#and like !! my beloved has returned home lol :D
velvetwyrme · 4 months
So Flipping Fate is my favorite Underfell Papyrus fic but what is your favorite UF! Papyrus fic?
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AH 🥺❣️❣️ First off, thank you so much!! I'm glad you're enjoying Flipping Fate! :D!!!
Secondly, there's no need to apologize- my fav/s are definitely in the list you mentioned, but I'm more than happy to answer again here :]!! My favorite UF!Papyrus fic has GOTTA BE Thunderstruck. Absoluuuutely killer characterisation and development, delicious interactions and writing... I love it dearly 💖
Other notable fics (probably also in the list lololol) include; A Smile from the East and Roadside Attraction. ASftE made me fall in love with UF!Pap back in the old days of fandom, and Roadside Attraction made me adore him once again when I returned.
And since you asked so nicely, here are some more (sfw) UF!Pap/Reader recs that. also may or may not be in the list idk I didn't actually go back and check lol
Becoming Edge is a fic all about finding yourself and your identity through fashion and was instrumental in me doing the same. Really sweet!!! Pastel goth Edge... my beloved.
And speaking of pastel goth- My Soulmate is a Pastel Goth (And Other Concerns) is a enemies-to-friends-to-lovers fic with the added elements of Soulmates ✨! Love me some tempestuous soulmate fic. (Note: this fic also features Fem!Frisk as Sans' soulmate in the bg, so if you're not a fan, that's something to note ^^! Fr//ans isn't quite my thing, but tbh I'm really interested in seeing how things turn out for them here!)
Between a Rope and a Wrench, or; this skeleton is buying a lot of really weird, suspicious stuff but you will help him get it because it's your job and later because you're his friend. (Also, you choose his friendship over the possibility that you may become an accomplice in murder.)
Sound of Blooming... MAFIAFELL 💥💥!!!! It's been a bit since I read it but it's in ny bookmarks so... :3c!
A Home for Mending Souls is actually a UF!Bros/Reader, but it still counts. It's really good!! Healing from trauma! Soft moments! Slowly opening up to one another!
Till it Brews Over is a coffee shop AU where you purposefully misspell the name of your asshole regular, who just happens to be one edgy skeleton.
Also for additional fics that star UF!Pap that I enjoy/have enjoyed:
While I was looking for one of these fics it led me to realise that I STILL haven't read Fight Me! (by MsMk- not be confused with Fight Me! by Little_old_lady, which uses the same premise and is also really good, but it features FS!Sans instead of UF!Pap) Anyway, this is truly a travesty because they're a fantastic writer and I can only assume it got lost in my various open tabs >>"!! [Addition while drafting: I LOVE IT he's so sulky... I'm staring warily at the chapter count though. So much time for things to Go Wrong]
I actually really like UF!Pap in Bitty Hunt- his characterization is very much... reminiscent of that era of fic, but all the scenes with him in it are ones that have been seared into my brain !!
Another new-ish fic that I'm enjoying UF!Pap in is Honey Lemon Tea, which the summary succinctly describes it as "Papyrus finds his Grillby's... in the form of a very plain coffee shop.", and which I will less-succinctly describe it as "Anti-harem with a delightfully mysterious barista, with the obligatory awful gf"
Edit: I cannot figure out why for the life of me but the formatting looks REALLY weird on my end, but in the editor it's fine?? So if it looks weird/out of order to you please excuse this post, it seems to be some Tumblr Fuckery
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butcherlarry · 8 months
Weekly Fic Rec 38
I had a nice stretch of PTO this week, so I got some good fic reading in (along with a lot of birding and an 8 mile hike, LOL). I also hope all of you have been enjoying some of the lovely Superbat art coming out of NYCC BECAUSE I HAVE.
Anyway, on to the fics!
Losing You by starshotplagues - Superbat, complete. I remember reading this fic when I first started reading Superbat fics. I've wanted to reread it for a while now, but I couldn't find it UNTIL NOW. I was so pleased :) A get together fic featuring these two learning how to communicate.
the privilege is mine by starshotplagues - Superbat, complete. A short sequel to the previous fic. Bruce says "I love you" first and has a lot of Feelings about it.
A kindred bond by Nyszu - Superbat, wip. An update to the Bruce gets kidnapped by Evil Superman fic. (Good) Clark is experiencing some guilt, and Bruce is Really Going Through It.
If You're Offering by Noknownname - Superbat/Wonderbat/Superwonderbat, wip. A lovely smutty fic where Bruce and Clark help Diana out with a magic user. Also, alien biology, my beloved.
The Seats of Stars by JUBE514, SalParadiseLost - Batfam/Superfam/Superbat (eventually), wip. A really, really cool fantasy/royalty/medieval au where the Superfam is royalty, the Batfam are centars, and both work together.
a world in repair by Batbirdies - Batfam, complete. Jason and Damian try to go on a vacation/road trip together, but hidden injuries and feelings cause a few road bumps. They work on it though, Bruce helps too :) Part of the Emotional Motion Sickness series.
a song came after by susiecarter - Superbat, complete. Bruce was trapped in a simulation where he was married to Clark, and deals with not being in the simulation anymore. Much feelings are had afterwards.
Padam Padam by frozenpotions - Superbat, complete. A fic based off this Tumblr post. A delight to read from beginning to end.
Red Hood's Barbie Dream House by Sparkypants - Batfam, complete. Jason gets shrunk to the size of a barbie. Shenanigans ensue.
Welcome to Batburger, home of the Batburger, can I take your order please? by Sparkypants - Batfam, complete. Bruce doesn't like Batburger, but his kids love it. Bruce loves his kids, so he goes to Batburger.
The Return by lurkinglurkerwholurks - Batfam, complete. What happens after Bruce comes back from being lost in time.
a sky of honey by TheResurrectionist - Superbat, wip. More of the omegaverse Superbat fic. OH MY GOD I LOVE UNCLE LEX. That is all :) :) :) :)
Two Birds, One Stone(d) by MichaBerry - Batfam, complete. Tim gets accidently high on a drug bust that goes a bit off course. Shenanigans (and Feelings) ensue.
A Meditation on Railroading by eggmacguffin - Batfam, complete. Tim has A Bad Time with Jack in Atlanta and travels back to Gotham by himself. Much shenanigans and many family feels ensue.
borderline by TheResurrectionist - Batfam, wip. The most recent update to this fic had me by the THROAT. And there's one more chapter left!!!! And it looks like there is going to be a series too!!!
I'm a Good Pretender series by shipNslash - Batfam, complete. A FANTASTIC series about Battinson taking in Dick as a ward. Bruce is his socially awkward self, and Dick is delightfully (and manipulatively) charming. They learn how to trust each other and become a family. The next fic in the series is from Jim Gordan's POV, and the third has Jason! I devoured this series in an afternoon, it was so good!
Happy reading!!
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reposting this meme bc it's true and bc I really like it, lol
I have quite literally been scribbling notes on a scrap of paper like a madman while rewatching TGOA part 3 as many times as possible, just jotting down all the mindboggling information we've been given, and some less direct stuff that I could be reading too much into but is fun and neat even if it doesn't amount to anything crazy and galaxy-brained, lol.
So click/tap below the cut for rambles about the final part of Pulp Musicals episode 3
The Ghosts of Antikythera ⚓️
Names, Names, Names!!!
Hey, might as well start with all the new names we've gotten!
The captain of the Antikythera — the ghost ship from 'someplace else' — is Addison Arvad.
Kal (my beloved/beloathed ❤ ) is Kalfu
The Traveler we met in TBS is Sia 💖💖
Ahlaam is another Traveler. I adore her already, and not just because she saved Rose.
Dakkar is... somebody. As expected, I've been going crazy in my dms with @man-down-in-hatchet-town, and she believes Dakkar is probably inspired by/based on Captain Nemo? 👀
King(?!) Itzal is... probably bad news! Kal's the one who calls him a King and he is obviously pretty loyal and devoted to him, and wants to impress him (aww), so methinks Itzal is maybe not so good???? (I am also a proud supporter of Brooke's Dylan Saunders as Itzal campaign, lol)
The Blazing World is home. It's where the Travelers and the Antikythera's Searchers (rip) are from, it was destroyed once—but is being rebuilt?—and Kalfu and Itzal seem to want it gone for good.
Lincoln Island is the mysterious island our heroes on the Ellen Austin are approaching at the end of the episode, the place Ahlaam sent Rose and the Antikythera to via orrery.
Quick *Approximate* Timeline
Eh, what can I say? We got numbers and I decided to do a tiny bit of math about it.
1874 — the Antikythera & the Ellen Austin
🎶 When are we? 🎶 Well, Morgan Reese informs our time-traveling heroes that, uh yeah lol, last he checked the year was 1874. What a funny question from a bunch of rapscallions!
Captain Arvad's logs from the Antikythera start in January 1874, so we know the Searchers were out and about in this same year. Their disappearances were recent and the ship hasn't been empty for all that long, I don't think.
1865 — may this monument stand forever
On this site in 1835, Sir John Herschel and Anna Hanover launched the first brick satellite, the Sagitta, in what was known as Township Number Nine. Erected to commemorate their bravery, to thank them for their gift to all mankind, may this monument stand forever.
