#and luckily I am not as burnt out today
muiromem · 1 month
If you could relive any of your memories, which would it be?
Woah what an interesting question to get!
This is a hard one for me because I seem to have a lot of trouble with my long-term/childhood memories (probably from undiagnosed anxiety and autism; stress makes it hard to retain memories).
If anything, I'd wish I could experience or watch some of my childhood moments over again so that I could remember them properly!
If I could relive any memories I do have, I wish I could better remember the two different times I went and saw Star Trek: The Exhibition. The props and costumes on display were so cool and sadly the exhibit doesn't exist anymore! I would want to be able to remember going around with my family and bonding over our love of Star Trek and seeing actual props and such from the shows much better than I do now!
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Hi! Could I have some Arlecchino x fem reader fluff? Maybe going on a date together?
I am also currently obsessed with her, she’s just so askdskejdhdbdbdn >///<
Thank you!
Also that's literally so real she's taken over all my thoughts and she lives in my head absolutely rent free
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A date with Mon ange - Arlecchino x fem!reader
This is NOT proofread if you see any grammar mistakes no you didn't
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"My dear, with all due respect, I love your cookies but you burnt the hell out of them."
To say today was a disaster was an understatement, you didn't wake up to your alarm clock, which meant you missed the morning market where you often got some of Alrecchino's and Lynette's favorite treats. Not only that, but just an hour later, freminet came home with a large gash on his leg, which he had gotten when trying to maneuver through a shipwreck out at sea. Then, some of the children had roped you into playing games with them, and promptly forgot you had cookies in the oven.
So, it's safe to say Arlecchino's remark ended with you being even madder than before, even if you knew she was just making an observation.
"well if they're so burnt, bake them yourself next time!" You quickly stomped out of the room, hanging up your apron as you walked past the door. You quickly walked up the stairs and down the hall to your room, and slammed the door behind. You sat down at the small desk where you kept all of your stationary and makeup, immediately looking around for anything that couldn't be broken (or at least something not of high importance). Luckily, there was a small journal in the drawer, and you decided it would be better to journal then take your anger out on some poor object. After about 3 pages were filled, the sound of the door startled you a little, yet you kept writing in journal. A pair of strong arms wrapped around your shoulders, and a kiss was planted on top of your head. Neither of you chose to speak, you just kept writing anything and everything, and she watched.
"would you like to go out to dinner tonight mon ange? I'm sure the maids can handle the children for tonight."
She finally broke the silence, and you put the pen and paper down. A small smile came across your face, as you finally looked up to see her face. While she often kept the neutral looking expression, you could see the difference in her eyes, a look of sadness from upsetting you was clear.
"that sounds lovely Alrecchino, where do you want to go?"
"you choose, we can go anywhere in Fontaine, don't worry about the cost." You were quick to open your mouth about not wanting to overspend, but she placed a kiss to your forehead, making your protests stop.
"you've had a bad day, you deserve whatever your heart desires [Name]." How she knew you had a bad day was above you, though you presumed she had guessed just from the way you lashed out.
"well then, I suppose I could go for some Tripes du Port right about now" your words brought a small smile to her face, and she placed one last small kiss on your head, before standing up.
"To the hotel debord it is then."
The hotel was never short of amazing, all the decorations so elegant, yet so simple at the same time. The two of you sat down in a corner of the restaurant, a candle in the center illuminating both your menus.
"What are you going to get Arle? You always seem to change it up when we come here." She didn't look up from her menu as you spoke, instead she focused on even more.
"I suppose I'll get cassoulet, I don't think I've tried it here yet." She set her menu down and gave you another small smile, one she often didn't flash in public, but she was sure no one was looking.
"oh and darling, you look great in that outfit, you should wear it more often." She took your hand and rubbed your hand reassuringly, her words were definitely ones you needed to hear.
"I'm glad you think so Arle, I bought it recently and haven't had any chances to wear it. I thought tonight would be a nice night to show it off." She took note of how you messed with the hem of the fabric, a tell tale sign you were flattered by her compliments.
The waitress walked over with 2 glasses of wine, and smiled at both of you as she pulled out a paper and pen
"what can I get you two tonight? If you're still not sure, I can come back in a few minutes." You smiled and nodded as both her and Arlecchino looked at you, it looks like you would be ordering first.
"I'll have the Tripes du Port please, oh, and a slice of your blueberry pie." You flash her another smile as you hand her the menu, and look over to Arle as she orders
"I'll have the cassoulet, please and thank you." The waitress nods as she finishes writing, and takes Arlecchino's menu.
"merci, I'll be back with those as soon as they're done!" The waitress gives one last smile before she walks off, and it's just you and Arlecchino again. She picks up her wine glass and takes a sip, before looking at you with expectancy.
"well drink up dear, you deserve it."
All of that food and wine practically made you forget about all of your problems from the day. Well, Arlecchino was the real reason, but having something to talk over definitely was helping. You couldn't help but smile and laugh at all of her stories, telling your own in return. You two were at the register, Arlecchino paying for your meals as you kept one hand tightly around hers.
"merci beaucoup! s'il vous plaît, revenez bientôt!"
(thank you very much! Please come again soon!)
Both you and Arlecchino say thank you as you walk out the doors, the cool Fontaine air hitting you the second you leave.
"thank you for tonight Arle, you don't know how much I appreciate it." You give her a soft smile, which melts her heart a little more each time she sees it.
"it's no problem dear, you had quite the interesting day" she chuckled, and ran her thumb across the back of your hand, still seemingly trying to comfort you. You laughed along with her, though the both of you went quiet just after; Slowly taking king in the beauty of Fontaine on the walk back to the house.
The two of you made it back just fine, and you walked home to a entrance that seemed cleaner than before. Alrecchino could already see the panic setting into your face, and she just sighed and placed a kiss to your cheek.
"I promise I gave the maids permission to clean without you here, and I made sure they did it to your tastes my dear. Is that all you're worried about?" You seemed to think for a moment, before quickly realizing the many responsibilities you didn't attend to today.
"oh my God I forgot to clean Lyney and Lynettes stage outfits! And I never went back to help the younger children with their homework and-" Arlecchino took off your coat as you rambled on, taking both yours and hers over to the coat rack while half listening to you. She came back and wrapped her hands around your waist, and nestled her face into the crook of your neck, placing a few light kisses against it.
"[name], did you write this all down in your journal earlier?"
"yes well-" you finally snapped out of your thoughts, and despite not being able to see it, you could sense the grin on her face.
"...you gave that list to the maids didn't you."
"if it makes you feel better, I rewrote it and handed that list to the maids, I left out the things you said about me, after all, some things are better kept secret, Mon ange." you groaned at her teasing words, yet ultimately thanked her for it.
"then I guess I owe you a big thanks Arle, you're amazing." You pressed your lips to hers, giving her yet another small smile.
"how about you show me how thankful you are right now and come lay down with me." Her hands unwrapped from around your waist, and she moved to take your hand and lead you towards the stairs. You happily followed behind her, curious to see just what she had in store for you.
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anyway I'm so so so sorry this took me so long, turns out musical + con preparations + school don't make for a great writing time. Thank you 🪼 anon for waiting, I'm sorry if you think this is shit it kind of is (⁠・ั⁠ω⁠・ั⁠)
Daily click to help those in Palestine
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birdy-bat-writes · 1 year
You've Got the Real Thing Right Here
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
A/N: I kid you not, I wrote this in 30 minutes in a Gatorade-induced, TikTok-fueled romantic fit of filthy feelings. So…it’s probably not edited well and I’m so sorry haha. But I hope you like it:D
Summary: You come across a scene in a book and wonder, is this really attractive? Luckily, your boyfriend is there to show you that it really is.
Content Warnings: almost smut, really borderline smut, fluff, Jake being a sweetheart, Jake being way too hot to handle, and some swearing. Let me know if I missed anything :D Minors DNI!!!!
Word count:  1047
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You didn’t usually get many days off, so today was a rarity. Your boss left for a personal vacation and since there was nothing to do at the office, you were told that you simply didn’t have to come in. It was impromptu and random, but you knew exactly how you were going to spend it. There were only 8 more chapters left in your book, and you’ve been dying to find out of the two love interests finally get together.
It was a little cold out today in San Diego, another rarity. After a warm shower, you slipped into some cozy leggings and your favorite of all your boyfriend’s sweatshirts; a gray and burnt orange Longhorns crewneck subtly scented with his cologne, your perfume, and the smell of brownies from your shared baking excursion last weekend. You opted out of wearing anything under the sweatshirt because why not? It was your day off, after all. With a cup of hot chocolate, you sat down by a window and opened your paperback to its little crocheted bookmark and let yourself sink into the story.
You didn’t realize how much time had passed by the time you closed the book and placed it on the coffee table. You started at 10:00 am and now it was 3:00. Emotions were swirling within you, and you couldn’t help but twirl around your living room, smiling. They finally got together! Oh god, that was so cute—and a few pages later, so hot. Still grinning like an idiot, you decided to head on over to the kitchen and grab lunch. You microwaved last night’s leftovers and let your mind wander. Every romance book you’ve read has the same scene; the guy leaning on the doorframe and looking down at the girl. What’s up with that? It makes you feel warm every time, and you just know that whatever scene comes next is bound to be good but what the heck makes a doorframe attractive? It’s just leaning; something you do every day.
Your thoughts were interrupted by keys jangling at your door. Jake was home! You leant over in your chair, putting yourself in his line of sight. “Hey, Babe, welcome home.” Jake could hear the smile in your voice.
“Why, thank you, Darlin’. What’s got you in such a good mood?” he asked, walking over to you and placing a gentle kiss on your cheek.
“Nothing much,” you replied as he walked to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of Gatorade. “How was work?” Jake started talking, and you’re sure you heard some of it but from here on out, another thought consumed your mind entirely. Jake isn’t that much shorter than your kitchen door….
“…so I told him that was crazy. Right?” Jake looked to you to find you absolutely spaced out. “Y/N? Everything okay…?”
“Uh, yeah! Sorry, what were you saying?” Jake grinned, amused at the light blush that was dusting your cheeks.
“No, no, what’s got you so distracted?”
“Nothing, I promise.” You insisted, standing up to join him in the kitchen entrance.
“Sweetheart, you’re great at a lot of things,” he started, putting his hand in yours, “but you’re a shit liar.” You giggled with him and looked down.
“Okay, okay. Can you do something for me?”
“Alright, uh,” you didn’t expect to suddenly get as shy as you did. “Could you just put your hand up here, on the doorframe corner and like, lean over a little?” Jake, with his Gatorade still in hand, looked down at you, confused, but still did it anyway.
“Like this?”, he asked.
“Yeah! Now, bend your elbow a little. Lean naturally into it.”
“Is there a reason for this or…?”
“Satisfying my curiosity.”
“Okay, perfect.” You took a small step back, one hand still on Jake’s chest to get a look at the full picture and…woah. Okay, now you get why curiosity killed the cat, and why every book had this scene. It was freaking hot.
Jake’s green eyes were darkened by the shadows of his lashes and his lips had the slightest shine from the Gatorade. God, you bet he tasted like lemon-lime right now, and his posture…you knew he was tall, but did he really always tower over you like this? His biceps were on full display along with the tan skin of his neck and, god, he was so close, and so big and his cologne was intoxicating. You felt hot.
Jake saw it immediately. He knew that look; he saw your lips part and the way your legs squeezed shut. Oh. He took a long drawn-out look at your figure up and down and he knew you were done for.
