#and man i think it would help me a lot if i uh. treated myself
Carpe Noctem 29
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, gaslighting, manipulation, violence, blood, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (short!reader)
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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“I should go,” you get up as Cole comes back in the back office, “I’m so sorry about today–”
“Go? Where?” He asks as he stands in the door. “Back to that maniac?”
“Well, I…” you swallow and let out an exasperated sigh, “yeah, I have to–”
“You don’t have to,” he insists, “you shouldn’t. Someone that angry can be pretty dangerous.”
“I know, it’s just–” you have no argument, no excuse, just the truth, “I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
“You don’t?” He wonders.
You shake your head and grab your jacket from the rack, “I’ll be fine. I’m sure he’s calmed down. I shouldn’t have lied–”
“But you did. For a reason. If that’s how he reacts… you never mentioned a boyfriend,” Cole shifts on his soles.
“Boyfriend?” You almost laugh, “no, not exactly.”
“It’s complicated, got it,” he nods, “well, you were wrong, you know?”
“About what?” You take your pure of a lower hook on the rack.
“That you don’t have anywhere to go. I’m just putting it out there,” he raises a hand to rub the stubble along his jaw, “if you need somewhere to stay, er, my parents’ could spare a guest room.”
“Oh, Cole, no, I couldn’t. That’s too much. I’d hate to impose on your family like that.”
“Uh, you definitely wouldn’t be. My mom would love to meet you,” he lets himself smile, “I brought home some of the extra treats and she loved them. She’s a baker too.”
“That’s— that’s sweet,” you shrug and look away, “I just don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“I wouldn’t suggest it if it wasn’t,” he insists, “but I really don’t feel great about you going back to a man like that. I’m big enough to defend myself, but you…”
You know he’s right. This isn’t the first time you’ve seen Lloyd get violent and just like with Johnny, it’s only inevitable that it turns on you. You’re not exactly excited to go back to that house.
“All my stuff…” you begin, arguing with yourself as much as him.
“My ma has some stuff she can lend you for the night,” he offers, “as long as you don’t mind flannel. And I’m sure you could use a nice warm meal.”
“Cole,” you rub along your jaw evasively as you look away, “I just… I feel so bad about putting you out. Your parents too.”
“You’re not. You know, I think you surround yourself with the wrong people. The sort that make kindness seem like a debt to be paid back. You don’t owe me anything. I’m just being decent, like anyone should,” He turns his hands out. “But if you say no, I’m not letting you walk out of her without my phone number. And you have to promise to call me if anything goes bad.”
You frown and look at your feet. Lloyd could use the night to cool off just as much as you. You cross your arms then force them straight. He’s entirely right. You’re letting all those others people who bargain courtesy like currency colour your doubts. Why should you begrudge him the action of others when he’s only ever been nice?
“Did you ask your parents? I don’t want to be a surprise,” you chew your lip.
He smiles, “I texted ma but I’ll give a call before we go. Trust me, you’re more than welcome.”
The drive is longer than you expect, but not. You should’ve figured that the farm would be out in the country. At the same time, you never factored in the time it must take Cole to commute each day. It whittles another ounce of appreciation out of you. He seems too kind for his own good.
That generosity sees you in his passenger seat. You left your car behind at the cafe to save you gas and the trouble of driving. You didn’t fight too hard. You want to be in one place and still.
He steers down a long dirt road and as the moon disappears behind a thicket of trees, the land turns desolate. Your chest sinks just a little but as the silver light breaks free again, you let out a breath of relief. Ahead you see the yellow windows of the farmhouse and dark colossus of the barn not far behind it.
Cole pulls up behind a big red truck and shifts into park. The motor cranks slightly before he turns it off. You can’t help but wonder how someone like him came to own a cafe in the city. Maybe after so long in the rural desert, the urban sprawl must be alluring chaotic.
He gets out first before you muster your strength. He comes around, startling you as he opens the door for you. You thank him, the gentlemanly gesture almost jarring. You’re so unused to kindness, it unsettles you. That should tell you something. It’s a ringing cry for change.
“Are you sure…” you begin the same question you’ve asked every five minutes for the last hour.
“Sure,” he interjects firmly, “really, ma always cooks too much and my sister’s off finding herself. Again. She’ll be happy to have you around.”
You nod and climb up the wide porch steps beside him. He pulls back the screen door and waves you in ahead of him. A fragrant aroma draws you in; roast beef and roasted veggies. The homey glow embraces you, welcoming you without a word.
“Here,” he tugs on the back of your jacket, “I’ll get this.”
He hangs his own coat as you undo yours and hand it over. He puts it over his own then beckons you on. Hesitantly, you follow his direction, walking down a walnut trimmed hallway to a dining room decorated in faded florals and pine.
“Ethan,” a woman calls through before she appears in the doorway across from you, a large dimpled glass dish in her hands, “oh! I thought you were your father– eee! This must be her.”
She rushes to the table and sets the steaming dish on a potholder. She still has her oven gloves as she sweeps around the room, “Beverly,” she introduces herself, pulling you into a hug, “I’ve heard so much about you.”
“Uh,” you gulp as she squeezes you, only releasing you as Cole clears his throat. “I’ve heard a lot about you too.”
“Really?” She nearly squeals, keeping you at arm’s length, “he didn’t say you were so pretty.”
Your eyes round and you let out a nervous giggle. Cole groans under his breath and brushes his hand over his sandy hair. It’s kind of cute when your own parents were never so excited to see you.
“Thanks, that’s too sweet,” you smile, “erm, thanks for having me.”
“Oh, of course, of course,” she titters as she lets you go, “Cole always had a soft spot for those in need.” She turns to him and touches where his cheekbone is still red from his scuffle with Lloyd, “and look at him, my knight in shining armor. How many times do I have to tell you not to fight? You never were very good at it.”
“Ma,” he urges her away from him, “I’m fine.”
A ding chimes from the kitchen and she springs back, “oh, that’s the dumplings.”
She spins and hurries off, leaving you off balance. You slowly face Cole and put your hands on your hips, “so how much did you tell her?”
“As much as I know,” he rubs his neck sheepishly, “I’m sorry. I didn’t want her to freak out when she saw my face and– it wasn’t anything that makes you look bad.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about. I don’t want to be a charity case,” you cross your arms.
“Trust me, you’re far from it,” he assures you, “really. I want you here.”
You don’t know what to say. You don’t trust your own judgment. Whether he means it or not, it hardly matters. You’re just grateful to have a night away from it all. Some time might be just what Lloyd needs to grow some common sense.
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 2 years
voicemails they’d leave while abroad
gender neutral reader
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“Good morning, dear! It’s probably late there for you, isn’t it? Just thought I’d give you a call. I’ve been busy, but I still wanna try to talk to you as much as I can. I’m thinking of you a lot, did you know that? Haha, you probably do.”
“Playing overseas has been really cool. I’ve always dreamt of doing this as a kid, so it kinda feels unreal even now… It sorta reminds me of the first time I got to play with Noa. I’ll keep doing my best and make you proud!”
“Next time I go abroad, you should come with me. There’s tons of cool things here I’d love to show you, and I’m taking as many pictures I can to send to you… Okay, I think I should probably get ready to go now. I love you so much! I can’t wait to see you again.”
“…Hey. How are you doing? You didn’t pick up, so I’m leaving you a message.”
“Things are pretty chill over here. Just the usual: lots of practice, a few games, talking with the coaches in between. Adjusting to the food took a bit, but Isagi managed to get us some microwave rice somehow.”
“…I really wanna hear your voice. Make sure to call me as soon as you can. I’ll try to pick up. Sleeping and waking up by myself is no fun. I need someone to hold and cuddle with. Guess I got used to always having you around. Not that that’s a bad thing. Still, it feels weird to have to braid my hair myself instead of getting you to do it for me. Ugh, that sounds so sappy, doesn’t it?”
“Well, you’ve already seen how down bad I can get for you. Take responsibility, and make it up for me once I come back. Love you, babe.”
“Take care of yourself. I wanna see you all happy and healthy when I come back. Promise me that much. Talk to you soon.”
“Hello, love. Have you been doing alright? I’ve been managing here. There’s so much to see and do even outside of my games that I can barely take everything in! It would have been more enjoyable if you were here though. Everything’s more fun when you’re with me.”
“I hope life has been treating you well over there. I know we just called yesterday, but I want to hear from you again. I can’t help myself—you always make me feel better. If you have some free time later, call me back, okay? It’d be even better if we could video call too. Seeing your face would definitely make my day.”
“There are so many cool glasses shops here! Would you prefer me with my round glasses or something more sleek? The guys on my team kept giving me suggestions and taking pics, which is why I kept sending them to you earlier. Do I look handsome?”
“…I miss you so much, sweetheart. Please stay safe.”
“Yo, honeybun. Sorry if it’s a bit loud; thought I’d give you a call while I’m on the way to the facility, but it looks like you’re busy. No worries. Shoot me a text later when you have the time.”
“Man, I really miss you. I feel like I’m becoming an old sappy man, but it isn’t the same without you around. I keep seeing all these cute souvenirs and stuff that remind me of you. And… uh- before you get mad at me, I’ve already bought them. So, uh, don’t bother yelling at me. C’mon, I’m a pro player. I can afford to spoil you as much as I want.”
“The coaches here know how to keep me busy. But I’ve been getting better, so I guess it’s worth it. Kinda wish I had a bit more free time to check in with you more, but hey, I gotta take what I can get. Make the most out of what I’m given, you know?”
“Ight, I’ll hang up and call you later. Kiss me through the phone. Muah.”
“Uh… Is it recording? Can you hear me? Okay, hi! It’s me! I’m leaving you a message! Wow, everything here’s sooooo professional and cool; I can’t believe I’m actually a professional player that gets to play overseas! I wish I could telepathically show everything to you, because there’s just soooooo much!”
“I can’t really understand what the foreign players are saying without the translator earpiece though. That’s okay! I always make sure to have it on me. It’d be better if you were here to keep me company though. The guys here aren’t too cuddly once bedtime kicks in, and snuggling with a smelly pillow isn’t the same…”
“…Oops, is that TMI? Hehe, it’s fine! That means being able to hug you and kiss you once I go back will be all the better! Ooh, I can’t wait! I’m gonna take you out on so many dates, have so many sleepovers, and make sure I’m with you as much as I can.”
“Ahhh, I’m blushing! Okay, okay, breathe Nijiro… In, out, in, out… All good! Call me later when you can! I love you sooooo much! Love you, love you, loveyouloveyouloveyou!!”
“Daaaaarling! Are you ignoring my calls? Awww, that’s fine. I know you’ll pick up at some point! Did you see my game last night? Of course you did. I know perfectly well you wouldn’t miss out on any game that I’m in. You wouldn’t miss out on it for the world, right? Not when your talented boyfriend is playing!”
“That means you saw my goals! It’s okay, save your praise for when I come back. Hearing you praise me on the phone is nice and all, but nothing beats holding you in my arms while you tell me how handsome and cool I am… Ahhh, you’re the best.”
“Don’t miss me too much! I’m making sure to post tons of sexy pictures for you on my Instagram. You can’t keep leaving me on read forever! Who knows? I might just hop on a plane and come surprise you if you keep up your antics!”
“Miss you, darling! Make sure to think of me lots!”
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yokiidokii · 1 year
How would the gang react to a reader who constantly says sorry ? like for every stupid thing at the end of a sentence due to being Bullied majority of their life . So now I their adulthood it’s just kinda automatic “oop I’m sorry” even when it’s not necessary
My smile is immeasurable- I do this so often you have no idea. I have absolutely been worried about not knowing if I was gonna do the request just right. This is not one of those times. I did have a surprising amount of trouble with it though? Despite it being something I myself do constantly lmao, ah well I hope I did it justice!
Also hi! I was in college so this is so very late and I’m so sorry about that <3 My prof mentally threw me around like a rag doll and I came out with my brain fried.
Warnings: I don't think any? Maybe some general allusions to anxiety just because of the prompt itself? Andre mentions weed but uh- nothing else! Relatively safe<3
I feel like she understands, I could see her thinking of it more in a like, a logical sense? Not like she doesn’t understand the more emotional side of it- she’s got her own issues. But in the like “Oh, usually when people do this it means they are scared of what people think and don’t like conflict. I’ll keep that in mind.”
She gets it, and I want to be absolutely clear- I cannot see her being one of those people saying “It’s fine.” Because like, for her it doesn’t feel like it ever really is? But she will be the person to help you feel like, it’s okay that you said it but know that you do not have to. You didn’t do anything wrong.
If you want to tell her the reason why you do this, apologizing and explaining she will feel for you. I mean we’ve seen her school experience, we had one friend and a buncha kids who were way older than you and treated her like shit. Also her father, very much her father.
