#and letting the kids play a guessing game of what she's going to use
froginninjago · 5 months
I think that to boost morale after especially large disasters the ninja should host pokemon contest-esque shows.
Just them showing off their powers in fun ways, they can occasionally get a few of the other elemental masters in- usually it's Skylor. They let audience members come up too. Just something to keep spirits up a small bit
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7s3ven · 5 months
PART 1 > PART 2 > PART 3 > PART 4 (last pt)
( master list )
IN WHICH… Y/N L/N, after spending a decade at Camp Half-Blood, still remains unclaimed. Luckily, Luke is there to keep her company as her good friend. And to, perhaps, provide a bit more.
“I’m in the wind, you’re in the water. Nobody’s son, nobody’s daughter.”
( follows the show - kind of just a oneshot bc i’m bored )
Warnings : fighting, violence, a little too much of a description about injuries
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Nobody had been this excited about a new kid since three years ago, when a H/C-haired girl showed up holding a Harpy’s head. The new arrival had slain a Minotaur, which Clarisse wasn’t too happy about. She was convinced he was a liar.
Y/N sat in the Hermes cabin, closely inspecting her empty juice box. She had waken up an hour ago yet her good friend, Luke, still woke up earlier. She always wondered where he went in the early morning. Perhaps to get some sword training in before the day started. He was, after all, the best swordsman in camp.
The rays of sun poured through the window, bathing the wooden floor in light. A few of the Hermes kids groaned, knowing Luke would burst through the doors any second and force them to get up. He always did when the sun rose.
As expected, Luke kicked the door open. “Good morning!” He exclaimed, as energetic as ever. “The new kid’s coming today so get up and start cleaning! I’m mainly talking to you guys.” Luke sent the group in the corner a stern look and added, “Y/N, you’re fine.” He pointed at her with his usual boyish grin.
Lately, Y/N had been sleeping in Luke’s bed while he slept on the floor. They took turns switching. Lying on the ground for more than a decade now wasn’t good for the back.
After all this time, Y/N was still unclaimed. It usually took a week or less. Y/N was a prime example of the Gods above ignoring their children.
“He’s the one who killed the Minotaur, right?” Y/N questioned as Luke collapsed onto his mattress, partly to annoy Y/N who was sitting on it. The H/C-haired girl scoffed and playfully rolled her eyes, yet she couldn’t contain the amused smile on her face.
“Yeah. He can join your little monster slaying group. Let’s hope he gets claimed because I can’t deal with a boy version of you.” Luke teasingly grinned while Y/N scoffed and slapped his shoulder.
“You love my company.” She uttered, rolling her eyes.
Luke’s friends snickered to themselves. “More like he loves you.” One whispered to another.
“What’s his name again?” Y/N asked, tilting her head to the side. “Was it… Tom?” Luke stared at her in disbelief before lightly snorting.
“You’re way off, Y/N. Stop thinking, you’ll hurt that tiny brain of your’s. Just do what you do best; sit still and look cute.” Luke ruffled her tidy hair, turning it into a bird’s nest again.
Y/N flung a pillow at him, and glowered at the Hermes boy. “I’m going to kick your ass in capture the flag.” She threatened, poking his shoulder. Clarisse, out of all people, was her best friend. So naturally, she teamed up with her.
“I wouldn’t be so sure, princess.” Luke lightly shoved her which caused Y/N to gasp in disbelief.
“Don’t push a lady, Luke!”
The other campers, already used to their antics, just chuckled. “Hey, love birds!” One of the unclaimed kids exclaimed. “Get a room!” With her smart she was, Y/N assumed she was Athena’s child.
Y/N and Luke liked to play a silly game where they guessed which camper belonged to which godly parent. It was fun. Luke was never wrong until the day he tried to guess Y/N’s.
A year ago, he guessed Aphrodite. His explanation? Because she was charming and she had a certain aura that followed her. And because she was pretty. That was the only time he was wrong because Y/N never ended up in a cabin.
“So, what do you think of the new kid? Which cabin?” Y/N asked as she and Luke walked outside. He shoved his hands into his pockets, laughing.
“Tough call. I haven’t even met him yet. Apollo, maybe?” Luke shrugged and frowned. “I’ll tell ya my guess when I see him.”
“I’m guessing… Poseidon.” Y/N uttered, earning a light snort from Luke.
“No way. Is that your confirmed guess? Being a child of Poseidon would mean being a forbidden child.”
The game had a few rules.
One. You can only take a single guess and once you confirm it, you can’t change it.
Two. You can’t ask the kid you’re talking about. Luke considers that cheating. You can only observe them.
Three. No asking Annabeth because she’s always right.
“I guess. It’s not like I ever win, right?” Y/N laughed, grinning at Luke. He stared at her for a moment before returning her bright smile.
“I know we don’t usually make bets, but if your guess turns out right, I’ll willingly give up in the next capture the flag game after he’s claimed.” Luke puffed out his chest, certain Y/N wouldn’t win.
“And if you win?” She asked, arching an eyebrow.
“You give me your strawberries.” Luke had an obsession with strawberries that everybody, even the gods above, knew about.
“You’re on, Luke.” Y/N held out her hand with her lips curved up into a teasing smirk.
“Good luck, princess. Looks like I’ll be taking all your strawberries.” Luke ran his tongue over his teeth, already being able to taste the sweet, red fruit in his mouth.
He walked off, playfully winking at Y/N. Clarisse, who saw the whole conversation go down, hurried over to Y/N. “Looks like you and lover boy have a bet going in.” She smirked, raising both her eyebrows. “You two are cute together.”
“Don’t mess with me, Clari. We’re just friends.” Y/N rolled her eyes at what her friend was suggesting. She had been friends with Luke for three years now and she had known him for even longer.
“Are you just friends… or you want to be more?” Clarisse leaned forward with that taunting glint in her beautiful eyes. Y/N groaned, shoving her away. Clarisse simply laughed. “Come on, princess.” She mocked.
“Oh, come on, Risse.” That was a horrid nickname given to Clarisse by an Apollo boy who seemed to be obsessed with her.
“Shut up!” Clarisse exclaimed, eyeing Y/N up and down in disgust as if she was the Apollo boy. “You know how I feel about him!”
“And you know how I feel about Luke.”
“Yeah… but do you?” Clarisse tilted her head to the side before her gaze flickered to something, or rather someone, behind Y/N. “The Minotaur kid is out.” She grumbled and sharply clicked her tongue.
“Great. I can see if my stupid guess was correct.” Y/N glanced over her shoulder, watching the boy walk beside Chiron. His hair was curled, much like Luke’s, and blond. Clarisse had wandered off in the midst of Y/N’s staring, but she didn’t mind.
Suddenly, the boy lifted his head. His eyes clashed with Y/N’s, and he almost jumped at how intensely she was staring at him. Y/N merely smiled before turning away.
“So, what do you think?” She asked Luke as they walked towards the Hermes cabin side by side, their shoulders brushing against each other.
“Hard to say for now.” Luke replied. Y/N looked at him and he stared back before the pair burst into quiet laughter. Just locking eyes could make two friends find anything hilarious.
“I assume you’ll take him under your wing? Good luck.” Y/N nudged him with her elbow, which seemed to be a normal gesture between them.
“Thanks, princess. See ya.”
Y/N turned around, almost crashing into a disoriented Percy Jackson. He seemed jumpy and panicked. Of course, how couldn’t he be? He had just unknowingly killed a monster and his mother had been taken.
“Hi. The first day is always rough. Don’t beat yourself up about it.” Y/N muttered to him before she passed by.
She didn’t stick around to hear Chiron announce him. She sighed, wandering aimlessly around the camp. She saw Clarisse talking to her siblings. Y/N had always wondered what it was like to have siblings you could relate to. What did it feel like to understand each other? To go through the same difficulties?
The Hermes cabin was comfortable and friendly enough but it wasn’t the same. She wanted to feel what a true family felt like, or at least was supposed to.
As Y/N had expected, Luke was the first to talk to Percy.
“I’m Luke.” He introduced himself to the boy after the rocky start to their conversation.
“Percy. Hey, uh, who was that girl before? The H/C-haired one?” He questioned, clearing his throat.
“Y/N. She’s nice most of the time the time but a pain in the ass during capture the flag.” Luke chuckled, shaking his head. “Nah. I’m just kidding. Don’t tell her I said that, though.”
“You guys seem close.” Percy uttered, remembering the way Luke looked at Y/N when they talked.
“Yeah. She’s my best friend. Unfortunately for me, her best friend is an aggressive Ares kid.” He grinned, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. “Feel free to lie down anywhere. Just don’t get too close to Y/N. If she’s having a monster dream, she kicks in her sleep.”
One of the campers across the cabin groaned. “I know how that feels. The bruise lasted for weeks!” The others burst into laughter while Percy hurriedly made a mental note.
Avoid the pretty girl when she sleeps.
Percy was lucky that Y/N, who lay on the floor a few feet away from him, wasn’t having one of her infamous nightmares. He couldn’t say the same for himself, though.
Percy sat up, panting and sweating. He looked around, realising where he was. Birds chirped in the distant and he could hear the faint sound of chatter through the wooden walls.
“You okay?” Luke asked.
“Super.” Percy sarcastically responded.
“We all have them here, you know.” Luke clicked his tongue and sighed. “Intense, reoccurring nightmares. That’s normal here. Take Y/N for example. When she first came here, no one wanted to get near her while she slept. Girl’s a bloody good kicker.”
Percy lightly chuckled while Luke smiled. “The daydreams and ADHA and dyslexia are normal too. Demigods just process reality differently than humans do. For the first time in your life, you’re just like everyone else.”
“So, are you also…” Percy trailed off, not wanting to sound rude to his first friend at camp.
Luke found his hesitation amusing. “Am I unclaimed? No. Hermes is my father.”
“And Y/N? Is her father also Hermes?”
Luke scrunched up his face like he had just eaten a sour lemon. “Oh, no. Heck no. Y/N’s unclaimed… still. She has been for a while.” The brunette pressed his lips into a thin line as he gazed at Y/N, who was laughing with Clarisse.
“Why hasn’t Aphrodite claimed her? I mean, she looks the part.”
“That’s what we’re all asking ourselves. We all thought she’d be Aphrodite’s kid.”
Boys and girls flocked towards Y/N like she was a muse. It was no secret that out of all the campers, Y/N stood out the most. There was something unique about her, how she always hung around the aggressive Ares kids like she wanted to be one of them.
She was a tough opponent but a little too soft for Ares’ liking.
Too gentle for Ares but too angry for Aphrodite. She was constantly stuck in the middle. It almost seemed like no god or goddess wanted her in their cabin because she had proved herself over and over again.
“How long has she been unclaimed?” Percy inquired. Kids before him had asked that very same question and every time, they were never ready for the answer.
“A decade.” Luke replied, “She’s been here for a decade. Last year, there was a stupid rumour going around that she was fully mortal but that doesn’t make sense. If she was, she wouldn’t be here in the first place.”
“Why so long?”
“Nobody knows.” Luke shrugged. He had wondered that too. And he could see how it was weighing down on Y/N. The unclaimed kid was what campers referred to her as. They used her as an example of what not to do.
“Will she ever get claimed?”
Luke hoped she would. For her sake. He knew how she felt about not having a related family of her own. For now, she was satisfied laughing over silly tales with the Hermes kids.
“So, where does she go during the day? She disappeared yesterday and today.” Percy tilted his head to the side, not being able to spot Y/N anymore. Luke paused. It was uncommon for him to not have an answer to everything.
“I… don’t know. I assume Clarisse and her go somewhere.”
“Probably swimming in the lake.” Grover said, overhearing the two’s conversation.
It was scorching during Summer at Camp Half-Blood. Most stayed in the shade while an occasional kid or two tended to the plants. So it would make sense that Y/N would go to a lake to cool off.
Luke left Percy in the company of Grover and made his way towards the Lake in the middle of the forest. As Grover guessed, he found Y/N and Clarisse and a few other Ares kids swimming in the water or sitting on the nearby rocks.
“Hey, Y/N, your lover boy is here!” One of them exclaimed. Y/N, from her spot in the middle of the lake, glared at him. She huffed before swimming over to Luke, easily heaving herself onto shore.
“Hey, Luke, ready to make your guess yet?” She asked, grinning up at him. “Or do you wanna swim?”
“My guess is definitely not Hephaestus.” Luke said as he sat down in front of Y/N. His gaze flickered to her new swimsuit. “New bathing suit?”
“Yeah. Miya got it for me.” Miya was a child of Aphrodite and favored Y/N quite a lot.
“Ah. No wonder it’s so…” Luke hesitated, “Revealing.” He tried to act like a gentleman but his cheeks flushed every time he even looked at Y/N.
“One more day until I kick your ass.” Y/N laughed as she sank back into the water, returning a moment later with her hair dripping wet and her face shining in the sunlight. She looked effortlessly angelic.
“Are you sure you’re ready to handle Y/N again, Luke? She almost beat you last time.” Clarisse snickered as she floated on her back.
Luke scoffed. “Keyword. Almost.” It was true that Y/N had almost beaten him in his own game of sword fighting but that was because she was becoming increasingly more distracting.
Gone was the shy and quiet kid who always trailed behind Clarisse. With every passing year, Y/N became more headstrong and, well, beautiful. That’s why it was so hard for Luke to keep his feelings to himself now. Even Clarisse could see through his facade.
“I’m ready to make my guess.” Luke finally announced, catching Y/N’s wavering attention. She arched an eyebrow, intrigued. “My guess… is Demeter. I met the kid and he seems gentle. A soft and kind soul.”
“Nice. I guess we’ll find out soon.” Y/N’s guess was nothing but a joke and she’d end up laughing if she was actually correct.
“Join me for a little swim?” Y/N asked, reaching out to tug on Luke’s shirt. He sighed while Y/N merely smiled. A moment later, he gave in. Luke lifted his shirt over his head while Y/N stared at him a little too shamelessly for her liking. Some of the Ares boys teasingly wolf-whistled which made Luke chuckle.
He jumped into the lake, practically tackling Y/N and taking her under with him. “Luke!” She yelled, hitting his shoulder when they resurfaced.
“Oh no. The married couple is fighting again.” Zyra, Clarisse’s half-sister, said. She and Clarisse shared a knowing grin.
“They’re so whipped.” Clarisse whispered, subtly swimming away to give the two more space.
It was the day Y/N had eagerly been waiting for. Perhaps her favourite day at Camp. Capture the flag day.
Clarisse handed Y/N a spear. “I got it fixed for you.” The brunette said. During the last game, Y/N’s spear had broken. She was forced to fight with half of it after that.
Y/N adjusted Clarisse’s armour, ensuring that it was tight enough before putting on her own helmet.
“You’re gonna love this.” She overhead Luke say to Percy as they passed by. “Camp-wide mock warfare. All glory to the victors. Annabeth’s the head counsellor. She’s led our team to three straight wins.”
Y/N looked away, giving Luke the perfect chance to gaze over at her. “Y/N and Clarisse lead the other team. Clarisse is rather… impulsive, though. Y/N’s come up with some good plans but Ares kids always go off the rails.”
“What’s the deal with you and Y/N anyway?” Percy suddenly switched the topic, much to Luke’s surprise. “I mean, you guys say you’re just friends but you’re always looking at each other. And talking. And you stare at her like she’s your world. Sometimes I wish I could look at someone like that.” Percy sighed while Luke was left speechless.
Luke cleared his throat and shook his head. “Let’s just… focus on the game.”
The conch shell blew. Y/N stood side Clarisse, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. “Heroes, it’s time.” Chiron announced. “The game begins. The first team to retrieve the opposing flag and return it across the river shall be the victor. As always, there will be no maiming and no killing. I trust these rules will be respected.”
He subtly glanced over at Clarisse and her cabin.
“Let the games begin.”
There was twenty minutes until the next conch shell, which meant game-on. Normally, Clarisse and Y/N would pair up and hunt through the woods for the first few hours. But Clarisse had a different idea this time.
“Good luck.” Y/N said to her friend, slinging her spear over her shoulder. Y/N split up with the rest of her team, taking with her small portion of campers.
“We follow Clarisse’s plan this time. We’re the last defense meaning that if the blue team manages to get through, we fight like our lives depend on it.” Y/N said as she gripped her spear tightly.
“What are going to do?” Someone else asked.
“I’m going to…. look around.”
Luke grunted as a sword piercing his upper arm. He easily disarmed his opponent and kicked them to the ground.
“We give up.” The red leader grumbled, wincing as their brushed their fingers over his cuts.
“I wanna move quick. Straight through the woods for their flag.” Luke uttered.
“Y/N and Clarisse hunt in those woods for the first few hours, you know that. They’ll cut us down.”
Luke grinned, shaking his head. “Annabeth has a plan for Clarisse. And Y/N, as always, is mine. Don’t worry about her.”
“Last time I didn’t worry about her, she almost chopped my head off. By accident!” Chris loudly exclaimed, shoving Luke. Unbeknownst to the pair, Y/N was watching from above in the trees, hidden by the thick leaves.
She skilfully hopped from branch to branch, sliding down in front of her teammates. “The blue team is coming. They got past the other defences. Get in position.” Y/N hid behind a thick tree branch, panting and listening carefully for the sound of Luke’s voice.
She heard a twig snap and peeked her head out slightly to see Luke, Chris, and the rest of their small team. Y/N looked up, signalling to her friends above that it was almost time.
The moment Luke, who was leading the pack, stepped right where Y/N wanted him, she revealed herself. “Now!” She shouted, raising her spear and striking Luke. He easily blocked her attack.
“Thought you could ambush us, princess? Nice try.” Luke chuckled, pushing Y/N back.
“I’d say that it worked just fine.” Y/N retorted, lunging at Luke again. She pinned him to a nearby tree, holding the blade of her spear to his throat.
Chris grabbed Y/N by her shirt, pulling her back. Luke swung his sword at her but Y/N simply ducked to avoid the blow.
She tried to run off to help her teammates but Luke blocked her path. “Where do you think you’re going?” He uttered, playfully furrowing his eyebrows.
Y/N scoffed, kicking his ankles. She pointed at spear at his chest, poking it ever so slightly. “Ready to give up, Luke?”
“In your dreams.” He rolled over, latching onto Y/N’s arm and pulling her down with him. Y/N yelped, quickly scrambling up before he could grab her again.