Dedicated August, 1865.
1864 — the dark angel appears
A desperate AJ makes his ill-fated deal with Kal in exchange for his crew's safety during the Battle of Mobile Bay.
Damn the torpedoes.
1835 — the beginning of our adventure
🎶 IT IS EIGHTEEN THIRTY-FIVE 🎶 and the Great Moon Hoax and The Brick Satellite both happen in this year. Things were so simple back then!
1829 — the Blazing World is destroyed
In 1874, we are told (first by Arvad's journal, and then by Sia) that their home, that the Blazing World was destroyed 45 years ago. If my math is right and they're not hippity-hopping too much in time (they have time travel capabilities so idk for sure) that would put the destruction of the Blazing World in 1829.
If the world being destroyed is also the Event that Kal alludes to in Gunpowder and Rum, pt. 3 ("Your powers are returning and you still don't remember what happened? 😒") AND it's the one that left Margaret without her memories and powers, then... could Margaret have been feeling lost, alone, and disconnected with her phantom pain in New York for 6 whole years before the Stratfords wrote the hoax that would bring the quartet together??? 🥺
And while we're on the subject of time passing!
If Sia and Kalfu and everyone besides the quartet has gotten to 1874 the long way 'round... (which I think is the case if Kal snarked at Sia for hiding Margaret in the future—if he has a sense of the future in relation to the world and time, I'd say this also implies he & the others have a pretty consistent present?) ...have they aged? Or does their magic also lengthen their lives? I imagine it would be mentioned if Sia was visibly older, and since Samuel described Kal as looking ~40 years old, then how could he be younger than the war he's been in? lol. But idk, this is just food for thought!
Kal Loves His Lore Dumps, Doesn't he? This one's mostly about Margaret <3
"You've proven quite elusive over the years... We've searched across the seven seas... I suppose it's only fitting that I find you here by chance, looking for an orrery! I'd have settled for the ship, what's its name? An-ti-ky-ther-a. But you will be quite the prize. It's you that will seal our victory! A ship from the Blazing World would have been quite the quarry. But you? That could end things once and for all!"
"The ship, the orrery, they don't matter now. Not when I can dispatch the two biggest traitors in history with just one blow!"
Seems like our girl is pretty special~ 🥰
I mean, of course she is, she's our Margaret, but if Kal is willing to let the Antikythera go to get her instead, and he's so convinced that taking her out will win the war... our girl is Pretty Special™ right? Maybe she's a princess or something, or maybe her Radiance is just that heckin' strong. idk, but I'm excited to find out either way.
I'm also wondering if there's a connection between Margaret and the orrery/orreries... If Kal thought it was fitting to find her when he was after the orrery, does that mean something more? Could Margaret have created the orreries and/or the magic behind them? 👀
...actually maybe this isn't such a good and fun thing. 😅😟 Things don't usually go very well for special and important characters—what is the saying, tragedies love heroes? I mean, Margaret has lost her powers and memories once already, as well as her home and whatever family she may have had before. I know all our pulp blorbos have been in dire straights a few times now, but I don't want them to get MORE DIRE than this!
Kalfu, Sia, & Margaret's history
Kal: High marks for cloaking the fleet, but seriously—
Kal: Come on, it's a Traveler reunion.
Kal: Just a drink between three friends.
Sia: Oh, you were once a man that I trusted. Tell me, where has he been?
Sia: Itzal poisoned your mind!
Kal: Itzal opened my mind!
Sia and Margaret: *powering up*
Sia: Hey, Kalfu!
Kal: Huh? Ugh, not again.
Kal: *team rocket fog's blasting off again*
I think it's pretty safe to say that, once upon a time, these three were once close. Maybe they were friends and peers, or maybe Kalfu was once Sia and/or Margaret's mentor with that "high marks" comment. Whatever the case, they used to be allies who trusted each other.
I think it's also safe to say all three of them are/were Travelers. Obviously Sia is, and Margaret probably is/was one as well, since she and Sia have a badass combined attack (that I'm betting they used against Kalfu ~45 years prior). As for Kal... I don't know how the radiance and the fog fit together exactly, whether they've always been separate or the fog is a dark bastardization of the radiance, but it seems like he is on equal footing with Sia as far as magic powers go, and he can teleport like they do—AJ witnessed this at the Battle of Mobile Bay, and Samuel did (kinda) on the deck of the Ellen Austin. I don't know if that's the only qualification for being a Traveler, but it's worth mentioning.
It seems like Itzal was a pretty big factor in this trio splitting up—for whatever reason, Kal turned his back on Sia and Margaret to follow him, or perhaps Sia and Margaret left Kal behind when he wouldn't leave with them. I don't know, but I want to—I have questions!!!
Sia and Itzal — Future sight?
Kal (to Sia): You know, for someone with precognitive abilities, you sure like to cut things close. 😒
Kal: How I wish King Itzal was here to witness this. Or did he already know? Eh.
There's not much to say about this, really, I just think it's interesting.
But it does make me wonder if Sia *knew* that sending Margaret and the others to Hanover in 1874 would lead Margaret to the Antikythera and help her regain her memories, even if Sia couldn't see much more than that. Like, if she knew that Kal would be there, I don't think she would have put Margaret at risk like that when she was still vulnerable. Unless she was betting on Margaret figuring things out before Kal could make his move... gah, who knows! (Matt. Matt knows.) We do know that Sia can't see everything, though—she knows that the crew of the Antikythera are gone but has to ask Kal what he did with them.
Also, obligatory "yikes 😬" at the idea of having an enemy (King Itzal) who could possibly see your attacks/plans before you make them. That can't make this war any easier!
Fogging the vortices, you say?
Kal: We've been fogging the vortices for decades. There was bound to be an Antikythera sooner or later.
Vortices.... plural for vortex, yeah?
"A mass of whirling fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind."
Is one of these vortices located here in the Sargasso Sea? Is that why Rose already knows plenty of ghost stories about these waters, why this is a strange place that'll one day be dubbed the Bermuda Triangle? Where are the other vortices??? How many are there??? What are they, exactly???
Okay, but what about the gates?
Kal: A war for a world of power and might
Sia: A war for a world of courage and light
Kal: Fought over decades
Sia: Over ascension
Kal/Sia: No chance of surrender, no chance of redemption
I'm just throwing darts here, but I feel like 'ascension' has to do with the gates that have been alluded to a few times now?
First, in TBS, Sia told Margaret that she couldn't take her to the gate until her memories were back. Then in part 2 of TGOA, Kal said something about the Antikythera's orrery leading him to the first gate.
I don't think these gates are the same thing as the vortices—if the bad guys have already been 'fogging' them, then Kal wouldn't need an orrery to find them.
The gates probably lead to the Blazing World, right? Kal and Itzal want to destroy the Blazing World for good, which is why Kal was trying to get the orrery, to get to the gate, to ascend to the Blazing World and turn it to dust once and for all.
Travelers and Symbols/Elements/Associations
To finish up, here's one of the things I've noticed more recently. We have four magical characters now who seem to be at similar levels of power and might all be/have been Travelers, and maybe it's just a fun bit of flavor rather than anything Extremely Vital to the plot, but they each seem to have their own kind of... niche?
Lemme run through 'em real quick.
● Want a drink?
● Gunpowder and rum, too strong for some! 🎶
● And poison... is kinda my thing.
● Non-lethal fog, my latest brew
Kal's easy to figure out—he's been pretty clear with his gunpowder and rum (delicious!) and once he revealed it he's been very cheeky and upfront about his use of/preference for poison too. He also stands out as the only person wielding fog, but I'm sure that'll change as we delve further into the dark and into this war we're learning about.
● "Was that sunlight shining in the sphere?"
● We're here to light the fuse
● Lay another hand on her and you'll go down in flames
● I will always be that feeling burning under your skin
hehe okay, Sia is the reason this whole section of my post exists lol. I noticed the references to fire in enough of her lines/lyrics in part 3 that I thought it couldn't be a coincidence, and then I looked at the others. I just think it's neat!
Maybe these lines are just nods to the fact that light can burn as well as illuminate—Kalfu would probably know, hah—but it is fun to think that maybe we could see our first and dearest Traveler friend whip out some cool fire magic later on—when she's not duking it out with somebody on a wooden boat, lol.
I'd love that for her, tbh.
...especially because alcohol is flammable. :)
Narrator: In a blinding flash, a woman materialized, and with a single motion, she pushed the water of the room with her mind
Okay, I fully admit this is mostly just a reason for me to make another waterbending joke. Ahlaam's appearance in this episode wasn't really long enough to give us much information about her, but I mean we also haven't seen anyone else do anything with water until she came along, so... if we see her do more stuff like this and she has more associations with water in episode 4 onwards, I will feel pretty smart. 😌
● the moon
● the sea
● astronomy
we might not know much about Margaret's magic beyond how brightly it glows—which isn't unique to her—and what she's been able to do with it, be we do know that she has a connection with the moon, of course.
I think we could also argue that she has a pull to the sea—mostly because of the view from her window and the rooftop, overlooking the water. Learning about the Searchers and the fact that Kal was looking for Margaret on the sea supports this connection, but again, that doesn't really single her out from the others.