She won't ever press you or act like you aren't trying harder to get better but she'll make sure in her own way that you know it's all gonna be okay one day.
One day you won't have to think about the past and everything will be okay <3
Andre may or may not have told you about his experiences with his family and how they really affected him.
You have probably also- at least once maybe seen him without drugs and how that can make him.
Long story short he is in no position to judge even if he for some reason wanted to.
Would offer you some weed
He means well and will not pressure you if you say no, though he will totally ask “Are you suuuureee?” because he cannot stress enough the wonders of medical marijuana
Whether or not you take it is up to you, but he will absolutely let you chill either in his office if you're at work or at his house- would come to your house to make sure your comfy if you need it<3
He is a loving man with lots of his own experience in this kind of regard and he will help you no matter what!
He is more than the drug guy though please literally let him be known for more than that he deserves it so any tips he's used to help himself out he will give to you.
A very caring man with his own issues and lots of advice and love to give if you'll have it~
Oh honey, this man? This man understands.
Brett will apologize after you do because both of you think that is is somehow both of your faults.
Though he will undoubtedly let you know in every way he possibly can that it is not your fault in any way and that he loves you.
He would absolutely mention therapy- it helps him! It might help you?
He would absolutely be holding your hand anyway and if you do apologize while it happens, he’ll squeeze it in his own and shoot you a quick “No need to be!” before continuing the conversation. He doesn’t wanna spend the whole time acknowledging it just in case putting too much attention on it in the open would embarrass you or make you feel worse.
But he will be there for you, and he will be listing off things that he’s learned to help him when he can’t stop doing it either.
I can see Myc start by just being a little bit sarcastic. Like he isn’t entirely sure why you do it just yet, but he doesn’t want you to be saying it and thinking that you did something wrong.
He gives those like “Oh yeah? You’re sorry?” and you know that if he had actual eyes, he would be giving you a look of ‘You really wanna do this rn?’.
And he will probably continue to do so even after he knows why.
He isn’t going to treat you differently per se, at least- he acts like he isn’t going to…
But you feel the tentacle that was already wormed around your waist squeeze just a little tighter before you end your sentence to remind you that you didn’t do anything, and you don’t need to apologize. 
I mean he gets it, he got bullied. He ended with a different outcome for himself, but he still understands. It sucks, and even if you don’t want to think about it or you don’t want to constantly feel like life is repeating itself over and over again but sometimes it’s just going to feel that way even if it isn’t.
Though Myc will be there to help you understand and work through all the woes of getting to inside your own head.
She would raise her brow at it at first.
Hit you with that “Honey you didn’t do anything wrong.” and make sure you know that it’s all okay.
Is teaching you how she ignores her haters constantly, if you say anything about it not being on the same level and you start apologizing again, she is going to lovingly slap you in the face with her words (She would not lay a hand on you ever-)
Comparing yourself gets a “tsk tsk” from her and a long list of all the parts about you she thinks are beyond stellar.
Gigi would be very honest -like the most honest maybe- about whether or not you actually have anything to be sorry about. 
If you do, she’ll accept your apology but try to figure out a way to do it in a way that won’t encourage you to do it when you don’t actually have to.
And when you don’t, she places a hand on her hip and gives you a look, eyebrow raised just lightly in a ‘really?’ sorry of fashion.
She’s not questioning it; she knows it happened. But she’s asking if you really wanna do it, you know that she will no doubt spend her time talking your ear off about not doing this again.
She does it with the upmost amount of love I promise- but like,,
Do you dare question her? I wouldn't
Okay. I don’t want to say Glenn doesn’t get it at first, but out of all of the people in the gang it feels right to say he might take the longest to adjust and learn how to handle it.
But just because he might not get it at first doesn’t mean he’s rude!!
It’s more of a “What? Why are you saying you're sorry? You didn’t do anything?” Kinda confused-
He’s a confused ol man, forgive him.
Though, he would understand the bullying thing like 100%
He’s no stranger to rude comments or being talked to as if he has no feelings, typical bully behavior even if he wouldn’t talk about it or call them bullies, just,,, assholes?
That and the feelings that come from thinking about those comments is something he understands, and something that he can try and a headspace he will gladly try to help you out of.
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princesssmars · 2 years
I NEED ;) a poly Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson fic with either any kind of reader. Maybe protecting each other in the upside down, or being completely parents to the kids (lots of cute fluff), or reader is with Mike/will/the others because they went with Mike to see el and Will and Eddie/Steve thinks they are safe there and it’s funny because it then goes to their pov and their being shot at (maybe they call each other at some point and their like got to go we’re running from the literal FBI).
Relationship HC's - poly!steddie x reader
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MY FIRST REQUEST MFS LETS GO also you guys work quick lmaooo. but I also like eddie more than I thought I would so here this is. i wanted to include both if you were with them vs with mike will and johnathan so idk if it works but uh yeah enjoy it anyway (anon im sorry this took me 5 years)
cw: uhhh fluff, violence bc Stranger Things. i guess scary things bc Stranger Things. a hiiint of spice bc i cant help myself
so here the three of you are, the ex-king, the freak and the nerd
how you got together ? no idea
most likely you and eddie met steve while going to pick a movie as a treat for him since you tutor him so he wont fail senior year a third time
steve went through his usual bi panic when he saw these two pretty people walk into the store and tried to turn on The Harrington Charm™️ and lets just say hes lucky you both thought he was cute
so badda bing badda boom ur all dating
the party loving you to bits
not being upset when you get asked to "babysit" or just hang out with them, like being an extra for hellfire, chilling and listening to music with max, etc.
and also eddie adores you for being into dnd, he tried to get steve into it and he loves him but was like nah 😐
jane and will even start to like you before they visit based on everyones letters
steve being highkey lowkey jealous because eddie already basically stole lucas dustin and mike and here you go winning over everyone 💀
but he does love it, as we've learned mans wants a whole damn hockey team of harringtons so seeing you being so good with kids does something to him
breeding kink anyone
then that just makes me thing of the three of you lying in bed late at night talking about the future you all want
if its rich boy!steve then him thinking of moving you all to some big house near the city with enough room for the 3 9 of you <3
you and eds def tease him for it but the idea of staying in a nice house and raising a family with them doesnt sound that bad...
but then spring break happens
you think itll be fun, a chance to relax from your studies, chill with your friends, maybe even go on a date or two with your loves
then the next thing you know your house phone is blowing up because dustin n steve say your eddie is wanted for the murder of chrissy fucing cunnigham
now your all driving around in the woods and you find eddie nd hes so god damn terrified and grabs you n steve and hugs you so tight :(
you and eddie being shocked but also kind of hurt when finding out about the upside down and stuff bc why didnt steve warn yall about this shit ???
but he was scared of putting you both in danger wanted you both to be safe etc etc
valid ofc bc hes definitely not pytting the loves of his life in danger hello ??
you and steve being so hesitant to leave eddie by himself so you leave him a bunch of kisses to get him by <3
and then after all this your girls max is cursed next ? and some stupid high school jocks are hunting your boyfriend ?
best spring break ever .
this was messy as shit and i might continue but until then peace out .
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lilcatdraws · 2 months
Curiosity Killed the Cat
Ledger!Joker x Reader
Warnings: Mention of child abuse and domestic violence
Summary: One night you get a little too curious and try to pry J’s past out of him. He gives you some information but there are some things he’s just not ready to share.
Author’s Note: I’ve been piecing this one together for a while now but I really got to work last night and this morning. So here’s y’all a little Sunday snack. Aaaaaah the angst in this oneshot. Don’t hate me too much 😅
Taglist: @alittlesmartcookie @unholiiness
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You and J were curled up together in your cozy bed one Saturday evening. J rested his head on your shoulder and hummed softly. It mimicked that of a cat purring. You basked in his warmth.
You were so lucky to be the one J chose to love. Most people wouldn’t get your relationship but you were fine with that. It was a bond that only you and J would understand.
You kept him grounded and from falling too deep into insanity. If something happened to you, he’d be lost forever. 
And yet, you only knew a fraction of the complex man known as the Joker. He was still very much shrouded in mystery. Who is he? What is his name? Where did he come from? What was he like before he became a criminal? 
You only knew what J told you and that wasn’t much. You knew when he was younger he grew up outside of Gotham (though you didn’t know where), his father may or may not have been abusive, he liked to skateboard, and was an outdoorsy kid. Between then and becoming the Joker, you knew nothing.
You understood that it was to keep himself a secret and, though he wouldn’t admit it, it pained him to get into his past. He wouldn’t even tell you what happened in Arkham. You hoped one day he’d tell you everything.
Why not get information out of him now? You had to start somewhere. Tonight was a good time because J was in a good mood. So you gathered your courage and spoke.
“J, what’s Arkham like?” You asked meekly.
Joker seemed surprised at your question. He was quiet for a while. Your heart sank. You hoped you hadn’t upset him. It was a sensitive topic after all.
“Uh, why do you ask?” He finally spoke.
“I-I’ve heard how horrible it is and I worry about you.” You replied.
“Well, it’s not that bad. When you’re locked up in a cell by yourself, it gives you time to think. People say that isolation makes you go crazy but that’s not true. Well, not for me at least. First of all, I’m already ‘crazy’. That’s why I’m there to begin with. Second, I like being left alone. If they forced me to socialize in the common area or go to group therapy, then I’d really lose it.” 
“What did you do all day? That seems like it would get pretty boring.”
“Yeah, it did. When I wasn’t drugged all to hell, I mostly just doodled in the journal they let me have. They didn’t give me anything sharp to use of course. They gave me crayons. I guess they thought I couldn’t do any damage with it. Jokes on them, I could do a number of things with those. But I, uh, controlled myself because I didn’t want them taken. I also daydreamed a lot. When you’re that bored, you can’t help but try to escape reality for a while.” 
“Did they mistreat you?”
J chuckled darkly.
Your eyes widened.
“Yes and no. My doctor seems to care about my well being. He makes sure that the nurses tend to my wounds when I’m brought in. He even had those asshole guards fired when they beat me to a bloody pulp. But then again, I was beaten, drugged constantly, they force fed me when I didn’t eat, stuck needles in me, and shoved pills down my throat. You know, the usual stuff.”
Your face softened. “I’m sorry J.”
“Pfft. What’re you sorry about? You didn’t do anything.”
“I know. But I still feel bad. Nobody should ever be treated that way.”
J sighed softly. “If only the rest of the world thought like you, y/n.”
You smiled as he hummed into your chest. It was quiet again until you remembered what you hoped to accomplish.
“What was your father like?” You asked randomly.
J stared up at you for a moment.
“Why are you asking me all these questions, bunny?” 
You played with his hair and tried to figure out how to best answer him.
“I don’t mean to upset you, J. It’s just that I know so little about you. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. I’m just curious.”
“Yeah, well, curiosity killed the cat.” Joker muttered. 
His tone had gotten meaner. You hated when he did that. But you expected it, given that you were getting into his dark past. He was going into defensive mode. 
Joker sighed.
“Fine. My father was horrible, y/n, He was a raging drunk. He beat me and my mother senselessly. One thing I remember very vividly was him breaking a glass bottle over my head. I should’ve gone to the hospital but he wouldn’t let Mom take me. I probably have a scar on my scalp.”
J paused to gather himself and his thoughts. Then he told another story.
“Another time when I was around 16 or 17, he was relentlessly beating Mom. I can’t even remember what triggered him. I could hear Mom screaming from my room. So I went out there and pried him off of her. He then turned his rage towards me but at least Mom was safe for a bit. When he finally quit kicking the shit out of me, he went to the liquor store to get more booze like nothing happened. Bastard…”
You didn’t know what to say. Maybe this was a bad idea.
“My mom was the sweetest woman ever. She didn’t deserve any of that. I tried to stop what I could. But I was so young and I could only do so much.” Joker said with a sad sigh.
“That was really brave of you. I’m sure she appreciated it.”
J just nodded. He seemed lost in thought. You had the biggest question spinning in your head but you knew to ask carefully. This might just set him off.
“J, what happened to you? Why’d you become the Joker? What changed you?”
The expression on Joker’s face made your heart break. He jerked away from you, darted into the bathroom, slammed the door, and locked it. You wanted to cry. You felt so stupid.
Way to go, y/n. You scolded yourself as tears welled in your eyes.
“J, I’m really sorry! I overstepped. I shouldn’t have gotten so personal. I know how much it hurts you but I did it anyway. That was so selfish of me. I shouldn’t pressure you to open up. Please just come out. I’m so sorry.” You pleaded with him.
At first there was no response. Then after what felt like hours, you finally heard Joker groan and stand up. He unlocked the door and opened it. He glared at you. 