She looked around at her surroundings, finally understanding what Luke’s plan was. It was to keep Y/N away from her team so that Luke’s could take them down. That left Y/N solely alone, standing between the flag and the blue team.
She panted, glaring at Luke. “Bring it on, Luke.” She muttered, holding up her spear. Luke was the first to make a move. He jumped at her, swinging his blade. Y/N dodged it and blocked another attack from Chris.
She quickly lowered her head, tackling another Hermes kid. Y/N rolled across the floor, swiftly standing up. “You won’t be getting near that flag on my watch.” She kicked Luke and whacked Chris. One of the Athena girls launched herself at Y/N, gripping onto her leg.
Y/N shook her off but the girl’s weight caused her to topple over. The bits of debris grazed at her skin. Chris swung his sword, slashing at Y/N. The blade cut her lower arm and blood welled up from the slit.
Quietly groaning, Y/N heaved herself up. She lightly swayed, unbalanced and a little weak. “Like I said,” She murmured, “You aren’t getting that flag.”
Y/N blocked every attack and blow aimed her way but she was getting slow. She could barely lift her weapon fast enough to stop Luke from successfully landing a hit.
Everything was becoming too overwhelming as she struggled to keep up. It was all a fast blur filled with weapons violently clashing against each other and shouting.
Up above, thunder crashed and lightning flickered through the darkening sky. Rain poured down, drenching the campers.
The thunder got louder and the lightning brighter as the seconds passed until nobody could ignore it. A harsh flash of lightning hit a tree nearby, setting it alight.
“Y/N, watch out!” Luke shouted, reaching out. Strings of electricity rippled around Y/N as a burning tree branch fell towards her. Luke sprinted towards her, dropping his sword in the process. He tackled Y/N, shielding her from harm’s way.
She groaned as she hit her head, black dots swirling around in her vision. She felt numb and her head lolled to the side as she heard shouts of victory followed by gasps of surprise.
“Y/N L/N has been claimed by Zeus, the king of Gods and the God of thunder and ruler of the sky.”
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Grill the Kid
Synopsis: Y/n is the favorite for Grill the Grid. A few of the 2023 episodes are a reminder why.
young female driver reader x 2023 F1 Grid
A/N: a couple things; team doesn’t really matter here, I’m just using the drivers shown in the videos. i’m also using a challenge from previous years to make it more interesting
Grill the Grid Episode 1: Driver Heights
You walk in to see a tall easel. “Oh, what’s this for?” You ask Rosanna, the host of the games.
“We’ve got a heigh chart and magnets with all the driver’s names on them. And you’ve got to place them in height order in two minutes”
You nod. “I can do that”
“You ready? 3, 2, 1, go”
“Okay, how am I gonna do this?” You say, asking no one in specific.
“Let’s just do this in order I see them- actually, wait” You search for two names specifically, then slap one at the very top, the other at the bottom.
“We’re gonna put Yuki right below my name, he’s not as tall as me, but he’s close”
“Then...um...who’s the next tallest? Estie or Alex?” You look to Rosanna as if she can tell you.
“We’ll do Estie, Alex, then, Stroll, I guess? Lance is pretty tall, he can go right there” You flip through the magnets in your hands, eyebrows furrowed.
“Should we do shortest to tallest then? That might be easier”
“Lando is, of course, a midget and belongs all the way down there” You crouch, placing your friend’s name at the bottom with a grin.
“Who else is short? Fernando and Checo, they’re pretty short. I think Fernando is shorter than Checo, though”
“Umm, Lewis isn’t that tall, oh! Neither is Valtteri, sorry Valtteri. KMag, he’s also not super tall”
“I think from then on, everyone else is kinda similar in height- actually no, Pierre thinks that he’s tall, he’s not”
“Max- is Max tall? He might be, he’s just not tall in my mind. We’ll put him in the middle. Charles, we’ll put him right next to Max” A cheeky smile suddenly comes on to your face.
“Zhou is kinda tall, maybe, but we’ll put him below Charles and Max”
“Oscar? See, again he’s not tall in my mind, but he might actually be tall, so I don’t know. I’ll put him above Zhou but below Charles and Max, that might work”
“Carlos, uh, he can be tall, we’ll put him above right below Charles and Max”
“Oh, Hulk! He’s tall, Nico’s tall, we’ll put him below Alex and in front of Lance”
“Last person is Logan, he’s tall, I think, not that tall though, maybe below Lance” You place the last name on the chart.
“Okay, I’m done, I did great, but you can tell me what you think is wrong, anyways” you say jokingly, smiling at Rosanna.
“So, Y/n, I’m sorry to tell you but you are not the tallest on the grid” Rosanna says in front of you, fake sympathy on her face.
“What do you mean? Of course I am, I tower above everyone, clearly” You gesture to yourself.
“Okay then, well, Yuki is not the second tallest” The woman says as you shake your head.
“Rosie, I don’t know what you see, but Yuki is almost as tall as me” You look up to see her sighing.
“Are you really not going to change it?”
“There’s nothing to change” You smile, shrugging. “Alright then. Esteban is the-“ She pauses, then plays along with your game. “The third tallest” You smile successfully.
“Then in your books, I guess, Alex is the fourth tallest, and George- what did George do to you that made you put him on the bottom?”
“He’s George, that’s enough sometimes” You see Rosanna face palm, then ask again, “You’re not going to change his?”
“Nope” You shake your head. “Okay- moving on, you got Nico and Lance right. Max is actually taller than Logan, then goes Charles- are you not going to change them either?” She exclaims, exhasperated already.
“No” you say simply. She sighs. “So Charles, you got Oscar and Carlos wrong, Oscar is taller than Carlos”
“Really? He’s taller than Carlos? Okay, I’ll move them”
“Pierre goes right below Carlos, then Kevin-” You cut her off. “Actually? Wow, I was wrong”
“Yes, somehow” Rosanna rolls her eyes playfully.“Then comes Zhou, he’s shorter than KMag, then Lewis, he’s taller than Sergio. Checo is taller than Valtteri, then Fernando, and then Lando”
She finishes, refraining from voicing her opinion about yours and Yuki’s heights. “So I got them all right!” You exclaim, grinning. “Sure Y/n, you got them all right”
Grill the Grid Episode 2: Geography
“Alright, here we go” You walk into the studio, greeting Rosanna and everyone else behind the cameras as you go. “What’re we doing today?” You ask, standing on the mark on the floor.
Rosanna smirks, and you know this isn’t going to go well. “Geography”
Your face falls.
“In fifteen seconds”
Your jaw drops.
“Oh my god, I hate this game”
She hands you the clipboard. “You ready?”
“No” You deadpan.
“Okay, 3, 2, 1, go” She ignores you and starts the timer.
And then you’re dotting the paper frantically, your eyes trying to keep up with your hands. “Ten seconds”
“Shut up” you say dryly, but you’re grinning.
“Where’s Monaco?” You mutter.
“Five seconds”
“Time’s up” she tells you, the alarm going off in front of you.
“Wait” Your eyes quickly scanning the paper. “Okay, I’m done” You look up.
“The timer’s been off for like, ten seconds” Rosanna laughs.
“Oh well”
“Okay, Y/n, show me what you’ve done” You grin, turning the clipboard around to reveal a messily dotted paper.
“Oh my”
“Good, right?”
“It’s certainly something”
“Yeah, something amazing”
“Sure, Y/n. Tell me what it’s supposed to be”
“Okay so, we have Miami, Texas, Las Vegas” You point to the US on the map.
“You’ve got that bit right”
“Then Mexico, and Montreal is somewhere up here” You gesture to Canada. “Not where Mexico City or Montreal are, but I’ll give you the point”
“Australia, Brazil, and the UK”
“Yeah, then what’s the mess on the rest of Europe?” You grin. “There’s Russia, Singapore is like, down here”
“Russia’s right, Singapore isn’t”
You give her a look. “What? You got them wrong!”
“How am I supposed to win if you tell me I get them wrong?”
“Maybe you won’t win then. C’mon-”
You cut her off. “Are you doubting my skills? Fine, I’ll show you. Japan is here-”
“No it’s not”
“This is Italy”
“That one’s right”
“Belgium is here”
“This is the Netherlands”
“Switzerland, actually”
“That’s Bahrain” Rosanna shakes her head. “It’s not”
“Saudia Arabia is here”
“That’s right”
“See, I told you I know my stuff” You tap your head with the marker and grin.
“You’ve got like six wrong”
“That’s Baku”
“Not even close”
“And then there’s Monaco” “You did get that one” You smile proudly.
“You were on a streak! Not Austria”
“You are back to being wrong”
“Yes, that’s Qatar”
“And Abu Dhabi” You finish.
“And no. Congrats Y/n, you got 14/23 right”
“Yeah, I always get it right”
“I- okay Y/n”
Grill the Grid Episode 3: Youngest to Oldest
“Hi” You sing-song as you walk into the studio and on the mark on the floor.
“Today Y/n, you’re going to put the drivers on the grid in their age order, from the youngest at the top and oldest at the bottom. You have two minutes” Rosanna says, giving you 20 magnets with each driver’s name on them.
“Are you ready?” She asks as you flip through each name.
“Yeah, why not”
“3, 2, 1, go”
“Alright this is gonna be easy. Let’s find oldest and youngest first, so me, I go at the very top, and then... Fernando right here, goes all the way to the bottom” You turn to grin at the camera.
“I believe Oscar is the next youngest, and then Logan? He’s besties with Oscar and that means they’re the same age so yeah, Logan”
You flip through a few more, and suddenly pause.“Um, how old is Zhou? He’s gotta be like, 21? 22? We’ll put him above Logan”
“Then Lando, oh and Yuki, he turned 22 or 23 a few months ago?” You know you’re not getting any answers, you never do, but you ask anyway.
“Or maybe they’re the same age! Yeah, let’s go with that, Lando and Yuki same age”
“Then... Okay, this isn’t easy, who’s next? How old is Charles? I’m gonna say 25 because he’s definitely not 26 and I don’t think anyone is younger than him. So, Charles, I think Pierre because again, they’re besties and that means they’re the same age- or no, Pierre is like, a little older”
“And Max, he’s young, he’s 25 so- oh no”
“Is Pierre older than Max?”
“How old is- Pierre is 26 right? So it goes Chares, Max, then Pierre”
“No because how old is Alex? He’s gotta be like 25 right? He can’t be- how old is George?”
“Oh my god, because see, in my mind, George is like 27 but I know-”
You pause.
“I don't think that’s true so- but how old is Alex?”
“Oh jeez” You cover your face with your hands.
“Alright, let’s do me, Oscar, Logan, Zhou, Lando and Yuki, Alex, Charles, George, Max, Pierre, and then Esteban to top it all off. That makes sense”
“That brings us to like 26-wait! How old is Lance?” You groan and throw your hands up.
“He’s either 24, 25, or 26. We’ll put him in front of Pierre and behind Estie” You look at your work and nod.
“And Carlos! He’s like 27, maybe, so after Esteban, probably”
“Yeah, okay, I think after that no one else is in their twenties, so thirties”
“KMag is 31 I think, Checo is- Checo's on the younger side, 33 or like, 35, I don’t know”
“Bottas is somewhere in between, low thirties I’m gonna say, so after Checo”
“Then Hulk, I think he’s 35 actually, so we’ll put him in front of Valtteri” 
“And then Lewis right under Fernando. Wow, that was easy, I’m so good at this game” You place the last magnet and turn to grin at Rosanna.
“So, you got the first three right, but Yuki is the fourth youngest, then Lando, and then Zhou”
“I was close”
“Then Lance, George, and Charles”
You make a face. “Not so good then”
“Next goes Max, Esteban, and Alex”
“And you got the last seven correct, so you did okay”
“I think I should get extra points for trying though”
“No, Y/n”
(I only did 3 episodes because these were the only ones that I could really make a story out of, so… the end)
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plomegranate · 7 months
i love palestinian and arab culture so much.
my grandma wearing thobes around the house and making us tamriyeh. my cousins wedding when we all wore thobes and keffiyehs and took photos downtown and we danced with someone playing the guitar on the street and this lady stopping us to tell us we all looked so beautiful. walking the graduation stage in a thobe. the girl who liked to guess arab peoples ethnicities telling me "you're wearing tatreez... do you want me to write 'palestinian' on your forehead?" the keffiyeh my brother keeps on the drivers seat of his car.
my dad sending me off to my last semester of college with 2 pomegranates and a jar of palestinian olive oil. my cousins wife coming up with new ways to make zaatar and cheese pastries. me and my grandma sitting on the floor and making waraq 3neb- my job was to separate the leaves so she could roll them easier. my mom sending me and my brother to school with eid cookies for my teachers and tasking us with delivering some to the neighbors. my aunt glaring at me and piling more food on my plate and then asking if i was still hungry (i wasnt). my mom always telling me to invite my friends and cousins over for dinner and asking me what they like to eat. my family getting my dad knafeh instead of cake for his birthday. the man who told me i made the "best fetteh in the western hemisphere".
the man in the shawarma shop who gave me my fries for free and baklava i didnt order because we spoke about being palestinian while he took my order. the person on tumblr who i bonded with because we are from the same palestinian city. the girl i met on campus who exclaimed "youre palestinian? me too!" because i was wearing my keffiyeh. the girl in my class that showed me the artwork about palestine her dad made and donated for fundraising. the couple in the grocery store who noticed my palestinian shirt and talked with me for 20 minutes and ended up being a family friend. the silly palestinian kids i tutored sighing in disappointment when i told them i was born in america because they were hoping that id have been born "somewhere cooler". my friends family who bought me dinner despite me being there by chance and having met me for the first time the day before.
the boys starting uncoordinated dabke lines in my high school's hallways. the songs about the longing and love for our land. the festivals and parties and gatherings where everything smells like shisha and oud. memories of waiting in the car for an hour as my parents talked at the doorway of their friends homes. my cousins and i showing up at each others homes with cake or fruit or games as if it was the first time we ever visited even though we always say "you dont have to".
kids stubbornly helping to clean and make tea after a meal while being told to go sit down because they are guests. the necklaces in the shape of our home countries. people hugging and laughing and acting as if theyve known each other for years because they come from the same city or know people with the same last name. the day i finally got to bully my friends into letting me pay the bill because i had a job and they were still students. my moms friend who calls us every time she's at the grocery store to see if we need something
palestinian people are so resilient and hardworking and charitable. they love their culture and their community and are so quick to share and welcome anyone in. everyday i am so thankful and proud to be part of such a warm and lovely culture
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sanaexus · 5 days
social's as nagi's girlfriend
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-liked by reo.miikage, isaichii and 132.6k others
yourusername: he loves me (i'm lying to myself also all he does is play games but he won't let me go anywhere 😔)
tagged: nagi.seishiro
reo.miikage: he doesn't he loves me (we're both js making fools of ourselves) ↳yourusername: the difference is i can sit on his lap whenever and you can't ↳reo.miikage: girl stfu i legit carry your boyfie around ↳yourusername: boy don't be seen talking when i'm the one who he fucks every night ↳chigi.who: b y e . ↳hiyori: WHAT THE FUCK?? ↳isaichii: is that why he's always tired at soccer practice? ↳yourusername: idk don't ask me ↳mikka.kaiser: FOR THE LAST DAMN TIME IT'S FOOTBALL. YOU WANNA BE AMERICAN SO BAD GO GUN DOWN A BUILDING OR SOMETHING ↳alexis.ness: that was rude ↳mikka.kaiser: oh i don't care ↳nagi.seishiro: stop spamming the fuck?
user1: came here to see y/n content not some 6'3 prodigy man child who considers breathing a hassle ↳nagi.seishiro: it is ↳user2: girl??? ↳yourusername: mb 😔😔
julian.loki: minecraft's mid roblox better ↳user3: never in a million year would i have imagined julian loki saying that ↳yourusername: YOU LEGIT SCAM AND E-DATE KIDS IN BROOKHAVEN TFYM (come play dress to impress w me pls) ↳julian.loki: IT'S THEIR FUCKING FAULT THEY KEEP THE HOUSE UNLOCKED OFC I'LL STEAR THEIR MONEY (omw)
megubachi: SHOES IN THE HOUSE???? ↳shoei.barou: disgusting ↳yourusername: I'M SORRY ↳yourusername: barou is like the levi of bluelock except taller and he didn't lose an eye and two fingers ↳karasu_tabito: DO YOU HAVE TO REMIND ME? LIKE SOME PEOPLE ARE TRY MOVE ON OVER HERE ↳nagi.seishiro: she cried about it for like 4 months ↳yourusername: SHUT UP I DIDNR ↳eita.otoya: HAHA NO BALLS ↳yourusername: SUCK MY DICK BITCH ↳eita.otoya: YOU DON'T HAVE ONE?? ↳yourusername: SAYS WHO? ↳shiidoryu: ILL VOUCH FOR YOU IF YOU SHOW ME YOUR COCK ↳yourusername: BET ↳shiidoryu: Y/N HAS A 9 INCH DICK nagi.seishiro: you weren't complaining 5 minutes ago :x ↳yourusername: STFU SROp ↳nagi.seishiro: anw come back you're warm and human and better than a hoodie ↳yourusername: tfym human?? ↳nagi.seishiro: idk js come
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-liked by reo.miikage, itoshi_sae and 121.5k others
yourusername: no bc the one time we go outside for a date it has to be an arcade
tagged: nagi.seishiro
reo.miikage: sigh i guess we'll always be second to games ↳yourusername: TFYM "WE" BRO IT'S ME NOT U ↳reo.miikage: HE'S MY BESTFRIEND?? ↳yourusername: HE'S MY BOYFRIEND??
nagi.seishiro: yeah but i got you all the prizes you wanted ↳yourusername: yeah and i'm gonna go hug mr.masha instead of you bc he actually pays attention to me ↳nagi.seishiro: sigh i'm coming over
karasu_tabito: wtf was bro doing ↳yourusername: idk he prolly js felt silly and bachira's monster came over him ↳megubachi: my monster didn't like that ↳yourusername: tell him i'll give him kisses ↳nagi.seishiro: no you won't ↳yourusername: rudeee
kuniisuke: bigger question is how did y/n manage to drag him out ↳yourusername: don't ask me how i did i js did it was hard ↳eita.otoya: isn't that some tiktok audio ↳yourusername: yes and? ↳megubachi: SAY THAT SHIT W YOUR CHEST AND ↳megubachi: oh wait we aren't doing that this time?
