forehead and hurried to work. But then she never came back. They planned to have a discussion about having their first child later that day. Her husband entered eternal sleep soon after because he was too deep in grief to see light again.
Thank you for reading! Blerster is next!
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