#and that's me
Like You, Like Me (Steddie Halloween)
I am swamped by writing and drawing challenges, but in honor of October starting I just have to share this Halloween ficlet because this is all my brain can produce nowadays. I am this close to writing this as a fanfic. Hell, I probably will. Bye, free time.
The kids want Steve and Eddie to throw a Halloween party in their home (yes, they've moved together and Steve finally escapes his parents AND the wallpaper), he goes completely overboard with preparations and ropes Eddie into it. Eddie grumbles a lot about "needy and spoiled shitheads", but hanging those stupid paper decorations apparently comes with music choice privileges, so he also gets pretty immersed in it. They're about the same height, but it gives Eddie the ammo he needed to claim he's the taller one since Steve obviously can't hang them on his own. Steve slaps him with a carton witch. 
They cut out the weirdest decoration shapes ("That's not a bat, Eddie!" "It is if you squint hard enough. Maybe a demobat?" "I don't want those things anywhere near you or me in the nearest millennium, Munson"). 
They attempt to bake some cookie and muffins because they know everyone will start whining about being hungry in 2 hours tops and the mountain of food they bought will disappear before one can say "Dustybun". The neglected rich kid and the trailer trash kid join hands in the best effort to do...something. Eddie pours all his restless energy into mixing the batter (he keeps muttering "die, you floaty fucker!" to the stubborn blob of flour that refuses to dissolve while drops of batter splash everywhere around and Steve yells "DUDE, NOT IN THE HAIR!"). 
They teenage-proof their flat, because there will be pumpkin carving and there is likely to be a) mess, b) teenagers with knives, thank god Robin, Nancy and Jonathan are coming over as well. 5 adults supervising 6 kids should hopefully be enough. Probably not. Eddie remarks he wouldn't trust the little Wheeler with tweezers, not to mention a knife, and Steve just sighs "don't I know it." 
They get so caught up in the preparations that it's the day of the party and they don't have costumes. Steve just wants to have everyone to have a good time, so of course he doesn't think about himself. Eddie just follows his lead because it's so nice to see Steve passionate about something. But when Dustin arrives 30 minutes early (in a costume that does his curly hair and happy smile justice, he excitedly explains to Steve that he's Bilbo from the Hobbit, he might be too young and his feet are freezing, but who cares, he looks awesome!), he seems a bit disappointed that they didn't prepare any costumes. And Steve's face drops very slightly, but Eddie can notice because he knows how important Dustin's approval is to Steve. He leaves Dustin in charge (of nothing significant, it's just to keep him occupied) and drags Steve off to their bedroom. He whispers to Dustin to make a quick phone call to Lucas. 
When the rest of the guests arrive, they are greeted with a beautifully decorated flat, delicious food and...this. This being Steve dressed in Eddie's clothes, all torn jeans (maybe a bit too tight on him and Eddie will explore that thought later in the evening), a band t-shirt, rings and Eddie's battle vest, his hair styled to be a bit more wavy. Eddie's unruly curls are combed down for once, into a very preppy ponytail. He is wearing Steve's polo and jeans and somehow he even got a marker to imitate his boyfriend's moles. And before anyone can remark that's a very lazy costume idea, Eddie greets them in the doorway. 
"Welcome to the Harrington-Munson household and vice versa! Lucas, do you have what I asked for?" 
Lucas gives him a weird look, but tosses him the basketball he brought. "Yeah, man. I don't get why, but there you go." 
"Wonderful" purrs Eddie and grabs the ball, slotting it against his side. "Now I'm the perfect Steve Harrington. With the perfect hair, this perfectly ironed polo shirt. I am very ready to bounce this ball against the ground as one does when playing the basket game and score a basket. Unfortunately," he adds and puts hands on his hips, perfectly mimicking Steve's I'm your mom posture, "I must have misplaced my high school shorts somewhere, which is a damn shame, I tell you MUNSON." 
Steve just snickers and fidgets with the rings. "Oh shut up, Harrington, order is for fools, an intelligent person can handle chaos." Eddie is pretty sure he had an easier way to say this, but Steve paraphrases and Nancy snorts in laughter when Steve pretends to pick a strand of hair from his mouth. "Now move along with your laundry basket game friend. I'm deep in conversation with Dustin here about the board game I totally know so much about. He has been telling me about a palettin-"
"-that has been so heroic in our most recent play session-"
"-that I just have to say he's very metal, man. Did he bite anything, Dustin?" 