Smirking, he asked, “Y/N, Honey, you okay there? You look a little red.” A teasing tone lacing his voice. He reached toward the coffee table to put down his Gatorade and he saw it. It’s that book you’ve been reading. There it is. Jake curled his hand around your waist, snaking it under your his sweatshirt, making you shiver as he pulled you close. His fingers were icy against your hot skin from holding the cold bottle. You gasped when he pressed you flush against his chest. “All this because of a book?” he took his other hand down from the doorframe to place it on your cheek, stroking it softly with his thumb. “Baby, you’ve got the real thing right here.” He whispered, lips ghosting over yours before pressing into you for a rough, heated kiss. You wrapped your arms around his waist while his fingers pressed into yours. He peppered kisses along your jawline, feeling the warmth of your skin on his. The sensation of his stubble on your neck went straight to your core and made you whimper, an act that tore down what little resolve Jake had left. He pulled away and took you by the hand out of the kitchen.
“Jake, why’d you stop?” You uttered, breathlessly.
“I didn’t. Come with me.”
“Where are we going?”
“The bedroom. Oh,” he took two steps back to the coffee table and reached for the bottle of Gatorade. “Better take this. You’ll need it by the time I’m done with you.”
Moral of the story? Read books, stay sexy.
Taglist: @glorified-red
Please let me know if you'd like to be on my permanent Top Gun or general tag list :)
Tagging some friends, no pressure to interact y'all:
@tongue-like-a-razor @roosterbruiser @roosterscock @girl-in-the-chairs-void @bussyslayer333 @roosterforme @glen-powells @roosters-slut @callsign-fangirl @roostersrooster
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veryace-ficrecs · 5 months
Sanlu Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
Midnight Snacks by ClockedInside - Rated G
Sanji finds himself baking a cake with his captain at twelve am. He's not upset about it in the slightest.
burnt orange by zo_glassy - Rated T
Luffy wasn’t exactly sure when, but he had been caught staring, and then a plump fruit was being held close to his mouth. Yet at that moment, he’d been unable to tear his eyes away, teeth grazing soft fingertips as he nibbled the orange flesh in a daze. The fruit bursts in his tongue, the sour-sweetness enveloping his senses. He recalls the clear juice that had trickled down the pale wrist, the twinkle of blue eyes winking at him mischievously. "Our secret, don't tell Nami-san." — In which Luffy is clueless, and Nami and Usopp take it upon themselves to play cupid. Happy (belated) valentines day!
The King's Cook: On Love Languages and Adoration by onceuponaneverafter - Rated T
Sanji cooked for everyone. Never not in the kitchen making or preparing something. He never said "Love yous" or "Missed yous" but he always cooked everyone's favourites, and never let a soul go hungry. Luffy notices, and after watching and observing and learning, he decides Sanji deserves to be cooked for too. Or, Luffy loves his crew and knows they have worth, and Sanji needs to be reminded that means him too.
Moment In The Sun by Harubo - Rated T
“So… you’re not a knight at all.” “I don’t know what it means to be a knight,” Luffy shrugged, “But I saw you and I wanted to be by your side and now I am.  Zeff says being a knight means caring for someone more than you care for yourself.  So I guess I’m a knight.”
The Captain's Cook by three_days_late - Rated G
He would do whatever it took to keep Sanji by his side. He would give him whatever he wanted, do anything he asked, just as long as Sanji stayed with him. Sanji was the cook of the Straw Hat pirates, and Luffy would accept no other.
Kindness around the stations by purplefox - Rated T
Luffy is a troublesome little brother but he is kind. Are Sabo and Ace cool with their little brother disappearing into the city and getting involved with a royal? Not so much but they doubt they can pry Luffy away. He seems gone on the blonde royal who cooks and feeds Luffy what he makes.
A Wedding to Remember by GalacticSaz - Rated T
Sanji is waiting at the alter for his future wife to strut in and ruin his life. But, his captain never was any good at leaving them alone in their time of need. So, why did he think that today would be any different?
Growing Pains by grayimperia - Rated G
Luffy’s grandpa was well over nine feet tall and wide as a barn. Other than the occasional fist of love, this had no bearing on Luffy’s life until it suddenly did. Sanji frowned, reaching out to press a hand to the top of Luffy’s head. “Am I going crazy or have you gotten taller?” “If I get bigger, will you still carry me and cook for me and do my laundry and help me wash my hair?” “Yes, you overgrown child—even if you’re more overgrown.” - Luffy gets a growth spurt.
Our Way To Be (And How Everyone Sees Us) by aririnas - Rated G
Five situations where the mugiwara see the strange relationship between Luffy and Sanji. And one in which someone realizes the reality.
Honey Hold Me by Harubo - Rated T
When his captain burst out of the wedding cake, screaming furiously that Sanji was his husband, all hell broke loose at the Whole Cake Chateau. (Snippets of a love story between the cook and his captain, the captain and his cook)
Anchor by Trixree - Rated T
It is said that dreams are shared between soulmates. Luckily, the Vinsmoke children do not dream. (Except, of course, for the failure.)
A Gentle Tide by teaandtumblr - Rated G
When it came to people, and creatures, on the Grand Line, Sanji knew that Luffy was one of the toughest ones. He’d known it ever since their first meeting. Luffy was made of rubber but he may as well have been made of iron for how strong he was. Which was why Sanji was so surprised to find Luffy’s weakness to be what it was: Gentleness.
It's Called Falling by Trixree - Rated M
So many bad choices have led up to this moment, standing in the walk-in fridge with his face buried in his hands to choke back what could either be a scream or hysterical laughter, contemplating the Not A Date he’s landed himself, and Sanji cannot fathom how to begin to undig this hole.
Too Bright to See by grayimperia - Rated T
Luffy’s eyes are unfocused as he smiles at Sanji. Robin takes a measured sip of her coffee in the same amount of time it takes Luffy to bite clear through half of his sandwich. Sanji swipes a few napkins off the table and sets about wiping crumbs from Luffy’s face. “I’m so sorry about him, Robin-chan.” “It’s quite alright,” she says. And it is because there is something very sweet about the scene in front of her. Robin smiles. One out of seven lights click on. - Luffy, Sanji, the Straw Hats, and how it takes time to notice the obvious.
Easy as Anything, Simple as That by Trixree - Rated T
“Luffy? What’s the matter?” “We’re gonna’ have a wedding,” he says incomprehensibly. Which—no. Absolutely not. Haven’t they had enough of weddings, lately? Nami's certainly had enough for a lifetime, thanks. “What are you talking about? What wedding?” she demands as coherently as she can while running on only two-and-a-half hours of sleep. “Mine and Sanji’s,” Luffy declares.
That's One Heck of a Gatcha Prize by anarchycox - Rated T
Zeff forces Sanji to take an actual day off from the Baratie and Sanji goes to the street fair/carnival going on. He plays a silly game to win a stuffed animal. He didn't expect to win a Luffy.
face the sun by zo_glassy - Rated M
the summer sun a halo behind his head, and his own ears are completely singed by the heat of the other’s affections.
he learns that Luffy’s warmth, golden-red and burning, may take some getting used to.
(in which Sanji's vulnerable to his captain's flattery.)
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lale-txt · 7 months
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❈ 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐞 𝐰/ 𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢 & 𝐠𝐧!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
@nakunakunomi asked: Oh Lale, I am humbly and nervously shuffling into your askbox. Your writings are a true delight and never fail to make me smile, and with your multifandom box opening I just had to dig into my brainstorms and pick something out. Can I ask for something (any format that works best for you) with Itachi and a super clumsy /and chaotic reader? Reader can be fem or genderneutral. They try and organize / prep dates and surprises, but end up hurting themselves (never too bad), spoiling their own surprises, accidentally setting something on fire... just shenanigans all over the place, but all with the best intentions. Thank you so much already for your consideration! If you have any additional questions, or you need to bonk me over the head cause i forgot something, you know where to find me. I hope you have a lovely time writing!
a/n: Hazel! i'm gonna melt into a puddle from your sweet words, thank you so much! you don't understand how excited i was when i read your request, it was right up my alley, hehe. writing this made me fall a bit for Itachi (Uchiha harem when), and i hope i did your request justice! i always get a little nervous when writing a char i've never written before.
word count: 831
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“Does it hurt?”
Itachi holds your hands in his, his kind eyes studying the cuts and blisters on your fingers before he carefully wraps them in band-aids and gauze. Thanks to the soothing balm he applied (and his gentle touch), you aren’t really in pain anymore, but the guilt of almost burning down the kitchen still weighs heavy on your chest. Once you’re all patched up, Itachi helps you down from the kitchen counter you were sitting on and wraps his arms around you, his face nuzzled in the crook of your neck. Both of you let out a long sigh.
“I’m sorry for worrying you”, you mumble and close your eyes for a moment, inhaling his familiar scent while he embraces you. Your fingers run lightly over his back, as if to reassure him that everything’s alright. Itachi laughs quietly and shakes his head. 
“Maybe no kitchen experiments that involve open fire before you had coffee in the morning, hm?”, he teases and places a small kiss on your forehead. Itachi knows you were planning a sweet surprise for him before he had to leave the house; and he’s not mad, he just can’t help but worry because of your clumsiness. He saw you trip over your own feet more often than when he taught his baby brother how to walk, and your talent to set things on fire made him wonder if you had some Uchiha blood running through your veins, because surely this wasn’t just some Katon no Jutsu?
“I wanted to prepare you a bento for today’s mission so you’ll think of me”, you pout slightly and hide your face against his chest. This way you also don’t have to face the pile of dirty dishes in the sink and the half-burnt bento box that you left too close to the stove while you went out in the garden to grab some fresh herbs. Luckily Itachi, light sleeper that he is, had woken up prior from the sound of plates clattering downstairs (and your hushed curses when you cut yourself again) and was quick to put out the small fire when it got suspiciously quiet again in the kitchen.
“Oh, darling”, Itachi sighs. “Look at me.”
With a finger under your chin he slowly lifts your head up, making you look him in the eyes. His gaze was warm and gentle, and you could see all the love Itachi held for you in his heart. It’s as if your name was written all over his heart walls, leaving no room for doubt that you were the only one for him. If only he could carry you with him in the safety of his heart, then maybe you wouldn’t end up clumsily hurting yourself over and over again–his heart was already ablaze for you, anyway.
“I’m never not thinking about you”, he mumbles before pressing a small kiss on your lips, leaving you yearning for more. His voice is low and husky and one hand is still holding your chin up, while his other pulls you closer against him by your hip; no room left between you. “Whether it’s about that sweet smile of yours”–another kiss–”or all the ways you call out my name”–one more kiss, this time deeper–”or when I get to kiss you again because I’m missing your lips on mine always.”
Itachi kisses down from your jaw to the side of your neck, making you melt under his touch and affection. He’s so tender with you; as if you’re the most delicate thing in the world. Sure, you might have tendencies to cause havoc with every step you take, but still–you’re the safest place for his whole heart. It’s you, always you. And if he’s gonna wrap you up in gauze and band-aids for the rest of his life, Itachi will happily do so, because it means you’re by his side and he can hold out a gentle hand to catch you, knowing you’ll always take it.
“Kiss me again, will you?”
And with kisses this sweet, no pain will linger for too long…
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souperbloom · 2 days
short oneshot inspired by a tweet i saw (please don’t kill me for being inactive im sorry im a very busy gal)
cabin fever. [A.I]
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🪵 Ashton x fem!reader
a late-night kitchen rendezvous on an annual trip with your friends.
a/n: i cannot find the tweet this was inspired by but it was something along the lines of ‘nobody makes out on the living room couch and dry humps like they used to’ so… just use your imagination with this one friends.
content warnings: none, really!
Three AM. The prime time to chug a cold glass of water and stand in the kitchen to contemplate life.
It was day two of the annual ‘friend trip’. Eight twenty-somethings to a six-bedroom cabin with a plethora of tanning lotion and tequila. You had spent most, if not all, of today out by the lake— your shoulders were burnt to a crisp and your eyes felt tired and heavy. It was the price to pay for a gorgeous day out on the water.
Everyone had called it a night around midnight, the couples sifting off to their respective rooms while the solos duked it out for the only other queen sized bed. Luckily, you were the winner of that duel. But now, you’re faced with that unquenchable late-night thirst.
Plus the fact that you couldn’t sleep.
