#and now he is sleeping to regain his play energy
pangur-and-grim · 1 month
How's Belphegor settling in? I've only interacted with once-stray kittens, so I'm used to them being terrified at first! I imagine it's different with hand-raised ones.
hour one of getting home, Belphegor didn't care about people. only ball
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hour two, I had to use the bathroom and Belphegor started SCREAMING at being left alone. this tuckered him out, and by the time I got back, he'd passed out on a blanket. less than 3 minutes had elapsed.
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hannieehaee · 20 days
Sua escrita é realmente fabulosa e estou realmente perdida nisso desde que algo como namorada latina foi mencionado em sua masterlist.
Posso perguntar algo como se a leitora fosse uma garota de ascendência latina (ou totalmente latina, depende de você) e bem, a reação dos integrantes ao se conhecerem pela primeira vez com ela e descobrirem que são realmente sensacionais na cama?
Sorry if my English is bad, it's not my first language (I'm a Brazilian girl
their latina s/o being amazing in bed
content: smut, mentions of first time having sex together, afab reader, mentions of penetrative sex, etc.
wc: 787
a/n: thank uu!! and thank u for requesting<3 i hope u like what i wrote<33
seungcheol -
not too surprised. the moment he saw you, he just knew you were gonna rock his world. to be fair, he did hope he'd be able to make you feel just as good as you did him, but he cant imagine any possible way in which you could feel as good as he did last night. he's still replaying it in his head, aware that this will be a recurring memory any time he's alone at night and away from you.
jeonghan -
for once in his life, he has no idea how to react. he has no quick-witted response for you nor does he know how to regain that suave personality he usually has. he's just a mess of heavy breaths and stutters as you take care of him. he finds it impossible to regain his standing when its so easy for you to turn him into a mess.
joshua -
somehow cocky about how good you make him feel. convinced that you're just so into him that you cant help make him lose all his composure in bed. does his best to match your energy and have you seeing stars just like you do him.
jun -
you'll literally have him in tears by the end of the night. would whine at you as to why you didn't warn him you were a monster in bed. did you want him to make a fool of himself? well, it worked! bc he's now putty in your hands, body reacting to every single one of your expert touches.
soonyoung -
thanks you constantly (and pathetically) for choosing him as the guy whose world you'd be altering with that magical pussy (his words). will become immediately obsessed with you and the way you make him feel, unable to have any sense of dignity when it comes to begging you for another night.
wonwoo -
used to being the one who takes care of their partner during sex, and although he can still do that with you, he is unsure of how to handle himself when you're making him feel this good. never would he have imagined you'd be able to read him so easily and have him eating from the palm of your hand.
jihoon -
red in the face and letting out hiccuped gasps at every touch. itd take him five minutes to realize he was in over his head sleeping with someone so good an experienced at pleasure. dies and goes to heaven and is reborn again multiple times throughout the night, now with an image of you stuck to his head.
seokmin -
falls victim to your seductive aura immediately, becoming a shell of himself as he gives in to the pleasure you offer him. will literally get on his knees and beg for pussy after just one time in bed with you.
mingyu -
you're gorgeous, so for some reason that led him to believe you'd be amazing in bed. however, he was unprepared for how drastically you'd alter his brain chemistry through the way you made him feel. everything about you had his eyes crossing and his brows furrowing in pleasure. he was sure he'd never feel as good as this moment.
minghao -
one of the only times in his life that his composure broke so badly. he had been entirely unprepared to find out you were somehow a siren that could get him weak at the knees with just one touch. becomes absolutely entranced by you throughout the process.
seungkwan -
blushy, sweaty, hands clammy. he's just a complete mess. he will literally not survive a night with you, too entranced by how easily you take his pleasure and play with it. how is it possible for you to be so good at this? why did you not give him any warning?
vernon -
mind completely blank the moment you begin working him. whether you used your hands, mouth, lips, cunt, tits, etc. he'd was putty in your hands. can't even manage to let out any sounds of pleasure bc of how caught off guard he is by how insanely good you make him feel. not one to beg much, but will absolutely beg you for another taste of that pussy once you're done.
chan -
he was already weak and needy for you before even getting to sleep with you, but ends up becoming even more of a pathetic mess the moment you touch him. no matter what it is you do in bed, he's shocked at how easily you're able to get him begging for more. needs you to never stop touching him, becoming obsessed with you after just one night together.
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afewfantasies · 3 months
🗡️ꜰᴇʏᴅ'ꜱ ʙʟᴀᴅᴇ 🗡️ - IV - FESTIVITIES
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ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 5.6K
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Feyd-Rautha X Reader
ᴘʟᴏᴛ: Feyd-Rautha's birthday is the perfect opportunity for many factions to put their pieces into play. For you the stakes are higher than ever, now that your feelings for the psychotic na-Baron have developed. Feyd rewards honour, honesty and sincerity and punishes treachery without mercy.
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: Violence, killing, spanking, oral sex , sex (p in v), choking, dirty talk, fingering, multiple orgasms, creampie
IV- Festivities
The cool white hues of the rising sun flow softly into your bedroom. Feyd has been awake admiring your sleeping visage for half an hour now. The slow rise and fall of your chest, the absence of tension in your expression, long lashes, relaxed limbs. Lifting your head gently he slips his arm out from under it. He’d never experienced such closeness and peace with anyone. He was struck by how much he enjoyed the proximity, after searching for you as long as he had he finally felt that that knowing ache in his chest was sated. Aches in his nether regions only growing stronger. He couldn’t wait for there to be more time. Time to wake you up slowly and properly. To watch your eyes flutter to consciousness while his mouth explored your sex. He would deliver as many climaxes as you needed to start your day, taking as many as he needed for his. It takes everything in him not to wake you with his tongue. But he needed his energy for the fight at hand there would be dozen or more slaves in the pit and he would need to put on a good show for the arena. He needed to solidify his place as heir so he would be able to strike a devastating blow to whomever had been at the head of your attack. He wouldn’t stand having his happiness taken from him. He would heed your warning, not making a further scene about it until the time was right. Sensing a shift in energy you stir as he stands upright out of the bed. It takes a moment to regain the full scope of your sight. Feyd stands shirtless at the foot of the bed. You cast a glance to the clock.
“Happy birthday” you smile before yawning.
“Thank you”  Feyd smiles with his eyes glued to your lips.
“Come here” Feyd demands. Instead of hurrying you hold an arm out lazily. Feyd pulls you to him forcing you to kneel in the bed. You take the liberty of running your hands down his ripped obliques before trailing back to look up at him, he bows his head. Feyd kisses you aggressively, with a firm grip on your arms. You feel malleable in his arms, pliable and fully at his mercy. Relaxing into his aggression you allow yourself to revel in the moment, as he claims you with his kiss. No one has ever wanted you so much, no one had ever made you feel so needed, or so desired. Kissing Feyd is intoxicating, you lose concept of time allowing his curious hands to roam your body until you run out of breath. Pulling away first you see remnants of his handprints on your arms. His eyes catch the imprint as well, his eyes never leave yours as he leans down casting an apologetic kiss over his impressions left on each arm.
“I’m going to miss you today” he rasps.
Smiling at his open affection you place a kiss on his chest. “Remember, don’t look to me, stay focused” you whisper.
“Shhh” Feyd says not wanting you to worry. He’d been fighting for over a decade and didn’t need any advice on how to handle the arena. His energy is different this morning, there’s a raw aggression akin to what you’ve heard in the stories.
“Go now and don’t hold back” you repeat sitting back on the bed. It takes a moment for Feyd to register the familiar words but when he does a smirk plays at his full lips. Raising his chin he nods in agreement turning to head out the door. Feyd is appreciative of your embrace of his nature, acceptance over rejection. Your heart swells with a mix of feelings, anticipation, excitement and fear. Looking over his shoulder Feyd takes one final look at you before heading into his chambers to ready himself for the days festivities. Exiting your room he watches shock befall the guards. His chest swells with pride and he holds his head high as they all bow wishing him a happy birthday. Feeling incredible he doesn’t wash, wanting to keep your scent all over him, a reminder of the ultimate prize awaiting him following the fight. Pressing the button for his Mentat the doors open and the man enters.
“Have fresh flowers brought to the na-Baroness when she rises, whatever she wants she gets” he says casting an intimidating look the mans way. He wanted to commemorate your first night spent together.
“With pleasure” the Mentat nods and Feyd casts him away heading back into his bedroom to prepare for the intricacies of a day in the arena. He had motivation in spades now. Heading down into the city the pods zoom quickly, there’s chatter all around him but all he can think of is you, your beauty and your relaxation, the way you felt the way you smell and your touch. You’d been open to him while still standing your ground. In retrospect it was something he found himself admiring. You were braver than a lot of men. His desire for you would help him in the arena, he found himself a better bladesman since your arrival. He was more precise, more focused, more deadly. It was as though the softness you brought to him sharpened his senses. Ceremonial black paint is plastered into his skin and he tests the blades of his knives. Hearing the groans and hissing of his pets he procures the Harpies fresh flesh. He feels his bloodlust rise as he watches them eat savagely. The roar of the arena grows as Feyd paces to get in the right headspace for the fight. The chanting of his name is music to his ears.
Standing in front of a looking glass you observe the attendants as they dress you in an ornamental black dress unlike anything you could have predicted for the fight. Fresh flowers are at the centre of your table, it’s not lost on you how difficult it is to grow much of anything on the harsh planet of Giedi Prime. The chatter around you becomes senseless noise as people make mindless wagers on the amount of time it will take Feyd to best all of the contenders. Everyone anticipates Feyd putting on a lively show for his birthday. Others speak of the excitement their children will feel seeing the na-Barons firework display at night. Your stomach remains uneasy through the lot of it as you pray against his wounding and possible poisoning. Unlike everyone else, you have no desire to see Feyd take part in any brutality. Nor do you have any desire to change his nature. It’s just you would prefer to be elsewhere than privy to the barbaric of the area fights, especially after growing close to the na-Baron. Especially after coming to enjoy his kiss and touch as you do. With how much peace you found in sleeping beside him last night, how much you yearn for it to be every night, as well as the curious sensations that yearn for all of him. With Feyd-Rautha, one of the galaxies brutal horrors you’d found elements of strength that had been long lost. If they had existed before him at all. After your tryst sleep had found you easily, the warmth of his body against yours, his skin. 
Your dress is secured and fastened by attendants creating the illusion of creature far more grand than you are. It’s far more ostentatious than anything the reverend mother would consider appropriate. They’re garments appropriate for a na-baroness. Leia enters in a dress that is also striking, you find yourself smiling when you see that a stabilizer has been built into the neck of it as she recovers from the neck injury from the savage attack. Among all the bustling staff the two of you choose to share a look instead of any thoughts. You are fitted for gloves, binoculars to see Feyd in the arena and made to choose from a plethora of other devices, menus and more to ensure your time at the celebration is enjoyable. It’s a two hours circus before you and Leia find any time alone. Sitting with your Mentat in a pod you look her over. The Mentat places a shield ring on your hand teaching you how to use the contraption in case of emergency. One is also given to Leia. You smile thankful for Feyd’s acceptance of Leia and his care for her well being in tandem with yours.
The roar of the arena snaps you out of your thoughts. The speed at which everything occurs is disorienting, choppy and sporadic. The planet fades into black and white as you exit the pod and walk out into the streets of Giedi Prime. The industrial smells are ghastly as you move through the corridor and into the arena. The shouting is deafening, your body vibrates from the cheering as your heart races with anticipation, Leia takes your hand in support knowing your aversion for crowds. You make out your betrothed’s name being chanted. Screens abound everywhere as highlights of Feyd’s best fights play on the screen.
Your escort grows with more and more armed men, you're placed into a hovercraft and driven to a palatial box with an incredible view and live screens of the arena pit operated by drones. Looking around the space your Mentat secures it. You smile at the fresh fruits and cheeses waiting for your convenience.
“May we have some time alone?” You ask the Mentat. He nods quickly clearing out the guards and attendants. It takes several minutes to recount the past nights events to Leia and when your finished her ambivalence matches your own. The worry in her eyes overrides the excitement. She takes your hand knowing better than anyone the state of your visions. Never had one come true within such a close span of time. They’d been abstract and symbolic thus far. They’d acted as a preview of the possibilities and not a definitive singular path. But just as you saw Feyd had removed his manhood from his pants and stroked it lazily as the two of you shared kisses. Typically, there was time for hours of speculation regarding the visions and plausible meanings but not today. The gash that had been sliced into his back wasn’t large but the impact it had on you was indicative of its danger. The blue-eyed Fremen woman you’d been looking at was in front of you. You could feel the dry desert heat on your skin as you looked up at her. Again, danger had felt eminent or at least perceived danger. Your visions of Feyd-Rautha had frightened you in the beginning but he had not harmed you. Although, your abduction had opened you up to a brutal attack and targeting.  