Dustin's brow furrows. "Um. I guess his mount bit an enemy that was trying to sneak past us, but-" 
Steve waves him off. "Yeah, so his mighty steed-" he pronounces very stiffly and Max thunks her head into the door, "is very Ozzy, I tell you. You wouldn't get it Steve. He's in a really cool band, Ozzy is. He's the real music." 
Eddie has hard time keeping straight face and Lucas nudges him. "Okay, we get it. Let us in. And if you want to copy Steve's mother vibe, you should frown more." 
"HEY! I smile! I mean. Harrington does," interjects Steve. 
Max slings her arm around Lucas's waist. "You should also call us shitheads. That's his chosen term of endearment." 
Eddie manages to scrunch his eyebrows together, but the grin doesn't go away. "Oh yeah, thanks for that, little shithead, very helpful. Care to help Eddie be a bit more Eddie too since he's too caught up in trying to remember the name Black Sabbath - I swear to god, love, it's literally on the poster over our bed! - to act like himself." 
"You should jump on furniture!" Mike points out and the rest of the kids nod in agreement. "Eddie does that a lot." 
"Is that the main thing you notice about me?! I mean, him?" Eddie asks, bewildered. "Okay, you know what, I don't care. In you go, shitheads. And the rest," he nods at their adult friends. When he's ushered them all inside, he closes the door and beams at Steve, pecking him on the lips. "I like you in my clothes."
Steve laughs and returns the kiss. "You're just saying that because I mentioned Ozzy. I do remember Black Sabbath, by the way. Let's go, Harrington, we have guests to entertain." 
And so they do.
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fella-lovin-fella · 1 year
hey reminder: if you're in pain or feeling sick, get it checked out if you can
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absolutebl · 2 years
Hello~~ I always enjoy reading your posts🌈🌈 Thank you for sharing your vast knowledge and thoughts on BL! It's the first time for me to send an ask, so I'm a bit nervous and it might be a little bit clumsy but please bear with me >< So on to the question: I know you are not very fond and enthusiastic about KinnPorsche but I don't know who else I could ask and tbh I'm afraid of the KinnPorsche fandom hunting me down for asking this question… This may be an unpopular opinion but am I the only one who felt incredibly uncomfortable watching the sex scene in Ep. 4 between Kinn and Porsche and in Ep. 7 the 'in the bathroom of the bar' sex scene? KinnPorsche are known for their intense chemistry and quite graphic sex scenes and many fans absolutely celebrate their sex scenes. I don't have any problems with sex scenes being steamy, high heat, and graphic (rather I love it, I personally really loved the VegasPete sex scene and I enjoy the high heat Taiwan delivers) or being non-con to a degree (I had no problem in watching the blowjob scene in TharnType), which makes me wonder what made me so uncomfortable in these particular scenes. What are your thoughts on these scenes? Did it make you uncomfortable? Excuse me for the long ask and please don't feel pressured to answer it. I'm sorry for any grammatical mistakes and my bad English (it's not my first language) I hope you have a good day~~ Thanks in advance 💕
Hi hi! Don't be nervous. You're not gonna sing, right?
I know you are not very fond and enthusiastic about KinnPorsche but I don't know who else I could ask and tbh I'm afraid of the KinnPorsche fandom hunting me down for asking this question.
Ah yes, part of the reason I don't talk about KP that often.
This may be an unpopular opinion but am I the only one who felt incredibly uncomfortable watching the sex scene in Ep. 4 between Kinn and Porsche and in Ep. 7 the 'in the bathroom of the bar' sex scene?
If you're talking about the kissing after throwing up, the non consent issue with Porsche being three sheets to the wind and.... so forth... you're talking dub-con.
I'm not a fan (although I think it has it's place if properly codified into kink, like with VegasPete) but it is pretty ubiquitous in BL. It's not KP's fault, so to speak. I wrote a whole thing about it here. 