“There’s a reason why I don’t talk about it, y/n. I hate thinking about it. But it’s all I think about. It haunts me day and night. It’s in my nightmares. I don’t want to think about it any more than I have to. It would also reveal my identity and I can’t do that. I’ll tell you everything someday. Just not right now. I’m not ready.” 
“Okay. I won’t ask about it again. But I’m always here if you want to vent.”
“I know bunny and I appreciate it.” J said and pulled you into a hug. He kissed the top of your head.
“I’m so sorry.” You mumbled into his chest over and over.
“S’okay, bunny. I’ve moved on. I know you didn’t mean any harm.” J reassured you.
He crawled back into bed and you followed him. You nestled close to him, burying your head in his chest.
J didn’t answer all your questions but you learned some more about him. He put up with so much yet was so full of courage. Even if he was a murderous psychopath, you had never met anyone braver than him.
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portalfaecez · 11 months
[𝙼𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 _𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎_𝙳𝚊𝙼𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐_𝚂𝚙𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎_]
𝚆𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢 𝚒𝚝?
[𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 _𝙰𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎_𝚂𝚌𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎_𝚁𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚘_𝚂𝚒𝚐𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚂𝚞𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚏𝚞𝚕]
Oooh- hey! I... I got something-! Hello? Can anyone hear me?
Hm, I'll take that as a no. Well, that's just sad, isn't it? Finally in range of the system and absolutely no one is here to help me. Well, actually, help is kind of a big thing to ask for, I um... Yeah no that's fine if you can't really... but uhhh, it does get awfully lonely here, in space. So, if you could maybe just stay here and talk to me for a bit? If anyone's out there...?
Who would want to talk to me anyways? After all I've done? It's alright, I get it... You- you don't have to say anything. It's not like you were much of a talker anyway, so, just keep doing what you always do. You're a great listener, by the way.
I do miss it though- Being your friend and all. You ah, get a lot of time to think up here in space... -and speaking of which, I kind of came to some sort of a realization- that you were probably the closest friend that I've ever had. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Wheatley I thought you had loads of friends!" -and you would be right! I have at least three friends, made em' all myself. But um, back to the point: you were the best of everyone, really. That's right! Waaaaay up there! The cores and the scientists... I don't know, they're all just kinda mean. Nobody has ever really treated me with so much respect besides you. Thank you. Even if I did mess everything up in the end. Hurt cores hurt other cores, that's the saying right? -Not that I'm trying to excuse anything. It's just... man.
I've thought it over about a billion times, different ways I would say and do things, things I should've said to you earlier. Hah, I really screwed it all up, haven't I? We could've just talked everything out and came to an understanding- er, well, I don't really know if you CAN talk so maybe... ASL? Could you do that? I remember a bit of it from being inside Her body- being a giant supercomputer and all-
[𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝙲𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝙻𝚘𝚠]
WH- Whoa! Um, wow, that's um... That's- that's really bad isn't it? Haven't got much time left... It seems... hah...
I know I've already apologized, but I feel like you deserve a better one. The um, the last one was kind of a stand-in for the better one I was planning to give you in person. It's um... A little funny now that I won't be able to. Now that I really think about it, I was probably never gonna get the chance to see you again regardless. But I already knew that, didn't I? I guess I just do this thing where I daydream about seeing you again so much that I convince myself it'll happen. Do you humans ever do that? Think about something so much you're positive that it's happened? It uh, might just be a side effect of space.
[3% 𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐]
GHRAGH! Hold on a minute, let me get my bearings. That was... Strange. Everything's all blurry now. I can't... I can't really see anything. Um... God, how do I start this?
Chell. I'm sorry. I really, truly am sorry. I freaked out, I did! I stabbed ya' in the back, after everything you did to try to help us escape. I feel... Rotten. I do. I feel like the scum of the earth, if I'm being honest. Well, scum of space if you want to get technical with it- point is, you didn't deserve that. After all the nice things you did for me, given the fact that uh, you have arms I don't, I really should have been more grateful. If there was anything that I could say or do to make it right, I would in an instant. That's a promise. You deserved a better friend, and I'm sorry I couldn't do that for you.
[1% 𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐]
Haha... I can feel myself sort of fading away now. It's um, kind of hard to keep my eye open... There we go. Feels easier to just let it close, not like I'm missing much anyways.
I'm scared.
When my body comes falling to earth, you'll catch me this time, will you?
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
OC questionnaire
Thanks to @illarian-rambling here and here, @mk-writes-stuff here, @somethingclevermahogony here, @mysticstarlightduck here, and @elsie-writes here.
Ahh these built up again!!
I did another one here where I answer for Robbie, Gwen, Maddie, Noelle, Jedi, and Kelsey.
I'll do the same and answer one OC for each set.
#1- Carmen
Theoretically, since she'd never answer these willingly
What's your favorite legend and why?
“I suppose the one about the cloud riders from Atsila's culture. Maybe because of her, maybe because I like the idea of uncontrollable things being controlled.”
How do you celebrate your birthday?
“I don't. Bad memories. But Jedi makes sure to do something kind for me.”
What's something you'd regret if you died without doing?
“Not finishing what Atsila started. And also organizing the entire base. And the online data collection. And the lab. The alphabet. The local library --”
#2- George
What's the best thing you've ever eaten?
“Oh my powers DEFINITELY the mini cake thing from Ceteri. Cupcake? Yeah that. It was chocolate I think. Don't know about the frosting. I ate way too many last time Noelle brought them. She's warming up to me.”
What's the worst injury you've ever had?
“Physical or emotional? Haha sorry - I have injured myself quite a bit while running at top speeds. We speedsters have faster... Everything *wink* - but I mean I can heal faster which is very helpful. But even with a faster runtime, I make the same mistakes as everyone if I'm distracted. I've hit things, and at top speeds *cringe* yeah it's not fun. Ran into a concrete wall once. Concussion and a few broken bones. More than a few. Eh, I walked it off.”
Do you wish you looked different?
“Nah. Pretty happy with how I look! I guess I wouldn't mind Carla's eye color. That is not fair - neither of our parents even have amber eyes. What recessive gene did she pull out?”
#3- Akash
What is your favourite weather?
“When it's sunny, but not hot. Nice breeze. Not too cold or harsh. Just...total peace. Robbie likes it a little cloudy. I dunno, maybe that's cozy for him. But I happen to like the outside.”
Where would you want to take someone to hang out or on a date?
“For me, I wouldn't mind the classic dates. Movies, dinner. But Gwen... I'd do something special. A cultural gallery or a bookstore. Maybe a play. A Superman-esque flight around the city perhaps.”
What’s your least favourite food?
“Oh my gosh man - I hate asparagus. So many people like it, but I'm sorry. Can't stand the stuff.”
#4- Sam
What is the strangest thing you've ever stolen?
“In fourth grade, this girl Emma brought a laser pointer to school. Well, it was a pen with a built-in laser pointer. I thought it was cool. So I had to stay after school for the music play I was in, and as I was walking from the bathroom, I saw the pen on the floor. I picked it up. Emma was a little rude, so I kept it. She never asked around for it, so I felt okay after that! Plus, I couldn't pass up the opportunity for a pen laser pointer!”
What is your least favorite food?
“Mustard. Can't stand it. Wait, does that count as a food? Okay, nevermind. Uh.... Tomatoes. It's a texture thing.”
Who is the strongest person you know?
“Akash for sure. He's been through a lot of crappy things, and people treated him meanly for stupid reasons. But he's still so positive and helps a lot of people! Plus he's probably the funniest person I know besides my brother. But Akash is just as much a brother to me as Robbie.”
I don't think I've posted much about Sam - other than her excerpts. That was fun!
#5- Lexi
What's your worst fear?
“Oh. Okay. Wow. Um, well, there's my actual phobia of physical contact, haphephobia. Not sure if that counts or not. I guess other than that, it's losing all my friends. Most of my elementary school friends went to different middle schools, so I haven't seen them in person for a while. I don't want to lose anyone else. Ever. I'm not sure what I'd do.”
What's your love language?
“Well, it's not physical touch! *Laughs* I guess quality time. Actively doing things with someone else. That's the best I could ask for.”
When are you the happiest?
“When I'm with my friends! Just whenever we're doing whatever! As long as they're happy, and we're happy together.”
#6- Ash
Would you ever get high and if so, what is your drug of choice?
“First of all, I'm thirteen. Second of all, yeah probably - it'd be a fun risk to take. Not sure what drugs I'd take though. *Pauses* Hm. There are these devices I found that stimulate my telepathy. I wonder if those are anything like drugs. If they are, then whatever those are most similar to.”
Three things you would buy at the store to freak the cashier and the person behind you out
“Walmart has these cheeseburger onion rings I noticed last time I was with Mary. I may buy that just to make the cashier think I have terrible taste. In actuality, I'm just curious. Maybe an urn or something dark. Ooh. A pregnancy test. That would freak a lot of people out. *Pause* Was that too dark?”
What stupid opinion are you willing to die for?
“That American cheese tastes good. Liam told me it tasted like plastic. I'll admit, I need to try more cheeses. He was right about that. But plastic? Come on. He's just mad that Muenster isn't a Canadian invention.”
Why is writing Ash so HARD
Tagging @jezifster @sleepyowlwrites @dyrewrites @willtheweaver @theeccentricraven @writeouswriter @tabswrites + ANYONE
Your questions are:
How good are you with people?
How would you function in a group project?
What's your most valuable possession?
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
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weheartchrisevans · 2 years
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Chris Evans on How He Meditates, Being an Introvert, and How His Dog Helped Him Land His Newest Role
Chris Evans has a new role, but this one has nothing to do with acting. If you follow the star on social media, you know just how much he loves his adopted dog Dodger. (So much.) Posting them "working out" together, snuggling, and just hanging out, the actor is clearly a dog lover, and as such, he's now teamed up with Jinx, the dog nutrition brand, to take an active role in the company, working to help inform creative direction and marketing campaigns.
"I was already giving my dog, Dodger, these treats—he loved them," says Evans. "So my business manager actually brought me the opportunity, and I got to meet with the people at Jinx. It's always great meeting people who have similar passions to your own, and there's also a really great product involved. It just seems to make sense—kind of seems like a no-brainer."
We caught up with Captain America—uh, I mean Chris Evans—to talk more about his pup, his wellness habits, and whether he's an introvert or extrovert. Read it all below.
W+G: What do you and Dodger like doing most together, activity-wise?
CE: "We love hikes, we love camping, we love going on walks, we like to go on bike rides. You know, I've had dogs before that weren't great when I was on a bike or I was on roller blades or something; they were a little unpredictable. But Dodger is a really balanced and measured running partner even when I'm on wheels. We're big outdoorsy guys, but we also love a good sleeping-in. If we've had a late night, Dodger doesn't mind sleeping until noon."
W+G: Now that we know you're both big sleep fans, what are your go-to ways to relax?
CE: "My job oftentimes has very early start times. Sets can be at 5 a.m. a lot of days, so if Dodger and I had a late night, we love to take the morning off. He wants to sleep as late as I do. When he was younger, it was a little different, but in recent years he doesn't mind."
W+G: You've talked about how you're into meditation before with others. Is that something you still regularly do?
CE: "Of course. I think you have to. It's right up there with feeling like you're not eating enough vegetables or drinking enough water. If all of a sudden you're having a bad day—physically, mentally, emotionally—I think it's easy to point to, Man, if I'd really taken the time to still my mind for a little bit..."
W+G: Yeah, I think people still tend to think of meditation as one thing, one action—a prescribed way of doing it. But it's just really being present, and still.
CE: "Yeah, exactly: mindfulness. This could be as simple as when you're brushing your teeth, just keeping your thoughts present and not trying to have reactions and just letting things... be. Not letting your brain run in 10 different directions."
W+G: I'd love to hit you with some more rapid-fire wellness questions. So let's start easy—are you an early bird or a night owl?
CE: "Oh man, a little bit of both. Which probably isn't good for my sleep pattern, but... you know, I usually don't sleep past 8 a.m. Nine in the morning is a good sleep-in for me, but that's just because I'm becoming an old man. Those days of sleeping in are over. I have a hard time going to bed before midnight. I don't know if that counts as a night owl; I'm not up to two or three in the morning."
W+G: And would you consider yourself extroverted or introverted?
CE: "I think everyone feels like they're a bit of an introvert, myself included. I guess it depends on the company. Around my friends and family, I'm a little different."
W+G: Milk—regular, oat, or almond?
CE: "I'm an almond guy, if any! I really don't always find the need for it, based on what I eat.
W+G: Natural next question—coffee or tea?
CE: "Oh, coffee. For sure. I really don't drink that much tea."
