#and now they've lost a lot already and will continue to do so
ms-cartoon · 4 months
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I've been coming across a bunch of Hazbin spoilers and decided "screw it" and found the leaks to the full episodes. (I don't care how sensitive you leak haters are about it)
Of course, as expected, this show is already turning out to be trashy as I would expect it to be. Little retcons here and there, shitty writing, some crappy and pathetic characters who already lost whatever mojo they had back in the pilot, voice-acting is bitter as it will always be, etc.
There are a lot of issues with just these two eps, but I'm just gonna point out the ones that got my attention the most.
-- Charlie- "Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates, known as Heaven. It was ruled by beings of pure light. Angels that worshipped good and shielded all from evil."
I beg to differ since it's established already that angels from heaven are nothing but fakes and are evil as hell, probably proud of it. Exhibit A: Adam and Sera. Now if they were anything like Frollo (someone who believes they are doing good but are not) I might be okay with it. Like say, they only resort to extermination because they're from heaven, they feel it is their job, and they have to do it even though it's wrong. Instead, however, I assume they exterminate because they just like to do it and they're evil like that. They probably have a feeling that some sinners are still good people on the inside and just don't care.
-- Charlie: As the numbers of Hell grew, so did its power. Threatened by this,
Heaven made a truly heartless decision that every year, they would send down an army an extermination to ensure Hell and its sinners could never rise against them.
I hear with my little ear another retcon!!
In the pilot, the only reason why extermination was a thing was because of overpopulation in hell. Now they're saying heaven is exterminating sinners cuz they're threatened by the overgrowing power and they don't want to be rebelled by it?? I going to guess that they only made this change so they can force evil on heaven while making Lucifer the innocent one. This is exactly what they did with Stella in the HB series where it was brought up that things were okay between her and Stolas only for the second season to say Stella hated Stolas the whole time they were together and treated him badly just so the writers can tell us viewers that she's evil.
Is this gonna be a thing now?
-- Angel: I'll have the horniest sinners knockin these walls down to get in!
This body was made to be exploited!
Seriously, guys, this is the same pervert we're supposed to feel bad for BECAUSE he's being exploited!
And leave it to Angel to completely miss the point of this hotel. What they want is to convince sinners to REDEEM themselves. Banging them is not a way to go about it, bud!
-- My predictions about Angel being a sex joke are correct. I'm mean- they've always been correct, I'm just saying I had a feeling they were going to show it off more in the show.
-- Vaggie: "No, we can't force sinners to stay here. They need to choose to."
Angel Dust: "Well, I chose to stay here and I think it's all stupid."
No shit- The only reason why u agreed to stay is for the free rent. So don't go marking yourself as a good example.
-- I don't totally have a problem with this show being a musical as long as the timing is right. Charlie is so quick to tell Vaggie about a meeting she'll participate in and is excited about, but before Vaggie can even question it and talk to her, Charlie immediately starts singing without even hearing Vaggie out. They kinda rushed this musical number a little too quickly. Which only goes to show how fast-paced this episode is. It's always fast-pacing with these shows.
-- I have the sudden urge to jump inside this show and beat the ever-loving crap outta Angel if keeps on moaning and getting horny . . .
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-- Angel continuously flirts and touches an obviously uncomfortable Husk and fans are going to look at this as "cute" while I look in annoyance and disgust. And once again, this is the same guy we're supposed to feel bad for because he has a pimp who inflicts the same actions that he does and fans will choose to ignore it.
-- Adam is practically the most irritating character in this series so far. I was right with what I said about him before. For someone who's supposed to be an angel he sure as hell doesn't act like it. The whole time he's on screen, he's just making jokes, ridiculing the hell out of Charlie, and not listening to her at all. Continuously cussing and talking about dicks??? He has the most cringiest dialogue ever and I had the urge to skip it every time he's on screen. Something tells me he and Lute should switch positions since she seems more professional.
-- Charlie: Sinners make mistakes, but everyone makes mistakes.
Charlie, I know where you're trying to get at sweetheart, but I really hope you don't include all the rapists, murderers, abusers, and pedophiles down below. Do you really think they qualify as someone who can be redeemed? If so, I would have to side with the angels here despite their antagonistic behavior. I would understand trying to rehab drug addicts, alcoholics, robbers, etc. but definitely not the former.
Now that I think about it, Charlie is kind of acting like Viv in this scenario where she tries to excuse these criminalistic behaviors most of her characters committed when they really don't deserve anything good happening to them. That's like trying to redeem Valentino for pimping and abusing Angel Dust. Do we really think Val is capable of redemption??
Sorry to burst your bubble Ms. Morningstar, but the angels are in the right here. Hell exists for a reason and people who do bad things and like to do bad things deserve to be there. I wouldn't bother trying to rehab sinners who don't deserve it or are not going to try to fix their behavior.
-- Lute: Angels don't make mistakes . . .
Then what does that say about Lucifer? He was an angel who caused some actions that you guys would count as mistakes therefore expelling him from heaven. You guys never even attempted to exterminate him yet.
-- I'm sorry, I don't like Brandon Rogers as Killjoy. It's literally just a demon version of one of his characters. It's nothing original like the pilot.
So that is what I think about the first episode. If I forget to mention something, i'll just edit the post. Won't be too long before I make some comments about the second one, but for now, the gist of everything is . . . it's bleh.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!!
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elliespuns · 3 months
Okay. Ellie and Dina having sex for the first time. Who do you think was the first to make "the" move?
This is how I think it happened (I feel brazen, so I will be describing it in detail, so stop reading if you feel uncomfortable). It won't be explicit though.
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Pinning Dina down on the couch and hovering above her, Ellie presses her weight against her and continues to kiss her in earnest. Slipping her tongue into her best friend's mouth and tasting the sweetness of it, she roams her body, which is still covered with clothes—an awful lot of clothes.
That's when the freckled, not much experienced girl starts unzipping Dina's vest, causing her friend to prop herself on her elbows and take it off for her. With a playful smile on her face as they stop kissing for a while, Dina throws it on the dirty ground, not caring about anything but those cheeky girl's green emerald eyes and the taste of her pink, soft lips.
Ellie's heart is racing when their lips meet again, and they melt into each other passionately again. Bashfully even. That's all Ellie is—bashful—when she feels her friend's hand slip under the layers of her clothes that are warming up her already burning body. Tasting the sensation of Dina's nicely cold hands brushing against the sensitive skin on her tummy as they can't stop kissing and pressing into each other, Ellie slips her hand under the older girl's t-shirt too and starts enjoying the way her skin feels against her fingertips. If only they could do this for as long as possible.
With their tongues brushing against each other and their hands taking on a life of their own, the two girls continue to devour the sweetness of their salivas mixing together as if that's what they've been dying to do for so many years. This is already too much, and the girls haven't even started anything yet.
Grabbing the hem of Ellie's sweatshirt and trying to take it off her, their glistening lips part for a while as Dina pulls it off her completely. They keep staring at each other, breathless and panting. They are not naked yet, why does it feel like it, though? They still have their t-shirts and jeans on; those damn skinny jeans that just perfectly depict their thighs that delightfully press against each other as they're back to licking into each other's mouth, touching and caressing in places that only make their bodies shiver.
They are making out. Ellie still can't believe it. They are doing more than that. It seems like it. It can't be just a make-out when their hands are slipping under each other's tops and cupping each other's boobs. Right? This must be something more.
Ellie's head is all over the place as she's suddenly brought back by Dina rolling her to the side to change positions with her, climbing on top of her, and pressing her lips against her jaw, only to find her way all the way to the crook of the skinny girl's neck and bite gently.
This is her first time with Dina. Maybe this is her first time with a girl in general. Ellie is getting so lost in all the wet, open-mouthed kisses that are tracing her neck that she doesn't even realize her friend's hand that's been caressing the skin above the waistband of her jeans, is now inconspicuously slipping under it and right inside to start caressing slow, tender circles around her—
Oops. Not going too far. But yeah, I think it was Dina, who made "the" move. Sorry for the buildup only to end it at the best part, but yanno... my blog is not a smutty blog, even though I know I can pull it off. Ha! May the horniness in this post make you happy.
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Metatron's Evil Plan
Starting with Gabriel's trial. Metatron said, "No speeches Gabriel you're not going to Hell.
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He then adds "which there isn't."
It would obviously be an issue if Heaven were to be viewed as problematic and out of control, with fallen angels left, right and centre. So they tried to manage Gabriel, make it so he just faded from his place of power, but he outsmarted them. And suddenly there were two former high-up's down on earth, and we all saw just how desperate they were to get Gabriel back. It's clearly A Concern.
So unfortunately Gabriel has escaped from their clutches, with a Prince of Hell no less.