Margaret does have an appreciation for astronomy, but even that might not be super unique, if her people have orreries on every ship and they all look up to the sky. However... my brain is still chewing on a possible connection between Margaret and the orrery, because of what Kal said. It would be pretty rad if she was the one who designed and crafted them, figured out that magic. So idk, that could be something.
If her memories are returning, maybe we'll see her really start to shine amongst her fellow Travelers as she recalls more about herself and brings together the person that resides in her memories and the person that losing her memories made her into.
phew, okay! this is a long post and I am now very sleepy, lol. I'm sure I missed a few things—I didn't take any *literal* notes during parts 1 & 2 and it'll be a few days before I get the album and lose my mind again—but maybe there's a few things I managed to catch that y'all will enjoy.
As always, feel free to reply/reblog with your own thoughts!!!
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hi! your hearts for hero event is really aweome- here are some of my requests, if you don't mind! <33
🧡 (specifically with Aubrey, their dynamic doesn't get enough love hehe)
🖤 (after basil and sunny's deaths in the neutral end >:])
🤍 (specifically for headspace, please! :D)
❤️ (for whatever, i don't mind! this just seems like an interesting one lol)
Thank you so much! <3 :]
Hi there, Lilac! Thank you so much for your ask. We're so happy to hear that you enjoyed our Hearts for Hero event, and we're sorry it has taken a little bit to answer your request. We hope you will like the headcanons we have come up with for you and that they are worth the wait! 🥰
Thank you so much again for your ask and for all of your encouragement and support. We really appreciate it. Please feel free to stop by any time with more requests or to talk about Hero. Sending positive vibes & much love to you!!💙
Headcanons below the cut (Warnings: OMORI spoilers and heavy themes & subject matter including grief, death, and depression).
🧡 -- Hero and Aubrey Childhood Friendship
(A/N: We completely agree with you that this dynamic does not get enough love)
Hero always walked Aubrey home from their friend group's gatherings. She would often (playfully) roll her eyes and insist that she didn't need him to walk with her--she lived so close by after all, but Hero would insist. Aubrey would eventually agree however since she knew it meant a lot to Hero to make sure that she made it home safely and she didn't want him to worry. Even if it wasn't something Hero was ever really able to find the words to express, everyone knew he had always worried about Aubrey as if she was his little sister, and the protective big brother in him didn't like the idea of her wandering around in the dark (even in the safety of Faraway Town). Walking her home was his way of being a big brother to her, and it really meant a lot to Aubrey to know that someone was looking out for her.
Even though it was only a short walk back to Aubrey's house from his and Kel’s house or from Sunny and Mari's house (where they hung out most frequently), they always found something to talk about and really came to enjoy the fun little talks they would have on their walks, mostly just sharing about their day or interests or checking in with each other as if they really were family. Looking back on it, Hero and Aubrey can't really remember exactly what they talked about on their walks, but Hero always thinks back to them as the times he really got to know Aubrey.
🖤 -- Hero Angst After the Death of Basil and Sunny in the Neutral Ending
Hero is so distraught after Basil and Sunny's deaths in the neutral ending that ends up taking a semester off of school. He says it is for himself and his own mental health which in part it is, but it is mostly to be able to stay in Faraway Town and look after Kel and, especially, Aubrey who is beside herself with guilt. He spends most of his bereavement leave pushing aside his own pain and trying to take care of Aubrey and Kel, and by the time, Hero does return to school (at Kel and Aubrey's insistence), he is nowhere closer to finding healing than before.
He can't help but blame himself for what happened, and he feels it is something he will never really get over, leaving him numb and broken--just barely able to go through the motions of his so-called "life." The only thing that helps him feel any better at all is taking care of a small window box of sunflowers, tulips, and lilies (Basil, Sunny, and Mari's favorite flowers). Unfortunately, the first frost comes early that year, and when Hero finds his beloved flowers withered and dead from the cold, he sinks to his knees and sobs on the floor of his dorm. He couldn't save his friends, and he couldn't save his flowers either. Never in his life had he felt so worthless.
🤍 -- Hero Headspace Fluff
Once, Headspace Hero wanted to surprise his friends with a congratulatory gift after one of their many adventures. He planned a grand tea party for them--spending hours preparing, decorating, and making all the tea, treats, and sandwiches himself. He even hired Rococo to paint a portrait of their tea party to commemorate the event forever. All of his friends were so surprised and said it was the greatest tea party ever.
❤️ -- (One of) Hero's Secrets [feat. Hero & Kel Sibling Angst]
Hero pretends he doesn't see the way his brother looks at him after Mari's death and especially after their fight, but he does. Hero sees that sadness in the back of Kel's eyes, sees the way he awkwardly twists his hands or trips over his words, the way his voice trails off whenever he has to talk to him about anything that even hints at the less-than-happy, as if he feels like he has to walk on eggshells around him. He would never say anything (and feels he doesn't have the right to), but he can't stand that look that's so often in Kel's eyes now—like he's watching a trainwreck, heartbroken and worried but too far away or perhaps too afraid of making things worse to do anything about it. It breaks his heart that there is such a distance between them now, that Kel looks at him like he is fragile, maybe even dangerous—looks at him like he is scared Hero will break if he doesn't say the perfect thing.
Hero loves his brother, and whenever he sees the way Kel looks at him now, he wants nothing more than to throw his arms around him and cry, hold him and tell him how sorry he is—how much he just wants his brother back, wants to talk and laugh and tell each other everything like old times without Kel being so afraid of breaking him. But he doesn't think he has the right to even wish for that anymore. He was the one who had lashed out at Kel, who pushed him away when he was only trying to help. It was the only time he and his brother had ever fought, and there are very few things in Hero’s life that he looks back on with as much regret. He wishes he could go back and do things differently, better—that he could somehow stop his younger self before he did something he would regret for the rest of his life, before he hurt one of the most important people in the world to him and permanently damaged their relationship, before he had to confront that pained expression in Kel’s eyes knowing that he was the reason it was there in the first place.
If Hero is being perfectly honest, however, the real secret is not so much that he sees how Kel looks at him but rather that he stays awake at night agonizing over whether Kel will ever stop looking at him that way...and, honestly, Hero wouldn’t blame him if he didn't.
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gale-sized-hole · 12 days
I love Vissenta, I’m just curious what makes you so passionate about her? It’s amazing to see, especially watching her change as you do. What about her drives you to love her so much? (Please infodump away <3)
I love her too! God I love her so much. I've told this story so many times that I'm afraid it's all old news by now, but I always like to tell it again. (Beneath a cut to preserve the dashboard, lol.)
Vissenta started out as a rogue for a mini tabletop campaign with close friends, back in... 2019, I believe. It was actually my first time playing D&D, and I ended up taking a good bit of inspiration from The Lies of Locke Lamora for her character at first. I had this notion of a youngest daughter from a notorious crime family, and said daughter was actually really, really terrible at being the kind of criminal she was supposed to be. In fact, it was being terrible at it (i.e. getting shit-faced drunk on a job) that saved her from being killed in a plot that wiped out the rest of her family. Might sound unrecognizable from who she is today, but well, she's had some years on her.
In 2020, I got into The Arcana, and rather than use my own name to play the game, I put in Vissenta's. She instantly felt at home in the story, especially romancing Julian Devorak, and I fell into the tumblr fandom not long after I started writing fanfic for the pairing. That was when she really started to take shape as the character she is today: a youngest daughter, clairvoyant, and with a special connection to Death. And really, really fond of knives and swords.
As I got into a groove, so did she. She fell in love with other characters, formed bonds that reflect my real-life friendships, and shaped her own story with what felt like only a little guidance from me. I think one reason why I love Vissenta so much is that she sparked a kind of creative energy in me that I'd been struggling to find for years. She isn't me, but she is the avenue through which I explore so many themes that I love to return to again and again: love, sex, death, and the intersection of all three. She is always evolving, but always remains herself, and at this point feels as real and vibrant to me as beloved characters from the canons I've now woven her into.
And I think that's reflected in how people receive her, too. I know that the passion and energy she inspires in me is apparent, and that people enjoy it, which inspires me to keep creating. Bringing her into BG3, whether as Tav or Durge, has been what's helped me find my own personal vantage point and understanding of the story, and I love to see how one shapes the other, back and forth, always evolving.
She's been my lens to explore for years. I wouldn't have it any other way.
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imagineitdearies · 2 months
Heya friend, I love the posts about songs that people have for PS! Personally, I listen to the entirety of the Tetris Effect soundtrack when reading (and rereading) the fic.
It also helps that the songs are meant to help you get into “the zone”—it’s an instant Proficiency Bonus in Comment Writing for me ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ
My top 5 songs from the album would be:
City Lights It's without a doubt is my sparks fly song. When we get our incredible lovely TyStar moments, this is the song that comes to mind. The build-up! The funk and the rhythm! And the way Tyrus and Astarion fit so well together, working in tandem and being each others’ home! 🥺😭
Boscage This is the essence of the Angst With Happy Ending tag for me. It’s all about freedom and loving life. (But who knows if these themes’ll apply to the end HAHAHA)
Connected (Yours Forever) So despite how the lyrics feel more Tyrus-y, I honestly associate the message more with Astarion. And on a smaller note, there are also some theories I have related to how Astarion’s scar connects (hah!) him to the other sacrificial spawn and what it means for Astarion to be the one to "sing" this to Tyrus :P (It's just Astarion Nat20 persuasion checking that nerd to live)
Here Is a more low-key pick, but I think it does a great job capturing the various small moments they must’ve had when they were feeling safe. Like in Tyrus’ Tiny Hut, or when they climbed into a single bed together in the dorms. And the way the song builds reminds me of how important these “insignificant” moments feel when you look back on them. To me, they add up into this giant wave of nostalgia; a great reminder of being loved.