“He’ll get through this. We’ll get through this” Leia says encouragingly pulling you from your thoughts.
“I can’t place the danger” you confess pacing in the grand viewing box. Sighing Leia rises doing the same as the two of you had many times before.
“Will you wait until you're married to have him?” Leia asks distracted.
“I would like to honour my family’s customs” you confess and she smiles making you blush. 
“Right” she says resuming her movements you’d both learned moving helped you focus, helped bring things into focus, gain clarity.
“Perhaps, we will end up in Arrakis?” Leia says.
“Possibly” you agree.
“What can we do about poison here?” You ask concerned for Feyd, there’s an absence of herbs, or much of any Bene Gesserit items to subvert the effects of poison.
“Nothing” Leia says regretfully.
Slowing to a stop it comes to you. “Blood, our blood” you whisper. It’s one of the orders deepest secrets. Leia stops and you watch as understanding flows into her eyes. She grabs your hands, finally there’s promise. Drums sound shaking the entire arena and you watch as a procession of veiled women in head dresses enter a section of the arena. Unease fills you as the crows begin chanting Feyd-Rautha again, holding binoculars to your eyes watch as he emerges. You can feel your pulse in your throat. Torn by the levels of danger and treachery at play you find yourself the banister looking down at the fight with bated breath.
Tears stream steadily as you find yourself rushing to Feyd. Though victorious it was not without blood. One cut from a lucid Atreides soldier, was the cost of the spectacle. Feyd-Rautha had left there arena on adrenaline and fury. Leia shouts orders on your behalf getting you down the the base levels of the arena. Time seems to pass so slowly in spite of your rushing. The never-ending elevators, corridors and rooms leave you disoriented and in a labyrinth of confusion. When you arrive in Feyd’s chambers a Bene Gesserit sister and a doctor are among those in attendance.
Treachery is at hand you can feel it.
“Out” you say singularly. The voice that leaves your mouth is not yours. The doctor drops his things as Feyd turns to you in surprise. His lids looking heavier than ever before. One of the guards cuffs the sister gagging her in an instant. You go to Feyd trusting Leia with the care of the room and guards. He’d gone against your wishes holding his blade over his head and casting a look in your direction. In that moment the Atreides slave rose striking him across his back. Cutting your finger you place it in his mouth without explanation. Feyd’s eyes hold yours in surprise, his chest begins to rise and fall violently. His body begins to convulse and your heart races at your suspicions being confirmed. 
Poison. They’d tried to poison him. 
Holding Feyd you do your best to support him through his convulsions. Leia enters moments after the shaking has stopped. You watch as his body begins to metabolize the poison resistant qualities of your bloods training and exposure. Holding his limp heavy body you watch as yellow liquid drips out of the open wounds. Leia sees it too, her chest rises in relief as does yours. Breathing you kiss Feyd’s head.
“Priming poison to make him vulnerable to suggestion, priming him for the breeding program” Leia says far more astute than you with the intricacies of the sisterhood. Feyd stirs in your arms and it takes him a moment before he regains full consciousness. His eyes are full of rage. He grabs your throat in anger squeezing tight before he realizes it’s you. Withdrawing he sways and you support him again. He looks to you and then Leia before turning to look at his back in the reflection of the mirrored steel. Tears of relief wash down your face and Feyd pulls you in for a hug.
“I’ll find sterile needles and thread, he’ll need stitches” Leia says leaving the room proving further the treachery. There were no means of stitching his wounds aside from an odd looking salve at the doctors station.
“What happened?” Feyd asks.
“High treason, the knife was poisoned to make sure you would be susceptible to Bene Gesserit seduction, suggestion and primed to breed to secure your genetic material” you explain. Feyd looks at you with an intrinsic knowingness, the soreness of his cut was evidence of the treason. He’d been cut too many times to know the levels of pain they should inflict. This one was unnatural in many ways. Leia returns and you wipe the poison remnants from his skin.
“Do not cry for me” he whispers, growing angry at your distress.
You thread the needle and situate yourself behind Feyd. The separation of flesh is gruesome but far from the worst you’ve witnessed in your lifetime. He watches you through the reflection feeling the pain as you stitch him back together with singular concentration. His eyes look from you to Leia and she bows her head at him out of respect.
“Have the witch and doctor brought in” he tells her. Nodding she turns leaving, you can feel the anger radiating from Feyd and know this won’t end well for them. They enter before you’ve finished and the doctor trembles. Feyd watches him without words as you finish up, taking a sterile candle you light it to get an even coat of wax to seal your work. Feyd is so angry he’s barely affected by the sting. When you finish he stands tapping on your shield. Leia follows suit and Feyd taps on a shield of his own. 
“You made the na-Baroness cry!” he growls. His anger gives you goosebumps. He takes a blade pushing it violently into the doctors throat. The sister watches in horror trying to use the voice but her gag inhibits her ability. Feyd removes it revelling at the challenge. As she speaks he strikes fast sticking his hand into her mouth. Her jaw moves and her eyes rise in horror,  she screams as he takes her tongue. He grabs pincer tools and holds her tongue looking at her mockingly. The moment she tries to speak again he takes the scissors removing her tongue. Her cries are blood curling. You close your eyes looking away as she crumples to the ground. The doctor is still choking in agony. There’s blood everywhere, Feyd is covered in it. It smells like iron and you tremble closing your eyes as you try to escape the brutal stabbing of both conspirators. Leia trembles at your side. When Feyd’s tirade is over he takes the medical beds leather cover piling the bodies and overing them over. He’s covered blood and at wits end. Feyd heads to the door pulling it open.
“Feed them to my pets” he snarls pointing to the piled bodies.
“Return the na-Baroness to her quarters” he shouts. Leia takes your hand and as you leave you see the blood on his hands, body and Feyd. He holds your gaze without shame or apology. 
“Go now, I won’t hold back” he says and it gives you pause. You find a small smirk at the twinkle in his eye. Your Feyd is still in there. The experience of being brought back to your quarters is out of body, you're stricken with the visuals of Feyd covered in the blood of his kills after the carnage that took place in the arena. It’s really to you, the scope of what he’s capable of. What scares you even more is how little he terrifies you. The fear of losing him was more than any you’ve ever felt before. You’d managed to use the voice. It hadn’t even been possible when you’d been under attack yourself but it’d materialized without warning when Feyd was too vulnerable to protect himself.
Standing in front of the Baron Feyd is unable to withhold his anger. If he could get away with murder here and now he would without question. Amused eyes look back at his rage filled ones. The Baron chuckles in his tub sitting forward as he smokes from a pipe. It would be as easy as breathing to hold the old man down once he ripped away the suspension devices implanted into his back. The Baron would drown in his own gluttony.
“Arrakis is yours, my birthday gift to you” the Baron says surprising Feyd.
“What of Rabban?” Feyd inquires.
“He’s proven himself incapable of the task” the Baron responds. “Feyd?” The Baron calls to his nephew as he turns to leave. “A path has been set for you to inherit far more than Arrakis. The girl is a nobody, keep her as a slave if you please but do not marry her” the Baron instructs. Feeling anger like never before he hears your voice pleading with him to maintain his composure and so he does casting his uncle a silent nod before leaving. Guards take him down an unfamiliar path before leaving him alone. Feyd-Rautha slows sensing a presence behind him. Turning he sees a fine woman, her garments tell him she’s a part of the Bene Gesserit sisterhood. A smirk pulls at his lips as he follows her like a moth to a flame.
“You’re following me” Feyd rasps
“Am I? I may have gotten lost, will you show me the way out of this maze my lord na-Baron” she says sweetly.
“Have we met, are you a Bene Gesserit?” Feyd asks sensing vibrations in his head as he follows her. She gives a chuckle. “I’m marrying one of your sisters” he states.
“Are you?” She smiles turning to face him. “I’m Margot Fenring” she smiles and Feyd recalls the name. He continues stalking his prey under the guise of mindlessly following. Looking around the guest wind he realizes there are no guards. 
“Kneel” she says and again he feels vibrations in his head but he does not feel the compulsions of the voice.
“What do you want?” He adds kneeling slowly.
“To see if you're worth an enjoyable night?” She smiles. Feyd moves quickly stabbing her with the Gom Jabbar before she can put it to his neck. Her eyes bulge as she blinks. Knowing Bene Gesserit trickery he plunges a blade into her chest to ensure her passing. He would end every single one of them if it meant protecting you. He would never allow an entire order to mock your impending union. Worse yet, rob him of his free will.
“You’re too late” Feyd laughs at the corpse. The pain in his arm throbs but the sensation exhilarates him. So does the knowledge that he has the power to resist the treachery of the Bene Gesserit.
The day had been never ending, your level of exhaustion compounded by the potential stress of losing Feyd, a fear you hadn’t fully come to terms with. The warm fresh water is another extravagance most aren’t afforded but you revel in the aromatics and balms place into the bath. The fireworks flash outside, breathing slowly you try to settle your nerves. Resting your head on the bath pillow you allow the salts to relax your muscles. Floating you feel a hand touch your shoulder. Feyd’s hand, you know by the ever-present warmth in his touch. It’s a pleasant dream you relax into. His hand slides deeper into the water fondling your breast. Sensing a presence you open your eyes only to see his hand across your chest. Craning your head back you find him crouched behind you in his night linens. His head lowers placing a kiss on yours. Feyd-Rautha walks around the tub to face you. His eyes teeming with desire and mischief. He needs you tonight. Removing his night tunic he tosses it aside before dipping his arm into the water with his eyes assessing your every move. Instead of withdrawing you slide closer to him at the edge of the tub.
Pulling you out of the tub he watches in absolute adoration as the water beads off your skin. Your fully nude figure in real time takes his breath away. Feyd’s mouth salivates at the nights potential. His eyes never leave yours. Goosebumps cover your skin and he smiles running his hands over the soft flesh of your pebbled nipples. He had a thing for being thorough and attentive. Tonight would only be more intense, he needed you to come to learn and understand sexual pleasure. You’d given him a privilege no one else had; protection while wanting nothing in return.
“Go lie down” he whispers sending you on your way. You grab a towel removing the excess water only for a stinging slap to kiss your skin. Turning Feyd’s hand is already around your neck, the heat of his gaze leaves you molten putty in his hands.  Your reaction to his punishment impresses him.
“Such a good girl” he purrs rubbing the sting on your ass away. “I was going to dry you off” Feyd says taking the towel and crouching down to your legs. He grabs your bottom roughly before placing a kiss on the spot he’d spanked, leaving a languid depraved kiss on the area. His teeth graze it leaving you pooling your centre. He towels you upwards from your ankles to shoulders watching you carefully. 
“Bed” he repeats and you do as he says, anticipation building violently in your stomach and core. Looking back you touch the bed looking for his approval, nodding slightly he watches intently from the bathroom door. The anticipation kills as you lie down as told. He stalks over to you, your body brims with anticipation. Will Feyd-Rautha make love to you or will he take pleasure in your pain? Before you can string anymore thoughts together his lips are on yours. There’s no time to enjoy the kiss as his attack is two fold, his hands is pressed against your centre relieving the throbbing anticipation with slow circles, he presses against your entrance firmly teasing you with new sensation His touch makes you moan into his mouth, you feel him smiling against your mouth, your legs close around his hand trying to keep it in place as he starts rubbing circles. You pool for Feyd feeling crazy for him as he makes you feel incredible. Your naked body writhing under his touch, his intrigued smirk satisfied by your reaction to him. Your breathing only becomes more strained as he slides one finger in and then two forcing your legs back open. 
“So wet for me” Feyd says against your lips. Before dipping his head and extending his tongue, the slow stroke of his fingers continue as he kisses your other lips. The suction of his mouth forcing your eyes closed, your stomach contracting as he gives your body the most intimate kiss while finger fucking you slowly.
A chorus of moans leave you.
Shallow breaths.
Closed eyes
Arched back
Feyd’s kiss gets sloppier as he moans at the taste of you. He’d never needed to taste a woman so bad, he honestly preferred not to but there was nothing more beautiful than you becoming undone at his touch. Your warm slick walls around his fingers, growing more and more slippery under his tongue. The heat, your swelling clit, the more attention he gives it the more you squirm.
“Like that?” He asks.
“Mhhm,” you nod.
“Words,” Feyd says popping his fingers out of you.
The loss is too much, “I like that” you manage delirious.
“Like what, my fingers in the pussy that’s mine?” Feyd says heating your body once again. Opening your eyes you look down at his, his eyes are like a sharks after tasting blood. His desire for you only heightens yours for him.
“Like … everything you do to me because I belong to you” you whisper meaning every word. Fed’s eyes close and he reenters you with his fingers, as he adjusts to kiss you, allowing you to taste the effects of your arousal on his lips.
“Everything?” Feyd-Rautha growls.