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heavenlyhoundoom · 1 month
Sun and Moon show 420 incident.(My au.) Warning: drugs
(Eclipse was walking along when he suddenly saw Lunar staring at the ceiling and waving his hand across the air, giggling to himself.)
Eclipse: Uh... Lunar, what are you doing?
Lunar:(ditsy) I'm playing with the rainbows...
Eclipse: What rainbows?
Lunar:(ditsy) The rainbows all around us...
(Lunar continues to wave his hand in the air and giggle to himself.)
Eclipse: Okay then...
(Eclipse walks away from Lunar and ends up in the kitchen.)
Eclipse: That was weird.
(Eclipse suddenly hears a lot of chewing, he turns around to see Earth raiding the pantry.)
Eclipse in thought: (That's odd, I thought Chica was the one who raided the kitchen due to her faulty hunger sensors making her feel hungry all the time.)
Eclipse: Hey, Earth. Why are you raiding the pantry?
(Earth slowly turns around to look at Eclipse.)
Earth:(ditsy) Eclipse, when did you get here?....
Eclipse: Uh...a few moments ago.
Earth: (ditsy) A few moments ago? You must be very fast and sneaky...
Eclipse: Yeah. Anyways, could you tell me why you're going through the pantry food?
Earth: (ditsy) I don't know, I just feel like munching on some snacks...
(The CEO walks in to see Earth going through the pantry.)
Pizza Plex CEO: Oh, come on! We just fixed Chica's hunger problems and now Earth is doing the same thing!?
Eclipse: I'm just gonna go...
(Eclipse leaves the kitchen.)
Pizza Plex CEO: Hey, don't leave me here to deal with this myself!
(Eclipse walks into the atrium.)
Eclipse: What is going on with Lunar and Earth?
Hunter:(mellow) Hello, Eclipse...
Scythe:(mellow) It's good to see you...
(The two slowly walk towards Eclipse. This freaks him out because the blood twins are always chaotic and all over the place.)
Eclipse:(scared) Okay, who are you two, and what did you do to the real blood twins!?
Scythe:(mellow) Eclipse, it's us...
Hunter:(mellow) Yeah, don't you recognize us?...
(The two hug Eclipse, much to his discomfort.)
Hunter:(mellow) We just want to say that we love you, Eclipse...
Scythe: (mellow) As a brother, man...
(Eclipse was even more freaked out, the twins would never admit that they loved someone because of their fear of what might happen if they showed their vulnerability.)
Eclipse: You're not Hunter and Scythe!
(Eclipse breaks from the hug and runs away.)
Hunter: Why are you afraid of love, man?...
(Ruin enter the scene, confused.)
Ruin: I just saw Eclipse running from you two. What was that all about?
Scythe: (mellow) Ruin, I just want to tell you that I love you...
(Ruin was both excited and shocked to here that Scythe loved him.)
Ruin in thought: (Am I dreaming!? Is this really happening!? Is Scythe actually reciprocating my love for him!?)
Ruin:(excited) Really, you love me?
Scythe: Of course I do...
(Ruin becomes so smitten, hearts pop from his head as doves are heard cooing in the back ground.)
Scythe: You're like a brother to me...
(The doves stop cooing as the hearts around Ruin shatter.)
Ruin: (heart broken) Oh...
Hunter: Are you okay?...
Ruin:(sad but faking content) Yeah, I'll just be on my way...
(Ruin leaves while trying not to cry.)
Scythe: (joy) Bye, Ruin...
(It cuts to Eclipse entering the daycare where he found everyone else acting the same way as Lunar, Earth, Hunter, and Scythe.)
Eclipse: Okay, why is everyone acting like this!?
(Ruin enters the room, wiping off his tears.)
Eclipse: Why were you crying?
Ruin: I don't want to talk about it...
(Ruin looks up to see everyone acting weird.)
Ruin: Woah, what is going on?
Eclipse: I don't know.
(Sun enters the scene, worried.)
Sun:(panicking) Guys, could you please help me figure out why everyone is acting like this!?
Eclipse: I can't think of what could've caused this.
Ruin: Hmm...Now that I think about it, they didn't start acting like this until after they ate these little cone treats I found online.
(Ruin pulls out a bag of ice cream cone treats.)
Sun: Cone treats?
Eclipse: What are you talking about?
Ruin: I found these little ice cream cone treats online and I thought they would be a cute treat to share with everyone, so I bought some and handed them out to everyone.
Sun: Ooh, those do look like a cute treat, can I have some?
Ruin: Sure.
Sun: Thank you.
Ruin: You're welcome.
(Sun takes a few and eats them. Eclipse wonders if it has to do with the treats.)
Eclipse: Hey, Ruin. Can I please look at the ingredients?
Ruin: You sure can.
Eclipse: Thanks.
Ruin: No problem.
(Eclipse looks at the ingredients and was immediately able to figure what happened to their friends.)
Eclipse: Ruin, you really need to read the ingredients of things before you give them to people!
Ruin: Why?
Eclipse: Because these ice cream cone treats have weed in them, you've been feeding weed to our friends!
(Sun just stands there, horrified about the fact that he just consumed weed and is going to be high.)
Ruin: Oh my God! Sun, I am so sorry!
Sun: Ugh... I've never done drugs before. I didn't want to do drugs, and even if I did, I'd much rather be told about it than having it slipped to me in the form of edibles disguised as ice cream cone snacks.
Ruin: Hey, at least it was just weed and not something dangerous like meth or heroin.
Sun: It's still drugs, none the less!
Eclipse: Well you already ate the edibles, so my advice is to just sit back and get ready for the ride, because it's too late to turn back now.
Sun: Ugh, okay... When are the effects supposed to kick in?
Ruin: Probably about the time they'll wear off in everyone else.
Sun: God Dammit...
(It cuts to when the weed effects have worn off on the others.)
Roxy: Ugh... My head...
Moon: What happened?...
Ruin: I may have accidentally fed you all weed.
Moon: Well, I'm not really surprised.
Freddy: Yeah, me neither.
Hunter: Uhh, what's going on with Sun?
Eclipse: He ate a few of the edibles right before we found out that they were causing you guys to get high.
Hunter: So he's high on weed right now?
Eclipse: Yes.
Hunter: Okay.
Eclipse: So, let's just keep an eye on him until the affects wear off.
(The gang watch Sun be all mellow and ditsy under the effects of weed.)
Happy 4/20!
(Based on the trend of these edibles disguised as ice cream treats.)
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brutallycarnage · 2 months
Tate Langdon x Reader
Payphone Memories (Episode 1)
TW: Gun violence, gore, Tate Langdon is a warning himself
Pair: Tate Langdon x Reader
The payphone is where I remember spending a large portion of my high school career. It was separated from most of the school, off in a hallway that led to a dead end. In fact, there were two payphones. It was a big fancy L.A school after all. The more popular payphone was near the cafeteria. Of course, this one had its fair share of use.. But, during classes, nobody really showed up around here. Which made it prime for hiding from classes. Tate and I spent a lot of time on this payphone. His mother didn’t work so it was typical of her to use up all their hours on their personal line at Tate’s house. At mine, however, we didn’t exactly have the money to make phone calls all willy-nilly. We really liked to make prank calls. Nobody was safe, and we especially loved to mess with his mothers boyfriend, Larry. Sometimes, I feel myself really missing those times. Leaning against the tiles of the wall, cold to the touch. Tate, his beautiful eyes - the way they crinkled up and shined in the light when he laughed. The dimples of his cheeks, sitting in his room at night, blasting Nirvana or Blondie. Man, Tate hated listening to Blondie. He owned it on cassette for me though. That’s what worked about Tate and I; our abilities to adapt for each other. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love Nirvana! I’m just a sucker for punk music. As time went on though, we began to fight more. Tate got involved with some bad habits, so I tried to get him help. He didn’t want it though, he didn’t think anything was wrong. Eventually, he ended up just.. Snapping, at some point or another. I never wanted to break up with Tate Langdon, but after he changed from the sweet, innocent boy I grew up with, it wasn’t healthy for either of us to continue seeing each other. He grew more angrier, more hateful by the day. Of course, that was an effect of his addiction. He didn’t think I noticed the way his nose always ran now, and the rapid weight loss he exhibited. In part, I could understand why. His little sister Rose died from complications to her autoimmune disease a few years prior, and so did his little brother Bo. But obviously, it wasn’t an excuse for the way he treated me. Every little thing I did set him off. He screamed at me once for breathing too loudly. I try to push the fonder memories forward, like the time I caught him listening to Heart of Glass when I showed up to surprise him one evening. I never let him live it down.
Present Day
(Third Person)
Ring, Ring. Ring, Ring. Vivienne turned around to glance at the landline on the wall. The ringing interrupted her fruitful efforts to get the kitchen clean.  ‘Strange’ She thought to herself. ‘We never paid for a landline. Maybe Ben did without telling me? I know Violet’s into all that nostalgic stuff.’ Vivienne’s hand meets with the cool sage green plastic. She pulls it off of the receiver, and holds the phone to her ear. “Hello..?” Vivienne says with confusion. “Oh, uh, hi! Sorry, I was sort of expecting someone else.” A soft voice spoke up over the phone, one of female origin. Vivienne assumed it may have been one of Violet’s school friends or Ben’s patients. She sounded quite young.  The phone tone distorted her voice, making it sound crackly. “Oh, no worries sweetie! Who are you trying to reach? I can take a message.” Vivienne said, leaning against the wall. “Oh uh, an old friend used to live here. I was just calling to talk. Are you the new owners of their house?” “Uh, Yes! We just moved in a little while ago. Are you in the neighborhood? I think I have a daughter in your age range.” “You could say that. My parents are pretty strict, so I’m not allowed out of the house very often.” “Well, if you ever need a friend, my daughter Violet I’m sure would be happy to hang out with you!” “Thank you miss..?” “Call me Viv, Viv Harmon. And you?” “Y/N.” “Well, Y/N, it’s nice to informally meet you. I have to go now, but don’t be a stranger. Bye bye!” “Bye.” Click. Ben enters the kitchen, admiring his wife and the now clean counters and appliances. “Hey Viv, who were you talking to?” Ben says, wrapping his arms around Vivienne and looking over her shoulder to watch her wash the dishes. Vivienne gestures over to the landline, still paying attention to the dishes in the sink. “Oh, a girl from the neighborhood called. She was curious about who had moved in.” “Uh, the landline.. Works? Did you get it set up?” Vivienne turns around quickly, confused. “Uh, no. I thought you did? Yeah, she called it.” Ben walked over to the landline, pulling the phone off the receiver and test dialing on the keypads. Nothing. The line didn’t work. “Viv.. Are you.. Sure?” And thus, another argument broke out between the oldest members of the Harmon family.
Y/N leans against the cool tile once more, letting the phone hang off the receiver, listening to the ringing. She was desperate for some sort of mental stimulation that wasn’t the sealed-off school hall she currently sat in. Of course, it wasn’t actually 1994 anymore. Those memories she recalled have been rehearsed and repeated in her head for 17 years now, she wasn’t even sure if they were right at this point. Was Tate who she remembered him to be? Had he been that awful all along? Was she clinging onto something good to keep up hope? She wasn’t entirely convinced. Had she even ever existed at all? She hated when she felt like this. One more time, one more time she’d go over what happened. Then she’d stop, but she needed to do it one more time, just to make sure she still remembered all the details. Gunshot blasts, the smell of blood, Tate.. No.. No.. Tate, then gunshot blasts. Or was it blood first? She felt hopelessly lost as she anxiously picked at her blood caked cuticles. She inhaled, trying to calm herself. Tate.. Gunshots.. Blood.. Yeah, that feels right.
Trigger Warning: Gun Violence (will not impact the story if you skip it! Please keep yourself safe <3)
Y/N opens her eyes, she feels her heart hammer in her chest. She’s desperately loading change into the payphone, poking at the buttons. 9..1…1.. She feels a little bit of relief as the phone rings and picks up almost immediately. “911, what’s your emergency?” A feminine voice rumbles in her ear. Y/N keeps a hushed voice, eyes glued on the only entrance way into the hall. “Someone’s shooting in my school. We need the police-” The doors swing open. Tate. No, no.. Please, let him be okay. Why did he have blood on him? Did he get hurt?
Trigger Warning over!