Hometown I gotta say this one was hard to place at first. It’s very PS for me, but I couldn’t put into words why. In the end, I think it’s all about hope and remembering how love strengthens you and keeps you moving forward.  The lads have gone through a lot, but they have each other. And whenever the Horrors™ are unleashed upon them, they always find strength in their most beloved and return home, and I think the song resonates with me in that regard. :D
If you give any of these songs a listen, let me know your thoughts! But no pressure on replying to this or anything, I just got a burst of Want-To-Write-about-PSirosis and wanted to share! (ノ> ◇ <)ノ~~♡
Hi friend!! I also very much enjoy people's song recs, so I was terribly thrilled to tune into yours 🥰
First of all, I love all the funk and rhythm going on in these songs, it was unexpected but a ton of fun to listen to! I think my favorites were Connected (Yours Forever) and Here. I totally agree that the connected song could be either Tyrus or Astarion's pov, there's a lot of back and forth on which one of them is comforting the other, so it just depends on what part of the story we're talking! Either way works 💙 and the Here song just has great vibes!!
Funnily enough, one of my three PS playlists is titled "yours (forever)" so how could I resist adding such a relevant song to it?? Lol that one is basically my ushie-gushie Tystar romance playlist so it fit too well to resist. Thank you so much kiltdroy!!!
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Blue time :D I’m watching Shelby
Thank you Shelby!! Hair is normal and it’s so weird that society tries to make afab people feel bad for how their body naturally exists
Shelby talking about needing a reminder to take her vitamin D when I’ve been out of mine for over a week now 👀
STARLORD!!!! Oh my gosh, I just remembered I’m seeing gotg3 this weekend
Blue’s skins for this event are so cute I could freaking explode
When will my husband (buildmart) return from the war (hiatus)???
MCC is about the vibes first and foremost, if you’re not in it for a good time then why are you here lmao??
Wait when was there a 3-player team???
Shelby’s chat is so silly and for what (me not knowing who that was either)
Yeah no, they do sound alike, I didn’t think they did but ummm yeah
I too forget meltdown exists lol
“I didn’t vote, oh my gosh, I’m a bad ciziten” I can’t believe you Dave, smh
Grid Runners
A bit rough but it was such a smooth grid runners overall
They did so good on the Minecraft one!!!
Dave trying to craft a daylight sensor with their minecraft in Spanish 😭
I feel like this is a good sot team, why do they want it so early??
Parkour Warrior
This team is so chill until Shelby just starts screaming lol
“I can’t do that one- that’s not even parkour, that’s like mind games and I have a small brain” Dave 😂
“You got 30 seconds, no pressure” I love False
“I played so bad, how is that number one?? These guys honestly need to step up, I played horribly” we stan a humble/self-deprecating king
Dave calling out Fruit’s hypocrisy, as he should!!
Did I know Shelby has adhd? I’m not sure if I did tbh, we’re literally the same person tho
That fox dissociated into the afterlife, same dude
Sands of Time
Dave sandkeeper arc my beloved
Dave’s saying all the right things, be more confident, man
Why didn’t Shelby get that sand??
“I’m coming for you, sir” Dave what is that voice????
Why are they so flustered?? This team has experience and are all strong sot-ers, they just need someone to take charge
Shelby you need to rush red vault, everyone else is busy, you got this queen
Fruit praying to the timer and giving the gold key as an offering 😂
Trust yourself Shelby, you had it, you just need to believe in yourself
“I like [sandkeeping] because all I have to do is talk the whole time which is… what I do anyways” Dave my beloved
Ace Race
*Giving Shelby all my asexuality* “now have him home by 8”
REAL!! Ace race is so hard to commentate
Tridents broken, real and true
Purple is stacked, fear them
Identity theft?? In my minecraft tournament???? /j
Halftime show my beloved
The most polite power negotiation in history
They are merely cruising
It’s the bare minimum but people actually using both sets of pronouns for Ranboo means way too much to me as a fellow he/they
That was such a tragic way to go :((
Dave popping off!! As she should!!!
It’s easy for them!!!
Dave going absolutely insane and Fruit just sounding so concerned 😂
“This is my game, baby!!” YEAH IT IS!!!
“Dave you’re so insane!!” “I don’t know what I’m on today, I’m just three beers deep” “I like it! Wait, beers?” “Who said that? Not me” I swear I could hear the 👀 in Dave’s voice
Blue 2nd and Dave 2nd individual!!!
Battle Box
I’m so ready for them to pop off
Oh that first round was so smooth!!!
“They’re a piñata” IM WHEEZING
Aimsey and Shelby screaming their love for each other my beloved
“I kinda love this map” “Yeah, I could see how people could hate this map” real
“Our comms make no sense but they work” seriously, they’re killing it!!
Dave is such a good igl, I’m glad they’re leaning into it :))
Good calls on better comms False :)
“Ori” 😭😭😭
That’s was sooooo close against cyan, my goodness
Gosh this event was SO close
Sky Battle
“Mr. Fruit ridge over here” the temptation to make a gay joke is nearing max capacity
“I was reviewing the map ‘cause I’m a dork” I love her, you don’t understand, Dave Krtzy my beloved
False advocating for hermit on hermit violence, as she should lol
Dave popping off!! He’s insane!!!
“Alright, new plan for me: not miss the jump” I love you False
Shelby’s death was so sad what
That second round territory battle was so tense, sad how much it threw them off though
Good eyes and good comms, rip to lime but blue handled that sneak attack like absolute champs
Fruit popping off???? Not unexpected by any means, but it was so chaotic and he was just running around like ‘mhm yep and dead’ what a king
Dave and Fruit holding hands, real
Dave only has banger opinions, MCC is about the silly goofy first and foremost
Not the AirPods 😭😭😭
Hole in the Wall
“Whatever happens, we did great” “Whatever happens, I love you guys” what is this, the finale battle to defeat the Firelord???? /lh I love them
They’re too in the zone to do meaningless things like so called ‘bodily functions’
Oh the way Shelby went out was so tragic, she bounced and slipped all the way off the edge ;-;
“Purple! No- I wish I never said that, I’m shutting up” Shelby 😭
NOOOOOO why does Shelby always go out in the saddest ways
“We did our best” real and true!!
Dave s-tier real and true!!! If you disagree you hate nonbinary people /j
I think they’re getting confused on who’s saying “purple” vs “Purpled” lol
“This is what [All Stars] should’ve been” Shelby spitting absolute facts
Gumi insane!!!
False changing sides just as her new pick loses rip
Ah yes, reverse psychology on reality as we know it
“I have faith in Purpled, which probably means he’s gonna miss these… yep”
GGs, great team, great time
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DS9 3x01 & 3x02 The Search thoughts (I'm re-watching, so there may be future spoilers)
Part One
Loving Jadzia's hairstyle
The Defiant! :D
Eddington, you slimeball
"I wonder when I started thinking of this Cardassian monstrosity as home?" I love how well Jake knows his dad, and can pinpoint it
"Maybe I'm your friend, and maybe I want you to see that you are still needed here no matter what some idiot Starfleet admiral might think." I really like Kira/Odo, actually. It keeps checking out this early on
I love how they always have to contrive a reason to bring Quark along. And by they I mean both the DS9 crew and the episode writers
"Rom only has a son to think about. I have a business." Checks out.
Honestly, this does kind of feel like Sisko's just bullying Quark
"I've downloaded as many of my files from the station as I can." Since we now know Julian's memory is Excellent, I kind of wonder if this is laying the groundwork for Sisko to assume that any knowledge Julian does have comes from the aforementioned downloaded files, rather than wondering how he knows it. (That was an awful English sentence, sorry.)
Sisko's and Kira smiles when Odo calls in :3
"Odo!" Lol Quark is genuinely so excited to see him
"Am I glad to see you." This is all very Quodo
I love how ominous the searching ships manage to look
Quark is in his element here
"Can I speak freely?.. What the hell is WRONG with Starfleet?!!!" Kira is always incredibly wonderful
OHHH I forgot this would be the hallucination one!
"NO-ONE is expendable." Doctor Bashir my beloved <3
"Prepare to leave orbit, Major." "Commander!" "As you were Doctor." I just really love this interaction. Julian's always gotta save everyone <3
Part Two
"Odo this isn't a police interrogation." XD This is just how he interacts with people tho
"He really is happy to be here." Kira knows him so well <3
Female changeling immediately going for a link against others' protests. She justifies it with "He's been gone too long. He needs to remember, if only for a moment" - but I'm sure she's very eager to learn everything you can from him as soon as possible
Jadzia and Miles just turning up felt way too convenient the first time watching this... Now it's understandable.
This Garak is made from Julian's thoughts of him. This Garak says, "I've missed you."