 Unfamiliar sensations ripple through your body as you try to maintain your breathing, his kiss and sanity despite him trying to undo your sanity. His fingers stroke expertly. His eyes darken a shade seeing your reaction to him, your eyes close as he switches from two fingers to just his middle thrusting deeper and faster. 
“MMhmmm” you moan unable to express much more. His cock springs to life at the sound of your moans, your wetness and your grip around his finger.  Your climax comes hard and fast ripping through you. Panting, it takes a moment before your senses return and your eyes meet his. Feyd has never seen a more beautiful woman. His wants and needs come to a head as he strokes his manhood. His depravity knew no end, but his need for you isn’t eclipsed by your own needs. He could feel how new this was for you, he knows you can’t handle him in his full physicality, not yet. Watching your eyes roam down his face, chest, abs and the inevitable v-cut the satisfaction in your gaze makes him feel like a king. 
“How was that first orgasm?” Feyd asks needing verbal affirmation.
“Incredible” you confess still mind blown. “Are you mine?” You ask shifting onto your side.
“Shhh” he places his fingers against your lips, the same ones that’d brought you over the edge.  “I’m not finished claiming you yet” he says taking one of your legs. Your eyes hold his primed with anticipation as he gets between your legs while you're on your side using the positions he slides his manhood against your opening teasingly. His eyes hold yours. “How does it feel?” He asks his voice full of grit.
“So good” you respond.
“Does my na-Baroness want more?” He asks continuing teasing strokes along the length of your slit. The anticipation builds and his smirk is everything. Nodding you reach out to get a kiss, needing somewhere to put your emotions, he obliges.
“You’re perfect when you lose control” Feyd rasps resuming his between your legs, you're on your side, he’s on his knees holding one of your legs up for leverage to go deep. He plunges into you slowly, inch after inch until properly sheathed. Body to body, you're one. Your breath hitches from the overwhelming sensation.
“That’s it” Feyd encourages stretching you out.  Tears sting your eyes, as the pressure and stimulation reach its apex. He holds the position giving you time to adjust to his size, allowing you to feel all of him, claiming his territory. You cry out trying to take space but it only encourages his pursuit, pulling out his hips find a teasing rhythm, he kisses your inner thigh.
 He’s making you crazy.
You moan, cry, whimper.
He holds your hand, driving himself in and out of you.
Losing himself in your depths.
Revelling in the faces you're making because of him.
In the sounds of pleasure
The feel of you wrapped around him
Thrusting faster
Moan louder
Feeling you clench tighter
He could die today, here and now with your core wrapped around his, the two of you joined as one, the taste of your pussy fresh on his lips, the worn look in your eyes,  the pleasure in your moans, your willingness to submit to his needs freely.
“Feyd” you plead climaxing again.
He keeps pace sustaining the thrill until you’ve felt the full effects of his manhood. Your moans grow at his unrelenting thrusts unable to pull out comes inside you hard. The sensation is your undoing, crying out you pull him closer. Feyd obliges in his most vulnerable state. You share a sloppy kiss as he touches you intimately. He leaves himself in for a few minutes before sliding out. The emptiness is unpleasant, you moan regretfully at the loss of contact. Resting his head on your chest Feyd takes a moment to recover. He’d never lost control while inside of a woman before. He had never had such need to be inside of one so strongly either. One woman hadn’t sated him since early adolescence. The softness of your skin draws him in, he feels himself stir again desperately wanting more. He could go a few more rounds but he knows better than to push you any further. Rising slowly he stands getting out of the bed. The absence of him is an unpleasant sensation. Feyd scoops you up from the bed in a show of strength walking you back to the bathroom with ease. Placing you in the cleansing chamber he stands there too. You try your best to fight exhaustion but it’s overwhelming. You’re cleansed thoroughly as is Feyd. You follow his lead as he places a night dress over your head slipping on a pair of pants himself.
You take a moment to admire each other, lingering in the silence of the unspeakable deeds that have just transpired. He’s hard to read but his bright eyes signify he’s pleased. Needing closeness you hold him, he secures you in place.
“Was it as good for you as it was for me?” You ask as Feyd cups under your ass picking you up again. You wrap your legs around his waist. You can feel him hard against your stomach.
“You bring me great pleasure na-Baroness” he responds softly. Slow strides lead you to the reader, you place your hand into it and the doors to his adjoined chambers open.  Feyd carries you through the door and into his bedroom. His devotion to you is the quality of his you least expected.
“You did so good” he praises pulling back the sheets and helping you into the large bed.
“Thank you,” you blush causing him to smile.
Feyd nods getting in the bed himself. Face to face you drape your hand over his shoulder and you feel the wax over the stitches you applied after the fight. “You chose me before your sisters” Feyd comments as your eyes flutter shut.
“I’m yours” you remind him breathlessly as sleep takes you.
Watching you sleep Feyd’s heart swells with love and pride. He’d claimed you, his bride to be. You trusted him, you gave yourself to him willingly. All attacks on you would come to an end, militant brutality would be enforced against anyone jeopardizing his happiness. Against anyone or anything that threatens you.
You are his.
Authors Note: thank you for reading, I know this is a long one 🖤 you aren't obligated but feel free to like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed this chapter.
@elf-punk @dvmb4ssbiatch @thegabbyh @fanfiction-addict22 @meetmeatyourworst @jojoclown69 @lillypink @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @avidreader73 @emeraldsgirl33 @strawberryfieldsforevermore @rose-are-royal @delusionsofnostalgia @szapizzapanda @palomavz @mcswan02 @slutforsmut4ever @emeraldsgirl @jackiekae @sarahhelpimsinking @maat-the-prescriptive @moonsoulk @katherineswiftie2017-blog @melancholicmelanin @littlebugs
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yakshua · 1 year
random nijisanji bf scenarios 🍨
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random boys from different waves, there will be sequels with the others soon! fem coded reader but it's pretty gn :)
tws: use of the words slaughter and murderer in ren's but it's in a joking manner, kyo calls reader feminine compliments, Ike's is a little angsty, and kyo's is a little spicy but nothing smutty lol 
luca is the DEFINITION of golden retriever boyfriend and u can not tell me otherwise. and with that said I also feel that, in golden retriever fashion, this man would come home with the absolute most random of items in his hands. he'd literally come bounding over, giant smile on his face and stars in his eyes, calling ur name. "(Y/N)! (Y/N) BABY LOOK WHAT I FOOOOOOOUUUNDDDDD!!!!!" hyping it up so fucking much and when he finally reaches u, breathing heavily and giggling a bit weirdly. he opens his hands and it's..... a snail. a fucking snail. he wants to know if he can keep it has u two's pet. u obviously say no and he probably cries himself to sleep 💭
it is currently 3am... young lovers and they are not sleeping young lovers in the bathroom. ur bending forwards over ur boyfriend kyo, who is having u assist in spontaneously dyeing his hair. the strand ur working on starting to become a bit tricky, so u move down onto his lap for better support and angle. he flushes for a second before choking on a cough and regaining his composure. "damn.... you come here often, pretty?" he jokes, sliding a hand down ur lower back in a sultry way. u snort and decide to just keep focusing on ur task at hand. after ur hard work, u help him to rinse, wash and dry and ur finally done omg. u cover his eyes with ur hands as the two of u walk towards to mirror for the grand reveal. his pupils dialate with anticipation as soon as u remove ur hand blindfold, gasping and taking a second to check himself out in different angles with a flirty grin on his face before turning to u. hugging u and spinning u around as u both giggle in unison. "you did so well baby, I love it so much!" he thanks you inbetween laughs, and stares at ur smile from above in his arms. before letting u down on the ground and pulling u close for a sweet kiss 💭
stressed writer boyfriend please hide all his cokes and rockstar energies he's extremely sleep deprived as it is. u quuuieetlyyy enter his dark room and see him hunched over his desk, fountain pen unmoving along paper and a frustrated hand on his forehead. the bags under his eyes literally looking like they physically hurt. u walk up behind him and wrap ur arms around his neck and chest, leaning over him gently. he luckily isn't startled by ur sudden touch and instead sighs and leans into it, letting the heavy weights of his head and shoulders fall back limp against u. "you look so tired, prince. let's get some sleep now" ur voice is nothing above a whisper as you raise a hand, stroking up his cheek and reaching to the top of his head, tangling your fingers in his fluffy hair. he sighs once again, and without opening his eyes picks u up with his hands on ur waist and chucks you onto the bed. almost immediately after collapsing onto u, holding ur midsection tight within his arms and snuggling his face in ur chest. literal seconds later u can hear soft snores coming from his head beneath ur chin and u smile at the cute noises. feeling safe in his arms and warm in his bed, u join him in his dreams 💭
ur 5"10 E.T of a boyfriend has been sulking in the corner like tamaki from ohshc and it's all. ur. fault. if ur wonderful what u did, he walked in on u doing the unforgivable.... playing space invaders. what you saw as a harmless little 8bit game to quench ur boredom, he saw as a threat towards his life. and not only his, but his entire species. and to see ur nonchalant face, slaughtering his kind without the slightest hint of any negative emotion.... to say he went into hysterics was an understatement. "SSTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the absolute bloody murder wail your boyfriend let out from behind u was terrifying. immediately throwing down ur console and running into ren's arms, disoriented and scared with his sudden cry of horror. only to for him to flinch away and cower back in fear. "you... you're a murderer..." he squeaks. "what???? what are you talking about, ren?"  with every word and action ur confusion grows. "you... ARE PLAYING A VIDEO GAME ABOUT SLAUGHTERING MY KIND!!!!!" and with that confession, he escapes at the speed of light and.... sits in a corner.... like 2 meters away from u. realising within a second he's talking about your space invaders, u snort and go to join him in his little sad corner. hugging him from behind and giggling into his back. "ren, it's just a game, you know it means nothing baby." he responds with a dramatic whine and a muffled "okay" through pouty lips, then turns around and captures you in an arm prison. after hugging on the floor like that for a little while, you hear his voice call out in a sheepish tone. "um... little star... would... you be mad if... I told you.... I..... wasn't actually.... offended... by the game?" your brows furrow and you respond with "... are you trying to tell me you we're just lonely because I was gaming for so long.... so you just faked a tantrum... for my attention?" his silence speaks louder than his words. "... maaaaybe?" "oh you ass." 💭
reqs are now open for nijisanji, genshin, and anime 🦌
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heartofwritiing · 11 months
Absent in the spring.
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paring: q!wilbur x fem!reader (+ platonic q!philza x fem!reader)
summary: a small vacation to Phil’s beach house causes you to finally break down.
authors note: a follow-up to this fic but you don’t really have to read it. some more q!wilbur angst for you guys because I miss wilbur and tullulah content! also i made it so chayanne and tallulah talk in this lets just pretend the eggs are the human-dragon hybrids that are in fanart bc thats how i see them!
warnings: a little angsty sorry, hurt-comfort, happy end, not 100% following qsmp lore, unedited! please ignore any mistakes!
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“how are you holding up?”
Phil’s voice pulls you out of your trance from fidgeting with the blades of grass next to your tucked legs.
You bring your gaze up from the lush green and watch on as Chayanne and Tallulah play tag a few feet away in the field behind Phil’s beach house.
The past month had been weary as you waited for your husband to return from his tour. Days stretched on though you kept going despite that dread in your chest of missing him.
Phil had noticed you seemed less like yourself as the month went on. You were sleeping less, and getting stressed. When he came over to help you take care of Tallulah yesterday he saw how defeated you looked while trying to keep a brave face for your daughter.
Being in an empty house wasn’t fun for anyone, especially when it was too dangerous to go outside on the server alone. So, Phil invited you out to escape that empty feeling, just for a while at least. A walk and boat ride later, you were now sat beside the man with his legs crisscrossed while he munched on avocado toast.
You had shrugged plainly to his question. Fine? Okay? you didn’t know…
Squeals and giggles erupted in your ears as you watched Tallulah finally tag a breathless Chayanne, who had gotten tired of running away from his sister and let her have a turn at the one being chased. Her little legs barely kept up with her taller older sibling as he quickly regained energy.
You couldnt help the smile that was brought upon your lips. Happy they were having such a good time together, being normal for once and not sheltered from the horrors of the server that was trying to harm them every moment. They needed this time, to be care free. To be kids.
You and Phil chuckled at their antics. Though It made your heart break thinking about Wilbur being absent. He wasn’t here to hear the sounds of his daughter's sweet giggles as she played blissfully in the tall grass. To see how she was getting along with everyone, making sure they were happy and cared for.
Wilbur hadn’t sent you a letter in a week. You understood he was busy with tour, you didn’t expect him to have much time to sit and write but your worst agitations were coming true.
The disappointment was settling in each time you would go to the mailbox by the door- you and lullah had spent a day painting and decorating to your liking, with splotches of colors and your names painted across in not-so-straight letters- it would be empty with no sign of even being open since the previous morning.