Y/N feels a pair of hands on her shoulders, shaking her gently. A concerned looking Stephanie Boggs was greeting her gaze. “Hey, you okay? You were just.. Standing here?” Stephanie says, tilting her head. “Yeah.. Yeah.. It’s just.. The flashbacks are happening again. I called again, Steph. I don’t know why I did. Someone else lives in the house now.” She stammers, leaning into Stephanie’s firm hold. Stephanie kept her mouth shut. She didn’t know Tate before the massacre, she knew it was hard to deal with just dealing with being murdered in general. She couldn’t imagine it being someone she loved. Stephanie took a moment to take in her friend's appearance. Y/N had three visible gunshot wounds. The first being on the left side of her chest, second in her neck and third splitting open the side of her jawline. Her s/c was stained with dry blood, along with the ends of her h/c hair. “Everything is starting to get to me again. I thought I was okay with all of this now.” Y/N waved her arm in reference to the payphone, avoiding eye contact with Stephanie. “You always get antsy like this near halloween. Doesn’t help that you’re tethered to this fuck-ass phone 364 days out of the year. Just think, 4 more days and we can go do something fun during the day. Maybe this year is the year Langdon decides to speak up when we confront him. Closure, or whatever.” Stephanie tried distracting her, unsure if it was working. Y/N shook her head in a ‘no’ motion, “This is different, Steph. Something is going to happen. I haven’t felt this pull in a decade.” Stephanie frowned in response, letting go of Y/N and walking down the hall towards the exit. And just like that, alone again. Y/N remembers the first year the massacre had occurred. People she didn’t know stopped by a lot and left flowers and small trinkets as offerings. Each student that year got a vigil where they passed away on their birthdays. It was nice not to be alone. To see some life in these dark hallways. Of course, as the years went on, nobody visited much anymore. Just the occasional odd teenager looking to ghost hunt or write a history report. There was a plaque with her name on it next to the payphone now. With the rise of technology, she supposed there was no use for the payphone anymore anyways. She figured with the time she had to think until Halloween, she’d plan out what she’d say to Tate on Halloween.
A/N: Howdy! This is my first ever fic! I will be making the chapters longer as I get more practice. But I hope you liked it!
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honeyhatake · 1 year
Indulgence- Sweet as Honey 🍯
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This story was written quite a while ago, and it is definitely a self insert lol. I originally wanted to call is Sweet as Honey, then added Indulgence to it. This is kinda where I got my name from. The story is from Kakashi’s perspective, and quite long. There’s room for it to even be longer if I’m being honest. Anyways, let me know what you guys think! Thank you for reading 💕
Warnings- Implied suggestive thoughts, afab reader, fluff
Word Count- 6k
Summary- Kakashi is a man that doesn’t like sweets. Yet he finds himself eating a lot of them lately. The sweets are not the only things he wants to Indulge in, he just hopes that she’ll let him.
I have found myself indulging a lot lately. Taking longer walks, more frequent breaks, naps in the middle of the day. Finding the time to treat myself to things I don’t normally have. Sweets being one of them. Even though they weren’t something I enjoyed frequently, I found myself eating them anyway. All because I needed some excuse to make my way to the bakery every day. No matter how badly it hurt my stomach at days end.
It started when I got back from a lengthy mission, wanting to make myself a nice breakfast on my day off. The indulgence was small, just a simple loaf of bread, but it needed to be fresh. I knew the bakery by the flower shop had just opened up with new management- the old owner of the store finally retiring after over 50 years of running the place. Their bread was good, and so were their cakes (not that I ate cake often, but nonetheless.) I just hoped the new owners were as nice as she was, and had treats just as good.
On my walk there it was overcast, so I brought an umbrella. There was a slight chill to the air, cold enough to make my ears red. My nose would have been too if it wasn’t wearing a face covering. I warmed my hands with my breath through my mask as best as I could approaching the shop. The smell of bread and sweets already flooding my sinuses. Breathing it in I smiled and walked into the shop. It was early morning, but the bakery had been open for a few hours now. Hopefully they still have warm bread.
The bakery was small and very cozy. There was one spot for seating, shelves with recipe books, and the decor made it look lived in. It wasn’t too different from how it looked before, but a lot of things were updated and the walls definitely had a fresh coat of paint.
When I walked in no one was at the counter, so I browsed the cook books. I didn’t really need one, but it gave me something to do while I waited. Not long after I hear the voice of a woman behind the counter.
“Oh! Sorry ‘bout that, had to step away to show someone how to prep some pastries. What can I help you with today?”
Turning, my eyes locked with hers, the recipe book that I unsuccessfully tried to put back fell to the ground. This made her giggle, and I felt my cheeks getting warm. Thank god for this mask! Trying my best to brush it off, I laugh lightly and pick up the book, putting it in its proper spot. “Sorry about that, let’s see…” Stepping carefully towards the counter, I pray I don’t trip over my own feet next. “I uh, I’m not really sure what I want yet.” My eyes moved down to the glass display next to the counter and looked over all my options. There was a lot more than I had anticipated. Several breads, rolls and pastries. They all looked well made, like she put her whole heart and soul into them, yet I knew I was only here for a simple loaf of bread. My eyebrows knit together as I tried to think over which one would be best, slowly getting embarrassed by how long I was taking.
“Well… do you know what kind of baked good you’d like?” She asked in a very sweet voice. I looked up at her and her cheeks were as pink as I’m sure mine were. Her eyes almost had a sparkle to them as well. I wanted to keep looking, but I blinked and shifted my view back on the bread. Not wanting to make her uncomfortable.
“I need a loaf of bread, but I’m not sure which would be good.” When my vision shifted back to her, her eyes fluttered and a sweet smile appeared on her lips.
“My favorite is the Sourdough, but our Brioche is good too! It’s a pretty sweet and light bread. But if you want something without too much flavor, I’d go with the wheat.” As she spoke she took a step over to the display case and gently placed her hands on top of it. The new closeness made my heart beat out of my chest.
“Maybe I’ll go with the Sourdough then, since it’s your favorite.” I smiled at her with my eye in an attempt at flirting. Perhaps it was inappropriate, but I couldn’t help but admire her. The way her hair was done so perfectly, her makeup simple but well done. How soft her skin and entire being looked. Made me want to indulge in more than just bread.
Gracefully, the women behind the counter collected a loaf of bread for me and packaged it up. Setting it on the counter, she put what looked like a berry muffin right next to it. “Alrighty, since this is your first time coming in today I’m gonna give you this muffin for free. It’s a new recipe anyways, so I’m trying to get the word out about it.” Her smile was contagious. There was no doubt her actions were just very good customer service skills, but the idea of her doing something like this for only me made my stomach flip.
“Well that’s very sweet of you, I’ll make sure to let you know what I thought of it!” My eye focused on her as I spoke, proceeding to pull out my wallet. “I think I’ll have to try some other things you have here as well. What time do you guys open?” Her giggle did nothing but fuel the fire inside me as she took the money from me. I just needed more reason to keep the conversation going.
“Oh it’s nothing really! You’ve been very nice, so take it as my way of saying thanks- but we open at 6am. Gotta be open for the early risers.” I took my treats from the counter smiling, already planning on coming back tomorrow.
“Alright, then I will see you bright and early tomorrow morning!” Giving her an awkward peace sign, I casually slipped out of the shop. Popping open my umbrella as it was now raining. My thoughts filled with nothing but her the whole way home.
The next day I got up just before the shop opened. I hadn’t finished the loaf of bread I had bought, but the muffin was long gone. Mindlessly I ate on it while I read, which was a big mistake. It was rather sweet, plus eating the whole thing made my stomach hurt the rest of the night. Yet I was ready to go in again and buy another sweet thing, just to talk to a girl I had only just met. It was almost infuriating how she ruled over my thoughts. Wanting to know every little thing about her. Today however, I made it my mission to find out her name.
The bell to the bakery rang as I opened the front door. The women from yesterday was stocking the display case this time. Looking up and smiling at me immediately. “Wow! You weren’t kidding when you said bright and early.” She came to the counter whipping her hands on her pink apron. She looked just as beautiful as she did yesterday, maybe even more so- if that was possible. “What can I get for you today?”
Walking right up to the counter myself, I placed my right palm on it and looked at her as I spoke. “Well I was hoping to get another recommendation from you! The bread and muffin were quite delicious. The berrys in the muffin were perfectly sweet, along with the cakey part.” I laughed as I gave her my review and looked over at the display case, then back to her. “So what do you think I should get today?” I cocked my head, smiling at her, hoping my body language wasn’t making her too uncomfortable. With how pink her cheeks were again, I could tell it definitely had some sort of effect on her- unless it was just coincidence.
Clearing her throat she hummed, and moved over to the display case. “Hmm… alright, how about. Yes!” Returning to the counter, she placed a bun in a bag, along with a couple bars that were individually wrapped. “Sweet buns are a guilty pleasure of mine, I eat them most mornings.” The same giggle as yesterday, made me laugh with her. “And these are homemade granola bars. One is almond and lavender, the other is honey and hazelnut!” The ingredients intrigued me, though I knew my stomach was not going to be happy with me. Despite that I bought them anyway, not wanting to say no to her.
“So… could I get your name? I know this place is under new management now, and I haven’t seen you around before.” Finishing my sentence, a couple came in behind me. I almost outwardly groaned, knowing our conversation was going to be cut short.
“Good morning! I’ll be right with you guys!” She greeted her new customers with a smile then turned back to me. “I’m Y/n, I’m actually the new owner of this place! My grandmother was the one who passed it down to me. I just moved back here from the Hidden Mist, that’s where my dads from.”
“Ah, I see! That explains why I haven’t seen you before. It’s lovely to meet you then, Y/n. I’ll be sure to stop by again sometime and tell you how these are.” With thanks I hung my head, and tried my best to leave quickly, not wanting to interfere with her work. There was still so much about her that I wanted to know. Why did she blush every time I spoke to her? Did she think of me as much as I thought of her?
Arriving at my apartment I shook my head at my thoughts. There was no way she thought of me that much. I was just plain, boring Kakashi. That’s when it dawned on me that I never told her my name.
Today I was called away on a mission. It was not like me to be upset with having to work, but with my new found infatuation it was hard for me to want to do anything. Especially anything that didn’t involve me seeing or thinking of Y/n. That’s why I made up the excuse of needing snacks for the road. I doubted baked goods would hold up well, but one little thing wouldn’t hurt. Even though I knew I still had half eaten treats at home.
Arriving at the bakery I walked in through the propped open door. My sweet Y/N was stocking the recipe books today. She hadn’t noticed me yet, and with her not standing behind the counter I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander. My thoughts getting darker than they should. Stop that! Inappropriate! No! No! No! Shaking them off, I took a deep breath and took a step towards her. Trying my best to greet her without startling her.
“… good morning Y/n!” I said softly in her ear. Immediately making her jump, a book she had in hand going flying in the air. Quickly I grab it with ease, handing it to her with a chuckle. “Sorry, I was trying not to scare you!“
Y/n looked at me with her cheeks bright pink, clutching her chest. Awkwardly laughing she set the book on the shelf. “It’s alright, I needed a wake up call anyways. What can I get you today, Kakashi?” The mention of my name made my heart sink. She already knew my name?
“Eh- you knew my name?” I looked at her in slight disbelief, following her with my eyes as she moved to behind the counter.
“I mean, yeah… you are Kakashi the Copy Ninja right? You’re kinda famous.” She giggled, pointing it out as if it was something that should be obvious. I mean I was well known, but I didn’t think it spread that far. I blushed, feeling embarrassed in front of her yet again. “It’s okay!” Y/n laughed this time. “What can I get for you today hun?”
Hun? HUN!? She was throwing me so off guard today, I knew she’d be the death of me. My hands press to the counter trying to find something to ground myself. I knew the pet name meant nothing, I knew she was being nice, but I would have been more prepared if she attempted to throw a kunai at my chest. Taking far too long to answer, I eventually stammered out a response. “Dah- um… Oh, well, I was called on a mission.” As soon as those words left my lips my brain blanked. Y/n looked at me expectantly with kind eyes. She could tell I was flustered and gave me a smile.
“So… you need snacks for the road?” She guessed, pulling out a couple bags, never breaking eye contact with me. I nodded, knowing I was sweating at this point. What happened to my resolve? Yesterday I spoke so smoothly, now look at me! A sweaty nervous wreck who can’t even speak up. I found myself chewing on the inside of my lip as Y/n started filling the bags. “Don’t worry, I got you covered. I’ll even throw in some extra stuff for your team!”
Y/n proceeded to fill up a bag full of bagels, as well as a bag full of muffins. My stomach hurt just looking at all of it. Thankfully, I knew Naruto would be able to help me eat all of this. “Thank you… I'm sure my team will be happy.” My voice came out small as I paid her what I owed, giving her a tip as well to show my gratitude.
“Of course! You have a safe trip then! Oh!” She blinked rapidly remembering something. So cute! “I know you probably need to get going, but how did you like the things you got yesterday? If you don’t mind me asking, that is.” I definitely didn’t mind her asking. In fact I wanted her to ask me a million questions just so I could keep talking to her, even if that meant me being late to the rendezvous.