I'm still feeling betrayed by Starfleet here, even though I know none of this is real 😅
Sisko's imagination suggests he expects to be disappointed by Starfleet...
"The urge to return home was implanted in your genetic makeup." These people really love genetic manipulation, huh?
"You see, I have a dream. A dream that one day all people, human, Jem'Hadar, Ferengi, Cardassians, will stand together in peace around my dabo tables." Oh, Quark....
Julian getting in the Jem'Hadar's face to protect Miles :3 "That's enough." I love it when he's furious
Garakkk what are you dooooooing???
"I pretend to be their friend... and then I shoot you." Ah, that's what you're doing. XD Garak's one-liners are always top-notch
Garak dying in Bashir's arms is everything. Time to go read a lot of fanfic.... <3
That Vorta is weirdly uncaring about Odo, having seen the other Vorta's reaction to him later in the series.
This is EXCELLENT - although I think it definitely confused me having memories of this episode later down the line but not remembering it had been in a dream. But yes, VERY GOOD. (Not least because of the Garashir, I'm sorry, what can I say, I'm a person of simple pleasures.)
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RECORD STORE HAUL FROM TODAY *vibrating three feet off the ground in excitement*
(Closer photos and album titles and artists below, plus a little rambling about my finds! Didn't want to overwhelm anyone with a bunch of photos and all of my rambling upfront, LOL)
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Yes, they still have the stickers on them - sorry, I'm still too excited that I GOT THEM to have taken them off for the photos yet (and eventually...hopefully soon...I will take the stickers off). Also the rug in the background/under the albums is not mine, it's my mom's. LOL We do not have the same style, although her style is definitely cool and interesting and very, in her words!, eclectic.
So, if you didn't read the image descriptions, I got: Instincts by Romeo Void (1984), Quiet Places by Buffy Sainte-Marie (1973) the BEAUTIFUL, BELOVED REPLACEMENT ALBUM for the shitty version that's pretty much unplayable that I got of it last year or whenever it was, Sleight of Hand by Joan Armatrading (1986), Joan Armatrading's self-titled album (1976), Charity Ball by Fanny (1971), The Key by Joan Armatrading (1983), Welcome Home by 'Til Tuesday (1986), and I'm the Sky: Studio and Demo Recordings, 1964-1971 by Norma Tanega (2022).
I gotta tell you all, when I remembered to search to even SEE if they had any Fanny records (I actually had a list with me of what all to search for, but I felt too geeky having to keep looking at my phone to look at my list, LOL, even though...even though I am that geeky, no judgment necessary. Just plain, hard facts), I thought to myself 'I will shit bricks if they have any Fanny albums' and WELL- I mean, okay, that was an exaggeration, but when I DID notice that they even had a Fanny label among their stacks I DID start hyperventilating, and then when I saw Charity Ball I let out a semi-quiet scream!!! (NOTE TO SELF, I guess, THEY ALSO FUCKING HAD NICKEY BARCLAY'S SOLO ALBUM Diamond in A Junkyard! I was sooooooo tempted to get it, I tell you, oh my god.) Also, when I fucking FINALLY found the Buffy Sainte-Marie albums (there was even a label for her, thank god! As I kept fruitlessly searching the rock stacks three times - yes, I went around the store four times in total looking for this stuff, LOL - I kept thinking, 'Okay, so if they have her music at all, maybe she's in an unlabeled (S) stack? But how the fuck could they disrespect her like that and not give her her own label! She's a fucking legend, what the fuck!' and then I went BACK to the folk stacks - I had already looked there once, but apparently I didn't look well enough because I totally missed her the first time, and FINALLY found her on my somehow-still-hopeful return search), I was so excited and so grateful to see such a beautiful version of Quiet Places that I almost started crying as soon as I saw it. I did tear up, I shit you not. That's how important that album is to me and how heartbroken I was to learn that the version I bought off of Discogs was shit. So yeah...assuming this version plays well, I will be truly eternally grateful for my local indie record stores. :') And I will update you all on how all of these records sound, btw. Don't think I won't. ;D
ALSO...remember that post I wrote recently-ish about how badly I wanted a Redbone album? Well, I was $10 short of buying one. Redbone (1970), in fact - "It's a double album, so that one'll cost ya $20." If not for the fact that this old dude who owns and runs the store only accepted cash, I would have bought it, but I was lucky that I even had $25 for the Joan Armatrading and Romeo Void albums that I got. (Yes, you read that right...I got 3 Joan Armatrading albums, ALL IN FABULOUS CONDITION SO WELL WORTH THE PRICE, AND A MOTHERFUCKING ROMEO VOID ALBUM, IN VERY VERY GOOD CONDITION, for a total of $22. I TELL YOU...I AM ONE LUCKY BITCH! And I am grateful for that luck, especially when it comes to albums, oh my goodness.) Anyway, all that to say I WOULD have actually gotten an album by fronted by/played by all men if only I'd had enough cash to buy that Redbone album. LOL Instead I'm a predictable bitch and I bought all women-fronted/-written albums. :')
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seelestia · 2 years
"why does it feel like we're writing letters to each other in the 80's" I WHEEZED SO HARD-
oh no wonder, i thought i heard a familiar voice sobbing praising kamisato ayato's elegance and handsome face a few cells away, that was you huh /j
LMAO i thought the puppy spirit was influenced from that voiceline that's gold slfklsdj and i'm sure he finds it very adorable of you whenever your sassy side comes out, especially when it comes to interacting with him. i'd imagine he would return the sass in a graceful and ✨elegant✨ way. it becomes a contest to see who'll blush and give in first :p
i love love love how cool the air was but gosh yes it was very very windy ahsjsjdaldj i've always lived in tropical countries with the average temp of about 26+ degrees celcius so i had my jacket on 95% of the time lmao and yes there were loads of food - i can imagine you drooling over them, cause i did too eheh
i don't know ;w; i am so torn shldsksjsl if we're looking at team comps i should probably get tortellini archons knows i have too many anemo characters already.... but i also want the mean lil skrunkly harbinger man....
RIGHT YES I FELT THAT TOO he was so helpful in the last event, so i am crossing my fingers they'll put his rerun soon!!! 🤞🏻
the dinner table will be a battlefield in itself cause i need to make sure he's treating you right ok do not stop me (ง •̀_•́)ง
gosh yeah the aiming part of bow characters is partly why i don't usually pull for them... using a controller that has drifting issues in that circumstances is a nightmare :D
YES omg i heard about that too... and i have given up on the onikabutos for now in favor of slime hunting cause i want to max xiao and zhongli's talents first lol why is one day only 24 hours i need more time pls them beetles are so hard to find hyv what do you have against beetles smh
hehe good good anything for my adopted son <3
the nobleman language made me feel like a dignified lady writing to a penpal across the seven seas lol
i think i'm okay now after a few nights' rest hehe i hope your day is going great so far <3 and my tea adventure is over for now bc i finished the box hskdksdj i will definitely be looking at other tea samples after i make some progress with my older teas >:3
waiting for ayato to bail me out even if he is the reason i'm here <//3 i shall come for you soon, rin jie, i'll save you with... the power of money. *pushes zhongli away softly* (/j)
THE COINCIDENCE 😭 like i already knew i embodied the energy of a puppy, but i didn't realize ayato had a voiceline about being a dog person??? does this mean ayalia was written in the stars. (/lh) and yes, i can imagine he'd call my sassy side cute and then tap on my nose HNGHSJJFJE
i see, my country is also like that! >:) four seasons? nope, only summer and monsoon here, love <//3 going to the highlands was the only way i could ever experience a chill like the one overseas, hehe~ but you're more of a jacket gal, aren't you, rin jie?? i'm more of a sweater gal, so we complete each other LOLLLL jackets 🤝 sweaters
TORTELLINI HELPFEIJDKE are you the secret gatekeeper of the infamous childe bullying community?? 🤨 because if so, let me join (/j) ngl, i just recently watched his collected miscellany and i can't believe i'm saying this but... why he kinda cute 🚶 i'm vv sure you already saw the simping tomfoolery in my priv help but rn, it's safe to say that i will be pulling for tartaglia! but if i even sniff an ayato rerun in v3.4 or nearer patches, then tartaglia will unfortunately realize that he'd be second to my beloved husband <//3 are you going to try your luck at tortellini's banner first?? hehe, perhaps, you can follow the mindset of: if tartaglia comes home, then he comes home. if not, aight, then the little angy anemo harbinger shall. >:)
the scarabs are actually one of the reasons i'm kinda glad that i lost the 50/50 on cyno's banner 😭 but i see that you're spending your resources on your hubby and our grumpy adeptus, good luck! <3 AND FR, LIKE WHY CAN'T THE DOMAIN I WANT TO FARM LAST A FEW DAYS OR SO. PLEASE DON'T GO YET. #easierlife (/j)
i'm glad you're feeling better <3 i haven't been on a plane yet, but i'm sure the jetlag is really smth 😭 and you already finished the box, i see! i remember my intuition telling me the mango-flavored one sounds super good, is it??? 👀 me and my strawberry tea are just chilling, hehe.