“I miss him,” you say suddenly to Phil, whose gaze shifts away from the kids to you. You keep your eyes locked on them, fearing that meeting his eyes would make you finally break down into the tears you were holding back for so long.
Phil brings his hand onto your shoulder, a simple symbol of comfort.
“Awe mate, I miss him too.” he said warmly. “he’ll be back soon, im sure of it.”
Swallowing the lump building in your throat, you were so glad you had Phil there for you in these moments. Tallulah had done a good part cheering you up but sometimes you needed a real talk.
"I thought I could do this on my own but-" you choke. "I need him, Phil. He's missed so much and I can't help but think he's gonna feel guilty for not being there for her, or for me."
You let yourself break down in-front of your father in-law finally letting go of everything you’d been holding onto the past month and a half.
Phil placed his hand on your back in support as you sobbed into your hands. The aching pain in your forehead with the slight headache building, the chest pangs told you this cry was long over due.
A tap on your shoulder brings your head out from your knees. You lift your eyes to see Chayanne standing over you, his hand stretched out with a simple white flower pinching between his little fingers. His eyes held nothing but innocence as he looked down on you solemnly. He did not understand why you were so distraught, nor did he care, he just wanted to aid you in any way that he could.
"Please don't cry, Tia Y/N," his voice was small but sympathetic, making your heart sink.
Phil looked so proud in that moment, to see his son come over to aid you with comfort made him perceive he was doing something right in raising a child for once.
Taking the flower from Chayanne, he immediately crouched down to give you a tight hug around your shoulders. Surprised but grateful, you began silently crying as another pair of little arms joined the embrace - you knew it was Tallulah. Finally, you allowed yourself to let go and broke down into tears, feeling their tight embrace.
You were so glad you had these kids. Though they didn’t understand your behavior entirely there was no judgement, only care.
“For what it's worth Y/N, you have us and we will always take care of you both.”
Of course, you knew that. Phil had always been there for you since you first met him. He took his role as a father to everyone very seriously.
“thank you for bringing us here Phil, we really needed this.” you breathe as the kids pulled away from you. Phil gives you a smile of understanding.
A few hours passed as you all sat on the dock, watching the last glimmer of daylight fade away over the water - casting a golden glow. Phil suggested a campfire to roast marshmallows. Tallulah and Chayanne were already running off excitedly to gather various sticks to help. Once the fire was going, you all sat together on the sand telling stories, laughing, and enjoying each other's company.
The hole in your heart was healing, and the weight on your chest lifted. You realized that even though life was rough and unpredictable, having a supportive family was what mattered, and you felt content and at peace.
You saw the others smiling, knowing the shared bond was enough.
That night you all slept at the beach house, and for the first time in a month, neither you nor Tallulah had a nightmare.
The journey the following day back to Phil’s was thankfully uneventful. Mostly just shenanigans between the two children. Collecting things like leaves for the scrapbook you and Tallulah were making for Wilbur, documenting all your adventures. Chayanne running ahead to deal with any monsters who dare cross your path.
Upon seeing the tiny house with a fenced yard, you all went your separate ways. As you opened the gate to the yard, the tall purple trees and the various flowers made you miss the tiny home.
Tallulah seemed happy to be back and automatically tried dragging you to see her turtles before you could close the gate. You asked her to be patient while you brought your bags inside.
Walking up to the front door, you heard a crash from inside and you froze. You instantly reached for your sword laying on your hip. Tallulah saw this as a warning and she quickly cowered behind your legs. Preparing for the worst, it could be anyone behind the door. Charlie looking for food, (since he was living near your house in a shed last you heard.) Quackity looking to start another fight about parenting. Or worse the code monster could’ve shown up again to take Tallulah from you.
You would die before that would happen.
Tallulah clung to your legs as you quietly unlocked the door and pushed it open. You gazed down at her and saw her worried eyes.
“If something happens I need you to teleport to abuelito and Chayannes to warn them okay?” You spoke to her firmly in hushed tones, being careful. Tallulah showed you the tiny purple stone for a quick getaway and indicated she understood.
The house was exactly as you left it, except for the suitcase and guitar bag resting against the sofa, which made you frown. Then realization settled in and a gasp escapes you.
Was he here?
Or was this another trick?
As you lowered your sword, you heard someone rustling down the ladder. The wood creaked with every step as the person in the yellow sweater came into view. With round glasses leaning down his nose, fluffy hair, and long limbs, you’d know him anywhere.
Wilbur felt relief wash over him as he stopped midway on the ladder and saw you staring at him in disbelief. as if he were a ghost. It pained him slightly. You couldn’t believe it.
Wilbur was back.
Tallulah peeked out from behind your legs and the tiny gasp she let out when she saw Wilbur. She ran into his arms and cried out;
Wilbur grinned as his tearful daughter ran towards him. He scooped her up in a tight embrace as you watched, tears streaming down your own cheeks. He held her swinging back and forth gently trying to hush her cries. She was so happy to finally see him again. You had never seen such a wonderful sight of the two people you loved the most in this world.
“I missed you so much Tallulah!”
Wilbur rested his head on Tallulah’s and smiled sideways at you and reached out his arm. Without hesitation, you dropped your sword, which clanked loudly on the ground, and you rushed into his embrace.
You bury your face in his neck, holding onto his scent, his body, his everything. Never wanting to forget how he felt and sounded. Tears stream down your face, drenching his sweater, but you don't care. This time, they flow out of love and happiness, not frustration or sadness.
You all cried and held onto each other for dear life.
“I missed you so, so much my love,” he coos in your ear causing you to choke out a laugh. After missing his voice for months you were so elated to hear it again.
Wilbur sniffled as he squeezed you both tightly in his arms, never wanting to let go.
“I’m here my girls, and I am never gonna leave you again,” he whispers.
This was home.
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mouschiwrites · 3 months
thought I should request something steven universe themed if you wanted to write it!!!!
how about a PLATONIC steven universe × human fem reader when she's sick!! I literally have the worst fever it's killing me anyways!! good luck !!!
HOW did this turn out so long…. anyway, sickness solidarity my friend 😞 I have also been struck ill
Word count: 1k
Steven Universe - Sick?! (Steven [platonic])
Steven perked up when the ringing tone of his phone suddenly cut off. Your voice came through, huskily rasping: “Hello?”
“Hiii Y/n!” He chirped, kicking his legs back and forth merrily as they dangled from the couch. He had been miserably bored for… twenty minutes now, if the clock was still working. He’d called hoping that you’d be available to help ease his boredom, but he couldn’t help the feeling that something was off. Usually you didn’t answer so quickly, but there was something else too, something he couldn’t quite pin.
“Wait a minute. You aren’t usually home at this time of day.”
“Yeah,” you sighed. “I’m not feeling too well, so I stayed home.”
Steven brought a hand to grip his hair dramatically. “You’re sick?!”
You tried to laugh; you didn’t need to see him to know what he was doing. But it just came out as a sad little wheeze, and you had to regain your wind before you could speak again.
“I’ll be fine. I took some medicine, just waiting for it to kick—”
“Hold on, Y/n!”
He hung up. You looked at your phone screen, frowning. Should I be afraid..?
You were trying to sleep a little, if only to escape your throbbing headache (and all the other aches too numerous to name), but you awoke to the sound of pounding at your door.
You groaned, tugging your blanket over your head. But you could no longer ignore the noise when it was suddenly accompanied by an all-too-familiar voice shouting: “Y/n! Y/nnnn! Are you dead?! I’m coming in!”
Now you were awake. You flew out of bed at the sound of your front door opening, ignoring your wailing muscles for the time and scuttling down the hall.
“Steven, you can’t just break into my house,” you tried to sound firm, but you just didn’t have the energy. You cursed yourself, dragging a hand down your feverish face ruefully.
Steven had set his burger backpack on your kitchen table and was rummaging through it, completely ignoring you.
“I brought soup—it’s canned, I hope that’s okay—and movies, and coloring books, and regular books, and…” he held the bag wide open, clearly looking for something else.
His eyes suddenly lit up, and he plunged his hand into the bag and triumphantly pulling out a little star-shaped plush with a cute nightcap. “This!”
As much as you wanted to hate him for bugging you (you were rather irritable, being in pain and all), you couldn’t stop the huge grin that came to your face when he handed you the plush.
“What are you going to name him?”
You blinked at Steven, then at the little fluffy star. You were about to shrug, but you decided against it when you suddenly became aware of the aches all over your body.
Somehow Steven seemed to sense this, and he took you by the elbow and started dragging you into your living room, taking his backpack in his free hand. “You’re probably tired! Oh geez, your skin is super warm. Do you feel cold?”
He didn’t wait for a response, finding a blanket on the edge of your sofa and wrapping it around your shoulders as you sat.
He plopped down next to you, your shoulders pressed together cozily.
Digging through his bag, he fished out a few DVDs, showing them to you one by one. When he was done, he looked at you with wide eyes, awaiting your response.
“Uh,” you huffed, your eyelids feeling heavy again now that you were all cozy, “I don’t think I want to watch anything. You can, though.”
“Oh. That’s fine! You can just sleep. I’ll be here,” he smiled comfortingly, scooting aside so you could lie flat on the couch. You gave him a grateful nod and reclined, already half asleep by the time you repositioned yourself.
“Can I play with your hair? That always makes me feel better when I’m sick.”
You hummed affirmingly. Steven’s hands were warm against your head as they smoothed your hair, combing it, twisting it, untwisting it; you thought you felt him trying to braid it at some point, but in your half-asleep daze you couldn’t tell.
When you woke up again it was just past noon, and though your sinuses felt funky you could smell something coming from the kitchen. You propped yourself up on your elbow, pressing your lips together at the pain of the motion.
“No! Don’t move!”
You had to smile as Steven stormed towards you with a bowl, his face shifting from anger to agony as he walked. “Hot! Hot! Hot!”
He plopped the bowl down on your lap, fanning his hands off. You could definitely feel the heat of the soup through the blanket, and it was actually pretty comforting.
“Thanks,” you chuckled, sitting up all the way.
“Eat up, you need your strength!” Steven winked. “Want me to put something on the TV?”
“Sure,” you said, blowing off a spoonful of soup and shoving it in your mouth. “You can pick.”
You spent the rest of the afternoon curled up on the couch with Steven, who fretted endlessly about you. He couldn’t seem to go five minutes without asking if you needed anything, and when you did he was off like a race horse to get it.
The sun was starting to set when you insisted that Steven go home. He looked like he wanted to protest, but looking at the darkening sky he knew he couldn’t.
“The gems will worry,” you reminded him.
“I know… are you sure you’ll be okay?”
You laughed, patting his shoulder reassuringly. “I’ll be fine.”
“Sure, but… call me if you need anything, okay?”
You smiled bemusedly. “I will.”
And then he was off. And not ten minutes passed before you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket, and you pulled it out to find a message from Steven:
Feel better soon! :)
You smiled once more, reclining easily against the soft cushions of your couch, much to your aching body’s relief.
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Thank you so much for this request dear! And thanks for reading, take care duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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vampirenigh · 11 months
Frustration and tears
Summary: Your ex doesn't leave you alone.
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki.
Warnings: some cursed words, insecurities, obsessive ex, harassment, stalker.
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Izuku Midoriya
It was a normal day. You were just about to go back to the dorms with Uraraka when you saw your ex who just transfered from another hero school to class 1-B. You wanted to ignore him and continue your walk with your friend but be put a hand on your shoulder when you were next to him.
"Y/n. Are you going to ignore me now? After what was between us? Don't tell me you were so superficial." In that moment you thought you were about to cry. You didn't want to talk to him, to see him and to let him touch you after what he did so you jerked away from him and looked in his eyes. "You forgot you cheated on me with that girl? What do you want now? Leave me alone!" "What an attitude... No wonder she was better than you'll ever be. " That hit you hard. You shouldn't care about what he thinks. You know that he is a bully and won't leave you alone. You should know better than show him that he affected you but you did. And in that moment Izuku showed up.
"What is happening here? Leave her alone! You have nothing to do with her! " Izuku knew about your ex and didn't even care about being friendly in this situation. But your ex just looked at Izuku up and down. "He is your new boyfriend? I thought you had bigger standards. My bad. People like you can't have good people by their side. You are just a-" He didn't get to finish his sentence because Kendo punched him in the head with her big fist and immediately apologized on his behalf.
You and Izuku accepted the apology because it wasn't her fault that he had him as a classmate. So you two went back on your way to the dorms.
In the final your ex was kicked out by the director because that isn't a good character for a hero and he was a disappointment for all the students at UA.
When you heard that he got kicked out you were feeling a bit bad but not so much because you had your boyfriend next to you who didn't let you be alone in the next week just to be sure that you are alright. You got very lucky to have him in your life.
Katsuki Bakugo
You were fine. That was what you told you boyfriend when you first saw him. You were a bit creeped out by him but he couldn't get into your dorm or anything. He couldn't do anything to you. You were sure of it. Because who in the right mind would attack the girlfriend of Katsuki Bakugo? He is a ticking bomb.