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Very much not a good look. So Heaven needs to act and it needs to be now. Mere minutes after Gabriel and Beelzebub leave together, Metatron is on earth.
Then he goes to the coffee shop. He asks Nina, "Do people ever ask for Death?" and the subtitles were capitalised which I do think further supports my point. We already know that seeing Death is a bad omen, since at the end of Season One right after they saw him they were both dragged away to their would-be permanent discorporations.
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There is also something to be said for the mirroring of the first season and second season. I've seen theories, as well as noticed myself that many things line up. I can't find the post that laid a lot of things out but here's a few that I've noticed.
The mention of Death in the final episode, right before something bad happens (they both get taken to be punished/Aziraphale leaves Earth.)
Aziraphale and Crowley both holding someone's hands with the person in between them (Adam in S1E6 and Jimbriel in season 2, episode one or two i can't remember which)
The Nightingale reference. Pretty obvious, but ending the season on that song holds significance. I think most people have seen the theory that that's a message from Aziraphale, but I won't go into that here or this will never end.
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The nightingales plus the plans to go to the Ritz being gone I think is definitely symbolic of the fact that they've lost something. Again, an obvious option, but it's an important place for them, so the fact they had similar plans, that were then interrupted, reflects Season One while also telling us that things are clearly not going to be good.
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But then you also consider that it's perhaps exactly what the Metatron wanted all along, for Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship of love and trust to completely fall away, symbolised by the hopes of dining at the Ritz disappearing.
Therefore I think a pretty reasonable conclusion from the mention of Death - and the parallels with last season - from someone as sinister as the Metatron is that something is going to happen to most likely both of them. Metatron is also almost surprised that people never ask for death, as it is "so predictable." There was definite intention in that scene, and makes me wonder if he thinks whatever he's trying to make happen will make them wish for death?
This next point is a big one. At first you might think its coincidental but if you go back and watch the scene I think you'll be convinced. When the Metatron enters the bookshop, the lamps with the candle looking bulbs and the glass decorations jingle and move. I can't find a good GIF to show it but if you rewatch I promise you'll notice it. And yes, since the door has just closed and there's potential wind they might move for a few seconds, but they continue moving the entire time Metatron is in the bookshop. This scene goes on for approximately 2.5 - 3 minutes, definitely too long for them to be moving. But, I suppose you never know, could be coincidental. Until he leaves the shop with Aziraphale. They move more vigorously on his way out, but by the time (about three seconds) Crowley walks towards the window to watch them go, they've completely stopped moving. Not a coincidence. Metatron has some sort of energy that's powerful, or influential enough, that it cause material objects to move vigorously when he's near them. They didn't even move nearly as much when literal demons entered the shop, at the beginning of episode six.
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Considering the fact that those lamps were completely conjured by Aziraphale for his ball, I have a strong suspicion he's particularly influential over magical objects... or magical things (entities) in general. (This is important later)
Metatron also says, "just you and me, Aziraphale, eh?" which is honestly something that sounds more like enemies facing off in a battle, than friends going out for a chat. It's like when a murderer is alone with their victim, and while Az and Metatron are talking there are no witnesses. I definitely think this is foreshadowing for next season when Aziraphale has to face off with the Metatron.
When they're leaving the shop the Metatron is all lovely smiles while Aziraphale is looking, and he seems a bit like a harmless old man, but as soon as Azi's back is turned he gives Crowley the most hateful, sinister, conniving glare, with [tense music playing] according to the subtitles and also my ears. He is up to something. This is a very strong piece of evidence that the Metatron Does Not Like Crowley.
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He tells Aziraphale, "you are just the angel for the job." It could be an ordinary thing to say, but no I don't think so. I think the Metatron has been carefully considering this for quite some time, and I think this is all about Crowley. He says there are "huge plans afoot, enormous projects," and he's so careful to be extremely vague, while talking Aziraphale up. Then he uses a tactic knows will work, which is playing with Aziraphale's heart and using Crowley.
"I've been looking back over a number of your previous exploits, and I see that in quite a few of them you formed a de facto partnership with the demon Crowley."
He has done meticulous research, and it's made clear earlier that he hates Crowley. But, he knows that Aziraphale loves Crowley, and that he wouldnt be able to resist the chance to try and do what he thinks is the right thing. Metatron mentioned that he was a 'Prince of Heaven' and that it could be seen as an 'institutional problem'. Well Heaven can't really been seen to have problems can it? And Crowley has been doing whatever he pleases for six thousand years, not on the side of Heaven or Hell, and I think that they're sick of it. He's already 'corrupted' one angel, who knows what's next? They don't want someone to hold that kind of knowledge and power over them, and Crowley holds a far greater knowledge of earth than any of the rest of them do.
And so the Metatron offers Aziraphale something he knows he won't refuse:
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And I have to ask, why, why would he ever have Crowley reinstated to "full angelic status?" Two seconds ago he just described him as a demon?? The answer is that he wouldn't. Somehow I don't think heaven makes a habit of restoring fallen angels. He has a master plan, and that involves getting to Crowley, which means getting Aziraphale out of the way. Eventually I think they'll attempt to use them against each other, but the first thing for them to do was gain some control over Crowley. The Metatron had offered for Crowley to come to Heaven, which does of course provide easy access to him and if Crowley had chosen to do that it probably would've worked for them. But I think the Metatron was counting on Crowley not wanting to go back, and that Aziraphale suggesting it would even drive a wedge through their relationship (which it did).
And now Aziraphale is off somewhere busy working, they aren't speaking to each other and Crowley is alone on earth, no one is going to notice if something happens to him or he goes missing.
Aziraphale also really isn't that special to Heaven, he's just another angel, and one who doesn't always do as he's told, which begs the question of why Metatron would make a whole trip to earth, just to give him Gabriel's job. It could go to pretty much anyone honestly. So when Metatron says 'The Job,' I'm certain he does not mean taking over Gabriel's position. He means the job of getting demon Crowley back in order and control, so he stops causing problems for Heaven. Because wherever there's a problem, Crowley is at the centre of it.
Finally. Aziraphale's insane smile in the elevator.
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DO YOU SEE HOW CREEPY THAT IS?? It's so off putting, and given he's just effectively broken up with Crowley you wouldn't expect him to be too cheerful. That is the least genuine smile I have ever seen, like it does not even look like Aziraphale anymore. At first I thought it was just him trying to make himself feel okay about everything, and it technically could be, but I'm not convinced of that. There's obviously the theory that Metatron put something in Aziraphale's coffee, but I just don't buy that (no hate to the theory ofc, definitely still a possibility). It's so simple, so human, and this brings me to my point about Metatron having influence over objects, particularly magical ones, and potentially entities as well. I think it is far more likely that Metatron is either brainwashing Aziraphale or simply has an element of control over him, but isn't entirely controlling him. Could be persuasive power, which he uses to influence Aziraphale, but technically if Az fought really hard he could fight him off. My mind influence theory is supported on multiple occassions, where Aziraphale seems to want to change his mind, or act a certain way, and then suddenly snaps back to acting like everything is okay. Examples of that are:
- Aziraphale straight up says he doesnt want to go to Heaven. He tries to play it off as a bit of a joke but he looked pretty damn serious when he says it. He looks so doubtful, but between then and speaking to Crowley, his attitude does a complete 180 flip
- "Well obviously you said no to Hell, you're the bad guys." Aziraphale would NEVER say that if his mind was completely his own. He has spent almost their entire existence saying that Crowley is nice and good and kind. He doesn't think for a moment that Crowley is grouped in with Hell anymore, but that's certainly what the Metatron would think
- Metatron walks in right after Crowley leaves and isn't at all surprised by the fact that Crowley refused, more evidence that it was what he'd hoped and planned for. "Ah well always did want to go his own way. Always asking damn fool questions too." Which is a tiny bit of further background into fallen angel Crowley.
- When Aziraphale is heavily considering changing his mind, Metatron keeps talking as though Aziraphale is saying different words. "It should be in safe hands." "Anything you need to take with you?" He's suddenly really pushing Aziraphale, even though he said there was no need to answer right away.
And that is all I have for you!! If anyone has anything to add I would LOVE to hear, this is my theory, definitely not the only possibility but I do think it's a candidate. Please let me know if there's any major points I've missed, I'm sure there probably is 🤍
@a-hearts-a-heavy-burden let me know what you think!!
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pluckyredhead · 7 months
The Lost Titans in Canon: Jason and Rose
I already talked about Jason and Eddie's canon friendship, so next up, I want to talk about Jason and Rose. They're an interesting duo, actually, because even though they have appeared in far more comics together than Jason and Eddie, a lot of them take place in Elseworlds, or timelines that are in questionable continuity these days. It's only in the past couple of years that this relationship has really picked up the pace - and to a certain extent, only in the past couple of days.