You crept down the old oak stairs quietly, your socks padding against the wood and creaking with every step. You’d wince every time your foot made a sound; but you were also convinced that everyone was too deep in sleep to hear it.
A lakeside cabin in the middle of nowhere was a lot more quiet than you’d anticipated. Only the cadence of chirping crickets and the occasional owl hoot could be heard for miles. It was honestly kind of creepy. You ignored those jarring sounds and continued your journey for that tall glass of water, hoping it would put your sleepy mind a bit more at ease.
Once you tipped some ice into your cup and filled it with water to the point where it was overflowing, you let your shoulders relax. You leaned with your back against the kitchen island and sighed, before taking the biggest swig of your life.
“Can’t sleep?”
A disembodied voice startles you, briefly making you choke on your water as you whip your head around to see who it was coming from.
“Fuck, Ash— scared me…” you mumble sheepishly, wiping a bit of water that had dripped down your chin.
“Sorry, sorry. I probably should’ve made myself known when I saw you coming down.”
Your eyebrow lifts as Ashton starts to approach the kitchen island where you were standing, “You’ve been down here the whole time?”
Ashton nods, stretching his arms up behind his head. “Yup. Been down here for like an hour now. Couldn’t sleep.”
“Mmm, same.”
An awkward, yet peaceful silence falls between you and Ashton as you continue to take large sips out of your cup. He eyes down the sweaty glass, passing it to look down at your sleep shirt and pajama shorts.
You cross your arms and stare at him with that same intrigue, scanning over his unbuttoned flannel and accompanying black sweats. His bare chest was exposed and slightly sunburnt, which mostly everybody had gotten brute of today while out by the lake.
“Since when did you listen to Guns N’ Roses?”
You scoff down at his mention of your old thrifted t-shirt, “Since you decided that not wearing sunscreen in 90 degree weather was a good idea.”
Ashton chuckles quietly, tousling his hair with his hand and mocking your crossed arms and posture.
You laugh for a moment, chewing the inside of your cheek contemplatively. It had to have been at least 3:30 by now. Getting sleep was definitely one of your top priorities, but Ashton seemed like he was awake for the long haul.
Sleep was imminent, although you didn’t really mind some alone time with him. Something about Ashton and your long-standing friendship left a little swirl in your stomach. You’ve always had the tiniest crush.
“Want some?” You break the silence by swirling your cup, ice clinking against the sides of the glass. He seemed tantalized by your offer, and took the glass without a word.
He raised it with grateful eyes before taking a sip, then finished it all in one gulp. Your jaw dropped slightly at how quickly it disappeared.
“Hey,” you whine, “I said some. Not the rest of it!”
“Oh c’mon, Y/N. We’ve got a tap with unlimited water and about six ice trays in the freezer. I could easily pour you another.”
You shake your head in mock distaste, and start to walk away from the kitchen into the living room area. “No thanks. I’m not thirsty anymore.”
Ashton chuckles from behind you not long before the tap starts running again.
“Suit yourself.”
Now that you were fully awake and alert after Ashton had scared the life out of you, you weren’t sure where to place your restless body. You figured that sitting on the couch and staring at the ceiling may help you get that tired feeling back.
“I’m thinkin’ about staying up to watch the sunrise,” Ashton blurts, his voice growing closer to the couch.
“But, aren’t you tired? I’m fucking exhausted.”
“You woke up at 11 this morning. You got a lot more sleep than I did.”
Your eyebrows furrow as he continues to walk around the coffee table, looking as though he was about to sit himself down next to you on the cushion. “The sun makes me tired.”
“Everyone’s different, I guess.”
Ashton’s words felt backhanded, yet you didn’t have the energy in you to care. He sat himself down next to you with a fresh glass of water and now the only thing you could think about was how his flannel had fallen slightly off of his shoulder.
“You think you’re gonna sleep?” you ask.
“Nah. Probably not.” he replies.
“Cool. Me neither.” Your decision was final.
That silence from before carried over from the kitchen as Ashton took one long sip and finished his water in one sitting. Your eyes lulled closed, but it seemed that sleep was no longer an option.
“Wanna watch somethin’?” asks Ashton, voice raspy and quiet, as he leans forward to discard his glass onto the coffee table.
“Do we even get cable this deep in the woods?”
He laughs at your honest question, slinging his arm against the back of the couch and letting his hand rest behind your head.
Smooth move, Ash.
“Maybe not. But, I’m sure we could find something on demand. Probably some old black and white movie but, I actually kind of dig those.”
You can’t help but giggle and roll your eyes, nodding your head towards the remote as his smile mirrored yours.
“Put on whatever you find intriguing. But if I end up falling asleep, that’s nobody’s business but mine.”
In no time, Ashton had surfed through all movies dating back to the golden age of Hollywood, and eventually landed on A Streetcar Named Desire. You found the choice of such a dramatic movie to be odd for someone like Ashton. Then again, you only knew him so well.
“Have you seen this?” he asks you, settling back further into the couch and letting the cushion cradle his head.
You blow out a breath, trying to recall a time where you’d maybe seen Marlon Brando on your parent’s television yet failed to remember virtually anything about the plot.
“I think so—” your sentence is broken by a yawn, which brings Ash to snap his head away from the silver screen.
“You’re tired, aren’t you?”
“Psh, no. I’m staying up. That’s what I told you and I’m sticking to it.”
Ashton’s gaze flicked down your face, yet it was becoming harder to hold the eye contact as his illuminated features flickered beneath the television.
“Alright. Whatever you say.”
Silence passes as the movie begins, the titlecard rolling onscreen and earning another heavy yawn out of you. Your eyes felt heavy now, heavier than before.
Would falling asleep really be the worst?
Your eyes fluttered closed for a moment and as they fell, you could feel Ashton’s head tilt towards you. The hand that was beside your head on the back of the couch had slowly crept towards your hair.
Without any words exchanged, he begins to pet your head. Not in a strange way. But in a way that if he kept it up, you’d fall asleep and wake up in the morning with your body strewn across his lap.
“Feels nice…” you mumble lazily, your eyes still closed.
“Mmh, yeah.”
Dialogue began quietly funneling through the sound system and for some odd reason, you felt compelled to open your eyes. Ashton continued to stroke your hair, but when you expected to see him staring at the television, he was still just staring at you.
“Hm?” he jumps slightly, as if caught in some way.
“You’re looking at me.”
He shrugs. It was the most he could do.
“Don’t know what’s happening to me, but— you look really fuckin’ pretty right now.”
Heat swells the apples of your cheeks at his compliment. He did that thing, the one where a man stares at you through his unbelievably long eyelashes and hopes you’d get the memo simply by their eyes.
“Could it be the glow of the silver screen?” you tease, trying to ease up on the ever present tension that Ashton had created out of nothing.
“Could be.”
Something was swirling inside of the pit of your stomach that you couldn’t put your finger on. It could have been how late it was, or the fact that repressed emotions and feelings were making an appearance after the person you’ve had a tiny crush on suddenly expressed interest in you. Ashton was a flirt, but never to this extent.
He was hard to read most of the time.
Instead of feeling out-of-body by the contact Ashton was providing, you decided to embrace his gentle touch and the way his hand softly ran across your head. He had eventually made his way to your shoulder, mindlessly toying with the neckline of your t-shirt as he watched the movie.
You bite your lip, looking down at that muted and worn flannel he was wearing. Then letting your eyes, and mind, wander off and wonder what it would be like to run your palms across his smooth chest. A shaky breath leaves your throat, and catches his attention.
“You alright?” he asks, genuine concern flitting across his face as he catches his hand wandering.
“Huh—? Oh, yeah. I’m fine.”
The eye contact lingers. The triangle method is now in play. Eyes, eyes, lips. Eyes, eyes, lips.
“Anything on your mind at the moment?” Ashton quizzes, his words lazy and muffled.
“Mmmh, no. Not in particular. You?” You try to bounce back but lying was never your strong suit.
“I’ve got a thing or two on my mind, yeah,” he trails off, looking at the tv as his fingers drum against the couch cushion behind you, “Not sure how you’re feeling.”
This odd conversation spinning around the room was making you dizzy. If he wanted anything from you, which seemed obvious by his incapability to focus on the movie, you wished he’d be more honest.
“Tell me what’s on your mind, Ash.”
“Can I show you?”
Those viridian eyes were at it again. Eyes, eyes, lips. Eyes, eyes, lips. You were shocked at his ability to communicate with you without any words exchanged.
It all seemed to be happening in slow motion. Ashton maneuvered himself towards you delicately, as if you were made of porcelain and were to shatter at any given moment. Your back was suddenly flat against the couch and the speed in which it got there had you questioning reality.
Your lips attached and a collective sigh filled the room that was louder than any of the sounds encompassing this massive wooden fortress. Your hands tangled in Ashton’s hair as his flannel brushed against your sides and covered the both of you.
His broad palm cupped your face while he angled his knee between your legs, breathing deeply into the kiss and letting his tongue lead the way.
You could feel the warmth of his body engulfing you, something you’d never thought you’d feel in this lifetime. In your dreams, maybe, but it was just a stupid little crush. Maybe you’d fallen asleep on the couch, and this was your subconscious mind taking over.
But when his hand traveled from your cheek and rested at the base of your neck, you quickly realized that you were not fucking dreaming.
“This okay?” he mumbles, the words knocking against your lips and his hips dip down to grind against your core. It seemed as though he was about as eager to do this as you were.
“Mhm. Fine. Yes.” you blubber, coherent sentences getting lost somewhere in the room and hypnotized by how sweet his lips tasted.
He dips back into the kiss and you could feel him smile against you. It took everything inside of your body to keep your moaning to a minimum, but God, you couldn’t help it.
“You’ve gotta be quiet, hon’,” he giggles into your mouth again, before popping up briefly to stare you down with big, kelly green eyes, “Don’t wanna wake anyone up.”
You nod. Of course. How stupid of you. The last thing you needed was a story to tell your best friends around the campfire while Ashton did the same in another room.
How stupid.
The kiss continues, as does the path of your hands. You let your curiosity kill whatever cat was around and run your hands down his bare chest. You didn’t think fantasizing about it would actually lead you here but hey, it had felt as good as you’d imagined.
A groan rumbles through Ashton’s throat while your fingertips drag down his flesh. His hips seemed to have a mind of their own, occasionally grinding against your core and threatening to pull louder noises from you.
The hand that Ashton was using to hold himself above you had dropped to an elbow, and he slowly began to trail feathery kisses down your jaw and towards your neck. Your eyes shot open, and you just sighed. He sure knew how to press all of your buttons, and he was damn’ good at it too.
“Ash, no marks. Please. Don’t— wanna— have to explain.”
“I know, I know. I’ll keep my markings to a minimum.”
You could feel a catty smirk crawl across your neck, so you playfully whack his shoulder.
“Ashton. I said, no.”
“But you know you want ‘em. C’mon. What’s the fun of a group vacation without a little drama?”
His sultry voice gave you whiplash. He was right; you really wanted those marks. Even if it was just a hickey or two. Surely you could come up with some sort of bluff that would save the both of you from an awkward breakfast conversation.
You’ll worry about that in the morning.
“Fine. But don’t go crazy. I’m not good at lying.”
Ashton chuckles, brushing a rogue lock of hair behind your ear. “Did you forget who you’re dealing with? I’ve got the best poker face in the country.”
You roll your eyes at him, silently dismissing him yet excited for what he had up his sleeve. He began to leave little bites across the side of your neck and down towards your collarbone, occasionally replacing teeth with delicate open mouth kisses and darting his tongue out to wet the surface.
“Mmmh, you’re sweet,” Ashton groans, his breath tickling your chest, “Didn’t know you tasted so good. I could eat you right now.”
Your eyes widen at his random pillowtalk and double entendre, a ping of electricity shooting up your spine, “What?”
He hushes you quickly with his lips once more, the rhythm of his hips making you think that you were actually dreaming with how heavenly his rock hard dick felt pressing against you. But you didn’t want to go to any extremes.