But you couldn't be further from the truth. You were sleeping peacefully after a long day at UA when you felt someone shaking you. You were very disoriented but caught a glimpse of his hair that made you awoke instantly and freeze. He couldn't be here. What is he doing here? You were about to ask him but he was faster than you. "I missed you so much. I can't believe you are with that angry dude! Tell me you still love me!" "I don't." "Then if I can't have you no one can!"
Maybe you should've played along till you could tell your teachers. Maybe you wouldn't be in a hospital bed whit your angry boyfriend next to you if you did just that. But you were stupid. "I told you he was dangerous! But you didn't think that! How stupid are you? If I didn't come to you in time you could've died!" You would've said something back if you didn't saw the tears that were running down his face. You felt you heart tear apart. You were such an idiot for thinking you could deal with it yourself. "I'm sorry Kat. I was stupid. I will hear you out more often. But I'm fine now. So don't worry. I'll be back at UA fast enough." You talked for a bit longer till the nurse came and told you to sleep more to regain your energy and that you could talk to your boyfriend later. So you did just that. He took care of you through all your recovery and made you take it easy for a while too.
Your ex was caught by your teachers and send in jail for a long time for attempting murder. Your boyfriend wanted to go punch him but your teachers stopped him telling him that he was already taken care of by the heros.
And from then he made you promise is that you will tell him about things like this and he started to sleep in your dorm to keep you safe.
Shoto Todoroki
You were on the bathroom floor. You didn't want to see anyone right now. You know that you shouldn't care so much about the fact that your ex is texting you. But you can't take it anymore! You blocked him five times on five different numbers. You even changed your number one time but he found it again! You can't take it anymore! You wanted to tell Shoto about this but he just started to get along with his father again and you didn't want to burden him.
You were sure that Shoto will be home in 2 hours but you didn't realize how fast the time went and you woke up whit your boyfriend entering the house and calling for you to see if you are home.
You started to panic and tried to make yourself presentable and like you didn't cry. But Shoto started searching for you in the entire house till he saw the bathroom light and knocked on the door. "Are you in there Y/n? Are you ok?" The sound of his voice made you jump. How fast is he? "I'm f-fine. I will come out soon." You cursed yourself for sounding like that. Now for sure he is suspicious.
Shoto knew that you were crying now but didn't do anything and left you on your own to come to him when you are ready.
When you come out and went to the living room you saw Shoto on the couch just scrolling on his phone. When he heard you he got up and put his hands on his cheeks to look at your eyes that were still a bit swollen. "What happened? Who did this to you Y/n?" "No one... " "Y/n! Don't lie!" You wanted to continue lying but when you saw his eyes you couldn't. "My ex boyfriend is harassing me. He is sending me different texts and I tried to block him but he just gets a different number every time and when I tried to change it he found it again somehow." At this point you started crying again and Shoto hugged you. "Don't worry.. I'm here with you now. "
The next day Shoto went to his father and with his help he found the person and got him in prison. But you had no clue about this and were just surprised and confused why the texts stopped when you didn't block him again. Not yet. But it wasn't a bad surprise so you were very happy so you made Shoto his favorite for tonight.
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staytinyville · 7 months
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↣ Summary: While on a retreat of self-discovery you meet a very human like cat who enjoys a good boob or two.
↣ Characters/Pairing: Choi San x fem!Reader
↣ Genre: fluff
↣ AU/Trope info: cat god!San, lonely!reader, 
↣ Word Count: 1.7k
↣ Warnings: San is a pervert, he’s been alone for too long with the other boys he’s tired
↣ A/N: Imma be honest, this was gonna be smut, but then I changed it to where I had two smuts in each group and I already liked Hongjoong’s and Wooyoung’s smut too much to take one of theirs. It was also easier to just not write smut for San. 
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Soul-Searching, Introspect, Being Alone, Inner Guidance
While The Hermit card can be seen as a lonely card, it is meant to tell you that you are finding out things you need to learn on your own. Outside forces are not meant to interfere to change your mind. It’s just you and your own head, gathering together in order to regain the energy you might have lost. 
This card tells you that it’s best to find the guidance you need within yourself. It’s meant to show that you have a new direction to go in.
You have to find where you stand with life. Find the place that calls to you without the hustle and bustle of other things. This card tells you that it’s time to recollect yourself before moving forward. Clear your head and continue on.
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There was a time when you enjoyed life in the city. The life you had working at your job that seemed to bring in money you need to live. But at some point it got repetitive. It became hard to wake up and get in your car to reach the place you needed to get to. You were experiencing burn out, and it was leaving you in a funk. You needed to go out alone and away from the life that had you in a constant loop. 
So you found yourself booking a week-long trip out in the mountains–alone–in a cabin that overlooked a cliff. It was calming to be able to enjoy your tea and listen to nature sing in your ears. One would probably go crazy from seeing nothing for a week, but for you, it was what brought you out of your depression. 
You needed the time alone and away from technology. Away from the hectic life you grew to hate. You knew it would all be the same the moment you went back, but for now you wanted to be alone with your thoughts without hearing about the printer shutting down. 
The first two days were tranquil. Waking up to the sounds of birds chirping at the window and going to sleep with crickets playing a symphony on the balcony. You had brought some tea and groceries along that would help to boost your mental health. 
In fact, you were currently enjoying some flavored tea with honey covered fruits that taste great on your tongue. The air was fresh enough to enjoy fuzzy socks and a cardigan out on the terrace that overlooked a cliff. The drop-down was steep and more than likely would injure someone if they were pushed over the railing. But lucky for you, you were the only one in the cabin. At least until a fuzzy black ball of fur peaked its head over the porch. 
Your eyebrows rose at the sight of a cat jumping over the ledge and onto the porch, cautiously making its way towards you. You looked around for a moment before smiling down at the cat. 
“Hello, Kitty Cat.” You smiled, holding your hand out. You looked at the bowl of fruits, picking up a strawberry before holding it out. “Here you go.” 
The cat sniffed at your hand before softly taking the food between its sharp teeth. You smiled, keeping your hand out for it to rub against. As it sniffed your hand once more, it shoved its head into your hand, purring loudly from the pats. 
It grew closer to you, jumping into your lap, causing you to gasp. But you smiled as it rubbed against your chin. “Oh, aren't you affectionate?” You laughed, rubbing a hand along its body and down his fluffy tail.
He sat on his back legs, looking up at you as his front paws were suddenly placed on your chest. He laid down against your body, moving his hands as he made biscuits on the mounds of your chest. You giggled stiffly, moving to take a hold of his paws.
“A bit of a pervert, though.” You laughed.
The cat stared you down, making you tilt your head. You squint your eyes, watching as he too seemed to do the same. “You seem a bit too human.” You told him. 
Sighing, you looked up to the sky. “Universe I know I came out here to find myself because I needed time off, but if you sent me this cat—it totally defeats the purpose.” You looked back down at him, watching as he blinked owlishly at you. “But they do say cats take away the negative! I'll keep you, pervy.”
The rest of the day was spent occupying your time with the hobbies you enjoyed before burning out, the cat purring at your side as it tried to keep all your attention on him. He was persistent and you tend to follow along with his every whim. 
When you had your dinner, he sat directly in front of you, blinking slowly each time you would take a bite of your food. He wouldn’t stop glaring until you gave him some of your chicken. He followed you into the bathroom when you were getting ready for bed. However, when all you did was brush your teeth, the cat seemed to have gotten tired and retreated to the bed. 
By the time you realized it, he was already waiting for you on one of the pillows. Pouting at his resting figure, you still made your way into bed and began to dream of 8 gods that danced together in harmony.  
As the birds chirped outside the window, you groaned softly from how comfortable the bed seemed to be that night. You buried your head deeper into the body that was hugging you close. Your lips brushed against something warm and soft, which seemed to gather a grown from whomever it belonged to. 
This caused you to immediately snap your eyes open.
“Ah!” Your throat was sure to hurt from how much power you had put in that scream. 
The man who had been laying with you seemed to have flinched and grunted as he pushed himself off the bed and down to the floor. You seemed to have pushed back from him as well, falling on the other side. You grabbed a slipper that was on the floor before jumping up to try and ready to start pounding away at him.
However, when he didn’t seem to get up from the floor, you slowly made your way over the bed and to the edge. All you got was the fluffy black cat staring at you patiently. You quickly pulled yourself closer, pulling up the bed skirt to check under the bed just in case. 
“Where—Where did that man go?” You asked, wide-eyed. 
As you looked back at the cat, you began to feel something build in your chest. The dream you had last night about the gods seemed to be brought to the forefront of your mind. Without so much as another thought, you picked up the cat and walked back towards the patio. 
“Stay.” You glared, dropping the cat off on the porch. “No, no!” You rushed back inside, but he seemed to be stuck between your legs. 
“I'll be right back.” You pushed him back out the door with your foot. “Ah! Will you stop!?” You yelled as it seemed to find a way through the door.  
As you paused, he too stopped in his tracks and waited for you to say something else. So you picked him up from his sides, shuffling towards the living room and placing him down on the carpet in the middle
“If you can hear me–and I know you can–you better give me answers or I will leave you in the woods.” You told him. He only blinked up at you. “No, then, go on. Magic shift—do your witchcraft.” 
You waited a good 5 minutes, before smacking your lips together. “If I let you see my   will you do it?” You got another blink of his eyes. “If I let you touch them?” 
You quickly gasped and fell backwards as mist quickly surrounded the cat. Slamming your hands down, you sat back up and stared at the handsomest man you had ever seen. 
He had cat-like eyes that reminded you exactly of the cat he was. However, his broad shoulders made him look nothing like the small feline. You gulped as you took in his build. “Woah.” You muttered. 
After a moment of silence, you yelled as you took a pillow from the couch and started to smoother the sexy man. He sputtered, falling backwards and trying to avoid suffocation. 
“What are you doing!?” He yelled, shoving you off him as he turned the both of you over. 
You laid under him, avoiding his fingers that tickled your sides. “You only shifted after I said you can see my boobs, you pervert!”
“I've spent too many millennia with 8 other men, excuse me if I act like a virgin over boobs.” He sassed, sitting on his calves as he looked at you. 
“Millennia?” You questioned, sitting up to look at him. 
“My name is San.” He gave you a dazzling smile. “These mountains have been my home for hundreds of years. No one interesting ever comes out here.” He sighed, dropping his shoulders. 
“The cabin is an Airbnb though?” You stated. 
“Yes, but it's usually families, couples, or rugged men hiking.” San rolled his eyes. “I've never come across a woman like you, just here alone.”
His eyes sparkled as they looked at you–his lips pulled into a smile. 
You sighed to yourself as you thought over his words about being someone alone. You needed this time to find yourself once again after losing it for so long. You were a hard worker who hardly took time off. But there were just times in your life where you needed to be redirected towards the right path–alone. 
“I'm trying to find myself.” You told him. 
“You're lost?” San frowned. 
You knew exactly what it was that was holding you back. You just required time to rethink about your life and how to go about it. It wasn’t much to think about, but to you, you knew that you needed time alone. 
This week would do you some good–enough to get you through a good amount of time further. You weren’t lost anymore, not in the sense that you had no idea what you were doing with your life. Rather, it was because you had done too much with your life and now it was getting back to you. 
“Not really.” You told him. 
“I understand.” San told you. “I am a god, I'm meant to know those kinds of things. So you think you'll find it alone?”
“Found you, didn't I?” You grinned, lips pulling over your teeth. “If you're a god kind of changes everything I have ever known doesn't it.”
You would have never guessed that coming down to your own personal retreat, you would find another world that was beyond the one you knew. The universe had so much in store for you that you had no clue how to continue on without changing your view on things. 
As you stared at San, though, you couldn’t help but to smile at the thought of spending the rest of your trip with him. He was a magical beast that was able to turn into a cat. Who wouldn’t want to spend time with someone like that. 
“So, can I touch your boobs now?” He asked after the silence. 
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Tags : @cultofdionysusnet , @wonderlandnet , @pirateeznet , @k-vanity , @monsterfvckersunited
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wntrnghts · 1 year
the bigger cat ✦ p. sunghoon.
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✦ your recently adopted kitten has been a distraction thanks to its overflowing energy. maybe sunghoon can help you with it. pairing: sunghoon × reader genre: romance; fluff. word count: 1,112 before you read/warnings: sunghoon’s a snow-leopard hybrid. note: hybrids won't be a recurring theme in my works, it's just that thanks to @moonlighthoon I've been introduced to snow-leopard-sunghoon and I had this idea while playing with my foster kitten; I almost had a cuteness-induced heart attack. anyway, enjoy.