Jason and Rose first interacted in Red Hood and the Outlaws, the New 52 volume. Rose turns up hunting the Outlaws, and it's revealed that she and Jason have a sexual past. Because it's RHATO, she's of course written appallingly out of character:
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The very next issue, the book is canceled. Jason and Rose walk off together, but when we next see Jason in Red Hood/Arsenal like four seconds later, Rose is nowhere in sight.
Anyway, this history and interaction are...let's say in dubious continuity. Rose's appearance here barely jives with anything else she did in the DCU (most of which was also written incoherently by Lobdell), and everything about New 52 Rose was instantly retconned out of existence by Rebirth. Then again, you could say the same thing about Jason and Roy.
Ever since, DC has treated Jason and Rose like they have romantic history of some kind, or at least there are references to sexual tension between them, but no one is ever specific about exactly what their history is.
Next up is DCeased: The Unkillables, a miniseries set in the DCeased universe. Jason and Rose actually wind up getting married in this universe, but obviously it's not actually in continuity because it's an AU. Still, they're pretty cute:
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(This ends tragically, of course, because DCeased.)
Speaking of AUs, we also saw these two together in Future State, a possible dystopian future. They are definitely sleeping together, but while Rose spends most of her time making double entendres, Jason is distant and brooding, until she gets pissed off:
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Still, she shows up later to rescue him, and they actually manage to end that AU together and alive (for now):
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Okay, so much for AUs and potentially retconned-away interactions. What about the in continuity stuff?
Well, this single panel happened during Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe, which was sort of the transitional event between the end of Rebirth and completely rolling back the remnants of the New 52:
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Is it still in continuity? Do any of the characters remember it? I HAVE NO IDEA.
Next is Robin, when Rose tells Jason that Damian has entered the assassin tournament on Lazarus Island, and the former Robins show up to try to stop him. Rose and Jason don't interact directly, but we do get this:
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Great question, Damian! NO ONE KNOWS.
Rose and Jason FINALLY interact ONE HUNDRED PERCENT IN CURRENT CONTINUITY FOR SURE in The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing, when she rescues him from a police van and they both look ridiculously hot about it:
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I'm assuming she's calling him "lover boy" because they've hooked up, but if you've read any of my work you know I'm a Jason Todd Secret Virgin truther, so I'm choosing to read it ambiguously. I'm also choosing to read her last line as her having the hots for Steph. (Rose, like me, prefers Naughty Robins only.) Anyway, she's been roped into the plot of this book, but it's still ongoing so who knows how it'll resolve. (Spoiler: not with Jason successfully killing the Joker!)
That was going to be my whole list when I started this post, but then Batman/Catwoman: Gotham War: Red Hood #2 came out, and who should show up but Rose!
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We've seen this dynamic from them before: Rose cracks sex jokes, Jason is stoic and terse and Focused On The Mission. I'm of two minds about this - it's fun to read, and Rose does tend to make bawdy jokes (she did grow up in a brothel, after all), whereas Jason ranges from stoic to equally sassy depending on who's writing him, so I wouldn't necessarily say it's out of character for either of them. It's more that Rose is always depicted as the one pursuing Jason, whereas he has Important Manly Things to think about instead. (See also: Bruce and Selina, Bruce and Talia, Bruce and any woman, any man in comics and any woman.) Just because it's not technically OOC doesn't mean it doesn't overlap into a sexist trope.
(I kind of love the idea that she is literally only doing it because she knows it embarrasses him and he is Focusing On The Mission to hide his blush and they both know they aren't going to fuck, but that's a personal headcanon and not really the Occam's Razor interpretation of these scenes, which are definitely meant to imply that they are banging.)
What I did find interesting about this issue is that it's the first one in continuity to show genuine concern and affection between the characters:
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Do I think Rose would ever stand with her toes together like that past the age of 12? No. But this is still very touching.
Anyway, JayRose is one of those pairings that I don't ship but am perfectly fine seeing unfold in canon. I totally get why DC would pair them, I totally get what they would see in each other, I think it will all end in disaster but that can be fun to watch. It'll be interesting to see if DC commits to actually telling an in-continuity story with these two, or if they will forever be restricted to her showing up and making a dick joke that Jason will ignore because of how he's sad inside. Time will tell!
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Hey lovely!! May I drop a little first kiss request right here? Points to the ask box
If you’re feeling up to it could I get
"can we do that again? my eyes were closed." "oh my god."
With either Echo or Hardcase? 👉🏻👈🏻💜💜
Pineapple, my dear friend, I'm so sorry this took so long, but I hope that the awkward fluffiness makes up for the wait! <3 dividers by @/saradika and @/dystopicjumpsuit
Summary: Hardcase makes his move, but it doesn't quite go according to plan.
Warnings: fluff, gn!reader, Hardcase is probably out of character but I hope not, very awkward flirting, first kiss; my blog is 18+
Word Count: 777
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When you first enlisted with the GAR, you weren't exactly sure where you'd be placed, but after spending several months as a supply officer on board the Resolute you couldn't imagine doing anything else. With no real medical experience, specialized combat training, or ordnance clearance, the one thing you really excel at is organization. Material inventories, restocks, and balancing spreadsheets tend to be the things to occupy your day-to-day aboard the massive starship, but what you look forward to most are the distribution days, where troopers of all ranks come to you and leave laden with any supplies they've managed to burn through, damage, or otherwise need more of since the last distribution. It gives you a chance to interact with the troopers, many of whom you've become friends with, and manage to feel like you're actually achieving something in this Maker-forsaken war. 
The next distribution day isn't for another standard week, though. Shaking yourself out of your reverie, you blink down at the product code you'd just been about to scan. At least when it came to the clones, there was never any worry about needing multiple sizes of blacks or standard armor; your main job is to make sure there's always enough of both. 
Somewhere behind you, the door to the main cargo hold swishes open. You glance around, using the opportunity to roll some of the stiffness out of your neck. 
"Where's my favorite supply officer?" a voice calls, cheery and upbeat. 
Stomach fluttering with sudden shyness, a smile touches your features as you carefully descend the metal ladder and plop back onto the durasteel flooring with an audible thump. "Back here, Case!" 
Because while there are several thousand troopers on this starship, only one calls you his favorite. 
Sure enough, Hardcase rounds the corner to join you in the aisle between the seemingly endless shelving units. A sheepish grin tugs at his features and he rubs the back of his neck bashfully. 
You already know why he's here. Though his armor all appears to be clipped in place with nothing missing, with Case, sometimes you really can never tell. With feigned exasperation, you grin at him. "What did you lose this time, Hardcase?" 
"My socks," he admits. 
You're turning as soon as he speaks, bound and determined to find whatever he needs. While you're technically supposed to make him wait until the official distribution day, you've never been able to deny Hardcase what he wants.
"I'm sure I can hunt down--" You stop in your tracks as his words finally register. Turning back with narrowed eyes, you tilt your head at him. "You lot don't need socks. They're built in." 
Hardcase glances away, shifting his weight. "R-Right, but, see, what I actually came down here isn't that. What I'm really here for is- is my nerve." 
Confusion continues to settle over you like a cloud. "Come again?"
"I, ah, um--kriff, what did Jesse say again?" he mutters to himself. Then the bashful grin slides back into place, and he takes a step back. "Just- Can I start over?" 
"Great!" Clearing his throat, Hardcase gestures for you to ask him again. 
Properly befuddled by now, you can only play along. "What...did you lose this time?" 
"Well, I thought I lost my nerve, but I seem to have found it again now that I'm here," he says with a dashing smile. 
All you can do is blink at him, before a burst of giggles erupts from your chest. Case's expression falls for a moment, before he joins in, his lower chuckles a perfect counterpoint to your bright laughter. 
"Jesse told you to say that?" you ask once you calm down. 
"I- I asked him for advice," he says. 
You feel like you already know the answer, but you have to ask, anyway. "Advice on what?"
Hardcase takes a step closer. That fluttery feeling in your stomach returns, anticipation singing through your veins, light and airy. He backs you against the shelving unit, one hand coming up to cup your face with a gentleness that almost surprises you. 
"This," he says. 
Then he dips his head to press his lips to yours in a tentative, sweet first kiss. 
Sighing through your nose, you pull him closer by the gap in his chestplate. The kiss is slow and chaste, but it still leaves you tingling, wanting more. 
He rests his forehead against yours when he breaks the kiss. Keeping your eyes closed, you can't help but smile. 
Hardcase giggles. "Can we do that again? My eyes were closed." 
"Oh my god." You laugh, too, but tilt your face up to his, and kiss him again.