“They were very good! I see why your guilty pleasure is the sweet bun. I’ll have to get another next time!” I looked over at the glass display case to see if any were baked today, then locked my eye back on hers. “The honey granola bar was my favorite out of those I think. The lavender one I wasn’t too big on if I’m being honest.” She smiled at me, then looked back as another worker came out from the back with the buns I was looking for. My eyes widened and Y/n giggled.
“Here!” Quickly she grabbed one with a parchment paper and handed it to me. “Go ahead and take it, it’s on me. I appreciate your honesty! I’m glad you liked at least most of the things I gave you.” I took the warm bun in my free hand and felt my heart swell. This was the second treat she’s given me for free, and this time it wasn’t for the benefit of the shop. I tried my best to give her a sweet smile and bowed my head.
“Thank you, Y/n! I’ll be sure to repay the favor. I’ll come see you as soon as I’m back!”
“Oh please do! Have a safe trip! Hopefully the mission isn’t too strenuous! See you later Kakashi!” She waved goodbye as I stepped out of her shop. My breathing was heavy, and I could feel myself getting emotional from just her words alone. Clearly it had been a long time since someone had treated me this kindly. Did she care for me that much, or was she just a caring person. Either way I knew how felt about her. I adored her, and I wanted nothing more than to spend every waking second with her. Unfortunately I had work to do, so that thought will have to be saved for later.
With the sweet bun consumed, I arrived at the Rendezvous spot fashionably late. A slight pain in my stomach that I tried to ignore. Lazily greeting my comrade’s of my team and Guy’s who would all be working together on a mission this week. A simple search and rescue mission.
“If my calculations are right, this mission should take less than a week to complete. We have plenty of leads, and with the help of my Ninken we should be able to pull this off without a hitch.”
“Kaka-Sensei! This mission is boring! We should ask for a different one, let Bushy Brow and Bushier Brow-Sensei take care of it!”
“It would be our honor to take full control of this mission Kakashi-Sensei! Let’s do it!” Lee from Guy's team posed with his palms up in a taijutsu stance, fully ready to take up Naruto’s request.
“That’s it Lee! Way to show your fighting spirit!” Guy encouraged, giving me a thumbs up.
With a groan from the rest of the group, I shoved the bag of bagels and muffins towards Naruto. “Absolutely not! It will go by a lot faster if we work together. Now take these and keep your mouth shut.” It didn’t take long for Naruto to get excited and immediately start pulling out bagels- Lee and Tenten joining him shortly after.
“Kaka-Sensei, I think we should all split up and have our own Ninken with us. That would be our best plan of action.”
“Thank you Sakura, I was going to do exactly that.” Forming the hand signs, I place my palm on the ground creating the summoning circle. “Summoning Jutsu!” With a puff of smoke four dogs appear, Pakkun, Urushi, Shiba and Bisuke.
“What is it now, Kakashi?” Pakkun asked in a gruff voice.
“Well good morning to you too!” I smiled down at the small pug. Wondering if Y/n liked dogs or not. “Today we’re on a search and rescue mission, so we’re gonna be splitting up. I’ll have you go with Sakura and Sai. Urushi you’ll be with Naruto and I. Shiba’s with Guy and Tenten, and finally, Bisuke. You’ll be Neji and Lee.” Crouching down I put an article of clothing in front of their snouts and lets them gather the sent. I cleared my throat trying my best to keep my head clear. My aching stomach is only making things worse. Really should have saved that sweet bun for later. “Alright, now that that’s settled, let’s all fan out from here. We’ll meet at the next spot about mid day. Use the coms if you find anything or need some assistance. Okay, let’s go!”
By the end of the day we had made some progress, but still no signs of the missing individuals. We camped out for the night in a small wooded area agreeing to pick back up in the morning. We caught some fish and cooked them up, not wanting to head into potential enemy territory. At this point we were pretty close to the village hidden in the grass, hoping we wouldn’t run into any issues.
Around 9pm, most of the group was asleep besides Guy and I. He quietly worked out, while I sat against a tree reading Icha Icha. We kept to ourselves, until ultimately Guy decided to disturb my peace. The one time in the past two days I wasn’t tormented with thoughts of Y/n. “So, who’s the girl?” Guy asked, without stopping his set of push-ups.
I scoffed, playing dumb. “Tch- what girl? Who said there was a girl?”
“Really? Mr. “I don’t like sweets” Kakashi, just shows up with a bag of sweets out of random? Come on! There’s definitely a girl! Is it the cute one from the bakery?” He gets up looking down at me, hands on hips. “I heard she just moved here. You like her don’t you?” Guy pressed me further on the topic as he started to stretch. I rolled my eyes at him and looked back at my book. Though I couldn’t ignore the fact that my heart was beating so loud I’d be surprised if one of the kids didn’t wake up from it.
“I just met her, and they have decent baked goods. There’s nothing wrong with indulging a little here and there.” I tried to keep my voice calm and collected, hoping he wouldn’t call my bluff. There was nothing I hated more than talking about my own personal feelings. Especially when it involved my feelings towards other people.
“Oh come on Kakashi! You went to that bakery every morning for the past three days! You don’t eat sweets, so it has to be for a girl. Maybe you want to indulge in all that that sweet little lady has to offer you!” Guy raised an eyebrow suggestively, plopping down on the ground beside me. The suggestiveness of his comments made my cheeks heat up, I quickly moved my hand to pull my mask further up my face. Clearing my throat before I spoke.
“No… not at all. Drop it Guy, she’s practically a stranger.” At this point I was done listening. I put my book away and started to get myself ready for bed.
“Don’t lie to yourself Kakashi! This is the springtime of our youth! Learn to take advantage of it a little. Don’t let her slip through your fingers before she’s even in them!” I groaned knowing that he was right. This was all so new to me though. Having crushes, having relationships that lasted longer than a night, thinking about a singular person day in and day out. It just wasn’t like me, frankly it scared the hell out of me.
Laying on the cool ground I clutched my chest looking away from Guy. My throat got tight as I felt myself getting emotional yet again. “I- I just don’t know what to do. I can’t s- stop thinking about her…”
Guy chuckles and I hear him lay down. “Tell her what’s in your heart, Kakashi. I’m sure she’s thinking about you just as much!”
The remainder of the week Guy’s advice never left my thoughts, along with the thought of what I was going to do next. Our mission was a success, with minor injuries. Me being the only one injured the whole time, which was a little demoralizing, but it was my own fault. My arm nearly got blasted off by one of Naruto’s rasengans because I was lost in my own thoughts. That’s why I decided that I needed to tell her. It was time I indulged in more than just the baked goods she sold to me. I just hoped she’d let me.
Arriving in Konoha, I turned in the report for the mission and went straight home to shower. If I was going to see Y/n I needed to at least smell nice. Maybe I’ll use the cologne I bought a while back and never ended up using. Hopefully she likes bergamot and firewood. God, why did I even buy this?
It was a little after mid-day when I finally made my way to the bakery. The walk there was spent rehearsing what I was going to say, and trying to shake the nerves. Just be straight forward. Offer to buy her dinner, make sure it doesn’t sound too forceful either. There’s a good possibility she’ll say no. The idea of being rejected made my chest feel heavy. I knew she was allowed to not like me back, to turn me down, or ask to just be friends. Though every fiber of my being just wanted her to say yes. Give me one of her sweet smiles and let me just whisk her away into eternity.
My feet stopped in their tracks as I almost walked right past the shop. Looking in the window I expect to see Y/n cleaning up, stocking shelves, or anything else. Right in front of me I saw Genma leaning against the counter, toothpick in mouth with a cheeky smile as he looked up at her. Her cheeks were bright pink, and she was looking at him intently. It almost looked like she was trembling. Was I too late? Did he beat me to it? Did something happen while I was gone?
My hand hovered over the handle on the door. I needed to see for myself what was going on. Maybe I could change her mind? Make her want me and not him. My self doubt and insecurity got the best of me yet again. I pulled away and walked off. Maybe this was for the best. She’d probably be very happy with him, and I wouldn’t want her to be unhappy. I’d most likely end up hurting her anyway… or even worse. Getting her killed.
I had been gone for a week and within that time my infatuation was stolen from me. My guilty pleasure, my indulgence, my sweet Y/n. I watched the clouds roll by as I laid on my back in the grass. Arms fanned out, feeling utterly hopeless. This was just no good.
Perhaps my time of self indulgence had run its course. Maybe it was time to focus on missions again whole heartedly. Go back to training and teaching my students. It was silly of me to think that I could get something just because I wanted it. Silly of me to think I could indulge in something as rich and decadent as that. God she’s so pretty! The most riveting and alluring woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of looking at. What was I to her? What was Genma to her? Did he get free sweet buns too?
As my body began to relax, I felt myself starting to drift off as I lied there. Still only seeing her behind my eyelids. The cool breeze calmed my nerves and I took a deep breath. “Now then, sleeping won’t solve anything.” My hands run over my face and my fingers pinch the bridge of my nose firmly. Pushing myself to sit up, I had made up my mind. I will tell her regardless. She deserved to know, and I deserved to at least have a chance with her. Even if she ended up with Genma, at least I’ll know I tried.
The bells to the bakery door rang as I opened them. It was almost closing time now and Y/n was finishing packing up some bread for an old woman. As soon as she saw me her eyes lit up, and she smiled real big. Holding up a finger so I know to give her a second.
“Alrighty ma’am, is there anything else I can help you with?” She asked sweetly, handing the bread off to her.
“Nope, that’ll be all.”
“Okay, then you have a great day! Thanks for coming in!” Y/n waved goodbye to the old lady, and immediately locked eyes with me as soon as she had left the store. As I approached the counter, I could see her pivot and then stop herself. A blush slowly reappeared on her cheeks again. “Hi!” She finally said, sounding nervous. “Ah- how was your mission?”
Seeing her nervous like this made me swoon. Though it paled in comparison to how she looked while talking with Genma. What did he say that made her so flustered? I racked my brain on what to say next, not wanting to ask her out right off the bat. She was at work after all.
“The mission went well! Found the missing people in little to no time at all, and with little injuries as well. Probably would have be none if I… well. If I hadn’t been thinking of you the whole time.” That did it. With those words her face was bright red. She must not be used to being flirted with, hopefully I didn’t make her uncomfortable. “I want to know how you’ve been. I have a lot of questions in fact. Would you mind chatting with me for a while once you finish up here?” Steadying my breathing I watched as the wheels turned in her cute little head. God the things I could do to her…
“Oh, uh, sure! I’d like that!” Y/n finally smiled, fluttering her eyelashes just right. It took every ounce of me to not grab her by the back of the head and kiss her right now. I just focused on my breathing yet again, making sure my words sound calm and collected.
“Okay, then I’ll be waiting at the Dango shop. Meet me there when you’re done!” Giving her a warm smile, I walked off. Heart thumping, my stomach doing somersaults, and I swear I was about to pass out. Maybe she won’t even show up.
After an hour of waiting, sneaking sips of my tea, and twiddling my thumbs she appeared. Spotting me immediately she smiled and made her way to my table and sat down. She was wearing a new outfit and her hair was down, framing her face perfectly. Her beauty almost made me forget how to breathe. Not to mention the dress she was wearing sooted her so well. Loosed fitted, a light shade of green and a matching ribbon tied around the waist. My eye must have been heart shaped at this point with how precisely I was looking at her, not caring if she noticed either. Which she definitely did, because her cheeks were pink again.
Chuckling lightly, I poured her some tea. “Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. It really took everything I had to ask you here in the first place.”
Taking the cup from me she sipped it, and waved her hand lightly. “Awe well that’s sweet! It’s no trouble at all really, I actually wanted to talk to you anyways.” Her voice timid as I watched her tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. Please stop being so cute so I can think straight!
I cleared my throat, readjusting myself in my seat. “Alright, then let’s get straight to it then.” My hands fiddled with my cup as I thought of where I should start first. Genma. Start with Genma. I knew I had no right to be jealous, or feel as though she owes me anything. I just needed to know. “Earlier, when I got back in town, I stopped by the bakery. I uh- well obviously I didn’t go in, but I saw you talking with Genma. Um… it’s just. You looked very flustered. Your face was red, and.” Get to the point, Kakashi! “I was just wondering if you two were seeing each other. I don’t mean to corner you or anything, I was just curious.” I swallowed hard, hoping she wouldn't take my questioning the wrong way.
Her eyes widened, looking shocked. She didn’t look mad, though she was definitely not prepared for that question. My foot tapped restlessly as I waited for her response. Y/n shrugged and gave me a smirk. “No, we’re not. He did ask me out today though…” So he did beat me to it.
“And… how did that make you feel?” I looked at her, watching as her eyes looked at the tea inside her cup. She smirked then looked back up to me.