KinnPorsche are known for their intense chemistry and quite graphic sex scenes and many fans absolutely celebrate their sex scenes. I don't have any problems with sex scenes being steamy, high heat, and graphic (rather I love it, I personally really loved the VegasPete sex scene and I enjoy the high heat Taiwan delivers) or being non-con to a degree (I had no problem in watching the blowjob scene in TharnType), which makes me wonder what made me so uncomfortable in these particular scenes. 
Hum perhaps the consent thing? Perhaps the actors gave off the wrong vibe for you. Mile and Apo strike me as very bro-y, for lack of a better word. I mean they were game and went for it but I didn’t get a ton of chemistry from them. Maybe that what effected you? 
What are your thoughts on these scenes? Did it make you uncomfortable?
They didn’t make me uncomfortable (except the kissing after vomit thing, and the dub con) but I also fast forwarded through most of their sex stuff after that first one. They just didn’t work for me as a couple. I was mostly in the “shrug, I’ve seen better” mode.  
Sorry I can’t help figure out more. 
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mythrae · 7 months
~ get to know me ~
tagged by @lucarias @damesaylin @avernusreject
tagging: @cetra @tatterings @shadowcursedballs
feel free to not do if you don't want to or you've already done! I just got here so this is fun :,)
Last song: Candy by Cameo... I was showing my boyfriend the line dance that goes with it teehee
Favorite color: yellow or sage green
Currently watching: nothing but now that the Golden Bachelor is on, I'll be watching that!
Last movie: Oppenheimer and it made me so depressed I laid in bed for like 24 hours and couldn't do anything
Currently reading: honestly I am so bad with reading... my cousin wrote a book and I meant to read it but then I caught COVID and couldn't do anything. So nothing ATM
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: all three are good depending on the context, but usually go for sweet in general
Relationship status: in a relationship :) my man got me into bg3 too so everybody thank him
Current obsession: Baldur's Gate and Halloween makeup
Last google: "winged horror bg3" because I forgot what they looked like and needed a reference for an upcoming pic. Before that was "carrie movie" because I plan on doing a Carrie makeup look this spooky szn. But like. With rhinestones.
Currently working on: a couple WIP's for this good ole blog, Halloween makeup looks for my insta, practicing violin for a chamber orchestra concert next month!
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passer-fringillidae · 8 months
that’s fine
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mr-mercutio · 1 year
So I’ve been getting a little influx of (real!) new followers lately (hi, what are you doing here?), and I’ve had to check each one to play everyone’s favourite game, Bot or Not Bot? Generally I can tell pretty quickly if it’s a bot (they’re usually porn-y), but there are some non-porn bots that are tricksy, so I have to pay attention.
But I’ve got to tell you guys, the easiest way to show you’re not a bot when you just reblog stuff is to do the time-honoured Tumblr tradition of putting rambling tags on things to show your own opinions.
It seems a lot of newer blogs don’t do this for whatever reason, but you should! It’s the bizarre way we’ve evolved to indicate what we think about shit on Tumblr without adding on extra posts to the bottom of whatever we reblog.
Only one of the recent blogs that followed me does this, and as soon as I saw it, I was like “ah yes, a real tumblr person, excellent” and immediately went about my business.
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stolligaseptember · 1 year
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am i officially a grown-up now
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wortverlust · 2 years
Your new pfp is gorgeous. (Just saw lol)
CAAAAT!!! y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-you...t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-think.....???….gorgeous?! efhohewofhefh
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ravenkings · 1 month
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123K notes · View notes
staff: our april fools joke this year is a silly feature that doesn't really do anything but give you a button to boop other users! they have to opt-in first though :)
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blueboxbeagle · 1 month
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By LabradoriteKing on Pinterest
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callmebliss · 6 months
Y’ever read something and have understanding that has eluded you interminably suddenly stop, curl up, and snuggle neatly into a fold in your brain because a new way opened to it?
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cemeterything · 2 months
it really is insane how waking up early will grant you access to some of the most beautiful sights and sensations in the world that will make you want to live forever, but only if you overcome the gauntlet of a thousand razors that is getting out of bed early. truly one of life's little saw traps.
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whiteshipnightjar · 3 months
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Zoozve, my beloved
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knifefightscene · 7 months
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sirompp · 4 months
hi. i made some images.
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feel free to take them and use for whatever you may need them for. no credit required
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