shiidoryu: biggest question is did y/n win anything by herself? ↳nagi.seishiro: no ↳reo.miikage: nope ↳isaichii: no way ↳rin.itoshi: no ↳itoshi_sae: no ↳shoei.barou: no ↳nikkoki: nah ↳karasu_tabito: not happening ↳eita.otoya: nuh uh ↳mikka.kaiser: not in this lifetime ↳yourusername: Y'ALL ARE SO RUDE WOW BYE I'M GONNA GO CRY TO ANRI AB THIS 🤬🤬🤬
user4: my roman empire is that rin, sae and barou the people who barely use social media still frequently interact with y/n posts (mostly to insult her) ↳yourusernames: haters gon hate 💔💔
nagi.seishiro: her being very pretty makes up for the fact she didn't win anything (i wasn't held at gunpoint) ↳reo.miikage: blink twice if you need head ↳yourusername: ?? ↳hiyori: ????? BEO ↳reo.miikage: oops i meant help
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-liked by nikkoki, kuniisuke and 198.6k others
yourusername: woahh my boyfriend can kick a ball (he's so cool) anw i forced them to make that heart
tagged: nagi.seishiro
isaichii: i don't know what the fuck you did to motivate that man but pls do it again ↳yourusername: I DIDNT DO ANYTHING?? ↳nagi.seishiro: promised me kisses ↳yourusername: that wasn't me that was either reo or your side chick ↳chigi.who: nah he's too lazy to have a side chick it'll prolly be a "hassle" to keep her a secret ↳user4: LMFAO ↳reo.miikage: I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING I THINK I'D REMEMBER PROMISING MY BESTFRIEND KISSES?? ↳nikkoki: you're saying bestfriend as if you don't drool over him
shoei.barou: never let y/n come to a match again making that heart was harder than the fucking match ↳rin.itoshi: the next time i see her she better run. ↳eita.otoya: that shit fucking hurt. ↳nagi.seishiro: it was such a hassle ↳isaichii: loved the winning hated the "celebration" ↳megubachi: IT WASN'T THAT BADD ↳chigi.who: GIRL THAT SHIT NEARLY BROKE MY KNEE ↳yourusername: can you even break a knee though? ↳yourusername: EXACTLY BACHIRA GETS ME IT WASN'T THAT BAD IT WAS MAKING A HEART YALL CAN PLAY A 90 MINUTE MATCH BUT NOT MAKE A HEARt????
nagi.seishiro: you look pretty cheering me on ↳yourusername: bye ily ↳nagi.seishiro: i love you more
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i forgot oliver existed so im gonna add him from now
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sunkissed-zegras · 1 month
thigh riding with Paige... 🤭
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౨ৎ ─ summary | paige is ignoring you while she locks in while playing fortnite with kk, but you needed her attention (and she hates it when you're needy)
─ word count | 1.1k (this was supposed to be a blurb bruh)
─ warnings | NSFW under the cut, read at your own discretion! kinda mean paige, thigh riding (who woulda guessed?), nothing else?
─ taglist | @xocherishxo @iienstein @yazmunson @euphternal @hello-nah817 @wanderlusturous @plushkhiii @ilovepaigebueckerss @ajcuteee @vi0lentb3rry @paigeszn @brynsreads @delicateray
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"PAIGE," YOU WHINED as she ignored you, her eyes plastered on her computer screen. You rolled your eyes as you sighed, collapsing back on the bed as your girlfriend continued playing Fortnite.
Her headset was on and her glasses were set on the bridge of her nose, her fingers clicking on the keyboard as she played. You were needy and dramatic, sure but it was for good reason, you hadn't seen Paige since the morning and you missed her. Yet right now, it seemed like playing her stupid game meant more to her than her girlfriend.
You wanted her attention but you didn't know how you were gonna get it. As you lay there, feeling neglected, you weighed your options. Interrupting her game would not go over well, but letting your feelings just sit there wouldn't help either.
"Dude they're following us, for sure." Paige mumbled into the headset as she groaned out loud. "I fucking told you, didn't I? I told you to leave it-"
Sighing once more, you sat up and watched her for a moment. The concentration etched on her face was almost endearing, but it also made you feel a bit left out. You wondered if she even realized how much time had passed since she last acknowledged your presence in the room.
An idea popped in your head as a smirk began forming on your lips. You walked up to her quietly, and put a hand on her shoulder as she looked up to see you. "Not right now, baby. Hold on,"
Hold on? Your jaw slightly dropped as you glared at your girlfriend. You couldn't believe Paige ─ her hot and very needy girlfriend was standing right next to her and she wanted her to hold on?
Gathering your courage, you spoke up again, your voice tinged with a hint of irritation. "Paige, seriously," you said, your tone firm. "I've been waiting for you all day, and all I want is a little bit of your time. Is it really too much to ask for?"
"KK, look out behind you!" Paige shouted into the headset, making you audibly groan before Paige finally glanced up at you again, putting a hand over her mic. "What? Why are you giving me attitude for, can't you wait for like, 5 minutes?"
You knew you were being overly dramatic and you knew that Paige hated when you'd give her attitude, especially for something small like this. But you finally had her attention and you were not gonna let it go now.
You met her gaze with a raised eyebrow, your tone dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, sorry to inconvenience you with my presence," you quipped, your voice laced with irritation. "I guess I'll just go find someone who actually wants to spend time with me."
Paige's eyes narrowed at your remark, a hint of annoyance flashing across her face. "Really? You're seriously going to pull that card over a stupid game?"
You shrugged nonchalantly, crossing your arms over your chest. "Why not?" you replied, a smug smirk playing on your lips. "It's not like you've paid any attention to me since you started playing anyway."
She sighed as she heard KK talk, "Yeah, I'm still here. Give me two seconds," she spoke as before she muted herself.
Two seconds, you gotta be kidding me. But before you could scoff or roll your eyes dramatically, Paige grabbed your arm and pulled you into her lap roughly. You stumbled as Paige pulled you into her lap, caught off guard by her sudden movement.
"Hey, what are you doing?" you protested, your voice tinged with annoyance as you struggled to regain your balance.
Paige ignored your protest, her grip firm as she held you close to her. "Fucking relax," she mumbled. "You're acting like a bitch in heat right now, you know that, right?"
You rolled your eyes but you couldn't help but feel yourself begin to get warm. Paige kept her gaze on you and as she pulled you off her lap for a second and gestured to your shorts before she unmuted herself. You stood there, almost shocked for a good two seconds before Paige sent you a look before you did as she told you.
You couldn't believe it took Paige a minute to win you back but you weren't complaining, you needed her. She stuck out her knee and you knew what to do ─ you straddled it as Paige kept her eyes locked on the screen.
"Yeah, you got 'em?" Paige spoke lowly as she felt your dampness hit her bare thigh, feeling a shiver go down her spine. Her cold knee sent a shiver down your spine as you bit your bottom lip.
You let a small whimper before Paige began rocking her knee, causing a full-blown moan to escape your lips. Paige sent you a warning glare as your eyes widen, your hand clasping over your hands.
"What was what noise?" Paige scoffed as she kept her gaze on the screen. "I didn't hear anything," she forced out a laugh as she kept rocking her knee, your cunt gliding against it.
You began to move alongside her knee, your head falling back as you gripped her shoulders. You felt pathetic, riding her thigh like a bitch in heat (in Paige's words) but it felt too good to stop. Your hips movements began more sporadic as Paige continued rocking her knee, muffled whimpers coming out of your lips.
Paige could tell that you were close so she put one of her hands on your hips, guiding you harder on her knee. Your eyes rolled on the back of your head as you let out a moan, feeling the knot in your stomach snap as you came undone on her thigh.
Your body felt like jelly as you collapsed on her chest, her hand moving up to the keyboard as she kept playing. A few minutes pass and you heard KK scream from her headset, glancing at the screen. She got it, she and KK had won the Victory Royale.
As the adrenaline from the game subsided, you nestled into Paige's chest, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you. Despite the earlier tension, being close to Paige like this was all you really wanted.
"Yup, I gotta go, KK. Bro, I'll- yeah, yeah. I got it, I heard you the first time. Okay, I'll see you tomorrow morning." She hung up the call quickly as she pulled off her headset, her hands finally beginning to caress your back.
Paige looked down at you, a soft smile on her lips. "I'm sorry for ignoring you, pretty."
You glanced up at her with a small smile. "It's okay, you made it up."
Paige's soft smile formed into a cocky smirk as she shrugged. "Yeah and I did it with no fingers, huh?"
"None, cus you're just like that," you mumbled as she laughed softly, pulling you closer.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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suguruplsr · 7 months
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Five kisses! Collect em’ all!
featuring.. Gojo Satoru
✰ ✰ ✰ Satoru tells a story to his students about how him, of all people, had the "most trying" time of his life. Which was trying to make the move of your first kiss in high school. Who knew dating the quiet cute girl in their little group was so hard? Yet, the ring on his ringer proves it was worth it..
,, x wife!reader , fluff , you guys play uno & monopoly , satoru is a simp!
↬ 1K Event Masterlist
wc: 4.8k+
— divider @/benkeibear
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satoru’s eyes flickered to your form, you were washing the dishes after everyone had their fill. well, for lunch at least.
the kids (teenagers) were finally coming back into the house, after nobara and megumi had chased down yuji, who called nobara a “no-no word”, as you put it, and ran away using one of megumi’s demon dogs.
let’s just say.. yuji’s gonna need to use all of satoru’s products to get clean, much to his dismay.
“this is why you should just keep your mouth closed next time!” nobara huffs, her hands on her hips as she scolds yuji, who was slumped on your precious floor, all dirty with twigs and leaves in his head. “not my fault you’re such a..” yuji almost bites back, but pausing with the faucet in the kitchen abruptly stops.
“you’re such a, what itadori?”
you step out the kitchen, drying your hands with a towel as nobara beams at you with a smile, while megumi gives a shy wave and yuji pouts. “nothing, ma’am!” satoru chuckles as yuji fixes his posture, standing up and gesturing for the boy to follow, “i’ll let you use my shower before my wife’s floor gets dirty..” he sighs, giving you a quick peck on the lips while the boy follows..
after satoru got yuji situated, he was greeted with the sight of you and the other two teens sitting at the table, playing a game of uno. nobara across from you and megumi on your right side.
“when did you guys have your first kiss?”
nobara suddenly asks, giving you a.. suspicious? look, you’re not sure, but it made a giggle leave your lips. kids these days.. “maybe about a month into our relationship..?” you ponder with a confused tone, rubbing your chin and placing down a +4, making megumi scoff in frustration.
“actually! it took me nearly a year! just for me to get a kiss with you!” satoru jumps in the conversation with a huff, a hand on his chest and looking awfully offended. you and megumi give each other looks as nobara claps her hands in excitement. “wait really!? please tell me all about it sensei!”
and you give a sigh in exasperation as satoru sits at the dinner table on your other side, dusting himself off, fixing his hair, all that dramatic stuff and clearing his throat. “i guess i can tell a few stories..”
“the first time we kissed was—“
“wasn’t that indirect..?”
“honey! ahem, anyways.. it was in our second year of highschool, exactly one month of dating and on a sunny day..”
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you two were at a small cafe that suguru recommended, dining on desserts and drinks that satoru was willingly paying for. he took you there after reminding you that it was your one month anniversary. and honestly, you weren’t sure why it was a big deal to him, not that it didn’t matter to you, but seeing how excited he was about it was a bit endearing.
really cute.
satoru watched you, who was sipping on a strawberry milkshake all in one go. you must be content, he thought. considering you’re all silent, which isn’t new, and just sipping the drink with your eyes closed. he almost wanted to make a joke about it, but he didn’t want to ruin your enjoyment. it’s was a big day after all! and he had to keep his girl happy as much as he could.
and as soon as you’re finished, head down and suffering from a, very much worth, brain freeze, he’s chuckling, “want some more?” “n-no thank you..” you murmured, feeling woozy from the headache and satoru thought you were so adorable. still are. he loves seeing these little sides of you.
when you were feeling a bit better, you grabbed a cup cake with vanilla icing and sprinkles. and satoru was cheesing, smiling from the way your eyes lit up. it felt refreshing to see you make more expressions rather than the stoic and unbothered look you always had. “want some?” you offered, feeling a bit awkward because of his prying eyes, but you didn’t catch the way he gave a sly grin, “of course!”
but he stopped your hand that went for another cupcake, instead licking some of the icing off yours. “satoru!” you scoff, watching in disbelief as he licks his lips, a cocky grin playing on them. “tasty~ i want s’more..” and you pulled away before he could take a huge bite out of the desert. turning to your side and quickly trying to eat up the cake.
satoru giggles, amusement flickering under those glasses of his as you ate up the delicious food. he was drinking his lemonade when you turned back to face him, somehow able to withstand the sour drink, but as you set aside the decorative liner, he realized that was your first kiss, along with a warming feeling forming inside him. his first kiss.
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“..well yea..indirect. of course.” satoru chuckles nervously.. pouting at the loud sigh megumi gave.
“i think holding a girl’s hand is more intimate than that..” nobara has a stone face, giving you a look that says, ‘this guy?!’ and you shake your head, muttering a, ‘unfortunately..’
“he was and is, a loser. oh, uno.” megumi sits back, holding up his one card left as you and nobara give each other another look, determination. a little help won’t hurt right?
“maybe you should tell them that time you tried to pin me..” you suggest, holding back the laugh that almost escapes from the whip of nobara’s head, slamming down her red. “tried!? geez, of course someone like you failed to swoon mrs.gojo!” that girl’s expressive.. and satoru scoffs, standing up. “well considering her surname, i clearly did something!” “okay kids. let’s all settle down..”
you chuckle, lips curling in a way that makes megumi facepalm. how do you just so happen to have another +4? oh and nobara put down a reverse. “i quit..” he mutters angrily, how does he have no reds? this game must be rigged..
“now now! you have to hear the next story before my wife beats you! oh, along with that brat of course..” satoru makes a ‘pssh’ sound, turning away to dodge the look nobara sent him. “how about i tell this one..?.” you interrupted, drawing a card once you realized you were out of reds. “please do. maybe hearing the downfall of that sucker will lighten my mood..” megumi murmurs, making nobara snicker and satoru groan, scoffing and looking over to you for help.
“well, on this day, it was maybe a few weeks after the first ‘kiss’. we were having a small argument and..”
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and the reason why you were giving satoru the silent treatment was because of a joke he made about you being weak, considering the scar you gained from a mission. stupid boys and their stupid jokes.
which led to you avoiding him.
“did satoru mess up already..” suguru muttered, his eyes flickering between you, who sat between him and shoko, and satoru who sat at the other end beside shoko. his body was slumped on the table, face smushed in as his eyes stayed on you. how downbad can a guy get?
“i guess so.. y/n?” shoko looked at you expectantly, gesturing for you to look at the pouty boy. but you only huffed at the sight, “he looks like a dog. like a skinwalker.” oh he definitely did something wrong. you never took the initiative to insult someone, even when you’re mad.
and satoru was ashamed, his love, his sweetness, his darling, his soulmate.. called him a skinwalker. he’d never recover from this.. and hasn’t.
“she didn’t lie..” suguru snickered, making satoru give a whine, “hey!” but you pay no attention to him despite suguru and shoko’s comments. you stay focused on the music playing in your earbuds before yaga walks in and eventually you become immersed in the teachings that you didn’t notice the glances satoru gave you.
well more like, he never looked away?
it was so annoying that when lunch came, shoko had suggested that you wait in the classroom with satoru while she and suguru went to get some snacks. soon after, yaga walked out too, muttering something about needing a break from teenagers
you couldn’t take it. no one was here, and it was silent. if satoru was really sorry, why not say it now. “i’m just gon—“ the second you stand up, satoru’s beside you with a quickness, pinning your hands above you and against the window. you looked so pretty, eyes looking up at him in shock. and those glossy lips, he just wants to kiss you.
and sure, the solemn look on his face, and the tilt of his glasses showing the deep emotion with his eyes saddened you. for a split second.
but as a sorcerer, it’s normal to uh.. enact self defense.
satoru found himself on the floor, an aching kicked jaw and his hands twisted behind himself painfully. “oh my god— i’m sorry toru.. okay not really, but my bad.” you stammer, letting go of his wrists and helping him lay on his back. you turn him around to see a jacked up smile on his face. so silly.
“you finally talked to me..”
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“what a loser..” “i know right, simp..” and yuji, who walked in during the story, only makes it worse, “if maki heard this, she’d have your head on a swivel sensei..” the three teens only keep going, all crowded together as they look at the ‘sad old man’.
you chuckle, “uno. and don’t be too hard on him. surely there’s a better story to tell, considering it took a year.” you give satoru a pointed look, clapping your hands in excitement while nobara and megumi groan. maybe megumi shouldn’t have reversed it with the hopes of you drawing..
you won!
“well since our dear yuji is back, i’ll go get the monopoly board.” satoru stretches, giving you a kiss on your forehead before going on a hunt for said board. “bleh, i can’t believe you settled down for someone like him.. no offense. but seriously, what convinced you that he was someone you wanted to stay with? for life y’know..” nobara’s small rant makes you pause, a tiny smile forming as you think about the question.
“well.. when you’ve known someone long enough, you become used to them, especially in dating. but satoru always makes me excited for a new day, it’s never the same and i enjoy being with him. even when we did have bad days, we still do. but i still wake up everyday thinking, ‘i want to spend the rest of my life with this man’, sure, there’s always better, but better won’t be my satoru.” you give a small chuckle at the looks of their confused faces, ready to change the topic.
but yuji’s giving a big grin, sliding in satoru’s seat and clapping his hands. “that’s so adorable mrs. gojo! i hope to find love like that one day!” and nobara agrees, putting a hand up to her chest, “that was so heartwarming! i feel lightheaded just from hearing someone explain their feelings like that!” she sighs, eyes closed with a dreamy smile. and megumi gives you a nod, “i’m sure that idiot would say the same.. you’re the only person i can ever see putting up with him..” and before you can give the teens a sweet response, satoru’s walking in with a box and another chair.
“you guys aren’t talking ab— get out of my seat itadori! that’s reserved for me!” he grumbles, quickly placing the box down before stomping over to the pink haired boy as you collect the cards. “oh c'mon sensei! how obsessed can you be?” yuji yelps as satoru picks up the chair he sat in, placing him to the side and scooting the chair he brought closer to you. “until the day i die.” satoru triumphs, a ditzy smirk playing on his face as he sets aside the deck of uno cards for you.