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lollytea · 7 months
And when Willow’s actually ready for a relationship? Oh, Hunter doesn’t know what to do with himself. He’s been so ready for so long but now it’s actually happening and it’s taking all his energy not to go absolutely ballistic to instead be like “oh awesome can I have a hug?”
[Refering to situationship]
Agsvdhbk Willow's decision was a very spur of the moment thing. At some point, she just could not take this anymore. She wanted him and she had him but it still felt like there was so much she couldn't do until she asked.
Hunter didn't catch on to the build up, so it was all very sudden. It threw him off balance. And now suddenly all these months of boldness with initiating affection and straightforwardness about wanting a real relationship all goes flying the window and it's like they're back in Camila's house again. Back in their usual wavering dance, where she flirts loudly and he blushes quietly. It's only until the initial shock wears off but it still packs a wallop. Like getting hit with a mallet.
The moment she says it, he goes very still. Like a prey animal. Eyes blown wide. Even his nose twitches like a nervous rabbit. And then there's an abrupt flash of gold light and Willow can't hold back her laughter as her brand new boyfriend (!!!!) is literally bouncing off the walls like a rogue pinball.
And then all at once, it stops, and he's once again standing in front of her. He straightens himself out, clearing his throat with all the dignity he can muster.
Willow politely does not acknowledge that just happened. He still gets a little embarrassed about his involuntary flash zoomies. She thinks it is one of the most adorable things he does, and she's really struggling to not just grab him and smooch all the life and soul out of him. She's already buzzing with her own excitable quirks. She doesn't notice her butt is doing that damn ridiculous waggle and her feet are pattering anxiously until Hunter manages to find his words.
"Awesome," He says with an attempt at polite nonchalance. He sounds like his vocal chords are being held together with nothing but patches and prayers.
"Can..." He chokes on his sentence and then pretends he didn't. "Can I have a hug?"
Willow's jittering nerves cause her relieved exhale to shake. They've gotten lost in hugs so many times that the grooves and curves of their bodies may have altered just to better cradle the shape of the other person. Hugging Hunter is safe. It's familiar. And at a time like this, when she's willingly jumbling her life around and turning everything upside down just because she's utterly obsessed with him, hugging Hunter is such a welcome invitation.
Her hugs have always been too tight. They're of the bone snapping variety. Uncomfortable to some, soothing to others. Hunter is the latter, thank Titan.
They sink into each other. And for a moment, everything is still. Everything but Willow. She can feel herself wiggling. She's over the moon. She's over the sun. She's over every stupid planet in Hunter's space book.
"Okay, I-I gotta...." Says Hunter breathlessly, arms still looped around her.
Willow peers up at him, her stomach already pooling with warmth from the sight of his twitchy smile and glowing red ears.
"I gotta, well, I-...this is. I have a lot to say and I've been waiting to say it." He is continuing, even when it seems like every word is strenuous. "About you. About how I think you're so--I mean, well when I'm with you, I feel-!! Lemme start over,"
Willow tilts her head as she watches him babble, drinking this up like she's trying to get drunk on it.
Hunter inhales, deep and steadying. Then he blurts out "I just want you to know that I--!" only to stagger to a halt when he meets her eyes. The corner of his mouth tries to tug itself upwards. There's a second of resistance, before all of his battle readiness melts into a wide dizzy smile.
"Stop that," He says to her. "Stop that and let me talk,"
Genuinely confused, Willow's smile widens and she finds that her facial muscles won't let her smile any wider. "Stop what?"
"Looking at me like that!"
"How am I looking at you?"
"You know!"
"I really don't," Willow says through a spurt of laughter.
But now he's pointed out that she's looking at him a certain way, she can easily imagine how.
These last few months, he's been looking at her with a kind of soft honest lovesickness that made her bones melt. When she made the mistake of glancing his way and getting caught under his gaze with his eyes burning like that, it became impossible for her to operate as a normal person. She had been all giggles and air.
If she's currently looking at him with any ounce of the power his expression had held, no wonder Hunter is fumbling so bad.
"How am I looking at you?" She repeats, snaking her loose arms a little tighter around his waist.
He loves getting his waist hugged.
It is like being back in Camila's house. When Willow knows she's doing something he likes and she keeps experimenting with combinations (e.g. touching his inner forearm and telling him he's really smart at the same time), just to see how flushed his face can get.
It takes him a moment to formulate an answer. The waist hugging certainly isn't helping him find his words any faster. She sees the way his eyes briefly widen as he feels the squeeze around his midsection. His fingers are on her shoulders and they're worrying the material of her shirt.
Hunter's smile is only getting worse. Wider. Wilder. The limitations of facial muscles simply did not correlate with the volume of emotion that Hunter was capable of.
"Like you like me," He says simply, looking both mortified and elated, that huge grin never faltering. He stared fixated on her collarbone, unprepared to look into her eyes again. "You're looking at me like you like me and it's...it's a lot..."
"I'm a lot," Replies Willow breezily.
"I know..." He mumbles.
Another squeeze around the waist. "And I do like you,"
A panicky giggle falls out of him. His eyes are shyly flicking to hers for brief intervals, as though he's adjusting to the intensity. "I know..."
He does adjust. With time, he's making himself perfectly at home under the light of her hopelessly infatuated eyes, while she is likewise learning to exist under his.
He gets his words out too. And he managed to spit them all out with only minimal stammering, even while Willow continued to have the audacity to look at her boyfriend like she likes him.
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yantalia545 · 4 months
Yandere N. Italy, with a darling who’s somehow afraid of him. The reasons for her fear are unknown, but for example, when he tries to interact with her, she becomes visibly scared, and when he tries to get near her, she runs away. Though in general, she tries to avoid him at all cost due to her fear.
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He doesn't really understand why you're scared of him. In fact, no one does. People would understand if it was someone like Russia that you were afraid of, but definitely not Italy. You're just the only one who can see right through him.
You've met people like him before and know just exactly who he is. It's almost like he's keeping his eyes closed so you wouldn't see the evil lying underneath his smiles and goofy nature.
You avoid him like the plague, but somehow he always seems to find you in the most unexpected of places. Like a demon. Italy swears he just wants you to like him. He likes you a lot, so why don't you like him?
Italy hates that you're scared of him. He will do anything and everything to get you to like him. The others will think that his whole act is very adorable. How he latches to you like a puppy, trying to follow you everywhere and do anything with you. You can only manage to shake as this parasite continues to torment you at any chance he can.
You better do what he says. Otherwise, he'll cry and make you look like the bad guy in front of everyone. He already does. Italy has everyone believing that you're the one who's acting out of line and that you should give Italy a chance. Just how can you be so cruel to a man like Italy!
He leaves heartfelt gifts for you every day. Just how the hell did he know you've been eyeing that necklace? It's only been two days since it was put on display! And the love letters that follow his gifts. Anyone would think that they were the most romantic thing they've ever read, but can only tremble and double-check your locks every night before bed after reading them. In fact, you couldn't read them anymore after a month of receiving his love letters daily and took to just throwing them out now. It's just too creepy when the man you're afraid of most writes about laying in bed with you or how shiny your hair looked the other day when you didn't ever see him.
You nearly scream when you notice your gift and love letter on your kitchen counter instead of the usual, right outside your very locked front door. Just how many locks do you need for him to leave you alone?
The more you resist him, the worse Italy will get for you. You've tried talking to someone like Germany or Romano to take care of Italy for you, but they were nothing more than empty promises or arguing that you're just paranoid and looking into things too much. Italy is so sweet, he could never be capable of such horrible things.
Things have gotten so bad for you, that Italy will take to showing up in your house almost every morning. You nearly faint every time you see him there no matter how many times he does this. All the while his eyes are closed and his smile is as wide as ever.
"It's a good thing you know to regularly change your locks, (Y/N). Anyone can make replicas of your keys or break those cheap locks"." "
Every time Italy breaks into your place you wake up to him being closer and closer to you.
The devil creeping closer to his next helpless little victim,
In the kitchen making breakfast. In the bathroom right across from your room; Preparing your daily bath. You most for sure screamed the day you found him in your bed snuggled up against your backside. And with only his boxers on. You lost it.
When you scream and cry at him, Italy will have turned on a show of waterworks himself. He just can't take the one he loves the most yelling at him. Why can't you just love him just as much as he loves you? Or at least, stop being so scared of him. He only wishes to shower you in love.
Honestly, I loved the idea of Italy being a hardcore, scary, manipulator. He could easily have others wrap around his finger. Especially Germany.
Italy can be a really terrifying and deadly yandere. ❤️
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fridayth13 · 1 year
could've been the wine speaking (or maybe it was just me).