You’d save those for that queen sized bed.
You didn’t realize that the soft whimpers and cries floating through the kiss were a little louder than what you thought they’d be, since Ashton had detached your lips to gaze at you scornfully and say only one word.
You nod, like a sad little puppy, and follow his instruction. You wanted to tell him how it felt too good to be quiet, but you didn’t want to cause any problems in which he’d need to carry you up to your bedroom and make you think about what you did.
God forbid.
As the two of you made out like you were the last two people on earth, Ashton’s hands wandered down towards the hem of your sleep shorts. You stop short, out of breath, and look at him with distaste.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, Ashton,” you whisper, making a point to trail your words against his ear and leave a gentle kiss at his earlobe.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
He then digs his hips down into your core again, you and Ashton moan in unison. The shock in your eyes at how loud the two of you sounded seemed to hit both of you at once. Frazzled faces morphed into smiles as he takes his hand and caresses your face.
“Y’know, maybe we should pick this back up another time.”
You groan indignantly, but couldn’t help agreeing with him.
“A time where we don’t have to be so quiet?”
He nods, turning it into a shrug, “Or maybe tomorrow. Either works.”
You bite your lip, still bewitched by the taste of his tongue and the slow movement of his hips. You didn’t want to give it up. But if there were promises of continuing this tomorrow, you couldn’t really complain.
“Should we just go to bed then?” you ask, running your palm down his chest again with your bottom lip tucked between your teeth.
“I’d prefer not to leave the couch.”
“Why not?”
“This seems like a perfectly good place to fall asleep. Plus, my bed upstairs wouldn’t have you already in it.”
Still unable to argue with such a forgiving face, you sigh dreamily. Falling asleep on the couch with Ashton seemed like a bad idea in theory but then again, he was already shifting around you to get comfortable.
Plus, you wouldn’t want to give up the warmth of his body after finally getting a semblance of what it felt like to be so close.
When you and Ashton eventually find a comfortable position, his body behind yours and spooning you with his arm tucked against your stomach and your head resting along his bicep, you let your tired eyes hold the reins.
Falling asleep to the sound of his gentle breathing and elevated heartbeat had turned into an entirely new favorite thing of yours. Whatever was in the air tonight, from grabbing a glass of water to watching an old classic movie, you weren’t sure you wanted it to end so soon.
Oh, who cares. You’ll deal with that in the morning, too.
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cremecakess · 6 months
heyyy, if ur not too busy, can i request hcs of lilia vanrouge cooking...? i lowkey wanna see them descend into chaos lol
feel free to ignore/put off writing this :)
hello anon! firstly, i am so sorry i let this ask MARINATE in the ask box for like.... a long while... but sure! i kinda wrote this in a fic, so i hope you don't mind
word count: 500ish
as usual, more under the cut :)
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“Hello? Silver? Yuu? Is anyone here?” Lilia called out, to an eerily silent Diasomnia lounge. “Well, I made some soup for you guys, so feel free to drop by the kitchen to have some!”
Meanwhile, a certain silver haired student and a magicless prefect were hiding behind some couches, silently grimacing at each other.
“Silver!” Yuu whispered, “I thought you said you hid all the pots in the kitchen!”
“I did!” He whispered back, “Fath- I mean, Lilia-senpai must’ve found them!”
“Oh no.. what did we do to deserve this punishment…”
“Good thing Sebek and Malleus-sama are both out right now, or Sebek would’ve dragged us to try Lilia’s cooking by now…”
Glancing at their surroundings, Yuu decided that the coast was clear, and they could head back to Silver’s room. Oh how wrong were they…
“EVERYONE GET IN POSITION! WAKA-SAMA HAS ARRIVED BACK FROM MAGIFT PRACTICE!” Sebek yelled, bursting through the door, only to be met with radio silence.
“…” Malleus slowly walked behind him, confused at why there wasn’t a usual scurry of students lining up in formation.
Silver looked at Yuu, and with a defeated sigh, they both resigned from their hiding spots and rose to greet Malleus.
“SILVER! I EXP-“ Sebek’s voice was cut off with Lilia suddenly hanging upside down from the ceiling.
“Ah, Malleus, Silver, Sebek and Yuu! Where were you? Fu fu fu.. anyways I made some soup for you guys!” the fae cheerfully said, “Why don’t you come into the kitchen and try some?”
“I’m rather full as of now-“ Silver interjected, only to be met with Lilia dragging the four of them to the kitchen.
“Oh- no, no, I insist! I promise this soup is better than all of my other creations!” Lilia cheerfully responded.
Sebek was rambling about trying the legendary war general’s cooking with Malleus and Silver silently grimacing at the punishment they were about to endure. Who in their right mind would WANT to try Lilia’s abominations?
As soon as the five of them entered the kitchen, a foul odor was wafting through the room. Yuu silently wished that they never stepped foot into Diasomnia today, of all days. Even if they really enjoyed the company of Malleus and Lilia, this was pushing it.
Lilia returned to the group with a pot of… who knows what.
It was bubbling thickly with lumps of various miscellaneous ingredients, and if Yuu didn’t know better, they would’ve thought that they were in Alchemy class with Crewel, and Lilia was brewing some potion.
“Is it… burnt?” Malleus uttered with a start.
“Oh, my dear Malleus, you do wound me!” Lilia said dramatically. “This is a nutritious soup consisting of salmon, tomatoes, nuts, beans, yoghurt and celery! It has all the nutrients growing adolescents require!”
“Well, then, why don’t you try so-“ Lilia said, before he was interrupted by a loud clatter of a pot.
The pot filled with ‘soup’.
“Oh thank the Seven…” Silver quietly muttered before coughing awkwardly.
“Oh no! What a shame! I did put all my effort into making that….” Lilian lamented, “Luckily, I made an extra batch, just in case!”
“Oh no…..” Yuu and Silver groaned in unison.
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i'm trying out a new layout, hopefully its working...
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mxdarling · 1 year
[“You’re so pretty when you smile.”]
•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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ೃ⁀➷: summary: some students couldn't accept you enter this college with no magic, luckily deuce is there to your rescue!
ೃ⁀➷: Word count: 884
ೃ⁀➷: Reference/Inspiration: N/A
ೃ⁀➷: Event: [200 followers event]
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[note:] If there is anything else triggering here that I didn’t list in the warnings section, please tell me. I don’t condone this type of behavior, this is merely just for entertaining purposes and some sort of coping mechanism for me. If you continue to read beyond this point, ignoring my warnings, I am not responsible for your actions from here on out.
[Warnings:] bad oneshot, lowercase, maybe occ deuce, slight spoilers for prologue, yandere behavior, implied insomnia, violence, mentions of blood, bullying, mentions of deuce's delinquent era, overprotective behavior, implied burnt out, slightly naive reader, people pleaser/'yes' man reader, not-so-strong reader.
[GN reader.]
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :Deuce spade;
it wasn't easy being a magicless student in a magic revolved college, hell it wasn't easy being in a unknown world! you're practicably a stranger here in twisted wonderland. luckily for you, your (best) friend, DEUCE SPADE is there to back you up. sure your first meeting of each other wasn't exactly the best. considering you've only met each other due to ace being a coward and running away from his supposed punishment but you aren't ungrateful for it. that said interaction lead to you guys being the bestest of friends. you wouldn't have it any other way really.
today hasn't been that great for you. first, you woke up slightly later than usual, insisting to snooze in just for 5 minutes, turned into 10 minutes, turned into rushing out your dorm and just spriting to the school grounds. barely even made it to class, you probably looked like a mess when entering the classroom but you were simply too tired to care. dragging your tired self to your assigned seat, placing your head on the table, putting a random book in front of you. hoping your professor wouldn't be notice you sleeping in class. not that it matters anyways you couldn't sleep. the words of your professor went from one ear to the other. wait, did he say there's gonna be a quiz next week? oh god... you're gonna fail his class for sure..
the rest of today felt like a blur, you couldn't remember much of what happened. honestly it just felt like a repeat of yesterday and the day before yesterday. it was just another uneventful week day. was. you don't think you could call it uneventful after that.
you can't really recall how these incidents follow up to the situation you're in. some students in night raven college were still, precisely speaking, 'pissy' about your whole arrival to school. you know you can't help what other people think about, its something out of your control, you know that. yet you can't help but try to change their views on you. most of your efforts end in failure, sadly. but you refuse to give up, not yet at least!
the whole reason why you try to help anyone who needs it. sometimes borderlining doing everything to help this said person. it's unhealthy, your friends have told you countless of times, but bad habits die hard and you're still adjusting to this new world. surely nothing too bad would happened because of this, right....?
apparently, that was very much wrong. you curse your impulsivity for saying 'yes' with little hesitation in wanting to help your classmate with their homework. they asked you so nicely too, unlike some other students who just demand you to do it for them. you were a fool, truly. you didn't think it was a trap to get your alone and cornered at a place where no one really checks very often. you're backed against a wall with no other exists except the one that is being blocked by your classmate.
you stood no chance against them, it was clear as day. you weren't exactly physically strong nor do you have any experience of being a fight before. you shakingly put your arms in front of your face, closing your eyes and bracing yourself for heavy impact yet nothing came. in fact something touched your cheek instead. you slowly put down your arms and open your eyes to a scene you wish you didn't seen.
the classmate of yours all bloody up on the ground, you can even tell it's them anymore. then there's deuce, his right fist all bloody up, you would've assume he got injured haven't it been for your injured classmate on the ground. since when did he get here..? and how did he know you were here in the first place!? you were about to speak up but deuce beat you to it.
'prefect..? a-are you okay?? they didn't hurt you right!?'
he rushed to you with a concern look on his face. despite the violent responses he gave to your classmate, he was very gentle with you. poorly attempting to wipe off the blood from his hand on his uniform to avoid putting blood on you. he puts both his hands on your shoulders, looking you up and down to check if you had any injuries. not that you would have considering he had beaten the person before they took action but you can never be too careful, i guess. he, again, broke the silence once more to speak.
'w-why are you crying, prefect..? d-did something happened while i wasn't here..?'
you didn't even noticed tears were falling down, you tried to wipe them away but they just kept coming back. you knew deuce wouldn't hurt you, you were his friend since the start of first year. yet you can't help but let fear overtake you. you gently try to push him away from you but he wouldn't budge. instead he cupped your cheeks with both of his hands, wiping the tears that are falling down as a way to try and comfort you when really you don't want that comfort from him.
"i really can’t take it when you cry like that… smile for me, alright? you’re so pretty when you smile.."
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•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
[a/n; how do people write oneshots so good, i'm out here crying my eyes out on how do i make this look good😭😭. rushed ending? yes and i deeply apologize for it. my brain juice is definitely gonna run out istg. enough about me complaining, thank you anon for requesting deuce with #7 for the 200 followers event! it's been a while since i've written deuce before so this is kind of a refresher for me lol. sorry again this took awhile exams were taking place and i get real tired after answering them. good thing summer break is coming so more free time for me to write your guy's requests!]