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It had been 15 minutes since you decided to leave your school assignment aside and committed to entertain the kitten you brought home on your walk back. It was white with beautiful blue eyes; you settled on the name Echo. To your surprise, the calm looking creature was a demon in disguise. After bathing her and letting her sleep for an hour or so, she came to ambush every one of your limbs that moved ever-so-slightly. If she wasn’t biting your feet over the blanket, she was jumping onto your hands, making it harder to finish an essay you had decided to specifically work on that same day. So you made up your mind; in order to work in peace, you needed to drain the energy out of her first.
Choosing an old shoelace as your weapon, you were determined to finish your new task fast, but as you shook and pulled and stretched your arm to actually keep the kitten’s attention on the shoelace, you noticed how difficult it would be. Your arm was already feeling sore about seven minutes in, and your movements became flabby, while the kitten seemed to have even more energy than before.
You laid on your belly at the edge of your bed when soft knocks were heard outside your door. You let them in and it’s only after you feel another weight fall onto the bed that your eyes diverted to Sunghoon, although your hand was still entertaining Echo. You smiled at him, and he left a quick peck on your lips as a greeting.
“Oh, by the way, this is Echo.” You introduced the kitten to your boyfriend, which you previously talked about with him via text, attaching a photo of her sleeping.
“I figured.” He pressed his lips together and nodded slightly, as if the mere presence of her bothered him.
“What’s that?” You asked looking at the book between his hands. Distracted enough, you lowered your hand, which the kitten unintentionally scratched during one of her attacks. You whined as your eyes looked back at the cat and the fresh wound started stinging.
Before Sunghoon could answer, he took your hand in his and gently pulled it towards him. “It’s a book for my literature class” he replied as he got a closer look at the scratch. Even though he made sure you were alright, he continued holding it. Your eyes stayed focused on your hands, sending you into a trance. Small things that proved his affection towards you and reminded you of your big fat crush.
“Didn’t you say you had an important essay to finish?” He asked, raising his eyebrows, and using a scolding tone in his voice. For some reason he even sounded annoyed, and you could feel his tail whip against your leg. Coming out of your daze, you slowly glanced at him, only to confirm by his ears facing outwards and the grimace on his face, which he tried to change into a smile that only looked painfully uncomfortable.
“I did,” you chuckled at his actions. “But little miss Echo here, thinks of my fingers as some type of worms to hunt, and even if I push her away, two seconds haven’t passed before she’s biting them again. So, now I’m trying to get her tired so she goes to sleep, and I can continue working.”
He softly nodded looking at the cat. “Although, to be honest,” you continued, making his gaze return to you and his ears perk up; you felt cupid’s arrow for the umpteenth time at the adorable sight. “I’m not even sure if it’s working. I’ve been doing this for almost fifteen minutes, and I think I’m more tired than her.” You regained your playing position with a sigh, hurting a little to let go of Sunghoon’s hand. “How nice would it be to have a third arm?” You voiced your thoughts. After a moment, you looked at him with a mischievous grin as he and yourself realized of a great idea– the worst idea you ever had if you asked him.
“Oh no. No, no.” He stood up and took a few steps back.
“Come on, Sunghoon. Please.” You sat on your heels, clasped your hands together and put on a pleading expression. “I’m in distress and am losing hope.” Exaggerating a bit wouldn’t hurt anyone, but you weren’t lying; you really were tired and needed to make major advance on the essay that day.
“No. I need to finish this for tomorrow. And I need my hands to turn pages and stuff.” He lifted the book and his voice lowered as he explained but couldn’t really come up with a better excuse. For some reason, Sunghoon wasn’t very fond of domestic cats– which you would’ve thought the opposite since half of him is a close relative to them.
“Please.” You insisted.
“I’ve made up my mind. I won’t do it.”
Your hands fell to your sides in defeat. Letting yourself to be petty, you gave him a nasty look, and as you scanned him, another realization hit you. “Who said anything about using your hands?” You regained your smile, sparking a feeling of uneasiness in your boyfriend.
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You were finally free. At the end, your boyfriend –practically forced– had agreed to help so you could focus on the assignment you were meant to undertake all along. You would check on Sunghoon as he sat on the floor leaning against the bed, the shoelace tied at the end of his tail; and with its natural movement and flinching Echo was having the time of her life.
“See? It isn’t so bad.” You scratched your boyfriend’s head. His ears twitching as a response.
He wasn’t actually bothered by it, just the occasional scratch that triggered a whine or groan; but his pride didn’t allow him to admit that and had him continue with his act. And you knew it, this pettiness wasn’t uncommon in your boyfriend, which made it easier to not feel guilty about making him do it. Aside from the scene being something that could make you go into shock from a cuteness overload.
You giggled and laid on your stomach on the bed, so your head was beside his, and gently kissed his cheek. “Thanks, Hoon.”
Sunghoon’s dimple peaked as he tried to retain his content, but said pride was no match to your affection displays and it started crumbling as he let his head hang low and a flustered smile formed on his lips. He sheepishly turned his head and locked his gaze with yours for a moment before doing the same with your lips.
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© wntrnghts on tumblr. I do not consent translation, publication on other platforms, editing, or use of my writing for other than reading.
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poltergeistsoup · 1 year
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Gowillaz monstew AU, just for you 🤲
Updated Russel design and lore
Murdoc: Vampire
2D: Zombie
Noodle: demon/demon slayer
Russel: human (possessed)
* Russel’s backstory is pretty much exactly the same— he witnesses his friends’ deaths and becomes possessed by their spirits and now he has the ability to summon and absorb spirits. He can also sense whether an entity has malicious energy or not. After his friends’ deaths, his parents send him to his uncle’s in England, where he starts taking on jobs to “exorcise” peoples houses (he’s not expelling the ghosts, but letting them reside inside his body)
* Noodle uses her demonic abilities (ala Devilman Crybaby) to fight other demons. She and Russel meet when they both show up to the same building to deal with the very powerful spirit that’s haunting it. They team up, since demons are too powerful for him and Noodle can’t slash ghosts with her sword.
* In their travels, they accidentally hit a shambling zombie, our good friend 2D, with their car. While Noodle is ready to take his head off, Russel senses that he’s harmless, and so they let him join them. Since Russel also does taxidermy, he helps repair 2D’s body as he tends to fall apart
* 2D doesn’t have any sort of bloodthirst, but he can regenerate if he’s buried and left to rest for a day or so, and then he digs his way out again
* Murdoc is a vampire who desperately wants to be the next Dracula. He resides alone in the abandoned and thoroughly haunted Kong Studios. Though this takes place in the equivalent time period to phase 1, he basically larps as a 17th century vampire with a laptop. He still sleeps in a Winnebago in the garage, only he’s spray painted it black and has a coffin inside.
* Noodle hunts down Murdoc to kill him, but he goes down so easily she decides he’s barely a threat. The three of them start freeloading in Kong to keep an eye on Murdoc and also because they need a place to stay. He allows it in exchange for them providing blood for him, getting rid of the spirits that plague his house, and also because he’s secretly been very lonely
* Since Murdoc isn’t opposed to taking blood from defenseless humans, Noodle brings him blood from her demon hunting trips. While he gets along fine with them, they don’t fully trust him to get blood on his own
* Since 2D regenerates, he also lets Murdoc drink his blood. They bury him in the graveyard behind Kong to recover so he can do it again and again. However, it’s tiring for him and the more damage he takes/after having a strenuous few days in a row, the longer it takes for him to come back. So while Murdoc can get away with knocking 2D’s head off when he’s annoyed with him, and 2D might play Jackass for fun once in a while, it’s in their best interests not to overdo it, which they often do.
* While Noodle insists on using her powers to fight other demons, Russel worries for her since she’s still a little girl, and sticks around to look out for her as well as 2D. She insists on being independent and often disappears for days at a time, but begins to grow attached to them (including Murdoc, after a while) and as she does, she begins to regain her memories of her life before she acquired her demonic powers
Misc tidbits:
* 2D became a zombie after being hit by a car and doesn’t remember his life before that. When he was hit by Russel and Noodle, he acquired his second eight ball fracture
* Murdoc was turned into a vampire in 1966 when working as a gravedigger
* Murdoc can turn into a bat
* They all meet around the time of early phase 1 (1998ish) and while they don’t form a band, they do stick together over the course of time (and Noodle does age since she’s not fully a demon).
* Vampires also age but very slowly— drinking monster blood keeps them going but human blood makes them immortal at the cost of becoming completely monsterous. Murdoc has not done so yet but keeps saying he’s going to be immortal some day but for one reason or another has been putting it off
* Russel letting so many spirits reside in his body takes a major toll on him and he eventually is given an exorcism to function again, but in the process loses Del and the rest of his friends
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danihow · 2 years
24 to 25
Dad!Mingi x Mom!Fem!Reader ATEEZ
Word count: 0.75k
Summary: When Mingi takes up the night shift to calm your baby daughter down.
Warning: Fluff?
A/N: Guess what? ANOTHER FIC THAT IS 5 MONTHS OLD AND WAS SITTING IN DRAFTSSSS YAYYY. But hey, its Mingi's first on this blog so, ta daaa
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Mingi may be quite new to the whole world of being a father, but there is one thing he is sure about, and it is that he will try his best to be there for not only his baby daughter but for you too. Just like right now, after pulling you back to bed because it was his turn to take over the night he walked all the way from your shared bedroom to your 4-month old's room, feet dragging along the wooden floor still half asleep as his hand searches for the switch in the bedside sun-shaped lamp you two settled for the night thanks to its low brightness.
"Hello princess..." He starts, eyes half open as his hands reach to take the hand of the crying baby, thumb rubbing small circles in the back of her small fisted hand to soothe her a bit before picking her up, damp cheeks glistening under the dim warm light.
"Don't cry, shh, don't cry sweetheart, daddy's here, everything is going to be okay, it's okay." His voice low and a bit coarse from sleep, settling the baby against his chest as he swerved from side to side, whispering sweet nothings and mumbling some soothing melodies against her bit of hair, leaving a small kiss on her head between sentence and sentence.
"Are you hungry, love?" He asked once her crying had settled a bit, whimpers leaving her small mouth as she opened and closed her mouth against his shirt, staining it with drool in search for food. "Sure thing, let daddy make you a warm bottle and then you'll be all set, okay?" He talked to her, taking her all the way to the kitchen to prepare her bottle as he holds her against his chest with his left arm, still swaying from side to side to pacify her a bit.
"And a bit of this..." he chanted, shaking the small bottle as he made his way back to her room, letting the bottle at the white side table as he shuffled her in his arms and sat down the chair you two had, ready to feed her very usually hungry daughter. "... and there you go, bon Appetit." He said, smiling utterly in love with his daughter, watching as her small hands go to hold the one of his that has the bottle.
"I don't know if you inherited mommy's appetite or mine, but aren't you a hungry baby, huh." He whispers, rocking in the chair as she finishes the bottle, tired eyes closing for some seconds to regain some energy of the lost sleep both you and him had been craving ever since you entered your last month of pregnancy. "Of course you wouldn't have dinner just to be hungry at midnight, very L/N from you, love." He smiled as she laughed against the bottle, his face coming down to kiss her forehead again, making her eyes smile.
After a while of rocking back and forth she released the now empty bottle with a pop before Mingi sat her up, patting her back gently to release any colic she may have until she burped it out.
"Oh, you're done now? Okay, so now is time for you to sleep again." He smiled, rocking back and forth in the chair, eyes glued on her big innocent eyes that stared into him, a small smile in her face as Mingi mumbled the lyrics to her favorite song, 24 to 25 by Stray Kids, to which he felt a little betrayed but it still was a good song and was without a doubt the one that made her sleep sooner, what he blamed on the amount of time you played that song during the last months of your pregnancy, but not that he is complaining.
As she fell asleep once again in his arms, he let her on her crib and put her blanket over her once again, slowly and silently going back to you, getting under the soft blanket and letting an arm fall over your sleeping form before leaving a small kiss on the back of your neck.
"Thank you, Y/N, for loving me and giving me a family." He whispered just as he dozed off rather quickly with you in his arms and his sleeping daughter on the room next door, what else could he ask for in life.
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©danihow. 2022. All rights reserved. Re-uploading, translating or any sort of modifying any work piece is not allowed.
This is a work of fiction, people mentioned or involved are actual human beings and none of this work is based on actual facts over the celebrities mentioned nor is intented to portray them in a realistic way.
Some themes are not factually acurate, any problem detected on the information given may be comunicated to me via DM.
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aaakikoo · 2 years
paring -> bakugou katsuki x f!reader
an -> a little something while I’m still working on ‘his safe space’ :(
another an -> this is based off an imagination I had
summary -> you happened to receive one of the biggest news in your life but your husband has had a bad day.
warnings -> hitting, cursing, crying, tell me if I missed any!
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You almost couldn’t believe your eyes. It was two lines, not one, but two. Two lines on showing clearly on the pregnancy test. Since you married japans top pro hero you had always thought of what your children would look like, maybe they would have your eyes colour and his hair colour, or maybe the opposite.