“i’ll tell another story. like the time we went to the carnival.. wait, did you even try to kiss me that time..?” and he chuckles nervously from your words, “maybe i should do the talking honey..” he falters as nobara face palms, “that’s the most common trope that always works! how do you even fail.. i could see if she rejected you but seriously sensei..” and megumi makes a noise of agreement, opening up the monopoly board and letting everyone choose their respective characters.
“maybe we should let him talk first before we judge..” yuji gets a pat on the back from satoru, happy with his ‘support’.
“on our six month anniversary..”
“wait— you didn’t make a move for five months!” nobara buts in, making you laugh. “don’t worry, i actually banned him from touching me after he poured honey in my hair.” and they all gasp, eyes darting to each other and then to the man in question.
“before you grab that hammer— let me at least explain this story.. during the fall, at the beginning of our third year in highschool, we..”
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you two went to the carnival downtown that opens every fall. at first, satoru thought it was just a place for those cringey couples to go make out on the ferris wheel, but after shoko gave him the idea that you two could have your date there. he gained a plan.
it was two months since you allowed him to show you physical affection, and he’d be damned if he messed this up. you two walked around, going to all of the stands and games. along with a few rides that satoru almost threw up from, afterwards.
but there was one last thing.
“we’re about to get on..” you murmured, eyes stuck on the big ferris wheel. it was very high up in the sky, and sure you’ve been higher, but maybe the simple fact that you were doing normal couple things left you a bit amazed. but your boyfriend carrying you up in the sky in the late hours of night was a bit cooler. satoru chuckles, fixing his jacket on you and trying to make sure the cold air wouldn’t reach you. considering he didn’t want to use his ability in such an open and crowded place.
“make sure you pay attention, kay? someone people said it’s beautiful up there.” he smiled, letting you enter the cart first before following in. as the worker closed the door, he noticed the dazed look of love swirling in the boy's eyes.
ah, young love.
he gave satoru a small wink before starting the ride, you guys wait a few minutes, moving slowly up as other cars slowly get loaded. eventually, you guys are high up, not at the top, but enough to see the lights of cities and other attractions during the evening sky. “pretty..” you murmur, stuck on the beautiful sight of the skyscrapers.
and in perfect cliche fashion..
satoru’s eyes stay still on you, enamored by the expression of amazement on your face. “yeah..” he responds quietly, eyes stuck on the way the lights and stars seem to dance around your eyes. nothing could ever compare to this.
suddenly, the worker makes an announcement about the wheel going in one full rotation. and satoru can see the way your lips twitch to form into a bigger smile, big eyes turning to him. “i can’t wait to get to the top.” you grin, moving closer to the back and holding onto the open window. and maybe your excitement radiated to him because his heart was getting faster, hands shaky as he slid to the end of the seat, sitting in front of you.
satoru’s mind was racing, stuck on how he would execute such an important moment with you, but he was forced to just wing it when you tugged on his sleeve, pulling him closer and gesturing to the view before you. “satoru!” you giggle, pulling him closer to the window. the sky was purple, blending well with the blinking and glowing lights of colors. it was the perfect moment.
his hand goes for your chin, tilting your head towards him. He mutters your name, diverting your attention. and the absolute look of adoration made your heart flutter. you could see a light blush coating his face, his glasses tilted and and his fingers moving hesitantly. such a dork. a pretty one at that.
“i’ve been wanting to try this for a while now y’know..” he was nervous as hell, eyes looking everywhere but yours. but you bring his hand down from your chin, holding it close to you. “that is?” and satoru might’ve been ascending to heaven just from the sweet tone of your voice. it was almost as if you knew what he wanted. “well i wanted to ask if we could—“
“we’re sorry to announce that the power of this ride has gone out. please stay calm everyone while we fix this.”
and the absolute terror filling your eyes made satoru curse the worker in his head. pulling you to his side and holding you close. no one would’ve noticed if he teleported away right?
fuck carnivals
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“and she’s still scared of going on ferris wheels to this day..” satoru sighs, giving a smile when you glare at him, having half the mind to take away the fake five-hundred dollar bill you just gave him. maybe you will later, it’s a good thing you chose to just be the banker.
“i guess we won’t be going to the fair this fall..” yuji sighs, giving a small pout as nobara rolls the dice. “man.. honestly, i blame it on the worker.” “same.” megumi chimes in, watching as she lands on his property. “that’ll be one-hundred and fifty.” he practically shoves the card in her grumbling face, making her swat it away. “i’m going broke! i’m just a girl!” she cries, making you cover your laugh, she only had two-hundred dollars left.
she hands the dice to megumi as satoru rubs his chin. “there was a time where we played in the snow, i think that was attempt number four..” his words make the teens cringe, “sensei.. that’s a long time.” yuji murmurs, making nobara nod along. “i said that! and to think you thought it took a month..” you give a light chuckle as he looks at you with squinted eyes, pouting.
“i actually think ms. ieiri told me about that story..” megumi ponders, moving his little figure across the board before giving satoru the dice. “oh really? what did she say?” he perks up, and suddenly you remember an embarrassing memory. surely it wasn’t that time..?
“apparently there was layers of snow, but you all still had to go to school..”
“yea, i remember me and her..”
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walked through that snow. yea, you read that right. satoru never had thoughts on snow, only that it was a reminder of his childhood. but when you walked out your dorm room suited up in warm clothing, with large boots and a cute little beanie covering your head, he couldn’t help but want to indulge in your little fun.
“did you really turn infinity off?” you smile, he was behind you, but you could hear the soft crunches of snow as he took big steps through it. “yea, for some reason you like this.” satoru shrugged, leaping a bit to walk beside you. compared to you, he was only in a light jacket, considering he didn’t wear anything to prepare for the cold. but you dressed him up in it so he couldn’t say no.
“it’s fun. as sorcerers, we don’t really get to experience like.. regular things. if that makes sense. i know you probably understand it like wayy more than i do, being one of the strongest and all.. but the little things count to me.” your words made satoru actually think, for once.
and you were right, he does understand, and just as the snow reminds him of his childhood, it reminded him of the small slices of life he’d experience during the winter. like his mother telling the maids to change his orange juice for a hot cocoa. it was most likely because of health concerns, but he always felt a little bit more loved at the smell of it.
satoru inched closer, grasping your double gloved hand. “you should make a list.. like a bucket list.” he suggested and it made you turn to him with a smile, beginning your small rant of things you’d like to do. things he’d never forget. you two approach the doors of the school, pushing through the snow that seemed to have piled higher.
“while it's snowy, we should go sn—“ a loud ‘plap!’ sound rings in his ears, making him turn to see your face planted in the snow. “pfff..” satoru snorted. turning his head before crouching down and picking up your head. “you good?” he grinned, seeing your messed up face covered in bits of snow and grass, “no..” you coughed as he wiped off your face, your blinking and dazed eyes staring back at him.
you’re so pretty, he thought. it’s actually criminal. the way you were so out of it, shaken up from the fall and just looking up at him, sometimes glancing away, as he took his time fixing you up. his hands found your cheeks, cold to his touch. maybe his hands were too from the way you almost recoiled from the contact.
“you're staring more than usual..” you murmured, looking down and listening to his breathless laugh. “yea? i like looking at art.” and you rolled your eyes, looking back at him and lightly hitting his chest. “you think you’re sooo smooth huh?” and he wraps an arm around your neck pulling you beside him with a cheeky grin. maybe he could’ve shown you just how smooth he is.
satoru looks at your lips for a brief second before meeting your eyes again. “maybe i do..” he speaks with a whisper, heart dropping as your lips part with a chuckle, unknowingly moving closer to him.
a hard snowball had hit satoru’s face, his body plopping on the ground as you looked off into the distance with a laugh. “that wasn’t very nice shoko!” you giggled, waving at the brown haired girl who gave a grin, another snowball ready to be thrown in hand. “i’m still here y’know..” satoru huffs, feeling the sting of the ball on his cheek.
you helped him up with a smile. “she got you good.”
“good in-fucking-deed..”
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“ouch..” yuji mutters as satoru picks his chance card, “honestly.. that’s kinda sad.” nobara shrugs, “yea, im starting to think their wedding day was their first kiss.” megumi’s statement makes you laugh, watching as satoru eagerly advances to “go”, giving you an expectant look for his two-hundred dollars.
“we did eventually share that moment. but you kiddos are too young to hear that.” satoru claims, waving his now, two-thousand and nine-hundred dollars in front of them. “oh please!” nobara and yuji jinx, and you can almost hear their signature, ‘you owe me a soda!’ , ‘no i don’t!’ , banter in the distance but they must be too distracted to think about it.
“well, i'll take the pleasure of telling the story of how we got interrupted, before our first kiss. then we can make some cupcakes while your sensei makes dinner.” you sigh, praying to yourself that you have the ingredients and more just from the looks of excitement forming on their faces. is that drool coming out of yuji’s mouth?
“huh, so it only took five times? it took him seven years to marry you..” megumi turns away as satoru gives him a look. yuji rolls the dice while nobara gives you a small smile, “your words from earlier make more sense mrs. gojo.. considering you stayed without a ring for that long.” and satoru glares at nobara, “actually! she was my fiancé for a year!” “so someone as spontaneous and dumb as you took that long to prepare a wedding?!” “yea that’s right!”
you could never get bored of them.. you watch as yuji gives a small glance to the older man, before looking at you. he landed on satoru’s property, and the said man didn’t even notice. he was way too busy arguing with nobara.
but, house rules are..
you put a finger to your lips, smiling as he hands nobara the dice. man, and satoru was waiting for someone to land on his upgraded property. yuji dodged a bullet with that one. “before you cut each other's head off. i’m very happy nobara. so don’t worry, i’ll let you know when he needs a nail to the head.” “honey!” “of course mrs. gojo!” nobara is all smiles, clapping her hands before rolling the dice. while satoru looks at you. he notices a cat token around one of his properties, “wait—“
“back to the story, i remember it was near spring. still a—“ “my love i think—“
“sorry, keep going my love.”
“as i saying, it was still a bit cold..”
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and satoru was able to convince you to not wear those excessive coats, instead just wearing one of his hoodies that he was sure you’d take off once it would get hotter later in the day. on that day, you two were walking around a park filled with little people, admiring the beautiful trees and flowers that leave signs of early spring.
“we should have a picnic here.” you murmured, lost in thought as you gazed at the fallen petals, filled with variations of yellow, orange, and pink. almost like a sunset. but satoru always found this to be your best angle. when you’re not paying attention, and you're appreciating the beauty of something. because that always gave him the chance to appreciate your beauty.
“yea? i guess that’d be pretty..” satoru had trailed off, his arm around your neck pulling you close with his eyes unfocused and just staring at the way you stopped to look up at him in confusion. “pretty?” “pretty.” and you giggle, bringing a hand up to the one on your side, “you okay toru?” and he hummed, intertwining your fingers.
“let’s go over there, that’s the biggest tree.” he looked over to where you pointed at. just further down the path was a large yellow tree, below it were leaves and petals of the flowers surrounding the area. a nice sight. just not on your level of absolute gorgeousness. “lead the way.” he let you walk in front of him, not missing the way one of your hands still found him along.
his heart was doing somersaults, dancing around his chest in happiness as you two silently approached the scenery. you pulled him down before his head could hit one of the branches, giggling when he looked up at it with an annoyed expression, lips tucked out in his signature pout. you two sat by each other under the tree, having a light conversation about what you two would bring for a picnic.
but you couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes always flickered away from yours, slight below to your lips. then he’d look away hesitantly. and when you thought about it, you realized you’ve seen him like that multiple times. “toru.” you say a bit louder, catching his attention. you hoped your assumption was right, or else your next words would’ve been embarrassing.
“why don’t you just ask me?” you smiled, watching how the gears turned in his head. his head turning away and his hands covering his face. “you know..?” satoru whispered, trying to cover the blush that had begun to bloom. but he couldn’t escape you. not with those tinted ears of his. “mhm.. but you’re not gonna get a kiss if you don’t ask.” you huffed, giving him a teasing look as he faced you again.
“okay.. can i pleaseeee, pretty pretty pretty pleaseeee kiss youuuuu?” satoru whined, over exaggerating his words as he leaned closer to you. the tuffs of his hair brushed your head as you chuckled. “yes, you dork.” and he grins, hands finding your chin just like how it is in those rom-coms he watched. he hesitated, but your warm smile felt like a welcoming for him to take those lips of yours. despite already asking.
he tilts his head, muttering a reassuring ‘okay’ to himself before you both leaned in. but rather than feeling each others lips. you both blink awkwardly at the feeling of a rough texture blocking your lips.
a leaf.
in sync, you both pulled away, gagging at the taste on your lips. but undeniably, your hearts raced, embracing the fact that you two almost kissed. and just as satoru was thinking that the odd leaf had killed the mood, you tapped his shoulder. fiddling with his clothing, shy.
“how about we try that again?”
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turnyptown · 3 months
suguru x fem babysitter reader where he pays in an alternate form of payment 😏
a/n: kinda like this one! i feel like geto loves his girls to no end and would give them the world if they asked. he'd maybe even consider giving them a momma ^^
(m4f smut, reader is 19, fingering, oral, missionary, creampie, dirty talk, porn w plot, MINORS DNI)
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Geto Suguru hired you to babysit his girls. You stood in front of the large building, tote bag weighing on your left shoulder as you started searching for an entrance. Stepping forward, your gaze falls on two girls. They looked to be around seven or eight years old. The more timid of the two noticed you and turned toward you.
“Are you Mr. Geto’s girls?” You asked them, squatting down to their height. You were now eye-level with the two.
“Mhm,” the blonde mumbles, eyes locked on the colorful screen on her tablet, “I guess you’re supposed to be the babysitter Geto-sama talked about before he left.”
You nod and open your mouth to speak, but you’re interrupted.
“Geto-sama doesn’t like monkeys by the way. And you don't look like one of us.”
Frowning slightly, you sigh and stand upright again. What was she on about? You laugh it off and follow the two into the massive establishment, then a small room filled with kids’ toys and crafting materials. You sit in a small pink chair and start rummaging through your bag for your cellphone. You start searching for the text message Geto sent about babysitting his girls.
“Please make sure Mimiko eats her lunch. Also, Nanako’s tablet is confiscated for today.”
You had a pretty good guess of who was who. You look up from your phone to see Nanako’s eyes still glued to her tablet. She was watching some strange compilation of talking animal videos. You kneeled down beside her and smiled.
“Nanako,” you drag out the last syllable of her name, “Mr. Geto asked me to make sure you weren’t on your tablet. Could I offer you another activity?”
She looked you up and down before returning her gaze to the video on her tablet. You blinked and chuckled awkwardly, placing a hand on her head.
“Let’s play a game, yeah? Maybe duck-duck-goose or something?”
You seem to have caught her attention because now she’s paused her video and she might be considering your offer. She smiles and turns to face you with an idea of her own.
“Can we play a Roblox obby?” She asks you with a genuine, cheery tone. You shake your head slowly and start to think of an alternative. “How about we make our own obby?”
The sun was beginning to set and Mimiko still wouldn’t eat her food.
“C’mon Mimiko,” you pleaded, exhausted from bickering with her about the small portion of food abandoned on her plate. She turns away with a pout and you sigh. You decide to negotiate with her.
“Mimiko, why won’t you eat?”
She turns to face you with sad eyes and sniffles. Your expression softens, eyes reflecting empathy. You tilt your head, signaling her to speak.
“If I finish my food, you’ll go home and-” her voice started to shake, “I don’t want you t-to leave, Ms.[name]...”
Your heart melted.
Mimiko buried her face into the bottom of your shirt and latched onto you. You held her until she eventually calmed down from her sobbing and convinced her to eat. You put her down for a nap, eventually Nanako, too. A couple of minutes passed before you feel a presence in the doorway.
“How peaceful,” a low voice chuckled. You turn to see the silhouette in the room, broad shoulders, tall stature, and long, flowing hair.
“M-Mr. Geto!” You jump slightly, standing from the chair you were seated in prior to his entrance. He steps toward you, glancing at the girls’ sleeping figures before returning his gaze to you. He grabs your hand in his, smiling at you softly. He thanks you for babysitting and then pauses.
“May I ask what your name is again?”
You tell him your name with a shy smile and feel your face start to heat up a bit. He thanks you again, addressing you by your name this time.
The man before you was nothing short of breathtaking. He was gorgeous. He pulls his hand away from yours to pay you for your service. You follow hesitantly as he walks to a mostly vacant room and searches around the furniture.
“I apologize, I seem to have misplaced my wallet.”
“Oh…no problem! Think of it as a favor, I don’t-”
“Ah, but I hate being debt to someone. Please, let me repay you in some other way until I’m able to get the money.”
You assure him it’s okay but he insists on making it up to you. You start to notice how the proximity between the two of you is starting to get closer and closer as his eyes start to wander over your body. His gaze burns into your skin and your chest heaves as you try to regulate your breathing.
You’re caught in his study as you make eye contact with the taller man. He starts to lean closer until his lips ghost over your own.
His hands find their perch on your waist and he moves to whisper in your ear.
“Are you alright with this?”
“Such a dirty girl,”
He coos, before dipping between your thighs. You sigh out a soft moan, slowly rolling your hips up into his face. His tongue darts in and out of your dripping cunt, the sudden movement sending shock through your body. You whine at the feeling, growing louder as his nose brushes against your sensitive clit.
“When's the last time someone ate you like this, hm? So soaked already, princess”
Your hips unconsciously buck against his mouth as he works wonders on your pussy. He pulls back and shoves two thick fingers in your leaking hole. His pace is steady as his other hand holds your hips still while he flicks your bud with his warm tongue.
It was only a matter of time before he was drunk off your sweet pussy, latching his lips to the warmth between your thighs and watching you squirm.
“Geto- mmph! Gonna.. Gonna come-”
You manage to speak while he’s pleasuring you better than any man ever has.
Upon your statement, he stops. His fingers pull out harshly, dragging out a moan from your lips as he starts to remove his pants and boxers. He grabs your thighs on either side and brings you closer to him. You wrap your legs around him and look up at him, his face flushed.