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cheekyowldraws · 7 months
Series: Pokemon Horizons
Characters: Main plot: Friede, Murdock, Rockruff / Side plot: Diana, Liko, Roy, Mollie (Very minor part)
Murdock getting sick, but doesn't want to be a burden, so he tries to hide it. When everyone else finds out they get worried, resulting in Murdock having a panic attack, but Friede and Rockruff help him through it <3
Like every morning, Murdock wakes up at 5am so he can prepare breakfast. He doesn't mind getting up that early day by day if it means he will once again be blessed with the brightest smiles of everyone happily eating a good meal. What more could he ask for? However today he felt a bit more tired than usual and his body felt heavier "Am i getting old or what?" the cook jokingly asked himself trying to put those feelings and thought aside and focusing at the task beforehand. Murdock now went to the bathroom to do his morning routine and dressing up. He doesn't wear the most fancy clothes, but he still thinks a neat appearance is important. Concentrated and skilled he perfectly tied his deep red neckerchief in no time. One last glance into the mirror and he is ready to go...at least he thought he was until he noticed the dark circles under his eyes "I look like I haven't slept in days..." the chef goes a little closer to the mirror to have a better view about this whole situation and then let out a annoyed sigh. "Can't be helped...sure hope no one gonna see them" Right at this moment Rockruff rubbed it's head against the cooks leg to say good morning, still half asleep, trying to softly bark but failing and yawning instead. Murdock couldn't help but chuckle at this cute sight. He promptly went to scoop up the little puppy, gently petting its head "You know you don't have to get up with me" that ironic question earned the chef only another yawn. Knowing Rockruff wouldn't stay in bed even if he tugged the puppy back into it, he decided to grab Rockruffs favourite pillow and take it with them. Murdock silently opend the kitchen door and walked directly to the small stool, put the pillow on top of it and then gently layed Rockruff down on it, who gladly took the chance to make itself comfortable and with another yawn the little puppy curled up into a ball of fluff and doozed of again. The cook snagged a quick photo of this adorable sight. Pleased with the result Murdock put away his phone and then finally started what he was coming here for in the first place. He already knew what to prepare, because yesterday Roy convinced everyone to have pancakes today. Murdock agreed excited, already thinking about what toppings would be fitting. To satisfy the taste of everyone he decided to make different toppings, while also offering the tradional one with just a knob of butter and syrup. Berries came to his mind at first, they can be sweet, spicy or sour, making them perfect to suit everyone's taste. Knowing certain people would love something more hearty, he also added fried bacon on his To-Do-List. Now having everything figured out he wasted no time to make the pancake batter, humming a little tune. Some time passed and the kitchen was now filled with the scent of freshly made pancakes, mixed with freshly fried bacon. When Murdock was about to make the last pancake, he suddenly felt dizzy and his vision went blurry. Shortly after the smell of a slightly burnt pancake pulled him out of this state and he hastely took the pan of the stove. Luckily the pancake was still good to eat so the cook added it to the already existing stack and heaved out a relived sigh to clear his mind "Pweh that almost went wrong..." He closed his eyes inhaling deeply serveral times. His hands resting on the kitchen counter, supporting his weight. "Calm down and pull yourself together or you gonna make everyone worry..." Murdock then softly slapped his own face with both hands "YOSH!! Let's go! Everyone surley already waiting to get their stomaches filled" With that out of the way he proceeded to set up the dining table and with a joyully "BREAKFAST IS READY!" everyone was gathered around it in no time.
While Murodock was filling up the plates of everyone witha delicious pancake, Friede eyed his friend preciesly, feeling something was off. Immediatly noticing the dark circles underneath the cooks eyes. He knew Murdock well enough to know it would be a bad idea to ask him what's wrong in front of everyone so he decided it's best to wait until he can talk to him in private.
After a "Bon Appetit!" everyone started to stuff their faces, except Diana. Liko noticing her grandma not touching the food. "Are you feeling unwell?" she asked worried. Diana shaking her head "No I'm fine!" she replied to her granddaughter with a smile, what vanished promptly when she continued to speak "But I think someone else should be in bed rather than staying in the kitchen." After a short pause everyone now were staring at Murdock. Who, to his misfortune didn't realized that at first and kept eaiting, looking unfocused and absent-minding did just reinforce Dianas statement. The unusual and aprupt silence snapped the brown-haired man back from his thoughts and he nervously looked at everyone "I..is something wrong...?!" he truly had no idea why everyone was staring at him like that...Oh no did he fuck up the pancakes after all? Was the first thing that come to his mind "Is...is something wrong with the food or...?" but everyone kept silently staring and that made him so unbelieveable uncomfortable that he felt the urge to just leave the room.
"Are you okay?" Friede finally asks breaking the silence. Looking at Murdock with a soft but worried face. "Huh? Why are you asking?" Murdock countered with a question, like he had to defend himself. "You weren't responding to us until a minute ago" the professor didn't liked to pressure his best friend like that, but he thought it's best if he is the one asking further, after Diana already brought this up. The cook now starts to sweat a little and his heart beating a bit faster. "Well I'm....just a little bit under the weather I guess Ahaha" He awkwardly was rubbing the back of his head. "You should really rest if you arent feeling well" Liko said with a worried look on her face. "Liko is right! My grandpa always got mad at me when I didn't stayed in bed when I was sick" Roy agreed. Murdock started to sllightly panic now, his pulse rising, his breath getting unsteady. "I can't enjoy the delicious food you prepared without feeling guilty, knowing you made it while feeling unwell" Diana then added. Friede noticed that this was to much for Murdock, but before he could say anything, the cook suddenly stood up, not daring to look at anyone "S...Sorry I didn't want to worry you all, but I'm fine...it's probably just a mild cold thats all..." He then wanted to grab Rockruff to hug it, but the little puppy had other plans, instantly barking at him and biting his right hand pretty hard.
Everyone was shocked. Murdock got caught so off-guard that he fell backwards and landed on the floor, now sitting on his butt while holding the hand that just got bitten. He now fully started to panic. He tried to steadily breath in and out but to no avail, he was slighty hypervetilating instead, the blood pressure getting so strong that his vison and every sound was dimmed. He noticed Friede was talking to him, looking very worried, but he couldn't hear a word. The chef felt like drowning right now...He need to get out of here immediatly "S....So...Sorry I didn't wanted to cause you any trouble..I'm fine...I...just need some sleep so please excuse me" He avoids eye-contact and stood up so fast that he got dizzy, almost tripped, but still managed to leave the room on wonky feet. It all happend so fast that everyone else just stared at the closed door. Rockruff tried to run after his dad, but wasn't fast enough so it now stood before the closed door scratching at it desperately, pleading to get out. Friede promptly picked up the Puppy "You feel sorry biting him right?" He asked while gently petting its head to calm it down. A whimpering bark said it all and also the sad expression on its face. "He knows you didn't meant it...You just wanted him to rest, didn't you?" Rockruff sadly nodded. Liko and Roy then simultaneously ask "Did we say something wrong?! Is he now mad at us?" Friede looked at both kids. They had teary eyes and most likely felt guilty so he beamed a soft smile at them "Don't worry he absolutely isn't mad at you two or anyone else" his expression changed, now looking concerned "The only one he is mad at is himself" "Hmm? Why would he be mad at himself"' Roy is confused and so was Liko. Friede heaved out a sigh, thinking about how to best describe it shortly "It's a long story, but he easily feels like a burden if he can't be of service and it gets even worse when he realized that he made others worry about him" The professor paused for a second making a thinking face "Well it's complicated...but to make it short, he had to take care of his little sister like an adult while still being a child himself. Not being allowed to act like a child and having to deal with responsibilities not being appropriate for the age, traumatized him to the point that he is still is struggeling with it to this point. I gonna explain this more in detail at another time" the kids just nodded, still being worried "Ruff..." the Puppy let out sadly "Now excuse me I need to deliver his fave emotional support puppy to him"
"He most likely is having a panic attack right now, so try to calm him down, try to talk to him without pressuring him, just being by his side is already helping" the nurse instructed and Friede nodded in response "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that in front of everyone, but I thought it was necessary" Diana apologized. Friede softly smiled at her "It's okay, you coudn't know that this would be hard for him" The white-haired man than stared at the food and added "But I'm sure Murdock would be really sad if all this food would go to waste, so please continue eating" with a rather said smile he left the room and shorty after you could heard some running footsteps fading in the distance. Murdock somehow made it to his room, closing the door behind him he now was leaning against it. He felt lightheaded, his heart still racing, his mouth was completely dry and his chest hurted with every breath he tried to take in. Making his muscles tensing up even further. He manage to walk to his bed and then let himself fall to the floor, resting his back against it while gripping his chest tightly, trying to ease the pain. He felt so overwhelmingly anxious, the inabilty to breath properly made him hyperventilating, sweat poured down his face. He started to shiver and tremble more with every second that was passing. He didn't realized when he began to cry, he just wanted this terrible feeling to go away...Why can't he take in a breath without it feeling like his chest is burning up? He now sat there hugging his legs so hard that his hands started to feel numb. He was scared, the tears won't stop, the pain won't stop PLEASE JUST MAKE IT STOP he silently pleaded, his whole body trembling. Suddenly a warm and gently hand was slightly squeezing his, making him tense up at fist. At the same time he felt something fluffy pressing against his chest. His vision was still blurry so he coulnd't tell who was comforting him, but knowing someone was there made him feel safer. He now was able to slow down his breathing, getting it steadier with every breath, the unbeareable pain in his chest finally vanished, for the most part at least. Severeal minutes past before he could lift his head to actually check who was holding his hand. He was met with a warm smile from Friede. "Can you hear me again now?" he softly asked. "Yes" Murdock answered slowly, still feeling dizzy and also very exhausted. It took him a moment to realize what just happend "I'm sorry...I...I didn't wanted to cause any trouble...I'm" he tried to apologize but got interupted by Friede "You are not a burden you know?" Murdock froze for a moment before he kept apologizing "But...I made everyone worry just because I couldn't admit to myself that I'm feeling unwell..." tears started to form in his eyes again. The next thing he knew was that Friede pulled him into his embrance, gently stroking the back of his head "Shhh...it's okay to get sick and need to rest. No one is gonna hate you for that or thinks you causing problems. We all just want you to take it easy and get well again." The cook couldn't hold back his tears and now was clinging to his best friend, heavely sobbing. Friede kept stroking the other mans head until Murdock seemed to have calmed down again. He then helped the bigger man to properly sit on his bed instead of the floor, who was now hugging Rockruff. The little puppy still felt bad about biting Murdock, so it kept licking his hand. But the cook was stopping it, petting Rockruffs head gently "I'm not mad at you. It was your way of telling me I should take care of myself, wasn't it?" the chef softly stated, getting licked at his face now as respond. "Stop that's tickling." Murdock let out a small chuckle before silently glaring at Friede several times until words finally left his mouth "Thank you." the cook hastely averted his gaze, still feeling a bit guilty
"I'm glad I could help you." a brightly smile formed on Friedes lips, motivating Murdock to smile himself, even if it came off a bit uncertain. "So now that that's done you probabaly should lay down and sleep." while the professor was saying this he already guided his friend to lay down and tugged him under the sheets. Rockruff also making itself comfortable right next to Murdocks chest. Friede lightly squeezed the other mans hand once more before getting ready to leave the room, but was stopped by a hand clasping his wrist. "P...please don't go" Friede could tell that Murdock sounded scared, no wonder after such an emotional dragging situation he went through. "Don't worry I will keep you company until you fell asleep." sitting down at the side of Murdocks bed, holding his hand again, feeling a soft squeeze in return. It didn't take long until he heared a soft snore. "He must have been really exhausted" Friede softly whispered to himself, while cherishing the now peaceful smile on Murdocks face.
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aita-blorbos · 11 months
AITA for murdering a deity?
So I had a really rough home life. My brother was the golden child and my dad gave him everything even though we were poor. I would've asked my mom for help but she died when I was young.
One day when I was like 9 these men broke into our house and killed my family. Luckily I was out getting food when they came so I survived. After getting over my depression I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and did anything I could to survive. I had to pretend to be a boy because women aren't allowed to get anything done. I lived in a monastery for a while until it was burnt to the ground for disobeying. Luckily I survived. I worked my way up in the political sphere and danced around the upcoming war. I was able to get close with the higher ups by becoming a general and winning a few "impossible" battles.
During my struggle I found out that I have the powers of a god. The deity that the emperor served and I had the same powers, except his came in a different color.
I learned early in life that to ensure my survival I had to fight. I have fought tooth and nail to get where I am today. I came so far. I struggled so much. But it made me strong. Strong enough to do what needs to be done. And if I needed to become the new deity of the realm I would do it. And I did. After getting rid of the existing one.