“Well, it caught me off guard. I had only talked to him once before. He seemed nice, but today he was…” She trailed off holding back.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I just thought maybe you liked him or something.” To that her eyes got big again and she looked like she was about to panic.
“What? No! I mean… there’s nothing wrong with him. I just… I don’t know. There’s uh, somebody else.” Her words were fast and ran together, the last part practically a mumble. Yet I could still understand her.
“I see. So if not Genma, then who? What did Genma do that made you say no?” I knew I was being bold by asking her questions back to back, but my chest was aching. Genma was an attractive man, very popular with the ladies. Why would a beautiful woman such as her say no to a guy like him? Who could be better than him?
Taking another sip of her tea her eyes shifted around the room. “He didn’t want to actually date me. He just wanted to take me home with him. I told him no, especially because he asked me while I was working. He… he just made me uncomfortable. Though, I don’t think I would have said yes even if I wasn’t working.”
“Because of the other guy?” She nodded and messing with her cup the same way I had. I guess Genma wasn’t as great as I thought he was. Guess that makes sense why he isn’t ever with anyone for very long. “May I ask who has your heart then, Y/n?” Trying to word my question just right, so she doesn’t feel too pressured. I watched as she averted eye contact with me and swallowed hard. Taking a deep breath she tried to speak.
“Well… I don’t know if he has my heart just yet. He does, however, take up space in my head 24/7.” She bit the skin on her lip slightly, her hands moving done to her lap as she looked away from me. Alright, no more playing around. It’s now or never. Tell her, but don’t get your hopes up.
“Can I tell you something? It’s something that’s been on my mind for the past week now, and I just can’t hold it in anymore.” As I spoke, I kept my eyes locked with hers. Her cheeks still pink as she nodded. Here goes nothing.
“Lately, I’ve decided to be more self indulgent. Be kinder to myself, treat myself more. Relish in the things I don’t get to enjoy as often. One of those things being baked goods. Ever since that day, the day I walked into your bakery. The moment I saw you. I knew you were what I desired most. I want to know you, I want you to know me. Maybe I’m wrong for saying that, especially if you have eyes for someone else. I just, I just can’t stop thinking about you Y/n. I like you, way too much for my own good, and it’s okay if you don’t like me back.” A weight was lifted off my chest once the words left my mouth. Y/n stared at me, mouth a gap, but she wasn’t red in the face. In fact all color had gone from it entirely. My eyes widened in fear that I had scared her, or she was sick.
“Oh god! A- are you okay? I didn’t mean to make you un- uncomfortable if I did.” My hands instinctively reached out across the table. With her eyes fluttering, the pink returned to her cheeks and she giggled. Carefully moving her hands up and lacing her fingers with mine. I looked at our hands, then back to her, my eye fluttering now in confusion.
“You, Kakashi. You’re the guy I have eyes for. To be honest, I’ve liked you since the moment I saw you walk past my shop on the day it was handed off to me. You’ve been on my mind since then, and it only got worse the moment you stepped foot in the bakery. I would love nothing more than to help you indulge with what your heart desires. Because I desire it too.”
With my face red, and hands sweaty I laughed. In total disbelief she reciprocated those same feelings back to me. I felt complete and utter joy. More content than I ever have, just holding her hands. My thumbs rubbing over them, loving how soft they are compared to mine. This was only a small indulgence from her, but I couldn’t wait to indulge even further. Grateful that I could now indulge in Y/n whenever I wanted.
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canarycolemine · 11 months
Death and the Promises He Made
Chapter 2 (finally omg)
Pairing: Papa Emeritus II x Female Reader
Warnings: MDNI, mentions of abuse, drug use, and forced prostitution
Tag List: @sirianisrock (let me know if you’d like to be added 💖)
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I didn’t look towards Eddie as the skull faced man took my hand, leading me out of the bar. I knew, I fucking knew he had a smirk on his face. Just another way he could destroy me - break my boundaries. Always, I stayed in the lion's den he enslaved me in, but he gave me the courtesy to never allow the lions to drag my body away from the familiar cruelty. This, however, was a new cruelty.
Quite frankly, I didn’t care if this harsh looking man I followed would kill me. He looked like he could. Guiding me away, the unfamiliar man towered over my body, as did the strangely masked men. Physically, he could overpower me, but now, a mental overpowering was unfolding, too.
But I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, why this man held my hand so gently, as if it was made of glass. The patrons cat called as I left, but the man shot severe looks at them, which quieted them. I liked the power he had over them, his evil looks; what I could only hope is that he wouldn’t have cruelty with me, too.
As we neared the double doors of the bar, past the blue neon beer signs and posters of naked women, he let my hand go and opened the door for me. His hands were gloved; to his benefit, no human hand should ever touch those dirty bar doors. Still, holding the door open for me, a gentlemanly gesture, was something very rare for me these days.
The desert winter air struck me harder than I imagined. The night was darker, more solid than it usually was when I typically left the bar - the usual lighting of early morning, making the mountains on the east side of this town more visible than in the solid night. But I couldn’t see the mountains tonight. I let out a cold sigh, seeing my breath mist as I breathed out.
The man slipped his hand on the small of my back to guide me towards his car, the other hand gesturing towards them. Instinctively, I recoiled from his touch. I just hated being touched and the violence that would so often follow.
He withdrew his hand, following my reaction. I didn’t think too much of it.
There were so many large black vans, looking awfully expensive compared to the bikes and trucks that typically filled the parking lot. This legion looked so out of place, so distinguished, too much for this place.
I shivered again, not quite sure if it was the cold or withdrawal hitting me.
When we neared his car, I could see one of those masked men in the driver’s seat through the tinted windows. The car was already running, exhaust fumes pillowing behind. He opened the back door for me, gesturing me to enter. Instantly, the warmth of the car’s heating soothed me.
The interior of the car was black, and the scent was like it was brand new - rich leather, real leather and very, very clean.
I scooted myself across the back seat’s bench, making room for the man to enter behind me. Silently, I buckled myself in, putting my purse at my feet.
“Buenosera, ghoul, we’ll retire for the evening.” He instructed the masked driver.
Ghoul? Damn, and I thought Eddie treated his employees rough.
“Si, Papa.” A husky, deep voice replied. The man sitting in the driver’s seat was stoic, as if he were a vessel, only able to move once commanded.
Papa? Too often, “daddy” was the name my patrons preferred; it was patriarchal and perverse. It was all the same to me. Any other night, I would have cringed at calling him that, but the deep voiced driver said ‘Papa’ like it was some sort of title. Someone he revered.
Regardless of any curiosity, I couldn’t help the cringe I made over the name.
“Something wrong, signora?” The man called Papa asked, observing my face.
“Oh, um, no.” I started, realizing I needed to silence the emotions I so often wore on my face. I did have a job to do, I suppose. “Just, I usually call my, uh, clients, daddy or something. Papa’s just a new one. Do you want me to call you that?”
“Ah. No, no. It’s a title, so to say.” He clarified. “You do not need to call me ‘Papa,’ the driver ghoul must call me Papa - I’ll send him back to hell if he doesn't use the name.” He playfully threatened.
I smirked, doubting him, but entertaining him. The way he said it, something about his stern face. He overcompensated his mean visage with these remarks, like he wanted to see me laugh, wanted to make me comfortable. It was nice.
I cast one look at the dinghy bar as we departed the parking lot. How cruel it really all was, and how lost I got along the way. This ugly place, and the wicked men it held. It destroyed the beauty that I held. It didn’t matter how I looked, I had simply become a ghost. Here I was now, being driven away from the bar, as if it was some sort of strong hold, a safe place. I shouldn’t be afraid, I shouldn’t miss this place. But, it was familiar.
Perhaps it was just the familiarity of captivity.
The glow of the bar’s halogen lights faded, as we drove further down the desert road. It was so novel, to be afraid of leaving the place that had destroyed me. I knew what to expect, but I hated it all. Hated what had become of my shit life. How I was so tired of being strong, hoping to escape from this miserable trailer park life, then so weak from abuse, and then, worst, nothing at all.
A sniffle I didn’t mean to take captured the man’s attention. In my peripheral vision, I saw his internal debate to acknowledge my emotions or not. I half hoped he wouldn’t, but the unsettling comfort he made me feel almost prompted something. Trust, maybe.
“Would you like us to drive you home, little one? We don’t have to return to the hotel.” He broke the silence.
“No, it’s fine.” I lied. “I’ll get over it. Sorry, I know some people don’t like sniffling.”
“You do not have to lie to me,” he cut through, “I am not going to hurt you. I promise.”
A promise.
Somehow, that broke me. I couldn’t control the sobs that I wracked suddenly. My breath could hardly keep up as my body crumpled in on itself. I felt his hand on my shoulder. It was as if he didn’t dare move it down my body.
Maybe I could blame my emotions on withdrawal, but I hadn’t felt emotions this strongly for so long. I couldn’t remember when I could feel. Just feel.
Why was I so affected by his words? Half of my brain, the last reasonable one, said that he’s just like everyone who’s said that before. They want you to trust them, make you feel comfortable, give you hope that he would make everything better - but always. Always. He left you. He’ll take your money, the last of your booze, and another piece of your soul.
God damn it. There was another half of my brain, the part that still wanted to be human. Maybe it’ll be different this time. He won’t me, and things will change. I could be free again. He could take me away from this life. Maybe I can get a piece of my soul back.
The battle raged in my brain, almost suspending my body in the moment.
A small squeeze he gave. Reassuring. Grounding.
“What can I do for you, dear, to make you feel better?”
“Can you just,” another sniffle, surely I looked a mess, “can you just hold me?”
“Like a hug?”
“Like a hug.”
“Of course, dear.” He waited for me to move closer to him. Only after I was settled did he wrap his arms around me. Almost paternal, but very safe, I felt steadied in his arms. Up close, through the tears, his suit’s thread was rich - a small paisley detail throughout the fabric. Each cut, immaculately tailored to his figure and not a thread out of place. His cologne was equally luxurious - smokey, subtle, masculine. Almost, almost, I felt trust. I could almost feel comforted.
I didn’t know anything about him, not even his name. And, I just asked him for a fucking hug. God, I felt pathetic.
“I’m sorry, sir, but could you not call me the pet names?” I probed, worried the comfort might end. But, so far, he hadn’t given me any indication that I couldn’t speak my peace.
“Certainly.” He said so solidly. “I will need your name though, if I may have it.”
“You can call me Eden.” It wasn’t my name, but I always liked it. I really didn’t use my real name anymore. I could pretend with him, as a last safeguard.
“Eden? That’s a lovely name.” The name felt safe in his voice.
“Thanks,” I said. “What would you like me to call you?”
“I have several names, little Eden, you can choose. Some call me Papa, others say Secondo, and those who are closest to me call me Lorzeno. But, eh, you could also use Mr. E.”
“Mystery?” I nearly cringed.
He chuckled at the miscommunication. “No, no, Mr. E. Emeritus is my surname.”
A pause. The thought came into my mind - emeritus. Before I had this life, I was a good Catholic girl. Emeritus was commonly used for a retired pope. I may have lost some of my reasoning, as well as my faith, but something about this man told me wasn’t Catholic.
Frankly, I didn’t have a prayer either way. At worst, he was going to kill me, I so thoroughly believed. I didn’t really give a fuck.
“I’ll call you Secondo. Sounds Italian.”
“Yes, my name means the second. I am the second eldest of my brothers.”
“Awfully creative parents you had,” I joked.
This brought some level of bemusement to the man, a small chuckle fell out. He patted my head, letting his gloves hand linger in my hair for a little while longer. It felt nice.
As cruel as prostitution was, the rushed intimacy between myself and a stranger broke down any boundaries or reservations about physical touch. Disgusting me often, but in his arms, just right now, the touch was almost welcome.
As if reading my mind, he said so, so softly. “Rest now, little Eden. I will awaken you once we arrive.”
So Eden I was.
No trust I could have for this man, who looked like nothing but death. Maybe that’s why it was so natural to fall asleep next to him - easily, faintly, quietly, I drifted to the lightest state of sleep. Like death, so natural and comfortable.
Time stood still, as it often does in between consciousness and unconsciousness. But I drifted, feeling as safer than I had ever been in that bar. Although unfamiliar, I followed him as he held me steady.
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00belle00lovely00 · 3 months
ok uhmm... This is a bit akward🥲 but can you make Bobby x Picky headcanons? Plss I need more content of them😭😭😭 Im starving😭😭😭😭
The chef x the mfer who is putting love potions inside the food.
Lovey-dovey and sucker for romance pansexual x "that's my lady right there you'll, can't get better than this you guys" lesbian and food enjoyer
Alright, hear me out on this one you guys. Bobby + chocolates + giving them to picky = INSTANT GIRLFRIEND!