“Should I…?” He started to ask you something. You don’t understand until he glances at his throbbing cock, leaking precum from its flushed tip. You hesitate before shaking your head. He places a steady hand on your abdomen and another at the base of his cock.
He groans as your slick makes contact with his dick. “Gonna fill this pretty cunt with my cum,” he grunts, slapping the head of his pretty cock on your clit. You whimper at the contact and lock your legs around his slim waist. His body was so beautiful under his usual baggy attire.
His length slips in with ease, thanks to your soaking pussy. Both of you moan, your tight hole clenching around Suguru. He throws his head back as your gummy walls squeeze his cock.
He could've came right then and there.
He bottoms out before fucking into you roughly.
“Jus’ like that, princess, take this cock. So fuckin’ tight, gonna make you a mommy, yeah?”
You clench at his vulgar words, moaning as he pounds into your sweet spot. Your vision felt fuzzy and your head was spinning. His dick rammed into that spot over and over until you broke.
The pleasure was overwhelming. You moaned out, the wave of ecstasy hitting you like a rock. His cock made you see stars.
Oh, but your orgasm didn't stop Geto. He was pounding ruthlessly into you, hips slapping against the back of your thighs. He moaned softly, leaning down to kiss your collarbone.
Soon enough, your soaked pussy drove him to the edge, making him dump his warm load in your cunt. He rode out his high before slowly dragging his cock out of you.
Geto peppered you with kisses and cleaned you up before offering you to stay the night. His current gentle demeanor contradicted his rough, yet pleasurable, attitude in bed.
He lent you a t-shirt for the meantime while your clothes were to be washed.
“If you stick around, I'll pay you like this every day. You'd be a great mother for my girls.”
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genshinluvr · 11 months
Anything for the Star
Pairings: Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: March has a theory that the men would do anything for their precious shining star. However, you thought it was ridiculous. Due to you being skeptical about March's theory, March decides to put it to the test because those men would do anything for the star, right?
Note: I was supposed to post this yesterday/in the middle of the night, but my little brothers, my older brother, my older brother's fiancee, and I played a drinking game, and I got drunk— I'm a sleepy drunk, apparently! Hence why I wasn't able to post yesterday/in the middle of the night ;v; but fear not! Here is the update! I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: None that I know of
Word Count: 3.9k
Read Part 2 of Anything for the Star [HERE]!
It’s not a secret that these ten men have feelings for you. You’re not oblivious to their advances, nor are you purposefully pretending not to know about their flirtations toward you. In fact, you love it when they flirt with you. If you were good at flirting, you would flirt back, but unfortunately, you’re not a natural flirt. Sometimes your flirtiness will come out of the blue, but most of the time, they’re not present.
The door to your bedroom slides open, making you look up from your phone to see March and Himeko. “[Y/N], can you test something out for me!” March asks, entering your room with the redhead following.
“Uh, sure! What is it that you need me to do?” You ask, shutting your phone off and putting them on your nightstand. “Let me guess, you need me to convince Pom-Pom not to scold you for leaving shoe prints on the Parlor Car’s floor?” you tease.
“Hey!” March huffs loudly while Himeko giggles behind her hands. “I did not leave those shoe prints on the floor! It was Caelus that left those shoe marks!” March exclaims, glaring at you with her cheeks puffing out. 
You grin at March as you migrate toward the edge of your bed. “I’m kidding, March. So, what do you want me to test out?” You ask, hugging your knees to your chest.
March opens her mouth to respond, but the door to your bathroom opens. Nanook walks out of your bathroom with water droplets dripping down his muscular tan chest while clutching onto the towel tied around his waist. Your, Himeko, and March’s eyes widen— the two women looking away flustered.
“Nanook, we talked about this!” You whisper loudly.
Nanook chuckles, running his hands through his damp hair. “Apologies, little one. I did not expect for us to have guests,” Nanook says, walking back to the bathroom as you frantically gesture for him to go to the bathroom and put on some clothes.
You don’t mind seeing Nanook parade around your bedroom in nothing but a towel wrapped around his slim waist, low enough for you to see the silver-white hairs peeking from the towel. You clear your throat, rubbing the back of your neck to grab March and Himeko’s attention. March looks at you with horror, pointing at you and then at the bathroom.
March squeaks, “Did you… Did you and Nanook…” March trails off, her face turning bright red with realization. 
Your eyes widen, and you shake your head fiercely. “No! No, we did not! March! Get your head out of the gutter!” You shriek, grabbing the pillow behind you and chucking it at the pink-haired girl.
March catches the pillow mid-air, grinning wide with victory, and holds the pillow up in the air while laughing triumphantly. She runs toward you, jumping in the air, ready to smack you with the pillow. You scream, roll out of the way and reach for the second pillow and start whacking her with it the minute she lands on your bed. Himeko sighs, shaking her head while chuckling.
“March, are you not going to tell [Y/N] about the favor?” Himeko asks.
You and March stop your mini pillow fight and turn to look at the redhead. Himeko props her hands on her hips and raises her eyebrows at March. March gaze at Himeko with a blank expression, her mouth agape. You lean back on your elbows and watch March try to remember what favor she wants you to do for her. You stifle your laugh as March continues to stare at Himeko blankly. March groans and smacks her forehead, plopping on your bed with an exasperated sigh.
"Great! I don't remember it anymore!" March exclaims, grabbing the pillow and hitting you in the face with it.
You yelp and tumble out the bed dramatically. During your mid-fall, Dan Heng, Caelus, and Mr. Yang enter your room to see you fall out of the bed after March throws the pillow in your face. While the fall was supposed to be playful and dramatic, you ended up landing on your arm in a funny position, causing you to suck in a sharp breath and clutch your arm to your chest while lying on the ground.
"[Y/N]!" Caelus gasps, running over to you.
Dan Heng kneels beside you, helping you up from the ground by lifting you up by the waist. "Are you alright?"
Mr. Yang turns to March, giving her a disapproving look. "March, can you please be careful next time? [Y/N] got hurt," Mr. Yang scolds.
You shake your head, waving your hand to grab Caelus, Dan Heng, and Mr. Yang's attention. "No, no! It's not March's fault! I thought it'd be funny if I acted dramatic, and, as you can see, that didn't end well on my end," you grunt. 
Dan Heng helps you get up on your bed, making sure not to touch your injured arm. Your arm isn't broken. There wasn't a snap or a crack. You feel fine! Although it does feel like you slept on your arm in a weird position, causing it to be sore and ache if you were to move your arm in the slightest. 
Upon hearing the commotion, Nanook steps out of your bathroom to see the Astral Express crew crowding around you like a worried mother hen. Nanook pushes past the group and kneels beside you, placing a gentle hand on your arm and lightly touching it. You stare at Nanook with a questioning gaze, wondering what he is doing. Nanook doesn't say a word and stands up, crossing his arms over his chest and rubbing his temples.
"Uh, can you guys get me the Immortals Delight? I think it'll make me feel better," you say, not taking your eyes away from the slightly miffed Aeon of Destruction.
"Huh? Immortals Delight? Isn't that on the Xianzhou Luofu?" March asks, propping her hands on her hips. "If we get you the Immortals Delight, we will need to stop by the Xianzhou Luofu if that's the case!"
Mr. Yang clears his throat, nodding. "We were heading to the Xianzhou Luofu already. We'll stop by to grab some Immortals Delight for [Y/N] before meeting up with the General of the Xianzhou Luofu," says Mr. Yang.
You stare at Mr. Yang. Does that mean you won’t be stepping foot out of the Astral Express? Your arm is hurting, but it’s not like you injured your leg and can’t walk. As much as you want to question them, you decide not to. Caelus, Dan Heng, Mr. Yang, March, and Himeko walk out of your room. Before March leaves your room, she stops and jogs back to where you lie. You and Nanook gaze at March quizzically as she plops on the edge of your bed.
"My favor is for you to test out my theory," March says ominously, nodding.
You blink at the pink-haired girl. "And what is that theory of yours? I am all ears!" you say, propping your head on the wrong arm, making you wince in pain.
March squeals, clapping her hands, and skips toward your bed. Nanook helps you sit up, letting you use him as a cushion. March gazes at Nanook, a little hesitant to let Nanook hear her theory. Still, she decides to let it slide for the Aeon of Destruction. March doesn't need you to test her theory out on the Aeon of Destruction when it's already evident that he would do anything for you. The entire time, while March tells you and Nanook (mainly you, she's ignoring Nanook) her theory, you can't help but be skeptical.
"I don't think your theory is going to need testing," Nanook interjects, crossing his arms over his chest.
March sputters, glaring at the Aeon. "And why is that? Is it because you don't want to see men bend to [Y/N]'s will?" March demands, propping her hands on her hips while jutting her hip out.
You clear your throat to break the tension between your best friend and your... Aeon. You have yet to give Nanook a title. You weren't sure if you should call him your friend or your lover because you and Nanook had yet to kiss in person. You wouldn't include the steamy dream/interaction you had with the Aeon a while ago, but regardless, you have yet to give him a title. His calling you his little one or star isn't a relationship title.
"We can test this theory of yours out, March. However, if it's simple requests such as getting me Immortals Delight at the Xianzhou Luofu, it does not count," you say.
March opens her mouth to protest but closes them after seeing the look on your face. It would be best if you were staying in the comfort of your room, but you had Nanook carry you to the Parlor Car to test your theory out. According to March, the heater in the Parlor Car is broken and has yet to be fixed. Since you're wearing shorts and a T-shirt, you're going to see if someone is going to be willing to give their jacket up for you. Or, instead of a jacket, they'll get you a blanket to keep you warm.
"I don't see the need in doing this when I can keep my little one warm without an issue," Nanook grumbles, sitting beside you on the couch in the Parlor Car.
March scoffs, rolling her eyes. "Oh, I know you will do anything for your little star. I want to see how whipped these men are for [Y/N]," March comments.
On cue, Caelus, Dan Heng, and Mr. Yang walk into the Parlor Car with Immortals Delight in their hands. That's right, their hands. There are three Immortals Delight just for you and only you. Your eyes widen, and a huge smile stretches across your face. The three men approach you, Nanook and March before simultaneously holding the Immortals Delight toward you. Oh boy, oh boy! Plenty for you to drink and get a sugar rush of a lifetime!
March makes a face. "I don't think [Y/N] should be drinking that much Immortals Delight," March says with uncertainty. cocking her head to the side.
Caelus shrugs. "Hey, they didn't say how many Immortals Delight they wanted, now, did they?" Caelus asks, cocking an eyebrow at March and handing the drink to you.
You grab the Immortals Delight and hum happily after taking multiple sips of the sweet beverage. Mr. Yang and Dan Heng place the other two Immortals Delight on the table before you. You involuntarily shiver, putting the cup on the table and rubbing your hands together,
"Are you cold? Here, take my coat," Dan Heng says, taking his jacket off and draping them over your shoulders before you could protest.
March turns toward you with a knowing look while Nanook sighs, rolling his eyes. You're immediately engulfed in warmth. You sigh with contentment, grab the Immortals Delight from the table, and continue sipping the sweet beverage. You chew and swallow the boba, turning to Nanook and holding the cup toward him. 
Nanook gazes at the cup and at you. You stare at him curiously, silently asking the Aeon of Destruction if he wants a sip of Immortals Delight.
Nanook sighs, leaning toward the straw, and sips from the same straw. Being the dramatic person that she is, March gasps loudly, covers her hand with one hand, and points at you and Nanook with the other. You, Caelus, Nanook, Dan Heng, and Mr. Yang look at March questionably.
"Why did you gasp like that?" You mutter, scooting close to Nanook as the Aeon of Destruction continues to sip the Immortals Delight and chew on the tapioca pearls.
March giggles behind her hand, shrugging. "I find it cute how you and Nanook practically had an indirect kiss with one another by sharing straws," March says, feigning innocence.
Oh, you see what March is doing. She's trying to set Caelus, Mr. Yang, and Dan Heng off by mentioning the sharing of the straws between you and Nanook.
Or, at least, that's what you're assuming March is trying to do. The doors to the Astral Express open and enter the three men of the Xianzhou Luofu and the three men from Jarilo-VI. You yawn and rub your eyes, sleepiness overcoming you.
"Hello! Welcome to the Astral Express! Is there anything we can assist you with?" You ask, taking another large sip of the Immortals Delight.
Luocha walks toward you, standing beside the table that holds the other two Immortals Delight. "I was informed to check on your arm. Mr. Yang informed me you injured yourself," Luocha replies, sitting beside you.
Huh? Mr. Yang secretly contacted the Xianzhou Luofu? More importantly, he reached out to Luocha about your somewhat injured arm? Personally, you don't think you hurt your arm. Yes, you landed on your arm when you were trying to be dramatic, but the pain should go away within a few days. At least, that's what you're hoping.
"May I check your arm?" Luocha murmurs, holding his hand out.
You sigh and shake Dan Heng's jacket off your shoulders, handing them back to the black-haired man. You extend your arm and let the long, blond-haired man gently caress your arm and begin feeling around your arm. When he squeezes your elbow, you hiss and squeeze your eyes shut.
"There's a faint bruise forming on your arm. Are you sure it was a light tumble?" Luocha asks, turning to look at Mr. Yang.
"It wasn't a bad fall! I didn't hear a snap or a crack," you say, frowning at Luocha. 
You shiver and rub your arm. The Parlor Car is colder than you thought it was, and you're not sure if it's because you drank a cold beverage or if the temperature has dropped even more. Luocha continues where he left off— healing your minor arm injury.
Blade stands over you and Luocha, gazing at your arm. "It's a relief you didn't give yourself tendinitis. If you did manage to do that, you'd need physical therapy, medication to reduce the pain, and you're now allowed to use your arm as often," Blade murmurs.
You sigh in relief. Thank the Aeons, you didn't give yourself tendinitis. You wouldn't know what else to do if you had it! From how Blade described it, it sounds like a burden and torture. Imagine not being able to do certain tasks without putting yourself through immense pain. 
"It's really cold in here. When is the heater going to be fixed?" You mutter, shivering in your seat.
Blade sits between you and Nanook, ignoring the death glare shot in his direction by the Aeon of Destruction. He wraps his arms around your shoulders, pulling you toward his chest. You rest your head on Blade's shoulders, shivering in his arms. 
Blade presses his lips to the side of your head. "I'll keep you warm for the time being," Blade murmurs.
March clears her throat. "We're not sure when exactly, but it should be fixed soon. It looks like you'll need someone to keep you warm until the heater is fixed," March winks at you.
You hum, closing your eyes. You're supposed to test out March's theory, and yet you're having slight issues with this so-called test. First of all, you didn't want to hurt Nanook's feelings if you continued to test the theory out for March. While Nanook hasn't said anything about the test other than glaring at the men that approach you and are handsy with you— and by handsy, you mean them hugging you and lightly brushing their hands against you.
Besides, even if these men are willing to do things as you say, you don't think it's solid proof that they would do anything for you. That is what you told March after the Immortals Delight and Blade letting you cuddle him on the Astral Express situation. And now here you are, sitting in your bedroom with March standing before you, looking like she's about to burst out laughing.
"What are you up to?" You ask, tapping your fingers on your legs anxiously.
March giggles. "Oh, it's nothing, really! Are you ready for your surprise?" March asks, clapping her hands with excitement.
You did not know what March had in mind for the surprise, but you're very curious because of the way she's acting. One minute you were in the Parlor Car, relaxing and hanging out with Himeko and Pom-Pom. The next, March is dragging you to your bedroom after asking you to follow her to your room for a surprise. March never mentioned anything to you, and the sudden secret surprise is making you wary of what's going to happen. The words ‘March’ and ‘surprise’ don't go well together— especially if this surprise is for you.
"Ready as I'll ever be!" You say, mentally preparing for what's to come.
March claps her hands happily. "Alright! Boys, come on out!" March announces, turning toward your bathroom.
The bathroom door opens, and lo and behold, the ten men walk into your room, their faces crimson red. Your eyes widen, and you look at March, baffled. March grins widely and nods, silently laughing while clutching her side. You cover your mouth and close your eyes, trying your best to keep your composure.
You clear your throat, opening your eyes. "How did you convince them to wear maid dresses? And where did you get the maid costumes?" You ask, turning to March.
Panic flashes across March's face. "Oh! Uh! [Y/N], did you not remember?! You told me you wanted to see these men in maid costumes because you believe they will look good in it!" Mach lies, giving you a fake smile.
You stare at the pink-haired girl with your mouth agape. Guess this is your cue to go with whatever March is lying about. 
You nod slowly. "And you guys did it willingly?" You ask, turning to look at the flustered men.
"March 7th said this was your wish, and who are we to turn down your wishes?" Jing Yuan asks, pulling down the too-short skirt. "I hope seeing us in this costume makes you happy." Jing Yuan blushes.
Does it make you happy? Seeing the ten men in maid costumes with skirts that are almost too short? The very same maid costume that is hugging them around the torso, making their muscles bulge under the dress, a garter wrapping around their thick, muscular thighs, biceps flexing with the slightest movement. Dear, Aeons. You nod and gulp, rubbing the back of your neck.
"I mean, sure! Dear, Aeons. I didn't think you guys would look so good in maid costumes," you squeak, nearly choking on your saliva.
Luka steps forward, flexing his biceps and running his prosthetic hand through his luscious hair. "I'm glad you wanted us to wear this, cutie patootie! I look good in this outfit," Luka says, smirking and flexing his biceps for you. "Do you want to feel my muscles?" Luka winks at you.
You stare at Luka, mouth agape. Fuck, do you want to feel Luka's bulging biceps? March notices your hesitation before nodding for you. March nudges you forward, making you stumble forward. You collect yourself as Luka stands before you, smiling down at you. He brushes your hair from your face and stifles his laugh when he feels the heat radiating from your face. You glare at Luka and reach forward with your eyes closed. You place your hand on Luka's bulging biceps, feeling him flex his bicep beneath your hand.
"Holy fuck, he's huge," you whisper to yourself.
You clear your throat for the umpteenth time before pulling your hand away from Luka's biceps, face hotter than it already was. Luka steps back with a laugh, crossing his arms over his chest with an amused smile. Sampo and Gepard then step forward, their arms over their chests. The apples of Gepard's cheek and his ears are almost as red as Himeko's hair, while Sampo looks eager— he has a wide smile on his face, and his cheeks and the tip of his ears are almost as pink as March's hair. 