My girlfriend is judging me hard but it was necessary. I had no other choice if I wanted to survive. So I want to know what you think. AITA?
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madegeeky · 5 months
Let me preface this by saying, no one got hurt and nothing else caught fire which is alarming to hear, I know, but less alarming than me just blurting out:
So our dishwasher caught fire last week. >.<
We were running it early. I was in the living room (which is right next to the kitchen) and Mr. Geeky was in the kitchen. We had turned the dishwasher on earlier than normal because it kept getting stuck at specific part in the cycle and we wanted to see it happen.
So, suddenly from the living room, I hear a pop/crack noise and a "oh shit" and a cabinet being slammed open and an absolutely horrific smell of burning plastic and Mr. Geeky comes out of the kitchen and goes "The dishwasher caught fire." And I was just like O.o
And he's not being dramatic, he was far enough away he could see a little under the dishwasher and there were literal flames. Luckily, the dishwasher has a kill switch so he turned it off immediately (its in the cabinet under the sink which is why there was the sound of the cabinet being slammed open).
It smelled awful, y'all. Fortunately, we were leaving for my Mom's the next day so we popped a window open, stuck a fan in it pointing outward, and put some mats and towels around it so any rain/snow wouldn't end up on the wood and left.
We got back yesterday and, good news, we no longer want to die going into the kitchen. Bad news, there is still definitely a smell despite it being a week. We've removed any melted/burnt parts we've can and have tried scrubbing the parts we can't removed to try to get off any extra burnt bits we can.
I am hopeful that the smell is coming from the dishwasher so once that is removed (later this week) the smell will be gone entirely. My fear is the smell has gotten into the walls or the floor in a place that will be impossible to get to once the new dishwasher is installed. And they are removing the old and installing the new one at the same time (which makes sense).
So later today I'm going to go sniffing around and see if I can smell it particularly strongly on the wall or something. Since the smell is coming from the bottom of the dishwasher there's not much point to trying to smell the floor but I'll probably still try anyway.
Y'all, it seems weird to say this, but we were so lucky. We normally turn the dishwasher on right before we go to bed (so it runs while we sleep) and we usually turn on the dishwasher right before leave to my Mom's (so it runs with our last minute dishes after we leave). We only had it on cause it was acting just a little wonky and we wanted to be there to see what was happening.
Mr. Geeky says that it wouldn't have caused a huge fire or anything but holy shit, y'all, can you imagine waking up or coming home to whatever the fuck it would have been like if Mr. Geeky hadn't been there to put it out within seconds of it happening?
So I guess salute to the universe for being cool enough that if this was going to happen, making sure it happened while we were here and awake.
And huge fucking salute to Mr. Geeky for having the fucking reflexes of a ninja cause I don't think it took even 10 seconds for him to see the fire and then turning off the dishwasher.
Anyway, cross your fingers that the smell is only in the dishwasher and leaves when it's removed.
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realmermaid333 · 2 years
Saltwater Heals Wounds
    Katniss anxiously fumbles with her hands as she stares out the window of the train. She tries to focus on the whirring of the steel vehicle cutting through the air and the scenery flashing by, but nothing could distract her from her nerves. 
    Peeta, likely noticing her visibly uneasy body language, takes her hand in his, “Katniss. It’s going to be fine,” he assures her with a grin.
    Even Peeta’s comforting presence, gentle touch, and kind eyes can’t ease her anxiety. She hasn’t ridden a train since she returned to District 12 after the rebellion and Snow’s death. Two and a half years after the war, the truth was now out about Coin, and people understood why Katniss chose to kill her instead of Snow. Since then, Katniss was no longer exiled in District 12, she could ride trains to other districts without supervision if she pleased– although she would never leave 12 alone anyways. 
   Today however, Katniss was going to make a very difficult trip– she was going to District 4 to see her mother. 
    Katniss hasn’t seen her mother since Prim died, a tragic, anguished reunion, with her skin burnt and her mind under a haze of morphling. After the war, her mother, Clara, went to District 4 on a train filled with supplies and other migrants, returning to 12 was out of the question for her. She could not bear to face the ghosts of her town, her loved ones, her community– and District 12 was quite the ghost town, especially back then. But somehow, no one thought it would bother Katniss to live in the ruins of what once was her home. So she was forced to live with it.
    Katniss and Clara had a strained relationship ever since Katniss’s father died, and while Katniss was always a bit closer with her father, she and her mother once had a very strong bond. She frequently, and with great sorrow, reminisces memories with her mother, memories of helping her cook, lying on her lap, her fingers gingerly stroking Katniss’s hair, braiding it, the way her mother’s face lit up when her father came home from the mines. But the day he died, a part of Clara died with him. 
    She fell into a deep depression, she couldn’t get out of bed, she was in a trance that Katniss and Prim could not break. After that, Katniss was all alone. Suddenly she was an eleven year old adult, the one who had to provide food for her family, parental guidance to Prim, and to herself. She resented Clara for that, and after the war and losing Prim, Katniss resented her for not asking that they go to District 4 together, for leaving Katniss all alone in 12. 
   Although she, luckily, had Haymitch, who at this point was like her second father, she yearned for her mother. And she never forgave her for leaving.
    And until recently, she didn’t know if she ever would. But here she was, roughly an hour from her arrival at the District 4 train station, her uneasiness only growing more severe. She was afraid to face her mother after more than two years, she was afraid of the pain it would entail. Katniss and Clara spoke on the phone every once in a while, short, tense check-ins, but they haven’t seen each other’s faces. 
    What would her mother look like now? Has she aged a lot? Aging made Katniss nervous since, until more recently, she did not think she’d ever need to worry about getting old, and she didn’t think she’d be alive when her family died of old age. Her mother was a doctor now, she was neighbors with Annie, Finnick, and their son Bennet, and she had other friends too. She must be better than she was before, right? 
    After hours of internal turmoil, Katniss decided to tell Peeta how she was feeling, he always understood her, and Dr. Aurelius told her she needed to be more honest, “Peeta?”
“Yeah?” He looked at her with concern, his eyebrows raised. Katniss loved how caring he always was. 
“I think I am afraid of the ways my mom might be different. I don’t know her anymore.”
    Peeta turns towards Katniss and wraps his arms around her, “Do you think maybe different will be good?” 
    She considers this for a moment, that the difference could be positive, that maybe her changes are nothing but improvement.
“Maybe she's better now, happier,” Peeta adds, kissing her cheek. He has always been the most optimistic, always the one keeping the hope alive. 
“Maybe,” She will find out soon, since there is less than 30 minutes left until they arrive. 
    Finally, the train comes to a halt, the two of them look out the window to confirm what they already know is true, they’ve reached their destination. Katniss’s stomach ties into a knot. She tries to focus on the fact that she gets to see Annie, Finnick, and little Bennet while she is there. However her excitement cannot mask her nausea. 
“It’s time,” Peeta says with a smile, trying his best to reassure her. 
“It’s time,” Katniss echoes, walking hand in hand with Peeta through the train doors and onto the platform. 
    Clara told Katniss she would meet her at the platform when the train arrived. Her and Peeta scan the small crowd of people as they step off the platform. Katniss takes in the smell of the salty, sea breeze from the ocean nearby, the cool air makes her shiver. She remembers Finnick once telling her it was colder by the water when she asked him to describe home, he was most definitely right. 
    Neither of them spotted Clara yet, the suspense was killing Katniss, her heart raced as she waited for what felt like many minutes– until she saw her. 
    Her and her mother’s eyes met, Katniss’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, and Clara simply smiled. She hadn’t aged much since Katniss last saw her, if anything, she looked younger. Her blonde hair was much longer than it was when they departed, her skin was no longer sickly pale. She looked vibrant, healthier, and happier, just like Peeta predicted. 
    Peeta tugged on Katniss’ hand as he guided her forward, which Katniss was very grateful for as she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to do it on her own. Somehow, after surviving two Hunger Games and a war, Katniss was frightened to face her own mother. 
    The couple approached the strikingly changed woman, “Hello, Clara,” Peeta stated kindly. 
“Hello, Peeta,” she responded. 
    She looked at Katniss, “Hello, love,” Clara’s eyes began to water at the sight of her daughter. 
    She opened her arms out to Katniss, offering a hug that she desperately hoped she’d accept. 
    Katniss did not know until this moment that a hug from her mother was what she needed the most. 
“Hi,” she said as she leaned into Clara’s arms, accepting the hug. 
    Katniss had no idea how much she craved this hug, but despite her longing for her mother’s affection, she pulled apart after a moment. She didn’t want to get her hopes up and be disappointed once again. She figured it would be best to keep her mother at arm's length for now, not just metaphorically. 
    Clara took Peeta and Katniss to her home, a small house by the ocean shore. During the rebuilding of District 4, more houses and shops were built. Clara wanted to live by the ocean because she’d never seen it before her arrival in 4, and she fell in love with it instantly. She lived in a community living space with other medical personnel and students at first, but once houses were built she was able to move into one near the water, and she was near Annie, Finnick, and their son Bennet. 
    Her home is modest, clearly meant to house one person or maybe a childless couple. It consists of a bedroom, a living room and kitchen, and a bathroom. Clara shows them their bed she made on the couch and offers them tea. The tea was mint, the same mint tea she used to make for Prim and Katniss back home. The warm, minty liquid brought a bittersweet nostalgia over Katniss as she sipped it from the mug. 
    For the first few hours of the visit, Peeta was the one who kept the conversations going, Thank god for Peeta Katniss thought to herself. She stayed out of the conversations for the most part, which was not abnormal for her as she’s a naturally quiet person, but her silence was mostly attributed to the fact that she did not know how to talk to her mother, she felt so alien to Katniss. She silently watched as Peeta and her mom conversed about their lives. 
    Peeta told Clara the latest stories about Haymitch’s geese, about his favorite pastries to bake, his paintings, and he got Katniss to awkwardly tell a story about a fight she got in with a fox over a rabbit. Clara talked about her experiences being a doctor, how much she enjoyed it and how happy she was to dedicate her life to healing people. She also started knitting again, a hobby she enjoyed up until Prim’s death. She now occasionally gifts knitted sweaters and blankets to her patients and sells knitted items at the market from time to time. 
    The three of them made a dinner of halibut, rice, and mushrooms, well, mostly Clara and Peeta. Katniss had never had halibut before, and she thought it was delicious, but she could not bring herself to enjoy her food as much as she usually would when trying something new. 
    After dinner, Clara asks Katniss if she would like to go on a walk with her on the beach. She asks Peeta if it is alright that her and Katniss go alone– and Peeta of course said yes. 
    Katniss feels her stomach tie in a knot again, she knows what type of conversations will happen on this walk– the very thing she dreadfully anticipated. She and Clara reluctantly leave the small house and make their way to the sandy shore, both unsure of how to talk to each other. 
    The beginning of the walk consisted of an awkward, but somehow equally comfortable, silence. Katniss felt a little more at ease after hearing her mother talk about herself, she seemed to be the most mentally stable and happiest she’d been since before dad died. But a selfish and retributory part of Katniss was upset that her mother was doing so well without her. Did she even miss Katniss at all? 
Finally, Clara broke the silence, “I’m sorry, Katniss.”
    Just as she’d feared, her mother apologized. She didn’t want her pity, she didn’t want to even let her finish. She wanted to push her mom away again like she always did, but she also wanted to let her mom make things better. So, she didn’t stop her. She turned her head and met her eyes. 
“I am sorry that I wasn’t there for you all those years. That I didn’t give you the love and attention you needed and deserved. I am sorry that you had to provide for Prim and I at such a young age, I should have been the one taking care of you. You were a little girl… you needed me and I let you down,” she sighs sharply, “You did not deserve all the tragedy you experienced at such a young age,” she wistfully states. 
    Katniss did not expect her mother’s words to have such an impact on her, she had always avoided showing any emotion around her mother, especially tears. But despite her efforts to hold them in, the tears fell, and she decided that this time she was going to let herself cry. 