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endstrats · 3 years
hbg being a mess during aa co-op (pt. 2 bc they're doing it again widepeepoHappy)
- 15 minutes of pure confusion of everyone trying to figure out who is participating
- dylan struggles: clothes pile that has been building up for a decade, trying to find socks, fein started the run and he wasn't even logged into minecraft
- fulham's call command: "dylon, freidburg, zy(unlce)nox, 11TEEx10^9, malfoy6, 100%ham"
- couriway logged into the server for 5 seconds, free wr for him
- draconix mic is just... bad (rip)
- switch waking up right before the run
- fulham muted himself in his own stream
- couriway, in chat: BOAT ON DA BABY
- fein threw gold at a hoglin, apparently for the second time
- "hopefully draconix can do something this time"
- "yes this is duos, duos with 7 people"
- this aa run is a roadtrip, fein is frontseating, dylan passenger seating, switch is sitting behind the frontseat, draconix is hanging halfway out the window, couriway is in the trunk
- "try not to die" "good advice" "what would we do without dylqn"
- the return of "server moment" whenever the server lags
- "if no one's doing anything, help me decimate this forest for emeralds"
- switch "i'm dying to every mob on this server" vs. fyroah "you motherfuckers are hogging the entire hostile mob cap"
- fein blinded into the starter staircase lfg
- "how does this guy have a job, i broke everything"
- laggy ender dragon messing up the one cycle madge
- scuffed end fight in general r i p
- "you guys mind if i murder this villager?" "ummmm... kinda?"
- "with no perception of time, i've been in this hole for like, three days, switch has to throw food and water on my head"
- villager escaped switch and dylan fjdklajfda
- home village organization is actually good holy fuck?
- "who's going 2x2?" at the same time, "switch" "eleventy"
- "we literally have everything left in the run to do in the run except for what we have" "i'm just trying to be positive damn"
- fulham vs. biomes (again)
- dylan: "i just love giving awful comms"
- "literally nobody cares about the verfiability of co op all advancements"
- literally all of them are playing on 2 rd bc vanilla server rip
- competition for mob cap
- "let me finish talking, then you can be disrespectul" "as long as i can be disrespectful"
- switch: [screams of anguish]
- tech support brb
- party house
- everyone is doing biomes ???
- "can i cheat and come to the party house?"
- "i have a name tag!" "shulkers don't need nametags?" "it's for the dolphin"
- "we're not finishing this run" "we might!"
- "can i- can i cheat and go to the party house?"
- "thers's a shell guy in front of the party house!" "can we keep him?" "yeah yeah yeah yeah"
- also the party house is deadass a shipwreck
- dylan and eleventy almost started a fist fight in the party house
- dylan blew up everyone in the party house
- party house ended in a sequence of murder
- fyroah keeps killing switch, dylan keeps killing eleventy
- (this was the dumbest but most beloved moment in hbg history and i stand by it)
- break for hypixel games woo
- mega skywars moment
- zy the soggy bicycle
- they are not good at skywars
- "society if balls was spelt with six letters"
- "i'm in the mind of a four-year-old"
- fein at one point, no mods, n3merald in chat, modded: i got this
- rad raddles joined for hypixel games!!
- eleventy vs. the ability to access creative mode
- rad: i wish we could punch people, i love killing people
- house builder gang actually building holy shit
- pagmanshat
- raddlez is very good at bridge build :D
- the dichotomy of switch, rad, and fyroah playing bridge build vs. feinberg, eleventy, and draconix troubleshooting the server
- ok they gave up on aa lol
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Let’s talk about the Vaincre trade:
(As I am writing this, only the first full chapter, July, has been published)
I’ve said before that I’m fairly certain it’s going to be Leo, but I want to walk through the thought process that got me there (this is long and unedited. You’ve been warned).
First, since this is going to be such a major plot point, I think it’s going to be a character who’s inner circle had at least a minor spotlight in the first chapter. These were Coops, O’knutzy, O’darwin, Thomas & Noelle (do they have a ship name???), Regulus (tho he’s obviously disqualified for not being a pro player rn), and Cole (with a bit of Dumo).
Additionally, I think a key component of this plotline will be developing characters so that they can stand on their own once separated from a crucial relationship (thematically, it makes the most sense to me).
With that in mind, let’s do some quick (yeah lol prob not quick) disqualifications from the list:
Remus: I know this is a more common theory (and god would it hurt) but Remus’ storyline is already jampacked with living up to the standards of the league, team, and public, as well as adjust to a new relationship dynamic with Sirius. On a more heavy note, Remus will have to navigate how playing hockey will interact with the trauma of Greyback’s attack and the resulting injury. I’m sure most of us inferred that this would be a plot point, but the idea was solidified in a snippet of Remus and the team discussing predictions for the top teams of the season.
Sirius: while narratively, I actually think it would be fascinating to see the lions learn to be a team without their leader and to see Sirius have to learn that there are other parts of the world he can trust, this one falls apart in both logistics and clues Hazel has already given us. Truly, I cannot imagine a trade in which it would make sense for the Lions to give up their beloved, talented, effective captain and first line center, especially after he just led them to Stanley Cup. And when someone asked Hazel about (I believe) what relationships would be highlighted in Vaincre, Coops made the list with the qualification that their storyline would largely center around Remus’s adjustment to the team. A Sirius trade requires long-distance Coops angst which, while possible, would be both difficult and against the spirit of the statement.
O’Darwin and Thomas & Noelle already have long-distance angst happening in July, so trading either Kasey or Thomas would miss some of the emotional punch we know Hazel is going to give us.
Cole: I mean, the kid’s a rookie. It doesn’t really make sense. Threads seem to be being set up with the Dumais’ baby sitter and maybe one of the new PTs? (I don’t remember exactly where I’m getting this from, but I’m near certain it was from Hazel’s tumblr). It seems like physical encounters are going to be a big thing with both of these relationships, plus all the obvious great storylines of a new rookie getting comfortable in the team, make it unlikely Cole will be the trade. Not to mention, there are no guts to punch with Cole. We love him already, but he isn’t close with anyone on the team yet. We’d feel disappointed, not devastated, if he got traded. We all know Hazel’s going for devastation.
Dumo: this one approaches probability for me. Dumo would be heartbreaking for every member of the team, but especially Sirius and Logan. It would also sort of follow through on a previous idea from a rough draft of SW where Dumo has a career-ending injury. All the players would have to learn to navigate life without a father figure, and it would break down the system of where many Lions rookies live. But this one’s all speculation, at least as far as I know. It’s not hinted at in July, and I can’t think of any snippets that suggest Dumo. Plus, it feels like all of the main POVs have been set up in July, and we know from the dreaded “of being a lion” snippet (in which said player gets called about the trade) that we do get POV chapters from the player who’s traded.
We’ll get back to O’knutzy later. First, some people who aren’t on the list that I feel are worth discussing briefly (tho these are unlikely for the reasons at the end of Dumo’s):
Kuny & Nado: Now, I remember Kuny’s “no trades, no trades” thing from Hazel’s tumblr. It hurts. It feels like foreshadowing. But, remember, Hazel has also said that these boys will both play a more secondary role in Vaincre. They’re both safe.
James: I go back and forth on this one all the time. Thematically, separating Sirius and James would be both heartbreaking and deeply interesting. James was a major force in bringing Sirius out of his shell, and Sirius would have to learn to maintain that without his best friend always by his side. James and Lily are also suspiciously absent from July. I know Hazel said they’re on their honeymoon, and I’m not disputing that in any way, shape, or form. However, it does provide ample excuse to become a new POV in August. However, I can’t find any snippets to really support it. And, just, in general, James as a character in Hazel’s fics (or at least in Solntse and SW) provides a stable backbone for the other characters. He’a developed as a character but stable and happy. This could be the thing that changes that, but, at the very least, it doesn’t fit the narrative role he serves in SW, and I think it would change the feel and character dynamic of the fic as a whole (not just of the team) too much for that to be the choice.
And then there’s O’knutzy:
Going into Vaincre, I asked myself: what are everyone’s plotlines going to be? Remus will adjust to the team and playing Greyback. Sirius will largely be his support system, tho some stuff may be done with his relationship with Regulus and/or moving on from any semblance of his parents’ influence. Dumo will welcome rookie Cole onto the team. James will be a new father. Thomas and Noelle will have long-distance relationship feels. Kasey will adjust to O’darwin, and probably also deal with his reoccurring injury.
And the cubs? Are in a happy, stable relationship with everything they’ve ever wanted. The seeds to a storyline regarding whether or not they choose to come out was definitely hinted at in July, but I don’t think it will be their sole focus. Thankfully, there is nothing pressuring them to come out currently. They think about it. They long to do it. But nothing has changed since the end of SW/CtC. If one of them was long-distance, that would change the dynamic. When you can always go home to your two loving boyfriends, it doesn’t hurt quite as bad when you can’t be affectionate when out with them in public. When you’re only in the same city for a day or two roughly every month (depending on which team the trade is with), every second you could spend holding them and don’t hurts more and more. Whether I think they choose to come out or not, I really don’t know. I think so, but I’m definitely not sure. But the real question is, which cub goes away and prompts this?
If it’s a cub, it’s definitely Leo. Hazel posted a snippet that just...says so much.
Tumblr media
Do I even need to explain? She practically told us. I’ve spent over an hour analyzing nearly every prominent Lion when Hazel practically told us Leo was going to be the trade with this right here.