↳ diavolo × gn!reader (ft wingman lucifer. kinda hgdsdfgjj)
↳ fluff | 600+ | you heard of lucifer getting drunk and spilling his guts to diavolo now have some the other way around 👍 except he's a lot less dramatic about it
↳ it wasn't an anomaly for lucifer and diavolo to end a day of student council work with a bottle of demonus. but what lucifer did find a bit off-putting that night was the lovesick smile glued to the demon prince's face.
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diavolo's eyes were half-lidded as he swirled the glass of demonus in his hand. his cheek rested in his palm with an elbow on the velvet armrest of his chair.
"and how has mc been doing?" he asked.
across him sat lucifer, who leaned forward to the glass table between them, refilling his own glass.
"they're doing well." he replied. "besides dealing the usual havoc my brothers cause at the house."
diavolo laughed warmly. "i see."
a (dare lucifer say) dreamy sigh slipped from the prince's lips as he got lost in his thoughts.
lucifer raised an eyebrow at him. not that he seemed to notice.
"it's study season again.. examinations are coming soon. i wonder if they've been managing to keep up." diavolo mused. more to himself than to lucifer, really.
lucifer watched as diavolo's head tilted slightly further in his hand; and for a moment, he couldn't help but think the demon prince resembled a small puppy. reflections of the nearby fireplace flickered against his eyes in a bright gold haze. from the liquor or whatever fantasies were keeping his head stuck in the clouds, lucifer couldn't be too sure.
"have you noticed anything bothering them, lucifer? anything at all?" he asked.
lucifer shook his head.
"why? have you?"
"..no.." diavolo murmured. "but i wanted to be sure. you know how important it is that their stay in the devildom is as comfortable as possible."
"of course," he nodded. "but.. you know you can ask them these questions yourself, right?"
diavolo blinked at him.
lucifer stared back, unimpressed.
though flustered, diavolo remained unabashed as ever, only laughing sheepishly in response. his hand went up to the back of his nape.
"ah.. yes, i suppose i can, huh?"
"yes." lucifer said. "you can."
at his deadpan tone, diavolo shot him a playful glare. not that it lasted long. soon enough, he was back to staring distantly at a random wall.
"you could also call them, if that helps."
diavolo hummed. he took another sip of his demonus and proceeded to lean against the other side of the couch.
"i suppose i see them so little i forget i can just. go up to them, huh.."
before lucifer could think of a response, diavolo had already jumped into another train of thought.
a bright laugh shook his shoulders, diavolo's eyes sparkling.
"i did see them yesterday though.."
"i believe i remember that."
"yes, i believe you were there.." he nodded.
lucifer was fully aware that this wasn't the first night diavolo had acted like this. but the sheer joy on his face when he talked about the human continued to strike him every time. the grin that rested on his friend's lips was smitten and foolish. the look his eyes resembled the expression of wonder of a child seeing a sky full of stars for the first time.
diavolo's laugh was always full of spirit, really, but this was one of the few times lucifer had ever heard it this giddy.
"heheh.. they brought me some cookies, d'you remember that, lucifer? mc told me i worked really hard and appreciated all of it, lucifer.. could you believe that?"
lucifer knew he didn't quite need to reply at this point. diavolo had had enough demonus to have an in-depth conversation about mc with his own self. still, the knowing smile hidden behind his glass continued to grow as the prince rambled on.
"i think i should call them right now.." diavolo mumbled.
lucifer shook his head. "they'd be asleep by now."
"oh. right."
"you can see them tomorrow at rad." he supplied instead.
diavolo gasped slowly. if he wasn't completely intoxicated before, he must've been then. the look in his eyes was positively starstruck at the proposition.
"yes.. i think i will."
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divider from @/clutteredfun
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justcommander · 5 months
Well, I did get asked to write a little more about my little Father and Children AU.
Some little facts about this unusual trio? Of course, under the cut!
This is long. I'm gonna warn you, this is a whole lot of rambling.
This trio won't stay a trio for long, once Lisa and Father Garcia will reach John. Michael won't be happy to see one of the two. But will eventually accept his presence.
So, we started with Michael, a little more about him. The boy is not doing too well, but is also getting better now under John's care. His hair started to grow back but won't ever be as fluffy and soft as they were before: now they're coarse and grey. If they get grabbed and pulled, they fall right off in thick tufts. His nose is completely gone and he his right leg is permanently wounded, making John's knee look perfect in comparison. So he walks with the help of a crutch. He already got cataract, because of the infection in his eyes. Those sunglasses are a gift from the priest and he refuses to take them off even for sleeping.
Why wasn't he brought to a hospital? Well, John is terrified by those places and can't be the one to bring him there, risking to have police taking him back in for being a suspect for kidnapping and harming a kid that they've been looking for.
But why won't he go back to his parents exactly? They should be still alive. And they are. However, there is a number of motives why he won't do it. He's afraid to return to them now he loos like this, they've never been very caring towards him, and yet he also doesn't want to put them in danger now he got involved in something so much bigger than him. He thinks John is truly the only one who can fight demons and he loves him a lot. To him he's more of a father, than a Father.
How did he convince John that he does not have parents to return to? Easy: He lied about his name. He claimed to be called Michael Garcia. Unfortunately for him Father Garcia manages to contact John and this leads to a lot of misunderstandings. And confusion.
He speaks Spanish, yes. Though uses mostly English because John doesn't understand it. Only when he gets agitated or feels strong emotions of any kind, he slips. Or when Amy starts speaking Latin, he begins to speak Spanish to her. And John loses his mind when they do that.
Amy now!
Amy was saved by John just a little too late, but not that late. When he found her, her face had already been carved out but no offering was made. John made good use of that "one bullet" by shooting at Gary, and stopping him before he could continue with the ritual. Yes he shot Gary. Without knowing what he had just done. He took Amy away from him and wrapped up her face in bandages. He narrowly got away with his life and Amy safe in his arms.
What does this mean for her? It means she cannot be exorcised fully, even if he tries, because her body is dead. There is a portal to hell in her face, but without the sacrifice it required, nothing can truly come out. What kept Amy alive was the awareness of having John there for her, caring so much. The Second Death had never happened. The death of the soul was prevented because she never stopped fighting, when he arrived. Despite the pain and everything she lost. He was still there. The UNSPEAKABLE is inside her, but his control is weak. So weak, that she takes over without him even realizing, when he thinks to be the one in control in certain situations.
This means she can use those supernatural powers, stealing them from him. But the longer she does it, the more she risks to lose herself. Every night, she is afraid he could take over while she's asleep too , that's why she does not want to take off that straightjacket and specifically asks to be restrained. John can't bring himself to do it, he's afraid of that thing. So Michael does this instead.
Basically they both Love John so much. He gave them a reason to live, he put his life in danger to save them so they will fight for him even if they're frightened by the cultists and by Gary. They're just kids after all. But their Father also became their father, for both of them. They might be scared, but they won't let anyone take him away. In those moments when John's life really is at risk, that's when neither of them would hesitate and jump at those cultists's throats.
Anyway, they are very hard to handle, and they know it. When john faints on the chair after three sleepless nights, they try to put him on the couch and cover him with a blanket. They try to cook, they try to tidy the place. A little apology, for realizing they've exhausted him to this point.
And I wrote way too much. I warned you. This was a ramble. Ops? Maybe I'll write more in the future, when I'll learn to write more by writing less. Gosh, I talk too much.
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uponfieldsofglass · 8 months
Here's a theory: Abuse us a running theme in Murder Drones. In this essay, Imma rant about this, so, uh Spoilers.
Still here? Great! I've already glued your hands to your phone, so get comfy.
Almost everyone is a victim of since sort of abuse, Uzi is neglected by Khan, J's treatment of N, everything that Tessa's parents do...
The first point of this theory is that the crazyass violence is an allegory for abuse, or at least. That's just about it, the Deconstructors were made into Deconstructors and sent to kill everyone in Copper-9. Their abusers actively tried to turn then into abusers. Uzi abd Doll's infection represents the abusive behaviors they've learned bubbling up.
The reason the main three kill people a lot less is because they have each other to act as a support network. Episode 5 is basically Uzi giving N abd V robotherapy. (They literally went back to their childhood! I'm not reaching, YOU'RE REACHING!)
Second, the main cast have abuse coping mechanisms as a large part of their personality. There are several recognized forms of abuse and Murder Drones has explotlred four of them as of episode six, which was the best when I wrote this. Interestingly, each member if the main cast is also an example of one
Uzi represents Escapism, the act of pretending one's circumstances are different than their awful reality. This is usually depicted as indulging in delusion or substance abuse, but Uzi's escape is a more healthy variety. When we first see her, she's talking about how she's going to kill the Deconstructors and free the Workers. She's escaping to a reality where she's a hero who has saved everyone from the threat that has defined their entire existence. Where her ostracization has ended, everyone loves her, and Khan's doors have become pointless.