“Why did you let me go to 12 all by myself,” she sniffles, “You didn’t go with me or – tell me you– were going to go to D-District 4– You didn’t try to take me with you– they made me g-go back,” the sniffles became sobs as her anger and feelings of abandonment and despair overcame her. 
    Clara’s face wears a look of pure guilt and sadness as saltwater falls from her eyes, “I-I have no excuse. I should have stayed with you, I should have been stronger for you. But Prim died and I felt like I’d lost myself again… I was afraid to face you. I was afraid I’d disappoint you. I knew you’d need me to be strong, and I knew I couldn’t be strong enough for you. So I felt it was better to not be there at all than to fail at being there for you again. I was wrong, so wrong. I’ve missed you so much. I am sorry, Katniss. I hope one day you will find it in yourself to forgive me, but it is okay if you can’t,” she says, her eyes squeezed tightly shut.
    Katniss sits with her feelings for a moment, feeling like a small child. As much as the angsty nineteen year old in her wants to get angry, to tell her mom she’d never forgive her, that she didn’t need her– the child in her knew she did. Katniss needed her mom, she wanted her mom. More than anything else, she wanted her mom to hold her. So she finally listened to the little girl in her and gave into her needy impulses.
    She leapt forward and tightly wrapped her arms around her mother’s waist. She hugged her back, caressing her hair just like she did when Katniss was a little girl falling asleep. 
    Clara held her crying daughter in her arms, and together they weeped, tears gliding down their faces like waves across sand. They weeped enough that they could probably refill the ocean with their very own saltwater, salty tears of guilt, grief, sadness, and for once, joy. 
    For the first time ever, Katniss thought that, maybe, just maybe, her and her mother could be close again. Perhaps they could be a family. 
    As the sun set beyond the offing, Katniss’s doubts and grudges went down with it, falling into the abyss behind the skyline. 
Fun fact: I did not make up the name Clara, the actress who plays Mrs. Everdeen actually named Katniss’s mom that!
Also; in the little Hunger Games universe I’ve made up in my head, Finnick is alive. I went back and forth on whether or not to have him alive in this story and I went ahead and decided to be canon-defiant muhahahaha
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izukuwus · 1 year
Edible Arrangements 34
First - Prev - Next - M.list - Ao3
A/N: sorry this is running late! I had like three assignments due today and I've been in a depressive rut for like three months so I totally thought I just needed to edit a chapter and post it today. turns out that was the last chapter in my bank and it was only halfway written so AFTER taking an exam I haven't done any coursework for (and kicking ass fuck yeah) and writing a 1k word essay I also hadn't done anything for and also playing stardew valley bc of who I am as a person I finally got the time today to bust out the rest of the chapter! this is more lightly edited than usual due to time reasons. anyways rant over! here's the chapter!
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Chapter Summary: Fuck yeah axe throwing and heists!
Warnings: uhhh hospital and knife mentions
Word count: ~2500
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Holy fucking shit Tenya is insane. Holy fucking shit you love this.
Axe throwing. He took you axe throwing.
And holy shit, you’re living your best life.
The place does competitions between teams of two, and luckily, there was another pair hoping to fuck shit up on this fine Friday afternoon. They’re both younger, you think—at least, one is. The first, with bobbed brown hair, is definitely around your age—she smiles and waves as you approach. The other, you’re not able to be sure about, namely because she’s just some floating clothes. She’s invisible, apparently.
You wonder if you’d be able to see her features if she lied to you.
“Glad to see we’ve got another pair!” the brunette says as you and Tenya take point beside them. "This is fun, but I think it's a little more fun as a competition!" She's got a playful glint in her eyes. "I'm Ochako! And this is Tooru."
You nod. Tenya gives your names.
"Have you been here before?"
You have not. Tenya shakes his head for the both of you.
“Do you think they’ll be mad if I scream?” you ask as you inspect one of the throwing axes. “I’m going through some shit.”
Ochako laughs. “Go for it. Just try to make it sound more angry than in pain so they don’t freak out, and you should be good!”
Ochako and Tooru are great, as is Tenya. The girls give both of you pointers on good technique as the resident axe-throwing regulars, and you proceed to scream out your rage as you successfully hit a killshot on the target. It’s pure, violent delight, and even Tenya gets into it. By the time it’s over, Ochako and Tooru have thoroughly thrashed you (you silently write it off as the result of both you and Tenya having pretty heavily burnt arms) and you’ve walked out with both girls’ numbers and a group chat entitled “axing questions”.
And speaking of group chats, you haven’t looked at your phone except to get the chat set up since entering the axe-throwing venue. You almost feel light.
Tenya, for his part, is almost hands-off for once. Typically, he can't help but reach in to situations. You never fault him—it's who he's always been. But you can't say you don't welcome the way he's treating you now.
When at last you part ways with Ochako and Tooru, you return to shopping, and though the weird tightness in your chest remains at the thought of Tsuyu, you stick it out to go gift shopping for her. Her birthday's coming whether or not she pressed into something she shouldn't have, and honestly, by now you can't even remember what you were so upset about. You're just stressed about Izuku, is all.
Tenya takes you home when you've both secured your birthday presents for Tsuyu, and at the door, you pause. You wish you'd spent more time out of the house today. Confronting Izuku with everything going on is not something you're up for, and it's all you can do to hope he's still locked away in his office when you walk in. Tenya, sensing your hesitation, places a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"You're okay?" he asks.
You nod. "Yeah. I'll be okay."
"If you need to talk..."
He's watching you with this weird look on his face. Familiar. But weird. It's not an attempt to hide a lie, and anyway, you don't know why he would need to lie about offering help.
"Thanks. I'll keep you in mind."
"Um, [name]?"
He's still standing there as you pause with your hand on the doorknob. You wait, patiently, as he opens his mouth to speak, then closes it again.
"I... thank you for today. Truly."
"Are you alright, Tenya?"
He smiles. He doesn't glow. "Better than I have been in a long time. Don't let him worry you too much, alright?"
You smile thinly and nod. "Thank you for today. I think I needed this more than I realized. You've been distant since new year's, so I'm glad that whatever it is has cleared up. I don't think I could take you being mad at me, too."
He chuckles softly. "I could never."
He bids you goodnight, and you linger on the porch until long after he's gone, palm massaging a particularly itchy bite mark. The night air will be your comfort, if that is all you get to have.
This plan might possibly be ill-conceived.
It's funny; Neito never thought he'd question himself like this. Ever since his untimely death at the hands of his stepsister, he's been doing that plenty.
So now, every time he thinks back to tonight's plans, he finds himself preening. Smoothing out a shirt, then deliberately re-wrinkling it just to do something with his hands as he goes over it again and again.
"You're going to drive yourself insane like that."
He snorts softly. "And you're going to drive yourself insane worrying so much about me."
Itsuka leans against the door frame, hands clenched into fists. Normal-sized, thank god. "It's not like you don't give me reason to worry. I feel like a mother, and I'm not even out of college yet."
"Now, now, there's plenty of mothers in college. You know one of them, she brings her infant to our—"
She rolls her eyes. "I get it. You're obnoxious."
"Isn't that what siblinghood is all about?"
"Your guess is as good as mine."
He can work with standoffish. The words are coming easier to him. Even just the one session with Dr. Fuyumi seems to be doing its work well, given that he and Itsuka are actually talking.
"You do realize how stupid this plan of yours is, right?"
"Isn't it?" He smooths out the cotton undershirt over the table once again. "But I think it's all we have."
"Did you try asking her for the records?"
"What good would that do? If she said no, not only would we be at square one, but she'd be more vigilant. She'd know to keep an eye out for missing records, and she'd know who'd taken them when she noticed them gone. Like this, she has no reason to suspect anything."
She sighs. "I get it, but... this is illegal, you know?"
"A lot of things are illegal. But you know, many ethical theorists agree that the most moral action ignores the concept of justice in favor of—"
"Oh my god, do not talk to me about philosophy. Just... this is me, trying to talk you out of it. And if you and your friends get caught stealing the therapy records of one of your classmates, I'm going to tell the police that I tried to talk you out of it. So just, do me a favor and pretend like I've talked you out of it. If you go out and do it anyway, I don't want to hear about it. So if the cops ask, I'm not involved, you're my stepbrother and you're crazy and I honestly thought I talked you out of this stupidity. Got it?"
"Aw," he teases, "I'm glad to have your blessing."
The smack to the back of his head is well worth it.
The receptionist isn't cold, but she's not talkative, either. Hitoshi keeps his phone on his lap, waiting for the signal from Mina. Namely, for her to walk in through the door.
Tsuyu to Heist Crew at 6:32PM
Tsuyu: We're here. Hitoshi, heads up.
Hitoshi: cool. no cameras in here. I love patient privacy rights.
Tsuyu: I'm sure you do.
He glances up from his phone at the receptionist, who's hard at work with some stack of papers at her desk. One deep breath. Another.
This is for you.
"Hey, where's the bathroom?" he asks.
"Oh, it's down the—" She chokes on the words, face going blank.
Hitoshi: come in.
"Stay in your seat and close your eyes." A precaution.
The girls file in quickly, gloves already in place. Hitoshi snaps his own onto his hands.
"Give me your keys to the building."
The keys wait in her palm. He takes them carefully, and the trio strides into the back of the office.
It couldn't have been better-timed. Neito's appointment was the last of the day, which meant no distractions. No risks.
"Tsuyu, you check the receptionist's computer. Mina, with me. We're going to search the file room," he whispers. Several nods, and they're sliding down the hall.
Dr. Fuyumi Todoroki likes to keep files on paper. It was a nice quirk for Neito to notice during their first session: she wrote every single thing down. According to Neito, corroborated by both Mina and Tsuyu, you started attending therapy right around two years ago. Mina takes the filing cabinet labeled "2047", and Hitoshi beelines to "2048", to cover both potential years.
And it's easy. It's almost too easy. He finds a file with your name on it, calls off Mina and Tsuyu, and slaps the entire thing into the copier. With the copies in place, stapled, your file is returned, and then everything is locked back up. They slide out of the back, Tsuyu joins them, and then Hitoshi is handing the keys back to the receptionist. "Put these back in your desk drawer and close the door."
When she obeys, Mina and Tsuyu walk out with the copied file in hand. Only then does Hitoshi give his last command. "Forget you ever saw me or these two."
There's the subtle twitch of the expression, and then he walks out the door. When he's sure every sign of them is gone, he releases his hold and tells himself that this hasn't proven anything.
Hitoshi to Neito at 6:36PM
Hitoshi: hey, I'm going to wait at the cafe down the street. let me know when you're out of your appointment.
He pockets his phone. No sense waiting for a return text that won’t come.
The three of them hang out in said café as long as they can. Hitoshi nurses his coffee, watching with an approximation of amusement as Tsuyu does her damnedest to keep Mina from blurting about everything they just did. When a lull comes in the conversation, Tsuyu catches his eye.
“You’re a really quiet person.”
“I’m just tired,” he replies.
“Yes. Constantly.”
There’s a moment of pause, where she seems already to know whatever it is is running through Hitoshi’s mind. Honestly, he’s not even sure, until he’s saying it.
“It feels weird actually reading the notes we got,” he admits with a shrug.
She nods. “I feel like we have to. This won’t work if the notes don’t back up everything we say, right?”
“Not to be your resident killjoy, but we don’t know if it’ll work at all.”
“So we’re all clear?”
Hitoshi turns to see Neito, standing behind their table looking absolutely elated for someone who wasn’t even directly involved in pulling off their little heist. “Yeah. We got them. Get your vanilla latte or whatever and we’ll take a look to see if it’s any good.”
Neito pauses. “How did you know my coffee order?”
“Wow, that’s seriously it? You are easy to read.”
When Neito returns with his coffee, Hitoshi lays out the notes on the table. “We need to get our story straight with the notes. If even one detail is off, they’ll latch onto it and this whole thing falls apart.”