But I do have more to say. I don’t think either Finn or Logan would work well as the trade. The plot of them being separated was well explored in CtC, and I honestly just don’t think it needs more examination. They learned to cherish each other, talk to each other, love each other freely and honestly. Them being separated again would just hurt. It wouldn’t serve a narrative purpose.
On the other hand, I do think Leo’s character could actually benefit from some time alone. He had barely a few months as a full-blown adult, working in the NHL, before he entered a committed relationship with his two lovely boyfriends, both of whom had had years more time to live with and explore themselves (tho it’s not as if they were doing that freely). A couple of months or even years dating long-distance could force Leo to have some more adventures on his own and come into himself more. Then, he can fully return to his boys, his “long-lost lover[s],” and be more stable in his love.
In a similar vein, Logan and Finn have only had short amounts of time to make their leg of the relationship stable and happy in comparison to the time they spent yearning or heartbroken. Even in CtC, their reflex is to go to Leo first, which is, of course, perfectly fine and lovely and adorable, but I think they need to spend some time unlearning that knee jerk reaction.
Then, when Leo comes back (because one way or another, in canon or in my head, he will), all three are confident in themselves as individuals and in each leg of the relationship as well as the three of them as group. No one and no couple n e e d s anything, but they come back together because they all love each other, more than anything.
That’s what I think will see in Vaincre. At the very least, it’s what I want.
Vaincre is by the one and only @lumosinlove
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cinnonym · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
Thank you @swanqueensalad for the tag!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
24 (that’s so much more than I expected lol)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
264236... ah yes, one-shots my beloved :D
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
on ao3? 2 (Once Upon A Time and Supergirl). Elsewhere? uhhhh we don’t talk about elsewhere hskjd
4. Top five fics by kudos?
Y’all, I don’t have the ao3 skills for that kinda analysis, oof, the amount of time it took me to figure out the statistics button thingie... but here ya go:
1) i know you flirted with me before (but i didn’t get it right, can i try again) - yes and I know I still owe you a part two, it’s in the works, I promise!
2) the file drawer effect - I’m still quite proud of this one, but honestly, this statistics just shows that the SuperCorp fandom is currently more active, I think
3) Curses, like chickens, come home to roost - it better be on this list, I worked so long and so hard on this one. My first novel-length anything ever!
4) Thin Ice - uhm. I’d almost forgotten about that one tbh. It’s.. been a while?
5) it’s beginning to look a lot like christmas (ev’rywhere you go) - though I feel like this one has to be divided by 12 since it’s a short story collection, which would make my actual rank 5: A New Beginning!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/Why not?
yes, absolutely!! because I love comments and they always make me so happy, and I feel like people deserve to know how happy they’ve made me? But also cause I just like connecting to fellow fans, yay!
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I’d say Till Death Do Us Part cause it doesn’t really end happily? But then, canon fixes that one, actually. Apart from that probably the greatest loves of all time were never made cause that’s just canonical angst in extra heartbreaking words..
7. Do you write crossovers?
not yet? But I don’t see it happening tbh..
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
Oof, once I had an issue where I tagged Regina&Robin but some OutlawQueen shippers took offence that it wasn’t their endgame, even though I’d put multiple warnings everywhere that it would be SwanQueen... But I myself barely received hate, it was just a heated discussion / minor shipping war in the comment section. Still made me sad :(
9. Do you write smut?
not yet. I’m keeping my fics T-rated at the highest, although I gotta say, I’ve gotten a lot spicier lately. But honestly, I prefer building build-up to writing actual explicit smut, so that’s probably all you’re ever getting from me, sorry lol
10. Ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of..
11. Ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
yes!! back in the day @godandmonsters1996 and I sometimes collabed on tumblr. Here’s an example of one of our very angsty pieces!
13. All time favourite ship?
SwanQueen probably. I see myself returning to it for all eternity. Though I also have to say that SuperCorp makes a compelling point!
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
too many, loves, too many
15. Writing strengths?
dialogue, probably. Flirty banter, to be precise. I’m a Gemini, so this is all I do all day irl anyway, lol
16. Writing weaknesses?
Transitions! From one scene to another, ugh ugh ugh, I just overuse horizontal lines a lot hsdjkl but oof, I wish I was better at that. Also, long piece in general? I love it, but I also always run out of motivation at some point? It’s complicated okay??
17. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language?
English isn’t my first language, and I do speak several other languages, but nope nuh-uh nah, I just feel uncomfortable writing in any language but English. Only exception can be pet names I suppose..
18. First fandom you ever wrote for?
... okay listen... 15yo me was very into ABBA okay (I still am btw, which is why I’m freaking out rn), and uh. I wrote straight ABBA rpf on wattpad back in the day (*hides in a corner*)
19. What is your favourite fic you’ve written so far?
I always like my latest fic most, I think, so A New Beginning? I’m really proud of it in any case! Though my favourite story-wise might actually be love bites, love bleeds (it’s what i need)
I’m tagging @waknatious if you wanna? Also, anyone else who wants to join in!
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bearly-writing · 3 years
You know, with nonsense names for WIPs this snippet game is even more fun. Like reaching into a bag blindly and getting a nice surprise =D As such, what's R/J 2 about?
Haha yeah it’s a nice surprise! It is for me too when I try to figure out what my super old works are 😂 Thank you for the ask!
R/J 2 is a fic I started absolutely ages ago! It’s meant to be quite a long fic where Talia gives Jason (and Damian) back to Bruce following what happened in Is Anybody Home. (Make sure you check the tags if you click on that link 😉). It’s a bit of a depressing one. I ended up losing motivation for it, but I do still want to get it out at some point!
Warnings for implied rape, a/b/o, mpreg, and permanent injuries.
Because it’s Jason. It’s Jason. Standing in front of him. A little older, a little thinner than Bruce had last seen him, dark circles punched under his eyes and a strangely blank look on his face, but unmistakably him. Or, the still-rational part of Bruce’s brain whispers, something that looks like him. But that small part of him is almost entirely drowned out by everything else in Bruce that is shouting in jubilation, singing and screaming in his head that this is his son, his pup. Somehow, impossibly, Jason has returned to him.
“Jason?” he manages, choked, barely squeezing the words past the sudden constriction of his throat. “Jaylad?”
And the omega’s - Jason’s - head jerks up at the words. Those blue eyes - hazier and less full of life than Bruce remembers, but achingly familiar all the same - fix on Bruce. Jason’s mouth drops open, works around nothing for a long moment, then, finally: “B?”
It’s like a punch straight to Bruce’s chest. No, worse than that, a spear, tearing through his ribs. It takes everything in him to stay standing. To not rush forward and wrap his arms around his long-lost child and cry. This could still be a trap, Bruce tries to remind himself, past the rush of hope and longing. People don’t come back from the dead. This isn’t real.
Ra’s does, something whispers in his head. And Bruce isn’t even sure what part of him it is anymore. It’s not impossible.
“What the fuck is this?” Dick snaps from beside him, voice still strangled. “This is fucking sick.”
“No,” Talia says, still calm. “This is the truth. I do not know how he returned to the world, but it is him. You can do the tests. But please, you must take him. We do not have time to linger.”
“What? You expect us to believe you just so happen to have him? That you’re simply returning him to us out of the goodness of your heart?”
And Bruce is so achingly glad that Dick is skeptical, that Dick is questioning this. Because they need to, but Bruce doesn’t think he has it in him to be the one to ask.
“I found him wandering Gotham, injured and alone, his mind basically gone.” As she speaks, Talia urges Jason closer, until all it would take is for one of them to reach out and tug him aboard. “I do not know what force brought him back to our world but I have done my own tests. I was confident that it was him, my Beloved’s child. To my shame, I did not return him to you. Instead, I brought him to my father. I seek to rectify that mistake now.”
“Why now?” Clark asks, an echo of his earlier question. “What’s changed?”
Talia doesn’t look at him. Instead, she strokes a hand gently through Jason’s sodden curls. An irrational part of Bruce wants to tear her hand from her wrist.
“I cannot let him suffer my father’s abuse any longer. I will not allow the pup he carries to be raised in the way my father hopes, the way he hopes for Damian too. Please, you may not trust me, but you must take him regardless. My father will no doubt have discovered our absence. When he finds out that I have taken both his grandson and the omega who carries his pup, he will not be merciful.”
Ra’s’ pup. In the shock of the revelation, Bruce had somehow forgotten the swell of Jason’s stomach - the clear evidence of exactly what has happened to him - but Talia’s words snap it back to his attention with an icy shock. Bile swells up his throat and Bruce has to swallow convulsively to keep from throwing up. Later. He can deal with that later, once he has Jason safely home. Once he’s certain that the boy before him is his pup - his child.
Sorry for the janky formatting, I’m on mobile lol. Thank you for your ask 💕 I hope you enjoyed the snippet!
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sunniewrites · 3 years
Here they are!
-One day, Nightmare comes running into the room where Sunnie is and frantically asks, WHO THE HELL TURNED OFF THE WI-FI?! Sunnie looks up and responds with I did, bitch, then goes back to playing the T-Rex Runner game.
-Nightmare and Sunnie almost kiss, but are interrupted.