N is obsessive people-pleasing, wherein one tries to satisfy everyone, since they've internalized the idea that their abusers act the way they do because the victim has displeased them in some way, and thus us best to simply please everyone and ignore their own wants, needs, and desires. The pilot had plenty of examples: He started killing because the humans tools him to. He almost betrayed and killed Uzi because J tells him to. He would have let himself get killed by J because she wanted to, had Uzi nor intervened. Throughout the series he still lets others walk all over him. It took until episode 4 for him to offer any resistance and in both episodes 5 and 6, he was nothing but friendly and helpful to people that wanted to vivisect him
V is apathy. Push everyone away and never care. She cared about N but never showed it. She never stood up for him in episode 1, dismissed his depression at the end of episode 2, and whenever she actually did act in his best interests, she refused to actually tell him, just like how she knew their past. But she always witheld why, because disappointing N was easier having thlse uncomfortable conversations
Doll represents continuing the cycle of abuse. She's defined herself off of V killing her family, and now all she cares about is revenge. Now, she's infected by the Solver, just like V. She has to eat people, just like V. She's completely lost all sympathy for others and all qualms about killing. Just. Like. V. She literally has all the afforestsif her abuser that caused Doll to hate her in the first place
All antagonistic characters are abusive.
JCJenson refused the Worker Drones to live without it. (Maybe. Maybe the real reason it sent in the murderhobos was to prevent the Absolute Solver from manifesting)
Deconstructors? This theory depends on three idea that the murder and mayhem that they were made for is alleglrical abuse
J was an enabler. She enabled JCJenson's practice of robocide by practicing robocude for them. Even if the real reason she was there was to stop the Absolute Solver, she was acting on the assumption that she was carrying out the will of a jilted magacorporation
Khan? Emotionally neglects Uzi in favor of his replacement family: Doors and walls
Doll? See above
Tessa's parents? A microcosm of their issues is that they wouldn't let her talk to anyone that they couldn't legally murder
Alice and Beau. I mean, they torture people to death with the intention of using them as food, limbs, and antlers because JCJension sicced a bunch of velocirapters on them. I just don't feel like they fit into this theme. Maybe that's why I felt like they weren't very compelling villains
The sentinels? Same as Antlers and the baby. Just not very compelling
Cyn/Absolute Solver? Okay hear me out!
A separate theory I have is that the reason Cyn/AS smacktalked Tessa's mom was to get her "grounded" keeping her separated from everyone else in the house, do she wouldn't get caught in the crossfire when it killed them all, because Tessa bothered taking it in and not immediately redestroying it, even after it became clear that it was NOT right!
Now its master plan is to eliminate humanity, because humans have always gotten in the way of its "family."
The abusive part comes in because it's a narcissist with a textbook "I'm doing this for you" complex. It didn't care that Tessa didn't want mass murder to be done in her name, it knew better! Anytime N finds out what's in the basement, just get rid if him and get a new one. Tessa won't be able to tell the difference! The billions of unrelated lives lost whenever it destroys a word are an acceptable side effect of getting rid if anything that would try to get between them.
And when J died? I think it was trying to rebuild her in some capacity? If that's right, then tell me who's worth more alive: Tessa's favorite toy, or a bunch a faceless nobodies that she didn't even know are alive, and probably won't ever find out about.
Alright, I think that's everything.
Let me know if I'm wrong, you have any additional observations, or if my formatting sucks
Or if I glorified a harmful practice
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armins-main-hoe · 2 months
You take in the sight before you, the city was a ruin. Hardly any signs of life or civilisation left anymore. With so many villains out on the run now, Japan is a mess. Heroes have died during the Paranormal Liberation War. Its been a while since then, Midoriya left UA. UA sends training heros out with pro heros on patrol throughout the city to catch any villains out causing any more damage than what's already been done.
Thats what you're doing right now. Jumping down from a roof, you walk through the ruins, looking out for any remaining survivors or danger. It has been a hell of a journey to get where you are now, not that it's one you can say you're proud of considering exactly where you are right now. However, if you were to count the positives, you got a lot more battle experience than any previous hero-in-training in history and thats made you and your brother one scary duo.
Too bad the two of you still prefer to work solo, if given the choice. As students, the two of you have grown a lot, admittedly, there still is a lot of space left for growth but considering what you were before you entered UA, you've come far. You used to be a bitch. A real snarky bitch and to be fair you might still be considered a bitch. Just far more understanding and wary of others around you now. Your brother has gone through similar changes. Still hot-tempered but he takes others into consideration before his actions.
As for your bond as brother and sister, it's still a working progress. You would describe your relationship with your brother as a classmate rather than a sibling. The arguments are still there, the constant competition is also still there. Yet you can tell there is much more peace between you both than before, its just still not as visible.
"Look at what we got here." A deep rough voice pulled you out of your thoughts as you look at the person who spoke. No. Not person. A villain.
He was a tall man, with worn out clothes. His hair tied back into a bun with strands falling out. Though what was most noticeable about the villain was the large scar running down from his forehead to his chest where the top few buttons of his shirt were lost.
You immediately brace yourself in a fighting stance, your gaze hardens as you sneer at him.
The man laughs at you. "I can't believe they've got kids to come do their dirty work. Whats a little bitch like you gonna do? Huh?" He taunts you.
You should be careful, you don't know his quirk yet.
He steps forward, lifting a fist up. His body grows as ,what you can only assume, metal spikes appear out of his skin. He starts running towards you, aiming to hit you with a fist. You easily propel yourself upwards int o the air by blasting the ground below yourself. He makes a tisk sound while catching himself from stumbling. You then send a blast towards him.
However, he blocks it with the hard metal coming out from his body.
"Well aren't you annoying?" You mumble.
You continue to fight him. You're blasts would break his spikes but he would regenerate them just as quickly. You kept focusing on your explosions, trying to put as much force in them as you can, but not enough to kill him and trying to dodge his constant attacks was putting your stamina to test after 25 minutes.
You caught yourself slipping up, taking hits from the villain. You breath out your fury, trying to calm yourself down so you can concentrate again. You spit out the blood in your mouth before sending the most powerful blast yet at him.
It knocks him down, sending him crashing into a the remaining ruin of a building. You wait a few seconds, to see if he would stand back up. After he still laid down you slowly began to walk towards him.
After confirming that he was knocked out, you let out a sigh, frown still on your face.
'Katsuki would have been able to have knock him down quicker', you tell yourself. 'I should have done better'.
You hear someone call out your name and you turn to see its the pro hero you were grouped under. She visibly winces when she sees you.
"Damn girl, how many hits did you take?" She asks, pulling out a pocket radio and then speaking into it. "Bakugo down, sending her back to UA."
Your eyes widen. "What? I'm not down!" You argue. No. You want to stay. You need to stay.
The pro hero puts her radio back into her pocket. She shook her head before taking your arm. "You're in no condition to fight more today." Behind you the other hero students are picking up the villain to take him away.
"Yes I am!" You fight back, pulling your arm away from her.
She looks at you sternly. "A hero knows when to fall back. If you fight another villain in this condition you'll do more harm than good."
Was the damage that bad? You look down at yourself, blood was seeping through your hero suit, it was torn at places, places where spikes had gone through your body. You then look at the ground around you, you left a trail of blood wherever you went.
"Come on." The pro hero spoke softer now, gently tugging you along with her.
As soon as you stepped into the infirmary, you had ignored the looks you got from other students. You had avoided walking through the crowd of the public who were taking refuge in UA, to avoid them seeing the one who is supposed to be saving them all beat up.
You sat on a bed, a nurse coming up to you to attend to your wounds. Its now that you stopped fighting, stopped thinking that the pain finally hit you.
And it hit you hard.
You felt as if you were dying, the nurse laid you down, she began saying something. What was she saying? You can tell that she was speaking but you couldn't hear her. A white noise took over your ears as you looked around. It looks like the nurse was shouting.
You see other people running around the room, but you then notice someone else running. Running towards you.
You're eyes close before you could look up and see who it was.
You wake up, groaning at your eyes adjusting to the light. You take in the environment around you. You're still at the infirmary, the pain no longer there. Looking over your body, someone, a nurse probably, had changed you into looser clothing, your wounds fully healed with only scars on your body in their spot.
"You're up."
You look over at your side and see Katsuki walking over to you from where he sat on the chair. His hair visibly more messy than usual, dressed in UA uniform without his tie. But his eyes, it was his eyes that made you concerned.
His twin red eyes had irritated pink skin under them, as if he had been..
"You're a fucking idiot you know that." He wants to shout, but he can't seem to raise his voice.
You sit up let your legs over the side of the bed, looking up at him.
"As if you're the one to talk." At your remark his face softens. Which is weird because usually when you talk back, matching his rude comments, he would fume and come back at you.