You stare at the blond man and indigo-haired man skeptically, gnawing on the inside of your cheek. What are these two men up to, and why do they look eager yet shy? You narrow your eyes at them before turning to the pink-haired girl behind you. She grins at you and waves eagerly. You gesture for them to give you a moment before walking over to March, pulling her to the corner of your room. 
You hiss through clenched jaws, "March, what did you do?" 
March bats her eyelashes at you, swaying side to side. "What? I did nothing at all!" March says, crossing her arms over her chest. "Plus, don't you remember that we're testing out my theory?"
You grumble under your breath and push past the pink-haired girl, walking to Gepard and Sampo— feeling a sense of dread falling over you. March is up to something, and you're nervous to see what they have in store for you.
"What did March tell you two?" You ask weakly.
Sampo props his hands on his hips, making sure to flex his biceps. "March 7th informed us about how you wish to be squished between our chests," Sampo announces for everyone to hear.
Dan Heng, Caelus, Mr. Yang, Blade, Luka, Jing Yuan, Luocha, and Nanook raise their eyebrows at Sampo’s comment. Gepard sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose and nodding. You purse your lips and nod slowly. So this is what March refuses to tell you about. 
"Come here, Gumdrop. Get into my arms, and we shall make your dreams come true," Sampo purrs, making the come here motion with his index and middle finger. 
You make a dramatic sniffle before waddling over to Sampo. Sampo wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you to his chest and kissing the top of your head while ignoring the glare Nanook shot in his direction. 
Gepard clears his throat. "March also informs us that you wanted to be sandwiched between us for approximately ten minutes," says Gepard.
"Ten? I recalled thirty minutes!" March huffs, crossing her arms over her chest.
You scoff. "Gepard, Sampo, and I are not going to be standing for thirty minutes!" You exclaim, glaring at the pink-haired girl.
March glares at you and gestures for Sampo and Gepard to step close to each other until you're pressing up against their chest. Sampo releases you and has you stand between him and Gepard. The two men walk toward you until you're squished between the two men. Their beefy pecks press up against your cheeks. Just when you thought your face couldn't be any hotter, you stand corrected.
"This is what you wanted. I don't understand how you're so shy about it," Gepard murmurs, wrapping his beefy arms around your waist before rubbing your hip bone with his thumb.
You sputter, "Well when it's being done in front of nine other people."
You feel something drip from your nose. You sniffle, reaching up and touching the liquid dripping from your nose. You look at your fingers to see crimson red. Oh, fuck. You're bleeding. 
"Huh," you mutter.
Nanook steps forward, gazing at you, worried. "Little one, what happened?" Nanook asks worriedly.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, and your world turns black. The last thing you heard was everyone gasping and screaming your name. Note to self: Do not test March's theory if it involves the men, or else she will take advantage of it and fluster you as much as she can.
Note: Man, this took me a while to type this out because I have many distractions around me. Writing fanfiction during a family vacation is no joke because they will do anything to distract you and pull you away from the laptop ;v; While I posted this fic at 10 PM PST, it's posted at midnight where I'm currently vacationing at. Uh, this will be labeled as published on July 22nd and July 23rd on my new Masterlist (I linked both Masterlists down below ^^) To my new and/or returning readers, please keep in mind that I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Taglist for the HSR one-shot series: @ashwasherelol, @mompt2, @elegantnightblaze, @lunavixia, @jadedist, @reversearrowhead, @pinksaiyans, @n8mareee, @aurelia-xyt, @ssunset0, @starrry-angel, @kaoyamamegami, @kodzuvk, @for3very0urs, @a-cosmicdawn, @g3n0dtt, @theblades, @wntrsblvd, @raaawwwr, @immahuman, @irisxiel, @siaracarroll, @crazydreamcat, @sen-nes, @sagekun, @orichalcumthief, @dyingsweetmackerel, @rosiesareblue, @ichikanu, @undecidingfate (Accounts that I was unable to tag are not tagged in this fic. Remember to check your settings if you're allowing people to mention you/tag you in posts or not)
Read more of my works on my Masterlist / Masterlist 2 | Maybe support me by tipping me on Ko-Fi or by reblogging my fanfics! ^^ I will also be posting exclusive fanfics on Ko-Fi as well very soon! I might post all of my stories on there too, but who knows. You can also tip me on Tumblr if you'd like as a way to show support! ^^
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Hi, I just saw your request with Leo and Reader where Jason walks in on the two of them in compromising situations, so I was wondering if you can do the same thing, just that this time is Jason and Reader and she is Percy sister, I think it would be very interesting
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ The Two Times Percy Nearly Caught Them, And The One Time He Did
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content: jason grace x daughter of poseidon! reader warning: language, sexual allusions but a bit of stretch author's note: i feel like jason is ooc but i think he should be allowed to be fun. break that romanness from him and what do you get?? a child who just wants to have fun GODDAMN IT-
percy jackson can be obvious. we know this. but, let's just see how obvious, shall we?
i. the welcome home committee
percy was finally coming back to camp after a brutally year at school. he wanted nothing more than to curl up with annabeth and waste the summer away. oh, and i guess to see his sister too. kidding, kidding, he's counting down the seconds to see his baby sister again. he was bounding up the steps of cabin three, only halting as he thought he heard two voices. he frowned and his face scrunched up, leading him to lean his ear close to the door.
"...percy's gonna be here soon." he heard y/n say, though he missed the first part of her sentence.
"i've got time," a voice replied with a laugh and percy knew he should be able to pinpoint it, but he just couldn't place it.
"that's what you think and then im gonna be without a shirt and percy's gonna swing the door open and -"
"you worry too much. just go with the flow," the voice joked once more and percy could feel the name of the person just on the tip of his tongue. thinking he'd be able to catch them, percy instantly swung the door wide open and glared over at his sister's side of the cabin.
"percy?! you're back early!! oh my gods, look at you!!" she cheered, instantly leaping from her bed and pulling percy into a tight hug. percy kissed the top of her head as she pulled him into a hug, his eyes glaring all around as he tried to see if someone was hiding under her bed or behind some curtains. once he was sure there was no one, he pulled back and began to unpack
"i could have sworn i heard two voices as i walked in," percy started, glancing over his shoulder as he put a pillow on his bed. instantly, she pointed over to where her laptop was, some movie playing. without a second thought, percy's shoulder's relaxed and he smiled brightly at his little sister.
"alrighty, then. i'll leave you to it, gotta see the misses," percy joked as he left the cabin, a pep in his step now that he was certain there were no guys snooping around his little sister.
y/n peeked out the cabin, making sure percy was going to stay gone, before looking up at the roof of the cabin, where jason was floating with a smirk.
"you're quite proud of yourself up there, huh?"
"what can i say, i'm fast on my feet!" jason cheered only to come crashing to the ground after a spirt of water splashed against his face. he looked up at the daughter of poseidon, now, who was glaring down at him.
"out?" jason assumed
ii. capture the lips - er - flag
chiron had, recently, been placing rules on capture the flag. athena and poseidon weren't allowed to be on the same teams anymore, as percy and annabeth would just end up fighting each other. no more than two cabins of the big there were allowed to be on the same team, due to unfair advantages. normally, that wouldn't be a probably as nico didn't like to play. but, since getting with will, he's grown out of his shell and said he would play in the next game with the apollo cabin. which had already teamed up with the poseidon cabin. so that meant the zeus cabin (jason. it's just jason) was with athena. to say he was disappointed was more than a lie, as he would typically use this time to drag y/n off to make out in the woods until it was over. not this time though, as jason had to suit up in a different colored armor than y/n, pouting the whole way.
then y/n marched past him, following after percy, as her shoulder's collided with jasons. she apologized and offered him a quick wink from under her helmet before chasing after her brother once more. jason looked down at his hand, noticing that a note had been shoved into it.
meet me at the creek
ps you look cute in red, does great things for your ass
jason couldn't help but smile at the note, shoving it into his jean pockets and pretending to listen to whatever orders annabeth was giving, knowing he wouldn't follow a single order from her. there was one girl in jason's life that he listened to and if she told him to go to the creek, flag be damned he'd be at that creek.
she was a vision in bronze and jason had her pinned against a tree within seconds of seeing her. both of their swords had been stabbed into the ground and helmets were tossed to the nearest location. jason had her face cupped between his hands, his lips firmly pressed against hers. then they heard footsteps, rapid, followed by shouts of protest. without much thought, y/n grabbed jason's wrist and flipped him over your shoulder, sending them both sprawling across the ground as though they were in the middle of a fight. jason groaned as he was winded on the ground, glaring over at the girl. she then produced a dagger and held it agaisnt his throat as the other campers scrambled past, will cheering as he and nico dragged the flag across the creek. once certain no one was looking, you pulled your knife away from jason's neck and helped him up.
"that was what you thought of? break my back?" jason groaned, stretching as he stood.
"you'd know all about breaking backs, huh?" y/n taunted with a smirk and jason laughed, shaking his head as he picked up both their words.
"careful, might fall in love with me."
"might? it's far too late for me," jason teased, but you could hear the seriousness in his voice. you smiled at him, leaning up to press your lips against his once more until you heard percy's voice calling for you. your eyes widened in panic and you quickly shoved jason to the ground before pulling your sword out and shoving the point of it to his throat.
"y/n! y/n! there you are- hey, good job taking care of jason! my sister kick your ass or what?" percy taunted as he threw an arm over his sister's shoulders with a wide smile. jason groaned on the ground, glaring over at the girl who offered him a sheepish smile
"something like that," he huffed.
iii. the cabin one curse
percy had just wanted to hang out with jason. his best roman bud. he didn't think anything about the fact that his sister had been missing for the whole day, or the fact that he actually hadn't seen much of jason that day either. it wasn't on his mind as you bounded up the stairs of cabin one and swung the door wide open.
"hey, superman, wanna hang out-" percy called but as he took in the sight before him, the words died in his throat. his sweet baby sister, straddle the lap of his one of his best friends. his eyes instantly sharpened on jason, who looked like a deer caught in headlights.
"you're dead, grace."
"wait- wait- c'mon man, let's talk this out like civilized people," jason all but begged, rapidly removing y/n from his lap and jumping up, holding his hands out to percy like he was a feral beast.
"civilized? you wanna talk about civilized?! someone civilized wouldn't put their hands on my sister!" percy bite back, circling jason like a shark.
"she started it!" jason blurted like a child.
"pussy!" y/n shouted from jason's bed, jumping to her feet and joining her brother in the circling of the son of jupiter.
"she's not denying it!" added jason and percy halted, turning to his sister with narrowed eyes. the girl instantly shrunk, holding her hands up as a sign of innocence.
"...you didn't," percy huffed, instantly pinching the bridge of his nose with a sigh, "i gave you specific instructions."
"no, no. you told me not to flirty with jason. we've definitely done more than flirty-" y/n replied easily before her eyes widened as she realized her mistake. she jolted forwards, grabbing hold of jason's wrist and dragging him out of the cabin. percy came running after them, chasing them as they weaved around camp.
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inkskinned · 1 year
one of the things that's so frustrating is how often the arguments against us are actually happening to us. we said - you need to watch out, this will evolve into allowing fascism into legal statute. and we were told: you're a sensitive snowflake. you're annoying and stupid and have no concept of reality. nobody really believes that stuff.
but it's indoctrination for kids to even see queer people. it's grooming for kids to even be around queer people. it's disgusting to even put rainbows on kids clothes. it's inappropriate, shameful, still-an-argument. like any of this is new - we know already. for you, even seeing someone unashamed is the same thing as "forcing" it onto you. because god-forbid you confront any internal thought you have. because god-forbid you practice empathy. rage is better, i guess. it keeps you pretty.
this has always been the way of some people - a while ago, it would have been "sinful" for my white mom to marry my hispanic dad. once, in the year of our lord 2015, someone told me that "mutts" deserve a woodchipper. that one particular insult stayed with me - not because it was the first or last, but because there was something so unbelievably violent about it that i couldn't figure out how to hold it. the idea that someone is so assured of their bigotry and rage that they would paint this kind of a picture. even jokingly, even with the anonymity of the internet, it kind of centered things for me. a sense that, for some people, their rage burned so unimaginably large that it blocked even the basic fact of my humanity.
at one point, while i still had enough fire in me to get into long arguments, one of the bigots i was "debating" (being harassed by) said: to be honest, it's about the sex, not the love. between you, me, and the four walls of this blue hellsite, i actually didn't really care for "love is love" as the slogan of our community. it seemed so placid, so gentle, so ally-focused. where was the vitriol? where was the hours i spent agonizing over myself? where was the quiet moments of my life, filled with the sound of other people's hatred? this static that settles over everything; even for the action of holding her hand.
the world is unfair. i am an adult, and without the veneer and small-pond syndrome of my teenage years, the slogan has started sounding more desperate. the more places i went, the more people i met. love is love. love is defending him on a rooftop bar. the drink she throws at me goes down into my shoes while i stand there, wishing i had a better retort than what the fuck. love is both of us, keeping our heads down, the black SUV full of frat boys (?) pulled up next to us, howling, for five whole blocks, until we both gave up and had to stick our bare legs into the thicket by the side of the road, giving over into tick country rather than let it go on any longer. love is a lazy spring afternoon, my hand on her belly, the fan spinning overhead. did you hear the whole thing about target?
did you hear about being the target? that's a fun little parallel, isn't it. it almost feels like the game that-is-about-me is being played without-my-participation. someone wants to set fire to my life, and i have to wait for a response from a capitalist institution. i am watching a tiktok where a white woman under white lights complains about adult swimsuits, even though i think a lot of people would benefit from having swimming options that are not "instagram-inspired bikini" or "impossible to move in but otherwise pretty".
sometimes it just seems so fucking stupid. like, just to check, the rage you feel and the hatred - you could really just avoid all of that by minding your fucking business. sometimes (and this is true): it's not about you, and people don't need your permission. like, i don't understand any obsession with sports, but it seems to make other people happy. american football literally results in grievous bodily injury - and yet there are onesies for babies that say future quarterback. i personally don't love it, so i just don't buy that stuff. i walk by it, and don't let it bother me. there have been so, so, so many times that i was told - "so what if he's a little bit homophobic, if you don't like him, don't watch his movies." "so what if they fired her. don't buy their product." "so what if they wouldn't make a rainbow cake. just don't support them."
sometimes i feel the meaning of it scud against my body, an orca whale inside of me, threatening the boat. it is too large to see from my place; this shadow of a thing that dwarfs my petty other-concerns. i need to find a dress for an event, and florida is passing more anti-gay legislation. i need to text my friend back and confirm our plans, and someone is throwing beer bottles to the floor in a walmart because a different case had rainbows on them. it is a long fall, if i look down into it; this sense like the bottom doesn't exist. like i have only ever dipped my toes in.
sometimes i am unbelievably tired of talking about it. it feels like it has become too trite in my own poetry - queer writer complains about the state of the world! how original! - and then something else happens, and i am here again. i remember that it isn't a moment. i remember it isn't a scattered population of cartoon evil-doers, intent on world domination from behind handlebar mustaches. it is a concerted effort of real people with real power who really-do want to see my end. it is a lifetime of dodging the beercan as it sails out of the back of the van. it is a lifetime of not-kissing once we leave the apartment. it is a lifetime of watching someone protest our existence and then, very slowly, giving them the finger. it is a lifetime of holding my friends' hands and hearing the same agony in their life that i lived through. it is us, together, our faces turned upwards, the night sky so vast, milky way overhead like a lacework zipper.
it is a lifetime of staring down woodchippers.
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beelmons · 10 months
okay okay but imagine there’s a case where like the team needs reader to go undercover in like a bar/club or something to lure the unsub and so spencer gets to see her in a club environment like all dolled up for a night out and dancing slutty and he has no idea how to react
A/N: hehehehe this was fun cw: fem!reader, reader uses a dress
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A gala. A fucking gala. Are you kidding me? Couldn't the unsub pick a more comfortable setting? Didn't he know just how uncomfortable doing police work was in heels? Of course he didn't, the profile told you as much. White male, 35 to 45, his recent stressor was losing his company due to bad management, his "loving" wife left him for his more economically stable former partner.
Clear as ice, he didn't know one thing about empathy. Oh, well, occupational hazards. You weren't an absolute stranger to a tight dress and fancy dress shoes. Your instruction was to fit in, as was Spencer's, the team member that was chosen to pose as the person you would try to seduce.
The ruse was simple. You'd arrive at a certain time with your "husband", fellow Agent Morgan, who'd leave early due to a work issue. Girl alone in a gala full of wealthy couples, you would then find a suitor to entertain you whlie your husband was working hard to give you the life you ever wanted.
Unfaithful, ungrateful women, just like the victims he was after.
To avoid much suspicion, Spencer was forced to remain at the bar. Once you had gotten a handful of potential suspects, you would reach him and begin the seduction game, prompted by a verbal cue that you would give to the bartender.
And, in time, the occasion had arrived.
"Cosmopolitan." you ordered the barman "Virgin."
That was the sign for Spencer, who was now standing next to you, to begin playing his part. However, the second he laid eyes on you, his brain was wiped blank.
"G-Good morning." he said albeit it being around eleven in the evening.
You let out a half-fake, fully-amused chuckle. "I guess it's morning someplace around the globe, hm? What's a handsome gentleman like you doing on his own on a 'morning' like this?" you tried to ease the conversation, as if trying to redirect him to the original planned dialogue.
"I-" he tried again, still unable to gather his thoughts "You look so beautiful." he thought outloud.
You blinked rapidly. That was not the exchange you had agreed on having.
"Reid. Stay on script." Hotch murmured into his earpiece.
"Right." he muttered to himself and cleared his throat "Pardon. I'm afraid your beauty stunned me." he laughed awkwardly, signature of him. "I'm Spencer, I own a psychiatric practice."
"Handsome and a doctor?" you landed a hand on his shoulder, and you could see him physically redden "Must be my lucky night."
Both of you could feel the threatening stare of the unsub somewhere among the attendants. You had successfully baited him, and it was time to guide him out.
The ruse continued and, eventually, justice came up triumphant. Of course, your ever so dedicated girlfriends had a set of tennis shoes and a FBI jacket ready for the go. You were debriefing the situation with the boss in his office, while Spencer simply observed from his desk.
Your hair was undone, makeup faded from the sweat, and your jacket was twice your size. Nonetheless, the vivid picture of your dolled-up image remained engraved in his mind. Accordingly, his heart rate was elevated, cheeks flushed, and body hot. He was never going to be able to look at you the same, that much was clear.