He wishes he’d made multiple copies of the notes. Luckily, Tsuyu and Mina needed a refresher more than anything, having been there, so the notes were mainly shared between Hitoshi and Neito as they laid out the details.
Regardless, they keep their heads down, their nose to the work, and they iron out every last detail until they’ve got a truth powerful enough to smash your thrall.
This better work.
You don’t know how long you sit on the porch. The night air is a comfort, and Izuku’s front door seems just so heavy tonight. So you sit. You breathe. You think of the fight with Izuku.
You don’t think you’re unjustified in wanting him to live. You don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask someone not to do something which might very well kill them, let alone to ask that of someone you care deeply for.
But… shit, you get it. He’s going after someone who destroyed everything he cared about. You have to understand that, and you do!
You continue to turn the “buts” over in your head, passing them back and forth until you’re dizzy with the effort to just stop being mad at Izuku.
“I really hate this,” you whine into the cold.
“Aw, that’s too bad!”
A shrill giggle.
The cold isn’t just in the air now. It’s in your blood, in your lungs, in the glint of metal in the hand of—
A man. He’s tall, ratty-looking, with features you can’t make out in the dark. It’s just as well—they’re dripping away into a far more familiar sight.
You’re not sure if the scream leaves your mouth or stays viciously stuck in your throat.
“So then we’re seriously doing this!” Mina chirps as they stride out of the café at last. “[name]’s gonna get all her memories back!”
“Seems like it.”
“When should we go talk to her? I know she’s been kind of down lately, but—“
Mina’s phone rings. She takes it out, glances at the caller, and, brows furrowed, answers it.
“Hey, what’s up?”
Surprise on her face morphs into trepidation. Trepidation morphs into horror. If a girl with pink skin could go pale…
“W-where? I’m with most of the others right now. Everyone but Tenya, actually…”
A pause. A nod. Hitoshi hasn’t even tried not to pay attention since she answered the phone.
“But why did… why did you call me?”
“…yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. Okay. Um… are they… how are they…”
“No, yeah, I’m okay! Yeah! I… I have to be, right? This isn’t the time to be… You know what, all of you. Walk with me. Tsuyu’s car. Now.” She gives an urgent look to Hitoshi and the others, and they each go along with it. Mina doesn’t drop the phone from her ear until she’s sat in the passenger’s seat and everyone’s buckled in, and even then, only to give Tsuyu the address to a hospital.
“When do you think she’ll tell us what’s going on?” Hitoshi whispers to Neito, who shrugs.
“I’m sure we’ll find out…?”
“Izuku, listen. They need you to breathe right now. We’re on our way. Have you called Tenya?” A pause. “Okay, I’ll call him. Tsuyu, is his place on the way?”
Tsuyu nods. “He’s not far from the hospital.”
“Stop to pick up Tenya.”
Tsuyu nods, knuckles white on the wheel. Mina goes back to her careful attempts to talk Izuku through whatever’s happened. The others in the car just have to wait to understand, apparently.
As though that’s fair to anyone.
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life-with-my-three · 7 months
I’ve been quiet on here. Life is going along. We’ve had a few bigger things happen in the last few months, weeks even, but in all honesty I’ve been so burnt out that even the thought of writing things down has been too much.
Fletch is really struggling with meltdowns at the moment. In the last few days we’ve had multiple big ones in public, where he’s screaming, hitting, kicking and just generally struggling.
We received the ASD assessment forms from his paediatric appointment today.
This morning when taking him to kinder he couldn’t find his dinosaur hat. This set off a mammoth meltdown. However long to get him into the car, and then he kicked me from behind and screamed the whole 20 minutes to kinder by which stage we were late. Drove around the car park 5 times, finally I saw the person getting into their car in what would be the best possible spot to tackle getting a screaming, thrashing Fletch, Harriet and her running tube feed, and Lucy out of the car and independently into the kinder.
There was no cars behind me so I stopped and waited. Just as the guy put on his reverse lights this guy pulled up behind me. Not even 20 seconds later just as I was about to drive into the spot, he pulls up next to me to block me and winds down his window. I have no idea what’s happening so I wind down mine and he launches into full on abuse. Which is great when you already having a kid kick you over and over and scream for the last 45 minutes. He constantly hauled abuse and could hear the chaos happening, and then yelled about putting my hazards on next time, and maybe I should have, but I can guarantee in those 20 seconds that didn’t cross my mind with everything going on. I pulled into the spot, somehow got all 3 into kinder. Fletch actually calmed and ran off to play. After this whole abuse scene Hattie hugged my leg and didn’t want to let go. One of the educators finally got her distracted to say bye.
I honestly felt miserable after the whole scene, so I took Lucy to the craft store and bought some things I’d needed.
Went home. Sent a whole bunch of life admin emails and made calls. Got a call from kinder saying Hattie was refusing to eat or drink (luckily we still have tube feeds/fluids to fall back on), that she was miserable and wouldn’t interact with anyone, even her BFF which is just unheard of. We were already picking them up early so we just stuck to this.
A few other things thrown into the mix today, but I am so sick of people.
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ladyhoneydee · 7 months
30 Day Song(fic) Challenge: Day 18
I hadn't thought I'd get this one done, but here's today's Song(fic) Challenge entry! The prompt was "A song you like from an artist who is no longer living", and after multiple hours of going through playlists and discographies, I eventually ended up on "Grapefruit Juicy Fruit" by Jimmy Buffet. Yes, I am just as shocked as you are that this is my second Jimmy Buffet song of the month.
Compared to my other works this month, this fic is primarily based more on vibes/tone of the song and only a few lyrics, as opposed to fitting the majority of the lyrics, which I found surprisingly freeing! Additionally, this fic is brought to you by the fact that I just completed the Lurelin pirate quest in TotK today, and it just felt right to stick Link in the part of the game I myself ended at.
on a beach somewhere (listless and lovelorn)
Game: Tears of the Kingdom
Pairing: Zelink
Word Count: 856
Keywords: melancholy, lonely, introspective
Of course, he couldn’t leave Lurelin, even when the job of pirate-slaying was done. Not when there was a promise of healing the scarred village, of rebuilding the charming huts he’d visited so often with Zelda. Of helping the Lurelin diaspora return to their homes.  Everyone deserved to be able to go home.
Read the fic on Ao3, or under the cut!
Ocean water, still warm from the sun beating on Lurelin’s shallow bay all day, rushed up and over Link’s ankles before draining back in a motion that felt like it was pulling him ever so slowly further into the surf. He could feel it leaving debris clinging to his feet and legs—sand, mostly, but also small, dark particles he knew to be pulverized chunks of charcoal from Lurelin’s burnt buildings. They scraped, ever so slightly.
If Zelda were here, she might have commented on how they acted as an exfoliator, how charcoal was actually beneficial for the skin and even teeth.
Link raised his fermented palm fruit cider to his mouth, and took a long, deep swallow.
It was his third day in Lurelin, his fourth night. He’d arrived as the village fell into darkness, and eliminated one lone monster after the other when possible; whole camps at once when it wasn’t. He snacked on the roasted fish he stole from their fires. He napped between kills to keep his strength up. Even when the sun rose, he doggedly continued around the crescent moon of the village, finishing with the pirate ship in the bay. He’d been worried about the silver boss bokoblin, but between the two muddlebuds he’d fired onto the deck and the six shots from his savage lynel bow as he launched himself from the upper deck, it had gone down easier than his tropical beverage currently was.
Of course, he couldn’t leave Lurelin, even when the job of pirate-slaying was done. Not when there was a promise of healing the scarred village, of rebuilding the charming huts he’d visited so often with Zelda. Of helping the Lurelin diaspora return to their homes. 
Everyone deserved to be able to go home.
Link looked up into the heavens despite himself, at the galaxies reflecting on the sea that stretched out before him. Somewhere, on the other side of it, there was land, and people he’d never met and probably never would. He wondered if they’d ever heard tell of Hyrule’s Light Dragon in the last ten thousand years. Surely her story would have made it somewhere besides his own ears in all those lifetimes.
His gaze fell back to the surf, and he took another long draught of palm fruit cider.
He and Bolson had spent the last two days rebuilding. Link had harvested logs from the evermeans along Atun Valley, loath as ever to cut down normal trees that wouldn’t just return from the blood moon’s gloom each month, but would have to slowly grow back themselves. Rather than utilize Rauru’s arm the entire time—he tried not to use it if he didn’t have to, it just didn’t…feel right—he pushed the fifteen logs one by one down the slopes towards the village. Luckily, he hadn’t needed to leave and return for the sheafs of rice Bolson requested; the lynel fight he’d struggled through in the rice field on the Kamah Plateau had been good for something, after all.
Tomorrow, Bolson was meant to finish up the foundations for the headsman’s home and Armes’ home. They’d decided to prioritize those buildings first, for the sake of the displaced and shelterless people already in the village; they’d move on to the inn next, for more housing while the news spread and Lurelines began to return in greater numbers. Bolson had mentioned something about central pillars as a next step as Link handed him a nail, but Link hadn’t been able to hear anything in detail over the pounding of his hammer. 
That was okay. Link wasn’t in a rush. The wind had rather ceased filling his sails after he’d collected Zelda’s final Tear. Thank Hylia he’d already helped with the crises around Hyrule before that, or its people might still be languishing in their disasters.
His palm fruit husk ran dry. He tossed it lightly in his hand, appreciating its heft, and then let it drop to the sand beneath him.
Maybe he’d fall asleep on the beach tonight. The crashing of waves as the tide rolled in could drown out his thoughts as he tried to fall asleep; the eastern sun over the bay could awaken him bright and early for a long day of hard work. If he got washed out to sea, well, maybe that wouldn’t be too much of a problem either. Hylia would never free him from his labors, after all. He’d probably just wake up out on Eventide, or maybe some other island with some other problems he’d need to solve. 
Somewhere out in the water ahead of him, a waterbird swooped down to spear a fish with its sharp beak. He couldn’t see it in the darkness, but recognized the whistling thrum of wingbeats, and the slightest dying splash of the porgy. The circle of life went on, even when something so horrible had happened to their habitat.
Link supposed he would have to go on, too. To finish his task here, and then take his rightful place in the cycle of violence, of blood moon and bloodshed, until he could finally rest.
Even if he rested alone.
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thenightlymirror · 1 year
I am at the point where I can’t believe I am going to spend two days not catching up on all the work that needs to done.
I spent a day verifying gravestones that were installed by the granite vendor. He did about half of what I asked, and none of the flushes were done by our guys yet. And a new stack of ten or so. There was a ledger in 28 I needed to check on, but when I arrived there, there were three women in lawn chairs having some kind of birthday party for the dead with a boom box and balloons and everything. And just beyond, separately, a teenage girl spread out sleeping on the length of what I could only assume was the ledger I was looking for. Better to come back the next day.
In the morning I drove out to 28, and indeed it was that ledger. I looked at the chart drawn out years ago by whoever worked here then, and drew the conclusion that not only was this chart wrong, the ledger was clearly on the wrong grave. A patch of poorly grown grass where the X was. The ledger directly next to it.
I called the boss immediately and she got on it. I wandered back to office.
Later I caught up with one of the new groundsmen who offered me a ride on his little cart, but I foolishly refused. I took the ride this time. He showed me some foundations that were laid for other markers in the same way the installers refused to work on the day before.
Around 3:00 I was completely burnt out, trying to catch up with emails, but my mind was cored out. Could not imagine working another minute. There was a family on the phone that demanded a burial today, before the shabbat. They were more conservative than their parents, who made certain irrevocable arrangements to prevent their meddling.
Luckily, I was interrupted by paperwork for a Saturday burial. For whatever reason, only the boss goes out to do burial verifications, and she kept delaying. “Do you see me frowning?”
She asked, “Can I please use the bathroom first?”
I shook my head, “Go piss, girl.”
One of the counselors gasped. They’re a bunch of whispering old church ladies.
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