“You came back as a bloody mess.” He said, still glaring at you but his voice softer.
“I’m fine.” You say.
“Don’t look it to me.” He scoffs.
You roll your eyes. “Wow. Thanks for your concern kats.”
He would usually sneer and tell you off for using that nickname he finds annoying but he didn’t. Which just added to more of the uneasy feeling you were getting from him.
You stand up and he immediately pulls you in, hugging you.
"Thank god you're alive." He whispers, you feel his arms tighten around you.
You haven't hugged your brother in... well you don't know how long and you don't bother remembering as you hug him back.
“Of course I’d be alive, idiot.” You mumble back. He didn’t say much else as a reply though, he just kept hugging you and you could have sworn you heard sniffles from him. However, you didn’t feel like calling him out on it so you just let him hug you for a while longer.
Honestly, you’re just glad that you and your brother are healing, even if you had to get physically hurt for it, even if there is a chance you may not heal much before you get hurt again from this war.
You’ll take what you can get, and you’ll hold onto it for as long as you can.
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onegaylittleant · 7 months
OFMD and Revenge
I've been seeing a lot of posts focusing on characters getting comeuppance for their bad actions in this fandom lately.
People are talking about Izzy getting off easy since no one knows that Ed's behaviour is "his fault" or Ed being punished or Stede etc and like,,, no?
If that's what people want then like I get that and I see you, you're feelings make sense and they're about the furthest you can get from an unfounded opinion but that isn't really the approach ofmd seems to be taking when it comes to revenge.
In season 1 we have three major characters who's character arcs are focused on revenge; Jim, Chauncey and Izzy. Their quests for revenge are never framed as desireable.
Jim is basically done with their revenge quest for most of the show, all they really want is getting their knife back, until they return to their home where they're basically shamed for letting go of their grudge. Them continuing to avenge their family is shown to be detrimental. They leave their friends behind and Jackie outright tells them that it's not worth it.
Chauncey is just a flat-out villain this season. Like we get why he's going after Stede, I'd even say the show makes us sympathise with him, but it's also very obvious to us that he's hurting himself and the people around him by refusing to let go.
Izzy want's Blackbeard back, he's stuck in the past and he also develops a grudge against Stede specifically. These are the reasons he becomes one of our main antagonists in season 1.
But this is made even more obvious in season 2, which is why I find it so weird that a lot of people are still rooting for the possability of Izzy being punished.
I think Ed's storyline this season is the shows clearest declaration on how it's going to handle redemption and comeuppance going forward. Ed is pushed over the ledge at the end of season 1 and so far his s2 arc has been focusing on his awful coping mechanisms with trauma and guilt. He's been doing worse and worse things to the characters we love and he fucking hates himself for it. He keeps punishing himself for doing bad things by doing something worse. It's very similar to Chaunceys framing in s1 if you think about it. And he's to scared to stop because he belives that he's unredeemable, that there's no one waiting for him on the other side.
But his crew, his friends, Izzy, Stede even his own imagination (Hornigold) are telling him that he can let go of his anger and that if he'd just show them that remorse without also hurting them, they'd be there. Ed punishing himself isn't helping anyone.
And if we disregard the fact that Izzy has already lost a leg to a long and painfull infection, not to mention the fuckton of mental trauma, we see that he has put himself on the road to redemption by taking accountability for his personal actions as well as protecting the crew from Blackbeard.
Yeah he's technically one of the reasons that Ed is in such a bad place right now, but if the revenge crew aren't insanely pissed at Stede for Ed's behaviour then do ya'll really think they'd react that poorly to finding out about Izzy's involvement?
Like they've been there with him, they've seen the abuse he's endured by Blackbeard and the messed up relationship they have together. I'm pretty sure they'd all agree that he's been through enough.
Yeah he's a dick, and they've basically always known him to be one, but he's their dick.
Idk I just think people are a bit to caught up in moral absolutes here when really the happiest ending for everyone involved would be for the characters to forgive themselves for the pain they've caused, and to free themselves of their personal grudges so that they can properly heal.
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starreo · 4 months
not trying to be rude at all, im a fan and a follower...but i didn't focus too much on yuri, just thought he was a background character, playing the same siscon role that almost every anime seems to have...sorry but can you give me a brief maybe? of your pov? cause most people seem to hate him
hey hey,, no my lovely it's completely okay, don't apologize :3
the central idea of yuri briar is that he's here just for comedic relief, and obviously, he's such a siscon and this and that, right?
and i don't blame people for thinking that in their minds, because of the way the animators and some of the writing board seem to set him up...
even endo, had said that, he just wanted yuri to be a sweet little brother people would adore, but the writers made him like this, and well, you know.
anyway, even with this personality, his character's backstory provides a lot of justification to his behavior,, like sure, at first he might seem like the comedic relief type of character, who's inappropriately in love with his sister, but actually, it's not like that at all...
in the anime, they've sort of butchered his character more,, from the changing of the lily bouquet for his sister to the rose one, and then obviously the little translation mistakes here and there.
now, let's just get to the point.
in the scene where yuri calls yor and talks about the party, he asks her if she wants him to introduce her to someone, and tbh he seems very genuine with it.
in the scene where he's meeting loid for the first time, he tells yor he can't just accept this marriage. which is so fair, because imagine your literal blood, someone you grew up with, the only person you've really ever known, gets married, and then doesn't tell you for an entire year. like, that's gotta make you upset and question things right?
i do agree, that his attachment and his admiration and obsession towards his sister is unhealthy, but hey, at least give him a second. understand his perspective right? he was just a boy, who lost both his parents to a war and grew up with his sister being the only one who went above and beyond to get him basic essentials.
and, obviously, you'd love your sibling if you were in this situation right?
so it's just that he's not really yet grasped how to normally love yor,, now this doesn't really mean that he loves her abnormally lol.
im sure that the writers will continue to develop his character as the manga continues. he's already developed a lot, and while the overly obsessed brother trope is quite funny and well-used, especially in this manga,, i still believe he has more of a personality then they show us.
and the only thing annoying is that people seem to judge him and then make posts about how he's just so creepy and weird,, which proves that they've obviously not paid enough attention to his character details to understand the reasons behind it yknow?
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laptopcius · 1 year
Here is another post I was supposed to write looong ago, but my time-managing skills are a joke, so I do it now, before the new update drops.
I was thinking a lot about Malbonte's kiss scene. Obviously, as his romancer I enjoyed it a l o t. The tension, the yearning, the inner-conflict and shame our mc feels, when she realises he's done it just to read her thoughts...
But I'm not here to simply admire Alice's writing, I'm here to focus on the moment when the kiss ends.
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Being compared to monster is what stops Malbonte. And then the topic is continued:
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This time he doesn't even need to read mc's mind. He already knows. Not only because they've been together for ten years, but because he's been treated like a monster for a g e s. Painted as the big bad villain, a creature without conscience, focused solely on his goal and hunger for power. Mc was the first one to see his different, more 'human' side. So reading her mind at this moment, knowing now she also sees him as a monster, must felt somewhat painful. And of course, Malbonte would never admit that, since that would be a sign of weakness, but I have no doubt it made him feel bitter.
Just as I have no doubt he lost himself for a minute during this kiss. Just look at this wonderful cg. Aaaah, I can't wait for our future interactions with him, his relationship with mc is so angsty and dramatic, and overall complicated, and I'm eating it up 💙
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taintedwrote · 1 month
Why I personally think: 'This is Love' by Air Traffic Control could be about being Disabled/Chronically Ill 🙏
This gets really long and I'm running on no sleep making this but I've had this thought for a while and I had a surge of energy 🙏
Starting out with the very first line of the song, the opening that sets the tone for the rest of the song: "You're no good, you're no good, you could kill me and you should." For me, when I first heard this line I correlated it with love, but as I thought more about it and attempted to think about the song without the context of knowing it was a type of 'love song' (I say this loosely) I began to think about it in the context of being disabled.
For a lot of people, finding out you're disabled (especially as a teenager/kid) can feel horrible, it's a damning feeling that leaves you feeling lost.
It feels like a type of death.
The death of a life you dreamed about, the death of dreams that kept you going, the death of having that typical romcom life, the death of a future you thought you could reach.
Which, only cements itself with the next line: "I'm an idiot for thinking, this was anything but blood,"
Being disabled/chronically ill, for as much as abled people want to deny it, is a fight. It's a constant battle against your body with no surrender in sight; it's something you learn about and then have to consistently sit at the table to find ways around it, to find things that help but will never lessen the bloodshed.
The next line, personally, is the one that cements the underlying subject of disability within the lyrics: "On the wall, on the couch, on the corner of my mouth. You must like being the victim, you've done nothing to get out of this pattern of pain."