-Nightmare: Door's locked, lights are off... snacks are here and I have my Sunnie right where I want them, what's next?
-Nightmare and Sunnie meet for the first time in a taxi.
-Nightmare gets locked out of their house while their family is gone, so they spend the night at Sunnie's place.
-Sunnie and Nightmare are the last two surviving players during dodgeball.
-Nightmare leaning into Sunnie's side.
-Sunnie and Nightmare going on the Haunted Mansion/a haunted house. Sunnie isn’t scared, but they pretend to be so they can cling to Nightmare’s arms.
-Sunnie and Nightmare are neighbors. Sunnie doesn’t like cooking so they prefer buying instant food, etc. Whereas, Nightmare always cooks healthy homemade food. Nightmare notices Sunnie's pure laziness so Nightmare decides to cook for Sunnie whenever they can and constantly remind them to take care of their health. And Sunnie genuinely appreciates Nightmare because no one has ever done anything like this for them. One night, Sunnie decides to try cooking for once so they go to the grocery store to buy some ingredients. Coincidentally Nightmare is there also. Sunnie expects Nightmare to buy veggies or any other healthy stuff but instead, a big amount of junk food filled up Nightmare's basket. They also notice Nightmare's bitter and apathetic expression, which is very unlikely of them. Sunnie starts to get worried so they take Nightmare home and cook dinner for them. Then, Sunnie tries to comfort Nightmare and wait for them to speak up.
-Imagine Sunnie returning the engagement ring they got for Nightmare to the jeweller. Not because they said no, but because Nightmare had worked up the courage to propose before Sunnie did.
-Sunnie finding Nightmare’s hobby which is quite unusual for their personality and decides to dabble in it too, finding they like it too and it’s something they do together.
-Nightmare isn't a very affectionate person, while Sunnie cherishes every moment they get with Nightmare. One day while Sunnie is cooking breakfast, Nightmare comes up and surprises Sunnie with a hug from behind. (Bonus + Nightmare buries their head into the back of Sunnie's shirt.)
-One day, Sunnie receives an envelope, the labeling on which indicates that it contains highly-sensitive information for their eyes only. Sunnie opens the envelope, and inside is a short, affectionate, handwritten love letter from Nightmare.
-Sunnie sitting cross-legged on the couch with a pile of bows and hair ties in their lap, messing with Nightmare’s hair, while Nightmare is sitting on the floor, laughing at Sunnie’s antics.
-Sunnie and Nightmare both call in sick to work so they can spend the day at the zoo together.
-Imagine Sunnie is sick. When they’re sleeping, Nightmare wraps them up in a blanket burrito.
-Sunnie and Nightmare in a Skype/Discord call (webcam optional) when Sunnie falls asleep in the middle of it. Nightmare decides to let them sleep since Sunnie had a long day and they like the sound of their sleeping.
This is a lot-
i'm respond w/ numbers lol
1. .. I wanna say i would never turn off the wifi but dinosaur game </3
2. hah imagine kissing... so cringe (kiss me rn-)
3. 'I have my sunnie right where i want them' zsibxjhsvxhgvgasvdjhxvdagvxaguvxg fuck
4. hm taxi trope my beloved
5. yeah come hang out with me at my house i'm swaggers 😎
6. awh c'mon now i suck at dodgeball.
7. wait that's so cute-
8. omg i'd be so scared. it's be realistic but atleast i have my nightmare <33
9. i make me instant noodles everyday (every other) but i can cook too. no stress eating babe <3
10. yeah i suck at building up courage.
11. i learn stuff very easily! and i'm up for most things >:D
12. love letters make me vv soft how did u know.
13. i LOVE doing hair <333
14. ahhh i love the zoo!!!
15. nightmare and blanket burrito my beloved <3
16. haha.... that's so sweet come over here rn 🔫
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Hi Steph, hope you and your loved ones are doing well(: Do you have any long fics (+100k) that are about character development? I like casefics but I would like to read something that the focus in the story are the characters, even if there is some cases. I just read The Adventure of the Silver Scars for the first time and now I'm adrift lol. Thank you so much, you make my day most often than not, *virtual hug*.
Hi Nonny!!!
AHHHHHHH I’m so happy that you’re enjoying my fic lists, and that I make your day <3 I want to argue that I PERSONALLY find any story that long has a LOT of character development, so I’m gonna be an ass and add a part two to my last 100K w. fic list :) Hee hee hee! I don’t get a lot of opportunities hah. I haven’t read very many 100K fics since my first list last May so I apologize for the length. 
Because I’m so focussed on trying to read more long fics lately, it’s taking me a lot longer to get through them, so I’m sorry I don’t have a lot for you. BUT I’m going to ALSO link you to my other longer fic list posts PLUS my case fic lists since you’re looking for those too :)
I genuinely feel like a lot of the fics I rec that are long have a lot of character development, because otherwise I don’t think I would have been able to get through them. It’s a weird quirk of mine: I need to get into the world of the characters if I’m going to invest that much time into them, so yeah :P I hope you enjoy what I have for you! 
PS AGREED I loved Silver Scars! It’s actually on this list because I only recently read it, hahah :D
See also:
Novel Length Fics: 50 to 100K (Nov. 2018)
Novel Length Fics: 50 to 100K Pt 2 (May 2020)
Novel Length Fics: 100K+ w. (May 2019)
Case Fics || [MOBILE] 
Case Fics Pt 2
Case Fics Pt 3
Two Two One Bravo Baker by abundantlyqueer (E, 114,574 w., 27 Ch. || Military AU || Afghanistan, War Story, Thriller) – Captain John Watson of 40 Commando, the Royal Marines, is assigned to protect and assist Sherlock Holmes as he investigates what appears to be a simple war atrocity in Afghanistan. An intense attraction ignites between the two men as they uncover a conspiracy that threatens everything they’ve ever known, but Sherlock is as much hunted as hunter, and everyone close to him is in deadly danger. Can he solve the case in time to save himself and John? Part 1 of Two Two One Bravo Baker Universe
The Bang and the Clatter by earlgreytea68 (M, 137,049 w., 37 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Baseball AU || Slow Burn / Dev. Rel., Possessive/Obsessive Sherlock, Jealous Sherlock, Mutual Pining, Body Appreciation, Depression, Closeted Sexuality, Family, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Ogling Each Other, Anxious Sherlock, Panic Attack, Drunkenness, Talk of Forever, Big Feelings™) – Sherlock Holmes is a pitcher and John Watson is a catcher. No, no, no, it's a baseball AU. Part 1 of Baseball
The Adventure of the Silver Scars by tangledblue (NR [M], 142,458 w., 41 Ch. || S3 Fix-It, Post-HLV/ Post-TAB / Canon Compliant, Case Fic, No Baby, Angst, Humour, UST, Slow Burn, Angry John, Reconciliation, Not Nice Mary / Leaving Mary, Dependent Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Caretaker John, Fist Fights, It’s An Experiment, Virgin Sherlock, Dancing, Drugging, John Whump, Pet Names, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Scars) – It’s been thirteen months since Mary shot Sherlock and John finds he’s still pissed off about it. Sherlock had thought everything was settled: John and Mary, domestic bliss. But when John turns up at Baker Street with suitcases, the world’s only consulting detective might not be prepared for the consequences. A new case. Some old scores to settle. Certain danger. Concertos, waltzes, and whisky.
Against the Rest of the World by SilentAuror (E, 151,714 w., 20 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-TRF, Hiatus Fic, POV First Person Sherlock, Present Tense, First Kiss/Time, Big Brother Mycroft, Escaping from Capture, Soft Sherlock, Toplock, Insecurity, Infidelity, Travelling, Introspection, Pining Sherlock, Depression, Fantasies, Yearning for the Past, PTSD Sherlock, Suicidal Ideation) – Sherlock has been away from London for nine hundred and twelve days and counting, and has no idea what sort of reception to expect when he finally returns.
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court.
Free Falling by twistedthicket1 (M, 203,574 w., 38 Ch. || Guardian Angels AU || Guardian Angel John, Fluff and Angst, Humour, Kidlock / Teenlock, Light Mystrade, Passage of Time, Possessive John, Drug Use / Overdose, Victor Trevor, Graphic Bullying, Big Brother Mycroft, Hard Drug Use, Depression, Possessive Sherlock, Possessive John, Panic Attacks, Nightmares/PTSD, Pining, Healing Abilities, Kidnapping, Violence, Torture, Blow Jobs, Virgin John, Emotional Development / Attachment, Mortality, Happy Ending) – All Guardian angels are born with a Chosen human. When this child is born, the angel comes into being to protect and care for them during their life on Earth. For John Watson, all he cares about in the world revolves around his Chosen, Sherlock Holmes. Watching him grow up though, the angel soon learns that God must have had a sense of humour the day he decided to make Sherlock, as trouble seems to follow him like a magnet wherever he goes. John can't decide what's worse, the idea of losing his Chosen one, or the fact that he may be breaking the most taboo law of heaven as he disguises himself as a human to better protect and befriend the beloved detective he's always watched from afar. He was meant to care for him. But what happens when caring evolves into something more? What happens when an emotion an angel is supposed to be incapable of possessing comes to life suddenly and viciously inside John's chest?
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