Whatever it is, it doesn’t really matter, because now finally you are officially pregnant, with none other than katsuki bakugous child. The clock ticked 9pm which meant that katsuki is coming home soon. You shoved the three pregnancy tests into the bathroom shelve, and headed downstairs to run katsuki a bath.
About half an hour after you had finished running the bath for him, taking out fresh comfortable pyjamas for him and made him dinner. Katsuki came home at 22:12, he slammed the door harshly behind him as he took off his boots.
You came running to him while greeting him. “Welcome home babe.” You said as you placed his boots neatly behind the door as you locked it. Bakugou sat on the couch for a moment as you pealed off his mask and took off his gloves, since it was your day off and it was a special day you decided to make it easy for him tonight.
“How’s your day been?” You asked breaking the silence as you stepped in the bathroom and plopping his hero pieces into a special cleansing machine, he soon followed after you and took off his baggy pants and shirt, “fucking shitty, Kirishima was gone and I had to work with some dumbasses who couldn’t even do their jobs and villains were pain in the ass.” He complained as he took off his underwear and stepped in the bathtub.
“Take it easy, you’re home now Katsuki. I’ll go and make your food ready okay?” You told him and you were given a silent hum in reply, you left him to relax a little bit before you could tell him the exciting news.
About 20 minutes later your husband walked into the kitchen with a nice scent and comfy clothes, you sat his plate in front of him and a cup of water.
You decided to peck his cheek before running upstairs to change into your pyjamas, soon after you came downstairs and you found him done eating.
“How’s the food?” You asked as you stood by his side, playing with his hair as he leaned into your touch, “very good, thank you. All I want is to sleep right now.” He said as he closed his eyes while leaning against your stomach.
“Katsuki, I really need to tell you something, I know you’re tired but it’s really important.” You told him, even thought you knew he was dying on the inside you couldn’t wait to tell him, you figured that if you told him he would regain his energy.
“Not today sweetheart, I’m really tired.” He said as he let go of you and hopped off the chair, “but babe, it’s really exciting please!” You pleaded, “y/n, please not today.” He said as he came closer and closer to the stairs, “please babe listen!” You told him as you saw him ignoring you and walking upstairs, “Katsuki I told you to listen!” You grabbed his arms, stopping him, “I know you’re going to like it.” You told him. “Y/n! I said NO!” He was no screaming and out of nowhere, you saw his hand coming flying against to land against your right cheek.
If you asked him why he would slap you, his answer would be that he would never slap you. He didn’t even control his hand before it went flying to you, the two of you stood there silently trying to process what happened, you slowly let go of his arm and placing it against your cheek as you silently walked in the kitchen.
Bakugou regretted whatever had happened right now, he would rather die than live the moment again, but being the buff man he is he acted like he didn’t care and walked straight to your shared bedroom.
He purposely slammed the door behind him and walked into the bedroom’s bathroom to brush his teeth, he opens the cabinet to see small packages falling into his hands, two fell on the floor and one fell in his hand.
He looked at it for a moment before he could comprehend what he is seeing. A pregnancy test? So many questions ran through his head at the same time. Who’s pregnant? Are you pregnant? Since when? Is it his? Of course it is his? He tried to look for the actual test and found it on the top shelf, he grabbed it and pulled it toward his face.
Two lines. But he didn’t know what two lines meant until he looked to the side to see the definition. You were pregnant with his child, you both are going to raise a child just like he always wanted and he will make you his forever.
Quickly enough ran downstairs again, he didn’t find you at first before he sneaked himself inside the kitchen to see you pressing a bag of ice against your cheek. He felt his heart breaking down to see this and hear you sob knowing well that he is the reason for your sadness.
He came slowly behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist carefully. “Y/n.” He said at first choosing his word carefully. “Give me space katsuki.” You said as you tried to push him off of you. “Y/n, listen to me.” He tried once again, “why would I listen to you if you don’t listen to me.” You said angrily you turned around to face for a moment, and it was there were he noticed the red mark he left on your cheek.
“Y/n, I am really sorry.” He started carefully, “I know you’re mad at me, and I’m sorry I didn’t hear you out, I’ve just had the shittiest day and I took out my anger on you, and you’re the last person I would be mad at in this world.” He said as he felt you become less tense in his arms.
You turned around once again avoiding the eye contact. “I shouldn’t have brushed you off or at least tried to explain myself properly, thank you for using your day off to make me feel welcomed home and I’m sorry for what I did.” He stated again as he held your chin carefully and tuned it to him, he slowly leaned in and kissed your cheek where his palm previously slapped.
“I know you wanted to tell me something important and I will hear you out from A to Z now.” Bakugou stated as you remained completely silent, his arms slowly traveled further down from your waist to your stomach. “Even thought I might already have an idea of what it is.” He finally said as he softly rubbed your stomach.
“I’m so glad that you’re pregnant which means that I get to raise a family with you and keep you to myself forever, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to have a child with you and I don’t think you realise how lucky I am to have you.”
“Since you already know there is nothing I can tell you.” You said as you turned to him, “I’m sorry sweetheart. Forgive me.” He said as he kissed your forehead. “If you want me to forgive you than carry me upstairs.” You said as you plopped the ice bag back into the freezer and wrapped to your arms around Bakugou’s neck.
He gently picked you up and walked upstairs back in the bedroom. He carefully dropped you on the bed as you turned away from him, he decided not to nag you more about it since he had stated everything he wanted to say. Instead he payed besides you and wrapped his arms around your stomach before the two of you drifted to sleep.
You woke up the next day at 10:35, it was your last day off, you looked to the side only to see that katsuki had already left for work, you groaned as you tried to get up from bed and walked downstairs to make yourself breakfast. As you entered the kitchen you saw something on the kitchen counter. You stepped closer to see what it was, only to your surprise to notice that it was a big box of your favourite expensive chocolates. Behind it there was a note that said, “I’m sorry sweetheart, here’s is a little something hope you like it. -K” you grabbed the note as you smiled at it.
As you spent your entire day taking care of yourself, showering, skincare, hair care, me-time while watching movies and eating your favourite snacks, not to mention being on the phone with your old best friends for hours and reading parental books. Katsuki came home early today as you were in the bathroom brushing your hair and applying moisturiser to your face and hands.
“Babe I’m home.” He shouted as you exited the bathroom. “Welcome.” You said as you led him to the bathroom just like the previous night. As he stepped outside he saw you sitting on the couch scrolling to through the tv. “How’s your day been, baby?” He asked as he ate the food that was left for him on the kitchen counter. “Fucking amazing.” You said as you continued scrolling through the tv.
He finished eating quickly, and as he was exiting the kitchen he saw the chocolate box he had left earlier for you and it was unopened yet. He grabbed with him as he joined you on the couch. “Why haven’t you opened the yet?” He asked as he started opening it himself. “Sorta forgot about it I guess.” You said as you looked at him for a moment.
He picked up a white chocolate and plopped it into your mouth and you gladly accepted it, before putting a piece into his own mouth. “Hey I thought it was your apology for me?” You asked him, “who got them for you huh?” He teased as he wrapped his right arms around your stomach again.
“How’s your face hm?” He asked breaking the silence, “it’s not so bad, probably considering I pressed an ice bag against it right after and I’ve been applying moisturiser all day.” You laughed at the last part not expecting katsuki to kiss your cheek again.
“I apologise y/n.”
“This is a story that I’m definitely going to tell them one day.”
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willowedwisteria · 1 year
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Summary -> Lovestruck stares <33
Featuring -> Itto, Heizou
Genre -> Fluff ofc what
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Heizou From you:
Heizou was munching and relishing the fried chicken in his mouth when he caught you staring at him
At first, he was like, "You want this fried chicken don't you 🤨🤨"
Was conflicted between eating it all right in front of you for an amusing reaction or actually sharing it like a good person
It's not as if Heizou is a good person...
But he isn't a bad one either!!!
However, when Heizou actually offers you a part of his fried chicken, at least when he was about to raise his hands up to you, he noticed that... that...
It was so relaxed, but at the same time, it made you look as if you were just... enjoying staring at him. The way your hand cupped your cheek, tilting your head to the side, and just grinning at him.
He planned to play a little prank on you, but it seems like the tables have been turned without you even knowing.
"...you want one?"
"Oh, oh! Yeah, thanks,"
The way you just forgot about the chicken after he passes it to you, and continues to gaze at him.
He can't solve the mystery, the mystery of why you have eyes that cause the butterflies in his stomach to multiply.
From him:
It was a really REALLY late night trying to solve this case that had been collecting dust for weeks now.
You had decided a long while ago that you wouldn't disturb him or interrupt him (despite the multiple times that he would strike up a conversation with you while you were reading your book)
It looked more as if you were working instead of him
Usually, he could figure out a case once he gathers all of the information in one place. However, he just can't solve this for some weird reason. It was something he just couldn't put his finger on.
Leaning back into his chair, his head thrown back as he mindlessly stares at the ceiling.
"(Name), I really can't crack this case open :((" He'll whine softly to you
Once he hears soft snores instead of your voice, Heizou will glance at you and the realization finally hits him. Your body was slumped over with your arms used as a cushion to rest your head.
Strolling over to you, he'll peer over your shoulder to see you trying to solve part of the case with him. You got a little distracted and started to doodle though...
Whether it was a stickman version of him holding your hand or multiple smiley faces adorning the piece of paper your body clamped against the table - it was all such an adorable sight.
A soft sigh escapes him, it was almost as if he could regain his energy just by being with you alone.
Sloppily picking up a pencil - vision a blur due to how exhausted his body was, Heizou finishes the other half of your heart and writes both of your initials inside of the heart.
Brushing through your hair before interlocking his fingers with yours, a silent "I love you" was passed to you as he continues to just gaze at your sleeping figure.
Once you wake up, you'll be surprised to see Heizou sleeping right next to you, mumbling in his own sleep your name the moment you try to move away.
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Itto From you:
Practically bathing in your attention
Is not in the slightest bit embarrassed by it at all. In fact, he enjoys putting a smile on your face
During one of his performances, he watched as you continued to giggle and laugh at him, how you genuinely cheered for him during the performance and the way you were so invested in the story and looked out for his gang.
How could they miss it? How lovestruck you were with their boss was something that they couldn't ignore! You made their boss so happy too
Before the performance, I bet there was a lot of teasing going on.
"Oh, look who's here, it's (Name) boss!!"
"Really?!" Itto will peek his head out of the curtain to spot you in the crowd. "Then I have to look extra good tonight! We've gotta put on an AWESOME show for them!"
Cheeks brushed with pink, he won't be able to resist that boost in motivation and mood once he sees you.
"Boss! Boss! I heard (Name) was planning to give a kiss to their favorite performer." Stuff like that was being passed around like wildfire in the Arataki gang.
You had no idea what was going on backstage.
At the end of the performance, he'll just drop his props and just sprint to you. Picking you up by the waist and lifting you in the air, repetitively asking if he impressed you or not.
Once you finally let your feet touch the ground, you peck him on the cheek which gives him your answer.
Just peppers your face with kisses after that, no context or reason at all.
From him:
Poor Arataki Itto, bedridden with a stomach ache that feels like a punch to the gut.
How was he supposed to know that the bowl of food that you conveniently left out in the open - that you had asked him to take care of - had beans in them???
What a shame, he had so much planned for the day (no he didn't.)
Kuki should be taking care of his gang right now, but even he can feel the heartache and misery without him around. He can just sense their despair on his "death" bed.
The gang bought a few gifts for him to wish for a speedy recovery, but you didn't even allow him to touch them yet!! What do you mean a dancing cactus won't help him get better :((
You stroke his hair, running your fingers through his untidy hair. Honestly, you weren't used to seeing him without his usual perfect hair-do. Without his signature grin and outfit, he seemed like a completely different person.
"Jeez," your fingers brush against his cheek, "Please be more careful. I told you to take care of that can, not eat the whole thing..."
You turn your back to him, rummaging through bags to see where Kuki had left the medicine she bought recently.
Itto can't help but chuckle at you, taking such good care of him. He assumed you would be mad at him, but you're just worried for his well-being.
He really, really appreciates the time and effort you put into taking care of him. With how hyper he is, Itto feels like jumping out of bed and snuggling up against you - but you would definitely remind him that he needs to rest.
You really care so much for him. Just, wow.
While you reading the instructions Kuki left for you, you glance at Itto out of worry for him and realize he's staring at you. You blink once and try to focus your gaze on the sheet of paper, but the words become jumbled and incoherent.
Blinking again, you look at him with flushed cheeks. A pillow is suddenly pressed against his face for a second, "Go to sleep or something!"
That was a desperate attempt to hide how red your face probably was.