Abled people tend to assume that disabled people are simply unwilling to 'get better' and just wish to wallow in their pain in order to garner sympathy (which is laughable) from abled people. Doctors along with regular people on the street will offer advice that isn't anything other than "if I can do it so can you," or "You're just not trying hard enough," and refuse to listen when disabled people say they've either already tried it and it doesn't work, or that they are physically/mentally incapable of doing it.
Chalking it up to 'laziness' instead if an inherent issue within the culture/systems we live in.
"Washed away by the rain, you'll forgive me if I promise, and do nothing but the same." This line, to me, speaks to many of our shared experiences and traumas surrounding doctors or medical practitioners. We continuously go to doctors, ready to fight for ourselves, advocate, and just want to be heard and nearly every time they ignore symptoms or refuse to help (especially in regards to afab people).
It's... Exhausting to say the least.
"This is life until death," being chronically ill/disabled is something you can never get rid of, it's a life long aspect of your life. "Could be my last dying breath," many chronic illness and disabilities can kill you. Whether it is by the illness/disability itself or by outwards circumstances (caregivers, hate crimes, malpractice, ect).
"But this is love, love, shut up, this is love," this line just reminds me of people telling you they love/care about you while also diminishing your disability or your needs.
"Forget everything you used to know," when you're newly diagnosed, or when it's finally confirmed, it feels like you have to forget who you used to be; finding new tools and new understandings that could make you feel like a new person entirely even if nothing changed. The "rules of life" that were previously understood were now worthless with this new sheet of societal rules we're meant to follow.
"I think you better tell your friends to go," it is extremely hard to have/keep friends as a disabled person. (Especially as a disabled teenager which is where I have most of my own experience from.) Often, when you're newly diagnosed the friends you have will pull themselves back. The knowledge that they might need to accommodate or that they might not get to do the same things as before can make a lot of abled people pull away from their disabled friends.
"Stick around cause I'm about to show you, the beginning is the end." (This connects to the above paragraph about how it could be the beginning of the end of a lot of relationships)
"Yeah, I know wrong, I know right, but I just love to pick a fight," this line just makes me think of people trying (Ill intentioned) to offer advice contrary to what you know works best for your body (especially doctors) where you're then labeled as argumentive or difficult.
"I can sleep with one eye open," I just interpret this as being hyper vigilant of your disability. "If there's any sleep at night."
"I got my knife, got my gun," Your medication, "Let's see how fast you can run, you might think that you can hurt me but the damage has been done." I just thought about the medication chasing the disability and thought that was kinda funny. I could go deeper with this but it's already getting long.
"It's pathetic, I know, a jealous fool who won't let go." This line just personally hit me in the gut because for so long I was jealous of my friends who could live their lives without needing to make sure they would be safe or without planning ahead so they didn't end up hospitalized/in a flare and unable to move. For a long time I refused to let go of the wants I had for my future that I realized if never be able to get to, it was a mourning process they didn't understand which only made me even more jealous.
"If I was sorry for my actions, would I ever stoop so low?" This just made me think of all the times I had to apologize for being sick/unable to do something and it pissed me off so that's all I'm gonna say.
"Got no reason to live," Again, it just made me think of the mourning process that tends to happen when you have to let go of the life you wanted to live in the life you got.
"And I've got nothing left to give you, but my love!" This line felt like those moments when you're trying really hard, when you're putting all your tools and spoons into doing something and trying to keep other people from needing to accommodate only to be told you're not trying hard enough.
"Oh, I was hit as a kid," (refer to top paragraph)
"I was good but then I quit," most chronic illnesses that "don't show" in childhood usually get worse during puberty when your hormones are all fucked up and messy. Hensel feeling both like it's always been there and that it just spawned one day.
"Everyone that tried to fix me knows that I can't change a bit." Just...the constant ring-around of doctors that have been either unable to diagnose or unable to help.
"I've got no shame, got no pride, only skeletons to hide." Just, that odd feeling where a lot of people feel like they need to hide their disabilities to the best of their ability.
"And if you try to talk to someone, well then someone has to die." This just makes me think about the disabilities hiding themselves (or unconscious masking to the best of their ability) in front of Doctors, like they're a vampire hiding from the sun.
"Once you chase me down the hole," or once you try and figure the disability out, "yeah once you think you're in control," when you've been able to manage it for a few weeks or months or even years, "you'll believe that we are partners and you'll feel uncomfortable." or the classic "was I really that bad or was I just being dramatic" feeling that comes with feeling too good for long periods of time.
"Oh then the darkness rolls in," a flare, or a bad day. "And you'll forget who I have been," how to manage it.
"The simple love that your grandparents had, this kind of love will only make you mad." Realising that finding a partner will also include making sure it's someone that is okay with being "with a disabled person" which is, for some reason, not something people are okay with. 🙄
"It hurts at first but it ain't that bad," the beginning tends to be the worst but once you understand your body and it's limits it's not hard to "deal with" (I can't think of another word for what I mean) anymore. "You gotta wonder what it meant."
Anyway, this got really long but relating love songs (I use the term loosely) to the relationship disabled/chronically ill people tend to have with their disabilities. So.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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maochira · 1 year
How father figure!Ego feels and thinks about you
Requests open! - series masterlist [TBA] - series introduction
Tags: gn!reader, reader is a graphic designer, artist and assistant at Blue Lock, overachiever and overworker!reader, you should read the introduction to fully understand this
Ego's feelings regarding you are a bit complicated, he himself can't even properly recognize them or put them into words. He's confused by the way he feels about you.
He's convinced he only sees you as his employee on a completely professional level and that he only cares about you in a way that he wants you to take care of yourself, so you don't get sick because replacing you temporarily or even permanently would cost him time and money. Basically, he's convinced he feels about you as if you're only a tool to achieve his dream.
And in theory, that is right. That is exactly the relationship you have with each other. He's your employer and you're his employee. Your work is for him and for Blue Lock.
The first time Ego ever expressed concern about you was after he saw you fell asleep on your desk after you lost too much sleep because you got lost in your work. He always knew how hard you work and that you have sleepless nights every now and then (you never told him how often you actually pull all-nighters), but seeing you so overworked you even fell asleep made him truly realize how much of a hard worker you actually are.
Ego wants you to take care of yourself and get enough sleep, so you don't get sick. He says it's because he doesn't want to replace you temporarily, but inside of him some sort of urge to protect you started to grow. He justifies that with the fact that he's your boss and it's part of his job to make sure his employees are doing well. And sure, that is right as well, but Ego's protectiveness over you is the true reason.
The thought "Is this what a parent feels about their child?" also crossed his mind for the first time, but he immediately shrugged it off. He doesn't want to let anything he feels about you grow beyond anything professional.
But honestly, what he feels about you is very close to what a parent feels about their child. But Ego can't know that. He doesn't have any children and never thought of having any, so of course he gets confused when he feels this way about someone, especially if it's for his employee. Whenever this thought crosses his mind, he quickly pushes it away because he really wants to avoid anything becoming unprofessional between you and him.
Because he knows you already work so much and so hard, his criticism on the first and second drafts of your graphic design and art tasks decreases. He used to criticize them a lot more and asked you to adjust them, but when his protectiveness over you started growing, he also started being more pleased with your earlier drafts and sketches. Although, he shrugs that off as "they've been working for me for a while, so, of course, their work improved and there's less to criticize" when in reality, he wants to avoid you doing more work when you already have a draft or sketch that looks good. If he truly didn't care about your well-being on a personal level, he would continue criticizing you and asking for adjustments.
As much as he pushes any thoughts about personal feelings for you away and how much he justifies the way he treats you with anything that can be led back to the professional relationship you have with each other, Ego finds himself being nicer and more caring towards you as time progresses. If asked about you, he still doesn't admit his true feelings - because he doesn't understand them. These fatherly feelings aren't anything he ever felt towards someone.
But how can he not feel fatherly about you? You're new to the adult world and this is your first job. You've always been an overachiever and overworker. At first, Ego only thought you're a passionate worker, which you are as well, but as time went on he started noticing your overworking tendencies and gets afraid you'll overwork yourself into a burnout.
In Ego's eyes, simply because you're so young and new to this, you seem fragile and maybe a bit naive. But he admires how passionate you are about your work and how you're willing to go to your edge for him. But he doesn't want you to sacrifice your sleep and health as much as you do.
Of course, you're not actually fragile. If you were, you would have broken from the workload and tight deadlines in the first weeks of Blue Lock. But the more Ego's protectiveness grows, the more fragile you seem to him - because he feels like he has to protect you from the harm you might cause to yourself.
His actions originating from those more personal feelings are usually rather subtle, but they're noticeable enough to you and Anri.
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