"You look so beautiful" a mocking voice in his ear startled him, causing him to bolt up.
It was Derek Morgan, with a taunting, all-knowing grin. Behind him, Penelope Garcia, whom had witnessed the exchange on the camera Reid carried on his tie, laughing at the teasing.
"Shut up." the blond quietly grunted.
"It's okay, boy wonder, she looked really great." Garcia mentioned.
"Seriously, kid, a cleavage like that, I would have lost my IQ too." Morgan added, earning a playful hit from Penelope.
Spencer rolled his eyes at Morgan and quickly shoved the file he was drafting into his bag. Without a further word, he hid into the briefing room to work uninterrupted.
At least, that's the excuse he had made up for himself. Truth was, if he looked at you any further, Morgan was going to be teasing him for a completely different, very hard thing.
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
Pixie Dust and Dates - Eddie Munson x Reader
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Summary: Trying to get over your crush on your boss Eddie, you’re going on a date after you finish babysitting tonight. So, why do things seem to get tense between the two of you when he finds out?
Note: Needed a little jealous Eddie in my life. This takes place before part one so I guess it’s a bit of prequel. I hope you enjoy! 🩵
Warnings: older!eddie, babysitter!reader
Words: 2.8k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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“Luke, are you not going to let me leave?”
The little boy hangs onto your waist, his little feet on each of yours. A devious giggle leaves his lips as he buries his face into your stomach. 
“Never!” the little boy cries. “You’re my prisoner!”
“Oh no!” you feign gasp. “Whatever shall I do?”
Ryan jumps up on the couch and does his best superhero pose with his hands on his hips. “I’ll save you!”
“No, she’s stuck with me forever!” Luke says, tightening his hold on you. It’s sweet, but he’s also getting pretty heavy on your feet. 
“She’s got school, ya know,” Ryan says as he jumps down from the couch. 
“She can come to school with me,” Luke reasons.
Ryan rolls his eyes and shakes his head. Can you believe this guy? you can practically hear him say.
“She’s in college, Luke. She could teach your kindergarten class.”
“All right, you two, that’s enough squabbling.”
“But do you have school?” Luke asks, looking up at you. 
“It’s Friday,” you say, poking the tip of his nose with your pinky. “It’s just like you, I don’t have to go until Monday. But I do have plans for tonight and tomorrow. So you can’t hold me prisoner forever!”
“Whatcha doin’ tonight?” Luke asks, grip loosening on you only slightly. 
“Well,” you say as you feel your face getting warm. There’s no harm in telling them the truth, right? It’s nothing bad and you don’t want to lie to them. So, why is there a sinking feeling in your stomach about the Munson’s knowing you’re going on a date? Just because you’re head over heels for your boss doesn’t mean you’re cheating on him by going on a date. But that’s what it feels like for some reason. All of your emotions are so consumed by one man who is married and has beautiful children and now it’s so bad you feel guilty over going on a date with a guy from your history class. The boys are still looking at you expectantly as your mind wanders off. “Oh, um, I’ve got a date.”
“A date?” Ryan asks with the most adorable grin. 
“Yes, a date,” you reply, face getting hotter by the second. 
“Oooooh!” Luke coos, smirking up at you and looking identical to his father. His wonderful, beautiful father. “Where ya going?”
“Dinner and a movie.”
“What’s his name?” Ryan asks.
Luke gasps and gives your aching feet some relief as he jumps off of you. “Like Peter Pan?”
“Or Peter Parker,” you say.
“Who?” Luke asks, scrunching up his nose. 
“Spider-Man!” Ryan informs his little brother.
Luke shrugs, not caring about the web-slinging superhero. “Peter Pan is better.” 
Ryan gasps and begins to excitedly jump up and down in front of you. “Ooh! Ooh! Can we play Peter Pan?”
“How do we play that?” you ask.
“I mean like, play pretend,” Ryan explains. “I can be John, Luke is Michael, and you’re Wendy!”
“Who’s Peter then?” Luke asks with a huff, obviously wanting to be the main character.
“Daddy,” Ryan says, turning to him. “When he gets home and comes in the door it’ll be like when Peter comes in the window!”
Luke crosses his arms over his tiny chest, not sold on the idea. “Who’s Mom? Tinker Bell? They got the same hair color.”
“Mom is Captain Hook.” Ryan answers so quickly and with such conviction that it’s a struggle for you to hold in a bark of laughter. The kid is right, their mom is definitely the one most suited to play a villain. “She’s Hook because when she comes home, she’ll make us stop playing the game. The bad guy!” The words break your heart. You’re not sure which is worse: the fact that the words are true or the fact that Ryan has learned how cold and uncaring his mother is at such a young age. 
The younger Munson brother looks more convinced of the game now, his arms dropping to his sides and his shoulders relaxing. 
“Where’s Tinker Bell? And Nana?” Luke asks, apparently looking for plot holes in his big brother’s imaginary scenario.
“Well,” you say, “Tinker Bell is a pixie. So she’s so tiny that it’s hard to see her. She could be anywhere!”
Mollified by that answer, Luke nods his head. “And Nana?”
“Nana didn’t go to Wonderland,” you say.
“Neverland!” Ryan corrects, his face full of offense at the fact that you would mix those two up. 
“Right, right, Neverland, sorry. Second star to the right and straight on ‘til morning!” 
Ryan looks around the room and gasps, pointing to a spot about three feet above your head. “There’s Tinker Bell! We need some pixie dust so we can fly!”
You stand on your tippy toes, game to play along, and reach your arm up as far as it can go. Concentrating, as if you’re almost reaching something, you close your fist over the empty air and stand back down on flat feet.
“I got her!” you say. “Come here and I’ll sprinkle the dust on you!”
Luke hops over and stands underneath your cupped hands. You pretend to sprinkle some pixie magic on him before doing the same to Ryan. The older boy holds his arms out to the sides like an airplane and runs around to the other side of the couch.
“We can fly!” he shouts. “Come on, Michael, Wendy!”
“We’re coming,” you tell him, ushering Luke to go in front of you. The three of you run around the house with your arms out, pretending to be soaring through the sky on your way to the mystical home of Peter Pan. 
Ryan stops for a moment and purses his lips. He looks deep in thought before he bolts down the hallway and into his room. There’s a handful of action figures in his arms when he re-emerges. It’s an assorted bunch containing The Hulk, a Ghostbuster, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, and a GI Joe. You’re even more curious as to what he’s doing when he walks into the bathroom with them.
“Uh, Ryan?” you ask, heading down the hall towards him.
“It’s John,” he reminds you. 
“Right, John. What are you doing, John?”
Ryan sets his action fingers up so they’re sitting on the rim of the bathtub.
“It’s Mermaid Lagoon!” he announces proudly. 
“They’re boys,” Luke says.
“Mermen are a thing,” you say, ruffling his curls. 
“Okay, where’s Skull Rock?” Luke asks. Ryan thinks for a moment before darting out of the bathroom and down the hall again. Luke chases after him but you take your time with a leisurely walk. 
“It’s here! But it shrunk!” Ryan pretends to be baffled as he picks up a chunky silver skull ring of Eddie’s. It was sitting in a bowl that was on the table near the front door. Your only guess is that on days where his hands weren’t covered in dirt and grime, he had the rings in the perfect position to slip them on when he walked through the door. 
“Maybe Tinker Bell shrunk it with her magic! Revenge for when Hook tried to kill Peter!” Luke adds. 
If your logic is right—which you know it isn’t in this case of make believe—Ryan and Luke are talking in terms of the events of the Peter Pan movie already happening. Which means Hook would’ve been eaten (or maybe just chased) by the crocodile. The mental image of a cartoon crocodile chasing Brittany down the street is enough to make you giggle out loud. 
“Wha’s so funny?” Luke asks, turning to you. 
“Hmm?” you ask as you shake the fantasy from your head. “Oh. Just, um… Well, look!” you point up at the ceiling and drag your finger around as if you’re following something that’s moving. “It’s Peter’s shadow! It looks like he lost it again!”
“We have to get it for him!” Luke says.
“How do we do that?” Ryan asks, putting the ring back in the bowl. 
“I think only Peter can catch it,” you say with a sigh. 
“But you can sew it back on him again, right Wendy?” Ryan slash John asks. 
“I will certainly do my best,” you tell him. 
The front door opens and Luke races over. Eddie is prepared for the ambush and hoists his youngest son up over his shoulder. 
“Hey, munchkin,” Eddie says.
“Hi, Peter.”
A confused frown grows on Eddie’s face, and he maneuvers the little boy so he’s holding him out in front of him and can look him in the eye. Luke giggles as he dangles from his father’s grip.
“Whatcha call me?” Eddie asks.
“Peter! You’re Peter Pan!”
Eddie cocks an eyebrow and looks over at you. “Is this some joke about me never growing up?”
You giggle and shake your head. “No, we’re playing pretend. You were unanimously elected to be Peter.”
“Uh huh,” Eddie muses and settles Luke on his hip, even though he really is too old to be held like that. “So, who are you, little dude? The dog?”
Luke huffs and rolls his eyes overdramatically. The apple clearly did not fall far from the tree. “I’m Michael.”
“And we’re John and Wendy!” Ryan tells him, proudly taking your hand in his. 
“Well, why aren’t you flying then?” Eddie asks. Before either boy can ask him what he means, he lifts Luke over his head as the five-year-old giggles and holds his hands out in front of him. Eddie brings him over to the couch where he plops the boy down on the couch. Luke instantly scrambles up and tries to jump on his dad’s back. Eddie lets him and holds his son’s small legs as he wraps them around his waist. 
“How ya doing, Wendy?” Eddie asks as he walks past you into the kitchen. “These lost boys aren’t driving you too crazy, huh?”
“Never,” you say, trying desperately not to ogle your boss. You clear your throat and rest your hands on Ryan’s shoulders, jostling him gently. “They make my days fun. How was work?”
“Eh, loud and greasy,” Eddie replies, pulling a beer out of the fridge. “Glad to be home.”
The smile he gives you has your knees feeling weak. Mentally, you berate yourself. This is exactly why you’re going on a date tonight. Peter is a nice enough guy but doesn’t really do anything for you. But when he asked if you’d like to get dinner as the two of you were leaving your shared history class, you agreed. The way you feel about Eddie quickly evolved from just thinking he was attractive as soon as you got to know him. His kindness, humor, gentleness, and wit quickly had you falling down the slippery slope of feelings. Hopefully, Peter could catch you with his own charm before you fell even further down the rabbit hole for Eddie. 
“You gotta catch your shadow!” Luke’s words break you out of your small daze. The little boy is bouncing in his dad’s grip, gesturing towards the tall shadow on the kitchen floor. “Wendy has to sew it back on for you! Then you kiss!”
Both you and Eddie blanch at the five-year-old’s statement. 
“Huh?” Eddie manages.
“After Wendy sews Peter’s shadow back on, she tries to kiss him!” Luke clarifies.
Dear God, I wish, you think. 
Eddie chuckles and shakes his head, avoiding your eyes. He opens his mouth and you’re almost afraid of what he’s going to say. Luke beats him to the punch though, annoyed that the game has stalled.
“Daddy! Shadow!”
“Hurry, before she has to go!” Ryan adds. 
“Yeah! She’ll be late! Late, for a very important date!” Luke laughs against his dad’s neck, finding it hilarious that he was able to quote another Disney movie.
“Date?” Eddie lets the refrigerator door slip from his grip, and it slowly slides closed. You think you’re imagining his hand tightening around his beer bottle but can’t help but hope that your boss doesn’t like the idea of you going out with someone.
“Uh, yeah,” you say, suddenly feeling nervous. That is ridiculous, you tell yourself. Eddie has never made you feel nervous–okay, that’s a lie. But a good, giddy kind of nervous.
“A boy from school?” Eddie asks, bringing his beer up to his lips to take a sip. 
“Yep. From my history class.” 
“He’s taking her to dinner and a movie,” Luke informs his father. Eddie’s head turns over his shoulder to look at his son, as if he’d just remembered he was there. 
“Oh. T-That’s nice.” Eddie’s words have an edge to them, despite how casual he tries to make them sound. Luke releases his grip from his dad’s neck as Eddie crouches down to let the little boy down. He scampers out of the room, officially bored now, and Ryan looks between you and Eddie once before following behind his little brother. 
“You, um,” Eddie says as he leans against the counter behind him, setting the bottle down. “You have to get going now? Get ready?”
Truthfully, you do. But leaving Eddie is always easier said than done. 
“I guess I should,” you say with a shrug. As you move to leave the kitchen, Eddie steps forward and extends his arm as if he’s going to grab your arm but thinks better of it. Awkwardly, he shoves his hands in the pockets of his coveralls and clears his throat when you turn back to him.
“If, uh, you need anything…like, if he’s an asshole and you want to bail or um, anything else,” Eddie says, looking at you from underneath his impossibly long eyelashes, “just give me a call. I’ll come get you. Whenever and wherever.”
The offer has your heart swimming in your chest. Even if he doesn’t have feelings for you, Eddie definitely does care. Being so kind and thoughtful are two of the reasons you were already so crazy about the man, so this offer is doing nothing to dampen your feelings. It’s so touching though, that it gives you goosebumps. 
“Thank you,” you say, giving him a small smile. “I really appreciate that.”
“Of course,” Eddie says before he clears his throat again. “As long as you’re safe.”
Unable to come up with anything else to say, you nod your head. A goodbye with Eddie has never felt this way before. Uncomfortable, yet you don’t want to escape it. How could you ever want to escape Eddie? You blame your own awkwardness and mentally scold yourself for projecting how you want Eddie to feel onto him. 
“I’ll, uh, see you on Monday?” you finally ask.
“Yeah. Sounds good.” Eddie’s smile doesn’t meet his eyes, but neither does yours as you turn to walk out of the kitchen.
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“Your homework better be done,” Brittany says as she thunks down a bowl full of microwaved macaroni and cheese. Eddie moves around her in the kitchen, his jaw squared and tense as he pulls the pork chops from the oven. Brittany and both boys keep glancing at him every time he slams something around on the counter. 
“It is,” Ryan says of his homework as he takes his place at the dinner table. 
“Luke?” Brittany basically snaps.
“Did it when I got home,” Luke says, reaching for the cheesy side dish. “Before we played Peter Pan.”
“Who did–oh, the babysitter?”
Luke frowns, not liking his mother’s tone or how she doesn’t refer to you by your name. Neither does Eddie, judging by the way he practically tosses the pork chops onto a platter.
“Yeah,” Luke answers his mother. “We played Peter Pan and then she had to go ‘cause she had a date.”
Eddie yanks his chair out from the table, the legs squealing against the floor at the ferocity with which he pulled it, so he can take a seat. He doles out a piece of pork to everyone’s plate, his knuckles white from holding the fork so tightly. Brittany just arches a recently-shaped eyebrow at her husband before returning to the conversation. 
“A date, huh? Wow.” Her snark is clear, and Eddie has to bite his lip from barking out something he’ll regret.
“What’s wow?” Ryan asks as he jabs his fork into the mac and cheese on his plate.
“Oh, nothing,” Brittany says with a shake of her head. “Nothing at all.”
The table is quiet for a few minutes, the only sounds coming from knives and forks working on the food. Ryan keeps sneaking peeks at his dad, wondering why he’s so unusually quiet. Normally, Eddie would be asking about their days at school and telling them about anything funny that happened at work today. His silence is making Ryan fidget in his seat. Brittany is the one to break the silence, though the three men silently wished she wasn’t.
“My sister is going to come over tomorrow. Eddie, did you hear me? Eddie?” Brittany glares daggers at her husband when he doesn’t answer, or even acknowledge her. But Eddie isn’t looking her way. Of course, this only irritates Brittany further.
“Eddie! Why in the hell are you staring at the phone like that?”
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cranberryjuice-posts · 2 months
Sorry for breaking your window to get in here but since where already on the topic of B & E what about Clarisse x Daughter of Hermes where the Hermes Cabin and the boys from the Ares cabin started a prank war with each other and Clarisse is PISSED because she gets getting caught in the crossfire and when reader breaks into the Ares cabin to set up a prank but she accidentally wakes up Clarisse.
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- it’s all fun and games -
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! Hermes! Reader
An - i feel like I don’t use AN’s properly but who cares also my ao3 series is almost finished also I cuss way to fucking much I mean damn 😭😭 irl I say fuck every 3 words dude I have a problem
An Pt 2 - I Hope thus is good I’m going through a rough writers block rn
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For the entire summer. The entire fucking summer clarisse has been dealing with everyone’s bullshit.
Her brothers had for some reason started a season long war with the Hermes cabin. Probably because over some girl which she honestly found pathetic, even though deep down she would do worse if someone tried shit with you.
So here, clarisse currently found herself looking in shock with her cabin floor covered in Greek fire ash marks. Annoyed she mentally came up with a punishment for later. Deep in thought she hadn’t realized you were behind her for cabin check up.
You let out a soft breath before gently hitting the open door. Clarisse turned around, her face going from anger to flustered.
“Hey” she stumbled slightly on her words.
You shyly waved. “Cabin check?” There was a moment of silence, just enough for you to notice the mess behind her. “I can always lie— I know how my brothers get” you tried to offer a better solution than failing the check.
Acting like she was Un-phased she shook her head. “Don’t worry about it, it’s not your fault. Shouldn’t have to cover for them ”
“Well I’m just trying to help” You chuckled, the gap between you closing quickly.
As much as clasisse complained about the summer there was still one good part, you. Flirting at every bonfire turned into spending free time together which eventually lead to you both kissing at the end of last night. “I guess I’ll see you tonight then?”
“Yeah” she shrugged. It was cute how she tried to play off her embarrassment. Reaching out you fixed clarisses necklace, Making it symmetrical on her body. With a sarcastic sigh you looked back at the Greek fire stains before looking back up at her. “I’ll come back in an hour that work for you?”
“Yeah id really appreciate it” she smiled softly.
You wished you were an Aphrodite girl, able to leave a room with beauty and want. Instead you left almost to quickly, embarrassment fueling your steps. By the time you reached the last step your face felt hot, and your body felt fuzzy. She was going to be the death of you.
“I’m not doing that” you cocked an eyebrow up as your brothers proposed another prank.