Live laugh love country Picky. We all want a home girl to have an Applejack kind of accent. And as for Bobby?... HMMMM... I KINDA WANT HER TO BE FRENCH. IT WOULD MAKE SENSE, RIGHT? (pls, don't go after me in the comments I'm Hispanic-french myself.)
let's all just agree that picky GOTTA snort when she laughs.
I always like to think that Picky is an in-denial hypocrite, especially when it comes to eating. She's the one in the group always scolding everyone for not eating healthy as it is, yet SHE is the one that sneaks on 3 AM in the middle of the night to each last week's cake from Kickin's party. And yet... rather coincidentally and out of pure chances, Bobby is a sucker for sweets too. So they just work each other out in helping each other with eating problems AND/OR trying to make an excuse to eat dessert before dinner.
PDA?... is that even a question with Bobby around?
Once again, I bestow before you one of my favourite headcanons; Bobby has separation anxiety. And BECAUSE of that she would be messaging/spamming on Picky phone about where she was, if she would come over, if she wanted HER to come over, if they wanted to hang out, etc. What was Picky doing meanwhile? The simple answer passed out on the floor after thinking it was a good idea to try to mix all fast foods known to man into a single meal.
they're both dumb but they don't know it/know it.
Picky would be so proud of pulling up Cupid herself lmao.
I think Bobby would treat this relationship like they were in some romantic novel.
@11sugarplum11 (since you ALSO asked for it! Dw didn't forget about you!)
That's it you guys, maybe I'll be answering a few 4 or less but I'm REALLY stressed about catching up to all the commissions. I hope im not breaking anybody's hopes for all of their headcanons to be answered.
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Good Omens Fic Rec: Come Set Me Free
Aziraphale, a humble, inexperienced bookstore owner, marries Gabriel, an up and coming spiritual and relationship guru, author of a wildly popular series of books on maintaining a happy marriage in the new age. They move together to New York state to help support Gabriel's flourishing career, and Aziraphale finds himself a kept man in a stilted marriage. Gabriel inherits a sprawling Victorian manor house up in the Catskills and a faded greenhouse when his father passes away. They hire Crowley, a talented horticulturist with a shady past to bring the greenhouse back to life, and Aziraphale is instantly smitten. He's also dedicated to his marriage, even though he is coming to terms with the fact that it's unraveling. Anyway, it's a moot point, Crowley is straight... or so Aziraphale and Gabriel assume...
Length: 111,794 words
AO3 Rating: Explicit / Spice Level 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Best for: Slight Angst, At Home, Heavier Topics, Slow Burn
Triggers: References to abuse, drug abuse, sex work, HIV/AIDS
Read it here, fic by Slow_Burn_Sally
*Minor Spoilers* This one was a surprise standout for me. I'm backtracking to write this review and I'm rusty on some details, but I think it's a testament to this story how much of it stuck with me. Here we find Aziraphale as Gabriel's neglected and bored house husband. I'm sure nothing will change when he hires the mysterious and handsome Crowley to get their greenhouse back in shape. Excellent and engaging plot, and it uses it's side characters very well. It also uses a classic miscommunication moment in a really smart way. I won't spoil it obviously, but you know there will be some hiccups to them getting together (uh other than the whole Aziraphale being married) but in this story it's not overreactions. Actually it's a pretty reasonable reaction to details that would be concerning if you didn't have context for.
What I love here is how it treats both Aziraphale and Crowley's other relationships. This has been a story I've compared others to. In a lot of fics, their previous partners are only abusive and toxic and there's never any love to be found. I'm not saying that doesn't happen at all here, but that's not all there is. Crowley has a previous partner he loved very much, and that small plot is one of my favorite fanfic moments for him I've read. Plus he actually gets to be bisexual! Finally something that isn't afraid to give him a past female partner. On the other side, Aziraphale's relationship with Gabriel is not good but there was once real love there and we get to see it. I'm thankful that it doesn't rely on the trope that no one else has truly loved Aziraphale or Crowley other than each other. That's not what life is about. You sometimes have moments of true love and desire for people who end up being bad for you, or you outgrow. Mind the full tags on this story, there are some darker parts of Crowley's history. Nothing too intense on that though.
I wouldn't call this unsafe for public, I read a majority of it while at work myself, but I think this is a better one for at home. It's not super angsty or melodramatic but there's a slightly heavier tone sometimes. So settle in, and read this one comfortably in a more private place.
Read it here, fic by Slow_Burn_Sally
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
hi cas! i love your blog sm, not only your blog but you as a person so much.
i hope i am not bothering you by asking this but i seriously don't know who else to ask.
so there's this girl at my school, my classmate. like we are not besties to say but she is a really good friend, sometimes when my bestfriend and her bestfriend don't show up to class we sit together and sometimes all four of us sit together. we have short convos like talking about our interests, animes, her drawing passion and all. so to say we are might not be super close but we are good friends.
today she told me that she likes me and came out to me - i am really happy for her mustering the courage to let it out, she told me how no one other than her older sister knows, not even her best friend.
on the instant she told me this, she panicked, to say. she was like "i am so sorry if it spooked you" "i just had to say it" "you can defo reject me..i didn't want to burden you" "my god why am i saying this...pls i hope our friendship doesn't change" she didn't let me say a word, she was getting so anxious. and without listening to me she left.
and now i don't know what to do, i feel really horrible ik how hard it must have been for her in first place, to come out to me, the only other person. she let her be vulnerable and confided in me.
but i am straight. no no i am not homophobic at all (i am literally in this fandom, forget about fandom i am proudly a lgbt)
but i never felt any attraction to females.
uh..man i don't want to make her sad. i can't and i don't want this to be complicated bw us. i don't want her to be heartbroken. i don't want her to regret coming out to me.
what should i do?
should i date her? (i have never been grossed out with w/w relationship but before this i never saw myself in one) i don't want her to be heartbroken..how can i ever tell her i'm straight.
i don't know... can a straight person like me date her? i really want a advice. if you say i should, i promise i won't be breaking her heart..i have always for me seen me in a single relation with someone and giving them all the love but i never saw a fem as my s/o cause im staright.
will i catch feelings overtime? will i be able to love her?
pls..guide me what should i do.
[ i hope what i meant to say was understandable. english isn't my first lang so forgive me for any mistakes ]
Hi love! <3
So it seems like you're pretty adamant that you're not attracted to girls. If you're sure about that, then:
Please, please, do not date this girl if you don't like her. That's not fair to her OR you! You can't just....find feelings that don't exist. And it's not fair to bring her hopes up.
(Now, that isn't to say that maybe you never considered dating women, and not you're considering it, and it sounds cool. But if it does NOT sound cool. If you are straight? Don't do it.)
You need to be honest with her. Sit her down and give her the respect she deserves. Tell her, "I really value our friendship, and I am so honored that you trusted me enough to come out to me. I want you to know that I don't just you at ALL for being LGBTQIA+. But I'm not, and I don't want to pretend to be, because it would just be hurtful, in the end. I think you're really cool, but I'm just not attracted to girls."
Trust me, being truthful will be much better in the long run. Sure, she'll be disappointed. But your sexuality isn't personal, and if you are kind and honest and accepting with her? That's still a much better coming-out story than a lot of people. Trust me.
And after? Try not to make it awkward. Don't treat her differently. But don't force something that isn't there. It'll just end up in someone getting hurt.
Hope that helps!
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pastelwitchling · 1 year
If you’re still taking prompts can I please request anything involving Malex and Sanders..? Because Sanders is just the best and he’s so happy that Michael is happy! I feel like he and Alex would get along really well and team up to give Michael grief hahahaha this is a very vague prompt but there’s that Sanders gif set going around and it’s giving me all the feels 💛💛💛
When Alex got a knock at his door, he hadn’t expected to find none other than Sanders on the other side. He stilled, hand falling slowly off the doorknob. He didn’t know why he was shocked to see Sanders, but he thought he understood his own anxiety about being alone with the old man. This was, after all, as close to Michael’s father as anybody had ever been.
“Er, hello, sir,” Alex said at once.
Sanders raised a white brow and scoffed. “‘Sir.’ Boy, you really are military.”
“Ex,” Alex confirmed and stepped back. “Please, come in.”
“No, no, I, uh,” Sanders looked down at himself. “I just got back from the junkyard, I’m—I’m covered in grease—”
“Please,” Alex insisted, and his lips quirked into half a smile. “Unless you’ve forgotten, my husband’s a mechanic.”
Sanders looked down, away, and Alex understood how he could be uncomfortable. He himself didn’t really know how to react to a family member that wasn’t actively trying to kill him.
“Yeah, well,” Sanders cleared his throat, accepted Alex’s offer with a nod, and walked in past him. “I just realized I never gave you a wedding present,” he said when they got to the living room, and offered Alex the gift-wrapped box he’d been holding. “I know it ain’t much, but I think you could get some real use out of that.”
“Wow, thanks,” Alex said, albeit awkward himself. “You really didn’t have to.”
Sanders waved off his gratitude and gestured at the gift. “Go head, open it.”
So Alex did. It looked like a vase. With gears.
“Uh,” Sanders started, “it—it’s a—”
“Self-gardening mechanism,” Alex smiled. “Thank you, sir. I don’t have the green thumb Michael does, now I finally have a way to save the flowers he gets me.”
Sanders blinked, startled, and smirked. “You know your stuff, huh?”
“Michael loves everything to do with plants,” he shrugged. “I’m a quick study.”
He stared. “You really love ‘im, don’t you?”
“Always have,” Alex said. He looked down at his new gift, clearly made with a lot of care and detail. “I . . . I think I know why you’re really here too.” At Sanders’s confused look, Alex smiled sadly. “I know you probably don’t love the way I treated Michael at the beginning of our relationship. I . . . put him through a lot—”
“And he put you through a lot,” Sanders said, frowning. “Son, I ain’t heartless. I love that boy, and for the most part he’s a genius, but he can be a real dumbass when it comes to what means most to him. Which is why he talks back to me,” he said with a fatherly edge, then softened, “and hurts you so much.”
Alex started to shake his head. “H-He doesn’t—”
“Don’t you start now,” he heaved a sigh. “Where is the dumbass anyway?”
Alex couldn’t help but smile. Maybe it was because he knew Sanders meant it with an exasperated fondness. Maybe because Sanders was giving him permission to be angry and sad with the man he loved. Or maybe it was because no one had ever stood up for him and for it to come from Michael’s father felt like a kind pat on the head.
It’s okay to be upset, I’m giving you permission to be upset, he seemed to be saying.
“He’s getting some work done with Max and Isobel,” Alex said. “Something about Max’s work in Oasis.”
Sanders scowled. “And you’re not in on it?”
Alex fidgeted. “I, uh, overdid myself a bit at Deep Sky. I’m on Guerin’s version of a recommended house arrest. He’ll fill me in when he gets back.”
“Ah,” he nodded, “so you nearly worked yourself into a grave again, and Michael freaked out and forced you to rest, huh?”
“You’re pretty good at picking up on our dynamic, I see,” Alex tried for an amused smile, and went to set the vase on the kitchen counter.
Sanders said nothing as Alex busied himself with placing the sunflowers Michael had brought him just yesterday inside the new contraption. He watched as the gears turned and water filtered through from somewhere inside the vase. He smiled to himself. He’d seen every evil machine there was to see, he’d seen alien magic put to dark use. There was something refreshing about watching the workings of such a simple and good invention.
“You don’t owe anyone an apology, son,” Sanders said suddenly. His voice was softer than Alex knew it capable of being. “You ain’t your father and Michael knows that.” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Despite what the beginning of your relationship looked like. He loves you, and he don’t need you to hurt yourself to prove you love him back.”
Alex kept his eyes on the sunflowers for a moment longer, then he looked to the vase. Then he smiled over his shoulder at Sanders. “He’s really lucky to have you, Walt.”
Sanders blinked, then looked away. He cleared his throat again. “Yeah, well. Mm.”
With a pat to Alex’s shoulder, Sanders turned to leave. Alex didn’t move away from the kitchen counter even as he promised Sanders that they’d come over tomorrow night for dinner. He didn’t move even as he watched Sanders head out. If he had, if he’d been proud enough of himself or believed enough of what Sanders had told him to see him out, he might’ve seen Sanders pull out his phone. He might’ve seen him text Michael with a smirk at his lips. He might’ve realized how honest Sanders had been with him.
But he hadn’t. Instead, he stood there, only able to hope that he meant as much to Michael as Sanders made him out to. In that same moment, Michael checked a text he’d just gotten from his father.
You’re luckier than you know, kid.
And then maybe it wouldn’t have surprised Alex at all that Michael had smiled at the words, knowing exactly what Sanders meant.
Happy Malex Monday ❤
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