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Taglist -> @under-a-starry-night, @yourfaveisblack, @bardisipatos, @callmemeelah, @kithewanderingme, @pale-value, @bamboowritess/@bamboowritess, @uchihaeirin, @karmawonders, @lunavixia, @anfre109, @ly-archives, @zuyoo, @pimacolada-lulu, @bimboing, @gallantys, @swaggyb0ke, @borbsbirbs, @shizunxie, @tiffthescales, @genshin-impacts-me, @keithsaccount, @mkaella, @mentallyunpresent, @alicehasdrowned, @franc-1-s, @no-regrets-just-confusion, @christmaspickl, @lunalily19, @vvyeislazzy
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cuddlepilefics · 4 months
SKZ Season Greetings - 20 (end)
Holidays to remember
Under the members‘ care, Hyunjin’s fever broke during the night and though he was supposed to get as much sleep as possible to avoid relapsing, the dancer couldn’t stop himself from sitting with Felix through most of his nightly coughing fits. He was lucky not to relapse but that didn’t mean that the lack of sleep didn’t get to him. The others of course noticed how Hyunjin just didn’t seem to regain his energy, staying fatigued despite the fever being gone for good, but it took them a while to figure it out. It earned the dancer a scolding from Chan and Minho, which almost brought him to tears considering how emotional he was from the exhaustion.
After Felix pleaded with Hyunjin, the older eventually accepted that there were still six mostly healthy members, well capable of taking care of his dongsaeng. The Aussie may even have threatened to stay up all night, so neither of them would get a single minute of sleep. Knowing Felix wouldn’t recover if he went on a sleep deprivation strike, Hyunjin gave in and went to sleep in a different room, so the younger’s coughing wouldn’t wake him.
Felix too was slowly getting better, though he had thrown up once after starting his medication, presumably because he had swallowed too much of the phlegm in his sleep. He tried to stay positive though, rasping: “Well, good it’s out now, I guess.” Chan chuckled at that, trying to hide his concern as he handed his dongsaeng his toothbrush afterwards. “Good Hyunjin didn’t witness that”, the leader whispered, “He would’ve dragged you straight back to the hospital.”
It only took a couple more days for Felix fever to break too and while the cough was likely to linger for a couple of weeks, he didn’t feel almost back to normal. His lingering cough earned him the staff’s sympathy as the group picked their activities back up, so they took it a lot easier on him, making sure he wouldn’t push himself too much yet. Thanks to Felix, their practice sessions had more breaks and while they were incredibly busy to try and make up for the missed time, the staff made sure they had all of their meals because the Aussie wasn’t supposed to take his medication on an empty stomach.
They were lucky that all of them had their appetite back by the time their manager brought cookies, congratulating them on another successful year. Felix was displeased to be banned from playing in the snow till his cough would be gone because realistically, the snow might be gone by then too. One evening after their schedule, Chan took pity on him and making sure the younger was bundled into multiple layers of clothes and wore his scarf and mittens, he took the boy out for a little while. The two Aussie’s took a short stroll around the neighborhood, hearts warm as they admired the decorations. Chan treated Felix to a cup of hot chocolate from a local café, that luckily was still open so late in the evening.
Felix couldn’t help himself when he came across a large pile of snow, quickly forming it into the rough shape of a snowman, and Chan didn’t have the heart to stop him. The leader did force him to take off his soaked mittens afterwards though. Gently rubbing Felix’ hands warm between his own, Chan hummed: “Oh dear, your fingers are ice cold. No way you’re putting those mittens back on.” He took off his own gloves and smiled: “Take these. I warmed them up for you.” – “No, hyung! What about you?”, Felix pouted, when the older handed him his gloves. “My hands are still warm and I can just put them in my coat pockets till we get home”, Chan shrugged, “We’ll be home in a few minutes anyway.”
When they returned, Hyunjin ran Felix a hot bath, insisting the younger needed to warm up, despite the boy’s protests. Not that Felix minded the bath. It was nice and soothed his muscles, that ached from dancing while not in optimal shape. He was just tired of people going out of their way for him. Maybe he’d be able to make it up to them by baking something nice for them once he got the time. That wouldn’t happen anytime soon but they’d catch up eventually and he’d make sure they knew how much he valued them in his life.
No matter how busy they were, except for Chan and Felix, the members still got to celebrate Christmas with their families. Jeongin took Chan along to celebrate with him, while Hyunjin brought Felix to his family’s celebration, where they had a great time and played with Kkami for most of the evening, the small dog absolutely in love with Felix.
Their Season Greetings photos were released, reminding Changbin and Jeongin what had brought chaos upon them in the first place but seeing how much Stay adored them, it was hard to stay frustrated for long. After all, everyone made a full recovery, though it took some of them longer than others but it had certainly been a holiday season to remember.
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Thanks for including me in the event. love ❤️ u
Can I request Gojo x wife reader angst but with happy ending ? I know it is very long so u can write it when u r free , in two parts maybe
Gojo at a very young age was married to reader yn who was the clan leader of Yk a very powerful clan . She had immense cursed energy and could break gojo 's infinity and she had a third eye which she would appear on her forehead while fighting. It was like a counter to Gojo's six eyes. They were introduced to each other in their first year and Gojo really grew to love her. Btw Nanami was her platonic best friend
But when reader and Gojo were finally married they got unstoppable. The higher ups could not control Gojo not could his clan bcoz reader protected him . They were too Powerful together
So Gojo clan made a plan. In yn's meal they would put cursed medicines everyday that would harm her third eye and since the third eye was a connection to her brain it slowly slowly like a slow poison damaged yn 's memory
It also made her weak . The clan puts their final plan where they send yn to fight a curse but the slow poison reacts that her third eye starts hurting and she collapses and loses her memory even b4 fighting ( they knew that in a direct fight she would kick their ass). The curse was a yandere lover of yn name Tristian who took use of yn lost memory and told her that she is his gf and he lives with yn in another country
it has been 3 yrs and Gojo is still searching for yn. His clan forced him to marry another girl but he refused because he still loves her. She tried seducing him but he threatened her that he would kill her if she even came near. He is verydepressed .Once Shoko brings an injured girl to his house nd Gojo recognises his wife. He puts her to sleep and cuddles him. Reader feeling familiar warmth snuggles him and Gojo can't stop kissing him. But when she wakes up she can't remember him and says that she has a bf. Gojo is hurt but asks her what she knows about herself and she is blank. He asks him if Tristian ever told her about her third eye and her powers and she is confused. So she trusts Gojo and stays with him because somehow she feels a connection
Gojo would bring his students who have only heard of yn and who thought it was just a rumor , show her old memories like take her to dates at familiar places, talk about the mole on her butt and inner thighs, train her so she can regain her memory.
He would cuddle her to sleep , kiss her and comfort her when she gets unclear dreams of her memories. When the clan tried to throw her away he bashed at them telling that she is her wife and if anyone touches her he would kill them . He took her to the beach where he made her wear her very first bikini so she could remember how they played in ocean for hrs but she still couldn't remember. She had lost her extroverted self and would stay quiet, confused and weak as compared to the extroverted, strong and fierce yn. Gojo got sadder but he still wasn't going to give up
Tristian comes back with Geto to fight Yk the jjk0 war and use yn. Yn still hasn't gotten her memory back so Gojo afraid of losing her locks her in Shoko's room and goes to fight . Shoko injects her some medicine and that opens her third eye that was being controlled which made yn lose her memory. She runs to fight with the curses and they won and later runs to Gojo. Gojo could not stop crying after killing Geto but when yn comes to comfort him and calls him Toru while hugging him he is shocked and she tells him how she remembered everything. Gojo carries her in his arms and teleports to their bedroom where they spend the whole night experiencing intimacy of how much they missed each other
I'm starting to write it now.
My face when I see the number of requests in my inbox is - 🥹
It will be around 4-5k words
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brighteststar707 · 2 years
Playful love. Beginning stages of intimate love.
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Jumin has been described by many people in many different words, but he has yet to be called playful.
Serious, driven, maybe even bizarre (by a particular member of the RFA), but never playful.
Indeed, he has never felt particularly playful, except when playing with Elizabeth. But of course, only real love could bring out that side of him.
That’s why when he meets the new RFA member for the first time, something lights up within him. This new side of him wakes up, and he is suddenly filled with this energy to make them smile that he has never felt before.
It’s not often that Jumin sleeps in. Even on days off, he wakes up almost like clockwork at the same time. Today, however, he has woken up to an empty bed and commotion in the kitchen.
Now he stands in the doorway to his bedroom, watching his fiancé dance through the kitchen in nothing but one of his shirts and Elizabeth in their arms. They sing along to a song playing on the radio and make faces at her, completely oblivious to their fiancé watching them with an affectionate smile.
He wants to observe for a bit longer before he interrupts, but he doesn’t manage to stay unnoticed for long. They spot him still lingering at the door and beckon him over to join them, and how can he resist?
“I thought I’d surprise you with breakfast.” They say, standing on their tiptoes so he can kiss their cheek.
They somehow convince him to join them in their little dance, and together they spin around the kitchen, laughing over the music.
They’re settled on the sofa together, sipping wine that he brought back from his recent trips to the vineyard. Jumin is working on a new embroidery piece, completely absorbed in his work.
“Jumin, you’re trying to sip an empty wine glass. Let me go top that up for you.”
He looks up to realize that yes, his glass is empty. He looks at them thankfully and hands them the glass.
“Thank you, Muffin. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
They freeze. “What did you just call me?”
“Muffin. It’s a pet name. People call each other sweet things when they’re in love, don’t they?”
“Yes, they do. But Muffin?” They sound amused, and Jumin continues.
“You don’t like it? How about Cupcake?”
They scrunch their nose in mock disgust, and he can’t help but notice how adorable they look, even when they’re teasing him. 
“Hot stuff?”
“Jumin!” They burst out laughing. “Have you been researching pet names?”
“Perhaps.” He tries to keep his expression serious, but a smile forms in the corners of his mouth.
They finish pouring the wine and return to the sofa to hand it to him. Once the glass is out of their hand, they throw themselves onto the sofa dramatically.
“So what nickname would you rather I call you?”
They make a show of thinking, exaggerated expression and thumb rubbing their chin. “Dumpling? Sugar? How about Gummy Bear? ”
“Be careful, I might think you’re serious,” he says, “then you’ll be stuck with Gummy Bear forever.”
“As long as it’s you, you can call me whatever you want.”
They haven’t been going to events together for long. He understands that it’s an environment that they’re still getting used to. Most of the time, he tries to keep them next to him, but sometimes, they get split up.
Tonight is one of those nights. Jumin stands by his father, trying to not appear bored in front of the person trying to schmooze with them. He nods when he has to and pretends to be absorbed in conversation, but his eyes keep drifting over the businessman’s shoulder.
Lucky for him, his fiancé is at the next table, not difficult to watch from where he’s standing. They’re looking similarly bored, or maybe just tired. They’re surrounded by chattering people, all of them too occupied to notice their lack of enthusiasm, at least.
They spot him watching them and appear to almost immediately regain their energy. They stand a little straighter and shoot him a devilish smile. He tries his best to keep his expression serious, but he knows what they’re planning.
After double checking to make sure that nobody’s paying attention, they turn back to Jumin and wiggle their eyebrows suggestively. It’s adorable, and if he were anywhere else, he’d laugh. But the businessman is asking him a question, and he has to at least pretend to be serious.
Watching their first attempt fail does not dissuade them. They wait until Jumin is watching them again, then puff out their cheeks at him, and this time they manage to make him smile. How could he not? They look so happy when they win. He tries to cover it up with a sip of wine and returns his attention (however briefly) to the person in front of him.
Just a few minutes later, his love appears at his side, slipping their hand into his. He happily introduces them as the love of his life (he never misses an opportunity), before taking a step away to let the businessman bore his father some more.
He leans towards them enough to whisper in their ear, “shall we go home, love?”
This expression he can read without any help.
One day, he returns home from work only to be greeted by a sticky note on the front door reading hide and seek! Come and find me!
He can’t help but smile to himself. Challenge accepted. He stops only momentarily to take off his shoes before starting his search.
First comes the living room, with the big plush sofa and shelving. Not many good hiding spots, but he wouldn’t put it past them.
Then the dining room, where he takes a peek under the table and is greeted only by a curious Elizabeth, offended that she hasn’t been pet yet. He scoops her up in his arms and keeps going.
The kitchen, bathroom and office are all similarly empty. The penthouse is alarmingly quiet. He had never realized just how much life his fiancé brought into the house with them when they moved in. Usually there was always some music on or even the sound of them talking to themselves when they thought they were alone. It was comforting to know that there was someone to share this space with him. How did he ever live in such silence?
When he enters the bedroom, he sees his walk-in wardrobe door ajar and suddenly knows that he has found them. The sound of a muffled giggle breaks the silence as he crosses the room to finally greet the love of his life.
Most people would probably not call him playful. But his love does, and that’s what really matters to him.
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