“Just this once” Connor practically begged. Walking past Chris smacked him upside his head, the prank they were trying to get you to do? Sneak into the ares cabin and cover it in silly string. Their reasoning for having you do it was because clarisse wouldn’t kill you.
“If she doesn’t want to do it she doesn’t have to” Chris sighed, taking a seat on his bunk.
Your brothers however couldn’t handle that as an appropriate response. Whispering to each other you saw their faces turn into a devilish grin. “Fine” they started off with false security “You don’t have to do it, but we can always tell Chiron about the secret green plant business you help the Dionysius and Demeter cabin run”
Giving them an agitated look you stood up and snatched the silly string out of their hand. “Fuck you” they always found a reason to black mail you. The trick was starting to get old.
It wasn’t until 12am that you snuck into the ares cabin. Coming in through the window you were a little worried about what a cabin full of war kids would do if someone came in. Looking back one more time to see your brothers giving you a thumbs up from afar.
Calming your nerves you took the first step inside. Silently spraying the string the stale chemical smell hit you like a truck. A few kids tossed and turned, the fear of waking one up made you work faster.
Shoving another empty can into your bag you pulled out the last one. The only section left was clarisses. The section you had been dreading of doing. Silently walking over you caught a glimpse of her drooling in her sleep. You wished your had a camera to capture the rare moment. She was beautiful, even in her most vulnerable state. Snapping out of your thoughts you remembered you had a job to do.
Stepping back with a heavy heart your foot sunk into a loose board, a loud creaking sound filling the room. It was less than a second before you felt a harsh hit to your face and your body on the floor.
Not really paying attention to your surroundings with ringing in your ears. The lights came on and a pair of strong hands grabbed the side of your arms. A few kids were shouting and in the background you could almost make out the front door opening.
Coming back you felt blood trail down your face from your nose and clarisse looking guilty at you. Her hands squeezing your arms as she couldn’t say anything. You groaned and held your head back exhausted.
Being moved to a bed you were barley able to understand what was happening in-front of you. In the background both cabins were yelling at one another, it felt like a fight might break out. Clarisse was crouched infront of you trying to asses your now broken nose. You could tell she was starting to loose her patience.
At first you didn’t hear anything. The ringing went away however when clarisse slammed her spear on the ground commanding the attention to her.
“ENOUGH! Everybody who is not my sibling get out now! And to everyone else I want a first aid kit some ice, nectar, ambrosia, and i want this cabin cleaned now!” A strong silence filled the room before the ares kids got to work. If looks could kill the Hermes cabin would had dropped dead. “Whatever you all have going on ends now understand! Im sick and tired of dealing with all of your bullshit and Luke you need to get a better control over your siblings!”
They nodded. Not even Luke wanted to speak, he just whistled his sibling’s out. In less than five minutes you watched as the cabin almost cleaned itself. In less than five minutes clarisse had began gently trying to bandage the broken bone, trying to take some pain away.
Helping feed a bite of ambrosia you felt your nose begin to mend on its own. Though it would still need a week to heal. Letting out a sigh of relief you finally looked up at her, up at Clarisse who was acting like a coward.
“It’s not your fault” you tried.
“I broke your nose, seems like my fault”
“And you thought I was an intruder it’s not the end of the world” you sighed grabbing her hand. It didn’t matter who was at fault it just came down to how it was handled.
She looked like she wanted to speak but she just couldn’t make the words. “If you really want to make it up to me you can always ask me out on a date” Looking up through your lashes you swore you saw her cheeks turn red.
“Y-yeah I can do that” trying to play it off but it was too late. You giggled slightly, leaning forward to close the gap and softly kiss her. Feel her rough lips against yours.
Her hands found home on your torso, traveling up and down while pulling you closer in an attempt to deepen it. Breaking away only for a moment clarisse looked over at her siblings who some stopped cleaning.
Barking orders at them to continue she looked back with a sarcastic expression making you laugh.
Laying down beside her on the small bed you looked deep into her eyes, not wanting to say a word. It felt like every emotion you two had felt for one another was known.
Giving her another soft kiss you tucked your head away into her neck. It didn’t take long to fall asleep and shockingly for the ares cabin, when the lights were out and everyone was asleep there was a peaceful quiet. One that comforted and lulled a person into a deep sleep.
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seravphs · 1 year
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The Zenins want Megumi. Gojo isn’t having it.
wc — 1.7k
tags — one suggestive line after “those girls are better off without you” if you want to avoid it, set after 棠, part of teen dad gojoverse, in which you and Gojo raise Megumi together
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Gojo’s been in the doghouse since last night. Not literally, obviously - though he might have preferred it if you were there with him, at least. He’d take anything over being kicked out of your shared bedroom and being forced to sleep on the couch. 
If you had it your way, you’d prolong his punishment, but you can’t. Not when, as he told you last night, the Zenins are coming today to wrest Megumi from your custody. 
Fat chance. 
You’d die before you let that happen. 
Gojo’s not too keen on either of those outcomes. For the first time in his life, he’s taking the pacifist’s route and talking it out, though you’re sure his version of talking involves more insults than most people’s. 
He thought about simply having it out with the elders, but it’s not worth it. Not when he has a plan for the future of Jujutsu Society. Not when he has you, Megumi, and Tsumiki. He’s playing the long game. He can’t afford to screw it up now. 
Being a family man really has ruined him. 
Zenin Keiko is a tall woman with a severe black bob and the characteristic Zenin look of perpetual contempt. She’s Naoya’s cousin, alright. 
“Twice-removed,” Gojo whispers to you. “Or illegitimate. Something like that, I can’t remember.” 
“Shut up,” you whisper back out of the corner of your mouth. “She’s going to hear you.” 
Welcoming a Zenin into your home feels like blasphemy, though you suppose Gojo is the closest thing Jujutsu society has to a god. 
Gojo’s unimpressed by her, mostly because he feels like the Zenins are mocking him. It’s not like anyone can take him on, but to send someone who has no battle capabilities feels like an insult.  
Keiko is an auxiliary manager with no cursed technique to speak of besides a weak barrier. It’s a wonder she has the nerve to speak to Gojo. The Zenins truly did not care about her if they sent her as the proxy to undermine your roles as the Fushiguro children’s guardians. In fact, you suspect that’s the precise reason she was chosen - because she’s expendable. 
Keiko, to her credit, shows no sign of fear. 
“I’d like to meet the children, Mr. Gojo. It’ll give me a good grasp of what the situation is.” 
“Hell no,” Gojo outright laughs in her face. “I’m not letting a Zenin near my brats. Your-“
“Gojo.” You squeeze his knee. Cooperate. 
“I’ll go get them,” he says begrudgingly.
The two of you sandwich the children between you on the couch. Tsumiki sits on Gojo’s left. Megumi sits on your right. That way, the two that are most likely to fight are separated. It’s a strategized united front. 
“Megumi, do you like your guardians? Do you like staying here?” 
Megumi looks at you. You smile at him encouragingly - and there Keiko goes, scribbling away in her notebook. She’s probably saying something about how Megumi is so scared of you he won’t answer the question unless you give him permission. 
“Are you sure? Forgive me, but Gojo seems a little…immature for a parent.” 
A direct attack right out of the gates. Gojo objects to this very accurate assessment of his character. 
“He’s fine, I guess,” Megumi says. There’s more scribbling. You’re starting to hate the sound of pen on paper. “I like-“ 
He looks at you. There’s a tiny blush on his cheeks, just the faintest hint of red. More quietly, he says, “It’s fine, cause she takes care of us.” 
Gojo stares at him, slack-jawed. “Are you kidding me? You are one ungrateful brat. Who found you? Who took you in?” 
Tsumiki chimes in, “We like Gojo a lot too! He’s fun.” 
Keiko ignores her completely, focusing on Megumi instead. Your distaste for her grows. 
“Would you say that Gojo has an active role in taking care of you?” 
“Why aren’t you asking Tsumiki anything?” Megumi interrupts. “Her opinion’s important too.” 
Keiko gives him a strained smile. Gojo reaches behind Tsumiki on the couch to ruffle Megumi’s hair. He only tolerates this for five seconds before he shakes his head to get him off. 
“He loves me,” Gojo says. 
“I have Stockholm syndrome,” Megumi says. ‘Help,’ he mouthes. 
“He’s joking,” Tsumiki says nervously.
You’ve given up on making them behave. It’s just not happening. 
Keiko seems to have given up too. Rather than continue prodding Megumi, she turns to Gojo. 
“How often are you home?”
“Basically every day,” Gojo lies. He does try his best, but it’s more like every other day. Such is the fate of the strongest sorcerer. 
“Don’t want my baby all alone, poor little thing.” 
He catches your look and cackles. “No, the other one. My other baby,” and the kiss he presses to your knuckles is so tender it melts your heart. 
Keiko makes an uncomfortable expression. “Please try to stay focused, Mr. Gojo.” 
Megumi gags loudly. Tsumiki pinches his arm to get him to shut up and he yelps. Keiko narrows her eyes and makes another note. 
“I understand how Gojo might take responsibility for the children,” Keiko says, directing her attention to you, “but how did you come into the picture. Are you a girlfriend-“
“Wife,” Gojo interjects. 
Keiko’s entire body does an approximation of what it would look if a human had a screenshot function. 
“Aren’t you children?”
You don’t like Keiko at all, but you respect the balls it takes to talk to Gojo like that. All the Zenins seem to have that death wish of wanting to mouth off to the strongest. Maybe it’s a genetic thing. 
Gojo shrugs. “If I’m old enough for the missions you send me on, I’m old enough to take care of kids, right? How hard can it be?”
You pinch his thigh. “Gojo.” 
“What? It is easy. You just give them a bunch of lollipops and call it a day.” 
Keiko’s writing is now background noise to you. “Are you still doing that? I told you-“
“It’s fine! All kids need sugar to grow. I had a sweet tooth when I was their age.”
“And that’s probably the reason why you still have one now! Except it’s rotting your teeth-“
“It’s not-“
“It is!”
“Don’t be so uptight!”
“How does it look if I’m always saying no to him and you’re always saying yes? It isn’t fair, Satoru. Parenting has to be a team effort.” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“I’m talking about you playing good cop, bad cop with him!” 
“Have you gone insane? We went over this! He likes you more than me! There is no good cop, bad cop when he just takes your side every single time.” 
“Excuse me,” Keiko says. She’s somehow managed to look a complex combination of perplexed, annoyed, and satisfied. “Please take care of your lovers’ tiffs outside of this interview. I will say that this doesn’t seem like an environment particularly conducive to raising children, however.” 
“What do you know?” Gojo says rudely. “The only reason you’re even doing this interview is because I’m letting you.” 
Normally, you would tell him off, but in front of the Zenins? You’re a united front. You place a hand on his forearm and look down your nose at the woman in front of you as best as you can when she’s taller than most people you meet. 
“I think you’ve overstayed your welcome,” you say. 
“You agreed to an interview,” she says. 
“An interview, not an inquisition.”
“You can’t refuse a request from the elders without consequences,” she says, as patiently as she would speak to a child. It’s condescending. 
“Are you threatening my wife?” 
When you look to your side, Gojo’s face is shadowed. His eyes are storm dark and frightening. Keiko can’t hide her visceral reaction. 
She forgets her coat on her way out, she’s in such a hurry to leave. Gojo takes it and disappears. 
While he’s away, you let Megumi and Tsumiki return to their rooms. They’re muttering amongst themselves, but you don’t pry. Children need their space, too. You’ll talk to them about it later. 
He’s back within a minute. 
“What did you do with it?” You’re bracing yourself for the answer. 
“I just sent a message,” he says, as cheerily as if nothing had happened. “Think we passed that?” 
“Gojo, I think that’s the first test you’ve ever failed. Did you see the way she was writing during the last twenty minutes? And Megumi and Tsumiki! Every time they said something, she made a face!” 
Gojo shrugs, still so certain of his place in the hierarchy. One day, the elders will get tired of him throwing his weight around like Jujutsu’s one and only tyrant, but not someday soon if they want to keep their heads. 
“It’s fine,” he says. “I’m not going to make Megumi and Tsumiki act like repressed little puppet children just so that they can find some way to snipe them out from under us anyways. Who knows, maybe we’ll teach the Zenins a thing or two about healthy child raising. I hear they have two girls now. One of them has no cursed energy. Should we kidnap some more children?” 
“Like you know anything about healthy parenting,” you snark. “Those girls are better off without you.” 
“Does being mean to me get you off or something?” 
“Do you want to find out?” 
“I would love to,” he purrs, sliding a hand under your shirt just so slightly so his nails prick at your lower stomach. You grab his wrist. 
“Sorry,” you say, your stomach churning at the joke gone wrong. “I can’t.”
He stops immediately. “What’s wrong?” 
“I just- They want Megumi badly enough to go to the higher ups. I know what they do to their children. I can’t let him go there, Satoru. I can’t.” 
“I won’t let that happen.”
“I can’t stop thinking about those girls.”
“Come here,” he says. 
You lean closer to him. He lifts his arm so easily, without thinking. When you slide under it, you fit into him perfectly. 
Now that you’re safely tucked under his arm, you feel sheltered from anything that could happen.  “I don’t want to give the kids to the Zenins. They’re monsters. And they would make monsters out of them.” 
“That’s only if they take them away,” Gojo says, his smile fanged and vicious. 
“And if they do?”
“I hope they try.”
You trust him. 
You know he’ll keep his word. If Gojo says Megumi and Tsumiki won’t be going to the Zenins as long as he’s alive, then they won’t be going at all. 
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cobaltperun · 9 days
Tara Carpenter x Female Reader
R and Tara play together as children. R expresses her love for Tara, and her desire to marry her in the future!
Make us something special, like you always do!💙
Marry Me?
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Tara Carpenter x Female Reader (Request)
Word count: 1.1k
The first time you were worried about Tara was when you were really young, when she tried to fit in and run with other kids despite her asthma. She ran out of breath quickly enough, but still pushed on, needing to feel accepted and in the end the teacher needed to help her through an asthma attack. That was when you were seven, and ever since then you refused to play games that required Tara to run or where she could get exhausted.
Which was why you were looking for her all over the playground. She hid well, she always did, and being tiny only helped her, but you loved the challenge. You went to look beneath the slide, because that was the last place you didn't look at.
And then, just as you crouched down to check, Tara jumped out, startling you and making you fall back onto your butt.
Her laughter filled the empty playground, and as infectious as it was you couldn't help but laugh with her.
"Found you, I guess," you laughed as she dropped down to the grass next to you.
"You didn't, I scared you," she denied your victory.
"Wha- Tara those aren't the rules!" you exclaimed, unknowingly taking her bait.
"Sore loser!" she stuck her tongue out at you.
"Cheater," you grumbled with a pout and looked away.
You heard Tara lying down, but still maintained your "angry pout" you didn't like it when someone scared you, Tara included.
"Let's go to the swing?" Tara suggested and you felt her leaning on your back and hanging her arms around you. "Hmm? Grumpy?"
As if you could ever say no to her. "Say 'please'," you still had to get at least that out of her.
"Please," she said it so easily, but you knew she meant it, she absolutely meant it, so you got up and the two of you ran over to the swings.
"What do you wanna do when you grow up?" Tara suddenly asked you as you started swinging. The Sun would set soon, so you didn't have much time together left today, but the sky was so beautiful right now, and the last bits of sunlight shining over the trees in the park made the moment feel almost magical.
"I wanna be a doctor!" you said immediately with the certainty only someone of your age could have. At nine years old you definitely didn't know anything about what it would take to do that, you just knew you liked the idea. "You?"
Tara thought it over. "I dunno, I'll think of something later," she shrugged. "Why a doctor?"
You felt the heat rising to your cheeks. "None of your business," you refused to tell her.
Tara whipped her head toward you abruptly. "Y/N!" she pouted and you had to look away from her, because she was using her big puppy eyes on you. "Come on, please tell me?"
"No," you felt your resolve breaking, even as you refused to tell her.
But Tara was nothing, if not stubborn. "You're mean if you don't tell me," she said.
"I am mean then," you still tried to outdo her in stubbornness.
"I won't hang out with you for a week," she threatened, all serious and you sighed, giving in to her.
"I wanna cure your asthma," you whispered, too embarrassed to look at her as she got off the swing and stopped your own.
"For me?" she asked as you jumped off as well and you could only nod. She reached up, ruffling the hair at the top of your head. "Thanks, Y/N," she didn't tell you you had to be a doctor, she didn't tell you you had to cure her, she just thanked her. "You sure we'll still be friends when we grow up?" there was something in her eyes, a sadness you saw only every now and then. Her dad left recently so you understood it had something to do with him.
"Yeah, I... I kinda wanna marry you, Tara, I really like you," you had no idea why you blurted it out all of a sudden, if it was to make her understand just how much you liked her, or if there was another reason, but you said it, and you meant it wholeheartedly.
Tara laughed at that and took your hand, it was time to leave the playground and go home.
Fifteen years and a lot of things happening later, Tara sat by your side in the bedroom the two of you shared. There were tons of your books and her movies on the shelves and she loved how personal the two of you made the room look. Chemistry, medicine and horror, an amazing combination if anyone asked her. She leaned against your shoulder as the two of you watched a movie. In the end, you didn't turn out to be a doctor, it just wasn't for you, but you did get into medical chemistry, so, as far as Tara was concerned it was close enough given it was a decision you made while you were still naive kids.
She watched you from the side, much like she did while you were children, and though both of you grew up she could still remember all the times you played without anyone else around.
"Say, Y/N," she began, happy that she could spend the night with you, her girlfriend of almost five years.
"Yeah?" you asked, looking away from the movie to look at her.
"I've been thinking of that time we were kids, on the playground," she began, smiling teasingly at you.
"Real specific T," you chuckled.
"You know, when you told me you wanted to be a doctor," she said to freshen up your memory.
You choked on your breath. "Ah, that time," you chuckled, clearly embarrassed as you rubbed the back of your head and looked away from her.
Tara's smile widened and she reached up to ruffle your hair. "It's okay, it's just me," she assured you and leaned in to softly kiss your lips.
"I know," you muttered against her lips, your hand moving to cup her cheek.
"Marry me?" she asked and you didn't choke this time.
"Of course," you just told her, and she couldn't be any happier. You kept your word to her, you stayed by her side, no matter how crazy her life got, she could count on you. And no matter how crazy things got in the future, she knew she'd still be able to count on you to have her back.
A/N: Special enough? 🤣🤣
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